MAP 12: FoSA

Southeast Blue-spotted Salamander LEGEND Blue-winged Warbler Eastern Towhee NY d Great-crested Flycatcher w Lake R Shado Hooded Warbler Veery Roads Warbling Vireo Four-toed Arterial Salamander Local Danbury y gton Hw FOSA Species Washin George (2010 NRI survey) Four-toed Salamander Box Turtle Mammal (2010 NRI survey)



y r u Reptile / Amphibian b

e g Northern Copperhead d i R Note: Two common vernal pool species, tn Rd M Baltimore Oriole Ned's Marbled Salamander the Wood Frog and Spotted Salamander, Downy Mink Marbled Salamander Eastern Towhee Downy Woodpecker are FoSA species which are widespread Eastern Wood Pewee Ovenbird Wood Thrush Marbled Salamander within the town's vernal pools and are not Scarlet Tanager Ea Wood Pewee, Ovenbird, Veery Wood Thrush, Great-crested Flycatcher, Scarlet Tanager Downy Woodpecker, American Redstart illustrated here. See vernal pool map, Wood Thrush Eastern Towhee Ovenbird, Veery, Wood Thrush S Eastern Wood Pewee Black Rat Snake

p Map #9.

r Ovenbird Four-toed Salamander i Jefferson Salamander n g Veery Musk Turtle

Wood Turtle V a l l e Marbled y Baltimore Oriole

R rm Rd Downy Woodpecker Salamander d Baltimore Oriole, Veery, Warbling Vireo, Fa tt's Eastern Wood Pewee Wood Thrush, Indigo Bunting, American nne Be Great-crested Flycatcher Spotted Redstart, Blue-winged Warbler, Ovenbird Turtle Baltimore Oriole Warbling Vireo Scarlet Tanager Great-crested Flycatcher, Ovenbird Virginia Rail Scarlet Tanager, Veery, Wood Thrush Long-tailed Warbling Vireo Weasel Wood Thrush Wood Turtle Veery, Wood Thrush, Indigo Bunting, American M North o Redstart, Blue-winged Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, pu d s B R Downy Woodpecker ri dg e d

R Salem NY

L m

R ed r i g a

d es g R F e d nnett's

b Be u Downy Woodpecker

r Great-crested Flycatcher y

R Red-shouldered Hawk d Box Turtle Scarlet Tanager Box Turtle Ovenbird O Ea Wood Pewee

l Jefferson d Veery G

Musk Turtle S r Salamander

ib e

R a t L oad H i




e l

s R

t o d

Chimney Swift, Baltimore Oriole n


Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager R Box Turtle

Spotted Turtle Warbling Vireo d N

Wood Turtle o




S t 35 VU d R Fisher d an vil Ha VU7 UV116 Wood Turtle Red-headed d R Woodpecker B y a Fisher r u rr a Spotted b c n k Turtle a H D d d il R l R R

tn d m d Redding M a t R w s w o e e p W N p i ld E R t O h a

N n d A Slimy Salamander R tn S l t M le s a n e l e W d H m R w O l l y s R American Redstart c i

d H a e Rd s Baltimore Oriole l vill n e ing Cai t rm Blue-winged Warbler a ll Rd Fa R Hi Indigo Bunting Mill d w Ovenbird Sa Red-shouldered Hawk Veery Four-toed Salamander d R ry bu ns Lewisboro Lou

g d

n d pi Four-toed

R R m

d u l NY e

R Salamander l

P n i tio g a d St i H R v y y Ave I Jefferson Salamander le Barr b Four-toed Salamander a e Red-shouldered c a Wood Turtle d e Silver-haired Bat Hawk l R P il M H a Long-tailed a i Marbled Salamander id n r Weasel lo S F

t Baltimore Oriole, Downy Woodpecker, Ea Wood Pewee, Great-crested Flycatcher, t le S Indigo Bunting, Scarlet Tanager, Warbling eab ac Vireo Pe F lo r id a R d VU102

Branchville Rd : Box Turtle Rd lem d a 35 hville R 7 Mink S VU ranc U S V B SCALE Old n L

t s 33 0 1,500 3,000 6,000 Feet e VU W Fowler's Box Turtle Toad

N Fowler's Toad Spotted Turtle S o i l d v Worm Snake

e R Box Turtle r W d


i Spotted Turtle p l

r t

i o


n g



d W

e s t This map is one of a series of maps developed Four-toed Four-toed Wilton as part of the 2010 Ridgefield Natural Resource Salamander Salamander

Inventory. Four-toed Salamander

The map was created by the Metropolitan Conservation Alliance, a program of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, in cooperation with the Ridgefield Conservation Commission.

This map is intended to be illustrative and should be used for general planning purposes only.