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By Rianne Schestowitz Created 01/01/2021 - 11:41pm Submitted by Rianne Schestowitz on Friday 1st of January 2021 11:41:24 PM Filed under HowTos [1]

Command to Enable Minimize and Maximize Buttons on Pop!_OS [2]

Pop!_OS is an -based distro that is quite popular because of its good performance and user-centric approach. It has borrowed the AppCenter from Elementary to give access to a variety of open source applications to users. Furthermore, out of the box, it comes with only a few applications that are extremely needed in day to day usage.

Jonathan Wiltshire: WordPress in a subdirectory [3]

For many years now I?ve had WordPress installed as a subdirectory to my site but appearing to at the domain level, i.e. /wordpress/index.php is transparently presented as the homepage. This is done by setting the ?WordPress Address? and ?Site Address? settings and then mapping requests which do not match an existing file or directory through as a PHP pathinfo using Apache?s mod_rewrite rules in a .htaccess file or server configuration.

In this way most of the site is WordPress?s dynamic pages and posts, but WordPress itself is neatly contained and random static resources such as /screentest/1024.GIF work as expected.

How to install KDE Plasma & Cinnamon on Pop OS Linux Desktop [4]

If you don?t like the default Gnome desktop of Pop OS then install the rich KDE Plasma or Cinnamon desktops with just one command and here in this tutorial, we will see how? Although Gnome is not bad at all, however, those who are used to Linux Mint?s Cinnamon and Windows Like interface definitely feel unfamiliar with it. Thus, if you want to install some other desktop on Pop OS, then that?s possible as well?

Linux Candy: BobRossQuotes ? collection of quotes from Bob Ross [5]

Linux Candy is a series of articles covering interesting eye candy software. We only feature open source software in this series.

Some of the programs in this series are purely cosmetic, frivolous pieces of fun. Candy at their finest. But we also include some programs that aren?t purely decorative.

There?s a diverse range of programs included in this series. Programs such as eDEX-UI and Variety are actually highly practical programs. ASCIIQuarium has soothing and relaxing qualities for your desktop. Other programs included in this series (such as lolcat, cacafire) are included purely for their decorative qualities. And then there?s some really fun software that just raises a smile or two.

Robert Norman Ross (Bob Ross) was an American painter, art instructor and television personality. Famous for his delightful hippie persona, his popular PBS television show The Joy of Painting (1983-94) brought him to the attention of the masses. Bob subsequently became widely known via his internet presence.

Do you want Bob Ross to live on? Let?s take a look at BobRossQuotes, a simple Python program that offers up a collection of quotes from the man himself.

How to install Nvidia Drivers on Fedora Workstation [6]

The reputation of NVIDIA drivers is not a new concept to the world of operating systems. Experienced gamers will be quick to breakdown the properties and specs that made them go with these drivers. However, the experience provided by these custom-tailored drivers does not just side them with gamers alone but also DLCs (Downloadable Content) and patches for creative applications.

How To Install Erlang on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS [7]

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Erlang on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. For those of you who didn?t know, Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real- time systems with requirements for high availability. ... How to use symbolic links on Linux [8]

Symbolic links (or Symlinks) are files that act as shortcuts or references to another file or directory. Although different, roughly speaking, we can think of symbolic links as being similar to software shortcuts on the desktop: by clicking on them, we run a program that is stored elsewhere on the computer and, sometimes, even on another machine. But everything works so transparently that it looks like we?re clicking on the original executable.

The use of symbolic links in Linux is very common: different programs tend to use links to libraries instead of replicating the file in another directory. This is also a good way to save disk space and system resources.

How to fix EACCES: permission denied, access ?/usr/local/lib/node_modules?[9]

The permission error ?EACCES permission denied access, /usr/local/lib/node_modules? occurs in most cases when the user may have installed npm using a Node installer (which is not recommended since npm will be installed in a directory with local permissions which can give rise to permission errors in case npm packages are run globally, see documentation).

How to install Dash to Dock on Pop OS Linux distro - Linux Shout [10]

Dash to Dock is a extension available to install on Linux distros that are using the Gnome Graphical . The purpose of it to allow users to hide the regular Gnome Dash which is a little bit confusing for new users. And instead of Dash, the extension will provide a Dock that can be customized and place on all four (top, bottom, left & right) sides of the screen as per the ease of usage.

How to install Project64 on a Chromebook with Crossover 20 [11]

Today we are looking at how to install Project64 on a Chromebook with Crossover 20. Please follow the video/audio guide as a tutorial where we explain the process step by step and use the commands below.

Installing the official nvidia driver on a hybrid graphical system ? msi gt70 ? gforce gtx670m |[12] In the other article we install via pacman. That is the preferred way. Then pacman can actually manage the package. In this article we will use the .run file from


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