Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569 ANHANG ZUM DIPLOM

Einleitung Ziel des Anhangs zum Diploms („ Supplement“) ist es, unabhängige Daten zur Verbesserung der internationalen Transparenz von Studientiteln (Diplome, Zertifikate usw.) sowie einer gerechten akademischen und beruflichen Anerkennung derselben bereitzustellen. Es beschreibt die Art, das Niveau, den Kontext, den Inhalt und den Status des Studiums, das von dem Studierenden absolviert und erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurde, der im Original des Studientitels, dem dieser Anhang beigelegt ist, genannt ist. Das vorliegende Diploma Supplement ist frei von jeglicher wertenden Beurteilung, Gleichwertigkeitserklärung oder Empfehlung zur Anerkennung. Es wurde von der Europäischen Kommission, dem Europarat und dem UNESCO entwickelt.

1. DATEN ZUR PERSON 1.1 Na ch na me : Koubassi 1.2 Na me : Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed 1.3 Geburtsdatum (tt/mm/jjjj) : 07.01.1990 1.4 Matrikelnummer: 15569

2. INFORMATIONEN ZUM STUDIENTITEL 2.1 Erlangter Studientitel und ( sofern anwendba r) akademischer Grad ( in der Ursprungssprache ): magistrale in Ingegneria energetica Laurea magistrale in Energie-Ingenieurwissenschaften Laurea magistrale in Energy Engineering Jointabschluss: ´´Energie Ingenieurwissenschaften´´ Dottore magistrale 2.2 Laureatsklasse und Fachbereich : Energie- und Nuklearingenieurwesen (LM-30) gemäß M.D. 270/2004 ; ISCED Code 0713 2.3 Bezeichnung ( in der Ursprungssprache ) und Status der Einrichtung, die den Studientitel ve rle i ht : Freie Universität Bozen; Bozen; freie, staatlich anerkannte Universität / Università degli Studi di TRENTO 2.4 Bezeichnung und Status der Einrichtung, die das Studium verwaltet ( in der Ursprungssprache ): Siehe Punkt 2.3 2.5 Unterrichtssprachen und Prüfungssprachen : Englisch

3. INFORMATION ZUR EINSTUFUNG UND DAUER DES STUDIENABSCHLUSSES 3.1 A rt und Einstufung des Studientitels : Zweiter Zyklus QF-EHEA / 7. Niveau EQF / Master level 3.2 Offizielle Studiendauer i n Jahren und/oder Kreditpunkten: 120 CFU/ECTS - Zwei Jahre Vollzeit 3.3 Zulassungsvoraussetzungen : Erster Zyklus Studientitel (Niveau 6 EQF) oder vergleichbarer Studientitel. Die Zulassung erfolgt aufgrund eines lokalen Auswahlverfahrens.

4. INFORMATIONEN ÜBER INHALTE DES STUDIUMS UND PRÜFUNGSERFOLGE 4.1 Art des Unterrichts : Vollzeit, konventionell, Unterricht, Seminare 4.2 Lernerfolge des Studienganges : Lehrveranstaltungen und andere Bildungsaktivitäten entsprechen denen, die in der Datenbank OFF.F für das akademische Jahr auf der Website des Ministeriums für Bildung, Universität und Forschung veröffentlicht sind (siehe 6.2). Zur Erlangung des Studientitels müssen 120 Kreditpunkte erworben werden. Für die aktive Teilnahme an den Lehrveranstaltungen ist die ausreichende Kenntnis der offiziellen Unterrichtssprachen (Englisch) erforderlich. 4.3 Studienverlauf, Kreditpunkte und erzielte Benotungen :

WDB Lehrveranstaltungen (in chronologischer Sprache CFU/ECTS Anerken- Benotung Datum Code Reihenfolge) nung (tt/mm/jjjj)

1 ING- Fluid Machines Engineering English 9 28 22.01.2018 IND/08

2 NN Environmental Fluid Mechanics / Hydropower Plants English 9 26 08.02.2018 - Environmental Fluid Mechanics (ICAR/01, 4CP ) - Hydropower Plants (ICAR/02, 5CP ) 3 ING- Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass English 6 25 20.02.2018 IND/10 Transfer

4 ING- Electrical Systems Engineering English 6 27 21.02.2018 IND/33

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569 5 L-LIN/14 Tedesco Tecnico/Technisches Deutsch Deutsch 3 27 19.06.2018

6 ING- Building HVAC Systems English 9 29 05.07.2018 IND/11

7 ING- Electric Power Conversion Equipment English 6 30 12.09.2018 IND/32

8 ING- Advanced Materials for Energy Engineering English 6 26 23.01.2019 IND/22

9 Hydropower and wind power Systems English 12 30 04.02.2019 - Wind power systems (ING-IND/08, 6CP ) - Hydropowers systems (ICAR/02, 6CP ) 10 ING- Advanced Applications of Building Physics English 9 26 24.06.2019 IND/11

11 ING- Electrochemical energy storage and conversion Gain N.A. 6 ICT 29 29.07.2019 IND/23 experience in writing and presenting scientific content Critical appraisal of peer reviewed literature in the area of energy and environmental economics. (comparison of 2 existing papers and their differences in methods and results) Learn how to prepare, write and present scientific content. Present your paper and receive feedback on content and style of presentation Get inputs/improvements,Understanding of the principles of electrochemical kinetics and its relevance in electrochemical systems (batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, etc.). understanding of the properties of such systems. 12 NN Recognized Exam 2/Anerkannte Prüfung 2/Esame N.A. 6 ICT 26 29.07.2019 riconosciuto 2 Gain experience in writing and presenting scientific content Critical appraisal of peer reviewed literature in the area of energy and environmental economics. (comparison of 2 existing papers and their differences in methods and results) Learn how to prepare, write and present scientific content. Present your paper and receive feedback on content and style of presentation Get inputs/improvements,In the garage students from different universities have the opportunity to develop their own business idea and to learn how to form an idea/technology into a sound business concept. Thereby, students learn how to apply techniques and methods of how to build-up a successful start-up company in an early phase based on best-practices from leading entrepreneurs.,Use of biomass for energy supply Geothermal and geothermic production of electricity, e.g. Flash process, Kalina process, Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) Advanced power plant technology for the future use of fossil fuels (CCS = Carbon Capture and Storage, Polygeneration, etc.). Overview and capability of non-thermal regenerative technologies, e.g. wind power, etc. Storage of energy Solar systems 13 ING- Economics and Management of Energy Systems Gain N.A. 6 ICT 25 29.07.2019 IND/35 experience in writing and presenting scientific content Critical appraisal of peer reviewed literature in the area of energy and environmental economics. (comparison of 2 existing papers and their differences in methods and results) Learn how to prepare, write and present scientific content. Present

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569 your paper and receive feedback on content and style of presentation Get inputs/improvements,In the garage students from different universities have the opportunity to develop their own business idea and to learn how to form an idea/technology into a sound business concept. Thereby, students learn how to apply techniques and methods of how to build-up a successful start-up company in an early phase based on best-practices from leading entrepreneurs.,The students should be qualified to understand the basic principles of modeling in energy economics and to apply them to simple problems. Following an introductory overview of modeling in energy economics, this course focuses on two main topics: (i) econometrics and (ii) optimization,Understanding of the principles of electrochemical kinetics and its relevance in electrochemical systems (batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, etc.). understanding of the properties of such systems. 14 NN Power Production, CHP and District Heating Systems English 12 28 12.12.2019 - Thermal Engines (ING-IND/08, 6CP ) - Thermal Power Production and Distribution (ING- IND/10, 6CP ) 15 NN Final exam/Abschlussprüfung/Esame finale N.A. 0 29 17.03.2020

Abschlussprüfung 15 106 /110 17.03.2020

Summe CFU/ECTS 120

Legende: NCT: Anerkennung von national erworbenen CFU/ECTS ICT: Anerkennung von international erworbenen CFU/ECTS RPL: Anerkennung von vorherigen Studienleistung CFU: Kreditpunkte / ECTS SSD: wissenschaftlich-disziplinärer Bereich N.A.: Nicht verfügbar

ICT - Im Ausland erbrachte Studienleistungen

Name der Universität Stadt/Land Zeitraum (von/bis) Programm Technische Universität Wien Wien/Austria 28.02.2019-15.07.2019 Erasmus SM

Economics and Management of Energy Systems 6 ECTS 25/30 29.07.2019 Electrochemical energy storage and conversion 6 ECTS 29/30 29.07.2019 Recognized Exam 2 / Anerkannte Prüfung 2 / Esame riconosciuto 2 6 ECTS 26/30 29.07.2019

4.3 b) Praktikum

Name des Unternehmens und Stadt Praktikumszeit (von/bis) Stundenanzahl ------

4.3 c) Titel der Abschlussarbeit: Design of the Cooling System for a Li-ion Battery Pack of a Trolley Vehicle. Wissenschaftlich-disziplinärer Bereich: Betreuer: Dr. Massimiliano Renzi Zweitbetreuer: Prof. Marco Baratieri 4.4 Bewertungssystem und prozentuelle Verteilung der Noten : Für die Studiengänge des I und II Zyklus sieht das italienische Bewertungssystem eine Notenskala in Dreissigstel vor, mit 18/30 als Mindestnote zum Bestehen der Prüfung. Im Falle von

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569 besonderer Leistung kann der Höchstnote eine Auszeichnung verliehen werden (30 c.l.). Die nicht bestandenen Prüfungen werden nicht angeführt.

ECTS table of course grades

ISCED CODE 0713 Energy and nuclear engineering (LM-30) Second cycle QF-EHEA / 7th level EQF / Master level

Grade 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 cum laude n. marks 5 2 9 3 6 16 20 31 52 80 99 88 138 49 % 0,84 0,33 1,51 0,5 1 2,68 3,34 5,18 8,7 13,38 16,56 14,72 23,08 8,19 cumulative % 99,16 98,83 97,32 96,82 95,82 93,14 89,8 84,62 75,92 62,54 45,98 31,26 8,18 0,00 Years considered: from 1/11/2017 to 31/10/2020 Tot. marks: 598

4.5 Abschlussnote Abschlussnote: 106 /110 Datum der Abschlussprüfung: 17.03.2020 Für die Studiengänge des I und II Zyklus sieht das italienische Bewertungssystem die Höchstnote von 110 Punkten und die Mindestnote von 66/110 Punkten vor. Im Falle von besonderer Leistung kann der Höchstnote eine Auszeichnung verliehen werden. Die Berechnung der Abschlussnote stützt sich auf den Studienverlauf und auf des Ergebnis der Abschlussprüfung.

ECTS table for final grades

ISCED CODE 0713 Energy and nuclear engineering (LM-30) Second cycle QF-EHEA / 7th level EQF / Master level Grade 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 94 n. marks ------% ------cumulative % ------

Grade 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 110 cum laude n. marks - - - 1 - 3 1 1 4 2 4 4 1 1 - 4 5 % - - - 3,23 - 9,68 3,23 3,23 12,9 6,45 12,9 12,9 3,23 3,23 - 12,9 16,13 cumulative % - - - 96,77 - 87,09 83,86 80,63 67,73 61,28 48,38 35,48 32,25 29,02 - 16,12 -0,01 Years considered: from 1/11/2017 to 31/10/2020 Tot. marks: 31

5. INFORMATIONEN ÜBER DAS AUSBILDUNGSZIEL 5.1 Zugang zu weiterführenden Studien : Zulassung zu Studiengängen der dritten Stufe QF-EHEA: Niveau 8 EQF, dottorato di ricerca und master universitario di secondo livello. 5.2 Berufliche Qualifikation (sofern anwendbar) : Nicht anwendbar.

6. WEITERE INFORMATIONEN 6.1 Weitere Informationen : Erreichtes Niveau der Sprachkompetenzen laut Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen – GERR: Deutsch B1 , Italienisch --- , Englisch C1 In Überzahl erworbene CFU/ECTS (auch im Ausland):

WDB Lehrveranstaltungen (in chronologischer Sprache CFU/ECTS Anerkennung Benotung Datum Code Reihenfolge) (tt/mm/jjjj)


In der Einrichtung geleistete Arbeit: 18.01.2018 - 31.12.2018, 02.01.2019 - 31.12.2019 Studierendenvertretung in institutionellen Gremien: ---

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569

6.2 Weitere Informationsquellen : Website der Universität: https://www.unibz.it NARIC Italia: http://www.cimea.it European Qualifications Framework: http://ec.europa.eu/eqf/compare_en.htm Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: https://www.coe.int/en/web/common-european-framework-reference- languages

7. ZEICHNUNG DES DOKUMENTS 7.1 Ausstellungsdatum: 02.04.2020 7.2 Name und Unterschrift : Dott. Christian Staffler LL.M. (digital unterzeichnet) 7.3 Fu nkti on : Verantwortlicher für das Studentensekretariat 7.4 Ste mpe l


Das italienische Universitätssystem

Das italienische Universitätssystem basiert auf den drei Zyklen des Bologna-Prozesses: Die wesentlichen italienischen Titel sind „Laurea“ (1. Zyklus, entspricht dem Bachelor), „Laurea Magistrale“ (2. Zyklus, entspricht dem Master) und „Dottorato di ricerca“ (3. Zyklus, Doktoratsstudium). Im italienischen System gibt es auch noch weitere akademische Ausbildungen mit entsprechenden Abschlüssen.

Erster Zyklus. Er besteht ausschließlich aus „Corsi di Laurea“ (Bachelorstudiengängen). Diese haben zum Ziel, Studierenden angemessene Kenntnisse allgemeiner wissenschaftlicher Methoden und Inhalte zu vermitteln sowie den Erwerb besonderer beruflicher Kenntnisse zu ermöglichen. Mindestvoraussetzung für die Zulassung ist das Abschlussdiplom einer Oberschule, das nach Vollendung von insgesamt 13 Schuljahren und nach Bestehen der entsprechenden Prüfung (Matura/Abitur) erlangt wird, oder ein vergleichbarer ausländischer Studientitel; die Zulassung kann der Überprüfung weiterer Bedingungen unterliegen. Die Regelstudienzeit beträgt drei Jahre. Um den Bachelorabschluss zu erlangen, muss ein Student 180 Kreditpunkte (KP), welche den ECTS-Kreditpunkten entsprechen, erwerben; es können auch die Absolvierung eines Praktikums und die Besprechung eines Abschlussberichts oder das Verfassen einer Abschlussarbeit vorgesehen sein. Der Bachelorabschluss ist Zulassungstitel für die Masterstudiengänge und für andere Ausbildungswege des 2. Zyklus.

Zweiter Zyklus. Die wichtigsten Studien des 2. Zyklus sind die „Corsi di Laurea Magistrale“ (Masterstudiengänge); sie bieten eine Ausbildung auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau für einen Beruf von hoher Qualifikation in spezifischen Bereichen. Für die Zulassung ist der Besitz einer italienischen Laurea oder ein vergleichbarer ausländischer Titel erforderlich; die einzelnen Universitäten können spezifische Zulassungsvoraussetzungen vorsehen. Die Regelstudienzeit beträgt zwei Jahre. Um den Masterabschluss zu erlangen, muss ein Student 120 Kreditpunkte (KP) erwerben und eine Abschlussarbeit verfassen und diskutieren. Einige Studien („Medicina e chirurgia“, „Medicina veterinaria“, „Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria“, „Farmacia e Farmacia industriale“, „Architettura“, „Ingegneria edile-Architettura“, „Giurisprudenza“, „Scienze della formazione primaria“) sind einstufige Masterstudien: Zugangsvoraussetzung ist das Abschlussdiplom einer Oberschule oder ein vergleichbarer ausländischer Titel; die Zulassung erfolgt über eine Aufnahmeprüfung; diese Studien haben eine Dauer von 5 Jahren (6 Jahre und 360 Kreditpunkte (KP) für „Medicina e chirurgia“ und für „Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria“). Um den Masterabschluss zu erlangen, muss ein Student daher 300 Kreditpunkte (KP) erwerben und eine Abschlussarbeit verfassen und diskutieren. Der Masterabschluss ist Zulassungstitel für das Doktoratsstudium und für andere Ausbildungen des 3. Zyklus.

Dritter Zyklus. Die wichtigsten Studien des 3. Zyklus sind die „Corsi di Dottorato di ricerca“ (Doktoratsstudien); Ziel dieser Studien ist der Erwerb von wissenschaftlichen Forschungsmethoden und deren Anwendung. Praktika im Ausland und empirische Arbeiten in Forschungslaboratorien sind des Weiteren vorgesehen. Die Zulassung erfordert einen Masterabschluss (oder einen vergleichbaren ausländischen Titel) und das Bestehen eines Wettbewerbs; die Regelstudienzeit beträgt mindestens 3 Jahre. Ein Doktoratsstudent muss eine Abschlussarbeit verfassen und sie im Rahmen der Abschlussprüfung diskutieren.

Weitere Ausbildungen: „Corsi di Specializzazione“ (Spezialisierungskurse): Ausbildungen des 3. Zyklus, die das Ziel haben, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten zu vermitteln, die für Berufsfelder mit hoher Qualifikation notwendig sind, insbesondere im medizinischen, klinischen und chirurgischen Bereich. Die Zulassung erfordert einen Masterabschluss (oder einen vergleichbaren ausländischen Titel) und das Bestehen eines Wettbewerbs; die Regelstudienzeit beträgt zwischen 2 (120 KP) und 6 Jahren (360 KP) je nach wissenschaftlichem Bereich. Nach Studienabschluss wird der Grad „Diploma di Specializzazione“ verliehen.

„Corsi di Master universitario di 1° livello“ (Weiterbildende Masterstudiengänge der Grundstufe): Ausbildungen des 2. Zyklus, die die wissenschaftliche Ausbildung vervollkommnen. Die Zulassung erfolgt mit einer italienischen „Laurea“ oder einem vergleichbaren ausländischen Titel. Die Mindestdauer beträgt 1 Jahr (60 KP); die Zulassung zu Doktoratsstudien und anderen Ausbildungen des 3. Zyklus ist nicht möglich, da diese Masterstudiengänge keine nationale Studienordnung haben und der Titel in Eigenverantwortung von der betreffenden Universität ausgestellt wird. Nach Studienabschluss wird der Grad „Master Universitario di primo livello“ verliehen.

„Corsi di Master universitario di 2° livello“ (Weiterbildende Masterstudiengänge der Aufbaustufe): Ausbildungen des 3. Zyklus, die die wissenschaftliche Ausbildung vervollkommnen. Die Zulassung erfolgt mit einer italienischen „Laurea Magistrale“ oder einem vergleichbaren ausländischen Titel. Die Mindestdauer beträgt 1 Jahr (60 KP); die Zulassung zu Doktoratsstudien und anderen Ausbildungen des 3. Zyklus ist nicht möglich, da diese Masterstudiengänge keine nationale Studienordnung haben und der Titel in Eigenverantwortung von der betreffenden Universität ausgestellt wird. Nach Studienabschluss wird der Grad „Master Universitario di secondo livello“ verliehen.

Kreditpunkte (KP): Alle Studiengänge können über so genannte Kreditpunkte aufgeschlüsselt werden. Einem Kreditpunkt (KP) entsprechen in der Regel rund 25 Stunden Studienaufwand durch die Studierenden, Selbststudium inbegriffen. Der durchschnittliche Lern- und Arbeitsaufwand, der in einem Jahr von einem Vollzeitstudenten absolviert werden muss, entspricht 60 KP. Die Kreditpunkte basieren auf dem European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

Studienklassen: Bachelor- und Masterstudien, die miteinander die gleichen Ausbildungsziele und die gleichen, grundlegenden Ausbildungsformen teilen, werden zu so genannten Zugehörigkeitsklassen zusammengefasst. Die einzelnen Studieninhalte werden selbstständig von der jeweiligen Hochschule festgelegt; einige auf nationaler Ebene festgelegte Studieninhalte (und die entsprechende Anzahl der Kreditpunkte) müssen jedoch verpflichtend von den Hochschulen eingebunden werden. Diese Voraussetzungen werden in Zusammenhang mit jeder Zugehörigkeitsklasse festgelegt. Die Studientitel innerhalb einer Klasse haben alle dieselbe rechtliche Gültigkeit.

Akademische Grade: dem Bachelorabschluss entspricht der Akademische Grad „Dottore“; dem Masterabschluss der Akademische Grad „Dottore Magistrale“; dem Doktoratsstudium der Akademische Grad „Dottore di ricerca“ oder „PhD“.

Gemeinsame Abschlüsse: Die italienischen Universitäten bieten die Möglichkeit, Studiengänge in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen italienischen oder ausländischen Universitäten zu schaffen. Nach Studienabschluss werden gemeinsame Abschlüsse oder Doppel- bzw. Mehrfachabschlüsse verliehen.

Weiterführende Informationen: Quadro dei titoli italiani – QTI http://www.quadrodeititoli.it/

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569

Das italienische Universitätssystem

3. Zyklus Dottorato di Ricerca Master universitario Diploma di Specializzazione di II livello

2. Zyklus Master universitario Laurea Magistrale

120 KP/ECTS di I livello

1. Zyklus (einstufig) a ciclo unico a

180 KP/ECTS Laurea Laurea Laurea Magistrale

Schule der Sekundarstufe II (5 Jahre)

Schule der Sekundarstufe I (3 Jahre)

Schule der Primarstufe (5 Jahre)

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569


Premessa Obiettivo del Supplemento al Diploma è fornire dati indipendenti atti a migliorare la ‘trasparenza’ internazionale dei titoli (diplomi, lauree, certificati ecc.) e consentirne un equo riconoscimento accademico e professionale. Il supplemento intende offrire una descrizione della natura, del livello, del contesto, del contenuto e dello status degli studi effettuati dal detentore del titolo originale al quale è allegato. Esso esclude ogni valutazione discrezionale, dichiarazione di equivalenza o suggerimenti relativi al riconoscimento. Il Supplemento al Diploma è stato sviluppato dalla Commissione Europea, dal Consiglio d’Europa e dall’UNESCO.

1. DATI ANAGRAFICI 1.1 Cog n ome /i : Koubassi 1.2 N o me /i : Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed 1.3 Data di nascita (gg/mm/aaaa) : 07.01.1990 1.4 Numero di matricola : 15569

2. INFORMAZIONI SUL TITOLO DI STUDIO 2.1 Titolo di studio rilasciato e ( se applicabile ) qualifica accademica ( nella lingua originale ): Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria energetica Laurea magistrale in Energie-Ingenieurwissenschaften Laurea magistrale in Energy Engineering Titolo joint: ´´Ingegneria Energetica´´ Dottore magistrale 2.2 Classe/i e area/e disciplinare/i : Ingegneria energetica e nucleare (LM-30) ai sensi del D.M. 270/2004 ; ISCED Code 0713 2.3 N o me (nella lingua originale ) e tipologia dell’Università che rilascia il titolo di st udi o: Libera Università di Bolzano; Bolzano; Università non statale legalmente riconosciuta/ Università degli Studi di TRENTO 2.4 Nome e tipologia dell’Università che gestisce gli studi, se diversa dalla precedente ( nella lingua or igin ale ): Come al punto 2.3 2.5 Lingua/e di insegnamento e di verifica del profitto : Inglese

3. INFORMAZIONI SUL LIVELLO E LA DURATA DEL CORSO DI STUDIO 3.1 Livello del titolo di studio : Secondo ciclo QF-EHEA / 7° livello EQF / Master level 3.2 Durata ufficiale del corso di studio in crediti e/o anni : 120 CFU/ECTS - Due anni a tempo pieno 3.3 Requisito/i di accesso : Titolo di studio di primo ciclo (livello 6 EQF) o titolo comparabile. L’ammissione è subordinata al superamento di una prova di selezione locale.

4. INFORMAZIONI SUL CURRICULUM E SUI RISULTATI CONSEGUITI 4.1 Modalità di studio : Tempo pieno, convenzionale, lezioni, seminari 4.2 Risultati di apprendimento del corso di studio : Gli insegnamenti e le altre attività formative sono quelli previsti e pubblicati nella banca dati dell´offerta formativa per l´anno accademico e reperibili nel sito internet ufficiale del Ministero dell´Istruzione, dell´Università e della Ricerca (vedi 6.2). Il titolo si consegue mediante l´acquisizione di 120 crediti. Per permettere la partecipazione attiva dello studente alle lezioni è richiesta la conoscenza delle lingue ufficiali del corso (inglese). 4.3 Curriculum con crediti e voti

Codice Attività formative (in ordine cronologico) Lingua CFU/ECTS Ricono- Voto Data SSD crediti scimento (gg/mm/aaaa)

1 ING- Fluid Machines Engineering English 9 28 22.01.2018 IND/08

2 NN Environmental Fluid Mechanics / Hydropower Plants English 9 26 08.02.2018 - Environmental Fluid Mechanics (ICAR/01, 4CP ) - Hydropower Plants (ICAR/02, 5CP ) 3 ING- Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass English 6 25 20.02.2018 IND/10 Transfer

4 ING- Electrical Systems Engineering English 6 27 21.02.2018 IND/33

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569 5 L-LIN/14 Tedesco Tecnico/Technisches Deutsch Deutsch 3 27 19.06.2018

6 ING- Building HVAC Systems English 9 29 05.07.2018 IND/11

7 ING- Electric Power Conversion Equipment English 6 30 12.09.2018 IND/32

8 ING- Advanced Materials for Energy Engineering English 6 26 23.01.2019 IND/22

9 Hydropower and wind power Systems English 12 30 04.02.2019 - Wind power systems (ING-IND/08, 6CP ) - Hydropowers systems (ICAR/02, 6CP ) 10 ING- Advanced Applications of Building Physics English 9 26 24.06.2019 IND/11

11 ING- Electrochemical energy storage and conversion Gain N.A. 6 ICT 29 29.07.2019 IND/23 experience in writing and presenting scientific content Critical appraisal of peer reviewed literature in the area of energy and environmental economics. (comparison of 2 existing papers and their differences in methods and results) Learn how to prepare, write and present scientific content. Present your paper and receive feedback on content and style of presentation Get inputs/improvements,Understanding of the principles of electrochemical kinetics and its relevance in electrochemical systems (batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, etc.). understanding of the properties of such systems. 12 NN Recognized Exam 2/Anerkannte Prüfung 2/Esame N.A. 6 ICT 26 29.07.2019 riconosciuto 2 Gain experience in writing and presenting scientific content Critical appraisal of peer reviewed literature in the area of energy and environmental economics. (comparison of 2 existing papers and their differences in methods and results) Learn how to prepare, write and present scientific content. Present your paper and receive feedback on content and style of presentation Get inputs/improvements,In the garage students from different universities have the opportunity to develop their own business idea and to learn how to form an idea/technology into a sound business concept. Thereby, students learn how to apply techniques and methods of how to build-up a successful start-up company in an early phase based on best-practices from leading entrepreneurs.,Use of biomass for energy supply Geothermal and geothermic production of electricity, e.g. Flash process, Kalina process, Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) Advanced power plant technology for the future use of fossil fuels (CCS = Carbon Capture and Storage, Polygeneration, etc.). Overview and capability of non-thermal regenerative technologies, e.g. wind power, etc. Storage of energy Solar systems 13 ING- Economics and Management of Energy Systems Gain N.A. 6 ICT 25 29.07.2019 IND/35 experience in writing and presenting scientific content Critical appraisal of peer reviewed literature in the area of energy and environmental economics. (comparison of 2 existing papers and their differences in methods and results) Learn how to prepare, write and present scientific content. Present

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569 your paper and receive feedback on content and style of presentation Get inputs/improvements,In the garage students from different universities have the opportunity to develop their own business idea and to learn how to form an idea/technology into a sound business concept. Thereby, students learn how to apply techniques and methods of how to build-up a successful start-up company in an early phase based on best-practices from leading entrepreneurs.,The students should be qualified to understand the basic principles of modeling in energy economics and to apply them to simple problems. Following an introductory overview of modeling in energy economics, this course focuses on two main topics: (i) econometrics and (ii) optimization,Understanding of the principles of electrochemical kinetics and its relevance in electrochemical systems (batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, etc.). understanding of the properties of such systems. 14 NN Power Production, CHP and District Heating Systems English 12 28 12.12.2019 - Thermal Engines (ING-IND/08, 6CP ) - Thermal Power Production and Distribution (ING- IND/10, 6CP ) 15 NN Final exam/Abschlussprüfung/Esame finale N.A. 0 29 17.03.2020

Esame finale 15 106 /110 17.03.2020

Totale crediti CFU/ECTS 120

Legenda: NCT: Trasferimento nazionale di crediti ICT: Trasferimento internazionale di crediti RPL: Riconoscimento di apprendimento pregresso CFU: Crediti formativi universitari / ECTS credits SSD: Settore scientifico disciplinare N.A.: Non disponibile E: Extracurricolare / attività formativa svolta in sovrannumero rispetto ai CFU previsti

ICT - Attività svolte all’estero

Nome dell’università Città/Stato Periodo (da/a) Programma Technische Universität Wien Wien/Austria 28.02.2019-15.07.2019 Erasmus SM

Economics and Management of Energy Systems 6 ECTS 25/30 29.07.2019 Electrochemical energy storage and conversion 6 ECTS 29/30 29.07.2019 Recognized Exam 2 / Anerkannte Prüfung 2 / Esame riconosciuto 2 6 ECTS 26/30 29.07.2019

4.3 b) Tirocinio

Nome dell’azienda ospitante e località Periodo di tirocinio (da/a) Numero di ore svolte ------

4.3 c) Titolo della tesi: Design of the Cooling System for a Li-ion Battery Pack of a Trolley Vehicle. Settore scientifico-disciplinare: Relatore: Dr. Massimiliano Renzi Correlatore: Prof. Marco Baratieri

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569 4.4 Sistema di votazione e se disponibile tabella di distribuzione dei voti : Per i corsi di studio di I e II ciclo il sistema di votazione italiano prevede una scala in trentesimi, con 18/30 come voto minimo per il superamento della prova d’esame. In caso di eccellenza al voto massimo può essere aggiunta la lode (30 e lode). Gli esami sostenuti con esito negativo non sono riportati nella carriera dello studente.

ECTS table of course grades

ISCED CODE 0713 Energy and nuclear engineering (LM-30) Second cycle QF-EHEA / 7th level EQF / Master level

Grade 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 cum laude n. marks 5 2 9 3 6 16 20 31 52 80 99 88 138 49 % 0,84 0,33 1,51 0,5 1 2,68 3,34 5,18 8,7 13,38 16,56 14,72 23,08 8,19 cumulative % 99,16 98,83 97,32 96,82 95,82 93,14 89,8 84,62 75,92 62,54 45,98 31,26 8,18 0,00 Years considered: from 1/11/2017 to 31/10/2020 Tot. marks: 598

4.5 Votazione finale conseguita Voto finale: 106 /110 Data: 17.03.2020 Per i corsi di studio di I e II ciclo la votazione finale prevede un massimo di 110 punti, con 66/110 come voto minimo. In caso di eccellenza, al voto massimo può essere aggiunta la lode. Il calcolo del voto finale di ciascuno studente tiene conto del curriculum e del risultato della prova finale.

ECTS table for final grades

ISCED CODE 0713 Energy and nuclear engineering (LM-30) Second cycle QF-EHEA / 7th level EQF / Master level Grade 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 94 n. marks ------% ------cumulative % ------

Grade 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 110 cum laude n. marks - - - 1 - 3 1 1 4 2 4 4 1 1 - 4 5 % - - - 3,23 - 9,68 3,23 3,23 12,9 6,45 12,9 12,9 3,23 3,23 - 12,9 16,13 cumulative % - - - 96,77 - 87,09 83,86 80,63 67,73 61,28 48,38 35,48 32,25 29,02 - 16,12 -0,01

Years considered: from 1/11/2017 to 31/10/2020 Tot. marks: 31

5. INFORMAZIONI SULL’AMBITO DI UTILIZZAZIONE DEL TITOLO DI STUDIO 5.1 Accesso ad ulteriori studi : Accesso a studi di 3° ciclo nel QF-EHEA: livello 8 EQF, dottorato di ricerca e master universitario di secondo livello. 5.2 Accesso ad una professione regolamentata (se applicabile) : Non applicabile.

6. INFORMAZIONI AGGIUNTIVE 6.1 Informazioni aggiuntive : Livello certificato di competenza linguistica secondo il Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per Lingue – QCER: Tedesco B1 , Italiano --- , Inglese C1 Crediti in sovrannumero acquisiti (anche all’estero)

Codice Attività formative (in ordine cronologico) Lingua CFU/ECTS Ricono- Voto Data SSD crediti scimento (gg/mm/aaaa)


Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569 Lavoro svolto nell’istituzione: 18.01.2018 - 31.12.2018, 02.01.2019 - 31.12.2019 Ruolo di rappresentanza studentesca rivestito in organi istituzionali: ---

6.2 Altre fonti di informazioni : Sito web ateneo: https://www.unibz.it NARIC Italia: http://www.cimea.it European Qualifications Framework: http://ec.europa.eu/eqf/compare_en.htm Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: https://www.coe.int/en/web/common-european-framework-reference- languages

7. SOTTOSCRIZIONE DEL SUPPLEMENTO 7.1 Data: 02.04.2020 7.2 Fir ma : Dott. Christian Staffler LL.M. (firmato digitalmente) 7.3 Fu nzi o ne : Responsabile Segreteria studenti 7.4 Logo o timbro ufficiale


Il sistema universitario italiano

Il sistema universitario italiano si articola sui 3 cicli del Processo di Bologna: i principali titoli italiani sono la Laurea (1°ciclo), la Laurea Magistrale (2° ciclo) e il Dottorato di Ricerca (3° ciclo). Il sistema italiano offre anche altri corsi accademici con i relativi titoli.

Primo ciclo. E’ costituito esclusivamente dai Corsi di Laurea. Essi hanno l’obiettivo di assicurare agli studenti un’adeguata padronanza di metodi e contenuti scientifici generali e l’acquisizione di specifiche conoscenze professionali. Requisito minimo per l’accesso è il diploma finale di scuola secondaria, rilasciato al completamento di 13 anni di scolarità complessiva e dopo il superamento del relativo esame di Stato, o un titolo estero comparabile; l’ammissione può essere subordinata alla verifica di ulteriori condizioni. I corsi hanno durata triennale. Per conseguire il titolo di Laurea, lo studente deve aver acquisito 180 Crediti Formativi Universitari (CFU), equivalenti ai crediti ECTS; può essere richiesto un periodo di tirocinio e la discussione di una tesi o la preparazione di un elaborato finale. Il titolo di Laurea dà accesso alla Laurea Magistrale e agli altri corsi di 2° ciclo.

Secondo ciclo. I principali corsi di 2° ciclo sono quelli di Laurea Magistrale; essi offrono una formazione di livello avanzato per l’esercizio di attività di elevata qualificazione in ambiti specifici. L’accesso ai corsi è subordinato al possesso di una Laurea o di un titolo estero comparabile; l'ammissione è soggetta a requisiti specifici decisi dalle singole università. I corsi hanno durata biennale. Per conseguire il titolo di Laurea Magistrale, lo studente deve aver acquisito 120 crediti (CFU) e aver elaborato e discusso una tesi di ricerca. Alcuni corsi (Medicina e chirurgia, Medicina veterinaria, Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria, Farmacia e Farmacia industriale, Architettura e Ingegneria edile-Architettura, Giurisprudenza, Scienze della formazione primaria) sono definiti “Corsi di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico”: requisito di accesso è il diploma di scuola secondaria superiore o un titolo estero comparabile; l'ammissione è subordinata a una prova di selezione; gli studi si articolano su 5 anni (6 anni e 360 CFU per Medicina e chirurgia e per Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria). Per conseguire il titolo di Laurea Magistrale lo studente deve quindi aver acquisito 300 CFU ed aver elaborato e discusso una tesi di ricerca. Il titolo di Laurea Magistrale dà accesso al Dottorato di Ricerca e agli altri corsi di 3° ciclo.

Terzo ciclo. I principali corsi di 3° ciclo sono quelli di Dottorato di Ricerca; essi hanno l’obiettivo di far acquisire una corretta metodologia per la ricerca scientifica avanzata, adottano metodologie innovative e nuove tecnologie, prevedono stage all’estero e la frequenza di laboratori di ricerca. L’ammissione richiede una Laurea Magistrale (o un titolo estero comparabile) e il superamento di un concorso; la durata è di minimo 3 anni. Il dottorando deve elaborare una tesi originale di ricerca e discuterla durante l'esame finale.

Altri corsi: Corsi di Specializzazione: corsi di 3° ciclo aventi l’obiettivo di fornire conoscenze e abilità per l’esercizio di attività professionali di alta qualificazione, particolarmente nel settore delle specialità mediche, cliniche e chirurgiche. Per l’ammissione è richiesta una Laurea Magistrale (o un titolo estero comparabile) e il superamento di un concorso; la durata degli studi varia da 2 (120 CFU) a 6 anni (360 CFU) in rapporto al settore disciplinare. Il titolo finale rilasciato è il Diploma di Specializzazione.

Corsi di Master universitario di primo livello: corsi di 2° ciclo di perfezionamento scientifico o di alta formazione permanente e ricorrente. Vi si accede con una Laurea o con un titolo estero comparabile. La durata minima è annuale (60 CFU); non consente l’accesso a corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca e di 3° ciclo, perché il corso non ha ordinamento didattico nazionale e il titolo è rilasciato sotto la responsabilità autonoma della singola università. Il titolo finale è il Master Universitario di primo livello.

Corsi di Master universitario di secondo livello: corsi di 3° ciclo di perfezionamento scientifico o di alta formazione permanente e ricorrente. Vi si accede con una Laurea Magistrale o con un titolo estero comparabile. La durata è minimo annuale (60 CFU); non consente l’accesso a corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca e di 3° ciclo, perché il corso non ha ordinamento didattico nazionale e il titolo è rilasciato sotto la responsabilità autonoma della singola università. Il titolo finale è il Master Universitario di secondo livello.

Crediti formativi universitari (CFU): i corsi di studio sono strutturati in crediti. Al credito formativo universitario (CFU) corrispondono normalmente 25 ore di lavoro dello studente, ivi compreso lo studio individuale. La quantità media di lavoro accademico svolto in un anno da uno studente a tempo pieno è convenzionalmente fissata in 60 CFU. I crediti formativi universitari sono equivalenti ai crediti ECTS.

Classi dei corsi di studio: i corsi di studio di Laurea e di Laurea Magistrale che condividono obiettivi e attività formative sono raggruppati in “classi”. I contenuti formativi di ciascun corso di studio sono fissati autonomamente dalle singole università; tuttavia le università devono obbligatoriamente inserire alcune attività formative (ed il corrispondente numero di crediti) determinate a livello nazionale. Tali requisiti sono stabiliti in relazione a ciascuna classe. I titoli di una stessa classe hanno lo stesso valore legale.

Titoli accademici: la Laurea dà diritto alla qualifica accademica di “Dottore”; la Laurea Magistrale dà diritto a quella di “Dottore Magistrale”; il Dottorato di Ricerca conferisce il titolo di “Dottore di ricerca” o “PhD”.

Titoli congiunti: le università italiane possono istituire corsi di studio in cooperazione con altre università, italiane ed estere, al termine dei quali sono rilasciati titoli congiunti o titoli doppi/multipli.

Maggiori informazioni: Quadro dei titoli italiani – QTI http://www.quadrodeititoli.it/

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569

Sistema universitario italiano

3° ciclo Dottorato di Ricerca Master universitario Diploma di Specializzazione di II livello

Master universitario 2° ciclo Laurea Magistrale 120 di I livello CFU/ECTS

1° ciclo ciclo unico a Laurea

180 Laurea Magistrale CFU/ECTS

Scuola secondaria di 2° grado (5 anni)

Scuola secondaria di 1° grado (3 anni)

Scuola primaria (5 anni)

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569


Preamble The purpose of the Diploma Supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international ‘transparency’ and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is appended. It is free from any value judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition. This Diploma Supplement model was developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO.

1. INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE HOLDER OF THE QUALIFICATION 1.1 Last name(s) : Koubassi 1.2 First name(s) : Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed 1.3 Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) : 07.01.1990 1.4 Student identification number or code ( if applicable ): 15569

2. INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE QUALIFICATION 2.1 Name of the qualification and ( if applicable ) title conferred ( in the original language ): Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria energetica Laurea magistrale in Energie-Ingenieurwissenschaften Laurea magistrale in Energy Engineering Joint degree: ´´Energy Engineering´´ Dottore magistrale 2.2 Main field(s) of study for the qualification : Energy and nuclear engineering (LM-30) according to D.M. 270/2004 ; ISCED Code 0713 2.3 Na me (in original language ) and status of the awarding institution : Libera Università di Bolzano; Free University of Bozen-Bolzano; Bozen-Bolzano; free state-recognized University/ Università degli Studi di TRENTO 2.4 Na me an d status of institution (if different from 2.3) administering studies ( in original langu age ): Same as in 2.3 2.5 Language(s) of instruction/examination : English

3. INFORMATION ON THE LEVEL AND DURATION OF THE QUALIFICATION 3.1 Level of the qualification : Second cycle QF-EHEA / 7th level EQF / Master level 3.2 Official duration of the programme in credits and/or years : 120 CFU/ECTS - Two full time years 3.3 A cce ss requirement(s) : First cycle degree (level 6 EQF) or comparrable qualification. Admission is based on local selection procedures.

4. INFORMATION ON THE PROGRAMME COMPLETED AND THE RESULTS OBTAINED 4.1 Mode of study : Full time, presence, lectures, seminars 4.2 Programme learning outcomes : The teaching courses and other formative activities are published in the OFF.F database for the academic year, traceable on the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research official website (see 6.2). To obtain the Laurea degree 120 credits must be earned. Students´ knowledge of the teaching languages (English) is required for taking an active part in the lessons. 4.3 Programme details, individual credits gained and grades/marks obtained :

Code SSD Educational activities (in chronological order) Lan- CFU/ECTS Recogni- Grade Date guage credits tion (dd/mm/yyyy) 1 ING- Fluid Machines Engineering English 9 28 22.01.2018 IND/08

2 NN Environmental Fluid Mechanics / Hydropower Plants English 9 26 08.02.2018 - Environmental Fluid Mechanics (ICAR/01, 4CP ) - Hydropower Plants (ICAR/02, 5CP ) 3 ING- Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass English 6 25 20.02.2018 IND/10 Transfer

4 ING- Electrical Systems Engineering English 6 27 21.02.2018 IND/33

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569 5 L-LIN/14 Tedesco Tecnico/Technisches Deutsch Deutsch 3 27 19.06.2018

6 ING- Building HVAC Systems English 9 29 05.07.2018 IND/11

7 ING- Electric Power Conversion Equipment English 6 30 12.09.2018 IND/32

8 ING- Advanced Materials for Energy Engineering English 6 26 23.01.2019 IND/22

9 Hydropower and wind power Systems English 12 30 04.02.2019 - Wind power systems (ING-IND/08, 6CP ) - Hydropowers systems (ICAR/02, 6CP ) 10 ING- Advanced Applications of Building Physics English 9 26 24.06.2019 IND/11

11 ING- Electrochemical energy storage and conversion Gain N.A. 6 ICT 29 29.07.2019 IND/23 experience in writing and presenting scientific content Critical appraisal of peer reviewed literature in the area of energy and environmental economics. (comparison of 2 existing papers and their differences in methods and results) Learn how to prepare, write and present scientific content. Present your paper and receive feedback on content and style of presentation Get inputs/improvements,Understanding of the principles of electrochemical kinetics and its relevance in electrochemical systems (batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, etc.). understanding of the properties of such systems. 12 NN Recognized Exam 2/Anerkannte Prüfung 2/Esame N.A. 6 ICT 26 29.07.2019 riconosciuto 2 Gain experience in writing and presenting scientific content Critical appraisal of peer reviewed literature in the area of energy and environmental economics. (comparison of 2 existing papers and their differences in methods and results) Learn how to prepare, write and present scientific content. Present your paper and receive feedback on content and style of presentation Get inputs/improvements,In the garage students from different universities have the opportunity to develop their own business idea and to learn how to form an idea/technology into a sound business concept. Thereby, students learn how to apply techniques and methods of how to build-up a successful start-up company in an early phase based on best-practices from leading entrepreneurs.,Use of biomass for energy supply Geothermal and geothermic production of electricity, e.g. Flash process, Kalina process, Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) Advanced power plant technology for the future use of fossil fuels (CCS = Carbon Capture and Storage, Polygeneration, etc.). Overview and capability of non-thermal regenerative technologies, e.g. wind power, etc. Storage of energy Solar systems 13 ING- Economics and Management of Energy Systems Gain N.A. 6 ICT 25 29.07.2019 IND/35 experience in writing and presenting scientific content Critical appraisal of peer reviewed literature in the area of energy and environmental economics. (comparison of 2 existing papers and their differences in methods and results) Learn how to prepare, write and present scientific content. Present

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569 your paper and receive feedback on content and style of presentation Get inputs/improvements,In the garage students from different universities have the opportunity to develop their own business idea and to learn how to form an idea/technology into a sound business concept. Thereby, students learn how to apply techniques and methods of how to build-up a successful start-up company in an early phase based on best-practices from leading entrepreneurs.,The students should be qualified to understand the basic principles of modeling in energy economics and to apply them to simple problems. Following an introductory overview of modeling in energy economics, this course focuses on two main topics: (i) econometrics and (ii) optimization,Understanding of the principles of electrochemical kinetics and its relevance in electrochemical systems (batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, etc.). understanding of the properties of such systems. 14 NN Power Production, CHP and District Heating Systems English 12 28 12.12.2019 - Thermal Engines (ING-IND/08, 6CP ) - Thermal Power Production and Distribution (ING- IND/10, 6CP ) 15 NN Final exam/Abschlussprüfung/Esame finale N.A. 0 29 17.03.2020

Final Exam 15 106 /110 17.03.2020

Total CFU/ECTS credits 120

Legenda: NCT: National Credit Transfer ICT: International Credit Transfer RPL: Recognition of Prior Learning CP: Crediti points / ECTS credits SDS: Scientific disciplinary sector N.A.: Not available E: Extracurricular / activity exceeding the number of credit points established for the programme

ICT - Activity completed abroad

Host university City/State Period (from/to) Programme Technische Universität Wien Wien/Austria 28.02.2019-15.07.2019 Erasmus SM

Economics and Management of Energy Systems 6 ECTS 25/30 29.07.2019 Electrochemical energy storage and conversion 6 ECTS 29/30 29.07.2019 Recognized Exam 2 / Anerkannte Prüfung 2 / Esame riconosciuto 2 6 ECTS 26/30 29.07.2019

4.3 b) Placement

Host company and locality Period (from/to) Number of hours ------

4.3 c) title: Design of the Cooling System for a Li-ion Battery Pack of a Trolley Vehicle. Academic Discipline: Supervisor: Dr. Massimiliano Renzi Second supervisor: Prof. Marco Baratieri

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569 4.4 Grading system and if available grade distribution table : For I and II cycle programmes the Italian grading system is based on a maximum of 30 points with 18/30 as the lowest passing grade. In case of excellence 30 cum laude may be awarded. Failed exams are not indicated in the student’s transcript.

ECTS table of course grades

ISCED CODE 0713 Energy and nuclear engineering (LM-30) Second cycle QF-EHEA / 7th level EQF / Master level

Grade 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 cum laude n. marks 5 2 9 3 6 16 20 31 52 80 99 88 138 49 % 0,84 0,33 1,51 0,5 1 2,68 3,34 5,18 8,7 13,38 16,56 14,72 23,08 8,19 cumulative % 99,16 98,83 97,32 96,82 95,82 93,14 89,8 84,62 75,92 62,54 45,98 31,26 8,18 0,00 Years considered: from 1/11/2017 to 31/10/2020 Tot. marks: 598

4.5 Overall classification of the qualification Final mark: 106 /110 Date: 17.03.2020 For I and II cycle programmes the final grade is based on a maximum of 110points, with 66/110 as the lowest passing grade. In case of excellence, 110 cum laude may be awarded. The final grade is based on the curriculum as well as on the final exam.

ECTS table for final grades

ISCED CODE 0713 Energy and nuclear engineering (LM-30) Second cycle QF-EHEA / 7th level EQF / Master level Grade 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 94 n. marks ------% ------cumulative % ------

Grade 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 110 cum laude n. marks - - - 1 - 3 1 1 4 2 4 4 1 1 - 4 5 % - - - 3,23 - 9,68 3,23 3,23 12,9 6,45 12,9 12,9 3,23 3,23 - 12,9 16,13 cumulative % - - - 96,77 - 87,09 83,86 80,63 67,73 61,28 48,38 35,48 32,25 29,02 - 16,12 -0,01 Years considered: from 1/11/2017 to 31/10/2020 Tot. marks: 31

5. INFORMATION ON THE FUNCTION OF THE QUALIFICATION 5.1 Access to further study : Access to third cycle studies QF-EHEA: level 8 EQF, dottorato di ricerca and master universitario di secondo livello.

5.2 Access to a regulated profession (if applicable) : Not applicable.

6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 6.1 Additional information : Certified level of language competence according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR: German B1 , Italian --- , English C1 Additional credits gained (also abroad)

Code SSD Educational activities (in chronological order) Lan- CFU/ECTS Recogni- Grade Date guage credits tion (dd/mm/yyyy) ------

Work in institution: 18.01.2018 - 31.12.2018, 02.01.2019 - 31.12.2019 Role as a student representative in institutional bodies: ---

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569

6.2 Further information sources : University web page: https://www.unibz.it NARIC Italia: http://www.cimea.it European Qualifications Framework: http://ec.europa.eu/eqf/compare_en.htm Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: https://www.coe.int/en/web/common-european-framework-reference- languages

7. CERTIFICATION OF THE SUPPLEMENT 7.1 Date : 02.04.2020 7.2 Signat ure : Dott. Christian Staffler LL.M. (digitally signed) 7.3 Capa city: Director of Student Secretariat 7.4 Official stamp or seal

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569 8. INFORMATION ON THE NATIONAL SYSTEM

The Italian University System

The Italian university system is organised in three cycles, according to the Bologna structure: the main academic degrees are the Laurea (1st cycle), the Laurea Magistrale (2nd cycle) and the Dottorato di Ricerca (3rd cycle). The system also offers other study programmes and related qualifications.

First cycle. This cycle consists exclusively of Corsi di Laurea. These degree programmes provide students with an adequate command of general scientific methods and contents as well as with specific professional skills. The general access requirement is the Italian school leaving qualification awarded after completion of 13 years of schooling and passing the relevant State examination; comparable foreign qualifications may also be accepted. Admission to some degree courses may be based on specific course requirements. The studies last 3 years. The Laurea is awarded to students who have gained 180 ECTS credits (called Crediti Formativi Universitari – CFU) and satisfied all curricular requirements, including the production of a final written paper or equivalent final project. The Laurea gives access to the Corsi di Laurea Magistrale as well as to other 2nd cycle study programmes.

Second cycle. The main degree programmes in this cycle are the Corsi di Laurea Magistrale. They provide education at an advanced level for the exercise of highly qualified activities in specific areas. Access is by a Laurea degree or a comparable foreign degree; admission is based on specific course requirements determined by single universities. The studies last 2 years. The Laurea Magistrale degree is awarded to students who have gained 120 ECTS/CFU credits and satisfied all curricular requirements, including the production and public defence of an original dissertation. Some programmes (namely, those in dentistry, medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, architecture, construction engineering/architecture, law, primary education) are defined "single cycle programmes" (Corsi a ciclo unico); for these programmes access is by the Italian school leaving qualification (or a comparable foreign qualification); admission is based on entrance exams. The studies last 5 years (6 years and 360 ECTS/CFU credits in the cases of medicine and dentistry). A Laurea Magistrale degree is awarded to students who have gained 300 ECTS/CFU credits and satisfied all curricular requirements, including the production and public defence of an original dissertation. A Laurea Magistrale degree gives access to Corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca as well as to other 3rd cycle study programmes.

Third cycle. The main degree programmes in this cycle are Corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca (research programmes); the students/young researchers enrolled in these programmes will acquire methodologies for advanced scientific research, will be trained in new technologies and will work in research laboratories, wherever appropriate. Access is by a Laurea Magistrale degree (or a comparable foreign degree); admission is based on a competitive exam; studies last at least three years and include the completion and public defence of an original research project.

Other programmes Corsi di Specializzazione. These are 3rd cycle programmes intended to provide students with the knowledge and skills required for the practice of highly qualified professions, mainly in medical, clinical and surgical specialities. Admission is by a Laurea Magistrale degree (or by a comparable foreign degree) and is based on a competitive exam; studies may last from 2 (120 ECTS/CFU credits) to 6 years (360 ECTS/CFU credits) depending on the discipline. The final degree awarded is a Diploma di Specializzazione.

Corsi di Master Universitario di primo livello. These are 2nd cycle programmes intended to provide students with further specialization or higher continuing education after completion of the first cycle. Access is by a Laurea degree (or a comparable foreign degree); admission may be subject to additional requirements. Studies last at least 1 year (60 ECTS/CFU credits). The qualification awarded (Master Universitario di primo livello) does not give access to Corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca or to any other 3rd cycle programme, since this type of course does not belong to the general requirements established at national level, but it is offered under the autonomous responsibility of each university.

Corsi di Master Universitario di secondo livello. These are 3rd cycle programmes intended to provide students with further specialization or higher continuing education studies after completion of the second cycle. Access is by a Laurea Magistrale degree (or a comparable foreign degree); admission may be subject to additional requirements. Studies last at least 1 year (60 ECTS/CFU credits). The qualification awarded (Master Universitario di secondo livello) does not give access to Corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca or to any other 3rd cycle programmes, since this type of course does not belong to the general requirements established at national level, but it is offered under the autonomous responsibility of each university.

Credits: degree courses are structured in credits (Crediti Formativi Universitari - CFU). University credits are based on the workload students need in order to achieve the expected learning outcomes. Each credit corresponds to 25 hours of student workload, including independent study. The average workload of a full time student is conventionally fixed at 60 credits per year. Thus, the CFU fully coincide with ECTS credits.

Classes of Degree Courses: all degree programmes of Laurea and Laurea Magistrale sharing general educational objectives are grouped into “classes”. In developing the specific learning outcomes of single programmes, Universities have to comply with some national requirements for each class concerning the types (and corresponding amount of credits) of teaching-learning activities to be included. Degrees belonging to the same class have the same legal value.

Academic Titles: Those who receive the Laurea are entitled to be called “Dottore”, the holders of a Laurea Magistrale have a right to the title of "Dottore Magistrale”, the Dottorato di ricerca confers the title of "Dottore di Ricerca" or “PhD”.

Joint Degrees: Italian universities are allowed to establish degree programmes in cooperation with Italian and foreign partner universities, on completion of which joint or double/multiple degrees can be awarded.

Further information: Italian Qualifications Framework (Quadro dei Titoli Italiani – QTI) http://www.quadrodeititoli.it/

Koubassi Mohamed Moustafa Hussein Mohamed , 15569

The Italian University System

3rd cycle Dottorato di Ricerca Master universitario Diploma di Specializzazione di II livello

2nd cycle Master universitario

Laurea Magistrale

120 ECTS di I livello


1 cycle ciclo unico a (singlecycle) Laurea

180 ECTS Laurea Magistrale

Upper Secondary Education (5 years)

Lower Secondary Education (3 years)

Primary Education (5 years)