q5EFERErfeiasgtotffiUni°nBaofJ:ndkie `© w`®.` in -..-. ` ^"©atctthELlhif teQ*HB ASsnT REcovER¥ BRANCH NO. 816 , Oppanakara Street, Coimbatore-641001 , Tamilnadu REF:ARE/15 SN/74/2020-2] 20-02-2021 By Regd Post & Courier To: 1.1. IVI/s Beetle Elxl)orts Guarantors: NO 17 2ND CROSS SRP NAGAR BHARATHI PARK SAIBABA COLONY (I) Mr V Balasubramanian COIMBATORE cOIMBAroRE TAMIL No 17, SRP Nagar,11 Cross, BhaTathi Park, NADuffll011 Sai Baba Colony, Coimbatore-6410 I 1 Email :
[email protected] (2) Mrs J Shwetha No 17, SRP Nagar,11 Cross, Bharathi Park, SaiBaba Colony, Coimbatore-641011 (3) Mrs V Muthu]akshmi No 78, KPN Colony, First Street, Tirupur-641601 Dear Sirmuang Sub: Notice of 15 davs for sale of immovable secured assets ilnder Rule 8 of the Securitv Interest /Enforcement` Rules. 2002. 1. Union Bank of India , Coimbatore -Asset Recovery Branch ,No. 816, Oppanakara Street , Ccoimbatore -641001, the secured creditor, caused a demand notice dated 17.03.2016 under Section 13(2) of the Securitisation and Reconstniction ofFinancial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act 2002, calling upon you to pay the dues within the time stipulated therein. Since you failed to comply with the said notice within the period stipulated, the Authorised Officer, has taken possession of the immovable secured assets under Section 13(4) of the Act readwith Rule 8 of Security Interest @nforcemeut) Rules, 2002. Possession notice dated 2l-09-2020issued by the Authorised Officer, as per appendix IV to the Security Interest q|i.forcement)) Rules, `2002 was delivered to you and the same was also affixed to the properties mortgaged with the Secured Creditor, apart from publication of the same in newspapers.