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Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Cardiotoxicity

Y. James Kang Departments of Medicine, Pharmacology, and Toxicology, University of Louisville and Jewish Hospital Heart and Lung Institute, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Cardiotoxicity resulting from detrimental environmental insults has been recognized for a long time. about these alterations. The early signaling However, extensive studies of the mechanisms involved had not been undertaken until recent pathways leading to myocardial toxic responses years. Advances in molecular biology provide powerful tools and make such studies possible. We are the recent focus of cardiotoxicologic are gathering information about cellular events, signaling pathways, and molecular mechanisms of research (16,17). Detailed descriptions of these myocardial toxicologic responses to environmental toxicants and pollutants. Severe acute toxic pathways and their roles in cardiotoxicity are insults cause cardiac cell death instantly. In the early response to mild environmental stimuli, yet to be explored. It is likely that activation of biochemical changes such as alterations in calcium homeostasis occur. These may lead to cardiac early genes and signaling pathways is a critical arrhythmia, which most often is reversible. Prolonged stimuli activate transcription factors such as response of myocardial cells to environmental activator protein-1 through elevation of intracellular calcium and the subsequent activation of toxic insults (18). The cross-talk between sig- calcineurin. Upregulation by activated transcription factors of hypertrophic genes results in heart naling pathways determines the ultimate out- hypertrophy, which is a short-term adaptive response to detrimental factors. However, further development of hypertrophy will lead to severe and irreversible cardiomyopathy, and eventually come of myocardial responses to environmental heart failure. From cardiac hypertrophy to heart failure, myocardial cells undergo extensive toxicants and pollutants. biochemical and molecular changes. Cardiac hypertrophy causes tissue hypoperfusion, which Physiologic alterations occur both as early activates compensatory mechanisms such as production of angiotensin II and norepinephrine. Both responses to environmental toxicants and as further stimulate cardiac hypertrophy and, importantly, activate counterregulatory mechanisms subsequent events in the late development of including overexpression of atrial natriuretic peptide and b-type natriuretic peptide, and production of cardiomyopathy. The most obvious myocar- such as -α. This counterregulation leads to myocardial remodeling as dial dysfunction that occurs in the early well as cell death through apoptosis and necrosis. Cell death through activation of mitochondrial responses to toxicants is cardiac arrhythmia factors and other pathways constitutes an important cellular mechanism of heart failure. Our current (19), which often results from the changes in knowledge of cardiotoxicity is limited. Further extensive studies are warranted for a comprehensive intracellular calcium concentrations and other understanding of this field. Key words: apoptosis, cardiac hypertrophy, cardiomyopathy, cytokines, biochemical alterations, leading to miscommu- gene regulation, heart failure, MAPK, necrosis, PKC, transcription factors. — Environ Health nication between cells and misconduction of Perspect 109(suppl 1):27–34 (2001). electricity (20). These changes, if not accompa- http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2001/suppl-1/27-34kang/abstract.html nied by cardiomyopathy, do not involve myocardial cell death and are reversible. The late phase of cardiac dysfunction, however, often results from cardiomyopathy. Cardiotoxicity resulting from exposure to to be filled. There are excellent textbooks Changes in myocardial morphology take environmental toxicants and pollutants has (5–7) describing basic anatomic, biochemi- place when extensive toxic insults are been known for a long time (1). However, a cal, and physiologic principles of the heart imposed on the heart and/or toxic exposures detailed examination of cardiac toxic effects from humans to experimental animals. persist on a long-term basis (21–23). Cardiac and investigations of the mechanisms of car- Ultrastructural and histologic changes of the hypertrophy is often observed as a conse- diotoxicity had not been undertaken until heart in toxic injury have also been elaborated quence of long-term toxic insults. The hyper- recently. In fact, cardiotoxicology was not a in detail (8–10). This review thus only trophy is considered a protective and adaptive defined discipline in the past. Two major focuses on cellular events, signaling pathways, response. However, further hypertrophy leads advances in biomedical research and practice and molecular mechanisms of cardiotoxicity, to severe and irreversible cardiomyopathy, have made an urgent need for cardiotoxico- with a brief review, if necessary, of bridging eventually resulting in heart failure (24–26). logic studies. First, it is now an exciting time knowledge leading to the focused discussion. From cardiac hypertrophy to heart failure, in the history of cardiovascular medicine. activation of compensatory mechanisms New drugs and devices are invented for the Myocardial Responses including the sympathetic nerve system and treatment of heart disease on a weekly basis to Environmental Toxicants the renin–angiotensin system takes place (2). Undoubtedly some of these drugs and The foremost changes in the early phase of procedures will have cardiotoxic effects. For responses of myocardium to environmental every new treatment, it will be essential to toxicants involve alterations in biochemical Address correspondence to Y.J. Kang, Dept. of thoroughly assess toxic effects on the heart. reactions. These include the most often Medicine, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Second, the application of cutting-edge mol- described alterations in ionic homeostasis such 511 S. Floyd St., MDR 530, Louisville, KY 40202 USA. ecular biology approaches has provided sig- as changes in intracellular calcium concentra- Telephone: (502) 852-8677. Fax: (502) 852-6904. E-mail: [email protected] nificant and novel insights into cardiac tions, which occur in almost all examined expo- The author is a University Scholar of the University toxicity and its mechanisms (3,4). sures to environmental toxicants to date of Louisville. The research work cited in this review Mechanistic studies on cardiovascular effects (11,12). Aberrant energy metabolism is another was supported in part by National Institutes of Health grants CA68125 and HL59225, Established of environmental toxicants and pollutants early response to environmental toxicants in the Investigator Award 9640091N from the American have emerged at a very fast pace. We have heart, resulting in decreased production and/or Heart Association, and a grant from the Jewish just begun to understand cellular events and enhanced consumption of adenosine triphos- Hospital Foundation, Louisville, Kentucky. The author molecular mechanisms of cardiotoxicity. A phate (ATP) (13,14). Alterations in enzymatic thanks L. Cai for helping to prepare this review and for constructive discussions. survey of our current knowledge in this excit- reactions are often described in cardiac toxic Received 3 August 2000; accepted 2 November ing field will help to identify gaps that need responses (15), although we know very little 2000.

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(27,28). The compensatory response in turn (34). Recent progress in myocardial research However, these two modes of cell death can activates counterregulatory mechanisms such has provided significant insights into the cellu- occur simultaneously in tissues and cultured as upregulation of atrial natriuretic peptide lar mechanisms of cardiotoxicity. It has been cells (54). The intensity and duration of insults (ANP) expression (29,30). These responses recognized that the loss of cardiac myocytes is may decide the outcome (55). Thus, triggering collectively lead to extensive biochemical, a fundamental part of the myocardial injury events can be common for both types of cell physiologic, and molecular changes, eventu- that initiates or aggravates cardiomyopathy death. A downstream controller, however, may ally myocardial remodeling (31–33), and and leads to premature death (35–37). An direct cells toward a programmed execution of remarkable cell death. These changes ulti- important mode of myocardial cell loss is apoptosis. If the apoptotic program is aborted mately result in heart failure. Figure 1 depicts apoptosis (38–40), which has been demon- before this control point and the initiating these mechanisms. Most cardiotoxicologic strated in the myocardium of heart failure stimulus is severe, cell death may occur by studies address fundamental and characteris- patients (41,42). In our early studies, we have necrosis (56). Alternatively, in acute injury, tic changes during this stage of myocardial found that dietary copper restriction causes apoptotic cells can progress along a continuum responses to toxic insults. The ultimate tar- cardiomyopathy, which is accompanied with to eventual necrosis. gets and the determining units of cardiotoxic- apoptosis in rat hearts (43). Myocardial apop- It is important to note that apoptosis is ity are cardiac cells. In this context, the tosis has been shown to play an important role an energy-dependent process and that the following sections will be devoted to discus- in cardiac toxic effects induced by adriamycin switch in the decision between apoptosis and sion of the cellular events, molecular mecha- (44), an important anticancer agent whose necrosis depends on ATP concentrations nisms, and signaling pathways that are clinical application is limited by its major side (57). In particular, conditions causing involved in the myocardial responses to toxic effect, cardiotoxicity (45). Exposure of pri- ischemia to myocardial cells result in signifi- insults. mary cultures of cardiomyocytes to cadmium cant reduction and eventual depletion of also induces apoptosis (46). adenine nucleotides. ATP loss of more than Cellular Events Involved Many in vivo studies have shown that 70% of the total pool present in myocardial in Cardiotoxicity only a very small percentage of myocardial cells has been shown to cause a switch from Toxic insults trigger a series of reactions in cell populations undergo apoptosis under apoptosis to necrosis (56,58). This extent of cardiac cells leading to measurable changes in pathologic conditions (47,48). For example, depletion of the ATP pool is often observed myocardial morphology, biochemistry, and we have observed that less than 0.5% of cells in myocardial infarction. physiology. Mild injuries can be repaired; appeared apoptotic in myocardial tissue Identification of apoptotic and necrotic however, severe injuries lead to cell death in obtained from copper-deficient mice (49). At cell death processes requires more rigorous the form of apoptosis and necrosis. If the cell first glance, this number seems to be too methods than have been generally used. survives the insults, structural and functional insignificant to account for myocardial Artifacts inherent in techniques that detect adaptations take place. pathogenesis. However, this is a false assess- double-stranded DNA breaks as well as ment. In a carefully designed time course overlaps between apoptotic and necrotic death Myocardial Apoptosis study (50), it has been estimated that car- programs account for these problems (59,60). Myocardial apoptosis, which is involved in diomyocyte apoptosis may be completed in Current assays are limited in their capacities to cardiomyopathy, was first recognized in 1994 less than 20 hr in rats. Because the heart is a distinguish between apoptosis and necrosis in terminally differentiated organ, myocytes myocytes. In addition, distinguishing between Environmental toxic insults undergoing apoptosis are lost and are not myocyte and nonmyocyte apoptosis in the replaced. Thus, the total cell loss can simply myocardium is another problem to overcome. be accounted for by the rate of apoptosis plus In our recent studies examining adriamycin- Electrophysiologic changes Biochemical alterations (Cardiac arrhythmia) (Calcium homeostasis) necrosis. If apoptosis occurs at a constant induced myocardial apoptosis (61), we used an rate of about 0.5% myocytes a day (49), the in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl–transferase- Recovery potential contribution of apoptosis to the mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) Transcription factors Apoptosis/Necrosis overall loss of myocytes over a long period of assay in combination with a dual immunohis- time is significant. tochemical detection of α-sarcomeric actin, a Upregulation of hypertrophic genes specific protein present in cardiomyocytes. Myocardial Necrosis This procedure thus identified whether the The term myocardial necrosis has been TUNEL-positive cells were myocytes. Another Heart hypertrophy widely used to describe myocardial cell death procedure we used was immuno-gold TUNEL in the past. Myocardial infarction, in particu- and electron microscopic examination of the Tissue hypoperfusion lar, was considered a consequence of necrosis apoptotic cells (61). It is well known that the (51). It is now recognized that apoptosis con- gold standard for identification of apoptotic

Activation of compensatory mechanisms ↓ ↓ tributes significantly to the formation of cells is morphologic examination by electron Norepinephrine Angiotensin II myocardial infarction (52), although the con- microscopy. This immuno-gold TUNEL and sequence of apoptosis in this pathogenesis is electron microscopic procedure thus provides Counter-regulation Cytokines yet to be defined. However, the significance information about cell type and morphologic (ANP, BNP) (TNF-α) of necrosis in myocardial pathogenesis cannot characteristics of apoptotic cells. be underestimated. The contribution of Myocardial remodeling Apoptosis/Necrosis necrosis to cardiomyopathy induced by envi- Myocardial Adaptation ronmental toxicants and pollutants is particu- Myocardial adaptation is the general process Heart failure larly important. A critical issue is how to by which the ventricular myocardium Figure 1. Myocardial responses to environmental toxic distinguish between apoptosis and necrosis. changes in structure and function. This insults leading to heart failure, including important cel- Apoptosis and necrosis were originally process is often referred to as “remodeling.” lular events, signaling pathways, and neurohumoral described as two distinct forms of cell During maturation, myocardial remodeling is regulations. death that can be clearly distinguished (53). a normal feature that is a useful adaptation to

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Mechanisms of cardiotoxicity

increased demands. However, in response to factor-1 (TEF-1), serum response factor dephosphorylation enables NFAT3 to pathologic stimuli such as exposure to envi- (SRF), nuclear factors of activated T cells translocate to the nucleus where it can inter- ronmental toxicants, myocardial remodeling (NFATs), and GATA4 . Most of these tran- act with GATA4. NFAT3 can also activate is adaptive in the short term but maladaptive scription factors function coordinately in some hypertrophic responsive genes through in the long term and often eventuates in fur- mediating extracellular signaling to regulate mechanisms independent of GATA4. ther myocardial dysfunction. The central fea- hypertrophic gene expression. GATA factors are a family of nuclear tran- ture of myocardial remodeling is an increase AP-1 is a transcription factor composed of scriptional regulatory proteins that are related in myocardial mass associated with a change Jun and Fos gene family members (73). The structurally within a central DNA-binding in the shape of the ventricle (62). AP-1 binding site is the TRE (12-O-tetra- domain but are restricted in expression to dis- decanoylphorbol-13-acetate response ele- tinct sets of cell types (91). Currently, six dif- Molecular Mechanisms ment), and the binding of AP-1 to the TRE ferent family members have been characterized Involved in Cardiotoxicity initiates transcription of the target genes (74). in vertebrate species. They are GATA1, 2, 3, 4, The most severe and early response of In recent studies, it has been shown that ele- 5, and 6. Each protein contains two similar myocardium to overwhelming environmental vated levels of c-Jun are associated with the repeats of a highly conserved zinc finger of toxic insults is cell death by apoptosis and stress induced by ischemia/reperfusion in car- the form CXNCX6LWRRX7CNAC. The necrosis. Myocardial cells, like other cells, are diomyocytes (75). In volume-overload hyper- c-terminal repeat constitutes a minimal DNA- equipped with cell death programs and con- trophy, AP-1 plays an important role in the binding domain sufficient for sequence-spe- tain preexisting death machinery. In response regulation of Fas and FasL activities (76). cific recognition of a “GATA” cis-element, to environmental toxic insults, these pro- Overstretching of myocardium induces Fas usually (A/T)GATA(A/G) or a related DNA grams are activated. At the same time, cyto- expression (77). Fas-dependent signaling sequence, present in promoters and/or protective mechanisms are also turned on, pathways are coupled to the activation of enhancers of target genes (92). It has been such as activation of antiapoptotic factors AP-1 in isolated cardiomyocytes (76,78). shown that GATA1, 2, and 3 mainly regulate including the Bcl-2 family. Therefore, These are pathways that can lead to myocar- various aspects of hematopoiesis (93), whereas whether a cell will die depends on the balance dial cell apoptosis (76–79). However, there the GATA4, 5, and 6 factors are involved in between the activities of cell death programs are studies showing that activation of AP-1 is regulation of cardiogenesis (91). The signifi- and the cytoprotective mechanisms. The sig- independent of the induction of apoptosis cance of GATA4 in regulation of hyper- naling pathways leading to activation of cell (80). AP-1 has been implicated in transcrip- trophic response in myocardial cells has been death program are discussed below. tional regulation of several genes associated demonstrated recently (94). Cardiac hypertro- Although cell death is the ultimate end with a hypertrophic response (81,82). phy induced by angiotensin II is mediated by point that is often measured in assessing TEF-1 is a transcription factor that has an angiotensin II type1a receptor (AT1aR). A myocardial responses to environmental toxic been shown to be activated in α1-adrenergic- GATA motif was identified in the AT1aR pro- insults (63,64), cellular and molecular events stimulated hypertrophy of cultured cardiomy- moter. Mutations introduced into the consen- leading to myocardial remodeling are critical ocytes (83). It is involved in induction of sus binding site for GATA factor abolished parameters of cardiotoxicity. The foremost β-myosin heavy chain (MHC) and α-skeletal the pressure overload response (94). observation of myocardial morphologic actin fetal isogenes in cardiac hypertrophy Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the change in response to stimuli is heart hyper- (84). SRF has been demonstrated to be both interactions between AP-1 and GATA4 and trophy. Although the hypertrophic response necessary and sufficient to mediate stretch between NFAT3 and GATA4 are essential in initially is a compensatory mechanism that responses in myocardium, leading to induc- myocardial hypertrophic responses (90,94). augments cardiac output, sustained hypertro- tion of c-fos expression (85). This stretch- phy can lead to dilated cardiomyopathy, heart induced activation of SRF was also observed Molecular Basis for Alterations in failure, and sudden death (65,66). A series of in hypotonic cell swelling, leading to c-fos Myocardial Structure and Function prototypical molecular responses of cardio- induction (86). Thus, activation of SRF may It has been demonstrated that reprogram- myocytes to environmental stimuli includes be the general mechanism of c-fos activation ming of gene expression of β-MHC and an increase in cell size and protein synthesis in response to increased membrane tension in α-skeletal actin is associated with myocardial (67), enhanced sarcomeric organization (68), cardiac myocytes. hypertrophy (69–72,95). Upregulation of upregulation of fetal cardiac genes (69,70), NFAT3 is a member of a multigene fam- these fetal protein isoforms is associated with and induction of immediate–early genes ily that contains four members, NFATc, downregulation of the corresponding adult (71,72). These responses collectively lead to NFATp, NFAT3, and NFAT4 (87). These isoforms, α-MHC and α-cardiac actin (96). cardiac hypertrophy. factors bind the consensus DNA sequence These molecular processes are correlated with GGAAAAT as monomers or dimers through the development of hypertrophy and the Myocardial Gene Regulation a Rel homology domain (88). Unlike the thickness of the ventricular wall, which has Myocardial gene regulation in response to other three members that are restricted in been shown to result from an increase in cell toxic insults is not well understood. However, their expression to T cells and skeletal muscle, size due to an increase in the number of sar- extensive studies on the activation of tran- NFAT3 is expressed in a variety of tissues comeres and mitochondria within the cell scription factors in cardiac hypertrophy have including the heart (87,89). The role of (97). This hypertrophic development leads to been undertaken. Because cardiac hypertrophy NFAT3 in cardiac hypertrophy has been tissue hypoperfusion, which in turn results in is the most common response to environmen- demonstrated recently in an elegant study the activation of compensatory mechanisms tal stimuli, the molecular mechanism involved (90). Hypertrophic stimuli such as angio- such as the sympathetic nerve system and the in gene regulation in cardiac hypertrophy tensin II and phenylephrine cause an increase renin–angiotensin system. would have implications in myocardial in intracellular Ca2+ levels in myocardial cells. The neurohumoral compensatory responses to environmental toxicants and pol- This elevation in turn results in activation of response activates counter regulatory hor- lutants. The transcription factors involved in calcineurin (discussed below). NFAT3 is mones such as ANP and b-type natriuretic cardiac hypertrophy include activator localized within the cytoplasm and is dephos- peptide (BNP) (98). The long-term expres- protein-1 (AP-1), transcriptional enhancer phorylated by the activated calcineurin. This sion of these hormones, particularly ANP and

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BNP, is associated with numerous detrimental This mechanism implies that Bax-mediated syndromes (117) and chronic heart failure biological effects that eventually lead to car- cytochrome c release is independent of MPT (118). In both cases, myocardial cell loss is diac failure by way of myocyte dysfunction, (114). The release of cytochrome c from the essential feature of the disease. Increased apoptosis, and cell loss (99). For instance, the mitochondria into the cytosol is a critical serum concentrations of proinflammatory ANP gene is expressed in both atrium and initiation step in myocardial apoptosis. cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-α ventricle during embryonic development, but Cytochrome c aggregates with apoptotic (TNF-α) have been found in chronic heart its expression is downregulated in the ventri- protease-activating factor-1 (another factor failure (119). Another biomarker of chronic cle shortly after birth, leaving the atrium as released from mitochondria under oxidative heart failure is the increased serum concentra- the primary site of ANP synthesis within the stress), procaspase-9, and deoxyadenosine tions of (120). Both TNF-α and mature myocardium (100). During myocar- triphosphate (dATP), and subsequently acti- Fas ligand induce apoptosis of cardiomy- dial pathologic remodeling, reexpression of vates caspase-9, which activates caspase-3. In ocytes in various experimental studies ANP in myocytes of the left ventricle takes our recent studies, we detected a significant (120,121). Other cytokines such as inter- place (99–101). Recent studies have demon- decrease in cytochrome c concentrations in leukin-6 are also found in the serum of strated that ANP is a factor responsible for mitochondria and a concurrent increase in patients with failing hearts (122–124). myocardial apoptosis (49,102). Moreover, the cytosol by Western blot analysis in TNF-α is the most studied in apoptosis plays a critical role in the develop- adriamycin-treated cardiomyocytes (115). myocardial cell death signaling pathways. ment of heart failure (38–42,103,104). To determine the significance of the Cardiomyocytes are both the source and the Therefore, serum concentrations of ANP caspase–3-activated apoptotic pathway in the target of this cytokine (125). The proinflam- have been monitored experimentally and clin- pathogenesis of cardiomyopathy, we have used matory cytokines -1, interleukin-2 ically and serve as important indices of heart a caspase–3-specific inhibitor, Ac-DEVD- and -γ can induce TNF production failure (99–101,105). cmk, to determine its effect on adriamycin- from target cells, including cardiomyocytes induced myocardial cell death. Cultured (116). The most important role of TNF-α in Signaling Pathways Leading cardiomyocytes isolated from neonatal mice chronic heart failure is the induction of to Cardiotoxicity were treated with Ac-DEVD-cmk before adri- myocardial cell apoptosis (125–127). The path- Mitochondrial Factors in Myocardial amycin treatment. This inhibitor efficiently way leading to TNF–α-induced myocardial Cell Death suppressed caspase-3 activity and reduced the apoptosis is mediated by TNF receptors, number of apoptotic cells in cultures (115). TNFR1 and TNFR2 (128). Activation of these Recent studies (106,107) have focused on Inhibition of caspase–3-activated apoptotic receptors leads to activation of caspase-8 (129). mitochondrial factors in myocardial cell pathway, however, may not abort ultimate cell A BH3 domain-containing proapoptotic Bcl2 death. Current knowledge obtained from cut- death because of necrosis that can also be trig- family member, BID, is then cleaved by cas- ting-edge experimental approaches suggests gered by MPT and mitochondrial cytochrome pase-8 (130). The truncated BID is translo- that signaling pathways mediating oxidative c release. The loss of cytochrome c blocks elec- cated from cytosol to mitochondria, inducing stress-induced myocardial cell death can be tron transport, leading to decreased production first the clustering of mitochondria around the divided into those that trigger the early events of ATP and eventually ATP depletion, which nuclei and release of cytochrome c, and then of cell loss and those that result in severe, end- results in necrosis. Enhanced necrotic cell the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, stage myocardial cell death. Cytochrome c and death in the presence of caspase-3 inhibitor has cell shrinkage, and nuclear condensation, i.e., pro-caspase-3 are preexisting factors that are been observed in our recent studies examining apoptosis (130). Caspase-8 also directly activated by environmental toxic insults. adriamycin cardiotoxicity. There is another activates caspase-3, leading to apoptosis (131). Mitochondrial permeability transition group of proapoptotic factors that are released (MPT) occurs under toxic insults (108). from mitochondria, but the mechanisms of Environmental toxic insults This MPT behaves like a membrane pore action of these factors are unclear. These are that allows diffusion of solutes < 1,500 Da apoptosis-inducing factors (AIF). It has been in size. Although MPT can occur as a tem- shown that AIF may directly translocate to the porary event, it can rapidly become irre- nucleus after they are released from mitochon- MPT Cyclosporin A Bax versible, with the resulting loss of dria, causing DNA framentation (116). These Bcl-2 mitochondrial homeostasis and high-ampli- multiple pathways mediated by mitochondrial AIF apaf-1 Cytochrome c Electron tude mitochondrial swelling. Because the factors suggest that there is a bewildering diver- transport ↓ inner membrane has a larger surface area sity of cell death paradigms. In particular, dATP than the outer membrane, mitochondrial under chronic environmental toxic insults, the Caspase-6 swelling can cause rupture of the outer relative importance of mitochondrial electron ATP ↓ membrane, releasing intermembrane pro- transport defects, MPT, cytochrome c leakage, teins into the cytosol (109). Among the and nonmitochondrial factors needs to be care- Caspase-3 intermembrane proteins is cytochrome c. fully examined. An important clinical consid- Ac-DEVD-cmk Another possible mechanism that leads to eration is whether caspase inhibitors can offer mitochondrial cytochrome c release is the long-term protection against cell death, as Apoptosis Necrosis action of Bax, a proapoptotic protein of the delineated in Figure 2. It is thus important to Bcl-2 family (110). Overexpression of Bax define the most efficient therapeutic strategy in Figure 2. Mitochondrial factor-mediated apoptosis and under oxidative stress conditions has been blocking myocardial cell death rather than in necrosis. Note that mitochondrial cytochrome c release observed in a number of studies using differ- inhibiting a particular cell death program. can lead to activation of caspase-3 as well as decreased production of ATP. Inhibition of caspase-3 by Ac-DEVD- ent organs including the heart (111,112). It cmk would thus inhibit the apoptotic pathway but has been shown that Bax is translocated Cytokines and Other Factors in Myocardial Death Signaling enhance the ATP-depletion-induced necrosis if the stim- from cytosol to mitochondria and forms ulus for cytochrome c release persists. Cyclosporin A pores in mitochondrial outer membranes, Cytokines have been shown to be associated can inhibit MPT formation and thereby suppress leaving the inner membranes intact (113). with the pathogenesis of acute coronary cytochrome c release.

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Mechanisms of cardiotoxicity

Interleukin-6 is a multifunctional pro- calcium in cardiotoxicity. Yet, numerous Therefore, this topic will not be included in that mediates both studies have implicated intracellular Ca2+ as a this review. immune and inflammatory responses. signal for cardiac responses to environmental Elevated serum concentrations of inter- toxic insults (145–147). In response to Oxidative Stress and Mitogen-Activated leukin-6 have been observed in patients with myocardial stress by environmental stimuli, Protein Kinases heart failure (126,132). A new member of the calcium concentrations are increased in the Oxidative stress and MAPKs are involved in interleukin-6 receptor family of cytokines, myocardial cells (148). This is consistent with myocardial remodeling and play a major role cardiotrophin-1, has been cloned recently the speculation that Ca2+ coordinates physio- in the development of cardiotoxicity. Among (133). This is added to the list of other mem- logic responses to stresses. Many other specu- the MAPKs, p38 MAPK has been extensively bers of this family, including interleukin-6, lations are derived from the studies studied in myocardial apoptosis. The p38 interleukin-11, leukemia inhibitory factor, examining the role of calcium in toxicologic MAPK is a subfamily of the MAPK super- oncostatin, and ciliary neurotrophic factor. responses in other systems. The unique action family and is stress responsive. This subfamily Cardiotrophin-1 acts as a nerve of calcium in cardiotoxicity, however, has to consists of p38α, p38β, p38γ, and p38δ and also induces hypertrophy of cardiac be studied specifically. (158,159). Recent studies have identified p38 myocytes (134,135). Interestingly, car- Recently there has been a breakthrough in MAPK as an important group of signaling diotrophin-1 has been shown to inhibit understanding the role of calcium in mediating molecules that mediate environmental stress cytokine-induced apoptosis in vitro (136). myocardial hypertrophic signals (90). A sus- responses in various cell types (160,161). In Further studies are needed to investigate its tained increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentra- noncardiac cells, p38 MAPK has been impli- role in myocardial disease conditions. tions activates calcineurin. Calcineurin is a cated in gene expression, morphologic Endothelin-1 is importantly involved in ubiquitously expressed serine/threonine phos- changes, and cell death in response to endo- cardiomyopathy. It is produced within both phatase that exists as a heterodimer, comprised toxin, cytokines, physical stress, and chemical failing and nonfailing hearts from several of a 59-kDa calcium-binding catalytic A sub- insults (162–164). In cardiac cells, it has been types of cells, including endothelial cells unit and a 19-kDa Ca2+-binding regulatory B reported that p38 MAPK is associated with (137), endocardium, and myocytes (138). It subunit (149). Activation of calcineurin is the onset of apoptosis in ischemia–reperfu- has been considered that limited expression of mediated by binding of Ca2+ and calmodulin sion-treated hearts (165,166). In particular, endothelin-1 within the myocardium is an to the regulatory and catalytic subunits, respec- transfection experiments using primary cul- adaptive response to stress, providing tively. A toxicologic significance of calcineurin tures of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes have increased inotropic support for the cardiac is that it is activated by a sustained Ca2+ eleva- shown that p38α is critically involved in myocyte (139,140) as well as increasing the tion and is insensitive to transient Ca2+ fluxes myocyte apoptosis (167). In any event, the rate of myocyte protein synthesis (141). such as those that occur in response to common observation is that p38 MAPK acti- Overexpression of endothelin-1, however, cardiomyocyte contraction (90). vation is associated with accumulation of eventually becomes maladaptive by producing Numerous studies have demonstrated reactive oxygen species generated under stress focal vasospasm, myocytosis, and increased important roles for Ras, mitogen-activated conditions. In this context, we have examined myocardial fibrosis (142). In a rat model, it protein kinase (MAPK), and protein kinase the possible role of p38 MAPK in mediating has been shown that myocardial infarction is C (PKC) signaling pathways in myocardial adriamycin-induced myocardial apoptosis. accompanied with overexpression of endothe- responses to hypertrophic stimuli (150,151). Treatment with adriamycin significantly lin-1 and that selective inhibition of the All these signal transduction pathways are induced apoptosis in neonatal cardiomyocyte endothelin-A receptor with a specific antago- associated with an inotropic increase in intra- cultures and activated p38 MAPK (61). That nist (BQ-123) improved long-term survival cellular Ca2+ concentrations (152). The p38 MAPK was involved at least in part in of these animals (143). coordinating role of calcium in cardiac the adriamycin-induced myocyte apoptosis hypertrophic response was speculated in a was demonstrated by two important observa- Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Pathway recent study (90) as follows. Hypertrophic tions (61). First, a time-course analysis Leading to Apoptosis stimuli such as angiotensin II and phenyl- revealed that p38 MAPK activation preceded This pathway was identified recently (144). It ephrine cause an elevation of intracellular the onset of apoptosis. A sensitive and early was shown that caspase-12 is localized in the Ca2+ that results in activation of calcineurin. apoptosis detection method of Annexin endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and activated by A series of reactions occurs through the acti- V-FITC has been used to detect the onset of ER stress. This stress includes disruption of vated calcineurin, including dephosphoryla- myocyte apoptosis. It was demonstrated that ER calcium homeostasis and accumulation of tion of NFAT3 and its translocation to as early as 30 min after adriamycin treatment, excessive proteins in the ER. Mice deficient nucleus where it can interact with GATA4 myocyte apoptosis occurred. The early detec- in caspase-12 are resistant to ER stress- (90). Calcineurin could also act through an tion of p38 MAPK activation by a sensitive induced apoptosis. Therefore, caspase-12 NFAT-independent mechanism to regulate FITC-conjugated anti–phospho-p38 anti- mediates an ER-specific apoptotic pathway. myocardial hypertrophy. body and confocal microscopy was observed This pathway would have a large impact on 20 min after adriamycin treatment. Second, myocardial cells and should be investigated in Protein Kinase C and the Myocardial application of SB203580, a specific inhibitor the future. Signaling Pathway of p38 MAPK, significantly inhibited PKC and the myocardial signaling pathway adriamycin-induced myocyte apoptosis. Role of Calcium in Cardiotoxicity are among the most extensively studied topics Because SB203580 acts as a specific inhibitor This topic has been the most discussed and in cardiac research. Most cardiotoxicologic of p38α and p38β but not p38γ and p38δ, investigated in cardiotoxicologic research. studies have adapted the concept of cardiac the involvement of the former specific iso- However, our understanding of the role of physiologic studies in examining the role of forms of p38 MAPK in the adriamycin- calcium in cardiotoxicity is rather superficial. PKC in mediating toxic signals. Several excel- induced myocyte apoptosis are implicated. When carefully examining the current litera- lent reviews are available on PKC in myocar- Recent studies have identified that p38α is ture, one finds that there are few mechanistic dial signaling pathways leading to cardiac specifically involved in apoptosis of neonatal studies that specifically probe the role of hypertrophy and heart failure (153–157). rat cardiomyocytes in primary cultures and

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34 VOLUME 109 | SUPPLEMENT 1 | March 2001 • Environmental Health Perspectives