
Springfields Fuels Ltd Site Stakeholder Group Meeting

Minutes of the 24th Springfields Fuels Ltd Site Stakeholder Group meeting, held at Ashton & Lea Golf Club on Tuesday 15 November 2016, starting at 1330hrs.


Westinghouse Springfields Members:

Mr Simon Marshall, Managing Director, UK Fuel Operations Mr Dave Peacock, EHS&Q Director Mr Alan Beauchamp, Communications and Media Relations Manager Mrs Steph Dalby, Secretary

External Members: Mr Mike Baggs, Environment Agency Cllr Robert Boswell, Preston City Council Cllr Roy Clarke, Association of Local Councils C Cllr C Crompton, Lancashire County Council Mr Dave Daniels, Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) Cllr Kevin Ellard, Lancashire County Council Mr Melvyn Gardner, South Ribble Council Cllr Roger Lloyd, Fylde Borough Council Mr Andrew Penman, F2 Chemicals Ltd Mr Dave Walker, South Ribble Borough Council Mr Bernard Whittle, SSG Chairman

1. Welcome and opening remarks by Mr Bernard Whittle

The Chairman noted that this was Dave Daniels’ last SSG meeting and thanked him for his input over the years.

2. Apologies and Changes to Membership

Apologies were received from the following:

Mr Ben Alderson, Lancashire County Council Mr Richard McCann, County Scientific Service Mr Richard Jewkes, NDA Mr Christopher Thomas, Fuel Standards Agency Cllr Mark Yates, Preston City Council

3. Minutes of the last meeting of the Springfields Site Stakeholder Group

The minutes of the last meeting were approved.

1 of 5 4. Matters arising (that will not be covered by the agenda)


5. Business Report (Mr Simon Marshall) The full report was issued separately prior to the meeting and is available on the Springfields website (www.westinghousenuclear.com/springfields).

Mr Marshall gave highlights from the Business Report

Comments and Questions from Members Mr Penman enquired about the Hex Plant and timeframes. Mr Marshall replied that the plant currently remained in care and maintenance, but an offer had been made to a customer which would enable the plant to operate for a further 10 years. The company was still awaiting a response to the offer.

6. Environment, Health and Safety Report (Mr Dave Peacock) The full report was issued separately prior to the meeting and is available on the Springfields website (www.westinghousenuclear.com/springfields).

Mr Dave Peacock gave the highlights from the Environment, Health and Safety Report.

Comments and Questions from Members Mr Whittle asked what the life expectancy of Clifton Marsh was. Mr Peacock replied that the company was in dialogue with Lancashire County Council and there would be a time when it would not be available and at that time the company would look at an on-site disposal facility. However Clifton Marsh was expected to be available until 2035.

Mr Whittle asked for an updated presentation on waste disposal. Mr Peacock suggested that one would be appropriate in 12 months’ time.

Mr Clarke asked what were the safety implications for the site of the nearby fracking operations. Mr Peacock explained that the site had a whole basket of safety measures and that the fracking operations posed no immediate risk to the safety of the site.

7. Socio-Economic Report (Mr Alan Beauchamp) The full report was issued separately prior to the meeting and is available on the Springfields website (www.westinghousenuclear.com/springfields).

Mr Alan Beauchamp gave the highlights from the Socio-Economic Report.

Comments and Questions from Members


8. Report by Authority (Mr Richard Jewkes)

Mr Jewkes sent his apologies.

9. Report by Site Inspector, Office for Nuclear Regulation (Mr Dave Daniels)

Comments and Questions from Members


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10. Report from the Site Inspector, Environment Agency (EA) (Mr Mike Baggs) The full report was issued separately prior to the meeting and is available on the Springfields website (www.westinghousenuclear.com/springfields).

Comments and Questions from Members


11. Off-site Emergency Planning (Mr Ben Alderson) Mr Alderson sent his apologies.

Comments and Questions from Members


14. Open Forum

No questions or comments

15. Questions from Members of the Public/Media


16. Any other business


17. Date of the next SSG meeting: The next meeting will be held in April 2017, date to be confirmed.

3 of 5 Glossary and Abbreviations

AHF Anhydrous Hydrofluoric Acid

ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable

ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable

AGR Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor

AUAM Advance Uranium Asset Management

Cogent The sector Skills Council for the Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Nuclear, Polymers, Petroleum and Oil & Gas industries

COMAH Control of Major Accident Hazards

COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations

Customer 1st A Westinghouse internal company initiative intended to improve all-round company performance.

CR Community Relations

These classifications LTA Lost Time Accident refer to accidents OSHA DAC Occupational Safety & Health causing an individual to Administration (US) Day Away require time away from Case } work of more than 3 days and 1 day respectively LWR Light Water Reactor

Hex Uranium Hexafluoride (UF6)

HR Human Resources These are units of measurement for radiation dose to individuals. Milli sievert & microsievert 1 Sievert (Sv) = 1000 Millisievert (mSv) 1 Millisievert (mSv) =1000 Microsievert (µSv)

NDA Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

NNL National Nuclear Laboratory

NSAN National Skills Academy Nuclear

NSG National Stakeholder Group (Facilitated by the NDA, as an interface between local, national and international stakeholders)

ONR Office for Nuclear Regulation

REPPIR Radiation Emergency Preparedness Public Information Regulations RIDDOR Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences Regulations RoSPA Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents TRIR Total Recordable Incidence Rate

UAM Uranium Asset Management

WEC UK Westinghouse Electric Company UK Ltd

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