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Bibliography on guilds in

ANONYMOUS (ed.), s.d. Zhejiang huiguan guan shengdi jun jueshi zhenjing, 浙江會館關聖帝君覺世真經 [Sutra of the Saint Lord Guandi at the Zhejiang huiguan]. Beijing Municipal Archives, 19: 1.2.1.

ANONYMOUS, 2007 (Year of copyright). Zhongguo huiguan wang, 中国会馆网 [Chinese huiguan web], Vol. 2010. Beijing.

ANONYMOUS, 1998. Guildhall and government : an exploration of power, control and resistance in Britain and China. adaptation and transformation of Chinese guilds : a case study of selected guilds in Beijing Jingde-zhen, Shanghai and Suzhou. Hong Kong: David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies.

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1938. Shidai beizhi huibian, 石埭備志續編 [Continued complete gazetteer of Shidai].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1936. Shexian zhi, 歙縣志 [Gazetteer of She ].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1934. Macheng xian zhi, 麻城縣志 [Gazetteer of Macheng district].

ANONYMOUS, 1930. Xince shiyong Beiping dushi quantu, 新測實用北平都市全圖 [Newly surveyed, complete, practical map of municipal Beiping]. Shanghai.

ANONYMOUS, 1929. Beiping zhinan, 北平指南 [Guide to Beiping [i.e. Beijing]]. Beiping: Beiping min she.

ANONYMOUS, 1929. Shunde xian zhi, 順德縣志 [Gazetteer of Shunde district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1928. Lü Ping Chaozhou tongxiang lu, 旅平潮州同鄉錄 [Record of the Chaozhou common homeplace [association] at [Bei]ping].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1928. Tongan xian zhi, 同安縣志 [Gazetteer of Tongan district]

ANONYMOUS, 1926 (4th edition). [Zeng ding] Shiyong Beijing zhinan, 增訂實用北京指南 [Enlarged practical guidebook for Beijing]. Shanghai: Shangwu yinshuguan.

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1925. Yangjiang xian zhi, 陽江縣志 [Gazetteer of Yangjiang].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1923. Xiangshan xian zhi, 香山縣志 [Gazetteer of Xiangshan district]. This website is, among other sources, based on research that has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme(FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n° 240928.

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ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1921. Dongguan xian zhi, 東莞縣志 [Gazetteer of Dongguan district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1920. Longyan xian zhi, 龍巖縣志 [Gazetteer of Longyan district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1919. Wuhu xian zhi, 蕪湖縣志 [Gazetteer of Wuhu district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1919. Jianning xian zhi, 建寧縣志 [Gazetteer of Jianning district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1917. Lü Jin Anhui tongxiang lu, 旅津安徽同鄉錄 [Record of the Anhui common homeplace [association] at [Tian]jin]. Tianjin: Tianjin huaxin yinshuaju.

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1915. Huaining xian zhi, 懷寧縣志 [Gazetteer of Huaining district].

ANONYMOUS, 1914. Jingxian zhi, 涇縣志 [Gazetteer of Jing district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1913. Xiangshan xian zhi, 香山縣志 .

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1911. Panyu xian xu zhi, 番禺縣續志 [Continued gazetteer of Panyu district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1910. Nanhai xian zhi 南海縣志 [Gazetteer of Nanhai district].

ANONYMOUS, 1909. Zui xin xiangxi dijing yutu, 最新詳細帝京輿圖 [Newest, most concise map of the imperial capital].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1909. Jingshi Guangdong xuetang shucang juanshu mulu, 京師廣東學堂書藏捐書目錄 [List of donated books at the Guangdong school of the capital].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1905. Huoshan xian zhi, 霍山縣志 [Gazetteer of Huoshan district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1903. Jingdu Baoqing guan zhi, 京都寶慶館志 [Gazetteers of the Baoqing house at the capital].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1891. Qiongzhou fu zhi, 瓊州府志 [Gazetteer of Qiongzhou prefecture].

ANONYMOUS, 1888. Xuancheng xian zhi, 宣城縣志 [Gazetteer of Xuancheng district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1887. Jingdu Baoqing guan zhi, 京都寶慶館志 [Gazetteer of the Baoqing house in the capital].

This website is, among other sources, based on research that has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme(FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n° 240928.

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ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1885. (Xuxiu) Luzhou fu zhi, (續修)廬州府志 [Continued gazetteer of Luzhou prefecture].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1883. Wuyuan xian zhi, 婺源縣志 [Gazetteer of Wuyuan district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1882. xian zhi, 應城縣志 [Gazetteer of Yingcheng district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1881. Xiangling xian zhi, 襄陵縣志 [Gazetteer of Xiangling district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1880. Sanyuan xian zhi, 三原縣志 [Gazetteer of Sanyuan district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1879. Huanggang xian zhi, 黃岡縣志 [Gazetteer of Huanggang district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1872. Dehua xian zhi, 德化縣志 [Gazetteer of Dehua district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1872. xian zhi, 萍鄉縣志 [Gazetteer of Pingxiang district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1928. Tongan xian zhi 同安縣志.

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1871. Panyu xian zhi, 番禺縣志 [Gazetteer of Panyu district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1871. Xincheng xian zhi, 新城縣志 [Gazetteer of Xincheng district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1871. Xinjian xian zhi, 新建縣志 [Gazetteer of Xinjian district].

ANONYMOUS, 1870. Yixian zhi, 黟縣志 [Gazetteer of Yixian district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1870. Ji'an fu zhi, 吉安府志 [Gazetteer of Ji'an prefecture].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1870. xian zhi, 樂平縣志 [Gazetteer of Leping district].

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1870. xian zhi, 南昌縣志 [Gazetteer of Nanchang district] 1870 CHN_171

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1928. Tongan xian zhi, 同安縣志.

ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1870. Shanggao xian zhi, 上高縣志 [Gazetteer of Shanggao district].

This website is, among other sources, based on research that has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme(FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n° 240928.

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ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1867. Zhongxiang xian zhi, 鐘祥縣志 [Gazetteer of Zhongxiang district].

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ANONYMOUS (ed.), 1824. Poyang xian zhi, 鄱陽縣志 [Gazetteer of Poyang district].

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This website is, among other sources, based on research that has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme(FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n° 240928.

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北京市廣東省會館財產管理委員會1953年全年度會務工作總結報告 [General report of the property management committee of the Guangdong provincial huiguan at Beijing for the year 1953].

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This website is, among other sources, based on research that has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme(FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n° 240928.

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This website is, among other sources, based on research that has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme(FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n° 240928.

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This website is, among other sources, based on research that has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme(FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n° 240928.

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LIANG Miaotai, 梁淼泰, 1991. Ming Qing Jingdezhen chengshi jingji yanjiu, 明清景德镇城市经济研究 (Urban economics in Ming and Qing Jingdezhen]. Nanchang: Jiangxi renmin chubanshe.

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