Supercomputer offers MATLAB capability 8 January 2010, By Bill Steele

( -- The Cornell Center for Advanced the TeraGrid, said CAC director and principal computing has deployed A 512-core parallel investigator David Lifka. cluster running the scientific language MATLAB as an experimental resource on the TeraGrid. Researchers and students will run programs on the new resource from their own desktops using Scientists and students at Cornell and across the Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh or Linux- nation can run fast parallel computer simulations based clients. The cluster also will support "Science directly from their own desktops using a new Gateways" on the TeraGrid, beginning with the computational resource deployed at the Cornell nanoHUB gateway at , a partner Center for Advanced Computing (CAC), the with Cornell in the NSF grant. NanoHUB offers university's high-performance computing facility. applications for nanotechnology research.

A 512-core parallel cluster called "MATLAB on the Science Gateways allow researchers to run TeraGrid" is accessible now as an experimental specialized applications without necessarily having resource on the TeraGrid, the nation's high-speed to understand the computing resources behind research network. them or the intricacies of parallel programming.

MATLAB is a high-level technical computing "This is exciting for research because it allows language with applications ranging from researchers to go to well developed portals for nanoscience, engineering and environmental documentation, training and simulation science to health care and biology. One of the capabilities," Lifka said. "The pervasiveness of languages taught to Cornell engineering freshmen, MATLAB as a science and engineering tool makes it is used by students in many departments at the potential of MATLAB as a computational Cornell and at other universities. Deploying the backend for Science Gateways especially language on a high-performance parallel system appealing." allows researchers to run applications faster and more easily, by dividing problems into many parts Additional Science Gateways using the MATLAB that run simultaneously. resource may follow, Lifka said. CAC is working with the Centers for Disease Control and "MATLAB on the TeraGrid will help enable a Prevention (CDC) and the Weill Cornell Medical broader class of researchers who are well versed College to develop gateways for epidemiology and in MATLAB to reduce the time to solution in a medical image analysis. Researchers at the CDC seamless and scalable manner," said Robert recently used all 512 cores on the MATLAB cluster Buhrman, Cornell senior vice provost for research. to model a hepatitis C virus, a major cause of liver "It will be a valuable tool to researchers with disease worldwide. Ithaca campus researchers complex analytic and fast simulation requirements from earth and atmospheric sciences, civil and and, at the same time, provide undergraduate and environmental engineering and biomedical graduate students with a bridge to understanding engineering also are in the process of modifying important parallel programming concepts." their MATLAB programs to run on the parallel resource. The $1 million project is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) using stimulus funding Annual classroom workshops on the use of the from the American Recovery and Reinvestment system will be held at Cornell and Purdue; virtual Act (ARRA) and by Dell, Microsoft Corp. and The workshops will be available online. For more MathWorks, originators of MATLAB. This is the first information on the project and to request access to NSF-funded experimental MATLAB resource on the experimental resource, visit

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