1. FAMILY NAME: BILDER 2. FIRST NAMES: Federico 3. DATE OF BIRTH: 3rd January, 1973 4. NATIONALITY: German and Argentinean 5. CIVIL STATUS: Married 6. EDUCATION: ACADEMIC EDUCATION: Institution: London School of Economics and Political Science, U.K. Date: 09/2000 – 10/2001 Degree: MSc Management and Public Policy (Merit)

Institution: Free University Berlin, Germany Date: 03/1998 – 03/2000 Degree: BA in Economics

Institution: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Date: 03/1992 – 12/1996 Degree: Licentiate in Political Science (Merit) FURTHER EDUCATION: Date Name Topic Institution 05/2020 Blockchain Fundamentals Fundamentals of the Berkeley University, Online Professional Certificate cryptocurrency space and blockchain technology, including enterprise-level use cases and implementations 06/2019 – Unlocking Investment and Financing for Development / World Bank Group, Online 07-2019 Finance in Emerging Blended Finance Markets and Developing Economies 03/2018 – Certified Expert in Climate Climate Finance, Sources of United Nations 09/2018 & Renewable Energy Financing and Available Environmental Programme / Finance Instruments, Renewable Frankfurt School of Finance Energy & Energy Efficiency & Management, Online Technologies and Finance 04/2018 – Supply Chain Analytics Core methodologies used in MIT - Massachusetts 07/2018 supply chain analysis and Institute of Technology - modelling. Online 09/2017 – Certification in Digital Digital payments, digital Digital Frontiers Institute / 12/2017 Money financial services, value Tuft University, Online chains 04/2016 Design Thinking Design Thinking in a nutshell Innovationradicals, Berlin, Germany 10/2015 Bank Management Global Bank Management BOSS Bankmanagement Systems, Berlin, Germany 09/2015 Risk Management Credit and Risk Management NomoRisk GmbH, Berlin, Germany 08/2006 Project Management Project Cycle Management, GFA Consulting Group ECOFIN GmbH, Hamburg, Germany 01/2006 Training of trainers (ToT) C3 Training of trainers GFA Consulting Group GmbH, Hamburg, Germany 04/2005 Marketing Marketing of retail banking Frankfurt School of Finance products & Management, Frankfurt, Germany 7. LANGUAGE SKILLS Language Reading Speaking Writing Spanish Mother tongue English 5 5 5 German 5 5 5 Portuguese 5 5 4 Italian 5 5 4 French 4 2 1 (5 - fluent; 4 - very good; 3 - good; 2 - fair; 1 - basic knowledge) 8. MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES: SME Finance Forum 9. OTHER SKILLS: MS-Office, MS Visio, MS Project, Mind Mapping, SPSS 10. PRESENT POSITION: Partner, A2F Solutions LLC 11. KEY QUALIFICATIONS • Strategy, governance and capacity building of financial institutions • Development and tailoring of innovative financial products and schemes, including digital & green • Blended finance, layered funds, and financial instruments such as investment grants, debt and equity instruments, as well as guarantees. • Financial sector studies and due diligences • SME and micro lending • Review and redesign of organizational processes, operations, and methodologies • Human resource management, curriculum development, training and coaching • Preparation of technical and financial proposals • Planning, monitoring, managing and backstopping of projects 12. SPECIFIC COUNTRY EXPERIENCE: Country: Date: Afghanistan 05/2007 to 12/2013 Albania 01/2011 to 02/2011, 04/2011 to 05/2011

Angola 02/2007 to 02/2007 Argentina 07/1996 to 07/1997 06/20016 Bolivia 10/2002 to 12/2002 Brazil 11/2014, 02/2015, 03/2015, 06/2015 Colombia 01/2017, 04/2017, 06/2017, 10/2017, 12/2017 Dominican Republic 11/2010 to 12/2010, 03/2011, 02/2012 to 03/2012, 04/2005 to 05/2012 Ethiopia 05/2017 to 12/21017, 07/2018, 10/2018 to 11/2018, 12/2018, 02/2019, 08/2019 to 09 2019, 11/2019 to 12/2019, 03/2020 France 02/2010 to 02/2010 Georgia 08/2015; 06/2016, 07/2016, 10/2016 to 11/2016 Germany 09/2004 to 03/2007, 09/1997 to 07/2000, 01/2013 – on going Indonesia 11/2006 to 11/2006 Jordan 06/2014, 09/2014 to 10/2014 10/2013 07/13 to 08/13, 04/2014 Mexico 01/2002 to 09/2002 Mozambique 05/2012 to 06/12, 06/2003 to 03/2004 Namibia 05/2013 Nicaragua 06/2006 to 07/2006 09/2013 to 10/2013, 01/2014 Palestinian Territories 01/2009 to 02/2009, 01/2012, 10/2012 05/2014 11/2012, 03/2014 to 04/2014 Uganda 02/2006, 06/2018 to 08/2018, 11/2018 to 12/2018 01/2013 to 05/2013, 08/2013, 03/2016

13. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE RECORD Date: 01/2017 – on going Location: Germany Company: A2F Financial Solutions Ltd. Financing None Institution Position: Partner Description: A2F Solutions´ work focuses on supply chain financing in emerging and frontier markets. It has formed a partnership with Centrifuge (www.centrifuge.io) to use its permissionless blockchain platform for increasing access to finance to MSMEs by developing payables and receivables digital financing schemes focused on the long tails of the supply chains. I am responsible for: • Business origination – idea generation and client/stakeholders’ identification • Handling Project Management • Developing FinTech schemes (including architecture, governance, etc.) • Designing and testing key business processes related to these schemes • Identifying and negotiating the participation of local service providers • Drafting business requirements (legal, technology, operational, etc.) • Facilitating access to multilateral organisation & donors

Date: 07/2017 – on going Location: Germany and Latin America Company: TAS Europrojects S.P.R.L. Financing European Commission DG DEVCO / LAIF Institution Position: Innovative Finance Expert Description: The Latin America Investment Facility (LAIF) is one of the European Union’s regional blending facilities. LAIF has three main objectives: (1) improving the quality of infrastructure in Latin America, including energy efficiency, renewable energy systems, and sustainable transport networks; (2) increasing environmental protection and supporting climate change adaptation and mitigation; (3) promoting equitable and sustainable socio-economic development through support to SMEs. My responsibilities include: • Advising on the strategic use of blended finance funding and the use innovative financial instruments, including investment grants, debt and equity instruments, guarantees, layered funds and green bonds. • Reviewing and monitoring of ongoing LAIF projects focused on green finance and SME support • Providing technical and financial expertise, and quality insurance for project proposal presented for approval under the LAIF • Supporting LAIF cooperation with existing partners (AECID, AFD, EIB, KfW, IADB, etc.) and identification and acquisition of new partners, including in the private sector / impact investors • Collecting best practise related to blended finance and financial instruments for project design and implementation, and for knowledge management purposes • Supporting the integration of LAIF in the coming EIP/EFSD+ framework • Capacity Building of EU Delegations on topics related to development cooperation, banking, blended finance and innovative financial instruments

Date: 05/2017 – ongoing Location: Ethiopia Company: DAI Europe Financing World Bank / EIB / DFID Institution Position: SME Banking Advisor Description: As the SME Banking Advisor of the SME Finance Programme (SMEFP) facility for financial institutions (FIs) financed by WB, EIB, and DFID, I have the following responsibilities: • Provide advice on SME finance and strategy matters to FIs, donors, and the Ethiopian government • Carry out technical needs assessment (TNA) of FIs and drafting Technical Assistance (TA) Plans for them • Provide capacity building to FIs (including the drafting of business plans, policies and procedures, appraisal tools, training materials, as well as training & coaching) • Provide input and advice to the overall quality of TA delivered by consultants, including the drafting of the ToR and sourcing of consultants. • Provide strategic advice and skill transfer to the local team of consultants in regards SME financing. • Closely monitor the execution of the TA work plan to ensure it is on track to meet expected outputs and milestones, within the estimated timeframes.

Date: 05/2018 – 12/2018 Location: Uganda Company: AFC Agriculture and Finance Consultants GmbH Financing KfW Banking Group Institution Position: Senior Consultant / Trainer Description: Consulting Services to Improve Data Utilisation of the Credit Reference System (CRS) by Participating Institutions and the Bank of Uganda. In my position in this project, I • Designed new templates for Credit Bureau Reports • Supported the drafting of an action plan to improve the Credit Bureaus’ data quality • Developed an advanced training course with a focus on increasing the usage of CRS in credit assessment and risk analysis • Conducted seven technical training courses aimed at the Bank of Uganda staff, Partner Financial Institutions key staff, and Credit Bureaus staff • Conducted a Trainer of Trainers (ToT) course among selected participants of the technical training

Date: 01/2013 – 12/2016 Location: Germany and AB Banks in Africa, Latin America, and Central Asia Company: LFS Financial Systems GmbH / Access Microfinance Holding AG (AB Banks) Financing None Institution Position: SME Finance Manager Description: SME Finance Manager with overall responsibility for all related SME issues of the AB Banks’s network in Azerbaijan, Brazil, Georgia, Liberia, Madagascar, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tajikistan, Tanzania and Zambia. My duties included: • Definition and development of the SME finance strategy: o Developing and supervising the SME finance business in AB Banks’ network. o Supporting the development of business plans, including targets and budgets. o Reviewing, comparing and evaluating the SME performance across the AB Banks’ network. • Design, review, and standardization of SME products, operations, and training methodologies, including: o Marketing strategies and product development. o Policies, procedures, regulations, and all linked SME credit forms, including loan recovery. o HR strategy (including job descriptions, career paths, and bonus systems). o Training (training needs analysis, classroom training, mentoring & coaching) o Projections and financial feasibility templates. o Auditing procedures (supporting role). o Adjustments of MIS to ensure compliance with SME products and operations (supporting role). • Strengthening SME related risk management operations and reporting systems: o Designing, reviewing and/or assisting in the development of SME related risk management and operations’ reports, including scoring models. • Provide advice and hands on support to AB Banks’ network of SME Departments: o Setting-up of SME Departments in existing or new AB Banks. o Conducting advisory missions to AB Banks. o Preparing and conducting the annual AB Banks’ SME Managers’ Workshop. • Conduct financial sector studies and due diligences: o Appraising the demand and conditions required for credit services by SMEs in different markets / countries o Assessing the SME credit products offered by local banks o Evaluating the regulatory environment for banks’ operations o Advising Senior Management if the conditions are given in a certain country to establish a new AB Bank o Conducting due diligence of financial institutions (supporting role) o Advising Senior Management about potential acquisitions • Support to the Advisory Services Department (AS) o Establishment of personal relationships with donors / counterparts o Conduct short-term missions related to SME Finance for AS o Drafting and / or review of tender proposal for AS

Date: 11/2014 – 04/2018 Location: Brazil LFS Financial Systems GmbH / Access Microfinance Holding AG (AB Banks) - Company: Special Projects / AccessCrédito SCMEPP S.A. Financing None Institution Position: Board Member and Project Coordinator As Board Member & Project Coordinator of this new affiliate of the AB Banks’ network, I: • Participate in Shareholder and Board Meetings and support the Bank Management in their preparation, including agendas and minutes • Participate in the drafting of yearly budgets and long term business plans of the Bank. • Coordinate services to be rendered by HO departments / units including internal Description: audit, business line managers, business analysts, IT, HR advice, learning & development, accounting & finance, investments. • Proactive draft proposals and manage agreements with donors, including the Inter- American Development Bank. • Ensure timely reporting including review of quarterly management reports. • Assist in identifying and assessing (incl. interviews) suitable candidates for senior management positions in the bank.

Date: 06/2014, 09/2014 to 10/2014 Location: Jordan Company: LFS Financial Systems GmbH - Special Projects / Microfund For Women (MFW) Financing European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Institution Position: Team Leader • Provision of Technical Assistance to “Strengthening Institutional Capacities for SME Lending”. My duties in this upscaling project included: • Assist MFW in the review of the long-term business plan and how the SME department can be most effectively included in it. • Devise and implement an end-to-end lending methodology for SME loans, including policies, procedures, reporting, and credit appraisal and monitoring tools. Description: • Revise the organisational structure to ensure segregation between SME lending and micro lending • Provide structured classroom and ‘on-the-job’ training to branch network managers, branch managers and loan officers on how to carry out SME finance • Check that the SME lending product is inclusive and can be accessed by all credible borrowers irrespective of the applicants’ gender, age, and location.

Date: 11/2013 to 04/2014 Location: Nigeria and Germany Company: LFS Financial Systems GmbH - Special Projects Financing REGMIFA (Regional MSME Investment Fund for Sub-Saharan Africa) Institution Position: Team Leader • Provision of Technical Assistance to “Strengthening ABN’s SME Credit Department through Training”. My duties included: • Conducting a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) focused on identifying training priorities, training materials appraisal, and evaluating trainers’ capacities. • Based on the TNA, proposing a detailed SME Training Capacity Building Work Description: Plan for ABN’s Management’s approval • Supervising the development of training curricula and materials based on adult learning methodologies (including case studies, simulations, and role plays). • Carrying out a ToT on “Action oriented training delivery and coaching skills”. • Delivering a SME Basics training to newly recruited SME LO.

Date: 05/2013 Location: Namibia and Germany Company: LFS Financial Systems GmbH - Special Projects Financing KfW Banking Group Institution Position: Consultant Description: Preliminary assessment of FIDES Bank Namibia (‘FIDES’) with a view to a potential investment of AccessHolding. My responsibilities included: • Conducting a field visit to complement the desk review for the preliminary assessment. During my staying in Northern Namibia (O-cities) and Windhoek/ Katutura, I o roughly analyzed the MSME sector to assess its demand for individual loans and other financial services; o examined briefly the main financial products offered by Commercial Banks to the MSME sector o conducted a basic assessment of FIDES’s Banking Services and Credit Operations o identified and analyzed the main potential risks related to a potential investment, including regulatory and legal risks • Advising AccessHolding’s Senior Management about the prospects of the investment o Conducted a presentation about the findings of the mission, including a SWOT analysis o Supported the drafting of the preliminary assessment report

Date: 05/2007 to 12/2012 Location: Afghanistan Company: Afghan Credit Support Program - ACSP / DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Financing DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH / USAID Institution Position: Deputy Manager of a Credit Guarantee Fund (CGF) / ACSP Description: • Market the CGF among potential partner banks and other stakeholder institutions • Drafting and negotiating credit guarantee agreements (including risk sharing and pricing systems) • Due diligence of credit operations of potential partner banks • Provision of technical assistance packages (TA) to four partner banks in SME Operations (two up scaling of MFIs, and two downscaling of Commercial Banks). The TA included market studies, SME business plans & portfolio projections, product development, policies, process & procedures, appraisal techniques, HR strategy (job descriptions, recruitment, and evaluation of SME staff, bonus systems), training strategy (training need assessment, development of training curricula and materials, class room training, on the job training), monitoring delinquency management procedures, credit risk management tools & judgemental scoring models, and reporting systems. • Interim SME Manager of one partner bank (Afghan International Bank) • Developing and/or fine-tuning, policy and procedures, workflows, and portfolio monitoring and risk management tools/reports of the CGF • Development, tailoring & marketing of lending and guarantee products. • Carrying out credit guarantee appraisals and loss claims auditing & settlements. • Training, on-the-job training and one-on-one coaching of loan officers, team leaders, and SME managers of the partner banks and credit guarantee analysts of ACSP.

Date: 05/2012 to 06/2012 Location: Mozambique Company: Ayani BV / SOCREMO SA Financing AfriCap / Fintech Institution Position: Team Leader Description: Institutional strengthening of SOCREMO SA and restructuring of the SME Credit Unit. My duties include: • Reviewing and implementing the overall bank’s strategy for the SME segment • Designing a SME marketing plan and product development • Creating a new SME operations structure (organigram, cooperation with other departments, zoning) • Designing and implementing a new SME credit technology, processes and procedures (including credit policies, scoring systems, bonus systems, and Excel based appraisal forms). • Strengthening the operative and managerial capacity of the unit (including training, on-the-job training and one-on-one coaching of the SME Credit Department’s staff) • Strengthening SME related risk management operations and reporting systems • Designing a financial model to estimate financial viability of the unit and its products

Date: 11/2010 to 12/2010, 03/201, 02/2012 to 03/2012 Location: Dominican Republic Company: Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (Bankakademie HbF) / ADOPEM Financing Inter-American Development Bank Institution Position: Team Leader Description: Institutional strengthening of ADOPEM and establishment of the SME Credit Unit. My duties include: • Developing the strategy and products for the SME segment • Strengthening the operative and managerial capacity of the unit (including training, on-the-job training and one-on-one coaching of the SME Credit Department’s staff) • Designing and implementing processes and procedures (including credit policies, scoring systems, bonus systems, and Excel based appraisal forms). • Establishing the requirements for adjusting and fine –tuning the MIS system for the newly created unit • Designing a financial model to estimate the financial viability of the unit and its products • Identifying the human resources needs, creating job profiles, and selecting staff unit

Date: 01/2011to 02/2011, 04/2011 to 05/2011 Location: Albania Company: Albanian Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) / WYG International Financing (EIB) / European Commission (EC) Institution Position: Economist – Capital Investment Planner Description: • Providing stakeholders an understanding of the budgeting, investment planning and implementation policies of the central government in general and the MoES in particular • Helping stakeholders to articulate a long-term capital investment planning (CIP) strategy for the MoES that is consistent with the overall finance, budgeting and investment policies of the central government by: a) Identifying CIP related indicators and categories b) Developing a CIP Priority Matrix for ranking investment needs c) Streamlining CIP related workflows and helping defining roles and responsibilities of CIP stakeholders d) Creating an CIP Proposal Template for standardizing investment projects applications • Strengthening the operative and managerial capacity of the MoES in relation to CIP (including organizing workshops and training seminars for the MoES’s staff)

Date: 08/2010 – 09/2010 Location: Afghanistan Company: Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (Bankakademie HbF) Financing KfW Banking Group Institution Position: Team leader Description: In close coordination and with the support of my team of consultants, I was responsible for carrying out a (M)SME Feasibility Study, which addressed the following objectives: • to analyse the MSME sector and to assess its demand for loans and other financial services; • to analyse the Afghan financial sector and to identify the impediments to the provision of loans and other financial services to MSMEs; • to analyse existing and planned public and donor programmes with regards to MSME promotion with a special focus on access to finance programmes; • to propose and assess options for the outline of a Financial Cooperation Programme, including the design of the attached advisory services and possible linkages with various forms of assistance provided by other donors to the MSME sector; and • to propose and assess potential partner financial institutions for the proposed Programme.

Date: 02/2010 – 02/2010 Location: France Company: Horus Development Finance / Advans S.A. Financing None Institution Position: Consultant Description: Reviewing and improving the SME credit approach of Advans’s network of banks and designing a training roadmap and main training materials for its SME Departments. More specifically, I: • Performed a diagnosis and gave recommendations for changes in credit policies, processes and procedures, forms, salary bonus systems, and SME Departments’ structures. • Designed an adequate and efficient training roadmap for Advans’s banks SME Departments (including elements such as classroom trainings, trainings on the job, coaching, ToTs and their logical sequence). • Support preparing a practice oriented package of SME training modules based adult learning methodologies

Date: 05/2009 – 05/2009 Location: Afghanistan Company: GIZ Financing GIZ Institution Position: Team Leader Description: Supporting the preparation of a comprehensive financial sector study in Northern Afghanistan, to identify bottlenecks that impede access to finance, and to set out recommendations for an improvement of the accessibility of finance for investment. My work focused on: • Appraising the demand and conditions required for credit services by micro and SMEs. • Assessing the credit products offered by local banks. • Evaluating the mismatch between demand and supply identifying the most urgent steps necessary to close the gap. I presented and discussed the results of the study with bankers and business people and subsequently I facilitated the creation of a ‘bank forum’ aimed at facilitating the dialogue and to build trust among the parties in order to come up with practical and immediate solutions to the bottlenecks impeding access to finance identified in the study.

Date: 08/2008 – 08/2008 Location: Afghanistan Company: GFA Consulting Group GmbH Financing GIZ Institution Position: Consultant Description: Planning and implementation of an International Training for Trainers on Business Planning for SMEs for business advisors. This seminar covered the following topics: • adult learning approaches • participative learning methods • experiential training and visualization techniques • preparation and implementation of training sessions • entrepreneurial competencies • selecting business ideas • market and marketing • production • organization and management • technical and financial viability • SWOT analysis.

Date: 11/2007 – 11/2007 Location: Afghanistan Company: GFA Consulting Group GmbH Financing GIZ Institution Position: Consultant Description: Planning and implementation of an SME Advisoring Training Seminar for entrepreneurs, consultants, and government officials. This seminar covered the following topics: entrepreneurial competencies, income generation, value chains, selecting business ideas, market and marketing, production, organization and management, technical and financial viability, and SWOT analysis.

Date: 04/2007 - 05/2007 Location: Afghanistan Company: DAI Financing USAID Institution Position: Consultant Description: Planning and implementation of two Credit Appraisal and Monitoring Training Seminars for credit managers, loan officers and branch managers. These seminars covered all relevant aspects necessary to appraise an investment project including entrepreneurial competencies, marketing, and technical and financial viability. In addition, they focused on important aspects in the context of lending activities, such as internal credit policies and procedures and credit monitoring.

Date: 03/2007 – 03/2007 Location Germany Company University of Lüneburg Financing InWEnt Institution Position Consultant Description: Planning and implementation of a Seminar on Microfinance for students of the Master in Sustainable Management offered by the University of Lüneburg and InWEnt. This seminar covered all relevant aspects of microfinance, including its history, today’s best practices, credit technology, funding approaches, and microfinance and sustainability.

Date: 02/2007 – 02/2007 Location Angola Company GFA Consulting Group GmbH Financing EU Institution Position Consultant Description: • Planning and implementation of a Business Start-up and Planning Training Seminar for entrepreneurs, consultants, and university professors. This seminar covered all relevant aspects of business planning, including entrepreneurial competencies, selecting business ideas, SWOT analysis, market and marketing, production, organization and management, and technical and financial viability. • Advice to the EU Commission on how to further develop the training scheme for reaching their target groups at the municipality’s level.

Date: 11/2006 – 12/2006 Location: Indonesia Company: Icon Institute GmbH & Co. KG Financing GIZ Institution Position: Consultant Description: • Planning and implementation of a Credit Appraisal and Monitoring Training Seminar. • On-the-job training for credit managers, loan officers and branch managers. • Development and introduction of new credit appraisal forms and credit policies in three microfinance institutions.

Date: 06/2006 - 07/2006 Location: Nicaragua Company: GFA Consulting Group GmbH Financing IFC / InWent Institution Position: Consultant Description: • Planning and implementation of a Credit Appraisal and Monitoring Training Seminar for credit managers, loan officers and branch managers.

Date: 02/2006 – 02/2006 Location: Uganda Company: GFA Consulting Group GmbH Financing IFC / GIZ Institution Position: Trainer Description: • Credit Appraisal and Monitoring Training Seminar at Uganda Institute of Bankers (UIB) - Training of trainers for credit managers of Ugandan Banks and trainers of the UIB.

Date: 06/2005 - 01/2007 Location Germany Company GFA Consulting Group GmbH / Financial System Development Department Financing None Institution Position Consultant Description: • Acquisition of projects. • Preparation of technical and financial proposals for financial sector development projects for major bilateral and international donors (IFC, World Bank, EU, EBRD, IADB, ADB, KfW, GIZ, etc.). • Backstopping of projects/ Project Management. • Short-term missions abroad as a financial systems development consultant.

Date: 09/2004 – 05/2005 Location: Germany Company: Invest in Germany (former Industrial Investment Council GmbH) Financing None Institution Position: Consultant Description: In this economic development agency focused on attracting foreign investment to Germany, my job responsibilities included: • Identification and pursue of investors and candidate companies for investments. • Development and management of a transaction database that matches companies and investors (Private equity firms). • Training the personnel in the use of the transaction database.

Date: 07/2003 – 03/2004 Location: Mozambique Company: IPC GmbH (Internationale Projekt Consult GmbH) / ProCredit Bank AG Financing None Institution Position: Branch Manager Description: • Successfully restructuring and revamping a branch of Novobanco (“pro Credito”), which suffered a major mismanagement crisis. • Micro and SME Credit analysis and Portfolio Management. • Development, tailoring & marketing of lending and saving products. • Preparation of cash supplies for the branch, delivery and accounts reconciliation. • Various training courses for the branch’s staff on saving products, credit technology, financial analysis and risk assessment.

Date: 01/2003 – 06/2003 Location: Mozambique Company: IPC GmbH (Internationale Projekt Consult GmbH) / ProCredit Bank AG Financing None Institutions Position: SME Credit Department Manager Description: • Set up of the SME Credit Department of Novobanco (“Pro Credito”). • Development of SME manuals and implementation of policies and procedures. • SME Credit analysis. • SME Portfolio Risk Management. • SME Products development & marketing. • Various training courses for SME loan officers on credit technology, financial analysis and risk assessment.

Date: 10/2002 – 12/2002 Location: Bolivia Company: IPC GmbH (Internationale Projekt Consult GmbH) / ProCredit Bank AG Position: Trainee Description: Development of Excel-based SME credit appraisal forms

Date: 01/2002 - 09/2002 Location: Mexico Company: Strategic Information Services Ltd Financing None Institution Position: Strategy consultant Description: Consultancy for a tourism project. • Production of an economic report on Isla Mujeres. • Evaluation of economic implication of contracts. • Design of instruments to measure the impact of marketing campaigns. • Consolidation of an SME inter-firm network.

Date: 10/1998 - 07/2000 Location: Germany Company: Commerzbank AG Financing None Institution Position: Banking Traineeship Description: International Counter - Department focused on Private and Corporate Banking for foreign clients. My duties included: • Financial services advisory (Funds, Equities, Pensions). • Current account management. • Relocation assistance (firms and individuals). • Loan negotiations.

Date: 09/1997- 09/1998 Location: Germany Company: Transparency International Financing None Institution Position: Program Officer Assistant Description: International organization aimed at fighting corruption. My duties included: • Establishment and consolidation of a network of national branches in Latin America. • Identification of reliable partners in Portuguese speaking countries in Africa. • Development and follow-up on the budgeting system. • Design of anti-corruption instruments.

Date: 07/1996- 07/1997 Location: Argentina Company: University of Buenos Aires Financial None Institution Position: Teaching Assistant Description: Government Reform and Government Economics Seminars. My duties included: • Academic research. • Compiled bibliographies. • Lectures.