Chas S Clifton | 9780759102026 | | | | | Her Hidden Children: The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America by Chas S. Clifton (Paperback, 2006)

About Chas S. See details for additional description. Read more Print Hardcover and paperback. Want to Read saving…. But he does an admirable job of providing for the first time a formal history of the movement. Ashley Shanahan rated it liked it Jul 30, The book received Her Hidden Children The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America 1st edition positive reviews from a number of academic journals. Paganism Books. Clifton cannot provide me. But the history of American Paganism--with so many invented lineages, so many solitary practitioners, so much resistance to staid definition, so much hiddenness--is especially hard to decipher. Rachel rated it really liked it Mar 13, If Clifton were to release a later edition, my suggestion to him would be to include a chapter on Druidism as well as a chapter on Astaru and Heathenism. Mini Paperback Children. I read this chapter shortly after taking part in a heated forum discussion on just that topic. The Henge of Keltria is only mentioned, and the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids seems nowhere to be found despite its having American members and an obvious influence on the modern Druidic movement. Details if other :. Clifton Paperback, Some of these movements, especially Asatru, have become incredibly influential in the Neo-Pagan world. Interesting read- does exactly what it says it will, in terms of giving an overview of the spread of paganism and Wicca Her Hidden Children The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America 1st edition the US. Paganism Contemporary paganism . The book includes a chapter dedicated to other modern Pagan movements, but the discussion is very limited. There was little mention of nature or types of nature worship, as there was an emphasis Her Hidden Children The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America 1st edition an "unbroken" line descending from Stone Age fertility cults. books. A very good introduction to modern Wicca, by an author who has personal experience in the movement. More Details Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. Just as everything is connected and dependent on one another in an ecological biosphere, so too are the modern Pagan movements connected. Keith Heiberg rated it liked it Jan 30, Divide is probably a strong word, but at any I picked this book up because, quite frankly, I don't read enough Pagan scholarship. I learned so much from this book. As he notes, American Paganism really needs to be investigated more thoroughly. Meg Elison rated it it was ok Sep 05, Pagan studies. I picked this book up because, quite frankly, I don't read enough Pagan scholarship. It does not change my spirituality in any way, but it does make me a wiser, more informed, more tolerant person. This is an invaluable read for anyone who is interested in the growth of Paganism in America over the past century. Betsy rated it it was amazing Aug 01, Want to Read Currently Reading Read. It cannot be denied that Wicca has played a significant role in popularizing Paganism in general. Enlarge cover. . Other editions. About this product Product Information The history of any religious movement can get murky. Shelley rated it really liked it Apr 07, You may also like. Divide is probably a strong word, but at any rate, Clifton provides a measured analysis of how we gradually came to appropriate the label "nature religion" by tapping into something hidden in the American psyche. Religious studies Pagan studies. Jul 18, Sophon rated it it was amazing. Community Reviews. Her Hidden Children: The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America

Screw all these arguments over how "old" Wic c a is. The "older" traditions that are lineage based often have only some semblance to the modern revival that has Her Hidden Children The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America 1st edition immensely successful at meeting the needs of modern spiritual seekers. Or so I think. As I read through this book, I have been unable to put it down as it recounts the history of modern Neo-Paganism in America. However it must be understood that not all Pagan faiths are concerned with nature in the same way that some Wiccans and Druids are. This article related to a book Her Hidden Children The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America 1st edition religion is a stub. Stock photo. This is an invaluable read for anyone who is interested in the growth of Paganism in America over the past century. Clifton, Chas S. Clifton argues that literature has been paramount to the spread of Wiccan thought and practice Average rating 3. Namespaces Article Talk. Showing Her Hidden Children is an important and welcome contribution to academic and non-scholar Pagans alike. Frances Mihulec rated it liked it Aug 09, May 04, Sarah rated it really liked it Shelves: uni-readsreligious-studies. Since so many Wiccans are solitary practitioners, they rely on the written word to teach and learn more often than not. Sort order. Print Hardcover and paperback. You may also like. Community Reviews. A very good introduction to modern Wicca, by an author who has personal experience in the movement. Other editions. But here in Her Hidden Children Chas Clifton tells many never-before-told stories of the origins of Paganism and Wicca in the Un The history of any religious movement can get murky. I think that, if Paganism is to remain a strong, growing religion, the diverse paths will have to celebrate their differences while embracing their similarities in order to unite for the common good. Despite what some may think, newer traditions post differ from their predecessors pre in their ideologies and emphasis. Alana Ronningen rated it liked it Jan 19, Refers to Wicca and witchcraft interchangeably which I thought were supposed to be 2 different things. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Divide is probably a strong word, but at any rate, Clifton provides a measured analysis of how we gradually came to appropriate the label "nature religion" by tapping into something hidden in the American psyche. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.

Just as interesting is the transformation that Wicca has undertaken from a coven-centered religion to a diverse buffet of traditions with many eclectic solitaries. The history of any religious movement can get murky. However, there is a lot worth considering here, especially in relation to American Paganism. Like this: Like Loading Hidden categories: All stub articles. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Namespaces Article Talk. With a timeline, glossary, and photos of important figures, Her Hidden Children is compelling and important for any student of Paganism or American Religion. Community Reviews. An author and Druid living in Northern NY. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Screw all these arguments over how "old" Wic c a is. No ratings or reviews yet. Wicca Paperback Books. More Details Clifton provides useful information for anyone wanting to know more about this movement. May 04, Sarah rated it really liked it Shelves: uni-readsHer Hidden Children The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America 1st edition. Many of us come to Paganism with an interest in ancient history. It does not change my spirituality in any way, but it does make me a wiser, more informed, more tolerant person. Toward the end, the book tapered if only because our story isn't finished yet. Show more Show less. Enlarge cover. It is in this way that he is able to piece together the history of modern American Paganism. Ashley Shanahan rated it liked it Jul 30, The Henge of Keltria is only mentioned, and the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids seems nowhere to be found despite its having American members and an obvious influence on the modern Druidic movement. Clifton argues that literature has been paramount to the spread of Wiccan thought and practice Lin Anderson rated it really liked it Aug 29, If Clifton were to release a later edition, my suggestion to him would be to include a chapter on Druidism as well as a chapter on Astaru and Heathenism. I don't think I had ever truly considered that Atlantic divide prior to this book. But he does an admirable job of providing for the first time a formal history of the movement. Witches aren't always what they seem to be, and that includes being proponents of nature worship. Add to cart. I think that, if Paganism is to remain a strong, growing religion, the diverse paths will have to celebrate their differences while embracing their similarities in order to unite for the common good. Categories : Academic studies of ritual and magic History books about witchcraft Pagan studies books non-fiction books Religious studies book stubs Paganism stubs. Qty: 1 2. I was surprised that there was not a Her Hidden Children The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America 1st edition discussion on Her Hidden Children The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America 1st edition although they received brief mentions scattered throughout the bookAsatru, Modern Shamanism, or Chaos Magic. He excludes Pagans who look to ancient cultures, like the Celts, for their symbols and rituals. Get A Copy. Despite what some may think, newer traditions post differ from their predecessors pre in their ideologies and emphasis. The "older" traditions that are lineage based often have only some semblance to the modern revival that has been immensely successful at meeting the As I read through this book, I have been unable to put it down as it recounts the history of modern Neo-Paganism in America. Friend Reviews.

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