ST. MARON MARONITE Feast of the Holy Cross pg. 606

September 16, 2018

In the Christian liturgical calendar, there are several different feasts known as Feast of the Cross, all of which com- memorate the cross used in the . While is dedicated to the Passion of Christ and the Crucifixion, these days celebrate the cross itself, as the instrument of . The feast commemorates the finding of the in 326 by Saint Helena, the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine during a she made to . The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was then built at the site of the discovery, by order of Helena and Constantine. The church was dedicated nine years later, with a portion of the cross placed inside. In 614, that portion of the cross was carried away from the church by the Per- sians, and remained missing until it was recaptured by the Byzantine Emperor in 628. The cross was re- turned to the church the following year after initially having been taken to by Heraclius. The date used for the feast marks the dedication of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in 335. This was a two -day : although the actual of the church was on 13, the cross itself was brought out- side the church on so that the clergy and faithful could pray before the True Cross, and all could come forward to venerate it. Spiritually, Christians honor in a special way the Cross, which God himself made and which he chose to be the of his redeeming sacrifice. Jesus, who speaks to us about his elevation on the Cross of Calvary, first directs our thoughts to Heaven: he associates his elevation on the cross with his elevation into Heaven. Thus, he unites, in his discourse, the day of his death and that of his Ascension into Heaven. He does not want us to separate the entry of his soul into eternal bliss from the entry of his body into endless glory. He also does not want his voluntary hum- bling of himself on the Cross to be dissociated from his elevation to glory at the time of his victorious entry into Heaven. Jesus was lifted up on the Cross in order that we might obtain eternal life. Now, we who believe in Christ and who follow him are the members of his Body, as St. Paul wrote: “That is, through faith, and to the extent that we believe in Christ, we are united with Him: we are one body, of which he is the Head. So, if the Head, he who walks ahead of the others and who leads them, underwent the trial of the Cross, how could those who are the mem- bers, and who follows the Head, avoid undergoing the Cross themselves? It is impossible. We too much undergo the way of the Cross! The question we must ask ourselves is “Am I willing to do that?” Is that what we desire? Do we fully understand what was done by Jesus, who freely offered himself to undergo this infamous death? Does this not seem folly to us, the folly of the Cross of which St. Paul speaks? Certainly, all of this surpasses us, for it is a Mystery! So, the Lord asks us to simply believe that this is the way that saves, that this is the door to Heaven. ______

Rev. Msgr. Peter Karam, Pastor In Case of Emergency Only: 216-333-0760 [email protected] Rev. Fr. Elias Yazbeck: Associate Liturgy Schedule [email protected] Rev. Deacon George Khoury Weekdays: Chapel 10:00 am BAPTISM - Mr. Lattouf Lattouf, Sub deacon Mr. Ghazi Faddoul, Sub deacon Sunday: Downtown Call the office at least 2 months in advance. Mr. Georges Faddoul, Sub deacon 9:30 am - English MARRIAGE - Mr. Bechara Daher, Sub deacon 11:00am - English &Arabic Call at least 8 months in advance for Pre-Cana Appt. : Chapel: OF RECONCILIATION Chapel/ Mailing Address 7800 Brookside Rd, By appointment 7800 Brookside Road Independence SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING/SICK Independence, Oh 44131 5:00 pm Call the Parish Office immediately. 216.520.5081 or Church: 1245 Carnegie Avenue Holy Days of Obligation 216.333.0760 Check Bulletin MISSION STATEMENT Office: 216-520-5081 Fax: 216-524-2659 E-mail: [email protected] We, the people of Saint Maron Parish, form a community of disciples dedicated to a shared faith and Website: common life which exemplifies the life, works, and teaching of Jesus Christ as Facebook: SaintMaronChurch reflected in the Sacred Scriptures and the Maronite Catholic Tradition. Our Parish life and Office Hrs.: Mon-Fri. 9am-3:30pm mission are to proclaim the , to foster and strengthen the faith, and to evangelize. Our covenant of discipleship with Jesus Christ is fulfilled through liturgy, education, and service. Amen

Our deepest condolences to the family of Joseph Sat. Sept 15: First Sunday after the Holy Cross Abounader , husband of the late Marie (nee  5:00 pm Chapel: Mem Lit for Anne (Joseph) Nemer) father of seven and grandfather of 13. Maroun (Her children) Joseph is the brother of Latify Shibley, Evelyn Mansour, Selvi Karam, Jeanette Ayna, Sammy, Jackie Hanna and the late Milhem, Lutfy and Marie. Sun. Sept 16: First Sunday after the Holy Cross Mr. Abounader was buried from our parish on  9:30 am: Forty Day Liturgy for Dr. George P. Friday September 14. Moses (His cousins)

 11:00 am: Mem. Lit for Elias Nasr May his soul and the souls of all the faithful (His wife Goria Issa and children Raymond, Simon, departed through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Edmond, Evonne, and Edwar) Amen

Sat. Sept. 22: Second Sunday after the Holy Cross  5:00 pm Chapel: Saint Charbel Liturgy October 12th Sun: Sept 23: Second Sunday after the Holy Cross  9:30 am: Mem Lit for Marty Louis Jr. (Mitzie & John Michael) 7:00 pm

 9:30 am: Mem Lit for Robert Lach Parish Center (Mitzie & John Michael) Details to follow  11:00 am: Parishioners Intentions OPEN TO ALL PARISHIONERS


Please support the Independence Cub Scouts Pack 297 fundraiser

The boys will be outside after Liturgy selling Popcorn and other goodies.


The gifts of the Altar in HONOR or in MEMORY of a loved one or in THANKSGIVING and may be for more than one person.





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عيد ارتفاع الصليب المقدّس The Exaltation of the Holy Cross رسالة القدّيس بولس إلى اهل كورنتوس From the letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians, I-1:18-25 يا إخ َوتِي، ُ إِ َّن َك ِل َمةَ ال َّص ِلي ِب ِع ْندَ الـ َها ِل ِكي َن َح َما َقة، أَ َّما ِع ْندَنَا نَ ْح ُن الـ ُم َخلَّ ِصي َن فَ ِه َي قُ َّوةُ هللا؛ ألَنَّه ُ َم ْكتُو: » َسأبِيدُ ِح ْك َمةَ الـ ُح َك َماء، وأَ ْرذُ ُل َف ْه َم الفُ َه َماء.»! َفأَ ْي َن الـ َح ِكيم؟ وأَ ْي َن َعا ِل ُم ال َّش ِريعَة؟ وأَ ْي َن البَا ِح ُث في أُ ُمو ِر هـذَا الدَّ ْهر؟ أَ َما َجعَ َل هللاُ ِح ْك َمةَ هـذَا العَا َل ِم َح َما َقة؟ َفبِ َما أَ َّن العَا َل َم بِ ِح ْك َمتِ ِه َما َع َر َف هللاَ بِ َح َس ِب ِح ْك َم ِة هللا، َر ِض َي هللاُ أَ ْن يُ َخ ِلّ َص بِ َح َما َق ِة البِ َشا َرة ِ الَّ ِذي َن يُ ْْ ِمنُون؛ ألَ َّن اليَ ُهو َ يَ ْلُبُو َن ايآيَا،، واليُونَانِيِّي َن يَ ْلتَ ِم ُسو َن الـ ِح ْك َمة. ُ أَ َّما نَ ْح ُن َفنُنَا َِي بِ َم ِسيحٍ َم ْصلُو:، ُه َو ِعثَا ٌر ِلليَ ُهو َِ و َح َما َقةٌ ِلأل َمم. وأَ َّما ِلل َم ْد ُع ِّوي َن أَ ْنفُ ِس ِهم، ِم َن اليَ ُهو َِ واليُونَانِيِّين، فَ ُه َو َم ِسي ٌح، قُ َّوةُ هللاِ َو ِح ْك َمةُ هللا؛ َف َما ي َبْ دُو أَنَّهُ َح َما َقةٌ ِم َن هللاِ ُه َو أَ ْح َك ُم ِم َن النَّاس، و َما يَ ْبدُو أَنَّهُ ُض ْع ٌف ِم َن هللاِ ُه َو أَ ْق َوى ِم َن النَّاس.. والتسبي ُح هللِ َائماً. Brothers and sisters, The message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.” Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, God decided, through the foolishness of our proclamation, to save those who believe. For Jews de- mand signs and Greeks desire wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolish- ness to Gentiles, but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wis- dom of God. For God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength. Praise be to God always!

إنجيل القدّيس يوحنا From the Holy Gospel according to Saint John 12:20-32 قا َل يوحنا الرسول

َكا َن بَي َن ال َّصا ِع ِدي َن ِليَ ْس ُجدُوا في ال ِعيد، بَ ْع ُض اليُونَانِيِّين. َفدَنَا ه ُْال ِء ِم ْن فِي ِلبُّ َس الَّذي ِم ْن بَ ْي َت َص ْيدَا ال َج ِليل، و َسأَلُوهُ َقائِلين »يَا َسيِّد، نُ ِريدُ أَ ْن نَ َرى يَ ُسوع.» َف َجا َء فِي ِلبُّ ُس و َقا َل ألَ ْند َرا ُوس، و َجا َء أَ ْند َرا ُو ُس وفِي ِلبُّ ُس وقَاال ِليَ ُسوع. َفأَ َجابَ ُه َما يَ ُسو ُع َقائِالً » َل َق ْد َحانَ ِت ال َّسا َعةُ ِل َكي يُ َم َّجدَ ٱ ْب ُن ا ِإل ْن َسان. أَل َح َّق ٱل َح َّق أَقُو ُل لَ ُكم إِ َّن َحبَّةَ ال ِح ْن َْة، إِ ْن َل ْم تَ َق ْع في األَر ِض وتَ ُم ْت، تَ ْب َقى َوا ِحدَة. وإِ ْن َماتَ ْت ت َأْتِي بِثَ َم ٍر َكثِير. َم ْن يُ ِح ُّب نَ ْف َسهُ يَ ْف ِقدُ َها، و َم ْن يُ ْب ِغ ُض َها في هذَا العَا َل ِم يَ ْح َف ُظ َها ِل َحيَاةٍ أَبَ ِديَّة. َم ْن يَ ْخدُ ْمنِي فَ ْليَتْبَ ْعنِي. و َح ْي ُث أَ ُكو ُن أَنَا، َف ُهنَا َك يَ ُكو ُن أَ ْي ًضا َخا َِ ِمي. َم ْن يَ ْخدُ ْمنِي يُ َك ِّر ْمهُ ايآ:. نَ ْف ِسي ايآ َن ُم ْض َْ ِربَة، فَ َماذَا أَقُول؟ يَا أَبَ ِت، نَ ِّجنِي ِم ْن ه ِذ ِه ال َّسا َعة؟ ول ِك ْن ِم ْن أَ ْج ِل هذَا بَ َل ْغ ُت إِلى ه ِذ ِه ال َّسا َعة! يَا أَبَ ِت، َم ِّج ِد ٱ ْس َم َك .» َف َجا َء َص ْو ٌ، ِم َن ال َّس َما ِء يَقُول » َق ْد َم َّج ْد ُ،، و َسأُ َم ِّجد.»و َس ِم َع ال َج ْم ُع ال َحا ِض ُر فَ َقالُوا »إِنَّهُ َرعد .» و َقا َل آ َخ ُرون »إِ َّن َمال ًكا َخا َطبَه ُ.»أَ َجا َ: يَ ُسو ُع و َقال » َما َكا َن هذَا ال َّص ْو ُ، ِم ْن أَ ْج ِلي، بَ ْل ِم ْن أَ ْج ِل ُكم. ِه َي ايآ َن َ ْينُونَةُ هذَا العَا َلم. أَيآ َن يُ ْ َرَُ ُس ْل َْا ُن هذَا العَالَ ِم َخا ِر ًجا. وأَنَا إِذَا ُرفِ ْع ُت َع ِن األَرض، َجذَ ْب ُت إِل َّي ال َج ِميع» حقاًّ واألما ُن ل َجمي ِع ُكم The evangelist John writes, Among those who went up to worship at the festival were some Greeks. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and said to him, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” Philip went and told Andrew; then Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus. Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the Father will honor. “Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say — ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour. Father, glorify your name.” Then a voice came from heav- en, “I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.” The crowd standing there heard it and said that it was thunder. Others said, “An angel has spoken to him.” Jesus answered, “This voice has come for your sake, not for mine. Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself. ”This is the truth! Peace be with you.

St. Maron’s Church Organizations

Parish Council President: Najib Rached: [email protected] 3rd Wed. of the month at 7:00 pm Finance Council SAINT MARON Sodality (ICS) President: Bernadette Faddoul: [email protected] FESTIVAL VOLUNTEER 1st Mon. of every month at 7:00pm Sons of Mary (Men’s Club) APPRECIATION DINNER President: Joey Faddoul: [email protected] 1st Mon. of every month at 7:00 pm Maronite Christian Formation Program (MCFP) Sunday Join us as we say THANK Director Maroun Kattar: [email protected] Sundays (except Holy Days) 10:45 am to 12:15 pm YOU for all your hard work and Maronite Christian Formation Program (MCFP) Thursday tireless hours of commitment. Director Michelle Nin: [email protected] Thursdays 7:00 pm Parish Center, Independence Maronite Young Children (MYC) SPOUSES INVITED President: Rita Kanaan: [email protected] Maronite Youth Organization (MYO) FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 21st Coordinator: George Shamatta: [email protected] 1st and 3rd Saturday : 5pm with Liturgy/Meeting Maronite Young Adults (MYA) 7:00 PM President: Jessica Khoury: [email protected] Meeting & Bible Study 1st Thurs. of each month at 7:30 pm PARISH CENTER Maronite Mothers Club (MMC) 7800 BROOKSIDE ROAD Coordinator: Tina Chamoun: [email protected] INDEPENDENCE Arabic School Coordinator: Jihad Kawkabani: [email protected] ______Classes Sat. Oct-April (except Holy Days) 10 am to 12 noon 50+ Social Club RSVP: Mary Ann Watson: [email protected] 1st Friday of each month. Liturgy: 10:00 am 216-520-5081 Book & Cine Club [email protected] Katia Abboud: [email protected]

On Friday, October 5 following Liturgy in the Chapel at 10 a.m. we will depart for our Annual Apple Picking. We will have lunch on the way at Woodstock Restaurant in Vermillion before going to A.B. Phillips & Sons Fruit Farm in Berlin Heights. RSVP - NO LATER than September 24. Mary Ann: 216-521-5481

Saint Charbel Liturgy: Arabic classes on Saturday provide a great way for chil- dren of our community to get to know each other within Saturday September 22nd the frame of our Maronite middle eastern culture and the Arabic language. 5:00 pm Adult Arabic classes will also be offered given interest is Chapel in Independence. present. Join us for the Rosary at 4:30 pm You can register by filling the online forms below. Classes begin Saturday October 6th from prior to Liturgy. 10-12pm DOWNTOWN Following Liturgy, we will have an Parents/Guardians Please fill one form per child Outdoor

Adult registration please use the link below.

Welcome to another year of our Maronite Christian Formation Program. Once again, we will be offering two ways for your child to enroll in our program:

Sunday mornings beginning October 7, 2018 10:45am – 11:30 am Religious Instruction 11:30 am children join parents for completion of Liturgy Saint Maron Church 1245 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland 44115

OR Thursday evenings beginning October 11, 2018 6:30pm -7:00pm: Light dinner served to all children 7:00 pm -8:00pm: Religious Instruction Parish Center: 7800 Brookside Road, Ind. 44131

Registration for the MCFP program for grades Pre-school through 8th grade will continue for the next few weeks after all liturgies by completing the forms in the vestibule OR online at, or mailed to St. Maron Church, 7800 Brookside Road Independence 44141, or brought to the office in Independence between 9-3pm weekdays.

Every Sunday following the Our Bulletin is ONLINE!! 9:30 & 11:00 Liturgies

Gift of the Altar: September 2018

BREAD In Memory of: Mystery of Crowning Deceased members of the Richards & Nofel families (Sacrament of Matrimony) (Edward P. Richards, Jr.) Nancy Bird, Gary Ganim, Jack Mezatasta MANDATORY you contact and meet with (Douglas Ganim & family) Msgr. Peter at least 8 months in advance of your John Kroyer & Henry Ayoub desired date. Couples are required to participate (Brian & Jeanette McQuinn & family) in our Pre-Cana classes .

Hassib Chalhoub (His wife Georgette and their children & families) Until a couple has met with Msgr. Peter their date will not be secured.

WINE In Memory Of: Call the office to schedule an appointment. 216.520.5081 Deceased members of the Richards & Nofel families (Edward P. Richards, Jr.) John Kroyer & Henry Ayoub Clergy is available to administer (Brian & Jeanette McQuinn & family) Louis & Pauline Peters Communion to those homebound or (Lorrie & John Peters) hospitalized. Call the office if you or a family Theresa Thomas (The Richards family) member is in need. George T. Gordon (Mrs. Judith T. Gordon & Miss Katherine A. Gordon) THE LOCAL HOSPITALS DO NOT CALL AND Mouhiba Sahlani INFORM US. (Naji & Elizabeth Sahlani & family) 216.520.5081 Office CANDLES In Memory Of: George & Mary “Roma” Sessin (Their children & their families) Jacob & Juliette Saad & the deceased members Our Lady of the Cedars, Fairlawn Ohio, of the Saad & Elzeer families: Annual Nine Day Novena to St. There- (Thomas Saad & family) sa the Little Flower of the Infant Jesus will take place Sunday, September 23 Deceased members of the Richards & Nofel families and ending on the Feast Day, Monday, (Edward P. Richards, Jr.) October 1. Novena prayers each John Kroyer & Henry Ayoub evening will begin at 7pm. There will (Brian & Jeanette McQuinn & family) also be a on the Feast Day at 6pm followed by the final night of the Novena Devotion at 7pm. Your prayer intentions ______are most welcome and you may send them in by email at [email protected] or call 330-666-3598

Pope Francis Monthly Intention: September Universal: Young People in Africa Collection: September 8-9, 2018 That young people in Africa may have access to education and work in their own countries. GENERAL DEPOSIT $ 12,037.67 Sunday Collection $ 4,001.00 Second Collection $ 350.00 أيلول

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