16-18 Mary Street, Porthcawl CF36 3YA

Website/Gwefan: Tel/Ffôn: 01656 782215 E mail/E-Bost:

4th October 2019

To all Members of Council

Dear Councillor

You are summoned to attend a MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL to be held at Stage Door, Grand Pavilion, Porthcawl, on Thursday 10th October 2019 at 6.45pm.

Yours sincerely

Alison Thomas Town Clerk

1. To receive apologies for absence.

2. To receive Members’ Declarations of Interest in respect of the business to be transacted.

3. To consider item presentation, N Bunston, Bridgend CBC – Budget Consultation 2019

4. To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on 12th September 2019

……Issue of documents to the Public

5. To consider any matters arising from the Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on 12th September 2019 (for information purposes only).

6. To adjourn, if necessary, to take Public Question Time.

7. To note for information Mayoral Announcements and Engagements:

1 Friday 11th October, Official Opening of Watersports Centre, Rest Bay, 9.00am Friday 1st November, Mayor’s Community Fund Halloween Disco, The General Picton, 7.00pm Saturday 9th November, Porthcawl Museum Memorial Service, Stormy Down, 10.45am Sunday 10th November, Remembrance Service, All Saints Church, 10.45am Sunday 10th November, Mayor’s Community Fund Talk & Lunch, Porthcawl RAFA Club, 1.00pm

8. To note for information Minutes of the Promoting Porthcawl meeting held on 24th September 2019

9. To consider item Minutes of the Operations Committee Meeting held on 24th September 2019

10. To approve item amendments to Allotment Tenancy Contract and Guidelines

11. To consider item email correspondence R Matthews, Development Planning Manager – Bridgend Replacement Local Development Plan Preferred Strategy

12. To consider item email correspondence – K.Watson, Head of Legal & Regulatory Services, Bridgend CBC – Upgrading of Public footpath to a Public Bridleway and the addition of public bridle way from Newton Church to Candleston Castle and addition of a byway open to all traffic and upgrading of a public footpath to restricted byway between Candleston Castle and County Road

13. To consider item email correspondence – Update Review of County Electoral Arrangements for Bridgend – Final Recommendations

14. To approve item Christmas Office Opening Hours 2019

15. Clerk’s Report