Help save the Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Basin Bioregion Conservation status in NSW: Endangered Ecological Community Commonwealth status: Critically Endangered Saving our Species management stream: Ecological community (range-restricted)

Community profile: The Saving our Species program aims to conserve threatened species and ecological communities in the wild in NSW in the long term. The project was developed by experts who have identified a minimal set of priority management sites for this community across its distribution, soils and altitudinal range, to be representative of its structure and composition. Experts have identified on-ground critical management actions to address threats at each site.

Nine priority management sites have been identified in NSW (ordered north to south). They are: • Sheaffes Road - Kembla Joggers in LGA • Yallah in Wollongong LGA • Croom – light rail – Hargraves in Shellharbour LGA • Johnston’s Spur - Stockyard Mountain in Kiama; Shellharbour LGAs • North Dunmore Hills in Shellharbour LGA • Kangaroo Valley in Shoalhaven LGA • Worrigee in Shoalhaven LGA • Yalwal in Shoalhaven LGA • Bawley Point in Shoalhaven LGA More information about each site is provided on the following pages.

All conservation work being undertaken to conserve the Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion around the state is vital to its recovery. If you are carrying out critical management actions within the ecological community, please let us know at

Map of Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion distribution and priority management sites

Legend Community distribution

Priority management site

Indicative community distribution is mapped as sub-regions where the ecological community is known to occur. Priority management sites are required for meeting the security objective for SoS-managed ecological communities.

1 Site 1: Sheaffes Road - Kembla Joggers The site is a lowland woodland patch immediately north of Sheaffes Road and a second patch north of the Kembla Joggers clubhouse. Total site area (ha): 77 LGA: Wollongong

Management site map

Legend Priority management site

Management activities to protect the Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion at the site Threat name Objective Action

Mixed weeds Reduce and maintain weed densities at low levels Site-based weed control

Domestic stock Reduce the impacts of grazing Stock fencing

Domestic stock Reduce the impacts of grazing Strategic grazing

Feral herbivores Reduce the impacts of grazing Deer control

Inappropriate fire Maintain appropriate fire regime for the Ecological burn regime species/community

Monitoring actions Regular monitoring of the threatened ecological community’s extent and condition on the site will be conducted to determine trends through time. The extent and severity of threats will also be monitored to assess the effectiveness of management actions. Management actions will be adapted, added or removed over time in response to monitoring results, based on maximising the project’s effectiveness.

2 Site 2: Yallah The site is approximately bounded by Avondale Road in the north and Yallah Road in the south and surrounds the Illawarra Technical and Further Education building. The site is dissected by an electrical easement and is fragmented by agricultural land use and infrastructure. Total site area (ha): 434 LGA: Wollongong

Management site map

Legend Priority management site

Management activities to protect the Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion at the site Threat name Objective Action

Mixed weeds Reduce and maintain weed densities at low levels Site-based weed control

Domestic stock Reduce the impacts of grazing Stock fencing

Domestic stock Reduce the impacts of grazing Strategic grazing

Disturbance due to Minimise the impact of on-site infrastructure Land manager consultation infrastructure

Feral herbivores Reduce the impacts of grazing Deer control

Inappropriate fire Maintain appropriate fire regime for the Ecological burn regime species/community

Monitoring actions Regular monitoring of the threatened ecological community’s extent and condition on the site will be conducted to determine trends through time. The extent and severity of threats will also be monitored to assess the effectiveness of management actions. Management actions will be adapted, added or removed over time in response to monitoring results, based on maximising the project’s effectiveness.

3 Site 3: Croom – light rail – Hargraves The site contains three discrete woodland patches. Croom Reserve is located immediately west of Croome Road and is surrounded by sports ovals on its western edge. The light rail site is located at the southern edge of the Illawarra Regional Airport. The Hargraves patch is also located adjacent the eastern edge of the airport and is bounded by Hargraves Road and Airport Road. Total site area (ha): 86 LGA: Shellharbour

Management site map

Legend Priority management site

Management activities to protect the Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion at the site Threat name Objective Action

Mixed weeds Reduce and maintain weed densities at low levels Site-based weed control

Disturbance from Minimise impacts of recreational activities Land manager consultation recreational users

Disturbance from Minimise impacts of recreational activities Land manager negotiation recreational users

Feral herbivores Reduce the impacts of grazing Deer control

Inappropriate fire Maintain appropriate fire regime for the Ecological burn regime species/community

Monitoring actions Regular monitoring of the threatened ecological community’s extent and condition on the site will be conducted to determine trends through time. The extent and severity of threats will also be monitored to assess the effectiveness of management actions. Management actions will be adapted, added or removed over time in response to monitoring results, based on maximising the project’s effectiveness.

4 Site 4: Johnston’s Spur - Stockyard Mountain The site is roughly bounded by the north slopes of Johnstons Ridge and extends south to Stockyard Mountain. The site surrounds the mid-stream portion of the . Total site area (ha): 3,028 LGA: Kiama; Shellharbour NPWS reserve: National Park

Management site map

Legend Priority management site

Management activities to protect the Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion at the site Threat name Objective Action

Mixed weeds Reduce and maintain weed densities at low levels Site-based weed control

Domestic stock Reduce the impacts of grazing Stock fencing

Domestic stock Reduce the impacts of grazing Strategic grazing

Feral herbivores Reduce the impacts of grazing Deer control

Inappropriate fire Maintain appropriate fire regime for the Ecological burn regime species/community

Lack of distributional Determine area of occupancy of the Land manager negotiation information species/community

Monitoring actions Regular monitoring of the threatened ecological community’s extent and condition on the site will be conducted to determine trends through time. The extent and severity of threats will also be monitored to assess the effectiveness of management actions. Management actions will be adapted, added or removed over time in response to monitoring results, based on maximising the project’s effectiveness.

5 Site 5: North Dunmore Hills The site is located in the northern part of the Dunmore Hills surrounding two quarries. Total site area (ha): 87 LGA: Shellharbour

Management site map

Legend Priority management site

Management activities to protect the Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion at the site Threat name Objective Action

Mixed weeds Reduce and maintain weed densities at low levels Site-based weed control

Domestic stock Reduce the impacts of grazing Stock fencing

Domestic stock Reduce the impacts of grazing Strategic grazing

Feral herbivores Reduce the impacts of grazing Deer control

Inappropriate fire Maintain appropriate fire regime for the Ecological burn regime species/community

Feral herbivores Reduce the impacts of grazing Goat control

Monitoring actions Regular monitoring of the threatened ecological community’s extent and condition on the site will be conducted to determine trends through time. The extent and severity of threats will also be monitored to assess the effectiveness of management actions. Management actions will be adapted, added or removed over time in response to monitoring results, based on maximising the project’s effectiveness.

6 Site 6: Kangaroo Valley The large site covers the lowland portions of the Kangaroo Valley. Total site area (ha): 15,728 LGA: Shoalhaven NPWS reserve: Barrengarry Nature Reserve; Budderoo National Park; Cambewarra Range Nature Reserve; Kangaroo River Nature Reserve; Management site map

Legend Priority management site

Management activities to protect the Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion at the site Threat name Objective Action

Lack of distributional Determine area of occupancy of the Targeted survey information species/community

Monitoring actions Regular monitoring of the threatened ecological community’s extent and condition on the site will be conducted to determine trends through time. The extent and severity of threats will also be monitored to assess the effectiveness of management actions. Management actions will be adapted, added or removed over time in response to monitoring results, based on maximising the project’s effectiveness.

7 Site 7: Worrigee The site is within the Worrigee Nature Reserve and surrounding woodlands. Total site area (ha): 798 LGA: Shoalhaven NPWS reserve: Worrigee Nature Reserve

Management site map

Legend Priority management site

Management activities to protect the Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion at the site Threat name Objective Action

Mixed weeds Reduce and maintain weed densities at low levels Community education

Mixed weeds Reduce and maintain weed densities at low levels Site-based weed control

Inappropriate fire Maintain appropriate fire regime for the Ecological burn regime species/community

Lack of distributional Determine area of occupancy of the Targeted survey information species/community

Monitoring actions Regular monitoring of the threatened ecological community’s extent and condition on the site will be conducted to determine trends through time. The extent and severity of threats will also be monitored to assess the effectiveness of management actions. Management actions will be adapted, added or removed over time in response to monitoring results, based on maximising the project’s effectiveness.

8 Site 8: Yalwal The site is located around the Yalwal campground and extends west into the Morton National Park. Total site area (ha): 7,511 LGA: Shoalhaven NPWS reserve: Morton National Park

Management site map

Legend Priority management site

Management activities to protect the Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion at the site Threat name Objective Action

Mixed weeds Reduce and maintain weed densities at low levels Site-based weed control

Domestic stock Reduce the impacts of grazing Stock fencing

Domestic stock Reduce the impacts of grazing Strategic grazing

Lack of distributional Determine area of occupancy of the Targeted survey information species/community

Inappropriate fire Maintain appropriate fire regime for the Ecological burn regime species/community

Disturbance from Minimise impacts of recreational activities Land manager negotiation recreational users

Monitoring actions Regular monitoring of the threatened ecological community’s extent and condition on the site will be conducted to determine trends through time. The extent and severity of threats will also be monitored to assess the effectiveness of management actions. Management actions will be adapted, added or removed over time in response to monitoring results, based on maximising the project’s effectiveness.

9 Site 9: Bawley Point The site extends from north-south from Bawley Point to Pretty Beach and inland appropriately three kilometres. The southern end of the site overlaps with Murramarang National Park. Total site area (ha): 1,453 LGA: Shoalhaven NPWS reserve: Murramarang Aboriginal Area; Murramarang National Park

Management site map

Legend Priority management site

Management activities to protect the Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion at the site Threat name Objective Action

Mixed weeds Reduce and maintain weed densities at low levels Site-based weed control

Domestic stock Reduce the impacts of grazing Stock fencing

Domestic stock Reduce the impacts of grazing Strategic grazing

Lack of distributional Determine area of occupancy of the Targeted survey information species/community

Monitoring actions Regular monitoring of the threatened ecological community’s extent and condition on the site will be conducted to determine trends through time. The extent and severity of threats will also be monitored to assess the effectiveness of management actions. Management actions will be adapted, added or removed over time in response to monitoring results, based on maximising the project’s effectiveness.

Are you helping to save threatened ecological communities? Find out more about our program - visit Tell us about the work you’re doing - visit Published on 18-May-2017 10