Ditchling to Fishersgate - 12 miles (Start point TQ325151) Public car park or roadside parking in and

Turn left along the street to crossroads in centre of village.

Go ahead along South Street.

In 250 yards, where the road forks, take the twitten almost directly ahead. Keep to the right of a roundabout at end of estate road and take another twitten to the right which crosses a plank bridge into a field.

Now turn half left to a gap in the hedge.

Aim to the right hand corner of a wood and go along its right side.

Continue in the same direction out to the road at TQ324138.

Turn right for about 150 yards, then take the track on the left which ascends the Downs to the summit and the Way, about 200 yards east of 'Keymer Post'.

Go westwards along S.D.W. for 150 yards and then turn left along a track leading southwards with a distant view of Brighton.

In just over half a mile, go through a bridle gate, aiming for small clump of trees on the skyline.

Pass to left of this clump and go ahead with a hedge on the right at first. Soon after passing the 'Chattri', (an Indian War Memorial which is well worth a visit), on left, go through a bridle gate and continue along open Downland with fence to the right.

After passing through a further bridle gate and under power lines, keep on over open Downland, descending gently.

In about 400 yards join farm access track and turn right along a track along the side of the bypass.

Continue along the road parallel to the bypass which soon turns to the right and at a house called ‘The Cornerstone’ turn left, (just before the RSPCA kennels) on a path which crosses over the A23.

After a dip turn left and then in five yards turn right to join a track which goes steadily uphill.

At a T-junction turn right along a clear track between fences for about a mile. A few yards after passing under a second set of power lines the main track curves away to the right.

Do not follow this curve but instead keep almost ahead through a metal bridle gate and a second within 100 yards, keeping ahead with a fence on the left.

After about 500 yards go through a gate and continue.

In another 500 yards go through a metal gate and immediately turn left down a hollow way between hedges (this is the ).

Pass through another gate, past some cottages on the right and then round to the right from the main farm buildings at Saddlescombe to join the road (TQ271115).

Cross the road, heading half left and climb the hill on a rough track passing a covered reservoir on the left.

The area ahead is criss-crossed with tracks but aim to climb steadily with the Devil's Dyke/Saddlescombe road not far away on the left and with the Dyke itself on the right.

At the top, cross the road (TQ258107) continuing ahead through a bridle gate over Downland.

Refreshment options: Turn right here for 'Devil's Dyke Hotel' and refreshments.

Fine views of the Weald soon open up on theright.

Where a fence converges from left and track from right, go through a metal field gate. This is the National Trust open access area of Fulking Hill.

Leave the South Downs Way, turning left across open downland and heading SW. In half a mile join another path coming in from the right and a fence line coming in from the left.

Turn left through a gate and follow a clear track with a fence on the left.

After half a mile, just after some power lines, turn right on a wide track following the line of pylons; the path curves left with the power lines and drops down into the valley.

About 150 yards after passing through a gateway (with Mile Oak dew pond over the fence to the right) take the right path at a fork through a bridle gate where the track continues downhill.

At the bottom go through another gate and immediately double sharply back to the right for about 50 yards, before turning back sharply left to join a track which can be seen ahead skirting the shoulder of the hill.

Now enter the National Trust area of Southwick Hill; continue up hill and under the second set of power lines, bear away to the left on the lower terraced track parallel to the right of power lines.

Later pass back under the power lines and, in the far corner of the N.T. area, go through a bridle gate and continue with a hedge on the left.

At a recreation ground turn left on an enclosed path which runs round the edge of the field.

At the end of the field it joins a wide track out to a road (Mile Oak Gardens).

Cross over and follow a twitten to another road (Mile Oak Road TQ250066). From here the route is built up all the way to the finish.

Go down the wider twitten opposite to the Old Shoreham Road where buses depart into Brighton.

To continue to Fishersgate Station cross the busy Old Shoreham Road with care and continue on the twitten beyond.

Reach a residential road where Shelldale Road () is to the left and Manor Hall Road (Southwick) is on the right.

Cross this road and continue on the twitten beyond to pass some workshops on the right and on to Fishersgate Station itself.