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" ' "' A - V " " - , , C sassy y 'tm'tyfc'l .awtM - w ay - wmwww. .s fr c. .,ww-tw- wmWf . 1wirtHiiwi wii om-"-- .ar mm f itttMtw

" ' ' -.. ' v ''1 ' ; ' ." .' :; ; -- ' $S - V, - . 1 ;, - , .r.... anBBBSntMaSnB - J '' f 'f f ...' V. t THE PACIFIC rOERCIAI. ADVERTISER, Ever ist Morning.JV4y ADVERTISERS AN 8irC3C3.IC2R tofcmjrneontriaibetTpofmat, Obituarie, fuueral InrtUU. nd notlcr r ennHiaJcatioti. kJ ..riW and expense intemlrd an IniUrlduarslniKineo, will " j. XtnrrtCM potag tlx of forward- - only to benefit - belne4 as adrcrtiiu-mcnts- . ! will Alrv-Hc- ytire mvbm on thrm 'AiiTerxniienUri'svkiyml In hirjsnrtyp ua oatnl, rt ca he ict to he&Tin-chartreg- - ' 13" Salwcrictii.il fr-- the Oiann)crci:J Auvertfcer rd AdTf tr61?' tr, tbPil t!ie wiU", and will be re-- tifti'inei'ts are imyaMe twAr.iABtr 1 iWAMne. L i'rw" . . :, M No tnuiaient adTertiKcmenl will be Interted unleM r iMtm: i4 II . it tha linl-- XT ,o'"" M, PAII. ' A.-'-;- II Corrrsimi'lenc from of Paofto will lwa jn WILL B Cn . :- I I I I I A 1 XT alt prt the T ARGKI. II III II A II I - - - mI mI HI ABTTI,T9 II ll ii ifII ii - f - n l ii k il I" ll.ilua n w n n n he acceptable. ft!.. III Xr?.,;,:.:; l iiaiiaiiaina i Ttiy f"" each tlo. - - 5 toblel Hi 1 Hi 11 COM M ClXiTPRl NT 1 XgTo F I CE. n rcelin)t n.) prr annum $i 00. hi ii E R P " HP (fci.rh itinoaI lire.) SO cts. r' Pya't ia ail van.. PLATJJ AND FANCY tt Jy yI BOOK AXD JOB PRIXIXG ' i t n ah . fcT-l- w,l-"- lnrtfc So . n ' OK i wi I iw M tne following BOOKS, BILLS EXCIIANf.F, - i?rKrrvJH.-- crri rmt. CATAUKJrES, BIUA Of LADING, x 7 BILLHEADS,' CONSULAR BLANKS, in0 (5 00 "' r BLANK DKEDS, i l'--r qturter CIKCrHRft. "Sun.J.ot column. $12 00 ALCTlOV BTI.t, - HAND BILLS, , of orfiw. P" can (XI "till quarter PAMPULtTS, 8II0P BILLS. . BlnomP J7 60 Vismso, business and address cards rrinta orrra Yankee Curd I'rews" lu the highest style oT the art. , foniinercial Advertiser. iiv.,.TJ,, ,S,,K, MV M. WIIILNKV. t SIX HOLLA KS PER ANNUM. (farts.- - UOXOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, OCTOBER 27, 159. VOL. IV, No. 22. WHOLK No.tTO. fortip

D. C. M'KfKB. ' t. C. MKSKll.l. L i'K Coal Oil. The light prclaced business libtrtistmtiits. tjso'Et." 3&vtrliscmcnt5. ortip fails. aTIPs-IRIIi- I' id strong ITIcUUEIl & ar.rr s Ki inu : in MEllvANTS, ,rfrfSor.l:nryeanJl. It certAinlT chenr- - HAW AIIAN FLOUR COMMI&STON ... 100-- COMPANY, II. W. tf EVEUfc-rT,TrMarra- McCOURHTRY, ,fh?r liirhl m u Ueinz Derfect- - A. P. &. ASD Ajreut. Notarx, Public, for rrcHiiniCTt-ia- l XiEVis noKToisr," ualike eannphene or the protect impcr only. OfTice DRUG STORE burniu . at the llstiruiiau Treasury. 167-o- m SHIPWRIGHTS, TAHITI. n. .lirtT 8DOt. like V. T. EVERETT, COOPERS &' raiHE IXDERSiaNEI), HAV1XO HE. W I M GAU6ERS. M. ceived by the latest arrivals irotn the Lnued States and - AND AUCTIONEERS".:AGENTS OF THE ' r - - I LL A II U3I PIIK E V S , Europe, new and large assortment of MASTERS OF WIIALESIHPS, inn? 63-- a DruM. .MediciHes otliers, are informed that repairs, aud every facility 1 ;..- tf notary Public, OiBce -, 163-t- Ac King . Pack:-.- ini.tuln. at tlie Curt Urn- up f Corner of Eethel Sts., Artielt-a- now onVr them for sae. Keing Regular Dipntoh Lineof Honolnln ll Oul.u, II. I. uiir. and Toilet forded Air heaving down, with competent incchauics, at i TT.m Anil... T I ...U .... I . r AXD supplied from the liest si.urces, first rate articles will be sold at he i rDer. miui.u.ucij ut lowest rates in the Pacific by XT All freight arriving in transitu for the Sandwich Isla'u'", t W. TAVO VKVQ less prices than heretofore. OWEN' St Co.. wrk to rfr perfrcl infection. We J. COLKIJKX, J. AITSTIN, FORT ST., DOORS BELOAV PR. JCDD'S STORE, GOODING, will be nceive.1 and forwarded by the " Regular DispaUh Lins ' I. ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL-J- -, Physicians and others will have their orders promptly filled 173-2- Shipwrights. AT LAW. x- .IKE NOW TO rBKB Or COKMISKIOK. ' ,i,,"7 --r of the qulitiea of PREPARED at satisfactory prices. t'vrf 8aPr'r &3-- OlBceln 65-- execute orders liueproiuolly and xt paid to forwardlnj and transhlpmenl tr all in their attention ! ATJCTroiVKEri.... Honolulu IIotLte. over the Post O'Sce. tf JkTJy. Prescriptions made up accurately and from the materials, Particular 'f i true. therefore la not hesitate to nuuiajm SlIV.I, Honolulu, UiUlU. &-C- sm at reesour.ble M'k -- jfcj. let 12. of whalemen's bills, aud other rxeJiaBge. In- - vi rates. particularly from Thsyer's celebrated fluid extracts, a great im- A. WHITE & CO., merchandise, sale j i !-- A fricn.I, rejputlj surance of meremmdise aud specie under open polloies, supply jajt-n-- frra the Kwt. E. HOFFMANN, ThaikeaMor past patrtinage, they confidently rely uxn their provement on Tinctures. MERCHANTS, COMMISSION AGENTS & AUCTIONEERS i . old ing whaleships, chartering ships, etc. ' , - ht ueJ year or more, an.l he haw II. LIIM'EKS, nysicutn ami fc.irpeon, ofTiPe new cusiours for a coutinuance of tlieir favors, and trust that MEDICINE CHESTS refilled at thecheapest rates, according . 1 r in the drup store, aili oinin , Akaroa, New Zealand. 12C-- . - . . . Lamber to plea-".-- t low of , if t.u if an.I buiiJin 105-t- their endeavors an extreme rates charges, will as voyages to different countries require. 43 45 atreet. materUl.Fort St. Honolulu. f the store of II. Hackfcl.l fc Co., yueen-Htrer- t. tf and California insure to them a fair share of business in their line. 1 . oil irtiufactureJ U poor nud The following comprise a few of the articles contained in the CJHIPS SUPPLIED WITH POTATOES BErKR TO will s ,f wO N. B. New and sec.md h ind riisks and shooks alwivs on Hon-dulti- ; Captain D. C. ti.cl. . : . K . : .1 . S HOLT. k assortment, 37 aud stores of every description. Captain James Slakee, Watena r . c. hei-c- IJ LAI 7ti-- vii.: ortt fcfl- t-' riiic aiiKie. td. J. I. It, band, which they will sell at the lowest market rates. 1 tf Messrs. Giliuaa & Co Lahalnv 12 tf . w iir lie Attorney r Alum, plaster. Kidder's diarrhoea and dysen-- Keierences : . C.-tJi-- Von ami i ranu linr at hii.I in Of-- arnica i the liJrrence in Eastern ami IIOET& IIEirCK. Uv, Almiraltv. Capt. G. t QTK-r- nce over Uuillou Dru HO- -t Anise arsenic, alchol, tcry cordial. II. Son.R, ship .Milo. l Cotiirnimion MtTh-inu- i. lr. S:ore, ll .u.ilulu, S. I. .''orwtf, h"l eren at S"J.&) gallon here, it ia Iloiw.lula. Oriliu, S. I. 105-t-f Ant poison, bay rum, borax, Liquorice, liniments, asst'd, A. Rarbxr, ship Benjamin Tucker. Chas. Wolcott Brooks, r . v 1 r 1 - Ualsain-ector- G C He 11 19 ugunu Coopering'! al hitters, Mucilage, lip salve, J. H ArsTix, ship jet he. per pperrn. 10 oe ' rcent' min ALEX. L. JIcCl'LLY, X ; . EARTWRIfJIlT, Post-offic- soap, creai.1 of ur.e Smith, ship E. F. Mason. COMMISSION MERCUAN J. Attorney at Law. OHioe, over the e. A. Castile tartar, bottles. SHIPPING AND 6r the millun." 3. F Prper. CommU4ionM--rcbantan.10cnc-r.- T9acts JAMES Itl'limCli Hixdbs, ship Cht ShiMiinz Asei.L. Hnnotiiln. Misioess ami executes uocuiuenU in the native lam: Camphor, cherry pectoral, Oils of bergnmot and lemon, Metacoin. PhiU-Mph- ship AND FORWARDING AGENT, jrai in i ln'e tnnnuractarel a Chihu, II. I. lOi-t- f ia-t-f IN REMOVING TTISItrSIXESS Celebrated copahine. Powder lx( s, pills, asst'd, UiK ne Grasdaionk, Nil. new AGE on Coil oil, SiiinlH' and Towscnd's sarsapa Darmasdaritx, ship Gen. d'UautpooI. machine to be Eia--' to bis COOPER Ihe Esplanade, liver diamond cement. 123 Saassuie atreet, San FrauriacO CJ prentei to the giu-g- -tf r,jwinj CiODEREV It MODI'S, CIIAS-- 31. , Fort street, takes this opportunity of return- Extracts of sarsapariila and rilla. Lkbastu, ship Caulaincourt. 17 ' Eaienie. which is thus decrihe.J : Upon a '- ;uiLLoir, i) ing his sincere thanks to his friends and the Strychnine, soda, ATTENTION GIVEN TO irhutvaale Dealer In Wiu and Sointa. Al Porter, near Mirjrcon u-- . . embowel in n eleguice and Late I nit j Navy, Consul Physician to sick public in general, for the supixirt and patron Extract of valerian, Syringes, ast'd, suits. PARTICULAR and sale of Merchandise, an i ...j bit the the Uilioe. Uuiiululu. 4'J-- tf Mr. JOIIAr AfiKX. .TIATIIEAVS, P..t American seamen aui general practitioner. aire which they hav been pleased to grant Emery powder, erasive salts, Toilet Kiwder, toilet mirrors, the Forwarding and Tramuiipiuent of Goods in transit. ut the Empire, while the whole rests npen umce, corner Tooth-pick- .hwio Kaaliunmnu anil Merchant itireeU, anJ reside him fur the past tea years, and hopes that by attention to busi- Flavoring extracts. s, tweezers. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Refers to: H' r,vr which an is lit Wood' Mansion, Hotel Mre.-t- . juer n. enrle perchel. lr. ness and promptness iu the execution of all orders intrusted to Fluid magnesia, gun araMc, Thorn's extract trusses. C Sydney. B. F. Ssow, Honolulu. I Jas. 11 rs it Bo tot n aleUical and advice lu Kn Queru'a Place. I will. gecerahs ap-jp- on Lumbrr Merciiart. yr.l corner ofQaet-- ami Nuuana streets on burica! lifh, Frenctr, Sj.auiali, am! him, be will merit a continuance of their favors. Gelatine, Henry's magnesia. rings, tooth powders,. C. BnKWKB, A. Pikhcb, jinrtuf N.pleoaa anl victories Referenco AV. L. S. 104-- ra 2n, llouolulu. Hssar ' Italian 11-- j A XT to Grskn, Honolulu, I. - the Punchartl prauises. 106-- tf has on hand for sale upwards ef i)00 barrels of all sorts Holloway's ointment, hairdyes, ials, asst'd. P. S. AVilcox, " I Chas. Baswsr, - one side of tlte bnre, iuvI at the end apoa (, OiBce hours from m. M.: It a. to 2 P. at other bours inuuire a and sizes. 175-- 1 v Indelible marking ink, .AVhite and yellow wcx. Co., San FraiKrtsco. i i X.ipoTecin restili-uce- . Macoxubat k ire. tue of the preat U stan.lin. A; du tf AVJI. 15. STttKB & T 1 1. 1 " - - II. HACK EE I.I) CO. KEsLlLV, Mokoan, Co., H.--J Also, from Paris, d.;ne Jn en;irneiei nun u a pern Direct " - f i work, lu Genera! Cmnmiina Agents, ami Ship CliaiKllers, Honolulu, C O O V Ii 1 1 Ti a GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Asa T. Lawtos, At taesiieot tcis nnre me goi.jeM or ln- - Oahu, . I. lOi-t- t DR. FORD'S LTJBIN'S CELEBRATED EXTRACTS, . L. Office TAHITI, l l. I i r i and Drug Store, Kaahuinanu Street, opposite Makee's A CARD. M. ESS Ac NORTON Comprising 21 different kinds. THAYER, IIRICIIAM & FIELD. His ieea. iricr ikiiii eagle ll 111 RS. LEWIS aai sprri uj. K. O. II ALL. block. Ship's Medicine chests re ted, anil prescriptions XA. take the opportunity of thanking their triemls and the Will supply ships with provisions, ic, and alvance money on Commission Merchants, Boston. ber.il.nj Fi"wnnl, forms the ibrating favorable terms for bills on the United States. 43-l-y t'lich. Importer ami Deab-- r careiuuy prepared. public iu general, for the favors and patronage hitherto bestow Best quality JEAN MARIE FARINA COLOGNE, In Hardware, Dry 0oo.l, Paints, Oils, ami Hot, vapor, ,f the mv:hine, the tieel!e being ia the beik of general jfmiX XT cold, showerand medicated BiTns.ataIl hours ed them, aud respectfully beg their continuance of the Samhd wood extract, candies, jujube paste, Chas. L. Travsr, Tluiyer, Rice k Co.) lerclun.lie. of and KinR strevU. 105 t i-- ir uku (l8 V tirL The phite of the machine i of high-- same. Burnett's cocoaine ami Quintal tooth wash. J. S. Briquam, (late K. U. Unghani a Uo.) rI tooth-pick- All to will performed with puuctu,-lit- y Orange tortoise s. W. BITLtU, 160-f.i-ii. GEOKGK CLAKK, SIIKHMA.V rwa. CHAS. DBEWKK, 2 orders entrusted them be tree and ftvll B. W. Fikld, date of Honolulu.) itti ftI. fupporteil by four anjtehi of silver and dispatch. Toilette soaps infant hair brushes, CUSTOM HOUSE COMMISSION AGENT l troi-- t and brushes Dealer In Dry and I'aivcy between Nuuana M-WS- rnr of g". D 'n t1 front of the c.ise is Oo.ls C DREWER A; CO., They havo on band, for sale, CASKS of all sizes and sorts. Comlis, scurf brushes, (patent,) tricophemus, MANGONCI, NEW ZEALAND. a oairriTTs moroas. C. a. HATHAWAT. B. e and Maunakea streets. Honolulu, S. I. 11 tf .r.pti' O. The ci.-- an-- table of the machine Commission and Siiippin? Merchants, Honolulu, Oahu, H. amounting to upwards of 4000 bbls. 102-t- f Hyperion fluid, hair oils, asst'd, XT Shipping supplied or. the most reasonable terms. Lat 173-38,- 41-l- MORGAN, STONE & CO., be male of wool from Mount Vernon. JOHN THOMAS WAT E R II O US E , KKKKIl TU SARS A PA RI LL A ME A V. (an agreeable and healthy 35-- S., long. . y Jaiiei Hrxvm Ks., ! beverage, (preiared by E. Hoffman.) Commission Forwarding Merchants, San Francisoo, Cat SrT Gl-- . We were Importer, WhiJenale and Retail lVnler in Mercbandiiei Boston. COOPERAGE and xMr yestenl.ty shown aeoeral ('HAKLCS liKKWKK, ju., ) iEV &, iteferenoes, T. S. ilatliaway liso. Messrs. T. It A. It. Honolulu, Labaiua, Maui. 44-- tf COSTAR'S RAT POISON. EASTKA CO., Ay, t ?py k.Lvss in Ciliforni t. It ii unqueationa-- and Mkssh. McKrKR JC Mkkkill, AXTIIOX'S 1JUILD1NG, MERCHANT ST. k Swift Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. Grinned Minturn A (HAS. UlUHtt--t- , J San Francisco. Sic. COMMISSION AND of remark aWe power anI excel- - WoLCOTT Eso., DR. JAYNE'S MEDICINES. &c. FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Co., New York, John M. Forties Esq., Boston, Messrs. Per- liutrament T. MOSSVAS. r MOSSMAS, JE MusM. Wa. lrTAC & Co., - - Hongkong. Honolulu, Oahu, II. I. 167-- tf EDWARD HOFFMAN, M. D. New Daniel C. Esq. The was prcentel by the British Gov-- Hakodadi, Japan. kins k Smith, London, Waterman llmi elis 3IOSS3IAN & SON, Mcs.rs. Pkllk, HruiiKLL & Co.. - Mauila. olulu. U Lat to Cpt. Turner of the pchooner Lewi Per- - HW-t- f rjlHE rXDERSlfJXED HAVE TAKEN Kinds of Fresh Provisions furnished ; also, EhtfPl Bakers, Grocers and Dealer in Dry street, Hon Ja the above premises for the purpose of currying on the ALL and Ship Chandlery, It : CLXJR NOTICE at Honolulu pricks. U. B. Rl'GHKS. I. N. o'ronno. heirs tUe loUowing inscription fresentei olulu, Oahu, S. I. 127 1860. 71-- If rRKllKRICK L. AKS. BOWARn P. ADAMS. M halemen's Drafts taken, &c. ly ; of Grent Britain to Matthew Tur-- Coopering Business HARPER'S WEEKLY. Go'ernment HANKS & HUGHES & O'COIVIVOIt, im mender of the Americ.iu schooner Lewi W. N. LAUD, PRED'K L. CO., iu all its various branches, aud solicit a share, of the public SUBSCRIBERS TO HARPER'S WEEKLY ! SOLE AGENTS FOR ' Importer Dealer Commission and Shippinz Merchants, Honolulu, Hawaiian patronage. clu list for 1S50 is now open, and nil EV MUSIC STOUE , the generous an-- prompt assistance ren- - and ia Habdwabf Cctxbrv, Mwbxics4 receive' sub- - tr Tools and AnxicrvrrBAL IaPLaaifNTS, 'urt street, Hono- UJiig all practical cooiiers, they flatter themselves that they those wbhing to continue to Ibe paper, or any new CLAY & Tablry by to crew scnDers who may wish to take from 1, will please IIERWIG, Phelan s Model Billiard him the thipwreckeu of the Untish lulu. 106-- tf REFER TO can do work as well and on as reasonable terms as any other it Jan. lsbu, r" the subscription, with Pan-unit- , in the Straits of Magellan. 15th Messrs. McRcer & Merbilim San Francisco. iu Honolulu or on the Sandwich Islands. to enter their noiues and forward annual Clay Street, " HO San Frnnciaco, California. 147-3- m out further notice. Terms. $2 50 per annum, which also covers ;jOt- was made Troughton & Sitnms, & OaisseLU Mistibs ii Co,...- - New York. LAMB, FAKDEN & CO. - It JANION, ORE EN CO., br Swift Allcs, - - - - New Bedford. the American postage. The club list will be forwarded by the PIANOS AND MELODEONS, a: is ahcut 4 feat Ion? and is graJuatel for 2o, Commission Merchants Fire-Pro- of Buildings, Queen street. Cuas. &TUDKR ti Co., Boston. mail leaving early in November. Honolulu, April 1, 1459. 106-t- f - SHEET AND ROOK MUSIC, f al 40 mile, at which distance any object that 166-- 1 y ... HARPER S MONTHLY. -- - FLUTES AND . gen at all is rendered remarkably distinct. J. IBWIS. V. L. ISOOLS- A list is also open for the Monthly, to be forwarded as above. CLARIONETS, covere--J C. SPALDINC, 1800. Teims, A is highly barnishei and nearly the IRWIN & CO., J. av rtiiii-- n i t Subscriptions to commence with January, $3. ACCORDEONS AND FLUTINAS, gl-ix- Importer and Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. minT '.enzta with leather. This s can be seen Jj n SHOP. -- at Accountants, Coifrrtor ami Cusl.nn House Brokers, Honolulu. Aiceut tor Win. Thwing & t'o.'s Boston and Sandwich Islands JlAt IflA l AUl ii.M Kill SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. VIOLINS AND GUITARS, ibibhment of Messrs. McGregor & Anderson, TJT N. B. ''inlicitted accounts adjusted, and commercial Packets. UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM The cluo list for this sterling will be forwarded at the lo6-t- AND mmereial street S. F. p books opened ami f A CENT FOR THE and fhc public that oa the 5th iiun. he will re same time v. ith the above. All those wishing to continue to re- BANJOS TAMRORINES, ipr. Nuprrxa IvsrsAvre Co., - Bwton. sume his former business as a ceive it during 1SC0, will please give immediate notice to the un- -- BRASS INSTRUMENTS. TT Nrw Ilasd" is ax Old Ose. J. P. A. S. A 31. S. ;RINRAU3I, EotiTARLC SArrrv Insl-masc- Co., - " AND HOUSE CARPENTER, dersigned. i BoV-STO- UUILDEi! Discretionary orders for music filled by one who understands writes to the Providence Pott in regard to Importers ami Wholesale Dealers in Fahional.le Clothinr, S " - - XT No names will be forwarded on the above lists unless the Hats & stages progress. PATENT COMBINATION CUSHIONS, Ve.. allezed to have been discovered in the Caps, lwts ami bov, and every variety of Uentleiuen's Boston " " - " At the stand hitherto occupied by Messrs. AVatson Laonanl, subscription price is prepaid. Address the wantr of pupils in all of u AVith et call attention to fine assort- ul Superior Famlsl.inir tiooils. Surc, corner of Fort and WAsaisciTox " " - on the Swiuton Premises, King street. every facility for 174-- II. M. AA'niTNEY. The subscribers particular their IN CALIFORNIA AND OREGON. .by of the bark Amozen, of M ment of Pianos which comprise a full assortment of Instruments Opt. Eldride, Merchant streets, Honolulu, Oahu- - . 119-- tf Alliavcb " " - doing all branches of - MCTCAL - - from the following celebrated makers : Rooms,- en, as follows : N. K. " " " "XJW z "A7" x Si FUnTTAS.T MEAD ! Haniiifactory and Sales HAWAII " - el . that dpt. Eldridge ha.1 been re- - A. BABBIS, OAHC. r. B. SWA!, Salem Marine " Salem. te the best advantage, heorespectfully solicitso a share of public BROWN, ALLEN & CO., 180 AND 182 MONTGOMERY STREET, CAL. Z fire-pro- 175-t- touc'uinz Isl ind on the 30th of & XT Store in UoMnson & Co.'s block. f patronage. Ice Cream and Confectionery Saloon, XT Purchases of tables and apparatus can be made thnm,:li u at Jarvis AH EL HARRIS CO., HALLET, DAVIS & CO., A". Having secured the services of a first rate workman, he will ' D. CARTWRIGUT.' r, (seventeen d ys before,) it at once occur-- Dealers in all kinds of Hawaiian Produce, Honolulu, Oahu, H. I. FORT ST., NEXT DOOR TO ODD FELLOAVS' HALL. 171-6- m ' also add . Honob '.a. How-hlai- tc Merrill, San D. N. PLITNER, Cabinet Mnkins Turning and Car WOODWARDS BROWN, that in petting North he had passed d, lra Bills t4 Exotuuige on Messrs. .Mcltuer to his other business. S- 12-- lf Continues his old business at the new store in Makee's new fire riage AA'srli ANNOUNCE to - Francisco, f. - A. planed by machinery for carpenters ana UNDERSIGNED BEG TO BOARDMAN & GRAY. which exactly answers his dscrip- proof building, at the stand recently occupied by Dr. Stuff sawed aud TIIEthey have opened the above named saloon, and would jul all discoveries Hotlraaiin, corner of Queen and Kaahuinanu streets. others.lr Mblodeoxs, from CARHART & NEEDIIAM. not having heard of the RITSON Ac HART, C. LEWERS. fesjiectfully solicit a share of public patronage. .li- Chronometers rated l.y olwervatior of the sun and stars n. been done to make the place attractive, and Also, O. A. PRINCE & CO.'S Roman A'lolin and Guitar Strings 50 BALES INDIAN HEAD 8HEETTXGS. the Paciffo last eighteen years, had f lU-ir- M'hi-lesal- Evervthinz has the Successors to 31r. y lt"liinn, Wine and Spirit accurately adjusted to N. B. General lumber business will lie conducted as hereto ' - with a transit instrument the hereafter no will be spared to render it an agreeable Prices low. No extra charge for packing and shipping. Or- 60 BALI LAAA'RENCE SHEETING. the mistake of supposing his track over the Merchants. II. I . under the Room of A. J. Cart- meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention j;ivcn to fine fore on the Fort Street Premises, where the best selected stock exiene 32-- 106-- tf and nooular nlace of resort. through M. Whitney, of Honolulu, will be 60 BALES MASSACHUSETTS tllEKTlNUS. new my wright, ami the foot of Kaahumatiu street. tf p!ass-- s silvered will be sold on the most reasonable terms. ders forwarded II. an entirely one. wonaer is inai ai watch repairing. Sextant ami quadrant A private parlor has been furnished for the accommodation of promptly attended to. 60 BALES METAMORA SHEETING. :' fami- adjusted. Charts instruments constantly the Sew Bedford navigators, who are - and and nautical ladies, and is provide! with a superior pianoione. 171-6- in 100 BALES BLUE DEM MS. and for sale. 44-- tf UowIand4 Island have not before this, cor--' n. snow, on hand KOHEItT msoiviv, entrance on mauka Fide. 25 CASES .ASSORTED TICKlN.il. i General Commission Merchant,l. Honolulu, Onhu, Haw. Islands. A fountain has been fitted up, and Iced soda may be had a 10 CASES KENTUCKY JE.VNit. error. AGENT AT IMS BLACKSMITHS' SHOP ON ' t S. II. PRJCIIARD & BROTHERS, aoevt roa FOR THE fx the New Esplanade, is prepared to do work of all any time. - 10 CASES BLUE DK ILI ,. -- for constant supply of straw- 25 tai s liana is a Darren, umnn: nci isianu, Boston and Honolulu , York Ilonril of Underwriter. kinds in flivt rate style, at prices to suit the times. An arrangement has been made a FORWARDING CASES ASSORTED PRINT. ReKnUr Line of Packet. rir berries when in seasou. COMMISSION AND MERCHANTS, 20 CASES BLEACHED SUEET1 SU. ' :g to the best authorities in latitude 0. o'J Saie of CoflVe from the T.iO'inb I'lanuition. The undiTSipneil tikes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Masters, Ship, cart, rarriane, ami all other work in his lino Ix-e- Ice creams of best quality only will be offered. 600 PIECES BRUSSELS AND VELVET CARI'Ki'S. M-t- aL duly appointed as Atf'--"' for the done with neatness and dispatch. Horse shoeing doue by C. P. tin No. 9T Front Street, San Francisco. 0. North, longita le Pale of Bnahen K Co's Yellow kc, that he has S ithorify says 43.) and Cvker J.o-t- Constantly on hand, a choice variety of cakes and confection- THREE-PL- Y AND INGRAIN CAK New Kounns Company. 12-t- f New York Board of Underwriters. Nl'TE, and we know that be will suit. t FOR Wet. It is about two miles long by one Fniaml ery. & 1500 PIECES .FLOOR OIL Cl.'iTII. 13-- tf ALEX. J. CARTWRIG1IT. AGENTS Hudson's Chewing Tobacco, Lind-th- e Families parties supplied with ice creams on six hours 1000 PIECES COCOA AND CHINA MATTING. coral formation; has a tolerable good B- A. ALDBICB ! and Mayflower, Va. Offering to California, CBAS. - aWHOP. Biacksniithin 600 CASES PAPER West side, and is almost coverel with a & FLO R E NS STA Pi: N 1 1 OUST, notice. Oar Jewel, il &icraniento. HANOI NGt. nisnop co., TT Please give us a call. E. J. Hudson' Sveet Scented Oronoco, 20 CASES TABLE OIL CLOTHS. of bird excrement. It w:n dtscovereJ by Office in comer of Makee's Block," on Agent for the Bremen and Dresden Btrd of Underwriters. AH SMITH & PICKERING. 30 CASKS CURTAIN DAM ?KS. Bankers. the east " Vnderwriiers, UNDERSIGNED. HAV Smokiugs, Kose of Sharon, erge E. Nrtcher, of New BeJford, on the Oth Kaahumanu street, Ilou .lulu. avenge claim, apainst th" said occurrinR ia fCyK ing remove.1 his Shop to the NEW rPLAN-'Xv- G Jf. B. Suprwrs, oysters, coffee, soda, and other refreshments, Prichard's Corn Cob, 60 CASES LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS will before him. " 167-t- V Ito-'Firba- -. llrst-cla- ss or about this Kingdom, have to be certilied V or I evening. f 20 CASES WINDOW SHADES AND HOLLA -- en, Will receive dej- ts business paer, and is nrenared to execute work all kinds at all hours of the day an Chievers Wellington. :.. then in Shin disount tf If Jas. - itiber, 1612, he being the 113-- .- .A TS. tf fir-- d pric s to suit the times. Particular 00 DOZEN RUGS AND V is now owned by the United attend to collect in, etc. in rate style, and at and COMPA- - mention will be paid to all Klnus ol snip woric ; anil, naviug ! Britton's Dew Drop AVhisky in barrels and half barrels. 400 PIECES DRUGGETS AND BAtES.' i'lano New York. has upon IMIE NORTHERN ASSI RAXCK Farrier, recently arrivel from the United KEEP COOIi AVill Company, of It M. A. ALDRICH, ny, (estHl.lihed For Fire and Lif.! Assurance at receive orders for Drugs, Medicines, c, for Messrs. NOW LANDING, FOR SALE 16.) States, requiring service's in that line may rely uflon their ! ! & N-- York. ltiS-3- ji i aooje or a hut and a Jtj tl rJF the latter Importer and Ural.-- in Gem ml Merchand:e : Commission homeI and alroad. those Ice Creams .Vice Creams Ice Creams Thomas Fuller, . being executed in a workmanlike manner. ts a guide for vesst! but no graves that I Asrent f'r the SaW of Sn-.'r- lolaes and Coffee, and other Capital 1,250,7 00. Sterling. orders AT TIIE LOWEST RATES, " Pro-luc- for the Lnir Plavtatios. Con The undersigned has been appointed Agent for the Sandwich OAKUM - - '. I sailed y it in the crmrse of the same Island Aent II. HUDDV IS PREPARED FROM ROPE WALK AAH BY . sisnments of all kinds of I Innd Produce solUated. Onlers Islands. R- - J ANION, WM. after September 7th to supply his friends and She Nefcher, have lOb-- tt -- f its discovery by Capt. but f Merchandise promLtly attenileri to. .tf. at Honolulu. public at his New Ice Cream Saloon, on King street, nearly op- FACTORY. vv tiled upon ir. The best landing place ia soil posite with any orders they may give, and hopes by 7HiiziicTi.zzn. BLACKSMITHS, the MANUFAC- - Nos. 110 and 113 CLAY STREET,', : c:ly psite the hou'ie. THOMAS SPENCER, ACENT FOR THE strict attention to receive his share of the patronage heretofore ORDAGE OF EVERV SIZE ! 48 in General Ierchandii, and Commission OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM HOUSE, so liberally bestowed. Any order over two quarts requires SAN FRANCISCO. ji'.iivl is n t laid down, probably, upon any Ship Chamller, Dealer Association. loo-t- on hand Liverpool Underwriter's houre' notice. Sundays excepted. f (all sises), Bale 164-3- JlerchariL, Hoim.Iu1u. thihu, S. I., kee.s constantly I'-'- to n.itify Merchants, Ship ovners, . - . - a sortment of MANILA AND HEMP ROPE, .the of Eldride, and hence re- The undersigned 9 leave ...... nrr i dpt. an extensive aortment of every dcTiption of ftoods tlutt he has received the appointment ol a. 1IIK AlHM l'i IIA1 IJU V 11 Rope, Tow Line, Oakum, for sale by TCBBS & CO., an.I Ship masters, s forrsa-rl- I'l kc, discovered new UUnd. But whal-li:p- s occupied by M. M. Matthew, ! (tint hehal a quired by and oiliers. tln-s- e for tlic LIVEUPUOL. L'N Dtll the Honolulu AOENT at e'lifN-C- Views of 80-l-y 139, Front Street, San Francisco. cToceries, provisions, i are now nrenared tu execute Ship, Carriage and Carl , discovery by Capt. Netcher, several of our Shippine furnished with all kiml of . WRITER'S ASoOClATIoS. OR notice, at the very lowest market prices. R. C. JANION. AVork. on tiie shortest notice and most reasonable PERSONS VISITING RESIDING i seen it. and its location, about thirly-- 't at the shortest 105-- tl to business to merit a share ALLthese Islands, should not fail to send a set of G. II. hie Money advanced for whalers' l.lls at the lowest rate. terms, and hoe by strict attention to their friends abroad, C. WOODRUFF, horth J"tt at ticket, is pretty well XT 106-t-f public patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed. lU5--tf H ii Viesv ot" Honolulu SAUL. oJ'ew ACS of the rife by far a better idea of the Scenery, Hahits, led. I E NT FOR LLOYD'S as they will convev IIIPCII A NDLKR, STOREKEEPER AND The latest Eojrlih authority that Ship owners Customs, etc., of this phice, than any works or prints ever pub- UENEIIAI. AGENT. Gords bougnt and sold on com CTST. C. MKLTHERS. OCT KKISEUS. The ur.lersigiied bes to notify to Merchants. and s n Wtes it in lat-- 0.43 North, Ion. 176 47 appointment 4EOIME THOMAS, lished. To be had of E. BL'RGESS, mission. Ship and f amily Mores put up at tne snonest nonce . I Ac Shipmasters, thtit he has received the ol ....a two Houth ami tweive MELCHERS CO., LLOYD'S LONDON. 31 S O N', HStf Paint Shop, on King street, near Fort. Corner of Qlef.x's Road and Pottijtoeb stbeet, Ilongkoua; is miles tarther Honolutn, Oahu, AGENT at these Islands for A Eld-S- u! Commi-Mo-n Cl.ar.dlirrs, .C-- J ANION, A. Cabtwbight, C. e tSan location given by Capt. Merchants and Shh' 105-- tf XT Refers to Thomas Spesckr, J. J. the of and Merchant sts. Jt: lirOPLI) CALL TIIE ATTESTIU.A 104--ly r. ? I. Stone store comer Kaahumanu of material, consisting of Ha-f- NOTICE. SPALDlxn. Honolulu, Sandwichlslamls. artntlier autliorifj, quottd by the presi-tb- for Whalers bills on the V tiie publio bi his stock Mony advanced on favorable terms A 31 U V RfS H-- Il R E 31 E N uiiiin Lime, Lime. Brick. Cement, tire Clay, Plaster .S. locates it in Ion. - J 'tf II falifornia riv,HE UNDERSIGNED. HAVING BEEN fl nito Cmpny. V. S. and Enrop.- of Paris. German Tile and Fire Brick, at bis yard, opposite the JL appointed Guardiau of the person and proierty of GEORGE BARRY & PATTEN, -- loca- - ailiiTerence of on'y two roinnfes. This CASTLK." AMOS. 8. COOBK. INSURANCE COMPANY. ity Market, o:i King Street. XW-l- J HOLMES, hereby gives notice to all persous indebted to him to SAM'L. S. FIRE persons having claims WHOLESALE AND BETA I L DEALERS IN eertifioil to by C John Paty, of Schooner - Agents of ftliove Com make immediate payment ; and all IMPORTERS, ipr. A- ITXIlKKSIfi VKD. the requested to present same to CASTLE tUUliii, -- re against the same are hereby the , at Hwndulfi. in 18C8. who states that the . a Mcr-- .....e. , ure I a to insure nsxs " in a.iu UPUOIsSTEZtirSG. any LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, fyc. v u i...Uu1a n1 It tnil ilelrs in Genera T J K. G. Davis ; and he, the said Guardian, hereby forbids WINES, .1 A partly coverel with a growth .f vegetation, oM sta.Hl, corner of the KmfT an school about Honolulu. UNDERSIGNED, HAVING person trusting the said Genrge Holmes, as from this date the 60-- ly chamlise. at the For particulars apply at the omce. m.. r thorou-.'- knowlnlge of the alxive business, liegs to 116 Montgomery at.. Sun Francisvro. uiaot Lea doubt, I think, that this near Stoue Churcii. Also at the & CO. aforesaid Guardian 'will pay no debt contracted by him. . thalow of street.., the law - MELCnERS -- generally of Ilonolu-.- 'i I In street, ot.K- . notify his friends aiid the public 12S-- tf R. G. DAVIS. ! El- - hv C. II. NRlw.ls.rn. Kin fri-- lf fl Honolulu, Dec 6, ISas. ) is the island rt ferred to by Capt. t., ...ie.l Medi-- Hono ula, Oct. 11, 1857 lu, tliathe is prepared to make to order, on short no- .: the Seaman Chap-- L As nU for Dr. Jaynes fc.i "HONOLULU 105 -- tf tice, and in the most thoreuirh workmanlike manner, Spring So- ITALIAN SIGHTS. Top- - cinea. Lounges, Spring ltels. Hair, l'ulu and Grass Jlatresses. Old AMBROTYFE & DAGUERREAN GALLERY! pcL IjiraovimitxT Tuk Self Reefisq Insurance Nolice. and 'h. ON EUROPE Ac , Fire fas, Lounges, rte., and repaired with neatness TIIISTIME.NO WORK A I. All E E s thorough workman- more interest than this. The book is profusely ith the desire to place before our rea lers UT and Iwo, ASSURANCE CO. CariK-t- of all kinds laid in the most AT for the Suzar PlaiiUti.M.s of Aiko, at fapakoa. THE NORTHERN G. H. 1NGRAHAM, illustrated, and gives a better idea of the political and social tiiat may interest or instruct them, Acnts Wholesale and Retad begs to not ny to in.se pa- like manner. A few cop- and PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the highest perfection of 3lQS3i aaiose, Hilo; ED ohtaiued elsewhere. I.n,K,rt. r.aud IE UNDERSIGN J9-G- do-.- r Esq., Hotel street. condition of Iuilv, thm can be IU No. 107 Clay San inter-uatica- l at estab-I- ! rail "have office wooden hoiMings Next to Geo. Clark. (105-t- f) F. BINDT. street, Francisco, leV.l ibe such a take an 7n ; have on le at the.r rities who insured in this jr l on hand. Price, $ I 50. (152-t- f) 11. M. AVIIITNEY. the Art. atttDtiOof China baa. w conse- - ies A has, ir . eoec Honolulu, and at Lnhaina, Jlfaui, .: the nrecincts of Honolulu, that iu FFER FOR SALE FULL AND COM a.f.irs to an iinprovel rig that l:u-g- plete assortment of desirable Tea, Coffee, and a lar,;e and sequence of the continue.1 erecti i of and hiL'h aooden Harvey &. JlcClyiiiont, o appearance in Susrar, Molasses. Syrup. no more on tim- FOR SALE CHEAP. ROWLAND'S time made its together in narr-i- street, risks PA-1E- lrthe firt varieil assiiTUiiein of general umt. buildines cloe GLAZIERS, GILDE1LS AND R , DRUGS AND MEDICINES. nr. We self-reefin- g top-a- il and 53-l-y L-- town will lie taken, and those already PAINTERS, ONE CARRIAGE IIDRSE, AVIIIUI1 allude to the Au,fu.-- 12, lr37. ber constructions in ouerea R, CO. respectfully solicit orders front the country, and Honolulu, t 1 of their - HANGERS, been habitually driven ty a lauy. lie is k on the expiraton AaIRROTYIE i J filTant-sa- il , taken will not be re:ie gallery. of the saip Rittltr Ue. the present owuer having no further use lor will guarantee satisfaction in every particular to those who ror J"- 155- -t . present dis-?- U EVERETT. SHOPS IN UNION AND KING STREETS. one- nni i' imoe i' y would call the of llion, vif K tholr nulnn AAit..i from New Xork, and at A. 1. 6i.tf Agent for the Northern Assurance Co. Also, American oaiu hvwum. riMIE UNDERSIGNED attkvtiob of our reiders O N M E R C II A NT. Tt.ev miv be fnllv tried before purchase. JL of his Friends and the Public to his Rooms, over the oar wharves. For such C O M M I S S I JOHNSON, to" office or dwelling.' 150-6r- a u Advertiser," Printing Office, (next to the them- - street, Honolulu, H, I. . STA PEN IIORST, S. Apply Dr. GCILIiOC, at his Paeif.3 Commercial e a;ihle to visit and examine her for J.nion's new Wock, Queen IIOFFSCHLAEGER Post Office) where he is taking Pictures which, for elegance of FRAIVK BAKER, tor the HOUSE CARPENTER, Jbc, ! :!! undertake a desaripticn. TJie sails of Asm" FOR SALE OR HIRE style and softness of tone, cannot be excelled. 1 12 Clny y REFERENCES. FORT STREET. receipt of New Stock, Chemicals. he is HO and Street. iateaj to a jack-sta- on BORDEAUX BOARDS OF UNDER Being in constant Ac, . of being bent At -- Boston. PRI3 AND SUPERIOR BILLIARD TABLES, all the latest improvements.-- ! Str--- faaten-toom- or pAirrso'V Tatfas, CELE-BRVTE- D prepared to take Pictures with 43 and 47 Merchant & ia are securely Messrs. WRITERS. anyintimateswork iu the above line, and VERT Plate or AVooden Beds, and PHELAN'S the ordinary rig, - E. D. Bbioham it Co., Respectful.lv that Also XT Pictures taken on Glass. Pajier, Patent Leather, India r 102-- tf COMBINATION CUSHIONS, all complete. SAX FRANCISCO. Cal. un-ie- the yard, qkhi to merit a share of public patronage. fc Ate, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. roller, suspended Bctleb, Kutb it Hill, 53-- Apply Rubber, tf On hand, extra Cloth, Balls.Cues, Wax, Pockets, kc. to to call and examine specimens. the tad of which, when thes-ai- l is set, are nonolu'u, July 1. 1S57. AVIS AUPUBL1C. E. BURGESS. N.B The Public are invited HONOLULU IRON WORKS. jQ3fcf TJQ-- tf W. HOAVLAND Artist. rolling lift," Les SoussiKne3, ayant ete nomiues Ajrente pour les THE F. Importer andIN Dealer turns of a line or now prepared to repair or I -- . H. E. POOR. et de Bordeaux, T'HE UNDERSIGNED is I .- iin5 yard-arm- s, is secured to C. A. Assureurs maritimes de Paris L all kinds of machinery, mill gearing, wind WATER.RIGIIT WANTED through the MERCHANTS, Capi-taines- manufacture R. PITMAN, COMMISSION general et les de RIGHT FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPE1S, heal. When the yard is lowered, this IMPORTERS AND prdviennent le publio en lass gearing, ship forcings and smith work. PERSON HAVING A WATER BYRON'S BAY, niLO, HAWAII, 'ist nONcft-rLC- SANDWICH ISLANDS. francais, visttent forge backs, anvils on hand and made to Government pipes, will find a purchaser con- unwinds itself, causing the roll- , OAHC, navires marchands o.ui Cart boxes, c AM sale from the Ship Chandler and Dealer in General Merchandise, keeps ' "taatenel, AV que dans order. by applying to the undersigned. extensive assortment of every description Floor and Table Oil Cloths, ta attached to KtM.K PhiUvIelphia. les ports de ce myaume, en particulier, coal far W. SEVERANCE. stantly on hand an 's revolve and roll op the sil Gbobge F. Pbabodv, Esq., dans ccs Iron and and best quality of smith's 163--tf II. of Goods required by AVbaleships and others. r - Bedford. qui auraient lieu D. M. WESTON. 31 relacin-- the t. to reouired dimen- -- New tons les cas d'avaries, with Fresh Beer and A'egetables, and all ATS AND COCOA MATTING,.: r..il inr Eusha Hasbell, Esq., . Boston. faire const iter et verifier Shipping furnished pmpiy towering In hoisting, a Oabdsub C parages, ils devront, EXCHANGE ! kinds of Groceries ami Salt Provisions, etc., etc., at the the yard. Uessrs. Rbad. New York. legaliser leurs recla-- reasonable terms. DRUGGETS, RAIZES, and DAMASKS, Yl result boom to AValdo, Babbt k Co., les faits devant eux pour C. E. WlIiEIAJlS, T LANK WHALEMEN'S EXCHANGE shortest notice and upon the most is obtained, which eanses the - San Francisco. sale. Also Merchants AV Abbbsbtuv, Clabk ; Co., .;,mo mrntn. lesi dits assureurs. (a new pattern, on fine paper) for Money advanced for balers' Bills at the lowest rates. WINDOW SHADES AND HOLLANDS, SEcg Dp the rolling-lif- t, which thus is again SDBSBBBOBB, San Francisco for Storage of from 6 to 6000 barrels. "j'' BADOBB Lf - Cabinet and Turner. B,A39-Chng- Best facilities at ed k 61-- .laker rolling-port- tf IU. iioirsvuuAnui.i e- H. M. AVHITNEY. to be sold at this port. repetition maneu ver. The 105-- ' ' K. B. No ardent spirits allowed of the tf NEAR upon C3r 3.rst . attach-rn- & OLD STAND, HOTEL STREET, Foreign as well as native seamen can be procured here o o iron rollers milEL TJpliolBtory underneath by jobs r. rora. J. WORTH, the corner of Fort. YANKEE. favorable lays, etc., as at any of the other porta on the Islands. d. Hawaii. Ships supplied PER as HANGINGS BORDERS, arms topsail-yar- rx,.- -: n..o,l Veroliandise. Ililo, i'nmitnn of .11 kinil. made and repaired. l3-t- f PAPER and or brackets to the " WATERMAN tc CO. notice, on reasonable terms FURNITURE, Koa MACKEREL. IN KITS. Hito, March, 1659. ran m",r1. with recruits at the shortest On hand and for sale. READY MADE in glass, " a. i;owinii! suKicient room to aamu me MERCHANTS. tf Cherry FRESH tartar, OHZZ7A COMMISSION Biils of exchange wanted. Boards. Joist and Plank; Cedar, Black Walnut and r boxes. ! BHATTIXip. l p, prevent too iar enucr Veneering. Table sal:, in NOTICE its springing Especial attention Boards; Rosewood and Mahoeany H. W. SEVERANCE FOR SALE IN BOND OR DUTY PAID, l)BwarJ9, the combined strain of N. EMERSON, A large assortment of Gilt Moulding, and large sized Glass. UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO under procuring of Freight. S. Chairs. TITE to the Honolulu public the following, on the most wl be a French T In General Merchandise Country Pro A variety of Rocking, Dining, Office and Children's MACHINES. wind. We believe this to ad Oahu, Dealer 158-l- y COOPERS' PUNCHING (C7At Lovrcst 2i. Xtlierc' Waialua, Polished Coffins on hand and made to order. MACHINES, rersonable terms : the Rate. to ' REFERENCES. i . PUNCHING 1A5-I2- m oJ well adapted duce eucn as tom, ; consider it neat and a., Co New Bedford COOPERS' Hoops, just arrived by theclipper ship Darrva- - M- -r. Howlasd J For sale by CORAL STONE! Isc Pore, Esq--, ' HONOLULU SOAP WORKS, "Svren. any quantity, for building and other purposes, at so ranch observe on W. G. E. Tranciseo. . j31.4f C. BREWER k CO. In FANCY GOODS! FANCY GCC:3! J lonsails we SIob-.a- s, At Co., San FISCHER, rough, or not squared, for foundation to buildings, Sto 1 W. BT each. In the Mejicao Commercial wharf. do' - Polisher, Hc4el Street, opposite the at so much per ox cart load. Steps and Door or AVindow Sills bark Iring at McRrca Cabinet Maker and French & CO., Molasses, i- -e RAWLINS cut out in any size to we were unable to learn, Government House. " W. J. Suj?ar and and Caps, with smooth surface, suit. inm'si & CO., A PAST FAVORS, AVER PLA.A M. F. BROWIV, " Cunningham's differs from the WILCOX, RICHARDS UE THANKFUL FOR 171 ROM THE B RE taiius-CO. - Lime. Fire Wood, Patent," Merchandise, aod Comm.. & CO., and are prepared, with their present improvements, to Mr For sale by C. BREWER k Vraoela. topsail-ti-e ,er. in General HOLLES and soft soap ; also, Agent. Ballast for ('n: the yard itself revolves, the Ship Chan.!, Merchants and Dea'rs suppl merchants and families with hard 19-- tf Ilidea, Sheepakina. Horn, Sir. ? being ot . L. wreath the Tard itself and one end Merctande, Lahaina, Maui. Whalers furnished neats foot oiL 107-- tf J. DOWSETT. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., 1 !oft exchange XT And always ready to buy or trade for tallow, slush, and AND PORK. acts on like a parbuckle, the - - "ELS?" notice, in i--lj REEF the yard ro u- - f wTtrecruuatthe shortest all kinds or kitchen grease. BEEF, 250 DO. yui-th- is mclinow BARRELS MESS Notice! of Fancy VAzts. eing made sufficiently loose lor mis advanced at the lowest rates. or bills. prime pork, per late arrivals. For sale by Importer Gocs cft to K'lZ'tr At CO is split down References : BREWER winding; the topsail v. - CARPENTERINGANI) JOINERY. 250160-- tf c. SOT II OF JULV. 18S9. ON TIIE AND WORK I Sew Bedford. C3ILMAN & CO., THE HARRIS, BEADS BEAD - "ef. and an flag covering this slit - Merchandise, ON of the Government, I granted to C. C. Eq PISTOLS. COMDS. BSTJgnT3.- :v aproa or Messrs. Swirr k Alls. Chandlers and Dealers in General CLOTH. to gather and on all the sail is boom-iron- lifts and ALLS Ship OIL the right Pnln. Pia Faaifas, set; the s, braces, Groan. UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM CLOTH. aMsorted widths, in Districts of Kohaia, Hamakua, HBo, POCKET CUTLERY, Wm. Wilcox, LAHAINA, MAUI, U. I. he taken the stand form- CASES SUP. OIL Government Lands the TAELB AND atiache.1 to spar or stretcher - THE ami the Public that has SIX wceivednd by and Ron a. Persons gathering the above-oara- ar- a light Wm. GirroBD. - for (Carpenter,) on King street, oppo- fr C & CO. Puna. Kaa GL.VSSES, PERFCMEIIY, ft the which, are secured the ShiPs erly occupied by S. Johuson, 13iiT BREWER ticles for their own use, will not be molested, but tbey have no LOOKING yard, aod to Thomas rsowlbs " to open a carpenter shop and Messrs. -- iv site the Bethel, where he intends , ffcicb llowtAxn, wi-- . luriUBiieu sxz". - - branches. right to sell to others. SOAPS, NEEDLES, PLATED WARE, the yard revolves. Wbstos the business in all iu various 1859. 7 Esq., - srh conduct PUMPS. with Witness my signature this 2d day of An trust, J rfweiple British vessels, FaBDraica Pabbbb. WOOD, w b. AH orders executed with promptness and dispatch. assorted sixes, latest patterns, KAMEHAMEHA. &e. .. thoogh much used in J. II. PUMPS, ved by L. WAX AND KID DOLLS, ic., Messrs. Wm. luiLLtrs Boots and Shoes of every 145-- tf yGEO. MILLER. fixture, complete, just am for sale aU my aoras one first Sq - Boston. n.l in FORCE NOTICE is hereby given, that I have transferred right or- wet mmimwliniu as the A. P1BBCB. M Marmfactnrer Impr Der Harnesa, All Oncers to reodva prompt attention, aod tha goods ha - HlIlT -- . Ri?etnr, 131-- tf Abel Co, to r it g aloft of at least SrsB It t c, description. ami interest in the above grant to Harris fattier warded as directed. , requires sendin Kuck Skins above-name- the Messrs. Bctlbb. -- Ban Francisco. Shoettrinir. for themselves the d articles, agreeably with the ?to while the W. Bboobs, Black MARKET. OAK BOATS. Ac. Honolnla. 8. 1-- 130-- m - Plice and secure the apron, Chas. , " SnVotoveFoilsTand Alsks, CITY just received per , tenor of said grant. 163-3- C. C. HARRB3. - Befers ton. M. WbitveT. Moboas, Stos b k Co. Trunks, Brk-- k corner of AJESTS OAK BOATS can be eotireiy Messrs. New London, Shoe store, PUR- - yi OF For sale by 'a htrd of the " Rattler" fc Uavbsh, Ing, ic 1-- tf UNDERSIGNED HAVING s. Wiluam4 liooolulu-- V,' Honolulu, H. I. milF. interest of E. J. Smith in the Town and City WOTICE. . 4 CO. 'rom the deck. Both systems are, however, C. A. A ILL1AMS k Cl. Fort and Merchant sts.. chased the l il tf EXECUTOR'S n. VEC8TER In Honolulu, lately carried on by Bradley It . Co., the ; . rovvnuknt- ..kump,l manner of Market IKDEBTEi) TO IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IH , - VB, WIU-.u- - 175-t-f . carried on under the name of D. R. PERSONS THE tiW GEORGE C. SIDERS, business will henceforth be PITCH AND TAR. ALL William A. Cooper, of Hcnolulu, deceased, are here- "XTV will repay attention4. of such as leel Yida It Co., who engage to furnish the best quality of batchers' of each, Just arrived and to the SEVERANCE, O BARRELS sl.CO. by notified to pay the amount of their accounts his exeeotojs, tliow toils or CcsnmUsloa Manu-etu- rer meat which the islands can produce, and solicit the patronage at 131-t- f C. BREWER k ob- IrcllesB,ASO lnoo inventions facilitate the Hamilton Cooper and WUtiam I Green, who have that bTchssV Co.) Ship Chandler and Kaiihuroana gjfttt.thlna-'2SW- Tubs. ' Jty Stewart of 1- Jgfc the public undersigned, Solicitor; perils F. Paper. Late L - Tin ami Copper : tained Probate of his Will. or to the their Qd of seafaring life. S. t. Merchant, Uoontnlu, 8. "ftVkerv, ll"fy ' ot VIDA CO. every a f T5n ud Zinc Rooanff, r?n-Fo- 145 tf , D. R. k IRON. &. . r persona having claims against his estate, are requested Liquor of Cecripn. REFERS TO Baths, wajrecuted with and all 101 FRONT STBEET, . Olio Oil lttor - j A CO. to present them to same parties for settlement. - " Jl i .., tment 1-- tf Captain B. T. Ssow, - vinegar: B"wR M1K1Miimt . J NO. MONTGOMERY. Between Washington and Merchant. and dispatch. - L Ex . MeWP.C.WAT.KMs ta, New London. neatness Cmm BARRELS OLD CIDER VINEGAR, 16-t- f tr 8AS TRANCIJC0 "Yankee." Williams Forsaleby. COALS! . iu o., - &aa Francisco. TIXCENT, Jlf, ' " Moboas, Stosbl'T' CHARLES V. lOOtf " - ' H. W. SEVERANCE. TONS BEST ENGLISH COALS CUTTING PALLS. Hliem, citron, "' , . - , nXRCUTOttS' NOTICE. . McRlBai-MBBBU.- , tor sale by . - -V 5 1- -4 CUTTING FALLS,) t Atl iiaaabtio U Baker oysters, - New Bedford. COXTBACTOR 25G HACXTELD CO. I'EUSONS INDEBTED TO! TUB rsmREE - ' Bwirr It Allbv, w" 1 i3-t- r IL k hereby to per elirpersL;- "Syren." tor sale by . ; trk" th gaOKED DEEF. J. a. late Jar s Graham, of Uoooiubi, are aotiM Bbls Catdina lic,: R- - form his opposite C. Brewer iai-- r . w C. ETWTJ2 le CO. T. A. 't $tttt? p-- T aocoanta W. A. Martha and Ma Boston. amosjut of to ' , Bbls Hams. A. Pbibcb, - " fitter! op the JVnTER SHOP, aod 'ould ittfiat A SMALL LOT JCST RECEIVED PER - POLES. - their v . Ria-dn- r f Hevbv New Yort. . LAJICE 1 executor executrix, or the uBdersir" sa their leather 2d's Store, as bestowed. All orders in a." Yankee," tor sale by arrived per "Syren," Iters' e, r's and i -- - so liberally SEVERANCE. ANCE POLES, just - - claims again k DREAD. u. co--, I " iai-t- H. W. - BREWER r- . M f and ail per s having ate.ara r mortAKPB A N wm o, patronage Plans, SneeiOcaUon and f ljl-t- C. i ! Wilcox. AT. g B V Kit CB of Pollding, f 1 to andei wtb AND wi U. the various t aixl di.pateh L to prescjt them the PILOT 'iimaiia linn in inn ,w iptneFS ., F. .. . - - T. v. mossaodJbhk,t6rsakby SI . Jk MoU. Contracts, a JX,.. tOC occupied by Mesas KrnU VlARLES W. YINCKNT. PAII-- - pit . per .A L PAKCT SUL'IIUJ FOBJr f. mt liisr tea. aU articles .UT 17-- cf a l. r - . and other rjuvE nir: (11 C. J 1 :r cil. a . oa hana roa sale bt jr. Mf) 1 T wv , ) e M ?S3Sn 1 in rVnm Hilo. we learn that is estimated that of the 15 nnn ...... "" H" A grtcaltarev - gem of on saa OTIt Ravl Hawaiiaa) faciei. beautiful sister town, always the tropical mat occasion. 4 or 5,000 17 in Bay came through U.e .. our nuner- the MEMORANDA. first bowbead th August Shsnter THE PACIFIC meeting was held on Monday evening, .... a rmui r - country. The Funeral Oratinr. Lopatka and adjacent Island, moderate The annual the islands, is rapidly improving. t oonnEaoxAL. passage between Cape House, the President. for the roads. CoL ED. Baker. ia hi, J8 to Honolulu. Reports the kw of the bark Advertiser. 24th in the Court Eeed, "has done wonders usual ell weather from thence Commercial the inst, Tiaor. Mr. -- 1S-- gale Chair. The re- ive style. might , AATVBDAY, OCTOBER 37, 0. The Ochotsk Fleet Report, Ocean Wave and all hands on Pinacle Rock In the same John Montgomery. Esq.. having the new streets have been openeu iu . As.it prove i?e ? Three t B. W. the Pbcenix was lost; also reports a called attention to the running mauka or readers, we give in this hat Imm fcr the mail packet of the 3d, w. have bad Giving the latest reports received from the Ochotok Sea, by from W. in which OCT. 27. port of the retiring President one from Church to Prison street, connection aT1! 8c crew belonging to the bark Faith a lost, being carried THURSDAY. in below SKETCH ' 0,1 aw fcw arrival f merchantmen, of which only two brought the, ship Monmouth, Midas, Reindeer and Helen Snow. boat's --o.,n- of the exnerimcnt in rice culture from Church street just seven or eight ship start from Shantar received during the the Bethel ; another Hon. David rf Advices from the Ochotsk are to Sept. 30 : down by a whale. Saw The news from the North deserved compli-- leads to C. : MCUNk Bat the arrival t Report the Scotland Lhe Society's Garden, and paid a to the Wailuku; the third Worthington, 600 do. Bay to try the north shore before leaving. interest, and we give Rev. Mr. Lyman's . OBt.S --Up Black Cate, fm rrarjeUeo, In baHart. Has 13 Adeline Gibt, past week has been full of Church, D.C.inl819. HisBn3.father occupi? 8e, 8n 950 in 8.W. Bay. barrels. to perseverance ana energy - Bridge, With the new ud oa for Hew Bedford to load oil and 11 Arctic, Phelps, do, 1400 "We have ment the the new Suspension stone-cutt-er, re- -, of our paper to it. n.llebrand, tion of a and 6 Adeline, T. or, 600 do. Spanish schooner Sccrito, Hoadley, 67 days from Guam, up a large portion Mr. Holstein, and to the exertions of Dr. Hospital and other erections, and new as soch ' 13 Alice, (bark) Beebee, 260 do. fleet, and new American Capitol Ship Ocean Kxprcaa.WnUs.fta 8. F., in ballast, aailed to port; had several heavy blow from the Ochotek of the then being Walt- - 'i Spencer, 300 do. ports a tedious passage this full and late reports in introducing new varieties of the fenc.ng set the erected at rain en the 8th, tor Jarvia bland. . 16 Alice, (brig) gale off Bonin Islands, the Cor. Secretary fences built under the force 650 saw boats get another continual head wind and a heavy so favorable as family removed to New J - 1 --Am Bk Bherinf , Gtlliat, fn Petropolaakl, in ballast, baa 13 Amason, Wdridge, do, and though ita general tenor is not noted progress, ana .succtes .u is materially bettered. They York in igo oil and bone. whale losing jiuboom. Brings 123 barrel of cocoannt oa from the Lul and nlants. It appearance of the place been laid on for New Bedford to load the is given. It .- - Broderick's father , fair average .. . i oYnressed hore in which is pursued his Inc-ma- oa, 13 American, Pease, 400 do. Ves- could be wished, yet a i rt aniifl, Bridge - . DanUh bk Maria, fm Hongkong-- with cargo Pfell which was condemned nnd sold In Guam. The ship the culture oi wuo i greatly enjoying the Wailuku 13 Augusta, Tuber, 200 do. cruiaed in are being poor, David enjoyed China good to Hackfcid Co. It waiting ireiJK per, Bailey, had arrived here, bringing the captain, offi appears that about 90 vessels have being made at raising cotton, regretted business to a large and n0 advanTI ' - " or Benjamin Hash, Wyatt, 400 barrels. Capt, the attempts open for pleasure riding and - charter. 6 whale ahip Lexington wrecked 120 in the for as were afforded by the 14 Am bk rrancea Pataner, Faty. 13 Am ahip Ryin 11 Bowditcb, Martin, 700. cers and crew of the American the Kodiack and Arctic, and about had yet engaged in growing the vine , lately to most of them dar on to this that no one beautiful reach of country till aJ1 Dragon, Vi --ays; and Am ahip Mary OoodeU. 14 11 Brutus, Henry, 1100, In 8.W. Bay had chartered on Strong' Iaiand. The Secrito ha brought them show the number connection, animad- to At the age of 17 he was sPpren,SfS tetter en to whale for him. Ochotsk. The following will manufacturing wine, and in this side of Jordan, fair to see but hard day an from 8an Francisco; the two scbooner Caroline port, also the captain and portion of the crew of the PfeiL 8he for- like the other and legislation which father's trade, before he attaint- - roate fcr guano Wand 11 Callao, Fuller, 850. Melcher 4 arrived, and also those heard frorS but not arriv verted upon the policy of our natives have shared in this prosperity K Is consigned to Messrs. come to. The his father died. He was throw? OrwbnkahipawobaTthadahtrgewunberor arrival during 1 1 Cambria, Pes e, 360. from Arctic, reports having of sugar plantations into very houses for thus M S.W. Bay. brig Kohola, Corsen, ed to 26th : bids converting the refuse many of them have built food a hat of which with their report and catching, 1 Cincinnati, illiama, 300, in up the and his own resources, with tt aanth, be fol Boicoomb, 700, steering west Into experienced bad weather and plenty of fog while cruising in Average. manufacture of a pure spirit from : We want a few a mother, .ni"" to week-l- y 12 Chandler Price, rum, and the home Our informant adds " we rrfrv to ear shipping Eat on he fourth page, and oar Bay. bowhead in the first part of July, arrived. themselves. feeble health, to (banter Plover Bay. Took the first 67 Arctic and Kodiack, 428 bU costly foreign Hilo support This ! We hardly a yet to hazard a definite the hi root, which might supplant a business men here and then boot. can undertake 13 Coral, Stsson, 460. ,h. I.., nnJ in ta sumo month. Left the Arctic 16th 21 do. do. not arnvea oui ici" j more families and more than whole fleet win 1 Cicero, Courtney, 600. arrived, .581 Tobacco had been the haps, any other, tended 'tJ' d,,B,, i aa to what the aeaaon'a catch of the weather and head wind all the passage 20 Ochotsk Fleet, .601 article of deleterious quality. thriving town indeed." No part of 3 8 Congress, Stranburg, 1100. September, and had bad not arrived but reported,.. would be a I preaent uai-- 98 do. do. to the not- energy and firmness of to, hot the general opinion here ia, that the w con lo- proved a failure, owing salubrious, character 8 ConstanUnc, Lindholm, 400. down. While in Plover Bay a native seaman aiou 6 Sperm Whalers, arrived, thoroughly tried aud islands has proved more generally i 1 001 catch of oa and bone will not equal that of 1858. vessels reported to this date-The- re soiL It 8 Daniel Wood, Morrison, 700. tion. 21 1 Total number of plant absorbing so much saltpetre from the reputation for rain, somewhat exag- The Boa-arriv- of the ahip Jonah Bradley, which sailed from withstanding its i 8 Delaware, Kenworthy, 660. Bark Jirtk Swift, Earl, from the Arctic, report having had considerable improvement in islands of leather of an ia equal rising to stations of honor and infliie.L1 Stay 19, wiU a foil cargo fcr thi port, baa begun to ex-t- o 8 Dromo, Cole, 450. is room for noted the manufacture at the and no other place here its t Boat, generally fair weather ; but about the time of leaving set in vessels not gerated, perhaps, ftmr tor . She la 160 day out y. She had Smith, 260. the fleet, as the of soap in large quantities, yet " ma iu ioia, her safety 1 E. F. Mason stormy. On 29th of September spoke the ship Bpeeaweu two the general average of excellent quality, for picturesque and grand scenery. ahip Aug. 28 Empire, Boswll, 700, in 8.W. Bay. success in in the assaying business on am beard a large amount of beef and pork and other William Botch 400 generally improve excluding imported article, the this cltv T tv, H Endeavor, Wilson, 800. sjhnles, and on the 4lh October the bbl. which stay at the north late, quite the ISV operated acrengthen the view of . " tn .1.1. . " and her non arrival ri to Sept. 12 Euphrates, lieath, 400, In Mercury Bay. manufacturing salt. Sheep of an .Itil tl. oenaie. of lr . reports least 20 per cent. packing beef and in Uhoexerous. 1 holder of shin's iare.') 12 Espadon, Homout, 250. the at Advertiser we ee him .. Islaadl f is in- were multiplying. ; sparrows and "In the marine report of the P. C. wards became President From .. ' ahip Black Sea and bark Bktring are adrertiaed for Faith, Rice, 1100, boiling in 8.W. Bay lost 2d mate Saillag Directions for 'pha, The news from the various grounds improved stock with 12 day passage f""n The IS Chaa. fowls, had been been intimately connected Hew , a prospect of finding cargoea, though and four men. Great laf to give as full linnets, the honeybee and dorking irhea? it should'have been only 11 day. ech.rr,nd with the M Bedford and hare tsir teresting, and we have endeavored now day. V1'161 cenu'per gallon. 11 Fanny, Boodry, 1000. influence of inter-isla- nd consequent freight of a clipper ship a fornia. He waa elected to t' at low rates. OU la being engaged at Williams, 700, last off Ocbotsk. directions, furnished to us by Capt. various issues as our domiciled at the islands. The an unintentional Injury otten their r guano at Baker' Aug. 28 Florida, (CP The following sailing shipping memoranda in our the dupatch of it passatfe, f0 The Flying Dragon is under charter to load Spuocer, 1000, boiling down in S.W. Bay. whale-shi- p certainty upon report." Polynesian. years, in 1857, and had Sopt.16 Florence, Edward of the Hibernia 2d, will prove of service to Wood, of the steamers, now expected with ne done through an Incorrect served two i and aaOa fcr that destination y. She la understood to be 15 France Henrietta, Drew, 750. space will admit. From Capt. as near as our cotemporary la., others : would be important and happy. The above is about term, with much credit to himself aimed The Mary GoodtlL, which tailed hat 16 Oraefesberg, tnberg, 290. masters and Superior, we learn some facts in relation to the agriculture, Dragon sail- H! it Imuran 16 General Wiil'ams, Fish, 750. This I the principal seaport of the island, and perhaps the showed amount of the usually gets to the truth. The Flying 16th of this month, he sAnt t l Week for Johnaon't Iaiand waa chartered at $11 25. 800. The Treasurer's report the 1 Gideon Bowland, Williams, one possessing the privilege of a pot t of entry. It inner loss of the Ocean Wave, Capt. Baker. It Monday. Oct. 8. at 11 A. M.t to be eooailerabte difference of opinion expreaa-a- d Bowland, Pomeroy, 800. only bark on about 900, and 2100, ed from San Francisco, not by disease, or age, but by the Thar appeara 8 George depth of water of from two to three 8th, Society's money hand hsad phos-pha-ie or " Junk harbor," ha a the N. E. gale of Oct. arrived off hare about the prospect and ultimate auccera of these 13 Barveit, Charry, 350, from Kodiack. appears that during With an outlay of discharged the pilot about 2 P. M.. and not in the calm twilight of old . V Schimelfenig, 400. fathom, and though small, is sufficiently large to accommodate has invested and drawing interest guaoo enterprise. W have never bad, and have not now 13 Hawaii, 1858, the Plutnix (report of the loss of which have in- 4 M. on the 15th 12 days and two in W brim..? 8 Harrison, Dennis, 4 whales. with ease the fifteen or twenty moderate sized junk which are $1166 during the year past, its means yet Honolulu at P. of life, the midst a lfty and f the hast doubt on the question, if they are property conducted Ocean TVare, both would cau- "iiaiii aa. Sept. 8 Binman, Little, 750. usually found moored in It. These are mostly Japanese. Uh a before been published,) and the expected another year hours, according to our reckoning. We A monument is to be guano la not valuable aa Peruvian, itia true. It creased $500, and it is that erected to hi. rhoapbste to some small coasting craft, which seem to carry lee side of Elbow himself "second to of gypsum, which 8 Janus. Smith, 760. few Chinese and anchored under the west or favorable results, as the garden will tion our contemporary who boasts large Mass Meeting was held at at a different article entirely, and of the nature 11 (bark) Lawrence, 800. will show more Mu8ici fUl Jaa, on a sluggish trade with the neighboring islands. veering to the and conse- 1 JSM long been osed aa a fertiliser, and these Pacific guanos u.ut 11 Jean net te, Winstow, 8O0. Island, and the wind suddenly yield more. none for accuracy," that the character eveninirs since, to arlnnt th n. 400. The outer harbor is protected to the eastward and southard cost less and general use. We find in the Sew York Express, of 8 John Wells, Wood bridge, vessel slipped r-- packets are of quite, sosae aato i is supposed the latter me quent freight of our regular line 'I Oct. 2 Junior, Kowlry, 40, bound to N. Z. by the mainland, which, in other directions, is urrounded by north, that Interesting reports from Dr. liuieDrana, inai project, ouoscnption lists tYtole .August 11. the following relating to Jarris Island guano : noise of . gepu 6 Thompson, Waterman, 400. of coral reef, which answer as a tolerable break- under way, as the her Holstein, were also as much importance as those of transient every town throughout .i tkim Crop. We J. I. merely a chain her cables, and got responding Secretary, and Mr. - . the state. j AasaaCAX Gcaso. It Effect upon Ttar's 1 J. P. West, Tinker, 1200. westward, af- . . . in exchanges toe planter and farmers all over the water aguinst a swell from the northward or but heard on board the Pfurnix. accepted and orderea...tooepuo- - The passage of the Palmer was correctly stated Senator Gwin and Hon. Chas. ass by oar that 1 Kauai, Mam men, 600. cables was distinctly read. They were all L Soou Ufcl , who bad been waiting with a good deal of anxiety, for fords, of course, no shelter from the wind. The holding ground was in 13 days, but the attempt to give Slain Sept. 1 Kingfisher, Palmer, 560. close position she early opportunity to give the Polynesian, at East oa the steamer of the 20th. ) effect upon their crop of the well-fou- In beating but from the lished. We shall take an An Srraral month, to witness the I o good, however, that a ship could ride out here in- iao 6uano uaed by them last Spring, in planting, have 1 Lancaster, Russell, 200. on Pinnacle rock, that the her rival two days' shorter passage, if not an " collected on the wharf, prior to t hi linn onoaider-e- almost any gale In safety. when the wind veered, she struck them to our readers. These rertsshow the depsrta pretty generatty come to the eonctasion that, all things d 1 Lagod a, Willard, 900. ever of a fine packet, ease of abom lance of supply, 8 Levi Starbuck, J ernes an, 300. The clearest approach to Kapha from the westward is by her hull now lies. is doing more Y n it has tentional injury" to the reputation steamer, expecting that some rf' ' quality, price, transpnrtation. sight- north of Elbow Island, where Society quietly demouitr.de and the general convenience of aaiog it American Guano is.un-ni- in 1L. C. Kichmoud, Bathaway, 400. passing to the northward of the Amakarima Islands, and improvement of is most certainly an unpardonable offense, when all be barn-ya- ma-an-re, south-ea- st for FelixstofT Island, and real benefifand would made for the two departing by any other, and ia far preferable to rd 6 Louisa, Bathaway, 2M. ing Agentic Island, from whence steer a coarse A portion of her top lies on before done for the ew-- Jj artificial OcboUk on either side of Reef Island, being careful trees were easily obtainable. super-phosphat- and all other natural and 6 Martha, Manchester, 700, spoken off city, the harbor, passing On the ice near Shan islands, by the introduction of seeds, plants, the facts but nothing of that nature --- western and a oart on Shantar Island. the occurrel ia every f- in which the American Una no has bnand north. m however not to approach them too near on the T) are and birds. The nursery placed gate-wa- y ilana1 in competition with outer Btanares, Ita supenoniy Mary Fraxer, Round, 600. southern sides, as the reefs below water in these directions found a sled, which it is believed and variousTcinds of animals large placard near the of 4, -: 15 After tar Island was A New Hall. Honolulu has long felt the need of ,! uuufesC its Denefldal eoecta are equally two- uus 11 Maria Theresa, Coop, 150, iu Shantar Bay. aaid to be more extensive than is shown by the charts. richly repay the efforts and expense six feet long, and three wide, sugar bring Wood Bill to bear S. S. when crew of tho Ocean . U ace in garden itself will addresses, wreathed ia - i earn, wheat, tobacco, cotton, the cane, vines. Ortex, Hazard, 1100. clearing Reef Island, had been used bv the Hall for concerts, lectures, Aug. 28 Manuel of bearing for be source a large public am all kinds of fruits and flowers, and on root crop of every de 23 Massachusetts, Green, 1000. stand down for it, until getting upon the line what be- laid out on it, and in a very ehort time the with a photograph of the lamented BroderiAO ' carry you well of Blossom Beef, endeavoring to effect their escape, but &c. population is now such that on occasions or j scription. It h) to be hoped that the Aaseneaa Uoano lompany 2S Massachusetts, Chalfield, 800. South ChanneL This will clear and above its cost Our rn- whi:e tomb and clump of tree or re- of a considerable income over in the center, and above the picture, the sr this city has made arran- i- -t to supply the increased Oct. 1 Mary, Brock, clean. yet not so far off but Uiat the came of them, or whether they are all lost, more than ordinary interest, there is no hall here of tr' shiinaiwl which the success of last seasno's experiments will Crowell, 800. bushes to the soutlrward of Tumitie Head can be easily distin- were elected officers of the words were inscribed : Sept. 11 Minerva, K, course will now take latter supposi- The following gentlemen The largest The will of tit slsnbtkss create. There is every probability that the demaiM 12 Montezuma, IInan, 740. guished. An E. N. E. i 8. or E. N. mains still a problem, though the sufficient capacity to accommodate all. season will quintuple that of last season. you of all dangers, and give a good anchorage on or Society for the ensuing year : May the murderers of David C. Broderick taring the approaching N whales. in clear the natives on the of the which, however, 13 ile, Destin, 3 one-ha- lf to north- tion is more likely correct, as building is the Fort Street Church, J to-d- near the seven fathoms bank, about mile the ' The Trances Palmer sails at 1 o'clock, with a full 11 Nimrod, Bowes, 750. in S.W. Bay. President J. Montgomery. turn to the State of California;" tnj ward and westward of False Capstan Bead. This channel them. The 11. R. I- Kamehameha, R. Moffit, Jas. to miscellaneous concerts and hs' argo, some fourteen passengers. Her cargo consists prin- Aug. 28 , Austin, 900, in S.W. Bay. enter- shores about had seen nothing of t ice Presidents II. - is reluctantly yielded and being perfectly straight, is more desirable for a stranger T. MeUralf, R. W. Wood. these words of the departed Senator, -- I J molasses. Sept. 1 North America, Cbappell, clean. wider, ha the the Pheentx, Makee, W. C. Shipman, The Court House used to be a favorite u cipally af sugar, salt, pnlu and ing the harbor than Oar Channel, which, though captain and a part of the crew of Treasurer J. W. Austin. exhibitions. opposed Fran-aJa- ss 1? Oahu, Bum pus. 400. necessary for a vessel to alter her because I was . . to the The dipper bark Architect, Cape Fish win sail for San disadvantage of ita being Elbow Island in tho same Corresponding Secretary W. HillebranO. hall, but of late it has been considered sacred to Jus- vi aiir 4 Ohio, Barrett, 400. course some four or five points juxt when sbe is in the middle of which went ashore on L. McCully. a la about tea days. She is a fine vessel, and win no doubt 350. of waUr. Recording, Secretary The and corrupt administration." 8 Oroaunbo, Pease, the reefs, which are nearly all below the surface the inland for the Russian settlements, Executive Committee CY F. GuiUou, J. Fuller, D. Mont- tice, and is seldom thrown open to the public. raud'ly fin ap with freight and passengers. She will an about 1 Oliver Crocker, Cochran, 700. Channel, bring center of the island in gale, struck news To enter by Oar the gomery, A. B. Bates, J. II. Wood. necessity exists, and is felt more just at this ti me. halt lake the 10th. 1 Omega. W haIon, 70a Junk Harbor (known by the deep verdure of it vegetation) to and as we stated before had been beara Irom. still lias reached us as late as Sept 14tL Foster, 400, in S.W. Bay. Harbor, be regretted that there was not a larger au- gov- T schooner Mimaole has been sold to Ca-p- Rikeke, for 8 Ontario, fill the gap between the fort at the entrance of Juuk the It is to We not see how it is to be remedied unless tfce Th 13 Onward, Allen, 1100, in Mercury Bay. 8. E. K. course, until Capstan Bead bears E., Some ten or more of tho crew remained on & important item of news is, that a horrible aV and steer a i to the proceedings. Probably em-br- ae fUOO, and win continue m the coasting trade, running to Kona, 6 Oregon, Tobey, 400. N anchor a before directed. dience to give interest planning for a new government house when haul up to E. E. and island and built a house out of the wreck of the ernment in 01 emigrants to California took place a Hawaii. 5- Owar, Land re, 850. The North Channel is very much contracted by a range of de- it was misapprehended from the place of holding the We notice Eci 1 - 400. bound to North Shore. west and in a large town hall in the plan. that out o0 brought by the schooner Secrtto, from Guam, 17 Othello, Killmcr, tached rock making out from the reef on the side, vessel, where they were found by whalers the was one of mere business. north .of Bear River, in Utah, ontheEtlfc. 30 Reindeer, Ashley, 900, spoken in Oct. bound to Bilo. should not, under ordinary circumstances, be attempted by a meeting, that it the second floor of the market is being converted into to about 4200 gallons, has been sold on priraie terms, are almost entirely covered, spring of tho present year, and are aboard of va train of twenty-fou- r wagons wu snrprads 8 Robert Morrison, Tilton, 400. stranger, as at high water the reefs be occupied as an Armory by the aad h) being shipped on board the bark Bktring. 11 Rapid, West, 600. and it is difficult to jndge of your position, unless familiar with a large room to light by a large body of Indians, and mbcbjJ ---- rious ships. WhaJer'a exchange ;-- ha par figure, and will probably 28 Republic, tVayer, 300. the various localities and landmarks. To enter by this (north) Rifles. been suggested that it might answer southern range of hills the NOTES OF THE WEEK. It has sons, men, women and children, mordendi to premium, aa tt ia very scarce, the demand being 28 Rosseau, Green, 400 (5 whales). channel, bring a remarkable notch in the This mail will carrv forward the news of advance a hillock just to the eastward of False Capstan concert-hal- l, but we think a trial will prove the Honolulu 8 Spartan, Bunker, 369. in line with a small while in the passengers by the for a blood ! Full particulars of this horrible greater than the supply. Thia state of exchange for Bead, and stand in on the range until Tumui Bead bears E. t death of three whaleship masters, Ship Lexixcton. Among the purpose. season something new. But 8 Scotland, Weeks, 14O0. southward so to give the reef to ceiling to be too low for adaptation for that come fa the bright of the shipping Is Splendid, Pierson, 1 100 H., when open a little to the as Kingfisher, was Secrito from Guam, is Capt. Fisher, late have not yet to hand. 13 select your anchorage. There is a Ochotsk. Car .. Talmer, of the schooner I as question it I better ; the Interest of the port 1 Randolph, 400. the eastward a berth, and then that r South Boston, on Blnssoro Reef, half way between to whale by whale ship Lexington of Nantucket, accomplished artists RAILROADS. 13 SUvcr Cloud, Coggeshall, 800. black spar buoy anchored taken out of his boat, while fast a master of the The Allechasias9. These that it ahookl be so. its eastern and western extremities a red spar buoy on the Island April 1st The Pacific R. R. Convention aixranwd c 400. north-westwa- was car- was .wrecked on Strong's during the past week. 13 Tempest, Allen, point of reef to west, rd of Abbey Point, and becoming tangled in the line, and thus which have given several concerts the 24th inst. to meet again in February next 1 J 13 Turku, Soderbiom, 700. white spar buoy on the south-ea- st extremity of Oar Reef. into harbor on the windward tsATEST DATES, receive) at this Ounce. 400. ried under the water and drowned. This occur- The ship bad been the On Saturday afternoon, they entertained the children 8 Thomas Dickason, Plaskctt, Pbigs of correspondin!? colors sue attached to all these buoys, manent Committee was appointed to keep 800. having procured her recruits, tV Aug. 28 Tenedos, King, and they afford good guides for the Sooth and Oar Channels. red, May 20th, off Jonas Island. He leaves a side of the island, and at the Royal School, on which occasion the house Oct- - 3 London, (papers ).....Aug. 21 28 Vesper, Bailey. 600. There are two Urge slakes on the reefs to the eastward and port with a fair land breeze. On Miss Hiffert before the public. The question of ronttaJ A present at Hilo. was leaving the was crowded. On Tuesday evening S. Q. Sept. 15 - telegraphic,.. u 31 Sept. 1 Vernon, Fish, (and tender, E. L. Frost) 1100. westward tf North Channel, planted their by she natives, this widow and two children, all at as to which vm -- shifted and ed without deciding finally, Hew Term, (paper).. .Pept. 6 Paris. ..Aug. 21 1 TUle de Kennes, Troude, 6 whale. being the channel mostly used by junks trading to the north- with reaching the open sea the wind viddenly took a benefit, and she has on no occasion appeared h 9 obtained A personal acquaintance of several years reeomnedif telegraphic, Spt. 10 Hongkong. Aug 1 Washington. Purrington, 900. ward. An abundance of water can always be at not being sufficient room able., The convention earnestly Tie. June 18 is excellent landing for took the sails aback. There to greater credit This evening Mr. Stoepel takes a Tahiti, Sept 3 Melbourne, 11 Wavelet, Swain, 600. Fountain in Junk Kiver, where there Capt. P. warrantsTus in saying that there was San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clin, iki afterward seen boiling. . . boats. There is a good spring near the Torol-S- ) in Tumai bluff, to wear ship, the anchors were immediately let go, have not heard them, should Oct, 1 Warren, Miller, 650, Im- stood benefit Those who but unless the water is perfectly smooth, the landing is not in the whaling fleet, a shipmaster who and in and San Joaquin counties build a railrosiW' Ships Mails. Ocbotsk Vbsskls aasrrgD rr to Oct. 26. : practicable, any circumstances it Is Inconvenient but before they brought up, the ship struck, improve the earliest opportunity to do so. They re- and under will be more deeply de- territories teSuc' Monmouth, Ormsby, 400 brl. frera the want of sufficient depth, exceit at high tide. It is di- higher", or whose loss keel came up. being on the ately through their respective per Prance Palmer, 11 o'clock twenty minutes her It main but a few days longer, and are expecting to ' Ton Sax fas sctsco at SC'Oeorye, Pease, 250. rected by the commander-iiw:Ur- f that the vessels of the squad- of moral to the great wort to-da-y. plored. He was noted as a man strict place, as a kind of beginning Voa Laaars per Maris, Camilla, Prentice, 900. ron under bis command shall heave to on approaching Kapha, windward side of the island and in a rugged take passage for China in the Viking some time Wins low, Couperi, (Fr.) 500. and make signrl for a pilot, when an officer familiar with the integrity, and for the exercise of sound judgment. to pieces within thirty hours. Of recommends that the State of California be w& 400. be off from the vessel in port the ship broke next week. ZZOI70Z.TJZ.X7. 3Z. z. Midas, TutU . (late Tallmanl, localities and landmarks will sent we have known his brethren to borrow $15,000,000 with which to arrj.' ?OHT Or Fortune, Lester, 660 to pilot her in, or point out to her commander the position of In several instances, about 800 barrels of oil washed ashore, only one Juvenile Sports. A few days since, the children PboL-ni- Hempstead, 100. the dangers to be avoided. Should there however be no vessel resort to bini in trouble for that counsel and ad- the pillaging of the natives. share of the stupendous undertaking. j Perry, Cannon. 800. In port, boats are to be sent ahead, and anchored upon the hundred were saved from of A. B. Bates, Esq., drove through the streets in a For reports of Whalers, tee Aik page.J Jireh then The Sacramento Valley Railroad is beiajar OT full gaperior. Wood, 600 wh and sp. extremities of the reefs between which the vessel intends to vice, which he was ready to give, but always gave About one hundred barrels and some other effects small carriage drawn by two lambs with their long by Commodore Perry ec- Abram Barker. locum, 800 bris. pass. Copied from the survey taken to Marysville. Thence, it is to be -x ARRIVALS. the Japan Expedition. witli a discretion which commanded for him the were left in charge of Mr. Snow, the Missionary at the wool as beautiful and white as snow. The lambs Carolina, Ilarding, 1050. of Oroville, a distance of 28 miles beyoni Oct. 3 Sea Liholiho, Lamont, from BawaS, with 392 bbl and Cossack, Baskina, 200. respect of all. To his estimable wife, his death island, to be Bold or shipped by some whaler for the were trained into harness and drew the carriage along 293 mala sugar. 123 bbl molasses, 163 bale pttlu. Gratitude, Davis, 800. Exprcled from Foreijris Paris. owners?" Capt. Fisher acknowledges was tract for the latter part was signed lutves. 21 Sch Margaret, from Hanalei with native prodoce. Hercules, Athearn, 50. .Vrsaels will be a severe flow. benefit of the in gay style. The whole establishment a perfect Bobomok, Marchant, 800. to Mr. S., and says $1,750,000, which includes placing ererrjr 21 Am wh bk Monmouth, Ormaby, from Oebotak. Season, sail Sept. Waterman, of the . D. Thompson, also himself under great obligations miniature after the Tom Thumb model, and afforded booej voyage, 74 14,000 Kensington, Steton, 600. Am. clipper ship Syren, , from Boston, to 30th, Capt. ke. Tit. . 400 wh, 4000 sp,UMwh, is doubtful whether the road, as well as building depots, ' ' Milton, Balsey, 900. with mdse to C. Brewer it Co. we have no that, had it not been for him, it amusement to lookers-o- n. ' bone. tons, to sail from San died in the Ochotsk, from fever, but much 23 Aa wh ah Majestic, Chester, fm Kodiack, Arctic and Thomas 'ye. Holly, 925. Am. clipper ship Viking, Winsor,1350 the lives of the officers and crew could have been the rate of $62,500 per mile. . ...) Season, 234 3460 bone voyage, 73 Wm. Thompson, ChiUls, 1300. Franc' sen Oct. 15. particulars of his death. Lahsina. wh, from Baker' Island, due Oct. 25th about of a mile Thanks. We are under many obligations to Capt. reparations are oeing maae to caua sp, 860 wh, 7J94 bone. Ileien Snow, Nye, 300 (at Lahaina). Am brig Josephine, Stone, Capt. Tallman, of the saved, as the vessel lay a quarter f to 30tb. Concerning the death of & La- railroad in this dry, 22 Sch Kaasot, WUbur, fm Lahaina with native produce. Baw brig Victoria, Fish, from the Arct!e, reports having Island, with from shore, where no boats or canoes could land. Tuttle, of the Midas, Messrs. Gilman Co., of talked of Market street Borrea, from Hilo with native prodoce. Baw. schooner Marilda, Booper, from Fanning' received a full account from the M Kalama. season. Saw very few Oct. 20. Hfidas, we have for the full Valley, beautiful place for print TT Henry, Hawaii with oranges. cruised with fair weather throughout the cargo eocoanut oil, due was only by Mr. Snow's inducing a converted haina, and Capt. Ashley, of the Reindeer, as Precita a Kssiw tismrha lVn fa Henry, English, from Fanning' Island, with first officer, and as it will bo It 23 Am wh h Arab, Oinneil, fm Kodiack and Arctic. whale until the middle of A agust, when they were met with in Baw. schooner Capt. A. Tuttle, his communication and interesting reports from the Ochotsk sent by dences. Some 416 building lots were kUk cargo cocoannt oil, due Oct. 15. de- islander to swim to the vessel, that , 300 wh, 6000 bn; voyage, 000 wh, 10,000 numbers off Icy Cape, but were very shy, and a Bono-lul- u friends of tho considerable Brit bark Heather Belle, , to sail from London for read with interest by all the hawser was thus them. Capt. Ashley reported 112 vessels in his list, tion this week in that neighborhood; uA it was fleet of 60 already on the ground, they re Aug. with merchandise to could be had with the shore. A Am wh ab St. George. Pease, from the Ocbotsk. Sea- there a sail and Vancouver' Island, 30, we below in full : vhentlatii 23 On Green & Co. ceased, give it ship and the shore, and all the which being very late, (Sept. 21,) is the most reliable will grow rapidly in that direction son, 40 so, 460 wh, 8000 bone; voyage, 40 sp, 700 mained so, utterly precluding the possibility of striking. J anion. ill- slung between the Amethyst, tftudley, from Boston, sailed August 15, due : following account of the last madeipp!i-- wh, 8000 bo. account of the moderate weather the ice remained more confined Am. ship Mr. Editor The men were swung ashore on it. The Lexington was obtained. is completed. Parties have also & fm Kodiack and Jan. 1 merchandise to P. S. Wilcox. 23 Baw wh brig Victoria, Fish, Arctic to the Arctic and Sea of Anadter than usuaL Bad brisk from San Francisco in ness and death of Capt. J. It. Tallman, late master of Whalemen's Shipping List. We have taken great a charter for a from North Beaclics Season. 600 wh, 14,000 bo and 3000 Iba ivory. Am. dip. sh Golden Eagle, Luce, to sail owned by E. W. Perry of Nantucket, was thirty railroad wh as. George Sosan, Jooea, fm Kodiack and breeses and fair weather on the passage down to Honolulu, but OctoK?r. whale bark .Midas, of New Bedford, may not be care to make our list as complete as possible. We 23 Am A , from Boston, sailed the and had on board 550 bbls. sperm and Park. voyage, Report : Am bark Washington listen, Jane months out, Arctic. Seaaon 260 wh, 3000 bn; 135 sp, squally in the trad.'. the flowing vessels Martha numerous friends. to-d-ay cruis- rTEXS. 22. with assorted lueretiandise to Chas. Brewer 2d. uniuteresting to this family and his was insured. report nearly every ship that has been MISCELLANEOUS 1600 wh, 9000 bo. 600, August 22J, Wailua 460, Sejt ember 3d. May 19, 220 bbls. whale. It is probable that she --- Bradley, Dunbar, from Boston, sailed A TOctArdiT ittf 23 -- Bark ". Prentice, from the Ocbotsk. Seaaon Am. ship Josiah The Midas left Hakodadi, Japan, for the Ochotsk ing at the north during the piat summer; and many rtnval pnmnnp fnnlr rtla.s Ship Architect, Fish, report having cruised in Kodiack, with merchandise to J. C. Spalding. Besides Capt Fisher, his third officer and ten of his 100 so, 800 wh, 10,000 bn voyage, 060 sp, 1100 wh, few days after, Capt. T. was we no between two editors, M. Xolfe, - 12,700 bone. Bristol Bay and Arctic Ocean among the ice, 30 miles north of Sea, April 9. A seamen returned in the scbooner from Guam, where ships are reported, which know other reports taurant, i 73 4m wh bk Architect. Pish, fm Arctic, mat fm Bristol Icy Cspe. Bad moderate gales and very foggy weather np to P.IS.SEXGERS. taken ill with a very severe cold, and continued to have been received from than what we have. Phare," and M. Derbec, of the "EchoduPiA: Bay. Season, 460 wh, 600 bo voyage, 1600 wh, they had been waiting five months for an opportunity September ; from that time until the 15th of same month had for several weeks, sometimes being eating his dinner, wis 14,000 . Danel-ber- g, suffer more or less The latter gentleman was bo. From per Secrito, Oct. 23 Capt Fisher, Capt to get away. 23 Ft wh sh Wins low, Couperi, fm Ocbotsk. Season, 600 good weather. Saw whales abundant in the ice, which was very Grin Per- concluded to go ashore Circus Company. Lee & Co'a Equestrian troupe another fcileid W Robertson; J E Robertson. W L Whisber, E W confined to bis berth. Having Supreme On Thursday Mr. J. C. Horton, former entered, sat down at wo. 4000 bo. heavy. Took the first boar head about the 20th of August, and Harrison, J Cooper, F Perry, M Enos, J whal- Court. next week by the clipper ship 23 Asa wh bk Portone, Lester, Arctic Season, 660 wh, kins, W L Selover, J Ayan, and remain while the vessel went out are expected here distance off, called for some soup, in ' the last on 20th September. Came through the 70th passage in Peters, B Cogan. at mate of the bark Frances Palmer, appeared before 0bsv per Frances Palmer, Oct. 27th Mrs we bore away for port Viking. The favorable impression left by them on eniet- ,- 23 Jireh Swift. Earl, fm Aret Season, 900 company with the Rebecca Sinuns, reporting 1 whale. Bad For Sax Fbssosco ing in my charge, that answer to charge emptied the contents of the red pepper Amwhbk 2 children and servant; Capt Austin, Capt Band, Capt Judges Allen and Robertson to the is a wh, 13,000 bo; voyage, 480 sp, 1620 wh, 18,000 bn. from thence to 42 deg. N- -, when they met a heavy Jackson, on it Capt. T. thought their former visit to Honolulu, sure guarantee table, fair weather Lester. Stebbaos Messrs Geo A Harris, Gregg, Lewis Bruce, June 1st, but approachinf steward, ly walking up to Mons. Derbic's tt"j -- Spanish sch Arerita, Iloudley, 67 as fm Guam, with p. of manslaughter, committed by kicking the 23 gale with a very high sea ; sustained no damage. Bad light W S G Spear, C T Morrill, J B Phil-h- made his of the success awaiting their visit this fall. in oU to Meicfaer Co. J Keiley, Slebbiu, A Nile, himself improving so much that he up highly flavored contents of the dish ha squalls ffer weather while crossing the trades. Saw a great Piole, in the head, thereby causing death. In reply 23 Sch Masaokawai, Becklry, fm Lahaina with bog and but mind to remain on board, and we went cruising in claming time, "this isthevsjl number of whales off the N. W. end of St. Paul' Island. to the indictment, which was read by Chief J ustice A New Packet. The fine clipper bark Architect at the same to Shantar Bay. sword tsstM' 23 Sch Kitsana. fm Kauai with native prodoce, Ship Jirth Perry, Cannon, cruised In the Ochotsk and had EXPORTS. S. W. Bay and thence Allen, pleaded not guilty. Mr. Blair, by Messrs. Wil- cowards !" M. Derbec drew his 23 Am wh bk Midas, Tattle, fm OcboUk. Season, 480 wh, the prisoner has been laid on for San Francisco rough weather, with constant thick, drizzling rain. Saw plenty July 1st, he was taken ill again very severely, so could not . 6000 bn; voyage, 1100 wh, 10,000 bo. For Fbascmco per France Palmer, Oct. 27 109,390 who appeared as counsel for the defense, waived the liams & Co. Under the command of so popular a blinded with pain, that be but very wild. Took the first bowbead in July, and Ss lb 22,840 pulu, 15 and lungs andv of difia Am wh bk itxitrix, Ilempstead, fm OcboUk. Season, of whale, lb sugar, 4077 gal molasses, 207.930 salt, complaining of pain in his breast and requested the his antagonist quietly retired. The 3 low wh, 2SGO tm. the last rijrht whale 25th September. Baa not seen any ice bbls tallow, 14 bbls smetts, 4 bbis herring, 15 kits herring, 2 trial until the next January term, master as Capt. Fish, she will be a favorite, as long as Corsen, 34 difficulty in breathing, and his legs swelled up very tween brewing for some S3 Uaw wh brig Kohuia, da fm the Arctic during the season. Cruised in the S. W. Bay a fortnight. A opium. court to fix the amouut of bail at a lesser and more she may continue on the route. them has been Stason, 400 wh. 10,000 bn, ftuUO ivory. much. I then told him that something must be done has not bees & 23 Am wbbk Mores, Manchester, fm the Arctic Season, seaman, native of Ascension, died on Friday last. Before leav- reasonable sum, dwelling upon the position of the gallant knight of the soup-dif-h we could do on board. On the I 70 sn, 860 wh, 8600 bn; voyage, 704 sp, 1400 wh, ing the Ocbotsk spoke the ship Hercules, 250 bbl, bound to for him more than prisoner as that of a stranger in a foreign land, with- Labge Papaya. Mr. R. B. Armstrong has sent so far. 1A.0UO bn. Maui. Sept. 11 spoke the Omega, 700 wh; October, Junior, 400 FORT Or TaJUA.llIJ. 12th of August, while cutting in a large whale, the weigh- Eagle frofflS" sfcjo? Rye, fm I he had us a papaya, raised in Hanalei Valley, Kauai, The clipper ship Northern 23 Baw Lsanui, attains New October 2d from the Silver out relations, and with no friends but those -- 34 Am wb ah Washington. Purrntoo. Season. 1000 wh, bbis, bound to Zealand; beard ' windlass gave way, and to repair it we put away to ing six and a half pounds, and the size of a man's Cisco for Victoria, was burned to the stem 1800 Cloud 700 bbts, Kensington, 600 bbl ; passed the Well ARRIVALS. made through the merits of his character. He also 9000 bn; voyage, 80 sp, wh, 16,000 bn. John we found French whale-shi- p, the Perry. Cannon, fm Ochotok. cVaano, Morrison's harbor, where a head. on Esquimau Harbor, V. I., on 24 Amwbsh Jireh cutting a right whale. Hempstead, fm Arctic and quoted several precedents similar to that before the Map, 760 wh, 7000 bo voyage, 2600 wh, 26,000 Oct. 14 Am wh sh New England, with a doctor on board, to whom we applied for was rendered Ship ffathington. PijTingtnn, cruised In the Uchotsk with Kodiack. Season, 200 wh. 3000 bn; voyage, 420 endeavoring to prove absence of any the utmost assistance court, the entire it Am Superior. Wood, fm Ocbotsk. Seaaon. fair weather ; had seven gales from the N. E. towards the close wh, 5O00 bn; on board, 420 wh. 3000 bn. advice. He advised Capt. T. to go immediatelyto (Correspondence Pac Commercial Advertiser. shipslof-wa- in the harbor 34 wb bk the Merrier, Kodiack intention on the part of his client to inflict serious British r lying 400 sp, 200 wh, 3600 bn; voyage, 860 ail told, 7000 of season ; saw plenty of whale about Shantar Bay. On 15 Fr wh sh General Teste, Le fm Arctic, sea- the Bay. Season, 80 wh; voyage, 100 p, Ayan, and remain on shore till the close of the Another attempt was made by the fifty pas- and Bristol injury, as not using a deadly weapon, &e. Mr. LaCtler from Sna Francisco. ye. 24th April took the first bowbead. Came through the 8O00 wh, 7000 bn; on board, 700 wh. son care of one Dr. Snyder, resident there, escape week. Sofi 28 Am wliabship Thomas S Ilnlley. fm the Ocbrk Bristol under the at San Qnentin, to this via Lahaina; sea 900 wb, lirOOO bone, voyage 1860 sage with fair wind; waa 28 day from thence to Hooolulu. 24 Am wh bk Covington, Newman, fm Arctic and Harris ako made some remarks to the same point San Francisco, Sept 80, 1859. - voyage, 40 p, having charge of Russian American Company's w 300 sp. 20,000 bone Bad brisk breeses with frequent squall while crossing the Bay. Season, 550 wh, 6500 bn; the eight men were shot in the affair. h. on board, 600 6600 bn. The court after some reflection, said, that taking tnrnel fm wh ship Carosiaa, ilarding, fm the Japan and trades. 1100 wh, 12,000 bn; wh. Hospital. We bore away for Ayan, and on tho 17th the code of honor has quietly lO&O Am wh sh Carolina, Harding, fm Japan and Ochotsk and being We notice Gen. Walker Oebotak seas, via Lahaina, wh, 10,000 bone, reports seen 24 un- into consideration the above circumstances, Has been pretty thoroughly discussed within the TIMO0 Bark Pkamir, Hempstead, from Ocbotsk, having Pea. Seaon10&0 wh, 10,000 bn; voyage, 28 sp, of August, landed Capt. Tallman and placed him his fillibusterm, voyare I960 wh, 26 sp, bone. bn. anxious to fix amount of bail as Email a figure New Orleans, Probably 38 Am wb shrp Sharoo. wUt, fm tbs Arctic via Lahaina; but few whales, except at Intervals, distant from each other. I960 wh, 22,000 bn; on board, 1050 wh, 10,000 the at iast two weeks all over the state. Public sentiment fro Ochotsk and Japan. der the care of Dr. Snyder and his estimable lady. 9 " seas, 0UO wh. bone. Took the first bowbead on the 14th July, and about the 16th 24 Am wh sh Kensington, Stetsoi, as was consistent with the administration of justice, will be tried again. 700 Season, 400 wh, 8000 bn; voyage, 250 sp, 800 wh, of the crew was also left to take charge of him. has condemned it in the most unqualified manner. Mn sa 26 Baw sch Maria, Mokano, fm Lahaina, 40 brla potatoes, August found a dead whale; had fair weather moat of the pas One The contract with the Pacific SO beef. 8O00 bn; on board, 800 wh, 6000 bn. it had determined upon the sum of $3000 as the few even among meanest and bris The weather not permitting, I did not attempt to go But journals, the partisan between t Haw stoop Live Yankee, Morse, fm Lahaina, with native sage to Bonoioiu. In lat 37 N., and long 164 40 W, expert 24 Am wh bk Gratitude, Davis, fm Ocbotsk and Japan. Company for carrying the mails 28 voyage, 120 sp, 876 wh, proper security for the prisoner's appearance at the sheets, have been found bold enough, base enough, to prodore. enced a heavy gale from the north wari ; had to heave the ship Season, 800 wh, 8000 bn; to sea till the 20th. On the morning of that day The new ' ship Gay Bead, Lowen, fm the Arctic via La- 80U0 bn; on board, 875 h, 8000 bn. ensuing term. Captains J as. Smith and D. C. and New York has expired. 28 Am wh to under dose reefed maintopsalL On the 23d October at day Japan. was improving so rapidly that he advocate the bloody and barbarous code. Since the th haina; sea 260 wb, 3600 bone, voyage 1900 wb, 10 24 Am wh bk Hercules, Athearn. fm Ochotsk and Capt. T. said he Nicaragua, Johnson, had advertised light made the middle of Molokai Inland all well. Two native sp, 1450 wh, Waterman immediately gave their recognizanco for Terry-Broderi- ck sp, 17,000 booe. Seaaon, 240 wh, 2000 bn; voyare, 75 thought that "in a few days he should be standing fatal duel, no less than three other Jb La-bai- for Sn 38 Am wh bark Martha 2d, DaHey , fm the Aaetic via died in tlft OcboUk Sea. 17,000 bn; on board. 75 sp, 800 wh, 2000 bn. the above sum and Mr. Horton was discharged. State, in New York, fm Arctic. some duels have been fought by quarreling politicians, -- "- sea, 360 wh, 8000 bone, voyage 360 wb. 180 Bark Morta. Manchester, reports having cruised In tlie 24 Am wh sh Wm Botch, Ellison, on the top of tjiose hills," pointing to in view WD1CB 1 wh sh Robert Edwards, Wood,fm Arctic and Japan. to connect with the Hermann', 8000 bone. bow-he- ad 24 Am proving fatal to one parties in each case. IT? sp, Ocbotsk Sea, but did not see many whales. Took the first from his window. About 4 P. M., a fair wind setting &c. of the ia quietly Tf wit ship 8peed well, Gibb. fm the Arctic; ses, Season, 300 wh, 3000 bn; voyage, 80 p, 440 wh, " Some things can bk dose,". Honolulu is sham, for old Hermann ssi Septem- mere the s,t; voyage 1300 13,000 the beginning of April, and the last about the 16th - ( , 45O0 bn; onboard, 80 sp, 560 wh, 3000 bn. way, when a boat came off This cannot longer be. Public opinion may not be 160 wb, 2000 bone, wh.aUtotd in, I was getting under not fortunate enough to boast of a marine railway ! How we ber. About the 12th Jnly struck the ice with considerable 24 Am wh sh Abraham Barker. 8locum, fm OchotsV Sea, disregarded. her anchors in our harbor bn; voyage, 150 sp, 1000 wh. with a note from the Dr., requesting me to come always thus openly Too many victims km wb ship Montreal, Souls, fm the Arctic via Laha-- Injuring bow sheathing and copper, causing the ship Season, 600 wh, 6000 or a dry dock, but it can boast of as enterprising ship mystery. - s tt force. the on board, 1000 wh, 1000 bn. next mail, is yet a (- - , 700 wb. 10,000 bo; ashore, as he thought Capt T. was dying. I immedi- have already been sacrificed at the shrine of this to leak badly, requiring four hours of hard pumping out of the 24 Am wh bk Cossack, liaskins, fm Ochotsk Sea. Sea- carpenters as any other port in the Pacific Ocean. We copy the following, from the Spoke voyage, 600 wb, 2800 bn; reached Captain heathen Moloch. The voice of an indignant people - DEPARTURES. 24 In moderate weather, and six hour in bad weather. son, 200 wh, 2400 bn; ately went, but before I the house, In 1855, Mr. Dougherty, to whom the honor is due correspondent, "Impn"- I bound Maul, reporting 800. Bad tolerable voyage; 470 wb, 2400 bn. comes op from all parts of the state, demanding AltaU Honolulu the Milton, to bhl. fm Ochotsk Sea. Sea Tallman was dead. He died very suddenly, while for the box sectional dock, somewhat that ' i Am wh sh Caravan, Bragg, to cruise and home. 24 Am wh sh Bobomok, Merchant introducing or may prove to be news to your t Oetr weather during the passage down, but in 47 deg. N. encountered son, 850 wh, 10,500 bn; voyage, 100 sp, 2100 wh, fell asleep. After the law be executed upon the duelist. it 30 Sch Moikeiki, Wetberby, for Ksima. sitting on a sofa, and apparently surprised the natives by same . a heavy gale from the X. sustaining no damage. Reports 28,000 bn; on board, 40 sp. 1000 wh, 11,600 bn. putting the under the - Ill Excellency R. C. Wyllie, th V ri 2 Beh Kinsoie, Keooi. tor Hawaii. Season, making the usual preparations, we buried him at 5& Judge Terry was arrested in Stockton, a few days Hons, been ill lately, but U ) Maamokawai, Beckkry, for Maui. the weather op to September in the OcboUk aa very fair, but 24 Am wh bk Gen Scott. Bunting, fm Kodiack. steamer " Sea Bird," and afterwards under a ha quit , 24Sch 200 wh, 1500 bn; voyage, 100 p, 200 wh, 1600 bn; Rus- after Mr. Broderick's death, but so strong waa the to his arduous dutie. allhouih o tar 2 38 Sch Kshma. Aatonio, for Hilo. with that month set in very bad. P. M. on the 22d of August, a clergyman of the Danish bark. In 1857, Messrs. Burns and Emmes, n example to Borrea, for Kobaia. on board, 200 wh, 1500 bn. npwanl of 80) he Kti 38. Sch nslnwia, of (hip Majestic, from Kodiack and Arctic, and fm Season, 600 wh, assisting fune- feeling of indignation aguinst him here, that it was probably owln to U1"T 1 M itcfaeO, Manchester, to cruise. Capt. Chester 24 Am wh sh Sharon, Swift, Arctic. sian war steamer then in port, at the used box Alice,'' and, per. Cabinet. It wm Stp. 3 Am wh sh Christopher 12,000 on their under the bark " wa not proclaimed. " . 3 Saratoga. home. last from I report having cruised the first part of the 0000 bn; voyage, 300 sp, 1200 wh, bn; by his friends and officers who thnt our neutrality i Am wb ahip Stocum. to cruise and !., ral. There were in the harbor three Russian vessels, formed a very difficult job successfully, and a few thought best the had , e J 3 1 wh Ocean, Clark, to cruise. in Bad fine board, 600 wh, 6000 bn. t? r. i, Ii.va Am sh season in the Kodiack, and latterly the Arctic Sowle, fm Arctic. Seaaon. 650 him in custody, not to bring him to this city until V--Am 24 Am wh sh Montreal, which showed their respect to the deceased by 1 wh ah Drosao, May, to csnise and borne. saw Urge number of whales, but they all of days since they put the same under the French ship ytart! weather all the time, wh, 8000 bn; voyage, 1600 wh, 22,000 bone; on we him ! . Eighty I bark Humphrey Nelson, Cheilew, for Valparaiso. half-mas- t, excitement had died away somewhat. Accord- since knew ta were very shy. board. 1100 wh, 8000 bn. lowering their colors to and when the Jason," where they had also a bad job to under- the s p 14,000 " print, or is it one of Imprimatur Ship Arab, OrinneC, reports having cruised In the Kodiack 24 Tboo Nye, BoUy, fm Ochotsk. Season, 900 wh, corpse was deposited in its last resting place, each ingly, he was not brought here until the 24th - IMPORTS. bn; voyage, 300 sp, 1800 wh, 24,000 bn; on board, take, which, however, they accomplished with their most of the September instant, ne was immediately before and Arctic; had fair weather time, until 1800 wh, 14,000 bn. vessel fired a salute of three guns apiece. usual dispatch. This shows that Honolulu can taken Judge Yarns Saw FaaJtrss Pal.wxu. Oct. 18 : set in with stormy weather. Saw the most whales aboot ten 24 Tybee, Freeman, fm Arctic Ocean. 8eaaon, SMITH rmivura en bask Am wb bk Capt. Tallman leaves in New Bedford, a wife and times, Blake, of the Court of Sessions, and admitted to bail MOTT - miles off shore on the 8th September, in lat 69 deg 40 min N. 850 wh, 6000 bn; voyage, 40 p,2450 wh, 28,000 bn; keep up with the notwithstanding its isolated DR. J. Caw in sum of $10,000. Of course, 1 Pleve S 100 r bread, 00 tins of crackers. voyage, 650 wh, 6000 bn. two children (a daughter and son.) He commanded the if the prospect of , A - IA . I if i I'M II On tbs night of the 8th experienced a heavy gale from the X. IV, position. X A-- st H. P. Poor 30 dos pails, ww - I 24 Helen Snow, Nye, fm Ochotsk Sea. Season, 330 wh, friends '" C "J " respect, not only in his native city of New Bed- escaping punishment looks doubtful, he will not hesi- Would inform his efarin ,r- prtff 1 aasse, 8 stoves, 20 pieces ware, 2 cs paper, 7 bales In which the ship drifted from the whales. Bad but two day voyage, 900 sp, 700 wh, 9000 bn; on great Himself. A fine over -' Tea . hollow 4000 bn; Killed carriage horse, owned may be found at hi office It Una-- 19 Wis fUh. board, 400 sp, 3o0 wh, 4O00 bn. was tate making his escape A M fine weather from that time until the date of leaving, the 20th ford, but wherever he known. By his officers by D. M. Weston, and valued took about for any such paltry tireen the hour, of 11 to li , fe es 3 cs 33 cs pepper, Ochotsk Sea. Season, at $200, fright . B' Sava'l 11 soda, doves, t cs cassia, only were 24 Am wh sh Milton, Balsey, fm ofthe day at hi old office, comernlLioir bswt e sahnoo. September, and three that fit for whaling. Took the 800 wh, 12,000 bnavoyage, 100 sp, 2600 wh, and crew he was beloved, and he was a model ship- sum as $10,000. les 3 20 sn, drAng Sunday night, while tied in his stall and l"9-3- m C- whale 15th August. J. CI -e 3 hhda crockery, 1 brl do, 60 doa brooms, S first 33,0u0 bn; on board, 20 sp, 1800, 12,000 master. He belonged to the Masonic Order, and wai The state of society in California is still in a very has, 7 ea sause, 3 keg 1 case and 3 bris liquor, 6 bza bitter. Ship St. George, Capt. Pease, left the Ochotsk Sea in Septem- broke loose, carrying a portion of his manger attache DR. A. N. CLARK.. i vtn. 31 ' Uouor. 4 cs shrmth. season a Member of "De Molay Encampment," of Boston. anomalous condition, and good citizens are seriously . Blt "SIS ber. First part of the plenty of ice bad moderate DEPARTURES. ed to his rope. In leaping the fence he struck nnd Mechanical lemn--""- -. os weather until September, when the weather was stormy. .Two For the benefit of those who may wish to know it, stone post so asking the question, "What is to be done?" To- ana pnw ow Mil Oct. 22 Champion, Coffin, cruise and home. against a and injured himself, as to nixwi. .. n r-i- 3 pkgs died in Ochotsk Se named John Bull and Peter. grave is about mile we V A. JU- -, wo .i r. uni. JU C. e native the 22 I'ncas, Luce, New Zealand. I will add that his situated half a cause his death." day, rejoice over our progress and the bright Bark Monmouth, Ormsby, reports having left the Ochotsk - r, VKS 24 Carolina. Ilarding, Honolulu. from the town of Ayan, nearly north, and is sur- Gas Light. We at length enjoy this luxury promises of the future, and we are called 18 pksjs asatd Sea 13th Sept.; had light winds and fine weather unta off the 24 Montreal, Bowie, do. of Julia n CP- - fj. p. fmnsr 1 ca assets, es boots, US a rounded with a white picket fence, with a head board to mourn over the ruins of the fair fabrio we Lock and Ounmlth,-Esptande,o- n brla saser, 30 kegs do, SO hwJf brat vinegar. fiftieth passage, when they had a heavy gale of wind, but re- city life.. The works of the Honolulu Gs Company W. 1. on which is inscribed as follows : loved. We tables with good ceived no damage. From the fiftieth passage to Eoooluln had commenced operation successfully yesterday, spread the things, but JZalVi Cook e ptows, 1 pails, 1 e hardrare, 1 MEMORANDA. and nartiH.Caa 4t 2 moderate winds and fair weather. While ia the OcboUk two Capt. J. R. Tallxas, when we would sit down to the banquet, behold, the Last evening we had the gas in our office in full sup- J oln-anu- m. Fnr sale cheap by S. . 9 1 seamen Bntganxa, a Portuguese, and the other Nye Snow, at Lahaina, report, through Gil-m- an TVho'died August 20, 1859, aged 47 A died: Jack Capt. of Helen at Jlyan, year. ply. The introduction of gas will form a new era political harpies emerge from their dark haunts, and 179-t- f JV jmav Co 1 box spede (113,0006). Michael Tarpio, cooper, a native of America. A seaman called Co., that the wreck of bark Ocean Wave was found on in A cedar fir tree stands within the enclosure. The Honolulu, and will probably lead to defile the viands with their corrupting claws ! The . Joseph, a Portagaese, fell from the main yard and broke his Elbow Island, all hand lost, and the ship gpne almost to piece, the opening of w i coffin was deposited in a strong box of three inch toilsome labors good men for to be 4 thigh, but is now recovering. Also reports the death by fever the wreck scattered sll over the sea ; supposed she retail stores in the evenings more tuan has been of years, seem HOUSE ASD ?L.t w mm i ; ft Esuck 3 c mdse, 1 bndl do. and part of the THR Oov-- beta whaling plank, so that, should it be desirable to remove the overturned in a moment by these polidcians. salmon, 23 hf ssackerei, TaUmaa V. - Moat of the corrupt 0-- ms 4r of Captain of the Midas, aad Waterman of the J. wa lost in the same gale as the lhenix- custom. - h'lL I 1 b ($A8W). Pnnr. offer- s- for f SV so-t- (3471), 4 bags qecie Thompson. CspC Pahaer of the Kingfisher was drowned. has been done in Shanter and 8. W. Bays. Have not heard of remains, it can be done. Fob, As the accumulated wealth of a life-ti- is often de- CI lks0-- 31 pkgs ssstd mdse. Tux East. The bark Frances Palmer sails Y W. Bays. But little or no ice A. 179-- 2t Ship Cesroe Susan, Jones, from Arctic, report t Caught any whaling in Tavisk and N. Very respectfully yours, Tcrnx, ay at-ti.- sad 6 Dkr mdse. to-d- at 1 P. M. taking the regular mail. Files of stroyed in an hour by the touch of the incendiary, so k hats lima 8 do nlawti r the first bowbead In August, saw plenty hi the toe, but very whaling. No other wreck reported. Also reports ship Nassan, First officer of bark Midas, of New Bedford. IdSl" ; suddenly are halls, prosperity, TO . " octave brandy, 18 qr casks win. did not consider - this paper since Oct 7th, containing full news the of justice and nrtiv va-v-- n. i .16 few ia dear water, safe to go Into the ice, it Murdoch, 600 whale. from A --y 7es very ; came through 17th the whaling which the wise and good are trying to raise on these A VERT COOL I1.1V being heavy the atralta aa th fleets, can be obtained in wrappers at parlor, Apr?i -!. . A Fink Stoke. The old stone market building, ' shores, fired political inoendiary. Post-Offlc- e. a 16 bos cruised close to St. Paul's Island saw plenty rfcales, o, zz. x. our counter, ready for mailing. by the hand of the antabed walk from th II.) fJ. :- pout or long been very use to - ' -- 83.7 wlkdfBsw. struck ten, killed five sank two with lines parted. tv5 -t nix whioh has of little the port, or Permanent improvement, in the scale of morals and TT7 A.1 two dead whales while lying by the ship Inst t-- to the government, has yielded to the wants Sept. : tea- - i ;(v41t profit of Thk Mail or 20 May be looked . I staff ARRIVALS. for early politics, is slow work , California. Its checkered Tu TEAS teas V. both saved one small calf of 40 barrels. Bad a fair past in TT -- trade, and been converted into a pacious store, into, next week by Pt------z . . the clipper ship whicli was to r. t ' A "' uisiorj reminas .one very muoa w Morj ui i. m.w ..- - from 48 deg X. to Booomla, leaving that parallel 4Jl OcUs-- va. from Boston. mi : w m. lum w w . ... CA. shin Rs Burditt. which Messrs. Brewer & Co. have just moved. As leave San loraatoel-wpn- y. , i-a- Franoisro about the doomed" r Came through tbs 72d H. passage with a strong brwar but tJr Am wb bark ry tt Susan, Stewart, 1600 wh, 80,000 H i port unhappy Sisyphus, who was to the uselo born. bone, season 30 sp, 600 wh, o,IN on, voyage, soon as the lease of the west end of the building ex- - ; weather. C8 N. found the weather very squaCy. Oct. ; task of trying to roll a stone vp. l- -L 4 ; from the Arctic hne r-Mj- ( to wind ware? VTaads from t" i we understand that the who! loxrc Coor Com. z tv-- ? " bdm spok th hark rtle, bound ti ship Edward C . rVrdner. 400 sp, season ; pires, ill The Ullo's-- k tc r .' 2l US 3JAHIA PBOM T1 h v t BorErc:s wrL'; :? Ochotsk; F-- ' - - ' tard, m Arctic. . be Uio one tc?-- wts fV t ' ' tirrra;; tH C iz I m Kut " 1 Wr :1 on the j tat: w T-"-- , r : i ctlri Susy, t:x . Eat X Cr.i.;r J V mnsclesrs, -' . . : K'rj, iJ, rtt CSr-''- '? man htli r i ? ' 'r :L. i ' V T

' ' ' I -- r ' w V- - - ' . . ananas a v nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnne M i I : Having noticed in your paper WILCOX, jjftstinf account of a voyage of discovery btjtrtisfmfiifs.' Capt c-- Brooka in the bark HlOHSs aco. by " Cant J. baring beard great crecXt given him for fj FRESH GROCERIES & PROVISIONS ! FOR NEW BEDFORD DIRECT X iBK conceited sa-- l nalar1IJ (so my list lltmhth ' BY A. P. EVERETT. BY JOHN F. COLOUR. f am n. THE AMERICAN CLIPPER BARK 'h?OIwishtOWinPen0Wn,ifpOS8ibIe'intie PROVISIONS. - A ' HAMS, Bheringr, Capt. R. H. Gilliat, Household ! fDaton8bon,ee"ice- hnrt HE FOLLOWINGi . , TTORKSHIRE WESTPHALIA DO. Furniture Schooner " IF.' Kanehaneha ll oa the morainz of the 25th in. ASSORTMFNt ATI nriT . nosiou sugar cured nams. Having superior accommodations, will take a few cabin pas SATURDAY, OCT. 29, IO P...jtfli " ainjy UHANDLERY. PRO- - Kits No. 1 mackerel, sengers, jror passage apply to at 0'Clek, A. M., No. 1 At the residenee of Mr. Francis Spencer, in Nauann Valley, At Auction. (J Spencer's floating dock. I suddenly came Jlalf kits mackerel, B. F. SNOW, V1MONS, Kits tongues and sounds. fee of water oanding3 GROCERIES, &c. Or the Master on toard, Will aald at Anetiaa, directly after iirge not marked Boxes cod fish, Furniture the House I her arrival from windward, if not nrerioaalv disDosed of. f Sugar cured tongues. of 60 too t&ck I 60014 not a3certin not baring been FOR NEW BEDFORD ! Consisting in part of She b about register, in rood condition, wall - Cases fresh lard iu'10 fb tins, DIRECT found ready ready for sea. f. BBLS. PRIME P(1T?K- provisions. One superior and ? with. correct chart and J?ep sea appa-- Quarter barrels mess porf, piano by Krard, marble top table, i BBLS. CLEAR PORK, BBLS. MESS BEEP, California cream cheese, THE A 1 CLIPPER SHIP Marble top sideboard, do do washstand. ja disi'D2UC5U umeu it Tiara-- CASKS BBLS. American cheese. Hair seat chairs, cane do do, two large bedsteads, luinnr aF nnA whi I i. I ,J t SMOKED SHOULDERS HAMS, ' CRACKERS AND BISCUITS. Black Sea, China dinner and tea sets, pictures, books, sundries. I 4 DAVID CATE, Esq., Commander. V v .i CASKS MEDIUM BBLS. IIAXALL FLOUR, EX BARK . ' wuini - om wnen BREAD Boston water crackers, raptors ouiF BUTTER IN KEGS. " butter Having a considerable portion of her cargo on board, will have Large Auction Sale! i i ; this newiy discovered ocean. Hoping I " oyster immediate dispatch for the above port. VERDEN !" " may from & " milk biscuits, For freight or passage apply to THURSDAY, Nar. 3, at IO O'Clack, A. M- - AND OTHER ciJents arme the very meagre - wafer bread, At Sales Room, will be sold ' I " ginger snaps, FRED'K L. HANKS & CO. L- -t rite ! a' jumbles, 179--tf Or THOS. SPENCER. A General Assortment of Merchandise. FOR SALE BY TH UNDERSIGNED, " G. Hors Spoos. setts & 8. F. water crackers, It ntlv landed nr HTIttTnnliM Vd n r: .l f ' WaxI " SAN u Gomelsa,' from DRY GOODS. whale hal-- - 8. F. Jenny Lind cakes, FOR FRANCISCO. London, " Yankee" and " Fradbes Palmer Pump Picuic biscuits. from San Francisco. ROWN DRILLS. BLUE STOUTS, WHITE ptfialJMirts. - Rig-Ki-ng yards Queen " THE CLIPPER BARK N. B. Terms very liberal. B1 shirting, superior black Orleans, billiard cloth, . Nautical Windsor M Black and blue bro d cloth, French black silk, i ; Capt. Fish, spool cotton, assorted ; w nf a tr r . . . r Wither, Almanacs Machine u Architect, tnreaa. ;. d cot Knees k Will sail for the above port on or about the 10th of November. A. log oU Arrowroot biscuits, P. EVERETT CLOTHING. 1 nails, lines Ginger nuts. For freight or passage, having superior accommodations for FOR SALE CHEAP, JUST RE--I Pilot jackets, blue pilot trowsers, Printed regatta shirts, , rivets, and OFFERSww ceived, ip Clii Warwick bound from Boston to thia deep fluid CASE GOODS. few passengers, apply to Black cloth pants, iCalico shirts, white shirts, f' j Blocks, Bbls superior salmon, 103 kegs superior cider, Buckskin pants, elastic do, iUndershlrta, drawers, ' tender tbeir thank to aeado., lamps 179-t- f- Rwctfoily Uorace W. Wt-- patent & Cases English pie fruits, C. A. WILLLIAMS Bbls enses ' 'Supe-i- or ; r hooks nails w cider, ginger wine, i bbls vinegar, White satin pants, straw hats, k patent American pie fruits, 4-- bufth ditto, Thimbles irons Bales heavy 4 browu sheetings, bxs candles, Black and white check pants, Assorwl felt hats, - - sand naner. 4 bush ing " fresh apples iu' rUus, FOR NEW BEDFORD DIRECT. Cases boots, cases brogans, cases . gad guny rt of attention demonstrated during mast hoops shoes. Black alpacca coats, jSuspenaers, belts. , Boat Rivets, squn; II n Sheives. Caulk " fresh apples in tins. Bags corn, bags wheat, amall Manila rope, Blue serge hickory do, THOS.II. MARSH A T. and u English jams, THE A 1 CLIPPER shirts, I ' cneei lead, SHIP . Manila cigars, No. 2, Havana shape, " " " English jellies, BOOTS AND SHOES.' ; chaikSHIP ctD:Ua' Manila cheroots, eases chairs, Fine calf brogans, CHANDLERY " Englidh pickles, Sylvia, 4-- Nautical . . . 4 white China matting, etc., etc. 178-- 6t Alm. M Calfgiiters, ; Unen- ,T..kw "on Dox vices, anchors. v American pickles, 3 years old, WM. P. SWASEY, U-jf-EI nnna eeun or Futh - Master, - the Haiku Sugar rrwn lamps, iron spikes. Rosin. Patent leather gaiters, ... " " Paint . " raspberry jam, " of officers, wui lw..w Will load oil and bone for the above port, having Sea boots, . !" the ekctioo be held on Monday, fated crub brushes, warn cranberry jam, and part of sheathT.TT.7.. " Df brushes. lv.ni,i .v.:k. v ! Brogans, V"" m cargo P. M, at the couaUng-roo- of Messrs. ,1 Uiug for 'sails. .... ' peaches in syrup, ber engaged, will have dispatch. -- ; t'dock. ber, and - ZU".tw"'. boat u HARDWARE Buckskin gaiter, f copper and iron um " quinces " For freight or passage, having Supeuhorrt. M. B. BECKWITU, cocks, omnu rZL- "'V tacks, vellow .r -- accommodations for a few pas Children's shoes. rn "e. mi r ,rr"" ""j - pears " sengers, W. jV. Li ADD Uunp. ImmTnr! apply to , . Secretary. .ndoT-te- wil.ow and rk b " apricoU" u Children's boots. hi 167-t- f A. CARTWRIQHT. TWITES THE ATTENTION OF PUR- - Assorted slippers, etc.. eta " cuerries " J. JL chasers to the following assortment of HARDWARE, just ' LYCEUM. The members u M re jjOLTLl" of th pruues " ceived from Boston by the 44 Siam," 44 Raduga" and 44 Moneka:" NAVAL STORES. are herehy nnUfied STORES. u mince pie meat, FOR NEW icaao that the meetings of the bbU clarified Bbls Carolina rice, BEDFORD. Cart boxes, 6 Boy's Barrels pitch and tar, Manila cordage, ' i sugar, " fresh peaches, inches. handled axes. rope, assorted ,a e teU 'i o'clk erery FRIDAY ETESIXQ, Cases loaf sugar, Salcratus, 7 tb boxes, - FROM LAHAINA. Crowbars, assorted. Brass and iron wire netting. Tarred sizes, whale line, pure honey, Spunyarn, Ravens duck. Shier duck, . ' . Street Whole pimento, Chocolate, nutmegs, 4 Sets Cook's auner Superior brass padlocks, caJr Fort Church. Per order, true lemon syrup, bills, Boiled linieed oil, turpentine, ' ois cider vinetrar. Raisins, i and i boxes, THE A 1 CLIPPER SHIP T. hinges, all sizes. Krasa wire. FRANZ BINDT, Secretary. prunes. lemon syrup, Lamp pullies, Sheet lead, assorted paints. i bbls dried apples, Currants, " oysters in 1 and 2 lb tins, balances and Picture cord and tassels. Kezs split Citron and figs. E. F. Butchers' steels, do cleavers, GROCERIES. T Paocass peas, cs lard, " lobsters in 1 and 2 tb this, 1 Willctts, r.a M Da L'Ocaasca Loogb, No. Whole pepper, Kits No. 1 mackerel, u J. D. GATES, Master- - This first class ship will load Oil and Plated pocket tapes, iToy hoe rakes, Crushed sugar, Vinegar, in kegs and demlJoLnc, ! salmon in 2 lb tins, German wrought Family Maccaroui, Pear barley. --hr tie jBrjJictioa of the Supreme Council of the Fine salt in bars, iwts tongues and sounds. " clams in 2 tb tins, Bone for New Bedford. She is of small capacity, (821 tons,) nails, grindstones, Bed black pepper, Scythe and oil stones. Copper tacks, Loaf sugar. Oat grits. . t. L tw France, working Tohacco, 20 tb bxs, , and ' menu in 2 tb ' &tnl in the ancient Scotch ft lumps, various brands. Ma jorum " asstd tins, and a fast sailor went home from Honolulu last year in 102 Whitewash and wall brushes, (Hunt's ship adzes, Edam cheese. Split peas, t. Table and thyme, , meetings oa ute n salt in boxes, tomato ketchup " sardines in J and i tins, days, and turned out her cargo iu Scrubbing 'shoe Anchovies, Yellow soap, lit rplar ednesday nearest Pepper 2 lb tins preserved milk, 44 first rate order. brushes. and horse brushes, sauce, sage, French peas, - m ef each month, at the oid Lodge Room, Fresh clam!", Mr. Niles, the same First Officer last voyage, now Bench planes, swing lamps, Cotton and hemp twine. Salt water soap, French uttard, in King iiarory, asstd meats, quahangs, ' American peas, is on board. Wrapping Assorted roups, u and tfia Farriers' knives. Groves & Sons saws, Assorted matches. paper, Tjfcij krvthren respect fullJ inrited to attend. Roant and boiled beef, do do mutton. frreen corn, particular attention will be paid to stowing and wetting Best C. S. Casks pilot bread. Do. navy do4 Calves Green corn and peas, honey. French hammers. Sash and fish lines, head, roast olives, of of. a j 3. v. BATES. Secretary. and boiled chicken. Peaches, pears, jellies, HOFFMEYER. Bright halter chains, Brass cocks, SUNDRIES. Roast and boiled turkey, French capers, Freight will Sets brace 'Cast ' Assorted pie fruits, English sauces, CT be taken at lowest market rates. bitts, butts, Bundles round iron, (Assorted stockings, locks, 6 gallon kegs pickles, Heavy iron braces. .Chest locks, English English " 5 gallon kegs cranberries, lam u American sauces, XT A passengers can be accommodated. 167-t- f Asstd bar Iron, bridles and bits, NOTICE . Eyelet punches and eyelets, C. S. top mauls, Swedish bar iron, Ivory combs, lead tine, cori.t, carb. soda, I GIVEN", THAT THE COPARTSER- - PAIA'TS, THE Best C. S. nut augers. Hand bells, all sizes, Blacksmith's coals, Paper hangings, eau dscokjjne. - Pure SUNDRIES, &c. " cream tartar, C. !Coopers' x2t::nf nei"TOi una oay and extra white lead, 44 Best 8. ship augers. compasses. Cement, sailor's claspknlves. Macassar oil. r a"u Miuri, an ' Yellow ochre. Zinc white, saleratus, all persons having against Prussian blue, Capt. Luce, Best C. S. auger bitts, 'Coopers' hammers ; i sod claims the firm, Pure verdigris. 44 Golden Eagle, and drivers, Scissors, pocket knives, needles, Asstd cut tumblers, inJ. same by Whiting, Chrome yellow. yeast powder, Iron and steel garden AiKens- - ffl a present the the 10th of November, or Chrome green, 44 rakes, awis and tools, Gun powder, shot, Crates asstd plates, mugs, ' . v Lamp Imperial English green. herbs, assorted, ;FOR NEW BEDFORD DIRECT. Walnut axe vJI anpaio. r.uvi d. bUck, Br.iled 44 helves. Barrels welting, Charcoal tin, inshes, ngured Muina, f attsuh. Spirits linseed oiL Bright varnish, currj powder, King's stocks dies of all Boat nails, turpentine, Black 44 This well known clippper ship is shortly to and Cotton and silk umbrellas, Spittoons. Ships lead. Japan varnish, cayeune pepper, expected arrive, 4 the parties is about to leave the Kingdom. scrapers, 44 sizes. 'Butchers' knives, to 16 in. lift f No. 1 copal varnish, Hand leads. pepper sauce, and will load oil and bone for the above port. ALSO h Iamar varnish, 44 ALSO C P. hammers . XOTICE. LogbKks, and dowels, Brit, castors, 6 bottle, tomato catsup, The ship has every facility for wetting oil, and the Master Cases claret, Hant santnrne, Aasmannshauaer red heck , Mate and lead pencils, Pump boxes. k flavoring extracts, A great variety of Mechanics' Taala and Shelf I sherry and port Muscat wine, Jooanbg. hock, Cof p r pumps. 44 how necessary of passage. lTE CIVEV J. W. PFLICER FULL Tin pans. Fog horns. ground pepper, knows to take the care it during the not particularized, all of which are offered for Baskets champagne, old cognac, gin, German pale ale, my Tin plates. 44 Hardware tttuoroey to iraMac tu Dosinem nerearcer. Nutmeg graters. Jacket lamps. Durham mustard. The Golden Eagle carried her cargo home last season in ptr . sale on favorable terms. 172-- tf Raspberry vinegar, lettxer water, cherry cordial, marastuian.v Boat lanterns, 44 . IIAMAKEK PIIKOI. Bust pans. Saucepans, asstd sizes, corn starch. feet order. 173-2- m E. H. HOFFSCHLAEGER a BTAPEKHORi-T- . Handled axes, Saw frames. Fry pans, Hammers, For freight apply to AND Broad and narrow hatchets. Bung borers, SUNDRIES. NEW DESIRABLE GOODS! Screw wrenches. Loaf sugar. 167-- tf - ;rms i Pinchers, Screw drivei s. D. C. WATERMAN & CO. JUST RECEIVED PER WESTS' CELEBRATED Firmer chisels, Saw setts. Granulated sugar, quick Pslmo, Spring ba'ancej. Iron and brass screws, Crushed sugar, IV Shovels, Nail gimblets, Brown sugar. Is "Siam," Pocket knives. Saw files, NEW I HSo HHo Sheath knives, Sets of bitts. Light brown sugar, OF IK Dowel leaning knives, Zante in "Moneka," bitts. Timber scribes, Patent erase irons, currants jars, Sets Atkins' awls and handles, Brass seives. Fine raisins, HOlibLULU St, And " " Or Real Rheumatic Remedy! C. 8. Drawing knives, BOSTON PACKETS! Frances Palmer, Jointer irons, Mincing knives, Inshaves, Soft shell almonds. 'I Billet webs. Citron, lemon and orange peel, NEW LOT OF -, Can openers. Boat hooks. FIRST CLASS SHIPS A SOVEREIGN ANTIDOTE FOR RHKU- Jordan almonds, A ma tic and Neuralgic Pains, highly praised by all those4 EW BEDFORD Hawaiian flour, gPC. WILL BE DISPAT&ED Dr. JAYNE'S celebrated MEDICINES. who have tried it, for the invariable success which has attended CRAFT. Wheat meal, pect-abilit- y, Togle irons. UMLE MAY" Standard crushed sugar. its use. Recommendations from persons of the highest res Lances. Corn meal, FROM BOSTON TO HONOLULU IN both on sea and on shore, have been given of efficacy in, Cutting spades. Boat spades, thick. Scolh oatmeal, ! Eagle No. 2 plows, Boarding knives. AND SEPTEMBER Hog skin saddles, these complaints. Just received by the Boat spades, thin. Pearl barley, Or oftener, if inducement offers. Frkicbt Head spades. Boat spades, wide. Rice flour, takes at lowest Planters' hoe handles. SIAM," Capt. John P. Rice, and particular attention paid to the filling of or- High post double i Carolina rice, bates, bedsteads, and for aale by the undersigned. ... CORDAGE. China rice, ders, shipment of machinery and other mdse. Cane seat rocking chairs, ALSO Machine cotton Manila cutting falls,' Blanila rope, from 1 0) inches, Pearl sago, Agents is Boston... Messrs. Wm. Thwiso & Co. and needles. English, French, American, and German remedies for the Warren's telegraph needles. hK-he- Russia hemp rope, 3 and 4 strand, Spunyarn, JVeopalitan maccaronl, ACEST IX HOSOLCLC J. C. SPALDING. cure of Gonorrhoea, of acknowledged efficacy and of the Bone yarn, y Marlins and houseline. Neopolitan vermicelli. Wash stands, etc. etc medical reputation. sale by 173-t- f CASTLE & COOKE For Worm line, Seising stuff, 12, 15, 18, 21 thread. Split peas, Beans, 171-t- f EDWARD HOFFMAN, M. D. Whole pepper, SANDWICH ISLAND BOOTS, SHOES CL.OTHIRG. French chocolate, PACKETS. Received per Late Arrivals ! )HAT BsARGsAXITS ! grained AD Prestons chocolate, CONSTANTLY ON HAND 4 Men's boots, ; ONLY REGULAR LINE FROM THE U. S. Yellow soap, T ARRELS MAGNOLIA WHISKY, BAR- - AND FOR SALE BY .Men's thick bouts, M-- AT 4 Salt water soap, CLASS M rels Monongahela whisky, Men's brogans, FIRST SHIPS 10 gallon kegs Monongahela whisky, Men's pumps. Bath bricks, Will be despatched quarterly from Commercial Wharf, MKLCHrTRS & CO, t Beaver pea jackets, Polar oil. Boston, in the months of March. May or Jane, cSoks ssra Petersburg Cider vinegar, pX1fitebd8' monkey jackets. Sandwich Island syrup. September and December. Porter, pints and quarts, favorite brands, Bbls. Sandwich Island Prime BeefT I. WITEHHOIE'S Black satinet monkey jackets, Jror further particulars see special advertisements Jn daily Boston cider, Heavy N. B. Fresh ground Kona aoffee, packed in tins for ships' papers of the above months. BY ASEGUT jry. double wool jackets, use. Very fine Oolong teas. Best champagne, pints and quarts, " UrARRANTED, PACKED - Red blue wool Jackets, For freight or passage to, or drafts on Honolulu, apply to & Reinhardt, Lihue, Kauai. l5-t- f and X3 Captains requiring cabin stores will find the above fresh Cases best gin, Heavy eassimere trowsers. HENRY A. PIERCE, Hogsheads fine old cognac, ! and cheap, tot sale by Sandwich Island Packet Office, EMPORIUM Striped, mixed satinet trowsers, SAM 8AVIDGE, And the usual assortment of wines, spirits, 4c. , Heavy denim 67 Commercial Wharf, Boston. 171-3- in PLOWS! PLOWS! I" do. 177-3- m Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort GODFREY RHODES. Heavy denim frocks, Street. AGENTS. B. Honolulu. NO. 8 IRON PLOWS. Guernsey do, F. Snow, C. EAGLE NO. 20 IRON PLOWS, , l" SPLENDID Siriiied wool shirts. Sutton b. Co. - - New York. J. SPALDING Red twilled fancy shirts. DAILY EXPECTED! Cook & Snow, -....- New Bedford. EAGLE SIDE HILL PLOWS, 64-- U RECEIVED APPOINTMENT OF Heavy mixed do. AND FOR SALE BY HAS at the Sandwich Islands for the Boston and Salem EAGLE ONE HORSE PLOWS. Striped cotton shirts, Underwriters, viz.: Just received from Boston per 44 Moneka," and for aale I y Striped wool undershirts. C. Freeman Sc Co's Aeptune Insurance Co., Boston. 173-- tf W. N. LAD0. Striped and double mixed stockings, J. SPALDING, PACKAGE & LETTER Boylston Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Boston. I tome of which have been purchased at Striped wool drawers. THE CARGO OF AMERICAN SHIP TREASURE, FREIGHT, Washington do. do. s Heavy wool mittens. New England Mutual do. do. Liquors ex Yankee T TDXLmTS : 33 ' Heavy mixed blankets, x p r o s s. Boston do. do. caps. JOSIAU 3H t On the 5th and 20th of each Month. IO GALLON KEGS MAGNOLIA Russia A. II. DUNBAR, Csmmssdrr, Alliance do. do. whisky, 1UCTIAT ALSO TO ALL PARTS OF THE Equitable Safety do. do. ' r 20 20 6 gallon kegs Magnolia whisky, "CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING MERCHANDISE : Salem Marine Insurance Co., Salem. 174-- tf Whale Boats, 1 Center Board Boat. United Stairs, South America, a barrels Monongahela whisky, . 3 liiAiN Zy A A M LBS. PILOT IO DOZ. VERDALE Canada and Earope, . 6 6 gallon kegs Old Tom, UiHiA Take Notice not be Undersold ! 171 Sin bread, olive " 8 6 gallon kegs cognac brandy, Will AXERICAX-ECROrEA- (extra.) tuai. B Paper Mosquito CONSKCTIMa IN KCW WITH THB SX Just Received ex Phantom !" 200 bids. Uaxall flour, I 40 dos 1 lb tins pres. meats, TOBE For sale by Baskets, Netting, PRESS COXPAST TO EUROPE. 150 bbls. prime pork, . f 50 dos tins green corn, M SHAVED WHITE EASTERN WILCOX, RICHARDS CO. Chow Cbnw do. fionbie Wri 50 I QOAW W bbls. extra mess beef, 60 dos boxes table salt, t shingles, warranted to cover 100 square feet to 170-- tf Qeen Street. Ladies' Wet- ting Desks, FALL TRADE, 1859, 60 bbls rice, 10 cases salt, 100 tins water crackers, DUST, COIN AND BULLION FOR" the M. ting Desks, Camphor wood 252 dox Tennant's pale ale, ! 25 half bbls dried apples, GOLD and insured on Open Policies, held from the best A new lot of the favorite cottage siding boards. Lubes' Work rhests, painted OF 105 dos porter, ' 60 eases alcohol, Insurance Companies in New York and London. Pine clapboards, 12 feet long 7 inches wide extra thick Ex ".Yankee !" Tennant's Semi-monthl-y, and ties, nests leather-cov'- d do, 1157 lbs cheese, in 20 lb tins. I 30 dos 2 lb tins pres. meats, Packages, Parcels and Letters forwarded via ness. ADAMANTINE CANDLES, "Tea Extension THEATER ! 60 1 lb oysters, 60 bbls Bourbon whisky, Panama and N icaragua, in charge of Special Messengers. ALSO dos tins . Py, HONOLULU. up by us Panama, Callao, Lima, MITCHELL'S ant jellies, v Hstbrr Fans, chairs, round rat 10 cases currant wine, i 6 bales tickings, 5 do stripes. A Soeciol Exnress is made for GOODS, SELECTED ports of the west coast of South A small let of panelled ceiling boards, i inch, a new and very Ilamblin a Baker's oysters, tan do, chlkirens ENTIRE NEW AND FRESH 10 cases cherry wine, 2 casos prints, 10 bales sheet- Valparaiso, and all the principal strawberries, water ' MM America, promptly forwarded b the English Steamers desirable article. Lobsters, crackers, . Tarirsns, do, bxs fire EXPRESSLY FOR THIS MARKET. 100 cases London jockey club ings, which is Soda crackers. Jenny Lind cakes. An crackers, BENEFIT OF MR. F. STOEPEL, gin, 6 bales red and blue blankets, leaving Panama on the 14Ui and 29th of each month. With an aasortment ofwhite nndcal'd pa iata. bouse legitimate Ginger snaps. J ust received and for sale By Lihrtkfs, BxsJoss 1YL 50 canes Catawba wine bit- 30 cases denims, XT Collections made, and all orders pertaining to a For sale by WILCOX, RICHARDS a CO., S. S. GRT1NTBATJM Forwarding Express business, to witn aispatcn. 160-- tf C. LEWERS. LKtUS. Sticks, flower THUKSDAY EVENING, OOTOBER 27 A. & ters, 10 hales brown drills, and attended H. 170-t- f Queen Street. stands, OFFER FOR SALE READY MADE CLOTHING 175 dos K. Byass' London por- 10 bales blue drills, nit i Mi, Chinese OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ter, 2 bales royal blue flannel, Principal Offices. By the "Siam !" G. Spittoons. 25 cases St. Julien claret, 10 bales blue sheetings, A. P. EVERETT, - - - - Honolulu. GEORGE HOWE Hats, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 3 casks Jamaica rum, 60 dox blue flannel shirts, O. HALL HAS JUST RECEIVED THE TTAS FOR SALE THE CARGO OF SHIP China Rice. 9 eighth pipes Pinet brandy, 60 dox red flannel shirts, 124 Montgomery street, San Francisco. Ea following merchandise, which is offered for sale cheap : AT "ELIZA If ELLA" from Teekitlet Millm now landirg, : (dark.) 50 dos striped undershirts, 93-- Casks zinc, trypans, ladies s hoes, boot trees, consisting of 400,000 feet North West lumber, vis. 100,000 rWMIE ASSORTMENT COMPRISES ALL tf " A 1 Manila che- H. styles of 3 Quarter pines Pinet brandy. no dos striped drawers, Cast steel spades, boy's axes, whip lashes, Inch boards, . 1 to - roots, cs Manila twist ends, ( ark.) 400 doz denim pants and frocks, windmill, with vane complete, telegraph needles, Scantling all sises, from 2x3 8x8. p CLOTHING, .. V. 1 bale bleached FAItCiO & CO.'S Oil cloth stair carpeting, machine cotton thread, ALSO ON HAND ' Crhax ilk Band as, erinuoo Pon-- 25 8th pipes U. P. brandy, flannel, WELLS, ' Enameled duck for carriage tops, 200 M red wood shingles, . do--, Levantine FURNISHING GOODS, Mark.) 20 tierces hams. Wti, white dx bUck White, black 80,000 feet red wood siding, a, sik tewing blk and assorted colors, madder prints, silk, colored da d, satin. HATS AND CAPS, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FINE EXPRESS, Mosquito netting, bleached cottons. 50,000 clear pine, hslernl tax in appma, checked Shaoghae ganse. 4 CTTr vtt PC CLOTHING. Men's French calf boots, sewed, rubber boots, Doors, window sash, window Minis, Ito Wd-- tf nsiles, embnndereil crape saartrs. emnroiuereu 44 cases boots and shoes. 511 cases spirits turpentine, Women's, misses' and men's rubber over-shoe- s. W. wry superior leather Adanted to the wants of the whaling fleet and island trade BY THE REGULAR PACKETS BETWEEN HONOLULU shades, nests trunks. 30 bales gunny bags, 213 cases boiled linseed oil, 200 boxes white perfumed soap. &c 4cc. 171-law- X.S Uotong we offer at very low prices. SAN FRANCISCO, roecbong Ura. boxes fine tea, which 239 kegs nails, 1 bale corks, 20 cases starch, AND draw- -' Fresh supplies by every vessel. k CUina nee. rhests camphor XT 300 boxes No. 1 soap, 230 kegs white lead, For Oie speedy and safe conveyance of Merchandise, Coin, Let OFFERS FOR SALE, NOW RECEIVING EX en, flower pots, pith hats be N. B. Orders from the other inlands promptly attended to. GOODS TO ARRIVE A. S. ti M. S. GHIXBAL'M. 17 doz Sharp's handled axes, 1 case umbrellas, ters and valuable parcels, to all parts of the soirt many other varie- 10 half bhls hide poison, 9 cases saddlery, PER If of Chinese goods 175-3- Corner Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu. CARL MELCIIERSi ties 20 doz charcoal irons, 8 rases oil carpeting, UNITED STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE. 1 1 . 11 SEN.!", instneit, r i Washington 0 and Amcthvst 150 bin! Is iron, 2 whaleboats, 50 pair blinds. Agents Honolulu sell Bills of Exchange in sums to suit FANCY PRINTS, CRASH, VIC-- NOTICE t 500 white The at ! BALES ALSO 1 B--r 10 doz whale spades, ihs blue and thread. York. Also FROM BOSTON bales prints. aa ar Ac are my on Wells, Fargo & Co., San Francisco or New vii ltrr.!SRS VON HOLT IIEUCK 100 grues matches, 4 cs powder, 10 bhls coal tar. 25 do pitch. Fargo & Co.'s franked U. S. Government envelopes, Bales figured and colored alpacca. M duly authorized Agents, and will attend to my business 60 bhls 15 crates crockery, Wells, FLANNEL COATS, WHITE LINEN alpacca, I'UIEIISE ASSORTMENT 100 kegs powder, tar, which pass free over the California and coast routes, aud over Bales blue i Honolulu. . - 250 10 bbls bright varnish. BLUE white Marseilles vests. Colored plaid at a'"- 347 doors, windows, Atlantic route from San .Francisco to utew ors. Fancy Davies patent cashmere, OF Honolulu, Oct. 14, ISM. the vests, S Jones' shirts, Gent's brown half hose. iaS-3- ALSO, Commissions and collections promptly attended to. Suspenders, cravats, merino undershirts. 1856-t- f. F. L. HANKS. Agent. h nnderaiimed. Aseuts for Mr. E. KruIL beg to call the 100 tons Scotch Splint Coal?, 56 do. Cum Oct. 1. Brown cotton half hose, English blue flannel, of White, blue and black cashmerette, iTOOLOKAi HER GOODS, attention of the shipping interests of this port, to his stock 169-t- nilETIILVG FOR THIS MARKET ! - berland Smith's Coals. f Black and blue cloth, black doeskin, Fresh FROM dutter: ! Black, blue, drab and grey ladies' cloth, Aad calculated to su:t every complexion. XX yiiHH Hillert, Best Kauai Beer! Carrie guaranteed by him, of which a NEW BOARDING HOUSE, WALRUS TEETH Black silk vesting, linen drill, etc., etc. ! to secure choice Ms. Packed at Kealia, Kauai, and McCOLGAN CAMPBELL, MYERS' DAIRY nceiry .11 . Calloway, fresh supply will constantly be kejt at their Store. It KING, STREET. rJ THUS. ATEKH"l.5 f. VPCAXl'STREET,XEA 171-- tf Corner Fort and King Sta. JollX 177-3t- n vo! HOLT & IIEUCK. 11 Board by the week, day or meal. Board at table up stairs, Regularly received and canetaally far wale by Fire-Pro-of Emporium. and 61 Iflr. F. Stoepel, $5 per week. Board at table below, $4 er week. Single 3 ED. KEMP, Hotel street, Me meals, breakfast and supper, 3i cents each. E. 0. Hall has Just Received lSO-O-m Opposite National Hotel. Jlr. J. Boulard, Boston Brown Bread. 17Wm ELOY. W POSTSCHIPT. IMIE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEA VETO RE-- PER " SIAM !" CARTS FOR SALE t - - " " to oo Ja mind bis friends ami the public in general mat toey can COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. TIORCE PUMPS, DOUBLE ACTING, WITH ONE OX CART, eaUrely new and Private Bxe 1 procure the above wholesome and palatable bread at the Bakery - AT SO Also, white bread milE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAT J M. guide rod, SO feet hose, couplings, pipes, air barrel, and in complete order, ::V - " " Bethel, King Street. first-ra- Circle, " almost opposite the in M. formed a copartnership under the name and style of Wil goose neck complete, sizes, some or winch are to .f J One heavy Horse Cart, la te o.er, Drns --- -- 1 OO whole fresh baked six equal a or .nnr rior ooalitv. Dastrv. cakes, etc The cox, Richards a Co.. for the purpose or carrying on me snip fire engine for protection from fire. With the goose neck, 1 SMfYlfa For sale lif- - T. Parsiaettte WILLIAM MANN, -3 they ilrrl 50 everv dav. general shipping business. tr EMERSON. WATERHOUSPS - Baker. chandlery, and commission an ne usea as a common lire pump. 8. N. Pit, 7 o'clock. 17S-2- P.S.WILCOX, 164--tf j riRE-pno- iioo,, open at 7 Concert commences at J Waialua, Oahn. or each from 174-2- m C. L. RICHARDS. B. seats can ne secure - nm.! dir. WHIFFLETREES. CHAINS, fcc. N." Goods. s M. New Choice PICKLES. 1 till 5 P CJETS SUP. WHIFFLETREES tc CHAINS, HALF-GALLO- WALPROy. Ageait. SALMON I SALMON I Juctra sised narrow a, dlASES N PICKLES, 178-- tf r. C. O. if I I. HAS JIST RECEIVED PER HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID kj Cases quarts, English pickles. i China, nn, SO rmiiE & Hand Cultivators. Mmria" direct from BARRELS SUPERIOR RED I IRWIN CO. 151-- tf WD ID SHAWLS SMITH, E. salmon, now landing ex "Black Sea" from JL for this article bv Seed Planters, For sale by H. W. BEYERAMCaV CRAPE DU. J. MOTT .Matting, white and ctiec.eu, Xryj'yS 177-3- m Custom House Brokers, Kaabumanu St. f Mosquito netting, superior, San Francisco, and for sale by Ox Yokes, New Oats ! fDERSICXED AVIXO THE BEST Extra quality Oolong tea, 4 lb boxej. 174-- tf A. P. EVERETT. Iron Plows, II Hotel streets. 17&-t- w China doawla, would invite early purcnaser. Office corner of Fort and Fresh cloves. f EXPECTED For sale by SACKS OATS Per FRANCES PALMER. SHORTLY 119 C. BREWER CO. 164-t- I BE CBOtC. DRUGS OIL f tf a For sale by f H. W. VKRENCK. i ASSORTMENT OP CONSUMPTION. a CURE FOR FROM 50 " T. WATERHOl 8K. GENERAL tPCEDf T5 1 -- J. medicines. For sale by COM CJCPERIOR POLAR OIL, CENTS PER JUST RECEIVED, EX YANKEE A and M. SMITH At CO. CHURCHILLS CELKB RATED 1 gallon. For sale bv MARVIN SEGER. HOOP IRON 17-3- J. T.R. C ! a hypop-ospiu- Uw ! JLF pound of the tes . 174-2- m Maunakea Street, opposite Ryan's Coffee Saloon. TTUNDLES NEW BEDFORD HOOP IRON, Goods! New Goods HONGKONG Mangf,CARS' Dy For sale by AND WELL-SELECTE- D ASSORTMENT OF Kegs Rivets, just received and for sale a- COXFECTIOXERr, Fort and Hotel Streets. A LARGE by U C. Ac CO. AT saivix Comer 200,000For sale 131-- tf BREWER tECEivrrs ivn rnR SALE SUPERIORFor sale by ! WILCOX, RICHARDS CO., T tae andrrtigoed : J. M. SMITH It CO. P,ESIRABt.E GOODS a " 17S-3- n OO ODS 160 tf New Store, Queen Street. IRON, ate. . "artet aa.1 sky Wwe French merino, Sundries. CHINESECONSISTING IN PART OF a dresaea, ITNDERSIfiXED WOULD INVITE k HAND. ahw4 tartesno. rich barege milEM. TEAS, Bars refined Iron, -- French prints, TO LET! vnrp KEGS. CHEESE IN TINS, the attention of the ladies of Honolulu and the Hawaiian CORDAGE. UP frraca arrandy mnsiin, IV FINE satins. -- NaU 'is. Bubdlea Rods, , FIRE-PRO- OP Dried apples, barrels. Islands to his large and varied stock of fancy goods, comprising g lTk COILS 9 THREAD AND 19 THREAD ' t;i'. latest nMtuooa. bobbiort lace. TFIE i which have been re- Mosquito netting, rope, Buixlles Norway Shapes, M aasttn great variety, sl?ZlIcZ Crushed sugar, i barrels. the most varied stock In the town, many of sashes, JL XJ Manila worked coOars, per from United States and Europe, and Silk 60 coils in. Manila rope. For sale by For aale by -- ceived late arrivals the Camphor trunks, li Mrtasesif RifcaBM, boxes. received per Raduga of which will be offered a great reauction oniormer prices. 168-t- f H. W. SEVERANCE. 118--tf C. BREWER ft CO. sTBsaitl yard room. For parucu-- r. At Fresh raisins, t Just all at Extension wle, aawj and muslin. good C;BBEWER CO. GEORGE CLARK, chairs. colors, canbrie 17S-- U and for aale by Crape shawls. laaslm . Hotel Street. RAVEN'S DUCK, SUGARS. bands, insertion and edges, Grass cloth. at. BOXES E. BOSTON Nw. 1 CRUSII-e- d Ketauehewlieeord, XOW OPEXIXC 25 Crates! . Silver buckles. IGHT AND HEAVY RAVEN'S DUCK, Sugar. a by a OF Crockery! MOSQUITO NETTING, 0O HALF n . . JxrT UUnmings, etc, etc. For sale ccnRTMEMT Croekerv! Clothes baskets. JLd Rockport Cotton Duck, Boston Granulated Sugar. ' V . BOBBINET for sale at CLARK'S, Half boxes East GEORGE CLARK. received by HAS JUST RE China matting, etc. U. S. Pilot Duck, Forsaleby 44 44 ' om stsfooery, just UNDERSIGNED 174-t- Hotel Street. Loaf Sugar, received per cupper ship weU selected assortment f 119-- tf C. BREWER CO. Just ilotrl Street. wfJITS. - Humphrey Nelson" a k ' l"-- 3t THE ALSO, sale by - r C. BREWE31 A Co. ' of crockery, - AND LACE 8OO I 131 tf coos,"; m m 7w.TISSES' WHITE COTTON 600 to M Manila Cigars ! ENGLISH WHITE LEAD. thinner, ur ' for sale About MANILA CORDAGE, Notice BY Jps, sugars, water pitchers, lvH. hose at The above assortment of merchandise, selected by G. T. Mat. ' CONSIGN- -I Xw linee' a 'D FOR SAW' Cream j 174-- tf Hotel Street. OR SALE LOW, TO CLOSE EX YANKEE ," ':, '"'."'. ED-J- ?" rusr RECEIVED C. BPALUiau- - pitchers, milk pitchers, 9 tor market, is exnecced in all October, and will be ment. 1133-t- ri co HEREBY GIVEX THAT I J. Molase4 th r this it. WAituaAH a LIND CAKES, 4M by 178-- tf dishes, F c Waihiko. Island of Maui, baa dishes, vegetable offered public auction immediately on arrival. JENNY Craokers, ... Flat -, CHILDREN'S WHITE COTTON AND at v.. J""1 f this dale, assigned to the undersigned all Butter dlsheo, soup tureens, etc- etc socks for sale CLARK'S, GEO. C. McLEAX. HOUSE PAPER. Soda Crackers, BEEF. r Jace at all of MESS 176-t- Attorney tor Q. T. Matthews. atad persrmai. in trust, tor the benefit of rTTR l AH, above are of the best granite 174-- tf Hotel Street. f winger Snaps and Pilot Bread, - the Pd!Ai?f!rt-Fo- A kavs become parJea to said assignment v T A K. K. 1 tV r.J a SPALDING. by (lT4-t- f patterns and borders. For sale by For sale by O7-- 0 J. C. sale ' r tb0 A1 aale oy 110-t- f C. BREWER CO. WILCOX, RICHAXTS CO, V! 1 tbereot v RECEIVED T ADIES' LISLE THREAD HOSE. PLAIN k Davaackelle call at the office .. DITDR . JIjSI M-- open worked for sale CLARK'S, 160-- tf . New Qaen toeet-- are requested to I wis I.R1U.., A Vor smle bv A and at ft ttora, "wi and become parties to the deed of aaa-g- RUM AXD BRANDY Alusinvoice o. - 174-- tf Hotel Street. are AVIIISKT. - f ,..VT ALE AND POKTER i r)o Indebted to the said Duvancheile AGES, FOR HP- E gTi ASKS CUMBERLANDmil. COAL, IOO TONS New Crc . PACK aT "Kiamtu. . SMALL (17-tf- ) Ve ADIES' HEELED GAITERS FOR SALE I do. For sale by ' fX by FRUITS, EX T a ckawana ' - For ENGLISH PIE CLARK'S, IN AND QUARTS! 160-t- I'GAR AND MOLAtSr, FOOXI THE - EDWARD P. BOSD, 50-nH- saie y Jtat PINTS , f C. BREWER CO. Crop of i860, from the Brewer Maotaooe, new eoeaIn In. Assignee. ROPE. c umphrey xteisoo. for 174-- tf Hotel Street. BOLT H. W. SEVERANCE. s153-3- m C. BREWIJi m CO. "ER BOLT ROPE. ASSORTED SIZES. 174-- a AND CHILDREN EX IRISn WHISKY. rgiVCM RUSSIA " SA-L-T T ADIES, GENTS' PiLMEBt MM, for sale ty C1'-- ZTTZT BOXES ENGLISH WATER 1 A india rubber dressing combs for sale at 99 ROE SONS DUBLINWHISKY, MANILA CORDAGE. S,,, HEAVY UICKORT SHIBTS, aoap, 400 do --o brown do. For CLARK'S, HENRY a Co.', Belfast whiskv. Warranted di COALS, assorted sises, made to order, Jon n -- T""rc!iirfc crimson el Low colors. 1 OO from d ot sunerior For sale ceived per clipper ahip "eyren," for sale by , and OARS 174-- tf Hotel Street rect the leries and aoalitv. all 'tt 1 BY 1 - X-- sale by OR SALE - "GOMEI (173-2m-) ROYAL HOTEL. l-tt CO. ma ink. etc. For OAUS-F- FOR SALE BY the C. BaEWs leFd,rit U. F. POOH- - IT, 18 FEET a PER C A. 1 178-t- CHESTS FINE OOLO.lu NDIA RUBBER TOYS FOR SALE AT J. A f sale by CLARK'S, PRESERVED VEOETABLrV Tf --EGON SALMON IN BARRELS, ORE--M Yankee." For 4t P) SEVERANCE. 177-- niTSOIT & HARTi aon salmon in small kits, spiced do do la kits. CIDER. HFW. 174-- tf Hotel Street. PRESERVED VEGETALLL3, riflMPAGXE nil17A-- tf CASES 44 Meats. - Smoked salmon. Just received per clipper Mp Black CICAB-S- . RECEIVED AND A DUCK X ajyiST EXD IN BREAD AND Brandy daily Just received per tCpptr abip Bex," and for sale by (174-t- f) H. W. SXVEAAMC E. MANILA (178-tf-) C. SPALDING. -t- RALLOXS COPAL VARNISH, FLOWERS FOR Fruits, tor sale low by s- by ARTIFICIAL MEDIUM BREAD, Jfor ny ""Hr'll.ri.i.iiuii gallon Uns. For sale FREN CLARK'S, K BARRELS Syren," sae ;! , . 7vP c. a. a g. F. Pooa. H. W. SEVERANCE. 60 barrels Pilot Bread, 119-- tf BREWER CO. BOARDS AND sniNGLCSr ioo OIL. 174-t- 174-- tf Hotel Street. k PINE LINSEED f ROILED f100 Bolts Cotton Duck, M FEET CLEAR KASTR3N PIKE--- t SI PERIOR. Forsaleby tSTk U , Clllvi &-J?Ll- SPALDING. COLLARS AND - KEGS Y7AIJTED f . 1 W aasorted, from 4 aa inch 2 Inches thick. 7 aire ZS J. C. BREAD. VALENCIENNES W. SEVERANCE. tjf SO POITXD BAGS. 1 w SETS for saie at CLARK'S, 160-- tf H. 30 000 Eastern shaved cedar Shingles "3A RICE I3f .OOO ARRELS SUPERIOK. HAND EUGAR KEGS, FROM low Per Maria," and for sale tow by pitot bread 174-- tf Hotel Street. SECOND bought by 144f For sale by GEO. 0. BOTE. POOR-- BASS ALE. Casks superior At CO. WINES. EX "YANKEE C. A. H. F. C. BREWER l" 171-tf MELCHER8 k Co. 4 DOZ. EACH.UU a I160-t-f COLLARS AND SLEEVES E1DSIECK CHAMPAGNE, in pints qrts, W METAL,COMPOSITIO ITAILS. x Q . , rLLO SETSHONITON CLARK'S, . -- MATTIXC. LP For aale tow by Ka-t- HAMS, nAMS, California White H ine, BOWS t CASES YELLOW METAL, aaMCl aea O HAMS, 174-- tf Hotel Street. II California Amrelica Wine. OI 30 boxes compeaitioa aauai . - 'JfTTlXO OF YBBYWPERIOR BRINED .. ' m - j. S -- ROLD PENS. CASKS Forsaleby 0 PAI EEST VARNISHED AND kegs do ao. 1 mnU' mlUMm aa awn luUf bnxea, O to ROITW vaar CO reeeited par 07s-U- o-o- GOLD PENS, 8artitea.ln CRAPE SHAWLS FOR SALE WILCOH, RICHARDS k finkihed YenBoot ex bows. Just 119-- tf O. ERXWXTt C3. ) A-- fc H-- F. POOR. HOLDER Forsaleby H. W. SEVERANCE CLARK'S, J' W J tor sale ty k C 161-- tf Qneen Street. YHITE ' ' 160-tf- "' New Store. and for aale by '' ebony nana . : in ivory and M. WHITNK; r 174-t-f Hotel Street.. Xii'JL : Tf. LADD. - " - - ' BroKs IT jj -s-n K-- I i I 3 SHEET mOIf. Br ExPBESS 17fr-- r v YANKEE. T PAINT, Ate. r t gaC-- CCEITED tcjsv-- . LIFORXIA HOODS, WAISTS, AND BABIES' E'SLISII T IOrT, C"? ALL FflOM 5EW TOrif - - DE3T jaions, tor aale ay -" CASKS . PAINT, .j,.- (178-a-) H. m. - o- kra SrsnaMi BABIES aale at , , .CLARK'S, PROOF ' WnllJ.t- hemp np?SKHROUDiir- Cham" Tor Fire Sand-- v.- al ut-t-f 1 St f WHXS.T.IUCHABCO 164-t- f Hotel Street. J-- JC C3 EX OACJX GAMni 6 o. men sv. -- . (ifM-- bl y m eatow. rr aale by v. ' ' k- - - Joe 1- -8 For ade by . 0. U WXJt lr A L I RIBBONS, FROM TO ' x x j-zt- r- 'rvT ,iPPlVB PAPER! VELVET tor aale at CLAFX'S, , po: rr EiAc: Farsaia-aia DRCG- DRirr?E3. - .- -.e AND - 17a-- a : - tell j 1 . et , r--1 - - I V. - - j.rmnwiaE "INT EVE: ARRr"' 1 - aa b Y. ; lor sale at Tua'papar.f' J . H. M. CSTT ' V , rts' ..Z3. lIS0r'3,j

-- I - --- . , : . r. poc "T 1W- ' ' c . pnrs pacific;. gbbtiiistmcrJs. isi-- Reason, Ccn:r.::3lal Advertiser. Bortb (tMltalcriuii's all im. latifit T.t-- rloliwarprl Reports 13. SNOW, . rfV i n tt our Alarine ReDorter. or rfturnals " F. w ,v . . : I . 1859. vry rw.,: r WT,nl.BrT;n a to have a Report made out on their arrival at the IMiuiusi w - vma3 Dcrr4 CO.TI3IISSIOZV ITCEItCIIAIVT, rnwA m; ofl Sandwich Islands Ports are requested to display the Ship's ' Fill I acceptable. Merchant or whaleships arriv f 8paia bu issued a decree granting HONOLULU, n. 1. th Pn.jfir.. addressed to the Publisher, will always fciu. Umi " to IL C. Prrry, late Secretary American 5- U f the -- a -- ' L1XEX HANDKERCHIEFS. "if?"'" - ' :s'T All told Fauifcason's 5?aa. I JZau at Madrid, the right to connect Spain and - ' -- - WI1ITE netting, Wo, white hose, A J told Fall Season's li Ifg S ' Voyage. Report. .. ty twfegraph, Canaries, De Suspenders, Names Captain. , - f . RtMAEKA via th the Cape Bloc drills. Voyage. Report. REMARKS. l! Vessel's ? laianda. Cape &ui Boque, Guiana and Linen toasting. Red satin. Ysar'.s Names. Captain. ? g - , It IIIs i Sp i Wh tip I Wh I Bone. Brazil. "3S 3 TrfaUad, to Porto Rico. The concession is limited Geaaiae Farlaa Calagae on o 3 8p Wh BP Wh Bone. ble-poo- loOO 1 Ti n. till.Tumblers, Mammon, 1857 Hono 16 Ochotsk. Kent. Uui to om Tsar, and the provisory extension of the term 24 Kauai, (Bre) 4O0 White' water bottles, CHANDLERS, Abram Barker Slorum 1857 N B Och'sk 150:1000 , 600, 6000 Arr at Lajiaina Oct Kensington Stetson 11857 N B Och'k 250 800 Arr at Lahaina Oct 24 , car eompieUBg the work to twenty-fir- e years. Cut goblets. Set crockery, SHIP Addison Lawrence lSOd N B 60 1950 Arctic Aug 28. 2 whales Palmer jl856 N B 60 2550 vctief' Sept 1, 650 Kingfisher . 400 10000 - Tare Eepablie-- is enjoy a season of lanterns. Adeline Uibba Withington. 1857 F U 30 60 Oohotak, bept 13, 600 Kohola Corsen '1859 Hono iArctic 4O0 Arr l ianoliiln o inr it Bay State lanterns. LAHA1NA, S. I. Agate, brig Eldridge 1857 N L Wing 70 2400 900 12000. Arr at Uonopiiu, Oct 13 been In- - KutusolT. il855AB has resolved to make war on the Aranco Blown lanterns, with spring bottoms. Alice, bk Beel 185HO 8 Ochotak. Sept 13, 260- t : dians in October ; bat, in the meantime, the army Looking-glasse- s, (M frames, assorted sises, tins crackers, asstd. America Bryant 1857 N B Arctic 170 1500 . 900 12000 Arr at iiouoiulu, Oct xo Lancaster Russell 11858 N B 60 .... Ochotsk, Sept 1, 200 has been diminished. Sap. Oalsas Tea IZAb boxes. A moor, bk Michclson 1854 Russn ...... !. Lark, bk Perkins 1857 X L 960) Arctic. Aug 24. 3 The aooording China rice. Arnolda Sarvent 1855 N B 150 2000 . Lagoda U'.lliint 11856 X B 165 1300 Ochotsk, Sept 1,90(1 Nary of Chile, to the report of the SOU! , S. Y. Bay. Tomato catsup. Arctic Phillips '1856 F II 1000 Ochotsk, Eept 11. 950 in Levi Starbuck Jernegan 21;180 X B 300 1050 ucnnuK, be 8, soo Minister Marine, consists of foar steamers, of V 11 lOOj . 100: 400 8000 of the Black iuk, Arab Grinnell JS57 Arctic 600 300 6000 Arr at Honolulu, ki Lewis. 11857 N B Arctic 650 arr at ilonclulrf, Oct T SO !1S57 60 , Oct 23 35 Joint power of 600 horses, capable of carrying Bx maccaroni, Architect, bark Fbh N L Arctic 1600 150 6000 Arr at Honolulu. L C Richmond Hathaway 1857 X B 760 Ochotsk, Sei 1, 400 N ISOi , Sept 600 90 Lost On Inland 1 . . . . rttns ; and foar sailing Teasels, carrying 40 guns. Bxs vermicelli. Adeline Taber 1856 B 850 Ochotsk, 6, Lexiifcum 4jp t isner 1856 Nankt 830 Strunc'l Maps United States. Antilla Fehlber jlS58 Hono iArctic ,...l700 700 14000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct i 1856 N B 100 1400 Ochotsk, Sept 8, 250 . Yfce orthe Louisa Uatheway Government intends to have built for it several , with whale. Pocket kmves. Amazon Eldridge 1856 F II 280,1000 Ochotslf, Sept 13 550 saw boats another W. 13, 1000 18600 steamers, and publishes the proposals of W. Webb, Jack knives. American i'ease 1S67 Edgar 35 200 Ochotsk, Sep' 400 M .irm.li:! PlCrCB 1858 X B IArctic ....'iooo Arr at Honolulu, Oct 14 Bigs awted shot. Augusta Tabor 1857 3 II 2S2 Ochirtak, Sept 13 200 1857 Chal iArctic ....i 600 300 6000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 12 i Manche f Fr). Lalanne - Silvered bits. ; OchoUk, Kept 6, Maelstrom- VnunED. years, to cruise M.nh Ilk Mauchcster.'l857 F II 700, bound nortli Thx Of late the Needles. Bart. Gosnold Clark 1855 N B Arctic 460 320 6500 Arr at Lahaina, Oct 6 ; sl'd fin noi. Oct 22 1858 .'Arctic 180 350 350 6000 sizes. 600 llil.). Sept 2S 1 ilaeUtrom on the coast of Norway has been doubted. Solar Lamps Assorted BeUe Brown 1857 F H Jspan 40 200 40 ... Arr at Mary Frazler Rounds 186 N B 100 1470 Ochotsk . Sept 6, 600 No. 1 lamp chimneys, j 110' 700 Ochotsk, Sept 6, 400 4000 1 Td ancient accounts of its terrible power were Polar side lamps, OILMAN fc Co. Benjamin Rush Wyatt .1856 War'n ....I... Mary Jenks 11856 Edgar Arctic 230 1700 350 Arr at Honolulu. Ort noose paper, Benj. Morgan 1S56 N L 30 2400 600, 5000 Arr Honolulu, Oct 12 I M. No. 1 lamp wicks, Sisson at M . ' llriH'k " Ochotsk, O. 1, ckan. doubtless fabulous, but Ilagerup, Minitt r of the Car) ARE K0W RECEIYINQ PER 8IIIPS AURITIKQ FROM 1856 40 1700 Sept 11, 70O '3566 w-- a, . ! I I. R. hose and brass hose pipes, tacks. Bowditch Martin War'n Oibotsk, 1867 X B Arctic 75 850 250 a rr at LAHama, Otrt 13 ' i l ac-oo- Majestic. Chester Norwegian nas given a renamei Ship's compasses, .. 1856 War'n 60 3700 Ochotsk, Sept 11, 1100 chartered schooner Caroline K(Hliack. aiarine. reoeoiiy Padlocks, brass and iron. Brutus Henry . Man.; ii Billiam 150 600 Sent L 4 si.). of it, in repfy to some questions from a corres-Donde- nt Boat's compasses. Deck scrapers. Boston, IYew Bedford, Brooklyn Rose 1856 N L 130; 900 X B 30 2500 iooo 30000 Arr at Honolulu. Oct 19 ' Mary 4 Susan Stewart 1857 Arctic Brighton Tucker 1855 DarUn 800. 700 Ochotsk, Sept 11, 60, of Tht Boston Record. The vast whirl is BraaaTn W hallux Gist and Iraas. 1 Maria Tlieresa Coop 11857 X B j in t I """WBtr. 'setting between and San Franeiseo ,i .1 i 1 1 u . n rtl .1857 N B t ....1000 Ochotk, Aug 28. lloo caused by in and oat of the tides da. da. da. Gaaa. Callao 185SN B 100 170 . Ochotsk, Sept 11, 650 J1B1IUCI Ochotsk, Aug Bnwi'i copper ladles, A SUPPLY or Fuller Massachusetts Chat&etd 11856 Nankt 140 1700 23, f 00 Lorodeo, and Moekcn, and is most violent half way Copper pumps, California West 1858 N B 60 Ochotsk, Aug 2k, :,000 head straps. MassachusetU Greene 1856 X B 1500 between ebb and flood tide. At flood and ebb tide it fluke chain, chain SHIP CHANDLERY, Cambria Pease 1858 N B .!... Ochotsk, Sept 11, 350 . . Arctic, July J6, clsan complete. N 6501100 100 800 10000 Honolulu, Oct 23 Mnsasoit ' j A . , . . OA . disappears for about half an hour, bat begins again 1 Cattias: BlaeUn With Cham Pksdaxts, Camilla Prentice 1858 B Arr at 1857 N B 90 if K . a snales a( 850 Metacom lliuls 60OO ki.li, can-hook- s, Caroline GitrorJ 1330 a a 250 ....I X B 260 1100 4b0 Arrat Honolulu, 1X1 23 with moving'of the waters. Large vessels may Chain boat anchors. PROVISIONS, 11 Midas Turtle 1857 Ocb'k the row-loc- 810 240! 2000 at Honolulu, Sept (condemned) Oakum, sail needles. Caroline Pontius. 1857 Grnp't Kod'k ....! Arr Minerva Crowell 1856 N B 10 1150 Ochotsk, Sept 11, 80O pass over it safely in serene weather, bat in a storm Bragg 18o0 1 u 40 600 , . . . clean Arr at Honolulu. Oct 12 bOO Sizes. Caravan Arctic Milton Halsey 185rt " Och'k 100 2600 2 12000 Arr at Lahaina Oct 24 and Hemp Cordage Assorted NAVAL STORES, Carolina 1S56 N B Och'k 28 1950 1050 10000 Arr at Lahaina Oct 24 j Honolulu the 26 A it is rerUous to the largest craft Small boats are Manila Harding I 1857 X B 60 300 rctic. Sept S, 2 s halts Moctezuma linker ' spunyarn, seizing, towline. Caulaincourt, F Ijabasle, !1S56 Havre1 20 1580 ....(... not safe near it at the time of its strongest action in . Ratline, Montreal Sowle 1857 X B Arctic .... 1600 650 8000 Arr at Lahaina, Sf.)t 24 : rw,!,,,.. . . Champion 1S50 Edgar 80 1200 1500 Arr Lahaina, Oct 8 i 1 Baallag. GROCERIES, Collin Kod'k ItiOj at I Hainan 1857 X L 220 l 'OO Ochots k. Sept 12, 750 say weather. The whirls in the Maelstrom do not. Fall, Blue N B j 600 Sept, 700 steering W. into Shanter Bay Montezuma - Cattias Hammers, Chandler Price Holcomb 1857 Ochotsk, Manchester 1856 N B IArctic 700 1400 70 850 Arr at ..... 21 was once supposed, vessels water, Mitchell N H 50 1600 450i 6500 Arr at Lahaina,liOct o , si a mi uou. w Mores as draw under toe Rasps and files. Axes, green paint, Chris. Manchester 1856 iArctic uuik. Monmouth Ormsby 11857 C S Och'k 75 1250 400 4000 Arr at Lahaina, Oct 22 OIL, ,1856 Stngtn 1100 Ochotsk, Sept, 1, 300 in S. W. Bay. i , by their violence they fill them with water or Chisels, PAINTS AND Cincinnati Williams bat N B 300' 675 Sept 1, 600 dash-- neighboring Mr. Ha-- Coal black paint, composition sheathing nails, sheet lead. Cicero Courtney :1856 OchoUk, Murdock X B 125 2300 500 Arr at Laha:na, Oct 22 them urnm the shoals. tar, j 360., boiling Nassau 1856 bk 1858 N B Arctic, Sept 3, j Cut nails, assorted sixes. Cleone, Siniraons Hand jlS57 Grnp't Arctic . . . . 20 20 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 9 (conde-i- twran savs : CLOTHING, Coral 1858 N B ochotsk, Sept 13, 450 Neva "3006 ti Siou !!!!:! New England Hempstead 1857 X L Arctic .... 400 200 Arr at Lahaina, Oct 14 ' In Winter, it not nnfrequently happens that, at Shooks and Head, Corinthbn Lewis .1858 N B "od Kodiack, June 11, 2 whales 80 Sept N t 250 OchoUk, 12, 3 ! Nile Dcstin 1858 L whakt.' sea, a bank of clouds shows a west storm, with heavy New Bedford Casks, BOOTS AND SHOES, &c. Congress 2d Stranburg !1S58 N B Ochotsk, Sept S, 1100 160 450 N Sept 7 Sept 24 for N.Z. & home Nil (Fr ) Grandsaine 1856 nvre gene-- Contest. Lr.dlow 1856 B Kod'k "id3io6 240 2500 Arr at Honolulu, sl'ir 6'J O. g. - while in on the Hoop Cooper's Rivets. assortment of gooda' r Howes 1857 X B 750 bolsk, Sept 11, 750 in W. sea, to be prevailing there, further Iron, Tleir stock consists of the usual Cossack Haskins N B Och'k 500 200 2i00 Arr at lahaina Oct 24 Nimrod Bat found in ....! Z. Light Austin 1855 F II 25 3000 Ochotsk, Aug 28, 900 inS. W. tu, coast, the clear air shows tbat on the inside of the Iron bedsteads, 1 French bedstead. ally Courser. Gifford 1850 N B Kod'k 500 300 , . ..clean Arr at Honolulu, Aug 27 i sl'd same day for New Northern America Chappell !l853 X L Ochotsk, Sej)t 1, clean. . West-fjor-d Lofoden) wind blows from Rope halters, J ute door mats, Covington 1856 War'n Arctic 401100 . 5506500 Arr at Lahaina Oct 24 North , (east side of the bags. ! Newman Enameled valises. Gunny Ship Chandlery Establishinents C. W. Morgan Fisher 1856i5 B 230 1730 , . the land, and sets out through the tjord from the .1857 Hono Kod'k .... 2200 , 250 2000 Arr Honolulu, Sept 28 ; st'd Oct 15, for Cal. Coast j oOVaCt Cynthia. Sherman at I east. In such cases, especially, an approach to the and which they low prices. They re also prepared to Oahu Rumpus 11857 Hon i .... 1200 OchoUk, Sept 12, 400 ' supply, on the shortest notice, X H ArcUc 70 250 250 2000 Arr Honolulu, Oct 6 j is highest degree dangerous, for the SAILS. B Ocean Clark 1858 at sl'd 28th to enjisj Maelstrom in the 1 ton-sa-il, main topsail, Danl Webster Bellows ;18.VS N 7'JO fore I Sept S, 700 Ocean Wave Baker '1856 XB 130 top-sai- fore-sa- il, 1 Dauiel Wood Morrison I1858 N B ....1800, OchoUk, stream and under cutting from opposite directions 1 mizen l, 1 J. Makee's warranted No. S.I. Beef, Ocmulgee. Ureen 1857 Edpar Arctic 140 860 40 '360 4000 Arr at Lahaina, Oct 13 ' , stay-sai- l, Delaware Kiniiirtliv !ia N L ...... 100 050 Ochotsk, Sept 8, 650 to make whole passage one 1 topgallant-sail- I topmast j 80 900 OchoUk, Sept 4, 400 , work there together the Dover il858N 1 ,...1000, Ohio Barrett jl3S7N B 1 topgallant studdiDg sail, 1 main royal. Jeffrey ...... Ji a boiling such times appear the . .1 Ohio, Baker '1858 N B i single cauldron. At Dromo Cole 185T War'n . . 850 Ochotsk, Sept 8, 450 bk 1 Mael-ry- Irish Potatoes, 100 a OchoUk, Sejit 1, 700 m , Oliver Crocker Cochran :i853 N B mighty whirls which have given it the name of crackers, spittoons, Droino May :185N L Arctic 150 800 200 3000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 12 Fire Olvmnia Kyan jl855 N B ! 30 2000 (that is, whirling grinding stream) and 14000 the or Cables. Ravea's Duck Omeira ranoorn U857 Edgar Arctic .... 2000 950 Arr at Lahaina, Aug 7 Chaia Sweet Potatoes, Ochotsk, Sept 1, 700 lu which no craft whatever can hold its course. For Edw. Carey 500 .... 400! Arr at Ililo, Oct 7 Omen halon 11857 F II j 140 250 FAIRBANK'S PATENT PLATFORM SCALES. Gardner 1S58 Nankt Japan " OchoUk Sept 8 400 S. amer, it is, then, quite inadvisable to attempt K. I.. Kr.wt, uch Heppingst'e Hono Ontario, bk Foster J185S N B ....!.... in W. Bay t GROCERS' do. 185'J 250 OchoUk Sept 13 11 00 in Mereurj ' Do. dr. K. Mason N B 80 900 . . Ochotsk. 1, 250 OnwArd Allen !1858 N B ....I Bat t aasage of the Maelstrom during a Winter storm, Pumpkins, F. Smith 1857 i...... Seit 120' oOO OchoUk Sept 6,400 '' Do. do. COUNTER do Eliza Adams N B 'Arctic 2300 1700 22000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct S Oregon Tobey 11857 FU - for a sailing vessel it may also be bad enough in Thomas 1857 650 Orluituk. Kent K Z'Jl soJ N B i 3001150 .. Ochotsk, Aug 28, 700 in S W. Bay. OrozimbO Pease jl857 N B 75 She-I- t Empire Russell 1856 ' time Summer, should fall a calm or a light Aaaarlea Hardware. Baxea Glass. ! Landers 1857 Matpt1 100 600 Ochotsk, Sept 8, 850 of there Dyer's healing embrocation, Endeavor, bars Wilson 11857 N B cv.w Ochotsk, Aug 28, 800 Oscar Onions, !. 1.1425., 13 Othello KlHmer H858 N B j ....! 450 ocnotsk, eept 17, ioo bound toSoriha wind, whereby the power of the stream, becomes Cotton bafts. Erie. Jerucgan 1857 F 11 Arctic 600 9000 Arr at Lahaina, Oct vessel no Kspadon, (Fr.) Homont 1S57 Havre' .... 600 ., Wii.tL-- Sent 12. 250 greater than that of the wind, leaving the Bridle leather, I Wagon harnesses, Kuihnites Henth 1S57 N B 60 800., '. iOchotsk, Sept 12, 400 hi Mercury Bay. longer nnder command." Trail, Steen '1857 Kod'k CO 1000 150 1000 Arr Lahaina, Oct 7 ; sl'd tm Hon. Oct Worsted silk coach lace. Europa Manter il857 Edgar 260 Arctic, Aug zo, clean Paulina X MBCt and I Long -- Lee- - The Bev. Henry Ward Beecher says many And all the Recruits wanted by Whale Emerald Pierce 1857 N B Arctic 26 1000 ., 60 Arr at Hilo, Oct 17 Peruvian il858 N Cases quart bottles, cases pint bottles. ! Pluenix Hempstead 1857 N Och'k 650 100 2500 Arr at Honolulu. Oct 23 good things pithy, wise, and quaint. Among these, Ships. ! Fire-pro- of I Philip I. 1 Hempstead 1857 X 69 ob- Composition and Felt for Roofs. 167-- tf a recent lecture on "good and bad lucV," he Lahaina, September, 1859. , Corey .... 2250 ia etc. Fabius. Smith 1S57 N B Arctic 3001100 COO 8000 Arr at Hono., Oct 10 t sl'd on 11th for Koloa & N. Z. Parachute ,1855 N held PRESSED II0P3, etc., etc, etc., I 11853 X 100 Arctic, Aug 8, clean served tbat some men thought that Providence 149--tf Faith, bark Kice ilS58 Hono ....1280, Ochotsk, Sept 18, 1100 boiling in S. W. Bay. Pioneer barker V 1800 Honolulu, Oct 12 bk Boodry N B j...... 60 1450 , Polar Star. eeks il857 N .Arctic 650 70 400 6000 Arr at an implacable spite against them, and that tbey never Shipping Master's Notice Fanny, 1856 Ochotsk, Sept 11, 1000 i while did. then went on to GITE Favorite, bark Smith 1857 F II 330. Arctic, Aug 22, 1 whale i met with lock, others lie DOORS, WINDOW SASH, BLINDS. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY , West B 10 1000 Ochotsk. Sept 11, 600 they associated themselves together Florida Fish il856N B 30 2200 Rai.id. jl85U'X one, with a good profession, lost his luck in notice that have j ...... 1000 Arctic, Aug 31, 1 whale Say. tbat LATE ARRIVALS lor purpose of shipping foreign seamen at this port. Florida Williams 1858 F II 300 OchoUk, Aug 28, 700, last off Ochotsk. Rambler " ;1856 " away his time in fishing, EX 460 Doors, ail sises and kinds. the ...j. Bay. ReDublic fcayer :i857 Brem 60 .... OchoUk, Sept 28, 300 the river, where he idled Having the otfice at the tailor's Home, aud from their Florence Spencer 1S59 Hono Ochotsk, Sept 15, 1000, boillug down in S. W. ill OA 300 W in low Sash, all taken Hawps J 66 350 Arfllf. Inuiiot ...an office. Another, kinds, feel giving en- Fortune Lester jl856 N B Arctic !!245(i! 650 3000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 23 Relecca Simmsi j!857 F II when he should have been in the psst experience in thHusiness, thvy confident of j 100 pair Blinds, all sizes, 4400 , I Ashley 11856 X B 30 3200 Ochotsk Sept 30, 900 spoken in Octubekss J of or F. Henrietta b,k Drew 11S55 N B Ochotsk, Sept 15, 750 Reindeer ' with a good trade, perpetually bornt op his luck with tire satisfaction to all masters of ships, agents ships, others, 1125 75! Honolulu. Sept 27 I - 12 tilass Doors and Blinds, etc., complete. Caiifo 20, 400 Chadwick !l357 X L Japan 75 525 6000 Arr at . . . . i i . i i . may favor them with orders in their line. Franklin 2d. Howland 1857 X B 700 20 Arr at Honolulu, Aug 21 ; sl'd Sept 8, for CaL Coast Rinnle nnr I mil n pmn ri sale the lowest market prices, by who X j 75 700 , 400 Rti iHniwr vrurn nmvnHn nnn For at seamen for whaling 'voyages procured Robt. Morrison Tilton ,1857 B ochotsk, 139-t- C. H. LEWER3. Officers an.l and other Mood 10:- - 41 A rwriA 80 550 300 '3006 Arr at LahainaEl Oct 24 leave him. Another, with a lucrative business, lost f the shortest notice. Advance promptly repaid on the failure Robt. Edwards at 1 Devol X B ... 3350 his lack by awaking diligence at everything bat his of any seaman to tender himself on board at the required time, Gay Head !owen 1856 X B 1590 . Arr at Honolulu. Oct 28 Roman 1855 WHALE LINE, fce. Gen. I i uniting JS5S n Kod'k 100 200. 200 1500 Arr Lahaina Oct 24 Itoman 2d Dehart 1857 X B 50 60 Another, who steadily followed bis bottle. - or a substitute for his ptace obtained. Sett f at Ochotsk, Sept 23, 400 (5 whales). business. HALE LINE. WOODMAN. Gen. Teste Beregaux 1856 Havre Arctic 100 800. 80 Arr Lahaina, Oct 15 Rousseau Greea :i857 X B LEWIS ft at 400 Another, who was honest and constant at bis work, Ratlin, 8hipping Agents Office at the Sailor's Home. Gen. WiLiams Fish 1858 N L sept ou Rose Pool isher !l853 Eilpar 100 w "io6 '. uctiotsk, ia, 600 Arctic, Sept 1, 3 whales erred by perpetual tnisjudgments, he lacked discre- !panyarn. REFERENCES Gn. D'Hautnool lannandrit 1856 Havre 2200 MHJinley !l853. Mystic Arctic 60 san- Marline, Capt. Thomas SrexcER, George & Scsan Jones 1857 N B Arctic 135 1500 . 250 '3006 ! Arr at Honolulu, Oct 23 tion. Hundreds lost their luck by endorsing; by :. IArctic 80 Arr Honolulu, Oct 6 ; sl'd Oct For sale by C. Co., Ueorgeft Mary Pierce 1858 Witpt 270 SaratJga Slocum 1S58 X B 2300 600 10000 at Bfcrsai men; and 119-- A. Williams ti TOO Honolulu, Oct 22 guine speculations; by trusting fraudulent tf C. BREWER A CO. George k Mary Walker 1857 N L Arctic 401100 . 450 "5506 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 16 St. George - Pease ,1857 B .Och'k 40 40 450 6000 Arr at C. L. Ru iiAKDd, OchoUk, Sept 1400 by dishonest gains. A man never has good luck who 11. Geo. Howland Pomeroy 1857 X B 60 t00 . Ochotsk. Sept 8, 800 Scitland ' Weeks 1857 X B 80 1440 8, W. Skvkhasi'e. . . . Oct 24 ; UonolulntMX a) George Silva X B Arctic 65 600 . Jones 1856 X B Japan 1200 250 Arr at Lahaina has a bad wife. He never knew an early rising, hard SUNDRIES FOR SALE. J. G. LEWIS. (ia-3r- C. G. WOODMAN. 1857 260 3400 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 10 ; sl'd on 11th for N. Sea Breeze HAS ON AND G. Washington. Krightman 157 Wrhm Arctic 70 600 . 250 3000 Arr at Lahaina, Oct 13 Sharon t Swift 1850 F II iArctic 300 1200 600 6000 Arr at Lahaina Oct 24 working, prudent man, careful of bis earnings and HE UNDERSIGNED HAND i : Sept 1, 800 for sale Oats. Corn. Barley, Gid. Howland Williams 1S57 N B 80 1200 . Ochotsk.Sept 1, 800 Silver Cloud Coggeshall 1S56 X 6 120 1300 Ochotsk, bad luck. A good Corn-mea- 1000 Sept IS, 400 Strictly honest, who complained of T Beans, l, Arrow-roo- t, SHIPl'IKGr OFFICE. Gipsev, bark Man tor 1S57 N B All. tic 20 . 000 6000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 16 ;outh Boston Randolph .1853 F H 60 Ocohuk, 1 11 Fi-- 185.8 Ochotek , Sept 8, 350 . character, good habits, and iron industry, are im- - Gunny-hag- s, Cider c E T E UNDERSIGNED, Good Return h 1S58 X B Aug 2j, clean Spartan Bunker Xankt Vinegar, XTOT iiif-r- m Arctic, '2OOO to assault ill luck fools ever Oregon Cider, Salmon, 1,1 would niost respec'fully the mervliauts of Hono- Gov. Troup Milton 1850 N B 300 2300 ! Srsedwell 1tiios !l357 FH i. 200,875 Arr at Honolulu Oct 26 Sregnable the of all the lulu, and Shiuia4ter3 visiting this port, that they have this day 2400 . S f ....;2O00 OchoUk, Sept 13, 1100 Nails, Ceir and Jute Rope. Goethe Aust in 1856 llrcm 200 Silendid Pierson 1S56C ' of. But when he saw a tatterdemallion into for the puroe of shipping foreign . ' 400 450 100 '3506 A rr at Honolulu, Oct 24 entered Graefer Berg Enherg 187 Russn 270!. OchoUk, Sept 15, 290 Superior, bk ooa I1857.X B Jch'k : 200 to the busi- ! ..! Creeping out of a groggery late in the forenoon, with A superior lot of London Pock Risat Cognac Brandy, aud seamen. From past experience and strict attention Gratitude Iavi 1858 N U Och'k 125 875 ...j 800 8000 Arr at Lahaina Oct 24 3. Constantine Liudbolm !1S57 Russn j 440 OchoUk, Sept 8, 400 j ness, we to be abie to exi-cut- nil orders entrusted to our i ! his hands stuck in his pockets, the rim of 'his hat Wines and Liquors. hoe i faithfully, with diipatch. Sept 24. ' 159-t- F. CO LB CRN. care and ! I Tamerlane 1858 X B Kod'k 90 745 745 6500 Arr at Lahaina. turned ap, and the crown knocked in, he knew he f J. Having with Mr. Davis, o Hon. XT' made arrangements Jons Harrison Dennis i . . . . Och'k Ochotsk, 8, 4 whales. Tahmaroo 1856 F II Kod'k 320.2000 150 1000 Arr Lah. Aug; sl'd fm 8epl8,forUl had bad luck for worst is to be a Hotel, for accommodation of seamen, we shall , j the of all lack FOR SALE EX SACHEM. the National the Harmony Kelly 1859 Hono 1250 Bristol Bay, Ang 16. 3 hales Tempest (bk) 11357 X L 609 OchoUk, Sept 13, 400 be enabled to have whole crews on hand for shipment at the V t : , sluggard, a knave, or a tippler. Harvest, Charry 1S57 II 160 ...J. Ochotsk, Sept 13, 350, from Kodiat'k. Thos. Dickason 1856 X B 120 2000 900 14000 GRAND PARLOR PIANO FORTE lk Oct ONE case do do do, 7 octaves shortest notice. Hawaii, brig Schimelfe lg 1858 Haw .... 400. Ochotsk, Sept 13, 400 Thomas Nye 1857 X B jOch'k 300 1800 Arr at Lahaina Oct 24 ; Honolulu 3 Approved security given for the amount advanced to . i 2 plush Music Stools, N. B. Helen Snow, bk Nye 1857 N B Och'k 900 700 ...! 330 4000 Arr at Lahaina, Oct 24 Tybee !1856 Stngtn Acrtic 40 2450 'eio 6000 Arr at Lahaina Oct 24 seamen outside of the reef. THOMAS II. PLACE, ! i Aug 800 1 rubber corer. nntd Helen Mar. Worth 1S56 N B Arc ic 6001100 ...j 120, 1500 Arr at Lahaina, Oct 13 Tenedos 1856X L 20 1400 Ochotsk. 28. Sundries. 164-o,- in WILLIAM A. MARKHAM, The abore are from the manufactory of ITallett k Cumston, of Hen. Kneeland Kelly 1S58 N B 18 t. Arctic, Sept 3, clean Turku il857!Kussnl '....I 600 OchoUk, Sept 13, 700 firm of Graham Markharu, Shipping Agents. . tTJAN FBAXCISCO WATER CRACKERS, Boston. For sale by C. BREWER a CO. Late of the k Hercules, Imrk Athearn 1857 N B Och'k 75 1450 !:!;2ii: "iooo Arr at Lahaina Oct 24 . Jeoay Lind Cakes mod Batter Crackers, Hibernia, bark ItooWer 1S67 X B 160. Spoken Oct 11, clean, from Arctic, bound to N. Z. . Craaherrws, ia oa ksgs, ! Hihernia 2d Edwards 1857 X B iArctic 66 1612 . ... 1000 15000 AIT at .ret 14 Cncas. I lAice N B Kod'k 60 450 clean Arr at Lahaina, Oct 8 HOSPITAL NOTICE t To Whalemen tionoiuiu, to flemine Sperm Candles, 4s, N , j 25; Honolulu, Sept 11 sl'd 30th ma DISPENSARY ATTACHED TO would respectfully solicit the same pa-- Hilhnan Little 1857 B 242 600 ...... I Ochotsk, Sept 8, 750 Union Hedges ilS5; S li Kod'k 600 240 2000 Arr at Ground Pepper, in flax, THE MACr Uobomok Marchant 1856 Falm Och'k 100 2100., ...! 850 10500 at Oct 24 THE Hospital on King Street, will be on every day heretofore enjoyed by the old firm of Macy k Arr Lahaina I Owtoo 9aumo. - i GV. f'- from 7J until 9. A. M., for the dispening of medicines to sick Whalemen's Supplies, ' Putty, in tin and Madder, Law, at the established Deiot at ! 700 OchoUk, Aug 28, 1100 ' and indigent Hawaiian. Per order : where will lie found at times good supply Vernon, bk. 1858 Hono I...... California Mackerel, in barrels and kegs, Hawaii, all a Bolk-- s J. W. AUSTIN. and also the ocle Iris .1856 X L 400 650 .. Vineyard ii85 Kdgr '. . 130 1900 Caflfernia Herring, in key and kllU, of Brer. Mnll.n, Pork. Poultry, ' 1857 Hono 3150 600 14000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 23 I61-- tf Secretary. brated KAWAIIIAE POTATOES. Victoria, brig 'Arctic .... Sardines, in kegs, ; 360 OchoUk, Sept 1, whales. - Ville de Reunes 1S56 Havre - Tlie above articles can be furnished at the lowest rates, and in - ! ....i California Ternwcilli, Janus Smith 1858 . 125 .. Orhotsl- Snt 8. 7.10 Vesper t Och'k Ochotsk, Aug 28, 600 brls PAPER HANGINGS, BORDER, &c. Quicker any otlicr port the islands. All beef t j California . time than at at 11 Macaroni, Jason (Fr) ache 1857 Havre Arctic 25 85,.. 460, 8000' Arr at Honolulu, Oct 12 ' wan-atile- . by me will be to keep in any climate. " Preavrrarl Ginger, ROLLS ASSORTED told Lawrence 1855 N B ; 650 700j., 1 1, '.600 9000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 24 PAPER, aava, bark I Ochotsk, Sept 800 Washington 1857 X B hTt 80 1000 riflH1 No charge made on luler-isiaii- u exchange. Red, white and bine Bunting. 100 rolls assorted border. inr 2J, bark Raynor 1857 N B Arctic .... 2200 ., 1050 Honolulu. Oct 6 ; 17th to home 855 X j ; 270 12o0 OchoUk Sept 11, 600 72-- tf O. W. MACY. Java 16000: Arr at sl'd cruise and Wavelet li -- above invoice was selected expressly for Cants Carbonate Soda, The this market by Jcannette Winslow 1S58 N B 150 j., IOchotsk. Sept 11, 800 Walter Scott 1855 Ed crar' ...... : 100 800 , JiaUcmeM tea, J. F. B. Marshall. Eso, and is the largest and best assortment Jefferson. Hunting 1S57 S II Arctic 601000 ., "250 2500' Arr at Honolulu, Sept 23 ; sl'd Oct 19, for X. Z. Warren, bk. ilS55 X B I 80 3100 OchoUk. Oct 1, S50 afterwards snobd. reeeired per bark TAXKFB.and for tale br ever imported, and wi.l be sold at lew rates by Jirvh i'erry Cannou 1856 X B Och'k 150 2500, 60 750 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 24 !l853 Hono ' 400 Arctic, Sept 8, 450 ',Jtt SEVERANCE. 7000: Wailua brig 1804 ' H. W. C. H. LEWERS, TO CAPTAINS Jireh Swift, bk Karl 1857 X B Arctic 480 1520 . 900 13000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 23 Wm. & Henry 11855 F II 130 1150 13f3 t Foit Street. WHALESIIIFS AND OTHER VESS- John Howland Whelden 1858 X B .... j.. ' Arctic, Aug 22, 2 whales. W C Nye. 1857 X B iArctic 120 195J 1000 17000 Arr st Honolulu Ort 7 OPELS. Wood of suwrior quality can be had at Koloa at John Wells Woodbridge 1857 X B 160, 70o.v ...!....; jOehotsk, Sept 8, 400 Wm Tell 1857 S H 225 Wrecked on Cape East, July 1, carp trtul Iioa Limber! SUGAR, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, $o per cord; fresh beef at 4 ceuu per 4b i sheep, at $3 per head ; John Dunlap Siencer 1S58 Hono ! 600. ...'....( Ochot'k, Sept 15. 300 Wra Uotch 1856 X B iArctic, 200; bOOi .400 6000 Arr at Lahaina Oct 24 I Also, fruits vegetables of various AV'inegar X 65 j Honolulu, 6 1 slM the 7th CHAIR, TABLE, BEDSTEAD, and goats at $1 60 head. and Julian 1S5S B . Arotic, Aug 5, clean. WmGiflbrd, bk 11853 X B iArctic 70 600 600 6000 j Arr at Oct toll OM NEW CROP. FROM j 6OO0! lSAbr5f and cofan mat, assorted sites, 2 to 0 inches square THE THE kinds can be procured at the above named port. Junior Rowley 1858 X B iochotsk, Oct 2, 4150, bound to X. Z. Wm Wirt I1S56 X B Kod'k 60 200 400 Arr at S. Francisco. Sept li; (fJ fran ! Wood always on hand the beach in quantities to I . Thompson W 185-- ) X B 90,. j ! Ochotsk, 2, hris axafrora Sto4 Inches wide. For sale by EAST MAUI PLA.XTATIO.W XT at suit J. aterman Ochotsk, Srpt 6,400 Wm Thompson jl857 X B 100 j 400 Oct. 100 (S6-tf- ) (64-t-f) GEORGE CHARMAN. 149-t-f C. BREWER A CO. For sals by li. IIACKFELD A Co. purchasers. J. P. West Tinker 1858 N B ...;....! Ochotsk, Sept 1, 1200 Winslow (Fr) 1863 nav re Och'k 600 4C00 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 23 'I SALT!! . C. WATERMAN & Co. TIIE AGENT OF TIIE Just Received and for Sale ! 3 la3Eib7 2 o) SALT! SALT! Offers for Sale: UESH AND CHOICE GROCERIES BT TllK UNDERSIGNED, MANUFACTURED AT TIIE Hudson's Bay Company F Sale oooi3S OflPl BBLS. EXTRA MESS BEEF. Raisins in 1 and I boxes, Cheese, papa jelly, currants, TIIE CARGO OF TIIE A 1 BRITISH BARK E. 0 . HALL TvIoloJaors, Seal J ;5O0 bbia prime pork. TIIE ATTENTION OF TIIE Caraway seed. Citron peel, Oregon salmon. .Garl Matff, PtCLOA SALT WORKS! 400 qr sacks A. F. flour, INVITES following assortment of merchandise, the most Meinert Fettjach, Sugar cured hams. Fresh apples, raspberry jam, HAS JUST RECEIVED PER BREMtJ- - V IS cases bacon sides, of which are now Preserved peaches, Honey, ginger in jars, 454 tons measurement, 901 1 tons burden, ARRIVED FROM FTBE UNDERSIGNED IS READ TO FUR- - cases brogans, O JCST JL nisa to Batchers and Packers, in tiw laiyevt quantities, a IS LANDING EX Oo. quinces and pears. Oreen corn and peas, CHELLEW, MASTER, very taper- - ankle, EQCAL TO TIIE BET IMPORTED 10 boxes fine soochong tea, . Plum, grape aud current jellies. French peas, asst'd sauces, Woolen, Linen and Cotto.fio 60 M Manila cigars, FROM LIVERPOOL 7tU. Aic. Tu'lfr ALT, and at a price to Defy Caataetiliaa ! For terms Mince pie meat, sardines, Olive oil, pepper sauce. SAILED of MAT HARDWARE. Fancy prinu, pink and yellow print. " pilot, two-blu- kha polys DANIEL MONTGOMERY, 05,000 lbs bread, nary and medium, Tins salmon, Tomato ketchup, musurd. AND prints, e prinu, black and white iTinn, 50 kegs bniter, ! LATHE, NORWAY' IRON ginithiuiij. P . Pnuioa 8aU Works. FROM LONDON Oysters in 1 and 2 lb tins, Curry powder, ground ginger, Dry Goods. 1.WOOD I nail rods. muslins, jaconet ginghams, Swiss Mf 130 coils New Bedford towlines, English an.l Muefcrrt l These goods, which are superior quality, are offered to the jams and preserves. (slack and cayenne pepper, Blue cottons, white cottons, superfine 1 iron foot do, 5 feet, slide rest, rtesu trunks. lens, royal bins do, black, greea 60 boxes tobacco, of True lemon syrup, cream white cottons, Victoria lawns, checks, plain 1aftrf (avorable follows 1 Clove, tartar, Whiting, axes, boys' axes, Plow harness, saucepans. white Or'smi : Shingles 130 coils Manila cordage, 51 inch, 4, trade on terms, and comprise in part as assorted prims, two blue prints, Turkey red and inch bine w Lcrrbfr, and Clapboards, 4, 4, Lewis' pickles and pie fruits. Soda, saleratus. yellow Corn poppers, brass wire seives. Inch grty I mg cl h (lirown 3 SJ, 31, 3. 2t, 2J, 2, and prinu, plain Turkey red cloth, ging- Hatchets, utrijied 3, 2i. U li inch. Dry Goods, &c. Prunes, cinnamon, chocolate, Douglas' pumps, 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, Baker's seives. ton.) mottled twills ( hlu hl n. w. lumber, 60 coils 6 thread, V thread and 12 thread. ham?, French lawns, moleskins, brilliantes, ir AW a nnn rmwungfeet of rough and planed Cases pink and yellow prima, blue do, mourning do, plain and fancy silks, Victoria Castsieel spades and slioveis. Mason's lime seives, skin. Mack cotton velvet, white linen u'nvA'" T zfx. Chain cables and anchors. Crockery AVare. lawns, b!u. c Boards, andUUUecantling nf all sises, White ground prints, bales while cotton, fine do, Dinner cups furniture cotton Zinc nnils, wool cards, 'Manila lines, black, white and blue sewing coitm; Copper spikes, 4 and a inch, Bales white, green, sets, Toilet sets, and saucers. prints, sheetiQg, fSO l y Wacw 10C.0O0 Stung , sawed, shared cedar and Eastern, blue and scarlet blankets. j I'lumlis Window cod lines, Inp; wadding, large woolen l lankeU J Chip's cam booses, complete, Nos. 2 and 3, Soup tureens. Pitchers, sugar bowls, cotton handkerchiefs, printed and levels, and l""' Pine CUpbnarrts, 4, e and fret long, Cases white and drab corduroy, cases black cloth, Egg cups, bordered CotUin 'Curtain cornice aud bands, white, blue, red, orange and green.) M li Whale irons, toggle irons. salad bowls, iTea pot, cream pots. handkerchiefs, twine. i hrwlcl ' Jpmcs da, 4 and 6 fret long, Asstd merino, a! paces, cs plain and check crinoline, , kct (64 by 69 inches.) hi ickand luc Whale boats, 1 boats, Vegetable dishes, sauce tureens. Mug-- boats, . Valenciennes hand- Wall brushes, Doane's, Shoe thread, seine twine. . Red wood Chipboards, ft, 14 and 16 feet long. and yawl Real Welch flannel, fine blue do, princetus, ' flannel, cotton toweis, printed cutt n M.f, li, Cottoo duck. Nos. T, 8, 9 10, Platters, bakers, cuke plates, Pitchers with covers, kerchiefs, Tur- Flesh brushes, whitewash do. Cash boxes, nests tin trunks, . 2, 4, 5, 6, and Lasling, cs white ground and printed muslin, Wait oak, a, lj and 2 Inches, 123-- asstd Nappies, i Fish lines. Kat Hard pine heading, tt Victoria Bishop'- do, birdneye pickle dishes, Washbowls and pitchers. key red do., trap, curtain nxtuces, . Silks, &e. Sbsathinar. , and i inch, lawn diaper. ' Scythes ami Cast L , i Towels t ustards, pie dishes. Flower pots, spittoons. white snathes, butts, F. French Mack taffetas, do bla. Gw" ' Fluorrnc Northwest, Sfwoce, yellow pine, white pine, ke. and napkins, huckabuck for do, Dinner soup Candle Lrig chain and ox bows, Gate hinges, complete,t XH,n . Check nolland, larege, do, and plates, sticks, foot baths. LINEN silk, do NajxHeon blue, black silk And all kinds of building Materials wanted in this market. farpfo of Lumber for Sale! printed plain cambrics. CAMBRIC Brass padlocks. Halter chains, 13-- riblyins, Paris te.ffeta shawls, do rej ilia"l, tf Ft sate at lowest rates by C. II. LEWF.R3. Knitting cotton, crinoline, mouseline delaine, Stone Ware. handkercliirfs, Tinned ears, bed screws. jEnameled kettles, h'". .EOLCS, A. Camman Muslin dresses, flounced do, black robes, uons, assorted. RECEIVED PER silk Stone jars, iBread pans, denims, riding Screws of all sorts. Ti Oman's - JUST direct from iiendorino Mill, comprised of the fol. j hats, shears, Inen and cotton drill, denims, guernsey frocks, Bean poU and baiters, Water jus, Western rim jCoBin Shirts, Hosiery, f. 31anila Cordasre. lowing iHKtmcnt : M cotton umnrellas, silk locls, scrjws, addapotams, white marseilles, eclored do. umbrellas, sewing Flat stew pans. jReed's pegging Extra One clear blue flannel shirts.Nn 3--4 T 3- -4 39,46S feet rough Rett wood Bosnia, Glass Ware. cotton, blue awls. do. shae , TJUOM TO INCH. - Fancy vesting, bonnet ribbons iu great variety. blue serge drawers, red do - 6 Pitchers, Ship's water bottles, an.l scarlet serge shirts, pdot jackets, Knitting needles. Meat saws, shirts, c". 1-- 1-- tfcantling, a",- M's long pea decanters, kin-- . HEMP CORDAGE 1 2 to 7 2 Inch. cloth shirts, regatta do, jackeU, alpaca coats, mosquito Bright screwdrivers, lifts, fancy striped do and other ''ron 4.700 " " " 0 x ti, Fearnought jackets, pilot cloth trowsers. Glass preserve dishes, ;Lamp shades, lump chimney, netting, linen blouse, phoe horns and hickory shirts, denira 'f?J, creams, Bed ticks, shite blue and red blankets, Irou braces. ;FiKH scrapers with brush, regatta shirts, striped spanyara. ' Hooseline. lo.ouo Pickets. Cases Englifih saddles and saddler's tools, in great variety, Butter dishes, lt(ri bottles, seed lottles, nilway wrappers. (sinsll and V - Turning saws talooas, French white shirts Marline. Wonnline, Ratline, 24.000 ton rued aud grooved Redwood Flooilng, single double and cruet bottles, Salt cellars, Indian lamp shades, "- lum, s puuu aim ugureu, supernnc and Common I and frames. Axe haudies, extra, shoe lasU, French Bridles, and reiu, I'elham bridles. j - fancy shirts, French supenor d. ei Seizing, Bone Tarn. 23.&M Cut tumblers, lamps 'Shade candle sticks. cloths, ladies' straw hats, bmwr otton half hose, sewing silk, j Farrier's and veneering bam- Shoe patterns, boot patterns, felt rners. broxn cotton socks, white cotton kJr'Lltl 22.705 surfaced Redwood Bosnia, Hardware. Wine glasses, gohleu, Colored water bottles. j meu's haw, silk handkerchiefs, super8ne tweed trouserings. Powder flasks, women - ' -- t)Cks, blue mixed sck jjiAcr- ASBortea sues. 10.2S2 - " Plank, Bumlles round iron, asstd, fiat bar iron, asstd, Molasses pitchers, - me ,.mivu uaiiitfi, piain mue nannei, white Butcher knives. I. R. dressing combs, cton ".- -, li i,,.., sailors heavy woolen sticking. . Peft, 32,964 planed J u Siding, Spades, shovels, files, cross cut saws, hand do, Britannia "Ware. flannel, grey woolen wrappers, men's woolen hose, cotton under- Timber scribes. ?teel bowed spectacles. Rosin. Bright Taraish. 18.WS " " " 6 feet long, Tenx saws, assorted locks, knives and forks. Coffee . shirts, cotton trouserings, printed muslins, ke., &c, Hunt's handled axes, K'uitain pint, butter prints, Clothi-f- f. pots, Water pitchers. kc, kc Shade Hats, JV 1.C74 tongned and grooved Pine Flooring, inch, . B. M. simons, scissors, corkscrews, plated spurs, Tea pou, I lamps, butcher's steels, jTootb brushes, Assorted English felt liaU, very li lamps, Cruet stadds. Liquors. Ivory handled ICumhinaiion ul'7'( I Ul tf Far sate by II- - W. SETERAXCE. 60,000 Redwood SUingles. Butchers' steels, carpenters' adzes. Cases Geneva. Old carvers, match safes, (latest style.) silk umbrellas, blue pilot ret Cast iron pots, sizes, coopers' anvils, Tom Oin, Scotch Whisky. Brown Cognac Pincers, cocoanut.dippers, fine astd Sundries. Pale Cognac, Pale Pocket scissors. trowsers. moleskin pants, gentlemen' Ajnarican 1 hurdles, 8 ft long, in 4 horizontal Mason's blacking, 'Swinging lamps. Sherry, Fine Old Port, Claret, Gravy seives, "f. PAINTS AND OILS. Inch white pine Boards, planed on two sides. Iron upright and bars, nests tin pails, Houble plane irons. and superior cloh pantaloons lisid jackta. j SNOW-WHI- Coopers' hinges, plane Shoe brushes, axe Brass candle BOTTLED ALE AND Japanned nurse Ship 20-1- 6, TE ZINC IN OIL. Do 1 inch do do do do on one side, rivets, brass bntt irons, handles. sticks, PORTER, lamps, augers, 6 to roent of light woolen, cotton tnd linen pntK PURE SngUsh and 12, 12 and 13 feet length. Cut nails, asstd sizes, metal brace buttons. Lanterns, selves, coffee mills, Sauce and fry pans. Hhds. Pocket knives. Handled socket chisels I vhiM lead. Salts' Ale, lihds. Younger' Ale. - Fas vlnaa white had. Do I inch white pine Boards, 10 inch wide and 12 It long, Painkiller, j Tea kettles, grid irons. Sets firmer chisels, Cixk's and Leland't i i'fr bits. Shoes. white pine Sheathing Boards, planed one Naval Stores. Tobacco, cigars and snuff, i Sundries. G. and B.'s machine needles, Pencil Men's brogans, lasting gaitets, Copal varnish. Io side. Tarred rope, asstd sizes, Manila roje, bolt mpe, White saltwater soap, sharpeners, gallon' tho,: a1 Demar varuish,' Do cedar ehinjrlea. shaved. XT Constantly on hand, fresh island butter, ground coffee, ic. perfumery, falsi jewelry. W. and W.'s do do. rearl shirt stmts, Wha Mine, ratline, spunyarn, assorted paints, English -- Turpentine, ehrooM yeflow, Do pine and spruce Laths. lol-t- f T. MOSSMAX & SON. saddles, Whalers spades, tinned spurs, Ely .t Walker's ercussic n caps, . r. Ilaaibro lines, boiled linseed oil, spiriU of turpentine, . Scotch biscuits. Hardware, ironi Chrome green, I3Vtf CHAS BREWER ft CO. Sail canvas, Faber's careiiter's pencils. Smooth and jack planes, crown imn, I asstd, barrels Stockholm tar. Crates assorted earthenware. Agate buttons, large 14 bmlls F.nglish verv best k - . Prussian blue, Barrels pitch, ship scrapers, sewing palms. IS. F. sise, and short jointers, 252 do do do S.OW Hams and bacon, T Bra marine bine. norax, pumice stone. Riding,team and carriage whips. i . tmn., ban " i I IL, ! Bees wax. sand paper, chain hooks. Assorted o cngusn vrr.v - . Terdlgrfs. O iron. Lead pipe, , 1, 14, 2 iara ..v '. A. H A Iron and brass screws, caulking irons, 1J, in.. Hunt's lirowi hatchets, 104 bundles best Kntlish hoop Iron, sate Offers for Sale, Iron poU, tin plates. Knives Ulf For by IL W. SEVERANCE. Kedpaths patent pnmpa, with fly wheel, and forks. Grain slunel. 8 kegs cooper's rivets, Brfcr; Crow bars, fencing Wire : i Just Received per "Aloha, ALSO, THE CARGO OF wire. netting, mallets. Cross cut saws, 41, 5, &t feet, Belgian wrought iron spikes, 2j InchU)v.in. Small chain, Liverpool Steel rakes, hay , 1 Cases sbeatnmg copper, 14 ox. & 30 ox., salt, rakes. Pit saws, 6J an 7 fet Belgian roofing sine, 36x75" . V OTHER LATE ARRIVALS, AND English boiled oil, Spring and German steel, Tin milk pans, JUST EECE1 ED AND fur sale by the undersigned, vis: Casks composition nails, assorted sixes. Bags Patent shot, Nos. 00 to 6? sup t' y Cases loaf sugar, Ground pepper, Blacksmiths' coal, shot, asst'J, Boxes PER Twilled hk-kor- nd blue and pink striped regatta shirts, glass, extra quality, Butcher knives, assorted quidities, &i Ualfbbls do. Ground Steam coal, Casks cut nails and jBoxes "JU ' Groceries. mustard, spikes, tin plates, S. B. lanterns table kn.yei - aa t 99 Parisian white and printed busotn shirts. Cases English bacon, do do hams, cs Cheshire cheese, Boxes raisins, Table salt, Qnea Sailors' knives, jack knives, Figured buckskin, nankinet and satinet pants, Cases SUGAR PANS DRY GOODS, -. pie fruits, jellies and jams, asstd. Bbia Carolina rice. AND COOLERS, Asst tic percuwiooCTl- . Black Orleans sack coats, cotton and sua umbrellas, - d cottoondes. (Ticking, wicking, hickory shirts, Kirby fishhooks, flint stones, GINGER SNAPS, Candied orange and citron peel, cases pickles. Bbis cement, Patent charcoal irons. Hoop Iron, 1 case superior assorted English cutlery, Blue cottons, brown CASTS walsv crackers. Saxony ginghams. Sauces, white wine vinegar, mustard, capers, cottons, Mexican mixtures, Clothing buckles, best axes, ass.rtedwr. FIFTY 100-t-b I'mbrellas, jewsnan Casss Matroporitaa crackers, Superior matches, Preserved meats Vegetables, cases Bbia flae Navy Bread. T0N3 RICE, in bags. iMerrunac denims, Horn combs, ivory tooth cocibs, Ean ds Cologne, and maccaroni. Blue, pink, green and brown Black dress aillr. . Cases JasBblsa, Vermicelli, tapioca, sago, cloves, cayenne pepper. Bala aad baxea Wafer Bread, ALSO Crockery Cases cakea, And Macassar oil. Oae Center Baard Baat, Daily expected, per muslin delaines. ; ladies' Lisle gloves. Class Ware, ' teana Oround black pepper, cases patent groaU. SEA NYMPH, from London, king-glaw- e. .Irawer jw.. Taffeta ribbons, . ;ilt frame Bbia. For sale 5 Smsslh Bet tam AVbaleboata. " 'Men's and children's gloves, cement. by Matter's Celebrated Ale I Patent barley, Scotch oatmeal, almonds, saleratus. MARZETTrS ALE AND PORTER, CRstors, tumblers, porter glasses, Jl, B. Pale Oil casks, shook, hoops and head?, half-b-bl Asst'd worsteds, Elastic belts, ITlf P. MOW. Claret, 11 a Barsae, Champagne, Turpentine linseed Cases sardines, in half and quarter tins, salad oil, heads and staves, And dishes, I at and oil, shortly per Col'd i White mugs, r Mnlagatawny paste, Etc., etc, etc., etc GONELZA. from London, an assortment spool cottons. Ladies' white and brown cotton butter 1Vrr! OUvs Oil, superior German Blacksmith's Coal, stearine candles, of ENGLISH GROCERIES. Sewing machine i Brown spittoons, porous 1 ; r)wedish English Yellow soap, mottled soap. s thread, hose. JL. a"TrFlora and Bar Iron, assorted sises. Casks Cumberland Coal, rrom Black silk fringe, Men's white Clay pipes, Eau Cologne, BherMead Lead Pipe, Rifles, Gunpowder winES tt,fiu?,txrC!;nTer.a"ce En?'a"d Her the and mixed hose, and Cans, and Shot, j.LSON. DrtKs trimmings, ; Genuine Lubin's Extract. Ales, Wines and Spirits. 100 IIaxall for which, vessel they were too beau-ttf- ul asst'd colors. Misses' white aud brown hose, 1IALF-INC- U bbls Flocr, late, a Gcat SLias, . LUMBER. ALE Edinbro in quarts, - assortment of ENGLISH Gimp trimmings. Boys' do AVhalP1" 140-t- f ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER STAPENH.0R3T. ' Bales Oakcm, PRINTS, Including pink and do do, en. rt li li Dress j Alius In quarts, Allows, and other choice styles. buttons, asst'd, Fans, asst'd. cordage, 1 to 3 men, Cedar Siuxgles, designs Ruches Tarred .Talloir. Marxetti's in quarts, Etc., etc. 13" The of these prints, as well as o those to arrive and head dresses. Elastic ribbon, white and black, Standing rigging, 3 to 64 inch, 151-- tf per Ladies' ONE PRICE ! NO DEVIATION ! Slarzettrs diamond in quarts and pints, "Humphrey Nelson," are entirely xbw, and not copied or gauntlets. jSuperior table covers, cutting falLlth0"2l?Ki Slash! AUsop's in quarts and pints, borrowed from the old designs of importations Picture cord and tassels, Belt ribbons, lrmp 60 fathoa lbQ-t- br other house. Curls 4 Manila cutting falls. mar- - Quick Sales! Small Bass' in quarts and pints. f JANIQN, GREEN CO. and tassels, rigolets, Superior sash ribbons, . i rope spunyarn, u',n';rr(i',5 ' rxmciiAsrD at highest rroGts! Peas, Presenes, Sit, k Glove Ratline, yam, U. sssrasssywy lia--tfthe c. BREL flR A CO. Brass' ia auarta and ninta. stretchers. jM'hite merino hose, ladies', Seising stuff, best Enslish sail 4 SPENCER WOULD RESPECT PORTER Manettrs in quarts and pints. RTLETT PEARS, IN 5 AND Brown berege, corsets. unen aaraasc whaleline, paten W. FRANK of public IO LF. Groceries. A No. 1 Manila t"r tb atteatksi the in general, and .Barclay a rerkms' in quarts sad pints. BA in syrup. ciia neaa nets. Boat compasses, raw and boiled W" the ladies in particular, to his well seluraed stock of Bridges A Sons in quarts and pints, Peaches, in 6 and 10 lb. tins, in syrup. BT RECENT ARRIVALS, TnE Brook's spool cotton, col'd and Hemp carpet, furniture damask, Spiriu turpentine, green oil paint, a Morice Cox k. Co auarta and ninti. Strawberry preserves, in glass jars, White. . C:i Dry CJood and Fancy in Viz: u store m we ltl.iuHv! ahiwlinn ...tlv. Lampblack, putty, whiting chalk. afr CczrMtion, Articles. WISE Soperior port In quarter casks, . . Raspberry do do do. undersigned, And to meet the times, be would offer them at A MERE LIV- Preservea.Ofl allSCELLANEOUS. Pump leather, rigging leather, M aapenor port in es of a aoa each, Blackberry do do do. Fresh raisins. French calfskins. rn vUa Uaii ING PROFIT, confident in the old saw, that a nimble sixpence Fre- - h apples. Men's brown and black Leghorn ft B. WhaleboaU...... Superb sherry in quarter casks, Plum do do do, Fresh mmntx. In ttn. Skirting and bridle' in. ia better than a stow ihUling." ' Fresh ' . leather, hats. rr, a mar- Soperior sherry in cases of 3 dozen Peach do do do, quinces, Fresh oysters, . . and men ed - ' N. B. The scrvieea of well-kno- and obliging Salesman each, Ladies' heeled congress gaiters, Sole Groceries L kas rales, sy at ths nisnrrrC. UAC3iACO. a Snperkir sherry in cs of 1 dot Spiced pickled peaches, do Fresh peaclies. Fresh leather. English pickle Durham mrnuard, ala pW lit secured, paMte may no each, do, lobsters, Ladies' buskins. congress " bavins; been the rest m1 'i that pains . Claret in cs of 1 dos each, A small assortment of the above choice preserves Fresh pears, Children's boots. qr. loaf sugar, to glvs lSS--tf and fruits, Sardines, Table salt, in bags and boxes. Do - Sardines in bojse, will be spared the fullest sattsfsrtioo. elsrec in es dns MrK. per Raduga, Raspberry jam. parodis, t peas. f'? ' la IL. Sanerior of for sale by French capers, Corn starch, fariua. Men's opera Rye flour, green teas, split naif.fTSi c Gcit BRAXDY Marteu' s tn quarter ica-t- r Cranberry jam, . m English slipper. . I . i3a casks, n. w. severance. pickles, Cases starch, transparent soap,! Men's heeled Sourkraut. pickled lnjsahelled V. V. Proprietor's in quarter eaJks, Strawberry jam. etc., etc English pie pumps, Superior BT.hemiaa - B. SXOW, etc fruits, rure sperm Canutes, Layer raisins. Lechos raisins, n--. SwaSMS F. In bottle a lew eases 1 doaen each. WILCOX, RICHARDS Ac Mince meats, a English sauces, Brst Otfrisian butter. East India polisBearV- WMVIUM -- Co. Sage, Lubin's extracts, Hyperion fluid. . OFFERS FOR SALE TO ARRIVE, GIX DeknyperS in quarter casks, English mustard, Side hill plows. Wine vinegar, Westphalia hams. Old Tom in quarter casks. CONTINUE TIIE SHIP Sweet aavory. French ' Pain killer, granulated so gar, PER - WASHINGTON ALLSTON," WILL and COMMISSION BC6INESS In his Nsw Summer mustard, Handled brush hooks. 1 Gant'a fan mill, beat au gers, RtM Detnerara in quarter casks, Tias-Pao- os savory, Hops, 5-- lfc Sroas, now In coarse of erection, where Solar lamps and Brit, as r Tr.cn at the nicnEsr hates KET8TONC WHITE LEAD, Jamaica in quarter casks. he will be Curry powder, Soap, chimney, castor, guarded lanierna. Abbot's pale ale, quarts; B n "ilinl asd JEGS pleased to meet all his old customers and friends. Re will Castor bottles, extra. Children's fancy caps. Van Bergh J, Ground cassia, " mid brand; dea Zrr v S5-- M-l- 100-I- keep on full Tins of water, oys-- Boys' Leghorn Kega Lewa White Lead. b kegs. Perfumery. hand a supply of Ship Chandlery and every deacrip- - O round batter, sugar, hats. Ladies' riding hats. Superior old champagne cognac, pale v TT-- LOW, QT CNDEO- Merchandise black pepper, ter, soda SALE THE - Kegs and Us mnt, Fin era de cologne. a cf usually required by shipping. Whole and wine crackers, Ladies' brown oloomers, Children's brown Leghorn hats. Chat. d'Yquem (HautSauteriie,) SchW c I Topsail, eoarses, topgaOant yarns, royass, . gl-t- f do do, i Smoked bams. v n- -j U ai: Boss HHT fountain perfumery. W1LCGX, RICHARDS a CO. Pimento. Rhine wine, cherry cordial, Hamburg r ssjIsJULsTsaser.assraail nearly new, Smoked herrings, "OODKN WARE, lie, bratKiy-- - , Essence of sandalwood, j wine mouaseaux. casks A milisr lis ! - Ground cloves. Best BTwbond pads, Covered pails, painted, Rhine con- - Assorted hair oils. jrsT Oolong tea, B rchhroom vinegar, 90 prr cent. . 7 kact: kaad stars, topsail rsansrs aad CRisiiED tvaxm received, Ground ginger, Green corn, Manila mu French table " sad HALF BBLH. CBIU..1) SUGAR, Bear's grease, flASES EXAMELED CLOTH, Cream " nd , Ofm 60-t-h Harness and Russet Leather, tartar, Crushed loaf SlT1 'h.'.10xU Haircloth, v Ware, eac. imsrasaMssriraqiw wsw j. boxes do. For av by 100-- tf Double and treble distilled lavendar. and sugar, Blmds, 10x14 Willow C es, two teen nsMes. s(J Children's Cabs, . e. o. soda, and 10x18, Curle.1 hair, . . . tm i enala . U. XT. trYr"lAXCK, , ood Sofas, arm chairs, .. . -- lMf ' flonr. and cane seat Feather pillows, chairs, m . sd rattaag-i-a Mocks, with chain pendants. t-- OAK fChadren' Carriages, variotu patterns, Hull rocker, Rocking ' PL.ANK. Sir. 31- -t French !nc For sale try faint, la tin, , Damar varnish, , AH. PLANK. , C. BREWER A CO Fresh Inland Butter and Ground Coffee always on Boiled unseed . SALE ARRIVED CJL' oil, Neato' foot oil. 167-- U (K a,aassrtaMsaot bs3caa,paasBtanaou Fon mil Hard Pine Plank, hand-- q33-iy- ) H. McINTYRK. ' , o- Saadrie. C t wwrtd, orsnpasses, boot lanterns. "nACHEH." : Hproca Deck. s 4 Plank, DS st JM f BcildiEr for Sale ! BOMD-.-jT3n.AN- cigars, unit. Havana; l, -, - - GUNS AND Bmmo I jltlssi(najMs4 aehaiaa- sprccs tc-- - Hard Pine Rails, Ul TT10.?" ?ALE.jrrjST: RECEIVED wV.l!ALIJ,G soap, - e EX BARK brooms, coossnut rKW' 'jr.'- rtaicit, rr double-ban- zC 7 - d'KS THE CORNER Q.CEEN "Sachem," 5 k , XV T . Birch is? Suaes, far aate by 1U tf C.aU.a.JI t - Fur sale by OF AND Melo v CELEBRATED II A .. : t' A 257-10- board, Alakea Streets. moat . . inch Baltic pin "J' deckabie lot, containing bd C d teed l ?d I5mb large kiid smjUl sites, un..er. One . 1 "Mf C. BftlWaa CO. stearoinf cJ-- 1 e, pisno .r?","gCj tobe article of the kiud 60 ton West Hartley - - TTi surior la xt. the lee airople. . Inqnire i pan of U earoo " .A A ' of The above from the manufactory vr. r "at Theabova, V... , t. sate on favorabl; tensi toston. Tor try . ( A..F. sale T"t u Nt 'stdkr . kast -- coax, ; fry cz r zzzlv nu. -- rvr : 1 . . V, t rr.i tlg.T t" , fK r l. ; , ml At.'--- ,