Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase,


Southern Site Archaeological Evaluation

for Bargate Homes Ltd

CA Project: 770559a CA Report: 17393a

June 2017

Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase,

Archaeological Evaluation

CA Project: 770559a CA Report: 17393a

Document Control Grid Revision Date Author Checked by Status Reasons for Approved revision by A 23/6/17 AH Ray Internal General Edit Richard Kennedy Review Greatorex

This report is confidential to the client. Cotswold Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability to any third party to whom this report, or any part of it, is made known. Any such party relies upon this report entirely at their own risk. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means without permission.

© Cotswold Archaeology

© Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation


SUMMARY ...... 2

1. INTRODUCTION ...... 3



4. METHODOLOGY ...... 6

5. RESULTS (FIGS 2-3) ...... 7

6. DISCUSSION ...... 8

7. CA PROJECT TEAM ...... 8

8. REFERENCES ...... 9



Figure 1 Site location plan (1:25,000) Figure 2 Trench location plan (1:2000) Figure 3 Photographs

1 © Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation


Project Name: Forest Road at Waltham Chase Location: Hampshire NGR: 456524 115213 Type: Evaluation Date: 19-22 June 2017 Planning Reference: 15/0116/OUT Location of Archive: Hampshire Cultural Trust Site Code: WALT17

An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology in June 2017 at land South of Forest Road at Waltham Chase, Hampshire. Nineteen of the planned twenty trenches were excavated.

Prior to the archaeological evaluation, in order to satisfy an (ecology) planning condition, a ‘disturbed’ reptile survey was undertaken. Unfortunately this was undertaken without an accompanying archaeological watching brief.

The topsoil appears from photographs to have been relatively shallow with no substantial subsoil deposit. Therefore any truncation as a result of the disturbed survey is likely to have been greater than it may otherwise have been. However the natural bedrock comprises a clear yellow/brown clay deposit and any archaeological features had they survived would have been readily visible. As it is, no archaeological features or finds were observed during the course of the evaluation and despite the issue of the unintended (possible) truncation, it is likely that the site represents an area of low archaeological potential as indicated in the archaeological background.

2 © Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation


1.1 This document sets out details of a Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) by Cotswold Archaeology (CA) for an archaeological evaluation of land north and south of Forest Road at Waltham Chase, Hampshire, (centred at NGR: 456524 115213) at the request of Bargate Homes Ltd.

1.2 Planning permission (ref: 15/01106/OUT) was granted by City Council (hereafter referred to as local planning authority abbreviated to LPA) for the development of 81 residential dwellings and associated works located over two separate sites to the north and south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire (Figures 1 and 2), conditional on a programme of archaeological work:

Condition 12 No development/demolition or site preparation shall take place until the applicant or their agents or successors in title has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological mitigation work (to include an initial phase of evaluation trenching) in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation that has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority in writing. No demolition/development or site preparation shall take place other than in accordance with the Written Scheme of Investigation approved by the LPA. The Written Scheme of Investigation shall include:

1. The programme and methodology of site investigation and recording 2. Provision for post investigation assessment, reporting and dissemination 3. Provision to be made for deposition of the analysis and records of the site investigation (archive) 4. Nomination of a competent person or persons/organisation to undertake the works set out within the Written Scheme of Investigation.

Condition 13 Following completion of archaeological fieldwork a report will be produced in accordance with an approved programme including where appropriate post- excavation assessment, specialist analysis and reports and publication

3 © Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation

1.3 This evaluation concentrated on the southern parcel of land and was carried out in accordance with a detailed Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) produced by CA (2017) and approved by Tracey Matthews, archaeological advisor to the LPA. The fieldwork also followed Standard and guidance: Archaeological field evaluation (CIfA 2014).

The site

1.4 The proposed development is situated immediately to the east of the village of Waltham Chase, and approximately 1.7km to the south of Bishop’s Waltham. The site area comprises of two parcels land to the north and south of Forest Road. The two parcels of land together cover approximately 3.87ha and are situated 37m above Ordnance Datum (aOD).

1.4 The southern parcel, excavated in this phase, is occupied by a single field of pasture, measuring approximately 2.37ha. The northern, eastern and southern boundaries are defined by hedgerows containing trees; while boundary fences are located along the western perimeter. Forest Road is situated immediately to the north, with residential development to the west and agricultural land to the east and south.

1.5 The British Geological Survey indicates several bedrock deposits underlie the site. To the north and south clay formation formed is present in the north and south, while Bognor sand member is located in the central area. Each of these deposits formed during the Palaeogene period, approximately 34-56 million years ago (BGS 2017). No superficial deposits are recorded in the site areas. The evaluation confirmed the presence of firm yellow/brown silt/clay but no sand was recorded.


2.1 The following archaeological background has been taken from a previous Desk Based Assessment (CA 2015) of the site and has been summarised below.

Prehistoric (pre-AD 43) 2.2 No remains of early prehistoric (Palaeolithic or Mesolithic) date are recorded with in the site. Within the sites wider environs, find spots of work flint has been recovered

4 © Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation

from The Dean (c.1.3km to the north), and Sandy Lane (c.1.2km to the south). More comprehensive evidence of Mesolithic occupation, including pits and a flint working surface has been identified at Palace Stables in Bishop Waltham (c.2.1km to the north-west).

2.3 In the immediate environs of the site remains dating to the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods are limited to isolated finds spots, including a Neolithic flint axe found at (c.700m to the south), and an Early Bronze Age axe and pottery sherds recovered to the south-west c.830m from site. A single flake of unspecified date was recovered from the Northbrook Nitrates pipeline route. In the wider landscape, Bronze Age funerary activity is represented by two scheduled bowl barrows at Hoe Farm (NHLE ref. 1013078- c. 1.7km to the north of the site), while a further barrow is located at Little Shore lane, (c. 1.8km to the north-west).

Romano-British (AD 43 - AD 410) 2.4 During the Roman period the area fell into the wider rural hinterland of Venta Belgarum (Winchester), and was dissected by a network of Roman roads. The course of a Roman road which connects Wickham to Venta Belgarum (c. 1.5km to west) is likely a key influence in the development of local rural settlement patterns. A possible villa is located at Locks Farm (c. 1.6km to the north/west), and a coin hoard was recovered at Forest Farm (c. 820m to the north-west of the site). A further collection of coins, possibly deriving from the aforementioned hoard, has also been found at Mill house directly north of the site.

Early medieval (AD 410 – AD 1066) and Medieval (AD 1066 – 1539). 2.5 No early medieval activity is recorded within the immediate environs of the site. The nearest documented settlement in this period is Bishop’s Waltham (c.1.7km to the north of the site, originated as a monastic establishment, and continued to be a focal point for the area throughout the medieval period. The deer park associated with Bishop’s Waltham recorded in the Domesday Survey extended to the south and west of Bishops place situated (c. 570m from site boundary) and survives in places as a bank and ditch. The site of a medieval gibbet (execution site) has been located (c. 550m to the north of site). Spencer Place, designated as a Grade II listed building, is also medieval in date.

Post-medieval (AD 1539 – 1800) and modern (AD 1801 – present).

5 © Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation

2.6 Post-medieval development is represented predominantly by farmhouses and other buildings, including the Grade II listed Forest Farmhouse located to north-east of the site. Further post-medieval remains within the study area comprise traces of post- medieval ridge and furrow or drainage features (c. 1km to the north-east) identified on aerial photographs. The site remained within the unenclosed area of Waltham Chase throughout the post-medieval and early modern periods, with early cartographic sources depict the approximate location of the site within a large wasteland or woodland traversed by a network of roads or track-ways.

Unknown 2.7 A curvilinear feature of uncertain origin has been identified on aerial photographs (c. 730m to the north-west of the site).


3.1 The objectives of the evaluation are to provide information about the archaeological resource within the site, including its presence/absence, character, extent, date, integrity, state of preservation and quality, in accordance Standard and guidance: Archaeological field evaluation (CIfA 2014). This information will enable Hampshire County to identify and assess the particular significance of any heritage asset, consider the impact of the proposed development upon it, and to avoid or minimise conflict between the heritage asset’s conservation and any aspect of the development proposal, in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (DCLG 2012).


4.1 The fieldwork comprised the excavation of 19 of the 20 trenches (30m x 1.9m), in the locations shown on the attached plan (Figure 2). Trench 1 was abandoned due to ecological constraints and the north-west end of Trench 10 was moved 3m to the east to avoid overhead cables with the approval of Tracey Matthews. Trenches were set out on OS National Grid (NGR) co-ordinates using Leica GPS and surveyed in accordance with CA Technical Manual 4 Survey Manual.

6 © Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation

4.2 All trenches were excavated by mechanical excavator equipped with a toothless grading bucket. All machine excavation was undertaken under constant archaeological supervision to the top of the first significant archaeological horizon or the natural substrate, whichever was encountered first. Where archaeological deposits were encountered they were excavated by hand in accordance with CA Technical Manual 1: Fieldwork Recording Manual.

4.3 Deposits were assessed for their palaeoenvironmental potential in accordance with CA Technical Manual 2: The Taking and Processing of Environmental and Other Samples from Archaeological Sites and, no deposits were identified that required sampling. All artefacts recovered were processed in accordance with Technical Manual 3 Treatment of Finds Immediately after Excavation.

4.4 The archive and artefacts from the evaluation are currently held by CA at their offices in Kemble. Subject to the agreement of the legal landowner site archive will be deposited with Hampshire Cultural Trust. A summary of information from this project, set out within Appendix B, will be entered onto the OASIS online database of archaeological projects in Britain.


5.1 This section provides an overview of the evaluation results; detailed summaries of the recorded contexts are to be found in Appendices A.

5.2 Despite the archaeological potential of the site as indicated in the Desk Based Assessment (CA 2015) no archaeological finds, features or deposits were recorded and all of the trenches were archaeologically sterile. No finds were found despite visual scanning of the machine excavated spoil.

5.3 The topsoil across the site had been stripped prior to the evaluation, for ecological reasons but without archaeological supervision. Cotswold Archaeology informed Tracey Matthews, the archaeological advisor to Winchester City Council, of this fact upon arrival.

7 © Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation

5.4 The general deposit sequence identified across the site comprised firm yellow/brown silt/clay natural with rare rounded flint inclusions. Topsoil and subsoil were not identified in any of the trenches.


6.1 Unfortunately, prior to the archaeological evaluation being undertaken, in order to satisfy a separate planning condition, the client commissioned the stripping of topsoil as part of a disturbed reptile survey. Regrettably this was undertaken without the prior knowledge of the Archaeologist for Winchester City Council and subsequently no archaeological monitoring of this process was afforded.

6.2 The topsoil appears from photographs to have been relatively shallow with no substantial subsoil deposit. Therefore any truncation as a result of the disturbed survey is likely to have been greater than it may otherwise have been. However the natural bedrock comprises a clear yellow/brown clay deposit and any archaeological features had they survived would have been readily visible. As it is, no archaeological features or finds were observed during the course of the evaluation and despite the issue of the unintended truncation, it is likely that the site represents an area of low archaeological potential as was indicated in the archaeological background.

6.2 No archaeological finds, features or deposits were found during the course of the evaluation, which is indicative of the low archaeological potential of the site as per the archaeological background.


Fieldwork was undertaken by Adam Howard, assisted by Emily Stynes and Jake O’Donohoe. The report was written by Adam Howard. The illustrations were prepared by Aleksandra Osinska. The archive has been compiled by Zoe Emery and prepared for deposition by Hazel O’Neill. The project was managed for CA by Ray Kennedy.

8 © Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation


BGS (British Geological Survey) 2016 Geology of Britain Viewer Accessed 12 April 2017

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2015, Land north and south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire: Heritage Desk-Based Assessment, CA Report No. 15143

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2017 Land north and south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire Written Scheme of Investigation

CIfA (Chartered Institute for archaeologist) 2014, Standard and guidance: Archaeological field evaluation

DCLG (Department of Communities and Local Government) 2012 National Planning Policy Framework

EH (English Heritage) 1991, the Management of Archaeological Projects 2

EH (English Heritage) 2006, the Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment (MORPHE): Project Manager’s Guide

9 © Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation


Trench Context Type Fill of Context Description L W (m) D (m) No. No. interpretation (m) 2 200 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 2 201 Layer Natural Mid brownish yellow with rare 30 1.9 0-0.23 rounded flint inlcusions, calcerious rocks, silt and clay firm 3 300 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 3 301 Layer Natural Mid brownish yellow silt, with rare 30 1.9 0-0.19 rounded flint inclusions 4 400 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 4 401 Layer Natural Mid yellow brown clay, firm, with 30 1.9 0-0.18 blue grey mottling and rare sub-angular flint gravel inclusions 4 402 Cut Wheelrut Cut of linear wheel rut 30 0.29 N/A 4 403 Fill 403 Fill of wheelrut Mid grey yellow clay, firm, with 30 0.29 N/A occasional stone and flint inclusions 5 500 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 5 501 Layer Natural Mid brown yellow firmly compact 30 1.9 0-0.13 clay with rare rounded flint inclusions 6 600 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 6 601 Layer Natural Dark yellow brown with rust colour 30 1.9 0-0.14 and blue grey mottling clay, firmly compact with dark grey silty clay patches and rare sub- rounded flint inclusions 7 700 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 7 701 Layer Natural Dark yellow brown with rust colour 30 1.9 0-.23 and blue grey mottling clay, firmly compact with dark grey silty clay patches and rare sub- rounded flint inclusions 8 800 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 8 801 Layer Natural Mid brownish yellow brown clay with 30 1.9 0-0.20 rare rounded flint inclusions 9 900 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 9 901 Layer Natural Mid brownish yellow silty clay with 30 1.9 0-0.28 rare rounded stone inclusions 10 1000 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 10 1001 Layer Natural Mid brownish yellow silty clay with 30 1.9 0-0.19 rare rounded stone inclusions 11 1100 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 11 1101 Layer Natural Mid brownish yellow silty clay, firm, 30 1.9 0-0.25 with rare rounded stone inclusion, and dark black grey patches of root disturbance 12 1200 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 12 1201 Layer Natural Mid brownish yellow silty clay, firm 30 1.9 0-0.20 with rounded stone inclusions 13 1300 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 13 1301 Layer Natural Mid yellow brown silty firm clay with 30 1.9 0-0.21 rare rounded stone inclusion

10 © Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation

14 1400 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 14 1401 Layer Natural Mid yellow brown silty firm clay with 30 1.9 0-0.24 rare rounded stone inclusion and blue grey mottling 15 1500 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 15 1501 Layer Natural Dark yellow brown clay, firm, with 30 1.9 0-0.21 rust and blue grey mottling throughout, rooting and rare rounded and sub-rounded stone and flint inclusions 16 1600 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 16 1601 Layer Natural Mid orange brown firm clay, with rust 30 1.9 0-0.36 and grey blue mottling and rare sub-angular flint inclusions 17 1700 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 17 1701 Layer Natural Mid yellowish brown firm clay with 30 1.9 0-0.30 rust and grey blue mottling and rare sub- angular stone inclusions 18 1800 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 18 1801 Layer Natural Dark yellow brown clay, firm, with 30 1.9 0-0.28 rust and blue grey mottling and very rare sub-rounded flint inclusions 19 1900 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 19 1901 Layer Natural Mid orange brown firm clay, with rust 30 1.9 0-0.22 and grey blue mottling and rare sub-angular flint inclusions 20 2000 Layer Topsoil Removed prior to arrival 30 1.9 0 20 2001 Layer Natural Dark yellow brown clay, firm, with 30 1.9 0-0.33 rust and blue grey mottling and very rare sub-rounded flint inclusions

11 © Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation

12 © Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation



Project Name Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire Short description An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology in June 2017 at land South of Forest Road at Waltham Chase, Hampshire. Nineteen of the planned twenty trenches were excavated.

No archaeological finds, features or deposits were found during the course of the evaluation, which is indicative of the low archaeological potential of the site as per the archaeological background. The site had been stripped to the natural geology for ecological reasons, but not under archaeological supervision, prior to the evaluation, without the knowledge of the Archaeologist for Winchester City Council.

Due to the heavy truncation of the site any surviving discreet archaeological features would have been lost. Despite this, no linear archaeological features were observed during the course of the evaluation and it is likely the site has a low potential for surviving archaeology. Project dates 19-22 June 2017 Project type field evaluation

Previous work None

Future work Unknown PROJECT LOCATION Site Location Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire Study area (M2/ha) 2.37ha Site co-ordinates 456524 115213

PROJECT CREATORS Name of organisation Cotswold Archaeology Project Brief originator Winchester City Council Project Design (WSI) originator Cotswold Archaeology

Project Manager Ray Kennedy Project Supervisor Adam Howard MONUMENT TYPE None SIGNIFICANT FINDS None PROJECT ARCHIVES Intended final location of archive Content (e.g. pottery, (museum/Accession no.) animal bone etc) Hampshire Cultural Trust e

Physical None Paper Context sheets, matrices Digital Database, digital photos BIBLIOGRAPHY

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2017 Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site: Archaeological Evaluation. CA typescript report 17393a

13 © Cotswold Archaeology Land south of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site.: Archaeological Evaluation

14 455000 456000 457000 458000




Northern Site

115000 Southern Site



N Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 WILTSHIRE SURREY Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected] HAMPSHIRE PROJECT TITLE Land South of Forest Road, Waltham WEST SUSSEX Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site DORSET CITY OF POOLE FIGURE TITLE Site location plan ISLE OF CITY OF 0 1km BOURNEMOUTH WIGHT PORTSMOUTH FIGURE NO. Reproduced from the digital Ordnance Survey Explorer map with DRAWN BY AO PROJECT NO. 770559 the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller CHECKED BY DJB DATE 12/07/2017 of Her Majesty's Stationery Office c Crown copyright Cotswold Archaeology Ltd 100002109 APPROVED BY RK SCALE@A4 1:25,000 1 456550 456600 456450 456500

Forest Road

TR20 TR18 TR19

Forest Close

115300 TR15 TR16

TR14 TR17

115250 TR13 TR10

TR11 TR12




TR8 Site boundary N Evaluation trench Field drain TR5 Modern feature 115250 1:1000 TR3 TR6 050m

Reproduced from the digital Ordnance Survey map with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office c Crown copyright Cotswold Archaeology Ltd 100002109

Andover 01264 347630 TR2 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Land South of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site FIGURE TITLE Trench location plan

DRAWN BY AO PROJECT NO. 770559 FIGURE NO. CHECKED BY DJB DATE 12/07/2017 APPROVED BY RK SCALE@A4 1:1000 2 Working shot of the Southern Site Working shot of the Southern Site

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected] Working shot of the Southern Site Working shot of the Southern Site PROJECT TITLE Land South of Forest Road, Waltham Chase, Hampshire, Southern Site FIGURE TITLE Photographs