Commencement, 1998 Marshall University

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Commencement, 1998 Marshall University

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1998 Commencement, 1998 Marshall University

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Recommended Citation Marshall University, "Commencement, 1998" (1998). Marshall University Commencement. 34.

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----===------The One Hundred Sixty,First Cotntnencetnent Marshall University

Alma Mater

Marshall Gracious Alma Mater, May the years be kind to Marshall; We thy name revere: May she grow in fame; May each noble son and daughter May her children fail her never Cherish thine honor dear. True to her beacon flame. May thy lamp be ever bright May her spirit brave and strong Guiding us to truth and light; Honor right and conquer wrong; As a beacon o'er dark water This the burden of our song This is for thee our prayer. Ever her truth proclaim.

C.E. and James Haworth -r3lnM nmlA

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Welcome to Marshall University on this day of special recognition of our candidates for graduation. We hope you will find these ceremonies -- a culmination of the efforts of faculty, staff, our students and their families -- both meaningful and impressive.

While awaiting the start of the ceremonies, you may wish to read the historical notes on 's oldest university on the following pages. There is also a brief description and picture of The Grand Mace. The narration on academic heraldry will detail the significance of the costumes worn by the participants in today's ceremony.

The exercises begin with the traditional entry procession of the candidates for degrees. The degree candidates will be followed by representatives of the faculty and admiflistration. The platform party consisting of the Academic Deans, Honorary Degree recipients, special guests of the President and the President of the University are led to the platform by the Chief Faculty Marshal, a distinguished member of the faculty, bearing The Grand Mace. The placing of The Grand Mace on the platform signifies the solemnity of the occasion and officially denotes the opening of the ceremonies.

In keeping with academic tradition, the candidates will be presented for their respective degrees in order of the level of the degree, and within degree, in the order of establishment of the School or College. This order is followed in today's program.

The University requests that in keeping with the formality of the occasion, once the procession begins, please do not move onto the floor during the ceremony.

When the President closes the ceremonies following the conferring of all degrees, the audience is asked to rise for the traditional singing of the Alma Mater followed by the Benediction. The audience is requested to be seated following the Benediction till the platform party and faculty have recessed.

Once again, welcome to the One-Hundred Sixty-First Commencement Exercises of Marshall University. Enjoy this day of academic celebration with the Marshall family of faculty, staff and students. Academic Procession

Candidates for Bachelor Degree Assistant Chief Faculty Marshal Candidates for Associate Degree Members of the Faculty Candidates for Master Degree Chief Faculty Marshal Candidates for Medical Degree Commencement Officials Candidates for Doctoral Degree Commencement Officials

Chief Marshal: Professor David R. Woodward

Assistant Chief Marshal: Professor Carolyn M. Karr

Prof. Ramchandra Akkihal Prof. Kenneth Guyer Prof. Giovanna Morton Prof. Elaine Baker Prof. Olive Hager Prof. Ralph Oberly Prof. Mildred Battle Prof. Daniel Holbrook Prof. Le Vene Olson Prof. Richard Bonnett Prof. Chong Kim Prof. Graham Rankin Prof. Patrick Brown Prof. Charles Lloyd Prof. Judith Sortet Prof. Michael Cornfeld Prof. Denecia Meritt-Damron Prof. Tony Williams

Chief Usher: Professor Neal G. Adkins

Prof. Dean Adkins Prof. Dan K. Evans Prof. Jimmie Rogers Prof. Howard Adkins Prof. Mack Gillenwater Prof. Gary Saunders Prof. Elizabeth Alexander Prof. Linda Hunt Prof. Harry Sowards Prof. Allen Arbogast Prof. Larry Jarrett Prof. Linda Spatig Prof. Kathyrn H. Chezik Prof. Carl Johnson Prof. Donna Spindel Prof. Boots Dilley Prof. Nicholas Kontos Prof. David C. Duke Prof. Caroline Perkins

Student Ushers:

Kenneth Gregory Bensch, Yeager Scholar Emily Estelle Redington, Yeager Scholar

Disclaimer The list of May degree candidates in this program is tentative and is based on the anticipated successful completion of work undertaken during the Second Semester 1997-98. This document should not be taken as an official record that degrees have or have not been awarded May candidates. The 161st Commencement Program

President J. Wade Gilley, Presiding

Precommencement Concert Marshall University Concert Band Professor Baruch J. Whitehead, Conducting

Processional - Ceremonial Marches

National Anthem ...... Paul A. Balshaw Professor of Music

Invocation ...... Clair W. Matz Professor, Political Science

Introduction of Guests ...... President J. Wade Gilley

Introduction of the Commencement Speaker ...... President Gilley

Commencement Address ...... Jean Edward Smith Professor, Political Science University of Toronto

Conferring of Academic Degrees The President of the University

Candidates for the Bachelor and Associate Degrees College of Education and Human Services presented by Dean Larry G. Froehlich College of Liberal Arts presented by Dean Joan Tyler Mead College of Business presented by Dean Calvin A. Kent College of Science presented by Dean Thomas A. Storch School of Nursing presented by Dean Lynne B. Welch College of Fine Arts presented by Dean Donald L. Van Horn Bachelor of Social Work presented by Dean Charles H. McKown, Jr. Regents Bachelor of Arts presented by Dean Donovan L. Combs Community and Technical College presented by Provost Betty L. Kyger

Candidates for the Master Degree Graduate College presented by Dean Leonard J. Deutsch

Candidates for the Doctor ofMedicine Degree School of Medicine presented by Dean Charles H. McKown, Jr. Candidates for the Doctoral Degree -Marshall University Cooperative Doctoral Program Degrees conferred by William L. Deaton, Dean of the College of Human Resources and Education, West Virginia University Marshall University Graduate College Doctoral Candidates presented by Dean Leonard J. Deutsch

Recognition of the Honor Graduates ...... President Gilley

Conferring of the Honorary Degrees Candidates presented by ...... Sarah N. Denman Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dennis P. Prisk Senior Vice President for Graduate and Extended Studies

Ellen Galinsky Doctor of Humane Letters Jean Edward Smith Doctor of Humane Letters

Presentation of John Marshall Medal for Civic Responsibility ...... President Gilley

A. Michael Perry

Recognition of Honored Faculty ...... Corley F. Dennison President, Faculty Senate

Greetings ...... David G. Todd Chair, University System of West Virginia Board of Trustees

George C. Lambros First Vice-President, Marshall University Alumni Association

Alma Mater ...... C. E. and James Haworth Paul A. Balshaw Professor of Music

Benediction ...... President Gilley

Recessional - Platform Party and Faculty

The graduates and audience are requested to be seated following the Benediction and remain seated until the platform party and faculty have recessed. The President's Medallion The President's Medallion or Badge of Office of the Presidency of Marshall University (at right) consists of a relief carving of the Seal of the University featuring the bust of Chief Justice John Marshall. It is suspended from the President's neck with a kelly green and white ribbon, the official colors of the institution. The Medallion is worn by the President when he is participating in formal University affairs. The reverse side of the Medallion is inscribed with the names of the previous Presidents of the institution.

Both The Grand Mace and The President's Medallion were created in 1986 by Byron Johnson. Mr. Johnson, an honor graduate of Marshall University, is a renowned wood carver and sculptor as well as an art teacher in the public schools. r

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The Grand Mace The Grand Mace, a symbol of authority and leadership, is carried a buffalo, official mascot of the institution's athletic teams. The area by the Chief Marshal of the faculty at all formal University occasions immediately surrounding the four carvings features small clusters of and is displayed on the platform during these functions. The Mace beech nuts and leaves. The center portion of the Mace is carved in is made from a limb that fell from the Old Beech Tree in front of double wrap ribbon, one-half inch wide. Between the gaps in the Old Main on the University Campus. The top of the Mace consists ribbon wraps are carved beech leaves descending in size. The base of a gold plated bronze casting that features on one side the Seal of of the Mace is protected by a gold plated bronze casting of beach leaf Marshall University and on the other the Great Seal of the State of clusters. The entire Mace weighs about 25 pounds and is 66 inches West Virginia. These are surrounded by a laurel of beech leaves and from the top of the torch to the base. the entire casting is crested by a torch symbolic of academic excellence. The Grand Mace was created in 1986 by Byron Johnson. Immediately below the top casting is a four-sided section that contains Mr. Johnson, an honor graduate of Marshall University, is a re­ carved symbols significant in the history of the University-The Towers nowned wood carver and sculptor as well as an art teacher in the of Old Main, Memorial Fountain, the Seal of Marshall College, and public schools. :, l.I Recognition of Honored Faculty

Retiring Faculty J. D. Folsom Associate Professor Music Bill Gordon Associate Professor Educational Leadership Olive Hager Associate Professor Health, Physical Education and Recreation John Hogan Professor Mathematics John J. Kampsnider Associate Professor Psychology (MUGC) Donna Lawson Associate Professor/Associate Dean College of Education and Human Services James T. Ranson Dean/Professor School of Extended and Professional Studies (MUGC) William J. Radig Professor Division of Accountancy and Legal Environment Dayal Singh Professor Division of Finance and Economics John E. Smith Associate Professor Counseling James L. Taggart Professor Music Carole A. Vickers Distinguished Professor Family and Consumer Sciences

Marshall and Shirley Reynolds Outstanding Tea~her Award 1997/98 Recipient David Cusick Professor Mathematics Pickens-Queen Teacher Award 1997/98 Recipients Janis Martin Assistant Professor Theatre Mark Thompson Assistant Professor Finance and Economics John Van Kirk Assistant Professor English

Charles E. Hedrick Outstanding Faculty Award 1997 /98 Recipient Marjorie Mclnemey Professor Management/Marketing Faculty Distinguished Service Award 1997/98 Recipients Robert B. Hayes President Emeritus Dorothy E. Hicks Professor Health, Physical Education & Recreation Carolyn M. Karr Professor History Robert P. Alexander Distinguished Professor Management Paul A. Balshaw Distinguished Professor Music William E. Crockett Dean/Professor School of Information Technology and Engineering (MUGC) President's Service Award 1997/98 Recipients James Morris-Smith Director Theatre Facilities Roscoe Hale Jr. Professor Teacher Education Robert L. Rubenstein Associate Professor Counseling (MUGC) William N. Denman Professor Communication Studies Giovanna B. Morton Professor/Associate Dean Nursing Troy M. Stewart, Jr. Professor/Chair Political Science Charles 0. Lloyd Professor/Chair Classical Studies Michael L. Little Professor Biological Sciences Linda S. Wilkinson Associate Professor/Assistant Dean General Studies Susan De Mesquita Professor Physiology Carolyn M. Karr Professor History Neal G. Adkins Associate Professor/Division Chair Accountancy/Legal Environment Louis H. Aulick Professor/Associate Dean Physiology Elaine Baker Professor Psychology Gary D. Anderson Professor Chemistry ---~~------~~~~~~~·~--~-•--

Academic Heraldry

The academic costumes worn in the procession of today's Commencement and at other formal University occasions trace their origins to those worn by faculty and students at medi­ ! eval European universities. With only minor modifications these costumes have remained i largely unchanged since the 16th century. Standards for colleges and universities in the United I States were established in 1895 with the adoption of an Intercollegiate Code which specifies \ design and color appropriate for various degrees. As in medieval times the costumes worn on formal academic occasions denote the wearer's academic heritage. Modern academic costume consists of three parts: the gown or robe, a headpiece, and a hood. The style of the gown denotes the wearer's level of education. The baccalaureate gown is the simplest in design. Usually black, it is distinguished by a wide yoke with shirring in front and back and by open flowing sleeves which end in a point. The baccalaureate gown is worn closed. The master's gown is similar to the baccalaureate gown except that it has a closed or glove sleeve which is open at the wrist. The master's gown has no other trim and may be worn either open or closed. The doctoral gown is full flowing and has large bell shaped sleeves. It is trimmed with velvet panels down the front and has velvet chevrons on the sleeves. While black is still the predominate color for doctoral gowns, the trim may be in a color which denotes the wearer's discipline or the color of the gown may denote the wearer's university. The mortar board is the headpiece most often worn at American universities for formal occasions. It is appropriately worn with the board flat on the top of the head and with the tassel falling from the left quarter of the board. Tassel colors usually denote the field of discipline in which the wearer's degree was earned. Doctoral tassels are often gold. The soft velvet Tudor cap is also worn by many who hold the doctorate. While the gown and headpiece denote the wearer's level of education, it is the hood which adds meaning and dimension to the academic costume. Changed little since medieval times, the hood is worn falling from the shoulders down the back of the gown in a display of vivid color. It is edged in velvet which by its color denotes the field of discipline in which the wearer's degree was earned and it is lined in two colors of silk which represents the college or university from which the degree was earned. Hence the Marshall University hood is lined in green and white and edged with the appropriate discipline color. A partial listing from the Intercollegiate Code for colors signifying academic disciplines follows:

Agriculture ...... Maize Music ...... Pink Arts and Humanities ...... White Nursing ...... Apricot Business Administration ...... Drab Oratory (Speech) ...... Silver Gray Dentistry ...... Lilac Pharmacy ...... Olive Green Economics ...... , ...... Copper Philosophy ...... Dark }3-lue Education ...... Light Blue Physical Education ...... Sage Green Engineering ...... Orange Public Administration ...... Peacock Blue Fine Arts and Architecture ...... Brown Forestry ...... Russet Public Health ...... Salmon Pink Home Economics ...... Maroon Science ...... Golden Yellow Journalism ...... Crimson Social Science ...... Cream Law ··········-··································· Purple Social Work ...... Citron Library Science ...... Lemon Theology or Divinity ...... Scarlet Medicine ...... Green Veterinary Science ...... Gray

At Marshall University, holders of the bachelor and associate degrees do not wear hoods. The color of the tassel on their caps indicates the level of academic excellence achieved in pursuit of their respective degrees. Profile of Marshall University The early history of Marshall is filled On Feb. 27, 1867, the legislature voted with colorful events and people. approval of a bill establishing a "state nor­ To put things in chronological perspec­ mal school" to be located at Marshall tive, the academic melodrama started in 1837 College. when the good citizens of Guyandotte and In order to get the college reopened, the the farming country to the west-now the voters of Cabell County approved a prop­ city of Huntington-decided they needed an erty tax levy amounting to $5,000. The state annual school to provide for the education also appropriated funds and on Aug. 1, 1867, of their youngsters. the schools' regents purchased the lot and Tradition records they met at the home building from Mrs. Mason for $3,600. of John Laidley, who assumed leadership of The first session of Marshall College the project and named the new school as a state normal school began June 15, Marshall Academy in honor of his friend, the 1868, and lasted 10 weeks. late Chief Justice John Marshall. In 1905, construction was started on They decided to locate their new school the final section of Old Main. This is the on a knoll known as "Maple Grove," site of familiar "towers" segment facing the main a small log building called Mount Hebron entrance to the campus on Hal Greer Bou­ Church. The structure also had served for levard. With its completion, Old Main con­ some time as a subscription school for sisted of five sections. the area. Athletics got their start at Marshall It wasn't until March 30, 1838, that the with the first football team being fielded General Assembly of Virginia passed an act in 1898. The Marshall teams originally formally incorporating Marshall Academy were known as the Blue and Black, but the and appointing Laidley and eight other men now-familiar Green and White colors had as trustees. been adopted by 1904. On June 30 of that year, the trustees pur­ In 1907, Marshall was still strictly a chased from James and Lucy Holderby the secondary school. By 1912, the regents had one and one-fourth acre lot containing their added two years of study to the school's log "academy." The price: $40. program, equivalent to the freshman and That land is now the site of Old Main. sophomore years in college. In 1914, Presi­ The trustees proceeded to build a new dent Corbly recommended that two-story, brick building, 22 feet wide and " ... Marshall College should be made a 50 feet long, containing four rooms. It was 'college' in fact as well as in official name completed by February, 1839. - a degree-conferring institution." The first full school term was conducted In 1920, the State Board of Education in 1838-39. In 1850, the academy and its fi­ approved Marshall's granting of a nancial obligations were accepted by the bachelor's degree in education. Teachers Conference of the Methodist Episcopal College conferred degrees upon four can­ Church, South. In 1858, Marshall Academy didates in June, 1921. was renamed Marshall College. Due to fi­ The years ahead were to see steady nancial problems the property was sold at physical and academic expansion and public auction in 1861. Marshall became a university in 1961. Mrs. Salina Mason bought the land and Marshall has an enrollment exceeding building for $1,500 for her father, John W. 15,000, a full-time faculty of more than Hite. He was a Confederate sympathizer and 500 and more than 100 part-time instruc­ could not appear in court in his own behalf. tors. For the next few years, Hite and his family The small academy has become a ma­ lived in the college building. jor university operating nine colleges and During at least part of the war, a small schools: College of Education and Human school, probably a subscription school, was Services, College of Liberal Arts, College maintained at the college-fulfilling a pro­ of Business, College of Science, College vision in the original deed from James of Fine Arts, School of Nursing, School of Holderby which specified it was to be used Medicine, Community and Technical Col­ " ... for the express purpose of an Academy lege, and Graduate College. (sic) and forno otheruse." The building also Marshall became a two-campus uni­ was used as a hospital during part of the con­ versity in July 1997 when the West Vir­ flict. ginia Graduate College at South Meanwhile, the new state of West Vir­ Charleston merged with the University ginia had recognized the need for an establishing the Marshall University institution to train teachers to serve the state's Graduate College. public schools. --~--~----~------~------~

Class of 1998 Honor Graduates

Bachelor Degree Candidates

The Bachelor Degree honor graduates are distinguished by cords and matching tassels worn with their caps and gowns. The Summa Cum Laude graduates are so distinguished by the Green and White Cords and White Tassels. The Magna Cum Laude graduates are distinguished by the Gold Cords and Tassels. The Cum Laude graduates are distinguished by the Red Cords and Tassels.

Summa Cum Laude Roger Michael Burr Curtis Robert Adrian Capehart Jan Michelle Click These students have attained an over-all Stephanie Lea Cobb academic average of 3.85 to 4.0. Scotty Ray Collins Melissa Dawn Cuppett Kimberly Elaine Adams Amanda Dawn Curnutte Jessie Antoszewski Heather Leigh Daniel Anthony Todd Amott Heather Leigh Dempsey Kenneth Gregory Bensch Laura Beth Endicott Constance E. Brammer Brian McNeil Enloe Alissa Beth Burrall Mary Beth Fields Julie Ann Carver David Casson Finley Natasha Faith Clay Katie La Rae Fisk Caryn E. Compton Sarah Elizabeth Ginn Cynthia Cathleen Dempsey Eric Frederick Gollannek Chad Stephen Docterman Walter David Gordon, Jr. Melinda Lynn Elkins Misty Lynn Grant Jennifer Lynn Estep Eric Ross Griffis Sarah Elizabeth Foster Elizabeth Grujovski Julie Haney Steven Eric Hansel Gregory Scott Hendricks Robert Eugene Hartwell Aimee Michelle Hildreth Matthew Grant Harris Jessica Rain Hoffer Angela Jean Higginbotham Megan Conar Jones John Michael Hill, II Jaime Lyn Kuhn Sylvester A. Hill, Jr. William D. Napier Janette Lynn Holstein Jennifer Lyn Patterson Walter Matthew Hoover Joseph Eugene Remias AnnaF.Horn Lisa Ann Runyon Tracy Lynn Hoskins Amy Lynn Scarberry - Eric William Irwin Amy Caroline Sexton Brian Thomas Johnson Christina Michele Stewart Cherie Lee Wick Jones Jason Michael Jude Magna Cum Laude Kathy Jean Jude Marsha Diane Kidder Paul David Knipp These students have attained an over-all Masoud Taghavi Larijani academic average of 3.6 to 3.84. David D. M. Light Anders Wilhelm Lindberg Julie Lynn Allen Benjamin Meadows Lowman Heather Dawn Bailey John Edward Mason Joseph Seldon Bailey Rhonda Sue McClanahan Kevin Douglas Brown Elizabeth Anne McCormick Melissa Dawn Meadows McGuffin William Albert Barnette Kelli Anne McLaughlin Ann Jeanette Beaty Brian Michael Morgan Paulette Sue Miller Blevins Amy Marie Moore Lee Ann Boggs Melissa Leigh Nichols Tawnya Lynn Bolt Milan R. Patel James Allen Booth Amy Dawn Patton James Arthur Booth Judith Michelle Patton Amy Leah Bostaph ·'• Andrea Lynn Prince Rita Darlene Blake Bowen Sara Elizabeth Ratliff Janet Marie Briscoe Emily Estelle Redington Holly Ann Browning Jason Scott Reed Angela Lynn Cantley Beth Caffrey Reymond Danielle Theresa Cappelletti Caroline Moore Roberts Laura Catherine Connor Capron Heather Yvonne Scarberry Nancy Lee Carr ,,· William Thomas Shaner, Jr. Shayna Brooke Chapman ,,' Keri Rae Simmons Gary Alan Coffman JI Pamela Marie Simpkins Traci Jean Colella Nicole Michelle Smith Stephen Michael Compton Teresa Ann Spears Michele A. Conley Joseph Carl Stevens Philip Andrew Cook Kara Daneen Stinespring Stanley L. Cook Barbara Ann Tackett Ronda Michelle Cox Krystal Elizabeth Tackett Paul Thomas Cremeans Pamela Lynn Virgin Brenda Joyce Davis Angela J. Walden Bridgett Leigh Davis Helen Sue Wall Lisa Dawn Davis Alyson Louise Walls Tina Marie Davis Chadwick Allen Walters Kelly Michelle Dick James Rodney Watts Deborah L. Edwards John Barrett Waugaman, Jr. Veneta Rose Eggleton Kathy L. Welch Matthew Blaine Emery Amy Catherine Whitt Jennifer Lynn Fannin Maria Dawn Williamson Heather Dawn Grimes Farris Shanen Beau Wright Amy Chantel Flynn Michelle Lynn Zavolta Stephanie Danielle Gibbs Jennifer Coleman Gilley Raymond Matthew Glover Cum Laude Stephanie Ann Good Amy Denise Green These students have attained an over-all Brian Wesley Guthrie academic average of 3.3 to 3.59. Rebecca Jane Hall Mary Robin Hampton Amy Carol Adams Ronald Howard Hatfield, Jr. Katrina S. Adams Diana Marie Heck Victoria Lynn Adams Jennifer Leigh Hicks Anthony Wayne Adkins Eric Scott Himes Cheryl Nichols Adkins Michelle Renee Hodges Richard Layne Adkins Kelly Christine Jenkins Toni Leann Adkins Patricia M. Jenkins William Kermit Adkins Rebecca Lynn Jones Matthew Wayne Allen Sharon Elizabeth Koon Candie Caroline Armstrong Randall Wesley Kovach Stefanie Michele Armstrong Daniel J. Langdon Robert Wayne Ashworth Dustin Richard Lanning Heather Alisyn Atalski Michael Dale Lawrence Suzanne Michelle Barnette Ashley Brett Lea Lori Rebecca Lemon Jody Allen Sowards Patricia Dawn Lilly Retha Eileen Spurlock Linda Michelle Jenkins Linville Thomas Edward Stowers, II Stephanie Marie Lovejoy June Penny Stuart Teresa R. Lowry Lorie Diane Tan Elizabeth L. Lusk Stephanie Shannon Taylor Rachel Christine Hatcher Luther Amber Nicole Thompson Carla Jean White Mallory Holly Renee Thompson Tracy Lynn Mann Michael Alan Thompson, Jr. Michael Paul Markins Zane Lee Thornton Tamara Willene Martin Todd Michael Trimboli Malinda Ann Maynard Melissa Susanne Turley Kristen Lynn McCollister Hollis Jeanne Turnbull Laura Jo McMillion Lori Janel Walters Rockford James Meadows, Jr. Regina Elizabeth Ward Daniel Lee Meeks Michelle Dawn Whitehair Barbara J. Michael Ginger Rae Wiley Roger Lee Michaelson, Jr. Ronnie Hank Williamson Cynthia Clay Miller •, Julie Ann Withers Rebecca Cheryl Moore David Eric Wolfe Lisa Michele Morris Stanley Michael Wood Stacey Lynn Moyer Rebecca Julanne Wooten Mary Lynn Norton Annalisa Marie Nuckols J. Ryan Orwig Betty Arlene Skeens Parsons Brooke Elizabeth Paugh Kevin Michael Pauley Jackson Lee Perry, Jr. Terri J. S. C. Plate Stuart Leslie Porter Shae Malinda Powers Julianne Vanessa Preston Kelly Maran Preece Constance Heather Price Allison Michelle Quinif John David Quisenberry Oak Ragette Hope Rang Tom Eugene Reed Kevin Michael Rogier Jason M. Rollyson Robert Fletcher Romine Jennifer Leigh Ross Kristen M. Rucker Jack Daniel Runion Brian D. Runyon Stacey Ellen Samuels Matthew T. Schelling David Keith Sheppard Nawar Waseem Shora Jennifer Lynn Short Stephanie Ann Shy Jeffrey Scott Simpkins Amy Nicole Wood Sisson Jennifer Denise Smith Leanna Sue Harless Smith Associate ~egree Candidates The Associate Degree honor graduates are distinguished by Royal Blue Cords and Tassels worn with their caps and gowns. With High Honors

These students have attained an over-all academic average of 3.7 to 4.0.

Mary A. Allen Erica Gail Barker Thomas P. Boggs Bruce Wayne Coleman Krista Michelle Kile Christina S. Landgrave Denise Renee O'Connor Patricia A. Rowe Terri Lynn Smith Richard Scott Snider Susan Lorene Wade With Honors

These students have attained an over-all academic average of 3.3. to 3.69.

Melinda Sue Adkins John Patrick Laber Kelly Cheree Baisden Doris Anne LoFiego Tara Jenelle Baisden Jill Suzanne Lucas Jason Franklin Bartee Doris D. Magan Andrea Beth Bell Lisa Susanne Mattson Teena Irene Buchanan Susan A. McAlister Lora Lea Mills Dickerson Misha Lea McDonie Shereea Denise Dooley Nichole Lynn McNeil Kimberly Cook Dyer Gary Leonard Napier Vanessa E. Fleming Lois Ann Norris Janice Annette Flint B. Kristin Beckett Perry Patricia Ann Bing Flora Heather Lynn Perry Carol Michelle Michael Greenlees William Jerad Rissler Cheryl Stevenson Holland Kristy Lynn Ritchie Wilma S. Holton Terri V. Shinn Brigetta Ann Huntz Angel Allison Shipman Sabrina Kay Irons Nancy Elizabeth Smith Cynthia Renee Jordan Tammi L. Tiller Bobbie Brooks Kayser XiaoweiXue ------

Military Commissions

United States Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps Battalion

The following individuals will be commissioned Second Lieutenants in the United States Army at Marshall University on May 9, 1998:

*ADKINS, Douglas F, Reserve Duty, Military Police DIXON, Lance W, Active Duty, Air Defense LUCAS, Jennifer L, Immediate Active, Medical Service *MOORE, Michelle M, Active Duty, Ordnance NEAL, William "Jay", Immediate Active, Ordnance PUCKETT, Felecity N (Cooper), Active Duty, Signal Corps

The following individuals have been commissioned Second Lieutenants in the United States Army since May 1997:

ALVERSON, Brian D, Jr, Active Duty, Quartermaster BESS, Luke, Immediate Active, Infantry *CLAY, Douglas D, II, Immediate Active, Military Police *RODRIGUEZ, Anthony J, Active Duty

*designates Distinguished Military Graduate Candidates and Degrees Granted

I I.I 1i College of Education and Human Services

Candidates presented by Larry G. Froehlich, Dean I.

Candidates for Degrees May 9, · 1998 Bachelor· of Arts

Amy Carol Adams Javonne Darling Mark Alan Jones Cheryl Nichols Adkins Beverly Sue McCoy Davis Rebecca Lynn Jones Melissa Jane Adkins Cynthia Cathleen Dempsey Kelley Shannon Kesterson Hope Leigh Allen Heather Melissa Dennison Marsha Diane Kidder Eric Dwain Allman Summerson Elizabeth Desmond Tanya J. Kiser Heather Alisyn Atalski Shelley Renee Detherage Christina Renee McKnight Kitchen Joseph Seldon Bailey Tosha Marie Eanes Jennifer Lynn Koerner Rebecca Kozee Bennett Kimberly Lynn Edwards Carrie Ann Kopas 1:111' John Adam Blair Erin M. Angell Eerenberg Jaime Lyn Kuhn Kelli Christine Blair Karen Wenger Estep Stephanie Lynn Lineberry John Scott Bond Heather Dawn Grimes Farris Michael Paul Linkous James Arthur Booth Mary Beth Fields April Deitz Lipscomb Melissa Ann Prince Booth Sarah Elizabeth Foster Cherrie Dawn Nance Lovejoy Rita Darlene Blake Bowen Melissa Beth Frost Kimberly Anne Lovy Pamela Sue Brandon Jessica Lynn Fulknier Rachel Christine Hatcher Luther Richard Joseph Brooks Jennifer Lee Gill Jodi Beth Maynor Kevin Douglas Brown Jennifer Rae Glick Rita Jane McComas Tracy Scott Brumfield Stephanie Ann Good Elizabeth Anne McCormick Alissa Beth Burrall Matthew Emil Green Jennifer D. McMillen Angela Lynn Cantley William Bradford Greene Julie Kay McMullen Tracy Lynn Case Ellen Elizabeth Greenslait Stacie Lynn Meadows Phillip Alan Cassity Jason Phillip Hale Christopher Lee Michael Robert Isaac Casto Lisa Kay Hall KevinMilem Jo Ann Bing Chaney Michelle Lynn Hammack Rebecca Cheryl Moore Lara Anne Childers Melisa D. Hazelett Stacey Lynn Moyer Michelle Lynn Clark Lora Rushbrook Holder Melissa Ann Nopper Natasha Faith Clay Jason Gregory Holmes Tammy Lee Nordhoff Stanley L. Cook Tracy Lynn Hoskins Annalisa Marie Nuckols Ronda Michelle Cox Ann Blair Hutchison Tara Jill Perdue Laura Mae Creed Leslie Joy Jackson Amber Jill Perigo Julie Ann Reynolds Daniels Patricia M. Jenkins Shawn Patrick Persinger Bret Alan Powell Roger Ray Thomas, Jr. Mia Burlingame Ferguson Kelly Maran Preece Amber Nicole Thompson Natalie Ann Ghiz Julianne Vanessa Preston Rick Luther Thompson Walter David Gordon, Jr. Felecity Cooper Puckett Mark David Van Arsdale William J~hn Gregory Allison Michelle Quinif Mary Beth Vital Allison Rae Hogsett Elizabeth Reck Kimberly Rene Walker Shawn Adaryll Holmes Rhonda Dawn Kitts Rickman Helen Sue Wall James Jarrod Keely Richard Ray Roach Elizabeth Paulynn Wamsley Ashley Brett Lea Beth Ann Robinson James Rodney Watts Curtis Newbolds Manning Amanda Christine Rose Tammie Sue Smith Watts Clark Edward McCoy Natal Rosko Carla Jo Weaver Cleon Howard McMillan Scott ODell Rowsey Michelle Frances White George Edward Murphy Amy Caroline Sexton Brent Alan Whittaker Corinne Charlotte Pearce Robert Brian Shuck Patricia Pigman Wooley Charles Aaron Perkins Elizabeth Ann Smith Kevin Matthew Perry Bonnie Jean Spagnolo Robert Russell Pixler, Jr. Amy Lee Stalnaker Bachelor of Science Kevin Michael Rogier Joseph Carl Stevens Michael Albert Sauer James Neal Bragg, Il Donna J. Stewart Joshua Daniel Seamster Kara Daneen Stinespring Francis William Cohen, Jr. Tonya Lynn Shell Stephen Michael Cook Thomas Edward Stowers, II Byron Shaun Spainhower David James Corsaro Tonya Belle Stowers Benton Ned Spaulding Angela Rae Craigo June Penny Stuart Rebecca Lynne Tompkins Pamela Elizabeth Sturgis Isaiah Ike Davis Laura Jean Zeek Jermaine LaBron Swafford Lisa Dawn Davis Erin Leigh Douglas

Degrees Granted December 16, 1997 Bachelor of Arts Dannielle Leigh Adkins Sarah Ashley Elam Brian Scott Kelley Sherrie Ann Bowen Adkins Tamiko Anner Ferrell Paul David Knipp Toni Leann Adkins Brandon Thomas Fleenor Gerald L. Krebs, Jr. Catherine Elizabeth Aluise Seth Allen Floyd Harold Noah Kushner Brandi Jill Ashley Toby Neal Ford Jennifer Jo Lanham Donna Faye Atkins Carolyn Frye Melissa Dawn Lawrence Denise Jean Bigbee Robert W. Fulford, Ill Lori Rebecca Lemon Lee Ann Boggs Angela Machelle Gatens Jennifer Lee Lester Lisa Marie Brown Kimberly Ann Geer Scott Jonathan Liebman Timothy Scott Brown Lea Michelle Gillum Stephanie Leigh Lilly Laura Catherine Connor Capron Shelley Lynn Glick Amy Katherine Loving Kathryn Anne Carter Kara Lee Goff Charles Douglas Maynard Ronda Lin Childers Dara Elaine Hall John L. Maynard Theresa Michelle Christain Jeanette Lee Hammontree Natalie Caryl Miller Stephanie L. Clark Mary Robin Hampton Heather Dawn Hale Minton Jan Michelle Click Carrie Ann Handley Lisa Michele Morris Michael Scott Cline Jan Alyn Harbour John Whitton Pennington Traci Jean Colella Molly Diane Harris Cynthia Renee Pontier Brenda Joyce Davis Teri Lynn Henderson Mary Elizabeth Williamson Porter Natalie D. Davis Lisa Danielle Hibbard Cynthia Anne Posca Amy Lynn DeLong Jennifer Leigh Hicks Angela K. Price Rhonda Marlene Dillon Stacy Kenyelle Stamper Hodge Tom Eugene Reed Thomas Eugene Doby Janette Lynn Holstein Stephanie Elizabeth Rexrode Debra N. Drain Jon Christian Jones Tara Lynn Riddle .,...... ------·~--·-'-- ·--.;rr:i.--, -~~--~· _._,-=---,._=~=~:;_.....::._--= .. ::..----·--::- --· ---~-

Daniel Trago Ritchey Anita Faye Varney Bachelor of Science Kristen M. Rucker Brandie Dawn Walker Geoffry Bryan Akins Jack Daniel Runion John Barrett Waugaman, Jr. Christopher S. Blake Stacey Ellen Samuels Bryan Paul Wiley Kara Lee Caudill Heather Yvonne Scarberry Shannon Leigh Wilkinson Christopher Matthew Evans Caroline Elizabeth Schilling Julie Ann Withers David Wayne Grass Stephanie Ann Shy Teresa A. Woods Richard Allen Hemann Keri Rae Simmons Rebecca Julanne Wooten Elizabeth Kirsten Hoffman Pamela Marie Simpkins Stephen Michael Wright jtll Heather McLean Leanna ~ue Harless Smith Bridgett Ann Y akovsky Edward Joseph Mitts Jody Allen Sowards Kathryn Fay Yates Jackie Christopher Payne Stuart Douglas Sowards Christopher Earl Zesiger Beatrice LaVerne Spradley Charles A. Racer Steven Thomas Strentz William Thomas Shaner, Jr. Mark Allen Thompson Peter Michael Shively Travis Lee Stollings Iii. Scott Wayne Williamson Jeremy Heath Wingrove Degrees Granted August 15, 1997

Bachelor of Arts Amanda LeMaster-Christus Nester Logan White Joni Rai McKinney Victoria Lynn Adams Barbara J. Michael Bachelor of Science Tara Elizabeth Blake Amy Marie Moore Charley William Bowen, Jr. Gary Napier, II Luke Bess Kristen Danielle Clark Brooke Elizabeth Paugh Mark Allen Bledsoe, II Sarah Elizabeth Day Scott Ronald Phillips Maria Carmela Jimenez Cansino Karen Elizabeth Foster Brian Keith Reed Kyle William Captain Stephanie Danielle Gibbs Jennifer Lynn Short Jason Jay Floyd Mark Andrew Gochenour Alan Jonathen Siebel William Paul Jarvis Rebecca Jane Hall Jennifer Rebecca Swanson Garland Wayne Legg, Jr. Robert Lance Jarrell Krystal Elizabeth Tackett William Morton Lyon, Jr. Laura Michele Johnson Stephanie Dawn Thomas Richard Neal Lytle Rhonda Ruth Nuevo Laney Malena Dawn Tolliver Michelle Lynn Reustle . David Stroup Leeber, II Brandon Kingsley Walters Winnie Lefort Snoddy

Degrees Granted July 11, 1997 Bachelor of Arts Christopher Matthew McKenzie Bachelor of Science Melissa Dawn Parsons Lesley Rena Payne Gregory Dean Blackbum Kara Anne McMillen Lori Nicole Payton April Dawn Combs Kevin Thomas Rusciolelli Kimberly Dawn Hellyer Katrina K. Simons Jennifer Paige Hesson Melissa Lee Wellman Wall College of Liberal Arts Candidates presented by Joan Tyler Mead, Dean Candidates for Degrees May 9, 1998 Bachelor of Arts

Kiera M. Albright Mark Nicholas Fleshman Daniel Lee Meeks Julie Lynn Allen Elizabeth Reed Floyd Ira William Miller Alissa Nanette Anaya Eric Frederick Gollannek James Edward Connelly Mooney, II Robert Wayne Ashworth Christopher Burfield Gould Michelle Mae Moore James Paul Bailey Amanda Roscoe Greenlee Scott Alan Moren Venus Nicole Bailey Elizabeth Grujovski Melissa Dawn Mullins Staci Dawn Bain Brian Wesley Guthrie William Jason Neal Scott Edward Ballou Brian Patton Hall Raymond C. Pack Tunisha Donn Baylor Shanna Lee Hamblin Sara Dawn Parker Elizabeth Suzanne Bennett Julie Haney Cynthia Rae Parrish Kelli Dianne Beymer Steven Eric Hansel Jennifer Lyn Patterson Eray Biber Cheryl Lynn Harper Kevin Michael Pauley Christine Marie Boggs Danielle Marie Hedrick Steven Milton Pauley Julie Ann Brown Brandon M. Herdman Thomas Harvey Peyton Bryn Allison Bruney Chery Lorine Herdman Jason Mark Pheister Richard F. M. Burgess, Jr. Angela Jean Higginbotham Stephen Michael Porter Phoebe Jane Burnside Matthew Paul Hill Shae Malinda Powers Toby Ann Burnside Sylvester A. Hill, Jr. Tina Marie Racer Aisha Ahkela Byrd Jessica Rain Hoffer Elizabeth Ann Ramey Sasha McAllister Cantley Vicki Jo Hopper Wendy Dawn Ramsey Andrew Benjamin Capehart AnnaF.Horn James Lawrence Cooper Ray Curtis Robert Adrian Capehart Melissa Anne Howard Emily Estelle Redington Elizabeth Anne Carney Judith Kathryn Jackson Jason Bartley Reed Jeremy Adam Carney Julie Denise Jackson Michael David Reitter Leona Marie Chambers Frank Michael Kapish, III Christy Lynn Reynolds Jennifer Hughes Chapman Christopher S. Kendrick Caroline Moore Roberts Anderson A. Charles Randall Wesley Kovach Tucker Jason Rollins Caryn E. Compton Kimberly Dawn Lawson Vanessa L. Rowe Melissa Dawn Cuppett Christopher Dale Lefler Lisa Ann Runyon Amanda Dawn Curnutte Cheryl Louise Lemansky Anthony Howard Salmons Mary Jo Kelly D' Alessio Anders Wilhelm Lindberg Germaine Maurice Sattiewhite Tiffany Rae Damron Brian LaMar Linville Kurt Alfred Schneid Megan Reilly Daniels Justin Hadley Lockwood Melissa Ann Salmons Matthew Lyons Darnell Stephanie Marie Lovejoy Melissa Mae Scott Kelly Michelle Dick Cindy J. Estep Lovins Kristi Ellen Sexton Lance Wesley Dixon Amy Nicole Lynch Christopher Stephen Shoemaker Chad Stephen Docterman Jaime Lynn Maddy · Beth Ann Sims Christy Lea Dolin Amanda Leigh Maher Christina Y. Sinnett Aaron Robert English Marcia Ann Mahoney Amy Nicole Wood Sisson Kristi Rene Erwin Amy Fischer Maurer Hope Kristina Smith Sean P. Erwin Michelle Dawn Mays James Matthew Smith Jennifer Lynn Estep Carley Jo McCullough Nicole Michelle Smith Aleighsha Niccole Evans Cari Elizabeth McDowell Michelle Renee Spence Timothy O'Shane Ferrell Christine Elizabeth McKendree Christina Michele Stewart David Casson Finley Laura Jo McMillion Patrick Lane Stewart Katie La Rae Fisk Michelle Lynn Meadows Anna Maria Sullivan Jason Lawrence Sullivan Angela J. Walden Maria Dawn Williamson Joe L. Tackett, Jr. Alyson Louise Walls David Eric Wolfe Lorie Diane Tan Rebecca Olivia Walton Dwight Wood Joseph Conley Thornton Angela Jeanne Wamsley William Paul Wood Kerry Ann Tolley Jere Elizabeth Warren Cynthia Anitra Workman Kimberly Lynn Trammell Patricia Ann Whalen Jessica Leigh Workman Robert Kenneth Tuell Michelle Dawn Whitehair Shanen Beau Wright Alishia Beverly Urps JoAnne Dawn Wickline Michelle Lynn Zavolta

Candidates for Degrees December 16, 1997 Bachelor of Arts

Talal Rashed AL-Mansour Angela Margaret Hunt Bryan Andrew Powell Charles Travis Arey Brian Thomas Johnson Christopher A. Powers Ann Jeanette Beaty Megan Conar Jones Sean David Ragland Kimberly A. Billings Shannon Leigh Kirby Sherifa Lee Roach D. Michael Clary Wendy Marie Leone Bryan Paul Roberts Douglas Dwayne Clay, II Traci Alice Mallett Eric Steven Roberts Stephen Michael Compton Tracy Lynn Mann Anthony J. Rodriguez Jeffrey Allen Copley Michael Paul Markins Jeffrey Scott Simpkins William A. Dawson, Jr. Barbara Elizabeth Mays-Maynard Heather Anne Small Gina Marie Duffield Larry Dale McCloud Retha Eileen Spurlock Todd Winston Fulford Ryan Lee McComas Aaron Matthew Stevens Clinton Michael Gillespie Amber Suzette McDonald Cheryl Lynn Tanner Sarah Elizabeth Ginn Andrea Jutta Meadows Stephanie Shannon Taylor Russell Holmes Greene John Keith Miller Jennifer Marie Toney Kelly Louise Halsey Vincent Richard Miller Pamela Lynn Virgin Christi Lynn Halstead Heather Dawn Moore Susan Michelle Williamson Terrance Hamm Valerie Kaye Moore Jeffrey Dwaine Withrow Edwin R. Harrison Mary Lou Newsome Chau-tie Lin Haught Heather R. Oliver Eric Scott Himes J. Ryan Orwig Bachelor of Science Michelle Renee Hodges Nerissa Raye Parsons Kendra Leigh Hornish John Douglas Peters Eric Paul Condon Michael David Hughes Steven Myers Phillips Candidates for Degrees August 15, 1997 Bachelor of Arts

Shannon Denise Ayers Terri Dawn Foster Nick Clay Salyer Elizabeth Ann Barbour Whitney Amanda Gibeaut Ryan Nelson O'Neal Shaw Johnny Chando Blair Jeffrey Brian Hunt Wendy Leigh Smith Ashley Jane Bland Jeremy Raymond Luck Melissa Lynn Spence Paulette Sue Miller Blevins Roger Lee Michaelson, Jr. Krista McClintock Wright Michelle Lee Brinkley Daniel F. Miles Angela Renee Connor Todd Anthony Pillo Rebecca Rae Cottle Richard David Plum Eric Paugh Desmond Eric B. Ray Megan Chadwick Dyer Kelly Lynn Rogers Degrees Granted July 11, 1997 Bachelor of Arts

Michael Jonathan Chapman Jason Myles Kendrick Matthew T. Schelling Season Dawn Chiari Arthur "Chip" Donald Kinerson Nawar Waseem Shora Maura Catherine Joan Conway Cynthia Clay Miller Thomas Matthew Snodgrass Fredrick Russell Dempsey Kimberly J. Nisky Daniel Aaron Sparks Ronald Howard Hatfield, Jr. Eric Jason Plumley Hollis Jeanne Turnbull Kristi Lynn Henderson Fred Allen Phillips, Jr. Susan Elizabeth Ux Lorene Elizabeth Jackson Jessica Beth Ray Jason Ryan Jividen Robert David Russell, II College of Business

Candidates presented by Calvin A. Kent, Dean Candidates for Degrees May 9, 1998 Bachelor of Business Administration

John Christopher Adams John Michael Hill, II Jason Shelton Price James Michael Adkins, II Ronald Jason Hill Jamie Joe Prine Matthew Wayne Allen Robin M. Hodges Nathan Brent Quillen Stefanie Michele Armstrong Sean Michael Hoffman Aaron D. Riley Bruce Clinton Bevins, II Timothy Shannon Holmes Gary Matthew Runyon Shane B. Blain Jennifer Michele Howard Robert Michael Sellards Rebecca Zuspan Blake Peter Charles Humphreys Sean Patrick Sexton Jennifer L. Butts Trevor Tyson Hyre John Paul Sheehy Jeb L. Cabell Gregory Dean Johnston Carrie Boley Simpkins Chad Joseph Carney Cherie Lee Wick Jones Ginger Nicole Sizemore Jason Matthew Carney Tiffany R. Kingery Alycia Michelle Smith Robert Joseph Carpenter Michael Scott Kinneer Christopher K. Smith Phillip Dale Childers Patrick Alan Lane Jason Patrick Smith Kristen M. Clark Susan Lynn Langham Jennifer Denise Smith Philip Andrew Cook Dustin Richard Lanning Lisa Ann Pack Stafford Taquisha Yuvette Davis James Christopher Leslie Crystal Lee Stewart Tina Marie Davis Christopher Allen Lewis Kelli Ann Lucas Stickler Timothy J. Dempsey Charles Ryan Lipscomb Ernest Matthew Stricklin Stacy Reynolds Dille Matthew Samuel Lovetro Jason Alan Swan Robert F. Dorado, II Gary Travis Martin Chad C. Talbert Keith Gerard Dorr, Jr. Julia Nichole McCormick Shannon L. Taylor Norman Alberto Dotch, Jr. Andrew Gordon McGinnis Raydon Thompson Kathie Ann Downing Benjamin Alan McGinnis Jon Thomas True Brian Matthew Edstrom Brian Ashton Miller Lisa Anne Ward Cathie Lind Edwards Jeffrey Dale Minor Michael Chet Warren Nathan Allen Feiber Travis Michael Moore Edward Ross White Jason L. Gillespie Eric Joseph Mowder Melissa A. White Raymond Matthew Glover Jason William Murrell James Wilson Whitehair, Jr. Misty Lynn Grant Wesley Todd Nelson Nicholas Shane Whitehair James H. Gray Melissa Leigh Nichols Katrina Lynn Whitt Erin Elizabeth Gumm Amanda S. Nottingham Sara Pauline Wolford Lindsay Rae Hammonds Melissa J. Patton Loren M. Zink Angeline Harris Jackson Lee Perry, Jr. Matthew Grant Harris Mark Alan Preston Degrees Granted December 16, 1997 Bachelor of Business Administration Amy Christine Adams Maria Lau-Vette Blakey Javed I. Chowdhury Katrina S. Adams Holly Ann Browning Julie Michelle Clark Richard Layne Adkins Robyn L. Camden JeSoto Marques Clay Heather Dawn Bailey Toni Leigh Chadwick Melissa S. Collier · Robin Suzanne Ball Shayna Brooke Chapman Beau Jason Cummings Stephen Wayne Ball Edmund Alexander Charles Paul Jason Cummings Christopher W. Cyrus Mitsue Kamasaki Robert Fletcher Romine Larry R. Davis David Allen King David Andrew Rutherford. Terrance Aaron Davis Veronique L. Krieger David Keith Sheppard Cynthia LeNette Dawson Eric Scott Love Angela Lynn Stephens Angela R. Dempsey James Darren Mathis Micah Hisani Stone G. Brian DeRose Thomas William Maxwell Carrie Barr Thacker Jonathan Lee Dorsey Rhonda Rene Maynard Krisha Breck Thompson Laura Beth Endicott Melanie Dawn Becher Mccready Bryan Clark V anGilder Michael Dennis Eplin Jennifer Lynn McEwen Lee R. Vickers William Scott Fleming, II Gregory Owen Meadows Robert John Wade Jennifer Coleman Gilley Mark Edgar Miller Jody Christine Warren William Wallace Gleason, II Carissa Leann Murphy Joel Alan Watts Amy Denise Green Michael Patrick Murphy Tyler Lee Whitton Susan Nichole Haney Daniel Burke Murray Timothy Joseph Willard Brian Dale Hankins Mary Lynn Norton David Walter Wilson Robert Eugene Hartwell John David Quisenberry Stanley Michael Wood Chyna Jennelle Higginbotham Sergio Robles Jason Michael Jude Jason M. Rollyson

Degrees Granted August 15, 1997 Bachelor of Business Administration Joseph Jerome Allen Melissa Renee Asbury Anne Marie Fiedler Bruce D. Graham Kimberly Ann Hutchinson Emma Marie Kincaid Brian L. Massey Kei Sam Robert Allen Sato Jason Lee Tate Kimberly Lynn Wynes

Degrees Granted July 11, 1997 Bachelor of Business Administration

Bradley James Broome Daraka Ghamal Brown Malia Lynn Eads John Carlos Huffman, III Brian Edward Linville Cynthia Lynn Madden Kenneth Eric Mooney David Lee Nelson Michelle Leanne Null Jonathan Edward Walker ~~------~~---·--=-=--=--~-=-=·-•-~--=·-=--=--=--=-====~~------

College of Science

Candidates presented by Thomas A. Storch, Dean Candidates for Degrees May 9, 1998 Bachelor of Science

C. Shawn Adkins Joseph Aaron Kelly Bachelor of Science Kimberly Elaine Adams Leann Marie LaPlante Jessie Antoszewski David D. M. Light in Chemistry Degree Aaron Harold Bailey Benjamin Meadows Lowman Julie A. Baisden John Edward Mason Christopher Ryan Alder Amy Dawn Baumgard Bernard Matthew Maynard Robert William Grady Kenneth Gregory Bensch Christopher Ryan Maynard Brett Eric Harris Tawnya Lynn Bolt Malinda Ann Maynard Joseph Eugene Remias Jeremy Scott Bondurant Jason Todd McClanahan Brian J. Serve James Allen Booth Russell Davis McCue Amy Leigh Bowen Megan Michelle McGahan Michael Eric Brannon Kelli Anne McLaughlin Bachelor of Science Michael Lee Bryant Rockford James Meadows, Jr. Donald Edward Browning Christopher Alvin Messinger in Cytotechnology Bryan Edward Burk Carol Lynn Patterson Roger Michael Burr Amy Dawn Patton Anthony Todd Arnott Danielle Theresa Cappelletti Stuart Leslie Porter Elliott Ray Breedlove Jennifer Angel Cline David Lee Prisk Nancy Lee Carr Jerod Adam Cobb Vincent del Castillo Quodala Kimberly Dee Hill Gary Alan Coffman OakRagette Jennifer Lynn Roeller Scotty Ray Collins Majeed Raissi James Michael Cooper Jason Scott Reed Bachelor of Science in Crystal Dawn Currey Jennifer Leigh Ross Kimberly Ann Davis Michael Travis Samson Medical Technology David Ross Duke Alicia Ann Sells Lisa Paige Easterling Megan Elizabeth Smith J. Michelle Barnhart Debra Gale Edwards Julia Katherine Spurlock Melissa Dawn Meadows McGuffin Melinda Lynn Elkins Ellen Frances Stone Patricia Ann Pannell Matthew Blaine Emery Scott T. Straley Jonathan Christopher Plummer Amy Chantel Flynn Stephen Howard Strickland Jennifer Lynn Sayre Heather Renee Franklin Jason Todd Strow David Colin George Michelle Leigh Sturgill Eric Ross Griffis Michael Alan Thompson, Jr. Joseph Mitchel Hahn Melissa Susanne Turley Rechelle Renee Hall Chadwick Allen Walters Angelia Iris Dalton Hamilton Robert Jason Wellman Ryan Thomas Harbison Amy Catherine Whitt Diana Marie Heck Ronnie Hank Williamson Gregory Scott Hendricks Aimee Michelle Hildreth Eric William Irwin Janet Marie Jones Jason Lee Jordan Kathy Jean Jude Min Wook Kang Degrees Granted Decen1ber 16, 1997 Associate in Applied Science ArnabBose Jason Allen Morgan Gregory Scott Cartwright Brian Matthew Norvell J. Michelle Barnhart Frank James Edwin Chirico Josh Morgan Price Patricia Noreen Young Blankenship Jeremy Tyler Clay Cheryl Elizabeth Puckett Heather Joy Casto Lori Catherine Cyfers Matthew Rodney Ranson Tonya Gail Esque Jennifer Sarah Duncan Elizabeth Anne Rehme Carol Marcum Bartholomew Todd Elkins Ann Elizabeth Schoolcraft Patricia Ann Pannell Brian McNeil Enloe Mickey Travis Sizemore Bushra Shahana Catherine Nicole Fleshman Tennis Jasper Sugg, Jr. XiaoweiXue Jerry Dale Frame, Jr. Jeffrey Paul Thompson Shane Allen Frame Edward Oladipo Tomoye Michelle Dawn Gray Aaron Lindsey Workman Bachelor of Arts Craig DeWitt Haddox Jonathan Goodwin Hisghman, II Bachelor of Science in Robert Francis Salvino Kevin Patrick Husk Carl Loren King Medical Technology Bachelor of Science Sharon Elizabeth Koon Masoud Taghavi Larijani Angela Dawn Peelish Steven Peter Manos William Kermit Adkins Kevin Lee Miller Tenney Louise Bays Degrees Granted August 15, 1997 Associate in Applied Science Misha Lea McDonie Pamela Dawn Meadows Gary Leonard Napier Tony Pratt Bachelor of Science

Brian Anthony Carr Gregory David Fox Kimberly Clotean Jackson Matthew Kent LeMaster Eric McManamay Brian Michael Morgan Stacy Suzanne Terry Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Jennifer Lynn Fannin Michelle Lea Hunt Degrees Granted July 11, 1997 Bachelor of Science

Tamara Willene Martin Steven Ronnie McClaugherty Milan R. Patel Beth Caffrey Reymond Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology Amy Lynn Scarberry Willie Saunders Viars, II School of Nursing

Candidates presented by Lynne B. Welch, Dean Candidates for Degrees May 9, 1998 Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Anthony Wayne Adkins Hope Rang Catherine JoAnn Lackey Charmarie Adkins Brian D. Runyon Amy Dawn Lee Kara Anderson Melanie Jean Shy Shilot Joseph Christopher Leonard Candie Caroline Armstrong Michael Anthony Shilot Elizabeth A. Louden Melaney Diane Barnett Barbara Ann Tackett Nichole Lynn McNeil Suzanne Michelle Barnette Holly Renee Thompson Greg Wils'on Mink William Albert Barnette Betsy Dawn Thornton Karen Moore Joyell Lee Bishop Lori Ann Vaughan Mary Angela Morris Amy Leah Bostaph Karin Verna Vernick Rebecca S. Mullens Deborah Elizabeth Boyd Lori Janel Walters Mary Heather Myers Janet Marie Briscoe Regina Elizabeth Ward Lois Ann Norris Jackie Lewis Britton Lisa Jane Wilson Denise Renee O'Connor Julie Ann Carver Jo Ellen Perry Rebecca Ann Chambers Associate in Science Molly Roche Powell Lisa A. Chapman Diana Leone Showalter Stephanie Lea Cobb in Nursing Donna F. Spry Alex Franklin Cornell Deborah Sue Stark Heather Renee Taylor Heather Leigh Daniel Melinda Sue Adkins Keri Anne Vance Alice A. Davis Cheryl Lynn Arthur Eldonna Jean Washington Bridgett Leigh Davis Kelly Cheree Baisden Eric Rufus Weaver Alyson M. Dixon Tara Jenelle Baisden Valerie D. Wells Roxana Lee Dove Melissa Dawn Barker L. Sandra Kay Zerkle Deborah Edwards Ronald Darron Beatty Veneta Rose Eggleton Sherry Ann Bennett Rebecca Ann Fraley Tonja Annette Black Candace J. Freeman JoAnna Jean Blake Kara Leah Gibson Lori Dawn Bostic Laura Lynn Haig Ronda Claudette Ferguson Brown Jeanna Denise Hale Teena Irene Buchanan Tara Leigh Hatfield Kayrnie Jean Carden Kari Ellen Hughes Mary Beatrice Farley Carrie Elizabeth Lange Wendy Dawn Ferrell Nancy Ellen Lieving Roger Lee Fraley, II Patricia Dawn Lilly Dwight David Fulks R. Teresa Lowry Norma Jane Gibson Elizabeth L. Lusk Laurie Jean Henderson Godschalk Melanie Leann Carroll Maynard Leslie Michelle Goodrich Kristen Lynn McCollister Susan Gaye Gordon Beverly Michelle Milam Carol Michelle Michael Greenlees Shana Nicole Mullins Teresa L. Hamilton Kathleen Elizabeth Murto Gregory Scott Hardwick Susan M. Nelson Aaron Scott Harrison Scott A. Paxton Benjamin Lee Hilton Amy Michelle Petrella Wilma S. Holton Constance Heather Price Suzanne Marie Johns ~~~- ,. ·---~~-~~~=-=--=--=--=----~-==-•-=--=--=-=------~---

College of Fine Arts

Candidates presented by Donald L. Van Hom, Dean Candidates for Degrees May 9, 1998 Bachelor of Fine Arts

Harvey James Austin Stephanie Lynn Johnson Sara Elizabeth Ratliff Timothy Craig Brown Amy Leigh Jones David Jason Smith Peteria Sue Cochran Eric Ryan Jones Emily Jean Spurlock Chad Matthew Danford Jason Brian McWhirter Steven Tyler Tackett Heather Leigh Dempsey William D. Napier Christina Maria Tate Carl Rick Grubb Laura Gibson O'Neal Elisabeth Anne Tate Walter Matthew Hoover Tara Dawn Phares Shawn Duane Ullerup Kelly Christine Jenkins Terri J. S. C. Plate Traci~ Suzanne W alien Degrees Granted December 16, 1997 Bachelor of Fine Arts

Mary Alice Cook Edward Travis Escue Letitia Michelle Hamon Andrea Dawn Jones Marci May-Shumway Andrea Lynn Prince Jason Larry Queen Michael Jonothan Sadlon Misty Dawn Spahr Zane Lee Thornton Ginger Rae Wiley Degrees Granted August 15, 1997 Bachelor of Fine Arts

Christo~her Shawn Price Degrees Granted July 11, 1997 Bachelor of Fine Arts

Shannon R. Miller School of Medicine

Baccalaureate Degree Candidates presented by Charles H. McKown, Jr., Dean Candidates for Degrees May 9, 1998 Bachelor of Social Work Cynthia Lynn Brennan Alma Lea Ferguson Kerrilee Dawn Kitchen Linda Michelle Jenkins Linville Amy Leigh Napier Helen Anne Shapira Richard Adam Simm~ Alexa Nicole Singer Brenda Renee Hunt Sutphin Timothy E. Swann Degrees Granted December 16, 1997 Bachelor of Social Work

Melissa Suzanne Sanders Beckelheimer Stacey Dawn Cyrus Denise Louise Dunlap Tammy Lynn Masiello Rhonda Sue McClanahan Melissa Gail Ramey Jean Danielle Swanson Marsha Ann Walker Robert Roy Williamson Degrees Granted August 15, 1997 Bachelor of Social Work

Delena Faye James Degrees Granted July 11, 1997 Bachelor of Social Work

Natalie Dawn Calebaugh Regents Bachelor of Arts

Candidates presented by Donovan L. Combs, Dean Candidates for Degrees May 9, 1998 Regents Bachelor of Arts

Cammy Lynn Adams Zoe Alaina Ferraris Judith Michelle Patton Douglas Franklin Adkins Kenna L. Gibbs Lisa Dawn Penix J. J. Alleman Gary R. Gillette, II Kenneth Adell Phillips Michelle Lynn Amos Stephanie Dawn Hager Lisa Michele Price Clara Teresa Austin Leslie Wayne Harper Charles R. Puckett Kimberly Dalton Ball Nicole Jena Hawkins Raquel Ricard Jocelyn Louise Billy William Darrell Hicks John Patrick Rybak Rebecca Eileen Black Nita L. Hunt Patricia Shannon West Scott Kenneth R. Bolen Gregory Alan Hurd Stephen Kirk Simms Constance E. Brammer Ruth Ann Jones Laddie B. Smith, II William Clay Butler, II Jason Howard Kesterson Randy Lee Spears Cathy Lynn Byrnside Elizabeth Ann Kirk Syreda J. Tye William T. Carroll, III Vonda Carlena Bryant Kreglo Michael H. Ullerup Christopher Lee Conley Daniel J. Langdon David Tomus Walker Carl David Conner Jennifer Dawn Lucas Katherine Shawn Waller Kathy Jo Earls Crockett Marla Mizelle Mobley Kathy L. Welch Brian Fredrick Dale Carla Jean White Mallory Thomas Scott Whitt Mary Beth Darby Joseph Alex Mays Roger Evans Wilcox Porcshia Dawn Davis Marsha Adkins Messer Bradley Scott Wilkinson Todd Raymond Dawson Glen Allen Midkiff Clinton Ray Wintz George Allen Dowell David Frederick Minnici Steve D. Withers Ronald Robert Eastes Janet Darlene Napier Ronald Eugene Ellis Robert Franklin O'Bryan Degrees Granted December 16, 1997 Regents Bachelor of Arts

Walter Lee Adkins Paula Jo Dundas Timothy Allen Martin Jennifer Denise Aiello Pamela Susan Feaganes Connie Skarry McBride Lisa Maria Allen Steven Wesley Foster James Michael Milam Richard L. Anderson Scott Allen Fraley Carl Thomas Mooney Kevin Blaire Ashcraft Kristin Nicole Frye Lisa Ann Moten Gina Michelle Barker Bruce Allen Gowings Floyd Award Newell, Jr. Mary Ann Brunty Michael Lambert Graf Robert Allen O'Connell Katrina D. Chandler Richard Allan Harris Betty Arlene Skeens Parsons Leon Aaron Clegg, III Dennis David Jarrell Kevin D. Phillips Tiasheene Lanesse Cochran Andrew M. Kirtley Michael Ernest Plybon Michele A. Conley Jason Eugene Krantz John Anthony Russ, II Jeannie Diane Cook Michael Dale Lawrence Gloria Jeanette Stamper Sammons Paul Thomas Cremeans Christopher Thomas Long Joseph Michael Shelton Joseph Edward DaRin Marlon Esguerra Maminta Christopher Shawn Smith Dennis Kent Daugherty James D. Marcum Jonathan Glenn Smittle .I' Teresa Ann Spears Todd Michael Trimboli Thomas Raymond Williams Timothy Michael Staten Terrence Brown Turner David Edwin Wolfe, Sr. Patricia Ann Stevens Joseph Michael Unites, Jr. Keith Grant Xander Christopher Andrew Surber Denise L. Gouge Williams Degrees Granted August 15, 1997 Regep.ts Bachelor of Arts

Cynthia Rae Caudill Julane Marie Crum Roger Dale Deskins Ernest Eugene Drummer, Jr. Lisa Ann Hoffman Christopher H. Johnson Danielle Felicia Moten Daniel Noel Mullins Kimberly Rae Parsley Jeff Price Freda May Allen Shilot Jay Bryant Stewart Philip Burke Wilcox Leala Ann Gore Zappia Degrees Granted July 11, 1997 Regents Bachelor of Arts

Lori Ann Clagg Daniel Paul Culicerto Reggie R. Giles Thurman Hammonds Eric Joel Kresser Stuart Whitson Spiker Sandra Rose St. John Mary Poindexter Urban Danny Lee Wilkinson Community and Technical College

Candidates presented by Betty L. Kyger, Provost Candidates for Degrees May 9, 1998 Associate in Applied Science

Charles Eugene Algeo, II William Robert Holstein, Jr. Patricia A. Rowe Crystal Dawn Bailey Brian Keith Honaker Tina Marie Runyon Christine A. Babernitz Baldwin Melissa Dawn Hudson David Lee Scarberry, II Brian M. Beckett Jewell Renee Hughey Eric Schrecengost Raymond J. Bias Rhonda Lea Humm Austin Jeffery Shoemaker Tamara Jane Blankenship JackW. Ice Nancy C. Short Myles Ray Brown Sabrina Kay Irons Laura Elizabeth Southworth Robin S. Brown Tracy Leigh Jackson Kristina L. Spader Charles William Cardwell Ronald Johnson Kathy Jo Stewart Malissa Jane Carpenter Shaye Micah Justice Tammi L. Tiller Nathan Dale Chaney Lisa Allen Lewis David W. Tracy Bruce Wayne Coleman Doris Anne LoFiego Michael H. Ullerup Kattie Marie Coleman Lisa Susanne Mattson Kimberly G. VanNostran C. Wayne Dick Ralph Edward May, ill Richard R. Vieira Vanessa E. Fleming Susan A. McAlister Susan Lorene Wade John R. Floyd April D. McClaugherty Mary Elizabeth Waller Jacob Adam Fraley James 0. McVey, II April Dawn Walters Penny Denise Gillenwater Rupal Rohit Megha Donna Lynn Wells Marta Gale Gillespie Christopher Eugene Mooney David Glenn Westfall, II Pamela Sue Guthrie Dale Thomas Nance Natalie Irene White Kelli Renee Halstead Tabitha Renee Plaster Luther Dale Workman Bethany Lynn Handley Toshla Summer Queen John Robert Harmon Timothy Ramey Degrees Granted December 16, 1997 Associate of Arts Amy C. Modarressi Associate in Applied Science Kimberly Cook Dyer Annette Adams Valerie L. Bernard Keith Dwayne Fields Leigh Anne Adkins Leslie Ann Black Janice Annette Flint Malena Jo Adkins Vittoria Ann Boren Patricia Ann Bing Flora Amy Michelle Allen Shawn R. Brady Wade Hampton Glover, IV Rodney Alan Allen Aaron Mitchell Brown Susan Marie Gregg ,, Mary A. Allen Sharon Lynn Bucklen Heather Dawn Weaver Haggy Erick Kristoffor Ambrose Brian Lee Buzzard Charles B. Hall Teresa Ann Ambrose Allie Crawford Chapman Michael L. Hemphill Lori Lee Anderson Stephanie Renae Baisden Copley Jessica Lynn Henderson Stacey Renee Arthur Patricia K. Daniels Sandra Sue Bailey Hester Erica Gail Barker Michael P. Dempsey Cheryl Stevenson Holland Jason Franklin Bartee Tina Michele Dishman Brigetta Ann Huntz Andrea Beth Bell Shereea Denise Dooley Kevin Todd Irvin Kelly Dawn Jenkins Jason Wesley Moore Teresa Lynn Russo Jeffrey LeTodd Jobe Mendy Ann Moore Terri V. Shinn Kinsley Lee Johnson Zshawn Leigh Mounts Angel Allison Shipman Michele Dawn Johnson Gregory Allan Napier Nancy Elizabeth Smith Bobbie Brooks Kayser Kiwana Nashay Patterson Terri Lynn Smith Shona Lynn Kidd B. Kristin Beckett Perry April D. Smithers Krista Michelle Kile Jeffery Dwayne Perry Richard Scott Snider Stephanie Dawn Knight Heather Lynn Perry James Patrick Stevens John Patrick Laber Melissa Dawn Petitt Kimberly Elaine Swisher Christina S. Landgrave Patrick William Quinn Michael Earl Tolley Robert Aaron Maddy William Jerad Rissler Asha Valluri Doris D. Magan Robert Roy Rogers Brian Keith White Marissa Marchi Gregory Allen Roy Diana Lynn Zimnox Jody Lynn Marks Lisa Ann Runyon

Degrees Granted August 15, 1997 Associate in Applied Science

Thomas P. Boggs Lora Lea Mills Dickerson Beverly Annette Spurlock Edmonds Donna Gayle Hall Finley Cynthia Renee Jordan James Scott Madden Pamela Diane Massey Amber Nicole Ohlinger Kristy Lynn Ritchie Elizabeth Ann Rudd Catherine H. Schneider Amy Elizabeth Souther

Degrees Granted July 11, 1997 Associate in Applied Science

Rebecca Ann Bannister Jeffrey DeWayne Bruer Lesley Lemay Burgess Chrislip G. Britt Day Michelle Leigh'Herr Jill Suzanne Lucas Thomas Frederick Maia James Michael Milam Karl Jeffrey Richards Kendra JbAnn Rigsby Jennifer Grace Roswall Graduate College

Candidates presented by Leonard J. Deutsch, Dean Candidates for Degrees May 9, 1998

Education Specialist Karen Jones Appell Michael Roy Baumann Marshall University Berea College C. Denise Norris-Jarrell Counseling Educational Administration Marshall University Leadership Studies Mona Elizabeth Arritt Guy Alexander Bell Marshall University Marshall University James Andrew Jarrell Art History · Marshall University Adult and Technical Education James Edward Asbury Joann M. Berry Ohio University Glenville State College Dorothy Peterson Political Science Leadership Studies Marshall University School Psychology Lynn H. Baker Philip H. Berry Mt. Vernon Nazarene College Glenville State College Yvonne King Reed Elementary Education Leadership Studies Concord College Counseling Margaret Mary Bannon Jean Fowler Biggs Marshall University West Virginia University Master of Arts Psychology Communication Disorders

Melissa Dawn Abbott Connie Jean Barker Darren Kyle Bird Millersville University of West Virginia State College .Marshall University Pennsylvania Special Education Special Education Counseling Jane Elizabeth Barnes Karla Lynnette Black Jennifer Kathleen Akers West Virginia University Marshall University Marshall University Leadership Studies Reading Education Biological Sciences Kirk Garrett Barnett Robert Louis Bobbera Bonniejean Goad Alexander Marshall University Concord College College of Charleston Biological Sciences Counseling Reading Education Martha Jane Barton Lisa Gay Bolen Zakariya Hamed AL-Saadi The Concord College United Arab Emirates University Elementary Education Reading Education Political Science · Rachel Ann Bartram Cheryl B. Bollman Brenda M. Anderson Marshall University Marshall University Concord College Communication Disorders Counseling Reading Education Rebecca Jane Bauder Sherry Stricklin Bosley West Virginia State College Elizabeth Laura Appell Eastern Kentucky University Marshall University Counseling Elementary Education History Jennifer Anne Bowen Susan McGan Canterbury JoAnna L. Daniel Marshall University Marshall University Concord College Communication Disorders Psychology Special Education

Michelle Dawn Bowmar Megan Elizabeth Carney Shae Ronald Davidson Alderson-Broaddus College Bellarmine College Marshall University Psychology Early Childhood Education History

Cindi R. Skiles Brouse Robin Thompson Casto Debra Ann Davis Concord College Davis and Elkins College Fairmont State College Special Education Psychology Psychology

Christine R. Browning Kimberly L. Chapman Brandon Charles Dean West Virginia University West Virginia University West Virginia State College Psychology Educational Administration Psychology

Robin Lynn Browning Cheryl Denise Cleary Holly Napier Dent Marshall University Ohio University Marshall University Psychology Special Education Communication Studies

Cathy McFall Bunger Carla Gullion Cole Lori Lynn Deweese Lynchburg College Marshall University Counseling Counseling Communication Disorders

Robert F. Burdette Melissa Ann Cole Jason Raymond Dodson West Virginia State College Marshall University University of Dayton Special Education Counseling Counseling

Kathleen A. Burke Jeffery S. Collins Monica Renee Donohoe West Virginia State College Fairmont State College Troy State University Special Education Psychology Counseling

Marsha Dea Campbell Burke Nickandrea Morgan Cooke Melissa D. Doss Concord College Marshall University West Virginia State College Special Education Psychology Psychology

Marina Primo Busatto Michael Gary Cornelius Karie Ann Dowis Universidade Federal ES St. John Fisher College Marshall University English English Special Education

Meredith Schulz Butterworth Cynthia Handy Coulson William Thomas Durham University of North Carolina James Madison University Marshall University Counseling Music Psychology

Lori Ann Caldwell James Herman Cox, Jr. Donald E. Eakin, Jr. The Ohio State University Malone College Wheeling Jesuit Counseling Humanities Psychology

Rebecca K. Calwell Mary Kate Crites Judith A. Eddy DePauw University Glenville State College Wheeling Jesuit College Humanities Elementary Education Humanities

Patricia Campbell Steve Crosier Eva L. Ellis Ohio University West Virginia State College West Virginia State College Counseling Special Education Elementary Education ~ l j Myrtolyn Jones English Roses. Gain W. Scott Hanna Georgia State University Fairmont State College West Liberty State College Leadership Studies Counseling English

Whitney Lynn Eskew Caroline Gainer Lisa A. Hansroth Marshall University Glenville State College West Virginia University Art Elementary Education Reading Education

Deborah J. Fairchild Debora A. Galford Donna L. Hardy Concord College West Virginia University Ohio University Special Education Psychology Counseling

Jennifer Lynn Farrar Paula Elizabeth Gatens Debra A. Harless Marshall University Wheeling Jesuit College West Virginia State College Special Education Humanities Reading Education

Tanya Lea Fatony Jennifer L. Gatewood Lori Ann Harman 1 Alderson-Broaddus College Marshall University Virginia Polytechnic Institute lI 11., Counseling Counseling and State University ·i Counseling 1 Michele Fehrer Kimberly Gillispie l Glenville State College West Virginia State College Janet DeNeil Hartley Reading Education Psychology Ohio University Music Catherine Elizabeth Ferguson John Edward Gilmore Marshall University Marshall University Joyce Evelyn Hawley Counseling Communication Studies Concord College Special Education Teresa Lynn Ferguson Leann Elizabeth Ginther West Virginia State College California State University Stephanie Jo Hayes-Harris Counseling English Davis and Elkins College Psychology Joan Maria Fernandes Scot Alexander Ginther St. Agnes College California State University Mary Margaret Hemsworth Counseling Political Science Fairmont State College Leadership Studies Dana J. Ferrell Terri Goldsmith West Virginia State College The University of Charleston Rebecca G. Lusk Hendrick Special Education Reading Education Concord College Special Education Kristy Anne Hill Fleenor Melvin C. Graham Marshall University West Virginia University Angela Diane Hensley I' Communication Disorders Counseling Morehead State University Mathematics C. Saun Floyd Rosanne Theresa Halki Marshall University Frostburg State College Laura D. Hensley Counseling Reading Education Marshall University Communication Disorders Joan Aulik Fontaine Janice A. Hall Silver Lake College Fairmont State College Tamara Renee Hill Leadership Studies Psychology Marshall University Communication Disorders " Dianne Dolly Foster Marjorie Halstead Davis and Elkins College West Virginia State College Paula Lynn Hinkle-Maynard Counseling Secondary Education Marshall University Special Education Angela Christine Hoffman Marci Joanne Ingram Ciµ-ol Anne King West Virginia University Marshall University Transylvania University Psychology Communication Disorders Art

Heidi Hoffman Rebecca LeeAnne Irby Joel Edward Kuhn University of Maine Marshall University Marshall University Reading Education Communication Disorders Counseling

Rae Ann Hogan-Wood Peggy Sue Irwin Kirsten Ann Moore Lageman West Virginia University Marshall University Marshall University English Leadership Studies Communication Disorders

William Keith Holmes, Jr. Kimberly Dawn Isaacs Jeffrey S. Lane West Virginia University Institute Glenville State College Marshall University of Technology Special Education Leadership Studies Educational Administration Kathy Ray Ison Jeffrey David Lavender David Anthony Holstein West Virginia State College Carson-Newman College West Virginia State College Elementary Education History Secondary Education Teresa Kay Janey Anthony Ezra Lilly Karen Sue Evans Hopkins Marshall University Concord College Marshall University Special Education Counseling Music Lisa Dawn Jefferson Jennifer Jill Limle Ronald Lee Hopper Marshall University Marshall University The University of Charleston Communication Disorders Art Special Education Jennie Lou Jividen John Timothy Lind Edward M. Houck West Virginia State College Marshall University Marshall University Leadership Studies History History Marjorie Flyn Jobst Melvin C. Malcolm Deborah McDaniel Huck Marshall University Michigan State University West Virginia State College Special Education Communication Studies Leadership Studies Carrie Elizabeth Jones Sherry Denise Marks Charles Ray Hughes Concord College Marshall University Marshall University Psychology Counseling Counseling ' Shannon Nichole Kennedy Barbara Ann Marshall Stephen Randall Hughes Marshall University Ohio University Eastern Kentucky University Special Education Communication Studies Counseling John Hyatt Kibler I. Wayan Mastriyana Ann Marie Hutchison Bluefield State College Berea College West Virginia State College Humanities Sociology Special Education Anne Meredith Kilkenny Gregory A. Matics Kathryn Lynn Ingles Marshall University West Virginia State College Marshall University English Secondary Education Psychology Susan Carroll Kincaid William Lee McElwain, ill Gina Ingram University of Kentucky Virginia Commonwealth Concord College Communication Disorders Leadership Studies Psychology Norma Ruth McGraw Karen S. Nowviskie Clinton Marlin Poston West Virginia State College West Virginia University Institute Marshall University Special Education of Technology Counseling Leadership Studies Myrna L. McKendree Paula Romano Potter Marshall University Jeffrey Blaine Nuckolls West Virginia University Counseling Marshall University Leadership Studies Leadership Studies Fred James McLain, Jr. Rubyanne Potter Marshall University Susan Carol O'Brien Marshall University Leadership Studies West Virginia Wesleyan College Art Reading Education Charles Edward Meadows, Jr. Jason Matthew Powell Virginia Polytechnic Institute Kristi O'Dell Marshall University and State University Marshall University Communication Disorders History Communication Disorders Natalie Selene Pratt Terri Stone Meadows Rhonda Lynn Pack West Virginia State College West Virginia University Institute Marshall University Psychology of Technology Counseling Psychology Mary Sue Preston Susan C. Pacitto West Virginia University Gail L. Miller Bluefield State College Reading Education Fairmont State College Special Education Counseling Marcia L. Duty Price Christina Renee Painter Marshall University Samuel R. Moore Marshall University Counseling Bluefield State College Communication Disorders Educational Administration Michael T. Price Jill Ann Parsons Counseling Morgan~- Morgan Marshall University West Virginia State College Fairmont State College Special Education Psychology Deirdre S. Prince Lisa Jayne Parsons Marshall University Kathleen Madigan Muehlman West Virginia University Counseling Vanderbilt University Counseling Humanities Faith Angela Proctor Lonnie Allen Parsons Marshall University Christina Adams Napier Marshall University Counseling Marshall University Counseling Reading Education Kia Marie Pruitt Julia Leann Pauley Shawnee State University Melissa S. Nelson Marshall University Counseling Marshall University Communication Disorders Psychology Connie Lou Pyles Anita Pfleger Marshall University Christopher Franklin Nichols Ohio University Special Education Marshall University Special Education Psychology Victory Lee Williamson Ramey Jacqueline Eugenia Phillips Marshall University Howard Richard Nolen Clinch Valley College Reading Education Marshall University Counseling History Stephanie Christine Rasmussen Dreama Jo An Pointier Central Michigan University Charlotte Louise Norford West Virginia University Communication Disorders West Virginia University Psychology Special Education Jeanette Montgomery Ratcliffe Karen Elizabeth Shaw Terry G. Stuck Concord College Drake University West Liberty State College Counseling Art Leadership Studies

Austin M. Reed Alice F. Shedd Kenneth E. Sunderland University of Idaho West Virginia State College Marshall University Counseling Psychology Mathematics

Diana Lorene Reynolds Dave Michael Shelek Christopher Wayne Sutton Tennessee Temple University Bethany College Marshall University Special Education Psychology Counseling

Wanda L. Riffe Joseph Arthur Shields, Jr. Jerry L. Swanson, II Morehead State University Stetson University West Virginia State College Counseling Music Leadership Studies

Elizabeth Riggall Lisa Ann Simmons Barbara Badgley Swartz Marshall University Bluefield State College Glenville State College Leadership Studies Counseling Psychology

Asley Lanette Rogar Elizabeth Thompson Simpson Allison Nichole Swick Marshall University Marshall University Marshall University Political Science · Counseling Counseling

Janie E. Rojas Janice H. Slocum Elaine K. Talbott West Virginia State College Glenville State College Marshall University Humanities Psychology Counseling

Noah L. Sarver Leslee Jean Waterman Smith Terri Dawn Tanner West Virginia University Institute Capital University Marshall University of Technology Art Elementary Education Special Education Melissa Kugel Smith Harry F. T. Tanzey Robin Lyn Saulton Appalachian State University West Virginia University West Virginia State College Humanities Counseling Reading Education Donna Sue Sparkman Jennifer Nicole Taylor Thomas Gary Scarpellini Alice Lloyd College Ohio University University of Akron , English Communication Disorders Leadership Studies Amy Haynes Spradling Terri Taylor Cyd Charisse Scott Marshall University The University of Charleston West Virginia State College Communication Disorders Counseling Counseling Pamela Mae Stacy Judy Ann Teaford Rosemary Corinne Scott-Moore Concord College Concord College Marshall University Special Education Humanities Psychology Heather Leigh Stark Mickey Wayne Thompson Sherry Lynn Sexton Radford University West Virginia University Institute Marshall University Art of Technology Communication Disorders Special Education Gary Michael Stringer Birgit Annette Asbury Shanholtzer West Virginia State College Mary Ann Thom West Virginia State College Humanities Ohio Valley College Psychology Psychology Pamela Kay Timmons Patricia Ann Kirkpatrick Waldeck Brett Alan Wilson University of Utah Shepherd College Marshall University Psychology Elementary Education Counseling .

Sharon Kay Todd Lola Gail Walker Michael K. Wilson The University of Charleston West Virginia State College Glenville State College Counseling Elementary Education Humanities

Ann Toothman Mary Kristeen Workman W arbel Pawina Wispen Purdue University Marshall University Khon Kaen University Reading Education Communication Disorders Communication Disorders

Kim Cherie Trawick Betsy Lynne Ward Angela Dawn Wood Marshall University Marshall University West Virginia Wesleyan College Political Science Psychology Counseling

Deborah Kay Trent Angela Marie Dvorak Ware Stephanie Lynn Wood West Virginia State College Marshall University Marshall University Counseling Reading Education Secondary Education

Melissa Ann Tribett Jennifer Ann Warnock Diane Y. Woolverton Marshall University Marshall University West Virginia State College Communication Disorders Communication Disorders Counseling

Angela Renee Tuggle Heather Elaine Warren Hailan Wu Shawnee State University Shippensburg University of Hangzhow University Counseling Pennsylvania Special Education Counseling Roberta Tuggle Laurel Courtney Yates Concord College Philip Keith Washington Marshall University Special Education West Virginia State College Communication Disorders Music David S. Tupper Pamela Reese Yearego Cornell University Michelle Leigh Watts West Virginia State College Leadership Studies Otterbein College Leadership Studies Communication Studies Robert R. Updegrave, Jr. KimE. Yesis Glenville State College Meredith Webb Rutgers State University Counseling West Virginia State College Counseling Elementary Education Sarah Jane VanHorn Michael Joseph Zavada Salem-Teikyo University Andrea Dawn Grando Weber George Mason University Elementary Education West Virginia University Secondary Education Psychology Pamela D. Varney Master of Science Marshall University Mary Ann Williams Special Education Bluefield State College Counseling Jennifer Ann Aderman Angela Faye Vaughan Wheeling Jesuit College Concord College Bryan R. Williamson Biological Sciences Communication Studies Kent State University Sociology Sean Reed Alcorn Karen Lynn Vogt University of Kentucky West Virginia University Pamela Ann Williamson Health and Physical Education Psychology Marshall University Counseling

IU111Hllli __ _ j ...... Jlj Jill - -· Kevin Robert Allen Marshall University Andrea Joan Canterbury Sandra Foit Hatfield Health and Physical Education Marshall University Bluefield State College Safety Adult and Technical Education Bridget Dianne Ammons Wheeling Jesuit College Daniel W. Chaffin Lorie Lee Haukedahl Forensic Science Shawnee State University Marshall University Biological Sciences Safety Rodney Lane Armstrong West Virginia University Hsin-Chih Chen Krista Anne Hays Adult and Technical Education Feng-Chia University Marshall University Adult and Technical Education Criminal Justice Geetha S. Arunachalam Bharathiar University Christopher Gregory Cowan Kevin Lamont Henry Information Systems Marshall University West Virginia State College Environmental Science Health and Physical Education Kristin Lynn Bahus West Virginia University Carol Lena Douglas Lynn Marie Hrbek Environmental Science West Virginia State College Shepherd College Information Systems Health and Physical Education Michael A. Bailey Marshall University Mark E. Downey Steven Joseph Hunt Information Systems The University of Charleston Marshall University Health and Physical Education Health and Physical Education Brian Allen Baker Marshall University Lee Boyd Dunfee Mary Elizabeth Hutson Adult and Technical Education Marshall University Marshall University Safety Environmental Science Michael Francis Bianchin Virginia Polytechnic Institute Steven T. Engelhardt Fran Laveeta Jackson and State University University of Kentucky Marshall University Health and Physical Education Environmental Science Adult and Technical Education

Lynn D. Black William E. Evans Jeffrey L. James Kentucky Wesleyan College Eastern Kentucky University Glenville State College Forensic Science Information Systems Adult and Technical Education

Gary Allen Blackhurst Tia Dae Ferguson Mark Edward Johnson West Virginia State College Wheeling Jesuit College Marshall U~iversity Environmental Science Forensic Science Health and Physical Education

Evan Boehm Tara Michelle Gerlach Terry L. Johnson Texas Christian University Marietta College _ Marshall University Environmental Science Health and Physical Education Environmental Science

Patricia Lynn Brougham Bradford L. Gwyther Julie R. Kay Salem Teikyo University University of Utah West Virginia State College Criminal Justice Health and Physical Education Criminal Justice

GaryD. Bush Larry Stephens Harris, Jr. Angela Lyn Krohn West Virgin State College Marshall University St. Cloud State University Criminal Justice Safety Health and Physical Education

Susan C. Byrd-Yurkiewicz William Irvin Hart, II Carol Kuhlman West Virginia University Concord College Central Connecticut State University Environmental Science Exercise Science Environmental Science Barbara Lynn Larson Matthew L. Pfaffenberger Jeffrey E. Smith West Virginia Wesleyan Marshall University West Virginia University Health and Physical Education Safety Environmental Science

Fen-Jane Lee Scott Douglas Rawson Joseph W. Smith, Jr. Feng-Chia University The University of Charleston Concord College Adult and Technical Education Health and Physical Education Environmental Science

Darrell Leon Legg Michael Travis Ross Timothy Eugene Speicher Marshall University Marshall University Towson State University Criminal Justice Forensic Science Health and Physical Education

Li-Jen Lin Gregory Alan Rote Thomas E. Stone Fu Jen Catholic University Oklahoma State University Southern Illinois University Information Systems Environmental Science Information Systems

Brandon Michael Marcello Shannon Marie Ruminski Joel D. Suchecki Marshall University Canisius College North Central College Exercise Science Forensic Science Exercise Science

Misty Ann Marra Jennifer Marie Rupp Barbara Swoope Taylor West Virginia University Marshall University West Virginia University Forensic Science Health and Physical Education Environmental Science

Sanjay Stanley Masilamani Anas Sadat Tony William Tucker Furman University Marshall University Marshall University Forensic Science Physical Science Biological Sciences

Soraya Mele McClung Raveena K. Saluja Eric Scott Wilhelm Claude Bernard University Kent State University The Pennsylvania State University Forensic Science Safety Biological Sciences

Fauzia Alam Miah Tara Lynne Saville Michael L. Williams University of Pittsburgh Shepherd College Marshall University Biological Sciences Health and Physical Education Exercise Science

Timothy Keen Miller Heather Marie Schmeltz J. Marshall Willis Kenyon College State University of My College Marshall University Health and Physical Education Health and Physical Education Exercise Science

Howard Brent Myers Phyllis Imo Renee Sea Karol Lynn Morrison Wilson Marshall University West Virginia State College Fairmont State College Forensic Science Criminal Justice Adult and Technical Education

Kelly Joanne O'Dell Marianna Le Sexton Johnda Lynn Wireman Marshall University Marshall University University of Kentucky Health and Physical Education Health and Physical Education Exercise Science

Ike Ofoje Kama Sue Shaar Elizabeth A. Yager New Hampshire College Concord College State University of My College Health and Physical Education Exercise Science Exercise Science

Lisa R. Persinger Elvin J. Smith Angela Gail Zimmerman Marshall University West Virginia University Institute Marshall University Criminal Justice of Technology Forensic Science Environmental Science -~------·· ·------~-- - ~

Master of Business Wendy Myers Master of Arts in Administration Marietta College Journalism Deidre Rene Nichols Brandi J. Baker Marshall University Clarkson College Vicente Alcaniz C. E. U. San Pablo Candice Lynn Null George Robert Bamberger, Jr. Marshall University West Liberty State College Brian Richard Fortenbaugh Gettysburg College James Kelley Nutter Paul B. Bates West Virginia University Institute Bluefield State College Clifford R. Maddox of Technology Marshall University Cheryl Christine Beirne David Anthony Perry Marshall University Leigh Suzanne Hall West Virginia University Eastern Kentucky University Christopher Thomas Bishop Jeffery Scott Porter Concord College Amy Michelle Levine Marshall University Marshall University Joseph Aaron Black Ginger Leigh Rose Marshall University Veeree Trangtrakul Concord College Tharnmasat University Pamela Burgess Blum Lisa Dawn Shaffer-Moore Johnson State College Glenville State College Master of Arts in Diana Richardson Dalton Kevin James Token Teaching Marshall University Rose-Bulman Institute of Technology Leslie Dillon Georgia Carol Auxier Alice Lloyd College Transylvania University Ruth Ann Groves Walker West Virginia University Institute Gregory John Duffer Melissa Ann Chambers of Technology Marshall University Marshall University Patricia Watts Parrish Thane French Natalie Anne Clark West Virginia University Institute Marshall University West Virginia University of Technology Tina Lynn Hill Lillian Cummings Gerald Weimer Marshall University West Virginia Wesleyan College West Virginia University Joy C. Hubbard Kristin Lynn Rowe Devaney Jeffrey S. Williams Bluefield State College Ohio University Concord College Misty Chenae Marcum Jaymie Duncan Kimberly F. William.s Marshall University Marshall University Concord College Kent Caldwell McMillion Norman Joseph Effingham KeyuWu Marshall University Marshall University China University of Mining and Technology Deborah L. Montgomery Paul William Kenney Marshall University Virginia Military Institute Petros E. Zenieris Aristotelion University Gregory G. Moore Victoria Elizabeth Meredith Liberty University Bethany College

Donna Moore-Gacek Amy Kathleen Runyon The University of Charleston Old Dominion University Todd M. Strickler Keith A. Fowler Ronald F. Boneberg Christopher Newport University Georgia Institute of Technology University of Rhode Island Engineering Management Health Care Administration •l Angela Michelle Summerlin Queens College James Wade Gilley, Jr. Ellen Gay Clark Marshall University West Virginia State College Lisa Ann West Environmental Engineering Public Administration Marshall University P. Ramon Guitart Margaret Lutz Donley Master of Science University of Wisconsin Marshall University Engineering Management Health Care Administration in Nursing Susan Mercier Sheridan Loretta Jett Haddad Georgia Institute of Technology West Virginia State College Shawn Elizabeth Cline-Riggins Environmental Engineering Health Care Administration Marshall University iii Thomas R. Wilmink Burgess Allen Axel Hanson Tamela Raye King Virginia Polytechnic Institute and West Virginia University Marshall University State University Public Administration Environmental Engineering Kristina M. Kyle ' Connie S. Hendricks l Marshall University Master of Science in The University of Charleston I Health Care Administration ' Bobby Lee Marcum Marshall University Industrial Relations r Margaret C. Kimpel West Virginia State College Anna Rene Marshall Mary Goff Brown Health Care Administration Marshall University West Virginia University Douglas Andrew Meadows Sue Anne Meadows Jacinda L. Burkholder Warner Southern College West Virginia University Ohio University Health Care Administration Mary Catherine Ramsburg Mark E. George Tamara S. Nimmo Marshall University Marshall University Marshall University Health Care Administration Pamela Jane Rice-Jacobs Vanessa Kay Markham Eastern Kentucky University Marshall University James Edwin Parsons Marshall University Patricia June Currey Smith Clement Michael Matheny Health Care Administration Marshall University Marshall University Douglas Michael Robinson Karan Denise Steele Lori D. McGuire Fairmont State College Alderson-Broaddus College Rio Grande University Health Care Administration Amy Elizabeth Welty Karen Jayne Zabawczuk Stewart Master of Science Fairmont State College St. Joseph's College in Engineering Health Care Administration

Kathryn Ann Burkholder Brian K. Thompson West Virginia University Institute Master of Science West Virginia State College of Technology in Management Public Administration Environmental Engineering Janice M. Valentine Paul M. Farley Maria Araceli Zapanta Bernardo Marshall University West Virginia University Institute West Virginia University Health Care Administration of Technology Health Care Administration Environmental Engineering Degrees Granted Decem.ber 16, 1997

Education Specialist Darlene R. Bennett Rebecca Ann Ray Cooke Marshall University Marshall University Counseling Communication Disorders J. Terry Roatsey West Virginia State College Arny Beth Bias Elroy Cooper Counseling Marshall University Benedict College Reading Education Leadership Studies Peggy Y. Roatsey West Virginia State College Martha Ann Mcsweeney Blevins Peter Ramsay Corbett Counseling Marshall University The King's College Early Childhood Education Leadership Studies Master of Arts Denise Marie Bodmer Janice Lynn Cyfers Cathy Marie Adkins Ohio University West Virginia University The University of Charleston Special Education Music Elementary Education Lisa Dawn Bowen Cynthia Leigh Daniel David William Agnew Marshall University The University of Charleston West Virginia State College Psychology Leadership Studies Leadership Studies Laura Ann Burnette Brown Kelly Anne Di Stefano Paula S. Albright Marshall University Marshall University Concord College Special Education Counseling Reading Education Lisa Ann Buese Angela Lynn Dorsey-Greer Linda Wells Ammar Baldwin-Wallace College Concord College Elon College Special Education Counseling Special Education Richard R. Campbell Brenda F. Dougherty Linda Cora Anderson Concord College Marshall University West Virginia State College Leadership Studies Leadership Studies Elementary Education Paula Jean Griffin Carson Mark Lee Ellis Vicki Diona Anderson Fairmont State College Anderson University West Virginia State College Leadership Studies Mathematics Psychology Stewart Edward Christy Barry A. England Gregory Todd Arnold State University of New York Concord College Bluefield State College Psychology , Counseling Leadership Studies Becky Sue Cline Lynn Denese Farley Margaret Sidney Astorg West Virginia University Institute Bob Jones University Marshall University of Technology Elementary Education Special Education Special Education Lois Ferrari Ruth Carol Bailey Connie M. Cochran West Virginia University The University of Charleston Concord College Reading Education Leadership Studies Psychology Belinda Lea Fetty Wayne Arnold Bailey David Michael Cole Marshall University Marshall University Marshall University Counseling Counseling Counseling --- -- ~-~~~~~,-~=~------

Patrick Y onley Fisher Linda G. VanHoose Henson Ronald J. Kidd West Virginia Wesleyan College Marshall University Bluefield State College Psychology Counseling Special Education

Queen Foreman Jamin Ann Pack Hershberger Melissa Ann Kuhl Illinois State University Glenville State College Marshall University Political Science Early Childhood Education Mathematics

Lisa Marie Fuson Brett Jason Hively Dwayne Lee Ledsome Concord College West Virginia State College West Virginia University Institute Counseling Political Science of Technology History Rose M. Gargon Angela Lee Holley West Virginia State College Marshall University John Houston Lilly Leadership Studies Counseling Concord College Special Education Bradley Gault Monica L. Holliday West Virginia State College Concord College Jeffery T. Lusk Psychology Reading Education West Virginia University Institute of Technology Diana Lynn Thompson Gibson Teresa Dawn Hughes Political Science Marshall University Marshall University Secondary Education Biological Sciences Marjorie Weed Lyons Marshall University Daniel Michael Gleason Tracy DeVonne Hukill Counseling Marshall University University of Kentucky Secondary Education Communication Disorders Mary Lu MacCorkle The University of Charleston Jeffrey A. Green John Huxley Leadership Studies West Virginia State College Glenville State College Humanities Leadership Studies Kranjana Malisuwon Payap University Patsy Nelson Grindstaff Joy Jackson Communication Studies Radford University Marshall University Counseling Special Education Michael P. Malone West Virginia University Vonda Kay Gwin Betty Lenore Jamison Psychology West Virginia State College Concord College Elementary Education Elementary Education Corissa Ann Mault Shawnee State University Christa Rachelle Hall Sherri Lynn Jarvis Counseling Marshall University Marshall University Special Education Counseling Sherri Ann Mayersky Marshall University Kelli Jo Hall Ginger Jacqueline Johnson Counseling David Lipscomb University Marshall University Family and Consumer Science Communication Disorders Kathi Lynn McCormick West Virginia State College Amy Jo Harsh Debra L. Justice Elementary Education Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Alice Lloyd College State University English Fern M. Medley-Forsythe Psychology University of Maryland Stephanie Kay Kelly Music Heather Renee Hawes Marshall University Marshall University Communication Disorders Tamara Beth Midkiff Special Education Marshall University Reading Education Allison Lea Miller Jeri Ellis Platt Delia Beth Root Glenville State College Fairmont State College Concord College Elementary Education Art Educational Administration

Deborah J. Morgan Kelly Lee Plutro Pamela Suzanne Rorrer Marshall University Fairmont State College Marshall University Music Reading Education Secondary Education

Janice W. Morgan Karen Fisher Price Bruce Saunders Rous West Virginia University Fairmont State College Marshall University Counseling Leadership Studies Music

Joyce Craig Morgan Nicole Dawn Rakes Sandra Ann Sanford-Sperry Seton Hill College Ohio University Marshall University Counseling Counseling Counseling

Brendan Murphy Kimberly D. Rayburn Tonya L. Saunders The University of Charleston Marshall University Marshall University Counseling Psychology Psychology

Della J. Nelson Lynnette A. Redd-Lipscomb Patricia E. Schrader Marshall University Mercy College West Virginia State College Counseling Counseling Humanities

Tina L. Nibert Thomas E. Redden Deborah Ann Patterson Scritchfield West Virginia University Institute Concord College Marshall University of Technology Psychology Reading Education Counseling Carolyn Marie Reed Joyce A. Senator Gary Michael Nichols The University of Charleston Marshall University West Liberty State College Elementary Education Psychology Counseling Bridget Ann Repsher Traci Shawn Slone Jansawang Ninjan Marshall University Morehead State University Strayer College Counseling Communication Studies Communication Studies Valerie Richards Sharon M. Smith Dean Ooten Kent State University Concord College Marshall University Counseling Counseling Counseling Rita G. Roberson Sherrie Spence Carolyn Ann Osborne Marshall University Marshall University Bluefield State College Counseling Special Education Reading Education Rhonda Robinson - John R. Staats Lawrence David Parker Marshall University West Virginia University Institute Bluefield College Leadership Studies of Technology Psychology Leadership Studies Shawna Lee Rocknich Toni Gale Penix Marshall University Gary D. Stover The University of Charleston Counseling West Virginia University Reading Education Psychology Sabrina J. Rollins Pamela Kay Piziak West Virginia State College Teresa Ann Swecker Concord College Counseling Marshall University Elemen~ary Education Counseling Sheri Lynn Kinder Tadlock MarkArbes Tammie Jo Hammon Marshall University Marshall University The University of Charleston Music Safety Health and Physical Education

Karyn Elizabeth Thompson Nicholas P. Belmont Craig Brendon Hatfield Gordon College West Virginia University Institute Marshall University Reading Education of Technology Safety Environmental Science Cheri Michelle Turner Paul Nelson Holton, II Morehead State University Steven William Bradach Marshall University Counseling North Dakota State University Geography Safety John Daniel Turner Deborah Annette Hutchinson Bluefield State College Clyde L. Burdock Fairmont State College Counseling Fairmont State College Adult and Technical College I" Adult and Technical Education 1"I If Kristi M. Usilton Shannon Demond King East Carolina University Joseph Anthony Ceravone Marshall University Psychology Lynchburg College Safety Exercise Science Bridgette Adele Vance Jodie Marie Layden Marshall University Bryan Dale Cox Marshall University Psychology Marshall University Adult and Technical Education Safety Glenn R. Varney, m Kexiao Li Pikeville College Ronnie Crowder Jilin University Leadership Studies West Virginia State College Information Systems Information Systems Marcie Lynn Vaughan Kelli Renea Mayes Concord College Michael Anthony Culicerto Marshall University Psychology Marshall University Adult and Technical Education Safety Charles D. Vest Gregory Scott McCallister Glenville State College Jaime Ann Dillon Marshall University Leadership Studies Marshall University Safety Safety Tonia Jane Tuttle Ward Thadd Michael McClung Marshall University Phillip Paul Emmerth Marshall University Secondary Education West Virginia University Safety Environmental Science Jennifer Lynn Wells Cynthia Dawn Midkiff Marshall University Edwin C. Ferrell Fairmont State College Counseling Marshall University Safety Safety Cecil Ray Wenger Paul Kenneth Myers West Virginia University John Richard Giacalone Marshall University Counseling Eastern Kentucky University Safety Forensic Science Janis Faye Winkfield David A. Parsons Marshall University Rodney Earl Gossett West Virginia State College Adult and Technical Education Shawnee State University Environmental Science Safety Master of Science Debra J. Phelps Patrick Aaron Hall Marshall University Glenville State College Criminal Justice Christopher J. Amick Safety West Virginia University Environmental Science -

John Warren Pritchett, Jr. Ronald L. Crosier Bruce W. Kesler University of Missouri West Virginia University Institute Marshall University Forensic Science of Technology James F. Kirby Brian Leslie Roberts John Henderson Duncan University of Pittsburgh Marshall University Marshall University Safety Bradley Clay Lesher Donald T. "Pete" Gibson West Virginia University Terri Gabbard Sloas University of Rio Grande Marshall University Katherine Scott Lilly Safety Shannon Gibson Concord College West Virginia State College Donald L. Thomas David Andrew Lucas Georgia State University Gale Adkins Given Marshall University Exercise Science Marshall University Anna L. Lusher Stephanie Rene Timmermeyer Brian K. Golden Marshall University West Virginia University West Virginia State College Environmental Science Miriam Motta Marsha Gresham Pontificia University Jennifer Michele White Marshall University State University of My College Sandy K. Nolan Exercise Science Douglas Robert Guinn Marshall University Rose-Hulman Institute Garrett Dewayne Wilson of Technology Gregory A. Parsons Marshall University University of South Carolina Safety William G. Hambley University of Missouri Donald R. Pauley Master of Business West Virginia University Institute Cathy J. Hanks of Technology Administration Marshall University Mary J. Piepenbrink Gregory Alan Hodge Rick D. Bozeman Marshall University Marshall University Marshall University Carol Ann Pierpont Mylene Matundan Holsclaw Aaron Bryan Brooks Virginia Polytechnic Institute and West Virginia State College Marshall University State University Randall R. Jones Peter T. Burrus Darlene Sue Dorsey Porter Virginia Polytechnic Institute and College of Wooster Morehead State University State University

Robin Lynn Chambers Shekhar Pradhan Samar Joshi Marshall University Banaras H. University Shivaji University

Walter V. Chapman, ID Thomas P. Raynes Ann Margaret Griffin Justice Marshall University West Virginia State College University of Kentucky

Christopher R. Clark Aimee Rae Rittinger Steven M. Kaz Marshall University West Virginia University The University of Charleston

Mark Earl Coffey John A. Sandoro Patricia Ann McPherson Keaton Virginia Polytechnic Institute and West Virginia University Institute Concord College State University of Technology

Todd Wilson Cowley Marshall University Janice McGuire Gray Brett H. Sisk Lance E. Schrader Lynchburg College Bluefield College West Virginia State College Health Care Administration Timothy M. Smith Traci Michelle West Jo Ann Henry Marshall University Concord College Bluefield State College Health Care Administration Daniel Scott Smythe, Jr. Master of Arts in Marshall University Karen Ann Keaton Teaching Bluefield State College Richard Scott Stultz Health Care Administration Marshall University Ralph Earl Gosney University of Kentucky Karen W. Kephart Alan J. Szafranski West Virginia Wesleyan College University of Cincinnati Edwin Keith Watson Health Care Administration Marshall University Deborah Denton Templeton Rhonda H. Pritchett Bluefield State College Master of Science Concord College Health Care Administration AmyD. Teter Virginia Polytechnic Institute and in Engineering Kathy Farley Quesenberry State University Virginia Commonwealth Leo Edwin Arbaugh, Jr. Health Care Administration Nikki D. Wagner Marshall University Emory and Henry College Environmental Engineering Nettie Regina Sayers Bluefield College Bruce T. Washington Tracey Smink Vangolen Health Care Administration Marshall University Colorado School of Mines Environmental Engineering Doris Starcher Selko Scott Dale Wellman West Virginia University Morehead State University Lori D. Williamson Health Care Administration West Virginia Institute Changfa Yang of Technology Henan University Engineering Management

William Roy York Master of Science in Marshall University Chemical Engineering Denise M. D. Young Marshall University Vinayak Mabeshwari University of Texas Master of Arts in Journalism Master of Science in Management Kent Paul Cassella West Virginia University Judy L. Akers Yi-Fan Chen University of North Carolina Chang King University Health Care Administration

Billie Jo Clay Debra Sue Davis Marshall University Bluefield State College Health Care Administration Michelle Lynn Martin Youngstown State University Zaki Mustafa Elsarrag University of Khartoum Health Care Administration Degrees Granted August 15, 1997

Education Specialist Nona R. C. Black Katherine Spears Cooper West Virginia State College West Virginia University Leadership Studies Counseling Ramona Kay Beverage Glenville State College Ericka D. Blankenship Scott Allen Cottrell Leadership Studies Marshall University Marshall University Special Education Psychology Mary K. Hervey DeGarmo Fairmont State College Glorian Brown Charles E. Coulter Leadership Studies Bluefield State College West Virginia State College Special Education Counseling Christine Koch West Virginia University Rondie Sue Tenney Butler Mark Douglas Craddock Leadership Studies Fairmont State College Marshall University • Special Education Elementary Education Sarah Jane Harden Ramey Bluefield State College Jerri Lynn Carpenter Pamela Sue Craddock Counseling Marshall University West Virginia University Family and Consumer Sciences. Elementary Education Pamela I. Snyder Marshall University Kelly Rochelle Case Vicki Renee Crum Adult and Technical Education Morehead University Marshall University Reading Education Special Education Master of Arts Claudia Lewis Chancey Rodney R. Cummings Sarah Elizabeth Adkins Marshall University West Liberty State College Marshall University Psychology Leadership Studies Special Education William Ervin Chapman, Jr. Linda Kay Curry Brenda Jo Boggs Bailey Bethany College Marshall University Marshall University Elementary Education Special Education Elementary Education Elaine C. Chisholm Stephanie Mahone Damron Donna Rae Ball Kent State University Marshall University Concord College Humanities Special Education Elementary Education Vicki Lee Clendenin Karen Eva Dillard Sarah A. Beck West Virginia University Marshall University University of North Carolina Counseling Elementary Education Humanities Gloria Cline Craig Allan Doolin Jimmy Darren Beirne Marshall University Morehead State University Marshall University Reading Education Music Psychology Dwight Coburn Donna Renee Dornon Garry Wayne Bender Marshall University Marshall University Ashland University Leadership Studies Special Education Elementary Education Debra L. Conner Jimmy Dorsey Roger C. Beverage Marshall University West Virginia University Institute West Virginia University Institute Special Education of Technology of Technology Counseling Leadership Studies Lisa Dawn Dowler Rhonda J. Garbett Andrew John Houvouras, IV Marshall University Marshall University Florida State University Reading Education Reading Education Psychology

Vernon R. Elkins Stephen William George Colleen Waybright Huston Marshall University Glenville State College Marshall University Leadership Studies · Leadership Studies Leadership Studies

William Mickel Ellis Cheryl Ann Graham Barbara J. Keen Ohio University Marshall University West Virginia State College Special Education Counseling Elementary Education

Lesley Anne Epperly Mark Allen Grimm Ruby Faye Atkisson Kessell West Virginia University Grove City College West Virginia State College Psychology Elementary Education Counseling

Boyd Daniel Evans, Jr. E. Lawrence Guthrie Michael Jason Landes University of Florida Trevecca Nazarene College Marshall University Biological Sciences Counseling History

Linda B. Farrar John Earl Hall Charlana Marie Layfield Rio Grande University Marshall University Glenville State College Elementary Education English Counseling

Emile J. Farris David Thomas Hanshaw LoraM. Legg West Virginia State College Marshall University Glenville State College Leadership Studies Counseling Counseling

Jodi Ann Feaganes Mary Lynn Harman Robin M. Leonard Marshall University Bluefield State College Marshall University Geography Special Education Elementary Education

Katrina Ann Flanagan Cristy Renae Harper Linda Mancini West Virginia University Institute Marshall University Walsh College of Technology Special Education Leadership Studies Leadership Studies Cynthia Lynn Hedrick Tonya L. Martin Gloria Burriss Flannigan West Virginia University Institute Glenville State College Eastern Kentucky University of Technology Secondary Education Communication Disorders Counseling Christie Maxson Sue E. Fleshman Gina Michelle Hicks Alderson-Broaddus College Berea College Marshall University Counseling Counseling Special Education Marsha L. Messer Maynard Shelba J. Fountaine Susan L. Hill Marshall University Glenville State College Concord College Special Education Elementary Education Special Education Melissa Lee Maynard Susan H. Franklin Carl Holcomb Marshall University Concord College Glenville State College Special Education Special Education Special Education Sandra Leigh McCormick Kristin Lynn Fuller Grithel Mariea Holcomb West Virginia State College Marshall University Glenville State College Counseling Psychology Special Education

•. , Lucille F. McDonald John Putnam Dana Ross Snyder Marshall University Glenville State College West Virginia State College Special Education Elementary Education Leadership Studies

Linda K. McKnight Stacy L. Richards Julie Danae Stark Marshall University Marshall University Marshall University ]!.eading Education Elementary Education Special Education

Barry C. Meadows Jennifer Dawn Ross JoAnn Starr Marshall University Marshall University Marshall University Elementary Education Communication Disorders Special Education

Phoebe Jeffries Meadows David M. Ruediger Frances Sturgill Marshall University Ferris State University Concord College Leadership Studies Elementary Education Elementary Education

Cassandra Jo Means Christopher Roland Rutherford Paula A. Taylor West Virginia State College West Liberty State College Concord College Counseling Counseling Secondary Education

Scott Luis Monty Dorothy A. Rycroft Amanda Ann Thompson West Virginia University West Virginia Wesleyan Glenville State College Leadership Studies Counseling Elementary Education

Mary Elizabeth Moore Allyson Sammons John David Thorne West Virginia University Institute West Virginia University West Virginia State College of Technology Psychology Counseling Counseling David Franklin Samsock Susan Ellen Tunnell Christina Rosanna Mullins Marshall University University of Delaware Marshall University Psychology Secondary Education Psychology Keith Steven Sarver Janice Elizabeth Tweel Donna K. Mullins Marshall University Marshall University Marshall University Art Reading Education Reading Education Theresa Vecellio Saul Cecelia Elaine Updike Mary Elizabeth Crites Olson Ohio University Georgetown College Denison University Special Education Psychology Special Education Lakawanna Sawyers Michelle Lee Hagy Vliek Jennifer Lynn Parsley Marshall University Marshall University Marshall University Psychology Communication Disorders Biological Sciences Linda E. Sears Alisha Renee Walker Lisa Therese Patroske West Virginia Wesleyan College Randolph-Macon Women's College Michigan State University Leadership Studies Psychology Communication Disorders Sara Elizabeth Shortt Vanessa Ann Walker Dawn Anna Porter Bluefield College Concord College Marshall University Counseling Counseling Special Education Joan Smailes Brenda Jean Ward Karla Cooke Prince Marshall University The University of Charleston Ohio University Reading Education Elementary Education Special Education --, I

Susan Gail Weaver Carolyn J. Elswick William M. Cullen Concord College West Virginia State College Shawnee State University Special Education Adult and Technical Education Nathan Lyle Goodnow Regena Lindsey Webb David Shannon Frazier Cornell University Marshall University West Virginia University Elementary Education Safety Jason E. Guthrie Marshall University Robert J. Wiseman, Jr. Edmond H. Fry West Virginia University Institute Marshall University Stanton D. Kirk of Technology Health and Physical Education Marshall University Special Education John C. Harris William R. Lester Janette L. Woodrum West Virginia University Institute Bluefield State College Glenville State College of Technology Leadership Studies Health and Physical Education Ashley M: Lockwood Marshall University Kimberly Dawn Woods Timothy David Maze Marshall University West Virginia State College Mongkol Mahasirinut Communication Disorders Biological Sciences Rangsit University

Gelila Yilma Jennifer Marie Piascik Curtis Lee McLeod Marshall University University of Georgia Marshall University Psychology Biological Sciences Duangnapa Wisutwongpukdee '" Sherri E. Ritter Chulalongkorn University "' Annette Slater Younger Eastern Kentucky University Marshall University Secondary Education Adult and Technical Education Wenda Wu Fudan University Adrien Donnell Scales Master of Science Marshall University Criminal Justice Master of Arts in Jane Ann Barker Journalism Illinois State University Roger Lee Spry Adult and Technical Education The Ohio State University Terry L. Hapney, Jr. Physical Science University of Kentucky Roy Roger Bledsoe, Jr. Marshall University KeweiXu Richard Gary Steele Chemistry Xiamen University University of Rio Grande Chemistry Kevin Dwayne Brittingham Liberty University Master of Arts in Biological Sciences Master of Business Administration Teaching Thomas Alan Cappaert The University of Charleston Robert Wayne Buckland Kathrine Elizabeth Stone Barlow Exercise Science College of West Virginia Marshall University Jason Derek Crawford Brian Keith Besten Marshall University Master of Science Health and Physical Education Park College in Nursing Martin S. Brooks Michael Wendell Dolin Marshall University Marshall University Camille Renea Helsel Health and Physical E

Sondra Renae Corsaro Debra E. Stanley Master of Arts Marshall University Marshall University Reading Education Special Education Angela Dawn Abbott David Michael Tackett, Jr. • Marshall University Jerry D. Crank, Jr. Early Childhood Education Marshall University Marshall University Educational Administration Music Carla Fluty Adkins Beverly Jean Ward Marshall University Elizabeth Ann Simmons Duncan Marshall University Special Education Marshall University Elementary Education Special Education Hamoud M. Alshehri Marshall University Michele Renee Goodson-Burnett Donita C. Webb Marshall University Mathematics Marshall University Reading Education Educational Administration Amanda Caprice Hunter Ash Morehead State University Larry L. Goodwin Margaret D. Wolfe Kean College of New Jersey Special Education Marshall University Special Education Reading Education Stephen Scott Boone Kimberly Ann Wood Shawnee State University Carma Rachelle Hammonds Marshall University Political Science Marshall University Special Education Mathematics Ann Kristen Burns Marshall University Rose Marie Sellards Hunt Master of Science Early Childhood Education Marshall University Special Education Christopher T. Artrip Donald F. Butler Marshall University Ohio University Brett Eric Jarrell Safety Political Science Wittenberg University Biological Sciences Pamela Anne Boggs Lisa Kaye Caviani Queens College Marshall University Barbara Gail Linville Safety Special Education Marshall University Early Childhood Education Wallace Edward Bower, ill Susan Kay Chandler Marshall University Marshall University Angela Faye McClure Safety Special Education Marshall University Counseling Cheryl Huff Bradford Ling-jiun Chen Cedarville College Stephanie Cline Melmige National Taiwan University Adult and Technical Education Sociology Marshall University Special Education Jason Richard Carlson Julie Smith Clayton Fairmont State College Marshall University Angela Carol Christian Roberts Safety Special Education Ohio University Special Education Bobbie Ann Hogan Carroll Larry Clinton Cole Marshall University West Virginia University Institute Laura Ellen Rowden Safety of Technology West Virginia Wesleyan College Music Special Education James Walter Carter, II Marshall University Master of Science Criminal Justice in Nursing Todd Alan Childers Eastern Kentucky University Elizabeth Ellen Strother Safety Marshall University

Van Franklin Frasher West Liberty State College Criminal Justice

Susan Yvette Geer Marshall University Safety

Matthew Douglas Hayes Marshall University Safety

Norma Helen Hodge Marshall University Safety

Deron Scott McMullen Marshall University Safety

Lessie Suzanne Miller Marshall University Adult and Technical Education

Heather Dionne Mounts Concord College Geography

Joseph R. Risch Marshall University Safety Master of Arts in Journalism

Christine Baughman Anderson College of the Ozarks

William Daniel Bissett Marshall University Master of Arts in Teaching,

Larry Sean Kinder Marshall University r,------~ I I

School of Medicine

Candidates presented by Charles H. McKown, Jr., Dean Candidates for Degrees May 9, 1998

Doctor of Medicine Anna Gail Crank Eric Shane Hopkins Marshall University Concord College Mohammed Kair B. Barazi Marshall University Robert Joseph Cure Marcos Morales Javier West Virginia University United States Naval Academy Naaman Lee Bell Marshall University Sarah Bolen Curtis Maria Lee Kessell University of Vermont King College Kimberly Ann Bernard University of Maryland William Carlos Dalton Mary Jo Nicewarner Martin Bethany College West Virginia University Mary Rose Boehm University of Virginia Michael Clayton DeArment Wendellenna Suesanna Mays University of North Florida Marshall University Richard Osborne Booth, Jr. West Virginia State College Sharon Marie Di Cristofaro Charles Edward Meadows, ill Marshall University University of Virginia Brian Edward Bower Oral Roberts University Scott Patrick Duffy Danny J. Meadows The University of Charleston Marshall University Dawn Renee Bridge West Virginia University Mary Elizabeth Faw John Robert Morgan, Jr. Alderson-Broaddus College Alice Lloyd College James Walter Brown Trevecca Nazarene College Angela Beth Ferguson James Robert Patterson West Virginia University Juniata College Bryan Douglass Casto Marietta College James Patrick Fouts, ill Dorothy Ann Przydzial University of Kentucky Rutgers University Xiaochang Chen Marshall University Brian Alan Greenlee Kevin E. Rexroad Marshall University Western Carolina University Christopher Bennett Clark West Virginia University Daniel Todd Griffith Jason Dain Ridgel Marshall University College of William and Mary Jacqueline N. Cole The University of Charleston Joshua Alexander Haddox Janelle Ann Thomas Marshall University Old Dominion University Amy Ruben Conley West Liberty State College Keri Kathleen Hall University of Virginia Ashley Elizabeth Cook Marshall University Mark Jason Hardway Oral Roberts University George Brian Com The Ohio State University Curtis Wayne Harrison, Jr. West Virginia University

II 'I ll. Degrees Granted Decetnber 16, 1997 Doctor of Medicine

Srinivas Boppana University of North Carolina

Jennifer Ann Hensley Marshall University

Sandra Leslie Skar Mehringer University of Florida

Andrew Bradley Roberts Southern Methodist University

Gai Louise Smythe The University of Charleston :v------,,,I

Marshall University Doctoral Program

Candidates presented by Leonard J. Deutsch, Dean Candidates for Degrees May 9, 1998 Doctor of Philosophy

Alison Summers Battistella-Patterson Juniata College

Kristy Ann Blankenship University of Louisville

George Donald Kamphaus Morehead State University

Gary L. Wright University of Kentucky Degree Granted July 11, 1997 ' Doctor of Philosophy Honggang Liu East China Normal University Graduate College West Virginia University,, Marshall Universi.ty Cooperative Doctoral Program

Degrees Conferred by William L. Deaton, Dean of the College of Human Resources and Education, West Virginia University Degrees Granted May 1998 Doctor of Education Mark Carter Marshall University ,.

Jacqueline G. Goodwin West Virginia University

Patrick I. Nestor West Virginia University

Linda McCallister Roberts Marshall University

Linda Pedretty Rowe University of Florida Degrees Granted December 1997

Doctor of Education

Denise Landry University of Kentucky

Linda K. McCall Marshall University

Debra R. Simon West Virginia University

Carolyn Bailey Thompson Marshall University l":i±.t ~.a.:::.!.:i:!::

Doctoral Dissertations

Linda Pedretty Rowe Carolyn Bailey Thompson May 1998 Educational Leadership Higher Education Administration Dr. Linda Spatig Dr. Powell E. Toth Alison Summers Battistella-Patterson "'The Least Thing You Hear About "Comparison of Male and Female Biomedical Sciences in the Dorm' Cultural Themes for Osteopathic Student Perceptions of Dr. Gary Wright Academic Activity in a Women's the Status of Women in the Osteo­ "The Mechanics and Regulation of Rat Residence Hall at a Public Compre­ pathic Medical Education Environ­ Aortic Smooth Muscle Contraction: hensive University" ment" Implications of Cytoskeletal Remodel­ ing, Protein Phosphorylations, and Gary Leslie Wright Microtubule-Based Kinase Transport" Biomedical Sciences Dr. Vernon Reichenbecher July 1997 Kristy Ann Blankenship "Regulation of the Expression of Biomedical Sciences hMn-SOD at the Level of the Honggang Liu Dr. Michael Moore Mitochondrial Processing of Biomedical Sciences "Progestin stimulation of the Precursor hMn-SOD" Dr. Bryan Larsen protooncogene c-myc in T47D human "An Immunomodulating Mycotoxin breast cancer cells" December 1997 Interferes with the Development of Autoimmune Diabetes in Diabetes­ Mark Carter Denise Landry Prone BB/WOR Rats" Educational Leadership . Educational Leadership Dr. Bill Gordon Dr. Robert Bickel "An Assessment of Presidential "An Investigation of Selected Perceptions of Goal Compliance Variables to Predict Graduate Stated in WV Senate Bill 547" Performance on the National Council Licensure Examination for Jacqueline G. Goodwin Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) in Higher Education Administration One Baccalaureate Degree Pro­ Dr. Paul A. Leary gram" "A Study of Job Satisfaction of Female Administrators in the National Linda K. McCall Education Association and Its Affili­ Public School Administration ates" Dr. Paul A. Leary "A Recorded Tape Analysis of the Patrick I. Nestor Types and Frequencies of Decisions Higher Education Administration Made by West Virginia School Dr. Paul A. Leary Boards From August 1990 to "A Study of the Relationship between August 1995" Tenure and Non-Tenure Track Faculty of West Virginia University Extension Debra R. Simon and Public Service Unit and Job Higher Education Administration Satisfaction" Dr. Paul A. Leary "The Effects of Leadership Styles of Linda McCallister Roberts College Deans and Department Public School Administration Chairs Upon Job Satisfaction of Dr. Paul A. Leary Departmental Faculty" "The Relationship of the Communica­ tion Styles of Public School Principals in West Virginia and Their Schools' Climate to Student Achievement" Masters Theses May 1998

Marina Primo Busatto Jeff Lavender Joel D. Suchecki English History Health and Physical Education Dr. Katharine M. Rodier Dr. William Palmer Dr. Terry Shepherd "The Brief Life of the Anthropoid "Henry Norris and the Boleyn "Medical Preparation for Interna­ Animal: A collection of translated Faction: 1528-1536" tional Team Travel" poems from Brief Life and The anthropoid animal by Luiz Busatto" Brandon Marcello Veeree Trangtrakul Health and Physical Education Journalism Michael G. Cornelius Dr. Terry Shepherd Dr. Corley F. Dennison English ''The Effect of Ballistic Resistance "A survey of comparison of Dr. John Van Kirk Training on the Bat Velocity of the professional values among Thai "Genesis 2:26" Division I Female Player'' television broadcast journalists and between Thai and U.S. journalists" Shae Davidson I. Wayan Mastriyana History Sociology Robert B. Tucker Dr. Robert Maddox Dr. Ahmad Khalili Biological Sciences "'The Boys'll Listen to Me' The "Modernization and Migration in Dr. Thomas K. Pauley Labor Career of William Blizzard" Indonesia" "The Ecology and Natural History of the Cow Knob salamander, Leann E. Ginther Charles Edward Meadows, Jr. Plethodon punctatus Highton, in English History West Virginia" Dr. Amy Hudock Dr. David Woodward ''Thy Will Be Done, My Will Be "Lending a Hand with the Chinese: Bryan R. Williamson Done: A Comparative Analysis of United States Sympathy and SociologyI Anthropology the Diary of Susanna Gordon Support for Nehru's India, During Dr. Richard A. Garnett Waddell, 1863-1867, and Selected the Sino-Indian Border Conflict of "EUTHANASIA: Dignity in Death, Letters of Sarah Rosetta Wakeman, October-November 1962" Dignity in Life. A qualitative 1862-1864" approach utilizing Karl Marx's Terri Stone Meadows concepts of alienation, reification, Leigh Suzanne Hall Psychology and commodification in contempo­ Journalism Dr. Christopher LeGrow rary society" Dr. Harold Shaver "Business Technology: New "Agenda Setting within the Local A venues For Sexual Harrassment In J. Marshall Willis Television News Market" The Work Place" Physical Education Dr. Terry A. Shepherd Krista Anne Hays Fauzia Alam Miah "External Validity of a controlled Criminal Justice Biological Sciences versus an uncontrolled one-mile run Dr. Richard Moore Dr. Michael Little field test" "Male Batterer Characteristics as an "The use of Isoelectric Focusing to Indicator to Tendency to use Assess the Genetic Diversity of the December 1997 Firearms in Domestic Disputes" Cyprinid Fishes: Rhinichthys cataractae and Rhinichthys Julie R. Kay atratulus in West Virginia" Kent P. Cassella Criminal Justice Journalism Dr. Richard Moore Timothy Eugene Speicher Dr. Harold C. Shaver "A Study of Male Perpetrators of Physical Education "A Survey of Army Reserve Officer Domestic Violence in West Vir­ Dr. R. Daniel Martin, Chair Training Corps Instructors to ginia: Personality Characteristics "Motivational Levels of School­ Determine the Importance of and Patterns of Abuse" Aged Children After Participation in Integrating News Media Training an Outdoor Education Experience" Into the Cadet Curriculum" l Yi-Fan Chen Tonya L. Saunders Lesley A. Epperly Journalism Psychology Psychology Professor Janet L. Dooley Dr. Marianna Footo-Linz Dr. Marianna Footo-Linz "Standardization, Compromise, or "Social Interaction and Play Styles: "The Influence of Parental Attitudes Specialization: A Content Analysis A Comparison of Well and Chroni­ on Childhood Perceptions of of Magazine Advertisements in cally Ill Preschoolers" Control Over Chronic Illnesses: America and Taiwan" Comparison of Urban and Rural Populations" Janice Cyfers August 1997 Music Kristy K. Fuller Dr. Donald A. Williams Jimmy Beirne Psychology "A Practical Edition of John Psychology Dr. Marc A. Lindberg Milton's Choral Music Found in Dr. Helen E. Linkey "Attachment Styles of the Prison Thomas Myriell's Tristitiae "Predicting Direct Care Staff Population as Measured by the Remedium" Tenure: The Development And Use Attachment and Personality Of A Weighted Application Dynamics Questionnaire" Patrick Y. Fisher Process" Psychology John Hall Dr. Christopher W. LeGrow Roy Roger Bledsoe, Jr. English "The Gordon Personal Profile­ Chemistry Dr. Shirley Lumpkin Inventory as a Selection Instrument" Dr. J. Graham Rankin "'It Don't Mean a Thing If It Ain't "Determination of Selected Hydro­ Got That Swing': Langston Kelli Jo Hall carbon Concentrations in Reformate Hughes's Musical-Poetic Fusion of Family and Consumer Sciences Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy" the Vernacular and Literary Tradi­ Dr. Susan C. Linnenkohl tions" "Dietary Intakes from Rural, Kevin Dwayne Brittingham Community-Based Elderly as a Biological Sciences Terry L. Hapney, Jr. Determinant of Food Availability" Dr. Donald Tarter Journalism "A comparative study of the benthic Dr. Corley F. Dennison, ill Dwayne L. Ledsome populations in weir ponds draining "Radio Advertising Decision­ History watersheds of the Fernow Experi­ Making in the Tri-State -- Hunting­ Dr. Robert Maddox mental Forest, Parsons, West ton, West Virginia; Ashland, "A City's Dichotomous Response to Virginia" Kentucky; and Ironton, Ohio Radio Postwar Change: Charleston, West Market" Virginia, 1919-1923" Thomas A. Cappaert Exercise Science Timothy D. Maze Michelle L. Martin Dr. Terry A. Shepherd Biological Sciences Journalism "Relationship of Resting and Dr. David Mallory Dr. Harold C. Shaver Submaximal Cardiovascular "Effects of Estrogen in a Place Measures to V0 max in Untrained "Military Public Affairs Practi­ 2 Preference Conditioning Paradigm tioners' and Civilian Journalists' Children" Using Non-Sexual Social Interac­ Perceptions of Army Crisis Com­ tion to Condition Female Rats" munications" Scott A. Cottrell Psychology Christina Mullins Delia B. Root Dr. Christopher W. LeGrow Psychology Educational Administration "Personality Factors Linked To Dr. Marianna Footo-Linz Dr. Billy Gordon Workplace Aggression as Measured "Religion and Coping with Chronic "A Study of the Relationship by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Illness: A Comparison of Rural and between Consumer Satisfaction and (MBTI)" Urban Communities" Direct Care Staff Turnover in an Agency for the Developmentally Craig Doolin Jennifer M. Piascik Disabled" Music Biological Sciences Dr. Paul A. Balshaw Dr. Thomas K. Pauley "FESTIVAL BY COMMITTEE: "Natural History of the red-spotted The Planning and Performances of newt, Notophthalmus viridescens the 1873 Cincinnati May Festival" viridescens (Rafinesque), in West Virginia"

.._I David Samsock Psychology Dr. Marc A. Lindberg "Comparison of Three Different Interviewing Techniques for Young Children"

Adrien D. Scales Criminal Justice Dr. Samuel L. Dameron "GREEK LETTER SUBCUL­ TURE"

Richard G. Steele Journalism Professor Janet L. Dooley "Improving the Military/Media Relationship Through Education"

Cecelia E. Updike Psychology Dr. Marc A. Lindberg "Alcoholism"

Alisha R. Walker Psychology Dr. Marianna Footo-Linz "Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder in College Students "

KeweiXu Chemistry Dr. J. Graham Rankin "Infrared Spectroscopy bf Nickel and Iron Geoporphyrins"

Gelila Yilma Psychology Dr. Marc A. Lindberg "An Investigation of MMPI-2 profiles and APDQ Relationship Functioning"

July 1997

James W. Carter Il Criminal Justice Dr. Richard H. Moore "Re-Evaluating the Major Stressors of Policing" =------~------..::-.-----. -_-:_--:_-_-_-_-.--- -.-.:.:------.....-- :..=:::::::::::====-======~~===:=:1.:_...... ==- ·•·-.. ~a..__ • .,_.,._,,_4. ___..... _r,- ..,._.,. ,•T""",•••-••--••_,.~_...... ,..,f'l,,r- n-a• '- - y •"W -'jt

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