/ Ditfribufjon BANK Today 21,200 -

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• VOL. 65 NO J137 lanwdtolir. M«a«if thwoft frtdky. •weed CUM ""• °"» ™' f fall tt Xtd But •!,« AMIttaallUlliif OUwi RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1963 fc PER COPY PAGEONE The Tape Recording Mystery LONG BRANCH — A mystery was added yesterday to Miss Camassa Indicated at the time she had listened at the.growing argument before City Council over the Housing least to parts of the tapes of the appropriate meetings. Hughes Will Ask , Authority seat claimed, by CouncHwomanLUcy Wilton., BOWEN PRESENT Ctty Clerk Sanlta J. Camassai played >back the Upe of council's Sept. ,25 meeting to shed more light on whether t*». She-said yesterday she first'learned part of the meeting vacancy to .which Mra. Wilson was named In October offi- had not been recorded last Friday when she reviewed the cially edited. • • ,, tape to be prepared for her meeting with Mrs. Wilson. Mr. But the tape proved a dud. About two-thirds of the, tape Bowen said he was present. —tfw equivalent of ]g pages of tht 29 page* of official mipi»tes With reporters and Mrs. Wilson looking on, Miss Camassa wts blank. The segrhent being sought was among the missing., spoke sharply to Mr. Bowen about a conversation they had More Taxes Then was no immediate explanation. The two ^persons had Friday relative to the missing area and the possibility TRENTON (AP) - Gov. Rich- charged with handling tapes. Miss CIDIMSS and City Manager the "playback" switch had been employed in error. ard J. Hughes revealed yester- Richard 1. Bowen, both denied knowledge of any tampering DID NOT REPLY day that his budget message next with the tape or recorder. >, Mr. Bowen. did not reply to the clerk but walked out of month will iriclude a proposal for two POSSIBILITIES the room. He said later he did so because of her tone. He Increased, state taxes. Hughes told' a news conference Mr. Bowen said there were two possibilities. One wts said he had suggested, in talking to Miss Camassa, the the budget for the 1963-64 fiscal that the "playback" twitch of the recorder instead of the "playback" switch possibility but that he Is certain it was year will be some $30 to $50 mil- "record" switch hid been turned 'on Inadvertently and wts not the case In this situation. Carman Scaglione had suggested to Mrs. Wilson that she lion higher than the: current not corrected until sometime during the^jpeetfng. The other year's. is that the tape had been, erased (after the meeting. hear the tape because, he said, he recalled having questioned Asked if a tax.increase would ' The manager, said an "on and off' remote control switch council about the Housing Authority on Sept. 25, that he had be needed to balance the budget, at his desk could not be responsible as it controls only power been • told the date of the Llnley resignation, and had made other'comments. Hughes replied, "Yes, we'll have to the recorder, which is in another roam, and not the mi-,, to do something." crophpnei' used to pick up voices. , , INCOMPLETE SENTENCE State law requires Hughes to Had the "playback" switch been on, and later corrected The official minutes, referring to this part of Mr. Scag- deliver the budget message Jan. at the part of the tape where "voices are heard, Mr. Bowen lione's remarks, say somewhat incoherently: "He suggested 28 but he said he will ask the said he would remember it. "I am the only one who touches that when the vacancy on the Housing Authority Council is Legislature to postpone it until the machine and if that had happened, I would remember filled by a qualified person." Feb. 11. it and would have, made note of It", . ' , Father Linley sent hit resignation to council in the sum- "We've got some problems this Both he and Miss- Camassa denied having erased' the mer. It' was read to the council and clerk at a caucus but year—30 to 50 million (dollars) Upe or of having allowed it out of their control. • Mr. Bowen later misplaced it. He located it in November, of them," he explained. • Mrs. Wilson asked the cleric to play the tape'on Dec. after the Wilson appointment was disputed,, and put it on file. Annual Increase 2 but Miss Camassa refused, stating she would set a mutually City Attorney Louis Aikens has. ruled that if it wasn't He attributed the rise in the convenient time. She chose yesterday. brought to council's attention at an official, meeting prior budget to the normal annual in- PREPARED CERTIFICATE . ; ' to the appointment, the vacancy did not then exist. crease in established programs, Last month the clerk- prepared a certificate that ber Mrs. Wilson was appointed by a 4-3 vote when council such as teacher pension costs and search of official minutes gave no evidence that the resig- state school aid. nation of. Rev.' Herbert L. LInley was officially reported to ,had two vacancies. It is now at full strength and a majority The state Tax Policy Commis- council by oral or written communication before the Wilson of five have indicated they will rescind the prior appointment sion plans to release its final re- appointment. at the meeting on Tuesday port on a year-long study next Thursday. It; has been learned that a majority of the commis- NEW MARLBORO ATTORNEY — County Prosecutor Vincent P. Keuper, .right, was Blum Nixes sion favors a new broad-based sworn in last night as Marlboro Township attorney replacing Assemblyman Clifton Tshombe Makes state tax, with about half the T. Barkalow. Mr. Keuper, a Democrat, was appointed at the committee's reorganization Comment proceeds—$80 million—going to increased state school aid. meeting when the Democrats obtained control for the firif tim* in 25 years. Swear- Negotiations Bid Hughes said he will not discuss ing in Mr. Keuper i» Townihip Clerk Floyd Wyckoff, left. In the center i* Mayor On Charges specific tax increases until he Joseph A. Laruaro. . . KEANSfiURG - C. Bernard LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo copper and cobalt producing cen- has bad a chance to study the Blum, borough manager, said (AP) — Katangan President ter which they had threatened to Tax Policy Commission report yesterday that he would not corn- Hoise Tshombe was reported to- defend street by street.' He' said he has been given a meat on charges lodged against day making a 'new bid for ne- The-vktory left UN forces in briefing on it but declined to com- him until he receives a written gotiations as UN combat forces control of up to three-fourths of ment on the report before it be- Marlboro Seeks to Lower copy of the items. prepared to close In.on the rem- Katanga's ore-producing facili- comes official. Mayor -Louis- T. CoHichlo an- nants of hisresistance forces at ties. • : ' ' • ' . School Aid nounced Wednesday . night - that Kolwezi. . -.- , Tshombe left Jadotville earllei Hughes has committed himself h* would file: four charges , But if there, are no. negotiations with the main body Of Katangan! to increased state school aid. Lot Size Requirements against the manager. and UN troops continue advanc- and set up the remnants of hia But his statement yesterday voted for it Dec. 11 as a mem*. Mr. ColliAio -said the charges ing, Tshombe declared In an In- government In Kolwezi,'150 miles made it-certain that he will rec- MARLBORO—Before an over-in Monday's issue of the Red ber of the Planning Board. lie will file are: terview, "We shall fight to the northwest of his former capital ommend some added taxes, even flowing crowd of 100 persons in Bank Register. the Township Hall last night, the Mayor Joseph A, Lanzaro said 1. That the manager executed end. V Kolwezi !»)U, rhen of Elisabethville and 80 miles be- if he. does not go along with the Changes Vote Township Committee, by a 3 to 2 that In (he past the township had a contract with the M. M. Nero will fight in the bush." Jadotville. tax policy commission recom- vote, introduced a "Planned Com The balloting on the proposed failed "miserably" on planning. Construction Co., Hailet, last • Tshombe wai Interviewed "I hear that (UN Secretary. mendations. . munity" ordinance which had ordinance revealed a change of He called'the proposed ordinance year without approval of the Ko|wezi by Adrian Porter of the General) U Thant Wants me to Last year, Hughes balanced his Borough Council. , Associated Press .and * Belgian first budget by making perma- been'recommended by the Plan- feeling by. Committeeman Paul a great'aid to planning In the start negotiations," Thsombe E. Chester, who opposed the community. 2: That Mr. Blum tailed to at' newsman as UN Indian, Irish and said. ''I am disposed to do so. nent a temporary.^e-cent in- ning Board. measure last night. He had (See MARLBORO, Page 2) tend rYQbllc Utilities Commis- Cro'ss' Ethiopian troops chased dwind- He said he had been waiting In creMs:fcf ;to» state curette tax. The proposed ordinance states sion Hearing in Newark lartiftr ling Katangan forces out ol Ja- vain for UN plane to pick him Inheritance and pari-mutuel bet- that In developments of more to register the, objections of. the dotville without a fight. up- (o return to Elisabethvilie for ting taxes were increased to raise than 100 acres, the lot.size may council oq an application by the Dies ate 78; A rearguard of TshbomVs gen- talks and also for word from the money for state aid to shore be".reduced from the present Blue and White Bus Co. for darmes and white mercenaries American and British consuls in areas hit by a disastrous March half-acre requirement — on a Salary Hike an "open door'* franchise on its Ex-Mayo? fled in automobiles seized from Elisabethvilie guaranteeing his storm. seven-step ;scale if the dsveloper express run to-ftew York. civilians, yielding the important safety. fa previous years-the budget suppft'es .schools and other pub- ?. That Mr. Blum failed to at- FAIR HAVEN— Charles Phil- was balanced by increasing tax- lic facilities— to include as many Measure Introduced tend a PUC auction held two ip Cross, 78, of 251 Fair HaVen es on cigarettes, gasoline, and as five homes per acre. NEW SHREWSBURY-An or-dangerous ice. Mayor Lemon years ago to dispose of the old Rd., former mayor and the first corporations. Proposed tax in- Levitt Interested dinance raising all police salar suggested that -consideration be telephone bonding here and, as borough clerk of Fair Haven, creases passed.over in the hunt It has been reported that Levitt Raritan Budget ies 7'/2 per cent was introduced given to an ordinance regulating » result, the building was sold diea" yesterday afternoon at^the for budget-balancing funds includ- s interested in building a hous- by Councilman Robert. Davidson the pumping of water Into pub- to 4- . private Club. . Shrewsbury .Manor Nursing ed new levies on public utility ing development here. The Levitt bil|s, real estate transactions, firm reportedly has options on at last night's council meeting. lic streets. : • . . 4. That he allegedly railed to Home, Shrewsbury, where he Mayor John Lemon said; the correct certain conditions that soft drinks and increased motor 1,000 acres of land in (he Pleas- The mayor. also appointed had been a. patlentrfive days., Tops $2 Million boost should not be construed to Councilmen Herbert Willett arid he was aware of in the police de- vehicle fees. ant Valley section of the town- Mr. Cross was born in Fair mean that any or all other bor partrnentprior to charge* betag „, , Mn ^ the Campaign Proposals ship. It is itear Matawan Town- Edmond Norris to a committee RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The The board will appropriate ough employees are due for a fjled agatest^certam members of Hughes said his annual mes- ship, where Levitt's huge Strath- which includes William Wich- E_ ,nd Emj|y UmMu..CnaL Board, of Education last night $82,935 from its surplus account similar raise. Public hearing the force. That he allowed in- sage to the Legislature at the more development is located. mann and Benjamin Pickering of He had lived here all his life. unveiled its proposed 1963-64 as compared to $105,334 last for the measure was set for Feb. accurate payroll records, to be school budget totaling $2,096,579, year, leaving a balance of ap- opening of its 1963 session next J. Douglas Alt, a local plan- the Planning Board for investi- maintained' by; the department Insurance Broker ' reflecting an .8.8 : per-cent in- proximately $40,000. Tuesday will be based largely on ning board member, has come gation of the borough's - mining and failed to establish a proper He5 'was an ' insurance broker Names Committee ordinance. crease over' the present sched- A.total of $31,073 of surplus, proposals he made in his 1961 out against the ordinance. He system of records in the agency. and was employed by the Glen Borough Attorney Milton A. ulel . ' $28,000 . of which was interest election campaign and during last has said "it appears to be tailor- Two new street lights for Ap- Jan. 31 has' been set for a Falls and North River Insurance Mausner was instructed to take The proposed schedule will be earned in funds, invested by the year's session. made for Levitt." ple St. were proposed by Coun- hearing on the charges. '• Companies .of New York'.for He said the message would in- Public hearing on the ordinance action on a complaint, that a cilman Willett. 1 formally-introduced by the board boa,rd, will go towards the debt (See BLUM. P«g« 2) many yudget shows $1,788,021 for cur- suggested the bulldozing of sand making it clear how things stand brought forth a variety of sug- •ent expenses, $61,531 for capi- banks, an operation which Coun- this year, referred to themselves gestions for1 combatting the blow- :al outlay, and $249,026 for debt cilman Harry 5. Koch said had as "the minority faction," in dis- ing sand and a promise of re- lerv.ice. been successful in the vicinity of cussing reorganization with re- newed'effort of council to put his home at 189 Monmouth Blvd. Budget Breakdown porters after the meeting. an.end to it. The 1962-63 budget totals The two men, backed by (he - The sand' which - plagues' the Mayor Wilson asked Borough 1 showed:$1,586,081 for current ex- regular Democrats a year and a Portaupeck area is the product Clerk William P. Fleckner to re- penses, $75,583 for capital out- half ago, are now members of of a. solution to another problem. quest information from the New lay, and $264,879 for debt serv- a splinter Democratic group. It comes from! the disposal areas Jersey , Highway Authority, re- ice, for a grand total of $1,926,- After his election as mayor, where silt has' been deposited garding the planting ol a certain 543. " - Mr. Marz commented: from dredging operations in re- species' of grass to combat the cent years. The neighborhood of blowing "sand problem' on the southern, stretches of the' Gar- 1*1 (HdsmobUe den: State Parkway:'1;Borough Today's Index 81 Convertible. Red with black Attorney 4 Oth ' R. Seaman: .sug- top. 'sOnly 7,000 milej, Fully gested he also write Marvin 'A. Page Page power equipped. Russell Olds- CIMk, County agricultural agent. Adam and Eve 9 Editorials t mobile-Cadillac.- Co. 741-9910. Mr. Falcone suggested oiling Allen-Scott ;-7 Herblock .V Ask for- Mr.. Walters.-Adv. Amusements : 14, 15 Movie Timetable U NOT A HAPPY GROUP — Factionalism, continued to be the by-word in Matawan Township last night at the 1 lUi Cadillac B'tr*-"""''"-™ '"•"' •l""-- t ...- ...., , 2" tthi'i ^"!?^ governing body organizedJ with Joh'n Man, Jr., ale'cfed fl's'mayor, to staff his"f6tn"yi»ar""!h trilf pbstr'Althoiigh"" Sedan OeVille. Fawh with be spread with calcliim chloride. J|m B'shop „_ 7 Sylvia Porter 7 all-Democratic, the governing body split remained 3-2, with, left to right, Committeeman Daniel Downey- and Gil- matching interior.. J3iQ00 mjies. Mr; Seaman, said the latter" two Bridge., „. ...Jtt J«to¥lslon.w ; — M, 15 Fully power equipped including methods would be Impractical, John Chamberlain I Sports „.,.... It, 17 vbart H. Hickman, and the mayor in control, and Committeemen Norman E. Wood and Henry E. Traphagen, making alr^ondttionlng. Russell' Olds- matterwas Jeft ta^ihe Classified .; ...... _ ....1S-2J Stock Market „. 3 up the- minority (action. At far right is Township Clerk Mrs. Rose K. Wenzel. Committee shown her* in process moblle-CattlHac; Co. 741-0910. Ask .of Mr., Ingram. and-Mr. (Comics .11 Successful Investing 1 of voting on 1963 appointment!. Mr. Hickman, only new member, was sworn in for thr«»-year term. f6M'W1^ " Crossword. Puzzle. 5, 2J Women's News 8, t '•6 ' ' ' X 2—Friday, January 4, 1963 RED BANK REGISTER Board of Education Contests Union Beaqli Obituaries RED BANK — A contest for FAIR HAVEN wU! be the three Incumbent*, SchoolBudget MRS. EMMA M. ROEMMELE No Random three seats on the Board of Edu- FAIR HAVEN - A contesi Gerald D. Cranmer of 49 Water- ' RIVERVIEW MRS. MARY GARDNER KAY cation appears certain here. is due for the election of Boarc view Way, W. Douglas Totter of Red Bank Is Increased EATONTOWN — Mrs: Mary HIGHLANDS -Mrs. Emma Two incumbent board members of Education members to fl 1 Via Rippa, and Allen Johnson Gardner Kay, 65, of Madison M. Roemmele, 77, of 8 Beach Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzsim- Painting In whose terms are expiring have three full-term seats. of 9 South St. The challenger UNION BEACH - The Board Ave., formerly of Union.Beach, mons. 2 Fairmount Rd., Hazlet, Blvd., died Monday while visiting already filed petitions of candi- Edward Hemschoot, 63 Princi will be John Kurta of 1 Imbrie of Education last night adopted daughter, Thursday. died Wednesday in Monmouth a son, Elson Roemmele; In San Fair Haven dacy for re-election. A third ton Rd., has announced hi PI. tentative budget for 1903-64. of Medical'Center,' Long* Branch. Jose, Calif.; incumbent is expected to file to- candidacy as have the three Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fellion, 1 (895,362, an increase of $80,002 FAIR HAVEN — Councilman Walter C. Bonin, Jr., of 232 Bora in Scotland, she was the Born In Newark, she had lived day. cumbent members whose term: Collins St., Keansburg, daughter over the current budget. John Oamico, chairman of the Ocean Ave., has announced he yesterday. daughter of the late Mr. and here 15 years and spent her sum- are expiring this year. All fou wilt run for the unexpired terra The 196344 budget: police committee has pointed out Newcomer in the race this Mr. and Mrsi William Green Mrs. Alexander Laird. She was mer vacations' here for more are bidding for the three fu! now held by Richard S. Fore- that random painting by vandals year is Donald D. Devine, 93 wood, 19 Kramer Ave., Eaton Current expenses, $646,535, an the widow of William A. Kay. than 40 years. three-year terms. man of 17 Church St. Mr. Fore- is prohibited here. South St. Mr. Devine is a certi- town, son, yesterday. Increase of $76,525; capital out- Surviving are a son, Alexander She was the widow of Henry man, was appointed in November lay $7,585, an item eliminated in Mr. Damico said police instruc- fied public accountant with of- The incumbents seeking Mr. and Mrs. Norman Teppe L. Kay of Union Beach; a daugh- F. Roemmeie. fices on East Front St. election are Mrs. Walter B. Gi to succeed William Dodds who the current budget; debt service tions are to arrest anyone dis- 37 Rose Ave., Port Monmouth, ter, Mrs: James Soden of this Mrs. Roemmele was a member James B. Ilch, 95 Locust Ave., lette of 58 Dogwood La.; moved from the borough, had $41,242, a decrease of $4,107. covered to be defacing public and son, yesterday. . place, and three grandchildren. of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Samuel Carotenuto, 29 Roger Wight, 263 Hance Rd. an not filed a petition as of last private property. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Di Giro A total of $228,000 is antici- The funeral will be tomorrow Auxiliary and the Order ol East- Buena PI., will both seek re- John L. Kelsey, 94 Linden Dr. night. He made the remarks during lamo, South Beer St., Keyport pated in state aid, plus reim- at 1 p.m. in the Bedle Funera em Star, Eatontowi. election. Dr. Herman O. Wiley, William W. Fisher Jr., the Borough Council's 1963 organ- son, yesterday. bursement for transportation and Home, Keyport. Burial will be In Also surviving are another son, 326 Shrewsbury Ave., is expected Cooney Ter., who was appointe MONMOUTH BEACH other sources, leaving a total of ization meeting New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Cloverleaf Park Cemetery, Wood- Henry F, Roemmele, Jr. of Seat- to file a petition by the dead- to the board to fill an unex MONMOUTH BEACH-A quiet (413,000 to be raised by local Some Rumson officials have ex- 31 Lynn Blvd., Hazlet, son, bridge. tle, Wash.; a daughter,; Mrs. pressed the belief that random line time thi3 afternoon. pired term, will not seek n Board of Education election is Wednesday. taxation. election. expected here. Harry Rowland of Eatoritown; a painting is permitted in Fair Ha- Mr. Devine, a resident here Mr. and Mrs. William McCoi The teachers' salary' account Until yesterday, only the three BIANCAMANO INFANT sister, Mrs. Elsie Hummell of ven. for three years, is a graduate of George Morgan, 186 Lake Ave mick, 3 Marsand Dr., Hazlel In the proposed budget reflects incumbent board members had RED. BANK—The infant daiigh- Hanover; seven grand children "This is not so," Mr. Damico Pace College, New York, where is a candidate for two-year ur daughter, Wednesday. an increase of $20,800, represent- announced their intentions to run ter of Anthony and Patricia Do- and six great-grandchildren, declared. he earned a bachelor's degree in expired term. Felix Turtur, ing the hiring of one additional for the three full terms which PATTERSON ARMY HOSPITAL Ian Biancamano, 41 Shrewsbury The VFW Auxiliary ^ill hold business administration. A native Princeton Rd., has put in hi; regular teacher, a special teach- will be at stake Feb. 13. Fort Monmouth Ave., died last night in River- services at the Condon Funeral of Raritan Township, he is a bid for a one-year unexpirec er, and normal salary Incre- view Hospital shortly after birth. Home, Atlantic Highlands,.,.at 8 graduate of Red Bank Catholic term. No opposition candidate: W. Winfield West, secretary to Staff Sgt. and Mrs. John F. ments, Marz Surviving, besides the parents, p.m. tomorrow, and the, Order of High School. Mr. Devine, an were announced as of last nigh: he Board of Education, said only Back, Jr., 31 Mitchell Dr., Ea- Army veteran, is married and The transportation account is are two sisters, Misses Patrlita EasternStar service has been set (Continued) for the incomplete terms. three nominating petition forms tontown, daughter, Wednesday. Township Clerk Mrs. Rose K. has six children. PPC and Mrs. Vernon P. Le increased from $6,500 to $18,500. and Margaret Biancamano; a for Sunday at S p.m. Mr. Hemschoot, superivsor < had been requested from his of- Wenzel estimated that by the end Blanc, 10 Crawford St., Shrews However, this item which will brother, Anthony Biancamano Funeral services will be, held Mr. Ilch is a designer in the stock accounting for Publ fice, The deadline for filing pe- of the year Strathmore would Wednesday. be placed on referendum, was 3d; the maternal grandparents, Monday at 2 p.m. at .the funeral engineering department of Service Transit Corp., Newar titions is A p.m. today. bring the municipality's popula- Hanson-Van Winkle-Munning Co., Petty Officer 1-c and Mrs. Pres- over-expanded by $8,500 during Mr- - , an- d- -Mrs. John Dolan o home with Rev. Robert Reed of moved into this area three yeai Seeking re-election will be John tion to "well over 11,000." Matawan, a treasurer of Bishoff, ton J. Geary, USCG, Sandy Hool the current year. Leonardo; and .the paterna the Eatontown Presbyterian ago. Earlier in his life, how T. Ludwig. Jr., board president, ,15,000 or More Ilch and Olsen Co., here. He is a Lifeboat Station, Fort Hancock, Provision has again been made grandparents,, Mr. and Mrs. An Church officiating. Burial will be ever, he attended local school: Paul J. Masur, and Charles E, Mr. Marz corrected her. "Wait graduate of the Yale University son, Wednesday. In the-budget for an elementary thony J. Biancamano of - this in Fair .View Cemetery. and graduated from Red Ban Schulz. If their positions are un- a minute, Rose;" he said, "it will School of Architecture. contested, all three will be re- supervisor or superintendent. A place. Catholic High School. He letter from the County Superin- be over 15,000." Mr. Carotenuto, borough at turned to the school board for Burial, under the direction o: MICHAEL PISCHI , married and has three children, tendent of Schools, Earl B. Gar- The township's population at torney, is a member of the law three years. the Anderson Funeral Home, wil MATAWAN — Michael Pischi, Mr. Turtur is a oommerical Marlboro rison, pointed out the need for present is about 7,500. firm of Reussille, Cornwell, be in Mount OlivefTemetery !, of Franklin Ave., died realtor man here. A local resi- (Continued) additional administrative person- The following appointments Mausner and Carotenuto here. WEST LONG BRANCH Mlddietown. Wednesday night at Marlboro dent for six years, he holds years ago, when the committee nel in the system and requested were made: He is a graduate of Rutgers WEST LONG BRANCH-Board State Hospital following a short law degree from Rutgers Univei The mayor said that several that the board Include this in Herbert C. Smith, Cliffwood University and the university of Education President E. Frank illness. . • sity Law School and has al downgraded from one acre to their budget. Beach, township attorney, replac- School of Law. He was editor West, incumbent R. Clifford Er- Mr., Pischi was bora in Po- tended Colgate University am half-acre, the public objected, High school tuition, which In- ing state Sen. Richard R. Stout in chief of the Rutgers Law rickson, and Ralph E. Manna Hits Liquor land and had resided here most Review. The lawyer was first Cornell University. The Turtun but, no developers came in. creases from $237,000 to $272,000, and William J. O'Hagan, Jr.; Jo- have filed for election, according of his life. He was a retired em- have one child. $35,000 hike, reflects almost seph J. Seaman, auditor; Karl F. elected to the board In 1954. to the office of Robert Tarantola, He added: ployee of Childs, Ross and Co., half of the total Increase in the License Heuser, engineer; Mrs. Pauline Dr. Wiley has been a board Mr. Morgan is a manufactu board secretary. "With the planned-communitj New York City. proposed budget. While there is K. Behr, treasurer; the husband member since 1951. He is a ing representive in this state Mr. Manna will seek the seat ordinance, which has Been rec- Surviving are several nieces* of Mrs. Behr, Harold J. Behr, slight decrease in the tuition graduate of Virginia State Col- for the American Manufactures acated by Howard Bradley, who ommended by our planning con- Transfer and nephews. building inspector, replacing per pupil, the number of' stu- lege and received his medical Sales Corp., New York. A native was appointed recently to fill a sultant, Herbert H. Smith Asso- NEW SHREWSBURY - The The funeral will be Saturday Frank Devlno, and Salvatore F. dents attending Keyport High degree from Howard University, of Bristol,' Pa., he is a gradual vacancy on the ~ Shore Regional ciates, Trenton, we will obtali at 9 a.m. from the Higgins Me- Vena and James R. Burlew, Jr., School is constantly increasing. validity of a provisional liquor Washington, D. C. He moved of Temple University. He is Board of Education and is seek- immediate facilities from the de- morial Home, Freehold, to St. deputy building Inspectors. At present 384 Union Beach stu- license transfer for the Spirit here in 1941. Navy veteran, married and ha: ing election to that body. velopers." Gabriel's Catholic Church, Brade- dents attend Keyport High Spot, Sycamore Ave., was chal- Mr. Traphagen and Mr. Wood five daughters. The three seats to be decided A letter from the industrial velt, where there will be a School.- In September, the figure lenged by George K. Ralph. 19 voted against Mr. Behr, on RUMSON in February are all three-year commission opposing the pro- Requiem Mass at 10 o'clock. Bur1- is expected to be about 450. Old Mill Rd. at last night's Bor- grounds that two major posts Weather RUMSON - A preliminary jrms. posed ordinance said that then ough Council meeting. ial will be in St. Rose of Lima - thould not, in their, opinion, go to survey here indicates there will A public hearing on the budg- New Jersey — Cloudy with Deadline for filing election pe- was no evidence as to how such By resolution adopted Dec. Cemetery, Freehold. husband and wife, and against be no contest for four Borough et was scheduled for Tuesday, periods of light snow today and titions Is 4 p.m. today. a "planned community would fii 16, council permitted the transfer Mr. Vena, on grounds that he was Board of Education seats, open an. 22 at 8 p.m. in Memorial tonight. High today in the low into the future master plan." to new premises across the JOHN A. SCHNAPP dismissed as a water meter read- to election Feb. 13. School. 30s in the northwest to near. 40 OCEAN TOWNSHIP Say No Controls street, subject to satisfactory MIDDLETOWN - John A. er in 1960. Three incumbents, Thoma: in the south. Low tonight in the OCEAN TOWNSHIP - An In- Mr. Chester, who along with completion of the new building Schnapp, 82, of 27 Michael Dr., Other appointments: Daly, 70 East River Rd., Mai mid-20s inland umbent, a former board mem- fellow Republican committee- in accordance with borough or- died yesterday in the Ivy House Dr. Girolamo Pugliese, police colm D. Ware, 17 Sheraton La., to around 30 ber, and two newcomers had man, Charles T. McCue, opposed Hearing Set dinances. Nursing Home after a brief ill- physician; Township Committee- v*« and Mrs. Martha E. Adamson along the filed nominating petitions for the the measure, said there were nc man Daniel Downey, Mr. Vena Osprey'La., all have announced Mr. Ralph, In a lengthy letter less. ' • coast. Satur- Board of Education as of last controls in the number of house lnd Tax Assessor John B. Ken- plans to seek re-election to fu OnOrdinarifce read by Borough Clerk Jerome Bora In New York City he was ner, members of the Planning day cloudy in night. to be constructed. He said there three-year terms. Mr. Ware now MARLBORO — Gerald A. Bau- Reed, contended that the resolu- a former resident of Keansburg. Board, replacing Joseph P. the morning, At stake In the Feb. 13 was no analysis of the connection becoming part- Is serving on the Board as an ap- man, Jr., president of the town- tion Is (avalid because he, the He was a retired civil engineer Stenger, Sigmund V. Kowalski election will be the seats of Clar- between the cost of the facilities abutting property owner, was not for New York City, ly cloudy In pointee to an unexpired term. ence B. Lowenstine, President ship Citizens' Committee, said and George Hausman; Louis givea and the impact on the fu- property notified. "My intention the afternoon, Marvin K. Broder, 76 Ridg Raymond Ewing, and Sidney last night that there would be a Mr. Schnapp was a member Cevasco, Sr., supervisor for the ture tax rate. to object has been well estab- of the New York Professional substandard housing code (a new high in the 30s. Rd., said last night he will seek Leichter. Mr. Lowenstine has de- public meeting tonight at the Rob- - He added: lished," the letter stated. Civil Engineers' Society and a post); and Joseph Grimaldi and MARINE election to the two-year unex- clared his candidacy, Mr. Ewing ertsville fire house to discuss '''Once we'open' the door for Mr. Ralph said he intends to former trustee of trie Beacon Rudolph Masia, members of the Block Island pired term. announced that he will not seek the proposed planned-community one", we open the door for all," appeal. the transfer to the Beach Club, Keansfcurg. Zoning Board of Adjustment. to Cape May- Other sources reported that re-election and Mr. Leichter is ordinance, which was introduced Variable winds, mostly northerly James J. Dooiey, 38 Lafayette uncommitted. A member' of the audience, by the Township Committee last Alcoholic Beverage Commission. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mr. Wood and Mr. Traphagen Mary Carroll, asked the mayor Outlining his objections to the Maude Haxton Schnapp; two about 10 to 15 knots today and St., another incumbent, will not Herbert W. Brockel of 715 South night. objectetd to the appointment of if there was anything the public transfer, Mr. Ralph listed un daughters, Mrs. Lawrence Dur- tonight, becoming north to north- file today for re-election. Mr. Edgemere Dr., a former school Mr. Bauman said the group Mr. Vena to the Planning Board west 10 to 15 knots Saturday. Dooiey could not be readier could do about the ordinance— tbuld decide whether to contest pleasant drainage discharged in- kln of this place, and Mrs. Vin- on grounds that he (Mr, Vena) is board member, John A. Stazyn of such as call for a reTetetidum to me storm, system, as well as Cloudy with periods of light last night for confirmation ol 1202 Spruce Ave., and Edwin J. he ordinaries in Superior Court cent McNally of Keansburg; a now a township official, and the snow today and tonight and Sat- his plans. "or will it 'be just stuffed down ir it is adopted Jan. 17 by the noise, automobile lights and re-sister, Miss Katherine Schnapp Fox of 520 Wildwood Rd. have duction of property value. post, under state law, should go urday morning, becoming partly Mr. Broder, a building con- our throats." committee. ' of Bronx; four grandchildren, to a "citizen" who is not a mu- also filed petitions. Mayor John Lemon said the cloudy Saturday afternoon, Visi- tractor is a native of New York ,for filing ij 4 p.m. to^ay.. • < : .t Mayor Lknzaro said me publi At the meeting of the Township and two great-grandchllarea. nicipal official. ; matter,, would be discussed in 'Funeral services will' be held bility 5 miles or better, lowering City. He is a 1938 graduate of Marshal; Conklin, secretary of nas no vote tin the ma"tter-4>ut Committee, Mr. Bauman had re- Seek Clarification 1 full at council's next work ses- tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. from the to 1 to $ miles in snow. Yale University and a forme Jie Board of Education, said said that at the public hearing quested a public meeting 'prior The mayor «aid the attorney sion, which h invited Mr. Ralph Ryan Funeral Home, Keansburg, Navy officer. A resident here >ther petition forms have been tne township's ^planning.experts to Jan. 17 public hearing date. e would be asked for "clarifica- to attend. to St. Mary's Catholfe Church, TIDES five years, he- is married and requested and could be filed be- and other official* would be avail- Mayor Joseph A. Lanzaro said tion" on this point — but he let New Monmouth, where a High (Sandy Hook) has four children, all of whom 'ore the deadline. able to answer questions on the that all questions on the proposed the appointment stand. measure. Requiem Mass will be offered Today — High 2:52 p.m., and attend the Forrestdale School. There are three three-year ordinance would be answered at Named as special' policemen at 9 o'clock. Burial will be pri- low 9:17 p.m. SHREWSBURY erms to be filled. Gerald A. Bauman, Jr., Rob- the public hearing. Cross were: vate. ' SHREWSBURY - Dr. Donald ertsville, questioned whether the The proposed ordinance would (Continued) Robert W. Hayes, George M. and 3:59 p.m. and low 10:03 a.m. C. Seuffert, a four-year veteran planners' work would be com- permit developers of tracts of was a past president and exempt Cumbs, Willie Knox, William and 10:12 p.m. of the Board of Education, has pleted with this ordinance and, over 100 acres to construct homes member of the Fair Haven Fire MRS. JOHN W. SMITH, Jr. .. Smith, Garden Sutherland, Vin- Raritan Sunday — High 4:31 a.m. and announced that he will seek re- if not, what parts of the township on lot sires less than the pres- Department, a member of the EAST KEANSBURG -Mrs. cent J. Vinci, Ralph Haspel, Sr., 5:02 p.m., low 11:01 a.m. and election. (Continued) would be left to include in the ent half-acre minimum. Firemen's Relief Association Josephine Smith, 49, of 76 Joseph Zambor, Earl Dennis, 11:06 p.m. Dr. Sueffert will seek a full, will'go towards the current ex- master plan. here, a member of Royal Ar- Shoreland Ter., died yesterday Vincent Dwyer, Robert Foster, (For Red Bank and Rumson three-year term as will William penses account. Mayor Lanzaro said that wa: VAN PELT INDICTED canum Lodge of Red Bank, and in Riverview Hospital, Red Bank, Mrs. Fannie Pastore, Fiorendo bridge add two hours; Sea J. Glading of 23 Garden Rd. and The appropriation for teacher a good question and suggested NEWARK - Frederick G. Van a member of. the Episcopal after a brief illness. Sigismondi, Stanley Derechailo, Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long George G. Grim of 351 Sycamore salaries is the biggest single Item he seek the answer from the Pelt, former Caldwell Township Church of the Holy Communion Bom in Perth Amboy, she was Frank Krause, Charles Vena, St. Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High- Ave. Mr. Glading and Mr. Grim — $1,143,460, an increase of planner at the public hearing. clerk, was indicted Wednesday by of Fair Haven. the daughter of Mrs. Catherine Clair Parris, and Mrs, Gertrude 09,970. The figure provides for lands bridge, add 40 minutes.) will run for the seats formerjy The mayor said also the hearing an Essex County Grand Jury on 55th Anniversary Gurniak of Middletown, and Loeffier. held by Mayor Frederic Mes- ipproximafely 16 new teachers might be held at the fire house, :harges of embezzling $19,820 in Mr. Cross and His" wife, Mrs. the late Michael Gurniak. She At an organization meeting of to be employed, as well as nor- sina and Donald F. Trotter, to facilitate the residents. ownship funds and forging en Addle S. Fielder Cross, observed had lived here 19 years. the Board of Health, after the mal guide increments. recently appointed to the Plan Own Facilities lorsement on five checks drawn their 55th wedding anniversary Mrs. Smith was a member of It is also planned to secure the Township Committee's session, Blum ning Board, '' in the municipality's account, last year. the Daughters of America in (rvices of a part-time psycholo- At the Planning Board meet- Mr. Marx was elected as board (Continued) A one-year unexpired term /an Pelt, 44, who was fired Besides his wife, he is sur- Leonardo. ist at a salary of $6,000 of ing, wiieri the ordinance was • president, Mrs. Wenzel, secre- Borough Council normally also will be filled by the Feb. 'rom his job, is accused of em- vived by two sons, John Fielder Besides her mother, she is rhich approximately $5,700 is recommended. Chairman Frank tary; Charles R. Short, Sr., was hears the charges but Mayor 13 election. The vacancy was bezzling the money between Nov. Cross, at home, and Buenos survived by her husband, John expected to be returned in state Rappa said the ordinance would appointed health Inspector, and Collichio has announced that he left by Philip A. Genovese's i, 1961, and April 13, 1962. by W. Smith, Jr., a son, Lawrence dd next year. permit a developer to "build a Stanley Cross of Shrewsbury; a Charles R. Short, Jr., as assist- will ask all members of the gov- election to council. Jared Hal- leans of the forged endorse- J. Smith, at home; a brother, The board indicated it will also self-supporting community" with brother, Robert F. Cross of ant health Inspector. erning body to disqualify them- vorsen, of 111 West End Ave., ments. He pleaded Innocent John Gurniak of Holmdel and >ropose a new salary guide for Its own facilities such as fire de- Ocean Grove, and a sister, Mrs. The Township Committee will selves. has announced that he will seek iresterday to a previous indict- Mae Heyson of Larchmont,,N.Y. three sisters, Mrs. Norbert Fancy meet the first and third Moo- He said he would ask the state the tone-year seat. achers providing for a raise of partment, shopping center, and ment charging that he took $750 The funeral will be Monday of Red Bank, Mrs. William G. days of each month—tije Board attorney general to name a body The deadline for the filing of 200 across the board. schools. He said, too, the resi- ram a Caldwell couple after afternoon at 1 oclock at the Luffburrow of Middletown, and dents would still pay taxes to of Health, the second Monday. to hear the case. nominating petitions is 4 p.m. The proposed guide would set Ming them their income tax Worden Funeral Home, Red Mrs. Ann New of California. the township. Former Republican Mayor Mr. Collichio said he must step he following ranges in 12 steps: eturns was not in order but he Bank, with Rev. Charles R. Law- The funeral will be Monday st Peter J. Waters had this com- aside because he is filing the EATONTOWN mergency certificated teachers, According to the ordinance, the could shield them from an In- rence of the Holy Communion 11 a.m. in the Scott Funeral ment to make after the reorgan- charges, and expressed the view EATONTOWN — It looks like 3,800 to $6,000; BA degree, $4,- facilities to be provided for a de- quiry. Van Pelt, who was clerk Church officiating. Burial will Home, Belford, with Rev. Earl ization. that Councilmen T. Edward Kin- a quiet school election in this 90 to $7,700; MA degree, $5,100 crease In lot sizes are the fol or 14 years, disappeared last be in Fair View Cemetery, Mid- D. Compton, pastor of the Mid- "The set-up this year is quite lin and Martin C. Lohsen should borough, where school issues $3,400; MA degree plus 45 lowing: !ept. 5 and surrendered to au- dletown. Firemen's services dletown Reformed Church, of- temporary and therefore has very also step aside. often have been hotly contested. graduate credits, $5,300 to $8,600, Land for school sites, schools, horlties on Christmas Day. He will be held Sunday at 8 p.tn: at ficiating, Burial will be In Fair little meaning. Within a year, He contends that both men As of yesterday, no one had and MA degree plus 60 graduate additional school sites, fire house in Essex County jail. the funeral home. /iew Cemetery. Strathmore will change every- supported Mr. Blum in his ac- filed for the three three-year redits, $5,500 to $8,800. facilities, church sites, and un- thing—for the better." tions in the Nero case. terms to be decided in February. An enrollment of 4,790 students derground public utility facilities. But the Incumbents, Lawrence anticipated for September of If the developtr follows all BEST OF THE NEW YEAR FROM Schaefer, William Greenwood, lis year. The September, 1962 these steps and builds on over a Uughes and James Van Dover had taken nrollmenf was reported to be 400-acre tract, he may also build (Continued) election petitions, according to ,222. neighborhood shopping and mul rackdown on drinking drivers, HONEY BEE FLOWERS Henry Cioffi, board secretary Based on the current expenses tlple,family units, according to he Legislature did not act on RUSSELL T. HODGKISS Mr. Cioffi said that those were lection of the budget, Jhe cost the proposed measure. If the de- ither of the proposals last year. the only petitions requested from >er pupil was listed as $377 last veloper fulfills all of these re- Hughes declined to comment 464 BROAD STREET, his office. fear. It Is expected to drop to quirements, he may build on lot rhen asked if he plans to nom- 372 under the new budget. sizes ranging from the present late City Clerk James A. Tu- SHREWSBURY pg ith vou SEA BRIGHT For the fifth year the board half-acre minimum to an 8,000 mlty Jr. of Jersey City as Hud- £thoughts. Visit our di square foot minimum, the code >n County prosecutQr and May- SH 1-4Q2O «r art us, without obligati SEA BRIGHT - The Feb. 13 ill rent six rooms in St. John's Board of Education election will ethodist Church Educational stares. • Frank A. Rodgers of Harrison v Reliable Since 1927 involve at least one contest illding at a cost of $12,000. The The minimum square footage is director of the state Alcoholic 3everage Control Division. here. ost of transporting' students to requirement for, the first floor of BY WIRE ANYWHERE JOHN VAN KIRK Four persons have filed peti- tie school will increase the fig- homes would remain the same at 960 square feet, with the streets, It adds up! More and more IS I-OOPM rd., UMdleknra off it a tions of candidacy for three full from '$25,000 to $30,000. curbs, and other facilities remain ieople use The >pgister ads each R»den'. Corner terms. One person has filed 'or Board members stressed the Convenient Ternu a one-vear unexpired term and, 362^3 budget reflected an In- the same as provided In the isue because results come fast- Beauty... Quality... Craftsmanship in according to Board Secretary rease of 26.1 per cent above the present zoning ordinance. r.—Advertisement. Thomas Garland, another Is ex- 96142 budget, while the pro pected to file before the dead- osed 1963-64 budget will reflect ENDURING MEMORIALS line at 4 p.m. today. ' ly an 8.8 per cent increase Wt in tpetlillits in ntommairts Kulp- Seeking the three-year terms er the current schedule. • Worden Funeral Home torad from Siltct Birr* Granite ni tally tuinnletd. 60 E. FRONT STREET RED BANK The Adams Memorial Home Only Manufacturer of Memorials SHadyside 7-0557 Suecasior to Mount Memorial Horn* In Central Jersey John. & SEND FOR A modern, non-sectarian (uneral home, with a home- FUNERAL HOME FUNERAL DIRECTORS FREE FOLDER like atmosphere aod mftnorial chapel, dedicated to the 85 Riverside Ave. Red Bank continuation of traditional reputation for distinguished LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO. Inc. \ service and quiet dignity. SIDUN, MgrT ' SH 7.0332 WALL4i£9U3?,W. LONG iaANCKCA-2-0300 310 Bread Strut UA tank, N. J. BRANCH OFFICE AND DISPLAY " . L ropp«ite Molly Pitcner 'Hotel HARRY C. F. JAMES A. ROBERT F. Monmouth Monument Co. HEADDENS CORNER, MIDDLETOWN SH 7-3810 RED BANK BEGISTEB? Friday, January 4, 1963—3- Smcessful Investing Board Contests Likely Nason on Education. Preferreds NOT Preferred For Seciirity or Growth In 7 Bayshore Districts Tape Recorder Is Study Aid away from study whenever you Encourage your teachers to pre- By ROGER E. SPEAR Bated on petitions taken out, It Deadline for Wing ii today at the three seats up for election By LESLIE J. NASON appear* that there will be con- 4 p,m. Professor ol Education' turn to your French lessons. It pare and grade tests on the basis Q-"A fVlend has suggested that accrued Interest today. If you on the board. may be that you wish you had of performance. tests In at least seven of the In the eight rouniclpaliUcs, The terns of Mrs. James Dear Dr. Nason: I buy General Motors $ pre- had at that time put $20,000 into My husband and I plan to buy not signed up for the course. For example, a teacher in fifth (erred stock now telling around the account and the remaining eight Bayshore towns conducting. there are 28 board posts at stake. Boyle, Mrs, Joseph Carluccio Board ol Education elections our 14-year-old son a tape re But the fact is, you did sign grade arithmetic or first semes- US. I am 40 yean old, married, $20,000 Into well selected growth Ai of last night, a total of 39 and Douglas Foulks are up. Feb. 13. ' Mrs. Ackerman said the did corder. While this seems to be up for the course. You now must ter algebra, should grade on per- and can enough to be able to stocks, your total principal ex- petitions had been taken out. expensive, we think it will help stay with it, pass or fail. formance in the course and the *av» regularly. cluding dividends might well The picture by towns: not know who the petitions were taken out for. improve Resolve to US the best job you mastery of those skills necessary I have two have reached over $60,000 today. MtDDLETOWN for success in the next course. She said the incumbents had school can, regardless of your misgiv- good savings I believe strongly that you should Stock Prices Incumbents Donald D. Johnson work. What do ings. Fill your mind with plans On this basis, teachers' grades accounts and have a solid backlog of savings and Warren De Brown will seek not Indicated whether they would seek re-election. think of of how you can master the lesson have proved to be far more re- would like now In the bank, but any suns above re-election ,.(o the Mlddletown one as a study at hand. Review the plans every liable. A good teacher with a to invest in this should be invested in stocks Rally Is Best school board. Mrs. Boyle has been a member of the board five years, Mrs. d? time your mind wanders. Be firm good class might be justified in something friend's ad- all questions possible in his col- out the losses taken on its first secretaryJ,, said -a ^petitio» „n ha„.„d in the study of Your article entitled "Con' Dear Dr. Nason: umn.) day of 1963 trading, the jtock been taken out by Richard C. Unlon Beach, three three-year Roger E. Spear YiM? j.H. terms, and three for two years. foreign Ian fusion in Grading Can Harm Our son is in senior high market yesterday scored the big- Leahey, Harbor Green Clr., tin- or ub A—|i my opinion, preferred gest gain So far, five persons have Dr. Nason P Students" touches a factor in ed- school. In this school, academic in more than two croft, an attorney. speaking ucation which has concerned me grades are lowered in connection stocks are seldom good buys, un- months. He also said that two other pe- picked up petitions, they are pg less convertible into common. Frank Schaden, 126 Campbell can be of real value to your son for years. I have never been with certain offenses requiring Council Gets The rise was the greatest sina titions were taken out but that disciplinary action. For example, They have neither the security of Oct. 24, the day when Soviet St.; Thomas Corrado, 131 Camp- provided he uses it consistently. able, through any means tried he did not know .who tite candi- bell St.; Mrs. Ida Donnelly, so far, to persuade or drive an from a C to a D for cutting a a bond nor the appreciation po- Premier Niklta Khrushchev In- dates are. He should record, listen critical- tential of a common stock. In the Charges In formed British philosopher Ber- Dock St., and Mrs. Doris Slson, ly, and then re-record, using 'the entire faculty to use the sarrie class, regardless of the explana- Mr. Johnson has been on the Edmund Aye., all Incumbents, grading scale in all subjects. tion. May we have your opinion case of General Motors $5 pre- trand Russell that he would not board for 15 years. Mr. De same materials over and over, ferred, the call price of 120 places "be provoked by the unwar- and newcomer Anthony Barbado, always striving for improvement. Your article specifies that only on this point? Cop Incident Brown had served 3& years. He Cottage Park. administrators can do anything C. C, New Jeresy a definite limit on the upside po- ranted actions of the U. S." In served one full tem but was de- Dear Dr. Nason. tential. Since you are Interested the Cuban -crisis. KEYPORT I, am, in my second year of to correct faulty grading prac- This is a very unusual practice NEW SHREWSBURY — For- feated last year in a reflection in grading. I have always been in income you might consider mal charges against Patrolman The Dow Jones Industrial Av- Three three-year terms are at French and find it hard to study. tices. I am sure I speak for sev- Wd. He later was appointed to stake In Keyport. eral administrators who would opposed to lowering grades for Norfolk & Western commoti, Edward J, Hplden were pre- erage leaped 10.63 to 657.42, top- fill out the remainder of William Why do I avoid studying this ping the Dec. 5 rally peak of Seven persons have taken, out subject and find no trouble con- welcome your practical instruc- disciplinary reasons, as it is un- which currently sells to yield sented to the Borough Council C. Hyer's term, which expires centrating on other subjects? tions in how to correct faulty just. A grade should represent about 6 per cent. This well-run last night. 653.99 which has stood as an petitions. They are Frederick J. next month. ' Walling, board president, and Mike, West Orange, N. J. practices in grading. the quality of performance- in the rail has the lowest operating Signed by Police Chief James upside barrier since then. RARITAN An estimated $4.5 billion was board members Mrs. Esther Something leads your mind H. J., Rochester, Mich. course work and nothing else. ratio of any of the major car- Herring, they will be served So far, four persons have ob- Lewis, and Mrs. Helen Pole. riers and has shown rising earn- upon the policeman upon Ms added to' the quoted value of ings for many years. return from vacation Jan. 14, stocks listed on the Ne- live Within Your Income Q—"I have noticed that some Council set Feb. 14 as the date Daviuo, Washington St., and savings, pi loan associations for alormBl hearing, which will rise in the Associated Press av- elded In Raritan Township Feb.. •re paying 4^4 per cent. Do you erage. James Birmingham, S Jackson be public - 13.-- : ••• St. ' recommend savings and loan as- Borough Attorney Milton A. The AP Htetock average rose They are William M. Philips, Father's Responsibility sociations oysr stocks?" Mausner declined to describe the 3.9 to 248.8, with industrials up Mrs. Howard Russell, and Theo- S.F. charges specifically until they S Stieve, all incumbents, and By Mary Feeley duty to take care-of rny mother In Nebraska now. You're In New A—I can't give you a flat an- advanc?dvktte onnn r^Oct. 224 Freeholders Consultant In Money Management even though it means giving u; York. So stay there. What your are served on Mr. Holden. They was 5.2. newcomer Edward J. Whalen, 17 swer to this question, since the stem from a Sept. 13 incident Dartmouth Dr., Uszlet. Dear Miss Feeley: a good job and friends, and los father wants to do is shift the choice of investment in these two In which the patrolman allegedly This was the third straight Why is an unmarried woman ing the benefit of a $23 a montl entire emotional burden onto new year in which there was a ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Organization areas depends entirely on what blackjacked Sherwood Taylor Three three-year terms and supposed to have no more life of mutual fund investment. He's fi your shoulders. A daughter does your aims are. I believe savings of Shafto Rd. decline on the first day of trad- nancially able to take care have a duty to her parents, but ing followed by a rally on the one one-year term on the Atlan- her own than a rag doll? My and loan associations are secure Leon J. William!, Sr., of tic Highlands Board of Educa- Sidelights father is insisting that, at 51, I himself and my mother, but h a husband also has a duty to his second. . doesn't even want to give me ai wife. It's his responsibility to get repositories for your funds, but Squankum Rd, requested an in- tion scheduled to be filled this FREEHOLD — Swearing In give up my work, my financial they can't give you the growth vestigaUon of the incident at No big piece of fresh news year will be contested. Independence, my apartment — allowance. Both parents are along with your mother's nurses, accompanied yesterday's rally. ceremonies at Wednesday's Mon- whether he likes it or not. You which yoy u can expecp t from a an October council meeting, Six people have taken out pe- in fact, my whole life — to go their 70's with possibly 10 or 1! well selected stock list If you s te f h iid g Brokers said that is was mainly a jnouth County. Board of, Free- years of lite ahead. I love m; might quote from his marriage well selected stock list. If you strong protest of the incident titions for the four board posts holders organiiation meeting in- home to Nebraska to take care had put $40,000 into a savings question of new cash coming In- of my mother. She has been in mother. Miss Feely. But I can' vows: ". . . in sickness and in to the market following yester- Mrs. Elizabeth. Collins, board volved several fast changes in and loan account 10 years ago, f rorpetition 55 residentn s in thregisteree form odf poor health for some years, and help feeling rebellious. health." y aa petition was i day's selling for 1963 profits and secretary said yesterday. the role of Bible holder. you would stai hhav e $40,00$40000 plul s t a,aatt timeti , Incumbents running* are Chris- my father always causes trouble Laura S., New York Cit; You can express your love and at the long periods of tax-loss sell- Retiring Freeholder clerk Irv- Dear Laura: concern for your mother without ing that featured the 1962 markSt. topher Travis, Jr., 2 Columbia log S, Bennett, of Wall Township, wit.h th.. e practica- . l nurses sh, .e ha. s Ave.; Mrs. Carl W. Lesher, 17 That makes two of us. But yoi sacrificing your own life. You Money was also available from a Sid the honors for newly-elected had. Now he wants to let the1. mve one advantage—you're no can visit her as often as possible. East Lincoln Ave., and Albert Freeholder Benjamin S. Danskln, current one go. He says lt'B my Grand Jury large number of year-end divi- You can certainly write her reg- Tax Break Is dends. R. Quackenbush, 61 Washington a former Wall Township mayor. ularly. Thoughtful little gifts Gets Bad Wall Streeters noted also that Ave. Mrs. Joseph C. Irwin of Red from time to time will mean Due in Keyport the business and economic back- Mr. Travis reportedly will seek Bank, assisted her husband as much to her. If it were a ques- ground seemed encouraging, The a full term on the board and Mr:he took his oath to start a new tion of financial aid, it would be KEYPORT — local residents Quackenbush a one-year term. term as a freeholder and director National, World Check Case prospects are near boom levels your duty to help out. If there are in for a slight break on taxes for the auto Industry. Big steel Both were appointed last Febru- of tin board; and Howard W. were no one to attend to her MIDDLETOWN - Leon Smith, ary to fill vacancies caused by Roberts, county counsel, aided St., Red Bank, shipments, are anticipated this physical needs, you'd be obli- month. A tax cut is promised. the -resignations of Andrew J. newly-appointed Freeholder Mar- gated to take over. But under Duncan and Edward H. Gunder- cus Daly, of Middletown Town- News in Brief December store sales were at a the circumstances, no. You owe by son. . ship. Totaling $892,469, the proposed new holiday season record. From the Wires of The Associated Press it to yourself to keep your fi- E. Burke on a charge of issuing schedule, is $441230 higher than The extremely low volume that ' Mrs, Lesher, who will corn- County Clerk J. Russell Wool- nancial Independence, as well as (347.79 in bad checks over a two- accompanied Wednesday's mild plete her first full term oh the ley administered the oaths in your interest in your job. Hang year period. the present schedule—but the SAIGON, Viet Nam — Heavy fighting between government amount to be raised by taxation decline was a favorable techni- board this year, was 'appointed the meeting room well decorated forces and the Viet Cong Communists was reported today from onto your savings and that mu- He is being held in the county cal omen, analysts said. Yester- to the body in 1959. '•, She has with floral tributes. Among the ual fund. Your father won't be Jail In default of $3,000 bail. Mr. has been decreased by $868. the area of Wednesday's bloody government defeat. The amount to be raised by tax-day's volume of 4.57 million not indicated what term she is 75 observers was a large delega- Two government dead and 12 wounded were evacuated around to provide for you when Smith was ordered held for the shares compared with 2.54 mil- seeking. tion from Wall Township, includ Grand Jury on a similar charge ation is listed at $476,671 as corn- from the Mekong Delta sector about six miles northwest of need it most. In Atlantic'' Highlands lasti week. Pared to W.SJ7 under the 1962-lion yesterday. Others who have obtained pe- tag Mayor Walter Lukowita. Tan Hlep. But there was no immediate indication of how the ra titions are newcomers George H. Mrs. William Ulrich, of Ocean Dear Miss Feeley: Police said Smith issued the budget Of the 1,301 issues traded, renewed battle was going. We've been living with my hus- gainers outnumbered losers by Leddy, Summit Ave.; James L. Township, held the bible while checks during the period from A breakdown of the- proposed Fitzgerald, 14 Columbia Ave., band's parents for the 18 months the very,large margin of 1,019 her husband took the oath to be KERR FUNERAL January, 1961, to last November. budget shows $811,840 for current and William B. Allen, Harbor clerk of the freeholder • board, we've been married. Now we According to police, Smith al- expenses, up $33,152; $20,981 for to 120. New highs for 1962-63 to- OKLAHOMA CITY- President John F.' Kennedy and other ant to get a furnished apart- taled 25. The single new low View Dr. replacing Mr. Bennett. legedly passed eight checks to- buildings and equipment, up $12- HIGHLANDS government leaders join Oklahomans today at the funeral of ment. Since we haven't any past taling $214.79 at the Food Cir- 518; and $59,648 for bonds and was U. S. Lines Preferred, Sen. Robert S. Kerr, D-Okla. experience to guide us, what rent Fourteen of the 15 most active Four people have obtained pe- Retiring Freeholder Walton cus Supermarket, Rt. 35, three interest, down $1,440. tixi,4-43; KEANSBURG English Sales Co., Monmouth St. NEW YORK —Cornell University, an institution with globe- ought. . top quality (47 lbs. min.) 43-45; $7,400 up $2,200. after an early rally linked to girdling projects, has as its new president today a man long The board set Jan. 29 at 8 p.m.news that the British bank rate Mrs. Mary Lou Adcerman, Police said the value of the (If you have a money problem, mediums (41 lbs. average) 36-38; associated with world affairs and foreign policy, James A. Per- vrite Mary Feeley in care of The for public hearing on the pro- been reduced to 4 per cent from Keansburg board secretary, re- tire had been placed at $35. imalls (36 lbs. average) 30-31; Mr, Griffin also paid a $15 kins. egister. She will answer ques- posed budget. M per cent. ported yesterday that five peti- peewees 24-25. tions have been taken out for fine for tampering with a motor Trustees of the university elected Perkins yesterday, nam- ons of widest interest in her Yesterday's closing stocks: vehicle. ing him the seventh president of the 98-year-old school. >lumn.) AOJ> Ind Adams Ex In another case, Magistrate I. LOCAL SECURITIES Air Keduc Jones & L, Allet Cp Joy hllg Klatsky ordered Thomas H. Allei Lud Kalaer AI Jackson, 48, of Passalc, to pay daUon of Securities Dealers, Inc., do not represent »c™fi iransac Mlei Pw Kennecott Eatontown Allied Ctl Kopperi $45 per week toward trie support Sons. They are a guide to the range within which these securWes Mile C1.M Kre«« SS could have been sold (indicated by the "bid") or bought vindicated Alcoa of his wife, Mrs. Genevleve R. LeMg 86 PROOF Am Alrlln Jackson, 281 West Bergen PI., by the "asked") at the time of completion. Am Brk Sb Leh Port C Didn't Back BANKS Am Can V>1 Ind and thedr flve children. y Val RH Mr. Jackson was charged with Div. Am MFdT I/W Olua Asbury Park - Ocean Grove Am Mot Lib Uc.M*L. non-support. He also received a School Plan Am Smtlt Ll«r & My 30-day suspended jail sentence Belmar • Wall National A Lllton Ind EATONTOWN — Mayor Her- WHISKEY Central Jersey Bank and was placed on probation for Mack Trk bert E. Werner has pointed out 40%' straight whiskey Farmers & Merchants Marslli OU two years. First Merchants National Bank Martin M that his earlier prediction that Merck Police said Mr. Jackson left local voters would turn down the 60% grain neutral spirits Keansburg - Middletown MOM home here June 28, 1962. Long Branch Trust • - Minn MAH proposal to construct a $1,790,- 4 years old or more. Matawan Bank ; Mo Pao A He was arrested Dec. 29 in > the Monmouth Mont Wan Passalc. Monmouth County National Nat Bt.c Ford Regional High School, New Mew Jersey Trust AH Refill N Cain R Oatretl Shrewsbury, proved to be cor- Peoples National, Keyport Avco Corp Nat Dairy Oen Accept Bibcock W Nat DIKI1I Oen Cigar Proud Dad—Again , rect. 99 Sea Bright National , - BUd Lima oen Dynam Bait & Oh teel Gen TUCSON. Arir. (AP) - Deputy Eatontown residents turned NV Central Oen Fdi Sheriff Albert Pina of Pima Coun- down the proposal in a 302-242 Brockway Glass Mia Otn Motori QUART No Am Av Ooa Pub Ut ty is a proud father — for the vote. A total of 544 voters bal- Bzura Chemicals Nor Pao O Tel A El Hanson VW-M Nwrt Alrlln 21st time. loted In the special referendum. 4 yrs. & older Norwich Pi, International Flavors and Fragrances Oolb Mar "They say It's cheaper by the A report in me Jan. 2 issue ...Laird, fe-fflMMWw^^Jfti 3weni III 01 dozen," Plna quipped as he of The Register stated that local 1 Monmouth Capital lucy Brie Wn Un Tel BrbBgiitWipe* Sljd iriefytlaugh* " aappeMed ' 3 Monmouth Electric Bulova. Weitf El ter, Anne, home from the hospi- lng plan. Burl Xnd White Mot Monmouth Park Cm Jl Woolwth tal yesterday. "I'm trying to see Voters from two districts beret N. J. Natural Gas . 1.00 Cater Tttc 24 C If it's cheaper by the second >alloting together, approved the iMONMOUTH 4. J. Natural Gas Pfd. 1.20 III Cent dozen," plan by a narrow margin. The Rowan Controller IM Biu Met 168 NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD Spiral Metal [rit HUT other districts voted a solid (Opposite A&P) (Next Wash) ot tflok veto to put the borough In the if. S. Homes & Development Corp. Int Paper It rays to advertise In the Red (x) Dividend Int TeMTel Bank Register.—Advertisement, negative column. 4—Friday, January 4, 1963 RED BANK REGISTER aid it is bebg convened "to pro- A shrub with filming red bracts j To Discuss Racial Injustice vide an occasion for lay «nd was brought to the United States, lerfcai religious le*ferj to con- In ltt9 by Dr. Joel JtoberU DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketchum By EDWARD 5. KXTCH Ttawe attending the coetereaet set » cwtrete exatnkatlOB oi polnsttt, U.S. minuter to Me* CHICAGO wfjl include official, of the Na- le rtHtc! the churches wd «yu«- H lojus- tional Council of Churches, the ogues in meeting religious and"** tnd given his name, pelmet- ce will be a much-discussed Ivic i*cltl problems." • ubject in Chicago Jan. 14 when Synagogue Council of America Jergymen of m«jor faith* con- and the National Catholic Welfare ene at the Edgewtter Beach Conference. otel for a four-day meeting. More than 60 religiously affili- TRAVEL AGENCY For the first time, the National ated national organizations have inference on Religion and Race indicated they will be represented Hmmmth CowUjr (or 17 Vein ill' bring together aU major by delegates at the conference. churches to form • united attack NOELR.NtiOriCO. Chairman of the conference will NOW LOCATED IN OUR on the problem of racial Injustice. be the Rev. Dr. Benjamin E. The conference may have far- Mayi, president of Morehouie NEW OFFICE reaching-though perhaps not Inv College In Atlanta, Ga, AUTHORIZED , DEALER mediately discernible—effect on The vice chairmen will be the Carrier 144 BROAD ST., RED BANK the social climate of the United Right Rev. Germanos Psailidakls, Jutt arwwJ tto conwr from MV former offlet at States. bishop of Synidon and head of the II RECKLESS PUCE The immediate result will be Greek Orthodox See in Detroit, the hammering out of a "declara- Mich.: the Most Rev. Paul J. Hil- Weather maker to Monmouth County Telephone SH 1-5080 ion of conscience" which will go linan, archbishop of Atlanta; You can riitrv* and pick up airlin*. itomihip, but >ut as the word from the leaders Rabbi Ferdinand M. Isserman of Since 1946 rf most of this country's churches. Temple Israel. St. Louis, and and four ticket!, hotel and wort arts raisrvati'W A planning committee l» pro- Bishop Julian Smith, presiding «r our offices. ducing recommendations for the W»hoP <* the.First Episcopal DIs- 40 Birch Avenue Litrit Silver anslderation of the conference as trict of Christian Methodist Epls- it Costs No More to Book Through :o follow-up action on national, and cop*! Church, SH 1-3454 YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT oca! levels. Tha Dlanners of the) conference

Oak Hill, have moved to Spring Lake. Following, the group had Oak Hill luncheon at the Colts Neck Inn Mr. and Mrs. William Suydam, Attending were Mrs. Thomas Cardinal Rd. were hosts at a Bushey, Mrs. Herbert Cardwell, buffet supper party. Among the Mrs. Charles Hommel and Mrs, guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Stanley Chase. ter Morton, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Blum and Mr. and Mrs. Ban House guests at the home of Greene, Fair Haven; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rowe, Mid- Mrs. Arthur Morris, Little Silver dletown-Lincroft Rd., for the holi- Dr. and Mrs. Anson Hoyt, Mr. days were Mrs, Rowe's parents, and Mrs. Graver Culshaw, and Col, and Mrs. William Samuels, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmidt, and her brother, William Samuels MART MILLION DOLLAR FURNITURE CENTER'S Rumscn; Mr. and Mrs. Walter of Toms River. Also, Mr. Rowe's Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel mother Mrs. Charles Rowe, and Lancaster and Mrs. Dorothea Cor- his aunt, Mrs. W. L. Allen, both bin, Red Bank; Charles Hall, of Philadelphia. Donna Rowe was Shrewsbury; Mr. and Mrs. home for the holidays from Glass- 1st ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE! Thomas Conlon, Florham Park, boro State College. Mr. Rowe, a and Mr. and Mrs. David Butter- vice president with Batton, Bar- It's the one clearance event you can't afford to miss! Com* early, stay late—scoop up Hie fabulous values In every department! worth, Middletown. ton, Durstine and Osborn, New York City, has been promoted to Better furniture in all styles, perfect floor samples, discontinued styles, many ont-of-a-kindi—out they go at savings up to 65% Andrew Williams, son of Mr. group head in charge of Lucky off—and only 10% down does it! Full Mart guarantte and free delivery on every purchase. But hurry—all quantities limited! and Mrs. Robert Williams, Crane Strike advertising for the agen- Ct., has returned home after be- cy. Ing a surgical patient at River- view Hospital. Their daughter, Mrs. George Whelaa, Robin THESE ARE JUST SOME OF THE FABULOUS STOREWIDE SAVINGS! Lora, is spending the holiday va- Ct, entertained at a holiday cation with her grandparents Mr. tea for neighbors. Guests in- BEDROOMS SOFAS BEDDING and Mrs. C. A. Collins of Morris cluded Mrs. James Madden, Mrs Plains. SIMMONS COLONIAL HIDEABED PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE-Sola-Rich tweed tex- 4H POLYFOAM MATTRESS with Boxspring- Ludwig Bilow, Mri. George Men' ONE ONLY Reg. 229.50 " ' ONLY $199 tured striped fabric. Blues, Brown and Green- £910 Twin Si». Reg., 69.50 ONLY ger, Mrs. Philip Jacobs, Mrs, Lovely Colonial Styling. Reg. 393.00 ' ONLY Steve Babeuf, son of Mr. and Henry Neuwirth, Mrs. Fred Ka KNIGHT OF REST STUDIO COUCH ORTHO-REST MATTRESS or Boxspring. 90 OA ALL FOAM CONSTRUCTION Reg. 119.50 ONLY 98.80 CLAYTON-MARCUS Colonial Wing Sofa-S feet Mrs. John R. Babeuf, Crane Ct., houn. Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Long. A real beauty. Reg. 198.00 ONLY Full Size. Reg, 49.50 ONLY 4O«QV BASSETT "CHIMNEY CORNER" 6-PIECE MAPLE HI-RISER COMPLETE WITH 4" FOAM MATTRESS celebrated his tenth birthday at Ray Evans, Mrs. Joseph Migli- BEDROOM SUITE INCLUDING MAGNIFICENT CLAYTON-MARCUS Colonial-Wing Love Seat a luncheon in his home. Attend' ozzi, Mrs. Norman McNulty, Mrs. HIGH BOY CHEST ON CHEST Reg. 519.00 ONLY $399 Fabric Disc Quilted Fabric in Blues and Greens. Reg. J9.50 ONLY fcig were Douglas Webber, Janes Woods, Mrs. ' Stanley UNIQUE SOLID CHERRY 6-PIECE COLONIAL A Real Delight Reg.;m00 ONLY Thomas Dorn, Rickey Kunes and Chase, Mrs. Louis Schreiner, BEDROOM SUITE-VERY DISTINCTIVE ROWE-Pillow Arm Colonial Wing Sofa MISCELLANEOUS Daryl Knight, all of Middletown. Mrs. Victor Diefenderfer, Mrs. Reg. 840.00 ONLY $680 Gold, Brown and Copper Tones—Luxurious Tweed C91Q Donald Smith and Mrs. Albert BUNK BEDS-MAPLE—COMPLETE WITH LAD- Reg. 258.00 , NOW ONLY LANE—AU,Maple Tables-A well rounded selection Mrs. James Atkinson, Gull Steitz. to aattsfy the most particular person ?fl%» DER, GUARD RAIL, SPRINGS AND MATTRESS CLAYTON-MARCUS Colonial Wing Sofa 110 QA OFF Rd., was hostess at a Christmas Reg. 129.50 , ONLY Your Choice of Color. Reg. 1J9.50 ONLY H0«0v 48" Harvest' Table—Plastic Top for carefree use. luncheon and bridge last week. Visiting at the home of Mr. BASIC-WTTZ e pc. SPICED WALNUT MODERN Guest of honor was Mrs. Robert SELIG Sofa smart blue and green- Contemporary £170 Reg. 79*0 •.:.':. ONLY and Mrs. Ludwig Bilow, Robin BEDROOM SUITE-AS IS FLOOR SAMPLE patterned fabric. ONE ONLY. Reg. 23100 ONLY • •" 58.80 Bell of New Shrewsbury. Mr. and Ct are Mr. and Mrs. James Co- Reg. 550.00 ONLY $575 MATCHING CHAIRS FROM $11.81 to 114.8a'.••. Mrs. Bell are moving to Florida. SELIG Sofa—Rich tailored design. Covered In a CiLL GORDON Step Tables-One Pair Oaly-As Is lee of Tallahassee, Fla. Mrs. Co- BASSETT 4-PIECE MODERN GRAY warm copper color fabric. Reg. 218.00 ONLY vl«V Guests included Mrs. James Get lee is Mrs. Bilow1* sister. $228 Floor Samples-Reg. 58.80 Ea. ONLY $30 EA. tigan, Mrs. Charles Shendan, and MAHG. BEDROOM Reg. 269.50 ONLY 100" INTERNATIONAL Modern Sofa. .Your choice tlBO GORDON Free Form Cocktail Table DREXEL "DECLARATION" DANISH MODERN of Color and Fabric Reg. 239.50 ONLY. #!"<• Mrs. Stimpson, Little Silver: Dr. and. :Mrs. Donald Smith, Reg. 98.80 ' ONLY $79 Mrs. George Deaner and Mrs. Al BEDROOM AND DINING ROOM ROWE Modern Sofa in Beige Nylon All Foam 110 OA Wren Ct.-v^vere hosts to fir. FLOOR SAMPLES OFF Cushions., Reg. 139.50 ONLY 60" Sl»t Bench-Walnut Finish Dade, New Shrewsbury, and Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! ONLY IO»80 Carroll Doran, Mrs. Fred Parker, MODERN VINYL SOFA BED^-Ideal for use in Reg. J9s.50 Paul L. Smith of Pittsburgh, Pa., Stereo Cabinet in Walnut Mrs. William Van Duren and during the holidays. The Smith. den. Reg. 89.50 -ONLY 58.80 98.80 Mrs. Max Helman, Fair Haven. also had as their house guest, Reg. 129.50 ONLY Robert Anderson of Philadelphia. DINING ROOMS Danish Lounge with Built-in Formica End Tables. $118 Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Williams, CENTURY-8-pc. Carmel Walnut Dining Room AU Foam Cushion. Reg. 139.50 ONLY and daughter, Stacy, Crane Ct., The home of Mi. and Mrs. Vic- Suite—As is Floor Sample. Reg. 775,00 ONLY $599 All Lamps and Accessories OFF have returned from a vacation In tor Diefenderfer, Fish Hawk Dr., HOOVER 8-pc. Modern Walnut Dining Room Suite. Miami, Fla. was the scene of a Christina Reg. $349. , ONLY party for neighbors and friend Mrs. John Svesson, Middle- during the holidays. town-Lincroft Rd., was hostess at THE MART "RED CARPET" cocktails when she recently en- No problem finding tenant! tertained for Mrs. James Casey. when you advertise The Registei SERVICE The Caseys, former residents o way—Advertisement Oar FREE Decorator Service for ex- ample, hdpi yon create Interior beauty an a budget . • . with convenient BUDGET TERMS, too. Browse at your leisure. Our courteous salesmen Need Mortgage Money! an always on call •.. sever on your atnrw. Your furniture geti the tame KARPEN-Contemporary Sofa Charcoal Brown "red carpet" treatment, from HAND Striped Upholstery. Floor Sample RegTSks) ONLY $268 INSPECTION by our own staff of CENTURY-PROVINCIAL STYLE SOFA SKILLED CABINET MAKERS . ..to Diamond Tufted Back-Copper Color Upholstery. •FREE DELIVERY by onr own "Marts- Floor Sample. Reg. 3S8.80 ONLY nea" .. . never a disinterested com- CANE ARM ITALIAN PROV. SOFA mon carrier. Service It an art—at Reg. 32S.50 ONLY Z78»80 The Mart. NOW BAUMRITTER DANISH SOFA MATCHING BUFFET Reg. 10B.00 ONLY Floor Sample. Reg. 154.00 ONLY $119 STANLEY—Project "21" 8-pc. Oiled Walnut NOW BAUMRITTER DANISH STYLE SOFA ONLY $110 Modern Dining Room. Reg. 459.00 ONLY Floor Sample. Reg. 150.00 DREXEL "Meridian" Dining Room OftOL 'OFF PILLOW BACK VINYL SOFA . ONLY $77 Floor Samples . *W /P i Reg. 86.95 8-Pc. French Provincial Dining Room Suite. Including Cane Back Chairs. Reg. 1095.00 ONLY $788 CHAIRS THOMASVILLE 8-Pc. French Provincial Dining PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE Wing Chair. In Brown Room. A Real Buy. Reg. 695.00 ONLY and Biege Tweed Textured Fabric 5-Piece Chrome Dinette Suite. I Aft QA A Real Man's Chair. Reg. 198.00 ONLY Reg. 139.50 ONLY IUO.OW ROWE Chair and Ottoman-Long Wearing All 5-Piece Bronztone Dinette Suite—Walnut Grain Nylon Tapestry—Silver Gray Background. Brown Plastic Top. Reg. 79.50 ONLY $68 and Biege figures reminiscent of colonial times. Reg. 163.60 ONLY SECTIONAL PRESTIGE-Swlvel Rocker-Colonial Styling. ROWE—Large luxurious 4-pc. Sectional in NOW An attractive addition to any home. attractive Charcoal and Brown. Reg. 448.00 ONLY $360 Reg. 88.00 ONLY Rowe 4-Piece Gold Sectional-ALL FOAM TELL CITY Boston Rockers Reg. 359.50 ONLY $258 Reg. 29.80 ONLY 2 Fine Store* to Serve You INTERNATIONAL Luxurious 4-Piece KNIGHT OF REST-Colonia! Rocker Modern Sectional Reg. 549.50 ONLY $448 Reg. 58.80 ONLY ROUTE 35, INTERNATIONAL 2-Piece Modern Sectional HITCHCOCK CHAIRS-Whlte or Black Decorated LOOK NO FURTHER Hello Colored Fabric. Floor Sample Only. Reg. 36.80 ONLY Reg. 459.90 ONLY $230 PRESTIGE—Lounge Chair—Contemporary Modern. MIDDLETOWN SELIG 4-Pc. Sectional—Modern Floor Sample Only. In Gold or Peacock Blue. Immediate Delivery OS 1-0400 We hove the necessary Reg. 109.50 ONLY Water Stained-Olive Green. Reg. 498.00 ONLY $350 Next to Klnnty Shoei ,. French Provincial 3-Pc. Sectional. In Rich Gold COO. OA ROWE MODERN CHAIR-Beige Nylon Foam cash waiting for you Antique Satin Upholstery. Reg. 695.00 ONLY 370.0U Cushion. Reg. 79.50 ONLY ROWE French Provincial 4-Pc. Sectional. Your KARPEN CONTEMPORARY MODERN Hl-BACK with a plan designed choice of upholstery. Reg. 595.00 ONLY MAN'S CHAIR and Ottoman—At Is Floor Sample. ROUTE 22, $498 Broken Back Leg—Disc. Tangerine, Brown and International 3-piece Italian Prov. Sectional- Black striped Upholstery. Reg. 279.00 ONLY UNION just for you ... Sample Reg. 549.50 ONLY $380 ANTIQUE WHITE" PROVINCIAL DECORATOR '/t Mile Past Flagship (Westbound La.) KARPEN 3-piece Italian Provincial Sectional- CHAIRS (2 Only) Reg. 79.50 ONLY Avocado Green Antique Satin Upholstery PILLOW BACK VINYL" CHAIR • 2 MUrdock 8-5500 Reg. 749.50 " ONLY $598 BRAUMRITTER 2-piece Danish Modern Sectional OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9:30 DANISH MODERN RECLINER CHAIR -Floor Sample Reg. 128.00 ONLY $99 P.M., SAT. TIL S:0O. Budget Terms Reg. 99.50 ONLY Avallable-Up to 2 Years to Pay. MAINSTAY DEN FURNITURE, MODERN RECLINING CHAIR Reg. 89.50 ONLY DANALAND COLLECTION Limed Oak Desk and Chair. Desk has DANISH MODERN ROCKER EXCLUSIVELY AT THE MART FEDERAL SAVINGS plastic top. Reg. 69.50 ONLY $58 Reg. 59.50 ,0NLY — AND J.OAH ASSOCIATION — Also Visit Our Special Savings ... Special Terms Tool Vest During Thii Spectacular Sale Event 36 Monmouth Street Red Bank TABLE AND RECLINER GALLERIES for sensational ONLY lt% DOWN * EVERY ITEM CARRIES OUR FULL ' Insured Savings - Mortgage Loans JANUARY CLEARANCE SAVINGS! DELIVERS ANY PURCHASE UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE n adequate program at seven.! ward Klnlin — hid come to the RED BANK RJEGISTER Friday, January 4, 1963-5 itousand dollars. Whether rhi «rtin£ of the w«ys. wernlng body ctn come up The pair split on several Issue* ear l« not clear. worthwhile projects advanced Kean$burg—Tpwn On the fith the fund? for this project md the climax came last weed If the put year is an indica- The only question remaining to emalns to be seen. jvhen Mr. Klnlln and Councllmar ion, the rift will play little if be answered Is whether the gov- ,P. RAUCH try finally moved out of the plan- room,, juvenile office, court Engineers for beach protection The past year also saw Mayor Martin C. Loruen fired the bor -log stages., clerk's office and a new cell work in the Bayshore have been ny part'—.except to liven up erning body can come up with KEANSBURG - This bprough nlng lolllchio lose control of the gov-sugh auditor. ouncil meetings which in the enough money and a strong sec- took giant step* in the put year The Local Planning Agency Is block. * approved by Congress. Actual rning body., currently awaiting federal ap- 1 work on the project is still some The mayor fought the dismis- •st have never been dull. ond effort to get the projects In solving some'municipal prob- The old headquarters on the sal and has made it clear that h< completed. proval ot its Grandvlew .Project. first floor will be converted next distance off, however. Future de- The year started off peacefully It was a big year with many lems, but in the same period Approval is expected on the $1,- velopment and revltalUation of >ut b/ last week the mayor and and Mr. Klnlin are "through." year into a public library. Just what effect the rift wil marked'time in seeking solutions 651,522 program by summer. A program of official recogni- this community hinges on a suc- lis running mate in the last lection — Councilman T. Ed- have on borough plans for thii to others. Once the green light is given, tion for property owners who cessful beach erosion project. . Perhaps the most significant the LPA can begin acquiring spruce up and improve-' their Storm Damage advance made was in the' bor-land, clearing it, and reselling holdings has been started. Three, Last March a storm caused, an ough's urban renewal plans. Ef- It to private interests for the awards.are made each month.: estimated $1 million damage to forts' for revitalization of the construction of motels, hotel The program is designed to en-the borough's beaches, water It Was Like This, Judge! community'and its'resort Indus- and restaurants, courage improvement of lands mains and roads. Officials hope Sewer Work- and buildings in the community. that the federal program will pre- Concrete progress was made A Housing Authority has been vent this sort of Iosj In the fu Tk> nun in another area when plans for created. Officials hope this agen- ture. Hurt ip Crash the renovation of the borough's I hi* to (tt to tin cy can develop plans for much The governing body this year tank to main • aootunl , . , SLIDE RULES It appears at this point that they Ttie curfew — in two phases, ary estimates place the cost of Mdnmouth Medical Center, ^"f may berejected. and all an my lunch Branch, where he was admitted summer and winter—is working, Jwtrl Haw I'm (a. Municipal officials have indi- officials feel. He Grew Hair Ini to da ALL my with a possible concussion after cated that the over-all bid figures a two-car accident at Larchwood The year 1962 also saw the kanklnc In O NI You've seen these giant size Pickett teaching tt ne and Berger.Aves., here, at 4:40are slightly, higher than had been courts uphold a ban.on "moon- r«ll.»rylct kank. n 'models In your classrooms, now choose your p.m. Tuesday. anticipated by.the borough en- lighting" by members of the ytu won'l kt •Hint gineer. The bids did, however, police department. This was a im any nun I personal slide rule from our complete selection Ocean Township police said an come within the $300,000 figure. vital campaign issue in the last of pocket and standard size models. Lifetime automobile driven by Schaner- Borough water problems were municipal election. Such a ban guaranteed all-metal accuracy. man was involved in a collision eased somewhat with ,the instal- was a key plank in Mayor Louis KEANSBURG-MIDDLETOWN with a car driven by Vincent J, lation of 1,500 feet of new four- 1. Coliichio's platform. Colangelo of 282 Jerome Ave., inch mains on 25 streets through- Despite the many accomplish' NATIONAL BANK Established this place. out the community. ments,.there still remains sev- No details of the accident were In the area of future develop- eral nagging problems. Before ; After KEANSBURG MIDDLETOWN LINCROFT 1884 available. ment, the Planning Board has One — beach protection — is Church 4 Carr Ave. Kings Hwy. Llncroft Shopping' Colangelo was treated at Mori- completed and adopted its mas- See Dramatic Stolry Center nearing a solution. 787-0100 OS 1-28M 17 Broad St. mouth Medical Center and re-ter plan. ' ' Plans by the Army Corps,of On Page 7 SH7-0W0 leased. Both drivers were taken With it, the governing body to the hospital by the Oakhurst adopted trie borough's first com- First Aid Squad. No summonses prehensive zoning ordinance. Of' were issued. Patrolman David ficials hope this code will go Osbone investigated. long way toward preventing hap hazard' growth in the future. Winter Vacation New Faculties DESERT, Calif. (AP)- The borough Ms plagued with Former President and Mrs. this sort of development from Dwight D. Eisenhower are ex- past years. , pected to arrive Monday for a the police department now oo winter vacation at El Borado cupies modern headquarters i Country Club. the basement of borough hal The Eisenhowers are scheduled New facilities Include a police to stay here until Easter. desk, chief's office,, interrogation DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 2LIs UTurklah nans indeWed titled X Bone's 22.— ' honor 2. Measure • and •.SUurm of land robbers, f 3.Tonatat chfl- 11. Theater change dren's performer (2 mis.) game 12. Church law 4. Warm - 23. Eastern IS. Packing 5. Part of 24. To fcox "tola" hit on M. Vigilantly 6. Covered the TatmUft Am«ar mdyy with Males head: M. Worry 15. Even: poet, 7. Cloy aL neediest]? it Aetna* aAirow 35.Som»barn Sdhclte . : —-Terry poison weather* 37. Golfer's IT. Soft and O.Comraeal vanes ald» fluffy breed 27. Ferryboat 38. Resort 30. Italian 10. Insect 29. Coquettiah 3».Actrew river 16. Conclude 31.Ciibic Luplni 22. Mimicked 18. Unctuous meter 10; Blightt M, To Drag 19. Tiny J3.Jot taite 24.8Uk«carf: Bed ' a ». 4 * ' f 0 JT.Fat—, • Hollywood II a lit fft S:p IS. • ».Ughtboata % *0. Compass IS II> point: aUbr. ^A Uphrt 17 It 19 ''A itoddnga M 3S 24 82. Term of , kpprovaJ: XT *l ifc- 15. Excla- % mation 2« *8.Shop So> SI W.French ^// YA /river n » 14-' y **- 97 4L Father: ^ Briteonoq. MA 4s.rtm«m »» % song to 42 48. Having '// . wing* 4S 44 •4. Church '// projections BOND'S MILLION DOLLAR THERE'S STILL TIAAC TO JOIN A 1963 CLEARANCE SALE CHRISTMAS CLUB! MEN'S SUITS & COATS Get with The Big One—a tremendous powerhouse ©•trousef "XL2" Worsted Suits reduced from 59.50 now'49.90 of savings from America's Biggest Clothier. Pick from new styles, new colors, Hue fabrics. ©•trouser Style Manor Suits reduced from esm.... now^J Naturally, our entire stock is not included. ©•trouser Park Lane Suits reduced from 70.00 now'59.90 But your choice is so big, so varied, you can just Why not assure yourself of cosh pn hand when next Christ- about write your own ticket. See exactly how much ©trouser Executive Suits reduced from 75.00 now1i4.90 mas rolls oround by joinins one of the following 1st Mer- chants Notional Chrisrmos Clubs while there Is still time:— you save—regular and sale prices plainly marked. CLASSES JO FIT ANYBUDGET Bond Designer Group Suits reduced from 49.50 now'39.90 NO ENTRANCE FEE D<>mll Too P»j la T.o s W««klj W WMkl KMBITI CHARGE ffl ^3nt#hpifliits I tt*i6wnttatifly Rochester-tailored Ziplined Coats reduced from 55.00 now 46.90 $ .30 $ 25.00 $ 25.JJ 1.00 10.00 - ao.50 I No service charge | small $mrice charge 2.00 .100.00 101.00 Overcoats: Imported Melton reduced from 60.00... now'49.90 3.00 150.00 151.50 , Ml alterations without charge 3.00 250.00. 252.50 I Bo 10.00 500.00 505.00 20.00 1000.00 1010.00 Royal York Sports Coats reduced from 29.95.. now*24.90 Interest Paid 1on Completed Clubs Worsted Gabardine Slacks reduced from 14.95 now 11.90 Imported Ziplined Raincoats reduced from 25.00 now 19.90 Suits with vests—add $5

CaTONTOWN TRAFFIC CIRCLI. (ATONTOWN ITH AVINUI AT SITH STRICT, NSW YORK -OFFICES: ASB^RY PARK • RE^ BANK • MANASQUAN BOND'S Monmouth Shopping Canter •O IAST 410 STRUT. NRW YORK • NO.. ASBURY PARK • FAIR-HAVEN* HOLMDEL • BRIELCE •ROADWAY AT 4ITH STRUT. NEW YORK Hnaber, F»Jtr»l mmin Snl>a/r«ltnl DajtMlt Unraae* "That's The Way It Goes. Along Comes .LETTERS JIM BISHOP: M Kegistet Some Dame With A Smtle—" 4M1 Broad Street, Rid Bank, N. 1. Sutr fflghwty M, MMdtotwrn LAWYER EXPLAINS STAND Repprter OF TWO DOCTORS EsUbUihed 1878 by Joha H. Coskaad Henry City 601 Grand Ave., PuWUhed by The Red Bask RegUter Incorporated Asbury Park, N. I. Dec. 31, 1962. The Thrifty One W. HARRY PENNINGTON, President JAMES J. HOGAN, Editor To the Editor: There Is a word for Clement: cheap. He was a tall, M. HAROLD KELLY, General Miniger In your issue of, Dec. 27, 1962, bald man with a mustache big enough for polishing I believe you have unintentionally Thomu 3. Bbr William F. Sandford and Arthur Z. Kamln Frank W. Harbour shoes. He liked to refer to himself as thrifty. The six Eiaeutlvc Editor Assoclat* Editors Mlddletown Bureau Mir. done an injustice. You triers gave considerable prominence to other tellers in the branch bank said that Clement was Member of the Associated Press the reversal by the Board f so cheap that his fingers squeaked when he paid bus Asaocl&ttd Pren l> entitled exclusively to th« us* (or republlcattoD or til th* local news printed In this Governors of Riverview Hos- r ftJ well u alt AP new* dispatches. fare. He said they were jealous. pital's decision as to their prere- They weren't. Nor were they en- Member of American Newipaper Publishers Association quisites to reappointment to the Member Audit Bureau of Circulation medical staff. The headline and vious. Clement never married because the body of the article i-Iaced Th« Red Bank Register assume! no financial responsibilities for typographical errors In advertisements, but he said that he cquld prove, arithme- will reprint wllnout charge, that part at an advertisement II which tbft typo|rftphlcal error occurs. Advertisers will emphasis upon "unpaid pledges." pleas* notify thai management Immediately of any error which ,may occur. In this regard, you mentioned tically, that two could not live as cheap- This newspaper assume! no responsibilities for statements ol opinions In letters from Its readers. Dr. William Wood and Dr. Rob- ly as one. Two; he said, couldn't even ert B. Robertson by name. The live as cheaply as two because, even if Subscription Prices .In Advance Less than 3 moa. Per month $1.so 13 months—J18.00 « months—S 9,CO inference created that they were fllncls copy by mail, 10 cents Single copy at counter, 7 csnts » months—113.50 > months—5 1.10 hot fulfilling a pledge was er- the wife had a job, her salary would roneous. Neither of the named probably be less than her husband's. FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1963 doctors had signed a pledge. BISHOP That, according to Clement, would con- In 1957, when they had been asked to sign pledges to the build- stitute a loss. Poor Judgment ing fund, they declined to do so, He was in his forties, and no one knew him to go However, they did by letter state out with a girl. Clement said-that it would be pointless that they voluntarily Intended to The Long Branch City Council That some accounts will-be ex- make a sizable contribution, to solicit the attention of any female for an evening uses poor judgment in permitting its ceded, while others will be under- which was to be advanced over because she would be thinking romantically and he a five-year period. In further- could not afford to think along those lines unless she internal strife to delay payment of spent, is recognized everywhere. ance, of this intention, they ad- had lots of money. claims against the city for services, State law spells out a procedure for vanced substantial sums of money to the fund. Then, unwarranted No woman with lots of money ever looked at work, materials, and supplies al- transferring from one account to an- pressure was exerted upon them. On principle they resented such Clement twice. So romance was dead, even though ready delivered upon proper order other. It is as routine as calling the pressure; whereupon, 'in derog- it had never been born. He was the only teller in the of city agents. roll. Special procedures are required These Days; atory language, a representative branch bank to bring his own lunch. He made the of the Board of Governors ad- sandwiches in a neat little apartment on the East Side, At its end of the year meetings only when 'there are no funds avail- vised that /the hospital did not to close out 1962 business it left able anywhere in the budget to meet We Travel More, See less desire them to mate further pay- and he ate them. Sometimes he brought a container of ments. milk; sometimes he washed the sandwiches down with hanging some $26,800 worth of bills operating claims. With such, a background, it is water. the merits of which were not sub- By JOHN CHAMBERLAIN quite understandable that they Bitter as the feeling may be resisted their attempted removal At work in the cage, he wore a linen duster be- ject to a single word of criticism. among officials, the governing body The big federal interstate road building project, from the medical staff. Like- cause he wanted to save the jacket of his good suit To be sure, there is a heated de- which is inching its' way toward completion in some wise, with such a background, He called it an "all weather suit" because it was light encourages suspicion of good faith the public should not b; given bate on the manner in which some places, may be needed to tie the nation, together in the the impression that they dishon- enough to wear on hot summer days, and warm when it dawdles over payment of ored a pledge. of them were incurred. This involves automobile age. But, paradoxically, it means that trav- enough—at least, so he said—to keep him comfortable legitimate bills. It should find other Very truly yours, in winter. Some of the other tellers, especially Johnny criticism by some councilmen on the ellers will henceforward be seeing less of the country. Robert V. Carton. Axelsen, who worked the next cage, tried to soriStize procedures of the city manager. No ways to fight out differences. It The loss has already been felt in the travel books with Clement; "loosen him up", they said. one, however, questions that value would serve the Council right if the . PLANNING FOR written by perambulating authors. In, 1962 John Stein- MARLBORO'S GROWTH But he resisted' this, too. And he was blunt in bis was not received or that any of the firms and individuals who are heing beck won the Nobel Prize for literature. Financially, R.D. 1, Box 74, reasoning, Axelsen was a young family man who lived Morganville, N. J. bills were incurred secretly or with- held up would henceforth demand this was an extra lucky break for him, for it advertised not far from CJement, and he invited the thrifty one his recently published diary of a jaunt from Long Island On open letter to the Township to dinner. "No," said Clement after thinking about it out full public disclosure. The argu- cash on delivery—including the tele- Committee of Marlboro: ment is over the fact that the sum to California and back, "Travels With Charlie,in Search Now that the Planning Board "No, thanks. If I go to your house, then it is only phone company, the water company of America." The Nobel Prize, however, could not have has decided that Marlboro Town- proper to invite you to mine. I'm a bachelor who likes total of the bills in some depart- ship will "downgrade" instead of and others who supply vital services gone to Mr. Steinbeck for his travelogue which, though solitude, so I'll have to decline with thanks." ments exceeded the amounts budg- "upgrade" which was requested it was written with some charm, told his readers more by the majority of (he township Others tried. But no one ever saw Clement after eted for the departments at the be- just as well as the man who sells about truck drivers, gas stations and motels than it in the non-binding referendum office hours. They knew he saw a movie now and then ginning of the year. tires and tubes, or pens and pencils. three years ago, the following did about any of the country that lay within a mile or should be noted: because one of the depositors managed a movie house so on either side of the express highways. The faster 1. The purpose of planning is and he left passes with Clement They also knew that to provide orderly growth and he saved money, and bought sound stocks. They also Slim Budget—Fat Return Mr. Steinbeck went, the less he, saw. This was also development of a community. A true of another literary traveller in 1962, Mr. T. S. master plan should first be com- knew that he had no television set "Instead," he said, July, with two lifeguards on duty. The Atlantic Highlands Recrea- Matthews, who wrote something called "O My Amer- pleted before any major develop- "I have a card at the public library." Salaries for the town's recreation ments are started in Marlboro The bank examiners arrived regularly, but every- tion Commission recently announced ica!" Returning to the United States after livings,for Township. To allfiw "Planned one knew that it was a waste of time going over that recreational activities in 1962 programs totaled $2,623, and equip- several years in England, Mr. Matthews carried an Community Development" of the ment, $1,054. adopted Londoner's prejudices with him as he went entire township prior to a master Clement's accounts. They hadn't been off balance by cost the borough approximately plan is sheer folly. Planning ex- two cents in, 15 years. However, they went over the About $2,000 of the total budget west from New York. The prejudices Were never cor- perts agree that the master plan $6,000. rected, for Mr. Matthews found few conversationists is the first step toward orderly books one day recently and, they finished with the was earmarked for the rental of growth. However, the Marlboro tellers by lunch time. in the motels he so minutely described. The recreation body is to be Firemen's Memorial Field from the Township Planning Board ob- viously feels that the master plan Clement had his sandwich, as always, in a back commended for the outstanding job fire department. can come after the unbridled office, and, when he returned to his cage, he thanked 1 Trip to Maine it has done in providing a well- growth which surely will follow Johnny Axelsen for watching his cage. Then, before The field, which is owned and My own travelling for the year included a trip to the "planned community" pro- he removed the "Next window, please" sign from his rounded program for adults and maintained by the firemen, has been Maine. In the old days a motor trip to Maine from posal. cage, he riffled through the cash drawer and emitted children of the community on a slim used several years for the borough's southern New England normally included a slow-mo- 2. The ordinance prepared for Matawan Township (also with the a long moan. "Somebody," he said loudly, "has been budget. tion progression through little towns around Boston. playground and baseball programs. help of H. Smith planners) gave in this cash drawer. Quick," he yelled to the police- One would see the rude bridge that arched the flood Strathmore the green light. An Adult education, a teenage can- The firemen and Borough Coun- man at the door, "don't let anybody in or out" , in Concord, where the first shots of the American Revo- examination of the 'Matawan teen, baseball, basketball, a play- cil are also to be congratulated for Township ordinance reveals that The bank officers came running; so did the bank lution were fired. Or one would go through tradition- it is even more restrictive than ground program, including pier fish- their co-operation in the recreation encrusted seaports on the North Shore of Massachu< the one proposed for Marlboro examiners. They had checked all the cages, and all the ing, trips, and band concerts were board's effort to provide a quality setts, whichwould give the children opportunity to ex- Township in that it allows a den- cash was in order. Now, when they studied Clement's sity of only 2.6 single family cash balance, it was obvious that a matter of four featured this past year. program for so little. claim over the "witches' houses" in old Salem. Then dwelling units per acre while thousand dollars in big bills was gone. Well, it couldn't The borough's first municipal It's a small price with a big there was Cape Ann to look at, with the Gloucester Marlboro's proposal will allow fishing fleet and the clam flats at Ipswich. Today, how- up to 2,8. have been Clement, because the thrifty one had never beach was opened for business in return. At the Planning Board meeting left the premises. ever, the temptation' is to slide quickly around Boston when this Planned Community and into Maine by way of Rt. 128. True enough, Rt. 128 Development p r o p o s a 1 was After much searching, and discussion, suspicion 1 onr Money's Worth: is interesting as a "linear city" consisting of a high- passed, their spokesman admitted turned on Johnny Axelsen. Clement said: "I must tell that ' no economic examination the truth. I must. The cash was all right when I left speed highway running past a-blur of new electronic had been made by the board in The Ominous Transportation Crisis plants. But there is no past history clinging to a super- terms of dollars. The explana- to have my lunch. Johnny always watches the cage for highway, and at 60 miles an hour you can absorb few tion was that the planner who me. He is the only one who had access to it today." drew up this proposal was "an The police were called. Detectives questioned one By SYLVIA PORTER details. expert." and all. Johnny Axelsen finally broke into tears. "I Out of every $5 Americans had a major railroad go bank- April—the first such message In Why are responsible officials in In times gone by it was always a visual pleasure such a hurry to rush this pro- never took a dime in my life," he said, "and I haven't »pend, $1 goes to transport our- rupt and a major airline saved history—he diagnosed the disease telves and our goods. Most of from the same fate only by mer and prescribed remedies. Which to drive west through New York State to Buffalo. One posal through? taken.anything now. But Clement is right about one of Kennedy's statements do you Is this the type of planning us think of the cost of military ger. In the last year for which could study the rise and fall of American architecture think are most pertinent to the that will result in orderly, thing. I was the only one near that cage while he ate. defense as our nation's largest figures are available (1961), our if one chose the Cherry Valley Route: the- old houses If anyone else had walked in, I'd have seen it." expenditure, but we spend twice domestic scheduled airlines in public? planned growth for Marlboro as much on transportation. Each toto and eastern railroads in toto Mackie: That "the pressing built in the day of the Greek Revival in central New Township? It is believsd that A detective lieutenant booked Johnny on suspicion the people of the township will year, though", operated at a loss. More of the problems burdening our national York still keep their spacious and dignified lines, but say no! It is hoped that the of grand larceny. Afterwards, he said: "I believe that the problems sa. could be ahead. transportation system" are "jeopardizing th progress and further west, the classically proportioned homes give Township Committee will agree Axelsen kid. I don't know why. I just believe him. He of the trans- Porter: In th 17-page mes- e e security pn which wa depend." way to the haphazard construction of the unlettered with the people. portation in- sage President Kennedy sent to practically handed himself up to me." Also that these problems are Frank S. Graziano. dustry become Congress on transportation last "carpenter-builder" period, when good models were Two days later, the detective walked into Clem- more acute and primarity due to "a chaotic considered an affectation. patchwork of inconsistent and WANTS US. TROOPS ent's cage with a fat envelope. "The case is solved," the headlines CARMICHAEL more ominous often obsolete legislation and OUT OF VIETNAM he said. "I thought you'd like to know." Clement said regulation (which) does not fully Irondiquoit Melon about our 36 Oakland St., he felt sorry for Johnny. transport sys- reflect either the dramatic In the old days of slower travel I remember eating Red Bank, N. J. tem's lack of changes in technology of the past To the Editor: "Oh no,"-the cop said. "Save your pity for your- half-century or the parallel in Rochester, where I was introduced to the Irondiquoit financial vital- With all the excitement of the changes in the structure of com- self. You took the money before lunch, shoved it in ity. melon and a delicious salad made of the local John Cuban crisis, many Americans PORTER petition." a bank envelope, and mailed it to your apartment You in this Baer tomato. But the last time I drove through New seem to have forgotten another Intimately involved were so cheap you put a four cent stamp on it. The situation is David I Mackie. Finally, most pertinent is the York State, bringing a daughter home from a summer world trouble spot which could chairman of Eastern Railroad President's over-all recommenda- also carry us over the brink into letter has just come back, marked '8 cents in postage tion that what is needed is ice skating session in Ontario, we slid past Rochester Presidents Conference. Here are the horrors of nuclear war. due.'"... Mackie's answers to qquestions "greater reliance on the forces without even seeing it. And what we had for dessert refer to the undeclared war in every informed person mighih t askk. of competition and less reliance Vietnam, where, unlike Cuba, on the restraints of regulation" in a Howard Johnson—or, as the kids call it, a Ho-Jo— DURABLE,BUT NOT IMPREGNABLE Porter: How much money American blood is actually being in federal control over trans- restaurant was, as I recall it, a peppermint stick ice spilled. could we save if our .transport portation. system wer« healthy, and how cream of a kind served in every Howard Johnson ev We of Monmouth County SANE costly to our nation is this ailing Greater Freedom erywhere. I am not knocking peppermint as a flavor, are fearful that U.S. military sup- industry? Porter: Mf railroads were given port of the undemocratic and greater freedom to compete, and I admire the Howard Johnson brand of efficiency, thoroughly unpopular Diem re- Mackie: A study- hy the U.S->! what would that mean to the mil- but it would have been nice lo try one of Rochester's gime In South Vietnam, coupled Department of Commerce stated lions of us? with the opposition of Red China thai "the annual transportation special melons again. My daughter will probably never Mackie: Better service at (remember, this is near their bill would be reduced by several lower cost. Today inconsistent taste one in a lifetime of driving on super-highways. doorstep just as Cuba is near billions of dollars on freight and obsolete regulation is rusting ours), could lead to nuclear cori alone" if competition, rather the rails, and so is government Going south to Florida, the completion of new flicl. A nuclear war is even than restraint, were the touch- subsidy to our competitors. For more likely if the U.S. .bombs stone of regulalion. As for cost, federal highways will kill a few more delightful fea- instance, in this fiscal year to North Vietnam supply bases, as any essential industry in the con- tures. When the new bridge is completed from'the tip end June 30. 1963, the federal some of our strategists have dition transportation is today is government alone will spend $5 of the Delmarva Peninsula over miles of sea water to recommended. ' a significant drag on our econ- billion for highways, aviation and omy. And our artifically pro- Portsmouth, Va., something more than a ferry service SANE believes that the mos water transport—more than half voked high transport costs could will disappear. As of the moment, one may still order practical way out Is for all the the annual gross operating rev- help price U.S. goods out of opposing sides to agree to a con- enues of the nation's railroads. special Norfolk crab cakes in the ferry dining. salon. world markets. ference to negotiate peace, as None of this government aid is But when this is gone the traveller will be thrown back was done in Laos. All foreign Just How Bad? extended to railroads. If railroad on the familiar roadside hamburger joint. troops, Including our own, would competitors were to-pay their Porter: Just how bad is the : be withdrawn under internatlona 'i«nafi!-T#^ti'e "Bse.:they-make. of new -highway -j such government-provided facili- 'gastra'w^ M»ckie: The problem is crit- nomically and visually poorer, arid' helps to alienate way, no more American lives and 4cal. It doesn't have the dra- ties, every American would bay dollars would be lost in a mili- matics of Soviet missiles in Cuba less in taxes. us both from past history and distinctive regional cul- tary adventure and the Vietna or the headline attraction of a Porter: What arc the odds nn ture. And, for the stay-at-homes who depend on pub mese would be left alone to work murder. It is more like a can- fixing up the regulatory and sub-lished travel diaries, it means flatter and flatter liter- out their own prpblems. cer, slowly gnawing the patient sidy ''patchwork" and ending the1 Very truly yours, to death. For instance, we've 6—Friday, January 4, 1963 transportation crisis? ary fare. Allen Strasburger, Chairman. I •k rV Allen-Scott Report: • DISRUPT SERVICE When Wfce Gregory I tent outihiralesj features of winter pt* BED BANK REGISTER. Friday, January 4, 1963-7 Wont Seek CAPE MAY - EltebieaJ mii#ioB*rte* in til be coaasejedjui festival* into the spWtat! Itb- service t« abort %m custom- thenr to let converts weave tnVric of the Christmas observance. ers beret including the U.S. ^e-election Says Preston! Still CoMt Guard, Receiving Cen- DON'T JUST FURNISH ter, wai disrupted far H min- 'OCWNPORT *- WiI!I«m L. YOUR HOME... utes Wednesday. Robert K. Rellly or 2 Riddle PI. says that Smoking Cuban Cigart Hunter, district manager of the he will not seek re-election to the ' DECORATE IT! Atlantic City Electric Co., taid Board of Education. If no candi- By Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott the failure was caused by Stop in for a free consult- date takes the necessary steps be- faults In the company's 25,000 ation. You'll find it will fore 4 p.m. today, Mr. Reilly's- WASHINGTON —President Kennedy is smoking volt circuits. He said salt slit make a wonderful world ol school board seat could be filled Cuban cigars despite his ban on their importation. blown on the lines by high difference in your decor- by • write-In ballot. Secretary Dean Rusk is the source of this intrigu- winds this week caused the 4 ating! According to Mrs. Evelyn Bid- ing bit of information. faults. The customers were FURNITURE die, board secretary, two nomi- It was disclosed at a social gathering in the State without electricity from 4:54 140 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. SH 7-4000 nating petitions have been re- p.m. until 5:18 p.m., when the Open IS A.M. to a P.M. MM. thru Frl. quested and have been filed. Department during the recent holidays. company switched in new cir- Hey! 75.00 2-panfs suits for 58.90 at J. Kridel! • A.M. to « P.Jt. tettrdayt. They belong to incumbents Much to the surprise of newsmen, Rusk cuits, Hunter said. Charles M. Guillaudeu and John V. Hauser. came early and stayed late. Usually . The deadline for filing petitions he drops in briefly and hurries off. This for the Feb. 13 election Is 4 p.m. time he had several drinks, and was tomorrow. most affable and Chatty. Mr. Guillaudeu and Mr. Haus- er are both seeking full, three Taking advantage of this excep- year terms. Mr. Reilly's succes- tional opportunity, one reporter on the sor will also serve a full term. chance of getting a Cuban clue, asked, Mr. Rellly said his decision to Altai "Mr. Secretary, without revealing any retire from local school board NEWBERRYS GREAT activity comes after many years policy secrets can you tell us when we might get our! oif the board, but that he will Cuban cigars back?" continue to serve on the Shore Regional Board of Education. His With a smile Rusk replied, "If you're really inter- term on that board will expire ested, I'll tell you how you can obtain them." When in two years. STARTS the correspondent nodded eagerly, Rusk continued, Mr. Reilly to a former presi. "Go to one of your diplomatic friends dent of the local Board of Edu- JANUARY SALE whose country has a mission in Havana cation and this year served as Everything for the family, the home... chairman of the finance commit- and ask him to get you a supply of TODAY tee. these cigars." - > Mr. Guillaudeu heads the build- Hundreds of items at exciting savings ings and grounds committee and 'Not Patriot Mr. Hauser, who, was fire chief At this another reporter chimed in. here In 1962, is chairman of the "But, Mr. Secretary, that wouldn't be education committee. patriotic." SECOND TIME "Come, come now," chuckled Rusk. ATLANTIC CITY - Fifteen "Surely you have been around Wash- ~ Scott days ago,, a man with a gun NEWBERRY LOW PRICES ON STURDY ington long enough to have lost your virginity?" took $397 from a service station in west Atlantic City while at- "How did you find out: about this contraband?" tendant John Melvin, 22, was onasked the first newsman. duty. Wednesday, a man with a "Well," explained Rusk "that's how the President gun walked into the station and gets his cigars." held it up again, this time tak- STEEL CABINETS ARE HARD-TO-BEAT ing $125. The attendant: Melvin, The State Department chief threw no light on again. But he said he thought whether foreign embassies present Cuban cigars to the bandit was a different one Uris time. the President, or just how they do reach him. But Rusk left no doubt that the President is enjoying WE'RE FAMOUS FOR VALUES IN STEEL banned Cuban cigars. During this amiable chatting with the reporters, CABINETS ANP FILES FOR OFFICE, HOME Rusk urged them to check' their foreign policy stories with his department. "You will find," he said earnestly, "that we aren't THE 1963 FORECAST hard to get along with." Tha outlook lor j\Wetoj • *5 Industrials • luilnni Who Did It? tion of the Bay of Pigs prison- *•-"" • Flnanc* • 35 Ullllllt. ers. Congressional sources a r • Stack Marlctt • 20 Kaliraadi buzzing over one startling ai According to this congression- swer to Washington's current bis al information, it was former COME, SAVE! / I. OEOBOE WESTON Ambassador Joseph Kennedy, k SONS, INC.. mystery — who was, Attorney MS OCEAN AVE., LONO BRANCH ailing father of the President and STEEL FILES Nail llnj •• Frit 196] FvituL General Robert Kennedy's great the attorney general. Hum good friend who put up $1 million of the $2.9 million in cash thai There is no confirmation of AND any kind of this backstage word. Fidel Castro demanded in tht City * Stlte_ Bobby has been on a skiing va- CHESTS ransom agreement on the liber; cation in Colorado, and Justice Department officials close to him shrug their shoulders and cla PORCELAIN REPAIRED they don't know. But the report persists, and given considerable credence congressional quarters. IN ORIGINAL COLORS OR CHANGE COLORSI One White House authorir. asked about the matter repliec CHIPPED " ft "I would say that in due time fu SINKS disclosure will be made of entire ransom transaction; wli each TUBS gave what and how much. Thl 2.98 APPLIANCES deal is still incomplete, and un A; BOND BOX with lock, key and ban- 16.88 11.98 til it is closed, it would be inad die. Oigh, *1W wide and 10M" deep. 1 vlsable to publicly air detai 2-DRAWER FILE ROYAL FILE CABINET 9-DRAWER CABINET B. (HANT PERSONAL FILE with lock, key, FORCE COTE OF MONMOUTH COUNTY But I am quite sure that in tt end everything will be mad alphabetized dividers. 12%' wide, 10* Has easy-roll drawers, steel Double storage compart Perfect for papers, photos, FREE ESTIMATES—CALL 2910535 public- deep, IV high. file divider. In gray only. ment plus file space; Bet of and collector's items, 12'/jj One thing is certain: Regan C. CANCELLED CHECK Fill with "month" 15x18x30" high. Tapnotch l less of what the administrate folders. 12/$xl5x3O" high. 10x30" size. Compare! dividers, lock and key, carry handle. value! Amazing! HE GREW HAIR does, there will be vehemec 7WlO« inches. congressional insistence for a ful accounting of the ransom fair.

Inside Cuba A Russian four-engine IL-1 STEEL FILE AND transport plane is now operatin, STEEL TYPEWRITER AND on Cuba's main airline. The So- CHECK CABINET K, viet transport, flown by a Russian UTILITY TABLE ON WHEELS pilot and Cuban co-pilot, is used on the route between Havana and Mexico City... Morocco ha purchased 200,000 tons of ra' 6.98 sugar from Castro, in a bart< Heavy gauge 7.98 deal between the two countriei .... Motor transport is in sucl steel with drawer Sturdy welded steel table, ideal for for cancelled bad repair in Cuba that the Mil typewriters, sewing machines/many istry of Transportation has c: checks, top for tablished a round-the-clock ton folders Handle utility uses; Has two leaves, handy ing service. According to th Before Treatment A Few Months Later lock. 12% x 10 shelf, roomy drawer and easy-roll official announcement, this ne\ •4 wheels. 16x20" closed... opens to Mr. T. A. Melton, Jr., of Hollidaysburg, Pa. (above) gave abou enterprise will tow vehicles frw x 1514 inches. 20 minutes of his time for an interview with a representative— " 16x38". In neutral green. taved and regrew his hair in only a few months with the ex any place in the interior, no ma elusive home method. He did not have male pattern baldness ter how remote. Ufllfi SPfiClflllSTS Winter Sales yM&»u&$ '•£!/' »s^k RED BANK - The Retail Horn* Trtafmtnt System Trade Board's semi-annual win- ter clearance sales will be held here Friday and Satur- Will be in Red Bank, N. J., day, Jan. II and 12. Monday, January 7th Only The Ebb Hair Specialists' Staff Ebb method nor any othei SPECIAL Director, P. A. Pecora on his reg- method will not help those wht ularly scheduled visit will be at are slick bald after years ol Heavy quality Ilia Molly Pitcher Hotel, ReRed gradual hair loss. , Bank, N. J., Monday, January 7. If your scalp is still creating 100% nylon on " 42very haltovorrled person' should hair and you have dandruff, o lake advantage of this great op- excessive hair fall, excessive oili- foam rugs, 9x12. FAMOUS "ROYAUTE" PORTABLE ness, dryness, or itchy scalp, you portunity. 10 colors TYPEWRITER WITH CARRY CASE The Ebb method is known to should take 20 minutes of youi 7.98 6.98 many people all over the United tim...e. to see what you can do. States. You can have a confer^ Many have reported satisfac- 95 FIRE-RESISTANT CHEST :nce with the Ebb representative tory results • from the methods INSULATED STEEL CHEST regarding your hair and. scal;calp used' by Ebb. Why burden your *36 49.95 King sized security chest of problems at no cost to you what- self with unhealthy hair and Fire-resistant, heavy steel- soever, learn how the scalp treat- scalp? Anyway it costs you Reg. 49.95 heavy quality steel. Insu-' Boasts all the famous features of ments work, and the results you nothing to come In and learn flow lated by Vt" solid asbestos. insulated by Vi" of solid as- can expect in a short period of many people have been helped by standard Royals. Zippered, leath- bestos. Lock and key. 8Vix the years of Ebb experience plus THE 8^x^x6%" high. Comes l :ime. ../ er-look case. 13*Ax4 A' high. Gray. Results guaranteed by the Ebbthe wonderful opportunity fot in gray finish. organization. We don't ask you to help it offers.-Just go to the take our word. You will be given Molly Pitcher in Red Bank on RAILROAD a written guarantee from the be-Monday. January 7 only, between ginning to end on a pro-rated 1 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Ask the basis. Hotel Desk Clerk for P. A. Pe- WAREHOUSE ,_„ Male pattern baldness Is the cora, he will do the rest. cause "of a great nfijorl •Slipcoveri they weren't big enough to ac- at Newark State, College. At Mon- Church in the United States. tutional food service; if they We • B«d*pr«ad» •Curtains cept it without an argument." mouth, she was a charter mem- DAR Guest In Seoul, Korea, Miss Nesbitt (he required knowledge," •*! he ber and secretary of Mu Alpha taught 80 teachers through an says, i • •!.-..- .,- • Shadti • Blinds •Motfcf-f s Manual1.' , i Phi, a sorority whose main proj- interpreter in weekly Sunday ect is to provide aid for retarded class in English literature at Complete Installation Service ; Miss Mary A. Nesbitt In Courity LTlSfSry children. She resides at 22 Al- Soong Sil College and broadcast bany Rd., Avon. Belford SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE FREEHOLD — The Monmouthj a series of recordings in English County Library has received asj The contest is open to active conversation over a Seoul radio Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vivian, 747 - 4422 a gift the 1962 edition of "Moody's DAR members between the ages station. Morris Ave. spent the holidays Industrial Manual," presented by Smith Club with Mr. and IWrs, Artfjur Kal. Miss PrisclUa Lee Taylor of 18 and 35 who have made "a She also spent 15 years as a the publisher Moody's Investors' vital contribution to the commu- field representative in Europe. berer and family of, New- Hyde Service, Inc. nity within the scope of the DAR Park and they celebrated their The, manual, designed, primari- program." The state winner will Gwes Tea 35th wedding anniversary there ly for'the use of the Individual Miss O'Neill be announced at the State DAR WEST DEAL — The Smith Col- Party Marks Dec. 28. and institutional investor, pro- Conference in March. lege Club of Monmouth County Seaman Apprentice Ernest Hack- vides information concerning Miss Taylor was unanimously held its annual holiday tea for Anniversary more than 5,100 firms. It includes Is Engaged er of Great Lakes, III., who is named by chapter members at KEYPORT - Mrs. Kathryn M. a history of each corporation, a irospective college students and attending electronics school there, the group's annual Christmas Hennessey entertained recently 468 Bread St., Shrewsbury description of its products, a de- Smith undergraduates recently spent ten days with his parents, To Marine breakfast held recently h the at a cocktail party and buffet Dally 9 to 5:30 tailed financial description and Mr. and Mrs. OUo Hacker of WEST KEANSBURG - Mr. icre in ilia home of Mrs. Jack supper in honor of Mr. a:id Mrs. Fri. 'Ill » list of principal plants, officers home of Mrs. E. Howard Jeffrey, Church St. Miss Karen Hacker, Neches, 300 Holly Ter. Vincent Droughton, 154 Washing- and directors. and Mrs. Hugh O'Neill, Marston 610 Woodmere Rd., Interlaken. who is a student at -Glassboro ton St. Ave., have announced tlie engage- Mrs. Joseph Mount, Little Sil- ;tate College also spent the holi- The party, which marked Mr. ment of their daughter, Miss CORN AND OYSTERS ver, president, welcomed the days with her parents. guests which included the moth- and Mrs. Droughton's 33d wed- Kathleen Ann O'Neill,' to He. This recipe from the test kitch- ers of girls interested in enroll- ding anniversary, took place Uon's Rug Cleaning Bulletin No. 10 ens of the Gas Appliance Manu- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bucher Robert John Pruchnik, U. S. Ma- ing at Smith College and mothers Mrs. Hennessey's home at 149 facturers Association makes a entertained at a New Year's eve rine Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. }f undergraduates. Washington St. good luncheon dish: Thaw a can party for Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stanley Pruchnik, 78 Ramsey Col. R. R. TourtlUot, USA (Ret) of frozen condensed oyster stew. A series of color slides of Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Per- Di Podova, Mr. and Mrs. George Add a cup of cream-style corn cy Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Dom Ave., Keansburg. MIDDLETOWN - The Shrews- campus scenes was shown. Com- Lesire, Mr. and Mrs. Charles and 2 tablespoons of melted but- inick Trollan and Mrs. William Both are graduates of St. bury Towne Chapter, Daughters mentator was Miss Elizabeth Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ter. Crumble about 20 saltine Rossetter, all of Keyport; Mrs. Mary's High School, South Am- of the American Revolution, will Griffiths, 435 Navesink River Rd., Widmaier, Mr. and Mrs. Robert crackers and arrange alternate Rita Couse and Arthur Cropsey, boy.^. hold a covered dish luncheon Middietown, a Smith College sen- Renton and Charles Bucher, Sr. layers of the crumbs and corn both of Port Monmouth; Mrs. Miss O'Neill is employed by meeting Monday at 1 p.m. in the ior and president of the Glee mixture. Dot with butter. Bake Florence Kwiatkowski, Belford the Prudential Life Insurance Middletown Baptist Church Fel- CJub. in a preheated oven at 400 de- and Mrs. Mary Karn, West Mrs. Walter Moaahan celebrat- WET RUGS... Co., Newark. lowship Hall. Miss Margaret English, Fair ed her birthday Jin, 1 with her Keansburg. Pfc. Pruchnik Is stationed with grees for 20 minutes. Serves 3 to Guest speaker will be Col. Ray Haven, also a Smith senior, ex- husband at the home of Mr. and the Marines at Memphis, Tean. ond R. Tourtillott, V.S. Army plained various functions of cam- Mrs. James Letts of Leonardo. (Ret), of Little Silver. His topic >us life and the college curricu- Senior to Speak Also present were Mr. and Mrs. W« ger many calls at this tlmt of tht y«ar will be "Americanism." um. ALLENTOWN, Pa.-A senior James Letts, Jr., and daughter, Col. Tourtillot is chairman of Presiding at the tea table were class member from Rumson, Susan, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Letts. about rugs which have become wet due to the Americanism committee of Urs. Frederick Weston, Jr., Long N. J., Miss Ellen V. Vopicka, will the Fort Monmouth Sojourners Branch, and Mrs. A. Walter bs speaker at a chapel service and is a past president of the IVicner, Deal, past presidents of Thursday at Cedar Crest College Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merker, pipes breaking from frteie-ups . . . DON'T Retired Officers Association, Cen- the Monmouth County Smith Col- here. this place, and Deborah Merker, tral New Jersey Chapter. lege Club. Miss Vopicka, daughter of Mr. Port Monmouth, visited Mr. and SALE iland Mrs. Edward Vopicka, 5 Mrs. George McManus, Newark, DESPAIR. These rugs, if handled quickly by Creek Dr., Rumson, is a grad- Del., recently. PRE-INVENTORY uate of Rumson-Falr Haven Re- trained peeple, can be cleaned and restored gional High School. She is a John Rasimowicz, son of Mr. FAMOUS NAME BRANDS FIMNk. | member of Alpha and Omega, and Mrs. John Rasimowicz, Rail- college science society, and'of road Ave., who is in the U. S. to their original appearance. It's all In know* the Women's Athletic Association Navy at Great Lakes, 111., visited CHILDREN'S Cabinet. his parents over the holidays. Ing how. So if you have a problem of this CLEARANCE kind, call LEON'S. IS GOOD TASTE ENOUGH ?

Very often it is, but to be sure, OFF REGULAR PRICES add the experience, training and ability of one of Our professional 3 DAYS ONLY! interior designers. TODAY and SATURDAY ^| They will be glad to show you that ; January 4lh and 5th good taste need not be expensive. SINCE 1912 TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS on CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, too! ..»., - ...;. In ..your .home—or In„., ouj DRY CLEANING .LAUNDRY THE COTTAGE Junior Bazaar M. SILBERSTEIN 1076 Ocean Avenue Sea Bright 64-76 White St., Red Bank SH 7-2800 f/Uerior Dcajgns • Furniture • Draperies • Slipcoveri 842-3366 Shop Friday 'til 9 P. M. I WHITE ST. RED BANK 25 MECHANIC ST. SH 1-1742 ' RED BANK Analyse Figure Defects To Discuss HED BANK REGISTER Friday, Januwy *, 1963-9 Before Shopping Spree Landscaping Adamandifoe NAVESINK - Miss Joan East- nan Bennett, landscape designer TORONTO (AP) - "Why don a petite figure, in the same plaid, and consultant of Summit, will my clothe* ever look !ike those would look out of balance. I fee in the fashion magazines?" Color Adda Weight speik on landscaping at a mat- Clouded Future ' Many, women, both (hose who Colors, just a» fabric textures, ing of the Naveslnk Garden Club fotod a great deal of time de- can make the figure look larger Tuesday at 2 p.m. In the Nave- ©EAR ADAM AND EVE: kids grew up with. Now my It- igning u4 tewing their own or smaller. Tha figure looks sink Library. She) will illustrate I' am > 17-year-old girl. I fin year-old daughter is beginning to clothes and those who ipem larger in light, bright colors and her talk with her own photo- iahed high school recently. I am notice some of the boys and has hovti shopping for them, hav< smaller in dark, dull colors and graphs. very much in love with a boy her first crush,'which is natural. asked themselves this question. this principle can be used to cov* A graduate of the Pennsylvania who finished college list year. He is 19 but acts 15, a very nice And the' answer is simple. Per. er up figure faults, aays Mrs. School of Horticulture, Miss Ben- He is 22, I have been in love boy. ; hap» they have never taken the Scott. You can minimize the fact nett specializes In landscape it- with him since I was 14. He The kids all go to dances and time (o anatee their figure (its that you are top-heavy by wear- ilgn for residences and has done loved me then, but of course I shows, together, and so on. My good points and Hi defects), their ing dark tops and blouses and work In New York and New Jer- had to wait. The last thing I husband thinks my daughter Is akin color and their personality. minimize the size of your hips by sey. She also conducts classes promised my mother was, that I too young to date and that she A woman, must consider all wearing dark skirts with light in horticulture. would wait to marry until I was should stay home with mama. I these factors in order t» choose tops. at least IS and go through at trust both my children, as they ' styles that are becoming to her, Knowing whether your skin has FUR BARGAINS least two years of college so as are wonderful, but when one or says Mrs. toraine Scott, an iiv an overbalance of red or yellow The current fashion swing to to have a start on a career if a both of them comes home late struetor In the fashion depart is a help when choosing colors. fur scarves and little, fur muffs marriage didn't work out. my husband next days gives me ment at the Ryerson Institute A:person with a balanced skin has increased the number of bar- My boy friend's doctor tele- the third degree about them. He ;• technology.. can wear almost'any color while gain hunters at second hand phoned me the other day. He is insists that I remind my daugh- "Tha ideal figure is balanced the person With predominantly stores. They're looking (or a dose friend of both of us. We ter of the clangers of today. in all direction* and you should yellow skin will not look good in NEW PARSONAGE of tha Middlefowii Informed Church wat the> letting hara Sun. enough, good pelts.in otherwise all met in his office and he said My daughter and I had one choose your clothes with the aim red Shades, and the person with worn fur pieces to create home ray boy friend wouldn't live to be long talk when she was 12. Do of bringing your figure back to predominantly red skin will, have day for a reception given-by Re/, and Mrs. Earl D. Comptori for 170 members of the made versions of these. 35. We have prayed about this I need to keep it up? She is get- the ideal." For example, if you difficulty In wearing! the yellow congregation. The 15-room parsonage on King* Hwy., home of the) new minister Far, fabric, or leather scarves and talked to our paitor. We ting to resent her father and his are bottom heavy, you shouM aiid yellowrgreen shades. who succeeded Rev. Harry A. Olson at pastor, was recently bought by the church are used to fill in last year's only have 13 years together if attitudes, and I hate to see this choose clothes that will make Wi Neutral shades-black, white, stand-away or deep V necklines e marry now. We plan to have and re-decorated throughout. ' happen, Please tell be what to look broader in the ehouMers to brown and their related shades of on suits and dresses. children, and if John, my boy do and say to him. detract from the heaviness. grey and beige—often tend to friend, does go when he's 3$, Disturbed Mother. drain the color from a person's Tha structural lines of any gar- then I'll be in my early 30's with Dear Disturbed Mother: face, and therefore good makeup ment are most effective for children to support (without a You can say to him that you and accessories; are Important bringing the figure back into career,) but if I go to school now understand completely his con- balance. "With lines, you can if these colors are to look smart. Statewide Art Show to Open Jan. 14 for two years it might help. cern for his children's safety lead the eye up and down or , "Persoaaliry plays an impor- NEWARK — Baraberger'a sev ; of selection and awards whosi ing Studio, fifth floor, Newark at Newark Museum and her work But two years of our happiness and happiness and you share across the figure to any point tant part in clothingi" If a wonv enth annual Exhibition of Con- members are Edwin Dickinson, store only. has also been shown in both the together will be gone if I spend that concern. You can, and you may wish to emphasize. an wants to emphasize her gentle temporary New Jersey Art, open Dorothy Greenbaum and Robert Invitations to more than 600 metropolitan and Whitney muse- two years in school. We don't should agree promptly to have Fabric Import feminine characteristics, the will to amateur and profession! artists Gwathmey. ,• artists have been sent to submit ums in New York. United States know what to do. I have a lot continuing discussions with choose clothes of soft fabrics residing in the state, will open Long straight vertical lines and Deadline for entries of paint- two works each in the exhibition. delegate for sculptors at the In of friends who have married and your daughter about datirig and and colors with curved structural Jan. 14 here on the fifth floor panels and the softer more fem- ings in oil, encaustic, egg tem- Works purchased remain on per- ternational Conference of Art then one or both have tried to boys. inine S-llnes extending from neck' lines. If a woman wish to stress of the store) and will continue pera, watercolor, gouache manent exhibition and travel sponsored by UNESCO In Venice, finish school, but it never works 1 Adam. line to hem lengthen the figure her aggressive competitive side, through Feb. 9. Opening cere- casein; drawings. prints throughout Bamberger * - eight Miss Greenbaum also has been out. So we don't want to do that. Whether a girl is old enough The woman with the short figun she.will choose heavier.tailored monies at 11 a.m. will include sculpture not exceeding 15 pounds stores. No commission is charged the recipient of other outstanding We would appreciate your opinion to date depends not so much on should look for these lines in garments with straight structural presentation of Bamberger pur- or 6-feet square in size, is to- by the store on works sold during awards in the world of art very much. lines. age as it does on whether she styling, while a tall Woman chase awards selected by a jury day until 9 p.m. in the Decorat- the exhibition which is staged In Among them is a grant from Troubled-Twosome. . should look for horizontal and home-like settings in the decorat- the American Academy of Arts is "ready" to dafe-*he abil- Dear "Troubled Twosome: ity to handle "situations," self- oblique lines which make the ing studio. The purchase awards and another from Pennsylvania We wonder how the doctor figure* shorter. are, chosen at the complete dis- —the Widener Memorial Medal. sufficiency and emotional ma- could tell so exactly how long turity. The more you help her Structural lines should be de- cretion of the Jury of selection Mr. Gwathmey's work is cur John has to live, and we sug- Engagements Announced and may be selected from any grow emotionally, the quicker signed within the silhouette that rently on exhibition at Terry Din- gest you both go to several she'll be ready. best suits your figure. The tubu- one and/or all of the categories. tenfass, Inc., a gallery In New other physicims for corrobora- Eve. lar silhouette, such as that given All three judges are from the York. Immediate plans call for tion. by the straight sheath dress, metropolitan area. Mr. Dickinson him to show at! the University Adam. looks best on the average bal- is a painter of landscapes and of Illinois exhibition of contempo- FASHION INSPIRATION By the time he's i5 or 35, a Prime Minister Harold Mac- anced figure, while the bell sil- large figure compositions. He has rary American painting and sculp- are may be possible for what- • houette, which widens at the bot- exhibited throughout the United ture. He is represented by many millan's shooting panta are a ever alls him, so live fully each fashion inspiration. Slim cut and tom, looks best on the figure thai States and Europe and has also galleries and at Whitney Muse- day and plan your future as If is heavy through the hips.* shown in some parts of Asia. um, the Boston Museum and at caught under the knees, the you're both going to live for- copies are retailing a London for A woman must be careful not An active painter for the past Camegia Institute. ever 52 years, Mr. Dickinson also is England's female gun enthusi- to choose a fabric that will coun- Works not selected for exhlbi. Eve. asts. teract the effects of the line and an instructor at die Art Students tion must be picked up on Jan. silhouette she has chosen, League. 11 or on Feb. IS at the close of DEAR ADAM AND EVE: A plump or overweight person Miss Greenbaum is represented the exhibit. Love your column. Perhaps should stick to smooth-surfaced you can help me with an age- fabrics. Piles, shaggy materials old problem, My husband and I and heavy tweeds, plaids and have been happily married 33 prints all add weight to the Specialist Gives Tips yean. We have two teenagers, figure. Sheen surfaces such 18 and 17VS- My home is always aattns, which catch the light and full of teenagers, kids that my > reflect It; also add weight to the On Stitching Problems ' figure and point up those features which are already prominent NEW BRUNSWICK — How to the top tension first, advises "Any fabric designs, plaids, adjust your sewing machine to Mrs. Minifie. stripes or prints, should be in stitch correctly is often a prob- If only the top thread broke, proportion to your figure size." Miss Rose Mary Cos* Miss Maine L. Croft Miss Marie A. Marascio lem, acknowledges Mrs. Florence loosen top tension a little more. For example, a tall, rangy figure G. Minifie, extension clothing KEYPORT — Mrs: Michael V, LITTLE SILVER — Mrs: Ed- RED BANK - Mr. and Mrs. If onjy the under or bobbin looks smart in a large plaid while specialist at Rutgers University. Cox, Sr., 13 May St., anno win Croft, 165 North Lovett Ave:, Frank J. Marascio, 20 Chestnut thread broke, tighten top tension the engagement of her daughter. announces the engagement of her St., announce the engagement ol She suggests a good way to slightly. test the tension to be sure it's Miss Rose Mary Cox, to David daughter, Miss Marne L. Croft, their daughter, Miss Marie An After each tension adjustment, balanced. Michael Cannon, son of Mr. and to Torpedoman 2/C Joseph Scar- toinette Marascio, to Robert F. repeat the test using another Mrs. John H. Gannon, 79 Mon- pino, Jr., U.S. Navy, son of J» Cut several six-inch squares of fabric square. Continue adjusting Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- mouth Ave., Leonardo. seph Scatpino, Sr., 7 Howard material, such as firm muslin or and testing until top and under Ave., New Shrewsbury, and tha ence F. Moore, 90 Barker Ave., percale, for testing. Fold One in thread break at the same time. BE SLIMMER Miss Cox was graduated from late Mrs. Rosemarie Antinozzi Shrewsbury Township. half, forming a triangle. Mark this means the stitich Is \^9^^^w THE Stl Mary's High School, South Scarpino. top side of the fold so you'll balanced. Amboy. She is a representative Miss Marascio is a graduate .Miss Croft, daughter also ot know which thread was on top. • Ha UphilHny EASY with the New Jersey Bell Tele- of Red Bank High School and If you find you need to adjust the late Mr. Croft, is a senior phone Company, Keyport office. attended Red Bank Business In- Using mercerized cotton bobbin tension, read your sewing at Red Bank High School. stitute. thread, make a line of machine machine manual carefully. It will • Like "walking barefoot Mr. Gannon was educated A graduate of Red Bank High Mr. Moore, also a graduate of stitching along diagonal fold help you to locate the tension withihoeson" Scotland and is a graduate • Toe* can spread within School,, Torpedoman Scarpino en- Red Bank High School, attended (true bias), about one-half inch screw and give instructions for the shoe WAY St. Mungo's Academy in Glas- listed in 1960 and is stationed East Texas State College, Com from the fold. adjustment. gow. He served as a radar tech- • Designed by a noted aboard the destroyer USS Abbot merce, Texas. He is a member Then grasp the cloth at either iwncait br BUY nician in the U.S. Air Force for foot doctor to avoid a stationed at Newport, R.I. of the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve. end of the stitching and pull. If PACK MEETING four years. He is assistant mana- lifetime of foot the tension on each thread is LITTLE SILVER - Regular troubles piiiiiini ger of Plaza Liquors in Atlantic equal, both threads will break Cuawaa WertrmaaiMn Highlands. meeting of Cub Pack 15 will take b Oar Trataaark -Miss Bickly To Marry at the same point. place tonight at 8 o'clock in BICYCLE ^ If tension is not equal, the Markham Place School. FAVORITE SNACK LOCUST — Announcement ha tigher thread will break first, Awards were presented recent- rim* SH 7-0*52 Welsh rarebit is a favorite eve- been made by Mr. and Mrs. Ed- either because it's too fight or ly to Paul Quinn, Tom layton, SID'S EXERCISER 307 Hwy. 31, MMdbtowii ning snack in many countries. It gar Benjamin Bickly, Jr., of-926 because the other thread is too John Hallowell, Dennis Nllsen BOOTERY Keeps legs ymnf aad trim, can be made quickly by heating Naveslnk River Rd., and Texar- loose. and David Capista. C«r. Ch**tMt St. ud Hwy. H LITTLE SILVER bcreases circulation, eier- a can of cheddar cheese soup kana, Tex., of the engagement Assume that your bobbin ten- apa> Jane's turn Mark* with one-quarter teaspoon SHOPPINOG G CENTER ot their daughter, Miss Barbara sion is correct and work with CARE 0F EGGS etaes the body. A most for mustard and one-quarter cup of (NE*NE B A ** rj A. Bickly, to Robert Taylor Se- milk.' Home economists recom- LEAVE ENDS Home economists recommend aU borne gyms. graves. He is the son of Mrs, mend using a low flame for most storing gs Henry M. Carney of Texarkana WEST KEANSBURG - Mid- *« I»rge-end-up In the cheese dishes because they storage racks of refrigerators and the late Sherrod Edward Se- shipman 4/C William T. Gaffney, scorch easily. Serve the rarebit son of Mr. and Mrs. William M. This keeps the yolks centered and over crisp toast with thin slices graves, formerly of the Floren- the whites from breaking down. den Plantation, Oceola, Ark. Gaffney, 30 Fifth St., has re- of tomato and a garnish of crisp turned to the U.S. Naval Acad- Eggs should not be washed until bacon. , Miss Bickly is a student at emy at Annapolis, Md., after ready to use. Washing removes Smith College, Northampton, spending the holidays here with the protective film that helps to Mass. She attended St. James his parents. retain moisture and flavor. Country Day School in Texarkana HUFFMAN e/J BOYLE A'member of the class of 1966 and was graduated from Abbot at the, academy, Midshipman Eight colonies which plan to Academy, Andover, -Mess.. She iaffney is a member of the form the Federation of the West PINE HOME FURNISHINGS and EROADLOOM also studied at La Unive'rsidad rifle team. He is a graduate of Indies are Antigua, Barbados, Interamericana, Saltillo, Mexico Keyport High School and at- Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, She is a granddaughter of Mrs tended Monmouth College, West St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla, Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontotm—liberty 2-1010 Rebecca Skinner Buckley of Kan- Miss Barbara A. Bickly Long Branch. St. Lucia and St. Vincent. If sas City, Mo., and the late Al- bert Patrick • Buckley of Bay you Pines, Fla., and of Mr. and Mrs Edgar B. Bickly, Sr., of Tex-, III • mi love the arkana. SHERMAN'S ISOUTH JERSEY snow—you'll Mr. Segraves is a senior at! 'anderbilt University, Nashville. I love our Term., where he is a member of! SURGICAL Kappa Sigma md the Skull and ' SH 7-2614 fashions Bones Honorary Medical Society. ». 331. Fronr St.. He attended Baylor School for * Boys, Chattanooga, Tenn., and Rtdlonk "•""aont/iHEt Goethe Institute, Kochel Am See, Free Delivery SHREWSBURY SHOPS Germany. WHITE SALE Shrewsbury, N. J. He is a grandson of the lato Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cross ot vu $ 00 Blythvilie, Ark., and of Mrs $1900 Robert Taylor Segraves, Mount save iz a doz. save 24 a doz. Dora, Fla., and the lata Mrs Segraves, ON FIELDCREST ON FIELDCREST The wedding Is planned for )'• {ate June. ROYAL VELVET BATH TOWELS ROYAL SATIN PERCALE SHEETS It adds upt. More and more people use The Register ads each issue because results come fast- MANY OTHER WHITE SALE SAVINGS — SEE OUR WINDOWS er.—Advertisement, "Instant glamour" Is yours with fashion's latest rage—natural hair wigs. Come in, try Hair one on and be pleasantly delighted with your appearance—and the moderate price. COMPLETE WIG SERVICE —Protect your Visit our beautiful store. Convenient INC wig Investment with professional care.. Expert fS HOURS: cleaning and setting at regular intervals wilf rear entrance from Municipal Parking Home Decoraton keep yours looking Its best. DAILY- 9:30 to 5:30 Lot. Entrance next to Miller's Shoes. 20 BROAD STREET RED BANK WED. - 9:30 to 9:00 MICHAEL'S FRI. • 9:30 To9:00

21 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK Before After LINENS - BATH - CLOSET - BEDROOM - GIFTS SH I-07 82 See Dramatic Story On Page 7 ift~FrMay, January 4, 1963 Iffii BAM REGISTER

ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC BAPTIST ST. JAMES CATHOLIC ..- METHODIST ST. THOMAS ElPttCOPAL Y WHMUN * • Red Bank ' Red Bank- • Red Bank Red Bank Ban*,, - . '• Red Bank. ' RedBinlt EPISCOPAL Masses art celebrated Sunday Rev. Stanley E. Mugridge will Rev, H. L. Morgan, pastor, will The Feast of the Epiphany will Holy Communion service The Featt of'the JSplphan: Fair- Haven bring a Communion medita.tioa at 7, 8, 9. 10, 11 and 12 o'clock. conduct services Sunday at 11:30 celebrated Sunday, with low day,of the New, Year .-tbe sacra- held each Sunday morning will be observed Sunday with Holy Communion will be cde> Confessions are beard Saturdays Masses at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 °>MI of the lord's 'Supper wjll Sunday at the 11 ajn. service. a.m. 8:30. Services are at 9:30 • said Eucharist at * a.n». ,a«! bitted at 8 o'clock Sunday morn- The following new members will from 4:30 to 6 p.m., and from Sunday school will r»eet at 10 in the church and at 9, 10, and •>•• celebritecelebrted at'fcat :1U5 and 11 a.a,m 11 «.m. Rev. N. Gordon Lowden choral Eucharist with sermon st ing. The M0 family service will The 7:30 to 9 p.m. II o'clock in the auditorium. A R*v. Dr. ChartesS. W«b»terwi be received: Mr. end' Mrs. Wil- ajn. will preach Sunday on the sub 9:30 a.m. ReV. '"Eart B. Scoutt fee' mornlne prayer and sermonliam Barrett, Oafchurst; Mr. and Baptims are at 12:30 p.m. A prayer meeting will be held sung Mass will be offered in the present a Conununlon medjtitloi ject, "Can the World ~ will be-the cetehran* and preach- by the rector, Rev. Charles R. Sundays. Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. church at noon. on the theme,'"Confession Changed?" er. Sunday school will mett at Lawrence. Infant care during Mrs, William Barrett, Jr.', Atlan- Tbe Miraculous Medal Novena Good for the »ul." Mr. James this service 1* in the rectory llv- tic Highlands"• ; Mrs. W: L. Day The sacrament of baptism will The youth choir will •Ing 9:30 a.m- Senior Fellowship will Jr.; Red Bank; Mr, and Mrs. is held Mondays at 7:30 p.m. andCONGREGATION BNAI ISRAEL be administered Sunday afternoon L. Ewalt, associated minister, the 9:30 tin. service and the meet at 6:30 p.m. ing room. A coffee hour follows the Perpetual Novena to St An- will assist. WUUim «. Wood, in the parish house. The U Charles Nofsinger, West Keans- Rum son at 1:30. At least two days pre- chancel choir will sing at the The annual general parish meet- burg; Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Osmon- thony Is held Tuesday at 7:30. Late Sabbath services will be- vious, arrangements must be minister of music, will.be it the ing will be held in the churdi o'clock service will be Holy Com organ console. , • , 11 sum. service. Music if under son, Middletown, and Ken M. gin at 8:30 tonight. Rabbi Gil' made with one of the priests of t the direction of Herbert Burtii. Monday at t pan. There will munion and sermon. the parish by the parents of the St. Margaret's Guild will meet Scogglns, Fort- Monmoath.-- Mrs. HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN bert S. Rosenthal will deliver the At theAlS'seryle*, H. Raft* The welcome, committee at the election and appointment'of at Nofsinger was baptixed last Sun- Red Bank second sermon in his series, candidates for baptism. Pemmeri, baritone, will be tht fleers, and annual report* an in' the parish house Tuesday * church doors will be members the budget will be pretested. day.- The Lord's Supper will be Services for Sunday, the Feast "Judaism In the Free Society.' Daily Mass is offered at 6:25, solalit. The ushers will be the Werfeyan Service Guild 8:15 p-m. served. Flowers last Sunday were of Epiphany, include the admin- Cantor Sidney Scharff will chant 7 and 8 o'clock. charge of Gtfy A; Lucia*, Mrs. Wallace.McGregor, Mrs! The Episcopal Church Women The regular midweek service giVen by Mr. aad Mrs. Harry istration of tbe Holy Communion the liturgy of the service. Candle- The Novena devotion In honor slsted by Ole A- JOady,'Stanley Herbert Schild, Mrs. John Car- will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. of Holy Communion will be Wed- Klausmann in memory of loved at the 9:20 and 11 a.m. services. lighting time.is 4:22, p.m. The of Mary's Miraculous Medal and Munger, Moses 'C Murphey 'and nesday at 9:30 a.m. flowers for the pulpit will be hart and Miss Sara Armstrong. ones. The rose on the communion There will be Sunday school at the service of Benediction of the Walter W.' VOM. Wallace t ST. GEORGE'S-BY-THE-SIVEII table 'WM presented to Mr. and 9:20. donated by Mrs. Harry Wein- Blessed Sacrament will be held Magfnn and Dr. Emery Winger Memorial altar flowers are be- REFORMED ing presented by Harold H. Bayn EPISCOPAL Mrs. Wllmot Forrest la recogni- The Luther League will meet stein in memory of her husband. on Monday at 8 p.m. ter will comprise the welcoming New Shrewsbury Sabbath morning services are ton and Everett C. Baynton, Rumson tion of the birth of a daughter, at 7 p.m. in the parish house, The sacrament of penance will committee. .' On Sunday, the topic of the Sandra Lynn, on Dec. 20. at 9:15 for the junior congrega- remembrance of their daughter There will be a celebration sermon to be given by Rev. with a discussion of foreign mis- be administered on Saturday from At the 11 o'clock service thi and sister, Muriel. sions to be led by Hal Steiner. tion. Senior services will begin anthems will, be sung by th< Holy Communion at 8 a.m. 'in Isaac C. Rottenberg will be Serving on the greeting com- at 10 a.m. The new bom baby 4 to 6 and from 7:30 to 9 p.m. the chantry. Camp retreat committee will Confessions are also heard daily Tower Hill .Choir. The usher Ushers . for January assistinj "The Elect and' the Elite." mittee for January will be Don- of Dr. and Mrs. Donald Olshan- the head usher, Philip B. Pere Family service and Holy Com ald Thompson, Kenneth Brower, meet at 6 p.m. prior to the LL sky will be named at the pulpit. during the 8 o'clock Mass and will be in charge of Willard H munion will be at 9:30 a.m. Ushers for the 9:30 service will meeting. after Novena services Monday Cobb, Jr., assisted by Fred son, at 9:30 are Harvey Deven be Frank Rogers, Roger Severin, and William Stracener, assisted Rabbi Rosenthal will preach on port, Thomas Bolllnt, Jam At 10:30 a.m. Robert D. Me- by Effie Wolff and Betty Duncan. There will be a special meet the portion of the day. Cantor evenings. Engei, Arthur T. Holey, A. Jack- Kee will play a recital on the Elmer Ralph and Phi) Krelder, The adult instruction course son Lindsley and Robert L.Yea Wallace, Richard Wallace, Henrj Ushers for the 11 o'clock service The church executive board will ing of the church council in the Scharff will chant the service. Petzinger,- Anton Hodik an Mary Owen Borden memorial meet'in the annex Monday at parish house Tuesday at 8 p.m.. Dr. and Mrs. Olshansky will span continues on Monday night at g«r. Edwin F, Herr, Jr. ant carillon, will be Paul Ralph, Robert Wag- 8:30 ki the Red Bank Catholic Wayne Wheeler. Ushers at ner, Pete Moreau and William 7:30 p.m. * The Ruth Circle of the Lutheran Charles F. Meyer will compri a.m. are Albert Tennon, Charles There will be a celebration ol Church Women will meet to dis- sor the kiddush following the High School's hall on Broad St. the welcoming committee. Noyes. The library committee will service. This Monday's topic will be Blair, Roy Blaisdell, Lacy Bra the Holy Communion with ser- meet in the library Tuesday at cuss the topic, "The Post Chris- At 6:30 p.m. The Westmuistei shaw, Everett Baynton, Normal mon by the rector, Rev. Caaor The sacrament of holy baptism tian Era." The Priscilla Circle, Sunday morning services will "Mary, the Mother of Christ and Fellowship tor seventh grader will be administered at the II 8 p.m. be at 9:15 followed by a class the Church." Rev. William C. An- McNuIty, Lloyd Swanson, Arthu George A. Robertshaw at 11 a.m. Midweek service of prayer and discussing the same topic, will will meet. The Westminster Fel Olson, Orville Warman, Richan The annual parish meeting will o'clock, service. meet at 11 a.m. in Jewish Law at 9:30. Sunday derson will be this week's lectur- lowahip for 8th graders and Uv Bible, study will be held each school classes will resume this er. - Nutt and.Samuel Griesmer. be held in the church Thursday The Junior' Youth Fellowship Wednesday at .7:30 pan. •;, The Esther Circle will meet in Youth Seminar study classes fo: at 8:30 p.m.,' preceded by a par will meet at 6:30 p.m. and Senior Sunday. The parish High School of Re- Church school sessions «r< Circles will meet oa Thursday the church parlors Wednesday at hi l d (d 91 held Sunday at 9:30 and 1 ish dinner in. Ralph Hall at 7:15.Youth Fellowship at 7:30. 12:30, beginning with luncheon. The Hebrew high school class Members of the Parish Club-will Jan. 10. Circle one, Mrs. Fred meets on Monday at 4:50 p.m. will be conducted in the parish o'clock, a new class for freshman Wednesday, at 10:30 a.ra. the Warwick, leader, meets at 10 Mrs. Douglas Shedd will lead the At 7:30 p.m. the Westminste and sophomores will begin thi serve the dinner, Reservations executive board of the Red Bank topic, "he Post Christian Era," with Eli. Orgel. The Bnal Israel room on Thursday evening at 7 are being received at the church a.m.; circle two, Mrs. Etna Tweeners will meet at 7 p.m. The o'clock. The Grammar School Fellowship for ninth graders will Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in room 21 Council of Churches will meet The Dorcas Circle will meet meet. The Westminster Fellow- office. Strong, leader,-meets at 1 p.m. USY will meet at 8 p.m. There Confraternity of Christian Doc- Frederick Mason will be to In this church. A luncheon will Circle three, Mrs. Arnold Jensen, Thursday evening to discuss the ship for 10-lltH graders will.also teacher, and the curriculum wil follow at 12:30. A speaker from same topic. will be a meeting of the Bar andtrine for public grammar school leader, will meet at 8 pm in Bat Mitzvah parents at 8 p.m. children will be taught on Satur- meet. . ,.' . .' \ ' .7 be the same as that, used in th AME ZION Church World Service will dis- the home of Mrs. Stanley Mug- Rev. Harold Hornberger, pas- ^ ^"j= Thre wil be a "pepperminl 11 a.m. class. Robert Stout wil cuss a program in which' m Ram Roswtm day at 9:30 a.m. in St. James Red Bank ridge; (parsonage) 7 Heights..Ter., tor, will preside at a meeting of Scharff" . Grammar School. party" for seventh and eighth continue to teach at 11 a.m churches sponsor Cuban refugees the ministers of the greate. Red Rev. Dr. Charles E. Bourni Uttle Silver. Circle four, Mrs. The pre-USY group will meet graders in Westminster Hall to- joined by Braxton Burt, who haswill preach at the 11 a.m. serv and help them to get started in John Quivey, leader, also meets Bank area in the Reformed Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. night at 8 p.m. been, teaching in the youtyi divi this country. Church, New Shrewsbury, Wednes- PRESBYTERIAN ice Sunday. Holy Communion wi at J p.m. The post bar mitzvah classes Shrewsbury The prayer-' therapy group wil sion. The study of Christian di be celebrated. Sunday school will The confirmation classes: will day at 1:30 p.m. A representa- will meet Thursday afternoon at Rev. meet in the church parlor undei cipleship from the perspective o! meet Wednesday at S:30 and 7:30 Monmottth Baptist AssociJtloo tive from the social welfare coun- Harold A. Scott, acting meet at 9:30 a.m. .:.,.,' wUl hold a youth rally In this 3:45 and 4:50 p.m. The adult pastor, will preach the sermon the leadership of Rev. Mr. Ewali Paul wj)l be the course for these The call-to-prayer service wil p.m. cil of the World Council of Hebrew class will meet at 7:45 new groups at 9:30 and II aim, church on Saturday, Jan, 12 from at the 9:30 and 11 o'clock services Monday at 9:30 a.m. be held Wednesday at 8 p.m. 2 to8 p.m. ' Churches will discuss "Sponsor- with Mr. Orgel. Sunday. New members will be re- The I. V. F. will meet Sunday CENTRALBAPTIST ing A Cuban Refugee Family in The exeucltive committee of the at 7 p.m.. in Fellowship Hall Annual church business < meet- Daily evening services are at ceived and a reception for them Women's Association will meet TRINITY EPISCOPAL - Atlantic Highlands Your Community." 7:30. will be held in the social room The M.Y.F. sub district banquet the Sunday school session is ing will-be held Wednesday, Jan. in the' Combs-De- Vie Memorial will be held at6 p,m. in Emburj Matawah ; , 16'at-7:30 p.m. of the church. Room Tuesday' at 1 p.m. Th< at 9:45 a.m. ' ST. CLEMENT'S EPISCOPAL BAPTIST Methodist, Church. Geneva-Wesle The schedule of services foi The Junior-Hi Fellowship will weekly adult Bible class taught The. 11 a.m. worship and Com- TRINITY EPISCOPAL Belford Middletown meet Sunday at 6 p.m. In the Fellowship of the Methodist an Sunday is: 7:45 a.m., matins; by Rev. Mr. Ewalt will meet In Presbyterian Churches will be a.m.. Holy Communion; •^30 munion service will be conducted Red Bank ' On Sunday,' the Feast of the The Fellowship of the Lord's church house, under the leader- the church parlor at 8 p.m. ' ,.by Rev. Mrry W. ifetft, The Epiphany, the service of matins Supper will be observed at the ship of George G. Grim, Jr. The addressed at 8:30 p.m. by Rev. a.m., family service with morn- tin Sunday, the Holy Eucharist The prayer and study group Mr. Lowden on the subject, "The ing prayer and church school; senior choir' will sing. will be celebrated at 8 a.m. Holy will be read at 7:40 a.m. by the 10:50 Sunday morning service. Senior Westminster Fellowship The Pilgrims; Pioneers, Am- vicar, Rev. Ralph Edwards. The occasion will mark the be- will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the will meet in the chapel Wednes- Challenge to the Geneva-Wesley 1 a.m., Holy Eucharist and ser- Eucharist and church school will day at 10 a.m. The Women's As- Fellowship." mon, and .7:30 p.m., evensong. bassadors and Baptist Youth Fel- be at 9:15 a.m. • Holy Eucharist At 8 a.m. there will be a cele- ginning of the 275th anniversary church house. lowshlp groups , will meet at of the church which was estab- sociation will have a luncheon January is Wesleyan Service The Junior Young Churchmen and sermon by the rector, Rev. bration of Holy Eucharist and The deaconesses Will meet meeting at 12:30 p.m.' in West- 1:30 p.m.. followed by th» even- sermon. The acolytes will be lised in 1688. Tuesday at JO a.m. in the church Guild Month. The next regula will be hosts at a joint meeting Canon Charles H. Best, will be lounge. minster Hail. Miss Mary A meeting will be Wednesday at with the. group from St Mary*, ing worship at 7:30. Thi "Praise at 11 a.m. This young people's Richard Meglnley and Gary Mot- Rev. John E. Bates will preach Nesbitt, associate, secretary for HUn" Band will play, and Com- Delta sek. on "The CJeansing Waters." The Mission Belles will meet p.m. when Mrs. Leroy Blaisdel! Church, Keyport, tonight at 7:30. ~ " group will meet at 7:30 education on the Commission for will spegk on "There's Treasur 'The sacrament of penance will, ' " " be observed. p-m. •"•' ;.. • ',;'. •••• At 9:30 a.m., there will be a Candidates for membership will Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in the Ecumenical. Mission and Rela- church house. in the Chnrch Library;" be,'.administered, tomorrow from ..,v_,,_ Fellowship will meet Alcoholics Anonymous and the solemn procession, sung Eucha- be received prior to th.e service tions, will be (he guest spaker. of Communion. The Morning Circle will spon- The church school nursery wi '.•30 to 5 pirn. (Jan, 5) Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. in the Al-Anon Group will meet at. 9 rist, and sermon. During the pro- The junior department teachers The Episcopal' Young Church- home of Mra. Paul Reynolds, p.m. on Monday. cession the figures of the Magi Mrs. George Deaney, minister sor a luncheon Thursday at 12:30 meet today, Monday and Wednes- p.m. in Samuel Blair Hall. of the church school will meet day from 9:15-11:30 a.m. in men will meet Sunday at 7.30 Jr., 33 Washington. Aye., Leon- Tuesday, there will be a meet- .will "be placed in the creche. of music, will direct the senior in the Combs-De Voe Memorial it! of the Acolytes Guild at choir, Soloist will be Mrs. rooms 110-111. • t, • : , p.m. -,\ ,•• Acolytes will be Lester August, Room at I p.m. The prayer The Women of Trinity Episco- 7:30 p.m. ; {••., ••• Robert Krueger, and Ernest whig Kehrer. Ushers will PRESBYTERIAN The- library committee wil! The "^Praise Him" Band wil therapy group will meet,in' the meet Monday at 7 p.m. Th pal Church will meet in the par-meet - Wednesday at 7:30. p.ni Holy Eucharist will be cele- Schaeffer. Robert Deaney, Edward Stines, Eatontpwn church parlor under the leader- Thomas Morford, Sr. and David Morning Communion service commission on missions will meet ish hall Monday at 8 p.m.' followed by the mid weekiprayer 1brate. , d ..at 8 and 10 a.m. on Daring this service, youngsters : ship of Rev: Mr. Ewalt at May. will be at 11 o'clock Sunday. Rev. t 8 p.m. in the conferenci service at 7:45 pirn. Fellowship WednesdayK***]^-. The service of'heM- between 3 and 5 years will be p.m. ;' •• • ' ! inr g mwill Kbe at 8:30' and 10: M Robert W. Reed will deliver the room. :" • '•',-• ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Ume,-spons6redDy. theMaranatha " " the, the prayer-study group ^wl Keyport Group, .will follow. a.m. The Triangle Club will hold undercroft under the direction Rechtek sermon. Church school classes a card party Thursday, at 8 There 'will be a nursery for begin at 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Virginia FAITH REFORMED meet Tuesday at 10 ami in Sunday services begin with 'Thursday at 7 p.m. the new Mrs. Edward Grob. ; p.m.' • -••,'• small children during the service. Clapp is organist. Hazlet Squire Memorial Chapel. Circl morning prayer at 7:45 a.m. fol-Billy Graham evangelistic film, After the 9:30 Eucharist, of the WSCS will have a lunch "Shadow of the Boomerang" will Mr. and Mi%. Edward Osborne A preparatory service will be The Brotherhood will meet lowed by a celebration, of Holy ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL Church school classes will resume presented their infant daughter, held tonight at *S-o'clock for Com- 8 p.m. tonight. eon at noon in room 112. Th Communion at 8 o'clock. be shown. . sessions. munion. ' dult education discussion group Highlands Sandra Gail, and Mrs. and Mrs. Sunday school will meet Sun- The family service'is conduct- Holy Communion will be cele- The sanctuary lamp candle Jack Moody' presented their in- There will be a meeting of day at 9:30 and 11 a.m. ChurcV led by Rev. Lowden, will begin ed at 9:30 a.m. at which time , REFORMED this week is given in memory of the session Tuesday evening in : new. study of the "Gospel of brated Sunday at S a.m. fant .son.: Jeffrey Dale, for bap- services are at 9:30. and 11 a.m. the church school. meets. Morn- Colts Neck There will be a family service George W. Boyce, by Mrs. Anna tism Sunday. Rev. Mr. Bates of- the Christian Education Build- Rev. Theodore C. Muller, pas- Mark/' The* Geneva-Wesley Fel- ing prayer will be conducted at Rev. Samuel La Penta Boyce. ing. lowship -will play volleyball will each Sunday at 10 SJD. Children ficated, <..'• ••• There will be a celebration of subject "Go Where The ;Wind parents and leave for their Sun- every day, the service of matins Church school will meet at meeting next. Tuesday because Of The Christian" Life." This wi The study course, "On Asia' Holy Communion Wednesday Blows,"; basing his sermon on of the holiday on the first Tues- im," by'Andrew T. Roy will be day school classes after the at 8:45 a.m. and Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. In the church. be the beginning of a series on a.m. and Friday at t;30 a John 3: 1-15. A nursery is pro- Creed At the family service Holy at 9 a.m. On Sunday, Jan. 13, Dr. Jo- day. Fa|th and The Christian Life presented for. members of the Holy Communion is celebrated at vided during the service with WSCS Wednesday from 10 a.m. Communion will be celebrated on On Saturday from 4 to 5 p.m. seph Heartberg, executive secre- Bible study will be held in the based on Hebrews, Chapters 1 a.m. on holy days. Mrs. C. Binder in. charge. first and third Sundays, and the the sacrament of penance will be tary of the New Jersey Baptist manse Wednesday at 8 p.m. and 12. to 2 p.m. The morning session Alcoholics Anonymous will ill be from 10 to 11:30 p.m. The communicants' class wil second, fourth and fifth Sundays. administered. Convention, will be the anniver- The youth communicants class There Wilt be a youth advisers' meet Wednesday at 9 p.m. There will be a celebrated on sary speaker at the morning will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. The afternoon session is from meet in the church tomorrow at Monday at 8 p.m. the Men of meeting Sunday at 2 p.m. the a.m., . : ^-.'./. Holy Communion Wednesday at service. tomorrow. 2:30 to 2 p.m. in room 112. KING OF KINGS LUTHERAN St. Clement's will elect officers Pilgrim. You*. Fellowship ,wiil The Bible study group of mar- The. annual congregational 7 turn. Holy day services win be for the year. The executive committee will meet In; the church »i 6:30 p.ni > Middletown officiate at Morning Prayer oa meet Wednesday, Jan. 16, at FEDERATED led couples will meet Wednes- meeting will be held on Friday, Wednesday at noon, St. Clem- The Senior Youth Fellowship wil Sunday.school will meet it 9:30 Jan.,ill at-8 p.m. in the church; vicar. Rev. Donald MacLeod, will 8:15 p.m. in the social room to Holmdel meet at.7:30 p.m. . lay at 8 p.m. In room 211. The ent's Guild will meet in the home tudy' course for young adults i.m. Sunday's services are at At this. time, the congregation announced* , \ of Mrs. Anna Sulmonetti. The prepare an agenda for the Janu- Sunday school session is at There wilt be aa elders.meet ary business meeting. 9:45 a.m. Rev. Andrew A. Burk- will meet; at 8 p.m. in the home ;: 15 and 10:45 a.m. will: elect new. members of the St. Agnes' Guild will elect offi- ing Tuesday at 8:30 p.in.' ' The weekday Church school consistory.. cers at 8 p.m. hardt, minister, will lead the 11 The board'of Christian, educa* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cole, a.m. service Sunday with Com- 172. Pine' St., Eatontown. will meet Tuesday at 4:45 p.m. MONMOUTH REFORM tioa will meet Wednesday .at 8 The service group; of the United Thursday at 8 p.m. the parish TEMPLE munion, and public.reception of Mfflmission on stewardship and ' REFORMED meeting will be held In the un- members. P-IB; • • •.'.-•... 'inaace- will meet at; 8 p.m. in Lutheran Church Women will i '.'. Middletown. Shrewsbury meet h the church at 10 a.m. dercroft. Sabbath eye services will be to The Young People's Society he'conference room. The sacrament of Holy Com- ovo can ST. ANN'S CATHOLIC The church council will meet at munion will be administered Sun- night at 8:30. Rabbi Richard F. meets in Fellowship Hall Sunday keansburg .; . The Metliodist Men will have EMBURY METHODIST Steinbrink will officiate. Members at 7 p.m. dinner meeting Thursday at p.m.. .: day by Rev. Earl D. Compton at Little Silver Sunday Masses will be at 7, The Workers' Conference will the 10:50 a.m. service. of the, house arrangements com- The Ladies' Aid Society will 8, 9, 10, 11 and noon. p.m. in Fellowship Hall. The Iovercome The John Wesley Covenant mittee for the evening are Irving meet, in Fellowship Hall Tues- uest speaker will be a staff meet Thursday at 8 p.m. Sunday school classes for. all Daily Masses will be celebrated iges will be held at 9:30 a.m. service, prepared by Wesley in Cohen and Max Karlman. Host- day at 7:45 p.m. at 7 and 8 a.m. except on first ember of .Marlboro State Hos 1735, will be used in the 11 a.m.esses at the oneg shabbat are The Rifle Club will meet on itai: LUTHER MEMORIAL The senior and junior young Fridays when hours will be at Luthento-Mlisouri Synod eople's groups will meet at false service Sunday. The service will Mrs. Robert Lane, Mrs. Marvin the fadoor range Wednesday at 6:30 and 8 a.m. . conclude with the sacrament of Broder, Mrs. Norman Schantz 6:30 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY New Shrewsbury 30 p.m. ' ;• On Holy Days, Masses will be A Light to Lighten the Dark the Mac Neill Circle will meet Holy Communion. Rev. Ralph L. and Mrs. Milton Yester. The radio instruction class will offered at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Atlantic Highlands Barrett, pastor, will conduct the During the oneg fhabbat, Rabbi meet in the home of Kenneth Church service and Sunday fVges of the Twentieth Century' Monday at B p.m. in the home a.m. and at 7.30 p.m. No chil- will be the special Epiphany mes- of Mrs. Rodney-F. Plimpton. appetites? service. The senior choir will ren- Steinbrink will lead a discussion Hopper on Thursday at 7:30 p.m.dren are permitted at evening school are held at 11 a.m der the anthem. Miss Carol Grif- on the "Origin and Significance Annual meetings are as fol- sage of Rev. Daniel D. Reinhetm- The Ladles' Aid, Society will Mass. er in the 10:45 a.m. service Sun- fiths will be soloist. of the Kaddish." lows: Reformed Church, Monday, Confessions will be heard Sat- METHODIST Sun- meet in the parsonage Tuesday Sunday school classes will meet Sunday, the religious school will Jan. 14, 8 p.m., Baptist Church, day in the Tintoi Falls School at 1:30 p.m. .'.,..' THE TRUTH urdays, first Thursdays, and an Morganville Holy Communion will be cele- at 9:30 a.m. An adult Bible class resume sessions at 11:15 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 16, 8 p.m. Fed-the eves of Holy Days, from Sunday worship service Is at 9 will start Sunday at 9:30 a.m. There will be a short meeting of erated Church, Thursday, Jan. 17, m. Sunday school meets at 10 >rsted. UNITARIAN IN THIS 3:30 to 5 p.m. and from 7:30 to Red£ank Rev. Barrett will teach this class the entire faculty at 1 p.m. 8 p.m. 8:30 p.m. The Sunday school and Bible GREATBOOK which will meet in the sanctu- Hebrew classes will be held Baptisms will be administered lasses will meet at 9:30 a.m. Services will be held in the JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Sunday afternoon at 2:30, the nsement of the Red Bank YMCA l ary. Mrs. Jane Grammer, church Monday at 4:15 p.m. every Sunday at 1 p.m. Arrange- METHODIST CAN RELEASE YOU school superintendent, will be in Tuesday evening, there will be Fair Haven ments should be made a week Navesink leaders of the congregation will Sunday at 10:30'a.m.,conducted charge of the devotional period a meeting of the youth groups "Swords Into Plowshares in attend a church workers' confer- jy-Rev. Harold R. Dean, minis- ^fou can be freed from any in advance of the baptism. Rev. Richard I. Hoye will bring ter.- Rev. Mr. Dean's sermon for the junior department. at 8 o'clock. Our Time?" is the subject of Rev. Edward • A. Corrigan He message at the 9:30 a.m. Sun- ace in Christ Memorial Luther false appetite if ypu will turn The board of trustees will meet Sunday's 3 p.m. public discourse and Rev. Stanley in Church, Spotswood. oplc will be "Destination: Sick- The Senior Methodist Youth pastor lay worship service. Sunday .ess." •..-''-..; - with a receptive, unpreju- Fellowship will be host to the Thursday at 8:30 p.m. to be delivered by R. J. Dilling, LevandoskI and Rev. Frederick ehool, with classes for all ages, diced thought to the truth visiting minister, who will con- Grades 1 through 4 of the Red Bank suMistrict Youth Fel- A. Valentino are. assistants. eets at 10:45 a.m. A nursmy PRESBYTERIAN contained in this great book. PRESBYTERIAN sider "Are Nations Disarming church school will meet on the lowship Sunday evening, begin provided.at the morning W : Rumson < second floor of the.Y for worship Science and Health with Key ning with an oriental dinner at Lincroft Now and How Can Peace Be NEW APOSTOLIC ihip service. Sunday .worship services will Services are held at 8 a.m. andRealized In Our Time?" The Red Bank service; grades S through senior to the Scriptures by Mary 6:30. Miss Elizabeth Brewerton, Chester W. Hendrlcks, Jr., Is held at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Rev.seminar will meet downstairs sub-district chairman of Out- 11 a.m. Rev. William J. Mills Watchtower Bible study at 4:15 Rev. John Arends of the Ir- irganlst The Senior Choir re- arvey C. Doule, Jr. will preach Baker Eddy. serves at both times. p.m. will be "The Benefits of vington congregation will conduct with the adults for the first half reach, will be in charge of the arses Wednesday at 7; 30 p.m. _ "A Tightest B*lt of Truth," hour of the service. evening's activities. Sunday school sessions are held Subjection to Authorities," Rom- the 10 a.m. service Sunday. Sun- lie Pastor's • Choir rehearses s he begins a series of six ser- You may tead- gr borrow at 9:30 a.m. ans 13:1. day school will meet at 8:4! a.m. A coffee and fellowship period Science and Health free ol The Woman's Society of Chris- undays at 6 p.m. . mons on "The Whole Armor of will follow: the service. Nursery The Westminster Youth Fellow- Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. 4$-min- Midweek service Wednesday at :harge at any Christian Sci- tian Service will meet Tuesday ship will meet Sunday at 7 p.m.ute parlor talks will be delivered 8 p.m. will be conducted by the od." ]- care is provided for both wor- at 8:15 p.m. in the home of Mrs. ALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Senior High Fellowship will ship and fellowship periods. ence Reading Room. The The program will include a dis- at, the service centers: Kingdom rector, Rev. Werner A. Schneider. West Long Branch William Carhart, 197 Rumson Rd. cussion of coming activities for Hall," 58 Forman St., Fair Haven; meet in the lounge, and Junior book can be purchased in red, Sunday school will meet at 9:45 igh Fellowship in.the auditor- Mrs. Philip Thomas, program the year. Devotions will be led "Transmitting the True Rec- FRIENDS MEETING CHRISTIAN SCIENCE jreen, or blue binding at f$ chairman, will present the speak- by Richard Fields. ord;" 10 St. Mary's PI., Red m. Morning worship service is urn, at 7:15 p.m. • Red Bank . er, Rev. W. Gordon Lowden, pas- Shrewsbury 10:45. The Sunday evening Prayer Fellowship will mttt In md will be tent postpaid on On Monday, a new adult com- Bank, "What Is Man?" 220 Pearl The Religious Society ol Man's inseparable relationship receipt of check or money tor of the Red Bank Methodist municants' class will begin in theSt., Red Bank, "Let God be Friends, (Quakers,) meets every srvice is at 7 o'clock. he lounge Tuesday at 10 a.m. his creator will be emphasized Church, who will speak on the church from 8 to 9 p.m. Found True;" 69 Lincoln St., Flrstday, (Sunday,) at II a.m. The. mid-week service Is The board of trustees will meet it services Sunday. Subject of order. subject, "Dimension of Prayer." The session will meet in the Falrview: "Who is Jehovah?" Flntday school for religious ed- 'ednesday at 7:45 p.m. ' the lounge at 8 p.m. he lesson-sermon Is "God." Assisting Mrs. Carhart, hostess, church on Tuesday. and 165 Princeton PI., Belford, ucation of children meets at 10:30 Rev. Daniel Dugan Is pastor. Readings will Include this pas- will be Miss Marie Wilby, Mrs. The Ladies' Aid Society will "What Do You Say Respecting a.m. All are welcome. EMMANUEL BAPTIST sage from "Science and Health Christian Science Ralph L. Barrett and Mrs. Frank meet Thursday. A "get ac- the Messiah?" A brief Bible study BIBLE BAPTIST Atlantic Highlands with Key to th» Scriptures" by Shultz. Mrs. Edward Anderson, quainted" meeting and installa- will follow in "Let Your Name HOIJNESS ' Hazlet Rev. Howard M. Ervin will Mary Baker Eddy: "The Divine READING president, will preside. tion of officers are planned. be Sanctified." , Long Branch Rev. D. Ross Brittaln will 4* ch at the morning Commun- Being must be reflected by man ROOM Dr. Wlllfam R. Guffick, super- Rev. Mr. Mills will attend a Thursday at 7:25 p.m., th» min- Sunday school and Junior ringing the message at the Corn- n sjervice"i&hWTlf H' is hot the Image and intendent of the New Brunswick meeting of the Presbyterian min- istry school will begin with In- church will meet at 10 a.ra., union Service at 11 a.m. and at the evening service at likeness of the patient,' tender, district, will be the guest preach- isters of the Red Bank area on struction on the Bible book "Mat- Scripture lesson and prayer Bible School meets at 9:45 30. . md true, the One 'altogether er on Jan. 13. This special serv- Friday in the manse of Rev. thew." At 8:30 p.m. R. Panken- service for the sick* will be con- m. The Night of Prayer is tonight Svely;' but to understand God 209 BROAD ST. ice 1 will mark the burning of theJames Ewalt, assistant minister ier will oversee the service meet- ducted by Rev. E. H. Lawrence, Evening service is 7 o'clock, 10 p.m., and the. deacon?' the work of eternity, and de- Also Friday Eve. 7:30-9:30 of Red Bank Presbyterl an jnds absolute consecration of mortgage held on the church hall bg and highlight the theme, castor, Monday at I p.nv Bible Study and Prayer Hour rayer meeting will be Saturday mands Mon, thru-Sat 13-4:30 since 1957. Church. "Avoid the Spiritual Famine." in Westminster Hall. Wednesday at 8 p.m.. 7:30 p.m. ... Jiought, energy and desire." Business Expense Deductions j^i'-'/ • si'- xf,',' •' "." Editors Note—Thte—Th^* tax -fiifoefifo . oo But t thethe' government ichangt\cfcsnged ''" • • '• '• "•""'"' - business entertaining bave uu the niles. M of Jan. 1 with in in- dergone significant change. Thei come tax regulation „ that de- "ASTROGUIDE" By Ceean effect on' the businessman am mands solid substtntiition of all 1 For Saturday, January 5 ,. the shadow arm where hit. busi Claims for business entertain- ;. ness am} personal life overlap meat, gifts and travel. Pr«e»nt--For You and ," ar9 examined in this 'third in series of three articles. ' The spoilsport 17th Congress TOiait • * « ^sjpects sure only decreed, In effect, that the Treas- •o-axj, hot tactful handling ot* By STERLING F. GREfeN ury will no longer absorb bar . WASHINGTON (AP) - Man' bills, supper club checks, greens your trffain wiB offset any neg- • Americans have raised the fees* or dub dues "unless the ative radiations. You stand to standard of living—and drinkin; spender proves * business-get, gain by heeding the advice of and playing—by deducting pe ting purpose,. , your paitacr. Don't g*l involved , sonal outlays as business, ex- In translating the law into a penses. in aetnWee (bat win tale you \tCBT WMHiMWHS 3J-page regulation. Commissioner away tram the beaten path. FAMOUS MAKER'S Mortimer M. Capita of the In* ternal Revenue Service has Caution it fce watebwoid. WOOL KNIT 3-PIECE struck with special force at what CHURCH he called "great discrepancies P«lt . '. . In 1961, Mlchisan Future . . . A microphone so i \ SPECIAL and some deliberate abuses prpdueed 2,113,377 autonobilea, tiny that H can, fit within the COSTUMES . BOTIST and fraud" In business enter- mating it the top producer "0" of a telephone dial may \ tyetf Monmooth taining. among the states. Automobiles Church; Bftle School meets at ntake possible nearly iavuible Klppl* ef Resignations t are made in 18 states. California 3.99 9:30 «.m. Sunday. Bey. William was aecoftd in pvodiscjuon in hearing aids. The microphone The rules could cause a ripple E. Bisgraye will -preach at the 1961, WaKOtutn third, Missouri k ia small a microscope mutt be SPECIAL 10:45 a.m. Communion'service on of, resignations from country foortii. < ' oomp. values "What Qod,Ts Looking for Inclubs, a weakening of the brisk used to examine it . 1963." The right hand of fellow- market for private swimming ship will be extended to those pools and the {breed sale of some The Day Under Your Sign 23.99 who will' unite with the church. fancy pleasure boats. Touchingly smocked, At the evening service at 7:45, Even before the regulation was formerly angel brushed shift the pastor will preach on "That Issued there were wails from sea, se sasteaaa aery drisTaVs 39.0045.00 gown is but one Spiritual Rock." cocktail lounge and night club TAOfcUl [April M fa M.r M) SCORPIO (Oct,„ . 21 ia Nav. 211 1 owners, as well as forecasts of Yonil be sorry ™ sdnred anoe tie The Ladiei 'Aid Society wil: party is over, a> ktep plans simple, of a group of meet In the church at 10 a.m.distres' s among entertainers, wait, ' Sleek ensembles of ers, bartenders, stripftaseis, cig- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 «. D*c 21) toasty acetate and Wednesday to make' 'cancer ~— ' ettera mmad ef afrtai novelty and solid, dressings. Hostesses are Mrsarett. e girls and evert—M Com- L nylon nighties. double wool flat knits James Grlggs, Mrs. George Her- missioner Caplin has acknowl. f Pink or blue. edged—call girls. bert and Mrs. William E. Bis in all the flattering grove. But Caplin had to hew to the y te eas * S.M-L nnora U pco/itable OR. new light and dark The annual business meeting of letter of the law, even when it Sorry, no mail or AQUARIUS (Ja«. 21 T. Fat. it) shades, 8 to 18. the church will be held Jan. 10 at created some Intriguing problems phone orders. 8 p.m. which still haven't been solved. Solid jacket and skirt —LEGAL NOTICE For instance, Congress said with contrast belted Clearly that family aitd personal J. . -Nonce ' i • expenses could not be deducted ^C1W, WeM Bntertriaet, !«. 'overblouse is only one Pleasi take nolle, mat Edward U Nell tea made application to Uie Ttai as business expenses. It didn't cj the exciting nlng. Board of the Borough-of Fall Haven lor approval ,»f a Una! sub-sav how to treat the situations ness gifts are similar, in general, The law lets IRS make excep- selections. Not every division plat for tha suldlvliton of In which business arid personal certain (rut ot rand of 11.9 acre; except that no receipts are ever tions for. business meals when color and size in every In area, portion being subdivided 5.! life overlap. For Instance: acres, at the westerly end ot Hill- seeded. That's because Congress the circumstances "are of a style—be 'early! suds' Place In the said Borouth ot A businessman can deduct the allowed no deduction at all fortype generally conducive to a T*.'r Haven. •, cost of taking hli secretary on The 'Planning1 Board of tht Borough gifts exceeding $25 to one person business discussion." Ail that Sorry, no mail or ef Fair ftwen will bold a public hear- a business trip, but gets no de-in one year. remains ' is for Commissioner ing on Wednesday. January u., UN.duction for his wife unless there phone orders. at the Fair Haven Fire Home, corner Capita to decide what kind of of JUver and Benin Jtoedl, at S:M is a business reason for her to The names of gift recipients p.m. for the purpose of dstermlnlni cart be left out of the diary If luncheon atmosphere is con- whether or not to make favorable* re- come alone. ' ductive to lal|ting business in- ferral for approval of sail UnU sub- Tai-Dedurtible Guest the presents are Inexpensive — division plat to the Mayor and Coun- like tickets to a high school foot- stead of baseball — or taxes. cil of Uie said Borough. When entertaining a client or . Conlei ot tht final aubdlvlslon plal ball game—and distributed to 1 fand/ether documents) to be consider, customer, he apparently can innumber of persons. ed atleald hearing are on (He la Uie vlte the customer's wife along as orflca of the Clerk 61 the Borough o NCCJ Will Fair Haven and are available it sail a tax-deductible guest—but not No Deductions of""* for publlo Inspection. his own Wife. Special rules bave been writ- Notice of the tlrna and plsce of sal' Honor Three hrarlr.* fa, hereby given -so that all Business, entertaining at home ten to curb abuses arising from persons Interested therein, may If thej > discouraged. It will be "dif- the entertainment use of what NEWARK (AP) - The Ha so desire attend the serin end L heard . concerning any objections ficult," Caplin says, to claim a IRS calls entertainment /'facili- tlonal Conference of Christians recommendations they may have con and Jews yesterday named an in- eemlng' Uie. approval or laid flor business deduction for the usual ties." The term covers dues paid cockftil party because the lawto private dubs, the rental of surance executive, a banker and Dated: January 4, 1M> hotel suites, and 'the' ootts of a labor leader as the slate's an- .-' Planning Board ot Uie : doesn't' recognize the cofts of Boroutb.of Fair Hsven __ general goodwill entertainment. maintaining yachts,' swimming nual brotherhood award recipi- Bv BRKNOA K. TUOATI Secretary The tax status of wives will be pools, beach cottages or hunting ents. Jan. « •-.••• SlftM clarified; IRS .promises, In fur-Iddfces.' They are: c NOTICE , ther regulations due next month. Beat, president of rcB ORDI Many taxpayers have taken de- Orville E. WANOAn Kordinanc VACATOJe entitledJO AW. VA tJMMAJJN B None .top soon, it would appear, duction, for part of these costs the Prudential Insurance Co. of STRMT O—R AlitSIT RCNNIN for Caplin already has been ac- America; Herbert J..0sbome, ex- NORTHIRLr because they wertr'usea for busi- AS 8HO?W ON cused in official heating* of fos-ness entertaining.'"'Hedceiforth ecutive- - committee .. chairman, VIEW, MIDOL Summlti.Truat Co., Summit; and MOrJMOUTMTHH OOUNTT, NBW Ml tering "moral decay." • no deduction is allowed unless SI SET." was presented for Introduction The basic rules are clear, how- p«r cent or more of the use is Morris Fuchs, president,^ Local and first reading on TMVtmbsr tt. l» bv ftnmehlp Oommllt— sf Township ever—painfully so' ft) those resdv for business purposes. 62, Luggage Workers' Union. or Mlddletown and en December JI IM2 waa finally " spender* who didn't need hie To substantiate,the 51 j?er cent The awards'will-be presented bankrolls because they had fat •Harm rule, the taxpayer must show in at a dinner in Essex House orl Midaim Townihl: exoehse accounts. nil day-by-day expense diary;not Feb> M. Deductions are allowed for a BpW*RT only the business entertaining The three were cited for their Clerk i meal • or .: other entertainment done, but also each use by the * ' •> f "untiring efforts in the promo- JL£ which' "directly: precedes or fol-taxpayer himself or members of tlon. of better understanding NOTICE . lows'a substantial and hona Hd^ : MONMOCTH CODtny his family. NUBKOOATEH COCRT business discussion., $ Event such Notice te Crouton t» Frists* outlay must be enterM in tit*'tax- Whenever his wife plays bridge '63 Claims Ataioit Estate at the country club or the chil- ESTATE 01* JOBEPtt L. CURTIS, payer's exoehse diary..'If it DECXA8BD. • • dren go swimming in the pool, a Purtuant to the orter of DDWAWJ comes to $25 or more a receipt dated entry* must report "family Be modern with C. BROBOE. SWntaK ot tha County or voucher must he kept. CAR COATS of Mr/nmroUi. thl« day made, on the use" or "personal use." It would l» WOOL SLACKS application of Uu underalcnid. Jinnli More Facts C. Fliher. Bole Bxeeolrlt of the eatatt be simpler, some businessmen or the aald Jonph u Curtis, deceaied, The diary entry must show the feel, to quit trying to claim the MOEN nouw Is hereby given to the, eredl. amount SDrsnt, the date, the name tors of said decease* to present t» deduction—Or give up the mem- the .said -Sole ExecotHf thilr claims and location of the' place, the 6.99 bership. under oaUl wllhln six months (mm kind of entertainment, the bus) ' Oils date. " • " " You ju*t til SALE! COIUfla ness reason for the entertaining, IRS offers one shred of com- fort for the unhappy men In | ONE dial with | 16.68 3S0 Prospeet Avenue, and this additional set of facts: J Little Siwar. M. J-, The name of each nerson en- gray f/annel ": The*- ' "business tht n*w Sole Kiacutrli tertained, as well as his title or lunch' ' apparently will survive. 18.90' Ilessn. Xlataky ft Hlmllmin OIAICET 3 list Front Street other designation sufficient to This institution, honored BULKY WOOL SWEATERS Red Bank, N. J., establish a business relationship big and little businessmen from comp. values SSS.S2 Jan. wlrH the taxnaver. Seattle to Schenectady, would 25.00 to 20.98 be doomed under an inflexible NOTICE OF gETTUSMENT, Thee* exceotions are noted: OF ACCODNT. ANI> n'TO 1. Other guests need not be rule that entertainment just be FOR DlSTBIBOTIOtr. tied to a direct business purpose. Streamlined,'pile ESTATK OF HARVEY SCHATZKN, named, if the» have no oomp. value DECEASED. ' • connection. IRS will spell out. But Congress left an escape Notice Is hereby iln thit the ac- lined group includes] counta^of the subscribers, Executorl of In a future regulation, how tnhatch for the millions of busl- the ettate of said Deceased will ns figure the deductible portion of George C. Koeppel wool and cashmere audited and stated' by the Burrolate nessmen who grab the check of the County of Monmouth and re- the cost. day after day just for the sake * SON, Inc. blends, vinyl or A choice group ported for aettlemem to The Von- [Ava- .alter • , O.B. Avpltaaees mouth County Court. TProbale Dlvlildn, 2. Company secrets or classi- of "business goodwill" or "keep- . - Auaatle UgUaMs cotton suedes, from a famous on Friday, the Eighth day of Febru- fied matters need not be told In ing up contracts." ary A. D., 19«3. at 8:30 o'clock a.m.. zibelines, wool tweeds. maker! Superbly at the County Court House, Ifoniraenl the expense diary, so long as they and Court Streets. Freehold, New Jer- aey, at wWch time Appllntkn win are recorded and kept available Fashion, classic fitting slacks, be made for tbe allowance of Com to revenue agents on demand, mttaloris and Counsel fees, and Direct HENRY S. INSELIERG colors in 32" and 38" solids, novelties, ' tlons lor Distribution. 3. If there are a number of busi- Dated December 28lh A. T>. IK]. ness guests, not all need to br lengths. 8 to 18. pastels, darks, 8-16. KIXKK Q. STEIN, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (formerly known aa named. A satisfactory entry Sorry, no mail or Beautifully ELLEN O. SCHATIKIN), ,S Lewis Drive, mieht read like thi-: Kaplewood Townihtp, announces phone orders. bulky sweaters, Essex County, N. J. "June • 10, i!HB—Lunch, MILTON A.-BEYHOim, tails and rip, $62.50: M'lforri Care. wonderful colors, 120 Broadway, New Torlt City, W. T, Bridgeport: for T. L. iYoune removal of offices to 34-40. Sorry, no ' Executors. sales manager Anchor Dlstrih- Heurs. Stein t-Krlpke, 140 BROADWAY mail or Counaellora at Law. / uMns Co., and Ws force of elsht M Journal Square, salesmen: to discuss promotion LONG IRANCH, NEW JERSEY phone orders. Jersey City (S), N, J. f'new'Hiu of ]»<"»&." Jan., I, -a, IS, JS , *3«-»ol the State who expects .t.to be abienbt t outsidtide thth e State on Fabrui :eipt or voucher. TRS has hart ary 13, 1W3. or a qualified and res- offer som» sdvic* on what Istered'voter, who will bee .within the Btate on Fibrua 13 l«tl«too_ bbut ...bebe- constitutes on* expenditure. u 1I or 1 1 a 1U ot_. Kcau..because oor?h.f the oi. «^S c. -r. - fJ: These "lav b. MUM: Uclous holiday pursuant to the tanets o: A dinner followed bv a your tension, or because of resident altenduce at a school, collefe or uni-tier party would be two expen- versity, will.be unable to call your rllhu-es. ballot at the pollute Placi In your district on said date, and you daslre Two round* of irinks In a to vote In the annual school election to be held on February 13. J9N kind- ail lounire wnnlri h« nn^ ly write or apply In person to the jir*. rvm if naM tnr unmMv underslined at once requeslini that a civilian absentee ballot be formrded Orlnke In » rork'all 1«IUIIT» to you. Such reiiuest must state your home address, and the address to Ilfnvert h" rl'nn'r In a rlini»» which said ballot should be seM, and'oom. wonM n* t'"o ext)*o*i*. mint be signed with your signature, and state the reason why you will not »r*s. DHnk" anr) dinner iit.tV be abla to vole at your usual PoW'X place. No civilian absentee ballot table would be one exnflit- , be Mrnlshid oY forwarded In smr ap- plicant unless request therefor ffaa re- ceived not len thath n 8 dday s pripriorior to Th» tir> ran . .. tthh e electionli , andd containins the foregoforego- Tie chare* for be Included In* infonnanom' - * ' or record-keepinmeag purposel or . But Board ot Education this would put the bill over Cottage Park School ,e $25 limit, the tip can be noted Mornlngslde Ave., Union Beach. N. f. leparately. •'. • ' ' ' sio.il The rules for recording buaf<

wllheal •bllfatlsn iskem PDaiaeet I-S4S7 *r HORSE SUPPLIES representative Jim Kl 1-04TI ar Asian Llsantayer, ail-osoa. 63 BELL MONGERS FRED D. WIKOFF CO. FRANKLIN Tcltphon* SH 1-05S4 MONMOUTH SHOfflNO CENTIR, IATONTOWN, U 2-3325, OKN FRIDAY 'TIL »;30 P.M. FIND ALL THESE BARGAINS AND HUNDREDS BY ALL MEANS, HURRY IN-NO MAIL, NO PHONE


V/ '.•nil' - SAVINGS FOR WOMEN SAVINGS FOR WOMEN SAVINGS FOR MEN SAVINGS FOR THE HOME LEATHER GLOVES WINTER COATS WALLETS & PURSES CLOSEOUT OF FAMOUS MAKE WALLETS, RCA REFRIGERATOR 10 AND 12 BUTTON UNUNED LEATHER FIND LOVELY TRIMMED OR FUR TRIMMED 13 CU. FT FAMILY SIZE MODEL » FRENCH PURSES AND CLUTCHES GLOVES IN POPULAR CLASSIC STYLE COATS FOR YOUNG JUNIORS i BY RCA WHIRLPOOL Regularly Regularly plus tax " This Item it priced 10% len ih'm 12.95 and 15.95 3 A 8 and 3 U 29.98 to $45 Every possible style, all colorful, all so popular—for our everyday discount price. Finest quality washable leathers, to the elbow and Choose from Meltons, zibelines, chinchillas, tweeds in men and women. Personal Leather Goods, Mall Level. JJas a big freezer, full crisper, storage racks on door. above elbow length. Black, 61/2-8. Gloves, Mall Level. dressy or tailored styles. Starlet Circle, Mall Level. Major Appliances, Lower Level. • ,...-.•,.; MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS GOLD WEATHER HATS CARCOATS LON6 SLEEVE COTTON DRESS SHIRTS STRATOLOUNGER IMPORTED HANDMADE COLD WEATHER MELTONS, COTTON SUEDES, FROM A MOST FAMOUS MAKER NEW STYLE WITH AtTACHED HATS IN DOZENS OF CHARMING STYLES AND MORE FOR YOUNG JUNIORS FOAM FILLED, TUFTED SACK $1Q Regularly 3.39, 3h '10 1.59, 2 ,.,'3 I O 22.98 to 29.98 . Regularly 4.50 .....; OO fcomp Viil. 1W.W Regularly 1.99 to 4.99 Choose blacks, lodens, browns, all the best colors The modified spread collar in white, sizes 14^ to, Boitaflcx plastic covering in ivory and beige. -Wipes for sizes 5 to 15. Starlet Circle, Mall Level. ; Pretty and gay head warmers in just about every 17. Shirts, Mall Level. v- . •,/.'..:, clean. Chairs, Lower Level. ',*",. color you can think of. Hat Bar, Mall Level. WOOL CARCOATS SAVINGS FOR CHILDREN OUILTED ROBES CHOOSE FROM ORION* ACRYLIC PILE TAILORED CURTAWS OR QUILT-LINED STYLES NO-IRON FIBERGLAS* GLASS CURTAINS COTTON QUILT IN DUSTER AND FITTED STYLES WITH COSTLY DOUBLE^IY WEAVE FEATHER LIGHT AND SO WARM $1 £* Regularly BOYS'SHIRTS IJ 19.98 to $25 LONG SLEEVE WOVEN COTTON FLANNEL .7.98 We have Melton woolens, camel and wool blends SPORT SHIRTS IN HANDSOME PLAIDS tweeds, more in fashion colors. 8-18, Budget Coats, • ;• •• ••:•:• $*»••., ••:•:;.;-;„.•,• •..;••.... , 54", ty" long. 8i2" wide to pair. Drip-dry. Wkitft Washable and wonderful in blue, gold or rose prints. Mall Eevel. ® n*«. £m Regulirly 199 . _ 12", 81" JW'L $4. CurUiM, Lower Level. Sizes 10 to 18. Misses' Robes, Mall Level. Warm and washable regular collar shirts in reds or • *T.H.emucomtojaum ... ,...-. .;,.'..'•",. greens; sizes 8-18. Boys' Wear, Upper Level. ' CORDUROY FABRICS BEDROOM SET FAMOUS MAKE SLIPS FINE WALE COTTON CORDUROYS IN RICH AMERICAN WALNUT *PC. SET ALMOST PERFECT MISSES' SLIPS COLORS RIGHT FQR SPRING SEWING GIRLS' UNDERPANTS INCLUDES BIG TRIPU DRESSHt , WITH LACE AND EMBROIDERY DELICATE FLORAL PRINT COTTON KNIT PANTIES WITH DOUBLE KNIT BAND LEO I Yard Originally $JS9 \1 perfect $4 199 All are 36" wide and machine washable and at this OVC Regularly; 89Y Dresser, mirror, chest, full size panel bed. Comrnpdt, White and some colors to choose from in sizes 32 to price you'll want yard and yards. Fabrics, Upper Level. Assorted colors to choose from in sizps'4 to 16. Now's. •oriB.S4.95. *W. Furniture, Lower Level. , 40. Better Lingerie, Mall Level. the time to save, pirls'Underwear, Upper Level. ; . FAMOUS SKIRTS NYLON PETTIPANTS ALL IN SOFTEST DOESKIN FLANNEL BOYS SLACKS FRAMED PICTURES MISSES' KNEE LENGTH PETTIPANTS BRUSH-STROKE REmODUdiONS OF V ' WITH SEAT LINING FOR FINE FIT COTTON TWILL BY THAT FAMOUS FINE PAINTINGS, 28x40" OVERALL BY ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS MAKERS TEXAS MAKER OF BOYS'SUCKS TwV Regularly 5.98 • ' • '•' • IQ Regularly 16.91 Regularly 3,95 Choose from black, gray or navy for sites 10 to 18. Regularly 3.98 Included are coastal scenes, landscapes, street scene*. Appliqued trims, lace trims, in assorted colors and Budget Sportswear, Mall Level. Sizes 3 to 6x with magnetic buckle. Assorted colon styles. Sizes 5 to 7. Lingerie, Mall Level. to choose from. Little Boys'Wear, Upper LeVel. . • Artistically framed..Pictures, Lower LeveL WOMEN'S DRESSES BLOUSES FIND KNITS WOOLS, CREPES, MORE IN GIRLS'PETTIPANTS SLIPCOVERS ^ COTTONS, DACRON* POLYESTER-COTTONS, DRESSY OR CASUAL STYLES NYION STRETCH PETTIPANTS FOR 2-CUSHION OR 3-CUSHION WITH RUFFLED LACE TRIM DACRON* POLYESTERS AND OTHER FABRICS $O *?? Regularly STUDIOS OR FOR DAVENOS y to Lm£m 14.98 to 39.98 Regularly 3.99 Not every site and color in every style but plenty to 1.40, 3 W J 6.99 Every type of sleeve and collar, prints and solids. choose from in size* 14 /i to 24%. Women's World, Sizes 4-6x, 7-10, 12-14 in white, red, pink, light bine. Choose from an assortment,of attractive solid colon White, pastels, darks; 32 to 38. Blouses, Mall Level. Mall Level. Children's Accessories, Upper LeveL . •B>|. DntottT.M. and prints. Slipcovers, Lower Level. • JUNIOR COATS WOOL SLACKS GIRLS'SKIRTS NOVELTIES IN STRIPES WOOL AND RAYON BLEND PLEATED ZIPPERED LUGGAGE PILE LINED CHESTERFIELDS, AND PLAIDS SKIRTS IN BEAUTIFUL PLAIDS NOVELTIES AND MORE IN WARM FABRICS BLACK WATCH RAYON PLAID COVERING, 3-PLY CONTOURED WOODEN VENEER FRAME Regularly /L Regularly 2.99 O Regularly 9.98 QQ 1TQQ CompiMbl* value 39.95 to $45 y> Sizes 10 to 18. Blacks, loden, and beige. Better Little girls' sizes 3 to 6x in a wide assortment of color- Choose from blacks, black, browns, beiges, taupes and Sportswear, Mall Level. ful plaids. Little Girls' Wear, Upper Level. 5 Train case^2l" overnighter, 24", 26", 29" pullman, more in sizes 5 to 15. Junior Coats, Mall Level. men's, ladies car bags. Luggage, Upper .Level. -. V; REVERSIBLE COATS BOYS'POLO SHIRTS SUEDE COATS ORION® ACRYLIC PILE OR ALPACA LONG SLEEVE COTTON KNIT IMPORTED SKI PAJSif S LAVISH EMBA AUTUMN HAZE* MINK ON ONE SIDE, ALL WOOL ON THE OTHER POLOS BY THE TOP MAKER STRETCH PANTS FOR MEN ANP WOMEN, CObLAR IN A % TAUPE COAT 94% WOOL, 6% USTEX IN 3 COLORS' Regularly 59.95 I.OU 2.29 to 2,99 : Little boys' sizes 3 to 6x in assorted styles, solids and O7 Regularly 119.95 Choose from plaids, solids in brown or gray for sizes plaids. little Boys' Wear, Upper Level. 8 to 18. Better Coats, Mall Level. ® H«J. DuPoni T.M. Regularly 29.99 , C' This ii our best selling' drop shoulder, slit sides coat. Black, blue, charcoal. Women's 10-18, reg. andilwig, Sizes 8 to 16. Better Coats, Mall Level. • T. . Emb« M men's 32-38, reg., long. Slci Shop, Mall Level, , , SAVINGS FOR MEN • SAVINGS FOR THE HOME JUNIOR SWEATERS KEYSTONE PROJECTOR SHETLANDS, SULKIES, ORION® ACRYLICS, MEN'S HOSE 8MM AUTOMATIC LOAD MOVIE PROJECTOR MOHAIRS AND MORE FASHION SWEATERS STEREO PORTABLE CLOSEOUT OF FINE COTTON AND BIG, DELUXE BSPEAKER STEREO WITH 400 FT. REEL CAPACITY, f/1.6 LENS OQ O QO SYNTHETIC BLEND HOSE FOR MEN PORTABLE WITH DIAMOND NEEDLE 2• ** lo *r»+f 4.98 to 12.98 Regularly 69.99 .V-neckv novelty waves, stripes, prints and fashion 39c pilr 70c 16 $1 Regularly $88 styles, colors. Sizes 34-40. Celebrity Junior, Mall Level. Solid and fancy patterns in black,/brown,.charcoal Famous Keystone projector with still, forward,, re- • T.M. Embi 4 co-axial speakers, 10 watt dual channel amp., 4 can- ; and navy; 1(% to 13. Hose, Mall Level. trols, big speaker wings. Jiiwic Center,. Lower Level. . verse, controls, 500W. Cameras, Mall Level. MISSES' SHIRTS MEWS. JEWELRY SHAMPOO MASTER TYPEWRITER TABLE EASY-CARE OXFORD COTTON SHIRTS LIGHTWEIGHT, PORTABLE STEEL TYN- MADE IN ITALY BY MASTER CRAFTSMEN CLOSEOUT OF FAMOUS MAKE TIE BARS FAMOUS BISSELL SHAMPOO MASTER WITH AND CUFF LINKS-GOLD OR SILVER FINISH FREE 22-Or, CAN OF RUG SHAMPOO WRITER TABLE ROLLS ON CASTERS Q"T This Item is priced 17% lest than $r Regularly 5.99 J Regularly 7.98 59c, 1JX. 4a if I our everyday discount price., ; Center, 20"xl6" with two 10" leaves, and,bottom Whiles, beiges, greens, reds, golds, blacks, browns, Discontinued styles, even stones and sport motifs, all Chrome handle with trigger control. Full size tank. find'fashion colors for sizes 10-18. Better Blouses, gift boxed. Men's Accessories, Mall Level. tptmTu Easy to use, economical. Housewares, | Lower'Level. shelves. In tan. Stationery, Mall Level. Mall Level.

tarry. n> Talutrvle* «r Mall. rr»« itollvtry within our ddlv y im, . (Inctpt C.O.D.'i, add SOc ) aamkiror't Minmiuth Bamberger's Monmouth Open ick Results Our Want mPBANK Dial SH .1.0010 DAY Home Delivery SH Ml 10 NIGHT SECTION TWO.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1963 7c PER COPY New Jersey News Briefs By The Associated frets TRENTON - Sen. George B. TRENTON — Democrat!! Harper, R-Sussex, is the new Gov. Richard J. Hughes sayi chairman of the powerful joint he thinks it is a nice, token legislative Appropriations Com- that Republican Senate Major- mittee. His appointment was an- ity Leader Charles W. Sand- nounced yesterday by Senate man, Jr., R-Cape May, named President-elect. William E. Oz- his newest wn Richard. Sand- zard, R-Somerset. OzzaM" headed man, a frequent antagonist o the Appropriations Committee the governor's, named his son, 1962, Harper Was. first elected born Wednesday, Richard Ed- to the Senate in. 1954. His cur- ward. At the time Sandman rent term expires in 1966.' told newsmen that he liked the name Richard. Hughes (old • PATERSON -Former Mayor newsmen thst be has tent William P. Furrey died flowers to Atlantic City Hospi- yesterday In St. Joseph's Hos- tal, where Mm. Sandman d pital after a long illness. He the 7-pound, US-ounce baby boy were reported .doing .well. was (5. Furry served as' Richard Is the sixth' Sandman mayor for four terms. 'He was child. Hughes, who has 1 also a member of the North 1 children, laughingly remarked Jersey district water supply that Sandman might catch op commission and a former ANOTHER STAR — Mn. Walter E. Lohc, Jr., and Maj. Gen. Stuart S. Hoff, com- with him by 1M5. Sandman president of the city Board of has often been mentioned as a manding general, U.S. Army Electronic! Command at Fort:Monmouth, pin start of Tax Assessors. Furrey, a Re- possible opponent for Hughes DECORATING CONTEST WINNERS — Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mairaroppi, left, of 172 his new rank on Brig. Gen, Walter E.Lotz, Jr., deputy commanding general of the publican, was In the real es- in the 1965 gubernatorial elec- tate business. tion. Ridge Rd., Fair Haven, receive congratulation! from John A. Feltmann, chairman Electronics Command in ceremonies Wtdnesday. •••,,... of the Chriitmat Home Decorating Contest sponsored by the) Fair Haven Chamber NEWARK - A 9-year-old boy died of suffocation early yester- TRENTON-?- New Jersey worn of Commerce. The Mazzaroppis received a $50 savings bond for winning first place. day after a hot water heater am en and beauty operafors we Lotz New General Officer kitchen oven apparently ex- warned yesterday, against an oul hausted the oxygen in his home, of-state promoter who offers $3 FORT MONMOimf — Brig. Fort Monmouth since August, The new deputy CG is a The appliances were turned on worth of beauty treatments f< Gen. Walter E. Lotz, Jr., deputy 1962, came here from the V. S. graduate of the United States a club membership fee of Iron New Postal Rates, Rules to help heat the apartment. The commanding.general of theU. S. Army Electronics ProvinL Military Academy, class of 1938. victim was Danny Jones, of 55 $8.95 to $7. Attorney Gen. Arthu: Army . Electronics Command Ground, Fort Huachuca, Ariz. He' was commissioned in the West Runyon St. The body was J. Sills said the promotor, whom here, .received: stars of his new where be served in various as- Signal Corps. found- by his stepfather, Charles he declined to. name, has alread) rank: in ceremonies Wednesday, sigoments, and- finally as deputy During World War II h Become Effective Monday Ryan, and his mother. forced a Pompton Lakes beau served with the Ninth Air Force Gen. Lotz, who has been at commander. shop to close rather than give the Starting Monday, elephants master Fred Crine, hotel keys in England, France, Luxemburg, No new machines will be put treatments to a deluge of club and donkeys will no longer be will still be allowed but small Belgium and Germany. He late into use at Red Bank at tail members. Sills said he has been carried in the U.S. mails — letters and such items as rolls served with the occupation force Labrecque time, but, Mr,; Crine reportea, informed the promotor asks beau- that is. cards or flyers shaped of film in cloth bags will be the local post office is all ready Borough Takes Stepiin Germany as director of com ty salon operators to sign an ad- like the two political symbols unmailable. for the change. In fact, he munications of the XII Tactica vertising contract, assuring them Air Command. Admitted As will be prohibited, The reason for the new reg- added, a number of post office it will not cost anything., Then Monday is the day the new ulations, Mr. Crine said, is to patrons already have purchased In 19« he entered the Univer- To Move Crossing the promotor hires girls to can postage rate schedule will be permit the increased use of five-cent stamps, thinking that sity of Illinois for post-graduate Law Partner vass neighborhoods by phone anc put into effect. It is also the automatic mail sorting ma- the new rates were 'affective study in communications engi- OCEANPORT —Borough Coun- nect Asbury Ave. . with RED BANK -L Theodore J. reportedly signed up $10,000 day that letters of less than chinery. No maximum size for Jan. 1. neering. He. was awarded a mas- cil last night took steps to move Bridgewater Dr. grade crossing, Labrecque, Jr.,.of 40 Madison memberships in three weeks lasi tyi by 4-9/16 inches, and odd- letters has been set, he said, ter of science degree the following The rate change that will ef- • railroad crossing at Bridge- The desired solution seem, Ave., was admitted Jan. 1' a month. When the hopetul club shaped mall will be banned. since large envelopes never year, and was assigned to the fect m6st persons-will be the water Dr. 150 feet south. closer now, however, since th< a partner of the law firm of member presents herself at one According to Red Bank Post- were handled by machinery. The plan, to relocate the cross- state Board of Public , Utility Signal Corps Research and De- Parsons, Canzona, Blair & War- of the beauty parlors on the club increase from four to flve;cents velopment Laboratories at Fort Ing at Asbury Ave., is not a hew Commissioners recently ren, 18 Wallace St. list, service is refused In man; per ounce for first das* letters. Mcmmouth. In 1950 he entered Drop letters will go from three one. The borough, in recent nized the Bridgewater Dr. cross- Mr. Labrecque, son of Superio cases and in other cases it the University <>f .Virginia" /for to four cents as willpost cards. years, has attempted to eliminati ing and ordered the New York 1 Court, Judge and.Mrs. Theodore charged for by the operator, Sill the sharp curves which now con- and. Long Branch,Railroad to in- graduate work in physics,' grada Hughes Providing Also, starting Monday, air J. Labrecque, Grange Ave., Fair ating in 1953 with the degree pi said. stall automatic gates and, signals Haven, is a graduate of Red mail letters will cost eight doctor of philosophy; He was there. Bank Catholic High School, re- cents and air mail post cards, then ordered to Washington, Previously, the crossing had ceived his bachelor of arts de- six cents. where he served in the office 01 Arrest Two.. been designated "private" or gree at Villanova in 1953, and Enforce New For Retirement First class aid air mail serv- the chief signal officer. graduated from Fordham Uni- "unauthorized;' since the PUC Army Signal Officer TRENTON,(AP)-Gov. Richard The governor left a lucrative ice will cost the same .for thre* For Having had never approved it. versity Law' School in 1958. Garbage Can . Hughes, 53-year-old father of law practice to win the governor- years. The cost of some other After,.the*r6cent PUC decikion, In 1956, General -loUs.-fra.d- During the' Korean conflict, hi Ien, began providing for his re- ship alter a hard-fought campaign items, however, will Increase inmcil drafted a letter to that uated* from..the Industriaf'-7Cai- seryed.as >, lieutenant (jg) with gradually Oil, >ar, ne«,year, v tirement the day after he was against fprmef; labor 'Secretary requesting realignment ol lege of jfeiArniied-Forces^ and theU sT^eVentt Fleet in the Removal Law sworn In as'governor last Jam* James P.'Mitchell. and in 1965. For example, non- OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Two the crossing. > was named signal officer, Eighth Pacific^, FAIR HAVEN - Mrs. Gloria ary, The Associated Press has In response to a question by profit material mailedto- points United States Army in Korea. outside the country will .cost a men. a 32-year-old from Newark . In a letter read before coun- Mr,t Lalbrecque is a member Murray, 659 River Rd., paid learned. The Associated PrefjS,,.the State Following that, he\ served two and a 72-year-old lrOm Asbury cil last night, the PUC' skid the if the Monmouth County, New $10 court fine yesterday aftei In an interview printed in Thurs- Division on Pensions, said Thurs- tenth of a cent more per pound years as signal officer, United Park, were arrested here yester- application is receiving consider- Tersey .State, and American Bar she was found guilty of failinj day's Trenton Evening Times day that Hughes joined the Public forea'chTrearthree consecutive ation but that a formal petition States Army, Pacific, at Fort years. day- charged with possession ol Associations. In addition, he is to remove her garbage cans Hughes admitted having some Employees Retirement Fund on would be' required. The state Shatter, Hawaii. lottery slips and being lottery member of the National Asso from the edge, of the street with- doubts as to whether he could af- Jan. 17, 1962, the day after he Another item on the new rate board also requested full particu- Gen. Lotz has received numer- messengers. i :iation of Claimants' Compensa- in 12 hours after being emptied. ford to run for a second term as was sworn in as governor, and schedule, a possible indication lars and copies of the plans for ous awards and commendations, Police Chief Harry Harvey ion Attorneys. He is chairman Police said Mrs.. Murray had governor. has been making regular pay- of inflation, shows that second including the Legion of Merit, identified them as James Guili- the proposed change. if the National Sweepstakes Re- failed to bring cans in from thi In the interview Hughes said menta ever since. class, incounty, free mail will •no, of 143 Walnut St., Newark, Council authorized Borough toe Bronze Star Medal, the gatta Association, and a mem- street Dec. 18 and 19. "If I do run again, and the people now cost one cent'per pound Army Commendation Medal with A spokesman for the State Pen- 1 and John Whitting, of 409 Cook- Attorney Charles W. Jones and >er of the Junior Chamber of The case was the first to have should elect me again, I'll be get- or a minimum of ft cent per Oak Leak Cluster, and both the sion Division said that If Hughes man Ave.. Asbury Park. Borough-Engineer' Otis R. Sea- :ommerce of Red Bank, Red come up before Magistrate John ting ' back into the professional piece. In 1965 it will cost i% French and Belgian Croix de were re-elected in 1965 and served They were seized by Chief man to prepare the petition and Sank Lions Club and the Red V. Crowell since an ordinance world when I'm 60. That's a time cents per pound. necessary papers, . ; )ank Democratic Club. a full four-year term he could re- Harvey, State Police Maj. F. W. was adopted by Borough Council when most people are retiring The schedule also show* that, After the formal application tire in 1970/ at the age of 60, with Haliey, and Monmouth County His father is a former mem- in October, 1961, limiting the from their profession or frorn while catalogues and circulars the PUC will enter1 the petition a state pension of more than Detective John Green as they ber of the law firm. time in which a garbage can [heir business." will cost more to mail, the cost on its calendar and schedule a $9,000 annually, based on a total walked out of the Stagecoach Other members of the firm may be left on the street after College Tuitions Of non-profit circulars will drop public hearing on the matter. Mass Transit state service of 17 years and 3 Inn, Rt. 35. re Theodore D. Parsons, Ed- rubbish collection by sanitation Hughes added that he would from 16 to 9 cents per pound In' other business last night months. The two had met at the .road- Mind J. Caniona, William R. workers. ' 'still have quite a few college tu and the cost of non-profit books an ordinance prohibiting parking The pension, based on 17-60ths of side restaurant, Chief Harvey Plan to Be tlair, Jr., John Warren, J James B. Ilch, 95 Locust Ave. tions to pay and that's a problem and catalogues will drop from on the west side of Wolf Hill the governor's annual salary of said, to permit Guiliano to pick: occo Ravaschiere, John Red Bank, was fined $55 foi hat I have to think about. 10 to 6 cents per pound. UP k supply of lottery slips "and Ave. between Portaupeck Ave. (ivens, Joseph T. Grause, driving 75 m.p.h. in a 25-mile $35,000, would not be affected if money from Whitting. More and South Pemberton Ave. was Introduced Frederick E. Lombard and zone. His driver's license will he went back into private law than $560 In cash was confis- adopted. There were no objec- WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. Har- Thomas J. Smith, Jr. be revoked for six months. practice. Variance OKed cated, The volume of slips in- tions' voiced during the public risos A.Williams, Jr., D-N. J., Mr. Labrecque is married to Crash Victim 20 Years Credit dicated a play of at least $1,500 hearing of the measure. says he will introduce next week he fofmer Joan Elizabeth Mc- If Hughes were to continue in For Boathouse a day, the chief said. bill calling for a $500 million :urdy of Union City, N. J. They Telstar Test Still Critical state service for another 2 years The management of the Stage mass transit program basically mve two children, Theodore J. and 9 months after retiring from FAIR HAVEN - The Zoning coach was in no way implicated Against Added the same as one which failed to labrecque, 3d, and Nancee RED BANK — John C. Dill, the governorship he would have toard of Adjustment last night in the alleged lottery infraction, win congressional approval last darie Labrecque. Slated Today J, of 28 Bellevue Ave., Rumson, 20 years credit in the fund and be granted a variance to Morris the chief added. Days for Racing year. HOLMDEL - Telstar, the s still in critical condition and eligible for a pension equal to one Nielsen, 59 Haddon Park, per- : Magistrate David Resnikoff re- TRENTON (AP) — State Sen. the new bill is certain to run xmununications satellite that inconscious in Riverview Hospi- third his average annual salary mitting the construction of a pri- leased Guiliario in $5,000 bail and s ph w. Cowgili, into a storm of protest from eased functioning Nov. 23 al where he was taken Dec. 22 over the preceding five years. vate boathouse. Jq e State Seeks fter an automobile accident in Whitting in $2,500 pending pre-has asked both Gov! Richard J. ien. Frank J. Lausche, DrOhio, has been revived and Bell Tele- However, as the governorship Mr. Nielsen was granted a five- liddletown. Iftninary hearings Wednesday, at Hughes and the State Racing Com- who led opposition to last year's phone Laboratories will try to pays the highest salary of any oot side yard variance on the 7:30 p.m. • mission, not to add additional rac- bill. A Lausche aide said "of Rt. 36 Land :ransmlt live television to Eu- Mr. Dill is the son of Rumson state position, Hughes would only est side of his property. The ing days in the. 1963 track season. course', he'll fight it again this FREEHOLD - The state High- :ope today. councilman and Mrs. John H. get a higher percentage of a low- 8x20 foot structure will be close Cowgill,' in telegrams to the com- year." • way Department filed suit.here The satellite had operated for )ill. He was involved in a two- er salary. i the riverfront. Mayor Sets Up mission and the governor Thurs- The mass transit bill would pro- 'esterday in Superior Court to more than four months when it :ar collision on Navesink River Hughes, v?ho will be 60 in Au- According to the zoning code, day, said the 30 extra days in 1962 vide grants to municipalities and tart condemnation proceedings failed because of high energy id. where his car struck a vehi- gust, 1969, would be eligible to ill boathouses built here roust be le driven by Arthur Knutson of Meeting Format hurt the Camden area, and were )ther public bodies for purchase obtain a tract of land adja- ilectron radiation In space, en draw his pension as soon as he approved, prior to construction, iighlands. >y the zoning unit. NEW SHREWSBURY—Mayor unfair to race track employees. if mass transit equipment. :ent to Rt. 36 in Keyporf. iineers said. retired. John E. Lemon begain his first "fI strongly urge upon you with Last year's proposal, which In the suit filed by Deputy At- Bell scientists and engineers regular council meeting last all the vigor at my command that would have provided $100 million >rney. General William J. Mc- ised an earth-bound model of night with a statement 'describ- there be no additional racing in the first year and $200 million ormack, the state seeks to ob- Celstar to trace the problem and ing how. he would like meetings 1963 other than 'the' regular 150- during each of the next two years, iln property owned by William it noon yesterday they succeeded to be conducted. » day total at Garden State Park, died in the Senate. . Waift, Ellen Waitt, and Wil- in getting the orbiting satellite to respond to commands. After Prior to opening roll call, the Atlantic City and Monmouth and It was approved by the Senate lam L. Waitt. hat they were able to transmit mayor mads it clear he wants the regular 50 'days; at the Free- Banking Committee, debated by The property is alongside of Rt. est patterns with encouraging his "meetings run on a formal hold track," Cowgill said. the Senate, shunted to the Com- and . runs from Rt. 35 to results. basis. He asked Councilman and Last year the .state granted Free- merce Committee largely through 'aimer Ave. audience to address the chair hold a 60-day season on a perma- Lausche's efforts, and returned to the state seeks; to obtain the Today's broadcast will be at- befor.e speaking,, and requested nent basis. The extensions at the the Senate to die in the adjourn- woperty to improve and widen tempted at 9 a.m. when the satel- that citizens utilize the time al- other tracks were made only for ment rush. ' "*" intersection at this junction. lite is within range of Europe located on the agenda for mak- 1962. and North America for a half ing requests and statements.' Cowgill urged that the racing hour. If a matter of dire Importance commission bar racing after Vet- arises during the meeting, he erans Day, Nov. 11, and that the will permit comment from;the .Camden dates be shortened by re- Police; Armed floor, he_said . .,. ~ tiring racing on Monday. With Shotguns Columnists Report: MIDDLETOWN - In the wake of a rash of armed robberies 1 throughout the county, police pa- trols here are being armed with On AvLchincloss ' Party shnteuns. By ROBERT S.ALL6N and TAUL SCOTT Police Chief Earl N. Hoyer said that shotguns will be issued WASHINGTON — James, C. Auchincloss, to all patrols. This began last ; Rumson, N. J., gave the most unusual Christmas nlRht. The chief said that extra pa- party in the Capital. He enterUiioed the 64 coh- trols will be added at certain gressionaftelephone operators. |hours and that the detective di- Auchincloss thoughtfully provided a bus,to vision will put In extra tours at night to be on the lookout for transport them to the hotel where he gave the holdup attempts here. party, that featured "live" eggnog and a lavish buf-_ Chief Hoyer noted that In. many SCHOONER TRAPPED BY ICE —Three- New Yorkeri who had been Uading for fet. Of"the"Hbldtips"rep6rtebT through- warmer,ciimej when they ran into ice and low temperatures continue their •fforti rov out the county, the bandits were i Elizabeth Cole, chief operator and dean of the ATTLEE MARKS MILESTONE —Earl ABI.., on.-tim. reoortedly armed with Shotguns. ree their 43-foot schoonsr from ice in^Barnegat Bay at Barnegat Light, N. J. Th» group, related that the Operators man a 2&-position British prim* minister, drinks toast ti he marks hit 80th He said that despite the size of men, Rudy Gedamke, Elmont; Walter Cavaleri, New York City, «i»d.Rby Thornpiori," •Wltchboard 24 hours a day, seven days a week, birthday during luncheon with Lady Attlat at a London, the township, business establish- City Island, have been marooned since Dec. 29. Two of them walked aihor* and. ments are being watched to pre-. and handle an average of 50,000 calls daily. England, hotel. (AP Wiraphoto by radio from London). vent holdups here. toclced up on food. (APW , Jtmitrji 1963 TIED BXM REGISTERRefers Check Leonardo Charges to Jury FRIDAY TV, A holiday otrty was held lor RED BANK - David R. John- WABOTV the Junior choir dL Ocean View WOR-TV Community church b the church son, 23, of 224 Shrewsbury Ave., hall.' Present' were Joann De in a preliminary hearing yester- WNEW-TVlchannel II WP-X-TV Witt. Patricia Looneg. Mary Ann day, was held in bail pendin; FRIDAY AFTERNOON FRIDAY EVEMNO Sabaskas. Peggy Copeaegro, Jill Grand Jury action on charges ol 12:«t Eigenrauch, Andrea Schaller, Ju- issuing two worthless checks. 2—Love of Life 7-News dith Gamble, Vicky Engler, Bev- 4—First Impression II—Three Stooges erly Carver and Kathy Eigen- Ansoa Lucas, 130 Bank St., ruich. Mrs. Richard Zentmr and has charged in a complaint that 7—Ernie Ford—Variety 13-Whafs New-Children 9—Science Fiction Theater 1:15 Mrs. John Bennett are directors Mr. Johnson issued him a check of the choir. for $50 which i local bank re- 12:25 7-Weather turned marked "account closed. 2—News In a similar complaint, Joseph 12:» 7—Sports Mr. and Mrs. Blrgei* Ela •> Becker, 197 Shrewsbury Ave., 2—Search for Tomorrow 1:21 tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ralph charged Mr. Johnson had issuei 4—Truth or Consequences 7—Capsule Comment Gabrielsen, Miss Nancy Nelson, him a $22.25 worthless check. 5—Cartoons Brooklyn; Mrs, Margit FJeld, Bail was set at $200 on each 7-Father Knows Best* 4-Local News' Staten Island; Mr. and Mrs. Nor- count. • fl—Memory Lane S—Mickey Mouse Club man Dempster and Mrs. Mar- garet Smith, Fords; Mr. and Mrs. Magistrate William I. KlatsJtj II—Rocky and his Friends 7-News 12:45 - 9—Zoorama—San Diego Arnold Christophers*!] and son, fined R. D. Thomas, 345 Shrews- Carl, Colonia; Mrs. Frances Mil- bury Ave., $25 for being drunk 2-Guiding Light 11-Jeff's Collie—Drama 11—Merry Mailman—Children 13—Profile: New Jersey ler, Jersey City, aad Mr. am and disorderly in a Monmouth ( Mrs. Roy Ela and family and St. rettaurant Dec. 30. 12: M 1:41 Mr. and Mr«. Claude Smith, this Bryan B. Evans, 9 North ll-New 4-Weather place, during the holidays. Main St., Farmingdale. paid 12:55 • 1:45 $30 fine for leaving the scene 4—News 2—News of an accident. 4-News Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eia enter- 2—Women's Page r 7—Focus On The News Wined Mrs. Margit Fjeld, Mr. and Mrs. Claude SfmltlTand Mr. FREEHOLD ROBBERY 4-Leave It To The Girls 7:01 5-Cartoons ' 4—Whiplash and Mrs. Birger Eia on New FREEHOLD—Two men robbed 7—Answering Service S—Assignment: Underwater Year's Eve. $12 Wednesday night from an U-GIobal Zobel elderly man after frightening him 7—Hennesey—Comedy 1:25 9—Merrytoon Circus Ensign and Mrs. Allan Allen with menacing orders in wha of Bainbridge. Md, spent three may have been an unarmed hold- 5—Newg 11-News up. 1:30 13—Russian For Beginners days last week with Mr. and Mrs. 7:10 Charles Alien. Augustus Jackson, about 68, ol 2—As The World Turns MOV1N© DAY—"Tfi. Alfrtd Hitcficock Hour" it mev. 5—Movie—Drama 2—Weather KATHIE BROWNE bids a fond farewall to Dick Cranna 127 Throckmorton St., was alone Mr. and Mrs. Vincent bto, ing to • naw day and iim«—tonight (9:30-10:30 p.m., in a refreshment stand he oper- 9—Star and Story—Drama U-Local News bafor* ha embarks on what turns out to ba a hair-rais- 11—People Are Funny 7:15 Nautilus Dr. entertained at ESTI on th« CBS T«l«vi$Jon Network. Furtfitring hiitorle ates at the rear of his home New Year's eye party. Their ing airplane ridt, on "The Real McCoys" Sunday, Jan. b when he was confronted by two 1:45 2—News leg«nd, Hitchcock it happy about the Friday spot tine* 4—News 7:25 guests were-Mr. and Mrs. Tony (9:00-9:30 p.m., ESTJ on the CBS Television Network. burly men who wore hats close Busch, Middletown; Mr. and Mrs. it wai known at "hangnian'i day" during tht Middle over their faces. ..-Weather 2—Password Peter Guizi, Atlantic Highlands: Agt$ when •xecutioni ware conducted only on that day. Mr. Jackson told police he was 7:30 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Breitenbach ordered to lay on the floor while 4-Merv Griffin-Variety 2—Rawhide David Wayne, William Conrad and Eliiabtth Allen ttar 7—Day in Court—Drama and Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Her- TVKeyMailbag the intruders scooped money ou 4—International Showtime on "The Thirty-Fint of February" tonight—a murder 9—Science Quest and Conquesl nandez, Asbury Park; Mr. and of his cash drawer, pulled out a 5—Roaring 20's—Drama Mrs. Brino Talerico, Red Bank, myttery, naturally. By STEVEN H. SCHEUER you don't have to subscribe light cord and ran out of.the II—Divorce Court—Drama 7—Winston Churchill Question — Is it true that ncx the system. The coin meter yo and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mejs- place. He said he did not see 2:25 9—Movie—Adventure lohn, Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Dun year we will all have to conve mentioned is just one method any weapon but obeyed com 7-News 11—Wild Cargo ' to pay-TV? I think it's infai pay-TV. It is installed at the en tella, Miss Ann Bizzaro and mands as a precaution against 2:M 13—Compleat Gardener Bruce Gordon. I, tor one, happen to be verj pense of the telemeter cornpan; injury. 2—House Party 8:00 TV Key Previews happy with the current TV pro-and entire roomful of people wi 7—Seven Keys 7—Father Knows Best grams and I really don't min< be able to view a first-ran movi 9—Movie—Western CIVIC GROUP TO MEET Today's top television shows as Mitch keeps at his fingertips. the commercials. If they want t< for approximately $1. These a Leaves Sewn On II—Invisible Man—Drama Just for the record, "Ain't She 2:55 13-Festival Of The Arts EAST KEANSBURG - "Space previewed and selected by TV charge us for programs, then lei just a few of the good features Communications" will be th top- Key's staff of experts who atSweet,","My Baby Just Cares" the powers behind all this pay of Pay-TV. There are, of course 4-News 8:30 e and "Sylvia," are only a few on 5—News Ic of a program to be presented tend rehearsals, watch screen TV jan supply the sets and keei many sides to the argument. 2—Route 66—Adventure at a meeting of the Bayshore the roster. (Color). 8:30 p.m. 4— Sing Along With Mitch them in order for us. Before Question — I recently sa\ Civic Association Monday, Jan. ings, and analyze scripts in NewNBC. have a meter put on my set, I'l 2-To Tell The Truth 5—Texan—Western Mickey Spillane on "The Tonigli 4—Loretta Young—Drama 7, at 8 p.m. in the fire house. York and Hollywood. ALFRED HITCHCOCK. "The take to listening to the radio oi 7—Fllntstones—Ca rtoon Election of officers will be held. Show" and he said somethini 5—Doorway to Destiny 11—Once Upon a Dime RAWHIDE. "Incident of thThirty-Firse t of 'February." David go bowling three nights a week about his playing Mike Hamme Buryfa' Man." The cattle drovers Wayne stars n this puzzler about instead of my usual one.—J. L. 7—Queen for a Day »:00 in an upcoming TV series, II—How to Marry a Millionaire Abuses of Christmas reached pick up the darndest people on an ad-man whose wife falls down Saa Marco, Tex. thought there was a TV serie: 5—Bronco—Western the trail. 'Tonight, they help outthe cellar steps and dies. The 3:25 7—Dickens ... Fenster such a pitch in 17th Century Eng- Answer — Simmer down . , based on the Spillane stories 2—News. land that the Puritan Parliament an undertaker in Indian country question is whether the ad-man you make Pay-TV sound like few years ago. Why are the; 9:10 and soon two more travelers join murdered his wife. Though the 3:3. 13—Happy Birthday, Mr. Holmes outlawed the holiday in 1644. subversive government. a g e n _botherinv g to do another one?—J 2—Millionaire—Drama Puritan leaders in Massachusetts up. The three newcomers are writer has thrown in all sorts oi who is about to overthrow the H Paradise, Pa. 9:30 tied in together and they make possible leads which might be 4—Young Dr. Malone—Serial 2—Alfred Hitchcock also banned, yule celebrations country, Jo the first place, pay Answer — Spillane is goin, 5—Mr. District Attorney horn 1659 to 1681. a seedy, but interesting group. too clever for his own,good, it is TV wiH never be compulsory .. 4—Don't Call Me Charlie 7:30 p.m. CBS. David Wayne, as the tormented to play "Mike Hammer" in 7-Who Do You Trust? 7—77 Sunset Strip forthcoming film based on hi II—Best of Groudio—Quiz ad-man, who keeps the show 9—Movie—Comedy WINSTON CHURCHILL - The alive. 9:30 p.m. CBS. latest thriller, "The Girl ltunl 4:«0 11—Victory at Sea Valiant Years. "Strike Hard, Party Supplies ers." There are no plans for 2—Secret Storm—Serial 13—Computer MOVIE TIMETABLE Strike'Home." (Repeat). Histor- JACK PAAR SHOW. After new TV series based on Un 4—Match Game 10:00 • RED BANK ically newsworthy sequence re- Jack's monologue, he introduces Spillane private eye stories. Da 5—Deputy Dawg—Cartoons 4—Jack Paar CARLTON- calls the events after the close some satirical numbers from a ren McGavin was the star of thi 7—American Bandstand Two For Th« Seesaw 2:00; 7:00; »:Cg; 2:00; Two For The Seen— reign. What makes it special are side" story of now the mlssle -3—World At Ten <:2O; 7:101 9*6. lane, by the way, acted in a fil 13—Music Interlude 10:30 SUN. - Ol(0t 2:00: 4:30; (:6O: 9:00. he contemporary comments of "Thor" got its name,, and an- some years ago called "Ring 4:25 2—Eyewitness . LONG BRANCH Gen. Maxwell Taylory , Churchill's other, "Barry's Boys," is a Fear" which is currently shown 4-News young conservatives spppf. On 5—Mr. Lucky—Adventure BARONET- personaJTIHI _JW-i**_lh secretar0Wv-i T i n i yj &Pete "—*-_•_r! KlnnaIT • i s I s m ,| * • 4* • .. • . ".-...« T L — on TV. His performance wasn What Ever Happened To''Baby Jane hd f t fett Z 7—Third Maa—Mystery 2:55: arJJ; aunio.Ttw Slant Wltc- and Britisri hC Commanded r Bill hand fcrt return ,v_>t'are 2sa bad-wfSfl '' 2-Edge Of Night-Serial 11—Seven League Boots, 1:30: 7:00: 10:39. Fairchlld, on their participation Zsa Gabor and Jayne Mansfield, 4—Make Room For Daddy BAT. — Kiddle Show — The Woman Q 13—Critics Circl? Eater * Tie H-Man 2:00; vraat Ever in the Italian campaign aad their and a closing bit from pop-up PARTY Bundle .of Joy" with Debbi 5-Felix And The Wizard U:M Happened To Baby Jane 6:00: 9:45:memories" of its direction. 7:30 artist Senor Wences. (Color). 10 Gum 01 The Buck Witch 4: 6:21; 9:30: The Centurion !:1S. SH 1-9755 KEANSBURG - George E. 2—Movie PERTH AMBOY for failing to have his automobile 'wow nnmn ui'rwmiMcn roider, quilt. Plus free pattern. Ostrov, borough attorney, was MAJESTIC— inspected. Send 25c now! 1:35 Oypsy 1:30; 5:40; 9:55; Pl.yjlrla Aft- instructed Wednesday night to 4—13th Hour—Drama er Dark 4:OS: 8:20. heck into the legality of the SAT. - Kiddle Show — Gunsmoke In 2:05 Tucson 1:30: Gypsy 5:40: S:5B; Play- resolution adopted last week by Rirls After Dark 4:05; 8:20. 4—Sermonette—Religion SUN. Gypay 1:30; 5:40; 9:55; Play. Borough Council firing the bor- 2:35 Klrls After Dirk 4:05: 8:20. ough auditor. 2—News EDISON . IAST 2 DAYS • Mayor Louis T. Collichio asked I MATINEE 2 P.M. 2:45 MENU) PARK CINEMA- ROBERT MITCHUM for a ruling on whether it was Gypsy 2:00; 4:30; 7115; 9:45. L EVE from 7 P.M. 2-Give Us This Day —Religion SAT. — oypiy 2:00: 4:55: 7:40; 10:15. legal to pass such a resolution SUN. — Oypiy 2:00] 4:30; 7:18; 9:45. SHIRLEY MAC LAINE • at an adjourned meeting- WOODBRIDGE "2 FOR THE SEESAW Benjamin Litwin, New Bruns- DRIVE-IN- ROUND PRI. ft SAT. — Cartoons 7:00: E»- EXTRA PREVIEW SAT. NITE wick auditor, was fired by a 2-1Students to Be cape To Eait Berlin 1:09: Swordi- vote of the council last Thursday. man Of Elena 9:40; Oldret does Jaclcie Gleason "GIGOT" Hawaiian 11:20. SAT.* SUN. Mayor Collichio opposed the ac- BUN. — Eddie DuchJn Story 0:05; SAT. - Klddlo Marine. 2 P.M. TRIP tion. Rotary Guests 10:S5; Pal Joey 8:15. Mr. Ostrov said he would have RED BANK — The Red Bank MONTCLAIR LAST 2 DAYS. Rotary Club will be host next CLAIRIDGE— to check into the minutes of the Wonderful World Of Th« Brother! FARE council to determine if the meet- Thursday to 38 high school stu- Grimm 8:30. dents at a special "vocational SAT. ' — Wonderful World Of The Ing was an adjourned session or Brothers Grimm 2:00; 8:30. Shows Nightly a special meeting called for aluncheon." . SUN. — Wonderful World Of The Each of the students has been Brothers Grimm 2:30; 7:3d. from 7 P.M. m specific purpose. $«_».3O issigned a sponsor club member I! CHILDREN more who will meet with the student |' ATLANTIC ALWAYS FREE in the morning to review and in- Plus 2nd HIT people use The Register ads each tMmMr IIIKIIL'IIIIJ—1' issue because results come fast- roduce to the student the voca _____ JAYNE! MANSFIELD or.—Advertisement. ion of his particular interest. TONTTE AND SATURDAY R E IT MIDDLETOWN— . Guest, speaker at the luncheon BETTE DAVIS 1 ..1 J " HAPPENED In ATHiNS" will be G. L. Cooper of the New JOAN CRAWFORD STARTS SUN York Life Insurance Co. "WHATEVER HAPPENED S "PAL JOEY" RED BANK AREA FABULOUS YVONNE At yesterday's meeting, Her. TO 8ABY JANE" imlE STORY" will captivate bert Strack, president of the Inter- n EATERS. " entertains you national Crane and Excavator KIDDIE SHOW SATURDAY as you dine! you as she Corp., addressed the club mem MATINEE AT 2 P. M. bers. LOHu BPANCH "IT'S ONLY MONEY" did "Paris" "Wlxard of laghdad" BARONET "2 TICKETS TO PARIS" PLUS 2d BIG HIT YVONNE IIAVK YOUR DINNER I'IKI.M OUR "Son of Robin Hood" ASEUBY PARK and her Charcoal Grill MAYFAIR Natalie Wood in "GYPSY" for further information call In our coiy dining room SUN. - MON. - TUES. ORCHESTRA Conk Sunday from 2 $3.50 D*Y> OMN 4.J0-MOVIII HIM '.'.EURY PM* ACADEMY AWARD . . , fraturlnf HONDitV FAMILY WH04TJ OWV-OrtN 1» 16-Fruhy, January 4, 1963 RED BANK" REGISTER NJSIAA Cage Tourney Finals100 Boxers Are Grid Bowls Over? Entered in N.J. Switched to Atlantic City Floor Not Golden Gloves ASSOCIATE!) PRESS start for the rforth according, to TRENTON — Atlantic* City such as was done last year at the days of each contest. v ELIZABETH — More than 100 Who said the football season coach Tom Landry of the Dallas Convention Hall will be the site Delaware Valley Garden. How- Parking facilities for 800 cars starry-eyed amateur boxers are was over? Five more1 bowl Cowboys with PPa t McCarthMCh y of of six group final games in this ever, Growney added that ill will b< available underneath the due to be screened and. weighed games of varying magnitude will Holy Crosg sharing the quarter- year's 45th annual New Jersey student tickets will be sold at main arena, in addition to two be played tomorrow and Sunday back job. in Sunday for the annual New By HY CUNNINGHAM State Interscholastic Athletic As- the competing schools and only large public parking lots on and two more the following Bulldog Turner of the New sociation Basketball Tournament, adult sales (general admission) Pacific Ave., adjacent to Con Jersey Golden Gloves tourna- weekend. York Titans coaches the South- HO-HUM, VACATION TIME IS OVER FOR THEaccording to an announcement will be available at the doors on vention Hall. ment, which starts Friday, Jan. The Saturday program in- westerners at Corpus .Christi, made today by James G. Grow- 11, in the Elizabeth Elks Audi cludes the Senior Bowl of B0 col-His starting , Billy YEAR OF 1962, and now it's hi-ho, off to work we go.ney, executive secretary-treasur torium. lege all-stars lined up In North Moore of Arkansas, is doubtful er. because of Injuries. Charley The toughest part of the vacation was thawing out aft- The screening also will take and South squads lined up in er attending the -Packers game at Convention Hall, the site of the place in the Elks Club and North and South squads at Mo- Furlow of-Mississippi State and bile, Ala. with network NBC tele- Yankee Stadium. We were in a warmer spot than most annual Miss America Pageant, is entrants will be classified in Randy Gold of California will between the Boardwalk and novice and open divisions in vision coverage. Also tomorrow divide the quarterbacking for the of the nearly 70,000 spectators, but it was still bitter Pacific Ave., and Georgia and classes ranging from 112 pounds is the first Southwest Challenge Nationals, coached by Sid Gill- cold, especially leaving the stadium as darkness fell Mississippi Aves., The final bas- to heavyweight. Ray Hoagland Bowl at Corpus Christi, Tex., man of San Diego. • will match Southwestern players rapidly. • • ketball tournament games will be of Rahway, state AAU secretary, There is a M-station- regional played in the main arena of-the Is in charge of entries and he against a team from the rest of TV network of the game and a Pro grid fans are still talking of this cham- hall and there will be announced no entries will be the nation. crowd of 18,000 is expected. pionship game, and we mean fans from both sides. arrangements for approximately accepted after Sunday.. The Pro Runner-Up Bowl in \ In both the Senior and Chal- 12,000 spectators. Miami on Sunday will send the lenge Bowls, the members of the The Giants fans claim the disputed field goal was The Trenton PAL, under the Detroit Lions against the Pitts- The seating will include winning squad' get $800 each. supervision of Ed Silverglade, burgh Steelers in a battle of the no good, while Packer fans saw the boot split the bleachers on both ends of the Losers get $500 In the Senior and has entered 25 scrappers, in two second place clubs in the playing court acid raised portable $600 in the Challenge Bow). uprights with perfection. eluding Richie Williarns, who . This stands on.each side. The porta The NFL's Runner-Up Bowl At this five-days-later date, fans know the winner won the 118-pound novice title game also will get network CBS ble stands will be four feet off last year. Williams will com TV coverage. game attracts unusual interest the floor and will have individu- pete in the 118-pound open class because Detroit impressed so and repeat champion was Green Bay Packers with In other Sunday games, Wis- al seats. In addition, there will this year. many with its Thanksgiving Day coach Vince Lombardi at the helm. The mob scene consin's Ron VanderKelen and be seating in the balcony sur- victory over the .Green Bay The heavyweight division has his favorite receiver, Pat Rich- made it difficult to get to the Packers' dressing room rounding the court. Packers. The game in the attracted Jack MoMahon, 22- ter, will be playing in the 17th Orange Bowl should provide a to convey congratulations to former Fair Haven resi- The state basketball finals are year-old Leonia puncher, and annual Hula Bowl at Honolulu dent Lombardi. Better late than never, Congrats to slated for Friday night, March William Flood, 19-year-old Madi- and the first Crusade Bowl at fine test of the Lions' great de- Coach Vince and all the Packers. 22, and Saturday afternoon and son youth. The latter, a Drew Baltimore matches some evening, March 23. In all prob- University student, will compete choices of the Eastern and West- Not to omit the Giants by any means we'll ability the Parochial Class B and in the novice division, while ern conferences of the-NFL plus ever, IP a regularoseason game also send congratulations to coach Allie Sherman the Group III final contests will McMahon seeks honors In the other collegians who were not the Lions slaughtered the Steel- be staged Friday night, the open class. drafted. ers. and his warriors. The Giants came up with a ter- Group II and Parochial Class A Paterson's Andrew Hamilton; The program for Sunday, Jan. Rip Engle ol Penn State coach- finals Saturday afternoon and the rific battle in losing 16-7. It certainly was a far winner of the 147-pound novice 13 includes the Pro Bowl game es the North team in the Hula Group I and IV on Saturday championship in 1962, will try at the Los Angeles Coliseum Bowl which will have Wiscon- cry from that solid, 37-0, trimming handed out by night. to add the open title to his NBC-TV pitting the stars of the sin's Rose Bowl stars as the iu- the Packers in 1961 for the championship. The Parochial C title clash will conquests. Eastern Conference against the cleus of its attack. Sonny Gibbs be staged at an earlier date at best of the Western Conference of Texas Christian will do the One local TV fan had this to say: "It was the dirti- site yet to be determined. Members of the armed forces of the NFL. Also on Jan. 13 passing for the South team est and longest game that I've ever seen." His fourth In previous years the NJSIAA will be obliged to box in open pag the League's coached by Bill BarneB s of UCLAUCLA. has played most of its champion- classes. Members of the armed word can always be disputed and definitely it will. 1 All-Star game at San Diego ABC- The South also has Jerry StovaU ship basketball games at the forces within the New Jersey TV will present the stars of the of Louisiana State, Kermit Alex- Coaches say this was a hard-fought game and the play- Princeton and Rutgers Universi- area are eligible for the tourna- league's Eastern and Western ander of \UCLA and ers played the game the way it should be played. In ty gyms, as well as at Camden ment. . . Divisions. of Texas in its backfield. Convention Hall. Last year the Tournament reserved seats ar> pro football, the players certainly have to be in top Weeb Ewbank of the Baltimore In the Baltimore game, Norm site of the tournaments final MISSED BY TOP PRO CLUBS — A hero in the Rote on sale at the Elks Club. Colts is coaching the South in Van Brocklin of the Minnewts condition. Can you just feel the weight of Giants' games was the Delaware Valley Bowl game even in dafeat, • quarterback Ron Vender- the Senior Bowl game and has Vikings wil coach'the West and Rosey Grier falling on you in order to save a yard? Garden in Haddonfield. Kelen of Wisconsin takes it easy, after that sensational named Gary Cuozzo of Virginia B'll McPeak '•! the Washington While the crowds at last year's Grier is only 6-5 and weighs 290 pounds. Then there passing performance against USC. Ron completed 33 NBA Attendance as his starting quarterback. He ftedskins the East. Lynn Ame- final games were tremendous, the are those fellows like Sam Huff, Jim Katcavage and says Mississippi's Glynn Griffing dee, star of the Cotton Bowl arrangements at the Delaware of 48 passes for 401 yards arid two touchdowns as the will get plenty of work. Lee Roygame for LSU, will play for the Dick Modzelewski. They are about as timid as a Valley Garden were not satisfac- Trojans won it, 42-37. VanderKelen is wondering why all Up 31 Per Cent Jordan of Alabama is among the East and his teammate, halfback tory. The NJSIAA executive Com hungry lion. those National Football and American Football Leagues NEW YORK (AP) — Attend- South stars. Steve Ward, will play for the mittee thus has made the move passed him up in the recent drafts. . * ance is up a record-breaking 3 Jerry Gross of Detroit will West'. Quotes before the game — Vince Lombardi, this year to Atlantic City Con- per cent at the half-way mark coach — "The Giants are a great team. ..They have vention Hall. of the current National Basket- a great coach. It has to be a fine game." — Allie A large portable floor with rec ball Association season, NBA tangular glass backboards at Jerry Pisano Leads Pros, president Maurice Podoloff sal Sherman, coach — "We are very happy to be in each end will be used in the yesterday. the world championship game. We know we are main arena of the Convention Podoloff said he based it on a meeting a top team in the Green Bay Packers. It Hall. An electric clock will also Aldarelli Tops Amateurs comparison of figures for a com- be in use for the timing of all will be quite a game." ASBURY PARK - Jerry Pi- parable number of games this games. Adequate dressing rooms season and last season. He did QUOTES AFTER THE GAME — Lombardi — for the competing teams will be sano, Radnor Valley, Pa., led the pros in the Shore Winter not mention any attendance fig- available. Refreshment stands ures in his statement. "The Giants were much, much better. They may be and rest rooms are also placed Golf League tournament yester- Basketball the same men a year older, but they've certainly im at strategic points throughout the day, but it was amateur Tony Soaring attendance in Los An- geles and Syracuse' apparently proved with age." Sherman — "They vindicated rraa. Aldarelli, Jumping Brook The former Philadelphia War- Country Club, posting the best Schedule are the main reasons for the in- themselves. There was no humiliation today." card of the day, a classy 68 on crease in the league. Podolof] riors of the National Basketball TODAY a pair of 34s, at Asbury Park indicated that Los Angeles ha Green Bay star said, "I don't re- Association and the Harlem A Division Globetrotters have previously Golf and Country Club. grossed more so far this yeai member ever being hit so hard." Taylor's quote used the Atlantic City Conven- Manasquan at Red Bank than any other team in the 17- Pisano led the pros with a 73 Toms River at Middletown tion Hall for basketball games. year history of the organization was as true as the score. The National Football on nines of 38-35. Ted Graygor, Long Branch at Lakewood Secretary Growney' announced Asbury Park, Monte Norcross, for the comparable period. League's Player of the Year headed to the locker Brick Twp. at Freehold there will be no reserved seats Podoloff said Syracuse Is up Metuchen, and Bo De Stefano, B Division --:•'• room with numerous cuts and .serapMMW arms and for. the'games at Convention Hall, 80 per cent over last year. Asbury Park, were tied for sec- Rarltan Twp. at Rumson legs from the punishing contact he made with the ond honors with 77s. , Southern Reg. at Monmouth Reg, The statement did not mention Half the inhabitants of the New- Giants and the frozen turf. A gash received in Aldarelli was two under par Henry Hudson at Central Reg. how the other clubs were doing, ly independent African kingdom in the first nine, getting a bird Pt Pleasant at Matawan Reg. but from another source it was the first quarter required stitches at intermission. of Burundi embrace the Christian on the fourth hole, and then learned New York, Boston and Others faith. dropped in another bird on the Chicago were up1 over last yea Taylor also stated, "I also cut my tongue and kept St. Mary's (SJ>.) at Red Bank sixth. On the back nine Aldarel- and that St. Louis and Cincinnati getting blood all day. It was a rough game — Catholic Rutgers football coach John li was two under again getting were about even. Detroit i. Hoffman at Keypcrt that's all. I had words with a Jot of them, and Bateman assisted Lou Little for his birds on the 14th and 15th down while the Warriors, shifted Shore Reg. at Wall Twp. most of 'em were nice words." 11 years at Columbia University. holes. from Philadelphia, are playing BUCKEYES FAR FROM HOME — Two members of the TOMORROW ' Art Cuccurullo, Branch Brook, their first season in San Fran- college team which plays in the Hula Bowl game in The conditions of the day made it more difficult posted the next best amateur CBA at Notre Dame (Trenton) cisco. in attempting to figure out just who would have won card with 38s for both nines for Asbury Park vs. Neptune at As- The Warriors have been great- Honolulu Sunda/, get the usual welcome from an Hawai- under warmer and more pleasant playing conditions. a 76 card. bury Park Convention Hall ly encouraged by the near ian misi after arriving. The two are Bill Mrukowiki, left, Bob Rousell, unattached, had (1:30 p.m.) capacity crowd of almost 13,000 and Bob Vogel, both members of the 1962 Ohio State The Giants were up for this one and wanted it badly. an 82-12—70 for . amateur net SUNDAY Wednesday^ night for the game Who is to say Y. A. Tittle would have completed many honors! Cuccurullo was second Red Bank Catholic at St. Rose with Boston. Podoloff said. grid team. more passes if the weather had been some 35 degrees with 76-5—71 and Charles Lane, (2 p.m.) 77-6-71, third. warmer? Tittle claimed his hands were cold. But so Johnny Cafone, Manasquan were Starr's and Hornung's. River pro, raised eyebrows when "Mitch" to Open FORD DEALER he got.himself an eagle on the No matter how a fan studies this one, he will 455-yard 17th hole, Cafone never find the answer for the big IF that is used dropped a 15-foot putt to com- Pro Bowling USED CAR by horse bettors day in and day out One thing plete the eagle. for sure, Sunday, Dec. 30, was not a day for foot- Ten pros and 20 amateurs SUPERMARKET SALE competed in the tourney. League Action ball — fan, player or coach. Bowl games on New The next play is scheduled at TOTOWA — Mitch Miller will Biggest choice, biggest values everl Supermarket Year's Day proved California, Florida, Texas and Jumping Brook next Thursday "bowl-along" instead of "sing- savings on cars traded for our hot-selling '63 Fords. along" Sunday as he rolls the other warmer states, are the one where weather and Bamm Hollow, Middletown, Fine A-1 USED CARS included ... inspected, Jan. 17. first ball to open the 13-week reconditioned when necessary, and road-tested I conditions are ideal for championships. That is, INDIVIDUAL PROFESSIONAL schedule of the Eastern Profes- Jerry Plia.no, ludnor Valley, Pa. Si Come in for a generous appraisal on your present no cold rugged weather of 10 to 17 degrees above. 35-JS sional Bowling League at the Ted Graygor, Asbury Park, 4O-3T—77 Gladiators Arena, to be tele- car. Your guarantee of quality; is the Ford Dealer 1 Monte Norcrosi, Metuchen, (0-37—77 BASKETBALL IS BLOOMING all over like the -7j vised over 17 TV stations in the who stands behind every car he sells! F.O.*,F. Jon Lelm, Rar'ltan Arseiul. 38-40—78 ' Tiny Pedone, Klmberton. Pa. 40-38—T8 Eastern area. Mitch is an ar- first violets of spring. Two tournaments have been V'ti Qaeta. Bamm Hollow, 40-38—-7* 1 TI DeBeautre, Phlla. C. C. 41-39—80 dent bowler with a 175 average. crossed off the list at Asbury Park and the flower J ' n Caione, Itfanaaquan River, 40-40— P. Ballantine & Sons Brewing •57 MERCURY 2-door Hardtop, Mercomatlc, Power Steering .495. r> growing best in early season definitely has to be St. Tl tidy Newman. Homestead. 39-12—41 Company will sponsor the one- '58 FORD Custom "300" Moor, Fordomatic _.'. . 595. Rose of Belmar. This club won both the old Round AMATEUR OHOSS hour television broadcasts of '59 OPEL "Caravan Station Wagon .-. - 595. each of the Sunday afternoon '57 FORD 9-Passenger Station Wagon, FOM, Power Steering _._._.850. Robin fad and then wrapped up the Holiday Jubilee \rr Cuecurullo. Branch Brook, 38-38—76 ( -is, Lane, Aabury Park, 38-38—77 competitions by the league, mad' '57 FORD Country Squire, Fordomatic, Power Steering ...750. Tournament like it was a big Christmas present for the AMATKUIt NET up of the East's finest pro '58 MERCURY Colony Park Station Wagon, Mercomatic 850. P •> Rouiell. Unattached. 82-12—70 school. VI Cuccurullo, 76-5—71 bowlers. The eight teams in the •58 OLDSMOBILE "88" 2-door, Hydramatlc, Power Steering 859. is. Lane, 77-6—71 league represent New Jersey, •59 FORD 6-cyllnder Falrlane, Moor, Fordomatic ;...._... :—-..895. Bob Verga has been the hottest eager to hit A GIANT STEP—Picking up New York City, Philadelphi; '59 FORD Custom "300" 2-door, Fordomatic ; .._ ...950. the boards and he is firing in points in these early Baltimore, Washington, Albany '60 CORVAIR Deluxe 4-door, Radio and Heater 1050. a little sugar at the windup NBA Standings games as if he never put the ball down for the past Boston and Buffalo. '60 FALCON Moor and 4- '61 COMET S22 Sport 2-door, Mercomatlc, Air Conditioned 1650. undefeated season, signs 4 netrolt 14 25 .359 13 affair in. the past couple of years, especially at Cam- 'ti FORD Galaxie 4-door, Fordomatic, Power Steering : ::...1695. contract to play pro football Chicago 13 27 .325 14'/3 '60 MERCURY 9-Pass. Colony Park Station Wagon, MOM, PS 1795. den. TONIGHT'S GAMES •61 MERCURY Monterey, 2-door Hardtop, Air Conditioned 1795. ith tho New York Giants. Boston at Los Angeles '5S LINCOLN Premiere 4-door Hardtop,- Air Conditioned 1895. The finals of the tournament for 1963 will be Jim Lee Howell, right, per- San Francisco at Cincinnati '6)1 MERCURY Commander, 9-Passenger Station Wagon, MOM, PS 1950. St. Louis vs. Detroit at New Custom played at the Convention Hall, Atlantic City. sonnel director of the Giants, '62 FALCON Club Waoon, 4,000 mitos 1995. York These final games should get their share of specta- Made '(2 FORD Falrlane "500" 4-door, FOM, Power Steering, 9,000 miles 2095. gets the signature. Chicago at New York tors as approximately 12,000 will be seated. Choice of '60 THUNDERBIRD, Full Power 2150, Fabrics and '61 MERCURY Colony Park. Mercomallc, Power SteerUfe ,2)50. Patterns In previous years the NJSIAA has played most of •60 CONTINENTAL Convertible >. 24(15. its championship games at Princeton and Rutgers Uni- Top Quality '61 THUNDERBIRD, Full Power, Very Nice 2705. versity gyms, as well as Camden Convention Hall. Last RENT A CAR or Vinyl •62 THUNDERBIRD Convertible - _ 3495. > year the site of the tournament final games was the Tops 1 ALL WOKK GUARANTEED Delaware Valley Garden in Haddonfield. A fine im- Sett Urn For Auto Carpeti, MOUNT-ENGLISH SALES COMPANY TRUCK from HERTZ Omv. Rear Window!, Trick provement, Jame$ G. Growney, executive secretary- Beat Repair* A Recovering treasurer of NJSIAA. -"• ' ' " • U^DRIVE . . , Coll Keith Brownleo's 90 MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK Basketball season is really something these PR 5-1515. CA 2-3299. SH 7-2121 Ace Auto Tops days. Tournaments start the season rolling and AND SEAT COVERS Ml BROAD ST, SHREWSBURY tournaments wind up the season. In between? RENT A LUGGAGB TRAILER Neit to LOB Cabin FORD DEALERl^lJSED CARS Plenty of basketball, sometimes five nights a week. 811 I-IS50 — OPEN DAILV «•« BED BANK REGISTER Fri_J4 MO Henry B&xom —,— Suburb&n Pharmacy 27 15 _Bil l Wrlfh.., t „.. —« Dick BoehiBoehimam r Volkluid Towln[ Strvln .27 IS Tom Iiaksen .... IdwarIdd d OlleOllt . O'Dell Plumbing * Heitlni .2<'4 n Tom D'Acostlno „... , , _42 Jerry Feldman Perhaps one of the greatest examples of suddei BimueUon const 2bert Clambrone 231, Fret Chuck Reynolds Aleiander 2i3. first ball in the tenth will produce a 279, providing al St. Ann's, Keansburg; St. Hank Robinson Team hlch three f«m»f — Rocel'* Bal Fontana ...... -...... _._... Club Metra. 2800. tiie rest except that one ball are strikes. Perhaps yoi Mary's, New Monmouth, and St. Robert Hyrteman Team hlth lama — Rojel's Clup RECEIVES GRID AWARD — Martin Boa, center, Long Branch High School gridder, Agnes, Atlantic Highlands, are in John Fleming ~ Uetra and Vlncent'a Beauty Salon and your partner may be the ones to roll those perfect Samuelson Spencer 932. rectivtt Frank C. Tomaini Memorial Trophy for sportsmanship from Long Branch a three-way tie for second place Jack McQueen Nick Mullansy Hlfti aerlea — Monte Oeronl «0; games at the same time. It has never been done. with 2-1 marks. Ron Moore hlto rune — llonle Oaronl 231. Councilman Julius E. Tomaini, left, at ceremonies last night at Atlantic Fire Engine Walter Von Hohlen The Booster division bowlers have great fun In last weekend's action, St. Rudy LlnOberc . .„._ Co. At right is A. R. "Army" Ippolito, who coached the Branched to a 7-2 record. Elmer Boetsch . in an ABC meet Each 40 team squad has its own !P Ann's dumped St. Mary's, 29-23; Frank Bngleman „ Boa, a senior, played halfback for the Green Wave. • . • - St. Agnes knocked off Holy Allca Mahler 3» 1B7 Recreation Dept prize list so that is is like bowling in a little ABC Howard Logan ~, _..47 1ST Cross of Rumson, 25-14; and St. Ray Woodrough 43 156 meet in itself. In addition, scores rolled tn the Dive, Mdnnes _ 38 156 Joseph's, Keyport, defeated Our Prliclla Mahler . ; 43 135 To Sponsor Lady of Perpetual Help, High- Harry Aleiander 45 15< booster division are also eligible for the top prizes. Shore NSIB&YC Slates Norman Samuelsen - 42 151 lands, 29-23. Jullts Oeciey 37 154 There are still openings for the Booster divisio: R. Malle 13 153 Boys' Programs teams. If your team averages 850 or under it is eligi' Conference Racing Weekend Standings Willie Pelllgrlnft S$ 153 W Raymond Richardson .- 36 RED BANK — The Red Bank Parks and Recreation Depart- We. You may, obtain entry blanks from Monmouth St. Catherine's k .....J 0 County Bowling Association secretary, Ed Bahr, Sr., Standings On Navesink R. St.. Ann's 2 1 ment will again sponsor two recreation center programs! for Atlantic Highlands, or by contacting the 1963 ABC RED BANK .- The North St. Mary'i 2 1 Mater Dei A DIVISION St. Agnes _ Z I boys in the fifth through eighth Shrewsbury Ice Boat A Yacht tournament headquarters, 184 Connecticut St., Buffalo, '• "-•••• w Holy Cross , 1 1 grades Saturdays beginning to- N. Y. Final entry date is Jan. 15. Hurry! Neptune (5-1) 3 Club will hold'iceboat racing of! St. Joseph's . I 1 Drops Pair morrow. Manasquaa (4-1) ..2 Marine Park tomorrow and OX.P.H .0 I One center will be held In the MiddJetown (S-l) 2 1963 should prove to be a banner year for bowl Sunday, weather permitting,; club St. Ann's s s-25New against year, signed yesterday to play Wingerter, commodore, and Red Bank Catholic. The frosh • high individual game with a 248. His other gam professionally with Dallas of NHL Standings Robert Cabeens, vice-com- Bobby Richardson of the Yan- will next take to the floor next the National Football League. wss,^ 274. This is a two-gamei match.4 In addition, WJL TPIs modore. ' kees Mtole 11 bases in 1982. He Thursday, hosting Matawan Re- a* uirfiMT ITMIT Jordan, ' All-America center- Chicago 18 10 I 45 was caught nine times. gional's yearlings. MB MNK T«l. SH 7-M1S there, is a trophy for the high man from each partici- line-backer for Alabama, was the pating team. Neil Chrisley of the Mets finisSeajfourth Toronto. „. .' ...18 13 5 41 No. I choice in NFL draft by Montreal ...15 9 1141 Syracuse has seven lettermen with a 388. In all there were 14 MetS!Jri*ffie* A di- he Texas team. Detroit 16 12 7 39 on its basketball team in the first vision. The Yanks were conspicuous by their ab- Signing Jordan was Gil Brandt, New York .._„ 12 19 8 SO season for the Orange under , scout for the Cowboys. Boston . 6 22 8 20 coach Fred Lewis. sence.? Jordan signed a contract fior "more than one year at an I THERE'SMOREWINTER The Red Bank Businessmen's league did not roll undisclosed price," a Cowboys during the holidays and thus has one week left to reach spokesman said. the half-way mark. As things stand at present, the As he sat down in a hotel loop is down from last year's performance, despite the room to sip the contract, the 6-foot, 2-inch, 207-pound Ala- DRIVING AHEAD! BUY fact that the 2,931 team threesome, by John Daniel's bamian looked up at Dallas Men's Shop, is the highest in a few years. This is the coach Tom Landry and said: only 2,900 set, with Love Lane Tuxedos holding second "I hope you're not making a mistake. I know I'm not." , place in this category with a 2,887. In fact, there are He later said he was very only three series above the 2,800 mark. The third by 'leased with the contract. "I've always looked forward-to SNOW TIRES Grilli Construction Co. with 2824. playing in the National Football The individual scores are all on the low side. League. I'm thankful to Dallas Gil Boyer, of Love Lane Tuxedos, sports the high for giving me the opportunity." Jordan, who was named line- Individual game of 257, ten pins higher than Butch man of the year after Alabama NOW & SAVE Mark's best effort for Marx Bros. Bud Bradshaw, completed a 9-1 season this fall, John Daniel's Men's Shop, has the high individual was chosen yesterday as co- COMPARE OUR PRICES aptain of the South team in the series of 649, while Boyer is next In line with 633. Senior Bowl game to be played The only individual who shows an improvemen lere tomorrow. Johnny Baker U. S. ROYAL WINTERIDE AAAA f Mississippi State is the other over iast year is Ghick Forbes who presently holds louth co-captain. the honor of rolling the low individual game — 108. This is much higher than the 94 that copped a prize 670x15 last season. Jim Cleary is' the average leader with 186, LA Rams Sign SNOW TIRES 7KTube-Type Pair one pin per game better than Mario "Speed" Tomaind, Bud Bradshaw rolls in at 184, as do John Burns and USC's Wilson BUY THE PAIR Howard Kull. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Full lack Ben Wilson, one of the SIZE BLACKWALL WH1TEWALL For most of the first half Airport Inn and Grilli tars of the University of South- TUBELESS PRICES PRICES Construction Co. have been fighting for that top spot irn California's Rose Bowl vic- 600x13 2 for 32.00 2 for 39.20 tory, signed a contract yester- 34.20 42.00 At the same time John Daniel's Men's Shop has been day to play With the Los An- 650x13 37.00 44.40 the high average team, the only one over the 880 geles Rams of the National Foot- 700x13 650x14 37.20 44.60 mark, yet it wasn't until the last two bumper weeks >all League. Assistant General Manager El- 700x14 37.90 46.40 that this team could move up higher than fifth. It is oy Hirsh would not divulge 750x14 39.80 48.70 now third, five games behind the leader. Airport took erms, but said the 228-pound 800x14 44.00 53.90 all three'from Grilli's last week and now sports a three Wilson hopes to combine a pro 850x14 48.20 59.00 grid career with continued study 900x14 53.60 65.80 game bulge. Monday night these two teams will face in dentistry. each other once again in a test of leaders. A-BOUT FACES—A round-a-bout way to alter the faces 600x15 36.60 43.80 Wilson gained . 57 yards and 650x15 37.90 46.50 icored one touchdown in the of two handsome biffers is recorded by the camera in A look at the Shore Firemen's league shows 670x15 39.80 48.70 Trojan's 42-37 victory over Wis- these before and about pictures of Marcel Pigou and , that the largest lead In any of the 10 divisions is consin New Year's Day and 710x15 44.00 53.90 six games. This lead is enjoyed by Eatontown 1 was a main cog in the team's Luis Folledo. Pigou is at the left in top picture and 760x15 59.00 in B division and by Community 1 in I division. undefeated season. right in the after-the-battle photo below. Folledo, who 820x15 53.40 65.80 The contract was reported un- is the Spanish middleweight champ, won the bout in Paris In C, Deal I and Oliver Byron 2 are tied for the fficially to be a two-season deal All prices plus Federal Excise Tax >r about $45,000. on points. .. , . lead with a 2>/2-game bulge over the third place team. In D we find a real close race with Lin- Bear Wheel Alignment croft 1, Lakewood's Engine 3 and Neptune Hose 2 WE all balanced on that top rung. Point Pleasant's BLUE WATER I Unemployment - Welfare - Payroll Barrett Brake Service GIVE PLAID Ocean I team is greasing that top rung, being only stamps one length back. MARINE FRANK PORTER'S There are ties in the individual category as well. 700 Ocean Avenue CHECKS CASHED In G Division Garry Chasey*apd Bab Barraud are the SEA BRIGHT only ones with 600 sets and they just reached it with' IMMEDIATELY out any extra pins. For. the top games in the entire Call 842-0081 • Open 7 Days | RED BANK TIRE CO. NOMINAL FEES league, Andrew Dale in'A and Alex Henry in D sport excellent selection (I mile south 269s. Andy Dale also has a 668 set, the same as Bob MONMOUTH SHREWSBURY AVE. ol Airport) SH 7-3404 Truex in B. USED BOATS CHECK CASHING SERVICE " Call for Appointment Iri the'team picturerBelford 2 of B division keeps • lnbotris end Ouibotrdi A from having all the top? with a 1,044 single effort. 40 EAST FRONT STREET - • BILL CHADWICK 1 Eagles 3 of A sports a 2,903, the only set in this class. SEE THE NEW (Next to N. J. Employment Office) Phil Daly 1 managed a 1,028 to head A here. The 28' PEARSON nearest any other division has come to a four-figure SH 7-9531 (Spanish Spoken) U.S. ROYAL.* Fiberglass Cruller team game is a 990 by Point Pleasant's Ocean 1 in D. T denntr badge, Md Jem« 4, 1963 RED BANK REGlSfER Awards Made "ASTROGUIDE" Health Problems in N. J, STATE Of ByCeean To 7 Cubs PXOQBAJBSEk TRENTON (AP)-Venereal dU- of the M added personnel special- Pununt to tha order of EDWARD For Surteky, J«iMMry 6 with one death. Tea years ago ' ' bott MMattsta*£ Memr j C. BROEGI, Surrojate ot tbi County ease and hepatitis continue to b»ly assigned by the U. S. Public there were 764 cases and « polio EATONTOWN - Award* were Jeffrey Wad, Robert Abbott, ft. of Monroontti, UiU day mail, on m» Important health problems in New Health Service. application of Ui« mdarslKned. KHsa- —Fftr You and deaths. , presented to seven cubs when Mark Vettsr!. Pawl Rice, Wtt beth I* Kraiu, Me EJututrU ol tin Jersey but polio cases have fallen Polio cases dropped to a total Ham Hutting. Ronald Cruse, MUU of the iatd Iflchasl B. Kraui, Your*.. • Offer your nfubr Diabetes deaths dropped from Pack 52 held a meeting and daceued, notice It hereby givsa to the to the lowest level In'state history. of 6 in 1992. the lowest figure 1,160 in lt*t to 1.270 la 1962. Methodist Ham Morris, Douglas credltori of said deceased to presen contribution »t church, even if Christmas party to vo the ie!d Sole Ekecutru their cialrni According to the year-end re- stace the state began keeping fig- Tuberculosis hit a new low of church recently pi and Bruce Van pover. > " under oath within elx months from thli it meant ccofloalzittg elsewhere. ures on the disease In 1913. One y date. port of the State Health Depart- 139 deaths lo 1982,(c«Dpared with William Greenwood and Jeff- Dated: December 20th, mt Orjinize t nei^iborliood gather- ment the number of syphilis cases of the six'cases was fatal. The 389 the yea__ r before. Harry E. Gillette, cubmaster, rey Wood entertained with a • EUZABHtfH L. KRAUS 41 South Woodland Prlv ing to g«t mote people interetied increased rapidly in 1962. year before there were 27 casts Kandii gave'this breakdown of presented the following awards: trumpet dnet. Lu«j» Gwttniw FUr Haven, N. }., accompanied the cuta in, carol Bolt Sxecutrlx in church activities, pWkulirly While the number of hepatitis the chief came* of (tea* in New Robert Grossmaa, and Samuel Veiira, McCue k O'Bern, cases declined since the epidemic Jersey In 1862: Msrkman/bear badges; DouglM singing. Santa, CUus, pUyfd by 60 Broad Street. those of youDf people, Forjet William R. Wymbs, distributed Red Bank, M. i., year of 1961, the Health Depart- Inn Bookkeeper Circulatory diseases . 3»,i 95 Atkinson, bear badge, gold ar- Attorneys your own problems by cowan- tUc. 21, 2i, Jin. i. 11 I2AI ment said legislation is needed to (heart disease »mi cancerU row; Ronald Cruse, lion badge, rifts. (rating on aiding those leu for- regulate commercial blood bank* 22*84 ; strokek s 5345,3477; ddiseaseSeuej'oteari s off ear- «** > «nd »«ver arrows; Rober«««»• t A Chrtotme, s tree burning cere- NOTICE tunate thin yourself. and prevent the passible sale of Is Indicted In aedSenU 2% Hayes, denner badge; Robert mony wifl| b? held MONMOLTH COUNTY p.m. at the borough SUKROOATE'S COURT blood contaminated by hepatitis. (motor vehicles 870, falls «89); Stalker, wolf badge, assistant Notice to Creditors to Present Claims Afabul Eslato Past • • • Women used eyebrow Future • - • -Belgium will prob- Narcotics addicts who sell their Embezzlement Influents, pneumonia, bronchitis ESTATE OP, ANNA J. FLBMINO tweezers and mascara long be- blood to commercial banks may 2,009; diabetes 1,270; cirrhosis of DECEASED. ably be the largeit foreign ex- FREEHOLD - The retiring GEORGE WEXLER, O.D. Pursuant to the order of SDWAR fore Cleopatra. In fact, (ome be a source of hepatitis Infection, the liver 1,070; suicide 544, 1 hibitor at Ac 1964 New York September session of the Mon- C. BROEQE, Surrogate of the Count beauty implements were nude announces tht opening of a stcond office of Monmouth. this day made, on th< World Fair. A picturesque Bel- State Health Commissioner Ros- mouth .County Grand Jury hand- application of the undersigned, Fete] more than 5,00a ytare ago. coe P. Handle said in the report, Paul W. Spider, Middletwn, gian city of many botuet, a 15th ed up an, Indictment here Wednes- STRATHMORE AT MATAWAN £. Fleming and Ann J. Rogers, two o Elizabethan women rubbed their which was released Wednesday. was charged with violation of the the Executors of the estate ot the said Century Gothic church, shop), day to Superior Court Judge J. Anna J. Flemlog, deceased, notice : eyebrows with lipe elderberries, Dr. Kandle said narcotic addicts Child labor act. for rhe hereby given to the credltori of sa! cork, or cloves burnt by candle streets and points of interest Edward Knight charging Philip deceased to present to the said I* frequently sell their blood to com- The prosecutor said Snider is PRACTICE OF OPTOMETRY •cutors their claims under oath withi flame. will be in tie exhibit Mingogna, bookkeeper at the six months from this date. mercial blood banks as a ready Molly Pitcher Hotel, now the charged with employing two boys at Dated: December »tn. 1W2 source of money to buy drugs. to go into the A ft P stores in PETER E, FLEH Molly Pitcher Inn, Red Bank, of FOUR IDLEWILD LANE 35 Kings Highway, The Day Under Your Sign "Addicts have a higher incidence embezzling )62,OOO from the firm. the Bayshore area and cash cou- Mlddletown. N. J. pons for trading, stamps April 8 (Corner Lloyd and Idlewlld) ANN 1. ROQEBS of hepatitis than the general pop- County Prosecutor Vincent P. SI Kings Highway, ARIES IBomWsrdtJI Jo April It] LIIMISept.JJteOet.H) ulation. They inject themselves to April 8. Mlddletown, N. J. tton't rdjr en a bunch about eonme. Don't trade Issues or Keuper said Mangogna. 44 of 24 MATAWAN, NEW JERSEY iftsfffsHii loeJc at rmt pcricrontc* with some .frequency and their .Executor*. tue iscts and nake * West St., West Long Branch, had Stella Homer, Elizabeth, was Alston Beekman. Jr., Esq. TAURUS (April JO to Msy 20) technique and the source and san- Matawan Phone: 566-5756 Office Hour* 10 Broad Street. SCORPIO (Ott.l»«e Her. }l) been charged with embezzling Indicted on a charge of issuing a JtM Bank, N«w luur. pmt seek odtamt too tar from itation of their needles leave much Attorney. borne. See *lst's cooking enrtrf. the money from, the Molly bank check with forged endorse- Parlin Phpnt 721-7050 By Appointment Dec. It, 21, 21, Ian. 4 (30.il 6EMlNIJMsyJHoJui>e2l) i C.»t. DM. 21) to be desired, thus resulting in ment. She is charged with' is- relatively frequent Infection with Pitcher Operating Co., between ere solcttr oa the balftllj wetk. Feb. 12, 1959, and May 22, 1962. suing two checks totaling $161 hepatitis," he said. to the First National Stores, Inc. NOTICE OV SETTLEMEnx CANCER (June31«« July Jl) The prosecutor said Mangogna or ACCOUNT Tils Is a good Ur Sooaue Third Ave., Long Branch, on "Unless the blood bank has rigid had worked for the firm 12 years. ESTATE OF HELEN HAL8IY ROSS. •ltd tHCy JI July 28. DECEASES. AQUARIUS (Jan. Jl to F.b. It) standards for the acceptance of He was charged with embezzle- Notice Is bereb> given tlut the afl- )ivlde duty and filestore tQuany, z Vou nay led JmupT early UiiJ, eut donors, addicts may.. .escape de- Robert L. Cherry, Springvrood oounts of the subscribers, Executors of ment in Red Bank Municipal I'LL NEVER BE fca« a good, time II you oriaaisc. the estate of said Deceased will bt coaduieas Impme. tection," he said. Ave., Asbury Park, was indicted VIR60 (Auo. n te Sept. Ml PISCB (Fsb. 201. March 10| Court last May. audited and stated by the Surrogate 01 There were 1,4611 hepatitis cases on a charge of possession of lot- the County of Monmouth and reported You can't forte ethers, so «Jen't try. A dynsmte perieei wbo eaters rour Hie Mr. Keuper said the complaint WITHOUT A SHIRT tor settlement to The Monmouth Coun- Tine will sfllre eTcrytolnir. Be patient. nsy effect chinjtl in joor future. in the state In 1962, compared tery slips In New Shrewsbury on ty Court. Probate Division, on Friday, was signed by Rigaud B. Paine, CKiS, Keld EpUrprisee, Inc. with 2,285 in the 1961 epidemic. Aug. 8. the Twenty-filth day of January A. V., hotel manager at that time. TVotc that I joined 1203, at 8:30 o'clock a-ra., at the Coun- But, the report added, only HI Fred A. Sanborn, Fifth Ave., ty Court House, Monument and Court In other indictments, Michael Streets, Freehold, Mew Jersey, at which cases were reported -rn 1960. Highlands, was indicted on a that exclusive club— time Application will be made for the Armino, South Amboy, was allowance of Commission* and Counaej charge of contributing to the'de- fees. Syphilis cases were estimated charged with embewlement. "Shirt Valet Plan" Tinton Falls Districtat 6,200 for 1962, compared with linquency of minors. The prose- Dated December tflh, A. D. 1962 The prosecutor said Armino is W1N0NA li. OUZE8R00K, 5,180 in 1961. cutor charged the alleged offense YOU CAN TOO! fit. aeorge's school, charged with embezzling $741.48 involving two 19-year-old1 girls Newport, Bhode Island. The rise in infectious primary- , JOHN K. KEALE, from the National Express Co. and two 17-year-old girls, oc- CALL PR 5:6000 40 Elm Lane, To Elect Full Board secondary syphilis cases was even Philadelphia, at their Raritan of curred In Middletown on June 16. Shrewsbury, N. J. NEW SHREWSBURV - All seats will be filled as follows sharper, with 1,200 reported in Executors. Township office between Oct. 16 Walter B. Whtfree, Willow St., ateiin Beggani and Keale, filne posts on the Tinton Falls this year: three three-year terms, 1962. It was 875 in 1961 and only EXCLUSIVE UNENS, INC and 29, 1961. Fort Monmouth, was indicted on Counsellors at Law, Schools Board of Education are three two-year terms, and three 92 in 1956. 921 Birgen Avenue. Joseph Schuler, Long Branch a charge of contributing to the Jersey City (6), N. J. to be filled la elections to be one-year terms. Dec. II, 21, 28, Ian. 4 «J.M Kandle said the state'sjenereal Ave> Ung Bran(:h> delinquency of itnlnors. The pros- held Feb. 13. One ot the three-year terms is disiasTcase-finding staff was in- witi h petit llarceny and grand ecutor said the alleged offense The board now serving was ap- reserved for a Shrewsbury Town- NOTICE creased from 16 to 30, with 12 involves two girls, aged 14 and pointed by Earl Garrison, county ship member. larceny. MONMOUTH COUMV 16, and occurred in Middletown superintendent of schools, when Mr. Keuper said the Schuler Is where else can SURROGATE'S COURT The deadline for filing nomi- Oct. 8 Notice to Creditors to Present this district became » regional charged with taking $70 from nating petitions for board mem- Clyde P. Norton, an inmate you get such value! Claims Against Estate district last July in line with the Adult Jewish William Wheeler, 92 Fourth Ave., 0F UARGAJlET R bership is today at 4 p.m. Pe- at Rahway State Prison, was in- C ' •oters' decision in a referendum Punuant to the order of EDWARD titions may be obtained from Lou- and $365 from Samuel Wheeler, dicted on a chargf ol escape. of March 8. C. BROEOE, Surrogate ol the Coun- Is A. Steinmuller, secretary to Studies Set «5 Llppincott Ave., both Long Norton is charged with escaping ty of Monmouth, this day made, or the Board of Education at his the application ol the undersigned. This district is now one of the LONG BRANCH - Congrega- Branch, in New Shrtwsbury oa from a work detail at Marlboro Clark P. Kemp, Jr.. Surviving Exefiu* few elementary school regional office in Tinton Falls School; and VENETIAN tor of the estate of the said Margaret tion Brothers of Israel has an- Aug. 7. State Hospital Aug. 9. R. Kemp, deceased, notice Is hereby districts in the state. By special should be filed with him after given to the creditors of said deceaied they are filled in. nounced that the third semester lo present to the said Surviving Ex- permission of state education au- of its Institute of Adult Jewish •oufor their claims under oath within thorities, however, its elections Hi months from this date. Present Board Studies will begin Monday eve- BUNDS Dated: December 6th, 1902, will be held Feb. 1J, the day set No petitions have been filed to ning. CLARK P. KEMP, JR. side for local districts, rather 20 Navestnk Avenue, date. The present board is com- Courses offered and the instruc- Rumson,' new Jersey than Feb. 9, the election d4y for A DOLLAR « Ivlnr Ei posed of Dr. Richard W. Swen- tors are: "Fundamental Of He- other regional districts. This Daniel S. Welgandid,. SsaESQ. lon, president; Dr. D. Robert brew," Rabbi Shimon Herman, f J7 Broad St.. to avoid confusion for voters here SAVED Ked Bank, New Jeney Teeters, Clarence F. Moore, Rus- congregation, youth director, Attorney who will go to the polls Feb. 5 to Dec. U. 21. 29. Jan. < sell G. Canfield, Bernard W. "Hebrew as a Language," Mrs. IS A DOLLAR A elect three members of the Mon- 2 ^ »5 Schwartz, Lawrence Thompson, Rafael G. Grossman of the Lago- mouth Regional High School NOTICE Stuart Hand, Anson V. Peck- wite Institute faculty; and "The EARNING KOTICB TO PERSONS IN WUTAttY Board of Education, and to pass • ALL SIZES TO 36" WIDE SERVICE OB PATIENTS IN VET- ham, and Miriam I. Harris. Talmud," Rabbi Rafael G. Cross- ERANS1 HOSPITAL AND TO- on the regional board's budget. TUEIB RELATIVES AND FBIEND8 Clarence Moore, a veteran man. Classes will meet Mondays UPfOH"LON» II you are In thi military service New Procedure «r are a patient in a veMrana' hos- board member, is the only one from 7 to 8 p.m. pital and desire to vote, or If you are A new election procedure will of (he nine residing in Shrews- a relative or friend ol a person who There will be a lecture series la in the military service or Is a pa- : followed this year as a resuti bury Township. He has announced in conjunction with the course;, 4*1 tient lo a veterans' hospital who, you of regiontlMtoji. The jstntlJti that he will not seek re-election • BUDGEI TERMS • WEE DEUVEHY believe, will desire to vote In tht offerings. Rabbi Grossman arid DaUy * Saturday * A.M.4* P.M. Annual School Election lo be held on memtter' of the district, Shrews a the, board this year. guest speakers will discuss the; February 13, 1*B, kindly writeTo to! bury .Towitthlj/, will vote for one . W«d. and Frl.'til I PJrt. undersigned at once making applica- Eight of the members were following subjects: "The Concept "Berwetn Yaake'i ft RnmUlas" tion for a military service ballot to member. The other municipality of God," "The Sabbath," "What be voted In laid election to bi for- in the district, New Shrewsbury, elected to the local district board, warded to you, |[ you are to the mili- s Jewish Music," "The Dietary tary service or are a patient In a will elect the other eight mem- and then appointed to succeed veteran!" Hospital, slating your name, bers. themselves when regionallzatlon Laws,""The Philosophy Of Hasid- age, serial number, home address an< •me. ism," "Jewish literature," the addresi at wnlch you are stationed In future years, only three or can be found, or If you desire trie The) only new member is Law- "Zionism," and "Psychiatry and military service ballot for a relative board seats will be at stake In 32 Brood St. SHodyiMe 1J5W or friend then make an application rence Thompson, who was named Judaism." MaJa Ottei - M fc«*raj>, bog Braaek under oath lor a military service bal- any one year. To achieve this, itcaardo-MMdlettm - Oakfcu* lot to be forwarded to Urn, stating In to the board to till the vacancy There is no tuition fee. Addi- your application that he li over the -LEGAL NOTICE left by the resignation of Emer- ftsnmt - HotoW ate ol 31 years and staling Mi name, tional information is available at son PJatto. serial number, home addrela and th ' NOTICE the synagogue office. adaren at which he Is nationsd MONHOUTH COUNTY can be found. HJlmOOATE'S COCBT Forms of application oan be oMalnei notice to Creditors t» Pruent from the undersigned. Claims AgkUit Sitatte Dated: January 4, 1W3 ESTATE of KATHUXN P. DIN3- PETER fa KOBAN, lecretai KB, DECEASED. Board of Education Pursuant to the order .of EDWARD i Park Sehool C. Br.OEOE, Surrogate ot the County eside Ave., of Monmouth, this day made, on the Beach. N. J. application of the undersigned, Francli The Monmouth County National Bank Jan. « (10.11 J. Cuffe, Sole Executor of the estste of Ihe said Kathleen P. Dlngei, de ceased, notice la hereby given to thi NOTICE creditors of said deceased to* prasint JfOMllOUTU CODNTT to the eald Sols Executor their claim* DIRECTORS SURROGATES COURT under oath within ill months from Notice to Creditor, te Present this date. Condensed Statement of Condition Claims Against Estate Dated: December 26th, 1962 C. RICHARD APPLEGATE ESTATE OP PAUL CAMOU. WIN- FRANCIS J. CUFFE OEBT. DECEASED. 93 Linden Avenue Pursuant to the order 01 EDWARD Kenmore, New 7ork. Pres., Wemrock Orchards, Inc. C. BROEQE, Surrogate of the County Sole Eiecutor as of of Monmouth, this day made, on- thtMessrs. Klitkay 4 Hlmelman application of the undersigned, Mary 3 East Front Street, F. P. ARMSTRONG Noel Wlngert, Bole Executrix of the Red Bank, New Jertey eatate ol the laid' Paul Carroll Win- Attorneys Chairman of the Board gert, deceased, notice Is hereby giv- Dec. a. Jan. <. U. it C2I.3: en to the creditors of said deceased to December 31, 1962 present to the said Sola Executrix FRANK K. ARNOLD their claims under oath within six MOSttOtlTH COUNTV months Irom this date. SVHBOOJtrE'S COURT Dated: December 7th, 1X2 Notice To Creditors To rmtst Building Contractor MARY NOEL WINQBRT, Claims Anlnst K»1»lm 18 Bayslde Drive, ESTATE OF RICHARD PATRICK Atlantic. Highlands, N. J. MURRAY, DECEASED ALSTON BEEKMAN, JR. LIABILITIES Sole Executrix Pursuant to Uie orfler of XDVVARB ASSETS Henry Oolclhor. Esq., BUOEOB, Surrogate of the County Attorney 1060 Broad Street, of Monmouth, thli day made, on the Newark. N. J., application of the underugned, Rita J, Attorney. Murray, Administratrix ot the estatf GEORGE L. BIELITZ Cash and Due from Banks $ 10,633,321.12 Capital •...... $ 2,269,000.00 Dec. 14. 31. 58. Jan. 4 I27.N of the sold Richard Patrick Murray [ecenged, notice Is hereby given to tht iredltcrs of laid deceaied to preien President o the salil Adminlltratrll their dalmi U. S. Government Securities 20,746,875.88- Surplus 2,900,000.00 MONHOUTH COUNT* inder oath within ilx months from thi SURROGATE'S COURT late. WEEBER W. BROOK ' Notice To Credllon Te Preienl Dated: December 17th, 1982 Undivided Profits 1,434,708.52 Claims Against Estate RITA J. MURRAY, Real Estate and Insurance Other Bonds and Securities 11,643,727.61 •STATE OF RONALD W. ALLEN, 110 Bayslde Drive, DECEASED Atlantic Highlands. N. J Pursuant to Ins order ot EDWARD Administratrix C. M. CUBBAGE Federal Reserve Bank Stock 155,100.00 C, BROEaE. Surrogate of the County >ms. Roberts, ptllibury A Carton. Total Capital Funds $ 6,603,708.52 ol Monmouth, this day made, on the 95 First Avenue, • Pres., J. Howard Smith, Inc. application of the undersigned War Atlantic Highlands, N. J., Loans and Discounts 61,006,847.92 ren s. Hance, one of the Acting Execu- Attomeyi. ^Reserve 2,175,000.00 tora of the estate of the said Ronald cc. 21. !8. Jan. 4, 11 S2I.6 J. H. HENDRICKSON W. Allen, deceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of said deceaied NOTICE Banking Houses 1,049,202.48 to present to the eald Acting Executo M0NM0UT1I CODNTV Vice President Unearned Income and tlielr claims under oith within ilx SURROGATE'S COURT montna from this dste. .Vollr* to CrrdftnM 10 Present Dated: December IStli, 1982 Claim, Atalnit Eatata M\ HAROLD KELLY, Other Real Estate 5,992.21 ESTATE OF HENBY SCHUEPF, Other Liabilities 1,314,624.58 WARREN S. DANCE, •ECEASED. Treas., The Red Bank Register 6 Cooney Terrace, Pursuant to the order of KDWARD Fair Haven, N. J. *.. BROEOE, Surrogate of the County Banking Equipment :. 283,156.05 Deposits 96,161,132.65 Acting Executor it Monmouth, this ilny made, on the Messrs. Smith, James * Malhlaj .ppllcntlon ot the undersigned, Anna WILLIAM A. KEILMANN 26 Journal Square, Ichucpf. Sole Executrix of tho ealato Jersey city, N, J., f the said Henry Schuepf, deceased, Vice Chairman of the Board Accrued Income and TOTAL $106,254,465.75 Attorneys lollce Is hereby given to the creditors Dec. 21, 28, Jan. I, 11 J26.BB if said deceased to present to the Other Assets 730,242.48 mill Sole Executrix their clftf/ns un- WILLIAM B. LYMAN BsT.tTE OF LESTER B. CHURCIfllX, ler oath within six months from this DECEASED •This reserve is entirely available tor the absorption of any loan • NUl'llT. or sfeltM;MKNT lale. ... . Honorary Chairman of the Board losses that may develop In the future and has been act aside out OF ACCOUNT Dated: December 21st, 1912 TOTAL $106,254,465.75 Notice Is hereby given that the ac ANNA SCHUEPF of accumulated profits by the Board of Directors under a formula oounts of the subscribers, Surviving 107 Laurtl Drive, JOHN M. PILLSBURY approved by the United States Treasury Department and Internal Trustee ant) Executors of the Estate Hlghhntfl, N, J., of a deceased Trustee oftthe estate of Bole Executrix Attorney Revenue Service. salt] Dtceaied win be audited and Meisrs, WUe. Wise. Wlchminn stated by the Surrogate of the County A Berlch* of ftonmouth ana reported Tor settle- Sl Broscl Strut, CLIFFORD A. SPOERL ment to The Monmouth County Court, Red Bank, N. J.. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Probats Division, on Friday, the Attorneys, Retired ElgMn day ot February A.D., 1933, at3ec. t». Jan. (, 11. IS $29. i »:m o'clock ui, at the County Court House, Monument and Court Streets, MONMOUTH COUNTY Freehold, New Jersey, at which time HtltRlXIATK'h CdlillT W. RAYMOND VAN HORN Application will be made for the allow- Notice To Creditors T» Present 9 OFFICES ance of Commissions and Counst' Claims Against Estate . Real Estate and Insurance fees. ESTATE OF JESSIE A. dOFF. DB Dated December 27th A.D. 1M2. CEASED irtVINO TRUST COMPANY Pursuant 13 the order of EDWARD I. B. VAN MATER Red Bank — 53 Broad Street — SHadyside 1-100 (By: w. L. Carlisle), BROKGK. surrogate of the County Assistant Vice President. Monmouth, thli day made, on the Senior Vice President and I Wall Striet. .ppllcatlon of the untltrslrned, lone New York City, N.Y. 'an Buiklrk and Chtdwlct Ilendrlck Chairman of the Executive Com. Little Silver SURVIVINO TRUSTEE, and Eiecuton ol thi eilate of the tall Atlantic Highlands Freehold Hoteell Uiter B. Churchill, Jr., ile A. Golf, iiecesied. notice li PAUL G. WEHLE — .:-- ^tlMM'BtieSt,.,;tlMMBSt , : [yen tu.tiie creditors of said 91 First Avenue 72 West Main St. Rt. 9 and Georgia Church St. and Santa Monica, California. to"nre«jrit loft*' alJ'KnecTI' and UNITED CAIl'ORNIA jrs 'their olalmi under oath within Vice Chairman of the" '' ~ " ' ** Tmern Rdr FO 4*14141 Prospect"Ave, SH4J4Q0. BANK fx months frotn this dste. Executive Committee 291-1000 iBy; U. • B. Van Poren, Jsted: Dectmhtr 17th; 1062 Asst. Trust Officer). 1ONE VAN nilSKIKK, COO So. Spring Street, 3(5 Hrn«tt St., Los Angelel, (54), Red Bntik. NRW Jersey HONORARY DIRECTOR Freehold, Central Office s Key port Mew Shrewsbury California. CIIADWICK HKNDKIC1C8ON, Englishtown Executors of the Estate tl 26 Brown Place Sophia K. Churchill, Red Bank. New Jersey 31 Main Street 19 West Main St. Broad and Ffont St. 33 Newman Springs Rd. a deceased Trustee. Kxecutors HOWARD W. ROBERTS IIUHI, Durand, Twombly * Imbrlica, laton Bsekrnan, Jr., Mlq. SHadyside'7-0620 Ownsellors at Law, 10 Broad Street, Attorney Gibson 6-6321 HOpkim 2-3100 COlfax 44300 T44 Broad Street, Red Bank, Niw Jeraiy Newark Attorney Dec SiiC'li. Mt.18 Dec U. M, Jan. i. 11 root HAH* wmmowt Salvador Dali —A Real Mystery •OY1E ly HAL IOYU NEW YORK (AP) - You canare in a new renaissance of reli- get an argument over whether gion—aad a reunification of r«ll- Salvador Dali, the ecentric art- item,".. - • ist, is an obsessed genius or mere- Why does Dili indulge m stunts ly a talented poseur. such as delivering a lecture in a Dali himself says the question diving suit? had been settled to his own satis- "I am very exhibitionlstlc," he (action. admitted. "But it 'ave help me "A French doctor spend seven tremendously. Everybody think of years studying whether I am cra-me day and night—an' without in- zy or not," he remarked. "He findterruption." I 'ave one of the best organized Then he explained that his brains that exist in the world." weird actions mt* the result ot The 58-year-old Spanish-born a complex arising from the death painter, accompanied by his wife, at the age of 7 of « brilliant old- Gala, ii here for the publication er brother, also named Salvador. ATLANTA RACIAL BARRICADE —A wooden barricade'separate* while and Negro of a book of his art and to make "It produce in me a tremen< his second lecture tour in a dec-dous anguish to prove that I am lections of Peyton and Harlan Roads in Atlanta's West End section. The road clos- ade. not my dead brother tort myself" SNOW AND MORI SNOW IN ENGLAND— Snow plow with rof«ry blade to chop ing by the Atlanta Board of Aldermen was called an emergency move to stabilize the "Thejast time 1 speak no Eng- racial situation. The racial buffer, called Atlanta's "Berlin Wall" by some Negroes, lish—an' it was a tremendous suc- up and looien the white stuff claari road at Westerham Hill in Kent, England. A new faced a legal test in municipal court. IAP Wirepboto) cess," he said. blizzard hit louthsrn England Jan. 3, deepening the worst tnow in Britain'i 100 years "Now that my speech is a lit- i Kills of recorded weather history. Continuous snowfalls wer« forecast for th« ratf of th« tle too much good—maybe not so much a success. People like mys- day. IAP Wirephoto by radio from Lontson) Select Grossi Open Way For No Heckling, tery." ',000 Rumor The mystery of life always has GREEN BAY. Wis. (AP) - GINGER By Gettermann ascinated Dali, who, for all hisVlnce Lombard), head coach aad Chamber Hosts For Judiciary Talks on NATOSays Mayor Barnum-like showmanship stunts, general manager of the Green is regarded by some critics as Bay Packers, denied Wednesday Group Post Striking Force In Matmvan probably the greatest religious published reports that the Pack- Middletown ers had set up a $250,000 trust > TldeNTQN ?,7-5. Both juniors stayed on injuries suffered in a fall from •id J. Gerchwantner,' Marlboro; vember to the Township Commit- France's present policy of devel- arranged by the French govern- tee. Mr. and Mrs. Irvh Beaver and the baseline with the ball cross- the New .York and Long Branch and Gerald A. Bauman, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hendricki, •*'. ing the net 39 and # times oping a national nuclear striking Railroad trestle over the Nave- ment. force. But he did not reject the Robertsville. ST., visited Mr. and Mrs. Rui- frequently on a single point. sink River, l, Former actress Lita Grey, 54, sell Casler of Plainfield on Sun- ' 'Pollard's net game, not toNassauo , proposal and the way A bridge carpenter for the rail' Slendemess topped by a bow-and her husband, banker Pat Piz- FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP Pack Invests day. strong, was foiled totally by Bel-therefore is open; officials said, zolongo, 33, were granted permis- for U.S.-French talks as well as road; Mr. Michael was working most flattering look a half-sizer FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — kin's accuracy from backcourt. On the bridge and fell approxi- an choose for spring. Choosesion in Superior Court in Los An- . ',' Pasarell found his game for theU.S.-Brltlsh talks and for consul- geles to change their name to Two of the incumbents on th6 e New Cubs The first birthday of Kevin tation within the NATO cotncll in mately 20 feet. Hospital authori- :risp easy-care cotton or one of school board have already filed Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- fjrst time in this tourney as he ties said he suffered a concus- lew blends. Longo. RED BANK — New members •defeated Roche 6-4, 7-5, 6-4. HeParis. their petitions for election to be bert Cook, Campbell Ave., w»s sion and internal injuries. Printed Pattern 9072: Half Sizes The former actress became were invested when Cub Scout celebrated at a family party Sat- broke Roche's service in theU.S. officials are uncertain comedian Charlie Chaplin's sec- held on Feb. 13.' He was taken to the hospital A% m. 18, 20VS. 22tf, 24J4. Board members filing are H.Pack 17 held its annual Christ- urday. Snth game of the first set, then about how die NATO proposal will by the Mlddletown First Aid ize 16J4 requires 3% yards 35- ond wife when she was 16. The mas party in the First Methodist Held at love to get the advant- work out because Of the vast couple, divorced in 1927, had twoAllen Madge and Joseph Callaert. Squad. inch fabric. Charles Blatchley has indicated Church recently. Mrs. John Bennett, Mah St. age. may of unsolved problems which ions, Charles Chaplin, Jr. and service must be dealt with before-there Fifty cents in' coins for that he will not seek re-election Invested were Freddie Acerra, ;ave a musicale in her home. The second.set- saw this pattern — add 10 cents for iydney Chiplin. Carter, broken seven times to contrast to are any concrete results. Phone Service because of the pressure of his po-William Butler, Paul Taking part were Joyce and Jan- ach pattern for first-class mall, iltion as chairman of the Plan- Michael Fernandez, William et Moore, Denise Gass, Donna the single break in the first. France, for example, does not NEW YORK (AP) - The Coast lend to Marian Martin, Red Bank Hone Traffic Is ling Board. Moore and Jack Singer. Yesenko, Gerry and Karen Fil- Roche tried defensive tactics have submarines capable of Guard served a reminder to mar- eglster, Pattern Dept., 232 West In the third set, despite the fact launching nuclear missiles nor Heavy at Airport Terrance L. Weber, Koraig La., The party was conducted by liger, Debbie Hornlg, Ann and iners that it provides a telephone 8th St., New York 11, N. Y. George Dates, chairman of theLois Mahoney, Nancy Mautner, his game is built on attack. But does France have, nuclear war- reporting service on hazardous *rint plainly same, address with VERO BEACH, Fla, (AP) —as picked up a petition but has the change didn't work as heads which could be fitted to Airport Manager Floyd Boyer not as yet filed. pack committee. The cubs Kathryn Hogan, Louise Jackson ice conditions. one, size and style number. trimmed a tree with ornaments and Colleen and John Fleming. Pasarell continued pressing. The Polaris. FREE OFFER! Coupon In says traffic is too heavy at the Deadline for filing for the lo- Aussie got a two-game lead, but The service covers conditions cal school election Is today at they had fashioned at den meet- on New York Harbor, the Hudson pring Pattern Catalog for oneVero Beach Airport—horse traf- then lost service twice. He pulled fic that is.' p.m. ings. Santa, played by E. D.A holiday party was recently River, Long Island Sound, Great pattern free—any one you choose Brant, distributed gifts. Refresh- held for Brownie troop 3S& in ahead once more at 4-3, then 1 fom 300 design ideas. Send 50c He said yesterday the airport Pasarell ran out the set and South Bay, Raritan Bay and FREEHOLD ments were served. the home of Mrs. Arthur Czugh, TV'Telethon the Delaware River. for Catalog. area has no fence around it and match behind his big service. orsemen are using the runways FREEHOLD - The three ta- Plans for a trip to the Bayonne Walada Ave. Assisting her tvera • The United States defaulted the for riding strips. Boyer said he cumbents on the Board of Educa- Naval Yard and for a Blue and Mrs. Donald Merker, Mrs. AN doubles as Pasarell had to catch To Aid Area EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? By Blot. Intend* to stop the horseplay, but tion here are being opposed by Gold Dinner in February were thur Finn and Mrs. Margaret a! night plane. didn't say how. Jiree newcomers in the school announced. Belisle. Center Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Montag LONG BRANCH — The United 1 of Union were, recent visitors of Guglielmi, Hill Cerebral Palsy Treatment Center Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wenzel. here will benefit from the 12th Change of Pace for Nixon Annual United Cerebral Palsy Mr. and Mrs. Louis Drake spent Top Grid Golf ers Greater New York Telethon BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) Democratic Gov. Edmund G. hamas and Key West, Fla. He's several days last week with Mr. - HOLLYWOOD, Fla.(AP) - which will be seen this week- ~; Richard !& 'Nixon, looking Brown. At a firewell news con-been at home sfcice, except for aand Mrs. Edward de Lima and of the Newnd. ference, he bitterly criticized the thre«-diy visit to New York—de- sons of Chappaqua, N. Y, The telethon, "Celebrity Pa- tanned and fit, is living at a re-press and said he was quitting scribed by friends as a non- York Giants' and of laxed pace these days—playing the Philadelphia. Eagles led 42ade For Cerebral Palsy," will politics. political trip to renew old Mr. and Mrs. John Finan en- other National Football League be seen over WOR-TV (channel golf and spending more time with But associates say Nixon since acquaintances.' tertained Thomas and Jack Ly- payers yesterday at the end ) from 10:30 p.m. tomorrow lis family—as he ponders his has been getting thousands of let- "In California," a Nixon source ons of Jersey City last week. '•the qualifying rounds in the 36through 5:30 p.m. Sunday. (Jan. uture. ters, from throughout the nation said, "he's regarded as the guy hole pro-football golf tournament. 5-6) Steve Lawrence and Eydic encouraging him to speak out on who got beat for the governor- Mr. tnd Mrs. Arthur Czugh and Gorme will host the show. Dennis But his future, apparently, is GugMelmi and Hill both stroked public issues. ship. But he stopped traffic in family spent part of last week ames will be master of cere< lust as much a question mark to An aide gave this description New York." with Mr. and Mrs, William San- 76s on the 6,456 par 70 Holly- monies.. wood Beach course where the the former vice president as It is of" Nixon's current" slate "oi'mind:" Will he consider a job with a ford of Kenilworth. medal tournament will be staged The Treatment Center here to everyone else. "He's not moping around the large corporation? "I don't think today and. tomorrow. serves cerebral palsy children . Robert Fhch, one of, Nixon's house, second-guessing himself or he's really interested in that," the The seventh wedding anniver- Gugiieimi missed his chance and adults in Monmovth .and inner circle, said the man who blaming anyone. He's not mad at source added, "but you can never sary of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley fdr • a solo lead by 'carding a Ocean Counties. It provides di- nearly became president in I960anybody. turn- your back on really Wg Drake, Willow St., was celebrat- ignostic services and therapy, Is mulling this basic decision: "Financially speakbg. losing money." ed New Year's Day with Mr. and gVe p and;: coMicTiTa" ntirSSTy ,school? hole. With 38-38, the Giants' "Shall I speak out on public the governorship was the best However, Herbert G. Klein, for- Mrs. William Farwell and fam- pecial school classroom,, and a ffairs? Or should I stay corn- thing that happened to Dick. Now mer Nixon news secretary and ily, Mr. and Mrs., Vincent Ze- .quarterback had four bogeys. poung adult group. Hill shot 39-37. < iletely out of the public arena?" he's free to consider a lot of lu-once again editor of the San Di- malkowskl and Mr. and Mrs. Donations and pledges can be crative offers." Louis Drake. Four strokes behind were Yale The answer isn't expected for ego Union, said he thinks Nixon Lary of;.the Detroit Lions, 40-sent tq^Cerebral Palsy, Box 25, months. Nixon amassed a sizable finan- will return to the Los Angelas law 40 and'Eddie LeBaron of the 465 Dewey St., Long Branch. Nixon has been in seclusion cial nest-egg In recent yean, firm that he served M a consult- It adds up) More and more Dallas Cowboy^ 41-39. since Nov. 7, when his hopes for chiefly from writing projects, ant before he ran for governor. people use The Register ads each Dick LeBeau 6f the Detroit Friday,. January/ 4, 19(>3—19 a political comeback were shat- After the election, Nixon vaca- However, Klein added, nothing issue because results come ftatr Lions was Jifth with 42-39-81. tered h a losing bid to unseat tioned for three weeks In the Ba- has been decided yet. er.—Advertisement. n IOATSAHDACCISJORIB , Jwuiry 4, 1963 RED BA!VK BECJSTER 1 M8T AND FMMD tOSTAKP FOUND TRAVEL • TRANSPORTATION arm k TRUCKS AUT06 k TXUCK8 pttaae WJUfTEU — Trani»«naU«i> w wm~rt»t>v* AVKM ru««r relloaaf gent, IKL, la lit** intttt in It L1J* Bad'saSt1^- <*^r'f" Two m«n. bclMflnn. aM fa* hold llama. «H T-ifti exftlUna. ItaattoMmuw. If II T«at,«-. «* ion turn FOUND LOST—Small miniature malt poodle, XXMT — Brown haul* doc, part col* nHa D.n. •,«.• ^>w &» •liver, vicinity NartalnV River RH.. LIAVINO FOR bOI ANOKJII, Von- BlvaraHa H»la*U. Reward. »H 1-O4M. da)r. January 7. WaM two or thret 1M4 «.Y»OCTH - (MUU of "ttMna." Rtwird. TIT-MIS. «*WlmenUl Ttlut. flH 1-0392. »uwn(tra to ihara drtvlni and «•tloo car. nandard, door, FOUND — email brawn and white canaea Call antr lour, W l-3»i. dot. Falrviav ana. Call IH 143M,after < p.m . " AUTOS A. TRUCKS TRUCKS AUTOS * TUJCKS 7-t p.m. condition.-n.OM Call IR UH» b* AUTOMQUVE, tween « and 1 p.m. PUBLIC NOTICE l»»7 FORD - Country *nil«. ««on. AUTOS fc TRUCKS 1525 Kami Broa. Ponltae. Bad Back. 19H VOLSSWAOKH — OrtKlnal »«*»• Ara you hav:nr trouble Kith your drink XABt "D" JtAltCOrfl — KM* JMM- lag? Write; AIiCOHOUCS ANONY b( Icaboal, j»tj» Btrjr-iiMt fwl- MOUS. P.O. Soi a • KM 8aUt N.J. ISM COUNTRI MlimC 1TATION ISM FORD Falrlana M0. power ataar- law ma roof. XnuUant over all SOUTHERN FORD AGENCY LIQUIDATED WAGON - Fully cqulpprt [n out-,nj, delun Intincr. eiceuant cotaitlon, am. Baal alter . AUTOS AND 1WCKS new tlrea. Radio luatrr tack-up llcliti. BlT»r. IM., Fair Haven. Btilpy red. »H T-IOM after a p.m1M. S THUKDERBIRD hardtop. Vg> lUSINtSS NOTICES Ra«aai Broa. PonUac, Rat Bank. Bl Im 1HT FORD - Badan. Radio, heattr, 6UO- I • • " RUaaa- Brw Porrtlae. B«l Un. Rasaai Bro« Ponlfac, Red Bank. •fx. BCRBBNCRBBNB te»al"a d and .HIS LOSS YOUR GAIN »H 1-I1IO. DOPOV — Blxyllnder, atlck. 1M BriibtAerBriibtAe a « waion, mow URI plui tour good tiret, Hlhl Store. 8HB T-2H2.. ton DODGE - Wacon. Automatic, (ogd comitlon. »& llrm. Iff 1« •enier Ro«dattr. »),M0. call SB 1-4M9 altar « prt. radio and heater, |52S tXasaaa Bro«. 'MPEWM. CROWN - MOT Two dooi and attlci. AHO BRAND NEW 1962 FORDS fUtt, Keti Bank. SH l-5lB0: harduip. FuU power, leathai tr-|m aporta 1657 obCOE Hardtop eonvartlKt. Ex Raulonablt. T87-F8S IMS THUNDERBIRD conrertlble, |11M modi). pn« owner wit* a one year celleot. coDdlUoa. »ej».1i™i; fully eQUl»; -1SM. •"juiai Broi. Pontlac, Red Bank. SH I-O W watrasty. Call HM13S. altar p«l, aacrttliu, MM. SH I-niS. Call HOKB mraOVUMBMTS - Addltlona p.m. Full jpric* WSO. ' b«tw«»n s-s p.m. alttratloni and repajri B.A. WIL- UaKnn, JR.. «O 2-2416. ' • NOT Executive Cars NOT Factory Cars un. HtLUIAN — CmvtrUfcll. AUTOS * TRUCKS Announdnf Uu openiuf of RBJ^ARD'S AUTOS AND TRUCKS AIXOAKS RID1BO ACADMJY Ol a NO MONEY DOWN—UP TO 4 YEARS TO PAY* railed acale. Rldlnta Saturday and IW PONTUO «t»r Ch»J WBWrtlWt. 10 HANGOVER BiMllent. IB lH«.or pralent tfma to the bonflnea of ths SELLING FAR BELOW FACTORY COST BUY WITH CONFIDENCE ' 8H 1-W* arm witft "• paddoclu and quarter 1MB nATBUN — »»0 down, tileonr mm track. Rldlnt leaaona by appoint; SEE OUR TOP VALUE USED CARS USED CARS SO numUilT raymanta. IUd and white ment only. Swlmmlnf River Rd., Tin- •MDl-ertiblii. 35 mllea to fallen. Radio, on Valla, N.J., 8H*7-»581. PO. Box lealer. BH 7-40M, 141, Llncroft. • 62 PONTIABi.ft.rt si&tio'C n Wtgon$239. 5 62-dr1 FALCO, Setfa/i. NImmaculat e $149Whit*5 52-tJr9 ,MERCUR Hardtop YBeautifu $119l Arcti5c DOUENICO PIUMERANO - Carpen- White. Radh and heater, auto- Full Power. plus radio and heater. RUSSELL MOBILE HOMES ur. contractor. AU Mndi ot carpfnter matic, power iteerinr. ,rk, alltratloni. BH t-CTM. ' 62 CHEVROLET :....,$?395 *l TRIUMPH $ 995 FIRST COME Hertld Hardtop. I'inlahed In Aztec 59 FORD $1395 OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC CO. IIOBIIJC HOMES Irapila, 4-dr. hardtop, V-8, Blue. Very clean. Convertible MtiirTjijt Black, nadla full power and heater, automatic, power U11I 10% down. EMPLOYMENT 61 FORD .: .$1895 FIRST SERVED 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. 741-0910 RED BANK Ntv T-yaar financial HELP WANTED-FEMALE 62 CHEVROLET $2395 9-pasBMijer Country Sedan. Beauti- 59 CHEVROLET ,$1295 ROBBmSVU-LB Xmpalft 2-dr. hardtop, V-9, ful Blue with Radio nnd Hester, Station Wagon. Buuliftil 2-ren« TRAILER BAUDS. INC. MOTMR'B HILPIR — U« In. Maal full power automatic, power iteerinj. Routa U0 RobbliuvUla, N. Ita ehlldraii, p«ti, reipomlbli, will- Yellow and Green RUdif) and htat< Refarencea. 812-1683. 62 FORD $2595 60 FORD ....$1595 er, tutoiia.t'c. poorer tteerlig. JU MSM Giltxle Convertible. Factory, car. Convertible. Sparkling Jet Black. 59 VOLKSWAGEN $995 9BS UBITRTT TRAIUJR — *5xl, wa OPERATORS Black. Radio and heater, automatic, Hadio and heater. V-8, automatic, 2-Dr. Radio ft Heater. 1962 CHEVROLET 1961 .CADILLAC M»all carpatlDf, 10x» awning. CO power •leering. power steering. filnlla needl*. walat aaotlofli. SS-hsur Like new. < vISTaho^ KATONTOWN PRXBB CO.. 58 FORD .,. $895 Impala convertible. Coupe. Antique white Lewia St.. U 2-35«. 62 T-BIRD $3295 (Sftlaxle V-8 Town Victoria. Bright WAriTED-AUTOMOnVE Convertible Full Power. Country Squire Station Watoa, ' Turquoise with white with black and white ^VON awjj rrauu-mia or pan Tan. Radio ind heater, V-8, automatic. V-8, Full Power. ilma. Snanl i«rntor|n nn tot top. Full power for your upholstery. 17,000 mi. woman Interfiled In bavlni a «otrf 60 58 FORD .„*;...:;;.:..,$, 795 TOM'S, FORD INC. ataady tncona fxrarianea unnieaa- 2-dr. Station Wajon. Finished In 4-dr. Ranch Wagon- Blue.' R&dto driving pleasure. Fully power equipped. aary. SH I « ADIE8 — Heed three Immediately. 60 FALCON $1195 58 FORD < I.S895 lead? full or part time work.. Free 2-dr Sedan. Sparkling Jet Black. 8- passenger Country Sedan.' Beauti- AUTOS ft TRUCKS _, s * H green itamn Tim aavlnga FAST Radio and heiter. ful Green * White 2*ton» flnlita. wnda. Phont 7S7-5512 between 0:00 and . Radio and heater, automatic. I960 CADILLAC 11:00 and 4:00 and «;90.' ' • • . FAST 60 FORD $1395 1961 OLOSMOBILE Galixlt, 2-dr. Sedan, Finished In i -SPECIAL KXPBIUENCID WAITRESSES - Ap- Tripoli' Blue. Radio and heater, USED CAR Dynamic 88 Holiday Convertible. Dark ply In person, Shore Point Inn, Hlgi- automiilc, 1961 31 and Holmdel Bd., Hatlet. FAST 42 T-BIRD ...$3295 two-door sedan. White green with white top. - OPERATING ROOM. 'Convertible. • Naw modern operating/ room aulte. CREDIT 60 FORD $995 Foil- Power. Low mileage, fully T Pick-up. (!n*> condition, with black top. DAF lacbalori Degraa (6r eaniRl credit) Approval 1 Pcrwer Seat: power equipped. A and eiperience wiulraj: Poaltlon avail- ',i Ton. 10-rt. body. able January 2. IBM. National Leacue CA 2-3600 42 GALAXIE ...... $2095 SAVINGS! rully power equipped. real clean, iporty car OUCKS 1-TOHB FINISH of Nurilni axcredited, School of Kura- 59 FORD $995 "SCO." 2

RED BANK CONTINENTAL CARS INC. ONLY QUALITY IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES OPEN EVES. CHEVROLET CO. NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD RED BANK RESULT! SH 7^0040 SH 7-4500 OPEN EVES. HELP VANTED-EEMAtE FOR SALE FOR SALE MERCHANDISE WANTED HOMES FOR SALE HOMES FO* SALE RED BLNK REGISTER FritUy, hnuuy 4, 1963-21 Tfie A. B,,C/i of THE DOWSTRA A9ENCY HOMES TCt VJX mm* TO* HIM smart furniture buying . : . WAMT15P — Jttiopkmjtu or «QM*J, con- REALTORS SHREWSIURY OFFICi OFFERINGS: ja Always, Buy .with Confidence vertlole tabla saw, lathljic. Call dsys ' MOTHER'S HBLRHl — tfanWj with n> ^787-0227, evenings or weekends. Swo children. Ught housekeeping. Roo£ Member of Red Bank Area Multiple Listing Md board plus salary. —**••*• "* ° and SCORE l60% ! WAKTBD — Hmall stase drum fdance 100% value, 100% appraisal figure, 100% ranch style, 100% bat* HOL'BEKJCEPEBOOOK - TQ lly« In PHONE FOR BROCHURE 30 years of "know how" bane! type). Call Joe, SH 1-8129 bt- ment with recreations room, 100% living area with full dining room, ywn room ml bill, Red Bank, N. J. family, prod .alary. 8H l-59is 100% sleeping area with three bedrooms and two bathi, 100% area means satisfaction . . . OLD FURNITURE - Antique* china, SH 1-8700 .COUNTER OIRL — Experience not glassware, art objects and bric-a-brac with large wooded lot and 100% financing, if needed! C4,800. Immediate cash lor anything and every- CUSTOM BUILT SPLIT COLONIAL IN RUMSON And latiifactton m»«ni wa've got the furniture thing. RDKII'l, >5 But Front St, STOP!! THIMKII u SH 1-16B3. , No frozen pipes in this extremely well-built home; temperature Y6UNO WOliAN - For office work you want—guaranteed quality— ' did not waver during the below zero weather. Really well con- What (Jo you really want in a home? A large four-wall living and teUll lelllnr. Steady all year- aNTiCjUES - Palntiogs. N. J.Atlas. Estates purchased and apprallsd. BH structed, exceptionally well built, Foyer, living room, fireplace, room or a center that Invite* hospitality! Just a room to prepare ™"JJ iofi APS* Tnliersan: ATLANTIC 7-2003. Th. Hudson (hop Inc.. Ill OLA8B CO.. 21 Mtpie Ave;. R«d Bank. paneled den, dining room, most modern paneled kitchen. Four imeali, or an area to control and execute the daily routine! Do THREE ROOMS broad St.. Shrewsbury. you want an entrance hall or a welcome foyer? Here la a three- • HOUSSKKEPIIV-Pour d«y» a week. PIANO — Inexpensive, for family with good bedrooms, V/, baths, large screened porch overlooks water. need «ar, . - bedroom, V/t bath ranch that has the added plus factors. Our five children. Hat right of way to deep water channel. V/2 acres. Asking $47,500. ACE BMPLOTMENT AGENCY OF BRAND NEW FURNITURE SH name la our Invitation—May we WALK-ER and you through this » Broad at SKI-MI RM Bank , PRICED BELOW! APPRAISED VALUE home? Priced at $31,750. • A brand new jeml-automatic washer MOTHUR'S HELPJSft — To" live in On an acre of ground. This almost new ranch Is a real buy. . Light housekeeping duties. Care of ens * LIVESTOCK SORRY ... maybe next year! . children. No cooking. 8H 7-1917. • Philco Refrigerator or ' Foyer, living room, fireplace, den, dining room, modern kitchen, STUD BIRVIOB — Proved double three bedrooms, two baths, blacktop driveway. Lawn, shrubs. You did not take decisive action .. .1 to you were unable to enjoy ' EXPERIENCED BALES-LADY wanted • A 21" Television rttlitered. Palomino qusrur horse stai. the hospitality of the season in this three-bedroom Dutch colonial. -for women's ready-to-wear. Apply In lion. Call os MS4E. $25,000. perron, J. Yanko, 30 Broad" ML, Red' The 17x23 living room was dressed in holiday style with all the Banlt. ' • . ., MINIATURE POODLES trimmings. The Christmas tree In the corner radiated such warmth ' ' • ' •,-•'•' -for'.-.' ' . .•-.•.••••'•- • rsaaon-ble. Excellent reputation. Call INEXPENSIVE, LOW TAXES, LOW PAYMENTS GIRL OR WOMAN — Care lor three a;ier j p.m, CA 9-1720. RED BANK — A nice Cape Cod on a nice street. Living room, when the well-wishers came to call AND this home has a room small- children, live In, Thuraday BASSET PUPS — AKC wormed and where the entire family gathering enjoyed the turkey dinner at one through Sunday or full time. Call LI 2- $496 / kitchen, two bedrooms, bath on first floor. Large bedrooms, stor- 1371. Inoculated. Asking S65. Call LI !- age on second. Steam heat, full basement, combination windows, time! Remember—action brings results! Price $22,500. pay $5 weekly large garage. $14,900. -. . VICINITY APPLKBROOK SQenerel BIX RABBIT HOUNDS - Some broken, COUNTRIFIED YET COMVENIENT housework, pan-time. Cull evening^ 08 some not started. Will give away to good homea tor price of this ad, Better than new custom-built ranch boasting entrance foyer, living FIELD FURNITMRE J47-S9M. WOMAN OR QIRL — To help mother COMMERCIAL RENTALS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE room with brick raised hearth, dining room, lovely kitchen with with children, light housekeeping, year POODLES — AKC, toy or miniature, wall oven, three bedrooms, two full baths, huge basement-hot round. Will slve room and board with 7-11 East Front Street gay. healthy and lovable. Call KE 1 07FICKS FOR RSNT — Ctntw of HOMES FOR SALE y .water heat. Deep lot with trees! Transferred owner's sacrifice at good salary. SH 7-2S78. town. Hast furnished. Call ?25,50O. COUNTER GIRL —. And other duties. Keyport, New Jersey TWO .PERFECT SIAMESE Seal Point SH 7-1100 Steady work. Apply between -8 and kittens for sale. Call evenings after EXCELJ.INT 'OFFICE space available 10 a.m. Id person. TOP HAT CLEAN. CO 4-3020,- v S or Saturday, Sunday, OS 1-1009. for rent In The Tuller Building. Call HALL BROS. MIDDLETOWN OFFICE OFFERING: ERS Rle. 35, Mlddletown. BNOLISH POINTER FEMALE - Out in person for Inspection at the office In \bt building, 103 X. Front SI..or REALTORS EXPERIENCED slipcover. operator open Thursday and Friday evenings of national champion blood, started on This newly listed four-bedroom ranch, gracious living personified, wanted, lull or part-time; Call after 6 quail and pheasant. CA 0-3599. phone S.H. 7-24*0. ' „ ' ' full basement, attached garage, lovely patio and landscaped p-m.. OS 1-1J57. other days until 6 TWO YEAR OLD Male Collie — Sable WANTED SMALL OFFICE OR DESK MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING and white, pedigree papers. ISO. SH 7'6P-ACS wltlt secretariat service • pre* grounds. Near public and parochial schools, on direct bus Uoe, 9681.* ferred. SH 7-9552. HELP WANTED-MALE 813 River Rd. Fair Haven excellent for commuters to Newark and New York, FHA and VA FREE STORAGE • FREE DELIVERY VISIT OUR FISH DEPARTMENT—A 6,000 SQ. FT. FACTORY SPACE lor and conventional mortgages available. (23,900. large selection of healthy Tropical fish. rent Red Bank. Call art the New Year with a new Also frozen Brine shrimp ani white BH 7-1100 SHadyside 1-7688 worm culture. KBYPORT PIT SUP- TRADE YOUR HOUSE FOR ONE OF THESE LOVELY HOMES PUBS, Rte. 35, Cllftwood. LOSSsMS...... Full or parUlroe. » FINANCIAL FOR) SALE FAMILY GROWING: ; HOUSES FOR RENT SMALL BUDGET? ' Investigate , the fastest growing seg- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RUMSON — Near Holy Cross and Bt Four-bedrooms, Cape Codder, one WALKER & WALKER ment of the Investment business, estate JANUARY TV, HI-FI SALE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT George'* with access to river. Firs bath, space for another, paneled planning using mutual funds- and life APARTMENTS floor: Living room with fireplace, din' Insurance. Call today to learn how EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY BIG DISCOUNTS Ing room, .powder * room and laundry, kitchen and dining room, full cel- REALTORS you can loin the most progressive firm The Atlantic Refining Co. Has a new Hl-Fl Stereo, portables, 1129.B3 onl; 'len or single bedroom, kitchen, en- lar with game room and utility HI Broad Street Shrewsbury, N. J. In New jersey, - two-bay service station available on 189.83, TV portables, 1179.99 onl closed porch front and rear. Second Rt. 34,; i Matawan. Investment re- HUM, TV consoles {329.05 only *289.98, floor: two double bedrooms and mod-room, excellent residential neigh- Free training program starts In mid.quired for stock and equipment only. Biff trade-In. Terms. No money down. GARDEN APARTMENTS ern bath. Hot water heat (oil), one borhood, near schools ud stores. SH 1-52 12 . -January, Reconditioned TV's M» up. TV repair Paid training available. For Informa- car garage. S1K0. Low taxes. Top buy at $15,900. tion call HI 34100, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.SH 1-700J. One and two bedrooms, situated HEADDONS CORNSR — Off RouU 39, 1,000 feet south of Lily-Tulip Co., Middlstown • Call 8H 1-1300 for appointment. or 862-9(93 after 7 p.m. corner of Andover and Commonwealth Ask us to see it now!. "Rainbow" TV & Hardwar* in the best residential area. Aves. Living room with fireplace, large 671-331 I MAN — To work Id greenhouses, ex- BEAUTY SHOP — Neighborhood busi- ttled kitchen, two double bedrooms and perience preferred. Steady all year ness, all new equipment, well located tAcross ftcme lot) Broad, Red Banl tile bath, hot water heat (oil), one carNEW RANCH LISTING - Estate employment for the right - party. very reasonable price In relation lo Dial 741 -7200 detached garage. $110. area center hall home On spa- Multiple Listings and Trade-ins ' . Steady employment. Please call in substantial Income. Good reaaon for LNN EQUIPMENT — Pol PHILIP J. BOWERS A CO; persoq SPIWAK FLORISTS, M Avenue selling. THE DOW8TKA AGENCY, SH rent or sale; free delivery. Boutta Jar cious acre plot. River rights to SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND MAP : of Two Rivers, Rumson. 1-8700. «y BURQICAL SU 7-2J14. Real Estate Slnct 1891 deep water, fireplace, formal din- WALTER 8. OVERTON JOSEPH G. McCUE, Realtor 24-HOUR SERVICE COLLEQE BOY will work on estate LARGE HOT water tank, combination ing room, three bedrooms, plus Affiliate ' INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER on weekends In exchange for room, coal and gut itove. Call 30 Ridg» Rd., Rumson unfinished fqjirth bedroom, two and board-or room. OS 1-3132. S91-0599 60 White St. Red Bank -Top-notch man for methods,, wage In- tiled baths, lavatory, paneled HANDY MAN — Fick-up truck, dally, Opposite Municipal Parking Lot 842-0444 HOMES FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE centive, Job evaluation and cost .work weekly work. Will clean cellars, ga- DISCOUNT ELECTRONICS — Post den, attached' two-car garage. now., plant layout and broader func- Christmas Inventory clearance sale now VlUaS IMCLJIUTION OF KINTAL,! - tions later. Knowledge of Inspection rsges. yards, attics. SH 7-2357. In progress. Special discounts on Yellow Vuralftuui, •oil unturnUUitd. liDratd- Screened side porch with barbe- and quality control desirable. Old tag item! in store. Visit us at 50 RU1ISON RIVER ESTATE—Carrlag* tt* occupino. lamuti Talchtt Agtncr cue pit. Large 4W% mortgage YOUR WEEKENDS established tile > manufacturer mecha- MORTGAGES Birch .Aye., Little Silver. SH 7-2545. house apartment, six rooms, bath, Octioport Av"., oceanpart Call or dial CAN BE FUN REDDEN AGENCY nizing and expanding under new* man- January J5, 1130 plus utilities. Refer- il J.3600 j>r U 2-3301. can be assumed. First time of- agement. 200 Employees. Profit-sharing TV 17" PHILCO table model, blonde, fered. $34,900. Instead of drudgery, If you own ences. Write "A.E.", BOJ 511, Red Bank, Stir to J126 Per Moatn Rtaltors — Iniurors * bonus. Advancement limited only by First and Second MORTGAGES food condition f.18, New conical an- this house designed to "take ill" ability. Bend resume or phone R. K. tenna J3. Alter 6 p.m., 8H 3.-217S, TWO ROOMS - Second floor, furnished TUB BIRO AaKNOl Uulter, President. CO <-8000. to homeowners who need money or unfurnished. Bed-living room and RL U Ulddletowti FIVE BEDROOM NEW HOME—Aluminum siding and gutters go CARRIAGE — Built Kite Coach, good kitchen. Business, woman, jo.*, couple. OS I-10W The latest in bi-level design in through billiards and blows with- NEW SPLIT LEVEL - three ATCO CERAMICS CORP, • HOME IMPROVUMSNTS condition, reasonable. SH 7-4053. HANS FURNISHED and untarnished choice Little Silver location. Riv- out harm. Seldom needs paint. bedrooms, large} kitchen with din- • DBBI CONSOLIDATION 671-3503 rentals In all slzel and prices. Ella Hwy. 35 Keyporl, N. J. FIVE ROOMS — Unfurnished. Utilities er rights, 2% baths, 22' balcony RELAX and enjoy this three-year ing area, living; room, tiled bath, BARONET REALTY, CO 4-2010 SOFA BED — (S. supplied. Inquire; 140 Shrewsbury Ave. Wiltshire Agency Realtors, 1489 Jcean EXPERIENCED SLIPCOVER CUTTBR - - Sleeps two No can,- please!. Ave., Sea Bright, N. J. S42-O0O4. Opsn porch off dining room, 20' family old, five-bedroom, 3%-bathroom garage and laundry room, gts HOMEOWNERS NEEDMONEY? seven day*. ' —Full or part time. Year round work. Your credit Is fcood. First and second SH 1-7810 RED BANK — Three-room unfurnished room, opening to rear patio, house. Charming country kitchen range and gaa dryer. 116,990. If OS 1-1237. mortgages. SH 1-4344 or FO 3-2801 apartment, first floor. Utilities, heat FOUR BEDROOMS TWO BATH — laundry room, dishwasher, at- has brick fireplace, paneled den, this one isn't what you want, lo- HAMMOND Included. 18 Allen PI. Phone BH 7- Cape Cod, fixcellent condition. River cal contractor baa other plot! SALES MANAGER — Five-figure 0007. Plaza. Den, full basement, S1B0 a tached, two-car garage. Only $29,- two-car garage, V% acre. • reality with growing concern in Mon- and will build to suit your needs. mouth County area. Must have ability MERCHANDISE ORGAN STUDIO TWO APARTMENTS — Furnished, In- month unfurnished. Yearly lease, Jan- 000. Asking $34,900. to hire and train sales force. Experi- quire at 70 Main St. uary occupancy. WM. HALL, SH I- Call us today for further details. FOR SALE OP A8BURY PARK 76M. •:,.' ence desired In speciality tales. All USED ORGANS oceanporl NEWLY CONSTRUCTED A HOUSE WITH BUILT-IN FUN Inquiries confidential. Our personnel RANCH HOME r- Ooo4 neighborhood. Nearly new home In perfect con- RANCH-BETTER THAN NEW have been notified of this ad. Send JR-20 Tone Cabinet . I22J. FURNISHED APARTMENT — Two Living room, fireplace, dining room, WELL PRICED . resume to P. O. Box 134 Eatontowh, PAINT DISCOUNTS Leslie* Speaker ..... 29! rooms aiid bath with all utilities. No two bedrooms and den or' third bed Immediate occupancy. Fair Ha- dition. Five bedrooms, four baths. —Center hall, attractive fireplace Hammond Extra-Voice Organ .... 49i pets. Call SH 1-2021. room. gieBY'SCjKANCK AQKNCY, Raal N.J. 8herwln At Wllllami, DuPont. Kemtone. Conn Spinet Organ ,„. ven. Three excellent bedrooms, Den has built-in bar. Attached in living room, formal dining Cook A Dunn. Bava on palnta now at ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Unfurnished, tor, 8 Linden PI. SH 7-0387. HEM WITH EXPERIENCE In con- Wurlltser 2 in 1 organ _ _ cozy three rooms, first floor, all utili- 21' den w|th lavatory, family type greenhouse. Hobby room. Sun room, large modern kitchen, struction of Instruments and electro- PROWN'S Wurlltier Spinet Organ -_ 595.ties. One or two person. $85. 281-2B2S. BEAUTIFUL — Three-bedroom, study, porch. Filtered swimming three bedrooms, den, two baths. mechanical devices. Apply In person Conj- Spinet Organ . 695695.. 2>4-batli executive home, 119 Birch Dr. kitchen, 12x20; extra powder Bros,! St. SB 1-7500 Rta'Ear.li Hammond Spinet Organ .„.„., . 741 37 SHREWSBURY AVE., Red Bank. Shrewsbury, CA 8-0967 Essex' County, room, tiled bath, full basement View of the Shrewsbury River Priced below appraised value. ELECTRO IMPULSE "LABS, 208 River Hammond Spltiet Organ ...... S., Red Bank. DK3KB - ||5 up. Met *to up. chairs, .. 825, qi it Ko£< Information UNFURNISHED SIX ROOM JtANCH- garage, laundry room, large lot plua right of way to river and $25,000. adding machines, typewriters manual Story IC1 " - ' * Three bedrooms, tile bath, full base- MAN — Stock, delivery and general and electric, office equipment etc SA:__ ment. $150 • a month. Lease required. Offered at $S3,S0O. dock. store work. Must be over 18. Carroll's, bargain prices. New or JUMd.'*AC Oeik RENTAL ELWQOD.A AltMBTRONO AOENCY, #5,000 RUMSON — Four-bedroom Cape is Broad 6L, Red Bank. Co. RL 35. Oakhurst. KB ISMS Open Dally Till-*—Saturday iTIll 5:3i V/ESTW60D'SARDENS Realtor, BH 1-I5OO. Cod colonial, with room for two REVERE - 8 M. II. Movie Camera COOKMAN AVE. AND MAIN ST. THERE IS NO CHARM LIKE additional bedrooms* Living WELDER — Experienced In Iron fab- and equipment complete. Excellent ALMOST NEW Three-bedroom'ranch. ricating Full time. Apply K*D Prod' PR 5-9300 Bath & Westwood Aves. Excellent condition. Vacant, move right KIDS WANTED AN OLD HOUSE room with fireplace,lining room, lets. 7<7-9691. condition Best offer. Call 872-1834 be- In, 1140 a month. CROWELL AGENCY, tw«en S ud i p.m. LIONEL TRAINS — 0-27 and O Qauge. Long Branch . 41 X. Front St., Red Bank. SH 1-4030. Equipped with new comfort and modern kitchen, sun room, two Four engines, 25 freight and passenger TWO BEDROOM: DUPLEX apartment ANY QUALIFIED VETERAN cars, -35 bouses, SO autoa and' trucks, THREE-BEDROOM waterfront house, convenience, this is an Ideal set bathi, porch, garage. Conveni- WE MAY BE AWNINGS all utilities- except electricity. |1M. tA two transformers, 100 feet of track 2-2305. Oceanport, $125 a month. F1VB-ROOM No Down Payment ting for antiques. Suitable for re ently located near excellent pub- ALUMJNUM OR ^ with remote switches and many accei furnished house, 2^ bedrooms, S90 Dc»or ttoodt. patioa .etc. Protection tirement or beginning housekeep- lic and parochial schools. - tow AVE drivers, BIT our tWl week sories. Entire hobby. Must be see LOINU BRANCH — Furnlsnel apart- month. 9H 1-3233. No Closino, Coiti Ml' Stjre '{•&• of wtwlA;" J7I-1370, be- against tun, rain, sleet, mow. Free to ba 'appreciated. {90. LI 2-1369. ments. Four room* and balh. Hes ers. Two bedrooms, dew, larg« tazet. Reduced to tWfiOO. eitlmitet, Call today. No obligations. and water .supplied. CA.' per month payi til HI-FI amateur, experimenter, servlcl furnished, three rooms, bath, shower, Realtor. SH 1-1500. Subject to mortftgt tpprovtl. All makei now or uaed. Ouarantted dealer, electronic Items. Too nutneroui washer, car space, residential yet near Low u S21 Serplco'a. 101 Uonmntiti town. SH 1-8394. FLEETWOOD PARK RANCH — Six FOUR-BEDROOM SPLIT with 741-9100 HELP WANTED-Male • Female to list. Send name and addresi rooms, 1V5 baths, three bedrooms, Un- Si Next to theater SH 7 MBS post card to P.O. Box 142, Little large, roomy living room and Silver to receive descriptive mailing. DEUGHTFUL APARTMENT on farm furnished. 1190 per month, 26« Middle BEACH AGENCY Rt. 35, 301 Maple Ave. ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD BECRlT TWO-PIECE MODERN sectional soft. in Scobeyvllle. (Julet, lovely view. Heat Road, Hazlet, N.J. dining room, modem kitchen, two TARY — To the Shore Regional High 980, red plaetlc lounge chair, |29; SH 7-2M5. water Included. Adults only. Call eve 1400 Hwy. 35 Ulddletowr Corner Bergen PI. School - Board of Education. College mottle end table. S10; eirl's coat with FURNISHED FOUR-BEDROOM HOME full bathg and recreation room, nines. LI 2-438S. Next to Ft. Monmouth, Eatontown area. graduate -preferred. Background in Ac-legglnia, size 6x, champagne orlon pile, ALUMINUM SPECIALISTS plus two-car garage and half Red Bank counting. Experience necessary. Im- never worn. Reasonable. SH 1-1415. THREE ROOMS — Furnished, all Mill Available January- 16. Can be seen. L OS 1-2727 mediate opening. Write to Mrs. Sylvia Quality work. A large selection ti ties. Private bath, garage Included 2-1165. Dally to 8 p.m. Saturday, Sunday lo 6 acre of land. Selling below ap- Borat, Board Secretary, Shore Regional choose from. Anodlzed windows am Half block Irom Fort Monmouth and BRING YOUR ROLLERS Red Bank bus. SH 1-10(8, alter 7 p.m RUMSON — Modern three-room bunga Licensed Real Estate Broker praised value at $19,900. High School, Highway #38, West Long doors. - Welded frame windows am low. unfurnished. Seen by appointment FAIR HAVEN — Desirable resi- Branch, N.J. for an application. NEW WrNUOW SHADES doors. Vestibules. Cellar combinatloi UELFORD — One large bedroom with Call 842-3246. dential locale. Frame Cape Cod. Put on while you wait Any size up windows. Gutters. small kitchen. Private entrance. 98 MAKE AN OFFER on this IDWARD3 EMPLOYMENT. AOENOT RANCH TYPE two-hedroom home on Pour bedrooms, two tiled baths, JSxecullve-Sales-Otf ice-Domestic to largest picture windows. Free rust- Railroad Ave. 787-6542. charming three-bedroom ranch less eyelet, free crochet ihade pull PROWN'S Shrewsbury River. Dock. Large living Gl NO DOWN fireplace, exceptional winterized Sincerity and ability wltb huh emit" Custom liiade shades, scallop and BATONTOWN — Unfurnished, three room, open fireplace, oil heat. Cal nestled among tall trees on an <0 Broad St SB 7-0677 Red Bank fringe, tiny type. Prompt delivery. Free 32 Broad St. SH 1-7500 Red Banl rooms, utilities supplied, 180 > month SO 3-1618. . FHA $450 DOWN acre of l«nd. 2J1 living room sun porch, attached one-door two- BARB EHPLOXMINT AOU.NUY measuring service. Convenient terms. LI 2-1439 after 4. with Ilreplace, large dining room, car garage, full basement, laun- qualified Personnel For Quality Orders SIGHT SKIN natural stone marten HIGHLANDS — New Cape Cod, six This three-bedroom ranch, large withJirepUce, PROWN'S UNFURNISHED APARTMENT—Three rooms, two baths, full basrment, lnr kitchen complete with dlshwash- dry facilities, large game room, S10 Broad Long Branch CA, 2-47H stole. Never used. {325. rooms with view, Atlantic Highlands mediate occupancy. modern kitchen,, air condition 31 Broad St. Red Bank SH 1-7JWI oversized useable plot. Offered ACB EMPLOYMENT AOENCi 842-2782 Ntar town. *89. All utilities. 291-1(54. THE CURT1N AOENCY, INC. unit, with fenced in yard in fine er, dert, two full baths, one-car Every urder A applicant our specially Realtor garage. Located In one of the at $25,500. SHOP BY PHONE LONG BRANCH—Studio, tumlshed, two neighborhood. $M,000. This is a 12 Broad St.. Ked Bank SH 7MSM 18 BAR STOOLS Good condition, good rooms, bath, utilities. Centrally lo 64 Thompson Ave. Leonardo best Middletown areas. Asking FAIR HAVEN - Choice residen- price. . cated. KE 1-0776. CA 2-560B. 211-1800 sleeper for qualified buyers. THE GOLDEN YEARS ARE AHEAD— Free quick dally delivery In Red Bank $26,900. tial area.- Frame ranch. Three If you plRn now to enter the field of area. Outlying district* Wednesdays SH 7-1586 MATAWAN — Two new houses In and Saturdays. Discount prices. THREE-ROOM apartment, clean and bedrooms, sizeable living room real estate Including Insurance and SOLID CHERRY and solid mahogany warm, furnished, adults. 7t.Av«. D, At- Stralhmor1 e at Matawan Development. WITH EVERY GOOD WISH FOR property management, we are Increas- PKOWN'S, 32 Broad Bt.. 6H 1-7500. ilrcorator tables. Excellent condition. 7 '. rooms with two baths anil garage with large colonial window and lantic Highlands. 291-0889. with air conditioned heat. Each 1170 A HAPPY, HEALTHY AND ing our sales staff and Invite you to SOFT WATER saves you money and SH 1-7375 after 2:30 p.m. fireplace, dining room, modern Join us. Inquiries held confidential. makes a happy housewife — a good FOUR ROOMS — 19 Lclghton Ave., monthly (yearly lease). Immediate oc PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR IN LAWLEY AGENCY Crowell Agency Realtors SUPPORTED VINYL . Red Bank. Reasonable. cupancy. MAYER AOENCY, (Realty) kitchen, full basement, laundry combination. You will never know un- Naugahyde and Boltaflex. ' SH 1-03651 Hwv. 34. Matswan. LO 6-4637. 1963. « E. Front St. SH MOJO less you try It. Call Portasoft, LI 2- Poamart Hwy. 3ft fiatontown LI 2-0477. REALTORS facilities, hot air gas, attached 1777 for a two-week free supply. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Furnished, RED BANK — 12 South St., completly garage, formal plot. $24,000. SAVE BY CASH AND CARRY second floor, prlvute entrance. Living rr-decornted duplex. Three bedrooms. NAVESINK ASSOCIATES 100 Hwy. 35 Red Bank SITUATIONS WANTED, Female OAS STOVE Cabinet. Good condi- room, kitchen, dinette, bedroom, bath, Ion, J12. IVJ baths, near schools, shopping center SH 1-6262 UNPAINTED FURNITURE utilities Included. Adults only. No pets, -'•osri station. Call SH 1-2356 after 5 REALTORS LICENSED PRACTICAL NORSE avail- $110. 291-2557. p.m. DENNIS K. BYRNE able for maternity cases. No house- Cal Ohlsen Paul McFarland Multiple Listing Service work. CA 2-1352. BIG PAINT DISCOUNTS Red Bank Lumber. 9 Wall St. Red THREE ROOMS FURNISHED-Llvlng FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW - Newly Bank. SH 1-5500. room, bedroom, kitchen, bath. 120 Wil-decorated, convenient to Fort Hancocfc Harry Kearney REALTOR - INSUROR GERMAN WOMAN - Wishes days 1,600 colors. Latex, Alkyds, Enamels. son Ave.. Port Monmouth. 787-1489. and Fort Moomnuth Couple or two work, also Ironing done at home. Call Special: Gallon white, 12.98. Latex EMERGENCY GENERATORS — All men to share. 872-1866. 934 Hwy 35 Middletown riRBT T1MJC OFFERED — Let's start S West River Rd. Rumson evenings, SH 1-7773. white: R.I9. Ho Drip White: KM, ilzes. .Reliable Electric Motor, Pater- FOUR ROOMS and hath, newly fur- the New Year off rum. No double ion . N. J. ARmory 4-7780. nished, garage. Call after 6 p.m., CA 2-UNFURNISHED DWELLING - Three OS 1-0600 ' talU, if the llioe fits the foot call this "Rainbow" TV & Hordwara 28(7. bedrooms, dining room, basement, hot agency Colonial style home In flulet Phone 842-1150 SITUATIONS WANTED, Male (Across Acme lot) Broad, Red Bank SPRINGVIEW GARDENB sir oil, garage, no pets, lease, 1126 Member Red Bank Multiple List- sidential section of UUle Silver MERCHANDISE WANTED 283 Spring St. Reil Bank month. Furnished dwelling, three bed-, Uliaped living: room. Kith »«P"« MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING HIOH SCHOOL BO1 — Reliable, ex- KODAK Tourlster camera, flash and Available February 1. lnrRo four or rooms fireplace, rtlnlnjt room, hot water Ing. Northern Monmouth Multiple 52»1» den with fireplace, 20x10 perienced, desires wort after school attachments.' excellent condition, 120. PIANOS WANTBD-HIQHJG8T PR1CEE live two-bedroom apartment. We In- oil. no pets, lease, tllS DENNIS K. Listing. dining room. 18x11, kitchen 1.11b and week-ends. Cell tunings SB T Emerson table radio S7.6O. Porch glider PAID CALL H. TENZER. 306 MAIN vite .you to see and compsri' our BYRNE. B W. River Rd.. Rumson. lilshwssher anil electric stove, pow 1889. , aid. LI 2-1B31. ST LAKEWOOD. FO 3-21110. spacious rooms and closets, complete 842-1150. rler room. Masler bedroom IS"?il3 LITTLE SILVER -Custom ranch Isllchens, tiled baths. Adults. SH 1-5672. plus tHree olher bedrooms. Full base- ment with unflnlihed MxlS nsmeroom convenient area, living room, di- SPACIOUS two-bedroom apartments. WANTED TO RENT RAY VAN HORN call lot with plenty of trees, already CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY farm H mile south of Mlddletown MATTHEW J. OILL AOENCY, 714 Rt. 33. Mldclletown. OS 1-3200. appraised and approved. GI or Railroad station. Heat ana hot water Member Multiple Listing - Tht Glaxcbrook Agtncy A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! supplied. OS 1-0073. WE HAVK an overflow of bona fids FHA terms. Possible six-week mow)Rct< looking for two to four bed- ON A PRETTY LAKE — Like Realtor closing. $14,000. rooms. Call us for fast action to have your horns rented. THE BERG AGEN- new seven-room center hall co- Avenue of Two Rivers flumsi CY. Rt. 15 Middlctown. OS 1-1000. lonial. Four bedrooms. VA II2-170O McGOWAN Adding Machines - fypewritew Cesspool Cleaning Painting and Decorating HOUBE r~ Vicinity Bell Lalis! Three baths. Study. Paneled recrea- Member Multiple Llstlm ur lour bedrooms. garaKe. basement. tion room. Bar. New carpeting AGENCY ADDING MACHINES — Typewriters BEPTIC TANKS, dry wells serviced. TOM BUTE - Palntlnt and Decor MODERN THREE ROOMS — And Will pay up to $125 per month rental. sold rented, repaired. Serplco'e 1(11 Leechlne field added. Sackhoe work. atlnt- General Contracting fully In- balh, overlooking river, Ideal for two. 940-2583 between 0 a.m. and 5 p.m. hroughout. Dishwasher. Two- Monmoulh St, Red Bank. SH 7-0488. C. H. Wilson. BH 1-1B46. sured. Twenty years experience. Free One block Red Bank slatlon. B42-9B38. RED BANK SH 7-3000 estimates. SH 1-11(01' after 6 p.m. fter 6 for appointment^ OARAGE — For storage. Write "AD". car garage. Dry basement. PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. ' Antiques Wanted RED BANK — Two-rooms completely Box 511. Awnings. Porch. Asking $42,- Fuel Oil - Heating PAINTING AND PAPER HANGINO- Red Bunk 24-Hour Service Old Dolls, guns. Jewelry, cot glass, For a good clean Job, reasonable. furnished In modern decor. New tile 500. offers complete t well rounded furniture. Civil War books. Appraisals FUEL OIL ft HEATINO—Call SH 1- Call SH 7-3(91. fid Zlnser. hath anil putlo. Ul»nl for -si-fle or Real Estate service. made. Gllman. aH 7-1141. • 0310. Oil Delivery, Inc., Servlcs A double. 55 Rcclor PI. SII 1-8254. FURNISHED ROOMS 804 River Rd. Fair Haven Sales. 3 Herbert St., Red Bank. Piano—Organ Tuning HAZL.ET' — Three roomi and bath, Listing, selling, leasing, homes, ftUMSON Appliance Repairf heat and hot water supplied. BINOLE ROOUS — Clean and com- ' SHadyside 7-4100 apartments, land and commercial 117,900 Home Improvements PIANOS—ORQANB CO 451)33 fortable. Reasonable rates. Gentlemen properties. APPLIANCE REPAIR ana Installa- Tuned — Repaired — Regulated PORT MONMOUTH — Three rooms, preferred. 92 Wallace St. BH 1-9392. Owner tranir*rr;fellng Dial 741-7200 imliv ntw. utilities supplied. Mlilille- throughout. Kamcroom, two-car ffaragr. B G. COATS - An essential Auction KEEQAN'S iwn OS 1-37119 ATTRACTIVE studln room, private .JNCIlOfrT »«ven term, tour bed- Appraisal 8ervlce "anywhere." S8J .nsuranee 24 Hour Service. All heating unltn cooking. Asking VM.DOO. Assume 117.000 mart PHILIP J SOWERS * CO. roomi, family room, modtrn kitchen, Norwood Ave., Deal. Phons KEllogJ serviced. SH 7-1037, SH 1-7875. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — 414 room cage at IV,;. A luxury liome In the Real Estate Since IIM 1 Rll 1-8394 very best. dining area, •ptclom living room. Ex* 1-3461. ABILITY - SERVICE > Dependability moileni 'Ufi-mient. In I'm n?»luentlal WALTBn I. OVBRTON elltnl Urmlni 8H 1-2811. when you Insure your HOME. AUTO. Roofing, Siding and Insulation section. II Tlilnl Ave. 201-H2J7; FOR RENT OROWEIX ACIENCY, Ilesllor Auto Body Repair other lines of Insurance. through ROOM I. W. Front Bt. 811 1-3010 Red Bank Affiliate PAIR HAVEN — 8evtn-room coloiilfc. ARMSTRONG AGENCY. SH 1-4500. FURNISHED — Combination liedrnom Call SII 7-1192 EXPERT PAINTING and body re- Insulation * Siding Corp. Certified anil kitchen, bnth remoneied. 23 Oak- HIDOLKTOWN — Three-bedroom ipllt «O White Bt. R«t Bank hill hutment. Three bail roomi, on* pair. Moderate prices. Guaranteed. Johns-ManvlllB contractor. PR S-B407 land 8t., Reil Bank. RIVATE BATH - PRIVATE EN- in large lot. V,<, baths, double sink, Opposite Municipal Parklm Lot Aaklnft 111,WO. SH 7-38M. McCarthy Chevrolet. Atlantic High- Painting or Ad&m Llnzmuyer 201-0303. TRANCE. Large closets. Quiet. Busi- icreened porch, expansion altlc. Leav- RUMSON — Unfurnished four-room, ness genlleman preferred. 842-1B34. VAII* HOMB — Thret*roora co-opera- lands. 291-0305. . . OLSON CO. INC.-Rooflnj, siding * balh apartment available February 1. ing February 1. Will accept best offer. tfvfi apartment, Oil haat, itorm and PAINTING at Its Until, interior and Insulation. Installed and guaranteed To two adults only. W0 monthly. JOHN DOUBLE ROOM for business couple S!1-2DO7. icreem. IW per month Includlnc utili- exterior. Residential and commercial. for 10 years. PR O-O70J-2B1OM0. FAIR HAVXN — 101 Rlai* Rd. Four- Auto and Track Rental Lowest rates. W. Bvans. SH 1-8817. L. M1NUG1I, REALTOR. 812-3500. or two ladles, parking on premises, NEW SHREWSBURY — Three-bedroom bedroom Colonial two baths, terrace, ties, $300. Eft Barker Ave., Eaiontown. ither privileges. OS 1-3S9S. custom-built ranch. Two baths, two- fireplace, I ant lot beautifully land- 1,1 2-0862. AVIS—Rent a new car or truck. Low Tel. Answering Service car Karate, larie nicely landscaped lot, ra*el. Maple Ave., Red Bank. BH 7- Painting! and Decorating COMMERCIAL RENTALS NEWLY DECORATED ROOM — Pri- sped. Call owner, M3-10O1. INTERRACIAL — New garewibury. vate hDme, good location. Reasonable. 125.60*1. Call LI 1-3660 ilirte-bidroom modern rtnch, dlnlnf 0308. PR 4-B214. Dally 7 am.-10 p.rn. LET US fiB your secretary. No need MIDD1.KTOWN - Split level homea. LOUIS CA38AN - Painter, decorator, to miss calls. ' 24 hour answering STORE FUR KENT - on White Bt. Parking. SII l« "Ill.UNO - CONFUSED? room. Urge kitchen, til* bath, porch, Building Contractor... nervier aH-t-47OO.;f. ,,-.•. ... ,T-< . 1 Blx rooms and recreellon room. la- IIU baaement" R||ht prlci, SH '14431 tyinernititEgrr 2bV?e*ra>>eapBr'itne&.' 43' T V '.Bed •. Bank.. Oal, • itr- •"".'T/«*..- •• •*..*.•. ROOMS':^'-Far. No., tlff.juxfc,,cu,ilr.Ec.ttj|i i. *firv|i:e, ..tjx.osrli rattr.-r* iwttfs. N«ar sfhobH-anDtnop- BUILDER — New ' homes, room ad- Chapln Ave. SH 1-1701 after 6 p.m. 811 M100 pins center. Mortejaiei arramsd. BH 7 FIVE YBAfl OLD r«nch. ilx roanii Vacuum Cleaner Repair 747-&O77 clients anxious to bur properly prleed one and two thlrda acr« crtoica ditions, basemont and attic rooms, L. H HILL - Painter. Contractor, MODERN BUILDING - I.000 square homes In Red Bank. Rumson, Ihrswe- 1376 or SH 75314. kitchens, garage, repairs and alter- No Job too large or too small: Call feet. Large warehouse and storage TWO BEDROOMS In prlvstc home. property. Line Roar] near Van Rrakla ELECTROLUX iiij'y, i.iltir Silvei and surrourtdlni ._.) BANK VICINITY - Middletown Road, Matawan Towmhlp. LO MT0fc ations. .Herbert Elgenrauch. BH 1-5'JU1. 7(7-9630. &ren, loading and receiving. Long t [m Near Kort Monmouth, Bendli. With or areas. Sales Service , Supplies lease available. SH 1-0(00. Ithout kitchen prlvllejes. SII 1-8374 executive horns off Naveslnk River JV J. PICONB — Ceramic UU con- 0 RL B. JONES - Fainting and dec- 60) Prospect Ave., Llltli Silver. For or LI 2-2IS3O. ADAMS AGENCY Ru,, walking diatance to new proposed tractor for Quality, price, and prompl oratlm. Oenaral contractln|. Fully prompt home service or fret checkup uOUUli KUDU lot lint Center u; .1 Howard Ave., New Shrewsbury Naveslnk Country Club. Five bedrooms, (More CUislfted Adi service.- Fris eitlmeta, Call 2«l-HJ0 Insured. Free Bsumatea. 43 Monroi on your JjHtctrolux oil! PR 5-0861 or towa Coutd bt tisad also (or olfior ROOM for rent In a nice house. Gentle- 8H 1-S09I an 1-MUthiei baths, iSl.tOO. Up to <0 ysar loan. or 201*3677. An.. Bhrtwibunr, N. J. 747-JO41. SH 1-2070. ipace. Approilmatsly 2.100 aq. ft. Write man preKrred. 37 Spring St., Rid 21-HOUR BKRVICI No down Bajmsnt. Waterfront loeludw On Tin Next,P«g«) 'LODOE:rBo» ill. Bad BsiV. Bank. SK 7-3406. OPEN SBVIN DAYS KW flora house. IH 1J1U. HOME* FO* SALE HOMES FOR SALE tt^fnizy, January ,4, 1963 RED BANK REGISTER HOMES 70ft SALE HOMES FM SALE HOMES FOR SALE HOMES FOB SALE HOMES FOB SALE HOMES FOE SALE J. LESTER RIGBY ASSOCIATES, INC JOSEPH G. McCUE, REALTOR RUSSf IX M. BORUS REALTORS 30 RIDGE ROAD, RUMSON, N. J.600 RMBR RD. FAIR HAVEN, N, J. THE LOW AGENCY REALTORS 504 Shrewsbury Avtnu* N«w-Shrewsbury, N.'J. 842-0444 SHadyside 7-4532 REALTORS 741-7741 THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR OVER £36 River Road Fair Haven 37 YEARS EXPERIENCE Member Mulripl* Li.Hng Service- ATTRACTIVE TWO-BEDROOM RANCH. Fireplace in living room, SH 1-4477 dishwasher, efficient kitchen, dinette, 20' Jalousted family room, MONMOUTH BEACH - CHSI OF SEASON SPECIAL - NEW RIVER RIGHTS - Lovely modem ranch home. Mortdeajrabto HEATING SYSTEM - All year home. Near beach dub. Four 1 Members of the Red Bank Multiple Listing Service attached garage,, cellar, gameroom. Shrewsbury—near markets, buses. $17,9f7,900". bedroom*, tyj, baths, powder room, living and dining rooms, TV Sis J?;''"»'a «r^i«^ RUMSON FAMILY SPECIAL room, kitchen, pantry. Corner tot plus 100 ft. sandy beach on Everyone agrees this four-bedroom Colonial is well priced. It FOUR-BEDROOM, TWO STORY HOME-Fair Haven. Fireplace, ocean. Partly furnished. $23,000. dining room, den, 1& baths, full basement, flagstone patio. Ex- occupies almost two acres, with trees and shrubbery in abun- LITTLE SILVER - MOST UNUSUAL DELUXE GUEST HOUSE! EIGHT-BEDROOM REMODELED HOME - Center hall, living dance. There is an enclosed breezeway, full cellar, large den and cellent condition. Two refrigerators and washing machine included for $19,000. Over two acres and access to water, three bedrooms, two'tiled mom vri^repWceTiMt wainscoted dining room, "B™***™ a TV room to give little ones elbow room. Absentee owner asking baths. Living room with fireplace; dining room, modern kitchen, SShen with hJSe dining area, plus utility ^m and «4 Mb. only $50,500. ~ • YEAR OLD. FOUR BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL. Tiled bath and attached five-car garage. Huge storage apace. May be expanded Unbelievably priced at $31,000 with taxes ol $468 in Atlantic High- A PLACE OR POINT OF BEGINNING powder room, living room, 18x10 dining room. 17x10 kitchen, 20! to two bedrooms anndd bath. Excellent condition. $45,000. lands. Many fine families have started out in these popular basic Rlvei gameroom with sliding glass doors. Attached garage, cellar, 'hot Oakes Ranches. Excellent elementary school and playground with water heat. Priced below cost for quick sale. $21,900. RUMSON - SECLUSION PERSONIFIED. YET FIVE MINUTES EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY - Owner retired to Florida of- In two blocks and a bus to Rumson High. Commuting is excellent TO EVERYTHING! All school area. Colonial. Four bedrooms, ten very attractive four-bedroom home in beautiful section of and you will find grand friends and neighbors along the winding UNCROFT—Six-room ranch home in rural setting—feature! sep- two baths. Center hall, living room, dining room, den, kitchen, River Oato. Living room, fireplace, dining room, »M*™ WJgJwfc tree-shaded streets. Asking $21,900. arate three-room apartment for Mother. Full basement, garage basement, attached two-car garage. Relocated owner says tell two tiled baths, M basement, finished recreation rwm,; enclosed and breezeway. Hot water heat. Convenient to schools, buses and below evaluaUon-woooo $45,000. porch. Attached garage, landscaped plot Fine school situation. RESORT HEADQUARTERS markets. Plot is 190x200. $22,500. Asking $26,000. : Would you like a new Florida type, low maintaince, all year round LITTLE SILVER — SIX-YEAR-OLD RANCH — ACCESS TO reach in the heart of the resort and beach area? Walk across Oil FOUR MASTER BEDROOMS AND THREE FULL BATHS in mod- RIVER! Three bedrooms, bath, living, room (24'), dining area, LITTLE SILVER — Dutch colonial in spick and span condition. street to a popular beach club and swim from the Atlantic bathed ern split level. Cathedral living and dining rooms, electric kitchen, kitchen, enclosed breezeway and attached garage. Handy to sta-Spacious 17x23 living room with fireplace, family size dtajngroom, white sandy beach, dive from your own bulkhead, fish from yotit 22x15 playroom, cellar, hot water heat, two-car attached garage. tion and shopping. Excellent opportunity at $19,000. Htcheir three bedrooms, 1& baths. Full dry basement. One-car own patio, or secure any size boat in your own backyard. Onlj Excellent residential area. $24,500. detached ^SigTchoice tocation in established area convenient to transportation and shopping. Asking $22,500. $28,000. TINTON FALLS—Brick front ranch occupied only two years. Three MEMBER RED BANK MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE bedrooms, two baths, large living room and dining room, spacious RUMSON ESTATE kitchen, huge recreation room, two-car garage, % acre plot. Ask- TRISB SHADED, LANDSCAPED LOTB Five wooded acres and a long, private driveway affords one ing. $24,600. WILLIAM H. HINTELMANN (FIRM) sense of privacy and seclusion seldom found. No other house in CASTLE ESTATES visible in the spring from this Colonial in the center of Rumson MEMBERS OF THE RED BANK MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Raalrort of* Rumion Since 1905 with a Ridge Rd. address. This home has four bedrooms, two 23 RIDGE ROAD RUMSON COM) INDIAN BPBIKO RD., WATBTOB, OOBAN TOWNSHIP baths, two-car garage, full cellar, den, large screened porch and patio. Far below appraised value at $45,000. I4HHO0 BI-LEVELS - SPLIT LEVELS - RANCHES WM. S. GARRISON AGENCY ON POINT RD.-Little Silver'* most appealing neighborhood. TWO-STORY COLONIALS We've an old 10-room charmer for sale. Extensive modernization, HOMES FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE REALTORS has been done by the owner and now he's transferred. He installed FROM $I8,?9O a new roof, two new baths, a new kitchen and playroom, even new Three- mi tour bedroom, i!t-2«-3 bathi. raodBm Utdieni with Wrch CONVENIENT RANCH DUTCH COLONIAL - Excelleni plumbing and wiring. Now a good decorator can make a show- cablmti, torornl dining rooms. den« with Patlo-Ram» sliding glass ioora Three bedrooms, city sewer*-, largt Maude P. Sparkes, Residential Sales Mgr. and am other nusOlty features. Convenient to Monmoulh Jhopptog B0x200 lot. Price J12,5dO. Minimum location. Three bedrooms, lVjj place of it. Nearly an acre of shady land and out back an old barn Center, Fort Mccmouth. Bell Labs. Camp Ivans and recreational facilities. dawn FHA or no down VA for qualified baths, formal dining room, love SH 1-0804 - 22 E. FRONT ST.. RED BANK which is just barely repairable. $32,500. game room, screened pore 10% DOWN—30-YEAR MORTGAGES CASEY'S AGENCY, INC. nicely shaded lot. $24,600. MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE WHAT'S SO SPECIAL?—This solid 10-room home has three partic- MOOBIM OPBN X>AO,r AND SUNDAY NOON TO DUSK BROKER ular advantages over most others. First,' it's right on the river; HUM, K. J. LOVELY SPLIT LEVEL - Foui RED BANK—Good location. Convenient to bus and schools this second, it's down a long, private lane where if a quiet; third, it's DDVDOTIOSa: Ma R«d Bank Ultt Hwy. 35 souUi to Deall M.: turn 00 4-»« CO 4-8MJ bedrooms, living room, dininj house has a lot to offer a growing family. Four bedrooms', 3% all brick—only the trim needs painting. For its fine neighborhood, right on Del) W. to Cold Indlu aprlng Rd.; left on Cold IndUn Siring Open 9-9 .room, kitchen, full basement, rec- baths, den, sitting room, screened and open porches, laundry. its pretty land, because it's near a good channel,; we do think it's to motels. HOMES FOR SALE reation room, two-car garage. It is equipped with gas range, washer, dryer, refrigerator, two-car special. We do think one like this doesn't come along very often. JIOPEL PBONB: PR 4-SJ83 or PR »»2J ' J Ideal for children. $19,900. garage. Asking $28,000. $47,500. • ' INCOME PROPERTY — TwoRUMSON ALL SCHOOLS—Cape Cod with four bedrooms on first TWO RUMSON LOTS—One has an old house on it with great pos- HOUSES FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE sibilities; the vacant lot-can be sold off—or have a new home built |[ schools, shopping end churches! bedrooms. Living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen sun on the vacant lot and -sell the old house. The old house has seven FAIR HAVEN RUMSON GEORGIAN COLONI- Many lovely features. Must be room, lot 70x150, one-car garage. Asking $27,500. rooms plus an enclosed porch. A rear room off the kitchen would YOU GET seen to be appreciated. $19,000. Five-room bungalow conveniently AL — On two plus acres, one be Ideal for a playroom. The vacant lot is worth $3,600. Total and year old. Spacious entrance foy- HARD TO FIND-lOO YEAR OLD FARM HOUSE-First floor ha* price $13,000. located near school, buses and ATTRACTIVE CAPE COD - Ask shopping. Ideal for the small er, 26-ft. living room with fire- to see this immaculate four-bed- living room, dining room, kitchen, den and paneled gameroom, plus full bath. Second floor has four bedrooms, and one unfinished family. $11,900 full price. place, formal dining room, den, room home. Living, room with deluxe kitchen, four exceptional- MORE fireplace, kitchen with dining bath, beautiful ground), large trees. Kitchen has electric wall oven WILLIAM H. HINTELMANtN (FIRM) LITTLE SILVER and range. Asking $20,500. ly large bedrooms. lYt tiled area. Many extras. $17,500. Member Multiple Listing Service SM.O00 baths, patio, 2^-car attached ga- AdoraMe five-room bungalow, rage, best quality carpeting WITH ROLAND PIERSON HOMES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE full basement, wooded lot, on bus throughout, electric baseboard AGENCY HOMES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE line, walking distance to station. heating, numerous plus features. LITTLE SILVER - Quiet, de* RIVER FLAZA Asking $65,000. REALTOR NEW YEAR FOR HAPPINESS. IN . 1963 'tn end location. Eight-room colon $15,900 IDEAL FOR SMALL CHILDREN 300 Half Mile Rd., Comer al. Four bedrooms, V/i baths this, "neat as a bug in a rug, Four-bedroom, l'/i-bath Cape Cod SPECIALS Portaupeck home. It has a fine —Cyclone fencing encloses this Newman Springs Rd. separate dining room, deluxi Bee tor jrourailr. Cute ranc wit with full basement. In Immacu- attractive colonial home on one kitchen, fireplace id living roon large, modern kllohen. full dinin living room with fireplace, com- late condition. Call now. This (Near Garden State Parkway) room, three apacloui bedrooms, family fortably heated sun porch, den, A HOME of the quietest and prettiest and den. Unfinished game room, won't last. streets in town. Willlamsburg Red Bank P.O. SH I-T57! alK living room, m tiled baths. Im- dining room, kitchen with plent basement, two - car garage mediate occupancy, N0 down veil, FOR EVERY BUDGET decorating, living room with fire- fzoo down non-vets. of cupboard space, three be< RED BANK MEMBER Screened porch, patio. Trans- place; dining room, bright sun- ferred owner asking $28,000. rooms and bath. Basement witr $17,500 M OF RED BANK Only $6,500 at Fireside ny den, three bedrooms, tile steam oil heat and garage. Tax- Two-family house conveniently MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE bath, attached, garage, basement, RIVER VIEW AND RIVER Top lnvutment deal (or tie New Tear. es only $283. Corner plot. Price located on Branch Ave. Com- RIGHTS — For this lovely car- Each door haa family alze kitchen, $18,500. trees. $24,500. FOR QUICK SALE — S17,000. LllUl dining room, Uuee blsvfcedrooms an< pletely redecorated inside, extra Silver. Prospect Ave. near Rurason Rd. riage house of colonial design bath. Walking dlstanci to icliooli and From $12,000 to $90,000 building lot. New furnace and Ideal tor coupls. Five-room ranch, at over two acres in estate area. •hopping. No down vtti^tlso down THREE-YEAR-OLD BRICK and many other features. A. FRED MAFFEO tacbed (irate, full cellar, expansion 16x30 living room with colonial non-vets. *-"" *""" frame ranch on lovely acre plot. attic. CONSTANCE SMITH. .It Hapli 14x21 living room with fireplace, REALTOR Fair Haven. 8H 1-23M. fireplace. 19' dining room. Sp Only $3,200 at Fireside cious kitchen. Three twin si; den, dining room, large kitchen LISTINGS OP THE MEISTRICH 737 BROAD ST., SHREWSBURY HOUSES FOR SALE bedrooms. 2J4 baths. Charmin Resolve to look at th!« five-bedroom with plenty of storage space, wal SHadyside 1-9333 home Immediately.' Other features are FAJTM — HOMES — ESTATES AGENCY in every detail. Space for adc a bright kitchen, full dining room, apa. oven, three large bedrooms and L two tiled baths, garage. Tajei ND DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES tional bedrooms and large fam living room, tiled bath. Mil Newman Springs Road, Corner MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING casement. No down vtti. 1350 down room. Three-car garage wii non.veti. ^^ only $520. Bargain priced at $25, THKOUOHOUT ' Stevens Ave., New Shrewsbury 000.. electric doors. Natural tn SHadyside 1-5888 GILL shaded plot and only asking U Only $10,990 at Fireside MONMOUTH cororrr Realtor 000. Offers invited. RUMSON HOME OF CHARM SNYDER REALTORS Uve aa you've alwayi" dreamed _ Convenient estate area., Livini APPLEBROOK AGENCY, HOMES FOR SALE living in thli tour-bedroom split level Since 1873 UNCROFT — Fine community Bright, sunny kitchen, full dining roam, room dining room, lovely coun- INC. ^ THEIR SACRIFICE giant site living room, lull buement try kitchen with fireplace, pow- Member Multiple Listing Eight-room ranch on two levels and flnlihed recreation room, 1V4 tllet YOUR 6AIN Four bedrooms, two baths, deluxf baths. No down vets. SttO down non- der room, three bedrooms, V/, NO.HWf. 35 Ulddlttowi BERG vets. OAK HILL—Six-room ranch, full kitchen, separate dining room baths;- % acre landscaped plo Realtor basement, two-car garage. Ex- S Belling balow coft because of clr* $37,000. cumst&ncei, beautiful four-bedroom 73,' living room, large den, two cellent condition. Will consider (all twln-tixe) Split Level. Spi- Only $14,600 at Fireside The Agency with many cloui ud gracious living room, mi- car attached garage. Priced at exclusive listings. VETS NO DOWN PAYMENT reasonable offers. Wooded lot borany dining room oft large, well- tow $19,900. 10% down to qua! Heat aa a pin and In a solid realdentlal JOHN L MINUGH NON VET $450 DOWN approximately 100x590. Asking appointed kitchen, and recreation fied' buyer. 25-year mortgai area. Delightful rancher. Large eat- Capitalize on your nrst bl( opportunity YOU GET... room (or family leiiure will dflllibt In kitchen, dining room, comfortable in 1M3 and see this income producing you. Two full batbi plui utility available. living room, full basement with fin- REALTORS — INSURORS property with a furnished summer room. Q trage, of count, and ished family room, four big bedrooms, bunK&low that rents tar S40Q per seaWATER VIEW —They built me . The Services of neatly landicaped and enclosed rear LARGE FAMILY WANTED w attached garage. No down vets. WOO Member of Red Bank son. yard. Many extrai. Including alum, down non-vets. high on a bluff with a 30-mile 37 Realtor member doors, windows,' and icreem and handyman around the house fc Multiple Listing Service Primary \home bas three big bedrooms, view overlooking Sandy Hook wall-to-wall carpeting. Make batte this nine-room colonial with si: Only $15,900 at Fireside RED BANK AREA — Colonial large ilvlog room with fireplace, a Bay, the Atlantic Ocean and N.Y. offices and over to tea thti choice listing and note bedrooms, two baths, 19' dininj 35 Rumson Rd. Phone 842-350 three-bedroom with separate dlnlnf room, delightful kitchen and that 118,500 FHA Marl gage li (All down payments are subject to spacious bath, expansion attic, base- City skyline. My eight rooms 150 sales people! available, to qualified buyer. room, 19' kitchen, 20" living room VA and FHA approval.) apartment to rent containing two ment and enclosed front porch. Im- are empty and I need repairs. not water oil heat, enclosed porcl )edrooms, large fireplace in liv-mediate possession at cloalng. FULL PRICE $20,500 $14,990 Full Price I would like a large family to two-car garage. All on deep plo FLORIDA ing room, separate heating "and move in and take care of me. Only $15,900. Fireside - Realtors utilities. $19,000. RETIREMENT THE BERG AGENCY My owner is asking only $15,900. . . An opportunity to DELIGHTFUL SETTING ELWOOD A. ARMSTRON OS 1-2531 OS 1-2590 v UNCROFT AREA — Practically Monmouth County Office Tbli lovely four-bedroom Split Lev- HOME new split level, four bedrooms, 5 CORNERS MIDDLETOWN reach a far greater el home and the entire small AGENCY Hwy. 38 M Laurel Ave. Holmdi "Personalized Service" neighborhood beautifully landicaped, Beautiful west coast location near Ft two baths, in beautiful setting on number of prospec- lecludtd, yet convenient to every- Meyers. Brand new two-bedroom* one dead-end street, short distance OSborae 1-1000 thing. Larr* living room, modern Realtors bath home. Oas heat and not wale: NEW LISTING I tive home buyers! kitchen, spacious dinette, four-bed- screens. Insulated and landscapei schools, shopping center ?nd Route #35 Middletown, N. J. roomi, two full bathf, recreation REAL ESTATE Near shopping center, golf course churches. A real buy at $26,500. room, laundry, utility, top condi- 555 Prospect Ave. Little Silvi beach, community center and hospital. Daily 8-9 Saturday-Sunday 10-7 SHREWSBURY tion throughout, at rage, patio, ap- City water and sewers. via down and Immaculate three-bedroom split level proximate ry «4 acre. Venetian SH 1-4500 ASSOCIATES $30 per month covers all costs Inelut nome in excellent neighborhood. On blind*, refrigerator, waaher and ng taxes and Insurance. 30-»ear FHJ WEART-NEMETH large plot, attached garage, patio fam- dryer Included. Immediate, occu- Member Red Bank REALTORS mortgage available to all quallfle THE BROOK AGENCY ily room. Xe.ny tut* Wllr ISM. A photograph taken pancy. Only I1.7W) down .FHA for buyers regardless o( Me. . Owner wl AGENCY (First come0 , first served here). $750 qualified buyer. Multiple Listing Service 127 Oakland St. Red Bank pay T8% of cost of inspection trip. REAL ESTATE 1H3»' qualified buyers. Full price of your house and REALTOR Bank BuUilni Atlantlo Hlihlinda ASKING $21,500 'THE HOUSING CENTER FO SHadyside 7-3445 distributed to each 391-1717 THE RED BANK AREA." GI and FHA Mortgages M. KRONE 102 WEST FRONT ST. JUST REDUCED MATTHEW J. GILL INTERESTED IN WOODS AND of the 37 Realtor Seven Day Service "The Broker Who KnDwi UTTLEJ HILVKR — Immediate oc< ASSOCIATES, INC. SHadyside 1-2240 SEASHORE TOO? Lovely new RED BANK member offices! pancy. Three-bedroom ranch, enclo* Older, well cared for five-bedroom, 1'4 lllddlotawn" porch, larse living, room with flMPIei RED BANK — Bungalow, city (Realtors) 24-HOUR SERVICE three bedroom ranch midst tall bath home. Near shopping, schools isseinent. 100i20O lot wlthoshede tre Katontoi trees where Indians once ca- T lr Clr 714 Hwy. 35 Middletown Tonvenlent to schooti, shopping an sewers and city water. Living m. 39 Member Red Bank Area 'If'v. j "- iw»ge. full Baiemenl. bus. B2.M0. BH 1-5970. room, dining room, three bed- LI 2-2133 Multiple Listing Service vorted. One mile from world's oil heat, low tai area. Easy to con- OS 1-3200 finest municipal harbor. Full vert to a nice two-ramlly home. STM rooms, beautiful kitchen, Wi ti A real Preferred HOUSES FOR SALE baths, finished basement. Taxes basement, gas dryer included, '$ *"""'• T UTTLE sn-VXR RANCH — Minn science kitchen, Ceramic tile $410. Steam heat — Oil fired. acre plot Near school. Living roon ; advertising! Asking $23,000 14»21, fireplace, dining room, den, flvi bath, city water and sewers. Ask- TED McGUINNESS "OUR 45th YEAR" bedrooms, two bathi, 127,600. ing $16,900. RIVER RIGHTS Uember Shore Multiple Listing Service LITTLE SILVER - Cape Cod, CAPE OOD — Sun ranch. Living room living room, dining room, kitch- 1x14, eat-In kitchen, four bedrooms 12 YEAR OLD TWO FAMILY LI 2-0740 SI Broad Bt Eatontown RAY STILLMAN en, three bedrooms, 1}$ baths, wo baths. U3,M0 mortgagrtgage assumaassum - Wall designed three-bedroom, two-bath HOUSE le tV.B, U24 thly. All modern ranch. Lovely, warm llrlng AND YET... REALTOR plaster walls, large closets, large >rlce (15.600. chargi room with fireplace, roomy kitchen, Hot water oil heat, full basement, COLTS NECK - Charming live-bed- recreation room. extra closets', large full basement, plus first door six rooms and bath, room, 10-year-old house with new addl- many, many extras. Only two yearr km. Large living room with colonial . You pay nothing RED BANK AREA — Suited just right for the Asking $22,900 old. No need to buy appliances . . second floor four room apart- fireplace, cozy den, full dining room, Schanck Agency ill Included for only IW.MW. ment, rent $80 per month. Corner two-car g&rase. Beautiful tree shaded. extra for all large family's pocketbook. Lovely four-bedroom, Realtor lot 100x7500x5.. Overlookinveg Sd Ma'loo' lot. Choice location. Asking HOME PLUS INCOME Linden PI. > R« Ban* 2'/2-bath split level. Situated on spacious wooded Hook Bay, river andd ocean. City COLTS NECIf - Three-bedroom older these services! Conveniently located In central Red SH 1O3B7 Joseph L home completely remodeled colonial lot. Excellent condition. Priced at $25,000. Bank. A six-room home with an ad- Uembtr Multiple LuMng water and sewers. Asking $15,000. style, Spacious living room, lull din- Itional attached five-room apartment. Ins room and large kitchen. Alio largo Complete listings of Separate utilities. Just think, the shop- In good condition at rear lot, tenant will pay off yout mortgage. CARLONE businesses, farms, homes and estates Don't delsy tois Is a rare opportunity REALTOR •" —PORTAUPECK rt 1 t to bu lni! rell EDNA M. NETTER » W. iron* Bt, Red 5Sf* i S ** » " »l List Now! Call OROWELL AGENCY. Realtor LICENSED RIAL ESTATE- BROKE SB 1-1420 throughout Monmouth County Member Multiple Lilting Custom built new. split level. situated 11 W. Front St. BH 1-3040 Red Bank PARllS-HOUSS-nWUSTKlAU SITUS on 100x100 plot. Offering spacious aOtMUtSl4—COLTS NECK George V. Illmensee MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING MIDDLETOWN — New custom built rooms for coafortable living. Modern UARLBORO-rnMISraOLD ARIAi kitchen, with dishwasher, living room, Your Nearest bi-level. Living room, separate dining dining room, paneled family room, Real Estate — Mortgages • room, kitchen, three bedroms, 1% Dutch Lane Rd.. RD I Marlboro :hree bfedrooms with plenty! of closet Rt 3t coite Neck Shrewsbury Hwy. 35 SH 1-8600 ths, recreation room, one-car garage, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION . acre. »8,7B5. Call - builder LI 2-, P.O. Bol 323, Freehold ipace, 1% baths, sliding glass shower Hopkins 2-3172 HO 2-4UJ No closing costs. Lovely three-bedroom door and double sink in master batb, MLS REALTOR ill-room house. Full basement. Lot laundry room, oversized attached ga- FAIR HAVEN - Three-bedroom Colo^ INCOME. RED BANK. COLONIAL.— CENTURY OLD FARMHOUSE — O rage. Hot water baseboard heat. ABk- .llll. living room wllh fireplace, dining 01139. Near school and mopping, Ing 110,600. Call now we hive the key.room, heated porch, corner lot. Con- Six rooms, living room, dining room, ,^ acre wooded grounds. Six rooms, iboul 6 blocks east of Broad St., Red venient to school and nhapnluE Ask* kitchen, three bedrooms, bath. Base- llle bath, two fireplaces, wide board lank. HMO down, '184 a month. Cal Int 117,500. Call owner. 747.509} TODAY! lent, hot air heat oll-fUed. Adjoining loon, beamed ceilings, tremendous en- wner BH 7-0347. JOHN J. DEAN, Bet Ive room apartment. Living room, closed screened porch, two-car gars.ge. MARIE COX AGENCY THE KIRWAN COMPANY state Broker, Shrewsbury. E B Huc Av replace, dining room, small kitchen. 29.500. R0U3TON WATERBURr, Real- REALTORS A 1NSURORB SfardlnS, g .- "°" « Near REALTORS Bedroom, with nursery or sewing room tor, IS W. Front St., Red Bank. SH T- VHAT A SPOT to raise your famllyl! Member Shore six large rooms, rarajrc,' bath, hot water heat gas-fired. Apart- 1600. . ' ?ule acres, brook, pond slle; Nature' Multiple Listing Service Campbell's Junction, Belford int nets IDS monthly. Near Broad paradise; estate approach; handy (a Portaupeck Fair Haven. SH 1-2308. St. and High School. 119,000. LAW- NO DOWN PAYMENT (Iddletown atatlon; large four-bedroom 38 Comanche Drive OA 2-1602 Red Bank Area nBNOE J. flOIllLLINa. nBALTOrt. 16 Immaoulate thrssibsdroom Cap* Cod. uuin< ou knoll surrounded by ull ev»r. 158 Broad St., Keyport Spring Blret. Red Bank. SH cyclone fenced yard, $110 monthly pays [reens, maples, willows, lilacs; ga- Member Multiple Listing. all. SH 1-78M. age, old barn: land Ideal for grating PLECTWOOD PARK—Eight-room split LOTS AND ACREAGE State Hwy. 35, Holmd.l Hack Angus. 128,600 Oilers Invited. level. Four bedrooms, finished recrea- tion room, two baths, garage, central HOMES FOR SALE HTsMES FOR SALE 3ontact /HAROLD LINDB11ANN, Bro- ?J?!??y Ur * You^ C»«or m 1Homes built Call 787-5500 ter, Batdntown. LI 2-1103. Evenings LI atr conditioning, awnings, storm win- m«. ?i '?'• I"" ' T ours, dows, oversized lot with large trees, 100% flnanclnn arranged. Call LI HJ7J, !-0IB5. ' >rook. Asking 119,400- Assume (14% MIDDLETOWN—All the room you need START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT WL HOME* — Five rooms co-op. OI or PHA. CO <-28optn-,'»rj|ls«<>Mf"MW 010. ryeri equipped fenced in ptayyard, men io inspect the properly! and .Ive nafstone patio. SH 1-1590. • MIDDLETOWN — Immediate occupancy. Beautiful, clean, LINCROW. ST.. LBO'S PARISH - your horns Preferred advertising. ' SERVICE Four-bedroom split-level. Bright living JEVBN BEDROOM WATBRPHONT s ho extra cost Involved fivervy mem- modern, three bedrooms, V/i baths, split level home, wall Realtor and Insurer room with good wall apaoe, large din- tfOMS—Large rooms throughout. Fire. her is a nealtor. Vou can pi" tyour to wall carpeting, living room and dining area. Large rec- ing til, .den, utility room, two-car at- ilacei dining room, TV room, V\ reation room, built-in dishwasher. lSxiS patio on well land- (acheached garage. FHH A appraised at latlnf, family kitchen, deep plol. Bulk- "Realtors All" 1480 Ocean Ave. 842-0004 See Bright turn-turn FHA. llnanQlnlnanQln* wwlinlDSl J Mad, hat water heat, oH-Ilreil. aood scaped lot 80x125. $1,000 down, approximately $159 per quillllell ldd bbuyer.l jlrtOOJlVBOO. LAWRSNCB Regional andiDrade Schools. Five mln- month pay* all. Asking $19,350. •OHILLWa, REALTOR, 1* Spring :ei to Little Silver Station. LAW- Open 7 Days — Member Multiple Listing real, Itad auk. BR 7-tUl. 'MtMMr IXNCB J- aCHILTJNOS, Realtor, It ultlpla Usual isrviM. prlng itl.st.Rsd Bank. BH I-413L INC. CO STEVE ROPE& By SAVNDERS and OVERGARD STEVE ROPER By SAVNDERS aid OVERGARD








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My.' WHAT A WEIL-TRAINEP VQG VOU HAVE, STEVE... D5ESMT JUMP UP ON ' ANYTHING/. THE RYATTS By CAL 4LLEY fHE RYATTS By CAL ALLEY, Fii&y, January 4. 1963 RED BANK EEGISTEH DAILY CROSSWORD . AOBOSS 8. John 20. Wager HEU HEIIS3G l.BJ«m!ali . Qulncy 22.A «. Rapid support 11. Had not: 4.—and 23. Wild contracted outs sheep 12. Like pines 8. New 24. Seam- SOHQ SBHSaH COMPANY 13. Japanese Testament: stress' outcuU abbr. guide sa asaae ASIUKr fAlK (to 14MT J L| H. Loiter 6. Pungent 25. Not @SB33 aeiiaa 15. Edge I. An eye proved 16. Crammed signal- 26. Hearts: 17. Fate 8. Naive girl anat YMt«r4»)r'l «••«• 19. Beak S. Seed boxes 28. Old .32. Artist's 21. Motorists' for birds World stand winter 10. Son of lizards 33. Pictures hazard Odin 30. Keats of bones 33. Unadulter- 14. Narrow and 35. Formerly ated roadway Brown- 37. Expanse Save on Famous "Utica" 23. Pluck 16. Select Ing 38. Taxi 28. Top of a 18. Metal 31. Rental 40. Calcium: wave containers contract sym. 37. White Percale , Blinker 1 3 4 b 7 8 IP 28. River rapids II 11 Sheets and Pillow Cases , 29. Attorney; 7A | abbr. li 1 + 'SO.Puwle 3*. Body of 15 16 Silky Smooth 180-Thread soldiers % 36. Auditory (7 IS 2O White Percale Sheets organ 37. Fisher- 11 12 man's neU ^A 72x108" and 13 35 38. House: Sp. Twin Fitted, Reg. 3.19 39. Build ^A 2.59 40. Baseball's 37' y It SoA •31 33 She: Rtg. Stengel 41. Mountains 81x108" 3.49 of Chile ay ib ,'J t 42. Adam's ^ 42x38" Casas 89 son: pass. 37 DOWN 45x38" Cases i 99 1. Fragments 1» 40 ^f Twin Fitted Sheet! i 3.19 of pottery: 41 Var. Double Fitted Sheets 3.49 S. Potato: dial. % Fitted Sheet! 3.49 Long Double Sheets 54x80" ... 3.79 Bridge Column Long Twin 39x80" Fitted".-. 3.49 Long Dual 78x80" Fitted 7.98 One thing that has puzzled wise THE HANDS Queen Fitted 60x80" : ...... 4.98 men for centuries is how wom- Sooth dealer King Bottom Sheets Fitted :....5.98 en can do all the wrong things Both tides vnlnenble and get better results than if NORTH 108x 122 Vi"' 7.98 4 7 5 3 they'd known what they were VKQJT9 100x120" 5.95 doing. It happens at the bridge O»4 Foam Mattress Sheers table too. Men's Famous Sport Shirts WEST EAST Twin Fitted 3.19, " South, the innocent and art * 10 9 8 ^-4 6 less wife of a famous bridge V 10 8 7 C4 95 5 2 Double Fitted .....,„.._ .>3.49 figure, should have stopped at 2?,,.. OQJ10 97 four spades but then there would * A J 10 9 • 6 5 3 have been no story. (Incidental- 8 200-Thread Luxurious 2.98 NOW 1.99 ly, the hand was played in Hol- SOUTH* . $AKQ,42 land, where many experts use Beautiful Percales an opening bid of two clubs to OAK begin a force to game, and part- 72x108" and 5.98-8.98 NOW 3,99 ner must respond two diamonds Saeft Wot North Eatf to show any very weak hand.) ?*_ 5"* 2O 40 Twin Fitted, Reg. 4.49

Our innocent heroine won the • Wide selection of cottons, some wash 'n wear, Dacron® polyester and cottons, singleton diamond lead with the Ofeeoiac lead — O 2 She: Rtg. ace and played the ace and king 72x108" Twin Fitted 4.49 of spades. West played the nine flannels, corduroys and polished cottons. 81x108" Long Full and - and ten of spades to confuse her, DAILY QUESTION as men often will when a help- Partner opens with one dia Double Fiffed ...... 4.98 less woman is playing the hand. mond, and the next player • Choose permanent stay collars or Ivy League button downs in check, plaids, 42x38Vt" Cases 1.19 Not No Trump passes. You'hold: Spades 10 9 8, Hearts 10 8 7 6 4, Diamonds 2, stripes and novelty prints. • "Is the contract four no 45x38Vi" Cases 1.29 trump?" South asked brightly. Clubs A J 10 9. What do you The other players, all men, say? set her right about that. Answer: Bid one heart. You • Stock up now and save on these handsomely tailored, famous make, long "Oh, spades are trumps," have only 5 points in high cards, STElNBACtTS LINENS but the jack of clubs is strength- , sleire sport shirts. Sizes S, M, L and XL. South prattled on. 'I didn't Second Floor and Asbury Park count the trumps, but this can't ened by the other cards in its hurt anyway." And she played suit, and your other tens may the king of diamonds. be useful. As long as the hand is worth a response you respond MEN'S FURNISHINGS, Street Floor and Asbury Park West pounced on this with the in a higher suit rather-than in eight of spades and a little lec- no trump. ture about the masculine virtues of counting and knowing what the contract is. But now dummy's seven ol Strathmore spades was an entry. South could David Paul Carter, son of Mr. win the heart return, lead the and Mrs. Barnabas P. Carter, deuce of spades to dummy's sev- 34 Autumn La., is spending the en, and discard low clubs on Christmas holidays at home. Da- dummy's good hearts. Declarer vid is a journalism student at lost only one ruffing trick and University of Missouri. the ace of clubs and therefore made her contract of five spades. Mr. Everett Woifson, 7 Asbury If West hadn't ruffed, or if our La., is a patient in Columbia Innocent heroine had drawn all Presbyterian Medical Center, of the trumps, declarer would New York City. have lost three club tricks. Maybe Heaven does protect the Kenneth 0. Stout, Jr., 19 Ivan- Innocent, hoe La., is convalescing at home after being hospitalized.

New Year's Eve was cele- brated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Rezak, 65 Ivanhoe La., with a party for Strathmore residents. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grossman, 93 Idle- (Send your answers to George. wild La.; Mr. and Mrs. Deene He's got too many questions Goldstein, 113 Idlewild La.; Mr. Semi-Annual now.) and Mrs. Irwin J. Benson, 109 Idlewild La., and JWr. and Mrs. Dear George". Joseph D. Macchia, 103 Idlewild I am absolutely shocked at the La. lurid covers on the paperback SHOE SALE books at my neighborhood drug- store. Guests at a New Year's Eve Discontinued Styles from Regular Stock The covers show girls in the party given by Mr. and Mrs. most revealing of poses, yet, Robert Weinstein, 149 Idlewild FAMOUS more often than not, the contents La., were Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. of the book aren't really all that Mankowitz, 8 Andover La.; Mr. Red Cross* and Cobbies bad. and Mrs. Eugene S. Krusch, 466 Reg. 10.98 to 14.98 What can be done about this? Lloyd Rd.; Mr. asd Mrs. Gerald Shocked Gaier, Philadelphia; Mr. and COSTUME JEWELRY Mrs. Bruce Kawut, Roselle; Mr. Now Dear Shocked: and Mrs. Irving Blume, Roselle; Gee, I don't know. Which part Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Davis, North 9.99 &10.99 are you shocked by? Arlington, Vi OFF original price Dear George: Caressa Pumps My husband drives me crazy. New Year's Eve was celebrated $1. Our Own Brand He retired a year ago and just at Mayer's Inn, Rumson, by Mr. NOW Reg. 15.98 NOW 1 Q QQ wandered around the house. I and Mrs. Lawrence Gray, 22 suggested he take up a hobby. Ivanhoe La; Mr. and Mrs., David L00*'15.00* He was just always underfoot. F. Caiman, 24 Ivanhoe La; Mr. Mannequin Pumps I suggest everything. and Mrs, Jerome R. Gold, 14 SEAMLESS NYLONS Ivanhoe La.; Mr. and Mrs. Mel- were 2.00 to 30.00 Finally, he agreed to take up vln Greenfield, 157 Idlewild La., Reg. 12.98 and 13.98 NOW Q QQ a hobby. He makes furniture in and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kra- the basement. In fact, the base- vitz, 22 Idlewild La. ment is practically full of furni- • Necklaces, bracelets, pins, earrings) ture. It crossed my mind to go 3 p- 2.00 Little Yankee Shoes down and measure the stairway. Mrs. Edwin Pordy entertained • By the famous makers you know and iovel He's not going to be able to get former associates at the Jewish Reg. 8.98 to 10.50 NOW C QQ this furniture out of the base- Vacation Association, New York, t Steinbach't own brand stockings in plain or ment. last Friday. Her guests included t Wide selection but come early for best mash knit. Should I tell him and discour- Miss Miriam Kaplan, Mrs. Yola choice! Assorted Flats for Women, Misses age him or let him find out for Amulewicz, Mrs. Florence Gibbs, • Choice of 2 smart shades. himself? And have him under- Mrs. Ann Mahaffey, and Mrs. foot again? Pordy's sister, Mrs. Arthur Zorn •plUI U] • Sizes 8'/J to II. Reg. 4.98 to 8.98 NOW ^X QQ Fathead's Wife and children, Karen, Brian Dear Mrs. Fathead: Evane and David Zorn. * Let him find out for himself STEIN BACH'SJEWELRY and suggest a brand-new hobby. STEINDACII'S HOSIERY * STEINBACirS SHOE SALON .Nsw ,XM;Si5v«,suestsjJi«;.ti 'BerfdhTb'r bu¥"i&mpfflor: ''"How fo ; •?•••- Eloor> Get Furniture Out of Your Base- home of Mr. and Mrs., Ira Anes, ment — Fun for, the Golden 113 Andover La., were Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Rippel, 118 Andover Years!" La.; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Edelson, Sayre Woods; Mr. and Mrs. Al- No problem finding tenants bert Smith, 31 Autumn La.; Mr. when you advertise The Register and Mrs. Leonard Hart, 69 Avon- way—Advertisement. dale La. SHOP BOTH STORES IRIDAY 'til 9