Hawi^gHtMT CiiMifaig T|grali> THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1985. ’ Tbs Toung Psople’s sodsty of the BILL TATROB FINAL REMINDER WoUae* Steams . , Herman MonUe Concordia Lutheran church will hold The [day committee baa been H0M Noaotadc OrehMtn its regular monthly business meet­ ASKS $30,000 BALM | Y.M.c.A.Notes CONTINUE ISSUING fortunate la aecuring Tony ing tomorrow night at 8 o'clock In I Chairman Harold W. Oanity ' { of the local Federal Housing > O'Bright, "the xylophone wlsard’’, MIMrea D m irt the church parlors. A U fe Service to play betwaen the acts. A six TLeJWHALECc program will be given, In charge of I committee gave a final reminder i I today to contractors and dealers , FROM W CAL WOMAN DRIVERS’ UCENSES piece orchestra will play for danc­ Friday, March 1. Ernest Relchenbach. RefrcBbmen^ on account of school vacation. ing. Reserve seaU are on sale at Me and a social hour will follow. ' In building supplies that the I a t Bee. deadline for raising $300 Is to- < 4;00—Grade School Boys Gym Potterton and Krah and the Wel­ don Drug Company. Specials I morrow noon and that checks of I 12-15. William B. Gleason was the guest * $4 each must be sent out at ' Mrs. Charlotte Johnson 5:15—Men’s Gym Class. Clerks To Be At State Armo­ of honor at a birthday party given once. Major John Mahoney to­ 6:30—Girl Scouts, Troup II. 3 to 6 Friday last evening at the home of his day reported^a much better re-1 6:30—Talcottville Boys Gym. PERSONAL TAX BILLS ABOUT TOWN daughter, Mrs. Alfred J. Simpson of sponse than yesterday to the ap-1 Gould Defendant In East 6:45—North Ends Club meeting. ry Here Until Noon On Get the Friday afternoon shop­ 73 School street It was Mr. Glea­ peal for $300 to carry on a hous- . 7:30—North Ends Gym. READY FOR MAIUNG ping habit... .all weeh-end fo^ Group R tS CeiiUr ehureb wonies son’s 72d birthday and 26 relatives ’ ing canvass here for a period of | Hartford Case. 7:80— Young Women’s Bowlln'g. valnea go on sale at $ o’clocic BOARD OF RELIEF w otln n wUl bold e bualiien end io> and friends gathered to help him 20 weeks. i 8:00—"T" Bowling Team vs. Aetna Saturday. Fridays, dal meeUiia Wedneaday evening, celebrate the event and to remember i — - ■ ■ ...... Bowling team. New Type Envelope Doesn’t March C, at 8 o'clock. Friday Ughthouae PRAJADHIPOK OF SIAM him with gifts. music was furnished by Miss Eleanor Hayes. Alleging that the defendant has 4:00—Girls Clubs Gym. Clerks In the employ of the State Require Sealing and Saves ' The O Clef Club will meet at the stolen the love of her husband, Mrs. RAISES TAX UST Chapman Court, Order of Ama­ Cards were enjoyed and a buffet 8:16—Business Men's Volley Ball. Motor Vehicle department who have Town Considerable Cost. Cleanser ranth, will meet tomorrow evening lunch served. Emanuel Lutheran church at 7:30 Ella T. Driggs of East Hartford 6:30—North End Juniors Gym. been Issuing drivers' licenses at the in the Haaonlc Temple. A aoclal o'clock tonight has brought suit for $30,000 against 6:45—Cubs Club meeting. state armory here will continue In Tax Collector George H. Howe is | cans l O e hour with refreahmenta will follow Mrs. Charlotte J. Gould, of 931 7:30— Young Women's Gym and the work here until Saturday noon getting the personal tax bills ready 3 The regular monthly business Main street. East Hartfoad, former­ Total Property Assessment ABDICATES HIS THRONE Basketball Practice. in charge of Mrs. Mary Leavitt, aa- meeting of the W. B. A. Guards will Trinity Past Noble Grands asso- it was announced by Motor Vehicle to mall. He has purchased a spec­ P and O dated 1^ Mi*. Abigail Knowles, biatlon will meet In Rockville Tues­ ly of Manchester, In which she 8:00—Young Men's Club meeting. Commissioner Michael A. Connor to­ ial form of envelope that docs not SENATE BATTLE be held tomorrow night at 8 o’clock day afternoon, March 12. charges alienation of affections. Mrs, Knight, Mrs. Jessie Lewis, Ar­ with Miss Victoria Vlncek of 61 8:00— “ Y” Bowling team vs. Trav­ day. The hours tomorrow will be make It necessary to seal and aa a $42,395,756 as Nursery thur Loomis and Mr. and Mrs. Da­ The suit Is returnable before the elers team at Wooster Alleys, Hart­ from 8:30 a. m. until 6 p. m. On Sat­ result th»fe Is a saving from one to S o a p cake 4 « North street. A full attendance Is Mrs. Arthur M. Shorts of 818 Superior Court In Hartford on ford. two cents on each bill that he mall*. vid Husband. hoped for aa plans will be discussed urday the hours will be from 8:30 a. OVER WA(X CUT '’ j*'* “ Main street and Miss Merle Shorts March 5. Mrs. Gould is represented 9:00—Talcottville Senior Boys m., until 12 noon. Aa there are about 10,000 bills of Confer tionerr Firms Get Only Redn^ Former Justice H olm e^^^ for the convention in Hartford In of SS Benton street, are spending by Judge William S. Hyde of this Gym. this kind mailed the saving will run The Ladies Aid sodety of the April. . towTj. The husband of Mrs. Driggs On a “ Vacafion” - His i- Buckingham church will give a the week with relatives In Enfield, between $125 and $150 of the total N. H. Is Milton W. Driggs and he Is em­ cost of mailing. The men’s bills Sugar pkg. 6 c tionsH-Cheney List Is In­ Q U K M ENDED bridge and whist social in the ves­ ployed by an oil company. “ HISS FANNY BROOKS’’ ^Resting Comfortably* try tomorrow evening at 7:45, with Manchester Grange's meeting last were all ready to ’ bend out yester­ Secretary Makes the An- night in Odd Fellows hall was lui- The Woman’s Foreign Missionary Mrs. Gould’s mother Is Mrs. C. day, but the larger number, the priae.s for the winners and refresh­ M. Johnson of 55 Church street. WIN SETTLEMENT creased— Question Arises Washington, March 1.—(AP) — ments. usually well attended, about 140 society of the South Methodist DUE IN TOWN TONIGHT bills that go to the women, will not J ello Democrats and Socialists Physicians attending Oliver Wen­ noancement ~ All the turned out to hear the excellent pro­ church will meet tomorrow night at be ready for about 15 days. It Is dell Holmes reported after a noon On account of the school vacation, gram furnished by Coventry, Vernon 7:30 with Mrs. Rossa Brookings of his Intention to hold them in the 1 7 c Over Stock On Hand. visit today that the retired Supreme and Hillstown Grange members. A 141 East Middle Turnpike. Her office until about the last of March J pkgs ,t^e regular meeting of the G. F. 8. WERNER’S ADVANCED IN INSURANCE SUIT Will Have Important Part In All flavors. Rememberinf "Fightless Court Justice waa "holdliur his King’s Valnable Property candidates nill be omitted tomorrow aoclal time followed, during which daughter. Miss Ann Brookings who or the first part of April before own." has just returned after five years “ Set That To Music,” To­ mailing, as the payments are not afternoon. the local Grangers served ginger­ Hershey’s Baking The Beard of Relief, complstiag This word was given newsmsn bread with whipped cream and in Africa, will tell of her exper­ morrow Night. due until April 1. Friday” Rale, Combme to in Sian to Be Con6scated, PUPILS IN RECITAL Its 1985 seaslons lost night, reported through Holmea’ former secretary, Margaret E. Hood drcle of coffee. iences. Thank-offering envelopes Mark Howe. Finding the aged will also be received at this meet­ Three Local Youths, Repre­ a net increase of $493,406 on taxable King's Daughters will meet Mon­ Miss "Fanny Brook*’’, who Is Chocolate Jurist’s condition unchanged, Howe ing. Table Vote on Wages. It Is Reported. day night at 8 o’clock with Miss The Manchester H l^ school UnusuaHy Fine Program Is just returning from an engage­ property In the Town of Manchester quoted the attending doctors as say­ Marion Brewer. 72 Cedar street. chorus will rehearse at the Emanuel sented By Judge Hyde Get ment, la scheduled to arrive in DANCE DANCE 2 pi the C. R. Burr Company, C. L. Van- rejected by the House. jurist’? home. with a delegation of countrymen nounced by the same women’s com­ j all that could be desired. Union street and John Mitchell of who attempted to patch up the mittee. Home made cake and cof­ Arthur Cadman . . . . Arthur Brown derbrook and Son Company and the Republicans offered the motiou to Emerging from the modest red Other Birdseye values: ! The full program follows: 90 Woodbrldge street, who shared K p P P E R S table which finally prevailed 16 wide split between the Monarch and fee will follow tomorrow night’s Business— Receipts Total Professor McPherson ...... Saturday, March 9 C. E. Wilson Company, nurserymen Broccoli box ...... J3c The Rosary, E. Ncvln; Narcissus. the award, admitted today that 13. his administration officials. games, and all players will be made E. Nevin: Margaret Carey...... Leonard Bjorkman were made by the board, totaling Spinach, box ...... 38e such a settlement had been made The signal for the near fight was (Continued on Page Ten) Oliver WendeU Holmea An official notiflcatlon reaching welcome. La Zingana (The Gipsy). Bohm; John Henning Lawrence Converes Odd Fellows Hall but $3,669, according to the signed Baby Limas, box ...... 2 7 c $573.55. The law firm of Day. Berry and George Conway . . . Carl Cubberley report of tbs Board of Relief. The given by Senator Francis W King Prajadhlpok from his capital, Peas, box ...... 27o Indian Summer, V. Herbert; Muriel Bangkok, that Parliament had Mrs. Stephen Baches, the former Howard of Hartford represented the "SI" Brooks ...... Robert Wright list also includes several corrections Hogan, Democrat, of Torrington Strawtierries ...... 2»c Calvert. insurance company. Admission 25c. when he expreased the belief that bluntly rejected his conditions for Miss Doris Miller of Doane street, Thine Own, Lange; Pizzlcatl, De­ ‘‘Doc’’ Lake ... William Kilpatrick made and approved by property Each box will serve four. Wojciechowski suffered fractures Sam Meyer . . . Roger McCormack some conalderation bad been given THREE MILUON CHINESE HITLER HAILED retaining the thrqne was the final was tendered a surprl.se mlscel- February Is the shortest month of libes; Laura Andisio. owners and Board of Relief. The straw for the picturesque Monarch. laneous shower Tuesday evening at the year, which may or may not be of the arms and legs and other In­ Jim Craig ...... Harry Howland g o K i net reduction in the stocks of the to the question of restoring the pay TTie Sliver Nymph, Heins; DEADLOCK IS STILL ON Smaksman announc^: "The del­ PINEHURST 1 her home in Glastonbury by a group llic reason why It brings a decline in juries. He will get the largest sum Jack Rounder ... Sherwood Brown three local nurseries, as shown to employes In the lower brackets to Heavenward March, Vilbre-Klnkel, $3,200. Thomas, who also w-as "Abe" Ryan ...... Chester Ferris the level prior to the general pay egation realizes that this answer ' of her friends from this town. The business at the Manchester Police Marian Mason. $18,500 from tho assessor's list of REPORTED AS STARVING AS SAAR BASIN from Slam means abdication.’’ GROCERY INC. badly Injured, is to receive $1,6.50 "Red" Kenney ...... Wells Tolson cut ordered two years ago. home w as tastefully decorated In Court. The month brought a total Con Amore. Beaumont; Pretty BOSTON OR NEW YORK $20,500. Approximately 89 per Up to Government blue and yellow. A mock wedding of only 19 cases Into the court with and Mitchell, the least serlouslv cent o f the entire list of reductions Small Pay OVER WORK-RELIEF BILL Dial 4131 Lillies, A. Tides; Phyllis Marks. The King himself did not plan to was one of the amusing features. receipts of $573.55. of which amount hurt, $350. S2.25 O.W^______$4.05 R.T. $ 13-00 per ton was granted the local nurserymen. Hogan asserted some state em­ Starlight Reverie, A. Seldt; Joyful Previously the three lads had ployes were receiving as little GOES TO REICH Issue any formal announcement of Games and a buffet lunch followed. $218.56 goes to the toi^n snd $355 Coke Sold For Coab Only. Controversy Arises. Sounds, J. Seldt: Donald Geilch. brought suit for damages against Providence ..$2 O.W., $8.50 K.X $64 a month. Missionaries Describe Har- EXPECT INCREASE abdication, his secretary said, leav­ to the state. Air Varie No. 8, De Berlot; Ar­ The reductions of the stocks of ing that to the government officials Of the eases before the court, five Mrs. Lillian Copeland, mother of local nurseries has created a hor­ Senator J. Kenneth Bradley, Re­ Bat Reports Persist That thur Stein. CENTER TK.AVBL BUKBAD publican floor leader met Hogan’s HONOLULU STORMS at Bangkok. were for driving under the Influence the young man who was killed, for a DANCE Oltl» net's nest of controversy In local rowing Conditions m Area Silver Stars, C. Bohm; Thoughts collective sum of approximatelv Tel. 7007 statement with the assertion that It Crowds Jam Street When Smaksman explained; "His Ma­ of liquor, four for intoxication, six L T. WOOD CO. municipal ofTictals today in view of jesty feels It would be a breach of Birdseye Foods — Dial 4151 — Pinehurst for motor vehicle violations and one at Twilight, J. Seldt; Harry Rylan­ $16,500. The death car waa regis­ would be "foolhardy" to reopen the IN SPRING TRADE Week-End Conferences der. PHONE «49« the fact that according to the stat­ quesUon. "The stete” Bradley aatd, diplomatic courtesy, while In this each for breach of peace and as­ tered In her name. utes, aa interpreted by the Board of Nighted by Drought— j KILL 8 PERSONS ^ ______% Valse Styrienne, H. Wollenhaupt; "Is in no position to restore these Reichsfuehrer Arrives by country, to make emy statement sault, non-support and intoxication On the Thursday preceding th» The R.ackliffe Oil Company Assessors, the stocks of the nursery­ WiU Lead to Settlement of which might be construed as propa­ For a new fresh vegeUble we offer you tender Blue Goose fresh and assault. My Old Kentucky Home, Arr. by fatal accident young Copeland, who pay cute. I don’t see how the state Fred Grofe; Ruth Larson. men should bo maintained at the could stand the added burden at Deaths Are Everywhere.’ ganda for himself.” SUMMER SQUASH at 2 lbs...... 25c Nine,persons paid fines and costs, waa employed as a cutter at the Or- figure placed on their lists by that this time. Survey of Nation Shows Re- Plane; Saarlanders Are The hint was dropped, however. two were given Jail sentences, one Country Gardens, P. Grainger- ford Soap Company, visited the lo­ board. Just think, fresh summer squash at this time of the yejtr. With every Indication that the the Dispute on Wages. - went to jail in default of payment Loin Du Bal, Gillet; Elizabeth Flnne-- cal Insurance offices of Clarence H On the other band, the Board of of tine, one appealed, one was found . gan, ,, , _ . Anderson and told Anderson he quesUon waa developing Into a con­ Wuhu. Anhwei. China, March 1. taHers Are Stocking Up Now Germans Again. (;reen Peas. 2 qls. 29c, CucumberH l.'ic. Radishen 7c BLUE SUNOCO Relief In taking the step to reduce, troversy Senator Harvey L. Thomp­ not guilty, four were placed on pro- 1 Grande Valse. w-anled to take out insurance on hl.s by nearly 90 per ceqt, the Assesaors' — (A P )—Three mUHon Inhabitants Fresh Spinach JOHN L. JENNEY son, Democrat of Middletown moved Washington. March 1.—(A P) — Is Estnnated at $100,000; ballon and one had his case nolled. i Agnes Shearer. car. He also asked Anderson to g-> Hat of nursery stocks, state that the o f Southern Anhwei Province, scat­ Tarantellc, S, Hellar; 10 Depot Square Phone 68.50 Immediately to table the bill. He Generously at This Tnne. The $4,880,000,000 relief problem Polish Into Hartford and get his license und nurserymen are not properly classi­ tered over an area of 6,000 square Saarbruecken, Saar Basin Terri­ Excellent quality Dance, X. Scharwenkn; William registration plates. GAS fied and do not come under the pro­ prefaced the motion by pointing out lacked any outward sign of solution Troops Called Oot. Shea. that the state board of finance and miles, were reported today to be tory, Germany, March 1.— (A P )__ Anddhson went Into Hartford the visions of the act. One member ot Adolf Hitler came to the Saar today today deslpte a Senate-Wbite House' FRESH FISH CAMPBELL'S INCREASE IN UCENSE Menuet. I. Paderewski: Valse In next day. Friday, and obtained the the Board of Relief today stated control had agreed In the tentative atarving to death in the worst fam­ New York, March 1.— (AP)__ chat on the controversy and numer- Insurance budget restoration of all pay cuts. and the population of the erstwhile Priced very low. Keep D Flat, Chopin: Elmer Gustafson. markers and liccnae, for w-hlch that If the nurserymen were classi­ ine this section of China has « Dun and Bradstreet In Its weekly ous informal talks. Honolulu. March l.— (A P )—Dig­ TOMATO SOUP Two Guitar.s, Arr. by W. Coburn- Copeland had paid him the day be­ Life, ArcidenI and Health, V a NT^c s e r v ic e fied as farmers with crops In the The recommendation of the state perlenced In recent memory. League of Nations* territory went your budget in order by APPUCANTS NOTED trade review said today there has wild with adulation of the Reichii- But the hope, If not more, pre­ ging out of muck and wreckage, the Arthur -Stein. fore. He returned to Manchester’ Fire Insaranire. Fidelity and ▼ AAM 9 STATIOK field and no stocks In storage In finance board, Thompson sold, Missionary advices received here vailed that week-end conferences serving fish twice a week. Mr. Werner will entertain about STATION doesn’t seem to be In line with what developed "a more genuine realiza­ fuchrer. Island of'Oahu today counted eight can 7 c I. and gave them to Mrs. Copeland. Surety Bonds— .Auto­ Manchester as of October 1, the said the death list airbady is ap­ would break the deadlock over the Chance ' ® 12-year old pupil.s That night Copeland took the car 426 Hartford Road assessment would not legally apply. the Senator (Bradley) has said. palling and growing day by day. tion of the soundness of basic con­ This waa the day when the Saar dead; six missing and unestlmated Large Niiniher Take mobile and Uther Tei. 3866 equivalent wage Issue on-w hich Fancy Bonrlras 4 nance ^vUh a party at Tinker hall -Sunday from a shed at the rear of Mark The Board of Relief In Uking this Senator Hogan attempted to A succession of tragic events has ditions to support the expansion to- Basin territory, lopped off from Ger­ property damage as the toll of For F]\amination And Right ward many by the World War and for the President Roosevelt and organized Fillet of Haddock White Raisin alternoon, ahd w-tll be assisted by Holmes’ undertaking establishment t.'asiialty Unes. stand, only assessed the nurserymen break In to remind the Senate of the afflicted this same district, starting which all■■ Indicators now labor were divided. Wednesday night’s ‘ cloudburst and To Get Permit At Armorv. -Mrs. Emil Werner and Miss Betty to give It a tryout. for the bare materials used In pack­ with severe political upheavals last point.' last 15 years under the government hailstorm. Werner. of the League of Nations, went back Mr. Roosevelt and Senator Robin­ Bread 15c The accident occurred about 12:15 ing and making ready stocks for (Continued on Page Ten) December and climaxing with the 'The lifting of the production son, the Democratic leader, talked While comparisons of records "■ 2 2 c Motor Vehicle Inspector Ashe had o’clock Sunday morning as the four transit. murders of the American mission­ manufacturing plants and a to German Hoverelgnt,f. To celebrate the event, Hitler flew over the relief outlook late yester­ showed the heaviest rainfall was the first busy day In Manchester to- were driving toward Ma.nchester Point to Statutes. aries, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stnm gradual decrease in the number of day. What waa said remained se­ 15.72 inqhes In approximately sir Fillet of Sole, Mackerel, Redeem your free upon Books debated Interior department appro­ and his sons. Johnny, 4, and Vlc- Halibut nallonally advertlard at money to the Inspector and w-ere Substitute for House Bill No. 66, ported most divisions active with no ed streets covered with flags and .swimming classes will meet as fol­ feet down the hill and overturned Prizes for moat comical and beet dreaeed Indlvldoal or groop. Vo Damage^Reported and No bunting. The avenues ahead were priations. torlo, 11, suffocated and burned In a that the King, who, among hla oth­ given the slip showing that they are several times. Copeland, who u*as un- Acts o f 1923. (Contlnoed on Page Two) gains of consequence Indicated over Smoked Fillet of Haddock lows: 7 to 7:45. advanced; 7:45 to the previous week. lined with Nazi Stonn Troopers, re­ Official Washington was threaded fire at their home, an Indirect result er titles Is "the descendant of tha 2 for 23c entitled to secure a license, w-ent to conscloua waa taken to Manchester Gasoline...... $30.00 “Be it enacted by the Senate and Opened Clams, pint 35c. the State Armory and took out 8:30, senior life saving. Admission "Vagarief, of the weather chleflv splendent In fresh uniforms. with apprehension at the illness of of the storm. Great God Buddha” and "The Poa- Memorial hospital In the ambulance House of Representatives In Geiv- One Hurt— la rg e Area Mrs. Nobu Yoshikawa, 45, aaphjrx- sessor of the Tu-enty-four Umbrel­ Clams in shell, 2 qta. 35c. Pinehurst their license, dating from tomorrow, Ex-Service Men’s Night. Facili­ A Check for.., $20.00 Man SSc. lAdisa *8e eral Assembly, convened: were responsible for the checking of Monster Welcome.' Oliver Wendell Holmes, retired Jus­ March 1. ties available arc: bowling, pool, of William P. Qulsh. He arrived at the uptrend x x. For the distribu­ For 25 minutes he drove through tice of the Supreme Court who lated when a gas main burst. l a hoped In his heart that hla peo- Fresh Oysters, pint 31c. regular price . the hospital at 12:30 a. m.. and died For Vour 1935 .\uto Nlarkera "Produce or products grown or Mrs. GoshI TakahashI, 44. ple might some day call him back 10c Included In the number who were ping pong, checkers, cards, sw-lm- growing In any nursery or green­ Fell the Temblor. PLANE PARTY LOST tion of merchandise in nearly all the streets—streets vivid with color, lacked only a week of reaching his mlng and games-dn the gymnasium. of a fractured skull 35 minutes i On a Repayment Plan— .As Little drowned at ,'earl a t y near here. to the throne. at the Tow-n Court room this morn­ later. j house or under glass and any ahrub. lines, however, a quicker rate was deafening with the shouts o f the ing w-as a woman who made appli­ There will be poIlce and city crews in his valuable property In Slam would Music by Bill Tatro and his Hotel 81 Maple Street where a distinct tremor at 5 a. m., bo confiscated. The King also Is ex­ The Manchester Public Market most dally In an aiitorpo^e since Nonotuck orchestra featuring Mil­ 8:00 P. M. MIDLAND Searching Party Formed. (Oontlnnad on Page Two) ^Oontlnned on Page Two) clearing away debris and repairing that time she would not-make an (Central Standard Time) was fol­ pected to move to less pretentious dred Durant. Valuable PrIzM and besides a surprise for everyone. lowed by another four minutes Inter. Presdent Purchases the First damage. Lowland residents had re­ application for a llceiise until to­ — All Men Invited! — turned to their homes, many of quarters than the fine old English Seturday FILLING STATION Iowa, Kansas and Missouri points home he has been occupying. day. She would not hiive made the Admission 25c. 311 Main S t W. S. Grant Mgr. KINGSBURY AND HARV.VRD OX TAP. Cuba’s Political Factions which had been flooded by four The girls’ dancing classee will reported that windgws and dishes Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia to Asked whether the King's fl- Finest Quality Seafood application today hlid It not been were sharply rattled. March 1.—(AP)—Lady Margaret One; To SeD for from $25 five feet of water.’ for the fact UiaMt waa possible to meet aa follows; 9:30 to 10, begin­ ALSO BOCK BEER Want a Tiny Megatherium nances would permit him to con­ take the e x a lta tio n In. Manebes- ners; 10:30 to 11, tiny tots; 11 to Make Surprise Move; May Kansas CltJ’ apparently was on Young, wife of Major Sir Hubert tinue living in the present style, tha icr and als^diecure the license In 11:30, Intermediate; 11:30 to 12, ad­ the eastern edge of the area affect­ Young, governor of Northern to $1,000. secretary replied: "Of course not. RIGHTLY PRICED Manchesterwlthout having to go to vanced. ed. The shocks were felt aa far Rhodesia was missing today on an His Majesty cannot go on this way. Force President to Resign west as Grand Island, Neb., and Sat­ airplane flight over Africa jungle To Decorate Your Lawn? Fancy FVesh Cod Steak, or in piece to hake 12 l-2c Ib. the t r o u t o t going to Hartford af­ The boys' swimming classee will CALL STRIKE VOTE He will have to move to smaller ter iUy' also meet; 9:30 to 10:15, beginners; Bridge—Setback PUBLIC SETBACK ina, Kaa., and as far north aa Des country thick with lions and other quarters.” Fresh Boneless Fillet of Haddock, lb...... 19c Moines, la. Few persons at first wild animals. Washington, March 1—(AP) —A 10:15 to 11, intermediate; 11 to ceremony at the White House today The King’s action brings his 11- ^ s t tenter Cut Swordfish, lb...... 29c 11:45, advanced. Friday, Mar. 1,8 p. m. Havana, March 1— (A P )—Mutual realized they were experiencing an Lady Margaret, who was just re­ Chicago, March 1— (A P ) — For, ;,ductions of some o f the things that year-old nephew. Prince Ansndo, to Urge Butterfish. lb...... Tomorrow Night WHY itliiepoal' GIVES hostility to the regime of President earth tremor and the dull roaring was the signal putting the govern- OF AUTO WORKERS 29c The regular plunge period for covering from an attack of malaria, sale or exchange: A megatherium, scared the ancestors of today’s lit­ ment’a new "Baby Bonds” on sale In the steps of the throne. The boy is Chow^der Qams, 2 qts...... CHORAL SOCIETIES men will be held from 7 to 8 o’clock. MANCHESTER GREEN Carlo* Mendieta brought about con­ that accompanied the shocks led was accompanied on the air trip by 17 feet long, standing on hind legs tle fishes. the son of King Prajadhipok’s late ...... 25c solidation today of three opposition­ many to ask If there had been 14,000 postoffices throughout the Fresh Mew Oysters, p in t...... A public whist party will be held at Orange Hall a government physician. “Iccy" and "Plesy” date their an­ land. brother. Prince Mahidol, and Is now ,••••••29c COMMUNITY CUB ist parties, pledged to a program for explosion. that are eleven feet high; an In Lausanne with hla mother. the West Side Rec on Cedar street, MORE HEALTHFUL HEAT The plane in which sh* and the cestry back to the English and Ger­ were made for TO SING IN BOWL Play will start at 8 o’clock and AU Cosh Prizes! Prizes in Cash: First, $2.50; supplanting his administration with Called "Severe.” physician. Dr. A. Kirby, were travel­ ichthyosaurus and a plesiosaurus — man formations of the early Juras­ A. F. of L Organizer De­ Prince Mohtdol, who died In 1929, Frwh Made Fillet of Sole, I b ...... ,,, og- a seml-Parllamentary government. 'It nearly shook me out of bed,” Apply the Field Museum. President Roosevelt to make the prises will be awarded. Capital Prizes awarded for Tonr- second, $1.50; third, 75c; for ing, took off from here yesterday on sic Age—a long way back. They first purchase from Postmaster lived in the United States a number The move was sponsored by the said a resldfent of Manhattan, Kaa., If you want to make your antique- of years. He was known there as Several Have Already Arranged ney. New- Series begins both men ami women. a 200 mile flight to Lusaka, where were demons of the bathing beaches General Farley after a talk by Sec­ clares Time Has Come to NIarrh 8. nr ABC. Autentlcos and Menocal where earth shocks were last re­ Lady Margaret was to have joined collecting friends green with envy in their day. "Mr. Songkala’’ and studied medi­ Nice W hite Halibut Steak, lb...... '>Qr REASON No. 33 parties, frequently at loggerheads or acquire a couple of decorative retary Morgentbau explaining the Fancy .Mackerel, Ib...... ' ‘ to Take Part in “ Big Sing” ported October 21, 1929. Prof. Sir Hubert. She had left a hospital These plaster reproductions are new securities. cine at Harvard University. Later Home Made Coke and Coffee. PUBLIC INVITED 1 during (Tuba’s recently turbulent George E. Rabum of the physics de­ pieces for the garden plot, you’re he lived in Boston. Herrings, Ib. Saturda.v, June 1. ’ lin e rosT kItc. clean heat — tends only a short time before. described as copies of models made It Is the first time since World Test Strength o f Union. 10c •\n Weieomev Fee 25c. JOIN THE CROWD! political history. partment, Kansas State coUege, niien Last Seen advised to get in touch with Dr. by the eminent English geologist, King Prajadhlpok of Slam who no diul or toot ihroagh yoor home After agreeing to consolidate Stephen C. Simms, director o f the War days that the government has until a few years ago was_ the Among the choral aocletlea to Experienced said the quake probably was the The plane waa last seen near FTOf. Waterhouse Hawkins. So an made such arrangements to sell its — no nnheslthy fames. And when their Interests, the three groups se­ most severe the community had ex­ Kaloma, 100 miles along its route. museum. idea may be had as to whether they world’s only absolute monarch, O* - J . „ b a k e r y d e p t . participate in the concert in the securities to the "little fellow." Detroit. March l.— (A P )— Fran­ Yale ^w l on Saturday afternoon, yon born ’bine coal’ yoor home ii lected Dr. Jose A. Presno, former perienced. Observers said its engine appeared After years of faithful service, arc suitable in size for household showed little Inclination to discuss CanvaM crt rector of Havana University and the trio must go to make way for The "Baby Bonds," properly cis J. Dillon, American Federation June 1st, aa a part of the xtelebra- never overheated one time and too The aeismograpb of Mrs. Vernon to be functioning Improperly at that ornaments, that of "Iccy” is mount­ known aa United States Savings ...... now dean o f medicine to head the Seeburger in Des Moines waa sharp­ time. more and better ones of their kind, ed on a base 3 feet 10 Inches by 7 of Labor organizer, announced to­ (Oontlnned On Page Bight) tion of Connecticut's Tercentenary W anted chilly to Jive in a little while later. new government, which they would victims of the sad saga of progress. Bonds, will be In denominations day that a strike vote baa b « n call­ Home Madc German Rye Bread, piain or with’ ’ ' “ ‘ will be the following organizations; ly agitated 17 seconds before 5 Two planes unsuccessfully sur­ feet 10 inches, and that of "Plesy", ranging from $25 to $1,000. Which Rob’t K. Anderson *blne coal* tends a steady flow of set up In the event Mendieta should o’clock, she reported, and several Despite their historic Uncage, the 3 feet 10 Inches by 6 feet 2 inches. ed for among members of 176 Lo­ TREASURY BALANCE ...... 10c loaf Sta. Cyril and Methodist church Barney Wichman resign. veyed the area yesterday and one size the President Intended to buy cals In the motor car industry. The choir. Hartford. 9 votcei: five ao- for house to house trade to coxy, even warmth to every room citizens said they were awakened by continued the search today. A s)>e- museum has ordered them out Into The cast skeleton of "Meggle," Funeral Director for Critical Situation the cold, cold world. was not made known, but the first vote, he said, would be In protest pranoa. four altoa; The Travelera sell in your own territory. D.S.C. honr after hoar. Safegnard tha the "house shaking aa If by a hard, clal train was dispatched from Liv­ placed on the front lawn, would bonds printed of all the denomina­ Washington, March 1.—(AP)--- »5c lb. 2 lbs. 2.5c The sensational decision of Cuba’s gusty wind.” It’s the original cost rather than make an early morning vision of against the procedure of the Na­ The position of the Treasury on Choral Club, Hartford. 82 volcea: 34 health of yoor family this winter — political Hons and lambs to He down ingstone and proceeded slowly along tions were laid aside for his selec­ tional Automobile Labor Boanl. Bopranoa. 26 altoe. 14 tenora, 13 Must have own car and fur­ FOOT SPECIALIST WATKINS BROS., "Person* who have Uved through the line to Lusaka while a sharp the upkeep that will be Important pin)) elephants tame. It rears its February 27 was: decide now to barn ’blae coaF. together came as President Men­ tion. which has been holding cbUecUve baaaoa; Falcon Chopin Glee Club, nish food reference. California earthquakes say this un­ lookout waa maintained for the In the case of the megatherium. It 17 feet of length from a base 18 Receipts, $111,430,704.09: axpew- ...... 3SC dozen CHIROPODIST Inc. When in need of fnel — phone os dieta’* government faces a critical won’t eat, although it is a mamal Farky*s Instrnctioiis bargaining electlona in the indus­ dlturea, $88,849,937.83; balance, $2,. special (m Brookfield Loaf Cheese in niece Ib •>=ie Newr Brtaln, 25 voices; 12 tenora, 13 doubtedly was an earthquake," said missing pair. inches high, J6 feet 9 inches long by Postmaster General Farley, whose try. and say 'blue coal*. situation in the threat of a general W. S'. Belden, government meteor- and very, very thin. In fact, a skele­ 5 feet 10 inches wide. 085J)07,060.26; custema receipts fop Royal Scarlet Flonr, 24 1-2 lb. sack, sp ecia l...... 98e bosaoa; New Britain Quartette Club, Apply in person. 858 Main S t, Bnbtaow BaUdlag A second train carrying a doctor, department has been designated as Dillon declined to estimate the New Britain. 30 voices; 15 tenora. New Funeral Home strike, growing out o f the school ologUt at St. Joseph, Mo. "We have ton—a cast of a skeleton, in truth. The megatherium In his time had the month. $23,S64,094AL CaipbeU’s Tomato Soup, 3 cans for .* ^ . ! j j !! j ! S Phone: 5280 walkout ambulance and medical supplies left Since the time of Eve the family the sale agency for the security, has number of men who might become 2 IS baaaoa. no instrumenta at the government enroute to Pemba where the young a South American address, Judgrlng R s^ipts for the fiscal year (stee* 142 East Center Street The movement already has result­ tree o f the ichthyosaurus and the Instructed postmasters and their involved In a strike, but said mem­ July 1), $2,255,037,020.45; expeodi* Choral groups from all parts of Office Hours: 8 to 6. observatory to record earth tremors, Sir Hubert la joining in the search. from skeletons that have been staffs to give every assistance to WACHTEL’S THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. ed In the resignation of five mem- but about 6 o’clock I was awakened plesiosaurus, reptiles, have been in found. Tliat old relative of an ant- bership was growing steadily. tures, $4,505,487,SMA9 (IncmdiaB. DIAL 5111 Connecticut are planning to partici­ Open Evenings, 7 to 8. Tel.: Coal Lumber • Masona’ Snpplles - Paint A motor patrol is searching the prospective purchasers. The Automobile Labor Board In pate and the entire chorus may ex­ 380 Front S t, Hartford by what sounded Hke a very targe ill-repute,, but neither of these dark eater’s anceatora was nearly aa $2438.835,717.12 of emergency Office 5171. House 7494. (CoaUnnsd eo Page Two) country In North Kalomo and na­ green chaps will tempt any Adam Portraits of three Democratic elections held In various plants so penditures); exceoa of i ceed tour tbouHhd votce^ 8S8 No. Main St. TeL 4t48 truck lumbering down the street" tives are being questioned closely. large as an elephant, except that Its with an apple. They are Just repro- underpins were shorter. j $2450.450,348.44; gold J. .(OwtteMd M Page Two) (Ooattaned m Page Bight) 023,760,7^40. 4 master of the occasion and Intro­ knack of making a succm s o f Three Years Ago Tonight HIIIER HAILED GEORGE HOOVER IS duced aa speakers Henry Needles, undertakings. T Hartford district manager for War­ Mr. Hoover was presented with a handaome end tehic, the preaentv ner Brothers; James. McCarthy, Lindy Baby Was Kidnaped BngUghRutn Wing Two For^ tlon speech being made by U r . AS SAAR BASIN manager of the Strand Theater tn tunes At Monte Carlo Min GUEST AT DINNER Weden! BUI Falcone, proprietor of Hartford; Carl Jamroga, represent­ the State Shoe Repairing Shop, who utes Before Train Time. A ir Reduo ...... New Tork, March 1.— ( A P ) — .'.atatc police directed the kidnaping ing the ushers at the State Theater; is a tenant In the State theater Three yeera meo tualght Colonel j investigation, declined to eae yeg- GOES jp REICH Alaska Jun ...... 17 Aaron Cook, chairman of tho Board block and 9 great admirer of Mr. MoaU Carlo, March Charles A . Lindbergh shouted . to terday whether his men still were M u t t Trtodi Lacking am Allied Chem ...... I3 5 q of Selectmen; Captain Herman Hoover, had a gift of his own for ( A P ) — Edward Robson, an That to Malic’’ to Be Friends Give Him Testimon­ his wife, "Annie, they’ve stolen our j active. Lieutenant James Finn, who (OoeUaesd Fm o Pog« One) A m Can ...... 118 Schendel, Elmer Weden and Jack the transferred manager. Mr. Fal­ Bnfliahman, had esUbtlahed Bank Stocks baby," and then, rifle in hand, dash-1 ird the "Llndbe!rgh squad" In New Am Com Also . Sanson, who will succi^ Mr. cone's presentation speech proved something of a tradition today .. 89% Bid ed into the darkness to York, obsc'ved that, "so far as wc In the name of the LeagMS o f N%> Traden Are CaoKons — A m Rad St 8 .... Hoover. to be the "hit" of the evening. for amazing good fortune la .. n q Cap Nat Bank A Trust > Mrs. Mary L. Grazladio, past Preseoted m High School ial— Leaves for Spring- kidnapers. are concerned, the case Is closed.” tions, which administered the pro- Am S m e lt ...... Mr. Needles, In his remarks which The community's business, offi­ last minute whirls at the rou­ .. 8914 Conn. Rivar ...... 450 tVilloe of the world took up the "W e will, of course.” Finn said, tecUve area from the day the Treaty A T and T ...... priBldcnt of the Rockville Emblem eulogized Mr. Hoover, traced his cial, social and fraternad life was lette wheel. Many Losses Recorded. . . l o s q Htfd. Conn. Truat . . . 61 Stomach sick all night—qo desire search, spent a fortune— New Tork "Inveatigate any good clues that of Versalllaa became effeoUve, Baron Am Tob B ...... club and the present deputy HaD-AO Male Cast field Tomorrow. rapid advancement In the theater well represented at the dinner. A year ago today Robson .. 8014 Hartford National . . . 22% to eat?— then try Nursola-Antacid City alone expended an estimated turn up, but since Hauptmann's ar­ Pompeo Aloisl of Italy, formally Am Wat Wka .... business and pointed to the remark­ The other speakers united in gave the whsel a final play Just .. l o q Phoanix St. B. „nd T ... 170 preme president, has Instituted a Powder sold by the Center Phar­ 9800,000— but until the arrest of rest we have had none and have no transferred the territory to German Anaconda ...... able increase In attendance and making known their sincere regret Before he left the CastM to New Tork, Manh 1 — (A P ) new club in Bridgeport, No. 54. Tho macy. It gives instant relief and Bruno Hauptmann last fall they' good reason to look for any.” sovereignty. Armour, III, ..... Insuranee Stocks "Set That To Music.” a comedy In noteworthy Improvements at tho at Mr. Hoover’s going, emphasizing oateh his train for London. He DefinlU trende were etUl lacking in .. 4T4 formal Institution of the new club abaorh* most every ordinary caae of George Hoover waa made to feel could report only one outstanding : . Wilbelm Prick, former Nsal mln- Atchleott ...... Aetna Casualty' ...... 65 State theater aa examples of Mr. that his transfer will be "Sprlng- won 400,000 francs. today’e financial markets and se- .. 4 o q will take place Monday evening, Candied ginger mixed with mayon­ acidity. Sella for 49c a bottle. three acts, will be presented tn the the genuine affection and high discovery: the body of the baby. leter of., interior accepted the terri­ Auburn ...... Aetna Fire ...... 47 Hoover's executive ability and hts fleld’s gain and Manchester’s loss." A s train- tlnae approaehtd to­ curltles and aUplei, generally, .. 2214 March 4 at 8:30 at the Elks Home naise can be used for stuffing peach high school auditorium, tonight at esteem in which he Is held by sixty Now, on the third anniversary of tory In tbs name of the Reich and Aetna U fe ...... 17% 8 EXPEa INCREASr^ day, the Englishman, having Aviation ciorp . . . ' 4 in, Bridgeport. The supreme presi­ or pear salads. Out of twenty screen-tested appU- of those who knew him, at a testi­ that fatal night, Hauptmann is In I backed and filled lleticeely. Automobile ...... 25 o'clock, by John Mather Chapter, the plebescite was fulfiflcd. tost all hla fuada, hem wotf n Balt and Ohio ... lO's dent, Mrs. John Clark of Providence, canta, W alter W anger has selected monial dinner given in Castle Farms N ew Jersey’s death house, convict-1 A few metale and ecattered spec- Conn. General ...... 27% Order of DeMolay. The play, a rol- Troopers Arrive. smati turn from a friaad. He Bendtx ...... - i 4 q R. I., will be in charge. An Invita­ Jean Rouverol for a principal role Inn last night. ed as the sole perpetrator of the j iMtIee nceountad for what little life Hartlbrd Fire'...... OO Pie Crust Heipa. locklng, fast moving college affair, IN SPRING TIUDE In connection with the transfer placed It on No. IT. The num­ Beth Steel ...... - 26% tion to attend the ceremony has in "Private Worlds” with Claudette Mr. Hoover, who haa been mana­ kidnap-kUling. etocke exhibited. Here and there Hartford Steam Boiler 74% Fit pie crust for a one-crust pie has to do with the “Ked” toaternity seven columns of Storm Troopers ber earns up three times run- Beth Steel, pfd .. . 69 been mailed to clubs all over the Colbert. ger of the State theater since ' Has the case bee.i solved? Mbetantlal gafeu were recorded. National Fire ...... M into pra, letting edges extend batf fellows who have created a building (Contlnaed From Page One) each 1.000 strong crossed the ob­ Blng, Can Pao ...... state, and It ta expected a number August. 1933, has been promoted to ' Completely, says Attorney Gen­ There were aa many loeers, how- . 11% Phoenix Fire ...... 75% an inch over the rim. I f there is fund and are getting all possible fi­ literated frontier which until today W ith only ten minutes to Case, J. I...... from this vicinity will attend. Mrs. The pleasure and convenience of the managership of the Capitol ' B lue S unoco ■ 69% eral David 'T. Wllentr of New Jer­ evar, and the trading volume, even Traveler* ...... 400 more than that, trim off with scis­ nancial subscriptions in their effort disc needs, particularly in the wear­ separated the Saar Basin from Its oatch his train, Robeon daahed Cerro de Paeoo .. Grazladio, recently Instituteo a new the cabinet sink you buy now will Theater in Springfield and will as- I sey. the prosecution chief. emaller than In yeaterdsy's dull e«* . 43% sors. Pinch the edges with fin­ to procure sufficient money to build ing apparel, furniture, hardware, homeland. off richer by >00,000 francs Ches and Ohio .,. PnbUc L’tlllttea Stocks club In Stamford, and her record so last you for years. Its smartness sume his new duties tomorrow. Absolutely not, say the defenders •Ion, further darkened the outlook - 43, gers. Whefi pie crust bakes it and furnish a new “frat" house. The and electrical appliance divisions.” The military detachment marched (approximately $1>,800). Chrysler ...... Conn. Elec Serv ..... 33 The dinner was given for the of Hauptmann. for the commleelon houeee. Stimu­ . 45% far this year exceeds that of any shrinks. Placing it in the pan loose­ In the kitchen will never die out. A wealthy uncle of one of the boys has On wholesale trade. It was re­ along seven different roads and occu­ Coca Cola ...... Conn. Power .... 81% other supreme deputy. three-fold purpose of recognizing In any event, the case still has lating bewa w *a eearce and huyere .179% ly allows for this. 42 Inch size cabinet sink Is only promised to donate a dollar for ported,. "while individual orders are pied the nearest villages, where they Ck)l Carb ...... Greenwich. W AG,. pfd. 47 his sterling traits of character, ol I GAS and aeiler* unueuaUy timid. . 79% $39.95 at Mon%|omery W a rd ’s. The some loose ends to be gathered up. running larger and trade generally joined with tfie inhabitants in cele­ every dpilar subscribed, providing expreasing appreciation for his ' O ralni and cotton were eplritlcea Col Oae and Elec . Hartfoni Elec ...... 5314 Coooannt Cream Pie. larger sinks are proportionally Perjury Oiarges Is progressing at a saUsfactory brating the restoration. OPPOSITION UNITES *■% girls may be allowed as associate and eecondary bonde inclined to re- GomI Bolv ...... Hartford Gas ...... 34 priced. The metal cabinet of the many kind acts in donating the ii.se ■ Prosecutor Anthony J. Hauck of paee, the volume of business placed . 2 0 % One cup cocoanut, 3-4 cup sugar, members. The offer of dollar for NUr A STATION Once the League of Nations au­ w t under profit Uking. The Brtt- Cons Gas ...... do-, pfd...... 47 sink has chromium fittings, making of the theater for public and char- i Hunterdon county, where Haupt­ In whelesale markets was smaller . 18% 1 3-4 cups milk, 2 level tablespoons dollar Is very tempting; but Pro- thority had ceaswl, the German offl- AGAINST MENDIETA leh pound w *e again depressed in O n s Oil ...... S N E T C o ...... 105 it even more attractive. The pat­ liable events and of revealing to ' mann was tried, hopes to knot a than that recorded a week earlier. - 7% cornstarch, 2 eggs, pinch of salt. fessor McPherson, advisor to the T A X m 9 SERVICE clale Went immediately to City Hall, Cant C a n ...... THE MARINESi tern of the sink allows for plenty of "Sweet Music”, Rudy Vallee's latest film release, comes-to the State him that he is regarded in town aa i bunch of them- He will seek per­ The lull Is viewed as only tempora­ terms of the dollar and gold ourren- . 72 Manufacturing Stocks Add egg yolks to milk, sugar, and ’’Keds,” Is adamant when the sub­ 126 Hartford Road where Frick Inducted Joseph clte. Corn Prod ...... draw space. theater Sunday for three days. Ann Dvorak will be seen in the support­ a “ real good fellow." Tel. 3866 jury Indictments against four of ry x x x. Much of the spring buy­ (OsaManod Prom Pngn One) . 64% Am Hardware ...... 20% w i i comstaTch. Cook until thick, using ject of women Is mentioned. Butrickel as "UtUe Dictator” of the Shares of U. B. ffmelUng, Howe Del Lack and Wn HAVE LANDED ing role. Harold W. Garrlty was toast­ Hauptmann’s witnesses, he has ing Is yet to be completed x x x.” valley. . . 14 Am Hosiery ...... 20 a double boiler. Remove from Are The boys, however, feeling certain Bound, Cerro Oe Paeco and Amerl- rightin' ■— Smashin* Mixed Orill. said. Orders for dry goods and general hers of the Cabinet. Unconfirmed DuPont '’T ...... 92% Arrow H and H, com. 15 and add 2-3 cup cocoanut. Pour it they can prevail upon "M ac” to A ll through the night preceding e u Braelting, appaiently rcfle iituti Much of the 850.000 ran.som textile lines were reported barely nimors circulated today to the ef­ Eastman Kodak .. .121% do., pfd...... 100 Sons-u-Guns! In a baked crust. Beat whites for 2 Frankfurters yield, accept the offer made by W a l­ formal ceremonies Saarlanders, their 4 Slices Bacon which Colonel IJndbergh paid In even with the total of the previous fect that the President himself was high etlver prices, got up i to 9 Elec and Mus ... - 7% Billings and Spencer.. % meringue and sprinkle cocoanut on lace Stearns, but are suddenly everyone that he has the interest of ers team at Wooster alleys, Hart­ spirits undampened by the steady points. Coca-Cola advanced 4, Coi- in vain for the return of Charles. Jr„ week, but mail orders this week preparing to withdraw from office. Elec Auto Lite .. .. 42 Bristol Brass ...... 3414 top. Brown In oven slightly. 1 Parboiled Sweet Potato cut thrown Into a panic when they re­ his beloved college most deeply at ford. rain, parailed through the streets of half. his first-born, has yet to be found. were part'cularly heavy for dress Colonel Fulgencla Batista, whom ^ b l * Pteturee Certifleates recover- Gen Elec ...... 2 2 % Case, Luckwood and B 140 ceive a wire from uncle, announcing heart. 9:00— Talcottville Senior Saarbruecken in enthusiastic cele­ w . Improvement was shown 2 Large Mushrooms Between the act* Tony O’Bright, The state believes most of it was accessories and Jewelry. bration. the rumors of Mendleta’e resigna­ Gen Foods ...... 34% Collin.s Co...... on ithat he wishes to shake the hand of gym. m Internetional Bueinese Machines. 2 Halves Canned Peaches. spent before Hauptmann's arrest "Industrial operations,” It was tion named as successor to the Gen M o to rs ...... 29% Colt’s F ir e a r m s ...... 28 Loveliest of ail the new, drama­ one of the fair co-eds before con­ accompanied by Kenneth Hudson at Saturday The Influx of military organiza­ Gllddtn, Great Western Sugar, Butter, Brown Sugar and the bills will continue to trickle stateil. ’'were lowered slightly dur­ President In the role of a military Gillette ...... - 14% Eagle Lock ...... 20 tic evening gowns for spring are the tributing to the fund and so to ex­ the piano, will play selections on the 9:00 a. m.— Grade school tions garbed in their multleolorod ^ban-American Sugar, American Maltre d'Hotel Butter in from Innocent holders. Less than ing the week, due to the curtailed dictator, conferred throughout the Gold Dust ...... 17% Fafnlr Bearings ...... 65 laces and chiffons with long sleeves pect him on morning train. xylophone. Following the perform­ gym, 9-11. 815,000 was recovered from the car­ uniforms daxtied the Inhabitants of Commercial Alcohol, U. 8 . Indue- Brush the mushrooms and potato schedules adopted hy steel and tex­ the valley. night with army officials at Oilum- Hershey ...... 78 Fuller Brush, Class A. 7 under which your Jeweled bracelets The quandry, what to do? And ance there will be dancing to a six- 10:00 a. m.— Older penter. trial Alcohol, Santa Fe, Southern halves with butter and sprinkle the Boys gym, tile mlUa, and the lessened activity bla. Hudson Motors ... . '9 U Gray Tel Pay Station. 9% glitter in a demure sort of way all are relieved when “SI” Brooks of­ piece orchestra. It Is considered a 12-15. Col. H. Norman flchwarxkopf, In a radfc address to the German Pacific and American Con. Canada potatoes with a little brown sugar. at centers producing rubber goods, int Harv ...... 39% Hart and Cooley .... 80 They mold-the v/aistllne and hips— fers a solution by wiring his sister fine, full evening’s entertainment at who as head of the New Jersey nation later in the day, Frick de­ p ry drMjped more than a point, and Arrange ail ingredients on the broil­ 11:00 a. m.— Older Boys gym. Jewelry andd food proproducts.” ‘ (Tol. Carlo* Mendleta haa been Int Nick ...... ■ 23% Hartmann Tob, com.. _ these ethereal creations that look asking her to pose as one of the co­ a very reasonable price. Reserved clared, "the hour of liberation has B. Steel, American Telephone, 15-17. provisional prealdent of Cuba since Johns Manvllle . , . do., pfd...... 23 like a designer’s dream come true— ing rack and broil under a low scats maybe purchase 1 at the door. come." Chrysler, General Motors, Westing- . 45% eds. But being fickle and feminine, 2:00 p. m.— CJhris. McCormack's Jan. ]g, 1934. Re was the fourth Kennecott ...... Int Silver ...... 20 billow about the feet and appear to flame. Serve on a platter and poi\r "tv * want to be free like our fore­ house, Johne-Manville, Consolidated . 15% she changed her mind at the last group gym. President In rapid succeselon fol­ Lehigh Val ...... do., pfd...... 87 hide back and arms, though they on Maltre ’Hotel butter. Serves 2. fathers.” he said. "W e will never Gaa and numerous others were . 37 minute and thus it becomes neces­ 4:00 p, m.— Volleyball game. lowing the revolutionary overthrow IJgg and Myers .B Landers, Frary A Clk. 35% really don’t at all. To make Maltre d'Hotel butter: again tolerate that the German about unchanged to fractionally .106 sary to draft Arthur Cadman, who 6:30 p. m.— Bucharro's club gj’ra. of Gen. Gerardo Machado, dictator Loew’e ...... New Brit. Mch., com. With a wooden spoon cream 4 table­ land be forcibly taken away." . 35% 5 is noted for his female Impersona­ Y. M. C . A. Notes 7:45 p. m.— C3olt Girls basketball of Cub* for eight years. Lorillard ...... do., pfd...... 40 You’ll love them in soft pinks and spoons of butter In a bowl, until German Ia>yaJty The car loadings figures for . 20% tion roles. Into service. game. “ 11th” Hour Mendleta repeatedly haa announc­ the Monsanto Chem . Mann A Bow, Class A 3 blues that look like an April sky soft. Add 1-2 teaspoon salt, 1 tea­ The mlni.ster of Interior recalled week ended Fob. 38, proved a nega- . 59 How Arthur, in the guise of the 8:45 p. m.— Watkins " Y " basket­ ed that he w a* holding the Presl- Mont W ard ...... do.. Class B ...... _ after a spring rain, in gray the spoon chopped parsley and 2 tea­ Friday the loyalty of German peoples be­ tlve Influence. The total of 553,8UU . 25 coquetting Fanny Brooks, convinces ball game vs. Barnbaum team from lientlBl office until the election of a N at Biso ...... shade of a dove’s breast and in all spoons of lemon juice. Blend until yond the borders of the Reich. cars was a decrease of 29,086 under . 26% North and Judd ...... 27% George's uncle that girls are an .ac- 4:00— Girls clubs gym. New Britain. SPECIAL regularly constituted President. Nat Cash Reg .... Niles, Bern P o n d ...... i i William Haines the other dusty pastels. If you're well mixed and serve. "W e reniembcr," he .said, "all Ger­ the previous week, but this decline 15% i ceptable factor in the organization 5:15— Business Men’s volleyball. Ever since the overthrow of Nat Dairy ...... Peck. Stow and Wilcox In a bit weary of the ubiqultuous god- For .‘Saturday and Monday man plebiscites north, south, east woe said to have been about season- 18% 3 I and how he causes the austere Prof, 6:30— Nort' End Jrs. gym. T" Mechedo, fulgenclo Batista, who Nat Distillers ...... Russell M f g ...... 15 eta. you'll like skirts that achieve ^ r n Bread. /• and west, for German loyalty proved al. ^ 26% i McPherson to change his mind com- 6:45— Cubs club meeting. served as a sergeant under Mach­ N Y Central...... Scovill ...... 20 hemline fullness by means of smock­ 1-2 cup cornmeal Itself a thousand-fold. Today the Although market analysts were The Marines 1 1-2 cups flour j pletely on the subject of women 7:30— Young Women's gym and ado, has been In command of the NY NH and H ...... 4 ^ .Stanley W orks 32 ing or shirring in sections below the flags of the Third Reich will unfurl army. not especislly pessimistic, few of 4 teaspoons baking iHjwdcr j creates a whirlwind of mirth. The basketball practice. Foi-rnal Noranda ...... Standard Screw ..... 80 hips or by princess silhouettes whose over a free Saar and annoiinced to them could find any satisfactory 1 teaspoon salt cleverness of the professor in 8:00— Young Men’s club meeting. Reveral attempts have been made North Am ...... 11^ do., pfd., guar...... 100 Are Coming gores get wider and fuller at the and Semi Foi*mal Uie world the liberty of the German reasons why stocks ehoiild stage s 1 cup milk thwarting tjie rivals convinces 8:00— " Y " bowling team vs Travel- made against the lives of both Packajd ...... 20 Smythe Mfg. Co...... 47 With bottom. Boar people.” ilendieU and Batista. The Presi­ pronounced and sustained rally. In 1-2 cup sugar Phil Pete ...... 14 q Taylor and Fenn .... — The formalities of the transfer dent Was woundeil slightly last June some quarters it was pointed out 2 tablespoons corn oil (gcjierous) l*ub Serv N J ...... 21 Torrlngton ...... 75 ARMIDA Wraps and accessories are as w er* rounded off with perfect Ger­ 15 by a bomb explosion. thAt political and economic tinccN 1 egg Radio ...... ; 5 Underwood .Mfg Co .. 57 glamorous as the gowns themselves. man organization and dispatch with One of the chief factors opposed taintlee are sUll so plentiful that PLUS ------Mix egg, milk and oil. Sift dry Gowns traders and investors are naturally Rem Rand ...... p n Union Mfg, Co...... 2 Full-length capes of summer velvet the exception of one all-important to President Mendleta’s administra­ ingredients and add to first mix­ Rey Tob B ...... 47 q U S Envelope, com... 90 swing free from necklines to the for the Makonic Hall point a pen point. tion in recent months has been the hesitant to take any determined ture. Bake in a twelve by eight Scars Roebuck ...... do., pfd...... 114 floor and give you a feeling of lux­ A TTENTION!- ^ No pen luul been prtivlded for students, always a |iotltlral power in IH>sition. The markets were Inter­ 33 inch pan in oven 375 degrees F for Socony Vac ...... 13 Vender Root ...... 3 9 % | | F a t h e r ury that makes your personality ‘a.klgnlng the protocol, any I.atln country.. ested, but not partlrularly impress­ twenty minutes. So Pac ...... 15 Whitlock Coll Pipe ... —- twice as sclntilating. Even newer In the last few weeks the stud- ed by word from Washington that a found^ could be than these are chiffon wraps MEMBERS LOCAL No. 2125 snU ha\w organisad a virtually compromise is likely In the work-re­ So W r y ...... J.B.Wll’ms Co. 810 par 60 GO W N S of lief row. stand Brands ...... to be worn over crepe and heavy AND ALL OTHERS INTERESTED nation wide strike. President Men- B r o w n sheer dresses. Dotted Net dlotu yesterday characterised the The financial district was a bit Stand Gas and E l ...... *' 2>i IN UNION PRINCIPLES.... strike as "Communistic.” confused regarding the foralgn ex­ Stand Oil Cal ...... 29'>i THREE HILUON CHINESE change situation. The price of bar Stand Oil N J . . ; ...... 337^ Cascading Chiffon NEW “ BABY BONDS” ^ D e te c tiv e era. auspices of Manchester Lodge goltl In lx)ndnn was pusherl up j Tcxa.s C o r p ...... '7...... ifisj What You*ve Been Asking For! Metalasse Crepe shilling today to 145 shillings 1 Trans America ...... 5 with Mdnehester of Masons. REPORTED AS STARVING penny an ounce, another record Union Carb ...... 47 PLACED ON SALE March 18.— Ye Old Time School, ABOUT TOWN high. The dollar equivalent at this Union P a c ...... ” 94 ^ V/ Walter St. James’s choirs, at High school Lace hall. A UNION MADE SHOE (Continued firmt Page One) rate Is 185.09. Bar sliver was a'so Unit Aircraft C orp ...... 114. Date Book The Everyman’s Bible doss will Connolly March 19. 20. 21, 22.— Herald Taffeta advanced 3-8 of a cent an ounce to Unit corp ...... i t J (Continued From Page One) omit its regular Sunday morning 56 7-8 cents, a new top since 192!'. UnUjTas Imp ...... 7*^ PAUL LUKAS Cooking school, morning at 10, Wear Norton’a by George .session at the Second Congrogatlon- Presidents and one Republican ap­ Tonight State theater. U S Rubber 34q Union Made Shoes! .... up-to-the minute in ‘ Mission worker Bl rhurch and attend In • body the pear on the face of tho new securi­ March. 23.—Tall Odars formal Regular $7.76 and I12.9.S "«»tmlnster, British Co­ U S Smelt ...... )n the Stage— ' March 1.—"Set Thtt To Music,” Rast Hartford Bible class. The ...... ties. The 825 bonds bears a picture dance. Sunset Ridge Country club.’ style and workmanship lumbia, to Dr. Robert ‘ U S Steel ...... 32 U Tonight Only a comedy in three acta, given by ---- ’ Values. Brown of speaker will be Harlan D. Crowell of George Washington, while the March 25.— Educational club lec­ V 'hicago, COSMOPOLITAN CLUB Vick Chem ...... 35 >4 John Mather Chapter, Order of De­ A _ r- ■ •uperlntendent of the of Stamford, Conn., who Is president likenes" of Jefferson api>cars on the ture at Hollister street school. at a price based on a fair AmericanIcai Wiihu General hospital. West Union ...... 26 Radio Amateur Molay, at High school hall. Special of the National Federation of Bible $500, and Lincoln on the $1,000 unit. March 26.—Annual concert of O It waM this same hospital which West Elec and Mfg Tomorrow classes, of which the Incsl class Is ARTISTS ANNOUNCED 3714 Treasury spokesmen said it wne the Night Clef club at Emanuel Lutheran deal for all. WooIworUi ...... March 2.—Zipser Club entertain­ a member. A t 8 o’clock the Every­ 64% first time a picture of Woodrow church. ^ e bahy, resciie.1 from an ahandon- ment and dance at Tinker ball. man's Bible class will hold Its an­ Wllsno had been u.scd on a public TODAY - SATURDAY .^ rll 22.— Formal ball of Knights Next Week .95 and .h.eH tbe ab- nual evening meeting at the Second debt security of the United States. of (Jolumbus. $5 parents. Secure three Bay State Sing­ March 3.—Annual meeting Brit- Evening t-Mngregatlonal church. The giiest HOSPITAL NOTES The bonds were offered for sale April 29.— Tenth annual concert VVrttIng from Suancheng In the STATE iih-Am erican club; 2 p. m., Orange speaker will be Rev. H. B. Leach ers for Their Musical to Be on a discount basis, which mean* of Beethoven Glee club at High famine area, Birch said: hall. who will tell of the Chaco war. a Held March 8. that the interest accumulation will school. 3-00 famine engulfs us John Richmond of ^62 Middle March 4.—Annual Masonic Ball Black, brown and the $ $10.75 kubjoct he is well quallfled to be deduced from the purchase price, May 13.— (Tentative). Concert by hie to write you for Turnpike East, Miss Ruth Dow of 88 at State Armory. new sport shades. handle after living 18 years In the bond being paid off on maturity High school chorus and orchestra Snlh hf this area is Mrs. R. K. Anderson and Mrs. Larabee street. East Hartford and March 9.— Annual turkey eupper G o w n s Mexico and Smith America. Chester at High school hall. ^ th o u t f(%od and the remainder U Mrs. John Miller of 241 Gardner at par. If held for the full ten Shields will play the cornet and the William Ruth, the committee tn and entertainment, S t M a ^ e street were admitted ono Martin years' maturity, they are graded to church, by Girls' Friendly society. ‘’’* „ * '‘ '«® condition, Men’s chorus will sing. The public yield 2.9 per cent to the investor, MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW AT ueathe are heavy. charge of the Cosmopolitan Club’s Kschus of Buckle.nd, Mr*. Bonaven- Also annual banquet of Dllworth- and will be welcome. annual musical, tho date of which compounded semi-annually. Bireh ssld budding crops have ture Hayes and Infant son of 18 Hol­ FRED E. Cornell Post American Legion, at is Friday, March 8, at Center church alriuidy been eaten rendering a con­ lister street, Mrs. Helen Cntlet of Orange hall. ABOUT TOWN tinued famine eertatn J. M. Clemlnehaw, who Is head of parlors, today announced the artiste B n b ln g iw f g 852 Main street and Miss Stella In Pnrl.s, a school has been es­ March 6.— Quarry club, Osono’s. the company making the revaluation they have secured for the concert NORTON’S March 8.— Annual spring musical Sunday Nite ’ ‘■■IN tha of the town of Manchester, today Tumlcneky of 18 Union street were tablished to teach the various WERNER Miss Ruth (jheney of Porter street 847 Main Street Rubinow Building: streets these days,^’ he wrote, "with at 3 o’clock. They are Albert Ray­ of Cosmopolitan club at Center moved his fam ilj into the former discharged Wednesday. branches of the motion picture in­ has enrolled for the March class In misery and death evervhere ’ mond, baritone; Wesley Copple- church house. Cooper home In Hllllardvllle. which stone, tenor and Bernard J. O'Con­ Elisabeth Ulnofll of 48 Biesell dustry, from production to distribu­ INSTHIUTOH : nurses' training at the Mary Hitch­ "I- hear such things," he eohtln- tion, by radio. March 9.— Third annual dance of ucu. **a» five of a family of aeven he has leased for eight months. nor, pianist. street was admitted and Victor Ver- cock Memorial hospital, Hanover, ville of 127 Bisscll street, Mrs. Local 2125, Odd Fellows hall. Frocks starved to death. A man ellm h ^ a A ll three young men are from PIANO and ORGAN Coming Events N . H. Miss Cheney, who Is the Luther Hudson and infant daughter hill to cut fuel and fell dead. W om ­ Seleclmsn Sherwood G Bowers Boston University. Mr. Raymond March 15.—"Pomander Walk," daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard of 46 School street, Mrs. Elizabeth Real Bengal tigers, descendants en with babies, exhausted and de­ voiced opposition yesterday to the received the degree of Bachelor of ! Htudlu: I2H rvest ttizeel Sock and Buskin club. High school C!heney, was a member of the first Wright of 71 Dcimont street were of animals which escaped from a spairing, laid down to die.” new bill and amendment regulating music in 1931 and Mr. O'Connor In PhoneI 888$ hall. mid-season graduating class from A t Greatly Reduced Prices. discharged yesterday. arc found wild in Mexico, it Birch said children were being peddlers' fees, at a hearing before 1932. Mr. Copplestone graduated wrecked circus train 22 years ago, March 16.— Ball of Ancient Order Manchester high school. ^eek- End Specials "old for one Mexican dollar each at the cities and boroughs committee with an A. B. degree In 1981. Mrs. Josephine Stairs o f 81 Tan­ of Hibernlana'at Country club. Where’s Peter?” Formerly priced at $9.98 to one year of age. et the State Cnclptol. Mr. Raymond Is the baritone solo­ ner street and Kenneth Bleu of 223 Also 32nd anniversary celebration The current number of the W a r ist at the Unitarian church In W in­ Oak street were admitted today. .^11.98 they are now selling: in "Save the children Is the big need of Daughters of Liberty, No. 125, L. Cjry, the official organ of the Salva­ chester, Mass., and is in groat de­ Did You Say? He’ll Be Found which Is possible for a few dollars Miss Marion Yerke, of 61 Tanner The hospital census today Is 46 O. L. I„ at Orange hall. tion Army, carries a cut of the Sal­ mand for solo work bv women's liaticnts. — ^at— each If only the funds were forth­ ■treet. a student In the freshman March 17.— Open meeting for" vation Army band of forty years coming,’’ his letter concluded. Clubs and other organleatlons. He clasr at the University of Vermont, Catholic women, afternoon, St. ago. There are a number of the TONIGHT AT Dr. Brown said his hospital would Is also a teacher of voice and has LISTEN TO to the Kappa The Idaho department of agricul­ James’s hall. bandsmen in the picture who are •tudetiti In Boston, Marlboro and contribute to the relief admlnlatra- Alpha Theta eororlly. ture has planted a oapling from the Also concert at State theater by still active Salvationists while others tlon If any funds could be raised. Fitchburg. Mass. WfINIES t U O L O M first apple tree which grew in the Sphinx Temple band and entertaln- have passed on. In the foreground ST. BRIDGET’S HALL Mr. Ooppiestone U the tenor solo­ AMERICA Elmore Ryan and James Moynl- state 97 years ago and will preserve is seated a small boy with a regula­ $ 4 - 9 8 to s 7 - 9 8 VV\K VfrTEHA.N IIIKS ist In the same church where Mr. ban have taken over the manage­ It for posterity. tion bandsman’s cap on his head 8:15 P. M. It only costs 35c to And out all about it. New Haven. March 1. (AT)__ Raymond sings and Is devoting his Vged California Winea ,69c full quart ment of the Rainbow Dance Hall and in his hand an old-time cymbal. riiunias J. Reilly of tills city, a entire time to the singing profes­ APPLAUD Rolton, for Saturday nights, start­ The lad ta now Major Edwin J. Per- W orld W a r veteran, and one of 30 sion. He has been studying for sev­ PROGRAM OF THE WEEK ing tomorrow night. For their first rett of New York City. Others read­ men selected by the II. S. forces In eral years with Stephen Townsend John U Straight Bourbon Crab Orchard, Straight Saturday night dance, Ryan and Something' New! ily recognized are Edward C. Elliott, France during the w ar to campaign of Boston, and this year sang the S t a t e T h e a t e r . Bourbon. sK« Moynihan have engaged a well- Sr., Thomas Hopper, Samuel Bur­ 8 months. os -« ^ ^ in America for the sale of LlWrty .Messiah for William Zruchs at the. known colored band from Hartford gess, William Atkinson, George Mc­ Full quart . $ ,4 5 / Ikinds died today In .S|. Raphael's to play for modem and old faahlon- First tihiirch of Boston In one of tho RAINBOW 8 UN.“- MON. - TUBS. Full quart,. ^ 1 ,4 5 / 1 Cormick, Thomas Hewitt and Wil­ hospital. .Sunday afternoons of music for March 8, 4, 6 ed dancing. A feature of the eve­ DANCE H A LL liam Hatma. Sherbrook Straight Ryo, ning will be a prise waltz for which which that director and church has RUDY VAIXEE a cosh award wilt be made. a Justly famous reputation. Saturday Night In Bazaar Whi.skev, CAMPBELL'S S'rra& itts Mr. O'Connor is on excellent pian­ Hartford Colored Band “SWEET MUSie* Edward MacHugji. Scotch bari­ Straight, full 5th i i f C $ 1. 0 0 '"" The entertainment and d an » giv­ ist and accompanist, and at the tone who frequently has been heard en by the Zipser club at Tinker hall present time is doing a considerable With Colored Prompter for Wed. and Thors. at concerts tn Manchester, Is free in SERVICE STATION Notice tomorrow night will start at seven Amount of arranging for radio or­ Modern and Old-Fashioned Elisa Landl and Cary Grant bail of $500 pending a hearing on a 275 Main Street Phone 4129 (iuinne.ss’ Stout o'clock sharp. The public is Invited. chestras around Boston. IX)CAIa 2125 DANCING In “ENTER MADAME” charge that he entered the country The musicsl will be open to the illegally. MacHugh was arrested in BASS A1.E Prise Waite With Cash Award l nnd The Junior choir of the Emanuel public and tickets may be obtained Boston Tuesday as he was about to $ 3.29 SPECIAL aMEETLNG “UNDER PRESSURE” Lutheran church will not rehearse from membere of the club or at the Bing over the radio. A t the time of Have Your Car Admiaaion 25c. With ...... O j / C this evening but the senior choir door. his arrest be was confined to a W E e «« Saturday, March 2d Ed. Lowe nnd Victor Molisglen will meet aa ueuel at 7:80 o'clock The whole city’s going wIM ever wheel chair recuperating from in­ 2 P.M. tonight. . Warner Bros.' latest hit—and the juries received in a fall some days Show Ikuil Whis- /% m FrL nnd Snt. Odd FcUown Hall •cn>en’s grandest musical atari ago. It waa alleged In the warrant key, full quart.. 2/ / C Song hits everyone's htinming] "W in gs In the D ark" GREASED ...... $ 1.49 Chief Edward Cotemoa of the he entered this country in 1922 with­ Jacquard Weavers Re- Stars! Stars! Stars! 1,itugh With Myrna toy Manchester fire department reports out observing immigration formali­ For spring Driving HELP KAHUEH queeted To Be Preeent. • that the department’s apparatus nttrr luiugh, and Surprises Galore Lonisa M. Alcott's ties. H e subsequently left the Cabana Rub, 4 Years Old Coffee Li- A f *7 C was called out but three times dur­ 'SET THAT TO M USIC In this Glorious lllut of Fun and “Little Men” country and returned without being Friday, Saturday, Sunday Special! you with a ing the month of Pebruary. Tor two Romanoel properly admitted. quer, pint.. ^ 1 , / D of these calle the apparatus re­ A College Comedy In 8 Acts 950 to 9300 SUSS"’* sponded for chimney first and on the $ 2.50 third call which took them tt Hud­ FEATURING MISS son street It was found that It waa a falie aUrm. Thl* la the first time SO« LOAN DANCE that a falie alarm haa been tele­ FANNY BROOKS Our {ndlvidua! Benrice belpe tineW and marw Center Cut Gin. phoned Into the Mancheeter fire de­ U i Hed folka set cstb within 24 to 46 hours. Our -$1.03 full Q u a rt CITY V IE W Setback Tomnameiit at loant are caar to repay. too->tbe only chars* partment. A Presentation By D AN CE H A L L Hartford Battery it 3% per month on the unpaid amount of loan. Payroenta may be extended over • coovenient NCttiiolMatBF John Mather Chapter* Order of DeMolay iT MUSIC' 13-Piate, 24 Months’ Guarantee, and a Low Special Price period . .. 3,6, 8.10 or even 20 mootha. EVERY SAT. NIGHT! RAINBOW GIRLS' Friday. Saturday, Sunday Come in . .. m iie of 'phono today. SPRUCE ST. TAVERN end ssh ms to $ond m fopfosontmtioo. SATURDAY, MARCH 2 FX)OD SALE Xylophone-Piano Selections Between Acta By ANN DVORAK Don Irieh, Prompter Tony O’Bright — Kenneth Hudson. 9 STARSI • 2 BAN DSr The only rharsc !■ three, percent per Street Home Baked Food month en nnpald nmonnt ef lonn I-eo W'ehr’s Orchestra. HIGH SCHOOL HALL TONIGHT AT 8 O’CLOCK SONCSI . 100 GIRLSI Of Course We Deliver—Phone 3895 HALE'S STORE TONIGHT HkRSONAL FINANCE CO. Admission 20c. ^ DANCING SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY Room 2, Slnle Thrnter-llldp. Tomorrow At 10 A. M. Small Used Battery...... $2.50 T&S Mnln S treet Telep h on e 34SP A Full Night's Entertainment for Only a Quarter. THREE FREE PRIZES GIVEN AWAY!

S-',-£iSrt«'.w V i. N avy taam. Jarla Johnaon and 8. Olaon ...... 103 94 118— 316 only elx items, Mmely, gasoline wold, Voluptown. ’The Preston-R. I. Johnson were eliminated in the Mathiason ... .. 91 87 118— 206 trunk line. BItuminoua macadam salee, taxes on gasoline, fares for KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS M ODE AIRCRAFT CLUB REPORT RECEIPTS V.F.W . RETAINS COP preUminartes. *T* — — —— SCHALLER ADOPTS CONDITIONS CDT Condition Of- surface la imder conatructlon A Navy (I) ’TraiTIc can paas. COMMITHS TO MEET and on eatimated amount to be PLANS COMING CONTEST State Roads L. Cervlni ... .. 90 104 93— 287 Route No. 183—Colebrook-San- spent for luxuries and incidentals. FOR SHOES FUND IN REC COMPETITION Cullough and Jack Herron, two of NEW SALES PLAN Better Than Any Other PU6UC SERVICE McCollum ... ..100 ■«7 miDAV, MARCH 1 (Central end ■•iterh BUnderd Tine) disSsid road. Waterbound macadam The estimate includes the amounts the post’s beat men defeated A. Kil­ 92— 269 The Manchester recreation model ..107 105 M.KI All nrocrema 1* eer end be»l« ehelne or eroupi th«r«of units* 3 miles in length. Shoulders and Harry Wood, Master of Fourth to be spent by visitors from outside Portland, Me.—Walter L. Blali- patrick and Sam Ford In the finals Frey ...... 116— 328 Includs* elFevellsW. suilon*. Road conditions and- detours in aircraft club yesterday held a F. Anderson . . .125 railing incomplete. Open to traffic. Dem'ee of Brooklyn District, of Connecticut and also by resl- dell. Inspector of boilers for the in a close match. The V. F. W. 122 119— 366 Berkeley, Calif., March 1. — (A P ) ^tabulated Cert. Bait. the State of Connecticut made nec- results announced by Rrofrsm* subject t* shsnfs« P. H PLANS FOR 1935 Route No. 1 9 0 -Suffleld. Lake denta of the State. It is pointed meeting to discuss th" coming con­ United States Steamboat Inspection team disposed of the Legion to gain Gtorgetti .... ., 94 106 121— 321 8j4^ 4:49—Beauty Program eaat: ecnary by highway conatructlon To Speak Here. Chairman Brennan and Miss Beat Out Legion in Sports Local Auto Dealer Arranges -It's this way with flics — they’d NtC-WBAB NtTWOBK Milton Charlee. Organlat—wrtl Omgamond road. About 8 miles of out in tha study that visitors to a test at the State theater. A flying Service here, retired after 40 years the finals with the B. W . V. experts. Nnt less than 10,752 flies parked announced by the Connecticut State 516 614 rather stt on an orange than a cp- •A ilC — Aesti weef ttiw *tlc fttSft— €:6ft—Preeo.Radio Newt Period bituminous macadam road under state, who stai' for one day or more, model of the Boeing P IS F wraa of service. Sam Ford totaled the highest num­ 541 1571 on the orange square while only w k 4:00— 7:00—Myrt and Marge — Highway Department as of Febru­ Harry Wood of Brooklyn, N. Y., wlsir trte* wceh « fl wilt wihr. Wfy construction. Open to traffic. De­ ueually spend from -84 to 86 a day. brought to the meeting by adviser Reynolds Give Out State­ Providence. R. I.— Rhode Island Contests — Bowling Most ber of points, 76, against the Legion. Method for Monthly Pay­ cumijer If the choice depends on w % wee* wtejn srwj wsei; ejld. bsii ' Chicago Coneartoneart Oreheatra—Oreheatra—weat ary 27, 1935. has been oecured to addraae the 2,067 sought out the green. Prim­ 4t1S- 7:1ft—Juat Plain Bill OAtt. Of- tour at eaat end posted. Aa more than a millica rlsitoni from Alfred Schmidt Tbe plane has a horse racing "bookies" were de­ color. winsQ well who wow « Electric, Gas and Water Com­ Route No. U. S. 1 Greenwich. The dart teams were; Legion, rose yellow drew 6,541; carmine NoftTMWliT A aheetraletra—midwest: Orehee.—Dial#i.-Olile Routs No. 301— Hampton. Kim­ open meeting of Campbell Council, other states may be expected, the 33H wring span, exact scale model prived of their communication liya- 8:30- 7:S^The O'NtiHa. Skit—ea4t; Pula Hill. 225 feet of concrete pave­ Wright and Hemingway; V. F. W., Ruch was the deduction announc­ 4,415; light blue 3,480 and whits wlbo mt|> wobo w4»y wfrf ball Hill road. 7-lnch waterbound K. of C.. which is to be held In which will be entered in the impend­ ment on Finances. tems, connecting them with the race Popular. ments at Small Cost. SOUTH — wrtd wptf wwnc wl« wjit Oaneenee Oreheetras-Oreheetrae—west and Ofale ment. Open to traffic., amount to be spent by them, on this Kilpatrick and Ford; B. W. V.. Mc­ WAPPING 2,360. More esthetic files went after Tinker hall Tuesday evening, March ed at the University of California «7ui*wiun wlotp webo wday kfyr'crct'dfof game, last September from which gym to listen to an entertainment ted this week on account of the among several leading utilities re­ Route No. 69 Waterbury. Wa- mittee. This committee will be en­ the preliminary match. The Brit­ sibly equal the down payment but to rash In on hla full first year’s cheeks 11:10—Itsl^Den Pedro and Oreheetra SOUTH — wrvft wptf wwnc wie wja* A new tarro of 18 laaaons In tap 'collections amounting to $106 were of South America cancelled six program and eujoy refreshments of Sunday School social. These meet­ wfla-wsun wlod warn wmc wab wapf vealed today. terbury, Wolcott, Bristol road. larged to 30 members and names of ishers drew a bye and In the finals if not. the difference between the equity on the year-old car. CB8-WABC NETWORK dancing will start this Saturday at OOOUBD O FF VICKS COUCH DROP secured. hours before It waa to start, slept coffee and sandwiches provided by ings will be resumed On Thursday wjdx wamb kvoo why wfaa wbap kpr« The largest ammint of expenditure About 7<4 miles bituminoui maca­ prospective members given. book or market value of the trade- In addition to the pos.slbtlit,v of COLDS BASIC—laeti wabe wade woko wcao woai ktbs ktha weoc W'ave 8:30. A ll Interested are urged to Tbe list of contributions: today while airport and gasoline with the Legion, the Mons-Ypres Director Frankie Busch of the Rec. evening, March 14. MOUNTAIN—kna kdyl kffir k«h1 for this type of work will be made dam pavement. Open to traffic. in car must be paid, leaving a. bal­ securing the full value on the ycar- waab wnao wer wkbw wkro whk cklw start now as this will be the last Chicago— That hot atove butinesa company employes waited In vain boys shared two points with the F, The Pratt brothers sang several This week Saturday evening, wdre wcau wjikr wean wfbl wapd wiev PACIFIC COAST—kfo kfi kgw korao by the State’s two largest light and Salvation Army Concert ... $13.00 F. W . ance of $392. ohl car, the purchaser of the “.vear wmaa wbne. MIdweeti wbbm wfbm hhq kfad ktar hpo Route No. 71— Mertden-Bertln. chance before the annual recital In la all cooled off now. Highland Park (3om. Club. . 53.60 for the hop-off. songs and gave some humorous reci­ March 2 there is to be a bridge and FEVER 'power eystema,. the Connecticut “Cap" Peterson and his "lumbago The balance of the cost of the car plan " cars will alwa.vs have a, new ■rat 4m f kmbe hmev wowo whae Cent* Bast. Cat Hole Paas. 7 miles of water- May. AH parente are urged to give INCREASED BUSINESS Frank and John Wiaoeki prom­ Miss Reynolds ...... 13.50 Hawks announced last night that tations. Over 100 veterans at­ setback party, which will be held at •AST—wpf whp wibw whee wibt wfea Light and Power Company and Its boys” were off to a-bad start last will then be paid by the month at car and will avoid the usual troubles 4:30— 8:30—The Singing Lady—4Apt hound macadam under construction their daughters the chance to learn. ised to take Stanley Adamski’a hot Knights of Columbus ...... 12.50 Instead of starting south at 2 a. m., tended the annual event. the Pleasant Valley School. It Is wore wice efrb choc wibs 4:48— 8:4ft—Orphan Annta—east ©niy affiliated oompantea, and the Hart­ night in the opener. The firey the rate of $12.50 per month, includ­ found In old or age-worn cars, re­ iiriip* HcBcIflchcs OIXIB—wfit wefa whro wqam wdnd hut open to traffic. Mias Fenerty, Instructor, will be glad stove back to him aa soon aa the Moose Club ...... 12.50 he would leave "at a decent time” hoped there will be a good attend­ 666 8:00— 8:00—Jaek Berger A Oreheatra ford Electric Light Clompany and its B y tlielr win last n ig ^ the veter­ ing finance charges, Insnrnnee etc. pairs, battery, lire. Ignition troubles Miinlrt-i'nhlrta Is 3M7 Mlsstsk kira wreo. wlao w«Uu wtoo krid wrr Route No. 80 Madison and Klll- to give you any more information. FROM TERCENTENARY $50.00 for Inglewood, Calif., where he la captain worked himself up into a ktrh ktea waco koma wdbo wl>t wdae 1:30— 8:10—Preea*Radle Newa — ba* fire goea out, and a charge of re­ City Club ...... 12.50 ans retained possession of the Rec ance. There will also be a bcdqutlt A t the end of the year the car may nnd will be able to take advantage ato: Singing Lady—midwrat repeat afflliatea. ingworth. North Branford-Killing- employed by the Northrop Corpora­ frenzy over the type of officiating, wbig wdbj wwva wmhir wrja wmbr The regular classes will be resumed ceiving atolen property w^s dia- Masonic orders ...... 12.50 cup for this year, having won easily raffled off at this time. be turned In for a new model car. of the latest in automotive engin­ wala krul kpko wenn wdnx wnoi kwkh 8:3ft— 8:3ft—Oale Page and Orehaara Expenditures of about 11..300,000 worth road about 7 miles bitumi­ tion. So many reports flew about so much so that the well-meaning , 3:40— 8;4ft—Lowell Themae — eaat; this week. Tiny tots,'10:30 to 11; inlssed In court yesterday. Army and Navy club...... 12.50 last year. The surprise of the eve­ Vernon Grange, No. 52, haa Invit­ the purchaser being required to pay eering at a minimum cost. MIDWBST—weah wfrl wmt wmbd wlen are estimated by the Connecticut nous macadam pavement. Open to New Revenue Would Be at Floyd Bennett Field, however, that lad calling them for the veterans wibw kfh kfah wktn wrro wabi kecj Orphan Annia—repeat lo mldwnal intermediates, 11 to 11:30; ad­ The Wisockl brothers hinted that Sales Plan Brltlsh-American club ...... 12.50 ning was the failure of the Arm y ed WappIng Grange No. 30 to neigh­ the difference between his $1.60, During the .vonrly transactions 8:00— 7:00—Amaa *n* Andy—eaat only Ught and Power Comi)any nnd Its traffic. Least f.'i,000,000; All Mer­ kindly friends might have gone to more than 30 peraons waited until gave up the job and the teams con­ bor with them this evening and fur­ wnav woe 8:1ft— 7i1ft—Willard Reblaen Orehaei. vanced, 11:30 to 12; new class, 9:30 Orange Social club ...... 12.50 and Navy teams to place higher In time payments, less depreciation on the cars are fully covcre Begin Itllton Watson, baritone; Chonis of Education meeting in Atlantic eral Caarlus- .M. Cla.y, American 'Die movies have speeded up the ® MONTOOMERT WRRD Electric Toaster and Oreheatra directed by N a ­ City, N. J.. adopted a resolution minister to Russia under President Long Trip With Two Eski­ tempo of the novel. Soap ...... 10 fo r 29c Lincoln. thaniel Rhilkret. recommending that the arhcxds of mos to Get Out of Arctic — Dr. Archibald J. Cronin, Scottish 824-828 M A IN 8T„ TEL. 5161 MANCHESTER Wash Boiler, 13-|iralIon...... $1.29 li:0 o The Four Aces. America observe the Tercentenary Philadelphia- Harr)- C. Schafer, Wilds. novelist. 98e 11:05—Osxl* Nelsoh's Oreheslra. Ilf the Settlement of Connecticut by 8,8, pioneer iHl.seball player, third Turnover type.' (Chromium 11:80 Jacques Renard's Orchestra. appropriate instruction and exer­ baseman on the Philadelphia Athle­ I wish I had lived 10 years sooner. plated, modem design on cises. through material to be pub­ tics from 1869 to 1871 and with the Churchill, Man., March 1.__(AP) I would be In the big dough fighting door. O r d extra. W ard ■Value.’ lished by the Feileral Commissioner Bolton Natlon.-d Asgorlatlon of —Davld-lrwln, 24-year-old adven­ guys like Dempsey and Tunney. of Education. BiisrbaJl Players' team for eight turer, on the Arctic ice fo r the last — M ax Baer. The resolution was presented by year*. Regularly two yeara, thought about his home a committee consisting of .Superin­ flan Franeiseo- Mrs. Susanna Worth $20. at Sarcoxle, Mo,, and his father s Most men know more at 30 than '& t of the WBZ-WBZA tendents of Schools Agnes Snmuel- Hildei'brand, 86, mother of George home at Grand Rapids. Mich., today they did at 20. Sprlngheld — Boston son of Iowa, H. E. Hendrix of Hildebrand, veteran umpire of the aa he lay in a cot at Baker Lake, — Gary Cooper. Arlsona and Vlerllng Kersey of American League. This Is One Northwest Territory, 400 mtles TIMES SQUARE DISTRICT California. It Is us follows: Baltimore Dr. Walter Jones. 70. north of here. It Is better for boys and girls to Friday, March I “Whereas. Connecticut will, in the profes.sor enieritua of physiological A 4-PIECE He will he homeward bound with­ learn to entertain themselves than year 1935, celebrate the Tercenten­ chemistry at Johns Hopkins Uni- in a few days, a wireless message for them to be given so much money P. M. ary of the Settlement of the Colony, vcrcity, former chemistry teacher at SUITE received here disclosed. It will be a for movies and elaborate social af­ ... A MODERN HOTEL "ON ITS 4:00— Betty and Bob. and Wlttenbiirg college, Springfield, O., long Journey, beginning with a dif­ fairs. 4118— Rhythm Ramblers. "Whereas. Connecticut early and at Purdue University. ficult alx v/eeks trip by dog team — Dr. Thurman B. Rice, of Indiana TOES" EVERY MINUTE TO AAAKE 4l80— ERA Civic Chorus- direction Exactly as Illustrated established Its system of Education Philadelphia - Atlas Jeannette M. from Baker Lake to Churchill. University Medical School. Q. Roberta Lunger. and gave to the country many lead­ YOUR VISIT MOST PLEASANT Goldberg, 60. for SO years e.xecutlve The message said Irwin was re­ 6KI0— Newa. ers in Education, and covering from a dislocated knee, secretary of tht Jewish Chautauqua I consider the words of an opera 8:18—Time. "Whereas. The Significance of one hand is crippled by frost bites. Society. Just as Important as the music. 700 ROOMS Oil#—New England Agriculture. Men’s Work Shoes the then contrtbuUona to education He w as In a weakened condition —Walter Damrosch, famous di­ front * 2 " ^ 0)80— Staging Lady. WInsted. Conn.— John Bateman 7 0 0 b a t h s "® " JL are of nation-wide Interest, there­ when found a week ago by Eskimos rector. 0140— little Orphan Annie. fore Adams, 07, retired manufarturer, a as he trailed southward alone from 0t08— Rsjr Jones, vocalist. “Ba It resolved. That the National native of Richmond, Ind. King WilUam Island. 800 miles CHARLES L. O R N S TE IN . Managar 2.98 Tokyo— Shoyo Tsubouchl, noted HOTEL 6 ll8 — A ir Adventurss of Jimmie Council of State Superintendents north of her in the Arctic ocean. a N. O. ORDERS Brown horsehida bhieherf Allen. and Commisatoneri of Education scholar, translator of the worka of And a Few LOUNGE CHAIRS! $ Too weak to make the journey with Oorrison backstay. Shakespeare Into Japanese. 6:80—Prew-IUdlo News. recommends that the ochools ot from Baker Lake to Churchill alone, Hartford. March i.— (A P)—Pri­ Leather solo, rubber hooL 6i88—llaM , weather. America obser\'e the Tercentenarv hllnneapolis—J. Victor Bergquist, Irwin Is endeavoring to obtain the vate Donald B. Harriott, Battery E, 6:48—Lowell Thomas. of the Settlement of the Colony of Minneapolis scbixila assistant mualc services of one or -wo Eskimos to 192cd Field Artillery, haa been ap­ 7:fl^-Amoi ’n' Andy.' Connecticut by appropriate Instruc­ supervisor and composer of sacred accompany him. Then he will head pointed a second lieutenant and aa- PARAMOUNT 7:18 Ptantatioa Keboes. tion and exercises, through material music. MARVELOUS—HERE’S ONE for Winnipeg and on to either his ® MONTOOMGRT WRBl elgr.ed to the same Battery accord­ 824-828 M A IN STREET 7fli PM W IW riiaiilii to b* published by tha United BUtes WaUa Walla. Wash.—Thomaa L. father’s home at Grand Rapids or ing to an announcement today from 46th Street, We»t ef Broadway, NEW YORK TELEPHONE M ftw B W W6fe (4mui>. V Office of Education.'’ Klnman, 102 yeara ol(L ' direct t| g-••coxle. the oflrice of the adjutant general. MAMCUliISTER UVlCNINU H£RALO. liANOUCil IKK. CONN. FRmAT, MARCH 1. IOTA. MANGHBCTER EVENING HERALD, HANOHESIER CO H N - PRIPAT, MARCH 1 ,198B1 Va u b s c v s l f i

klmcM, cut looM from that ax- to creat a compulsory thirty-hour atmosphere of most Of the small under Director Robert Kohn, had pected that the total to be Issued employed during the post week due clubs seven way^to the ace. many experiments that It la better pedlUon and ita r t^ off to see the work week in the country's Indus­ made a meaa n things and had been to take orange Juice about a h^f from this office will be well over to the fact chat the February allot­ HIBERNIANS RUT OFF whole of the top tier of the Ameri­ tries; who are suspicious of the prac­ Monkey Bualneas far toe generotu In Its valluiuons of METHODIST PARSON SUES 1600. ment wiu expended. Word was being That small cynic, Billy Rose, will property presented by promoters. HEALTH- DIET ADVICE hour before the meal, to allow most GILEAD DAILY ACCIDENT REPORT can continent absolutely alone ex­ ticability of such a measure and. of the Juice to empty out before Ellington Bedoces Tax Bate awaited ts to the omiunt appro­ have a hundred monkeys in his 'ree procurement division early By DR. FRANK MeCOY food Is taken, especially when starch FOR BALANCE OF SALARY Mrs. E. E. Foote left ’Tuesday AB o r THURSDAY, FEBRUARY tSUi. The residents of the town of priated for March. As soon os the MErriNGAWEEK cept for the companionship of his If It were up to them to decide the Broadway circus, each named after obtained 8114,000,000 ftom PWA for Qneetloaa In regard to Health mhI Diet is taken with the meal. morning for a week’s visit with her Ellington have reduced the tax rate amount appropriated for March is team dogs, and who Is now at Baker question, would be almost certain to a celebrity of the Main Stem...... Federal buildings and the record as will be answered by Dr. McCoy who ran son and family, Arnold C. Foote In 1*84 loss one mill, the rate for the coming known, workers will i-esurae work lAke, 800 miles northwest of turn it down; yet who arc shaken m Noel Coward will act In a rriovie ot Jan. 1 Showed 44 per cent of that be addressed la oare M this paper. Ba- (Erysipelas) Rev. Arthur O. Baggerly Peti­ Amhcrat, Maas. 9,470...... ___ ACCIDENTS ...... 2,110 year being 24 mills, which Is one mill here on the various FERA projects. To Have Supper and Install made by Ben Hecht and Chafles under contract as compared with 96 56...... ___F A T A L irre s...... ___ 45 CORONER’S INQUEST Churchill, Hudson Bay railroad their opposition to it by some ot the close stamped, self-addressed eavelops Question: Mrs. I. Writes: "1 tions Federal Court for Back Robert E. Foote and Joseph Bar- less than last year. Orammar School Tournament Here Officers Jointly With Auxil­ MacArthur. They've written the per cent of funds allotted toi agri­ for reply. have had erysipelas for some time. rasso attended the annual meeting 1.66S...... INJURIES ...... ___1,260 terminal, recovering from star\'a- arguments advanced in the propa­ story... .William 8. Hart Is In town, Pay; Now Federal Worker. Facility Chooes Date iary on March 7. culture, 94 per Cent for both justice Have tried all sorts of remedies of the Eastern States Farmer’s Ebc- The date of Friday evening, March The Fourth Annual Invitation tlon, frostbite and half a year of ganda of some of the biggi si inuua- seeing shows, trying to sell some and labor, M per cent for navy, 83 wlthmit much lesult. Seems to die change which was held at Hotel KILLED SET FOR TOMORROW Grammar school bsisketboll tourna­ short stories, and waiting for his pet cent for commerce, and TO per ORADl'ATB YOUR EXERCISE < Bridgeport, March I.—(AP)— 16th h u been selected for the date ment for the schools of Rockville The meeting of Division No. 1, A. desperate battling with the wilder- tnes, now being tiissciiunaleu m the .. P ? "Ot make the mistake of down and then flare up again. Is KImbel, Springfield. Mass., ’Tuesday. 1984 1088 of the play to be given by the mem­ O. H., scheduled for tonight has sister Mamie to recover from an Ill­ cent for Ickes' Interior Department. toinking that If a moderate ammuit ui.s u o!oud diseaseT" Rev. Arthur O. Baggerly, now and vicinity will be held at the ness. nope of ihfluencing public- upmuii People who are begliming to take working for the government at $30 Aleck White, one of the promin­ Pedestrian ...... 88 Pedestrian ...... 87 To Investigate Death of Mrs. bers of the faculty of the Rockville ness.-. ..Do Herold looks like his X-ltay On Farley Answer: There Is a definite bac­ ent fox hunters in this section, Rockville High school on Saturday been postponed as the next meeting Irwin's tale, If he ever tells It on ugamst the - tbirty-hour week angular cartoons. still other records being con­ up exercising usually make the mis­ a week, will seek to have the Fed­ Occupant ...... S2 Occupant ...... ___7 Henrietta Hansen Which Oc­ High school. The play will be pre­ of the body will be held on Thursday teria associated with erysipelas so walked twelve miles to visit his Bicyclist ...... 1 Bleycllat ...... 1 sented In the Sykes Auditorium, and March 23, and nine teams have been Hcneme. Gertrude I'lesen, the singer, templated on Capitol Hill SeCm to go take of overdoing it at flrsL When feel better. During vacation time that it may be termed a skin dis­ eral court order the New York curred After Accident. invited to compete. Among the March 1 In Tinker Hall a' whleh the lecture platform, will be smh muscles have not beeb limbered up East Methodist Conference to pay mother, Mrs. Helen White, Tuesday. Child ...... fl Child ...... 9 this will be the fifth play to be pre­ a story of peril, suffering and dog- "it will result In the lowering ul makes up her eyes slant-wise, even a hmg way toward explaining re­ mitoy ^ p i e make the mistake ot ease. The activity of this bacteria, Mrs. White lives near Jones street. Adult ...... Adult ...... 86 teams Invited to take part are the time the officers will be installed. At by day---- Best-manlcurea Broad­ cent rumors here that liouls Glavls, for years they may become stiff swimming, hiking oi dancing until however, depends a good deal upon the balance of salary he claims Is no Rockville, March 1.—An Inquest sented by the High school faculty. Bast and Maple street public the gathering on Thursday evening ged courage as would make the by such and such percentages and sore for several days after only due for his sendees as pastor of the It took Mr. White about four hours The play to be presented this year way man: Vincent Lopet...... The chief Inveetigatui for PWA and they are sore in evety Hmb. It the condition of your blood and your to make the round trip. INJURED will be hold In this city tomorrow schools, the two parochial schools Of oi next week there will be t. banquet Byrd recital sound like the diary of usciiU-eS uhe ui the p,upagundisi Plckena Sisters, who really are sis­ Secretary Ickes, had "inveatlgated" a few minutes of heavy exercising. womd be much better if they took '■irculatlon. I have never observed now closed North Wilton Methodist will be Oliver Goldsmith’s "She served starting at 6:30 and this is to Those who take up exercising too Episcopal church. The Ladies Aid of the Gilead 0>n- morning by <3oroner John H. Yeo­ Stoops to Onquer.” The tickets will Rockville, two Ellington teams, and a South Sea Island beach comber or urer Ine lauiu. And m tiie next ters, look less alike than many a Postmaster General Farley~to Far­ tneir sports lees strenuously, on a case of erysipelas that could not gregational church met at the home 1984 1985 one each from Broad Brook, Ware­ be followed by the Joint installation ley's Intense Indignation. suddenly usually quit just as sud­ the other hand. It Is not a good be used to kill the bacteria, al- This move was announced by his Pedeatrlon ...... ___ 505 Pedeatrlan __,.., mans of Andover regarding the ac- bo sold by members of the Senior of the newly elected off,cers of the Adam's recollections of the Oarden ureath b« shouts, "It will add to the .sister-trio who aren’t related. .. . denly, for when they feel the attorney, Louis Goldschmidt of of Mrs. J. Banks Jones Instead of ...... 898 house Point and Tolland. Marilyn Miller It off for the South Last summei Glavls and his men plan to take a few exercises and ‘ 1' ufth such local treatments could Mrs. Walter 'Vey Wednesday after­ Occupant ...... ___1,088 Occupant ...... 861 ■ t and death of Mrs. Harrlette class and sixty per cent of the pro­ ' In the letters to the managers. division and their auxiliary. Daniel o f E llen . cost ot jiroductlon" by such and sucl. aches and pains that have been not be entirely cured through Norwalk, after Judge Alfred C. Hansen, 47, of 66 Congress street, ceeds will go towards their 'Wash­ ... ,Ina Claim. In her new play, investigated the $4,250,000 post- never increase the number. Begin Baldwin In Superior Court here noon. Fifteen ladles were present. Blcycllat ...... ___ 20 Bicyclist ...... 15 Coach Chatterton states that the F. Renn will be installed os presi­ percentages, and so to the price to brought on by over-doing It, slowly, and as your muscles become dietetic treatment even when local Child ...... ___ 260 Mrs Hansen died at the ington trip fund; And the oddest of oddities Is that ‘‘Ode to Liberty," wins I unwanted office annex building and the $0,- they conclude that exercise may granted a ruling of non-suit yester­ Refreshments of scalloped potatoes, Child ...... 104 preliminaries will be held at the dent of the men’s order. the cxmsumcr. laughs whin she pretends to play 000,000 Federal courts building in stronger, either take the exercises applications were harmful anJ dried beef, rolls, cake and coffee was Adult ...... ___1J549 Adult ...... 998 Rockville City hospital on Tuesday Vernon Grange tha dispatch from Baker Lake, bring a greater strength for every­ would probably hasten recovery. day In the action brought by the High school at 8 a. m.; semi-finals That the thirty hour week lulghl the piano. Music comes forth, yet Now York. harder or take more each time. In serwed by Mrs. Jones, Miss C. Daniel Unknown ...... 64 Unknown ...... 77 morning from injuries receiver, in on The Vernon Grange will hold their at 2:30 In the afternoon and finals at The Thousand Islands really num­ "breaking" the Irwin saga, comes body else, but it just Isn't their this way you can ses your strength minister against the. church and its accident at Lanz’s Corner on Sun­ add to the cost oi production is eaj; she doesn't evAi press down the The Oeneral Builders' Supply Cor­ medicine. five trustees. He asked back-pay at Way and Mrs. Elton Buell. regular meeting this evening In the 8 in the evening. Dancing will fol­ ber 1,692. under the byline of Jack O'Brien. keys. poration had ..old about llOb.OOO of gradually increasing. You feel en­ K Abscessed Kidneys) Mjrron Gilbert of Somers, who Is day night, death being due to a Grange Hall, and it wilt be known as 1 always And it necessary to ad­ Question: Mr. Hobart W. writes: the rate of 82,000 a year “and low the evening game. All accept­ For .lack O'Brien Is the member of 10 understand provided it raised Dawn of on Bra oenisnt, plaster, brick, and terra couraged. This Is the way to build house," stipulated in the Book of spending the winter with bis fractured Skull. She was the wife of "Neighbor’s Night.” EUlIngton, Wap- ances to enter the tournament must vise nervous, enthusiastic patlentt strength and vltollty that Is last­ "Your articles are very good and I port before leaving for the east, Henry Hansen of the same address. a Byrd ex^iedltlon who a few industry'! wage outgo. That It Ever watchful -from a distance— cotta -blocks to the contractor or ing. Discipline as the minimum. He tes mother, Mrs. H art Buell, had on ping and Bolton Grangers have been be In the hands of Coach (Thattcrtoii of society's pet foibles. I am able to sub-contractors fol the annex Job to begin very gradually with exer­ enjoy them very much. What Is the tilled that he had received only operation on his face, recently, WILEY POST MAKES NEW Marriott said. The filer arrived In The inquest will be held at eleven invited tc attend. The committee In months ago wrote for one of the would cut Individual wages If the cise, taking it first in, moderate One of the finest methods is to cause of absceaacd kldi.cys? Whs| New York late yesterday. before March 9th, or the entries will report a couple. Breakfast dances, and about 8161,000 of materials fur ^8755 for the first year. which was peitormed by Dr. Whit­ thirty o’clock at the Police (3ourt charge includes Mr. and Mrs. Lewis not be accepted. "linlerrifleil " magar.lnes a scathing cost of projiuction were not pernill- amounts and gradually audlng more take short setting up exercises are the symptoms? How can tl tles of Glastonbury. Both Post and Parker predicted room. Memorial building. J. Cran­ Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. John Schweit­ for one thing, arc Just too, too amus­ the Federal courts Job. as the strength permits. In this morning and evening. Do this PLANS TO SPAN NATION High School Notes RUPTURED? "expose" of the Byrd myth. He por­ ted to increase Is also fairly obvious. ing. Guests are Invited for 3 a. m., Osnersl Builders' Supply Is known trouble be remedied?" Mr. and Mrs. George Miller visit­ the flier would take off next week in ston Heintzelman, 19, of Boston. zer, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thrall; way, exercise builds up without every day and take a dally walk. Answer: Such kidney troubl ed relatives In Middletown, this another attempt to lower the Los The boys of the basketball team trayed Byrd as a monumental fakir, But by what process It could do both arrive about 4, and dance until in New York os "Farley's company" CAUFORNIA ALIEN U N O Mofl.s. driver of the car which skid­ Mrs. Fred Lyman, Miss Gwendoljm BRWAmBI ovcr-tlrtng and one reaps the full Two or three times a week try to sometimes develops simply becauseise U week. Angeles-New York record to 7 or 8 ded was nc)t held at thv time, but Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Von of the High school held a meeting a "parlor explorer," a self seeking Is something that neeils elucidation working people are going to work. and the postmaster general, al­ benefit of added strength and endur­ get in a good tramp or swim. Fol­ the kidneys are overworked and arc Meanwhile, Federal Inspectors 'after school on Thursday of this Koelcty didn't think up this idea all though ht resigned as Its president, Friends of Mrs. Emily Ellis will hours by knifing the thin air at alti­ has been notified to appear at the Euw, Roy Rider, Charles Chllhurg, TtotlaUssfi sask year By tolas self advertiser; and his expeditions considerably beyond any So far ad­ ance. low this with a brlak shower and forced to eliminate poisons, which LAW IS AGAIN REVIVED be glad to bear that Mrs. Ellis can Will Investigate Charges of tudes of 30,000 or 40,000 feet. week and elected Norman Scheuy of by itself. The dusky folk of Harlem was still a stockholder and pre­ When exercise is doing you good, rub-down with a rough towel and a inquest. The accident happened Misses Beatrice and Alice Mahr. slalflw of *fiere-Cwi»” to Antarctica as a lot of hooey. vanced by these needle.ssly front,! should be thrown out through the now sit up in a chair for a short Sabotage on Last Flight. when an automobile driven by Mr. Leadership Course to Open the class of '36 as their next year’s have been doing It for years. sumably in control. it makes your eyes bright, your goml night’s sleep. If you have Irtestines. Anothet cause Is the Irri­ time. Mrs. Ellis who Is seventy- captain. The team played their last ballyhoo artists employed hy the Another fad, which haa been a BMs Are MRed cheeks rosier, the skin docs not look been careful not to play too hard, Heintzelman, a student at the Mas­ The Tolland County Leadership Now how did Jack O'Brien come tation of kidney stones. An abscess­ Bill Similar to One Which eight years old fell and broke her New York, March 1.—(AP) — sachusetts Institute of Technology, Training Course will open this eve­ game of the sca.son on Wednesday great mass production Industries. giHlsend to starving artijts, is hav­ The Ickss-Olavla forces Were es­ fagged, there la a aprlng to the such a program will make you feel ed kidney . always a serious trou­ leg, just below the hip, about eleven OUSTED WOMAN WARDEN night. While Big Business is hugging It­ to be In such a remote and froren- ing a portrait done of your favorite pecially Interested In the bids on the walk, the patient enjoys life, feels up on your toes and "on top of the Stirred Up Japanese Re.sent- Wiicy Post discussed with asso­ skidded and coUioed with an auto­ ning at the Stafford Springs Con- iip hole as Baker I.sike In the win­ Unless the Big Business fellows ble and each case must bo properly ment to Be Presented. weeks ago and has been confined to mobile driven by Charles Monroe, giegatlonal church and will continue The Alumni Prize Speaking Con­ self With delight and Labor Is cor­ room in your house. The other day annex Job. renewed vigor, sleeps well, and world." That is the reward of diagnosed and treated acco"dlngly. her bed since then. ciates today new plans to span the test tryouts will l)e held on Thurs­ ter? How die's It happen that the want to drive s heavy mass of pub-, thers was an exhibition of portraits . The procurement dlvielon had comes to meals hungry as a bear. correct exercising. continent through the substrato­ TO SEEK SENATE SEAT Jr., of 18 Condon Road, Bristol, In (or five successive Friday nights. respondingly dismayed and angry Don't expect the trouble to cure It­ Sacramento, March 1.—(AP) Mr. and Mrs, Charles Fish, Bar­ which Mrs. Hansen was riding. At day of next week, when the best one writer-explorer In this romitry llo opinion right over Into the lapj favorite rooms. It Included a ple- aeked for bide four tlmee. A com­ The signs of over-exerclslng are: bara and Calvin Fish, were visitors sphere, while a Federal Inspector at Thera are (ivo courses which will be eight will be picked to compete for over two Judicial decisions that ap­ the eyes are dulled, the face looks self until you remove the cause and Stilled passions of California for and Los Angeles awaited only his word the time she was token to the hospi­ offered. A large aitcndance Is ex­ who seems determined to lei the of the thlrty-hmir movement, forfo r D '^e's swimming ^ o l pany which had lefueed to buy eup- QUBSTIDNS AND ANSWERS use any medical treatment neces­ In Manchester, Wednesday. Mrs, G. A. Wafers of Oklahoma the prizes which will be Ten Dollars, parently undermine the foiinilallons . . . . l e t iwrlrnlts sre popular, too. plies from the Farley company wae pinched, the skin grayish, the pa­ (,\cld Fruits .Alkaline .After against the Oriental may be stirred J. Banks Jones met with the to Investigate charges that sabotage tal her condition was regarded as pected os the registration has been gas out of the Byrd halloon was In which It has no natui-al alTiliatlon. sary. to life once more through the state Plans to Run Against Vet­ serious and X-.-ay pictures taken on first prize; Five dollars, second of NRA, perhaps the most slgnill- .Mrs. Graham Hoyt'a prixe poodle low on the second and third bide, tient feels tired. Is irritable, doesn't Digestion) Board of Relief at the Town Record foiled his first attempt. most grattfjrlng. Those In attendance prize; two and a half dollars, third they would be well advised to quit haa been painted, nnd they had an which ware rejected. want to rat, snaps at the least ex­ Question; Mr. C. H. U. writes: legislature. Building, Tuesday, February 26, In The aviator said he had no idea eran Senator Gore. Monday revealed a fractured skull. will include teachers in Sunday oant feature of those decisions to give out the first news (High Blood ProsHure) An attempt to enact a law which Firemen’s Fair schools, leaders of Young People’s prize. The pupils will be Judged on In.sultlng the Intelligence of the p e n - unveiling party for the picture. A A company which had been doing cuse, and is too keyed up to "in reading a book on diet I no­ Hebron. why almost two pounds of steel fill­ Enunciation, Delivery, Bxpres.sion, their Illumination of the linif-baki-d of the wnmlcrer sleep. Question; Mrs. R. B. D. askS: would prevent any Japanese, (Chi­ ings and powdered emery had been Oklahoma City, March 1.—(AP) The 39th annual Fair of the Rock­ groups, nnd others Interested In Irwin, whom no white Imd ■ P'® transparent choji-Ioglc rubber bone, with string attached, business with the Farley concern for ticed that It was stated that the t fo;uls di you advise (or keep­ Miss Ellen White, daughter of Gesture, Presence, Subject Matter, strategic plans under which the wa.s tossed to the pooch, and when years was low on the fourth bid and The prime test for exercising Is residue of oranges, grapefruit, and nese or other alien ineligible (or Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellogg Whits Is poured Into his plane’s oil before he —A tranquil home existence Isn't ville Fire Department opened last religious education. ^UTSIDB ot a itirticM ovtntleB, a reen or hcani of In six months? a.s they are handing out. not how tired It makes you, but how ing the blood pTcssure down?" citizenship In the United States from very exciting after an eight years evening In the Town Hall. The en­ Cemetery Association to .Meet and Preparation. gcKKl tniik corrtctly fitted, !• the Roosevelt administration set out f.j he trotted off wit!. It he yanked the won the .’ontract. . lemons are an alkaline ash, while Answer; There are no speclflc staying with her grandparents Mr. tried to break the transcontinental only s^e reliei lor rupture« Unless some whisper of Irwin's curtain from the canvas. Everyone The Engineering News-Record good it makes you feel after a such things as meats, ;eggs, etc., are engaging in farming in California and Mrs. Clayton Hills and Is at­ Speed record last Friday. “ He wais career as the only woman warden tertainment this evening will include The 25th annual meeting of the Silent Fire Your Indlvlduel requiremente mey etU establish a New Deal. full night's sleep. If you feel irrit­ foods for .sending the blood pressure has been launched by Assemblyman tending the White School. of an American prison, so Warden the Burt Girls with songs and Ellington Cemetery Association will The Rock’ ille Fire Department fo r one of the verioue *'Escetelor'* JVoa* arrival at Baker Lake had reached aereed that It was a simply terribly chargeil the Treasury Department an acid ash. I would like to know either up or down. The only foods forced down by an overheated en­ Skid Spot Pod Titttxea^the new, per* The most perfunctory survey of MILK devastatingly clever Idea. with "cbiccllng” or "a deliberate at­ able and distncline'd to move the if It la all right to take oranges or Clarence Walker, Republican. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Gilbert and gine. G. A. Waters plans to run for the dances Tom Dolan, Irish cc median be held In the Library o:i Monday, was called out this morning a t 5:45 fected, liffht'>weight typci which require Churchill and had come to next day, then you have over-exer- which I discovered which will affect The Walker bill revives memories United States Senate. o’clock In answer to an alarm from only onc-Tialf the pretiure of ell other the battle ground preliminary to The action of the Appropriations Gerlnide .Stein Stein lunched tempt 01. the part of the administra­ lemon Juice with my meals or It It Mrs. Charles Fish were visitors In He was more Interested, he indi­ with songs and dances; Buster Har­ March 4th at seven o'clock. Morton O'Brien's ears somewhere North of ctsed. Those whose vitaltty is low should be taken an hour before the the blood pressure In susceptible of the alien law which sent a wave Glastonbury recently. cated, to learn the reason for the act "I have too much energy to sit vey, baton and club swinger, assist­ E. Thompson Is secretary of the Box 32 at the corner of School and etyfee. A eenitery, rubbcr*coTered “Spot the broad frontal attack on the Old lunched, ala.i, alas, at the Algon­ tion to eliminate a bidder." people are the starches and sugars at home and waste away," said the Pad" fum||hee' proper preenirt o xaedj Boston, nnd he thereupon saw the Committee In refusing to grant to quin the other day and A11 Sitet. opportunity, hopped a plane and the Board of Milk Control a special sensibly as anybody___Saw Lily Other subsequent controversies as Parker, his technical adviser In Los Offlee to Clooe Tomorrow terested are asked to attend. paring . to make would have dis­ you must learn when you are ex­ Juice some time before the meal." blood pressure (laticnts. However, In ago. By that measure aliens In­ Angeles, was quoted as saying "we In announcing she planned to run The temporary branch office of On Trip to Florida Mill, but It was confined immediate­ Our fitter, experienced in ell typee of heat the traffic light Into the L ^ d appropriation of |20,(H)b which It Pons, Norman Bol-Geddes, Adolf to speclflcattons and materials were hausting your own strength limits. low blood pressure patients, they against Senator T. P. Gore. nemie (RuptureL will gladly jnye yo« closed the pill-box machine gun nest Zukor and Hope Hampton at the also Investigated. But thsre'i no evi­ Answer: While It Is true that eligible for citizenship wore pre­ QUARRY CLUB MEE'HNG have lots of Ideas as to the motives the Motor Vehicle Department Edward W. Burke of Union street, ly and the damage was alight, most­ FREE CONSULTATION end ADVICE. demands after having expended Exercise as much ns you can but oranges and other citrus fruits pro­ sometimes have an opposite effect. I vented from owning land and Orien­ “I’m out but I am far from ly from smoke. of the federal court-sysfem, which of Ultle .Stlfks to get at the dura­ opening of the melodramatic "Petrl- dence publicly available to show (or such an act.” down,” said Mrs. Waters, who wa.>! which opened last Monday in the executive head of the White Corbin Don't Delay ^ Resu/tx Oueronteed. 8111.900 of license money collected don't overdo it. Exercise should be duce alkaline ash In the body after have prepared an art'cls on high tals fell in that class. Post declined comment on an In­ Common Council Chambers will be Division of the United States En­ any aoldler could have told him ble youngster Hist. fled Forest"---- And Tallulali Bank- that Glavls fwmd anything wrong, taken until you feel pleasantly AT OSANO’S WEDNESDAY replaced a week ago as warden of COME TO US A T ONCE, WB CAN from dealers, and of the Senate head (who's rche.arslng to become they are absorbed, they arc acid un­ blood pressure which I will gladl.v If enacted, the Walker bill would vestigation of the tampering, but J. open on Saturday from nine a. m., to velope company of this city Is on a HELP YOUl would have to he broken up befoia At all events, the O'Brien story and Glavls wor t comment. tired. When you exercise beyond til digested. The organic citric acid send to you If jam will forward a the Granite reformatory. yesterday In siip|sirtlng that re­ Sudic Thompison in a "Rain" re­ One henrs talk on Capitol Hill of throw thousands of Orientals out of F. Marriott, Department of Com­ "I’m Just starting to do things noon, and this will be the final day several weeks trip to Florida. While Japan haa preserved records of Is that as siHin ns Irwin get.s thaw­ this stage by simply trying to see Is burned In the system very much latge, self-addressed stamped en­ work but Its future Is clouded In any general advance could be madn. fusal, Is to lie commended as far as vival), Elsa Maxwell (turned from a proposal In the Senate that treas­ how much you can do, you may be­ merce aeronautical inspector at the I’ve no malice against Senator the office will be open. there he Is planning to visit several Its tragic 1923 earthquake in ed out and fed up be Is going to re- like sugar Is and releases potassium, velope. The instructions are too long doubt. The quarterly meeting of the Los Angeles, Airport, said he was The office has been most busy of the winter training camps of the fused quartz bottles flllqd with Nearly all the federal Judges are 11 i>... . 1, . 1. o .s . . s i '“'''’•y nmusment to show-writing). ury and PWA records bearing on the come BO keyed up that you cannot sodium, or other alkaline-forming to be given In this question and an­ Quarry CTItib of which Arthur Knofla Gore, 'jut I do believe I can do e Arthur Drug outflt with another dog sled nnd It goes. But If that is all that the j Tonlo Selwsrt (Broadway's Investigation be revealed. relax. Opposition Is certain from some ready to begin an inquiry as soon as good job In the Senate, so I am go during the week, on Monday there big league teams. argon gas and encased In thick Rublnow Building ultra-conservatives, men developed elements. 1 have found through swer column. liberal legislators who believe such a is president will be held next Wed­ Awaiting New Allotment mush his way to Churchill and Legislature proposes to do to the] matinee Idol gift to Hollywood) at nesday night at 6 o’clock In Osano’s Post gave the necessary word. ing to run, demanding at the polls bcinfc- 648 licenses Issited; Tuesday, coverings of asbestos, lead and 845 Main Street In the school of devotion to prop­ Milk Board then the General As-; " d d Maid" premiere. Also bill "is going too far.” Post gave him a confidential re­ vindication of my work.” 377, and Wednesday 331. It la ex­ The FTIRA workers have not been carborundum. civilisation. That ought to bring Too, the bin has been prepared at Cottage, Bolton. Past President erty rights and the sanctity of pri­ semhiy la manifesting only a feeble! Roosevelt and Bernard Ba- Nathan B. Richards will have’charge vate wealth, many of them former him onto the scene—him and the riich. a critical time when gestures, some tntereat In the rights of ths peopis reassuring but many tinged with of the preparation and serving of a corporation lawyers, who recslved baby moving pictures ha la reportwl Among the nlght-clubbera: Ed­ chicken dinner. Notices regarding of the state. ward J. Reilly, Hauptmann’s lawyer, hostility, are flying back and forth tbeir appointments during admin­ to have ealvaged—when ha could across the Pacific. And for this rea­ the event are In the mails but in The lefusol to grant the request­ and Hymle Bushel, Rudy Vallee's order that It will be known how istrations profoundly conservative salvage nothing elee-at Just about (lermanent counsel. Also Mary Me. son some legislators view the possi­ the right time to knock the ever­ ed 820,000, eminently proper a.s It ble effect of the measure with many to cater to it is requested that and In a period when the establlsh- Is, merely Indicates the l.s!glslatlire's Cormick, the warbler, and George reservations be made with Mr. ad onler seemed to be righteously lasting daylights out of any hern Glvot, with a romance rumored. alarm. Knofla or Mr, Richards before noon belief that the Board of Milk Con­ Libby Holman uses a lorgnette, but Immutable. Also they bad absorbed stuff that might otherwise he Tuesday. The club has 40 members wangled out of the Byrd expedition. trol's aetivltlas are of limited value only because of eye-trouble. At and is a Shrine organization. from the Supreme Court the utter In which belief It la certain to Smith must be getting along all FOREIGN EXCHANGE WINES conviction thet It was their prerog­ Because after one has listened to right. He chews up 20 30-cent cigars TOMORROW - LAST DAY the tale of one man's solitary hike have the backing of every milk con­ a day. Natives of equatorial Africa use LIQUORS ative to veto any act of Congress sumer of small means In Connecti­ New York, March 1 — (AP) — ncro.ss Arctic North America, alone Foreign Exchange Irregular; Great giant coins, two feet In length, conflicting with tha Interests and cut; and that means a large ma­ modeled after a throwing knife and Henry Schaller Britain in dollars, others in cents. - the principles In whlcn they believ­ and most of the time without even made of Iron. a gun or a flsh hook, heating his jority of all the people. But why j Great Britain demand, 4.83)6; ed and which they therefore con­ the Assembly, does not go a good I BEHIND cables, 4.a3>.6; 60 day bills, 4.82 6-8; strued to be the principles of the solitary way over 2 ,00n miles of France demand, 6.651-8; cables, ■ • A trackless wilderness by very dint deal further than a mere rebuke of 6.65 1-8; Italy .demand, 8.01; cables, American ron.stltiitlon. thlii kind; why It does not come to Down go the of endurance, stamina and strength, THE SCENES 8.51. To any one planning such revo­ Demands; the record of the Byrd Imnjo play­ the relief of the people by detlnitei.y IN Week-End Drug lutionary proceedings as those depriving the Milk Board of the (tow­ Belgium, 23.50; Germany, 40.53 which msde up the original Roose- ers, sitting snug among their ean- Holland, 68.28; Norwaj*, 24.30 niHl chickens and marmalade. Is er to fix retail prices. It Is not easy WASHINGTON Sweden 25.00; Denmark, 21.58; Fin Liquor Prices vslt New Deal program It should land, 2.16; Switzerland, 32.63 going to sound. If you want to he to see. It cannot be because the ■—BY RODNEY DUTCHER—< SALE VALUE have been apparent at the outset Milk Board's Influence is greater Spain, 13.7ft; Portugal, 4.42',6 that the federal courts would be complimentary, a bit slsaylled. MaiieheNter Herald's Washln)rion Greece, .94; Poland, 19.05; Czecho Phillip’s Milk of Magnesia— Our Week-End Offer Is The Outstanding Leads Again with the Assembly than that of tha an Impassible obstacle if they were F.s[)ocliilly under the able press Uerreependent Slovakia, 4.20’a; Jugoslavia, 2.30 regular 50c, a t ...... ‘{4c Liquor Price Sensation Of The Week! agenting of Jack O'Brien. voters, because If It were this J2U,- Austria, 19.00N; Hungary, 29.85N allov'ed to remain entrenched In 000 a|i|iropriatUm would have been Rumania, 1.02; Argentine, 32.26N Small s iz e ...... 18c Nenatora Ihit Th»-lr X-Ray on .Ad­ Brazil, 8.64 >,iN; Tokyo, 28.35 thsir plll-box of precedent and granted. Rather, the As.xembly m ira l |■e,6. Value §1.25. Our price 59c tcnali'iis. And .vet, apparently. It N-Nomlnal. - WHISKEY Full Fifth. Regular at 8LS9. changes In the Constitutional laws lish a Jail farm In Glastonbury- -to Is nowhere seriously (in'ixised to Washington, March 1.—Certain COTY’S FACE POWDER Our offer as would have stripped the court a which the Commission has commil- free the consumer from the Board s Senator.*! are t.oklng a close squint Is 99c ° j at Admiral Christian Joy Peoples. Former §1.00 Value IMnt size .. $1.49 of their powers to Interfere with t,,,i coninmonwralth as far as It tyranny CURB QUOTATIONS Full packed box. Our price Limit of one bottle to each whatever measures Congress should could by taking an option on coitaln l’eo|iles has been reported as like­ Pint ...... $2.79 oustomer. N ew P l m iouth There seem.s to be indicateil. In . • • • ...... 69c 3 ly to have a large finger in distrl- later adopt to establish this New property met with vigorolis rcslst- sucb a silmition, ii Ciirlous luck of biillon of the .?l,non,0()o,noo work Amer CIt Pow and Lt B • I ' i FACIAL COLD CREAM Quart ...... $4.95 Deal that the new President had in tence yesterday In a hearing on the’ lehder.sblp. Is there no element in relief fund. The administration sent Amer Sup Pow ...... - it Full pound jar, regular at 17 jreora old — bottled In Royal Oak Whiskey Wind. measure before the Judiciary Com- the Assembly that sees the neces- him to Capitol Hill to explain, after Can Marconi...... ■■ 1% a fn.shlon, its bill appropriating that Cities S ervice...... 1 §1.25. Our p ric e ...... 69c bond—product of one of Amer­ Full Fifth In size. Regular at Instead of that the general ad­ nilttee. Obviously the little clique | i.ity of keeping the dlstrc.s.-^ed peo- ica’s bMt known distilleries— vance was started all along the line, sum. Cities Service, p f d ___ . 7)4 WILLIAMS’ $1.29. Our offer Q 0 C of coddlers who have been (icr.sls'.- | pie of thl.i slate from being lohlicd Elec Bond and Share . . 4 Li not allowed to advertlae the the only attention paid to the pill­ He has a long and honorable rec­ SHAVING CREAM name. ently attacking the jail .system of hj' ii fourteen cent |>rice for Grade ord as the navy’s paymaster and Ford Limited ...... • 7% Limit one to euatomer. Budget Plan box nest being to pus.Hyfoot along the state for a mimber of years 111 B milk? buj'or. For more than a year, as Nlag Hud P o w ...... - 3)4 Large 50c tube, regular at Penn Road ...... tbs bypaths In the hope thot the many In.stanres without the slight­ hi-ad of the Treasurj-'a procurehient . 154 50c. Our price ...... 34c Here la a “Buy!” SILVER CASTLE GIN < United F ounders...... - wachtne gunners would not notice est personal knowledge of their sub­ sn tlon. he has. bought government The Nine O^cIock Bel! lornorrow evening rings down H And a Gillette Type Blade. Foil Fifth. A fine value at ani'plles and built government build- United ______Gas ...... _ • 1’^ FAMOUS 18 KARAT that everyone will be talking about that the advance was being made ject are not going to have the Full Package of Five Blades $1.89. Onr offer Ing.s. FREE. All for 34c. I s ...... 89c and that the attacK'ing force emilil. ciudest kind of sailing In lm|Hislng riN He ha.s been deseribod as "Koose- the curtain on Watkins Brothers 120th Semi-Annual ARREST STAFTORD STRIKERS BRANDY as it were, sneak past and eome at this new Institutional burden on the velt'.s iloae.st friend In the navy"_ NURSOLA ANTACID Stafford Springs, Conn., March I. Fun fifth, regular a t 81.99. the unprotected forces of Big Busi­ state. the frleml.shlp dates b.ick to war­ —(AP)—Breach of the peace DIGESTIVE POWDER Pirate’s Chest ness further along. And so the time and 1s honFst, amiable, and Saie...brings to a close the one week Final Clearance Improves acid stomach con­ One of the que.sllons put to the NEW well-llkeil. charges lodged against four persons Our Offer $1.49 lines of battle were formed with last night and today brought to 11 ditions, relieves acidosis and WHISKEY t.’omnil.Nston was first suggested by But many Henators. already the total number of arrests which the Big Business machine gun out­ shocked at the proposal to hand ail of O d d Pieces at H A L F PR ICE. AAuch as we lets you enjoy your meals. A gr^t favorite with our this newspaper: If tha present^ Jails have been made In connection with For 10 years our leader. post behind the New I>eal front. arc not good enough for long term YORK that monej' to Roosevelt with no the strike at the Cyril Johnson Pure Grain Alcohol patrons! For the week-end • IM4 W HBviCf MC strings attached, are prone to check WoolenW< Company mill. Regular at 75c. Our price we offer: Now, at a time when the Now prisoners under sentence, how about would like to list descriptions of these fine pieces, Special At Deal Is meeting with stubborn re­ up carefully on anyone likely to be Constance Corsinl, a picket, was is ...... 49c FuU th* unconvlcled. untried suspects, By PAITL R.ARRISON a key figure In doling out the cash. ,rre.sted last night by state police Pints, Quarts ...... 98c sistance on the line of battle, when whom It Is pro|K»sed to leave in the New 'York. March l. -Meander- The.v know politicians, contractors, nd Dora Fontanella and Inis Gian- COMBINATION SALES' each we hesitate to do so, for in nearly every instance, 89c Full Its own forces arc suffering from an ami mere grafters are In a lather of tntono r were taken out of the picket 100 Aspirin Tablets FnU Qnarta, jails along with the short term ] logs: Some of the Broadway wlsoys anticipation. Pints ...... 59c ebb of morale and confim munitions committee revealed the marchers In the picket line. All four Cold Capsules of Whiskeys and 18 a desiwrate -economy" which has all along been 1 March 4. 19;i3, to January, 1937— admiral as consultant in a plan to were released under $100 bond for Cough Syrup “John L.” Whiskey Gins At the Local situation in which the New Deal made (or the central Jail (arm. two months less than I'our j'ears. ment appears. Rather, we say, "C o m e tomorrow. appearance In court March 10. bombant lUxisevelt with telegrams Cbestone Ointment A brand which has many Army finds Itself, That Is a big pill­ Of course, so far as expense It Checkroom and clgaret girls who urging him to get' the navy to re­ Prevailing Prices. are married -and a lot of them are \VH.\T, NO ZIPPER? Regular at §1.35. Our Offer, friends locaUy—« new low box and has plenty of guns and 11m- concerned, the proposed Institution scind its rejection of bids by the price for the week-end— — are forbidden to wear wedding Bath (Me.) Iron Works (or two de­ Look for the red H A L F P R IC E tags. You'll find All for ...... 98c other Seagram-made lUsss ammunition. And what conll- w'ould be superposed directly on the A new car every year rings at theli night club jobs.... Milwaukee.—The overcoat the A §1.00 Syringe dsnee can an army have which dls- stroyers. Lines Carried In Stock present responsibilities and expend­ Police have handled four complaints Certain persons—and I’d hate to them still numerous, for every department is repre­ Milwaukee Transient Bureau gave 1 Package of Our Douche SUL 79c Are; ^ tovera that its leader la so poor a itures of the state. It Is just as lately of patrons who have been say they weren’t admirers of "Hon­ to Frank Reading had no zipper Powder beaten (or rofiutng to pay excessive front.' Calvert and Hillcrest. itrategtst as to leave aueh a power- well that a tacit admission of this est Harold Ickes" -began to whis­ A §1.50 Value. We offer Canada Dry INTERESTED? - - Get Details lul enemy outpost in hta rear? charges In some of the rowdier per that Peoples might be a bit too sented." Naturally,, all sales on H A L F P R IC E items Which so incensed him. It was was brought out yesterday. cabarets. And many such instances susceptible to the wiles of poUUclans testified, that he used his cane over Both f o r ...... 98c Diamond Join the crowds at our showrooms, 634 Center It Is to be hoped that the whole of violence go unreportrd. The and lobbyists nnd that perhaps "ths the head Bryoh Paine, an em­ Country Gub WINES SNAG FOR BYRD project will be abandoned. The "clipping” Indicates that many of people around Peoples" dl ln't com. are absolutely finaL ploye. SENSATIONAL Chelmsford the smaller spots are falling: they A Judge disapproved and gave Bore old vintages as weU as St, Manchester. See our special showingr of "Study Commission" was badly con­ prise Uie best imaginable staff. WINE OFFER! Wouldn't it be a curious colncl- always turn to racketeering as a They pointed out that in secret Frank 60 days. Pull Fifths of Six Year Old GINGER ALE AND the six and eight-year-old 1935 DODGE and PLYMOUTH Models. ceived from the beginning; It final, desperi te mea.surr. ’"That’s fine,” he said. "It will be FLAVORS wines of our label. Special at ISBoe If young Dave Irwin should testimony before the Glass sub-corn- warm when 1 get out” Wine, regular 75c value. For has cost the state considerable The bigger, brighter places, with mltlee. Peoples had described- an as­ CARRIED IN STOCK. WE ARE THE ONLY PLYMOUTH DEALER IN CONN. NOW OFFERING THIS PLAN. and back in the United Stotes Just large crowds siid low tariffs, arc the the week-end we offer these for a fifth—2 tor money, but It will be miicb better sistant, Max Dunning, as "a very NO BED OF ROBES ibout the time Admiral Richard E. ones deJlnltely slated for success. able engineer" who bad "resigned" at 39c each, 2 for 75c. This Dial 4253—8856—3852— to charge off that cost to experience For example, the biggest one open­ Chicago—A player’s Ijrrd returns from tbs Antarctic from the PWA housing division "to life is no snap. offer not duplicated locally. lad la all set for one of those bigb- than to send good dollars after bad ed 'With a crowd of 1800—or mavbs accept an appointment In the pro­ Wc DeliTcrl $1.00 ponnlea j t was 18,000 -cii.stomers. It’s the Recalling his own early trombone F profitable lecture tours? curement division." lessons, sajdng that playing the In­ 'Congress Restaurant, luu; is on Kn-urd Isn’t ITaulIng WATKINS strument sometimes made a man Irwla to tJ^ amaslng youth who, The Broadway, where Congress belongs. The Who’s Who record describes

home of H » aon, 1S7 Bummer street as regards the Board o f Rellers ra- aerial equipment Is from the United at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. It dupttona, whether or not they will MELLOirS WEALTH IN ’31 SANTELLA DENIES States. . NO INTEREST SHOWN will be private. Rev. L. C. Harris of CdiDHSREDSBUSY stand as given, la not known.. Un­ BUSINESS LIVELY Until recenUy, there were hun­ the South Methodiet church will of- doubtedly the case will bs Investi­ dreds of foreign officers and engin­ EXCEEDED 200 MILUON To gated further, according to the tem­ Give Kovis, Smith Farewell Dinh delate and burial will be In the eers In the Siamese Army, Navy PAL’S STATEMENTS West cemetery. IN ARM Y AND NAVY per of local officials today. OBIOAGO CUBS Alost year, has a good chance.of be- Aviation and Police Departments but IN NEW BABY BONDS Regarding the Cheney Brothers AT SUB STATION That Waa Before He Trans­ ' Ing retumsd, principally to work as today ever unit of national defense Increase, Chairman Edward Lomch Mto. Slinon Matnsavlck- Chicago, March 1.—When Owner ' relief for the veteran Leo "Gabby" In Slam Is purely Siamese In per­ of the Itoard o f Relief could not be ferred Huge Blocks of Hla Mrs. Mary Matusavicb, w ife of Hartnett, who tolled harder than Knute Rockne Met Death Moriarty Brothers Donate BLUEFIELDS’ C L U i sonnel. reached today for an official state­ Securitieo to Hia Children. Phil W rlgley taket hia Chicago (Tubs Local Sport Simon Matusavich of Rye street. High U. S. Ojndals Ten of T d b Court He Did Not Admit to Catalina island to prepare for any other Cub during the hectic When the King of Slam was an Not One Person Inquires Broad Brook, died yesterday afters ment, but considerable of the facts NewjConlracl P. 0. Is Popu­ absolute monarch, the military In the case were learned, however. Pittsburgh, March I.—(AP)— 1935, a big assortment of rookies 1934 race. noon at the home of her niece, Mrs. will find a tough Job trying to dis­ O’Dea, not particularly potent as Four Years Ago Today $25 for Penn Relay Trip PLANS AFFAIR F( forces were a sleeping body- Year Frank Kupchunos of Ellington road, It was definitely ascertained that Before transferring hugs blocks of TMlHeKiSedYoiilliDgr- Chatter^ after year, yoimg men were con­ About Government Invest­ Schemes Tried Oot hy # place veterans. a producer of base hits, stands six Plea-sant Valley, Wapplng. She has the current appraisal figures of the securities to his children and their lar— Located in Weldon scripted and officers and men re­ Unless something entirely unex­ feet and weighs 180, bats left and J. M. Clemlni)haw company were holding companies, Andrew W. Mel­ Kansas City, March 1.— (AP) —%Dr. D. R. (Mike) NIgro of Kansas Moriarty Brothers* Filling Station,.^ relay runners to the Penn Relasrs newed their oath of allegiance to the been III for a long time. mg a Holdnp. pected occurs, there won’t be more throws right. He’s 23. BlU Murch is due for a stiff test SA1VRDAY MARCH She Is survived by her husband; Communists in the U. S. discounted entirely by the Board of lon’s wealth exceeded $200,(KX),(X)0 Notre Dame’s Immortal Knute! City, friend of Rockne who fathered King, held the usual maneuvers, ment Certificates. than one or two yearlings on the Oavarretto Grlnom’s SooecesorT tonight if we’re to believe Arthur E. sponsor of the Firestone Service ^ foundation of a fund to Relief In arriving at the Cheney Hat on December 1, 1681, It was shown Rockne will be honored by loyal i the plan to bold nationwide memo- Drug Store. staged colorful parades, and receiv­ two brothers, Joseph 2Mkui of roeter when It finally la whittled Phil Cavaretta, who came to tbe Patterson, writing In the Herald-. Broad Brook and Anthony Zitkus of this year, due. It Is said, to the fact today at hla Income tax hearing. citizens from coast to coast on the rial banquets on Rockne’s birthday, . h , . ! . ... ' s r j s r ; ed advancement— but they did not down to the playing limit. Cubs near the close of the 1934 Tribune. This Is what he says about Pennsylvania and a sister, Mrs John Washington, March. 1.— (AP) — that it would not be fair to the other Howard M. Johnson, for 20 years Bridgeport, March 1.—(AP) — birth anniversary of the great foot-1 starting this year, Senior ^.eague championship, today i president of tha Army A Navy club, dominate the government. Manchester persons were apathet­ Dominick Sontello, 28, of Norwalk, Well fortified In all departments, schedule from Reading, Pa., Is per­ the race: "Scholastic miles usually Paukus o f New Britain. ’The funeral taxpayers to be taxed on.their laat confidential aecretary of the finan' ball coach next Monday, March 4. Alumni groups all over the coun- made an out r l A t donation of $2b { has been appointed to devise ways RaD Players Who Ear Businesi was lively all day tert .1. Cnmpliell, Sr. urged the "Comradea" to keep out Relief n few days before the legal transferred many millions Into hold­ ring and waa fined for the offense, the south in tbe very near future. Robert J. Campbell, Sr., one of of Jail so that In event of war they limit of time, the latter board se­ ing companies, giving the common Santella declared that he first met If He Shows He Can Han­ "Biny Murch, the youngster who March 9 fo r Benefit of Not wishing 'o see the boys leave ENGINE INVENTOR would be in a position , to enter mu­ Scarpella In Norwalk two or three dropped in from Manchester, Conn., without a fitting sendoff, the Blue- ,'Oonttntied from Page One) Manchester’s best known rc.sldents, cured Its own estimates of the prop­ stock to his children, Paul and Alisa. ABOUT TOWN (lied at the home of hl.s son, Robert nitions plants where they could con­ erty and placed the Increased values y ------:------weeks before the shooting. Campbell May Seek Mark Joe McCluskey’s home town, and fields are arrang^g a gala farewell centrate on acts of sabotage. The defendant denied Scamella’a dle It; Boston Gives Bam- won the national high school mile Times Farm Fond; To Hold Score Six Points in Overtime affair with a program of entertain­ his return to the ancient Asiatic J. Campbell, Jr., of 77 Benton street on them In their report. Title Toarney Will Admit 64 Pretty OirU Used story In which It was stated that at the Garden last Saturday after­ ment and prominent speakers. Ur- throne which he deserted after nine last night. He had been in poor An increase of $465,185 was noted Mlss Elda Bclettl a local dancer, He read on extensive brief de- Santella, Scarpella and Mazella on noon, Is entered along with Clar­ bano Osano, well known local chef, years, to wander about the world. health for several months. Hl.s wife, Recently Praised by the In machinery, water power and dams FEAR STRIKES IN SOITTH will appear at the masq-.ierade dance I tailing the manner in which aall- bmo a Royal Welcome. Players Instead of the ence (Squeak) McKenzie, diminu­ Women’s Sweeps. to Reach Finals of Jove* will cater for the dinner. Known as the "Possessor of the Mrs. Rosanna Campbell, died on and but $46,575 In mill buildings. the Friday night preceedlng the , ors are approached with Commun­ Before the Week Is Out tive 4:32 (outdoor) entrant from Committee in Charge 2t Umbrellas," the "Brother of the to be held by the Sub Alpine club to­ Febniary 11. He was 83 years old. It was stated by Cheney Brothers shooting drove about Norwalk look­ President for His War ist propaganda. Pretty girls, he M AY SPREAD TO NA'HON Brunswick, Me., and FYed Hardy, a The committee in charge ot ths | Moon" and the "Supreme Arbiter morrow night In their hall on El- Mr. Campbell was for many years officials today that the Board of ing for a place to rob. Customary 43. nile Play dridge street and will be seen In said, board warships as visitors Boston, March 1.— (A P )—The converted half-mller from John Hartford, March 1.— (Special)— affair consists of Prosper Des* of the.Ebb and Flow of the Tides," a resident of tlie north end and was when they are in port. Directors of the company will con­ Marshall School In Richmond, Va„ he renialned for many months In several acrobatic and classical one of the original members of Com­ sider the matter soon at which time Job of managing the Boston Braves Announcement was made today^ by Lauriers, Harry White and John Time Work. Brig. Gen. Harry E. Knight of Leaders of Textile Workers Wind and Water Improve who has not been beaten since he Foley. Tickets are now on sale and his Surrey retreat with his wife. dances. pany G First National Guard which an official statement will be made. :^EAST SIDES DEFEAT is Babe Ruth’s when and if he John A . DeRldder, President o f the | The Red-Raiders edged Bot's All- the Army general ataff said Com­ Declare Same Issues Are In­ OFFERS S E R V H B FREE New York, March 1— (AP) —The graduated to the longer distance, may be obtained from any member Queen Rambalhaml, while his coun­ was known as the Manchester Rifles Following are tbe actual reduc­ shows he can handle It. munists are more active now than professionals championship— one of but who never bas been pushed be­ National Duckpin Bowling Congress, Stars In a thrilling overtime battle, o f tbe committee or at the Blueflelda try wondered what he would do. Leonard J. Greene, o f Cincinnati, and wa.s organized in 1871. The com­ tions granted by the Board of Relief volved in Numerous Mills. union organizer In Manchester for New London, March 1.— (A P ) — they were a year ago. He added Condition of Daytona That was what the Babe heard golf’s longest and toughest grinds low 4:40." that Frank Barber manager of the 36-30, at the Rec. clubrooma or tbe Silk City Diner. I f he ever really wanted to re­ mander of the company was Philip as of March 1: TO HELP SHIP PROBE from Charles F. Adams, first vice- Local 2125, United Textile Workers Charles Denison Holmes, whose that the activity was confined more NORTH ENDS 24-20 Blue Ribbon five, has agreed to al­ With the All Stars leading 80-28 Thursday, March 7, has been set aa . turn to his native land and its 10,- Hudson, who had .served as a captain World War time work in engine de­ R. Burr and Com pany.! 6,000.00 president and controlling stockhold­ will admit 64 players instead o f the Coach Alton Johngren’s Manches­ 000,000 persona, the diminutive king of America, has been recalled from or lesa to one section of the country La Grange, Ga., March 1.— (A P ) and 30 seconds to go, It looked as the deadline for reservationa and all In the Chvll War. Today there is only velopment was recognized by a which he preferred not to designate. Mary Gtblln, 38 Cottage Beach for Record Attempt er o t the Braves at a dinner last customary 43 to match play this ter High tankmen are scheduled to low Nick Tronsky and Jack White never gave any indication of It. this district and will be assigned to 808.00 —Strong probability that a strike of though the Raiders were a sadly de­ members of the club planning to at­ one surviving member of tlial com- j eommendatory letter after 17 years, street ...... Admiralty Attorney Declares night at which the home run king year. The first two round* of man splash it out with Meriden High at compete against each other In an In­ Much of his time he spent In another locality, according to re­ "The War Department.” he said, feated bunch of players. But after a tend are asked to obtain tickets aa pany In Manchc.ster, he being Joseph is dead at his home in Mystic. John Olode, 1701 Tolland textile workers at six mills here Impression Has Spread That waa welcomed back to Boston. to man conflict will be reduced from the School Street Rec, tomorrow af­ dividual match for the benefit of the sports activities. ports emanating from Stafford "believes passage of this bill would o f 300 Miles Per Honr, Win Second Straight in Inter­ time out they came out to do or die. soon as possible. Alhl.ston. Turnpike ...... 1 ... 581.001 might a;iAume National Importance" Adams made It clear the Babe 36 to 18 boles. These changes were ternoon at 2:30. A win over the Hartford Timea Farm Fund. While Bangkok offered him regal Holmes, who received a ■ letter of provide a means of helping to Mohawk Disaster Has Been On the Jump, Cherubini got the ball Talented Players Springs today. Mary Goodwin, 1106 E. M. waa reported by labor organizers to- would not outrank Bill McKecbnle, announced today by George R. The bowling fraternity In all sec­ facilities lacking at CranlclgVi, .Sur­ Mr. Campbell was employed by thanks from President Roosevelt in stamp out attempts on the part of Sliver Cflty swimming team will and tossed one from midfloor, the Smith filled tbe position o f regu­ Turnpike ...... 674.00 day as Including numbers of work­ “Spiked.” present manager of the tribe, for he Jacobus, president of the Protes mean the C.C.I.L. swimming cham­ tions of the duckpin world has been rey, he does not want for luxury. The Holdcn-Nclson company has Cheney Brothers for a- period of fif­ behalf of the government last certain Radicals In this country to Test Ron Today Is Likely. mediate Town Series to ball being recovered by the Raid­ lar right fielder for the Blueflelda ty years. He was active in Temper­ month, pas.scd away last night after breed disloyalty In the army. George S. Johnson, 45 ers Joined ranks of the strikers at said that If Ruth succeeds to the slonol (iolfers Association. pionship for Manchester. Tbe clamoring for this event for years His properties in Siam bring him leased the Fogarty dwelling at Hll- ers, then a long pasa went to M ur during the 1634 season and Kovla ance work and in St. Bridget's an Illness of several months from Literature Distribnted Bigelow ...... 428.00 local plants of the Callaway chain of New York, March 1— (AP) —De­ managership, McKechnie will be­ Far In tbe background there Is locals, who recently turned back a but Barber has always turned a deaf an estimated 11,500.000 annually. llardvllle to J. M. Clcmlnahaw. Mr. claring that the impression seqms to ray near the basket and be passed was one of the pitching mainstays church and later in St. James’s arthritis. He was 64 years old. "We know that attempts have Marchuck, Wasel, 75 Au­ mills. Daytona Beach, Fla., March 1. — Take First Place. come an executive of the club ’’with the remote 65 members of the In­ strong Bristol delegation in a meet ear to the plan and the popular Blue There are AO servants at the Eng C3cmlnshaw Is at present conduct­ have spread that Investigation of vading British Ryder cup who will to Pantaluk who tossed In the of the team. When the Cardini^ chqrch. He was a cliarter member of In 1918, Holmes at severe cost to been made and still are being made tumn ...... 614.00 Aimed as a protest at what the '(A P ) — Wind and water have full power to represent the Interests that paved tbe way towards the Ribbon manager made It clear that Jlsh jmuntryslde estate who minister ing a re-assessment of Manchester the Mohawk dicoster has been meet an American group late in the basket to tie up the score. In the conducted a training camp at Willi- Court Manchester, F. of A. and re­ his eyesight and general health, de­ by subversive groups to penetrate Francis McCaughey, 33 workers said were the Initiation of a finally switched to the side of Sir I control.” coveted Interscholaatlc loop crown, regardlest, as to the outcome of the to his wants. property. ’This Is the spacious hilltop "spiked,” Silas B. AxteU, admiralty summer at Ridgewood, N. J. Coun­ overtime a barrage of shots shower­ mantle last summer to uncover tained membership in the order at veloped an eight cylinder engine the military service. Certain litera­ Laurel ...... 263.00 "stretch out" system, requiring em- Malcolm Campbell and there Is The East Sides defeated the North Ruth’s arrival In Boston was the are confident of winning Saturday, match these two stars would not •Has Eye Trouble residence formerly occupied by the attorney, today made public an offer try club and will stay for the pro­ ed the baskets like a hailstorm un­ promising talent, Kovla and Smith the time of hl.s death, lie was fyr capable of 650 horse power and suit­ ture and hand bills have been and Batista Peretto, 136 Maple 275.00 pjoyes to handle a greater amount every Indication' today that the Ends at the Y. M. C. A . last night signal for a demonstration rivaling clash again on the polli-bcd lanes as Prajadhlpok’s eyes, which' have Cooper family. 'The Holden-Nelson he made to give his services gratis fessional champions hip. til Murray, Greene and Pantaluk came to the attention ot tbe scouts . many years a trustee of St. Ja,mcs's able for use in submarine chasers. still are being distributed in our Mary Rubacha, 83-66 of work and a reduction in wages, British speed king will be able to 24 to 20, to assume leadership of those on the last appearances here The Red Raiders have advanced long as they were team mates on troubled him for long, are none too Co., have also rented to C. E. L’Es- to the government In probing ths In event some of the Britishers each found tbe mark and a bard and both were signed for tryouts. I His engine was perfected but. the regular army garrisons, among our North ...... 65.00 the strike spread to two other mills point tbe nose of his giant Blue the Intermediate Town Series with o f President Roosevelt and At to the finals of the Juvenile series the Blue Ribbon five. good for reading, and he enjoys la- perance of Manchester, N. H., the church. tragedy. desire to play In the tournament It fighting, scrappy bunch of players Smith haa a natural stance at the tenlng to musical programs when He Is survived by two sons, Robert I arml.stlce halted manufacturing. National Guard, In the reserve off! C. L. Vanderbrook A Son 1 chadn here today after work- Bird at her own 272.108 miles an two straight victories. Smith. The dinner that followed and win now play the winner o f the The event will be staged on the had victory snatched right put ot Coughlin house at 20 Grjswold The offer waa contotned In letters Is likely tbe PG A will waive . tbe plate, slugging ability and Is a he relaxes from his athletic activi­ J. Campbell, Jr„ of this place and Recently his brother Jeremiah cers training corps and In our citi­ C. E. Wilson A Co...... 7,200.00 I grs quit at four plants late yester' hour record and tread his foot to Led by "Red” Kovis who was also waa attended by sports writers and Oriolea-Arrows clash for the title In Morgan Recreation alleys on Satur­ their bands. "Jimmy” Hurray, street. zens train ig camps.” he sent to Senators Robert F. Wag­ necessity of their competing In sep- a best two out o f three game scries. whirlwind on the bases. Kovis is ties. The smiling and happy Ram- Aloysiiis R. Campbell of Hartford; Holmes, of Brooklyn, called the at­ day. the floor by the week end. high scorer, the East Sides proved the hundreds o f the National day, March 6, as the steller attrac­ "Johnny” Greene, "Hike” Muschko He said these activities had been ner and Royal S. Copeland, dated tional qualifying rounds. also a hitter at no mean ability and ' balbamt, who accompanied the two daughters, Miss Mary E. Camp­ tention of President' Roosevelt lo $32,166.00 The men who said they were L. L. There was even a slight possibility that they were the team to beat to League clubs minority stockholders. tion held in connection v^dtl-. the An­ and "P ete” Pan taluk starred for the observed for years but they appar­ February 25 and Februafy 27, res­ Under the new system the cham­ Two outstanding basketball at­ hia pitching arm possesses tremen­ King to the United States several Mrs. Thiire Hanson of Worcester, bell and Miss Caroline "Caiiipbcll, Holmes war-time work and the let Cheney Stand Harding and M. D. Williams, Inves­ that Sir Malcolm might make a win the title. Trailing by Mx points "Bill McKechnie was frank, hon­ nual Yankee sweepstakes for the Red-Raiders while '’H arry” Squatri- ently "have not yet met with a When asked today if Chtney pectively. at halftime the East Sides spurted to est and correct when he said ‘there pionship event will start Oct. 4 at tractions were presented in Man­ dous speed and control. years ago when he underwent an Mass., who Is spending a few days iKith of .Manchc.ster. ter of commendation followed. tigators for the Textile Labor Re­ teat run today after Wild Bill Cum­ women’s championship of the United to and "Red” Gavello played best great deal of success. Then he Brothers were prepared to issue an In hla letter to Senator Copeland, come out on top by four points. can only be one boss,' ” Adams the Twin Hills Cflub in Oklahoma chester this week— the Rec Senior eye operation. Is usually at his aide. with her parents, Rev. P. J. O. and The Fiinenil Holmes 'as horn at Mystic, lations Board, came here to con­ mings, Indianapolis champion laat States and the price o f admission for the All-Stars. warned: official statement regarding the Axtell said he waa complying with said. "Any of us that know any­ City with a 36 bole medal play League doubleheader Tuesday night She has terriers and scalyhama all Mrs. (.’ornell of 67 Wadsworth Conn,, July 2, 1870, the son of Wll ciliate the trouble. year tried bis Diesel car out on the The North Ends after losing a two will be within reach of every one al­ CLOWNS SWAMP CENTKAUI ' The funeral will be held at his "However, while all this reflects $514,000 Increase by the Board of the request o f the U. S. Attorney point game to the Falcons were out thing about successful organiza­ qualifying round. A fte r the two 18 and the Rangers-Knlgbts of Litb Rod-Rolden over the estate to keep hbr amused. street. Is entertaining a group of 11am Kemp Holmes and Varrie Harding said there was a strong beach for a shot at the 125 miles an though the tickets will be limited. former home 66 Pearl street at 9;.30 great credit upon the Army and Relief In the firm’s assessment this In New York to bring several sur­ to take tbe East Sides but slipped tions realize how sound Is such a hole rounds of match play will come battle at the Armory Wednesday P. B. F. T. ’The frail, pleasant faced Monarch ladles this afternoon at the Cornell Elizabeth Tift probability the strike here may as­ hour record for that type set here Speaking of the event National The Clowns proved too much for Monday morning and at 10 o’clock most reassuring to the W ar De­ year over laat, Clifford B. Cheney, vivors of the Mohawk crew before behind In the third quarter never statement. four rounds at 36 holes with tbe night with a foul shooting contest 1 Murray, If ...... ',4 1 9 who is 40 years old, war eighth in home. In honor of her mother’s 80th Ho Is survived by hts widow, almost two weeks ago by Dave 0 the Centrals, scrubbing them to tho at St. James's church, 'riie body will partment, I f does not follow that general works manager, declined to sume National Importance because the Grand Jury. to head the Boat Sides again. ”I can only hope the Babe real­ finals Sunday, Oct. 20. as an added feature. But did any­ Secretary George L. Isemann when Bciflore, If ...... 0 0 0 descent from Yaut Ka, who found- birthday. Bertha Langworthy Holmes; his Axtell told Senator Wagner: “My Evans, another race track pilot. 3 Murphy, r f...... tune of 39-18. The Clowns were be placed In the receiving vault In these subversive groups will not be say whether the company planned the fair planning committee for the Kusak and Katkaveck played a izes his ambition and that be will one get killed In the rush to plank on a visit to the Eastern sweep- . . . 1 2 4 c4 the Chakrl Dynasty in 1782 after mother, Mrs. Caroline E. T. Holmes; The beach waa not ready today 1 Pantaluk, c .., St, James's cemetery iintl, a later successful at least In part W they to take the matter Into the courts, textile Industry Is now meeting In own thought Is that the Ward Une good game for tbe North Ends. merit the position he is coming to Ky Laffoon of Denver, victor In down the two-bit admission charge stakos stated it was without a doubt ___ 2 3 7 handicapped In the latter part o f tho the Burmese had been driven out of Manchester Assembly, Order of four brottiers, William K. Holmes of (which operated the Mohawk) haa for any more than a leisurely spin 3 date when he and Ids wife will he continue their efforts, and there Is Mr. (^en ey said the assessment Washington to discuss questions League Standing. fill. the Phoenix' $2,600 open several (15 cents for the Rec League) ? Not the greatest Individual duckpin J. Greene, rg ...... 4 0 8 game because of the personal fouls the land. He succeeded his brother, Rainbow will hold a sale of home Mystic. Henry P. Holmes of Provi­ at say 125 miles on hour, Campbell 1 Mutebo, Ig ..., burled In St. Bridget's cemetery. every reason to , believe that they Increase would be considered by which are an issue here. been mismanaged x x x ).” East Sides ...... 2 0 1.000 "He used to be a good soldier if days ago. Is the leading money win­ on your life or ours. The estimated match ever staged In the history of ___ 3 2 8 called on three of their players. Otto Rama VI, in 1925. made fond tomorrow at 10 o’clock In dence, Jeremiah Holmes of Brook­ admitted last night. Low tide Is — — will so continue." Ward Cheney and the directors A similar view was expressed by A s evidence that lyegligence con­ Falcons ...... 1 1 .500 he Is not one already. He must by ner for the months of January and crowd Tuesday night was 250, Wed­ the little pin game and If staged in Cooke, Russell Allczl and Sam Sapl- Not until 1820 ilid the forbears of the basement of the J. W. Hale com lyn. N, Y „ and Raymond M. Holmes tributed to the Mohawk disaster, 10:80 a. m., today. 9 Prajadhlpok open the door to west­ .Innathiin Blgi'low. Reading extracts from some of some time next week. Ward Cheney H. A. Holllhan of Atlanta, organizer North Ends ...... 0 2 .000 his own example create loyalty and February. Competing In nine nesday night 500. And most of these Baltimore or Washington would 14 8 36 enza swished the net for four shots pony’s store. A variety of home of New York and a sister Mrs. Ellen Axtell said that there were no rope, "It’s definitely better though gnd ern trade. Six years later followed Jonathan ( ’ . Higelow, superintend the literature, he said Communists is away and will not return to New for the Georgia Federation of LtCbor, East SMes (24) respect within and without the club. tournaments and collecting in all were fans of high school age. We draw the largest gate ever known. Rot’s All-Stars each, with (>>oke making two foul baked fmids will be offered for sole, T. Costello of New London. or Jacob ladders, available; that it’s a great relief to see It coming P. B. • treaty with Great Britain and ent of the Wickham c.stato on Mid­ were told In the event of an imperi­ York until tomorrow. He docs not If mill owners are allowed to B W* P "Now about Btll McKechnie. That Laffoon has amassed a total of can’t figure It, nohow. Out of town bowlers planning to F. T. Shota to be the high scorer of tho , the ship was not Inspected before around” be said. "The last high tide 3 Pctriccio, rg ... later with other nations. dle turnpike. West, located Just east alistic war to work toward turning yet know of the action of the Board continue the practices installed here 'Vince, If...... 3 0 4 there Is no misunderstanding, be, $2,514 Ip prize money for a $54 mar­ attend can have tickets reserved by . . . 2 0 4 game. W. Francy and V. L eggett - she left port on her last voyage; hasn’t improved the beach much 4 Gavello, I g ...... In 1917 Slam declared war, of the East Hartford anil Manch''.s- It into a war on capitalism. Some of Relief, but will be apprised of it this week the N R A code for tbe teX' Muldoon, I f ...... 0 0 0 too. If the Babe can subsequently gin over his closest pursuer, Young We doff our battered headgear to writing to the Bowling Editor, Hart­ . . . 3 1 7 scored high for the Centrals. that hatchets were missing from over the last 12 hours but the wind 0 Cherubini, c through her absolute rule, on the ter town line, died at hl.s home yes­ doc\imcnts suggested placing "reli­ this week-end. tile Industry is Just as good as dead Henry, r f ...... 0 0 0 fill bis shoes, will be promoted and Henry Pickard of Hershey, Pa. the high school lads, Bill Slnnamon, ford Times, Hartford, Conn. The . . . 1 1 3 The Clowns wiU meet the Rock- ; DEADLOCK IS STILL ON HEARINGS ON BONUS several of the life-boats, and that is still blowing in from the north­ 1 Savllonis, c . . . Central powers and sent an ambu­ terday afternoon. He has been In able comrades" In the Arm y Itself, .Clifford (heney said the company Holllhan said. Deyorlo, rf ...... 1 0 2 like the Babe, too, I believe will ex­ A1 Obuchowskl and John Tierney, Blue Ribbon manager, In agreeing to . . . 1 2 4 ville Falcons this evening at tho some o f the life-boats did not have east, the waves are running high and 2 Squatrito, If ... lance detachment to the western charge of the farm for over 25 years while others pointed to a "possibili­ had been warned of the figure o f the Weir, c ...... 1 1 3 perience that the higher up you go who proved that age and experience this match for such a worthy cause, . . . 4 2 10 East Side Rec and the RockvlUo 1 think It’s only a matter of a few 3 Correnti, rf .... front shortly before the signing of OVER WORK-REUEF BILL and In addition to taking care of the ty of creating a genuine revolu­ Board of Relief this morning. He buckets. Kovis, -lb ...... 6 8 13 the tougher the Job and the more aren’t necessary to accurate foul . . . 1 0 2 Phantom Dragons Saturday night. TO BEGIN ON MONDAY AxteU declared that the Ward dkys now." asks the support of tbe bowling — the Arml.stlce. cows al.HO supervised the planting tionary movement among the sol­ asserted he would not venture to ALLEGED SPIES ARRESTED Haraburda, rb ...... 1 '0 2 responalbllity, consequently the shooting. Bill, of course, was the Clowns (86) Liner Havana, which Is still repos­ FULLER TO HGHT fraternity of the state. Manager 13 Visit tinlird States of a large part of the land. He Is diers.” predict what the officers and direc­ He wanted to make a test run to­ more worry and sleepless nights.” big surprise o f the trio with 37 out 12 6 30 P. (Cnntlna«>d from Page One) ing on a reef off the Florida coast, Frank Lurix of the Morgan alleys B. F. T.>^ In April, IP.H. the King and srirvived by his wife, a daughter, Congrressman Expects Some Oements said the Department of tors Intend doing. Praha, Czechoslovakia, March 1. day finishing tbe preparatory stage Ruth, who came here with the of 40, which, Incidentally, Included Score at halftime, 15-12 Raiders. was unseaworthy, that her steering 10 4 24 where the big event will be roiled 1 Otto Ctooke, I f ...... 4 2-3 10 J Queen visited the United States Mrs. Abble M. Koploss of Hurnside; Justice had endorsed the McCor­ "W o will alt down now and zee -(AP)—Ten high officials of he started ten days ago -with his definite understanding that he AMBERS TONIGHT a run of seventeen in a row, but Referee, Haraburda. 94th birthday. 'Though stricken Sort of Hill M ill He Hut to a apparatus had not been tested North Ends (20). will provide additional bleachers In 3 C. Braithwalte, rf .. 1 2-7 4 ■■ ■J where he had a cataract removed a bridher, David ,9. Higelow of t’ol- mack bill. what we can do about It,” he stat­ Czechoslovakia, including three per­ first ride In th e' reconditioned Blue would manage the Braves In 1936 if Obuchowskl and Tierney also merit Umpire: Freney. with pneumonia at this great age, Vote Next Week. McCormack testified the bill properly before she encountered B F P. order to handle a crowd of 500 or Time; 10 min. quarters, One $- 3 Anderson, c ...... 3 0-2 6 S from an eye. He remained in chester; four graiidcluldren and a ed. ' sonages of the ministry of war, have Bird when he sailed along at what Katkaveck, rb ...... 8 0 6 not sooner appeared a bit taken plaudits for their 21 out of 25. the noted Jurist wa.s reported to misfortune. more bowling fans eager to see two min. overtime period. 2 8. Sapienza, Ig .... 4 0-1 8 W hite Plains, N. Y., during the grcnt-grandcldld. He was a nicm- would not Infringe on the rights of Mr. Cheney Indicated that an of­ been arrested for investigation on he estimated waa 200 miles an hour. Swlkla, lb ...... 8 0 0 back by Adams’ frank talk as did have spent a "very fine night." free speech and Is entirely Consti­ AxteU concluded his letter to Sen­ of the greatest pin topplers of tbe 0 R. Allczl, r g ...... 4 1-1 9 r greater part of the time spent In her of Westchester Congregational ficial company statement relative espionage charges, it waa revealed He found several small things wrong Rykoskl, e ...... 1 0 2 every one else In the audience. Winner Will Have Next Can’t forget John "Barge” Among capital developments: Washington, March 1.— (AP) — tutional. ator Wagner with praise for the with the car then. country in action at the same time BRITISH AMERICANS 3 O ockett, rg ...... 1 0-1 a ■? the visit. church and Hartford Lodge, Mialcrn Hearings beginning Monday on bills to the assessment would be forth­ tonight. McCurry, r f ...... 2 0 4 "Bill McKechnie Is a gentleman O’Leary of last year's Manchester A year later, on the occasion of Six "Baby Bonds" were purchased Woodmen of America. Representative Kramer (D. Cal.), coming during the latter part of e Authorities divulged no names but "great bravery and courage” o f the who does everything ho can for In an individual contest. (Murphy’s Alleys) by President Roosevelt In a White to pay off the $2,100,000.0()0 bonus Kusak, If ...... 1 0 2 High team and brother o f Jim 12 17 5-15 89 the 150th anniversary of the dynas­ His funeral will be held Monday echoe^l McCkJrmack’s assertion that next week. Indicated a thorough Investigation of able seamen o f the Mohawk. baseball," the Babe told the diners. Chance to Meet Barney It Is planned to award the winner were ordered ton. .Mr. Sceery, who was a clerks who arc working on the or any forest, ornamental or fruit MORE ON SETBACK WRESTLING The Concordias took the Atlas ing Congress from all Sections of the V e n n a rt...... 89 126 110—325 Peferee, Kovis. Timer, Giovan. Huanin on a holiday. The navy Big Four" produoers, J. D. Francis ation of Labor affiliation of only u, ___ uiiU Mrs. Everett S. Young, local squad lost a close game early a challenger acceptable to Cham­ former telegraph operator, has not pending social security bill estimat­ tree while In a nursery, shall be ex­ Dear Pupils of the Spruce Street over the hurdles to tbe tune o f 46 country who are planning to attend. Davies ...... 96 117 Time, 10 min. quarters. chiefs sent a warship after them. of Huntington, W. Vs., opposed leg­ four per cent of the workers. Wil­ ot Brooklyn, waa killed while coast­ WORKERS TO MEET In the season to this team and will pion Barney Ross. .99— 312 beeii In good health for several ed It would "take them several days empt from taxation." Tavern; to 39. For the vanquished the The Yankee sweepstakes that will T a g g a r t ...... The mass of people .took no part islation to make coal mining a pu^ liam Green, president of the fedeba- ing today when a heavy truck carry­ try to even the count tonight. The .114 101 129— 344 years. Yesterday he went to the and maybe a week" to finish draff. The above btll was passed late In It was with great humor that we By ASSOCIATED PRESS Barney Is under suspension In this shooting of McCaughey waa ex­ be held on the same day haa attract­ In the revolt and for the most part tic utility as Inipractical and too ex­ ing bales o f leather and driven by Norwich, Ckinn., March 1— (A P) players will.leave the West Side office of Dr. Weldon for medical ad­ Ing the measure as It was tenta. the session of 1623. (Approved tion on a recent visit here, said the read your paragraph In yesterday’s state for refusing to defend his title ceptionally good with Simmons run­ BILL MURCH RACES TONIGHT. the city remained quiet'. There were treme. Percy Segar of WIIHmanUc, Conn — A meeting o f the more than 400 Rec at 6:15 p. m. Coach George ed sill o f tbe leading duckpin women 487 528 518 1533 vice and while there waiting for the lively amended by the committee. June 2, 1923.) federation membership was approx­ Herald, and we wish to congratu­ Toronto— Ernie Dusek, Omaha, against Ambers but all undoubted­ ning a close second while for the few casualtids. ran over hia head fracturing bis workers who left their Jobs In four Btavnltsky, Phil Wells and ’* i y ’ topplers of the cotuitry for the Wales won roll-off. Bydney Anderson; of Minneapolis, doctor ho was stricken and died, "VVe have no Intention of delay­ Act Repealed. imately 20,(kX) paid up, with about late you for your vivid Imagination. threw Jim Browning, Vemo, Mo. ly will be forg;iven if he agrees to winners Slnnamon gave a fine ex­ New York, March 1.— (A P )—OsN'i The Icadcr.s of the revolt an skull. pants manufacturing plants her Holland will not be with the team championship o f the fair sex. Lead­ representing the National Millers medical ahl being of no avail. ing the security bill at all,” Dough The above act was repealed on the same number in arreark We thank you kindly for your C*mden, N. J.—Ed. Don George, meet tbe winner some time during hibition of shooting as did Zwick. umbla’s intcrscholastle track m ee t. nounced their aim was to abolish He was sliding with other young­ Wednesday haa been called for ae>J tonight. ing stars from Washington, Balti­ Scotland Federation, told the House agricul­ Dr. W. R. Tinker, medical exami­ ton told new.spaperraen. " I f the May 21, 1927 by an act, In part, as Dillon's Statement gen'>rous offer to tty to teach us 'the North Java, N, Y., defeated Nick the summer, either here or In Chi­ Concordia «) to be held tonight In the 13th Regi-- the absolutism of the Monarchy and Dillon, announcing the council ac­ sters in a yard, police said, when he Monday morning. more, Richmond, Norfolk,, Boston, Boyce ...... 82 74 109— 265 ture committee the Nation's princi­ ner, was called and the body was drafting clerks get through sooner, follows: game of setback but we refuse as Lutzke, California 2 falls spilt, cago. The Boston veteran is no P. B. ment Armory in Brooklyn has drawn ban the princes from the govern tion, said today: "The time has was struck by the truck. Begar The plants remained closed today'' F. T. Fall River, Lawrence, Providence Donovan ...... 94 94 66— 284 pal problem Is not agricidturni re­ removed to Holloran's undertaking we may have to defer bringing the "tniapter 255 of tho General Stat­ m we consider oureelves "profession­ Xjutze unable to continue. better than an even money proposi- 1 Zwick, r f ...... 5 0 10 an entry list of over 1,000 athletes: ment. They were accused of ex come to find out whether we have a was not held by police. with quiet picketing in progress. and 'Connecticut will be seen In ac­ Pools ...... 94 93 124— 311 covery but industrial rcoovary. rooms. Mr. Sceery is survived by bonus bill up on the floor, but at utes of the Public Acts of 1923---- als” who are thoroughly acquainted Chicago—Jim Londos, St Louis ‘tion against Ambers. 0 Suchy, If, c ...... 2 0 4 mostly from the Metropolitan dis-f travagince. A week later the King union or not. We’ve tried every tion during the afternoon and eve­ Sherman ...... 66 127 113— 336 three sisters, Miss Della Sceery, j/iesent I do pot expect that.” Is hereby repealed." (May 21, 1627.) with the techniques of setback. drew with Everett Marshall, La Ambers never has traveled the 0 Slnnamon, if ...... 7 0 14 trict. returned to the city and signed available means to Improve condi­ ning. Dickson ...... 100 112 LONG Sl'IT NEAR END Mias Catherine Sceery and Miss Asked who the first witnesses According to a statement made In order that the Spruce street Junta, (Jol. 15 round route, but his handlers de­ 0 Kluck, c ...... 0 114- 1^26 Among the out of town compsU- '^ roclamatlon June 27. 1932. limiting tions In the plants for the men, but H o c k e v ' .. 4 8 During the day, President J. A. Rose Sceery, all of Manchester. The would be. Doughton said that had by a member of the Board of “Oreenies” may leam to play the clare he easily can step tbe cham­ Uon however, will be Bill Murch a t ; Is powers and legalizing the arts 0 Weber, rg ...... 2 0 4 S Hartford, March 1.—(A P )—Tes­ funeral will he held Monday mom not been decided. Assessors this morning, the present they have not been improved. The game, the Coast-to-Cbast players pionship distance at top speed. DeRldder of the National Congress 466 500 656 1522 Manchester, Conn., who won the.na- : of the Peoples’ Party »;hlc.h sup (By Associated Press) ST. JAMES SECONDS VICTORS 0 Winzlcr, Ig ...... 3 0 6 timony In the $3,000,000 suit of the Ing at 8:30'at his late homo and at "W e will, of course, let the Treas­ board waa the first to tax the local time has come for action.” have organized a studio and will The Iraut in a sense will determine — — will present tbe National ranking England (S) tional interscholasUc mile title in ‘ ported the revolt. At that time ne NATIONAL — Rausch Machine Tool Co,, of St. James's 'church at 9 o’clock. The ury know about the hearings nurseries on the basis of the repeal­ DlUon said the Locals asked to welcome any . one who wishes to the rating ability of the New York certificates to the bowler of Con A. Stevenson . . 96 63 69— 288 Madison Square Garden last wosk. did not appear to be averse to the take a strike vote are located In 17' Get ready for Montreal (Jsnadlens 4, S t Louis 3. A hard fighting game waa played 2 23 0 46 Springfleld against the Aluminum body will be placed in the receiving they want to send up anybody,” he ed act of 1627. In doing this, he Detroit 6, Chicago 1. leam.- For those o f the Spruce State and Rlinois Athletic Commis­ Atlas necttcut. Many valuable cash prizes Sinnaman . . . . . 94 84 86—277 changes In the system of govern vault in St. James’s cemetery. states, mostly eastern and mld- at S t James hall Thursday. It waa Company of America, charging vio­ explained. said, the advice of the Tax Commis­ Montreal Maroons 5, New York Street ’’Oreenies” who think they sions. Ambers is recognized by the P. B. F. T. will be awaraed to the winners and M. Holmes . . . . 80 110 04— 284 ir.ent. lations of the Sherman anti-trust westem. He said a majority of tbe know bow to play, the (Joast-to- a close game until the last quarter New York solons as Ross No. 1 all women attending the sweep- M c L a g a n ...... 134 He then said he was willing to act sioner was sought In the matter as Rangers 3. 1 Reardon, Ig, c .. ...4 0 5 8 117 106—360 laws ended today in Federal Court Henry Wiirren membership vote would not he Ooast players are ready to chal­ when the seconds started to run the challenger. The Illinois commis­ stakes will be provided with special SM head of the administration, but well as the town counsel before any Osaadlaa Amerioaa 0 McCaughey, rg . .. 7 0 14 H. Stevenson . .9 6 104 105— 305 before Judge Harland B. Howe and Henry Warren, a retired farmer, YOUTHS SENTENCED needed to authorize a ztrike, but lenge anyone o f them. score up. The seconds scoring at­ sion puts Fuller In that rank. even then was uncertain for how action was taken regarding the Boston 6, Providence 2. 0 Simmons, c, Ig . ...5 0 10 seats to witness the Tronsky-Whlte a jury. Co'irt was adjourned until died this morning at the home of that members of any one Local SPRING We are of the belief that the tack waa featured by Blanchard assessment of tho nurserymen on match. 600 long a period this would be because Bridgeport, March 1.—(AP) TONIGHT’S 8CHEDUUD and McCruden while for the losers 0 Allczl. If ...... 2 1 5 SIS 406 1514 Monday when summations by coun­ his son, Owen K. Warren of 137 their stocks. It was learned that could suspend work if three-quar­ Spruce Street Tavern hasn’t any GAR WOOD UNCHALLENGED Watch the sport pages of this erf the state of his health. In June Throe youths alleged to have car- ters o f its membership favored such Omadlaa American Cervinl was tbe star. 0 Judd, r f ...... 1 0 2 sel will be heard and It was believ­ Summer street after a lingering Ill­ the shrubs imown as "annuals" were Urns to spare to teach others the — — paper fo r additional news regarding of lost year he was operated upon ed probable that the Jury would re­ ness, Born In Penn.sylvanla he came rloAST PLAYERS another year without a ch.allenge, dia. no longer have even a mathematical MILITARISTS IN POWER. Center street until he retired from in city court today. President Qrsen last week said the rain, servers in the womens and Gorman, c ...... 0 0 0 Burr company $10,000; . the C. L. OF MAPLE STREET. but 1936 may find England, Italy Referee, Fraher. chance of a play off in tbe interna­ London, March I. -(API Plctiir Toronto. March 1.— (A P )—Presi­ that bu.slness some ten years ago. William Michaels. 21, of Bridge­ federation was "thinking in terms mens singles Bermuda champion­ McCruden, r g ...... 4 1 6 •aque and romantic Slam, the 'Vanderbrook Company $2,800 and We do— Refinishing, Regluing and Reupholstering. As and a new crop of American racers Time, 10 minute quarters. Last Night *s Fights tional division of the National dent William Hutchinson of the Since that time he has been msk port. was given a 60-day sentence of peace." In the automobile indus­ ships hoped to complete play In the wealthy Independent kingdom which the C. E. Wilson Company, $8,000. SEEK GAMES HERB seeking tbe famous plaque. Hockey League, but the Detroiters Toronto Police Association an­ ing bis home with his son. which win be suspended after 30 try, and that no strike was planned we have no overhead expense OUR PRICES ARE REAS*' teml-finol ivund today. Totala ...... 6 1 16 forma a buffer state between the Expert’s A p p ^ s o l The Hartford Mitchell House team Gar Wood, who boa beaten every ROWE OFF TO CAMP (By Associated Press) Red Wings have stood off a similar nounced today that Toronto police He Is survived by three sons, days have been served; John Skane, At the same time be severely criti­ ONABLE. EVERY JOB IS GUARANTEED. In the mec’s division Robert M. St. James Jrs. (8) British and French possessions In In view of the decision o f the wants games with leading Manches­ foreign Harmsworth challenger Daytona, O.—Alabama Dayton, fate in the American section with a would strike at midnight Saturday Owen K., of this place, Samuel P.. 25, of Bridgeport, and John Llnko cized the Automobile Labor Board, Bryan of (Siattanooga was matched ter teams. Preferc-biy road games. B. F. T. ooutheastem Asia, has Joined the Board of Relief making wholesale headed by Dr. Leo T. Wolman, Lautenback, I f ...... since 1630 1s the present holder of Eldorado, Ark., March 1,— (A P )— outpointed Solly Dukelesky, Chica­ victory. unless good conduct badges were of Hartford and CTiarles C. Warren, of Stratford were each given 60-day against J. Gilbert HaU, South Last season Manchester court fans .. 0 0 0 inarch of the Oriental mllltarisU. restored and other alleged griev­ who la In the United States navy sentences. reductions in the stock of the lo­ which he said followed a procedure Fitzgerald, r f ...... 0 , 0 0 the trophy but J. l^e Barrett, secre- L}mwood (Schoolb^) Bowe of tbe go, 10. The Ehiglee toolc a 4-2 beaUog The growth of Slam’s fighting cal nurseries, It is of Interest to Orange, N. J., and Bryan M. Grant enjoyed having ths Mitchells play tau^.of the Yachtsman’s Association Detroit Tigers eifpects a quick Grand Forks, N. D.— Babe from the Montreal Canadlens third ances redressed. and It located In the Pacific; also in selecting collective bargaining 3f Atlanta against R. D. Murray of Cervinl, c ...... 3 1 7 forces has been gradual but since point out that Alex Cummings, of at the Rec. of America, said he expected a re­ termination of his contract troubles Daniels, Duluth, Minn., outpointed place club of the International his wife, Mrs. Luella A. Warren committees under which "no free, J. SALA MontreaL Conran, Ig ...... 0 1 1 the world war very rapid. Slam ac­ INSPECT REFORMATORY Bristol, one o f the state’s best independent election could be held." The Mitchells have won twelve of Donahue, r g ...... vival of "formidable competition" after he reaches the club’s Lakeland, Kid Rippatoe, Fargo, N. D., 6. group. EX-nRE CHIEF DIES and a daughter, Mrs. Mabel B. Mrs. Dorothy Andrus of Stamford, ..0 0 0 tually Joined the Alliea in the World Stancitffe of West Hartford: three known horticulturists, engaged in Dillon said today that only mem­ their laat thirteen starts and would Macksey, Ig ...... next year. Fla., spring training camp. Declar­ Philadelphia—Wild Cat O’Comior, Detroit Red Wings, prosorred 83 Chestnut Street Telephone 8806 3onn., was paired against Mrs. John . 0 0 0 war and sent an expeditionary force, Portland, Conn., March 1.— (A P) brothers, Charles C. Warren of Hartford. March 1.— (A P) — The connection with a C. E. Wilson law bers whose dues are paid up to date like to play any league teams, or Tierney, r g ...... 0 0 Aa the deadline passed last night, ing himself in the beet of condition Scranton, Pa., drew with Bucky their chance in the American sec­ Van Ryn of Philadelphia and Jane 0 but the armistice was signed Just —Timothy E. Callaghan, 60, volun­ Pennsylvania. Clarke Warren of the legislative committee on appropria­ suit, furnished the Hartford County will be eligible to vote on the strike the Manchester Ouard Rangers. For Barrett sal i no one challenged Wood the big Arkansas hurler left yester­ Jones, Philadelphia, 8. tion, walloping the third place Chi- Sharp of Pasadena against Madame after the Siameae unlU arrived In teer fireman here for 25 years and same state and Frank Warren of tions today made an Inspection trip Superior Ctourt with figures support­ proposal. The resulta o f the bal­ Call between 6 and 9 P. M. week days. bookings write to Joe Dulka, 26 Totals ...... 3 2 8 for the trophy he won In 1930 when day for Florida in reeponse to a call Portland, Me.—Ginger Beck, Port­ cago Black Hawks S to 1, and tbe Sylvia Henrotln o f France In wo- Kanqie. once the department fire chief, died Manchester; a aistern Mrs. Jennie to ths stats reformatory at CTicshire ing bis ssUmate of $54,000 worth of loting, he saM< would bs reported Lawrence street, Hartford, or Phone Score at hi^time, 6-10 Seconds. he defeated Sir Mackey Edgar’s from Detroit oSIciala for an early land, outi^inted Tommy Gaffney, Montreal Marooaa trimmed From 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Saturdays. nen's singles. Kani is especially proid of her suddenly of a heart attack In his McCHay of Pennsylvania, and to tbe agricultural experiment stock earrisd by that ooncem. back to the feCeratloa ofllcea, here, 2-7458, between 8 and 6:80 p. m. 8 mlnut* i^daHera. Mapleleaf off the Isle of W ight arrival to talk over contract terms. Dovsr, N. H,, 10. the N ow T w k R a a ftro 8 to p. m m m . iCnM « f tiN BlasMM i Ilia funeral wlU be held at the Station at N tw Havsn. Ths legal aspect of the situatkm which would suthoflse Anal netlon. . ,, .'■t.j ■ UANCRlZrrER EVENING REBALD, MANGBEarTBE, CXRIN, Fltm A T, KARCH 1, IfBB. PAGE TBit MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER CONN FRIDAY, MARCH 1,1988w PAOB ELiBTli-

Its purchase motor fuels, oils and this (Blddla then thumbed his nose) present law. This act will permit of I ttoB, OB bar mothor’s olghtlath this afternoon. He sold he felt confi­ greases and the other provided for and laughed heartily. birthday. Mrs. K. B. Erickson, wlfa Loyal Orange Institution, at Its Henrietta BInks, Mrs. Lily Dunlop. day, May„,18, returning here Sun- the banking commissioner to pro­ dent the 1300 will have been raised tect the Interea,. of depositors and the creation of a commission on WIFE OF FORMER of the pastor, and Mrs. Elsie Guo- ONLY $68 RAISED DAUGHTERS OF UBERTY meeting last night in Orange bail Mrs. Ellen Wilson. ■ day. SENATE BATaE " I understand that both Professor by tomorrow. stockholders in many cases without state improvements. Frankfurter and James O. Palfrey of tofoon each song two numbera, ac­ planned ieveral activities for the On the first Tuesday in April the Senator Bradley told the Senate companied on the piano by Mrs. Y ’ '»her those In charge of the the necessity of closing the bank.” Boston have seen the Justice. local bousing program plan to take LAY PLANS FOR YEAR coming months. team will conduct a large bridge SAIEn FROM THE STORM ftn s f JVAnojvAi Sio r e a YOU PAT Of the three banking bills passed the latter bill would be considered Stinralanta Stopped , PASTOR HONOREDPaul Erickson. Mrs. Thors Stoehr IN HOUSING DRIVEreuj.u.uiy . ,tou ugl^nst the con­ It Is proposed to hold an Irish and srthaik, the committee for OVER WAGE CUT by the lower branch one defines the in connection with another measure ■< know also they stopped giving and Miss Ada Robinson played two tractors who failed to contribute re- tea, entertainment and dance, simi­ which Is Mrs. Mabel Cowles, Mrs. Weston, Conn. Mrs. Charles E. terms "merger” and "consolidation." now in committee, which provides him a heart stimulant yesterday. He piano duets, after which refresh nuUns to be seen. Earlier this week lar to those held heretofore by the Emma Armstrong. Mrs. Dorothy Broch got two birds with one Another extends to July 1, 1937, for the continuation of the state is a marvelous old man. It certainly menti were served and a social time AcUvities Are Scheduled at LESS AT planning board. enjoyed. Cbslrmon IJoroId W. Garrity hinted lodge. The date has been set as of Hooey, Mrs. Violet Hughes, Mrs. storm. During a recent snowfall, Q U l(m ENDED the time in which banking institu­ Is miraculous when a man almost 94 Meeting Last Night — Irish ahe opened the living room door and O f t O f V t Bills Rejected. Lotheran Sodety Presents Confident Enough Will Be St a boycott against those who foil­ March 80. and the following com­ Emliv Pratt and Mrs. Annie Hew­ FRESH tions shall conform to the law pro­ has pneumonia and does not require In flew a spArrow. A minute Inter, Two other bills rejected by the ed to support the program by pledg­ Tea First Event. mittees were appointed to make ar- itt. viding that DO loan shall be made to a stimulant for hts heart." EOCENTRIO THIEVINO she oppnt>(l the door again and In (O a m U a m * From Pace One) Senate would have reduced the ing $4 each. Mr. Garrity sold It la rangementa: Entertainment, Mrs, Tile team also voted to accept the individual borrowing in excess of 10 A fter Dr. Thomas J. Clayton had Parse of Money to Mrs. flew a wren. Both binls were placed BRUNNER’S Pittabutgb—S. N. GresMr, who Secured by Tomorrow to only fair that those who got behind Annie Johnston, Mrs. Nellie Werod- invitation from the L. L. O. 1. of per cent of the capital stock of the creel on trout from 16 to 12 dally spent 15 minutes with Mr. Holmes, In a cage and will be released when TlglitlM i Ftiaajr" afreement, but and would have lifted the restriction runs a monument works, thinks per­ the program be given all the work The degree team of the Daugh­ hoiise and Mrs. Lily foots: refresh- Amsterdam, N. Y., to put on the de­ bank or trust company and its sur­ Mark Howe, a former secretary to ters of Liberty. No. 125, Ladles the Snow melts. 1m w u ruled out of order by Lieu­ on the size of trout which may be haps a “ strong arm” squad should obtained through the instrumentali­ merts, Mrs. Annie Tedford, Mrs. gree and a drill for them on Satur­ Land O’Lakes plus combined. the legalist, told reporters the doc­ Looise ComeO Who Is 80. Goarantee the Work. tenant Governor Frank Hayes on caught. be called out to recover hts stolen ty of the canvass, and that the pub- Hutter, 2 lbs...... 79c the ground that a motion to table The third measure provides that The House killed a bill providing tor had found his patient "unchang­ property. Uc be advised not to patronize the BUTfER lOAF was not debatable. banking institutions must have the ed, comfortable and in good spirits.” for the calling of a constitutional One of the most delightful social He told police thieves took 60 contractors who did not support the Jack Frost Sugar, Baled Out Of Order express authority from the banking convention and also another measure Although ho did not know the bronze headstone plates engraved Seventeen contractors by noon to­ program. affairs of the season took place yes­ 10-Ib. cloth hags . While the vote on the motion to commissioner before they can exer­ which would transfer certain por­ nature of the treatment the doctor for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, day had pledged a total of $68 to­ 48c terday afternoon at Emanuel Luth­ table was in progress, Hogan again cise any of the fiduciary powers set tions of the highway fund to . the was giving, he felt sure that neither five stones, a small motor and a ward the $800 fund necessary for The Army Air Corps will be eran church, when fully 150 of the Krasdale Rice, tried to gain recognition but again forth in the General Statutes. civil list fund. It also turned artificial stimulants for oxygen block and tackle. this town to put up before the Fed­ forced to reduce by approximately f church women, and a few of the 2 1-lb. pkgs,...... was ruled out of order. Three bills rejected in the House thumbs down on a bill to create a woidd be required again, at least for The block and tackle, said Grea­ eral government advances $2,900 to 40 per cent the number of planes The Whole Town Is Talking! 13c men, gathered to honor Mrs. Louise Atter the result of the rising vote two days ago, met a similar fate commission to investigate useless the present. ser, probably were needed to move pay the wages of eight canvassers to be purchased during the coming BREAD Hoyal Hoking Cornell, wife o f Rev. P. J. O. Cornell bad been reported Hogan finally In the Senate. The House returned and superfluous Jobs in state depart­ AnoOier caller today wm Alger the atones, one of which weighed fiscal year, due to Increased prices About Our Quality! About Our Values! About Our Savinf?s! We Carry Over 15,000 who was pastor of the church for 21 on the Federal Housing campaign Powder, large .., gained recognition and reminded the the compliment by killing eight ments. Hiss, also a former secretary to Mr. 300 pounds. here. in the aeronautical field. 33 c bills on the same subject which the years, and who resigned in 1932. It Cans of Assorted Foodstuffs in Stock! Senate of the agrreement. Bills reported favorably in the Holmes and at present assisting in M ajor John Mahoney, who has Oftarle h'itA. Fels-Naptha Snap, Senator Bradley told the Senate Senate had turned down. carrying out the Senate munitions was during his pastorate the fine Emergency relief projects are Canadian civil aviation branch House included: new church was built. been contscUng the builders during PURt CRKAMERY he was willing to abide by the Senator Bradley again explained Investigation. supporting 400,000 families, consist­ figures ihow that air mail for the 3 b a rs ...... Permitting An.sonia to issue $50,- The party was under the auspices the past two days in an effort to BUTTER 14c ••flghtless Friday” rule if this course this action was taken to clear the Sees Visitors ing of 1,600,000 persons, in the first half of 1934 amounted to 339,- 000 bonds, notes or certificates of of the Ladles Aid Society and ar­ raise the money, said he intended to Our Buying Power Means Savings For You! Kraidale was agreeable to Senator Raymond files Of the Judiciary committee of indebtedness for public improve­ Howe said the Jurist was able to drouth ares. 311 pounis, or 55,000 pounds more Grapefruit JulcF, rangements were in charge of a approach dealers In buUdlng supplies J Devlin, the Democratic floor lead­ the many lihuor bills. ments and $75,000 bondii for emer­ than the same period last year. No, 2 see visitors and that Frankfurter group of 12 of the members. It was Check These Prices! Call Your Order In! Free Delivery! Dial 8721! er and the Socialist.^.' "The rejection of Liese bills,” gency relief. and Palfrey, who came to Washing­ Can .... Bradley salq, "does not mean that In recognition of the approaching I 10c Devlin and the Socialists later said .Manchester' Bill Favored. ton from Boston yesterday had the ideas they suggest are rejected. birthday of Mgs. Cornell, who was Drortipdiiry Gin.ger 1 i off the floor they favored eschijwlng Permitting the town of Manches­ spent considerable time with him. bom in leap year, on February 29, all controversial issues on Frldhy.s. If any Ideas are good, they will be ter to fix the compen.satlon of select­ I % / C included in a bill that the judiciary Justice Sutherland made a brief and although she has reached the Bread Mix ...... Senator Thompson explained to men and providing for the establl.sh- call at the Holmes residence at 10:20 age of 80 has not had more than 20 committee plans to prepare.” ment of voting districts in the town. Krasdale Pitted the Senate after the vote that he (>>mes L'p Again a. m. Upon emerging he said: "Jus­ actual birthdays. made the motion to table In order The Senate received a favorable tice Holmes had a good night and is The vestry presented a most at­ Everybody Saves at Dates, 2 pkgs. . The rehabilitation corporation Everybody’s Market 25c report on a bill providing that the that he might have time to study bill, overwhelmingly defeated in the holding his own, but of course you tractive appearance In its decora­ The Manchester Public Market center 50-foot section of a smelt the provisions of the bill. House, made Its appearance in the can’t tell." ^ tions o f green and white. The head Blue Petre Ciitsiip. seine shall be 5-8 Instead of 3-t inch FLAVOR • TEXTURE • TOASTING Asked by Senator Bradley if he Senate. Reported favorably by the Justice Sutnerland said he was table where the former and present WE REDEEM RINSO COUPONS! large ; ...... mesh. 17c was agreealle to having the matter judiciary committee it was ordered not permitted to see his former as­ leaders of the church were seated The Senate passed a mea.sure pro­ FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES come up Tuesday the next legislative placed on the calendar and probably sociate. I was brightened by beautiful spring UINSO! LUX! LUX SOAP! 1 LIFEBUOY! I/ake Shore Honey, viding that attorneys shall be com­ day, Senator Thompson replied that will be acted on by the Senate next flowers, and two five-branch can- •iar...... be was. The tabled bill proposes to missioners of the superior court and 10c week. dleabra with green candles. FOOD VALUES Ik* 2 1 c Ig* box cake 1 45c cake restore the pay cuts to a small The education committee report­ concurred in passage of the follow­ Mrs. Arvid Gustafson, president Strawberrl«$'»» 2 Rrr.val Desserts, ing House bills: group of officials and employes, in­ ed In the Senate that a bill extend­ of the Ladies society, was mistress nnAMpre all flavors, 3 pkgs. cluding the secretary of state, the ing for two years the time In which Permitting the state forester to GETS FEDERAL LOAN; of ceremonies for the afternoon. She That Prowa It's Profitable to Trade Mere Finn Caiirornia Van t'amp’a 1 7 c grant easements and rights of way size state treasurer,, the comptroller, at­ teachers may take advantage of the called on Rev. K. E. Erickson, pas­ Lima Beans! UnANutO Grapefruit f119< Del Monte Crushed torney general, the legislative secre­ retirement system ought to pay, on state land. tor of Emanuel, for remarks, and he PRUNES! MILK! KRASDALE Permitting Connecticut to Join REFUSES TO PAY BILLS FLORIDA 1 CALIFORNIA SUNKISI Pineapple, No. 2 can tary, three mcmber.i of the Board of but to decrease it will require the responded with a few well chosen large size 15c with New York in construction of a Peas! Leinons T9< Finance and Control, the surgeon state to appropriate a sum estimat­ words, expressing the appreciation 2 Ib. box QUALITY ! A . WINESAP # Cocoamalt. general the adjutant general and ed at $130,000 for the next bien­ grade separation at the intersection of the church people for the deep in­ Strictly Fresh Large EGGS 4 25^ MIDIUM of the Merritt and Hutchinson river sheriffs. nium. The committee recommend­ Hartford, March 1.— (A P)—The terest and faithful and loyal service Tomatoes! SIZE large ...... 35c highways. first criminal case to be brought in FInPKt Brand Armour’s Vertbeat Apples “gfia ( 25f Bradley explained to the Senate ed the bill be referre 'J 5^ S. O. S> Magic in Newington. FORMER JUSTICE HOLMES Assistant United Sttaes Attorney of a purse of money. Mrs. Cornell ROAST VEAL To Bake DOG POOD! WAX PAPER! Carrots | sailed without difficulty through a Grape Fruit Juice! EXTRA Pads, large ...... 25c mass of routine business. Five bank Providing for biennial elections In George H. Cohen charged that the responded, thanking her friends for All Lean Meat. Cut From Prime Pork and Beans! bills were approved two by the Sterling. woman obtained a loan of $500 their kind thoughtfulness in thus can J c roll LARGE Krasdale Baked O O ‘RESTING COMFORTABLY’ from the Capitol National Bank and Green Beans '■»" ^ Senate and three by the House. The House concurred in passage honoring her and for their fine gifts. 1 9 < lb- 1 - 25f Apples, ran of 4... C of the Senate bills ns follows: Trust company, singing a statement One passed, would require the Rev. P. J. O. Cornell also made a ARoorted Viirlcllca, 8 oz. commissioner to restrict the opera­ Providing a fine ranging from that the money was to bo used for short speech. In response to an in­ fe Unn' PILL.SBUKY FLOUR Gibbs’ Vegetable - Tomato (Continoed from Page One) repairs to her house. MILK FED VEAL AT OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT tions of a bank when the interest of $100 to $.’>00 for Intentionally Im­ vitation from the mistress of cere­ BREAST of VEAL Buffet Fruits! .\xxx Soup, the depositors and stock holders ap­ personating a policeman. Mrs. Walker had plumbing and monies. Two of the children, Valerio To Bake brick residence, Biddle, a former other repairs made, the government AMort<*d ipI.lO dozen. Fancy Sprinj 2 cans ...... pear to justify such action. Fixing the liquid content of a Swartz and Alfred Gustafson, car­ lb. 9c secretary to Holmes, said: charged, but did not pay a plumb­ J cans 2 2 ^ S1.13 I!''"" Ib Another bill passed by the Senate barrel at 31 gallons Instead of 31 Vj rying a large basket of flowers, plac­ "They told me that he had spent ing bill of $185. The section under I 5 c lb. STEAK Chase & Sanborn O f would extend until July 1, 19.17, the gallons. ed it in front of the guest of honor, LAMB LEGS 2 5 ^ Providing that beginning July 1, a very fine night and was consider- which action was brought makes the time in which private banks may who was wearing a corsage of Dated Coffee, Ih, . . O JL C 1935, the terms of officers of town, iihl" miproved, olTcnse a felony and provides a max­ KRASDALE PEACHES! Bontd And Rolled if Dciircd convert investments held September gardenias, another fragrant birth­ VEAL LEGS BARTLETT PEARS! PINEAPPLE!/ city, borough and police courts, " T ■ l aid that he was in good imum penalty of $5,000 fine or im­ Ib Crisco, 80, 1931, into investments approved day g ift from her friends. Whole or Half COD shall be uniform. id had some cereal for prisonment for two years or both. VEAL SHANKS 1 6 ^ by the Banking Commissioner. Only Mrs. Thure Hanson, the former 1 7 c largest can LAMB FORES pound can Providing a $25 monthly pension breakfast. Bccau.se Mrs. Walker did not I 7 c largest can 1 7 c largest can FRESHLY SLICED 19c one bank would be affected by the Miss Hildur Cornell, who was for­ Fancy Mllk-Fad for Winifred U. Skclly of Norwich. "W hy . they even told me that have a lawyer, the hearing was merly organist of the church, was 23c lb. 1 0 c Ib. measure the Senators were told. Krasdale Coffeo, The House also approved the Sen­ wheti Felix Frankfurter was walk­ continued until March 8, under lb Both measures now go to the here from Worcester, Mass., and SALADA TEA SPECIAL! LB lb...... ate joint rc.solutlon for the appoint­ ing by the bed, the Justice went like bonds of $500. read a poem of her own composi- Runkcil’s Baking Runkel’a Fine VEAL LEGS 2 3 < 25c House. ment of a committee to celebrate HEADQUARTERS FOR BETTER POULTRY RED LABEL! BROWN LABEL! In explaining the bill dealing with Fancy mllk-lcd — 3 3'A Ib ay( Rising Sun Pastry. on April 26. the holding of the first Swift’s Chickens, cut up or to roast. On Fancy Fresh Young Hen Turkeys, 0 * 7 ^ Flour, 6 lb s...... the powers of the bank commis­ general court in Connecticut. sale at 43c i-2 lb. pH- 31c 1-2 Ib. pH- 1 29c sioner Senator Nathan Speer, lle- A bill reducing the members of 8 to 10 pounds each, lb ...... O # C Chocolate 2 5 < publican of Danbury chairman of DIAL addock FOWL the state tuberculosis commission KCONOMIZK RY RUYING QUALITY MERCHANDISE FREE * 6 9 c each o for H Ffaih — Rib ot Lein End — One Pfica the bank committee said: from 5 to 3 wan rejected by the AT DELIVERY 2 ' ” $ 1 . 3 5 Special! Land O’Lahes Yacht Club Y'ellow FRESH "The principal power which Is Senate. Fancy Fresh Tender Broilers, Fancy Large Chickens to Roast, O C ^ Ib given the banking commiss.loncr un­ ON BUTTERl CORN! on '-2 Ih. DRESSED AS DESIRED This measure was favored by Gov­ OR vi.srr 2 Vz to 3 pounds each, Ib...... 4 to 5 */z pounds each, lb...... O 3 C k C Can der this act Is that of restricting the ORDERS 2 9 c PORK LOINS 23< ernor Wilbur L. Cross and would OUR KLEIN'S MARKET 1 0 ® operations of the bank when the In­ hove provided annual snlarica of 161 CENTER STRI<:ET OF $1.00 3 9 c Ib. Mildly Cutad Corntd Btri terest of the depositors and stock­ $1,000 for each member.. STORK LB holders appear to Justify the restric­ PHONE SERVICE UNTIL 8:30 TONIGHT OR OVER STEAK SPECIAL! CUT FROM SWIFT’S SELECT BEEF A t present the commissioners Runkcl’a Piir* Chocolate Sunn.valde Sliced Yarht ng 2 doz. 2 $ ^ 2 ^ C doz. Celery! LT.".”!': .....4 9 c ro lls ...... l y c I'lb. can ...... «3 X C Gold Madal || Pillsbury’s Beit"S,"“ ‘1.13 Ib. ....______... 29c 18c lb. 33c lb. Purchase a package of Scarlet Royal Baking Powder, Land O’Lakes Butter, 3 9 C Our Stores, O O Fancy No. 1 Native Fancy New California Smoked Shoulders, ...... 4 8 c 12-OZ. Q ^ Genuine Spring f Q Swan.sdown Cake Flour at Golden l.lh nkir Confectionery (X X X X ) POTATOES! CUT CARROTS! BAKERY DEPARTMENT lb...... 33c package and get Strictly Fresh Large Eggs from Q f Morning Zest, 4 rv 23c Fores of Ijtmh, Ih. 1 O C Corn 1 0 < bunch Fre'ch Daily from our oum Bake Shop Fancy Spring Coventry, dozen ...... « 3 0 C Mb. pkg...... l i J C 3 Pkgs. 17c. Peachei Lean Daisy Hams. 1 Recipe Book 5Qc bushel 4 c l b . I.amb laig.s, ry f Nation-Wlda .Codflah O C PORK ROASTS 10 Pounds Granulated Sugar A rv Royal Scarlet Ultra Vacuum, O O RICHMOND Ib...... 35c Ib...... Z o c C'akns, 2 C4ina '...... ^ O C liOin End, 1 Can Baking Powder in cloth b a g ...... f r 5 / C 1-lb. can ...... Z 9 C Slletd or Native Veal Cutlets, Natlun-Wldn Kancy Molna lb...... 2 6 c can Confectionery Sugar, g* Tea Ralls, Royal Scarlet Orange O C. WHEATENA! RALSTON’S! Cream of Wheat! Hilvai 2 ; ! i 2 9 ’ Fig Layer‘d Cake *7f Fancy Spring Corn, (ioldrn Bantam, O O Rib End, 1 Extra Package (Small) FLAKES! lb...... Regular 196 Ib. pkg...... D C Pekoe. 2 1.5-ball pkgs...... ZOC 47c Lamb Fores, y 2 No. 2 ran*...... lb...... All Vwitllti Ibi Nallon-Widr Hand Backed To- 2 3 c Cake Floutw-FREEI Value 21c Ig. pkg. 2 1 c Ig. pkg. 22c Ig. pkg. Fina$l Coekie$ Native Veal Chops, Ib...... I b c matncH, Strictly ujQ Small and I.ean T y j j f r Crab Meat Fancy, 2 No. 2 earn.. Ma/C WE DO OUR <3WN BAKING dot Pork I^ins, Fresh Rib or Pot Roasts— Be.st of Beef! Runiforit A LL BRANDS Parker H6u$e Roll$ 10< Dole’s (1) IMncappIo o O — Supply Limited. DfiUclons Home Made Chicken Pies, Q f Home Made Crullers, plain or O C Genuine Snnpp.v Vermont SALTINES OR Brightwood Loin End, o O Juice, 2 No. 2 cans ,. C and Tender “BAKES ALL”! GRAHAMS! Again! But Net Many! Full 15c each. 2 f o r ...... Z O C sugared, dozen...... ZOC Luge Florida to 01 Sausage, Ib. Ib...... Z O C Baker’s Bure VanlUa, O O 2 3 c 2 5 c FLOUR SALE I PRIZE WINNER Whole Wheal Bread Home Baked Beans, Boston Style, V Stuffed and Baked Chickens, O Q 2 Ib. box 2 ‘i : . '’ 4 5 < Leri Chickens, Fancy 0 / \ Belleanna Alaska o *7 We Sell the Genuine Cube Keeker’s or Gold Medal Wax Beans ready for the table, each...... / ^ C Cheese! Ig- p H' NFhlla Braid 80 ei Native, lb...... o U C Salmon, 8 tail cans ,, du i C 2 No. X Tina Home Made Boston Brown Bread, Oranges! New Long Loaf Sliced Only leri 9F * larite I*ackaar8 O O ^ Fresh Creamy Cottage Cheese, O C? Delicious Bulk Delldoua Freah ■r.-;...... 3 5 c g-Pound Bag 2 9 c Regular Brightwood Spare 1 Chuck Roast, o % Klnoo ...... O sjC 15c Ib. 2 lbs...... ZOC DATES! Salmon FANCY lilt Ribs, Ib...... 1 Chipso, Flakes or 8 *7 15g Value 5 c “ '‘ 1 0 c ' ’“ ' kC Ib. COOKIES! Applesauce dni f Ib...... 6 lc Grannleo, large pkg. 1 / C Fresh Ground Dailv! A Variety of Home Made Fancy Q g Home Made Potato Salad, ^ ^ 3 y c Fancy Red ■! 7^ •19 HAMRURG, O O FREE — Valuable House­ Ib...... l O C BELMONT pint hold Hint and Recipe Book. EXTRA SPECIAL! Layer Cakes, each...... ZOC 3 lbs. 2 5 c 2 lbs. 25c Salad Dressing bd 1 7 * Land O’Lakes Home Made Coffee Rings, Q f Home Made Corned Beef Hash, ^ ef Fsney Pink | Best Grade...... 2 lbs. 4Sc sugar frosted, 15c. 2 f o r ...... ZOC Imported Blue Roquefort Krasdale Fancy Fish Fiuff FLAKY VARIETY Rb| Butter, lb. ... 3 9 c Ib...... l O C Another 243 lb. Wheel Large Jnlcy 1 0 * A Ic DISCJOUNT On All CHEESE! ITALIAN I American Diced Carrots! Sweet Mixed Pickies a» Granulated Sugar, l « 23* SAUSAGE I SAUSAGE Other Canned Goods Pur­ AT OUR VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT 3 3 c 1-2 Ib. No. 8 PEAS 10 lbs., bulk...... 4 7 c Swiss Cheese Cans Grapefruit! STANDARD Hulburt's Lemon Juice 33c lb. I 33c lb. chased At Store Saturday. Compare! Fresh Green String Beana — like those Fresh Strawberries, Nice Long Green Cu­ •c 15* from the garden. 4 r f cumbers, Yams for Baking, Little Radishes Kraodole Sliced SWEET TENDER 8 01 Special, 2 quarts...... I O C Chase Sanborn or Baker's Vaniiia Extract bdt 84H-H». and Fresh Green Cabbage. 29* Land O’Lakes Evaporated !c lb. BEETS! Maxwell House Coffee PC ^ e t Milk, O C ^ Fresh Green California Peaa, O C Piiisbury's Minitmix ■MC WeU filled. 2 quarts...... ZOC Fancy White Celery, j g Igat S 1-8 2 ’.:.’ 2 3 ^ er 25* 4 cans...... ZOC large bunches ...... l O C lO c Can 5 1 c lb. Urfa $1.39 Fine Seaidsweet Juicy Oranges, Chipso FLAKES or GRANULES Nice White Cauliflower. Rbf 1 7 * 8 Rm. CALL EARLY— dozen ...... Z ^ C Finest American Red or tVhlte Deltclona Creamy 100% Pure Van Comp’a To m ato es CAIN'S Fancy Seaidsweet Grapefruit, ^ ffv Nice Large Lemons, r% CHEESE! CREAM CHEESE! Mustard Pickies -19* 35c AVOID THE RUSH! < f o r ...... 1 3 7 C each ...... ZZ •MAPLE SYRUP! MACKEREL! RICHMOND Ib. Ib. a Large Saity Fiaket Doxen Gothespins FREE. 29c 1-ib. oana Ui 19* COME X P THE STORE OR PHONE — DIAL 5111. lO i Goody Grahams U21* Wl'“4iiCWW^ tIPit- ! W PI . - " ■•> ‘' ■'T'. ,‘'’i\ (


par with any other amateur group coast of Franca, araa out of Immadl- brought four vessels. Including the entered tha store at 8 a. m., today, Bngland advertlstug reprasentativ* PRESENT‘WHERE’S PETER’] seen in these parts. ate danger today, the Radio Marine Stuttgart, hurrying to her position, forced him to dlscloae the hiding Mrola); Celery and Ripe OUvee. which ws have changed, to meditate TTie committee baa worked hard Corporation was Informed in a mes­ but they later resumed their place of the store's money—a rub- of the New York Herald Tiibime, Dinner—Vegetable Soup; Rooet HERGESHEIMER SCANS on l^ose virtues which our fors- to vary the program for the eve­ sage from the German steamer courses. blah barrel—locked him lit a wash died at i a. m. today in Doctors' Beef, CaiTot* Browned with fataers bod and which we ssem to COMEDY THIS EVENING rting and have augmented the sched­ Stuttgart. room and escaped with 535. hospital following an operation for MENUS Meat, Green Peae; McCoy Sal­ lack; ule by securing the celebrated The German vessel reported the WATERBL'RY HOUU'P ’ a gall bladder ailment. At tha hos­ ad. THE PAST ONCE MORE My objection Is that Mr. Hergeo- Pinehurst Grocery, Inc. Hawitlian SerensuJers of Worcester, Bosanks bad been able to make re­ pital the information was given For Good Health helmer hasn’t blown the breath of GROCERY Final Rehearsal Last Night In­ Maaa., aq well aa the Saxophone pairs to her steeling gear and was Waterbury, March 1.—(AP)— OOL. OARROU. SWAN 'Stuffed Tomato (talod: Four Ittc Into hla story. HU story elm- Hfeek-Enil Specials.^ that Colonel Swan had been pro­ Famous Author Back in Print IM Mmlii Stre«t—Just North of State Armory dicates St. Bridget’s Club quartet from the Putnam Boy Scout prorp-dlns under her own power. John Milton, manager of a First gressing well until "his heart gave A Week’* Supply large tomatoes, one cup of finely ply lacks human interest. HU peo­ Show Will Be Hr%, band. T he^ two troupes will be The distress call from the Bosan- National store here, was held up by New York. March 1.—(AP)— out.” He nderwent the operation Recommended chopped celery, one-half cup grated in “The Foolscap Rose’’ Laid ple don't catch our sympathies. Be­ IT P A Y S jOnr budget savings are known to shrewd-shopping Manchester honsewtrsA Shop heard before'the curtain rises, be­ ka, which has a crew of about 30, two men armed with revolvers, who Col. Carroll Swan of Boston, New Wednesday. raw corrote, and oil dressing. The fore you reach the end, you can’t re­ P.- ^ No Advance On These Prices Despite By Dr. Frank McCoy in Keystone State. lisle'* tor qnality foods nt low prims. Wholesale Changes. tween the acts^and after the show. tomatoes should be scalded quickly member who, in all this complex All la In readiness at St. Bridget’s Thomas Moriarty. has arranged to and peeled. Scoop out the centori, By BRUCE CATTON tale. Is who. Nor do you cor* much. TO WAIT ON • .\ll orders $1.00 or ever, deOvered FBEE. Oui lie. hall for the presentation of the 3- seat a large numbeCwd will have a leaving a tomato shell, and- fill with Published by Knopf, "The Fools­ Hormel DeUcloas DAILY 5IENUS Joseph Hergeshetmer returns to cap Rose" oelU for 52.50. • Green Stomp* Given Out en OA8H PUBCHA8E8. act comedy "Where’s Peter" tonight corps of ushers under bis charge to Dr. McCoy’s menus suggested for the mixed celery, carrots, oil, and a th* pitching rubber with a new Corned Beef Hash .. 3 cans 50c eliminate the possiblllty'of any con­ ■- jf'■ ■■■■ small amount of the tomato pulp. YOURSELF at 8:15 sharp. the week beginning Sunday, March novel, "The Foolscsp Rose." and It is SCHOOL RECEIVES GIFT fusion. Miss Coughlin hast ntso per­ 8, 1085: Serve cold on lettuce. this reporter's melancholy duty to Coach Beatrice .Coughlin put the sonally supervised the acoustic ar­ Avon, March 1,—Avon Old Bread and Butter Pickles.... cast through the final rehearsal la.fAP) — FLORIDA mato Salad; Baked Apple. boiled or roasted, but should never Way—^I» Whnt We which they will portray with an ex­ The Yugoslavian freighter Bosan- b« fried in grease. If you wish to the Revolution, in the manufacture ater, textiles, sculpture and arts Offer You. MONDAY— of paper; and It traces the slow and crafts have been received and VEGETABLES cellent fln.ese and the conch Is con­ ka, which had reported herself dis­ Breakfast—Coddled Eggs, toasted obtain the effect of frying, obtain a Hormers Soups - Vegetable, fident that their efforts will reach a abled In the North Atlantic off the VALENCIA thick Iron or aluminum frying pan, steps by which on honest craftsman' more than nine hundred prints, Cereal Biscuit; Five stewed ship gives way to a desire for tl moatly In color, or* on their way. Bale*# Strietty FBE8H Meadow- . .2 cans 29c Prune*. make It quits hot, and without add Bean or Pea .. Asmrted Sizes of Oranges—Chock Full of ing any grease place your steak on nonclai power, so that the making Fresh Green Candled I^ggA Largo d oz. brook Lunch—Oranges, as many as dC‘ of paper eventually becomes a side Juice—An Economical and Convenient Way sired. the pan for on Instant, then turn It, SEN, CARAWAY ILL EGGS Cranberry Sauce.. can 16c Kpeatlng this several times during line In the administration of n voat Washington. March 1.—(AP) —• to Buy Oranges—Approximately S Pounds Dinner—Vegetable Soup; SollS' and complex fortune. StHng Beans Coffee bury Steak, baked Parsnips; the first minute, then turn the fire Mrs. Hattie Caraway, Ssnator from Campbell’* to the Bag. String Bean Salad; Pineapple down so that the meat simmers un­ It Is, thus, a discussion of chang­ Arkansas, was In Emergency bospi til it is cooked to your tost*. ing times, an analysis of the shift tal today undergoing oboarvntion lbs. pine Creamery Butter Tomato Soup . . can 7c PATTERSON’S MARKET Whip. 3 2 $ e of High Score. \ T'UBSDAY— In viewpoint and Ideals which has for what was believed to be aa in- Just as If they had rnme right 101 Center (Itreet Telephone 2286 daixjT ego (Fallen Arches) taken places in this land In th* tostlnal disorder. Hospital attochea BUTTER Breakfast—Eggs and Tomato out of your own garden! ” 5 7 ’ Where people express their approval of all that is there APPLES Winetaps ^ lbs. __ _ (baked), served on Melba Question; Mr. Ralph B. asks: lost century. Through It there runs sold she was "comfortahlt” and Santos ...... 22c “What Is the best exercise to taka Mr. Hergeshelmer’e familiar yearn' friends deolored bar condition Combination Vegetable Special and take all they want to he their share. Scratch Feed 100-Lb. B ar WRAPPED FOR PROTECTTON—Appro*. 43-lb. box, 11.69 Toast, Stewed Raisins. Pinehurst .... 22c $2.19 loinch—Dish of Cottage Cheese, to strengthen the arches of th* ( ^ for an older, simpler, and more not serious. flreeh Armonr** Pnro Lord In 1 .No. 2 Can Peas DAILY EGO Pear Salad. feet?” stralghtfordwmid society. The early Mrs. Caraway had bean ptaanlaR Sanitary Cartons, 1 No. 2 Can Green Beans ' Were you amonK the fortunate folks who bought our Dinner—Baked Sea Boos; Spin' Answer; The best one I know of days of th* republic seem to Ue un­ for some days to enter th* boapltoi A ppro*. P r a t 2 2 1 c LARD 1 .No. 2 Can Yellow Corn POTATOES 15e och and Parsley cooked togeth­ Is to walk pigeon-toed part of th* der n magic base. for n posaibf* diet treatment uid ob- Sugar Poultry last week-end? Well, we have the same kind 100-Lb. B ar WHITE—MEiALY—WHOLESOME—LOW IN PRICE F e U p o d s ! 51 Usually file. this week-end. Same prices. Fancy Fresh Fowl. 28c Mash Feed $2.39 er: Lettuce with grated raw time; when you are taking your All of which, oC course, Is fair aarvatloa to determine th* exact 10 lbs. 49c DAILY GROWTH Carrots; Plain JeU-o or Jell- daily walk, try to walk about one enough. It can be highly profitable cauee of an ailment that hod been Freeh —— — —— lb. Fancy Fresh Chickens, 25c lb. Well. third of the time slightly pigeon- for ua to contemplate the way la troubling her. ’Popular Meat Savings! Confectlnnery or A ppro*. toed, catching your weight on ths 16-L d. B a r GRAPEFRUIT 6 -19c WEDNESDAY— BrowTi SiiRar Chick Starter Breakfast—Breakfast Food (re- big toe side of the ball of the foot C hicory Armour's “Fixed Fln- Surfine Gelatine...... 5c Do not forget your dog! We have a dog food called LARGE JUICY FLORIDAS—AN EXCELLENT VALUE W A RJT vor” or Cudahy’s Puri­ 2 lbs. l.')C All Flavors. Pard, made by Swift & Co, It is a genuine favorite of DAILY GROWTH toasted), with Chream, no Su­ gar; Coddled Egg; stewed Figs (Avocado) 3 lbs. 2 3 c j n ii r m r a tan. dog owners. 2 for 22c or 10c a can. The food is prop­ A ppro*. Lunch—Raw Apples aa desired. Question: Mr. Everett K. a.*ks: Butter erly balanced for the dog’s health. Chick Feed 35-Lb. B a r BANANAS 4 21c Dinner—Jellied Tomato Bouillon ’How should one eat an avocado? HOLLYWOOD MARKET ■ Combination Fruit Special FANCY GOLDEN FRUIT Fresh M ILK Y WAY (served In cubes); Broiled How much at one meal and, the lb moat important, what does It go BACON ^ I SAUSAGE 39c lb. 1 No. 2 Can Red Rasp­ Veal Cutlets, 10c lb. Boneless Veal Roasts, 29c lb. cnilcken, buttered Carrots: Sal­ C I Orote and Weigel's fancy pork ^ A ppro*. with or Is It best to eat It alone as AND PACKAGE STORE C arrots Hsie’s sugar cured— sliced and berries Boneless F«'imb Roasts, 22c Ih. I.egs I.amb. I>ov^y Crean Bean* 3 ibs. 25c Spinach 3 ibs. 25c ad of Liettuc* and Endive; rindles*. I sausages! 1 No. 2 Can Pears Cow Feed 100-Lb. B ar Grapejulc* Whip. I do all of my fruits? I havs tried SI Brooms (Center Cuts Pork Roast, 28c lb. Pot Roa.sts, 22c, 28c, THURSDAY— making a meal of It alone, but it 2 bun. I g c 1 Can .Applesauce 20c, 22c, 22c lb. seems too rich." ★ '★ ★ Breakfast—Poached Egg on Mel­ Green top*! Usually file. H-lb. n ba Toast; Pear Sauce. Answer: Avocados are an oily 59c each , Lunch—Spaghetti seasoned with fruit and should be considered In MEAT and GROCERIES Sunriee Pack Pattersim’fvTea—those who know the quality appreciate NECTAR TEA pkg. 3 c the same class as olives. Unlike Large Bunches cans it, for they buy nothing else, fiOc lb. Try it yourself! FOUR VARIETIES—ORANGE PEKOE—CEYLON-MIXED—FORMOSA butter: cooked Turnips; Car­ Perfect Halve* Pinehurst Phone Service Until S:20 Tonight— 1121, rot Salad. the acid fruits, they combine wall Native Fowl, cut up, Full Quart- PEACHES 2 S 5 « Dinner—Roast Mutton, buttered with any food but because they are each ...... Good Whiskey . 98c 16-OX. very rich In fat should be used In C elary Patterson’s Scotch Ham still 22c Ih. In spite of the QUAKER MAID Beets, String Beans; Celery and Homliurg, (hir Best PINKHURST VKGETABLES MILK BEANS tins Nut (roasted) Salad: Apple­ moderate amounts, preferably with Sunbeam t!ru*hei1 No. t Birdseye rising market we are selling at the old price. Our BOSTON STYLE and WITH TOMATO SAUCE 2 Ibs...... Gin ...... 89c Scotch Sausjiges are ting, 22c lb. Pure Pork .Sau.sages, CARNATION sauce. the non-starrhy vegetables. Halt 2 l^un. 25c or Sliced TRiia lnt Orndc Natives VAN CAMP’S FRIDAY— of on Bverage-Blxed avocado Is I#vrgr Strictly Fresh Beet Wine, PINEAPPLE 2 Foods 2.2c lb. .Scotch Sliced Sausjiges, 2.2c lb. Cube Steaks, usually enough to use at one time Crisp, white celery—Jiruneh.v SEALECT^ Breakfast—Wholewheat Muffins, Eggs, doxen ...... 2 quarts ...... $1.29 and fresh! POTATOES...... peck 15c Peanut Butter; Stewed Prunes. as they are very nourishing. BORDEN’S , 3 20 * CORNED BEEF 2 sr 29« Sweet FUrida •— Old 'Mr. Boston Madl*on Brand No. * Any Bo* Will S r n r .New Beets, bunch 12c. New Cabbage. ■\ good meat loaf is commended and is as tasty as many ARMOUR’S VERIBEST—MAKES AN EXCELLENT COLD CUT Lunch—Asparagus Soup: cooked Orangee.^doxen ...... Whiskey ...... $2.00 Greens; Baked Potato. Fresh Fine Pack can l i e Four: other meats. Round (iroiind, 22c lb. Beef (iround, 2.2c Defective vision Is the cause of - Dry Wines, TOMATOES Fancy Cullfnrnla , Dinner—Baked Halibut with approximately 20 per cent of the Spring l.,amh, lb. Veal Ground. 20c lb. You can get Pork or Ham WhitehouseMilk 4J.'’^i25c DEL MONTE “t i n Parsley Butter Sauce; Broc­ lb...... gallon ...... $1.25 P e a s ...... box 'Hr Carrots...... 2 bunches 15c added or blended, whatever way you desire. Price ac­ PINEAPPLE 1 Sc accidents resulting in personal In­ A sparagus No. SLICED PINEAPPLE—8 LARGE SLICES TO THE CAN coli; Watercress Salad; Jell-o or jury. . Ab*co Brand t BrorroH ...... ISr Fresh Peas, 2 qts. 29c. Spinach cordingly. :★ ★ ★ Jell-Well. lb. 2 $ C PEAS Fine Quality Pcaa cant 2 5 « Bplnarh ...... 2Sc iATURDAY— 2 Breakfast—Baked Eggs, Melba Tender and Fine! Strawberrlr* . . . 'iOr Green Beans...... 2 qts. 19c Corned Beef, 2.2c lb. Boneless Brisket. Corned Beef MATCHES Toast; Stewed Peaches. LENTEN SPECIALS. H - O O a t s Q uick and 6 25c Jack Frost Raspborrlre ...... 19r Radishes — Peppers — Cucumbers. Tongues, 2.2c. Fresh Brisket Beef, 2.2c lb. K e ru la r ^ pkgs. 23(? STOCK UP AT THIS SPECIAL LOW PRICE lAinch—Spinach and Rlce-(en cas- Summer Cut Com ...... 19o, ‘•Tenderlxed" \ Tiny tima* ...... 57c Iceberg Lettuce...... head 9c Swift’s Daisy Hams, 2.2c lb. Smoked Shoulders, 22c lb. Squash 1 0 c TUNA 2 cans Sunsweet Prunes 2^°.* 2\c 5-lh. hn|( O ranges P ru n es Pansy Brand 2 lb. bag l^ C English Muffins, S for NUTLEY ^ BOKAR Native Potatoes, 1 ECg* HEAVY STEER BEEF 15c. Florida Oranges...... doz. 23c 35c 2 cioz. 2 5 |[ c Brook-Maid * _ 4 — Cookie Hampden Creamery Q Q ^ P reserv es Assorted JllfC AO KInrts of Rye and Honey Dew Melons — Temple Oranges. ib roasts Juicy and tnMty! Whent Bread. Butter, lb...... * 3 0 C 1 9 eib. BONELESS R Hcnvhe.v’s 1-2 lb. c Baldwin Apples 3V2 lbs. 25c Coffee Sunmaid Muscat Cluster Rais­ Cocoa 8 Specials A Blend of Choice Coffee Beans ins, 16-ounce irshey's Bak- Idmes. doz. 22c. Bananas, 1 lbs. 2.">c. MARGARINE ^^lakes a Vigorous and Winey package ...... C hocolatO i'HIng,r’:-^' I,-lb. PuT pkgs. 2J b for 2 $ c Chocolate Ice Box 10c 2 3 c ”’ Oenuine Spring Lamb Legs 23c^ _| Oranges doz. c Cookies, box 50r. Flavor — Fresh Ground Before * 35 Sugar .. n , Black Mission Figs ...... lb. pkg. 2.2c Your'Fyes. Krasdale Sauerkraut, Choice .Milk Fed I Shoulder ^ Seedless! Pea Beans Large and white lbs. c New Club, Saltlm s Lemons—.Sunkist ...... doz. 22c -25 3 largest c a n s ...... 25c Forequarter 2 11 Wafers Jl®® and Club Orahnni Imperial Early June Sunehlne’s popular CBEAM- | Crackers, bo* 2.V. Knglish Walnuts — Pectins. EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE lb. 19c Spring Lamb Anderson & Noren Peas, 3 c a n s ...... 25c FOWL 1 Veal Roast 1 ] Rice Watcr-Mald 2 ibs- l i e FILLED sugar wafers. Maltomllk Crackers. Meats - (Jroceries - Fruits and Vegetables RED CIRCLE COFFEE lb. 21c Sweet Relish, O ranges doz. 5 1 c 8alp On Htrirtiv Freah Ixiral Egg*! Phone lOTfi Free Delivery 2fil Center St. quart ja r...... 21c Good tasting I «ns Black Walnut ok- Dill Pickles, 2S c lb. 1 . IV. ■ ' B eans o^n-B^k^e^ 2 19® les. FRESH E(,GS . doz. 39c . 1 5 - « " 12 Cookies quart jar...... 15c Florida lb. GRANDMOTHER’S . . Bayer’s Aspirin Ginger Ale 6 bottles 5 3 c PINEHURST BUTTER lb 2 Ibv. 2 $ C BUDGET MEAT SILVERBROOK CREAMERY FRESH Tablets, bottle of 24.. 18c 17c Sm all 1Lean Fresh Shoulders 17^ ^ | Pale Dry. Content* only. 12-oiincc six*. LAMB Week End Specials Rye Bread so.ox't.f I0(^ Alka Seltzer, Grapefruit Country Club Brand. sunshine assorted cookies. SUGGESTIONS Ijiinb l.nga nrc vrry Mtlafiietnry qiuillty nnd Sugar Cured Best Cuts Shoulder Small Leon Smoked h i priced nbmit an Inw an anything we can niig- Lb,. 60c s iz e ...... 48c for c gent for week-end im-nt. Whole l.eg* will lie I.og Ciibln S,\riip, SUGAR Bulk Betty Crocker R«etps Rockwood Pure 2 7 li-«/.. tin ...... E st B M re grapefruit for hsotthl •Popular “Self-Serve” ValuesI’ DAISY 2Bc lb., w ith II few cut down and extra miiiUI FINE GRANULATE 20-0x Cocoa, 2-lb. tin Smoked Hams S teak Shoulders 1 Icgn a t 8‘2c lb. Rnncii and KuIIimI Shnuldrrn K. S. I’rimi' iluire, R. S. (iolden Bantam FINE GRANULATED CANE SUGAR — PURE REFINED 17c 13-ox. tin, S for . . . Angel Ca,ke Site '■ Kellogg’s Rice Krlspie, 1 HAMS of Ijimb or Shoulder* with the blade out to 3 1 ? Fresh Red Wing Kstchup, 14>az...... 15c F nnd 0 Sonp, ra k e ...... 4« ntulf, will be, I8e pound. R. S. Orangn Mnmm- Sri lOc I p e l b . I g c l b . Lighthouse Cleanser, 3 cans...... 10c 35c lb. ln(k>. I(l-nx. Jn r...... LARD lbs. Post Toasties, Q . 1 1 ■11 Scot Tissue, 3 fo r ...... 2Se RIB LAMB CHOPS lb. 33c f'hrvlrr’* Orange Kihbe's Golden Ban­ 8-Oa pkg...... O C Savol Bleach Water, gal...... 25c Kitchen-Charm Wax Pap^r, 4 for . .27e, NlarnuilaUe, IR-nx. Jar tam Com, PURE REFINED — IN PACKAGED PRINTS Baker's CHOCOL^*^ Cake Fels-Naptha Soap, A _ (Contents only.) I.^an, FrfNh No. 2 can l ! lb. 27 c Snvol Ammonia, 2 quarts...... 2.5c Snyder Tomato Juice. Ig...... 14c ] lAiins of Lamb, about 3 to 4 15c Family O ^ Pastry 2 b a r s ...... « / C 14^ ^ Legs and Rumps Milk Fed Veal 14® ^ (1 pint and 4 ounces.) GROUND BEEF Red IJne Early FLOUR. 24 !4H-Lb!'Lg H-Lb. Bag %382c J L ^ 24 H-Lb. Bag BAKING \ Camay Soap, A ^ Individual poiind-baMket. Fancy (Or bleach water. Contents only.) lbs. Pound ...... 29c Square Deal June POWDER Choice Strip I 1 Fresh Ground I 1 Fancy Siloed 28c lb. Coffee, lb. . . Peas. SUNNYFIELD BRAND — GOOD FLOUR AT A LOW PRICE Calumet 2 bars ...... oJ C 21c can Sunsweet Tenderized 1 *7^ DRIED REEF Brownie 15c BEST Prunes, 24b. pkg. ... X f C Bacon H am burger Bacon ' 1 Coffee, lb. .. Brovvnie Red Pitted FLOUR Instant Postum tW 2S ' 2 5 . 11 1 Ktinip Itoantn nf Veal. . .t'hii|M ..Rnnata of Brownie Tea (Orange COLD MEDAL ’1.15 Veal. Log Cabin Syrup ’*'*?*■ 2lb\ tard, quart ja r ...... 1 A C Cervelnl Pekoe), It. n. Farina, QUALITY MEATS ■\ Seminole Toilet O Q ^ Jellied I - l lb...... 14-os. pkg. c lb Choice Guts Chuck React 14^”^ | 15c Maxwell House Coffee Thi 32(f \ Tissue, 4 ro lls ...... a OC 14 Corned Beef WTieailea, ^ « Cocoamalt, ' 1 A ^ Head Cheese Selected Weetern Center Cat I1 Country Ron B At Your Popular “HEALTH MARKET’* FOWL WtllUuna' Waxed P a p e r,...... p*‘»- ••••...... l i e ECCS doz. Post Toasties 2plcgs. I3• J 7 « " - 1 ROAST Fowl lor Frlcxuam are plump and tender . . Economy MUk Lunrh 11 Fancy Steer Be«(. Ib. Rib Corned Beef we can gtve you any alxe you wlah . . Broil­ Crsckers, Ih...... 25c package...... m m C POT RO AST 2 4 * 7 2 8 9 er* will average 7(*e to S9o each . . Chtrkeaa, PORK LOINS Milk Fed WHOLE OR RIB HALF — CUT FROM CORN-FED YOUNG P ORKERS My-T-Fine Desserts, 1 A _ ib VEAL 12c lb. t-Hi. average, will be ,V ,1e lb. We will have Economy Oyeter 8 pkgs...... 1 9 C 2 1 c % Sirloin, Rounds Porterhouse Steaks 2 1 c | • Legs Roaatlng Chleken* and Capon* from It to 7 Chickens Cracker*, Ih...... Taoder Young pound* raeh. Average weight 8 pounds each Jell-o, All Flavors, l ^ 1 Daisy Maid NaUve I1 Beat Quality ' H •R um ps FOW L each4 9 e BEEF LIVER 3 pkgs...... X f C •R oulettes lb. Krasdale Cut Red 1 f|#% Oleomargarine 95c each, 2 for $1.85 Chuckles Candy EOG8 Frankfurters 1 An cuts of milk fed, fancy veal. 23c lb. Brightwood and Sperry t Barnes are aendtng CAPONS Beets, largest can ... X D C F r e s h S h o u l d e r s lb. I g e na Freeh Center Cut* of Rnaat Pork . . I.MUI MILK-FED BIRDS — EXCELLENT TO ROAST — THE CHOICEST OF POULTRY Van Camp’s Frr»h Shoulder* . . S to 9-lh. Sugar Cured Roasting: Chickens 10c packagre Evaporated Milk, 3l^C doz. RIB LAMB Ham* . . Short Shanked Smoked Shouldera, Average 4 pounds each Fresh Fish Specials Ronatefg —From 1 . * . Spiced Drops _ Orange Siloes CHUCK ROAST Prime Steer Beet lb. 3 1 c 4 tail cans...... 1 1 17 1 Good quality. CHOPS JeUy Drops — Spiced Strings 25c HAMBURG 35c pound Fresh Haddock lb. 6^ Sprinr Leamb — Boned Wholesale Prices: We offer 2 lb. 2 9 . '------la beef wa auggeat . . tender Steaks . . Cube Ucorire Drops — Jelly Beans LAM B FORES and Rolled if Desired lb. 16c 1 FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPT. SPECIALS |i 33c lb. Steaks , , Rump Pot Roasts . . Chuck Pot verj' much lower prices on an.v SoMd lean or boneless STEAKS Roaat* and Fancy Tender Rib Rnaat* of Reef. Choice Cut item that we carry in stock if CORNED BEEF brisket. Ib. 2 ^e Swedish Korf . 2 S c lb . S+eak Cod lb. 10? Prime Steer Beef lb. 4Sc leg* o4 Lamb ...... 30o lb. SIRLOIN STEAK bought in half dozen lots or 1 Florida Oranges Grapefruit Oranges ■ Rib Roost B e ef...... SOr-SSo H*. Freeh Ground Phone Service Until 8:30 Tonight. Our Fruits and Vegetables, de­ Haddock Fillets lb. 15^ HAMBURG lb 17c more, including all canned and lb. livered to us fresh e«u-ly Satur­ Best Pot R o a at...... S8e-Stc ■>. packaged foods, tobacco, bulk Corned Beet 13e | Beet Stew lb. 19e 3 9 « " ’- day morning. ^ Lean rib! Lean and fresh! Rrtghtwood Pork, the FieobesL Smoked Fillets lb. 21^ PICKWICK SAUSAGE lb. 25c goods, soaps and cleansers of 2 25 4 ^ ° ' 15* 29^ 1 Choice of SIrtoln, Short nod T «p| Brightwood Fresh Shoulders. all kinds. Choice of LEAN VEAL Round. Pinehurst Grocery, Inc. Calves* liver. or LAMB stewing Trade at the store for ra*h nnd Brightwood Fresh Spare Riba. 1 Celery Baldwin Apples Iceberg Lettuce 1 STEW MEAT mesL DIAL 4151 get your valuable Rank Coii- Handy’s Smokrd Shoulder*. MAHIEU’S C ube...... pona Rank Coupons are given Handy'* Daisy Ham*. lbs. I ib. only at the store. Small Link Sausages , H Q c bunch S; Ibs. Z e . .. SauerkrflCut 3 13c Spare Ribs l ^ c Porterhouse Ih y GROCERY 5 21 1 1 5 . 1 Another shipment! ' Freeh. \ 188 Spruce Street 4 '^ MAKUHKimfiR ICVlfiNlNG HERALD. MAMCHEHrEM, OONN« FRIDAT. MARCH X, IRBBw MANCHEHTCR EVEN ING HERALD, MANCXREHTER. CXXNN„ F R irA T , MARCH 1, IVBIL ^ ^ U S T S B V Toonerville Folks Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING HOUSE


OH-’^WHILE I THIMK OP ■BO X^- EH -^WHACT W X *?' What Is to rare at a warm day In Merchant-—Is your wife sUn try­ i t SHOP RDVERTISE * u i n v March and no wind? We’ll lui- ing to keep up with the SmithsT rr -v.-.wHAn w a s in t h / ^ OH-^YOU NNEAiN THAT ‘B O X- Friend Lawyer—Gosh no! The swer that one, A cheerful com­ •BOX YOU 'BOUibvn WHY, AH-'-OU.YES-'TO DE panion who dotsn’t folk too much. Smiths had triplets lost week. WAKEHOUeE^-^WN/AtK AND SU RE-^YES.l OPE;NED Famous lo o t Llneo. week. After that they’re fotng to Cuater, e ...... 0 0 0 OoUector (at door)—A t thia time ^ no C U /D E .I H EA R ,-E.0UC3H1 AN \T WOULDN'n' "BE ANMOUNCEMENtS 2 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 a p a r t m e n t s —FLATS— Sfary’s cousin. I don’t know bow o f the year we provide a free dinner He doesn't bite. Taggert, r g ...... 0 0 0 I didn’t know It was loaded. iNTEREST IN IT, AND WHEN INTERESTED IN HS CONTENTS] t e n e m e n t s 63 long she can keep them, it’s dread-' Sheldon, Ig ...... 0 0 0 tor the poor and needy. m r tJ . KimWS' MADAXm WIN A SAFE PLACE TO BUY fuL Isn’t It—not even having a root Harassed Householder— Thanks Boss, can I have a smaH raise T I ASV as well as I do. Firing more all the defeating the Alumni 47 to 29. The the National Guard five at the Ar­ rm on the verge of tears; Honest. OITtcci, 1 Just tound the ilADAME DEAN. Reading* on all 1930 Willys Six sedan. KENT HUNTINU? Tell us what M end walked In, see? kapf. affair*, 80c. Aniwer* all question*. time—that’s what they’re doing In­ Alumni were leading In the flrit mory Monday evening. Bycholskl She siUd she’d be on the comer, the 1930 LaSalle 5-pas. coupe. you want We'll take care ot it for Got a matchT I wont to oos how Guaranteed satisfaction or no you without charge. R. T. McCann, BEGIN HERE TODAY | "I suppose so,” ihe girl said, stead of taking anyone on. Do you poriod 11-8 but were behind at halt and Kamlnaki scored for the sol­ some old trysting place, 1929 Reo R. S. coupe. time 23-13. Kurlowlcs, lajiky St. iiiucu ga:. I've got In my gas tank. charge. & a. m. to 9 p. m. 500 Ann 69 Center streeL Dial 7700. GALE HENDERSON, pretty and "hut I don't want it to happen know what I think ? I think they diers and Smith and Z. Oodz led the And I know she never has failed 1928 Chevrolet 4-door sedan. 23, works ' a silk mill. She and ; put Mary out of her house to scare James’s center and "Harry" Sqtui- invaders. Anyone wishing to play me, the oome old smile on her 1 assure you, sir, those shoes ore ab­ street, Hartford. to you. I couldn't stand that. solutely guaranteed npt to pinch. 1928 Chevrolet coach. her IB-year-old brother, PHIL, sup-; You've done so many things for the rest of us. Hawleys got a notice trito, right forward, were the big the local team get in touch with one face; 1927 Nash sedan. BUSINESS LOCATIONS port their Invalid father. this morning; did you know that? guns for St. James’s. While “Zeke" of the players. I’ll try to meet her advances, though _ , me and—well, I Just thought If Dentist—Have you seen any small automobiles f o r SALE 4 1927 Reo sedan. FOR RENT 64 HTEVE MEYERS, who also works i there was any way I could help And there’s lots pf others whose Tierney and Leary played beat for Company K. she’s just a pain in the neck. Trucks In the n r i U .^ s to marry ^ j wanted to. That's why I said rent Is back. I think they’re trying Alumni. B. F. Its always that way on pay day, for boys ring my bell and run away? 10S5 PLYMOUTH sedan, 1934 Ter- 1934 Dodge 1 1-2 ton stake. FOR RENT—OFFICES at 863 Main him. She delaya giving her an-1 the message was from Father. to scare us all, but tt isn’t work­ St. James’s ( 87) Bycholskl. It ...... 2 0 she’s only spending my check. Policeman—They weren't small raplane sedan, 1934 Chevrolet 1934 1 1-2 ton chassis and cab. street, (Orford Bldg.) Apply Eki- ' You’re not angry about It, are ing that way. Oh, there may be B. F. T. Cowles, rf . ..0 0 boy.s—they were grownups. coach, 1934 Light 6 Graham sedan, 1931 1-2 ton Dodee. panel. ward J. Holl. Telephone 4642 and Gale goen akating, breaks through yo„ Brian?” .some who fall for it—but you know Murphy, rf ...... 2 0 ' 4 Bradley, c / . . . 0 0 A liberal os defined Is one who Correct ThIa Sentence: "They oo.('r)erate ''mtefully," said the col­ 1933 Chevrolet coach, 1951 Chevro­ 1929 Reo canopy. 8025. the Ice and Is reamed hv BRI.AN He smiled. "Angry? Why should about the meeting tonight, don’t Squatrito, If .... . 6 0 12 Lovett, Ig . . . . 0 0 ■pends a conservative’s money more Kurlpwlcz, c .... 1 17 let coach. Cole Motors—6463. WE.STMORE, whose father. now I be angry?" you?” ...8 Rudeen, rg ... . 0 0 liberally on experiments which. If lege professor, "whea wc tell them SCHALLER MOTOR SALES dead, built the mill. Brian haa come . Gale nodded. "Yes." Fitzgerald, rg .. ...3 0 6 Kamlnaki, rif . 2 lu,.-. lo run their business." "Well, It wasn't the truth—" 2 successful, will be credited to the 634 Center St. Tel. 6282 HOUSES FOR RENT 65 home after two years In Parts, Brian covered her hand with hla. "Are you going?" C. Blanchard, Ig .. .1 0 2 Open Evenings ready to take hia place In the mill. "Yes," Gale said, "I am. 1. didn’t F. Blanchard, rg ...2 0 4 Totals ...... 4 liberal, but the failure of which, if FOR RENT—SEVERAL Desirable "You’re a sweet kid, Vicky," he VICKY THATfTfER, daughter said. "You wouldn’t let a fellow think this organization meant much Mahcney, If ...... 0 0 0 Taloottoille unsuccessful, will be blamed ujion 1933 FORD PICKUPS, 1934 Inter- Qve, sis and seven room houses, of ROBERT THATCHER, general until I saw what happened to Mary Gorman, I g ...... 0 0 0 Manchester down, would you?” B. F. T. the coneervatlve. natlonal pickups, 1934 Ford sedan, single and double Apply Edward J. manager of the mill, schemes to yesterday. Phil’s talked about It a Tuttle, If ...... 2 0 2 A Thought 1934 Ford coach, 19.32 Ford coach, Holl Phone 4642 and 8025. C "What do you mean?” Evening Herald captivato Brian. She sees him with "Nothing, nothing at all—only lot but—well, there doesn’t seem to Totals 23 47 Cleveland, r f ...... 0 1 1 And when thou sendest him out 1929 Ford coupe. Brown’s Garage, and la furious. Contriving to be any other way now. We’ve got to Alumni (29) Lotas, c ...... 0 An Hngllsh temperance lecturer I th'.nk you’re one of the squar- 0 0 was concluding his address. free fnun thee, then shalt not let c l a s s i f ie d 478 Center street. meet Gale, she tells her that she est. sweetest girls In the world. stand up for each other. The bosses B. F. T. Smith, Ig ...... 4 0 4 him go away empty.—Deuteronomy, W i:XTRY, BIG RESCUE! (Vicky) and Brian are engaged to do treat us Uku slaves and they Leary, rf ...... 3 1 7 Z. Godz, r g ...... 2 1 3 "Friends," he said, "I have lived here advertisements I think you’re great and I’m glad oU my life. In this town there arc 15:13. be married. Gale, believing Brian you asked me to come over to­ think we haven’t any rights. I’m J. Mahoney, If .. ..3 6 S. Godz, c ...... 2 0 2 OoQDt rU RV«rA«« wordi le AUTO ACCESSORIES— Grove C^lty, Pa.—Ice cutting op­ Woodhouse, c . ,. . 3 6 fifty taverns, and 1 am proud to say has been amusing himself at her ex­ night. You’re right about It—I’ve tired of having my pay cut for be­ r Lee. rg ...... 0 0 0 Every man Is valued in this world InlttRle. number* and *bbfevlR tlo«j erations on Barmnre Lake were In­ pense, Is deeply hurt. She refuses to J. Fitzgerald, rg . .1 / o 2 I have never been In one of them." each count a 'ord and oomiMxand TIRES 6 been staying too much by myself. ing late when I haven’t been. And A. Monaghan...... 0 0 0 as he shows by his conduct that he terrupted for some time while the see him again. I’m tired pf working twice as hard Tierney, Ig ...... 3 0 6 From the back of the hall came the word! ae two worde. Mlntmom oodt to Moping. From now on It’s going to C. Monaghan, If 0 0 0 wishes to be valued—Bruyere. fcmnvu«qtv»ct.wie. price 01 three tinee. SPEEDOMETERS — ALL MAKES men rescued the motive power. Gale goes to a dance with Steve. as we used to for less money. I’m Barrett, c ...... 0 2 Rivenburg, If ...... 2 0 2 question: "And which one 1s that?" transisat be different. You and I are going Line rate* per day for repaired. Also cables furnished. “ Mary Ann," the mare used in Phil Is there and hursta Into a de­ to have fun together." going to the meeting tonight and ada Norton Electric Co.. Hilliard street. marking out the Ice for cutting, nunciation of the mill bosses. Next Totals ...... 14 29 Mon—I wont to select a birthday i ^ p p E R F a n n y s a y s Stfeetive Mi >T. tan "Oh, Brian!” rm going to join.” Totals ...... 12 14 lWft.U.».FRT.Ofr. t* PkBlirttvfm. HIM Cash Chars* Phone 4060. broke through into gO feet of wa­ day he is fired. "That is. If I can get you away "Good for you!" Joale’s face was Referee, Kuse” . Score at halftime, 10-0 Talcotville present for my wife, preferably * CosseeutlT* Uar* 1 aui t «ts ter. Twenty men with ropes and M.3RY CASSIDY and her two shining, eager. "I’m getting every­ Score at halftime, 23-13. Referee, PiscancitUII. something In the electric line. t CM II «ts from that mob that’s always hang­ By John C. Terry I ConseeutiT* IHjt planks hauled her out. rhlldren are evicted from Uielr ing around you. Mow’d you like to body I can to go. It’s a protest Eight minute quarters! Salesman—Have you any Idea a'il OKCHY SMITH Ferrera Falls In II *1*1 II el* BUSINESS SERVICES what you vould like, air? * A|*%rd*tV for Irrsculsr ln*»rllon* home and Gale taken them In. drive over to Hamilton tomorrow meeting, you know, about these SONS OF ITALY JBS. WIN The Sons of Italy Jrs. annexed Mon—Well, If you have any elec­ DOH* WORRY, SENOR 'You SEE, SENOR, TUEES ACt -THE OSNERAl - ARMARA - IS will b* oh»r*td at th* on* ttm* r*l*. OFFERED 1.3 THE “ANGLER WORM" TURNS evening? 'Ve can have dinner and evictions—” - o « , Suite, perrera' ...... i r 8p*el*l r*t** ter long Urn *v*ry NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY There was a sound across the another victory at the expense of MORE LIARS WANTED tric chaire I’ll see those first. HI GtNERAL ThLO MC MADDOX. "WEES MAN,VORCHY PLACES A REESK ON MY OFFICIAL OF pAYiNO THE Bill - You know a*T *dv*rtl*1na alv* upon r*qu**t. dance or see a show If we can find EyeAVlfiS Hit that, SENOR, WHEN YOUR RANGE burner one." room. Josle’s words died on her the Bucksroos Tuesday afternoon at VOO WERE A 6000 FRIEND ’ SMEETH, HE UIEEL GET HEES PoSEETTON. of COURSe, THERE COURSE, Him eubn BETreR than i - the Ad* ord*r*d for thr** or *1* <*r* needs attention or your furniture Cape Girardeau, Mo.—Dennis Employer (to applicant for Job)— we«L BE So VER'j and itopptd bafor* th* tbird or Btth CHAPTER XXX\TU "I’d love It, Brian. I'd love It lips and both girls sat motionless. the Y.M.C.A., 22-20. Toulon, ni.—There seems to be a N 6rH )ik 5P planes no farther than MUC' BE A CERTAIN - SHALL WE FERRERA - Sclvally, a road engineer, has no demand for good liars. Can you write shorthand? OF MIS, 5 0 I KNEW YOU'D^ •WiNO I'm (NTeRtSTTO INJ* dap will b« oharged only lor th* *o- needs repairing call J. Hlllipan. quarrel with progress -until It in­ more than anything.” The sound was repeated and then a Both teams played a tight defen­ JCOffCHY, MADDOX CATAMARCA/ BUT, COME, Simple — Vicky Thatcher closed the door Twenty-flve persons were enroll­ Applicant—Yes, sir—but It takes UNE UP wrrtl MV Say-F inancial consideration^ NAME YdUR -niAT YOU STOP SMITH ! You're tnal number of -Imee the d appear­ Tel. 8446. terferes with his fishing. "Then we’ll do It. And we’ll plan head appeared from behind a row of sive game and the scoring was niK es t i f f FRoit ed. eh»r*lng at th* rat* aarnad, but behind her. She stood there for ed yesterday In Toulon’s newly or­ m e longer. PLAN - EL CAPfTAN, YOU (JUEEL DINE OWN PRICE- Asserting population cncroarh- something for the week-end—” lockers. A head that was light divided among a few players from PANAMA..^ Sure Y bo cam sw in g i t ? BO alloWanc* or rafund* caa b* mad* an Instant a picture In the frock both teams. For the Sons Aceto, ganized Liars Club. UiSCtU MR _ -rUERE IJUE on all tim* ad* alopped aftar th* monts are virtually running the bet­ of .Lame color against the Ivory brovra. set n glossy waves. A mo­ dfih day. MOVINi;— TRUCKINC— ter fishing holes in this area. Selval- ment more and a figure emerged. It Gavello, Della Fera and Vince did All the entrants professed to be STILL ALMOST ALL GOOD HOURf LKVER, No "till forbid*": diaplay llaa* not door. Her dark hair was drawn Two hours later Vicky knocked the scoring while Opalach and Mil­ amateurs, but all expressed hopes CITIZENS FAVOR LAW EN­ STORAGE 30 ly inserteil an advertisement In a back from her face and then tum­ was Leota Boiler! HC LANDS HIS aold. , on the door of her father’s bedroom. Leota said. smIHng. "Hello.” ler did the scoring for the Bucka- of becoming professionals. FORCEMENT UNLESS IT Tta* Herald will not b* raaponalbl* newspaper .seeking to buy five or bled into -soft curl.s. Her lips had Robert Thatcher called, "Come in!" FAST puRSorr lor roor* than uii* Incorrect inaartloa PERRETT A GLENNEY INC. local ten acres of land. Josle answered, “ Hello. Leota," roos. THREATENS A FRIEND. and long distance moving. Daily caught the flaming brilliance of her Vicky pushed the doo, open. ' SHIP ON of any aovertlaainent orderad for ' I’m going to bullil niy own frock. And her eyes, beneath thick and got to her feet. She said, "Come Sons of Italy Jrs. HARD WORK FOR FIREMEff mor* than on* tIm*. express to Hartford. Ovcrnluht She wore a dre.s.iing gown of gold on Gale. It’s time we were going—’’ B. F. T. The steeplechase Jockey awoke to CPTAMRRCA Th* Inadvertent omlielon ot Inoor- lake." he said, "Then I’ll have lashes, w en smiling. satin with a froth of lace about FISIP IN SOUTH reet publication of advartlalns will h* service to and from New York. Tcl. some place to fish." She said to the young man wait­ Outside the door the two girls DeSimone. Ig ...... 0 0 0 New York—It wasn’t the heat of find biniBcIf bandaged up in a bos- 3063, 8860 or 8864. the neck. Her sandals were noth­ faced each other. Both asked the Saplenza, Ig ...... 0 0 0 ital ward. He smiled up at the ' AMERICA • ttt raotlfla' only by cancallaMon ot th* ing, "Are you surprised to see ing more than Jeweled straps the fire, tt was the work after the eharc* mad* tor the aarvio* randarad. same question: Vince, rg ...... 1 0 2 fire that made the firemen perspire. fraJner who stood anxiously wait­ All advartleamanta muat' oooform me ?” Vicky came into the room, trail­ H6 MURRieS l b "Why. yes. rather," Brian told "Do you think she heard?" Gavello, c ...... 3 0 6 An oil heater set fire to rags and ing at his bedside. la atyl*. copy and lyposraphy with ing the long dressing gown behind (To Be Continued) Aceto, If ...... AN OFFlCe IN THE ragutatlona anCorCed by tha publlah- PUBLIC PASSENCiEK Auto Insurance her. "I thought your father wanted her. 4 0 « papers in the fourth-floor apart­ Jockey (w earily)-H ow did tt ara and they raiarv* th* right to SERVICE ’20-A do see me. They told me there was Della Fera, r f ...... 3 0 6 ment of Ida Welder, 41, and she happen? I thought I’d cleared FIRD ADMMiST)!A7I0M adit, ravli* or lajac’ aay copy eos- LU.MBERMEN’S Her father looked up from the BON ,\MI LE.YGUE Glorgettl, rf ...... 0 0 u a message - ” was seriously burned. After extin­ that last fence easily. building..,. aldarad obleetlonebla. IN ADDITION TC SILVER I^nc Always Paid A Dividend book he was reading. He said, (Charter Oak Alleys) CLOSING HOURS— Claaaldad ada u Vicky cro.ssed the room. “The "Home early, aren’t you?” guishing the blaze the flre-flghters Trainer—You dlifl but the trouble' ba publlahod aam* day muat ba ra- Bus Line, De Luxe Bu.. for lodge message salil Father wanted to .'otals ...... 11 0 22 carried down from the apartment was the horse didn't. By Crane OUT OUK WAY STUART .1. WASLKY "Ive been home all evening. Brian Bucka rooa ASHING ON TUBBS oelved by II o'elock aoon; Saturday* party or team trips, we also ofler sec yovi here," she Informed him. waa here.” Team No. 5 took 4 points from 41 barrels of the rags and papers. 10:10 a. ro. 7 passenger sedan delivery. Phone state Bldg. Tol. 6648—7146 Team No. 1. Mitchell hit high single B. . F. T. ONE MOTHER RECENTLY o r r . T r s W ATCH If M O f "I know all about It. I ought to— "Oh—Brian!” Thatcher looked BC StRIQUS, BOVS. SHALL WE NO, won f o o l s . SOU'RE )/u i/-irr7 A b u g ----- 1 DON'T TELEPHONE YOUR 3063, 8860, 8864. because T sent It." of 125 and high 3 string for 352. Miller, rf ...... 2 2 6 It has been estimated that 40 GAVE HER DAUGHTER SUCH A b e y o n d pleased. He put the book aside, Opalach, If ...... 2 14 1 WANT VOU TO PO TAKE A TAKE MV Y A C H T .^ ^ l/ALHI/ SEE HOW SUCH WANT ADS. "You sent the message! But Team No. 2 look 3 polnU from 6 Inches of water falls on the earth BIG WEDDING THAT IT LOOKED ME. smiled up at his daughter. Team No. 3. Rand and Fish were Brannick, c ...... 0 0 u annually. AS IF SHE WAS CELEBRATING When dresses have trains they’re m e a g r e a t PAVOR, TAXI? A CLUMSY LOOKIM'J Ad* ar* aceeptad over tb* talaphoa* why ?” Vicky went on, "I’m driving over apt to get tracked on. PROFESSIONAL "Beratise I wanted to be sure tied for hlgli single with 112 and S. THE CAPTU!RE o f t h e GROOM. V(xyReTo OO TO THING KIN DO at th* CHARGE HATE glvaa above to Hamilton with him to dinner to­ WHAT M E COBS a* a couvanlan , to advartlaara. but SERVICES vou'd come." Vicky went on. "It's morrow evening. And, Saturday, Smith hit high 3 siring for 309. th* CASH RATES will o,. secaptad a* ROME^ ITALY, AWD-V AN' GIT AWAV, been .luch a long time since you've we’re going to the Eldredges’ dance. Team No. 4 took 3 .xiinU from FULL PATMENT If bald at th* bual- been here. Brian. Almost ages. And Team No. 6. Agoatonelll hit single WITH IT. naat olTIc* on or befor* th* aavanth JOHN COCKERHAM- .Sunday we’re going to look up some day rollowins th* 6rat Inaartloa of tun- you’re never at the club any of 106 and Allen took 3 string with ed, repaired, rebuilt, 28 BJgclow friends of his In Brookfield." each ad otharwlae tha CUARUE more." "Well, that’s fine.” of 303. RATIO will ba eollectad. No raaponal- street. Phone 4210. "I’ve been biiay." bllUy for arrora In talaphonad ada Vicky lingered. She said, "Your Team No. 6 (1) will ba aaaumtd and thair accuracy "Really?" birthday Is next month, Isn’t It? 1 McCarthy . 90 82 83 - 255 cannot b* guarantaed. "Well—yes. And that crowd at was thinking about birthday pres­ Agostonelll . 92 106 88—286 REPAIRING ‘23 the club sort of gets on my nei-vea." INDEX OF ent for you and wondering how Toumard .. .. 99 83 88—270 SKATES SHARPENED, key mak­ "Let's sit down," Vicky said. She you’d like It." K een ey ----- ..101 90 82—273 CLASSIFICATIONS put a hand on his arm and led him "Now. Vicky, you know I don’t ing. lock, guu, vacuum cleaner re- to the davenport. "Now then- clg- Elrlhs ...... psiiing. Bralthwalte, 52 Pearl St. care much about presehts. There 382 361 341 1084 Lngagamant* ...... aret?" liarrlages ...... Isn’t anything I want." Team No. I (3) There was a bowl of frezlas on "But this Is a sort of special 88 88- 268 Death* ...... the table across the room and Finnegan . . 92 Card ot Thank* ...... SITUATIONS WANTED— present," she persisted, shilling M. Sacharek 88 91 72—251 In tlamortam ...... the fragrance of the flowers came faintly. "Something . you’ve never 95—295 Loat and F o u n d ...... FEMALE 38 to them. Vicky held the silver T. Smith . . . 95 105 Announcemant* ...... had. I was wondering how you’d Allen ...... 93 115 94—302 box toward Brian, and he took a like to have a—a son-in-law.” Paraonal* ...... WANTED- WASHING aiiJ Ironing A S 1 WAS SAVING, I WANT V O R A R V / PLEASE, p l e a s e ! THIS IS M , ,r > Aalaaakllaa clgarct. She helped hcr.self. When "You mean—Brian?" at home, 2 shirts, 25 rents. Ad­ the two clgarets were glowing she 368 399 349 1116 you TO BOARD MV SACHT Automobtla* for S al* ...... « dress Box Y, Herald. Vicky nodded. There was a IMPORTANT. VOU'RC TO GO TO MV| Automoblla* ter Bschang* ft GOOD BUYS AT said quietly. "So It's just as I light In her eyes that waa eager AT GENOA,CRUISE DOWN Auto Aeeaaaorit*—Tlra* . a ft thought." Team No. 1 (0) BANKER IN ROME, AND RETURN Auto Repairing—Palntlug #•••• t and at the same time assured. "I’m mediterranean c o a s t ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 Riley Chevrolet "What do you mean?" Willis ___...... 75 81 81—237 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser - f n y ^/ CALLS THAT WITH-AH-A ------Auto Sohoola ...... l-A sure he’ll propose by that time," she 83 76—235 Auto*—Ship by Truck . . ft USED CAR LOT "I mean 'something's bothering went on softly. "He might have to Falcetta ., 74 ------—' DOING HIM t PARCEL. AutoB— For UIra ...... t FOR SALE- 3 USED team harness­ you," she Informed him. "1 wa» Miller ___ 88 124 117—329 DROP WHAT YbU'RE DOING, Garaka*—Sarvjoa—Storage 1ft Cor. Main and Pearl Streets night, only I wouldn’t let him. I J — \ a favor. es, In good condition, all sizes ot afraid that was It. I hoped It was don’t want to hurry things too Low Score 91 88 76—255 llotoreyeUs^BtoycU* ...... 11 88—262 AND DON'T Wanttd Autot^ilotoreye)** **• It team collars. Curtains repaired. something I could help about." much. It's better to let him worry Low Score 88 86 mm4 SerHeee Cars recovered, harness repairing. a little." M OVE U BuBlnta* 8A S. E. PEARL thing’s happened that’s hurt you." anything you want for a wedding Palnttnt'^'Papartna .«..*••#••*# 11 William Ostrinsky, 91 (Clinton St. "Everybody gets hurt now and Profaaalonat Sarvlcaa ...aagaM* tt Tel. 5879. Woodland Street Tel. 7069 present. Anything!” ' 498 502 529 1529 (READ THE STURY, THEN CULGK THE PIUTUKE) Rapalrlni ...... t l then, don’t they?" A shrewd look came Into the rAliorinr-'Dyaliif—Claanlnc «•* 14 girl’s face. “Anything," she repeat­ Team I.'o. 2 (3) The Tiny girls had lots o f fun, glad to bring the fruit down. Watch Tollat Qooda and Aarvlea ...... tft when Scouty made the strange bca.st me, now, and all get'set to duck." Waatad~-Bua(neaa 8a-ylea *a««aa tft ROOMS WITHOUT HOARD 59 ed, "la that a protmlse?” G. S n o w ...... 94 85 82—261 1*38 OY WM itRVICI. INC. T. M. Rtg U. a^AT. Off. "Yes." 80—275 run. “ You’ll fall off," shouted Cop- He pushed the tree. His strength CdHeatlPMil Fish ...... 112 83 was rare, and fruit came falling LARGE FURNISHED room, central Vicky moved toward the door. 105—288 py, “If you don't hong on real tight. Couraaa and CUMica ....•••sa«a« 11 T a y lo r...... 96 87 “Gee, If that hound begins to leap, everywhere. ■ Elach Tiny grabbed a SALESMAN SAM She Doesn’t Click With Sam! Prtvata Inatruetloa ...... tft location. Breakfast if desired. 24 "Don’t forget," _she said softly. S. S m ith ...... 90 101 112—303 Dancing ...... tl*A Locust street. Tcl. 4698. your places you will never keep. peach and Scouty shouted, "Yum! "And you’d better be prepared to Low S c o r e ...... — 78 74—152 ’Y o u SPiCO «AT i N’ coeuu, I'M) 3 UsT P u T riw ^ TW’ LAST fAOUTU I've SEEN V(e(l. Uualeal>—Dramatic It SPECIAL— keep It. How do you think I’ll look I’m glad I’m on my feet, instead ot What luck!" __ Wanted*~Inatru ilon ...... 10 2 In a wedding goivn. Father?” In that ticklish plight." CHOP SOG.-/ A T TH ’ CHlAJKfe Y A w i s e T o h e r , d u n k . Plaaaclal AFAKTitMSNTS— FLATS— 392 434 453 1279 Real shortly they were on their l a s t UUSHT LOITH FLOSSIE. IM CASCL Yto (5 0 M 'T Bonda—8tocka~M ortgagaa ftl Grind Valves and Clean Carbon "Beautiful. Simply beautiful.” *’Aw, don’t you worry,” Goldy Teem No. 3 (1) iEISHGACK,! LOHa T O F I T ? KMOOUi Bualnaaa Opportunttlaa ftl TE I^M E N TS 63 Vicky caught a glimpse of her­ cried. "Some day we’ll teach you way, and soon the^ heard the giant TH ATfl A RASH ORDER, MY j DON’T TRY TO BLUFF ME! llonay to t^an ...... tt T. F a lcetta ____ 84 78 79—241 how to ride." The giant smiled say, “ Well, there’s my house, ahead Clean and Adju.st Points self In the mirror across the room FRIBNbf IF t DROPPSO \ Ualp aad Jltaattaaa FOR RENT—FOl/R , ROOM flaL and hesitated. She said, studying Thomas ...... 83 97 79—259 and said, "They’re Just as game as of us." "What! That place?" Win­ PUT THOSE THINGS Halp W antad'-Pamala ...... tft first floor, with all improvements, Adjust (lenerator her reflection, "I believe I’ll have a Davis ...... 86 106 104—296 they can be. dy cried. WHAT 1 AM DOlWQ, NEOHER / DOWN.'/ Haip WRotad-^Jdaia ...... tft 18 Knox street. Inquihg 20 Knox B. Sacharek .. . 99 78 100—277 Baleaman Wantad ...... *...... fft’ A cap like Carla Leslie’s—’’ "I only wish that I was small. “Why, it’s as small as It can be. O F 0 5 EVER WILL ^ street W a lk er...... — 98 74—173 You see, I cannot ride at all, because The door's just big enough for me. Halp w«ntad*~Mata or Famala.. 11 Clean and Adjust Carburetor M o v e a g a i n f Agao»a Wantad ...... *.t1-A Including Gaskets Gale and JoSle Ciridley sat on the that crazy hound of mine is much Please tell me, if you can, sir, how Situation# Wantad—Favala ••• It WB AIM TO PLEASE; Di:op In and Clean and Adjust Spark Plugs couch In the women’s cloak room 852 457 436 124 too small for me.” you ever get Inside.” Sttuatlona Waatad—Mala ...... It see our large heated roome Cut Cmploymant Agaoelaa ...... ftft It was noon and most of the mill The giant said, "I’ll show you. Uaa ftlack-aPata-^Poattvy—Y^lrlaa dunm expen'e. See Jensen, Johnson employes .were In the cafeteria, but LIGHT NEEDED Just then wee Scouty shouted, son. Just how my entering Is done. Doga— Bird#—Pata ftl Block. Phone 6070 or 7635. Gah- and Josle had brought lunches "Hey! A big peach tree Is In our I do It every day and, really. It’s Uva Stock>-VaMelaa ...... ftft CMcago—When Nick Capbccia, Poultry and ftuppllaa ftft FOR RENT—SDC ROOM tenement, from home. Thcyjiad finished their way. Before we walk around it, 1 not hard at all.” Waatad - Patt«-Poultry—^toafe ftft RILEY saniji^chrs and now sat waiting 18, went to “work" he had somu suggest we stop and eat. And then, with quite apparent all modem Improvements, five light on the subject, the police said. Pat ftalai ■lllaaallaaaaaa mlnutea to mills, three to trolley. for/tV^ bell to ring. "I’ll climb the tree and then I'll ease, the big man dropped down to Artlela* for ,Bala ...... ftft CHEVROLET CO.. INC. He forgot, they added, to turn off Inquire at 82 Garden street Tel. Josle said. "But you can’t keep shake some branches. I’m sure that his knees. It made all of the Tin- Boat# and Aooaaaorlaa ftft Mary and those two children. the light when he and a companion will make enough of that fine fruit lea laugh when he began to crawl. Building Matartata ...... ftl 6723. 60 Wells Street ; Manchester, Conn. Otamonda— W aU haa-^avalry •• ftft With Phil out of work you can't broke into a restaurant, making It fall to give all of us a treat." CUctrlcal Appllaaaaa->Rad1o •• ftft REDE(30RATED 5 room apart­ do It!" easier for a police squad to see and The giant smiled and said, "Why, (The giant proves a good story Pual and Paad ...... ftt-A ’’They'll stay the rest of the capture him. His friend esesped. lad, you need not bother. I’ll be toller. In the next story.) Oardar — Parni->Da1ry Produata ftft ment, bath, sun parlor, hot water Houaakold Oouda ...... ftl fumisbed, steam heated, garage If Maebtnary and Tcola ...... ftt dealred. Phone 6277, 513 Main CAS BlJlilHES Mualoa) Inatrumanfa ...... ftft street, at the Center. Ofllea and 8tpra Bqnlptaant ••• ftft ALLEY OOP But the Lemians Have Only One! By HAMLIN Spaalaia at tba 8«oraa ...... ftft BARBARA tXONY Waartug Apparal—Pun .,.••••• ftt FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, SEEM NORMAL AFTER' W antad^To Buy ...... ftft with all modem Improvements. In­ TO WHOM LIEUTENANT DANNY HER NAP SO 1 -B aer*—HataUi—Beeerte quire at 10 Cedar street. AM I ,EMBLeY....U.8.N.' TO O K HER llaatantaata INOE0TSO I ’M ONE OF THE TEMPERATURE Jlooma Without Board ••••••••. ftft FOR RENT—IN BUSINESS sec- A N D t h e n IMarSara W aat-d ...... u . a FOR THIS iGLfYS y x i’ve BEAD tion, heated apartmenta, one 7 PHONED YOU, CoaatfF Board—Raaorta «* ) a b o u t, who la n d s , Hotals—Raataoraata ...... 41 room, one four room. Apply Ed­ INFORMAL DOCTOR. Wsatad—Room*—Board ...... u ward Holl, telephone Mimehester YIBIT? ' AMD HAS THE STT- ■teal SlatBt* Far Baa< 4642. UATION WCLl. Hd AsanaaaU, Ftata, Taaamaau.. Bnaiaaai Loeattoaa tor Itost ... h a n d • Mooaaa for Bast ...... taburbaa tor Itoat ...... Baaisaar Bomas tor lUat Wactod to Raat ......