THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. VOLUME XXI—MO. THUS8DAT AFTEKNOOM,—FEBRUARY 17,1910. TEN PAGES ONE OraXAR A TEAM DEinilSOi KISHSMMUK OODGmOCE Happmings it, St. Jobns ||||| MMEuncTOBrin Society. | SII0J.-LUK HOE SIHL SOLO Monday nisht forty-three aelch------HI ii pies l*IIOPMBTY ANMiNWD AT OYIH W GUZEirS LIE hors and friends gaShered at the j|«rrHBK MAT DK AMDKMTKD PUR pieaaant home of Mr. and Mrs. R. O.. imaMw tl4M KK4il7IIIKH TAUtI PAID. SOmTOlUli TDRELPORIBI Phillips to hid thasa Qwwwell. The evening was spsnt in playing cards, ------> WILL m'i'i:r\ twd pldodii UP aeveral loeal civil war vstarans FATIIKrN PADT.YBR PATMKW OP Mrs. Lena Moore and CMnrIes Phillips tjiiver UtUe was la Lapsing one day ^ seem to bare inlsintsrpretsd tbr new MM'MIttAK CNITBD BT. LBTB UO MU BUILMHU UUBh TU POMMIB KK?fTO!l DLD€1. VrRDBRBR LATIHBR. winning first prise and Mrs. Susie the Hrst of the week oonaulUng with law. laakins their property. If valued Weatherby and Fred Bond, the consol* the police of the capital dty In re> PDUPITABLB PBBDBB. LA]9DLODD*N WIPE. ml 9UM or Isaa. exempt from tax­ alien prises. Refreslunsnu were serv- ; gnrd to havi« his divorced wife ar- ation. They believe, for Instance. ) ilMliM HM* Now M^TYI mC UMIP IR ed and everytmdy reports a good time. i reeted on the charge of kidnapping her that If their property is sisssssd at Jm<4s— PrIssM—Fatbm Wmv Mrs. John Magiey m hehalf of the 'own child. DstrcR CsMipMny Had C’« $1,400 they are required to pay taxes. company prsasnted Mr. and Mrs. | gome nve years ago the UtUes BIISIIIESS < «n but 9t0u. This is not true, if FMraipri) -tr Ml HtRsR>H*|W. Phillips with a handsoase rosker. were divorced and at the time the de- Jnahscn-I anslng Line Par OMUILLT COST IB0.I ' the property is valued at more than Thelr many friends regret to see them cree was granted, the court, deciding 91,20b they are required to pay taxes Lang Time. In th(f Albion UMul»r appenrs a go but all unite In wishing them good that Mrs Little was not a fit person MUrAHi: FKLT OF on the entire asseeaed value . story of tbr life and antrf^snu of BID IX PROPBMTY A.YD The law will take effect before ' luck. to have the custody of her little dau- PBB. FLINIR HPAI'E. . ,,__, .w . . I Frank P. fliasler, of Chelasa, contain* ------ghter. gave the child into the keeping i»njc one ail««cd fact, or acrlsa of facu. Negotiations are under way for the | H<»XAL FOR $lM7f.4t. taxes, in order to receive the benefit The members of the Y. M. C. U. of her maternal grandmother, and Mr. probably not known to tkc readers of were very pleasantly *'ntertaiaed last, IJttie was ordered to contribute two aale of the iAUwlag-Jackaon branch, of the naemptlon, the veterans, or of the United Rallwnys to { HIMk. »b.M <'Hj- ,i„,r .ido«.; .r. r.qulr«l to Mli “ul evening at the home of Paul Hmith on dollars each week towards the sup* the Detroit United railway, and It ifidsvils. giving a description of their ; J'’,1.'"*''^ .w.—jCMtawa street. After the enjoyment |iort of the little one. [Thh .imeuMt Inriadcs dUb Aheve . >ew Huildins .>iear 1*. T. |.io»»ert> with the supervisor of their ‘ .w.. i>r.n.>h of the *•«»«• “d • •*«<**•• ■cssion refresh* Some time ago Mrs Uttle was roar* la expected that the deal will he vsard l.ei..i. he commences tin* ur- yrami'^unk railway *^waa *^oplnid ’"*' “** rled to a man by the name of Kabl. a completed and announcement of the riaims Hlanding Agninst Hcasc asd M. r. K. Syrian, and laat week abe went to the aale made within a few days. and f'cnIcnU. rangement of bis summer tax roll, , from Pontiac to Jackaon. through the For some time it has been known some turn in .March. ,, . . ,,, » j. ». I^WItt enter* home of her mother near Dansville old and dormant village of St^k- Sunday, the 13th. at a chicken and took the that the Detroit capltalltta have Within th« next da'* sc< •.ding Hlauks for this purimse child Into her own I*.-\Vftt A a\allable at the city been trying to secure poasesalon of b> order of the circuit court Issued to present |ir«»s|*erl^ •> I’. the I.nnBing-Jacksoo line ao as to lat the time the decree of divorce was Son. whtd«-sal< gr*'** i >> of this city, ample time for filling stre«-t and doubtleaa ('lerk Cochraneane will be glad road In that year, antedating ^ •" ‘•emalns with her mother, and eatabllsb direct communication be-j granted to Martha Porter from Henry with offl< ’»' on Ka^i Ualk'! —^—______—...______— tween the capiul city and the Porter, former landlord of the Steel stocks piled high in fo .i sinn*roomi. to act as uotary on such papers and ||,p ^jjvent of the first train by several Bishop. an effort will be maile to again place metropolis over the D. U. R. Unas Hotel in thla dty, the sale of the prop- and two war' Ious. - .\hlch msk« k It assist the applicant in executing them, niontbs, (leorge P. Glaxler and Hubert her in the home of her grandmother. .Mrs. Abner Furtney was bfMtesa for and at a meeting held at the Hotel j ^rty and perstmal contained in It Inconv ••ni* ‘nt !•* hi^iidh- sRti .iai'torlly Lstimer formed a co-partnerahlp. .. —__ _ .... Downey laat Wednesday night, it la • were aold last Saturday to Martha and as <\i'*dlil**n ly a>- tl.ejr hustling went to Stockbrldge and ^ugbt the \ t . main «-omer lot in the village; erected *tr^t Tuesday ufter^n when said, final arrangements for the Porter, whose bid waa 919.379.49, quallile* demand. «ill Imat#^ in BREAKS miS\ BY MUSSEUMN ANNOUIIGES transfer of the property were com* which is 9Uu more than all the the Kenyon block co;-n< Clinton Ave. a building U|»n It. and opened a drug “•‘•rlX ••• the membera of the club and Halii'wd street They have leas- store and a oommerclal bank in the wthered to play lu-dro. Kefreahments claims standing at that date against new building under the name of Clax- * ‘^re served, General .Manager Brooks of the D. the profierty. Including real and chat* «<| for a term of ten years the base­ FALLIW; DOWN STAIflS PROHIBITION PUmi I . R.. Myron M'. Mills of the MIchl* j tel mortgages, taxes, paving taxes, ment and the first two floors of this ler A lAtliner. Robert L. lAtimer bad HI’HTtlYS only one child, a son then about Ik .N’ext regular meeting of the Order of gan United, together with other of* I etc. It Is expected Judge Searl will double Imlldlnu the l(»dges retaining MItb. tiFBKliF XKY MILL MAkE CA.WAHN BX PREH* ficials of the two companies were In confirm the aale about February 20th. the third fl«a»r years of age. The family consisted of King's Daughters will be held Tuea- MtHtV HRl'IHEh. futher, mother and son. lived in rooms .day evening, February 22. at the hom EXT -MBKAL I," MOTE conference and it la said that at the when the Conrt will ait here on this The building will be fitted up for conclusion of the session a definite other matters. Nothing will be their es|»ecial l»eneflt. with fine office above the store, the son acting as of Mrs. F. .M. Hitaiilding. An urgent clerk in the store. That son waa invitation la extended tn all members agreement had been reached. done by Mrs. Porter until the aale on the ground floor, freight elevators .Mis. Ceorge .N'ey residing on Ottawa Amos .Miisaelman. the Grand Rapids none ntber than Irving lAtimer, the to attend The Ijuising-Jackson line has been has been confirmed. etc. including all the conveniences for th«. comer of Baldwin, was ^ , wholesale grocer, who was a guest at In operation a little more than a year, Bealdes Mrs. Porter. J. H. Ruel, the an iip-io-dat. wholesale grocery bust* th. victim of a dlatreaalng accident The Bengal Kpwortb Ikeague will the recent G. O. I*, banquet In thla but in that period it has proven a , Pewamo banker, was a bidder until nese Th*- building, location, etc., are , jjft«-rn€>on. and is now suf- prison for to years for slaying bis cR.v, but who at that time bad not mother. The irony of fate now cem* give a carpet ball social at the hall iiaylag proposition and the traveling | up to within 92.’W> of Mrs. Porter ’s fl- Ideal for I)«*Wltt A Son's business | faring from a broken wrist and some “declared bis intentlona," made the demns the only son of the senior Friday evening. Feb. 22. All are public has found it a convenient and nai bid. Mr. Ruel suted that he waa Sk'ven years ago the senior member j^unful but not serious bruises. _ announcement of bis candidacy on member of the firm to be aiso con* con which be proposes to will have on the proiKMtal to con* meaa in this city in the Steel hotel. The ladles of the Horosis were en* R after the nomination Is the follow- i^nuinn iVi :ui;:i' tSat^ Mn "STei where K L IVkoling “"J' F S|«uldlng. to attend the meeting inquiry among old-time h_____hankers_ .qat« Tuesday.ue»«., e,*evening at the home By ,i"*' ‘“e I L. r . and l.elng somewhat Jackson corroborates the Albion story of Mrs. Alfred Smith Ing to Detroit via Owoaao Is not known, been a auccessful bidder a new bnnk "Should I be elected governor it lint and other


Y mC Ct lypWQ I ^ aaoird rmbtr*e Ilvins <« t V lie Cm* «IUnM9 i^C Wd. I Iiiinoia rm off q ^.. of Us !••• Wttll so ; Hmi IMNi Iasv tbr o(b*r day wmi* okopatac j HEW. :: HUITHWEMT LBHA^OH. AN lXl)KI*KNDENT NEWSPAPER, ^ood Till* would »*ai to br a ratb* I

Mlraisan •! Wm. Sypber. Jr., spent over Sunday j Mra. Ceorge Bower visited Saturday —==------II -I "iwjltinb uccaatoaally. a laaa baa a**^ ; la l.aastng. land Sunday la Hubbardatoa. LBW F. I'l’Tf'IIBfISi. BdHar aad Pabr. jqo naay wbMi br baa all bla Ofaator j TmHi atf ta 1 Kim R { Mr. aad Mra. John Cotes of West! Mr. aad Mrs. Martin Wlaans visited laaalcaad to bint. jUllve sp«>nt Suaday at M. R. Mead'a Tuaaday at the home of Otla Smith TWENTIETH YEAR ..JktU I W K. Kyea aad family spent Sunday and wife. at the home of their daughter, Mrs. ' Mr. and Mrs. Martin Winaas visited A dlapaicb fron ('aaaopolla aaya ox- I • rrMl aa aecoad-Haaa laattar at tb«' I Henry Kuhala. Friday at the home of their daughter. poat office at at. Jobaa. Mlcb- Wardaa Armatraac baa aoM bla bom«> E. Schoais and family of Victor were Mr. aad Mrs. Lymaa Jonoa. igan uadar Um act of ta that villab*-. That iMt tbc oaly I guests at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Mr. aad Mra. Heraehel Duffer eater- Marcb S. ItTb. tblac Armatroag aoM. Ha aold tbr ' Kuhala Sunday. talaed at their home Monday evealag iieopla of tbe State of Mteblbaa; aad n V Miss Dell Miller of Baat DeWIlt via- Masara. W. Blaael. P. Pfell, P. Blasel ftabacripWaa b] be aold bla Mrtbiigbt for a maaa (aad Itad at the home of her brother (leorge their wives. It part of last week. (leorge McVeigh aad Mias (Iraee •HE TEAK a oaaty maaa. at that! of pottage. MIX WUnUM Mr. and Mrs Oua Boron and Mra. ^ Hub^rdaum spent Stt- TflUE aonTHM i K M. Chadwleh took dinner with Mrs afternoon and evening at the It la laid that Dr. Cook, tbe north O. Clavey Saturday. home of Mr. aad Mrs. Bart Klllam. itole fakir, la In Chile. He may be Mr. aad Mrs Robert Rond apent Mr. aad Mrs. Martin Winana enter- Chile there but thfa couatn' would iTueaday at the home of hla brother ^‘■•** *» I.' Penn. Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Read and TO OrH FRlE?IIHi. make It warm enough for him should (.eorge In Ulngham daughter and Bernice Henley of Hub- be ever return, nothwlthstandlng the ! Maggie Keck, who baa been visiting b^rdatoa (>ur readara aad frleada of ■"jL» " w-» paradox that he would get a chilly I In lainsing for the last two weeks. mmi. f. l. bouluoum . The St. johae Xewa who have returned b«mvekM.. Thurwiay. l*oher and little dau- F. L. BOrLUOCN, miH HtalO probate noii<*ea to publiab. or reception at the same time. 1 .Mrs. K. D. laiwreiice and .Mrs. h. D,.n|er Millard and little granddau- M"St.,h Little Roeg, Ark,, wrlias: who foatrol tbem, will roa- **I havre been a saffarer with lb# asth­ fer a favor upon the piibllah* ID. Williams of DeWItt vlaited Mrs. nhler of Ionia rialted Thursday at the ma for about ftMir years, aad I tried er by requeatlag Judge Mer­ Thonuw Cal. wife and nine children WeaA aud uaheaHbv kMne** are prshaMy rsspaaslble far amre «IHi. }E. M, Chadwick Wednesday. home of Mr. aad Mrs. Martin Wln- rill to have the priatlag done have come to Flint from Canada to Mr. and Mrs. Albert l>‘ffler were*aas. different kinds of merVnues aad nuuld aes* aad oafferiag thaa any stber dtssase. therelarr, wbea tbraagb aegleef not find any relief for It. in The News. If auch request reside. Possibly his wife’s name is ientertained at the home of Mr. and sr siher raase*, kidney traaMe is penaHted ta ranthiHe, seriaas results are i.Mrs. K. M. Chadwick Hunday. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ **1 tried yoar msdielnss, bought a liot- la made Judge Merrill will .Maria, making the family Tom Cat. kindly grant It. sure la fallaw. i Rev. (;. T Flaher and F. Redmond ♦ ♦ tle of Psmna, and after taking about .Maria and nine kittens- a fairly large PrBLlSHER. Vaar other antaus may aeed alteatlaa bat yaar hidaeys mast, iteraase : took supper at the home of Mr. and ♦ (IL.VEV. ♦ half of It 1 must aay that I have not bad Utter, and one which would rejoice they da uiast aad sbanld have ultenliaa first. , Mrs. A. (t. (’hadwirk Sunday. ♦ ♦ tbe asthma sine*. Bsforsl t4wk llienied- even Theodore Roosevelt T. J. Sypher. who recently returned ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Icloe 1 did not kaow what 11 wa* to go If yaa feel that yaar kMaeys are tbe faa*e af yaar slrhaess ar raa dawa ------to taal without having the aathma.** eaadItlaB. beala takiag Dr. Kllaier*s Hwamp-Kaal, tbe great kMaey, liver from Regina. Saskatchewan. Is wlslt- THE WIFE WHO SAVED. Ing relatives and friends In this vi- I-. J. Call has returned from Owos- tyalanilc CntnryR. Harry Thaw la to have a romnila- aad bladder rean^y, heraase as saaa as yaar kidney* begfa ta get better Mr. Hamnel Burden. 7*1 Bprlagfleld rtnlty. ao. In looking about for divorce grounda alon appointed to find out whether Are., .Humrolt. N. J,. wrllaai they will ketp ail the ather arana* ta beaith. C (f. (’hadwirk and family. Alonso .Miss Flossie Allen is working In General (Jharlea Miller, the Standard “used right” where he Is Owoaso. ••In tbe fall of iwu 1 had rspeatsd Oil millionaire of Franklin. Pa., has ^^^ incarcerated It’s a cold day iRchnala and Stella Ruehler were en- Pre«alcaci af Kidney Disease. liMtsalag. bHrkdust or itedlmenl In the .|^rtalned at the home of Mr. and Mrs The family of George Romers has attacks of cold, which davrdopsd into found that hla wife saved I4(h> a day, | Harry's attorneys do not Thaw Most iieople do not realise th«- urine, headache, backache, lame back.’Albert IWfler Sunday evening, l>een ill a few days. vysismlc catarrh. ^ ..... George Hickey Is moving his family ••It left me very weak aad all ran Sundays Included. some ^heme to hav* him In the slarmlng increase and remarkable pre­ dlxzlneas, poor digestion, sleepleas- About ..o of the friends and neigh-n, nv^. lown. When 1 got up In Uve morning We think that this breaks the r^-; valency of kidney disease. While kid ­ neaa. iiervouaness. heart distiirbanc* bors of Mr. and Mrs. Will (!ase gave ney disorders are the naost common , Rtepben OIney and wife spent Sun- n w» b.«le«l>«.l«,. cause one of the parties took a bath This section has had steady (and the last r«-cognized by patient or imubU.,,. IAlb.u,b ... .. A«. Arbor ••It also laft ms with a vary weak, on Christmas only, because of cold fiaest iroaglnablei sleigbing sine*- phyaiciana. who usually content them- out feeling, lack of ambition, may be i j all-gone, eaipty feeling In my etoasaeh, .Mr. and Mrs. P. J. hMwards of Tuesday for medical treatment for feet, because of eating coup with a i |>^,.rober T, and It now has every ap- I selves with doctoring the effects while loss of flesh, sallow complexion, or which I thought I the original disease constantly under ­ Bright’s disease may be stealing upon Victor visited Wedneeday at the home his eyes was d yapepela. for knlfe, and drinking the finger-bowl j^.r^ace of remaining until at least you. which la the worst form of kld-'®^ brother. C. P. Sleight, aad call-| Miae .Minnie McDongald enterulned mines the system. which 1 tried dif ­ water, becaus# of croaa-eyes and be- ; Decoration Day. ney trouble. ^ ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. ' her scholars at her home Tuesday ev- Tbe mild and immediate eff«.ct of fer ent remedies cause of a lot of other ridiculous ”ln- : — ; Swamp-Root, fbe great kidney, liver I Chadwick on tbeir way home. 'enlag. Refreshments were served HwaaM»-llaa( is Pleasant la Take. Mra. Harriet (Carpenter, who la!and all bad a pleasant time. with very llUle improveme nt. compatibilities. ” but here's the first j press information • and bladder remedy, la soon realised, ••I anally decided to give Ferana n i It stands the highest for Its remark- If you are already convinced that i P*** years of age. pieced a quilt | Cliff Bell and family are on their caae where a wife is going to be haul- |o News office that the trial. I felt ben ed led with tbe ttretdoae. lable results In the moat distressing .Swani|*-Root is what vou need, you I l.-'ilo pieces In It and quilted It j way home to .North UakoU after vla- After takiag three twttlaa I wee en- «d over the common pleas coals for j not be a failure. In cases. can purchaae tbe regular flfty-oent presented It to the Wllsey As- ! Ring with relatives here this wln- Itrvly cared. I cannot spank in too aavlng the money. and one-dollar size bottles at all drug 'soclatlon at their meeting last Thura- .ter. fact. It has been saved. Hyaifilsai.. sf KMaey TraaMe. stores. Don ’t make any mistake, but ^-Root, and the addr i. King- ^ greatly appreciate her many acta of ' baugh. Jo*- Adlson. Jtve Somers and pernn* Is rnannfaetared by tho ital prodigy and pbenom O Lord! last Saturday: (1. tVasblngton will be I to (lass your water frequently night | baiiiton. N. Y.. Which you III rind ' kindness helping them to make their j wife. Mrs. Marvin .May and Mrs. .Mag- Pvfuus Dru^ Mlg . (Jo., (Jolumbas, Ohio* how few of ua there are who would ­ and day. snuirting or irritation in on every bottle • work a success. gle Baker. at th* plate next Ttiesday. • Mr. and Mrs D. H. Rheubottom en- ; ------n't put in a safety deposit vault a wife If Van Need a HedlelBe T »a Hhsald Have (be Rest. tertained the following at dinner > Saved Fraai Awfal ParlL who would save t40u a day, Sundays j Swanip-Ht I* alwaya kept up to Its high standard of puiityand excellenrc Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Le- ^ **1 bever felt ao near my grave,* t Parrel* Pesl ?*y*tem. A sworn certificate of purity with every bottle. included! Baron. Mr. and Mrs. Carl l.**Baron writes Lewla Chamblln. of Manchester I New York World.! And even If saving l4(Ht per diem I SIMPLE BOTTLE FMEK — To prove the wonderful merits of and !H>n of St. Johns. Mr. and Mrs.-Ohio. K. R. No. 3, ”aa when a frlght- ; Swaiui«-R(mt .voii may have a sample Imttle and a book of valuable In­ Fred Green and family of Ovid. Mr. :ful cough and lung trouble pulled me were bad per se. who can blame the ‘tie E E. SLYE formation. both sent absolutely free by mall. The hook contains many of and Mrs. John Sleight and family of down to 1I.% iiounds in spite of many poor woman? Shes bad to live with overlook when he complain., that the thousands of letters received from men and women who found Swani|>- Victor. Mrs. C. P. Sleight and son ' remedies and the best doctors. And Attction—r a Standard Oil magnate who the government U»ses .-norinously on Root to b»- Just the remedy they needeil. The value and success of Swamp- Glen of Olive. Mr. and Mrs. Chas that I am alive today in due solely to squeezed millions out of other |»eople the carriage of s».ound. and that Canada has reilucetl and .Mrs. F. C. Young last Thursday Infallible for Coughs and Colds, Its IONIA, MICH. of the oil consuiiiers at large. What jtii rate on jierlodlcal mail U> one- 117 were present. All report a fine the most certain remedy for LaGrippe time. Reecipta of the day were S14.du. Asthma, desperate lung trouble and ~iioes'' with the g»*ese ought to "go'' quarter of a cent a iKuind and shows STATE PRESS NOTES EDITORIAL COMMENT a Pbawe 326-2r. The next meeting will be with .Mr. all broachlal affectioas. So cents and with the gander. nffi rs no renu dv for the pr. and Mrs. Albert iWfler .March loth, fl.uo. A trial bottle free. Guaranteed Ball PKawe 137-2r t'Unt has vHln..i t.n thousand p^- hni„ for H.-illinger is an .Mrs Luann Austin, who has tieen by J. T. Mllltnan and VanSickle a- And. while we’re at It. we want to affairs but higher tsistal pb- in the )>ast y.-ar. and the "«lrys difficult task (’hicago I uiajrjng with her daughter, Mrs. Jen- Glaaple. warn the court that is to handle this charx*-' He falls to take into account say ”1 told you so — Bay ( Ity Times nle Clavey, In DeWItt. returneil home Miller case. If wives ar*- to be baubd the .-xreaaiv. iwvments made to the j railroails or the clrcunistances that W«- do not care itartlcularly about Saturday. thrrmgh the horrors of a divorce trial As for Governor Haskell, he n*-ver th» express coni|uini<-s carry matter "light being thrown «in th*- of liv­ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ knoss what a «lay 'vlll bring forth because they save money, there s go ­ '•heap* r than the gov.-rnim-nt They ing. ” NVe see It too clearly as H Is ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ cxcejit that It will l>e trouhl*- —Gal- ♦ ♦ ing to b«- a boycott in this country be­ not only underbid th»- cn\>-mment in Jackson Citizen l*ress. ♦ v**ton .News ♦ KHErHHTTOM. ♦ side which uur little affair with mem€>cratlc candidate girls will b..ycott Cupid and the eUxi- countries -njoy for president In 1!M2 It doesn't seem milliner. One *if his daughters mar- rleil the Standard Oil It la a thrifty ble men will follow -tuU. because the 'in th* rural fre* ilellverles ainn* right to o\*-rl*H>k anylsidy —Grand (’ I* Sleight. 1 h<* haa l)e*-n under Rapids Press family - Birmingham Age-Herald. th*’ dfictor ’s * ’ar* Is iH-tter at this i Opportunity courts will have derid«-d that a bus- Postmaster (leneral Hitchcock admits. writing. band has legal right to make any kind th* aoYemnient sustain* a toss of Champ (’lark says this is a I>emo- shout I2v'sst.iHMi In an **xi>endltiir*- of An man has recently dle«l R*’ UlM‘n .Sl*-ight, who has he* n home ♦ of an ass of himself he cbtwses at the age of D». hut even he .wild ' y;:": for the last two weeks from college f.'’.2.*Nei.<«Mi annually \m John llrlsben about Dmk. hut th«- |>eople had the ♦ Never So Good ------Walk* r |)olnt* out. It rarrb-s only 2.'» ; probably not remember the apiiear- with scarlet f* ‘V* ‘r, Is so as t«i be out *ance of the fkwit historical novel in last guess — l*tttshurg Gateiti-Tiroes ♦ Burrows |>a|>ers sr* telling th* ir , isMinds per trip »»er wagon when with again. ,the state.—Grand Rapids Press Miss P«wrl Buehh-r of Grand ledge. read«rs that Julius Caesar should be “ parcels iK»st system each of thes«- That Elkin* assault ii|>oa Aldrich, ♦ How nfteu we bear it *>sM tte the day of uppartasilj has . , , , . w wagons might b*- earning from .’•(s* to the tariff and the trusts ought to lie ! who is attending the normal at St ♦ |ai**edi that the time when ^enas mea cosM win hi (be battle I .s .s-n..«r .win !-<•.„« hv ,„n «. Lulher BurlMink now says that cac­ Johns, visited her grandmother. .Mrs \ welcomed by the comic supplem*>nt ♦ of life wa* genet that tbe pioneer*, (be first settler* and tbe la a is»or man. for on* reason H«- rnntrlhutlng to th*- profit of th** gov- tus is a fine substitut* for meat If |J. Buehler. over Sunday. he'd only say this about rubber plants, ••ditor *>f the ('tingresslonal Reconl. ♦ first trader* in everjtbiag ted «kimmed tbe cream eff frem (be must be! He has managers In I>e- ernment and th*- eon\*nlenc»* of the I*lttth*-r was ihi*- of th*- |»l!lfnl features ♦ •Map. tkiak. INtent “Te kirn that tetk *tell be gfvea aad ta these places; l»esldes wbicb he bas jj.,, «|ev,-lotted St enormtMis loss an«l linger la only line of the iwrty’a Jo-j**® ”® West to live, connected with th** ex-treasurer ’s ♦ him that hath set *teli be taken away even that wbleb be emissaries all over th* State obtain- , yearly resfxmsihle for larger deficits case. But Glazier ought to have nabs -Kansas ('By .Star. — lag th* sentiment ” for him of would be clearing milllnns thought of that before Th*- way of ♦ balh.“ Carefully tbiak over the wisdem of tkl* «ta(eawaL Xev- cours* these men are working for The rural service is only a small the transgr**saor is hard—Ray ('Ity P*-ary has sold hla meteurilea for ♦ er ia tke world** kistary wa« there better oppertaaMIe* efferlag t4u.stal field in Tiroes. ♦ Julius for their health. Either -^. ,1,1111.1, j|„. volume of business profit- ______flashed across the borlzoa a short tbe yeans aad thrifty than at preoeat. Tbe yaaaa ama .tbram ♦ Burrows Is not a (loor man. aa bas gble for the government would be in- Commander Peary auggests tht.. T'l'i*!'* i SAVED .^«er, wbem tbe rradem ef this pap^r **^1 remember, was aae been given publicity, and Is paying icreasevl If iiarcels were carried at the colom*! Roosevelt Is the right man ImpHrer. I ♦ ef tbe«e who started rbrbtt be wa* seed te khaaell wbaa the for all thia work himself, or eia* ra**- ««*• » nou»<« The gov- b««d an exiwdltlon to the south pole. 1 . .... ^Ab.* ... i ♦ lime fer character building begnai be saU, **I wfll baabnad my Why is not former Vice President ; ^heje |s treble In f^lo over the I ♦ resaarre* and save sometblag te help mjraelf with so teat wbaa nro. « Fairbanks better suited (^(np^raraeat- 1 "*?2*!f* **"'.7! llw up lb, pMt. wltb lb. .wuruic. . ,w., A,..,,,,, ally for such a tiipV-IJinslBg Jour- ^r**n*!r ^tiA***^**t k ' ♦ oppertaaHy affer* I amy be prepared to tabe advantaga.** He I ' aeem to understand why there should 1 that It will be bread cast upon tbe ; parcels would be nothlag addltloaal FROIAN ♦ saved Ms fival few baadred by startenr a Savings Accaant la waters to be returaed maay-fold some {except for the short wagoa haul la ______be any fiiaa over it.—Cblcagn Record ♦ Tbe Stale Bask af HI. iaten he west eat late tee warM a Herald The goapel of proper food. iNire air. ♦ stranger ta H hi saaw ways, la steers pvepaeedt the time, la tbe meaaume what la Hoa. land sunahine la steadily Maiding Its ♦ new bat te tbe aaui wite saamtelag la caarNw k Towaseaa. wr. uurrowa Waaamaker mM It was twelve way to tbe people. Aad It'a a gcMid Jimmy Garfield inay yet rank as a oppoaeat. dolag while Mr. Burrows j ys^^s ago. whee he was posuaaater thing 'Tbe nwat effective tnlaaiaa person of some Importance, if Olavla ♦ stvnagp toees had a frieadlf laak. Hear wtet br any*i Is cavorttag about tbe State? He Is jgeseral. that there are four lasuper- aiie^ along this line are the doctors loan eubstanUate the allegatUm that • ♦ “It VMS a laahy day far me wten I aad others who are attempting to to get out • beeauae he '♦ •J firat bnadrad daMars. Wlmn I la Waablagtoa roaaulUng with Presl- ! able obstacles to a parrel post aya- ohjecttaaable to aome of the Alaate dsat IMft oa the railroad bill sooa toj^^ '-Th^ four Mg express comi«- eduoate the people to a better under- staadtag <»f the dread d lasaae tuber- coal land iatereacs. Hitherto Jimmy ^ri3f«a£J>tafcham*8♦ teal aam I mM I wBl I » tt anM I be latrodace d . aad atteadtag to other ' * ** ______culaois aad the beat way of comtet- tea been regarded aa laaocuoua aad iva enaagb la amte 1 n saw fei ana af tlag It.—Bagtaaw .News. taoffeaalve — .Maabville Aamrtean. # al tea Waatt N la faU af appaatenlliMt That'a oae dlffereace brain leaks . ------/ YeaetaiMtotapemid " De Forrat, Wla- ♦ I aapiraata for tbe C. 8. Ssaatora^lp ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ After an open- ♦ II E Ite ^ Bvary tana imagtaea blmnelf wtn ♦ ♦ m four FNin ago ! conmodatlag. ef aaiell aad ♦ PBWAMfl. ♦ bnd nnina down- For tbe firm tlaie la Hleblgaa Ab- j —4k— the whsis systeai eotevam H ♦ ♦ ltd In bath ♦ Bha myaaMi thrmigh the Biuceae aarfSces •aeh ar> bneknobd, and n rabaa Uacola bad bla Mrtbday IbM I It la not a sta to Meal tbtiiBa at a ttclse aheald sever he uaad yespt oa ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Saturday obnsrvad as a public holiday, j**^®®**^ More where you trade. preaertpSlaa frsm repamMs pkvmeiaae. aman. Tte dor- ♦ nnnlad nm to ae the *toaaios they de lo tea feM (• the Martha Casper Is vlalttag ta BeM- There were many who wtabmi “Abe” | arawBe maa tea plenty af an- pend yeu «an asaalMi’ derive fvam tbspk nnothor onam. ♦ ta aivagtepi. I am HsITa Qstorrh Care, amaafactarad vy ^ ItoakJUlSaB. ♦ bad beea la------before be ever had aicaaa far staftte te KOe wttboat add- T J. Cheoey A Co.. TMeda O.. eantatae Mrs. J. H. Roel railed la toara Sat iPlnkbam'g VdflMA. Mrtbday: for aat teMvwtag aboat It | tag adtranomy to Ma Itat a** awrrury. aad Is lahea lat eras Ity. set- ♦ •a ky wlaaly tennlng tea pana af mn laad fival at lag direetlY upan the bleed aad taaceaa nrday. bM Cotafannd and to the haaim and paatof • ' ^ »arfa«»ee of the sietsai In tsartna Hall's (Bms Flowers was la town 1 am anUral J enrad ♦ . ^ i The bank worm differs from tbe Catarrh Care be eare yaa net tbe pw»- of my tfoubina" — ♦ flee aad foand I caoaad on nceoaat 1 aiiatocrailc aoutbem alae It le tahea mtevaalty aad made ta ’TMede. OMe. hy P. J. Cheoey A Oe. Raymoad Toarasead was la Mia. A Mterggmini. Da Iter, af tbe lenal Kallday a aew one In jhuBlIlea to that It wor ba amat of tte TretlmseUete free. BaturAay. ata. W< tee atindnr of bolldaya —and betas j time aeM hy Mra. Jennie Bringa returned Am dtaappotatad they all ’’bad It ta“ for ' "" tie Nowftriogng. Lb.—^*Thryn 1 anf. Tshe Heire FanHIy Pllle fer censM- Remus Monday. Abe. who, la reality bad ootbtag to tabes aa mueb tn- patlen. Jaa. Davara aad Dr. Flemtag apent ferad ftani tevam fMnnta troabiM. wtth tbe matter. The prtnotpal 'SJSb^^eJrJST^JT ------I Sunday la Perrtatoa. Finally I was rontaad to my bad and ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦444444 Blaacb Arnold aad Helen Wllliaiaa the doctor Mid an oneratlon wna nwoa* Mare of tte dia appota ted ones tal«astty plaaaad aa her pastor, ^ 41 were home flaturday. mry. 1 mtva LytUa X. Plakham'a Vegi. ctaole Anaponad a trial Byst, and wttb tbe lepal part of It' te- ♦ iHIBPinMTILLE. 41 John Sboemaber aad Walter Hen- tbe Bweartag. When te tears aaamane calling hint A ♦jderaaa called la town flaaday. was mved from an oMrmtSoQ.*'< —Mn. l.iLT Pkthoi ’X, nil KerloiacSt, New to nome In tetf no to work, or to bed. The Ladtee RmbroMery Club met Orlenna. La. la tbe only thne a hoy wilt admit there with Mrs. McGowan Tbnraday. Ten mlllloa apple tiaaa la Mtcbl- la too mate note> a the world. 'Thirty yean of rniTmntlMed mireeni Bob Harman went to Owoaao oae Mra Wilber Vaace and Nell O coaftrnm tbe mwer of Lydia K. Flnk- day last week. grm were la 81. iobas fkitardsy. bam'e Vegotaoie (’«>mpoiiiMl to oua female diaeaeea Tbe great vohuae of tmeollMted testimony constantly poor- last Thursday. uiiiaa Doromy of Hubbardatoa lag In provss conelnelvely that Lydia E Itnktem'a VegstaMe rompoand le a letasrbshle reinedy for tboss dls. tisanlnf fesHnlne ills floin whtsb as ■any Kfy wHasanllPB. 17.

M. Nal ikiti FfIKSKR KKHIDKNT DKA». IT IM» It Mi Kdinund W Gallop was bom la a krir a Mr 4nh I flS]l Wise K3rTKSTAIRBSf«. * Mrs. B. J. Glcaaon is aartowaly 111. Washtenaw county. M^cb. July ItRh. Albert HIcoek spent Friday in Flint. CONES- Tbr bone of Mr. and Mm. L. C. ISdk. and died Feb Stb. IklO at bls John Reeee and family hnye moved Wbittamorv wno Uie acwne of a plana- home*ln Grand Rapids after a Ions ins aocfni avant Mmdny ev^«las when to Flint illneae of two years' duration Tbe Wm. J. Hathaway la la Detroit thla tbe tndiM of the CmacMit Club cwle- decenaed was 41 years and 7 iuontha bmied IlMSr fifth annual **PrMa4ent*s week on buslaeaa. old at the time of death. Mrs. John Fllsher has been very He had resided In Gmtlot county J- i' Ai Uny.'* Tb* evenlng'a i-ntwr^inment wna In cbnme of tbe gentleinm. As sick for the past week. about twenty years. He was a barber Chna Parker of Owoaao spent Sun ­ the Kuonta were roeelvad they ware by trade and conducted a shop !■ banded enrda with numbera which day with hla family. Bannister for some years, ile also Clarence F. Hail went to Ann Arbor oorreaiKMided to numbers on valen- owned a farm here upon which he tinea that bad bean placed In the pnr- Saturday on huatesoa moved when be sold bis shop. About lora aa decomtiani by the geMlemea. Harry (TIark of Laaslna has been two years as<> he aold^ bis farm and • With a batter undorstindnig of tha trao siant natura ef tha ir.any phyai- & P. Horr Thia waa but a anmil part of the visltiac Mias .Nina Youas. removed to Ithaca ensaslns in the Frank thnith went to Flint on bust- tfM HU v/hieh vanUh befora propar afforts —afforts •—pianaant aiuusentent of the avenina for tbe stenm laundry business and it was . sIfarU—rightly diraoted. Thara is comfortln tha knowladga that so many pracrani which waa prepared was full neas the last of the week. claimed by the many doctors which ' of mirth and lauabter. Throucb their Mrs. 8. M. Fitch visited over Sunday consulted that the strong chemicals forms of iilnaaa ara not dua to any actual di saasa, but simply to a coostt- Mapfe Rapids, Mich. Bd Wrlabt wwt to St. Johsa Fri- with out-of-town friends. used in the laundry bad po isoned his patad condition of tha system, which tha plaaaant family lax£.ttva. Syrup »lay. efforts Um* men w

Mrs A J. Hankins was la Oaroaao I Friday. Ifrs.Hbiisonfe:-Iher» a Augnat Martin of Kurcka was an Klsla visitor Mfxiday Mm. 11. U Arknioody is raported Hednim in EvaySunO o^«rdo«e or uadar- quite sick wtUi la grippe. doM is MX vood. L. C. (Mark of Detndt visited hla Tids is MpsctsUr tnM ol bskta« — sad ii is ivsi ss tras at bsktag ptmdar. H nKATH t»r PKTKK HKHK. i family here over dunday. Muff: ns aw tiM rtiTfr sad Bm Csa Kiads ytm srs f t itioa qosatitf at thaaacrtdca ol KHfX* Haas was tiorn In Pullrary. A Masonic school of Inatrurtlon Breakfast , licaaao«1>aaa«oad —oras-acoaoBiieslasCaiaasa* iba lasdiam pfiaa MliHibati c^nty.. .V. Y.. July Srd. IN4k. Kiaia, March IMh kiad. If foa vaa iIm Hi«h Prwa Kiad. y«a ara payioc tribata to tba Tfasi — tba and (Had Febmary Mh. IWIU. aged dl Wfl<-


OP MK’HIOAM—«lM CtftmM !i«TtrB tr Thp dant^ln ’SlS!^. Ark., Jan. tmr tktm Vmmmty of ClkMMi. PHALU T«W!IMnP MASS. M. of Dr. M. L. Lsnrfa. wlU oauaa la (' many of tba oldar raatd snta of Cllntan ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ In the mait*r of th* Petition of tho Notico is boroby glvw tbal ttoro DB. J. Y, DOOLIMO. PhyMniaa agd MIcMvan Milk A Pood Product* ’oui. will bo s uiooUas ot tbo Towasbip county to pouoc for a tlaa. coa ting !♦ Tba Mama want ealwaan Is ^♦ BaaBnag. ovar Xteat'a diraa atora. Board at tbf Township of Wsstphsllb. haokward glances Into tbe msmory pAtiy, • ^'orporatlon In Otaooiutlou. ^ raad aaab zrask by tt.Md paapla 4 w. A. Boorr. Pbpiimi1 agd latEiBB. XiMk'o n# R«rH««r*« bold St Stump's b^l. st Wostphsliii on balls of Urns; aaaing therela tbe pri­ ^ of this oanaty and vlclaltr. Tew # vations and struggles of tboa* early '# oaa ranch this aambar of panpla ^ 001*4 and raaMsM* vast aMa af TH THIH MAT ‘XiNOBiiN;—jThursdny. tbs J4fb day of robniory, Oogit Bagas aggafu. omaa bag** Noilco is horoby stvon thst by Tir-iipie, ot 10 o'clfcb a. ol, for tbs pur- days, wban Dr. Laacb wma a well- !# In BO atbar way aa chaapiy and # ^ oanvanJantly aa by an ad inaartad ^ 1 to 8 ovary aftofoaa two of the powor Yostsd In tbo nscoHr- poo* of takibc action in tbo luattsr of Ga^rdlea known and ta*ll-belovad person In # la theaa onlamns. Pilzn 1 cam ^ •r of tbs M uOilnso Milk h Pood Pro- 11||^ sppileatlon sad pstltloa for cloaa- their raidat. Bargains WELUAM BAVMMB, M. O.—Ilomoo- I# par wwad par nwsb, Isam ebaan^ ^ ducts <'ompsny. a t^acponiUon In Dls- rtospmlng. widsintBS. atralcht- One remembers much of hla coura- '4 lb cenia. 4 pattHc ptoyaOclaa and aargaoo. CM- oslution. by ths •tatuiss of iho Stats sztsadlac » drain, known TME CillE OF THE ROADS. geouB optimism, bis cbarlty, hla force 4 4 BY flea ovor Doty tk Read's atoxa. Of- of Mlchlcan. and th# ordsr of tbo Cir- doslsnatMl as tbs Lsbiaan drain, and modesty, hla manllneaa. hla'gent­ floa tooara • to 12 a. m. mad 1 to 4 colt .oort for the Oouniy of^liHon.^n ^ roqulrrol lb Cbaplsr t. Act SIO, of Oawasswssswt anrf Many Maiaa ln«*r- leness. hla culture, hla alioplldty and p. m. For Cktrttnio and Acut* dla- Ch*nc*Y>-. fllad and sntsrsd on ths tbs Public Acu of Itbt. aalad In HlBlwsny Inspswusmanta. bis pure Chrlatlan character. fOR SALK. aaaaa. (Dac. 9, '#•> Sath day of January. A. n. l*ia ____ (lIvsB uadsr my ____band tbls Idtb day Tba Unltad Mataa baa antsawd upon To this iMMmty he rendered raluable PKKPRItKXv A. TRAVIS RBCmV- “ ’ -Jj service, balBg an army surgeon In tbe FAU AJID (’ITT PROPBimr F4IN KR of mM '^rporatlon In IMssolntton Pwuary. A. a graat ara of road laqirov*a»snt. iCaVNN Civil War. BAliB (HI BXl'MANMB- Now Is the LOriS W. BBRTRAII. Lmbs anpaoprlatJona from atata funds DR. B. C. LaVAMMUm. D. O. M. will hold a public auction and vondus The following Is a sentence taken time to buy a farm or a city home. Offlaa over niau Bnnk. RL Johna. of ih«- propsrtv and aaosts of said cor ­ t!lerk of WsstpballA Township. bnra bav mad* for ancta srork. .4i from one of the Doctor ’s lettera writ­ I have farms of all alaea and pricea. poration AT THK PRINCnPAL BtJS- laaai twvnty stataa bar# made sorb ten April 2. Iimsi: “Yeaterday I was aoaae as low as |X0 per acre. 1 THOM All MANN. D. D. 8 —Off lea ov. INUHH OPPW'K ok the same at jjOTH'E BKETI.'VM OP WKOT- apfwwprtetloaa. In aotne statas Indh 88 years old. I am reminded that have a good 120 acre farm for t2.5 er CNiapman'a atvr*. f THE VIUlJtOK or RTdtlR. CLJXT»>.V PHAM A A.'tD DALLAH TOW2«- vldoal ctMtotlaa are obtalnlac aat!afac> what I do I must do quickly." And —good buildings and a fine orchard; ATTORJOeirR. cor STY. MlfHIOAN. on Wsdnssday. now: — will take city property In exchange. tary rwnina by laece bund laanaa. ths 2*rd day of Fsbmary. A. D. Itld. HMip miABirn. “Away from the stonu. away from For good bargains In farm or city bsptnnlna at the hour of tsn o'clock In H. B. RaJbridr' D. W. KaUag. .Xotlcs* is hereby flvsn that tbsra Tb* damanct fur laao spaelally quail- the strife. prpperty see FURL RIDK.NOlTR, WAIWUDOB A AtlaansFa tbs forenoon of aald day. ICBLUrr. township flad In biKbway enylusartna Is Incraaa- Away from the feverish heat of 1 I 2 Clinton Ave. Ht. Johns, .Mich. ar Lnar. over comar dmg alora. Bt Mid «ls shatl ha had and mad* will bs a mssUas of tbs Johns. aabJ«Y>;^ to Mil valid _and itubslstlna___ : boards M tbs townships of Wsat- IBS at a rapid rate, and for tbla.rsa- life: 28 w2 aon the deiairtment of nyrtrultura lb Away from the iialns of a throbbtog llena and ln< umt"iincss upon said pro- phalls and Dallas, held at Stumps FtHM K(IK KALE—What Is known as WTItL EL BBDNAON, Attornay nt Las perty and assets and subject to ths hall, at Westphalia, on Tburaday. Iha Waahlukluo has iteofirraled with edu- heart; 8L Johna, Mteh. Away from tears which sorrows the Rain farm one-half tulle west of comflrmatlon <»f the rinuH Hourt for X4th day of Kebruary, 1910, at f cattooal InwiHuiluna and urned tba as- S48 —4S acre# 414 milas from dty. start. <'Ourt houae. Just outside of corimr- fair house and bam. soil day and J. KARIJI BROWN, dttoanay at X ass . the r*o«inty of fhntnn. In Hhancer?-. !o'clock, p. m.. for the purpose of tak- tabtlsbateiii of courses In blsbwaj an- atloD. This larm cunalata of 9fi Aaid ftecelver expressly ressrres ■ tp|{ action In tbs matter of lbs appil- At rest from the weary march, and gravely loam. No waste land. Pries Off!oaa oasr 8tat* Bank. St. Johna. atnsarlDK ur a UMidltlcatlof of civil *n- a'Tes. all improved, .'toil <'annot be the "irht and authority to reject any cation and petition for locatlna and long $S.244> A bargain. JOB M. HOXIB. Attornay at Last . gtesofing courses, so as to provtda tbe At rest from'the struggle with hu­ ^ Waten for producing Crops, good and all bids at said sale for ^le whole ••stabllshlna a drain of tbs followtns ''buildings, well fenced and well Raal Batata and Ttonne MartOaan or an> part or parcel of said property, dsacrlptltm. to wit: naesaaary lastmctJoa. Many coUoBsa man wrong. bkMli. Jan. '07 drained. Ciuud orchard. Enquire of I 4S9—120 acres 8 miles from city, doae .Mid property will bs offered for ; Comiuencina 4b rods I2aat of the At rest from every inward fo**; and unlreraltlss are making daQnlte Fanny A. Hicka, Ht. Johns. Rfd 39. to electric car line, good bulldlnga. sale and so?d in bulk ehr in distinct } hqu H, Quarter |ioet of itectlon .So. 2, At rest, for ftod hath willed It so! MOlfKT TO IdJAB. proBTsaa along tbeae lloaa. In connec- Rhone line 2—.5 rings. 28tf a^sryt1llng in ftrst class shape. pare els as said Receiver shall elect at Westphalia Townahip. ranalOK .North dOD with tbls morament tba dapart- MONET TO LOAN—-On mortnggs as- said sal* or duHnr the <-ontinuancs of ^4 rods on liaat 1/2 of West 1 2 of HFM4»LrTHIM4 4»F RENPKCT. FflH S.ILE—Two italra mules coming 461—60 arras 4 miles from St. Johns cuflty at reaaoaaMa rataa and on tbs earn*. iflouthsaai 1 4 of Section .No. 2. owned Whereas, The Supreme Ruler of the 3 years old; sired by Big Tom. the I buildings new. elegant soli and no aatlafactory tarma. at The atnta AH persons, firms and . orporatlon*HchmUx; There enlerlna ths Bank of 8t. Johns. Largs or awoall \f I'm verse has seen fit in hla all see- Spanish Jack; g04Kl ones .Nelson waste land. Mmall payment down, offerinr to hid or hlddlna irpon said ^ ^ Southsaat I 4. owned by MeParren, Bath, Mich. Citizen's balance to suit purchaser. ainounta Call and aaa os. J. W. pror^^rty or «ny n*rt or parrel the««-, 34 rod- ; lug wisdom to take from iia our es­ Fitzgerald. Cashier. tf phone. 27-w2p of. -re and will be.required from the .Southeast comer of teemed and loved brother. Orange A. to said Receiver MTurlty f"*- the faith- , unnln* West 4 rods, Whitlock, and 447 —120 acres S miles from city. MONEY TO LOAN—At low rate of in ­ Whereas, By bis death this lodge FtIK HALE —June Clover seed. Fred Large farm home, large barn, no terest. Farms and etty property for tul performance on the part of each "•*** *. J . . ... _ Deorgla, Mt. Johns, or M. (leorgla. of wild persons, ftrm. or , orporatlons 1* “*" .Northwest stout ^ t^a. then ; has lost one of its oldest and moat wasta land. la certainly a bargain. sal*. Inquire at offloa of H. E. Mbe|iardsville. 28th Walbridge. of «nv .s!e. or . ontract and atrrss- »ho“t 48 rtoa there *44 : faithful member*, therefore, be It inent of sale of said sssefs or any part 'bkalb enterlnn the I'.nst 1 2 of \Ne#t Resolved, That Mt. Johns lodge No. FOR .SALE—Over .'MM) acres of choice 446—60 acres one mils from city. • #«•««•« «•••« «••• or parcel thereof, which may be made ' 1 2 of Southeast 1 4, owned by Jos. .182 Knights of f*ythiaM extends to the farming land located 2. 3 and 4 Large farm houaa. Bam 44a64. « • And entered Into, as follows: a duly Schmitz, at a imint about .»0 rod* 'bereave*! family Its dee|>est symiMthy miles from tbe huatling little vil­ Win sail whole or part. # MONET TO LOAN on chattel • certified check or cash deposit In South from the .Northwest comer «if 'in this their hour of sorrow; that the lage of Fowler. Pricea right, easy # mortnage*. Call at onr offloa ov- # # *r State Bank and wo will ehoor- # each .ind every fnstance equal to tsn .the last described land. Then runnlnit charter of this ludg*- be draped for terms at low rate of interest. No 448 —140 acraa 6 milas from city* good per cent of the total amount of each East across said land about 41 rods, # fully osplaln to yon our m*ch<^ # a iieriod of 30 da.vs out of respect to profits to share with agents. Own­ bulldlnga. two oerbarda. worth fOO # of loaning money In stuns of tlO # and ei«erv »uoh hid. or oontrart and there entsrlnic the Northeast 1. 4 of tbe deceased brother's memory: that er .ind purchaser get together. Call, per acre. Will sell for $46 If sold apreement of ‘sir Southeast 1 4 owned by Chas. Thela. # and up for any length of time, (h a copy of thes»- resolutions be sent to phone or write. A’ours for a square at once. # W. H. RICHMOND. St. Johns. • Mtd property and each and every at a (lolnt about 40 rods South of the [the family and that they be published deal. William H. Richards or # Mich. # part and parrel thereof will be sold to Northwest comer thereof. Then run- |ln the newsitapers of ML Johns. Mtate Bank. Fowler. Mich. 27-w2 519—140 acres 5 miles from city, large # B the btrhest bidder therfor In each In- ninK .North about 15 rods, there apatn ’ (• T IIABCOC’K two story house, basement bam. hog «•«•*•«««•«««««•• stance, lubject to the terms and con- , ^nterinp the l-Aat 1 2 of West 1 2 of FOR HALE—Two-cylinder 20-horae F R JACKHON house, chicken house, wind mill, dttions hereof. Southeast 1 2. owmed by Joa. Schmitz. I power touring car in good roadl- no iiWBcrra am mis no*D. r fi n.ARK. etc. No watte land. A bargain. HILA.NI) rni'.NK RAn.W.AY The property to he offered for sale ^ ^ imlnt about 25 rods South from Committee, tion; also auto houae. Inquire A. as Sforessld Is as follows: —The platjt i^j,^ .Northeast c omer thereof. Then . ment has for aeveral years appointed ' C. 1>-Iby, Mt. Johns 27-w3 HY8TFM. and factory and personal property and |-„00jn|t West and North about 28 rods ' annually a small number of gmdnatsa Tlie shove are only a fUsa of tlw real ••tate connected therewith, at BIIII.ICAl* LOlti:. DO A'or \V.\XT .4 NICE Limj-l numy horgalas on onr Mot. .If you are (Hx'hedule In effect Sept. 24. I909.> there ''nteiing the W 1 2 of NK 1 4. to drll eogloeering and given to them each of the following ’ocallon** Ho** many apple** * and .\dani ate *> also, a total of' tot L. City of i*t. Johns at a rea­ At 'he VIRsge of Ov!d. Clinton ber of theiw* young engineers bare .Mall and Express ...... 4:20 p. m, running Northeast about Id rods there sonable price and on easy terms. County. Michigan passed from th*' department's servlea 16, hut f Fi* a r « anil .V«lam •>2. the Durand Exprem ...... 8:45 p.m. At 'he Vlllaare of .•Shepard grille. entering the FUist I 2 of .Northeast 1 4. ■■>tal will he 9t*; nf»w. If Flv* 81 and' F*or partirulaiw call on J. W. PHx- to ImiMtrisnt situations lu state and IVnlnN Wrtd Fro m S(. Johua Cfmon County. Michigan. owned by Joa. Schmitz, at a )toint county nwd work. .\4lam M2, th* tot,«'i would to 893: ce.-alif, at The .'*taie Bank of St. about 10 rods North from the SW cor ­ J<*hn« 24tf A"' 'he Village of Burton. Middle- In many iiarts of tbe country almost then If Five N| Dt and A<1am 812 the: Orand Rapids ExpreM .... 8:15 a. m. burv Town«h;p .'^hlawaaree County, ner thereof, and running .Northeast •Mall and Express ...... 10:52 a. m. devoid *(f r(«d building rocks the mat Iota' wouh: he 1,623; .-sr again, F:ve FVlIl -..ALF- .A good business In St. Ml.'hlgsn across said land about 10€ rods, there Grand Haven Mail ...... 3.46 p. m. . of nutfudMUi roads la |rrobibltlve. FIz- M .Vilant. .V*lam 1242 oh’lge Eve. lo- J* .All wrong. County Michigan. .NF! comer of Section No 2. .At this la a fairly g**od sutntttute for macad ­ igan. 22tf AlIf'HIfiAN rXITED RAILWAY CO. F7\e. when ‘he M^i;; many, and pro-' (iREAT FARM Leax’e a. m.—7, 9, 10. P. m—1. 3. 8. At the c|tv of Lowell. Kent County, point epterlng the W 1 2 of ,\W 1 4 am road, and roads ao built are giv ­ iiwhly felt oirr:. f«>r It. .in«l .A*lam. in F'*»lt '*.AI.H — 1 have for mle good 7. 9. 12. 7 a. m. cancellod Sundays. Michtgan. of Sec. .No 1. owned by Alfred Thelen. ing aatlsrncii*>n In various southern • ; »!er to r* II* ve her grief, there-i Dated .Tan :4th. 1910. hardwo*id bU! stuff, timbers for Jm-kaon IHvIsiaa. and running .Northeast across said stakes. ' re. .Adam ;f he MM 424<'-fy Five's, tarn frames, good white oak plank. PREDERTCK A TRAVIP land about 80 rods, there crossing burnt rlny Is another material with !.j* —d ‘pirit. hen.* toth at*- il.-j r*»of)ng. pine -Idtng. lath, shingle* Limited, a. m—4:30, 8:30. 10:80. highway between Sec No. 1. West­ which eztierliiteiiis bare tieen made in .***. \*4 .|(,|•;l«—T}»e lnenlnt about rood c«*iisirii. ii**n. and it la found to Attorney.^ for Rscslver. temp ating building will do well to Locals, a. m.—6:30. 7:30. 9:30, 11:SP s mda F^ast from the Northwest corner to desinible It* use tnls material where Tin: 144 tos. get my figurrs before letting con- Btt*;ness address' St. Johns. Michigan. 125 acres, fine soil. |5,00b worth of P. m—1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:20, of Sec .No 1. .At this |iolnt entering roads catinot he made at a Mi .-^tuy \r-ant Fish. In the our*< tt(. ? FLOVI) LF.ACH. Eureka. 11:15. the West I 2 of Southwest 1 4 of .S«-r- buildings 6 mile* from St. Johns. MOHTt.-AtiF H.ALF. coat of not more ttian one-tbird of tba •' ,i r* ; • nt .•i>i;-«uffraxette argument, .Mt h Telephone 153—l.^-IL rotf F W. BROWN, tlon .No 36. Dallas, owned by .Math. If sold before March 1st, price, Dersu!: having been made In ths usual (VMii of tbe latter. .11 .N'* \v Y*>i k. -ail! w 'h a smll*: Gen. Pass. gant.. Fvm -AI.F OR IIF.VT—M'. ver* condition -f jv i-rtaln mortgage dated Nuffer. and running NW on the last Dost prereiitlou on public roads baa T... many • my u-iB-r** appear t* Jackson. ths :9th *l»i- of February. 1907. ex- : described land about 16 rods, there' received iurestlgation ill this country think rh«t tn* \\**m*r. -n*iuld to th* ' .!«-lral>’*- prope ty. 'Itiod 8. room *di acre's black loam soil, A No. I arutrd by I»m..n H P’stt .ind his entering and crossing highway be- as well ns in Flurope. The maietiala Isa*! >*t ths l)**u»* T'l. •• ivou'.d h.vxe r.i'Ue* and torn. 3 acr*s of ground buildings, fine orchard and small 9IAPLE IIAFTDH fTTAGE LINE. wrlfe. Lillian Prat' to H«nTv FI. Wal- tween Sections .No. 3.*» and .lb. Dallas, x«l:h 'ful: and g< d water. Inquire fruit. 4 rnllea from St. John*. Price use«l in tbe experiments of the govern ­ :n •Pimlnat* .x*-; .»er tiUMband •• j Loave Maple Rapids at 6:40 a. m., tortdg' -nd recorded In the office of at a |>oint atoiit lu rods .North of SW I’ l: 'Jr agher. proprietor, or f6.20<). Kasy terms, ment ileiuirtnient liave Included, among M * '■ud :|. vx.:- t • .•minor* "V- , arrive at St. Johns at 10:20; laav* SU the Il»vr^-'er of Deeds for <'Hnton corner of .-bctlon .No .36 .At this iiolnt H F’ -t.yder. Pfwamo. .Ml 'h. I7'f Ml acre*. Fine liasement bam, good others, tar preiM rat Ions, asphalt, oils, her-. Johns at 2:30 p. m.. arrive at Maple Coutwv In LWwr 1^4 -tf Mortgage* on entering th*- Flast 1 2 of West 1 2 of hous<-, Iteat of *oll. A No. 1 farm 6 Hapida at 4. Orders laft at DeWItt'w such fem|»orary ez|>eiltenis aa calcium .Mr** ' ii/.llp—••• u . • ..u .in ld"S pa'ge 'n fhe 19!h day of F'bruary. SF^ 1 4. .s* < .No 3.*». owned by .Math. n»-r pf f*' t it>'minatiwn —>.iii: .n*. AA* ANTED. miles from St John*. !*rlce $5,540. wholesale houae promptly attondad to. chloride nisi »«ereral sfieclal prepay* WILBUR HART, Proprlotor. 1907. w'hb h mortgage w-ss on rhe 23 Nuffer. and running .Northwest I.** . X t*» her hu»))Hni). -harply too arres, finest of soil, 94 acres plow ilay of Fetiruari- 1907. duly assigned tions origluntlug lu the department. M A> riII>- To sell Sb or 40 acres of rods, then .N’F: lb rods, there again ‘J* lhio. XX .<• XX. « -h* grewte-f land. 6 arres valuable Umber, No. by the Mid lleeiri' E. WuUir ilgs to crossing highway between S»-ctions 3.5 The testing of road materials to deter ­ land on Section 28. Riley; will give 4l»b• r T»eWlt^, Mid n«summeni be­ and 36 Dallas, at a itoint abmit 5o mine their suitability for road biilld- .1*-?.*-,; n .t • I nspi>inxc. ton Ave . Detroit, Mich. 27w2p house. 2 barns. tenant bouse, ing dull re<-ordeIEI1 •lood luan by month or fine orchard and other fruit. One In Ltter 94 of Mortgages on (•sge 3*4 .SM’ I 4 of .Sec .No 36 Dallas, owned Monte •ctaie?* are ni|>ldly giving more of tb*- finest farm* in Clinton Co. on the 4th ‘ay <>f January. 1910, upon \.-KI.>4. F'OII AA II AT 0\F AA.A.NTb. .vear to work on farm, 3 mil**a north by Math. .Suffer, and running .NF: about parnianeiit ('oust met Ion to tbe princi­ Voting Marrx . rx foni! <•( pie and d west of .St Johns. Poatofflce 2 1-2 ml lea from Ovid Price 18.504. I of St. Johns whl<#i mongage there Is oiaimed to be 75 rods, there Intersecting with the pal highways. The state of .New Vork Will take house and lot in St. Johns due a: th< ilate of this notice the sum lie ently XX ht!* Mytng hi* prayer*, i Sjt .iohn- -A. E Chase. 28tf extension of th* Rochol Drain, at a In a recent yeur expended for this ■1* gave Pirrh !<■• rhe follow ng' "(llx-e tn part (layment. of one hundr»-d sixty-rwro and five ftolnt about 4t* rods t4W of the .\F; hundredths ilo'iar* ($142.(15 ■ besides purpose more than 81.(8iU.*JIH.i; Maasa- u- thp day ur .|»;i\ Piewd' —N<*. n ‘e'! MlSCELLANEOL'k. 84 arre«, good houae. granary, bam corner of the last described land, and an attorne\ fe* of fifteen llars, pro ­ chusrtta. stout 8r>T5. —Judg* * aad other outbuildings. 50 plum alao a branch of this drain onmmenc- AUGl'm' MILLER, ArCTIO.NEER vided In Mid mortgage and by statute, , about SZAi.tnsi; New Jerset. about tree*. ."iO peach tree^ 2 acres apple Ing at a point 40 rods West of the FTast OF REAL EBTATE AND LIA'E and no prmeedlnip* In law or equity recover an(> •'.A'* . iu -ur* rh»*e -gge.ire fre*hj thrae lO-acr# farms; two 100-acrc 4 miles from Elsie Price $1,400. part of the deht •*> ured by this mort- to nin from this point .North about 4o ’P'*»itlve' They w. -• ready not due Fin* home in St. Johns, good bouse rods, there Intersecting with drain fartn*. one 40-acr* farm, all ertth 'f unil. :omorr**w '—Fllegend* Blaetter i good buildings, all In Clinton county and bam. lot .50 x l.'>4 Pleasantly Now. therefore hr Mrtue of th. *^'***""*1 and most of them near the city, located, worth I2.(*(n ». if sold at pow* ' of M’e In aaJd morutage con- * **** ’ ^'*'***' for aale. It will be to your Interest once I1.6ih( buys It of 1909 tnlnec. ami by statute in such rase to see him before you buy. 18-tf Plentx of other farm aad rity praperty made Aitd pma'Wed. Notl* e It herefry <*Den jnder our hand.^ this 14th St. Johns Markets to offer. Second day of F» hruary A D , IIBC. given that on .'4a*urday. the t'.AUI) t)F THANKS. Hee me before purrbasiag. List jmmr day of April. 1910. at one o'clock In T F .'4HRAFT. t'ORRECTED FOR THE NEWS RA- prepert) with me to «ell or ex- the aJtcmr««Hv of mid ilav at the ('ll rk of Dallas Toansbip ERY THERSDAY MORNING. iriHII OF THA.NKlv- W** desire to rhange. weM front door •>? the *-«>tirt house In Lori.s w bf:rtram , .'4t lohns Mich.. Feb IT. 1910 thank (»ur mnnv friends neigh­ the 'ity *if » John*, that i*elng the bors lor tbeJr , kindness Chown to ­ pim *' wHiere the (Tlrrutt ('ourt for said 'lerk of Westphalia Township. GRAINS. ward 'ir. during tbe sickness and County of ninton 's held, there will \Vh«at. whit* 1.19 death of our darling baby. aiaf» for be sold at pwblh vendu* the land In PROHATF: ORDFIR — Wheal, r*-d 1.15* STATE «F MH'HHiAN. <«r>TT th*- floral offering* said morbnure desrrtbed, v|*: The ivt 4»N — ‘^19 . 44 L D. PARR undivided one-third Inter**! In and to *** ' l*'-^ • H>e ...... Mr and .Mr* Frank Silvers. At a seaalon of the 1*rnbat** Court .Mr and Mo* Wm Silver* and ,ir'vo'2^, JUr *-* '»• '■o.imr «i niwoB. hoid-i, .t (’hole* band pirkexl bean* .. 1.95 x'blldren. Dealer in Realty St. Johns North half of th* North half ttie the Prnhat* Office. *«In *thek .. C'lt*City «rof atf»t. Other beans 5c per bo. eff for aach lb. goutheaai Quarter of Section Seven - picked. Mr .md Mr* Ivan McK»-ebx lohns. on .'taiurday the 12th day of teen aim the Eaet flfty-eeven acre* rmoaLT garr noAD —maiL rmwoB ovm- '•* n on ear. per bushel .. 39 • 16 of the 'Weet half of the Norttieaat F'ebruary tn the year one thouaand oaoenx. ■'orn shell#** t»er bushel .... 41 • 75 KARA HILVFKH. TFAt-HKRK' FXAMINATTO.NS. nine hundred and ten Cloveraeed. Aleyke...... 67.0# ;Our d«ar little dolly-love has gon»- gwarter of Section e4ght <8) *11 Ih about SIdu.tAS) eo< h. Among the states FMr 1409 and 1414. Tnremehlp number Elgh*. North of Present. CHAHLEB M .MF-RRILL. ('lover *e-il. June ...... 17.50 i To dwell with him who gave; Jndge of T*robate' that bare pushed tbls work the more «'l«>v*-r -*■•'•1 Mammoth ...... 17 50 Another little darling babe Until further notice Teachers' Ex­ Range two W«*at In Mlchtuan. aminations will bo held at folloers: In the matter of the eatate of An­ rapidly arc Masaachiisetts and Rhode Is sheltered in the grave. Dated Jan. 6th 1010 drew A dheldon. deceased. f)n read ­ LIVE fVmCB. 81. Johna In the Court houaa. be­ oij Jcev p DEwrrr. Island, where shout ooe-balf of tbe Cod needed one more angel child ing and tbe petition, duly veri­ '»tt:e. ;atted ...... IS.SO 9 $4.75 ginning second Thursday of August. Mortguyee nilag mileage of the pohllr roads la Improv- Amidst bis shining band At. Johna. In Court house, beginning fied. of Oeorg*' E. Rllae praying that A’eF^.1 calve* ...... $4.00 e $8.on WALBIlIDtJE A KEl-LET. ad; Indiana and Ohio, with more than Hogs, per r-wt 17,50 9 W.26 And so be bent with loving smile third Thursday of Oetobor. Arthur Oram or gome other suitable one-tblrd Improved; California, with At. Johns. In Court house, beginning Attorney* for Morttragee. person may be appointed administra ­ Sheep, per cwt...... 18.00 to $4.00 Aad clasped our darling's band*' YouNeed Ttrst Imue Jan 4. last Issue Mamh 31. aboot ooe-nfrh: ('onnectlcat. Kao- Lenrh* per cwt...... 14.50 9 17.25 third Thursday of Jun*. tor of aald eatate CAKD tIF THANKH- We desire to PROORAM. tacky. .New .lereey and Wlacooala. DREHIO) MEATS TfUHIATI-' iHUlEIi— Theremam It la Ordered. That thank our friends and neighbor* ^r First day —Morning. Orthography, NTATF 4>F AiHTiltJAN. Cownty of Tkapadny, tke tktk day a# Barek A. with more iban one-slxtb. and Illlnola. Beef, dremed ...... 84.50 9 17.50 . Maryland. Mkblgao. New th* aymiiathy and klndnea* ahoem ApeUing. Arttbmotlc. oral aad wrtt- o'clock In the after Calve*, rtreaeed .. .. 88.40 • 811.60 tan: Theory and Art. Aftomoon. Geo ­ Good Robe Bampabire. .'4ew York. Tanneaoa* and us. and for fh*- beautiful flowers At a ssaaion of ths Probal* Court •■non. aaalgned for tke hearing of Fork dressed $8.00 9 SIOOo seat us In our recent bereavement, graphy. Ooremmant and U. S. Hla- Ctab. with about one-teotb. for the County of Clinton holden at said petition, at tke Probate Office In Mutton, droased ...... tl.OO tbe death and burial of our beloved 10 ry. tlm Prokai* Office. In the City of 8L tke City of St. Jokna And It I* A very good Men of tb* wall kept Tallow ...... 4 Ascend daj^ —Morning. Grammar, Send is a cattle or horse erlf*- and mother. Phywiology. Roadlng. Aftamoon. Johna on Tuesday, th* 26th day of further ordered that notice be given road and tbe one that la naglactad can live pofTDnnr. William Byrne. hide. Weare expert tan­ Junoa'rr In the year, on* thousand, to the persona interested In said ea Behool tow, Atate Manual Coarse be obtained by a stody of tbe IHoatra- Hens, heavy...... lO ' Mr. and Mr*. Kd. tomb. ners and robe makers. ntoe hundred and ten. tmto. of tbe Ume and place of aakl of Atudy. Aigabra. Botany and dona her* gtven. Hens. ’Ight...... ti Mr. and Mrs Will tomb. I (second grade,) General History, (oae- We do tbe tanning, drea- Present CTtARLBR M. MERRILL, hearing. t»y mualng a copy of this or- Toung chickens, heavy...... 11 der to be publlsked In the St. John* Florence Scrlveo |o*d grad*.) sing and lining all cotn- Judge of Probal*. Voung chicken*. IlgfM ...... 10 Third day —(for flrat grad* appli­ In the matter of th* eatate of Jacob New*, a newspaper printed and dr- A Qaed Qardan. plele for you. Soft, pli­ A good home garden Is a grMt tnatl- Ducks...... 10 CARD (III THAN HR- We wish to cants only) Genaral History, Phyotoa mniiMiii deceased. Imrel F. Taft. *a- oalaUag In aald county of tninton fot n *sa s. fat...... 9 thank tbe many friend* and neigh- aad Geometry. able. hair polished to a three sooeennlve weeks prevloua to mtleo. It maans more no many fanos eentor of th* last will and taaiamsnt Turkey*, fat...... 12 9 16 bora who assisted u* lb sicknsws Ortlftcatee of all grade* will be gloaa. You grow the bide ef aald deceased, having mads appll- ;anld dny of hearing than the crop of wheat, corn or oata granted at the examlaatloa* at St. > Hmn aad death of our beloved wife, moth­ cheap, we do the work oatlon for the allowanc* of hla final fA true copy.) It fnmlabea food for tba family Johns In Auguai and March. Certtft- CHAIILRR M MERRILL. Reef hide* ...... 10 9 10 V4 er. sister and daughter, also for cates of the second agd third grade* cheap. A robe will last uaccunl and for hla discharge. tbroogboot tbe sommer and. tf proper ­ tbe beautiful staging and flowers Thereupon It Is ordered. That Judge of Probnt* Hors* hides...... $2.60 • fS.OO win be granted at all 'other examina ­ a lifetime. Send forann- ly handled, a Ilbenil aapply for winter. Floyd E. Wagner aad children. tions. Tkwmday the I7lli day of FVhrwary. i*owM> gardena are tiaodled so akillfully Calf sblna green ...... 11 ples of tanning and lin- AVIlldlF' III. .NKP.DF l» A (lAl.KNDAIi Deacon skins ...... 40 Mr* Allrv* Teetee Havens AU examinations will begin at 8. a. A. H.- fSta. at one o'clock In the af­ that tbert la a anrplna of vegatablae m. ings. ternoon. b* .vaslgned for the examina ­ Bheop pelts ...... 26 to 1.60 Mr. and Mr*. R. IV Teetee ud Not ao x*erx lonsr ago.*' m.-] John F for sale almaat every week. If hmsds THBO. H. TOWNSEND. tion .»f *a ■! A-erjont. at th»- Probate Toung, fhf n ‘t*r. “I was on a e’eep PRimi’CE. ATFGRTARI.Ffl.. PRl’TTP Comtsaloser of Arhool* OffI- in the rity f Bt. John*. And nroeb tn tbe farmer aad ble fnmity and Rutter 20 ing ■•::g **x ,t I'ertain mart It Miowid he planned with tbe ntinoat tt Is further ri-dere.l. That natica be AikunMo My *eat''h had atopper • rit- Timothy No. 2...... 11.40 MONET ON APPROVED BONDS “ladeeil. ye* “AVby he can attend f UmACmp tkvo* aoeceeatv# weeks, prevloua to ! "tno or a roan m xm*. gnyway 'No. 1 Hover mixed ...... 11.44 AND REAL Birr ATE HECURITT. ^ hdkrtng. ^ " '^^8* don't need a esatih on fhl* eonventlen* wlM*«ut hanging bartg sa When you want and when ,Ne. I Clover ...... 12.44 ALBERT J. BALDWIN. Prsatosnt. (A trwe copy.) | tmlu,* he Informed iwe, ‘ertmt ymi aU over hla fronL and' many of the ; Wood, hard ...... 22.24 G. PENNELL Vtee-l vou don ’t want advertise in CHAlRLIIR M. MERRILL j 4* « calen^r.' “—Kaaaaa Ctty delegatee recogwia* bini."—Cleveland ' Wood, mtaed ...... 21.78 Atx imt'otimr* < Jadg* of Probata. 'Journal Laader. Waad. adft ...... t1.f« • 21.78 R. C. The News Want Obluniii.

t • Mt- .ledum. MtctMgan. « « * • COMMERCIAL A.ND aA\nm€a8 *

« CAPITAL PAID IN PULL 164,444 # #• -- ♦* # F. A. TRAVIS Prsaldant * « M. WELLER Vloe Prsatient • « J. W. FITZGERALD CbilMar » # A. J. S. JURY Assistant Caeblac # « E. A. TALLMADOB TsUar E # Three per cent Internal paid on # # certificateo of dapoalt and on E # aavlnga book account* Drafts lo- # # sued good in any part of the DnI- # # tod States or Canada and in th* # # principal citlos of Europe. Ac- # A couiue of farmere, merebaata or # # mechanica received on favorable # # terms and every accommt*datlon (4 # extended consistent with safe # # banking. Superior facilities for • # making collections of all kind*. # # Motwy loaned on approved ao- # # curttteo. # # ------♦ » niiucrmRB. » « F. L Shiloy, OUs Fuller « # J. W. FItxgerald. H. B. Knaoiand. « * O, W. Munger, F. A. Travis. ♦ « C. T. Babcock. Dr. M. Waliar. » « C. a Glffala. * • • bSSS»W»»»»»4iS»»8Mi»8lg»8l»»4M8 ooononnnwnoo* —nngnngpnpng rJUtT 17, 1910.

CITY MEYITSHI' B. K. (Bark wan la Iwaalae aatariar Manley Mru. Will Cum Is la Lmatm tar days la . rslaMvM Incur* wHh D. L. Hunt. two wMka. II TLTDI’S HD. Mra. William Rouasville at Mulll- Mr. sad Mra. L. J. CalktoM want to Atty. J. M. Hoxi« m to 14 iMi la viililBs har parMts, Mr. aad (Tkieaao Tuwiay. TiMWlay. lira & m. Laasy. tMa waak. By ■BTHBII VANOBVUII. MIm Alle* Holnuw g psat Suainy Mrs vlag. fnr m f»*w Onyn. Mrs. U. B. Ilobba aad little cklldrsa tmalTe mittlaas. aftar balag graduated Win Pataam. of tha poatoffloa toroa. Dr. O. B. of OrkI wan la at Willlamaburg have beea gueeis at at -tITtbi weat abroad for tvavoL Uae waa la TpaUaaU ovar Buad ay. Uiift city yrainrday. her pareata, Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Bay wldla vralkiag aloaa la tha taah- John Swaaart of Allan wan la 81. Mlaa Thao. Tiakham la tha gaaat of Whaat. for a short time. laaalila raahlentlaJ partloa at Loaioa JoliB* Monday. DatroR frtaada for aavwral daya. Mrs. C. C. (Took caam from Uetroli ha atoppad to witnam ae aactlao at Howard K»«ary at FItat wan la 8t 8. B. Daboll spaet Buad ay la 8L Monday to rlMt har mother, Mrs W. hoaaehoia fomltura la oaa of tha Johns tb* amt of tbr wnnk. Jokaa with hla wtfa aad dhugktar. H. H. CJhapiaaa. aad brother. (1. H. fhahloaaMe hooaaa. Dnrtag tha aala ChapiBaa. aad family. ('hnrim Flowrm wan la PnwaaM oa Dr. aad Mra. Jaasas Hyalop ware la ha caplad a lady** writlag daak that DaCxolt from Frtday uatll Taaoday. Marl Wright aad Herbert Lyoa at atrark hla fancy, oaa of thoM aplndla businiwn oan day lank wnnk. Ionia were la the otty thlaMoralag oa ROYAL Floyd MeCraekan waa hoeia from ahankal aOalrs tbat oar grMt-graad- MIm Kntttrya Hart nprat Snaday their way to Laaslag oa baMaeM Mr. Datroit froai Baturday uatll Monda y. BMthara vpaitled vary pratty aad with fiiradn la Battle Crank. Wright la linotype operator In the Mlaa Rasa Clark waa la Lrnmatm which oaa prtaM fpr tb^ aca. Tilton Baking Powder Mm Wllllmin Rrait of Powlar wan loala Seatlael oCnee. bid on the daak. and It waa kpo chad in :tt. Johns oar day this wank. Sunday vltltlag bar alatar, Sira. S. H. Wall. down to him. IjtH- Hart rlsltad Ur. sad Mm. Thar- CEYLON MENUS. Among Iboan who atteuded tbe anle ,m Horton la Lnaslag Ruadny. Mm. Hattia Shannan la vlsiUag bar ■oa Charlas 9barman. la Elala thla was a young luu who evldantly took Royal io flio riaudr Burartt of lainsina sprat a The Way Natives Wrestle With the waak. a grMt Interest io th* proceedings. frw ilnys of this waak in thr dty. gogliso Language. oiTi Mra. Glann Fbareh of l^aastag visit­ Wbeuever a bookesM. a cabinat, a ta­ A writer ill ibe KpL iiiv lella of eev- Mrt A. E. Hotchkiss si>ant Sunday ad at. John* frlaads tha flrat of tha ble-Indeed. anythitig with even a sin ­ in WntwisU rlsltlnn rrlativaa and eral •NeiitiM wllli wtik li hr was coo- waak. gle drawer in it—was put up be ex- friends. froiiird when traveiiug In Ceylon, rbe Murray Wllllaina of Lansing callad amliMMl It closely, aud Mveral articim H»*ter Fandal of Wrstiihalla was in uiei.u. In* SM.VM. IS au ludUiieoMble ad- on friands In thi* city tha first of tha of the kind be bid ih. Wben Tilton this city OB busines* one day tha last Janet to a respectable loocbeoa or dto- bought tbe lady ’s desk tbis mao was waak. of the waak. Der table In Ceyloo. As a rale, the out uf tbe room. Wben be found that Mm. <5. W. Johnson and Mr*. Kaat Mr and Mrs. R D. Phillim and bes4l servaei writre it 'Hit and froia U bad baeo aokl during bla aliaaoc a ba In the fourth degree. Will Shlnaer; Moss vlsltad Shapardsvilla ralatlva* HARD WORK. family morad this waak to a farm in his eleiiieatary koowleilge of Bagllsh went to Ita purchaser aud offersd blm music, Mrs. Bell Swagart; “Will Al* Tuaaday. Dnplain townslip. as "«he Is wrote** springs a boot of a line profli. Tlltoo dldii't Ilka the Sam's Dssporat* BIfert at Composing syke Clover Make a Secoad (!rop?" Mm. Richard Snow of I^aasiag was •pialut blaiMlent. .\t ihe Mine time oh GRIUIGE HEWS - Jacob Reeb; recRatloo. Muriel Plow* Mr and Mrs. William Burlay left "sen's looks and was ausplelona of his a Lev* Letter. in 8t. Johns on buslnaa* oaa day tha man; "What is the Beet Root Crop to Wadaasday to >iait ralstiras sad fertile oriental brain Is ever apt to roasou for wanting tbe artlcl*, and To one old soot hem iM‘;rro in New last of tha waak. Raise for Milch Cowar* Albert Nic­ friands In Tolado. Ohio. add ffxitaotos. wbbb are perhaps his wben the would be purchaser offered York the dllBcuIttea of letter corepMi- Wa ara still sailing Amarican Fanca hols; music to be furnished by exe­ Mm. Amalia Diller ha* baan S|»and- lMppH*«l achtevemeot. him a Lwnos of £100 fur bla bargain be at tha old prica. Utiy now sad sava tloo seemed well nigh lnsuriiM>iiniable. mcouiiTT cutive comniittet-. inn soma tima In Fowlar with bar daii- .\i ••oe iHDi-b there figured among felt sure there was some especial rea- Tbe old fellow, as a writer lo die At- inoaay. Fowlar 6 Ball. icbtar. Mr*. F. L Pasch. the dislies "runst beet.'* tiui It cauned I soo why tbe mau waoted it. Aa mon ­ laum Cooalliulion relates. u>ked ^ Mr*. Inax Elliott is In tha whola- tin* tM>»less MouM* coualeriMtlon when BINHH.I.W HRANHE. .Mr and .Mr* (’ O DiiBois spant ey waa no object to Tilton be would "buss." Cohmel Verger, to write a let­ Fill.MKKh' I'LI BN .i.YD liKA.MiEH sala bousa* at *Har of CbasaninR vlslt- There be made a tborongta ezamlna- "Y m. Sam. Oo ahead." lere*l Suhjert* of Weekly, , ka. but let everyone come Saturday f spant Sunday In this city with har ' drawer and turned "All Ob hit?" (ilenn F. Rica ha* baan homa from our olil friend Welali rabbit a|»pear- er*' Club met at the plesMOt home of will s|>eak In Free Methodist church jin St John* tha last of tha waak visit- ' It upside dowa on tbe flour; then ex- “Cenaloly." I.jin*ini; for a faw day* visitinn hi* ling har slstar. Mm. R. L. BIxby. luc n* ”\\et*«'b rubbish." The same Mr and .Mrs. John Hiner. 75 were Sunday momlag at 10; SO. Subject. amiueti tbe wood against which the "Wbat baa rtr got written? Rend par«*itK. Mr. and Mm. Hao Rica geniii* tiao«laled haricot uiutton Into present and spent a very enjoyable I "The Peril of Children and Rescue I I>r Fradarick Inland is homa from I bock uf the drawers rested when shut R to me. bAM." Miss Wlnlfrad Oos* is sjo-ndlm: two !Chicago for a tima visiting hi* par- ••burr.vriid uiiilttui.** (lur owu boy. be ' Uls next move was to unscrew the and profitable day. Tbe meeting was Work." Service in the evening at 7 waaks in tha (imnd Rapids whole- “Tbompoon street. .New York." called lo order by Vice President Ban ­ I o'clock. All invited. lent*. Mr. uml Mr* W M. I^aland. add*, oil tbe (mt-nm Iuo uf a baailly Im back of the desk and take It off. Out sale house* saciirinr spiins styles. provisMl dinner, wa* unable u> ar<*uiu- "Dni's light. Now writ* May de croft on account of the preaident ’s \V T. Rally left Monday for a fell several paper* .vetlow with age. Paul Salbart mina from l>atrolt pllsh a de**erl Coo*ei|uenlly be pat founeenf." illness. After reading of mlnutM ADVERTINED LETTBHH. northam trip aftar spandlng a short All but one were love letters, and that "Yes." WadnaMday to visit hi* iwrants. Mr. tbe word ‘piatr* ’* at tbe end of tbe Charley and I.ena Slllman sang a very Bailey. Mrs. Katherine; Baoale. jtlrna with hi* family In this city. waa a certlllcate of marriage between "Ilna rer got hit down. bOM. al­ nice song; president aaked the club Mrs. Joseph; Barker. W. J.; Fellows, and Mm Charla* .Salbart. in Manual. meuu. Reginald l^elghton aud Eugenia Booth. to join him in repeating the Lord's Place your ordar for Sap Pans. Sap Harold I’arkln* was homa from Kal­ ready T* ' Ella; Goodyear, Mrs. Nettle; John. Mrs. amazoo Saturday and Sunday visit­ What bad Impelled Tlltoo to pursue "Yee.” prayer; .Mrs. Frank Rober* in her .Mowers. Miu .Naoaa; McConnell. Miss Bucket*. .Synip Pan*. Sap Splla*. etc., this bunt he I'ould uot explain even to while our stock I* coraplata. Fowler ing hi* mothar. Mm F K. Parkin*. A COSTLY TRIFLE “(•‘way. boM. you're Jokin'! Read usual pleasing manner read a piece, iNoal; Dmsted. Mr*. Eaa. blmself. .Nor couk) be now explain it lull c .Ml** Kst*- Roche vUltad har par­ It to me." “Do you make mountains out of mole ent* .Mr and Mr* Thoma* Rocha. In It Brought Beokruptey to an English what prompted him to start on anoth­ •May 14." bills": music by Lena Slllman; the SCHOOL NOTEK. Mr*. H.fH, Kally and Ml** Susie Iren King. er bunt lu search of Itegloald Leighton club adjourned for tbe usual delicious Dtirka*- are In (Irand Rapid* this weak Fanton from .Saturday until Monday “Mab goodneM! You baa got hit It was a (-omuiou peouy postage and Bugenlfl Booth. Inquiry told him down all right. Now. boM. read hit dinner and social hour. The afternoon The chapel exerclae* last Wednes ­ sacurlnic styles at the wholesale mil­ Mr* I). Au*tln ratumad to bar program commenced by singing, “I stamp ibai hrought Uoban. tbe great tbat tbe huuM- containing tbe desk Itad all over from de berry begioulng." day inoml^ were opened by a vocal linery house* home In iJilngHburg Friday aftar a Lov*- th*- l>ear Old Farm Best of All”; If your stomach I* out of order or short visit with ralatlva* In St. John* Brttisb "Iron king." to his rulo At tbe belonged to Sir Spaff«iril I.eigbton. tbe "Thompson street. New York. May solo by .Mis* Fannie Mulder after time uf tbe Whitworth period, when father of Reginald I.eigbton. and tbat roll call brought out good responses which a very iaterestlag ulk waa distressed, no matter from what Mr and Mm H. B KneeJand ra­ H." by members and visitors; Mrs. Hiner there was a big criM* in tbe Iron trade Reginald lisd died In .Vmerica. Regi ­ given by Dr. Hyalop on "Work. Womb * cause. Ml-o-na stomach tablets will tumad to Itatrolt Tuenday whare Mr •'Dat's right. Whew! Say. boM. then gave the ladle* a new idea by ylve instant relief, and cure indiges ­ be bad ageui* in all |Mn* of tbe world and Wealth." The exercises were Knaaland I* taking medical treatment nald's older broiber. Sir Anbur Leigh­ let'a res* awLile; I's tired My bead reading a piece on bow to cook a bus- tion. acute or chronic, or money wbo kept blm posted. SouietliuM tbo> then closed by three readings by Mis* I>«rt Parr returned to Ann Arbor ton. had reeently died childloM. and aches like bit was gwloeter spliL" l>and: timely topica were diacuased by back (Tuaranteed by Tmvls A Sbil- telegmpbed new* to blm io cipher, tbe title nuU estate had passed to Dig- Florence McDonald. the fimt of tha waek aftar having vis­ -•-veral; .Mr*. Wakefield recited "The Miss Pearl BIxby visited the high ay .*i0 cants. but tbone iu Buglaiid were uearly al- by Moore, a distant connection of tbe little cripple." with much feeling af­ .Mis* Edith Washburn returned Sat­ ited at hi* home in St .lohn* for a few school Friday. wa.v* instructed to write. At that pe Leighton family. This Dlgby Moore HE REFORMED. ter music by I..ena Slllman: the club urday from (imnd Rapid* where she day* Frank Wood, a U. of M. student, vis­ nod hi* priucipnl agent, nbo waa alai< was tbe mau who wished to pisness took five minutes intermission to pre> had been vUltinK her *l«ter, .Miss Min­ R C Jefferle* and Atty 'V M A Flash of Liphining Mad* Him See ited tbe high school Friday and Mon ­ bis chief panoer. wa* In Sbeltleld aial tbe desk. Eugenia Booth bad been pare questions; the question box con ­ nie Washburn. Smith attended the Lincoln Citih ban ­ day. wrote bioi from there wtirtiiug him to His Evil Ways. tained several good question* pre- Mrs. Phillip Bair of Traverse City quet in e.rand Rapid* Saturday even ­ lady's compaulou to Reginald and Ar­ All of tbe freshmen oMoae* have sell out all iron luiereMts fur the time A group of men sitting on tbe dry talning to farming; Clyde Hiner rend ­ left Tuesda\ to return to her home af­ ing thur Leighton's mother. Wben Reg ­ commenced the study of "Treaaure on account of the Whitworth crisla. good* boxes lo fmht of a country ered neveral selections on bis grapha- ter a short visit with relative* and R I) Lyon of (Imnd Rapid* vlalte*! inald went to .America Eugenia had Island" and some of Irving* "Talee flotairt Uad fre«|uenl til* of Irrttabll store were dlacuaslug big storms. phone; Miss .Mina I^-tch recited a friend*^ In St Johns and Mreenbusb. hi* *l*tem. Mm Eugen*- Crowley and left tbe nervice of the [.elghtun family. of a Traveller." Ity. and he had lieeii re»-elrlDc a lot of "There's no use in talking." remark­ very pleasing piece entitled "My First Mr- Vauennsant came from De­ .Mrs H J. Burges*, the fir*! of th* Reginald being deed, Tilton's scarcb President Brunson of the school uostaiupnl inters ot no lui|s>rtaiice on ed one of them. "We are all badly Recital." after a buinorous reading by troit Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mm. We» k was for bis wife. But os It did not board visited the central building the R E. Mlxby. She and her little dau ­ wbkb he had to |ta.% double imsiage. aenred In a thunderstorm. " Vina Slllman Tbe club adJoumeendlng tan the name uf I.ate Avery; mualc. .Mm Fred VanPeisen died at ih« home fr«»ii» his iMiriiier It wa* relecled a-> began to thunder and lighten wben I The Junior* are writing orations catarrh, coughs, sore throat or t'old to America. Tilton took tbe next dlnnerT music; roll call; timely top ­ of bis irtirents In Eagle the first of the scs-u «* It arrived. was about halfway there, and Ibe rain pre|>aratory to the local contest They will «'oma in two ralnutea Tmvl* it ■tMmer for borne. One of tbe letters ics. I) Bancroft, assisted by Cally week The little bodv was brought to Conse<(Ueutly. khowlng uoibiog of fell io sheets. I stopfied under a big are also pre)iaring for a class decla ­ Shllcy guarantee* Hyomel to cur* ca- be found in tbe desk was from Regi ­ Mundell; r*-eitation. Dell Kentfield; 8t lohns Weiinesday for Interment. tbe exlsieme of the letter or the ni; tree. I knew that wasn't safe, bat I mation contest in connection with 'tarrh. coughs, colds, and croup, or nald to Eugenia from a ranch in Ida ­ Intermission; question Itox; song, !*rof. Blaisdell of th« M A (* oc ­ Impnrtaul private uew* it coatalued tbonghi I'd risk It. whiFh a one-act comedy entitled money hack. Complate outfit, fl •»<»: ho. Thither be went and discovered •’barley Slllman; recitation. Charley cupied the pulpit of the f'ongregatioD- Hobart ple«lge«l blmself itext day for "In a few minutes tbe lightning "Miss Civilization. ’ by Richard Hard ­ extra bottle*, cent*. that llegiuaid I^etgbton bad beeti dead Jennie; committee on music. Miles al church .Sunday morning and even ­ iDon* Irou denis Ibnii even hi* lulgbl.v struck a tree about a hundred feet ing Davta. .\lrs. Fmnk Meinlen and ^on Glenn flfleeo years—that at tbe time of his Talt: table committee. James IKtyle, ing. delivering two excellent address- credit was g«s«d for. The great drufi In away, and I fell down, eitlier from tbe James .Steele and Miss Pauline e*. The topic of the evening discourse of \Va*hinst<»n, tirattoi county, ware T M nggott. Dell Kentfield. Date Steele visited the eighth grade room prices came two days later, aud lli>- dMth a woman upiieared who claimed abock or from fright. I don't know Avery, ('ally Mundell, Friend Bishop. was "iJncoln. the ('hrlstian f'ltizen ‘ in this city on business the first of to be his wife; but. Uavlitg no evtdepce one day last week. Port, once a mil I Iona ire. waa lovolved which to tbl* day. But I got up again, John Hiner. Ell Smith. Re\ Eli Cood of lakke Odessa, at th* ! to pmvv her marriage witti him. her Severs] grade rooms enjoyed valen ­ in a bofieieos bankruptcy from wbk-h and my hair mar on end when 1 re­ on* time )iastor of the Rintebam and Kob*-rt Henderson was home from be never recovered — L4>odoD Tele claims bad not been admitted. tine boxe* .Monday. Bengal r B churches was In this city t.He'unlvamlty tha last of tha weak vls- membered tbat I bad n plug of tobac ­ MNIKINOOLANN FARHKRN' I'LI'R. Tbe art class, under the direction gmpb ______After spending much money on a on busines* tV^^dnesday M.** Oood itin*: hu iMirantH. .Mr and Mr*. W rthwe*t where he will lo ­ .Mr* Player of Owo»*o visited her PLENTY OF ROOa. "Notblttg hut thht; My wife didn't For December Miss Morris' fifth and cate land. uf I-elgbtoo llviog in .America Tilton know I chewed tolMicco She hated TT** Riley Club had a special Invita ­ sixth grade room was the banner {•arents. .Mr and .Mr* W J Hav#-n* at last traced tbe widow to a weatem tion to Join tj* of which about 20 came Ml** Edna .Morris left Friday for part of laat week returning to har No T rouhl* to Find a Plaso For Him te tbe weed like pciaon. 'What if I bad room for attendance, with Mias city. There be found her, broken In In * oPIghload. Mr Rmwn. profes ­ Ann .4rbor where sb* will complete ' homa Friday. Rsst In Sleep. been killed and that plug of tobacco Smith's fourth and fifth grades at the sor from the M, a . C.. gave a short her course In th» literary detiartmeat Ili^ blanket the i bl* tent. trice. a teacher In the public scboola. For January the high school waa Arbor part of lg*t week and over think 1 bad the worst fright right Calve* on Skimmed Milk " At 12'.lo vacant Jn tli* sixth grade by her resig ­ -MKin tiiskew the groiiiHi a* stift Tbe.v llv*>d in a ramshackle cottage tben tbat 1 ever bad lu my life." first Miss Reove*' room Recond nation ha* '■♦*-n filled by .Miss Heevei. Sunday visiting ht-^ parents. I>r .md and In a uarrt>w street. Wben Tilton an iiy«ter dinner waa served to about the eighth grade third. Sickneo* de- s led SH he waul* The ca-ia- In prett,\ •Welir* Mr* M. Weller. p«-opl* At 2:30 the club wa* call­ creaved the attendance in several nearly the name with tin- pnn«|iecl«>r went there be was admitted by Bea­ "Well, before the next Oath came 1 F A Travis and Atty H E (Val- trice. He asktnl to ner her mother and ed to order by President A. R. Niles, room*. The following rooms improv ­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••a iiihI ibe front ter* iiMtn In wnilng of took that plug out of my pocket and and the following program rendere«|; • • brldge left Sunday for St I.r. atal “Very," was the cool rejoinder. Zulab Mock ha* returned to school "Where did you {Hit the certlAcat* apt to hav* l»etter succea* He gave I Need ghter of Rlvardala are guests of the be |H>lnte

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦,rt—— or TlflMy, Co»«r*4o. «, ItlO. Tfc* moClMvr of Uie lltUo ladjr k TONIC FOR wM formorlr Uim K*t# Camm. of tkt* plaoa. Mr, aad Mra Cfcarloa C’ol# apaM KIMQ THyERWS iMt rrtday with Mr. a»d Mra. Krford CURES H*rmma Oodd) w— In Carm aty Naalr. Mary Watara a|MM Thuraday aad m c. e *1 Um* ClirtMi*® ehurcli amm- bnalaaaa Tuaadd) . ^ _ IM of Dr. wrnimm* PImk PtUt mrny »t €:» p. «»- Topic. “Chrtat Wl®- Mrs r. M. Wairea la on tlw alck Hat f Friday of last weak with Mra. FOrtuaa im St, Vltm' Dmmm mad ■HMl Our Noitei®.** Imadmr, ■d. KoImt. Otis dailtb lately purchased a work Stiatkm SItomra by Tbtm The E V. Aid aoelaty will mast at I iiorse of John Baker. • Mrs. Blla Talt aad dauchter. Mlaa the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Otis Miller g WIreraall made a buataeaa trip LUila. aad Mlaa Mlaale Lnaich. apaat Wudaaaday. roo ». ' lu a. m. A ||(, I aartat the first at the week. Tuesday aftaraooa with Mr. and Mra, I of M. Tltai* rtaara may ha jcordlal tavttatloa to all 1 praak Leonard and wife retnraed Erford Nash aad dauchter Mary.____ Haiohlj~rnrailiftahniintlnr- Ifuapirct* Mrs Ella Hlsbee of Pewatno rialt- i Tuesday from Ana Arbor where he I Mr. aad Mrs John W. PattersM DR. KMC’SI Liraco •d, ooaipliuaUoas ai« Uabla to auaaa Ml her slaters. Mra, L. A. Jefferya and uaderwant an operation ' were the saaota of Dr. and Mrs. t H. wlueli will praraat racorary for BMmtUa Mrs Emma Bacl* from Wednesd ay 01 Mrs. Fred Kohasen Is reported vary Fletcher In Fowler last week Tuesday, daturday. low with cancer at the Woman's bos* Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Patterson ^ra aod yaara. Mr and Mre Jos Hess. Mr. snd piui m dastanw. the gnM of thair dnu^ter. Mw. Tlia diBaaaa ia an aflOeUon of Uw nar> ooaa lyalaai and aaay aflact Uia aatlra Mra Will Wricht and children of Du- jgr. and Mre Chrle Each of near Minnie Sklanar. aad family In Olive body or parteapa oaaaidaor oottaia taaa- plain and Mr. and Mrs. I^mtar Wright Maple Rapids visited smoag frisads from Thuraday uaOl Saturday of last aiaa it ooeiua often wImo tba aacxiad were guesu of Mr. aad Mrs. Virgil mmI former aelgkbore here last Tuas- weak. « w- haaili appear or wlwn tlMte la a apertal Wrmht Sunday day. , Mr. and Mrs. Dr. E. H. Fletcher auntn on tlie aaraoa, aacli aa oraratudy. Mr. aad Mrs. Robert ( shoon attend- Mrs. Emeralds Vredeaburg of apsnt Sunday with her par. I lost ooatrol of mj tongue by Mr. Hill ness, but resumed work Monday. visiting his daughter. so 'Jml people oonld not understand me The F^iireks Cemetery association Miss Parr, teacher In Sessions' Mrs. C. N. Plowman Is seriously III BOc MCO If other used to pnt a matrrsas on tlia will meet with Mrs. Minnie Wright, school, was unable to teach last Wed- with n<» hopes of her recovery. Boor for I couldn't lie alill la bed. I Friday. February 25. at 10 s. m All nesday aad returned home. Miss Syl- Mrs Prank Flemming was called to waa ao run down that 1 waighad only are invited. via Crook reopened school Thursday (;r*iid Ledge by the sick- abont 110 ponnda. Hank O'deli moved his family to St and has been teaching since. mother the fore “I had bean sick for qaita awhile ba- Kd. Rogers will bold a sale of |*er- foto I began to taka Dr. Williams' Pink Johns last week. imrt of last week. T. MILLMAN aad VANSICKLE & GLASPIE Pills which wsca twmmmanfisd to my Floyd I.Aaicb surted bis saw mill sonal property, farm tools, etc. Feb. Mrs. Tom Gall sad son Caryl vlalted . nsoibsr by a draggMt. I felt so______mi Monday morning. Although the early ,24. snd will Sillmsnn, who has rented her mother In DeWItt from Friday battar afisr taking the pills afawer last Friday alght. * “‘1 up-to-date music and spec- Colorado. Sara Elvers. daughter of , the week 4r|th Mrs. Joseph Ixmler. chancoa on a vehicle you never sate. That's just what you do wbsn you stgn '*«tle. wm be produced. Don't forget Mr. and Mrs Byron Kl saane. The i At a special meeting in January the your name to a letter agreeing to reeelee a vehicle direct from the catalog house. Pius nod tbios noBSS cnrsa ma j. n.* xiimm icm*„ n, Beware of getting promieeg of the “free trial. ” ’’recurn privilege.” etc. When ■vary norroM anfferor aboald haao n ^ibe date^ mother, nee Miss Kate Carmw. was a , Took .%ll His Money. L. A. 8. of the Baptist church elected Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sevy were I..ebsnon young lady up to the time the following officers: Pres..* Mrs. a mail order bouse sends you a vehicle, ye« heeeeee respeoslMe fer it. ead they eupy of oar bookloc. “Diaaaaas of the Often iP a man earns goes to doc ­ eopeel yen Se bmam Hi elee why do they send It to you P They are not in bu«i" Hsrroas a ysNsm It is frss upon postal guests St O. L. Bristol's in Dupisin i of her inariiage. and Mr. Kissaae was tors or for medicine*, to cure a Stom ­ Frank Towns; Vice Pres.. Mrs. Frank ness for health. Trytosenda mail order vehicle back and lee what trouble you'll Qsadrsqasst. Monday evening bom snd grew to manhood here. ach Liver or Kidney trouble that Dr. Dolton; Sec.. Maude Pope; Treas., have! People everywhere have been caught by tbe mail order evil. Avoid it! Dr. ’WUUnaas Pink Fills ars sold hr Ora ('ahoon of Saranac visited Mr. and Mrs. Ell Smith and Mr. and King's New Life Pills would qulckly .Mrs. Helen .Makley. nU or will bs ssDt. postpaid, friends here a jsirt of last week. Mrs F. M. Piggott have been promot- cure at sllgivt cost Rest for Dvepepsla The ladles of the Baptist church will of pries. 00 esnts par box; six Ray Cleland of St Johns visited bis ed to grandparent's chairs by the ar- Indigestion. Biliousness. ConstlpMlon, : hold a valentine social Friday evening. for IB.0O, by ths Dr. WiUinmn mother. Mrs Kate Slorinfeitt. Satur­ I rival last Thursday night. Feb. 10, Jaundice. Malaria and Debility. 25c. , pebruarv IMih, at the home of Mr. and Go to Yoar Local Dealer—See ma Oompany, Sebansetndy, N. T. day and Sunday ,1910. of a Dirght and banner little son at J. T. Mlllman ’s and VanSIckle A Prank Dolton Rev snd Mrs A. Toothacher of !•* the home of .Mr. and Mrs John I Glasple'^. The L A S Of the Baptist church ! Gloosville. New Ham|>sbire, sad Mrs. Smith In Bengsl will serve a dinner In Odd Fellows' ; Tke Reliable Michigan Line Eliubetb Coveirdale of Mayville were .Mrs. Geo. Oebom and son Howard ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ hall. P' briiary 23rd. and will be fol- j Quality for quality, iur Reliable So eorsfoRr stettosewoml* solsrrsd sai guests of the latter's son. Mr. and lof near Pompeii, accomitanled by Miss ♦ ♦ soovd that itU tbrsaysarx tmm fr«»tobU4<; lowtHl by a George Washington pro ­ aelly*i„ Ws y*»udo oot a vehicle '*»v i »* "ruav^rt* .Mrs. J. H. Coveriiale. last week. I Doris Manchester, of Boulder. Colo.. ♦ E.IST RILEY. ♦ gram and hiisineas meeting in the af- | as low or lower than your get any vehi- mad* Ir l* “’» - p» Sorr *i> I r.vwtr hkldie Moore of Akron. Ohio, visit- who has been making an extended vis­ ♦ ♦ fernoon cleViymail. You dee'l have owy fraigM RoMs*'- veoiew u bollt (--^m th* ed his sisters. Mrs. Carrie Hankey it In .Michigan and Is about to return ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A K' .stsl up. la our own fsclorv, Mon-,' ot oar .Voruinn .Mead has purchased the ■ to pey wkau you buy of tbs riolisbla csrrlags trulldert b«vs booa wM> u* over s ami Mrs. Verna Beck, a |»art of iaat to her western home. s|>ent several quartor of a csatsrv. w«.-k days recently with their relatives. Ell lot north of the railroad owned by j Fred N'liffer V and son Oscar. George Whitney and will erect a new Y om 9 Ruliftblu 2SS Slyh* to Sdcct From Jess# Kellogg vislt#-d his mother Smith and family, and others here BMNi yarn hnnw is tbave all IAm tkmm to visited relatlveH M'alertown Sun- r*-sldenr( in the spring la lb* Rsitablo MIcMgan Itfw you bsw a near Ashley Monday Mr and .Mrs h^dwln Sessions of dny coma back to, hi coo# you ore ctloofrooiZMaMMM* —vwnrtrpsof horao- The play entitled “Valley Farm" dinatliHsd We autboni drsam pisaanre Minis I>*arh was on th*' sick list Materford. Michigan, formerly of I.ieb- M'>*sl>-v .-huriuan moved a load of mods, sad scores o( last vv**ek anon have met with a terrible be- farming tools to his farm near Ash- given bv the young people from Ovid him to make g*>od ony^ •ur oire eeelaabre de- .Mlss .Mayni# F» ather • nt* rtained her'reavement in the death of their eldest |».y Monday last Friilav night In the I O O. F. defect of workman- aign. So *veU **enl Saturday halt "s* fin* All of thos«- who at­ a lure out apecisl pat- sixteen, at a valentine |iarty given at twelve years of age. who was instant- and Siinda.v in flrand Ilapids visiting tended said they were more than iiatd only in one year, but aay terea that we caa iUl her horn*- Saturday aflern«K>n. Febru-Gy killed last Friday afternoon by the per brother for going and It was given to a crowd- tbue after your purchj sar cualoDirr'* ape- Our vehicles are made of'' clsl order, through tii* ary 12th from thre« to fiv#- The af- sled on which she was eoasiing col ­ ••d h<»us* local dealer, is tbe H Barnhart and family sie-nt Sat­ toe finest woods, milled in our^ oolckeat poaalblettae tern«»<'n wa^ dellghtfullv sin-nt In liding with a freight car urday evening at th* horn* of F Xuf- The .M K I. A S took in S4 r.o at own leased forests under tbe write us awl arc wi:i plaving games after which the hostess fer. their Aid last week. supervision of saod roe our oew Ciualag servtii a dainty thre»-«-ours*- luncheon ‘'A.“ftbowteg our neweat II .Shiirman. wif* and i*on I.loyd. .Mr Glass has purchase"*! th*- lot master lum­ Irpea aad paitetea. tne Th»- hostess also present*"*! each guest ♦ ♦ Mi>ent Sunday with Wesley Shuriiutn owned by the I. O O F aad la liav- bermen. _baadao*aeat voa with a hand-|tainie

5- 17. IMO.

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I JohBB. MMl. aaah aadtt aaaarlBS tBa MTAmVLAmR. ♦ lyaar IkdB. TlM rapart haraar HB aat^ Aawaat okarg'td to traasarar ♦ «MN*Ta iMWAimn, .raaUy sacs fbvth tka fta aB riat ooadl- by clerk ...... fld.TBAM ♦ I tloB of tke dty la acoordBBea wttk tka Dae from water coBaaoMra ... i books raaaired to be kept by tke ehy Dae from eurreat asraaBts.... S77Jd Have Yob Iderk. and I kereby certify tke same j Dae from suBdry aooooBts .. ttt.7t MIcb rnmem Ormh to be eorract and property kept to tke minii hoot, of my kaowledBe. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ jwwk wtth «ulaaT kvt A. J. 8 . JURY. rrmak LMWird Mi wff» munMi ♦ # Petaraary iMBie tiH' nm of til*- «««k frOM ABB CooBcll raaaa. ♦ NIHiAL.PALLAfl. ♦ Arfesr. 7Ck. lilt. Tke foilowinc Is of tka ♦ ♦ RsBular moaClBi of tke elty BMBtbly water raaaipts: itoymBBi Bm»> ot Wamx Mayor rtattmd at TBiry Watur*« IMI IhiBia y. Bald SB Use a ^ Jaaaary ------$ IS1J8 If not* you hmym Prad W. (ioadi Pekraary ------. idtJt of illK Bm flBlitk MpMU to l«BY* tW iMt Hm oeoBail itfft Bora CO Mr. and Mra JcMa SaMth •r tMo wM* for a vlalt ai LaB* Oiaa* February 10. a aoa. thing coming. The best • o*e la ak p. m April I fTS.57 m aBd otbar poBMa. CalklBB. Ulffel Jof- . 41t.dl Mlaa Lstka McClow of Maple Rap- high-grade, popular- lira. Bdibm MrDaBali and mb Frad . Ms apsat part of last week wttk Mlaa spaBt gnaday at Harry Hoovm^ Tke miBataa . l.lB4.t4 Mlaa Ida M. BNmiIU. priced COFFEE on the Boro to ByroB KlaaaBa aBd wife. Boe ware road and S.lQt.d7 Mra. Alma tmLouBBe of Bast Chtp- Carrow, Fobmary dUi. of Colorado, a Tke commttb . l.ld7.M powa Is iprodlBB a -tow days with market. the slMted Cad liw daadlBer. They fonaerly reaided ia tka followtas I . l.tt4.tS Mlaa Mlaale Budxier. this viclaity. To tka Mayoi COOBOil November . sarif Mias Martha Bwaru of Fowler spsa t of tke City of Daeeaibar . S54.5S a few days last week with relatives In Oil pfepntion of the Mra. Aaiia Ludwtek vlaited la tka thto vpitoty. boRMw of Chariaa Brown aadsJoha Gaatlemea: — maualttea on claiass. to v 'erred: water Mtaa Martba Moknk*- of Riley to workL Nothing equals Looc for a few daya of laet weak. Total rec*4p4a from spending a few weeko at the hoi^ of CaatlBBent fi lo. Sit to taker* for IfOk ------—— Bra. fieoraia Pteraoa of Oraad Ra|>- 2SS: gaaeral s Siam. No. John Smith. Ids la vieltinc at the home of Herman The following la a atatemeat akow- it to build up the week 117 to Itt; w SlBIS. No. lag the monthly receipts for electric Lewis Epkey was la Watertown a Caddy. S4t to 2Sd; elo Id claims, light current. f* w day* last wee4( on buaineas. and wasted brxiies of BiM Aaaa IMscott returned home spy to 31d: (port that January ...... I 623.2A si»endlng a few days last we«-k on bus­ laet week Tueaday after a two weeks' {.re have rarefu tke same. February ...,. 674.SS iness. young and cid. visit with friends at Pliat. find them footfaps. March ...... 6T3 49 Ernest Fox and Charlea L. SebulU .Brs. (ieorse Osbourne and hob , And we re •commaad April ______679.51 were In St. Johns Thursday on bual- r<)R SALK tv ALL DUrJ'.r.lSTS Harold of near Pompeii and Biss Ilor- | that they be a r council. May ______.728.44 n*>sa. ris .Bancbeater visited at Kll Hmitb's 1 and tke clerk to draw June ...... 501.54 Mr. and Mr* John Rosaow and son SrmU Ue., Mate i an • ad. (or last w»H*k sod i>art of tbls week. I order* on tke p r tke sev- July...... ■i«0.52 Edwin spent Sunday with Fred C. ««r tivaMli.'vl .. It.hLU't .Mrs, F. B. Plfcpott is in Benasl tbls 'eral amounts e uad claim {August ...... 4*4.97 Pascb and family, Sk«tC)l-;;«oL l^b (••bL r.>;-lBB A week Carina for her dauahter. Mrs. ; No. 256. which fa** I September ...... 1.387.51 Mrs Joe t^iich and daughter Em­ C#eo4 L«Kk ! rnny. John gmith. and her first arandrbild. I further iafornu October ...... 1.554.71 ma are quite ill with la grippe. aOOTT A BOWNE. 40» PmtI S<^ N. Y. which arrived last we«>k Thursday. I CH l2leS. November ______444.44 Fred L. Pasch and family who I n. IS. Decern *r ...... i...... -...... 9.54.14 have resided in FOwler the past sev­ *kfv«> I.ung* and Itaw l^ung*. en year* are rooving to th- Ir farm in Mo«t people know the fvelinr. and I la Claima. Total receipts for electric this vicinity. the miserahia «tate of III health It !n- Moved by Al lies, sup- [ i-iirrent for 1909 19,447.40 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ dlrates. All people ehould know that i ported by Aide , that the I The following la a statement show­ Protode nt Hripn nnOwii.. ♦ ♦ F..ley*s Honey and Tar. the rreateat ' report of the c claima be ing the monthly receipt* for *undries. Hundreds of orphans h»ve been ♦ nrPl.tlN' ilRERNBl'NM. ♦ i‘hroat and 'una remedy, will quickly I accepted sad a January .. S2t9.4* helped by the PretMent of the Indust ­ ♦ ♦ ure the soreness and oough and re­ I Ayes, four; i I February . 2<&.«7 rial and Orpkstn's Home at Macon. store a normal condition. Aak for ' A. J. S. Jury, report of . March . 252.95 Oa., who writes; ”tVe have used Foie* •» TIoney and Tar. VanHi' kle A the audit of tk :s for the April ____ Eleocric Bitters in this Institution for |t|la«pe. . 253.52 nine years, it haa proved a moat sx- John Perry r^-ttimed to hla home ye«r eadiag De 99. (May ...... 113.41 St Irvlna last Wednesday after spend* Moved by A Ina. sup- ecllent medicine for Stomach. Liver I June . . 315.44 and Kidney* troubles. We rsgard It Ina ten day* with his (larents. 3dr. and A P ported by Aide that the jjuly ------. 245.24 as one of tke beat family medicines on With 31 years’ expmence in the Monumenta] bnai* Brs. H. F. Perry. ♦ DEWITT. ♦ auditor ’s report and plac- i August . 104.50 r.»orae Hainer. accompanied by his ed on file, ant lerk pub- •artk." It larigomtes ail vital organs, ♦ ♦ ; September . 424.40 purifies the blood, aids digustlon. ^ ncM, we are sure to mve yon the best work at lowest sister. Mr*. Kunice Banks, of ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ lish with the of this j October _ . 329.07 craate* appetite. To strengthen and ' • pnCBB visited relative* at Butternut and meeting so mi report a* prices. Come and look over onr stock. ; November . 291.42 build up pale. thin, weak children orj^ may be of Intel hlic. Itkaca last week. Varney Pearce received a abower of December . 233.31 rundown people it has no equal. Beet I peter Hess died at tke home of his 135 iMwtal cards in honor of hla birth­ Ayes, four; n for female complaints Only 59c. at! dauahter, Mrs. Alton Fluell. last day. February lOth. i’sntingent I------Total receipt* for sundries for J. T. Mlllman's and VanSickle A Olas- ! Wdler & Hodgn, St Jobw Thursday after an Illness of three Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Brink. V. D. City Pay Roll. 1909 ...... - ...... 13.201.48 pla ’a day* of pneumonia. Prorre and Mr. and Mr*. Fred Tucker Claim No. 219:— The following is a sutement show­ fJlen Reroaley of Ovid s|>ent Satur­ spent Thursday. February loth, at the Wm. M. Smith ...... 112.50 ing the total amount charged to the day with Claud (iould. home of their parent*. Mr. and Mr*. | Geo. L. Tinkhani ...... ! treasurer for the year 1909, Roscoe Cook of West (Sreenbush at­ Varney Pearce. John Walker ...... If JJ I WATER DEPARTMEJfT. tended the i>arty alven for Richard .Mr. Hay* frtnn Ionia county visited , Wm. Cxichrane —.....— r.oo Ada J. Cochrane ...... Cash on band Jan. 1st, 1909 I Bond last Friday night . Mr. and Mr*. John Wetherell Sunday. | ‘ Receipts from collection* 9.929.9." .Mr. and Mr*. Walter Emmons and .Mrs l.^ttle Watkins was la Elsie taK fti Transferred from electric a few day* last week helping to care daughter of Lansing and Mr. and Mr*. { * ! fund ...... 2.000.00 for the little son of Mr. and .Mrs Ar­ Fred Tucker of Prairie Creek were I Lyman M. Alward __ 15.00 Total amount charged treas­ thur Uriggs entertained Sunday at the home of Mr urer ...... -...... 111.934.9.5 The Real Five Dept, and HnIL ain Mr*. Kunice Hank* and children ea- and Mra. Floyd William*. ^ Mr* Albert Yanr of Rlh-v called on ■; John Crichton .. ..">0 ELECTHir LIRRT AND fH’NDRIEW peci to leave Tuesday for their home her cousin. Mr*. Fenton Brink. Sat-j ______I DEPARTMENT. in .Mlsnouri after si>endlng nearly two Total pay roll ...... 1118.33 ; rash on hand Jan. 1st. 1909 t 39.02 months with her parent*. -Mr. and urday. Claim No*. — Receipt* from sundrie* col ­ The value of wheat alway.8 has and alway.s will decide Mrs .Vemsh Hainer. Mr and Mrs d T Fisher and Mr and Mrs. Floy Balnl attended the M 220— A. J. S. Jury .. $50.00 lections 3.201.48 the price of Crescent flour. Frank .Squln-s of Hutlernut was a K. Aid society at Mrs. !>*♦• VanFl.*'fH 221— Geo. H. Chapman ..70 R«K*e|pt* from current col ­ recent visitor at th* home of his sit­ Wednesday and were .-ntertained ov**r 222 St. Johns .N'ewa 19..10 lections 9,467.40 t re.scent flour never increases in price unless wlieat ter. Mrs Alice Hainer. and family night at Mr*. Perry Teed'* In Ollv* 223— Burroughs Adding 5fa- Mr and .Mrs Frank Perry wish to .Mrs Colon*-! Furga.-on Is ill at the <^ln** Co. 1.75 $12,707.90, and then only in the rijcjlit proportion. thank th* M W A. and their neigh­ home of hi* brother James 234- St. Johns Elec. IJght !>>** cash on hand Jan. 1. bors for their help and sympathy James Keeney of .Augusta visited Plant ...... l,.790.i»0 1910 41.69 'riiere probably isn ’t another commodity on the they had given them during their re­ his sister. Ellen A Furgason. .lOd Fire Departmeat uad Hall. cent sickneM; si««j liM’ W. T. U. fur relative*! in ScMith Riley last week Total amount charged treas­ market, that hrinjjs to the purchaser ;i fairer investment, frangen Claim So*. 22.7 -R. U. Bergin ...... 45.0o urer $12,666.21 and the schedule as arranpfed renders it ahsolntely nmiec- very pleasant surpris*- was plap- Wlirii V«ei \e*!l 224— Richmond fc Holme* .. 3.22 The following 1* a statement of the ne he»ui*u-he, in-Mce'fi >n. hl?-. ti.o^e with his i>arents to their new Total Cnnt. Fund DIsbts...... $1,834.00 Balance In fund Jan 1, 190<* $ I.7I8.78 bom* n* ‘ar stt Johns. After a few lousr.e*". pain In *tom.i h n-i ho^eln. Receipt* 11.934.95 hours of gsiues refreshments were then vou need F>ley’« I-ax;*!!v* Grarrai Htrrci Fuad DIslHinicBMmts. s.-rv*ti to about twenty-five All re­ It move< tlie hrtwet* fre* V ;in>l centiy j Commissioner's pay roll. $ and thorougViiy^ ’h* turned to their homes at a late hour ;nte.tin*l triiiim .N'o. 187: Disbursements 11.48.7 wishing Richard much bappines* in tract It doee not c-‘pf r n«ii«e«t* Knglebert Smith ..$ 11.20 and • uree • onstip(itl<'>n. Van.'^h'kl* A bis n* w honif I.afayette .Mull .. 3.40 diaspie. Balance in fund Jan 1, 1910 $ 1.970.21 Flour John .Shiilter* ... 4.60 .'allies Madden returned hotiie last ELECTRIC DEPIRTMENT Week from th* north woods ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ V Earlier V.. B F Hale Balance in fund Jan. 1. 1909 $ 1.892.64 Word has l»eunshury that he ha.- had the misfortune to ♦ ♦ $14.558.85 H. C. Welch ILLBIfG COMPikNT CKikJfD BikTlM, hr«ak his leg; also that a little dau ­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ $10,774.94 Thus Hefty Disbursements ghter has r* < ^ntly i»«-*-n born to them Transferred to water fund 2.000.0*> Miss CIsra Carey, who I* working George Timor John l*rice •g roaEOT ttiou i: in Lansing, wa* honi*- ov*-r Sunday $12,774.96 Russell Chaffee of Ovid sepnt Sat­ Charles Chant urday night with his friend. Ward E Stevens F Truax Balance in fund Jan 1. 191u.. 1.783 89 Vail The following Is a statement of the Schuyler Rohm Ethel Ijine of Ovid *p* nt part of financial condition of the city of at ECZEMA ON HANDS last week with relatives in Price l..ewis Woodruff . Johns. Mich., as shown by Its book* at James ^4ef. who has in-en sick. I* the do**- of th»- ye*r 1909: Total Commr ’s jiay roll now able lo b«* up *n«l l*«t Wednesday $ 6.7.20 ; Contingent fund $5,414.64 the 'Claim No*: went hark to the wood* where • General street fund . 2.5*8,73 FOfi TEN TEARS Woodham* brothers ar* cutting him 198 A. G. Jones $ 2.20 ‘General sewer fund 1.314.18 1«(9—J. G Wl*»- 2.U0 some wood. iFire dept and hall .. 651.71 Were Raw All Over and the Humor AH k rt Waldeiich and sist-r .\nna at­ ! Water fund ...... 1.970.21 tended the social at .Mr Curtl*' Total Gen. 8t. Fund DIsbts $ 69.40 I Electric light fund .. 1.783.89 AUCTIONI will sell at auction on my premises, 2 miles east of DeWitt and one-ha]f mile was Spreading ta Bodyand Limbs .Mr*. Christian Waidellch. who ha* Water Faad Dhhaniements. {Police fund 274.80 north of Lott school house, the — Professional T'catment did No been suffering with inflsmed eyelids, j Pay roll at the plant. ! Interest and sinking fund .. 3.403.M’i Good—Daughter had EczcmiJ oo. Is getting better. Ipislm .No. 248: I Dog tax 142.00 .Mr. and Mr* Henrr Bartlett are O B Preaton .. .70.00 visiting Mr* Bartlett's *l*ter at Ma- ' Grant Hall .. r.50 $17..743.91 pie Raids this week. Henry ahuman . 25.00 I.^s funds overdrawn. CUTICURA A SUCCESS Roy VanVelsor spent Saturday night Mltttura Kinney 22.50 Thursday, Feb. 24,1910 IN DOTH THESE CASES with Merrier Carey. Thorne Walker .. 12.50 Paving fund ...... Mr. and Mr* Ralph Cortright will Ada J. Cochrane 2.50 Clinton Avenue sewer ... 115.52 Beginning at 10 o ’clock, the following pro perty: . (0 entertain the Progressive Pedro Club Hlgbam street sewer .. .. 194.52 “II Tueaday evesUng. Tout water fnad pay roll $ 140.00 Baldw'U street sewer 17.00 Faraiof 80 Acres oa SeetioB 3. knovra ao llw Lolt At flrsi U wo hrrok out only Mr. snd Rr* Albert Crepps of Itb- Claim Noa: fnwiBknr. Then It l!iiaiiy.canie to a«a visited relativus here last week. 1 I^Twae BPOgiloaMr* to do all*«4|ay. 24P—Wm. Corkla ______I 4.40 t 772.94 •oS mt nSmk them did any Mr. and Mra. Fred Spidel rotar- 250— Charlea Chaat ______4.72 1 then tasdoaw bca cf CuUcwra tntnod lUs brother and sister last 251— Wickeo Brothers_____ 14.00 Ctorks balance Jan. 1. 1910 .91f.7S4.96 Span mares weighing 2,^>00 W'ide tire wagon f> feet cut rnmur ami tkMo bottfsB cf OnMaani work. 252— at JohBs Fouadry Co. ItJt DallaqosBt pavtag tax ------__tMB.75 JUwlv«sB aad was ocnplstaty carsd. Mra. Unoae, who has been sertoaa- Cutter I Cjrain drill Uy Mmds woes row sM nmr, la Mdi sad 253— Ricbmoad R Nointoo ... 5.0$ ___ mM Driving marc, wt. 800 lbs ly Mak aith pBeumoBla. Is improving. 254— Faloa Telepkoae Oo. . 4.96 Daltaqaoat BprtafcllBB tax ___SOMt Set bob sleighs Horse rake Boro to Mr. and Mrs. N. Hurbelet 255— Wtekea Boiler Co.____2.11 Work team. wt. 2,500 lbs. __ t*nlia Rssilviat. fbnaerly of Prtae. bat now of Bath, 21.1 Flat hay rack, nearly new ' Side delivery rake Dtotaisatj Crm’, 6 yrs old. due April 3 s alee baby girl. Debraar) Nth Total water toad dMbts...... J$ 197.17 3 spring tooth harrows I Ohio hay loader, nearly new Mra. Jaaper VIgea la under the oar* IwtkeUttkoTlao------1 hsd ussd the_ thied* bet- •of city < 21542174 Cow. 8 yrs cild, due .^pril 3 lof.DnrMkaHap tki* week, .216.727.22 Floating harrow : .Arnold bean puller, 2 set j Mra. Fowler will snter Ike Aid ao- Claim Moa: 71.15 2 two-year-old heifers Spike tooth drag knives Srjo mnm lelaty thto weak WedBaadap. l»-krQltfe Blabop ______J$ Tke Olsaasra of Prooper Arbor gave 104—Was. CorklB______4 yearling heifers Wheel cultivator Bean picker to fool wUh », but to City tiaaaarsr'a aat balaaes ia rtoUlBF rnmi at tk* botoe of Will 181 U mbmi Oaaaa ______lat. mo Jti42R74 3 calves .Aiax cultivator I Com sheller I

Miss Ameils Wnddsl visited frlMds 4«*iMs The (iunily that In Pewnmo last ftaaday. *. K. Qrulsr a Co. are having electric THFIHUFm plenty of llghta put In their store. Peter Wahl of Wsolphalla wae la town Jdat Tuesday on buslnese •y M. QUAD. (Oopgrtght. IMS. by Ainevtcao Praaa Asae- C. 8. Clark of 8L Johns was traa- visuen.) sactlng bualneaa in town last Saturday Mias Ktbsl Warsbaw. gtrl pkllaa- Mrs R. Klee was in Pewamo oae ttooplst. was OPS of tlw fifty isdlss, Special Closing Prices is a healthy, rugged day the forepart of the weea on bust- aid spd jroiuig. that attspdsU the neos. —m— called ipsetlag ef the UpUftecs. That Prayer meeting will be held at the fiunily. ssetsty Bseoisd to be taolhlj coaipsasd home of Mrs. W. H. Snelllng aoxt Wednesday evening. of Mrs (Jsasral Barop. hsr htwhapd CJboAg, SmtB, Jacket*, Cravenette* cmd Wedet* The most popular The Mlsaeo Rose Uroas and Clara and hsr soo. Frsd. tho lattar a yosuig Ooerge visited Mtaa Anna PIggott In BHUi of twopty-Uiiwa. Mrs. Uspoml food in the world be* Uetaanon one day last weak. was prssidspt. bar boahapd trspshnr Mias (’lara Ooerge left for Detroit and FMd aacrsrary. 'Tbs ohloet of Uw We have a large selection which we offer at a lower price than you can cause it does most Monday noon where she expects to aorloty. aa statod at tho firat pphllc spend several weeks with friends. ■ssUhg. was to opllft tho poor aod do buy the goods for that is in them. and costs least. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Foster of Bear away with porerty. Whap Mva. Uop- 8t. Johns were visiting friends and sral bad got t hropgh .spsakltig sad tho relatives In toem Sunday and Monday. We have prices to fit nearly every purse, as we wish to close quickly gsasral had got thropgh spsaktag sad David Dlller of Bay City was here Frad had fialshod his raaiarka It was leet week a couple of days visiting every ready-to-wear garment. It will pay you to look them over. In the home of Mr. snd Mrs. Fred L. quits plain to ths aodlsoce how ths Paech. uplifting wns to bs (loss. Archie Sewroaii «f Sbepardsville Vaiioua commfttsea wars appointed LAMES’ ALL WOOL HIGH CLASS SLITS at...... $7.50, $10,512.50. $15 r*me honn- \V«-dneiidsy morning on ac­ and asked to report at tbs next owst- count. of having inflaiuroatlon of his lag. Mias Warehatn was sppointsd s L.XDIHS’ ALL WOOL SKIRTS at...... $2.50. $3.75, $4.50, $5, $6, $6.75, $7.50 eyes rommlttee of one to acminnlate gen ­ Mr. Mrs Frank Becker have eral knowledge on the snbjort of up- Dt. Mann in Kowler Friday. JoM>ph Pox was in Qrud Rapids been entertaining the latter’s alster. lifting, and It Is mostly with her rs- last Monday on busin sd a. Alvina, and husband of Orand Rapids port submitted at tbe nsxt msstinf Winter Cloaks to close at about ^ s. You will do well to look after born to Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Sturgis for a few days. that this story iuw to do. When Mrs. Sunday. February 13th. an S-ponod Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pllne of P^ Oeneral bad reported that the way to your wants in this line now. son. wamo were the guests of the latter's uplift tbe poor was to sscure tbsm Frank and A. Platte were parents. Mr. and Mm William Dunne- slnuitloiis lu tiauks and othcea at good in Detroit the fore part of tlie week oa hackc. and family Sunday. aalariea aiwl tbe general had reported bu»ln*aa. ^ Miaa Ola Uiinnebai-kc of Lansing In favor of providing them wfh mu- ; Mrs. Corwin Sturgis has been riatt- {has come to spend several weeks with slcni instruments and yunug Fred had ' tna fiiends and relatires at Homer her iMtrsnts. Mr. aud Mrs. Wililani given it as his opinion that the lietter \ for the past few day* Diianebacke and family. tbe brand of clgara smoked by the • .Mr and Mrs. Wllllani Payne and AlbpiKNUM* Feaacr of l.ansing was poor man the aowuer he would climb ! son itemard of Lehaaon were the visiting at the boeiii of his (larents. to tbe to|> Mias Wareham amss and ; ST. JOHNS JOHN HICKS MICHIGAN guests of Mrs. Julia Wood and faai> Mr. and Mrs. John Fesoer, and family IIy Wednesday. made ber report, ns follows: from Saturday until Monday. “A day or two after tbe last meet­ Sereral of the men from this rlclB- Anthony Fox ha* returned from ♦■fit Ity donated a day ’s work Wednesday ing 1 prepared rayaeif with raiment .NVw York City where he has been suitable to a |K>or young girl aud by drawing gravel for the new remaat aiiending the past two weeks select­ walk that is U> be huilt this summer made a trip among the dwellers of the ing and buying bis spring and sum­ I l•^•t».|».\TK IlF.FI.KtTIOXK. In front of tlw M. E. church. tsaements. In doing I came arrooM «44- mer stock of goods. The members of the Embroidery sererai members uf this society on er­ — It tMken 14 t W-ver oculist to curs an Club will be entertained next Satur­ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kiaaane rands of charity. Home of them had sgotUt '•( his 1 trouble. of Tiffany. (Tolorado. Sunday. Febru­ —A ticeuty may be paerleaa. but if day afternoon by Miss Liszie Ulrich sheet music and some bad sweat cake ary dth, a daughter, name Sarah El­ rhr hMi. money it will not tre long be­ at the home of Mrs. Michael Fedewa. for tbe poor, 'rhey bought no coul nor Higheat Quality vers. Mr. and Mrs. Kiaaane were fore -h*- «an land on** if she goes A cordial Inritstion is extended to all paid any bark rent. Ttwy talked a members to be present former residents of this place. irtMiiit It In *-arne«t. Rev. Charles Boiighman left Sun- great deal about tbe upllftliig process, __Wr bate «-ot»-«hetla for our t-owa May evening for Northvllle where he and efforts were made to cooTlnce an was taken to Ann bom in a log but aod to Joau of Arc thei.- i^ I»eft»een an "altar" aner three parlor tnakl Nutblog was sshl of any pf* ■ F W**#* kly. e• •e and four were entertained at the home uplifting, but that was tnfcrrcil. 1 of Mrs. W. W. Kinley last Monday ev­ wrote myself a recommend and ap­ I’N \\.\ltll.\NTFII .\FFIM»XT plied for tbs place. 1 waa told tUat 1 • Cock / House • ening Various games were played. In .1 eton bt Lit lien Bell, in .Miin- Light refreshments were served and a must not presume on tbe fact that I nf\ - Magiixln*' apt>eare the following : Good Barn \ gofxl time reported by all. could read and write. Under no cir­ th* • •*!**i»*-; name«l being deecrlt»e«l a« Mm. Amelia Dlller of West Bing ­ cumstances was 1 to open a liook from ■ *»mmi»rMlan: of >-adets at the military JOHN HICKS ham returned to her home Sunday af­ tbe library. If ever found drumming mt 'X'olonel Mi»ckrldee wea a • G€X}d Granary : ter Bi>endlng several days in the home on tbe piano instant discharge would li;g rni*n. with *■ big. iMtoming laugh mtiHi' • e of Mr. and Mm. F. K Pasch. .She be tbe |•enslty. Objected to my doing lie tie.'ttit 'nveil to tell the atort of e and other ^ood ou^- Z was accomiNinied home by Mrs. Aug ­ up my hair like a lady. Objected to h**tt h • wife once engegxl a Negro ust Miller, who had been s|»endlng thr my small feet. Met her husband the t'lMtl*. tvh*i ha«l such trouble with the • biiildinfes: good mto A; • day here. next day. lie sshl 1 could uplift by name 'Mo* krtdge' that Mrs M*»ck- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 2 orchard. For further • .Mr. and Mm F. L. l*asch and fam­ copying tbe maoners of bis wife. Met rltlge fina l* said "Well never mind ♦ ♦ ily who hare been residents of our bar son. lie wanted to iiat me on tbe Phe name' When vou get to West ♦ .MIRTH VIF'niK. ♦ e particulars address or Z village for the past six yearn finished check; said that was tbe drat step In Boln* iu»t .isk any»w>dv to show t*u-al' .Mrs W Ridenour waa In 8t. Johos \ | from our midst But wish them the arose, wltb blazing face, but uo one live.-' tih*- .in«were«1 s.'ornfnllv 'Den last Monday on hiisiness. ' liest of succeim in th«‘ir work **u ne. •In't troirttb- me w!d no moh : H, H. Akvater • Th* servirei* held at the M E. made such a motion, and .Miss Ware­ Leo and Jo*- Unton took dinner , ham continued: lnstro--tl*tn ’■ .i^e I ain't a < omlng' 1 with E Post last Tuesday. church last Sunday «>veninK on the ■-* oiililti't 'viik for nol»i»dv what !lve*l • AdminUtrator, I "I waa wttrked about slzteeu hour> .Mrs Jas Prsne returned home Mon- . Carpet life of Abraham Unroll) wer* splen ­ n .< M Hi- I. *»an- :i**n r*. rot • e per day. Tbe food given us serTani> •lay from a week's visit with relatives > did A fine talk was given by Elder nit**h •• f-re«t. -k" Z Fowler, Michigan Z was about tbe same aa the average • m Boiighman and a well pr* pared i>aper In (’l**veland. Ohio ••••••eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and delivered by Princliijshi\ Nothing I* »o prompt and . ^___ , as^^a x^a # • ah.-.a ^1-fi aam* ’ "Ui fuf Or^an AHn OH h^r • ure for CVers, Bolle Burns. Bru\»es. Ulf.nDrt « that b,t tor , Z on all Z firts t'orns. Sores. Pimple* Rrsema If you bavimt tbe time to eserctas or Plies cents at J T Mlllmsn's for an auto tide. ju piot»al*le-dropped on the thick. regplarly. Doan's Regulets will pre­ E L HULL .ind VanSti'kle it Olasple'« •Osnerai Baron, will you move to ^ riMtm rus «o shr wired to vent ronstipation. They iaduee a iMId. easy, bealtbful sctlou of tke bosrela : Winter Goods ; adh»urnr almost shouted Mrs. .h.. msb: at home ’I.ct me know if 18 Clmtoti Ave. Funutiire andiUiidartekiiig. • • iii-^rr p.%nT ih’ tmh without gfiptag Ask your drufiffloi • • seal as bar fsco want from rad ftnd anx-thtnr on rur in dlmnc- for them 2^. Oeorgs William Sellem. a well whits I ‘ few days Istcr she got a !ei- known Atnertran cricketer. .Wsrrtbed • All H cfvv I’nderwear • Tbs gsasral opened bis moutli, but | ter from the maid saving' "Desr ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ In Chicago his attempt to teach crlclc- no words came. Therefore tbs report ! yiMiiam’ 1 wish to let von know if T ei to the men on his Indiana estate. ♦ ♦ ' foiiml snvthing on the dining room I 39c i “Cricket Is. of course, a more leis­ cootlnned; ♦ WKMT KLBA. ♦ rug Thl. l« what ! found this morn ­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ urely game than foot ball.” said Mr. **00 a certain occasion ths lady la ♦ ♦ ing •'hrsr champagne «-ork«, ♦ ♦ Sellers. "We played It on my place question ordered me to accompany hor ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Z All wool Children’s Hole 2 tgar butts. Mve cigarette ♦ BINUH.tH, ♦ In the proper leisurely manner, snd on a tour among the poor to dlaatlmte ' ***|''' ends four blue «*hlps. 34 hurne*1 ♦ ♦ • were 25 cents. e I all mv men eeemed pleased Our fleet charity. Wo found tbs poor. riMy (' Cordray waa In Ovid Monday. matrhes and d at J. Weidner'a Monilay. 1 hand when the drinks and clgam and Mrs James Kirby, formerly of this I {the Fire Waff," at Rurehg next Sat­ •endwichee were passed around. mnat aey that the peer did aot euttlhH • All Winter Mittens, were 2 any great laterset in tlm upttfttng .V negro waiter In s Pa«lucsh hotel vtcialty. died Mond ay at ber borne In urday evenlag I "TSurlng the open-sir dinner that quite dM- ' **** ’ * flvhie rtstit- Mrs. T. Furl of Lansing visttad her Will have a number of sound up the first day's play I turned bnaliMaB. My lady Flint 2 oO cents, at 2 appointed to find t J nnr tfTT* *''' stirred to deeds within the Mrs Warner of Gaylord has been daughter. Mra. Edna Oagt, laat weak. carloads of 6-inch Jack- to John and said* Orley and Guy Noriis were la Aak- iCTur^l a^’eTliidiffirent opUfl- vlattiBg her sister, Mrs. Ciiner, for a •••Well, old men, whet do you think to j ^“* 7 ’’ ley last week Wed ueeda y. son tile on track at : 39c t of < rlckel?' Inc. Hhe found fault with me becuuee th uh few days. • • rr ... ______.____ 1 Johnson They mstfOied him with a The members of tbe F. M. church Mies Rdyth Crooks and famUy at •• ’Mr Hellers.* said he. *1 would be I hadn t ^ **'^*** along ^ r^hicsgo and the fight lAUstag wko hare bum rtstUng at 2 All Sleds that were $1.(K) • a grand game If it wasn't for all this a few chsup Teddy beers" held praver raeettag at Mr. Rgfder's Tuesday the home of Henry Hunt for so me here Meldin' and runntn' about be­ This time whan tbe pause cams It in th*- ffref round the Hwede landed time returned home last week Friday. 2 to $125, 2 ta em meals.'"—nt-Bfls wus noticed that tbe general sad Mro. Mrs Chaa. Kellogg and Mrs. Tup- s hard one on the Negro's nose, flat­ per took ttlanpr with Mrs. Oeo. Ford- Biagliam Y. P. C. IT. February 20. Oeneral had stlently folded tbelr twta tening 'hat organ about sir degrees 1»10j Topic. "Texts That Help." Pa. • 1 Prevent Ice—(hose Candy Cold Cure ray one day laat week. and atoleo out of tbe hall. m*ir* 'han nature did. The crack Frank Thomas and sister, Mrs. He- Ilt:f7-104. Leader, Mary Lewis. FFBRi Fmbnmry 22 feo 26- • I'Tablets—will safsly and quickly check iHrthcre*! the Negro ami the Hseed eurss bc i 29c 2 jail •'Olds and the Orlp, Ttr them once ITbeti fbe reeding was finished Mias hrer. visited Mr. and Mrs. Rtnbba near Rcadera, Ethel Creaaman. John Doyle. 2 Spmeud SI A qult'k f*-* notice it. The Hwede kept Hong. Era Taber. m • land see' IS-JSc Hold by VanWckle Wareham sat down Dae by one the Rt Johns a few days last week. Upllfters arnae and tiptoed «mt. snd at i roufutlng at the Negro** nose, pound- Those NvishinjB: to buy 2 All Fancy Lamps, worth • I A nisspti Quite a number from here attended laat the wee atone with the ssslBBg;*''' s«,«dllv After he had the Ne- the t> of R lodge and oyster supper A tickling or dry cough * c«n be tile can save money by Z up to $7.00, nUHAN* Fred. Tbsa as be got up to follow gr ■ - epreed away around hr hie at Bannister last Wednesday eTeulBg. quickly toeeened wHh Dr. fikoop'e tear* tn the third round, the Negro Cough Remedy. No opium, no chiero* A Baris conlemporary. -ommentlng sthsrs hh aakl: Mrs Bernhardt aud Mrs. Fnnay buyinp of me and direct form, nothing unsafe ot harsh Sold 2 $2M to $4M j on the little knowledge of French "This ends It for ths old lady 1 -nshe*! to hie comer and began tear- Hehrer went to Izuwluc last Friday 'ng madiv at hla glorev. by VanAicMa A CnaepU. from the car. I poseeeeed by seme Qermans, reletse a the gnrenior. They will nerer, ne where Mrs Hehrer remained for an ­ "Her*** ’* spouted hie second "sln.’l : SATURDAY SPECIAL t story of Aleeandre Dumee (perei srhn aeak to uplift tbe poor, lefbrm other operation while Mrs. Hemhardt | WTIY? knew little German. He found him*, .vou gu*ng to fight no n*ore*" returned Tuesday. wiched and taghe the worM a pi "No -ah." replied the Negro with Two youag matrons me* down town • All jienny Canclicit , «eK St en Inn In German nwliaerland. j Mrs l4ewia Murray and children.. ilae. Ton hare smashod the comM ^ greet •lignBv "I eln'l going fo fight the other day. when on*, remember­ 2 prica test, the I.onddn Globe. He eahausted , j no m-* - wtv* no sentiemsn what who have been apendtng the winter In ing that the last time aka had seen Os L. Jessup ^ bis small week of German, la trying . {don't s, .itler hla blosra" Chtrngn. returned laat FiidsT and are - her friend was on th# occaoton of a to mehs the waiter understond what j no*4 visiting her parents. Mr and ahepping expedition, akcad: Ponpan, Midi. diahee he required for dinner One I HiNt. WII.\T HHF J.F\II\KI>. i Mrs Chas Kellogg woliKH iwrrH w.WH "By the way. Marie, what did your I The Bazaar he could net make the maa under ­ Little Mabel had spent the sGer- J Weidner was In Ashley Monday. , httsbaitd think of that tSfif DIrectotre stand. se In deepair the aether ef noen at her father’s hnstnsm office, "A men never knows how manv gown you had asm horns that day? • 0.0. nAJNKgTT. fW "Monte Ciiatb" eallsd far a pencil sad whete the telepheaea were kept pfet* frleiMle he hea nwlll he gate Into pel. Feel inaguM. wenk, run-down? i I waa quHe sure ha would be rruar sketched what he wealed. deoM mla- tv hnsy. Tket night as ska went to Itlee." "True." answered denater Hendncke? Romach "afT*? —Jnat a abon t It." niea toter the tankesper hfnmsif an* • FdaiHiAwa. ai.Jaaaa,MMk hod eke snrpHosd her metker by olee* Barghum "Ner how few he has nntr tame of lasy Itrer Barioak Bland "Wall." raagsw d ad the etker matron Fine Co mmercial Printing at neared heertng a lafue opaa main His lag ker pragarn with: "Ameu. Oeed- he gs4e <*nt of offlre "—tVaahlngten Btttera tanas Itrer aai ausMMh. pm- "In « way ymi were rIgM. Tam dM thmms had erdsrn bps* Ring eff."—Bosaen Ttanet 1 Ipt. nwtoa d lg eatian, pertflea the Mnni. rare about It."—UpptncntCa. The Ham m Olfioa.