A  2009CarlHanserVerlag, Munich, Germanywww.ijmr.de Notforuseininternetorintranetsites. Notforelectronic distribution. Applied hmsLippmann Thomas 56It .Mt e.(omryZ eald)10(09 11 (2009) 100 Metallkd.) Z. (formerly Res. Mat. J. Int. 1566 classes Besides major ef- [15–24]. two TRIP studies several these the by reported show was also which fect, retained Low-alloyed containing achieved. are deformability and ductil- toughness, of ity, enhancements substantial as since such great panels, of applications, automotive is industrial effect for TRIP importance the technological plates interest, scientific Besides around 14]. shear [4, processes martensitic deformation from plastic arising and work-hard- ductility transformation-in- additional enhanced of and shows ening effect effect) (TRIP so-called plasticity behavior This duced deformation steels. martensi- plastic these the the of literature, affects the in transformation described tic often nick- As wt.% 10 [2–14]. and el the chromium wt.% with 18 steels composition low- chemical on focusing especially reported stain- steels, studies austenitic less numerous various in past, transformations the phase discovered In martensitic 1932. first in was [1] alloys Scheil by in me- austenite of tastable transformation martensitic deformation-induced The Introduction 1. radiation Synchrotron diffraction; X-ray tion; distance Keywords: the on initiation. depend fracture strongly of point sizes the domain from austen- the the the of and along fraction ite volume sample the fractured that shows the direction under axial of stable Scanning mechanically shown load. not is is external It austenite samples. reverted aged the the as differently that of for determined strain size were of parameters domain function lattice the the austenite, and of crystallites, . maraging fraction Mo transfor- 13-8 volume PH phase The a in martensitic load for external reverse under applied the mation of was studying radiation mechanical in-situ synchrotron diffraction the X-ray high-energy Therefore, using steels. influences maraging of strongly properties austenite Reverted using radiation study synchrotron diffraction loading: high-energy X-ray external in-situ under an steel in maraging austenite a reverted of Transformation c b a loading Zickler external under A. steel Gerald maraging a in austenite reverted of Transformation al.: et Zickler A. G. otnnvriä ebn ebn Austria Leoben, Leoben, Montanuniversität hita ope aoaoyfrErySae fPeiiain eateto hsclMtlug n aeil Testing, Austria Materials Kapfenberg, and KG, Metallurgy Co & Physical GmbH of Edelstahl Department Böhler Precipitation, of Stages Early for Laboratory Doppler Christian KSRsac etrGetah,Getah,Germany Geesthacht, Geesthacht, Center Research GKSS aaigsel atnii hs transforma- phase Martensitic steel; Maraging a oadSchnitzer Ronald , b fsel,aseii tils steels stainless austenitic steels, of ivaZinner Silvia , c aadLeitner Harald , a anrHochfellner Rainer , rcini omnyue eas rsalgahcphases, crystallographic dif- because X-ray used particular, commonly In is techniques. using fraction disad- applied and the the advantages of 35], revealing compared diffraction vantages 32, methods, studies 31, various 24, Several of 23, [36]. X-ray results diffraction 15–17, differential 12, neutron 10, [34], and [33], 9, [1, tomography sources calorimetry laboratory probe measure- atom dilatometer scanning 23], 8], 7, [1, 2, ments [1, 33], measurements [32, spectroscopy magnetic absorption mea- Mössbauer [7], [24], ap- surements diffraction microscopy backscattered electron electron scanning 31], plying 22, 6, electron [5, transmission microscopy mentioned: important the are most methods quantifying the experimental Consecutively, for steels. in techniques phase austenitic experimental re- literature several the ports relevance, technological and scientific high ne xenllasi tl noe usinadneeds and question open an still investigations. detailed is more loads steels maraging external in under transformations kinetics phase treatment martensitic deformation-induced the heat detailed of performed the However, the [32]. room on at can unstable depending or austenite temperature stable retained mechanically of were types which They occur, different steels. two maraging that containing [31]. reported austenite and of austenite stability nickel mechanical of high the impact in studied amount in [32] al. increasing energy et Katz absorbed with and increase fracture tests at to- elongation however, decrease, tal strength and strength, strength, tensile signifi- properties. phase mechanical austenitic the [26, the influences aging of cantly fraction of volume to time The tend 30]. increasing Mo 29, with 13-8 PH austenite type reverted of form precipi- steels Maraging intermetallic which [25–28]. nanometer-sized tates matrix, by martensitic the a strengthened have is to mechani- They superior [25]. belong possessing properties steels cal steels strength high Maraging of group steels). hardening con- precipitation (maraging steels martensitic steels of e.g. types austenite, other marten- taining in induced behavior deformation transformation the sitic about known is much not ( * u otefc htteaon faseiei tesi of is steels in austenite of amount the that fact the to Due a 8w. Cr, wt.% 18 a , * 0wt.% 10 i n o loe RPsteels, TRIP alloyed low and Ni)  2009CarlHanserVerlag, Munich, Germanywww.ijmr.de Notforuseininternetorintranetsites. Notforelectronic distribution. eetdaseiei h ieyue ls fmaraging of class used widely the steels. in of more transformation austenite a martensitic of reverted the field the on opens investigation it detailed Therefore, function strain. a applied as the material of treated heat lattice differently and of sizes, parameters crystallite on fractions, focuses volume work in The changes tool the transformation. a phase powerful the to a elucidate attached representing to was source machine radiation testing synchrotron tensile A load. external n.J a.Rs frel .Mtlk. 0 20)1 1567 11 (2009) 100 Metallkd.) Z. (formerly Res. Mat. J. Int. maraging the of Mo. (wt.%) 13-8 composition PH steel chemical Nominal 1. Table tem- a at air in in mm. annealed given 150 is were of steel samples diameter All the a 1. of Table Kapfen- with composition KG, bar chemical nominal rolled Co The a & as GmbH was Austria, which Edelstahl berg, Mo, Böhler 13-8 PH by com- type a supplied the was of investigation steel present maraging the mercial for used material The Experimental 2. 10 of order near- the thin of a absorption, thickness to a photon with volume zone sample high surface investigated of the limits disadvantage which the diffract- bear laboratory conventional using sources setup However, Bragg–Brentano in easily. operating ometers quite can detected loading parameters lattice be external and under sizes, crystallite steel fractions, volume maraging a in austenite reverted of Transformation al.: et Zickler A. G. utnt namrgn te ftetp H1- Mo 13-8 PH type the of steel maraging reverted a of in behavior transformation austenite phase martensitic in-situ the of to subject been now. to not up TRIP studies have diffraction low-alloyed load X-ray and external maraging in under 44] transformations steels phase [43, However, 19]. steels performed [18, 19, steels were austenitic [18, experiments loading fully testing external on tensile in-situ and In-situ during 44]. 40–42] 43, steels [38, in treatments heat transformations studying phase for applied martensitic were radiation using synchrotron experi- using diffraction investigations ments X-ray Recently ex-situ sources. in-situ other X-ray make laboratory to facts These superior transformation. experiments detecting of for stages importance early great the of is procedure deformed This plastically samples. and of elastically detection in the transformations phase enable are studies samples in-situ various Furthermore, in avoided. microstructures and compositions chemi- different cal one from on influences transformation Therefore, phase specimen. of single path de- entire thick- allow the in experiments of diffraction termination millimeters X-ray several In-situ 39]. of [38, ness materials bulk of transmission [37], geometry in high materials measurements most in-situ of in time-resolved absorption advantage enabling low modern the and by brilliance bear photon provided sources, as radiation such synchrotron X-rays, experimental High-energy of potential these studies. superior overcomes pre- a radiation enables sample and synchrotron and deficiencies of texture use surface The to paration. due ex- artifacts to vulnerable perimental extremely makes measurements absorption diffraction high The X-ray composition. chemical the on ing h olo h rsn td sasseai investigation systematic a is study present the of goal The ae00 27 .081 1.10 8.10 2.20 12.70 0.03 base eCC oN Al Ni Mo Cr C Fe l ,depend- m, under eetr(a35 iharslto f3450 of 100 resolution size: plate a (pixel image with two-dimensional (mar345) A detector geometry. transmission performed were in experiments diffraction X-ray The position. cp.A xouetm f1 ile ifato patterns tele- diffraction statistics. yielded video counting s sufficient 10 calibrated with of a time con- exposure by lateral An the monitored scope. of was zone which the at traction, The was seconds. measurement the several of at for position for stopped However, displacement was sample. cross-head testing the constant the of measurements per- fracture diffraction DIN was to X-ray standard up the testing to 10002 syn- according tensile EN temperature the In-situ room of at [45]. formed station of experimental tower beamline sample the chrotron the at on diffractometer mounted the was ma- 8800) testing (Instron tensile a photons. chine transformations, scattered phase the the detect studying to For mm 950 of distance detector tteHmugrSnhorntalnsao (HASYLAB)/Deutsches HARWI-II (DESY). Beamline Synchrotronstrahlungslabor Elektronen-Synchrotron Science Hamburger Materials the GKSS the at at testing tensile situ oia nryo 0 e n h emcossection cross beam the 0.5 to and slits aperture keV by 100 defined to of was 111) energy (Si nominal double-Laue-crystal a monochro- water-cooled was a radiation by in matized synchrotron used a The Beamline setup shows experiment. experimental the Science 1 the Figure of Materials representation HASYLAB/DESY. schematic at Engineering [45] GKSS HARWII-II the performed were at steel maraging investigated the in formation ek oee,tedfrcinpteno h ouintreat- solution the of pattern diffraction the martensitic However, sam- peak. the aged austenitic from All the state. and rings unloaded phase the Debye–Scherrer in h show 15 isothermally ples for Mo K 13-8 848 PH at steel aged maraging the of pattern tion i.1. Fig. eieteifuneo ifrn ettreatments. heat different charac- of 10002 to EN influence 1485 the testing UPM DIN terize Zwick tensile machine standard testing The the tensile a to material. using the according raw to performed parallel the was was of samples direction test longitudi- The tensile rolling mm. the 20 of of dia- length direction gauge a a nal with and 002 mm 10 4 EN of DIN meter of specifications according standard specimens treated air- the test by heat to tensile followed to differently hrs machined 100 The were and temperature. samples 15, room 10, room 5, to 3, to cooling for air-cooled isothermally K then 848 were at and samples aged h the 1.5 Subsequently for temperature. K 1173 of perature iheeg -a ifato tde ftepaetrans- phase the of studies diffraction X-ray High-energy iue2sosatpcltodmninlXrydiffrac- X-ray two-dimensional typical a shows 2 Figure ceai ersnaino h xeietlstpfrtein- the for setup experimental the of representation Schematic · 100 l m c 2 hs pt the to up phase a oiinda sample-to- a at positioned was ) · . mm 0.5 a ’ 40diffraction -400 2 · ttesample the at 40pixels 3450 A a Applied ’ A  2009CarlHanserVerlag, Munich, Germanywww.ijmr.de Notforuseininternetorintranetsites. Notforelectronic distribution. Applied 58It .Mt e.(omryZ eald)10(09 11 (2009) 100 Metallkd.) Z. (formerly Res. Mat. J. Int. at aged 1568 and state treated figure). solution (see times the different in for K Mo 848 13-8 PH (stress steel curves maraging stress–strain Engineering 3. Fig. defor- of properties energy mechanical specific the the mation particular, on In K visible. clearly 848 is at time aging stress thermal engineering the in strain maraging illustrated versus are the Mo of 13-8 testing PH tensile steel conventional of results The Results 3. the from peaks diffraction only martensitic contains steel maraging ed angle (opening sectors parallel The vertical. and state. are is orthogonal unloaded loading ±10 intensities of the the high direction in denote The bright. i.e. h Markings are 15 grayscale, intensities low for maraging as and K displayed dark the 848 is of at intensity aged pattern scattered Mo diffraction 13-8 PH X-ray steel Two-dimensional 2. Fig. loading external under steel maraging a in austenite reverted of Transformation al.: et Zickler A. G. ertdprle n rhgnlt h esl etn axis testing tensile the to 2). (Fig. orthogonal and (±10 parallel sectors tegrated narrow Additionally beam. reduction central 360 data over azimuth- primary averaged were the patterns ally diffraction using All [46]. by FIT2D detector program the suitably of electronic and and noise scattering beam background parasitic monochromatic for the corrected of intensity cident h -a ifato atrswr omlzdt h in- the to normalized were patterns diffraction X-ray The 8 o zmta integration. azimuthal for ) U eie as defined , a ’ e phase. lt nFg .Tesrn nlec fiso- of influence strong The 3. Fig. in plots 8 U o qa aildsacsfo the from distances radial equal for ¼ R r d e h oa lnainat elongation total the , r essstrain versus 8 eein- were ) e fthe of ) r i.4 yia eiso -a ifato atrs(cteiginten- (scattering patterns 2 diffraction angle X-ray scattering of versus series sity typical A 4. Fig. V hfigo h ekpstosi bevd hs eut are samples. slight results aged a all These in observed. and found is increase qualitatively positions peak phases the both of of shifting peaks diffraction the decline strong a in indicating unaffected, mostly remain phase strain intensi- steel increasing The various experiment. in the maraging h testing of 15 tensile ties the for in-situ K the 848 of of at states aged patterns 360 isothermally Mo over 13-8 diffraction PH azimuthally of X-ray series aged a displays 4 testing Figure tensile in performed diffraction X-ray In-situ 3.1. decrease strength tensile time. and aging increasing strength with time. yield aging with the increase Whereas hardening strain the and fracture, z h ifato ek.Tevle ie ntefgr ee othe to refer other. each figure to the respect with in factor given character- constant indices values Miller The The h. peaks. strain 15 for diffraction K the 848 at ize aged Mo 13-8 PH steel martensite inmto o nlsso hs rcin nvarious austenite in of fraction fractions volume The phase 41]. V 32, of 18, 12, analysis [7, steels for phase. method evalua- individual this tion each of reliability of the confirm peaks references evaluating Numerous diffraction whenever three samples least textured meth- this at for that valid shown also is is it od where [35], pro- in coexisting the described the follows cedure evaluation of the fractions Accordingly, one. volume is the phases of crystallographic sum two the only phases, containing materials intensities For integrated plied. the of comparison direct of c c o uniaieaayi ftevlm rcin of fractions volume the of analysis quantitative a For c sgvnby given is ¼ hs ouefato.Wt increasing With fraction. volume phase e N 1 o h aeo lrt,tecre r hfe etclyb a by vertically shifted are curves the clarity, of sake the For . X i ¼ N 1 c V hs ifato ek togydces with decrease strongly peaks diffraction phase a R I ’ N 1 c c ; n austenite and ; i i X i e ¼ N hra h ifato ek fthe of peaks diffraction the whereas , 1 þ M R 1 I c c ; ; X i h i i ¼ M uigtnietsigo h maraging the of testing tensile during ) 1 R V I a a c 0 0 ; h ieyue method used widely the , ; i i e h it of width the , I a ap- was 8 aver- ð 1 a Þ ’  2009CarlHanserVerlag, Munich, Germanywww.ijmr.de Notforuseininternetorintranetsites. Notforelectronic distribution. ek sn rg' qainfrtecbcltie(3) lattice cubic the for equation Bragg's using peaks vrg atc aaee ftemartensitic the of parameter lattice average etlsatrn nl 2 angle scattering mental austenitic qae itdb h ecie oe function. model described the 360 by over of fitted averaged direction squares azimuthally the the to Kel- orthogonal and and and loading parallel Williams datasets by The Software ley). program (Gnuplot Founda- Gnuplot Software custom-written and (Python Python tion) a software free using the on based peaks indi- the diffraction of were fitting vidual patterns data least-squares diffraction performing X-ray of by analyzed The baseline the pattern. account diffraction into the taking chosen, was background I cteigage2 angle scattering v lal iie.Teeoe nytewl eaae peaks separated well 200, the only Therefore, divided. clearly nlsso h ekpoie.Pstoso h diffraction the of Positions profiles. for chosen peak 2 peaks was the [48] of distribution analysis pseudo-Voigt A account. h oa ubro h osdrddfrcinpeaks. diffraction considered the of number total the where factor structure the by of given square are the magnitudes cu- structures, body-centered and crystal cubic bic face-centered energy For photon keV. a 100 ex- with of diffraction radiation X-ray synchrotron in-situ using the periment for calculated were (2) parameter Eq. normalization the of factors The ainfactor, zation lattice. crystal 2 exp(– (Debye–Waller factor) factor temperature The [47]. reference from where spectively, V strain neering iei u oteiaiiyo eemnn h ouefrac- volume the determining of inability the zero to much the reach due is curves is regime all line not plastic that fact the re- The in plastic pronounced. the more decrease as the well as whereas elastic gions, the in place takes formation R [35] by given are the of peaks diffraction n.J a.Rs frel .Mtlk. 0 20)1 1569 11 (2009) 100 Metallkd.) Z. (formerly Res. Mat. J. Int. h. 100 of austenite in evaluation vol.% of 30 quantitative fraction and the h, volume of h, 5 15 the results in in the vol.% shows vol.% 9 21 5 h, Figure h, 3 10 in in and vol.% vol.% time 7 aging 16 follows: the on as depends determined K was 848 at aged material the in a loading external under steel where maraging a in austenite reverted of Transformation al.: et Zickler A. G. cell. and peak, diffraction the inpaso h utnt n atniepae respec- phase, martensite and austenite index The the tively. of peaks tion pciepeaks. spective n opigparameters coupling and , c = ¼ ¼j nteulae tt,tevlm rcino austenite of fraction volume the state, unloaded the In not are peaks diffraction several 4, Fig. in seen be can As otnosydcesswt nraigsri.Tetrans- The strain. increasing with decreases continuously a n 1 a 3 h oueo h rsa ntcl a acltdby calculated was cell unit crystal the of volume The F where , X ’ i N k -211, ¼ j n h 2 1 stewvlnt fteapidrdainand radiation applied the of wavelength the is 0 and exp ulwdh thl ekmaximum peak half at widths full , c k p hs eedtrie rmtema experi- mean the from determined were phase a ð M h ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi A e ’ sin 2 a M L 2 -321, o l ieae ape.I a ese that seen be can It samples. aged five all for r h oa ubr fcniee diffrac- considered of numbers total the are R 2 h bopinfactor, absorption the þ consfrtetemlvbaino the factor, of Lorentz vibration the thermal represents the for accounts ) steltieprmtrdtrie ythe by determined parameter lattice the is M i a h ’ eest h ilrindices Miller the to refers k 0 f Þ h and 2 LPAM c ftersetv ifato ek The peak. diffraction respective the of steaoi cteigfco,taken factor, scattering atomic the is 0 þ -200, a l R h 2 ’ v 0 c j and F g fteconsidered the of stevlm ftecytlunit crystal the of volume the is r omlzto atr fthe of factors normalization are c j eefte aaees linear A parameters. fitted were 20 and -220, 2 v 1 c ¼ 2 hss epciey which respectively, phases, 4 V f c 2 safnto fengi- of function a as and M c 31wr ae into taken were -311 h utpiiyof multiplicity the j R F a hkl j ersne in represented ’ 2 hkl hs n the and phase w P ¼ 8 ekareas peak , h polari- the eeleast- were diffraction 16 ftere- the of f 2 re- , n ð ð V 2 3 a is F Þ Þ c ’ - K rcinpasi o infcn.Fgr hw h eut of results the dif- size shows the 6 domain of Figure width the copper, significant. the not on re-crystallized is influence peaks of the fraction that was sample shown was broadening a it where instrumental measuring of by influence checked The taken. were 360 over azimuthally eieadmrest.I a eceryse that seen clearly aus- be for can nm It 7 in about martensite. strain of and value increasing tenite constant with a decreases reaching do- tests, phases The tensile both strain. of of function size a as main peaks diffraction 6b) (Fig. 200 e.Tu h oansz snteult h ri iemea- size analysis, grain the the For to microscopy. equal not optical is by size sured domain or- the crystallographic grain Thus different der. single of domains One several contain domains). may (ordered order crystallographic ml ein ihnbt the both within regions small epnigBagage h term The angle. Bragg responding thl aiu ftedfrcinpa,ad2 and peak, diffraction the of maximum half at h oansz fmrest erae oesrnl than strongly treatments. more aging all decreases for that martensite austenite shows for of austenite size and domain martensite the times. shorter between for comparison temperature same A the at aged specimens for a ontso osdrbecagswt nraigstrain. increasing with changes of considerable parameters show loading lattice not external in of The do direction constant the deformation. fairly to perpendicular of remain phases both and stages applied region later the elastic the to the parallel in direction loading the austenite and in parameters martensite significantly lattice of change the parameters significantly lattice that are The axis obvious tensile different. is the to It perpendicular 7. and parallel Fig. in shown is K [49] equation Scherrer the applying direction crystallographic respective i.5 h ouefato faustenite of fraction volume The 5. Fig. k where et t88K(e iuelegend). figure (see K 848 at ments strain ing hne ihicesn tan hrfr,teShre size Scherrer the K Therefore, strain. increasing with changes 3.2.). Section last (see the fracture of at value elongation strain and the auste- measurement retained between The transformed fracture. be of will onset nite the at austenite of tion ’ c stewvlnt fteue radiation, used the of wavelength the is hkl hkl h aito nteltieparameter lattice the in variation The sse nFg ,tewdho h ifato peaks diffraction the of width the 4, Fig. in seen As -200 hs n h austenitic the and phase lorfre oa oansz ftecytliei the in crystallite the of size domain as to referred also , ¼ ftesml gda 4 o 0 r ihrthan higher are h 100 for K 848 at aged sample the of K w e sasaedpnetfco,wihi e o09[49], 0.9 to set is which factor, shape-dependent a is hkl ftemrgn te H1- oatrvrosaigtreat- aging various after Mo 13-8 PH steel maraging the of K cos k K h hkl eie rmthe from derived 8 nertdXrydfrcinpatterns diffraction X-ray integrated c a ’ hs safnto fstrain of function a as phase n the and \ V domain a c safnto fengineer- of function a as ’ hkl 20(i.6)and 6a) (Fig. -200 c hss hc have which phases, a w hkl setmtdby estimated is , " ntemartensitic the in stefl width full the is satiue to attributed is h w hkl hkl K stecor- the is a rmthe from ’ -200 A and ð 4 c Þ Applied - e A  2009CarlHanserVerlag, Munich, Germanywww.ijmr.de Notforuseininternetorintranetsites. Notforelectronic distribution. Applied 50It .Mt e.(omryZ eald)10(09 11 (2009) 100 Metallkd.) Z. (formerly Res. Mat. J. Int. uniform and contraction 1570 lateral was of regions behav- half width transformation the the step in remaining between differences a the ior show one with to mm direction samples, 1 longitudinal of the the along of scanned fracture After fracture after specimen the of Scanning 3.2. in- states five all for identical vestigated. qualitatively is behavior This size) (Scherrer size domain the of variation The 6. Fig. loading external under steel maraging a in austenite reverted of Transformation al.: et Zickler A. G. h aaigselP 38M stemlyae t88Kfrvrostms(e iuelegend). figure (see times various for K 848 at aged isothermally Mo 13-8 PH steel maraging the K fthe of a ’ 20()and (a) -200 stasomdi h eincoet h rcuesurface, fracture the to close region the austenite in of amount transformed total The is specimen. parameters test tensile respective il- the the along experiment in dis- scanning changes the significant The of the functions region. lustrates as necking h the 100 from for tance K 848 at aged isothermally omdacrigtepoeue ecie nScin3.1. in Section changes the in shows described 8 procedures Figure the according formed lnain h nlsso h ouefato faustenite of fraction volume the V of analysis The elongation. c h oansize domain the , c 20()dfrcinpasa ucino niern strain engineering of function a as peaks diffraction (b) -200 K n h atc parameter lattice the and , V c , K h ple stress. applied of state the the direction the the to and orthogonal represent testing squares tensile of legend). in change various the figure denote circles for The (see K 848 isothermally times at aged Mo 13-8 PH e a strain engineering as of function symbols) (filled and phase symbols) (open phase the of parameter variation lattice The 7. Fig. and , a ftemrgn steel maraging the of aallt h direction the to parallel a ftespecimen the of a a eeper- were fthe of e a of c ’  2009CarlHanserVerlag, Munich, Germanywww.ijmr.de Notforuseininternetorintranetsites. Notforelectronic distribution. fapidsrs.Tedse ierpeet h rniinfo lateral elongation. from uniform direction transition of the the zone represents the to to line orthogonal contraction dashed state The the stress. applied represent of squares the and testing n.J a.Rs frel .Mtlk. 0 20)1 1571 11 (2009) 100 Metallkd.) Z. (formerly Res. Mat. in- J. its Int. to due interest technological steels and in scientific great austenite of of is transformation phase martensitic The Discussion 4. load. applied the to between orthogonal differences and testing significant parallel scan- no directions tensile investigated are the the there to and over auste- length of constant prior parameters ning are lattice phases martensite the 8c, and both Fig. nite in for shown As 5). nm sizes (Fig. 9.5 domain initial about the respec- beyond of nm, well 8.3 are and values nm These 7.5 tively. approximately of values reaches illus- clearly 8b Figure fracture. that from size trates distance domain the the on illustrated dence Also as elongation 8a. is uniform Fig. austenite of in of zone vol.% the 30 initial in the transformed of third one only however, parameter lattice the in austenitic change the the denote (c) and at (b) aged martensitic in isothermally symbols solid 13-8 The PH c h. steel 100 maraging for K the 848 of fracture the from the (a) of variation The 8. Fig. loading external under steel maraging a in austenite reverted of Transformation al.: et Zickler A. G. ansize main aea otato ls otepsto ffatr.I h re- the elongation, In uniform fracture. of of position gion the to close contraction lateral hs ( phase c K 20dfrcinpa)adteoe ybl ersn the represent symbols open the and peak) diffraction -200 a n c h atc parameter lattice the (c) and , K ’ hs ( phase fbt hssbcmssalri h oeof zone the in smaller becomes phases both of a ’ 20dfrcinpa) n()tecrlsdenote circles the (c) In peak). diffraction -200 c hs ouefraction volume phase a K aallt h ieto ftensile of direction the to parallel fmrest n austenite and martensite of K a hw togdepen- strong a shows sfntoso distance of functions as V c b h do- the (b) , sntpsil ntebsso h rsn eut.Therefore, ing results. present the in parts of increase energy basis the the to different on austenite possible these not from of is as transformation separation austenite the The of and martensite. energy martensite the of as energy well deformation that the mind of in keep should One raein crease fracture at deformation et hc euti ihrvleof value higher a treat- in heat result required, which is absorption ments energy high where tions, al .Teifuneo h etteteto h ouefrac- volume the on treatment heat austenite the of of tion influence The 2. Table fdfraina fracture at deformation of beneficial. austenite study. present the not of should outcomes fact is main this the which the However, affect phase, correct. or crystallographic not one speaking flanks strictly as peak treated preci- and the are martensite fea- pitates Therefore, to special profiles. any the adjacent of show shoulders asymmetry not does g. e. diffraction profiles tures, peak the the to of shape added martensitic the is coher- of the peaks precipitates of intensity embedded auste- scattering the and ently that assumed martensite is besides It nite. dif- intermetallics, X-ray additional e.g. of the peaks phases, diffraction 4, density show Fig. low not do in a patterns shows demonstrated fraction and As precipitates dislocations. of auste- of free the for- is Therefore, a 30]. phase in [29, nitic resulting austenite matrix, reverted the of in mation nickel a to of leads dis- enrichment treatment partial local aging the the that during precipitates reported of is solution steels It maraging investigated. less in been austenite has reverted to of Up 28]. formation [27, the matrix now, martensitic co- the or- is in which of embedded type), herently phase (B2 steel NiAl structure cubic maraging intermetallic body-centered the dered investigated possesses the The Mo on 13-8 26]. PH depending [25, austenite, treatment reverted heat and precipitates, intermetal- lic matrix, martensitic a containing microstructure, high-energy using diffraction X-ray radiation. present synchrotron in-situ The loads external applying steels. under by maraging transformation phase in on focuses load auste- work reverted external not of under However, transformation the nite methods. about various known stainless by is austenitic much steels in TRIP studied ef- and these intensively steels now, been to have Up properties. fects mechanical the on fluence gda 4 ,10h03 169 0.30 h 100 K, 848 at aged gda 4 ,1 .1154 152 0.21 0.16 h 15 K, 848 at h aged 10 K, 848 at aged gda 4 ,5h00 136 130 0.09 0.07 h 5 K, 848 at h aged 3 K, 848 at aged h nlec fteaigtm ntevlm rcinof fraction volume the on time aging the of influence The complex a exhibit steels maraging that known well is It ouintetd0119 0 treated solution V ettetetvlm rcinof fraction volume treatment heat c nteulae tt.I n hnsaotapplica- about thinks one If state. unloaded the in V V c c nteulae tt n h pcfceeg of energy specific the and state unloaded the in and U V c antsml eatiue oteincreas- the to attributed be simply cannot U nteulae tt n h pcfcenergy specific the and state unloaded the in ihicesn gn iei shown. is time aging increasing with nulae state unloaded in U U a austenite ftemrgn te H1- Mo. 13-8 PH steel maraging the of r rsne nTbe2 nin- An 2. Table in presented are ’ hs.Dtie nlsso the of analysis Detailed phase. U sdtrie ytesum the by determined is V c U pcfcenergy specific fdeformation of U ol every be could tfracture at M m (MJ –3 A ) Applied A  2009CarlHanserVerlag, Munich, Germanywww.ijmr.de Notforuseininternetorintranetsites. Notforelectronic distribution. Applied xlddi h aaigseludrinvestigation. under be steel cannot maraging transformation the stepwise in the excluded Hedström Therefore, by [43]. investigations al. the the et and of should setup strain experimental in one resolution advanced However, higher more observed the steel. be mind in maraging not keep could investigated al. steel, the stainless et for austenitic Hedström an by for reported [43] as transformation, martensitic aze l,wihlast nadtoa tblzto fthe of by stabilization additional investigated an to material austenite. leads the which and al., in cobalt et and chromium Katz nickel of of absence most amounts is high the discrepancy the This to contraction. due lateral probably martensite demonstrates of to zone clearly transforms the austenite 8) in of (Fig. amount fracture entire scanning the The after that behavior. sample same the the show of pre- not the does in stable investigated work material sent mechanically The unstable. one other the steels, and maraging deformed cally austenite single between chemical elements no grains. therefore specific and of shifts pro- peak variations no with indi- are shift results there peak that present cate a the in However, defor- result transformation. of ceeding would stages effect early less This the mation. containing in elements grains would stabilizing of one austenite transformation grains, preferred austenitic the in the expect differences of were there composition If 7). chemical phases (Fig. both strain for of testing function tensile as of direction the to orthogonal be- equilibrium softening. and and dislocations strengthening of tween density constant of to curves level due testing constant tensile the The in 3). seen martensit- (Fig. be the also in can than which phase phase, austenitic ic the the in in hardening higher strain austenite much Thus, the is testing. in tensile before density state dislocation unloaded lower the to martensitic due the for of higher is decrease decrease of rate a shown the As 6, material. Fig. the in in density dislocation increasing an 52It .Mt e.(omryZ eald)10(09 11 (2009) 100 Metallkd.) Z. (formerly Res. Mat. J. Int. 1572 austenite, contain not does material treated solution The (b) mechanical the influences strongly K 848 at are results Aging The (a) specimens. follows: treated as heat summarized strain of differently functions six as for studied the were and parameter size, Scherrer lattice so-called crystal crystallites, the do- of the size austenite, main of syn- fraction was high-energy volume The load using radiation. external diffraction chrotron under X-ray Mo by 13-8 in-situ PH studied steel austenite maraging reverted the of in transformation phase martensitic The Summary 5. loading external under steel maraging a in austenite reverted of Transformation al.: et Zickler A. G. ’ tpietasomto eairo strain-induced of behavior transformation stepwise A plasti- in austenite of types two reported [32] al. et Katz parameters lattice the in change significant no is There size domain the in decrease The hs hnfrteaustenitic the for than phase rnfrst atnieudretra od h aged The load. external and under stable martensite mechanically to not is transforms steel auste- maraging reverted The the in 30%. nite to up austenite frac- reverted volume of the tion increases treatment aging the however, with increase hardening The strain time. aging the elonga- steel. increasing and the fracture, fracture, maraging at at tion deformation investigated of energy the specific of properties K shge o h utntcpae hc is which phase, austenitic the for higher is K c hs.Hwvr h total the However, phase. thge tanmgtbe might strain higher at K a eitrrtdas interpreted be can AW-I abr,Gray iaca upr rmthe from is acknowledged. support (IA-SFS)) gratefully RII3-CT-2004-506008 Com- contract European Financial (reimbursement Beamline the munity and Science Germany. 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