Two Hundred And Seventy Third Edition

Front Cover Our grateful thanks to Elaine Hoyes for producing such a super drawing for us to use on our first cover of the New Year. And with my apologies to Elaine because I thought I had lost this drawing and then found it in a most improbable place – tucked inside a music dictionary for safe keeping!

The village has been having a busy time over the past year and the Village Hall committee are to be congratulated on bringing so many films and live entertainment so close to home and where it is easy to park. Yes, one film was a bit strange but others have been most entertaining. The live performances are by acts who have travelled the world with great success and these evenings have been captivating.

Closer to home the pantomime was again a truly village affair and many congratulations to Mike Lund for scripting the performance and for the cast of residents or ‘have beens’ of . An appraisal of this is further on in the newsletter.

The Bishop Burton Concert Party which included a presentation by Bryn Jones to commemorate World War 1 was very moving as Bryn went through all those who had died in the war who had gone to Bishop Burton Village School. The supper was excellent and the choir were not too bad either (maybe I am biased as I played my part!)

The ladies who produce these super suppers are to be congratulated as they never disappoint and to produce so many meals from a rather small kitchen is amazing. Very well done.

We would like to reiterate the good wishes of the piper and wish all our readers a Happy and Healthy New Year. And to thank our contributors for their past most able help and look forward to receiving articles for insertion in 2015.

May we please have your articles for the March 2015 edition before the 23rd February. Thank you. Susan Leeding – Editor [email protected] – 01964 551277



There was a meeting at the Memorial Hall in on the 19th November on the future of our police force. Our Chief Constable Justine Conran outlined the changes to be made due to budget restraints coming into force by 2018 and which will gradually take effect from now on.

The Chief Constable initiated a review in 2013 recognising the need to modernise the Force with the aim for more efficiency. Currently there are three Divisions and this will reduce to One Team sharing resources and working together thus creating huge efficiencies. Mobile technology for officers will allow focus on greater levels of engagement with the community.

There will be less police staff and PCSO’s working for Humberside Police in the future due to financial pressures but the improvements being made on work patterns to fit demand and new mobile devices there should be little reduction in the visibility of police patrolling our area.

The Police aim for the future is to reduce crime, protect the public, improve safety and improve the quality of services for victims.

This is just a brief resume of a very interesting meeting that Jack Wray and I attended due to our interest in Neighbourhood Watch. The presentation was very well organised and gave confidence that our Police Force is moving forward using technology and well trained police officers to counter crime and a lowering budget. Susan Leeding


To Richard and Rosie Pickering many congratulations on the safe arrival of a beautiful baby boy born on the 2nd October 2014 – Rufus, Henry George.

A welcome playmate for Monty and another little grandson for Sue Pickering. Editor



December has been a busy month for the choir. We had a joint concert with Leconfield Choir at St. Mary's Church, Beverley on a Thursday evening in aid of Cancer Research. Each choir did sessions on their own and then we came together to sing three songs - Sing, OTannenbaum and Sing Ye Hosanna. It was a most enjoyable evening and was followed by refreshments provided by members of the Beverley YCR Group.

We were due to have an organ recital by Mark Pybus but sadly the organ suffered a power cut during his first piece and he could not finish the recital. The concert raised £590 for YCR - a most pleasing outcome.

Two days later members of the choir took part in the Christmas Tree Festival at All Saints' Church. We had a tree decorated with poppies, recalling our WW1 Remembrance Concert in September. This time the choir was conducted by Rowland Bridgewater in place of our regular choir leader, Heidi Baker, who had a prior commitment with the Maureen Hunter Singers. Church members kindly provided mulled wine and other refreshments. Members of the choir also joined in the carol service at All Saints' on the 19th December.

We had our last meeting on 16th December and had a little party to celebrate a year of joyous singing. Thanks to the Thomas' for hosting the party and providing us with an excellent venue for our practice sessions.

We resume our practices on Tuesday 6th January and new members are very welcome. No audition required! We expect to be preparing for a concert in the village hall sometime in April or May with the theme of "The Musicals".

Please join us if you'd like to. We meet every Tuesday at 7.30 pm in the Granary, Westfield Farm. For more information contact:-

Bryn Jones on 01964 550255 or Susan Leeding on 01964 551277.


It is with a touch of sadness that on 17th December I moved away from Bishop Burton Village to live in Leeds and be near my family. I came to


Bishop in 2001 moving from Cheadle Hulme in Cheshire to work in Hull. What a wonderful community Bishop Burton is - I have made many friends and thoroughly enjoyed village life. When I moved to Bishop friends asked me if it was like Ambridge - if it is what character are you? We certainly have some characters in the village many of whom were in the Panto - what fun!

I shall be returning to attend the Country Friends' Festive Meal on 12th January and to see the Canadian singer/songwriter Ian Sherwood on 21st February so will get a chance to catch up with you all then. I hope John and Barbara Sprakes who have moved into my old house are as happy there as I was. Happy 2015. Charleyne Wright


We ended 2014 with the brilliant news the WREN Community Fund will award us a grant of £13k. They support projects which will provide or improve public parks or amenities within a given radius of their landfill sites. We had to demonstrate we have raised a significant sum and have commitment to the project. Which makes me think this is a good space and time to publicly thank the members of our group who have all given so much to this project.

December also saw an excellent turn out to our Christmas pub quiz. We would like to thank everyone who supported the evening in the Altisidora and generated such a warm atmosphere. There were so many raffle prize donations every table won something which is definitely in the spirit of giving.

All your generosity over the year combined with the news above takes our fund well past £22k. This means work can actually commence soon, if the weather is kind. 2015 is the year Bishop Burton will get its playground ! If you're making a resolution to get fit or be more involved in the village look out for the working party opportunity to tidy the land which will come in due course. (The big tree stays if anyone is wondering.)

Happy new year to all. Mandy Thomlinson



Plant three rows of peas: No garden should be without

Peace of mind turnips:

Peace of heart Turnip for services when needed

Peace of soul. Turnip to help one another

Turnip the music and dance.

Plant four rows of squash:

Squash gossip Water freely with patience and

Squash indifference cultivate with love:

Squash grumbling There is much fruit in your

Squash selfishness. garden.

Because you reap what you sow.

Plant four rows of lettuce:

Lettuce be faithful To conclude our garden we must

Lettuce be kind have thyme:

Lettuce be happy Thyme for fun

Lettuce really love one Thyme for rest

another. Thyme for ourselves.

Thank you to Dorothy Dunning who forwarded this from her friend Mary.

VERY WELL DONE Many congratulations to our daughter Fiona-Fleur on the magnificent achievement on gaining her BSc Hons Degree in Paramedic Science.

Paul and Jean Chisholm


This is running every Tuesday 7 – 8pm during term time on the new Cherry Burton Multi Use Games Area at the Sports field. It is for all abilities and includes fitness, skills and games.

All welcome. For more information text Theresa on 0747 8925330 or email Ruth on [email protected] Ruth (nee Oxtoby)



Hello – I’m writing to introduce myself. I am Rev. Rachel Young and I will be installed as Vicar-designate of Walkington, Bishop Burton, Rowley and Skidby churches on Thursday January 15th by the Archbishop of York. The service will be held at All Saints, Bishop Burton, starting at 7.30pm and all are welcome.

As I write, I’m just coming to the end of the job I have done for thirty years, teaching woodwind instruments part-time in local schools. It’s an odd feeling, saying goodbye to colleagues and pupils, but also a very exciting one as my husband, Nigel, and I look forward to a new chapter in our lives with you. It was good to share in the Nativity Procession and Christingle Service in All Saints on December 14th and to meet some of you there.

The presence of God has always been the backdrop to my life, as I was brought up in a Methodist family and at age eighteen responded to God’s love positively. Since then He has called me in various ways, not least to get married and look after our children, and I have been involved with music in worship throughout my adult life. The call from God to consider ordination came when our daughter was two years old, so it has been a long time growing and coming to fruition.

I became a Reader in 2002 and have spent the last five years since ordination working part-time at Beverley Minster, so we’re not moving far and Nigel will continue in his job as senior lecturer in Hull University’s chemistry department. Our two children, Kathryn and Jonathan, are both at university, studying electronic engineering and computing respectively.

As we come to this junction in our lives, I’ve been reflecting on the subject of God’s calling as one of the readings in Advent has been Mary’s visit by the Angel Gabriel. God calls all of us to respond to his love for us, wherever we our along our journey of life. We might be young and yet have known God’s love all our lives, or be much older and never have experienced it. It’s God’s love that brings us forgiveness and the chance to start again in our relationship with him.


As we move in to the Rectory and begin to get to know you all at the beginning of this New Year and new chapter in the life of our village churches, I ask God for his blessing and thank Him for his guidance so far. I look forward to working and living amongst you as we discover what God has in store for us in 2015.

Rachel Young


The Christmas Tree Event was well supported again this year with all 20 trees sponsored and decorated in imaginative ways – we even had an Australian theme for one of them – decorated by a visitor from Sydney who has been staying in the village!

The church looked beautiful with the trees all lit for the Carol Service, and for the Preview Evening when the church was open to view the trees with Christmas music provided by some members the Bishop Burton Village Choir as well as mulled wine and canapes. Many thanks to everyone who helped to make the church look so lovely for the Christmas celebrations.

“Donkey Sunday” when the Nativity procession goes through the village ending in a Christingle Service around the Crib in the church was another enjoyable occasion – many thanks to vicar Ruth for her hard work organising it all.

Now Christmas is over for another year! And now...... the exciting news for 2015 is the arrival of our new vicar RACHEL YOUNG who we shall welcome to our parish as well as the parishes of Rowley, Skidby and Walkington, and who is to be licensed by THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK in our church on THURSDAY JANUARY 15th. This will be a very special occasion indeed – and the church will be full !!

We are very grateful to Ruth Newton who has filled in as our Curate and Vicar during the “Inter Regnum” and has worked so hard and given so generously of her time and herself. So...exciting times ahead

Happy New Year! Sue Thomas


Services Times for January/February 2015.

Date Time Service 4th Jan 11.00a.m Benefice Holy Communion Saint Peter’s 11th Jan 11.00a.m HolyRowley Communion 15th Jan 7.30p.m Licensing of Revd Rachel Young 18th Jan 11.00a.m. Morning Prayer 25th Jan 9.30a.m Holy Communion President Revd Rachel 1st Feb 11.00a.m MatinsYoung 8th Feb 11.00a.m Holy Communion 15th Feb 11.00a.m Morning Prayer 22nd Feb 11.00a.m Holy Communion

The Archbishop of York will officiate at the licensing service of Revd Rachel Young on Thursday 15 January 2015 at 7.30pm

Please join us in welcoming Rachel and celebrating her appointment to the Benefice.


Date Cleaning Flowers 4th Jan Mrs H Hayward Mrs C Young 11th Jan Mrs M Wray Mrs C Young 18th Jan Mrs M Cutland Mrs A Cherry & Mrs J McDonald 25th Jan Mrs S Thomas Mrs A Cherry & Mrs J McDonald 1st Feb Mrs S Brooks & Mrs J Biden Mrs A Cherry & Mrs J McDonald 8th Feb Miss H M Swann Mrs A Danforth 15th Feb Mrs A Danforth Mrs A Danforth 22nd Feb Mrs H Hayward No Flowers In Lent 1st Mar Mrs M Wray “ “ “


WELCOME A warm welcome to Paul and Maria who have moved into Rosemary Cottage on School Green. We hope you settle in quickly and happily and get to know the village and its inhabitants

A welcome also to the Flanigans who have moved into Calais Farm – Peter and his wife and three children together with their two dogs. Welcome to the village and we hope you will enjoy your surroundings and some of the entertainment we have on offer in the village hall. Editor


Having moved from Canada to Bishop Burton I have decided to start up my Canadian business here offering special occasion make up, children's face painting and eyelash extensions. ChickArtistry was born while living in Alberta, Canada.

As the business was a huge success in Canada, I am hoping I can help make the lives of the ladies of Bishop Burton and surrounding area, a little easier every day by saving time in the makeup application or possibly even a little glam!

Professional and high quality eyelash extensions can help eliminate the need for make up, they open your eyes, make anyone look more youthful, alert and healthy.

Make Up Services can be for any special occasion you may have and want to feel special. Weddings, Engagement, Family portrait days, or even if you need a lesson in make up.

Telephone : 07783 021972 - Samantha Frith


BB - Bumble and Buddies Joke: Why do penguins make good racing drivers? Because they are always in pole position.

Will you improve your ball skills in 2015 ?

grassla Word Search - Can you find some of these words in the grid? Foul Catch Score Shoot Tackle Netball Referee Football




Ivy Clapham passed away peacefully at Hull Royal on 18th September. The Hull Daily Mail reported that she died of old age, it’s not often that you read that nowadays but as she was 111 and quite well until admitted a couple of weeks earlier, that is surely right.

Ivy was on record as saying that her time spent living at Lambfolds in the late 1920s, while being a maid for the Hall Watt family at High Hall, were the happiest years of her life, and she really enjoyed telling me some stories about those days. When the Hall Watts spent time away from the Hall Ivy would then move in and be in charge – she didn’t comment on this but it was clear to me that they must have thought a lot about her to leave her with such responsibility.

I took some old village photos with me when I went to see Ivy, hoping she might comment on some of the people they showed. She did, and two came in for special praise from her. First was Alvery Hall Watt, her employer, I think she said she never met a kinder man. The second was Stanley Jackson, of North End Farm – Ivy recalled he rode past Lambfolds most days and always had time to be friendly and cheerful.

Ivy was very happy when talking about her Bishop Burton days, I was lucky to be able to share some of her memories and I will not forget her.

Peter Dunning

BISHOP BURTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Bishop Burton Parish Council meeting held in Bishop Burton Village Hall on Monday 29th September 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Present: Councillors: Cllr David Oxtoby ; Cllr Mrs Sue Ellerington ; Cllr Martin Gray; Cllr David Jolliffe; Cllr Leonard Byass; Cllr Andrew Oxtoby; Cllr Trevor Thomas. Councillor Phyllis Pollard was present for part of the meeting.

Members of the public – Four. 09 Apologies for absence: Cllr Jack Wray; Cllr Hilary Swann 09.696 Declaration of Pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests; Requests for dispensations. Cllr Ellerington declared a pecuniary interest in item 09.699b) 09.697 Open Forum –


Two villagers voiced their concern that the proposed yellow lines on the “Johnson’s Pond” side of the road would lead to the parking moving to in front of the houses on the East side of “ The Green” from the Red House to the A 1079. It was suggested that single yellowline may be appropriate on The Green side. It was also requested that double yellow lines should be around the pond, in the areas where there are no white lines. 09.698 Minutes of previous meeting – Minutes of the full council meeting of 7th July 2014 (previously circulated) were agreed as a true and correct record, proposed Cllr Ellerington seconded Cllr Gray. Minutes of the planning meeting of 26th August (circulated at meeting) were agreed as a true and correct record, proposed Cllr Jolliffe seconded Cllr Gray. The minutes were duly signed by the Chairman. 09.699 Matters Arising: a) Crawberry Hill update – Julie Turrell – Police. Cllr Ellerington informed the meeting that Ms Turrell send her apologies as she was now no longer able to make the meeting. Cllr Pollard joined the meeting b) Rathlin – (Cllr Ellerington left the room). Rathlin have applied for a two year extension to their current planning permission at the Crawberry Hill site. Cllr Pollard confirmed that the matter is going to committee this Thursday (2nd October) at 2pm. Questions were asked over:1) why an extension as long as two years was required as the delays have been significantly less and2) what is the oversight and how is the council satisfied that it is appropriate. Cllr Pollard agreed to take these away. It was pointed out that villagers had had enough and wanted the work and disruption caused to end as soon as possible. Concern was also raised that the government may be looking at the planning powers being taken away from local authorities to central government. Villagers would like to minimise the chances by getting the work done as soon as possible. Cllr Pollard noted the comments.

Cllr Thomas stated that the village had just woken up to what was going on and future fracking. Cllr Thomas indicated a number of the issues associated with fracking. Cllr Pollard stated that this may be the case if a well is to be fracked but this does not apply at Crawberry Hill as the planning is for a conventional well and there is a NO FRACKING clause. Cllr Thomas pushed that in reality they were going to frack. Cllr Pollard stated that he does not know that and the committee is only able to look at the facts in front of it, it is not able to speculate. The current permission is for exploration only, the current permission contains a NO FRACKING clause and thus they CANNOT FRACK. If they or anyone else were to apply for planning for fracking it would need to go through the full planning process and consultation. Cllr Pollard agreed to send ERYC policy on Fracking to Clerk. Cllr Pollard left the meeting Concerns about fracking were raised by villagers to Graham Stuart. His response was read to the meeting. (Cllr Ellerington rejoined the meeting)


c) Village Green –carried forward d) Dalegate –water pipe in ditch. Cllr Thomas (landowner) meeting Yorkshire Water on 1 Oct to review the situation. It was noted that the outflow pipe is currently half silted up. Resolved: Ditch needs deepening sufficiently such that clear water can flow in time of heavy rains, outflow pipe needs clearing. Resolved:Cllr Thomas to let Clerk know when the ditch is clear of water pipes such that ERYC can be informed to clear the ditch. e) Village Lease update - ERYC have agreed to a further 25yr lease at £100pa +RPI, on the same terms. Fees of £700. Resolved: Unanimously resolved that all are in agreement except in respect of the Fees (£700) which are deemed as excessive. Clerk to return duly signed document with Fee amount scored through along with a cheque for £100 for first years rent, and, the requested list of Village Hall trustees. f) Review of Trees along church lane and Sycamore in Finkle Street. Ash on Church Lane has been felled. Planning permission required if any work is to be carried out on the Sycamore on Finkle Street. No permission requests received to date. g) Light on Chapel –no response from ERYC. Resolved: Clerk to chase. h) Defibrilator – ERYC have confirmed that the money cannot be used for kerbing. Resolved: Clerk to inform ERYC that no longer have use for the money. Proposed Cllr Gray, seconded Cllr Ellerington. CPAD-connecting the electricity supply commissioned. No invoice received to date. 09.700 Integrity of verges and Parking in the Village update. Parking in the village - The petitions were distributed and have now been gathered. There are over 75 signatures.  The concern by those on “The Green” (09.697) was noted.  It was also noted that Pete at the shop had commented that he did not have many signatures as residents near the shop were concerned it may push the problem further down the village. The matter was discussed and it was noted that this had not been the case when the cones were being used. It was commented that most residents cars are still parked when the cars are being parked in the early morning.  Cllr Gray questioned as to why the single yellow lines do not go all the way to the A1079 on the Woodridge House side of the road. This was originally as this is a wide part of the road. After much discussion it was unanimously Resolved that the matter would be submitted to ERYC to request the yellow lines in line with the petition except that:1) in line with residents requests a double yellow lines would be requested to be put along the East side of “ The Green” from the Red House to the A 1079, and, double yellow lines or white line as appropriate would be put along “Johnsons’ Pond”. 2) the single yellow line along School Green on the Woodridge House side will be lengthened to meet the white line at the corner. The concerns of residents at the end of the village near the village shop were noted and it was resolved that this matter would be kept under review. 09.701 Playground –a) Grant applications – The WREN grant has been submitted and is progressing. No other grants to be submitted until the


outcome of this one is known. b) Gifted land at Cold Harbour view. No further correspondence has been received. 09.702 SLCC a) Clerk training day – 7th October -£20.00. –Resolved: Agreed Clerk to attend. Proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Jolliffe. 09.703 World War Commemoration Plaque –The agreed Yorkstone plaque replicating the inscription on the War memorial has been ordered for collection by 31st October (£1,302). Resolved: Deposit to be paid £651, proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Gray. 09.704 Planning – The Inspector has refused the following applications: Erection of 4 no. holiday chalets on land south of Dalegate, Garth Ends Road, Bishop Burton

ERYC have approved the following applications: None

Applications received: 14/02617/PLF – Conversion of former stables and grooms accommodation to form a single dwelling-Northlands Stables, Walkington Heads, Walkington_Humberside Police Resolved: It was unanimously agreed that the application should be approved.

14/02616/PLF-Erection of 4 detached dwellings and associated works following demolition of equestrian buildings and kennels-Northlands Stables, Walkington Heads, Walkington-Humberside Police. The matter was discussed and Cllr Ellerington commented that she has spoken to the neighbours all of whom oppose the plan as it will change the nature and character of the area. Resolved: It was unanimously agreed that the application should be refused and that should the planning officer recommend a different decision the matter be referred to the appropriate committee/subcommittee. RESOLVED: Letter to be sent to accompany the response, key points agreed are: outside the development limits; change from rural to residential; concerns about backland development; significant harm to the character and appearance of the area; believe it has an agricultural building number; increased circulation creating traffic hazard. Clerk to draft letter and send to Cllr Ellerington for review and comments prior to submission.

09.705 Finance. i. Expenditure and Receipt analysis as circulated ii. Bank reconciliation as circulated iii. Summary income and expenditure as circulated Resolved: re: i;ii;iii above All councillors reviewed and agreed in accordance with expectations. Proposed Cllr. Ellerington seconded Cllr Jolliffe. Chairman duly signed i,ii and iii as approved.

iv. Additional signatory – Cllr.D.Oxtoby has taken documents to the bank and is awaiting their return. v. Deposit account – carried forward


vi. External Auditor certificate and opinion - All councillors reviewed the audited annual return and agreed the Clerk should complete the satisfaction survey. vii. Internal Auditor –The internal auditor David Walker has sent a letter confirming he is retiring. The Clerk commented that on the clerk forum Alan Johnson at had been suggested. Resolved: Clerk to enquire about Alan Johnson and the fees he would charge.

Finance – other a) To Pay: J. Rotherham (stone war memorial plaque 50% deposit) (cheque 101369) £651.00 Clerks salary & expenses (cheque 101370) £454.36 J.R. Turnbull (cheque 101371) £510.00 SLCC Clerk training (cheque 101372) £ 20.00 ERYC – rent re village hall (cheque 101373) £100.00

Paid J.R. Turnbull (cheque 101364) £670.12 R.D.Smedley Bus Shelter (cheque 101365) £100.00 Bryn Jones –web fusion (cheque 101366) £233.14 P.K.F –Auditor (cheque 101367) £120.00 Yorkshire Water (cheque 101368) £ 18.59

Resolved. It was unanimously agreed that the above accounts be paid. Proposed Cllr Jolliffe seconded Cllr Thomas.

09.706 Correspondence a) Town and Parish Council Event, Thursday 9th October, Bishop Burton College. Noted b) J.Dunning letter re potential Geophysical survey of “Kitty fish” field. Mr Dunning is interested as it is believed that this may be the location of the Archbishop’s palace. Resolved: Clerk to write to Mr Dunning confirming that this is not a Parish Council matter as it is not Parish Council land, he will need to contact the landowner direct. c) Independent Commission of Inquiry –letter noted d) Changes to Humberside police area – noted e) CPRE – conference on the future of the – Councillors noted and to reply direct if they wish to go. f) Recording of Parish and Town Council meetings – noted. 09.707 Any other business. a) Noise nuisance: It was noted that the College has not informed the village of the dates of the events which generated noise at the start of term and thus villagers were unaware. On this occasion the level of noise appeared excessive and went on very late into the night. Resolved: Clerk to write to the principle requesting that future events are notified and comply with regulations.


b) Police meeting report –Cllr Wray attended a police meeting. Resolved: report to be sent to all councillors. c) Code of conduct monitoring sessions –noted, if anyone wishes to attend they will contact ERYC directly. d) ERNLLCA spring conference -14/11/14 –noted e) ERNLLCA – next meeting 8 Oct Cottingham - noted f) Footway light – correspondence received suggesting that one of the lights is not within the service agreement. Resolved: Clerk to contact ERYC to understand which light it is. g) Freedom of information request- A request has been received. Resolved: Clerk to contact Alan Barker and ERYC. h) Sweet Chestnuts on Low Balk Lane – Not all the Horse Chestnuts along Low Balk Lane that need to be felled have been felled yet, and the Oak tree has yet to be trimmed. Resolved: Clerk to chase ERYC. Resolved: As previously agreed “Standard” Sweet Chestnuts to be planted in their place. i) Bulbs – Resolved: M.Gray to purchase bulbs for autumn planting. Proposed Cllr D.Oxtoby, seconded Cllr D.Jolliffee. j) Lych gate light not working – This has been reported once. Resolved: Clerk will report again to ERYC.

Date of next full Parish Council meeting 1ST December 2014 7.30pm in the Village Hall The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.10pm


Minutes of the Bishop Burton Parish Council Planning meeting held in Bishop Burton Village Hall on Monday 13 October 2014 at 7.o0pm in the Village Hall

Present: Councillors: Cllr David Oxtoby ; Cllr Mrs Sue Ellerington ; Cllr David Jolliffe; Cllr Leonard Byass; Cllr Cllr Jack Wray; Cllr Hilary Swann

Members of the public – None. 10 Apologies for absence: Cllr Martin Gray; Cllr Andrew Oxtoby; Cllr Trevor Thomas. 11.709 Declaration of Pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests; Requests for dispensations. - none 11.710 Open Forum –no matters arising 11.711 Planning – The following application was received:

1) Proposal: Erection of 2 dwellings Location: land south of the Granary Calais Croft Bishop Burton Applicant: Mr Trevor Walkington Type: Full planning permission


Resolved: It was unanimously agreed that the application should be refused and that should the planning officer recommend a different decision the matter be referred to the appropriate committee/subcommittee. RESOLVED: Letter to be sent to accompany the response, key points agreed are: outside the development limits; change from rural to residential- no previous dwellings only farm building- Dutch barn; noise from farm not mentioned – PC concerned effect it could have on farm; modern design out of keeping; near grade II listed building - significant harm to the character and appearance of the Conservation area; parking facilities do not appear adequate, overlooking/overshadowing property; . Clerk to draft letter and send to Cllr Ellerington/Cllr Jolliffe for review and comments prior to submission.

2) Ref: 14/03149/TCA Re:Crown Lift Purple Maple Applicant: Jan Biden, Lavender Cottage, 11 Bryan Mere, Bishop Burton. Resolved: It was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council had no objections to make upon the section 211 notice

11.712 Correspondence a) Polling Station Review. Resolved unanimously that council supports and recommends the use of the Village Hall as the polling station. Clerk to send letter to this effect. b) Proposed improvements to footways along B1230, Beverley Westwood. Resolved: It was unanimously agreed that Clerk to write to confirm that Parish Council is in agreement with the proposal to widen the footpath by 50cm so long as it widening an existing path and not creating a new footpath, subject to Fishwick Mill being registered as common land.

Date of next full Parish Council meeting 1ST December 2014 7.30pm in the Village Hall The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.10pm

BISHOP BURTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Bishop Burton Parish Council Planning meeting held in Bishop Burton Village Hall on Monday 10 November 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs Sue Ellerington ; Cllr Leonard Byass; Cllr Cllr Jack Wray; Cllr Martin Gray; Cllr Andrew Oxtoby; Cllr Trevor Thomas

Members of the public – None. In the absence of the Chairman Cllr Ellerington chaired the meeting.

11.713 Apologies for absence:. Cllr David Oxtoby ; Cllr David Jolliffe; Cllr Hilary Swann


11.714 Declaration of Pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests; Requests for dispensations. – Cllr Ellerington declared a pecuniary interest in item 11.717b) 11.715 Open Forum –no matters arising 11.716 Planning – The following application was received:

Proposal: Variation of Condition 10 (approved plans) to allow for design modifications of planning permission no 11/05995/PLF Location: Little Green North End Bishop Burton HU17 8JJ Applicant: Mr Laurence Corrigan Type: Variation of Condition(s)

Resolved: It was unanimously agreed that the application should be refused and that should the planning officer recommend a different decision the matter be referred to the appropriate committee/subcommittee. RESOLVED: Letter to be sent to accompany the response, key points agreed are: Retrospective application; change of roofing material from that approved; increase in ground print of dwelling from approved plans; increase in the size of the porch – Apex now in line with other roofs and imposing; lengthening of balcony; difficult to evaluate in any more detail the changes as original plan not supplied neither was an overlay of actual consruction vs original approved plans. Clerk to draft letter and send to Cllr Ellerington for review and comments prior to submission.

11.717 Updates a) Light on Chapel. Email received from ERYC lighting that the cost of replacing the bracket and putting a heritage Windsor lamp on the chapel will be £952.32 Resolved approved. (Cllr Ellerington left the meeting) b) Crawberry Hill correspondence. a) Graham Stuarts Office. Resolved: Clerk to respond with following points: i) PC upholds right to protest ii) concern over safety of all road users and protestors – narrow road –used by farm vehicles and as commuter route, camp on bend, dark nights, winter potential bad weather and ice iii) Concern that others not connected to protest are camping there iv) place is an eyesore v) Protestors are unlikely to leave until Rathlin does, urge Rathlin to complete work soonest vi) protestors have not caused any community problems. b) Police. Resolved: Jack Wray and David Jolliffe to attend the community evening at Beverley police station re oil and gas exploration site. (Cllr Ellerington rejoined the meeting) c) Internal Auditor. ERNLLCA have suggested Richard Dixon. Resolved: Clerk to contact to understand costs and find out his background and who he currently provides internal audit services for.


d) Correspondence. An email from John Dunning was read to the Parish Council thanking them for giving him the honour of unveiling the plaque in the war memorial wall and commending them on their choice of plaque.

Date of next full Parish Council meeting 1ST December 2014 7.30pm in the Village Hall The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.45pm

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING NOTES From Parish Council Meeting 1 December 2014

 Parking in the village–The petitions have been submitted to ERYC and their response is awaited  Rathlin –Rathlin have confirmed that they will be starting work to complete their testing in the New Year. It is understood that they will be testing only one layer of rock and will not be undertaking a mini- frack test. The testing is expected to take 45 days. They will be using a rig of the similar size to the first one.  Playground –The WREN grant decision date is 8th December. (note: since the meeting we have heard that WREN have awarded the Playground a grant of £13,167. Work is expected to start in the spring).  World War Commemoration Yorkstone plaque now in place and unveiled by Mr J.Dunning O.B.E. after the remembrance service.  Planning a) ref 14/03228/PLF - Erection of dwelling with detached carport and outbuilding and associated access on land east of Little Green, North end, Bishop Burton, East Riding of Yorkshire. Applicant. Mr Laurance Corrigan. Type: Full. The Parish Council strongly objected to the application. (Note: on 24th December ERYC REFUSED the application) b) Erection of single wind turbine (40m to hub, 67.9m to tip) with associated works and infrastructure. Location: Land North West of Red House Farm Beverley Road North Newbald, East Riding of Yorkshire. Applicant: Blade Gen Ltd. Application type: Full Planning Permission The Parish Council unanimously resolved that the application should be refused and that should the planning officer recommend a different decision the matter be referred to the appropriate committee/subcommittee.


Date of next full Parish Council meeting 19th January 2015 7.30pm in the Village Hall Please note we have an Open Forum at all the meetings if you have anything you wish to speak to the Parish Council about. Topics to be given to the Chairman or Clerk 5 days prior to the meeting. Margaret Hebb - Clerk [email protected]

2014 BISHOP BURTON RATHLIN – CRAWBERRY HILL OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION – UPDATE In view of the number of new villagers and the increased interest in the activities at the site I thought it worth outlining how the liaison committee came about, what its role is, who is on it and how it functions.

In January 2012 Rathlin energy obtained planning permission to dig a test well for the exploration for Oil/gas at Crawberry Hill near Bishop Burton. Following this a community liaison committee was formed. The committee's aims are to ensure that the villagers are up to date with events and are able to air any concerns they may have.

The liaison committee is composed of three residents from each of Bishop Burton and Walkington parishes, being one councillor and two residents from each Parish, and Rathlin representatives. I was asked if I would like to join the liaison committee at the outset and readily agreed as I was firmly opposed to the planning application. I had along with many others sent in my objections to ERYC.

The Rathlin (UK) representatives include its Chairman, Project manager, field manager and the key people from Moorhouse Drilling and completions, involved on the Crawberry Hill site. Additional experts are invited as appropriate.

The aims of the meetings are to update the committee on progress since the last meeting and outline future plans. Questions are asked by the community representatives throughout the meeting. The presence of the key Rathlin people, and additional experts, means that in practice the vast majority of questions are able to be answered immediately by those present.


The minutes produced summarise events and are not a verbatim representation. Rest assured the company are challenged and quizzed.

Since its inception there have been 15 meetings of the liaison committee. I produce a summary for the newsletter for Bishop Burton Residents. The frequency of meetings depends on the level of activity on site, and future plans. Full minutes of all the meetings are on the Rathlin website:

Since the last newsletter there has been one meeting of the committee on 27th November. At the meeting Rathlin informed the committee that it would not be starting work on site until 2015. When they return to site they will be further testing the Kirkham Abbey stratum to see if it is commercially attractive, they will NOT be testing the namurian strata nor will they be testing the Bowland Shale – they will NOT be conducting a mini-frack test. To do the testing they will be using a rig similar to the one when they first arrived on site. The testing is expected to take some 45days. After testing is complete the results will be analysed. Depending on the outcome the site will either be made good or suspended whilst commercial viability is considered.

As mentioned in the last newsletter Rathlin want to ensure that residents are fully informed and they will contact all villagers directly with their plans.

Rathlin have asked me to reiterate to you, for the avoidance of any doubt, that unconventional shale gas and associated high volume hydraulic fracturing do not form any part of Rathlin’s plans now or in the future. Their targets are conventional reservoirs.

If you have any queries/comments please let me know - Margaret Hebb – Bishop Burton Community Representative – 01964 551315. Alternatively please ring David Oxtoby 07889 730753

N.B. The Rathlin Energy (UK) management team continues to encourage anyone with matters of concern to contact a member of the parish liaison committee. Your community representatives, if required, have swift access to key personnel at Rathlin Energy (UK). Further information can be found on the company website at:



Each year, we at the Caerphilly Courier try to be innovative in our review of the Events Group’s Bishop Burton pantomime. This year we set ourselves a particular challenge as your correspondent was asked to become embedded in the cast. Being embedded gave our reviewer a unique insight into the back-stage goings-on that few people outside the cast have been privileged to witness.

The pantomime in this 10th anniversary year was Cinderella, an old favourite of the cast and the audience. Do I really need to tell you the plot? Well, just in case you’re from the planet Zog – here goes: Cinderella according to the retired dentist from Johnson’s Pond, Mr Mike Lund.

Prince Cuthbert must take a wife. Dandini, his man servant, is assigned to scour the country for a suitable partner. The search is designed to find someone who can cook and can dance. And a Great British Bake-off and a Strictly Come Dancing type competition is organised to assess the candidates. Deirdre and Myrtle are two sisters who thrust themselves to the front of the queue. A third sister is also pulled in to the competition, Cinderella, who is the family drudge. A fairy godmother ensures that Cinderella is properly dressed for the big ball and has a suitable carriage. Cinderella is the winner of the cooking and dancing competition but is obliged to flee the ball at the stroke of midnight losing a boot in the process. Dandini then has to find her by trying to match a foot with the stray boot. He finds it fits Cinderella and she and the prince get married, and probably live happily ever after.

So how did it seem from the inside during rehearsals? Well, I was very shocked that the actors didn’t always speak the words what Mr Lund wrote. They forgot their lines, made up others and even improvised. In preparation for the improvisation, the cast had rehearsal sessions where they pretended to be actors preparing for a pantomime. The only one not pretending was Nickie Hoddinott who pressed buttons on the computer for real, producing noises on and off.

Most rehearsals were conducted at breakneck pace as the cast were very keen to get through to the technical de-brief. For this we sat in a circle, drank lots of wine and beer and confessed to things that we’d done wrong or we listened to other cast members telling us what we’d done wrong.


Luckily, we mostly retreated to the Altisidora where we could really have a frank exchange of views – usually about those who weren’t there.

While your reviewer was given free access to most of the production area there was one area off-limits, the ladies’ caravan, forbidden territory jealously guarded by bouncer Jack Wray when he wasn’t being Len Goodman. So while the village web site has pictures of semi-naked men, fully clothed women were the order of the day for those unable to peep into the caravan.

As with most Bishop Burton pantomimes, Mike Lund’s favourite pieces are what he calls “the stunts”. And this year was no exception as an explosive device associated with a spell by the fairy godmother almost brought the house down. Your brave reviewer was to be found flat on the floor behind the stage sheltering his precious camera. The fire alarm also went off on Friday triggered by the billowing smoke but our masterful MC Trevor Thomas took over and brought a measure of calm and serenity back to proceedings. Your reviewer soon stopped kissing the floor and got on with his job and the fire brigade went home.

Props also played their part in the fun of the show. In what pantomime would a burnt pie, a giant pumpkin, a zimmer frame, a vacuum cleaner and a flowery wellington play leading roles? You might well say, “any Mike Lund production”, and certainly Cinderella was up to Mike’s high standards.

Cinderella was played by Ishtar Elmes, revisiting her role in the original production of eight years ago. She handled all the transitions from cleaner to expert cook and dancer back to cleaner and then to beautiful princess with great skill and won the hearts of the audience, not least because she was about the only person to remember all her words!

Rodger Middleton and Mark Hoddinott played Deirdre and Myrtle, Cinderella’s older sisters. Rodger even carried his role onto the golf course on Saturday steadfastly refusing to remove his pink nail polish until after the last performance. Rodger and Mark were brilliant and brought the audiences to life on both nights drawing the adults and children into “hello darlings”,”c’mon you u-ull” “oh no it isn’t”, “oh yes, it is”, “behind you” routines. The audiences were well deserving of their interval ice creams and “home-made” mince pies. The audience also fully joined in for the singing

[24] of “Lady in Red” and “Chapel of Love” especially with the skilled deployment of lyric poster boards by Rodger and Mark for those able to read.

Dandini, the ever so camp aide-de-camp or personal assistant to the king, was played with a suspicious excess of enthusiasm by Graeme Pittaway. We all had great fun and he had the audience in hysterics. I can exclusively reveal that he was filled with a sense of impending doom the closer we got to Saturday night – What will the in-laws think? Will they realise this is all an act? I leave others to answer.

The Crown Prince Cuthbert was played with great authority by Richard “Tombliboos” Thomlinos. He really warmed to his task once he learned to dance and drink red wine without dribbling it.

The continuing recession meant some actors had to double up on their roles as there wasn’t enough money to pay the wages otherwise. It’s just as well Anne and Pete Cattle kindly sold plenty of tickets from the village shop, otherwise no one would have got paid anything.

I have a question to test the observation of the audience. Who played Fairy Godmother and who was Santa Claus? Here are some clues to help you: FGM (sorry about the luvvies’ jargon but it’s catching) was R-w-a-d –r-d- e-a-e- while SC was –o-l-n- B-i-g-w-t-r. Both parts were played with great aplomb – the Welsh connection, you see, look you! And the very funny rusty FGM with her “Fairy Spells for Dummies” text book was an even more notable achievement since our thespian hero only took over the part with three weeks to go.

Two main set pieces drove the plot along. The first was the great British Bake-Off style competition to discover who was a good cook. The excellent judges were Peter Frewer as scouser Paul Hollywood [keep that wig Peter – it really suits you!] and Lynn Middleton as the fragrant Mary Berry – who else could look for a soggy bottom with such elegance and decorum? All three sisters tried to produce a nice pork pie – Cinderella succeeded; Deirdre produced a burnt offering; while Myrtle cheated by getting her pie from a well-known local supermarket. The cooking process was great fun with traditional slap-stick involving spoon fighting, boiled egg juggling and head slapping with a raw egg.


The dancing ability of Prince Cuthbert’s potential partner was assessed through a Strictly type dance contest. So we had great comedy with Heather Hayward staggering around the stage with a wig that left her half blind and Anne Frewer as Claudia’s mate Tess Daly struggling to add together the judges’ scores. What an excellent pair of comperes! The judging panel were a lovely parody of the real thing – Jack Wray was most authoritative as Len Goodman, while Gina Douthwaite twirled beautifully and vaguely as the delectable Darcy. Paul Hayward drawled lugubriously through the scene as Craig Revel-Horwood although at times his thumbs were rather ugly. It’s such a shame that Paul Hankin as the wonderfully effervescent jack-in-a- box Italian Bruno Tonioli managed to waste a glass of red wine over Darcy Bussell on Friday. Such are the revelations that your reporter can reveal from behind the closed (almost) curtains.

The audience had a special treat before the dance competition proper with a guest appearance by Graeme recalling Freddie Mercury’s famous vacuuming performance of Queen’s “I want to break free”. Your ever vigilant reporter spotted a near disaster back-stage on Friday as Graeme tried five times to get his bra on the right way up as part of a very quick costume change. On Saturday Graeme wore a bra through the whole show – did you notice? I wonder if he didn’t take it off at all between Friday and Saturday. Did you notice, Emma?

The dance competition involved Deirdre and Myrtle “dancing” with unsuspecting members of the audience in a carefully choreographed routine. Some were pre-warned and tried to hide in the auditorium but to no avail. The victims took part with great spirit; well, they had no choice really! It was no fault of theirs that Deirdre and Myrtle could only manage 13 points each from the judges. Cinders arrived from the back of the room as a last-minute addition to the competition. Dressed in red, she was able to dance with the Prince while the audience sang along to Lady in Red and guess what? She was awarded 40 points by the “impartial” judges. I think a 35 would have been enough reward but who am I to judge?

Twelve o’clock struck and Cinderella was forced to flee the ball leaving her shoe behind – actually a flowery wellington rather than a glass slipper. Dandini was charged with find a matching foot for the boot so the Prince could marry her. Dandini’s attempts to fit the boot to the feet of Deirdre and Myrtle were hysterically funny but cannot be described in a respected organ

[26] such as this. Thankfully, he found a fit with Cinderella enabling his prince to find a queen.

The grand finale ended in disappointment for the loving couple as the village chapel, the chapel of love, to which the loving couple were to proceed is no longer a chapel but a house. So they have to live in sin instead! Disgraceful!

Now if you were in the audience you may think that the pantomime I have reviewed was not the one you saw. Please remember on Friday and Saturday I could only see it from behind, mostly through a slit in the scenery wall. So while the review could well be a load of twaddle, the behind the scenes insights should give you a different angle. I certainly came to appreciate the actors and the excellent team of Mike Lund (author and creative genius), Charleyne Wright (Director and expert on everything), Robin Douthwaite (stage manager etc.), and a production team of Nikki Hoddinott, Karen Mosley and Anne Frewer, with Sue Brooks (prompt) and Trevor Thomas (MC); they put an immense amount of hard work into entertaining us so royally. I wonder if next year the editor would let me wire up the audience to get yet another view of the pantomime. That’s if there is another, of course…. Oh, please, please, please sir.

An extended version of this review – more bad jokes and good pictures – is to be found on the Bishop Burton Village web site.

Bryn Jones


Bishop Burton village hall will again be presenting films in conjunction with Cine North in the new year. We are hoping the exciting selection of films for the New Year will attract new people to sample the Cinema experience at the Village Hall where you can enjoy a film and the opportunity to socialise. We welcome your feedback and would particularly like to know what type of films or individual films people would like to see as we have a very comprehensive list to choose from. Entry £5 on the door and refreshments available. Shows start at 7:30



Every Monday Yoga – Village Hall: 5.45 – 7pm Every Wednesday Coffee Morning – Village Hall: 10- 11.30am Every Wednesday Bowls - Village Hall: 7 – 9pm Every Thursday Tai Chi – Village Hall: 9.30 – 11.30 am

12th January Bishop Burton Country Friends Christmas Party – Village Hall – tickets from Margaret Hebb 551315

24th January Philomena – Film – Village Hall – 7.30pm - Tickets £5 available on the door

A 2013 drama film directed by Stephen Frears, based on the book The Lost child of Philomena Lee by journalist Martin Sixsmith. Starring Judi Dench and Steve Coogan, it tells the true story of Philomena Lee’s 50- year-long search for her forcibly adopted son, and Sixsmith’s efforts to help her find him.

9th February Bishop Burton Country Friends monthly talk: There’s Nowt So Queer as folk – Village Hall: 7.30pm - Members free – otherwise £2

21st February Ian Sherwood in Concert – Village Hall -7pm Tickets £15 include 2 course supper; Show only £8. Available village shop and Beverley Tourist Information.

Ian Sherwood is a singer/songwriter, instrumentalist and storyteller. His music dances the line between folk and pop. In 2012 he was named male Artist of the Year by the International Acoustic Music Awards.

7th March Gravity – film - Village Hall – 7.30pm – Tickets £5 available on the door.

Gravity is a 2013 science fiction thriller film directed, co-written and produced by Alfonso Cuaron. It stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as astronauts and sees them stranded in space after the mid-orbit destruction of their space shuttle and their subsequent attempt to return to Earth.

Printed and published at Bishop Burton 1st January 2015
