with Stanningfield Parish Council

Nicola Glading, Parish clerk, 6, Albert Rolph Drive Lakenheath, IP27 9DA

Tel: 01842 337488 Email: [email protected]


Prior to the meeting, the councillors heard a report from Miles Orlopp and Benjamin Locksmith, Technical Trainees, Flood & Water Management, Growth, Highways and Infrastructure, Suffolk County Council on the recent drainage survey. The councillors present thanked Mr Orlopp and Mr Locksmith for their informative presentation. Present: Cllr D. Staff (Chairman) Cllr C. Mears Cllr A. Veal Cllr M. Grimmer

In attendance: C/Cllr K. Soons, D/Cllr S. Mildmay-White, N. Glading, Parish clerk and 4 members of the public



a) Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr T. Langan (Vice Chairman) b) Councillors consented to accept the apologies received


Cllr A. Veal declared an interest at 7b on the agenda.




a) The October Report from C/Cllr K Soons had been distributed to councillors on 4th November 2019. (see Appendix 1). Suffolk County Council have recently started a scheme to potentially award 100% grants to people who do not have central heating. Cllr Soons will follow up on the complaint to Anglia Water about the hole that was dug on Friday last, apparently to rectify the Church Road leak, then left by workers. There are concerns around access for emergency vehicles with Church Road closed.

b) The November Report from D/Cllr S Mildmay- White had been distributed to councillors earlier in the day (see Appendix 2) There has been no response to Havebury being asked to attend a Parish Council meeting; it appears that Havebury are awaiting the results of another test. There is £1,300 remaining in the Locality budget for the current year.

70. MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on 30th September 2019

a) The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 30th September 2019 were unanimously APPROVED and the Chair was authorised to sign the same. 1

Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Parish Council

Nicola Glading, Parish clerk, 6, Albert Rolph Drive Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9DA

Tel: 01842 337488 Email: [email protected]

b) No business remained from previous meeting.


a) NOTED: Appeal Decision APP/E3525/W/19/3227102 5, Norse Avenue, Stanningfield IP29 4RN - appeal is dismissed

Cllr A. Veal took no part in the following item b) Application DC/19/2127/FUL Consultation Expiry: 21 November 2019 (extension given) Proposal: Planning Application - 1no. dwelling (following demolition of existing garage and single storey element of the host dwelling) (previous application DC/18/1781/FUL) Location Land Rear Of 5 Norse Avenue Stanningfield Suffolk Applicant Mr Kevin Sobkowiak NO OBJECTION

c) Application DC/19/2237/HH Consultation Expiry: 5 December 2019 Proposal: Householder Planning Application - Single storey side extension Location Newhall Cottage Bury Road Bradfield Combust Suffolk IP29 4SE Applicant Mr & Mrs Laflin It was AGREED that Cllrs Staff and Mears will investigate the application further and reply.

c) Application no: DC/19/2238/LB Consultation Expiry: 5 December 2019 Proposal: Application for Listed Building Consent - Single storey side extension Location: Newhall Cottage Bury Road Bradfield Combust Suffolk IP29 4SE Applicant: Mr & Mrs Laflin It was AGREED that Cllrs Staff and Mears will investigate the application further and reply.


a) The new play equipment initiative is progressing. Clerk to send Cllr Mears a copy of the locality budget form.


a) The renovation of the red phone box is progressing: three sides have been painted, completion in the Spring.


a) The councillors discussed the District Council 2020/2021 quote for grass cutting contract. This was thought to be inordinately expensive. Clerk to obtain quotes from previous contractors.


a) The clerks report was NOTED: (i) No items actioned under delegated powers (ii) Allotment renewals are progressing well and the two anomalies were found to be because of mid season joining and differing plot size. (iii) Play area inspections: West Suffolk Council have been carrying out monthly inspections via the Play Area Inspector, Tim McGhee, and then annually the Play Inspection Company carry out an independent audit which is a much more detailed report. At present both monthly and annual reports are free of charge and will be for the next financial year also (20/21). Clerk has a copy of part of the 2

Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Parish Council

Nicola Glading, Parish clerk, 6, Albert Rolph Drive Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9DA

Tel: 01842 337488 Email: [email protected]

Service Level Agreement that was returned to us by her predecessor and signed by the Chairman early 2019. Councillors to check work required at the January meeting. (iv) Suffolk Cloud do not collect data other than user numbers. (v) A Register of Interest declaration is outstanding: Chair will check whether the councillor wishes to remain. (vi) Parish Council meeting dates for 2020 were unanimously AGREED as: Monday 20th January 2020 Monday 30th March 2020 Monday 18th May 2020 Monday 20th July 2020 Monday 21st September 2020 Monday 23rd November 2020


a) The draft SHEELA document was discussed and NOTED.


a) Councillors discussed donations to St Nicholas Church, All Saints, Bradfield Combust and The Methodist Chapel in respect of maintenance/ grass cutting schedules.

It was unanimously AGREED to donate £250 to each Church.

It was further AGREED that these payments would be reviewed in 2020/21.


a) The 2020/21 preliminary budget was unanimously AGREED at £ £13,370.00 The corresponding precept demand was unanimously AGREED at 2% increase b) The payments listed at Appendix 4 were unanimously AGREED c) To approve any additional requests for payment – none d) Confirmation of any donations/ grants received - none


a) Chairs report b) Councillors reports: The next Barclif deadline is 11th December. The smashed perspex window at the Bus shelter will be replaced.




Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Parish Council

Nicola Glading, Parish clerk, 6, Albert Rolph Drive Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9DA

Tel: 01842 337488 Email: [email protected]

Appendix 1


Joint working has paid off. Working together with Parish Councils and officers of Suffolk County Council we have been able to create a new bus route to partially replace the old 377 bus route. The new route 377 – started on the 23rd of Sept from Bradfield St George, Rougham, Skyliner Way, Sainsbury’s, West Suffolk Hospital and on to Bus Station. The new development of Larks Grange on Moreton Hall will be included as the final phases are completed. We currently working on finding a funding solution to the 375 route through & Nowton together with Mary Evans, Cabinet Member for Highways and both Parish Councils. This route has been served notice to stop in early November. Home to School Transport routes are unaffected. Boundary Commission meeting Endeavour House, Ipswich.

The Brecks Fen Edge and Rivers Landscape Partnership Scheme wins £2 million National Lottery grant Communities, schools and the landscape of the Brecks will benefit from another series of exciting landscape and heritage conservation projects. On 30 September, Suffolk County Council and The Brecks Fen Edge and Rivers Landscape Partnership announced that the proposal for a £3.5 million landscape conservation scheme to follow hot on the heels of the popular Breaking New Ground Landscape Partnership Scheme has been successful. Made possible by National Lottery players, the £2 million grant will unlock a further £1.5 million in match funding from partners and volunteers, and will engage local communities, schools and like-minded organisations to understand, reveal, celebrate and protect the lost heritage of the Brecks Fen Edge and Rivers over the next five years. Rated as one of Britain’s top three landscapes for freshwater wildlife, the Brecks are home to nature as significant as that in the New Forest and the Broads. Across the scheme area lie biodiverse chalk streams and networks of ancient Pingo ponds. Commenting on the award, Councillor Richard Rout, Suffolk County Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Public Protection, said: “I am delighted that we have been awarded this significant amount of funding for the Brecks Fen Edge and Rivers Scheme, as it demonstrates The National Lottery Heritage Fund’s continued confidence in Suffolk County Council and its partners to deliver high quality landscape scale heritage conservation projects. This is excellent news for the Brecks and Suffolk as a whole.” Conservation efforts have long-focused on the internationally important heaths and forests, but legacy development work from the Breaking New Ground Landscape Partnership identified significant risks and opportunities relating to this lesser-known watery landscape, which includes unique geology - the UK’s only six fluctuating meres, and a significant percentage of nationally rare species. The Brecks Fen Edge and Rivers Landscape Partnership Scheme will bring to the fore how the Brecks fenland fringe, freshwater habitats and river corridors provided the conduit for biodiversity and early settlement of a hostile landscape. Although the area is famed for being sandy and dry, it is the watery landscapes that are the driving force behind the area’s unique biodiversity, and its history of human settlement. Anne Jenkins, Director, : Midlands and East, The National Lottery Heritage Fund, said: “Characterised by fascinating features such river valleys, chalk streams, nationally rare Pingo ponds and fluctuating meres, it is no surprise the Brecks are rated within the top three of the UK's freshwater habitats. We know that National Lottery players hold natural heritage projects, such as this ambitious Landscape Partnership Scheme, in high esteem and I am sure that many of them will be delighted to learn more about the area and its hidden natural treasures. We are also heartened by Suffolk County Council’s commitment to preserving and exploring their natural heritage, and that our funding will enable their work and passion to continue and benefit the communities of the Norfolk and Suffolk Brecks.”


Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Parish Council

Nicola Glading, Parish clerk, 6, Albert Rolph Drive Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9DA

Tel: 01842 337488 Email: [email protected]

The scheme will enable the partnership to capitalise on the successful Breaking New Ground Scheme which ended in 2017, and engage local communities and partners in telling the story of the Brecks and to develop a sense of pride and belonging to this fascinating landscape that will translate into a long lasting legacy. The Hold Topping Out ceremony Construction of ‘The Hold’ archives and heritage centre has reached its highest point. On 25 September, contractors R G Carter, along with senior officers from Suffolk County Council, the University of Suffolk, Ipswich Vision and the National Lottery Heritage Fund, celebrated the official ‘Topping Out’ of the new building. Located on the campus of the University of Suffolk, within Ipswich’s unique and regenerating Waterfront, the building will house the majority of Suffolk’s nationally and internationally significant archives. More than just a new building, ‘The Hold’ project will also be the engine for a transformed, audience-focused Archives service reaching out to diverse communities in Ipswich, the county and the nation, through its activity and digital programmes, engaging people in new and exciting ways. Paul West, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Heritage, said: “We’re delighted to have reached this exciting milestone in the project’s development. “The Hold will not only transform our ability to care for and showcase our county’s records and collections, but it will also engage audiences right across the county, bringing local and nationally significant exhibitions to all Suffolk Archives branches, state of the art research facilities and more access than ever before to digital collections. “The county-wide activity plan which comes hand in hand with The Hold building, is already enabling us to deliver many more archive-related events, learning activities and digital programmes, across the whole county, meaning more people can truly connect with Suffolk’s unique and fascinating history than ever before. This includes the Sharing Suffolk Stories programme and new schools resources being developed. “The Hold is set to open its doors next spring and we can’t wait to see you there!” To mark the topping out of The Hold, local heritage charity, Suffolk Archives Foundation, launched its ‘Make your Mark’ campaign to encourage public support for the project and through this give Suffolk’s colourful past an exciting future. Funds raised will go towards meeting remaining construction costs at The Hold and the fitting-out of the interior of the building to the high standards that visitors from all walks of life deserve. Peter Gray, Chair of the Suffolk Archives Foundation, said: “The ‘Make Your Mark’ campaign provides an opportunity for people across the county to get involved in The Hold right from the outset. We really hope anyone with an interest in local history will want to add their names to a specially crafted donors’ book, which will be kept and displayed at The Hold. This book has been hand made by local company Owl Bookbinding and it will itself become part of Suffolk’s historical archives.” Bravery, fundraising and commitment recognised at fire awards in Ipswich. On 18 September, firefighters, non-operational staff and volunteers from Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service were recognised for their bravery and commitment. A special award was also presented to 15-year old, Harry Hall. He came to the aid of a friend who had lost control of their bike and fallen over the sea wall in Lowestoft. Despite the immediate dangers, Harry jumped down to his friend and kept their head above the rising sea water until the emergency services arrived. Harry was presented with a Certificate of Merit for his actions. Michael Edmondson-Bloom, firefighter at Newmarket Fire Station was presented with the prestigious Silver Axe. This award is presented to the individual judged to have had the best performance of all those who completed the new firefighter recruit ‘Approved to Ride’ course in the last year. Ken Ashby, the service’s on-call firefighter liaison officer, received the Paul Proctor Award for his outstanding professional contribution. Ken started as a firefighter and has completed over 42 years’ service, raising over £250,000 for the Firefighter’s Charity, thanks largely to the car draw which he founded in 1987 at Newmarket fire station. Over 40 awards were given to the Service’s firefighters and staff, including those for good conduct and long service, charity fundraising, teamwork, and actions at 999 emergencies. Councillor Rout, Suffolk County Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Public Protection, said: 5

Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Parish Council

Nicola Glading, Parish clerk, 6, Albert Rolph Drive Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9DA

Tel: 01842 337488 Email: [email protected]

“Events such as this are a humbling experience, reminding us all of the selflessness and professionalism of Suffolk’s firefighters and staff. This commitment extends to the way they engage with their local communities, such as attending events, fundraising and delivering prevention messages.” Suffolk, How Are You? On 17 September, Public Health Suffolk and Ipswich and East Clinical Commissioning Group launched a campaign focused on wellbeing and healthy weight. Suffolk How Are You? looks at improving wellbeing and maintaining a healthy weight through eating well, moving more and sleeping well. Residents are encouraged to complete the How Are You? quiz, linked to the national ‘One You’ campaign, which assesses different aspects of a person’s lifestyle and helps to identify ways to improve emotional and physical wellbeing. For those who complete the How Are You? quiz, there is a prize draw to win 1 year’s subscription to Spotify. The prize draw is open until 10 March 2020. Throughout the campaign there will be lots of exciting opportunities to take part in various activities linked to moving more, eating well and sleeping better. Those who take part in Active Suffolk’s This Girl Can, Health Walks, or RED January could be in with a chance of winning a Fitbit. People can also send in their #5adaysuffolk photos via Twitter and Instagram. Be sure to tag @SCCPublicHealth or @OneLifeSuffolk in your posts to be in with a chance of winning a cookbook. There is also a place up for grabs on a 1-hour workshop on sleeping well with Suffolk MIND. Visit www.suffolkhowareyou.co.uk for further details of the competitions. Coming up in November, there will be three exciting light displays which will take place in Stowmarket, Ipswich and Felixstowe at their Christmas lights switch-on events. Councillor James Reeder, Suffolk County Council Cabinet Member for Public Health and Prevention, said: “We know that eating well and exercising regularly can have a positive impact on our weight, but it can also improve our mood and wellbeing. “Try the activities highlighted in the campaign to move more, eat well and sleep better and see the difference that incorporating them into your daily routine will make - just walking for 10 minutes a day is a free and simple way to increase physical activity and it can have a great impact on your emotional and physical wellbeing.” Visit www.suffolkhowareyou.co.uk to complete the How Are You? quiz. Window now open to apply for primary and secondary school places Parents and carers can now apply for primary and secondary school places for September 2020. The deadline for applications to secure a place at a Suffolk secondary school is Thursday 31 October 2019 and for a primary school it is Wednesday 15 January 2020. Secondary schools include high and upper schools and primary schools include infant, junior and middle schools. Last year, Suffolk County Council received nearly 16,000 applications. 92% of applicants received offers for their first preference school and nearly 98% of applicants received an offer for one of their top three preferred schools. Parents and carers need to be aware that some schools have their own admissions policy which sets out how places will be prioritised, so it is important to check each school’s admissions policy before applying. When applying for their preferred school parents and carers also need to consider how they will get their child to and from school. To find out more about SCC’s school travel policy please visit www.suffolkonboard.com/schooltravel. Councillor Gordon Jones, Suffolk County Council’s Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education and Skills, said: “Making the right school choice is one of the most important decisions a parent makes on behalf of their child. “I would urge all parents and carers to complete and submit their application by the closing date of 31 October 2019 for a secondary school place and 15 January 2020 for a primary school place to give their child the best chance of getting in to one of their preferred schools. We will process all of the applications received by these dates at the same time using schools’ oversubscription criteria to prioritise applications when necessary. “Parents and carers can list up to three schools on their application form and we recommend applying for more than one school.” 6

Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Parish Council

Nicola Glading, Parish clerk, 6, Albert Rolph Drive Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9DA

Tel: 01842 337488 Email: [email protected]

Parents and carers should apply online at www.suffolk.gov.uk/admissions as they will receive confirmation that we have received their application. If for any reason parents and carers are unable to apply online they should apply on a paper CAF1 application form. Suffolk County Council is unable to acknowledge receipt of paper applications and therefore suggest that proof of posting is obtained. A completed application must be submitted for every child wanting a secondary school place or a primary school place from September 2020. If you are planning to move house or you think your circumstances may change before September, it is still important to make an application on time. Advice and guidance about this process is available at www.suffolk.gov.uk/admissions.

Newmarket sets out rail vision. On 6 September, representatives from Suffolk County Council, West Suffolk District Council and the Newmarket Racecourses met with stakeholders from the horse racing industry and Members of Parliament to call for more investment in passenger rail services in Newmarket. The delegation listened to a series of speeches on Newmarket’s rail priorities from the Newmarket Racecourses, Suffolk County Council, West Suffolk District Council, Railfuture, the Department for Transport and Network Rail. The priorities include demands for a half-hourly passenger rail service to Cambridge and direct rail connectivity with Oxford, London, the Midlands, the North of England and Scotland. Information was also presented on the new East West Rail Link, a rail project that will connect Suffolk and Norfolk with Oxford via Cambridge. Delegates learnt how local authorities across Suffolk are working together with key stakeholders in Norfolk and Cambridgeshire, and with the East West Rail Consortium, to improve rail connectivity in the . Investment is considered vital to achieving more frequent passenger rail services at Newmarket and provide wider rail connectivity to the rest of the UK.

Councillor Mary Evans, Suffolk County Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member responsible for Highways, Transport and Rural Affairs, said: “It is critical that we all work together to give the message that we are serious about seeing rail investment in Suffolk. We are delighted that Suffolk is getting brand new trains, which will do great things for the county, but we also need government to invest in our railway infrastructure. “Such investment will deliver more frequent services and make towns, such as Newmarket, more accessible to the rest of the UK. I am really pleased that working with the Jockey Club we have been able to bring together key stakeholder to push this rail agenda forward.” Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP for West Suffolk, said: “The Newmarket Rail Meeting was extremely positive. We have a clear message that key organisations across Suffolk and Norfolk must continue to work together to make the case for improved rail connectivity in the East of England. I will continue to press the government and Network Rail to invest in more frequent passenger rail services at Newmarket and provide wider rail connectivity through East Anglia and the UK.” Amy Starkey, Regional Director for the Jockey Club’s East Region, said: “Rail has played a crucial role in the history of horseracing in Newmarket and it is has a vital part to play in its future too. We have exciting ambitions for the town but in order to ensure that our growth is sustainable, we need a high quality and well-connected transport system to make our town more accessible to our community, visitors, racegoers, employees and investors. “The horseracing and bloodstock industries are a significant contributor to the regional and national economies, generating £242 million in gross value added to the UK treasury in 2016 and jointly provide over 8,500 jobs to local people. A plan will now be developed to set out actions and timescales for delivering rail improvements, with further meetings scheduled to discuss progress. Upcoming We Are Listening events Suffolk residents are invited to come along and chat with the Leader of the Council, other County Councillors and senior managers about their concerns and ideas for the county of Suffolk. The following We Are Listening events are scheduled for September:


Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Parish Council

Nicola Glading, Parish clerk, 6, Albert Rolph Drive Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9DA

Tel: 01842 337488 Email: [email protected]

• Saxmundham, forecourt in front of Market Hall: 11am-1pm, Wednesday 9 October • Hadleigh, Marketplace: 11am-1pm, Friday 18 October • Ipswich, Marketplace, outside Barclays Bank: 11am-1pm, Thursday 24 October

Appendix 2


1. Changes to bin collection days. I hope everyone is getting to grips with the changes starting this week. Some households will see no changes but a different time, so bins must be out by 6.30am. Others will have a completely new collection day. Since 2010 we have an additional 7,000 households. We use software to work out the most efficient routes to collect the blue and black bins from all 81,000 households in West Suffolk. By re- routing the collections, we make the routes more efficient, delay an increase in the number of vehicles and crew we need for the next 2-3 years, equivalent to a £175,000 saving per year and ensure that routes are organised to manage the recent and future housing growth. From 11th November we will be taking the blue and black bin waste to the new transfer station in Bury St Edmunds rather than the sites in Red Lodge and Thetford thus reducing the distances travelled. Once the new transfer station is operating well the household waste station will transfer there too. No date yet as to the opening of that facility.

2. Bury St Edmunds old Post office. Planning permission has now been granted for our project to redevelop 17- 18 Cornhill. This multi-million pound development will keep the historic front of the building while widening Market Thoroughfare, improving St Andrews St and supporting the local economy and town centre. The redevelopment of the former Post Office site will include ground floor business units with 12 flats above. This will deliver some of the key aspirations of the Bury St Edmunds Town Centre Masterplan, improve the flow through Market Thoroughfare as well as hopefully acting as a catalyst to other businesses to see what further improvements are possible in the area. The Council will now be working to appoint contractors to carry out this exciting redevelopment.

3. Green Energy A truly green glasshouse project is being built in Ingham. This £120 million project will reduce CO2 emissions, secure food production and bring hundreds of jobs to West Suffolk. We have supported this ground-breaking scheme as part of our drive to encourage economic growth and it is another example of environmentally friendly initiatives in West Suffolk

4. Rapid Charger We are installing a rapid charger in Newmarket to allow drivers to recharge their vehicles in as little as half an hour. The charger is being installed in All Saints Car Park. This is part of wider work to install chargers in our car parks as well as on street, including from lampposts. This will see 22 charge points across West Suffolk and has been made possible by us securing Government funding from the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV). This is of course just part of our ongoing work to reduce CO2 and help the environment as well as supporting West Suffolk in tackling the Climate Change Emergency.

5. Social prescribing, in Mildenhall and Brandon. I am told that even before the official launch we had people signing up and this is a project that is truly changing lives. It is a partnership between the Council, Health Services, the County Council and local organisations. It is a real success story and once again shows how we are willing to not only do things in a different way but to forge ahead and deliver real benefits for our communities.

6. Winter Provision for Rough Sleepers. As with last winter, we do not feel it is necessary to open a winter night shelter because we will be offering a range of different options in a variety of locations, all of which offer alternative accommodation, in addition to the 10 bed spaces we use all the year round. We currently have 20 rough sleepers across West Suffolk. All are offered accommodation but there are still a number who refuse to


Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Parish Council

Nicola Glading, Parish clerk, 6, Albert Rolph Drive Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9DA

Tel: 01842 337488 Email: [email protected]

engage and do not take up any offers of support from our rough sleeper outreach team. The council is seeing an increased demand for temporary accommodation due largely to the new homelessness duties. Therefore, it has been investing in temporary accommodation in order to reduce the use of bed and breakfast accommodation. Lack of affordable housing and social rented properties continues to be a challenge for all councils.

7. Locality Grant. I have given a grant of £1,000 to Rougham Sports Hall Committee to help towards their plans for increased storage space at the sports hall.

8. Rookery Crossroads Junction. BP have won their appeal to build a service station on the small circular piece of land in the middle of the Rookery Crossroads Junction 45 off the A14.

Appendix 3

DRAFT BUDGET COMPARISON SHEET TAX BASE @ 223.06 (Decreased by 0.38 from 19/20) FOR DISCUSSION ITEM BUDGET 2019/2020 0% Precept 1% PRECEPT 2% PRECEPT Stanningfield Comm Assoc 300 £300.00 £300.00 £300.00 Allotment 330 £330.00 £300.00 £300.00 Bank interest VAT reclaimed Village Hall Car Park Employment costs £3,774.20 £3,778.00 £4,200.00 £4,200.00 Administrative costs £800.00 £1,000.00 £1,000.00 £1,000.00 Training / Publications £400.00 £200.00 £200.00 £200.00 Subscriptions £550.00 £500.00 £500.00 £500.00 PC Insurance £900.00 £385.00 £400.00 £420.00 Audit £310.00 £330.00 £330.00 £330.00 Election costs Village Hall refurbishment Village Hall insurance £1,352.01 £1,408.00 £1,450.00 £1,475.00 Village Hall running costs £700.00 £700.00 £700.00 £700.00 Village Hall Car Park Village Projects £1,000.00 £3,076.00 £3,359.00 £3,445.00 War Memorial Environmental/ Other costs £3,153.00 £1,000.00 £1,000.00 £1,000.00 Allotments £90.00 £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 s137 expenditure £100.00 na na na Other Capital expenditure? Other Revenue expenditure? Expend £13,107.00 £13,239.00 £13,370.00 £13,759.21 £0.00 £13,869.00 £14,000.00 Less income £630.21 £630.00 £630.00 total budget req £13,129.00 £13,107.00 £13,239.00 £13,370.00 Actual Increase band D 0 incr £0.59 incr £1.18 property

Reserves- quantify at end 19/20 fiscal year and allocate 9

Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Parish Council

Nicola Glading, Parish clerk, 6, Albert Rolph Drive Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9DA

Tel: 01842 337488 Email: [email protected]

Appendix 4

BC & S Accounts Payable NOVEMBER 2019 Name Amount Invoice for grass cutting 2019 West Suffolk £2,003.35 (superseded await revised invoice) Staff salary (October 2019) £251.72 see SALC payslip Staff salary (November 2019) £251.72 see SALC payslip PC Admin expenses £4.40 ream paper x 1 £3, postage £1.40 SALC payroll service £54.00

On the night none