Keith R Allen | 9781538101513 | | | | | Interrogation Nation Refugees and Spies in Cold War Germany 1st edition PDF Book

Then came the collapse of the American-backed regime in Vietnam. Hede Gumperz told Field that she and her husband were working for the Communist cause — helping the Soviet Union in its stand against the forces of imperialism and . After his detention by Communist authorities in in as a U. Federal officials insisted that if Haitians were considered refugees, a tide of boat people would head for America. A few months after they arrived in , their contact from Washington, D. It opened an office in Lisbon, Portugal in June of the same year. Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson used the parole power to admit them. INS officials in Florida did modify policy slightly toward Nicaraguans. Available in shop from just two hours, subject to availability. Moreover, the fear of Haitians fleeing the military regime and flocking to America, without proper documents and claiming asylum, motivated President Clinton to order an invasion of Haiti in the fall of to restore democracy. And as relations between the United States and the Soviet Union deteriorated, American leaders also developed other programs to bolster their allies. In November , Noel was finally reunited with Herta. Field grew up in a home with strong traditions of pacifism, egalitarianism, humanitarian service and assistance to the victims of persecution. house where Noel and Herta Field were kept in solitary confinement. He and Photo by: Benjamin Haas. Fewer than 10 percent of Salvadorans, Guatemalans, and Hondurans were granted asylum in —up slightly from the rate of the s but less than half of the general approval rate. They sailed from the Cuban port of Mariel and were thus called "Marielitos. Thousands of Soviet Jews also entered under the new laws. In the fall of , … Woog met Field again, and in the course of the conversation Field said that he had great personal difficulties: it looked likely that he would not be able to return to America, since American leadership of the organization of assistance — the Unitarian Service Committee — plans to launch an investigation of him, since he had assisted Communists. Simply reserve online and pay at the counter when you collect. Schlesinger, Jr. The Cold War mentality was clearly evident when citizens of countries who were not fleeing communist regimes tried to win refugee status. Particularly gripping and informative are the many individual personalities of shadowy 'sources' culled from American, British, Czech, and German archives. The Austrian government was willing to temporarily aid them but wanted the Western powers to provide for their permanent settlement. These included the Truman Doctrine of aid to Turkey and Greece in combating communism , the Marshall Plan for stimulating the economies of western Europe , and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for its collective security. By that time, Field had several years of service to the Communist cause behind him. In subsequent years, his work was closely connected with international disarmament discussions aimed at lightening the burden of large armies and navies, beginning with the General Disarmament Conference which opened in Geneva in and continued until Toggle navigation. Once again the president paroled them. Congress had to pass legislation to permit them to change their status. As Robert G. While in Prague, Field continued to follow the press reports on the U. This marked the first time that the term "refugee" appeared in U. Your review has been submitted successfully. Here is what it said, in part:. Interrogation Nation Refugees and Spies in Cold War Germany 1st edition Writer

Most importantly, there is not a single record of the intensive interrogations Field underwent while he was in solitary confinement in from until He did not know what to do: he did not want to return to America, since he was afraid that he would be prosecuted. British agents in the Soviet Union paid a high price for their betrayal. This marked the first time that the term "refugee" appeared in U. Norman Stone. Czeslaw Milosz. State Department official from the late s to , who then relocated to Geneva to join the secretariat of the , and worked in Europe on U. In , Blake escaped from prison. Meanwhile, at the Department of State, Field was considered a prospective head of the German branch. Your order is now being processed and we have sent a confirmation email to you at. Together they constituted a significant part of the mass migrations of the second half of the twentieth century. American relations with Iran changed dramatically when another Islamic movement overthrew the American-backed shah of Iran in This is the inspirational story of Melvin Thomas Ott, Jewish immigration from the Soviet Union had to wait until the end of the s for a major increase. In November , faced with the threat of Nazi occupation of the whole of France, the Fields fled to Geneva. In April , soon after his return to Washington, D. Noel and Herta Field were again saving the lives of innumerable refugees — including European Jews and anti-Nazi political leaders — from war-torn Europe. He shows how vetting in the name of public order brought foreign intelligence officials into practically every venue, from train stations to corporate boardrooms to private dwellings, in postwar West Germany. However, a mere association with Field, or even a brief crossing of paths, became a death sentence for dozens and a curse for hundreds of Communist officials in Eastern European countries. By continuing to browse the site you accept our Cookie Policy, you can change your settings at any time. Ads Banner Description Reviews 3 This groundbreaking book explores the treatment of the millions of refugees and tens of thousands of spies that flooded Germany after World War II. The site uses cookies to offer you a better experience. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy. Interrogation Nation Refugees and Spies in Cold War Germany 1st edition Reviews

Congress barred communist immigrants from coming to America and voted to admit others by passing the Displaced Persons Act of Once again the president paroled them. This letter appears to have been retained only in Hungarian records. To Schlesinger and his colleague Albert E. In , a comprehensive compilation of Noel Field documents from Hungarian and other Central and Eastern European archives was published in Germany. Moreover, once these Central Americans won asylum, they were eligible to adjust their status to that of regular immigrants and could then use the family preference system to sponsor their relatives. It seemed to many that refugee policy, other than aiding those fleeing from communism, still lacked coherence. For some time I was a liaison 31 between party groups in occupied France and , … particularly for the German party. Eventually, like the Poles, many were able to stay permanently in the United States. When he left the Soviet Union for Switzerland, he was retained as an agent. Czeslaw Milosz. More than , applied in , for example, and by the end of the s the backlog reached several hundred thousand. Thousands of Soviet Jews also entered under the new laws. Field served as Secretary of the U. Lyman Bostock Jr. Since , I have been a responsible comrade, even during the period of isolation. The son of a former Negro League However, a mere association with Field, or even a brief crossing of paths, became a death sentence for dozens and a curse for hundreds of Communist officials in Eastern European countries. The foundation for his recruitment was his displayed sympathy for the Soviet Union. Send comment. The Jackson-Vanik Amendment to a trade bill made future trade and credit policies tied to Jewish immigration. Members save with free shipping everyday! Displaying new assertiveness and prominence, China under President Xi Jinping is rightly considered an emerging Dulles worked with him on intelligence matters and became acquainted with his family, including young Noel. Anti-shah Iranians stormed the U. Rather, Interrogation Nation directly sheds light on two of the key unresolved issues of our time: procedures of vetting Syrian and other fleeing refugees within Europe, as well as ongoing debates over increasingly penetrating, increasingly networked, electronic surveillance. It is necessary to use these people and supervise them…. It is also possible that he would lose his current job.

Interrogation Nation Refugees and Spies in Cold War Germany 1st edition Read Online Department of State from the s, the U. Field grew up in a home with strong traditions of pacifism, egalitarianism, humanitarian service and assistance to the victims of persecution. In the Cold War climate of the s, however, the desire to strike a blow against communism and aid these anticommunists overcame congressional qualms, and the lawmakers passed the Hungarian Escape Act of to grant the Hungarians refugee status. Drawing on newly declassified files, Keith R. These temporary stays, called temporary protected status TPS , were not asylum; when TPS ended, the undocumented aliens were expected to go home. In an impressively researched work based on archival materials from several countries, Allen argues that the vetting procedures for screening refugees in Germany after WW II 'laid the foundation' for those used for interrogation to this day. Their Trade is Treachery. The StB were taken aback by this news, and they decided to let him go. By continuing to browse the site you accept our Cookie Policy, you can change your settings at any time. Field grew up in a home with strong traditions of pacifism, egalitarianism, humanitarian service and assistance to the victims of persecution. President Dwight D. In August, while still in , Field learned from the Western press about the public hearings of the U. Most Secret. The dictatorial regime there run by the Duvalier family from to supported American positions taken on Western Hemisphere affairs and the Cold War, which pleased the State Department. At the heart of efforts to extract insights were extensive, personalized efforts by law enforcement and security officials to manipulate desires and emotions involving dearest family members, closest friends, and trusted colleagues. It is not known how many were Palestinians because many entered as immigrants from Jordan or other nations. Divided into sections that focus on the places of interrogation, the personalities responsible for these encounters, and the practices used to acquire information, this study shines a penetrating light into a very dark and mysterious chapter of postwar history. Since , I have been a responsible comrade, even during the period of isolation. Meanwhile, at the Department of State, Field was considered a prospective head of the German branch. Likewise, my mother had travelled to the Soviet Union and returned as a Communist, too. These included the Truman Doctrine of aid to Turkey and Greece in combating communism , the Marshall Plan for stimulating the economies of western Europe , and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for its collective security. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy. In the fall of , … Woog met Field again, and in the course of the conversation Field said that he had great personal difficulties: it looked likely that he would not be able to return to America, since American leadership of the organization of assistance — the Unitarian Service Committee — plans to launch an investigation of him, since he had assisted Communists. While more than three million refugees settled in the United States from to , American support of the UNHCR was based on the belief that most refugees wanted to return home when conditions permitted and not necessarily immigrate to the United States. Under a great shadow in the United States, he felt he was lacking the necessary Communist credentials to begin a new life behind the Iron Curtain. Ben Macintyre.