Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 2018 No. 66 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was their advice, and we will vote to con- OPIOID EPIDEMIC called to order by the President pro firm him. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, tempore (Mr. HATCH). We will be lucky to have this capable on another matter, our Nation’s opioid f public servant on the job. We know epidemic continues to plague commu- PRAYER is up to the task. After nities and families in my home State all, we confirmed him with a com- of Kentucky and across . The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- fortable and bipartisan majority to Here in Congress, we are doing our best fered the following prayer: lead the CIA. In one of the most sen- to support the healthcare and law en- Let us pray. sitive positions in our government, the forcement professionals who are bat- Eternal Lord, marvelous is Your quality of his leadership was directly tling it every single day. Name. We celebrate the works of Your linked to the security of the American Last week, I introduced the Pro- hands: the sky and sea, the songs of people. tecting Moms and Infants Act, a bipar- birds, the hues of flowers, and the pre- tisan effort to confront the heart- West Point valedictorian, Harvard cision of the planets. breaking cases of prenatal and infant Law, U.S. Army officer, a successful Bless the people of our beloved Re- opioid addiction. It builds on my 2015 businessman, and three-term Congress- public. Amid all differences, may they bill, the Protecting Our Infants Act, man serving on the House Intelligence be one in spirit, purpose, and faith. and Congress’s other recent progress on Committee—this is the resume that Lord, continue to sustain our Sen- this issue. Mike Pompeo brought to the top job at ators. Keep them living, laboring, and In recent years, Congress has bol- the CIA with the support of a bipar- loving for the good of all. Make them stered prevention, treatment, and en- tisan supermajority of the Senate, and, instruments of Your will for the heal- forcement efforts through the Com- by all accounts, his tenure there has ing of our Nation and world. Keep them prehensive Addiction and Recovery Act been a big success. The caliber of conscious of Your presence and direct and the 21st Century Cures Act, and Mike’s leadership and the quality of his their thinking, speaking, and doing. the recent government funding bill counsel have won him the respect of We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. dedicated a record level of resources to our National Clandestine Service and saving lives from heroin and prescrip- f the confidence of the President. tion drug abuse. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Just recently, Director Pompeo un- But much more work remains. So The President pro tempore led the dertook sensitive conversations with today I am proud to announce legisla- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: representatives of to lay tion to address this crisis’ devastating I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the groundwork for efforts aimed at effects on the American worker and the United States of America, and to the Repub- denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. American workforce. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, As he steps into this new mission as Stable employment is not just a path indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. , he clearly enjoys to financial security for workers and f the confidence of the President, and families. Earning a paycheck from a job is also linked to personal happiness RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY throughout his testimony before the and even physical health. We see first- LEADER Foreign Relations Committee, he dem- onstrated expertise and profes- hand in Kentucky the need for the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. sionalism. structure and support that come with a HYDE-SMITH). The majority leader is job to help keep former addicts from recognized. Fortunately, even as so many of falling back into the cycle of addiction. President Trump’s well-qualified nomi- f According to the CEO of a treatment nees are obstructed and delayed with- facility in Louisville, ‘‘stable housing NOMINATION OF MIKE POMPEO out reason, a bipartisan majority of and employment are vitally tied to an Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, Senators have already signaled their individual’s recovery.’’ But, unfortu- yesterday the Foreign Relations Com- intention to vote to confirm Mike nately, in the very communities where mittee finished consideration of Mike Pompeo. We have the nominee, we have employment could do so much, the Pompeo’s nomination to serve as our the votes, and we will confirm our next opioid crisis itself is making it harder Nation’s 70th Secretary of State. They Secretary of State this week. to attain. reported his nomination to the full Then, I hope we can build on this bi- I frequently hear Kentucky employ- Senate with a favorable recommenda- partisan momentum and process more ers cite substance abuse as a major tion. Later this week, we will take of the President’s qualified nominees. hurdle to finding and hiring suitable

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:06 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.000 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2360 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 applicants. One study traced roughly 25 families and job creators in America’s Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, I percent of the decline in workforce par- smaller cities, towns, and rural com- ask unanimous consent that the order ticipation between 1999 and 2015 to the munities were stuck in the slow lane. for the quorum call be rescinded. opioid crisis. That amounts to about 1 There, job opportunities dried up as in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without million missing workers. It is no won- vestment dollars hit the road. There, objection, it is so ordered. der that the Trump administration re- Americans learned what it feels like NOMINATION OF MIKE POMPEO ports that the epidemic cost our econ- when Washington, DC, leaves you be- Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, yes- omy a half trillion dollars in 2015 hind. But, fortunately, these commu- terday, after some drama and a rare alone. nities are among the first to feel the act of civility on the part of Senator The economic cost pales in compari- benefits of the new Republican ap- COONS, for which I applaud him, the son to the human cost that addiction proach. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and joblessness inflict. The Com- The historic tax relief we passed last approved the nomination of Mike prehensive Addiction Recovery through year cut taxes for American families Pompeo as Secretary of State. This is Effective Employment and Reentry and gave employers more flexibility to despite Chairman CORKER repeatedly Act, or CAREER Act, would bring tar- expand, hire, and give their workers pointing out how qualified for this ap- geted relief to the States most dev- bonuses, raises, and new benefits. pointment Director Pompeo actually astated by substance abuse. This State- As my colleague Senator YOUNG re- is, but, apparently, it fell on deaf ears. based pilot program would encourage ports, the results in Indiana are adding This sort of treatment is unprece- local businesses and treatment groups up. He heard from a Hoosier in Cedar dented, in my memory certainly, for a to form partnerships to help those in Lake who is expanding his family Secretary of State. Director Pompeo recovery find and maintain employ- milk-hauling business, and a Kokomo was, in fact, first in his class at West ment. small business owner who is now hiring Point and led the . The legislation expands housing more workers. I recently read that over He served his country in the military block grants to encourage more transi- in Ellettsville, one family has found an and served the people of in Con- tional housing options for recovering additional $200 in their monthly pay- gress, not to mention the fact that addicts until they secure permanent checks—enough to cover a week’s Mike Pompeo already serves in one of arrangements. It gives States more worth of groceries. the most sensitive and important posi- flexibility to spend Federal career serv- I don’t think my colleagues across tions in the Trump administration as ices and training funds to support spe- the aisle intended to make life more Director of the Central Intelligence cific initiatives dedicated to helping difficult for middle-class families Agency. individuals transition from treatment across the country. It is just that these I spoke yesterday about the con- to the workforce. In short, this bill leftwing policies make it harder, not firmations of some of the most recent does exactly what the experts tell us easier, for American workers and job Secretaries of State, not just Secre- needs to be done on this front. creators to actually get ahead. But taries Clinton and Kerry. Secretary This morning, Chairman ALEXANDER when my Democratic friends had the Kerry got all but three votes in the and the HELP Committee are review- chance to join us and deliver historic Senate, and Secretary Clinton lost ing comprehensive opioid legislation. I tax relief to American families, they only two votes in the Senate, but I also commend the chairman for his diligent stood firm and tried to block tax relief spoke of Secretary Powell and Sec- efforts on this subject. It is my hope on a party-line basis. One of Indiana’s retary Rice. All were confirmed over- that the committee will choose to in- own Senators tried to block all that whelmingly because the Senate has al- clude some of the proposals in the Pro- good Indiana news from happening. ways had a tradition, until now, of tecting Moms and Infants Act and the I am proud that Republicans over- showing some deference to the Presi- CAREER Act in the larger package came that obstruction and got tax re- dent when confirming nominees to po- that they are developing. form accomplished for all Americans. sitions like this that have national se- This epidemic requires our continued f curity importance. The world needs to attention. On behalf of those in Ken- know that this President has con- tucky and all over the country who are RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME fidence in this nominee, and he does. struggling, we are determined to keep The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under That is the key to his effectiveness in doing our part. the previous order, the leadership time international diplomacy—knowing he f is reserved. has the President’s ear. f Our Democratic friends once upon a TAX REFORM time acknowledged that, in the words Mr. MCCONNELL. Now, Madam CONCLUSION OF MORNING of the senior Senator from : President, on one final matter, the pas- BUSINESS The President, regardless of what party sage of Republicans’ historic tax re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning they are from, needs, for the most part, to form last December was just the latest business is closed. have the team they want to put in place. They have been elected to lead. Let’s give illustration of the diverging paths Re- f publicans and Democrats envision for them a chance to lead. our economy. EXECUTIVE SESSION The opposition we are seeing breaks For the better part of the last dec- with this longstanding tradition in a ade, our Democratic colleagues’ ideas shameful and partisan way. Of course, ran their course. We were promised EXECUTIVE CALENDAR our Democratic colleagues have been that they would help us recover from The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under slow-walking and obstructing qualified the financial crisis. But it wasn’t a re- the previous order, the Senate will pro- nominees since the President was covery for all Americans. In fact, the ceed to executive session and resume sworn in, just to hinder progress for path put forward by our Democratic consideration of the following nomina- hindering progress’s sake alone. This is colleagues had two distinct lanes. The tion, which the clerk will report. the kind of hyperpartisan approach to express lane was for major cities like The senior assistant legislative clerk that threatens to harm New York and . Urban read the nomination of Stuart Kyle our national security because this is an areas with more than 1 million resi- Duncan, of Louisiana, to be United important national security post. Not dents captured 90 percent of the Na- States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Cir- only should we confirm Mr. Pompeo so tion’s population growth and nearly 75 cuit. the President can have the support of percent of new jobs created between Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, his full Cabinet, but also so the Amer- 2010 and 2016. Seventy-five percent of I suggest the absence of a quorum. ican people can have the assurance new jobs created between 2010 and 2016 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The that our national security is not being went to these large urban areas. clerk will call the roll. treated like a pinata that our Demo- Those select communities actually The senior assistant legislative clerk cratic colleagues are whacking with a made up some ground, but working proceeded to call the roll. stick.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:06 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.002 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2361 The American people can see through RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER Senators HATCH and, I believe, GRASS- this kind of concerted effort to prevent The Democratic leader is recognized. LEY honored the blue slip, a seat in the the President from filling Cabinet roles SENATE RULES ON NOMINATIONS Seventh Circuit that belongs to Wis- that deserve to be filled. In fact, that Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, consin was held open for 6 years by seems to be the approach: wherever, the Rules Committee will mark up their refusing to approve two nominees whenever, however to block President Senator LANKFORD’s resolution tomor- by President Obama. Now the Presi- Trump from accomplishing anything row to change the rules on the consid- dent has nominated a very conserv- he seeks on behalf of the American peo- eration of nominees to benefit the Sen- ative judge, Michael Brennan, who has ple, even though he was elected Presi- ate majority. Of course, the majority failed to earn the recommendation of dent of the United States. in the Senate can already approve of a the bipartisan commission that is re- Several editorial boards have already nomination on a party-line vote for all spected in Wisconsin and was set up by pointed out the importance of filling nominees up to and including now the both Senators BALDWIN and JOHNSON— this position and have urged our Demo- Supreme Court since Leader MCCON- one a Democrat, one a Republican—to cratic colleagues to allow Director NELL elected to change those rules last recommend Federal nominees. Yet this Pompeo to be confirmed expeditiously. year. administration has no known concern USA Today editorial writers penned a Why the need for further erosions to about the real qualifications of the piece saying: minority rights in the Senate? The Re- judges as long as they meet the hard- Unless a nominee has clear ethical or com- publicans argue it is because they are right checklist. petency failings, presidents should be ac- facing ‘‘historic’’ obstruction of the Despite the fact that Senator BALD- corded wide latitude to select top aides President’s nominees. WIN has not returned a blue slip for Mr. whom they trust and agree with. Pompeo A few points on that: First and fore- Brennan, Chairman GRASSLEY has passes that test and merits approval. most, the truth is the Democrats have moved him out of committee anyway. writes: ‘‘Mr. cooperated with the majority on non- This is the second time Chairman Pompeo should be deployed to Foggy controversial nominees, like career GRASSLEY has ignored the blue slip tra- Bottom in the hope that he will fulfill ambassadorships and civil servants, for dition. The blue slip tradition was his promise to revive and reassert U.S. a long time now. Before each recess, faithfully honored by Senator LEAHY diplomacy.’’ there is a long list of names that is ap- when he was chairman. Our Republican The writes: proved. Before the last recess, the Sen- colleagues have used it to an extent ‘‘Pompeo knows well how to work with ate had confirmed nearly as many that, certainly, would be ‘‘historic’’ ob- both Congress and the president—who nominations in 2018 as President struction. For 6 years, a seat was va- trusts him so much he sent him on a Obama had confirmed in the analogous cant on the circuit court, and it was secret mission to Pyongyang to meet year of 2010. Let me repeat that. Before not the only one that had had long- with North Korean leader Kim Jong the last recess, the Senate had con- term vacancies. Now, all of a sudden, Un’’ in advance of the President’s firmed almost the exact same number because the Democrats want to discuss meeting with him in a few weeks. It doesn’t stop there. There are near- of nominees in 2018 as President Obama this, mull this for a few days, Senator ly a dozen editorial boards that say the had confirmed in 2010, the second year LANKFORD wants to change the rules. I same thing these newspapers have— of his Presidency. know he only came to the Senate in So this idea that it is historic—bunk. that Mr. Pompeo is undoubtedly quali- 2014, but he ought to look a bit at the You can tell it is bunk because at the fied and the President trusts him, and history before he gets into high dudg- same time our Republicans and even on these two points, the Senate should eon. the President himself, on some days, The issue of nominations has been confirm him. The flip-flop our Democratic col- complain about obstruction, on other fraught, and it is true there have been leagues are doing from last year, when days, the President and the Vice Presi- escalations on both sides. I am the first 15 of them supported Mr. Pompeo’s dent are boasting about how many to say that. Despite the rhetoric from nomination to the CIA, should be a judges they have filled on the bench. the majority party, the Democrats This morning, President Trump said: source of embarrassment. To say that have worked in good faith this year to somehow the job of the Secretary of We put [on] a tremendous amount of [Fed- clear noncontroversial nominations ex- eral] district [court] judges. We are setting peditiously. When nominees require State is more important or more sen- records. sitive than that of the CIA Director— vetting, the Senate should have the I say to my Republican friends and both of them are extraordinarily im- tools to consider them thoroughly be- the President: You can’t have it both portant. If they had the confidence in cause, clearly, this administration is ways—on the one hand, historic ob- him to vote to confirm him to the CIA not taking the task of vetting seri- struction and, on the other, a record and are now searching for reasons to ously. pace of confirmations that you brag to This is a final argument—and there support a ‘‘no’’ vote for Secretary of your base about. You can’t have it both are many good ones I would like to State, it is pretty clear what is hap- ways. It is hypocrisy. make. The Trump administration has pening. Some of the most radical activ- A second point: The Republican ma- done the worst job of vetting its nomi- ists in the Democratic base are clearly jority has already taken brazen steps nees of any administration I can re- getting to some of these Senators. during this Congress to limit minority There is still time to put country member. It seems a slapdash process. It rights on nominations. I mentioned the above politics, national security over has had to withdraw the nominee for leader breaking the rules on Supreme the next election, and principle over the Labor Department because he was Court nominees. Let’s not forget that posturing. I urge all of our colleagues not properly vetted; it has fired the he broke the rules after letting to give this nominee the same treat- Secretaries of HHS, State, and the VA; Merrick Garland sit there while not al- ment the Senate gave Secretaries Pow- and it has faced a host of other con- lowing a nomination. It takes a lot of ell, Rice, Kerry, and Clinton, and con- troversies with staff and turnover. I gall to complain about obstruction firm Mr. Pompeo as our next Secretary dare say, if Mr. Pruitt had been prop- when Leader MCCONNELL opened the of State. erly vetted, he may not have been nom- I yield the floor. gates to obstruction—made obstruction inated given what we have found out. I suggest the absence of a quorum. his watchword—when he did what he Now we hear that the new nominee The PRESIDING OFFICER. The did to Merrick Garland. He didn’t stop. for the VA Secretary—the President’s clerk will call the roll. The Republicans have not stopped this personal doctor—is on hold because of The senior assistant legislative clerk year. The Republicans have engaged in some troubling allegations. How did he proceeded to call the roll. hardball tactics at the district and cir- get through the process with all of Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I cuit court levels. these allegations not even having been ask unanimous consent that the order Here is what happened. Take the Re- made public? My guess—there was not for the quorum call be rescinded. publican seat that is vacant on the proper vetting. I was not there, but it The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Seventh Circuit. Because Senator is speculative that, maybe, one day, objection, it is so ordered. LEAHY—then-chairman—and, later, the President, who we know acts on

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:07 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.003 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2362 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 impulse, had this nominee in the NUNES and others have been doing is of the vulnerable and those who are room—his doctor—and he said: Hey, disgraceful, just disgraceful, and not powerless. It ought to be an immediate let’s put you up without any vetting. consistent with our being a democracy, red flag to see how often he has aligned The President is putting forward where there is the rule of law. It is himself with the wrong end of some of nominees without appropriate vetting. more consistent with the bullying atti- the most high-profile cases in the last It is our job to vet, and we will not be tude that we see in nondemocratic few years. rushed through, particularly when this countries. My view is that his record on civil administration has had such a poor Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein rights alone ought to be disqualifying. record of looking at the qualifications is doing his level best to honor the in- Twice he has represented States— and the problems that each nominee tegrity of the probe while being North Carolina and Texas—in their de- has brought. More than ever, with this dragged through the mud by the Presi- fense of voter suppression laws that President, it is the Senate’s job to ad- dent and his allies in Congress. He is a were written and passed based on false vise and consent, not to be a strong man. He has done an excellent claims of voter fraud. Both of those rubberstamp. The rule change that is job, and he is doing his best now. He is laws, in my view, were a sort of Frank- being proposed by Senator LANKFORD is doing exactly what a Deputy Attorney enstein monster of past proposals that totally unmerited, inadvisable, and General should be doing. Mr. Rosen- would have made it harder for African lacks any knowledge of history of the stein deserves our respect—all parties’ Americans and Latino citizens to vote. Senate. respect, the whole country’s respect— You don’t have to take my word for it; You know, we are trying to return to for his efforts in being honest and both of those cases were thrown out by some comity here. The omnibus bill transparent with Congress while main- the courts. Fortunately, neither time was very good work among Speaker taining the integrity of the Russia was Mr. Duncan successful on appeal. RYAN, Leader MCCONNELL, Leader probe. In another case, he argued before the PELOSI, and me. We are going to meet Even so, as a columnist in the Wash- Supreme Court that a wrongful convic- in a little while to talk about doing the ington Post put it this morning: ‘‘It’s a tion verdict ought to be thrown out. An appropriations process in regular order miserable day at the Justice Depart- African-American man named John and going back to the days when we did ment when the deputy attorney gen- Thompson spent 14 years on death row that, which I know our majority leader eral is forced at gunpoint’’—bullying, after prosecutors in New Orleans con- sincerely wants to do, as do I, as does threatening—‘‘to turn over important cealed evidence that would have proven Senator SHELBY, as does Senator evidence in a pending criminal inves- his innocence. After his exoneration, LEAHY. Something like this—so par- tigation.’’ The ‘‘bullying’’ and ‘‘threat- this individual won a $14 million tisan, so unfair, and so ening’’ are my parenthetical words. wrongful conviction suit. Mr. Duncan, unacknowledging of the history that It continues to be a real disgrace for on the other hand, led the effort to has come before—doesn’t help the sense House Republicans to engage in such have it overturned. An innocent man’s of comity in the Senate. bare-knuckle tactics in a relentless ef- life was ruined, and Mr. Duncan saw to I urge Republicans and Democrats fort to deter and kick up dust around it that he had no recompense. alike on the Rules Committee to reject the Mueller investigation. Our fellow He has clearly been a staunch oppo- this terribly ill-advised proposal. Republicans, the bar across the coun- nent of women’s reproductive rights DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL ROSENSTEIN try, and the country itself—the pub- and healthcare. He was counsel of Madam President, on another mat- lic—should resist this kind of bullying record representing Hobby Lobby in its ter, over the last few months, House and pressure. It is so un-American, so case against the Department of Health Republicans have heaped enormous against the rule of law, so against how and Human Services in 2014. In that pressure on Deputy Attorney General democratic republics work. case, Hobby Lobby sought to throw out Rod Rosenstein in a transparent at- I yield the floor. the legal requirement that women have tempt to bully him into providing doc- I suggest the absence of a quorum. no-cost access to contraception uments that are pertinent to an ongo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The through their health insurance cov- ing investigation—something we have clerk will call the roll. erage. Mr. Duncan argued that the gov- hardly ever seen before, something The senior assistant legislative clerk ernment has no compelling interest in that really gets in the way of law en- proceeded to call the roll. guaranteeing access to contraception. forcement doing its job. Representative Mr. WYDEN. Madam President, I ask To hold that view, you have to basi- NUNES, who has shown his partisanship unanimous consent that the order for cally throw in the trash can the repeatedly, and others have gone so far the quorum call be rescinded. science showing that contraception re- as to threaten Mr. Rosenstein with The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sults in lower rates of cancer and and even im- objection, it is so ordered. healthier pregnancies when women peachment if he doesn’t hand over Mr. WYDEN. Madam President, I choose to conceive. You also have to be former FBI Comey’s memos, FISA come to the floor this morning to op- willing to turn a blind eye to the mat- Court documents, and other informa- pose the nomination of Stuart Kyle ter of economic fairness—that women, tion that is related to Mueller’s inves- Duncan to serve on the Court of Ap- particularly those who are vulnerable, tigation into foreign interference. Mr. peals for the Fifth Circuit. those of modest means, should not be Rosenstein gave them that informa- I accept that there are differences of taxed for their gender. tion, which, of course, was leaked opinion with respect to nominees, and I Mr. Duncan went on to author a spe- afterward to the press. accept that I will not agree on every cial legal brief in Whole Woman’s It is not Justice Department protocol issue with every Trump nominee. I do Health v. Hellerstedt, arguing that the or any other prosecutor’s protocol to expect that individuals who are up for Supreme Court should have ignored share information that is pertinent to lifetime judicial appointments have to medical evidence and allowed the State an ongoing investigation. It just wel- demonstrate that, above all else, above of Texas to shutter women’s health comes interference. That is true even everything else, they will be guardians clinics on trumped-up grounds. with the most objective of those who of the constitutional rights of the I also think that as the Senate con- get the information, and I think 95 per- American people. If you want to be a siders this nominee, we should look at cent of America believes Congressman judge in America, my view is, you his record on LGBTQ Americans. In NUNES is not objective. It is not hard to ought to have to show an independence 2015, when he was in private practice, understand why we don’t do this. Yet of thought and a respect for the rule of this nominee served as special assist- several House Republicans have law. ant attorney general for Louisiana. smeared Mr. Rosenstein and have even I regret to say this morning, I believe There, he authored an amicus brief on threatened his job unless he breaks the this nominee has not met those impor- behalf of 15 States, urging the Supreme longstanding prosecutorial guidelines tant expectations. As I review Mr. Dun- Court to reject the right to same-sex which will force him to give them in- can’s record, it seems to me he has marriages nationwide. He wrote that formation they can twist into political made a career out of fighting to re- recognizing such a right would endan- ammunition. What Representative strict the rights and legal protections ger the ‘‘civil peace.’’ It is a head-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:06 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.004 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2363 scratcher to me how he could reach More than half of the working-age Thank you. that conclusion. Whatever damage has women in Washington State get their I yield the floor. been done to the civil peace in the last healthcare coverage through their em- I suggest the absence of a quorum. 3 years certainly has had nothing to do ployer. They pay for their coverage The PRESIDING OFFICER. The with same-sex marriage. through hard-earned wages and com- clerk will call the roll. When I came to the Senate, I believe pensation. Their employer should not The legislative clerk proceeded to I was the first Member of this body be able to just cherry-pick what bene- call the roll. who came out for marriage equality. fits they get because the owners have a Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, I ask Back then, I said: This is pretty sim- self-professed religious objection. unanimous consent that the order for ple, folks—if you don’t like gay mar- Mr. Duncan also tried to go after the quorum call be rescinded. riage, don’t get one. Regrettably, this State laws protecting birth control ac- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without nominee not only doesn’t share that cess. Thanks in part to Washington objection, it is so ordered. view, but he wrote that recognizing the State pharmacist Jennifer Erickson, SENATE RULES ON NOMINATIONS right to marriage equality would, in Washington State has a law on the Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, ear- his view, endanger the civil peace. books requiring all pharmacies to lier today, the minority leader came to He represented Gloucester County, stock and deliver all lawfully pre- the floor to talk about multiple issues. VA, in an effort to deny a transgender scribed drugs, including contraception, During that conversation, he called me student’s right to use the bathroom but Mr. Duncan worked to take that out by name regarding a rules proposal aligned with the gender identity. He hard-fought access away. that I have in front of the Rules Com- also represented rightwing lawmakers In 2016, he filed a brief urging the Su- mittee this week. He said that he vehe- in North Carolina, defending broadly preme Court to take up a challenge to mently disagrees with that rules pro- discriminatory legislation that became the Washington State pharmacy law in posal. He even mentioned that he known as the bathroom bill. order to strike it down. knows that I came here in 2014 and that The list of concerning episodes and He also worked to deny access to con- I should study the history of the Sen- disqualifying work in Mr. Duncan’s ca- stitutional rights to terminate preg- ate a little bit more before I bring up a reer does take a fair amount of time to nancies. In the Whole Women’s Health rules proposal. Well, I would only tell actually walk through. What I will just case, Mr. Duncan filed a brief defending my colleague that I have studied the tell you is that when I look at Mr. Dun- an unconstitutional Texas law that re- history, and I would like to get a little can’s background, what I see is a long stricted access to safe and legal abor- bit of context around those comments. record of hostility toward the rights of tions at qualified health providers. The rules proposal that the minority women and minority Americans. He Ultimately, in the Whole Women’s leader is opposing is the exact same has consistently defended powerful spe- Health case, the Supreme Court rightly rules proposal that he actually voted cial interests over the rights of those struck down this very deceptive Texas for in 2013 when he was on the Rules who don’t have political action com- law, finding it had nothing to do with Committee and then voted for again mittees, aren’t powerful, and don’t medical necessity and placed an undue when it came to the floor of the Sen- have high-priced lobbyists. burden on women. ate. This is not some radical proposal. As Senators consider how to vote on In the landmark case of Obergefell v. In 2013, Democrats found intolerable this nomination, I find it hard to be- Hodges, Mr. Duncan authored an ami- what was happening with the nomina- lieve that this track record of bias that cus brief which argued against same- tion process, so at the beginning of I have outlined this afternoon will sud- sex marriage, and he has represented 2013, they worked with Republicans and denly vanish, will just disappear on North Carolina in their defense of the said: We need to be able to put a struc- confirmation. In my judgment, this is ‘‘bathroom bill,’’ which discriminated ture in place to get nominations an individual who should not serve on against transgender individuals. We through because a President should be the bench. I urge my colleagues to vote need to expand the rights of the LGBT able to have his staff put in place, and no. community, not nominate a judge who there shouldn’t be an arbitrary slow- I yield the floor. believes we should roll back these laws down of that process. I suggest the absence of a quorum. that are so important to the individ- Republicans came on board, even dur- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. uals in my State. ing a very contentious time, because YOUNG). The clerk will call the roll. Mr. Duncan also defended North Republicans did not agree with the The legislative clerk proceeded to Carolina’s restrictive voting laws policies of President Obama. Yet they call the roll. which limited early voting, prevented agreed. Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I ask same-day registration, and placed limi- With a vote of 78 total votes, 78 votes unanimous consent that the order for tations on where people could vote. on the floor of the Senate, a rule the quorum call be rescinded. The appeals court found that these re- change was made that was proposed by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without strictions violated the Voting Rights Senator Reid, supported by Senator objection, it is so ordered. Act because they were disproportion- SCHUMER, and supported by Senator Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I ately affecting African Americans. We MCCONNELL, to say that this is a rule come to the floor to speak in opposi- do not need to see a judge on our bench change that will go into place. It was a tion to the nomination of Kyle Duncan who is trying to limit people’s partici- very simple rule. The rule was just for for the U.S. Circuit Court for the Fifth pation in our democracy as we are try- nominees. Circuit. ing to protect their access to voting. When nominees come to the floor, I find his nomination troubling, but I It is no secret the Trump administra- the minority can always ask for addi- find many of President Trump’s nomi- tion has been chipping away at wom- tional time to debate. Most of the time nees for judges troubling because they en’s healthcare and constitutional in the past, they have not, but they want to restrict established rights or rights by using every tool at their dis- could. The time allotted for that pur- roll back privacy issues, whether it is posal. I am especially troubled that the pose is 30 additional hours for debate. Roe v. Wade or LGBT rights. President is intent on nominating The assumption is that it is a con- In many cases, Mr. Duncan has tried judges, such as this one, who do not re- troversial nominee when 30 additional to take away these very important re- spect the settled law of Roe v. Wade. hours of debate is required. productive rights for women. From 2012 The administration is making every The time was lowered in this 2013 to 2014, he was the lead counsel on the attempt to roll back these important rule so that for district court nomi- Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius Supreme privacy laws. Kyle Duncan, the nomi- nees, just 2 hours of debate on the floor Court case. That flawed decision allows nee we are considering, has spent dec- is needed because, quite frankly, dis- closely held corporations to deny FDA- ades doing the same. That is the reason trict court nominees had never been approved contraceptive coverage to I oppose his confirmation, and I urge held up on a cloture vote, so 2 hours of women employees if the company own- my colleagues to do the same. I hope extra time. The nominees have already ers object to the contraception based they will follow in making sure we pro- been through the committee process. on religious beliefs. tect these important rights. They have already been approved. Now

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:06 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.007 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2364 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 they are coming to the floor, and if 56 executive nominations. But they Senate and had a colloquy, and in that there is a request for additional time, unilaterally changed the rules of the colloquy, Senator Reid said: they would get an additional 2 hours on Senate to be able to drop down nomina- It is our expectation that this new process the floor. For any other nominee, they tions from 60 to 51 because they were for considering nominations as set out in would get 8 hours of additional time, if so frustrated that there were 20 judges this order will not be the norm— they even asked for more time. Su- pending and 56 executive nominations. That is, asking for additional time preme Court, circuit court, and Cabi- May I remind my colleagues that right for every person— net-level nominees would remain at 30 now there are 67 judges pending and 139 but that the two leaders will continue to hours. executive nominations pending. work together to schedule votes on nominees That was the agreement that was The minority was so frustrated when in a timely manner by unanimous consent, made and that we functioned under in they were in the majority that they except in extraordinary circumstances. 2013 and in 2014. Fast-forward to today. had to go nuclear and unilaterally Those were Senator Reid’s com- A historic new precedent has been set change the rules in November of 2013, ments. But now, this has been invoked for any President coming in. It was ab- even after Republicans joined them in more than 80 times by the minority solutely not done by Republicans in January of 2013 to change the cloture just this year. There have not been 80 the past, and it was absolutely not rules because there were 20 judges extraordinary circumstances. Quite done by Democrats in the past, but it pending. Yet now there are 67 judges frankly, many of these individuals waited out additional time for cloture is being done now. pending. At that time, there were 56, so and then they were confirmed almost Right now, there are 67 judges pend- they went nuclear on the executive unanimously. They weren’t controver- ing and 139 executive nominees pend- nominations. Now there are 139. sial; it was about slowing down the ing—139. In just the past year and a few Listen, this is not an argument that Senate. months, Democrats have requested 85 I am trying to make based on a par- Let’s get this fixed. When the Senate cloture votes—that is asking for an ad- tisan issue. I am trying to go back to is broken—and it is certainly broken in ditional 30 hours of debate time. the agreement that was made in 2013, process right now—the Senators can fix They can say: Well, these nominees which was a bipartisan agreement. the Senate by fixing our own rules. need to be vetted. These are all nomi- That worked for that time period. Re- That is what I am encouraging our nees who have already gone through publicans and Democrats supported it, body to do. I do understand the his- the committee process, have already and it worked. We actually had a proc- tory—although the minority leader is waited in line. There has been a tre- ess that was in place. I am asking to right, I wasn’t here when the nuclear mendous amount of vetting. Even if take that Democrat-written document option was imposed. When Democrats this was additional vetting—an addi- and say: Let’s make that the rule from did the historic change to the Senate tional 30 hours of debate on the floor— here on out—not just for this session rules, unilaterally—I wasn’t here then. for most of these nominees by far, but from here on out—so that we would Senator SCHUMER did support that and there has been less than an hour of ac- have consistency whether Republicans did make a radical change at that tual debate on the floor for these indi- or Democrats are in control. time. I have to read about that history. viduals, but 30 hours has been re- All I am asking is that Democrats But I can tell my colleagues that we quested. It is not 30 hours of debate. In vote again now for the same thing they can fix our future—and not just for Re- fact, just over the past couple of weeks, voted for in 2013 when they asked Re- publicans but for the country—if we ac- we have had district court judges, and publicans to join them; for Democrats tually fix this rule change for the fu- they have had a demand for a cloture to join us and to say: Let’s make this ture. vote on them, and we had less than 15 the clear rule for everyone. That is the With that, I yield the floor. minutes of additional debate time for history that I think needs to get into The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- those individuals on the floor, but 30 this conversation. jority leader. hours had to be allocated. There was Quite frankly, I am not asking for f less than 15 minutes of actual debate something radical. I am trying to do a EXECUTIVE CALENDAR on that person. rules change the right way, by the This is not about vetting. That is a rules as they are written, going Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I good line for the media. That is a good through the Rules Committee and hav- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- line for the base. This is about slowing ing a hearing, which we had in Decem- ate proceed to the consideration of the down the Senate. This is about slowing ber, having a markup in the Rules following nomination: Executive Cal- down the process. Committee, and bringing it to the floor endar No. 765. Again, giving a side-by-side, the mi- of the Senate and actually imple- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there nority leader said that this is about menting a rules change. If there is an- objection? keeping intact the power of the minor- other proposal we want to consider, I Without objection, it is so ordered. ity, that the power of the minority The clerk will report the nomination. will be glad to have that conversation. The bill clerk read the nomination of needs to be maintained in the Senate. I I am not looking to make it conten- Lt. Gen. Paul M. Nakasone to be Gen- totally agree. That is why I am trying tious; I am trying to actually solve a eral in the while to work this through a normal rules bad precedent because the precedent assigned to a position of importance process—the same rule the minority that has been set by the minority party and responsibility under title 10, leader supported on the Rules Com- right now will be the new precedent U.S.C., section 601. mittee in 2013 and the same rule he when the next President comes. So the Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to voted for on the floor. The only dif- next time there is a Democratic Presi- consider the nomination. ference now is that it is not Democrats dent, I can assure my colleagues that Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I in power, it is Republicans in power. Republicans will say: We will just do ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Republicans joined Democrats in 2013 the same thing the Democrats did to ate vote on the nomination with no in- to be able to put this in place, but for the Republican President—we will do tervening action or debate; that if con- some reason, now that Republicans are that to the next Democratic President. firmed, the motion to reconsider be in power, Democrats are saying that And year after year, this toxic environ- considered made and laid upon the this is an onerous rule that will take ment will get worse. The only way to table; that the President be imme- away the power of the minority. dial back the volume is to actually fix diately notified of the Senate’s action; The only real thing that has changed the rules to make sure they stay fair that no further motions be in order; here—other than that now the Repub- for everyone. and that any statements related to the licans are in control rather than Demo- Again, this is not a partisan move for nomination be printed in the RECORD. crats—is one other thing; that is, the me; this is trying to get the Senate to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without nuclear option. When Senator Reid and actually function and work again. objection, it is so ordered. Senator SCHUMER put in place the nu- This rule change that was done in The question is, Will the Senate ad- clear option at the end of 2013, at that 2013—Senator Reid and Senator vise and consent to the Nakasone nom- time, there were 20 judges pending and MCCONNELL came to the floor of the ination?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:06 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.009 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2365 The nomination was confirmed. that of all my Republican colleagues, it I wanted to recognize Senator COONS f seemed that Secretary Kerry’s Syria today and thank him for his leadership. policy differed little from his prede- In a display of both compassion and bi- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued cessor’s, but rather than turn our dis- partisanship, Senator COONS switched Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I senting votes into destructive votes, his ‘‘no’’ vote to ‘‘present,’’ ultimately ask unanimous consent that notwith- we voted almost unanimously for his allowing Director Pompeo to secure a standing rule XXII, the postcloture confirmation. favorable recommendation. Senator time on the Duncan nomination expire There was an understanding at the COONS did so as a gesture to Senator at 3 p.m. today. time that you paid deference to the ISAKSON, who could not be present for The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without President’s nominees, even if you dis- the vote because he was delivering a objection, it is so ordered. agreed with them on certain policies. eulogy at his best friend’s funeral. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Today, that custom is under siege. It is This simple act of bipartisanship re- ator from Utah. under threat. If we are not careful, in minds me of the Senate I used to NOMINATION OF MIKE POMPEO the future, then partisanship will sure know—the institution that lived wor- Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, as Presi- get the best of all of us. thy of its name and reputation as the dent pro tempore of the U.S. Senate, I The partisan abandon with which world’s greatest deliberative body. Sen- ask my colleagues to join us in voting some approached Director Pompeo’s ator COONS’ vote brought us back from swiftly and unanimously in support of nomination is something that I fear the precipice overlooking a partisan Mike Pompeo’s nomination to serve as the Founding Fathers would never abyss. It was a timely reminder that the next Secretary of State. have imagined, much less condoned. If this body is at its best when we put Frankly, I am embarrassed by the we continue down this perilous path, a comity and respect ahead of partisan- naked partisanship that was on display dangerous precedent will take root, ship. Senator COONS’ gesture was char- during Director Pompeo’s confirmation making any nomination under any acteristic of the person I know him to hearing. The Director deserves better President at any time all but impos- be—a class act, a loyal friend, and a than this. That his nomination was sible. true gentleman of the Senate. nearly sent to the floor without rec- Our role as legislators is to challenge May we all take a cue from yester- ommendation is an utter disgrace. the views of our nominees and to hold day’s bipartisan display. Our treatment This is a graduate of West Point and them accountable. It is not, however, of Director Pompeo in committee was a man who served our Nation honor- to discredit, defame, and destroy the embarrassing, to say the least, but now ably as a officer in the U.S. reputation of a sitting Cabinet official. we have a second chance. Now we have Army. This is a talented litigator who Nor is it to prevent from serving a man the opportunity to set things right by graduated from , who is so manifestly qualified to serve. voting unanimously for his confirma- where he served as editor of the Har- To engage in such political games at a tion. I urge all my colleagues to do time when our Nation faces growing vard Law Review. This is an accom- what is best for the Senate and the Na- threats abroad is not only irrespon- plished businessman, a former Member tion by voting in favor of Director of Congress, and the current Director sible, but it is dangerous. So I say to my colleagues one last Pompeo’s nomination. of the Central Intelligence Agency. Let’s get rid of this total partisan- time: Confirm Director Pompeo. This is a man who is qualified to serve He has proven himself as Director of ship around here. I think both sides are in every respect. Yet some of my col- the CIA—one of the most demanding, to blame, in some respects. I don’t leagues wanted to block Director high-pressure jobs in government. He mean to just be picking on Democrats Pompeo’s nomination on the grounds knows the world and its secrets better here today, but when somebody with that he supports our President. Give than virtually anyone. Moreover, he the quality of Director Pompeo is see- me a break. understands the scale of the threats ing this type of treatment on the floor To these colleagues, I say: Enough. facing the United States. I know that. of the U.S. Senate, my gosh, what are Enough of the partisan games. Enough I think I am still the longest serving we becoming? All I can say is, it is not of the political grandstanding and self- member of the Senate Intelligence right. serving sanctimony. Committee. Perhaps most importantly, This is a chance to reform and make Delaying this nomination under- he has earned the love and trust of the it right. I hope we will do that. If we mines not only the reputation of this people he serves, boosting the morale don’t, we have to find a way of getting esteemed body but the very safety of of the Agency and reinvigorating its together. We have to find a way of sup- our Nation. Obstructing Director sense of purpose and mission. We are in porting whoever is President, who Pompeo’s confirmation would be a sig- desperate need of someone who can do nominates people who are qualified and nificant break from the bipartisan the same at the State Department. who are good people, regardless of process that has characterized these Already, Director Pompeo has dem- whether we agree with them ideologi- kinds of nominations in the past and onstrated he has the diplomatic skill cally. over my past 42 years. to lead the State Department, setting The fact is, this Senate has become a For example, when President Obama the stage for negotiations between very partisan body. There are times to nominated to serve as President Trump and Mr. Kim by es- be partisan. There is no question about Secretary of State, Republicans and tablishing a back-channel line of com- that, and all of us have felt those times Democrats set aside their differences munication with North Korea. He has from time to time. My gosh, should we without delay, confirming her nomina- also helped foster good relations with be this partisan on somebody like Sec- tion almost unanimously with a vote of our foreign partners—a necessary skill retary Pompeo, who clearly is one of 94 to 2. Just 4 years later, the Senate for someone serving as our Nation’s top the finest nominees I have seen in the did so again when we confirmed John diplomat. whole time I have been in the U.S. Sen- Kerry with a vote of 94 to 3. Simply put, there is no reason under ate? As Republicans, did we disagree with the Sun that Director Pompeo should I hope my colleagues on both sides Secretary Clinton’s and Secretary not receive every last vote in this will vote for him and give him the re- Kerry’s views on a wide range of Chamber. spect, the support, and the help he is issues? Absolutely. But did those dis- The way we treated Director Pompeo going to need in this position. We all agreements prevent us from confirming by nearly sending him to this floor know he is going to be confirmed. The two preeminently qualified nominees? without a recommendation was shame- question is, Will he be confirmed with Absolutely not. ful. Indeed, the reputation of the Sen- the support of all of us Senators who As a case in point, when Secretary ate would have been tarnished were it really think of these things and who Kerry was confirmed in January 2013, not for the last-minute intervention of really care for our country, who really the was raging, and a few of my colleagues—in particular, believe in bipartisanship, who really many of us strongly disagreed with the Senator , for whom I have believe that regardless of differences of Obama administration’s policies in the great admiration. He thinks for him- politics and opinion, class acts like Mr. . To my frustration and self. Pompeo should be supported?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:06 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.011 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 I yield the floor. the law as well. Our constituents sent American voters with ‘‘almost surgical The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. us to Washington to look out for the precision.’’ The Fourth Circuit decried CRUZ). The Senator from . best interests of all Americans. That is this law as ‘‘the most restrictive vot- Mr. PETERS. Mr. President, today why we need to move away from divi- ing law North Carolina has seen since the Senate is considering a divisive sive nominees and instead focus on the the era of Jim Crow.’’ nominee to sit on the Fifth Circuit confirmation of qualified consensus Mr. Duncan’s brief argued that the Court. It completely baffles me that nominees. It is clear Mr. Duncan is out Fourth Circuit’s decision was ‘‘an af- this administration continues to put of step with mainstream American val- front to North Carolina’s citizens and forth nominees who are either clearly ues, and I urge my colleagues to join their elected representatives.’’ Fortu- unqualified or intensely partisan and me in opposing his nomination. nately, the Supreme Court denied Mr. controversial. This body has histori- I yield the floor. Duncan’s cert petition. cally worked together to confirm con- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I rise in Mr. Duncan also wrote a brief defend- sensus nominees to serve on the appel- opposition to the nomination of Kyle ing a Texas voter ID law that the Fifth late bench. Unfortunately, that has not Duncan to serve on the Fifth Circuit Circuit ruled had violated the Voting been the case over this past year. We Court of Appeals. Rights Act. Mr. Duncan’s brief cited have seen contentious nominee after Mr. Duncan’s record shows that he is the specter of voter fraud to support contentious nominee. Unfortunately, far outside the judicial mainstream. He his argument that this law was nec- the Republican majority has abdicated has a history of ideological opposition essary. its responsibility to instead choose a to important civil and constitutional I decided to ask Mr. Duncan a simple judicial person of integrity who is will- rights. There are many examples of Mr. question about voter fraud. I asked him ing to find common ground. Duncan’s extreme views. I will discuss in writing what he thought of Presi- This afternoon’s vote to confirm Stu- several of them. dent Trump’s wholly unsubstantiated art Kyle Duncan to the Fifth Circuit First, Mr. Duncan has a track record claim that 3 to 5 million people voted Court is a perfect example of a divisive of outright hostility toward the Su- illegally in the 2016 election. candidate. Mr. Duncan is an extreme preme Court’s Obergefell decision and His response? He said ‘‘I am con- nominee. His nomination is a senseless the rights of the LGBTQ community. strained by the canons of judicial eth- When the Obergefell case was pending attack on access to healthcare for ics from commenting on political mat- before the Supreme Court, Mr. Duncan women, especially women in rural and ters.’’ wrote an article where he described the underserved areas. His nomination is Why would we put someone on the plaintiffs in the case as, ‘‘profoundly Federal bench who thinks a false claim an attack on LGBT civil rights and an mistaken.’’ He went on to write: ‘‘It is about millions of illegal voters in the attack on free and open access to the often asked by proponents of same sex 2016 election is a ‘‘political matter’’? ballot for all Americans. marriage what harms would flow from One only needs to look at his record. Why couldn’t Mr. Duncan bring himself judicial recognition of their claims. Mr. Duncan served as lead counsel in to say that President Trump’s state- From the perspective of democratic Hobby Lobby v. Burwell, in which the ment was blatantly false? self-government, those harms would be Supreme Court ruled that a for-profit Mr. Duncan’s views on voting rights severe, unavoidable, and irreversible.’’ corporation can have religious beliefs After the Obergefell plaintiffs won are troubling, so much so that Derrick and, therefore, can deny contraceptive and the Supreme Court recognized the Johnson, president of the NAACP, sent coverage as part of their employer- right to same-sex marriage, Mr. Dun- a letter saying that ‘‘President sponsored health insurance plans. can wrote another article where he de- Trump’s nomination of Mr. Duncan to I have said this before, and I will say scribed the Obergefell decision as ‘‘an the Fifth Circuit is a brazen insult to it again, I have never sat next to a cor- abject failure’’ and said the case ‘‘im- the civil rights legacy of this court.’’ poration in church. Corporations do There are many other issues where perils civic peace.’’ not have religious beliefs, and a woman When he was before the Judiciary Mr. Duncan has advocated for positions should have access to reproductive Committee, I asked Mr. Duncan in that are far to the right of the center health services and the freedom to writing if he agreed that same-sex mar- stripe. make her own decisions about her own riage is now settled law. He ducked the In 2014, he gave a speech where he healthcare. question. discussed the Supreme Court’s right- In addition to his record of hostility This surprised me. Even President to-marry cases, including the land- to the self-determination of women, Trump conceded in November 2016 that mark decision Loving v. Virginia, and Mr. Duncan has an abysmal civil rights same-sex marriage is ‘‘already settled. said to the audience, ‘‘Ask yourselves record. Mr. Duncan coauthored an ami- It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme this: do they add up to a right to marry cus brief in opposition to marriage Court,’’ but Mr. Duncan would not ac- your first cousin? A thirteen year old?’’ equality when this important issue was knowledge that point. Mr. Duncan also filed briefs in oppo- before the Supreme Court. In that I also asked Mr. Duncan in writing if sition to the DACA program and the same vein of discrimination, Mr. Dun- he would pledge not to take steps to proposed DAPA program, which he can has repeatedly engaged in efforts undermine the Supreme Court’s claimed ‘‘would greatly increase the to suppress the votes of minority vot- Obergefell decision if he were con- risk of unauthorized immigrants com- ers. He has defended North Carolina firmed. He did not respond to that mitting serious crimes.’’ His argu- voter suppression measures that were question either. ments perpetuated a stereotype of im- ultimately struck down by the Fourth Make no mistake, Mr. Duncan’s ad- migrants as criminals that is simply Circuit. The court determined the dis- vocacy against LGBTQ rights goes be- not borne out by evidence. criminatory measures ‘‘targeted Afri- yond arguments that he advanced on Mr. Duncan represented Hobby Lobby can-Americans with almost surgical behalf of clients. He has repeatedly ad- in its Supreme Court case, where he ar- precision.’’ vocated against LGBTQ rights when gued that for-profit corporations have Mr. Duncan’s nomination is, frankly, writing in his own personal capacity religious rights that permit them to unconscionable. Our court system about his own views. circumvent the law and refuse to pro- should be a level playing field, where Mr. Duncan also has a troubling vide contraceptive coverage to their no matter who you are or where you record of hostility to voting rights. employees. live, you will receive fair and equal He joined with another extreme The NAACP has described Mr. Dun- treatment. In contrast to that spirit, Trump judicial nominee, Thomas Farr, can’s record on criminal justice issues this nominee has spent a significant to represent the North Carolina Legis- as ‘‘abysmal.’’ They noted his efforts to part of the past decade advocating for lature in seeking Supreme Court re- overturn a wrongful conviction verdict the denial of rights for women, minori- view of the Fourth Circuit’s decision to based on prosecutor misconduct, as ties, and the LGBT community. strike down North Carolina’s 2013 voter well as his defense of inhumane condi- I have absolutely no confidence that suppression law. tions in severely overcrowded . this nominee will stay true not only to This is the notorious law that the What kind of message does it send the letter of the law but to the spirit of Fourth Circuit said targeted African- when the Republican Party goes out of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:06 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.012 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2367 its way to nominate people like Mr. We must not allow our courts to be The Supreme Court held the law did Duncan who have expressed such hos- undermined by politics instead of root- not provide greater protection for tile views on issues of fundamental ed in independence. The courts are a women’s health and that it was an un- civil rights such as the right to marry constitutionally created coequal, inde- constitutional undue burden on wom- and LGBTQ rights? pendent branch designed to be an inde- en’s reproductive rights. There are plenty of well-qualified Re- pendent check on Congress and the Ex- Mr. Duncan was also at the center of publican judicial candidates who do not ecutive. Republican efforts to disenfranchise have a track record of taking extreme Unfortunately, that independence is African-American voters through dis- ideological views. Why choose someone under attack. criminatory voter ID laws. like Mr. Duncan? What kind of signal The President has personally at- After the Fourth Circuit struck down does that send to litigants who might tacked judges who have ruled against North Carolina’s voter ID law, noting argue before the Fifth Circuit? him. that it ‘‘targeted African Americans It is possible to find highly qualified, He has also repeatedly declared that with almost surgical precision,’’ Dun- nonideological candidates for the Fed- he has litmus tests for judicial nomi- can urged the Supreme Court to re- eral bench, nominees whom both par- nees, pledging that he would only verse that decision. ties can be proud of. We have done that nominate individuals who pass ideolog- In his petition to the court, he wrote with the two pending Illinois nominees ical litmus tests. that, ‘‘The Constitution does not allow to the Seventh Circuit. I wish that had Our system depends on Federal the sins of Civil Rights-era legislators happened with this Fifth Circuit va- judges who are independent arbiters to be visited on their grandchildren cancy, but unfortunately, that is not and follow the facts and the law wher- and great-grandchildren.’’ ever they lead. the case. Shockingly, this statement ignores Given this, I have been deeply trou- I cannot support Mr. Duncan’s nomi- the persisting racism in this country bled by efforts to stack our Federal nation, and I will vote no. and argues that the challenges faced by courts by jamming controversial nomi- Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I disenfranchised voters are simply a nees through as quickly as possible. rise today in opposition to the nomina- thing of the past. Federal judges serve for life, and it is tion of Kyle Duncan to a Louisiana What is worse, this argument is made critically important that parties who seat on the Fifth Circuit. about the right to vote. The U.S. Con- come before them are confident that Mr. Duncan, a Washington, DC, based stitution enshrines the right to vote as their case is given a fair shot, that it is lawyer, has made a career advocating one of our most foundational rights. for ideological causes. He has a long being evaluated on the merits. Mr. Duncan has also repeatedly ar- If you look at Mr. Duncan’s record, record of arguing to undermine the gued against recognizing same-sex cou- he cannot demonstrate that women, rights of women, voters, LGBT Ameri- ples’ right to marry. LGBT Americans, and immigrants who cans, and immigrants. When the Supreme Court ruled in appear before him in court would have Before I speak more in depth about favor of marriage equality in an impartial arbiter. Mr. Duncan’s record, it is important to That should trouble all senators. I Obergefell, Mr. Duncan declared the de- step back and look at the big picture fear Mr. Duncan’s confirmation to the cision ‘‘imperil[ed] civic peace.’’ That is an extreme statement that is on President Trump’s judicial nomi- Fifth Circuit will further diminish con- simply untrue. Far from imperiling nees. fidence in our judicial system. Mr. Duncan’s nomination is part of Specifically, Mr. Duncan has been at peace, our country has evolved and em- the Trump administration’s larger ef- the center of efforts to roll back wom- braced this ruling peacefully. fort to remake Federal circuit courts en’s access to basic healthcare. I asked Mr. Duncan whether he still with young, ideological nominees who Mr. Duncan served as one of the lead believes that this important case has are often far outside of the mainstream lawyers for Hobby Lobby in a case ‘‘imperil[ed] civic peace’’ in the years or, in some cases, who are unqualified. challenging the ’s since it was decided. Mr. Duncan did In just the last 15 months, we have protections for women’s access to con- not disavow his statement and would seen a nominee confirmed to the D.C. traception. Duncan advanced the argu- not answer my question. Circuit who worked in the ment that a corporation’s religious be- Lastly, we are a nation of immi- counsel’s office on issues likely to go liefs trump a woman’s right to contra- grants. Since its founding, the United to the court he was appointed to, in- ceptive coverage in her health insur- States has been built on the backs of cluding on the White House’s responses ance plan. people from all over the world coming to the Russia investigation. More than 99 percent of American here to build a better life for them- As one Republican Senator said, this women have used contraception; it is selves and their families. now-judge’s ‘‘conflict of interest’’ was more common than a flu shot. Less than 2 years ago, in 2016, Dun- something ‘‘a first-year law student Access to contraception contributes can argued to the Supreme Court that would see.’’ to improved health for women and ba- allowing undocumented parents of U.S. We have seen a nominee confirmed to bies, including reduced rates of pre- citizen children to live and work the Sixth Circuit who blogged under a maturity. The expansion of contracep- would, ‘‘exacerbate the problem of vio- pseudonym and expressed extreme tion has also strengthened women’s fi- lent crime by unauthorized immi- views and relied on rightwing sources nancial security by allowing them to grants.’’ known for discredited conspiracy theo- plan when to start a family. Again, Mr. Duncan makes an asser- ries. For example, he wrote in a blog Mr. Duncan also argued in favor of a tion with no basis in fact. Rather, re- post that the ‘‘two greatest tragedies severely restrictive anti-choice law in search shows that immigrants commit in our country are ‘‘slavery and abor- Texas, which would have closed 75 per- fewer crimes than native born Ameri- tion.’’ cent of women’s health clinics that cans. The conservative We have seen a nominee to the offer comprehensive reproductive found that immigrants have a lower Eighth Circuit who was the first judi- health services. rate of incarceration than native-born cial nominee to receive a unanimous While medical experts, including the Americans. ‘‘not qualified’’ from the American Bar American College of Obstetricians and While I do not expect to agree with Association because of concerns about Gynecologists, unanimously agreed the views of all the judicial nominees the nominee’s judicial temperament that these requirements were not need- that come before the Senate, I do ex- and ability to be impartial and still get ed to protect women’s health, Mr. Dun- pect the nominees to be within the confirmed on a party-line vote. can argued against the science. mainstream of legal thought. I do ex- Unfortunately, Mr. Duncan is just Even the conservative Supreme pect the nominees to uphold basic the latest nominee with a controver- Court rejected Texas’s false pretense of facts, science, and constitutional prin- sial, partisan record that calls into protecting women and ruled that this ciples. question his ability to be an inde- law forced doctors and health centers I fear that Mr. Duncan’s record puts pendent, neutral arbiter appointed to a to meet medically unnecessary require- him outside these basic qualifications, lifetime position. ments. and I cannot support his nomination.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:33 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.001 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 Mr. PETERS. I suggest the absence Let’s take a look at his record on meet that standard. That is why I will of a quorum. LGBTQ rights. Mr. Duncan has com- be voting to reject Mr. Duncan’s nomi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The plained about what he calls the ‘‘gen- nation, and I urge every Senator who clerk will call the roll. eral acceptance of homosexuality and believes in the principle of equal jus- The bill clerk proceeded to call the homosexual practices’’ in America, and tice under law to do the same. roll. he has worked very hard to convince Thank you. Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, I ask courts to adopt his narrow-minded I yield the floor. unanimous consent that the order for view of the world. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the quorum call be rescinded. In the landmark Supreme Court case ator from Washington. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that legalized same-sex marriage na- Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I come objection, it is so ordered. tionwide, Mr. Duncan filed briefs, ask- to the floor to oppose Kyle Duncan’s Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, it is no ing the Court to reach the opposite re- nomination to serve on the Fifth Cir- secret that powerful interests are sult. After the Supreme Court handed cuit Court of Appeals. working to undermine our government. down those historic decisions, Mr. Dun- A review of Mr. Duncan’s record—his Giant companies and rightwing billion- can, who, today, expects to be con- cases and chosen causes—shows he is a aires have been pouring unlimited firmed as a Federal appellate judge, dangerous, ideological nominee who sums of money into making sure our claimed that the decision would jeop- has consistently been on the wrong government works for those at the top ardize civic peace and openly ques- side of women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, and leaves everyone else behind, and a and civil rights. Let’s start with Mr. key part of their strategy is to capture tioned the Supreme Court’s legitimacy. Mr. Duncan also represented the Duncan’s record that argues against our courts. women’s rights and reproductive free- During the Obama administration, Gloucester County School Board in its dom. those powerful interests and their Re- effort to deny Gavin Grimm, who is a When he served as the lead counsel in publican allies in Congress executed an transgender high school boy, the abil- the infamous Hobby Lobby case, he ar- unprecedented campaign to stop fair- ity to use the boys’ bathroom. He rep- gued that an employer can interfere minded, impartial nominees from fill- resented North Carolina’s General As- with a woman’s personal healthcare ing judicial vacancies. Nominees sembly in a lawsuit that challenged the weren’t blocked because they were un- assembly’s bathroom bill banning choices. In Texas, he filed a brief that was in qualified. They weren’t blocked be- transgender and gender-nonconforming favor of abortion restrictions that cause they were inexperienced. They individuals from using restrooms that weren’t blocked because they were out are consistent with their gender identi- would have shut down the vast major- of the mainstream. They were blocked ties. ity of clinics in that State—restric- for one reason and one reason alone: In his asking courts to allow govern- tions the Supreme Court, ultimately, because they didn’t demonstrate a suf- ment-sanctioned discrimination in ruled an ‘‘undue burden’’ on a woman’s ficient willingness to bend the law in these cases, Mr. Duncan has com- constitutional right to a safe, legal favor of the rich and the powerful. pletely ignored scientific evidence and abortion. With as President, medical expertise. Instead, he has as- In my home State of Washington, he these same interests sense a once-in-a- serted that transgender individuals are filed a brief that argued pharmacies lifetime opportunity to reshape our mentally ill. In one case, he argued should be allowed to refuse to fill birth courts for years to come, and they are that there was no sound scientific evi- control prescriptions for ideological working to stack our courts with nar- dence proving that individuals who reasons. Fortunately, his views did not row-minded elitists and rightwing radi- identify as transgender are not delu- prevail. cals. Stuart Kyle Duncan—President sional. Then there is Mr. Duncan’s long Trump’s nominee to sit on the Fifth In case after case, Mr. Duncan has record of opposing LGBTQ rights. Circuit Court of Appeals—is one of defended discrimination and injustice. When it comes to the rights of same- those nominees. On voting rights, he defended North sex couples, he argued against two lov- Mr. Duncan has spent his career Carolina’s discriminatory voter ID law ing parents who wanted to change their working to restrict—not to expand, but that a Federal court concluded tar- baby’s birth certificate so they could to restrict—civil rights in the United geted African-American voters with al- add him to their insurance plan. He ar- States. Over and over again, he has most ‘‘surgical precision.’’ gued for denying a same-sex spouse her sought to tilt the scales of justice On immigration, he filed briefs that parental visiting rights to the children against women, against LGBTQ Ameri- opposed the Deferred Action for Child- she had raised for 8 years. He also de- cans, against people of color, and oth- hood Arrivals Program, DACA Pro- fended bans on same-sex marriages in ers. Mr. Duncan’s record of supporting gram, which allowed Dreamers to con- Louisiana and Virginia. discrimination and injustice is quite tribute to our schools, our commu- When the Supreme Court was consid- lengthy, so I will focus on just a few of nities, and our economy without their ering whether to strike down bans on the most disturbing examples. Let’s having the constant fear of deporta- same-sex marriage nationwide, he said start with his record on women’s tion. the harm of doing this would be ‘‘se- rights. On criminal justice, he fought to vere, unavoidable, and irreversible,’’ Mr. Duncan has worked to make it block the retroactive application of the and he filed an amicus brief against it. harder for women to access contracep- Supreme Court’s decision that ruled it When the Court then made its historic tive coverage and abortion services. He is unconstitutional to sentence kids to decision to recognize same-sex mar- was the lead attorney for the arts and life without parole. riage as a fundamental right, Mr. Dun- crafts company Hobby Lobby in the Time and again, Mr. Duncan has been can said it ‘‘raises questions about the Supreme Court case of Burwell v. on the wrong side of justice and has legitimacy of the Court.’’ He said it Hobby Lobby. In that case, he argued worked to undermine the civil rights of might ‘‘imperil civic peace.’’ that business owners should be allowed groups that have historically faced dis- When it comes to the rights of to refuse to provide female employees crimination. transgender people, he fought for the access to contraceptive care based on Federal judges have one job and one intolerant, harmful bathroom ban in those employers’ religious views. job only—to dispense equal justice North Carolina and against Gavin, a Mr. Duncan also filed briefs in many under law. That means everyone—man young boy in Virginia who simply other Supreme Court cases, petitioning or woman, gay or straight, Black or wanted his school to allow him to use the Court to restrict women’s access to Brown or White—should have con- the men’s restroom. He did it by using birth control and abortion services, ig- fidence that the judges we hand life- bigoted remarks that were nothing noring the fact that access to contra- time appointments to will put fairness short of appalling. ceptive care can help women lead bet- and fidelity to the law over their per- In defending the outrageous ban in ter, healthier, or more financially se- sonal feelings or political ideologies. North Carolina, he relied on bogus tes- cure lives. He is the man who is seek- Stuart Kyle Duncan has made it per- timony from a self-proclaimed expert ing a Federal judgeship. fectly clear that he cannot and will not who suggested that transgender people

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:33 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.013 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2369 are delusional. In his opposing Gavin in and reassembled when called to order I also have real concerns of Mr. Dun- Virginia, Mr. Duncan advanced the of- by the Presiding Officer (Mr. can’s record when it comes to women’s fensive and discredited conspiracy the- PORTMAN). healthcare and their constitutionally ory that schools need to fear athletes f protected rights because his record who pretend to be transgender in order shows that he has been a consistent op- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued to gain a competitive advantage. ponent of reproductive freedom. Outside of the court, outside of his The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mr. Duncan was the lead counsel in client work, he has repeatedly ad- ator from New Hampshire. the backward Supreme Court Hobby dressed an organization that has been Ms. HASSAN. Mr. President, I rise Lobby decision, which allows employ- designated as a hate group by the today to oppose the nomination of Stu- ers to deny contraceptive coverage to Southern Poverty Law Center—an or- art Kyle Duncan to serve on the Fifth women. He has long supported efforts ganization that calls marriage equality Circuit Court of Appeals. to diminish women’s access to their an ‘‘oxymoronic institution if ever Our Founders established our court constitutionally protected right to an there was one.’’ system as an independent arbiter that abortion, arguing in favor of a Texas There are other red flags about his would protect the rights of every law in Whole Woman’s Health v. commitment to defending civil rights. American and ensure equal justice Hellerstedt that shut down abortion For example, when the Supreme under the law. For us to move forward, providers and was eventually rejected Court ruled that mandatory life sen- our democracy requires an independent by the Court. He even contested the tences for minors were unconstitu- and impartial judiciary. fact that contraceptives can be nec- tional, he argued the ruling shouldn’t Unfortunately, the Trump adminis- essary to protect a woman’s health and apply retroactively. tration has focused on nominating in- has challenged the importance of con- He argued that prisons that are dividuals to our courts who have ex- traception to a woman’s capacity to packed to double their capacity were treme partisan agendas that would compete economically. not in violation of the Eighth Amend- move us backward. This latest nomina- Medical professionals prescribe con- ment’s ban on cruel and unusual pun- tion is no different. Mr. Duncan has traceptives to women for a variety of ishment. The Supreme Court disagreed, spent his career working to undermine health conditions, including conditions noting the problem caused ‘‘needless the progress we have made toward such as ovarian cysts, which can be de- suffering and death.’’ building a more inclusive, more equal bilitating and could threaten a wom- In a case involving an innocent man United States. Rather than working to an’s fertility. Moreover, women who who had spent 14 years on death row— include more people in our democracy, use contraceptives to engage in family an innocent man—Mr. Duncan argued Mr. Duncan’s law practice has seem- planning often have better health out- that the district attorney’s office was ingly been devoted to restricting peo- comes, as do their children. not at fault for failing to train a staff ple’s rights and making life more chal- To compete economically on a level member who had withheld evidence. lenging for some of the most playing field, women must be able to When it comes to one of the funda- marginalized among us. His dangerous make their own decisions about if or mental rights in a democracy—the record raises serious doubts about his when to start a family. Studies have right to vote, the right of the people to ability to act impartially on the bench shown that women who have greater choose their government officials—Mr. with regard to a number of key issues. access to contraceptive coverage are Duncan defended a racially tailored In recent years, our Nation has made better able to support themselves and voter ID law in North Carolina, which significant progress in advancing the their families and to be full partici- the courts ultimately struck down for rights of our LGBTQ family and pants not just in our economy but also targeting African Americans with ‘‘al- friends, built on the principle that all in our democracy. most surgical precision.’’ people deserve the right to fully par- Women must be recognized for their Any one of these cases Mr. Duncan ticipate in the social, civic, and eco- capacity to make their own healthcare has chosen to take should raise alarm, nomic life of our community. At every decisions, just as men are. They must and any one of the ideological argu- turn, Mr. Duncan has been on the also have the full independence to do ments he has made should cause con- wrong side of history, working at the so. But it is clear that Mr. Duncan has cern. Yet all of them together paint an forefront in the fight against LGBTQ a fundamental misunderstanding of the unmistakable picture of a nominee who equality. He has been vehemently op- importance of reproductive freedom would not uphold women’s rights, posed to marriage equality, filing a and ensuring that women are treated LGBTQ rights, or civil rights. legal brief to the Supreme Court argu- equally. To paraphrase one of his own state- ing against the decision that was On these key issues, Mr. Duncan ments, if confirmed, I believe the dam- reached in the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges lacks the impartiality and commit- age Mr. Duncan will do to people by case, later claiming that the decision ment to equal justice for every Amer- putting his ideology over their rights ‘‘raises a question about the legitimacy ican that is needed to serve in a life- will be severe, unavoidable, and irre- of the Court.’’ He has even gone so far time judicial appointment. This is par- versible. I oppose his nomination. I as to repeatedly claim that nationwide ticularly critical on the Fifth Circuit urge all of my colleagues to join me. marriage equality, ‘‘imperils civic Court of Appeals, which covers States Thank you. peace,’’ a statement that is both ridic- that lack critical protections for I yield the floor. ulous and offensive. LGBTQ Americans and have a history I suggest the absence of a quorum. Mr. Duncan has fought against adop- of passing dangerous laws that have The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tion rights for same-sex parents and blocked women’s access to healthcare. clerk will call the roll. has dismissed the real necessity for Marginalized individuals in the States The senior assistant legislative clerk LGBTQ antidiscrimination laws. in the Fifth Circuit and all Americans proceeded to call the roll. He has been unyielding in his at- deserve judges who will always use Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, I ask tempts to undermine the rights of sound judgment and objectivity and unanimous consent that the order for transgender individuals. In two major not operate with extreme ideological the quorum call be rescinded. cases involving transgender rights, in- agendas. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cluding the now infamous so-called I will oppose Mr. Duncan’s nomina- objection, it is so ordered. ‘‘bathroom bill’’ in North Carolina, Mr. tion to the Fifth Circuit Court of Ap- f Duncan has been the go-to attorney, peals, and I urge my colleagues to do demeaning transgender people and the same. RECESS even describing them as ‘‘delusional.’’ Thank you. Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, I ask Given his history, I am deeply con- I suggest the absence of a quorum. unanimous consent that the Senate cerned that Mr. Duncan would be un- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The stand in recess until 2:15 p.m. able to act impartially if a case involv- clerk will call the roll. There being no objection, the Senate, ing LGBTQ Americans were to come The senior assistant legislative clerk at 12:27 p.m., recessed until 2:15 p.m. before the Fifth Circuit. proceeded to call the roll.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:33 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.015 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2370 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I ask cans with almost surgical precision.’’ Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I unanimous consent that the order for Mr. Duncan appeared to have clearly ask unanimous consent that the order the quorum call be rescinded. missed the point as to who the real vic- for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tims were. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. In another voting rights case, Dun- objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I can argued that Texas’s restrictive Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I rise to speak in opposition to the nomi- voter ID law helped to ‘‘prevent voter am here to oppose the nomination of nation of Kyle Duncan to the Fifth Cir- fraud.’’ Although this myth has been Kyle Duncan to be a judge on the U.S. cuit Court of Appeals. debunked over and over and over again, Circuit Court for the Fifth Circuit. The Mr. Duncan has spent large portions the Republican Party, President court of appeals for that circuit and of his legal career seeking to suppress Trump, and Mr. Duncan continue to every other in our country is su- the rights of immigrants, minorities, perpetuate this lie to the American premely important not only to people women, and the LGBTQ community. In people in an effort to suppress the vot- who live in its direct jurisdiction but short, his values are grossly out of ing rights of others. for all people of our country. Courts of touch with a modern and inclusive I would be remiss if I ended these re- appeals make decisions that are bind- America. marks without noting Mr. Duncan’s ex- ing on district courts in that jurisdic- I can’t say I am surprised that Mr. tremely troubling record on reproduc- tion and also have an impact on other Duncan has been nominated by a Presi- tive rights and his hostility toward the judges and courts throughout the coun- dent who has called Mexicans racists LGBTQ community. He has continu- try at every level. and drug dealers. President Trump and ously fought to restrict women’s access From day one, the Trump adminis- Mr. Duncan share the same extreme to contraceptives. In 2013, he criticized tration has made attacking basic civil political ideology, especially regarding the Affordable Care Act’s inclusion of liberties a guiding principle of the poli- their view of immigrants. Mr. Duncan, contraceptives as an essential benefit cies it supports, including its judicial in an amicus brief challenging the De- for the health and economic success of nominees. It is inexcusably seeking to ferred Action for Parents of Americans society, particularly women. turn back the clock on the progress we and Lawful Permanent Residents, Given that he holds these views, it have made. We fought back hard wrote that permitting DAPA—the ac- seems fitting that Mr. Duncan would against these arcane and irrational ronym for that program—to go into ef- serve as the lead counsel in Hobby policies, but President Trump’s at- fect would exacerbate the problem of Lobby v. Burwell, in which he argued tempt to stack our courts with extrem- violent crime by unauthorized immi- that corporations have the right to ist judges may, in the end, have the grants. This position advances the false deny contraceptive coverage to their most long-lasting and devastating im- and offensive narrative that a majority employees. I am sure he was pleased pact on our Nation. That is why I am of immigrants are violent criminals. In when the Supreme Court agreed with here today, with many of my col- fact, DAPA was a program that would him. leagues, to sound the alarm on Kyle have allowed the parent of a U.S. cit- Yet, when the Supreme Court handed Duncan. He has been nominated to this izen or lawful permanent resident who down its decision in Obergefell v. court, but he has made a career of had lived in the United States continu- Hodges, which recognized same-sex seeking to turn back policies that pro- ously for years and passed a criminal marriage as a fundamental right, Dun- tect the most vulnerable members of background check to remain in the can said that such a decision ‘‘raises a our country. United States with legal status and a question about the legitimacy of the He is out of mainstream. In fact, he work permit. This program was never Court.’’ This comment cuts to the core is out of the stream entirely. His views implemented, but it would have kept of my opposition to Mr. Duncan—his are extreme, fringed, and, collectively, families together, and to suggest it disregard and contempt for judicial they make him unfit to be a judge on would have benefited criminals and precedent he disagrees with. this court that I greatly respect. Out of threatened public safety is just plain Even before the Supreme Court con- respect to members of the court, we wrong. It fits with the Republican Par- sidered same-sex marriage, Duncan should confirm someone only if they ty’s misleading and racist attacks on warned that if the courts granted the meet high standards. immigrants in this country. right to same-sex marriage, then they Kyle Duncan has attacked the voting Mr. Duncan makes these arguments might have to grant the right to marry rights of minority groups—in one case, despite overwhelming evidence that a first cousin or a 13-year-old. To clar- even defending a law that a Federal immigrants commit less crime than ify, this is a man who believes that the circuit court said targeted African- native-born Americans, and numerous rights of a corporation to deny employ- American voters with ‘‘almost surgical law enforcement entities have voiced ees health benefits is perfectly con- precision.’’ He has attacked the rights their support for DAPA because the stitutional. Yet granting the right to of same-sex couples, leading several ef- program actually advances public safe- same-sex marriage will lead us down a forts against marriage equality. He has ty by encouraging cooperation and road to child marriage. attacked the rights of the transgender trust between immigrant communities I know my colleagues are on a furi- community to be safe in their schools and the police. ous quest to pack the Federal bench and communities. He has attacked pro- A year after voicing his opposition to with conservative judges—judges who tections for Dreamers, making it hard- DAPA, Mr. Duncan submitted another hold outrageous views, views out of er for them to obtain documentation, amicus brief. This time he argued step with the American public. I do not such as simple driver’s licenses. against the Deferred Action for Child- trust, nor does his record suggest, that Over and over, he has attacked wom- hood Arrivals, known as DACA, claim- once Mr. Duncan puts on the judicial en’s rights and women’s health in a ing it was unconstitutional. So we robe, he will uphold the rule of law for way that I think disqualifies him for know where Mr. Duncan stands in all Americans and not just those who this court. Like so many other nomi- stereotyping immigrants, but Mr. Dun- share his ideological views. nees before him, Kyle Duncan is an can is not just hostile to immigrants. I do not believe he can be an unbiased anti-choice zealot who has shown time He represented North Carolina in its jurist, and that is exactly why the and again that he is more worried defense of a discriminatory voting law, President nominated him and his sup- about pushing his personal ideology urging2 the Supreme Court to hear the porters will vote for him. than faithfully upholding the Constitu- case. In the brief, Duncan wrote, ‘‘The I urge my colleagues to oppose the tion. His views on women’s rights and Constitution does not allow the sins of nomination of Mr. Duncan. women’s healthcare are more than Civil Rights-era legislators to be vis- I yield the floor. morally repugnant; they are downright ited on their grandchildren and great- I suggest the absence of a quorum. dangerous. grandchildren.’’ Yet the Fourth Circuit The PRESIDING OFFICER. The In fact, Kyle Duncan has led the Court of Appeals had found that the clerk will call the roll. charge in defending unconstitutional law was enacted with discriminatory The assistant bill clerk proceeded to and unnecessary laws that target abor- intent and ‘‘targeted African Ameri- call the roll. tion providers, attempting to legislate

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:33 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.017 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2371 them out of existence with little regard Mr. Duncan was nominated by Presi- know what his beliefs are, with all due for the women who will be harmed as a dent Trump. He has been vetted—ex- respect. They have said: Well, in this result. These laws, which have spread amined, if you will—extensively by the case, he said that, and in this case he around the country at an alarming White House. He has been vetted—ex- said that, and in this case over here, he rate, serve no medical purpose. They amined, if you will—extensively the said that, as though it was his point of put barriers between women and the Department of Justice. He has been view. They were his clients’ points of care they need and deserve. Twice— vetted by the FBI. He has been vetted view. twice—Mr. Duncan has falsely argued by the American Bar Association, and Mr. Duncan has developed an exper- that these restrictions targeting abor- he has been vetted by the Senate’s Ju- tise in constitutional law. He is a sen- tion providers in Louisiana and Texas diciary Committee. All of those enti- ior partner in a boutique firm. That were ‘‘medically reasonable’’ and based ties have found that he is qualified—in- means, of course, as you know, a small- on ‘‘solid medical ground.’’ These laws deed, more than qualified—to sit on the er firm that has a specialty here in were rightly struck down both times. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir- Washington, DC. Clients from all over Indeed, these laws are the opposite of cuit. the country and from all over the medically reasonable. In no way are If you look at his resume and his ex- world come to him with constitutional they based on medical ground. With perience, you will understand why. Mr. law problems, and they ask him to liti- this nominee’s enthusiastic support, Duncan clerked for the Honorable John gate. They ask him to espouse their these unconstitutional State-level re- Duhe on the U.S. Court of Appeals for point of view—not Mr. Duncan’s point strictions have proliferated, shutting the Fifth Circuit. As you know, Fed- of view, but the client’s point of view. down women’s healthcare providers, eral clerkships are highly coveted, but It is just not fair, it seems to me, to delaying much needed care, and put- judges generally pick the top students criticize a lawyer for doing what he is ting women’s health at risk. and the top members of their class. Mr. bound by our code of ethics and, in- Kyle Duncan’s peddling of misin- Duncan was picked. deed, the law to do. formation as a lawyer fighting for He has an LL.M. from the Columbia If I didn’t think Kyle Duncan would these unnecessary and unconstitu- University School of Law, one of the call the balls and the strikes based on finest law schools in the world. Mr. tional abortion laws is frightening the rule of law that we cherish in Duncan is an honors graduate of LSU enough. Imagine what he could do on America, I wouldn’t be standing here Law School and an honors graduate the bench. today, but he will. I would respectfully with a B.A. degree from Louisiana He has fought to undo historic suggest that all of my colleagues put healthcare victories provided by the State University as well. He has argued over 30 cases in Fed- aside the politics, put aside whether Affordable Care Act’s birth control eral and State appellate courts. Some they like President Trump, and look at mandate. As we know in this Cham- lawyers never argue a single one. He this man for himself. What they will ber—and I think we need to acknowl- has briefed, prepared, and argued some see is a very qualified, very successful edge—this mandate has made a dif- 30 cases. lawyer who worships the rule of law ference in the lives of an astonishing He served in the office of the attor- and who will apply the law as this Con- 64.2 million women who were able to ney general in the State of Louisiana gress and the U.S. Supreme Court have access birth control with no out-of- as appellate chief. He has represented dictated. pocket costs in the last year alone. my State in many high-profile cases, Thank you, Mr. President. This has given women greater power and he also has experience as an assist- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. over their health, their well-being, ant solicitor general in the attorney DAINES). Under the previous order, all their futures, their reproductive deci- general’s office in Texas. postcloture time has expired. sions, and their finances. Those who know Kyle and who have The question is, Will the Senate ad- Yet Mr. DUNCAN has attacked the participated in the vetting process vise and consent to the Duncan nomi- birth control mandate repeatedly. He know that he is articulate, a careful nation? sought to leave a woman’s right to ac- thinker, and has a deep understanding Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ask cess affordable healthcare to the whims of the importance of the separation of for the yeas and nays. of her employer. Worse, he has ab- powers, and for that reason, he has The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a surdly denied that contraception is been supported by a bipartisan group of sufficient second? healthcare at all and has said the idea both current and former lawyers. There appears to be a sufficient sec- of contraception as a right is ‘‘dis- I do not recognize the Kyle Duncan ond. turbing.’’ It is a constitutional right. being described by some of my col- The clerk will call the roll. To him, it is disturbing. What kind of leagues. I say this with all due respect. The bill clerk called the roll. a judge will he be? I think some of my colleagues, in criti- Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators Despite what Kyle Duncan believes, cizing Mr. Duncan, are confusing the are necessarily absent: the Senator birth control is healthcare. A woman’s role of the lawyer and the client. from Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN) and the access to it is a right, and his false, I used to practice law. When a client Senator from Kentucky (Mr. PAUL). ideologically driven assaults are came to me and said ‘‘Kennedy, I need Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the wrong. you to represent me,’’ I did what they Senator from Illinois (Ms. DUCKWORTH) I will oppose Kyle Duncan’s nomina- asked in that particular lawsuit. If his is necessarily absent. tion to the Fifth Circuit Court of Ap- position was lawful, I would say: OK, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. peals, and I urge my colleagues to do tell me what your problem is and what FLAKE). Are there any other Senators the same. your arguments are, and I will look at in the Chamber desiring to vote? Thank you. it from my standpoint and maybe sup- The result was announced—yeas 50, I yield the floor. ply some additional arguments under nays 47, as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the law. But when my client described [Rollcall Vote No. 82 Ex.] ator from Louisiana. to me his problem and his analysis of Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ask it, I can’t remember a single time when YEAS—50 unanimous consent that I be allowed to I said: Oh, jeez, I don’t agree with you. Alexander Enzi Kennedy Barrasso Ernst Lankford complete my brief remarks before we I don’t like your politics. I just don’t Blunt Fischer Lee vote on the nomination of Mr. Duncan. agree with your position. I could have, Boozman Flake Manchin The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without but that was not my role as a lawyer. Burr Gardner McConnell objection, it is so ordered. So long as what my client was pro- Capito Graham Moran Cassidy Grassley Murkowski Mr. KENNEDY. Thank you. posing was legal, my role as their law- Collins Hatch Perdue Mr. President, in a few minutes, we yer was that they were entitled to Corker Heller Portman are going to vote on the nomination of legal representation. My role was not Cornyn Hoeven Risch Mr. Kyle Duncan for a position on the Cotton Hyde-Smith Roberts to substitute my judgment for theirs. Crapo Inhofe Rounds U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir- I have listened to my colleagues’ Cruz Isakson Rubio cuit. criticism of Mr. Duncan. They don’t Daines Johnson Sasse

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:33 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.018 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 Scott Thune Wicker EXECUTIVE SESSION should, and that is that when American Shelby Tillis Young Sullivan Toomey businesses benefit, American workers benefit. My friends on the other side of NAYS—47 EXECUTIVE CALENDAR the aisle like to obfuscate that point. Baldwin Hassan Peters Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Presumably they think they can gain Bennet Heinrich Reed political points by pitting businesses Blumenthal Heitkamp Sanders move to proceed to executive session to Booker Hirono Schatz consider Calendar No. 619, Richard and workers against each other, as if Brown Jones Schumer Grenell. benefits for businesses and benefits for Cantwell Kaine Shaheen The PRESIDING OFFICER. The workers were somehow diametrically Cardin King Smith opposed and as if, somehow, workers Carper Klobuchar Stabenow question is on agreeing to the motion. Casey Leahy could thrive while businesses struggle. Tester The motion was agreed to. Coons Markey Udall As the piece I was reading pointed Cortez Masto McCaskill The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Van Hollen out, ‘‘In a modern competitive econ- Donnelly Menendez clerk will report the nomination. Durbin Merkley Warner The bill clerk read the nomination of omy, workers do well when their em- Warren Feinstein Murphy Richard Grenell, of California, to be ployers do.’’ If you think about it, it Gillibrand Murray Whitehouse really is just common sense. The vast Harris Nelson Wyden Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- potentiary of the United States of majority of working Americans work NOT VOTING—3 America to the Federal Republic of for businesses, whether they are self- Duckworth McCain Paul Germany. employed, an employee of a small busi- ness, or an employee of a large corpora- The nomination was confirmed. CLOTURE MOTION tion. For those employees to thrive, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Mr. MCCONNELL. I send a cloture jority leader. the businesses they are working for motion to the desk. have to thrive as well. f The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- Struggling businesses do not invest ture motion having been presented LEGISLATIVE SESSION in workers; they can’t. They don’t hire under rule XXII, the Chair directs the new employees. They don’t raise wages. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I clerk to read the motion. They don’t improve benefits. move to proceed to legislative session. The bill clerk read as follows: On the other hand, thriving busi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The CLOTURE MOTION nesses do invest in their workers, they question is on agreeing to the motion. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- do hire new employees, they do raise The motion was agreed to. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the wages, and they do improve benefits. f Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Leaving aside the fact that most busi- move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- EXECUTIVE SESSION ness owners want to invest in their nation of Richard Grenell, of California, to workers, successful business owners be Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- potentiary of the United States of America have to invest in their workers if they EXECUTIVE CALENDAR to the Federal Republic of Germany. want their businesses to keep thriving. Mitch McConnell, , Orrin G. For starters, successful businesses Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Hatch, , , tend to need new workers, and the way move to proceed to executive session to , , , to attract new workers is with good consider Calendar No. 788, Mike , , Thom wages, good opportunities, and good Pompeo. Tillis, James M. Inhofe, , benefits. Once a successful business has The PRESIDING OFFICER. The , James E. Risch, John good employees, it tends to want to question is on agreeing to the motion. Hoeven, . keep them so that the business can The motion was agreed to. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I keep prospering and thriving. How do The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ask unanimous consent that the man- businesses keep employees? The same clerk will report the nomination. datory quorum calls for the cloture way they attract them in the first The bill clerk read the nomination of motions be waived. place—with good wages, good opportu- Mike Pompeo, of Kansas, to be Sec- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without nities, and good benefits. retary of State. objection, it is so ordered. As Mr. Hassett notes in the Wall CLOTURE MOTION Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Street Journal: Mr. MCCONNELL. I send a cloture ask unanimous consent that with re- Research by economists Alan Krueger and motion to the desk. spect to the Dunkin nomination, the Lawrence Summers, both of whom served in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- motion to reconsider be considered the Obama administration, shows that more- ture motion having been presented made and laid upon the table and the profitable employers pay higher wages. Any under rule XXII, the Chair directs the President be immediately notified of company that attempts to pay a worker less clerk to read the motion. the Senate’s action. than he is worth will quickly lose that work- er to a competitor. Thus, firms that want to The bill clerk read as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without thrive must invest in their plants and their CLOTURE MOTION objection, it is so ordered. workers. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Mr. MCCONNELL. I suggest the ab- Ask any business owner in the coun- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the sence of a quorum. try, and he or she will tell you that it Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby The PRESIDING OFFICER. The is a competitive labor market. Unem- move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- clerk will call the roll. ployment is at a 17-year low. In a tight, nation of Mike Pompeo, of Kansas, to be Sec- The bill clerk proceeded to call the retary of State. competitive labor market, employers roll. have to work to keep their employees. Mitch McConnell, Orrin G. Hatch, Todd Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask Young, , , Our focus with last fall’s tax reform John Boozman, , David unanimous consent that the order for was on making life better for ordinary Perdue, James Lankford, Roger F. the quorum call be rescinded. Americans, so we set out to put more Wicker, John Thune, Tom Cotton, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. money in their pockets right away by , Roy Blunt, James M. JOHNSON). Without objection, it is so cutting tax rates across the board, Inhofe, , . ordered. nearly doubling the standard deduction f TAX REFORM and doubling the child tax credit. As a Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I was result, for 2018, a family of four making LEGISLATIVE SESSION reading a piece in the Wall Street Jour- $73,000 will see a tax cut of more than Mr. MCCONNELL. I move to proceed nal last week by Kevin Hassett, who $2,000. to legislative session. was the Chairman of the White House We knew the tax cuts, as helpful as The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Council of Economic Advisers. His they are, weren’t enough. Americans question is on agreeing to the motion. piece made an important point that also needed access to profitable ca- The motion was agreed to. doesn’t often come out as clearly as it reers, good jobs, good wages, and good

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.003 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2373 opportunities. We knew the only way policies. But Members of both parties tensibly concerned about is the Vessel to guarantee access to good jobs, good recognized that these nominees were Incidental Discharge Act, or VIDA. It wages, and good opportunities was to qualified, and they believed that par- has been introduced in the last five make sure businesses were prosperous tisanship shouldn’t play a role when it Congresses, and more than one of those enough to create and maintain them. came to making sure the President had times it was introduced by Democrats. So when it came time for tax reform, a national security team to support The current version of the bill is the we set out to improve the playing field him. product of not just months but years of for American workers by improving the Fast forward to today. Gone is the bi- hearings, meetings, and negotiations. playing field for businesses, as well, partisanship of the past. Today, Demo- Despite the fact that this year’s origi- and it is working. crats are obstructing an entirely and nal version of VIDA had bipartisan sup- Companies are putting tax reform to eminently qualified candidate for Sec- port, we made a number of further con- work. They are investing in new equip- retary of State for the sole reason that cessions to address concerns that have ment, expanding their facilities, and they don’t like this President. They been raised by Democratic Senators, growing their lines of business, all of didn’t get their way in the last elec- but they just keep moving the goal which mean more jobs and opportuni- tion, and, in response, they have spent posts. It has become pretty clear that ties for Americans. the last year or more obstructing one Democrats’ real objection is not to the Most importantly, companies are qualified nominee after another. bill itself but to working with Repub- passing along the benefits of tax re- I get that the Democrats don’t like licans or to seeing the President ac- form. Company after company has an- President Trump, but when you are a complish anything. nounced pay raises, bonuses, 401(k) Member of the U.S. Senate, you have I hardly need to say the Coast Guard match increases, and other benefits for to think beyond your own preferences reauthorization bill is an important their workers. Others are passing tax and accept the fact that in a free coun- bill. It authorizes the Coast Guard’s savings on to their customers in the try with free elections, sometimes you funding, as well as pay and benefits for form of things like utility rate cuts. don’t get your way. Coast Guard personnel, who play a The tax reform law has been in place Obstructing nominees has con- vital role in maintaining national se- only for 4 months. As businesses con- sequences. At the very least, delaying a curity and law and order in the waters tinue to see the benefits of tax reform, President’s ability to staff his adminis- around the United States. we can expect to see the playing field tration diminishes his ability to serve It would be nice if Democrats would for workers continue to improve. the American people effectively, but consider dropping their partisan objec- Ultimately, by helping American that is not all. Obstructing certain tions and working with Republicans to businesses thrive, tax reform will help nominees, such as a nominee for Sec- pass this essential piece of legislation give more Americans access to the retary of State, can have consequences and working with us to help get con- kinds of jobs, wages, and opportunities for our national security and diplo- firmed particularly critical national that not only will benefit them right macy. An incomplete national security security nominees at a time when we now but also will give them access to team is a detriment to the safety and face an array of threats across the en- security and prosperity for the long security of our country. tire planet. term. Right now, the United States and our Nominees like the Secretary of NOMINATION OF MIKE POMPEO allies are currently facing a number of State, particularly well-qualified ones, Mr. President, before I close, I would serious challenges from North Korea are not to be trifled with. It is not a like to take a couple of minutes to dis- and an increasingly emboldened to time to play politics when you are cuss the nomination of Mike Pompeo chemical attacks in Syria and the ever- dealing with America’s vital national to be Secretary of State. present threat of terrorists. It is vital security interests. I don’t need to tell anyone how in- that the President have a fully I hope that this Chamber, this body, credibly qualified he is for this job: equipped national security team to will return to the tradition we have first in his class at West Point; 5 years monitor and address these dangers. It had in past administrations in which of Active-Duty service in the Army, is beyond irresponsible that Senate we have approved Secretaries of State, achieving the rank of captain; editor of Democrats are compromising the as I said earlier, by votes of 94 to 3, 94 the Harvard Law Review; elected to President’s ability to respond to to 2, 85 to 13, and unanimously. Those Congress four times by Kansas’s threats simply because they prefer not were the last four Secretaries of State. Fourth Congressional District, serving to confirm anyone he has nominated. This has turned into a partisan game, on the House Intelligence Committee; Democrats should immediately drop if you will, at a time when our country and, finally, Director of the Central In- their obstruction of Mike Pompeo and really can’t afford for us to play par- telligence Agency. Clearly, he has confirm him as Secretary of State, and tisan games. proved his dedication as a public serv- they should stop obstructing other I hope when this vote comes up later ant and is an outstanding candidate for qualified national security nominees, this week, we will have a big bipartisan Secretary of State. such as Andrea Thompson, a native of vote, consistent with our history and His nomination should be sailing my home State of South Dakota, who consistent with the fact that when you through the Senate, and normally it has been nominated as Under Secretary have a qualified nominee for an impor- would be. Prior to this Presidency, we of State for Arms Control and Inter- tant position like this, this Senate were on a pretty bipartisan track for national Security Affairs. comes together, takes very seriously Secretary of State confirmations. You would think Democrats would be its constitutional role in the confirma- Members of both parties believed it was content with their unprecedented ob- tion process, and has that vote—hope- important that a President have a na- struction of the President’s nominees, fully, a big bipartisan vote in support tional security team to support him, but, unfortunately, there is another of Mike Pompeo. and they voted accordingly. John thing the Democrats are obstructing I yield the floor. Kerry was confirmed as Secretary of right now, and that is the Coast Guard The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- State by a vote of 94 to 3. Hillary Clin- reauthorization bill. ator from Arizona. ton was confirmed as Secretary of Once again, it is clear that Demo- NORTH KOREA State by a vote of 94 to 2. Condoleezza crats are obstructing not because they Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, I have Rice was confirmed as Secretary of have serious objections to the bill but been pleased to hear about the progress State by a vote of 85 to 13, and Colin because obstruction has become their in the planned negotiations with North Powell was confirmed as Secretary of default response to legislation in the Korea over their nuclear program. I State unanimously. Republican-led Congress. was glad to hear of Director Pompeo’s This doesn’t mean that Republicans Democrats claim that the Coast successful visit to North Korea, and I, agreed with all of ’s or Hil- Guard reauthorization bill has not re- as much as anyone in this body, wishes lary Clinton’s policies or that the ceived sufficient input or debate, and the administration success in these Democrats agreed with all of that could not be further from the talks and negotiations. Given the his- ’s or ’s truth. A portion of the bill they are os- tory of broken promises, I have my

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.027 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 doubts as to whether the North Korean Spanish language driver’s education mate change is caused by burning fossil regime has any genuine interest or classes? What about free backpacks, fuels. Why would they want to cast willingness to denuclearize, but even a notebooks, pencils, and school supplies doubt on scientific fact? Because the freeze will be welcome. in the month before school starts? Koch brothers sell and burn fossil fuels However, I am concerned about the What about free financial wellness for a living, and they believe pro- language used by the President today workshops, free turkeys in the week tecting our environment is bad for when discussing the North Korean re- before Thanksgiving? their bottom line. gime. To say that Kim Jong Un has These thing are all given away at To protect their bottom line, the been ‘‘very open’’ or ‘‘very honorable,’’ events hosted by the LIBRE Initia- Kochs funnel money through a network as the President did, surpasses under- tive—a self-described grassroots orga- of nonprofit organizations, founda- standing. If this description of one of nization dedicated to a ‘‘free and open tions, and shell companies. These com- the world’s strongman dictators were a society.’’ The events were held in panies lobby the government, produce singular event, a one-off statement, it Latino communities throughout the fake research reports, and run ad cam- could perhaps be excused as an aberra- country, including , Miami, paigns to manipulate and deceive the tion, but, unfortunately, it is not. It is and Orlando. American people. part of a larger pattern of excusing dic- People attending these events were Buying a democracy does not come tatorial behavior that we should not asked to fill out a questionnaire. Ques- cheap, but the Koch brothers are not countenance. tions included: stingy. In 2010, the year Citizens We need not sacrifice the truth and ‘‘Are you more likely to vote for a United opened the floodgates for big reject objective reality in pursuit of Republican or a Democrat in the 2016 money in politics, the Kochs spent $125 our goals. We cannot pretend that the election?’’ million to support Republican can- Kim Jong Un of today is somehow dif- ‘‘Do you feel the government should didates who pledged to roll back envi- ferent from the authoritarian dictator increase or decrease Federal spending ronmental and consumer protections. who has ruled over one of the most vio- in order to improve the economy?’’ Since the 2010 elections, their influ- lent and repressive regimes on Earth. ‘‘What is your name, email address, ence has grown. They have spent hun- I am happy to hear that the North and telephone number?’’ dreds of millions of dollars supporting Korean Government is apparently en- People actually had to hand over candidates who spread lies that climate gaging as an honest broker in the proc- their personal data in exchange for the change is a conspiracy, that immi- ess of arranging these talks, but I be- free stuff. So the stuff wasn’t really grants cause crime, and that more lieve that how the President of the free after all—but close enough, right? money in the Koch brothers’ pocket United States describes world leaders Well, in a career spent as a pros- means more money in yours. matters. For the President to describe ecutor, I have learned one thing: Al- Now, the Koch brothers have big a leader who stands credibly accused of ways follow the money. If you follow plans for the upcoming 2018 election. starving his own people, violently exe- the money just one step back, you They have announced they will spend cuting his political opponents, and learn that LIBRE is a shell organiza- $400 million in the upcoming election murdering members of his own family tion funded by Charles and David Koch, cycle—their largest midterm election as ‘‘very open’’ and ‘‘very honorable’’ is two of the most powerful men in Amer- investment yet. Much of that money beyond comprehension. Furthermore, ican politics. Charles and David Koch will be spent directly targeting Latinos it undermines the moral authority we are the owners of , a through advertisements, events, and have long possessed on the world stage. massive energy company that manu- workshops. The President himself has previously factures, distributes, and refines petro- The Koch brothers think they can declared Kim Jong Un as ‘‘obviously a leum. Koch Industries is one of the buy the Latino vote, just like they madman who doesn’t mind starving or largest privately held companies in the bought the votes of the House Freedom killing his own people.’’ The President Nation, with estimated annual reve- Caucus and so many other Republican has also repeatedly and correctly re- nues of over $100 billion. politicians, but despite what their ads ferred to the North Korean regime’s What does all this mean? It means say, the Koch brothers are not advo- violent of Otto Warmbier as the Koch brothers are two very rich cates for the Latino community. They ‘‘horrible.’’ The pursuit of these nego- men, and there is nothing wrong with are advocates for more money in their tiations does not require that we sur- that. What is wrong is the way the own pockets, nothing more. render the values we stand for as a na- Koch brothers use their money to hi- The Koch brothers have supported tion. jack our democracy for their own ben- some of the most anti-immigrant poli- We cannot pretend the atrocities of efit. ticians in America, including LOUIE the Northern Korean regime are a The Koch brothers are self-described GOHMERT, Mike Pompeo, STEVE KING, thing of the past. We need to enter radicals who believe the government Russell Pearce, and . These these negotiations with our eyes wide should play no role in Americans’ lives. are the men responsible for policies open. We must understand and recog- The Koch brothers believe in a world like Trump’s Muslim ban and Arizona’s nize who it is we are sitting across the with no Medicare, no Social Security, anti-immigrant law, SB 1070. table from. Only then do I believe we no Federal , no public The Koch brothers support politi- will actually succeed in these negotia- programs that support families when cians who want to end government tions and emerge from this planned they fall on hard times, and no rules funding for . If summit with the result we all seek—a preventing Koch Industries from pol- they get their way, Latinas would be safer world. luting our air, drinking water, or our hurt the most. More than 23 percent of I yield the floor. public lands. Planned Parenthood patients are I suggest the absence of a quorum. The Koch brothers hate environ- Latinas. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mental regulations because Koch In- Latinas are more likely to be diag- clerk will call the roll. dustries is one of the top 10 worst pol- nosed with cervical cancer than women The legislative clerk proceeded to luters in the United States. Fewer en- in any other racial or ethnic group. call the roll. vironmental regulations mean the Planned Parenthood gives them access Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Mr. President, Koch brothers can obtain bigger finan- to annual screenings so they can stay I ask unanimous consent that the order cial gains. healthy and cancer-free. for the quorum call be rescinded. To keep their empire afloat, the Koch The Koch brothers support school The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without brothers are not just polluting our en- choice, which they say gives Latino objection, it is so ordered. vironment, they are polluting our po- families more freedom in how they litical system, and they are polluting educate their kids, but school choice Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Mr. President, our airways with false advertising. vouchers take money out of the public there is an old saying that ‘‘there is no The Kochs want Americans to believe school system, causing many Latino such thing as a free lunch,’’ but what climate change is a conspiracy, despite kids whose parents can’t afford private about other things? What about free the global scientific consensus that cli- schools to fall behind.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.029 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2375 The Koch brothers are close allies of rule of oligarchs and elites. They came him. He is a teacher in Oklahoma. Betsy DeVos, our current Education here because they wanted to have the Every week, Mr. Moy juggles six jobs Secretary. Her claim to fame is her freedom to pursue their dreams. in addition to teaching. Mr. Moy role in dragging Michigan’s public edu- Charles and David Koch want to buy coaches two sports teams, drives for cation system to the bottom of na- Latino votes, buy our voices, and buy Uber and Lyft, drives a schoolbus, and tional rankings and leaving thousands our democracy, which folks like my umpires a Little League team so that of students without access to a quality dad Manny Cortez worked all of their he can provide for his two daughters. education. lives to protect. Sadly, Mr. Moy’s story is becoming To make matters worse, the Kochs But I believe in the wisdom of the all too common. According to one esti- are working to undermine access to American people. I believe in the wis- mate, teachers are five times more health insurance for working people. dom of our voters who will fight the likely than other workers to have a Latinos are less likely to have health lies, just as they did in 2 years second job. No wonder teachers are insurance than any other racial or eth- ago. I have seen the Kochs’ power and taking to the streets in , nic group. Without health insurance, a influence firsthand. They spent $10 mil- Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Arizona. trip to the ER can result in a bill so ex- lion trying to defeat me in 2016. They They have had enough. pensive that a family can’t pay their threw millions into LIBRE to buy off I am standing shoulder to shoulder rent for months. Latino voters in Nevada. But they with teachers across the country be- Organizations like LIBRE will tell failed because Democrats in Congress cause they deserve better, because our you their agenda is designed to pro- continued to beat the drum and make children deserve better, and because in- mote freedom and self-sufficiency. voters aware of the lies, and I will keep vestment in teachers is an investment They put out propaganda implying fighting to do the same in the Senate. in our kids and ultimately an invest- that Democrats don’t believe in free- Mr. President, I suggest the absence ment in our future. Like many of my dom because we believe government of a quorum. colleagues in this Chamber and fellow has a role in protecting access to af- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Democrats across the country, I am in fordable healthcare, clean water, air, clerk will call the roll. this fight for the long haul, but if we and quality schools. The Koch brothers The legislative clerk proceeded to are to be successful, if we ever hope we love freedom, but their freedom is to call the roll. can prevail, we should be clear-eyed pollute our rivers, streams, and our air. Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, I ask about what it is that we are up against. Democrats believe in a different kind unanimous consent that the order for The perilous state of affairs for edu- of freedom—the freedom to breathe the quorum call be rescinded. cation funding in our States is not the clean air and drink clean water, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without simple result of a bunch of legislatures freedom to walk away from a trip to objection, it is so ordered. who, after listening to their constitu- the ER without a medical bill that Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, I wish ents, decided against supporting public costs more than what you make in a to take a moment to thank Senator education. No, the movement of teach- year, and the freedom to walk into WHITEHOUSE for his bold leadership and er protests sweeping the country has Planned Parenthood and walk out with continuing the fight to rid our political revealed corruption—corruption that information you need to make your system of dark money. Republican-controlled States have own reproductive choices. All across our country, teachers are been sweeping under the rug for dec- We don’t believe in the kind of free- taking to the streets to demand what ades. dom that allows Charles and David no teacher should ever have to ask for: The steep cuts to education are the Koch to pull the strings of our democ- fair pay and decent benefits. In State product of an all-out assault on our racy. How can anyone call that free- after State, education has been cut to teachers and our schools that has been dom at all? the bone. They have even cut the bone. launched by a handful of billionaires. What the Koch brothers and their Kids are crammed into overcrowded One of the principal tools rich and pow- web of dark money organizations like classrooms. They are handed tattered erful people use is dark money. They LIBRE are really doing is deceiving textbooks. Their teachers are paid so have created an invasive enemy that Latinos and supporting the very same little that some qualify for food slithers out of sight, with only a politicians who are working against stamps. In fact, salaries are so low in glimpse here or there, but make no Latino families. some States that teachers are working mistake—this dark money has helped So, this year, as the Koch brothers two, three, and sometimes four jobs shape the anti-teacher, anti-worker are pulling out their checkbooks to just to make ends meet. agenda that undermines our democ- fund their disinformation campaign, Many people don’t know this, but racy. follow the money. Follow the money to teachers have always had a very spe- For decades, billionaires have been find out who is paying for that glossy cial place in my heart. As a little girl pouring unlimited, secret money into ad you see on TV. Follow the money growing up in Oklahoma, there was one the hands of carefully picked can- that flows through LIBRE and other person I admired more than anyone didates who will do their bidding. We Koch-backed organizations to politi- else in the world—my second grade often talk about the influence dark cians who vote against immigrants, teacher, Mrs. Lee. I will never forget money has right here in Washington, Dreamers, and refugees. the day that Mrs. Lee took me aside but the truth is, the real battle is being The Koch brothers have spent mil- and explained that if I worked hard, I fought at the State and local level. lions of dollars funding Tea Party can- could become a teacher too. Those Consider the State Policy Network, didates in Congress—the main obsta- words changed my life. Today, I am the SPN. It is an umbrella alliance of over cles to immigration reform. What good daughter of a maintenance man, who 60 member organizations covering are school supplies and driver’s edu- became a teacher, a professor, and a nearly every State in the United cation classes and free health checkups U.S. Senator because America invested States. Their member organizations if parents of American citizens are get- in teachers like Mrs. Lee, and that hide behind deceptively apolitical ting deported, if schools in our commu- meant investing in the thousands of names, such as the Platte Institute for nities are being gutted, and if commu- students she reached through the Economic Research or the Thomas Jef- nity health clinics are closing their years. I am grateful to that America. I ferson Institute for Public Policy. doors? believe in that America. But I will be These organizations are anything but The Latino community in Nevada, honest—I am scared to death that our apolitical; these groups are the propa- and in communities of color across children and grandchildren may never ganda arm of rightwing billionaires. America, are strong, resilient, and di- know that America. The State Policy Network, for exam- verse. We will not be fooled by false ad- Right now, in one of the richest na- ple, is bankrolled by the Koch brothers vertising. tions on the planet, American teachers through organizations like So many of our family members are getting crushed. I want to tell you DonorsTrust, one of the Kochs’ favorite came to this country because they about one of those teachers—Jonathan investment arms. In 2016 alone, knew what it was like to live under the Moy, or Mr. Moy, as his students call DonorsTrust made $20.3 million in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.031 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018

grants to State Policy Network mem- Billionaires and special interests are The CO2 Coalition started where the bers. conspiring to buy our political system. George C. Marshall Institute, another In addition to affiliates, the State We cannot allow this to happen. That Koch-backed front group, left off—dis- Policy Network has over 80 associate is why I am proud to join my col- seminating disinformation, particu- members. It is a who’s who of right- leagues in support of bills like the DIS- larly around global warming. wing Koch-funded groups, such as the CLOSE Act to shine a light on the dark Total funding from the Koch-related Foundation, web of billionaires who have their foundations for the CO2 Coalition is the Americans for Tax Reform Founda- hands tightly gripped around the neck more than $650,000 since 2004. In addi- tion, the Cato Institute, and the Herit- of our democracy. Our government tion to the Kochs, the billionaire con- age Foundation. Their funders also in- should belong to the people, not to servative Mercer family also gave the clude an array of the biggest and most wealthy special interests. CO2 Coalition $150,000 in 2016. And that powerful corporations, including to- Mr. President, I yield the floor. is just what we know of. bacco giant Philip Morris, food giant I suggest the absence of a quorum. For those not familiar, the board of Kraft, and pharma giant The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the CO2 Coalition includes the con- GlaxoSmithKline. clerk will call the roll. troversial physicist William Happer, The goal of the State Policy Network The bill clerk proceeded to call the who has testified in front of Congress and its myriad affiliates is to trick the roll. multiple times to push climate public into thinking they are genuine, Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, I ask denialism and the self-serving interest unbiased think tanks researching pub- unanimous consent that the order for of the fossil fuel industry and the Koch lic policy issues—think that, instead of the quorum call be rescinded. brothers. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without rightwing, billionaire-funded groups When I was chairman of the House objection, it is so ordered. dedicated to hijacking every legisla- Select Committee for Energy Independ- ture in America and passing laws that Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, bor- rowing from a phrase from Senator ence and Global Warming, Dr. Happer work for their corporations while they advocated in testimony for the govern- WHITEHOUSE of Rhode Island, ‘‘It is leave everyone else behind. ment to support an ‘‘alternative hy- With friends like the aggressively time to wake up to the threat of cli- pothesis,’’ which amounted to denial of anti-union Koch brothers, it should mate change.’’ We must open our eyes climate change. This ‘‘alternative hy- come as no surprise that one of the to the insidious web of deceit that the pothesis’’ was the grandfather of an- State Policy Network’s top priorities is Koch brothers, in alliance with the other familiar term, the Trump Admin- dismantling public sector unions. In a Trump Administration, are weaving to istration’s so-called alternative facts— 2016 fundraising letter, the State Pol- promote an anti-science, anti-con- ‘‘alternative hypothesis.’’ icy Network stated that its goal was to sumer, and anti-renewable energy During those years that I was the ‘‘defund and defang’’ government agenda. This web of deceit is something chairman of the Select Committee for unions, and it bragged about the work that the Koch brothers are proud of. Energy Independence and Global of its affiliates to supply ‘‘intellectual Just last week, they bragged to do- Warming and the Subcommittee on En- ammunition’’ to weaken unions in nors in a report that they were respon- ergy and the Environment of the En- States across the country. It touted its sible for President Trump’s policies: re- ergy and Commerce Committee, I con- work in West Virginia, Indiana, Michi- pealing the , check; ducted nearly 100 hearings. They went gan, and Wisconsin, in shepherding pas- attacking public lands, check; at- on for hours and hours. We are talking sage of laws that make it harder for tempting to gut bedrock environ- unions to collect union dues that cover mental laws for infrastructure of 200, 300 hours of hearings where we the costs of collective bargaining. projects, check; leaving the Paris cli- were able to hear these crackpot theo- Although it focuses on State policy, mate accord, check; tax giveaways to ries that were enunciated and de- the State Policy Network’s agenda can Big Oil and other fossil fuel corpora- bunked at that time. Despite his views have nationwide effects. Just look at tions, check-plus. on climate science being routinely de- the Supreme Court case Janus v. The first year of the Trump Adminis- bunked, including what happened in AFSCME, which will determine wheth- tration has been a Koch brothers wish my hearing back then, Dr. Happer con- er public sector unions that represent list, and they are popping their cham- tinues to be called as an ‘‘expert wit- teachers, nurses, firefighters, and po- pagne bottles all the way to the bank. ness’’ by Republicans in Congress. lice officers in States and cities around In fact, the various front groups and From this platform, he spreads doubt this country will actually be able to trade organizations that pushed Presi- and misinformation about climate collect fees from workplaces they rep- dent Trump to exit the Paris climate change. He has called carbon dioxide ‘‘a resent—fees that allow them to nego- accord accepted almost $7 million from benefit to the Earth,’’ an absurd asser- tiate for better pay, better wages, and the Koch brothers directly. Those tion that is in complete contrast to the better working conditions. The Illinois groups took millions more from other findings of the EPA and the vast ma- Policy Institute, a State Policy Net- anti-climate groups, which were also jority of climate scientists. That is be- work affiliate, works closely with the funded by the Koch brothers. It is a cause in its materials, the CO2 Coali- groups pushing the Court to cut off tangled web they weave with their tion states that it has the express pur- unions’ funding and force them to rep- money. That is what the Koch brothers pose of ‘‘educating thought leaders, resent workers who do not pay dues. have bought—a network of individuals, policy makers, and the public about The State Policy Network’s attack shady front groups, and partisan orga- the important contribution made by on the workers is just one prong of a nizations whose sole purpose is to un- carbon dioxide to our lives and the much larger campaign to hand govern- dermine the policies that protect economy.’’ ment over to the rich and powerful. As Americans and the planet from climate In reality, the CO2 Coalition writes one of the many tentacles of the Koch change. articles, produces videos, and uses this network, the State Policy Network Like a real spider web, it is hard to content to spread lies about climate also works to gut environmental pro- see this web of deceit unless the light change through social media. They tections that prevent big corporations catches it in just the right way. I am seek not to inform but to deform con- from poisoning our water, our food, and going to shine a light on a few threads sensus scientific views at the bidding of our air. It works to dismantle Medicaid of this web tonight, the threads that their fossil fuel funders, the Koch and other healthcare protections that make up the effort to undermine the brothers. provide vulnerable, low-income individ- scientific consensus on climate change: Here is some information about car- uals with basic healthcare. It works to the Koch brothers and their CO2 Coali- bon dioxide that the CO2 Coalition fails slash income and other State taxes tion. One of these threads is the CO2 to mention in its love letter to fossil that provide critical funds for basic Coalition. This group, founded in 2015 fuels. Every ton of carbon we emit government services. It works to weak- with the remains of the defunct George costs us $36—that is the social cost of en public pensions that provide govern- C. Marshall Institute, pushed a single carbon—the cost to all of us of emit- ment workers with financial security mantra: ‘‘Carbon dioxide, a nutrient ting an extra ton of carbon dioxide into and retirement. vital for life.’’ the atmosphere.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.051 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2377 That carbon pollution is endangering point, we had former Exxon CEO Rex and our economy, and it is happening human health, and it costs us money as Tillerson as Secretary of State. We all across this country and around the a society to treat the damage it does to still have former Governor of oil-rich globe. Renewable energy is the greatest the health of our planet and the people Texas at the Department of force for blue-collar job creation in the who live on the planet. Carbon pollu- Energy. Oklahoma’s oil oligarch Scott history of the United States. tion is not a vital nutrient for life, as Pruitt is heading the Environmental Right now, wind and solar are gener- the CO2 Coalition asserts. It is a dan- Protection Agency. All of these oil al- ating 7 to 8 percent of the electricity gerous pollutant for our society when lies have voiced doubts about the exist- we consume every day in the United it is inside of our atmosphere at dan- ence of climate change and the role of States. Right now, we have more than gerous levels—at dangerous levels. The humans in causing it, but no one is 90,000 megawatts of wind. We have CO2 Coalition is certainly not the only doing more to help anchor the various more than 50,000 megawatts of solar in- fossil fuel supported group that is strands of the web of deceit on climate stalled in the United States. By 2020, weaving this web of deceit. Especially science in the Trump administration we are projected to have 120,000 when it comes to talking about the im- than the EPA’s . megawatts of wind. We will have more portance of the ‘‘free market,’’ fossil Mr. Pruitt announced today a new than 90,000 megawatts of solar. Solar is fuel-funded climate deniers often have proposed rule purporting to ‘‘strength- projected to add an additional 35,000 selective memory loss. en transparency and validity in regu- combined megawatts in 2021 and 2022. The Lexington Institute, which has latory science.’’ What exactly does this That means, by the end of 2022, we received funding from fossil fuel com- new secret science rule really mean? could have over 250,000 megawatts of panies like ExxonMobil, insists that re- The proposal would actually do the op- wind and solar installed in the United newables can’t compete in the free posite of what its name suggests. This States. market with fossil fuels without Fed- proposal would actually restrict the You can see what is happening now eral subsidies. That assumes that the use of scientific research that EPA of- with wind and solar after it had been, fossil fuel industry has succeeded in ficials can use in crafting new regula- essentially, stopped by the fossil fuel the free market all on its own. It has tions under the guise of so-called trans- industry for 100 years. This could have not. Adam Smith is spinning in his parency. The Trump administration happened 50 years ago. This could have grave, wondering how the fossil fuel in- would allow the EPA to consider re- happened 100 years ago. Yet now, fi- dustry gets such subsidies. As a matter search studies for which the underlying nally, because of Democratic policies, of fact, he is spinning so fast that he data are publicly available. What this we have been able to finally unleash would qualify for a subsidy under the proposed change would really do is ef- this revolution. What is accompanying that wind and tax policies, which Republicans put in fectively block the Agency from rely- solar revolution? It is jobs, blue-collar place. ing on longstanding, important studies jobs. We now have 350,000 Americans Federal subsidies for the fossil fuel like those that link lead exposure to who are working in wind and solar. By industry are more than 100 years old devastating neurological damage. 2020, we are going to have 500,000 work- and account for nearly $15 billion each Scott Pruitt, at the behest of Big Oil ers in wind and solar. The majority of year. Subsidizing an oil company to and interests like the Koch brothers, our solar jobs—137,000—is of elec- drill oil or a coal company to mine is wants to deny EPA scientists access to tricians. There are roofers doing the in- like paying a fish to swim or a bird to critical information in order to shield stallation. There are 38,000 jobs in man- fly. You don’t have to do it. The tax polluters, such as coal and chemical ufacturing. These are good blue-collar breaks for the oil and gas industries companies. Today, as Pruitt ceremo- jobs. There are 25,000 of our wind jobs are permanent pieces of the Tax Code. niously announced his new rule, he was in manufacturing while 35,000 are in These payouts automatically continue accompanied by—wait for it—William construction, development, and trans- year after year—forever, into infinity. Happer of the CO2 Coalition. The web of portation. These are good-paying, blue- They never decrease. They never go deceit is very real. No matter what collar jobs. away. That is certainly not the case for Scott Pruitt tries to undo at the EPA, Why is this renewable revolution renewable energy industries, like solar no matter what science President unstoppable? Why is this job creation and wind. These industries have had to Trump tries to deny through the Fed- that is good for all of creation endure the uncertainty of not knowing eral Government, no matter what unstoppable? It is because the cost of if their tax breaks will expire. Now tax groups the Koch brothers try to fund, renewables is plummeting. The cost of breaks for wind are scheduled to end the truth is all too clear. Climate solar has fallen 50 to 60 percent over completely next year. That will never change is happening now. the last 5 to 6 years. The cost of wind happen to a fossil fuel break. The tax Last year, we experienced a record has fallen 66 percent since 2009. In fact, breaks for solar will end in 2021, but for $16 billion in storms—extreme weather wind and solar are generally cheaper the fossil fuel industry, those tax events—and climate-related disasters. than coal and nuclear energy are right breaks will never come off the books It was more than in any year in re- now. Coal is losing the war against because they fight against special tax corded history. Hurricanes ravaged wind and solar in the free market. It is breaks for wind and solar. Oh, my Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico. The recov- not a conspiracy against coal. It is goodness. Who would want to help ery from Hurricane Harvey alone is competition for coal that has finally them? In fact, in its taking $15 billion projected to cost $180 billion. That is emerged. That is what is happening. a year every year for 100 years and 100 the damage even as the Republicans Coal is losing in the marketplace. more years into infinity—completely fight to take the wind and solar tax This is not just happening in the distorting the free market with the breaks off the books. This year, in Mas- United States. It is happening around support of fossil fuel companies like sachusetts, we already experienced four the entire world. Mexico had a power ExxonMobil—the Lexington Institute Northeasters before the end of March. auction at the end of November at is spinning its strand of the web of de- Three of those storms cost more than which the average price for solar was ceit by trying to stop a renewables rev- $1 billion. That is the earliest in any 1.9 cents per kilowatt hour. In 2017, olution. year ever recorded that we have experi- solar in came in at 1.8 The Koch brothers and their fossil enced three storms with this mag- cents per kilowatt hour. In Dubai, it fuel allies aren’t doing this alone. They nitude of devastation. The cost of these was 2.4 cents per kilowatt hour. Half of have found their most ardent ally in storms speaks for itself. We simply all electricity installed around the their campaign to attack climate can’t afford to deny the impacts and world last year was renewable. Renew- science in President Donald Trump. reality of climate change anymore. able energy deployment around the Throughout the Trump administration, Our greatest weapon in fighting de- world has increased by 8 percent a year there has been a concerted effort to ceit and tearing down this web is sun- for 7 years in a row. deny, to delay, and to defund the light—the sunlight of truth and the This is a global clean energy race, science of climate change in an unprec- sunlight that is fueling the solar revo- and it is a global job creation race. The edented way. Just look at the Presi- lution. It is a clean energy revolution Koch brothers and their fossil fuel al- dent’s Big Oil all-star Cabinet. At one that is fueling blue-collar job creation lies want to take the United States of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.052 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 America out of this revolution. Global paign finance and electoral reform to staffs have appeared before State regu- temperatures are rising, but the cost of get dark money like the Koch brothers’ latory commissions giving ‘‘expert’’ renewables is plummeting. There is no out of our politics. testimony, claiming that renewable en- denying the science of climate change The business started in ergy is too expensive and unreliable or the mathematics behind the renew- oil, and Koch Industries is still heavily and that States should not increase able revolution. invested in petroleum and petroleum their renewable portfolio requirements For decades, the Koch brothers have products. Its subsidiary, Flint Hills Re- and that fossil fuels—even coal—are perpetrated a fraud on the American sources, owns three oil refineries. The more economical. people about climate change. They Koch Pipeline Company owns and oper- In 2013, for example, their director of have worked to discredit science in ates 4,000 miles of pipeline that trans- regulatory and State affairs, Daniel order to sow doubt. They are funding a ports oil, refined petroleum, and nat- Simmons, claimed in a Michigan regu- web of deceit that spreads misinforma- ural gas throughout six States. Koch latory hearing that the electricity tion and undermines the urgency need- Industries is the largest foreign and rates of States with renewable require- ed to address the generational chal- American leaseholder in Canada’s oil ments are 27 percent higher than lenge of climate change. We must fight sands, possibly leasing up to 2 million States without a renewable standard. back with education, with urgency, acres. That same year, Lawrence Berkeley with facts, and, ultimately, with ac- As well, each year, Koch Industries National Laboratory found that the in- tion. markets, trades, and manages logistics cremental rate of renewable portfolio That is why, this week, I am intro- for tons of coal and petroleum coke. standards was 2 percent, and a report ducing, with my colleagues here in the Koch Industries makes billions from by the Michigan Public Service Com- Senate and in the House, the Climate oil, gas, and coal, and it is no secret it mission found that the cost of renew- Change Education Act. This legislation is willing to spend millions to keep it able sources is declining and is cheaper would promote climate literacy by that way. Two organizations formed than the new coal-fired generation. broadening students’ understanding of through the Koch brothers’ vast wealth Also in 2013, Mr. Simmons attacked a climate change, the consequences of are the Institute for Energy Research Federal clean energy standard bill in- climate change, and the potential solu- and its lobbying arm, the American troduced by my fellow New Mexican, tions. This bill would give students, Energy Alliance. Both Koch-funded Senator Jeff Bingaman, which I co- teachers, and families the tools they groups are anti-renewable, pro-fossil sponsored. Mr. Simmons had the au- need to protect our planet for future fuel, and climate change deniers. dacity to claim that carbon dioxide generations. We must take the climate The Institute is a 501(c)(3) organiza- emissions from powerplants should not deniers and their fossil fuel funders to tion that was formed in 1989 from a be counted as pollutants, arguing ‘‘that task for their opposition to the clean predecessor directed by carbon dioxide itself is not dirty.’’ Mr. energy opportunities that could win and Robert Bradley, Jr. Mr. Bradley Simmons’ cynical attack on climate the battle against climate change. led public policy for Enron before its science is frightening. We have a chance to unleash a clean scandal and bankruptcy. He founded In 2015, the Alliance called on Con- energy revolution that creates jobs as the Institute and remains its CEO. He gress to eliminate the Department of it cuts dangerous carbon pollution. We is also affiliated with the Koch-funded Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency & are on the floor today to cut down this Cato Institute and Competitive Enter- Renewable Energy. The office’s mission tangled web of deceit—to shine a light prise Institute. is to support transitioning to ‘‘a global on the lies that emanate from this The Alliance is the Institute’s polit- clean energy economy,’’ something Koch brothers-funded web of deceit ical arm, a 501(c)(4) organization, that we know is supported by many, that has tried its best to stop this founded in 2008. The 501(c)(4)s are polit- many people. That year, both Koch clean energy revolution. ical organizations. They don’t have to brothers’ organizations received $3 mil- As you can see, this revolution has disclose their donors. They can engage lion from the web of Koch donors. taken off in the United States as it has in all sorts of politicking and lobbying, Although the Institute and Alliance taken off around the rest of the planet, and they can spend unlimited amounts were fringe, the Trump administration and it will not be denied. The green of money. The Alliance shares office placed their staff in key energy posi- generation, the young generation in space and staff—including a president— tions, beginning with appointing their our country, will not be denied. They with the Institute. Their joint presi- president to lead the energy transition want to see a wind and solar and all- dent is Thomas Pyle, who had pre- team. Before that appointment, Mr. electric vehicle revolution take place viously lobbied for Koch Industries. Pyle had sent a fundraising letter tout- that will change the course of history. They receive funding directly and not ing the new administration’s positions. That is why we are out here today—to so directly from the Koch brothers. He predicted the Trump administration let the rest of the world know we are in Since 2008, one or the other has re- would withdraw from the Paris Agree- this fight, and we are going to win it. ceived funding from the Charles Koch ment, repeal the Clean Power Plan, I yield the floor. Institute, an anti-government group move forward with the Keystone XL The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. formed from the Charles G. Koch Char- Pipeline, increase oil and gas leasing RUBIO). The Senator from New Mexico. itable Foundation; Freedom Partners, on Federal lands, lift the moratorium Mr. UDALL. Mr. President, I will called the Koch brothers’ ‘‘secret’’ on coal leasing on Federal lands, and focus, as Senator MARKEY has and sev- bank—a 501(c)(6) organization that turn back protection of our rivers and eral of my colleagues before me, on gives tens of millions of dollars to ex- streams—among other initiatives. Mr. this web of deceit we have been talking treme causes; the Wellspring Com- Pyle’s policy predictions have sadly about here today—the Koch brothers’ mittee, Inc., funded with the Koch come to pass. web of dark money, lobbyists, and infil- brothers’ help; DonorsTrust, a pass- My home State of New Mexico is tration into the Trump administration through organization for the Koch right in the bull’s-eye of climate that truly threatens our democracy. brothers and other ultrawealthy donors change. Snowpack was at a low point The influence of their hundreds of mil- trying to hide contributions; and many this year. Parts of the Rio Grande are lions of dollars is pervasive, pernicious, other like-minded anti-renewable, pro- dry. We have a methane cloud in the and hidden. fossil fuel groups that the Koch broth- Four Corners area the size of Delaware. I applaud Senator WHITEHOUSE’s ers fund or are tied to. Pressing ‘‘stop’’ on tackling climate work that focuses the public’s atten- Between 2010 and 2014, the Institute change hurts New Mexicans. tion on this threat. Thank you to my and Alliance received more than $5 Meanwhile, Institute/Alliance staff colleagues for shining a spotlight on million in Koch-related funding. The landed three plum positions within the the murky tentacles of the Koch influ- Institute and Alliance are in the busi- Department of Energy. Last May, Mr. ence empire here in Washington, espe- ness of discrediting renewable energy, Simmons, whom we have already heard cially its influence on the swamp that promoting fossil fuels, and denying cli- about, was actually placed to lead the is the Trump administration. We must mate science under the guise of pro- DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency & keep fighting for comprehensive cam- viding independent analysis. Their Renewable Energy—the same office the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.053 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2379 Alliance advocated to eliminate. Talk Court’s Citizens United decision cloaks the U.N. Security Council with full about the fox guarding the chicken these networks under the guise of the voting rights and privileges. He served coop. First Amendment. Citizens United has as spokesman there during a turbulent An Institute/Alliance policy analyst, damaged our democracy by allowing time, an important time. But he also Alex Fitzsimmons, was also placed in unlimited campaign contributions, did more than that. He was appointed the same office as a senior adviser. He PACs, and nonprofit organizations to to be a U.S. delegate to a variety of has steadily beat the Koch brothers’ secretly influence government deci- conferences over the drum against wind and solar energy, sions at the highest levels. years, including the Financing for De- writing numerous articles about their I have been fighting to overturn Citi- velopment Conference, the World Food alleged unreliability and high costs. zens United and for Congress to enact Summit, the World Summit on Sus- How can he possibly contribute to the campaign finance reform for years now. tainable Development, the Donor office’s mission of transitioning to a My constitutional amendment would Conference, the Preparatory Com- clean energy economy? not only overturn Citizens United but mittee for the Nuclear Non-Prolifera- Predictably, the President proposed all the previous bad decisions going tion Treaty Review, the High-Level slashing the office’s budget for 2018 by back to Buckley v. Valeo. It would end Meeting on Ending HIV/AIDS, and the 69 percent. Congress did not do his bid- the misguided belief that spending Commission on Population and Devel- ding. He now seeks to cut over 70 per- money to elect politicians is the same opment, among many others. cent of its budget in 2019, including thing as free speech—a belief that gives He has moderated a lot of United Na- fully eliminating the Weatherization the Koch brothers a lot more speech tions panel discussions over the years Assistance Program and the State En- than the average American. on subjects ranging from Children and ergy Program. According to DOE, since Last fall, I reintroduced the We the Armed Conflict to post-war construc- 2010, New Mexico has received $10.4 mil- People Democracy Reform Act, which tion issues, clean energy solutions that lion from these two programs. These would enact comprehensive electoral my colleague was talking about a mo- investments resulted in weatherizing reform. The dark influence of the Koch ment ago. He is up to speed on the 1,300 homes, creating or retaining 340 brothers in this administration only world’s pressing issues, so he is very jobs, training 19,500 New Mexicans in underscores the pressing need for this well qualified to be an Ambassador rep- energy efficiency, and retrofitting legislation to right our democracy and resenting the United States. 240,000 square feet of building space. restore integrity, accountability, and He has also been an active speaker, These two programs aid my State in transparency to our political system. speaking on topics around the country the global battle against climate I yield the floor. that relate to crisis communications, change and should not be on the chop- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the United Nations, and international ping block. ator from Ohio. issues ranging from to North Another Institute/Alliance policy an- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I Korea and Middle Eastern issues. He has been on a lot of TV programs. alyst, Travis Fisher, was tapped by come to the Senate this evening to This is one reason he has generated DOE to oversee an evaluation on talk about the nominees who will be up some controversy on the other side. whether renewables are hurting coal for a confirmation vote. Yes, he has spoken his mind on occa- and nuclear power and increasing grid The first of those is Ric Grenell. Ric sion, but he is also someone, again, if unreliability. Mr. Fisher had also au- is being nominated to serve as our Am- you look at his qualifications and expe- thored many pieces on the evils of re- bassador to Germany during an impor- rience and his abilities—as he did for newables—even calling clean energy tant time, not just with the danger and President George W. Bush—to be a policies ‘‘the single greatest emerging volatility around the world but with our relationship with Germany. Ric is team player and work with the team to threat’’ to the power grid. There was communicate clearly, he is an excel- wide concern the report would be po- well qualified, and I think it is urgent that we get him confirmed. lent candidate to be a U.S. Ambassador litically skewed. to just about anywhere but particu- However, a draft of the report, pre- Ric Grenell was actually nominated larly to a country as important as Ger- pared by an independent contractor last fall. He was reported out of the Foreign Relations Committee with a many. and DOE career staff, got out. That He received his master’s degree in positive vote on October 26, 2017. So for draft concluded renewable energy had public administration from Harvard 6 months, he has been in limbo, even not decreased grid reliability. The final University’s John F. Kennedy School after getting reported out of com- report then concluded the same. Mr. of Government. Fisher has since left DOE. mittee. He has been blocked by just a Finally, I would say the timing is The good news is that the American couple of Democrats—I think maybe really important. One reason it is key people continue to support renewable just one—and this body has not had a that we vote this week is that we need energy. A Pew Research Center poll chance to vote on him. an Ambassador to Germany. found 83 percent of Americans think That is why I was pleased to see Over the break I was in Ger- expanding renewables is a ‘‘top’’ or today that the majority leader filed many. I was meeting with our troops ‘‘important’’ national priority. cloture, and that is why we will get a over there on a factfinding mission. We Wind and solar are expanding expo- vote this week on Mr. Grenell. I as- have a lot of American troops in Ger- nentially and their costs have de- sume that he will get supported by a many still. We were looking at some of creased dramatically. Twenty-nine majority of this body, but I hope it is the weapons systems that have been States, Washington, DC, and three ter- not just a bare majority because I developed in my home State of Ohio ritories have renewable portfolio think he is very qualified for the posi- and how they are working. The people standards, and eight States and one tion. I talked to—our U.S. military officers territory have renewable goals. He is someone who has a lot of expe- but also German officials and others— A clean energy economy is the fu- rience in diplomacy and international were saying that it is important to ture, but the Trump administration is issues. In 2001, he was appointed by have American leadership in Germany fighting against the tide. Before the President George W. Bush to serve as right now with all that is going on, Trump administration, the Institute Director of Communications and Pub- with what is happening in Ukraine— and Alliance were small fringe organi- lic Diplomacy for the U.S. Permanent Germany is a key player in keeping the zations promoted by the Koch brothers’ Representative to the United Nations. European Union together—what is hap- web of secret organizations and veiled In this role, he advised four of our Am- pening in the Middle East, where they allies. They now sit at the center of bassadors—John Negroponte, John play an important role, and what is our government. Danforth, , and Ambas- happening in terms of our economy and At the bottom of the Koch labyrinth sador Khalilzad—on the formulation trade issues. I heard from everyone: of 501(c)(3)s, 501(c)(4)s, 501(c)(6)s, and and articulation of U.S. policy at the Why don’t you send an ambassador their wealth of accomplices is their United Nations. He was also appointed over here? So it is time we do it. ability to hide their contributions and by John Danforth to be the Alternative Finally, there is a particular urgency actions from public view. The Supreme Representative of the United States to this week, because Chancellor Merkel

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.055 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 is actually coming for a visit to Wash- School and ended up being an editor of States. I think Mike Pompeo is the ington later this week. I think she will the Harvard Law Review and graduated right guy to be there with regard to be here on Friday at the White House magna cum laude from Harvard Law that issue also. in meetings, and wouldn’t it be great if School. That is pretty impressive. It is I have taken the leadership role on we were to confirm this qualified Am- hard to do. this issue of pushing back against the bassador to represent our interests in He then went into business. He was disinformation, including the meddling Germany and to begin the process of successful there, including businesses in our own election here, which I be- improving our relationship with Ger- that had to do with national security lieve happened and I believe will hap- many and deepening that relationship. issues. pen again unless we are smarter about I hope we have the opportunity to He then ran for the House of Rep- pushing back. That is why I have have this vote in the next couple of resentatives and was elected. He was joined with my colleagues—Senator days, and I urge my colleagues on both on the Intelligence Committee in the MURPHY on the other side of the aisle sides of the aisle to take a look at Ric House, and so he has the ability to get and others—to promote this idea of a Grenell’s background. I don’t think well-versed on a lot of the classified in- center at the State Department that you will find one of the Ambassadors formation needed to be able to under- coordinates all the U.S. Government who is a noncareer Foreign Service per- stand the danger and volatility we face efforts here, which are needed, and par- son to be a better person on some of in this world today. He is well-regarded ticularly focuses on the online effort these tough foreign policy issues, and I in the House on both sides of the aisle. and the need for us to be more aggres- think he will do an excellent job for us He was then nominated by the Presi- sive and robust in our response. It is in Germany. dent to serve as CIA Director. By the called the Global Engagement Center. Again, I have had the opportunity to NOMINATION OF MIKE POMPEO way, he was confirmed by this same Mr. President, the second nominee I body as CIA Director by a vote of 66 speak with Mr. Pompeo privately but would like to talk about briefly is one Senators, so it was a nice bipartisan also in public testimony about this who has also faced some opposition majority. I hope that happens again. issue, and he has expressed his strong support for that Global Engagement from the other side of the aisle, to the Again, I think it is very important Center and for having a more effective point that he was reported out of com- that we get a Secretary of State in and robust response. mittee last night on a pure party-line place at this critical time but also that we get one in place who is shown to I think Mike Pompeo is the right per- vote—an 11-to-10 vote. I wish that son at the right time. I think he is weren’t the case. I want to thank Sen- have some of the momentum, trust, and confidence of this body. Certainly qualified for this job as well as anyone ator COONS for actually voting out there I can imagine. Again, in talk- ‘‘present’’ so that Senator ISAKSON’s the President has a lot of confidence in him, or he wouldn’t have nominated ing to my colleagues, some of them vote could count. have said that they disagree with I think Mike Pompeo, who is the cur- him for this additional responsibility. President Trump’s positions and that rent Director of the Central Intel- As CIA Director, he has become well- is why they are opposing Mr. Pompeo. ligence Agency, is extremely well versed on all the issues. One issue I will mention that you have heard about re- Their favorite person—who would prob- qualified. ably be in the other party and have dif- When you look at what has happened cently is that he recently went on a se- ferent views—is not going to be nomi- historically with regard to the job of cret mission to meet with the dictator nated by President Trump. President Secretary of State, this body has been of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, and he Trump is going to nominate somebody able to support people who they may did that at the behest of the President who supports him on most of his basic not agree with on every policy issue or to help prepare for a successful meet- approach to foreign policy and someone may not agree with the President who ing between the President and the he trusts. That is just how it works. appointed that person, but they realize North Koreans. We all hope that meet- Again, when we supported John that a President should be able to have ing is indeed constructive and ends up Kerry with 94 votes in the Senate—I his or her own person—particularly in making progress on the think it was 94, 95, or something like that job—be the Secretary of State, be denuclearization—which all of us hope that—it is not that we agreed with all the diplomat to the United States for—of the Korean Peninsula. You need the policies from President Obama; it around the world. As a result, with re- somebody like Mike Pompeo there to is that we believed President Obama gard to Senator Kerry, who was a col- help direct that. So I think it is the should have the right to have a Sec- league of ours here, when he was up for right time for him to move forward on retary of State who he thought was his confirmation vote, the vote was 94 a number of issues, and that certainly going to best represent him, and we Senators out of 100 supporting him. is one. thought that Senator Kerry was quali- With regard to Secretary Clinton, when Another issue I will say I am very in- fied. I think the same was true with re- she was nominated, she was confirmed terested in working with him on is gard to Hillary Clinton, who got 94 by a vote of 94 Senators—94 out of 100 what is happening in Eastern Europe votes. The same was true with voted for her. That has been more or and Central Europe—the destabilizing Condoleezza Rice. The same was true less typical. Colin Powell actually was effect that Russia is having with re- with GEN Colin Powell. And the same confirmed by a unanimous vote of this gard to what is called the hybrid war— should be true here because certainly body after he became the nominee for in other words, disinformation and Mike Pompeo is extremely well quali- Secretary of State. Condoleezza Rice propaganda—and also the military part fied. got an overwhelming majority; I think of this, which is happening on the east- The other thing I have heard from it was in the mideighties. ern border of Ukraine. my colleagues—and I have talked to a I would hope that my colleagues on Russia, as you recall, took Crimea number of them on the committee and both sides of the aisle would look at away from Ukraine. In my discussions off the committee about seeing if they Mr. Pompeo’s background and his with Mike Pompeo, he understands could possibly join us in supporting Mr. qualifications. I don’t think they can that issue and he gets that issue. He Pompeo so he can have a little more of dispute the fact that he is qualified for has supported providing weapons to a bipartisan momentum here as he goes this job. Ukrainians so they can defend them- into this job—the other thing I have This is a man who has been success- selves, lethal but defensive weapons. heard is that they are concerned, given ful in everything he has done. From That was a big change from the last ad- his background in the military and humble beginnings, he went to West ministration and, frankly, from the given some of the things he said as a Point. He graduated at the top of his first year of this administration. It Member of Congress, that maybe he class. Then, as an Army officer, he was happened recently. Those materials are will focus more on military power rath- in Germany before the wall came down. now being delivered, and the Ukrain- er than soft power—in other words, less He was an officer in Germany patrol- ians—having been there over the on diplomacy and more on kinetic or ling the Iron Curtain. He then went to Easter break—are feeling a renewed military activity. law school after having served in the sense of support from their Western al- I don’t think that is consistent with military. He went to Harvard Law lies, particularly from the United anything I have heard from him either

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.056 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2381 in our private meetings or in his public The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Major Defense Equipment (MDE): testimony where he addressed this objection, it is so ordered. Up to twenty-seven (27) GBU–12 Inert issue head-on. He said that as a former f Paveway IIs. Army officer and someone who went to Non-MDE: Also included are PGU–27 Inert West Point and graduated at the top of LEGISLATIVE SESSION training rounds, Impulse Cartridges, MJU–7/ his class—did I say that earlier? Any- B Flares, RR–188 Chaff, BDU–33/B and BDU– 50/B training munitions, fuel and air refuel- way, he went to West Point, and he is MORNING BUSINESS someone who actually believes very ing support, airlift services, base operating Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I support, facilities, publications and tech- strongly in soft power and believes nical documentation, pilot training, per- that military actions ought to be the ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ate proceed to legislative session for a sonnel training and training equipment, last resort, not the first resort. I think weapon system and software support, U.S. that is true with almost anybody who period of morning business, with Sen- Government and contractor technical, engi- has been in the military—certainly ators permitted to speak therein for up neering, and logistics personnel services, and people who have been in combat. I to 10 minutes each. other related elements of logistics and pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without made the comparison to what Colin gram support. objection, it is so ordered. Powell said when he was nominated, (iv) Military Department: Air Force (NE– which was very similar to that. What f D–NZW). General Mattis says today is very simi- ARMS SALES NOTIFICATION (v) Prior Related Cases. if any: NE–D–NXZ– $149.3 million; 19 Sep 13. lar to that. Mr. CORKER. Mr. President, section I believe Mike Pompeo has the oppor- (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc.; Paid, Of- 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act tunity not only to help with regard to fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. requires that Congress receive prior no- these crisis issues we are facing around (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained tification of certain proposed arms the world—North Korea, Syria, what is in the Defense Article or Defense Services sales as defined by that statute. Upon happening in Iran, what is happening Proposed to be Sold: None. such notification, the Congress has 30 in Ukraine—I think he is someone who (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: calendar days during which the sale has the ability to improve the morale April 24, 2018. may be reviewed. The provision stipu- at the State Department at a critical * As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms lates that, in the Senate, the notifica- time. In fact, I am convinced of it. Hav- Export Control Act. tion of proposed sales shall be sent to ing talked to some people at the State POLICY JUSTIFICATION the chairman of the Senate Foreign Department—as you know, many of the Relations Committee. The Netherlands—F–16 Formal Training Unit career civil service people have been In keeping with the committee’s in- at Tucson Air National Guard Base feeling as though they weren’t being tention to see that relevant informa- (ANGB), Arizona consulted. Mike Pompeo is a listener, tion is available to the full Senate, I The Government of the Netherlands has re- and he has talked about what he did at ask unanimous consent to have printed quested to buy defense articles and services the CIA. He talked about the fact that in the RECORD the notifications which in support of continuation of a Continental God gave us only one mouth but two have been received. If the cover letter United States (CONUS) based Royal Nether- lands Air Force F–16 Formal Training Unit, ears. In other words, we are supposed references a classified annex, then such to be listening and taking in the input to include up to twenty-seven (27) GBU–12 annex is available to all Senators in Inert Paveway IIs. Also included are PGU–27 and then helping to lead as a servant the office of the Foreign Relations leader listening to people. I think that Inert training rounds, Impulse Cartridges, Committee, room SD–423. MJU–7/B Flares, RR–188 Chaff, BDU–33/B and is the kind of leader Mike Pompeo is. There being no objection, the mate- BDU–50/B training munitions, fuel and air re- My hope is that he will be confirmed rial was ordered to be printed in the fueling support, airlift services, base oper- and that he will earn the trust some of RECORD, as follows: ating support, facilities, publications and us have shown in him by doing exactly technical documentation, pilot training, per- that at the State Department—getting DEFENSE SECURITY sonnel training and training equipment, COOPERATION AGENCY, the diplomats in the State Department weapon system and software support, U.S. Arlington, VA. Government and contractor technical, engi- engaged and empowered, making sure Hon. BOB CORKER, that we are taking every step possible neering, and logistics personnel services, and Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, other related elements of logistics and pro- with regard to diplomacy before turn- U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. gram support. The estimated program value ing to military action anywhere in the DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- is $110 million. porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of world, and working with our military This proposed sale will support the foreign the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, and with the White House and with the policy and national security objectives of we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. Congress to have a U.S. foreign policy the United States by improving the security 18–14, concerning the Air Force’s proposed that is effective in keeping the peace. of a NATO Ally which is an important force Letter(s) of Offer and Acceptance to the Gov- for political stability and economic progress Yes, we need a strong military be- ernment of the Netherlands for defense arti- in Europe. cause by having a strong military, by cles and services estimated to cost $110 mil- having a strong defense, we maximize lion. After this letter is delivered to your of- This potential sale will continue to im- the chance for peace, but we also have fice, we plan to issue a news release to notify prove the Royal Netherlands Air Force’s to have a strong diplomacy arm that is the public of this proposed sale. (RNLAF) ability to develop mission-ready out there ensuring that we take every Sincerely, and experienced pilots to support its F–16 measure we possibly can to use soft di- GREGORY M. KAUSNER, aircraft inventory. The well-established pilot (For Charles W. Hooper, Lieutenant proficiency training program at Tucson Air plomacy. I think diplomacy is some- National Guard Base will train pilots in F–16 thing that Mike Pompeo has shown General, USA Director). Enclosures. operations, tactics, techniques, and proce- that he is committed to. dures. This training will enhance the TRANSMITTAL NO. 18–14 So my hope is that we will have posi- RNLAF’s ability to continue contributions tive votes on Rick Grenell as Ambas- Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of to Overseas Contingency Operations and to sador to Germany and Mike Pompeo Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the NATO air policing operations, as well as, to Arms Export Control Act, as amended later this week, that we can have bi- possible future coalitions operations. The (i) Prospective Purchaser: The Government partisan support for these two, and Netherlands will have no difficulty absorbing of the Netherlands. this training. that they, in turn, will earn the trust (ii) Total Estimated Value: The proposed sale of this equipment and this body has shown in them. Major Defense Equipment * $0.5 million. Mr. President, I suggest the absence Other $109.5 million. support will not alter the basic military bal- ance in the region. of a quorum. Total $110.0 million. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- There is no prime contractor involved in tities of Articles or Services under Consider- this proposed sale. The Tucson Air National clerk will call the roll. ation for Purchase: The Government of the Guard will provide instruction, flight oper- The legislative clerk proceeded to Netherlands has requested to buy defense ar- ations, and maintenance support and facili- call the roll. ticles and services in support of continuation ties with defense articles anticipated to Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I of a Continental United States (CONUS) come from U.S. stocks, as needed. There are ask unanimous consent that the order based Royal Netherlands Air Force F–16 For- no known offset agreements proposed in con- for the quorum call be rescinded. mal Training Unit. nection with this potential sale.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.058 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2382 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 Implementation of this proposed sale will nomic progress in Europe. It is important to measures, thus lessening the effect of the not require the assignment of any additional the U.S. national interests to assist the projectile. Disclosure of test data, counter- U.S. Government personnel or contractor Netherlands to develop and maintain a measures, vulnerability/susceptibility anal- representatives to the Netherlands. strong and ready self-defense capability. The yses and threat definition could all aid re- There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- Netherlands has been a consistent coalition verse engineering and could be used by an fense readiness as a result of this proposed partner supporting the United States in var- adversary for possible use against U.S. and sale. ious coalition combat operations to include Coalition forces. Compromise could jeop- counter-ISIS, Stabilization Force in Iraq, ardize the U.S. forces inventory through DEFENSE SECURITY and Afghanistan. jammer development by adversaries. The COOPERATION AGENCY, The proposed sale of PGK will provide a risk of compromise has been accessed as Arlington, VA. precision guided capability to 155mm artil- moderate. Risk is reduced for fuze/munitions Hon. BOB CORKER, lery projectiles and improve Netherlands’s if adequately controlled and protected in Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, capability to meet current and future enemy storage and on the battlefield. Risk is miti- U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. threats. The Netherlands will use the en- gated by the prevention of disclosure of sen- DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- hanced capability to strengthen its home- sitive classified information (the know-how, porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of land defenses, deter regional threats, and software, and associated documentation). the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, provide direct support to coalition and secu- 5. If a technologically advanced adversary we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. rity cooperation efforts. The Netherlands were to obtain knowledge of the specific 18–12, concerning the Army’s proposed Let- will have no difficulty absorbing this equip- hardware and software elements, the infor- ter(s) of Offer and Acceptance to the Govern- ment into its armed forces. mation could be used to develop counter- ment of the Netherlands for defense articles The proposed sale of this equipment will measures which might reduce weapon system and services estimated to cost $70 million. not impact the basic military balance in the effectiveness or be used in the development After this letter is delivered to your office, region. of a system with similar or advanced capa- we plan to issue a news release to notify the The principal contractor will be Orbital bilities. public of this proposed sale. ATK. There are no known offset agreements 6. A determination has been made that the Sincerely, proposed in connection with this potential Netherlands can provide the same degree of GREGORY M. KAUSNER, sale. The purchaser typically requests off- protection for the sensitive technology being (For Charles W. Hooper, sets. Any offset agreement will be defined in released as the U.S. Government. This sale is Lieutenant General, USA, Director). negotiations between the purchaser and the necessary in furtherance of the U.S. foreign Enclosures. contractor. policy and national security objectives out- Implementation of this sale will not re- TRANSMITTAL NO. 18–12 lined in the Policy Justification. quire the assignment of any additional U.S. 7. All defense articles and services listed in Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of or contractor representatives to the Nether- this transmittal have been authorized for re- Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the lands. lease and export to the Netherlands. Arms Export Control Act, as amended There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of fense readiness as a result of this proposed f the Netherlands sale. VOTE EXPLANATION (ii) Total Estimated Value: TRANSMITTAL NO. 18–12 Major Defense Equipment * $60 million. Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I was Other $10 million. Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the necessarily absent for the April 23, Total $70 million. Arms Export Control Act, as amended 2018, vote on the motion to invoke clo- (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- Annex Item No. vii ture on Calendar No. 624, the nomina- tities of Articles or Services under Consider- tion of Stuart Kyle Duncan to be U.S. ation for Purchase: (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: Major Defense Equipment (MDE): 1. The M1156 Precision Guidance Kit (PGK) Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit. I Three thousand five hundred (3,500) M1156 is a Global Positioning System (GPS) Pre- would have voted nay. cise Positioning Service (PPS) guided 155mm Precision Guided Kit (PGK). f Non-MDE: Also included are six (6) PGK artillery projectile fuze. This effort includes settable trainers; two (2) PGK cut away mod- the qualification of PGK on the Assegai FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE els; one hundred (100) M76 PGK fuze wrench- M1711 Insensitive High Explosive (IHE) Base RANA PLAZA FACTORY COL- es; ten (10) Extended Length Artillery Pro- Bleed (BB) projectile with modular charges LAPSE IN BANGLADESH jectile Extractors (ELAPEs); PGK technical DM92 Charge 6 and PGK on the Assegai data and publications; U.S. Government en- M1712 IHE Boat Tail (BT) projectile with Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, 5 gineering and technical support services; and modular charges DM92 Charges 5 and 6, both years ago today, the Rana Plaza build- other related elements of logistics and pro- fired from the Netherlands’ PzH 2000 self-pro- ing collapsed in Bangladesh, tragically gram support. pelled howitzer. killing more than 1,100 people and in- (iv) Military Department: Army (NE–B– 2. The M1156 utilizes the Enhanced Port- juring thousands more. Rana Plaza, a able Electronic Fuze Setter (EPEFS) to set WKA). bustling multistory commercial build- (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None. the PGK and the Portable Electronic Fire (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Of- Control System (PEFCS) both purchased pre- ing in Dhaka, had housed several fered. or Agreed to be Paid: None. viously under a previous Excalibur FMS ready-made garment factories, as well (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained case. The PEFCS contain an Improved Plat- as banks and other businesses. When in the Defense Article or Defense Services form Integration Kit (MK) to load GPS co- cracks appeared in the building facade Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex. ordinates. Both the PGK and PEFCS contain the day prior to its collapse and some (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: the Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing stores in the building accordingly April 24, 2018. Module (SAASM). The PGK has 90% com- closed up shop, owners of the garment monality with the Army’s XM395 Acceler- * As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms factories inside Rana Plaza rather told Export Control Act. ated Precision Mortar Initiative (APMI). The PGK (the end-item) is unclassified. Transfer their workers not to worry and ordered POLICY JUSTIFICATION of the PGK may reveal information up to them to return for work the next day, Netherlands—M1156 Precision Guided Kits SECRET. but this was not a time for business as The Netherlands has requested to buy 3. The M1156 utilizes the Army’s M782 usual. Thousands of garment workers, three thousand five hundred (3,500) M1156 Multi-Option for Artillery (MOFA) Prox- the majority of them enterprising Precision Guided Kits. Also included are six imity Height of Burst (HOB) Technology. young women achieving new levels of (6) PGK settable trainers; two (2) PGK cut The HOB sensor is comprised of components away models; one hundred (100) M76 PGK with technologies deemed as state of the art, financial independence for themselves fuze wrenches; ten (10) Extended Length Ar- requiring specialized production skills. The and their families, filed back into the tillery Projectile Extractors (ELAPEs); PGK sensitive/critical technology is primarily in building the next morning. Thousands technical data and publications; U.S. Gov- the design, development, production and of them never made it back out. The ernment engineering and technical support manufacturing of the components (inte- world was rightly stunned and horri- services; and other related elements of logis- grated circuits and assembly), and the inte- fied by the images of the lifeless bodies tics and program support. The estimated gration methodology required to integrate of hundreds of young women being total cost is $70 million. those components onto an assembly to proc- pulled from the rubble of this man- This proposed sale will support the foreign ess embedded (the software-algorithm-work- policy and national security objectives of ing parameters). The HOB technology is clas- made disaster. the United States by helping to improve the sified SECRET. The Rana Plaza tragedy could have security of the Netherlands which is an im- 4. Disclosure of this technology could re- been avoided, and it demonstrated that portant force for political stability and eco- sult in an adversary developing counter- ‘‘business as usual’’ in Bangladesh’s

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.033 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2383 garment industry inordinately re- cused on labor rights in more than a essary steps to respect labor and warded factory owners and managers, dozen years. I called another hearing human rights. I was proud last year to while ignoring factory workers’ safety early the following year to review introduce the Labor Rights for Devel- and rights. In the dusty rubble of the progress in addressing the labor rights opment Act with Senator BROWN and building collapse, it became crystal emergency in Bangladesh and con- the Anti-Trafficking Trade Act with clear that the Bangladeshi Govern- ducted rigorous, bipartisan oversight Senator PORTMAN that together would ment, factory owners and managers, to ensure that the U.S. Government raise the labor and human rights and the global apparel brands all had a was doing all it could to spur change standards countries must meet to gain grave responsibility to do more, and among brands, owners, and preferential access to the U.S. market. quickly, to secure the labor rights of Bangladeshi Government officials. This Five years on, the progress made in Bangladeshi workers. A simple fact re- included a field visit and a November Bangladesh is simply not enough. Fac- mains, 5 years later: Had the Rana 2013 majority staff report that exam- tories throughout the country have Plaza workers been afforded the ability ined progress in advancing workers’ failed to meet their binding commit- to organize and protect their interests, safety and labor rights since the Rana ments on workplace safety in the ac- the tragedy never would have hap- Plaza disaster and the Tazreen factory cord and the alliance, risking the de- pened. With collective strength and ac- fire. We also worked closely with our parture of some global retailers to tion, they could have stood up to em- colleagues on the Appropriations Com- other markets. Independent unions in ployers to demand basic rights, and mittee to ensure that funds over 3 suc- Bangladesh remain constrained and they could have refused to be ordered cessive fiscal years were designated to subject to increasing harassment and back into the building without appro- directly support the development and attacks on labor rights activists, which priate safety standards. Five years capacity-building of truly independent often occur with impunity. Amidst a later, it is also clear that a great deal labor unions in Bangladesh that could growing climate of political tensions in of work remains to secure these rights. safely and effectively advocate for Bangladesh, the government too often As the son of a seamstress who worker rights. views independent labor unions as op- worked in the textile factories of Meanwhile, major American retailers position dissenters to punish, rather northern , I knew from who produced apparel in Bangladesh, than key partners that are vital to the watching my mother how tiring and including Abercrombie & Fitch, Amer- country’s growth and prosperity. strenuous such work could be, but it ican Eagle Outfitters, and Fruit of the In the 5 years since Rana Plaza, I does not have to be fatal. The United Loom, joined the effort alongside other have continued to believe that what States’ own Triangle Shirtwaist Fire global brands, governments, civil soci- happens in Bangladesh to improve more than a hundred years before Rana ety, and labor unions to grapple with labor rights and workers’ safety can Plaza, which killed nearly 150 people, the acute challenges facing have a dramatic ripple effect on the galvanized a necessary workers’ move- Bangladeshi workers who produced global apparel industry and that real ment and subsequent necessary re- their goods. The risk of undermined change in working conditions there can forms that to this day help protect consumer confidence and declines in help to change conditions for workers labor rights while ensuring that Amer- brand quality helped spur some cor- everywhere in a race to the top, but ican companies produce high-quality porations to join the Accord on Fire similarly, if not enough happens in products. To this day, the AFL-CIO and and Building Safety in Bangladesh—a Bangladesh, it sends the message that other American labor unions work tire- 5-year, legally binding compact to im- workers’ lives can still be systemati- lessly to expose the conditions facing prove safety in Bangladeshi ready- cally undervalued and that working to U.S. workers and to organize collective made garment factories through rea- advance labor rights is an endeavor not responses and inform government deci- sonable steps to prevent future disas- worth the risk. That is the wrong mes- sions to promote worker protections. ters. Most importantly, the accord sig- sage, and on this anniversary, we must Last year, for example, an AFL-CIO re- natories included labor unions, who recommit ourselves to pushing stake- port revealed an alarming rate of work- were rightly regarded as equal and crit- holders in Bangladesh—whether gov- place deaths among Latinos and immi- ical stakeholders in effecting needed ernment, brands, or owners—to con- grants to the United States and pro- change. Five years later, accord brands tinue a path of reform. To do any less vided recommendations to the Depart- have the opportunity to demonstrate a harms not just the workers, but also ment of Labor to address them. Along sustained commitment to worker Bangladesh’s economic potential, be- with many of my Senate colleagues, I rights by signing on to the 2018 accord. cause no one will want to wear clothes am pushing for our government to This iteration strengthens and expands stained with the blood of workers. adopt these recommendations. Put the accord to cover freedom of associa- f simply, the successes of American or- tion. Other groups, such as the Alli- ganized labor are inextricable from the ance for Bangladesh Worker Safety, ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS prosperity of the American economy have also helped to further galvanize and have helped to boost the fortunes American and multinational brands to REMEMBERING JAMES DODD of countless American workers. take greater responsibility for ensuring We know that countries and people worker safety in Bangladesh. In any ‘‘JIM’’ MANASCO are more secure and prosperous when such efforts, workers and their rep- ∑ Mr. JONES. Mr. President, today I workers can operate in safety while resentatives must have a truly equal wish to honor the life and legacy of pursuing economic success. The proud seat at the table, for without them we Jim Manasco, who passed away at his legacy of the movement for American cannot make meaningful labor rights home on Smith Lake in Alabama on workers’ rights demands that we advo- reforms. April 12, 2018. cate for workers at risk around the Governments have a critical role to Jim was a self-taught artist and sign globe. In the past 5 years since the play as well. Following Rana Plaza, the painter who entered the trade as an ap- Rana Plaza disaster, we have so advo- United States and other governments prentice when he was just 16 years old. cated. We have come together in un- pressed Bangladesh to take meaningful He was a successful commercial artist precedented ways to address the fac- steps to improve respect for labor for 65 years and possessed the rare abil- tors driving labor abuses against work- rights in the country, including ity to letter and paint freehand. He was ers in Bangladesh. through removing Bangladesh from the also a gifted creative artist in multiple As chairman of the Foreign Relations generalized system of preferences and mediums, from carving to pottery to Committee at the time of the Rana conducting regular reviews of the painting. Plaza disaster in 2013, my first hearing Bangladeshi Government’s efforts to In the early 1970s, Jim, his wife, explored the tragedy and the con- better adhere to international labor Ruth, and a small group of naturalists sequences of a race to the bottom that standards. I believe the U.S. Govern- were leaders in the fight to preserve had increased companies’ profit mar- ment can and should do more to ensure and protect the land along the Sipsey gins alongside risks to their workers. that developing countries with which fork of the Black Warrior River in This was the first SFRC hearing fo- our country trades are taking nec- northwest Alabama. Because of his

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.030 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 dedication, Jim was chosen to testify jors in political science. She is a dedi- done for me, my staff, and the people of before Congress in support of the East- cated and diligent worker who has been the State of Florida. ern Wilderness Act, which was signed devoted to getting the most out of her John Paul is a student at the Univer- into law in 1975, and the Sipsey Wilder- internship experience. sity of North Florida, where he is pur- ness, in the Bankhead National Forest, I would like to extend my sincere suing his masters of science in manage- became the first wilderness designated thanks and appreciation to her for all ment. He is a dedicated and diligent in the act. Thanks to Jim and that de- the fine work she has done and wish worker who has been devoted to get- termined group, generations to come her continued success in the years to ting the most out of his internship ex- will continue to enjoy pristine, unde- come.∑ perience. I would like to extend my sincere veloped lands east of the Mississippi f River. Since passage of the act, more thanks and appreciation to John Paul than 140 Wilderness Areas and nearly TRIBUTE TO BRADLEY ALDRIDGE for all the fine work he has done and 1.5 million acres have been protected in ∑ wish him continued success in the Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I years to come.∑ the eastern United States. recognize Bradley Aldridge, a spring in- Like FDR, who, following in the foot- tern in my Orlando, FL, office, for all f steps of his ‘‘uncle’’ Teddy Roosevelt, of the hard work he has done for me, TRIBUTE TO PETER GILLIAN left a great conservation legacy, Jim my staff, and the people of the State of ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I saw ‘‘an America whose rivers and val- Florida. recognize Peter Gillian, a 2017 spring leys and lakes—hills and streams and Bradley Aldridge is a student at the intern in my Jacksonville, FL, office, plains—the mountains over our land University of Central Florida, where he for all of the hard work he has done for and nature’s wealth deep under the majors in political science. He is a me, my staff, and the people of the earth—are protected as the rightful dedicated and diligent worker who has State of Florida. heritage of all the people.’’ Thanks to been devoted to getting the most out of Peter is a student at the University men like Jim Manasco, more than half his internship experience. of North Florida, where he is majoring of the people who live in Alabama I would like to extend my sincere in accounting. He is a dedicated and enjoy outdoor recreation every year in thanks and appreciation to him for all diligent worker who has been devoted the most biologically diverse State the fine work he has done and wish him to getting the most out of his intern- east of the Mississippi River and one of continued success in the years to ship experience. the most biologically diverse States in come.∑ I would like to extend my sincere the entire country. Alabama boasts thanks and appreciation to Peter for f forests, woodlands, wetlands, caves, all the fine work he has done and wish glades, beaches, and prairies, not to TRIBUTE TO SAMANTHA BROWN him continued success in the years to ∑ mention more than 4,500 documented ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I come. species. recognize Samantha Brown, a spring f The importance of protecting and intern in my Orlando, FL, office, for all TRIBUTE TO KYLER GRAY wisely managing this natural wealth of the hard work she has done for me, cannot be overstated. In Alabama, out- ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I my staff, and the people of the State of recognize Kyler Gray, a spring intern door recreation generates 135,000 direct Florida. jobs—that is more than twice the num- in my Orlando, FL, office, for all of the Samantha is a student at the Univer- hard work he has done for me, my ber of auto manufacturing jobs—it gen- sity of Central Florida, where she ma- erates $3.9 billion in wages and salaries staff, and the people of the State of jors in political science and criminal Florida. and $857 million in State and local justice with a minor in legal studies. taxes. Kyler is a student at the University She is a dedicated and diligent worker of Central Florida, where he majors in I would be remiss if I did not mention who has been devoted to getting the Jim Manasco’s other important legacy, public administration. He is a dedi- most out of her internship experience. cated and diligent worker who has been that of Cherokee wisdomkeeper. The I would like to extend my sincere Cherokee played a significant role in devoted to getting the most out of his thanks and appreciation to her for all internship experience. the history of Alabama, and many Ala- the fine work she has done and wish bamians proudly claim Cherokee an- I would like to extend my sincere her continued success in the years to thanks and appreciation to him for all cestry. Jim was long honored as a Trib- come.∑ the fine work he has done and wish him al elder for his teachings about carv- continued success in the years to ings on beech trees, native symbols, f come.∑ ceremonial knowledge, and Tribal his- TRIBUTE TO FARAH FOUAD tory and for his intimate knowledge of f ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I the plants and animals that inhabit the TRIBUTE TO NATALIE HELLMANN landscape of the South. Some of this recognize Farah Fouad, a spring intern in my Orlando, FL, office, for all of the ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I wisdom was captured in his popular recognize Natalie Hellmann, a fall in- book, ‘‘Walking Sipsey,’’ published in hard work she has done for me, my staff, and the people of the State of tern in my Orlando, FL, office, for all 1992. of the hard work she has done for me, Jim always downplayed his accom- Florida. Farah is a graduate of Palm Beach my staff, and the people of the State of plishments, often saying, ‘‘Raw tal- Florida. ent’s got nothing over dogged deter- Atlantic University, where she majored in political science. She is a dedicated Natalie is a student at the Rollins mination.’’ Well, Jim Manasco was College, where she majors in business right, and America needs more men and diligent worker who has been de- voted to getting the most out of her in- administration. She is a dedicated and with dogged determination to do the diligent worker who has been devoted ternship experience. right thing. I hope to be one of them.∑ to getting the most out of her intern- I would like to extend my sincere f ship experience. thanks and appreciation to her for all I would like to extend my sincere TRIBUTE TO ALEXANDRA the fine work she has done and wish thanks and appreciation to her for all ABRAHAMS her continued success in the years to ∑ the fine work she has done and wish ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I come. her continued success in the years to recognize Alexandra Abrahams, a f come.∑ spring intern in my Orlando, FL, office, f for all of the hard work she has done TRIBUTE TO JOHN PAUL GILLIAN for me, my staff, and the people of the ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I TRIBUTE TO ETHAN HULLIHAN State of Florida. recognize John Paul Gillian, a 2017 ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I Alexandra is a student at the Univer- spring intern in my Jacksonville, FL, recognize Ethan Hullihan, a spring in- sity of Central Florida, where she ma- office, for all of the hard work he has tern in my Orlando, FL, office, for all

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.031 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2385 of the hard work he has done for me, in my Orlando, FL, office, for all of the TRIBUTE TO ZUBAIR SHAIKH my staff, and the people of the State of hard work she has done for me, my ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I Florida. staff, and the people of the State of recognize Zubair Shaikh, a spring in- Ethan is a student at the University Florida. tern in my Orlando, FL, office, for all of Central Florida, where he majors in Paola is a student at the University of the hard work he has done for me, political science. He is a dedicated and of Central Florida, where she majors in my staff, and the people of the State of diligent worker who has been devoted legal studies and minors in criminal Florida. to getting the most out of his intern- justice. She is a dedicated and diligent Zubair is a student at Valencia Col- ship experience. worker who has been devoted to get- I would like to extend my sincere lege, where he majors in political ting the most out of her internship ex- science. He is a dedicated and diligent thanks and appreciation to him for all perience. the fine work he has done and wish him worker who has been devoted to get- I would like to extend my sincere ting the most out of his internship ex- continued success in the years to thanks and appreciation to her for all come.∑ perience. the fine work she has done and wish I would like to extend my sincere f her continued success in the years to thanks and appreciation to him for all ∑ TRIBUTE TO MATTHEW MCCOY come. the fine work he has done and wish him ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I f continued success in the years to recognize Matthew McCoy, a fall intern come.∑ TRIBUTE TO AARON ROSENTHAL in my Orlando, FL, office, for all of the f hard work he has done for me, my ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I staff, and the people of the State of recognize Aaron Rosenthal, a spring in- TRIBUTE TO LOGAN SPINA Florida. tern in my Orlando, FL, office, for all ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I Matthew McCoy is a student at the of the hard work he has done for me, recognize Logan Spina, a spring intern University of Central Florida, where he my staff, and the people of the State of in my Orlando, FL, office, for all of the majors in political science. He is a Florida. hard work he has done for me, my dedicated and diligent worker who has Aaron is a student at the University staff, and the people of the State of been devoted to getting the most out of of Central Florida, where he majors in Florida. his internship experience. history. He is a dedicated and diligent Logan is a student at the University I would like to extend my sincere worker who has been devoted to get- of Central Florida, where he majors in thanks and appreciation to him for all ting the most out of his internship ex- political science. He is a dedicated and the fine work he has done and wish him perience. diligent worker who has been devoted continued success in the years to I would like to extend my sincere to getting the most out of his intern- come.∑ thanks and appreciation to him for all ship experience. f the fine work he has done and wish him I would like to extend my sincere TRIBUTE TO LEA MANGINO continued success in the years to thanks and appreciation to Logan for come.∑ ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I all the fine work he has done and wish recognize Lea Mangino, a spring intern f him continued success in the years to come.∑ in my Orlando, FL, office, for all of the TRIBUTE TO GABRIELLA RUIZ hard work she has done for me, my f staff, and the people of the State of ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I Florida. recognize Gabriella Ruiz, a spring in- TRIBUTE TO CYNTHIA ‘‘CINDY’’ Lea is a student at the University of tern in my Orlando, FL, office, for all STEVENS Central Florida, where she majors in of the hard work she has done for me, ∑ Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, today I political science and minors in busi- my staff, and the people of the State of wish to celebrate the admirable career ness administration. She is a dedicated Florida. of Ms. Cynthia ‘‘Cindy’’ Stevens, a na- and diligent worker who has been de- Gabriella is a student at the Univer- tive Mississippian whose success in voted to getting the most out of her in- sity of Central Florida, where she ma- business is accompanied by a lifelong ternship experience. jors in political science and minors in devotion to mentorship and public I would like to extend my sincere Spanish and business administration. service. thanks and appreciation to her for all She is a dedicated and diligent worker After graduating from Mississippi the fine work she has done and wish who has been devoted to getting the State University, Cindy came to Wash- her continued success in the years to most out of her internship experience. ington as an aide to Mississippi Con- come.∑ I would like to extend my sincere gressman Sonny Montgomery. She f thanks and appreciation to her for all would go on to serve as his legislative the fine work she has done and wish TRIBUTE TO MARIAH MAY director, helping to develop policies her continued success in the years to ∑ that made our State and country bet- Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I come.∑ ter. recognize Mariah May, a fall intern in Diligence and a devotion to good gov- my Orlando, FL, office, for all of the f ernance continued in her next role as hard work she has done for me, my TRIBUTE TO ALYSSA SCHOENROCK the director of public affairs at the staff, and the people of the State of ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I U.S. Chamber of Commerce, where she Florida. Mariah May is a student at the Uni- recognize Alyssa Schoenrock, a spring worked on issues related to campaign versity of Central Florida, where she intern in my Orlando, FL, office, for all finance and the administration of elec- majors in political science. She is a of the hard work she has done for me, tion laws by Federal agencies. She then dedicated and diligent worker who has my staff, and the people of the State of joined the Washington Board of Trade, been devoted to getting the most out of Florida. serving as a tireless advocate for the her internship experience. Alyssa is a student at the University business community. I would like to extend my sincere of Central Florida, where she majors in A reputation for hard work and re- thanks and appreciation to her for all legal studies. She is a dedicated and sults has characterized Cindy’s work at the fine work she has done and wish diligent worker who has been devoted the global accounting firm Deloitte her continued success in the years to to getting the most out of her intern- since she started in 1993 as a member of come.∑ ship experience. the support staff for its east coast liti- I would like to extend my sincere gation support services. She was quick- f thanks and appreciation to her for all ly promoted to risk support manage- TRIBUTE TO PAOLA RAMOS the fine work she has done and wish ment and rose to become a principal in ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I her continued success in the years to government relations, overseeing legis- recognize Paola Ramos, a spring intern come.∑ lative affairs at the State and local

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.039 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2386 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 levels. She led Deloitte’s efforts to titled ‘‘Bacillus licheniformis strain titled ‘‘Approval of State Plans for Des- comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, FMCH001; Exemption from the Requirement ignated Facilities and Pollutants; Missouri; and her collaboration with the strategy of a Tolerance’’ (FRL No. 9971–54) received Hospital, Medical, and Infection Waste Incin- eration (HMIWI) Units’’ (FRL No. 9977–10–Re- groups of other Big Four firms helped during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- fice of the President of the Senate on April gion 7) received during adjournment of the meet key legislative and regulatory 20, 2018; to the Committee on Agriculture, Senate in the Office of the President of the agency objectives. Nutrition, and Forestry. Senate on April 20, 2018; to the Committee on Cindy has been a role model to other EC–4942. A communication from the Direc- Environment and Public Works. female professionals throughout her tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–4952. A communication from the Direc- career. She was a mentor to my cur- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, rent chief of staff when she was first ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- starting her congressional career. titled ‘‘Chlormequat Chloride; Pesticide Tol- erances’’ (FRL No. 9974–42) received during titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- Later at Deloitte, she highlighted the adjournment of the Senate in the Office of mentation Plans; Texas; Control of Air Pol- achievements and talents of younger the President of the Senate on April 20, 2018; lution from Visible Emissions and Particu- female employees to her peers in other to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, late Matter’’ (FRL No. 9976–92) received dur- firms. She has also been instrumental and Forestry. ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office in efforts to elect women to Congress. EC–4943. A communication from the Gen- of the President of the Senate on April 20, Cindy’s own story of success as one of eral Counsel, Government Accountability Of- 2018; to the Committee on Environment and fice, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Public Works. the highest ranking female principals EC–4953. A communication from the Chief at Deloitte continues to inspire young of violations of the Antideficiency Act by the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Alco- of the Branch of Domestic Listing, Fish and women. She remains active in organi- hol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosions (ATF) Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, zations she supports, serving on the between fiscal years 2000 and 2016; to the transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Mississippi State Foundation Board of Committee on Appropriations. a rule entitled ‘‘Endangered and Threatened Directors, National Capital Multiple EC–4944. A communication from the Senior Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species Sta- Sclerosis Society Board, and the U.S. Official performing the duties of the Under tus for Yellow Lance (RIN1018–BB45) received Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readi- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Chamber Public Affairs Committee. fice of the President of the Senate on April I wish Cindy well in her retirement. I ness), transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- port relative to the Department of Defense’s 20, 2018; to the Committee on Environment know she will continue to use her tal- Evaluation of the TRICARE Program for fis- and Public Works. EC–4954. A communication from the Pro- ents and experience to benefit her com- cal year 2017; to the Committee on Armed gram Coordinator, Fish and Wildlife Service, munity.∑ Services. Department of the Interior, transmitting, f EC–4945. A communication from the Sec- retary of Defense, transmitting a report on pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT the approved retirement of Vice Admiral ‘‘Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Con- servation Stamp (Duck Stamp) Contest Reg- Paul A. Grosklags, United States Navy, and Messages from the President of the ulations’’ (RIN1018–BB23) received during ad- his advancement to the grade of vice admiral journment of the Senate in the Office of the United States were communicated to on the retired list; to the Committee on President of the Senate on April 20, 2018; to the Senate by Ms. Cuccia, one of his Armed Services. secretaries. EC–4946. A communication from the Sec- the Committee on Environment and Public retary of Defense, transmitting a report on Works. f EC–4955. A communication from the Chief the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- of the Branch of Listing Policy and Support, EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED eral Gary H. Cheek, United States Army, and Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the In executive session the Presiding Of- his advancement to the grade of lieutenant Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ficer laid before the Senate messages general on the retired list; to the Committee report of a rule entitled ‘‘Endangered and on Armed Services. Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing from the President of the United EC–4947. A communication from the Sec- Textual Descriptions of Critical Habitat States submitting sundry nominations retary of Defense, transmitting a report on Boundaries for Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, which were referred to the appropriate the approved retirement of Admiral Scott H. Fishes, Clams, Snails, Arachnids, Crusta- committees. Swift, United States Navy, and his advance- ceans, and Insects’’ (RIN1018–BA81) received (The messages received today are ment to the grade of admiral on the retired during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- printed at the end of the Senate pro- list; to the Committee on Armed Services. fice of the President of the Senate on April EC–4948. A communication from the Alter- ceedings.) 20, 2018; to the Committee on Environment nate Federal Register Liaison Officer, Office and Public Works. f of the Secretary, Department of Defense, EC–4956. A communication from the Chief EXECUTIVE AND OTHER transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of of the Branch of Delisting, Downlisting, and a rule entitled ‘‘Employment of Military Re- COMMUNICATIONS Foreign Species, Fish and Wildlife Service, sources in the Event of Civil Disturbances’’ Department of the Interior, transmitting, The following communications were (RIN0790–AK07) received in the Office of the pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled laid before the Senate, together with President of the Senate on April 18, 2018; to ‘‘Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and accompanying papers, reports, and doc- the Committee on Armed Services. Plants; Removing the Black-Capped Vireo EC–4949. A communication from the Direc- uments, and were referred as indicated: From the Federal List of Endangered and tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Threatened Wildlife’’ (RIN1018–BB79) re- EC–4939. A communication from the Man- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ceived during adjournment of the Senate in agement and Program Analyst, Forest Serv- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- the Office of the President of the Senate on ice, Department of Agriculture, transmit- titled ‘‘State of North Dakota Underground April 20, 2018; to the Committee on Environ- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Injection Control Program; Class VI Pri- ment and Public Works. titled ‘‘Forest Services Directives’’ (RIN0596– macy’’ (FRL No. 9976–92–OW) received during EC–4957. A communication from the Chief AC65) received in the Office of the President adjournment of the Senate in the Office of of the Branch of Domestic Listing, Fish and of the Senate on April 18, 2018; to the Com- the President of the Senate on April 20, 2018; Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of estry. lic Works. a rule entitled ‘‘Endangered and Threatened EC–4940. A communication from the Direc- EC–4950. A communication from the Direc- Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species Sta- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tus for Louisiana Pinesnake’’ (RIN1018–BB46) Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- received during adjournment of the Senate ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- in the Office of the President of the Senate titled ‘‘Bacillus sibtilis strain FMCH002; Ex- titled ‘‘New York: Incorporation by Ref- on April 20, 2018; to the Committee on Envi- emption from the Requirement of a Toler- erence of State Hazardous Waste Manage- ronment and Public Works. ance’’ (FRL No. 9971–55) received during ad- ment Program’’ (FRL No. 9974–06–Region 2) EC–4958. A communication from the Chief journment of the Senate in the Office of the received during adjournment of the Senate of the Publications and Regulations Branch, President of the Senate on April 20, 2018; to in the Office of the President of the Senate Internal Revenue Service, Department of the the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, on April 20, 2018; to the Committee on Envi- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the and Forestry. ronment and Public Works. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Modification of EC–4941. A communication from the Direc- EC–4951. A communication from the Direc- Certain 2018 Cost-of-Living Adjustments’’ tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, (Rev. Proc. 2018–22) received in the Office of Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- the President of the Senate on April 18, 2018; ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- to the Committee on Finance.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24AP6.050 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2387 EC–4959. A communication from the Chief nance, and repair of AN/PRC–158 software de- on D.C. Act 22–303, ‘‘Deferred Compensation of the Publications and Regulations Branch, fined tactical radio systems and the Network Program Enrollment Amendment Act of Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Planning and Management System for com- 2018’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the mand and control/command, control, com- rity and Governmental Affairs. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Fringe Benefits munications, computers, intelligence, sur- EC–4976. A communication from the Chair- Aircraft Valuation Formula’’ (Rev. Proc. veillance and reconnaissance mission appli- man of the Council of the District of Colum- 2018–10) received in the Office of the Presi- cations in the amount of $100,000,000 or more bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report dent of the Senate on April 18, 2018; to the (Transmittal No. DDTC 17–138); to the Com- on D.C. Act 22–304, ‘‘Office-to-Affordable- Committee on Finance. mittee on Foreign Relations. Housing Task Force Establishment Act of EC–4960. A communication from the Assist- EC–4966. A communication from the Assist- 2018’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- ant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, Depart- rity and Governmental Affairs. ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to the EC–4977. A communication from the Chair- section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control Act, Case-Zablocki Act, 1 U.S.C. 112b, as amended, man of the Council of the District of Colum- the certification of a proposed license for the the report of the texts and background state- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report export of defense articles, including tech- ments of international agreements, other on D.C. Act 22–305, ‘‘Community Residential nical data, and defense services to Belgium, than treaties (List 2018–0036—2018–0039); to Facilities Third-Party Notice of Utility Dis- Norway and the United Kingdom to support the Committee on Foreign Relations. connection Requirement of 2018’’; to the the maintenance, repair and overhaul of F– EC–4967. A communication from the Direc- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- 100 aircraft engines in the amount of tor of the Division of Longhsore and Harbor ernmental Affairs. $100,000,000 or more (Transmittal No. DDTC Workers’ Compensation, Office of Workers’ EC–4978. A communication from the Chair- 17–089); to the Committee on Foreign Rela- Compensation Programs, Department of man of the Council of the District of Colum- tions. Labor, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report EC–4961. A communication from the Assist- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Longshore and Har- on D.C. Act 22–306, ‘‘Great Streets Technical ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- bor Workers’ Compensation Act: Maximum Amendment Act of 2018’’; to the Committee ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to and Minimum Compensation Rates’’ on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control Act, (RIN1240–AA06) received in the Office of the fairs. the certification of a proposed license for the President of the Senate on April 19, 2018; to EC–4979. A communication from the Chair- export of defense articles, including tech- the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, man of the Council of the District of Colum- nical data, and defense services to France and Pensions. bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report and Japan to support development and modi- EC–4968. A communication from the Acting on D.C. Act 22–307, ‘‘Medical Assistance Pro- fication of maritime patrol aircraft for use Director, Court Services and Offender Super- gram Modernization Amendment Act of by the government of Japan in the amount vision Agency for the District of Columbia, 2018’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- of $100,000,000 or more (Transmittal No. transmitting, pursuant to law, the Agency’s rity and Governmental Affairs. DDTC 17–117); to the Committee on Foreign fiscal year 2017 annual report relative to the EC–4980. A communication from the Chair- Relations. Notification and Federal Employee Anti- EC–4962. A communication from the Assist- man of the Council of the District of Colum- discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- (No FEAR Act); to the Committee on Home- ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to on D.C. Act 22–308, ‘‘Dupont Circle Business land Security and Governmental Affairs. Improvement District Amendment Act of section 36(c) and (d) of the Arms Export Con- EC–4969. A communication from the Assist- trol Act, the certification of a proposed li- 2018’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- ant Secretary for Administration, Depart- rity and Governmental Affairs. cense for the manufacture of significant ment of Transportation, transmitting, pur- EC–4981. A communication from the Chair- military equipment abroad and the export of suant to law, the Agency’s fiscal year 2016 man of the Council of the District of Colum- defense articles, including technical data, Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report and defense services to Japan to support the Act submission of its commercial and inher- on D.C. Act 22–312, ‘‘Senior Dental Services manufacture of Mk 46 Torpedo assemblies ently governmental activities; to the Com- Program Act of 2018’’; to the Committee on and components in Japan in the amount of mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- $100,000,000 or more (Transmittal No. DDTC mental Affairs. fairs. 17–133); to the Committee on Foreign Rela- EC–4970. A communication from the Direc- EC–4982. A communication from the Chair- tions. tor, Office of Personnel Management, trans- man of the Council of the District of Colum- EC–4963. A communication from the Assist- mitting, pursuant to law, the Office’s Fiscal bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- Year 2017 annual report relative to the Noti- on D.C. Act 22–313, ‘‘Interstate Medical Li- ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to fication and Federal Employee Antidiscrimi- censure Compact Enactment Act of 2018’’; to section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control Act, nation and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR the Committee on Homeland Security and the certification of a proposed license for the Act); to the Committee on Homeland Secu- Governmental Affairs. export of defense articles, including tech- rity and Governmental Affairs. nical data, and defense services to the United EC–4971. A communication from the Acting EC–4983. A communication from the Chair- Kingdom for the assembly of GPS Aided In- Director, Court Services and Offender Super- man of the Council of the District of Colum- ertial Navigation Systems (GAINS) and man- vision Agency for the District of Columbia, bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report ufacture of the electronic and mechanical transmitting, pursuant to law, the Agency’s on D.C. Act 22–314, ‘‘Nurse Staffing Agency components and parts for GAINS for use in fiscal year 2017 annual report relative to the Amendment Act of 2018’’; to the Committee Paveway Weapon Systems in the amount of Notification and Federal Employee Anti- on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- $100,000,000 or more (Transmittal No. DDTC discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 fairs. 17–136); to the Committee on Foreign Rela- (No FEAR Act); to the Committee on Home- EC–4984. A communication from the Chair- tions. land Security and Governmental Affairs. man of the Council of the District of Colum- EC–4964. A communication from the Assist- EC–4972. A communication from the Chair- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- man of the Council of the District of Colum- on D.C. Act 22–315, ‘‘Maternal Mortality Re- ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report view Committee Establishment Act of 2018’’; section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control Act, on D.C. Act 22–300, ‘‘Injured Metropolitan to the Committee on Homeland Security and the certification of a proposed license for the Police Office Relief Amendment Act of 2018’’; Governmental Affairs. export of defense articles, including tech- to the Committee on Homeland Security and EC–4985. A communication from the Senior nical data, and defense services to the United Governmental Affairs. Official performing the duties of the Under Kingdom for the manufacture of control sec- EC–4973. A communication from the Chair- Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readi- tion units and associated electronics mod- man of the Council of the District of Colum- ness), transmitting, pursuant to law, the De- ules for the AIM–120 Advanced Medium bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report partment’s fiscal years 2016 and 2017 annual Range Air-to-Air Missile for end use by the on D.C. Act 22–301, ‘‘Child Neglect and Sex reports relative to the Notification and Fed- United States Government in the amount of Trafficking Temporary Amendment Act of eral Employee Antidiscrimination and Re- $100,000,000 or more (Transmittal No. DDTC 2018’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- taliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act); to the 17–137); to the Committee on Foreign Rela- rity and Governmental Affairs. Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- tions. EC–4974. A communication from the Chair- ernmental Affairs. EC–4965. A communication from the Assist- man of the Council of the District of Colum- EC–4986. A communication from the Sec- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report retary of the Federal Trade Commission, ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to on D.C. Act 22–302, ‘‘Pools Without Penalties transmitting, pursuant to law, a report enti- section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control Act, Temporary Act of 2018’’; to the Committee tled ‘‘Hart-Scott-Rodino Annual Report: Fis- the certification of a proposed license for the on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- cal Year 2017’’; to the Committee on the Ju- export of defense articles, including tech- fairs. diciary. nical data, and defense services to Australia EC–4975. A communication from the Chair- EC–4987. A communication from the Regu- to support the integration and operation, en- man of the Council of the District of Colum- lation Policy Development Coordinator, Of- gineering support, training, testing, mainte- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report fice of Regulation Policy and Management,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.009 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 Department of Veterans Affairs, transmit- in the Office of the President of the Senate EC–5004. A communication from the Man- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Com- agement and Program Analyst, Federal titled ‘‘Revise and Streamline VA Acquisi- merce, Science, and Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of tion Regulation to Adhere to Federal Acqui- EC–4996. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to sition Regulation Principles (VAAR Case agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- 2014–V001)’’ (RIN2900–AP50) received during Aviation Administration, Department of ness Directives; Bombardier, Inc. Airplanes’’ adjournment of the Senate in the Office of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2017–0495)) the President of the Senate on April 20, 2018; law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- received in the Office of the President of the to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. ness Directives; The Company Air- Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on EC–4988. A communication from the Man- planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– Commerce, Science, and Transportation. agement and Program Analyst, Federal 2017–0711)) received in the Office of the Presi- EC–5005. A communication from the Man- Aviation Administration, Department of dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the agement and Program Analyst, Federal Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ness Directives; Agusta S.p.A. Helicopters’’ EC–4997. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2017–0940)) agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; Pacific Aerospace Limited received in the Office of the President of the Aviation Administration, Department of Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to FAA–2018–0285)) received in the Office of the Commerce, Science, and Transportation. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- President of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to EC–4989. A communication from the Man- ness Directives; The Boeing Company Air- the Committee on Commerce, Science, and agement and Program Analyst, Federal planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of 2017–1176)) received in the Office of the Presi- EC–5006. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of ness Directives; Agusta S.p.A. Helicopters’’ Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2018–0170)) EC–4998. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- received in the Office of the President of the agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; Textron Aviation Inc. Air- Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Aviation Administration, Department of planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to 2017–1120)) received in the Office of the Presi- EC–4990. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; The Boeing Company Air- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to 2017–0805)) received in the Office of the Presi- EC–5007. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; Agusta S.p.A. Helicopters’’ Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2017–1010)) Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to EC–4999. A communication from the Man- received in the Office of the President of the law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- agement and Program Analyst, Federal Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on ness Directives; Textron Aviation Inc. Air- Aviation Administration, Department of Commerce, Science, and Transportation. planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– EC–4991. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to 2018–0288)) received in the Office of the Presi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- agement and Program Analyst, Federal dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the ness Directives; The Boeing Company Air- Aviation Administration, Department of Committee on Commerce, Science, and planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation. 2017–0668)) received in the Office of the Presi- EC–5008. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; Airbus Helicopters Deutsch- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of land GmbH (Previously Eurocopter Deutsch- Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to land GmbH) Helicopters’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) EC–5000. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- (Docket No. FAA–2017–1011)) received in the agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; Dassault Aviation Air- Office of the President of the Senate on April Aviation Administration, Department of planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– 23, 2018; to the Committee on Commerce, Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to 2017–0908)) received in the Office of the Presi- Science, and Transportation. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the EC–4992. A communication from the Man- ness Directives; The Boeing Company Air- Committee on Commerce, Science, and agement and Program Analyst, Federal planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of 2017–0778)) received in the Office of the Presi- EC–5009. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of ness Directives; Airbus Helicopters’’ Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2018–0177)) EC–5001. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- received in the Office of the President of the agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; XtremeAir GmbH Air- Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Aviation Administration, Department of planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to 2018–0284)) received in the Office of the Presi- EC–4993. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; The Boeing Company Air- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to 2017–0903)) received in the Office of the Presi- EC–5010. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; Airbus Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120– Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2017–0902)) received Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to in the Office of the President of the Senate EC–5002. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Com- agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; Piper Aircraft, Incor- merce, Science, and Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of porated’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– EC–4994. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to 2018–0245)) received in the Office of the Presi- agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Aviation Administration, Department of ness Directives; Bombardier, Inc. Airplanes’’ Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2017–0810)) Transportation. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- received in the Office of the President of the EC–5011. A communication from the Man- ness Directives; Airbus Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120– Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on agement and Program Analyst, Federal AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2017–1096)) received Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of in the Office of the President of the Senate EC–5003. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Com- agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- merce, Science, and Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of ness Directives; Honda Aircraft Company EC–4995. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to LLC’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- 2018–0223)) received in the Office of the Presi- Aviation Administration, Department of ness Directives; Bombardier, Inc. Airplanes’’ dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2017–0626)) Committee on Commerce, Science, and law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- received in the Office of the President of the Transportation. ness Directives; Airbus Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120– Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on EC–5012. A communication from the Man- AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2018–0164)) received Commerce, Science, and Transportation. agement and Program Analyst, Federal

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.011 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2389 Aviation Administration, Department of the Office of the President of the Senate on of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Com- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Com- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- merce, Science, and Transportation. tation. ness Directives; Embraer S.A. Airplanes’’ EC–5020. A communication from the Man- EC–5028. A communication from the Man- ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2018–1119)) agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal received in the Office of the President of the Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Commerce, Science, and Transportation. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- EC–5013. A communication from the Man- ment of Class D and E Airspace for the fol- ment of Class D Airspace; Clanton, AL’’ agement and Program Analyst, Federal lowing Missouri Towns; Cape Giradeau , MO; ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2017–0802)) Aviation Administration, Department of St. Louis, MO; and Macon, MO’’ ((RIN2120– received in the Office of the President of the Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2016–9559)) received Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- in the Office of the President of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation. ness Directives; Fokker Services B.V. Air- on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Com- EC–5029. A communication from the Man- planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– merce, Science, and Transportation. agement and Program Analyst, Federal 2018–0268)) received in the Office of the Presi- EC–5021. A communication from the Man- Aviation Administration, Department of dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the agement and Program Analyst, Federal Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Modifica- Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to tion and Revocation of multiple Air Traffic EC–5014. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Services (ATS) Routes; Northcentral United agement and Program Analyst, Federal ment of Class E Airspace; Messana, NY’’ States’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA– Aviation Administration, Department of ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2017–0953)) 2016–9555)) received in the Office of the Presi- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to received in the Office of the President of the dent of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Committee on Commerce, Science, and Instrument Approach Procedures, and Take- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Transportation. off Minimums and Obstacle Departure Proce- EC–5022. A communication from the Man- EC–5030. A communication from the Man- dures; Miscellaneous Amendments (20); agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal Amdt. No. 3792’’ (RIN2120–AA65) received in Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of the Office of the President of the Senate on Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Com- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Establish- merce, Science, and Transportation. ment of Class B Airspace Description; St. ment of Class E Airspace; Yuma, CO’’ EC–5015. A communication from the Man- Louis, MO’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2017–1064)) agement and Program Analyst, Federal FAA–2017–0178)) received in the Office of the received in the Office of the President of the Aviation Administration, Department of President of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Commerce, Science, and Transportation. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard Transportation. EC–5031. A communication from the Man- Instrument Approach Procedures, and Take- EC–5023. A communication from the Man- agement and Program Analyst, Federal off Minimums and Obstacle Departure Proce- agement and Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of dures; Miscellaneous Amendments (125); Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Amdt. No. 3791’’ (RIN2120–AA65) received in Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- the Office of the President of the Senate on law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- ment of Restricted Areas R–2907C; Lake April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Com- ment of Class E Airspace; Selinsgrove, PA’’ George, FL, R–2910B, R–2910C, and R–2910E; merce, Science, and Transportation. ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2014–0839)) Pinecastle, FL’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. EC–5016. A communication from the Man- received in the Office of the President of the FAA–2018–0103)) received in the Office of the agement and Program Analyst, Federal Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on President of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to Aviation Administration, Department of Commerce, Science, and Transportation. the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to EC–5024. A communication from the Man- Transportation. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–5032. A communication from the Man- Instrument Approach Procedures, and Take- Aviation Administration, Department of agement and Program Analyst, Federal off Minimums and Obstacle Departure Proce- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Aviation Administration, Department of dures; Miscellaneous Amendments (17); law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Amdt. No. 3794’’ (RIN2120–AA65) received in ment, Revocation, and Establishment of law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- the Office of the President of the Senate on Class D and E Airspace; Enid Vance AFB, ment of Restricted Areas R–2907C, R–2910B, April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Com- OK; Enid Woodring Municipal Airport, OK; R–2910C, and R–2910E; Pinecastle, FL’’ merce, Science, and Transportation. Enid, OK; and Vance AFB, OK’’ ((RIN2120– ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2018–0103)) EC–5017. A communication from the Man- AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2016–9378)) received received in the Office of the President of the agement and Program Analyst, Federal in the Office of the President of the Senate Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Aviation Administration, Department of on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Com- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to merce, Science, and Transportation. EC–5033. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard EC–5025. A communication from the Man- agement and Program Analyst, Federal Instrument Approach Procedures, and Take- agement and Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of off Minimums and Obstacle Departure Proce- Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to dures; Miscellaneous Amendments (74); Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Amdt. No. 3793’’ (RIN2120–AA65) received in law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- ment of Restricted Areas R–2501E, R–2501N, the Office of the President of the Senate on ment of Class E Airspace; Massena, NY’’ R–2501W, and R–2501S; Bullion Mountains, April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Com- ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2017–0953)) CA’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2018– merce, Science, and Transportation. received in the Office of the President of the 0102)) received in the Office of the President EC–5018. A communication from the Man- Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Com- agement and Program Analyst, Federal Commerce, Science, and Transportation. mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Aviation Administration, Department of EC–5026. A communication from the Man- tation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–5034. A communication from the Trial law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard Aviation Administration, Department of Attorney, Federal Railroad Administration, Instrument Approach Procedures, and Take- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Department of Transportation, transmitting, off Minimums and Obstacle Departure Proce- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled dures; Miscellaneous Amendments (75); ment of Class D and E Airspace; Lewiston, ‘‘System Safety Program’’ ((RIN2130–AC31) Amdt. No. 3789’’ (RIN2120–AA65) received in ID’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2017– (Docket No. FRA–2011–0060, Notice No. 6)) re- the Office of the President of the Senate on 0986)) received in the Office of the President ceived in the Office of the President of the April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Com- of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Com- Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on merce, Science, and Transportation. mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. EC–5019. A communication from the Man- tation. EC–5035. A communication from the Trial agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–5027. A communication from the Man- Attorney, Federal Railroad Administration, Aviation Administration, Department of agement and Program Analyst, Federal Department of Transportation, transmitting, Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Aviation Administration, Department of pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ‘‘System Safety Program’’ ((RIN2130–AC31) Instrument Approach Procedures, and Take- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- (Docket No. FRA–2011–0060, Notice No. 5)) re- off Minimums and Obstacle Departure Proce- ment of Class D and E Airspace; Twin Falls, ceived in the Office of the President of the dures; Miscellaneous Amendments (34); ID’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2017– Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Amdt. No. 3790’’ (RIN2120–AA65) received in 0969)) received in the Office of the President Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.013 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2390 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 EC–5036. A communication from the Trial ministration, Department of Homeland Se- Navy nomination of Rear Adm. (lh) Brent Attorney, Federal Railroad Administration, curity, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- W. Scott, to be Rear Admiral (lower half). Department of Transportation, transmitting, port entitled ‘‘2018 Biennial National Strat- Navy nomination of Capt. Darin K. Via, to pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled egy for Transportation Security’’; to the be Rear Admiral (lower half). ‘‘System Safety Program’’ ((RIN2130–AC31) Committee on Commerce, Science, and Marine Corps nomination of Lt. Gen. Mi- (Docket No. FRA–2011–0060, Notice No. 6)) re- Transportation. chael G. Dana, to be Lieutenant General. ceived in the Office of the President of the Marine Corps nomination of Lt. Gen. David f Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on H. Berger, to be Lieutenant General. Commerce, Science, and Transportation. EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF Marine Corps nominations beginning with EC–5037. A communication from the Trial COMMITTEES Col. Stephen E. Liszewski and ending with Attorney, Federal Railroad Administration, Col. Calvert L. Worth, Jr., which nomina- Department of Transportation, transmitting, The following executive reports of tions were received by the Senate and ap- pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled nominations were submitted: peared in the Congressional Record on April 9, 2018. ‘‘Training, Qualification, and Oversight for By Mr. INHOFE for Mr. MCCAIN for the Safety-Related Railroad Employees’’ Committee on Armed Services. Marine Corps nomination of Maj. Gen. (RIN2130–AC68) received in the Office of the Air Force nomination of Maj. Gen. Doro- Charles G. Chiarotti, to be Lieutenant Gen- President of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to thy A. Hogg, to be Lieutenant General. eral. the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Navy nomination of Rear Adm. Richard P. Mr. INHOFE for Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. Transportation. Snyder, to be Vice Admiral. President, for the Committee on Armed EC–5038. A communication from the Trial Navy nomination of Vice Adm. John C. Attorney, Federal Railroad Administration, Services I report favorably the fol- Aquilino, to be Admiral. Department of Transportation, transmitting, lowing nomination lists which were Navy nomination of Vice Adm. Charles A. pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled printed in the RECORDS on the dates in- Richard, to be Vice Admiral . ‘‘System Safety Program’’ ((RIN2130–AC31) Navy nomination of Capt. Gregory N. dicated, and ask unanimous consent, to (Docket No. FRA–2011–0060, Notice No. 4)) re- Todd, to be Rear Admiral (lower half). save the expense of reprinting on the ceived in the Office of the President of the Navy nomination of Capt. John S. Executive Calendar that these nomina- Senate on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Lemmon, to be Rear Admiral (lower half). tions lie at the Secretary’s desk for the Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Navy nominations beginning with Rear EC–5039. A communication from the Fed- information of Senators. Adm. (lh) Ronald C. Copley and ending with eral Register Liaison Officer, Alcohol and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Rear Adm. (lh) Kathleen M. Creighton, which Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Department objection, it is so ordered. nominations were received by the Senate and of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to Air Force nominations beginning with appeared in the Congressional Record on law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Establish- Richard G. Anderson and ending with Joel K. March 12, 2018. ment of the Cape May Peninsula Viticultural Warren, which nominations were received by Navy nominations beginning with Rear Area’’ (RIN1513–AC26) received in the Office the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Adm. (lh) Brian K. Corey and ending with of the President of the Senate on April 18, sional Record on February 8, 2018. Rear Adm. (lh) Johnny R. Wolfe, Jr., which 2018; to the Committee on Commerce, Air Force nominations beginning with nominations were received by the Senate and Science, and Transportation. Ronnelle Armstrong and ending with John appeared in the Congressional Record on EC–5040. A communication from the Chief Marion Von Almen, which nominations were March 12, 2018. Counsel, National Institute of Standards and received by the Senate and appeared in the Navy nomination of Rear Adm. (lh) Darse Technology, Department of Commerce, Congressional Record on February 8, 2018. E. Crandall, to be Rear Admiral. transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Air Force nominations beginning with Ali- Navy nominations beginning with Capt. a rule entitled ‘‘Rights to Federally Funded son Lee Beach and ending with Cortney Kristen B. Fabry and ending with Capt. Jo- Inventions and Licensing of Government Lynn Zuercher, which nominations were re- seph D. Noble, Jr., which nominations were Owned Inventions’’ (RIN0693–AB63) received ceived by the Senate and appeared in the received by the Senate and appeared in the in the Office of the President of the Senate Congressional Record on February 8, 2018. on April 23, 2018; to the Committee on Com- Congressional Record on March 12, 2018. Air Force nominations beginning with Mi- merce, Science, and Transportation. Navy nominations beginning with Capt. chael J. Abbott and ending with David Rus- EC–5041. A communication from the Chief Heidi K. Berg and ending with Capt. William sell Wright, which nominations were re- of Staff, Media Bureau, Federal Communica- E. Chase III, which nominations were re- ceived by the Senate and appeared in the tions Commission, transmitting, pursuant to ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record on April 9, 2018. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Congressional Record on March 12, 2018. Army nomination of Tia W. Caphart, to be ment of Section 73.624(g) of the Commission’s Navy nomination of Capt. John J. Lieutenant Colonel. Rules Regarding Submission of FCC Form Adametz, to be Rear Admiral (lower half). Army nomination of Napoleon A. Campos, 2100, Schedule G, Used to Report TV Sta- Navy nomination of Capt. Thomas J. An- to be Lieutenant Colonel. tions’ Ancillary or Supplementary Services; derson, to be Rear Admiral (lower half). Army nomination of Kevin R. Embry, to be Modernization of Media Regulation Initia- Navy nominations beginning with Capt. Colonel. tive’’ ((MB Docket No. 17–264 and MB Docket James A. Aiken and ending with Capt. Army nomination of Andrew J. Furjanic, No. 17–105) (FCC 18–41)) received in the Office George M. Wikoff, which nominations were to be Colonel. of the President of the Senate on April 18, received by the Senate and appeared in the Army nomination of Daniel L. Lee, to be 2018; to the Committee on Commerce, Congressional Record on March 12, 2018. Colonel. Science, and Transportation. Air Force nomination of Gen. Terrence J. Army nomination of John M. Williams, to EC–5042. A communication from the Dep- O’Shaughnessy, to be General. be Colonel. uty Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bu- Air Force nomination of Col. Michael T. Army nomination of Roberto reau, Federal Communications Commission, Gerock, to be Brigadier General. Sorianoolivas, to be Major. transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Stephen G. Army nomination of Jason Palatas, to be a rule entitled ‘‘Auction of FM Translator Fogarty, to be Lieutenant General. Major. Construction Permits Scheduled for June 21, Army nomination of Brig. Gen. Raymond Army nominations beginning with Jose R. 2018; Notice and Filing Requirements, Min- S. Dingle, to be Major General. Reveles, Jr. and ending with Kenneth J. imum Opening Bids, Upfront Payments, and Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Francis M. Strauss, which nominations were received by Other Procedures for Auction 83’’ ((AU Dock- Beaudette, to be Lieutenant General. the Senate and appeared in the Congres- et No. 17–351) (DA 18–257)) received in the Of- Army nominations beginning with Brig. sional Record on April 9, 2018. fice of the President of the Senate on April Gen. Eugene J. LeBoeuf and ending with Col. Army nomination of D012279, to be Lieu- 18, 2018; to the Committee on Commerce, Robert E. Suter, which nominations were re- tenant Colonel. Science, and Transportation. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Army nomination of Russell B. Gilliland, EC–5043. A communication from the Man- Congressional Record on April 9, 2018. to be Major. agement and Program Analyst, Federal Navy nomination of Adm. Philip S. David- Army nomination of Erik M. Bauer, to be Aviation Administration, Department of son, to be Admiral. Colonel. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Navy nomination of Rear Adm. David M. Army nomination of Lawrence W. Henry, law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Kriete, to be Vice Admiral. to be Colonel. ness Directives; Pacific Aerospace Limited Navy nomination of Rear Adm. (lh) Army nomination of Kenneth A. Willeford, Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. Michelle C. Skubic, to be Rear Admiral. to be Lieutenant Colonel. FAA–2018–0210)) received in the Office of the Navy nominations beginning with Rear Army nomination of D012941, to be Lieu- President of the Senate on April 23, 2018; to Adm. (lh) Eugene H. Black III and ending tenant Colonel. the Committee on Commerce, Science, and with Rear Adm. (lh) Kenneth R. Whitesell, Army nomination of Roxanne T. Sickles, Transportation. which nominations were received by the Sen- to be Major. EC–5044. A communication from the Ad- ate and appeared in the Congressional Army nomination of James F. Huggins II, ministrator, Transportation Security Ad- Record on April 9, 2018. to be Colonel.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.016 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2391 Army nomination of Denny L. Rozenberg, with service animals to adhere to a standard service programs for homeless veterans to be Colonel. of service animal behavior training; to the to furnish care to dependents of home- Marine Corps nomination of Douglas R. Committee on Commerce, Science, and less veterans, and for other purposes. Burian, to be Major. Transportation. S. 428 Marine Corps nomination of Chad R. Fitz- By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Mr. CAS- gerald, to be Lieutenant Colonel. SIDY, Mr. ALEXANDER, and Mr. At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the Navy nomination of Edward M. Crossman, CASEY): name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. to be Captain. S. 2739. A bill to increase the authority of Navy nominations beginning with Nana K. COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. the Secretary of Health and Human Services Appiawiah and ending with Austin R. Young- 428, a bill to amend titles XIX and XXI to restrict the entrance of illicit drugs into er, which nominations were received by the of the Social Security Act to authorize the United States; to the Committee on Senate and appeared in the Congressional States to provide coordinated care to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Record on March 12, 2018. By Mr. MARKEY (for himself, Ms. children with complex medical condi- By Mr. ALEXANDER for the Committee tions through enhanced pediatric on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. WARREN, Ms. HARRIS, Mrs. SHAHEEN, *Jon Parrish Peede, of Mississippi, to be Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. health homes, and for other purposes. Chairperson of the National Endowment for VAN HOLLEN, and Mr. SANDERS): S. 448 the Humanities for a term of four years. S. 2740. A bill to authorize the National At the request of Mr. BROWN, the *Nomination was reported with rec- Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to name of the Senator from Rhode Island establish a Climate Change Education Pro- ommendation that it be confirmed sub- gram, and for other purposes; to the Com- (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) was added as a co- ject to the nominee’s commitment to mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- sponsor of S. 448, a bill to amend title respond to requests to appear and tes- tation. XVIII of the Social Security Act to tify before any duly constituted com- By Mr. CASSIDY (for himself and Ms. provide for treatment of clinical psy- mittee of the Senate. BALDWIN): chologists as physicians for purposes of (Nominations without an asterisk S. 2741. A bill to authorize the United furnishing clinical psychologist serv- were reported with the recommenda- States Postal Service to inspect the contents ices under the Medicare program. tion that they be confirmed.) of certain suspicious packages for illicit ma- terials without a warrant; to the Committee S. 629 f on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND fairs. name of the Senator from New Mexico JOINT RESOLUTIONS By Mr. HATCH (for himself and Mr. (Mr. UDALL) was added as a cosponsor WHITEHOUSE): of S. 629, a bill to amend the Federal The following bills and joint resolu- S. 2742. A bill to amend the Controlled Sub- tions were introduced, read the first Food, Drugs, and Cosmetic Act to en- stances Act to more effectively regulate se- sure the safety and effectiveness of and second times by unanimous con- lective androgen receptor modulators, and sent, and referred as indicated: for other purposes; to the Committee on the medically important antimicrobials approved for use in the prevention, By Mr. TESTER: Judiciary. S. 2732. A bill to clarify that participants By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: control, and treatment of animal dis- in the National Health Service Corps Loan S. 2743. A bill to clarify that the Secretary eases, in order to minimize the devel- Repayment Program may be assigned to of Homeland Security is not required to pro- opment of antibiotic-resistant bac- serve in pediatric inpatient mental health vide notice to private entities before issuing teria. binding operational directives on agency in- facilities; to the Committee on Health, Edu- S. 755 cation, Labor, and Pensions. formation security policies and practices; to By Mr. WARNER (for himself, Mr. the Committee on Homeland Security and At the request of Mr. INHOFE, the MANCHIN, Mrs. CAPITO, and Mr. Governmental Affairs. name of the Senator from Utah (Mr. KAINE): By Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself, Mr. HATCH) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 2733. A bill to amend the Department of PERDUE, and Mr. LEAHY): 755, a bill to amend the Pilot’s Bill of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 to re- S.J. Res. 60. A joint resolution providing Rights to facilitate appeals, to limit name the Department of Agriculture; to the for the reappointment of Barbara M. Barrett the reexamination of airman certifi- Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of cates, and for other purposes. Forestry. the ; to the Com- By Mr. CORNYN (for himself and Mr. mittee on Rules and Administration. S. 1112 CRUZ): f At the request of Ms. HEITKAMP, the S. 2734. A bill to designate the Federal names of the Senator from Wisconsin building and United States courthouse lo- SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND (Ms. BALDWIN), the Senator from Rhode cated at 1300 Victoria Street in Laredo, SENATE RESOLUTIONS Island (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) and the Sen- Texas, as the ‘‘George P. Kazen Federal Building and United States Courthouse’’; to The following concurrent resolutions ator from Minnesota (Ms. SMITH) were the Committee on Environment and Public and Senate resolutions were read, and added as cosponsors of S. 1112, a bill to Works. referred (or acted upon), as indicated: support States in their work to save By Mr. RISCH (for himself and Mr. By Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. GARD- and sustain the health of mothers dur- PETERS): NER, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, and Mr. VAN ing pregnancy, childbirth, and in the S. 2735. A bill to amend the Small Business HOLLEN): postpartum period, to eliminate dis- Act to provide for the establishment of an S. Res. 481. A resolution calling upon the parities in maternal health outcomes enhanced cybersecurity assistance and pro- leadership of the Government of the Demo- tections for small businesses, and for other for pregnancy-related and pregnancy- cratic People’s Republic of Korea to dis- associated deaths, to identify solutions purposes; to the Committee on Small Busi- mantle its labor camp system, and for other ness and Entrepreneurship. purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- to improve health care quality and By Mr. GARDNER (for himself, Mr. tions. health outcomes for mothers, and for MARKEY, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. CARDIN, and By Mr. CASEY (for himself and Mr. other purposes. Mr. YOUNG): TOOMEY): S. 1320 S. 2736. A bill to develop a long-term stra- S. Res. 482. A resolution congratulating the tegic vision and a comprehensive, multi- At the request of Mr. INHOFE, the Villanova University Wildcats for winning faceted, and principled United States policy name of the Senator from Utah (Mr. the 2018 National Collegiate Athletic Asso- for the Indo-Pacific region, and for other ciation Division I Men’s Basketball Tour- HATCH) was added as a cosponsor of S. purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- nament; considered and agreed to. 1320, a bill to reform apportionments to tions. general aviation airports under the air- f By Mr. KAINE (for himself, Mr. port improvement program, to improve PORTMAN, Ms. BALDWIN, and Mrs. ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS CAPITO): project delivery at certain airports, S. 2737. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- S. 112 and to designate certain airports as cation Act of 1965 to provide for the prepara- At the request of Mr. HELLER, the disaster relief airports, and for other tion of career and technical education teach- name of the Senator from Montana purposes. ers; to the Committee on Health, Education, (Mr. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor S. 1361 Labor, and Pensions. By Mr. BURR: of S. 112, a bill to amend title 38, At the request of Mr. CRAPO, the S. 2738. A bill to amend title 49, United United States Code, to authorize per name of the Senator from Maine (Mr. States Code, to require air carrier passengers diem payments under comprehensive KING) was added as a cosponsor of S.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.017 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2392 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 1361, a bill to amend title XVIII of the S. 2607, a bill to provide family mem- quired to succeed in the 21st century. Social Security Act to allow physician bers of an individual who they fear is a Career and technical education (CTE) assistants, nurse practitioners, and danger to himself, herself, or others, or programs play a vital role in increasing clinical nurse specialists to supervise law enforcement, with new tools to student engagement, continuing our cardiac, intensive cardiac, and pul- prevent gun violence. nation’s economic competitiveness, monary rehabilitation programs. S. 2680 and building the skills of our country’s S. 1503 At the request of Mr. ALEXANDER, the workforce. In recent years, there has been a re- At the request of Ms. WARREN, the names of the Senator from Maine (Ms. name of the Senator from South Caro- COLLINS) and the Senator from Florida surgence of student interest in career and technical education, but shortages lina (Mr. GRAHAM) was added as a co- (Mr. RUBIO) were added as cosponsors sponsor of S. 1503, a bill to require the of S. 2680, a bill to address the opioid in high-quality CTE teachers have Secretary of the Treasury to mint crisis. made it difficult for school districts to meet this demand. While the Higher coins in recognition of the 60th anni- At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the Education and Opportunity Act of 2008 versary of the Naismith Memorial Bas- names of the Senator from Pennsyl- provides grants for teacher residency ketball Hall of Fame. vania (Mr. CASEY) and the Senator partnership programs to colleges and S. 2147 from Missouri (Mrs. MCCASKILL) were added as cosponsors of S. 2680, supra. universities who work with high-needs At the request of Mr. BROWN, the school districts to train prospective S. 2708 names of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. teachers, no CTE-focused partnerships MERKLEY) and the Senator from Massa- At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the exist. chusetts (Mr. MARKEY) were added as name of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. That is why I am introducing with cosponsors of S. 2147, a bill to amend DUCKWORTH) was added as a cosponsor my colleagues, Senator BALDWIN, Sen- the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to of S. 2708, a bill to provide for the es- ator PORTMAN and Senator CAPITO the create a Pension Rehabilitation Trust tablishment of Medicare part E public Creating Quality Technical Educators Fund to establish a Pension Rehabili- health plans, and for other purposes. Act, which would amend the Higher tation Administration within the De- S. 2719 Education and Opportunity Act to cre- partment of the Treasury to make At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the ate a CTE teacher-training grant part- loans to multiemployer defined benefit name of the Senator from New Hamp- nership to equip aspiring CTE teachers plans, and for other purposes. shire (Ms. HASSAN) was added as a co- with real-world experience and credible S. 2334 sponsor of S. 2719, a bill to direct the skills to apply in the classroom. This At the request of Mr. HATCH, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to estab- legislation would foster teacher train- names of the Senator from Texas (Mr. lish a registry to ensure that members ing partnerships between high-needs CORNYN) and the Senator from Massa- of the Armed Forces who may have secondary schools and post-secondary chusetts (Mr. MARKEY) were added as been exposed to per- and institutions to create a one-year resi- cosponsors of S. 2334, a bill to amend polyfluoroalkyl substances on military dency initiative for teachers and in- title 17, United States Code, to provide installations receive information re- cludes teacher mentorship for a min- clarity with respect to, and to mod- garding such exposure, and for other imum of two years. This period of ernize, the licensing system for musi- purposes. hands-on training and mentorship will cal works under section 115 of that S. RES. 136 only increase the ability of CTE teach- title, to ensure fairness in the estab- At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the ers to benefit their students through lishment of certain rates and fees name of the Senator from California classroom instruction and serve as a under sections 114 and 115 of that title, (Ms. HARRIS) was added as a cosponsor career model. and for other purposes. of S. Res. 136, a resolution expressing In addition to establishing CTE spe- cific teacher-training grant partner- S. 2343 the sense of the Senate regarding the ships, this bill takes a proactive ap- At the request of Mr. WICKER, the 102nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. proach to recruiting and training more names of the Senator from South Da- high-quality CTE teachers. CTE teach- S. RES. 440 kota (Mr. THUNE) and the Senator from er residencies would target teacher At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the Nebraska (Mrs. FISCHER) were added as candidates from a variety of back- names of the Senator from Oklahoma cosponsors of S. 2343, a bill to require grounds including recent college grad- (Mr. LANKFORD) and the Senator from the Federal Communications Commis- uates, veterans, mid-career profes- Illinois (Ms. DUCKWORTH) were added as sion to establish a task force for meet- sionals, and currently licensed teachers ing the connectivity and technology cosponsors of S. Res. 440, a resolution with a need for technical skills train- needs of precision agriculture in the designating April 2018 as ‘‘Second ing who seek to transition into CTE United States. Chance Month’’. fields. S. 2506 f As co-chair of the Senate CTE Cau- At the request of Mr. INHOFE, the STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED cus, I am proud to introduce this com- name of the Senator from Utah (Mr. BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS monsense, bipartisan legislation to re- HATCH) was added as a cosponsor of S. cruit and train talented teachers to By Mr. KAINE (for himself, Mr. 2506, a bill to establish an aviation meet the rising need for CTE. The Cre- PORTMAN, Ms. BALDWIN, and maintenance workforce development ating Quality Technical Educators Act Mrs. CAPITO): pilot program. is an important step towards ensuring S. 2737. A bill to amend the Higher S. 2564 access to high-quality CTE instruction, Education Act of 1965 to provide for the preparing teachers for success, and At the request of Mr. TILLIS, the preparation of career and technical name of the Senator from Idaho (Mr. maintaining the skill set of our Na- education teachers; to the Committee tion’s workforce. CRAPO) was added as a cosponsor of S. on Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- 2564, a bill to amend title 11, United sions. By Mr. CORNYN (for himself and States Code, to promote the investiga- Mr. KAINE. Mr. President. Maintain- Mr. CRUZ): tion of fraudulent claims against cer- ing a talented workforce is essential to S. 2734. A bill to designate the Fed- tain trusts, to amend title 18, United cultivating a strong economy and posi- eral building and United States court- States Code, to provide penalties tioning our Nation for success in to- house located at 1300 Victoria Street in against fraudulent claims against cer- day’s increasingly competitive global Laredo, Texas, as the ‘‘George P. Kazen tain trusts, and for other purposes. marketplace. Opportunities for edu- Federal Building and United States S. 2607 cation, professional development, and Courthouse’’; to the Committee on En- At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the the acquisition of skills immediately vironment and Public Works. names of the Senator from Maine (Ms. translatable in the workplace will help Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask COLLINS) and the Senator from Maine to ensure that our students and work- unanimous consent that the text of the (Mr. KING) were added as cosponsors of ers are equipped with the skills re- bill be printed in the RECORD.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.019 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2393 There being no objection, the text of commits crimes against humanity, including (19) public executions by firing squads or the bill was ordered to be printed in murder, extermination, enslavement, forc- other means are common, especially for pris- oners caught attempting to escape; the RECORD, as follows: ible transfer, imprisonment, torture, sexual violence, persecution, enforced disappear- (20) the existence of mass graves is well S. 2734 ances, and other inhumane acts; documented, including detailed descriptions Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Whereas, according to the best available of mass burial sites at or near camps, resentatives of the United States of America in evidence, some specific crimes identified by as well as testimony about bodies being Congress assembled, the Inquiry are that— ‘‘dumped’’ on mountainsides near prison SECTION 1. GEORGE P. KAZEN FEDERAL BUILD- (1) ‘‘Christians are heavily persecuted and camps; ING AND UNITED STATES COURT- receive especially harsh treatment in prison (21) an undisclosed location near a prison HOUSE. camps, with one former prison guard testi- camp was regularly used for nighttime exe- (a) DESIGNATION.—The Federal building fying that ‘Christians were reactionaries and cutions, with gunshots clearly audible; and United States courthouse located at 1300 there were lots of instructions . . . to wipe (22) at a 1990 prison riot, approximately 1,500 prisoners were shot and killed, their Victoria Street in Laredo, Texas, shall be out the seed of reactionaries’ ’’; known and designated as the ‘‘George P. (2) multiple witnesses watched prisoners bodies discarded in a closed mine; (23) in order to satisfy production quotas, Kazen Federal Building and United States tortured and killed on account of their reli- inmates—including teenagers—were forced Courthouse’’. gious affiliation; to perform 15 to 16 hours of hard labor per (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, (3) a prisoner was raped by a security offi- day; map, regulation, document, paper, or other cer, after which the officer stuck a wooden (24) one witness was forced to perform hard record of the United States to the Federal stick inside her vagina and beat her lower labor (carrying logs) when he was 9 years building and United States courthouse re- body, resulting in her death within a week of old; ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to the rape; (25) at one mine in particular, prisoners be a reference to the ‘‘George P. Kazen Fed- (4) an abortion was induced by 3 men were forced to work 20 hours per day, with a eral Building and United States Court- standing on a wooden plank placed on a preg- witness testifying that approximately 200 house’’. nant prisoner’s stomach; prisoners died each year at that mine alone; (5) another witness lost consciousness after f (26) a soldier supervising a forced labor site enduring a beating designed to trigger pre- at a political prison rolled a log down a steep SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS mature labor, with prison officials killing mountainside, killing 10 prisoners as they her baby before she could regain conscious- were carrying logs up the mountain; ness; (27) the bodies of some prisoners who died SENATE RESOLUTION 481—CALL- (6) rape victims who feared being killed as a result of forced labor or torture were ING UPON THE LEADERSHIP OF after becoming pregnant engaged in self-in- thrown into the cells of prisoners in solitary duced abortions by eating dirt and poisoning THE GOVERNMENT OF THE confinement and later strung on barbed-wire themselves with flower roots; fences where they were eaten by crows; DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUB- (7) other rape victims self-induced abor- (28) one witness described a torture cham- LIC OF KOREA TO DISMANTLE tions by inserting a rubber tube in their va- ber with blood and flesh on the walls and de- ITS LABOR CAMP SYSTEM, AND ginas; caying corpses of past victims placed in the FOR OTHER PURPOSES (8) rape of teenage girls and their subse- chamber in order to instill fear in the next quent attempts to commit suicide by jump- prisoner; Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. GARD- ing in the Daedonggang River were so com- (29) psychological abuse in political prisons NER, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, and Mr. VAN mon that prison guards were deployed to the is pervasive, with gruesome acts, including HOLLEN) submitted the following reso- river to thwart them; executions, carried out in plain view of fel- lution; which was referred to the Com- (9) four pregnant women were executed for low prisoners in order to terrorize them; and mittee on Foreign Relations: protesting the fact guards forced them to (30) torture is a routine feature of life in run down a mountain in a failed effort to in- political prisons, with a 2014 report by Am- S. RES. 481 duce miscarriages; nesty International concluding that ‘‘North Whereas the public has long been aware of (10) twelve prisoners were shot and killed Korea’s prison camps are very possibly home the labor camp system in the Democratic in the commotion that ensued after the exe- to some of the most appalling torture in the People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) cution of the 4 pregnant women referenced in world’’; through continuous eye-witness and survivor paragraph (9), and a former prison guard wit- Whereas officials of the Government of accounts, and now publicly available sat- nessed a prisoner’s newborn baby, most like- North Korea continually deny the existence ellite technology; ly fathered by a high-ranking official, fed to of the labor camps; Whereas, according to The Hidden Gulag guard dogs and killed; Whereas the Inquiry on Crimes Against IV report, North Korea runs 2 kinds of prison (11) female prisoners suspected of being im- Humanity in North Korea Political Prisons camps, the kwan-li-so and the kyo-hwa-so, as pregnated by non-Korean men (namely Chi- Report of 2017 found that North Korea’s labor well as ‘‘various types of short-term forced nese men) are subjected to especially harsh camp system ‘‘has no parallel in the world labour detention facilities’’; treatment, with one witness describing a today’’; and Whereas the most heinous camps, the prisoner being injected with a labor-inducing Whereas the United Nations Commission of kwan-li-so, known as Prison Camp 14, 15, 16, drug and having to watch as a guard suffo- Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic 18, and 25, contain roughly 80,000 to 120,000 cated her newborn to death with a wet towel; People’s Republic of Korea found that the political prisoners; (12) a former North Korean army nurse tes- government continually commits crimes Whereas the Inquiry on Crimes Against tified that she saw multiple abortions per- against humanity and will not cease, ‘‘be- Humanity in North Korea Political Prisons formed by injecting Ravenol (a motor oil) cause the policies, institutions, and patterns Report of 2017 states that ‘‘hundreds of thou- into the wombs of pregnant women and that of impunity that lie at their root remain in sands of inmates are estimated to have babies born 3 to 4 months premature were place’’: Now, therefore, be it died’’; ‘‘wrapped in newspapers and put in a bucket Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas, from 1981 to 2013, an estimated until buried’’ behind the detention center; (1) calls upon the international community 400,000 people out of 500,000 imprisoned were (13) deliberate starvation, malnutrition, to— killed in these labor camps; and overwork are extremely common, result- (A) demand the Democratic People’s Re- Whereas persons who are sent to these ing in the deaths of countless prisoners; public of Korea (North Korea) dismantle its labor camps are forcibly disappeared and in- (14) at one prison camp, 1,500 to 2,000 pris- labor camp system; tended to die; oners, mostly children, are believed to have (B) create a special tribunal with jurisdic- Whereas the United Nations Commission of died each year from malnutrition, while tion to investigate and remedy crimes Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic many other prisoners were beaten to death against humanity committed by the Govern- People’s Republic of Korea found, ‘‘the in- for failing to meet production quotas; ment of North Korea; mate population has been gradually elimi- (15) starving prisoners are regularly exe- (C) issue targeted sanctions against those nated through deliberate starvation, forced cuted when caught scavenging for food; individuals who have committed such crimes labour, executions, torture, rape and the de- (16) at one prison camp, starving prisoners against humanity; and nial of reproductive rights enforced through who were found digging up edible plants on a (D) ban import of goods made by prisoners punishment, forced abortion and infan- mountainside were shot to death; in the North Korean labor camp system; ticide’’; (17) at another camp, a witness saw a fel- (2) calls on the leadership of the Govern- Whereas up to 3 generations of a ‘‘viola- low inmate executed for stealing potatoes, ment of North Korea to— tor’s’’ family will be sent to the labor camps while in a separate camp a witness described (A) immediately cease human rights even if no ‘‘wrongdoing’’ is found; the execution of numerous prisoners caught abuses; Whereas, according to the Inquiry on scavenging for leftover food in prison guards’ (B) release the roughly 80,000–120,000 polit- Crimes Against Humanity in North Korea quarters; ical prisoners; Political Prisons Report of 2017, the Govern- (18) a prisoner was beaten to death for hid- (C) halt the ongoing arrests of North Kore- ment of North Korea regularly and routinely ing stolen corn in his mouth; ans on political and religious grounds;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.023 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2394 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 (D) allow the International Committee of Resolved, That the Senate— there are nearly 50,000 North Korean workers the Red Cross entry into the camps to assist (1) congratulates and honors the Villanova forced to labor overseas, sometimes without with the release and rehabilitation of pris- University Wildcats men’s basketball team compensation, and for as much as 20 hours at oners; on the performance of the team in the 2018 a time. Workers that received compensation (E) allow entry to the United Nations High National Collegiate Athletic Association Di- were not to be paid more than $150 per Commissioner for Human Rights and the vision I Men’s Basketball Tournament; and month, which is between 10 to 20 percent of United Nations Special Rapporteur on (2) recognizes and commends the hard the value of the labor they performed. Based Human Rights in North Korea to monitor work, dedication, determination, and com- on this report, the regime may profit as the situation and assist with the rehabilita- mitment to excellence of the players, par- much as $360,000,000 annually from just 50,000 tion; and ents, families, coaches, and managers of the laborers. (F) comply with international standards of Villanova University Wildcats. (6) On July 6, 2016, the United States im- food distribution and monitoring and allow f posed sanctions on North Korean leader Kim full access to international humanitarian Jong Un and other senior North Korean offi- agencies; and AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND cials for human rights violations as required (3) calls on the United States Government PROPOSED by the North Korea Sanctions and Policy En- to— hancement Act of 2016 (Public Law 114–122). SA 2240. Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. RUBIO) (A) continue to pursue any additional sanc- This was the first time that the United proposed an amendment to the bill H.R. 2061, tions to the extent possible against those in- States had designated North Korean officials to reauthorize the North Korean Human dividuals responsible for the North Korean for human rights abuses. Rights Act of 2004, and for other purposes. labor camp system, including individuals ad- (7) The North Korea Sanctions and Policy ministering such labor camps; and f Enhancement Act of 2016 (Public Law 114– (B) continue to raise awareness in the TEXT OF AMENDMENTS 122) requires the President to impose manda- international community of the labor camps tory penalties under United States law on and the continuing atrocious crimes being SA 2240. Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. any person that ‘‘knowingly engages in, is committed in the labor camps. RUBIO) proposed an amendment to the responsible for, or facilitates serious human rights abuses by the Government of North f bill H.R. 2061, to reauthorize the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004, and Korea’’. SENATE RESOLUTION 482—CON- for other purposes; as follows: (8) Although the United States Refugee Ad- GRATULATING THE VILLANOVA missions Program remains the largest in the Strike all after the enacting clause and in- world by far, the United States has only re- UNIVERSITY WILDCATS FOR sert the following: WINNING THE 2018 NATIONAL settled 212 refugees from North Korea since SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. the date of the enactment of the North COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIA- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘North Ko- Korea Human Rights Act of 2004 (Public Law TION DIVISION I MEN’S BASKET- rean Human Rights Reauthorization Act of 108–333). BALL TOURNAMENT 2017’’. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS. Mr. CASEY (for himself and Mr. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. It is the sense of Congress that— TOOMEY) submitted the following reso- Congress makes the following findings: (1) the United States Government should lution; which was considered and (1) In 2014, the United Nations Commission continue to make it a priority to improve in- agreed to: of Inquiry (COI) on Human Rights in the formation access in North Korea by explor- Democratic People’s Republic of Korea ing the use of new and emerging technologies S. RES. 482 (DPRK) found that the grave human rights and expanding nongovernmental radio broad- Whereas on April 2, 2018, the Villanova violations still being perpetrated against the casting to North Korea, including news and University Wildcats (referred to in this pre- people of North Korea, due to policies estab- information; amble as the ‘‘Villanova Wildcats’’) defeated lished at the highest level of the state, (2) the United Nations has a significant the University of Michigan Wolverines by a amount to crimes against humanity. Crimes role to play in promoting and improving score of 79–62 in the final game of the Na- include forced starvation, sexual violence human rights in North Korea and should tional Collegiate Athletic Association (re- against women and children, restrictions on press for access for the Special Rapporteur ferred to in this preamble as the ‘‘NCAA’’) freedom of movement, arbitrary detention, on the situation of human rights in North Division I Men’s Basketball Tournament in torture, executions, and enforced disappear- Korea as well as the United Nations High San Antonio, Texas; ances, among other hardships. Commissioner for Human Rights; Whereas the Villanova Wildcats won the (2) The COI also noted that the Govern- (3) because North Koreans fleeing into NCAA championship in 1985, 2016, and 2018; ment of the People’s Republic of is China face a well-founded fear of persecution Whereas junior point guard Jalen Brunson aiding and abetting in crimes against hu- upon their forcible repatriation, the United was named the National Player of the Year manity by forcibly repatriating North Ko- States should urge China to— after leading the Villanova Wildcats to a sec- rean refugees back to the DPRK. Upon repa- (A) immediately halt the forcible repatri- ond NCAA championship in 3 seasons; triation, North Koreans are sent to prison ation of North Koreans; Whereas redshirt sophomore guard Donte camps, tortured, or even executed. The Gov- (B) allow the United Nations High Commis- DiVincenzo was named the Final Four Most ernment of the People’s Republic of China’s sioner for Refugees unimpeded access to Outstanding Player of 2018; forcible repatriation of North Korean refu- North Koreans inside China to determine Whereas the record of Donte DiVincenzo of gees violates its obligation to uphold the whether such North Koreans require protec- 31 points, 10-for-15 shooting, 5 rebounds, 3 as- principle of non-refoulement, under the tion as refugees; sists, and 2 blocks will be remembered as one United Nations Convention Relating to the (C) fulfill its obligations under the 1951 of the greatest individual title game per- Status of Refugees, done at Geneva July 28, United Nations Convention Relating to the formances in the history of the NCAA tour- 1951 (as made applicable by the Protocol Re- Status of Refugees, the 1967 Protocol Relat- nament; lating to the Status of Refugees, done at ing to the Status of Refugees, and the Agree- Whereas Donte DiVincenzo joins Kareem New York January 31, 1967 (19 UST 6223)). ment on the Upgrading of the UNHCR Mis- Abdul-Jabbar, Bill Walton, and Jack (3) Estimates from the COI suggest that be- sion in the People’s Republic of China to ‘‘Goose’’ Givens as the only players that tween 80,000 and 120,000 people are believed to UNHCR Branch Office in the People’s Repub- have scored 30 points and shot 66 percent or be imprisoned in political prison camps in lic of China (signed December 1, 1995); better from the field in an NCAA title game; North Korea. Another 70,000 are believed to (D) address the concerns of the United Na- Whereas the Villanova Wildcats made 18 3- be held at other detention facilities. Pris- tions Committee against Torture by incor- point field goals in the national semifinal oners in both situations are subject to harsh porating the principle of non-refoulement game against the University of Kansas, set- conditions, limited food, sexual abuse, and in into Chinese domestic legislation; and ting an NCAA tournament record; most cases hard labor. (E) recognize the legal status of North Ko- Whereas the Villanova Wildcats— (4) One of the findings of the COI report rean women who marry or have children (1) finished the 2017–2018 season with a was the persecution of religious minorities, with Chinese citizens, and ensure that all record of 36–4; especially Christians. There is effectively no such children are granted resident status and (2) have won 4 Big East men’s basketball freedom of religion in North Korea, only access to education and other public services tournament titles; and worship of the Kim family. Christians are in accordance with Chinese law and inter- (3) have won 3 national championships; and subjected to particularly acute persecution. national standards; Whereas Villanova University is com- It has been reported that Christians in North (4) the President should continue to des- mitted to the ideal of the student athlete Korea have been tortured, forcibly detained, ignate all individuals found to have com- and the education of the athletes of and even executed for possessing a Bible or mitted violations described in section 104(a) Villanova University, as evidenced by the professing Christianity. of the North Korea Sanctions and Policy En- presence of 2 seniors and 5 juniors on the ros- (5) North Korea profits from its human hancement Act of 2016 (22 U.S.C. 2914(a)), re- ter of the Villanova Wildcats: Now, there- rights abuses. A 2014 report from the Asian garding complicity in censorship and human fore, be it Institute for Policy Studies suggests that right abuses;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:00 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.024 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE April 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2395 (5) the United States currently blocks er access to outside information. Such pro- ized to provide grants to entities to under- United States passports from being used to gram may involve public-private partner- take research on North Korea’s denial of travel to North Korea without a special vali- ships. human rights, including on the political and dation from the Department of State, and ‘‘(4) CULTURE.—In accordance with the military chains of command responsible for the Department of State should continue to sense of Congress described in section 103, authorizing and implementing systemic take steps to increase public awareness the Broadcasting Board of Governors may human rights abuses, including at prison about the risks and dangers of travel by broadcast American, Korean, Chinese, and camps and detention facilities where polit- United States citizens to North Korea; other popular music, television, movies, and ical prisoners are held.’’; and (6) the United States should continue to popular cultural references as part of its pro- (2) in subsection (b)(1), by striking ‘‘2017’’ seek cooperation from all foreign govern- gramming. and inserting ‘‘2022’’. ments to allow the United Nations High ‘‘(5) RIGHTS AND LAWS.—In accordance with (b) ACTIONS TO PROMOTE FREEDOM OF IN- Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) access the sense of Congress described in section FORMATION.—Section 104 of the North Korean to process North Korean refugees overseas 103, the Broadcasting Board of Governors Human Rights Act of 2004 (22 U.S.C. 7814) is for resettlement and to allow United States should broadcast to North Korea in the Ko- amended— officials access to process refugees for reset- rean language information on rights, laws, (1) in subsection (b)(1)— tlement in the United States (if that is the and freedoms afforded through the North Ko- (A) by striking ‘‘$2,000,000’’ and inserting destination country of the refugees’ choos- rean Constitution, the Universal Declaration ‘‘$3,000,000’’; and ing); and of Human Rights, the United Nations Com- (B) by striking ‘‘2017’’ and inserting ‘‘2022’’; (7) the Secretary of State, through diplo- mission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the and macy by senior officials, including United Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and (2) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘2017’’ and States ambassadors to Asia-Pacific coun- any other applicable treaties or inter- inserting ‘‘2022’’. tries, and in close cooperation with South national agreements to which North Korea is (c) REPORT BY SPECIAL ENVOY ON NORTH Korea, should make every effort to promote bound. KOREAN HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES.—Section the protection of North Korean refugees and ‘‘(6) RELIGIOUS MINORITIES.—Efforts to im- 107(d) of the North Korean Human Rights defectors. prove information access under this sub- Act of 2004 (22 U.S.C. 7817(d)) is amended by section should include religious communities striking ‘‘2017’’ and inserting ‘‘2022’’. SEC. 4. RADIO BROADCASTING TO NORTH KOREA. and should be coordinated with the Office of (d) REPORT ON UNITED STATES HUMANI- Section 103(a) of the North Korean Human International Religious Freedom to ensure TARIAN ASSISTANCE.—Section 201 of the Rights Act of 2004 (22 U.S.C. 7813(a)) is maximum impact in improving the rights of North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004 (22 amended— religious persons in North Korea. U.S.C. 7831 is amended— (1) by striking ‘‘that the United States ‘‘(7) BROADCASTING REPORT.—Not later (1) in subsection (a), in the matter pre- should facilitate’’ and inserting the fol- than— ceding paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘2017’’ and lowing: ‘‘that the United States should— ‘‘(A) 180 days after the date of the enact- inserting ‘‘2022’’; ‘‘(1) facilitate’’; ment of this paragraph, the Secretary of (2) by redesignating subsection (b) as sub- (2) in paragraph (1), as redesignated by State, in consultation with the Broadcasting section (c); and paragraph (1) of this section— Board of Governors, shall submit to the ap- (3) by inserting after subsection (a) the fol- (A) by striking ‘‘radio broadcasting’’ and propriate congressional committees a report lowing new subsection: inserting ‘‘broadcasting, including news re- that sets forth a detailed plan for improving ‘‘(b) NEEDS ASSESSMENT.—The report shall broadcasting,’’; and broadcasting content for the purpose of tar- include a needs assessment to inform the dis- (B) by striking ‘‘increase broadcasts’’ and tribution of humanitarian assistance inside geting new audiences and increasing inserting ‘‘increase such broadcasts, includ- North Korea.’’. listenership; and ing news rebroadcasts,’’; and (e) ASSISTANCE PROVIDED OUTSIDE OF ‘‘(B) 1 year after the date of the enactment (C) by striking ‘‘.’’ and in- NORTH KOREA.—Section 203(c)(1) of the North of this paragraph, and annually thereafter serting the following: ‘‘Voice of America; Korean Human Rights Act of 2004 (22 U.S.C. for each of the next 5 years, the Secretary of and’’; and 7833(c)(1)) is amended by striking ‘‘2013 State, in consultation with the Broadcasting (3) by adding at the end the following: through 2017’’ and inserting ‘‘2018 through Board of Governors, shall submit to the ap- ‘‘(2) expand funding for nongovernmental 2022’’. propriate congressional committees a report organization broadcasting efforts, (f) ANNUAL REPORTS.—Section 305(a) of the including— prioritizing organizations that engage North North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004 (22 ‘‘(i) a description of the effectiveness of ac- Korean defectors in programming and broad- U.S.C. 7845(a)) is amended, in the matter pre- tions taken pursuant to this section, includ- cast services.’’. ceding paragraph (1) by striking ‘‘2017’’ and ing data reflecting audience and listenership, inserting ‘‘2022’’. SEC. 5. ACTIONS TO PROMOTE FREEDOM OF IN- device distribution and usage, and techno- FORMATION. SEC. 8. REPORT BY BROADCASTING BOARD OF logical development and advancement usage; GOVERNORS. Section 104(a) of the North Korean Human ‘‘(ii) the amount of funds expended by the (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 120 days Rights Act of 2004 (22 U.S.C. 7814(a)) is United States Government pursuant to sec- after the date of the enactment of this Act, amended— tion 403; and the Broadcasting Board of Governors shall (1) by striking ‘‘The President’’ and insert- ‘‘(iii) other appropriate information nec- submit to the appropriate congressional ing the following: essary to fully inform Congress of efforts re- committees a report that— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The President’’; lated to this section.’’. (1) describes the status of current United (2) by inserting ‘‘, USB drives, micro SD States broadcasting to North Korea and the cards, audio players, video players, cell SEC. 6. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON HUMANITARIAN COORDINATION RELATED TO THE extent to which the Board has achieved the phones, wi-fi, wireless internet, web pages, KOREAN PENINSULA. goal of 12-hour-per-day broadcasting to internet, wireless telecommunications, and Title III of the North Korean Human North Korea, in accordance with section other electronic media that shares informa- Rights Act of 2004 (22 U.S.C. 7841 et seq.) is 103(a) of the North Korean Human Rights tion’’ before the period at the end; and amended by adding at the end the following: Act of 2004 (22 U.S.C. 7813(a)); and (3) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘SEC. 306. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON HUMANI- (2) includes a strategy to overcome obsta- ‘‘(2) DISTRIBUTION.—In accordance with the TARIAN COORDINATION RELATED cles to such communication with the North sense of Congress described in section 103, TO THE KOREAN PENINSULA. Korean people, including through unre- the President, acting through the Secretary ‘‘It is the sense of Congress that— stricted, unmonitored, and inexpensive elec- of State, is authorized to distribute or pro- ‘‘(1) any instability on the Korean Penin- tronic means. vide grants to distribute information receiv- sula could have significant humanitarian (b) FORM.—The report required under sub- ing devices, electronically readable devices, and strategic impact on the region and for section (a) shall be submitted in unclassified and other informational sources into North United States national interests; and form but may include a classified annex. Korea, including devices and informational ‘‘(2) as such, the United States Govern- (c) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- sources specified in paragraph (1). To carry ment should work with countries sharing a TEES.—In this section, the term ‘‘appropriate out this paragraph, the President is author- land or maritime border with North Korea to congressional committees’’ means— ized to issue regulations to facilitate the develop long-term whole-of-government (1) the Committee on Foreign Relations of free-flow of information into North Korea. plans to coordinate efforts related to human- the Senate; ‘‘(3) RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT GRANT itarian assistance and human rights pro- (2) the Committee on Appropriations of the PROGRAM.—In accordance with the authoriza- motion and to effectively assimilate North Senate; tion described in paragraphs (1) and (2) to in- Korean defectors.’’. (3) the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the crease the availability and distribution of SEC. 7. REAUTHORIZATION PROVISIONS. House of Representatives; and sources of information inside North Korea, (a) SUPPORT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND DE- (4) the Committee on Appropriations of the the President, acting through the Secretary MOCRACY PROGRAMS.—Section 102 of the House of Representatives. of State, is authorized to establish a grant North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004 (22 SEC. 9. REPEAL OF DUPLICATIVE AUTHORIZA- program to make grants to eligible entities U.S.C. 7812(b)(1)) is amended— TIONS. to develop or distribute (or both) new prod- (1) in subsection (a), by adding at the end Section 403 of the North Korea Sanctions ucts or methods to allow North Koreans easi- the following: ‘‘The President is also author- and Policy Enhancement Act of 2016 (Public

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Apr 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.027 S24APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2396 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2018 Law 114–122; 22 U.S.C. 9253) is hereby re- the session of the Senate on Tuesday, ate proceed to the immediate consider- pealed. April 24, 2018, at 2:30 p.m. to conduct a ation of S. Res. 482, submitted earlier f closed hearing. today. AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO SUBCOMMITTEE ON SURFACE TRANSPORTATION The PRESIDING OFFICER. The MEET AND MERCHANT MARINE INFRASTRUCURE, clerk will report the resolution by SAFETY AND SECURITY title. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The Subcommittee on Surface Trans- The legislative clerk read as follows: have 9 requests for committees to meet portation and Merchant Marine Infra- during today’s session of the Senate. A resolution (S. Res. 482) congratulating structure, Safety and Security of the They have the approval of the Majority the Villanova University Wildcats for win- Committee on Commerce, Science, and ning the 2018 National Collegiate Athletic and Minority leaders. Transportation is authorized to meet Association Division I Men’s Basketball Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph Tournament. 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- during the session of the Senate on ate, the following committees are au- Tuesday, April 24, 2018, at 2:30 p.m. to There being no objection, the Senate thorized to meet during today’s session conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Maritime proceeded to consider the resolution. of the Senate: Transportation: Opportunities and Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I further ask unanimous consent that COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE Challenges.’’ The Committee on Agriculture is au- f the resolution be agreed to, the pre- thorized to meet during the session of amble be agreed to, and the motions to AUTHORIZING APPOINTMENT OF reconsider be considered made and laid the Senate on Tuesday, April 24, 2018, ESCORT COMMITTEE at 10 a.m. to conduct a hearing entitled upon the table with no intervening ac- ‘‘The State of Rural America.’’ Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I tion or debate. ask unanimous consent that the Presi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES The Committee on Armed Services is dent of the Senate be authorized to ap- objection, it is so ordered. authorized to meet during the session point a committee on the part of the The resolution (S. Res. 482) was of the Senate on Tuesday, April 24, Senate to join with a like committee agreed to. 2018, at 9:30 a.m. to conduct a hearing. on the part of the House of Representa- The preamble was agreed to. tives to escort His Excellency Emman- COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL (The resolution, with its preamble, is RESOURCES uel Macron, President of the French printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- The Committee on Energy and Nat- Republic, into the House Chamber for mitted Resolutions.’’) ural Resources is authorized to meet the joint meeting on Wednesday, April f during the session of the Senate on 25, 2018. Tuesday, April 24, 2018, at 10 a.m. to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, APRIL conduct a hearing. objection, it is so ordered. 25, 2018 COMMITTEE ON FINANCE f Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The Committee on Finance is author- NORTH KOREAN HUMAN RIGHTS ask unanimous consent that when the ized to meet during the session of the REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2017 Senate completes its business today, it Senate on Tuesday, April 24, 2018, at adjourn until 12 noon, Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. to conduct a hearing entitled Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I April 25; further, that following the ‘‘Early Impressions of the New Tax ask unanimous consent that the Com- prayer and pledge, the morning hour be Law.’’ mittee on Foreign Relations be dis- deemed expired, the Journal of pro- COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, charged from further consideration of ceedings be approved to date, the time AND PENSIONS H.R. 2061 and the Senate proceed to its for the two leaders be reserved for their The Committee on Health, Edu- immediate consideration. use later in the day, and morning busi- cation, Labor, and Pensions is author- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ness be closed. Finally, I ask that fol- ized to meet during the session of the objection, it is so ordered. lowing leader remarks, the Senate pro- Senate on Tuesday, April 24, 2018, at 10 The clerk will report the bill by title. ceed to executive session and resume a.m. to conduct a hearing on S. 2680, S. The legislative clerk read as follows: consideration of the Pompeo nomina- 2315, S. 2597, S. 382 and the following A bill (H.R. 2061) to reauthorize the North tion. nominations: Sharon Fast Gustafson, Korean Human Rights Act of 2004, and for The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without of Virginia, to be General Counsel of other purposes. objection, it is so ordered. the Equal Employment Opportunity There being no objection, the Senate Commission for a term of four years, proceeded to consider the bill. f Jon Parrish Peede, of Mississippi, to be Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ADJOURNMENT UNTIL TOMORROW Chairperson of the National Endow- ask unanimous consent that the Rubio Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if ment for the Humanities for a term of amendment at the desk be agreed to, there is no further business to come be- four years, and other pending nomina- the bill, as amended, be considered fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- tions. read a third time and passed, and the sent that it stand adjourned under the COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND motion to reconsider be considered previous order. GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS made and laid upon the table. There being no objection, the Senate, The Committee on Homeland Secu- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without at 6:14 p.m., adjourned until Wednes- rity and Governmental Affairs is au- objection, it is so ordered. day, April 25, 2018, at 12 noon. thorized to meet during the session of The amendment (No. 2240) in the na- the Senate on Tuesday, April 24, 2018, ture of a substitute was agreed to. f at 10 a.m. to conduct a hearing entitled (The amendment is printed in today’s NOMINATIONS ‘‘Mitigating America’s Cybersecurity RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) Executive nominations received by Risk.’’ The amendment was ordered to be the Senate: COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY engrossed and the bill to be read a The Committee on the Judiciary is third time. COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION authorized to meet during the session The bill was read the third time. DAN MICHAEL BERKOVITZ, OF MARYLAND, TO BE A COMMISSIONER OF THE COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING of the Senate on Tuesday, April 24, The bill (H.R. 2061), as amended, was COMMISSION FOR A TERM EXPIRING APRIL 13, 2023, VICE 2018, at 10 a.m. to conduct a hearing en- passed. SHARON Y. BOWEN, RESIGNED. titled ‘‘Abducted Abroad: Exploring the f DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Plight of International Parental Child JAMES E. HUBBARD, OF COLORADO, TO BE UNDER SEC- Abduction and Its Effect on American CONGRATULATING THE RETARY OF AGRICULTURE FOR NATURAL RESOURCES Families.’’ VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY WILD- AND ENVIRONMENT, VICE ROBERT BONNIE, RESIGNED. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE CATS Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I MICHELLE BOWMAN, OF KANSAS, TO BE A MEMBER OF The Select Committee on Intel- THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE ligence is authorized to meet during ask unanimous consent that the Sen- SYSTEM FOR THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF FOURTEEN


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