Bard College and

APRIL 24-26, 2009 SARATOGA SPRINGS, NEW y ORK SKIDMORE C 0 LL EGE CO-ORGANIZERS 2009 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Barbara Black, Skidmore College, and Deirdre d 'Alber tis, Robert Frank, Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor of Management and Professor of Economics, Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell CONFERENCE ASSISTANT University and author of Falling Behind: How Rising Ineq uality Harms the Allison Barber, Skidmore '09 Middle Class (University of California, 2007), The Economic Naturalist: Jn Sea rch rjfaplanationsjor Everyday Enigmas (Basic Books, 2007), and Luxury Fever: ABOUTINCS Money and Happiness in an Era ef Success (Princeton University Press, 2000). President, Christine Krueger, Marquette University Darrin McMahon, Ben Weider Professor of , Fl orida State Executive Director, Ch.-isVanden Bossche, University of Notre Dame University, and author of Happiness: A History (A tlantic Monthl y Books, 2006) INCS is an international group of scholars dedicated to interdisciplinary and Enemies ef the Enlightenment: The Fren ch Counter-Enlightenment and the discussion and research. The organiza ti on sponsors annual meetings and Making ef Modernity (Oxford University Press, 2001). enjoys a collaborative relationship with Nineteenth-Century Contexts: An Adam Potkay, Margaret L. Hamilton Professor of English, The Coll ege Interdisciplinary Journal. INCS encourages scholarly work that transcends ofWilliam and Mary, and author of The Story efjoy from the Bihle to Late Roman­ disciplinary boundaries in its approach to cultural studies. ticism (Cambridge University Press, 2007) and The Passion for Happiness: Sa muel Johnson and David Hume (Cornell University Press, 2000). Each spring since 1986 IN CS has hosted a conference on a theme of broad interest in nineteenth-century studies. We have also sponsored or co­ SPONSORS sponsored int ernational conferences in London and Paris. Dialogue is the Funded by Skidmore College's President's Office; the Dean of the Faculty; featured mode of exchange at INCS meetings. Papers are distributed in the O ffi ce of Special Programs; the SGA Speakers Bureau; and the Depart­ advance, while at the conference session presenters summarize their papers ments of English, Foreign Languages and Literatures, History, Government, to stimulate dialogue among all those in attendance. , Psychology, Art History, and Classics; and Bard College's Office of the Dean of the College; the Division of Languages and Literature; the INCS CONFERENCE 2009 Division of Social Studies; and the Programs of Literature, French Studies , "'Happiness our being's end and aim' is at bottom, !f we will count well, Italian Studies, Art History, Theology, Music, Russian Studies , Psychology, not yet two centuries old in the world. " and Human Rights. Support has also come from INCS an

hank Mabee (English, Fitchburg State College), "The Happy Friday, April 24 Revolutionaries: Contesting Rights and Rewards at Spithead and the Nore" 7:45-8:45 a.m.-Shuttle from the Hilton to Palamountain Stefan Bird-Pollan (Social Studies Program, Harvard University), 8 a.m.-Continental breakfast (Murray-Aikins Dining Hall) "Rousseau, Hegel and Marx: Labor, Individuality and Society" 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.-Registration (Gannett Auditorium Lobby) Kris Pangburn (History, UCLA), "Early German Liberalism and Debate over Heavenly Happiness: The Case of M.C.FW. 9-10:30a.m.-Session1 Gravell"

A. Happy and Unhappy Women (Murray-Aikins, Room 1) C. Economics of Happiness (Murray-Aikins, Room 3)

Moderator: Marni Kessler (Art History, University of Kansas) Moderator: Susan Hiner (French, )

Lisa Shapiro Sanders (English Literature and Cultural Studies, Lise Shreier (French, Fordham Uniwrsity), "The Playthings of ), "Gender and the Politics of Happiness Exoticized Children and the Economics of in the Life and Work of Millicent Garrett Fawcett" Happiness"

Melissa Lingle-Martin (English, Indiana University of Pennsylvania), Susan Hiner (French, Vassar College), "Calico and Cashmere:The "'fN]o happy woman ever writes': Nineteenth-Century Economics of a Happy Ending" Women Writers and the Pursuit of Happiness" Carolyn Betensky (English, University of Rhode Island), '"Happy' Susan Roberts (English, Roehampton University), "The Pleasure and 'Unhappy': Affect and Economics in Mary Barton" and the Pain arc all Hers!" D. Happiness at the Fin de Siecle (Murray-Aikins, Room 4) Lynn Alexander (English, University ofTennessee at Martin), "Beyond Despair: The Drowned Woman in Victorian Moderator: Stephen Graham (Literature, Bard College) Literature and Art" Anne DeWitt (English, Yale University), "ILG. Wells and the Pursuit B. Politics and Happiness (Murray-Aikins, Room 2) of Beauty"

Moderator: Sumangala Bhattacharya (English and World Literatures, Barri Gold (English, ), "The Promise of the ) Demon, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Second Law" Lee Behlman Montclair State University), "Heat Death: Deborah Deneholz Morse (English, College of William and Mary), May Kendall's Comic Fatalism" '"Nothing Will Make Me DistrustYou':The Pastoral Transformed in Anthony Trollope's The Small House at 10:30 a.m.-Coffee Break (Murray-Aikins) Allington ( 1864)"

II a.m.-I2:30 p.m.-Session 2 Laura Callanan (English, Duquesne University), "Lucy Snowe's New Creed: Narrative Indeterminacy and the Question of Happiness in Charlotte Bronte' s Villette ( 1851)" B. Happy tabors (Murray-Aikins, Room 1)

D. Objects of Desire (Murray-Aikins, Room 3) Moderator: Janet Casey (English and American Studies, Skidmore College) Moderator: Joseph Luzzi (Italian, Bard College)

Margaret Lynch-Brennan (Independent Scholar), "The Irish Elizabeth Holt (Arabic, Bard College), "ReadingThreads of Bourgeois Bridget's Pursuit of Happiness" Desire: Silk in the Journals of 1870s Beirut"

James Lundberg (History, Sacred I Ieart University), "The Heroic Adrienne Munich (English and Women's Studies, SUNY Stony Brook), Ditch-Digger and the Virtuous Drudge: Horace Greeley's "Give us Your Diamonds: In Pursuit of Carbon Rocks" Heroic Journalism, 18 37-1854"

Sarah Willburn (English, Skidmore College), "Happiness and Idolatry Laura Rotunno (English, Penn State Altoona), "Pleasure Seeking, in Late Victorian fiction" Identity Formation, and Anxiety in the Victorian Post Office" 12:30 p.m.-lunch on your own (Murray-Aikins Dining Hall has a terrific, affordable range of options) Silvana Colella (University of Macerata), '"The Burden and the Heat of Common Affairs': Walter Bagehot and Bourgeois 2 p.m.-Keynote lecture Happiness" Robert frank, "Unsolicited Advice for the Obama Administration" (Davis Auditorium) C. The Novel and the Question of Happiness Introduction by Michele Dominy, Vice President and Dean of the (Murray-Aikins, Room 2) College; Professor ofAnthropoloB.Y, Bard College

Moderator: Alexandra Wettlaufer (French and Comparative Literature, University ofTexas at Austin) 3:30-r p.m.-Session 3

Karen Chase (English, University of Virginia), '"Happiness is not a A. Infant Joy (Murray-Aikins, Room 1) potato': The Victorian Cultivation of Happiness" Moderator: Keith Hanley (English Literature, University of Lancaster) Kathy Justice Gentile (English and Gender Studies, University of Missouri--St. Louis), "Jane Austen's Rhetoric of Happiness Linda Shires (English, Stern College and Yeshiva University), in Northanger Abbey" "Kipling, Happiness, and the Child Mind" Karen Li Miller (English, University of Connecticut), '"To Run and Kristine Kelly (English, Case Western Reserve University), "No Play': The American Comrnodity Aesthetics and Missionary Time for Play: Working-Class Women and the Pursuit of Reform of Chinese Children" Romance"

Dianna Vitanza (English, Baylor University), "Happiness in Charles D. Entertainment and Visual Representation Bray's The Education of the Feelings" (Murray-Aikins, Room 4)

B. Illicit Pleasures (Murray-Aikins, Room 2) Association of Historians of Ninl'teenth-Ccnturv Art Panel Moderator: Marni Kessler (Art History, University of Kansas) Moderntor: Kim Marra (American Studies and Theatre Arts, University of Iowa) Rozanne Stringer (Art History, University of Kansas), "Pleasure, Race, and Agency in lcrnlouse-Lautrec' s Chocolat Dansant Carolyn'fatc (English, University ofVirginia), "Queer Optimism and clans un Bar" Female Pleasure in Late Victorian Pornographic Novels" Michelle Foa (Art History, Tulane University), "Georges Seurat on Benedetta Gennaro (Italian Studies, Brown University), "The Pursuit Solitude, Spectatorship, and the Everyday" of Happiness in the Risorgimento: Countess Della Torre between Romantic and Patriotic Love" Juliet Bellow (Art History, American University), "Presenting Antic1uity: Auguste Rodin's Cambodian Dancers" Meredith Collins (English, Temple University), "Pleasure and Identity: Homosexuality as Identity in Victorian Pornography" 5-6 p.m.-Shuttle from Palamountain Hall entrance to the Surrey Williamson Inn and the Hilton Kristin Flieger Samuelian (English, George Mason University), "Remaking a Prince of Pleasure: The Evolution of 'Florizel' 5:30 p.m.-Reception at the Surrey Williamson Inn (performance and 'Perdita "' by Skidmore's incomparable a cappella group, the Accents)

C. Pleasure for the People (Murray-Aikins, Room 3) 7 p.m.-Shuttle from Surrey Williamson Inn to the Hilton

Moderator: Chris Vanden Bossche (English, University of Notre Dame) Dinner on your own

Denise Odello (Music, University of Minnesota-Morris), "Leisure, Music, and Fair Play: The Brass Band Contest of Late Saturday, April 25' Nineteenth- and EarlyTwentieth-Century Britain" 7:45-8:45 a.m.-Shuttle from the Hilton to Palamountain Hall

Ellen Rosenman (English, University of Kentucky), "Mobility and 8 a.m.-Continental breakfast (Gannett Lobby) Space: Penny Dreadfuls Re-Map the Nation"

Stacey Hoyd (English, Cardinal Stritch University), "Soothing the Child-Self: I lappiness, Identity, and Passing in Great tations and Thomas Cooper's 'The Lad Who Felt Like a l:ish Out ofWater'" David Pike (Literature, American University), "Buried Pleasure: 9-10:30 a.m.-Session 4 Doctor Dolittle, Walter Benjamin, and the 19 11 '-Century Child" A. Sporting Pleasures (Murray-Aikins, Room 2)

Barbara Leckie (English, Carleton University), "The Architecture of Moderator: Jeff Segrave (Dean of Special Programs, Skidmore College) Unhappiness: Housing for the Poor and the Foreclosure of the Emotions" Gabrielle Gopinath (Visual Arts, College of the Holy Cross), "The Happiness of Pursuit: Changing Definitions of the Quarry Megan Norcia (English, SUNY Brockport), "Pursuing Happiness at Midcentury" Through London: A Study of Children's Guidebooks to the " Kim Marra (American Studies and Theatre Arts, University of Iowa), "Saratoga Racing and the Anglophilic Affinity \ D. Dickens (Bolton 281) between Women and Horses"

Moderator: Teresa Mangum (English, University of Iowa) Michael Haupert (Economics, University ofWisconsin~La Crosse), "Take Me Out to the Ballgame: The Pursuit of Pleasure and Deb Gettelman (English, College of the Holy Cross), "On the Profit on the Ball Field" Pleasures of Releasing Imaginary Prisoners"

B. Friendship and Sociability (Murray-Aikins, Room 4) Rachel Bowser (English, Emory University), "Lingering Sadness and Limited Form: The Parameters of Plot in Dickens' Fiction" Moderator: Mary Jean Corbett (English, Miami University) Sharon Weitman (English, Louisiana State University), '"Not for Me Sarah Horowitz (History, Washington and Lee University), the Happy Home': Oliver!, Victorianness, and the Anti­ "Friendship and the Problem of the Social Order in Angel in the House" Balzac's Illusions Perdues" E. Music and Joy (Filene 207) Gage McWeeny (English, ), "Pleasure and Good Form: Henry James's George Eliot" Moderator: Thomas Denny (Music, Skidmore College)

Nancy Leonard (Literature, Bard College), "Strong Ties at a James Parsons (Music History, Missouri State University), Distance: Emily Dickinson and the Letter" "The Musical Pursuit of Happiness: From Schiller's 'An die 1 Freude' to Beethoven's Ninth" John Westbrook III (Philosophy, Marquette University), "Let's Be Friends: Aristotle and Kierkegaard on Friendship, l Nancy Newman (Music, University at Albany), "Good Music for a Existence and the Happy Life" Free People:The Germania Musical Society's Transatlantic Journey" C. Architecture and Urban Spaces (Bolton 280) Peter Laki (Music, Bard College), "The Evanescence of a Dream" Moderator: Joe McLaughlin (English, Ohio University) 10:30 a.m.-Coffee Break (Murray-Aikins and Gannett C. Ethics of Happiness (Murray-Aikins, Room 4) Auditorium Lobby) Moderator: Natalie Taylor (Government, Skidmore College)

II-Il.:30 p.m.-Session 5" Christopher Barker (Political , California State University­ San Bernardino), "The Utilitarian Pursuit of! lappiness" A. Guiding Happiness (Murray-Aikins, Room 2) Supritha Rajan (English, ), "The Ends of Moderator: Phyllis Roth (English, Skidmore College) Pleasure: Labor's Sacrifice and Distribution in Nineteenth-Century Political Economy" Lauren Obcrmark (English, Ohio State University), "Victorian Match.com: Courtship Letters and Women's Rhetorical Ashley Barnes (English, University of California-Berkeley), Power" "Representing Happiness: Erotics, and Narrative Theory" Jennifer Phegley (English, University of Missouri~Kansas City), "Victorian Match.com: Courtship Letters and Women's D. The Good Life and the Good Home (Bolton 280) Rhetorical Power" Moderator: Mimi Hellman (Art Skidmore College) Deirdre McMahon (English and Philosophy, Drexel University), '"I wish I were a boy. I should like to help kill some of the Sumangala Bhattacharya (English and World Literature, Pitzer Boxers': Colonial Cross-Dressing and Narrative Pleasure in College), "Epicurean Pleasure Versus Home Cooking: Victorian 'Books for Bovs"' ) Gastronomy Takes on Victorian Domesticity"

B. Happy Men (Murray-Aikins, Room 3) Lauren Klein (English, City University of ), "The Good Life and the Good Table: Food, Taste, and I lappiness in the Moderator: Derck Furr (English MAT Program, Bard College) Writings of Thomas Jefferson"

Lisa Niles (English, ), "In Pursuit of 'Prime': Katherine Osborne (English, University of Kentucky), Masculinity, Aging, and Work in Anthony Trollope" "Basket-Making and Worsted-Work: l Iandiwork and the Possibilities of Female Friendship" Sarah Gerk (Musicology, University of Michigan), '"We Crave Your Condescension': Drunken Irishmen and Upward Mobility E. Willful Happiness (Bolton 281) in The Mulligan Guard.

Chris Kent (History, University of Saskatchewan), "The Pleasure of Being a Properly Attired Gentleman" Matthew Austin (Centre for the Study ofThcory and Criticism, Clare Simmons (English, Ohio State "Mcdicvalism and University ofWestcrn Ontario), "From Quiet Suffering to the Quest for Eiwland 's Raging Joy: Nietzsche's Critique of Nineteenth -Century Pessimism" Emily Haddad (English, of South Dakota), "General and Human Bliss: Jane Marcet' s Political Jason Dockstader (Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism, Economy in James Moricr's Persia" University ofWestern Ontario), "Spinozan Joy in Nietzsche" Caroline Bolt (Literary Studies, University oCfrxas at Dallas), John Maynard (English, ), "Repetition and/ of/in "Competing Notions of Happiness in Elizabeth Gaskell's Victorian Pleasures" North and South"

12:30 p.m.: Lunch/Brunch on your own (INCS Board meets, Test C. Can Money Buy Happiness? (Murray-Aikins, Room 4) Kitchen, Murray-Aikins Hall) Moderator: Silvana Colella of Maccrata)

2-3:30 p.m.-Session 6 Lara Aknin (Psychology, University of British Columbia), "From Wealth to Well-Being: Spending Money on Others A. family and Marriage (Murray-Aikins, Room 2) Promotes Happiness"

Moderator: Sarah Webster Goodwin (English, Skidmore College) Anne Longmuir (English, Kansas State University), "Margaret Hale and 'Shoppy People': Female Consumers in Gaskell's Catherine Siemann (English, New York University and Cooper Union), North and SoutH' "Gc-nder, Gambling, and the Pursuit of Happiness in the

Novels of George Eliot" Julia Chavez (English, Marquette University), '"Strange Good Sorrowful Happiness' and Materialism in Dickens's Our Eileen Gillooly (English, ), "On the Feelings of Mutual Friend" a Parent" D. Misery, Pain, and Despair (Bolton 280) Anca Vlasopolos (English, Wayne State University), "The Happiness of Reconfigured Families in the Neo-Victorian Detectivc­ Moderator: Marina van Zuylen (Frc-nch Studies and Literature, SeriC's by Philip Pullman" Bard College) Lisa Cunningham (English and Womc-n's Studies, St. John Fisher Nancy Henry (English, Univc-rsity ofTennessee), "Secrets, Lies, and College), "Happiness Through a Disfigured Lens" Marriage in Grnrge Eliot's Life and Writing"

Rachel Cole (English, Lewis and Clark College), "Glad Enough: B. Public Happiness (Murray-Aikins, Room 3) Emily Dickinson,Tcigetherness, and the Contentment of Despair" Moderator: Tillman Nechtman (History, Skidmore College)

Claudia Klaver (English, Syracuse Unin:Tsity), "Crimean Miseries" Thomas Scanlan (b1glish, Ohio University), "The Politics of Happiness in the Early American Republic; OR the Life ,.,.y-,,-1 f\L,,,,..th ,--.f P~,J,1;,., l-T,..nninocc in AmPr-ir:::a" Hannah Cowles Freeman (English, University of Kentucky), 9 a.m.-Special Session: Studying Happiness (Bolton 281) '"Thou comfort of woe': Opium Use and Romantic Women's Writing" A4oderator: William Lewis (Philosophy, Skidmore College)

E. Representing Happiness (Bolton 281) Ryan Tobler (History, Brigham Young University '09), '"Never Unhappy Again': Emerson, Hedge, and Transcendental Moderator: Laurie Dahlberg (Art History, Bard College) "

Pamela Fletcher (Art History, ), "Happiness Lost: Randee Schwartz (Skidmore College 'l 0), 'The William Powell Frith and the Painting of Modern Life" Vanessa Loukas (Skidmore College '09), "The Sarah Peterson (English, Emory University), "Re-Presenting the Invisible: Christina Rossetti and Pre-Raphaelite Aesthetics" Neha (Bard College 'l 0), for One?: A of the Individualistic Nature of Happiness" Kimberly Rhodes (Art History, ), "In the Cards? Abraham Solomon's Doul>tfol Fortune (RA 1856) and the Sofia Pia Belenky (Bard College '11 ), "Happy Homes" Fate of Female I lappiness" 10-11:30 a.m.-Session 7 4- p.m.-Keynote Lecture Darrin McMahon, "'Happiness Is No Laughing Matter!' A. Science, Health, and Happiness (Bolton 100) Some Reflections on the Pursuit of Happiness in the Humanities" (Gannett Auditorium) Moderator: Frank Scalzo (Psychology, Bard College) Introduction by Christine Krue9er, President of INCS; Associate Professor of En9lish, Marquette University Shalyn Claggett (English, Mississippi State University), "Phreno­ logical Felicity: Victorian Self-Knowledge and Success" 5:30 p.m.-10 p.m.-Shuttle between Palamountain Hall entrance and Hilton Richard Gordon (Psychology, Bard College), "Mania: The Pathology and Medicalization of Euphoria" 6 p.m.-Reception at Tang Museum (gallery tour of Oliver Herring's "Me Us Them" and "Tim Rollins and K.O.S.: A History") Sarah Russo (English, Hobart and William Smith Colleges), "'A delicious sensation of ease spread through me': Harriet 7 p.m.-Banquet (Murray-Aikins) Martineau, Mesmerism, and the Pleasures of' Health"

Sunday, April 26 Benjamin Morgan (Rhetoric, University of California-Berkeley), "Aesthetics/ I kdonics: The Science of Aesthetic Pleasure 7:4-.5-8:4-5 a.m.-Shuttle from the Hilton to Palamountain Hall at the fin de siecle"

8 a.m.-Contincntal breakfast (Gannett Auditorium lobby) B. l~mpire andTravel (Bolton 281) (English, Marquette University), '"Their Discontent} las Been Abated': Commissioned Happiness in Moderator: Linda Simon (English, Skidmore College) Poor Law Reform" Jen Camden (English, University of Indianapolis). "The Pursuit of Happiness and the Colonial Detour" Hildegard Hoeller (English and Women's Studies, City University of New York), "Inventing the Happy Poor: Catherine Maria Nandini Sengupta (English, ), "Fanny Parks's Sedgwick's Anti-Depressant Novel Die Poor Rich Man Wanderings ofa Pilgrim in Search of the Picturesque: and the Rich Poor Man" The 'pleasure of vagabondizing over India!'" 11 :30 a.m.-Keynote tecture Katarina Gephardt (English, Kennesaw State University), "The Adam Potkay (English, College of William and Mary), Pleasures of Traveling Rough: Late Nineteenth-Century "The Narrative Possibilities of Happiness, Joy, and British"fourists in Eastern Europe" Unhappiness" (Gannett Auditorium) Introduction by Susan Kress, Vice President jor Academic C. Happiness and the Intellectual (Bolton 280) Affairs; Professor of E119lish, Skidmore Colle9e

Moderator: Sharon Weitman (English, Louisiana State 1 p.m.-Shuttle from Palamountain Hall entrance to the Hilton

Alina Gharabegian (CUNY Graduate Center), "The Law of One's Being: Matthew Arnold and the Pursuit of Happiness" During the conference weekend_, be sure to check out ... Robert Boyers (English, Skidmore College), "Pleasure Revisited" "Luxury, Humor, and Folly in the Victorian Illustrated Book" selections from Andrew Stauffer (English, University of Virginia), "Scholarship and the Norman M. fox Collection (Scribner Library)~ an exhibit for the INCS the Joy of Random Access" 2009 Conference curated by Julia Dauer '11, Special Collections Assistant, and Wendy Anthony, Curator, Department of Special Collections, Scribner Marylu Hill (Villanova Center for Liberal Education, Villanova Library, Skidmore College. University), '"The Shadow of Ourselves': Thomas Carlyle and the Isolating Pursuit of Happiness" Thursday 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.-10 p.m. D.The Happy Poor (Bolton 103) Saturday 9 a.m.~-10 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m-2 p.m. Moderator: Catherine Golden (English, Skidmore College) The 2009 INCS Book Exhibit (second floor balcony in Murray-Aikins) "fomoko Kanda (English, Nihon University), "Poor but Happy? Friday 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Images of the Working Poor as Represented in the Earlier Saturday 8 a.m. -5 p.m. Half of 19th Century English Literature" Sunday 8 a.m.-12 noon

Erica Moretti (Italian Studies, Brown University), "Can Happiness be"faught? Leopoldo and Alice Franchetti's Pedagogical E xperim en ts" Cover image: "Parisian Luxury" is a color etching by George Cruikshank published in London by G. Humphrey, November 19, 1824. It measures 30 cm x 49 cm. Department of Special Collections, Lucy Scribner Library, Skidmore College. The image is from the Norman M. Fox Collection.