The BG News August 7, 1969

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The BG News August 7, 1969 Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 8-7-1969 The BG News August 7, 1969 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News August 7, 1969" (1969). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2354. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. The BG News Serving a growing university since 1920 Thursdoy, August 7, 1969 Volume 53, Number 123 Fly mutations saved from 'control action' By BARRY FOSTER spray would be fast and effective, Staff Reporter killing not only the flying mos- quitoes, but the larvae as well, The pride and Joy of BGSU's the spray would settle fast, and biology department, over 3000 not leave a "film" over the city. "strains" of fruit fly mutations, Oster also emphasized that by the end result of 10 years of re- spraying, the mosquito control search, will be safe from the pro- could be selective. "If there was posed "MOSQUITO CONTROL AC- a person that didn't want his area TION" by the city of Bowling sprayed," said Oster, "he would Green. have the right to ask them not to The city has contracted a To- spray." ledo firm to "fog" the city, to The directed spray would also kill of an excessive amount of kill any larvae In breeding grounds, mosquitoes brought on by heavy preventing the problem of another FOOTBALL FANS Attending Sunday'* exhibition tignt it Edwin Crew and Lorin Janzer, State High midsummer rains. The fogging massive mosquito attack later this game will be guided to the BGSU stadium by new way Depa-tment, and Kenneth McFall, Vice Pres- action would consist of a Tol- summer, so Bowling Green would- edo firm spraying the city with n't have to pay another $1500 then. signs along 1-75. Shown inspecting one of the ident of the University. a cloud of pesticide encased in a In addition to protests from the fuel-oil mist designed to kill all Committee for the Defense of the the flying Insects in the area. Environment of Bowling Green, Dr. Oster, professor of biology, telegrams from Europe, Australia, and head of the Mld-Amerlca Dros- and all over the world flooded Trustees approve increase ophlla Stock Center, where mil- the desks of Governor James A. lions of fruit files are kept to Rhodes, Attorney General Paul fill world-wide demands for genet- Brown, and Bowling Green Mayor in non-resident fees for fall ic studies, feared extermination F. Gus Sklbble trying to save the quarter. This fee brings the room of-state students would be an addi- or mutation of the fruit flies, and stock center from extinction and By DANEENE FRY and board charges to $320 per tional $705 per year or a total filed an injunction last weekend possible pollution. Scientists from Editor quarter or $960 per academic of $2,265. to prevent the city from fogging the National Aeronautics and Space year. In the last three years, there unless there was a stipulation as Administration, and biology de- University trustees approved The tuition, as currently effec- has been a 15 per cent increase to wind speed and wind direction partments from all over the nation Friday an Increase In out-of-state tive, for in-state students Is $200 In tuition for in-state students during the fogging. and the world cabled the governor's student fees to become effective per quarter or $600 per year. and a 28 per cent Increase for "All we asked," stated Dr.Oster, office when news broke that the fall quarter, 1969. This figure would bring the cost out-of-state students. "was that they made sure thewlnd center was in danger. In addition to the Instructional for In-state students to a total The total cost for the academ'c was blowing away from the Life The furor was over the fact Fee and the General Fee paid by of approximately $1,560 per aca- year has Increased 18 per cent Sciences Building when they that the BGSU stock center supplies students from Ohio, a student re- demic year. The cost to the out- and 21 percent respectively. fogged." fruit flys and fruit fly mutations siding outside the state will pay "In fact," continued Oster, for geneticists all over the world. a surcharge of $235 per quarter "fogging is probably the most dan- Requests from Notre Dame, OSU, for the '69-'70 academic year. gerous method of mosquito erad- MSU, and other universities are This Is an Increase of $35 over Summer traffic court ication." Oster went on to say com non occurences every day, not last year's non-resident fee. that not only did fogging the city to mention orders from medical Non-resident fees for the '70- pollute the air lndiscrlmlnantly, centers and research laboratories. '71 and '71-'72 academic years covering everything with a fuel- The fruit flies first became prom- were also approved at the meet- designed for student oil film, but it killed off the inent about ten years ago, when ing. natural enemies of the mosquito, BGSU professors and students New students (those entering counselor and was a member of creating even a worse problem started to do experiments on re- By HEIDI HILAMIN later this summer when the mos- for the first time) will pay $300 Staff Reporter the law society. He will hold the actions of the chromosomes to per quarter for both of the com- position of Chief Justice until the quito larvae hatched out of various different stimuli. The fruit flies ing academic years. The continu- The objective of the summer fall when Dan Raeon, senior In stagnant ponds In the area. are now the product of these ex- ing student (one presently enrolled) student traffic court is to "help Liberal Arts, will resume the Job. "Fogging only kills Insects fly- periments, and BGSU research- will pay a surcharge of $270 per the student and Inform him of his Because of the need that arose ing in the area at this time," ers have developed 3000"strains" quarter for the '70-"71 year, and rights as a student," according over accumulated traffic violations stated Oster, "the larvae In the for different research use. a fee of $300 for the '71-'72 year. to Ray Froellch, chief justice of of students and the red tape en- ponds wouldn't be hurt at all." "The chromosomes of the fruit The question of whether or not the body. tangling graduating students, it be- Oster recommended spraying fly develop much more quickly the instructional and General Fees Members of the student court came evident to the Parking Ser- for the simple reason that the (Continued on Page 4) will be Increased will not be an- for suminsr session Include Froe- vices committees and concerned swered until the General Assem- llch, senior in Education; justices students, that an extension of the bly appropriates funds to the Un- Tom Vogtsberger, sophomore In regular traffic court should be es- iversity. The appropriations bill Business Administration and Dan tablished. Involved In this question Is be- Kelley, senior In Liberal Arts; So, the experienced though small ing resolved In Columbus at the court clerk Cathy Bock, senior in body of students began their duties present time. Education; and defense attorney July 24. Earlier In the year, University Joe Brescia, sophomore In Ed- Froellch defined the steps a stu- officials announced an Increase In ucation. dent should take In seeking advice. the instructional fees In the amount Student Court is under the ad- The student should first talk to of $20 per quarter. This fee in- visement of Dr. Edward Ward, one of the court members so they crease became effective the sum- assistant to the vice president of can determine whether there is, mer quarter, 1969. student affairs. ' in fact, a case. Hay explained In addition to the Increase In All members have backgrounds that often there are extenuating tuition fees for the coming aca- in law and have been active in circumstances Involved and the demic year, the room and board various capacities. court always tries to take these fees have been increased $10 per Froellch served as defense into consideration. The court session is held Thurs- day at 7 p.m. One of three ver- dicts—guilty, not guilty, or guilty Desk computer purchased with mitigation—is handed down after a review of the case. Tickets are usually given for illegal parking or non- registration. for undergraduate courses The court has heard three cases so far but Froellch indicated there The College of Business has Students are also frequently giv- had been more response since the purchased a desk top computer en problems resembling real bus- first announcement of of flee hours. for use In business games and iness problems, but in the past However, everyone should note research. these have been over-simplified that the hours have been changed The computer, which will be used because the calculations for a com- in an effort to accomodate the stu- primarily In undergraduate in- plex problem would have been too dent. They are now 1-5 p.m., struction, can make the calcu- difficult. With the computer, stan- Monday through Thursday.
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