St. Catholic Church Glen Mills, PA † Founded 1729 Administered by the Oblates of St Francis de Sales

Sュ¥›— ù: R›ò Sã›Ö«›Ä S«Êãã, O.S.F.S. PƒÝãÊÙ R›ò E—óƒÙ— O¦—›Ä, O.S.F.S. PƒÙʑ«®ƒ½ V®‘ƒÙ D›ƒ‘ÊÄ FÙƒÄ P«®½½®ÖÝ D›ƒ‘ÊÄ FكĻ Cʽ¦ƒÄ, R›ã®Ù›— MƒÝÝ T®Ã›Ý Sƒãçٗƒù N®¦«ã V®¦®½ MƒÝÝ 5:00PM Sçėƒù MƒÝÝ›Ý 7:30, 9:30, 11:30AM Ι 5:00PM W››»—ƒù MƒÝÝ›Ý 8:00 AM MÊėƒù - FÙ®—ƒù (Fʽ½Êó›— ù RÊ݃Ùù D›òÊã®ÊÄ) Sƒ‘كÛÄã Ê¥ R›‘Êđ®½®ƒã®ÊÄ MÊėƒù 6:00-6:45Öà Sʑ®ƒ½ Hƒ½½ Sƒãçٗƒù ‘ÊÄ¥›ÝÝ®ÊÄ 4:00-4:45Öà ®Ä 㫛 Sʑ®ƒ½ Hƒ½½

430 Vƒ½½›ùÙÊÊ» R—. • G½›Ä M®½½Ý, P›ÄÄÝù½òƒÄ®ƒ 19342 T›½: 610-459-2224 Eî½: STAPARISHΜSTAGLENMILLS.ORG W›: óóó.STAPƒÙ®Ý«GM.ÊÙ¦

ParishPaarish Events for this WeekWeeke Monday, November 30 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (C) Confessions – 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. (SH) Benediction – 7:00 p.m. (C) Rosary & Chaplet of Divine Mercy - 7:00 p.m. (Chapel)

Tuesday, December 1 Chaplet of Divine Mercy – 7:45 a.m. (C) Prayer Shawl - 1:00 p.m. (PC)

Wednesday, December 2

SATURDAY November 28, 2020 Chaplet of Divine Mercy – 7:45 a.m. (C)

` 5:00 p.m. John Campbell Study - 9:00 a.m. (PC) SUNDAY November 29, 2020 Adult Faith Formation - 9:00 a.m. (SH) 7:30 a.m. Barbara J. Fanelli Walking with Purpose - 7:00 p.m. (SH)

9:30 a.m. Joseph McHale Thursday, December 3 11:30 a.m. Members of the Lelii Family Chaplet of Divine Mercy – 7:45 a.m. (C) 5:00 p.m. Ed Maloney Walking with Purpose - 9:00 a.m. (SH)

MONDAY November 30, 2020 Adult Faith Formation - 7:00 p.m. (SH) Caring & Sharing - 7:00 p.m. (Chapel) 8:00 a.m. Dorothy T. Kozempel

TUESDAY December 1, 2020 Friday, December 4 8:00 a.m. Fr. Leonard Klein Chaplet of Divine Mercy – 7:45 a.m. (C) Saturday, December 5 WEDNESDAY December 2, 2020 Flame of Love - 8:00 a.m. (C) 8:00 a.m. Dorothy Caldarone

THURSDAY December 3, 2020 Readings for the Week – November 29, 2020 9:00 a.m. Mary Hafer Monday: Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11; Mt 4:18-

FRIDAY December 4, 2020 22 8:00 a.m. James Sladek Tuesday: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Lk

SATURDAY December 5, 2020 10:21-24 5:00 p.m. David Varrasse Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6; Mt 15:29-37 SUNDAY December 6, 2020 Thursday: Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1 and 8-9, 19-21, 25- 7:30 a.m. Daniel D’Egidio 27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27 9:30 a.m. Lorraine McCabe Friday: Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31 11:30 a.m. Members of the Forte Family 5:00 p.m. Ed Maloney Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; Mt 9:35–10:1, 5a, 6-8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14; 2 As a Christian Community we pray for our relatives Pt 3:8-14; Mk 1:1-8 and friends who are sick especially: Matthew Barron, Nicole Budetta, Helen Burns, Come enjoy fellowship and Callahan, Michael Cellucci, Al Costa, learning at Faith Matters on Susan Crowe, Carmen DeRivera, Denise D’An- Monday mornings and evenings. gelo, Florence David, Danielle Dobitsch, Chris Each week, either Father Ed or Drago, Dr. Ron Ellis, Letty Faulkner, Lily Father Steve will share infor- Francisco, Krysten Gentile, Charles Grace, Betty Graham, mation about a different topic. James Hallman, Jr., Jimmy Hallman III, Maureen Ives, Barbara Izykowski, Waylon Eugene Kelly, Donna Kra- Faith Matters meets on Monday at 9am & again at 7pm in mer, Kristin Lacey, Dee Lucci, Helen McCaffrey, Arlene the Social Hall. Invite a Friend! McHugh, Garrett Martin, Joan Miller, Rob Miller, Jim Mulhern, Joanne Perrotta, Kit Petrone, Steven Piperno, Faith Matters Schedule Cass Powers, Carol Pyle, Dominic Rosini, Mark Scatollini, Louise Schmock, Robert Simpson, Brian Slater, Nick Ta- Dec. 14 Mercy and Forgiveness Father Ed ta, Josephine & Charles Taylor, Alice Usinger, Jean Vick- ers, John Westwood, John Wright, Mona Zambito. Dec. 21 The Season of Christmas Father Steve

To add a someone to our Pඋൺඒൾඋ List, or to remove a Dec. 28 The Infancy Narratives Father Steve name, please call the Parish Office 610-459-2224.

97. St. Thomas the Apostle

Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Traditional Oplatki – Polish Christmas Wafers Our next Flame of Love devotion will be Satur- with traditional Christmas Prayers. Each packet day, November 5th at 8am. We will be able by contains 4 wafers. Oplatik Wafers are available the restrictions of social distancing to keep in the Parish Office through each other safe and give thanks and praise to December 22. Limited supply. the Blessed Mother for all her graces and for Free Will donation accepted. A our protection. Answer the Blessed Mother’s Beautiful Polish Christmas Tra- call. Come and be renewed by the Holy Spirit. If you would like a link to FOL teachings and inspirational dition to share with family and presentations, please send your email to etcin- friends over the holiday [email protected]. season.

Our St. Thomas Knights of Columbus serve our Sunday Salesian Reflection parish and community through their outreach November 29, 2020 as well as parish involvement.

* 4$./# $-./0) 4*! 1 )/ѵ# -  $)".- Ҋ They will be offering 2021 Lottery Calendars ($) 0./* 2- *!*0-) !*-#-$./2#* ./- )"/# ).0.0)/$'/#  ) ѵ/ѵ-)$. ' .*)Ҋ and Christmas cards after all the Masses. ./)/'4./- ../# $(+*-/) *!'$1$)" .0..*/#/2  Please support this wonderful ministry by pur- (4 *( !0''4#0()ѵ0//*'$1  .0.''.!*- chasing a calendar or your Christmas cards. /# .+$-$/*!'$ -/4ѵ )' // -/* )  #)/'#  2-$/ .ѷ The calendars are a great gift for the person that is hard to buy for. /$.' -2#/$.* ҁ.2$''- "- $)"/# *(() Ҋ It will be the give that gives for a ( )/.) /#  0/$ .*!*0-1*/$*)ѵ *2 1 -Ѷ/# -  year. Thank you for any support - ()4*/# -/#$)". ()*/*'$" /* * $/# -4 you can give. /# " ) -'*(() ( )/.*!* *-4/#  0/$ .*! (4*2)1*/$*)ѵ$/#/# . $/$.)  ..-4/**).$ Ҋ -- !0''4$)'$ -/4*!.+$-$/2#/2*0' / ) /*/#  "- / ./"'*-4*!* ѵ .$ ҂'$ -/4*!.+$-$/҃ 0.  /#$.) ./*  *) 2$/#*0/+- ..0- *-)3$ /4ѵ !$/ $.)*/(// -*!"- /$(+*-/) Ѷ/# )2 .#*0'  )*/$)1 ./"- /*) -)$)$/Ѷ0/ȅ -'$//'  The Catholic faith begins with a choice to follow /#*0"#/ $ ѵ) $!'/ -/# /$*)*- $.$*) * . within the Catholic Church. Some people are first )*/. ("** Ѷ (0./$))*24'( *-*/# -(4Ҋ drawn to the Church through the good example of a . '!*0/$/Ѷ0/-/# -/-0./$)* ) '0"#/(4Ҋ spouse or family member. Some are drawn by the witness . '!ѵ of a co-worker or neighbor. Others begin from a commit- ment to justice for the poor and needy. While one person *''/#-*0"#'*1 Ѷ)*/#$)"/#-*0"#*)./-$)/ѵ *1  may be attracted by the beauty of Catholic worship, anoth- * $ ) (*- /#)4*0! - $.* $ ) ѵ 2)/ er could discover the beauty of Catholic doctrine without 4*0/*#1 '$ -/4*!.+$-$//#/ 3'0 .*)Ҋ having yet set foot in a church. Whatever may have ./-$)/.Ѷ.-0+' .) )3$ /4Ѷ)*//# &$) /#/ 3Ҋ sparked your interest in Catholicism, we invite you to '0 .* $ ) җ/#$.$.!- *(*!/# !' .#Ҙѵ !4*0 learn more with us. Who should take advantage of these - ''4'*1 * $ ) )  *$'$/4Ѷ ҁ '$& /*/#$)&/#/ Come and See Events? Anyone over the age of 12 who has never been baptized. Anyone who may have been baptized 2# ).*( ' "$/$(/ *-#-$/' 0. /& .4*0 as an infant but never catechized in the faith. Come and 24!-*(4*0-- '$"$*0. 3 -$. .Ѷ/#$.2*0'  !*- See sessions will meet on the third Sunday of each month 4*0)*/# -!*-(*!* $ ) ѵ) 4*0-'*1 2*0'  at 10:30 in the Social Hall. No need to sign up just COME (& 0+!*-2#/ 1 -4*0#1 /**($/$)4*0-- '$Ҋ and SEE. "$*0.+-/$ ѵ )''/#$)".#*'4'$ -/4) !- *( (0./- $")Ѷ) 2 (0./#1 )**/# -'2*-* -Ҋ ROSE OF THE RESURRECTION $*)/#)/#/*!'*1 ѵ# /# -'*1 $)1$/ .0./*(&  .*( /#$)"!*-/# +**-*-!*-/# -$#Ѷ$/ * .''/#$)". If you would like to have a loved one remembered in 2 '') $. ,0''4+' .$)"/**0- *- ѵ prayer, contact the Rectory office one week prior to the week you would like to have a Rose placed at the statue җ *. +#*2 -Ѷ of St. Joseph. The donation is $10 and name the deceased will be listed in this section of the bulletin. о ) 4ѵ -$"#/ѶFrancis de Sales, Jane de Chan- talҘ Ann Ferreri

2 97. St. Thomas the Apostle

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish welcomes the following new parishioners:

Mr Vito Bianco “Giving Tree Activities” James & Elizabeth Bradley Ms Kourtney Demas Ornaments – the Tree will be up for Joseph & Karen Leopld only a few short weeks… so please take Ms Ruby Lindsay an ornament and help a needy child have a Christmas! Return your wrapped gifts by November 28/29.

The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, 11/30 for the Save the Dates – December 5-6-7, 2020. Due to Coro- Thanksgiving holiday, it will reopen on Tuesday, 12/1. navirus precautions, our traditional “Monday only” sorting and packing has been expanded over several DIRECTION OF INTENTION days. We need help on Saturday, Sunday and Mon- day, December 5-6-7, 2020.

My God give me the grace to perform this Adopt A Family – Needed more than ever this year. action with you and through love for you. Please call Patty Haynes at 484-840-0447 for more In advance I offer to you all the good that info. I will do and accept all the difficulty I may meet therein. This yyear,ear, the GivinGivingg Tree will be collecting gift

St. Thomas the Apostle, Pray for us. cardscards(anyamount)toWalmartandTarget.Bypur- (any amount)amount) to Walmart and Target.Target. Byy pur-pur St. Francis de Sales, Pray for us. chasingcasgsc scripp cardscadsa and ddoat donating gt them e to tot thete GGivingGi Tree, you will help two worthy organizations!ns!

Casseroles Scrip Gift Cards (all fully loaded ready to use) are sold The next Casserole Sunday will be on Sunday, after all the Sunday Morning Masses for you to get a jump December 20. Please pick up a pan or two and on your holiday shopping. We offer a wide se- prepare a "Christmas Meal" for our friends at St. lection of gift cards for grocery and department stores, restaurants & online stores. All proceeds Francis Inn in Kensington. Please deliver the cas- benefit our parish school. Thank you for your seroles to the Social Hall freez- support! ers any time before 9 am on December 20th. Thank you very much!

We welcome the newest members of our faith who were recently baptized.

May God Bless these children and their families!

Lennon Richard Birunas

Liam Conley

Thomas Joseph Datte

Prayer for all celebrating a Birthday this Month! God our Father, the birth of your Son Jesus Christ brought great joy to Mary and Joseph. We give thanks to you for all the members of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish whose birthday we celebrate this month. May they ever grow in your faith, hope, and love. We ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

3 97. St. Thomas the Apostle


The First Sunday of Advent we begin a new liturgical year. Throughout this year we will be reading from the of Mark (Cycle B of readings). For the next three weeks, this series will reflect on the Gospel of Mark: the author, date of the gospel, his audience (readers), purpose in writing the gospel, and unique characteristics of his Gospel.

I: Author and Date of the Gospel

The earliest manuscripts of the second Gospel in the are titled According to Mark. This heading is not part of the original work but was added by the early Christians. It summarizes the Church’s uniform tradition that Mark, a of Peter, wrote the second Gospel. Although there is no direct in- ternal evidence of authorship, it was the unanimous testimony of the early church that this Gospel was written by (“John, also called Mark, (Acts 12:12 and 15:37). The most important evidence comes from Papias (c. a.d. 140), who quotes an even earlier source as saying: (1) Mark was a close associ- ate of Peter, from whom he received the tradition of the things said and done by the Lord; (2) this tradition did not come to Mark as a finished, sequential account of the life of our Lord, but as the preaching of Pe- ter—preaching directed to the needs of the early Christian communities; (3) Mark accurately preserved this material. The conclusion drawn from this tradition is that the Gospel of Mark largely consists of the preaching of Peter arranged and shaped by Mark.

It is generally agreed that the Mark who is associated with Peter in the early tradition is also the John Mark of the New Testament. The first mention of him is in connection with his mother, Mary, who had a house in Jerusalem that served as a meeting place for believers (Acts 12:12). Mark accompanied Paul and when they returned to Antioch from Jerusalem after visiting the famine there (Acts 12:25). Mark next appears as a “helper” to Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey (Acts 13:5), but he de- serted them at Perga in Pamphylia to return to Jerusalem (Acts 13:13). Paul must have been deeply disap- pointed with Mark’s actions on this occasion, because when Barnabas proposed taking Mark on the sec- ond journey, Paul flatly refused, a refusal that broke up their working relationship (Acts 15:36–39). Barna- bas took Mark, who was his cousin (:10), and departed for Cyprus. No further mention is made of either of them in the book of Acts. Mark reappears in Paul’s letter to the Colossians written from Rome. Paul sends a greeting from Mark and adds: “You have received instructions about him; if he comes to you, welcome him” (Colossians 4:10). At this point Mark was apparently beginning to win his way back into Paul’s confidence. By the end of Paul’s life, Mark had fully regained Paul’s favor (see 2Timothy 4:11).

Two factors suggest that Mark composed his Gospel before 70 AD within one generation of the events he recorded. First, The Gospel itself points us in this direction. In Mark 13, Jesus makes a prediction of the imminent destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, which took place in 70 AD when the Romans violent- ly destroyed the city. However, Mark makes no mention of this as a past event, nor does he give detailed information about the catastrophe that would indicate he was writing after the fact. Second, prominent traditions indicate that Mark wrote his Gospel soon after Peter’s martyrdom (c. 67 AD). So our best esti- mate for the date of composition is mid to late 60’s but before 70 AD.

Source: Ignatius Catholic Bible Study: The Gospel of Mark


5 Prayer Intentions During Advent

The word ADVENT comes from Latin and means "coming;" its purpose is to look forward to the coming of Christ to Earth; it was a season that focused on waiting. So, "Advent means something new is coming. The dawn of a new and better era. This is really what the Christmas season is all about, isn’t it? It’s the celebra- tion of the ADVENT of a new era. God broke into time and space and entered our world" Through prayer, we can enter into God's presence and ask Him to prepare our hearts the way He prepared all of history to receive the gift of His Son. Ask the Father to use this time during Advent to cut away the distractions and make your life a place of warmth and openness. We've compiled these Advent prayers from across our archives to help you make sure there's "room at the inn" of your heart this year.

1. Pray for attentiveness to what truly matters, without being distracted by trivial things. 2. Pray for opportunities to learn something new regularly. 3. Pray for discernment of how God would like you to set your priorities and the ability to focus on them consistently to fulÞll His purposes in your life. 4. Pray for those suffering from the effects of the pandemic. 5. Pray for a return of lost souls to the eucharist.

Thoughts for the First Sunday of Advent

Patience in Prayer One of my favorite prayers is taken from a letter written by the French Jesuit, author, and paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, who died in 1955. It’s a passage urging a young recipient to be patient. “Above all,” it begins, “trust in the slow work of God. We are quite naturally impatient in everything to reach the end without delay.” The prayer suggests patience in all things, especially patience with your- self.

Advent is a season centered on patience. The central image of Advent, after all, is an expectant mother: Mary carrying Jesus. But this is not simply a dull wait, as you might wait for the traffic light to turn green at an intersection. It’s a hopeful waiting, confident that God is about to do something exciting and that whatever God brings will be more than you can imagine.

Still, waiting can be hard. And perhaps the most difficult thing is waiting for yourself to change. WE all have an image of who we hope to become one day: perhaps kinder, freer, more generous. And we don’t seem to get there. Or, rather, we don’t seem to get there fast enough.

In those times I always remember an experience on a retreat. I was lament- ing to my retreat director that I wasn’t changing fast enough. I felt stuck. “Look out that window,” he said. It was a summer’s day. “What color is that tree? “ “Green,” I said, referring to a large maple. “What color is it in the fall?” he said. “Red,” I said. My retreat director said, “And no one sees it change.” Trust in the slow work of God.

Written by Fr. James Martin, SJ and printed in Give Us This Day: Daily Prayer for Today’s Catholic. December 2016, page 7.

6 97. St. Thomas the Apostle


Parish Information PARISH STAFF 610-459-2224 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Business Manager Marge Coleman Monday-Thursday 8:30am to 12:00pm & 1:00pm to 4:00pm, Parish/Tuition Secretary Rose Costa Friday 8:30 to 12:00pm by appointment only. Closed Week- Parish Secretary/Safe Joan Lupi ends. Environment Coordinator REGISTRATION SCHOOL STAFF 610-459-8134 New members of the parish can register at the Parish Office, Principal John Keeley Monday through Friday by calling the rectory office at 459- School Secretary Marie Ecklund 2224 during business hours. Registrations are not taken on School Secretary Kathy Roselli weekends.

LITURGICAL MINISTRIES 610-459-2224 EXPOSITION Altar Servers Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Mon- Eucharistic Ministers day beginning at 8:30am until 7:00pm. Greeters & Ushers Lectors ROSARY/CHAPLET Sacristans ` The Rosary & Chaplet of Divine Mercy is said every Monday Arts & Environment evening in the Chapel at 7pm. Altar Linen Launders Funeral Coordinators WEDDINGS Arrangements are to be made at least six months in advance MUSIC MINISTRY 610-636-4557 of the date. Adult & Youth Choir Maria McAnulty CONFESSIONS FAITH FORMATION Monday from 6:00-6:45pm and Saturday from 4:00-4:45pm Director Colleen Nancarrow 610-459-3477 or by appointment. R.C.I.A. Deacon Fran 484-832-0588 Pre-Cana Jackie Dryfoos 610-399-8335 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Bible Study Carol Szkudlapski 610-459-8040 Religious Education classes for Parish children who do not Faith Matters Parish Office 610-459-2224 attend Catholic schools are conducted in the parish for Baptismal Prep Parish Office 610-459-2224 Grades 1 thru 8 & meet on Tuesday afternoon & evening during the school year. For more information call Colleen DEVOTIONS Nancarrow at 610-459-3477. Divine Mercy Chaplet Pat Bruggeman 610-459-1638 Pilgrim Virgin Statue Carolyn Roth 610-361-9380 BAPTISM Divine Mercy Cenacle Jan Phillips 484-842-1957 Baptisms are conferred at St. Thomas Church on any Sun- Prayer Group Liz O’Hara day either during or after Mass. Call the Parish Office to schedule a date/time. SERVICE MINISTRIES Respect Life Teresa Santoleri 302-345-7867 PRE-BAPTISM CLASS FOR PARENTS Bereavement Joanne Starr 610-358-1881 Classes are held on the last Sunday of each month at Cancer Ministry Frank Albright 610-358-5268 12:45pm. Both parents must attend before a child is baptized, Kathy Schlenk 610-241-2171 but only once. Prayer Shawl Mary Ford 610-459-380 Caring & Sharing Ann Diersing 610-558-1659 Knights of Columbus John Rahner 610-459-1262 Friends of Olde St Thomas 610-459-2224 Gardening Ministry 610-459-2224 Media Ministry 610-459-2224

Pastoral Council Greg Chestnut 610-459-8818 Finance Council Angie McCullough 610-358-0610

Monday Adoration – Adoration is the highest form of praise. The word itself ad-toward & oremus-prayer gives us understanding of this great opportunity to worship God. Only when we worship can we receive in return. You are invited to spend some time on Mondays in the Church before the Blessed Sacrament.

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