


Radio broadcasting has had few Cinderellas. Most of out of bed in the middle of the night and begin to write the women who have climbed to the top of the heap Írienziedly on their greatest story. Such a story is the have done so by easy stages and hard work, plus talent. saga of Myrtle Vail and her masterpiece, which brought The same is true of radio's favorite sons. IN THIS ISSUE her a job, potential fortune and fame overnight. Radio waited for ten years for its real Cinderella. But It happened like this: Myrtle Vail and her chum, she has arrived at last in the person of Myrtle Vail, the The Radio Rover Donna Damerel, the Marge of the new skits, were Chicago lass, author and heroine of "Myrt and Marge," trouping chums, showgirls who though very young, had the new Wrigley series current on the Columbia System. Mike -O -Graphs got about sufficiently to know what life back of the foot- Until a few weeks ago Myrtle Vail was a trouper. She lights was all about. Their problems were the problems Reviewing Radio never had been within a mile of a microphone. She was of all showgirls. How to clothe themselves decently on earning an average of $6o a week, when she could get incomes. Chatting With meagre How to keep the rent paid; how to work. Barnstorming, trouping, rehearsing, traveling insure the next meal. How to keep their figures trim Fray and Bragiotti and living in boarding houses was her routine. and their faces youthful; how to avoid wrinkles, and And then suddenly, she signed her name to a contract Musings On Music bow to keep jobs. involving thousands of dollars. The document made her They happened to be living in a Chicago apartment at once a radio star and a famous author. Until then The Jest Artist Iess than a month ago. At the moment they were "at she'd never been in a radio station, nor had she ever liberty'' which in the language of show business, means written a line of professional copy. Questions and Answers "out of luck, and out of a job." There wasn't much to Sounds like a fairy tale, doesn't it? Or like one of do nights except listen to the radio. those lucky breaks we hear so much about! But as a Radioddities During the long quiet evenings, Myrt and Donna, matter of fact, Myrtle Vail's Alladin Lamp contract is whom we now know as Marge, sat together knitting the the result of an inspiration-and a masterpiece. There Intimate News and Gossip runs of their silk hose, washing and ironing, and other- are lots of stories going the rounds of authors who lie wise occupying themselves while they listened to what- awake in bed, stitching plots together; authors who leap ever the ether waves happened to bring. (Turn to page 7) PROGRAMS FOR WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 28th Tro _ Genia Fonariova, Russian mezzo- soprano is heard weekly during "Troika Bells",. The program is broadcast on Sundays at io:3o A.M., over WEAF and the NBC network. Miss Fonariova is accompanied by an orchestra under the direction of Alex- ander Kirilloff.

Two Charming Artists Virginia Gardiner is perhaps one of radio's best known dramatic actresses. She takes part in a number of NBC's dramatic presentations including Death Valley Days, which is heard each Monday at 8:3o P.M., over an WJZ-NBC network. Mary Hopple is a young contralto whose voice is familiar to radio listeners. She is heard regularly in Enna Jettick Melodies, broadcast each Sunday at 8 :oo P.M. over the WJZ-NBC network. REVIEWING RADIO By PORTHOS THE JEST ARTIST Richard Gordon, besides being the dining on the veranda cots when the By GEORGE D. LOTTMAN "Sherlock Holmes" of NBC's air, is, orchestra, audible through a loud- as is well known, a veteran trouper, speaker, broke into a fast tempo. It and with him, it is a pleasure to per- affected one of the old chaps so that To characterize an orchestra as a His running was magnificent. Slip- petuate an ancient showbusiness tra- he leaped up, began to dance, and sud- "Chinese restaurant band" is con- ping from the clutches of a half dozen dition by being fatherly to whatever denly discovered he could walk. sidered, in orchestral circles, the acme of the opposition's tacklers, he stopped young women happen to be in his cast. The letter came from the other old of affront. for a second at the press box on his The business of being fatherly, includes gent, who wants Hall to repeat the And so you can imagine how in- way down the field, and, panting a paternal kiss for each of the girls tune. "You see," he explains, "I sulted a maestro got the other day breathlessly, whispered to the radio whenever he enters the studio to re- wasn't listening carefully, but I will when a "friend" said: "You know, announcer: hearse. next time, because I want to get up and Joe, whenever I hear your band I in- "I'm number fourteen, and the name After this pleasant ceremony yester- dance, too.,, stinctively order chop suey." is Scroogs. I'm running eighty day, the girls went yards about their busi- for a touch -down and it looks like the ness, but a page boy, strolling across Looking back over some recent Humor has its place, we insist, and most spectacular run of the the red season. carpet, picked up a jewelled events at NBC, one notes that there is it is a tribute to this glorious Nation Please don't bawl it up!'' lipstick. Holding it, he approached developing an antipathy for lady that it can laugh in times of distress. Mr. Gordon, requesting naively, O "Mr. crooners. Kate Smith, it will be re- But that's no excuse for the follow- While the imagination is Gordon, will you please taste this running lip- called, was allowed to depart to Co- ing, just received in the mail from one loose, here's a clipping you stick and tell me to whom it belongs?" lumbia. Then Mildred Bailey waxed who signs himself Arthur N. G. (Are the financial pages of your favorite ambitious, and was promptly chas- they his initials, or a degree some col- daily a few months from now: Then, there's the letter that came to tized and sent back to Chicago. Just lege has given him for his gags?) "The directors of the Amalgamated George Hall, the Taft orchestra pilot. the other day Lee Morse was grace- Anyway, here's Arthur's contri- Horsefeather Industries met today and It was from a sanatorium in Miami. fully given an "out", and now, bution: reported earnings for the first quarter It seems two aged invalids were re- Vaughn De Leath is no longer an NBC "CURRENT" SONGS at $1,543,090, compared with earnings artist-Vaughn, who was the original Ampere the Ball of $3,987,000 for the corresponding radio girl, and who pioneered in Let Me Coil You Sweetheart period last year. Radio Guide broadcasting twelve years ago, never Watt'I 1 Do? "It was decided to pass the dividend Published Weekly by once turning her back on the NBC. Volt Go Ohm Until Morning and omit three saxophone players RADIO GUIDE, INC. Shocking, Arthur! from future broadcasts on the firm's 475 Fifth Ave., , N. Y. If a questionnaire were sent out to Tel. LExington 2.4131 Tuesday evening periods over Station sponsored radio artists, it would be Two gentlemen walked out of a WWWW. It was also decided that the GEORGE D'UTASSY, President discovered that fifty percent of dance radio studio the other day. future theme song would be 'They E. M. ALEXANDER, Vice President band leaders can't dance; an equal One was a WALTER H. ANNENDERG, Sec, etary-Treasurer "battling baritone", and Shall Not Pass.' percentage of singers who advertise the other one had chronic laryngitis, 5c per copy $2.50 per year "smokes" never touch tobacco; that too. There's a fat man's store on lower Copyright 1931 by RADIO GUIDE, INC. microphone poets never write a line of Application pending for 2nd class entry m Broadway, which sells size 48 suits, at Post Office, New York, N. Y. poetry themselves; that conductors of A full-back was charging down the No. 14 shoes and hats sized up to Sra. children's hours have no children; field with the pig -skin during an im- Half of the customers in the hat Vol. 1 - No. 5 November 28, 1931 that advisors on matters financial portant football tussle the other department, a clerk told us the other never buy stock for themselves. Saturday. day, are radio announcers! 2 With Paul Whiteman :.. 1-:, Mildred Bailey, radio's best known THE RADIO ROVER "Blues" singer, pictured as she starts to sing a new number at the Chicago, NBC studios. With her are the King's I wonder if radio fans realize the importance of writing Jesters: John Ravencroft, George How- to the radio stations about their favorites on the air? ard, Francis Bartow and below, Ray- are heard I can't stress this too strongly. Many an artist whose mond McDermott. They síngíng has a tenderness and sweetness that is balm to over WJZ in New York. thousands of lonely hearts has been kicked off the air because he or she didn't bring in any fan mail. I'm sure admirers of their work would have written in had they known their congratulatory letters would keep their favorites on the air. Start today by sending your pet artist or orchestra leader a warm letter of praise, addressed to the radio station where he or she is featured. Lee Morse is an example. Fans are devoted to her but they don't write to Mr. NBC about it. Thus rumors get out that John Royal, vice president in charge of NBC programs, is getting rid of Miss Morse. The rumors get into print and little Lee is heart broken. There isn't a more satisfying artist on the air, in my opíníon, than this same little Lee Morse. Her deep voice is full of brooding tenderness and she actually feels that whenever she sings on the air some one is listening who needs cheering up. She sings to this imaginary person. I don't mind telling you that on many occasions that imaginary person has been your own Radio Rover, but Miss Morse didn't. know it. She is one star that I hope will never dim.

If you are one of those stay -ups, don't miss lending an ear to Frank Hazard singing from the Hollywood restau- rant via WMCA nightly. Hazard has one of the sweetest, most harmonic voices on the air. He is a comer if ever Paul there was one. Ziegfeld knows it and tried to tie him up to a five year contract but handsome Frank demurred. Whiteman O As one radio scribe put it, B. A. Rolfe has left the -left-who is Lucky Strike hour but it took three of the country's finest still the undis- what they are, as any bands to fill his shoes. That's just puted King of music man will tell you. Gus Arnheim on the West Coast, Wayne, Waltz King in Chicago and Andy San- Jazz nella in New York, all broadcasting thrice weekly for the Lucky Strike make a combination hard to beat. O WOV may lose its star announcer, Dan Russell, one of the most pleasing voices on the air. He has auditioned for Columbia and went over with a bang. The King of Jazz and His Jesters There is something perpetual about a blue - depend on his dance music alone, and so he has may stick a wire into Al Katz's The Columbia system blood. Royalty, after the late European fracas, assembled a retinue of talent that does credit to some of that hot Katz music along the roost to broadcast became a thing of the past, but the erstwhile the court of His Majesty. Mildred Bailey keeps CBS airwaves. dukes and barons still retain the stamp of aris- the whole Nation up late when she sings, for her tocracy. midnight programs are missed by the early birds, King's That romance at the Paramount Grill which blos- And so it is with royalty in jazz bands. Paul who hit the hay soon after dinner. The voices, is another somed right under the nose of Nat Harris and Tony Whiteman, King of Jazz, has had his hard knocks, Jesters, an ensemble of rhythmic Shayne was a honey. The principals were Snooks Freed- but class will tell, and so once more, after several feature of the Whiteman periods. sus- of the Memphis Ramblers, heard via WMCA, and years of comparative silence, we hear rotund Paul Mildred and the Jesters have their own man directly Winnie Best, a showgirl, who croons over WFOX. Leroy regularly on the NBC chain through WJZ. taining periods, sometimes being heard Prince almost cut Snooks out, but not quite. But Paul, the Whiteman, is wise enough not to after with the Whiteman organization.

Boswell Sisters I SAY -MR. HOLMES!

Because he plays Sherlock Holmes one might as well expect him to burst thrice weekly for NBC audiences, forth with a thundering musical dr'- over WJZ and WEAF,on the G. Wash- ma because he portrayed Richard W g- ington Coffee Hour, friends and strang- ner, or to execute a cherubic oil ers alike call upon Richard Gordon painting because he once played the to find the answer to the Starr Faithful part of Andrea del Sarto. mystery. And because he lives in Stam- Richard Gordon is an actor with a ford Conn., they quite as seriously long line of successes, both on the air seek his theories concerning the puz- and on the Broadway stage, behind zling Collings case. Somehow they him. But if you will imagine a tall, expect him in his handsome, broad -shouldered figure of nervous, high-pitch- forty toiling happily away before a ed voice of the air workbench in the basement of his that is not at all like Stamford home, you will have a his natural resonant clearer picture of the man behind the tone - to explain make-up. such things. the Hound It all amuses him, A man who shoots down and fiendish crim- this compliment to of the Baskervilles regularity, his convincing inter- inals on the air with great he pretation of Conan but refuses to hunt or fish because Girls Talk Turkey Doyle's irascible, can't bear to hurt a living thing. Connie, Martha and Vet, are noted for their vocal har- though kindly solver He has a reputation for being one of monies. This occasion being Thanksgiving, the girls are of weird mysteries. the best -dressed men around the NBC picking out the bird that will grace the Boswell table. But by the same to- studios, but who spends most of his The girls are heard over the WABC-CBS network. ken, he points out, time at home in overalls. -, PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER'. 22na

WABC-International Broadcast W OR -Rev. Charles Coughlin (from WJZ-Enna .fettick Melodies-mixed RADIO LOG WPAP-Frank Grossman and New WJR, Detroit.) quartet; Betsy Ayres. soprano, Yorkers WJZ-Melodies de France-"Houbigant Mary Hopple, contralto: Steele LOCAL STATIONS WOV-Popular Tunes of Merit Program"-The Barrere Little Sym- Jamison, tenor; Leon Salathiel, 12:45 WOR-Sailendra Ghoso: "India Today" phony bass; Robert Armbruster's instru- Station K. M. YOUR DIALS WABC-Cafe Budapesth, Emery W GBS-Joe Nesbit's Pennsylvanians mental ensemble Deutsch, Conductor, with Chard de 4:15 WABC Devils, Drugs and Doctors Thome, Soloist WPCH-Young Israel Program WLIVL-"Gothic Moods" WNYC 570 526 1:00 WMCA-"Goldstein and Bernstein" 4:30 WEAF-The Wonder Program W11 AP -Music WMCA 570 526 W EAF-Isa Kremer, WJZ-Shuron P. O. A., The Musical 8:15 diseuse-eight piece Showmen WMCA-"Songs-Old and New"-Rol- WEAF 660 454 orchestra ler & Lynn WOR-Perole String Quartet with Paul WRN Y -John Patterson and Helen WJZ-Collier's Radio Hour - Helen NOR 710 422 Parks, Baritone Stuart, Songs Keller and Prof. W. Z. Ripley of WJZ WJZ-Sentinels or the Republic-"Gov- WOV-Sweedenboro Foundation Harvard University, guest speak- 760 394 ernment Interrerence in our Home", WGBS-Louis Russell's Orchestra ers: Uncle Henry and the Editor; WPCH 810 370 Dr. William Gerry Morgan, Dean 4:45 WPCH-Rabbi Goldstein's Question Box "Inventions of Prof. Lucifer G. NABC 860 349 of the Medical School, Georgetown Butts"; dramatizations; musical University. WRNY-Wm. H. Bridge. Psychology novelties, Ernest La Prade's or- WHN 1010 297 WPCH-Mary O. Sheldrake-The Chil- WOV-Julius Jullietti-Accordion chestra; John B. Kennedy, master WPAP 1010 297 dren's Story hour 5:00 WMCA-Herbert's Diamond Enter- of ceremonies W ABC -Cathedral Hour-Channon Co - tainers WABC-Your Telephone Co.-Music WQAO 1010 297 linge, Conductor, with Adele Vasa. WEAF-NBC Artists' Service Program Along the Wires-Symphony Orches- WRNY 1010 297 Soprano; Barbara Maurel, Contralto; WOK -Eddy Brown String Quartet; tra Conducted by Fritz Reiner Theo Kare, Tenor:, Crane Calder, Quartet Op. 11, Taniew; In the Moun- WRAP -Bible Reading WLWL 1100 275 Bass, and Cathedral Choir. tain, Ernest Bloch; Rustic Dance, 8:30 WMCA-Jerry Solow and Orchestra NOV 1130 265 WPAP University Forum Ernest Bloch; Moment Musicale, WOK -Bernhard Levitow's Ensemble W O V -Ensemble Schubert Symphonique WGBS 1180 254 1:15 WMCA-Solo Organ Recital WJZ National Vespers Dr. Harry WLWL-Services from Paulist Fathers' NMSG 1350 222 WJZ-Walter Damrosch Hour-Sym- Emerson Fosdick - Church-"The Benediction of Life" phony Concert WABC-Rev. Donald Grey Barnhouse, Rev. Peter E. Hooy, C.S.P. Singing WOV-Marcella Ricoldi-Soprano Tenth Presbyterian Church by the Paulist Choristers WGBS-Fanchon and Marco's Radio WPCH-Red Cap Male Quartette 8:45 WABC-Angelo Patri, "Your Child"- 8 A.M. to 10 A.M. Idea WRNY-Musical Overtones Cream of Wheat Program 1:30 WMCA-Finkenburg Entertainers WOV-Watch Tower 9:00 WMCA-Lotus Land 8:00 WEAF-Melody Hour WEAF-Carveth Wells WGBS-Irish Echo Boys-Instrumental WEAF-"Our Government"-talk, Da- WJZ-Tone Pictures-Lew White, or- WPCH-Infants Home of Pro- and Vocal vid Lawrence ganist; mixed quartet; Mary Merkel., gram WOV-May's Orchestra WOK -The Voice of Broadway-Louis soprano; Helen Janke, contralto; WPAP-Paul Hutter 5:15 WOV-Evelyn Wald-Blues Sobol with guest artist and Merle Richard Maxwell, tenor, and Curt WOV-Jewish Hour Johnston's Orchestra (Ludwig Bau- Peterson, baritone W G.BS-Aeolian String Trio 5:30 WMCA-The Sphinx Lady mann Program) WABC-Morning Musicale - Emery 1:45 WEAF-Old Company's Program WEAF-General Electric Twilight Pro- WABC-Roxy Theatre Symphony-Di- Deutsch's Orchestra with Helen Board American Singers; - gram - Louise Homer, Contralto, rected Soprano William Wirge's Guest Artist by Maurice Baron Orchestra Serenade Schubert WH A P -Ex -Priest 9:00 WMCA-Three Mu WABC-Venida Program Long, Long Ago Bayly 9:15 WEAF-The American Album of Fa- WEAF-The Balladeers W' GBS-L. Silvers at the Sheep and Lambs Homer miliar Music-Gus Haenschen's Or- WJZ-NBC Children's Hour 2:00 WMCA-Ted Black's Orchestra Oh, Promise Me De Koven chestra WPCH-Lily Charles Armstrong - WOR-"The Psychologist Says"-Dr. Waltz in A Flat Brahms WJZ-Bayuk Stag Party-"Crisis in Whistler Arthur Frank Payne Piano Solo-Miss Katharine Horner American History", Clarence Bud- WABC-Land o' Make Believe, Chil- WPCH-Dance Music-Frank Gallo My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice, from ington Kelland, author, guest artist; dren's Playlet Orchestra "Samson and Delilah"....Saint-Saens male quartet; Harrison Knox, Paul 9:15 WMCA-Down Mem'ry Lane WABC-Sons of Eli, Spirituals God Be With You Till We Meet Parks, Harold Woodward and WPCH-"Melody Strings" WPAP-Hungarian Luncheon Music Again Tomer James Stanley; Robert Armbruster, 9:30 WMCA-Air School of Health WOV-Vasilatos-Greek Program Katharine Homer at the Piano accompanist. Nat Brusiloff's or- WEAF-Mary Eaton, violinist chestra WPCH-Sunday Morning Song Service 9:30 WMCA-Wurlitzer Musical Forum -Marion Newberry and Myron IV ABC -Romances of the Sea-Drama- Ehrlich tization of Coleridge's "The Ancient WPAP-Uncle Robert and His Pals Mariner" with Musical Background WOV-Modern Living played by Charles Previn and his 9:45 WEAF-Walter Mills, baritone Symphony Orchestra WHN-"In a Hungarian Village" SPECIALS FOR TODAY WRAP -Music 12:30 P.M. . 10 A.M. to 12 Noon WABC-S. K. Ratcliffe, journalist and lecturer, In- 9:45 WMCA-Vicks Program ternational Broadcast. WE AF -Buick Program-Countess Olga 10:00 WMCA-Watch Tower Program Albani, Soprano; Male Quartet; 1:15 P.M. . . WJZ -N.B.C. Symphonic James Melton and Lewis James, WEAF Southland Sketches Hour-Walter Dam- Tenors; Orchestra, Direction Frank WOK -Emil Velazco-Organ Recital rosch conducting Black WJZ-Mexican Typica Orchestra-Gus- WOK-Hemstreet Quartet tave Clemente, director 3:00 P.M. . WOR -Debate: Shall United States recognize WJZ-Kellogg Slumber Music-Kaffee WABC-Columbia Church of the Air Haag Program Ludwig Laurier's WPCH-Clarence Augustus Williams Russia-Hon. Louis Waldman, affirma- string ensemble - W OV-Ensemble tive; Hon. Hamilton Fish, negative. WH AP -Protestant Authors 10:15 WMCA "Static-ticians of the Air" 5:30P.M., WEAF 10:00 WMCA-Success Interview WPCH-Monsieur Sakele -Louise Homer, Opera star in General Elec- WOR-Radio Varieties-Ted Black's 10:30 W M C:1 -Back Yard Serenaders tric Twilight Program. Orchestra. Nick Kenny and guest WEAF-Troika Bells-Genia Fonariova artist; Roger Bower, Master of Cere- mezzo soprano; Alexander Kirilloff's monies (Finlay Strauss Program) Orchestra. W ABC -Edna Wallace Hopper Variety WOK -Uncle Don's Wake -Up Club- Show-Featuring Stars of Stage and (Henry Glass) Screen-Edna Wallace Hopper, Mis- WJZ-Fiddlers Three-violins, piano tress of Ceremonies; and Abe Lyman, and vibraphone 2:15 WEAF-Sunday Bright Spot-Investors' WOK -Red Lacquer and Jade-directed Guest Conductor WPCH-Milt Castle-"Monkeyshines" Syndicate Program-Jack Pettis' Or- by George Shackley; Basil Ruysdael, WHN-Jay Drew-"The Man About WABC-Quiet Harmonies - Emery chestra: Mariners Trio-Gordon Cross philosopher-A Macy Program Town" Deutsch, Conductor and Gill Nolan, tenors; Glen Cross, WJZ-"Simonize Guardsmen ' WHAP-"Who Is Jesus" WPAP-Samuel Greenberg-Mandolin- Baritone WPCH 3 Rascals WJZ-Harbor Lights-drama of the sea ist WJZ-Careless Love-Negro Dramatic WABC-Blue Coal Radio Review with Florence Malone, Edwin M. W GBS-Sentimental Banjoists Program WRNY Staiko's Greek Entertainers Whitney. Leslie Joy. Walter Soderling, W M C A -Broad way Strollers WGBS-Aeolian String Quartet W O V -Fur Parader William Shelley and Joseph Granby 10 :45 WHN-Tommy King, and W J Z -A Song for Today-Lowell Patton, 2:30 WMCA-Three Little Sachs 6:00 WMCA-Sally Entertainers Guitar Songs Composer Organist; Gloria LaVey, WEAF-Moonshine and Honeysuckle- WEAF-Catholic Hour-"Christ's In- 10:30 WMCA Three Little Sachs Contralto; Fenwick Newell, Tenor dramatic sketch fluence" WOR-Footlight Echoes-directed by WPCII-Lottio Salisbury and Her Me- WOK -Allen Meaney, the Musical Doc- WOK -Uncle Don George Shackley chanical Doll tor, and Orchestra WJZ-Raising Junior-Wheatena Serial WABC-Ernest Hutcheson-Pianist, WPAP-Maymill Harmony Crooners WJZ-Yeast Foamers-Herbie Kay's Or- W RN Y -Grecian Gold and Concert Orchestra WOV-Monsieur Sakele - Egyptian chestra-Chauncey Parsons. Tenor WGBS-Nydia D'Arnell & Florence Scherzo Saint-Saens Beauty Chat WPCH-Biblical Talk Hubbard Two Solo WGBS-Watch Tower Program WABC-Columbia Church of the Air Du bist die ruh... Schubert -Liszt 11:00 W MCA -Russian Nook Ensemble WPAP-Joe Sover and Orchestra 6:15 WJZ-Veronica Wiggins, Contralto song Ernest Hutcheson WEAF-Neapolitan Days-Dolores Cas- WOV-Maytime Music recital From Concertoin D Minor sinelli, Soprano; Giuseppe di Bene- W GBS-Symphonic Rhythm 6:30 WMCA-Dusky Strollers Rubinstein detto, Tenor; Joe Biviano, Accord- 2:45 WPCH-Brooklyn String Quartette, WOK -Globe Trotter (N. Y. American) First Movement ionist; instrumental ensemble; Thom- Alexander Bowman and Esther Jablow WJZ My Portrait Gallery of Famous Ernest Hutcheson and Orchestra as Belviso, Director. W ABC -Sons of Eli, Spirituals Britons-"Lord Rothermere and WHN-Eugene Gelesnik Presents WOK -West End Presbyterian Church Lord Beaverbrook", talk by Valen- WRAP -Symphony Program Service-Dr. A. Edwin Keigwin 3:00 WMCA-Fox Fur Trappers tine Williams 10:45 WMCA-Dave Abrams' Orchestra WJZ-The Russian Singers mixed WEAF-Wayne King's Orchestra WEAF-Sunday at Seth Parker's chorus, Basil Kibalchich, director- WOK -Debate: "Shall United States W ABC -Howard Dandies-Roger White WJZ-Land of Wonder and Fear-talk Recognize Russia"-Hon. Louis Wald- and Dandies Orchestra by F. A. Hedges WPCH-Christian Science Church Ser- man, Hon. WRN Y Mitchell vice ail.; Hamilton Fish, neg. -Harold Munsch's Orchestra 11:00 W MCA -Sleepy Time Club WABC-Horn and Hardart's Children's under direction of S. Theodore Granik WGBS-Italian Moments WJZ-Witherspoon Chorus mixed Hour, Juvenile Variety Program WJZ-National Youth Conference-Dr. 6:45 W OR H. S. Maurer's Concert Ensemble chorus, direction Herbert Witherspoon- WQQAO-Calvary Morning Daniel A. Poling; Musical direction (Astor) WABC-The Sorey Services George Shackley WJZ-The Adventures Gauchos-Vincent WOV-Yap's Ilawaiians WABC-Ann Leaf at the Organ of Barbara Wavne Conductor; Tito Guizar, Spanish WGBS-Michael Addleg's Orchestra WQAO-"Inspiration Hour' -"Vanity Silk Mills Co. Program`' Tenor; and Hernandez Brothers, 11:15 WOV-N. Y. American Christmas Relief IVOV-Musical Specialties 7:00 WMCA-Borinquen Group Spanish Instrumentalists Fund WGBS-Jean Stors Syncopated Choir WEAF-Thru the Opera Glass Buenos Tiempos (paso doble) ..Sorey 11:30 WMCA Bud Fischer WJZ-Willys-Overland Orchestra-Har- Orchestra WEAF-Tales of the Emerald Isle- 3:15 WABC-New York Philharmonic Sym- old Stokes, director; Tom, Dick and Grazia Plena (Cancion Mexicana) legends phony O"chestra-Arturo Toscannini, Harry, vocal trio Tito Guizar and Orchestra dramatized Conductor Ti Quiero (Criolla) WJZ-Morning Musicale Two Light Marches Krenek W ABC -The World's Business, Dr. Julius Orchestra WOV-Fur Paraders Trumpet Concerto Leopold Mozart Klein, Assistant Secretary of Com- Typical WGBS-Jewish Little Symphony Harry Glantz merce-From Washington, D. C. Air Wit/1i Y -Ivan Frank's Bavarian Hernandez Brothers Concertante Symphony Hayden tra Orches- Portero Suba Y Diga (Tango) Solos: Violin, Bassoon, Oboe and WGBS-Chimes Orchestra 12 Noon to 4 P.M. 'Cello with Orchestra Cancion de la Rosa (Serenade) Two Serenades from Seventh Sym- 7:15 WOK -Choir Invisible-Directed Tito Guizar and phony by Orchestra 12:00 W MCA American Hebrew Forum Mahler George Shackley Lamento Negro (Cuban Negro La- WEAF-Sparklets-Tom Neely's wood a. "Rosenkavalier" Waltzes WJZ Jolly Time Revue-Courtesy of ment ensemble Richard Strauss American Popcorn Co.-The Jolly Orchestra wind b. "Blue Danube" Waltz Colonel Song of the Coffee Planters WOK -Current Legal Topics-Robert Johann Strauss WABC-Charlie and Oscar Tito Guizar and Hernandez Brothers Darn and Professor Raymond Moley W L W L -Columbus Council K. of C. Recuerdas (Memories) WJZ Balkan Mountain Men-Verni's Forum 7:30 WMCA-Pipes of Pan Orchestra Tambouritz orchestra, direction 3:30 WMCA-Tom Noonan's "Cathedral of WEAF-Iodent Club of the Air-Dra- Alexander Basy; Emil Blazevich, matic Sketch; Big Brother Bob WHN-Up At Perry Charles' Apartment Ivan Ribich, tenor the Underworld" 11:15 WEAF-Ralph Kirbery-The Dream WEAF-Dr. S. Parkes Cadman-ad- Emery; Joe Rines' Orchestra Singer WABC-Voice of St. Louis dress-Radio Choir and Orchestra WJZ The Three Bakers-Fleischmann WOV-Your Health Direction George Dilworth Program - Frank Luther, Jack 11:30 WMCA-Bob Lightner Orchestra WGBS Alpine Trio WJZ-Waldorf-Astoria Organ Recital Parker and Darrell Woodyard; Will WE AF -Jesse Crawford-Poet of the 12:15 W MC A -The Jewish Troubadours WPCH-Al Vann Bob Stanley-Songs Donaldson, accompanist; Billy Organ WEAF-Echoes of the Orient-Sven von WLIVL-"As a Catholic Reacts" Mon- Artz' Dance orchestra; Ray WOR-Moonbeams-directed by George Hallberg's String Ensemble signor John L. Belford, D.D. Colum- Perkins, master of ceremonies Shackley WPCH-Musics of the Moderns-Fred bus Council Glee Club WABC-Luden's Novelty Orchestra, WJZ Russ Columbo, the "Voice from Fassey WGBS-Hovey Conducted by Dan Rybb with Paul the Golden West"-Songs Instrumental Ensemble W ABC -Ben Bernie and His Orchestra- WOV-Floyd Williams, Tenor 3:45 WOK -Vera Brodsky Small, Tenor WGBS-Hebrew American Health Pro- and Alexander Kel- WQAO-Calvary Evening Services from Chicago gram berine, pianists 11:45 WJZ South Sea Islanders-Joseph Rod- 12:30 WMCA-Ratson Jewish Frolics WPCH-Real Radio Service Program gers' llawaiian Ensemble WEAF-Biblical Drama 12:00 W M C A -Florence Richardson Orchestra W OK-'Lizbeth Ann's Sunday School 8 P.M. to 2 A.M. WEAF-Larry Funk's Orchestra A Macy Program - 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. WJZ-Henry-Theis and his Orchestra- WJZ-Balkan Mountain Men-Verni's Dance Music 8:00 WMCA-The Literary Herald W A BC -Eddie Duchin and his Tambouritz orchestra, direction 4:00 WEAF-Florsheim Frolic Ferdie Casino Alexander Emil Blazeevich, - WEAF-Chase and Sanborn - Eddie Orchestra Basy: Grofe's Orchestra; Jane Froman, Cantor, Guest Artist; Dave Rubino's 12:30 W MCA -Paul Vincent's Orchestra baritone; Ivan Ribich, tenor Contralto; Jack F'ilton, Jr., Tenor; Orchestra WABC-Nocturne, Ann Leaf at the Or- WPCH-Linday Laboratories King's Jesters, male trio WOK -Margaret Anglin Presents gan 4 MIKE -0 -GRAPHS By NONA BENET

Bing Crosby-the name of shot gun Drinks . . . moderately . . . at

origin. If you knew him when . . . least he hopes that's what people you called him Harry L. Crosby. call it. Claims he doesn't know how the nick- Is still married to Dixie Lee, movie name happened . . . it just went actress . . . despite several divorce

. . . bing! rumors. Credit Tacoma, Washington with Has a craving for French and Italian the fanfares announcing his arrival. food. His favorite dish is Pastacheche.

The event . . . May, 1904. Always wears a hat in the studio When he steps on a scale the arrow and while broadcasting. Will tip it to

. . his a lady . . . but won't remove it. 71_ jumps to 165. if he pays ..::::11 penny. Is five feet nine inches tall Ho Hum! His ambition is to make . . . brown curly hair . . . eyes as enough money to go fishing forever. blue as turquoise . . . well -moulded In a single bed he gets his six hours nose, slightly feminine . . . white nightly rest . . . he's alone and in

even teeth . . . he's one of radio's P. J.'s. Resides in an apartment hotel CHATTING WITH-FRAY AND BRAGGIOTTI handsomest contributions to a listen- in Central Park West. ing public. Seven children in the Both his knees bear the brunt of en-

By Margaret Ann Fraser Crosby family . . . first three . . . thusiastic football playing. . . then "Bing" . . . then three more. His voice is deep and husky

Sure . . . he likes to be alone . . . and very nice.

But in Oh, yes! he likes children . . . if Everything was covered with sheets The clever two -piano arrangements if such a thing were possible. these days of music publishers and they are good . . . no . . . he hasn't of music when I went to the studio of which they play are mostly the work . . . any. Jacques Fray to chat with him and of Mario Braggiotti, who is also re- stooges why try? . . . Collects books . . . first editions Mario Braggiotti, his partner. They sponsible for the unique "Yankee Has a yen for bright clothes and yellow with . . . autographed editions . . . old were working on the arrangements for Doodle" composition which brought will combine green But . . . he's editions. after a few them so much personal success at Car- utter nonchalance. their next program, but Traveled continuously for deft movements one chair was cleared negie Hall last March. He has ar- color blind, so why should he care! four years . . . coast to and I sat down to find out all about ranged it as the famous composers- University coast . . . never to Europe these very talented musicians. Bach Chopin, Debussy and Gershwin It's Gouzaga and ho- and doesn't want to go. "I hated to study," said Mario -might have written it, and to any- that gets the cheers zannahs . . . that's where Has a pet penchant for who was born on November a9th, 1905 one who knows music, each interpre- he drummed and clang his brunettes . . . dogs and in Florence, Italy-"I much preferred tation breathes the very spirit of the way Had three years horses. He hasn't any in to climb trees. But that is not so good composer it is supposed to represent. thru. down and one to go . . . New York. for the hands-they get stiff and I Their renditions of both classical when the stage made a touch- Gets over 150 letters a day cannot play." music and modern jazz possess not only down. It was vaudeville for r o from fans. Does not keep a Mario is unexpectedly tall-an inch the youthful vitality of the American, . . . a . . . then three diary are you disap- two above the six-foot mark. He but also the soft fine European feeling while or pointed? has the soft warm brown eyes of the and emotion. Which is why they are years with Paul Whiteman . . talkies. The Does his own shopping Latin, and altho much of his education so popular with WABC listeners, and then Eroad- . . . you wouldn't want it was procured here in America, he why each Thursday night finds so President ofColumbia casting System heard his on your conscience. speaks with a slight accent and in a many pairs of ears glued to the loud- records. Got a feeling he'd In his interpretation of quick alert manner. He has very long speaker. . . . be a sensation so wired songs he always stresses the artistic hands-cannot play his best ... BING CR Bing to east. The meaning of picture words on an upright piano because he hates come President wasn't wrong. That's where his appeal is. them-owns a Ford convertible which Did You Know That- . golfs . . . like He's at the Paramount Theatre for he drives with enviable nonchalance- Swims ... rides .. Dagmar Perkins is the President and Watch an indefinite run . . . we'll be seeing likes the Opera-and would go into the average citizen. his eyes Founder of the National Association when he deep sea you. In the meantime you can hear any of the movie -houses that were shine talks about of American Speech? .. . fishing. Used to fish around Catalina him every night except Sunday at 7:15 playing a Mickey Mouse cartoon! Henry Burbig likes to smoke great . . . he tell P.M. over WABC on the Cremo Pro- He has been in love oh! many times! Island and does some . big cigars while being interviewed? .. . . . over some- gram. Listen to the boy who made The ladies of all nations have an ap- good stories come Tony Wons would rather fish than good . . . listen every night he's taste is International. But time. peal-his . do anything else? .. . he on . . . he's worth while. not agree with Smokes .. more than should. in that his partner does Harriet Lee is very fond of brown him. Jacques has a preference- and wears a great deal of it? .. . American girls! Andy Sanella won't eat, but drinks very different from his He is partner, lots of coffee while working on the is this Frenchman. He possesses that RADIODDITIES arrangements of his programs? .. . suave silence typical of many of his fellow countrymen. He speaks with rather more of an accent than Mario- PAIL THORAN, WOR announcer, is a GRAHAM MCNAMEE and GEORGE very quietly and calmly. Economy at Home successful playwright.. HICKS, the two NBC baseball an- "No, I did not like the monotonous nouncers are both southpaws. routine of daily practice either, but I In response to President Hoover's H. V. KALTENBORN, Columbia's March of had to do it-now I am glad. One has recent appeal to the country at large commentator, never broadcasts with- RAY COLLINS, one of the to work hard at it some time and it for cooperation in relief measures for out his lucky charm. Time actors, has played over 90o dif- comes more easily when one is very the unemployed, Ida Bailey Allen, ferent parts on the legitimate stage. young. " president of the National Radio Home TED DE CORSICA, who plays the part Jacques was born in that "City of Makers Club, instituted a series of of President Hoover in The March of All of the 54 members of the Car- Artistry'', Paris, on February 18th, weekly broadcasts over WABC at to:oo Time broadcasts, is really a song- borundum Band, with the exception of 1903. He is tall, but not so tall as A.M., each Monday. The talks, de- writer. Edward D'Anna, the leader, are ama- Mario, and his eyes are grey -blue. signed to demonstrate what home teur musicians. Altho the senior member of the team makers can do to aid the unemployed, DAVE ABRAMS, the crooning drum- by only two years, he acts very much stresses the salient pointsof President mer at the Village Barn, claims that he MORE Columbia Broadcasting art- the older one. He sits quietly with Hoover's plan as it affects the housewife is still sane although he spent 31 ists went to Columbia University arms folded, and listens-saying very Working in cooperation with the months at the Village Grove Nut Club. than any other college.. little. He lets Mario do the talking President's Organization on Unem- for them both. ployment Relief, Mrs. Allen gives VAUGHN DE LEATH, NBC contralto, JOHN MAYO, CBS announcer, once Among their first appearances was helpful, practical, and economical sug- treasures a life preserve autographed sold cosmetics. Oh, May their tour of the European capitals gestions for well-balanced menus by Harvey Firestone. with Maurice Chevalier, and later, which enable the housewife to serve FREDDIE RICH, CBS ork pilot, will when they came over here, they ap- nourishing meals at lower cost. She THE LANDT TRIO F{ WHITL NBC's never play nor lead his players in the peared with him again, at Carnegie also outlines methods by which indi- popular group of harmonizers, have "Rosary." He is afraid of it. Hall. Very shortly they will leave for vidual communities may make pro- drawn up a contract which dismisses the coast to join him and start on a vision for their own relief needs during from the combine the first member VINCENT SoREY is a champion surf- concert tour of America. the coming winter. who gets married. board rider.. 5 i PROGRAM FOR MONDAY, NOVEMBER 123rd

WOV-Your Health WPCH-Songs For All-Ruth Cumming W J Z -The Pepsodent Program-Amos'n' 6:45 A.M. to 10 A.M. WGBS-Lilly Clark Armstrong, Whistler WOV-Trio Andy W H AP -Luncheon Music W O BS -Symphonic R hythm WABC-Myrt W MSG -Clinton and Marge - Wrigley 6:45 WEAF-Tower Health Exercises- Clifford, Songs 3:30 IV MCA -In An Italian Garden Program Arthur Bagley, director WOR-Elks' Organ, Jessie Griffiths, WRNY-Ivan Frank's Vabarian Or- WOR Gym Classes-John Gambling, Organist chestra Director WJ Z -The Three Doctors "Starlight Hour" 7:00 W GBS-Musical Clock 12 Noon to 4 P.M. WPCH-Market Prices 7:15 WNYC-Museum-Talk 7:30-WJZ-A Song. for Today WABC-Arthur .Jarrett WEAF-The Campbell Orchestra 12;15 WMCA-Phillips String Ensemble 'GBS-Afternoon 1usicale WOE -"Inside Stuff" WABC-Organ Reveille-Popular Music WEAF-Black and Gold Room Orches- WHN-Lita Newspaper 7:45-WJZ-Jolly Bill and of Sisters, Concert Sketch Jane-Cream tra-Direction Leon Rosebrook; 3:45 WJZ-Chicago Serenaders WJZ-Tastyeast Jesters Wheat Program Catherine Field, Soprano; Fred Huf- WABC-Cremo Presents Bing Crosby 8:00 WMCA-The Phantom Organist smith, Tenor WABC-American Red Cross Program WEAF-Gene and Glen-Quaker Early WOR-Economy Program-Joseph Hil- WHN-La Scala Trio 7:30 WNYC Correct Time, Police Report Birds ton & Sons Program WOV-City Free Employment WEAF-Prince Albert Quarter Hour- Alice Joy, Contralto; Paul \ an WJZ-On the 8:15 WJZ-Pat Barnes in Person-Swift & Loan's W ABC -Morning Devotions Co. Program Orchestra; "01' Hunch". WGBS-News Flashes WPCH-"Songs From Across the Sea"- WOK -"The Psychologist Says"-Dr. Tino Valenti 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. Arthur Frank Payne (Franklin 'Title 8:15 WMCA-The Three Early Birds WOV-George Barnard Program) WEAF-Morning Devotions WJZ-Phil Cook-The Quaker Man WOR-Mr. and Mrs. Reader-N. Y. WGBS-"Good Times are Coming"- 4:00 WMCA-Goldburg Musical Moments Mary Chapin WEAF-Atwater Kent New England VI' ABC -The Boswell Sisters-Baker American 12:30 Chocolate Program W J Z-Sunbirds WMCA-W. T. Stock Quotations District Audition for Boys. WRNY-Eddie Ashman's Orchestra WABC-Something for Everyone WOR-Chic Winter's Dance Orchestra WOK -Eddie Wolfe's Arcolians "Liturgical WGBS Musical Travelogue WJZ-National Farm and Home Hour WJZ-Syncopators Arts"-Harry Lorin Binsse WPCH Wm. Jacoby and Julius Cerulle WPCH-In a Concert Hall 7:45 WEAF-The Gold bergs "Pepsodent 8:30 WMCA-Organ Reveille WABC-Columbia Revue W ABC -Bert Lown and Biltmore Or- Program" - W E A F -Cheerio WOV-Nick Kenny chestra WOR-Jean Harlow (Busch Program) W OR -Martha Manning-A Macy Pre- W GBS-John Ward, Baritone WOV WOV Playhouse WJZ-Waves of Melody sentation WMSG-Selma Hayman-Soprano W GBS-Nina Laurent', Folk Songs WABC-The Camel Quarter-Hour- W J Z-Bissel Pick-ups Morton Downey, Anthony Wons and WOV-Trio Royale 12:45 WPCH-Helene Chappelle "Crooning 4:15 WMCA-"People I Have Met" Jacques Renard's WGBS-The Almanac Man The Blues Away" WJZ-Charles Scheuermans Orchestra Orchestra - WOV-Popular Tunes of Merit WHN-Charloe Day, Songstress 'Meet the Composer''-Pauline Wins- 8:45 W MCA -Harry Glick's Gym Class WGBS-Ann Vold, low W OR -Musical Novelettes WGBS-Leona Lavigne-Soprano readings WJZ-Al and Pete W MS G -Parents' Forum 4:30 WMCA-The Phantom Organist WABC-Old Dutch Girl-Newsy Jingles 1:00 W MCA -Reminiscing with Blind George WOK -Howard R. Garis: Uncle Wiggly in Rhyme and Song WEAF-Market and Weather Reports WPCH-Songs, Old and New WOV-Hinancial Talk W OR -Al Fielder and His Orchestra WABC-Columbia Artist Recital-Theo 8 P.M. to 2 A.M. W GBS-Hit of the Week W PCH-Luncheon Musicale Marion Karle, Tenor; Rhoda Arnold, So- Martin. Wallace Mattice - prano; and Vera Eakin, Pianist. 9:00 WMCA-Monsieur Sakele 8:00 WEAF-La Trio W ABC-Hotel Taft Orchestra WHN-Freddy Goode-Baritone WEAF-Soconyland Sketches - "Nov- Charmante WRNY-N. Y. Evening Air Post WOV-Metcalf & vember Thunder", dramatic sketch. WOR-Miss Catherine 'n' Calliope-A Daniels-Harmony WOE -Nick Goldman's Bamberger Presentation WGBS-American Music Ensemble W GBS-Toyland Sketch Orchestra with WRAP -Variety Music 4:45 Rosalind Conrad, contralto, and WJZ-Tom Brennie W MS G-Lillian Brandon-Soprano WOK-Songs, Mary Brighton-Pro- Billy Young & Freddy Farber, har- WPCH-Southern Canary gram Resume mony duo-(Roxy Clothes Program) WABC-The Commuters - Emery 1:15 WEAF-Larry Funk and His Orchestra WJZ-Maze of Melody WJZ-Archer Gibson-Organist Deutsch, conductor WOV-De Santis Trio -Chamber Music WHN-bliss Singalong W ABC -The Rich. WOV-Musical Clock WH AP -Protestant Readings WOV-Singing Troubadour Columbians-Freddie W MS G Conductor W GBS-Dagmar Perkins -John Warren-Tenor WGBS-"The Health of the Young and WEN Y -Dick's 1:30 the Middle Aged"-Dr. Wynne Corsonians 9:15 W MCA -Loughran Food Science Talk WMCA-Luncheon Musicale 8:15 WNYC-Department of Hospitals WEAF-Tom Waring's Troubadours W E A F -Pennsylvania Luncheon Music 5:00 WMCA-Sally Entertainers WABC-Singin' Sam, The Barbasol Man WJZ-Everyday Beauty-P. Beiersdorf WOR-N. J. Club Women's Hour WEAF-The Lady Next Door Company Program WJZ-Mid-day Musicale WOR-Horsman Doll Program 8:30 WMCA-Nick Kenny's Radio Scandals WPCH-Piano Poetics-Rose Safari WEAF-Voice of Firestone WOK -Willard Robison & his Deep WOV-Housewives' Gym Class River Orchestra 9:30 WMCA-Modern Living WJZ-Death Valley Days-"Thanks- WOK -Bits of Living - Edith Burtis giving, 1849", dramatic program W JZ-Beautiful Thoughts Montgom- with ery Ward Co., Program - Virginia Gardiner, William WABC-Tony's Scrap Book-Anthony Shelley, Jack McBride, Vernon Wons Radcliffe, Joseph Bell, Edwin M. WRNY-Harry Glick's Gym Class SPECIALS FOR TODAY Whitney and John White, the lone- WOV-Modern Living some cowboy; Joseph Bonime's WGBS-Trio Royale orchestra WABC-La Palina Presents Kate Smith 9:45 WEAF-Our Daily Food - Colonel 2:00 and and Her Swanee Music Goodbody-A & P. Program WRN Y -Los Pamperos WOR-Sherman Keene's Orchestra 4:00 P.M. WABC-New England District Auditions for girls WJZ-Miracles of Magnolia and boys-Atwater Kent Hour. 8:45 WABC-Tastyeast Gloom Chasers- W ABC -The Ambassadors-Male Trio Comedy Act, Featuring "The Colonel WGBS-"Lucky Story and Budd." Girl"-D:amatic 9:30 P.M... WEAF-Parade of the States-Massachusetts- WEN Y -The Wessellians General Motors' Program. 9:00 WMCA-Jean Comorata Musicale WEAF-A. & P. Gypsies 10:30 P.M. . . Seidel, WOK -The G -E Radio -Demonstrations 10 WABC-Toscha violin, and orchestra. Program A.M. to 12 Noon WJZ-Maytag Orchestra Radio Log will be found on page 4 WABC-Pompeian Make -Up Box-Talk 10:00 WMCA-Marmola Entertainers by Jeannette de Cordet and 'Musical WEAF-Mrs. Blake's Radio Column- Program played by Make -Up Box Sisters of the Skillet. Procter & t Orchestra Gamble, Program WPAP-Dr. Coheñ s Advice on Pets WOK -McCann Pure Food Hour 9:15 WOK -How to Dance the Westchester- WJZ-Dance Miniature Murray, WPCH-Cousin Lillian with the Kiddies WPCH-Singing the Blues -Eva Lerner WJZ-Chats with Peggy Winthrop- Arthur instructor WABC-Chatting with Ida Bailey Allen WABC-Barclay Orchestra Lever Bros. Program WABC-Howard Barlow - Symphony -Low Cost Meals-Radio Home W GBS-Lorene Rising W OV-Irvee Cone Orchestra Makers WHN-Y. M. C. A. WGBS-Tracey Condon 9:30 WMCA-Al Vann and Bob Stanley WRNY-Speech Defects WMSG-Eva Conell-Soprano WPCH-Monsieur Sakele WEAF-Parade of the States-General WOV-Musical Specialties 1:45 WPCH-Highlights of Sports W ABC -Asbury Park Casino Orchestra Motor's Program W GBS-Gems from Opera WHN-Miss Marantz Presents WHN-Michel Dedovich, Tenor WOK -The Witch's Tale (mystery 5:05 WOK -V. E. Meadows drama) 10:15 W MC A-Tuneful Topics WOV-Blue Boy Beauty Talk- Dominos WEAF-Doctor Royal S. Copeland- WHAP-Music Frigidine Program WJZ-Musical - orchestra; W Rhythm Jacob Zayde, Violinist Health Clilnic-Sterling Products Pro- GBS-Symphonic 5:15 WJZ-Musical Moments-Jules Her- 'WABC-Bourjois-An Evening in Paris, gram WMSG-Simeon Sabre-Baritone buveaux' dance orchestra Pierre Brugnon: Guest Artist; and WPCH-Monsieur Sakele 2:00 WMCA-Bide Dudley WPCH-Captain Joe Max Smolen's Orchestra WABO-Harmonies and Contrasts- WEAF-Atwater Kent New England WHN-Ethel Tozier Hardy WPAP-St. Nicholas Arena Boxing Emery Deutsch. Conductor District Auditions for Girls .WOV-Thrilling Duo Bouts W R N Y -Whispering Mac and his Guitar Espana Cani Marquina WGBS-Johnny Blue and His Blue Boys 9:45 W MC A-The Jewish Troubadours WOV-Fur Trappers Jesoro Mio.. Vespucci 5:30 WMCA-The Quaker Puzzle Man WGBS-Mountain Music Love Is Sweet WEAF-Sweetheart Program-Ruth 10:00 WMCA-Success Interview 10:30 WMCA-Namm's Program Tenor solo Jordan; Beauty Talk: John Fogarty, WEAF-True Story Hour WEAF-Gene Carroll Packer Mfg. Selections of Russian -Gipsy Songs Tenor, String trio W OR -^ox Fur Trappers-Frank Parker Company Program - arr. Stone WJZ-Jeddo Highlanders & Quartet WJZ Our Daily Food-Talk, Col. Good- Czardas Fomeen WPCH-Poet of the Uke-Roy Shelley WJZ Gold Medal Express body A. & P. Program Accordion and orchestra WABC-Uncle Olio and His Kre-mel W'ARC-Robert Burns Panatela Pro- WRN Y -Organ Recital Just for Tonight deiger Gang gram-Guy Lombardo and his Royal WGBS-Songs of the South Tenor solo WRNY-El Flamenco Orchestra Canadians Ey Gipsy, Sing a Song W OV-Fur Paraders 10:15 WOK -Herbert's Diamond 10:45 WMCA-Marvelette Lady Violin and guitar duet Entertainers WEAF-Ballad Singers Jarobe 5:45 WMCA-Red Devils with Junior Smith 10:30 WMCA-Three Little Sachs W J Z-Consolaires WOK -Rutgers University WEAF-Rex Cole Mountaineers WJZ-Chesebrough Real Folks-"The WPCH-The Friendly Troubadour WJZ-Mrs. Julian Heath WJZ-Little Orphan Annie-Wonder Wandering Boy Comes Home", WABC-'Round Towners' Quartet WPCH-Sweethearts of Radioland Co. Program rural sketch with George Frame WOV-Monsieur Sakele WA BC -Ann Leaf at the Organ WABC-The Candy Program-Brooks Brown, G. Underhill, Macy, Vir- WGBS-Eva Wasser-Monologues WHN-Happy Fields and Bachelors and Ross, "The Crooning Kentucky ginia Farmer, Tommy Brown, Ed- 11:00 W N Y C -Correct Time-Police Reports .WOV-Jim McGinn, Pianist Colonels," with Frank Westphal's win NI. Whitney. Elsie May Gordon WEAF-Hawaiian Serenaders GBS-Dlarchia Stewart, Organist Orchestra From Chicago and Phoebe Mackay; Harry Salter's WOR-Mel Vinick-Beauty Talk-Drez- W MS G -Lillian Thums-Soprano WGBS-"Him and Her"-Sketch Novelty Band. ma & Kremel Program 2:15 WMCA-Mirror Reflections 6:00 WNYC-Correct Time, Police Reports WABC-Toscha Seidel-Violinist with WJZ-Mrs. A. M. Goudiss WEAIF-The Nomands WEAF-Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra Concert Orchestra WPCII-A Lesson in French WOK -Newark String Trio WOK -Uncle Don-Greenwich Bank WPAP-Zimmerman's Hungarian Rest- W A BC -Melody Parade, Emery Deutsch, WJZ-Weather Reports Program aurant Conductor WPCH-A Song Portfolio Carroll WJZ-Raising Junior-Wheatena Serial 10:45 WEAF Phantom Caravan Oriental WOV-May Time Music - WABC-Current Events-H. V. Kalten- Tone Pictures; - Hallberg, W GBS-Lily Charles Armstrong Clark W. Sven von W OV-Emergency born-S. Straus & Co., Program director. 11:05 WNYC-Daily Retail Food Prices Unemployment Com- WRNY-Lou Rogers' Animal News Club WOK -Globe Trotter-N. Y. American mittee WLWL-Lawrence Marks. Baritone 11:15 WOR-The Happy Vagabond-Jack W MS G -James McDonough-Baritone WGBS-Radio Digest Revue 11:00 WMCA-Will Oakland's Terrace Or- Arthur 2:30 WMCA-Canadian Songbird WHY C -Music chestra WPCH-Songs For You-Anne Cooper WOK -Barbara Lull and Ilathilda Mc- 6:15 WNYC-Mildred WEAF-Coon-Sander's Orchestra WABC-The Madison Singers Kinney-Violin and Piano Sonatas ular MacDonald-Pop- WOK -Hotel Clinton Orchestra WRNY-See Chanties WJZ-George Simons Ballads WJZ -Slumber Music WGBS-Guiseppe Orlando-Baritone WPCH-Tire Play For To-Day-Hewitt WJZ-Peter van Steeden's Orchestra WAB(' Belasco's Orchestra 11:30 of Players WABC-Yoeng's Orchestra WPAP-Radiolians WNYC-Department Health Talk WRNY-N. Y. Stock Quotations 11:15 W ABC -Street Singer WEAF-Hugo Mariani and his Marion- WABC-American School of the Air WLWL-"Starlight Hour" ettes WH N-Physical Culture WGBS-Alfred Wertheim, Violi 11:30 WMCA-Enoch Light Orchestra WOR-Claire Sugden-Home Economics W'OV-Medora Garofalo, Soprano nist WEAF-Jesse Crawford-Organ recital WJZ-Singing Strings WMSG-Studio Presentation 6:30 WNYC-German Lessons WOK-Moonbeams-by George Shack - WPCH-Organ Recital WEAF-Ralph Kirbery, Baritone ley WABC-Anne 2:45 W MCA -Jack Filman. Sport Chat WOK -Journal of the Air WJZ-Russ Columbo Lazar-"Front Page Per- WOK -N. J. Audubon Society WRNY-Travelure WABC-Cuban Biltmore sonalities"-Radio Home Makers WJZ-Piano Moods WLWL-"Smiles Orchestra WRNY-Cottons for Fall and Winter WHN-Edward and Tears of Erin" WPAP-Golden City Five W OV-Violin Convey, Songs Jack Oakley. Basso Solo W OV-Personal Problems WGBS-American Music Ensemble 11:45 WEAF-Cab Calloway's Orchestra WGBS-"Dogs"-Talk by Daisy Miller WMSG-Prof. La Vergne-French Les- 6:45 WJZ-Lew White Organ Recital 11:45 WOR-WOR Ensemble sons WEAF-Swift Program; "Stebbins 12:00 WMCA-Bide Dudley's Re- WJZ-Jill and Boys" Dramatic Judy 3:00 WMCA-Moments with the Masters WOR-State Emergency Unemployment view W PCH-"Singing Strings"-Cosmopoli- WEAF-Women's Radio Review; Vin- Relief WEAF-Earl Hines and his Orchestra tan Trio Committee & cent Lopez Orchestra WJZ-Literary Digest Topics in Brief- WJZ-Mildred Bailey Jesters W ABC -Ben Alley WOK-Ariel Ensemble Lowell Thomas WABC-Ben Bernie's Orchestra WRNY-Paul Kittell-Baritone WJZ WPAP-George Elton & his Harlemites Organ Melodies WA BC -Reis and Dunn-Comedy and WGBS-Ruth Rowe, pianist WPCH-Mirror Reflections Songs 12:15 WJZ-Larry Funk's Orchestra 12:00 WMCA-Mid-day Message W A B C -Columbia Salon Orchestra- WRN Y-Announcements 12:30 WMCA-Sleepy Time WEAF-General Electric Home Circle Emery Deutsch, Conductor WEAF-Tweet W OR -Journal of the Air WHN-The Nobby Players 7:00 WNYC-Johanna Adams-Lieder Pro- Hogan Orchestra WJZ-Merri a -Men WOV-News Flashes gram WABC-Park Central Orchestra WABC-Yoeng's Orchestra WGBS-The Roving New Yorker WE AF -Vermont Lumber Jacks 1:00 W MCA -Phil Romano's Orchestra WEN Y -Luncheon Music 3:15 WJZ-Current Events WOR-Hebrew Melodies - Branfman WABC-Hotel Edison Orchestra 6 Products Program 1:30 WABC-Dave Abrams' Barn Orchestra MYRT and MARGE - Continued

It was very late on one of those eve- in the morning. By four o'clock she had firm that their radio men are alert and nings that Myrt, who had been mak- finished two sketches, into which she that they know a buy when they ing the rounds of the booking offices, had introduced nine characters. And see one. Early the next morning all day, sat down to relax. She turned each character was the figure of some- Myrt was in conference with the on the radio, and in a few minutes one she knew. She had her cast. And proper officials. When she left the was listening raptly to a sketch that Wrigley building, she had left an op- intrigued her, because it was a story tion inside. That same afternoon she of the theatre. Marge was sound returned, and walked home in a daze. asleep in the next room. In her handbag was a contract-a con- J Then as Myrt describes it, ''some- tract which would bring her more thing seemed to sock me on the head, money than she ever dreamed she and all of a sudden I heard myself would have. Poet of the Organ thinking. I was thinking that I could And there were 313 more scripts to write things like that. Hadn't I been be written. Jesse Crawford, Poet of the Organ, in the theatre all my life. Didn't I Not only that, there was a cast to be heard over WEAF and the NBC net- know the show people about as well assembled, and Myrt was to be the work, attributes the present popu- as anybody. Didn't I know a thou- principal, and Marge, another princi- larity of the organ to its wide spread sand little human interest stories that pal. For the next few days, Myrt was use in radio and theatres. never had been told. Hadn't I seen in a daze. Show people, agents, di- the miseries, the heartbreaks, and the rectors, production men, agency repre- joys that are all rolled together back of sentatives and announcers flitted across ESB. the scenes? Sure I had-and I'm not her horizon like so many intangible Voice Specialist so dumb. I could write 'em, if I had phantoms. The next she knew, radio Services limited only to to.' scribes were watching the rehearsals. Professional Singers with Voice Problem. So Myrt talked to Marge, and Marge Everything was being hurried. And Consultation by appointment. Write Studio 618 suggested that Myrt get out pen and then-a big surprise! Myrt and Marge Steinway Hall ink and go to work. If her sketches were going on the air in fLll swing- N.Y.C. weren't just right well then she could OPPOSITE AMOS 'n' ANDY, on a take them to somebody to polish up- rival network. just like they take plays to the play The rest is known to all the fans. doctors. But Myrt's idea was to do it "Myrt and Marge" went on. The first episode brought tears and laugh- ter to millions. The next showed that LUDWIG the series was packing some big BAUMANN punches, and that it was being built up in masterly fashion. There were com- presents LOUIS SOBOL'S edy, pathos, action, romance-every "Voice of Broadway" ingredient that goes to make a suc- cessful drama.

s -r . It was a far cry from the boarding ,,4 houses-the one nighters, and the WOR stitching of hosiery with runs. SUNDAY 9 P. M. But it was all true. That yarn about Cinderella, Myrt could well believe, * might have been on the level after all. Such things might happen. Famous Stars As a matter of fact they DO happen! from Broadway -.- And: * Merle Johnston and His Famous Orchestra MYRT Vallee for Films * Paul Small Rudy Vallee Popular Radio Crooner left will soon be seen in films again? He is making a series of * Hayton and Schutt Lively Piano Team MARGE 2)' "shorts" with his orchestra at the Paramount Astoria studios. right -

then she went to work in earnest. The thought struck her that one or Eli I?OIDE and two sketches meant nothing. She must have at least a dozen of them. fOUTH tMFI?ICt So she sat there through the early hours, writing and writing, and the next day, the booking offices could go As clear and to the devil. Myrt wrote all that next day-and the next. It was Marge's loud as LOCALS job to keep the stationery coming in and new pens and fresh bottles of ink. with k And then Marge had to go out and dig the new up a typewriter. At the end of the week, Myrt was transcribing her effusions into type- written sheets that looked presentable. She revised and revised, and added here and subtracted there, and at last- ,ALL-o1'AVE SIJpEL1-1FTFLCDyNE herself. all What did play doctors a dozen skits were on manuscript. YOU will wonder at the sweetness of tone and the downright realism a Scott Al] Wave radio brings to you. know about stage life? Myrt didn't What to do then? Where would Orchestras come In as though they were part of the room-your room. The thrilling song of the violin, of the jolliest vocal melody of tenor or bass, the crooning want to write sketches that were she take them? The usual thing was to of quartets trailing away to muted whispers-all bring their music to you through the Scott All Wave, as intimately as though the artist were performing only for you. theatrical, cir synthetic. She wanted submit such scripts to an agency, but You have a totally new experience awaiting you-when you listen to programs not only in U. S. A. but from the far distant points of all the earth through the peerless to write documents-just plain little Myrt had had her fill of agencies. So Scott All Wave. stories that i-iad but one thing to rec- for an hour she sat and thought it all A 5 -YEAR UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE FOR PERFECT PERFORMANCE ommend the,.n-They were TRUE! out. Somewhere she had heard tnat She'd write what she had seen, and the Wrigley interests were going to FLECTI?CN NFND COUPON WC DAY felt, ELECTRON RADIO COMPANY, what she and about people whom return to the air. She made inquiries IRADIC CO. 31 - 12 BROADWAY, she knew. The color and the at- and confirmed the report. Then she EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS ASTORIA, LONG ISLAND. 31-12 BROADWAY Name mosphere would take care of them- went to the telephone and made her- ASTORIA, LONG ISLAND selves. self an appointment. Tel. AStoria 8-8965 Address So Myrt went to work at one o'clock It should be said for the Wrigley City State 7 PROGRAM FOR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24th

3:00 W M C A-Autumn Scenes 6:45 WEAF-Swift Program, Stebbin Boys 6:45 A.M. to 10 A.M. 12 Noon to 4 P.M. WEAF-Woman's Radio Review WJZ-Literary Digest Topics Lowell WOE Ariel Ensemble Thomas - 6:45 W EAF-Tower health Exercises- 12:00 WMCA-Midday Message WJZ Music in the Air WABC-Connie Boswell Arthur Bagley, director WRAF -General Electric Home Circle WPCH-Slirror Reflections WLWL-"Christ Our Model"-Rev. WOE -Gym Classes-John Gambling, WOE Journal of the Air WABC-Columbia Salon Orchestra George G. Jlurdock Director WJZ-The NIerrie-men WHN-Loew's Vaudeville Show WGBS-American Music Ensemble 7:00 WGBS-Musical Clock WPCH-Maritime News WOV-News Flashes 7:00 WNYC-Godfrey Sebastiani Italian W A IS C -Y oeng's Orchestra WGBS-James Ashwell, Roving New Songs - 7:30-WJZ A Song for Today W EN Y -Luncheon Music Yorker WABC-Organ Reveille-Popular Ni WEAFMid-week Federation Hymn WOV-Your Health 3:15 WPCII-Spreading Happiness John Sing 7:45-WJZ-Jolly Bill and Jane-Cream of WGBS-Lyceum of the Air Lambert - WJZ-The Pepsodent Program-Amos Wheat Program WRAP-Luncheon Music WHN-Jeanet Fields, Popular Program 'n' Andy 8:00 W MCA -The Phantom Organist 12:15 WMCA Philips String Ensemble WOV-Juila Vergano, Soprano WABC-Myrt & Marge Wrigley Pro- WEAF-Gene and Glen-Quaker Early WEAF-Black and Gold Room Orches- WGBS-Symphonic Rhythm gram Birds tra - Direction Leon Rosebrook; 3:30 WMCA-Drifting down the Rhine WEN Y -Jewish Program WJZ-On the 8:15 Maude Runyon, Contralto; John WOE Newark Museum Talk WLWL-"Los Caporales" WABC-Morning Devotions Moncrietf. Bass WJZ-The Three Doctors 7:15 WNYC-Department of Health WGBS News Flashes WOE -Economy Program - Joseph WPCH-Stock Quotations WOE -So this is Love-Comedy Sketch 8:15 WVMCA-The Three Early Birds Hilton & Sons WA BC-Ann Leaf at the Organ WJZ-Gaytees Program WEAF-Morning Devotions WJZ-Pat Barnes in person-Swift Co., WHN-Four Black Eye Susans {WABC-Cremo Presents Bing Crosby WOE -Mr. and Mrs. Reader-N. Y. Program WOV-Musical Moods American WPCH-Prunella & Penelope 7:30 WNYC-Correct Time-Police Alarms WOV-Tom Turner Baritone, 3:45 W OR -Erin's Isle Orchestra with Seamus WEAF-Prince Albert Quarter Hour- WJ Z-Sunbirds Clarine O'Doherty & Josephine Smith Alice Joy, Contralto; Paul Van WABC-Something for Everyone Cordler, Soprano WJZ-Chicago Serenado WGBS-Musical 'Travelogue WGBS-Mountain Music Loan's Orchestra; "01' Hunch". W ABC-I3iltmore Orchestra WHN-Edith Snyder, Whistler WOE -Famous Beauties of History- 8:30 WMCA-Organ Reveille WRNY-The Valezia lllashka, Pianist WOV-Jack Healy Trio Woodbury Program WS E A F -Cheerio WGBS Him and Her WJZ-Phil Cook, the Quaker Man WOE -Martha Manning-A Macy Pre- W ABC-Kaltenborn Edits the News- sentation 12:20 WOR-Rutgers University - Holiday 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. S. W. Straus & Co. Program WJZ-Bissel Pick-ups Decorations WLWL-A Catholic Looks at the World, 12:30 WMCA W. WOV-Trio Royale T. Stock Quotations 4:00 WMCA-Goldburg Musical Moments 7 :45 W N Y 0 -Air College WGBS-The Almanac Man WOE -H. S. Maurer's Concert Ensemble WEAF-Magic of Speech-"The Pil- WEAF-The Goldbergs-Pepsodent Pro- 8:45 WMCA-Harry Glick's Gym Class WJZ National Farm and Home Hour grims' Holiday", a Thanksgiving Play gram WOK -Musical Novelettes WPCH-Luncheon Music -Vida Ravenscroft Sutton WOE-The Eligible Bachelor (Sketch WJZ-Al and Pete WABG-Co umbia Revue-Vincent So- WJ Z -Syncopators with Emo Velazco, Organ) Will & WABC-Old Dutch Girl-Newsy Jingles rey's Orchestra Presenting a Spanish WPCH-Mirrors of Melody Baumer Program in Rhyme and Song Program. W A B C-Miriam Ray-Berrens' Orches- WJZ-Back of the News in Washington W O V-Financial Talk WGBS-Martha Simpson-"The Tech- tra WABC-The Camel Quarter Hour- W GBS-Hit of the Week nique of Speech" WIIN-Show Boat Boys Morton Downey, Anthony Wons, and 12:45 WOV-Popular Tunes of Merit WGBS Gregoire Frunzell, "A Piano In- Jacques Renard's Orchestra. 9:00 WMCA Monsieur Sakele WGBS-Jlario Guion, Contralto terlude" WEAF-Morning Glee Club-Male Oc- WIIAP-Music WLWL-"Eucharistic Congress Con- tet direction Keith McLeod 1:00 WMCA-Al. King and his Orchestra vention"-George Edland WOE -Miss Catherine 'n' Calliope-A WEAF-Market & Weather Reports 4:15 WMCA-A. R. Cloyd Gill, says- Bamberger Presentation WOE -Gridiron Tours WOE-blargarete Valentine, Pianist WJZ-Tom Brennie WPCH-In a Music Box-Sargent & Co. WJZ Waltzing WPCH-Southern Canary WABC-Pabst-ette \ arieties WABC-Four Club Men 8 P.M. to 2 A.M. W ABC -The Commuters Vincent WRNY-New York Evening Air Post WHN-Gina Mario, Songs Sorer, conductor - WGBS-American Music Ensemble WOV-Raymond Boyd-Tenor 8:00 WEAF-Blackstone Plantation - Julia WOV-Musical Clock WRAP -Variety Musicale WGBS-Lavina Darve-Soprano Sanderson and Frank Crumit, Solo- 1:15 WEAF-Classic Varieties ists; Incidental Music Direction Jack WGBS-Dagmar Perkins Morning 4:30 WMCA-The Phantom Organist Shilkret Moods WABC-Hotel Taft Orchestra WEAF Phil Spitalny-Tea Dansante Dixie Program WOV-Personal Problems WOR-The Rainbow Trail-Orchestra WOE -Maxwell House Ensemble 9:15 WMCA-Orphan Children W11 AP -Protestant Readings WJZ-Armstrong Quakers WEAF-Tom Waring's Troubadours with Rainbow Vocal Trio WABC-The Mills Brothers WJZ-Popular Bits W R N Y -Dick's Corsonians WP CH -Morning Cheer-Roy Shelley- Poet of the 12ke 8:15 WNYC-Jeanette Hughman Singers Class WABC-Sterling Products Program, Abe WOV-Housewives' Gym J Lyman's Band with Glee Club 9:30 WMCA-Modern Living WOR-Alice Foote MacDougall 8:30 WEAF-John Philip Sousa and his Good- WJZ-Beautiful Thoughts SPECIALS FOR TODAY year Band-Male Quartet; James WPCII-The Early Birds Melton and Lewis James, Tenors; W ABC -Tony's Scrap Book-Conducted 2:00 P.M. . . WABC-Musical Americana, Julius Mattfield, con- Phil Dewey, Baritone; Wilfred Glenn, by Anthony Wons. Bass WEN Y -Harry Glicks' Gym Class ductor, Adele Vasa, soprano and Evan WOE -Chevrolet Musical Chronicle WOV-Modern Living WJZ-Heel Hugger Harmony W GBS-Trio Royale Evans, baritone. WABC Red Goose Adventures, Tales Good- of the Frontier presented by "Grand- 9:45 WEAF-Our Daily Food-Colonel 8:30 P.M. . . WEAF-John Phillip Sousa and his Goodyear Or- pa" in a drama body-A & P Program WEN Y -Authors Symposium WOE The Traveling Troubadours- chestra. Certified Cleaners Program 8:45 WN Y C -Department of Sanitation Band WJZ Miracles of Magnolia WJZ-Sisters of the Skillet, Procter & WABC-Independent Grocers' Program 9:30 P.M. . WOR -National Orchestral Association concert Gamble Program Story WABC-Walter Winchell and Guest Art- W GBS-Lucky Girl-Dramatic from Carnegie Hall, N. Y. ist-Gerardine Program Radio Log will be found on page 4 WEN Y -American Folk Singers 9:00 WEAF-McKesson Musical Magazine- 10 A.M. to 12 Noon Erno Rapee's Concert Orchestra WOE -Los Cimarros & Tito Guizar, Tenor 10:00 WMCA-Morning Glories WJZ-Household Finance Program WEAF-Mrs. Blake's Radio Column WABC-Ben Bernie Blue Ribbon Malt WOE -McCann Pure Food Hour 1:30 W MCA -Luncheon Musicale WPCH-Two Singing Pianists Program WJZ-U. S. Navy Band WOE Occasional Rare -bits WABC Ten Eyck Hotel Orchestra WEN Y -Erin's Isle Orchestra WP CH -Back Yard Serenaders WJZ-Slidday Musicale WIIN-Elaine O'Dare Popular Program WMSG-Grace Geiger, Soprano Graham & Coughlin WABC-Grant, WPCII-Ned & Ted WOV-Harold O'Sullivan, Tenor 9:15 WOE -Blue Label Party, WOV-Musical Specialties W ABC Savoy -Plaza Orchestra WGBS-Thomas E. Parsons, Ball-room Cocktal WGBS-Gems from Opera WHN-Quinton-Redd. Popular Pianist Dancing Simplified 9:30 WMCA-Uniform Firemen's Program 10:15 WMCA-Tuneful Topics WOV-E. B. Kohlenbeck-Baritone W R AP -American Ideals WEAF-The Fuller Man-Earle Spicer, WEAF Breen & Delose WGBS-Bruce Haig-Baritone 4:45 WJZ-Maze of Melody-Harry Kogen's Baritone; Mabel Jackson, Soprano; WPCH-Monsieur Sakele of Sports Don Voorhees' Orchestra Sorey 1:45 WPCH-Highlights dance orchestra WOE -National Orchestral Assn.-Con- WABC-Melody Parade-Vincent WHN-How is Your Mouth WHN-Financial Topics-Wm. DeBarre Hall Conductor WOV-Oral Hygiene WOV-The Singing Troubadour cert from Carnegie WRNY-N. Y. Board of Health-Talk WGBS-Symphonic Rhythm WGBS-Krausemeyers Broadcast WJZ Great Personalities-"Melvin A. WOV-Fur Trappers WRAP -Music Traylor of Chicago", Frazier Hunt; Music 5:00 WMCA-Sally Entertainers Rosario Bourdon's orchestra. WGBS-Mountain 2:00 WMCA Bide Dudley's Dramatic Revue WEAF-The Lady Next Door WABC-Romances of the Sea 10:30 WMCA-Namm's Program WEAF-Hotel New Yorker's Orchestra WOE The Horsman Doll Program WEN Y -Gene Kardos; Dance Orchestra WE AF-Socony Program WOE -Current Events-Mrs. Clayton WJZ-The Maltine Story Program WJZ-Our Daily Food-Colonel Good- D. Lee WPC II-Laughs-Don Trent 9:45 WMSG-Sport Resume body, A & P Program WJZ-Mrs. Julian Heath WABC-Frank Ross-Songs 10:00 WMCA-Success Interview WPCH-The Morning Musicale WPCII-Sweethearts of Radio Land WHN-Tommy King, Guitar & Songs WEAF-Lucky Strike Dance Hour- WEN Y -Organ Recital WABC-Musical Americana. J WOW' -Songs Stories Walter Winchell Guest Star and WGBS-Fred Steele-Songs of Yester- Mattfield, Conductor, with Adele W GBS-Childrens' Story Wayne's Orchestra year Vasa, Soprano; and Evan Evans, WRAP -Nelson Allen WJZ Old Stagers Memories 10:45 W MCA -Tuneful Topics Baritone 5:05 WOE -V. E. Meadows, Beauty Talk WABC-Modern Male Chorus WEAF-Morning Serenaders Narcissus Nevin WRNY-Don Carlos' Marimba Band WJZ-Mystery Chef-R. B. Davis Pro- Orchestra 5:10 WOE -Gladys M. Petch: "The Dentist WMSG-W m. Coleman, Violinist gram The Hills of Home Fox of Lilliehammer" 10:15 WOE -Instrumental Fancies WABC-Columbia Mixed Quartet Evan Evans 5:15 WPCH-Captain Joe's Stories WABC-Star Brand Shoemakers W OV-Monsieur Sakele Butterflies Seiler WABC-Meet the Artist-Bob T aplinger by 10:30 W MCA -The Three Little Sachs WGBS-Your Handwriting-Talk Orchestra Interviews a Radio Personalty WJZ-Clara, Lu & Em Colgate Palm James Redington When Chloris Sleeps Samuels WHN-Agnes Dorson, Blues Singer Olive Reports Adele Vasa WOV-Maye Kaye-Blues Program 11:00 WNYC-Correct Time-Police Dunn W. A. String W AB C-Arabesque WEAF-Your Child The Truant Nymph WGBS-Y. C. Quartet WEN Y -Filipino Stompers J. S. Riley-Austin Nichols Orchestra 5:25 WOE -Jones Beach Talk WOE -Mrs. Hymn to Appolo (Greek Music) WOE -The Globe Trotter, New York Program W MCA -Quaker Puzzle Man American WJZ-Forecast School of Cookery Tenor Solo and Harp 5:30 10:45 WJZ-Paris Night Life-Affiliated Prod- from life Hebrew Melody: Kol Nidrei WEAF-Rinso Talkie WPCH-Bits Violin and Piano WOE -String Trio ucts Program WABC-Morning Minstrel WJZ Old Pappy-Negro Impersona- 11:00 W MCA -The Sleepy Time Club WEN Y -Paul Sargent, Pianist Intermezzo MacMillen WOV-May Time Music Orchestra tions and songs, Clifford Soubier, WEAF-Marion Harris, Song Recital WGBS-Nita O'Neill Edwards-Irish The Bird of the Wilderness. Horsman Guitar accompaniment: WOE-Willard Robison and his Deep Traditional Songs Evan Evans WPCH-The Visitors-Lilly & Guy River Orchestra Artists Presentation Sioux Serenade from "Primeval WABC-Salty Sam-The Sailor Man, WJZ Slumber Music WMSG-WMSG Suite" Skilton Kolynos Program WABC-Cuban Biltmore Orchestra 11:05 W N Y C -Retail Food Prices Orchestra WENY-Connie and Ben WP AP -Charles 1'rary & Society Sere- Household Institute WOV-Fur Paraders naders 11:15 WEAF-Radio A Birthday Siemonn Or- WOE -The Happy Vagabond-Jack Adele Vasa 5:45 WMCA-Red Devils with Junior Smith WMSG Prof. Albertis's Symphonic Arthur Seguidilla from "Hispania Suite" WEAF-Rex Cole Mountaineers chestral Band WJZ-Blue Blazers Stoessel WOE -Aunt Betty's Toy Shop-Alder- 11:15 WEAF-Jesse Crawford WPCH-Songs for you Orchestra ney Program WABC-Jack Miller, Songs WABC-Human Interest Stories- WHN-Harry Fields & his Musical WJZ-Little Orphan Annie-Wonder 11:30 WMCA-Bob Lightner & His Orchestra "Smart Tables." Ida Bailey Allen, Program Orchestra Radio Home Makers. Bachelors Co. WEAF-.lack Denny and W 0% -Emergency Unemployment Com- 6:00 WNYC-Correct Time-Police Report WOR Moonbeams, Directed by George WEN Y -"Personality" mittee Shackley W GB S -Arthur Weschler-Songs W E A F -W aldorf-Astoria Orchestra WGBS-Marchia Stewart, Organist WOE -Uncle Don-Mutual Grocery WJZ-Russ Columbo 11:20 WNYC-Department of Public Markets 2:15 WMCA-Emergency Unemployment Program WABC-Belasco Orchestra :11:30 WEAF-Mariani and his Marinettos WOR-John Wood Lamonte, Baritone WJZ-Raising Junior-Wheatena Serial WPAP-Hello, New York WOE -Mrs. A. SI. Goudiss-School of WJ Z -W eather Reports WABC-National Security League 11:45 WJZ-Dream Pictures Cooking-Rumford Program WPCII-1 Girl and a Boy-Betty Bond Broadcast Series WABC-Nocturne, Ann leaf at the Or- WJZ-Thru the Looking -glass and Lou Hand man WRNY-The Arrow & the Song gan WPCH-Organ Recital W01 -Fuzzy and His Knights WLWL-Henry Ormonte-Baritone 12:00 WMCA-Dudley's Draratic Revue WABC-Vocal Art Trio W GBS-Louise Kelley-Soprano Shaw, Tenor 2:30 W MCA -The Viennese Lover-Fred Star WEAF-Rudy Vallee WRNY-Alfred O. WEAF-Dorothy Dauble, Pianist 6:05 WNYC-Jewish Welfare League W ABC -King Edward Orchestra WOV-Readings, Dan Russel WOE -Italian Lessons WGBS-Zito Zaveckas 6:15 WNYC-Jessie Ayres-Songs 12:05 WMCA-Florence Rich,1rdson Orchestra WJZ-" Where gentlemen can really find and his 11:40 W N Y C -Department of Health Talk- blondes" Gladys SI. Petch WJ Z-Rameses Program - 1215 WJZ-Paul Whiteman Or- Dr. Bolduan WPCH-Radio Service Program WABC-Hotel Taft Orchestra chestra-dance m,tstc Y Stock Quotations R Art Gudiol WABC-American School of The Air WEN -New York 12:30 WEAF-Waldorf-Astoriasic Dance Orches- 11:45 W O -College Assn.-Joseph WVL W L -Paula Grant-Pianist -Spanish Medieval Art in America WHN-Mary Mayne, Soprano tra Ohestra WJZ-Jill & Judy 2:45 WMCA-Jack Filman, Sport Chat 6:30 W N Y C -Italian Lessons WABC-Asbury ParK WPCH-The Vagabond-Joseph Moran WEAF-"What Right Has a Woman to WEAF Vaughn de Leath, Contralto 12:35 W MCA -Paul 1 incett Orchestrarc WABC-Ben Alley Her Own Name. "-Ruth Hale WOE Journal of the Air 1:00 WMCA-Coon-Sanders Orchestra, New WEN Y-"Personality"-Lawrence Rog- WOE -Poet of the Uke WJZ-Savannah Liners Orchestra Hotel ers WJZ-Piano Moods-Lee Sims, Pianist; WABC-Charlie & Oscar Yorker lrchestra WGBS-Mildred Krause Ilo May Bailey, Soprano WEN Y -Announcements with Records W ABC Hotel Bossert . 11:55 WNYC-Health Commissioner Wynne- WIIN-Sonia Seungis & Perry Charles WLWL-Man in the Moon 1:30 WMCA-Dave Abrams U.ihestra Daily Message WOV-Sylvia Gurkin--Contralto W GBS-Harriet Menken, Theatre WABC-Roseland Orchestra

1 I , A Croup of Favorite Radio Artists I -.

. é \

s ,I


Uncle Don Carney who is heard every night at 6:oo o'clock over WOR NBC network. Brennie is a native of the Pacific Coast and is a well is a favorite with children everywhere. Members of Uncle Don's radio known character to Western radio listeners. club wait eagerly for his cheery greeting as he alights from his airplane. Nelson Eddy is one of the leading baritones to be heard over the air Tony Wons Scrap -Book, as he calls his morning programs over WABC, is waves. He is one of the most prominent of the artists appearing on the a pot-pourri of the best that he reads, plus the best that his listeners read Hoffman Hour over WOR, Fridays at 9 P.M. Leonard Joy gained fame for and send to him. Tony's voice is also heard over the Camel Quarter Hour himself with his all -string Coca Cola orchestra. This year he leads the at 7:45 P.M. Tom Brennie's one-man show 'The Laugh Club" is rapidly orchestra heard on the Brown Shoe program over WJZ and the NBC net- becoming one of the most popular morning features over WJZ and the work every Wednesday night at 8:15 P.M.

The Editor's Mail Box Enna Jettick Star Hah! Hah! Hah! Popular Old Songs Kate Smith receives requests for (A column devoted to answers to queries The billowing guffaw heard on the "memory songs" running into four from readers pertaining to radio, radio 'Three Bakers" programs Sunday figures weekly. Those frequently artists and kindred subjects.) evenings over WJZ, is contributed by asked for are: "When You and I Were Young Robert Elfros, a cornet player in Billy Maggie", 'Silver Threads Among the Artzt's orchestra. He has no Miss F. L. Lee, Prospect Park, speaking Gold," and that lately revived song Brooklyn.-Gene and Glenn, the part in the skits. He was chosen to hit "Shine On Harvest Moon." Quaker Early Birds, are both married, give the laugh after tests of all the She is heard over WABC and the but not to each other. A picture of featured artists on the program and CBS Network on the La Palina Cigar them will be published in a forthcom- other members of the orchestra. Program. ing issue.

Oakey Kellogg, Scarsdale, N. Y.- Larry Funk directs the Palais d'or Restaurant Orchestra. He is heard over WEAF every day at 1:45 p.m. ENJOY THE BEST IN RADIO- and also from Midnight to i a.m. OWN A GOOD RADIO ON DAVEGA'S EASY TERMS

R. N. SALTER, Bronx: Your'e right; other air favorites may have made more money than Vallee, but Rudy HAS it. Betsy Ayres, now on several NBC NAVEGA programs, is shown above in her most Mlss WHYMAN, Pelham Manor: recent photograph. Miss Ayres has WILL FOR YOUR Thanks for your well -wishes. No, we made a steady rise in broadcasting, GIVE OLD RADIO couldn't very well arrange to hear beginning her career with Roxy's regardless .of its age you sing. Singing makes us morbid, famous gang and finally being starred YOU.. or condition toward in the purchase of a unless the song is Sweet Adeline and the Enna Jettick Melodies Program new, nationally fa- we're tenoring. each Sunday at 8:oo P.M. over WJZ mous radio. and the NBC network. Miss D. H. BERN, Bronx-The Music This amazing allowance will be applied Corporation of America is an organiza- Regularly .. $194.00 -- toward the purchase of a nationally fa- tion controlling the majority of Trade -In New Television Convert mous ten tube radio. The name is America's best known dance orches- Allowance omitted at the manufacturer's request ... 85.00 tras. These include Guy Lombardo, The newest convert to television is but you'll know it instantly. Get the Wayne King, Coon -Sanders, etc. Nydia d'Arnell, musical comedy prima details nov-! Special $109 donna. She will be heard each Sunday COMPLETE WITH TUBES evening from 6 to 6:30 P.M. over tele- SID FRIEDMAN, Sea Gate-We are vision station W7-XCR and simul- very doubtful as to your query in taneously over WGBS. Miss D'Ar- regards to television. It is not ex- ALL LEADING MAKES OF RADIO nell's last appearance Broadway actly around the corner. on arta on demonstration and display at the was as the star of "My Maryland''. 27 CONVENIENT DAVEGA STORES MISS MARIAN MAILLARD, Yonkers- The Veterans Hospitals throughout Hot Cold Bricks Commodore Hotel -111 E. 42d St. Times Square -152 W. 42d St. the country are equipped with radio Downtown 15 Cortlandt St. Brooklyn 1304 Kings H'way sets. Roxy and his famous Gang are Downtown 62 Cortlandt St. Brooklyn 5108 Fifth Ave. While touring Australia some years Near 13th SI 831 B'way Brooklyn 1449 Broadway responsible for it. ago, Margaret Anglin, whose drama- Midtown 148 E. 86th St. Brooklyn 559 Fulton St. Cor. 98th St 2599 B'way Brooklyn 14 DeKalb Ave. tic readings are heard over WOR, Harlem 125 W. 125th St. Brooklyn 935 Flatbush Ave. Washington Heights, 653 W. 181st St. Brooklyn 627 Fulton St. Mlss MURIEL Garsson, visited the Ballarat gold mines. The Bronx 2962 Third Ave. Bensonhurst 2085 86th St. Gamborelli is Bronx 945 Southern Blvd. Brownsville 1703 Pitkin Ave. Beach-Marie one of president of the company took her Corner 163rd St. Astoria 278 Steinway Ave. the premier ballerinas of the world, down to Bronx 120 E. Fordham Rd. Jamaica 166-07 Jamaica Ave. visit the smelting works Bronx 224 E. Fordham Rd. Jamaica 164-02 Jamaica Ave. and has a surprisingly sweet singing where the gold bricks were brought Brooklyn 417 Fulton St. Flushing 43 Main St. voice. up boiling hot. "If you can carry one NEWARK -60 Park Place (Military Park Bldg.) of those bricks away with you, you ALL STORES OPEN EVENINGS Howard Thorner, - can have it," he said. "It's worth May Singhi Breen is married to her $6o,000.'' Miss Anglin is still wring- partner, Peter de Rose. ing her hands. 9 PROGRAM FOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER; 25th

WGBS-Jacques Belser-Popular songs WABC-Kathryn Parsons 7:00 WNYC-Nita Novi-Accordionist 6:45 A.M. to 10 A.M. WMSG-Dr. Darlington-Health Talk WEN Y -Harold Munsch's Orchestra W EAF John Fogarty, Tenor 11:45 WN Y C-Queensboro Public Library Pro- WOV-News Flashes WOE Hebrew Melodies - Branfman 6:45 WEAF-Tower Health Exercises- gram WGBS-Roving New Yorker Products Program Arthur Bagley, Director W OR-Dagmar Perkins-Selbert-Wilson 3:15 WJZ-Great Moments in Science WJZ The Pepsodent Program-Amos WOE -Gym Classes-John Gambling, Program WOE -Axial Ensemble 'n' Andy Director WJZ Sweetheart Program WPCH-Robert McAfee "This and WABC-Myrt and Marge-Wrigley Pro- CH -George "Personality That" gram 7:00 WGBS-Musical Clock WP Selais - WEN -Charles Hovey, 7:30- WJZ-A Song for Today Baritone" W ABC -Columbia Salon Orchestra Flute Music WABC-Ben Alley WOV-Frank Friedman-Tenor WL WL-Musicmakers WABC-Organ Reveille-Popular WPAP Josephine Mortell at the Piano 1VGBS Symphonic Rhythm 7:15 WEAF-The Campbell Orchestra 7:45-WJZ-Jolly Bill and Jane-Cream of W OV-Readings 3:30 WMCA-A French Album WOR-Vincent Lopez and his Valvolin- Wheat Program WGBS-"Psychology"-Adele Stan- WOE -Elks' Organ, Jessie Griffiths, ers 8:00 WMCA-The Phantom Organist wood Organist WJ Z -Elizabeth Lennox, contralto- WEAF-Gene and Glen-Quaker Early WMSG-Brandeis & Browne Program WJZ-The Three Doctors song recital Birds WPCH-Stock Quotations WABC-Cremo Presents Bing Crosby WJZ-On the 8:15 WABC-Arthur Jarrett WHN-Foreign Affairs Forum WABC-Morning Devotions 12 Noon to 4 P.M. WRNY-Musical Bits 7:30 VIN Y C -Correct Time, Police Alarms WGBS-News Flashes WOV-Williamson & Boese WEAF-Prince Albert Quarter Hour- 8:15 W MCA -The Three Early Birds 12:00 WMCA-Mid-day Message WGBS-The Barry Players Alice Joy, Contralto; Paul Van WEAF-Morning Devotions WEAF-General Electric Home Circle 3:45 WJZ-Chicago Serenade Loan's Orchestra; "01' Hunch" WOE Mr. and Sirs. Reader-N. Y. WOE -Journal of the Air WABC-Cafe Dewitt Orchestra WOE -The Fireside Trio-R. R. Build- American WJZ-The Merrie-Men WENY-N. Y. Stock Quotations ing Loan Program W J Z-Sunbirds WPCH-Maritime News WJZ-Phil Cook-the Quaker Man WABC-Something for Everyone W A B C-Yoeng's Orchestra WA BC -The Boswell Sisters-Baker WGBS-Musical Travelogue WPAP-"Garden Hints" Chocolate Program WOV-Personal Problems 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. WQAO-Calvary Evening 8:30 W MCA -Organ Reveille WGBS-Douglas McTague Cowboy Services WEAF-Cheerio songs - 4:00 WMCA-Goldburg Musical Moments WLWL-"The Church at Prayer" Rev. WOE -Martha Manning-A Macy Pre- WEAF-Pop Concert Gerald B. Donnelly, S. J. sentation 12:15 WMCA-Phillips String Ensemble WOE -Bergen County Civic Program 7:45 WEAF-The Goldbergs-Pepsodent Pro- WJZ-Bissel Pick-ups W EAF-Black and Gold Room Orchestra WJZ-Paciflc Vagabonds gram WOV-Trio Royale -Direction Leon Rosebrook; Amy WPCH-"The Instrumentalists at Play" WOE -Don Carney's Dog Chats-A WGBS-The Almanac Man Goldsmith, Soprano; Donald Beltz, WHN-Frances Frye, Almanac of Songs Spratt Program Glick's Gym Class Baritone WOV-Stanley Laurence Orchestra WJZ-Esso Program-"Believe It or 8:45 W MCA -Harry Going Up-Selection W Sisters-Harmony WOE -Musical Novelettes Orchestra GBS-Burnett Not"-Bob Ripley WJZ-Al and Pete WMSG-Eric Kohlenbeck-Basso WA BC -The Camel Quarter Hour - She Rested by the Broken Brook Beach Boys Morton Downey, Anthony Wons, and WA BC -Old Dutch Girl-Newsy Jingles Baritone solo, Donald Beltz 4:15 WMCA-Honolulu Jacques Reynard's Orchestra in Rhyme and Song The Harmonica Player, from "Two WHN-Major Manfred Pakas-Aviation WLWL-Emeric Kurtagh, Pianist WOV-Financial Talk Alley Tunes" WGBS-"Your Voice" WGBS-Hit of the Week Orchestra WMSG-Jeanette Yanover-Soprano 9:00 WMCA-Monsieur Sakele Voici di Primavera 4:30 WMCA-The Phantom Organist WEAF-Morning Glee Club Soprano solo, Amy Goldsmith WEAF-Phil Spitalny-Tea Dansante WOE -Miss Catherine 'n' Calliope-A Melida WJZ-Eastman School Chamber Music 8 P.M. to 2 A.M. Bamberger Presentation Orchestra W PCH-The Faegin Players-"The Play WJZ-Tom Brennie WOE -Economy Program-Joseph Hil- for Today" WPCH-Southern Canary ton & Sons Program WABC-U. S. Navy Band Concert- 8:00 WEAF-Snoop and Peep WABC-The Commuters Vincent WJZ-Pat Barnes in Person-Swift Co.' from Washington, D.C. WOE -Willard Robison and his Deep Sorey, conductor - Program WHN-Einar Schultz, Baritone River Orchestra WOV-Emergency Unemployment Com- WPCH-Carrie Lillie -"All in Fun" WOV-Your Health WJZ-College Memories-National Bat- mittee WOV-Evelyn Wald-Blues WGBS-"The Personality Girl" tery Co. Program W Horsey's Juveniles WABC-The Columbians Freddie WGBS-Dagmar Perkins Morning WGBS-"First Love" MSG -Mabel Rich, Conductor, with the- Round Moods 12:30 WMCA-W. T. Stock Quotations 4:45 WOE -Milton James Ferguson: "Books, Towners Quartet 9:15 WMCA-Loughran Food Talk WOE -H. S. Mauerer's Concert En- Old and New" WH A P-Music WEAF-Dr. Royal S. Copeland-Ster- emb a-Astor Program WPCH-La Petite Mademoiselle ling Products Co. Program 8:15 WNYC-Metropolitan Museum of Art WJZ-Morning Glories WEAF-Ohman and Arden WPCH-The Girl at the Piano-Jo. WJZ-Guy Robertson, Baritone Mortell WABC-Singin' Sam, The Barbasol Man WOV-Housewives' Gym Class W H AP -Ex -Priest WMSG-Story & Clarke Concert 8:30 WN Y C -Orchestra 9:30 WMCA-Modern Living WEAF-Mobiloil Concert - Rudolph WEAF-Flying Fingers Friml, pianist -composer, Guest Art- WOE -Cookery of Many Lands-Arert- ist; Gladys Rice, Soprano; Douglas ta Watts SPECIALS FOR TODAY Stanbury, Baritone and Master of WJZ-"Beautiful Thoughts"- Mont- Ceremonies; Nathaniel Shilkret, Di- gomery Ward Co. Program rector- WPCH-Program Resume Selections from "The Firefly" W A II C -Tony's Scrap Book-Conducted W OE-" Broadway Varieties" by Anthony Wons WJZ-Jack Frost Melody Moments WPAP-Round Home 2:45 P.M. . . WEAF -United Hospital Fund. WABC-La Palina Preset..,; Kate Smith WOV-Modern Living and Her Swanee Music WGBS-Trio Royale WHN-M-G-M Radio Movie Club Flashes 8:45 WABC-Tastyeast Gloom Chasers, Com- WMSG-News 10:00 P.M. . . WJZ -Rochester Civic Orchestra. 9:45 WEAF-Our Daily Food-Col. Good- edy Act, Featuring "The Colonel and & P Budd"-Announcer, David Ross body-A Program W H A WOE-Songs-Joseph Bier Radio Log will be found on page 4 P-Americanus WJZ-Miracles of Magnolia 9:00 WEAF-Halsey Stuart Program-"Old WABC-Morning Minstrels Counsellor" WPAP-In the Studio W N Y C -Musicale WGBS-"Lucky Girl"-Dramatic story WOE -Jack Arthur, Beth Challis and WMSG-Grace Geiger-Soprano the Two Pianos-A Macy Presenta- tion WJZ-Adventures of Sherlock Holmes- 12 Noon G. Washington Coffee Program 10 A.M. to WJZ-National Farm and Home Hour WEN -"Around the World"-Fleming WABC-Gold Medal Fast Freight WOV-Singing WHN-The Thinker Period 10:00 WMCA-Morning Glories WPCH-Helen Medlin-The Melody Troubadour WEAF-Mrs. Blake's Radio Column- Maid W GBS-"At the Movies" 9:15 WNYC Band Concert Sisters of the Skillet WABC-Columbia Revue - Emery 5:00 WMCA-Sally Orchestra WOE -Blue Label Cocktail Party (male WOE -McCann Pure Food Hour Deutsch's Orchestra, Presenting an WEAF-The Lady Next Door quartet) WJZ-Mary Hale Martin's Household Oriental Program WOE-Horsman Doll Program WHN-Harmony Team Period-Libby, McNeil and Libby WPAP-Evelyn Marra, Soprano WJZ-Chats with Peggy Winthrop WHAP-Music Program WOV-Nick Kenny WPCH Monsieur Sakele 9:30 WNYC-Mme. Weems WPCH-Cousin Lillian with the Kiddies WGBS-Jeanne Barniard, Monologues WABC-Asbury Park Orchestra WEAF Palmolive Hour-Olive Palmer WABO-Grant, Graham and Coughlin 12:45 WPAP-Parent's Talk WIIN Gladys Hartman, George Nobbs, & Paul Oliver WPAP-Drexel Hines. Piano Concert IV OV-Popular Tunes of Merit Songs WOE -Lone Star Rangers WOV-Musical Specialties WGBS Ray Current Events Club, Inc. WOV-MacGordon, Songs, Piano WJZ-Dutch Masters Program WGBS Andy Buff-Songs 1:00 WMCA-Meloders WGBS-United Synagogue WABC-Eno Crime Club WMSG-Elizabeth Young Current WEAF-Market and Weather Reports WMSG-Bronx Board of Trade WHN-In the Studio Events - 5:05 WOE -Fred Kinsley Organ Recital- WHAP-"The Vatican" WOR-Midday Diversions Astor Program 10:15 WMCA-A. N. Serenaders WPCH-Luncheon Music 9:45 WHN-Brazilian Music WEAF-Jane Grant's Steero Program WAIIC-Hotel Taft Orchestra 5:15 WJ Z -"Mouth Health"-Calsodent Pro- WJZ-Dance Miniature WENY-N. Y. Evening Air Post gram 10:00 W M C A -Success Interview Music Ensemble WPC II -Captain Joe IVOR-Fox Fur Trappers (Frank Parker WPCH-Monsieur Sakele WGBS-American IV ABC -Uncle Olie and His Kre-Mel and quartet) WABC-Bond Bread Program - Dr. 1:15 WE AF Larry Funk and His Orchestra Gang WJZ-Rochester Civic Orchestra Royal S. Copeland WOE Frank Dailey's Orchestra WHN-Bethe and Western - WPAP-Thomas Colwell, Tenor Boy Stromberg-Carlson Program Trappers WOV-Motion Picture WGBS-Ted Lang and His Musical WAIIC Vitality Personalities WOV-Fur 1:30 WMCA-Broadway Strollers Gang WHN-Bill Kases-His Musical Aces WGBS-Mountain Music WMSG James McDonough-Baritone W M S G-Studio Presentation WJZ-Mid-day Musicale WHAP-Listeners' Letters WPCH-Dorian Vocal Trio 5:25 WOE -Jones Beach Talk 10:15 IVOR-Herbert's Diamond Entertainers 10:30 WMCA-N amm's Program WABC-Ritz Carlton Hotel Orchestra 5:30 W M CA -Quaker Puzzle Man IV ABC -Weed Tire Chain Program WEAF-Wildroot Chat-Elizabeth May WEN Y -Organ Recital WEAF-Sam Loyd, the Puzzle Man WJZ-Our Daily Food-Col. Goodbody \VOV-Hovey Frey Trio Malted Cereal Program 10:30 WMCA-Three Little Sachs -A & P Program WGBS-Naomi Shaw, songs W OR -Julian Woodworth's Gov. Clinton WEAF-Coca Cola-Gil Dobie-Cornell WP CH -Blanche Terry-Soprano Hotel Dance Orchestra coach, interviewed by Grantland Rice WABC-Ida Bailey Allen-Radio Home 1:45 WP ('H-Highlights of Sports WJZ-Clara Lu and Em-Colgate-Palm- WOV-Elizabeth Dalbo-Soprano WJZ Jeddo Highlanders Program Makers WGBS-Symphonic Rhythm WPC'lI-Rabbi Lazar Schoenfeld olive WPAP-Radio Style Talk WABC-Salty Sam, the Sailor WABC-Columbia Concert Program WGBS-"In Songland" 2:00 WMCA-Bide Dudley's Dramatic Re- WIIN-Russian Echoes 10:45 WMCA-Pipes of Pan WMSG-"A Thought for Today" . view WOV-Fur Paraders WOE -Globe Trotter-N. Y. American WEAF-"Child Study" Marion H. WJZ-Hollywood Nights 10:45 WMCA-Tuneful Topics Miller - WMSG-Doris Thornton-Contralto WEAF-Betty Crocker-Cooking Talk WOE -Helen King, Graphologist 5 45-WMCA-Red Devils with Junior Smith 11:00 IV MC 1 -Marty Beck's Orchestra W J Z-Consolaires WJZ-Mrs. Julian Heath-Food Talk WEAF-Rex Cole Mountaineers WEAF-"The Voice of Radio Digest" WPCII-Frank McCabe, Tenor WPCH-Sweethearts of Radioland WJZ-Little Orphan Annie-Wonder WOE -Will Oakland and Dance Or- WABC-Melody Parade WABC-Nell Vinick Beauty Talk Program chestra WPAP Emily Muller, Soprano WRNY-Evangelist F. L. Whitesell WAIIC-Jolly Jugglers WJZ-Slumber Music WOV Monsieur Sakele WGBS Marchia Stewart, Organist W GBS-"Him and Tier"-Sketch WABC-Belasco's Orchestra WGBS-Bits from Symphonies W M C A Reflections WMSG-Sherry Lavelle- Whistler - WHN-The Melody Quartette WMSG Johnny & Mel-Variety -Mirror 2:15 WEAF-Golden Gems Elsie Baker, Pianist 11:15 WEAF-Jesse Crawford 11:00 WN Y C -Correct Time, Police Reports Contralto; Edward Wolter,- Baritone; 6:00 WNYC-Correct Time, Aviation Re- WABC-Street Singer WEAF-Keeping Up with Daughter- ports Sherwin Williams Program Orchestra Direction Ludwig Laurier 11:30 WMCA-Sleepy Timo Hale WOE -Show Boat Boys WEAF-Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra WEAF-1 incent Lopez and his Orchestra WOE -Personality Plus-Marie WJZ-Weather Reports WOE -Uncle Don (Hearn's Program) WOE-Moonbeams-directed by George WJZ.-"Goudiss School of Cookery" WJZ-Music Treasure Box W Gene Weeks WPCH-Jewish Science Talk Shackley PCII-Pianologue-Edith W A BC -Ann Leaf at the Organ WABC-"Bill Schudt's Going to Press" WJZ-Russ Columbo WABC-Rhythm Ramblers WOV-City Free Employment WHN-Ramon Palmer, Concert Pianist WPAP Donald Barrie Players WLWL-"Loved WABC-Park Central Orchestra WOV-Maytime Music 2:30 WMCA-"Two Boys and a Girl" Songs of Many Na- WHN-Zimmerman's Hungarian Pro- WGBS-Lillian Menker-Soprano WOR-Spanish Lessons tions"-Leo de Hierapolis, Baritone gram WMSG-Beatrice James-Contralto WPCH-Piano Nifties-Ruth Cleary soloist WHAP Midnight Bells (Music) and Betty Worth WGBS-"The Radio Messenger" 11:45 WJZ-Lew White Organ Recital 11:15 WEAF Radio Household Institute WJZ-Refrain Revue 6:15 WJZ-Rameses Program WABC Nocturne-Ann Leaf WOE The Happy Vagabond-Jack WABC-American School of the Air WABC-Biltmore Orchestra Arthur WRNY Quaker Sisters-Harmonies WHN-Belvidere Brooks, Post 12:00 WMCA-Bide Dudley's Dramatic Re- WJZ Singing Strings WGBS-Doug Brinkley-Theatregoing view WPCII-The Voice that Gets You WOV-.Jack Healy Trio WEAF-Lew Conrad's Orchestra WABC-Musical Alphabet Radio 2:45 WMCA Jack Filman, Sport chat 6:30 WEAF-"Ray Perkins, the Old Topper" WJZ-Mildred Bailey and the Jesters Home Makers - WEAF United Hospital Fund Program WOE -Journal of the Air WABC-Casino Orchestra WGBS-"Dogs"-talk by Daisy Miller WOE -Mary Windsor, Soprano WJ Z -Teddy Black and his Orchestra WHN-Studio Program WMSG-Gertrude Giordano-Soprano WJZ-Piano Moods WABC-Hotel Taft Orchestra WPCH-Olde New England Cook WEN -Union, Jewish Congregations 12:15 WJZ-Coon Sanders' Orchestra 11:05 WNYC-Retail Food Prices WRNY-"Back Gammon"-Julian WLWL-Edward Slattery, Organist 12:30 IV MCA -Enoch Light Orchestra 11:30 WNYC-Marston Trio Barth WGBS-American Music Ensemble WEAF-Paul Whiteman's Orchestra WEAF-Mariani and his Marionettes 3:00 W MCA -"On Board the S. S. Radio' 6:45 WEAF-Swift Program WJZ-Ernie Hoist and his Orchestra WOR-Contempora-"Art in Fashion" WEAF-Woman's Radio Review WJZ-Literary Digest Topics Lowell WABC-St. Moritz Orchestra WJZ-Tuneful Times WOE -Contract Bridge-Official System Thomas WPCH-Organ Recital -Edith Taft Chubb WABC-Reiss & Dunn 1:00 WMCA-Phil Romano Orchestra WPAP-Harmony WJZ-Organ Melodies WLW'L-"Socialism in Education" Rev. WABC- Orchestra WOV-Joe Perry-Piano WPCH-Mirror Reflections James T. Cronin, Ph.D. 1:30 WABC-Dave Abrams' Barn Orchestra 1O Army- General Electric .Star On Benrus Program Notre Dame Game The Army-Note Dame football game at the Yankee Stadium, in New York, will be described by Ted Husing over a nationwide WABC-Columbia net- work during the afternoon of Satur- day, November 28. This game was not included in Columbia's original schedule of foot- ball broadcasts because several other important games on the same date were under consideration. Addition of this gridiron classic to the games already scheduled for description over

the Columbia chain swells Colum- 4 bia's total of scheduled football broad- casts for 1931 to thirteen. One change may be made in the schedule announced several weeks ago by Columbia. Although no arrange- ments have yet been made, the Army - Navy game, in New York, may be described over the network on Decem- ber 12 instead of the Southern Cali- fornia -Georgia game, scheduled for description on that date. Columbia's Dick Robertson, is featured on the schedule of football broadcasts, as it Benrus program each Saturday night stands now, follows: at ro:45 P.M. over the WJZ-NBC net- November 26-University of Pennsyl- work. Robertson began his career as a vania vs. Cornell- song plugger on a small radio station Philadelphia. for $15 a week. Four months after he November 28-Army vs. Notre Dame made his radio debut he was touring -New York. England at $1750 a week. December 5- Army vs. Navy- New York - Yankee -.- Stadium. They Are Whispering December 12- Southern California vs. Georgia-Los Angeles. That- December 26- Georgia Tech. vs. Cali- Sooner or later, the so-called battle fornia-Atlanta. of the baritones will fade into thin ether, with the participants as forgot- ten as yesterday's newspaper. Inter- Sam's Singin' Soothes est, judging from fan mail, is already MADAME LOUISE HOMER definitely on the wane. When Singin' Sam was broadcasting Now Radio City officials are worry- in Cleveland, he received a 'phone call Madame Louise Homer will be type of songs that are known in the ing about the approved plans for the from a hospital that a very old lady the guest artist on the General Elec- average American home and will be gigantic project now in work. Art was dying and begged that he sing tric Home Circle Program, to be introduced by Grace Ellis, directress of critics have labelled the plans "a mon- "Silver Threads Among the Gold." broadcast over a nationwide network the General Electric Sunday and daily strosity," and now no one knows He did . . . and the nurse called back from Station WEAF, York, at Home Circle Programs, the latter what to do. to thank him and also to tell him that 5:3o p.m. Nov. 1i. Madat. Homer's heard every noon except Saturday Among those mentioned for impor- the patient had improved. Sometime name is a familiar one in every Ameri- and Sunday over the same coast -to -coast tant posts in the new Radio City are later he learned that she had recov- can household where an interest in broadcast. Paul Whiteman, Erno Rapee, Rudy ered. Was he happy? fine music exists. She will sing the Vallee and B. A. Rolfe. Who'll re- Mobiloil Has Friml main to broadcast? or later will Rudolph Friml, composer and author Sooner stations insist on censoring all of numerous musical comedy scores advertising conti- MUSINGS ON MUSIC and including "The Firefly", "You're in nuity, cutting the product build- With MOZART Jr. up at least half. Love", and Rose -Marie", will be Television ready guest on the Mobiloil concert over won't be for an- decade. What Schumann Would Probably the first time. The radio fans think of WEAF and the NBC network, Wed- other Certain apparently in- surmountable obstacles have en- Say if He Listened in a love song when they hear Vallee's nesday November 15, from 8:3o P.M., been countered, and until they're cleared on Current Programs name, just as they connect Bing to 9:00 P.M. up, seeing those hear is far, Crosby or Russ Columbo with a snatch Gladys Rice, soprano, and Douglas you still far away. ".... Did you know that radio is a of syncopated melody. Toscha Seidel Stanbury, baritone and master of cere- 1931 will be com- color that flows through the sky? So would be quickly tuned out if he monies, will be heard on the same the biggest year mercial ever faint are its rainbow colors that they played 'hot' fiddle and the same ap- program Nathaniel Shilkret's orches- broadcasters had, with worth -while are invisible to the human eye but all plies toVenuti if he went 'classical' ." tra will furnish the musical back- all "time" during that radio stations are like musical light- ground. - period already disposed of. houses sending their melodic beams There's going to be a new great into chain hook-up before another year has your home.- .. As I listen in it seems to me in that the real menace to good music on Evening Paris passed, with WOR the New York . Have you noticed how the the air is rhythm. Artists are Rita Burgess Gould, famous vaude- outlet. fickle public are tuning out tenors and sacri- ficing tone ville headliner and musical comedy Henry Ford, who has shunned the dialing in the baritones? Make the for tempo-arrangers are concentrating on and star is heard every Monday over broadcasters until now, will have his most of it gentlemen of the middle syncopation sponsors are giving the public music WABC on the program known as an own station shortly, which will extol vocal register for your stay may be as to quicken the feet not heart. "Evening In Paris" which is broad- the merits of his product all through short as the crooners, and the listening but the But a menace is its own and a cast at 9:30 P.M. the day. post may start dialing for bassos after remedy tired world will soon be a while.- clamoring for heart stimulants in the form of . . (Aside to songwriters) Do not melody and beautiful harmony." When YourRadio Needs r4ffenfion delve into the melodies of the past for Authorized to repair every ideas. Dig make of Radio. A. C. sets your into the future, for changed to D. C. and vice the best songs have never been written. .. Amy Goldsmith's voice is like an versa. Expert automobile set sudden on a cloudy November installation and service. We Astound your music critics with your sunlight can have a service man on the day-we forget the Autumn setting in Job within the hour, within a efforts-don't remind them of some radius of 25 miles of New York. old master." the silver wonder of a birdlike note Il 0 that conjures Spring and murmuring Branches Everywhere .. This is a classification age-an brooks. I know a sightless man whose Day & Night Service era when people pigeon -hole you by smile is wonderful to see when this REAL RADIO SERVICE Including Sunday what ever they hear you sing or play, singer is on the air.'' MAIN OFFICE -550 STATE ST.- BROOKLYN II PROGRAM FOR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26th

La Bella Jardiniera Maduro WHN-Spivy Le Doe, Songs at Piano WJZ Famous Fallacies of Business- 6:45 A.M. to 10 A.M. Barbara Maurel WOV-Stanley Lawrence Orchestra M erle Thorpe March Hongroiso from "Damnation WGBS-Marian French, Contralto of Faust" WABC-Camel Quarter Hour-Morton 7:30-WJZ-A Song for Today Berlioz 4:15 WHN-Margaret Wilson, Popular Pian- Downey, Anthony Wons, and Jacques WABC-Organ Reveille-Popular Music WRNY-Luncheon Music Renard's by Fred Feibel WOV-Duke Selvy, Uko & Songs ist Orchestra WGBS-Thanksgiving Program WGBS-Dorothy Zorn, Impersonations WOR-Bernard Levitow's Ensemble 7:45-WJZ-Jolly Bill and Jane-Cream of Symphonique Wheat Program WMSG-Ethel Levos, Soprano 4:30 WMCA-Phantom Organist 12:15 W MCA -Phillips String Ensemble WEAF-Phil Spitalny Tea Dansante 8:00 WMCA-The Phantom Organist WEAF-Black and Gold Room Orches- WJZ-Lew White Organ Recital WEAF-Gene and Glen-Quaker Early tra-Direction Leon Rosebrook; WPC II -Harlem Hot Stuff-"Uke' Joy- Birds Catherine Field, Soprano; Fred Huf- ner WJZ-On the 8:15 smith, Tenor WABC-Hotel Taft Orchestra 8 P.M. to 2 A.M. W A BC -Morning Devotions Selection from WHN-Fred Calmpitt. Baritone 8:15 WMCA-The Three Early Birds "Beggar Student". Milloecker WOV-Emergency Employment Com- 8:00 WEAF-Fleischmann Hour-Helen WEAF Morning Devotions Orchestra mittee Morgan-Guest Artist; Rudy Vallee's WJ Z-Sunhirds If Flowers Could Speak . Mana-Zucca 4:45 WPCH-On A Coral Strand-Kale and Orchestra WABC-Something for Everyone Tenor solo, Fred Hufsutith Indetta Shas WJZ-Rin Tin Tin Thriller-"Thans- 8:30 WMCA-Organ Reveille Mexican Kisses-IJabanera..Roberts WHN-Marcia Wallack, Popular Songs giving" dramatic program with WEAF-Cheerio Canzonetta Herbert W OV-Singing Troubadour Bob White and Tom Corwine- Orchestra Bros. W OR -Martha Manning-A Macy Pre- When You're Away, from "The Only WGBS-Nathaniel Ponsette Dart. Chappell Program sentation Girl" WABC-'I he Mills Brothers WJZ Bissel Pick-ups Herbert 5:00 WMCA-Sally Orchestra WP AP -Charles Benczes Ensemble WOV Trio Royale Soprano so o ...... Catherine Field WEAF-The Jungle Man Hungarian Dances Nos. 2 and 7 WOK -Katherine Gordon. Songs 8:15 WNYC-Don Avalon-Grecian Orches- 8:45 W MCA -Harry Glick's Gym Class Brahms WJZ-Coffee Matinee, Brazilian Coffee tra W OR -Musical Novelettes Village Swallows Strauss Grower's Program WABC-Sterling Products Program- WJZ-Al and Pete Orchestra WPCH-Mme. Louise Voccoli and Tom Abe Lymans Band WABC-Gilbert Sullivan Breakfast Hour One Fleeting Hour Lee Voccoli 8:30 WOK -A Sap's Fables WOV-Financial Talk Soprano and tenor duet WABC-Asbury Park Orchestra Armina Lincke WHN-Knights of WJZ-Pickard Family 9:00 WMCA-Monsieur Sakele Music W A BC-LaPalina present WEAF-Morning Glee Club Orchestra WOV-Snapshots Kate Smith & WJZ-Pat Barnes, In person, Swift & W GBS-Mary Bongert-Soprano Swanee Music WOR-"Santa Claus Parade"-A Bam- Co. Program WP AP -The Nobby Players berger Presentation WPOII-Musical Travelogue, 5:05 WOR-V. E. Meadows Beauty Talk- WJZ-Tom Brennie Lucille Frididine Program WMSG-Joseph Mendelsohn, Baritone Peterson 8:45 WNYC-Federal Business WPCH-Southern Canary W O V -Personal Problems 5:10 WOR Fred Kinsley-Organ Recital- League W ABO The Commuters-Vincent Sorey WJZ-Sisters of the Skillet, Procter & conductor 12:30 WMCA-Stock Quotations Astor Program Gamble Program WOV-Musical Clock Clinton Hotel Dance Orchestra 5:15 WEAF The Lady Next Door WA BC -Angelo Patri "Your Child" WJZ-National Farm & Home Hour WOK -Fred Kingsley, Organ Recital, Cream of Wheat Program 9:15 W MCA -The Gossipers WPCH-The Song Painter-Earl Kardux Astor Program WEAF-Tom Waring's Troubadours W A B(' -Young's WMSG-Elole Gallo-Soprano WJZ-Morning Glories Orchestra WPCH-Captain Joe 9:00 WNYC-Filomeno's WPCH-Fitzpatrick Brothers WI( NY -New York Stock Quotations WOV-Maye Kaye-Blues Westonians WOV-Housewives' Gym Class WPCII-The Poet's Corner 5:30 WMCA-Quaker Puzzle Man WEAF-Arco Dramatic M usicale-Saint- W OV-Readings WEAF-Rinso Talkie Saens, "Reincarnated" Guest of 9:30 WMCA-Modern Living WMSG-Brandeis & Browne Program WOK -Captain Donald Gerrish "Amer- Honor; Rachel Morton, Soprano; WOR-Alice MacDougall 12:45 WPCH-Crooning the Blues Away Thanksgiving" Harald Hansen, Tenor; Rondoliers WJZ-"Beautiful Thoughts" Montgom- ica's Quartet; Fred Wilson and Ernest WOV-Popular Tunes of Merit WJZ-Old Pappy, Negro Impersonations Ehler, ery Ward Program 1:00 WMCA-International Vagabond WPCH-Los Caporales Tenors; Hubert Hendrie, Bari- WPCH-Margaret Kopekin, Concert W ABC Sam, tone; George Gove, Bass; Charles Pianist WEAF-Popular Varieties-Seraphina -Salty the Sailor-Kolynos Touchette, Pianist; Jeffrey Harris' WABC-Tony's Scrap Book-Conducted Strolova, Soprano; Helen Schaeffer, Program Orchestra by Anthony Wons Contra to; Barry Devine, Baritone; WHN-Y. M. C. A. The Swan Saint-Saens WRNY-Harry Glicks Class Yoichi Hiraoka, xylophonist WOV-Fur Paraders Rondoliers WOV-Modern Living WPCH-Luncheon Music WGBS-Defenseless Prohibition La Cloche Saint-Saens Soprano solo, Rachel Morton 9:45 WEAF-Our Daily Food by Colonel La Serenite Saint-Saens Goodbody A & P Program La WOR-Sherman Keene's Orchestra Bas Saint-Saens WJZ-Miracles of Magnolia Tenor solo, Harald Hansen WPCH-Mose Sigler J Danse Macabre Saint-Saens W ABC -The Ambassadors-Male Trio Orchestra WGBS-"Lucky Girl," Dramatic Story WJZ-Blackstone Plantation SPECIALS FOR TODAY WABC-Eugene Ormandy WRN Y -Harold Munsch's Orchestra 11:00 A.M. . . WABC-Thanksgiving Services from Washington WMSG-Transfleld Sisters-Banjoists 10 A.M. to 12 Noon Cathedral, Washington, D. C. 9:15 W OR -Blue Label Cocktail Party-Male 1:30 P.M. . . WABC-Cornell-Pennsylvania Football Game, Ted Quartet "Curtice" 10:00 WMCA-Morning Glories WMSG-Sorgen & Basson, Novelty WEAF-Mrs. Blake's Radio Column Husing, announcer. 9:30 WEAF-Adventures of Sherlock hlolmes- WOR-McCann Pure Food Hour -Dramatic Sketch WRNY-Thanksgiving Talk F. L. 1:45 P.M. . WJZ -Nebraska - Pittsburgh Football Game, with Richard Whitesell - Gordon and Leigh Level WJZ-Ray Perkins-Andrew Jergens' William Munday, announcer. WOR-Men of WOR Orchestra I rogram 1:45 P.M. . . WEAF -Cornell -Pennsylvania Football Game, Gra- WJZ-Maxwell House Ensemble WPCH Talk-Children's Home WABC-Love Story Hour W ABC-Copeland-Ceresota Flower Pro- ham McNamee, announcer. WRNY-Green Village Inn Orchestra gram Radio Log will be found on page 4 WMSG-Sports Resume WOV-Musical Specialties 10:00 WMCA-Success Interview WGBS-Interlude of German Music WOR-Hentstreet Quartet 10:15 WMCA-Madam Elvira Geiger r WEAF Lucky Strike Dance Hour- WEAF Breen & cleRose Walter "Vinchell-Andy Sanella's WPCH-Monsieur Sakele Orchestra WABC-Machine Age Housekeeping WJZ A. & P. Gypsies WOV-Fur Trappers WABC-Poultry & Stock Feeders Help 5:45 WEAF-Rex Cole Mountaineers WABC-Hart Schaffner 10:30 WMCA-Namm's Program WRNY-New York Evening Air Port & Marks WGBS-American Music Ensemble WOK -Aunt Betty's Toy Shop, Albany Trumpeters WEAF-Soconyland Program Program WRN Y -Croissant WJZ-Talk-Col. Goodbody A & P Pro- 1:15 WMCA-"Melody Express" WJZ-Little Orphan Annie "Wonder Orchestra gram WEAF-Popular Varieties Program" WMSG-Alexander Ermoloff Program WPCH-Ivriah Program WABC-Football Souvenir Program, W A BC-Biltmore Orchestra 10:15 WOK -The Weaver of Dreams W'ABO-Melody Parade WOV-Dr. George Cohen WGBS-Him & Her, Sketch 10:30 W MCA WRNY-Organ Recital -The Three Little Sachs 1:30 WMCA-Luncheon Music 6:00 WEAF-Waldorf Astoria Orchestra WJZ-Clara, Lu & Em-Colgate Palm- W GBS-Sentimental Banjoists WEAF-Phil Spitalny and his Orchestra WOK -Uncle Don-United Profit Shar- olive Hour 10:45 WE AF -Morning Serenaders WJZ-Midday Musical ing Program WABC-Peters Parade-Irene Beasley, WJZ-Mystery Chef-R. B. Davis Pro- WPCH-Sunshine Vocal Trio WJZ Raising Junior-Wheatena Serial Contralto; Ken Christie Trio; and gram WABC-Pennsylvania-Cornell Football WABC-Frank Ross, Songs Vic Young's Orchestra, Announcer, W A BC -Barbara Gould Beauty Talk Game WHN-Mack Gordon, Tenor Harry von Zell W OV Monsieur Sakele 'WHN-Y. M. C. A. W L W L -Orchestra I Love a Parade 11:00 WEAF-L'Heure Exquise-Woman's W MS G -Sally Morton-Blues WGBS-Maurice Brandeis Society Forum Orchestra and Trio Vocal Octet with Organ. Directions W GBS-Corrine Cooper 6:15 WNYC-Joyce Joost-Songs for Children I'm for You 100% Geo. Dilworth 1:45 WEAF-Cornell-Pennsylvania Football WJZ-The Gruen Answer Man Irene Beasley W OR -N ell V inick - Beauty Talk- Game-Graham McNamee, Announc- W ABG-Hotel Bossert Orchestra Oh Kay: Clap Your Hands Dremza & Kremel Program er WHN-East Side Post No. 868 Someone to Watch Over Me WJZ-Forecast School Cookery WJZ-Nebraska - Pittsburgh Football WGBS-Justice Brandies Society Column Do Do Do WPCH-The Cherrup Girl Game-William Munday, announcing 6:30 WNYC-Children's Musicale Orchestra and Trio WRN Y -Dinar Kavkaz-Songs WPCH-Highlights of Sports WEAF-The World Today-"Bruening Sailing on the Robert E. Lee WABC Thanksgiving Service from WHN-James McDonough, Songs and the Reich", James G. McDon- Irene Beasley Washington Cathedral WOV-Three of a Kind Trio ald That's Why Darkies Were Born, from WGBS-Taylor String Trio WGBS-Symphonic Rhythm WOK -Journal of the Air "Scandals" 11:05 WNYC-Retail Food Prices 2:00 WMCA-Bide Dudley's Dramatic Re- WJZ-Breyer Leaf Boys After the Rain WOV-Mavtime Music view WABC-Hotel Bossert Orchestra Orchestra and Trio W GBS-AI Crisco, Songs WPCH-Sweethearts of Radio Land WHN-Reform Rabbis WRNY-Organ Recital WHN-Germaine Bentz-Concert Pian- WLWL-Laughing Troubadour 10:45 11:15 WOR-Economy Program-Joseph Hil- ist Music Ensemble WMCA-Village Barn Orchestra ton & Sons Program WGBS-Marchia Stewart-Organist WGBS-American WOR-Globe Trotter-New York Amer- WJZ-Dorothy Chase & Musicians 6:45 WNYC-Kovacs Gypsy Trio -Soloist, ican WPCH-Al Eagleson, Tenor 2:15 WMCA-Mirror Reflections Milo Vilona-Tenor WPCH-Hernan Rodriguez-The Co- WJZ-Paris Night Life-Affiliated Prod- WRNY-Poems to live By-Dr. Walker WMCA-Red Devils with Jr. Smith ucts Program 11:20 Orange Football lumbian Troubadour WEAF-Swift Program-Stebbins Boys WOR-Barringer-East WHN-Doris Thornton, Contralto WOK -Harry Salters-Golden Trail of WABC-Fray & Braggiotti Game WOV-Vincent Calendo, Tenor Melody-Richfield Program 11:30 WEAF-Hugo Mariano and his Marion- WMSG-Susan Mansfield-Popu- WJZ-Literary Digest Topics 11:00 WMCA-Will Oakland Terrace ettes lar Songs W ABC-Connie Boswell, Songs WEAF-Ralph Kirbery W J Z-"Consolaires" 2:30 WMCA New York Health Department WLWL-"Question Box"-Rev. Peter E. WOK -In a Russian Village WPO.H-Organ Recital WPCH-Real Radio Service Men Hoey, C.S.P. WJZ-Slumber Music WRN Y -Carlisle Brook, Pianist WHN-"Garden Hints" 7:00 WEAF-Vermont Lumber Jacks WABC-St. Moritz Orchestra WOV-Jones & Wave. Spirituals WOV-Your Health WOK -N. Y. American Relief Fund WRNY-Filipino Stompers Orchestra WGBS-"The Man Who Forgot to Grow W MSG -Inspirational Hour for Shut-ins Old" Oakley Selleck WJZ-Pepsodent Program-Amos 'n' 11:15 WEAF-Coon Sanders Orchestra 2:45 W MCA -Jack Filman-Sports Chat Andy WABC-Jack Miller 11:45 WJZ Jill & Judy WHN-James aí cal anus-Tenor WABC-Myrt & Marge-Wrigley Pro- WPCH-The Female Baritone-Char- WOV-Agatha Goodman, Soprano gram 11:30 WMCA-Boh Lightner Orchestra lotte Comer 3:00 WMCA-Kolomoku Hawaiians WPAP-Public School Period WEAF Jessie Crawford, Organist WRN Y -Wallpaper Boxes for Christmas WPCH-Mirror Reflections WLWL-Cosmic Ensemble WOK-Moonbeams-Directed by Geo. -A. Louise Fillebroun WHN-Miss Marantz 7:15 WNYC-N. Y. State Industrial Shackley WRN Y -A Pictorial Language-Huger WJZ Russ Colombo Elliott WOV-News Flashes WEAF-The Campbell Orchestra WOV-Adele Wennerstron, Soprano WGBS-James Aswell WOK The G. E. Radio Demonstration WABC-Belasco Orchestra WGBS-Edna Pendleton, Songs 3:15 WMCA-Goldhurg Musical Moments Program WRN Y -Eddie Ashman's Orchestra WNYC-Y.M.C.A.-A Vocational Talk WPCH-Down Reminiscence Road WJZ-Tastyeast Jesters 11:45 WEAF--Cab Calloway & his Orchestra WHN-"Care of the Eyes" WABC-Cremo presents Bing Crosby WJZ-Lew White's Organ Recital WOV-Johnny & Mel, Harmony WLW,-Fay Forster present-Tinso W GBS-Symphonic Rhythm Soloist 12:00 W M C A -Bide Dudley's Dramatic Revue Valentino-Soprano WEAF-Florence 12 Noon to 4 P.M. 3:30 W MCA -Chinatown Rescue Mission Ser- 7:30 WNYC-WNYC Air College Richardson & Her vice-Tom Noonan WEAF-Prince Albert Quarter Hour- Melody Boys 12:00 WMCA-Midday Message WPCH-Stock Quotations Alice Joy, Contralto; Paul Van WJZ-Mildred Bailey & Jesters WEAF General Electric Home Circle WHN-Frank Stapleton, Tenor Loan's Orchestra; "01' Hunch". WABC-Guy Lombardo & His Royal WJZ-The Merrie Men WOV-National Child Welfare WOR-Haddon Hall Cigar Concert. Vin- Canadians WPCH-Maritime News WGBS-Afternoon Musicale cent Sorey's Orchestra & Ralph WRNY-Harold Munsch's Orchestra 3:45 Kirbery, Baritone WABC-Columbia Revue-Vincent WJZ-Chicago Serenaders 12:15 WMCA-Enoch Light & Sorey's Orchestra & Julia Mahoney, WPCH-Organ Recitals WJZ-Phil Cook, the Quaker Man Orchestra Soprano, Presenting a Classical Pro- WOV-Red Cross WABC-Kaltenborn. Edits the News- WJZ-Earl Heinze & hits Orchestra . gram S. W. Straus Program 12:30 WEAF-Waldorf Astoria hotel Orchestra Overture to "The Flying Dutchman" WPAP-Bob Roltner, Baritone WABC-Park Central Orchestra Wagner W L W L -"Timely Topics" WJZ-Tweet Hogan's Orchestra Indian Dawn Zamecnik 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. 7:45 WEAF-The Goldbergs-Pepsodent Pro- Barbara Maurel gram 1:00 WMCA-Coon Saunder's Orchestra Pavane Ravel 4:00 WPCH-Ann LaPorte, Musical WOK -Footprints in the Sands of Time W ABC -Dave Abram's Orchestra Clare de Lune Debussy WABC-Melody Magic -National Bridge Shoe Program 1:30 W ABC -Roseland Ballroom Orchestra 12 :

Sailing Over NBC Illuminated Manuscript Here are the Stebbins Brothers-Esley and John-the Television performers, working in virtual Darkness, principal characters in the radio series The Stebbins found difficulty in reading music; so Elliott Jaffe origi- Boys." Esley is played by Arthur Allen, Captain Bill by nated this luminous manuscript. Jaffe, a radio and re- Phillips Lord and John by Parker Fennelly. cording artist, is heard over WABC Tuesday mornings. , Chicago Civic Opera A Fish Story Capitol Family Writes For Radio Guide A friend of Peter de Rose's sent his Nona Benet,who writes the intimate wife, May Singhi Breen, a handsome column for Radio Guide known as Persian cat. MIKE O' GRAPHS, is young in years One day May went out and left the but a veteran in radio. She knows the cat alone in the apartment, with on_y studios-and the studios know her. a bowl of goldfish for company. She has long held the title of the only When she got home, the cat was en- woman in the production end of radio : . tirely alone. and has also been responsible for ;ei.. So she had the goldfish bowl padded, many of the continuities you have for the cat to sleep in. heard. She is the confidante of most ''I've kept goldfish in that bowl for of radio's big stars. nine years,'' said May, "and I'm not going to stop now.- -, - Television Pianist On "Popular" Bits Florence Kyte, former accompanist in the Metropolitan Opera Studios, has been named chief accompanist for the Columbia Broadcasting System's television station; W2.XAB. She will Chicago's famous Civic opera which be heard and seen regularly through is broadcast over WJZ and the NBC the medium of the CBS television network at 9:oo P.M. every Saturday t tK transmitter. night, is under the direction of Her- The Capitol Family, under the di- bert Witherspoon. He is also direc- rection of Major Edward Bowes, tor of the Witherspoon Chorus which celebrated its ninth anniversary on can be heard over WJZ from ii :00 Radio Guide November 2-0th with a gala program to P.M. every Sunday. P.M. ii:3o which was broadcast over WEAF and An Illustrated Weekly of Pro- the the NBC network. grams & Personalities

New Goodyear Program On sale at newsstands on Fri- Radio Guide day of each week. John Philip Sousa and Arthur Pryor, PRICE, 5 cents a copy "The March King" 'and :the "Crown YEARLY subscription $2.50 Prince'' of American March Music, Advertising Rates launch a New Program series for (Effective October 19, 15'31) Goodyear Tire and Rubber. Sousa Radio Guide, Inc., recently celebrated his seventy-seventh 475 Fifth Avenue, New York City birthday anni- ¡^ mr General Advertising versary. He Per agate line, New York Edition..f of Dorothy Johnson is another new so- These are temporary rates based on a broadcasts his guaranteed average net pad circulºLion of prano to win popularity among radio for band every Tues- t0+ 25.000 (New York edition retaining Artists listeners. She is one of the featured issues issued in 1931. Order; for ad. ertising day night, at at these rates accepted only for insertion in 8:30 p.m. over artists on "Popular Bits" heard daily issues issues during the baánce of 1931. a coast -to -coast except Sunday, at 9 A.M., over WJZ Teachers and the NBC network. Mechanical Requirements network for the Pages are 4 columns aide b- 200 agate lines Goodyear Pro- -.- deep -800 igate lines to till. page. x 1434 inches gram, while Pry- 1 page '800 lines) Managers , 4 x 1434 inches Regular Feature 1 column '200 lines) ..2 or's band is the Now 2 columns '400 lines) ....4 x 14 i4 inches .1111h. Marion Harris went on WEAF as a 3 columns ;600 lines) .... 7 x 1434, inches Saturday night ,Radio Guide is a weekly night, and Halftones SS Screen. Mat-.: or Stereotypes Goodyear fea- sustaining feature the other not acceptable. meeting place of not only de- ture, at 9 p.m. vaudeville fans who recalled this the public interested in JOHN PHILIP SOUSA were thrilled at her Dates over the same lightful songstress Issuance and Closinc Radio ... but also artists, network, from WEAF, New York. initial and subsequent performances. Published weekly: issued on Friday and dated for :he second Saterday fcllowing. production supervisors, With the bands Miss Harris is a vocalist of rare (Example: publication issued Friday, Nov- broadcast executives, ad- on the programs charm, and her microphone voice is as ember 27, cated Saturday December 5.) Black and white forms cl )se for final re- vertisers -on -the -air and is .1---or are heard the pleasing as it interesting. lease of copy on second Thursday preced- others affiliated with Radio. Goodyear Quar- many years she headlined on the Keith ing date of issuance. (Example: forms close Thursday, November 19, fcr publiotion on If you have a service to and her decision- to 27. Satur- tet -James Mel- vaudeville circuit, sale Friday. November end dated offer, advertising rates are a means a treat for radio day, December 5.) Copy must be received ton, tenor; Lew- give radio try not later than Monday Preceding closing most reasonable and will is if proafs are wanted br O. IC James, tenor; dialers. date be given upon application. Phil Dewey, J. Russell Robinson, well-known Phone or write Radio baritone and Tin-Pan-Alleyite, is her piano accom- Radio Guide Guide, 475 Fifth Avenue. Wilfred Glenn, panist. Her theme song, a wise á; 475 Fif`h Ave., New York. N. Y. Telephone LExington u:gá bass, and a con- choice, is ''Time on My Hands.'' 2-4131. I :MO: cert dance or- It was John Royal's idea to bring Telephone: LExingt,n, 2-4731 ARTHUR PRYOR chestra. Miss Harris before the radio public. 13 PROGRAM FOR FRIDAY, NOVEMBE,'R L.

WPAP-JessieColdbert. Popular Pianist WOR-Danny Hope's Orchestra W ARC -The Biltmore Orchestra 6:45 A.M. to 10 A.M. WOV-Readings-Dan Russell WPCH-Stock Quotations WLWL-Catholic Reporter WGBS-Taylor String Trio WABC Arthur Jarrett 7:00 WN Y C -Don Cesare-Mandolyrico 6:45 WEAF-Tower Health Exercises- W MSG -French Lessons W RN Y -Organ Recital WEAF-Major Bowes' Family-Capitol Arthur Bagley, director 11:45- W N Y C -Department of Sanitation WGBS-Afternoon Musicale Theatre Program WOK -Gym Classes-John Gambling, WOR-Dagmar Perkins-Selbert W:1 - 3:45 WJZ-Chicago Serenade-Harry Ko- WOK -Frances Langford Director son Program gon's dance orchestra WJZ-The WA BC -Columbia Educational Features Pepsodent Program-Amos 7:00 W GBS-Musical Clock WP CH -John McLaughlin-Tenor 'n' Andy WABC-Ben Alley W OV-Emergency Unemployment Talks WABC-M yrt and Marge-Wrigley Pro- 7:30-WJZ-A Song for Today WOl-Marge Downey-Piano and Song gram WABC-Organ Reveille-Popular Music WGBS Musical Travelogue WLWL-"An Interval with Chopin" 7:e S-WJZ-Jolly Bill and Jane-Cream of W MS G -Studio Presentation Daniel Wolf Wheat Program 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. 7:15 WNYC-Board of Estimate and Appor- WMCA-The Phantom Organist tionment WEAF-Gene and Glen-Quaker Early 4:00 WMCA-Goldburg Musical Moments WOR-Boys' Club-Macy-Bamberger Birds 12 Noon to 4 P.M. WEAF-Betty Moore, Decorating Notes Program WJZ On the 8:15 WOR-Newark Music Foundation WJZ-Boscul Moments WABC-Morning Devotions W J Z-Syncopators WABC-Cremo Presents Bing Crosby W GBS-News Flashes 12:00 WMCA-Midday Message WPCH-A Composer's Birthday Party WLWL-Gypsy Songs WEAF-General Electric Home Circle WABC-Light 8:15 WMCA-The Three Early Birds W -Journal Opera Gems-Channon 7:30 WMCA-Finkenburg Entertainers WEAF-Morning Devotions OR of the Air Collinge, Conductor, with Helen Nu- WEAF-Prince Albert Quarter Hour- WOK -Mr. and Mrs. Reader-N. Y. WJZ-The Merrie-Men gent, Contralto: Rhoda Arnold, So- Alice Joy, Contralto: "01' Hunch"; American WPCH-Maritime News prano; Earl Palmer, Tenor; & Crane Paul Van Loan's Orchestra WABC-Yoeng's Orchestra Calder, Bass WJZ-Sunbirds WPAP-"The Road to Beauty"-Paula WOK -"Famous Beauties of History"- W GBS-Musical Travelogue Andreo W RN Y -Arabian Baritone Woodbury Program WABC-Something for Everyone W OV-Lenox Club Orchestra WJZ Phil Cook, the Quaker Man WOV-' Your Health" IV GBS-Jacques 8:30 WMCA-Organ Reveille WGBS Agnes Kun-Pianist Belser-Popular Songs WABC Boswell Sisters-with Bob Har- WEAF-Cheerio 4:15 WMCA-Mozart's String Ensemble ing's Orchestra, Baker Chocolate Pro- WOR-Martha Manning-A Macy Pre- 12:15 W MCA -Phillips' String Ensemble WEAF-Twilight Voices Direction gram, sentation WEAF-Marianna and his Marionettes George Dilworth - W N Y -N. Y. Evening Post Sport WJZ-Bissel Pick-ups WOR-Economy Program-Joseph Hil- WJZ-Radio Guild. Talks WOV-Trio Royale ton & Sons Program WRNY-Uncle Roscoe's Rascals WLWL-"Industrial Safety" Joseph P. WJZ-Pat Barnes in person-Swift & WGBS-A Spanish Ryan WGBS-The Almanac Man Co. Program Lesson 8:45 WMCA-Harry Glick's Gym Class WPCII-Y. M. C. A. Talk 4:30 WMCA-The Phantom Organist 7:45 WEAF-The Goldbergs-the Pepsodent WOK -Musical Novelettes WPAP-Myrtle Anderson-Contralto WEAF-Phil Spitalny's Tea Dansant Program WJZ-Al and Pete WOV-Evelyn Wald-Blues WOR-Bob Totman and Joe Worms WOE -Remington Rhythm Rounders W ABC Old Dutch Girl-Newsy Jingles WGBS-A Morning with the Poets WPCH-George Baker Syncopators WJZ-The Esso Program-"Believe it in Rhyme and Song WABC-Edna Thomas or Not"-Bob Ripley WOV-Financial Talk 12:30 WMCA-W. T. Stock Quotations WRNY-Guy Nankivel, Tenor WABC-The Camel Quarter Hour- of the WEAF-Black and Gold Room Orches- WOV-Murray & Pal Morton Downey-Tony Wons. Ja- WGBS-Hit Week tra-Direction Loon Rosebrook; Ed- cques Renard 9:00 W MCA -Monsieur Sakele WGBS-Here and There ward Kane, Tenor 4:15 WOK WRNY-The Florence Stanley Players WEAF-Melodic Gems-Mixed Quar- WOK -H. S. Maurer's Concert En- -Charles Way. Baritone W L IV L -Football Prospects Jack tet-Amy Goldsmith, Soprano: Alma semble-Astor Program WABC-Curtis Institute of Music Colley - Kitchell, Contralto: Fred Hufsmith, WJZ-National Farm and Home Hour WRN Y -Contract Bridge Tenor; Donald Belts, Baritone; Di- WPCH-Helene Landshoff WOV-The Singing Troubadour rection George Dilworth WABC-Columbia Revue W GBS-The Krausemeyer Broadcasting WOK -Miss Catherine 'n' Calliope-A WPAP-Industrial Home for the Blind Station Bamberger Presentation WOV-Nick Kenny's Poems with Daisy WABC-Curtiss Institute of Music Pro- WJZ-Tom Brennie and Bob gram 8 P.M. to 2 A.M. WPCH-Southern Canary WGBS-Cleaves Trio-Luncheon Music first and Second Movements from the WABC-The Commuters Emery 1:00 Quintet in E flat major, Opus 71, for 8:00 WMCA-Broadway Strollers Deutsch, conductor - WMCA-Dreaming of Foreign Lands Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon and WEAF-Cities Service Concert Orches- WOV-Personal Problems WEAF-Market and Weather Reports Horn Beethoven tra and the Cavaliers-Jessica Drag- WGBS-Dagmar Perkins Morning WOR-Baudistel and his Olympians Adagio; Allegro onette, Soprano; Henry Shope and Moods Leo O'Rouke, Tenors; John Seagle, 9:15 WMCA-Loughran Food Science Talk Baritone; Elliott Shaw, Bass; Lee WEAF-Tom Waring's Troubadours Montgomery, Accompanist; Frank WJZ-Everyday Beauty-P. Beiersdorf Banta and Milton Rettenberg, Piano Program J Duo; Rosario Bourdon's Orchestra WPCH-Tbe Woman's Forum WOK -Max well House Dixie Ensemble WOV-Housewives' Gym Class WJZ Nestle's Program W MSG-Story and Clarke Concert SPECIALS WAB P -The Columbians FOR TODAY W RN Y -Strange Tales-Hendrik De 9:30 W MCA -Modern Living Leeuw W OR Kerman Keene's Orchestra WEAF -Walter Damrosch directing the NBC WJZ-"Beautiful Thoughts"-Mont- 11:00 A.M. . WJZ Music Appreciation WRAP-Music gomery Ward Programs Hour. 8:15 WMC4 Three Little Sachs WABC-Tony's Scrap Book-Conducted 3:15 P.M. . . WJZ -The Sino-Japanese Question-Talk, Gen- W ABC Singin' Sam, the Barbasol Man by Anthony Wons WRNY-Mitchell Schuster-tangoes WPAP-'Round Home eral Victor A. Yakhontoff. WRAP -John Bond WOV-Modern Living 6.25 P.M. . . WEAF -Fannie Hurst talks 8:30 WMCA-Edna Wallace Hopper WGBS Trio Royale on Unemployment Re- NOB -Round the Town with Davega- WMSG-News Flashes lief. S. Jay Kaufman Guest Artist-Da- 9:45 WEAF-Our Daily Food-Col. Good- 9:00 P.M. . . WOR -Hoffman's Concert Orchestra by vega Dance Orchestra body-A. & P. Program directed WJZ-Smith Brothers. Trade and Mark WOK -The Right Word-W. Curtis Joseph Pasternack. WABC-March of Time Nicholson 8:45 WMCA-"The Viennese Lover" WJZ-Miracles of Magnolia Radio Log will be found on page 4 WJZ-Sisters of the Skillet W ABC -Independent Grocers' Program WRN Y -Hellenic Music WPAP-In the Studio W H AI' -Music WGBS-"Lucky Girl"-dramatic story 9:00 WMCA-Chevrolet Chronicles WHAP-Dr. Charles Fama WEAF-The Cliquot Club-"Eskimo W MSG -Studio Presentation Night Club"-Harry Resers' Or- chestra WPCH-Betty Morris-Blues Adagio W O R -Concert Orchestra directed by WABC-Pabst-ett Varieties Woodwind ensemble Josef Pasternack-Hoffmann Ginger WRNY-N. Y. Evening Air Post Aubade from "Le Roi d'Ys" (sung in Ale Program. 10 A.M. to 1.2 Noon WGBS-American Music Ensemble French) Lalo WJZ-Interwoven Pair-Billy Jones and 1:15 WMCA-The Talking Pianist My Love Compels Thy Love from Ernie Hare 10:00 WMCA-Morning Glories WEAF-Larry Funk's Orchestra "Fedora" (sung in Italian) WABC-Regal Radio Reproductions- WEAF-Mrs. Blake's Radio Column WPCH-In the Land of the Midnight Giordano Impersonating famous stars WOK -Kathleen Gordon-Soprano Sun"-Gladys Petch My Lovely Celia Old English melody WH A P-Americanus WJZ-Ray Perkins-Andrew Jergens' WABC-Hotel Taft Orchestra Passing By Purcell 9:15 Program WOV-Motion Picture Boy Blue Are Her Eyes Watts WABC-Liberty Magazine Hour W ABC -Grant Graham and Coughlin Your Eyes (sung iii French) Rabey 9:30 WMCA-Madison Square Bouts WPAP-David Bethe, Tenor 1:30 WMCA-Luncheon Musicale Edward Austen Kane, Tenor WEAFF-Pond's Dance Program WEAF-Hotel New Yorker Orchestra Program WOV-Musical Specialties W OR -Luncheon Music Joseph Rubanoff, Accompanist WJZ-Armour WGBS-Gems from Light Opera WJZ-Midday Musicale 5:00 WMCA-Sally Orchestra WHN-Bencze's Hungarian Ensemble WMSG-A Thought for Today WPC H -Don Bush and Virginia Osborne WEAF-The Lady Next Door 9:45 WABC-Friendly Five Foot -Notes 10:15 WMCA-Acme Sunshine WABC Barclay Orchestra WOK -The Horseman Doll Program WRAP -Dr. Charles Fama WEAF-Dr. Royal S. Copeland-Ster- WPAP Y. M. C. A. WPCH-Monsieur Sakele 10:00 WEAF Silver Flute-Tales of a Wan- ling Products Program WOV Jack Healy's Trio WRN Y -Health Talk dering Gypsy WOK -Going Places-T. Atherton Dixon WGBS-Emilia Rosselli-Soprano WOV-Rocquelle Gaby, Soprano WOK -Fox Fur Trappers (Frank Parker WJ Z -Dance Miniature 1:45 WMCA-Mirror Reflections WGBS-Van Dyck and Quartet) WPCH-Monsieur Sakele WPCII-Highlights of Sport 5:05 WOK -Fred Kinsley-Organ Recital- WJZ Paul Whiteman's Paint Men-Al- W ABC -Bond Bread Program-Julia WPAP-Maria Astor Program lied Quality Paint Group Sanderson and Frank Crumit Johnston Schaffer, WABC-Pillsbury Pageant-Featuring WPAP-Lily Charles Armstrong- Pianist 5:15 WJZ-Fireside Songs Toscha Seidel, Violinist; Theo Whistler WGBS-Symphonic Rhythm WPCH-Captain Joe Karle, Tenor; and Sam Lanin's WOV-Fur Trappers 2:00 WMCA-Bide Dudley's Dramatic Re- WRNY-Temple Emanuel Service Pillsbury Orchestra WGBS-Mountain Music view WOV-Howard Jayner-Uke and Song WEAF-To be announced WGBS-Hy Berry and his Orchestra WEN -Modern Detective Science W MSG -Selma Hayman-Soprano 10:15-WOR-Herbert's Diamond Entertain- 10:30 WMCA-Namm's Program WOE-The Three R's (Harmony Trio) 5:30 WMCA-The Quaker Puzzle Man WJZ-Mrs. Julian Heath-Food Talk WEAF-Dorothy Connelly-Songs; nov- ers-Neil Golden's Dance Orchestra WEAF-Savory Kitchen Institute-with WPCH-Sweethearts of Radioland WHN-German Hour Frances Hadley; Instrumental Trio elty Orchestra W H AP -Listeners' Letters WOR-Charm Hour WABC-Columbia Artist Recital WOK -Home Period. Jack Lait and WJZ-Our Daily Food -talk- Col. WPAP-Glaclys Hartman, Soprano Guest Artists 10:30 WEAF-RKO Theatre of the Air Goodbody-A. & P. Program WLWL-Studio Program WJZ-Old Pappy WJZ-Clara, Lu and Em -Colgate-Palm- WPCH-"Medlin' Around"-Matty W GIIS-Macchia Stewart, Organist WPCH-The Stroller and his Girl Friend olive Program Medlin 2:15 W M CA -Emergency Unemployment WABC-Uncle 011ie and his Kre-mel W ABC -Talk by Football Coach WPAP-Paul Hutter and Constance Best Talk Gang WMSG Bronx Board of Trade W GIBS -Mme. Fely Clement-Poetry WEAF-Echoes of Erin-Joe White, the WOV-Fur Paraders 10:45 WOK-Globe Trotter-N. Y. American and Song "Silver Masked Tenor"-Songs In- 5:45 W MCA -Red Devils with Junior Smith WJZ-Waves of Melody W MSG -Eric Kohlenbeck-Basso strumental Trio WEAF Rex Cole Mountaineers WABC-Tito Guizar 10:45 WMCA-Marvelette Lady WOK -Jose ph Schmiedle, Pianist W OIL -Pollyanna Program 11:00 W MC A-Richfield Golden Trail of WEAF-Betty Crocker-Talk WJZ Weather Reports WJZ-Little Orphan Annie Wonder Melody IVOR -Ellen Mayfield-Marley Per- W'PCil-The Woman About the House Program WEAF Marion Harris-Song Recital fume Personality Program W AP-Ruth Callery, Pianist WABC-Football Forecasts W'OR-Time, Weather Report WJ/. Consolaires 2:30 WMCA-Singing Pianist-John Jarvis WGBS-Him and Iler-a sketch WJZ-Slumber Music WPCII-Morning Symphonette WOK -German Lessons 6:00 WH YC-Correct time; police report W A BC-Belasco and His Orchestra WABC-Don and Betty WPCH-The \'edder Players W E SF -Waldorf Astoria Orchestra WOK -Will Oakland and Dance Or- WPAP Miss Alvina Grabau WABC-American School of the Air. WOR-Uncle Don -E. Z. Mills Program chestra WOV-Monsieur Sakele WPAP-Peggy Carroll and Eve Rothen- WJZ Raising Junior-Wheatena Serial 11:15 WMCA-Pipes of Pan Organ WGBS-Your Handwriting berg WA BC Dave Abrams Barn Orchestra WEAF Vincent Lopez:and His:Orchestra WMSG Rose Gerald. Soprano 2:45 WMCA-Jack Filman-Sport Chat W L WL-Children's Corner Club WABC-Street Singer W GBS-Triangle 11:00 WNYC-Correct Time; Police Report WEAF-Mme. Gainsborg, Pianist Hour 11:30 IV M C A -Florence Richardson Orchestra WEAF-NBC Music Appreciation Hour WOR-Ridgely Hudson, Tenor 6:15 WNYC-Evelyn Vogel Children's WOR Moonbeams-directed by George -Walter Damrosch. Director WJZ-Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Songs - Shackley W Olt -What to Eat and Why-C. Organ WJZ-Coon Sanders Orchestra WJZ-Jack Denny and his Orchestra Huston Goudiss WPAP Grant Kelliher, Baritone WRNY-N. Y. Stock Quotations WABC-Biltmore Orchestra WJZ. NBC Music Appreciation Hour WLWL Marmola Entertainers WLWL-"The Eyes Have It" WHN-Flurotte Musical Stock Co. -Walter Damrosch, Director 3:00 WMCA-Dusky Strollers W MS G -Studio Presentation W ABC ty Or- 6:25 WEAF-Fannie Hurst-Emergency Un- -Rhythm Kings-Nove WEAF-Woman's Radio Review employment Relief Committee 11:45 W Leaf chestra WOR-&riel Ensemble ABC-Nocturne-Ann WPAP-Fleming's Piccadilly Players Wl'CH Mirror Reflections 6:30 WN Y C -French Lessons 12:00 WMCA-Bide Dudley's Dramatic Re- WOV Maytime Music WABC-Columbia Salon Orchestra WEAF-Ray Perkins, the Old Topper view WGBS-Brooklyn Catholic Big Sisters IVOR-Journal of the Air WEAF-Cab Calloway and his Orchestra Facts WPAP-Happy Fields and Musical WJZ Sundial Bonnie Laddies WJZ-Russ Columbo WMSG-Pure Bachelors WABC John Tenor 11:05 WNYC-Retail Food Prices WOV-News Flashes Kelvin-Dish WABC-Ben Bernie and his Orchestra WGBS-James Aswell, New Yorker WRNY-Ivan Frank's Bavarian Or- WMCA Snooks Friedman 11:15 WPCH-Gertrude Thomas-Blues chestra 12:15 W ABC -Blue Moonlight-Radio Home- 3:15 WJZ-"The Sino-Japanese Question"- W L W'L-Ancient Mariner WJZ-William Stoess and his Orchestra makers talk, General Victor A. Yakhontoff WGBS-American Music Ensemble 12:30 WMCA-Sleepy Time Club WGBS-Studio Presentation WPCH-Herbert Well and Ray Gold 6:45 WEAF Swift Program-the Stebbins WEAF-Larry Funk and Orchestra 11:30 WOR-Mrs. A. M. Goudiss-School of WGBS-Symphonic Rhythm Boys WABC-Ship Inn Orchestra from Cooking-Rumford Company Pro- 3:30 W MCA -In a Spanish Patio WOK -Paul Gallico Sport Prediction- Milwaukee gram WJZ-The Thre'i Doctors-Russ Pratt, Melville Program 1:00 WMCA-Village Grove Nut Club WPCII-Organ Recital Ransom Sherman and Joe Rudolph, WJZ Literary Digest Topics - Lowell WABC-Roseland Ballroom Orchestra W ABC -Melody Parade songs and patter Thomas 1:30 WABC-Dave Abrams' Barn Orchestra . 14. . ..C kb/1' FOR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28th

WPCH-Knighthood of Youth WGBS-Ethel 6:45 A.M. to 10 A.M. WRNY-Irish Songs-Ray O'Connell Aaron-American Folk Concertino for Piano and Orchestra WOV-Irving Eiseman-Tenor Songs Mozart -James W GBS-Billie 4:45 WPAP Ernest Fried. Tenor ..legro 6:45 WEAF-Tower Health Exercises- Charms-blues WOV-Singing Troubadour Andante Arthur Bagley, director Rondo WOR-Gym Classes --John Gambling, W GBS-Gosselin Sisters-harmony Director 4:55 Pastorale d'Ete Honegger 12 Noon WOR-Trend of Business Spoon River Percy Grainger 7:00 WGBS-Musical Clock to 4 P.M. 5:00 VV M CA -Sally Orchestra Toward Evening .. A Walter Kramer WEAF-Lady Next Door Bolero 7:30-WJZ-A Song for Today 12:00 WMCA-Mid-day Message Ravel WABC-Organ Reveille-Popular Music WOR-Varsity Collegians, directed by Norwegian Rhapsody for Piano & WEAF-Black and Gold Room Orches- Bob George Orchestra Woodin 7:45-WJZ-Jolly Bill and Jane-Cream of tra - Direction Leon Rosebrook; WJZ-Musical Moments-Jules Herbu- Tartar Dance Woodin Wheat Program Maude Runyon, Contralto: John veaux' dance orchestra WJZ-Danger Fighters-Health Prod- 8:00 WMCA-The Phantom Organist Moncrieff, Bass WPCH-The Community Players ucts Corp. Program WEAF-Gene and Glenn-Quaker Early WOR Journal of the Air WABC-Eddie Duchin and His Central WABC-TheMills Brothers Birds WJZ-The Merrie-Men Park Casino Orchestra IVR N Y-Eddie's Ashman's Orchestra WJZ On the 8:15 WPCH-Maritime News WPAP-John Smith, Violinist WíhISG-Eddie Morrisey-Irish Bari- WABC-Morning Devotions W RN Y -Organ Recital WOV-U ke Joyner tone WGBS-News Flashes WGBS-David Gornston, Musical Angels WGBS-Mickie Blues Orchestra 8:15 WABC Sterling Products Program. 9:15 VV MCA -The Three Early I3irds WMSG-Sue Royal-Piano and Song 5:15-WPAP-In the Studio Abe Lyman's Band with Glee Club WEAF-Morning Devotions WOV-May's Orchestra Concertina and WOR-Mr. and Mrs. 12:15 WMCA Phillips String Ensemble Player, Comedy Team Reader-N. Y. WOR-Ifuger 5:30 WMCA-Broadway Magazine Program WRNY-Don Carlos' Marimba Band American Elliott - "Jewelry, Old WEAF-Dandies of IV MS 6 -Studio Orchestra WJZ-Sunbirds and New" Yesterday WRAP -Music WABC Something for Everyone WJZ-Pat Barnes in Person-Swift & Co. WOR-French Course-Dr. Thatcher WGBS-Musical Travelogue Program Clark 8:30 WMCA-Will Oakland's Orchestra WPCII The Week -Enders WJZ-Old Pappy-Negro impersona- W E AF -N ational Advisory Council 8:30 WMCA-Organ Reveille WOV-Blue Boys tions and songs, Clifford Soubier; WJZ-Dance with Countess D'Orsay- WEAF-Cheerio WGBS Jim Jermnes piano guitar accompaniment Two Smiling Eyes-Soprano and W OR -Martha Manning-A Macy Pres- W MSG -Marjorie McGrath Piano- W PC R -Plant ation Melodies Tenor duet entation logue - WABC-Biltmore Orchestra WABC-La Patina Presents Kate Smith WOV-Trio Royale WPAP-Mary Hungerford, Poems, and her Swanee Man 12:30 W MCA -W. T. Stock Quotations Music WGBS-The Almanac WOR-Chic sketches WRNY A Trip to Palestine 8:45 WMCA-Harry Glick's Gym Class Winters' Dance Orchestra WOV-Fur Paraders WHAP-"Ireland and Rome" WJZ-National Farm and Home Hour WGBS-Frank Jahoda's WOR-Musical Novelettes WABC-Yoeng's Orchestra Orchestra 8:45 WABC-Tastyeast Gloom Chasers. WJZ-Al and Pete WEN Y -Bronx Kiddie Hour 5:45 WMCA-Red Devils with Junior Smith Comedy Act, with "The Colonel WOV-Financial Talk WOV-City Free Employment WEAF-Rex Cole Mountaineers and Budd" WGBS-Hit of the Week WGBS Julie Aminister-NI onologties W'JZ-Little Orphan Annie-childhood WIIN Y-" Louise" 9:00 WMCA-Monsieur Sakele W MSG -George Williams-Tenor playlet with Shirley Bell, Allan 9:00 WEAF-La Trio Charmante 12:45 Baruck, Henrietta Techo and Jerry WMCA-Marty Beck's Orchestra W OR -Miss Catherine 'n' Calliope-A WPCH-Herbert Basch O'Meara-A Wonder Program {VEAF-Arthur Pryor and his Good- Bamberger Presentation WABC-Football Souvenir Program- WABC-Tropic-Aire Program, Football year Orchestra-male quartet; James WJZ-Tom Brennie Songs of Army and Notre Dante Scores and Commentaries Melton, Lewis James, tenors; Phil WPCH-Southern Canary WOV-Tunes of Merit WPAP-Prof. A. Varadi, Concert Pian- Dewey, baritone; Wilfred Glenn, basso WGBS-Burr Crandall, Baritone ist WOR-Alla-1 Broms: "What We owe the WABC-The Commuters - Vincent WMSG-Bobbie DeFay-Popular Songs Babies" Sorey, conductor 6:00 WNYC-Correct Time, Police Reports WJZ-Chicago WOV-Personal Problems 1:00 WMCA-Bob Lightener's Orchestra WEAF Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra Civic Opera WGBS-Dagmar Perkins Morning WEAF-Teddy Black's Orchestra WOR-Uncle WABC-Carborundum Hour, Indian IVOR-Midday Diversions Don-I. V. C. Pearls Pro- Legend Told by Francis Bowman; Moods gram Carhorundum 9:15 WMCA-Aunt Lillie with the Kiddies WPCH-"Two Cavaliers" WJZ-Raising Junior-Wheatena serial Band Directed by WABC-Army-Notre Dame Football WABC-Dave Abrams' Edward d'Anna. From Buffalo WEAF-Tom Waring's Troubadours Game, Ted Busing, Announcer Orchestra Indian Legend: Origin of the Mosquito WJZ-Morning Glories WPAP-Jack Phillips, Bass -Baritone March: Pozieres WP CH WRNY-New York Evening Air Post WLWL-Cosmic Ensemble Lithgow -Dan Ashley W M S G -Salvatore Virze-Concert Pian- Finlandia Sibelius WOV-Housewives' Gym Class ist WGBS-Erin's Isle Orchestra with Sea- Kakuska Lehar 9:30 WMCA-Modern Living mus O'Dogherty, Tenor March: Spirit of the Times..Singlear WOR-Musical Dictionary-Daisy & Indian Love Call from 'Rose Marie" Bob Friml WJZ-Beautiful Thoughts-Montgom- Trombone solo: Mr. Greene ery-Ward Program March: Imperial Potentate WPCH-Program Resume WRNY-Don Avalon's Greek Hour WABC-Tony's Scrap Book-Anthony WH AP -Music Wons 9:15 WHAP-John Bond, "The Messieurs WRN Y -Harry Click's Class SPECIALS FOR Hilloc and Chesterton" WOV-Modern Living TODAY WOR Cliff Hammons in his One -Man WGBS-Trio Royale 1:00 P.M. . . WABC -Army-Notre Dame Show 9:45 WEAF-Our Daily Food-Col. Good- Football Game, Ted Busing, 9:30 WMCA-Ridgewood Grove Bouts body-A & P Program announcer. WEAF-Club Valspar-Aileen WOR-Girl & Boy Scout News 1:15 P.M. . . Clark, so- WJZ-Miracles of Magnolia WJZ -Army-Notre Dame Football Game, Gra- prano; Raoul Nadeau, baritone, etc. WPCH-Buddy Club ham Now's the Time to Fall in Love WABC-Morning Minstrels McNamee, announcer. Orchestra WGBS-Lucky story 1:15 P.M. . . WEAF-Dartmouth-Sanford Football Game, Wil- The Gypsy and the Bird Girl-Dramatic Soprano solo, Aileen Clark liam Munday, announcer. There's a Ring Around the Moon 8:00 P.M. . . WOR Orchestra -Little Symphony Orchestra. (A) Aria from "Herodiade-Le Visson 10 A.M. to 12 Noon 9:00 P.M. . . WEAF-Arthur Pryor and his Goodyear Fugitive" Massenet Orchestra. (B) The Bitterness of Love Dunn Radio Log will be found on page 4 Baritone solos, Raoul Nadeau 10:00 WMCA-Morning Glories Who's Babying My Baby Tonight WEAF-Mrs. Blake's Radio Column Bloom WOR-Young Aviators of America / Orchestra W J Z -Dance Miniature Just a Cottage Small By a Waterfall WPC II -Cute Little Miss-Janet Wallen Hanley WABC-Jewish Art Program Tenor solo, W RN Y -Homemade Candy Elinor Ed. O'Brien Hanna - 1:15 WEAF-Dartmouth-Sanford Football WRAP -Music Cute and Sweet Game-William Monday announcing W M S G-Jeanette Yanover-Soprano Orchestra with vocal chorus WOV-Musical Specialties WJZ-Army - Notre Dame Football You're Always in My Arms, from WGBS-Bits from Symphonies Game Graham McNamee an- 6:15 WJZ-The Gruen Answer Man "Rio Rita" Tierney 10:15 WMCA-Toy Lady-Wendy Marshall nouncing.- WPAP-Ruth Kern, Ballads Soprano solo, Aileen Clark WEAF-Breen and do Rose WPCH-Ragging the Blacks and Whites WLWL-Hits of the Day-Frank Wright, Hallelujah. from WOR-Flt reflect Case and Orchestra WRNY-New York Stock Quotations tenor "Hit the Dock" Youmans WPCH-Monsieur Sakele WOV-Sabinsky Trio WMSG-Flo Stabile-Uke & Songs Orchestra WOV-Fur Trappers WMSG-Doris Thornton-Contralto 6:30 WEAF-Mr. Bones and Company WOK -Allan Wood and his Orchestra WGBS-Mountain Music 1:30 W MCA -"Football Excursion" WOR-Journal of the Air WJZ The First Nighter-Compana 10:30 WMCA-Namur'.. Program WOR-Earnie Krickett's Orchestra WJZ Breyer Leaf Boys Program WEAF-Sonata Recital-Josef Stopak, WPCH-Building Castles in Dreamland WABC-Yoeng's Orchestra WABC-National Radio Forum from Violinist WPAP-Violet Reiser at the Piano Washington, D.C. IVRN-Luncheon Music WRN Y WOR-The Story Behind the Music WMSG-Children's Welfare-Dr. Sam- WGBS-Chamberlain Brown's Artists -Elmo Russ at the Piano WJZ-Our Daily WMSG-Wee Bits of Scotch-Sandy 9:45 WRNY-In the Food-talk-Col. Good- uel Gross Morrison Green Room body-A & P Program 1:45 WPC II The Rajah's of Rhythm W II AP -Listeners' Letters WPCH-Song Valentines WOV Your health 6:45 WOK-Concert Ensemble directed by 10:00 WEAF-Lucky Strike Dance Hour- WABC-Adventures of Helen and Mary W MSG -.Junior violin-Trio Hans Moeller Walter Winchell Gus Arnheim's WGBS-Robert Jonas, violinist W M CA -Bide Dudley's Dramatic Re- WJZ-Literary Digest Topics-Lowell Orchestra C. Thomas WOR Frank 10:45 WMCA-Prof. Roy Hannaway view IVABC-Connie and Flo-The Strollers WOR-Bamberger Stamp Club 2:00 Boswell WJZ-Cuckoo Hour WJZ-Consolaires WOR-Puritan Trio WLWL-The Voice of the Missions WABC-Hank Simmons Show WHN-Cameron King, Seafaring Talks W IIAP-Italian Protestant Talk Boat, WOV-Mons, Sakele WOV-Korcher Boys-Chamber Music Presenting a Comedy Drama of WGBS-Children's Radio League W MSG -Selma Hayman-Soprano 7:00 WNYC-"Week In Science"-by J. T. New England Life, Entitled "Down 11:00 WN VC -Correct Time, Police Reports Duck East." Written by Justin Adams, WEAF Two Seats in the Balcony- 2:15 WPCH-The Sepia Thrillers WEAF John Fogarty-song recital adapted for Radio by Phil Maher Direction Harold Sanford W IIN-Walter Leege Orchestra WJZ-TI.e Pepsodent Program-Amos WRN Y -Harold M unsch's Orchestra The Lady of the Slipper-Selection WOV-Lorene Rising 'n' Andy 10:15 WOR-WOR Minstrels Herbert 2:30 WMCA-Village Barn Orchestra W ABC -The Political Situation in Wash- Orchestra W'PCH-In a concert hall ington Tonight-Frederic William 10:30 W MCA -Three Little Sachs Because You're You, from WOV-Shayne's Orchestra Wile WJZ-Clara, Lu and Em-Colgate- "The Red Mill" Herbert W MSG -Joseph Maher-Tenor WPAP-Milis and Applewhaite, Piano Palmolive Program Alto and Baritone Duet 2:45 WHIST -Norma Laken, Songs Duo WRNY-Organ Recital In My Little Alice Blue Gown, from IV MSG -Grace Geiger-Soprano WL W L -'Three Shamrocks" 10:45 W' MC A -Dave Abrams' Orchestra "Irene" Tierney '5:00 W MCA -Sleepy Time Club WGBS-Musical Clock WOR-Globe Trotter (American) Soprano Solo WIIN-U. s. Health Talk {{'MSG -Sports Resumo WJZ-Twenty Fingers of Harmony Intermezzo, from WOW -News Flashes "Madame Sherry" 7:15 WNYC-Shawn Hayes Orchestra 11:00 WMCA-McAlpin Hoschna WGBS-Lone Russet's Orchestra WEAF Laws that Safeguard Society WEAF-Marion Harris Song Recital Orchestra 3:15 W' MCA -Spanish Romancer WOR Come Down M y Evening Star, Ernie Golden IVOR-Time, Weather Report (Bulova, from WPC II -Kiddie Follies W J Z-Tastyeast .l esters Modell) "Hokey Pokey" IV IV Alto Solo IiN-Clifford Blonde Presents ABC Cromo Presents Bing Crosby WOR-Fess Williams and his Plantation There's a Light in Your Eyes from WOV-Pisani's Collegians WPAP-Allan Brom's Science Chats Orchestra "The Girl Behind the Gun - 3:30 WIN CA -A Night In Moscow IV HA P-Americanus W'JZ-Slumber usic WIIN-Harmony Team 7:30 WNYC W A BC-Biltmore Orchestra Tenor Solo WOV Mina Cole-I'opular Songs Correct Time, Football Scores WRNY-Schullstrom Recorded The Song of the Flame. from WGBS-Joe WEAF-Prince Albert Quarter Hour- Program "The Song of the Flame". Gershwin Nesbit's Pennsylvanians Alice Joy. contralto; "01' Hunch" WHAP-Midnight Bells (Music) Baritone and Quartet 3:45 WIIN-Anton larady, Concert Pianist WOR .Jack Berger's Astor Grill Or- 11:15 WEAF-Jesse Crawford WOR-What to Eat & Why, C. Hous- WOV-Eileen Joyce-Contralto chestra WABC-Jack Miller ton Goudiss WJZ.-Benrus Program 11:30 W MC A WJZ-Celebrated Sayings WABC-How to Dance the Westchester -Breakfast Club Orchestra WPC II -Pages from WEAF-Coon-Sanders Orchestra the Classics WPAP Half Hour with Bobby Burns W OR -.Julian Wood worth's Gov. WABC New York Philharmonic Sym- 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. IVLWL Memory Lane Hotel Clinton phony Children's and Young People's WNYC-Police Choristers Dance Orchestra Concert 4:00 {YMCA Goldberg Musical Moments {VJZ Russ Columho W RN Y-Schullstrom Recorded Program WRAF -Phil Spitalny Tea Dansanto 7 :45 W EA F-The Goldbergs-Pepsodent Pro- WABC-Belasco's Orchestra WOV-Maytinto Musical WJZ Syncopators-Jules Herbuveaux, gram WRNY-Don Carlos' Marimba Band 11:05 dance orchestra WJZ-llollywood Nights 11:45 WJZ-Lew White Organ Recital WNYC-Retail Food Prices "'.:11C -Ann IVAIIC-Camel Quarter -Hour, Morton WABC-Nocturne, Ann Leaf 11:15 WNYC-Nancy Mur Leaf at the Organ Downed', Anthony Wons ay-Songs i WPAP-Concord Club Orchestra and Jacques 12:00 IVMCA-Bicle Dudley's WPCII-Brooklyn Unemployment Talk WGBS-The Fiddle and 1 Renard's Orchestra Dramatic Re- WGBS-Diana Bragg. songs at the piano WMSG-True Foster-Program view 4:15 WMCA-Phelps Phelps-talk 11'11 AP -Talk, Dr. Cardinal WEAF-Rudy Vallee 11:30 WEAF-Keys to Happiness-piano les- WJZ Chicago Ensemble-String Quin- {VJZ-Mildred Bailey and Jesters ons tet, Chester Picararo, Director WABC-Guy Lombardo and his Royal WOR-The Story Teller WPCH-The Melodeers Canadians WJZ-Blue Blazers WOV-Arright's Singers 8 Wit N Y -Harold M unsch's Orchestra__ WPCII-Organ Recital W GlIS-Tap Dancing Lesson by Wm. P.M. to 2 A.M. WRNY-Eddie Ashman's Orchestra McPherson 12:15-WJ Z- Paul W hiteman's Orchestra WOV-Rothschild 4:30 8:00 WNYC-Police Choristers 12:30 WMCA-Phil Romano Orchestra W GBS-The London Crime Hour sketch WMCA-The Phantom Organist WEAF-Civic Concerts Program IVEAF WPCH-The Newcomers Hour W'OR Little Symphony Vincent Lopez' Orchestra 11:45 {VNYC-Hints to Motorists IV ABC -Spanish Serenade Orchestra with WABC-St. Moritz Orchestra - Vincent George Valise. ' nist directed by WOR-Patriotic Calendar-Chas. A. Sorey's with 1:00 IV H ale Orchestra Hernandez Philip James: PI Neale, announcer MCA -Coon -Sanders' Orchestra Brothers, Spanish Instrumentalists Suite "Tsar Salt ' WABC-Hotel Edison Orchestra WJZ-Jill & Judy WPAP-Guillermo ne Castro, Baritone R imsk y- K orsakoff . 1:30 WABC-Dave '15' Abrams' Barn Orchestra We've Lowered our Low Prices on Macy's 7 -Tube Superheterodyne Radios in Fine Macy Radio Furniture

Because of a tremendous special purchase of these radio chassis we have been able to reduce our price $10. The handsome cabinets are Macy's own designs and adaptations of fine period pieces. The price in- cludes tubes, installation, six months' guarantee and service. For A. C.

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Formerly $79.75

A-Reproduction of a small 18th Century Italian Cabinet with a tambour slide. In mahogany veneer. B-This simple and effective French provincial cabinet may be had in maple veneer. C-A graceful drop leaf cabinet in the Early American manner. Mahogany or maple veneer. I Radios-Fifth Floor, Broadway Building MACV S 34TH STREET & BROADWAY