The Clinton Independent. VOL. XXXVI.-NO. 22. ST. JOHNS MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1902. WHOLE NO.—1832

Millinery Aiinouncemttut. OBITUARY. VILLAGE OF FOWLER Durkee & Butler have returned ABE VEKV NERVY. V AKNUM D. WORDEN. from the wholesale houses better pre­ im la Steadily Growing Into Prominence aa a Varnum IX Worden was born In pared than ever before to supply the Stafford county, N. Y., on June 1, Market and Trading Point. needs of the public in the line of milli­ nery. 1824. In October, 1847. he was marri­ In consequence of the good grain and President-Elect Bullard Petition ­ ed to Miss Mary Caswell. lie died A Substantial Raise in Rates A DeWitt Man Confesses to the Prices are lower and materials pret­ produce market established at Fowler tier than heretofore, and there Is no ed to Reappoint Republican March 14, 1902, aged 78 years, 8 by Old Line Insurance and the cjnservative policy of her offi­ Horrible Crime and Receives months and 14 days. cials and people there is a strong de ­ reason why the season should not be Officeholders- The deceased had lived in St. Johns Companies. prosperous and pleasing. mand for farming lands about the Just Punishment. We have engaged the services of twenty-six years, making his home place at good prices with an upward witli Ids daughter, Mrs. C. Kochon. Miss Kinne, who has had several tendency. The ruliug prices are from seasons ’ experience both in Detroit He had been a member of tiie Masonic $5o to $65 per acre, according to im­ fraternity since 1865. and other places in tiie state. We provements, and a more thrifty lot of would be be pleased to have the public ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE Tiie funeral was held from the INSURERS ARE KICKING people cannot easily be found In any CLYDE GATES OFFENDER. residence of his daughter Sunday meet her at our opening, March 21, township in tiie state. The people are and we feel sure that she will be able morning, Marcii 16, interment being buying more and better goods, and in Victor cemetery. A large number to please even tiie most particular merchants are enlarging their places customer. Who Want a Change, Have of Masons and friends accompanied And a General Stampede to the of business to better serve their trade. Pleaded Guilty Before the Court Right to One and Will Not the remains to their last resting place. Mutuals May be the Constantine Gruler, the pioneer Rev. B. McDermand conducted the merchant now doing business in that and is Now Serving a Two A II it ml mo m ,* Gift. be Disappointed. services. Result. village, lias a tine location, good brick Years’ Sentence at Ionia. A large and handsome portrait of One son and one daughter are left building and a well assorted and well tiie late Byron F. Cutler, well known to mourn their loss. Mr. Worden had kept stock of staple dry goods, gro­ to the older residents of St. Johns, luis tiie respect and esteem of a numerous ceries, etc. Owing to tiie fact that been presented to Grisson G. A. It. The attempt being made by certain circle of friends and acquaintances Notices to mark up rates 25 percent ills children are one by one golngaway Clyde Gates, of DeWitt township, Post, this village, and will be hung by republicans to induce President-elect and he died full of honors as of years. on certain classes of risks have been from him lie lias concluded to sell iiis tiie side of that of iiis brother-iu-law, stock and rent his building to some who has figured in the courts of this Bullard to reappoint certain village Death|uf a Pioneer. received by some of tiie local insur ­ tiie late Charles E. Grisson, in honor good business man looking for a good county to some extent, and is about 22 of whom the Post was named, in the officials is as brazen as it is character­ Adam J. Richmond, at one time a ance agents from some of the com­ years of age, was arrested last week resident of Greenbush, but for the last location and business. Post rooms. Mr. Grisson and Mr. istic. panies tiiey represent. Tiie increase Tony Fox, a former St. Johns mer­ and taken before Justice Sweeney, of seventeen years in Rattle Creek, died Bath, for examination, ciiarged witli Cutler were strong friends, and the When the people of the village voted goes itto effect upon receipt of the chant, lias a very large and well ar­ fact that their portraits will be found at his home of heart failure, March 12, ranged stock in Fowler, and is com­ an assault witli intent to commit rape Mr. Bullard into office it was for the 1902. notice. side by side will be very gratifying to manding the attention of tiie people upon his sister, Mrs. Dio Knight, of the members of the post. purpose of making a change in the Deceased was born in Leroy, Gene ­ After stating that business lias been Bath, aged 17 years. He waived ex­ see county, N. Y., April 1H29. and and a large trade. administration of village affairs. No 26, unprofitable for several years, owing Frank W. Geller, at the old stand amination for Iiis appearance in the Licensed to Wed. was nearly 78 years of age. Resides a circuit court. In default of bail he was one who voted for the president-elect to heavy losses, witli no better pros­ on tiie corner, is doing a very tine busi­ Date Name. , widow, lie leaves a son, E. L. Rich­ ness. He not long since associated with confined in tiie county jail until Thurs­ expected for a moment that lie would mond, manager of the liusiness Office pects for the future, tiie circulars eou- March 13— Robert 8. Morrison, Olive, ...... him a very tine partner who will re­ day last when lie was arraigned before Helen U. Whittemore, Ovid ...... reappoint a single republican to office. Supply Co. of Battle Creek one daugh­ tidue: the court, where he pleaded guilty, ter, Mrs. B. F. Weed, of Bunker Hill, main until seperated by death. She 15—Flenn.f. Ferguson. Olive, ...... They voted for a change and they are "We instruct you to demand an in ­ attends to the domestic part of the wliereupou he was sentenced to serve Leo I a C. Smith, Olive, ...... and an adopted son three years of age; a term of two years in tiie Michigan 15—D. U. Smith, K»sex, ...... entitled to oue, and it is the*height of crease of twenty-live per cent over house while Frank attends to commer­ six grandchildren and several great existing rates on — cial and business part. He is atten ­ Reformatory at Ionia. It was ciiarged Nellie Stolr, Essex,...... impudence for anyone, by petition or grandchildren. He was a carpenter that the attempt was made in the 15—August Herkhousen, Essex,___ “Mercantile stocks in all buildings tive to business, keeps a clean and Grace Stoir, Essex,...... otherwise, to attempt to influence and joiner by trade, having built a tine except such as are occupied as dwel ­ latter part of February last. The residence during the winter which lie well regulated store ; is courteous to 17 — Uoy Houghncr. DeWitt,...... Mr. Bullard in the making of the lings above tiie grade iloor. ills patrons, sells goods at a reasonable young woman has been married less Mary Angell. DeWitt,...... had just completed, doing all the work than a year. necessary appointments. "On Inline store buildings. margin of profit and enjoys the confi ­ 18 — l)aniel Blough, Eagle,...... himself. His remains were taken to “On all manufacturing risks and dence and best wishes of tiie people of Thressla M Tick, Eagie,...... It should be remembered that those Leslie and laid to rest bv the side of other special hazards, to include cold tiie village aud country about. lO—Charles Collins, Linden, Midi., HORTON IS WILLING. Nancy Cox, St. Johns ...... who are now “plugging” for the re­ his first wife who preceded him in storage risks, mill lumber yards aud H. J. Goerge, tiie furniture dealer death by several years. H. L. Rich­ grain elevators, unless these latter and undertaker, assisted by his son, 19— Irvin Skinner, Essex,...... appointment of certain officials were mond, brother of the deceased and only Lenawee County Will Ably Support Him Eva Stead, Essex,...... the most active in their efforts to de ­ iiave within tiie last 12 months been one of the nicest young men of tiie survivor Of their father’s family, at­ rated upon schedules wherever ob­ village, Is doing a tine business. He for Governor. * Business Change. feat the democratic nominee, and it tended tiie funeral and returned home tained, but which have been approved occupies the tirst and second story Friends of George B. Horton to tiie Monday. Mkh . II. L. Richmond . Having purchased tiie stock, fixtures is an exhibition of the coolest kind of by this office, and such advanced rates witli goods in his line. Mr. Goerge is number of 80, representing all parts of and good will of tiie retail grocery nerve for these parties tc attempt to to maintain until risks shall be re­ a very pleasant gentleman to deal the country, met at Iiis conference at Gone to Her Rest. business for so many years successfully induce the president-elect to reappoint rated under schedules. witli. Workingmen's hall at 2 o’clock last carried on by Mr. O. P. DeWitt, I Mrs. Marian E. Dodge, of St. Johns, "Risks equipped with an approved Frank Becker, who not long since Friday afternoon. republican office-holders. take this opportunity of saying to the well known in musical circles as an in- standard sprinkler system are except ­ purchased his brother’s interest in tiie Mr. Horton defined iiis position people of St. Johns and vicinity that No one objected to their working for ftructor, was called to Eden, Ingham ed. grist mill, is enjoying a large and in ­ briefly. It is that “Barkis is willin ’,” it shall l>e my aim to merit a continu ­ the success of their party; that was county, Mich., last week in conse ­ “This advance must take effect upon creasing custom trade. He is a good providing lie can get a sufficiently ance of the confidence so generously to be expected, but there if very quence of tiie severe illness of her receipt of this letter, and from such miller and iiis business is prominent good ante-convention sendoff, particu­ accorded to my predecessor. Good serious objection to their expecting to mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hodges, who date we cannot accept business wheth­ among tiie good institutionsof Fowler. larly among the home republicans. goods at fair prices, courteous service “run” the incoming executive. is known by a goodly number of (un ­ er a renewal of old risks or upon new Tiie Fowler blitter factory is steadi ­ A committee appointed by tiie con ­ and prompt delivery will characterize Mr. Bullard was elected on a demo ­ people through her annual visits witli risks, on uny terms than those above ly adding to its number of patrons ference drafted the sense of tiie meet tiie business in tiie future as In tiie cratic ticket. Those who voted for her daughter and family here in St. stated. ” and turning out a tine quality of but­ iug into a preamble and resolutions past, and I shall endeavor to make and elected him, Whether democrats Johns. She was seized witli pneumo ­ In tiie circular from which tiie ter. asking him to run. Tiiev went t rading in this store as profitable to all ii republicans, were well awareof the nia which terminated in heart failure alwve is an extract the companies Sturgis & Son ’s elevators and Gay’s through witli a rush. concerned as it always has been. fact. lie was elected because the from which she died at about 11 a. m., frankly say that the reason lor the lumber yard attract people to tiiat Mr. Horton will consider tiie situa­ Very respectfully .people desired a change from the last Monday, March 17, 1902, aged increase is a desire on their part to market for many miles about. They tion and will give his decision in a few H. E. Pierce. present regime. They have a lightto about 63 years. A husband, three sons recoup themselves for tiie heavy losses are drawing trade from new territory days. The only possible stumbling expect i hat he, will make a change and and one daughter, Mrs. Dodge, besides oT tiie past few years. About two every year. block to a solid Lenawee county dele ­ lie will disappoint those who elected an aged father who had a home with years ago Commissioner Campbell The Fowler House furnishes sub­ gation for Horton seems to be a news ­ Notice. him and prove unworthy of their and the loving care of his daughter, forced tiie stock companies to reduce stantial entertainment to the travel ­ paper statement which he gave out Having retired from the retail gro­ confidence if lie does not make a and a hoft of sorrowing friends and their rates about twenty per tent. ing and local trade. When Bryan ran tirst. it is Midi tiiat cery business and being desirous of change. The opportunity of a lifetime neighbors, survive her. Later Commissioner Barr permitted The State Bank of Fowler, under tiie card strongly leaned toward free closing my books as soon as possible, is before him. If he stands by the people Tiie deceased was a true and con* them to put the rates hack to the old the careful supervision of tlio genial silver. That sticks in many of the those indebted to me are hereby re­ regardless of what a few wirepullers slstant Christian woman, having been figure, and now it seems that lie lias and capable cashier, W. H. Snclling, o[d liners ’ crops. quested to call at my office on Walker and selfishly interested officeholders a faithful member of the M. E. church allowed them to add an additional lias tiie unbounded confidence of tiie Neither Farmer Bliss nor Farmer street east and settle their accounts may say or do lie may be sure that the for many years. She was a t rue wife, 25 per cent. If the cost of doing people, and is yearly increasing in Stearns lias tiie hold on the rural pop­ at their earliest convenience. people will stand by him: contrariwise, a devote I and indu'gent mother and business, from causes beyond tiie con ­ strength and importance. ulation tiiat Mr. Horton lias. As a (). P. D eWitt. tlie result will be equally certain and an obliging and kindhearted neighbor, trol of tiie companies, had increased McMillan & Williams, the leading farmer lie is the real tiling, and lias reasonable. loved, honored and respected by all. withal been very successful. He there could be no objection to a milliners, will iiave their opening of BUSINESS LOCALS. It is safe to assume, however, that She had resided at Eden about forty reasonable raise in rates. But there Easter millinery. Thursday, Friday knows tiie needs of the farmer, at least Mr. Bullard will not allow himself to years. lias been no increase in tiie cost of do ­ and Saturday, Marcii 27, 28 and 29. from the republican standpoint, and be influenced by any considerations Mrs. Dodge returned home Monday Don ’t miss it. should lie beeome governor may be de ­ Muncy 'hi Loan At Lowest Rule oflntcretfe ing business nor do insurance men II. J. Patterson , St. Johns. other than the wishes of the people as evening, and with her husband and claim that there has been. Tiie rea­ C. B. Brunn, the maker of tin. cop­ pended upon to give a clean adminis ­ expressed by their votes on election son Earl went to Eden yesterday son given is that “business has been per, and sheet iron ware is meeting tration. One tiling may be taken for day. He may be depended upon to do morning to attend the funeral that Tiie leading novelties in spring mil­ unprofitable for several years owing to with success on account of tiie good granted —politlcans of the “Tip” At­ linery may be seen and enjoyed at tiie what is rigiit, and tiie right, in this day. Mrs. Dodge has the fullest sym­ excessive losses.” In other words, work he is turning out. wood class will Iiave to go way back instance, is to obey the mandates of pathy of her many friends here in this opening at Boucher Jfc Petsch’s, Wed ­ they propose to compel their policy­ IX Kochon is a model blacksmith and sit down. nesday and Thursday. March 26 and 27. the people whose servant he is. her season of great bereavement and holders to make good their losses. sorrow. The never-failing and anx ­ and borse-shoer, a fact winch the How many of the policy holders will people are fast finding out. M. W. of A. iously looked for weekly letter will stand for it remains to be seen, but no OBITUARY. THE CHAIN GANG come no more. Hut tiie promised king, Gruler & Snelling, druggists, Will give a dance at Kenyon's hall doubt many of them will remember have a tine assortment in their line meeting on the other shore will serve that relief is to be had from the mut­ tomorrow (Friday) evening, March 21. and are enjoying a large and satisfac­ KLIItA A. MANCHESTER No objectionable characters allowed. St.Johns Oil.l Fellows S|>l<-iicli

Where Is Y ohuk Morset The police raided the Still Alunn The !l*(ar>. Tlie Klnir of ftpnlu. WIKINHH. Grant M. Morse, state game warden, restaurant in Lansing Sunday night Congressman Corliss says: "All the | Bellamy Hterer. United States minis arrived In Kalamazoo NVednestkiy in and caught the proprietor, John Lott. pictures of distressed Cuba and the , ter to Spain, says that reports that tic* search of his son. who disappeared : and six young men engaged in a gain* I. benefit she will derive from the pro- young king was physically and mental- from the Agricultural college some i of craps. All were arrested and held l>oscd tariff reduction ou sugar,” he ly unable to assume the reins of gov- Charges His Wife With a Grave time ago. Morse left Lausiug in the . for examination. Provisions of the Senate ’s Ship said, "urc not a reality, and are found eminent are untrue. He has been ad- morning for Three Rivers, but stop­ l/ouls Doan, of Grand Knpids, the only iu the circulars of the United mirably brought up l»y a most devoted Crime. ped off ut Kalamazoo, thinking he ! 12-year-old son of David Doan, jumped Subsidy Bill. States Exjsirt association, composed of 1 mother, and Mr. Storcr sees no rea- might tiud a clue to the boy, who Is j on a freight train, fell under the a shyster, a Jobber, and a printing son why he should not reign with honor an only son. In his worry incident to j wheels, anil was mangled beyond pres* and having u capital of nbout to himself and to his country. He ha* HO MEDALS FOR RESERVES. the scorch Mr. Mom* says that he I recognition. A crowd of school friends RESCUERS PERISH IN THE SEA. $500. grown very fast and is now a flue look­ neglected to eat any breakfast and j! witnessed the tragedy. "Cuba is not distressed industrially. ing lad. lie takes a keen interest In later on took a couple of drinks to j Cuban Industries are doing well. military affairs, and shows to great ad ­ A RjmI Blacksmith—Hot* Took t» Fatal stimulate him. The liquor went to Ills J Myron Seymour, a well-known fnrm- The Karlnx Hea Swallow* op Twelve Ilriave j er of Stephenson, drove to the home of 1 Wages Iu the manufacture of sugar vantage when he appears mounted at a Drink ~A 1'laln Casa of Mr anion -Shot head, and. as he says, “quickly con- j Men—Prince Henry H»ti He Wa. Very 1 we good iu Culm as they are in review of the troops. fused him.” ' his cousin, John Seymour, In the same Speaking of the king’s accession, Mr. a* Barglara and Falntad— W>«t*rn Va~ town, and entering the Louse, went up­ T red— The Crowds Impressed Him ' Michigan. Morp than that, Cuba has The policeman who made the arrest j been freed of $3,000,000 to $7,000,000 Stoivr'sald. “There will 1h » no formal ion's Taxes are Kany. didn ’t know the Identity of his distin- , stairs and without a word of warn ­ Most—Various Happenings Hrleily Told. coronation, as tin* king of Riwln Is sup­ ing shot Mrs. Seymour. tuxes which she formerly had to pay gnished prisoner, but when he was • I Spain. She has a greater production posed to he Immmi crowned. He will A Brute Indeed. recognized a few horns later by friends j Etta Davis, a 13-year-old girl, who After prolonged debate, the senate on °ow than ever and nt double wages. merely take the oath to preserve Ihe ho was released. ran away from home last week because Frank Hlery, a blacksmith at Mi­ Monday passed the ship sulwddy bill, "If a 20 per cent reduction were constitution, and there will be the eus- nimi*. is iicain in trouble. Last sutn- The disappearance of their son has her mother reprimanded her, has been made on Ouban raw sugar every cent i ternary ceremonies, located In Burton township. She is the liuul vote upon the measure being *mt in* wedded tlie widow Whltehouse. greatly affected his parents, Mrs. would go to the benefit of the sugar Morse being prostrated at her home In ‘ critically ill there nt the home of a 42 to 31. Senators Allison and Dolllver, trust. Wrecked tlie Plant. wiio was tlie mother of several chil­ farmer, who took her in. dren, and in the charivari with which Portland, while Mr. Morse has been of Iowa; Spooner and Quarles, of Wis­ “We show that $(>.000,000 has l>een The big plant of the Toledo Metd the neighborhood celebrated the nup ­ on the go in search of him day and j The Multifarious Food Go. has l*een consin. and Proctor and Dillingham, of Invested in the manufacture of beet Wheel Go., employing nearly 80® men. tials, shot and killed Archie White- night for the past 10 days. The only j organized at Battle Greek with $100.- Vermont, Republicans, voted against sugar in Michigan in four years nud which stand* along the Lako Shore house, a relative of his bride and a clue thus far obtained as to his prob- j 000 capital stock. Dr. G. S. Cowles is final passage of the bill, and Senator that an equal amount is ready to go railway, collapsed just as a westbound young man well known and esteemed. able whereabouts readied the warden 1 president. The company will make 25 McLaurln, of South (Carolina, voted for into the business and that 80,000 farm­ passenger train passed the building. It In Lansing Wednesday in the form of j Kiery's trial for manslaughter resulted varieties of baked gi*ods. 12 varieties It. er* an* Interested iu the raising of fell across tin* track and barely missed In an acquittal.' II is wife now a letter from a woman in Three Riv ­ of soup and six of pudding. beets. \Ye claim that a cut of 20 per the rear coach. Had the collsps© oc­ ers, who wrote that a young man Some amendment* to the bill were curred two seconds earlier, every oc­ lias made complaint before the pros­ Arthur Lake, arrested at Battle ntkqitod, but they were all agreeable cent iu the duty would paralyze the ecuting attorney alleging criminal as­ closely resembling the description of Greek on suspicion of knowing liow developiuertt of this industry, even cupant of the coach would have been young Morse had applied at her home John D. Kelly, Ills father-in-law, met to those in charge of the measure, the killed. sault by Blery ui>on liis Id-year-old friends of the bill voting down all though the* factories already estab­ step-daughter, and Thursday morning for something to eut .ast week Fri­ death, is proved wholly Innocent, and lished might be able to continue In Had it occurred during the week, it day. other amendments, excepting one by Is believed hundreds of lives would he took to the woods before the ar­ has been released. Kelly was found Mr. Allison, limiting tin* time of the the business. Last year Michigan pro- , , , rival of an oliieer. Since then he lias dead on the street car tracks. duced 5,000.000 pounds of sugar, and , ha ™ ,,ee.n lot,t‘ 11 « »PP<>*ed that the The School Closed. operation of contracts made tinder the been chased through the nort h western tills year she will undoubtedly oroduee eonllHual passing of tra ns had such Miss I’carl Orcutt. a teacher in Ja< ksou has exempted the city taxes provisions of the bill to July 1, 1920, pin t of the county by officers. Sheriff 1 for 10 years on vacant property upon ns much as she consumes effect ns to cause the walls ta weaken the North Muskegon school, appeared and providing that the amount of the until they collapsed. Dwello received notification that he i which new factories will bo built. The expenditure under the subsidy para­ had been arrested at Springport. Two in school Thursday badly broken out Mile* Can't Go. with smallpox. The school was hastily ■ resolution does not carry exemption graph should not at any time exceed Wolw*lr> Gone to Atrlen. otHecra from the city have gone after I to the personal property of the maun $8,000,000 annually. j Lleut.-Gen. Nelson A. Miles of the him. The people in the vicinity of closed and placed under quarantine. Field Marshal Lord Wols<4ey has gone Miss Orcutt claimed it was only eliiek- J faeturors who occupy the buildings, The postal subsidy act of 1801 Is *0 : army, made a specific request to the ‘Minanls and Tompkins are much j war department to be sent to the I’hll- to Gape Town. Although the official-* eiq*ox she had, Init Health Officer j The Multifarious Food Company. amended as to direct the postmaster- deny that his trip is anything but a wrought up over the affair and Biery I capital $100,000, has been organized la general to enter Into contracts for not i ippines, and In connection therewith will receive rough treatment if lie falls Denslow Insisted it was smallpox and private visit, gossip connects It wltu ordered her to go to her home in the 1 Buttle Creek to manufacture 25 varie ­ less than five nor more than 15 years, j submitted a plan by which, in his into their hands. opinion, the war could be brought to the military situation. It is pointed city. When she reached home, ehe ties of baked goods, 12 varieties of with American citizen.* for the carrying out that I/ord Wolseley's knowledge of soup and six of pudding. The com­ of malls on American steamships to | an end and without further loss of life A Ilnnl.nuU’n firmo Chai-Rf. realized that she and the family, con ­ ; to either side. He proposed to employ South Africa, gained as a fighter and sisting of three other children and the pany has a canning factory iu Gales such foreign points as will best pro­ administrator, might l>e highly useful William Baton lies critically ill at mother, would he quarantined as soon burg. mote the postal, commercial and mari­ | methods similar to those used by him the Borgess hospital, suffering, as he i KO successfully in his Indian cam- to Lord Kitchener, either at the bast* as the city health officer should re­ An eastern syndicate has leased a time interests of the United States. (Gape Towm. < r at Pretoria: Lord alleges, from poison, administered to The vessels employed in the mail ser­ : paigns. Secretary Root, after due con- hiii» with criminal intent, and desert turn, so they all prepared for a hasty I portion of the Adam Schuler farm, a i sideration, denied Gen. Miles* request, Wolseley himself says that his trip is flight. When the physician arrived j mile west of Allegan, and will begin vice shall 1*;* American built and owned entirely private. Col. Frank Rhodes ed l»y his wife, who is said to have with an officer the house was vacant. j putting down a lmmlx-r of oil wells at and officered by American citizens. All i nml disapproved the plan submitted. left the city with another man. About ! The papers, so indorsed by the secre- and Arthur Rhodes, brothers ef Cecil two weeks after Eaton was taken to I’lain clothes men are now diligently * once. The syndicate is positive oil In steamships cf the first live classes Rhodes, and Lady Methuen, were pas­ searching for the Orcutts. but have I paying quantities will be found on the si,nil I,., coin,! runted with particular I \“7' wt™Knt •« l"« White house a..,l thi hospital his wife disappeared from presldent subsequently concurred sengers on the steamer which took the city. A letter which was written not succeeded in locating them. I »r. j property. reference to prompt conversion into in the secretary’s action. The final in ­ Lord Wolseley to Cape Town. the man b.v Mrs. Eaton fho day before Denslow then visited the family pliysi- Contagious Disease Inspector Ban ­ auxiliary naval cruisers and shall b: dorsement, disposing of the matter, is she left has fallen into tin? hands of the * inn. Dr. LeGrand Wheeler, and a nov in investigating a ease of smallpox of the highest rating known to marl said to bear date March 5. 1!K12. nnulnn Strike Ot«-i*. officers. It Is filled with endearing stormy interview ensued in which the in a northern Michigan town, found time commerce. In effect President Roosevelt and Through the united efforis of rep­ terms, and shows that the couple in ­ I city health officer threatened the other that the cause of infection was a mat­ It directs the secretary of the treas­ Secretary Root h Id that the war in the resentative* of the great mercantile tended going to GndlUae. Eaton I with arrest because be persisted in tress, which, two years before, had ure to pay to the owners of any ves- Philippines Is already at an end, or bodies of Boston, seconded by tin* chief claiming Miss Orcutt had nothing but been used in a quarantined home In . sels in the United States dtilv ’roe!*"- executives of city and state In confer ­ charges that the man In the case Is I the chickenpox. virtually so, and that the adoption of G. II. Bidding, of Grand Rapids, who Missouri. i tered and engaged in the foreign trad * Gen. Miles' plan. Involving a change of ence with the recognized leaders of has left his wife and children in desti ­ j of the I.nited States :i compensation policy In dealing with the inhabitants organized labor, the great strike of ll W'nn Mf-nslcs. Charles J. Johnson, of Detroit, has amounting to 1 cent per gross regis­ tute cl ren instances. finally agreed to take the receivership of the archipelago, would be unfair freight handlers and kindred trades Mis* Kengy, tlie lady quarantined In tered ton f >r each 10o nautical tnile^ represented in the allied freight trans ­ Adrian for smallpox, was taken to a of the Ann Arbor Printing Go. at a sal­ 1 > those officials, military and civil, A llnril Penalty. sailed, not exceeding l(i entries In any whose work has brought about alincet portation council was broken Thurs­ private residence Saturday, it having ary of $3,000 [ter annum. He has tile I Verne Whlrig and Eaton Thornton, his bonds, which amount to $13,000, oik * year; and on each entry, not ex­ complete pacification. day night. Fully 20.000 men who have proven a ease of measles. Her father ceeding 1(> in any one year for a period been idle for four days went lu work living near Olivet, thought they would ha* lwon earing for her. and she will and is now in full charge of the i-om- steal a ride on a freight to Battle of five years from the date of reglstra CONDENSED NEWS. Friday morning. go home to Greenfield, Ind., early next pauy’s affairs. tion of a vessel of 1,000 gross tons, j — Greek. They stowed themselves away Fred Schelhncr. an employe of the between two cars. W id rig sat on the week. It seems that the doctors did not which shall In? completed after the ! Bather than submit to a haircut, J. P. Morgan & Go. authorized a de decide it smalljtox. but as her temper­ Owoeso Brewing Go., laid down for an passage of tliis bill, oue-fourth of one p,£ht full-blood Cherokee Indians ar- nlnl of the report that they were ne ­ bumpers, while his companion stood ature was 1(M. and the symptoms posi­ afternoon nap Sunday, and when his on a side ladder. The train broke In cent per gross ton for each 100 nautical rested Sunday, charged with being In gotiating a loan for $12,500,000 or any two at the point where the t>oys were tive it was deemed safest to establish wife awakened him for supper could miles soiled. In addition to the above contempt of the federal court, enrolled other amount for the Chilean govern ­ riding and Wldrig fell under the ears. quarantine for 24 hour* to await de ­ not speak or hear. Sclieilmer is not mentioned convpensntion. for the Dawes commission. ment. velopments. paralyzed, ns he can move freely, even Both legs were cut off above the ankle. Each subsidized vessel Is required to A man who registered at the Hotel The bankers ’ commission at P»*kln Thornton was thrown to the ground Ills lips. Physicians are puzzled over carry ns a member of its company one Lafayette as P. J. O'Connell, of South niK Khr Iiim, Fewer John. liis case. has accepted the February Installment, and severely bruised. The l>oys. who American boy for each 1,000 gross Bond, Ind.. jumped into Niagara river amounting to 1,820.000 taels, of the are IT and 21 years old respectively, Since the Michigan Central put on Its M. M. Spears, whose strange disap ­ tons, who shall be taught seamanship Sunday just above the Horseshoe falls, new mammoth engines at Bay City Chinese indemnity, greatly to the sat were brought to Battle Greek and pearance Saturday from the Columbia and engineering. The owners of the and was carried over the falls. isfnetion of the ministers of the pow- placed in Nichols hospital. Their par­ trainmen have been on the anxious seat hotel of Wyandotte, of which he was vessel must agree l*efore receiving Another fight occurred March 3 be ents are well-to-do farmers. The new engines haul twice as many landlord, is causing much anxiety to condensation that the ship in omcr- tween Russian trooj>s and 300 Tiin- cars as the old. resulting in many of creditors there, is said by the Detroit gone?' may be used by the United guses. north of Ilubandsy. Manchuria. i nts in etroit the conductors being reduced to brake AMrsEu : D . Won'l Get the Mednli. police to have cashed a $5,000 check of States for the national defense or for Two hundred Tunguses were killed, WKKK KSDING MARCH ii Secretary of the Navy Ismg has men, and a large numtx r of brnkemen doubtful character at the Detroit Na­ any public purpose, at a fair valuation j including their leader. Two Russians D etroit Opera Horsz—Modjeska sml lamit* announced that after a careful recon ­ have been laid off. Several nure of tional bank. for this service. i wore wounded. —Kvemmrs at 8: Wed. and Sat. Matine a at 2 sideration of facts the? naval board still these labor-saving engines are soon to I lie bill further provides for pav Lyceum Theater - -The Rolie of New York arrive, and the M. 0. employes are The first township In Michigan to Geroulino, the Apache Indian chief, —Matin os .;**: Kvnnfngs r>c, 2 c. i>Oo anil .Tv holds that, while tlie conduct of the incut to the owner of a documented wondering how many will have to look vote on the proposition for a township has petitioned the authorities at Wash- \\ hitnev G uano —‘"The Gynsv Cross”—Mat- Michigan Naval Reserves on the Yosc for other jobs. central high school was Portage, and vessel engaged in deep sea fishery for j ington to be released from captivity. tne*s 100. I c i*uct ioc; Evenings I o, eand idc mite is shown to have been commenda ­ tlie proposition was defeated by an nt least three months In any otic year. WoNDEKUNU--Afternoons at 2 and ». Itto. IV For the last 14 years Geronimo has and iOc; live at 7 :M and »: 15. 100, 2Uc and ’ ->-• ble, the actual Importance of the affair Killed Two Roys. overwhelming majority, the vote being $2 per gross ton tier annum, provide! bt*on a military prisoner at Fort Sill. was nut such as to warrant commem­ that, nt least one-third of tin* crew shall The 8-vear-old son of William Me- DO against and 18 for. Petitions have Ho is 80 years old. THE MARKETS. orative medals. It is declared that A horny, a Lyons photographer, died ii also been circulated in Wakeslima be citizens of the United States; and Rev. DeWitt Talningc, who was the Yosemito was not injured by tip* terrible agony Saturday about half an township for a similar election. he is directed to pay also to a citizen brought to New Orleans sick from Detroit.—Cattle: Cholro s'fcrjt. y,39; enemy's Are, and that she inflicted no of the United Slates serving as a mem­ choice butcher steers. $.V60; light b tch- hour after drinking from the content* A movement has l>ecn started by Mexico in charge of Mrs. Talrango and - Spaniards, except to force the trans ­ panions. picked up on the street. One time lie Is necessarily employed. pirg bells. M 254f4 i5; feeders an' s ock- society woman, to organize the widows slightly belter. lie is scarcely able to < rs. $3 50^7 4 50. Veal Calves —*Steady. St 5 port Antonio Lopez to run ashore to f llie other boys, a son of .Tame* and unmarried ladles of the state for No vessel shall lx* given comnepsn- j speak above a whisper. < escape capture. tion under two or more titles of this f"~ Mil'll rows and Springers— .Steady. Lawless, will probably die. The doc ­ the purpose of aip'ying to the state Rear-Admiral Ilowell. president of fl'T.'fjM). Sheep—Best lambs, 51! ■<> 2">; lig’u tors entertain no hopes of liis recov ­ act at the same time; a subsidized ves ­ to good mixes! lota. |57i5 75: yearling*. ?t 59 Western Culon Taxes. legislature fer e- eruption of the pe.r- the naval retiring board, and next to 4/5; cuffs and common. J2 50^3. Hogs- ery. The third boy will live. i sonal tax on pror-cr'y not to exceed sel shall not bo sold to a subject of a Some of tlie state officials are greatly foreign power, and that (lie president • Admiral Dewey the ranking officer of l.ight to good butchers, $*> l.Wfi :yv imik $5,000 In any par' instance. I the uavv. reached the age of <>2 Satur­ nt $6 20; pigs and light yorkers, V>. surprised at the returns made by tlv* AKOIM) THE STATE. of the United States shall cause proper stars and rorp-bs. tl 2'* 'i\ 50. Western Lnion Telegraph Co. of ft* Solomon J. Perkin*, a Lansing bnr- regulations to be framed f >r the exo­ day. and in accordance with law, was Chi ago.—Cattle: Gcol to prime steers 1 t. urher in the Pilgrim Congrega­ j placed on the retired list. SC 53f<6 PS; fair to medium. SI '3>. earnings In Michigan for 1001. Tlr* An eloofrle read from Elkhart. Ind., cut‘on of this act. stoc^ers and feed'-rs. f'j 50^5 oows. law provides that this company shall to Kalamazoo is being promoted. tional church, assisted iu the tak ng of The bill will be prolific of debate Reese Evans and A. A. Smith fought S' tOb5 V>; heifers. $2 5f)V 5 CO; eanners the collcct’on Dior® and left tlie church pay a tax of 3 per cent on its gros* The firemen of Islipemin.g have or­ when It comes up I11 the house. | a duel with Winchesters at eight feet '14r/r.>4'): hulls, $2 CC (10; Texas fed steers, ?4 75 W, 50. Hogs— dered new uniforms to scare away clesiastical funds In hi* pockets. IDs Mixed and butchers. $<>^i6.5>'); good to by the company were $135,209.49. thu* small blazes. Ilcroca Met Dvnth. ! Each received Injuries from which choice heavy. IC.tfl-iS.GO; rough heavy, the tax to lm paid $4 058.03 family is ignorant of liis whereabouts death resulted. The quarrel was over Edward M. Plunkett, wlio. for the $>von life savers, practically the cn'ofi SO; 1'srht, $r*ftt\-23; bulk of sales. Tim general expectation was that the and h!s tools, kept at a down-town tire crew of the Monomoy station on a strip of almost worthless land, Sfi.10frfi.45 Sh op—Good to choice weth­ last 10 years has been sunerlnten ’eut shop, are missing. ers. fl .V>47 ri.25; western sheep an.I year­ amount would lie much larger. The of the Ovid public school has resigned. tlie south end of Cape Cod, met death j Brig.-Gen. Frederick Funston, U. R. ling*. I; C’;rfi] 90; native lambs. tax paid by the company the last year .. Henry H. Meyers, a switch tender Monday at their post of duty, and with | A., lunched with the president, after weetern lambs. $5.25^ti.50. the law providing for a tax on the Edward Hubert was killed morning while leading logs nea*' p . !'T i in JackKon 0,1 the Michigan Central, in 'hem into the sea which capsized th-dr having been In consultation with him vnine of its property in the state, ,, ar l eni- from one engine was run lifeboat went fivo men from the , for some time. It Is probable that he Gruin*. Etc. which was found to be unconstitution ­ bine, lie w as about 3. year* old and !(,own 1)V aIUlti*„ r an d killed. He was Detroit—Wheat—No. 1 white. fi5c; U*. » single stranded barge Wadena, whom they , will not be sent back to the Phillp- re 1. S3vic asked; May. 15.000 bti at (Me. al, was in force, was $13,209.49. formerly a conductor and twice before tried to bring in safety to tlie shore. 1 pines unless he wishes to go there. closing with ‘-offers ut Kllfic; .July. 5.000 During the census year 1909 Michi­ had met with serious Injuries, losing One* man, Lemuel Ellis, through the The house devoted Saturday to pri- bu nt 80*4c. closing SO* asked; N». 3 red. Raton Not Poisoned. gan consumed 2.092.521 pounds of oleo­ a foot and hand. This time he 1 a heroic work of Capt. Elmer Mayo, of Msir; mixed winter, Kfitie; by sample. 1 margarine. or 2 0-10 per cent of the I vate pension bills, passing 229 bills and cur nt fi'e per bu. Corn —No. 3 mix*-0. file; The physician attending William both legs and died on the way to th-> another stranded barge, the John G. clearing the calendar. This is the lsr- No. 3 yellow. 62c; by sample. 1 car at (!*><• Eaton, who Claims to have been puiaon- entire amount consumed in the United hospital, lie leaves a family. Fitzpatrick, was rescued from the bot­ 1 gost number of pension bills ever per bu. Oats—No. 2 white, 4Se; No. 3 „ who was on white. 47fr4744c ; No. 3 white, 4T.V,'l* ment that Eaton ’s condition is due to for damage* against tho Michigan Imt cannot, because, according to Mln- Corn —May, 6!^c; July, 01 Vic; Soptutnber. with the disease will be removed to a the barge representing his company, : nesotu law. a life prisoner is civilly jqioplexy. followed by partial paralysis. Central Railroad. Ills foot was smash­ pest house. The infected district is a the Boutell Towing and Transportation J. J. McDonald, of Grand Rapids, dep ­ ed by a train. 1 dead. The only way he can make con- sulzlivisiou f'panted from the city Go., of that city, while Capt. Marshall i tracts, binding in the eyes of the law, I'roi’oce. uty great commander of the Knights of The proceeds from the Detroit house proper by a wide and deep ravine. Two N. E!dredge, one of the oldest life ‘•-av ­ But ter-Creameries. extras. the Maccabees, has been looking up the ; is through the iward which paroles firsts. 234721c; fancy seleetod daPy. 19^ of correction for the unpaid balance of j hundred families live tb«*re, but it is ers on the coast, went down with his him. Interests of his lodge at Grand Itapids. the institution ’s profits were paid into men. 20?; jiacklng litock, lfriflfic; commoa. lfifr to which Eaton belongs, and he agrees thought the disease can he kept out of John T. Stover was shot and killed 17c the city treasurer's office Saturday. the city proper. The scene of the accident was in the Cheese—Choh-e .state, October. IJtfrfili with the physicians in the statement They amount to $22,000; total profits, well-known tide rijvs off Monomoy by his wife Alice In New York. When per lb. that there are no traces of poisoning. Edward Farrington, brother of Bert 1 she was arrested she told the police Eggs— Candled, fresh receipts. 14c do*. $35,000. Farrington, who has been sentenced point, which makes down from Chat­ Bonev —No. 1 wh'te. 13014c; tight am­ ham into Nantucket sound. ! her husband had threatened to kill her Shot nt llnrglnrii. The threshers of Shiawassee county, to serve three years in the state pris i because she would not give him inon- ber. lOfrlle; dark umber, SfrOc. extracted. 52 In number, formed an organization OfrfiHe per lb. On returning home Saturday after- on ami pay a fine of $509 for killing Prince Henry AVn» Tlreil. | ey, and that she shot him to save her Apples—Fancy, |3fr 4.50 per bbl.; choice. coon Mrs. George Cull, of Royal Oak. in tlie ho|H* of maintaining a uniform Jesse Hooker, who was found In bed , own life. $2 V>'h3 per |>bl; common. |><*r bf>i. price for threshing and will fix the { with Be;i Farrington ’s wife, came to Prince Henry says he was so tired Banana.* —Good shipping stock, 51,rot* and her 20-yenr-ohl daughter Ethel, The transport Sheridan has arrived 2.25 t*er bunch. rate at two and a half cents per Detroit Tuesday for the purjiose of ar­ when he finally boarded tlie Deutsch­ found a large lot of groceries bedding land at New York that he slept almost ! at San Francisco from Manila, from Potatoes—Michigan, 68frf70c per bo, f. e. wid clothing piled up ready to’be taken bushel. ranging for a potliion, which he will b. Detroit. New. ii per bu. continuously for 48 hours. ITc- says which |K>rt she sailed ou February lt>. Onions —Michigan $1.35 per bo; Ppsnl.«h. away. On opening a closet door two 8. L. Treat & Ron ’s block, in Cold- present to Gov. Bliss, praying for the I Siic brings ninety-seven sick, six in- $1 75 per bu. crate. water, was discovered oil lire during release of his brother. he never worked so hard in his life a* burly negroes were discovered. Ethel when he was In the United States, that i sane and 1.189 short term men. beside* Poultry—Broilers, )5S16c; lice hens. Ptp: grablssl a ,»8-calibcr revolver and corn - Sunday's gale nud was totally destroy ­ Insurance Commissioner Barry re­ ; tlie headquarters of tlie First and old roosters, fic; spring*. ltKo'lOVic; young ed. causing a loss of $10,000. Two he never changed liis uniform so many duck*. 94(16?: young turkeys. lzqU3e: memod shooting at them, firing two ports that during the past .a ear the Third battalions of the Twentieth In ­ g«ese. ^mitlc |>er lb. Dressed fowl, 9% families occupying the upper floors had times a day or faced a succession of shots Which went wide of the mark, amount of jiolielos issued in Michigan situations requiring such nlertuess and fantry. BlOc; chickens, lie. ducks. lt'fi.TIa; geese. the negroes escaping unharmed. They a narrow escajs*. by the old line life, casualty and indus ­ Ibftltc; turkeys, young, 13ft14c; old. Il?i had gained nti entrance through a side a certain initiative on his own part. The last public bill on the calendar 12c. Lewis J. Grant, of Kalamazoo, has trial companies was $4(l,fl39,8f>».33, ns When one of his party inquired what Drered calves — Kancy, SfrSVic per lb.: window. Tlie plucky young lady faint ­ Just heard from his brother Alexander, was passed by the senate Monday. Mr. compared to $37.813,29S.J)9 for the year had impressed him most, tlie prince Hale remarked that in all his experi­ fulr. 7 «i7Vie per lb. ed away after her exciting episode. whom he has not seen for fifty years 1900. The policies In force December Dressed hogs—Light, $i.2i; medium, $7 replied that tho great, orderly and ence he hud never before known the per cr t. and who was suppfi-ed to have lieen 31 were $101,337,344.31. Including fra­ Hny —Prices on b-ii«*d hav. 'new. nre as The Saginaw police board s nmhil. cheerful crowiVs had lieen his most last public Dill on tho calendar to lx* murdered by the life Indians and Mor­ ternal companies the total life insur ­ continuous impression and would prole ! reached nud disposed of. "It is an In follow*; No. 1 timothy $11.50 to JP. No. 2 and the allegation that a tenderloin mons in the Mountain Meadow mas­ ance carried by the people of Michigan ably always $10.50; ••lover, mixed $10 to $10.5!); rye character has a pull with that depnrt- sacre. be one of his most vivid | dlcatlon that the senate is doing bnsi- straw. $fi; wheat and oat straw, $ 5.54 per is approximately $500,000,000. impressions. ness," said be. ton In car lots, f o. b. Detroit. Olarencc Hunt, a young unmarried 1'rof. P. I*'. Magan says that the con ­ As a result of the quarrels among Ten thousand people, most of them innti, suffered a crushed skull at tract has been let for the building of city officials in Saginaw, requiting In It is expected that expenses for Pres­ Gen. B. F. Tracy, ex setivMrjr of the F rnnk fort. While hauling wood Ids Americans, witnessed a bloody bull the Adventist •■ollege at Berrien reprisals ngninst a certain clique of ident McKinley ’s funeral will amount fight at Juarez, Mexico, Sunday, In navy, who was suddenly overcome b.v team ran away and he fell under the Springs. It will consist of five two- lond. the outcast women of that city, a to several h“ndred thousand dollars. which two of Spain ’s most noted ma­ illness In eourt Saturday, is reported to story brick edifices, which will cost number of women have sought refuge Secretary Cortel.vou, who has return, tadors. Fuentes and Mazzantlnl, took he steadily Improving. Alpena's schools are closed on ac­ $00,000. The work will be rapidly in Bay City. They nre seeking seclu­ ed to Washington from Canton, Rays a leading part. Six bull* were dis ­ John D. Rockefeller ha* offered to count of smallpox. The city has pur­ pushed. The college will open next sion and undoubtedly expect to return Mrs. McKinley ’s health is steadily im­ patched by tho sword and five horse* give $25,000 to the endowment fund chased a hospital and detention build- fall. to Saginaw when tbe present agitation of Win. Jewell college, provided $73.- tug. proving. were gored to death. Daniel Gillespie while badly under subsides. I/Ocnl authorities nre keeping Suits for damages aggregating $40.- Andrew Carnegie, as the ehief guest 000 additional is raised l»y Jan. j. A factory in Eftrnnabn daily turns the Influence at Bollcvi'le domandtd a close watch on the exodus, hut ex3 000 were begun Monday In the Superior of tlie New York Literary club. Raid 1903. College offleialK say the $108,004* not 71*0,000 wooden butter dishes, and that Arthur Shepherd, proprietor of peet no difficulty, under tho circum­ Court of Chicago against tlie Wabash he was much gratified by the many j will he obtained. <*ven then is unable to keep up With tlie Shepherd house, take him home. stance*. applications of small communities In The position of commissioner-general 1t* orders. Railroad Go. by the public admlnls- Shepherd refused and Gillespie drew a Maggie Rennie. 38. daughter of n trntor of the r*tntoa of eight of the j tlie west for libraries; that he had of immigration Ikik ltcen tendered by John Aldrich, living near Laliigsburg, knife and stabbed him twice, onre in farmer near Royal Oak. took a dn*e of victims of the wreck on tin* line of the Itk Time tn Forget. ries of the past which she could not Two or three blocks further on the witnessed very shameful proceedings upon him with appalling force. dude with the tramp’s hat on his head President Roosevelt has said some­ whip Into any concrete form, try as in the elections of senators by legisla­ As ho (At and waited sounds of a was submitted to tho same Pluvian tures. The country desires a change thing indicating a belief that congress she might. commotion were heard, such as caused process of sobering up. The sequel Is to the broad basis of the popular vote. will sit through the summer. The When the Marquis offered Lis hand the marquis to start, turn deadly pale left to the reader's imagination, says The people are not likely to “go president should have an interview at leaving she was a little confused and tremble as ho had never done the New York Time.--. Of course, the wrong' very often. A century of trial with the “steering committee" before by the warmth of his clasp and the he speaks again on this subject. The Most Beautiful Playhouse when bodily danger menaced him— conductor was an important factor la has shown that the constitutional In the United States. eagerness with which he promised to then through the open door came this rare matutinal comedy. method is not the best. The house has policy of the majority in congress is drop in again and see how the work dashing two little tots, one a goiden- four times tried to give constitutional to adjourn early. They want to give DETROIT’S HOME CF progressed. the people time to forget before the haired angel of three, the other a ITnntlng for thn Colonel. power to the popular vote method and When the Marquis left the modest election in November. HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE. sturdy, black-eyed English lad of four An army surgeon recently returned the senate has refused to further the little studio he was surprised at the —across the floor they scampered, from service in the Philippines tells a purpose. The resolution now in the glow of generous feeling that came 4-SHOWS DAILY-4 straight to where the American na ­ new story, which is one of the best keeping of the senate committee should Popular Election of Senator*. over him. bob sat gripping tho sides of bis chair, that has come from our new posses­ not be allowed to stay there. Now that the amendment providing 3 o’clock, 4:15-7:30-9:15 p. m. "God bless the bravo little woman — and with the assurance some children sions. H; rays a soldier was serving for the popular election of senators ia Local Time. possess, forthwith climbed directly it does a man good to even bask in in a regiment whose colonel w*as very t-enntor t.ebliardt'a sions that come from above; for up In the meantime a portion of that par­ ture. This holy desire for her good senators by direct vote of the people. seven other states have. 1- g™* each } to this hour this stern man, bent upon ticular command got into a mix-up may In a measure offset the still fierce Good for Gebhardt! The convention righting his wrongs of the past, had with some stray Insurgents, and inci ­ passion for revenge. At least it gives ought to be called if the senate re­ Spain Do«i (lie I,nn(hln<;. never once suspected that Fedora was dentally the soldier referred to had an The Headquarters of Suburb*! < me Joy, an experience I had never hop­ fuses to act. but if the New Jersey leg­ Now that we are to establish prison a mother, end the knowledge came eye shot out. He put in some time in ed to feel again.” the hospital, and when convalescent islature will ask its senators to sup­ pen 3 and “reconcentrado ” camps in the Visitors to Detroit $ His other plans were maturing. upon him like a thunderbolt from a Philippines, it is due from Spain to clear sky. was turned loose for a walk. As he port the bill now pending in the sen ­ Evidently the Marquis was in no call us (lowu “in the interest of hu­ It would be almost Impossible to strolled down the street he met a ate a convention may be unnecessary hurry—neither is the satiated cat manity. ” In that event we might sell adequately measure the surprise and friend, who, seeing the bandage which to Spain for twenty millions our op­ BO YEARS* t?hen sho has caught a mouse that she consternation that overwhelmed the kid tho cavity, asked him, “What hap­ (republican. Opposed to Reciprocity. EXPERIENCE tannot devour. marquis as he sat there and felt the pened to your eye?" The soldier ’s The Republican party was fully com­ tion on the fight. But Spain is too Livermore ’s losses at the gaming ta­ chubby arms of Fedora ’s little dar ­ other eye twinkled, and with true mitted to the reciprocity of the Ding- clever. Oh, but they soaked it to us bles were not all—indeed, it seemed lings about his neck. “dougtboy” wit he replied: “I wore ley act. but the senate has ignored the on that deal. as though circumstances had taken a Patents It was wonderful what an influence that eye out up-conntry looking for treaties so far made under it. That fiendish delight in combining to smite this new and astounding elemeut had that blooming colonel of mine on the hill, however, was passed nearly five llaheaa Corpus Oat of Date. this son of fortune at a time when he firing line. ” years ago, and in that space of time The kind of “civil government" ac­ upon him — he was quite dis ­ I RADE mAIR could not find a means of resistance. armed — those chubby hands upon opinions change essentially. But even corded to the pacified provinces in the OcaioN* The several companies controlling his face, the little cooing voice, with the assent of the house, given as Philippines is explained by the fact C opyrights A o . Novel Eskimo Wrestling. Aaron* tending a .ketch and dccrtptvon sm South African mines in which Liver ­ as trusting eyes looked up a concession to public sentiment, it is that the habeas corpus writ is not rec­ entekly ascertain oar opinion fr** wbothev «•» more had investments, and which had Next to gambling tho Eskimo men by no means certain that a reciprocity ognized by the military forces of tho Invention is probably patentable. Com manic*, into his own, exclaiming: “Dodo like to wrestle. The usual way of do ­ tlons striotif fonOdontlal. Handbook on P* ---- “ bzen paying good dividends, were ireaty would get through the senate. provinces. S*nt fr**. Oldo.t leencj for Pecarmtpeteot*. love oo’’—a man must havo colder ing this Is n test of strength rather Patent, taken tnroush Nunn k Co. ISMlVt bought up by some new combination, blood In his veins than the marquis to than skill. The wrestlers sit down IpwOtf notice, without abacs*. In the backed by unlimited capital, and endure this and at the same moment on the floor, or In any convenient place, RnriFTtlt's Peculiar Plan. Avoiding a Dangerous Topic. there war. a grave suspicion that the Scientific flatcrican. plan destruction to the little maiden ’s side by side, and face In opposite di ­ The character of Mr. Roosevelt's It will be noticed that the senate is A handsomely llhietrated weekly. T*r«r**t small shareholders were about to be parents. search for the truth is shown by his not the least curious to know how eolation of any r-lontlflo journal Tenua, Ml rections, say with right elbows touch­ year: four nx-mba, |l Bold bj aft n*w.d#*l frozen out in a way perfectly legiti­ In that short time he saw a great ing. Then they lock arms and each statement that be had summoned be­ Senator MclAiirln happened to get all CoMiB^T’New mate yet shockingly cruel. light, such as had never dawned on fore him "the surviving captains of the that patronage. strives to straighten out the other’s 00 63* r su w—hiast—. And there were others, too. him b*for» arms. THE CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1902

is leased at about 8 cents per ton nations. Not only is it true of Ameri­ Washington Letter. the discussion of private bills and it Is BUSINE88 DIRECTORY. royalty, and has not genepally been ca, but of all the world. In India, hoped that the ways and means com- The Independent. mlttee will be prepared at noon today MKR. MARION K. DODGE, Music Teacher. bought outright for mining as It la China and South America experimen ­ From Our Correspondent. to report the Cuban reciprocity valuable for agricultural purposes. tal religion never had a brighter out­ Attorneys. •BOBOB 8CORBIT. - • • Propriety Washington , March 17, 1902. measure. s look, and the great denominations of Colouel Bryan received quite an The production of coal In 1880 was KAKL BROWN. Attornoy at Law. St 129,053 short tons; In 1890, It was valu ­ the world were never better equipped The question of so amending the ovation when he appeared in the • Johns .Mich. Office in the Clinto n bktek ANOTHER HOOK MACHINE. constitution as to permit of the elec­ Speaker’s lobby on Thursday, it was J to move forward among the pagan to Political floe work seems destined to ed at a little over $149,000; in 1900, it amusing to note the efforts of the ONEY LOAN on real estate security openings. It is an interesting fact, tion of senators by the people seems to by Henry B. Wtlbrfdge, St. Johns. Itis) make the current congress notorious. was 849,475 tons, valued at over $1,259,- newspaper men to secure an interview M 000. Saginaw and Bay counties pro­ too, that the churches of the United have taken a new lease of life during but the Colonel replied to us all with Where the house does not dodge re­ Counselor and Solicitor. St, Johns; Mick duced more than nine-tenths of the States are steadily forging ahead. the past week in Washington and is the same words; •*! am a member of sponsibility, as in the Philippine being actively discussed by the demo ­ the craft myself now, you know, and Much has been said about the decline YON A MOINET, Attorneys at Lsw.St. matter, it follows the latest digest of coal in 1900. The indications all point crats in lobbies and committee moms. I cannot permit you to steal the I Johns, Mich. Office over Chapiuan'sstore. to both more mines and Increased out­ of church membership and the waning Colonel William J. Bryan spent Thurs­ thunder of the Commoner. Read the rules governing modern polities. A PAULDING, NORTON A DOOLlNti power of religion, but the census stat is­ day at tlie capital and warmly advocat ­ Commoner if you want democratic determination to build up oneofthe put of present mines in the immediate S Attorneys at Law. Office over St. Johns future. The local markets are the tics do not seem to warrant such ed the change, which may have added news. ” Natioual Hank. 1MW most powerful political machines ever to the interest taken in the subject, most important; but the coal Is spread ­ pessimism. Even within the last ten ILL H. BRUNSON, Attorney at La wand constructed in the interest of a domi ­ though the agitation bad begun before Circuit Court. Solicitor In Chancery. Office over tbe ing into the wheat count ry of Wiscon ­ years there has beeu steady growth. Mr. Bryan arrived. With a view to W nant party is evidenced in the adop ­ post-office, St. Johns, Mich. 151b sin, Minnesota, and the Dakotas be-, The total gain in all churches was learning tlie actual status of tlie The jury in the circuit court was tion of the salary plan in connection movement I made a limited canvass of given a recess last week Thursday un ­ ENRY K. WALHKIOGK, Attorney at cause of the very low rates given by nearly three-fourths of a million mem­ Law, St. Johns, Mich. 13»7 with the rural free delivery. There the situation yesterday and obtained til tlie 21st instant, when they will re­ H railroads, which would otherwise haul bers, or a percentage of nearly three was an advance in pay and the govern ­ tlie following opinions; turn to listen to tlie facts in the case ERRINS ft BALDWIN, Attorneys at empty cars westward. The Pere Mar­ per cent. The ^otal membership of Senator Rawlins, of Utah, said that of James B. Crawford and others vs. Law, Money Loaners and Real Estate ment must furnish the horses and the George A. Steel. Judge Stome re­ PAgents. Offlcoover Chapruun's, Clinton Ave., quette, the Michigan Central, and the all churches in the United States is lie was heartily in favor of tlie proposed St.Johns. wagons to cover the enormous territory turned last Monday to listen to some Grand Trunk are the chief coal-carry­ now 28,090.(537, or more than one-third change and believed it had a better provided for. It was clearly demon ­ opportunity of being adopted at this chancer veases. the entire population. What manner Dentistry. strated during an exhaustive discussion ing roads, while Saginaw bay and Sag­ session than ever before. “If it is not of man is he who becomes faint-hearted of the subject in the house that the inaw river bring lake transportation adopted at this session, however, ” E. CORBIN, M. D., D. D. 8. To get the in tlie presence of such facts?—Midi. said the senator, *T believe there is Ts benefit of theexperience medical know ­ contract system would be cheaper, to the heart of the coal basin. ledge and surgical skill which are Indispensa ­ Christian Advocate. considerable likelihood of its being ble to perfection of results in dentistry apply that the contractors could be held to made a party issue in the next cam­ to Corbin & Son, Si. Johns. a stricter accounting in the matter of MI ST OBEY TIIK LAW. paign.” Senators Culberson and Bailey Postmaster Major Blanche Cox of the Salvation H. KENYON, DeutlHiM. Over Weils’ efficiency and that they would be j KIITKKN VS. THE SUPREME COURT. of Texas both expressed themselves as L* Grocery, St. Johns. Mich. Array must serve her term of imprison ­ strongly in favor of it. Senator Vest, working for government, not for in ­ j The supreme court quite recently of Missouri, is unconditionally opposed G. H. MANN, 1>. D.S. Offieeover ment for violation of the Campus Spaulding & Co.s hardware, op­ dividual congress or any political i gave a black eye to another ripper to it. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, as Palmer ordinance of Detroit. The supreme is well known, is committed to it. as posite The Steel Hotel. Surgery party. I measure of the last legislature, when of So. Glen Falls, N. Y., des ­ aapeclalty. Office hours,8 to 1) It was also demonstrated within the court dismissed the writ of habeas is Senator Berry, also of Arkansas, a m., 1:30 to 5p. m.. 7 to 8, eve'g corpus it granted on her appeal, after | it rendered a decision in the quo war­ and both the senators of Tennessee. cribes a condition which thous­ ranks of the majority that these rural Senator Clay, of Georgia, said he had HOMAS h. u inn , D. l>. m., middle of having been sentenced to pay a fine of ranto proceedings issued by seven ands of men upper block, same floor as Perrin A 'carriers can be made to constitute a claimants to membership on tiie Sagi­ discussed the matter with Colonel and women TBaldwin, St. Johns. Mich. mighty power for the men and the $15 or serve 12 days in tlie house of Bryan and that lie hoped to sue the correction. Her attorney contended naw board of supervisors from Saginaw find identical party to whom they owe their appoint ­ amendment adopted. Senator Clark, Physicians. she had been deprived of trial by jury city, under a local act pushed through of Montana, said lie was committed to with theirs. ments, and to whom they look for re­ it and so did Senator Burrows, of HODNKIN GALE, M. I>. Offieeover and that a sentence to the house of by Republican “rippers.” Read what he • State Hank. Night calls at Tbe Steel. tention. From one year’s end to Michigan. Senator Morgan, of Ala­ W correction, where felons are confined, In addition to tlie supervisors from says, and note Office hours:—11 to 12 a. in.; 1 to a and 7 (of p m the other they are canvassing the bama, refused to express an opinion. eacli ward, the act named as members the similarity V. DOOLING, Physician and Surgeon. least accessible political sections. was unreasonable. Should the amendment pass the senate The court concedes due process of of the board the assessor, controller, it would be promptly adopted by the of your own r• Office over Allison's store, St Johns. They are brought into the closest law in criminal cases is quite uniform ­ treasurer and aldermen of the fifth, house. Mr. Richardson, the democratic case. Write to n . LEONARD, M. D., Physician, Sur- touch with the agricultural districts, sixth and seventh wards, instead of leader, told me all the democrats him, enclosing • goon and Klectroiogfst,Ovid, Mich. ly held to include right of trial by jury, would vote for it and a number of re­ E where news and opinions from the the assessor, controller, city attorney stamped ad ­ il. DODGE. M. D., Surgeon and Hoineo- •utside world are eagerly sought for. but it says it lias been as uniformly publicans would also. “It would make • path to Physician. Office and residence held that it is not included as appli­ and president of the board of assess­ the strongest kind of a party issue,” dressed envel­ Tover Spaulding &Co's hardware,opptheSteel. With ordinary shrewdness they can said a democratic member, “and 1 ope for »eply, cable in cases of violation of muni ­ ment and review. The latter officers 1,1 C. DUNN, 51. D., Physician and Sur- w in the confidence of those with whom refuse to vacate the office, claiming earnestly trust it will be adopted as and get a per­ Jl1 « geon. Office over Spaulding A Compa­ they are brought in constant contact, cipal bylaws, not embraced in general such.” sonal corroboration of what is ny ’s hardware store, St. Johns, Mich. Office tlie act was unconstitutional because A democratic senator told me yester­ hours 1 to 4, 7 to 9 p. tn. and along about election time, when criminal legislation. This court has here given. lie says regarding held that cases under municipal ordi. it gave three wards greater represen ­ day, apropos of Senator Hale’s an ­ HART. M. D.t Physician and Stir they are consulted by the roadside or tation than others. nouncement to the newspaper men H • geon. Eureka, Mich. 12)7 at the front gate, a few words for the nances do not rise to the dignity of that he believed that congress would Dr. Miles' criminal proceedings, and neither writ What the rippers will tiud it neces ­ adjourn about tlie tenth of June, that M. HAVENS, 51. D., Homeopathic Phy­ candidate that can do them the most sary to do next, if they would not find W sician and Surgeon. Offieeover Heller’s good will be repeated throughout the of error nor exception before sentence tlie policy of the republican steering Bazaar. their occupation gone, is to “rip” the committee was to avoid tlie consid ­ Heart Cure; community and carry oracular weight. would lie. It is also held competent supreme court. eration of the many knotty pioblcms "I suffered agonizing pain in the left R. S R.GILLA M,Physician and Surgeon The method that would establish a for the legislature to provide that fail­ which coni root it until after the breast and between my shoulders from Offlc? at resideuce, opposite court house heart trouble. My heart would palpi­ Dwest. Offioe hours 1 to 4 p. m and Hiodp.m huge political machine for the party ure to demand a trial by jury should be election. “They wish to prevent all further debate on their actions,” said tate, flutt'-r, then skip beats, until I In control was the one that captured a waiver of such right. A PIPE DREAM. could no longer lie in bed. Night after L’lidertakei'H. Discussing the reasonableness of the the senator, “and with that end in night 1 walked the floor, for to lie down the house. Economy and effeciency The Grand Rapids Herald man view w ill permit liberal debate of the ordinance which Imposes imprison ­ would have meant sudden death. My ILL & EDI* OSGOOD, Undertakers had nothing to do with the outcome. must have been hitting the pipe again. issues which are more or Jess non ­ condition seemed almost hopeless when opp. post-office,St. Johns. Mich. ment in the house of correction as a I began taking Or. Miles’ Heart Cure, W —Free Press. A recent issue says: partisan and will side-track those penalty the court say a public interest which i tie democrats seriously oppose. but it helped me from the first. l.ut r I took Dr. Miles' Nervine with the TEACHERS EXAMINATIONS may require foregoing private rglits, “It is reported at Lancer that the Then there will be tlie appropriation Heart Cure and the effect was aston ­ NORTHERN IMI KlCIt COAL FIELD Michigan Central has purchased all bills to he disposed of and they will and that a conscientious belief that a ishing. I earnestly implore similar suf­ The northern interior or Michigan right and title in the new electric occupy all of the time until adjourn ­ ferers to give these remedies a trial.” FOIl 1001 AND 1902. coal field is the only coal field found in law is unjust does not excuse disobed ­ road projected, known as the Detroit, ment. 1 think it most probable that Lansing & Northern railroad. It is considerable time will be devoted to Sold by all Druggists the drainage basin of the St. Lawrence ience. St. Johns high school room, beginning third ‘•If. as counsel sought to urge upon said $50,000 was the amount paid for the isthmian canal problem but I re­ on guarantee. Thursday of August. river. It lies, as Dr. Alfred C. Lane it,” gard it as very doubtful if any bill will St. Johns eighth grade room, beginning us,’’says the court, “the method adopt ­ Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. third Thursday of October. tells us in part III. of the twenty-se ­ There is no such road as the Detroit, he passed. ’- St. Johns hig-h school room, beginning last ed by the society of which the prisoner The Philippine problem is daily be­ Thursday of March. cond annual report of the United Lansing & Northern, that line having is a member was to seek men upon the coming more embarassing to tlie re­ St. Johns seventh grade room, beginning States geological survey now In press, become a part of the I'ere Marquette third Thursday of June. highways and in public places by hold ­ publican party and, despite tbe efforts Examinations will commence at 8:30stand between Lake Michigan and Lake system several years ago. Tlie Herald of the republican press to present the ard time- ing public meetings there, they were H uron in the center of the lower pen ­ should take the gold cure. news of the islands in an alluring T. H. TOWNSEND. still amenable to the will of the major­ Commissionerof Schools. insula of Michigan, and extends from manner, tlie facts will not down. Br. ity in the regulation of such places. Representative Slayden, of Texas, Jackson county on the south to Itos. RDER OF PUBLICATION- State Of We can discern a great dillerence be­ D oes anybody know what became called my attention to some of tlie THE SPECIALIST, Michigan. Clinton County, In Chan - common county on the north, and from figures one day this week and said, OCKitr. Dated February 6, A. D., 19 2. Roxy tween a common tramp, vagrant or of that petition which was presented Tuscola county on the east to Kent “It is certainly remarkable that the is coMiira-i Slater, Complainant, vs. Stephen Slater, De- disorderly person and this respondent, to President Palmer asking him to fennant. Suit pending in the Circuit Court county on the west, embracing an area people can be led to believe there is for the county ot Clinton, in Chancery, at St. and appreciate her reluctance to be appoint Attorney Moinet as village either wisdom or policy in paying out Johns, Mich , on the Gth day of February, A of about 7500 square miles. The coal attorney? hundreds ol thousands of dollars every D. 1902. placed on a level with them as to place In tins cause it appearing from affidavit on basin is a low. flat country as compared year to maintain a standing army in file, that the Defendant, Stephen Sluter is not with the surrounding rim of higher of confinement, but a community can ­ the islands larger than the entire army a resident of this S'ate. but resides in the “That $47.87 is a very small matter, State of Ohio, on motion of Lewis reveranee. land, which rises from 400 to 1000 feet not have a different place of confine ­ In the United States before the Spanisn a mere bagatelle that was not worth war, and receiving in return a trade Complainant ’s Solicitor, it is ordered that the above lake level. ment for each class of offenders. The said Defendant. Stephen Slater, cause his up- city has provided a house of correction mentioning. ” In which case it might which amounts to a few paltry thou­ pearance to be entered herein, within four In the order of time thedevelopment sands. The ouly people who are re­ months from the date of this order, and in I naturally be expected that it would case of his appearan ee that he cause his ans of this field began with the mines for the reception of offenders against ceiving any benelit, or who will do so her ordinances. The legislature has ; have been paid without calling on the wer to the Complainant ’s BID ol Complaint to around Jackson, dating back to 1835; in the future, are certain capitalists be filed, and a copy thereof to be served on seen fit to permit felons to be sentenced people. wiio will secure franchises and land said Complainant s Solicitor, within twenty next the Cedar Grand field, an area 20 days after service ott hint of a copy of said to the same olace. The expediency of grants which will enable them to farm bill, and notice of this order; and that In de ­ miles each way from Lansing, in Eaton the Philippines while the people pay such legislation is a question for the In its list of things manufactured fault thereof, said bill be taken ns confessed and Ingham counties was developed. the expenses of maintaining pease so by the said non-resident Defendant. legislative branch. As to adults, at in Lansing the Journal forgot tlie And it is further ordered that within twenty The Owosso district, including the tiiat the unfortunate islanders days, the said compluinaint cause a notice of least, there Is'some force in the sugges­ product of tlie state legislature. But will submit to tlie farming process. ” this order to be published In the Cl.inton Indr - mines near Owosso and Corunna in tion that there is a way to avoid such perhaps the Journal, in common with “What would be the policy if the penpknt , a newspaper printed, published and Shiawassee county, and near Flushing democratic party were in power?” I circulated in said county, and that such pub­ contamination, and that is by obedi ­ others in the state, would like to for­ lication be continued therein at least once in and Elk in Genesee county was opened asked. “We would make the Filipinos each week for six weeks in suettession or that ence to law, even though it be believed get that there is such an institution somewhat later, and last the Saginaw understand that if they would stop she cause a copy of this order to be personally to be unjust or invalid, until it can be and does not care to class it as one of lighting and organize a government served on said non-resident defendant ut district, including Arenac, Bay, and least twenty days beforo the time above pres­ repealed or tested in some other way.” the manufactories of the capital city. we would give them their indepen ­ cribed for Ids appcurancu. Tuscola counties, and Sobewaing field dence in all internal affairs and, as Dated Ftdlruary (!, 1902. of Huron county. soon us they developed sufficient GKO. H. MARSHALL. (M R CAUSE Is MARCHING ON. Auotlier Side of Hie Story. Circuit Court Commissioner. Mr. Lane believes that new areas of strength to warrant it, we would give LEWIS SEVERANCE. The idea seems to be qnite prevalent them absolute independence, ” was Complainant's Solicitor. 17w7 Editor Independent .—If you will HE WILL BE IN ST. JOHNS, coal will be found, but he gives the that seasons of great business prosper­ Mr. Slayden ’s reply. give me space in your valuable paper I ortgage sale —default having warning that reports of coal near ity are not conducive to devotional will say a few words about that article All last week tlie senate discussed been made in the conditions of a certain tbe ship subsidy bill. Senator Vest ^ STEEL HOTEL Mmortgage, dated November 13th, 1899, executed Detroit, New Baltimore, Alpena, and habits, that when men are getting rich in your last issue beaded “An Un ­ answerable Argument.” Merchants delivered a most able speech on tlie by William H. Castle and A'lce K. Castle to west toward Charlevoix, are usually they are not thinking of God, and subject exposing tlie fallacies of tlie Mary Cowell, and recorded in the office of the due to black shales, and that this in St. Johns and other towns find fault Register of Deeds for Clinton county, in the that in the presence of nourishing with us for buying from catalogue republican reasoning with a scathing Thursday, April 3rd state of Michigan, November 14, 1WHJ, in Liber 93 of Mortgages, on page 400; on which Mort­ region may safely be assumed to be secular interests the church is usually houses. 1 lived in Clinton county for logic. Senator Depcw supported the ONE DAY ONLY EACH MONTH. measure, as did also Senator Foraker, gage there is claimed to be due at the date of without commercial coal. neglected and the cause ot Christ lan ­ 21 years and dealt with nearly every this notice one hundred and flftv-one dollars It was formerly erroneously supposed merchant in St. Johns, Maple Rapids, but tlie latter ssupport was half-heart­ OFFICE HOURS 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. and forty cents; also one hundred and thirty- guishes. ed. He admitted that he was opposed one dollars and sixty-one cents for the taxes that there was but one workable coal Fowler and Eureka. I keep a record ot the years DM) and 1901. paid by said Mary Complaint comes that young people of what 1 buy. I dealt with one to the bounty system and would greatly Cowell on the land describediu said mortgage; bed in Michigan. There are certainly especially are now so given up to pleas­ merchant nearly three years and prefer helping the shipping interests besides an attorney feeof fifteen dollars stipu­ seven, of which three are probably bought everything I needed ’in his line by discriminating duties but stated Consultation, Examination and lated in said Mortgage to be paid should ure that they rarely attend church and that he would vote for tho bill because any proceedings be tHken to foreclose much more important than the of hers, from him. The last article he sold me said Mortgage; and no suit or proceeding at seem to be utterly indifferent to the the majority favored It. law or in equity having been instituted to re­ but the irregularities of the basin was a pair of plow shoes. He charged Advice Free. claims of religion. me $2 and one of my neighbors bought Senator Morgan has determined to cot er any part of the i ebt secured by sai'-J prevent exact correlations. The coal report the Hepburn bill back to the Mortgage; therefore, bj virtue of the pow«*r But wc must remember that this the same kind of a shoe from him for of sale In said Mortgage contained, and of the Senate without amendment and he does not, as a rule, lie deep. It is all condition of things is not new. Tlie $1.50. I bought a suit of clothes for DR. MCDONALD statute in such case made and provided, notice one of my boys from our “home mer­ told me one day last week that lie is hereby given that on April i», IOO*. at bituminous, leaning to the gas-coal same complaints were heard at the be­ believed it would pass, but Senator one o’clock In the afternoon, at the west front type. The Verne coals can be coked, chant. ” He warranted them to be Is one of the Greatest Living Npeci-al door of the court house for Clinton county ii. ginning of tlie nineteenth century. wool faced and cotton back and the Hanna will carry bis light for the ists in the treatment of all Chronic Michigan, in the village of St. Johns in said but are high in sulphur. As a steam The clergy feared that tlie young men regular price was $9. He let me have Spooner amendment onto the lloor of Diseases. Ilis extensive practic and county, there will be sold at public vendue to the senate and the contest will be a the highest bidder, thejwemiees In said mort­ fuel the coal ranks with the Hocking and women were all going to tlie bad. them for $0.50. I bought them. The superior knowledge enable him to gage described, viz: The north half of Lot bitter oue. Tlie Senator from Ohio is Four in Block Ten In the Village of St. Johns, Valley and below the Pocahontas coalsj Few of them would attend church boy wanted a pair of suspenders with cure every curable disease. All them, but the merchant said I got the very angry with tlie Senator from chronic diseases of the Brain, Spine, In Clinton County, in the State of Michigan, It is interesting to note that the Alabama because of the latter's de ­ together with the right of way for Ingress and regularly. Ths country was reviving suit for less than cost and he could Nerves, - Blood, Skin, Heart, Lungs, egress over the north one-fourth of lot ten. greatest impetus to -the Saginaw coal from the ill effects of the revolutionary not afford to give a pair of suspenders termination and makes all kinds of Liver. Stomach, Kidneys and Bowles, also the right of way over the east twelve feet mining dates from 1895, and was due dire threats. That tlie senators will in width of tue south half of lot two. and the war, money was more plentiful, work with them. When i got home I com­ scientifically and successfully treated. east twelve feet in width of lot three In said pared them with samples I got from a treat the senate to another Tilltnan- I)R. MCDONALD’S success in the to the threatened decadence of salt was more abundant and the religious McLaurln episode is hardly to be ex­ block ten. Said «ale will be made subject to manufacture, dependent in turn on the catalogue house. They wen; the same treatment of Female Diseases is simp­ the payment of the remainder of said mort­ habits of the people were undergoing kind of goods, but the catalogue house pected although it is known that they ly marvelous. His treatment makes gage not yet due. being twenty-five hundred decadent lumber industry uhich has narely came to blows at one of tbe dollars and interest thereon at six per cent, change. The religious rigor under offered them for $5, and guaranteed a sickly women stronge, beautiful and per annum from Novetn(>er 13th, 1901. heretofore furnished the fuel, and to tit or no pay. Remember, I did not committee meetings and they are very attractive. Weak men, old or young, Dated January 9tb, 1902. which the young folks had been train ­ irascible old gentlemen. the necessity of finding some other complain about the price, I paid just cured In every case and saved from a MARY COWELL. ed and -reared had to be relaxed or a The constant and severe application life of suffering. Deafness, Rheuma­ Mortgagee. source of cheap fuel. The pillar and what lie asked; he did the talking and Pkrkiks A Baldwin . break to utter worldliness and unbelief explaining. of the republican whip has about pro­ tism, and Paralysis, cured through Attorneys for Mortgagee. chamber system of mining is practical­ seemed imminent. Devoted pastors I know that the merchants here can cured harmony in the house on the his celebrated Blood and Nerve Rem­ ly the ouly one used. The workmen sell as cheap as the catalogue houses, question of Cuban reciprocity and it edies and Essential Oils charged with YKOBATK NOTICE.—PROBATE COURT were amazed and discouraged at the is expected that the joint committee Clinton County —ss. Notice is hereby giv­ are from various districts; more than but they credit too much, and the electricity. THE DEAF MADE TO Fen that all claims and demands against the manifestations of disregard fortime- man who pays cash lias to pay tlie bad which has i>een appointed to settle HEAR! THE LAME TO WALK! estate of BERNARD 51. RADEMACRER, de ­ half of them are American born, and honored^devotional customs. Yet there the difference between the beet sugar ceased, will be heard by the Judge of Probate debt of the man who does not pay at Catarrh, Throat and Lung Diseases of said county, at the Probate office in the vil ­ those not native have been on an was no permanent departure from all. Our merchants think if a man is men and tbe party leaders will an ­ cured. Dr. McDonald cures Fits and nounce the terms of agreement today. lage of St.Johns.on the 4th day of September, average sixteen years in the United Christian doctrine and principle. a steady customer and pays cash, they Nervous Diseases. Eczema and all A. D„ 1002, and that the creditors of said de ­ can charge*what they liko and he will The magnificent discipline of the re­ Nl pass­ Those unable to call can address mark cut on each packs fa. ing, mules are used; not steam nor ties of the church. Not ODly is this to above. O ne Who Pays Cash . ed. including provision for the rural Price, tg cents. Never sold delivery. Saturday was devoted to In bulk. Accept no isbtlk electricity as yet. 'Iheland, as a rulet true of Methodism, but of all denomi- St, Johns, March 17. DR. D. A. MCDONALD .nae.jronsTso tuts. Aek your druggist. THE CLINTON INDEPENDENT THURSDAY MARCH 20, 1902.

Knl Estate Transaction. Cully Smith et al to Calvin Klee, n>» C0MM0NJ30UNCIL. ANNUAL MEETING of aX of tie* , section ID, Bingham, |2000 00 We Iola M. Lewis et al to Cyrus Smith, so Common Council Hoorn, Bt. Johns, Mich,, Of the Union Telephone Company mt Si of »w *4, section S3, Bingham...... 2700 00 March 17, 1902. Baking John Huur to Raymond A. Ilnur, eHof Special meeting called by President Bullard Alma. Tuesday. self of hvrk section 5 of Riley and w H of nwq, section 31, Bengal, q. o___ 100 for the purpose of organizing and for settle­ At the annual meeting of the Union oyal Henry A. Boss and wife to Charles L. ment of claims. Telephone Company at'Alma last R Weils and wife, w 20 acres of n 30 Called to order by President Bullard. Powder Tuesday the following were chosen y bsolutely ure Buy Direct ' A 4> acres of t>X of n w>$. section 8, Water- town ...... 700 00 Minutes of previous meeting read and ap­ officers for the ensuing year: John Baur to Mary Buur, w!4 of of proved. Frealrtent —8. E. I'arklll, Owosso. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome hw J4, section ft, Uilev, q. c...... 1 00 President Ballard submitted the following Vice-President--Jam, s F. Gibbs. Ithaca. stauding committees for approval : Secretary and Auditor —Thos. Bromley, Jr., *OV*y tAHIWO POWPt* CQ,, HtW YOOK, John Baur to Frank Baur, elt of ne St John*. fr’l sectlou 1, Westphalia, and uwSi Claims—Dooling. Richardson, Vauconsant. Treasurer—O. S. Ward, Alma, of nw(4, secllou 0. Riley, q. c...... 1 00 Streets and sewers -Bichurdeon, Vaucousaut. Executive Committee S. K Furkill. Tiios. From the John Baur Jr. to Rosa E. Baur, tiwifof Bromley, Jr., J. 11. t ildow. James F. Gibb arid nwk|. section 8, Riley...... 2000 00 Fildew. J. W. Robinson. The King’s Daughters are hard at Barbara A. Mort et al to E. D. Buck- Grades and walks—Stone, Richardson, Dool- Directors—8. E. Furkill, C. W. Gale and LOCAL JOTTINGS. work getting ready fpr the entertain luKhaui unit wife, uwJ4 of »wJ4 see* iug. Tod Kincaid, Owosso; C. T. Babcock. J. T. tiou 1 except s 11} acres, also »Si of Fire, water, lights-Stone, Dooling, Burnett. Millinan, J. H. Fildew and Tiios. Brouiley, Jr , raent which they will give in tiie near St.Johns; James W. Robinson, Vostaliurg; future. Particulars later. ne}4 of ueL). section 2, Du plain ...... 2400 00 Laws aud ordinance —Fildew, Vauconsant, G H LuFiamboy, McBride; W. O. Mason, of See Durkee & Butler's millinery ad John T. Lyon and wife to Otis L. Rice The last lecture of the University Dooling. Merrill; G. 8. Ward, Alma; James F. Gibb, of Quarry . . . . this week. ami wife, sH of seki of net*, section Ithaca. extension series will be given tomor­ 11. Essex...... 800 00 Petitions —Buruett. Stone, Fildew. The local wool market has opened John T. Lyon and wife to Joseph R. Finance-Vauconsant, Burnett, Richardson. Tiie capital stock was increased to row evensng in Harmonic hall by Prof. $400,000. Of tiie $150,000 increased with prices ranging from 10c. to lfi. Sparks. His subject will be ‘‘Abrah­ Campbell el al, e 10 acres of ne 1.* of On motion the appointment of standing com­ self of section II, also w :w acres of mittees was approved as submitted. stock $50,000 was authorized for new The Ktrig’s daughters will meet at am Lincoln. ” nVi of sw If, suction 12, Essex ...... 1800 Of* On motion the following order of business work in new territory, and for tlie im We cut our own Granite. Mrs. Murdock ’s next Tuesday evening. McMillan Ar Williams, of Fowler, John J. Sohn and wife to Anna “nltgon, was adopted: 1, roll call j 2, reading miuutes; prove merit of the service in the old. n 2 acres of w*^of uwt4 of sw’4 and It is quite generally believed that will have their spring millinery open ­ w’i of sw1* of uw)4 and 13 acres on s 3. presentation of claims; 4, presentation of The selection of Mr. Bromley for We pay no middlemen's profits. beans will be much lower before July. ing Thursday, Friday and Saturday, wfj of nWJq and e 5 acres of sV4 of petitions; 5, communication from village secretary and auditor was a good one March 27, 28 and 29. The ladies of uwq also a piece of land on of We pay no commissions to agents. St. Patrick’s day, Monday last, was uw'A, section 26, Dallas ...... 3ft00 00 officers; 6. report of standing committees; 7, as every mem lie r will more fully under ­ Fowler and vicinity will make no report of special committees; 8. motions mid stand and appreciate at tiie close of We invite the inspection of every ­ observed by many by wearing of the mistake if they accent the firm’s in ­ Minerva A. llolllster to May E. Andor- green. son, eL of sw'4 and sw<4 of sw if of resolutions; 9, unfinished business; 10, new the business year. The company is in one as to size and quality of our mon ­ vitation and attend tiie opening. section 13, also n 17 acres of nwtj of business. fine condition. There will be a public dancing party section 24 and n^ of eV$ of nwAf, They are sure to lie interested and Claim 2351, pay roll of cloctiou expenses, was uments. We never show a Concord at Kingharu Grange hall, Wednesday delighted with tiie beautiful display. section If, Victor, ami other consid ­ evening, March 20. Bill, 25c. erations ...... 1 00 presented ty the clerk and was referred to the or Hardwick and call it a Barre Married at the home of tiie bride ’s James I.itnce and wife to Joseph Sohn, committee on claims, CHICHCSTtK'S tftfcUSH According to the Review the people parents. Wednesday, March 19, Miss s*/4 of nwlf, section 24, Dallas ...... ‘>000 00 The committee ou claims report that they granite. of Portland have about given up hav ­ Nancy Cox, of St. Johns, and Charles Baxter B. Bennett and wife to Henry have examined the pay roll of election expenses Feople get what they buy. ing an electric road this year. Collins, of Linden, Mich. Rev. Mr. Stebbins. nk| of sjf of ueSi of seLj, PENNYROYAL PILLS section 2ft, Duplaln ...... 54 Resolved, That the report of the committee 4'M It'llDSTIH S KNULIMII In II«-<1 and cordially invited. of nwV4, section 10. Ovid ...... 3000 Op 4'olrt iiiftullic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. Supt. of the Ovid schools, pays him on claims be aid is hereby accepted and Take iiu oilier. ItefUse dangerous aubati- Miss Raid, of Detroit, lias been en ­ Michael Bertram and wife to James lutiot., nuil imitation*. Huy of your Druggist, WARMTH, STYLE, DURA- gaged to take charge of the trimming this high compliment : “ In this resig­ Lance, s4 of nw^, section 24, Dallas 4000 00 adopted. or send *e. in slumps for Partlealura. Teat I- department of Boucher & ietsch’s nation the schools of Ovid lose an able Robert E. Roll) amt wife to Bernard Yeas, Burnett, Dooling, Richardson, Vau­ monial* and “Kellef for l.adles, ” in Utter, superintendent,and tiie teachers of Sonntag, wj$of uj£of so'/i. section 9, consant. by relurn tlall. 10,000 TefclliuoniJilti. bo’d by BIL1TY, SATISFACTION millinery business. Westphalia, q. c...... 1800 00 all iinnopsts. Clinton county lose from their ranks Nay. 0. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. In the swirl of excited women on a one of the purest and noblest charac­ Bernard Sonntag and wife to Roliert On motion conncil adjourned. JW. bargain day, John essayed to till his E. Kolp. wV4 of nwlf section 15 uml o 8100 JladUon Nquarv, 1‘HILA., PA ters I have over had the pleasure of *,i of »wt4 of sw>4, section 10, West­ m. McD onald , cierk. Mcuill in Ikli gaper. wife's order for cotton yarn,but it was meeting. phalia ...... 5000 00 of no use; he got worsted. Two young ladies giving their Jacob Simon to John Lcucht, et* of no There will be a great inflow of school- names as Stead, left at our oftiee on I*. section It, Westphalia...... 2050 00 Brandt,, marms and schoolmasters into .St. Charles E. Foster and wife to Jacob Saturday last, a liberal supply of the Simon, sw1* of sc!4, section 19, Ben ­ PRACTICAL Johns next week Thursday, Friday and most perfect and best k« pt Northern gal ...... 2500 00 The Cure that Curas Saturday for the March examinations. Spy apples we h ive seen at this sea­ Harry II. Wilson and wife to William good looking 1 The Bengal and Riley Baptist aid Trowbridge, lot 7, block 117, St. Johns 400 CO Coughs, horse end poor look- ■?,?; son of tiie vear, for which we make Ing ha rness Is the society will be entertained by Mrs. our best bow and heartiest acknow ­ John Simon and wife to John Long. 00 Colds, worst kind of a coin- Furrier,T James Chapman, Thursday, March 27, ledgment. We know of no Stead acres on of nwlf, section ft, Dallas 1700 00 bluatlon. lA a -q llenrv W. Bunce and wife to BenJaffiTn at 10 o clock. Ladies and gentlemen who would perpetrate such an act, W. Pinch and wife, lots 14 ami 15 and Grippe, 151 cordially invited. other thin Win, Stead, of Union part of lot 13. block 8, Ovid ...... 1500 00 Whooping Cough, Asthma* Eureka It is reported that Postoftice Inspec ­ Home. If ho is not guilty let him say Benjamin W Pinch and wife to Geo. Bronchitis and Incipient tor Parsed visited Pompeii last week so. D. McGlInchey. lots 14 and 1ft and Consumption Is Harness CMPM1 Monroe IJ part of lot 13, lot 8, Ovid ...... 1600 00 not only makes tho hnmew p.M ..... and found the accounts of the post­ A correspondent says; ‘‘So far as is horse lock better, but makes the »|i Charles N. Faubel et al to Morris T. leathersoft end pllalile.pulsltlncon- (II master of that place short to ttie known, Elsie postoftice keeps longer Streeter, e‘4 of e*4 except n 15 acres dltion to Inst —twice ns long " ST., amount of $2,727.27. hours that any other in that section thereof, section 25, Essex ...... 6250 00 os it ordinarily would. of the state. During tiie season, for Charles L. Wells and wife to Caroline Cull *T*tT*h«r» in c*o»—*11 On March 14 Fred Swanson was be­ A. Briggs, ft acres on uu'/i of mv!*, slot. Unit by Gd. Rapids, 7V\ich. fore Justice Marshall, charged with t he accommodation of the patrons of section 7, Watertown ...... ftOO 00 ilvqf STANDARD being drunk, lie pleaded guilty and the cheese factory, Postmaster Wool- OTTOS IV' A OIL CO. m was tiued $5 and oasis , $9.45, which he ev opens tlie ottlce at six o’clock in tiie Tiie ladies are reminded of Boucher paid and was discharged. morning and it is not closed the year & Petsch’s ad which will be found on Give ”m***'*"'"^ Dr. Pollard will continue to dispose around until nine o’clock in the even ­ another page. It makes an interest ­ SEAL GARMENTS to ORDER of Ids household goods at private sale ing except for the distribution ing announcement. Your until all are disposed of. Some rare of t lie mail. Elsie people CURE A SPECIALTY. feel a just pride in their postoftice (V Curts Vuxvt^ Arrases. Horse a bargains are waiting for those who Township Caucuses. Alterations and repairs to all Fur take advantage of this sale. and its excellent management. ” A \>\^ i\\ 2 5 fl^Ods/ Chance I Goods promptly and satisfactorily If you like home made bread, cukes, LEBANON. made. Orders left with NOBLE pies, doughnuts, dutch cheese, etc., PERSONAL The Democratic electors of Lebanon town ­ call on the Baptist ladies at Cooper’s ship will meet In caucus at Matherton, on BURNETT, Dry Goods Merchant, bicycle repair shop. They are there Rev. J. T. Ewing returned home last St. Johns, will receive prompt and evening. Saturday, March 20, 1902, at 1 o'clock p. m., every Saturday afternoon rain or for the piir|M>se of nominating a township careful attention. shine. Mrs. Jane Diver, of DeWitt, spent ticket, and for the truusnetiou of such other The M. E. Social League will hold a Tuesday in St. Johns. business as muy properly come before the Easter “ handkerchief bazaar” and serve sup­ John C. Hicks was in Detroit on caucus. By Order of Committeu. per Friday, March 21. Sale will open business tiie first of Hie week. Friday at 4 o’clock and continue Sat­ Mrs. Charles II. Eaton, of Harbor BINGHAM. urday afternoon. Supper from 5:3u to Springs, is here visiting her mother, A caucus of the Democratic voters of the To Fence Builders. 8 o’clock. Mrs. Isaac Holton. township of Bingham will be held at Fire­ The Economy Wall Paper Co., of men'* Hall, St. Johns, at. 2 o'clock p. m., Mon ­ Millinery Opening... Mrs. J. II. Corbit went to Detroit Detroit, makean interestingannouncc- Tuesday to spend a vacation with her day. March 31, 1902, for the purpose of placing We are general agents for the mentto the public in the current issue sister, Mrs. T. L. Drake. in nomination one supervisor, one clerk, one celebrated Brown Wire Fence. — of this journal. Housekeepers will do Mrs. W. H. Sage, of Fowler, visited treasurer one commissioner of highways, one LOCAL AGENTS WANTED in well to read it. It may be to their school Inspector, one Justice of the peace, By tiie new firm of advantage. iu the family of A. R. Nowland, south Ingham. Ionia, Gratiot. Shiawas­ of S. Johns, the first of the week. one member of board of review, four consta ­ A Grand Ledge paper says L. W. bles, three election Inspectors for district see and Clinton counties- Our Richmond of tiiat village spent Sun ­ Mr. and Mrs. F.•A.fCllse, of Chesan- No. 8, and for the transaction of such other stays are of heavy wire and may day in St. Johns to make a certain ing, were in town Midday and Tues­ business as muy properly come before the be fitted to any wire fence and day, tiie doctor professionally and Mrs. caucus. By order of Committee. youoff lady ’s heart glad. When 'ini Clise calling on friends. GRIFFIN & STAUFFER, thus make a new fence of it- that heart beat strongest, when lie a . w . DURKEE, Chairman. came or when lie went ? Miss Raid, of Detroit, arrived in We have a fine line of Cedar DALLAS, The calendar for the March term of town last Tuesday. She will have Posts. Respectfully, charge of the trimming department A caucus of the Democratic voters of Dal­ (Successors to Mrs. Ilolton) on the circuit court for the county shows las township will be held at the hull in the RING & GRANGER live cases of complaint against the for Boucher & Petseh. Miss Helen Bryant, who bad been village of Fowler, at 2o’clock p m., Saturday, Lansing & Northern railway, and one March 20, 1902, for the purpose of placing in appeal by the road for appointment visiting tier nephew, Fred Gardner and family, returned to her home in nomination one supervisor, one clerk, one of a committee of three to adjust treasurer, one commissioner of highways, claims. Mt. Clemens Monday evening. one school Inspector, one justice of the peuce TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY I. T. HORTON The Greenbush cornet band will Mrs. Fred Bird, who hud been spend ­ one member of lK>ard of review, four consta give an entertainment in the Grange ing a few days with iier husband here hies, and for the transaction of such other hall on the evening of Friday, March in St. Johns, returned to their home business as may properly come before the March 25 and 26. Dealer in best Hard and Soft Wood, 28. It is for the benefit of the band in St. Charles Monday evening. caucus. By order of Committee. Flour and Feed, Hay, and Grain, and tiie energy and enterprise of Lite Melvin Severance and family, late boys should be rewarded by a full of Walled Lake, arrived here last RILEY. house. Monday to take possession of their The Riley Democratic caucus will be held At their Parlors head of Clinton Avenue, Hast Side. ST.JOHNS. MICH. A regular blizzard and cold wave farm purchased in Bengal township. at the town hull on Saturday, Marcli 20, 1002, visited this section last Sunday after­ Mrs. A. B. Baloora leturned Satur at 1 p. m., for the purpose of nominating noon and eveniug: the mercury settling day from a visit with her daughter, candidates for the several offices to be sup­ ST. JOHNS, niCH. fast from its high position during the Mrs. It. M. Hairland, of Beelie, Mich. ported at the coming spring elect ion and for week previous, until it nearly reached She was accompanied by Mrs. Hair- the transaction of such other business as M Trank Railway System zero. The robins were astonished at land and children, who will remain a may properly come before It. the change. week. Dated at Riley this 10th day of March 1002 West-Bound thom St. Johns . Deputy Attorney General Chase says Wilson Shaw, night operator on tiie By order of Committee. No.19—Morning Oil. Haven, ll :15 an. the law requiring re-registration of Mackinac division of the M. C. It. at -qv WALL PAPER -qvNo. 13— Mail and Chicago Exp. to voters in townships lias been repealed Cheboygan, arrived at his home in LEBANON. Gd. Haven ...... 3:20 pm and that until new legislation is en ­ this village at noon today to spend The Greenbush demoeratlc enucus will be TO THE CONSUMER No 11- Express to Grand Kupids 7:57 pm acted there will never be occasion for a two weeks’ vacation* with his held at town hall March 31, 1902. at 2 o’clock No. 17--Western Exp. to Gd. Haven 7:25am re-registration, except in cities desig­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Shaw. p. m., for the purpose of nominating candi ­ - Nos. 19.13.11, Dally except Sunday nated in the act. dates for the various township offices and for AT MILL PRICES. No. 17 Daily. Mrs. Mary Richardson and Mrs. transacting such other business us may Horace Hudson, a druggist at Eure­ Harriet Cad well, of Bath, mother and Eabt -Botnd . properly come berore the caucus. \'/2 \ 2]/2 , 3, 4, 5, 6^, 7 y2 , 10, 12% and 15c per roll ka, was before Justice Marshall on the aunt respectively of Mrs. Ira Shaw, No.12— Express to Det roit and Fast 8:28 an. By order of Committee. 15th instant, charged with selling have been visiting the latter at the Delivered, Charges Paid. All 1902 Styles. Samples No.20 -Mall to Detroit...... 11:15 am liquor to be used as a beverage with­ Farmers hotel. Wednesday they No. 18--Evening Exp. to Detroit and out a license. He waived examination started for Fowlerville for a visit with Could Not Breathe. mailed free on application. Cough, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, East...... 4:42 pm and gave bonds in tlie sum of $500 for relatives in tiiat village. No.14 -Eastern Exp. toDuratidand his appearance in the circuit court. other throat and lung troubles are 586 quickly cured by One Minute Cough East...... 8:52 pm The ll-months-old daughter of Mr. AHCHIGAN AVE„ No*. 2d. 18. 12. Dally except Sunday. and Mrs. Charles McConnell, on Brush BAPTIST NOTES. . Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not Economy Wall Paper Co., No. 14, Dally. a mere expectorant, which gives only W. U. BURKE. street, this village, died Monday night The pastor was absent again last temporary relief. It softens and DETROIT, MICH. Agent. ' last from congestion of t lie lungs. Fu­ Sunday morning. liquefies tho mucous, draws out the neral from tlie house Tuesday after­ The funeral of Varnum D. Worden Inflammation*and removes tiie cause We sell no dealer or paper-hanger, so have no high prices to protect. noon, ltev. McDermarid ,officiating. was held at 10:30 at the residence of of tiie disease. Absolutely safe. Acts The little remains were laid to rest in ids daugnter, Mrs. C. Rochon, the at once. “One Minute Cough Cure will MORE LIVES ARE SAVED St. Johns cemetery. pastor olliciating. do all that is claimed for it,” says ...BY USING... 1 Married, at the residence of the Sunday services: 10:20 “Christ’s Justice of tiie Peace J. Q. Hood, Cros­ K & K K A K K & K .K & K vK & K K A ft b. bride ’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Estimate of tiie Cross.” 12 noon Bible by, Miss. * ‘My wife could not get her Dr. King’s New Discovery, Messer, of Lebanon, by Rev. E. school. 6 p. m., B. Y. P. U. leader, breath and was relieved by the first Mudge, of Maple Rapids, Marcli 12, I. E. Hobart. 7 p. m., subject, “Tiie dose. It has been a benefit to all my Charles J. Roberts, of Maple Rapids, Kind of Religion Man Wants and the family.” C. E. V an Sickle . D rs KENNEDY& KERGAN Consumption, Coughs and Colds and Miss Rubv Tyrone Messer, also Specialist* la the Treatment of Nervous, Blood. Private and Sexual Diseases of Kind lie Needs. ” nen end Women. ZS Years In Detroit. Than By All Other Throat And Charles W. Allor, of Maple Rapids, | 8WNo Names used without Written Consent. Cures Guaranteed. Lung Remedies Combined. and Miss Lydia May Messer. There will be preaching In the Bengal and Riley church next Sunday Thoiiaanda of young a id middle aged airn are nntmally awept Local fishermen should bear in mind at 3 p. m. OSTEOPATHY t > a nre,nature gra ve tlirough era ly abuae or later excesses. Cban. This wonderful * medicine positively the new law relative to catching black Anderson was one of the victims, but was eesened in time. Ha cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds, “The Better Way to Health,” naya: *'I learned an evil habit. A change soon ante over me. bass. The law makes it a crime to I could ie«l it; my friends n<>thed it. I became nervous, despon ­ Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay take them from April 1 to Mav 20, the U. B. NOTES, cures dent, gloomy, had no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings, Fever.Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, season when they are spawning. Tills poor circulation, pimples on face, back weak, dreama and drains Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Services for next Sunday, Bengal, at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To make applies to all of the inland streams, 10:20 a. m. West Bengal, 2:30 p. m. Chronic Diseases, Deformities matters worse, I became reckless and contracted a blood disease. Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. violators of this law are subject to a On Friday evening, March 21, a 1 I tried many doctors and medical ffrma—all failed till Drs. Ken ­ Prioe 60c. ft $1. Trial Bottle Free. fine of from $5 to $100 or three months And many acute complaints nedy K« rgan took my cas- In mm week I felt Letter, .-.nd la a Sunday school institute will open to few weeks was entirely cared. Tiiey are the only reliable and In jail. continue over Sunday at the Bingham where other methods fail. hone-t Specialists in the country.” Gritlln A StaufTer announce the spring RRADhR - We guarantee to curs you or no pay. You rm, no church. There will be two sessions risk. We have a reputation and business at ataka. Uewaie of opening of tiie latest styles in milli­ on Saturday and Sunday. The hour F. H. WILLIAMS, M.D., D.0. I frauds and Imt'OMor-,. Wa wdt pav for any case we take tiiat our NEW HEADACHE nery at their parlors, head of Clinton of the day sessions will be announced METHOD TREATMENT will not cm .-. avenue, east side, on Tuesday and later but the evening sessions will be We treat and cure Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Atrfcture, Waak Parts, KMney LANSING, MICH. and Bladder Dlscasas. i ..imitation free. Books free. Call or write for Questioa Wednesday, March 25 and 26. The at 7:30. It will be conducted by Col. List for Home Treatment. ladles should not neglect this, as, if Robert Cowden, a leading S. S. worker NOUX(-('M, *•*, T»*. they do, they will miss one of tne most of Payton, Ohio. Illustrative black­ moSSSunich 5t HO ALLEGAN ST. WEST- _ DRS. KENNEDY S KERGAN C#f* .* ,b7 complete displays of millinery shown board diagrams. A grand opportunity. Al afl drug In St. Johns. Everybody invited. BELL EHONE ISO. K&K K&K K&K K&K K&K KJtK belles lettres to purify the taste, better the dollar?" "No." "Will you tax* A MALICIOUS MEDDLER. rALM AGE’S SERMON. than mathematics to harness the mind anything? ” "We'll take 1 cents on The iMOf WiMm Ho4 Tory Cool to all intricacy and elaboration, better the dollar. No compromise." And the •rou4 for DotWtUf Him. nOZART AND THE HAJOR. CHE BENEFITS OF RELIGION IN than logic to marshal the intellectual man who wrote that inscription over forces for onset and victory. It will go his counting house door died in desti ­ Tw* well-drMMd aad Attractive ORDINARY BUSINESS LIFE. you| women —imsi&ea* girls, appa­ Copyright, 1003, with Hugh Miller aud show him the tution. Oh, we want more of the kind ­ By Dally Story PublUhln* Company. footprints of the Creator in the red ness of the gospel and the spirit of rently —rue tied into a car the other k Eloquent Words the Greet Treacher sandstone. It will go with the astron ­ love in our business enterprises! How moraine End took seats. After they Shows Bow Godllaeae I• Profitable In omer on the great heights where God many young men have found in the were comfortably adjusted, with par­ Music and liquor! The Major loved tenderness, cemented these hearts tn All 1 hinge—Homan Weapons Alone shepherds the great flock of worlds religion of Jesus Christ a practical cel* end umbrellas, the one in the blue them tooth; was something of a con ­ a friendship that was unalterable. And Not Sufficient tor the Battle, that wander on the hills of heaven, help? How many there are to-day who math suit scanned the two men who noisseur in both; and was keenly sus­ when, at last, the shadow of disgrace­ answering his voice as he calls them could testify out of their own experi­ eat opposite, and remarked to her com­ ceptible to the influence of both. So, ful poverty fell across the Major's life; [Copyright, 1902, Louis Kloptch. N. T.) all by their names. ence that godliness is profitable for panion: wJhen he actually resolveu to adopt a when, leaving home and friends, he Washington, March lb.—in this dis ­ Again I remark that godliness is the life that now is! There were times ‘‘It's too near the stove here; let’s small colored boy, his friends were wandered, a degraded man, from place burse Dr. Talmage advocates the idea profitable for one's disposition. Lord in their business career when they move down. ” -outraged, tout not surprised; they only to place; when time, and name, and that the Christian religion is as good Ashley, before he went into a great went here for help and there for help Then the girls arose, and took seats felt uuable to decide whether the life’s best gifts were sacrificed to bis lor this world as the next, and will battle, was heard to offer this prayer: aad yonder for help and got no help farther down, out of range of the two 'proceeding was to be attributed to the shamerul, all-absorbing appetite; he ielp us to do anything that ought to “O Lord, I shall be very busy to-day! until they knelt before the Lord cry­ men. Major’s pocketflask or to the boy’s was never friendless or alone, for there >e done at all; I Timothy iv, 8 , "God- If I forget thee, forget me not. ” With ing for his deliverance, and the Lord "What was tho matter, Clara?” the banjo, while the Major cursed the was always Mosart. The Major’s stal­ iness is profitable unto ail things, such a Christian disposition as that a rescued them. other girl asked; “it wasn ’t really too whole neighborhood In good, set terms, wart form was no better known in his laving promise of the life that now is man is independent of all circum­ In a bank not far from New York— warm hack there.” and went after his protege. favorite haunts than was the distorted ind of that which is to come.” stances. Religion has tamed the wild ­ a village bank —an officer could not “No,” the first girl answered with “\Vhat’s the boy’s name? ” he de ­ figure of the little negro. Awaiting There Is a gloomy and passive way est natures. It has turned fretfulnoss balance his accounts. He had worked spirit, “but that horrid man with the manded when all other particulars had the end of the Major’s carousals, >f waiting for events to come upon us. into gratitude, despondency into good at them day after day, night after brown hat and overcoat sat near us. been settled to the mutual satisfaction watching over his drumcen slumbers, ind there is a heroic way of going out cheer, and those who were hard and night, and he was sick nigh unto death He is always on the car near me, of'hlnisolf and the child ’s father. hungry and cold unless supplied with :o meet them, strong in Gad and fear­ ungovernable and uncompromising as a result. He knew he had not tak­ Laura, and I detest the eight of him.” ‘‘Well, Majah,” was the somewhat food and warmth by bar-room chari­ ing nothing. You are expecting pros­ en one farthing from that bank, but “I don ’t know him,” commented astonishing response, “I don ’ Jea ty; Ills love and patience were sublime. have been made pliable and concilia ­ perity, and I am determined, so far tory. Good resolution, reformatory somehow, for some reason, inscrutable Laura; “who is he?” ’sickly know.” If only he could have played for the is I have anything to do with it, that effort, will not effect the change. It then, the accounts would not balance. “Why, 1 don't know him, either,” The MajOT’s temper uncertain, and crowds who, fired by the Major's pou shall not be disappointed, and. takes a mightier arm and a mightier The time rolled on and the morning of Clara explained; “but I won ’t sit where hl3 vocabulary ready. boasts, made nightly requests for an therefore, I propose, as God may help hand to bend evil habits than the hand the day when the books should pass 1 have to look at him.” ‘’Then you’re a durn fool,” he replied Gie to project upon your attention a that bent the bow of Ulysses, and it under the Inspection of the other of­ “Has he ever been xuda to you?” wiQi promptness and Irritation. aew clement of success. You have in takes a stronger laeso than ever held ficers arrived, and he felt himself in asked Laura. ‘Well, Majah, you see, ’twuz ‘is way. the business firm frugality, patience, the buffalo on the prairie. awful peril, conscious of hi6 own In ­ “Rude? I think so. About three W'en dat chile wuz bawn, me 'n M'rler industry, perseverance, economy —a tegrity, but unable to prove that in ­ months ago I dreamed I was standing ‘lowed we wuz gwino to call him fo’ very strong business firm—out there A man cannot go forth with any hu­ man weapons and contend successfully tegrity. That morning he went to the before the altar in a lovely church all you; an* we wuz gwine to hah a great needs to he one member added, might­ bank early, and he knelt down before decorated with palms and flowers and bifc crussenln ’, soon ’s it got so's ho ier than them all, and not a silent against these Titans armed with up- torn mountains. But you have known God and told the whole story of men ­ was Just about to be married —oh, to cufl war a frock 'dout enny nalk er partner, either, the one introduced by tal anguish, and he said: “O Lord, 1 such a handsome man, Laura, and that sleeves, dat yo‘ ma gin him. But men into whose spirit the iufluence of tuy text, “Godliness, which is profit­ have done right, I have preserved my bideoua old thing in the brown hat w?lle we wuz a-waltln', M'rler, she up the gospel of Christ came until their able unto all things, having the prom­ integrity, but here 1 am about to be und coat—the very same man —came disposition wsb entirely changed. an ’ Jlne de Baptls', an ’ one day, w’en ise of the life that now is as well as overthrown unless thou shouldst come I sez. ‘M’rier, nln* it mos’ warm ’nuff “Oh,” says some one, “I have a rough, rushing down the aisle and arrested my of that which Is to come.” to my rescue. Lord, deliver me.” And promised husband for bigamy.” fo' de crussenln ’?’ M’rler. she say, I suppose you are all willing to ad ­ jagged, impetuous nature, and religion for one hour he continued the prayer sorter short-lak, dat ’dee aln ’ gwine b? mit that godliness Is important in its can ’t do anything for me.” Do you before God, and then he arose and This Is Simply Wonderful. no crussenln'. Hat crussenin ’s infum eternal relations, but perhaps some of knew that Martin Luther and Robert went to an old blotter that he had for­ Champion, Mich., March 17th, Mr*. baptlzzum. ’n dee aln ’ no sech t’lng you say, “All I want is an opportunity Newton and Richard Baxter had im­ gotten all about. He opened It, aud A. Wellett, wife of a local photog­ ez infum baptlzzum.' ‘Deo ain ‘,‘ sez I; to say a prayer before I die, and all petuous and all consuming natures, yet there lay a sheet of figures which he rapher, has had a remarkable expe­ ‘how’n the name o' Cord dat chile will he well,” There are a great many the grace of God turned them into the only needed to add to another line of rience recently. gwine to get named, den? ’ An M’rier people who suppose that if they can mightiest usefulness? A manufactur ­ figures—some line of figures he bad Mrs. Wellett tells the story this way: say. ’We Jess gwine call him Moses finally get safely out of this world into er cares but very little for a stream forgotten and knew not where he had “I could not 6leep, my feet were cold, right erlong. Dat boln ’s how he’d bln a better world they will have exhaust ­ that slowly runs through the meadow, laid them—and the accounts were kinder drawed out’n do water by bein ’ my limbs cramped. I had an awful ed the entire advantage of our holy but values a torrent that leaps from balanced, and the Lord delivered him. bard pain across my hack. I had to get kep’ fura infum babtlzzum, de preacher religion. They talk as though re­ rock to rock and rushes with mad en ­ You arc an infidel if you do not be­ 'lowed he rnus ’ be call Moses.' Well, up three or four times every night. I ligion were a mere nod of recognition ergy tnrough the valley and out toward lieve it. The Lord delivered him. was very nervous and fearfully despon ­ suh, f Jess plnledly rah’d ’n pitched. I the sea. Along that river you will find which we are to give to the Lord Jesus God answered his prayer, as he will dent, I had very little appetltie. sqtney skccred M’rier. I 'lowed dat fluttering shuttles and grinding mill on our way up to a heavenly man ­ answer your prayer, oh, man of busi­ “After I had suffered in this way for boy wusm’t gwine to be named no sech “Out into the raging night." a^-J flashing water wheel. And a na ­ sion; as though it were an admission ness, in every crisis when you come to five years, 1 begun to use Dodd ’s Kid ­ t’lnfc; an ’ he aln ’, mun, he ain ’. M’rier, ture the ewiftest, the most rugged and exhibition of his Fkill, money and t!cket, of no use except to give in at him. ney Fills. When I had taken a few she call him Mose, jess fo’ pure owda- plenty would be his; his and the the door of heaven. Now, while I the most tremendous —that is the na ­ Now, if this he so, then I am per- pills' yor. ought to have seen what cl’busness; hut me au’ de res’ Jess call Major’s. So, night after night, he would not throw any slur on a post­ ture God turns into greatest useful­ Euaded, as you are, of the fact that the came from my kidneys, it locked like him sonny. An ’ dat ’s huccome I don ’ tried; but night after night he failed, mortem religion, I want to-day to ness. Oh, how many that have been vast majority of Christians do not a spoiled egg only darker. Jess ‘zackly know his name. ” until, one bleak December evening, eulogize an antemortem religion. A pugnacious and hard to please and fully test the value of their religion. At the termination of this remark­ the boisterous crowd, moved by a religion that is of no uso to you while irascible and more bothered about the 1 hey are like a farmer in California ”1 kept on using Dodd ’s Kidney Pills able narrative, the man stolidly awalt- common impulse of compassion and you live will be of no use to you when mote in their neighbor’s eye than with 15,000 acres of good wheat land till 1 was cured. Now I can sleep well 04 the usual Etring of expletives. But disappointment, called out to the you die. I have always noticed that about the beamlike ship timber in and culturing only a quarter of an and do not have to get up in the night, tfte Major stood silent, deep In medi ­ Major, after one of Mozart's ineffectual when grace is very low in a man ’s their own eye who have been entirely acre. Why do you not go forth and I have no pain In my back or limbs tation, A happy conceit had occurred attempts: heart he talks a great deal in prayer changed by the grace of God and have make the religion of Jecus Christ a aud i feel better than I have for years.” tq him ahd he was loet In admiration “Ldcker the nigger up, Major; licker meetings anout deaths and rbout cof­ found out that "godliness is profitable practical affair every day of your busi­ Liquor liarroo. of its neatness and his cleverness. him up.” fins and about graves and about for the life that now is as well as for ness life and all this year, beginning '*PhA boy’s name shall be Mozart New Haven, Conn., dispatch: Ey It was done, and then he played. churchyards. I have noticed that the the life to come.” now, and to-morrow morning putting Mdhdfclssohn, ” he said, wiib an unc ­ vote of the national council of tlio How he played as the subtle glow flew healthy Christian, the man who is Again I remark that religion is good into practical effect this holy religion tuous relish of his own good thing; Knights of Columbus, taken at their from mouth to brain, and waked his living near to God and is on the for worldly business. I know r the gen­ and demonstrating that godliness la annual session here, no more mem­ '“Moz-art Mendels-sohn, ” he repeated, heart and lingers to a new, strange 6traight road to heaven. Is full of profitable here as well as hereafter? adapting th8 pronunciation to the slow eral theory Is the more business the bers who are liquor dealers will ha power! jubilant satisfaction and talks about less religion, the more religion the less How can you get along without this paid death benefits. mind of his hearer; ‘‘then Maria can It was only a second-rate violin, the duties of this life, understanding religion? Is your physical health so •keep on tilling him Mo3e, and you business. Not so, thought Dr. Hans in played by a hunch-back negro; but well that if God he!p3 him to live right his “Biography of a Christian Mer­ good you do not want this divine THREE SERIES OF CHEAP RATES' - cam. keep on calling him sonny, and by the scent of the harvest field olew over he will help him to die right. tonic? Is your mind so clear, 60 vast, the Lord Harry! Adam himself couldn't chant, ” when he says: “He grew in the hot, close room, and a stream Now, in the first place, I remark grace the last six years of his life more bo comprehensive, that you do not Grout Northern Hallway Popular llooie- do better than that.” plashed gently under bending trees. that godliness is good for a man ’s want this divine Inspiration? Is your •rekrrV tupi« a I cud play it,” lie would say as he net lcr.g a waiter appeared at fellows, who had written over his Mr. Load s elbow one evening, bear­ ligion of Christ Is the fountain out of oauking bouse or his counting bouse amount of opium smoking without ma­ pity in some oases to waste so much disappeared. And, in less than a fish. ing a cut of magnificent salmon, it which learning has dipped its clearest room, "No compromise.” Then when terial injury that would send a white month, he would be playing thereon, man to hl3 grave or an insane asylum. to the Major’s intense delight and the was sent by Senator Foster. draft. Religion lias given new energy Borne merchant got In a crisis and f*IVe mnunmiiT on ml. No flt» or nmwwv to pnoay, weeping in Dr. Young's So you have little to go by. kllw flmt day's um of l)r. Kllrw’r (ln*l Norte Mentor neighborhood ’s intense disapproval. “But I want to know whether this went down —no fault of his, hut a con ­ d for RRK a*. OO trial botlio »nd lrrolin, salmon came from Washington or “Night Thoughts,” teaching in Cow- junction of evil circumstances, and all A Chinaman will look 30 when he Is IMkXaKun,,W. Ml Arch Street, mUdelpblo, IW There was but one drawback to the 20 and when he is 50. If you ask him Major’s enjoyment; Mozart could not Oregon,” aaserted Mr. Loud with tho per’s “Task,” flaming In Charles Wes­ the other merchants were willing to his age he will place it at least 10 Many a girl’s cooking education begin* play before strangers. Tn vain was hei bearing of a conniosseur. ley’s hymns and rushing with arcb- compromise—they would take 75 cents and ends with making chocolate attire. years ahead, for he holds old age to brought be faro expectant guests; flute, Soon the waiter returned with the angelic Eplendor through Milton ’s on the dollar or 60 cents or 20 cents — In New Orleans. La., lent yonr, *3 per­ “Paradise Lest.” Is it possible that a coming to this man last of all, he said: be honorable, and among his people he sons died from the effects of gonehot vtblln, cornet or banjo, it was all the reply: “The senator says it Is a Pu­ wounds. same; his trembling fingers refused get Sound salmon, and It has never religion which builds such indestruct ­ “No compromise. I’ll take 100 cents on will be respected and looked np to by thplp Office, and his frightened appeal, tasted anything hut cream.” ible monuments and which lifts Its en ­ the dollar, and 1 can aftord to wait” all his Junior*. —Washington Post. AVOID FRAUDULENT IMITATIONS This satisfied the legislative epicure sign on the highest promontories of Well, the wheel turned, and after T7ne the genuine Ruse Blenching lilue r_n* *1 C^ardT play, Msjah; Fee sheered, ” preservo your:>ur clothes. All gruear.s, lOc. new failed to bring a speedy release. from California. —Washington Post. worldly power can have any effect up­ awhile that man was In a crisis of About the first thing a good Ameri­ Bst be could always play for thw< on a man ’s intellect but elevation? business, and he sent, out his agent to can finds it necessary to do after What ft lot of Belf-e^/ifldonce a fool hat. Major. And, as the years went by, the Whet peculiar dishes tve partake of compromise, and the agent said to the retching the Philippines ts come home It takes somt men. % weak to do a day'* Now, I commend godliness as the to undergo a surreal operatlom. work. » ibond of protection and of loyalty, of undsr the Inspiration at good follow­ best mental discipline, better than merchants, "Will you take 50 cant* on $are and Ocelli/. of mutual love and ing? CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1902.

Quality and Quantity of Beef. UNOLE SAM EXACTS FULL TIME, • too Rowan! 8100, | A professor of animal husbandry The readers of thin paper will be pleased to 1 Employ** Art Booked for Af loots'* learn that there la ut least one dreaded disease says: Borne men seem to have formed that science has been ublo to cure In all Its Boo* of Tins*. Ktaires, and that Is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh the idea that the breeding of fine cattle Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the Policemen Praise Pe-ru-na. is an easy thing. It Is unfortunate that "It’s an old story that tho United medical fraternity. Catarrh beta? a constitu ­ 8tateg treasurer occasionally pays war­ tional disease, requires a constitutional treat­ mauy breeders make no effort to dis ­ ment Hulls Catarrh Cure Is taken lnteruully, pel such folly with a prospective buyer rants for the sum of one cent to credit ­ acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur­ ors of the government, ” said an old faces of the system, thereby destroying the As a Reliable Specific for the Ills Incident to the on the ground. The sooner that men foundation of thediHease, andglvlna the patient generally know and appreciate that it department clerk the other day, “but strength by building up the constitution and It’s so well known, but equally true, assisting nature in doing its work. The pro­ Vicissitudes of Their Occupation. is no child ’s play to breed line cattle prietors have so much faith In its curative | the better, and breeders generally will nevertheless, that government clerks powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for are sometimes docked one cent for any case that U fails to euro. Send for list of make no mistake in aiding to establish Testimonials such principles. Breeders of pure­ overstaying their annual leave a Address If. ,f. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O minute er a fraction thereof. In the Sold by druggists T.'ic. bred beef cattle have given too much Hall's Family Pills are the best. attention to the outside or external treasury department in particular the St. Jacobs Oil conformation of the animal and too rule la Inflexible that a clerk who ex­ Heavy Delio't In Franc*, ESTABLISHED 50 YEARS little to the inside, where the animal ceeds tho regulation leave even for a The French minister of finance really lives, and where the valuable minute In a year shall forfeit a pro­ has asked Parliament for a supplemen ­ Received 13 Gold Medals from portionate amount of his pay. different Internationa) Kxposi­ product, beef, is found. tary credit amounting to 1,250,000 “The taxation of delinquents re­ tions as being the most> Expert Judges of beef cattle on foot Irancs. The deficit to dote la officially quires eternal vigilance and careful Irs Pain Killer ever discovered are Just beginning to realize that they reckoned at over 27,000.000 francs. calculation, but it is regarded as es­ cannot tell hs much about the quality Cares Promptly All Bodily sential to the best interests of the ser­ and quan of beef an animal will PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are the ACHE* AMD PAIMS. cut on the block as was formerly sup­ vice. Ne fractions of a minute are brightest, fastest and easiest to Uak. considered and there Is no penalty less posed. It is often stated that the cat­ bold by druggists, IOj. per package. ACTS UXE MAGIC! than a cent. The salary per minute is tle buyers for the packing houses know determined by dividing the annual sal­ 250 and 50c. all about these things. Tho fact is, The devil has to work hard to get ary by all the working days, which ex­ their skill and knowledge of the busi­ a finger on the man who loves his clude Sundays and holidays, and al­ Bible. ness runs little farther thin being able lowing seven hours for each day. On to select cattle that will dress a high Howard ’s father was a grocer and that basis it Is computed that the sal­ percentage ef beef and a low percent ­ the future philanthropist acted as his aries of government clerks average clerk. age of ftit. This by no means decides about a cent a minute. Of course, the value ef the carcass, when sold some are mere and others less, but over the block or the quality of beef. that covers the most of them. A plainly bred steer, properly fed. may “It does not seem much to deduct TO Y0UNGU9IES. Dollars dresw a satisfactory percentage of tea cents from the $1,300 salary of a BUYS dressed beef and still be an unprofita ­ clerk who has exceeded his sixty days ’ From tho Treasurer of tho DELIVERED, ble animal when sold over the block. leave by ten minutes, but he Invari ­ Young People’s Christian Tem­ Am 800 Lb. ably treats sueh act’^n as a great out­ perance Association, Elizabeth GOOD SCALE* A IToosn and Hunt rage ea his rights as an American Caine, Fend du Lae, Wis. On Wheels. “ PkATroniS is a ta ft* While tne peculiar pacing gait of a eltlson. The other day a woman In Cm* Su.1 pHeta, smfsll/ ear bs ink ham Irwprrfil, il.rlilk moose will not carry him over the the treasury upset the entire office in “ D M . P : — I want to .wail iwM. OlWaissaaa*' tell you and all the young ladies of tho ground as rapidly a3 the deer or cari­ which she I3 employed for almost a iwscon acALca bou, his cndurauco far surpasses that country, how grateful I am to you for ratio. Tot (treuinn, silihMk whole day, ” says the Washington Star, all the benefits I havo received from of either of these animals. For a “In her persistent efforts to get back JONES using Lvdia E. Pinkham ’s Yeg'o- HB P4T8 Tim riuoapx. short sprut or In very deep snow the thlrteeu cents which had been deduct ­ table' CiCompound.------‘ 1’ suffered- “ “ J for' BINCIUMTUN, K. Y. caribou can easily discount the moose, ed from her salary for overstaying BOX 45 but for an all-day ’s Jaunt, where the her leave about a quarter of au hour. course is fairly open, the moose has She neerly went Into hysterics, but the no rival. Many ye^rs ago, when Sir authorities were firm and she had to WESTERN CANADA’S Edmund Head was governor of the submit.” Wonderful wheat crop for 1901 now tho talltct tho Commercial World Is by no muons pbcudip- Province of New Brunswick, he owned lenal. The Province f ‘ KARLIEST RUSSIAN MILLET. iiuns&4> able feats of speed and endurance. On plenty of this prodigally prolific millet. chcvvua ami Alberta are 1 to 8 Tons of Kich Hay Per Acre. the moot wonderfuli one occasion the governor wagered grain producing Codn- $2,500 that his moose could travel from Price 50 lt«. *1.90; 100 It*. tX. Low freights. tries ill the worHV. In John A. Solaer Seed Co., La Crosse,Wis. YY stock raising they u'ujo Frcdrickton to St. John over the ice, a ______hold the highest posi­ distance of eighty-four miles, in faster tion. ThousancUof Arne i tcans tire anrmulj» mak­ A simple anil very efficient disinfect ­ ing this their home, and they succeed us they time than any team of horses in the ant to pour down a sink is a small never did before. Move Westward with tho tide stud of Lord Hill of the Fifty-second quantity of charcoal mixed with clear and secure a farm and home in WesternGang«m compelled me to be est remedy for a mend Lvdia E. Einkliam ’s Vege­ wo make tlie follow lug unprec ­ cold that m man Herbert W. Mumford says: For a Any mnn can mnke trouble between any table Compound to everybody. ”— edented offer: out la all kinds of two women friends on vurlh. weather l contracted would want. long time we have believed that tho Miss Elizabeth Caine , GO YV. Division For 1G Cents Postpaid4 SO bind, ef rarest In.rlee. radial severe cold from ••Since then we relationship between the breeder and Rheumatism St., Fond du Lac, YY’is.—$5000 forftlt if I - mepniflrent earllrat nrloae, time to time, which have used It for ! pure bred animals to the feeder and tLbcut tettJmonlal Is not vermins. 16 1. t. gloried, tomlloc, cured promptly by the use of MATT J. At sueh a time the greatest aid to S3 prrrlc. lettuce varieties, settled In the kid­ colds, catarrh, In­ I market cattle has not been deary un- JOHNSON’S 60M. Try It. All druggists. IS splendid beet serfs, neys, causing fluenza and other nature is Lydia E. Pinkbain ’s fti gurtena.lj besot I Tut flower seeds, | derstood. Breeders, and feeders a9 well, Vegetable Compound. It prepares In all 1M kinds furnishing i severe pains and complaints follow­ I have at times seemed to utterly dis- Some people act the hog all their lives, Pur,pels of clianning flowers amt ing in the wake oi and then don ’t get much. the young system for the coming loti and lots of choice vegetables,/ ; trouble in the pelvic j regard the possibility of mutual help­ change, and is the surest reliance for together with our pr< it catalogue/ inclement weather, teiling alt about Teoemte and I >n organs. fulness and even of mutual dependen- woman ’s ills of every nature. •• / am now like a and we all tee! well Get a bottle of Hamlin's Wizard Oil to­ Oat and ItminuH and Kjieltz, outon | cy. The real place of pure bred aui- day; It saves trips to the doctor! It cures Mrs. Pink ham invites all seed at uv. a pound, eto., ull only ( new man, am In pleased with Peruna. ” Headache and Toothache quickly. for 10c. in etamiie. Write to-uay. I Dials has frequently been lost sight of young: women who are HI to JOHN SALZCR SEED CO., splendid health and give all praise to MICHAEL O'HALLERAN. A. Peruna.,t A. C. SWANSON . I which has led to practices that have England used half a million Christmas write her for free advice. Ad ­ La Crossa, Wis. If yon do not derive prompt and not worked out for the host interests of trees last Christmas. dress Lynn, Mass* Michael O'llalleran, Lieutenant Ser­ satisfactory results from the use of breeders of pure bred animals or ths geant of the Summerdale Station I’eruna writo at onco to Dr. Hartman, Plso’s Cure cannot be too highly spoken of ns Police Department. writes from 1998 giving a full statement of your case, j men whose rightful sphere of useful- a cou'rh euro.—J. W. O’BitKiN, 312 Third Are., Bij2lC»B8«&Dv^!Sr3l WuNtituglen, U.C. PATENTS ^^Successfully Prosecutes Claims. W. Monroe street, Chicago, Ill.: and ho will be pleased to give you bia : nets is producing animals for the N., Minneapolis. V! inn.. Jan. 0. hGJ. ■ Late Principal Kxamtner u 8. Poneton RuraaU. •• Several of the officers of our sta ­ val-ublo advice gratis. block. GUARANTEED a J yrs m civil wkr, 16 adjudicating clou .is, utty since. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Au active demand fer good beef, Even an old elock insy show the rav ­ M A80N. FEN WICK & LAWRENCE. Patrnt Lawyer* tion have good reason to praise ages ef time. W. N. U.-DETROIT— NO. 12.-1QG2 Peruna. Several times when they the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, j coupled with a scarcity of prime steers, Washington, D .C. Established 18t!L Guide Book Free spent hours In the rain and can:o in Ohio. I is bound to bring about relatively high 'isrxzsr. «5i prices for prime bullocks on hoof and hook. High prices for market beef cat­ 3 $ 5,003 GASH ant! Premium Awards FHfc£ "Ct These 14 letters wilt spell three different States when properly tle invariably stimulate prices for pure­ arranged. Each line r. presents one Ste.te. What are they? We bred beef cattle and as surely great intend to divine J500.00 in cash and distribute $4,500 worth of pre> in turns, consist in? of Solid Gold Genuine Diamond Kings, beautiful activity In the breeding of the same. Q]0 Silverware, Watches, etc, among th"t>e who send in correct Usually the stimulation of this branch ______answers. This contest is FREK. A n answer on a postal will do. iVe reply”by re'urn mail and send catalogue of premiums to select from. All can secure an of the live stock trade, aided by the award if they wish without any expeti-r whatever. A rawer to day. VC e gave $10 000 00 in cash ever enthusiastic efforts and aggres­ bud premiums last year to advertise our business. Add. HOME SUPPLY COMPANY, 01 IROiT, MICH, sive methods of stock breeders. Is at ■•oiTrfe in times beyond a point warranted by the V JEW 0'&CUV£RY. Rives ©‘ :1 6^ s% 11 %mP S <)ii!clc relief and'-ures worn* actual conditions existing in the opon Vises. Book of testlironu.s snd to DATs* treatiaeat CAPolOUrA VASELINE SKI'S. Hit. a. U. Ckfci.5’» UOSJ. Cor K. AttAntm. A. market trade. ( par UP IN CcL#LAP.Uiil.K TUBS* ) ..... x « A substitute for and superior to mustard or rurep cALituruun. oregon , any other plaster, and will not busier the UnC.Hr GHitO WASHINGTON. COLORADO Onr L^ve ntoo’t Inter-stt. m sti.eticute skin. The pam aliiiying and on ll'iu.ehold Goods of intending settlers to las One mny sail the seas and visit every land and everywhere will find, curative qualities of this article are wonder- s’love-named S ate*. Map of Catlfornl i—FREE. Tbe census bureau, in its report on that men ef affairs, who are well informed, have neither tho time fui. It will stop tho toothaeho at once, and SlttiURATION, 38 Market Street, CHICAGO, ILL. domestic animals announces that all relieve headache and sciatica. We recoin- nor tho Inclination, whether on pleasure bent or business, to uso those nv'tid It ns the best and kufest external domestic animals in the United States medicines which cause excessive purgation and then leave tho lutcrnr.l ocmtiter-irritant known, also as an external have a probable value at least of $3,- rctn ,v .!y for pains In the chest and suimach Man's Mission on Earth. organs i:i a constipated condition. Syrup of Figs Is not built on those and all rh -u natlo, Biortlfloandgouty ettn 200,000,000 Of this the value of an ­ lines. It acts naturally, act3 effectively, cleanses, sweetens and strengthens plain's*. A trial will prove what we claim ftlsdicn! Book Free. imals on farms and ranges constitute for it, and it will be found to be invaluable Che internal organs and leaves them In a healthy condition. in the household. Many people say "it is the Knew Thyielf Me-uitl. a book for men only, sent over 93 per cent. The total value of If In need of a laxativo remedy the most excellent D Syrup of Figs, but best of all of your preparations." Price 15 Free, poun d I. roa'eil, to every mate reader men ­ all domestic animals on farms and oents. at nildrtiggistsor other dealers, or by tioning lb!« p .per; Cc. for portage. “The Science of when anything more than a laxative Is required the safe and scientific plan 1,1.e, or Seif me e. vat Ion ” the God Medal Trlr.e ranges Is $2,981,054,115, against $2,203,- sendin't this amount to us In postage stamps Treulso, tne hen Medical llk of this ur any age. is to c-ousult a competent physician and not to resort to those medicines we wiil send you a tube by malL No article STU pp.. » !th engrav lug. and peeaerlpiton*. Elegant 767,513 in 1890. There was a gala la which claim to core nil manner of diseases. should bo accepted by the public unless the Library Kdld m. full gilt. ONLY si; paper cover*. same carries our abel. asot.horwlse it Is not Inferior abridged edition. 26o. GUT THE BEST. Ad- all parts of the country except the The California Fig Syrnp Co. wa3 the first to manufacture a laxative remedy genuine. CHESEBJJOtltUI AU G. CO . 6 rnstbo Peahod,- Medical Institute 4 ItUlflorh St , North Atlantic states, where there was 17 State Street. NiW tobk Oity. opp. Kerere Hume. Boston. Man , the olden and beet which would give satisfaction to all; a laxative which physiclnns could In ihlv country. Write today for thcie books; key* a decrease of horses, sheep and swine, sanction and one friend recommend to another ; so that today its sales probably to health end happiness. Consultation, In perocu or making a total decrease of 3 per cent bv letter, 9 to 6; Sundsy. Ill to I. exceed all other laxatives combined. In some places considerable quantities of 'The Peabodv Medical Institute bit many Imita­ In the value. Iowa leads all states in •Id-time cathartics and modern Imitations are still sold, but with the general tor* but no equals. Button Uurald. total value of its livestock, while diffusion of knowledge, ns to the best medicinal agents, Ryrnp of Figs has come When writing mention f/Us pa/ter. Big Four Texas ranks second. The former has into general use w ith tho well-informed, because it Is a remedy of known value 190J /V\akes 71 Year* that an investment In livestock of $272,844,- and ever beneficial action. 034, and tho latter $236,227,434. Texas, The quality of Syrup of Figs is due not only to the excellent combination of ROUTE UUWNS’ ELIXlH however, has the greatest number of the laxative and carminative principles of plants, known to act most beneficially Has been made and sold. During this neat cattle, mules aad goats, but the TO THE on tho system, with agreeable and refreshing aromatic liquids, but also to tho time it has cured more colds, coughs, average value of these and other an ­ orglnal method of manufacture. In order to get the genuine and Its beneficial and all kinds of pulmonary ailments imals being less than in Iowa, pre-emi­ WORLD FAMED VIRdlNIA than any other medicine now made any ­ effects ono should always note the fall name of the Company —California Hg where in the great wido round world. nence In value rests with the latter Syrup Co.—printed on the front of every package. Sold at all drug stores. state. Hot Springs The sum of $80,000 is given to the Magnificent Train Service, employes of the Boston broach of the American Soda Fountain Company by Dining Cara, Pullman Sleepers, CLOVER I-argest growers of I, the will of James Tufts, the millionaire Observation Cara. Clover. Timothy and _ soda - fountain manufacturer. This Grosses. Our northern grown Clover, I ' Vv\ ’.v . for vigor, frost and drouth resisting amount is given in lump sums of $500, ' W'■■ a ...... THE NEW | properties, has Justly be cotuo famous. J $200 and $100. SUPERIOR CLOVER, Da. $5 30*. 100 IbS. S3 FO \ \ V [4 UCns«rri3Ccm.6a. SS 60; 100 lb:. $3.20) —J Homestead Hotel B.ic«l;)li in Canada. •: v- Simp’rs Otrtrr. Timothy and Grams and treat | During the year Just closed the Entirely rebuilt of Brick, Stone Cat«lo» mailed >on for Sc postage. Canadian Pacific Railroad deposited on and Iron, Fire-proof, will be JfOHN A.SALZI the Canadian shores of the great lakes opened on Alarch 10th, 190a. Seed Co.i a little less than 30.000,000 bushels of a rosse is i wheat. The previous year the amount Reduced Rate Tickets now on sale. &6M C .W . handled by the same road was only 6.000,000 bushels. For full informatioa call on agents of the When answering Ads. kindly mention this paper Manning of the Word “Puk." BIO FOUR ROUTE. Peck at first meant a basket or re­ or address the undersfgaed ceptacle for grain or other substances. The erpresslon at first had no refer­ • ARMN X lYNTH, W. P. WW. ence to size. U«M*) VMM. A Ticks! Act. Asst. O. V AT. A CiStiMNSTI. O, THE CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY MARCH 20, 1902.


Clinton Co, Savings Bank From Our Correspondent. From Our Correspondent. (*§ W: ST.JOHNS. MICH. The pupils who wrote the 8 th grade Winter has returned. examination, February 15, received Moving is the order of the day. m Pays 3 Per Cent, latereston Deposits. their standings Wednesday. Of tile Israel Blood is moving ou Will Cal- sixteen who wrote the eighth grade; i Do You Know P der ’s farm and Henry Peltier In the OANI MONEY ON APPROVED ROND*AND in Fowler, Sullie VanAmburgh, Al-1 John Reed house. i REAL ESTATE SECURITY. bert Krekeler, Grace Richards, Nora j Martin and Eva Geller were successful | Mrs. Comfort Rauny, of Gunnison- m $ at the first writing, receiving excel­ ville, visited DeWitt grauge lust Sat­ OFFICERS: lent standings. There were others urday eveuing with several others who That You Can Buy m J. Baldwin .Proa. p. K.W ai .8 worth .Pres wlio passed in all but one subject: were present. Warm sugar was serv ­ m a. PEMMKLL, V-Pr««. R. C.D ejteh, AMt.Tre® Fanny VanAmburgh, James Whit­ ed. as taker, Lillian Stanton and Mary Wheeler Newman called on ids son m Will, last week. THE LOCAL MARKETS. Wagar. The rest intend to finish at m the May examination. Miss Lena Lerg is in Detroit at present. Johns elevator* open At 7 a . in ana Preaching at the M. E. church by Mitt Marvin Springsteen expects his MB M eioee At 0 p. m. Rev. Jewell Suuday evening. brother and family from the southern ST. Johns . Mlcta.. March 30, l*o2 You are cordially invited to attend part »f the state to live in his tenant The following; are the prices paid in cash I an entertainment to be given bv the for produce In this market: house this year. m Wheat, white...... V senior class at Firemen ’s hall Satur­ The drama "Diamondsand Heaits”, Good All-Wool Carpets at 45c, 5oc, 55c. Wheal, red ...... - 1 II friends last week. Merle, took dinner with Dr. Simmons Good China Mattings at 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c, 3oc, 35c. Harley...... 75 <3 85 m Is Rye...... -...... - 54 C. C. Gruler transacted business in aud family last Sunday. M Potatoes,...... <3 00 The “Silver Grays” will give their •: - v Good $1.00 Wrappers and Waists at 20c to 69c each. • ; Rutter...... (3 16 Grand Rapids last week. 13 last party of theseason Friday evening, $iif EPS* ...... -...... -...... <3 Harrison Sutton was in St. Johns March 2S, at the hotel in DeWitt. m Tallow...... — 3 Monday on business. Good 36-inch Brown Sheeting at 4^c. Corn. ear.— ...... 28 © 80 Mrs. Lewis Lerg lias a cousin visit ­ • ".V i? Lard ...... © 10 George Baldwin and wife are spend ­ ing her. ii§ Hides...... -...... -...... 6 © 0 Good Prints Light and Dark at 3 1-2C. 5 00 ing a few days with Dr. Russ and If Reef, live ...... - 3 25 © m w Beef.d ressed ...... 8 00 © 7 00 wife, of Lake Odessa. Would Smanh the Club. •:*-v Pork .live ...... - 6 00 <3 5 50 Mathias Ulrich, of Beldiug, called Good Short Straight Front Corsets for 50c. Pork,dressed ...... (1 00 & 7 00 If members of the "Hay Fever As­ •v.-.; i Veal calf, live ...... 5 00 ® 5 60 on friends in-town last week. sociation ” would use Dr. King’s New Veal calf, dressed ...... « oo © 7 60 Fred Myers is on the sick list. •:w Good Tailor Suits at $6.75, $8.00, $10.00, $i2.oo, $15.00. Wood,dry hard ...... 1 75 © 2 00 Discovery for Consumption, the dub Wood.soft- ...... -...... <& 1 25 Mr. and Mrs. Pasche, of Rengal, would go to pieces, for it always cures Chickens, dressed ...... 9 10 spent Sunday with the latter’s thismalady and Asthma, the kind that 1 Rabbits...... - 6 Muskrat sk'tis...... 8 to 11 parents, Win. Light and wife. battles the doctors —It wholly drives AX Coon skins, prime ...... 75 to 1 25 Edward Havens and wife entertain ­ from the system. Thousands of once- V> to 1 50 1 Skunk skins, prime, ...... ed a party of friends and neighbors at hopeless sufferers from Consumption. Mink skins, prime,...... - 75 to 2 75 Pneumonia. Bronchitis owe their lives LIVE POCLTKY. their home Thursday evening. Pro- •y.:; ressive pedro was indulged in. and health to it. It conquers Grip, Chickens fat,...... • J7 to 8 I ig Hens, fat...... 7 7 to V*- light refreshments were served, and saves little ones from Croup and •T-.v Turkeys fat...... -...... 7 to 8J4 tall report a good time and departed at Whooping Cough and is positively NOBLE BURNETT’S ? •V. Ducks, fat...... to • guaranteed for all Throat and Lung m Geese-...... -...... —• W an early hour, thinking of the many evenings spent at parties of its kind. Troubles. 5oc, $1.00. Trial oottles nr* Byron Danley buys live poultry every free at Fildew and Millman ’s. week day the year round, and full value paid James Rriggs won tirst prize and Geo. at all times. Smith carried home his duck. MAPLE RAPIDS. Surgeon'* Knife Not Needed' From Our Correspondent. To Our Correspondents. Surgery is no longer necessary to When you are lu St. Johns please call at A. Dennis, of Laingsburg, spent cure piles. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Saturday and Sunday with F. H. our office and let us become better acquaint­ cures such cases ot once, removing the ed. When out of stationery let the fact be Walters. boucher # petsch necessity for dangerous, painful and Removed! known at the bottom of your correspondence expensive operations. For scalds, cuts, Mrs. R. D. Sleight is sick. burns, wounds, bruises, sores aud skin Lewis Brown has recovered from his Announce to the ladies of St. Johns and vicinity their N. B.—A number of our correspon ­ diseases it is unequaled. Beware of recent illnesss. I have removed my dents have made request for supplies counterfeits. C. F. V an Sickle . Edmand Fuller, who recently became a registered pharmacist, left Monday of stationery but as the present editor SOUTH OVID. for his new position at Middleton. of The Independent does not know Steve Aldrich is at home from Big HARNESS t heir names or addresses he is under From Our Correspondent. Rapids. Grand-*-, tiie necessity of waiting until the Mrs WallaceStltcbler is confined to Misslvah llubbell returned Thurs­ omission is supplied. her bed with typhoid fever. day from Detroit where she went to Mrs. Dean Fast has recovered from purchase spring millinery. ___ SHOP her recent illness. DEL-WATER. Wm. Wells, of Muskegon, was in From opposite the Postotfice to the The warm sugar social at Theron town last we;k. flillinery Opening building lately occupied by Jesse Prom Our Correspondent. Shaver ’s was a grand success. Over A number of the L. O. T. M. of tills Cash Clark and family have moved lUU people being present and a good village attended St. Johns lodge last Granger on Higham street west into their new home on the Elder time was enjoyed by all. The social Friday evening and reported a fine where I will be pleased to meet my North farm. netted the school over $0 above ex­ time. ►J* On ►J* friends and the public generally, whs penses. A. J. Phelps and wife attended the Henry McKinstry, of Eureka, has are in want of my services in doieg II. Walters and wife, of Shepards- teacher’s meeting at Bath last week again removed to this village and ex­ REPAI RING, or who may want NEW from Wacousta. ville, visited Geo. Suttin and family pects to do carpenter work this spring. HARNESS, WHIPS, BLANKETS, Miss May Newton will lecture on Sunday. A. D. Noble, of Detroit, gave a WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY India at the Congregational church at Ed. Oakley and wife, of St. Johns, stereoptic.ui entertainment last Friday BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL, or aw* Wacousta Wednesday evening Marcli visited C. Boice and family Sunday. evening for the senior class which was thing else in my line. 19. Rev. A. Hoffman and family went largely attended. Geo. T. Nourse has improved the to Freeport last week to visit friends. Laura Fulton is visiting in Eureka. March 26 and 27. QUALITY and PRICES looks of his farm by a new fence in Dean Fast and family visited Win. Elmer McKinney is assisting in Lowe fr nt. Exelby and family, of Olive, last & Red fern ’s store. SATISFACTORY. Mrs. Charlie Watson, of Grand Thursday. R. H. Hewitt put down a new well ALL THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND ARTISTIC Rapids, is visiting at her old home in Miss Lulu Shaver was home from on his property last week. Delta. Friday ’till Sunday from her school Frank Temple has returned from an PATTERNS IN EASTER MILLINERY Yours for fair treatment, Mrs. Frank Starling, of Dewey, duties at St. Johns. extended visit in California. Idaho, Is now at the home oi her The Bogus school closed last Friday A party of “young married folks” father, Thomas Bateman, in Wacousta for a two weeks’ vacation. planned a complete surprise on Mr. and on a two months ’ visit. .John.Exelby and w ife, of St. Johns, Mrs. V. G. Hubbard last Wednesday R. H. SHAW visited Mrs. Exelby ’s mother, Mrs. evening. Warm sugar was very much BOUCHER & PETSCH Rocky Mountain Tea taken now will Wm. Smith, last Saturday. in evidence. St. Johns, Mich. keep the whole family well. If it fails Mrs. Wm. H. Smith is very near Wm. Miller received the sad news bring it back and get your cash. 35c. death. She lias 1 een sick a long time last Friday of the sudden death by OVID. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. gave C. E. V an Sickle . with diabetes and now lias gangrene Mrs. Cook a surprise party at the poisoning of the eight-year-old son of From Our Correspondent. 1 nher foot. Wm. MrSherry who formerly resided home of her daughter, .Mrs. Jolly, Tuesday evening. Mrs., or grandma, OLIVE. here. Mrs. II. Brittan and Mrs. E. L. L. N. Collins and wife, of West MARBLE Practically Starving. McClow left at once for Lyons where Derry, New Hampshire, have moved Cook is f*3 years of age and the oldest they reside to Ovid. member of the W. C. T. U. in Ovid. From Our Correspondent. “After using a few bottles of Kodol She joined one of tiie tirst unions Floyd Weaver, living south of town, Mrs. Ockle is ill. Frank Norris is building a new barn. Dyspepsia Cure my wife received per­ Herman Shultz is convalescing. organized in Michigan and has been fect and iiermanent relief from a Is very sick at this writing. an enthusiastic worker in the society George Pike, of the M. A. C., visit ­ severe and chronic case of stomach Althea Grove has the mumps. and ed It is parents Saturday. Mrs1. Henry Downs is adding some Henry Schroder has the measles. ever since. It was in recognition of trouble,” says J. II. Holly, real estate, improvements to her property on Oak her devotion to tiie order that the Gust Maier. of Watertown, visited insurance and loan agent, of Macomb, Wren Tubbs was in Owosso Tues­ at Varney Pearce’s last Saturday. street. party was given in her honor. A Ill. “Before using Kodol Dyspepsia J. M. Roberts and wife and Mrs. day. short program consisting of music and Hubert Yanz. of Riley, returned Cure she could not eat an ordinary AnnaTichenor attended the Roberts- Mrs. High was in Detroit Tuesday. recitations was given and Mrs. Cook home Sunday after staying at Varney meal without intense suffering. v She Messer wedding in Lebanon last Wed ­ Albert Potter is in Detroit tills was presented oy tiie society witli a Pearce’s three months. is now entirely cured. Several GRANITE nesday week. lianasome rocker. "Grandma ” Cook The 1st and 2d degrees of DeWitt physicians and many remedies had was formerly a resident of St. Johns. grange will be conferred upon all who failed to give relief.” * You don ’t have W. Clise. of Eureka, spent Sunday Mrs. Cowan was in Detroit Tuesday. wish to join at last meeting in April to diet. Eat any good food you want, at R. C. Lowe’s. Mr. Walsh has bought a restaurant Frank (’lark and wife gave a pro­ and first meeting in May. Applica­ but don ’t overload the stomach. Kodol in Williamston and moved Ids familj gressive flinch party Friday evening. tions will be received March 29 and Dyspepsia Cure will always digest it EUREKA. there this week. About thirty were present. The WORK April 12, 1902. for you. C. E. V an Sickle . Charley E. Snyder is quite ill. tirst prize was captured by Mrs. From Our Correspondent. Harry Lewis and tiie consolation The Ladies Aid society of the E. V. Mrs. Plunkett was in Owosso Tues­ prize by Thomas Hyslop. The tirst Now’s the time, spring time. Take LEBANON. church will meet with Mis. John day. was an edition of Scott's poems and Rocky Mountain Tea; keeps the whole Rryant Wednesday, March 2<>, at 10 a. E. B. Yoorlices lias bought the John tiie latter a box of corn salve labeled I am in a position this season to sell family well. A great medicine for From Our Correspondent. m. Robson hardware store, which was "good for defect. you anything from a foot stone to a spring tiredness. 3k . Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Martin, who Rev. Swank, wife and daughter, burnt a few months ago, and after Garfield monument at prices that will C. E. V an Sickle . went to Nebraska last November to Cora, spent Thursday and Friday In renovating it will move Ids furniture surprise you. And I have the work visit Mr. Martin ’s brother and sister, Danticld and attended the U. B. stock there. THE ISLAND SEWS. returned home recently. Mrs. Martin society at that place. A reunion took place at the home of on hand that you can sec. You don ’t was not very favorably impiessed with Miss Pearl Hart returned from De­ Mr. and Mrs. Aide Snyder Tuesday. PAY WHEN.CUREO have to buy from pictures. I’rom Our Correspondent. the country, but mr. Martin says it is troit Saturday. She expects to work Tiie occasion was Mr. Snyder ’s fortieth DB O. A. MUNCH, Call opposite the Postottice, ST. Hugh Lamphere was in St. Johns a great .country in which to make in Elsie this summer. birthday. About twenty-three were the eminent special JOHNS, MICH. money witli a small outlay ol’ muscle. present. A very enjoyable time is re- last Friday. Truman Armstrong, of Chapin, iet and consulting Frank Bolender, having sold his jwirted anil many handsome presents John Pinkney and wife visited at spent part of last week in the home of physician of the Mr. Harvey ’s Sunday. farm, will have an auction sale Satur his aunt, Mrs. E. Stowell. received by Mr. Snyder. Detroit Medical and Miss Velma Smith returned home day, March 22. Mr. Bolender expects Mrs. Sarah Parmer visited her Jay Rose entertained his friends to move to Wabash, Ind., where he at a teaparty Tuesday evening. Surgical Institute, F. F. MURDOCK. Sunday after visiting at Union Home daughter, Mrs. Edith Chapin, at St. tur a levs days. w ill engage in flour milling. Johns Thursday. Mrs. Huntley gave a party Monday who has five diplo ­ There was a dance at Frank Vin ­ The board of registration, consisting evening. About twenty ladies were mas and honorary of supervisor, clerk, and treasurer, will George Wilson, of Breckenridge, present. Flinch was tiie amusement cent ’s last Friday night. All report a spent a few days last week with diplomas, can name tine time. meet at the residence of the clerk, friends here. He returned home Sun ­ of tiie evening. Chas. Howard, Saturday April 5. All Miss Nellie Loscy gave a birthday ana locate any disease or weakness Maple Rapids Several ladles from this vicinity voters who arc not registered should day accompanied by his daughter, visited the lady Maccabee lodge at St. Mrs. Myrta Burk, and two children. party to her friends Friday night. without asking questions. be present then or give in their name Catarrh, Asthma* Johns last Friday night. to some member of the board. Owen Stearns visited his father, The Eastern Star lodge gave a warm sugar social Tuesday evening in We Cure Rheumatism,Fite, Stage Line Fred Nash and wife visited at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard were Alfred Stearns, of Sumner, last week. Lewis Cox ’s in Essex Saturday and He returned home Saturday accom- the Masonic hall and G. A. R. rooms. Paralysis, Canesrs, Tumors, Rup- Leave Maple Rapids 8:30 n.m. daily; arrive visiting Mrs. Howard ’s brother, Mark About $8 were realized. in time to connect with 10:51 train west. Sunday. Leetch, of Ionia Co., the latter part of padied by her cousin. turss, Variooosls, Heart, Lung, Akin, N. J. Clark and wife gave a surprise Leave St. Johns 8:30 a.m., arrive Maple Rap- Miss Nellie Nash, from the northern last week. John Ellenwood has purchased the Blood, Kidney, Bladdsr and Jacob Brewbaker property. party for their daughter Jessie, Wed ­ Ids 11:30 part of the state, is visiting relatives Miss Louise Metzke is expected from PRIVATE DISEASES Leave Maple Rapids 1:80 p.m., arrive St. and friends in tills vicinity. Prin. W. L. Clise and wife spent a nesday evening, -hut the surprise was Iowa Friday to visit her sister, Mrs. principally on tiie guests when they of Ksn, and Woman. Johns 4i30 p.m. Mrs. James Lambie visited in Maple Lester Doane. part of last week with friends in St. discovered that Miss Clark and Leave St. Johns on arrival of western mall; Rapids a few days last week. Leonard Kruger, who moved onto Johns and Maple Rapids. Arthur Morse, also of tlds place, had No matter WHAT your disease or arrive Muple Rapids 8:30 p.m. Ren Owens is working at carpenter John Bennett ’s farm last fall intend ­ Sheriff Shavey, of St. Johns, was in been married in Kalamazoo. The weakness, or who has failed to cure Good accommodation for travelers. work with Mr. Landis. ing to work it, has sold his interest to town Saturday on business. marriage took place on the third of you, consult him. Special attention