On Transactional Memory, Spinlocks, and Database Transactions

Khai Q. Tran Spyros Blanas Jeffrey F. Naughton University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin Madison Madison Madison 1210 W. Dayton 1210 W. Dayton 1210 W. Dayton Madison, WI, 53706 Madison, WI, 53706 Madison, WI, 53706 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT most of the power of the multiprocessor. If we give up on Currently, hardware trends include a move toward multi- true serialized execution and run the transactions concur- core processors, cheap and persistent variants of memory, rently, we once again face the need to implement some kind and even sophisticated hardware support for mutual exclu- of . The traditional locking approach sion in the form of transactional memory. These trends, cou- may be inefficient for short-lived transactions due to the pled with a growing desire for extremely high performance high overhead of acquiring and releasing locks, and the cost on short database transactions, raise the question of whether of resolving contention, including thread scheduling and syn- the hardware primitives developed for mutual exclusion can chronization. be exploited to run database transactions. In this paper, These trends are converging to place extreme pressure on we present a preliminary exploration of this question. We techniques enforcing the isolation requirements of database conduct a set of experiments on both a hardware prototype transactions. Accordingly, in this paper we investigate us- and a simulator of a multi-core processor with Transactional ing hardware primitives directly as a concurrency control Memory (TM.) Our results show that TM is attractive under mechanism for workloads consisting of very short transac- low contention workloads, while spinlocks can tolerate high tions. We evaluate and compare the performance of three contention workloads well, and that in some cases these ap- Concurrency Control (CC) mechanisms: Hardware Transac- proaches can beat a simple implementation of a traditional tional Memory (HTM), test-and-set spinlocks, and a simple database manager by an order of magnitude. implementation of a database lock manager. We then use both an early hardware prototype implementation of trans- 1. INTRODUCTION actional memory and a simulator supporting TM to conduct a set of experiments on each CC approach under different To the best of our knowledge, there has been no published workload conditions. consideration of using hardware synchronization primitives We emphasize what we are not studying in this paper. We such as transactional memory to directly support concur- are not studying the question “Given traditional DBMS ar- rency control for database transactions. One reason for chitectures and workloads, can we improve performance by this is perhaps that these hardware primitives have little or replacing the lock manager with concurrency control based nothing to offer in the context of arbitrarily complex, heavy- upon hardware primitives?” The answer to that question weight database transactions running over disk-resident data. is almost certainly “no,” since current architectures present However, the convergence of a number of important trends substantial overhead due to their generality and the legacy lead us to believe that this issue should be revisited. assumptions in their design. Rather, we are studying the The first such trend is the demand for special-purpose sys- question “what will happen with respect to the performance tems targeted at very fast processing of very simple trans- of concurrency control if we build a stripped-down system actions. The DBMS industry has already begun reacting optimized for the execution of short transactions over main- to this demand — there are startups targeting this market memory data?” (including VoltDB and other, stealth-mode companies.) An Building such systems will require advances including re- important characteristic of these workloads is that they con- thinking storage structures (slotted pages of variable-length sist of very short transactions that contain no I/O or think records are probably not optimal) and transaction logging. time. For such workloads, the overhead due to traditional While it is too early to be certain, it is possible that the concurrency control methods will be by far the major part of emergence of very fast persistent memory such as phase- the transaction execution path [5]. On a uniprocessor, there change memory [2], perhaps in addition to new software is no reason to incur this overhead [4], since there is no wait techniques like “k-safety” [15], will eventually lead to ex- or think time in one transaction to be overlapped with the tremely efficient mechanisms for supporting transaction per- execution of another. In other words, on a uniprocessor, sistence. We do not pretend to address all of these issues in the best concurrency control approach for such workloads is this paper; rather, our intent is to shed light on what will likely to be to truly serialize the transactions. be a crucial component in any such system, namely, very However, true serialization collides with the second trend, light-weight concurrency control for short-lived transactions that is, the growing dominance of multicore processors. Clearly, on multi-core processors. on a multicore processor, true serialization of transactions is We also wish to acknowledge that at this point it is not not an attractive option, since true serialization will waste clear when, if ever, transactional memories will become widely partition transaction causes cascading aborts of following available. Furthermore, due to the extremely primitive na- speculatively executed transactions. ture of the hardware transactional memory prototype to In recent work, Pandis et al. showed that a conventional which we had access, the workloads we explore in this pa- lock manger severely limits the performance and scalability per are greatly oversimplified even when compared to the of database systems on multicores [14]. By using thread-to- short transactions that are the target of extreme transac- data instead of thread-to-transaction assignments, they can tion processing. Hence, again, we are not making claims reduce contention among threads. However, since this ap- about the practicality of our work in any near-term sense. proach is still based on database locks, it does not avoid the Rather, we hope to raise the point that from the database problem of high overhead in acquiring and releasing locks. transaction processing perspective, a move by the hardware In other recent work, Johnson et al. studied the trade-off community away from the development of hardware transac- between spinning and blocking synchronization [7]. They tional memory would be unfortunate, as a sufficiently pow- pointed out that while the blocking approach is widely used erful future implementation of HTM could be of great ben- in database systems, it negatively affects system perfor- efit to database transactional processing. To express this mance in multicore environments due to the overhead of co- differently, one sometimes hears computer architects won- ordination with the operating system for scheduling threads. dering “what are we going to do with all the transistors we The spinning approach, on the other hand, does not incur will have on future chips?” In this paper we would like to that cost and offers a much lower overhead, but system at least suggest “consider hardware support for transaction performance degrades under high load since the spinning isolation.” threads do not release the CPU even if they do not make The main contributions of the paper are as follows: any progress. This work did not consider the option of using spinning as an alternative approach for transaction concur- • We develop timing models for estimating the execution rency control. time of a transaction using TM and spinlocks as CC There has been also a great deal of work exploring meth- mechanisms. The accuracy of these models is verified ods of combining hardware and software facilities to en- through a set of experiments. sure mutual exclusion and to coordinate concurrent access to shared data structures [8]. However, to the best of our • Through both the analytical model and the experi- knowledge there has been no published work considering us- mental results, we show that TM and spinlocks are ing HTM and spinlocks in the context of database transac- promising CC approaches for workloads consisting of tions. a high volume of very short transactions. TM deliv- ers high performance under low contention. Perhaps 3. BACKGROUND surprisingly, although spinlocks do not differentiate be- tween read and write access, and employ busy-waiting In this section, we explore HTM and spinlocks as CC ap- instead of sleeping on a queue, spinlocks appear to proaches for database transactions. For each approach, we be more attractive than TM or database locks under give a simple timing model to provide insight into their ex- higher contention. We show that these hardware prim- pected performance. The model will be used to help explain itives can beat the performance of our simple lock man- the results of our experiments on a hardware prototype and ager by an order of magnitude. a software simulator in Section 4. We also describe the im- plementation of our simple lock manager. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses related work. Section 3 describes the analytical 3.1 Workloads and timing model model for each CC approach. Section 4 presents experiments The workloads we study in this paper have following char- and results. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper. acteristics: 2. RELATED WORK • Transactions are very short and do not contain I/Os The idea of running short main memory transactions se- or think time. rially was first proposed by Garcia-Molina and Salem in [4]. • The active portion of the database is stored in main In that paper, the authors briefly mentioned that even if all memory. transactions are short, some form of concurrency control is needed for multiprocessor systems. • Transactions come to the system at a rate high enough Recently, that idea of serial execution for short-lived trans- to keep the CPUs busy. actions has been revived in the H-store system [17]. Stone- braker et al. argued that it was the end of “one size fits all” To analyze the performance of a given CC method, we period for DBMS architecture [16], and that for each specific separate the time spent for executing a transaction, called type of application, we need a specialized database system. total time, into three different parts: Workloads for the H-Store system need to be highly par- titioned so that each transaction usually touches only one • Transaction time: the time required to execute the partition of the database. For that kind of workload, most transaction in isolation with no CC. This time is con- transactions can be executed serially without any concur- stant with respect to any CC mechanism. rency control at all. In case that transactions need to access multiple partitions, they employ a simple type of specula- • Overhead: the time spent running the transaction in tive concurrency control [10]. However, the performance of isolation with the CC method minus the transaction this approach degrades in the presence of non-partitioned time. This fraction depends on both the transaction and abort-frequent workloads because an abort of a multi- and the CC method. • Conflict resolution cost (or conflict cost for brevity): or the time to run a transaction with the CC method in ttm = t0 + ∆tm + tcf tm (2) the presence of other, concurrent transactions, minus the transaction time and overhead. This fraction de- where ptm(t0 + ∆tm) pends not only on the transaction and the concurrency tcf tm = (3) 1 − p control method, but also on the workload. tm is the conflict cost for TM. 3.2 Transactional Memory We see that when ptm → 1, tcf tm → ∞, or in other words, The concept of TM was first introduced by M. Herlihy TM performs very badly under high contention workloads and J. E. B. Moss [6]. The idea of TM is to let pieces because it keeps restarting. We estimate the conflict proba- of code run atomically and in isolation on each processor bility as follows. in a multiprocessor system. These pieces of code appear Suppose nt, nr, nw, and DB size are the number of threads, to be executed atomically and serially with respect to the the size of the read set, the size of the write set, and the size memory state. TM can be implemented either in software of the database, respectively. A transaction conflicts with or in hardware. In this paper, we only consider hardware others if at least one object of its read set belongs to the Transactional Memory (HTM) because of the low overhead write set of any other transaction, or at least one object of it offers. its write set belongs to the read set or the write set of any HTM guarantees the atomicity and isolation of its trans- other transaction. actions by keeping track of their read sets and write sets, So at a given time, we need to know how many read ob- recording old values of the write sets, and using cache co- jects and write objects are currently in the read set and the herence protocols to detect possible conflicts among trans- write set of a transaction. Suppose that, on average, those actions. The initial machine state and values of objects that numbers are α1nr and α2nw, where α1 and α2 are two coeffi- are modified by a transaction are logged so that if the trans- cients that depend on how a transaction accesses its objects. action fails, the machine can roll back to the initial state. If transactions access objects uniformly, and gradually from While the transaction is running, the proto- beginning to the end, we have α1 = α2 = 0.5. col automatically checks if there is any overlap between the Therefore, roughly, the conflict probability can be esti- write set of the transaction and the write sets or read sets mated by: of other concurrent transactions or between the read set of α2nw(nt − 1) (α1nr + α2nw)(nt − 1) p = 1−(1− )nr (1− )nw the transaction and the write sets of others. If there is such tm DB size DB size an overlap, the machine will abort one of two conflicting If DB size is much bigger than (α1nr + α2nw)(nt − 1), we transactions. can approximate p by: From a DBMS point of view, the idea of HTM is very α2nw(nt − 1)nr (α1nr + α2nw)(nt − 1)nw similar to that of optimistic concurrency control (OCC) [11]. ptm ≈ 1−(1− )(1− ) DB size DB size However, they differ in the way of implementing the idea: in HTM, conflicts are detected automatically by hardware, using approximation again: α n n (n − 1) + n (α n + α n )(n − 1) while OCC is implemented in software. p ≈ 1−(1− 2 r w t w 1 r 2 w t ) tm DB size 3.2.1 Timing model or Suppose t , ∆ , t are the transaction time, the over- (nt − 1)nw(α2nw + (α1 + α2)nr) 0 tm tm p ≈ (4) head, and the total time of using TM to run a transaction, tm DB size respectively. If we approximate α1 = α2 = 0.5: Under no contention, we have: (n − 1)n (n + 2n ) p ≈ t w w r (5) ttm = t0 + ∆tm tm 2DB size

Under contention, suppose ptm is the probability that a transaction conflicts with others. Suppose that each time a 3.3 Spinlocks transaction gets aborted due to a conflict, the conflict occurs The idea of using spinlocks to isolate concurrent transac- right before the completion point. Thus, if the transaction tions is straight-forward. We use a spinlock to protect each is successfully executed after k restarts, the total execution database object. Before accessing an object, transactions time is (k + 1)(t0 + ∆tm), and the probability for this to k are required to hold the corresponding spinlock for that ob- happen is ptm(1 − ptm). On average, the total time is given ject. Locks are acquired and released following a 2-phase by: ∞ protocol. X k detection or prevention is an interesting prob- ttm = (k + 1)(t0 + ∆tm)ptm(1 − ptm) k=0 lem for this approach. Since locks we hold here are physical ∞ locks, there is no list of which transaction is currently ”spin- X k ning” on which lock. Therefore, there is no way to build the = (1 − ptm)(t0 + ∆tm) (k + 1)ptm k=0 “waits-for” graph, and we cannot use the deadlock resolu- tion used by most lock managers. In this paper, we consider by reduction, we have ∞ two approaches for this problem. X k 1 In the first approach, we prevent deadlock by sorting all (k + 1)ptm = 2 (1 − ptm) k=0 objects before acquiring corresponding locks for them. By sorting objects on their ids, at any time, active transactions therefore t0 + ∆tm are ordered so that circular wait does not occur. In this ttm = (1) 1 − ptm approach, when a transaction is trying to acquire a lock, if 100 3.4 Database locks uired q We implemented a simple version of database lock man-

ks acquired ager based on the lock manager in the Shore-MT storage f locks acquired locks f

o engine [9]. Although our lock manager is much simpler than % of locks acquired locks of % 0 a real lock manager, we believe it serves our purpose, which is to provide a lower bound on the performance of database locking. Figure 1: Percentage of locks a transaction holds In our lock manager, for simplicity, we focus only on lock- through its time life ing at the record-level since it is the only type of objects we the lock is held by another transaction, the thread running consider in our experiments. The basic data structures in- the transaction simply does nothing but keeps trying until it clude a lock table hashed on record ids, and a set of pending succeeds. To employ this approach, we need to know all the queues, one for each thread. Each lock contains the lock’s objects a transaction will access before it begins execution. mode, which can be read, write, or free, a latch, and a list of In the second approach, we detect possible by lock requests. Each entry of the request list consists of the using a timeout mechanism. Each time a transaction spins transaction id, the lock mode that the transaction wants to acquire a lock, we count the number of times it fails. If to acquire, and the status of the request, which is either this number exceeds a threshold, we assume that deadlock pending or granted. A pending queue is a queue of pending has occurred, and we abort and restart the transaction. transactions that are blocked. It contains a latch and a list The second approach differs from the first only in its dead- of pending transactions. Each entry of this list consists of lock handling policy. Since we did not need to refer to this the transaction id, index of the object that the transaction aspect of its performance to analyze our experiments, due has failed acquiring the lock for, and the status of trans- to space limitations, we only present a timing model for the action, which is either ready or blocked. When a thread first approach. accesses a pending queue, it needs to latch and unlatch the queue to synchronize with accesses from other threads. 3.3.1 Timing model In this implementation, for simplicity, we avoid deadlock In our timing model, the total time of using spinlocks to by pre-sorting all records to be accessed by a transaction. run a transaction can be represented by: Note that in our performance results, we omit the time for tspl = t0 + toverhead spl + tcf spl (6) this sorting. Hence, we are overestimating the performance of the lock manager, because we are in essence assuming t includes the sorting time and the time for ac- overhead spl deadlock detection/avoidance is free. Again, this is reason- quiring all spinlocks. Suppose t is the for sorting all sort able since our goal is to provide a lower bound on the perfor- objects, and ∆ is the overhead of spinning a lock. We spl mance of a typical lock manager, not to accurately predict have: its absolute performance. t = t + (n + n )∆ (7) overhead spl sort r w spl When a transaction requests a lock, the lock manager first tcf spl is the time spent for waiting other transactions if con- looks it up in the lock table. If the lock is not found, the flicts happen. Since transactions are ordered, at any given manager gets a new lock from the lock free list and inserts time, a transaction may need to wait for from 0 to nt − 1 the lock into the lock table. Once the lock is located, the other transactions, where nt is the number of threads de- manager latches it, checks the compatibility between the re- fined in Section 3.2. Suppose that on average, the transac- quest and the lock’s current mode, and appends the request tion needs to wait for 0.5(nt − 1) other ones, and that pspl to the request list of the lock. If the request is incompatible is the probability that a transaction conflicts with another, with the lock’s current mode, the transaction is blocked and the waiting time is approximated by: put into the appropriate pending queue. tcf spl ≈ 0.5(nt − 1)(t0 + toverhead spl)pspl (8) When the transaction completes, it releases locks one by one in reverse order. To release a lock, the lock manager pspl can be estimated in a way similar to the estimation of first latches the lock and removes the corresponding request pcf tm in Section 3.2, but note that here we do not differen- from the request list. If the list is empty, the lock is unlinked tiate between read objects and write objects. To estimate from the lock table and then returned to the lock free list. the average number of locks a transaction holds through its Otherwise, the lock manager goes through the list to decide timelife, we assume that transactions acquire locks in a fash- the new lock mode and to find any pending requests which ion shown in Figure 1. The average percentage of the total may be now granted. If there are such requests, a list of locks a transaction is holding at a time is approximated by: ready transactions are returned so that they are waken up t + 0.5(n + n )∆ β ≈ 0 r w spl (9) later. tsort + (nr + nw)∆spl + t0 Because our experiments show that the lock manager is

and pspl is approximated by: far from competitive with the other two approaches, due to 2 space constraints we omit a timing model here. (nr + nw) pspl ≈ β (10) DB size 3.5 Physical vs. logical issues Combining equations 6, 8, and 10, we have 2 We note that here is a semantic mismatch between database (nt − 1)(nr + nw) tcf spl ≈ β (t0 + toverhead spl) (11) locks and transactional memory: while the database lock 2DB size manager locks logical objects, TM “tracks” references to physical addresses, not objects. This means that for cor- (n − 1)(n + n )2 t ≈ (1 + β t r w )(t + t ) (12) rectness, when using TM to manage transactions over ob- spl 2DB size 0 overhead spl jects larger than a single memory word, one needs to ensure that the transactions that read or write anywhere within an We emphasize that these are properties of the specific early object also read or write a specified “dummy” word some- implementation of HTM in TM0, not general properties of where in the object. (If we do not do this, it is possible that HTM. While these limitations made experimenting with TM transactions could simultaneously write different parts of a frustrating and limited the set of experiments we could per- large field of an object without conflicting.) form, TM0 still demonstrates the extremely low overhead of HTM and hints at the performance that might be obtainable 4. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS from future, more full-function implementations of HTM. 4.1 Experiment settings Because of the limitations of TM0, we also ran experi- ments on a simulator of HTM. We chose GEMS, a general The database in our experiments consists of a single table. execution-driven multiprocessor simulator [12], because it Each row of a table is a record consisting of id, key, and is widely used in the hardware community (there are now balance fields, and the size of each record is 64B. more than 80 published works using this simulator.) The In our experiments, we fixed the total number of records TM version supported in GEMS is LogTM, i.e., log-based to be 1000. Of course, this is a tiny database; however, Transactional Memory. More details of this implementation the critical factor for transactional memory is the size of are given in [13]. the transactions, not the size of the database. This is be- In our experiments, we used both TM0 and GEMS for cause transactional memory saves and intersects read sets experiments with low contention workloads with small read and write sets, and of course never interacts with data that sets and write sets, and we compared results from the hard- is not accessed. In fact, the only way in which our perfor- ware and the simulator. Under high contention workloads mance depends upon database size is that a smaller database with big read sets and write sets, due to the limitations of is more challenging than a larger one, since for the same ran- TM0, we could only use the simulator. domized workload the conflict rates are higher over smaller data sets. Finally, our reason for assuming only 1000 records 4.2 Experiment 1: Overhead is very simple — the simulator we used in some of our ex- periments was impossibly slow on larger data sets. 15000 TM The workload is a collection of transactions specified by spinlock1 e spinlock2

m 10000 a transaction id, a set of read object ids, and a set of write DB lock s of s of time object ids. The reads read a single one-word field in the t 5000 record, whereas the writes write a singe one-word field in of Units time the record. 0 In our experiments, the workload is created in advance 2 4 6 8 101214161820 # Objects and distributed equally into a set of transaction queues, one reserved for each thread. At the runtime, each thread is (a) TM0 bound to a core of the processor. When the workload is 18000 TM executed, for the TM and spinlock approaches, each thread 15000 spinlock1

e sspinlock2pinlock2 simply picks up transactions one by one from its transac- m 12000 DB lock 9000 s of s of time tion queue, and executes them until completion. For the t 6000 database lock approach, each thread first looks up its cor- of Units time responding pending queue (see Section 3.4) to see if there 3000 0 is any ready transaction. If yes, it removes the first ready 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 transaction from the pending queue and resumes that trans- # Objects action. Otherwise, it gets a new transaction from its trans- (b) LogTM action queue. The execution terminates when there are no Figure 2: Overhead of CC approaches more transaction in both the pending queue and the trans- action queue. In this experiment, we examine the overhead of each ap- To control the level of contention of the workload, we proach in both the hardware machine and the simulator. To use another parameter, the “partitioned probability” ppar, do this, we first created a workload with no contention by which is the probability that a transaction only touches setting ppar equal to 1.0. We then ran the workload with records belonging to a portion of the database that cor- each CC approach as well as with no CC, and computed responds to the thread executing the transaction. Other- the differences. We varied the number of objects accessed wise, records are chosen randomly from the entire database. by transactions to see how the overhead of each approach When ppar is equal to 1.0, the workload is completely par- scales. The results are presented in Figure 2. titioned, and conflicts do not occur. The figure shows that the overhead of TM is negligible At first, we planned to run all experiments on a hardware compared to spinlocks and database locks. The overhead prototype supporting TM, called TM0 [1]. However, TM0, of both spin locks and database locks scale nearly linearly being the first prototype implementation of HTM, is rather with the number of objects both on the real hardware and limited. In particular, it implements what is known as Best- the simulator. Effort HTM. In Best-Effort HTM, the allowable size of read- We implemented two versions of the spinlock approach, sets and write-sets is bounded, and forward-progress is not described in Section 3.3: one with deadlock prevention by guaranteed, i.e., transactions may be restarted forever. In sorting, called spinlock1, and the other with deadlock detec- addition, in the TM0 transactional memory implementation, tion by timeout, called spinlock2. In Figure 2, the spinlock2 the transactions are very brittle in that they can be restarted line corresponds to the cost of acquiring spinlocks, and the by TLB misses, function calls, cache evictions, and overflow difference between spinlock1 and spinlock2 corresponds to (see [3] for more experience of working with the prototype.) the sorting time. 4.3 Experiment 2: Time Breakdown rate, there is a reciprocal relationship between the conflict rate and the number of blocked transactions. When the 14 conflict cost 70 conflict cost 12 60 conflict rate gets higher, the chance for a transaction to overhead overhead 10 50 xact time xact time be blocked is also bigger. When a transaction is blocked 8 40 and de-scheduled, it does not release locks that it already 6 30 4 20 holds. Therefore, if transactions keep coming to the system Units oftime Units oftime 2 10 at a high arrival rate, more transactions will be blocked, 0 0 which will increase the number of locks currently held and thus, increase the conflict rate. This reciprocal effect makes the request list and transaction queues longer, causing the (a) 4 reads, 4 writes on (b) 20 reads, 20 writes on LogTM LogTM searching cost to be more expensive. Higher conflict also leads to more frequent accesses to shared data structures, 35 conflict cost which increases the synchronization cost. Therefore, the 30 overhead 25 high contention workload leads to poor performance in the xact time 20 database lock approach, similar to results shown in [14]. 15 With spinlock1, from Equation 8, we have: 10 Units oftime tcf spl 5 ≈ 0.5(nt − 1)pspl 0 t0 + toverhead spl Since transaction time and spinning time are small com- pared to sorting time, Equation 9 shows that β is relatively (c) 4 reads, 4 writes on Rock small, which makes pspl not too big. Therefore, the conflict cost of spinlock1 is not too high even under high contention. Figure 3: Time breakdown Impacts of transaction time: Observe that given fixed In this experiment, we measured the transaction time, sizes of read sets and write sets, transaction time and the overhead, and conflict resolution cost for each CC approach overhead of any CC approach are independent of each other, under different workloads. To measure these time compo- and that the conflict cost depends on both transaction time nents for a given CC approach, we first created a no con- and the overhead. We analyze the normalized total time of tention workload by setting ppar equal to 1.0. Then we ran it a given CC approach as follows: t (t + t + t ) (t + t ) with the CC approach and with no CC to obtain the trans- total = 0 overhead cf 0 overhead action time and the overhead, as described from Section 4.2. t0 (t0 + toverhead) t0 Next, we created a full contention workload by setting ppar or t t t equal to 0.0, and ran it. The difference between times run- total = (1 + cf )(1 + overhead ) (13) ning these two workloads is the conflict cost of the given CC t0 t0 + toverhead t0 approach. each CC approach as well as no CC, similar to Thus, when we increase the transaction time, the second Section 4.2. factor of the equation decreases, making the impact of the We executed each CC approach under two workload con- overhead less important. ditions: a low conflict rate (where each transaction reads In our experiments, we increased transaction time by adding and writes four objects) and a high conflict rate (where each some “dummy” computation inside transactions. Figure 4 transaction reads and writes 20 objects.) In the former case, are results of experiments similar to those for Figure 3 but we ran CC approaches on both environment while in the with transactions extended to be five time longer. Figure later case, we could only use the simulator because TM0 is 4(a) shows that the differences among different approaches not stable at such high conflict rates. We used 8 threads in under the low contention workload now are not as clear as all experiments in this section. those in Figure 3(a), especially between TM and spinlock. Figure 3 shows the results with times normalized by trans- Figure 4(b) shows that the ratio of the conflict cost to the action time. Under the low contention workload, the over- sum of transaction time and the overhead for TM, spinlock2 head plays a very important role, as illustrated in Figure and database lock are not changed much, but that ratio for 3(a) and 3(c). Since the TM offers very low overhead, it is spinlock1 increases. the best approach. We can explain the result for the conflict cost of spinlock1 However, under high contention workloads, the conflict as follows. From Equation 9, we see that when we increase costs of TM, spinlock2 and database lock dominate the other the transaction time t0, β is also increased. That makes pspl, components. This means that these approaches are vulner- and, thus, the conflict cost also increase. However, Equation able to conflicts. However, it turns out that under high con- 8 shows that even at the extreme case where pspl ≈ 1, the tention, spinlock1 appears to be the best approach since it conflict cost is still bounded by 0.5(nt −1)(t0 +toverhead spl). handles contention very well. These results can be explained as follows. 4.4 Experiment 3: Scalability First, Equation 3 shows that when ptm cf approaches 1, In this experiments, we examine how well each approach the conflict cost of TM goes to infinity. In our situation, this scales as a function of the number of threads under different probability is close to 1, so that the conflict cost is about conditions. In the experiment, we created workloads with ten times bigger than the transaction time. Since spinlock2 10 reads and 10 writes for each transaction, and we use ppar uses failure-retry to resolve suspected deadlocks, its conflict to control the contention level. Specifically, we set ppar to cost is also high under high contention. 0.0 for the high contention workload and to 0.95 for the low With the database lock approach, if the contention is high, contention workload. The results are presented in Figure 5 and transactions keep coming to the system at a high arrival with throughput normalized by the throughput of the base 4 conflict cost 25 conflict cost 3.5 20 3 overhead overhead Thus, the performance of the spinlock will have the shape 2.5 xact time 15 xact time of a hyperbola. When pspl is small enough, the curve looks 2 1.5 10 almost like a straight line. Figure 5(a) demonstrates this

Units oftime 1 Units oftime 5 prediction. In Figure 5(b), although contention increases 0.5 0 0 with the number of threads, spinlock1 still scales nearly lin- early. That is because the small transaction time makes the value of β also small, which leads to a small value of pspl, (a) 4 reads, 4 writes on (b) 20 reads, 20 writes on as explained in the previous section. LogTM LogTM With database locks, the throughput only scales up to a certain number of threads, where the reciprocal effect hap- Figure 4: Time breakdown with transactions five pens, as explained in Section 4.3. After that point, the times longer than those in Figure 3 throughput starts to go down. Comparing Figure 5(a) to 12 TM t Figure 5(b), we see that under low contention, the approach u spinlock1 10 DB lock scales better than under high contention. Figure 5 also ughput o 8 1 thread with no CC shows that the maximum performance of database locks in 6 both situations is still smaller than the base approach of us- tem thoughput s 4 ing one thread with no CC. This suggests that for workloads f system thoughput o 2 with very short transactions, on our hardware and simula- 0 Units of system thoughput Units tor, it is better to run serially on only one core than to 13579111315 # threads employ a database lock manager. (a) 95% partitioned workload With spinlock2, we first expected that its trend would be similar to that of TM. However, when we ran the experi- 4 TM spinlock1 ment, we did not get the peak. We speculated that the con- t 3.535 DB lock tention was not high enough, so we repeated the experiment 3 1 thread with no CC ughput

o with 20 reads and 20 writes in each transaction. With that 2.5 contention level, we observed the maximum of throughput

m throughput 2 e 1.5 at nt of 5. The results are shown in Figure 6. system throughput system f 1 3

0.5 t

nits of system throughput nits 2.5 Units of system throughput of system U Units 0 ughput

o 2 13579111315 10R10W # threads 20R20W

m throughput 1.5 e 1th1 thread d with ith no CC (b) 0% partitioned workload 1 system throughput f Figure 5: Scalability on LogTM with 10 reads and 0.5 nits of system throughput

10 writes U Units of system throughput 0 13579111315 solution where we use only one thread to run transactions # threads serially without any CC. Figure 6: Scalability for spinlock2 on LogTM with The graphs show that under low contention workloads, 0% partitioned workload TM scales fairly well with the number of threads. However, Impacts of transaction time: Similar to Section 4.3, we under high contention, it only scales up to 4 threads. After study the impact of transaction time by repeating the exper- that, it even starts going down gradually. These results can iments after adding extra computation inside transactions be explained by our analytical model as follows. to make them about five times longer. The experimental We approximate the throughput of the TM approach by results are presented in Figure 7. using Equations 1 and 5: Under low contention, the throughput lines of the three nw(nw+2nr ) n 2nt(1 − (nt − 1)) approaches are brought close together since the effect of the perf (n ) = t ≈ 2DB size (14) tm t t t + ∆ overhead of spinlocks and database locks is lessened. The tm 0 tm performance of spinlock1 is very close to that of TM, and Therefore, under low contention, Equation 14 predicts that the trends of spinlock1 and TM lines shows that spinlock1 the throughput of the TM approach will have the shape of starts beating TM after 15 threads. Under high contention, the left part of an up-side-down parabola. This matches the even after only four threads, spinlock1 appears to be the results shown in Figure 5. best approach. Moreover, by taking the derivative of the right part of When the transaction time increases, the value of β, and equation 14, we can predict the maximum point: thus, the value of pspl, are also increased, making the graph DB size for Equation 16 have the shape of a hyperbola more appar- ntmax ≈ + 0.5 (15) nw(nw + 2nr) ently. The performance line of the spinlock1 in Figure 7(b) clearly illustrates this prediction. Equation 16 and the ex- With nr = nw = 10 and DB size = 100, we have ntmax = 3.83, which is very close to the maximum point of 4 shown periment results also appear to agree with each other that in the graph. the thoughput of the spinlock is bounded by a maximum With spinlock1, using Equations 6 and 8, the system through- value when nt is large enough. This maximum value can be computed from the equation as 2 . put is approximated by: pspl(t0+toverhead spl) nt nt For the database lock approach, the performance line starts perfspl(nt) ≈ = ttm (t0 + toverhead spl)(1 + 0.5pspl(nt − 1)) going above the base line for certain values of nt. That (16) means database lock is still a good approach for long-running TM 9 spinlock1 an important role. 8 DB lock 7 1 thread with no CC 6 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 5 4 We would like to thank to David Wood and James Wang 3 for helping us to set up the experiment environment. This 2 work was supported in part by a grant from the Microsoft 1 Units ofsystem thoughput 0 Jim Gray Systems Lab, Madison, WI. 13579111315 # threads 7. REFERENCES (a) 95% partitioned workload [1] S. Chaudhry, R. Cypher, M. Ekman, M. Karlsson, A. Landin, S. Yip, H. Zeffer, and M. Tremblay. Rock: A 4 TM high-performance SPARC CMT processor. IEEE Micro, spinlock1

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