Rose Hill Alum Found Slain Federal Prosecutor, Fordham Grad Is Brutally Beaten and Buried by Anthony Hazefl, FCLC '06 NEWS EDITOR

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Rose Hill Alum Found Slain Federal Prosecutor, Fordham Grad Is Brutally Beaten and Buried by Anthony Hazefl, FCLC '06 NEWS EDITOR Students USG undermines help charity own authority Features, Page 16 Opinion, Page 6 The rver The Student Voic$ &>at Lincoln Center December 11, 2003 Volume XXII, Issue 7 Starting the holiday season Rose Hill alum found slain Federal prosecutor, Fordham grad is brutally beaten and buried By Anthony Hazefl, FCLC '06 NEWS EDITOR FCRH - Jonathan P. Luna, a Fordham University alumnus, was found murdered in a small town just outside Lancaster, Pennsylvania on Dec. 4. The 38- year-old assistant U.S. attorney was buried face'downin a field in" Lancaster County, nearly 70 miles away from his Baltimore- area home, according to reports. His car, covered in blood, was U.S. Department of Justice fosund; nearby in a creek Jonathon Luna Luna was involved in the trial officials, Luna was brutally beat- of rapper Deon Lioiiftel Smith en, stabbed 36 times, and shot. At the time of his death, Continued on page 4 CAB gets funds, SABC makes call ByMonkp]eDnnan,FCLC'o6 I See related editorial I STAFF WRITER Opinion, Page 6 FCLC - Following a dispute reached a resolution. The por- over the school-wide referen- tion of the money going to Caitlin Dillaway/The Observer dum that resulted in a $40 raise CAB, which was the source of On Tuesday, Dec. 2 the Lincoln Center community gathered for the annual tree lighting in the student activities fee, half contention, will in fact go to ceremony. To celebrate the tradition, many Upper West Side establishments served of which went to the Campus CAB, the committee decided. free food and beverages. Activities Board (CAB), the The dispute arose as to Student Activities Budget Committee (SABC) has Two-credit courses may Continued on page 4 Exorcisms: the new hurt graduating seniors Twinkie defense? By K.C. Johnston, FCLC '04 help fulfill a student's credit dents were informed recently that although they have com- STAFF WRITER requirements, do not count CONTRIBUTING WRITER Features toward the required number of pleted the credit requirements, Pages 12 to 17 FCLC - Several seniors were three- or four-credit courses they do not have at least 36 surprised to find out recently needed for graduation. three- or four-credit courses. What a convenient scape- "Traditionally virtue is the that although they have fulfilled Thirty-six of these three- or Instead, many of them, espe- , goat - Satan. After all, he is habit of doing good rather the credit requirements needed four-credit courses are needed cially those with natural sci- the cause of all evil. No, than the habit of doing evil; for graduation, they have not to graduate, according to the ences, psychology, or commu- that's too easy. Ever hear of the virtuous person almost completed the required number 2002-2004 Undergraduate nications majors, have tran- free will? According to the spontaneously docs the next of courses that would allow Bulletin, in addition to a total of scripts that are filled with two- Rev. Damien O'Conncll S.J., good tiling. The person who them to graduate on time. no less than 124 credits. This credit labs, workshops, or other it's not fair to blame the Devil makes bad choices can get to The problem, which was information is stated explicitly "add-on" courses. These cours- for human actions. "The tra- the point that the evil sponta- addressed by the College in the Bulletin, according to the es do not help fulfill the require- ditional teachings in what's neously docs the self-aggran- Council at its meeting on Nov. Rev. Robert Grimes, S.J., dean ment of 36 courses. called Original Sin is that the dizing thing." Basically, you 19, is caused by two-credit of the College at Lincoln human heart is chipped away courses, which, although they Center. However, many stu- Continued on page 4 from the good," he explains, Continued on page 16 imriv.fclcobs' News 2 The Observer December 11, 2003 E How does the Ram Van compare Opinion 6 Features 12 Arts & Culture. 18 to other universities' services? Classifieds 25 Literary 26 By Giselle Isner, FCLC '05 IA CLOSER LOOK Sports 28 CONTRIBUTING WRITER Campus Issues How does Fordham measure up? MISSION STATEMENT The Observer is an independent- FORDHAM - Jacqueline ride the city buses for free, accord- For further comparison of Fordham's intercampus transporta- minded student newspaper serv- Portela, FCLC '04, takes classes at ing to the Office of Transportation tion services and those of other schools: ing the Fordham College at both Fordham's Rose Hill and and Parking Services. Lincoln Center (FCLC) communi- Lincoln Center campuses. She ty. The Observer's mission is to "We are a very busy spread out School: New York University seek and present the unbiased relies heavily on the university's campus, about 2,000 acres, com- Type of service: Intercampus, student residence halls and off- truth while simultaneously foster- intercampus transportation service posed of 10 colleges," said Eric campus apartments buses during the day, on-call van service in ing journalism experience among to get to class, but many times, it Kraus, an analyst of Transportation evening students enrolled at FCLC and leaves her disappointed. and Parking Services at UC Santa Hours of service: Seven days a week, 24 hours a day promoting and supporting the "It is bad because sometimes Cruz. 'Students can't make classes ethical principles denned in the Cost: Free with valid NYU ID First Amendment of the United you don't have time to sign up for by walking from one side of the Source: States Constitution pertaining to the van and if it is full, you can't get campus to another. We have shut- the freedom of speech and of the in, so I get late to class often," said tles running all around the campus .School: University of California Santa Cruz s press. Portela "It's a hassle." within every 10 minutes. There are Type of service: Intra-campus, downtown and shopping shut- Commonly known as the Ram day shuttles from 7:30 am to 6 tles; ' • CONTACTING US The Observer office is located on Van, the maroon vans marked with p.m. and night shuttles from 6 p.m. Cost: Free city bus service with student ID the FCLC campus in room SL-19 the Fordham logo and Ram mascot, to 12:15 am, seven days a week. Hours of service: 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., every 10 minutes; 6 p.m. of the Leon Lowenstein building is Fordham University's intercam- Anyone on campus can board for to 12:15 a.m,, every 15 to 20 mm. at 113 West 60th Street, New pus transportation service. free. It is a very helpful service." Cost: Free when boarding York, NY. Address all mail to The According to the Ram Van office, Source: Observer, Fordham College at While the shuttle is free for the Lincoln Center, 113 West 60th there are 12 vehicles, including five students at boarding time, the ser- Street, Room 408, New York, NY athletics vans, which are occasion- vice is not completely without cost School: Georgetown University 10023. Call us at 212-636-6015 or ally used for transporting students for the students. Type of service: Bus, five routes: Intercampus, university send e-mail to editor@fclcobserv- when they are not used for sporting "Students assess themselves a offices, Metro station, parking garages, off-campus stops Send all faxes to 212-636- events. Each van seats 14 passen- 7047. To reach a specific editor, transit fee as part of tuition that Hours of service: Seven days a week, 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. please see the individual contact gers and one driver. The vans, in allows access to both public transit Cost: Free with valid Georgetown ID, $1 without ID information posted in our mast- intervals of 30 minutes, run service and the shuttle," said Julie Source: head on the Opinion page. The between 6:30 am and 10:30 p.m. Tanner, assistant director of trans- Observer holds open staff meet- at Rose Hill and between 7:15 am portation at UC Santa Cruz. ings every Tuesday at 1 p.m. in and 11:30 p.ra in Lincoln Center. 'Tarking fees and $3 of every park- state, unlike Fordham, which is a Some students' biggest com- room 406 of the Leon Lowenstein The vans have extended hours from building. ing fine go toward funding the ser- private university. • plaints about the Ram Van are not Thursday to Sunday and have vice. The Metro Transit District "Not without tuition going up so much about its price as it is about HOW TO PLACE AN AD abbreviated services during the allows students to show their ID could it be free," said Canton. its service. To reserve advertising space, or summer. Usually, two vans leave and board any of the buses through- Canton feels that other school's 'Tt was horrible. I was waiting for rates and information, contact each campus at the same time. out Santa Cruz County for free. transportation services do not com- there and the van didn't come," said the business manager at business- manager@fclcobserver- A fare hike last fall that brought There are also shopper shuttles that pare to Fordham's. '"No one has a Luis Hernandez, FCLC '05, Who .com or call us at 212-636-6016. the cost of transportation between go off campus and shuttles that go service that is as extensive as ours. has classes at Rose Hill and Lincoln campuses to $2.50 was the third downtown." Theirs are similar to our security Center.
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