Curriculum Vitae Dimitri Ognibene

Personal Information

• First Name : Dimitri

• Surname: Ognibene

• Date of Birth: 2 August 1977

• Status: Single

• Address: via Cavour 5, 93100 Caltanissetta Italy

• Telephone No.: +39-093424268

• Mobile: +39-3289475720

• E-mail: [email protected]


• November 2004: Laurea Degree in Computer Engineering (Ingegneria Informatica), University of Palermo, Italy,Final Mark: 110/110 with full honors.

Thesis Title :Study of Algorithms and Techniques for Speech Recognition And Conversational Systems (Studio di Algoritmi e Tecniche per il Riconoscimento Vocale e i Sistemi Conversazionali)

• July 1995: High School Studies: Liceo Scientifico Alessandro Volta,Caltanissetta. Final Mark: 50/60

Language Skills

English: good knowledge of technical english.

Italian: mother tongue

Software Development Experiences

• co-developer of the Open Source Project XORM, (,it allows to map abstract classes and interfaces to RDBMS entities like rows • developed an mobile agent system based on IBM's Aglet technology. My system comprised a library of classes for remote agent control and the building of a distributed community of agent platforms with robust capabilities. Language use:

• Development of a Software Agenda with natural language input feature. Language used:C++ with the use of STL and RTTI, designed with UML.

• Development of an amatorial video game, a platform one like Super Mario, SW&HW used: Turbo Pascal e Assembly for a 80286 VGA system.

• Development of a distributed university book store managing system. Along the project I've developed an MVC middle layer. I've used XORM to realize Object Relational Mapping. The system supported PointBase, MySQL and Access. The application was designed using UML, Patterns and Refactoring techniques.

• Development of FIC-U-BOT, a soft-bot that won (with the lowest score of 22-7!!!) the 2003 edition of the tournament of Capture the flag for soft-bot(based on TeamBots) of the Computer Engineering Course of University of Palermo. Language: JAVA

Programming and Software Skills

• Operating Systems: Linux, Windows 9.x,Windows XP, MS-DOS

• Programming Languages : Pascal, C, C++, Java, Prolog, Lisp, VHDL, HTML, XML,VoiceXML,Assembly,UML

• Developing Environments: Rational Rose, Borland C++, JBuilder, Sun1Studio,VisualParadigm UML

Managing Systems: PostgreSQL, MySQL 3.0, MySQL 4.0,Access, Pointbase

• Application Server: Tomcat

• Web : Dreamweaver MX

• Tools: SoftIce, Ida, RefactorIt, Structural Analysis for Java

Future Interests I'd like to enhance my software design skills and knowledge. My principal interest is in Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning. I'd like to study these topics and their relationships with software design and conversational systems.

Hobby Sport: Footing, Swimming, Body Building. Favorites readings: Fantasy (Gemmell, Eddings, Evangelisti), SF (Egan, Shirow, Dick, Simmons), classics (Dostoevskij, Pirandello, Goethe, Pennac). Music: jazz (Ella Fitzgerald), pop(Queen, Rem, Muse, Interpol), acid jazz (US3).