east from station on the Great Western Rail. Post Office.-George Millward, Stoke St. Milborough. way. The chapel is a small building of stone in the Nor. sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through at 9.30 man style, consisting of chancel and nave: the south door. a.m. & are dispatched at 4. IS p.m. Postal orders ara way has an enriched arch of Late Norman date: the font issued here, but not paid. The nearest money order is cylindrical: the chancel arch is small: on the south side & telegraph office is at Burwarton of the chancel is a square recess: the pews are Jacobean. National School (mixed), built, with residence for maot€r, The living is a chapelry, annexed to the vicarage of Stoke in 1856, for 104 children; average attendance, 54; Chas. St. Milborough. The area is 850 acres; rateable value, J. West, master; Mrs. C. J. West, mistress £666; population in 1891 42. By Local Government Board Order, Upper and Lower Carriers to Ludlow.-Miss Massey, mono & sat.; Georg& Korncote were in 1884 transferred from Stoke St. Mil­ Edwards, mono wed. & sat.; Hall (from Clee St. Mar­ borough to Heath. garet's), mono wed. & sat.; Mr. J. Poyner, Stoke Bank. Letters through R.S.O. which is-with mono wed. & sat. New inn Burwarton-the nearest money order & telegraph office STOKE ST. MILBOROUGH. Jones George, farmer, Righleys M