Assessment of Groundwater Quality and its Suitability for Domestic and Agricultural Purposes in parts of the ,

Roland Asare1 , Patrick Asamoah Sakyi2* , Obed Fiifi Fynn2 , Gustav Merrit Osiakwan3 1Science and Technology Policy Research Institute, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), , Ghana 2Department of Earth Science, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Ghana, P. O. Box LG 58, Legon-Accra, Ghana 3Community Water and Sanitation Agency, , Ghana *Corresponding author; Email: [email protected]

Abstract Groundwater in parts of the Central Region of Ghana was assessed to determine its suitability for domestic use and irrigation activities. Stiff and Piper diagrams show that the predominant water type in the area is Na-Cl, which is characterized by relatively high salinities. This water type occurs in aquifers underlying six coastal districts, namely; Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese (AA), Mfantseman (MF), Gomoa East (GE), Awutu Senya

(AwS), Effutu (EF) and Cape Coast (CC). Other water types are Ca-HCO3, Ca-SO4 and Ca-Cl, that occur in districts located further away from the coast. Silicate weathering and ion exchange are identified as the geochemical processes responsible for the various ions in the groundwater. Possible processes that could be responsible for the source of Na+ and Cl- are sea water intrusion and dissolution of minerals. The results also show that the groundwater is mainly supersaturated with respect to both calcite and gypsum, indicating high concentrations of both bicarbonate and sulfate ions in solution. This is associated with considerable enrichment of the groundwater with sulfate, bicarbonate, and calcium ions. On a Wilcox diagram, the groundwater samples, mainly from the districts coded as AA, TLD, AS and AN, which are located away from the coast, plot within the “excellent to good” category, suggesting that water from the area is of acceptable quality for irrigation purposes. Similarly, Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) and conductivity values for the groundwater in the AA, TLD, AS and AN districts indicate low SAR and low to medium salinity respectively. Groundwater in aquifers underlying these districts is therefore suitable for irrigation. Generally, groundwater samples from locations along the coast have high salinity and are not suitable for domestic and irrigation purposes. However, about 72% of the water samples predominantly in districts located away from the sea is suitable for the purposes stated. Introduction affecting the quality of the resource and the In many parts of Ghana the demand for anticipated high cost of treating polluted water and subsequent abstraction for surface water resources (Kortatsi, 2007). groundwater have increased in recent times. The pressure on groundwater resources is This is due partly to the seasonal and also attributed to the increased demand for unreliable nature of surface water bodies, domestic, agricultural and industrial use. particularly rivers, especially during the dry Thus the welfare of every society is tied to season, when most small- to medium-size the sustainable exploitation of water rivers dry up. In addition, most surface water resources (Bear et al., 1999). bodies are susceptible to pollution, thereby In Ghana, sustainable national economic

West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 24(2), 2016: 67–89 68 West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 24(2), 2016 development is tied to the proper Multivariate statistical analytical development and management of techniques have proven to be highly groundwater resources in conjunction with important in the handling, interpreting and surface water resources for use in graphically representing data with regards households, agriculture and industry to groundwater hydrochemistry. Both (Banoeng-Yakubo et al., 2009). In Ghana, factor and cluster analyses have been about 49% of the total population of 24.6 greatly adopted by several authors to million people living in rural areas (Ghana appropriately constrain groundwater Statistical Service, 2012), relies heavily on characteristics (Usunoff & Guzmán- groundwater for their domestic and Guzmán, 1989; Güler et al., 2002; Liu et agricultural uses. Groundwater has therefore al., 2003; Mahlknecht et al., 2004; Kim et become the major source of potable water al., 2005; Cloutier et al., 2008; Yidana et supply for most communities in Ghana. In al., 2008; Tanaskovic et al., 2012). the coastal regions in Ghana, notably the Statistically, Q-mode hierarchical cluster Western and Central Regions, and southern analysis (HCA) and principal component parts of the (Kortatsi, 1994), analysis (PCA) were simultaneously the source of water for most irrigation applied to groundwater hydrochemical schemes is groundwater from shallow data by Belkhiri et al. (2011) in Algeria aquifer systems. In the basin of Ghana, and revealed that the domain is a major problem associated with drinking characterized by three main water quality and management of domestic hydrochemical facies. Again, Yidana et water supply is salinization of groundwater al. (2008) employed a multivariate statistical in hand-dug wells and in deep boreholes approach to identify the key process (Gill, 1969; Bannerman, 1994; Helstrup et controlling the hydrochemistry of a basin al., 2007). in Ghana. This current study is of no In most of the areas where boreholes are exception to the use of geostatistical sited, sanitary conditions around the wellhead are very poor, potentially leading techniques in unravelling the hydrochemistry to contamination from surface sources. of the groundwater resources in the However, the use of groundwater with Central Region of Ghana. elevated salinity levels has the tendency to This study thererefore carried out comprehensive assessment of the quality of reduce soil and crop productivity in such groundwater resources using multivariate areas by destroying soil permeability and statistical methods to determine its reducing the osmotic potential of crops. The suitability for domestic and irrigation high salinities of groundwater in some of the purposes in some parts of the Central boreholes in the coastal areas of the Central Region of Ghana. The irrigation quality of Region and the potential use of the groundwater in the study was assessed groundwater resource for irrigation purposes using conventional graphical methods, have necessitated an overall assessment of whereas the water quality parameters for the quality of the resource in the area for domestic use were assessed using the domestic and irrigation activities. standard conventional graphs. R. Asare et al.: Assessment of groundwater quality and its suitability 69

The study area schists, amphibolites, an assemblage of Location sandstone, conglomerate and shale, as well The study area covers 10 districts/municipal/ as sediments, some of which form metropolitan areas in the Central Region of Mesozoic/Tertiary sedimentary basin along Ghana (Fig. 1), bounded by longitudes 1° 49' the coast of the . All these 53.868" W and 0° 23' 59.586" W and rocks are crisscrossed by mafic dykes of latitudes 5° 05' 48.484" N and 5° 56' 23.525" predominantly doleritic composition. N. The area represents about 70% of the Primary porosity and permeability is region. The districts and municipalities are; absent within the various rock types in the North (AN) Municipal, Assin South area. The availability of groundwater is (AS) District, Cape Coast (CC) strongly controlled solely by secondary Metropolitan, Mfantseman (MF) Municipal, porosity arising from weathering and Effutu (EF) Municipal, Twifo-Heman development of secondary structures such Lower (TLD) District, Abura- as joints, shear zones, folds, fissures, faults Asebu-Kwamankese (AA) District, Gomoa and fractures. Depth of weathering is West (GW) District, Gomoa East (GE) thicker in the sedimentary basin and District, and Awutu Senya (AwS) District volcanic belt compared to the crystalline (now divided into and basement rocks made of the granitoids Awutu Senya East Municipal). The study (Ganyaglo et al., 2012). Groundwater area lies within the dry equatorial climatic sometimes occurs in both the weathered region, and falls within the evergreen and zone and fractured fresh rock, and there are semi-deciduous forest zones. The area is instances where water is obtained from only characterized by two seasons, namely the the weathered zone. Groundwater recharge dry and rainy seasons. The wettest months takes place mainly by direct infiltration of are May-June and September-October while rainfall and to a lesser extent from influence the dry periods occur in December-February of streams and rivers (Ganyaglo et al., and a brief period in August. Mean monthly 2012). temperature ranges from 24 oC in the coolest month of August to about 30 oC in the hottest Methodology months of March/April. The mean annual Data for this study were compiled from rainfall ranges between 1000 mm and 2000 various drilling projects coordinated and mm in the interior. facilitated by the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) in the Central Geological and Hydrogeological Setting Region of Ghana. A total of 102 borehole The study area is underlain mainly by data were considered for all the parameters rocks of the Early Proterozoic Birimian in in this study, except Mn (92) and PO4 (70). Ghana (Fig. 1) (Leube et al., 1990), Under the project, groundwater samples principally the Kibi- and Ashanti w e r e c o l l e c t e d b y e x p e r i e n c e d belts. Predominant among the rocks are the professionals, strictly adhering to standard Cape Coast-type biotite granites/gneisses. groundwater sampling and analytical Other rock types include volcaniclastics, protocols. Samples were collected into 500 70 West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 24(2), 2016

Fig. 1. Location and geological map of the study area showing the various districts and rocks distribution (Modified after GSD, 2009).

- - ml pre-sterilized polyethylene bottles. At bicarbonate (HCO3 ), fluoride (F ), chloride - 2- - each sample location, the sample bottles (Cl ), sulfate (SO4 ), and nitrate (NO3 ). The filled with water, were labeled; Cations, major elements were measured in the Anions and Silica. However, only a few laboratory of the Water Research Institute samples were analyzed for silica, and (WRI) of the Council for Scientific and therefore could not be used here. Industrial Research (CSIR) in Accra. The data collected in the field such as pH, Prior to the laboratory analysis, samples Total Dissolve Solids (TDS), temperature, for the major ions were preserved in line Electrical Conductivity (EC) were measured with the strict protocols spelt out in in-situ by using HQ40d18 series portable Appelo and Postma (2005). The major meter, whereas alkalinity was measured by cations in the samples, namely Ca2+, Mg2+, 2+ 2+ means of titration against strong acid in the Fe and Mn were analyzed using Atomic field. In the laboratory, the following anions Absorption Spectrometry (AAS), whereas + + and cations were determined; calcium (Ca2+ ), Na and K were determined using the sodium (Na+ ), magnesium (Mg2+ ), potassium flame photometer. Chloride (Cl- ) was (K+ ), iron (Fe2+ ), manganese (Mn2+ ), analyzed by means of titration, whilst R. Asare et al.: Assessment of groundwater quality and its suitability 71

- 3- nitrates (NO3 ), phosphate (PO4 ), sulfate which is one of the most widely used 2- (SO4 ) were analyzed using Brucine reagent, transformation methods and Ascorbic Acid and Turbid metric methods standardization was conducted to decrease respectively and Ultra Violet Spectrometer. the variation from the mean value in order Fluoride (F- ) concentrations were obtained that the parameters appear alike in the with the use of Hach Colorimeter. distribution of their data. Data for all the analyzed samples were An R-mode factor analysis was subjected to internal consistency checks employed in this current study. Similarly, through the charge balance error (CBE) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was calculations using equation 1 (Appelo & used as the extraction method and the Postma, 2005). As is consistent with Kaiser (1960) criterion as the normalization standard practice, data from all the samples index (Cloutier et al., 2008). Equally, a are required to be electrically balanced, varimax rotation matrix which functions as which therefore requires that the CBE should an orthogonal index to the factor matrix to not exceed the absolute value of ±10%. heighten the differences between resulting factors for easy elucidation of the outcome cations -anions CBE =ååx %100 was employed (Güler et al., 2002; Cloutier ååcations +anions ...... (1) et al., 2008; Yidana et al., 2008; Tanaskovic et al., 2012). From the factor analysis, it 3- where the concentrations of the major anions was observed that PO4 recorded a and cations are in meq/l. communality less than 0.50 and thus Spatial geostatistical analysis was considered inconsequential, and conducted on the data obtained from the subsequently taken out during the rest of laboratory to aid in constraining the the analysis. This was carried out to check relationship between the available the significance of each parameter to the groundwater and its immediate overall outcome of the analysis. The Kaiser environment. To achieve optimal criterion was used to constrain the required multivariate geostatistical analytical results, number of factors which characterize the the data was subjected to a check for domain based on the available data. The normality and skewness (Usunoff & Kaiser Criterion states that, a factor in the Guzmán Guzmán, 1989; Lambrakis et al., final factor model requires an eigen value 2004; Cloutier et al., 2008; Belkhiri et al., of at least 1.0. This means that, a factor 2011; Tanaskovic et al., 2012). To this effect should be able to account for the variance a normal descriptive statistical analysis was of at least one parameter in the data set conducted using SPSS 22.0 on the data set to (Güler et al., 2002; Cloutier et al., 2008; ascertain the validity of the data for Yidana et al., 2008). geostatistical analysis. From the analysis, it was observed that apart from pH, Mn2+ and Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) is an 3- important parameter for determining the PO4 which exhibited some level of normality, all the measured parameters suitability of groundwater for irrigation exhibited different degrees of deviations because it is a measure of alkalinity/sodium from the normal (Table 1). In this light, all hazard to crops. SAR for the data was the data were subjected to log transformation computed using equation 2 as follows: 72 West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 24(2), 2016

+ Na ...... (2) chemical parameters analyzed in this study SAR = are presented in Table 1. The pH varies from Ca2+ 2+ +Mg an isolated 2.26 to 9.01 pH units, with a where the concentrations are in mmol/l mean value of 6.34 and standard deviation Irrigation waters having high SAR levels of 0.762, indicating that the groundwater is can lead to the build-up of high soil Na levels predominantly acidic. The electrical over time, which in turn can adversely affect conductivity (EC) ranges from a low value soil infiltration and percolation rates. In of 71.0 mS/cm to 9760 m S/cm, yielding an addition excessive SAR can lead to soil average of ~1773 mS/cm. Generally, the crusting, poor seedling emergence, and poor high EC values occur along the coast, aeration (Lesch & Suarez, 2009). whereas the relatively low EC values occur The sodium percentage (%Na) is widely in boreholes further inland. The total utilized for evaluating the suitability of dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations water quality for irrigation (Wilcox, 1948). range from 24.6 mg/l to 5,368 mg/l (Table Excess sodium concentration in 1). Groundwater with TDS values less than groundwater produces the undesirable 1,000 mg/l has been described as fresh effects because Na reacts with soil to reduce water whilst those with TDS values greater its permeability and support little or no plant than 1,000 mg/l are classified as saline growth (Raju et al., 2009; Vasanthavigar et (Freeze & Cherry, 1979). The EC and TDS al., 2010). If the concentration of sodium is values suggest that groundwater in the area high in irrigation water, sodium ions tend to is predominantly fresh water, but saline be absorbed by clay particles, displacing water bodies are also present. Generally, Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions. This exchange process boreholes along the coast recorded high in soil reduces the permeability and concentrations of major cations such as eventually results in deterioration of the soil Ca2+ , Mg 2+ , K + , Na + , whereas boreholes structure and infiltration. Hence the located further inland have low circulation of air and water is restricted concentrations of these cations. The order during wet conditions and such soils are of abundance of these cations are Na+ > Ca 2+ usually hard when dry (Collins & Jenkins, > K+ > Mg 2+ . Sodium ion (Na+ ) ranges from 1996). The %Na for this study was 0.00 to 1,366 mg/l with a mean value of 120 calculated using equation 3: mg/l, Ca2+ is 3.20-601 mg/l (averaged 57.9 + Na mg/l), K is between 0.0 and 80 mg/l, Na% = ´100 2+ +++KMgCaNa ...... (3) whereas Mg varies from 0.90 mg/L to 374 mg/l. The anions also occur in the order Cl- - 2- - - - where the concentrations of the individual > HCO3 > SO 4 > NO3 > F . Cl ranges from species are expressed in meq/l 5 mg/l to 3216 mg/l, with a mean value of - 274.6 mg/l, whilst HCO3 concentrations Results and discussions are 0.00–666 mg/l (averaged 133.6 mg/l). 2- Processes influencing the general SO4 varies from < 0.001 to 403 mg/l, - hydrochemistry whereas NO3 ranges from < 0.001 to 27.3 A statistical summary of the physico- mg/l. The chemical parameters are R. Asare et al.: Assessment of groundwater quality and its suitability 73

TABLE 1 Statistical summary (Descriptive Statistics) of the hydrochemical parameters in the study area

Parameter N Mean Minimum Maximum Std. Deviation pH 102 6.34 2.26 9.01 0.762 EC (mS/cm) 102 1117.79 71.00 9760.0 1773.19 TDS (mg/l) 102 645.17 24.60 5368.0 1030.79 TH (mg/l) 102 293.67 14.00 3040.0 514.74 Na+ (mg/l) 102 120.02 0.00 1366.0 219.26 K+ (mg/l) 102 11.55 0.00 80.0 13.99 Ca2+ (mg/l) 102 57.91 3.20 601.0 96.20 Mg2+ (mg/l) 102 37.45 0.90 374.0 75.86 Fe2+ (mg/l) 102 0.458 <0.001 9.77 1.142 - HCO3 (mg/l) 102 133.58 0.00 666.0 103.89 2- SO4 (mg/l) 102 64.31 <0.001 403.0 92.75 Cl- (mg/l) 102 274.61 5.00 3216.0 569.44 Mn2+ (mg/l) 92 0.339 0.00 2.15 0.442 NO - (mg/l) 3 102 4.10 <0.001 27.3 5.32 F- (mg/l) 102 1.02 0.002 3.39 0.861 TA (mg/l) 102 112.30 20.0 546.0 86.78 3- PO4 (mg/l) 70 0.541 0.09 5.06 0.721 presented in Stiff (1951) diagrams in Fig. Cape Coast (CC), Mfantseman (MF), 2. The Stiff diagrams show the dominance Effutu (EF), Awutu Senya (AwS) and of monovalent ions over divalent ions. It is Gomoa East (GE). All these districts are obvious from Fig. 2 that six out of the ten located along the coast with the exception districts, code-named AA, CC, MF, EF, AwS of AA, which is located away from the coast and GE, display identical shapes, with but its proximity to the coastline explains Na+ +K + ions being the dominant cations, why its underlying aquifer contains Na-Cl whilst Cl- is the predominant anion. Of the water type. From the coastal areas, the remaining four districts, Assin South (AS) water type changes further inland towards and Twifo-Heman Lower Denkyira (TLD), the north and northwestern parts of the 2+ - have Ca and HCO3 as the dominant cation Central Region, into minor facies namely; and anion, respectively; Assin North (AN) Ca-Cl, Ca-HCO3 and Ca-SO4 in that order. 2+ 2- has Ca and SO4 as the dominant ions, Piper (1944) diagram has been whereas Gomoa West (GW) is dominated traditionally and most commonly used to by Ca2+ and Cl-. classify water into different water types Thus, the most predominant water type in based upon the anion and cation the study area is Na-Cl. This water type concentrations in the form of major ion occurs in aquifers underlying six percentage. Piper plots are more useful in district/municipal/metropolitan areas, bringing out the chemical relationships namely; Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese (AA), amongst groundwater samples in more 74 West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 24(2), 2016

Fig. 2. Stiff (1951) diagrams for the average of the concentrations of the major ions in groundwater in the various districts. (a) Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese (AA) (b) Twifo-Heman Lower Denkyira (TLD), (c) Assin North (AN), (d) Assin South (AS), (e) Gomoa East (GE), (f) Gomoa West (GW), (g) Cape Coast (CC), (h) Mfantseman (MF), (i) Awutu Senya (AwS) and (j) Effutu (EF). R. Asare et al.: Assessment of groundwater quality and its suitability 75 definite terms rather than with other possible presence of dissolved salts in water is plotting methods. In this study, the Piper related to the value of its EC, as they provide diagram was used to further complement the electrical charges interacting as ions in classification of groundwater types as movement. Chloride ions are the main already established by the Stiff diagrams. constituents in waters and saline soils that Groundwater in AwS, AA, MF, EF, CC and to directly affect the EC values; therefore, it is some extent GE display Na-Cl water type likely to establish a strong correlation - (Fig. 3a, b), with AS and TLD displaying Ca- between EC and Cl concentrations (Oteri, 1988; Hajrasuliha et al, 1991; Xu & HCO3 water type (Fig. 3c). The water type for GW is not clearly defined because of the Eckstein, 1997; McNeil & Cox, 2000; limited number of samples, however, a Ca-Cl Abyaneh et al., 2005; Alhumoud et al., - (Fig. 3b) water type could be inferred for it. 2010). In this study, the Cl ions display Similarly, that of AS is not clear, but a Ca- strong positive correlation with the EC (Fig. SO (Fig. 3c) water type could be inferred for 4), suggesting increased salinity of the 4 - it. These classifications are similar to those groundwater. Moreover, the chloride (Cl ) observed on the Stiff diagrams. It is worth concentrations are relatively very high in boreholes in the coastal areas and could nothing that, Ca-HCO3 water type in Ghana is associated with areas where rock-water possibly be originating from sea water interactions are the major causes of variation intrusion. in the hydrochemistry of groundwater To further complement this observation, + - (Yidana et al., 2010; Ganyaglo et al., 2012). a 1:1 plot of Na against Cl in Fig. 5, akin to And fresh groundwaters in coastal aquifers that proposed by Bear et al. (1999) was plotted to establish their ratio. The plot are dominated by the Ca-HCO3 type waters resulting from the weathering of carbonate shows that some of the samples plot on the + - minerals and incongruent silicate mineral 1:1 equiline, thereby exhibiting Na :Cl weathering (Drever, 1988; Appelo & ratios equal to 1, whereas a few others plot Postma, 2005). above the equiline, displaying a ratio In the coastal areas of Ghana, high greater than 1. According to Rao (2008), electrical conductivities are commonly ratio equal to 1 indicates the dissolution of attributed to seawater intrusion (SWI). NaCl, whilst ratio >1 implies a release of + However, according to Armah (2002), Na from silicate weathering. Many - dissolution of minerals in the rocks could studies have used the Cl concentration in also give rise to salinization in the area. A underground water to define the degree of preliminary study conducted by Ganyaglo saline intrusion. Some authors state that a et al. (2012) using 14 predominantly inland threshold of chloride concentration boreholes also concluded that NaCl in ranging between 40 and 300 mg/l is an groundwater in the Central Region is indication of seawater invasion (e.g., Edet concentrated in soil zone as a result of silicate & Okereke, 2001) weathering. The geology of the study area, which is Water electrical conductivity (EC) is made up of about 85% crystalline basement usually used as a salinity indicator. The rocks, notably granitoids, together with 76 West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 24(2), 2016

Fig. 3. Piper diagrams for the districts in the study area: (a) Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese (AA) and Awutu Senya (AwS); (b) Effutu (EF), Gomoa East (GE), Gomoa West (GW), Cape Coast (CC) and Mfantseman (MF); (c) Twifo-Heman Lower Denkyira (TLD), Assin North (AN) and Assin South (AS). R. Asare et al.: Assessment of groundwater quality and its suitability 77

- Fig. 4. Relation between Cl and EC in the Central Region groundwater.

Fig. 5. Relation between Na+ and Cl- in the Central Region groundwater. The solid line denotes 1:1 ratio. 78 West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 24(2), 2016 schists, sandstones and some volcanic rocks, cations, the exchange sites will be does not provide evidence of saline beds. dominated by this cation. Upon the However, almost all the boreholes with high intrusion of Na+ dominated seawater, cation Cl- contents and high EC are located in the exchange occurs in which case the districts along the coast, whereas the those originally Ca-HCO3 freshwaters are with low to moderately high Cl- and EC gradually replaced by Ca-Cl waters. values are in districts such as Assin North, Incongruent weathering of albite and Assin South and Twifo-Heman Lower related plagioclase feldspars could

Denkyira, located further inland. Based on potentially result in Ca-HCO3 groundwater these observations, it can be concluded that type in the study area. Possible processes the NaCl in the groundwater can be that could be responsible for the source of attributed to sea water intrusion because of Na+ and Cl- and subsequently the the proximity to the sea, and silicate salinization of the groundwater are sea weathering. In the underlying geology of the water intrusion, dissolution of minerals and area, Na-rich feldspar (e.g., albite) is the ion exchange. dominant mineral, and the weathering of Because most parts of the study area are albite results in the release of Na+ (equation located along the coast, with the occurrence 4) into the soil zone that eventually finds its of seawater intrusion and possible presence way into the aquifer. of saline beds in some locations, the + - 2NaAlSi3O8 + 2CO2 + 11H2O → 2Na + 2HCO3 salinities are expected to be high in some of (Albite) the boreholes. This assertion can be clearly - +4H4SiO4 + Al2Si2O5(OH)4 ...... (4) seen in factor 1 (Table 2) as Cl (Kaolinite) concentrations are loaded highest (0.965). This interpretation corroborates the Factor 1 explains about 47.262 % (Table 3) findings of Ganyaglo et al. (2012) who of the total variation in the geochemistry of + further indicated that the source of Na in the the groundwater within the study area. It can aquifers could be attributed to the breakdown clearly be seen that apart from Cl-, factor 1 of albite, whereas the source of Cl- may be also has high positive loadings for the major + 2+ 2+ + 2- from atmospheric input. ions of Na , Mg , Ca , K and SO4 . These

In the area, the Ca-HCO3 water type elements are highly compatible in solution occurs in Assin South (AS) and Twifo- and could suggest a common source, Heman Lower Denkyira (TLD), and possibly the underlying geology (Yidana therefore may not have been affected by et al., 2008). The sources of Mg2+ in the seawater intrusion, compared to the Na-Cl groundwater could be due to the water types along the coast. Seawater is weathering of biotite enriched in Na+ and Cl- ions and therefore, (K(Mg,Fe)3(AlSi3)O10(OH,F)2) and hornblende groundwaters which are significantly (Ca,Na)2–3(Mg,Fe,Al)5(Al,Si)8O22(OH)2 influenced by seawater intrusion will inherit whereas Ca2+ could be leached from the the hydrochemical signature of the seawater weathering of calcic plagioclase feldspars (Yidana et al., 2010). However, where the such as andesine ((Ca,Na)(Al,Si)4O8) and freshwater was originally dominated by Ca2+ oligoclase ((Ca,Na)(Si,Al)4O8), which are R. Asare et al.: Assessment of groundwater quality and its suitability 79

TABLE 2 R-mode factor analysis of parameter loadings

Parameters Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4

pH .000 .284 .168 .668 EC (mS/cm) .870 .275 .144 .042 TDS (mg/l) .956 .178 .054 .020 TH (mg/l) .884 .379 .138 .007 Na+ (mg/l) .913 .146 –.084 .048 K+ (mg/l) .511 –.036 .618 –.191 Ca2+ (mg/l) .781 .482 .147 –.004 Mg2+ (mg/l) .869 .281 .041 .031 Fe2+ (mg/l) –.125 .030 .718 –.014 - HCO3 (mg/l) .301 .883 .180 .046 2- SO4 (mg/l) .579 .131 –.304 –.036 Cl- (mg/l) .965 .073 –.053 –.006 Mn2+ (mg/l) .197 .485 –.213 –.082 - NO3 (mg/l) .035 –.293 –.075 .815 F- (mg/l) .055 .149 .596 .337 TA (mg/l) .333 .880 .185 .079 mineralogical components of the granitoids. the observed high trend in TDS and EC

Anorthite (CaAl2 Si 2 O 8 ), another high- values. The loadings of TH with respect 2+ 2+ temperature calcic plagioclase feldspar is to Ca and Mg are highly correlated ruled out because, at high temperature, its since hardness of groundwater is solely occurrence in granitic rocks in the area is not due to the high occurrence of these likely. Other potential sources of Ca2+ and elements in solution. Na+ in the groundwater are weathered Factor 2 observes high loadings in pH, - pyroxenes ((Na,Ca)(Mg,Fe,Al)(Al,Si) 2O 6) HCO3 and TA and contributes about 2- and hornblende. The source of the high SO4 11.373% (Table 3) of the total variation in could possibly be from anthropogenic the hydrochemistry of the available - contamination such as farming. NO3 and groundwater resource. Acids are chemical 2- + SO4 represents the contribution of compounds that produce H ions when agricultural chemicals to the dissolved in water. The stronger the acid, hydrochemistry of these surface water the more H+ ions they produce. Incongruent basins. Nitrate- and sulfate-rich fertilizers silicate mineral weathering, expedited by and manures are extensively used in farming carbonic acid, indicates the production of - activities. The excess fertilizer is washed the bicarbonate ion (HCO3 ) and cations in into the groundwater system, and this has the solution. The low pH characterizing the potential of raising the nitrate and sulfate study area is indicative of abundant oxygen levels beyond their natural concentrations. content and thus increasing the acidity of Equally, the high concentrations of these the medium, which is revealed in the high elements in solution could be contributing to total alkalinity (TA) loading in factor 2. It 80 West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 24(2), 2016

TABLE 3 Total variances explained by the various factors

Component Initial eigen values Extraction sums of squared Rotation Sums of Squared loadings Loadings Total % of Cumula- Total % of Cumula- Total % of Cumula- Variance tive % Variance tive % Variance tive %

1. 7.562 47.262 47.262 7.562 47.262 47.262 6.436 40.224 40.224 2. 1.820 11.373 58.635 1.820 11.373 58.635 2.586 16.163 56.387 3. 1.322 8.265 66.900 1.322 8.265 66.900 1.568 9.799 66.185 4. 1.169 7.303 74.204 1.169 7.303 74.204 1.283 8.018 74.204 5. .942 5.888 80.092 6. .818 5.115 85.206 7. .664 4.149 89.356 8. .580 3.623 92.979 9. .455 2.845 95.823 10. .250 1.564 97.388 11. .188 1.177 98.564 12. .141 .880 99.444 13. .040 .248 99.692 14. .031 .192 99.885 15. .010 .063 99.947 16. .008 .053 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

can therefore be deduced that carbonate plagioclase feldspar ([KAl2 (Si 3 Al)O 10 mineral weathering is the main control in (OH,F)]) in the underlying geology into factor 2. Equally, it can be clearly seen that sericite. The high concentrations of Fe2+ as an increase in alkalinity would result in a observed in some parts of the study area contribution boost to the total percentage could not be attributed to anthropogenic variance in factor 1, due to enrichment of activities, and as such the possible source - HCO 3 being geogenic, through rock water Factor 3 (Table 3) accounts for about interaction (Ganyaglo et al., 2012). The 8.265% of the total variation in the geology of the study area is underlain hydrogeochemistry of the groundwater with mainly by biotite-bearing Cape Coast high loadings being observed in K+ , Fe2+ and granitoids which occupy about 85% of the F-. Again, these elements are highly study area. The source of Fe2+ in the compatible and suggest a common source, groundwater could be due to weathering of possibly the underlying geology (Appelo & biotite (K(Mg,Fe)3 AlSi 3 O 10 (OH,O,F)2 ), and Postma, 2005). These elements occur therefore, the observed high loadings of 2+ naturally in nature. K+ in the groundwater Fe characterizing the domain. Fluoride could be attributed to the alteration of concentrations range from 0.002 to 3.39 R. Asare et al.: Assessment of groundwater quality and its suitability 81 mg/l with an average concentration of 1.02 occurrence of fluorine-bearing minerals mg/l. Of the 102 boreholes investigated, 87 such as fluorite (CaF2 ), cryolite (Na3 AlF 6 ), of them, representing ~85% have fluoride and fluoroapatite (Ca5 (PO 4 ) 3 F) that concentrations less than or equal to 1.50 commonly occur as accessory minerals in mg/l, falling within the WHO (2003) the underlying granitoids rocks. Studies permissible levels of 1.5 mg/l. The have also shown that biotite contributes up remaining 15 samples representing ~15% to 3400 ppm of fluoride in ground water ranged between 1.537 to 3.39 mg/l fall (Deer et al., 1992). The high fluoride outside the WHO standard for permissible concentrations in groundwater in drinking water (WHO, 2003). The metamorphic terrains are due to the intermediate to lower value range according dissolution of biotite, which may contain to the above classification, occur in Cape significant fluorine at the OH sites of their Coast Municipality (CC), Abura-Asebu- octahedral sheet (Dharmagunawardhana, Kwamankese District (AA) and Assin 2004; Tainosho et al., 2003; Nordstrom et South District (AS), whilst the higher range al., 1989). This is corroborated by the values can be found in Gomoa East (GE), findings of Kularatne & Pitawala (2012) Assin South (AS) and Twifo-Heman-Lower that showed that highly weathered biotite Denkyira (TLD) Districts. will readily leach high concentration of F- The moderately high fluoride levels into water percolating through the soil. (>1.5 mg/l) in the groundwater in about Therefore the elevated F- in some of the 15% of the boreholes is a major concern for boreholes in the study area could be the communities in these areas, since water attributed to the weathering of biotite in with such concentration of F- will cause the granitoids. skeletal and dental fluorosis when Factor 4, on the other hand, exhibits a consumed. These areas are underlain high positive loading for pH and an equally predominantly by granitic intrusions, - high loading for NO3 , and contributing especially biotite granite. High fluoride to about 7.303% (Table 3) of the total levels have been recorded in groundwater in variation in the hydrochemistry of the certain parts of the country. For example, in groundwater. The loadings in factor 4 are the Bongo District of the Upper East attributable mainly to anthropogenic Region of Ghana, there are reported high activities such as agriculture and improper levels of fluoride in groundwater (Apambire disposal of waste. Nitrogen may also occur et al., 1997), which are attributed to the naturally in the soil in organic forms from dissolution of fluorite in groundwater in the the decay of plant and animal residues. The Bongo granite. Recent geochemical and - high loadings for NO3 and pH in factor 4 is petrographic study of granitoids in the therefore an indication that the Bole-Nangodi belt by Sakyi et al. - concentration of NO3 contributes (unpublished), has also revealed the significantly to the low pH as observed in presence of fluorite in the rocks, thereby the study area. confirming the study of Apambire et al. Gibbs diagram was employed to (1997). The occurrence of high fluoride (1970) adequately constrain the hydrochemical concentrations in limited areas of the study trends that characterize the study domain districts could be attributed to localized . 82 West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 24(2), 2016

The diagram plots the total dissolved and gypsum, indicating high concentrations solids (TDS) on a logarithmic axis against of both bicarbonate and sulfate ions in the ratio of sodium and the sum of sodium solution. This observed supersaturation of and calcium on a linear axis, and is divided gypsum together with calcite is most likely into zones based on the contribution of associated with considerable enrichment of recharging precipitation, rock/mineral the groundwater with sulfate, bicarbonate, weathering and evaporation/crystallization and calcium mainly through dissolution of on the hydrochemistry. The zonation is minerals and subsequent reaction with based on the ratio of the concentration of other species. For the formation of calcite, the Na+ ion to the sum of the concentrations + 2+ as already discussed, the weathering of theof Na and Ca ions in the hydrochemistry hornblende, plagioclase feldspar and plotted against the TDS content of the water pyroxene as well as hydrothermal alteration under investigation. Waters that are affected of the metavolcanics and metasediments by high evaporative effects are generally could release Ca2+ into the groundwater. On expected to display high TDS and Na/(Na the other hand, the reaction of infiltrating +Ca) ratios, whereas those whose water and CO2 produced through the hydrochemistry is controlled primarily by decomposition of organic matter in the soil mineral weathering processes, have - zone will generate HCO3 (Ganyaglo et al., moderate TDS and moderate Na/(Ca+Na). 2012), and this will eventually react with In addition, waters that are influenced 2+ Ca to form calcite. The equations below mainly by the hydrochemistry of illustrate this; precipitation are characterized by low TDS + ® COHOHCO ...... (5) and moderate to high Na/(Ca+Na) ratio. In aq 2)(2 32 (carbonic acid) Fig. 6, about 94% of the groundwater + - ® + HCOHCOH ...... (6) samples, spanning almost all the ten 32 3 (bicarbonate) districts, plot within the “rock weathering” - + 2- HCO3 «+COH 3 ...... (7) field. This suggests that rock dissolution is (carbonate ion) apparently the major process influencing 2++COCa 2-«CaCO ...... (8) groundwater hydrochemistry in the area, 3 3 (calcite) and this supports our earlier discussion on The release of H+ could be responsible the prevailing processes and possible for the slightly acidic nature of the sources of the various ions. groundwater. In the absence of sea water Fig. 7 represents the stability diagram for intrusion that may influence the water type, the equilibrium relationship between calcite the dissolution of the calcite could be and gypsum for all the samples. In Fig. 7, all responsible for the formation of the Ca- samples plot within the gypsum and calcite HCO 3 water type. Similarly, gypsum can supersaturation field, suggesting the 2+ 2- be formed by the reaction of Ca , SO4 relatively high content of calcium in the and the groundwater. Possible sources of 2- system. It is apparent that groundwater in the SO4 are atmospheric input and the aquifer underlying the study area is largely application of chemical fertilizers for supersaturated with respect to both calcite farming activities in the region. R. Asare et al.: Assessment of groundwater quality and its suitability 83

Fig. 6. Gibbs (1970) diagram showing the dominant source of variation in the groundwater hydrochemistry in the study area.

Fig. 7. The stability field for gypsum and calcite in the study area. 84 West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 24(2), 2016

Suitability of groundwater for irrigation good” and marginally in “good to purposes permissible” irrigation quality. This The assessment of the quality of water in category excludes most of the samples the area for irrigation is based on the salinity from the coastal districts of EF, AwS, GE, and sodium content relative to the MF and some samples from CC, which concentrations of the other major cations in represent areas characterized by Na-Cl the water system. Electrical conductivity is a water types. Samples from the above- good measure of salinity hazard to crops as it mentioned districts plot mainly across reflects the total dissolved solids in fields defined as “permissible to doubtful”, groundwater. Salinity hazard and sodium “doubtful to unsuitable’ and ‘unsuitable”. hazard are the important water quality issues, This could possibly be due to the high especially in irrigated areas (Jalali, 2007; salinity nature of groundwater samples Raju et al., 2012). High salinity waters from these districts, classified according to reduce the osmotic ability of plants and thus the water types. Consequently, they are not interfere with the capacity of plants to absorb suitable for irrigation purposes. Instead, water and nutrients from the soils and samples from districts located away from transport it to the branches and leaves (Saleh the coast, notably, AA, TLD, AS and to et al., 1999; Jalali, 2007). This leads to a some extent, AN plot within “excellent to physiological drought of the plant although good” irrigation quality, and are therefore there may be a lot of water in the soil. This suitable for irrigation purposes. The condition can cause the wilting of plants generally low concentrations of the leading to death. In addition to the salinity physico-chemical parameters in the effects, high concentrations of specific ions groundwater in these districts is such as sodium, bicarbonate, and boron can responsible for the low SAR and EC values, be lethal to irrigation crops. Even if the which have together influenced the salinity is low, high concentrations of these irrigation quality of the groundwater in the ions can interfere with the ability of plants to area. absorb water from soils. The long term effects of using high salinity waters for Fig. 9 presents the USSL (1954) diagram irrigation is the accumulation of salts in soils, for the study area. Both the salinity and leading to a reduction in the hydraulic sodium content are generally low in the properties of irrigation soils with time. When study area except a few other samples with this happens, the ability of such soils to high salinity and sodium content. Seventy support optimum plant growth and three (73) samples, representing about development is greatly inhibited. 72%, plot within the C1-S1 and C2-S1 In this study, the Wilcox diagram (Wilcox, categories, representing low SAR and low 1955) which plots the sodium percent against to medium salinity. Samples within these the EC was used to assess the quality of the two categories are mainly from AA, AS, AN, and TLD. Groundwaters from aquifers four major groundwater classes in the study underlying these districts are interpreted to area for irrigation activities. The Wilcox possess low SAR and low salinity and are (1955) diagram (Fig. 8) shows that most of therefore suitable for irrigation. The the samples plot mainly within “excellent to remaining 28% data points plot within R. Asare et al.: Assessment of groundwater quality and its suitability 85

Fig. 8. Wilcox (1955) diagram used to assess the irrigation quality of groundwater in the study area.

Fig. 9. USSL (1954) diagram for the assessment of the irrigation quality of groundwater in the study area. 86 West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 24(2), 2016 other categories ranging from medium to which is the dominant water type, and Ca- very high SAR and high salinity. Samples in Cl, Ca-HCO3 and Ca-SO4. In the order the very high SAR/salinity are mainly from stated the water type changes from the districts coded as CC, MF, EF, AwS, and GE. coastal areas towards the north and These are districts mainly bounded by the northwestern parts of the region. The Na-Cl Gulf of Guinea, and may have experienced water type occurs in aquifers underlying seawater intrusion, resulting in high salinity the six coastal districts, namely; Abura- and thereby rendering such water types Asebu-Kwamankese (AA), Cape Coast unsuitable for irrigation purposes. This (CC). Mfantseman (MF), Effutu (EF), suggests that the use of water mainly from Awutu Senya (AwS) and Gomoa East the coastal districts in the Central Region of (GE). Assin South (AS) and Twifo- Ghana is likely to pose sodium or salinity Heman Lower Denkyira (TLD) have effects. This is however dependent on the Ca-HCO water type, Assin North (AN) conditions of the soils, whereby poor 3 has Ca-SO , whereas Gomoa West (GW) drainage can lead to the retention of salts in 4 is characterized by Ca-Cl facies. the soil zone, thus leading to the Silicate weathering and ion exchange are accumulation of salts in these soils over the identified as the predominant geochemical long term. On the contrary, in the districts processes responsible for the various ions in located away from the coastal areas, the the groundwater. Possible processes that water quality is suitable for the intended could be responsible for the source of Na+ purpose. and Cl- are sea water intrusion and dissolution of minerals. Conclusion Generally, groundwater underlying Groundwater samples from ten districts in districts coded as AA, TLD, AS and AN, the Central Region of Ghana were analyzed that are located away from the coast, plot and assessed to determine the suitability of within the “excellent to good” category, the groundwater for domestic and irrigation suggesting that water from the area is of purposes. Here, we make the following acceptable quality for irrigation purposes. conclusions from our results; Groundwater The remaining districts are underlain by in the area is weakly acidic with average groundwater of variable qualities. acidity of 6.34 pH units. TDS ranges from Similarly, SAR and conductivity values for 24.6 to 5368 mg/l, while the EC varies from the groundwater from the same districts 71 to 9760 mS/cm. Both EC and TDS values indicate low SAR and low to medium decrease from the coast toward inland, and salinity, suggesting that the water in these suggest that groundwater in the area is districts is suitable for both domestic and predominantly fresh water, but saline water irrigational purposes. bodies also exist. The order of abundance of the cations are References + 2+ + 2+ Abyaneh H. Z. Nazemi A. H., Neyshabori M. R., Na > Ca > K > Mg , whiles that of the - - 2- -- Mohammadi K. and Majzoobi G. H. (2005). anions are Cl > HCO3 > SO 4 > NO3 > F . Chloride estimation in ground water from One major and three minor hydrochemical electrical conductivity measurement. Tarim facies have been identified, namely; Na-Cl, Bilimleri Dergisi 11: 110–114. R. Asare et al.: Assessment of groundwater quality and its suitability 87

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