Two Hundred and Ninety-Second ANNUAL REPORT Of The TOWN OFFICERS


For Theit^^n/s^;

Year Ending January 31

1930 *****

Hampton Publishing Company

Hampton, N. H.

Two Hundred and Ninety-Second ANNUAL REPORT Of The TOWN OFFICERS


For The

Year Ending January 31

1930 *****

Hampton Publishing Company

Hampton, N. H.

TOWN OFFICERS—1929-30 Moderator Dean B. Merrill

Representative to the General Court Charles Francis Adams Selectmen Edwin L. Batchelder Harry D. Munsey Term expires 1930 Term expires 1931 Warren H. Hobbs Term expires 1932

Town Treasurer Chester G. Marston Town Clerk William Brown

Collector of Taxes William Brown School Board Edith Warren Dean B. Merrill Term expires 1930 Term expires 1931 Christopher S. Toppan Term expires 1932 Library Committee Charles M. Batchelder Sarah M. Lane Term expires 1930 Term expires 1931 Simeon A. Shaw Term expires 1932

Supervisors of the Checklist Lewis F. Stevens Elroy G. Shaw Term expires 1930 Term expires 1931 Oliver W. Hobbs Term expires 1932

Trustees of the Trust Funds Kenneth N. Ross Abbott T. Joplin Term expires 1930 Term expires 1931 William T. Ross Term expires 1932

Auditors John A. Janvrin Frank E. James Kenneth N. Ross Digitized by the Internet Archive

in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries :




To the inhabitants of the town of Hampton in the county of Rockingham, in said state, qualified to vote in town affairs

You are hereby notified to meet at Town Hall in said town of Hampton on Tuesday, the Twelfth day of March next, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon to act upon the fol- lowing subjects:

Article 1. To choose by Australian Ballot one Town Clerk, one Selectman for three years, one Trea- surer, one Collector of Taxes, and three Auditors.

Article 2. To choose all other necessary officers for the ensuing year.

Article 3. To raise and appropriate such sums of money as may be necessary for Town Officers' salaries and expenses, Election and Registration, Municipal Court, care and supplies of Town Hall, Police Depart- ment, Fire Department, Moth Department, Health De- partment, Red Cross, Highways and Bridges, Street Lighting, Library, Town Poor, Memorial Day, Parks and Playgrounds, Cemetery, Sewer Department, Interest, Sidewalks, Comfort Station, Breakwater, Town Notes, Hampton Beach, and all other necessary charges arising within the Town.

Article 4. To see if the Town will give the Select- men power to borrow money in anticipation of taxes.

Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to change the Railway Bonds to Town Bonds. Article 6. To see whether the Town will vote to ex- tend the drain on Winnicummet Road, from the manhole in front of the residence of Charles Palmer across said road and through land of Edward Brown to the manhole

in the rear of said land ; raise or appropriate the neces- sary funds therefor, or take any action thereto.

Article 7. To see what action the Town will take in regard to a petition signed by D. A. Golding and twenty-nine others relative to a cement walk from the Ashworth Hotel to the Golding Cottage.

Article 8. To see what action the Town will take in regard to a petition signed by G. W. Marsden and twenty-two others relative to the stairs leading from the Greenman property to the waterfront.

Article 9. To see if the Town will have garbage collected from back doors and improve on the collections.

Article 10. To see if the Town will take over the bill for the White Way lighting at the Beach.

Article 11. To see if the Town will build an incin- erator for garbage and rubbish.

Article 12. To see if the Town will continue Marsh Avenue with hot top to the junction of Boulevard by Beach.

Article 13. To see if the Town will pass an article to have the ruins of any lire at Hampton Beach cleaned up within sixty days.

Article 14. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the following amounts for the Fire Depart- ment: $8,100.00 for hydrants, §9,000.00 for salaries, $400.00 for Fire Alarms, $1,000.00 for Hose.

Article 15. To see if the Town will appoint and au- thorize the Meeting House Green Memorial and Histori- cal Society to act as a general committee on the Tercen- tenary celebration of the Town in 1938, said society to report its doings to the Town annually at the March town meetings.

Article 16. To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting.

Given under our hands and seals this 22nd. day of February in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred twen- ty nine.


Selectmen of Hampton, N. H. :


Estimates of Revenue and Expenditures for the Ensuing Year, Feb. 1st, 1929

previous year February 1st, 1928


1928 1929 From State Railroad and insurance tax $1,900.23

For highways

(b) For trunk line main. 708.69 $100.00

Interest and div. tax 2,194.98 2,000.00

From Local Sources Except Taxes

All license and permits except dog licenses 2,745.00 2,000.00

Fines and forfeits 3,427.32 3,000.00

Rent of town hall and other buildings 106.00 80.00

Interest received on taxes and deposits 1,198.51 1,000.00

Income of departments: high- ways, sewers, etc. 20,190.86 18,100.00

From Poll Taxes From other taxes except property taxes 1,282.00 1.282.00

(a) National Bank stock 53.00 53.00

Total Revenue from all sources except property taxes $33,806.59 HAMPTON NEW HAMPSHIRE to January 31, 1930, compared with actual revenue and expenditures of the to January 31, 1929.


Current Maintenance Expenses 1928 1929

General Government

Town officers' salaries and ex- penses $6,433.00 $6,500.00 Election and registration ex- penses 815.59 250.00 Municipal court expenses 354.00 1,500.00 Care and supplies for town hall 1,253.55 1,250.00

Protection of Persons and Property Police department 8,037.93 9,000.00 Fire department 15,712.00 14,500.00 White Pine blister 400.00 Health Cleaning beach 1,249.80 1,500.00 Health department 3,181.42 4,000.00 Vital statistics 18.45 20.00

Highways and Bridges Parking space 890.81 1,000.00 Trunk line maintenance Town's contribution 11,311.78 7,500.00 Town maintenance 8,139.57 15,000.00 Street lighting 8,026.44 8,000.00


Libraries $1,300.00 $1,200.00


Town poor 1,572.82 1,800.00 10 BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF


Amount Raised by Property Taxes $160,404.15 $149,710.54

Total Revenues $194,210.74 $177,325.54 :



Patriotic Purposes Memorial Day and other celebra- tions 150.00 150.00 Red Cross 1,600.00 1,600.00 Recreation Band 2,500.00 2,500.00 Parks and playgrounds 1,528.25 1,500.00

Public Service Enterprises Comfort station 3,240.00 3,000.00 Cemeteries 712.31 700.00 Sewer maintenance 2,149.57 2,000.00


On temporary loans, bonded debt, long- term notes, ^principal of trust funds used by town 5,760.00 5,500.00

Outlay for New Construction and Permanent Improvements Highways and bridges: Town construction 6,988.38 6,500.00 Trunk line construction Town contribution 8,183.54 5,000.00 Sidewalk construction 2,864.00 2,000.00 Breakwater 487.95 2,000.00 Indebtedness

Payment on principal of debt (a) Bonds $10,000.00 $10,000.00 (b) Long term notes 1,500.00 1,500.00

Payments to Other Government- tal Divisions

State and county taxes 20,801.52 21,000.00 Payments to school districts 31,100.00 34,000.00

Total Expenditures $168,262.68 $171,970.00 12 REPORT OF TOWN MEETING

March 12, 1929.

Hampton, N. H., March 12, 1929. I, Charles Francis Adams, hereby certify I have printed 967 ballots and there are no other ballots in ex- istence like them. Signed: CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, WILLIAM BROWN, Town Clerk.

Article 1. Meeting was called to order at 10:06 a. m. by the Moderator, Dean B. Merrill. Warrant was read by Moderator.

Prayer was offered by Rev. Herbert Walker.

The officers of the Australian Ballot used at the annual Town meeting were : Moderator, Uri Lamprey, Clerk, William Gilpatrick, Ballot Clerks, Percy B. Brown, Frank C. Dennett, Clinton H. Durant and Harold E. Noyes: Ballots were opened by Town Clerk, William Brown and presented to the officers of the Australian Ballot, after which time was given for voting by the Moderator, Dean B. Merrill. Under Article 1 it was voted to close the polls at 6 :30 p. m.

Article 2. Simeon A. Shaw was chosen Library Committee for three years.

Article 3. Voted to take up Budget item by item, the results of which are the following:

Town Officers' Salaries and Expenses Voted to raise and appropriate $6,500.00 Election and Registration Voted to raise and appropriate 250.00 Municipal Court Voted to raise and appropriate 1,500.00

Care and Supplies for Town Hall Voted to raise and appropriate 1,250.00 : :


Police Department Voted to raise and appropriate 9,000.00 Fire Departmeyit Voted to raise and appropriate 14,500.00 Health Department Voted to raise and appropriate for cleaning beach 1,500.00 Motion to raise and appropriate 4,000.00

Vital Statistics Voted to raise and appropriate 20.00 Parking Space Voted to raise and appropriate 1,000.00 Highways and Bridges Trunk line maintenace Voted to raise and appropriate 7,500.00 Town maintenance Voted to raise and appropriate 15,000.00

Street Lighting Voted to raise and appropriate 8,000.00 And that the selectmen be given power to continue present contract or make a new one.

Libraries Voted to raise and appropriate 1,200.00 Town Poor Voted to raise and appropriate 1,800.00 Memorial Day Voted to raise and appropriate 150.00 Red Cross Motion to raise and appropriate $1,700.00 for Red Cross providing this sum is for a community nurse who shall act as a school nurse taking her orders as such from the school committee and superintendent of schools who shall be sub-servient to the health officers of Hamp- ton. This motion was not voted. There was a call for a poll of the house. :


This was not voted. Voted to raise and appropriate 1,600.00 Recreation Voted for band to raise and appropriate 2,500.00 Parks and Playgrounds Voted to raise and appropriate 1,500.00


Comfort Station Voted to raise and appropriate 3,000.00 Cemetery Voted to raise and appropriate 700.00 Sewer Maintenance Voted to raise and appropriate 2,000.00

Interest Voted to raise and appropriate 5,500.00 Highways and Bridges Town construction: Voted to take up this article under Art. 12 Trunk line construction Voted to raise and appropriate 5,000.00 Sidewalk Construction Voted to appropriate 2,000.00 Breakwater Voted to appropriate 2,000.00 Bonds and Long Term Notes Voted to raise and appropriate 10,000.00 And that $15,000.00 be taken from unexpended funds to be used to retire Railway Bonds. Long Term Notes Comfort Station Voted to raise and appropriate 1,500.00

State and County Tax Voted to raise and appropriate 21,000.00 15

Article 4. Voted to give selectmen power to borrow money in anticipation of taxes.

Article 5. Voted to give selectmen power to take up and retire Railway bonds and invest in town bonds.

Article 6. Voted to leave to selectmen.

Article 7. Voted to appropriate $1,500.00 for one half cost of cement walk from Ashworth Hotel to Dr. Goldings' Cottage.

Article 8. Voted to pass over this Article.

Article 9. Voted to give selectmen power to have garbage collected from back doors at Hampton beach and town of Hampton.

Article 10. Voted to pass over this Article and take up with Article 14.

Article 11. Voted to indefinitely postpone.

Article 12. Voted to raise and appropriate f 6,500. and if not enough to appropriate some money from Town maintenance appropriations.

Article 13. Voted to give selectmen power to clean up fires and to use their discretion in so doing.

Article 14. Voted to postpone the amount $8,100., to raise and appropriate $1,600.00 for salaries, $400.00 for fire alarms and $1,000.00 for fire hose. Article 10 was taken up under this Article and was voted to raise and appropriate $1,650.00 to pay for White Way for 1929.

Artcile 15. Voted to adopt this Article.

Article 16. Voted to give selectmen power to em- ploy council and fight this case in question.

Voted to have all taxable property printed and have a copy sent to each tax payer.

Motion to adjourn without date.

This motion was voted. A true copy. Attest—WILLIAM BROWN, Town Clerk. 16

Result of the Australian Ballot used at the annual Town meeting, March 12, 1929. Town Clerk Votes William Brown 525 Mary E. Craig 1 Warren H. Hobbs 1

Selectmen for Three Years Warren H. Hobbs 345 L. C. Ring 248

Treasurer Chester G. Marston 507

Collector of Taxes William Brown 521 L. C. Ring 1 Uri Lamprey 1

Auditors Kenneth N. Ross 488 Frank E. James 477 John A. Janvrin 470 Archie Williams 1 Harold E. Noyes 1

Road Agent Victor M. Mitchell 510 Eugene M. Leavitt 13 O. L. Lane 1

Trustee of Trust Funds for Three Years William T. Ross 467 Howard G. Lane 1 Ernie Cook 1

Voted to adjourn.

A true record. Attest—WILLIAM BROWN,

Town Clerk. 17


For Annual Meeting March 11, 1930


To the inhabitants of the town of Hampton, in the county of Rockingham, in said state, qualified to vote in town affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said town of Hampton on Tuesday, the eleventh day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon to act upon the following subjects:

Article 1. To choose by Australian Ballot one Town Clerk, one Selectman for three years, one Treasur- er, one Collector of Taxes and three Auditors.

Article 2. To choose all other necessary officers for the ensuing year.

Article 3. To raise and appropriate such sums of money as may be necessary for Town Officers' salaries and expenses, election and registration, Municipal Court, care and supplies of Town Hall, Police Department, Fire Department, Moth Department, Health Department, Red Cross, highways and bridges, street lighting, library, Town poor, Memorial Day, parks and playgrounds, ceme- tery, sewer department, interest, sidewalks, comfort sta- tion, breakwater, Town notes, Hampton Beach and all other necessary charges arising within the Town.

Article 4. To choose a candidate to Constitutional Convention.

Article 5. To see if the town will vote to give the selectmen power to borrow money in anticipation of taxes. 18

Article 6. To see if the town will vote to install a signal light at Lane's corner and raise money for same.

Article 7. To see if the town will vote to raise $3,000.00 for the rebuilding of the bridge over Taylor River.

Article 8. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $2,000.00 for sidewalks.

Article 9. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate §2,100.00 for White Way at beach.

Article 10. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $1,000.00 to purchase hose.

Article 11. Upon a petition signed by William J. Crole and ten others, to see if the town will approve of a two way road on Island Path beginning at a point near the Merrill Cottage and continuing westerly about 1,000 feet io the Crole Cottage, and to raise and appropriate money for same.

Article 12. To see if the town will give the select- men power to make a contract for collecting garbage for ihree years.

Article 13. To transact any other business that may come before said meeting.

Given under our hands and seals this 24th day of February in the year of our Lord 1930.


A true copy of the Warrant—Attest: EDWIN L. BATCHELDER, HARRY D. MUNSEY, WARREN H. HOBBS, Selectmen of Hampton, N. H. 19


In the following pages will be found the budget of the estimated receipts and expenditures for the year end- ing January 31, 1931, as compared with the receipts and expenditures for the year ending January 31, 1930, an a complete statement of the financial condition of the Town as of January 31, 1930, as determined by the audit of Sanford G. York, public accountant. 20 BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF

Estimates of Revenue and Expenditures for the Ensuing Year, Feb. expenditures of the previous year February 1st, 1929


From State

Insurance tax S3 89 $3 00

Eailroad tax 574 36 450 00 rSavings Bank tax 1,369 58 1,000 00 For Highways (b) For trunk line maintenance 452 49 Interest and dividend tax 2,697 52 2,000 00

From Local Sources Except Taxes

/All licenses and permits except dog licenses 3,006 00 2,000 00

Fines and forfeits 2,901 35 2,500.00

Bent of town hall and other build- ings 82 00 50 00

Interest received on taxes and de- posits 1,340 36 1,000.00

Income of departments : high- ways, sewers, etc. 21,792 05 18,500 00

From Poll Taxes

From other taxes except property

taxes • 1,312 00 1,312 00

(a) National Bank stock 53 00 53.00 21 HAMPTON NEW HAMPSHIRE

1st, 1930 to January 31, 1931, compared with actual revenue and to January 31, 1930.

PURPOSES OF EXPENDITURES Current Maintenance Expenses ACTUAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES PREVIOUS ENSUING YEAR YEAR 1929 1930 General Government Town officers' salaries and expen- ses $6,567.36 $6,500 00 Election and registration expenses 135.26 750.00

Muncipal court expenses 1,136 . 18 500 00

Care and supplies for town hall 1,507 . 35 1,000 . 00

Protection of Persons and Property

Police department 9,241 . 40 9,000 . 00 Fire department 17,500.00 16,000.00

Health Cleaning beach (special activities) 1,488.34 1,500.00

Health department 3,207 . 65 3,500 . 00 Vital statistics 40.00 30.00

Parking space 2,547 . 83 1,000 . 00

Trunk line maintenance

Town's contribution 8,861 . 41 2,000 . 00

Town maintenance 16,540 . 44 12,000 . 00

Street lighting 10,051.13 8,000.00

Comfort station 3,287.73 3,000.00

Libraries 1,200 . 00 1,200 . 00

Charities Town poor 2,072.63 2,000.00 BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF


Total Revenues from all sources except property taxes $35,584 60 S28,868 00 Amount raised by Property Taxes 152,115 18 151,000 00

Total Revenues $187,699 78 8179,868.00 16 HAMPTON NEW HAMPSHIRE


Patriotic Purposes Memorial Day and other celebra- tions 150 00 150 00 Red Cross 1,600.00 1,600 00 Recreation Band 2,497 03 2,500 00 Parks and playgrounds 1,479 37 2,000 00 Damages and legal expenses 2,304 39 20,000 00 Cemeteries 700 00 700 00 Sewer maintenace 2,053 64 2,000 00

Interest On temporary loans, bonded debt, long term notes, and princi- pal of trust funds used by town 5,475 73 5,000.00

Outlay for New Construction and Permanent Improvement Hierhw^ys and Bridges Town Construction 7,596 00 State Aid construction Town's contribution 1,271 20 5,000.00 Trunk Line construction Town's contribution 4,300 00

Sidewalk construction 2,478 . 82

Breakwater 1,577 . 15 2,000 . 00 Indebtedness Payment on principal of debt (a) Bonds 10,000.00 10,000.00 (b) Long term notes 1,500 00 1,500.00

Payments to Other Governmental Divisions State taxes 11,575.20 11,500.00

County taxes 9,956 . 33 10,000 . 00 Payments to school districts 34,000.00 35,500.00

Total Expenditures $185,899.57 $177,430.00 :


To the Selectmen and Auditors of the Town of Hampton, N. H.


I have completed an audit of the Books, Accounts and Records of the Town for the year ended January 31, 1930, and, as a result of the findings, I submit herewith this Report, which sets forth the Operations of the period under review, also, Balance Sheet as at January 31, 1930.

The attached exhibits are as follows: EXHIBIT

"A" Balance Sheet as at January 31, 1930.

"B" Summary of Inventory April 1, 1929.

"C" Schedule of Town Property January 31, 1930.

"D" Report of outstanding Debt January 31, 1930. "E" Statement of Receipts and Payments for the year ended Januray 31, 1930.

"F" Detail of Appropriations for the year ended January 31, 1930.

"G" Detail Statement of Payments; also, a Detailed Statement of Appropriations, Overdrawn and Unex- pended Appropriations, and Summary showing the Re- ceipts, and Payments to be in balance, January 31, 1930. "H" Summary of Payments and Appropriations compiled from Exhibit "G" for the year ended January 31, 1930. ASSETS The cash in the Treasury January 31, 1930, ($3,590.48), was verified by a reconciliation of the re- ceipts and disbursements as disclosed by the Cash Book with the Deposits and Withdrawals as listed on the Bank Statements. 25

The outstanding 1929 tax receipts were checked with the individual amounts as entered in the Tax Col- lector's Commitment Book and Valuation Book, reflect- ing a total of unpaid 1929 taxes and costs of ($10,941.25) January 31, 1930. Outstanding Tax Sales of previous years of ($4,920. 72), and Land Rents of ($942.50), were verified, and found to be correct. LIABILITIES The outstanding Bonds and Notes aggregating ($74,500.00) and Trust Fund Notes of ($9,630.75), were verified, and found to be correct. EXHIBIT "A"—Statement of Decrease of Debt, as fol- lows: Net Debt, January 31, 1929 $66,750.12 Net Debt, January 31, 1930 63,735.80

Reduction of Net Debt. Year Ended January 31, 1930 $3,014.32 GENERAL REMARKS The Summary of Inventory April 1, 1929, was ex- amined with the individual items as set forth in the Valuation Book. The items and values as disclosed by the Schedule of Town Property January 31, 1930, were accepted as be- ing correct, as submitted by the Selectmen. In connection with the Exhibits of the Report, a careful examination was made of the various accounts, and in my opinion, the Statements attached, sets forth a correct report on the operations, for the period under reveiw. Exhibit "A" also, fairly represents the Financial condition of the Town of Hampton, as at January 31, 1930. The Statements embodied in the Report, subject to the comments in this Preface, I hereby certify to be cor- rect and in accordance with the Books, Accounts, and Records of the Town of Hampton, as at January 31, 1930. Respectfully submitted, SANFORD G. YORK, Public Accountant 26


Cash in hands of Treasurer $3,590.48

Due from Tax Sales 1929 Levy: State, County, Town and Pre- cinct Taxes Non-resident $6,306.13 Interest and costs 286.75 $6,592.88 Resident $6,376.78 Interest and costs 286.26 6,663.04

Total taxes and costs purchased at Tax Sale $13,255.92

1929-Non- resident Tax Sales redeemed $1,359.99 1929-Resident Tax Sales redeemed 954.68 2,314.67

Outstanding 1929 Tax Sales 10,941.25

Outstanding Tax Sales 1925-1928 4,920.72 Land Rents Outstanding 942.50

Total Assets $20,394.95

Excess liabilities over assets:

Net Debt January 31, 1930 63,735.80

Total $84,130.75

Net Debt January 31, 1929 $66,750.12

Net Debt January 31, 1930 63,735.80

Decrease of Debt Year 1929 $3,014.32 : :

SHEET January 31, 1930


Bonds Railroad Bonds $36,000.00 First Refunding Bonds 35,000.00


Long Term Notes Comfort Station Notes $3,000.00 Trust Fund Notes 9,630.75


Miscellaneous Notes: Ira E. Lane $250.00 Sarah E. Lane 250.00

• 500.00

Total Outstanding Bonds and Notes $84,130.75

Total Liabilities $84,130.75 28



Resident Invoice $2,385,155.00 Non-resident Invoice 3,047,530.00

Total Net Invoice $5,432,685.00

Land and buildings $5,179,180.00 87 Horses 5,565.00 2 Oxen 300.00 193 Cows 13,970.00 25 Neat stock 1,005.00 1080 Fowls 1,080.00 7 Portable mills 2,500.00 8 Boats 150.00 Wood and lumber 8,300.00 Gasoline pumps and tanks 11,200.00 Stock in trade ' 230,485.00 Mills and machinery 10,000.00

Total Invoice $5,463,735.00

Less: Exemptions Resident $26,500.00 Non-resident 4,550.00

Total Exemptions $31,050.00

r .lotal Net Valuation @ $28 per thousand $5,432,685.00

State, County, Town and Pre- cinct Taxes Resident $70,162.78 Non-resident 94,985.24 Poll taxes 1,584.00

Total Taxes Committed to Collector $166,732.02 29

^Collector has paid Town Treasurer

For State, County, Town and Precinct Taxes $153,766.63 For Poll Taxes 1,312.00

Abatements on 1929 Prop. Taxes 964.48 1929 Poll Taxes 56.00 1,020.48

1928 Taxes sold at Tax Sale $12,682.91

Less : 1928 Tax Sales collected 2,266.00

• 10,416.91

Total credited to Tax Collect- or on 1929 Taxes 166,516.02

Due on 1929 Poll Taxes $216.00 30



General Department

Town hall and buildings $10,000.00 Town hall furniture and equipment 1,500.00 Library, land and building 10,000.00 Library furniture and equipment 500.00 Municipal court property 2,500.00 Comfort station at beach 15,000.00 DeLancey field (9 acres) 1,500.00 Toppan lot 500.00 Philbrick lot (1 acre) 500.00 Cogger land (Town dump) 160.00


Fire Department

Apparatus 3,500.00

Police Department Automobile 250.00

Highway Department Road machine $500.00 Tractors 3,000.00 Gravel pit near A. K. Blake's $25.00 at Beach 1,000.00 C. S. Toppan's 25.00 A. J. Leavitt's 50.00


4,600.00 31

Sewer Department Pumps $50.C0 Pipe 100.00


Toivn Land Leased

Pine lots $50,000.00 Lots Leased to Hampton Beach Improvement Company 10,000.00 Plantation lots 75,000.00 Plaice Cove lots 15,000.00 Koi\h Shore lots 15,000.00


Tela! $215,660.00 j i

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Current year $152,812.63 Current Year (Tax Sales) 2,266.00 Previous year 11,362.68 Supplementary 178.00


Other Current Receipts

Licenses and permits $3,006.00 Fines and forfeits 2,901.35 Dog licenses 337.00 Auto taxes 3,662.08 Rent of town hall 82.00 Interest on taxes 1,038.36 Interest on deposits 302.00 Land rents 8,625,68


From State Trunk line—snow work $111.57 Trunk line—bal. of appropriation 340.92 Interest and dividend tax 2,697.52 National Bank taxes 53.00 Railroad tax 574.36 Savings Bank tax 1,369.58 Insurance tax 3.89

5,150.84 Departments

Cemetery lots $85.00 Sidewalk 426.19 35


General Government

Town officers salaries $3,490.00 Town officers expenses 3,077.36 Election and registration 135.26 Municipal court 1,136.18 Town hall 1,507.35


Protection of Persons and Property

Police department $9,241.40 Fire department 17,788.00 Dog expense 337.00



Health department $3,207.65 Vital statistics 40.00 Sewer maintenance 2,053.64


Highivays and Bridges

Trunk line maintenance $8,861.41 Town maintenance 16,540.44 Street Lighting 10,051.13


Collector's department 20,957.72 Libraries 1,200.00 Town poor 2,072.63 Memorial Day celebration 150.00 Red Cross 1,600.00 36

Exhibit "E" RECEIPTS—Continued

Parking space 5,495.50 Comfort station 3,025.40 Highway (Use of tractor and scraper) 90.00 Gravel 8.75 Tile and supplies 18.85 Telephone 3.10 Gravel pit 100.00


Receipts Other than Current Revenue Temporary loans $30,000.00 Band 4,663.00 For care of cemetery lots 500.00 From collector for Tax Sales and abatements 20,957.72 Poll rights 20.00 Railway (Starter station) 30.00 Old typewriter 15.00 Burial Arron Palmer 133.00 Watkins, R. G. 47.00 Damage to mower 6.50


Total receipts $257,349.63 37

Exhibit "E" PAYMENTS—Continued

Parks and Playgrounds

Band $7,160.03 Parking space 2,547.83 Parks and playgrounds 1,479.37

11,187.23 Special activities at beach 1,488.34 Cemeteries 1,200.00 Comfort station 3,287.73 Legal expenses and damages 2,304.39 Valuation books 977.96 Interest 5,475.73 Trunk line and town construction 11,896.00 State aid construction 1,271.20 Sidewalk construction 2,478.82 Breakwater 1,577.15 New equipment 326.85 Temporary loans 30,000.00 Bonds and term notes 26,500.00 State, County and precinct taxes 34,125.53 School district • 48,485.30 Boston and Maine R. R. 412.50 Refunds 466.40

Total payments $286,908.30 • 38

-Exhibit "F"


For the Year Ended January 31, 1930

Salaries and expenses of town officers $6,500.00 Election and registration 250.00 Municipal court 1,500.00 Town hall 1,250.00 Police department 9,000.00 Fire department $14,500.00 Additional fireman 1,600.00 Fire alarm 400.00 Fire hose 1,000.00

17,500.00 Health department $4,000.00 Special activities at beach 1,500.00 Vital statistics 20.00 Sewer maintenance 2,000.00

7,520.00 Trunk line maintenance $7,500.00 Town roads maintenance 15,000.00

22,500.00 Street lighting $8,000.00 White Way lights 1,650.00

9,650.00 Libraries 1,200.00 Town poor 1,800.00 Memorial Day celebration 150.00 Red Cross 1,600.00 Parks and playgrounds $1,500.00 Band 2,500.00

4,000.00 Comfort station 3,000.00 Parking space 1,000.00 39

Town construction (Marsh Ave.) $6,500.00 Trunk line construction (Exeter road) 5,000.00

11,500.00 Cemeteries 700.00 Breakwater 2,000.00 Sidewalk construction $2,000.00 Special sidewalk construction 1,500.00

3,500.00 Interest 5,500.00 Railway bonds $20,000.00 First refunding bonds 5,000.00 Comfort station notes 1,500.00

26,500.00 State and County taxes 21,000.00 School district 34,000.00

Total appropriations $193,120.00 40

Exhibit "G"


Town Officers Salaries Brown, William, clerk $1,590.00 Brown, William, town clerk 50.00 Hobbs, Warren H., assessor and selectman 500.00 Munsey, Harry D., assessor and selectman 500.00 Marston, Chester, treasurer 350.00 Batchelder, Edwin L., assessor and selectman 50.0.00


Town Officers Expenses

Rockingham Printing Co., town reports $458.00 Rockingham Printing Co., adv. and printing 46.50 Ashworth, George, Clam bake, entertain state officials 295.97 York, Sanford G., auditing and services 950.00 Brooks, Chester, care of town clock 50.00 Munsey, Harry D., telephone and othe expense 14.70 Tobey and Merrill, tax collectors, bond and insurance 72.00 Cole, Ernest G., town clerk and treasurer bonds 100.00 Underwood Typewriter Co., typewriter 107.50 Automotive Service Bureau, supplies 22.62 Perkins, Herbert, envelopes 111.20 Meserve, H. M., rubber stamp 1.00 Brown, William, recording and adv. Tax sales 570.32 Green, John W. A., recording Tax sales 140.25 Eastman, Edson C. Co., supplies 20.20 Mcllveen, Samuel, labor 5.25 N. H. Assessor Association, dues 2.00 State of New Hampshire Engrossing fee 75 Burbridge, Richard, lunches for fire investigators 7.00 Batchelder, Edwin L., expense selecmen to Association meeting 14.10 41

Ross, W. T., surveying gravel pit 12.00 Lane, Howard G., trustee of trust funds 37.50 Hobbs, Warren H., expenses 38.50


Appropiation ' $6,500.00 Overdrawn 67.36

Election and Registration

Rockingham Printing Co., printing and adv. 44.50 Cole, E. G. Co., supplies 2.15 Merrill, Dean B., moderator 8.00 Munsey, Harry D., election officer and lunches 9.70 Brown, William, election officer 8.00 Ring, Lemuel C, election officer 8.00 Brown, Percy B., election officer 8.00 Lamprey, Uri, election officer 8.00 Dennett, Francis C, election officer 8.00 Durant, Clinton H., lection officer 8.00 Gilpatrick, William, election officer 8.00

Noyes, Harold I., election officer 8.00 Lamie, Albert, lunches for election officers 6.91

135.26 Appropriation $250.00 Unexpended 114.74

Municipal Court

Howe, Edgar W., new steps and shingling $478.51 Goss, Walter W., painting 208.93 Cole, E. G. Co., supplies and insurance 63.15 Young, Marvin F., janitor services 43.00 Lamprey, Howell M., salary judge 300.00 Lamprey, Howell M., supplies 40.73 Beede, Herbert B., supplies 1.86

1,136.18 Appropriation $1,500.00 Unexpended 363.82 42

Town Hall

Cogger, Thomas, coal $116.17 Batchelder, W. M., wood 48.00 Hassets, Music Store, tuning piano 5.00 Lane, O. L., men and teams 94.50 Blake, Wm. M., painting office 69.25 Mcllveen, Samuel, janitor 74.00

Morse, Albert I., sawing wood 2.80 Gilpatrick, Wm., janitor 7.00 Dennett, Francis C, labor and supplies 21.25 Hooper, Oren and Sons, chairs 780.00 Emery, Roland C, labor and supplies 4.50 Clark and Jewell, supplies 2.50 Cole, E. G. Co., supplies and insurance 125.46 Mahoney, T. H., elec. supplies 1.05 E. and H. Electric Co., service 39.20 N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co., service 18.90 Hampton Water Works Co., service 31.95 Brown, Edward P., ringing bell 25.00 Beede, Herbert, labor and supplies 40.82

1,507.35 Appropriation $1,250.00 Overdrawn 257.35

I Damage by Dogs

Rockingham Printing Co., adv. and printing 8.75 Eastman, Edson Co. 7.70 Brown, William 26.60 Marston, Chester, school treasurer 293.95

337.00 Receipts $337.00

Health Department

Fellows, Ned, collecting rubbish $900.00 Allen, S. D., collecting garbage 1,650.00 Leavitt, E. M., collecting rubbish 220.00 Lane, O. L., men and teams 175.50 Davidson, James, collecting garbage 150.00 43

Stickney, Wm., expense to Glen Cliff 5.40 Brown, William, exp. water test 4.71

Rockingham Printing Co., , advertising 2.00 Brown, William, salary health officier 100.00

3,207.65 Appropriation $4,000.00 Unexpended 792.35

Vital Statistics

Fernald, Dr. A. M., records births and deaths $15.25 Brown, William, recording 24.75

40.00 Appropriation $20.00 Overdrawn 20.00

Sewer Maintenance

N. E. Metal Culvert Co., galv. pipe $325.85 Eastern Clay Goods Co., sewer pipe 245.19 Janvrin, John A., supplies 100.69 Noyes Lumber Co., supplies 92.58 Newfields Iron Foundry (Catch basin covers) 96.38 Beede, Herbert B., labor and supplies 14.30 B. & M. R. R., freight on pipe 102.94 Durant, Clinton, labor 6.50 Mcllveen, Samuel, labor 4.50 Lane, O. L. Lane, O. L., labor and team $686.25 Lane, H. M., labor 49.00 Lamprey, H. E., labor 66.50 Lamprey, F. A., labor 24.50 Lamprey, R. T., labor 24.50

Mcllveen, S., labor 60.82 Moshier, K., labor 14.00 Palmer, Frank, labor 21.00 Philbrick, J. H., labor 17.50 Blake, J. P., labor 30.64 Hammond, A., labor 70.00

1,064.71 44

2,053.64 Appropriation $2,000.00 Overdrawn 53.64

Fire Department

Brown, Percy, treas. bal. 1928 appro. $288.00 General Electric Supply Co., fire alarm 407.53 The Gamewell Co., fire alarm .83 Keller, C, labor on fire alarm 7.00 E. and Hampton Elec. Co., service on fire alarm 9.04 Amer Fire Equip. Co., fire hose 1,000.00 Hampton Water Co., hydrant service 7,387.50 Dennett, Francis C, labor 30.00 Lungmotor Corp'n, oxygen 3.00 Janvrin, John A., supplies 33.31 Cole, E. G. Co., supplies 29.50 Applecrest Farm Co., labor and supplies 44.50 Whiting, H. B., salary 2,000.00 Lamott, G. H., salary 1,399.79 Irwin, H., salary 1,287.00 George, Perley, salary 1,287.00 Collins, Arthur, salary 1,287.00

Greely, J., salary 1,287.00

17,788.00 Appropriation $17,500.00 Overdrawn 288.00

Police Department

Beede, Herbert B., supplies $1.65 Iver, Johnson Co., supplies 17.15 Cole, E. G. Co., supplies 7.00 Janvrin, John A., supplies 11.43 Davis, L. T. and Son 6.98 Chase and Hackett, supplies 22.00 Byron's Garage, supplies 61.79 Casino Garage, supplies 39.97 Gale's Garage, supplies 322.27 Hampton Center Garage, supplies 11.80 Hampton Auto Mart, supplies 172.40 Palmer's R. B., supplies 74.97 45

Ross Garage, supplies 246.28 Work-rite Garage, supplies 33.75 Boyan and Hoyt Body Co., painting and repairs 56.50 Brooks Motor Sales, police car 500.00 N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co., service 246.22 Tobey & Merrill, insurance 60.71 Badger, W. B. & Co., equipment 81.45 Fitzpatrick, Wm., janitor service 7.75 Mitchell's Express, express 4.07 Harding Uniform Co., uniform 43.76 Federal Lab. Inc., supplies 79.50 Rockingham Printing Co., supplies 6.50 Salaries Munsey, Harry D. 1,740.00 Young, Marvin 1,855.00 Stickney, William 1,853.50 Lamprey, Uri 407.00 Huckins, Charles 389.50 Perkins, Roger 323.75 Brown, Charles 161.50 Stoll, Reginald 105.00 Reed, James 71.50 Dennett, Francis 81.00 Harkness, J. 70.00 Monahan, John 42.50 Stewart, Oscar 10.00 Elkins, G. 5.25 Eno, Henry 5.00 Chase, Dana 5.00

9,241.40 Appropriation $9,000.00 Overdrawn 241.40

Trunk Line Maintenance

Janvrin, John A. supplies for drain, Lane's corner $174.54 Leavitt, Eugene M. Pierce, L., labor 2.64 Lamprey, P., labor 9.64 Leavitt, E. M., truck and labor 39.50 Batchelder, N. M., teams 15.00 46

Moore, M. 8.50 Hampton Center Garage, supplies 1.15

76.43 Newfield Iron Foundry, catch basins 15.00 Durant, Clinton H., police work 6.50 Huckins, Charles 6.50 B. & M. R. R., freight on asphalt 2.00 Hampton Water Works Co., pipe and trucking 9.40 Standard Oil Co. of N. Y., asphalt 2,522.70 Co., hot top work 1,850.00 . Watkins, J. E. Barrett Co., tarvia 335.23 Berger Mfg. Co., culverts 18.00 Independent Coal Tar Co., cold patch 84.45 Ross & Mitchell, express on supplies 12.50 Ring, L. C, labor and supplies, repairing drain 15.00 Lane, O. L., repairing drain 40.00 Hammond, A., repairing drain and sand 7.00 Mitchell, Victor (See Highway Statement for detail) 3,230.11 Lane, H. M., repairing drain 10.50 Leavitt, E. M., men and teams 160.35 Lane, O. L., cleaning sand 170.00 Mcllveen, Samuel, cleaning sand 28.00

Blake, J.. P., cleaning sand 31.50 Noyes Lumber Co., brick and cement 46.20 Brown, C. H., snow paths 9.50

8,861.41 Appropriation $7,500.00 Overdrawn 1,361.41

Street Lighting

Exeter & Hampton Electric Co., service ),039.13 Toppan, Phillip, care of blinker 12.00

10,051.13 Appropriation $9,650.00 Overdrawn 401.13 47

Valuation Books York, Sanford G., compiling data $520.00 Templeon, John, printing books 400.00 Brown, William, stamps and wrappers 57.96

977.96 No appropriation

Town Maintenance

Brown, C. H., snow paths 54.75 Lamprey, A. B., snow paths 4.50 Files, C. D. Tractor Co., supplies 8.75 Brown, William, bills paid .40 Leavitt, E. M.—Snow Work Nudd, J. |19.50 Mitchell, Victor 26.25 Morse, C. 18.85 Moore, M. 31.50 Palmer, P. 5.00 Annis, P. 5.00 Huckins, C. 5.00 Hutchins, C. 12.00 Young, M. F. 66.95 Leavitt, E. M. 72.00 Price, John 12.00 Gilpatrick, William 7.50 Bisbee, H. E. 4.00 Blake, F. E. 7.50 White, Robert 4.00 Jones, G. H. 4.00 Raymond, C. 8.50 Pierce, L. 9.00 Harrison, F. 13.50 Clay, T. 15.50 Lamprey, P. 8.00 Barbour, G. W. 21.50 Durant, Clinton 11.00 Perkins, G. 14.50 Perkins, M. 11.00 Mcllveen, Samuel 3.00 Schuman, S. A. & Son, supplies 7.05 Cole, E. G. Co., supplies 5.90

Gale, F. I., supplies 199.73 48

Beede, H., supplies .87 Janvrin, J. A., supplies .50 H. Center Garage, gas 3.90 Lorenz, Fred, gas 21.85 Cogger, Thomas, team 22.50

$678.85 Road Work Batchelder, N. M. $3.00 H. Center Garage, gas and oil 2.35 Leavitt, E. M. 6.50 Moore, M. 1.25 Pierce, L. 1.25


Gales Garage, storage, supplies for tractor 243.76 Burgess Forbes Co., traffic paint 2.90 The Berger Mfg. Co., culverts 166.40

Hampton Centre Garage, gas, oil for tractor . 77.44 Dennett, Francis, painting street signs and labormen 426.61 Watkins, James E., labor on rd. at beach 156.85 Dyer Sales & Mack Co., supplies road ma- chine and tractor 109.70 Michell, Victor, express on supplies 2.21 Files, C. D. Co., supplies for factor 51.26 Johnson, Henry, loam and gravel 17.25 Beede, Herbert, supplies for traffic stands 10.09 Hampton Water Wks. Co., water service 12.60 Cole, E. G. Co., supplies 148.76 Clark & Jewell, supplies 18.49 Janvrin, John A., supplies 21.18 Harrison's Garage, tractor and scraper repairs 117.23 Barrett Co., tarvia 3,884.26 Byron's Garage, supplies for tractor 39.30 Watkins, James E. Co., hot top work 1,196.50 Ross & Mitchell, express on supplies 14.38

Perkins, P. I. Co., supplies for tractor 21.19 Mitchell, Victor (See Highway Statement for detail) 9,040.48

16,540.44 49

Boston & Maine R. R.

Harkness, Jerome, police services $105.00 Dennett, Francis, police services 105.00 Morerarty, Eugene, police services 105.00 Lamprey, Uri, police services 97.50

412.50 No appropriation


Shaw, Simeon A., treas. (Appropriation) $1,200.00

1,200.00 Appropriation $1,200.00

Town Poor

Batchelder, W. M., wood Mrs. French $14.00 Kings Daughters Ben. Soc. Board Taylor children 149.00 Rockingham Cty. Farm, board Minnie Lamprey 312.00 Rockingham Cty. Farm, board Chas. Dewhurst 30.00 Rockingham Cty. Farm, board Geo. S. Blake 93.44 Towle, Jessie, board Frances Towle 168.00 James, F. E., wood Mrs. French 10.50 Cogger, Thomas, wood Mrs. French and D. C. Roberts 21.00 Scott, Carrie, supplies for D. C. Roberts 9.55 Cole, E. G. Co., supplies for D. C. Roberts 4.23 French, Mrs. E., care of D. C. Roberts 8.00 Shapleigh, Eloise, care of D. C. Roberts 9.00 Wheeler, Adria C, care of D. C. Roberts 6.00 Munsey, Harry D. Exp. to Glen Cliff with Laurie Brown 7.00 N. H. Children Aid and Prat. Soc, board Marston children 362.00 N. H. Children Aid and Prat. Soc, board Cleveland children 433.80 Hawbolt, Mrs. Hannah, board Lucy Hazelton 371.00 Woodsville Cottage Hospital, care of L. Brown 64.11

2,072.63 50

Appropriation $1,800.00 Overdrawn 272.63

Speeial Activities at Beach

Haverhill Broom Co., push brooms $5.63 Breck, Joseph & Sons, rubbish burners 27.00 Huckins, Charles, cleaning beach and painting 99.50 Rockingham Printing Co., printing posters 10.00 Blake, John P., picking up paper 176.75 Rand, E. Trans. Co., trucking 1.00 Exeter & Hampton Elec. Co., service 4.46 Lane, O. L. Lamprey, H. $3.50 Lane, O. L. 265.00

Blake, J. P. 38.50 Hammond, A. 112.00

419.00 Powers, James, life guard 285.00 Mahoney, John, life guard 295.00 Leavitt, E. M., cleaning beach 65.00 Noyes Lumber Co., paint 100.00

1,488.34 Appropriation $1,500.00 Unexpended 11.66

Memorial Day Celebration

Godfrey, Oliver H. 150.00 Appropriation $150.00

Red Cross

Batchelder, Edwin L. treasurer 1,600.00 Appropriation $1,600.00

Parks and Playgrounds

E. & Hampton Elec. Co., service and lamps $9.50 Janvrin, John A., supp. lumber for playground 213.44 Cole, E. G. Co., supplies ath. field 36.10 Dennett, Francis, labor ath. field 260.63 51

Smith, Gerald, bills paid, men playground and screens for park house 202.70 Noyes Lumber Co., supplies 59.00 Wright & Ditson, slide for playground 68.00 Hacket's Garage, labor on lawn mower 4.00 Clark, Lewis P., labor and supplies on park 9.20 Bradbury, John J., gas, oil for lawn mower 17.08 Mitchell, Victor, express and freight 4.56 Johnson, Homer, loam and gravel 22.50 Lane, O. L., labor and team 20.00 Brown, Walter, care ath. field 269.50 Hampton Water Wks. Co., service at park 100.00 Giant Mfg. Co., giant wave for playground 100.00 Littlefield, F. C, painting flag pole 7.50 Ashworth, George, bills paid for children's day 50.00 Hampton Water Wks. Co., stock and labor, park 18.66 Lamprey, H. E., labor 7.00

1,479.37 Appropriation $1,500.00 Unexpended 20.63

Comfort Station

Beede, Herbert B. $88.38 Munsey, H. D., bills paid .63 Noyes Lumber Co., supplies 12.30 Janvrin, John A., supplies 61.84 Chemo Co., supplies 17.50 Lamson, F. H., supplies 68.50 Dallman, H. T. Co., supplies 10.29 Cole, E. G, Co., supplies 150.91 H. Berger Paper Co., supplies 31.50 Burnham, Edw. M. Co., supplies 4.35 Edmund Little Co., supplies 74.97 Puritan Sanitary Sales Co., supplies 58.50

Morse, A. J., labor and supplies 82.44 Batchelder, W. M., wood 30.00 Durant, Clinton H. wood 14.00 Dennett, Francis, labor and men painting etc. 307.25 Lamb's store, supplies 8.75 H. Water Works Co., water service 384.42 Exeter & Hampton Electric Co., service 229.72 52

Nik-O-Lok Co., use of locks 664.50 Mcllveen, Samuel, labor 598.50 Brown, Mary K., services 242.00 Dadman, Edith L., services 106.75 Hey, Frederick P., labor and repairs 31.88 Gamewell Co., supplies 7.85

3,287.73 Appropriation $3,000.00 Receipts 287.73


Merrill, Dean B., treasurer $700.00 Merrill, Dean B., treasurer, care of lots 500.00

1,200.00 Appropriation $700.00 Receipts 500.00


McDonell, Harold L., band services $7,128.08 Brooks, Chester, care of band stand 31.95

7,160.03 Appropriation $2,500.00 Receipts 4,663.00 Unexpended 2.97


First National Bank $750.00 Exeter Banking Co., Ref. bonds 1,743.75 American Trust Co., Int. and Exp. 2,399.90 Moseley, F. S. Co., comfort station notes 225.00 Trustees of trust funds 337.08 Lane, Sarah E., interest on notes 20.00

5,475.73 Appropriation $5,500.00 Unexpended 24.27 53

Marsh Ave Construction

Standard Oil Co., asphalt $804.40 Leavitt, E. M., labor 181.50 Watkins, James E. Co., hot top work 2,641.60 Leavitt, E. M., 2487 loads gravel 3,968.50

7,596.00 Exeter Road Construction Watkins, R. G., construction 4,300.00 Appropriation $11,500.00 Overdrawn 396.00

Sidewalk Construction

The Phillips Carey Co., expansion joints $23.67 Ring, L. C, 1213 yds @ 2.00 2,426.00 Ring, L. C, labor and stock patching 29.15

2,478.82 Appropriation $2,000.00 Receipts 426.19 Overdrawn 52.63


Ring, L. C, stock and labor L,544.15 Leavitt, E. M., rocks 25.00 Huckins, Charles, labor 8.00

1,577.15 Appropriation $2,000.00 Unexpended 422.85

New Equipment

Brackett & Shaw Co., lawn mower $318.50 B. & M. R. R., freight on lawn mower 8.35

326.85 No appropriation 54

Bonds and Term Notes

American Trust Co., R. R. bonds $20,000.00 Exeter Banking Co., refunding bonds 5,000.00 Moseley, F. S. Co., comfort station note 1,500.00

26,500.00 Appropriation $26,500.00

Princinct Taxes

Cole, E. G. Co., $ .69 Brown, Percy B. 4,000.00 Ross, Kenneth N. 7,593.10 Whiting, Homer B. salaries of firemen 1,000.21

12,594.00 Receipts $12,594.00

Parking Space

Exeter & Hampton Electric Co., service $137.54 Janvrin, John A., supplies 1.59 Stone & Forsyth Co., parking tags 24.00 Cram Mailing Co., parking tags 3.00 Ring, L. C, 742 yds cement 1,484.00 Watkins, James E. Co., hot top work 55.20 Durant, Clinton H., labor 78.50 Munsey, Richard, labor 258.00 Cushing, Daniel, labor 475.00 Annis, Percy, labor 31.00

2,547.83 Appropriation 1,000.00 Receipts 1,547.83

School District

Marston, Chester, Treasurer $48,200.00 1928 dog taxes 285.30

48,485.30 Appropriation ?,200.00 No appropriation 285.30 55

Refunds Dinee^n, John, tax refund $364.00 Crosley, Lawrence M., tax refund 48.00 Hutchinson, John, tax refund 38.40 Ash, Mrs. Sarah, tax refund 16.00

466.40 No appropriation

Collector's Department Brown, William, tax sales and abatements 20,957.72 Receipts $20,957.72

Damages and Legal Expense Mitchell, John, land damages $750.00 Mitchell, Howe & Wilson, services, Clark case 1,554.39

2,304.39 No appropriation

State and County Taxes

Stockbridge, Earl R., treasurer, county tax $9,956.33 Chamberlain, Henry E. treasurer, state tax 11,575.20

21,531.53 Appropriation $21,000.00 Overdrawn 531.53

Temporary Loans

First National Bank, Portsmouth 30,000.00 Receipt $30,000.00

State Aid Construction

Watkins, J. E. & Co., hot top Winnicummet rd. 1,271.20 No appropriation

Special sidewalk appropriation $1,500.00 Unexpended 1,500.00

Expended $286,908.30 56

Appropriations $207,608.00

Less: 1928 Appropriation Balances Balance 1928 Fire Appropriation $288.00 Balance 1928 School Appropriation 14,200.00


Total 1929 Appropriations $193,120.00 57


Receipts $71,313.47 1929 Taxes Assessed Property $165,148.02

Less: Tax sales $13,255.92 Less: Interest and costs 573.01

12,682.91 Abatements 964.48


Total collected before Tax sale $151,500.63

1929 Tax sales collected $2,314.67 Less: Interest and costs 48.67

Net collected on 1929 Tax sales 2,266.00 1929 Poll taxes assessed $1,584.00

Less: Abatements $56.00 Less: Uncollected 216.00


Total 1929 Polls collected 1,312.00

Total 1929 Property and Polls taxes collected $155,078.63 Less: Precinct taxes 12,594.00


Other Tax Receipts 1924 Tax sales redeemed $37.73 1925 Tax sales redeemed 228.21 1926 Tax sales redeemed 422.50 1927 Tax sales redeemed 895.66 1928 Tax sales redeemed 9,778.58 Supplementary taxes 178.00

11,540.68 58

Other Current Receipts

Licenses and permits $3,006.00 Fines and forfeits 2,901.35 Auto taxes 3,662.08 Rent of town hall 82.00 Interest on taxes 1,038.36 Interest on bank deposits 302.00 Land rents 8,625.68


From State

Trunk line, snow work $111.57 Trunk line, balance of appropriation 340.92 Interest and dividend tax 2,697.52 Railroad tax 574.36 Savings Bank taxes 1,369.58 Insurance tax 3.89 National Bank taxes 53.00



Cemetery lots $85.00 Parking space 3,947.67 Comfort station 2.737.67 Highway, use of tractor and scraper 90.00 Gravel 8.75 Tile and supplies 18.85 Telephone 3.10 Gravel pit 100.00


Receipts Other Than Current Revenue

Burial, Arron Palmer $133.00 Watkins, R. G. 47.00 Damage to mower 6.50 Poll rights 20.00 Railway, (Starter station) 30.00 59

Old typewriter 15.00


Receipts $257,349.63

Total Payments and Receipts $286,908.30 $257,349.63

Cash in hands of Treasurer, Jan. 31, 1928 33,149.15

Cash in hands of Treasurer, Jan. 31, 1929 3,590.48

Totals $290,498.78 $290,498.78 60

Exhibit "H"


Compiled from Exhibit "G" for Year 1929

Expended Appropriations Overdrawn Unexpended

Salaries and Expenses of Town Officers $6,567.36 $6,500.00 $67.36 Election and Registration 135.26 250.00 114.74 Municipal Court 1,136.18 1,500.00 363 82 Town Hall 1,507.35 1,250.00 257.35

Health Department 3,207 . 65 4,000.00 792.35 Vital Statistics 40.00 20,00 20.00 Sewer Maintenance 2,053.64 2,000.00 53.64 288.00 (1928) Fire Department 17,788.00 17,500.00 (1929)

Police Department 9,241.40 9,000.00 241 . 40 Trunk Line Maintenance 8,861.41 7,500.00 1,361.41 Town Roads Maintenance 16,540.44 15,000.00 1,540.44 Street Lighting 10,051.13 9,650.00 401.13 Libraries 1,200.00 1,200.00

Town Poor 2,072 . 63 1,800.00 272.63 Special Activities, at Beach 1,488.34 1,500.00 11.66 Memorial Day Celebration 150.00 150.00 Red Cross 1,600.00 1,600.00 Parks and Playgrounds 1,470.37 1,500.00 20.63 Comfort Station 3,000.00 3,000.00 Cemeteries 700.00 700.00 Band 2,497.03 2,500.00 2.97 24.27 Interest 5,475.73 5,500.00 Trunk Line and Town Const. 11,896.00 11,500.00 396 00 Sidewalk Construction 2,052.63 2,000.00 52.63 Breakwater 1,577.15 2,000.00 422.85 Bonds and Term Notes 26,500.00 26,500.00 Parking Space 1,000 00 1,000.00 14,200.00 (1928) 34,000.00 (1929) School District 48,200 . 00 1,500 00 Special Sidewalk Appropriation 1,500.00 State and County Taxes 21,531.53 21,000 00 531.63

Totals $209,550.23 $207,608.00 $5,195.52 $3,253.29 Appropriations Overdrawn (Net) 1,942.23

$5,195.52 $5,195.52

Less—1928 Bal. of School Appro. 14,200.00

Less—1928 Bal. of Fire Appro. 288.00

Total—1929 Appropriations $193,120.00 61

Net Dog Taxes and Damages $337.00 B. & M. Railroad 412.50 Care Cem. lots, pd. by Receipts 500.00 Band, pd. by Donations 4,663.00 Valuations Books 977.96 Sidewalks Bills pd. by Receipts 426.19 New Equipment 326 85 Precinct Taxes 12,594.00 Parking Space pd. by Receipts 1,547.83 1928 Dog Taxes pd. School 285.30 Abatement and Tax Sales 20,957.72 Temporary Loans 30,000 . 00 Damages and Legal Exp. 2,304.39 State Aid Construction 1,271.20 Tax Refunds 466 . 40 Comfort Station pd. by Rec. 287.73

Total Payments for Year 1929 $286,908.30 62 TREASURER'S REPORT


For the Year Ended January 31, 1930

Balance in Treasury, Jan. 31, 1929 $33,149.15 RECEIPTS

Taxes Current Year $155,078.63 Previous Years 11,362.68 Supplementary 178.00 National Banks 53.00


Other Current Receipts

Licenses $3,343.00 Fines and forfeits 2,901.35 Auto taxes 3,662.08 Rent of Town Hall 82.00 From State 5,097.84 Interest 1,340.36 Land rents 8,625.68



Cemetery lots $85.00 Sidewalks 426.19 Parking space 5,495.50 Comfort station 3,025.40 Use of tractor and scraper 90.00 Supplies 27.60 Telephone 3.10 63

Gravel pit 100.00


Miscellaneous Receipts Band donations $4,663.00 Care of cemetery lots 500.00 Poll rights 20.00 Starter station 30.00 Old typewriter 15.00 Damage to mower 6.50 Watkins, R. G. 47.00 Burial expense, Arron Palmer 133.00


Temporary loans 30,000.00

Tax Collector on tax sales and abiitements 20,957.72

Total 1£90,498.78 Total selectmen's orders paid 286,908.30 -

Balance on hand Jan. 31, 1930 $3,590.48


We certify that we have this day examined the Books Records and Accounts of the Town of Hampton and find them correct as per Audit.



Financial Report of Hampton Beach Village District

For the Year Ended January 31, 1930


Cash on hand January 31, 1929 $2,381.47 From Town

Fire Appropriation $10,112 50 Precinct Taxes 12,594 .00 Balance of 1928 Approp. 288 .00


Less—Bills Paid for Precinct for

Fire Department Salaries $9,548 00 Fire Alarm 424 .40 Fire Hose 1,000 00 Labor and Supplies 141 00


Net Received from Town $11,881.10

Temporary Loans $3,000 00 Proceeds from Banquet 172.53 Telephone 11.47 Old Chief's Car 100.00 York Beach Fire Department 75 00 Miscellaneous Receipts 56.07


Total Receipts 15,296 17

Total $17,677. 64



Temporary Loans $3,000.00

Piscataqua Bank (For Building)) 1,000.00


Outstanding 1928 Bills Paid 871.54 Interest 600 00 Insurance, Water and Rent 499.00 Telephone 325.13 Light ami Power 411.17 Fuel 268 93 Supplies and Misc. Expense 1,786 93 Repairs to Bldg. and Equipment 817.19 65

New Equipment and Playground

Fire Equipment $419 77 Fire Alarm 857 65 Playground 817 08

2,094 50

Salaries and Call Men Wages

• Commissioners' Salaries $450 . 00 Treasurer's Salary 200 00 Firemen's Salaries (Part) 1,736.00 Call Men Wages 929.35



Cash in hands of Treasurer .lanuary 31, 1930930 $2,687.9*


Total receipts from fines and costs $7,104.98 PAYMENTS

Paid Town of Hampton $2,901.35 Paid Motor Vehicle Commissioner 3,887.97 Paid Officers and Witnesses 315.66




For the Year Ending January 31, 1930

Vital Statistics Recording 44 Marriages @ 25c $11.00 Recording 43 Deaths @ 25c 10.75 Recording 12 Births @ 25c 3.00


Report of Dog Licenses 111 Male dogs @ $2.00 $222.00 23 Female dogs @ $5.00 115.00


Report of Motor Vehicle Tax

Auto taxes collected for year end- ed January 31, 1930 $3,839.83 Less Agent's fee for 711 permits @ 25c 177.75

$3,662.08 WILLIAM BROWN,

Town Clerk. 67 HIGHWAY AGENT


For the Year Ended January 31, 1930


Annis, Percy, labor $530 90 $99 . 50 $630 . 40 Barbour, George, labor 153 93 7 50 161 43 Batchelder, N. M., labor 161.50 161 50 Brown, Charles H., gravel 248.45 19.10 267.55 Burbridge, K., labor 3.00 3 00 Cole, E. G. Co., supplies 38.60 38.60 Cutts, Charles, labor 112.00 14.00 126.00 Dennett, Francis, labor 3 00 3 00 Durant, Clinton, labor 97.00 38 00 135.00 Dewhurst, Charles, labor 12.85 9.25 22 10 Exeter Lumber Co., labor 10 00 10.00 Fellows, Ned W., labor 52.00 52.00 Gagne, Fred, labor 21.00 21.00 Greeley, C. H., labor 17.50 17 50 Hurd, L. G., labor 11.25 11.25 Hampton Associates, gravel 81 20 31 00 112.20 James, Frank E., labor 19.75 19.75 Johnson, Homer, labor 491.40 99 50 590 90' King, Elmer, labor 135.00 30 00 165.00 Lamprey, Frank, labor 155 90 29 00 184 90 Lamprey, Herbert, labor 251 90 92.00 343.90 Lamprey, Perley, labor . 456 50 248 . 75 705.25 Lamprey, R. L., labor 128.25 19 75 148.00 Leavitt, E. M., labor and trucks 569 . 30 99.50 668 . 80 Lane, Howard, labor 143 50 211 00 354.50 Lane, Herman, labor 73.50 17.50 91.00 Mclheen, William, labor 3.00 4 00 7 00 Mace, Austin, labor 38.50 38 50 Morse, B., labor 14.00 14.00 Moore, Melvin, labor 192.00 33 38 225 . 38 Moore, Roger, labor 3.15 3.15, 68

13.50 Morse, E. C, labor 3.25 10 25 Morse, Albert, labor 112 00 112 00 60 Mitchell, Victor, labor and trucks 2,581.20 1,492 40 4,073 Palmer, Charles, labor 6.00 6 00 Palmer, Frank, labor 171.95 155.00 326.95 Palmer, Phillip, labor 7.00 9.25 16.25 Pierce, John, labor 2 50 2.50 Parker, G., labor 45 50 10.50 56.00 26 30 Philbrick, George, labor 12 . 30 14.00 Price, John, labor 221.80 42.95 264.75 Perkins, F. E., labor 552 40 99 50 651 90 Redman, Orrin, labor 147.45 19.75 167 20 Ramsdell, P., labor 21.00 3 50 24 50 Ross, K. N., labor 135.00 30 00 165.00 Smith, Alwood F., labor 433.30 69 50 502 80 Underwood, Mr., labor 6 00 6 00

Watkins, J., gravel and shovel hiree 190.00 70.00 260.00

White, J., labor 3 50 3 50 Worden, Murray, labor 119.45 14.00 133.45 Young, Marvin F., labor 53 05 53 05 Town of Hampton, use of tractor 45.00 45 00 Badger Ice Co., 4% ton rock 27.78 27.78

Total Payments for Year Ended January 31, 1930 19,040 48 $3,230 11 |12,270 59 Total Received from Town for the Year Ended January 31, 1930 ),040 48 $3,230 11 $12,270 59



October 14, 1928 to October 14, 1929 to February 1, 1930 RECEIPTS

1928 Oct. 14 Amount on hand $1,963.56 0? O °9 Bank interest ifo.oo Membership dues 27.00 1929 Feb. 9 Gift Mr. Edward Tuck 500.00 Feb. 18 Membership dues 2.00 July 9 North Hampton 25.00 Aug. 3 Gift Mr. Edward Tuck 500.00 Bank interest 12.15 Bank interest 13.39


Total Reiceipts October 14, 1929 $3,046.43 Total Ex pendKures October 14, 1929 1,984.71 Amount on hand October 14, 1929 1,061.72

- ret. 14 Me": fc or: hip dues $32.00 Hiciories of Park 5.20 Bank interest 16.08


Total Re ceipts February 1, 1930 $1,115.10

Total Expenditures February 1, 1930 502.37

m h nd Febru iry 1, 1S30 $612.73 70 EXPENDITURES 1928 'Oct. 16 Mrs. Shea, Secty's supplies $3.85 Oct. 16 John Janvrin, lumber 3.53 Oct. 29 F. C. Dennett, work 4.00 Oct. 29 Exeter & Hampton Elec. Co. 11.85 Dec. 1 John Bradbury, salary 250.00 Dec. 29 E. G. Cole Co., goods 3.96 Dec. 29 John Janvrin, lumber 6.81 1929 Jan. Tuck Athletic Committee V2 of cheek 600.00 Mar. 2 David Colt, part pay- ment for Mr. Jones' picture 20.00 Mar. 2 John Bradbury, salary and supplies 252.43 May 3 David Colt, payment on picture 20.00 May 3 John Bradbury, salary 50.00 May 3 Express on picture .54 May 3 Hub Moulding Co., pic- ture frame 10.00 June 13 John Bradbury, salary and supplies 211.95 June 13 Paige & Staples, paint 12.15 June 13 Edgar Howe, shingling and repairs 55.38 June 13 Painting flag-pole 12.00 July 28 John Janvrin, shingles and lumber 144.38 Sept. 27 John Bradbury, salary and supplies 280.38 Sept. 27 John Janvrin, lumber 22.10 Sept. 27 Oscar Pevear, labor and material 9.40

Total Expenditures Oct. 14, 1929 $1,984.7 i


Oct. 21 Hampton Water Works 884.62 Oct. 22 Hampton Water Works 40.50 71

Nov. 2 John Bradbury, paid out for painting 80.75 Dec. 2 John Bradbury, salary 100.00 Dec. 7 John Bradbury, salary and supplies 154.85 Dec. 14 E. G. Cole Co., paint 40.40 1930 Jan. 28 Anna M. Cole 1.20

Total Expenditures February 1, 1930 $502.37 72

The Meeting House Green Memorial and Historical Association held its fifth annual meeting in Tuck Hall October 12, 1929. Fifty members and their friends were present. The week-end holiday prevented a much larger attendance. The feature of the meeting was the unveil- ing of a fine picture of the Association's founder, the Rev. Ira S. Jones. This was followed by a program of historic interest. The members expressed a wish that an open air meeting be held in the summer, that the town people as well as the summer visitors, see the park and grounds of Tuck House when they look their best. Town water was brought to the park in 1929 and proved a great help, during the unusually dry season, to Mr. Brad- bury, the efficient care—taker. The interior of the log cabin has been refinished and furnished to look like an early home, the antiques suitable for such a place having been assembled there. During the winter Mr. Bradbury has done the painting and repairing necessary to keep the Tuck House in its usual attractive condition. Books, papers and articles relating to the early life of the town have been given from time to time to add to the collect- ion at Tuck House. Two hundred and eleven names were inscribed on the register, kept by Mrs. Bradbury, in Tuck Hall during the past year. More than twice the number of preceeding year. Many visitors did not re- gister. They came from all parts of the country with one from France, and two from Wales. Attracted by the unique memorial or through their Hampton ancestry, among them was Mr. John C. Chase, president of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. The associ- ation is slowly growing and that its interest is broaden- ing may be seen by the names of out-of-town persons some of them summer residents who were present and

joined it at the annual meeting as follows : Mr. Fred B. French, South Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hutch- inson, Brighton, Mass., Mr. William S. Leavitt, Boston, Mass., Mr. H. C. Little, Lynn, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tufts, Exeter. Due chiefly to the generousity of Mr. Edward Tuck of Paris, France, benefactor of Hampton and all New Hampshire, the financial condition of the Association is such as enables it to be a credit to its founder and an honor to the early settlers, whose mem- 73 ory and tradition it would preserve.

The officers are : Honorary president, Mr. Edward Tuck, President, Mr. William Brown, Vice-president, Mr. Richard B. Shelton, Treasurer, Mrs. Vina M. Jones, Recording secretary, Mrs. Clara P. Miner, Corresponding- secretary, Mrs. Caroline C. Shea, Auditor, Mr. George Ashworth. 74 CEMETERY REPORT

Statement for the Year Ending January 31, 1930 INCOME

Balance on hand February 1, 1929 $153.76 Receipts for annual care 427.35 Town appropriation 700.00 Making over lots 253.00 Miscellaneous 96.95 Interest on funds 415.51 Use of lowering device 7.00 Contingent fund 52.00 Funds for perpetual care 600.00


William T. Ross, supt. $546.06 George F. Dearborn, labor 443.02 B. Herbert Blake, labor 454.50 Other labor 36.57 Truck hire 151.28 Materials and supplies 93.14 New equipment 251.85 Miscellaneous expense 21.70 Services of se&y-treas. 50.00 Water 23.22 Investments 600.00 Balance on hand January 31, 1930 34.26


ADDITIONS TO INVESTED FUNDS Balance invested Jan. 31, 1929 $5,375.00 Added Since Mrs. James W. Blanchard 100.00 75

Trustees of Trust Funds for es- tate of J. Freeman Williams 300.00 Elizabeth C. Morris 200.00

Total invested funds Jan. 31, 1930 £5,975.00 DISPOSITION OF INVESTMENTS

United States Government Bonds $3,000.00 First National Bank, Porsmouth, N. H. 725.00 Hampton Co-op. Bldg. and Loan Association 400.00 Amoskeag Savings Bank, Man- chester, N. H. 700.00 New Hampshire Savings Bank, Concord, N. H. 400.00 Piscataqua Savings Bank, Ports- mouth, N. H. 150.00 Exeter Banking Company, Exe- ter, N. H. 100.00 Portsmouth Trust & Guarantee Company 300.00 Institution for Savings, Newbury- port, Mass. 100.00 Hampton School District Bond 100.00

Total 15,975.00

Respectfully submitted,

DEAN B. MERRILL, Treasurer. :


December 10, 1929.

Report for Year Beginning February 1, 1929 and Ending

December 1, 1929 To the Red Cross Committee

I hereby submit my sixth report. The following calls have been made in the town of Hampton since February 1, 1929 up to the first of December 1929.

No. of district calls made 329. No. of infant welfare 163. No. of pre-schooi calls 277. No. of school calls 459.

No. of Tuberculosis calls ' 2. No. of Prenatal calls 27.

The district work and school work has been carried on for the past year as usual.

The girls of the ninth grade were given a course in Red Cross Hygiene and Care of the Sick. The course has been repeated this year. This course may only be given by a Red Cross Instructor.

A pre-school clinic was held in June under the direct- ion of Dr. Snow, baby specialist of Manchester. He was assisted by the local physicians, Drs. Thompson and Fer- nald, local Red Cross nurse and State Infant Welfare nurse.

The school physical examinations were held in Sept- ember by Dr. Fernald, assisted by the nurse.

No. pupils underweight 68-Corrected since last year 72. No. pupils defective vision 30-Corrected since last yr. 7.. 77

No. pupils defective hearing 1. No. pupils cardiac disease 1. No. pupils defective teeth 155-Corrected since last year 75. No. pupils diseased tonsils 74-Corrected since hst year 10. No. pupils defective speech 1. • No. pupils unvaccinated 65-Corrected since last yr. 10.

The dental clinic under the direction of Dr. Dan- forth is now in progress at the Center School.

In submitting my last report to my committee and the people of Hampton I wish to thank you for your co- operation and support to me in my work during my five years in Hampton.

Respectfully submitted, DOROTHY E. ELDRIDGE, R.N.




Feb. 1, Balance 1246.22 Town's appropriation 1,600.00 School appropriation 250.00 Fees collected by nurse 116.25 Town of Rye 129.70 Town of Hampton Falls 3.00 Insurance Company 67.00 14 Membership Drive 121.50 78

Donations 5.00 Rebate on insurance on car 3.12

$2,541.79 PAYMENTS

Miss Eldridge, salary $1,464.95 Mrs. Barker, salary 70.00 Miss Hills, salary 137.91 N. P. Tobey, supplies 10,65 Hampton Center Garage, exp. of car 174.58 E. G. Cole, insurance on car 34.37 William N. Salter, supplies 2.00 Ports. Hospital, service rendered 29.00 Stodly Supply Co., supplies 16.23


1930 Feb. 1, Balance $602.10 79 LIBRARY REPORT



Balance from last year $ 77.28

From Town $1,153.13

From Currier Fund 70.00

From Cards Sold 5.85

From Fines 28.00



Paid for new Books $ 642.78 Fuel 102.40 Salary of librarian 360.00 Electric lights 46.48 Periodicals for reading room 81.65 1000 Cards and labels 7.50 Material for repairs of books 4.30 Small table 3.00 Library paste and postage 1.39 Mowing lawn 5.00 Janitor's services 25.00 Glass, putty and labor 2.32 Stationery, ink and pens 2.44 Money Orders and postage 2.63 Removing ashes 4.00 Miscellaneous 5.85 1,296.74

Balance on hand $37.52

S. ALBERT SHAW, Treasurer. :


During the past year the interest in the library has "been well maintained.

Thoug-h the number of volumes issued does not quite equal that of the preceeding- year the circulation exceeded the average for the last five years.

The arrangement of the latest books on the desk, giving everyone an opportunity to examine them, has proved quite popular with the patrons of the library.

In works of fiction, a brief, printed outline of the story is placed in the front part of the book which is often of great help in the selection of a book.

Number of volumes added to the library for the year ending January 31, 1930:

By purchase 366 ' By gift 6

Total 372 Number of books replaced 10 Number of books catalogued 8946

The number of books purchased in each class with the -cost of same is given below Fiction, 194 volumes $281.77 Juvenile, 86 volumes 124.11 History, Biography and Travels, 55 volumes 153.17 Miscellaneous, 31 volumes 68.03 Replaced 10 volumes 15.70

Number of books issued for February, 985 ; for March 1239; for April, 1023; for May, 728; for June, 569; for July for 880; August, 926; for vSeptember, 672; for October, 818: for November, 1033; for December, 951; for January, 976.

Total circulation, 10800. Magazines loaned, 276. Of the total circulation, 10059 volumes were issued to resi- dents and 741 to non-residents.

Largest number in one day, 184; smallest. 36. Aver age per day 106. 81

Number of different borrowers : resident, 378 ; non- residents, 102. Total number of different borrowers, 480.

The attendance in the reading room has been very good. Very little change has been made in the reading matter. Two magazines—The Youth's Companion and the Saturday Evening Post—have been discontinued. Two magazines, The Mid-Week Pictorial Magazine and Collier's Magazine have been added to the list.

At the present time the list of periodicals is as follows :

Harper's, National Geog'raphic, World's Work, Cur- rent History, Review of Reviews, Outlook, Literary Di- gest, Life, American Magazine, Ladies' Home Journal, Woman's Home Companion, McCall's, Delineator, Collier's, Good Housekeeping, Mid-Week Pictorial Magazine, Christian Endeavor World, Zion's Herald, Radio Broad- cast, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Scientific Am- erican, St. Nicholas, American Boy, Bird Lore, National Sportsman, Base Ball Magazine, Nature Magazine, Rural New Yorker, New England Homestead, Country Gentle- man, American Fruit Grower, The Flower Grower, Ameri- can Botanist, Child Life, Exeter News-Letter, Hampton Union, and Union Signal.

The following periodicals have been presented : New Hampshire Issue, Telephone Topics and Telephone Quar- terly.

S. ALBERT SHAW, Librarian 82

Additions to the Public Library

Books Added to the Public Library for the Year Ending

January 31, 1930 FICTION NO. AUTHOR TITLE 8829 Adair, Cecil Shimmering Waters 8805 Adams, Herbert Caroline Ormsby's Crime 8819 Aldrich, Darragh Peter Good for Nothing 8808 Ames, Joseph B Shoe-Bar Stratton 8731 Ames, Joseph B The Bladed Barrier 8776 Armstrong, Anthony The Secret Trail 8794 Arnold, John Death at Four Corners

8752 Babcock, Bernie . . . Lincoln's Mary and the Babies 8797 Bacheller, Irving .... The House of Three Ganders 8916 Bailey, Temple Burning Beauty 8893 Baldwin, Faith The Incredible Year 8818 Barker, Reginald C The Hair-Trigger Brand 8864 Baxter, George O Free Range Lanning 8779 Beach, Rex Pardners 8925 Beeding, Francis Pretty Sinister 8777 Berkeley, Anthony .... The Layton Court Mystery 8873 Biggers, Earl D The Black Camel 8906 Bindloss, Harold Larry of Lonesome Lake 8784 Bindloss, Harold Pine Creek Ranch 8807 Brand, Max The Gun Tamer 8756 Booth, Charles G Gold Bullets 8830 Brock; Lynn The Stoke Silver Case 8736 Brooks, Collin Her Serene Highness 8763 Brown, Walter C The Second Guess 8754 Buel, Wilder The Other Side of Main Street

8853 Burroughs, Edgar R. . . . The Girl from Hollywood 8902 Burroughs, Edgar R. Tarzan and the Lost Empire

8798 Carmen, Dorothy W. . . The Glory and the Parlour

8816 Carey, Rosa N. . Doctor Littlefield's First Patient 8869 Chapman, Maristan Homeplace 8866 Charteris, Leslie Meet the Tiger 8854 Clark, Covington Aces Up 83

8922 Clay, Robert Carmen Sheila 8914 Coburn, Walt Mavericks 8931 Colver, Alice R The Red-headed Goddess 8788 Connington, J.J... The Case with Nine Solutions 8880 Connington, J.J Grim Vengeance 8810 Coolidge, Dane Rimrock Jones 8825 Coolidge, Dane War Paint t 8826 Coolidge, Dane Shadow Mountain 8790 Courths-Mahler, Hedwig .... The String of Pearls 8921 Creed, Sibyl The Shot 8872 Curwood, James Swift Lightning

8759 Curwood, James O. . . . The Crippled of Peribonka 8874 Daley, Carrol J The Hidden Hand 8804 8743 Deeping, Warwick Roper's Row 8749 Delafteld, E.M First Love 8843 Dilnot, George The Black Ace 8860 Dorrance, James F Never Fire First 8857 Drago, Harry S The Snow Patrol 8822 Dutton, Charles J Streaked with Crimson 8814 Edington, May My Dear 8755 Edmonds, Walter D. Rome Haul 8828 Evarts, Hal G The Settling of the Sage 8923 Faille, Gerard Stone Blunts Scissors 8772 Farjeon, J. Jefferson The Person Called "Z" 8879 Fletcher, J. S A Maid and Her Money 8883 Flynn, Brian The Billiard Room Mystery 8876 Freeman, R. Austin A Silent Witness

8745 Friend, Oscar J. . . The Wolf of Wildcat Mountain 8787 Galsworthy, John The White Monkey 8781 Gibbs, George The Love of Madamoiselle 8795 Gilbert, Anthony Death at Four Corners 8845 Ginther, Pemberton The Jade Necklace 8850 Gluck, Sinclair. The Man Who Never Blundered

8903 Gregory, Jackson . . Mystery at Spanish Hacienda 8760 Gregory, Jackson Sentinel of the Desert 8907 Grey, Lane Fighting Caravans 8919 Haggard, H. Rider Marion Isle 8786 Hand, Matilda B. A Romance of Old Cape May 8842 Haycox, Ernest Free Grass 8737 Hay, Jr., James The Winning Clue 8844 Hatch, Richard W Into the Wind 8894 Hendryx, James B Man of the North !


8782 Hendryx, James B North

8852 Hopkins, Wm. J. She Blows ! And Sparm at That 8815 Howard, Keble The Smiths 8767 Hugo, Victor The Hunchback of Notre Dame

8791 Huntingdon, John . . The Seven Black Chessmen 8897 Jay, Mae F The Girl of the Mesa 8752 Jones, Charles R. The King Murder 8926 Jordan, Elizabeth .... The Devil and the Deep Sea

8915 Kennedy, Milward . . The Man Who Rang the Bell 8789 Kennedy, Robert M The Bleston Mystery 8910 Kester, Paul Diana Dauntless 8734 King, Basil Satan as Lightning 8867 Kyne, Peter B. Jim the Conqueror 8823 Landon, Herman Death on the Air

8884 Lesterman, J. . The Second Mate of the Myradale 8920 LeQueux, William The Lawless Hand 8934 LeQueux, William The Crime Code 8918 Liggett, Walter W The River Riders 8881 Lincoln, Joseph and Freeman Blair's Attic 8868 Livingston, Armstrong The Double Cross 8896 Loring, Emilie Swift Water 8771 Lutz, Grace L. Duskin 8861 Marshall, Edison The First Hawk 8817 Martin, Helen R Her Husband's Purse 8802 McBlair, Robert Black Gold 8928 McClinchey, Florence E. Joe Pete 8833 McCutcheon George B. Romeo in Moon Village 8890 McLaughlin, Fred The Vale of Aragon 8740 McNeil, Everett The Shores of Adventure 8766 Melville, Hermon Dick 8936 Merwin, Samuel Lady Can Do 8801 Miln, Louise J. It Happened in China 8887 Montgomery, L. M Magic for Marigold 8744 Morrow, Honore Splendor of God 8905 Mowery, William B. The Girl from God's Mercy 8851 Mowery, William B. The Silver Hawk 8927 Mulford, Clarence E Me and Shorty 8770 Mulford, Clarence E. The Bar-20 Three 8770 Mulford, Clarence Bar-20 Rides Again 8824 Mundy, Talbot Queen Cleopatra 8849 Mundy, Talbot King of the Khyber Rifles 8765 Niven, Frederick The Lost Cabin Mine 8855 Ogden, George W Sooner Land 85

8732 Oppenheim, Phillip The Glenlitten Murder 8753 Oppenheim, Phillip The Curious Quest 8778 Oppenheim, Fk. The Treasure House of M. Hews 8803 Parrish, Randall Gift of the Desert 8832 Parrish, Randall ...... Comrades of Peril 8911 Payne, Elizabeth S Hedges 8834 Pedler, Margaret Waves of Destiny 8895 Pedler, Margaret The Guarded Halo 8799 Pendexter, Hugh The Gate through the Mountains 8785 Pertwee, Roland Treasure Trail 8835 Poe, Edgar Allan Vol. II. Marvelous Adventure 8929 Pride and Weeks The Lily and the Sword 8892 Raine, Willio,m McL. .... The Fighting Tenderfoot 8813 Raine, William McL. The Sheriff's Son 8773 Rath, E. J The Brains of the Family 8774 Rath, E. J The Sky's the Limit

8909 Rath, E. J . Once Again

8742 Remarque, E. M. . All Quiet on the Western Front 8924 Rhode, John 8877 Richmond Grace The Listening Post 8757 Richmond, Grace At the South Gate 8800 Rinehart Mary R This Strange Adventure 8751 Robertson, Frank C The Silver Cow 8912 Roche, Mazo, Be La 8780 Rohmer, Sax >She Who Sleeps 8811 Rose, Isabel B Diana Drew 8761 Rose, Isabel B The Measure of Margaret 8885 Rosman, Alice G Visitors to Hugo 8878 Ruck, Berta Lucky in Love 8862 Ruck, Berta The Youngest Venus S827 Sabatini Rafael The Shame of Motley 8871 Sabatini Rafael The Romantic Prince 8891 Scott, Mansfield. The Spiders Web

8932 Scott, Will . . The Mask

• 8848 Sedgwick, Annie D. . Dark Hester 8904 Smith Harriet L. Pollyanna's Western Adventures 8856 Smith, Harriet L The Uncertain Glory 8898 Stanford, Alfred Invitations to Darger 8750 Starrett, Vincent Murder on "B" Desk 8882 Stern, C. S .... Modesta 8764 Stilson, Charles B A Cavalier of Navarre 8793 Sullivan, Alan The Splendid Silence 8741 Stratton-Porter, Jeannette Freckles Comes Home 86

: 8933 Swinnerton, Frank. . . . Sketch of a Sinner Tarkington, Booth The Fascinating Stranger

8739 Temple-Ellis, N. A. . . The Inconsistent Villains 8783 Terhune, A. P. The Secret of Sea-Dream House •8913 Terhune, Alice The White Mouse 8775 Thayer, Lee Dead Men's Shoes 8886 Trites, W. B Paterfamilias 8888 Upson, William H.

Alexander Botts : Earth Worm Tractors

8863 Van Dine, L. S...... The "Canary" Murder Case

8900 Vestal, Stanley . . . . . Dobe Walls

8917 Vignard, Jean . Venus 8846 Wallace Edgar The Flying Squad 8847 Wallace Edgar ...'..!.'. The Twister

8758 Wallace, Edgar . The Double 8908 Walpole, Hugh Hans Frost 8738 Walpole, Hugh Wintersmoon 8747 Walpole, Hugh The Green Mirror 8748 Walpole, Hugh The Young Enchanted 8733 Wasson, Mildred Churchill Street 8735 Wasso?i, Mildred The Everlasting Harpers 8875 Watson, Robert High Hazzard 8792 Webster, Henry R The Sealed Trunk 8730 V/ells, H.G The King Who Was A King 8865 Wells, H. G Men Like Gods 8796 Wentworth, Patricia Grey Mask 8831 Weston, George Kings of Destiny 8858 White, Grace M The Ghost of Glen Gorge 8859 Widdemer, Margaret Rhinestones 8821 Wilkins, MaryE The Debtor 8870 Wire, Harold C .M


8707 Allen, Gladys The Trail of the Cornet 8680 Aspinwall, Alicia Short poems for Short People 8684 Bailey, Caroline S Read Aloud Stories 8724 Barbour, Ralph H Grantham Gets On 8659 Barbour, Ralph H Tod Hale on the Nine 87

3595 Barbour, Ralph H Giles of the Mayflower 8726 Barbour, Ralph H. Heading North 8592 Bill, Alfred H The Red Prior's Legacy 8664 Blaisdell, Etta A My Garden of Stories 8713 Blake, Gladys The Pondexter Pride 8670 Bowles, Ella S Children of the Border 8709 Brann, Esther Nanette of the Wooden Shoes 8681 Bridge-man, L. J A Guess Book of Riddles 8596 Brooks, Amy Dorothy Dainty's Red Letter Days S676 BurUs, Thomson Russ Farrel over Mexico 8658 Carter, Russell G. A Patriot Ladd of Old Saratoga 8714 Carter, Russell G Three Points of Honor 8599 Casserly, Anne Roseen 8719 Chattel-ton, E. Keble In Great Waters 8674 Chevalier, Julier C. Noah's Grandchildren 8602 Collins, A. F Boys' and Girls' Book of Outdoor Games 8686 Cool, Neil E. Welcome Strangers 8605 Criss, Mildred Malou. A Little Swiss Girl 8711 Crownfield, Gertrude Joscelyn of the Forts 8671 Curtis, Alice ..A Litte Maid from South Caroline 8708 Curtis, Alice A Yankee Girl at the Battle of the Wilderness 8662 Delemare, Walter Stories from the Bible 8720 Dodge, Louis The Sandman's Mountain 8672 Douglas, Jr. Dick A Boy Scout in the Grizzly Country 8675 Duffus, Helen M The Strawberry Girls 8718 Evans, Guendolen M. The House in the Little Green Wood

8727 Fogler and Nichol . . Rusty Pete of the Lazy A B 8710 Fox, Florence C. How the World Rides 8601 French, Joseph L. The Big Aviation Book for Boys 8682 Fulton, Reed Moccasin Trail 8715 Fyleman, Rose 40 Good-Morning Stories 8661 Gilkison, Grace Two Mice and A King 8663 Hawthorn, Hildegard The Mystery of Star-C Ranch

8935 Hill, Leonard S. . The Jolly Tinker and Other Tales 8716 Hill and Reed Grandfather's Farm 8717 Hill and Reed. An Airplane Ride 8697 Hope, Laura L The Bobbsey Twins at Cherry Corner 8698 Hope, Laura L. The Bobbsey Twins at Clover Bank 8729 Hoskins, George C. Spick and Span 8685 Kauffman, Reginald N. Mad Anthony's Drummer 8669 Keelo, Katherine Working with Electricity 8699 Kilbourne, C. E. Baby Monkey and the Wily Wolf

8700 Kilbourne, C. E.. . Baby Kangaroo and Lily Lamb 8701 Kilbourne, C. E Baby Buffalo and Jolly Jack Rabbit 8667 Leighton, Robert Olaf, The Glorious 8598 Lenski, Lois Two Brothers and Their Animal Friends 8695 Lisle, Clifton Diamond Rock 8705 Lisle, Clifton Hobnails and Heather 8603 Loomis, Alfred F Troubled Waters

8696 Macleod, Mary . . . . Stories from the Faerie Queen 8688 Madison, Lucy F. Peggy Owen 8689 Madison, Lucy F. Peggy Owen at Yorktown 8690 Madison, Lucy F. Peggy Owen and Liberty 8702 McCoy, Neely Jupie Follows His Tale 8704 Mclntyre, John T On the Border with Andrew Jackson

8725 McKinley, Mabel. . Three Boys on the Yangtse 8728 McNeil, Everett Fighting with Fremont 8692 McNeil, Everett ... In Texas with David Crockett 8723 Meader, Stephen W. The Black Buccaneer 8706 Meader, Stephen W Down the Big River 8721 Miller, Warren H Under the Admiral's Stars 8594 Minot, John C. The Best Animal Stories I Know

8722 Minor, Ruby . Fun at Sunnyside Farm 8597 Newcome, Capt. Louis A Lincoln's Boy Spy 8679 Osborn, Josephine Janet's Tea House 8660 Patri, Angelo Pinnocchio's Visit to America

8665 Potter, Miriam C. . . . Sally Gabble and the Fairies 8604 Richards, Leh H Blue Bonnet's Family 8678 Rolt-Wheeler, Francis The Boy with the U. S. Aviators 8607 Silvers, Earl R Team First 8712 Singmaster, Elsie Virginia's Bandit 8693 Skinner, Constance L The Ranch of the Golden Flowers 89

8606 Skipper, Mervyn The Jungle Meeting-Pool

8703 Stratton, Clarence . . . Harbor Pirates 8673 Theis, Lewis E Trailing the Air Bandit 8687 Thompson, Edward H Children of the Cave 8600 White, Nelia G Kristin 8683 White, Trentwell M Three Rookies at Morton 8593 Winslow, Anna C Our Little Florentine Cousin of Long Ago 8677 Winslow, Clara V. The Kitten That Grew too Fat 8666 Young, Ella The Tangle-coated Horse and Other Stories


8649 Abraham Lincoln in New Hampshire Edwin L. Page 8628 Africa, The New Donald Frazer 8654 Aftermath, The Winston S. Churchill 8625 America, Give Me a Chance Edward W. Bok 8632 As God Made Them Gamaliel Bradford 8637 Astor, John Jacob Arthur D. H. Smith

8636 Australia, Undiscovered . Capt. Sir G. H. Wilkins 8623 Bell, Alexander Graham .... Catherine Mackensie 8624 Bermuda Days Bertha March 8608 Book of Puka-Puka, The Robert D. Frisbie 8641 Bushwhacking Sir Hugh Clifford 8610 Carl Akeley's Africa Mary L. J. Akeley 8609 Circling Africa Isabel Anderson 8635 Down the World's Most Dangerous River Clyde Eddy 8620 Elizabeth and Essex Lytton Strackey

' 8652 Eddy, Mrs. A Biography. . Edward L. Dakin 8937 Famous Men, Short Stories of Reynolds and Horn 8644 Flight of the Southern Cross, The C.T. P. Vim 8942 Grandmother Brown's Hundred Years 1827-1927 Harriet C. Brown 8634 Hall Young of Alaska. An Autobiography. S. Hall Young 8611 Hanna Thomas Beer 8617 Hawaii. Pioneer Days in Oliver P. Emerson 8626 I Am a Woman and a Jew Leah Morton 8640 I Like Diving Tom Eddy 8945 Industrial Explorers Maurice Holland 8642 Jewett, Sarah Orne Francis O. Matthiessen 8613 Johnson, Andrew. ..• Robert W. Winston 8655 Lee the American Gamaliel Bradford 8619 Life and Death in Sing Sing Leivis E. Laws 8643 Life and Labor in the Old South.UlHch B. Phillips 8657 Lincoln and His Wife's Home Town William Townsend 8638 Lion Martin Johnson 8650 Lockstep and Corridor Clark and Eubawk 8630 Marquette, Pere Agnes Repplier 8633 Moses, The Life of Edmund Fleg 8631 Mount Vernon on the Potomac Grace King 8940 My Tropical Air Castle Frank M. Chapman 8615 Nation, Carry Herbert Asbury 8618 N. H. Manual of the General Court. 1929 8647 N. H. Manual of the General Court. 1923 8648 N. H. Manual of the General Court. 1925

8616 Palistine, A Pilgrimage to . Harry E. Fosdick 8930 Pierce and Burke Henry H. Metcalf 8622 Presidents I Have Known and Two Near Presi- dents Charles W. Thompson 8614 Sahara, Mysterious Byron Khun De Prorok 8645 Stillman, James. The Portrait of a Banker Anna R. Burr 8627 Stranger Than Fiction '. Lewis Brown 8656 Suicide Battalion Wendell Westover 8621 Swasey, Ambrose, John Fritz Medal Presented to, 1924 8639 The Great Horn Spoon Eugene Wright

8646 The Isthmian Highway. . Hugh G. Miller L. L. D. 8629 The Magic Island W. B. Seabrook 8653 The Stump Farm Hilda Rose 8651 The Tragic Era Claude G. Bowers 8941 Trailing the Giant Panda Theodore and Kermit Roosevelt 8612 Webster, Daniel Allan L. Benson

MISCELLANEOUS 8585 Abraham Lincoln. A Play John Drinkwater 8561 of Odd Fellows Homes. Edited by Ida F. Wolfe 91

8939 A Preface to Morals Walter Lippman 8568 A Rover I Would Be E. V. Lucas 8946 Birds of Massachusetts and other New England States, Volume III Edward H. Forbush 8580 Citizen or Subject Francis X. Hennessey 8587 Common Head Cold, The Walter A. Wells 8562 Dahlias F. F. Rockwell

8566 Earth and the Stars, The . . C.G. Abbott, D. Sc. 8574 Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Thomas Grey 8573 Essays. Criticism. Volume X Edgar Allan Poe 8572 Essays. Philosophy. Volume IX Edgar Allan Poe 8569 Falsehood in War-Time Arthur Ponsonby 8583 Forestry in the United States of North America. The Role of Research in the Development of Bailey and Spoehr 8565 Home Kathleen Norris 8584 Hows and Ways of Human Behavior George A. Dorsey, Ph. D. 8567 Ideal Empires and Republics Rousseau, Bacon and Others 8582 Intelligent Living Austin F. Riggs 8586 Mid-Channel Ludivig Lewisohn 8590 Middletown Robert S. and Helen Lynd 8943 Modern Verse Shurter and Watkins 8576 New Hampshire, Geology of. Vol. I C. Hitchcock 8577 New Hampshire, Geology of. Vol. II C. Hitchcock 8578 New Hampshire, Geology of. Vol. III.C. Hitchcock 8589 New Hampshire Laws 1929 and Special Session 1927 8571 Poems, with Introduction. Volume I Edgar Allan Poe 8591 Poems. (Complete) John Masefield

8588 Story of the Weather, The . . Eugene Van Cleef 8581 Television Sheldon and Grisewood 8570 The Bible through the Centuries.ffer6er£ L. Willet 8944 The Destiny of the British Empire and the U. S. A W. G. MacKendrick 8575 The New International Year Book, 1928. 8563 The Way the World Is Going H. G. Wells 8564 You. A Personal Message Edward W. Bok

8579 You—And Your Doctor . John B. Haws, 2nd. 92


Statement of Income and Expense July 1, 192$

to January 31, 1930


Balance on hand July 1, 1929 $1,184.63 From town appropriation 35,000.00 From tuitions 773.26 From dog tax 293.95

$37,251.84 EXPENSE

Salaries district officers $235.00 Superintendent 560.87 Truant officer and census 15.00 Administration expense 347.03 Teachers' salaries 6,640.06 Text books 257.82 Scholars supplies 299.26 Janitor service 787.50 Fuel 640.83 Water, light and janitor supplies 254.03 Minor repairs 263.62 Health 362.73 Transportation 907.93 Academy tui 2,500.00 Insurance 349.00 New equipment (Includes im- provements \<> gfounds) 1,641.28 Principal of debt 3,500.00 rest 2,525.00 sic 415.25 93

Per Capita tax 570.00

Total Expenses to date $23,072.21 Balance on hand to pay expenses from January 21, 1930 to June 30, 1930 14,179.63


A detailed report of the School District will be made to the inhabitants of the District at the close of the school year on June 30, 1930.

The following is an estimate of the expenses of the District for the school year beginning on July 1, 1930, appropriation for which will be made at the annual school meeting to be held during the month of March. Salaries of district officers $385.00 Superintendent's excess salary 600.00 Truant officer and census 25.00 Administration expense 400.00 Teachers' salaries 13,500.00 Text books 400.00 Scholars supplies 450.00 Janitor service 1,350.00 Water, light and janitor's supplies 450.00 Fuel 1,000.00 Minor repairs 300.00 Health 375.00 Transportation 2,100.00 Academy tuition 5,000.00 New equipment 300.00 Music 800.00 Insurance 324.00 Principle of debt 4,500.00 Interest 2,637.50 Per Capita tax 558.00

Total estimated expenses $35,454.50



Total receipts from fines and costs $710.98


Paid Town of Hampton $2,901.35 Paid Motor Vehicle Commissioner 3,887.97 Paid Officers and Witnesses 315.66




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and by

Hampton, Hampton, Hampton, Hampton, Hampton,

Person Married Gordon Clergyman Clergyman Walker Clergyman Clergyman Clergyman Walker Walker Walker Residence




Name, Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbert



Crossman Carpenter

Gammon Battis Williamson Baraard of Johnson Scott Seavey Metcalf Ahlstrend Crosby Magunson Shaw DeMoe Evans

Hobbs Names Bartlett Christie Lovering A. E. E. E. L. A. W. G. H. W. L. J. J.


Martha Walter Samuel David George Carrie Hilmer Ethel Jessie George George Carrie Anna John John Elroy Sally Leon Rena



Amesbury, Hampton Amesbury, Amesbury, Hampton,

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|21| |21> |38 124 |30 |24 [25 22 22

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Metcalf Ahlstrend Barnard Surname

Gammon Shaw Battis Scott and Seavey

Lovering and F. C. H. S. Hotham J. Groom D. W. B.

Name Wallace Arthur Noble Evelyn Esther Roland Ethel Ralph Elsie Ida

19 21 6 24 11 Date

Sept. July Sept. Aug. Aug. !

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