Dear expectant mama and family,

My name is Taylor and my dream is to be a mom. I am thrilled to be on this journey to adopt a baby, as adoption has always held a special place in my heart, and I want to thank you for taking the time to learn a little about me. I have never been in your position, so I know that I can’t possibly understand what you’re going through, but I do hope to make this process a little easier for you. I’m an open book and I hope that you’ll feel comfortable asking me as many questions as you’d like beyond what my profile shows you. I have also created a website with many more photos and facts, so that will give you an even bigger idea of who I am and the life into which this baby would be welcomed.

I have always dreamed of having a little girl, so I’m specifically going on this journey to bring home a daughter. I believe that I can provide a wonderful life, a loving home, and a great support system to a baby girl as she grows. As the only biological child in a foster/adoptive family, I grew up seeing the impacts of adoption on both the family and the children. I have seen my siblings do great things in their lives and I know that my future daughter will be able to accomplish great things as well. After all, she’ll be blessed with not one, but two amazing families wishing her the best and cheering her on.

I wish you comfort and peace as you move forward in this pregnancy and decide how to give your unborn baby girl the best life possible. I hope that as you make this decision, you’ll see how loved this baby would be in my home and how much she is wanted in .

Stay safe and healthy! - Taylor

Family has always been the most important part of my life.

I was incredibly lucky to grow up with parents who demonstrated the importance of showing love, not just saying “I love you” to someone. From the very beginning, I knew that this love, not biology, makes a family. Not only did I have aunts, uncles, and grandparents who entered my life and chose to be my family, but we also started fostering when I was just three years old. Over the course of eighteen years, we welcomed nineteen children into our home, five of whom my parents adopted.

Being the oldest of six meant that I always had a companion, a confidant, someone with whom to play, and someone to boss around (it comes with being the oldest, of course). Life could be crazy, hectic, and always loud, but I absolutely loved growing up in a big family. I know how important the sibling bond is, so I look forward to having more than one child in the future. I also hope that if my future daughter has biological siblings, there’s a possibility that she’ll be able to have some kind of relationship with them as they grow.

I’m a prospective single mother living in Central Florida with the local support of my parents and three (of five) younger siblings, so there is a lot of love to give here. Everyone looks forward to welcoming a new family member (though my younger siblings have already stated that they do not want to change diapers haha). My youngest siblings, eleven-year- old twins, constantly ask me when their niece will be arriving because they can’t wait to cuddle her and choose cute clothes for her.

My 25-year-old brother lives in New York with my one- year-old nephew. We look forward to watching our children grow up together in the future. My 18-year-old brother also recently moved to New York to help with my nephew.


We’ve always been an animal-loving family. We currently have three small dogs and two kittens.

Dash Periwinkle (Peri) Nani Maya

My family is a melting pot! We’re a mix of backgrounds, including Irish, German, Polish, Russian, Puerto Rican, English, African American, and Native American. We would be happy to welcome a baby of any race to our family.

Yes, I’m holding a bottle of ketchup here... I use it on everything haha!

We’re a dual-religion household, so I grew up celebrating both Christmas with my mom and Hanukkah with my dad. I look forward to continuing My first Christmas these traditions, including decorating a Christmas tree and lighting the and Hanukkah menorah, with my own children.

Four of my siblings have special needs, from ADHD to Bipolar 1, intellectual disabilities, anxiety, and my littlest sisters are deaf! Together, we can handle anything that life throws at us. I’m ready to love a daughter no matter what her abilities may be, and I look forward to helping her navigate life and succeed in all that she does.

I cannot wait to share my love of Disney with my future children!

My parents passed their love of Disney down to us, and our three big vacations RV-ing from New York to Disney World are some of my favorite memories.

I’ve been a Cast Member at Epcot since we moved to Florida in 2015. My role as a Coordinator provides a stable schedule and amazing benefits. I’ll be able to take time off whenever something important is happening in my daughter’s life and I look forward to bringing her into the Parks as well. Vacation - 2013

Disney with friends

- 2018-2019

These are just a few of the people who chose to become part of my family when I was a baby. No matter how far away we may be, I know that they always have my back. I know that they’ll be there for my children as well.

Visiting my Godfather & his wife - 2019

Visiting the former neighbors who

became my aunt & grandma - 2019

I hope to continue expanding the family by getting to know you more as well! I’m ready to discuss your desires for this adoption and hope that we can agree on some level of openness so that my baby always knows her background (and her medical history), but I’ll be happy with whatever you feel most comfortable doing. Visiting my mom’s friend who has been like an aunt - 2019

My friends are already planning on how they’ll spoil my future baby. She will be loved by each of them.

I’m lucky to still have friends from all stages of my life. I can be my goofy, loud, crazy self when I’m around them. They each bring out the best in me, and I can’t wait to watch my own children grown and find friends who will do the same for them.

My Godfather’s sons - 2019

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I know that you have a huge decision ahead of you and I am honored that you are considering me as you plan for your baby’s future.

Please feel free to visit my website for more information about my life, family, and hopes for the years ahead. You’ll also find a few words from family and friends that may help you gain more insight into who I am and why I want to be a mother.

I look forward to speaking with you, should you have any further questions for me. I’m also willing to be as involved in your pregnancy as you’d like, whether that be video chatting about how you’re feeling or accompanying you to a doctor’s appointment.

Best wishes for your journey ahead!

- Taylor Faith Krigsman