pISSN: 2234-8646 eISSN: 2234-8840 https://doi.org/10.5223/pghn.2017.20.1.65 Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr 2017 March 20(1):65-70 Case Report PGHN Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Syndrome in a Patient with a PTEN Mutation Identified by Chromosomal Microarray Analysis: A Case Report

Sun Hwa Lee, Eell Ryoo, and Hann Tchah

Department of Pediatrics, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Incheon, Korea

Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome (BRRS) is one of the phosphatase and tensin homolog tumor syndrome with a PTEN gene mutation. It is a rare dominant autosomal disorder characterized by cutaneous lipomas, , intestinal polyps, and developmental delay. Diagnosing this syndrome is important, because it may represent the pediatric phenotype of , in which there is an increased risk for malignant tumors in children. Until now, the prevalence of BRRS is unknown. Several dozen cases have been reported in the medical literature, but no case has been reported in Korea. Here we report a case of a 19-year-old girl who was diagnosed with BRRS because of macrocephaly, intellectual disability, and intestinal polyps. Her mother had similar findings and a PTEN mutation. Neither patient had mutations detected by conventional mutation-detection techniques, but a PTEN gene deletion was demonstrated by chromosomal microarray analysis.

Key Words: Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome, Microarray analysis

INTRODUCTION syndrome, Riley-Smith syndrome, and Ruvalca- va-Myhre-Smith syndrome [2]. In 1971, Bannayan Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome (BRRS) is [3] reported the congenital combination of macro- one of the phosphatase and tensin homolog ha- cephaly with multiple subcutaneous and visceral lip- martoma tumor syndromes (PHTS). It is a rare domi- omas and hamangiomas. Then, in 1980, Ruvalcaba nant autosomal disorder characterized by cutaneous described two males with macrocephaly, harmatom- lipomas, macrocephaly, intestinal polyps, and devel- atous intestinal polyposis, and pigmentary spotting opmental delay associated with PTEN gene mutation of the penis [2]. The prevalence of BRRS is unknown (tumor suppressor gene deletion on chromosome but several dozen cases have been reported in the 10q22-q23) [1]. This disease encompasses three pre- medical literature. Researchers suspect that the dis- viously described disorders, such as Bannayan-Zonana order is under-diagnosed because its signs and

Received:December 13, 2015, Revised:March 28, 2016, Accepted:April 6, 2016 Corresponding author: Eell Ryoo, Department of Pediatrics, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, 21 Namdong-daero 774beon-gil, Namdong-gu, Incheon 21565, Korea. Tel: +82-32-460-2362, Fax: +82-32-460-3224, E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright ⓒ 2017 by The Korean Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition This is an open­access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non­Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non­commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY, HEPATOLOGY & NUTRITION Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr symptoms vary and some are subtle [4,5]. had one sister who was reported as normal. Although there are no international consensus cri- General physical examination revealed moderate teria for diagnosing BRRS, several groups of inves- pallor, normal oral cavity. There was no jaundice, tigators have proposed criteria to facilitate clinical di- cyanosis, edema, thyromegaly, lymphadenopathy, agnosis [6]. Marsh et al. [7] defined a clinical diag- clubbing, or . There were no dermatologic nosis of BRRS as meeting three out of four features: abnormalities or any abnormality affecting the ge- macrocephaly, , hemangiomas and speck- nitalia. Anthropometric examination revealed mac- led pigmented maculae on the penis. Parisi et al. [8] rocephaly with head circumference of 608 mm (for defined the syndrome in patients with two of three reference, the average and 99th percentile occipi- of the following features of macrocephaly, hamarto- to-frontal circumferences of 19- and 24-year-old mas (including at least one lipoma, hemangioma, or Korean females are 552 and 585 mm, respectively), intestinal polyp), and penile macules in males. height 162.8 cm (55-75th percentile), weight 62 kg A chromosomal analysis for PTEN gene mutations (90-95th percentile). Her sister and mother showed also serves as a useful diagnostic tool. no macrocephaly. The prevalence of identified germline PTEN muta- Lab investigations revealed hypochromic micro- tions in PHTS varies widely, with Cowden syndrome cytic anemia with hemoglobin 8.4 g/dL and mean (CS) having 80% prevalence of identified intragenic cell volume 68.8, ferritin 24.8 μg/L, iron/total iron PTEN mutations, BRRS with 65% prevalence, and binding capacity ratio 6.6% and stool occult blood Proteus syndrome with <20% prevalence [6]. testing was negative. Here, we report a case of a 19-year-old girl who Gastrofibroscopy and colonoscopy revealed multi- was diagnosed with BRRS because of macrocephaly, ple polyps of different sizes and shapes in the termi- intellectual disability and intestinal polyps as well as nal ileum, stomach, and duodenum (Fig. 1). Several PTEN gene mutation. biopsies confirmed inflammatory and hyperplastic polyps. CASE REPORT In family screening, her sister and mother were called and examined. Her sister was found as normal A 19-year-old female patient was admitted to but her mother revealed multiple polyps on stomach, Gachon University Gil Medical Center (Incheon, and duodenum. Korea) because of a history of refractory iron defi- The patient also had an intellectual disability and ciency anemia (IDA) and recurrent gastroenteritis. the physical examination revealed a head circum- She first visited our outpatient clinic because of re- ference suggestive of macrocephaly. current gastroenteritis 4 years prior. Laboratory in- Considering all symptoms and the results of the vestigation was normal except for IDA. She was put examinations, BRRS was the most likely clinical on iron tablets and regular follow-up at our out- diagnosis. Although imaging studies including brain patient department, but her anemia did not improve. magnetic resonance imaging were required, they She denied any history of skipped medicine. So, we were not conducted because of cost. recommended the endoscopic study 3 years ago be- PTEN gene mutation analysis was conducted us- cause of the suspicion of a gastrointestinal bleeding ing DNA extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes. or hamartomatous polyposis syndrome, but she re- No mutations were detected by conventional poly- fused at that time; however, 3 years later it could be merase chain reaction (PCR) mutation-deletion performed. techniques or direct sequencing with reference to the The patient had a history of mild mental re- NM_000314.4 m-RNA sequence. Thus, we con- tardation at the age of 8 years as her mother. Their ducted a chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) intelligence quotient score ranged from 50-75. She using the Affymetrix Cytoscan 750k array with refer-

66 Vol. 20, No. 1, March 2017 Sun Hwa Lee, et al:BRRS with a PTEN Mutation Identified by Microarray Analysis

Fig. 1. (A) Colonoscopy showed multiple polyps on the terminal ileum. Some flat polyps without neck were noted on the rectum. (B) Gastrofibroscopy showed small multiple polyps on the stomach and duodenum. ence to the human gene ver. 19 (Affymetrix, Santa BRRS can be diagnosed based on clinical ob- Clara, CA, USA). As a result, an approximates 240 kb servations, including the presence of macrocephaly, microdeletion was detected in the 10q23.31 region lipomas, hamartomatous intestinal polyposis, devel- (Fig. 2). opmental delay and mental retardation, as well as An approximate 220 kb microdeletion was de- pigmented macules on the glans penis in males. tected in her mother in the 10q23.31 region. Her old- At least half of affected patients have macro- er sister had no such findings. cephaly, and many also have a high birth weight. Growth usually slows during childhood, so affected DISCUSSION adults are of normal height and body size. Gontijo et al. [12] reported BRRS with deforming lipomatous BRRS is associated with germline mutations of the in infant. Intestinal polyps mostly pres- PTEN tumor suppressor gene, which has a sig- ent in childhood through chronic anemia, diarrhea nificant role in cellular proliferation, migration, and or invagination of the small bowel. The signs and apoptosis pathways. PTEN mutations are seen in up symptoms of BRRS are present from birth or become to 65% of patients with a suspected PHTS diagnosis apparent in early childhood. Our patient’s past medi- [9,10]. cal history was significant for recurrent gastro- Three other clinically distinct syndromes are asso- enteritis from childhood and refractory IDA. ciated with PTEN mutations and are collectively re- BRRS and CS reportedly share clinical character- ferred to as PHTS. These allelic disorders include CS, istics and represent a single entity. However, almost Proteus syndrome, and Proteus-like syndrome, and everyone with CS develops hamartomas. These all have established diagnostic criteria. However, no growths are most commonly found on the skin and BRRS diagnostic criteria have been established mucous membranes (such as the lining of the mouth [2,11]. and nose), but they can also occur in the intestine

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Fig. 2. (A) Karyogram of the patient. The deletion in the long arm of (arrow). Left: the patient, right: her mother. (B) Chromosomal microarray profile of chromosome 10. The X-axis represents the probe index on chromosome 10, and the Y-axis represents the signal log2 ratio of the probe. The 10q23.31 region showed a 220kb micro-deletion in Chr10. Left: the patient, right: her mother. and other parts of the body. The growth of hamarto- with the same malignancy screening recommen- mas on the skin and mucous membranes typically dations for patients with CS because of the clinical becomes apparent by a person’s late twenties [4,5]. and genetic similarities between CS and BRRS and No such criteria exist for BRRS, but the syndrome because patients with PTEN mutations have in- is sus¬pected in the presence of macrocephaly, ha- creased risk for cancers [7,8]. Therefore, early diag- martomatous intestinal polyposis, and mental re- nosis is important. tardation, all of which were present in our patient. At Genetic testing is available to identify mutations present, she most closely fits BRRS, although further and/or deletions within PTEN. Identification of such development of symptoms with time may eventually alterations provides confirmation of the PHTS diag- lead to the diagnosis of CS. nosis and further permits predictive testing and pre- Although an increased risk for malignancies in pa- natal diagnosis within affected families [11]. Several tients with BRRS has not been documented, some methodologies are currently used to detect PTEN authors recommend that patients with BRRS comply mutations [13].

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