Geoffrey A. Clark Geoffrey A. Clark School of Evolution and Social Change Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-2402, in the Context of the Levantine U.S.A. , 1990-2010

Arguably, no part of the Old World has analytical units and, by extension, their impli- experienced more profound conceptual and cations for biological and cultural evolution. empirical changes over the past 20 years than west Asia, and this is particularly true of its The ( and best-known region, the . West Asia is ) the locus of many important debates in the The Lower Paleolithic (>1.4-ca. 0.3 ma) paleoarchaeology of ‘deep time’ and, indeed, in comprises two analytical units, the Oldowan archaeology in general, as Robert Braidwood and the Acheulean. It was during the Lower observed more than 60 years ago (1952). Paleolithic (LP) that our genus, Homo, first With an archaeological record extending back evolved. Other important developments include 1.5 million years and landscapes relatively a dietary transition toward greater carnivory accessible to investigation because of little (a prerequisite for larger brains), increases in Holocene deposition, the Levant is a prime local group size, the appearance of bifacial example of an area where methodological and technologies and the earliest hominin dispersals dating advances have had a dramatic impact out of Africa. Although not so intensively on our perceptions of pattern and what it studied as the , our picture of might mean. Although much recent debate has the Lower Paleolithic has changed dramatically focused on the Middle Paleolithic, associated in recent years, largely as a consequence of in with both archaic and modern work in Palestine. FIG. 1 shows most of the , the Lower and have Lower Paleolithic sites known from the eastern been also been significantly affected. Mediterranean. The cluster of sites in the coastal I attempt here to summarize these develop- Levant is partly due to the duration and intensity ments and their consequences for our under- of investigation, partly to karstic topography and standing of human evolution, emphasizing the the high incidence of caves, and partly to higher Levant in its regional context. Such an exer- population densities along the coast. Some of cise shows that many textbook generalizations the better-known or published LP sites in the about human evolution there are now difficult Levant are listed in TABLES 1 and 2. Notable to sustain empirically. In particular, advances are Ubeidiyeh (Bar-Yosef and Goren-Inbar in chronology have affected perceptions of the 1993) and Bizat Ruhama (Zaidner et al. 2010), duration and geographical extent of the major the only well-documented Oldowan sites in the


1. Major Lower Paleolithic Sites (from al-Nahar and Clark 2009: 177). region; Gesher Benot Ya’aqov (Goren-Inbar Ruhama, an open site near Gaza, may be older and Sharon 2006) and Latamné (Clark 1967, still – perhaps as old as 2 million years. Like 1968), early Acheulean sites in Palestine and Ubeidiyeh it has excellent preservation of ; Holon, on the Mediterranean coastal plain organic remains (Zaidner et al. 2010). Unlike south of Tel Aviv (Chazan and Horwitz 2007), Ubeidiyeh, the site was rapidly buried and the the Jafr Basin Acheulean sites in south-central faunal assemblage can be attributed mainly to Jordan (Rech et al. 2007) and the Acheulean human agency. Until the discovery of Dmanisi site cluster in the Azraq Basin of north-central in 1994, Ubeidiya was considered to mark the Jordan (Copeland and Hours 1989; Cordova et earliest excursion of hominins out of Africa. al. 2013). About a dozen sites have been dated Biogeographically, however, the Levant is radiometrically (Hovers and Braun 2008). simply an extension of the kinds of African The Oldowan layers at Ubeidiyeh are dated environments to which hominins had been biostratigraphically to ca. 1.4-1.2 mya and adapted for millions of years. Work on the are thus coeval with Upper Bed II and Bed Oldowan has accelerated over the past 15 years. III at Olduvai Gorge (Tchernov 1988). Bizat Some 20-25 sites are now known, most of them – 234 – JORDAN IN THE CONTEXT OF THE LEVANTINE PALEOLITHIC, 1990-2010

Table 1. Some Important Acheulean and Yabrudian Sites in Syria, and Palestine.

Table 2. Important Acheulean Sites in Jordan.

– 235 – GEOFFREY A. CLARK in the east African Rift. Dated radiometrically Revadim Quarry, Qesem Cave, Jamal Cave to 2.6 ma, Gona – in Ethiopia’s Awash River and Ain Beidha, all but the last in Palestine and valley – marks the oldest known human use of Syria. Despite some spread, the dates are fairly stone. Oldowan and Oldowan-like sites have consistent. Omitting the early date for Berekhet also been reported in Georgia, Spain, Pakistan, Ram, the grand means for the Late Acheulean and China. are 246-184 kya, an exceptionally tight spread To date, no unequivocal Oldowan sites have that coincides almost exactly with OIS 7 (245- been recognized in Jordan, although they almost 185 kya). Although early Acheulean sites clearly certainly exist among the ancient, deflated exist, the most general finding is that there is surface scatters that litter the landscape. The not a lot of evidence for the early and middle best candidate for an Oldowan site is probably Acheulean nor, really, for much continuity Shuwayhitiyah, located in Wadi Sirhan just over between it and the Oldowan (TABLE 4). The the Saudi border (Whalen and Pease 1990). predominance of late Acheulean industries has Shuwayhitiyah consists of at least 15 dense been noted before (e.g. Bar-Yosef 1994), but is surface scatters of choppers, polyhedrons, not generally accepted by those who emphasize picks, cleavers, scrapers and a few crude morphological refinement as the principle bifaces, all made of quartzite. The location of criterion for ordering bifaces in time. Latamné, the site is interesting. The excavators suggest it for example, is sometimes argued to be ‘Middle might lie on one of the major inland corridors Acheulean’ on typological grounds, and Lower used by hominins during the initial exodus from and Middle stages are recognized by many Africa about 2 ma. In conventional techno- workers (al-Nahar and Clark 2009). typological terms, these are indeed Oldowan (or at least ‘Oldowan-like’) artifacts, but much The Middle Paleolithic () controversy presently surrounds what does or Turning to the Middle Paleolithic (MP), does not constitute the Oldowan (see papers in salient developments include the origins of Hovers and Braun 2008). Recent work makes it archaic and modern Homo sapiens, the H. clear that there is a lot of under-acknowledged sapiens dispersal into mid-latitude Eurasia, the variability in these assemblages, that the first evidence for human burial, the use of mineral Oldowan is not a single entity or analytical unit, pigments for bodily decoration, the appearance and that Oldowan sites occur outside Africa and of objects of personal adornment (beads) and throughout the Lower Paleolithic. Perhaps most the earliest evidence for systematic hunting of important are the implications for the cognitive large game. The Levantine Mousterian lasted development of its makers. Whoever they were, for about 200,000 years and is dated globally they appear to have exhibited considerable to ca. 260-50 ka (FIG. 2). It thus extends from planning depth in their acquisition and use of OIS 7 through the early part of OIS 3, with stone, an appreciation of the cryptocrystalline all the climatic change that entails. The TL properties of stone and a basic knowledge of chronology from ṭābūn has effectively nearly rock mechanics, thus countering the claim tripled the length assigned to the Mousterian that the Oldowan represents an unsystematic, as recently as the early 1990s. Unlike the opportunistic method of tool use and astonishing proliferation of Mousterian variants manufacture. in Europe following the collapse of the Soviet So far as the Acheulean is concerned, most Union (1991) (Clark and Riel-Salvatore 2006), of the radiometrically dated sites pertain to its work in the Levant is still heavily influenced by later phases (TABLE 3). They include ṭābūn, the three facies (variants) defined by Dorothy Yabrud, Umm Qatafa, Berekhet Ram, Holon, Garrod (1937) at ṭābūn Cave almost 70 years


Table 3. Radiometrically Dated Late Acheulean Sites.

Table 4. Levantine Acheulean Sites with Radiometric Dates – Summary.


2. Major Middle Paleolithic Sites (from Bar-Yosef 2006: 97). ago. These are ṭābūn D, dominated by laminar sequences, the Garrod and Jelinek stratigraphies blanks, elongated Levallois points and some at ṭābūn, and concepts and terms imported Upper Paleolithic tools, ṭābūn C, with an from Europe. There is roughly 200,000 years abundance of short oval Levallois points made of overlap between the Lower and the Middle from radial cores, lots of sidescrapers and Paleolithic, and the transition is sometimes little in the way of laminar blanks, and ṭābūn equated with the Acheulo-Yabrudian, poorly B, marked by a return to laminar blanks. The dated radiometrically to around 450,000 to chronology of the Levantine Mousterian has 270,000 years ago. Divided into three facies been much debated. TABLE 5 summarizes pre- with supposed climatic correlates, it is fully 1990s views of Levantine MP chronology. Note contemporary with the late Acheulean and lasts the time scale on the left. These chronologies as long as the Mousterian itself. were constructed prior to the widespread A current chronology for the Levantine application of ESR, OSL and TL dating. They Middle Paleolithic is given in TABLE 6. are based on extrapolations from European Despite the proliferation of radiometric dates, glacial chronologies, undated fossil beach whether the ṭābūn facies can be ordered in time – 238 – JORDAN IN THE CONTEXT OF THE LEVANTINE PALEOLITHIC, 1990-2010

Table 5. Five Pre-1990s Views of the ṭābūn Mousterian Facies Chronology (from Bar-Yosef 2006: 98).

is a complicated issue. West of the Jordan, Jordan. However, work in Wādī al-Ḥasa (Clark ṭābūn D-type assemblages are dated by TL and et al. 1987) and on the south edge of the Jordan ESR at ṭābūn, Hayonim and Rosh Ein Mor to plateau (Henry 1995) indicate their presence between 270 and 170 ka. East of the Jordan in these steppe-desert environments as well as they appear to be time-transgressive, apparently along the Mediterranean coast. It is interesting extending up until < 100 kya. ṭābūn C is dated to note that no human fossils are associated at ṭābūn, Qafzeh and Skhūl, and at Naamé in with D-type industries – all the and Syria from about 170-90 kya. ṭābūn B is not early modern remains are found with the later well-dated but is thought to fall between ca. facies. 100-50 ka (Bar-Yosef 1998). There also appear Although dating has improved, both the to be geographical differences in the temporal definition and behavioral meaning of the facies extent of these entities. For example, ṭābūn D remain contested (Culley et al. 2013). Much type assemblages might have persisted until the of this controversy arises from a fundamental last glacial in the xeric southern Levant, making difference about whether it is possible to identify them coeval with ṭābūn C industries in cave sites ‘paleocultures’ in the Paleolithic and, if so, how further north. The technological and typological we might go about doing that. On the one hand, discreteness of all three facies is controversial, workers like Bar-Yosef (e.g. 1998) argue that but the B variant is perhaps more poorly-defined lithic operational sequences map onto social than C or D (Culley et al. 2013). For a long learning networks that constitute ‘traditions.’ time, the later variants were not recognized in These traditions persist, in some cases, for – 239 – GEOFFREY A. CLARK Table 6. Current Chronology for the Levantine Paleo- constrained choice amongst these options. lithic from 350-40 ka (from Bar-Yosef 2006: Because of its pivotal role in the modern hu- 100). man diaspora, there has also been a big increase in natural and earth science research in the Le- vant beginning in the early 1990s. Most of this work focuses on the Middle Paleolithic, and much of it involves paleoclimatic reconstruc- tion. Present climate in the central and northern Levant is determined largely by Mediterranean cyclone-driven rainfall, whereas its southern third is dominated by the Indian Ocean mon- soon. Terrestrial proxies for paleoclimate re- construction include carbon and oxygen isotope analyses of speleothems; aeolian and alluvial deposits, lacustrine sediments and terraces, mi- cro- and macropaleobotanical and archaeofau- nal studies; geochemical analyses of sediment diagenesis and taphonomic research. Cores from the surrounding seas and coasts have pro- vided high-resolution paleoclimatic data that is, at present, difficult to reconcile with much more fragmentary terrestrial archives. Much re- mains to be done to understand the mechanisms driving moisture and temperature fluctuation thousands of generations, and are manifest during OIS 8-4 and questions so fundamental as spatially in the territories of identity-conscious whether or not glacials were ‘wet’ or ‘dry’ are ‘paleocultures.’ On the other hand, workers yet to be answered. Geoscience research proto- like me (e.g. Clark 2002) would argue that cols have also become increasingly important in operational sequences are most parsimoniously intrasite analysis. Traditional intersite emphasis explained by recurrent contextual situations on geoarchaeology and geomorphology is now with which all foragers must contend, mitigated joined by microsedimentology, archaeomagne- by raw material availability, package size and tism, mineralogy and microhydrology to under- quality, forager mobility and rock mechanics. stand the effects of diagenesis and to tease out Pattern is thus not directly related to traditional the nature of features like the famous hearths ways of making stone tools but instead reflects at Kebara. Questions and problems pertinent formal convergence because there are only a to contemporary perceptions of the Middle Pa- limited number of ways to flake stone, invented, leolithic since about 1990 are summarized in lost and reinvented countless times over the TABLE 7. millennia. From this perspective, Paleolithic technology probably constituted a limited The Upper Paleolithic range of options broadly distributed in time and (, , Levantine ] space, held in common by all contemporary The Upper Paleolithic (ca. 45-23 ka BP) hominins, and invoked differentially according witnessed the spread of modern humans to circumstances. The challenge of future work into western Eurasia and the disappearance is to determine what general contextual factors of , who were almost certainly


Table 7. The Middle Paleolithic since 1990.

swamped genetically by Homo sapiens sometimes thought to be of North African origin sapiens, ultimately of African origin. Although (FIG. 3). The early 1980s saw publication of there are isolated instances in the MP (e.g. the key sequence at Boker Tachtit, a stratified tortoises in Italy), the first good evidence for open site in the Negev Desert, where a seamless local overexploitation of resource staples (i.e. technological transition was first identified by ungulates, especially red deer) took place Anthony Marks through extensive refitting towards the end of this period. While not of cores (1983). Marks showed that identical everywhere apparent, there were also increases Levallois points were struck from bidirectional in diet breadth or niche width as more labor point cores at the beginning of the sequence intensive low-yield resources like shellfish (ca. 54 ka?) and from pyramidal blade cores were added to the diet (Neeley and Clark 1993, at its end, dated radiometrically to around 45 but cf. Edwards 1989) and occasional hints of ka. Although many were skeptical, the work increased use of annual grasses like wheat and showed that technology could, and did, vary barley, destined to become the dietary staples independently from typology – a radical notion of much of the western world. Intensification in at the time. subsistence economies and a greater emphasis A conference in London in 1989 resulted in a on plant foods marked by evidence for plant pretty good consensus that the Upper Paleolithic processing technologies accelerated in the consisted of two quasi-cultural entities or phyla: Epipaleolithic (ca. 24-12.5 ka BP) as increased the Ahmarian, dominated by lamellar blanks sedentism, a reduction in birth spacing and and dated radiometrically to around 38 ka, and increases in the rate of population growth led to the flake-dominated Levantine Aurignacian, the population/resource imbalances that drove starting at around 32 ka (FIGS. 4, 5; TABLE 8). much Neolithic innovation. This consensus began to unravel during the Prior to the 1960s, there was, in effect, middle 1990s with the recognition that the no Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition, the Ahmarian had more in common with the early conceptual space being filled by the Emiran, Levantine Mousterian than with its later phases, an analytical unit defined by a point type and that the Aurignacian was more variable


3. Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic Transitional Sites and Ini- tial Upper Paleolithic (IUP) Sites – ca. 45-38 ka BP (from Belfer-Cohen and Goring- Morris 2003: 3). than previously thought (Coinman 2003). There more elaborate prepared core technologies and was also proliferation of facies (FIGS. 6, 7), simpler ones – sometimes laminar, sometimes the behavioral significance of which was much not – that might extend back into the Lower debated (Barton 1997, Neeley and Barton 1994, Paleolithic (Monigal 2001). Faced with such Barton and Neeley 1996; see papers in Goring- daunting complexity, some workers simply Morris and Belfer-Cohen 2003). Probably the divide the latter part of the sequence into most striking conclusion to come out of these Late and Terminal Middle Paleolithic, and reassessments is that there is little evidence Initial Upper Paleolithic (IUP), the last used to justify any kind of a linear developmental to distinguish industries that post-date 48-50 scheme, but rather a ‘bushy’ or dendritic one – a ka and pre-date the earliest Ahmarian (FIG. 3). complex temporal-spatial mosaic that involved We should not forget that these are just labels recurring technological shifts between relatively used by convention or for convenience. By – 242 – JORDAN IN THE CONTEXT OF THE LEVANTINE PALEOLITHIC, 1990-2010

4. Early Ahmarian Sites – ca. 38-25 ka BP (from Belfer- Cohen and Goring-Morris 2003: 4). themselves, they do not connote anything about 2003). Our picture of the Upper Paleolithic behavior or process, evolutionary or otherwise. was initially created in the decades bracketing It’s worth remarking that the Levantine World War II by Garrod, Neuville, Turville- Upper Paleolithic has not received the attention Petre and others, most of whom were trained devoted to its predecessor, almost certainly in the French tradition (Garrod was a protegée because of its peripheral role in modern of the Abbé Breuil). Work concentrated west human origins research and the consensus of the Jordan and was largely confined to the that it was produced by people like ourselves narrow coastal plain, with the unintended The chronological framework has improved consequence that pattern changes were framed somewhat over the past 20 years, but many almost exclusively along a north/south gradient of the changes are conceptual, rather than extending for ca. 450 kms from north Syria to empirical (Coinman 2000; Clark and Coinman the Negev (essentially a big rectangle about 50 – 243 – GEOFFREY A. CLARK

5. Levantine Aurignacian Sites – ca. 32-26 ka BP (from Belfer-Cohen and Goring- Morris 2003: 5). Table 8. The Upper Paleolithic in the 1990s.


6. Atlitian (ca. 27/25 ka BP? – solid squares) and Unnamed Flake-Based Sites (ca. 30-17 ka BP – open circles); note discrete distributions (from Belfer-Cohen and Goring- Morris 2003: 6). km wide where, with a few notable exceptions, justice to the rich history of Levantine research, lake basins are uncommon). This bias began to nor do more than sketch some of its salient be corrected in the mid-1980s, when it became advances over the past 20 years (TABLE 10). apparent that during late Pleistocene wet phases, So far as the Lower Paleolithic is concerned, it shallow alkaline lakes ringed by fresh-water should be kept in mind that, despite the nearly springs formed over much of Jordan, attracting ubiquitous distribution of handaxes in the both humans and animals out of the necessity heavily deflated uplands of the Levant, fewer to slake their thirst (Coinman 2005). Work in than 25 Acheulean sites have been excavated the 1990s uncovered much evidence for Upper and/or published, and most of these appear Paleolithic foragers and settlement patterns that to date to OIS 7. Of the early sites, the best had no real counterparts to the west of the Rift. reported is Gesher Benot Ya’aqov in the Hula In a brief presentation like this, I cannot do Valley on the west bank of the Jordan, where 27 – 245 – GEOFFREY A. CLARK

7. Upper-to-Epipaleolithic Transitional Sites: Masraqan/ Late Ahmarian Sites(ca. 22- 16 ka BP – solid squares) and Nebekian Sites (ca. 22-20 ka BP – open circles) (from Belfer-Cohen and Goring- Morris 2003: 7). genera of plants are preserved as wood, seeds, likely components of the Acheulean diet. nuts, pollen and phytoliths in waterlogged A second finding is a near absence of sites sediments about 780,000 years old. The subject dated to the early and middle Middle Pleistocene. of a monograph published in 2002 (Goren-Inbar Although they do occur (Ubeidiyeh and GBY et al. 2002), the wood component apparently are examples), expansions of the Sahara during accumulated as driftwood along the shores of dry intervals might have cut off, or limited, paleolake Hula. Paleobotanical, taphonomic range extensions out of Africa between around and geochemical analyses were brought to bear 750 and 300 kya. The extremely tight cluster on this unique assemblage that allowed for of dated Late Acheulean sites would argue for extensive reconstruction of the environment, resumption of immigration during OIS 7. its hydrology, and modes of transport and So far as the Middle Paleolithic is concerned, accumulation. Edible seeds and fruits were and despite the fact that it’s possible to arrange


Table 9. The Upper Paleolithic since ca. 2002.

Table 10. Major Post-1990s Changes.

the ṭābūn facies in a linear series, perhaps the prepared single platform cores. Leaving aside most significant finding is that the facies concept the important but unanswered question of what itself masks a lot of variation that may well adaptive significance these or other attribute be contemporaneous, rather than sequential. studies might have had, the implication is that Monigal (2001) has shown, for example, that pattern in the Levantine Paleolithic is ‘bushy’, many metric and discrete traits of the ‘bladey’ rather than linear, as Garrod originally argued Lower Paleolithic Amudian actually align it more than 60 years ago1. This would tend more closely with the IUP than with the Middle to shift explanation away from hypothetical Paleolithic, and indicate only a strategy to ‘paleocultures’ and more in the direction of produce elongated blanks from minimally- recurrent contextual factors with which all

1. It is ironic that Garrod herself later came to see the facies as sequential, a view adopted by many subsequent workers (e.g. Bar-Yosef 2000, 2006; although cf. Hauck 2011). – 247 – GEOFFREY A. CLARK Paleolithic foragers had to contend. extinctions, range extensions, displacements, Finally, it has become clear over the replacements, radiations, continuity and past 20 years that, with rare exceptions, all discontinuity set against the backdrop of Stone Age archaeological sites are time- macroclimatic change and extending far back averaged palimpsests that have nothing to into the Miocene (20-5.5 ma). The initial do with the day-to-day, year-to-year, or even hominin radiation out of Africa is one of the generational activities of particular human more recent of these events or processes, dating groups. Whether in the open air, or in caves at the earliest only to around 2 ma. Hominin and rockshelters, Stone Age sites compress populations expanded and contracted repeatedly into an undifferentiated lump what surely was throughout the Pleistocene, responding to significant environmental variation and equally climatic change, adapting to new environments, significant human responses to it. A particular interacting with each other and with earlier type frequency in an archaeological collection hominins, themselves the products of similar thus bears no relationship to the frequency of expansions. It is this complexity that makes that type in a collection of artifacts actually untangling patterns in the Levant exceptionally used by anyone at any time. This, in my view, is daunting. a striking conclusion, and one that has profound I have emphasized the contributions of ar- implications for how we go about studying the chaeological science here, particularly how past. It means that we can no longer afford to radiometric dates have affected our construals think of paleoarchaeology as ‘history-like.’ of pattern and what it might mean. While ar- Instead it more closely resembles evolutionary chaeological science has an important role to biology so far as its conceptual framework is play, at the end of the day it’s up to the archae- concerned. ologists to direct the course of research, and to Three continents converge on the Levant arrive at, synthesize and integrate conclusions. (TABLE 11). The region experienced a complex Although few archaeologists understand how series of dispersals, back migrations, regional dates are contrived, nor the biases, methodolo- diversification, isolation, reintegration, local gies and assumptions behind the models used to

Table 11. Paleoarchaeology – Major Problems and Questions.

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– 250 –