CHOIX DE DEVOIRS Madame Sola Français DP 2018-2019

The purpose:  Expand your exposure to the French language in context  Increase your awareness of cultural differences and similarities  Use French beyond the classroom in a way that interests you  Develop your “WHY” behind your French studies

Every other week, you must complete one of the following activities. This assignment is due on the Google Form here (also posted on my website). You can see the specific due dates on your syllabus and on my calendar. YOU MUST CHOOSE A DIFFERENT ACTIVITY EACH TIME DURING THE QUARTER!

After completing the activity you will write a brief paragraph in which you reflect upon the activity you chose. (You will be prompted to do this on the Google Form). Minimum 100 words in French: You can describe your thoughts on the activity before you completed it, or what you ultimately liked about it, what you disliked about it, the words in French that you understood from it, what you had difficulty with, what you learned from it, etc. I must see clear evidence that the task has been completed in order for you to get full points on the assignment. This assignment is to be done WITHOUT online translators. It should be your own original work.

*Note that this does not replace any homework I give to practice skills or to finish something we started in class.

Activity options: *Activities that require you to send or show me something (a link, a poem, a drawing, etc.) have a star next to them. You can email me ([email protected]) or show me in class.

 Do people ask you why you chose French or why French is important to learn? Read this article from the University of Virginia and you can tell them lots of reasons!  Watch this interview of 17-year-old Abdoulaye from Sénégal. (Mostly in English, but v interesting!)  Follow this American student at his first day in a French Public School in the South of France. Maybe follow him on a trip to the market.  Use this cool site from Australia to practice grammar and vocabulary! Lots of basic French practice.  You have heard of Napoleon - but why is he still SO FAMOUS??  Watch a story in another language other than French or English. Could you follow any of it based on your cognates/ visual/context clues you use in class?  Learn how to make a phone call in French-is this something you know how to do in English???  How good are you at using context to guess meaning? I bet you can get pretty far in this game! Try any language you wish (you should be pretty good at French ;) )  If you have the opportunity to travel to France / speak to a French person, here are some tips to better understand social norms.  Need a way to remember accents marks? Watch this cheesy video to the tune of “Baby Shark.”  Watch a French cartoon! Make sure to tell me which one you watched in your reflection paragraph.  SAPEURS: Watch this short documentary about les sapeurs (people in Congo who try to be as stylish as possible even though they have limited income).  Watch a French TV show for 15+ minutes Netflix shows to watch in French (feel free to use subtitles). Make sure to tell me which one you watched in your reflection paragraph.  Search YouTube for a French-language cover of a popular song.  Watch Holocaust survivor, Francine Christophe tell her story about her time in a concentration camp.  Haitian History! Watch this video about the Haitian Revolution. What happened? What did you find to be the most interesting?  Watch auditions from the singing competition on YouTube. Try to catch the name, age, and song of three contestants. Did the judges like the performance? What did you think?

Adapted from Ms. Teresa Floch  Are you interested in slang expressions (argot)? Read this article.  Watch this video about French gestures (gestes) and teach 3 of them to a friend or family member.  Watch a French streamer on Twitch  Look up ‘Comme une Française’ on YouTube and watch one of her videos about a topic that interests you.  Watch an episode of the animated series, Corneil & Bernie  Learn about different French accents! How does this compare to different accents where we live?  Read / Listen to a children’s story. Change the language to French on the top right.  Use HiNative to ask someone a question you have about French culture.  Tricks for knowing a noun’s gender with 80% accuracy, for those of you who like nifty grammar shortcuts.  Give reading the news in French a try. This is a site written for French learners, rather than native French speakers.  Read this article on Phrases the French love to use….. Do you recognize any? Can you add any to your vocabulary?  Watch one of these most watched French music videos on YouTube. Make sure to tell me which one you watched in your reflection paragraph.  Do you know someone going to Paris? Ask them to send you a picture of one of these souvenirs that are typically French (or if they are really nice, to buy it for you!)  Use Google Maps Street View of a French speaking city to find 5 examples of signs written in French (street signs, billboards, etc.). What do they mean? Don’t just look it up – use your skills to figure it out. (Context, images, etc.)  Do you dream of living at Disney World or in a fairytale? Check out these real towns in France!  Choose a grammatical point to practice in French via songs on Dictaplay  Social grace and good manners are important. Find out how to act around French people to put them at ease.  Watch a part of the television show, The Supersizers - about food and history during the French Revolution. (There are 6 parts that are each 10 mins long.)  Search Google for ‘Supernanny Français’ and choose an episode. Try to notice what city the family comes from and the name and age of each family member (to include in your reflection paragraph).  *Write an acrostic poem about yourself in French using your first and last name. Turn it in to me in addition to filling out the Google Form.  Tutor a lower-level French student for 20 minutes.  Watch a French YouTuber, such as Norman - More YOUTUBERS HERE! (make sure that they are school appropriate topics) Make sure to tell me which one you watched in your reflection paragraph.  Find a French language tutorial video on a grammar or vocabulary topic and take notes on what you learn. (You can search YouTube or just do a Google search.)  Explore the web for a theme park or regional festival in a Francophone country. Plan a schedule for spending a day there.  Complete a verb activity appropriate to your level of French on conjuguemos  Complete a vocabulary activity appropriate to your level of French on conjuguemos  Complete a grammar activity appropriate to your level of French on conjuguemos  *Record a 1-3 minute video making plans with a classmate to meet at a certain time and place outside of school, including how to get there from school. (This will count for both of you as homework for the week). Share the video with me via email ([email protected]) and put “video for homework by Name and Name” as the subject of the email.  MAQUILLAGE: Find a makeup tutorial in French. Write the title of the video and the name of the YouTuber’s account. Using this list of French makeup vocabulary, write down the words that you hear the speaker say. What does he/she do with each item mentioned?  What is la Francophonie? Learn about where French is spoken and what is being done to cultivate it.  Book a flight to a Francophone country using AirFrance or other airline’s French-language site (don’t actually buy it - just go up to the purchase page!).  What musical group had more Twitter mentions than Donald Trump in 2017? They are as popular in the Hexagon (nickname for France) as they are in the USA. Learn more here.  Listen to some native speakers speaking English. Is their accent difficult to understand? Why could this activity be valuable to a person who might get frustrated while speaking a new language?  Do you know any celebrities who speak French? See how they are ranked in ability and watch them talk a little!  *Write a thank you note to someone who has helped you with your French, recalling what they did for you and how it helped you. (It can be in English and you should send it by mail or email.) Send me a photo of the note.  *REALIA: Bring an object into class that you found written in French. It could be from an instruction manual, a box, etc. Make sure to also write your reflection paragraph telling me what it was, what new vocab you learned from it, etc.  Have a 5-minute conversation with Siri in French.  The French have some colorful expressions. Check out at least three of these illustrated versions of French idioms.

Adapted from Ms. Teresa Floch  Check the weather report in French. Review your vocab here, first, if you would like! Would you be able to understand the weather report even if you were a beginning French learner?  What is the deal with Louisiana and French? Does it still matter? Find out HERE!  In French, Google a topic that you are currently learning or have learned in another class. What can you find about it in French? What do you understand?  Watch this short video about the French Revolution of 1789.  Explore the French-language section of a bookstore (Half Price Books usually has a small French section) or the French Ebooks section of Look at 5 books and find two you would like to own. Tell me the names of them.  Explore Google Trends ( trends) for the U.S. and a Francophone country and compare what you find.  Search a hashtag for one of your vocabulary word on Twitter or Instagram and read 10 entries. Report what you find.  *Compile a list of 15 French words involving your favorite hobby or a job you'd like to have.  Using post-it notes, post-it 5 items in your house that you don’t know the word for and leave it there for a week, then submit your form from memory what all the items were. Did this help you learn them?  Watch an episode of Chasseurs d’appart on YouTube (about people looking for an apartment). Try to take note on: What is the person’s name and budget? Which apartment did they finally choose?  *Look up vocabulary from our current (or most recent) unit in a Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Arabic or German dictionary. (At least 5 words). Can you spot the similarities and differences?  *Make a Kahoot!, Quizlet set, or Quizizz on the French-related topic of your choice. Share it with me.  Real Life: Describe a situation in which you might be able to use the information you have learned up to this point in French. (language or culture related)  On Spotify or another music streaming site, find a Francophone artist you like and either 1) listen to their top 5 songs or 2) listen to an album. Report what you listened to and what you thought.  *Random Verbs: Choose 3 French verbs at random from the dictionary. Conjugate them in the present tense. Can you conjugate them in the past tense?  *Research a player from the French national soccer team. Create a trading card with a picture and information about what position they play, interesting facts, etc. Show me the card.  Watch this video about how to sound cooler in French. Write down each tip they gave with a short explanation.  *Create a song, poem, poster or diagram to explain a grammar concept to your classmates. Expect it to be shared with the class.  Go to and listen to at least five radio stations from French-speaking cities. Describe what you heard for each one. Who is the audience? What language was it in? What kind of music was it?  *Find a piece of clothing with French writing on it. Is it correct? Why or why not? Would you wear it? Send me a picture of the clothing item.  Make a food journal in French of the food you ate this week – this will be the text of your reflection paragraph.  Find a famous French-speaking sports team from somewhere other than France. Tell about them.  *Draw/Make a flag of a Francophone country and list 5 facts about that country.  Change your game console (ex. Xbox, Playstation, Switch, etc.) to French language. Play on 2 occasions making note of the words you recognize. Try to communicate with at least one other person in French.  Practice this alternative dance to Stromae’s Papaoutai on YouTube.  Listen to 2 clips on, Podcast Français Facile, Québécois French  Complete a cloze activity (fill in the blank) for 2 songs on and report your results  Quizlet Flashcards to practice vocabulary/expressions: choose 1 set of Quizlet flashcards & complete the various activities on the website. If you want to search for my sets, my username is madamesola.  Engage a classmate in Words With Friends in French for 30 minutes. You can download the app for free on your phone.  Download Duolingo and begin using it to practice/learn French at least 3 days out of the week.  Change your cell phone/tablet/laptop/other electronic device’s language to French for 2 days  Teach at least 5 French phrases or song to someone else (any age). In your paragraph, tell me who you taught, what you taught, and whether or not your lesson was a success.  Find 3 household products with French words on them (laundry detergent, Windex, etc) and read the instructions/warning labels found on the back aloud to a parent or sibling. Be sure to write what the products are in your reflection paragraph!  VERLAN: Learn about a type of French slang that is very common .Write down each word mentioned in French and Verlan slang and what it means in English. Then make up three Verlan words of your own.  Read about a famous French person of your choice (musician, actor, athlete, singer, artist, etc)  Watch a movie with the language set to French or watch a French movie (feel free to use subtitles)

Adapted from Ms. Teresa Floch  On Youtube, look up 5 Francophone music artists [Stromae, Kendji Girac, Maitre Gims, TAL, Mika]. Watch 1 music video per artist and write about which songs you liked and disliked.  *Create a free 10 panelled cartoon in French. Can be hand drawn or digital using one of these websites: Comic Master, Make Beliefs Comix, Toondoo, Powtoon  *Draw something that represents at least 3 words or phrases from our current unit. Must be a neat and colorful full page illustration.  Explore Lawless French Blog by reading articles of interest in French or practice your listening skills (if completing listening exercises, try to listen first without looking at written script.)  For history lovers: Very interesting video & article on a passport forger during the Nazi occupation of France. He saved thousands of lives by forging passports to help children flee the Nazis. I suggest listening to video first (it is in French w/English subtitles), then reading the article  Blog de Pierre a French exchange student living in Las Vegas in order to become bilingual (from 2011).  The website 20 minutes has a web segment called 24 heures en images. It shows pictures from around the world from a French perspective with a brief French caption. Pick a picture that speaks to you and explain why you chose it.  Explore the streets of Paris through Google’s Arts & Culture Curio-cité  Learn about the differences between French and American high schools from a French girl who studied in America. What did you learn? What was the biggest surprise for you?  Do you think you might be interested in doing a study abroad or immersion program? Look into these scholarships!  Talk to a younger scholar about why they should think about taking French (doesn’t have to be someone at UNHP)  Research local groups or businesses that have French language / cuisine connections. Describe what you find in your reflection paragraph.  Visit the Alliance Française website. What is the purpose of this organization? What kinds of activities and events do they host? What are some upcoming events here in Dallas?  *Attend a local event promoting French (good place to start: Alliance Française). Bring me something to show that you attended (i.e. a flyer)  Sample some French, Belgian, or Swiss chocolate. Write the brand or type in your reflection paragraph.  Sample some French cheese. Write the brand or type in your reflection paragraph.  At a department store, find the names and brands of three French perfumes. Try a scent sample.  Visit a local French/Francophone or French-inspired restaurant. I have compiled a list here. (Keep in mind that I’m new to Dallas so I have not visited every restaurant on the list) What did you have to eat? Did you speak French while you were there? Did you see French in the restaurant (the menu, decor, etc.)?  Choose a day and narrate it in French. Talk to yourself (in your thoughts) about everything you are doing in French and then make a “journal” entry of the things you did.  INSTAGRAM CITIES: Go to Instagram and do a search for three different cities where French is spoken. Describe the cities and the people based on the images that come up. Which city looks the most interesting to visit and why? What activities would you probably do in each city?  read beginner-friendly articles posted daily at 1jour1actu  Watch a short video about a topic that interests you on 1 jour, 1 question (not a video we have already watched in class)  With someone who speaks French, take turns asking and answering 10 questions from this article. Notice the franglais!  Have a conversation in French on a topic that you choose for 10+ minutes with another scholar outside of class. This can count as homework for both of you.  Read a book about Francophone culture/language or a classic French novel (in French or English). (I must approve your book. This can count as more than one homework activity. Talk to me if you’d like to pick this option. I have suggestions if you’d like to hear them!)

Adapted from Ms. Teresa Floch