In the area for the Community. A single project for Social Sustainability. Fondazione Roma Table of Contents

Chairman’s Introduction 5 Solidarity is efficient. Fondazione Roma plays a leading role in the Welfare Community

11 History of the Fondazione Roma

15 Palazzo Sciarra 17 The Cardinal’s Library 19 The Mirrors Study

21 Fondazione Roma’s Art Collection

27 Fondazione Roma’s Historical Archives

33 Palazzo Cipolla

Fondazione Roma in the field of Health 38 Fondazione Roma - Hospice-ALS-Alzheimer’s disease 42 Grants for Hospitals 44 Fondazione Roma in the Pontine District. A concrete commitment to Health and Scientific Research

Fondazione Roma in the field of Scientific Research 48 IRCCS - Fondazione Bietti for ophthalmic research 50 Fondazione Roma for biomedical research 52 Fondazione Roma for socio-economic research The ‘World Social Summit’ 54 Fondazione Roma for socio-economic research The need for a “Big Society” in

Fondazione Roma in the field of Education 58 Grants for Schools 62 University and Master’s degree courses

Fondazione Roma in the field of Art and Culture 66 Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei 70 The Museo Fondazione Roma 76 The Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma 80 The Résonnance project 84 Portraits of Poetry 88 The Theatre

Fondazione Roma pays attention to the Mediterranean Region 94 Fondazione Roma-Mediterraneo

Fondazione Roma and Aid to the Underprivileged 102 Fondazione Roma-Terzo Settore 106 Aid for L’Aquila Palazzo Sciarra The Portal Chairman’s Introduction

The efficiency of Solidarity Fondazione Roma plays a leading role in the Welfare Community

Italy, together with other advanced nations, must now reconsider the concept and limits of the welfare system, also by acknowledging the increasing importance of the constitutional principle of subsidiarity, in both a horizontal and vertical meaning. It appears that the direction to take Fondazioneshould be a transition from a Welfare State to a Welfare Community wherein theRoma State, private parties and non-profit organizations all provide services, from which citizens may freely choose, in order to make them efficient and competitive, even in terms of costs.

As much as our frail social security system is still worthy of not being set aside or dismantled, in the light of the most serious economic crisis in recent history it must be remodelled, updated and planned in a way that citizens may be directly involved in the management of public resources. An extensive meditation on this issue lead to the publication of my last book entitled Il terzo pilastro. Il non-profit motore del nuovo welfare (The third pillar. Non-profit organisations, driver of the new welfare system), in which I have elaborated a plan whereby the third sector – that varied world of associations, foundations, non-governmental organizations, social cooperatives and firms, voluntary organisations even established as non-profit making organizations for community work – could indeed be the new member that has the proficiency of ensuring a positive way out of the crisis of the Welfare State. I do believe that this plural universe is actually the ‘Third Pillar’, which may contribute to the building of a less expensive and more efficient Welfare Community.

The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, associates this sector with the Big Society project, a policy that contributed to his election and is now becoming a reality as a result of a trial in four vanguard areas of Great Britain. This is a highly reformist project and an ambitious change in culture. Citizens are invited to enter the field, employ their energy and play a leading role in the community, rather than turning to local or central governments for the solution to their problems. The Big Society means that citizens should become aware of their responsibilities and that local communities, associations, various kinds of foundations, philanthropic institutions, social enterprises or, in other words, bottom up projects, should have an opportunity to stimulate innovative solutions to the area’s exigencies. This project is similar to that of the Third Pillar, anticipated in my book bearing the same title, which envisions many organisations in civil society playing the leading role. Seen from this perspective, the State would no longer directly provide and manage services, though it would be in charge of strategic decisions and fundamental projects

Fondazione Roma - Chairman’s Introduction - Pag.5 Palazzo Sciarra The main entrance and supervise that the quality standards are met and the principles of universality respected. In order to actually accomplish the project for a Welfare Community there are, in my opinion, two indispensable conditions: a coherent legal context, that enhances and reinforces the principle of subsidiarity, and the third sector’s agreed and determined effort to overcome its critical state by improving, for example, organizational management and qualified training of human resources, avoiding political influence and becoming less dependent on outside funding.

FondazioneIn this context the Fondazione Roma, which I have the honour to Chair, is playingRoma an essential role. Literally interpreting the spirit of the Reform introduced by Mr , the Foundation has definitely rescinded its tie with the endower bank and has concentrated its energy in philanthropic activities, thus becoming fully entitled to be included amongst Foundations established by civil law. An institution with a long and stable tradition, original expression of the civil society’s independency and spirit of initiative, the Fondazione Roma is the largest foundation in Italy with a membership and is part of the embryo of a new ruling class that has precise distinguishing features: whilst having an excellent knowledge of the local area it is also capable of looking beyond the boundaries and interlinking worldwide.

All the Foundation’s activities aim to support the development of the local area - which includes the Provinces of , Frosinone and Latina - in strategic sectors such as Health, Scientific Research, Art and Culture, Education and Aid to the Underprivileged. The Foundation has successfully addressed the changes in the social environment by updating its instruments and reviewing the operative model that now provides for complex and long-term projects, to be accomplished alone or with third parties in order to form a network.

This decision was taken on the awareness that the Foundation should no longer merely issue grants; it should steer applications and promote those talents and projects advocated by the civil society that may add value to the community.

The ambition to manage the operative model on a broader scale and to become a ‘think tank’ for ideas and projects related to the most widespread issues of our times, arose from the Foundation’s experience in the local area, ability to analyse the problems therein and to plan concrete projects.

Due to its history and roots in the neighbourhood, the Foundation plays a dual role: it is a catalyst for local development and advocate of social progress and also sets an instructive example for other non-profit organisations, which may become aware of subsidiarity and increase best practices.

Fondazione Roma - Chairman’s Introduction - Pag.7 Anonymous, Portrait of Sciarro Sciarra, XVII century, oil on canvas, 130x85 cm The Cardinal’s Library Some time ago, the Fondazione Roma started to restructure its departments in order to make the most of its functions by creating specialised foundations. This process has already led to the establishment of several foundations such as the Fondazione Roma Mediterraneo, in 2008, which fosters socio-economic and cultural development in countries overlooking the Mare Nostrum, the Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei, which operates in the field of art and culture, and the Fondazione Roma-Terzo Settore, which supports voluntary work, social enterprise and a culture of solidarity.

FondazioneAgain, the main endeavour is to implement targeted concrete projects in order to provideRoma effective aid and find solutions to the increasing urgencies in the area according to the principles of subsidiarity.

This highly exacting task is mainly performed in a city such as Rome, which must address problems common to other large metropolitan areas such as those related to the large flows of immigrants. Furthermore, Rome is the capital city of Italy, cradle of Western civilization and the centre of Christianity; it has the Vatican and an impressive archaeological, architectural and artistic heritage. These considerations have made us feel even more liable to jointly support any efforts to make the city more welcoming, united, prosperous and efficient. It is therefore for Rome and the entire home area that our Foundation faces the challenge of being a dynamic laboratory of ideas and plans, a reliable interlocutor for any party who wishes to contribute to the above mentioned mission, a ‘centre’ conceived and created to enhance all initiatives, whether they come from inside or outside or from private or public institutions, providing they are in harmony with the ambitious aims that the Foundation wishes to pursue.

We are proudly and realistically certain to have met, in the past, many challenges and that we shall, in the future, reach new goals by pursuing and accomplishing a concrete and feasibly sustainable social project.

Professor Emmanuele Francesco Maria Emanuele Chairman Fondazione Roma

Fondazione Roma - Chairman’s Introduction - Pag.9 Gaspare Serenario (attributed to), Frà Giovanni Maltei da Calvi, founder of the Mount of Piety of Rome, oil on canvas, 115x90 cm Fondazione Roma’s Collection, accession number 7 History of the Fondazione Roma

The history of the Fondazione Roma dates back to 1539 when, in order to fight usury, Pope Paul III issued an Edict establishing the pawn-broking institution ‘Mount of Piety of Rome’. The mission was perpetuated through a Rescript issued in 1836 by Pope Gregory XVI, in response to an initiative of worthy citizens, which instituted the savings bank called Cassa di Risparmio di Roma that incorporated the Mount of Piety in 1937.

The Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Roma was established, inheriting the savings bank’s Fondazioneoriginal social benefit goals, when the bank reform, introduced by Mr Giuliano Roma Amato, was enacted at the beginning of the nineteen nineties.

In order to underline the new identity arising from the separation of the banking business from philanthropic activities, in 2007 the Foundation’s name became Fondazione Roma and was fully entitled to be classified as a foundation established under civil law that acts in the interest of the community.

Hence, the Fondazione Roma is the last episode in five hundred years of history during which, whilst pursuing the traditional institutional purposes, it has been transformed and innovated adapting its projects to the new social and economic context. The Foundation’s planning ability and successful results demonstrate its enduring commitment to the Eternal City and the wider local area.

Chaired by Professor Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele, the Fondazione Roma has been restructured and, in order to answer the considerable urgent situations in the district where it operates - which includes the City of Rome and the Provinces of Rome, Latina and Frosinone - is now inclined to accomplish structural projects largely on a stable and long-term basis.

Having abandoned the grant-making model, the Fondazione Roma has gradually preferred to adopt the operating model and develop an independent planning ability. Since the Foundation’s activities are closely connected to the local district, it endeavours to exhaustively identify the exigencies therein, as likewise any potential and resources, in order to operate in a way which may enhance them, stimulate synergies and ensure that citizens become active and more aware that their involvement is fundamental and indispensable to maintaining balanced and sustainable social protection. Consistent with the Chairman’s specific suggestion, the strategic decision to accomplish stable and structured, rather than occasional short-term, projects and to concentrate resources in the five traditional and more important sectors of Health, Scientific Research, Arts and Culture, Education and Aid to the Underprivileged - favouring innovative approaches and

Fondazione Roma - History - Pag.11

procedures - in partnership with the best non-profit organisations in the district with whom practical solutions to the true needs of the community may be found, proves the Foundation’s ability to establish a best practice model, that may be replicated and sustained in other contexts, in order to deliver energy, dignity and added value to the network of organisations which, in various forms and for various reasons, nurture the district’s dynamic ‘third sector’.

The first Foundation of banking origin to have left the environment, as planned by Giuliano FondazioneAmato and over twenty years ago, the Fondazione Roma managesRoma its assets in a prudential way for the purpose of meeting the target of protecting their value and annual profitability from inflation, thus enabling the Foundation to maintain the trend of increasing subventions.

Having in-house expert committees, consisting of members with specific proficiency in the various fields of involvement, the Foundation has, in time, accomplished for the area innovative and stable projects of great social value: the Hospice established in 1999 when centres for palliative care in Italy could be counted on one hand and were mainly located in the North; research on cord blood cells; master’s degree courses and projects in the field of culture such as the establishment of a private museum which contributes to increase the country’s cultural and artistic offer. These are merely a few of the many initiatives which, in the course of time, have helped the Fondazione Roma to build an original identity and acquire the full right to be included in the sphere of ‘social interaction’ recognized by the Italian Constitution and protected by the principle of subsidiarity and proactive participation.

The first page of the list of Members of the Cassa di Risparmio di Roma Manuscript (1836), part. Document kept in Fondazione Roma’s Historical Archive in Palazzo Sciarra

Fondazione Roma - History - Pag.13

Palazzo Sciarra

The headquarters of Fondazione Roma are situated in the historical building named Palazzo Sciarra, which overlooks the Via del Corso in the centre of Rome where some of the most ancient sacred buildings stood during early Christianity and important patrician mansions were built as from the XV century.

In the second half of the sixteenth century the Sciarra branch of the Colonna family, who held the Principality of Carbognano, built the Palace on the site where they owned two separate Fondazionebuildings called, respectively, the ‘Palazzo imperfetto’ and the ‘Palazzetto’ whichRoma in 1610 the Milanese architect, Flamnio Ponzio, had planned to be joined. In 1641, Orazio Torrioni took over the direction of the building site and created the noble and austere façade squared with ashlared angle irons, crowned with cornice on corbel and divided by three orders of windows. The monumental portal has two fluted columns surmounted by composite capitals on high plinths, which support the first floor’s balustraded balcony, placed in front of an ashlared arch. The face of the plinths and the balustrade are enriched with relief-sculptured columns in remembrance of the prestigious Colonna family from which the Sciarra family descended. Due to the beauty of the portal, the Palace was included amongst the ‘Four Wonders of Rome’ together with the Borghese cembalo (harpsichord), the Farnese cube and the Caetani-Ruspoli staircase.

During the eighteenth century, Cardinal Prospero Colonna adapted the Palace to the style of the period. The architect and friend of the cardinal, Luigi Vanvitelli, was involved in the architectural and pictorial renovation and planned the refurbishment. The Cardinal’s Library, the small picture Gallery and the Mirrors Study, richly decorated with , are some of the rooms which were created during the refurbishment, increasing the historical and artistic value of the Palace. At the end of the nineteenth century, Francesco Settimi attended to the restoration of the surrounding buildings, extension of the right wing and reconstruction of the courtyard. The size of the Palace was considerably reduced between 1871 and 1898, when Prince Maffeo Sciarra commissioned the architect Giulio de Angelis to open the adjacent Via Minghetti and to build the Quirino theatre and the Sciarra Gallery in the rear of the complex.

Stefano Du Pérac Map of Rome, early XVII century Fondazione Roma Collection, accession number 180

Fondazione Roma - Palazzo Sciarra - Pag.15

The ardinal’sC Library

The Cardinal’s Library is to be found inside a large apartment which Cardinal Prospero Colonna di Sciarra (1707-1765) required to be located on the second floor of the building. Like the Mirrors Study, to which it communicates through a small hallway, the Library’s original eighteenth century fittings are still intact. The Cardinal commissioned the works to the architect Luigi Vanvitelli, his friend and planner of the famous Royal Palace of Caserta built for the Bourbon kings of . Since this is the only non-religious interior executed by Vanvitelli, it Fondazionehas a greater historical value. Roma The architect decided to transform the regular rectangular framework of the seventeenth century room into a sinuous interior, by creating four corner alcoves and working only on the upper part of the walls. Thus, a room of sober elegance was created, precious, cosy and in keeping with the Rococo taste. Stefano Pozzi was appointed to decorate the surfaces. The walls of the room, into which five doors and two French windows overlooking vicolo Sciarra open, are entirely lined with white and gold boiserie containing seven spacious bookcases surrounded by twelve mirrored pilasters surmounted by Doric gilt capitals.

Two additional curvilinear mirrors, set in refined gilt frames with French taste motifs, are placed in the centre of the long sides, whilst a white marble fireplace is situated in the wall near the Mirrors Study. The room’s rich pictorial programme is performed along two themes, alluding as much to the prestigious offices held by the Cardinal as to the concept of Time and use as a study. Allegories of Justice, Fortitude and Charity, which are cardinal and theological virtues and the predominant subject of the entire decoration, are depicted on the vault, whereas the allegories of the Elements and the Seasons are placed around the lower zone. Personified Signs of the Zodiac are depicted on the doors of the shelves placed under the pillars.

Palazzo Sciarra The Cardinal’s Library

Fondazione Roma - Palazzo Sciarra - Pag.17

The irrorsM Study

The Mirrors Study, situated inside the apartment of Cardinal Prospero Colonna di Sciarra, was accomplished, like the adjacent Cardinal’s Library, by the architect Luigi Vanvitelli. This square room with a depressed vault was obtained from a pre-existent seventeenth century hall. The study, which overlooks the former Stables Courtyard, has an extraordinarily luminous and vital appearance. Due to the preciousness of the materials employed and the refined design of the fixtures, this room is an example of great decorative elegance characterized by a Rococo sense Fondazioneof taste and the chinoiserie fashion. Roma Furnishings such as mirrors, depicted panels and stuccowork are in the rocaille style and, consistent with the eighteenth century fashion, an integrated part of the architecture. Overlapping genre and styles of furnishings to adapt the former architectural context to new trends in taste, creates a pleasant eclecticism. The mirrors and porcelains, which decorate the Study, make the small room appear larger and enhance the splendour of the gilt frames and the boiserie lining the walls.

Five mirrors, depicted with figurative scenes of Putti and views of Ruins, decorate the walls alternating with the doors in rocaille taste, which are also covered with mirrors and decorated with imaginative exotic themes. A large mirror in the middle of the ceiling shows a playful scene of flying Putti picking grapes. Decorative elements, which combine classic and exotic motifs, shells, dragons and depictions of Psyche, are positioned around the bays of the false dome.

The double pillars, leaning against the two facing walls next to the Cardinal’s gallery and bedroom, have distempered wooden panels decorated with figures of Acrobats, Dancers and Musicians in elaborate scales of prospect which replicate the design of the exotic scenes on the doors. The panels decorating the doors and pillars are inspired by French exoticism and fully reflect Cardinal Colonna’s taste, which, like that of other of eighteenth century elites, is susceptible to the chinoiserie fashion.

Palazzo Sciarra The Mirrors Study

Fondazione Roma - Palazzo Sciarra - Pag.19 Palazzo Sciarra The staircase leading to the Private Collection floor. In the background, The start of the Barb’s race at Piazza del Popolo by Thomas Jones Barker, Oil on canvas, 103.2 x 173. 4 cm, Fondazione Roma’s Collection, accession number 247 Fondazione Roma’s Art Collection

One of the first projects to have been accomplished by the Chairman, Professor Emanuele, was to gather together and exhibit the works belonging to the Foundation’s artistic heritage, which in time had been increased through new accessions made by the Monte di Pietà and the Cassa di Risparmio di Roma. Deeply convinced that any artistic heritage belonging to public or private organisations should never be kept secret and accessible to a restricted number of persons, the Chairman decided to allow the public at large to enjoy, free of charge, this highly valuable artistic heritage consisting of an original excursus of works that, extensively crossing through the fifteenth Fondazioneto the twentieth century, covers a long historic and artistic period. Roma The refurbishment of Palazzo Sciarra, headquarters of the Foundation, was completed in 2010. This historical building is situated in the centre of the Eternal City and of such splendour as to have been included amongst the ‘four wonders of Rome’ due to the magnificence of the main entrance. The second floor of the building has been adapted to house the Collection’s most important corpus of works deriving from the ancient pawn broking institution, Mount of Piety, and the savings bank, Cassa di Risparmio di Roma - of which, according to the Italian Law number 218/90 (known as the Amato Law) and the Legislative Degree number 356/90 the Foundation is the ideal perpetuation – that has been enriched by a perspicacious policy of important accessions during Professor Emanuele’s term as Chairman. Some private collections in the City, such as the Galleria Doria Pamphilj or the Galleria Colonna, which derive from the estates of great Roman families, have been conserved over the centuries by means of trust agreements undertaken upon inception to avoid any dispersion of the works. Conversely, this Collection may be distinguished for the fortunate and wise series of accessions that have increased the original heritage, the most recent of which being a prestigious private collection of one hundred and fifty six Roman paintings and sketches accomplished between the seventeenth and eighteen century by illustrious artists such as Baciccio, Benefial, Cades, Corvi, Ghezzi, Gimignani, Lapis, Pozzo, Romanelli, Stanzione, Subleyras, Trevisani and Vignon. The exhibition is arrayed in eight halls and one gallery in which visitors may admire over two hundred works of very high artistic and heritage value, starting from the Seated Madonna in Prayer by Silvestro dall’Aquila. This is a wooden statue that recalls the majestic medieval Madonnas who sat on thrones in a dignified manner though, at the same time, the artist humanises this solemn female figure with the dawning Renaissance old-fashioned garments, which were softer and more swathing than those previously used. The Imago Pietatis is another fifteenth century work, accomplished by Piermatteo d’Amelia, who worked in Rome around the end of that century. The sixteenth and seventeenth century are appropriately represented by many paintings such as the unusual oil on leather depicting the Truce of Nice in 1538 by Tomasso Dovini, known as Caravaggino, the Allegory of Fortune by the Arcadian painter and poet Jacopo Diol, which is a very original version of this topic, and the famous picture by Ciro Ferri Moses frees Jethro’s daughters.

Fondazione Roma - Art Collection - Pag.21 One of the halls housing Fondazione Roma’s Art Collection In the foreground, the large display case containing the Medals and Coins. The tapestries are hung on the walls. Several eighteenth century masterpieces are included in the collection such as the Landscape with an imaginary view of Rome by the Flemish artist who was in love with the Eternal City, Jan Frans van Bloemen, which proves that landscapes were by no means an inferior genre of ; the sumptuous Portrait of Giacinta Orsini Boncompagni Ludovisi by Pompeo Batoni, a tribute to the famous Princess, and three views painted by Giovanni Paolo Panini, View of St. Peter’s Basilica and Square, View of the Piazza and Palazzo of Monte Cavallo and the Architectural capriccio with the Coliseum. FondazioneThe nineteenth century is suitably represented by The start of the Barb’s race at PiazzaRoma del Popolo by Thomas Jones Barker, which, like a window on the past, shows Via del Corso in times gone by. This painting is placed at the exhibition entrance in order to show the connection between the Collection and the city of Rome. The twentieth century is portrayed through works by the Group of XXV artists of the Roman Campagna, such as the Huts in the Pontine Marshes by Onorato Carlandi and The Frogs’ Paradise (Ninfa) by Napoleone Parisani besides paintings from the ‘Roman School’ such as Chicken vendors (common women’s fight) by Alberto Ziveri, Military exercise in the Parioli neighbourhood by Ferruccio Ferrazzi, Tiger Hunting 1 and Tiger Hunting 2 by Renato Marino Mazzacurati and other masterpieces such as Lungo Tevere di Ripetta and San Giorgio in Velabro by Francesco Trombadori and the in bronze Novecento by Arnaldo Pomodoro. , shown to visitors in the gallery of this special permanent Museum, is represented by a series of works from the exhibition entitled The unrepeatable Nineteen Sixties. A dialogue between Rome and , which was promoted by Fondazione Roma, organised by Fondazione Roma Arte-Musei and held in the Palazzo Cipolla galleries during summer 2011. Some of the works, that witness the great artistic and cultural turmoil in post-war Italy led by Milan and Rome, such as Tuttestelle by Mario Schifano, The voiceless room by Emilio Tadini, Mirror by Enrico Baj, Michelangelo by Tano Festa, Of America by Franco Angeli, Birds by Gianni Dova, Oiseau by Roberto Crippa and White by Agostino Bonalumi, are now part of the Collection. The collection of works of art is shown in an innovative direct lighting system, which allows visitors to capture the beauty of each painting. This extraordinary selection of works is further enriched by four hundred specimens of the Foundation’s numismatic treasure, composed of approximately 2.500 medals and coins, the most substantial and impressive part of which is the series of Papal medals starting from Pope Martin V, born Colonna, to Pope Benedict XVI. The collection reflects six centuries of the history of Roman Catholic Papacy and, due both to the number and quality of the specimens, may be considered second only to the Vatican Library’s Medagliere. Visitors may discover the smallest details on the obverse and reverse of each example by means of an innovative digital system which, in Italy, is unique in this field of application.

Fondazione Roma - Art Collection - Pag.23 The hall dedicated to works from the seventeenth century belonging to the Fondazione Roma Collection

Fondazione Roma’s Historical Archive Fondazione Roma’s Historical Archives

In 1539 the modern banking system was still on a very distant horizon. When citizens were in need of money they had to resort to private loaners who charged exorbitant rates of interest.

As prompted by friar minor Giovanni Maltei da Calvi and several Roman aristocrats, Pope Paul III, born Alessandro Farnese, issued a Papal Bull establishing the pawn broking institution Mount of Piety (Monte di Pietà) which lent money at very low interest rates and, in some instances, even with no reimbursement obligation, in order to fight the scourge of usury that Fondazionemainly affected the lower classes. Roma

The Mount of Piety performed its charitable role for four centuries until it was incorporated, in 1937, into the savings bank named Cassa di Risparmio di Roma, established by a Rescript issued on the 20th June 1836 by Pope Gregory XVI in response to an initiative of Prince Francesco Borghese, other worthy citizens from the Capital’s upper middle class and aristocracy, representatives of the Roman Curia and the business and financial sphere, who personally contributed to the starting capital of the bank. The savings bank was to contribute to the development of the local economy and, at the end of the financial year, employ its income for philanthropic and humanitarian purposes. The founders explicitly waivered any claim for profits arising from the invested monies since these were to be allocated to the purposes they specified.

Consistent with the bank reform introduced by Mr Giuliano Amato, the Cassa di Risparmio di Roma separated the two core activities: the banking business on one side and the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Roma on the other. The latter subsequently became the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Roma and finally the Fondazione Roma. Therefore the Foundation is the legitimate heir of the Cassa di Risparmio di Roma and the Monte di Pietà. Yet, at the time of the separation the Archives belonging the Mount of Piety and the Cassa di Risparmio di Roma were bestowed to the bank which, following a series of fusions and acquisitions, merged into the Unicredit group. This was an incomprehensible decision, since the preservation and enhancement of national cultural and archival heritage for the benefit of the public at large falls more within the characteristics of foundations than those of banking companies. However, the perseverance of the Chairman of Fondazione Roma, Professor Emmanuele Emanuele, has been rewarded since, in 2010, the Chairman of Unicredit, Dieter Rampl, agreed to return the two historical Archives to the Foundation.

The Archives of the Monte di Pietà and the Cassa di Risparmio were placed in the Foundation’s historical headquarters in Palazzo Sciarra once the refurbishment of the building was completed. As the Chairman Emanuele promised, they are now open to the public, thus allowing historians,

Fondazione Roma - Historical Archives - Pag.27 Fondazione Roma’s Historical Archive investigators and mere devotees to travel back in time through the vicissitudes of Rome and the entire Country.

Unique documents are kept in the archives, starting from the Bull establishing the Mount of Piety of Rome, issued by Pope Paul III on the 9th September 1539, and the minutes of its first Congregation, which dates back to the 11th April 1540. By entering these rooms, visitors explore the history of Rome and Italy: from the Statutes dated 1867 they move to documents proving Fondazionethe arrival of Cardinal Aurelio Roverella, from 1801 to 1803, who Pope Pius VIIRoma appointed as the ‘Apostolic visitor’.

The Papal State ceased in 1870 and Rome became the Capital of the Kingdom of Italy. The Archives preserve a decree issued on the 7th January 1871 by Alfonso La Mormora - the King’s lieutenant for Rome and neighbouring provinces - which appoints a commissioner to the administration of the pawn broking institution. As far as the fascist period is concerned, visitors may read a declaration, dated 5th July 1928, made by Benito Mussolini acknowledging the Coat of Arms of the Mount of Piety and its registration in the heraldic book of non-profit institutions.

The Duce’s signature, together with that of King Vittorio Emanuele III, stands out on another document, the letters patent dated 22nd October 1936 granting the Cassa di Risparmio the right of use of the Mount of Piety Coat of Arms. A paper written a few months before the minutes of the Meeting of the Committee of Administration, held on the 20th February 1937, announcing that the Mount of Piety shall merge into the Cassa di Risparmio di Roma.

Many documents belonging to the Cassa di Risparmio are kept in the archive, starting from the minutes of the first meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 22nd July 1836. Some records concern the historical headquarters: account books regarding works executed in Palazzo del Monte di Pietà, an etching of Palazzo Borghese - which was the original headquarters of the Cassa di Risparmio - up to the letter, dated 6th April 1867, whereby the architect, Antonio Cipolla, accepts the assignment to build the savings bank’s new headquarters, Palazzo Cipolla, on via del Corso. This building was also one of the locations in which the neorealist masterpiece directed by Vittorio de Sica ‘The Bicycle Thief’ was filmed: a thank you letter addressed to the personnel of the Cassa di Risparmio di Roma and signed by this great director, enriches the Foundation’s Archive.

One of the most interesting sections is that in which papers concerning capital flows are kept, such as the Pope Gregory VIII Brief, dated 1st October 1584, entrusting the Mount of Piety to

Fondazione Roma - Historical Archives - Pag.29

administrate Court deposits in excess of five scudi. Some of the institution’s loans were made abroad, such as that granted in 1745 to James Stuart, claimant to the throne of England, or to James Louis Sobieski, who sought the crown of Poland, in 1732.

There is no lack of papers revealing curious particulars, such as Francesco Crispi’s ticket and covering letter, authorising redemption of the sabre and sword which had belonged to Giuseppe FondazioneGaribaldi from the Mount of Piety of Rome. Roma Several records demonstrate the strong connection between the Mount of Piety and the events which took place in Rome and surrounding district, such as the leaves describing the reclamation operations against the locust invasion, performed in the estates of the Roman Campagna between 1729 and 1777, or the coupon certifying that relief had been delivered to the parties injured by the Tiber River flooding in 1846.

Other papers emphasise the role played by the Mount of Piety during Jubilees, such as a deed issued by Pope Urban VIII on the 28th July 1624, granting an interest free loan of 3,000 scudi to the Trinità dei Pellegrini Hospital during the Jubilee in 1625. There are also several works of art in the Archives, from the Bust in plaster of the founder, Giovanni Maltei da Calvi, to a copper engraving plate for the image of the Pietà dating back to the XVII century, a vast numismatic and photographic collection and a precious library in which both ancient volumes and books concerning more recent history published by the Fondazione Roma are kept.

In conclusion, this is one more authentic historical treasure that the Foundation has opened for the benefit of all the citizens in the local community.

Fondazione Roma’s Historical Archive In the foreground the Rules and Regulations of the Cassa di Risparmio di Roma

Fondazione Roma - Historical Archives - Pag.31 Palazzo Cipolla in a period photograph Palazzo Cipolla

A prudential financial management enabled the Fondazione Rome to perform its institutional activities, set aside resources for the future and even increase assets. In 2010, the Foundation purchased the historical Palazzo Cipolla from Unicredit Real Estate, which became the proprietor in 2007 when it acquired Capitalia, into which the savings bank called Cassa di Risparmio di Roma had merged in 2002. The headquarters of the Cassa di Risparmio di Roma had been situated in this building since 1874 when it moved from the original offices in the Fondazionesixteenth century Palazzo Borghese, owned by Prince Franceso Borghese. Roma Palazzo Cipolla was built during the second half of the nineteenth century on the site of the ancient home of the Roman aristocrat brothers Jacovacci de’ Facceschi, which had been left to the Saint James hospital in 1600. In 1862 the Cassa di Risparmio, directed by Prince Camillo Aldobrandini, purchased Palazzo Jacovacci from the administration of the hospital for the price of eighty four thousand scudi. Demolition of Palazzo Jacovacci commenced in 1868 and several fragments of the Roman arch of Claudius were discovered during the excavation of the foundations. Under the presidency of Prince Carlo Barberini, Commanding Captain of the Noble Guard of His Holiness, the solemn opening ceremony of the new Palace, renamed after the architect Antonio Cipolla, was held on the 29th November 1874. In the book entitled La Corte e la Società Romana nei secoli XVIII e XIX, published in 1883, David Silvagni said, “The magnificent Palace designed by the eminent architect Cipolla is undoubtedly the finest new building in Rome”.

It is reasonable to assert that Palazzo Cipolla, built between 1869 and 1874, is both the last architectural work in Rome under Pope Pius IX and the first of Rome the capital city.

Antonio Cipolla won the tender to build the Palace in 1864, with a project that combined two styles and two epochs, the pure fifteenth century Florentine and a general sixteenth century Roman. As Marcello Piacentini wrote, “Cipolla was the first to attempt to create an Italian style, inspired, in a fully academic atmosphere, by schemes of the past”. The Architect played a leading role in the redevelopment of the capital city of Rome: he was appointed vice president of the Urban Planning Committee and refurbished and built the stables in Palazzo del Quirinale, which in those years was the Palace of the Kings.

Both the Board Room and the Marble Hall prove that great architectural attention had been paid to the interiors of the Palace. The decorations were executed by the sculptor Oreste Garofoli, author of the high-relief in the lunette of the central window on the balcony, and the artists Natali, Basilli and Bruschi. The latter executed the allegorical painting that dominates the centre of the ceiling in the Board Room; Peace, with Abundance and Savings at the sides.

Fondazione Roma - Palazzo Cipolla - Pag.33

In 1933, during the chairmanship of Marquis Carlo Giulio Clavarino, the central public hall was enlarged, new offices were created on the ground and first floor, a new staircase replaced the one installed by Antonio Cipolla and new doors on Via del Corso and Via di Montecatini were built. In 1948, during the chairmanship of Marquis Giuseppe Dalla Chiesa, further works were executed by the architect Clemente Busiri Vici: the direct access from Via del Corso into the central hall was opened and the passageway for vehicles on Via di Montecatini was altered, Fondazioneconferring a more harmonious appearance to the whole building. Roma Between 1953 and 1955, Busiri Vici completed the works and reclaimed all the basements: the floor levels were lowered, the central heating and air conditioning plant renewed and a large vault, known as the caveau, for safe deposit boxes was created.

In 1999, the Museo del Corso, now Museo Fondazione Roma, turned Palazzo Cipolla into a household name. The exhibition galleries devoted to contemporary art are located on the ground floor, whereas a Conference Hall, a Reception Hall and other rooms are to be found on the Piano Nobile.

Palazzo Cipolla The Hall of Marbles

Fondazione Roma - Palazzo Cipolla - Pag.35

Fondazione Roma in the field of ealthH

Fondazione Roma Fondazione Roma-Hospice-ALS-Alzheimer’s

In the years between 1997-1998 when, in Italy, there was a lack of interest in topics related to palliative care, the chairman of the Foundation, Professor Emanuele, decided to establish, in Rome, a Hospice, that is to say a facility which specifically provides medical and spiritual care into which terminal patients and senior citizens in poor health may be admitted.

At the time, the number of centres for palliative care in Italy could be counted on one hand and were concentrated in the North. In central Italy, especially Rome, no other institution provided Fondazionecomprehensive care for patients. Having performed feasibility studies and completed Roma the plans, the Hospice was opened in 1999. This pioneer facility has been emulated throughout Italy and - relying on the fundamental involvement of the Circolo San Pietro’s Voluntary Association - cares for terminal patients and those affected by Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), either as in-patients or in their home, whereas individuals with Alzheimer’s disease are treated in its day centre.

Over two hundred patients are treated daily by physicians, paramedics and other personnel, free of charge. A multidisciplinary team of doctors, psychologists, nurses, physiotherapists, social and spiritual assistants ensure overall treatment by easing the physical symptoms, providing psychological support and humanising the therapeutic effects.

During the first twelve years, eight thousand patients were nursed in the Hospice. Whereas for many years care in the Hospice was funded entirely by the Foundation, an agreement for routine treatment for cancer patients has now been reached with the Lazio Region’s Health Service. However, the Foundation still bears the full costs related to additional personnel, physicians, paramedics, psychologists and other professionals and patients affected by Alzheimer’s disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The joint aim is to maintain a degree of excellence in the services provided in order ensure that medical assistance is supplemented with a strong human approach and involvement in patients’ lives.

Pope Benedict XVI visited the Hospice on the 13th December 2009. His Holiness praised palliative care “capable of soothing pain brought about by the disease and helping the infirm to live with dignity” and accused the “modern society’s way of thinking which tends to reject the sick and consider them both a weight and problem”.

In 2011, following a review of the Hospice’s operating model, the Foundation decided to increase the medical assistance already ensured in the facility located in Via Poerio by opening a Residential Nursing Home into which Alzheimer’s and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients may be admitted.

Pag.38 Rome, 13th December 2009, Pope Benedict XVI visits the Foundation’s Hospice. On the right, The Pope with the Chairman, Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele.

Hospice’s personnel assisting terminal patients.

Fondazione Roma - Health - Pag.39 The patio in the Hospice of the Fondazione Roma Horticulture and floriculture stimulate Alzheimer’s patients’ memory

Grants for Hospitals

With the aim of improving both the quality and the quantity of health services provided to citizens, in 2007 the Foundation introduced a scheme to support local public, private and religious non-profit hospitals in the areas of Rome, Frosinone and Latina.

The Foundation’s grants, amounting to twenty million Euro, enabled thirty one healthcare facilities (ranging from the Local Health Services to General Hospitals) to purchase modern equipment supporting biomedical technologies in the field of cardiovascular diseases, image Fondazionediagnostics and surgery. Roma

The criterion used by the Foundation in allocating the grants was based on the number of beds available in the respective centre, whereas the type of technological modernisation to be implemented was agreed upon together with the head of each institution.

Pag.42 The innovative robotic surgery system ‘Da Vinci’ in the San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital Complex in Rome

San Filippo Neri Hospital in Rome Biomedical campus Rome The optical coherence tomography Mammography for stereotactic breast biopsies

Fondazione Roma - Health - Pag.43 Fondazione Roma in the Pontine District A concrete commitment to Health and Scientific esearchR

In Latina on the 18th December 2009, during a day full of events celebrating the city’s 77th Anniversary, including the bestowal of honorary citizenship to the Fondazione Roma in the person of its Chairman, the Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Research Centre was officially opened. With an allocation of three million five hundred thousand Euro, the Foundation provided the start-up capital for the purchase of furnishings, equipment and consumables for research laboratories.

FondazioneThe centre, which is mainly concerned with cellular and molecular oncology andRoma regenerative medicine, was created through a partnership between the Fondazione Roma and the faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Sapienza University in Rome, that holds degree courses in its decentralised campus, equipped with research labs, in the Pontine area south of Rome. Due to the establishment of this centre, the University is now able to work both independently and in synergy with local pharmaceutical companies, especially in the field of research on cord blood cells and their therapeutic potential for various ailments such as ictus, diabetes and heart disease.

Having ascertained the lack in Lazio, as in the whole of Central Italy, of facilities for image diagnostics and integrated laboratories, capable of meeting the demand for specialised services and becoming an ‘equal’ partner in the domestic and international medical research circuits, consistent with its well-established relationship with the city of Latina and surrounding area, the Foundation decided to evaluate the appropriateness of issuing a new and important grant.

Such circumstances led to the project to build a centre for advanced image and Bio-molecular diagnostics, equipped with a modern unit for image diagnostics and a laboratory for the investigation of tissues and cells, appropriately sampled in a radiologic context. Due to the high standards which have been set for professionals, instruments and the organisation, the Centre aims to become a diagnostic facility of excellence, a catalyst for new lines of research and professional talent and a domestic (mainly central Italy) and international steady point of reference for the investigation of haematological/oncological and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinson’s.

The Fondazione Roma and local authorities, such as the Regione Lazio, the Provincia, the Town Council and the Health Service in Latina, intend to form a network for the accomplishment of this centre. Looking towards a future and even wider horizon, the Foundation is outlining the strategic guidelines for a second phase of this project, which aims to build a genuine Research Hospital.

Pag.44 Latina, 18th December 2009. The Chairman receives The Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Research Centre the Foundation’s honorary citizenship is officially opened

The Chairman, professor Emanuele, visiting the Complex Hospital of Santa Maria Goretti in Latina, during the inaugural ceremony of the Positron Emission Tomography (PET), an advanced technology in the field of oncological diagnostics

Fondazione Roma - Health - Pag.45

Fondazione Roma in the field of Scientificesearch R

Fondazione Roma IRCCS – Fondazione G.B. Bietti per lo studio e la ricerca in Oftalmologia ONLUS

The Fondazione Roma issued its first structural grant for the benefit of Scientific Research in the specialised field of ophthalmology. The Foundation supports the Fondazione G.B. Bietti for ophthalmic Research, a Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalisation and Treatment, of which it has been a founder member since 1999.

Established in 1984, this non-profit institute has been formally recognised by the President of the Italian Republic and was named after the illustrious ophthalmologist, investigator and Fondazioneclinician of worldwide fame, who passed away in 1977. The Fondazione G. B. Bietti,Roma which has been working in this field for over twenty-five years, promotes ophthalmologic research and care, paying special attention to the disclosure of scientific results, prevention, early diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation. Fondazione Roma’s contribution enabled the Bietti Foundation to purchase the building located in Via Livenza 3 – Rome in 2000 and the indispensable equipment for its specialist practice in the years between 2001 and 2005.

The activities performed in this centre mainly focus on those widespread diseases which could lead to a serious visual impairment such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, myopia and related complications, disorders of the optic nerve, cornea and eye surface besides ocular oncology. A most excellent centre in its field, acknowledged in 2005 by the Italian Ministry of Health as a Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalisation and Treatment (Research Hospital), this Foundation fosters clinical and surgical care, teaching and ophthalmologic research.

Professional training and analyses on the organisation of health facilities are also part of the research performed by this Foundation, which, in time, has received prestigious international acknowledgments becoming a leader in exploring new ways to treat various pathologies. The Foundation’s support enabled the Fondazione G. B. Bietti to equip in itinere the laboratories located in Via Livenza, the Ospedale Britannico San Giovanni Addolorata and the Bio-medical Campus with new sophisticated instruments of the latest generation.

Pag.48 The Headquarters of the Fondazione G. B. Bietti in via Livenza, Rome

The Fondazione G.B. Bietti. A consulting room for Ocular Diagnostics and a research lab in via Livenza

Fondazione Roma - Scientific Research - Pag.49 Fondazione Roma for Biomedical Research

Fondazione Roma has appropriately classified the field of biomedical research amongst the major local urgencies. The scant allocation of public funds to Scientific Research is actually one of the reasons behind the weak economic growth and slow social progress in our country.

In 2008, the Fondazione Roma promoted a quite impressive project, both from the planning and financial investment point of views, to support biomedical research by allocating a total of fifteen million Euro to highly qualified research projects, establishing terms of participation Fondazionethat met the expectations of the local area and institutions operating therein andRoma encouraging the creation of expert networks. The Foundation issued a call for proposals, aimed at the most excellent investigators in the faculties of Medicine and Surgery in Rome’s universities, concer- ning three subject matters: Diabetes mellitus type 2, mechanisms of disease and macro-vascu- lar complications; Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine and Drug design for the treatment of human infectious diseases.

Whilst the decision to give priority to these three fields of research was taken for purely scien- tific reasons, it was also based on the requirements of the local and international communities.

This is an important undertaking for the Foundation, due both to the amount of capital allo- cated to the scheme and the innovative peer review procedure for the selection of the projects. The global scientific community uses the peer review method in order to select papers that meet the standards for publication. Applied to scientific research, this procedure ensures that the reviewers are anonymous and independent, discourages bias and guarantees that the cho- sen projects are scientifically the most excellent. In order to apply this method, the Foundation instituted a Scientific Committee composed of nine internationally recognised high profile in- vestigators. Each member declared to have no conflict of interest with the Principal Investiga- tors or the Head of other operative units involved in the projects. The merit evaluations performed by this committee also include those of three referees from abroad, who do not prac- tice in Italy and are experts on the subject matter. The selection was strict: of thirty-two pro- posals, only thirteen have been admitted. Whilst referring to the local area of Lazio, this project, promoted by the Fondazione Roma in the field of biomedical research, will also be of benefit and contribute to global progress, which is the principal purpose of scientific research.

In consideration of the average level of public resources allocated to research, with this project Fondazione Roma has become one of the main private institutions to fund research of excellence in Italy. Even in this sector, other parties may refer to the Foundation’s original and efficient model when the public’s genuine needs and the Country’s, rather than particular, interests are the main concern.

Pag.50 Rome, 17th June 2009. The conference entitled “Fondazione Roma Exhibition of the thirteen funded projects for Biomedical Research” commences. The Foundation’s CEO, Franco Parasassi, with the Minister of Health, Ferruccio Fazio

Project presentations

Fondazione Roma - Scientific Research - Pag.51 Fondazione Roma for Socio-economic Research: the “World Social Summit”

The loss of the ‘protective’ function traditionally performed by Welfare States, means that individuals must compete, in a weak position, with the ongoing transformation in the socio- economic and cultural structures that has disconcerted most of the points of reference on which the essential perspectives of life are built. This topic has been widely investigated by the Chairman, Professor Emanuele, in numerous publications, the latest of which being “Il terzo pilastro. Il non profit motore del nuovo welfare (The third pillar. Non-profit organisations, driver of the new welfare system)”. The decision to organise an international debate on the issue was Fondazionebased on the conviction that a scientific analysis of the phenomena that mainlyRoma affect people must be performed in order to build a less frightened and more courageous society.

For this purpose, Fondazione Roma - confirming the role that distinguishes it from other foundations in civil society, arising from the ability to find solutions to many of today’s anxieties - decided to involve, in the field of socio-economic research, the Fondazione Censis. For over thirty years, this foundation has performed analyses on the constitutive principles of civil society, such as the evolution of social and productive structures, innovation, individual and collective behaviour, business mechanisms and the development of local authorities.

Thus, the Fondazione Roma’s World Social Summit was established under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The purpose of the Summit is to open a worldwide debate, on the various issues that affect social progress, between high profile personalities, Nobel Prize laureates, political and religious experts, academics, investigators, entrepreneurs and representatives of national and international institutions.

The first World Social Summit, entitled “Fearless: dialoghi per combattere le paure planetarie (Fearless: discussion on how to combat global anguish)”, was held in Rome from the 24th to the 26th September 2008 and laid the basis upon which to work to ensure that future society may improve its ability to manage fear.

The subject, established by the Chairman, Professor Emanuele, on the basis of the chief Anglo- Saxon universities’ scientific publications on this issue, his invariable involvement in the cultural debate held in the most important academies in the world and experience gained whilst travelling to the main capital cities, is in keeping with the importance, in modern societies, of fear arising from the greater amount of risks, perceived as threats, such as terrorism, personal safety and environmental catastrophes and, above all, the uncertainties which ever wider brackets of the population must face.

Pag.52 Amonst the summit’s illustrious line-up of speakers were David Altheide (Sociologist specialising in Mass Communication – Arizona State University, USA), Zygmunt Bauman (Sociologist – Leeds University, Great Britain), Gary S. Becker (Nobel Prize for Economy – University of Chicago, USA), Robert Castel (Sociologist – École des Hautes en Sciences Sociales, France), Frank Furedi (Sociologist, journalist – University of Kent, Great Britain), Anthony Giddens (Sociologist and expert in politics, London School of Economics & House of Lords, GB), James Hillman (Psychoanalyst and Philosopher, USA), Michel Maffesoli (Sociologist –The Sorbonne University - V, France), and Suketu Mehta (Author, India).

World Social Summit. The session “Combatting metropolitan fears” World Social Summit. Zygmunt Bauman’s lectio magistralis

Fondazione Roma - Scientific Research - Pag.53 Fondazione Roma for Socio-economic Research: “The need for a igB Society in Italy”

Italy has been paralysed for the past twenty years; it neither grows nor develops coherent policies in the fields of industry, agriculture, research, finance and culture, and has become withdrawn. Even before the financial crisis, the country grew less than its western partners, not to mention the so-called BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and, in the current cycle, is struggling to reach an adequate degree of economic expansion. Although personal savings and household support has prevented the system from imploding, Italy must find a way out of the tunnel, in order to avoid sliding towards the abyss in which countries such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland Fondazioneare falling. Roma

There is a way out and that is through the diversified environment of the Third Sector, which includes the associations, foundations, NGOs, social cooperatives, social enterprises and voluntary organizations that have been freely established by citizens, even as non-profit organizations for community work. In other words, the intermediate bodies in civil society which the Chairman of the Fondazione Roma calls the ‘Third Pillar’, a term he used in the title of a book published in 2008 ‘Il terzo pilastro. Il non profit motore del nuovo welfare (The Third Pillar. Non-profit organisations drive the new welfare system)’. The book illustrates the Professor’s plan to revitalise the social security system which, though it should not be dismantled, must be reorganised and regenerated by using the new energies in society that, he suggests, could play a key role in building a welfare community, meaning a system entailing opportunities and responsibilities.

The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, associates this sector with the Big Society project, a policy that significantly contributed to his election. Across the Channel, social involvement is not in a very advanced stage, though politicians are most willing to dialogue with the various institutions belonging to the Third Pillar. In Italy, the situation is quite the reverse: the foundations for a Big Society already exist within the social fabric and yet the ruling class obstructs this sector, rather than fully deploying its potential.

Fondazione Roma decided to hold a series of conferences on the subject of the Big Society project - which is so crucial to advanced societies - attended by world-renowned academics, sociologists, entrepreneurs, politicians and editorialists. Michel Maffessoli, Bill Emmott, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Francesco Rutelli, Giovanni Moro, Giuseppe Cotturri, Mauro Magatti, Emilio Dalmonte and even Lord Nat Wei, the chief adviser on ‘big society’ to Prime Minister David Cameron, were amongst the personalities whose contributions enhanced the debate during the first two conferences organised by the Foundation in November 2010 and February 2011.

Pag.54 The Project ‘Welfare 2020’, established in a partnership between the Catholic University of Milan and Fondazione Roma, focuses on the issue of renewing the welfare system through the involvement of civil society. The project suggests an intervention in the Nation’s social security system in three phases: collection and analysis of information concerning domestic and international best practices; institution of training courses to promote an integrated concept of welfare; establishment of organised territorial centres and opening of several investigational laboratories for the purpose of creating local prototypes of a welfare community. The intent of this project is to create an experimental and sustainable welfare model in various social fields.

Rome, 25th November 2010. The conference “The world crisis and consequences for our country. The need for a Big Society in Italy” To the right, the Chairman, Professor Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele opens the conference

Fondazione Roma - Scientific Research - Pag.55

Fondazione Roma in the field of ducationE

Fondazione Roma Grants for Schools

Having concluded an evaluation process performed by the Foundation’s advisory committee for ‘Education and Training’, the Fondazione Roma decided to combine these fields and launch a large project whereby schools were offered a chance to improve the quality of teaching methods by expanding their technological equipment.

The project started in 2007 with an advertising campaign “We would like a world in which schools are a step ahead and we would like to ensure this takes place”. Three-hundred and thirteen FondazioneState secondary schools in the Lazio Region (221 in the Province of Rome, 47 inRoma Frosinone and 45 in Latina) received a substantial grant for technological modernisation.

Since the Foundation no longer calls for proposals, all the secondary schools in the three provinces of Lazio were individually invited to submit a project describing their specific Information Technology requirements and relative form of implementation. Consequently, each school received a grant ranging between five thousand Euro and one-hundred and twenty thousand Euro, according to the number of pupils. A total of eighteen million Euro was issued.

The Foundation’s grants enabled schools to equip multimedia classrooms, create language and IT labs and to purchase mobile multimedia stations, to be moved from one classroom to another according to need. Special equipment was also acquired for the accomplishment of ad hoc projects, such as music education and specific aids and software for disabled students.

Personal computers, printers, video projectors, interactive whiteboards, DVD readers and various types of software and equipment for technical, linguistic and scientific laboratories were amongst the most frequently requested equipment.

The Foundation’s commitment to education was subsequently extended to the area’s two- hundred and sixty seven secondary high schools (190 in Rome, 42 in Frosinone and 35 Latina). A total of fifteen million Euro was allocated to these schools which, within the first six months of 2010, purchased advanced technology equipment and created multimedia teaching laboratories.

In order to ensure that educational offerings be improved at all levels of teaching, in the second half of 2010 the Foundation’s project was extended to the four-hundred and forty one primary schools in the area (315 in the Province of Rome, 65 in Latina and 61 in Frosinone).

With this latter grant of twelve million Euro issued to primary schools, the total allocation to state schools at all levels amounted to forty five million Euro.

Pag.58 Fondazione Roma’s school project. The chemical lab in the ’Istituto IPSIA in Pomezia

Fondazione Roma’s school project. The graphics lab in the Istituto I.P.S.S.C.T. in Frascati

Fondazione Roma - Education - Pag.59 An illustration of the Foundation’s project for technological innovation depicted by the pupils at the comprehensive secondary school, Istituto Marco Polo, in Rome

University and Master’s degree courses

The Foundation’s commitment to Education includes undergraduate and post graduate university courses by supporting, as established by the Chairman, Professor Emanuele, the most important universities in Rome that provide integral education according to the traditional Catholic principles, such as the Pontificia Università Lateranense, Pontifical Gregorian University, Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta, Università Europea and St. John’s University.

Subsidised by the Fondazione Roma, in January 2008 the Pontificia Università Lateranense Fondazioneopened the new course on the ‘Ethics of Taxation’, included in the syllabus for a Master’sRoma degree in Law. This chair holds a topical and advanced course in Public Finance and Tax Law, which is unique in Italy. Seminars have been organised and attended by students, lectures from other universities and professionals in this field.

The Foundation also fosters the Master’s degree course for ‘Experts in Politics and International Relations’ held in the Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta (LUMSA). The purpose of this course is to engage youths in national, international and diplomatic politics and to train professionals who are capable of meeting the needs of modern society by implementing rational strategies.

The syllabus includes theoretical classes, seminars and workshops, followed by on the job training in private and public institutions such as Parliament, Central Government offices, Ministries, political parties’ headquarters, trade unions and international organizations. Subjects include notions and investigation of history, economics, public institutions, political analyses, media development and even oratory techniques. The members of the academic staff are national and international university professors, experts and researchers of politics. Visiting lecturers include personalities from the institutional political environment and representatives of financial and intermediate organizations in civil society. As from the academic year 2009/2010, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recognised this course as suitable training for the entrance examination for a career in the Diplomatic Corps. Part of the Foundation’s contribution has been allocated to student scholarships.

In 2010, an agreement was entered into with the Rome Campus of St. John's University whereby the Foundation shall issue scholarships to students attending the Master’s degree course in Business Administration held in this University.

By means of grants issued directly by the Fondazione Roma Mediterraneo, the Foundation also contributes to the two-year Master’s degree course on the Theology of Religions specialising in Mediterranean Religions and Cultures organised by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies

Pag.62 of Religions and Cultures in the Pontifical Gregorian University.

The purpose of this course is to train students for future professional appointments as cultural mediators, journalists, public managers and diplomats, with a deep knowledge of the Mediterranean region, its values and spiritual identity.

The Foundation’s most recent post-graduate project fosters, in association with the IULM (Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione), the Master’s degree course in Management of Artistic and Cultural resources that opened in February 2011 in the Roman branch of this University. This project was established for the purpose of training qualified managers and professionals in the field of artistic and cultural resources by providing a broad education even in classical and social subjects and encouraging the development of specific managerial skills.

Rome, 22nd April 2010, conference room in the LUMSA University. Graduates receive their Master’s degree in ‘Politics and International Relations’ in the presence of the President of the Senate, Rt Hon. Renato Schifani and the Chairman of the Fondazione Roma

Fondazione Roma - Education - Pag.63

Fondazione Roma in the field of rtA and Culture

Fondazione Roma Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei

In 2010, just over ten years from the establishment of the historical Museo del Corso (now Museo Fondazione Roma), the Fondazione Roma opened a new Museum in Palazzo Sciarra. However, the additional galleries involved a greater effort in organising the exhibitions. Thus, for the purpose of efficiency, the Foundation decided to establish a new foundation specialised in the field of Arts and Cultural Heritage and Activities, named Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei (in brief ‘Musarte’), which would initially manage the exhibitions and museums and, Fondazionesubsequently, further undertakings in such field. Roma Since the Fondazione Roma-Mediterraneo and Fondazione Roma-Terzo Settore have similar institutional purposes and may potentially interact, they became founding members of the Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei. Incorporated in 2011, the Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei is classified as an ‘open foundation’ therefore other parties, such as individuals and public and private organisations, who wish to share the aims, may join the Foundation beside the three founders.

The original idea was to gather all the Muses of culture into one foundation. Indeed, the Fondazione Roma Arte-Musei operates in five cultural fields which correspond to five different Muses: Visible Arts, Poetry, Music, Drama and Publishing. The Foundation operates in these fields either independently or in partnership with national and international, private and public bodies and institutions pursuing the same objectives. Fondazione Roma Arte-Musei is a non- profit institution that has the purpose of promoting and accomplishing artistic and cultural projects in order to contribute to the socio-economic and moral development of the community. The projects include both new artistic and cultural schemes and those successfully launched by Fondazione Roma or its specialised Foundations (Fondazione Roma-Mediterraneo and Fondazione Roma-Terzo Settore).

Hence, in the year in which Italy celebrated the 150th anniversary of National Unity, the Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei contributed to the 54th Venice Biennale by participating in the Biennial Project in the Regions, held in the Lazio Region Pavilion, where the central hall in Palazzo Venezia in Rome, that hosted works by fourteen highly valued artists, many of which from the San Lorenzo school and other qualified centres in Lazio, was arranged according to the scientific and critical project performed by the Foundation, connoting the exhibition as an original indication of the Foundation’s attention to the future of culture.

Pag.66 Rome, Palazzo Venezia. The Lazio Pavilion of the 54th International Exhibition of Art In the foreground, Tommaso Cascella, Cielo Rovesciato, 2010, dull transparent painted iron, 100x450 cm

Bruno Ceccobelli, Schöne Träume, 2011, ombretto su federa, 500x200 cm Fittings

Fondazione Roma - Art and Culture - Pag.67 Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei

The Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei has been entrusted with the organisation of the temporary exhibitions promoted by Fondazione Roma and held in the two museums located in Palazzo Sciarra and Palazzo Cipolla: an authentic cultural centre, in which the journey into art runs along a double track, classical art in the former and contemporary art in the latter.

In the field of Music, Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei pursues two important partnerships entered into by Fondazione Roma: one with Fondazione Arts Academy which led to the establishment Fondazioneof the Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma in 2002 and the other with the Associazione Roma Résonnance Italia for the accomplishment of the Résonnance project.

Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei has also inherited Fondazione Roma’s commitment to poetry, for which the main project is the annual review entitled ‘Ritratti di Poesia (Portraits of Poetry)’.

In the theatrical field, this Foundation cooperates with the Quirino, a leading Italian playhouse with the largest audience, in a series of projects with an artistic, social, philanthropic and edifying purpose that aim to encourage integral personal development by means of culture and solidarity.

Publishing is the fifth field in which the Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei operates. The Foundation contributes to the publication of catalogues, discs, cultural books and artistic multimedia products.

The Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei plans to be an authoritative cultural think tank strictly engaging in topical issues. For this purpose the Foundation organises seminars, training courses and research, educational, touristic and popular projects, even in cooperation with other prestigious national and international, private and public institutions and organisations.

Pag.68 Rome, Palazzo Venezia. The Lazio Pavilion of the 54th International Exhibition of Art Maurizio Savini, La sindrome di Pilato, 2010, mat fiberglass, chewing gum, iron, 200x135x140 cm Museo Fondazione Roma

The galleries in the Fondazione Roma-Museo are an exciting, enthralling and engrossing journey to discover art and culture. Advocated by Professor Emanuele, the Museum was established, in 1999, as the Museo del Corso situated in Palazzo Cipolla on the central Via del Corso and has since opened to the public over thirty five temporary exhibitions which have marked the gradual development of an original artistic identity, occasionally anticipating future trends, so as to be distinguished as one of the most authoritative and dynamic museums in the Roman, national Fondazioneand international qualified museum circuit. Roma Prestigious exhibitions have told the story of numerous important stages, starting from the maiden exhibition Una Collezione da scoprire: Capolavori dal ’500 al ’700 dell’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Roma (A collection to be discovered: Masterpieces from the sixteenth to eighteenth century belonging to the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Roma), which brought the Foundation’s conspicuous artistic heritage to light. In time the succeeding exhibitions explored Italian, European and international art periods and styles from the Macchiaioli to the Impressionists, Rodin to Hopper and Piranesi to Futurism, pursuing both artistic and educational purposes in order to edify comparison, exchange and dialogue between different cultures.

Special attention has been paid to civilizations which are distant from that of the West, such as the Forbidden City in China, to which the exhibition entitled Capolavori dalla Città Proibita. Qianlong e la sua Corte (Masterpieces from the Forbidden City. Qianlong and his Court) was devoted in 2007-2008 and the Japanese Master, Hiroshige, for whom the exhibition Hiroshige. Il Maestro della Natura (Hiroshige - The Master of Nature) was held in 2009.

During this journey across and inside culture we have been accompanied by some of the most renowned museums in the world: The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid, the Russian State Museum and the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the Puskin Museum of Fine Arts and the Kremlin State Museum in Moscow, the Louvre in Paris, the Palace Museum in Beijing, the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin, the Honolulu Academy of arts, the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York and the Museo del Prado in Madrid.

The retrospective entitled Roma e l’Antico. Realtà e visione nel ’700 (Rome and Antiquity. Reality and vision in the eighteenth century), opened a new exhibition area situated on the ground floor of the Fondazione Roma’s historical headquarters in Palazzo Sciarra that enabled the Museum to increase its artistic schedule. The two facing galleries, Palazzo Cipolla and Palazzo Sciarra, now represent a museum centre with an exhibition surface of over 1.500 square meters capable of holding exhibitions devoted, respectively, to contemporary and classical art.

Pag.70 Il personale dell’Hospice dedicato all’assistenza dei malati con breve aspettativa di vita

Una Collezione da scoprire: Capolavori dal ’500 al ’700 dell’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Roma (A collection to be discovered: Masterpieces from the sixteenth to eighteenth century belonging to the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Roma) Museo Fondazione Roma 2nd February - 31th March 1999

Fondazione Roma - Arte e Cultura - Pag.71 Museo Fondazione Roma

Fondazione Roma

Capolavori dalla Città Proibita. Qianlong e la sua Corte (Masterpieces from Il ’400 a Roma. La rinascita delle arti da Donatello a Perugino (The fifteenth the Forbidden City. Qianlong and his Court) century in Rome. The renaissance of art from Donatello to Perugino) Museo Fondazione Roma, 20th November 2007 - 20th March 2008 Museo Fondazione Roma, 29th April - 7th September 2008

Hiroshige. Il Maestro della Natura (Hiroshige - The Master of Nature) Edward Hopper Museo Fondazione Roma 17th March - 13th September 2009 Museo Fondazione Roma, 16th February - 13th June 2010

Pag.72 The Museum is distinguished both for the peculiarity of its aesthetic offer and the original cultural investigations accomplished through seminars, conferences, performances, events related to ongoing exhibitions and educational activities for children, all of which contribute to enhancing and diversifying the cultural offer in Rome.

Beyond the walls of the Museum, meant as “a place where works of art are kept and exhibited” the Museo Fondazione Roma has become a centre in which the community may enjoy a special artistic experience. “Art is a means of union among men” (L.N. Tolstoj): such statement has never been more accurate in describing the Museo Fondazione Roma; an open and versatile meeting place in which to socialise, familiarise with the beauty of art and enjoy various cultural events.

Milano anni ’60. Un dialogo tra Roma e Milano (Milan, Nineteen Sixties. A dialogue between Rome and Milan) Museo Fondazione Roma, 10th May - 31st July 2011

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Roma e l’Antico. Realtà e Visione nel ’700 (Rome and Antiquity. Reality and vision in the eighteenth century) Museo Fondazione Roma, 30th November 2010 - 8th May 2011 Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma

From Washington to Beijing, Vienna to Berlin, Rio de Janeiro to Saint Petersburg then home to the Auditorium della Conciliazione in the Eternal City, where the orchestra performs its regular programme for the symphonic season. The journey into music, through the Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma’s performances, knows no boundaries since, by nature, this is a universal language. The tours in Italy and abroad, the lessons held in schools and the concerts performed, free of charge, in the city squares are part of one great project conceived and implemented by the Chairman of the Fondazione Roma, Professor Emmanuele F. M. Emanuele, who is also the Vice President of Fondazionethe Orchestra. Roma

The orchestra was established in 2002 with the support of the Fondazione Roma and is managed by Arts Academy and conducted by Maestro Francesco La Vecchia, who is a highly experienced artist and former director of many prestigious music corps in Europe, America and Asia. The Orchestra was created for the purpose of spreading the culture of music, especially amongst youths and the less fortunate, and providing an occupation to young professors striving to find dignified employment in the so called field of “cultivated music”.

Regardless of the country’s music tradition and over eighty conservatories managed by the Ministry of Education, employment in Italy is indeed limited and it is extremely difficult to join an orchestra. Thirteen out of the fourteen Public opera bodies are opera houses and only one is a Symphony Orchestra; the Accademia Santa Cecilia in Rome. In this context, the idea of establishing an entirely private Symphony Orchestra, a novelty throughout the continent, may have seemed an impractical plan. Nevertheless, professor Emanuele’s intuition proved to be successful and the miracle has been performed.

With seventy instrumentalists, selected by means of a strict audition, the Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma went far beyond becoming one of the most important Italian orchestras and is now renowned and highly esteemed abroad, proving that in times in which the State reduces its commitment to this field, quality music may be still be performed without public subvention. The Orchestra enhances and spreads the Italian musical heritage, which is persistently overlooked, the masterworks of symphonic literature from Martucci and Casella to Respighi and Petrassi and records albums for paramount international labels, thus broadcasting and preserving the vast repertoire of great Italian composers throughout the world. Above all, the Orchestra has never lost sight of its philanthropic vocation - at a local, national and international level - it has, and still mixes ‘beauty’ with ‘usefulness’ and ‘culture’ with ‘commitment to society’, by speaking the chief and universal language of music.

Pag.76 The Orchestra is a witness that music may have both artistic and social purposes. In China, conducted by Maestro La Vecchia, the Symphony Orchestra held five concerts in Beijing, Shanghai and Dujiangyan located in the Sichuan Province devastated by an earthquake on the 12th May 2008. The proceeds were devolved to the reconstruction of the areas which were affected by the earthquake.

The project basically aims to provide access to culture: tickets for the approximately 120 regular concerts per year are reasonable; additional concerts are held for educational purposes in various venues; symphony music is performed in prisons and hospitals and music lessons are held in schools.

From the financial and all other points of view this is an ambitious and successful project, an extraordinary undertaking which has been accomplished merely through the Fondazione Roma’s philanthropic spirit and firm commitment.

Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma, Auditorium della Conciliazione Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma, Kraków Philharmonic ®Photo, A. Tirocchi

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Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma, Musikverein Vienna ®Photo, A. Tirocchi The ésonnanceR project

The Résonnance project was created in the second half of 2008 through a partnership with the non-profit association Résonnance – Italia, a division of the Résonnance Foundation established in Switzerland in 1998 by the renowned pianist Elizabeth Sombart, who is still the President. This is an international Foundation with branches in France, Lebanon, Belgium and Spain where it fosters pianoforte lessons, free of charge, held by constantly trained tutors, devoid of exams or a competitive spirit by applying the Résonnance method of education, which is based on the knowledge of the phenomenology of music associated with body and breathing self- Fondazionecontrol. Roma

The purpose of the Résonnance project is to introduce music into venues in which it is not usually heard, by holding concerts in prisons, hospitals, retirement homes for senior citizens and facilities for the assistance of disabled persons and youths with psychosocial difficulties at serious risk of deviance and marginality.

Why take music where all is needed? Art is therapeutic; a series of scientific investigations have demonstrated that the beauty of the language of music is capable of lifting human spirits and soothing discomfort. In this sense, Art inspires brotherliness and sharing and may alleviate physical pain and spiritual distress.

The concerts held by the Résonnance project are accurately arranged, both in the choice of the repertoire and compliance of the performance with the Résonnance education method, in order to ensure that the music conveys a feeling of closeness, trust in life, comfort and joy.

During 2011, the Résonnance project admitted professional singers for whom the first singing master class, held by the famous countertenor Vincent Aguettant, was organised in the Résonnance centre in Rome. The lessons were so successful as to lead to further master classes. Subsequently the singers performed in Résonnance centres accompanied by pianists trained by Elizabeth Sombart.

Pag.80 Scenes from Elizabeth Sombart’s philanthropic concerts held in the ’“Istituto Cottolengo” and the retirement home “Italia Talenti” in Rome

The guests in Rome’s “Boy’s Town” and the Trappist nuns in the ‘Vitorchiano Monastery’ attending Elizabeth Sombart’s exhibition

Fondazione Roma - Art and Culture - Pag.81 Elizabeth Sombart performing in the Domus Sanctae Martae in Rome

Ritratti di Poesia (Portraits of Poetry)

Should anyone question the value of poetry today, in the age of mass information and syncopated language, they may find the answer in history. What idea of World War I would we have without Ungaretti’s poetry? How would we reconstruct the cultural fervour in nineteenth century France without verses by Rimbaud and Verlaine, or in late twentieth century America without the words of Ginsberg and Corso? How much less would we know of Franco’s dictatorship without the pages written by Garcia Lorca or of the Soviet totalitarianism deprived of Pasternak’s verses? Furthermore, what would the Italian language be without Dante’s poems Fondazioneor Russian without the voice of Puškin? Roma

After all, poetry does not have only an artistic and cultural value, nor is it merely aesthetic, since, as John Keats wrote “Beauty is truth”. Poetry has an intrinsic ethical meaning. The annual event, held in January, entitled “Ritratti di Poesia (Portraits of Poetry) was launched on these considerations.

The review, based on an idea by professor Emanuele, is one of the most important events held during the winter in Rome and, reflecting the development of poetry, constantly evolves. Attention is paid both to contemporaneity and the history of literature, involving authors from Italy and abroad, young talents, actors and musicians in an original mixture of meetings, comparisons, readings, ideas, verses and opinions. The Fondazione Roma Ritratti di Poesia award, assigned to a poet who has promoted Italian culture abroad, and the performance “Poesia e canzone d’autore (Poetry and singer-songwriters) by singer-songwriters such as Roberto Vecchioni and Lucio Dalla, were amongst the innovations introduced during the most recent reviews. Roberto Vecchioni explained the meaning of the performance in his own words “Every God of every culture and every religion, from the most ancient to those which have been revealed, created the world with sound. Sound is the closest thing to God and poetry, which was born as music with lyrics by Sappho in the seventh century B.C., is the expression of truth”.

In times when centres devoted to culture and art have been drastically reduced, Fondazione Roma has taken a completely opposite direction since, in the Chairman’s opinion “Poetry and art do not only search for beauty as they have an ethical and civil significance and enable those who enjoy these muses to become responsive to the world and bring the value of the ‘Human Being’ back to the centre of attention”. Amongst all others, poetry is the form of art that is most capable of allowing people to speak to the ‘Other’ and thus plays a leading role in a modern society in which the barriers dividing mankind are yet to be overcome and interaction between different cultures all too often ends in conflict.

Pag.84 Portraits of Poetry (3rd review), Temple of Hadrian, Rome. To the left, Parole oltre la media. “Foreghet: poems and poetry by Roberto Piumini”. Musical accompaniment by Michele Piumini. To the right, L’incanto del viaggio. Poetry and singer-songwriter. Roberto Vecchioni’s concert

Portraits of Poetry (4th review), Temple of Hadrian, Rome. To the left, The prophet poet, Monica Guerritore reads Arthur Rimbaud To the right, Parole al vento. Poetry and singer-songwriter. Guido Zaccagnini interviewing the singer-songwriter Lucio Dalla

Fondazione Roma - Art and Culture - Pag.85 Portraits of Poetry (4th review), Temple of Hadrian, Rome. Fittings

The Theatre

In the ‘vision’ of the Muses of the Arts, in whom professor Emanuele has always firmly believed, drama could not be omitted since the purpose of this art is not purely aesthetical, it is also social, philanthropic and educational. Having decided to extend subventions in the field of culture to the Theatre, in 2008 the Fondazione Roma supported the performance with a high civil value ‘Pietre Urlanti (Screaming Stones)’ which, together with the concert held by the Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma, commemorated the Armenian Genocide. In 2009 the Foundation contributed to the show devoted to the Native Americans ‘Ascolta il canto del vento (Listen to Fondazionethe song of the wind)’, played in the Teatro Sistina. Roma

In 2011, the Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei, decided to discontinue una tantum grants and establish a stable commitment by cooperating with the Teatro Quirino, a leading Italian playhouse with the largest audience (over two thousand spectators per year and an average of seven hundred per play), for the purpose of encouraging integral personal development by means of culture and solidarity. Three projects have been approved. The first continues an initiative launched in 2010 through a partnership between Fondazione Roma – Terzo Settore and the Teatro Quirino entitled ‘In scena diversamente insieme’ (Differently on stage together), which included theatrical workshops (free of charge) for the less fortunate, immigrants, individuals with a disability, prisoners and senior citizens, who eventually produced plays. The experience acquired to date has led to a profitable liaison with public institutions such as the Local Health Services, prisons and nursing homes as well as actors, workshop directors and experts in acting, dancing and music. The second project, a ‘Theatre School’, consists in a series of plays for children and youths, staged by directors and actors trained in the Teatro Stabile di Calabria workshop, who are thus offered employment. The plays are planned according to age range and are performed in parallel with the adult drama season. This project includes workshops, guided tours to discover theatrical secrets and meetings with protagonists. Special attention is paid to the relationship with teachers by means of educational materials, informative meetings and organising assistance.

The third is an entirely new project which enables actors, once they have attained their diploma in drama, to find career opportunities both in the Teatro Quirino and the various associated drama companies. The Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei supports the newly established ‘Accademia Internazionale d’Arte Drammatica’, directed by Alvaro Piccardi, who was Vittorio Gassman’s chief collaborator in the three-year drama school ‘Bottega Teatrale’ in Florence, in which the teachers were the greatest actors on the national and international stages. A maximum of twenty-five students are accepted in the three-year course which is held in the Teatro Quirino and Teatro Quirinetta. At the end of each academic year the students perform a display-drama on the stage of the Quirino.

Pag.88 Inside the Teatro Quirino Teatro Quirino. A scene from the play Viaggio all’isola di Sakhalin, shown as part of the ‘Differently on stage together’ project

Alvaro Piccardi, Director of the Accademia Internazionale Drama workshop for the play En attendant Beckett di Arte Drammatica in the Teatro Quirino, with the young actors from the ‘Pene d’amor perdute’ workshop

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The playbill for the project ‘Dire fare vedere Teatro’, promoted by the Quirino for school children

Fondazione Roma pays attention to the Mediterranean Region

Fondazione Roma Fondazione Roma-Mediterraneo

The Fondazione Roma-Mediterraneo was established in 2008 as advocated by the Chairman, Professor Emanuele, proving that the mother foundation, Fondazione Roma, had implemented a functional expansion by creating specific branch foundations for the purpose of providing solutions to community needs in the fields of Health, Scientific Research, Education, Culture and Aid to the Underprivileged and centres which propel ideas and proposals in order to meet the great challenges that involve the cultural roots and future of our society.

FondazioneFondazione Roma-Mediterraneo operates in the fields of Socio-economic RomaDevelopment, Education, Arts and Intercultural Dialogue in Mediterranean countries, encouraging and supporting joint projects with organisations in the region that revive shared values and lead to the achievement of a common Mediterranean identity.

Though recently established, the Foundation has already accomplished several projects in this direction all of which are distinguished for their structural and systematic goals. The International Conference “Mediterraneo: Porta d’Oriente (The Mediterranean: Gateway to the East)”, held in in May 2010 and attended by Nobel Prize laureates, economists, sociologists and artists from the Mediterranean region, is amongst the most outstanding projects.

In the field of intercultural dialogue the Fondazione Roma Mediterraneo supports annual international artistic events such as the ‘Romaeuropa Festival’, a variety of musical, dance and theatre performances held in Rome in autumn, and the Taormina Film Fest, an international review of the most significant films, held in June.

In the field of education, the Foundation meets youth’s needs by contributing to the establishment of innovative training courses, such as a Master’s Degree Course in Peace and Mediterranean Development Cooperation Policies, accomplished in partnership with the Università per stranieri ‘Dante Alighieri’ in Reggio Calabria, and the Master’s Degree Course in Theology of Religions specialising in Mediterranean Religions and Cultures, held in the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.

For the purpose of fostering socio-economic growth in the Mediterranean, the Foundation contributes to the accomplishment of projects such as: the ‘World Day for Cultural Diversity’, established in 2002 when UNESCO adopted the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity and organised by the Italian National Commission for UNESCO and Fondazione Roma- Mediterraneo; ‘One more step towards peace’, which aims to contribute to the peace process in the Middle East by investing in the education of the young generations; ‘Appreciation of Sicilian

Pag.94 Igor Mitoraj, Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, 15th April - 30th November 2011 To the right, Bandaged and cracked Eros, 2002, bronze, 225x370x290 cm. To the right, Fallen Icarus, 2011, bronze, 256x494x257 cm

A view of the courtyard in the building where the Sicilian Society for Chairman, Professor Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele, National History Headquarters and the Fondazione Roma-Mediterraneo’s with the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Shirin Ebadi, representative office are situated. The conference during the conference ‘The Mediterranean: Gateway to the East’ ‘The Mediterranean: Gateway to the East’ was held in this building

Fondazione Roma - Mediterranean Region - Pag.95 artistic traditions and handicrafts’ pertaining to embroidery and coral artefacts, by means of vocational training courses for Maghreb and Sicilian women which ensure that they are handed down whilst creating career opportunities and ‘Look-out’, a Web TV that encourages integration by means of advanced technology.

Fondazione Roma-Mediterraneo also supports the accomplishment of essential refurbishment and restoration projects concerning buildings with a high symbolic value such as the Mar Musa al-Habashi Monastery, located a few kilometres from Damascus, and the Basilica of Saint Augustine of Hippo, situated on a hilltop in Annaba, Algeria.

Through the representative offices in Palermo, Valencia and Rabat, the Foundation has undertaken a cultural path that, crossing Sicily and Spain, reaches the southern shore of the Mediterranean, using art and culture as an instrument for universal dialogue. This is accomplished also by promoting and organising prestigious exhibitions, such as that of the Polish artist Igor Mitoraj which opened in April 2011 in the archaeological and landscaped Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, arranged along the Sacred Way, in the presence of the templa, in a harmonic union between Modern and Ancient times.

Thus, the Fondazione Roma-Mediterraneo is anchored to the most important cultural traditions that mark the Mediterranean and aspires to contribute to the reinstatement, in our times, of the greatness of the civilization that originated on the shores of this sea.

The Foundation’s ‘Appreciation of Sicilian artistic traditions and handicrafts’ project. Women embroidering

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The conference ‘The Mediterranean: Gateway to the East’. The Whirling Dervishes of the Turkish group Konya Tasa Vuff Muzigi Ve Sema perform in Piazza San Domenico in Palermo during the Conference

Fondazione Roma and Aid to the Underprivileged

Fondazione Roma Fondazione Roma-Terzo Settore

The last chief sector in which the Fondazione Roma performs its activities, Aid to the Underprivileged, is managed by the Fondazione Roma-Terzo Settore. The Fondazione Roma, as advocated by the Chairman, Professor Emanuele, established this foundation in 2008 by merging Fondazione Italiana per il Volontariato (FIVOL, founded in 1991) and Fondazione Europa Occupazione: Impresa e Solidarietà (FEO, founded in 1995). As a foundation specialised in aid to the underprivileged, this Foundation operates according to two main Fondazioneguidelines: Roma - support, either independently or by means of calls for proposals, projects of public benefit in order to encourage the innovation of services and opportunities for employment, with priority to the sectors which are neglected or risk extinction and to underprivileged citizens. As a result the Foundation fosters the social value of non-profit organizations and the voluntary sector;

- perform research on topics related to solidarity and voluntary work and promote this culture by organizing events and attending local and national proceedings. In this way the foundation aims to transmit messages of high civil value for a wide spread active citizenship.

The Sportello della Solidarietà (Help Desk) is the flagship and vital junction of the Fondazione Roma-Terzo Settore and was created for the purpose of supporting and encouraging the accomplishment of projects based on the value of mutual assistance, social inclusion and advancement of the less fortunate classes. Between 2008 and 2010, a total of five-hundred and fifty grant applications meeting the formal requirements established in the call for proposals were submitted the Sportello della Solidarietà. This number had increased fourfold between the first and third year. Non-profit organizations operating in the Provinces of Rome (except for Civitavecchia and surrounding neighbourhood), Frosinone, Latina and L’Aquila may apply for a grant for projects in the fields of Health, Education and Training, Art and Culture and Scientific Research.

The Fondazione Roma-Terzo Settore likewise encourages and supports voluntary work of all kinds and in all fields, according to the principles of social participation, mutual assistance and pluralism sanctioned by the Italian Constitution. Therefore, the Foundation drives projects aimed at social progress in order to re-establish community involvement and a sustainable welfare system and has undertaken to interact with national and international organisations and institutions having similar purposes so as to form a network and encourage civil society to assume responsibilities.

Pag.102 The Foundation is mainly engaged in large self-managed projects involving a considerable financial commitment in order to ensure solid lasting results, such as the ‘Paralympic Project’, implemented with the rowing club, Circolo Canottieri Aniene, and ‘Wheelchair Fencing’, established in association with Rome’s fencing club, Club scherma Roma, which have a high social value.

Labsus, the schools department of Rome’s district council The Fondazione Roma-Terzo Settore is a partner of Smile Train Italia Onlus, and the Fondazione Roma-Terzo Settore implement the project in the project ‘Reception and smiles’ Children in developing countries “School for a civil maintenance of public goods” afflicted with serious facial deformities and war-related burns receive Students in the Liceo Righi in Rome cleaning the school’s walls surgical treatment free of charge

Fondazione Roma - Aid to the Underprivileged - Pag.103

Beijing Paralympic games 2008. On the podium from the left, the two athletes from the Circolo Canottieri Aniene, Paola Protopapa who won the gold medal in rowing Aid for L’Aquila

In the field of Aid to the Underprivileged, the Fondazione Roma supported the citizens of L’Aquila who had been affected by an earthquake on April 6th 2009. Once again, the ‘challenge of rebuilding’ had been undertaken by private citizens. Don Luigi Maria Epicopo, vicar apostolic for cultural heritage, explained that this is a colossal and complex enterprise that aims to “retrieve the practical aspects of the city, especially in the pulsating historical centre”.

Within weeks the Fondazione Roma allocated a considerable sum to the restoration of a Fondazionemonument or building of public interest that had been damaged by the earthquake.Roma The Foundation’s experts performed an inspection of the site and, in agreement with the archdiocese of L’Aquila, decided to assign Euro 2.9 million to the restoration of the Church of San Biagio in Amiternum, situated close to the Piazza del Duomo.

In consideration of the historical, social and ecclesiastic significance of this building, which dates back to the early thirteenth century, the choice was not arbitrary and reflects the principles behind all of the Foundation’s projects: concern for spirituality as an incentive for congregation, protection of local archaeological heritage, enhancement of cultural and artistic activities and socialisation as a driver of harmony and mutual aid. Indeed, San Biagio in Amiternum is both a church and a meeting centre for the entire community of L’Aquila. The works for the reconstruction of this church commenced in January 2011 and shall be completed at the end of 2012.

Pag.106 L’Aquila, 15th March 2010. A scene from the ceremony marking the The Church of San Biagio d’Amiterno in L’Aquila commencement of the restoration works of the Church of San Biagio d’Amiterno. Photo. The Chairman, Professor Emanuele, with ecclesiastical authorities

The interior of the Church of San Biagio d’Amiterno. To the right, the funerary monument to the Count Ludovico II (Lalle II) Camponeschi

Fondazione Roma - Aid to the Underprivileged - Pag.107 The courtyard in Palazzo Sciarra

This book has been published by the Fondazione Roma

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