uu OS-9 Newsletter©

Volume IV Issue I Bellingham OS-9 Users Group January 31, 1992 (� � Pr[]gramming Pr[Jperty in One of my1_.09 pet hates with programmes written for 059 I have Shell+ and want to use the logical argument if Q: (and indeed any computer), is programmes which having that is suppose to be available with She II + for writing script created a special screen 1}l'C for nmning in, proceed to quit files. Specifically. I want to read a directory and if a file is WITHOUT RESTORING the screen that I was nmning. found I want a confirmation message printed to the screen else The fault lies squarely with the (lazy) programmer. a "nol found" message displayed. I've read the documentation because it is mostly very easy to save the current screen for Shell+, but I cannot get it to work. settings. and restore them after the programme has finished. -. Terrye Good �Fidonet -- r guess the place to start is to save the current settings from \vhat the tcchos call the PD.OPTS section. The information Terry, how about the fotlo'wing script: from the PD,OPTS can be easily saved in a 32 byte buffer A:if -f /dd/cmds/grfdrv (make sure it is in the main routine of your echo GrfDrv exists in /dd/CMDS programme). Here is a Basic09 sample:- else echo Grmrv fj,le NOT in /cld./CMDS TYPE registers=cc,a,b,dp:byte; x,y,u:lnteger endif DIM regs:registers DIM getstt,setstt:byte DIM opt_buff(32):byte This is the output fromTim Kientzle's HELPutility: getstt=$8D \ (* Get Status system call setstt==$8E Set system call Read over page 8 again of your Shell r documentation for a \ (* Status complete listing of all of the condition testing supported by regs.a=O \ (* use STDIN all others are automatic ,%ell+. The command syntax and options are listed below. regs.b=O \ (* GS OPT call Syntax: if

-dfile true iffile exists and is a directory Northwest FidNET BBS List by Chris Johnson Pg. .. - Tom Birt;Fidonet -. Locations, Phone Numbers. FidoNET Addresses Setting up Frank Hogg's KlX\30 68K Computer Pg. 5 A personal Journal report by AJlan Morgan I used build to make a script file called CHD to Q: Symbolism in C by Randy lGrschenmann Pg. 6 change drive to hard disk... but it docs not work. Here is The double meaning intricacies of C's symbolism I entered: what worth of Software for $3J? WOW! Build chd $400 Pg. 7 chd /hd CoCoPRO is in trouble and needs our help chx /hd/ cmds Mid West CoCo Fest (Schedule and Ticket Info) Pg. 7 Middle American Fest -- March 27-28 Where am I going wrong? do I need to add something to 1993 INDEX of OS-9 News/etter Articles Pg. 8 tell which window? Listing of all of the previous year's articles -- Thomas Mathes -- Local Clubs' Acthity Reports P�. 10 - -- more Q&A continued on page 3 Bellingham Port O'CoCo Seattle fi8xxx.\[UG +2 OS-9 Newsletter + registers. setting the various variables to their values (sec You now have the palette registers orille old screen. comments), and the actual code for the operation. You only need to change the PD.OPTS of ONE of the standard paths, regs.a=O \ (* stdin path reqs,b=$96 \ (* SS.FBRgs all the others merely mirror STOIN, so what you change in regs.x=ADDR(sels) \ (* buffer for colour registers one, is also changes in all the others. The code to reset the RUN syscall(getstt,regs) \ (* do Get status call PO. OPTS is VCI} simple:- Now you have the colour registers. regs.a=O \ (* STDIN again regs.b=O \ (* SS OPT call regs.x=ADDR(opt buff) \ (* address of 32 byte buffer regs.a=O \ (* stdin... of previous-- regs.b=$93 \ (* SS.ScTyp RUN do RUN sysca11(setstt,regs) \ (* Set Status call this syscall(getstt,regs) \ (* Get status call sctyp=regs.a \ (* save screen type returned in A reg time.

Now you have the screen type. We still need to deal with changes to the screen, like screen type, palette colours, and foreground, background. and regs.a=O \ (* stdin ... border colours. regs.b=$26 \ (* SS.ScSiz do Get Now, thcre are (at lcast) two ways to do this. I have :RUN syscall(getstt,reqs) \ (* status call screen x=regs.x \ (* X size in x reg I used both succcssfully, so I will show you what have done. screen=y=regs.y \ (* Y size in y reg The first method assumes plenty of memory, because it involves creating a new screen OVER THE TOP OF the Now you have the screen size. This info is probably all existing screen. This is a bit more involved for future pieces you need. I know that things like working area can be of code as you will see. Here is the code:- (I'm assuming different, but most of the info is saved. though you could previously DIMmed variables for clarity.) probably take this to all sorts of depths. Now you can kill offthe old screen, and restart a new one:- (* first open a path to a new descriptor OPEN #wpath," /w" : UPDATE \ (* UPDATE essential here RUN gfx2(#wpath,"DWSET",7,O,0,BO,24,O,1,2) \ (set RUN gfx2(0, "DWEND") \ (* Kill old screen up type 7 graphics screen RUN gfx2("DWSET" ,7,0,0,60,24,0,1,2) \ (* set up your screen RUN gfx2(#wpath, ., SELECT") \ (* make the new screen RUN gfx2("SELECT") \ (* make it visible visible :RUN gfx2("FONT' ,200,1) \ (* select a font RUN qfx2(#wpath,"FONT" ,200,1) \ (* select font to use

NO\v you can use the screen to your heart's content and Now, that piece of code assumes I. that you have the you don't have to worry about a path to the screen. To descriptor '/w' in memory (from your boot), and 2. that restore, you must reverse the previous procedure, although, you have merged sys/stdfonts (although this can be done not in as many steps. within the programme). One niggJy problem with this approach is that ALL print RUN gfx2(O,"DWEND"l (* statemcnts and gfx2 commands MUST quotc the #;vpath, else regs.a=O \ stdin... reqs.b=$97 \ (* SS.DFPal the printing will go to the (invisible) window underneath. To regs.x=ADDR(pa1s) \ (* palette regs rcselecllhe original window, here's what you do:- RUN syscall(setstt,regs) \ (* do Set status call RUN gfx2("DWSET" , sctyp,O, 0,screen_x, screenJ, pals(1),pals(2),pals(3» RUN gfx2(0, "SELECT") \ (* select tbe old screen RUN gfx2("SELECT") \ (* make it visible :RUN qfx2(#wpath, "DWEND") \ (* kill off the old screen

OK, so much for the first method. Here's another way:- Now you are back to where you started. If you had a need to change things like the scrccn pause etc., you should DIM pals (16) :BYTE \ (* Palette req buffer have also used the routine at the start of this article. One DIM se1s(3)BYTE \ (* Fore, background and border regs buffer point I must stress again, is that you MUST use variables DIM sctyp:BYTE \ (* screen type code 1 ..8 declared in the main part of your programme (as in mainO DIM screen x:INTEGER in C programming) because othcnvise your variable contents DIM screen-y:INTEGER TYPE reqisters:cc,a,b,dp:BYTE; x,y,u:INTEGER will be lost. DIM reqs:registers 1 hope that this will help programmers (and DIM getstt,setstt:BYTE experimenters) to programme more neatly, and perhaps f have getstt=$8D been able to impart some of my experiences to someone. If setstt=$BE so, great. Regards, regs.a=O \ (* stdin path reqs.b=$91 \ (* SS.Palet -- Bob Oevries;FidoNET -­ regs.�ADDR(pals) \ (* address of palette buffer Australian National OS9 Usergroup RUN do syscall(qetstt,regsl \ (* Get Status call Zone 3 OCN Coordinator + + OS-9 Newsletter 3

OS-9 Newsletter Editor: Rodger Alexander A: I thought I'd jump in here to explain what I've seen as a general misconception among a large number of OS9 users. The fact is. you cannot use a script file (as above) to change OS-9 Newsletter is publishcd monthly by the Bellingham your current directory settings. What happens is that OS9 OS-9 Users Group and is protected under actually starts a ne'w shell for nmning a script. and when it is Copyright Laws. No material may be reproduced or copied finished, it restores all the old conditions, as they were before in whole or in part without the expressed written pennission the script was run. of Bellingham OS-9 Users Group. 340-1- flIinois Lanc, A fcw users came to grief (myself included) when Bellingham, WA 98226. changing from Level 1, where we could, for example usc the Submissions arc welcomed in any fonnat and can be line 'tmode pause' in the startup, when the same line 'was uscd mailed to the above address or sem yia electronic mail to to in level 2, it didn't work! The reason: the startup shell was the editor. Rodger Alexander on Delphi, (UserID: terminated. and a new one started for the TERMshell. SALZARD) or FidoNET (1:30113-1-01 @.org» or The other thing wrong with the above idea. is that the . (9040 18()fii,nessie.com. \vwu.ed) Unfortunately we name of the script file is the same as a file in the CMOS do not have funds to reimburse authors of selected articles. directory (well it would be in mine ... ) and OS9 checks in the however a complimentary \:0PY of the 0,)'-9 Newslelter execution dir first. If you try this for you script file: containing your article 'will be mailed to you. PLUS the ahd /hd chx /hdl cmds satisfaction that you have the admimtion and appreciation of dir all of our readers. dir x The Bellingham OS-9 Users Group is a hobbyist club. organized for the purpose of providing information. serdces. you'll find that it does indeed change to the correct directories, products and events that support the OS-9 operating system as the 'dir' commands will show, but when the script for 6809/68xxx based computers. Our efforts are not terminates. the old original directories arc back! intended to earn or generate any profit for the club or any of -- Bob Dcvries:Fidonet -­ it's members. Subscribers to the OS-9 Newsletter are also Australian National OS9 Usergroup subscribing members of the Bellinghan OS-9 Users (iroup Zone 3 OCN Coordinator and are afforded the sanle rights. options and benefits provided to attending active members. These rights, options

and benefits include, but are not limited to : Free access to How can anyone use a program like tiEd when you can't Q: the club's Public Domain Software Library for the acquisition even understand what the program is displaying on the or contribution of computer program files: free technical screen? It just looks like a dump commands display to me. assistance via maiL or voice 714-�ROh' frl'P .-!ownlo:lrl/nnlo:lrl nrivil�rl,,�<: :W:lil:lhlf' A: When using DED with a file such as DED IDD/CMDS/MONTYPE you can determine the actual offset �--onBarbeeued-RiBBS-{2()6.}-� 76--57&h-c,\" b) laking the sector number displayed in the upper left hand \ corner. adding the offset down the left hand column and then the offset running across the top. TO SUBSCRIBE For 12 monthly issues of the 08-9 Newsletter, EX. scctor=$O 1 please send a US check or money order for Sll) offset down column=$CO or $6 for a 6 month subscription,. Mail your offset across top=$08 subscription order to: OS:-9 Newsletter actual offset='$OI C8 3404 llIinois Laue BeUingbam.WA 98226 This applies to individual filesnot necessarily whole disks Include your name, address and telephone opened with as in OED !DO/iii number. You will receive your OS-9 NelffS­ letter no later than the 18tb of eacb month. The actual offsct in this case is from the first byte on disk and Canadian orders� $11.50 (or 1 year. or $6.60 not a from a byte in the currently displayed for 6 months. Foreign orders $16 for 1 year. file/directory/sector. or $9 for 6 months. -- Dave Gantz:FidoNET -- -- Data Warehouse, Spokane. 509-325-6787 (1:346/9)-- OS-9 Newsletter +

via local FidoNET BBS's

The below listing is a recent compilation of Fido Bulletin Boards that are currently carl)ing OS-9/CoCo echoes in the Northwest. Most of these boards have recently added the Pacific Northwest (PNW) OS-9 echo. Everyday, more than a dozen messages are posted in the OS-9 Echo for everyone to read. Private mail service is also available on these Bulletin Boards. There arc literally dozens of echoes available besides OS-9 or

CoCo. There is even an MM I -Tech Echo which is just as active as the standard OS-9 Echo. Can you imagine reading 10 to 30 messages/day about the latcst goings on with the

MMlIor TC70 or KIX30 or System IV or ......

Need help with a CoCo or OS-9 problem? Leave a message and you will have a bundle of ....iiIiiI liiiiilfiiii� messages addressing your problem. Maybe one of them will solve your problem. And it's all FREE. No long distance fees or hourly rates. Select the BSS in your local area and give them a call. PACIFIC NORTHWEST Fido OS9/CoCo BBSIS BBSName PhoneNo. . Location Figo Address Columbia HisSBS (206) 425-5804 . LongviewJKelsoRiBBS 1:105/641.0 Data Warehouse . (509) 325-6787 Spokane RiBBS .1:346/9.0 DoghouseBBS . (509) 325-3169 SpokaneRiBBS 1:346/21 . The DiamondMine ' (509) 325-5160 . Spokane RiBBS . .1:346/23 . � � ,. OS-9 Tacoma BBS- (206)566-8851 ' -'TacomaRiBBS � 1:1381164.0 Ultimate Exper'nce (206) 299-0491 AnacortesRiBBS 90:8013 KzinBBS (604)589-5545 Vancouver BC RiBBS 1:153/912 Pot O' Gold BBS (604) 564-8869 Prince George; BC 1:359/251 Top Hat BBS , (206) 244-9661 . Seattle [COCO echo} 1:343/40 The Right Place . (206) 581-2715 Tacoma[TaCOCO echo] 1:138/131 Cloud's_Comer (206)3774290 . Bremerton[OS9,PNW"()S91 . 1:350/30 . Graphics Guru (206) 423-2357 • LongviewRiBBS 1:105/647 InlandEmpire Archive (509)624-679, SpokaneRiBBS 1:346/10

Compiled by Chris JohnsQn;Sysop: OS-9 Tacoma BBS(l: 138/16-UJ)

Terry OS-9 Calendar Laraway's CoCO March 27-28 \t.Ptcetera Middle America's Fest Des Moines, Iowa Parts See Special Update Article elsewhere in this issue Hardware

Hitachi 6309 chip & socket $12 Kel Am custom 'Y' Cables (Call) June 25 - 26 5 12K R.1m Chips/Kits (Call) PNW CoCo Fest Phone (206) 692-5374 Port Orchard, Washington 41 N.W. Doncee Drive. Bf<.'tl1erton,98310 W1\ • OS-9 Newsletter 5 •

30 �o9c:isby Allan Morgan r.7.��------�--� �----�------�--� Allan Morgan (Longview/Ke/so CoCo Club) recent/v the data ends up on the right hard drive. purchased an FHL Kix30 68K machine and has taken the 1 have been starting to usc the OSK compiler. At first 1 time to record a joul7)al of his discoveries on his new just typed "ee " but later, I discovered the -K=2 Ihachine. The Kix\30 is the newest of t h e 68K machines and switch. This tells the compiler that you have a 68020 or L..h_as..;.�..1.L. :;;..;.;lo;.;;t..:0Lif.::in.::t.:.:er..:e::.s:.:.t.______..:...-� __ � better. The resulting oulput is quite a bit faster. I foundg�e..;.ne..;.r..;.a..;.te..;.d=-a a s'witch in dmode to set up my floppy for high-density mode My Kix\30 motherboard arrived yesterday. Needless to say, today. That's nice! The tmnsfcr speed is nearly twice as fast I'm anxious to get it set up! I placed the order back on and no\.. . each disk holds 1.47Megs. November 9th. Frank Hogg (FHL) had it ready to ship by 1116/93: I dmmloaded two programs for testing and December 21st. I had him hold otffor a week because I was tuning: and delles!. is tIle source afraid of getting it lost in the last minute Christmas Dhrystone.c Dhrvstone.c' code for that well-known meaningless performance measurer. shipping rush so he shipped it Dec. 29th. was Mitten by Mark Griffith (on Delphi, usually). I OopsL they shipped it with a 25mhz 68030. Dam, I Deltest used ddtest to help me configure the floppy drive descriptors. ordered a 16Mhz system . The crystal is for 16Mhz but In 3.5 inch high-density mode, with an interleave of 2. I think the upgrade to 25Mhz will be a S�p! I will be getting ddtest reports 17.98Kbytes/sec for write and 1-l.41Kb"tes/scc for a mini-lower case for it tomorrow. I 'will probably set it up reads.Oh, verify was off. reports 1942.86Kbyteslsec with a 1.4-lMeg floppy only. I have one of those on the CoCo Ddtest reading from the hard drive but only 193.46Kb)teslscc writing too, so I can do any transfers via the 3 1f2in. drives. I had to it. previously picked up a Q\u1ntum LPSHO SCSI hard drive. The Dhrystone benchmark was educational for me. I am The hard drive performance should be outstanding! The not a wizard yet when it comes to C. but it compiled first tn video-audio-keyboard card will be several morc weeks. I will just by typing "cc dhrystone.c" When run. it reported 2272 have to usc the CoCo as a terminal for the time being.. I also Dhrystones/second. There is a "switch" for the C compiler to found a deal on 1 Meg 60ns simms a while back so there are 8 cause it to compile for the 68020. Ire-compiled of them installed. One interesting note-- The DMA chip was dhrvstone.c and ran it again. This time. it reported 3125 dhryst nes/sec. socketed on thc back side (solder side) of the board. Why? � My machine is a 16Mhz 68030. For comparison, I transferred I'll have to ask about that. I'll keep you all posted as this g es � to my son's 386-SX!16. The same source code along. Dhrystone ran through Turbo-C without a hitch. Sadlv. he obtained 1 got my Kix\30 up and running last Saturday night (1-9- ' 3850 Dhrystones/sec. I suspect that a 386DX would produce 93). Everything went quite well except for some struggles about the same results for this test as there are no affordable ,,,;th the address jumpers on the new floppy drive and a mis- 32-bit compilers under MS-DOS anyway. It appears that the wired serial cable I made. Of course, it's Steve Hammond's 68030 under OS at least is about clock-for-clock the same fault. He held the connector upside dO\\>l1 while I soldered it! , K perfomlance as a 80386 under Desqview-X, as both machines Since the video-audio-keyboard is not here yet. I have reported 3125. The 3850 reading was under single­ been using my CoCo as the system terminal (on the /term lasking MS-DOS. Oh, yes. . . the CoCo runs about 221 port). We made up a null modem cable for that and it nms at Dhrystones/sec. 9600with very few problems. So far I have accumulated about 12 Megs or OSK stull Aftcr booting the Kix off of Frank Hogg's floppy. we [found another disk transfer testing utility like the formatted the hard drive and then f)save'd OS9 to the hard deltest program mentioned above. This one is called dil.ktest 'which disk. I pressed the reset button and.... .!t worked first try. The appears to work a lot like Megaread. It reports 4.6 hard drive is real fast compared to the CoCo, and even quite Megabytes/sec read and 325 Kbytesisec write. Now what do I fast compared to the IDE drive on my 486/33 at work. do. average the results" That's for a 7 Megabyte size I have been downloading all of the OSK stuff I can find file. which is certainly larger than any cache on Delphi and am working now on getting the TOPS software. . I have quit using the CoCo as a terminal. I had an old Since the CoCo is now connected to the Kix on a null-modem "boat-anchor" VT100 terminal in the shop and it performs cablc. my modem is connected to ttl on the Kix. I have a qu te a bit better. OSK Rogue runs perfectly on it! simple terminal program, .\'term, running quite well now on i The terminal is a lot faster and smoother than the CoCo. the Kix\JO. 1125/93: I had yet to receive the OSK manuals. I had That's a lot of software at work: The modem is on It I of been learning my way around by typing each command with the Kix. Sterm is mnning in the Kix. lhe output of Slerm is ? and giving each thing a test. I was quite proud when I to Iterm. but Iterm is actually It2 on the CoCo which is figured out the C compiler that way. now have the official nmning Osterm in (sort of ) Ansi mode. It all works quite I Microwarc manuals which arc quite nice. well. though. File downloads use RZ in the aSK machine, so -- Allen Morgan -- + 6 OS-9 Newsletter +

SYMBOLISMThe C programming language is seen to be a very INprogression CbYRandYKirSChenmannwithin the C statement, a few of them arc versatile medium for creating a wide range of program evaluated from right to left. This allows one to codc: a = t)-pes. b = c = 0; to assign the three data variables a, b and c the From the most simple of applications, to complete operating systems, this language provides the value of 0 all at once, because the assignment operator (=) sophistication and efficiency needed to accomplish both is evaluated from right to left. And don't mix assignment the low level accessability as well as the high level with equality (==) . I've done this myself many times. It functionality which makes C so attractive to can be very frustrating to search through a program which programmers. This versatility is accomplished by a very isn't functioning the way you expect looking for this small set of keywords and symbols. The list of keywords mistake. can be learned in a couple of hours of study, but to fully Another source of difficulty in reading C code is understand the intricacies of C's symbolism will take found in the style of most C programmers. The C much longer. language allows a programmer to combine several There are several aspects of the C language which statements into one complex expression which the may make it difficult. The difficulties in learning the C compiler quite comfortably evaluates for him. This language's use of symbols come from the double meanings allows the efficiency of code that we all prefer. It docs, that many of them have. For example, the & can be used unfortunately, make for difficult reading at times. For in three different ways. When preceeding a variable data example the block of code: name, as in &data, it represents the main storage address for(;;) { of the data item. When used as a binary operator, placed c = getchar() ; between two data items of type int or char, as in data l & if(c = EOF) break; data2, it becomes the bitwise AND operator. Finally, if(c = '\n') coded as && it represents the logical AND operator and break; printf("%c", c); is placed between two expresions, as in (expresionl) && } (expression2)... Nearly all of the special characters used

in C have double meanings. For novices of the language, will display a line of text to the terminal. It is quite reading C code must be done \\ith care to get the true straight forward and easy to read, but most C meaning of the seemingly ambiguous notation. Where the programmers will code this as: special characters are placed in relationship to other elements of the statement must be taken into account. while«(c = getchar(»!= EOF) .& (c !='\n») printf(""%c", c); Another aspect of the C language which must be mastered in order to fully understand the programs one For as simple an example as this, the second form is as reads, is the rules of precedence and associativity which easily deciphered as is the first, but you can imagine how govern the evaluation of complex expressions. A criptic more complex expressions can become. seemingly simple expression may take on a completely In general I find C to be a very natural programming different meaning than what is expected if the order in language, but be forewarned that it has its problems. For which the elements of the expression are evaluated is the novices (and the experts, too) care should be taken something other that what you expect. I imagine we've all when reading C code to avoid the traps that await us. Its seen the example of the statement: 2 * yeilding a + 3 4; easy to misread a complex expression and often I find result of 14 instead of 20. This is true in C as it is in myself going over a block of code several times before I other programming languages that place a higher suddenly say "aha ... that's what I've missed". So when precedence to the multiplicativc operator * than to the ( ) learning C as a new language take your time with it and additive operator However, this isn't the end of it in (+). get the full meaning of its symbolism. C. All of the special characters have their place in a hierarchy of precedence which must be studied with care. -- Randy Kirschenmann -­ Not only their precedence, but also the direction of Mt. Rllinier Coco Club evaluation can be different. While most of the special characters are evaluated in a normal left to right + OS-9 Newsletter 7+

! l\tliddle America Fest! worth of software for $400 $34 March 27-28th 1993 Dave Meyers, President of CoCoPRO is Purchase $30 of software from this list Presented by: "Mid [o\va & Country CoCo" under financial stress and as a result is before February 2S, 191)3 and get the making an unbelievable offer to the rest for FREE! Saturday VIP Breakfast 8:30 A.\I RSVP 7 days CoCo Community: Carl BolL' VP Gl�l1side & TerrySimons: Ml&CC Saturday Show March 27, 10:00 AM to 6:00 P.:\I Data Windows (OS-9) $39.95 Saturday Social: in Ollf lounge area 7:)0 PM If you purchase at least $30 of Data Merger (OS-9) $12.95 SundayShow March28, 10:00 i"'''1to 3:00 P�I software from the list below before Newsilaper09 (OS-9) $34.95 February 28, 1993, you will be given NewsFONTS09 (OS-9) $9.95 The Place: The Travel Lodge Inn. license to obtain and freely use all of Simply Better (CC3) $24.95 Easy highway access at 1-35 & 80 the products listed below. V-Term (CC3,modem) $24.95 interchange, Exit #124 CoCoPRO Solitaire (OS-9) $9.95 (University) 3 blks East. The catch? Well there is a condition. Zapper (OS-I) S14.95 With a "limited number" of rooms Dave sent out flyers to all of their present LV 2 Tools (OS-9) $19.95 reserved at Fest rates. and past customers and if 33% of the Presto Partner (OS-9) $19.95 $35.00 per room, up to 4 occupants mailings return a favorable response, Tools 2 (OS-9) S24.95 1-800-255-3050 then CoCoPRO will make all of the MultiMenuOS-9,Mvue)$ 14.95 Airportshuttle provided (rooms only) below listed software available for OS9 Lev 2 BBS (OS-9) $19.95 download via password access to Jim's Disk Mgr.Tree (OS-9) $18.95 Our national reach out and central CoCo Cornel' BBS at (313) 292-4713, or location should assure full attendance

via E-Mail to your Delphi account. If CoCoPRO also has a large inventory of with an attractive and fun filled Fesl! 40% respond. then the packages will be CoCo/OS9 hard",,'are and software made freely available on major BBS' for products, Give Dave Meyers a call. Come and visit at: The Travel Lodge Inn download by ALL !! ! !! For those he'll probably have what you wanL with attractively displayed booths and plenty of walking and talking room. who do not own modems Of those who AND take advantage of this special would prefer not to incur the deal and we all will be winners, downloading time and e:-..-pensc. Speakers, stan with the well known copies of

the program packages via mail for a COCoPRO, PO Box 763, Ypsilanti, James Jones of duplicating charge of $l/disk, plus MI48197 (313) 482-8128 Micrm,vare, OS-9 User Group Founding $3/order for shipping & handling will Pres, Boisy Pitre, and also be made available, Terry Simons, RSDOS,

tt PLUS others \\ill fill an attractive � You've got to admit, this is one great d1 �y i seminar schedule. Join our evening C)'rl:lV' ' way to demonstrate your support for 'v, {rt/ f ,:.=e'/' Y,'f infonnal round table chit-chat gathering, i C he i �: ::;:l�CTJI: ��:m;��� :::C=m:O:ut : :;�n�; a� :��p�:�: :o� :h���_9 ':n �u ���� the same time, '�I.: , 1 Y.llJ"1.1 , '--'-'--'t"�'.� good representation of RSDOS, This ompuer prorruscs, to be a well rounded Fest! A 'I P aCt'fi C 0N wes rth tDea Ie r I- " [ have viewed and operated most of the I 'I�' C�lor Computer Fest you don't want to software listed below and can vouch for!�' ', =, 1 miss! the professional quality, of all of the '\ Til Mar I A software. My favontes are Data --- fflTi ; Tickets: t door =, l:J.fIJ:i1i� i3 !_:.'-I Windows with Data Merger (SUPER ;O�? One day $10.00 $12.00 �I COOL DATABASE), Simply Better Two day $12.00 $15.00 n.t 'I'r C:V\;'iVM\,; I": VIP Breakfast optional $7.00 '�I',' 111\:lit dJ:d:l£J kJ Word Processor for RSDOS, LV2 Tools 'I 1=, Check or M.O, Utilities for OS-9, V-Term Terminal , 1_1',I. Prog�am. Zapp'er I?isk Editor progr:am. Booth prices on request • ('OCi3�"!-889� I,.; IEi!'.1- i" vJ II .',' MultiMenu WhICh IS a user customIzed .1 PHONl1IiJ:l,1X' I.. replacement for MultiVue. and finally �i Mail to: Middle America Fest (my special favorite) Pre.vo Partner 1=[ I Terry Simmons! Treasurer WINDIRMEREDRREI m:MERTOH! i, , I 1,l3[t2 a��mtment ca1..1 enu<1r· and t e I eph one WA9831ml2[,', 1328 48th 51. ,lI,mSAL5IJfl!reCOta'LOO'PROORAUOO*1'FAlNOO :�·. dtalIng rolodcx database, , Des Moins. fA 5031 I •I �, 1= l� .-�'��ii-=-I�I��__ -'.�L.�! +8 OS-9 News1etter + iii

CLUB ACTIVITIES REPORTS: CoCo Keyboanll<;xtension 2192 Harrware Hacken Projl'ct proposal 12/92 Bellingham OS-9 USt!S Group 1/92 by Rodger Alexander Make IDE Interface. Pin outs of IDE driw Bellingham OS-9 Us<'fS Group 2:92 CoCo to IB:\f Interface 5/92 induded in article. BellinghamOS-9 Us..'1'S Group 3/92 Build a Hard Driv.: intrnle's Bit�Bucket (l'eb.'92) by DaVid Graham hy Rodger Alexander Corrections to PI)S IJatabase 'C The Language of choice POWff Boost 6309by Burke & Burke so Correction to Hard Drive Interfa .. e Why 'C' i. attrative to progr�rs New product report by Pat Pleuard in June '92 by Randy Kirschenmann by Rodger Alexander Carl Kreider's comments on new AR's 9192 You can b(>" Video Star 5in Which version of AR is legal Request for video tape submission to be HARDWARE: by Carl Kreider used at tbe PNW CoCO FestII 1.2 & 1.4 High DensityFloppies 4192 <:'0<:'0 Trivia Contest 5/92 by D.Zimmerman & R.Alexander ModifYing the old 12volt controller Request for submissions by Robert Brose II hy Donald Zimmerman PATCHES: 1.2 &; 1." Meg FloppIes lin Disk Drive .Jumper Settings 1192 De.k:\Iate-3: 1!92 by A/ark Johnson Disto's "No Hlllt" Controller 12/92 ModPatch tile and Basic09 Proce dures 655t Hardware Hack 7192 Testing cache R.AM for lililurc by Dan RobbinS ModifYing the Disto 4 and 1 hy Gene Krenciglowa 3Z:\U1z Crystal Clock Patch 7192 by Terry Trapp Getting the 08-9 Attitude 10/92 by Gene Krenciglowa Better "HAU(" to ftx IRQ bug l l i92 The logic behind OS? complexities B &; B PowerBoost Patch"s 81')2 Solder diode on CoCo moth.:rboard by Jim lALone Corrective patches to the BoostL'r by Eddy Cardone GIl\IIX: 80 pound� of 089 powt'r 12192 by C.Wesl & Carmen /z::/Jr. CoCo Lan Networking 1 1192 S)"'tem and software des<-Tiption with Network CoCo's all over the place scannedpictures of computer by l':d c'Delphi by Rodger Alexander QUESTIONS & ANSWERS NO ARTICLES FOR '92 • OS-9 Newsletter

I :1 I Submissions REVIEWS: C Tutorial: Chapter 3 5192 6311091� PowerBoost 6in DOWITILE.C FOHtOOP.C, BREAKO:>i.C 110\\ to install lJ&1J PQ'lNerBoost SWlTClI.C. GOTOEXC, ll�:vIl'CONV.C by Rodger Alexander D1 fBMCO!\:V.C Chkago };'I'�I 6/92 Gtttinj! Startl'd"ilb Multi-Vue 2/92 by ColinMcKay Making a lv/ulti-Vue hoot disk J)lsk Cnlsh ))iskCopy 2.1 1192 11/92 by Darren Kindberg Why?and what C,U) you do about it 1\111gazitll' Index SYlitem 61n by D.Ganl::, GKrenciglowa, DKelley Magazine (btaha.",by van d"",Poet Easy way to make a Boot lOi92 by Rodger Alexander DIsk Use editor contig boot list NitrOS9 11/92 ma.. = 10 make by Rick Patches modules filr6309 native mode Uland by Alan DeKok Fill'Allocation BITS How OS9 keeps track ofused s.:ctors Power Boost 6309 by Burlw.> & Burke 6192 by Radger Alexander byAfarty Goodman Hacking OS-9 Seeurlty g;92 Pl'IWCoCo Fest II 6/92 t:sing Basic09 to change User lD It Wbatwent on at thisyears PNW Fest by Radger Ale..wmder by Rodger Alexander How to "Patch" 7192 Previews: 9192 Using patch programs GUI.Lgraphks int 'T'fa.. ce library .� by Mark Fa rrell CCStacks point and click environment HEY! If I can do it you can too. 1 Installingthe Oevelopment Pal!. 1/92 The 6309 Book 7.,92 by lack Sessions from Burke &. Burke. Book and Disk OS-9 Boot Modules 12/92 by T.Larra ...), & R.Alexander *** *** !\IoduyInit module so CC3Go can be * * placed on the disk inst�ad oftht:boot SOFTWARE: by DaVid /I"ordell :: Great Stuff :: CIlIUI,lemo 2i92 OS-9 Concepts 2192 * * Basic09 Procedure to create phone How the Mu\tiPak works memo fo nns (Bernie's Bit_Bucket) by Kevin Darling for your 08-9 DeskL'\IIiU-3 1192 PCto CoCo Transfer 11/92 *: *: Addleed Procedure Csing Kull modem to traru;fer data Setbit.C 8'92 by R. W Kemper System by Rick Adams FWD and PXD Mysteries revealed 4/92 We've :* Insightto OS-9 disk structure ::! been in the software by Zack Sessions TUTORIAL: * business fo r over 10 years--and "SETBIT" Update 9/92 * ::* Basie09 Part-4 \,92 How to modifY File Allocation Table to * we've developed lots of * Building database DeCRee Procedure and reflect file se.,1 or bits excellent software over that Edlt_Rec Procedure by Rodger A/e.:rande,. : : by R.Alexander & SHonaker Using 'dt)l' 12192 ::time. We donlt have room in :: Basie09 Part,5 2192 Modi/Yingbits wi thin a disk file BuildingJump search Procedure this space to tell you everthing, _ Anonymous :: :: by R.Alexander & SHonaker * but weld love to send you our * Balsie09 Part-5 3/92 ______catalogue listing aU of our :: Building database Sorl Procedure ... : by R.Alexander & SHonakiir products. Great stuff like our :: Basie09 Part-7 4192 p: Microware Gossi text editor, Buhding the Search Procedure text :: by RAlexanJer & S.lfonaker : Ved Vp "';nt g n fonnatter, Ba,lc09 Put-S 5192 It seems that Microware is gettin i to: Cribbage, Magazine : Updating prIl\ious Procedures the gaming business fo r CD-I. Maybe* Index Sy stem, Ultra Label * by R.Alexander & SHoliaker they'll put a shame to some of those Ma ker, Vm ail, amd more. :: Bwiie09 PDS Datab_(Part-9) 6192 !* * R�-Building the Search Procedure companies like the one that sounds like R<:-BuHding the Pack Procedure Microware-- but is a bit --softer. : SI0 you on y get w h at you nee d,* :: by R.Alexander & SHonaker * 8aslc09: Using the GFXl (Seleet) 12192 please specifiy OS-9 or 68K Also the February issue of BYTE is Using'Select' to chlUlge windows ! : by Gene Krenciglowa dedicated to CD-ROMs, and mainly. CD-* Bob van der Poel Software* * * 9192 Changing fthname (NOT Renaming) I, VIS and MMCD. Both VIS and* * Understanding file structure MMCD use some stupid derivative PO Box 355 PO Box 57 * byAl Semeluk ! C Tutorial: Chapter 1 3/92 such as MS·DOS and windows. W hile* Porthil1, ID Wynndel, BC : OS's, a S 9 TRlVALC, WRTSOlvfE.C. CD-I uses the Pirate of - us 83853 Canada WRITMORE.C : : C Tutorial:Cbaptt'f 1 4192 VOB 2NO __ : ONElNT.C, CO�IME";TS.C DON VAILLANCOURT;FidoNET .- : GOODf'ORM.C, UGLYFORM.C Phone (604)-866-5772 ��------*�*: *****************�**: OS-9 Newsletter +

Club Activities Report Bellingham 089 Usen Group - Longview/Kelso Co Lo Club Mt. Rainier CoCo (1ub - Port 0 'CoCo Clu b - Sellttle 68:(xxMu g

been labeled crazy by those who could not. Bellingham DS-S Users Group Februal)" s meeting will feature almost the same agenda as Unfortunately, our January meeting was a total bust. Our this meeting, but hopefully we will have a better success rate. agenda looked good but destiny chose another path. It was -- Rodger Alexander -- like a comedy of errors, but not very fu nny. First item on the agenda was the installation of Dynacalc in the GIMIX computer. The hard drive crashed last month Port D CoCo Club and only the installation of Dyn acalc and the Sculptor With each new year comes new surprises. The first Database remains 10 return the system to its pre-crashed state; meeting of the Port 0' CoCo Club fo r 1993 had two. One seem simple enough, but first you have to be able to log on to posilive, one negative. the GlMIX and I fo rgot the super user's password. No Phyllis Armstrong has been doing our calling before problem! We booted the computer with the system backup each meeting to our list of about 40 people interested in the floppy and were able to look into the password file to view the CoCo. There is a usual cross section of "Thanks, I almost super user's password and then rebooted the hard drive, gained forgot," "I'll be out of town Monday, but I'll try to make access and beganthe installation of Dynacalc. it next month," and "Oh. that's a topic I especiaUy like, I'll be Unfortunately, the documentation for the dy nacalc there." There are even one or two "I've sold my system. installation into an OS-9 system using terminals is Please remove me from your list." But with each one of those uninformative, vague and lacking any hint of what we are we seem to find one or two new people who drift into the supposed to do. A configuration program was run but some of group. January's phoning seemed no dilTerent than any the questions asked were beyond our understanding. such as: other month. But much to our surprise we had an What is the character representing the first column location, exceptionally strong crowd, 18 people by the time the last one row location? The second column location, row location? arrived. And eyen at that there were twowho called later and OUR? said they had a bad sector in their cranial memory and forgot You mean there is an ASCII character that represents a to attend. location on a screen? Am I missing the pixel or what? (Pun So we started offwith a crowd. Before we got to the fun intended!) things we had a couple business matters to discuss. First, our Second on our agenda was to complete the printout $10 to the State needed to be mailed fo r our corporation routine in the PDS Database that was started by the Seattle registration fo r 1993. Bud Heick is taking care of that and a 68xxxMUG. Did anyone remember to bring their OS-9 set of by laws fo r us to have. He hopes to have those Manual.... Of course not. Fortunately we have the hard bound completed before spring. copy of Basic09 Tour Guide by Dale Puckett. Surely any help We also discussed the Computer Fair at the Kitsap Mall we needed about writing and opening filesto the printer would in Silverdale which took place the weekend before. We be induded there .... NOT! handled the organization of the event for the second (and last) Third on our agenda was the completion of the 6309 year. Not only did we handle the clubs, but this time we also installation to Mike Pleas's CoCo. Mike is also our Basic09 invited retailers and computer services to have table space. expert. Unfortunately Mike had a relapse of the flu and pulled For the two latter we charged a nominal fee. For this fe e each out of the meeting at the last minute, so his project is tabled company received free advertising in a mailing into 20,000 until next meeting. homes before the event, a supply of flyers to pass out to As a diversion, Rodger AJexander demonstrated a new customers the week before, and a business card ad along with graphics software imaging program that displays 3 a list of local bulletin boards. Everyone seemed pleased with dimensional objects on a standard VGA screen without the aid the arrangement and we wound up with about $-1-0 in the of 3-D glasses. However, to view the objects you must look club's account. Terry Laraway, Tom Brooks, Gene Elliott, "through" the monitor by focusing your eyes beyond the front BuZ'.t oJ nes and Donald Zimmerman manned the booth fo r of the monitor screen. Two dots are displayed at the top of the the two day event Thanks fo r your commitment to the screen for the ,;cwer to concentrate on and adjust the eyes cause. until three dots arc seen. then the 3 dimensional objects Upcoming is the Computer Swap Meet on the 30th. We become visible deep within the depths of the monitor. WOW! '''ill not be directly present anymore at these events because Unfortunately, I was the only one who could see it and have the organizers are now charging non-profits fo r space. The • OS-9 News1etter 11 ·

$50 per event is beyond our means. But we will be indirectly next step in the CoCo family and some mind blowing demos involved because the Computer Bank Charity has voted to as more software comes along. pay the fe e and be at 7 of the events during 1993. So if During all of this excitement there was a fa ir amount of :myone asks any CoCo questions you can be sure they will be wheel in' and deatin'. Bob Vail brought a color plotter in that handled! he wanted to sell and had it sold before he found a chair to git The biggest surprise was a recent letter fro m Ed McMann in. More of the programs the club bought a few months ago himself. He wrote us to tell us that we, the Port 0' CoCo were sold aJso. So it was a great evening all the way Club, may already be the winner of $10,000,000.00. The around. drawing "vill be January 29th during the NBC Nightly News. FebruaI)" s mecting is thc 15th. We will be starting at 7 Well, you Can be damned SUfe that our fo rm has bcen mailed p.m. with a brief business meeting and an update on our own in. And plans arc already in the works fo r what to do with system. We hope to have a hard drive in place by then. Then the $10 million. One suggestion is to have a fully outfitted the meeting will move to a nearby home for a pretesled and tower fo r each person who comes to the February meeting. secure normal single line phone demo with Cloud's Corner. A Another suggestion was to hold the February meeting in Fort caravan of cars will make the trip so directions arc not needed. Worth. While another suggested holding a Fest on a cruise Just get to the Stock Market Foods location before 8: 15 and ship. the USS CoCo, of course! You can be sure we will let you will be part of tile parade to the ACTUAL demo of BBSs! you know when the money is being delivered! As they say, the fifth times a charm ! Another topic of briefdiscussion was the establishment of -- DonaJd Zimmerman -- some cause or another for the club to take up and undernrite...... One suggestion was a small grant to a college student, say $250 a year. The driving concept behind the suggestion is Seattle SBxxxMug that any group should not only serve itself, but also serve its The January meeting was of special interest to Amateur Radio fe llows in some way, Since computers naturally work hand in Operators who have computers. Scott Honaker demonstrated hand "\i th education maybe a scholarship of some kind would telecommunications via HAMRadio or Packet. be a good idea to reach out into the community and serve Scott used a laptop PC portable computer for his those striving to better themselves and the fa bric of goodwill demonstration because we did not have access to a monitor fo r in our area. Concerns were expressed that we had only $700 the club's CoCo. Scott also brought along a very small. hand in the account and that our first project is Lhe upcoming held, 2 walt 2 meter transceiver plugged into a TCU or PNW CoCo Fest III. We should fo cus on that first. Also Terminal Communications Unit that plugged into the suggestions were expressed fOf variolls projects in different computer via the RS-232 port. Since the software is in ROM parts of the county. We may want to look at making a in the TCU it is possible to operate this setup on any computer contribution to some project that is bigger than we that has a standard RS-232 port. OS-9 works very well fo r ourselves can handle. The topic rcached no conclusion. but this. Of course you need to have an RS-232 Pak plugged in to will be brought up again in the fall. the CoCo, the Bit-Banger port on the back of the CoCo will The downside of the meeting was our unsuccessful not work. attempt to get a phone line into the meeting room. You'd Operating the TCU was very similar to running most think we were caught up in an episode of "McGiver" trying to standard terminal programs. You can send and recch'c brake into a secret installation! We made some phone cal ls to messages via packet radio repeaters to almost anyw'here on the people who were suppose to be in the know about multiline continent or even the world fo r FREE! Thcre arc even Packet phones. We checked out the system the morning of the BSS's that you can log on to and download files just like with meeting. We had three men and a boy stringi ng wires and normal Bulletin Boards that you callover the phone. trying all combinations trying to get a simple dial tone. The word PACKET refers to how messages arc sent oyer Nothing. So we were unable to demo Cloud's Cornef, the the air waves. Each message is broken down into small units BBS that's been so supportive to the OS-9 ccho in our area. of 128 or 256 bytes (['m not sure of the actual size). These The next plan of attack is outlined at the end of this article. small packets of information also include error checking protocol SO that if the message is not correctly received. the The highlight of the meeting was a brief discussion and same packet is sem again until the receiving end confirms an eXCiting demo of the MNJl l by the Gonzales brothers of error free reception. Bremerton. They are the company reps fo r this area. They If you wanted to send a message to your uncle in San actually had company flyers to hand out They also opened Francisco. you could call up a local packet BBS and transmit the case and showed off the guts of the system. As seen on a your message with an address header indicating the final Sony Trinitron Professional Monitor. the graphics were destination. The BBS stores your message and then relays it stunning! Refer to their ad in this newsletter to request the south automatically to another BBS that will do the same until MMlIfl yer and answer any of your questions. The MMlIand your message reaches its destination. WILD !! the brothers wi II be at many of our future meetings. So we -- Rodger Alexander -- should have a continuing report of what is happening with thIS ..------:� .. ------., . Washington State BBS List COLUMBIA HTS. BBS ; Bellingham OS-9 Us ers Group ; I -- LonviewlKeiso -- OS-9 and the CalOr Computer $5 I RiBBS (FidoNET) Tu torial and Hardware Hacker's Jlanual. (206) 425-5804 Includes 5-114 Disk of (360K) of upgrade software I DATA WAREHOUSE BBS - - Spokane -- Color Computer Video Library $10 I RiBBS (FidoNET) Fixing the MuitiPak IRQ * Installing Floppy Drives (509) 325-6787 Installing 5I2K Memory * Installing B&B Hard Drive I BARBEQUED RIBBS OS-9 Newsletter $10/yr. -- Bellingham -- 12 monthly issues packed with OS!) Update, Tutorials, I PC-Board (PC-Net) - CoCo Conference #5 Listings, Classifieds and PNW "Club Activity Reports" (206) 676-5787 I OS-9 TACOMA BBS Mail your order to;.Bellingham OS-9 u'sers Group -- Tacoma -- I 3404 Illinois Lane, Bellingham WA 98226 I RiBBS (FidoNET) L ______.I (206) 566-8857 ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE BBS The : 08- 9 Newsletter is a copyrighted

-- Anacortes -- publication ' by 'the .. B�lIingham OS-9 Users 'R�dger Alexander, �E4itor. Duplica:: RiBBS (MaxNET) Group; (206) 299-049 1 tion . and/or;distribution is prohibit�d"without


OS-9 Newsletter 1)404 Illinois Lane 'Bellingham, WA 98226-4238