INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-50 1899-1949 (5660-5709)

Prepared by Elfrida C. Solis-Cohen

Editorial Consultant: Harry J. Alderman, Director Blaustein Library, American Jewish Committee

KTAV PUBLISHING HOUSE, INC. NEW YORK Copyright 1967 American Jewish Committee

Library of Congress Catalogue Card No. 99-4040 Manufactured in of America FOREWORD The publication of the index to the first fifty volumes of the AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK opens to the student of Jewish affairs invaluable source material for the history and development of the Jewish community in the United States, as well as a record of Jewish life throughout the world. The first volume of the YEAR BOOK was published by the Jewish Publication Society of America in 1899, when European Jews flee- ing poverty, restriction, and oppression were beginning to form their communal organizations on this continent. The YEAR BOOK'S first editor was Cyrus Adler. He and the publishers saw the YEAR BOOK as a cohesive force in the American Jewish community and as a source of authoritative information for the general community. In 1907 the Jewish Publication Society reluctantly decided to cease publication with its tenth volume, because the YEAR BOOK had be- come too complex and costly an undertaking. Dr. Adler was already a leader of the American Jewish Com- mittee, which had come into existence a year earlier. More than anyone else it was he who won the Committee's support, and since then the Committee, in partnership with the Jewish Publication Society, has continued the YEAR BOOK'S publication. When the American Jewish Committee took over the compila- tion and editing of the YEAR BOOK, it began to use its pages also to focus public attention on certain problems confronting Jews, which were presented in the form of special articles, and to give broader coverage to the foreign scene. The YEAR BOOK can boast of a distinguished group of early editors. Before AJC, Dr. Adler and the illustrious Henrietta Szold, either singly or jointly, edited the book. Then came Herbert Friedenwald, AJC's first secretary, who edited five volumes, and after him Harry G. Friedman, Herman Bernstein, Joseph Jacobs, Dr. Adler again, and Samson D. Oppenheimer. Altogether, the YEAR BOOK had had six editors before Harry Schneiderman, who had assisted in preparing volumes 11 to 20, from 1909 through 1918, took over the editorship in 1919. He continued in this ca- pacity until 1949, and volume 50, when he retired. Morris Fine was his co-editor during the final two years. Under Harry Schneiderman's guidance the YEAR BOOK under- went a remarkable development. He is still with us, and our ambi- tion, as we edit each successive volume, is that it shall take its place in the worthy lineage over which he presided for so long. We pray that he may be with us for many years—and volumes—to come. Morris Fine Milton Himmelf arb August, 1967 Editors

PREFACE We present here an alphabetical, analytical index to the contents of the first fifty volumes of the AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK. It covers the period when American Jewry was becoming the leader, spokesman, and philanthropist for Jews the world over. Here the American Jewish Committee played a leading role. As the early YEAR BOOKS had no index, this volume provides a key to the understanding of events of Jewish interest and of Jewish personalities all over the world during the period covered. Every effort had been made to provide ready access to the facts and infor- mation contained in these fifty volumes. Verbosity has been shunned, and an unnecessary multiplicity of entries avoided by the generous use of cross-references. The scope of the index, while in general quite broad, has neces- sarily been subjected to limitations imposed by practicability and common sense, particularly in view of the changes in content and editorial treatment over the fifty volumes. Certain features, such as the reviews of the year, special articles, obituaries, biographical sketches (in the very early volumes), have been fully indexed. The Annual Reports of the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Publication Society of America have been more selectively indexed to bring out substantive rather than routine matters, special atten- tion being paid to addresses, statements, and documents included in the reports. With respect to the recurrent annual features, such as directories of organizations and periodicals, statistics, bibliographies, necrolo- gies, listings of appointments, honors, elections, special bequests and gifts, etc., no analytical indexing was attempted. Such features are included in the index only under their generic headings or gen- eral subjects. The first twenty volumes of the YEAR BOOK were not numbered. For reasons of consistency and ease of reference, numbers have been supplied for these volumes and are listed in a special table giving all the volume numbers with their corresponding years, both Hebrew and civil. Especial thanks are due to Professor Salo W. Baron of for his helpful suggestions; to Harry J. Alderman; to Harry Schneiderman, editor of the AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK for many years; to Morris Fine and Milton Himmelfarb, the present editors, and to Mrs. Stella Ettlinger, of the YEAR BOOK staff, who prepared the stencils for the original index. Elfrida C. Solis-Cohen

Key to Volume Numbers

1 - 5660 1899/1900 26 - 5685 - 1924/1925

2 - 5661 1900/1901 27 - 5686 - 1925/1926

3 - 5662 1901/1902 28 - 5687 - 1926/1927

1+ - 5663 1902/1903 29 - 5688 - 1927/1928

5 - 5664 1903/1901+ 30 - 5689 • 1928/1929 6 - 5665 19O1+/19O5 31 - 5690 - 1929/1930

7 - 5666 1905/1906 32 - 5691 - 1930/1931

8 - 5667 1906/1907 33 - 5692 - 1931/1932

9 - 5668 1907/1908 34 - 5693 - 1932/1933 1908/1909 10 - 5669 35 - 5694 - 1933/1934 11 - 5670 1909/1910 36 - 5695 • 1934/1935 12 - 5671 1910/1911 37 - 5696 - 1935/1936

13 - 5672 1911/1912 38 - 5697 - 1936/1937 U+ - 5673 1912/1913 39 - 5698 - 1937/1938

15 - 5674 1913/1911+ Uo - 5699 • 1938/1939

16 - 5675 191U/1915 i+i - 5700 - 1939/1940 17 - 5676 1915/1916 1*2 - 5701 - 1940/1941 18 - 5677 1916/1917 43 - 5702 - 1941/1942 19 - 5678 1917/1918 hh - 5703 • 1942/1943 20 - 5679 1918/1919 U5 - 5704 - 1943/194U 21 - 5680 1919/1920 46 - 5705 - 1944/1945 22 - 5681 1920/1921 47 - 5706 - 1945/1946 23 - 5682 1921/1922 1+8 - 5707 - 1946/1947 21+ - 5683 1922/1923 49 - 5708 - 1947/1948

25 - 5684 1923/1924 5o - 5709 - 1948/1949 List of Abbreviations of Organizations

AMPAL American Palestine Trading Corporation

HIAS Hebrew Sheltering & Immigrant Aid Society

HICEM HIAS--IGA Emigration Association

ICA Jewish Colonization Association

IRO International Refugee Organization

ITO Jewish Territorial Organization

JDC Joint Distribution Committee

JPS Jewish Publication Society of America

JWB Jewish Welfare Board

ORT Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training

OSE Oeuvre pour Secour des Enfants Israelites

PCIRO Preparatory Commission for the International Refugee Organization

UJA United Jewish Appeal

UNRRA Relief & Rehabilitation Administration

UNSCOP United Nations Special Committee on Palestine




AARON, , biographical sketch, ABRAHAM, Abraham, data concerning, 7:33; AARON, Marcus, on Pittsburgh Board on Executive Committee of of Education, li).:27i+; 25:119; New York Jewish Community, LOT-321; 11:49 receives honorary degree from ABRAHAM, Albert, in Oregon University of Pittsburgh, Senate, 13:276 26:130 ABRAHAM, Victor, data concerning, AARON, Max, in Pennsylvania 7:33 Legislature, 19:21+9 ABRAHAMS, S»M., in House of AARONS, Charles L., president of Representatives, 9:477 Milwaukee School Board, ABRAHAMS, Israel, compiles 12:322; on Wisconsin Bench, "Selected Hebraica and 33:111 Judaica," 2:626-635; AARONSOHN, Aaron, discovers wild 3:160-177; 4:147-167; wheat in Palestine, 11+: 32- 5:165-188; 6:318-348; 3k; 17:81 letter to JPS on its 25th AARONSON, Isador, in Maryland anniversary, 15:42-43; Legislature, 33:111 address before 35th annual ABBEY, Adolph, data concerning, meeting of JPS, 25:441-452; 6:211+ obituary by Herbert Loewe, ABBOTT, Lyman, signs Christian 28:219-234; protest against anti- portrait, facing, 28:219; Jewish propaganda, 21+: 331+ attitude toward , ABDUL Hadi, Auni Bey, testifies 28:223-224; before British Royal Com- tributes to, 28:225-234 mission, 39:471+ ABRAHAMS, Mannie, Chicago alder- ABDULLAH, Emir, pledges support man, 15:254 » to Palestine Arabs, 38:255; ABRAMOWITZ, Herman, obituary of becomes King of Trans Jordan, Samual William Jacobs by, 41:95-110 48:377; ABRAMOWITZ, Jacob, biographical testifies to Jewish achieve- sketch, 5:41 ments in Palestine, ABRAMS, A.H., in Kansas Assembly, 1+8:379-380 13:276 ABELES, Morris, bequest to Ameri- ABRAMS, Abba, field representa- can Jewish Committee, 36:1+61 tive of American Jewish Com- ABELSON, Alter, data concerning, mittee, 37:448; 5:1+1 reports by, 38:641-642; 39: ABELSON, Nathan S., on New York 792-793 City Bench, 36:252 ABRAMS, Albert, data concerning, ABEHDBLATT, Das, New York 6:54 weekly, 26": 171 -2- ABRAMS, Carl, in Oregon Assembly, ACADEMIC Friends of Hebrew 13:276 University, 1+3:521 ABRAMS, Henry, in Indiana Legis- ACADEMY for Adult Jewish Education lature, 23:122 organized, 3l+:37 ABRAMS, Israel A,, director of ACADEMY for Jewish Musio estab- Hebrew Institute and lished, 1+6:122 Affiliated Schools, ACH, Samuel, on Cleveland Board Pittsburgh, 1+3:1+5 of Education, 16:1514- ABRAMS, Lewis A., on ACHDUT Haavodah. See United Labor Bench, 38:1+02 Zionist Party ABRAMSON, Harold A., wins U.S. Army ACHESON, Dean, amends UNRRA con- award, 1+9:595 stitution to include Jewish ABRAMSON, Isidor, on faculty of needs, 1+7:1+85; New York University, 17:211+ wishes human rights safeguarded ABRAMSON, Leon, in Maryland Legis- in international treaties, lature, 33:111 1+8:1+28; ABROGATION of treaty with , interview with American Jewish urged by American Jewish Committee in behalf of refu- organizations, 13:1+6-50, gees, 1+8:628 51-53, 5^-55; ACKERMAN, Joseph N., in Ohio proceedings in Congress relating Senate, 33:111; 35:105 to, 13:55-56, 57-58, 87-nS; ACKERMAN, Louis, on Cleveland 11+: 297; 15:1+1+1-1+1+2; Bench, 36:252 Pres. Taft calls conference on, ACTIONS Committee of the Labour 13:56; Zionist Movement in Canada, approved by many state legis- 1+5:1+95; 1+7:611 latures, 13:60; l!+:297; ADDAMS, Jane, signs Christian pro- diplomatic precedents for, test against anti-Jewish 13:60-62; propaganda, 2l+:331| urged by , ADEE, Alva A., passport question 13:81^-87; 32:32-33; in diplomatic correspondence chronology of events leading to, of, 6:297, 298-299 ll+:196-210; l5:l+39-W+3; ADDISON, Victoria. See_ Peixotto, efforts of American Jewish Com- Victoria Maud mittee for, ll+:296-298, 308; ADELBERG, Abraham A., mayor of 18:31+2-31+6; 3l+:327-328; 1+2: Cedarhurst, L.I., 33:111 91+-95; ADELMAN, Joseph, select councilman approved by American public of Philadelphia, 20:162 opinion, 15:238-239; 18:61+; ADEN, anti-Jewish excesses in, endorsed by major political 1+2:1+1+3; 50:1+1+0-1+1+1 parties, 15:14+2; 19:1+59-1+60 ADLER, Charles S., presidential ABT, Jacob J., data concerning, elector, 10:117; 11:11+5 7:3U ADLER, Clarence, given honorary ABYSSINIA, the Falashas of, 3:22; degree by Cincinnati College 11:67; 16:167; of Music, 1+0:356 efforts to aid Jews of, 10:203; ADLER, Cyrus, collects data on 15:275; 18:301-302; Jewish participation in facilitates holiday observance Spanish-American War, 2:527- by Jews, 27:28 528; 20:103; ACADEMIC Committee for Hebrew and the American Jewish Year University, 1(1+: 359; 1+7:560 Book, 2:61+9-650; 39:855; ACADEMIC Council for Hebrew 1+2:61+, 702-706; 50:86, 87, 88; University, 1+9:61+3; 50:51j-9 -3- ADLER, Cyrus (cont.) ADLSR, Cyrus (cont.) Jewish organizational activity, suggests radio for Jewish cul- 4:14-22; 10:117; 15:449-450; tural education, 27:39-40; 16 -408-14.10; l8:29M-,362-36J+; activities in behalf of Jews 21:681-6814.; 32:288-289; 39: abroad, 32;68-69; 33:366-367; 152; 14-1:152; i+2:!+8, 57, 68-72, 34:295-297; 39:807; 40:620- 74-75, 78-85, 101-102, 112- 621; 42:71-72, 100; 118, 135, 715-716; prepares data on historical president of Jewish Theological connection of Jewish people Seminary of America, 4;l4-22; with Wailing Wall, 32:137; 45:58, 63; 42:134,' editor American Jewish Year opposes American Jewish and Book, 1-5, 18; co-editor with World Jewish Congress, 34:30; Henrietta; Szold, 6, 7; 38:208,209; 42:98-100; biographical data on, 6:54-55, attitude toward Palestine and 14-2:23-29, 33-35, 42, 44-45, Zionism, 34:91; 40:108, 109, 46, 61, 77, 111-112, 139-114-1; 619; 42:42-43, 125-134, 138- 43:732, 733; 139; 43:734; 46:42; literary activity, 6:386; 25: denies existence of interna- 381; 42:51-53, 62-63, 65-66, tional Jewish movement, 71, 72, 76, 95; 35:62-63; career at the Smithsonian refutes attack on patriotism of Institute, 7:189; 42:36-41, American Jews, 35:292-293; 47-48, 60-61; message to 29th annual meeting president of Dropsie College, of American Jewish Committee, 10:117; 14-5:58; 38:599; efforts for minority rights in refutes Hitler's identification Balkan states, 16:386; of Jews with Communism, 42:95-96; 38:625; friendship with Schechter, 75th birthday celebrated, 18:35; 42:45-46, 58-60, 41:232; 70-72, 112; portrait, 42:frontispiece; finds Hebrew fragments in Cairo obituary by Abraham A, Neuman, Genlzah, 18:44; 42:23-144; represents American Jewish Com- friendship with mittee in Congress--Conference 42:46-47; matter, 18:316-3173 influences Jewish scholarship active in publication of Jewish in U.S., 42:52-55, 57; classics, 19:533-533; 42:108; 45:52,53, 59; representative of American Jew- relations with State Department ish Committee at Paris Peace and Presidents, 42:66-67, Conference, 21:190; 42:100, 72-73, 92-93; 118-125; as a Jewi3h leader, 42:67-68; gathers data on American Jewish discovers Jefferson Bible, 42: organizations, 22:31-32; 75-76; 40:76, 78, 82; friendship with Moses A. Dropsfe honors and appointments con- 42:81-82; ferred on, 23:123; 32:142; influence on Philadelphia, 42: 35:105; 40:356; 42:142-143; 86-91; 43:734; 4&O19; safeguards antiquities of Dan- non-Jewish organizational zig Jewish Museum, 42:101; activity, 25:119; 26:130; aids appointment of rabbis as chaplains in World War I, 42:103, 104; -k-

ADLER, Cyrus Ccont.) ADLER, Julius Ochs, chevalier of aids Bible of JPS, the French Legion of Honor, k2:105-108, 693-697; 22:150; stimulates creation of the on New York Boy Scouts Execu- Hebrew Press, k2:108-110, tive- Board, [J.l:396; 700-701; awarded Princeton Alumni tributes to, k2:lk3, 688-689, medal, k2:k62 698-699, 728-735; ADLER, Llebman, portrait, facing, on Pres. Roosevelt's cooperative 15:36 religious effort for peace, ADLER, Louis, on Providence, R.I., k2:lk3-lkk, 273, U56, k62; City Council, 39:563 death mourned by American Jewry, ADLER, Max, data concerning, 1+2:315; 7:3k memorial resolutions on, k2:705, ADLER, Michael, article, "The 707, 7ik-7l5; Story of British Jewry in among first to recognize threat the War," 21:98-119 in Nazism, (4-3:731, 732; ADLER, Sarah, marries Wolf Wolf- gifts to Dropsie College Lib- insohn, k2:77 rary, tj.5:87; ADLER, Simon L., in New York articles and addresses by, Assembly, 13:276; Ik:27k? 15:101-121; 18:25-67; 23:21- 15:25k; 16:15k; 17:21k; 19: 6k; 26:k59-k71; 29:lk5-l55; 2k9; 20:162; 23:123; 2k:8k; 32:21-55; 3k:3i7-335; 35:139- 25:119; 26:130; lkk; 39:lk9-177; kO:23-kO; on New York Bench, 30:72; k0:617-62k; kl:6k9-65k 33:26; 3k:23k; k3:6k3; ADLER, David, member of National 5O:6kk Institute of Arts and ADLERMAN, Israel, on New York Letters, k8:k71 Bench, 35:105 ADLER, Elkan, letter to JPS on its ADLERSTEIN, Fanny, article, 25th anniversary, l5:kki "Assistance to Overseas library acquired by Jewish Communities," k3:88-97 Theological Seminary, 25:k3; ADLOW, Elijah, in k5:71-72; Legislature, 23:123; 32:lk2 memorial resolutions of JPS on, ADULT education, Jewish activity k9:P.::S in, 28:38-39; 31:13k, 135, ADLER, EA^ier, awarded American 137; 3k:37; 38:69-72; 39:100- Institute of Graphic Arts 103; k3:5k, 55, 57; k7:25o- medal, 50:50k 25k; 5o:i9i ADLER, Felix, data concerning, B'nai B'rith launches plan for, 6:55; 38:235; on faculty of University of growing interest in, k3:38 Berlin, 9:k7k; ADULT Jewish Studies, National awarded honorary degree by Academy for, data concerning, Columbia University, 32:lk2 k'3:57O ADLER, Harry, on faculty of Uni- program, kk:103 versity of Maryland, 12:322 ADLER, Harry, in Naw Jersey Legis- AFGHANISTAN, anti-Jewish manifes- lature, 37:226 tations in, 36:2k0; 38:380; ADLER, Herman M., on faculty of 5O:k39 University of Illinois, 22:150 ADLER, Jacob P., data concerning, 6:55 -5- AFRICA, statistics on Jewish popu- AGRICULTURE, The Jew in (cont. ) lation, 15:1+23 et seq.; See also under Agricultural Jewish population increases, colonies; Jewish Agricultural l+l+:177;" 50:698; and Industrial Aid Society; War Refugee Board establishes Jewish Agriculturists' Aid camp in, 14-7:211; Society of America; National See also Italian Africa; Worth Farm School Africa, and under individual AGRICULTURE, Jews in, in U.S., countries immigrants active in, 12:35- AGAR, John G., signs Christian pro- 36, 1+9-50, 61+-65, 66; 50:21; test against anti-Jewish societies for promotion of, lt+: propaganda, 2i4_:33i|- 58, 67-76; 37:117-122; 1+0:\5k; AGAT, Isaiah, biographical sketch, 1+1:229; 5:1+1 activity of, ll+:76-78; 37:99- AGED, homes for, 31:253; 32:206- 131+; 39:59-60; 1+0:151; 1+1:229; 207; distinguished names among, organizational activity in be- Il+:io6-io8; half of, 39:100; 128-129; effect of depression on, 37: functional planning for, 50:125; 113-111+; See also Homes for the aged and engage in industry, 37:lll+-117; the young sociological study of, 37:128- AGRICULTURAL activities of the Jews In America, article by 133; Leonard G. Robinson, ll+:21- See also Woodbine, N.J. 115 AGRO Joint. See American Jewish AGRICULTURAL and Industrial Aid Joint Agricultural Corpora- tion Society, work of, Lj.:37 AGUDATH Israel of America organi- AGRICULTURAL colonies in the zed, 1+2:306; United States, l+:76; ll+:55- data concerning, 1+2:1+95 et seq.; 67, 79-100; conference on wartime reli- in Latin America, 6:67; ll+:l+5- gious problems, 1+5:11+2; 50; does not participate In 191+1+ in Palestine and elsewhere in American Jewish Conference, ..the Orient, 1I+.-23-35; 17:29, 1+6:91; 81-81).; calls for unity of action on in Europe, 11+: 36-1+2,1+1+; 31:378- refugee problem, 1+6:92; 379; joins in presenting program to in Canada, 11+: 50-51+; 27:192-201; UN San Francisco Conference, in Australia, 16:168 1+7:303, 1+89; 1+8:623; AGRICULTURAL Corporation. See overseas relief activity, American Jewish Joint Agri- 1+8:121+; cultural Corporation asked by State Department for AGRICULTURAL schools,^established opinion on report of Anglo- by Alliance Israelite Uni- Committee of Inquiry, 1+8:1+19; verselle, 2:61-63; ll+:l+l,l+2, on Jewish Agency Executive, IOI4.-IO6; 1+9:519 statistics on, 3-:132,133 AGUDATH Israel, National Council AGRICULTURE, Jewish activity in, of Pirchei, 50:51+9 1:15; k-35-37, 111-118; 6:38- AGUDATH Israel Women's Organiza- 39; 21+:33; 25:55-56; 27:58-62; tion, 1+6:1+19 et seq. 29:62-63,66; AGUDATH Israel World Organization, stimulated by Yiddish press, conflict with Zionist Organi- 26:265-270, 31+0-31+1; zation, 25:69; promoted by Rabbi Krauskopf, 26:1+1+1-1+1+2; -6- AGUDATH Israel (oont.) ALABAMA, University of, inter- Palestinian and other activi- faith fellowship established ties, 26:77-78; 28:89,91,137; at, 1+3:121+ conventions, 27:87; 32:139; 39: , wealthy Jewish refugee i4.96-l4.97; 14.0:3*4-8; *+3:33; Jews welcome in, 37=185; opposes woman suffrage, 28:91; first Jewish community recog- participates in 1939 London nized in, 39:351+; Conference, 14.1:335; Jews ordered to depart from, executive center transferred 1+3:200 from London to New York, ALAN Dale. See Cohen, Alfred J. 1+3:33; ALASKA, religious services held approves creation of united in, 1+:21; front in Palestine, 1414.:XO0; Sunday law in, 10:151+ calls conference to strengthen ALBERT, Herman M., in New York Judaism, 1+5:11+2; Legislature, 32:11+2 et seq. opposed to partition of Pales- ALBERTA, first Jewish settlers in, tine, (+.7:219-220; 27:172-173 among signers of recommenda- ALBRIGHT, William P., tribute to tion to I9I47 Paris Peace Herbert Friedenwald,. Conference, 1+9 :S66 1+6:52-53 AGUDATH Israel Youth Council of ALCALAY, I., article, on "The America, data concerning, Jews of Serbia," 20:75-87 35:171 et seq.; ALCHULER, George W., in Illinois plans to meet religious needs Assembly, 13 :276 of veterans, I4.7:219 ALDERMAN, Harry J., compiles AGUDATH Hamorlm, aids Hebrew edu- "American Jewish Bibliography,'1 cation in America, 1+5:161 1+3:59-71; 1+1+:3O3-318 AGTJILOR Free Library Association ALDERMAN, I., on New York Bench, helps organize Educational 36:252 Alliance, New York, 1+6:75,76 ALDERMAN, L.R., superintendent of AGUNAH, proposed revision of laws Portland, Ore., public on. 37:163-1614.; 38:233-231+, schools, 19:214.9 31+8; 39:271; 1+2:321; ALEPH Zadik Aleph - American Jew- See also Marriage; Widows ish Economic Commission, AHAD Ha'am. See Glnzberg, Asher 37:275? 1+0:1+09 AHAWAS Israel, Independent Order, ALEPH Zadik Aleph International 3:115; 15:368-369 Committee on Scouting, 37s AHUZAH movement aids development 276; 1+14.-.359 of Palestine, 17:73-71+ ALEPH Zadik Aleph National Com- AID Association for Ex-Patients mittee on Scouting, data con- of Tubercular Sanatoriums, cerning, 1+2:14.96; 1+3:537; 22:292. For later references, B'nai B'rith active in, 1+5:113; see Ex-Patients Tubercular See also Boy Scouts Home ALEPH Zadik Aleph of the B'nai AlX-la-Chapelle, Conference of, B'rith, data concerning, Jewish rights at, 19:131-133 27:271+; 1+6:1+20; ALABAMA, statistical data on Jews educational program, 1+3:53; and Jewish activities in, youth organization, 1+5:108,109; 3:128; 30:180; 1+2:239; war service activities, 1+5:116, Sunday law in, 10:152,171-172; anti-Jewish manifestations in, ALEXANDER, David, biographical 35:63 sketch, 5:1+1 -7- ALEXAWDER, George E., on Alaska ALIENS (cont.) Bench, 36:252 charged in 1873 with responsi- ALEXANDER Kohut Memorial Founda- bility for crime in U.S., tion, data concerning, 12:92-93; 32:161 et seq.; and proposal for identification aids Jewish scholars, 45:64; cards for, 27:66; 28:69-70; publications, 45:165 30:26; 32:286; ALEXANDER, Moses, Governor of American Jewish Committee Idaho, 17:214; 19:249; 33:267 opposes proposed bill for de- et seq. portation, 28:443-446; ALEXANDRIA, Jewish refugees from agitation in European countries Palestine in, organize mili- against, 28:483; 41:244-245; tary unit, 21:123 42:452; ALFELD, E. Milton, in Maryland Pres. Coolidge repudiates pre- Legislature, 16:154 judice against, 29:407; ALGECIRAS Conference, question of restrictions in Latin America Jewish rights at, 8:90,92, against, 46:190; 251; 19:155-160 See also Immigrants; Immigrants, ALGERIA, anti-Semitism in, 1:23; Jewish 23:156; 38:265; ALIENS, enemy, Jewish refugees Jewish affairs in, 2:17; 3:19; classed among, in Latin 5:24; 46:219-220; 49:118, America, 44:289-290 440-441; ALIENS, registration of, opposed by Jews, 27:66, 437-439; work of Alliance Israelite Uni- verselle in, 2:56; 10:203; 29:407; 31:340-344; 33:57, 46:215; 346-347; 34:284-285; JDC aids Jews in, 19:224; Chicago Immigrant's Protective Jews fight for France in World League issues statement War I, 21: 68-75; against, 27:438-439; anti-Jewish excesses in, 28:115; agitation concerning, 28:69-70; 39:319; 43:158-159; 44=200; considered by Congress, 30:274; Nazi activity in, 37:174; 42:443; American Jewish Committee fomenters of anti-Jewish out- opposes Michigan law on, break condemned, 38:264; 35:290 Jews ask franchise for Moslems, ALL-DAY schools for Jewish educa- 39:320, tion, in New York City, data anti-Jewish legislation in, concerning, 38:55-59; 43:158; 44:199-200; high school department, 38:65; Jews win rights as citizens, growth, 38:89 46:158-159,217,567,568 ALLEN, Max, in Massachusetts ALIENS, in Hew York institutions, Senate, 33:111 11:56; ALLENBY, Sir Edmund H.H., com- Police Commissioner Bingham mander of British forces in retracts charges against, Palestine campaign, 21:133, 11:62-63,250; 134,135,139; criminality denied, 12:22-27; captures Jerusalem, 21:138; illiteracy among, 12:26-27; gift to Palestine Restoration industrial and agricultural Fund, 23:179 opportunities for, 12:47-48; ALLIANCE Israelite Universelle, certificates for residence American branches, 1:34-35? opposed by Louis Marshall, joins Central Committee, 2:16? 12:52-54; article, by Jacques Bigart, 2:45-65; -8- ALLIANCE Israelite Universelle (cont) ALOE, Louis P., on St,Louis Board organization 2:1+6-1+8; of Freeholders, 15:251+; struggles for emancipation of president of St. Louis Board of Jews, 2:1+8-53; Aldermen, 19:21+9; 21:199 fights charge of ritual murder. ALPERW, Louis, on Pittsburgh 2:51+-55; Bench, 12:322 educational work, 2:55-64-; 11+s ALPERT, Samuel, awarded Carnegie 23-2l+,35; 17:116,239; 25:33; Hero Medal, 39:563 26:31+; 27:39; 28:37; 29:33-31+; ALPHA Epsilon Phi Sorority, data data concerning, 2:67; 22:292; concerning, 26:l+72yet seq.; activities in behalf of oppres- activities, 33:198-199 sed Jews, 5:18,109,111,il2; ALPHA Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 9:533; 26:62; 33:72-73; 23:215 et seq, protests against Russia's abuse ALPHA Eta Phi, 1+2:1+97, et seq, of American passports, 5:110; ALPHA Kappa Sigma National Legal general activities, 8:269-270; Fraternity, 1+0:1+11; 1+1:1+1+7 9:533-531].; 33:73; 1+6:215; ALPHA Mu Sigma Fraternity, 21:157; efforts in behalf of Jews of 1+9:61+1+ Abyssinia, 10:203; ALPHA Omepa Fraternity, 26:1+72- aids agricultural schools and 1+73, et seq. colonies, li+:23-21+, 35, 57, ALPHA Zeta Gamma Dental Fraternity, 59; 17:78; 27:19!+; 33:211+-2l5; 31+.-178-179 message to JPS on 25th anni- ALPHA Zeta Omega, 3l+:179, et seq. versary, 15:11+8; ALSACE-LORRAINE, patriotism of threatened by Turkey, 27:19U; Jews, 21:36: 22:60-68, 72- among signers of recommenda- 79; 22:53-?4,57-59,69-71; tion to 191+7 Paris Peace Jews of, 1370-1920, article, Conference, 1+9:566; 22:53-79; on Consultative Council of Jew- Jewish representatives in ish Organizations, 1+9:731 Chamber of Deputies. 22:5U- ALLIANCE Israelite Universelle of 55,71; America, Central Committee, religious tolerance in, 22:57- 1+2:1+96; 1+7:561; 58; See also American Friends of Nazis enact anti-Jewish decrees. Alliance Israelite Universelle 1+3:169; ALLIANCE Land Trust takes over effects of German occupation on interest of Hebrew Emigrant Jews, 1+7:73-71+; Aid Society in Alliance, N.J., See also France 111: 61+; ALSBERG, Karl L., heads Bureau of aided by English Jews, ll+:61+-65 Chemistry, 15:25!+ ALLIANCE, New Jersey, agricultural ALSCHULER, Alfred S., receives colony of Russian Jews in, award of Armour Institute of 11+: 63-65,83-81+; 37:106 Technology, 36:252 ALLIED Jewish Campaign, organiza- ALTERMAN, Meyer, in New York tion, 32:70; 33:29-30 Legislature, 25:120, et seq.. ALLMAN, Drue N., on faculty of ALTHEIKER, Benjamin, data con- Cornell University, 22:150 cerning, 7:31+ ALL-RUSSIAN Government promises ALTMAN, Benjamin, data concerning, civil and religious liberty, 6:56; 21:168; active in Educational Alliance, See also under Russia New York, 1+6:82 ALTMAN, Joseph, in New Jersey Legislature, 32:11+2,et aeq. -9- ALTMAN, Rebecca A., data concern- AMERICA, Jews of, (cont.) Ing, 6:56 efforts on behalf of European ALTMANN, Aaron, data concerning, coreligionists, 49:2l|4; 6 :56 See also United States, Jews of ALTSCHUL, Frank, report on Domes- AMIRICA First Committee, anti- tic Public Relations Acti- Semitic organization, J+3:108- vities of American Jewish 109; kk:l5l,152 Committee, i;7:698-7O3 /K'ibRICAN Academy for Jewish ALTSCHULER, Samuel, data concern- Research, data concerning, ing, 6:56; 23:215, et seq.; on Illinois Pench, 13:99; 33: activities, 143:56-57; 1|1|.:H5; 26I4.; 31+:231+; lt-3:6lj.3; 50:6L;(| organized, 1|.5:61|. AMALGAMATED Clothing Workers of AMERICA"'! Academy of Arts and America, opens banks, 25:51+; Sciences; to reconstruct needle industry interfaith activities, i|7:290 in Soviet Russia, 25:5^-55; AMERICAN Advisory Committee of has unemployment insurance plan, Hebrew University, data con- 26:55; cerning, 30:312? 32:172-173; and.labor-management relations, changes name to American 11-9:69,73,71;,75,76; Friends of Hebrew University, pioneer in social security, 39:194 14-9:77 AMERICAN Alumni of Hebrew Univer- AMBASSADORS, Jews serving as; sity, 14.1:1)49; U9:61|4 See under Diplomatic Service, •AMERICAN Association for Advance- Jews in ment of Science opposes AM3IJAN. 3ee American Birobidjan suppression of intellectual Committee liberty, 40:?2-93, 622 AMDUR, Bernard L., biographical AMERICAN Association for Jewish sketch, 5:1|1-1;2 Education, data concerning, AMEIC. See American Eretz Israel Ul:l|49, et seq.; Corporation activities, i;2:30U; lj.3:l;8; AMERICA, Jewish immigration coin- l;6:107; k7:228,229,2110,2^1; cident with discovery, [4:63; L;3:ll4.7-ll4-8; 149:168-170; 50: statistics on Jewish population, 150,156-157; 25:327, et seq.; achievements, 144:111-112 See also Latin America; North AMERICA'! Association of Colleges America; South America and opposes discrimination, individual countries 50:210 AMERICA, Jews of, 16514-1787. arti- AMERICAN Association of English- cle by Albert M. Priedenberg, Jewish Newspapers, L|.7:563; 28:193-218; i;9:64l4 struggle for civil and political AMERICAN Athletic Union and Ameri- privileges, 28:195,197,198; can particioation in Berlin contribute to non-Jewish causes, Olympics, 37:138-139 28:200; AMERICAN Beth Jacob Committee, active in French and Indian War, 36:303, et seq.. 28:201; A?'E,RICAN Biblical Lncyclopedia help develop Ohio territory, Society, \\b:\\22., et seq, 28:201,216; AMERICAN Birobidjan Committee, growth, 28:202; activity, 38:199-200; 142:281; in the professions, 28:2l!j.-2l5; data concerning, 38:I;51;, et seq.; organized, 39:21+6-21+7 -10- AMERICAN Chapter Religious Emer- AMERICAN Council for Judaism gency Council, Chief Rabbi organized, 1+5:11+1; British Empire, 1+7:563; attitude of Reform Judaism on, 1+9:61+5 14.5:1^2; 1+6:93-91+; AMERICAN Christian Committee for causes cleavage in American German Refugees, Jewry, 1+5:170; work of, 37 :ll+0; opposes Jewish nationalism, Nazi agitation over, 39:219-220; 1*5:213; 1+6:170; 1+7:223-221).; cooperates in Oswego, N.Y., 50:257; refugee settlement, 1+8:221 favors International Bill of AMERICAN Committee Appeal for the Human Rights, 1+7 :298; Jews in , 39:680; program, at UN San Francisco 1+1:1+1+9 Conference, 1+7:331; AMERICAN Committee for "Alumah" approves report of Anglo- Association for Jewish American Committee of Inquiry, Studies, Jerusalem, 1+1:1+50; 1+3:399,1+17,14-19; U3:526 asked by State Department for AMERICAN Committee for Hebrew opinion on report, 1+8:1+19; National and University- attitude on Great Britain's Library in Jerusalem, 23:290 Palestine policy, 1+9:21+6, AMERICAN Committee for Relief and 252,256; Resettlement of Yemenite Jews, loses ground, 50:176; 14.3:526, et seq, rift in, 50:259-259 AMERICAN Committee for Relief in AMERICAN Council for Warsaw Jews, the Near East, American Jewish 1+6:1+23, et seq. Committee protests discrimi- AMERICAN Council of Jewish Fra- natory circular by, 22:1+10 ternal Organizations, 37: AMERICAN Committee for Settlement 280, et seq. of Jews in Birobldjan. See AMERICAN Council of Jews from American Blrobidjan Committee Austria, 1+6:1+23; 1+7:561+ AMERICAN Committee for the VJeizmann AMERICAN Council of Jews from Institute of Science, Inc., Warsaw, data concerning, 1+9:61+5 1+9:61+6 AMERICAN Committee of Hebrew AMERICAN Council on Education, Teachers College of Jerusalem, report on secularization of 33:216; 38:U51+ education, 1+9:26 AMERICAN Committee of Jewish AMERICAN Economic Committee for Writers, Artists and Scien- Palestine, data concerning, tists, 1+6:1+22; 50:551 35:175, et seq.; AMERICAN Committee of OSE, data. work of, 30:206; 1+6:183; concerning, 33:218, et seq.; report by, 38:386 activities, i+3:9l+; AMERICAN Education Fellowship See also OSE opposes released time for AMERICAN Committee of the Universal religious instruction in pub- Yeshivah of Jerusalem, 31+: lic schools, 1+8:129 180, et seq. AMERICAN Imergency Committee for AMERICAN Committee on the Rights of Jewish Refugees, Religious Minorities protests activities, 30:313-316 against anti-Jewish propaganda in the United States, 21+: 332; protests anti-Jewish discrimina- tion in Poland, 1+0:101-102 -11- AMERICAN Emergency Committee for AMERICAN Friends of Hebrew Uni- Zionist Affairs, data con- versity, organized, 30:35; cerning, 1+1+: 362; 1+5:2-1-52; activities, I4.8:2l».X-2fi.2: disapproves American Jewish included in UJA, 1+9:136 Committee's statement on AMERICAN Friends of a Jewish Palestine, 1+5:212 Palestine, l+3:528--l+5:l|-53 AMERICAN Eretz Israel Corporation, AMERICAN Friends of Mexican 1+7:562, et seq,, Indian Jews, 1+6:1+21+ AMERICA*! Federation for Polish AMERICAN Friends of Polish Jews, Jews, l+6:l+23-l+2l+--l+9:6l+6 1+1+: 36 3-1+6:1+21+ AMERICAN Federation for Polish AMERICAN Friends Service Committee Jews, Women's Division, work in belligerent coun- i4-3:598--i+.7:6O7 tries, 1+3:89; AMERICAN Federation of Jewish aids refugees in Italy, 1+6:308; Territorial Organization, See also Quakers 8:106-107--l3:221 AMERICAN Fund for Palestinian AMERICAN Federation of Jews from Institutions, l+l+:363t et seq> Central Europe, 1+5:1+53, et seq, AMERICAN Guard, Nazi propaganda AMERICAN Federation of Labor paper, issued in Boston, opposes numerus clau3us at 31+: 29 Harvard, 25:91+; AMERICAN Hebrew, platform, 35:11+8; disapproves proposed registra- presents medal to La Guardia tion of aliens, 28:70; for promoting intergroup recommends boycott of German understanding, 39:265; goods 36:123,121+,127,131,133; urges formation of a Jewish 37:137; 38:191; 3^:226; Academy of America, 1+2:82; urges international action in represents Orthodox thought behalf of Jews of , in U.S., J+1+: 77,80 (n) (monthly) 33:191).; ArtLRICAN Humane Association, efforts in behalf of Jews of approves Shehitah, 25:26-27, Poland, 38:197; 380 Jewish social workers affilia- AMERICAN Hungarian Jewish Federa- ted with, 39:133; tion, 56:551 Jewish issue in conflict be- "AMERICAN Jew, The, as Patriot, tween CIO and, 39:256-257; Soldier, and Citizen," by condemns Nazi atrocities on Simon Wolf, 20:103 Jews, 14.5:191). AMLEICAW Jewish Assembly, name AMERICAN Federation of Lithuanian changed to American Jewish Jews, I|.2:5l5, et seq. Conference, 1+5:213 AMERICAN Federation of Teachers "AMI RICA»T Jewish Bibliography," protests anti-Jewish dis- compiled by Harry J. Alder- crimination in Polish uni- man, 1+3:59-71; 1+1+: 303-318; versities, 1+0:101 compiled by Iva Cohen, 1+5:1+31- AMERICAN Forward i-iovement opposes 1+1+6, et seq. Droposals to bar Jews, AMERICAN Jewish Committee, data 39:253 concerning, 9:25-31, et seq.; AMERICAN Friends of the Hebrew organized, 9:553,551).; 11:1)5; University, data concerning, l3:321+-329; 31:195; 31).: 319- 1+6:182-183, 1+21+ 321+; 50:77; AMERICA^ Friends of Alliance officers, Executive Committee, Israelite Universelle, members and districts, 9:553, 1+9:61+6; 50:550 et seq.; -12- AMERICAN Jewish Committee (oont.) AMERICAN Jewish Committee (cont.) efforts in behalf of Jews 20:376-380; 20:1+11-1+13,1+26- abroad, 9:535; 10:200,221,21+6, 1+32; 23:351+-355; 21+:3l+l+, 31+5- 21+7-21+8,256; 12:350-353; Ik- 356; 25:376-377; 26:61+l+-61+8; 302-303,3^5-306; 15:1+53; 16: 27:1+22-1+1+5; 28:1+39-1+68; 29: 382-38^,14.01; 17:152,153,359- 395-1+07; 30:272-276; 31 = 339- 365,370-371; 18:301-301)., 333- 31+6; 32:300-301; 33:31+5-31+7; 314-0, 31+7-351; 19:196-197,1+66; 3l+:282-231+; 35:290-291; 37: 20:371+, 376,393-391+; 21:622- 1+27-1+30; 38:628; 39:269,821+- 621+; 22:1+13-1+11+; 23:111+,116, 825; 1+0:613-611+; 330,351-353,355; 28:115; 29: memorial resolutions by, 10:21+7; 59,l+l6-l+21+,l+3l-l+38; 30:314.-35, 12:31+0,353; 11+: 1+^1-1+52; 16: 293-306; 31:365-368,37U-376; 381-382; 18:292; 20:366,381+; 32:59,68-69,307,308; 33:32, 22:1+15-1+16; 23:309-313; 26: 68-69, 351+-361; 3l+:26,70,293- 611+-617; 29:1+39-1+1+0; 30:333- 311,325-326,328,329; 35:296- 335; 32:291-299; 35:287-289; 303; 36:l+2k-l+52; 37:11+3; 39: 37:14-01,1+1+1,1+1+2; 38:598-599, 225,227-228,233,231+.8O7-8O9, 633-631+; l+O:581+-586; 1+3:705, 812; 1+O:1O1+-1O5,538,597,599; 711+-715; 1+2:100; 1+3:713,721,722; 1+1+: establishes Advisory Councils, 1+65-1+66,1+80-1+85,651-652; 1+5: 10:256; 11:21+0-21+1; 651; 1+6:221,51+0,550-552,558, prepares American Jewish Year 565-573; 1+7:1+33-1+31+, 681-682, Book, 10:271+, et seq.; 713-718; 1+8:626-629; 1+9:780- New York Jewish Community 789; 50:1+66,818-820,821; affiliate of, and reports to, activity in the pa3sport ques- 11:1+5-1+6, t+8,52-53,253-251+, tion and abrogation of treaty 298-301, et seq.; with Russia, 10:199-200,21+8- and Sunday law in New York, 251+; 11:21+7-21+9; 12:31+1+; 13: 11:59; 22-1+0,1+5-53,56,299; ll+:295- statistical studies by, 11:21+2- 298,308; l8:3l|-2-3l+6; 23=5l; 21+3; 12:350; 13:307-308; 11+: 31+: 327-328; l+2:9l+-95; 306; 15:1+51+; 16:339-378; 18: broadens base of membership, 76,368-396; 19:1+21-1+33,1+86- 10:200; 18:352; l+l+:l+67; 1+6: 1+87; 20:31,103-112,369,382, 51+6-51+7; 1+7:671+, 722; 392,398-1+00; 21:11+1,627-629, annual reports, 10:237-258, 668,670; 22:32; 2l+:3O8,357- et seq.; 358; 30:28-29,290-291; 32: constitution and bylaws, 10:238- 31+7-31+8; 33:351-352; 31+: 330; 21+2; 12:31+3,353; I6:l+ol+-l+o5; 39:1+8,325-826; l+0:6l,63,6ll+; 1+1+: 1+6 3-1+61+, 1+67-1+68; 1+6:535; 1+2:216,655-656,662-663; 1+3: relations with other organiza- 725-726; 1+6:291; 1+8:127; tions, io:2l+l+, 21+5-21+7; 13:313; combats anti-Jewish discrimi- 18:320; 2O:9l+,368; 31:386; 32: nation and intolerance, 11: 310; 37:1+33-1+31+; 38:632-633; 250; 12:350; 13:22-27,31+-37; 39:826-827; 1+2:97; 1+5:655- 19:1+65-1+66; 20:380-381, 391+; 656; 50:833-836; 21:629-61+8; 22:1+09-1+11; 23: efforts for liberal immigration 115,308,313-329,353-351+; 26: and naturalization legisla- 617-637; 28:1+68-1+81; 29:1+07- tion, 10:21+l+-2l+6,257; 12: 3U1+- 1+08; 30:276-287; 31:31+6-351+5 31+9,351+; 13:299-303,305,315- 32:79,301-303; 33:31+8-31+9, 331+; il+:29i+-295; 15:1+55-1+57; 350-351; 31+:286-289; 35:289- 16:392-397; 17:370-371; 18: 295; 37:1+22-1+25,1+27,1+32; 38: 296-300,31+0-31+2; 19:1+61-1+61+; 628-630,632; 1+1+: 1+86-1+88; U5: 653,656; 1+7:678-680,693-703, 705; 1+9:791-792; -13-

AMERICAH Jewish Committee (cont.) AMLRICA^ Jewish Committee (cont.) finances, 12:343-31+4, 351+; 16: 38:221+,621+.630,631; 39:76-77, 1+00-1+01; 799,822; l|O:137-138; 1+1:638- Washington office, 12:351; 13: 61+0; 1+2:653-651+; 1+3:722-721+; 308; 11).: 306; 15:1+51; 1+7:678; 1+1+: 1+86 -1+38; 1+5:653,651+,657; reviews international scene, l+6:552,57l+-575,578; 1+7:280, 13:308-312; ll+:3O5; 21:61+9- 678-679,680.693-703,705,719, 662; 22:1(00-1+05; 27:1+62-1+72; 720; l+8:62l+-625; 1+9:789-791; 28:1+33-513; 29:1+10-1+39; 30: 50:021+-13 31+; 292-316; 31:361-386; 32:309- and the Congress-Conference 321+,351+,361-368; 33:35)+,382- question, 18:88-90,310-311, 399; 36:l+l6-l4.2l+tl+52-l+56; 37: 312-320,353-351+; 19:1+1+0-1+51; 1+02-1+22; 38:601-617; 39:795- 39:77; 820; 1+1:626-61+1; 1+2:716-719; opposes extension of credit to Russian pogroms stimulate Russian Government^ 18:300- organization, ll+:293; 301; Jewish Bomrounity of Philadelphia activities reviewed, l8:32l+-35l- affiliate of and reports to, 3l+:321+-331; 39:821-827; 11+: 301, et aeq.; congratulates Miliukov on incorporated, H+: 30l+; establishment of freedom in necrology, lL+:306; 18:292-293; Russia, 20:370; 31:386; 33:371-375; 34:311; opposed to separate German- 35:268; 37:1+1+1,14+2; 38:635; Russian peace pact, 20:371- 39:828-833; 1+0:609; 1+2:657; 372; efforts to secure equal rights declines invitation to inter- for European Jewry after national Jewish conference, World War I, 16:381+-387; 18: 20:371+5 322,323,339,31+0; 19:198-199, and the American Jewish Cong- 200,239, 1)1+2-1+1+3,452-1+57, ress, 20:380; 22:1+06; 23: 1+66; 20:373-371+; 28:62; 32: 355-356; 31:35-36; 32:76,306; 308-309; 1+2:95-96; 33:353-351+; 39:77-78,820; 1+2: urges equality for American Jews 93-100,137; 1+6:51+9; in new treaty with Russia, resolution of loyalty by, 20: 16:390-392; 391; efforts in defense of Shehitah, Americanization activities, 16:1+02; 25:26; 29:1+103+2+; 20:392-393; 32:98; 38:193; attitude on Zionism and Pales- annual contributors to, 16:1+16- tine, 20:1+06-1+07; 21:660-661; 1+18; 20:388; 23:352; 33:31+1-31+2,368-369; efforts to aid Jewi3h sufferers 31+:329-330; 39:76-77; 1+0:108- in World War I, 17:366-369; 109,586-587; 1+1:631+; 1+2:97; 18:308,310-316,318-319; 19: l+i+:l+78-l+79; 1+6:125,130-131, 1+51-1+52; 3l+:328,329; l+l:l!+3, 176,529-530,552,572,585-599; 11+1+; 1+7:1+96,683; 1+8:231,235,396, combats anti-Jewish manifesta- 1+20,628; 1+9:21+6,21+8,251,1+88, tions, 18:335-31+0; 19:1+67- 785-788; 50:817; 1+72; 23:115,308-329,378; 21+: prepares directory of local 331,338,31+3,356; 26:617-637, Jewish organizations, 21: 639-61+1+; 27:1+1+6-1+59; 29:333- 668-670; 389; 30:21+, 276-2V, 31:22; sends delegate to Paris Peace 33:31+8-351+; 3l+:285-286,330-331; Conference, 21:190; 22:1+06- 35:291-295; 36:1+1+3-1+1+9; 37: 1+07; 1+2:100; 151+,1+17-1+19,1+27,1+30,1+32; AMERICAN Jewish Committee (cont.) AMERICAN Jewish Committee (cont.) reviews Jewish rights in trea- discusses improvement in com- ties drafted by Conference, munal organization, 35:286, 22:1+06-1+08; 307-309; report of Office of Jewi3h War goodwill activities, 35:29l+- Records to, 22:l+33-Ui).3; 295; 39:823-821+; 1)7:701-702, founders, 23:50; 26:379-380; 703,723; 50:821; 33U:331-332; combats Nazi propaganda in U.S. 1+1+6:1+0+ ; 35:299-300; 37:152,1+26-1+27; declines representation on 38:220; 1+0:607; 1+5:632-633; National Council for Limita- opposes International Con- tion of Armaments, 25:380; ference on Jewish Rights, opposes idea of "Jewish vote," 35:301-302; 37:11+5; 26:73,637-639; report on Joint Council, opposes registration of aliens, 36:1+13; 27:1+37-1+39; 29:14-07; 33:57, German Jews oppose action in 31+6-314-7; 3l+:281+-285; 35:290; their behalf by, 36:1+25; efforts in behalf of refugees condemns religious persecution before 1933, 27 : 1+1+1-1+1+5; 30: in Mexico, 37:161-162; 313-316; efforts in behalf of religious reports Polish-Jewish agreement, freedom in Soviet Russia, 28:6t4-,U9O-U93; 28:91+; 37:1+20-1+22; educational activities, 28:914-, praises James G. McDonald's l+36-i+37; 30:29; 1+8:11+2; work in behalf of refugees, 1+9:160; 38:191+, 596; opposes Oregon school law, 28: urges supnort of JDC,38:599- 1+72-1+7!+; 1+9:19; 600; and Jewish fraternities, 31:35- urges strengthening of Jewish 36; religious institutions, honors Louis Marshall, 32:289- 38:600; 290,295; 3k •• 293; relations with Jewish Agency, and calendar reform, 32:303-305; 39:820; 1+7:681+; 1*9:519,520; 31+: 289-291; to cooperate with Anti-Defama- attitude toward a World Jewish tion League of B'nai B'rith, Congress, 3l+:30-31; 37:31+6,397- 1+0:607; 1+3:85; 1+1+: 1+71,1+7 7, 398.1+31+-1+1+O; 38:208-209; 1+90,1+91; 1+5:170,630,657-658; 25th anniversary, 31+:281-282, 1+6:550,575; 1+7:680-681,695; 317-31+1; 50:833-831+; plans for re-organization, 31+: member of General Jewish 311+-315; 1+7:673-675,678; Council, 1+1:223,639,61+0; 1+5: disapproves boycott and mass 631; demonstrations against publications by, 1+1:232,631+, Germany, 35:51+; 36:1+29-1+32; 61+0,61+8; 1+7:676,677; activity in the Nazi German efforts for post-war equality crisis, 35:5l+-55,1+1+1+ -1+1+6; 36: for Jews abroad, l+2:27l+; 1+3: l+13,l+li+,l+2l+-l+52A6l+-!+71; 38: 720-721; l+l+:l+68,1+72-1+73,1+71+, 177,617-621; 38:626-628; 39: 1+80-1+85; 1+5:651,669-675; 1+6: 208-210,225,3O1-8O1+; l+0:6ll+; 158, 559-565; 1+7:298,299,682, 1+1:215,637-638; 1+2:137; 1+1+: 685,725-731; 11+2,1+69-1+70,1+72,1+76,1+77, 1+77- Community Service Unit of, 1+3: 1+78,1+79,1+80-1+81; 81-82; l+l+:l+904+9l+; 1+7:791; aims to maintain democratic and religious values during war, 1+3:726; -15- AMERICAN Jewish Committee (cont.) AMERICAN Jewish Committee (cont.) Library of Jewish Information calls conference on Jewish of, 1+5:89,90; kl :677-673,7O3; adjustment, 148:159,625-626; subsidizes study of textbooks in and Anglo-American Committee of Jewish religious schools, 1+5: Inquiry, 148:1416,1418,632; ll+S-ll+9; 1+9:785; efforts for rapprochement between approves United States loan to Zionists and non-Zionists, I4.SI: Great Britain, 1+9:214.6; 211-213,608-609,622,631-632; on Consultative Council of Jew- and the American Jewish Con- ish Organizations, 1+9:781; ference, U5:213; U6:91,17O, cooperates in work of restitu- 533-531]-, 51+3, 51+5, 557,583-587 ; tion of Jewish property in 5O:83l+-835; Germany, 1+9:782-783; 5O:8lS- statement on present situation 820; in Jewish life, 14-5:622; 1+6: supports UN partition plan for 528-530; Palestine, 50:256,812-817; efforts to save Jews in Nazi establishes European head- occupied countries, 145:614.8- quarters in Paris, 50:31+1,818; 6149,651; 147:2914,14214,14-25,713- efforts for united Jewish 711;; action for German and Auatriar initiates inquiry on textbooks peace treaties, 50:819; in Christian relii-ious participates in UN activities, schools, 145:6514-655; 50:823-821+; activities in behalf of Inter- favors Pair Employment Prac- national Bill of Human Rights, tices Bill, 50:825-826; l+5:f>72; 147:50,212,298-299, favors a New York State Uni- 1491,6814.-686,727; l48:l426-l|.28; versity, 50:826; 149:111,566,782; opposes "released time," 50: sponsors radio programs, 146:128, 828; 539; 14-7:677; effort to present positive pic- and Pittsburgh conference called ture of Jew to American by B'nai B'rith, I4.6:5U9; Christians, 50:829-832; cooperates in Joint Emergency criticism of, 50:836; Committee for European See also under Adler, Cyrus; Affairs, I4-6:SU9; Bureau of Jewish Social Re- efforts in behalf of refugees search and Statistics; Com- and displaced persons after mittee on Peace Studies; 1933, 146:563-569; 149:783-785; Community Service Unit; Con- 50:821-823; ference of Jewish National principles underlying program, Organizations; Joint Defense 1+6:579-582; Appeal; Marshall, Louis; demands punishment of war crimi- Overseas Committee; Proskauer^ nals, 147:301; Joseph M.; Public Relations at the UN San Francisco Con- Committee; Research Institute ference, 147:303,329-331,1491, of Peace and Post-War Prob- I496; 1+7:1+89; 1+8:623,630-631; lems; Statement of Views; activity in behalf of veterans, Stroock, Sol; Sulzberger, 147:702; Mayer; Survey Committee Chapter program report, 147:706- 709; represented at UNRRA Conference in Montreal, U7:7l5; -16- AMEEICA'T Jewish Committee Bureau AMERICAS Jewish Conference, 191+3- of Jewish Statistics and Re- 191+8, initiated by B'nai search, gathers data on Jews B'rith, 1+5:102; in U.S., 16:339-378; Union of American Hebrew Con- organized, l6:i).0l+-i).05; 17:382- gregations pledges adherence 386; 18:331-332; 22:32; to, U5:lM>; reports, 17:382-386; l8:361+-367, to make unified plan of action 368-396; 19:1+86-1+88; 20:397- for postwar needs of Jews, 1+01; 21:669-671; 1+5:171,213; gathers data on Jews in the wars general participation in, and in the armed forces of the U.S., 13:76; 19:1+86-1+87; 20: 1+6:91+; 103-112,369,392; 21:668,670; question of Palestine and poli- tical Zionism at, l+6:9l+,l69- prepares American Jewish Year 170,178; 1+8:126,236,399, Book, 18:367; 20:383; 21:668, 1+18 -U19; 669; stimulates commemoration of makes study of contributions to Battle of Warsaw, 1+6:98; Jewish charitable institutions program for European relief, in New York, 18:368-396; 1+6 :li+8-11+9; memorial resolution on Joseph data concerning, 1+6:1+25—1+9: Jacobs, 19 :L|-6J+. 1+65; 61+7; D. Samson Oppenheim head of, American Jewish Committee with- 19:1+65; draws from, l+6:533,53l|-,5W+f gathers data on Jewish popula- 51+5,583-587; tion of U.S., 20:31,U7; 21: favors International Bill of 668,670; 21+:308; Human Rights, 1+7:298; cooperates in work of JWB, program presented to American 20:91+; delegation at San Francisco prepares directory of Jewish UN Conference, 1+7:299,330; local organizations, 21:668, demands punishment of war 670; criminals, 1+7:301; make3 census of Jewish religious declines to collaborate at organizations in U.S., 20:382; San Francisco UN Conference, offices moved, 20:385,1+01; 1+7:303,1+89; amalgamated in Bureau of Jewish efforts to rescue remnants of Social Research and Statis- Hungarian Jews, 1+7:1+21+; tics, 22:37,1+25,1+1+8; plan for permanent organization work of, 22:32-33,37,50 of, 1+8:162; 1+9:138-139; AMERICAN Jewish Committee, Statis- views on Anglo-American Commit- tical Department, prepares tee of Inquiry, 1+8:231,1+16- data on Jewish congregations 1+17; in cooperation with U.S. urge3 transfer of Jewish dis- Bureau of Census, 30:28; placed persons to Palestine, makes study of communal organi- l+8:U20; zations in U.S., 31:32; on Jewish Agency Executive, work of, 31:35k,358-360; 3l;:291- 1+9:520; 292 among signers of recommenda- AMERICAN Jewish Conference, 1918, tion to 191+7 Paris Peace conflict over, 18:311-322, Conference, 1+9:566; 353-351+; reorganized, 50:122-123; Jewish Community of New York in American Jewish Committee not favor of, 18:357 to participate in, 5O:83l).-835 -17-

AMERICAN Jewish Congress, 1916-1920, AMERICAN Jewish Congress, 1922, movement for organization of, (cont.) 13:88-90; 19:245-246.440-451; combats anti-Jewish manifesta- 22:405-406; 2l4.rl4.8j 39:77; i+2: tions, 31:33; 31+: 1+3-144; 1+0: 98; 154; 14.7:280; 50:114-5; conflict over, 18:311-323,353- and American Jewish Committee, 354; 31:35-36; 32:76,306; 33:353- to be held before end of World 351+; 34:30-31; 35:426-429; War I, 19:14-51; 36:426-429; and the American Jewish Commit- organizations affiliated with, tee, 20:380; 22:406; 39:77-78; 31:195; 42:98-100,137; protests findings of Simpson activities, 21:186-188; Report on Palestine, 33:25; efforts in behalf of Jews measures taken by, in German abroad, 21:186,188; crisis, 35:31-32,43-44,53-56; data concerning, 21:301;—22:292; 36:433; 37:138; 38:177,617, sends delegation to Paris Peace 620,621; 39:216-218; Conference, 22:406; German Jewry opposed to action memorializes Pres. Wilson on in their behalf by, 36:425; Palestine and situation of opposes American participation Jews in Europe, 22:1+06; in Berlin Olympics, 37:138- American Jewish Committee in 139; delegation to Paris Peace and a World Jewish Congress, Conference, 23:355-356; 37:145,146,435; 33:206,207; Louis Marshall delegate of, at criticism of Jewish relief Paris Peace Conference, organizations by, refuted, 32:36; 38:211; Cyrus Adler refuses to parti- member of Joint Consultative cipate in, 42:118; Council, 38:633; B'nai B'rith participates in interfaith activity, 39:263; formation of, 45:102; and General Jewish Council, See also Jewish Congre33 move- 41:223,640; 42:301; 43:85; ment; Jewish Congress Organi- 44:470-471,477; zation Committee efforts for unified action in AMERICAN Jewish Congress, 1922, behalf of European Jewry, et seq., among signers of 42:274; statement refuting "Protocols," JDC opposes overseas relief 23:379; plan of, 42:279; data concerning, 24:219, et seq.; organizes Research Institute reconstituted in 1922, 2l|:i|_5; for Contemporary Jewish 39:77; Affairs, 43:84; activities, 29:81; 31:195; 41: co-organizer of Joint Emergency 224; 43:82-83; Committee for European Jewish efforts in behalf of Jews Affairs, 46:549; abroad, 31:33; 32:65,67; declines to collaborate in San 33:32; 34:26,30; 38:196; 39: Francisco UN Conference, 228,229,230,231-232; 14.0:99- 47:303,489; 100,105; See also Advisory Council on opposes Mexican colonization European Jewish Affairs; Institute of Jewish Affairs plan, 25:256-257; efforts for proteotion of Jew- ish minority rights, 28:61; 30:35; -18- AMERICAN Jewish Congress, Commis- AMERICAN Jewish Joint Agricul- sion on Community Inter- tural Corporation Tcont.) relations of, 14-7:573, et seq. operating agent of JDC in AMERICAN Jewish Congress, National Russia, 1+1:156; Commission to Combat Anti- work in Russia, 14-1:159,369; Semitism of, 1+6:1+1+8 American Jews contribute to, AMERICAN Jewi3h Congress, Women's 1+1:159; Division of, 38:508-509, tribute by to et seq, work, 1*1:161; AMERICAN Jewish Congress, Youth aids refugee settlement in Division of, 39:628, e t seq, Dominican Republic, i+2:1+1+7; AMERICAN Jewish Council to Aid See also Dominican Republic Russian Rehabilitation, Settlement Association 1+9:61+7 AMERICAN Jewish Joint Agricultural AMERICAN Jewish Dentists' Com- Foundation, efforts in Soviet mittee, i^O: I4-I7 - -^4-9:61+7 Russia, 37:ll+l+; AMERICAN Jewish Federation to Com- data concerning, 37:282-283 bat Communism and Fascism, AMERICAN Jewish Joint Distribution 1+1:1+53--1+2:50l+ Committee, unifies Jewish AMERICAN Jewish Historical Exhibi- overseas relief in World War tion, proposed, 3:10l+-108; I, 19:201; objects to be shown in, 3:106; disbursements by, 19:202-203, national organizations cooperate 206-207; 21:196; 22:31+3; 23: in, 3:106-107, 108 269; 2J+:289; 25:315; 26:51+9; AMERICAN Jewish Historical Society, 27:83-81+,353-351+; 28:88; 29: data concerning, 1:.35 et seq.; 77; 31:185-186; 38:212-213; activity, 2:68; 10:201; 31:157; 1+0:111-112,111+; 1+18206-207; ^4-3:56; 1+5:165; 1+2:278-279; collects data on Jews serving investigates workings of over- in Spanish-American War, seas relief, 19:203,209-219; 2:527; ICA the Russian agent for. plans an American Jewish His- 19:201+; torical Exhibition, 3:10l+; overseas relief activities in message to JPS on its 25th and after World War I, 19: anniversary, 15:160-161; 206 -207,222-223,22l+-226; 21: data on Jewish participation in 171; 21+:l+9; 25:75,80-81; 28: World War I in custody of, 55,57; 29:73-71+; 30:32,49, 23:353; 3lJ+; 32:59,112; 33:37-38; 31+: activity of Cyrus Adler in, 29; 37:11+0-11+1,11+1+, 207; 38: l4.2:l;8-5l; 198,211,212; 39:118-120,122- importance for American Jewish 123,231,21+1+-21+5,376,1+32,1+56, scholarship, 14-5:53; 1+96; 1+1:153-156; 1+2:276-279; library, 1+5:85,91+; 50:11+2-11+3,322,323,333,337- founders, i+6 :i+S j 338,31+6,353,392; to be sponsored by Jewish Wel- important figures in, 19:226; fare Board, 50:182,183 32:35,52; 3l+:137; 1+0:29; 1+2: AMERICAN Jewish Joint Agricultural 101-102,122,123; Corporation aids agricultural data concerning, seq.: projects in Soviet Russia, work counterbalances anti- 28:81. 14.95; 29:66; 30:50.308; Semitism, 25:102; 31:186; 33:96; 39:1+55-1+56; aids educational and agricul- ij-1:156-161; tural projects abroad, 25:33; data concerning, 30:205, et seq.: 27 :39-l+O,l+l+,l+5,59-60; 28:79- 80,1+95; 38:308; -19- AMERICAN Jewish Joint Distribution AMERICAN Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (oont.) Committee (cont.) liquidates European work except Jewish organizations in U.S. an' in Soviet Russia, 27:91; abroad cooperate with, 45: transfers funds to American 228; 46:201; 48:132-133,254, Joint Reconstruction Founda- 273-274,283; 49:119,224-225; tion, 27:91; post-war program, 14.8:203-204, inaugurates United Jewish Cam- 207; 49:223-225,228-242; paign, 28:1495-497; 29:76; reports on displaced persona joins Jewish Agency for Pales- camps, 48:306-307; tine in fund-raising campaign, cooperates with UNRRA, 48:449; 32:69; 33:29-30; 49:124; relief and rescue activities in arranges for admission of dis- and after World War II, 35: placed persons to U.S., 59-60; 38:216; 39:351; 14-1:378, 49:236; 385,383,389; 42:276-279,405- aids European refugees in Far 4o6,449-45o,454,455,457; 43: East, 49:242,575-576; 88-91,326,336; 144:128; 45: aids religious and cultural 200-202,295; 46:161-164,234, activities in Palestine, 236,237,305,306,308-310; 1+7: 49:242-243; 96,305-310; U8:1214.-125,20k- aids Jews in Cyprus, I4.9:2I4.3; 210,301; 5O:k52,l4.53,l|.59,l4.68, aids displaced Jews in Germany, 14-69; 49:524; agreement with UJA and UPA, See also Agro-Joint; Allied 39:214.3; k0:112-113; Jewish Campaign; American Dallas Church ^ives Good Friday Joint Reconstruction Founda- collection to, 40:135-136; tion 25 years of, article by Joseph AMERICAN Jewish Joint Distribution C. Hjman, kl:lkl-179; Committee, Junior Division, joins United Jewish Appeal, 41:383-46:444 kl:205-206; 42:280; 47:304, AMERICAN Jewish Joint Distribution 305; U8.-202-203; 49:137; Society, Youth Division of, establishes regional organiza- 47s610, et seqs. tions, kl:207; AMERICAN Jewish Labor Council, change in European director- 49:614.7; 50:552-553 ship, kl:207-208} AMERICAN Jewish Legion, 24:221; opposes overseas relief plan of 25:258 American Jewish Congress, AMERICAN Jewish Museum to be 42:279; established in Washington, program in Latin America, 43:92; D.C., 50:183 47:123,131,134,135; 50:763; AMERICAN Jewish Physicians' Com- work of Transmigration Bureau, mittee, 24:221, et seq. 43:92-93; AMERICAN Jewish Press Association, and fund-raising by UJA, 43:94- 16:277; 17:287; 18:222 96,100; 44:124,125; AMERICAN Jewish Press Club, 43: Nazis not benefited by monetary 531-532; 44:364 transactions, 44:12o; AMERICAN Jewish Publication Society sponsors emigration from Europe, organized by Isaac Leeser, "45:202-203; 15:60,61; 32:347,349; 43: 786; attempted revival of, 14-3:788 -20-

AMERICAN Jewish Relief Committee AMERICAN League for Free Pales- aids Palestine, 17:152,153; tine asked by State Depart- organized to aid Jewish victims ment for opinion on report in 'world War I, 18:307-310; of Anglo-American Committee 19:200,202,201).; 20:93-91).; 41: of Inquiry, i4.8ri4.i9; 143-144; advocates use of terror, 49: joins JDC, 19:201; 252; created through efforts of Ameri- fund-raising agency for Irgun, can Jewish Committee, 42:100 50:260; AMERICAN Jewish scholarship: a sur- policy opposed, 50:260 vey in honor of the Centenary AMERICAN League for Jewish National of Kaufraann Kohler, by Ismar Labor in Eretz Israel, 36: Elbogen, 14-5:1+7-65 306-307—40:418 AMERICAN Jewi3h War Service from AMERICAN League for Religious Dec. 7, 1914-1 to June 30, 1943, Liberty, 45:406-422 organized, 38:229 AMERICAN Joint Reconstruction AMERICAN Legion, speech by Pres, Foundation, work, 41:161-163; Coolidge at convention of, aids German Jews, 41:173 28:96-97; AMERICAN Jewish Year Book, pre- opposes Nazi activity in the pared by American Jewish Com- United States, 40:124-125,126 mittee, 10:2714., et seq.; AMERICAN Liberty League denies index to articles in, 20:353- anti-Semitic tendencies, 361; 25:3514-3614-; 38:222 contains data on communal AMERICAN Library Association, organization of American Jewish Welfare Board co- Jewry, 22:31-32,51; operates with, 20:91,97 editors, 38:663; 46:47,50-51; AMERICAN Nationalist Party, anti- 50:103-104; Semitic organization, 47: tribute to Cyrus Adler's work 213,272; 48:173-174 on, 1+2:702-706; AMERICAN ORT Federation, activi- value for American Jewish ties, 25:76-77; 40:113; 45: scholarship, 145:53-51)-; 204-205; article on, by Harry Schneider- data concerning, 25:285, man, 50:85-104 et seq.; AMERICAN Jewish Youth (Seniors), campaign for European vocational 50:553 training, 41:208; AMERICAN Jews and the Hebrew Uni- ends work in Soviet Russia, versity, article by Samuel B. 41:369; Finkel, 39:193-201 activities in behalf of Nazi AMERICAN Jews in the World War, refugees, 43:94; 44=131-132; article by Julian Leavitt, 46:166-167; 50:329-330,337; 21:114.1-155 fund-raising agent of World AMERICAw Joint Reconstruction ORT, 48:213; Foundation, JDC turns over cooperates financially with work and funds to, 27:91-92; JDC, 49:137-138; work for European Jewry, 28: See also ORT World Union 83,86; 29:77; 37:1144 AMERICAN ORT, Young Men and Women's Division, data con- cerning, 47:568, et seq. -21- AMERICAN Palestine Campaign, data AMERICAN Representatives of the concerning, 37:281+; 38:1+58- Jewish Agency for Palestine, 35:178—1+6:1+27 becomes United Palestine Appeal, AMERICAN republics oppose Nazi 39:121; subversive activities, 1+1+: changes name to Palestine Foun- 287-289 dation Fund, 39:21+7; AMERICAN, Sadie, data concerning, shares in United Jewish ApDeal, 7:3l+-36; Ul:169 at sessions of International AMERICAN Palestine Committee com- Council of Women, 1+6:65,67; posed of non-Jewish supporters given audience by King and of Jewish Homeland, 1+3:101- Queen of Spain, 1+6:66 102; AMERICAN Section of World Churches urges settlement of Jewish refu- denounces anti-Semitism, gees in Palestine, 1+5:209 1+1+: 161+ AMERICA!* Palestine Jewish Legion, AMERICAN Sephardic Council, 38: activities, 32:70-71; 1+60—1+0:1+20 data concerning, 37:284—1+3: 532; AMERICAN Society for Advancement See also Hagdad Haivri League of Hebrew Institute of AMERICAN passport in Russia, arti- Technology in Haifa, 1+3:533, cle on, 6:283-305; et seq. See also Passport question AMERICAS Society for Jewish Farm AMERICAN Pro-Falasha Committee, Settlement in Russia orga- 25:259, et seq, nized, 30:33; AMERICAN Pro-Falasha Committee, activities, 31:3l+; Women's Division of, 32:166 data concerning, 31:258-259, AMERICAN Red Mogen Dovid» et seq. organized, 21:128; AMERICAN Technion Society. See data concerning, 21:321—21+: 222 Hebrew Institute of Tech- AMERICAN Red Mogen Dovid for nology in Haifa Palestine, l+l+:365, et seq. AMERICAN Torah Shelemah Committee, AMERICAN Red Cross, cooperation of 1+5:1+56 JWB with, 20:97; AMERICAN Union of Roumanian Jews, personnel attitude of, 21:21+6- 20:300-301; 21:30l+-305. 214-7; For later references see United conflict with Nazis over dis- Roumanian Jews of America tribution of relief supplies, AMERICAN Writers' Committee to 1+2:282-283; Aid the Jews of Poland nro- aids French Jews, 1+2:336; tests discrimination in non-sectarian policy approved Polish universities, 1+0:102, by American Jewish organiza- 602 tions, 1+3 :89; AMERICAN Youth Congress protests aids refugees interned by anti-Jewish discrimination in Spain, 1+3:202; Polish universities, 1+0:101 work in behalf of Jews of AMERICAN Zion Commonwealth Hungary, 1+7:1+26 organized, 27:93; AMERICAN Relief Administration data concerning, 27:279—35:179; aids Jews in Rus3ia, 1+1:156 work of, 31:37 AMERICAN Relief Society for the AMERICAN Zionist Emergency Council Yemenite Jews of Jerusalem, organized, 1+6:170-171; Palestine, 33:219—38:1+59 t- opposes British White Paper of 1939, 1+6:171-172,175; -22- AMERICAN Zionist Emergency AMERICANISM Commission. See Council (cont.) B'nai B'rith opposes Revisionist tactics, AMERICANIZATION of the immigrant, 1+6:179; work in New York Ghetto in, data concerning, 1+6:1+27, et seq.; agencies for, 12:38-1+2,67-68, factional rift"in, 1+7:326-32ti; 77-78; ll+:l+t+; 20:392-393; 14-9:2514-; 23:8l+-lll; 33:115; 1+6:77-78, and British Labor Party, 1+7:1+33; 79; 50:99-100; 1+8:235,236,237; 1+9:21+5-21+8, Yiddish press important factor 253,251+; in, 12:1+0-1+1; 26:167,175,215, deplores non-representation of 235-236,237,238-21+0,21+5,21+7, Jews at San Francisco UN Con- 252,253,2514,259,260,278-279, ference, l!|_7: t+87; 329-331,339,31+7-31+8,351-358, and Pres. Truman's Palestine 368-369; policy, 14.8:223,235,396,399; not affected by congestion, views on Anglo-American Com- 12:1+7; mittee of Inquiry, 1+8:230, active workers in, 32:300-301; 398,14.16; 14-9:214-5; 35:11+8; 1+2:155-156,160,1+65; protests cessation of Jewish need for, leads to formation of immigration to Palestine, Council of Jewish Women, 14-8:237; 1+6:56-57; declines State Department re- attitude of Last European Jew- quest for opinion on Anglo- ish immigrant toward, 50:71- American Committee of Inquiry 72.71+-75; report, 14.8:14.18,14.20; and Judaism, 50:71-72,71+-8O; urges transfer of Jewish dis- effect of Nazi propaganda on, placed persons to Palestine, 50:78 14-8:14-20; AMERICANS foment anti-Jewish agi- presents program for Palestine tation after World War II, to UN, lj.9:256-257; 1+8:172 opposes Americans for Haganah, AMERICANS for Haganah organized, 50:260; 50:260; See also Palestine Youth Con- becomes Americans United for ference; Young Zionists Israel, 50:260 Action Committee AMERICANS United for World AMERICAN Zionist Youth Commissions, Organization, American Jewish data concerning, I4-I4.: 3^>5» Committee co-operates with, et seq.; 1+7:717-718 guides work of Zionist youth AMIN el Hussoini HaJ. Sea groups, 14-5:156; Husseini, Amin el Haj activities, 1+7:336-337; AMPAL-American Palestine Trading See also Intercollegiate Zionist Corporation, 50:551+ Federation of America; Junior AMRAM, David W., data concerning, Hadassah; Masada; Young 6:56-57; Judaea on faculty of University of AMERICANISM, Jews feel kinship for Pennsylvania Law School, 15: ideals of, 23:35-86; 251+; belief in, influences Brandeia' obituary by Louis E. Levinthal, acceptance of Zionism, i(J-(-: 14-5; 1+3:375-380; and Zionism, I4I1-:I4.7 -I4.8,50; portrait, facing, 1+3:375 B'nai B'rith fosters promotion of, 1+5:112-113; 1+9:87 -23-

AMRAM, Esther, data concerning, ANGLO -American Committee of In- 7:36 quiry on Palestine (cont.) AMSTERDAM, Birdie, on New York not permitted to visit Hungary, City Bench, 42:462 1 Rumania and the Balkans, 48: ANDRADE, Preire d , report to 408-409; League of Nations on memo- dissension in, 48:409; randum of Va'ad Leumi, 29: plan for Jordan Valley Author- 98-99,110-111 ity submitted to, 48:412-413; ANDREWS, tsther M., on Governor's reactions to report by, 48:4l6- Council, Massachusetts, 423; 49:245,785-786; 35:105 Arabs and Jews asked for opin- ANFENGER, Milton L., in Colorado ion on recommendations, 48: Senate, 7:192, et seq. 418; ANGELL, Pauline, obituary of Julius immediate implementation of Rosenwald, 3l4-:lUl-176 immigration recommendations ANGLO-American Committee of Inquiry urged, 48:418,420; on Palestine appointed to requests American Jewish Com- consider plight of displaced mittee to submit immigration persons, 48:117,230-396; data, 48:629' Synagogue Council of America*1 ANGLO-American Refugee Conference declines to appear before, at Bermuda, Jewish organiza- 48:125-126; tions present views to, in memorandum by Jewish chaplains behalf of European Jewry, to, 48:126; U5:196,229,36l; 46:302; influenced by American immigra- urged to consider Palestine as tion policy, 48:227; place of Jewish immigration, views of American Jewish organi- 45:210; zations on, 48:230,231; reaction in Switzerland con- public reaction to, 48:231, cerning, 45:288-289; 398-399; forced by public opinion, 45s article, by Henry W. Levy, 356-357,358; ^8:395-423; personnel of, 45:358; reaction in Palestine to terms of reference limited, appointment, 48:399; U5:359; members, 48:399-400; recommendations by, 45:360-361; statement by Jewish Agency on, 46:568-569; 48:400-l;01; findings disapproved, 45:361- statement by Arabs on, ij.8:401; 362; findings disregarded by endorsed by Pres. Roosevelt, British Government, 48:267- 47:45 268,374-375,^21-422; 49:103; ANGLO-Jewish Association joins investigates German displaced Central Committee, 2:16; persons' camps, I4.8:311-312; proposed international organi- terms of reference, 48:373,397; zation in cooperation with, findings, 48:37l4-.ij-ll4.-Ul6; 49: 11:246; 107,245,484-485,521,785-786; attitude on Zionism and Pales- testimony before, 48:373-379,401- tine, 24:73; 46:187-189; 4llj.,632; U9:88-89; conflict with Board of Depu- comments on violence by Jews, ties, 47:342-344; 48:383; efforts for unified Jewish action, U7:344; -24- ANGLO-Jewish Association (cont.) ANTI-Defamation League (cont.) among signers of recommendation unites with American Jewish to 19k7 Paris Peace Conference, Committee for fund-raising, 14-9:566; 40:607; 43:85; 44:471,477, member of Consultative Council 490; 45:170,630,657-658; 46: of Jewish Organizations, 550,575; 47:680-681,695; 48: 14.9:781; 623; 50:383-884; among sponsors of London Con- program opposed by American ference of Jewish Organiza- Jewish Congress, 44-"471; tions, 49:788; organized, 50:71; See also Joint Foreign Committee approves establishment of Jew- ANtSLO-Jewish Historical Exhibit, ish state, 50:256; Joseph Jacobs active in pro- See also Joint Defense Appeal motion of, 18:70-71 ANTI-Jewish agitation in the U.S., ANGLO-Palestine Bank, and develop- article by Ellen H. Posner, ment of rural colonies in 48:172-187 Palestine, 17:58-59; ANTI-Jewish manifestations, arti- efforts for economic develop- cles by Ellen H. Posner, ment of Palestine, 47 :453,455 46:133-143; 47:268-279* ANGOLA, report on colonization ANTILLES, Jews excluded from possibilities of, 15:304; government posts in, 43:160 bill for Jewish colony not ANTIN, Benjamin, in New York ratified by Portuguese Legislature, 23:123; 24:84; Parliament, 16:202 25:120 ANIMALS, Jewish law on slaying of, ANTI-Semitism stimulated in 25:163-179; Europe by Dreyfus case, 1»21, See also Shehitah 23-24,32; 2:17; ANISPIELD Prize won by Maurice manifestations of, 2:14,24-26; Samuel, (4.6:111 4:29-30; 6:19; 24:61-65; 27: AHNAPOLIS, U.S. Naval Academy at, 99,462-467; American Jewish Committee fomented by Russian pogroms, aids midshipman at, 19:465-466 5:18; 8:250; ANSBACHER, Abraham S., biographical violent outbreaks during World sketch, 5:1+2 War I, 17:225-226,228,240; ANSCHLUSS opposed by American pub- 49:149; lic opinion, 40:94-96; denounced by various govern- anti-Jewish measures and mani- ments, 21:298; 25:82-83; 28: festations before and after, 102; 39:452; 44:292; 50:114; U0:205-207,208-211; Christians protest against, See also Austria 23:117; 27:97-99; 28:97,4-87; ANSORGE, Martin C, in House of 38:251; 39:298-299,322-323, Representatives, 23:123, 824; 40:134-136,165,598; 41: stseq* 199,222-223; 42:296-297; 43: ANSPACH£R, Louis K., data con- 120,199; cerning, 6:57 propaganda for promotion, 23: ANTI-Defamation League of the 136; 24:53; 26:89-95; 27:99- B'nai B'rith, activities, 100,101; 28:98-99, 101-102; 33:53-5*4.; 314-:51; 29:84-85; 45:182,185; purpose, 39:73; 45:111-112; in intellectual circles. ?h- denounces Injection of reli- 54-55; gious issue in political cam- paign, 39:251-252; data concerning, 39:628, et seq.; *See also Anti-Semitism and under individual countries -25-

ANTI-Semitism (oont.) ANTI-Semitism in U,S0, manifesta- an instrument of government, tions, 10:198-199; 11:63; 2l+: 2l+:56; 27:101-103,115; 28:100; 52-51+,33O-3U1+; 25:85-89,375; 29:86; ^0:598; 30:23-25,2767 3l+:lj-2-l+6; 35: activity against, 25:102-101+; 62-63; 37:150-153,157-160,1+22- 26:110-113; 27:120-122; 28: k25; 38:217-226,628-630; 39: 115-116; 29:82-83,8l+,9l+-95; 63-66,250-260,791+-795; 1+0:119- 33:11+8-11+9; 50:220; 129; 1+1:209-217,238,353,355- Dr. Joseph Bloch refutes Iibel3 359,361,361+-365,367,368; 1+2: of, 26:61+3; 281+-292; 1+3:102-112,122; 1+5: stimulated by Nazis, 31:1+3-1+6; 181-183; 1+7:268-269,277-279; 33:76,361).-365; 35:61-62; 37: 1+8:172-201; 1+9:108,195-196; 14-09; 39:795,810,812,813,817, 50:77,825; 818-819; Ul: 198,199,2314.-236, efforts to combat, 15:21+3; 23: 2(19,271,278,2914., 296-297; 1+3: 115; 26:617-637; 37:1+27; k-Z; 26-27; 1+7:72,75; 269-270,299-301; l+l+:ll+0-ll+l, American Jewish organizations L.86-1+88; 1+5:112,653-655; 1+6: urged to adopt united policy 552,558,57^,575,578; 1+7:226, against, 3i+:31; 279-285,678-680,693-703,705, Iaw3 proposed to League of 720; l+8:17l+,179,188-195,621+- Nations for curbing of, 625; 1+9:200-203,207,208; 50: 3i+:93; 11+5,217-218,825,832; American Jewish Committee condemned by Christians, 23:117, studies growth of, 36:l+2l+-l+25; 118; 1+7:237; 1+8:201; organized in Great Britain by spread by Dearborn Independent. Sir Oswald Mosley, 38:21+9-251; 23:315; compulsory subject in schools practise denied by American of Nazi Germany, 38:305-306j Liberty League, 38:21+0; resurgence,after World War II effect of community chest idea problem of European Jewry, on, 39:109; 1+7:211,213,291,7l6» 1+8:118- an issue in political campaigns, 119,262; 50:339-3^0,3^7-31+8, 39:250-252; 1+2:289-290; 1+3: 351-352,360-361,365-366,820j 103-105; 1+7:269,270; 1+8:183; reflected in Immigration policy an attack on American institu- of many countries, 14.9:514-3,555; tions, 39:821; 1+2:651-652; influences Nazis on, fomented by Father Coughlin, 1+1: 1*9:582 209-212; loses ground during World War articles in public press against II, 14.9:107-109; 1+1,217; Christians have growing aware- furthered by controversy on ness of danger of, 1+9:122; American defense, 1+3:103; new propaganda line of, 1+9:188- 1+1+: 151-157; interfaith efforts against, 1+3: 190,195} 71+6; 1+1+:161+-165; l+6:ll+l+-ll+6; and pro-Arab propaganda, 50:216, 1+7:213; 1+36-1+37; used by isolationists, l+i+:l5l- stimulated by events in Pales- 157; tine, 5O:281+-285; abetted by disseminators of in Austria, 5O:3l5; Nazi propaganda, I+1+: 157-159, American Jewish Committee urges 160,161,1+73,1+86-1+88; democratic forces in Germany revived during and after World to fight against, 50:1+66; War II, 1+5:181-182,187-188; See also Colleges and universi- ties; Discrimination, anti- 1+7:268,271,272,279; 1+8:172; Jewish; Pogroms; and also under individual countries -26-

ANTI-Semitism in U.S. (oont.) ARAB Higher Committee (cont.) organizations for promotion of, testimony before Committee, 45s 182,18$, 186; I4.6:133-1^3; 48:411; 47:273,274,275,276; 48:172-183, boycott by, increases difficul- 186-187; 49:190-193,194.195; ties of UNSCOP, 1*9:503 50:213-215; ARAB League, anti-Jewish propaganda in Congress, 45:184; 48:175-176; by, in the U.S. and Latin leaders indicted as Nazi con- America, 39:241-242; 47:479; spirators, 46:133-134; 48: created in Palestine, 47:445, 183-185; 467; Chicago a center of, 47:275; and the UN San Francisco Con- literature for spread of, 47: ference, 47:470,496-497; 276-277; 48:185-186; British Labor Government friendly activities in combatting of, toward, 48:266; articles, 47:279-285; 48: boycotts Zionist goods made in 188-201; Palestine, 48:376-377; 49:513; and admission of displaced opposed to Jewish immigration, persons, 50:216-217; 48:381; See also Colleges and universi- statement to Anglo-American Com- ties; Discrimination, anti- mittee of Inquiry, 48:401,410; Jewish, in U.S. refuses to recognize right of ANTONIUS, George, testifies before U.S. to interfere in Palestine British Royal Commission, affairs, 48:423; 39:475 demands Palestine be an Arab APOTHEKER, David, data concerning, state, 49:491-492; 6:57 and special UN session on Pales- APPEL, Aaron H., data concerning, tine, 49:493,494.495; 6:57 in the struggle for power in the APPEL, Daniel M., data concerning, Middle East, 49:512-513; 6:5? Palestine issue unifying factor APPELT, Louis, in South Carolina in, 49:513; Senate, 17:214 hostility toward Jews, 50:436- ARAB Agency, proposal for creation 437,438,443,444,445 of, 26:119,120,122 ARAB National League, ARAB Higher Committee, orders end See Arab League of Palestine strike, 39:462; ARAB refugees, resettlement sug- widens anti-Jewish boycott, gested by Count Bernadotte, 39:463; 50:265-266 preparations for British Royal ARABIA, review of affairs, 18:111; Commission Investigation, 22:286; 39:465; plan for development by all opposes new immigration schedule, religions, 42:443 "39:465,466; 48:381; ARABIC sole language of instruc- refuses to accept British parti- tion in Damascus schools, tion nroposal, 39:480; 25:65 criticized by British Royal ARABS, relations with Jews, 17:85- Commission, 39:518; 96; 28:124-125; 32:109; 33: outlawed by Great Britain, 103-104; 35:72-73; 37:213; 40:326; 38:253,265-266,358; 42:421; opposed to recommendations of 43:291; 44:285-286; 45:610; Anglo-American Committee of 47:467-470; 48:378-380; 49: Inquiry, 48:375,419; 456,467-468; -27-

ARABS (cont.) ARABS (cont.) attack Jews, 23:179,180,182; 31: laok of unity among, 1*7:1*67- 70-75; 32:129-133,322; 36:209, 14-68; 211-211*; 38:358-367; 14-0:325- appeasement by British, 1*7:1*69; 329; 14-1:314.9; 50:^21-^22; and the Palestine question be- attitude on Jewish national home fore UN, 1*9:1*83,1*90-1*93,508, in Palestine, 2i;:66; 25:392; 510; 50:238,2l*l*,21*6,255,265, 26:122; 27:135-136; 28:121-122; 14.09-14.10,14.12,14.23,14-214.-14-31; 32:13t*.-135; 38:363-361^.; 1+X.- claims by, before Anglo-American 33U; 14-6:291-292; 14-8:385; h9: Committee of Inquiry, 1*9:1*85; 106-107; Middle East Jews endangered by and Palestine Advisory Council, conflict with Jews, 50:110; 26:119-120; policy statement by, 50:238-239; attitude toward British policy Prime Minister Bevin upholds and administration, 28:119- position, 50:282; 121; 3i*-:82; 36:207; 38:254, invade Israel, 50:l+3lj--i*35; 255; 1*2:1*16; 1*9:1*85,1*87,1*88, See also Palestine; Pan-Arab i+90; Congress; Pan-Islamic Congress reaction abroad to anti-Jewish ARANHA, Oswald, presides at disorders by, 32:58-62; 38: special UN Assembly sessions 252-255; 39:236-21*2; on Palestine, i4.9ti4.93 efforts at rapprochement with ARANOW, Frank, In New York Legis- Jews, 32:63,135; 3l*:83-8l*; lature, 17:2114.; 18:99; 1*5:31*3-31*1*; 19:214.9 and proposed Legislative Council, ARARAT, New York, Jewish agricul- 38:351^-358; tural colony, projected by and British Royal Commission, Mordeoai M. Noah, Il4.:56 39:458-1*63,1*73-1*76,1*77-1*80, ARBANELL, Jacob R., data con- 507-512,5il*,5i5; cerning, 6:51+ ask help from Arabs In Brazil, ARBEITER Ring, 10:20—19:332; 39:14-89; See also Workmen's Circle share increased prosperity in ARBEITER-Zeltung, New York Yiddish Palestine, 39:513; hh-M; weekly, 26:171 growth of nationalism among, ARCHITECTURE of the Synagogue, 39:5114-; 14-8:376; article by William G. and the London Conference of Tachau, 28:155-192 1939, 14-1:332,333,3U; ARGENTINA, Russian Jews migrate Palestine excluded in territory to, 2:26; 11^:1^3; promised to, 1*1:314-2; Alliance Israelite Universelle anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic supports schools in Jewish propaganda In U.S. by, 1*5: colonies, 2:59; 213; 1*6:177; 50:216; Jewish colonies In, 3:22; I4.: oppose Congressional protest on 35; 6:67; 8:270; 10:203j Ik'- 1939 White Paper, 1*6:173; 14.5-^9; 19:1*9-52} 27:58? officially represented at UN Jews of, 19:1+4-53,315-316} 36: San Francisco Conference, 199-200; 39:14-88-14.89; 14-0:338- 1*7:329; 314-0; I4.U36O-36I4.; 14.3:298-300, Join Jews in trade delegation 311,313; 14-5:351; U7tl28,133, to London, 14.7:351; U80A81; l|8:253*255j 14-9:119, British education budget dis- 266-269,275-276; 50:268-270, criminates in favor ofj 2714-.276} 1*7:1*56; -28-

ARGENTINE (cont.) ARKANSAS, statistical data on Jews movement to organize Jewish and Jewish activities in, 3: battalion in, 21:129; 128-129; 38:180; 1+2:21+0; Jews protest anti-Jewish exces- Sunday law in, 10:153,170-172; ses in Poland, 21:299; sectarian Thanksgiving Day pro- anti-Jewish manifestations in, clamation of governor pro- 21:299; 3^:^8; 39rlj.88-l4.89; 1+5: tested, 11:57 31+5-31+6; 1+6:293-295,570; 1+7: ARKIN, George Otis, honored by New £9,1+73,1+7!+,1+77-1+78; U8:25l4., York University, 1+1:396 629; 1+9:267-268; ARL0S0R0PP, Chaim, assassinated, statistics on Jewish immigra- 35:71 tion to, 2l+:321, et seq. ; ARMED forces, goodwill program in, movement for restriction of 1+5:189; immigration, 26:57; 1+3:307; Jews in, in World War II, 1+8:21+7-21+8; 1+9:269; 50:273; 1+5:1+06-14.22; statistics on Jewish population American Jewish Committee com- of, 26:572, et seq.; bats anti-Jewish propaganda League of Nations to settle war in, 1+7:719; refugees in, 28:87; See alao Chaplains; United cro-Palestine activities, 33:61; States Army; United States 1+8:255; Wavy, World War I; World depression curtails Jewish immi- War II gration, 33:61; ARMENIA, ritual murder charge in, Nazi propaganda in, 33:61; 1+0: 27:116 339; 1+3:298-299; 1+5:31+5,31+6, ARMENIANS, American Jewish Com- 31+7; 1+8:21+5-21+7; mittee aids fight for admis- forbids Shehltah, 35:65; sion to the U.S., 28:1+67-1+68 immigration regulations and ARMHOLD, William, biographical Jewish refugees, 38:128; sketch, 5:1+2 work of ICA praised, 38:21+0; ARMSTRONG, George W.f anti- denies anti-Semitic tendencies, Semitic program of, 50:21l+- 1+2:1+29; 215 pro-democratic forces in, 1+3: ARMY and Navy Register, slander 299; 1+5:31+7; on Jew3 printed in, 3i+: 1+5; U.S. objects to pro-Axis atti- American Jewish Committee com- tude, 45:31+6; bats anti-Jewish statement admits refugee children from by, 35:291-293 France, 1+5:31+7,355; ARMY contractors, American Jewish first rabbinical seminary in Committee opposes discrimi- Latin America established, nation by, 21:631-633 1+7:127; ARNOLD, Corinne B., data con- bans public use of Yiddish, cerning, 7:36 1 1+7:1+814+82; ARNOLD, Miriam Kahn, data, con- fascist regime in, 1+9:266-267; cerning, 7:36 Jews and post-war immigration ARNOLD, Philip, Jr., wins policy, 1+9:51+9-551; Carnegie Hero Medal, 18:99 declares racial discrimination ARNOVITZ, Irwin, in Utah Legisla- contrary to law, 50:270 ture, 35:105 ARIZONA, statistics on Jewish ARNSTEIN, Leo, on New York Board population of, 30:180; of Education, 18:100 1+2:239 ARON, Max, in Pennsylvania Legis- lature, 21:199; 35:105 -29- ARONIN, L., biographical sketch, ASH, Michael W., data concerning, 5:U2 2:517 ARONS, Charle3 L., on Milwaukee ASHER, J.A., in Nevada Senate, Bench, 32:1*4.2 13:276 ARONSON, Bernard, in New York ASHER, Jacob, on Massachusetts Legislature, 23:123; 2k-'•&*•> Bench, 19: 2*4-9 25:120 ASHER, Joseph Mayor, biographi- ARONSON, Maurice, data concerning, cal sketch, 5:1*2 6:57-58 ASHER, Mrs. Joseph Mayor, data ARONSON, Robert L., on Missouri concerning, 7:36-37 Bench, l).l:396 ASH1NSKY, Aaron Mordecal, data ARONSON, Rudolph, theatrical concerning, 5:14-3 manager, 6:58 ASIA, statistics on Jewish popu- ART, activity of U.S. Jewry in, lation of, l5:*4-23, et seq. 25:14-2; 26:i4.3-Ult; 27:5o-5l; ASIA and Australasia, statistics 29:14-8-14.9; 31:156; 14-6:125-127; on Jewish population of, See also Artists; Society of 14-9:7314-, 737,7*4-1; Jewish Art See also Australasia ARTHUR, President, informs Congres-s ASHKENAZIC Jews, early settlers of Russia's refusal to honor in the U.S., I4-:73; passpo3*ts of American Jews, communal organization in 6:285 Palestine, 28:136-138; 29:110; ARTISTS, Jewish, in the U.S., list divergence in history and back- of works by, 8:175-180; 9: ground among, 5O:3-*4- 14-67-^4-73; ASSEPATH Hanivcharim, Palestine, See also Art composition of, l|7:*4-6O; ARTS, the, in Jewish schools in elects Vaad Leumi, I4.7 :l+60 U.S., lj.8:H4.5-XI4-6 ASSEMBLY of Hebrew 0rt>ndox ARUK, new edition of, by Alexander Rabbis of Americ r'i ;nd Kohut, I4I4.:75-76 Canada, 143:531).—ij.?: ^69 ARYANIZATION, process in Austria ASSER, T.M.C., arbiter in dispute and Germany, 20:197; 28:*4.86; between Russia and the United 33:80; 36:155-153,162,170-17*4., States, 2:15; 180,181,14.18-14.214.; 37:177-180, on International Arbitration Commission, 3:22; 9:550; 183,188-190,14.02-14.06, I4.08; wins Nobel Peace Prize, 25:196; legislation for, 35:34-35,36,37; data concerning, 25:202 38:308-317,60I+-605,608-609 r ASSIMILATIONISTS, decline in power 39:327-330,332,335,796,797; in Europe, 21).:50 14.0:206,208,211; ASSISTANCE to overseas communi- becomes an international matter, ties, article by Fanny Adler- 36:1+50-14.52; stein, 1+3:88-97; legislation for, in Poland, article by Edward W. Jelenko, 39:14-00-14-02; I4I4.: 123-132; campaign in Rumania for, 39: See also Overseas relief 14-37 -14.39,14104.-1(45 ; ASSOCIATED Temple Torahs, Phila- a Nazi weapon, 14.0:593; delphia, activities, 14.3:14*4.-14-5 completed in Germany, 14-0:593, ASSOCIATION for Jewish Farm Settle- 622; ments, 36:308; 37:285-286 See also Germany ASSOCIATION of Bar of City of New ASCH, Sholem, literary activity, York, tribute to Irving 14.6:110-111; Lehman, 14.8:88 wins Anlsfield Wolf Award, t*.9:595 -30- ASS0CIATI0N of Hungarian Jews of AUSTRALIA, Jews of, 8:262; 9:544; America, 16:167-168; 18:111; 19:269; data concerning, 37:286--43:534; 21:235; 27:36-37; 31:1+1; 32: protests anti-Jewish discrimina- 89; 40:179; 1+3:11+6; 47:373- tion in Hungarian universi- 374; 1+9:307-319; 50:311-317; ties, 39:233 attitude toward Jewish immi- ASSOCIATION of Jewish Refugees and gration, 10:201+; 1+0:179; 39: Immigrants from Poland, 43: 303; 1+8:288; 49:114.313-315, 535-46:428 51+3-51+5; ASSOCIATION of Yugoslav Jewa in the statistics on Jewish popula- U.S., 45:456, et seq. tion, 15:1+21+; 19:1+11; ASSOCIATION pour le Keatabliaaement 25:336, e». seq .; du Judaisme du Prance et dans Jews participate in World War I, ses Possessions d'Outremer, 20:132; 21:236; 47:570, et_s_eq, Jews Zionist in sympathy, 23: ASTOR, John Jacob, works for Jacob 151; 33:69; 1+4:178; 1+9:315- Franks, 27:l6l 316; ATHEISM, promotion by Jews dis- Nazi Party organized in, 38: proved, 31:352,353-354 380; ATLANTA, Ga., Christian Council of, refugee problem in, 1+2:328; denounces anti-Semitism, l+l+:13O,177-178; 1*5:224-225; 1+0:135 1+8:287; 50:312-313; ATLANTIC City, w.j., Beth Israel efforts to combat anti-Semitism Synagogue, illustration, in, 45:225; facing 28:161 relief activities, 1+9:316-317; ATLANTIC, S.S., refugee ship, War effort in, 1+9:317-319; 43:333 and UNSCOP, 1+9:1+88; ATOMIC energy, interfaith activity public opinion favors recogni- regarding control and use of, tion of Israel, 50:311; 48:117,197 anti-Semitic manifestations in, ATTLEE, Clement, Prime Minister, 50:315; American Zionist Emergency post-war Jewish immigration, Council presents Palestine 50:758,759; program to, 48:236-237; See also Kimberley and findings of Anglo-American AUSTRALIA and New Zealand, Jews Committee of Inquiry on of, 22:199; 1+3:287-288; Palestine, 48:374-375,415-417; Jews decorated for gallantry 49:485; in World War I, 22:200 opposes Pres. Truman's request AUSTRIA, minority rights in, 21: to increase Jewish immigra- 167; 22:113-115; 25:390; tion to Palestine, U8:396 26:65-66; AUSLANDER, Joseph, honored by King Jews of, 22:169-173; 26:86-87; of Norway, 5O:5O4 27:89,90; 35:65-66; 39:357, AUSTIN, Bernard, in New York 813; l+0:20l+-21i+; 50:385-387; Legislature, 37:226, et seq,, anti-Jewish movements and ex- AUSTIN, Warren, proposes trustee- ceases in, 22:170-173; 23: ship for Palestine, 50:248- 134-136; 23:134-136; 24:51; 214.9,251 25:89-90,93; 26:90-91,92,95, AUSTRALASIA, Jewish population, 97; 27:104-105,110,111-112; 16:337,338, et seq.; 28s98; 29:85,87-88: 30:41, See also Asia and Australasia 42,293; 31:47-48,363; 32:101- 102,312-313; 33:79-80,383; -31- AUSTRIA, anti-Jewish movements AUSTRIA (contj and excesses in (oont,) populace opposes anti-Jewish 34:63; 36:145,146,147,148; decrees, 43:210; 37:143; 38:275-278; 39:355- Jewish literary renascence in, 356; 40:205-207; 48:317-319; 44=83; 49:375-377; Germany deports Jews to Poland Jewish population, 22:363; 33: from, 44:190; 281-282; 42:595,596; 47:379- Hungarian Jewi3h deportees 380; 48:316-317; 49:375-377; aided by, 47:379; 50:385-386; American efforts in behalf of movement to send East European displaced persons in, Jews to Poland from. 23:134- 48:116-117; 136,142; Jewish displaced persons in, efforts to combat anti-Semitism 48:316; 50:708,711-714? in, 25:101-102; 26:112; restitution of Jewish property Jewish political activity, in, 48:319-321; 49:378-379; 26:51; 50:387; Jewish organization for support Jews desire to emigrate from, of League of Nations, 26:65; 48:321; data on Jews in universities, work of UNRRA in behalf of Jews 27:45-46; in, 48:449; Jewish cooperatives, 28:83; communities reestablished in, Aryanization of, 28:486; 33:80; 49:377-378; 37:188-189; 38:273-275,278, Polish Jews flee to U,S, Zone 610; 40:208-211; 41:265,266; of, 49:521; 44-.190-191; delay in drafting peace treaty Socialists, to respect religious with, 49:571-572; freedom, 29:50-51; relationship between Jewish plight of Jews, 32:101,102-103; displaced persons and native 33:383; 34=63-64; 37:187-190, population, 50:465-466 410-4H; AUSTRIA-Hungary, anti-Semitism in, struggle against Nazis in, 36: 2:20-24; 3:20; 5:25-26; 8:252; 145,146,147; 10:205,206; 16:168-172; 20: efforts of American Jewish Com- 233-235; 21:208-213; mittee in behalf of Jews, Jewish representative bodies in 36:455-456; 37:411; 2:507; not to participate in inter- rabbinical seminaries in, 2:5l4» governmental conference on Jews of, 4:32-33; 6:67-68; 7: refugees, 38:275; 257,269; 9:544-546; 15:276- pact with Nazi Germany, 39:354- 283; 16:168-177; 18:112-115; 355; 19:269-272; agitation on Jewish participa- Jew chief engineer of navy of, tion in Berlin Olympics, 6:37; 39:357; • Zionist activity in, 8:252; Nazi seizure opposed by American ritual murder charge in, 9:545; public opinion, 40:94-96; 10:246; efforts to aid Jewish victims of minority rights in, 10:204; Nazis, 40:114-115,164-165,181; 21:209; 41:175,205; 49:237-238; treaty between Russia and, Nazi terror in, 40:211-213,214; 13:64-65; 43:209-210; 45:238-239; Jews affected by World War I, Poland bars re-entry of Polish 17:225-228; 18:115-117,118- Jews from, 40:251-252; 119; -32-

AUSTRIA-Hungary (oont.) AVSHALOMOFF, Jacob, awarded second Jews decorated for bravery in prize in international music War, 18:117-118; 20:235; contest, 50:504 relief work of JDC In, 4l:l47; AVUKAH, 29:160--45:456 For later references, see under AXMAN, Sophie (Mrs. Charles D.), Austria; Hungary; data concerning, 7:37 See also Galicia AYDELOTTE, Frank, on Anglo- AUSTRIAN, Ben, data concerning, American Committee of In- 6:^8 quiry, 1+8:399 AUSTRIAN, Carl J., discusses edu- AYER's Directory, the Yiddish cation work of American press in, 26:176,177 Jewish Committee, 39:792 AZZAM Bey, Abdul Rahman, testifies AUTHORS, Jewish, address by David before Anglo-American Com- Phillpson at 25th anniversary mittee of Inquiry, 48:410 of JPS, 15:35-39

BACHARACH, Harry, public offices BAHAMAS, absence of Jews in, held by, 11:224,274; 33:112 19:91 BACHARACH, Isaac, in House of Rep- BAKER, Edward M-, data concerning, resentatives, 13:276; 17:214, 7:37; 58i2, et. seq. heads Cleveland Stock Exchange, BACRRACH, David H., biographical sketch, 5:^4-3 15:254 BACKER, George, president of BAKER, Newton D., insists on anti- American ORT Federation, discrimination policy by 41:208 Army contractors, 21:631-633; BADT, Harry, honored by Hobart signs Christian protest against College, kl-SO'v anti-Jewish propaganda, BAECK, Leo, head of 0-erme.n Jewry, 24:334; 40:203; and appointment of rabbis as efforts to maintain Jewish com- ohaplalns in the armed munal life in Germany, forces, 39:150-151; 45:237-238; recognizes JWB as agency for testifies before Anglo-American Jewish enlisted men, 39:152; Committee of Inquiry, 14.8:14.06 memorandum on civil and reli- BAEHR, George, obituary of Ejnanuel gious rights, 39:262 Libman, 49:81-8)4. BAKER, Ray Stannard", signs BAER, Isaac, in Houea of Represen- Christian protest against tatives, 9:14-77 anti-Jewish propaganda, BAER, Max F., heads B'nai B'rith 21+: 334 Vocational Service Bureau, BALDAUF. Minnie L,, data con- 45:109 cerning, 7:37-38 BAERWALD, Paul, active ir JDC, BALDWIN, Edward C, suggests 14.1:165 organization cf Hillel BAFP, Max, Fellow of the Araerioan Foundation, 26:40; 27:46; College of Physicians, 22:150 45:108; 47:143 -33-

BALDWIN, Hanson, comment on the BALFOUR Declaration (cont.) Nuremberg trials, approved by American Jewish 49:587-588 organizations, 42:199-200; BALDWIN, Joseph C, Congressman, 46:59; resolution for rescue of Jews See also Palestine of Europe, 1+6:307 BALFOUR, Arthur James, Lord, up- BALPOUR Declaration on Palestine, holds policy of Jewish British reaction to, 20:286- national home in Palestine, 287; 27:128-129; 28:116; 27:124; 28:117; and American Jewish Committee, attends formal opening of 20:406-407; 21:659,660-661; Hebrew University, 39:l8l 32:14.6; 34:330; 14.0:586-587; BALKAN States, situation of Jews 14.2:125,130-131; 144:14-79; in, 15:201-206; stimulates recruiting for Jewish Jew3 migrate to U.S. from, army corps, 21:126,127; 15:208-209; and World Zionist Congre33, efforts of American Jewish Com- 21:295-296; mittee to secure rights for approved by individuals and minorities in, 16:3814.-387; nations, 21:296-297,299,300; 18:339-31*0; 19:466; 42:95-96; 25:1014.; 26:1114.; 27:122-125? Powers consider Jewish question 28:116-117; in, 19:138,139,11+2,151-152; quoted, 21:659; religious liberty in, pre- incorporated in Palestine requisite to recognition of Mandate, 22:129-130,234; independence, 19:139,152, 23:351; 153,151*.; approved by Massachusetts See also Levantine Jews in the Legislature, 23:111).; U.S. and under individual approved by Congress, 24:66; Balkan countries 25:1014.; BALKAN Wars, and the Jews, 15:188- to be basis for British Pales- 206; tine policy, 26:116,117,119; World Jewry does relief work general opposition to, in, 15:1914.-195,221-222,246; 25:111-112; 16:382-3814-; 18:350-351; opposed by Arabs, 27:134; 32: and civil rights, 15:196-197, 1314--135; 41:334; 221; declared violation of McMahon American efforts for minority pledge to Arabs, 28:121-122; rights provision in treaty Zangwill disapproves British at end of, 15:240-241; interpretation, 29:114-1; Serbia rewards heroism of Jews Ahad Ha'am and events leading in, 16:251; to, 30:98; Jews affected by transfer of Herbert Samuel and Palestine territory from Turkey after, Jews urges upholding of, 38: 16:384 255; 14-1:331,3314.-335; BALLIN, Julius, data concerning, Palestine partition plan called 7:38 contravention of, [(.0:586-587; BALLIN, Max, wins award of Ameri- abandonment rumored, 41:200; 1939 White Paper called repudia- can Medical Association, tion of, 14-1:314-5; 34:97 -34- BALTIC States, protection of minor- BAPTISTS approve Congressional ity rights urged in, 28:63; resolution of protest against Nazi propaganda drive in, 37: persecution of Jews in 199-200,201,202; Russia, 13:311; review of events, by Simon Segal, denounce Jewish massacres in 43 :2hl -256; Eastern Europe, 23:ll5-li6j Jews flee from, 44:2I4.O; protest against compulsory anti-Jewish measures in, 44:241- Bible reading in Virginia 243; 45:312-313; public schools, 29:36-39; form Nazi administrative unit, condemn anti-Semitism, 42:297 45:312; BARACH, Alvan Lo, awarded medal by See also Estonia; Latvia; American Medical Association, 38:402' BALTIMORE, estimate of Jewish popu- BARASCH, Julius, creator of scien- lation, 4 = 46-59; tific Rumanian language, Jewish death-rate, 4:47-59; 3:59 campaign against sectarian BARBADOS, early Jewish colony in, celebrations in public 19:92 schools, 11:57; BARBE, Lizzie T. (Mrs. Martin), federation movement in, 17:166- data concerning, 7:38-39 167,177; BARKHOUSE, Louis, data concerningj Jewish education in, i+Q: lij-7; 7:39 50:161 BARKLEY, Alben W., demands pun- BAMBER, Golde, data concerning, ishment for Nazis for atro- 7:38 cities on Jews, 45:195 BAMBERGER, Clarence G., in Utah BARNERT, Nathan, data concerning, Legislature, 15:254 7:39 BAMBERGER, Ira Leo, data con- BARNET, Gates, data concerning, cerning, 7:38 7:39 BAMBERGER, Mrs. Ira L., on New York BARNET, Philip, in Massachusetts City Board of Education, Legislature, 34:97; 35:105; 13:276; 16:151). 39:563; 41:397; 43:341 BAMBERGER, Julian M., in Utah BARNET, Samuel, on Massachusetts Legislature, 35:105; 36:252 bench, 33:112 BAMBERGER, Louis, honorary degrees BABNETT, David S., awarded conferred on, 30:72; 39:563; Military Cross, in World Liberty ship named after, War II, 48:55 47:505 BARNETT, George E., article, "The BAMBERGER, Raymond, data concern- Jewish Population of Mary- ing, 6:58 land," 4:46-62 BAMBERGER, Simon, governor of Utah, BARNETT, Max, on Monaca, Pa., 19:249, et seq, Council, 14:274 BANEVER, Gilbert, wins "Prix de BARNSTEIN, Henry, biographical Rome" for painting, 36:252 sketch, 5:43 BANK, k,K., collection given to BARON de Hirsch Agricultural Library of Jewish Theological School, data concerning, Seminary, 45:71 14:104-105 BANKS, Benjamin A., in Virginia BARON do Hirsch Fund diverts Jews Legislature, 14:274 toward agriculture. 1:15; 12:35,64-65; 14:67-68,93; -35- BARON de Hirsch Fund (oont.) BAROWAY, Solomon, data concerning, data concerning, 1:14.2 et seq.; 7:39-40 activities, 2:16,31,69-74,501- BARRON, Mrs. Jennie Loitman, on 502; 37:117-118; Boston Bench, 40:357 aids Jewish agricultural colo- BARSIMSON, Jacob, first Jewish nies, l+:35-36; 14:44,86; 37: settler in New Amsterdam, 101,102,107; 28:193 aids immigrants in U.S., J4.:76; BARTH, Irvin V., on St. Louis 8:24-25,31,271; 14:90; Bench, 15:254 50:39,54; BARTHOLD, Manuel, data concerning, transfers agricultural matters 6:59 to Jewish Agricultural and BARTSCHERER, Jacob, on New York Industrial Aid Society, 14:82; City Board of Aldermen, Americanization work, 23:104- 16:154 105; BARUCH, Bernard M., honors and cooperates in work of Indus- appointments conferred on, trial Removal Office, 50:28 13:276; 26:130; 35:105; 39: BARON de Hirsch Institute organized 563; 46:147; 48:471; 50: in Montreal, 27:191; 54-55; aids Russo-Jewish immigrants in in public service, 19:249; 35: Canada, 27:199; 105; 45:368; 46:319; 50:644 bequest of Baroness de Hirsch BARUCH, Emanuel, data concerning, to, 27:202,203; 6:59 center of Montreal philanthro- BARUCH, Herman Benjamin, in U.S. pic activity, 27:205 diplomatic service, 47:505; BARON de Hirsch Trade School for 49:595; 50:644 Boys turned over to New York BARUCH, Simon, data concerning, City Board of Education, 6:59-60 37:165 BASSECHES, Maurice, assistant BARON, Max G., on Missouri Bench, editor, American Jewish 35:105 Year Book, 49 BARON, Salo, on faculty of Columbia BASSETT, Alexander, on New York University, 32:142; City Board of Aldermen, president of American Academy 20:162 for Jewish Research, 43:57; BATH, Michael L., president of president of Conference on Shreveport, La., Chamber of Jewish Relations, 43:57; Commerce, 22:150 article, "The Year in Retro- BAUER, Henry D., on Memphis Civil spect," 49:103-122; Service Commission, 12:322 lay chairman of Library of Jew- BAUER, Solomon H., biographical ish Information, 50:833 data, 5:43 BARON, Wolff, biographical data, BAUM, Esther, data concerning, 5:43 7:40 BAR01DESS, Joseph, data concerning, BAUM, Harry, in New York Legisla- 6:58-59; ture, 22:150; 23:123 active in New York Jewish Com- BAUM, Lester, public offices held munity, 11:48,49; by, 43:341. 45:368 on Board of Education, 14:274. BAUM, Solomon, biographical 19:249; sketch, 5:44 active in labor movement, BAUMGARTEN, Yetta Rose, data con- 50:48 cerning, 7:40 -36- BAVARIA, anti-Semitic measures BEIfflEND, Max, president of Penn- and manifestations in, sylvania Medical Society, 23:169; 26:103,651; 27:111).; 36:252 37:180; BEILIS, Mendel, case against, 15: Catholic Church repudiates 221+; 16:19-90; Aryanization decree, 35:38; civilized world protests to See also Germany Russia on, 16:19.65-76,79- BAYARD, T.P., passport question in 82,135-137,168-169,177,178- diplomatic correspondence of, 179,181-182,187,201,217-218, 6:293-295 256,266-268,388-389; BEACO^TSFIELD, Lord. See_ Disraeli, Russian opinion divided on, Benjamin 16:19-20,216-217; BEAN, Louis K,, agricultural re- case a conspiracy against Jews, search by, 37:127 16:20,33-31+,59; BEARD, Charles A., signs Christian American reaction to case, Drotest against anti-Jewish 16:85-89,135-137,388-389; nropaganda, 2U.: 33U- aided by American Jewish Com- BEARSTED, Viscount, plans to aid mittee, 18:338; 23:352 German Jews, 38:216,255 BELASCO, David, data concerning, BEBER, Sam, founds B'nai B'rith 6:60 youth organization, BELDOCK, George J., on New York 1+5:108-109 Bench, 50:505 BECK, Prank 0., gives interde- BELGIUM, Jewish representative nominational chapel to body in, 2:509; Indiana University, L|.3:12i(. Jews decorated by King, 9:514-6; BECK, Jack, decorated for Jews of, 15:283; 18:120; 19: gallantry In World War I, 272; 20:236; 21:295-296; 36: 38:lj.O2 114.8-114.9; 39:313-3114-; 1+7:381- BECK, James M., signs Christian 382; 14.8:2914.-295; 1+9:329-330; protest against anti-Jewish 50:325-331; propaganda, 2X4.:33i+ and religious liberty clauses BECK, Joseph, Polish Foreign in Treaty of Vienna, 19:128; Minister, and minority American Jews aid Jews in, 19: rights of Jews, 37:li+2 196-197; 1+9:21+0-21+1; BECKELMAN, Moses W., on JDC staff Jews suggest World Zionist in Poland, 14-2:277 congress on Balfour Declara- BECKER, Ferdinand, biographical tion, 21:295-296; sketch, 5:1+1+ economic situation of Jews in, BECKER, James H., chairman of De- 33:79; 3l+:62; 1+3:172; l+l+:207- partment of Community Acti- 208; !+5:261+-265; 50:327; vities, American Jewish Com- anti-Jewish manifestations in, mittee, 14.7:671)., 706-709 31+: 62; 38:266; 1+0:180-181; BECKER, Louis, in Missouri Legis- attitude toward Nazism, 35:1+7; lature, 13:276 38:266; 1+2:332-331+; 1+3:173- BECKERMAN, A., on New York City 171+; l|l+:210-211; 1+5:262-261+; Board of Aldermen, 20:162 1+6:221; BEER, George L., decorated by anti-Jewish discrimination in Belgium, 22:150 Polish universities con- BEHAR, HisslmA., data concerning, demned in, 1+0:181; 7:14.0 and refugee question, 1+0:181; BEHRE^D, Jeanne (Mrs. Alexander 1+1:21+1+-21+5,21+7; l+2:33l+,l+52- Kelberine), awarded prize in 1+51+; 1+7:380-381; 1+9:325-327; music by Columbia University, 38:14-02 -37- BELGIUM (oont.) BENESCH, Alfred, activity of, on attempted Aryanization In, Cleveland Board of Education, l|i:2l|6; I4.3 • 170-171,171;; 3U:97; 36:252; 1+0:357; Jews deported to Poland from, 14-6:319 U4:209; lt5:260-262; BEN Gurion, David, testifies before anti-Jewish laws opposed by British Royal Commission on Government-in-Exile, lj.5:265; Palestine, 39:!+72-l4_73; Nazi terror in, I4.6:220-221; states Palestine views, 1;7:332; refugees flee to Switzerland heads Palestine Labor Party, from, l;6:3O3; U7:l;62; Jewish population, li7:380; 50: opposes violence as political 325-326; instrument, 1).8:383; abrogates Nazi laws, i+7:381; presents Jewish case to Anglo- rehabilitation and restitution American Committee of Inquiry, of property in, I4.7:381-382; kBk!2 14-8:295; 1^9:327-328; attacks Bevin's rejection of post-war resurgence of anti- Committee's recommendations, Semitism, 14.7:716; 14.9:328-329; 50:330-331; and Palestine policy of Jewish review of affairs, by Regina Agency, 1;9:5O3-5Ol4_; Orfingen-Karlin, I4.9:325-330; objects to trusteeship for post-war Immigration policy, Palestine, 14-9:517; lj-9:559; 50:756 and inclusion of non-Zionists BELKIN, Samuel, president of on Jewish Agency, 1+9:788 University, 14.8:81 BEN Sira, Solomon Schechter dis- BELL, Bernard I., signs Christian covers original manuscript protest against anti-Jewish of, 18:14.0-43 propaganda, 2l4.:33l| BENJAMIN, Alfred, memorial reso- BELLMAN, ^amuel, in Minnesota lutions of American Jewish Legislature, 37:226 Committee on, 26:616,617 BELMONT, August, in U.S. diplomatic BENJAMIN, E.F., commands Jewish service, 33:263, et seq, Infantry Brigade Group of BELTH, Nathan Caro, article on the British Army in World War II, refugee problem, 14.1:3714.-391 14-8:70,71 BEN Akiba of America, 36:309 BENJAMIN, Eugene, data concerning, BENDER, Albert M., decorated by 7:1+0-14-1 Italy, 33:112; BENJAMIN, Judah P., in U.S. awarded honorary degree by Uni- Senate, 2:517; 9:14-36, et 3eq. versity of California, 36:252 BENJAMIN, Raphael, biographical BENDERLY, Samson, data concerning, sketch, 5:144 7:14-0; BENJAMIN, Robert, in Maryland activity in Jewish educational Legislature, 33:112 work, 13:306; 16:109; 17:378; BENJAMINSON, Abraham L., data con- 38:112; 14.3:14-3; 50:57; cerning, 6:60-61 surveys of Jewish education in BENMOSCHE, Herman, biographical the U.S., 38:31;,35,37-39; data, 5:144 death, 14-6:102 BENNETT, William S., Congressman, BENEDICT, Libby, article "Reaction asks modification of immigra- in U.S. to Events Overseas," tion law for Russian Jews, 8: 14.5:191-198 90,100; BENES, M., opposes German position resolution against Russia's on Jewish question before treatment of Jews, H:6I4. League of Nations, 36:10a1 -38- BENOLIEL, Solomon D., data con- BERLIN, Irving, honors conferred cerning, 6:61 on, 43:3415 45 = 368; 48:ltf2; BENTWICH, Worman, letter to JPS on 49:595; 5o:5o5 Its 2^th anniversary, BERLIN, Ralph P., wins medal of 15:1(4-45 BERCOVICI, Konrad, member of Aca- Carnegie Hero Fund Commission, demie Franchise de Science 10:117 Internationale, 33:112 BERLIN, pogroms in, and American BERENGER, Henri, attacks Germany's reaction, 26:108-111,652; racist legislation, 36:101- 38:175-178; 102,106-109 statistics on Jewish population BERENSON, Bernhard, data concern- 50:721 ing, 6:61 BERLIN, Congress of, proclaims BERG, Albert A.,, honors and equality of all creeds, 3:65; appointments conferred on, considers question of Jewish 1+4:321; 45:368; 50:505 rights, 19:133-155 BERG, Gertrude, data concerning, BERLIN, Treaty of, and situation 7:14-1 of Jews in Rumania, 3:63-87; 4:31-32; 19:154-155; 21:655; BERG, Julius, in New York Legisla- proclaims religious equality, ture, 25:120; 26:130; 32:11+2; 3:65; 33:112; 35:105; 37:226; Hays, American Secretary of 39:563 State sends note to signa- BERGER, David C, in U.S. consular tories of, 4:20,38-41; 5:17; service, 26:130 defied by Rumania, 16:387 BERGER, Mrs. Meta, president of BERLINER, Emils, data concerning, Milwaukee School Board, 18:100 6:61; BERGER, Victor L., public offices wins awards by Franklin Insti- held by, 19:250; 25:120 et seq. tute, 15:254; 31:82 BERGMAN, Moise, biographical data, BERLINER, Solomon, in U,S. con- 5:1(4; 6:214 sular service, 6:62 BERGSON, Henri, receives honorary BERMAN, Benjamin, in Ohio Legis- degree from Columbia Uni- lature, 34:97 versity, 14:274; BERMAN, Eugene, wins prize at declines exemption from French American art exhibition in anti-Jewish decrees, 43:152; Chicago, 50:505 Vichy government represented at BERMAN, Louis G., in Illinois funeral, 47:79 Legislature, 39:56? BERKOWITZ, Henry, biographical BERMAN, Paul, in Maryland Legisla- data, 5:44-45; 26:449,457-458; ture, 33:112 obituary by William Roseman, BERMAN, Saul, president of Hart- 26:448-458; ford Board of Education, portrait, facing, 26:448; 40:357 organizes Jewish Chatauqua BERMUDA, small Jewish population Society, 26:451; in, 19:91; tribute by Simon Miller, 26:681 American Jewish Committee BERKOWITZ, Henry J., obituary of opposes discrimatory circular Ben Selling, 33:155-163; concerning, 33:348j awarded honorary degree by Anglo-American Refugee Con- Oregon State College, 34=97 ference at, 45:196,210,358, BERKOWITZ, William J., data con- 360,361; 47:45 cerning, 7:41 BERKSON, Isaac B., winner of William Heard Kilpatrick award, 46:319 -39-

BERNADOTTE, Polke, Count, DN BERNSTEIN, Bernard, rabbi, bio- mediator in Palestine, 50:251+- graphical sketch, 5:1+5 255,1+35; BERNSTEIN, Edgar, review of halts Jewish immigration to affairs in South Africa, Palestine, 50:265; 1+7:366-372; 1+8:281-287; 1+9: reports Arab opposition to Jew- 297-307; 50:297-298 ish state, 50:265; BERNSTEIN, Ernest R., public plan for Arab and Jewish refu- offices held by, 7:192f gees, 50:265-266 9:1+77 BERNARD, Samuel, data concerning, BERNSTEIN, Herbert I., wins 6:62 National Research Counoil BERNBAUM, Maurice M., in U.S. Award in chemistry, 1+2:1+62 diplomatic service, 39:563 BERNSTEIN, Herman, data concern- BERNHARD, Mrs. Abraham, decorated ing, 6:62; by Belgium, 22:l5o edits American Jewish Year Book, BERNHEIM, Bertrand Mose3, wins 16 Norton Medical Award, 1+9:595 Russia bars book by, 16:21+3; BERNHEIM, Franz, petition to secretary of American Jewish League of Nations on Nazi Committee, 16:382; 17:372; violation of minority rights, exposes Protocols, 23:118; 35:53,71+-1O1; 36:89,1+1+0-5^1 2l+:339; BERNHEIM, Isaac W., data concern- founder of the TOR, 26:171; ing, 7:1+1-1+2; action against Henry Ford for aids Library of Hebrew Union anti-Jewish attacks, 30:2l+; College, 1+5:76; Minister to Albania, 32:11+2, memorial resolutions of JPS on, et seq,; 1+7:756; decorated by Albania, 36:252 death, 1+8:61+6 BERNSTEIN, Israel, on Portland, BERNHEIMER, Alan Weyl, wins award Me., School Board, 2l+:8l+ of Society of American BERNSTEIN, J.Sidney, in House of Bacteriologists, 5O:5o5 Representatives, 9:1+77 BERNHEIMER, Marcus, data con- BERNSTEIN, John L., article, "The cerning, 7:1+2 Migration of Jews in Recent BERNHEIMER, Charles S., article, Years," 38:117-131+5 "Summary of Jewish Organiza- describes work of HIAS, 39:790 tions in the U.S.," 2:1+96- BERNSTEIN, Joseph M., article, 506; "Immigration and Refugee data concerning, 7:1+2; Aid in U.S.," 1+7:316-321+ in charge of Philadelphia office BERNSTEIN, Leonard, wins honors' of JPS, 15:69,73; in musical field, 1+6:119-120, article, "Jewish Americanization 319; 1+9:595; Agencies," 23: 81+-111 discusses Jewish music, 50:195 BERNON, Maurice, on Ohio Bench, BERNSTEIN, Ludwig B., data con- 22:150; 25:120 cerning, 7:1+2-1+3; BERNSTEEN, A.F., U.S. Attorney in heads Bureau of Jewish Social Ohio, 25:120 Research and Statistics, BERNSTEIN, Alex, on Cleveland City 22:1+25; Council, 12:322; I6:l5l+; report to American Jewish Com- 18:100 mittee, 22:1+1+8-1+51 BERNSTEIW, Bernard, actor, data BERNSTEIN, Maurice, Cleveland concerning, 6:62 councilman, 10:117; on Ohio Bench, 17:211+; 18:100 -4o- BERNSTEIN, Morris, in Ohio Legisla- BETH Israel Synagogue, Atlantic ture, 15:254 City, W.J. BERNSTEIN, Philip S., article, See Atlantic City, N.J., Beth "Jewish Chaplains in World Israel Synagogue War II," 47:173-200; BETH Jacob World Organization, article, "Displaced Persons," l+i+:366 U9=520-533; BETTELHKIM, Cyd., data concerning, appointed special advisor on 7:43 Jewish affairs by General BETTMAN, Alfred, data concerning, McNarney, 49:595 7:43; BERNSTEIN, Robert, in New York on Ohio Judicial Council, Legislature, 36:252 26:130 BERNSTEIN, Samuel, president of BETTMAN, Bernhard, data concern- Kingston, N.Y., Board of ing, 6:62-63; Education, 18:100 honors and appointments con- BERNSTEIN, Samuel, rabbi, bio- ferred on, 9:474; 10:117 graphical sketch, 5:45 BETTMAN, Gilbert, Attorney General BERNSTEIN, Saul, data concerning, of Ohio, 31:82; 33:112 6:62 BETTMAN, Henry W., data concern- BERNSTEIN, Sidney, in New York ing, 6:63 Legislature, 8:185 BEVERIDGE, Arthur J., signs Chris- BERNSTEIN, Sidney J., on New York tian protest against anti- Bench, 14-1:397 Jewish propaganda, 24:334 BERWIN, William, on Boston Common BEVIN, Ernest, attitude on Pales- Council, 8:185; 9:477 tine, 1+8:373,382-383; 49: BESSARABIA, Jewish agricultural 1+89-1+93; 50:281-282; colonies, 14:38; reaction to appointment of anti-Jewish excesses in, 21: Anglo-American Committee of 294; 45:327-328; Inquiry by, 1+8:397-398; religious instruction in public American reaction to rejection schools, 27:44; of findings of Committee by, famine sufferers aided by Ameri- 1+8:1+21-1+23 oan Jews, 28:85,86; 31:33,39, BEZALEL School established in 41,42,54; 38:296; Palestine by Boris Schatz, conquered by Soviet Russia, 17:117-118 1+2:396,1+03; BIALY3T0K, pogrom at, Report of See al3o Rumania Duma Commission on, 8:36-37, BESSARABIAM Jews of America, 70-89; Federation of, 21:308 instigators pardoned, 10:225 BESTOR, Arthur E., signs Christian BIBLE, controversy over view of protest against anti-Jewish slavery in, 4:71; propaganda, 24:334 translated into English by BETH Ahabah Congregation, Richmond. Isaac Leeser, 15:16; See Richmond, Congregation Beth German anti-Semites urge dis- Ahabah continuance of instruction BETH Din of America, 44:366, in, 26:38; et seq. first modern Yiddish transla- BETH Elohim Synagogue, Charleston. tion of, 38:239; See Charleston, Beth Elohim issued by JPS for JWB In World Synagogue War I, 39:151; 44:512; Karaite dictionary of, dis- covered, 39:279; -l+i-

BIBLE (oont.) BIBLE, translation of JPS (cont.) Rashi's influence on transla- editors, 15:75-76,113-111+; 18: tions of, (4.1:138-139; 63; 19:165,166; 35:11+2; planned by JPS in Hebrew and Central Conference of American English, 1)7:714.7 Rabbis cooperates in, 15:76, BIBLE and the Layman, address by 110-112; 19:166; Solomon Solis-Cohen before address of Cyrus Adler on, 15: 29th annual meeting of JPS, 101-121; 19:529-532 editions of, 15:120; 19:509- BIBLE commentary, need for, 11:275- 510; 25:1+35; 276; 15:118-119,173-176; 18: completed, 19:508-509; 1+5:53; 58,614.; 23:398,^06; and Jacob H. Schiff, 19:509; to be issued by JPS, l6-.lj.25; 23:1+0; 1+9:821-825; 17:1+01; 18:14.21; 20:14-18; 21: distribution, 19:521-529; 20: 697; 22:14.72-1+73; 27:i+-96; 1+0: 1+17-1+18; 650; story of, by Max L. Mergolis, by Rashi, 14.1:116-119,122-131, 20:1+11+4+15; lt+0; praised by Methodists, 23: See also Jewish Classics 389-390; BIBLE reading in public schools, work of Cyrus Adler on, 1+2: agitation concerning, 5:37; 101+-108,693-697 10:193; 11:56-57; 15:21+1; BIBLIOGRAPHIES:-Agricultural acti- 16:138; 17:203-201+; l8:81+-85; vities of Jews in America, 19:238; 25:3l+-35; 26:33; 27: ll+:lll+-H5; 1+1-1+3; 28:1+2,1+3; 29:36-1+1; American Jewish Bibliography, 32:80-81; 33:50; 3t+:!+0; 39: 1+3:59-71; 1+1+:3O3-318; 1+5:1+31- 269; 1+0:20,21-21+ 1+1+6; 1+6:1+01-1+15; 1+7:51+5-556; BIBLE translation of JPS, work on, 1+8:511-526; 14.9:625-693; 50: 2:650,651-652,660-661,666; 527-51+6; 3:205,221-222; 1+ :2l8 -219,221+- Available stories of Jewish 225; 5:235-236; 9:*13-*ll+; 10: interest in English, 3:130- 266,275; 11:265-269,275-281+; U+2; 12:361,366,369: 13:31+1,31+6; Books and articles by Jews In ll+:320,323; 15:1+73; 16:1+21+- the U.S., 7:171-180; 8:11+8- 1+25; 17:1+00-1+01,1+05-1+08; 19: 166; 9:W+3-l+59; 10:91-110; 161+-193; l+2:10l+-107; 11:201+-218; 12:301-316; importance, 3:217-218; 15:116- History of the Jewish immigrant 117, 120-121; 19:161-161+; in America, 50:82-81+; 21:691,696; Jewish fiction in English, funds for, 3:221-222; 7:*15; 1+3:1+99-518; 8:-"8; ll+:319; 15:76-77,108, Jewish periodicals in the U.S., 112,182,1+71; 19:168; 23:1+0; 1:271-282; 26:68l+-685; Jews of Canada, 1+8:32; first installment published, Kol widre prayer, 25:192-191+; 6:385,393; Nazi Germany and the Jews, tribute to Marcus Jastrow's 38:135-171+; work on, 6:1+01-1+08; 15:75-76; 100 best available books in committee reorganized, 7:269, English on Jewish subjects, #8-*9; 15:113-117,118,119, 6:309-317; 27:260-273; 120; 100 best available books in speedy publication urged, English on Palestine, 8l 7:153-162; -1+2- BIBLIOGRAPHIES (oont.) BILLIKOPP, Jacob, data concerning, Recent Jewish progress In Pales-; tine, 17:157-155; Selected Hebraica and Judalca, honors and appointments con- 2:626-635; 3:160-177; l+:ll+7- ferred on, 12:323; li+:275; 167; 5:165-188; 6:318-31+8; 15:251+; 18:100; 30:72; Standard books in English on directs first fund-raiaing Jewish subjects, 25:201;-255; drive of JDC, 1+1:11+5 Works of Cyrus Adler, 1+2:51-52 BILTMORE Program demands Jewish BIBLIOGRAPHY, Jewish, stimulated by Commonwealth in Palestine, book collections, 1+5:60 14-5:207; BIBLIOTHECA Rosenthaliana, Zionist attitude on, 1+5:207; message to JPS on its 25th 1+9:251+, 516,517; anniversary, 15:159 and the Partition Plan for BICK, Louis R., U.S. District Palestine, 1+9:21+8-251 Attorney, 17:211+ BI-NATIONALISM proposed by Dr» BIDDLE, Francis, praises Swedish Judah L. Magnes, 1+6:289; generosity to refugees, discussed before UNSCOP, 1+9: 1+6:306 506-507; BIEN, Julius, data concerning, approved by Palestine Com- 6:63 munists, 1+9:507; BIEN, Morris, data concerning, advocates, reject UNSCOP deci- 6:63-61+ sion, 1+9:511 BIENENFELD, Abel M., data con- BINDER, Loui3 in Maryland Legis- cerning, 6:61+ lature, 33:112 BIENENFELD, Bernard, data con- BINGHAM, Theodore Aa, Police cerning, 6:61+-65 Commissioner of New York, BIENETTSTOK, Montefiore, data retracts charges against concerning, 7:1+3 alien Jews, 11:62-63,250; BIENENSTOK, Sarah, data concerning, 18:331 BINNARD, Joseph, in Nevada Legis- 7:1+3 lature, 13:277 BIERMAN, William, president of BINSWANGER, Augustus C, on American College of Physical Baltimore City Council. Therapy, 39:563; 9:1+77 decorated by French Legion of BINSWANGER, Henry S., memorial Honor, 39:563 minute of American Jewish BIGART, Jacques, article, "The Committee on, 32:298 Alliance Israelite Uni- BINSWANGER, Simon, memorial verselle," 2:1+5-65 minute of American Jewish BIJUR, Nathan, data concerning, Committee on, 32:298 6:65; BIOGRAPHICAL sketches: Jews who active in New York Jewish Com- have served in the Congress munity, 11:1+3,1+9; of the U.S., 2:517-521+; on New York Bench, 12:323; 26: rabbis and cantors officiating 130; 33:266; 3^:236; in the U.S., 5:1+0-118; 6: memorial minute of American 211+-225; 7:119-125; Jewish Committee on, 33:373- Jews prominent in the profes- 371+ sions, 6:52-113; 39:60-63; BILBO, Theodore G., Senator, anti- communal workers in the U.S., Jewish remarks of, 1+8:185 7:32-118 BILDERSEE, Adele, dean of women's branch of Brooklyn College, 33:112 -43- BIRNBAUM, Eduard, music collection, BLATT, Joseph, biographical sketch, acquired by Library of Hebrew 5:1+5 Union College, 1+5:77-78 BLATT, Solomon, speaker of South BIRNBERG, Nathan, on Elmira Board Carolina Assembly, 39:563 of Eduoation, 21+ r- 81+. BLATT, William M., president of BIRNKRAUT, Maxim, in New York Massachusetts Law Society, Legislature, 15:255 39:561+ BIROBIDJAW, Jewish settlement in, BLAU, William, on New York City 31:3i+,6L(.-65; 32:12k, 319-320; Bench, 22:150 3l+:77-78; 35:67; 36:235,236, BLAUSTEIN, David, data conierning. 237; 37:208-209; 33:199-200; 7:10+; 1+6:82; 39:1+53-1+55; 1+0:306-307; 1+1: resigns as head of Educational 369; 1+2:1+39; 1+3:318-319; 1+7: Alliance, New York, 10:195; 1+16-1+17; 1+8:330,331; 1+9:1+07- lecturer at New York School of 1+09; 50:1+O7-I+O8; Philanthropy, 12:323 and mass immigration of East BLAUSTEIN, Jacob, chairman of European Jews to, 37:209; General Committee of American 39:21+6-21+7; Jewish Committee, 1+5:622; American Jewish efforts in be- reports by, 1+6:51+2-559; 1+7:673- half of, 38:199-200; 1+8:331 686; 1+8:622-633; 1+9:780-795; BIRSTEIN, Ann, wins Intercollege 50:812-837; Literary Fellowship of Dodd, activity in behalf of Inter- Mead 4 Co,, 50:505 national Bill of Rights, 1+7: BIRTH rate, the immigrant and, 1+91; 1+8:631; 12:31-32; interviews Assistant Secretary statistics among Jews, 29:5lf of State in behalf of refu- among Jews of Canada, 1+8:27-28, gees, 1+8:626; 1+2-1+3 among consultants to American BISMARCK, Otto von, and Jewish delegation at UN San Pran- rights at Congress of Berlin, oiaco Conference, 1+9:780; 19:11+0,11+2,11+6,11+9,151 on Consultative Council of Jew- BISNO, Beatrice, winner of Edwin ish Organizations at Paris Wolf novel contest award of Peace Conference, 1+9:781; JPS., 1+0:357 discusses plan for inclusion of "BLACK Hundreds" in Russia bring non-Zionista in Jewish Agency ritual murder charge against 1+9:788; Jews, 16:23,21+, 25 attends London Conference of BLACK Legion, anti-Semitic organi- Jewish Organizations, 1+9:788 zation, 38:221-222 BLECH, Gustavus, decorated by BLAINE, James G., Secretary of British Government, 1+0:357 State, protests Russia's BLEECKER, Leon, in New York Legis- discrimination on American lature, 18:100 passports, 6:291-293; 13:20- BLIND, Jewish, needs studied by 21; New York Bureau of Philanthro urges secularization of educa- pic Research, 22:36; tion, 1+9:17 efforts of American Jewry in be- BLANK, Herman, in Hew Jersey Legis- half of, 33:1+8; 1+0:1+8-1+9; lature, 35:105; 36:252 1+3:55 BLANK, Samuel A., in Pennsylvania BLINKEN, Maurice H., president of Legislature, 39:563 Yonkers Board of Education, BLASS, Solomon, irrigation plan for 36:252 Palestine, 1+7:1+53 BLOCH, Charles E., obituary by- BLOOD accusation, charge denied by Stephen S. Wise, 14.3:381-381+.; Christians, 2ill*; l6:3l+-37, portrait, facing, 1+3:381 52,76-79,83-85,181,256} BLOCH, Clement, data concerning, instances in Europe, 2:19,21- 6:65 214,38; 3:37-38,1+8-14.9; l+:25, BLOCH, Ernest, honors and awards 28; 10:216,214.6; 15:277,278, conferred on, 30:72; 1+1+: 321; 293,306-311; 16:169,197,199, 1+6:320; 209-213; 17:21+1-214.2; l8:l5U; composes musical setting for 21:256; 2l+:61+-65; 27:116; synagogue services, 33:1+5 29:90-91; 31:1+5,55,57,62; BLOCH, Jacob, biographical sketch, 35:65; 36:236; 37:205-206; 5:1+5; 6:215 1+0:199,217; BLOCH, Joseph, book by, refuting denied by Jews, 2:51+-55; 18: anti-Semitic libels, 26:61+3- 338; 61+1+ made against Jews in Abyssinia, BLOCH, Joshua, chief of Jewish 16:167; Division, ¥ew York Public Italian paper affirms belief Library 26:130; 1+5:91; in, 17:238; discusses books published by revived in Turkey, 22:281+; JPS, 36:1+90-1+92; in Armenia, 27:116; "Nazi-Germany and the Jews: an in *Tew York State, 31:21-22, Annotated Bibliography" by, 31+7-352; 38:135-171+ in Canada, 37:168; BLOCH, Fhillpp, letter to JPS on denounced by Canada court, its 25th anniversary, 15:1+5-1+6 1+1:97-98; BLOCK, D. Maurice, in New York See also Beilis, Mendel Legislature, 17:2114.; 18:100; BLOOM, Isidore, on Cleveland City 19:250; 20:162; 22:150; 23: Council, 22:150 123; 2l+:8l+; 25:120; 26:130; BLOOM, Simon, may or Pine Bluff, 32:114.2 Ark., 15:255; 19:250 BLOCK Henry, in Kansas Assembly, BLOOM, Sol, in House of Represen- 13:277 tatives, 25:120, et seq,; BLOCK, Herbert L., wins Pulitzer honors conferred on^ 36:252, prize for best cartoon, 253; 11321+1+:3211 on American delegation to UN BLOCK, Leon, data concerning, T San Francisco Conference, BLOCK, Morris, data concerning, 1+7:505; 6:65; representative to UN Assembly, mayor of Kingston, N.Y., 7:192; i+9:595 26:130; 28:11*1 BLOOMPIELD, Fannie. See Zeisler, BLOCK, Myer J., on Baltimore Bench, Fannie Bloomfield 114:275 BLOOMFIELD, Maurice, data con- BLOCK, Paul, honorary degrees con- cerning, 6:65-66 ferred on, 35:106; 39:5614. BLOOMFIELD, Meyer, data concern- BLONDES, Russian Jew, blood accu- ing, 7:1+1+ -1+5; 18:100 sation charge against, 1+: 28 BLOOMGARDEN, Solomon (Yehoash), BLONDHEIM, David S., charter mem- data concerning, 6:66; ber of American Academy for prepares Yiddish translation Jewish Research, 14.5:6)4. of Bible, 38:239; 1+0:11+7 BLOOMINGDALE, Charles, Jr., data c one erning, 6:66 -45- BLOOMINGDALE, Emanuel W., data con- BLUMENPIELD, Samuel M., president cerning, 6:66 of National Council for Jew- BLOOMINGDALE, Joseph B., data con- ish Education, 43:48; cerning, 6:66 directs youth educational acti- BLOOMIWGDALE, Lyman G., data con- vities for Zionist Organiza- cerning, 6:67 tion of America, 43:54 BLOOMSTEIN, Samuel, professor at BLUMENTHAL, Benjamin, on Executive University of *Ja3hville, 5:211). Committee of New York Jewish BLOUT, Isaac L., data concerning, Community, 11:49 7:45 BLUMENTHAL, George, honors and BLOUT, Morris, Attica, Ind., awards conferred on, 22:150; treasurer, 20:163 30:72; 37:226; BLUE Star Mothers denounce anti- president of Metropolitan Semitism, 1)7:283 Museum of Art, 36:253; 43:341 BLUM, Albert, awarded honorary BLUMENTHAL, Hart, obituary by degree by University of Joseph H. Hagedorn, 4-3:335- Strasbourg, 35:106 390; BLUM, Edward C., trustee of portrait, facing, 43:385; Brooklyn Institute of Arts interest in Llncolniana, 43:366 and Sciences, 14:275; memorial resolutions of JPS on, decorated by Austrian Govern- 43:775,792 ment, 3i4-:97 BLUMENTHAL, Mark, data concerning, BLUM, Leon, prime minister of 6:67-68 France, 38:263; BLUMENTHAL, Maurice B,, data con- Riom trial a triumph for, cerning, 6:68 44:195 BLUMENTHAL, William, diplomatic post held by, 7:189 BLUM, Martin E., in Ohio Legisla- BLUMENTHAL, William B., on faculty ture, 33:112 of Ohio University, 18:100 BLUM, Murray M., Liberty ship BNAI Akiba Organization of Ameri- named after, 47:505 ca, 37:287; 38:461-462 BLUM, Sam, data concerning, 7'45 B'NAI B'rlth, strength and acti- BLUMAUER, Simon, data concerning, vities, 1:17; 40:153-154; 41: 7:45-46 228; 42:310-311; BLUMBERG, Arnold M., in Pennsyl- data concerning, 1:62, ot seq.; vania Legislature, 33:112; efforts in behalf of Jews 35:106; 37:226 abroad, 2:33-34; 19:197; 20: BLUMBERG, George, in New York 84-85; 45:101-102; Legislature, 35:106 protests Kishlneff massacre, BLUMBERG, Samuel J., on Phila- 5:22,129-130; delphia Common Council, Americanization activity, 20:163 5:35; 23:107; BLUME, Peter, wins first prize in immigration activity, 5:127- Carnegie International Ex- 128; 7:242-243; 12:345; 13: hibit, 37:226; 301,303,315-334; 45:105-106, alumnus of Educational 107; Alliance, New York, 46:82 invited to conference on abro- BLUMENBERG, Louis, data concerning, gation of treaty with Russia, 6:67 13:56; BLUMENBERG, Marc A., data con- calls conference on Conference- cerning, 6:67 Congress matter, 18:321-322; cooperates with JWB, 20:93; -46- B'NAI B'RITH (cont.) B'STAI B'RITH (coat. ) among signers of statement article by Bernard Postal, refuting Protocols, 23:379; 45:97-116; foreign lodges, 26:l|.5-46; 39: membership of diverse types, 443; 45:103; i+7:133-13U-; 45:99; 50:36; presents statue of Religious participates in formation of Liberty to Philadelphia Cen- American Jewish Congress, tennial Exhibition, 26:409; 45:102; protests motion picture King of activities in World War II, Kings, 30:25; 45:103-104,105,107,113, aids Jews in Mexico, 30:315-316; 114-116; 34:307; Jewish cultural program, philanthropic activities, 31: 45:110-111; 161; 14.5:100-3.01; establishes Anti-Defamation reports anti-Jewish agitation League, 45:111-112; in Mexico, 33:36; interfaith activities, 45:113; combats employment discrimina- tion, 34:43; 14-0:1514-; 5o:554; attitude on boycott of German urges UN to rescue European goods, 35:54; 36:432; Jewry, 45:194; activity in Nazi-German crisis, issues call for American Jewish 35:54-55; 36:426-428,14.29-431, Conference, 45:213; 46:543; 434-437; 33:177,617,620,621; establishes Chair of Jewish 41:637-638; Studies at Duke University, member of Joint Council, 36:433; 46:104; 38:633; inspires purchase of Roosevelt does not attend Geneva confer- home by Hunter College, ence of Jewish organizations, 47:147; 37:145; Joint Defense Appeal fund- and World Jewish Congress, raising body for, 48:162; 37:435; 38:207-208; See also Aleph Zadek Aleph; educational activities, 38:235; Anti-Defamation League} 39:103; 43:53; 45:107-110,113; Hillel Foundation Commission 47:249,250; B'NAI B'rith Americanism Commis- joins in statement refuting sion, 44:367--47:571 Jewish identification with B'NAI B'rith Girls, 46:429 Bolshevism, 38:264; B'NAI B'rith National Committee makes survey of Jews in American on Scouting, 43:359; 44:367 colleges, 39:72,282; 50:767- B'NAI B'rith Vocational Service 3ureau, data concerning, 774; 42:510, et seq.; American reaction to dissolution activities, 50:135,767 (n) in Germany, 39:224-226,337- B'NAI B'rith, Women's Supreme 338; 40:614; Council of, 43:539-540, pro-Palestine activities, 39:249; et seq. 43:101; 45:104; B'HAI B'rith Youth Commission, member of General Jewish Council, data concerning, 47:572, 41:223,640; et seq.; founded by Henry Jonas, 43:786; activities, 48:153 joins Joint Consultative Coun- B'NAI Israel Synagogue, Elizabeth, cil, 44:469,470; N.J. See Elizabeth, N.J., joint fund-raising project with 3'nai Israel Synagogue American Jewish Committee, 44=471; B'NAI Jeshurun Congregation, New BOAS, Franz, data concerning, 6: York. See New York City, 68-69; B'nai Jeshurun Congregation president of American Society BNAI Zion, Order, 10:36; 13:237, for Advancement of Science, et seq. 33:112 BOARD of Delegates of American BOEHM, Solomon, on St. Louis City Israelites aids Russian Jews Council, 7:192 in New York, 2:51; 80B.RNSTEIN, Ralph A., in U.S. fights for Jewish rights, 8:23; consular service, 20:163 efforts in behalf of liberal BOGEN, Boris D., data concerning, immigration legislation, 13: 7:1|6; 14-1:150 301,303,315-331).} BOGEN, Joseph, biographical establishes a Jewish publica- sketch, 5:14.5 tion society, 15:165-166; BOHEMIA-Moravia, anti-Jewish policy Simon Wolf Washington represen- after Munich Pact, 14-1:275-277; tative, 26:i4.06,fj.09; lj^:3U9-353; i;3:211-2l5; 1).2: merges with Union of American 250-252; 1).5:317-318; Hebrew Congregations, 26:14.10; review of events by Simon work of, 26:513; 31:195; Segal, 14.3:210-216; formation stimulated by Mortara popular opposition to anti- case, Jewish measures, I).3:2l5; cooperates in taking census of 1J4:252; U5:319; Jews of U.S., (4.0:72,78; Jews deported to Poland from, See also Union of American 1^:252; U5:3l8j Hebrew Congregations Government-in-Exile friendly to BOARD of Deputies of British Jews Jews, 1;5:319; combats anti-Semitism, 39:293, statistics on Jewish population, 295; 50:285-286; 50:721; World War II leads to enlarge- See also Czechoslovakia ment, k2:319-320; BOK, Edward, invites American American Jewish Committee co- Jewish Committee to cooperate operates with, l4.2:65i).; in peace award, 26:6L4J4. Zionists increase representation BOLIVIA, Jews of, 19:53-51+; on, 14.6:187; Jews charged with Communism, and Anglo-Jewish Association, 3lU8l9 lj.7:3!+2-3U4; anti-Jewish agitation, I\.2 efforts for unified Jewish 14.3:3014.-305; lj-5:31|.8-3i4-9; action, L|.7:3U4f 14.6:295-296; efforts in behalf of Jews of illegal refugee traffic in, Hungary, i+7: 3l)-S; 14.2:14.32-14-33; and Palestine question at UN 3an Nazi propaganda in, U3;3O5; Francisco Conference, l|7:l4-96; among signers of recommendation Jewish immigration policy, to 19t).7 Paritf Peace Confer- 1^3:308; klW. k9:55k; ence, l|.9:566j registration of Jews ordered, conflict in, 50:286-287; Ij-3:3O9-31O See also Joint Foreign Committee BOLSHEVIKI, Jews of Persia pro- BOARDMAN, Mabel T., signs Christian test depredations by troops protest against anti-Jewish of, 21:298; propaganda, 2l4.:33U economic discrimination under, 21:61(.9 BOLSHEVISM. See Communist Party -1+8- BONCOUR, Paul, protests Germany's BORMATO, Martin, tried for war racist legislation to League crimes, 1+9:585 of Nations, 36:97-98 BOROFSKY, Samuel H., data con- BONDY, William, District Court cerning, 6:69 Judge, 33:261+; 3l+:23l+; BORTIN, David, discusses methods 1+3:61+3; 50:61+3; of increasing membership of awarded honorary degree by JPS, 36:1+89-1+90 Columbia University, 37:226 BOSTON, beginnings of federation BONNHEIM, A., data concerning, 7:1+6 movement, 17:l6o-161; BONNHEIM, Benjamin Aaron, data Jewish educational activities, concerning, 7:1+6 1*-3:U5; BOOK collections, Jewish, in U.S., concentration of Jewish immi- 1+5:67-96; gration in, 50:2l+,27 Mayer Sulzberger progenitor, BOTEIN, Bernard, elected to New 1+5:67,68-69; York Bench, 1+5:369 German Jews make beginning in, BOTTIGHEIMER, Seymour G,, bio- 1+5:68 graphical sketch, 5:1+6 BOOK publishers in U.S. refuse to BOY Scouts, endorsed by Yiddish participate in International Congress in Germany, 1+0:91-92 press, 26:306-308; BOOKS for the Modern Jew, address interest of Cyrus Adler in, by Mortimer !„ Cohen, 1+2:111+; 39:865-871 activity in "Unoccupied Prance," BOOKS, Jewish, efforts to organize 1+3:157; society for publication of, participate in French Resis- 15:59-62,165-166; tance Movement, 1+7:101 few publishing houses dealing BOYCOTT, anti-Jewish, in Mexico, in, 1+9:177-178; 32:86; influence of JPS on publication by Arabs in Palestine, 33:103; of, 1+9:811-820; 38:358; 39:1+63; 1+7:1+70; 1+8: See also Bibliographies 376-377; 50:1+37 A38,l+1+1; BOOKS of interest to Jews pub- in Poland, 31+:298; 38:331; lished in English, 1+3:59-71; 39:399-1+05; 1+0:259-262; 1+1+:3O3-318; 1+5:1+31-1+1+6; 1+8: proclaimed by Nazis, 35:32-31+> 511-526; 1+9:625-639; 50:527- 35; 51+8. in Rumania, 1+0:286-287 BOOKSTABER, Philip D., awarded BOYCOTT against German goods, honorary degree by Gettysburg attitude of various coun- College, 39:5&i(- tries on, 35:51+,72; 37:172, BOOKSTEIN, Isadore, judicial 201,208; 38:191,21+6,339-31+0; career, 2l+:81+; 1+8:1+72; 1+9:595 39:226-227; l+l:19l+,197; BOORSTIN, Daniel J., wins Rhodes Jews differ on, 35:54-55; 36: Scholarship, 36:253 1+11+.I+31-1+32; 38:290,31+7-31+8, BOOTH, Evangeline, signs Christian 31+9; 39:216; protest against anti-Jewish favored by American labor, propaganda, 2l+:33l+ 37:136-137; BORAISHA, Menachem, wins Louis La led by Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi Med literary award, 1+5:369 League, 37:138 BORDON, Abraham S., on Connecticut BRACHFIELD, Charles L., in Texas Bench, 3l+:97 Legislature, 6:69; BORIWSTEIW, Louis J., president of on Texas Bench, 21:199 Indianapolis Chamber of BRACKETT, Jeffrey R., signs Chris- Commerce, 37:226 tian protest against anti- Jewish propaganda, 2l+:33l+ BRACKMAN, David, in Massachusetts BRANDT, Charles J., on New York Legislature, 39:564; 41:397; City Bench, 36:253' 43:341 BRASLAVSKY, SnG., honored for ser- BRADNER, Sam B., in Arizona Legis- vices to USO, 47:505 lature, 15:255 BRAUDE, Abraham S,, biographical BRADSTREET Company withdraws dis- sketch, 5:46 criminatory circular, 33:348 BRAUDE, Jacob M., on Chicago BRAILLE Institute of America, pub- Bench, 37:226 lications, 47:251 BRAUNPELD, Julius, biographical BRAIMAN, Myer, in New York Legis- sketch, 5:46 lature, 39:564 BRAUNSTEIN, Alexander, on New York BRAND, Edward R., on Los Angeles City Board of Aldermen, Bench, 35:106 20:163; 22:151 BRANDEIS, Louis D., data concern- BRAV, Louis, on faculty of Lawrencf ing, 6:69; College, 23:123 on U.S. Supreme Court, 18:100, BRAZIL, Jewish refugees from, et_alo; settle in New Amsterdam, 4: represents Provisional Executive 63; 28:193,194; Committee of Zionist Affairs Russian Jews migrate to, 11:67; at conference with American Jews in diplomatic service in, Jewish Committee, 18:316-317; 17:228; to collect data for peace con- Jews of, 19:54-62,316; 33:61- ference, 20:163; 62; 34:49; 48:256-257; opinion on right of naturaliza- statistics on Jewish immigra- tion, 29:397-398; tion, 28:83, et seq.; honors conferred on, 39:270,564; League of Nations to settle leader of American Zionists, Russian war refugees in, 42:97; 44:42,43,44,48-49,50; 28:87; portrait, frontispiece, 44. cornerstone laid of first Jew- obituary by Louis E. Levinthal, ish synagogue, 31:39; 44:37-52; immigration regulations and influence on American juris- German Jewish refugees, 36: prudence, 44:37,38,39-40; 200; 38:128,240; 39:489; 43: activity in American Jewish 307-308; 44:289-290; 49:270; Congress, 44:46; anti-Jewish movement, 38:241; on Zionism and Americanism, 40:341; 49:269; 44:47-48; efforts to check Nazism, 40: bequest to Palestine, 44:48; 342; 41:364; 43:300; tribute by Harlan Stone, anti-alien measures in, 41: 44:51-52 365-366; 43:309; 44:289; BRANDEIS-Mack group and Zionist economic development aided by Organization of America, immigration, 47:475; 32:71-72; 34:22 post-war immigration policy, BRANDEIS, Susan D., on Mew York 47:475; 49:551-553; State Board of Regents, liberal political trend in, 37:226; 39:564 48:248-249 BRANDEIS University, opens, BRAZUL-Brushkovsky, Kiev journa- 50:117,175; list, and the Beilis case, under Jewish auspices, 50:147 16:29-32,62-63 non-discriminatory admission BRECKINRIDGE, Clifton R., Ameri- policy, 50:210 can Minister at St, Peters- BRANDES, George, refused admission burg, and the passport ques- to Russia, 16:180 tion, 6:295-296,298-299 -5o- BREINEN, Raymond, awarded prize by BRIL, Isaac L., data concerning, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine 6:70 Arts, 50:505 BRILL, Abram, biographical sketch, BREINES, Simon, wins award, Ameri- 5:1+6 can Institute of Architects, BRILL, I.Lc, on faculty of Uni- 1*7:50$ versity of Oregon, 20:163 BREITBART, Charles, in New York BRILL, Mrs. Jeannette, on New York Legislature, 35:106; 36:253; City Bench, 32:1^2 37:226; 38:1+03; 39:561*.; BRIN, Alexander, honored by Calvin 1+0:357; 1+1:397 Coolidge College of Liberal BREITENBACH, W., in New York Arts, 1+9:596; Legislature, 32:11+2 on Massachusetts State Board of BREMEN affair, and anti-Nazi Education, 1+9:596 feeling in the U.S., 38:178- BRIN, Joseph 3., awarded honorary 179; degree by Calvin Coolidge reaction in Germany to, College, 50:505 38:322-323 BRIS Achlm, Independent Order, BRENNER, Daniel, wins fellowship 8:111—11+: 226 of Columbia University School B»RITH Abraham, Independent Order- of Architecture, 1+2:i+62 data concerning, l+:105» BRENNER, Jacob, data concerning, et seq,; 6:69 cooperates with Jewish Welfare BRENNER, Victor D., data concern- Board, 20:93; ing, 6:69-70; endorses Zionism, 21:182; winner of prize for design of proceedings of conventions, Lincoln penny, 12:323 38:238; 39:286; 1+2:311; BRENNER, Z, Benjamin, in New York withdraws from American Jewish Legislature, 1+0:357 Committee, 1+6:557 BRENNGLASS, Berel, combats ritual B'RITH Abraham, Order, data con- murder charge in New York cerning, 1:73—29:175; State, 31:31+8,31+9,352 Americanization work, 23:106; BRENTANO, Arthur, decorated by dissolution, 30:31 French Government, 22:l5l B'RITH Sholom, Independent Order, BRESSLER, David M., data concern- data concerning, 8:111, ing, 7:1+6) et seq.; appointments conferred on, withdraws from American Jewish 1+0:357; Committee, 1+6:557 chairman of JDC committee on BRITH Sholom Women, National refugees, 1+1:152; Council of, 1+6:1+1+9; 1+7:591 memorial resolutions of American B'RITH Trumpeldor of America, Jewish Committee on, l|-5:629 35:180—1+7:572 BREUNER, Nathan, biographical "BRITISH Jewry, in the War, Story sketch, 5:1+6 of," by Michael Adler, BREWSTER, Benjamin, signs Christian 21:98-119 Drotest against anti-Jewish "BRITISH and Palestinian Jews in propaganda, 2l+:33l+ World War II," article by BREZNER, Samuel, on Michigan Bench, Israel Brodie, 1+8:51-72 37:227 BRITISH Columbia disapproves pro- BRICKNER, Barnett R., awarded War duction of Passion Play, Department Medal of Merit, 33:60 50:505 BRICKNER, Samuel M., data con- cerning, 6:70 -51- BRITISH Commonwealth, Jewish popu- BROMBERG, Pauline, on faculty of lation, 1:285; 28:389-390, Wisconsin State Normal et seq.; School, 12:323 participation of Jews in World BROMSON, Abraham, biographical Wars I and II, 21:98-99; sketch, 5:1+7 1+8:51-72; BRONFMAN, Mrs. Samuel, given Order Jewish units under flag of, of the British Empire, 21:602; 1+5:226 data on Jewish press, 29:1+7-1+8; BRONNER, Augusta Pox, Fellow of review of events in, 1+3:125-11+6, American Academy of Arts and 1+5:215-225; 1)7:31*0-3711.; 1+8: Sciences, 1+5:369 258-271; BRONSTEIN, M., praises Jewish shares with U.S. in caring for immigrant in Argentina, stricken of Europe, 1+6:160; 19:52-53 See also under individual BROOKINGS Institute makes economic countries survey of Dominican Republic, BRITISH Empire. S_ee British 1+3:96-97 Commonwealth BROOKLYN, Rumanian Jews establish BRITISH Guiana, refugee settlement congregations in, 3:93-9l+; in, l).l:379,381-382,389-390 federation movement in, 17:168, BRITISH Labor Party protests 177; 33:1+1; 39:285; 1+5:117;323 Mosley's activities, 39:291+, See also Brownsville 295; BROOKLYN Jewish Center, illustra- attitude toward Palestine, 1+7: tion, facing, 28:188 212; 1+8:235-236 BROOKLYN, N.Y., Unity Temple, plan BRITISH White Paper, 1939. See of, 28:187 White Paper of 1939 BROTHERHOOD Week celebrated by BRODE, Robert B., wins Rhodes interfaith movement, 37:162j scholarship, 26:130 39:262,823; 1+1:220; 1+2:296; BRODER, Morris, in Connecticut 1+3:115; 1+7:289; 1+8:199; Legislature, 35:106 importance, 1+3:117 BRODETSKY, Selig, testifies before BROUDY, Harry S., on faculty of Anglo-American Committee of North Adams, Mass., State Inquiry, 1+8:1+05 Teachers College, 1+0:357 BRODIE, Israel B., plan for eco- BROUNOFF, Platon G., data con- nomic development of Pales- cerning, 6:70-71 tine, 3l+:89-90; BROWN, A.B.J., biographical sketch article, "British and Pales- 5:1+7; 6:215 tinian Jews in World War II," BROWN, Charles, in Rhode Island 1+8:51-72 Legislature, 35:106 BRODSKY, Hyman, biographical BROWN, David A., heads United sketch, 5:1+6-1+7 Jewish Campaign, 1+1:151,161+ BRODSKY, Louis, on New York City BROWN, Elmer, in New Jersey Legis- Bench, 32:11+2; lature, 33:112 and the Bremen affair, 38:179, BROWN, Frederick, honors conferred 322-323 on, 32:11+3 BRODY, Abraham, review of affairs BROWN, G.J., in New York Legisla- in Sweden, l+9:351+-362 ture, 20:163 BRODY, Edward E., Minister to BROWN, Max, police commissioner Finland, 32:11+3 of Elmira, 12:323 BROMBERG, Edward J., public offices BROWN University, Jewish frater- held by, 7:192; 8:185; 9:1+77 nities at, 31:26-27,35l+-358; 32:303 -52- BROWN, Wolf, biographical sketch, BUECHLER, Jacob, in New York Leg- 5:1+7 islature, 16:155 BROWNSVILLE, Brooklyn, Jewish BUENOS Aires, Jewish economic and Americanization agencies in, communal activity, 19:4&-47; 23:91,92 47:129-130,132,131+; BROYDE, Isaac, data concerning, See also Argentina 6:71 BUFFALO, Jewish educational agen- BRUCKMAM, Henrietta, active in cies, 1+3:1+7 organization of "True BUKOVINA, acquired by Soviet Sisters," 33:169 Russia, 1+2:396,1+03; BRUDNO, Ezra S., data concerning, anti-Jewish excesses in, 6:71 1+5:328 BRUERE, Henry, signs Christian pro- BULGARIA, anti-Jewish manifesta- test against anti-Jewish tions and excesses, 2:25; propaganda, 2l(-: 33U- 8:253; 9:51+6; 16:177-178; 17: BRUNDAGE, Avery, and American par- 228; 21:296; 27:120; 29:9l+; ticipation in Olympic Games 39:1+1+9; 1+0:301; 1+2:1+06-14.07; in Berlin, 37:138; 38:181,185; 1+8:369; 39:206-207 minority rights in, 2:51; 19: BRUNNER, Arnold W., data concerning, 139-11+3,151-153; 22:123-125; 6:71-72; 36:236; 38:297; honors and appointments con- Jewish affairs in, 6:69; 10: ferred on, 10:117; 12:323; 206; 15:233-2814.; 19:272; 28: 16:155; 25:120 35; 31:55; BRUNSCHWIG, Alexander, decorated Jews suffer as result of 1912 by Czechoslovakia, 5O:5o5 war, 15:190,192,195J BRUMSTEIN, David, president of to protect civil rights of Jews Medico-Dental Society, transferred to Rumania. 38:lfO3 15:196; BRUSSELS, Conference in, for Jew- Jewish population, 15:198-199, ish victims of Russian 200, et seq.; pogroms, 8:243 American Jewish Committee aids BRYAN, William J., urges end of Jews, 17:371-372; 18:301-301+; discrimination against Amer- 20:376; 23:353; ican Jews abroad, 11:63; Bessarabian Jewish refugees signs Christian protest against allowed to settle in, 18:120- anti-Jewish propaganda, 2ij.: 33^4- 121; BUBER, Martin, address at Fifth JDC aids Jews in, 19:223; 1+9: International Congress of 232-233; Zionists, l+:82 Sunday law in, 23:210; BUBLICK, Gedaljah, delegate to foreigners barred from teaching organization meeting of New in, 28:14.0; York Jewish Community, 11:14-8 transfer agreement with Pales- BUCHAREST Peace Conference, Jewish tine, 38:297; rights and, 19:154-155 anti-Semitism not a political BUCHHALTER, Julius, data concern- force in, 1+1:323-321+; ing, 6:72 attitude toward refugees, BUCHHOLZ, Karl August, urges Jewish 41:324; 1+2:1+08; emancipation before Congress joins the Axis, 43:271; of Vienna, 19:115-116 anti-Jewish policy in, under BUDGET service, proposed by Council Nazis, 43:271-273; l+l+:273-275; of Jewish Federations and Wel- 45:330-331; 46:266-267; fare Funds, U3:7i+-75 -53-

BULGARIA (cont.) BUREAU of Jewish Social postwar problem of Jews, l|.7:l+l+0, Research (cont.) 14-^4-2; 1+9:116,1+30-1+33; transfers Statistical depart- restitution of property in, ment to American Jewish 1+7:1+1+1-1+1+2; 1+8:368-369; 1+9: Committee, 31:358; 1+31-1+32; shows effect of'depression on flouts armistice obligations Jewish charitable institu- toward Jews, Ii7 :116 tions, 3i+:35; peace treaty of Big Four with, merges with Council of Federa- 1+9:562,561+.57O; tions and Welfare Funds, Communists in control of, 50:355 39:117; BUND organizes Self-Defense units For later references, sea in Russia, 8:21+1+; Council of Jewish Federations opposes Jewi3h participation in and Welfare Funds Duma elections, 8:2l+li,2l+5 BUREAU of Philanthropic Research BUNGARD, Maurice Z., in New York to study problems in phil- Legislature, 33:112; 3^+: 97 ; anthropic work in New York 35:106 City, 22:35-36,37 BURCK, Jacob, wins Pulitzer prize BURNARD, Sydney, awarded Military for newspaper cartoon, 1+3:31+2 Medal in World War II, BUREAU of Jewish iiducation, 3oston, 1+8:55 activities, 1+3:1+5 BURNETT-Dillingham Immigration BUREAU of Jewish Education, New Bill, See Dillingham Immi- York, efforts to improve gration Bill religious schools, 16:109-112; BURROUGHSE Adolphus M., public created by New York Jewish Com- offices held by, 13:277 munity, 22:35; BUSH, Philip L., on San Francisco activities and influence, 38: Board of Education,, 35:106; 35-36,5O,61+-69;81+; 1+3:1+3; 37:227 publications, 38:85 BUTENSKY, Jules, statue by, BUREAU of Jewish Social Research.. frontispiece, 1+3 data concerning, 21:305— BUTLER, Nicholas Murray, signs 37:289; Christian protest against social research agency of anti-Jewish propaganda, American Jewry, 22:37-38,51-52; 21+:331+; 30:28-29; defends Columbia University's Bureau of Jewish Statistics and participation in celebration Research of American Jewish of Heidelberg University, Committee amalgamated in, 39:211; 22:37,1+25,1+1+8; declines participation in cele- studies by, 22:38-1+7; bration of Gottingen Uni- activities, 22:1+7-50; 25:381- versity, 39:213 382; 26:61^8; 27:1+59; 28:1+81- BUTTENWIESER, Benjamin J., chair- 1+82; 29:1+08-1+09; 30:289-290; man of division of Business 39:117; and Industry of American organizes Department of Research Jewish Committee, 50:831 and Information, 22:50-51; BUTTENWIESER, Joseph L., data report by, 22:1+1+8-1+51; concerning, 7:1+7 supported by American Jewish BUTTENWIESER, Moses, data con- Committee, 23:366; cerning, 6:72; cooperates with U.S. Census contributions to American Jew- Bureau in data on Jewish con- ish scholarship, l+5:5l gregations, 29:1+09; -5k- BUTZEL, Fred M., opposes Michigan BYRNES, Je-mes F», Secretary of law for alien registration, State, American Jewish Com- 35:290; mittee submits Palestine awarded honorary degree by Wayne memorandum to, 1+8:231> University, 37:227; states American policy on memorial resolution of JPS on, Palestine, 1+8:231+; 50:859 urged to have clause on human BUTZEL, Henry M., data concerning, rights included in peace 7:1*7; treaties, I4.8:l(_27; on Michigan Bench, 32:114-3; 33: urged to have German repara- 112,265; 3l4-:235 tions used to compensate BUXBAUM, Isador, on New York City Jews, 14.8:628; Bench, 39:561+ requests American Jewish Com- BUXTON, Frank W., on Anglo-American mittee to submit immigration Committee of Inquiry, 1+8:1+00 data to Anglo-American Com- mittee of Inquiry, [(.8:629; urged to protest anti-Semitic tendencies in Argentina, 14.8:629

C.I.O,, Jewish issue in conflict CAHN, Louis M., data concerning, •with American Federation of 7:1+7 Labor, 39:256-257; CAIN, Levi F., on Philadelphia condemns Nazi atrocities on Common Council, 20:163 Jews, !+5:19U; CAIRO, Genizah, importance of Mss, approves International Bill of discovered by Solomon Human Rights, 1+7 :i|_9i-f- Schechter in, l8:l+3-l|-6 CAHAN, Abraham, data concerning, CALENDAR reform, discussed by 6:72; League of Nations, 26:26; pioneer In Yiddish press, and observance of the Sabbath, 26:180,- 27:23-29; 29:28-29; 3l4-: tribute to, 39:278; 289-291; organizer of United Hebrew opposed by Jews, 31:28-29; Trades, 50:1+6; 31+: 92-93; Socialist activities, 50:14-7 interest of American Jewry in, CAHAN, Morris, data concerning, 32: 71+-75,303-305; 39:790; 5:l+7j 6:215 dropped from League of Nations CAHN, Bertram J., on Board of Trus agenda, 1+0:31+8,6H+-615 tees of Northwestern Uni- CALENDARS, l:et seq. versity, 36:253; 37:227 "CALENDARS," articles by Julius H. CAHN, David, biographical sketch, Greenstone, 1+1+ et seq. 5:1+7 CALGARY, Canada, Jewish religious CAHN, tmanuel S., in New York Leg- organizations, 27:186-187 islature, 7:192 -55- CALIFORNIA, statistical data on CANADA (cont.) Jews and Jewish activities in, Rumanian immigrants cause prob- 3:129-130; 30:180-181; 42: lem, 10:207; 240-241; anti-Jewish manlfestations„ early Jewish settlers, 1).:68; 11:70; 29:36; 33:59-60; 35:64; Jews and Sunday law, 10:153,171; 37:168-169; 38:243-244; 39: 11:59; 308,818; 1+0:171-173; Ul:97- Jewish agricultural settlements, 100; 1)2:236-237; 1)4:181; 1)6: 11;: 99; 200,202-203; 47:361-362; Bible reading in public schools, review of events, 15:281).-285, 29:36; et 3eq,; incidence of Jewish criminality, Jewish population, l5:l)2k, 29:A; et seq.; 48:23,36-38,4&-47; passes law on Kashruth, 33:46; statistics on Jewish immigra- Ku Klux Klan revived, 35:63; tion to, 15:435-436, et seq.; anti-Jewish agitation, 1)8:171).; protests against Beilis case in, law on secularization of educa- 16:178-179; tion, 49:18,31-32 Jews decorated for gallantry in CALIFORNIA State Library, acquires World War I, 20:237; 21:237; Adolph Sutro collection of 22:201; Jewish books, 45:92 participation by Jews in World CALIFORNIA, University of, inter- War I and II, 21:238; 42:327- faith activity at, 47:290 328; 43:141-143; 1)4:179-180; CALISCH, Albert C, in New Mexico 45:225-226; 1)7:351).-355; 48: Senate, 19:250 272-273; CALISCH, Edward N., biographical efforts in behalf of Jews sketch, 5:l)-7; abroad, 23:151; 27:173-175; awarded honorary degree by Uni- 39:308-309; 44:180; 45:227- versity of Richmond, 42:462 229; 46:201-202; L8:273-275; CALLMAN, Maurice C, on New York 49:289-290; 50:296; City Board of Aldermen, 20:163 pro-Palestine and Zionist acti- CALMAN, Adolf, biographical sketch, vities, 23:151-152; 27:220- 5:47-48 223; 30:33; 33:60; 44:182; CAMBRIDGE University, Jewish studies 45:231; 46:205; 48:280-281; at, 18:33-34; 50:294-296; tributes to Israel Abrahams by, Yiddish schools in, 25:32; 28:225-231).; Jewish organizational activity, refuses to participate in 26:58; 27:176-223; 33:60-61; Heidelberg Festival, 38:248 40:173-174; 44:182-183; 45: CAMPNER, Samuel, mayor of New 204; 47:362-364; 48:211,279- Haven, Conn., 19:250 280; 49:119,294-297; 50:296- CAMPS, summer, new development in 297; Jewish educational field, article by Martin Wolff on the 38:67-68 Jews of, 27:154-229; CANADA, Jews and discrimination in Jews aid refugees from Russia, public schools in, 5:33; 25: 27:192-201,215-216; 35; 27:44-45; 32:83-81).; early Jews and struggle for attitude toward Jewish immigra- civic equality, 27:156-164; tion, 8:262; 24:37; 25:59; 48:22-23; 27:85; 29:70; 36:150; 1)0:173; Jewish press in, 27:209-210; 41: 101-102,107; 46:200; 1+8: Jews elected to House of 275-276; 49:290-291,545-546? Commons in, 28:57j -56- CANADA (oont,) CANADIAN Jewish Congress (cont.) depression affects Jewish data concerning, l+5:l|-95; l+7:6ll; institutions, 33:60; recognized as official agency Nazi and Fascist activity^ of Canadian Jewish community, 36:ll+9,l5l; 1+1:237-238; 1+6:201-202; American Jewish Committee co- secures admission of war refu- operates in defense work, gees, 1+6:309-310; 37:1+19; establishes Bureau of Social and refugee problem, 36:127-128; and Economic Research, 39:309; kl: 238-239; 1+3:114-3; 1+8:19-20; (44:180-181; 1+6:198-200,201, among signers of recommendation 202; 1+7:356-359; to 191+7 Paris Peace Con- JWB operates in, 39:172; ference, 1+9:566; directory of Jewish federations, stimulates Jewish Immigration, welfare funds and community 50:290-291; councils, 1+1:517-560; 1+5:552, intergroup activity, 50:291; et seq.: See also Joint Public Relations Father Coughlin banned in, Committee of Canadian Jewish 1+2:327; Congress and B'nai B'rith in non-Jew3 aid Jewish war victims, Canada 1+5:229-230; CANADIAN Jewish Publication employment discrimination barred, Society, 1+5:1+95; 1+7:611 1+5:230; CANADIAN ORT Committee, 1+5:1+95; national Jewish organizations, 1+7:611 1+5:1+95, et seq.; CANADIAN Young Judaea Federation, Jewish periodicals appearing in, 1+5:1+95-1+96; 1+7:612 1+5:563, et seq.; CANAL Zone, Panama, Jewish Wel- Jews and international Jewish fare Board dedicates non- problems, 1+7:359-361; sectarian Center in, 1+2:101+ memorial observance for Jewish CANCE, Alexander E., praises Jew- war victims by, 1+7:361+; ish agricultural settlements intergroup relations in, in Connecticut, ll+:91 1+8:276-279; 1+9:291-293; CANTOR, Bernard, slain by bandits 50:291-291+; in Ukraine, 23:209 and UNSCOP, 1+9:1+98,508; CANTOR, Eddie, president of Ameri- See also under British Common- can Federation of Radio wealth; and individual cities Artists, 1+0:357; and provinces alumnus of Educational Alliance, CANADIAN Association for Labor New York, 1+6:82 Palestine, 1+7:611 CANTOR, I., data concerning, 5:1+8 CANADIAN Jewish Congress organized, CANTOR, Jacob A., president of 27:177,210; Borough of , 1+:195; activities, 27:210-213; 1+6:197- data concerning, 6:72-73; 198,201+; l+8:27l+-275,276,277, honorary appointments con- 278,280; ferred on, ll+:275; combats anti-Jewish manifesta- in House of Representatives, tions, 37:169; 1+5:230; 16:155,355, et seq. American Jewish Committee rep- CANTORS in the U.S., list, 5:1+0- resented at first session, 108; 6:211+-225; 7:119-125; 37:1+33; performance of marriage cere- conventions, 1+1:239-21+0; 1+7:361+; mony by, 31:30; participates in war effort, 1+3: See also Jewi3h Ministers ll+l-li+3; 1+5:225,226-227,229; Cantors Association; National 1+8:272; Cantors and Ministers League; Society of American Cantors -57- CANTORS Assembly, 50:555 CASSEN, Henry M., data concerning, CANTORS Association of America, 7:1+7 4:96; 11:11+8—23:217; CASSON, Abraham, in Massachusetts See also Society of American Legislature, 33:112 Cantors; Jewish Ministers CASTLE, Curtice H., Congressman, Cantors Association resolution protesting Russian CANTROWITZ, Mrs. S.M., on Milwaukee discrimination against Ameri- School Board, 13:277 can Jews, 11:29 CAPLAN, Jacob, on New Haven Bench, CASTLEREAGH, Lord, British Foreign 19:250; Secretary, urges Jewish in Connecticut Legislature, emancipation in Germany, 33:112; 35:106; 19:130-131 CAPLAN, Oscar, on Chicago Bench, CATHOLIC Church denounces anti- 39:561+ Semitism and bigotry, 25:82, CARDOZO, Benjamin N., judicial 385; 26:88; 27:97-98; 1+0:137, posts held by, 16:155; 19:250; 602; 1+1:222; 1+3:120,121; 20:163; 29:113; 33:265,266; persecuted in Soviet Russia, 31+:97,2314.,236; 14.1:26-28; 1+3: 26:657; 61+3; 50:61+5; attitude toward Nazism, 35:38; honors and apoointments con- 1+0:593; ferred on, 18:100; 25:120; Nazi drive against, 31:1+1; 39: 26:130; 30:72; 33:112; 3l+:97; 220,353; 35:106; 38:1+03; 1+1:27,30; policy toward Jews in Poland, 1+6:320; 1+0:21+7-21+8,268; tribute to Louis Marshall, aids Italian Jews, 1+6:233; 32:53; opposed to concept of non- resigns from Executive Committee sectarian schools, 1+9:11+-15, of American Jewish Committee, 25-26; 35:303; See also Catholics portrait, facing, 1+1:25; CATHOLIC Committee for Refugees obituary

CENTRAL and Western Europe, review CENTRAL Conference of American of events by Alexander S. Rabbis (cont.) Kohanski, 1+7:375-390 issues new prayer-book, 25:28; CENTRAL British Fund for British opposes legislation for com- Jewry, cooperates with JDC to pulsory Sunday observance, aid Nazi victims, 1)1:167; 28:25; becomes Central British Fund for attitude on Bible reading in Relief and Rehabilitation! public schools, 28:1+2; 1+7:31+6 joins Union for Progressive CENTRAL Committee for Relief of Judaism, 29:79; Jews Suffering through the revises Union Hymnal, 33:l+i+-l+5» War, organized, 19:198; 1+1:11+3; Catholics oppose anti-Franco contributions to overseas resolution by, 39:271+; relief, 19:198,200,203,201+; concerned with general reli- declines to become absorbed in gious and ethical questions, American Jewish Relief Com- 14.0:11+2; 1+2:206-210; mittee, 19:200; article by David Philipson on, joins JDC, 19:201 1+2:179-211+; CENTRAL Committee of Liberated Jews, attitude on religious belief work among displaced persons, and pronouncements on Jewish 1+9:523,521+ and general matters, 1+0:11+2; CENTRAL Committee of Polish Jews, 1+2:195-210; reorganized, i+7 :1+01; publications a unifying force, efforts to rehabilitate Polish 1+2:210-211; 50:170; Jewry, I4.7 :i+O2-i+O3 postwar program, l+l+:107-108; CENTRAL Conference of American urges racial equality, i+!+:108; Rabbis, data concerning, 1+5:138-139; 1:1+9-51, et seq.; urges justice for Germany, Sunday services discussed, 1+8:122; l+:17,97; opposes peacetime military con- favors formation of American scription, 1+8:122; synod, 5:37; endorses full employment legis- annual conventions, 7:265-266; lation, 1+8:123; 38:233; 39:273-271+; 1+0:11+1- sponsors Institute of Judaism, 11+3; 1+1:225-226; 1+2:307; 1+3: 1+8:132 37; 1+5:11+7; CENTRAL Consistory of Jews of activities, 8:268-269; 1+7:221+- France, established after 225,252; 50:171; Occupation, 1+7:75; cooperates with JPS on Bible protests to Vichy at anti- translation, 15:76,110-112; Jewish decrees, 1+7:90-92; 19:166; participates in Resistance congratulates JPS on its 25th Movement, l|_7:103 anniversary, 15:161-163; CEWTRAL Europe, American Jewish efforts to improve religious Committee reviews Jewish schools, 16:107; situation, 22:l+0l+-l+05; attitude toward Zionism and anti-Semitism in, 21+:5l; Palestine, 21:183-181+; 1+2: subsidies for Jewish schools, 197-198,199,200,203,307; kk'- 25:66-68; 108; 1+5:11+1-11+2; 1+6:91+,95,96, refugees settle in Latin Ameri- 97; 50:79; ca, 1+7:121,123-121+.125,127; among signers of statement re- futing slanders of "Protocols," 23:379; -60- CENTRAL Europe (oont.) CHAPULTEPAC,'Act of, against work of JDC, 14.7:131; 1+8:205-207; racial and religious dis- 14.9:235-239; crimination, 1+7:1+72-1+73; JDC aids refugees in Par East need.for implementation of, from, 1+9:1+75-1+76; 1+7:1+77 ' See also under individual CHARITABLE institutions, activities countries affected by depression, CENTRAL Jewish Institute, New York, 31+: 35-37 Americanization work, 23:92; CHARITIES, Federated Jewish, in activities, 38:68; 50:73-71+ the U.vS., list of, 20:326- CENTRAL Sephardio Jewish Community 327—29:215-217; of America, 1+5:1+58, et seq, See also Federations, Jewish, CENTRAL Yiddish Culture Organiza- in the U.S. tion, activities, 1+7:252; 1+8:151+; 1+9:180-132; CHARITIES, Jewish, in U.S., data concerning, 18:368-396; data concerning, 50:556 2l+:286-288 "CENTURY of Jewish Immigration to the United States," article CHARLESTON, S.C, early Jewish by Oscar and Mary P. Handlin, community in, l+:68; 1+8:18- 50:1-81+ 20; CERF, Marcel, on California Bench, reform movement in, l+:72; history to be written of Jews 16:155 of, 50:183 CHAPLAINS, Jewish, appointment in CHARLESTON, S.C, Beth Elohim army and navy urged, 11:61+; Synagogue, illustration, selected by Jewish Welfare Board facing, 28:188 in World Wars I and II, 20:98, CHARNEY, Daniel, wins Louis La 368-369; !+l+:97; Med literary award, 1+5:369 appointed by France, 21:89-91, CHASE, Harry W., hails Hebrew 93-91+; University, 39:199 British Jews serving as, in CHATTANOOGA Times, owned by Adolpfc World Wars I and II, 21:99- S. Ochs, 37:35-36,37 100; 1+8:53-61; CHAYKEN, Irving, awarded medal for in U.S. armed forces in World heroism in World War I, Wars I and II, 25:121+,125, 35:106 381; 27:32; 39:150-151; 1+2: CHAYLA, M.Ac du, exposes falsity 103-101+; 1+3:32; 1+5:175,177; of "Protocols of the Elders 1+6:130,131,132; 1+7:173-200, of Zion," 21+ .-339-314.0 265; CHEBERIAK, Vera, involved in demonstrate unity of American Beilis case, 16:27,28,29,30, Jewry, 1+5:177-178; 3l,32,35,37,39,l+l+,l+6,51+ priority for rabbinical posts, CHLDKR. S^e Heder l+8:123j CHICAGO, Jewish communal activity statistics on, 1+8:123-121+; in, 1:18; statement to Anglo-Americ-an Com- Jewish agricultural society aids mittee of Inquiry, 1+3:126; settlements in Michigan and See also National Association of North Dakota, ll+:'92,93,9l+; Jewish Chaplains; National Jewish educational activity, Council of Jewish Chaplains; 16:9}+; 31:130,132,139; 1+3:1+3- Rational Council of Jewish 1+1+; 1+3:11+7; 50:159; Chaplains in Penal Institu- federation movement in, 17:162- tions 163,167,171+,176; CHAPMAN, Edward M., biographical Jewish Americanization agencies sketch, 5:1+8 in, 23:96-97; -61-

CHICAGO (cont.) CHILDREN, Jewish (cont.) influence of Rabbi Emil G. enrollment in Jewish schools, Hirsch on, 27:231-232,2314-; 14-3:39; Isaiah Temple in, illustration, decline in number oared for by facing, 28:193; social service agencies, statistics on Jewish congrega- 14-3:77; tions in, 31:111,11^,116; interfaith activity for removal demonstrations against Nazi from Europe, 14-3:97; atrocities on jews, 1*5:191*, plans for admission to Latin 195,196; America, Ij.5:314-7,3I4.8,314-9; pioneer in work for juvenile difficulties in way of rescue, delinquents, I4-6:38-tl-Oj 14-5:355,356; center of anti-Semitic acti- efforts for rescue during FrencI vities, i+7:275; Occupation, 14-7:97-98; Jewish immigrant in, 50:2l*,25, postwar problem of, 1*7:211; 27,59 14-9:319-320; CHICAGO Better Business Bureau placed in Christian homes in denounces anti-Jewish organi- World War II, 14-7:387; zations, 1*8:179 statistics in Occupied European CHICAGO Committee for defense of countries, 50:701-703; Human Rights Against Nazism See also War orphans, Jewish; opposes loan to Germany, Youth Aliyah 37:137 "CHILDREN of the Ghetto" by Israel CHICAGO Hebrew Institute, Ameri- Zangwill, 29:123-126 canization work, 23:90-91 CHILE, Jews of, 19:62-63; 1*8:250; CHICAGO Immigrants' Protective Oriental Jews in, 19:63; League, opposes proposed attitude toward German Jewish registration of aliens, refugees, 36:201; 38:128; 27:14-38-14.39 1*2:1*29-14-31; 1*3:308; 1*5:350; CHICAGO Survey of Jewish Charities, anti-Jewish agitation in, made by Field Bureau of 1*2:1*31; 1*9:271; 50:270; National Conference of Jewish struggle between pro-democratic Charities, 22:314- and Nazi elements, 1*3:301-302. CHILD care, Jewish organizational anti-alien measures, 1*3:309; activity in behalf of, 39:97- communal activity, 1*3:312,313, 100; I*l:l51*-l55; 50:127-128; 311*; 1*8:256; 50:276; See also Day nurseries post-war immigration policy, CHILD dependency, Jewish,survey in 1*7:1*76; 1*9:271,551*; New Tork City made by Bureau Yiddish newspaper published in, of Jewish Social Research, 1*7:1*82 22:39-14-1 CHINA, Jewish settlements in» CHILDREN admitted to U.S. by 5:25; 9:32,51*6; 27:36; 1*9:1*82: corporate affidavit, Jewish affairs, 15:285; 17:229; 1*9:213-234 20:237-238; 22:286; CHILDREN, German Jewish, placed in Jews organize relief committee American homes by Joint Coun- for Jewish victims of World cil, 36:l4-39-l4i4-O War I, 19:273; CHILDREN, JewiBh, homes for, in endorses Balfour Declaration, O.S., 22:20*4.-205; 21:296; efforts for settlement in Pales- Jews threatened in, 35:67; tine, 35:60; 14-3:332; 14-5:336; colonies of Jewish refugees in, 38:130; See also Far Ea3t; Shanghai -62-

CHTNESE Hebrew MSS acquired by CHRISTIANS declare falsity of library of Hebrew Union blood accusation, 2:ll+; College, 26:k5; 1+5:78-79 American Jewish Committee pub- CHIPKIN, Israel S., article, lishes criticism of Nazi "Twenty-five Years of Jewish policies by, 36:kl+6; Education in the United aided in Germany by New York States," 38:27-116; Board of Jewish Ministers, Jewish educational studies by, 39:219; 1+7:229,230 situation in Palestine reviewed CHIPMAN. J. Logan, Congressman, by British Royal Commission, resolution protesting 39:529; Russian discrimination responsa of Rashi on, 1+1:132 against American Jews, CHRISTIANS in Europe denounce 11:23-214. anti-Semitism, 28:1+87; 39: CHOROSH, Win. H., on New York City 295,296,297,298-299; Board of Aldermen, 16:155 oppose Nazi policies, 35:1+6-1+8; CHOTZINOFF, Samuel, alumnus of 1+3:173-I7l)-»181-183,225; 38: Educational Alliance, Hew 21+6; kk:21k-2l6,223,226,257, York, 1+6:82 266,267-268; i+5:262-261+,271- Christian Century, anti-Jewlah 27l+,277-278,280,283,3l6,322, articles in, 38:228; 39:266- 323, 32k, 330,356; 1+7:98-100, 267; 117-118,287; quoted, 1+9:27-28 efforts to save Jews, 38:192; CHRISTIAN Council on Palestine, 1+0:161-162,165; l+6:li+9-l5o, organized, 1+5:189; 151+, 157,221,223,22k, 233-234. urges establishment of Jewish 256,259-260,269; Commonwealth, 1+5:209 oppose anti-Jewish discrimina- CHRISTIAN Front, anti-Semltio tion in Polish universities, organization, 1+1:212; 1+0:270-271 1+8:179-180; CHRISTIANS in U»SV denounce trial of members, 1+2:287-289; Russia's conduct in Beilis condemned by Christian leaders, case, 16:389; 1+2:288," denounce anti-Jewish propa- resistance urged on Catholics, ganda and anti-Semitism, 1+2:297; 23:117; 2k:332-338; kO:13k- discredited, 1+2:653; 136,161; 1+1:210-211; 1+2:288, help repudiated by Wendell C. 296-298,652; kl+:l6k-l65; Willkie, 1+3:105 protest Nazi anti-Jewish policy CHRISTIAN Science, increase in 35:1+5-1+6; 36:l+k6; 38:190-191; Jewish adherents, 10:197; 39:219-22k,225; resolution by Central Conference oppose racial discrimination, of American Rabbis concern- 37:160; ing, 1+2:206 cooperation with Jews. 37:160- CHRISTIANITY, Jewish converts to, 162; return to Judaism, 26:30; protest against American parti- and Maimonides, 37:66-67,95; cipation in Berlin Olympics, influence of Rashi on, 1+1:136- 38:182,183-I8k,l85; 139; aid refugees and Hitler vic- and the public school system, tims, 38:192; 1+0:161-162,165; 1+9:25 -63-

CHRISTIANS in U.S. (cont.) CITIZENSHIP Educational Service, pro-Palestine in sympathy, pro-democratic activity, 38:302; 39:237-238; 4l:201p 43:122-123 203; 14.2:14-15; 14.6:175,176; CITRON, William M., in House of hail Hebrew University, 39:198- Representatives, 37:227, 200; 346, et seq, active in movement to boycott CIVIL rights, legislation passed German goods, J+l:198; by various states on, 16:398; revision of religious teaching 19:237; 20:151,381-382; by, 50:218,229; efforts of American Jewish Com- See also National Conference of mittee against infraction of, Christians and Jews 17:372; 18:335-314-0; CHUDTOWSKSf, Walter, awarded Rhodes Canadian Jews struggle for, Scholarship, 36:253 27:16; CHURCH and state, separation of, Jews of colonial America strive and religious education in for, 28:195,197,198; public schools, 14.9:27-32, Jewish organizations for pro- 40-43; tection of, 31:195-197; 39: Catholic attitude on, J+9: 34-471 76-79,627-628; See also Bible reading in public 'interfaith pronouncement on, schools; Released time; 39:262; Sunday law American Jewish Committee's CHURCH Peace Union urges Jewish efforts for post-war equality immigration into Palestine, for Jews abroad, 44:l|-69,472- 14-5:209 473,474,14-80-485; 50:826; "CHURCH, State and Education," American Jewry united in sup- article by Nathan Schachner, porting program for, 50:177; 14.9:1-14-8 Pres» Truman's program on, CHURCHILL, Winston, attitude toward 50:202-2014.; Palestine, 29:114-1; 14-1:336; community surveys on, 5O:2O5, attacks anti-Jewish policy of 213; Nazis, 38:246; National Community Relations asked to repudiate 1939 White Advisory Council's statement Paper, 45:208; on, 50:206; promises punishment of war UN Commission on Human Rights' criminals, 46:156; declaration on, 50:14-85-14-86; deplores use of terror by Pales- recommendation to Truman Com- tine Jews, 47:4&5; mittee on, 50:827; meets Arab rulers at Cairo, See also Discrimination; Minor- 14.7:1*68 ity rights; National Citizens' Churchman, The, denounces anti- Council on Human Rights Semitism in Rumania, 40:103 CIVIL War, participation of Jews CINCINNATI, sectarianism in publio in, 4:71; schools in, protested, 11:57; immigrants as soldiers in, Hebrew Union College organized, 12:57 16:1C4; CLARK, Tom C, Attorney General, federation movement, 17:161-162, directive on civil rights of 176; 34:121)., 127; minorities, 48:173; Jewish Americanization agencies, urges interfaith cooperation to 23:97; prevent juvenile delinquency, non-Jewish clergymen protest 48:198; Jewish persecution in Poland, opposes restrictive immigration 1+0:99; bill, 48:226 Jewish educational agencies, 14-3:14-6 -61+-

CLASSICS, Jewi3h, translation of, COBLENTZ, W., wins medal of Paris project of JPS, 16:1|.25; 18: Academy of Sciences, 23:123 k2l,k2k; 19:511-512,5314-535; COFFEE, Rudolph I., data concern- 20:Ul8; 21:696; 22:^71-1+72; ing, 7:^8 26:683,689; 27:1491,1492; 30:30, COHEN, A.K., on Roxbury, Mass., 3l4-6-3i+7; 31:3214.; 32:3144; 36: Bench, 9:1474 COHEN, A. Lou, in Washington Leg- publication urged by Solomon islature, 37:227,3146; 39:5614 Schechter, 18:58,6(4; COHEN, Aaron H., on Memphis Bench, activity of Cyrus Adler in, 22:151 19:533-538; U2:108; COHEN, Abraham, data concerning, aided by Jacob H. Schiff, 23:14-0; 6:714- 149:827-830 COHEN, Albert M., in New York "CLASSIFIED List of Standard Books Legislature, 33:113; 314:97; in Emlish on Jewish Sub- 35:106; 36:253 jects," article by I. George COHEN, Alfred J. (Alan Dale), data Dobsevage, 25:2014-255 concerning, 6:714. CLAUDEL, Paul, protests anti-Jewish COHEN, Alfred M., data concerning, decrees during French Occu- 6:714; pation, 14-7:100,117-118 honors conferred on, 15:255; CLAY, Lucius D., General, attitude 147:505; toward Jewish displaced per- president of Ohio Presidential sons, k9:522,529-530; 50: Electoral College, 35:106; 1467,1468 opposes World Jewish Conference, CLEMENCEAU, Georges, letter to 38:207-208; Paderewski on Poland's efforts to avert dissolution of guarantee of minority rights B'nai B'rith in Germany, in treaty acknowledging inde- 39:225-226 pendence, 21:161-166; 22: COHEN, Augusta, article "Reaction 107-113 to Events Overseas," 47:291- CLEMONS, Ida, data concerning, 7:14-7 303; CLEVELAND, Grover, informs Congress review of Jewish affairs in of Russia's refusal to honor Australia by, 147:373-3714- passports held by American COHEN, Benjamin V., counsellor of Jews, 6:285-286 State Department, 148:1472; CLEVELAND Conference influence on 50:6145 American Judaism, I|.2:l8l4 COHEN, Blanche, awarded medal by CLEVELAND, Ohio, federation move- French Government, 20:163 ment, 17:1614,166,176,177; COHEN, Charles J., honors and Jewish Americanization agen- appointments conferred on, cies, 23:98; 4:275; 15:255-256 Jewish educational agencies, COHEN, David Soils. See Solis- 142:1148; 143:146; Cohen, David Intercultural Garden, 146:129 COHEN, Emanuel, memorial resolu- CLINCHY, Everett R., on growth of tion of American Jewish Com- inter faith movement, I4l:2l8; mittee on, 23:313 receives American interfaith COHEN, Frances A., data concern- award, I|l4:l65 ing, 7:U8 CLOSE, Upton, spreads minority COHEN, Harry, on Chelsea, Mass., hatred, 149:192-193 Board of Aldermen, 16:155 CLOTHING industry built up by Jew- COHEN, Harry, on New York City ish immigrants, 12:23-30; Board of Aldermen, 16:155 50:17-19 -55- COHEN, Harry L., U.S. district COHEN, Max, lawyer, data concern- attorney for Alaska, 7s189 ing, 6:76 COHEN, Henry, biographical sketch, COHEN, Mendes, data concerning, 5:14-8 6:76-77 COHEN, Herbert B,, in Pennsylvania COHEN, Meyer, active in UNRRA, Legislature, 35:106; 39:5614.; 14-8:1+72} 14-9:596 1».1:397 COHEN, Myer Sqlis. See Solis- COHEN, Herbert L., in Connecticut Cohen, Myer Legislature, 35:106 COHEN, Montague N.A., biographical COHEN, Isaac, on lew York City sketch, 5:1+9 Bench, 26:131 COHEN, Morris Raphael, data con- COHEN, Iva, compiles "American cerning, 6:77; Jewish Bibliography," discusses census of Jewish con- 1+5:14-31-104.6, et seq. gregations, 39:790; COHEN, J.H., mayor of Seneca, on faculty of University of Kan., 9:14-77 Chicago, 40:357; COHEN, J. Solia, Jr. See Solis- report on Peace Studies of Cohen, J. Jr. American Jewish Committee, COHEN, Jacob Soils. See Soils- 1+3:736-751; Cohen, Jacob alumnus of Educational Alliance. COHEN, Jacob Raphael, first rabbi New York, 1+6:82; in Montreal, 27:178-179 obituary bv Milton R. Konvitz, COHEN, Jessica, data concerning, 1+9:14-9-66; 6:75 portrait, facing, 1+9:1+9 COHEN, Joseph H., data concerning, COHEN, Mortimer I., address before 7:14-8; JPS, 39:365-871 active in New York Jewish Com- COHEN, Moses, projects early agri- munity, ll*l+8,l(-9,5O cultural colony at Shalom, COHEN, Joshua I., Jefferson Bible N.Y., ll+:56-57 in library of, 1+2:75; COHEN, Nina Morals (Mrs, Emanuel), library in Dropsie College, data concerning, 7:1+9 142:83; 14-5:87 COHEN, Otto, councilman of Louis- COHEN, Joslah, on Pennsylvania ville, 10:117 Bench, 1+:195; 9:14-714-; 10:117; COHEN, P.H., cantor, 6:215 20:163; 314-: 237; COHEN, Reuben E., in Pennsylvania Liberty ship named in honor of, Legislature, 39:5614.; i+l:397 14-7:505 COHEN, Robert I., data concerning, COHEN, Julius, data concerning, 7:14-9 5:14-9 COHEN, S., mayor of Flanagan, 111,, COHEN, Katherlne M., data con- 9:1+77 cerning, 6:76 COHEN, Samson K., awarded medal COHEN, Lionel, cited for gallantry for gallantry in World War I, in Woi»ld War II, t|.815U- 36:253 COHEN, Louis, on New York City COHEN, Samuel, in Colorado Legis- Council, 1+1+:321 lature, 9:1+77 COHEN, M. Henry, on Tampa Bench, COHEN, Samuel H., in Massachusetts 8:185; 11+: 276 Legislature, 35:106; 39:561+ COHEN, Mary M,, data concerning, COHEN, Sanford H., assistant U.S. 7:14-8-14.9 district attorney, 2l+:85 COHEN, Maurice A., in New Jersey COHEN, Simon R., biographical Legislature, 39:5614.; 1+0:357 sketch, 5:1+9 COHEN, Max, journalist, data COHEN, Solomon Solis. See Solis- o one erning, 6:76 Cohen, Solomon -66- COHEN, William W,, in House of COLEMAN, George W., signs Chris- Representatives, 29:113,226, tian protest against anti- et seq. Jewish propaganda, 24:334 COHEN family of Maryland, l+:66 COLEMAN, Samuel C, on New York COHN, Abe, in Tennessee Assembly, City Bench, 1+0:357 13:2?8 "COLLECTION of Jewish War Statis- COHN, Abraham, biographical sketch, tics," article by Julian 5:14-9 Leavitt, 20:103-112 COHN, Adolphe, data concerning, COLLEGE of the City of New York 6:78 acquires library of Israel COHN, Albert, judicial career, 31: Davidson, 1+5:95 82; 32:11+3; 33:266; 3l+:236; COLLEGE of Jewish Studies, Chi- 38:1+03; 14.6:320 cago, data concerning, 14-3:52; COHN, Edwin Joseph, honored for library, 1+5:89 chemical research, i+7:5o5; COLLEGES and universities in ij.8ri4.72; 14.9:596; 5O:5o5 Europe: Russian Jews affected COHN, Frederick, biographical by discrimination in Germany, sketch, 5:1+9; 6:215 16:166-187; COHN, Georges, decorated by French Russian Jews affected by Swiss Government, 16:155 law on foreign students, 16: COHN, Henry, presidential elector, 252; 11:11+5 anti-Jewish discrimination in COHN, Julius, on Portland, Ore,, various countries, 20:252, Bench, 37:227; 38:14.03; 144:321 253; 22:172,173; 23:134,169- COHN, Marcus, Washington represen- 172,193,211; 25:89-95; 26:95; tative of American Jewish 27:105-111,1+69; 28:31-32,103- Committee, 14.7:678 108; 30:1+2-43,47,294,297; 31: COHN, Morris M., data concerning, 45,1+8,1+9-50,363-376; 32:96, 6:78 101-102,103,313; l+0:100-102, COHN, P.O., in California Legisla- 168-169,181,182,264-268,270- ture, 15:256 271,286,601,602,623; COHN, S. Belle (Mrs, Leo L.), data anti-Semitism at, 23:169; 25: concerning, 7:14-9 89-95; 26:95,96,97,98: 28: COHON, Samuel S., article "Jehuda 103,107-108,485-1+87,488; 29: Halevi," 14.3:1447-488 93-94; 32:114; 3l+:295,296- COLBY, Bainbrldge, correspondence 297,299-300; 39:1+16-1+23 with Louis Marshall, on dis- COLLEGES and universities in U.S., criminatory advertisement of presidents oppose literacy U.S. Shipping Board, 21:637- test for immigrants, 12:96-98; 639; Hebrew taught in, 19:1+06} signs Christian protest against Jewish enrollment in, 19:1+07- anti-Jewish propaganda, 408; 50:769-772; 21+: 331+ professional tendencies among COLE, Louis M., memorial minute of Jewish students, 22:383-393; American Jewish Committee on, anti-Jewish discrimination in, 33:375 COLEMAN, Alice B. (Mrs. George W.), signs Christian protest against anti-Jewish propaganda, 21+: 331+ 290; 1+7:277-279; 1+8:192-193; COLEMAN, Edward D. and Joseph 50:768; Reider, bibliography of Cyrus Jewish educational activity, Adler, 42:51-52 31:11+1-11+3; -67-

COLLEGES and Universities in COLUMBIA University, Jewish trus- 0.3. (cont.) tees, l4_:69; 6:45; 28:2114.; statistics on Jewish fraterni- 14-1:27; ties and sororities, 31:214-3; gifts to, 6:37; 23:43; statistics on Jewish student chair in Jewish history at, organizations, 31:244-24°; 31:387; 36:33; extension of Jewish influences represented at dedication of on Jewish students, 37:165-166; Hebrew University, 39:29; and participation in celebrations Jews on faculty, 39:30-32| at German universities, and participation in celebra- 38:187-189; 39:211; 40:623; tions at German universities, B'nai B'rith study of Jevjs in, 39:211,213; 39:72,282; 50:767-77J+; interfaith project at, 43:115; background of Jewish students, 14.6:114.7-114.8; 39:278; Jewish collection in Library, interfaith conferences, 40:131; 45:94-95; religious and racial attitude discriminatory policy opposed, of students studied by Na- 48:192-193; tional Conference of Chris- See also Teachers College tians and Jew3, 14.0:132; COLUMBIANS, Inc., discriminatory Invite German refugees on program, 49=190 faculties, 14.0:622; COLUMBUS, Christopher, Jews and B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations the voyages of discovery of, in, 14.7:114-1-152; 4:63 See also Medical colleges COMMENTARIES, Bible, Se£ Bible COLLEGES, Jewish, in U.S., list of Commentaries rabbis and instructors in, Commentary. published by American 19:367-395 Jewish Committee, 50:833 COLLEGIO Rabbinico Italiano, COMMISSION on Training Camp Acti- message to JPS on its 25th vities appointed, 39:152; anniversary, 15:149 Jewish Welfare Board represen- COLOMBIA, Jews of, 19:63-65; 48: ted on,^39:152 256; 50:271; COMITE des Delegations Juives at attitude toward German Jewish Versailles Conference in refugees, 38:128-129; 14-3:310; 1919, 1+9:567-568 145:350; COMMITTEE for the Forgotten anti-Jewish manifestations, Million, 50:556 43:310; 14-6:296-297,570,571; COMMITTEE for a Jewish Army, 14.8:251; 149:272-273; efforts to establish Jewish refugee immigration benefit to, armed defense for Palestine, 47:139; 44:133; 45:211 Jews and post-war immigration COMMITTEE for Justice and Peaoe in policy, 49:554-555 the Holy Land, anti-Zionist COLORADO, statistical data on Jews agency, 50:261 and Jewish activities in, COMMITTEE for Progressive Zionism, 3:130; 30:180; J+2: 2I4-X; policy of, 50:259 Sunday law, 10:153,171; COMMITTEE of Jewish Writers and Russian Jewish agricultural Artists in the U.S., 45:459 colony, ll4.:6O-Sl Committee Reporter, monthly organ COLUMBIA College. See Columbia of American Jewish Committee, University 47:673,676; 50:833 COLUMBIA, District of, Sunday law, COMMITTEE to Re-unite Families, 10:154,174-175; 11:59-60 44:368 -68-

COMMON Council of American Unity, COMMUNIST Party and Jewish labor work of, 43:119 parties in U,S., 2l+:31; 25:73; COMMONOR Party, anti-Jewish organi- wars on Judaism in Soviet zation, 1+8:182 Russia 25:43-1+7, 389,390; 26: COMMUNAL organization, Jewish, in 46-49,656-657; 27:52-54; 28: the U.S., growth, 22:31; 1+9: 53-55; 29:49-50; 31:67-69; 130-131; few Jews in, 25:43-47; 26:81-82; studies by H.S. Linfield on, 28:91; 30:32l+-326; 31:32,99-251+; attitude toward Zionism and 1+2:215-265; Palestine, 25:69; 47:469-470; types of, 31:99-197,2U1-2U7,21+9- 49:501-502,507; 50:264,359- 253; 38:77,97-100; 39:68-76, 360; 79-100; 50:32-33; use of Hebrew and Yiddish in and the synagogue, 35:157-170; Soviet Russia , 26:l).2-43; American Jewish Committee dis- condemns anti-Semitism in Soviet cusses improvement in, Russia, 31:67; 32:127; 50:111+; 35:286,307-309; in control of Southeastern trained leadership in, 38:77; Europe, 50:353-356,362-363 article by Maurice J. Karpf on, COMMUNISTS, Jewish, participate in 39:1+7-148; French Resistance movement, fund-raising developments in, 47:101-102 1+6:139-11+2; COMMUNITIES, Jewish, in U.S., and the federation idea; 1+9:126; study by H.S. Linfield, 1+2: functions of, 1+9:127-128,131-136; 215-265; trend toward metropolitan and See also Communal organization; regional agencies for, 1+9:129; Population, Jewish, in the training service for, 1+9:135-136; U.S.; United States, Jews of See also Organizations COMMUNITY Center Secretaries, COMMUNAL welfare of Jews in the Jewish, National Association U.S., articles by H.L. Lurie, of. Seg National Association 1+9:123-11+3; 50:119-11+7 of Jewish Community Center COMMUNAL work among Jews in the Secretaries U.S., 22:42-44; COMMUNITY oenters, Jewish, study, training school planned, 22:1+1+ made by Bureau of Jewish COMMUNAL workers, Jewish, in the Social Research, 22:45-46 U.S., biographical sketches, COMMUNITY chests, and Jewish 7:32-118 federations, 31:200; 36:81; COMMUNISM, alleged identification 39:108-113; 40:481; 45:173; of Jews with, 21:260; 22:1+10- problem of Jewish participation 1+11; 23:367,373,371+; 34:48- in, 1+4:139-140 1+9,308; 37:154-156; 41:210; COMMUNITY Councils, Jewish, growth, 1+3:2l+3,319-320; 44:265,267; 39:114; 41:226; 43:72-73; 1+9:189-190,195; attempt representative com- anti-Semitic outbreaks caused munity organization, 39:137; by, 21:299; 23:330,334; directory of, 40:1+81-527: 41: asserted by Nazis, 38:l8o,623- 517-560; 43:603-642; 48:529- 625; 39:339,798-799; l+0:59l+; 592, et seq. denounced by Irish Free State, COMMUNITY relations agencies, 39:307; increase, 48:190 See also Communist Party COMMUNITY Relations Conference, COMMUNIST International denounces American Jewish Committee co- Zionism, 27:125 operates with, 45:660 ~69~

COMPTON, Arthur H., wins interfalth CONFERENCE on Science, Philosophy award, 1+6:147 and Religiorf in their Rela- CONE, G. Herbert, obituary of Simon tion to the Democratic Way of W. Rosendale, 39:25-28 Life, interfaith gathering, CONE, Moses H., memorial minute by 14-3:30 American Jewish Committee on, CONGREGATIONS, Jewish, in U.S., 12:314-0,353 data concerning, 2:14-99-501; CONE, Mrs. Julius W., given 21:333; 29:26-27,30-31; 31: honorary degree by University 107-106; 1+0:61,62; of North Carolina, 1)5:369 established by Rumanians, CONFERENCE Committee of Rational 3:91-93; Jewish Women's Organizations, anniversary celebrations, 3:l86j 36:312, et seq. et aeq.; CONPERENCE-Congress controversy. educational activities, 16:96- See American Jewish Committee; 99; 30:29; 31:129,135,137, American Jewish Congress; 2114.-216,235-214-0; 38:97-99; Conference of National Jewish surveys made by American Jewish Organizations; Jewish Congress Committee on, 29:1+09; 30:28- Organization Committee 29,199-201; 31:361-362; 39: CONFERENCE of Christians and Jews. 791,825; 1+0:61-65,611+; See International Conference buildings erected by, 30:29; of Christians and Jews; Na- 31:115-117,232,231+; tional Conference of Chris- preliminary statement, by H.S. tians and Jews Linfield, 30:199-201; CONFERENCE of National Jewish statistics on, 30:200-201; 31: Organizations called by Ameri- 108-110,111,123-125,219-220; can Jewish Committee to con- 39:70-71; 1+2:225,238; 1+3:31; aider Jewish rights in belli- k6:i+U,l+95; 1+7:61+5; l+8:6ol+, gerent lands, 19:199-200,1+1+2- 6o5; 1+9:739; 1+14.8; secular activities, 31:31; American Jewish Congress declines expenditures, 31:112-111+,206- to participate in, 19:21+5; 210; and plan for Congress of Americsn rabbis' residences owned by, Jews to aid Jews in belligerent 31:118; lands, 19:144-0-14-51; federations of, 31:119,21+1; efforts to attain unified action, 39:629-632; 19:1+1+7,1+1+9-1+50 organizations for social- CONFERENCE of National Jewish Youth philanthropic work, 31:161; Organizations, I4.I:U.6O--l4-3:51+1 local societies affiliated with, CONFERENCE on Jewish Adjustment 31.219-220; called by American Jewish place in expanded community Committee, 14.8: II4.2 life, 38:92-93; CONFERENCE on Jewish Affairs spon- directory by Jacques J. Lyons sored by Jewish Theological and Abraham de Sola, 1+0:61+; Seminary of America, 39:276- census taken at various times, 277; 140:114.5 1+0:61-77,79-81,82; CONFERENCE on Jewish Relations, plan for union by Isaac M. activities, 37:167; 39:117-118; Wise, 1+5:1+9 1+3:57; 14-9:181+; CONGRESS. See United States data concerning, 39:61+8, et seq.; Congress cooperates in decennial census CONGRESS-Conference Controversy, of religious bodies, 39:825 See under American Jewish Com- mittee; American Jewish Congress -70-

CONGRESS for the Sabbath, l;5:l;59, CONSERVATIVE Judaism, organiza- et seq. tions for, 39:69; CONGRESS for Universal Peace urges activities in, 39:271-272; k3: protection of minority rights, 3k-3k36,|,j95k6ll3 5 ; U410210U46; 27:69; M>:M>:939 ; l;7:221-223; 50:172; urges creation of national Peace United Synagogue of America Unions, 27:72 organ of, l;2:113-lll;; COMMITTEE on Industrial Organiza- books on, 50:161;, 175; tion,. See C.I.O. efforts to modernize Jewish law CONGRESS of Industrial Organiza- and ritual, 50:167-168,170; tions. See C.I.O. aids Jews in Florence, Italy, CONGRESS of Berlin. See Berlin,, 50:176 Congress of CONSTANTINOPLE, Alliance Israelite CONGRESSES, international, Jewish Universelle establishes rights at, 19:106-160; rabbinical school at, 2:63; See also Aix-la-Chapelle, American Jewish Committee aids Conference of; Algeciras Con- Jews in, 10:221,2k6; Xl:2lfy.; ference; Berlin, Congress of; 18:314-8; 32:307-308; Bucharest Peace Conference; Jews suffer as result of Balkan Paris, Conference of; Paris, War, 15:190,191,191;, 195 Congress of; Vienna, Congress CONSTITUTION, Jewish national of organizations join in com- CONJOINT Foreign Committee. See memoration of 150th anni- Joint Foreign Committee of versary, l;0:l57-l58; Board of Deputies of British separation of Church and State Jews and the Anglo-Jewish under, l;9:9-10,13,l8,19; Association and religious instruction in CONNECTICUT, statistical data on public schools, l;9:27-32, Jews and Jewish activities, fi.O-14.3 3:130-131; 30:181-182; 1;2:2!;1- CONSTRUCTIVE Relief Conference, 21J.2; efforts for overseas relief, Jewish agricultural colonies, 30:32 1;:76; 11;: 90-91; CONSULTATIVE Counoil of Jewish Sunday law, 10:153-151;,171,173; Organizations, established 11:59; to cooperate with UN, l;9:78t Legislature protests Russia's Contemporary Jewish Record, pub- discrimination against Ameri- lished by American Jewish can Jews, 11:61;; Committee, l;l:232,61;0,6l;8; question of shehitah in, 142:663; Ul;:l;97-l;98; 1;6:551;; 31:27-28 1;7:676,677 CONREID, Heinrich, data concerning, CONTENT, Harold A., honors oon- 6:79; ferred on, 26:131; 37:227 decorated by Emperor of Austria, CONVERSION to Judaism, statistics 8:181 on, 29:29 CONSCIENTIOUS objectors, efforts of CONVERSIONIST activities in U.S. Julian W. Mack in behalf o.f, and overseas, 25:29-30; i4-6:ij.3 disapproved by English Presby- CONSEIL Representatlfs des Juifs terian Church, 28:33; de Prance among signers of discussed by Federal Council of recommendation to 19U7 Paris Churches in Christ, 30t28; Peace Conference, l;9:566 Jews protest against, 31:21;-25; 32:302-303 -71-

CONVERTS to Judaism. See COTY, Franqoia, charges Jewish Proselytes bankers with financing revo- COOK, Florence E., in Massachusetts lution movements, 34:55, Legislature, 14-5:369; 1+7:505 found guilty of libel, 36:153; COOK, Milton, in Massachusetts recants charges, 36:237 Legislature, 43:342 COUGHLIN, Charles E., anti-Jewish COOLEY, Thomas M., considers Jews activity, 37:156; 39:254-256,- penalized under American Sun- 41:209-212,215; 42:285; day law, 10:188-189 44:158-159; COOLIDGE, Calvin, attitude on immi- discredited by Roosevelt's re- gration, 28:814.; 30:273; election, 39:257; denounces racism, 28:96-97, Nazi aggression diminishes l4.7l4.-l4.76A77-l4.8l; propaganda, 42:286; repudiates prejudice against and the Christian Front, 42:287: alien, 29:407 48:177; COONS, Eva, data concerning, 7:50 Christians protest activities, COONS, Joseph D., data concerning, 42:288; 7:50 Canada bars speeches by, COOPER, Irving Ben, on New York 42:327; City Bench, 14.0:358; 41:397; reprimanded by the Vatican, 42:11.62 42:385; COOPER, Israel, data concerning, Wendell L, Willkie repudiates 6:215 support, 43:104; CO-OPERATIVE credit institutions, discontinues broadcasts, 43:107; Jewish, data on, 27:57-58 See _al3£ Christian Front CO-OPERATIVES, Jewish Workers', COUNCIL" against Intolerance in 2l;:33 America, organized, 41:221; COORDINATING Committee for German activities, 43:118 Refugees, activities, 39:805 COUNCIL for Democracy, program, COORDINATING Committee of Jewish 43:122 Organizations Dealing with COUNCIL for German Jewry, British Employment Discrimination in organization, JDC cooperates War Industries, I4.61l4.3i-I4.32 with, 41:173-174 COPELAND, Royal S., opposes Pales- COUNCIL for Orthodox Jewish tine partition, 14.0:109,110 Schools organized, 44:115-116; COPLAND, Aaron, awarded Pulitzer data concerning, 45:459, et aeqe prize in music, 47:505 COUNCIL of Jewish Consumptive COPLAND, David, on Cleveland Bench, Relief Society Auxiliaries. 38:403 See National Council of Jewish CORWIN, Norman, first winner of "Consumptive Relief Society Wendell Wilkie One World Auxiliaries Award, 48:472' COUNCIL of Jewish Federations and COSTA Rica, Jewish economic and Welfare Funds. See National religious activity in, 19:78- Council of Jewish Federations 79; and Welfare Funds anti-Semitic manifestations in, COUNCIL of Jewish Organizations on 47:478-479; 48:252 Palestine. See National COSTUMA, Louis P., Chief Inspector Council of Jewish Organiza- New York Police Department, tions on Palestine 41:297 COUNCIL of Jewish Women. See COTILLO, Salvatore A., signs National Council of Jewish memorial to Pres, Wilson Women* opposing Quota Law, 27:428-436 -72-

COUNCIL of Roumanian Jews of CRIMEA Conference, punishment of America, U0:l(.26—14.2:513 war criminals, decided at, COUNCIL on American Jewish Student 47:47 Affaira organized, 28:14.9; CROMWELL, William Nelson, efforts data concerning, 28:296—37:290 to improve situation of Jews COUSINS, Robert G., Congressman, in Rumania, 30:298 introduces Joint resolution of CROSSMAH, Richard S., on Anglo- sympathy for Jewish sufferers American Committee of in Russian pogroms, 8:91 Inquiry. 14-8:14-00 COUTY, Rabba, fights anti-Jewish CROTHERS, Samuel, signs Christian discrimination by Great protest against anti-Jewish Britain, 28:197 propaganda, 24:335 COWEN, David C, in Washington CROUNSE, Jacob, in Nebraska Legis- Legislature, 37:227 lature, 33:113; 35:106 COWEN, Israel, data concerning, CRUM, Bartley, on Anglo-American 7:50-51 Committee of Inquiry, 14.8:14.00; COWEN, Philip, data concerning, opposes Attlee's statement on 6:79; Committee's report, i+8:1+17> urges publicity on correspon- in U.S. Immigration Service, dence between Arab States and 10:117 State Department, 14.9:214.9 COX, S.S., Congressman, resolutions CUBA, Jews of, 10:207; 19:84,85- protesting against discrimina- 86,273; 33:62; tion by Russia, 11:22-23 endorses Balfour Declaration, CRAMER, Fred B.f on Ohio Beach, 21:296; 42:462 Jewish refugees stranded by CRAVATH, Paul D., signs Christian U.S. Quota Law of 1924 go to, protest against anti-Jewish propaganda, 24: 334 30:314-315; CREEL, George, signs Christian pro- statistics on Jewish immigra- test against anti-Jewish tion to, 33:62,296, et seq.; propaganda, 24:334 anti-Jewish manifestations in, CREMATION, resolution of Central 34:49,308; 36:201; 38:241; Conference of American Habbis 41:355-356; on, 42:196 anti-Nazi riots in, 36:202; CREMIEUX decree and Jews of Algeria, and admission of German Jewish 45:197; 46:158-159,217,567-568 refugees, 38:129: 39:490; CREZIANO, George, Rumanian Minister, 41:356,386,387,388; 42:428, and American Jewish efforts 456; 48:251-252; in behalf of Jews of Rumania. Jewish organizations affiliate 30:34,299-306; 31:365-373, with World Jewish Congress, 37i4--376 43:312; CRICK, Wilfred P., on Anglo-Ameri- traffic in visas in, 45:356 can Committee of Inquiry, CULLMAN, Howard S., Commissioner 48:400 of Port of New York Authority, CRIME, the immigrant as a factor 35:106 in, 12:22-28,92-93; CULTURAL activities„ Jewish, in incidence among Jews, 29:51;; U,S., communal organization 31:352-354; 32:77-78; 33:314-8; for. 31:153-160; 39:91; reviewed. 46:108-129; 49:175- Sae also Juvenile delinquents; 188; 56:178-202; Prisoners See also Education, Jewish, CRIMEA, pogroms in, 23:156; in U.S. Nazis destroy Jewish colonies in, 14^:239 -73-

CULTURE League of Roumanian Jews In CZECHOSLOVAKIA (cont.) America, 35:182--39:675 Polish Jewish refugees in, CUNNINGHAM, Alan, Lt. Gen, Sir, 23:l5(j.,l55; High Commissioner of Palestine, statistics on Jewish popula- 14.8:380 tion, 23:280,282, et seq>; CURACAO, Jews of, 19:93-96 Jews affected by agrarian re- CURRAN, Edward Lodge, supporter of form, 2h:ik'* Charles E. Coughlin, 14.1:212 facilitates Holy Day observance CURRICK, Max C, biographical by Jewish conscripts, 25:25; sketch, 5:^9-50; religious and communal activity, obituary of Isador Sobel, 26:28-29; 28:82,83,92; 29:27; 14.2:173-177 39:361; lj-0:225; (4-8:358; CUTLER, Harry, protests Russia's Jewish political activity in, discrimination against Ameri- 26:51; can Jews, 11:614.; Hitler gets financial support in Rhode Island Legislature, from, 26:914.; 11:225; 12:32l(-; 13:278; Jewish economic situation in, defends immigrant at Congres- 32:109-110; 3^:70; 50:356- sional hearing, 12:86-87; 357; honors bestowed on, 12:321).j opposes German position on Jew- 21:199; 22:151; ish question before League of memorial resolution by American Nations, 36:102; Jewish Committee on, 23:311- refugee question in, 36:152; 312; 37:193; heads Jewish Welfare Board, forbids anti-Semitic propa- 39:152; ganda, 36:153; 39:357; letter of Pres. Wilson to, advocate of democracy, 37:191? praising Board, 39:158; Nazi leaders arrested in, death, 39:161 37:192; CUTTING, R. Fulton, signs Christian threat to shehltah in, 38:282- protest against anti-Jewish 283; propaganda, 21+: 335 Jews refuse to participate in CYPRUS, JDC aids Jews in, 1+9:2^4-3; Berlin Olympics, 39:360; "illegal" immigrants to Pales- reaction in U»S. to events in, tine sent to, lj.9:W;8-lj.5O; 14.1:196-198; problem of Jewish refugees in, before and after Munich, I4.I: 50:266; 268-278,630-614.1; statistics on Jewish population, Nazi terror in, 14.2:596-597; 50:700-701 14.6:252-2555 )+7?l4.19-l422; CZECHOSLOVAKIA, minority rights in, populace friendly to Jews, 21 i!l56,l67,2l|.l,2iU)-; 22:101, M>:253; 113,119-123,206,k.01; 26:100; abrogates Nazi laws, I4.7:i4.21; attitude toward Palestine and Zionism, 21:2l(.0,2lj.l; 50:356, Jews a minority group, 14-7:14.22; 357,359-360; abolishes minority system, anti-Jewish manifestations in, 1|.8:350-351; 22:205,206,207; 23:l53,l51j.; German problem in, 14-8:351-352; 25:89,92; 31:^9; 32:109 110, and Jews of Germany and r Carpatho-Russia, 14.8:353;;

Ii.ll4-I4.l6; Jewish schools in, 23:l53,l5l4-> 26:73; -74-

CZECHOSLOVAKIA (cont.) CZECHOSLOVAKIA (cont.) restitution of property and re- Communist coup causes wave of construction in, 1+8 s 3Si+—356; displaced persons into 49:413-414; 50:357-358; Germany, 50:456; work of JDC in, 49:229-230; See also Bohemia-Moravia; Polish Jews flee to, 49:4-12; Slovakia; Sudetenland on UNSCOP, 49:498,508; CZECHOSLOVAK IA-Government-in-Exlle, Jews to have representation on council of, 43:215-216; promises equality and restitu- tion of property to Jews, 44:252-253

DALLAS, Tex., gift to church in, to DANZIG (cont.) JDC, 40:135 racist legislation in, 39:361;; DAMASCUS, Jewish distress in, Ul:307,633; 28:86 Jewish community ruined, 1).O: DAMROSCH, Walter, decorated by 226-228,590; Italy, 22:151 problem affects Jewish situa- DANA, Leo A., awarded medal for tion in Poland, 41:293; work in cyrogenics, 50:505 Jews expelled from, 41:307-308; DANCE, the, Jewish activity in, Jewish antiquities removed 46:123-125; 50:197 from, 42:101 D'ANCONA, Arnold A., data con- DANZIGER, Adolphe, in U.S. con- cerning, 6:79 sular service, 6:80 DANHENBAUM, Henry J., on Texas DANZIS, Max, president of Academy Benoh, 18:100 of Medicine of Northern New DANTZIG, Meyer M., data concerning, Jersey, 37:227 6:79-80 DARGAN, Olive Tilford, signs Chris, DANZIG, protest in, against expul- tian protest against anti- sion- of Eastern Jews, 23:210; Jewish propaganda, 24:335 international Jewish university DARLAN, Jean Pranqoie,, and resto- suggested for, 27:1+71 ration of Jewish rights in minority rights in, and League North Africa, 45:252 of Nations, 28:60; 38:351-, DARROW, Clarence, signs Christian 352-351)-; 39:302,362,363,, protest against anti-Jewish 501-502; propaganda, 24:335 statistics on Jewish population, DAUB, William, data concerning, 32:249-251? 7:51 Nazls grow in power in, 33:93; DAVENPORT, Charles B., director 37:tj-ll+-t|l5j 38:611; 39:362- of Eugenics Record Offioe, 361)., 813-834; favors restriction of immi- anti-Jewish manifestations in, gration, 24:53 36:239; 38:351; -75-

DAVID, Aaron Hart, dean of faculty DAVIES, Lillie, cited for work in of Bishop's College, Quebec, Worli? War II, 1+8:56 27:161; DAVILA, Charles A., Rumanian DAVID, David, prominent early Minister, discusses Jewish Canadian trader, 27:162 affairs with American Jewish DAVID, Joseph, receives first Committee, 32:68-69,287; Panama Canal medal, 1L|.:276 33:33,356-357 DAVID, Joseph B., on Illinois DAVIS, Abel, honors conferred on, Bench, 19:250; 20:161+; 26:131; 26:131 32-.li4.3j 39:565 DAVIS, Allan, director of Educa- DAVID, Lazarus, colonial pioneer tional Alliance, New York, in Canada, 27:157 12:321+ DAVIDOPP, Leo M., decorated by DAVIS, Harry L., mayor of Cleve- Czechoslovakia, 50:505 land, 20:161+ DAVIDSON, Charles A., wins Westing- DAVIS, James J., Secretary of house scholarship, 14.6:320 Labor, letter of Louis DAVIDSON, David, data concerning, Marshall to, 28:l|i+7-l+5l 5:50 DAVIS, Jeannette I, (Mrs. Benja- DAVIDSON, Gabriel, article, "The min), data concerning, 7:51 Jew in Agriculture in the DAVIS, Jefferson, tribute to United States," 37:99-131+ Mayer Lehman, 1+8:86 DAVIDSON, Irwin D., in New York DAVIS, Nina, letter to JPS on its Legislature, J4.1:397; U-3:3U2; 25th anniversary, 15:1+8-1+9 14.5:369; U7:5o5; 14.9:596 DAVITT, Michael, reports on DAVIDSON, Israel, data concerning, Kishineff massacre, 5:21; 6:80; writes book on condition of article, "Kol Nidre," 25:180- Jews in Russia, 6:386 191+; DAY, James R., signs Christian portrait, facing, 14.1:35; protest against anti-Jewish obituary by Louis Finkelstoin, propaganda, 21+.: 335 lj-1:35-56; Day, The. See_ TOR contributions to American Jewish DAY nurseries studied by New York scholarship, 1+1:1+2,1+1+.1+5-I4-6, Bureau of Philanthropic Re- l4.7,lt-9,51|,688-689; 1+5:56,63; search, 22:35-36 memorial resolution of JPS on, DAY nurseries, Jewish, list of, 14-2:708; 31:252 library acquired by College of Dearborn Independent removed from City of New York, 1+5:95 many public libraries, 23:117; DAVIDSON, Jo, alumnus of Educational organ of anti-Semitism in U.S., Alliance Art School, New York, 23:315; 21+:53,31+3; 27:1+56, 14-6:83; member of National Institute of correspondence of American Jew- Arts and Letters, 14.6:320 ish Committee with, 23:315- DAVIDSON, Thomas Wo, teacher at 317; 30:383-389; 32:1+0,1+1; Educational Alliance, New Henry Ford apologizes for anti- York, L|.6:80 Jewish attacks in, 30:21+; DAVIE, Maurice R., articles on German publication rights re- refugee aid, 1+9:212-222; voked, 30:21+, 282 -283; 50:223-236 suspends publication, 30:21+ DAVIES, Joseph E., chairman of Dearborn Publishing Company con- President's Committee on War tinues anti-Semitic campaign, Relief Agencies, urges con- 25:375 tinued relief for Hitler victims, l+l+:12l+ -76-

DEATH rate, In large cities, basis DEMBITZ, Lewis N., data concern- for population estimates, ing, 6:81-82; l+:l+6-59; portrait, facing, 15:52; of Jewish population in Canada, influence on Louis D. Brandeis, 1+8:27-28,1+2 1+1+: 1+1-1+2 DEATHERAGE, George, active in anti- DEMOCRACY, basis of philosophy in Semitic movement, 1+1:212-213 Jewish welfare work, 39:281+- DEFENSE activities, American Jew- 285; ish efforts in. 16:11+0; 35: keynote of Jewish future, 150-152; 38:324-325; 39:791; 39:285-286; 1+0:137; 50:11+5; elements in Judaism re-empha- See also Anti-Semitism; Dis- sized, 1+3:29-30; crimination, anti-Jewish American Jewish Committee DEFENSE agencies. See under Ameri- stresses values of, 1+3:726; can Jewish Committee; Ameri- religious freedom the key to, can Jewish Congress; Anti- 14.7:38,39-1+0 Defamation League; General DEMOCRATIC Party, advocates end Jewish Council; Jewish Labor of passport discrimination Committee, etc., and also by Russia, 6:283; 10:200; under Organizations, Jewish 11:14.0,214.8; 13:38; national approves abrogation of treaty DE HAAS, Jacob, data concerning, with Russia, 15:238,1+1+2; 6:80-81; 19:1+59-1+60; street in Tel Aviv named after, opposes Johnson Immigration 39:565; Bill, 26:56; interests Brandeis in Zionism, attitude on Palestine, 1+6:186; Uk'-kZ 1+7:325; 50:262-263 DEICHES, Maurice, on New York City- DENMARK, Jews receive honors, Board of Higher Education, 9:51+6; 3U-:97 review of events in, 15:285- DEINARD, Ephraim, data concerning, 286; 16:180; 17:229; 19:273; 6:81; 14-5:91-92; 20:238; 22:286; Harvard University acquires Christians protest blood accu- books collected by, 1+5:92-93 sation charge in Russia,. DEINARD, Samuel M., biographical 16:714-; sketch, 5:50 attitude toward Jews at Con- DE JONGE, Minnie, data concerning, gress of Vienna, 19:119; 7:51-52 anti-Jewish manifestations in, DELANCEY, Oliver, husband of Phila 23:211; l+l+:202; Franks, 25:11+9 Jews endorse Balfour Declara- DELAWARE, statistical data on Jews tion., 21:296; and Jewish activities in, condemns anti-Jewish excesses 3:131; 30:182; 1+2:21+2; in Poland, 21:296; Sunday law in, 10:151).; Nazi propaganda and policy in, state aid forbidden Catholic 33:78; 1+1:257; 1+2:31+2-31+3; parochial schools in, 1+9:37 1+5:278-279; 1+6:212,225-227; DELTA Phi Epsilon Sorority, King attends centenary of syna- 31+: 187, et_se>£, gogue, 35:67; DEMBITZ, Arthur A., data concern- ing, 6:81 -77- DENMARK (cont.) DE SOLA, Meldola, rabbi of Shearith Nazism and anti-Semitism rebuked Israel Congregation, Montreal, in, 39:361;; 1+0:228-229; 1+3: 27:179 187-188; 1+4:202,203; 1+5:280- DESSAR, L. Paul, elected member of 281; National Academy of Design, attitude toward refugees, 8:181 la-.257-258; DETROIT, Jewish organizational Sweden receives refugees from, activity in, 13:313; 17:163- 1+6: 305 -306,566; 164; 43:47; requests Jews to return, 47:385; Jeiirish Americanization agen- 1+8:301 cies in, 23:98; DENNIS, Lawrence, sedition trial anti-Semitic manifestations in, defendant, f+8:181+ 39:253; 1+6: 136-137 DENNISON, Henry S., signs Christian DEUTELBAUM, Leopold, data con- protest against anti-Jewish cerning, 7:52 propaganda,. 21+: 335 DEUTSCH, Babette, honors and DE NOTE, Leonard J., in Pennsyl- awards conferred on, 1+3:342; vania Legislature, 39:565 49:596 DENTISTS, Jewish, in World War II, DEUTSCH, Bernard S., president of 14-7:166-167 New York Board of Aldermen, DENVER, Jews of, and establishment 36:253 of National Desertion Bureau, DEUTSCH, Mrs. Bernard S., on New 22:33 York City Board of Higher DENVER National Home for Jewish Education, 4^:321 Children, 29:162 DEUTSCH, Boris, wins prize for DEPENDENTS, Jewish communal organi- painting, 1+9:596 zation for the care of, DEUTSCH, Gotthard, on Cincinnati 31:178-183; Board of Education, 10:118; statistics concerning, 31:179, contributions to American Jew- 181-183; ish scholarship, 45:51 societies for, 31:180; DEUTSCH, Isaac, on Philadelphia See also Child care; child Common Council, 18:100 dependency DEUTSCH, Monroe E., given honorary DEPRESSION affects Jewry adversely degree by Mills College, all over the world, 33:38-1)4, 1+0:358 i4-8-l4-9; 34:34-35,37-38,49-50, DEUTSCH, Samuel, memorial minute by 52-53,60,62,63,68-69,* 35:71; American Jewish Committee on, 37:113-111+; 38:104; 39:75-76, 32:298-299 90-91,127-128,129; DEWEY, John, hails Hebrew Univer- community chests aid Jewish sity, 39:198-199 agencies during, 39:113 DEWEY, Melvil, charged with anti- DES3ECKER, Louis E., president of Semitism, 7:261-262 Buffalo Board of Education, DEWEY, Thomas E., denounces intro- 25:120 duction of religious issue in DE SOLA, Abraham, rabbinical New York gubernatorial cam- career, 27:179; paign, 41:216; delivers prayer at opening of proclaims day of prayer for U.S. Congress, 27:179; European Jewry, 1+5:195; heads first Jewish philanthropic protests massacre of Jews in organization in Montreal, Hungary, 1+7:292 27:188; DIAMOND, David, wins musical See also Lyons, Jacques J. awards, 37:227; 49:369 DE SOLA, Mrs. Clarence, owns minia- ture of David S. Franks, 25:154 -78- DIAMOND, David, on Hew York State DINKELSPIEL, Henry. G..W., presiden- Bench, 43:342 tial elector, 11:11(51 DIAMOND, Ignatz., biographical in U.S» consular service, 16: sketch, 5:50 155; 17:215; l8:100; 37:227; DIAMOND, Isidore B., on faculty of honors conferred on, 23:123; University of Illinois, 25:120 22:151 , DIAMOND, Jacob, first Jewish DINKELSPIEL, Martin G., in U.S. settler in Alberta, 27:172 consular service, 25:120 DICKER, Samuel B., elected mayor DINKELSPIEL, Max, on Louisiana of Rochester, ^1:397; 42:462 Bench, 21:199; 33:265} 34:235 DICKSTEIN, Samuel, public offices DINKELSPIEL, Samuel, memorial held by, 22:151, et aeq>; minute of American Jewish pro-Palestine activity, 32:63; Committee on, 33:372-373 33:26; DIPLOMATIC correspondence of U.S., opposes anti-religious policy on Jewish situation in of Soviet Russia, 32:65; Rumania, I4-: 38—Lj-Xy reports activity of Nazi agents on the passport question, 6: in U.S., 39:257,260; 286-299,302-303; 7:259-260; chairman of House Committee on 10:77-78,248-251+.; 13:20-21, Immigration and Naturaliza- 22,23,24,25-27,33-37,40-41; tion, lt-7:320,322,324; 48:224; relating to Jewish rights in resolution to investigate Morocco, 8:92-98; 19:155-156; pogroms in Poland, 4°:338 on Jewish rights in Balkan DIES Committee on Un-American Acti- States, 16:384-387; 42:95; vities, exposes anti-Semitic defense of persecuted minori- movements, 41:209,212,213,217; ties in, 47:40; 14.2:291,292 in behalf of Jews of Germany, DIESENDRUCKj Zevi, obituary by 47:41 Abraham Heschel, 43:391-398; DIPLOMATIC service, Jews in, 8: portrait, facing, 14-3:391 181,183; 19:250; 29:14&,147, DIJOUR, II ja M., article, "Refugee 150; 33:263, et seq. Problem," 46:302-311 DIRECTORY of Jewish Federations DILLINGHAM, William, letter of and Welfare Funds in U.S, American Jewish Committee to, and Canada, 38:513-536; 39: 10:244-245,246; 695-722; 40:481-527; 41:517- See also Dillingham Immigration 560; 43:603-642; 45:499-554; Bill; Johnson-Dillingham 48:529-595; 50:591-628 Immigration Bill DIRECTORY of Jewish organizations DILLIMOHAM Immigration Bill, pro- compiled by Jacques J» Lyons visions, 8:98-99,267; and Abraham de Sola, alluded 15:443-444? to, 40:64,68-69,70,76 protests against, 8:267; 13:299- DIRECTORY of Jewish local organi- 300,301,302; 15:214.5-214.6,14.56; zations in U.S., 1:105— 16:132-133,392-397; 29:191 path in Congress, 15:225,235, DIRECTORY of national Jewish 21j.5; 16:132-133,392; 19:237; organizations in the U.S., vetoed by Pres. Taft, 16:394,397 1:34-104, et seq. DILSHEIMER, Herman, in Pennsylvania DISABILITIES, Jewish, activity of Legislature, 21:199 American Jewish organizations DININ, Samuel, article, "Cultural for removal of, in World Events in the U.S.," 46:108- War I, 19:440-451,452; 129; American Jewish Committee pre- articles, "Zionist and Pro- pares memorandum on, in Palestine Activities in the Russia, 20:373-374 U.S.," 14.6:169-186; 14.7:325-339 -79- DISCRIMINATION, New York State law DISCRIMINATION, anti-Jewish, in against, 16:398; 42:292; U.S. (cont.) presence in treaties opposed by stimulated by Nazi propaganda, New York Chamber of Commerce. 35:61-62; 19:14-60; See alpo Anti-Semitism; Col- activity of American Jewish leges and universities; Em- organizations against, 20:380- ployment discrimination; 381,391).; 50:825-826; Passport question denounced by Act of Chapultepac, DISPLACED persons, attitude of 47:472-473; Prance concerning, 38:261; legislative and social action repatriated in Spain, 38:272; against, i+91196-200,2O14.-2O7; forced by Allied occupation 50:219; authorities to return to abolished by peace treaties with countries of origin, 14.7:1449; Nazi satellites, 1+9:563-56U; Jewish organizations ask San difficulty of passing clauses Francisco UN Conference for relating to, 14.9:570-571; ruling on, 47:490,491; Egyptian recommendations against, attitude of American Jewish in UN General Assembly, 49:574. Committee on repatriation of, in Congressional displaced per- 14.7:728-729; sons' legislation, 50:120; aided by HIAS, 14.8:212; Orthodox rabbinate opposes all as defined by draft constitu- forms of, 50:177; tion of IR0, 48:442: ruling of Federal Communications Truman directive on, 49:125» Commission on, 50:212-213; 212-213,783-785; 50:456; See also Professional schools Congress passes discriminatory DISCRIMINATION, anti-Jewish, in law on, 49:217-218; Canada, 27:223-229; 33:59-60; characteristics of, 49:216-217;; 14-8:279 adjustment achieved by, 49: DISCRIMINATION, anti-Jewish, In 217-218; Central and Eastern Europe, international aspects of prob- 7:255; 24:57-61; 26:94-95; lem, 49:221-222; 31:3514.-358; policies of Occupation authori- abolition urged as formula for ties regarding, 49:521-523, future Peace Conference, 783-784; 18:323; responsibility for, turned over combatted by American Jewish to Preparatory Commission for organizations, 21:629-614.8,681; International Refugee Organi- 22:409-411,457-14-58; 23:353- zation, 50:112-113; 354; 34:286-289; 48:191-193; data on, in the U.S., 50:224- 14.9:791-792; 226,229,232,747; See also Colleges and univer- legislative activity concerning, sities 50:231-236; DISCRIMINATION, anti-Jewish, in article by Abraham S. Hyraan. U.S., 9:555-556; 11:63; 25:85, 50:455-473; 88,375; 27:112-115; 29:^07-14-08; efforts for resettlement, 50: 30:23-25; 33:56,314-9; 34:42-46; 463-465; 35:62-63; 37:157-160,422-425; attitude of Italy and Occupatior American Jewish organizational Authorities toward, 50:466-46£ efforts to combat, 20:394. 22: American Jewish Committee urges 14.09-14.11,14.57-14.58; 23:115,308, admission to U.S., 50:821-822; 313-329,353-3514.; 26:617-637; See also Refugees 30:276-287; 32:301-302; 37:427; 44:486-488; 14-5:653; 14.7:678-680, 693-703,705; I4-8S191-193; 14-9: 196-198,2O14.-2O7; 50:115.120; -80-

DISPLACED Persons Act, provisions DISPLACED Persons, Jewish (cont.) of, 5o:23U-235; immigration policy of various critic ism of, 50:235-236 countries regarding admis- DISPLACED persons,- Jewish, major sion of, k9:5k5,5k6,550,552, problem of European Jewry, 55k,5SS,557,558,559,56o, 1(7:211; U8:117-H8; k9:5U0, 561,562; S14.1-514-3J SOsl4.72-l4.73-; economic situation of, 50:112- Christian efforts in behalf of, 113,560-563; 1(7:287; Congress passes discriminatory Jews unite in UNRRA program for, legislation on, 50:llS,120, k7:36o,k86-k87; 236; American efforts in behalf of, anti-Semitism in Rumania res- 14.8:116-117; ponsible for, 50:k55-k56; and the UN, I4.8:117,t|ii-9-U52; care and maintenance, 5O:k58- Palestine as haven for, k8;126, 1+.60; 14.01 -I4.02,14.51,14.52; 14.9:107,521; resettlement of, 5O:k63-k6S» 50:113,U72-U73; Ij.76-k77; British Jewry acts in behalf of, relationship with native popu- ^8:259; lation, 5O:k6S-k66; data on, in Germany and Austria, problem summarized, 5O:k72-k73; k8:3O2-3l6; 14.9:531; 50:k6S, cared for by PCIRO, 50:476,I478, 715-716; 707-708; Earl Harrison report on, discriminatory policy prevalent 14-8:302-3014-; on, 50:k83; status of, l4.8:l).38; in Cyprus, 50:700-701; conflicting views of Eastern and See also Refugees Western Europe on, k8:k5O-k5l; DISRAELI, Benjamin (Lord Beacons- Simon H. Rivkind advises army field), champion of reli- headquarters in Germany on, gious liberty in the Balkans, 14.8:627; 19:lk8,l52 organizational efforts in be- DISTILLATOR, Samuel E., biographi- half of, k8:628; 14.9:218-219, cal sketch, 5:So 5214., 783-735; Sosl4.6o-I4.61, DISTRICT of Columbia, statistical 821-823; data on Jews and Jewish acti- statistics on admission to U.S., vities, 3:131; 30:182; k2:2lj2; 14-9:215-216; 50:714-9-752; Sunday law in, 27:2k-25; 28:2k article by Philip S. Bernstein DITTEOTIOEFER, Abram J., data con- on, 14.9:520-523; cerning, 6:82 flee Poland, [(.9:520-521; DIVORCES, granted by rabbis not statistics on, k.9:522,525-526; recognized by New York, 31:27; 50 :k55-k56,708-709,713,7114., See also Marriages 715; DOBROWSKI, William, decorated for given special treatment by U.S., gallantry in World War I, 14.9:522-523; 5O:k67; 38:k03 aided by UNRRA, k9:523; DOBSEVAGE, I. George, bibliography, political and cultural activi- "A List of Available Stories ties, 14.9:527-529; 50:k68-k69; of Jewish Interest in Eng- conditions among children, lish," 8:130-lk2; k9:529; secretary of JPS, lS:73j General Clay's testimony on, article, "Jews of Prominence 14-9:529-530; in the U.S.," 2k:109-218; emigration a neoessity for, bibliography, "A Classified k9:531-533; List of Standard Books In English on Jewish Subjects," 2S:20k-255; -81-

DOBSEVAGE, I. George (cont.) DREYFUS, Alfred, case against, to compile list of Jews promi- 1:21-22,32,33; 5:27; 6:37; nent in American life, 25:383 8:256; 11:75 DODD, William E., resigns as Ambas- DREYFUS, Camille, Chevalier of sador to Germany, 40:89; French Legion of Honor, opposes Nazism, 40:89-90,93 50:505 DOENITZ, Karl, tried for war crimes, DREYFUS, Louis G., in U.S. diplo- 49:582-586 matic service, 15:256; 20:164; DOHM, Christian Wilhelm, influence 22:151; 23:123; 26:131; 35: on Jewish emancipation in 106; 41:397 Europe, 19:107,113,115,132,133 DREYFUS, Wolfram E., data concern- DOLLINGER, Isidore, public offices ing, 6:82-83 held by, 39:565; 40:358; i+Xs DROPSIE, Moses A., data concerning, 397; 43:342; 45:369; 47:505; 6:83; 49:596; 50:643 bequeaths funds for institution DOMINICAN Republic, few Jews in, of Jewish learning, 7:268-269: 19:86; 16:105-106; 42:78; refugee settlement in, 42:445» friendship with Cyrus Adler, 446-448,455; 43:96-97; 47:45; 42:81-82 48:252; DROPSIE College, incorporated, Jews and post-war immigration 9:554; policy, 49:557 DOMINICAN Republics Settlement data concerning, 10:21-22, Association establishes colony et seq.; in Dominican Republic, 43:335; opened, 10:196; 28:47; 29:43; data concerning, 44:369, et seq. faculty, 11:60; 28:296; 35:l42; DORA, S,S., plight of refugees on, 42:83-84; 44:115; 45:58-59; 43:328 message to JPS on 25th anni- DORF, Samuel, active in New York versary, 15:164-166; Jewish Community, 11:48,49; program of, 16:105-106; 31:156; memorial resolutions of Ameri- 45:165; 47:234; 50:155; can Jewish Committee on, issues Jewish Quarterly Review. 26:616 16: ioFF"4"2T84~35F] DOLITZKY, Menahem M., data con- Solomon Schechter's address at cerning, 6:82; dedication, 18:59; DOUBLEDAY Page & Co., anti-Jewish library, 25:43; 42:83; 45:87-88: propaganda in book published Cyrus Adler as governor and by, 26:618-633,634 president, 42:78-85; DOWLING, Victor, correspondence importance for Jewish scholar- with Louis Marshall on anti- ship, 45:58 Jewish agitation in Hungary, DROPSIE College, Alumni Associa- 27:465-466 tion of, 27:282, et seq, DRACHMAN, Bernard, biographical DRUCKER, Joseph J., on Chicago sketch, 5:50-51; Bench, 37F227 active in New York Jewish Com- DRUCKER, Lewis M., on Cleveland munity, 11:49 Bench, 36:253 DRECHSLER, Slgmund, biographical DRUMONT, Edouard,, on attitude of sketch, 5:51 Papacy toward Jews, 19:457- DREISER, Theodore, anti-Jewish DUBIN, Henry, wins fellowship from prejudice of, 37:159 University of Illinois, DREW Theological Seminary cooperates 19:250 in inquiry on teaching materi- als in Christian religious schools, 45:654-655 -82-

DUBLIN, Louia I., president of DUNCAN, James, signs Christian pro- American Public Health Asso- test against anti-Jewish ciation, 3*4-: 97; propaganda, 21).:335 alumnus of Educational Alliance, DUNER, Jacob S., admitted to U.S., New York, 146:82; 28:U5l,U52; 29:395-396 head3 committee to collect data DUNGAN, Irvine, Congressman, on Jewish participation in resolution protesting Russian World War II, i|_7 : 1^1+; discrimination against Jews, awarded Certificate of Appre- 11:26 ciation by Navy Department, DUPLESSIS, Maurice, anti-Jewish 50:505 campaign in Canada, l(.0:171; DUBNOW, Simon, memorial resolu- 1+6:200 tions of JPS on, 14-5:699 DUSHKIN, Alexander, on commission DUBOUCHET, Charles W., efforts of to investigate overseas American Jewish Committee in relief work for JDC, 19:210, behalf of, Il:2lj.8-2l4.9 211; DU BOIS, W.E.B., signs Christian statistical studies on Jewish protest against anti-Jewish population, 20:33,35; 2l).:3lU; propaganda, 2if.:33^4- on faculty of Hebrew University, DUBOV, Marcus H., biographical 37:227; sketch, 5:51; 6:215 states function and trend of DUGGAN, Stephen, protest anti- Jewish education, 38:103; Jewish discrimination in k72kk2k5k7kkk5; Polish universities, 14.0:102 heads Jewish Education Commit- DUKAS, Julius J., data concerning, 7:52 tee, New York, 142:302; k3:k-0 DUKE University, chair of Jewish DUTCH East Indies, imposes Studies established at, Nazi legislation on Jews in, 14.6:1014. 1^:217 DUMA Commission, report on pogrom DUTCH Guiana, Jews of, 19:96; at Bialystok, 8:36-37,70-89; post-war Jewish settlement in, See also Russia discussed, 14-9:557 DUMBARTON Oaks Conference, criti- DUTCH West India Company allows cized by Synagogue Council of Jews to settle in New Amster- America, 14-7:226; dam, 14.: 63; 28:1914.-195 asked by American Jewish Con- DWORSKY, Harry, Schenectady alder- ference to consider inter- man, 20:1614. national bill of rights, "DYBBUK, The," operatic version 147:298; of, 38:239 proposals studied by American DYMOW, Ossip, wins Morris Eisen- man Literary Fund award, Jewish Committee, I4.7 :717-718 U5:369 -83-

EARLE, George H., asserts equality ECONOMIC justice, interfaith of citizens in U.S., 39:268 declaration on, 14-9:114-3 EAST Africa, British offer land for ECONOMIC-philanthropic activities, Jewish settlement, 6:31-32 Jewish communal organization EASTERN Council of Reform Rabbis, for, 31:168-1714- data concerning, ll|:221-- ECUADOR, Jews of, 19:65-66; l(.8:25l, 21:308; 256; message to JPS on its 25th anni- immigration and refugee policy versary, 15:166 of, 37:186-187; 38:214.1 -2I4.2; EASTERN Europe, Germany's attitude 14.0:314-2; 14-3:306-307; 147:14-76; toward Jews from, 21:257,259; l(.9:270,555; 50:273; 23:170; 25:56,60; 3^:58; 35£3; Nazis hold key positions in, 38:609; 14-3:305 Austria expel3 Jews coming from, EDELMAN, Leon, on Chicago Bench, 23:1314-, 135,136; 33:113; 39:565 orphans in, after World War I, EDELMAN, Samuel, in U.S. diplo- 23:153; 28:88; matic service, 12:3214.; sufferings in Germany of Jewish 15:256; 20:161; survivors from, 14-7:378-379; EDELSTEIN, M. Michael, in House of UNRRA and displaced persons Representatives, 1+2:14.62,5814., from, U8:U5o-U5l; et seq.; Communist governments combat Liberty ship named after, anti-Semitism, 50:lll(.; 146:320 See also under individual EDEN, Anthony, condemns persecu- countries tion of Jews in Danzig, EASTERN Europe. See Europe, Eastern 38:352-353; EATON, Jacob A., in Rhode Island efforts to protect minority Legislature, 11:225; 15:256 rights in Great Britain, ECCLESIASTICUS. See_ Ben Sira 14.0:168 ECKER, Samuel, on New York Bench, EDER, Morris, on New York City 36:253 Bench, 22:151; 32:1^3; k2:k ECKHOUSE, Emma, data concerning, EDLIS, Adolph, treasurer of Pitts- 7:52 burgh Board of Education, ECKMANN, Max, in New York Assembly, Il4.:276; 151 256 8:185 EDMONDS, Roy M., data concerning, ECKSTEIN, Louis, awarded honorary 6:83 degree by Northwestern Uni- EDMONDSON, Robert E., anti-Semitic versity, 3l4-:97 oampalgn by, 38:223-2214.; ECKSTEIN, Nathan, president of and right of free speech, Seattle School Board, 18:100; 14.0:121 21:199 EDMONTON, Canada, Jewish religious ECONOMIC and. Social Council of UN organizations in, 27:188 establishes Commission on EDUCATION, restrictions on Jews in Human Rights, ^8:1(^5; k9:k39, Rumania, 3:75-76; 573! League of Nations considers UN refers refugee question to, matters of, 26:14.0-14.1; U8rij.38-l4.39; discrimination problem in Canada makes genocide a crime, U.9:575; 27:223-229; 28:14.0-14.2; 28: American Jewish Committee inter- I4.8-I4.9; 30:38; 33:57-59; k7: ested in work of, ^9:781; 362-363; See also Human Rights, Inter- national Bill for -84-

EDUCATION (cont.) EDUCATION, Jewish, in U.S. (cont.) role of environment in, 38:30- 39:275-278; 40:l44-ll)-8; 1+3: 31; 48-51,53,58; 44:101-104 111- interfaith activity in, 43:118- 116,119,123; 46:63,64-65; 47: 119; 45:189-190; 14-7:288-289, 231,235-236,241-242,244-246, 703,723; 248-254; 48:128-131,147-155; as means to combat anti-Semitism, 49:120,154-175; 50:125-126, 48:193-195; 156-158; article on church-state separa- articles on, 16:90-127; 38:27- tion and, 49:1-48; 116; 43:38-58; 44:111-123; efforts to combat discrimination 45:150-165; 46:100-108; 47: in, 49:198-199; 50:207-210; 228-254; 48:136-156; 50:148- Jewish immigrants and, 50:51-5?; 162; See also under Colleges and uni- problems of, 16:90-92; 25:33- versities; Public schools; 34; 38:27-29,103-113; 39:75; Schools 49:167-168; EDUCATION, Higher. See_ Colleges improvement In, 16:107-112; and universities 40:141; 43:33; 50:57; EDUCATION, Jewish, organizational gifts for, 16:108; 23:35,39; activity in, 2:55-61,- 28:93; 26:30-43; 27:37,38,40-41; 28: data on, 16:112-118; 25:31-33, 33-38,39,40,44-45; 29:30-35; 36; 30:29; 31:149-152; 38: development in Palestine, 17: 27-29,32-36,37-67; 39:74-75; 28-29,78-81,123-135; 43:289- 48:137-147; 49:161-163; 290; 49:462-463; 50:151-152; progress in Latin America, financial problems of, 16:125- 47:128-129 126; 37:165; 43:39; 48:143; EDUCATION, Jewish, Commission on. 49:175; See under Union of American workers In, 17:378; 23:67; 42: Hebrew Congregations 57-58,146-149; 43:417-418, EDUCATION, Jewish, in New York 419,421; City, survey made by Samson and Americanization work, Benderly, 38:35-36,39-67; 23:88-93; data on, 38:39-41,42,43-46,70- radio as medium for. 27:39-40; 72,87; American Jewish Committee sur- agencies for, 38:46-48; veys facilities for, 28:94» schools for, 38:48-67,72-78, 436-437; 97-99; community planning and organi- tendencies in, 38:78; zation of, 31:126-152,214- communal organization necessary 216,242; 38:79-81; 39:72-76, for, 38:99-100,109-112; 635-650; 43:40-48; 46:100- contribution of noted communal 102,107; 50:133-134,114-9-151: workers to, 38:113 activity at universities, EDUCATION, Jewish, in U.S., organi- 31:141-143; zational activity in, 1:15-16; training of leaders for, 31: 2:501-503,506; 11:60-61; 13: 143-146; 38:36,110,111; 39: 305-306; 14:299-300; l5:4U5- 75; 49:171-172; 447,449; 16:106-107,109-112, increased interest in, 32:75- 407,409; 18:357-359; 24:26-30, 76; 38:41; 46:103-104; 48: 40; 25:31-34; 26:37; 28:38, 102-105; 47-48; 29:34,U3; 30:29; 31: depression affects agencies 31-32; 34:37-38; 38:235; for, 33:42-43; 34:34-35; 39:75-76; -85-

EDUCATION, Jewish, in U.S. (oont.) EDUCATIONAL Alliance, New York, as a function of Federations, activities for immigrants, 36:75-78; 8:25; 12:38-42,67,68,77,78; and Yiddish schools, 39:75; 23:88-90; 46:77-78,79,81-82; 48:11+0-141; 50:72; in summer camps, 38:67-68; 49: active workers in, 32:1+3; 46:82; 163-161).; 50:159-160; article on 50 years of community in kindergartens, 38:68-69; service, by S.P. Rudens, for adults, 38:69-72; 46:73-86 standard raised by Teachers EDUCATIONAL League for Higher Edu- Institute of Jewish Theological cation of Orphans, 6:237-239— Seminary of America, 38:73-75; 30:209 as a profession, 38: 82-81+., 85-86; EDUCATIONAL recreational organiza- and Teachers College, Columbia tions, Jewish, list of, University, 38:83-8k; 31:241 publications for, 38:85-86; EDUCATIONAL test for immigrants. 45:153-154; See Literacy test for immi- intensification of content of, grants 38:100-101; 42:301-304; 49: EDWARDS, Clarence R., correspon- 154-157; 50:161-162; dence with Louis Marshall on results in enrichment of per- anti-Semitic activities in sonality and group life, 38: U.S., 30:283-287 101-103,11^-116; EPROS, Israel, lecturer at Uni- effect of World War II on, 1+5: versity of Buffalo, 37:165, 150-152; 46:105-106; 228; 41:397 extended to rural districts, EGYPT, anti-Jewish manifestations, 47:235; 9:546; 50:442-443; and social service agencies, review of affairs, 10:207; 47:239; 15:286; 16:181; 17:230; 19: carried on among armed forces, 274; 20:238; 21:238,' 22:202- 47:247-248; 203; 40:332-333; communities report on, 1+8: II4.6— events in World War I affecting 147; Jews, 18:121-122; activities for Jewish immigrant, statistics on Jewish popula- 5o:54-57; tion, 23:281,285, et seq.; objectives, 1+9:157-158,160-161; attitude toward Zionism and and American democracy, Palestine, 40:332-333; 42: 49:158-159; 1,1+2; 49:456,513,537; 50:443- in public high schools, 445; 49:165-166; exempts Jewish refugees from effect of establishment of state internment, 1+2:1+41; of Israel on, 50:148-149; tightens control on aliens, See also Agricultural schools; 42:442; American Association for Jew- anti-discrimination recommenda- ish Education; Bureau of Jew- tion to UN General Assembly, ish Education; Institutions 49:574,575 for Higher Learning; Mizrachl EHRENPREIS, Marcus, addresses National Education Committee; Fifth International Congress National Council for Jewish of Zionists, 5:82 Education; One-day school; EHRENREICH, Bernard C, biographi- Religious educational Socie- cal sketch, 5:51 ties; Schools, Jewish; Sunday schools; Torahs; United Ye3hivos Board of Secular Education -86-

EHRICH, Louis R., data concerning, EINSTEIN, Albert (cont.) 6:83 honors and appointments con- EHRICH, William, president of ferred on, 31:80; 35:58,72; Vandenburg County, Indiana, 36:131,132,253; 37:228; 38: Medical Association, 12:321+ 1+03; 1+5:369; 1+9:596; 5O:5o5; EHRLICH, Arnold B., data concern- warns on Nazi menace to German ing, 6:83-81+ Jewry, 33:75; EHRLICH, Harold B., in New York opposed to British Royal Com- Legislature, 38:1+03; 39:565; mission plan for Palestine 1+0:358; 1+1:397; 1+3:31+2 partition, 1+0:109; EHRLICH, Joseph, data concerning, testifies before Anglo«-American 7:53 Committee of Inquiry, 1+8:1+03 EHRLICH, Leonard, awarded Prix EINSTEIN, Edwin, biographical data Femina Americaln, 36:253 concerning, 2:517; EHRLICH, Paul, wins Nobel prize in House of Representatives, for medicine, 25:196; 9:1+36, et seq. data concerning, 25:199 EINSTEIN, Hannah B. (Mrs. William). EICHBERG, Joseph, data concerning, data concerning, 7:53; 6:81+ organizes Federation of Jewish EICHENBAUM, Samuel, mayor of Women's Organizations in New Corning, Ohio, ll+:276; 16:156; York City, 33:200 president of Corning Board of EINSTEIN, Lewis, in U.S. diplo- Education, 36:253 matic service, 6:81+; 7:189; EICHHOLZ, Adolph, data concerning, 8:181; 11:221+; 12:321+; 7:53; ll+:276; 17:215; 18:100; 21+: decorated by Austrian Emperor, 85; 33:263, et seq.; 12:321+ awarded Columbia University EICHHORN, Edward, public offices alumni medal, 36:251+ held by, 9:1+77; 16:156 EINSTEIN, Morris, in Pennsylvania EICHLER, Menachem M., biographical Senate, 21:199; 33:113 sketch, 5:51 EINSTEIN, Myer, mayor of Dunkirk, EIERMAN, W., in New York Legisla- N.Y., 10:119 ture, 20:161+ EIRE. See Ireland (Eire) EILPERIN, Jacob, on New York City EISEMAN, Aaron, data concerning, Bench, 2l+:85 6:215 EINHORN, David, opposes slavery, EISENBERG, Benjamin, in Connecti- i+:71; cut Legislature, 35:107 and Kaufmann Kohler, 28:21+2-251). EISENBERG, Moses J., receives EINHORN, Max, data concerning, award from-American Dental 6:81+ Association, 50:506 EINHORN, Nathan H., awarded gold EISENBETH, Maurice, review of medal by American Medical affairs in North Africa, Association, 39:565 1+9:1+39-1+1+3 EINSTEIN, Albert, anti-Semitic mani EISENDRATH, Simeon B., data con- festations against, 22:213; cerning, 6:81+-85 23:170; EISENHOWER, Dwight D., ends racist wins Nobel prize in physics, 25: legislation in conquered terrl* 195; 33:268; 3l+:239; tory, 1+7:1+8,378,1+92; data concerning, 25:200-202; efforts in behalf of refugees and displaced persons, 1+ 1+8:301+; 1+9:521; letter of Pres. Truman to, on Palestine, 1+8:396 -87- EISENMAN, Charles, memorial reso- ELKUS, Abram I. (cont.) lutions by American Jewish honors and appointments con- Committee on, 26:616,617 ferred ori, 13:278; Il4.:276; EISENSTADT, Benzion, data concern- 15:256; 23:123; ing, 6:85 Ambassador to Turkey, 19:250; EISENSTADT, Samuel, in Massachu- 33:263, et seq.; setts Legislature, 35:107 on New York Berteh, 22:l5l; EISENSTEIN, Judah D., data concern- 33:265, et seqt; ing, 6:85; memorial resolutions of JPS on, Hebrew encyclopedia of, U5:55 50:859 EISNER, Mark, in New York Assembly, ELKUS, Albert, mayor of Sacramentos 15:256; 16:156; 23:123 chairman of Kew York City Board ELKUS, Albert, receives award from of Higher Education, 3t|.:97; Juilliard School of Music, president of American Associa 38:^03 tion for Jewish Education, ELLENBOGEN, Abram, in New York i4-3:i4-8 Legislature, 17:215; 18:101; EISNER, Sigmund, memorial resolu- 19:250; 20:l61j.; tion of American Jewish Com- on New York City Bench, 22:151; mittee on, 28:513 26:131 ELBOGEN, Ismar, articles: on ELLENBOGEN, Henry, in House of Heinrich Gratz, 1|3:1+89-1+98; on Representatives, 35:107,232, Alexander Kohut, I4I4.:73-80, on et seq.; American Jewish Scholarship, on Pittsburgh Bench, 14.0:358 14-5:14-7-65; ELLENSTEIN, Meyer, mayor of memorial sketch, 14.5:66; Newark, N.J., 35:107 memorial resolutions by JPS on, ELLER, Emanuel, on Illinois Bench, US:699 26:131 ELCHANAN, Rabbi Isaac, Theological ELLINGER, Emll, biographical Seminary. See Rabbi Isaac sketch, 5:52 Elchanan Theological Seminary ELLINGER, Moritz, data concerning, ELDRID, Hubert W., charged with 6:86 anti-Jewish activity, 39:253- ELLIS, David A., data concerning, 251; 7:53-514; ELENI.S.S., tragedy of refugees on, on Boston School Board, 9:l)-77; 143:329 ELGART, Henry, in Connecticut 12:32U Legislature, 13:278; 15:256 ELLISON, Daniel, in House of Rep- ELIAS, David A., heads Boston resentatives, 1;5:369; 50:614.5 School Board, 11:225 ELMALEH, Leon H,, biographical ELIASSOP, Herman, data concerning, sketch, 5:52 6:85-86 ELMAN, Mischa, musical honors conferred on, 37:228; 38:14.03 ELIOT, Charles W., favors liberal ELSBERG, Charles A., honors con- immigration policy, 12:96 ferred on, 38:14.03; 39:565 ELIZABETH, N.J., 3'nal Israel ELSBERG, Nathaniel A., data con- Synagogue, plan, 28:181.; cerning, 6:86; Illustration, facing, 28:191 in Hew York Legislature, 7:192 ELKIN, Meyer, biographical sketch, ELVINS Bill for restriction of 5:51-52 immigration opposed by Louis ELKUS, Abram I., activity for Marshall, 12:51|.-60 liberal immigration policy, ELY, Robert Erskine, signs Chris- 12:61-70,314-5,3146,314.7; tian protest against anti- Jewish propaganda, 2l4.:335 -88-

ELZAS, Barnett A., biographical EMERGENCY Conference to Save the sketch, 5:52; Jewish People of Europe, receives honorary degree from 46:149 South Carolina College, 8:l8l EMERGENCY Fleet Corporation, anti- EMANCIPATION, Jewish, and The Jewish discrimination opposed, Congress of Vienna, 19:108-131; 21:639-642,681 cause espoused by leading EMERGENCY Fund for Palestine, statesmen, 19:109,110,113-115, report, 39:248-249 116,131-132,139,114.0,11*1,142, EMERGENCY Refugee Committee estab- 144; lished by JDC after World at Conference of Aix-la-Chapelle, War I, 41:152 19:131-133; EMERICH, Martin, data concerning, Russian Emperor petitioned in 6:86-87; behalf of, 19:132; member of Congress, 6:213, at 1856 Congress of Paris, et seq.; 19:133-137; opposed to Russian discrimina- at 1858 Conference of Paris, tion in passport matter, 19:137-138; 6:304 at Congress of Berlin, EMERSON, Sir Herbert, heads Inter- 19:138-154; governmental Committee on suggested by U.S. as pre- Refugees, 41:381; 48:437; requisite to recognition of reports on refugee conditions, Balkan States, 19:139; 41:383; 42:44&; at the Bucharest Peace Con- testifies before Anglo-Ameri- ference, 19:154-155; can Committee of Inquiry, at the Algeclras Conference, 48:406 19:155-160; EMIGRATION, attitude of Soviet See also Minority Rights Government on, 24:36; EMANUEL, Charles M., in Oklahoma efforts of Jewish national Assembly, 13:278 organizations for, 43:90-91 EMANUAL, David, biographical data EMIGRfi Charitable Fund, work for concerning, 28:216; overseas Jewish relief, governor of Georgia, 33:267, 39:120; et seq. organized in the U.S., 41:174 EMBER, Aaron, on faculty of Johns EMPLOYMENT discrimination, efforts Hopkins University, 8:l8l against, 22:409-411; 32:78; EMERGENCY Advisory Council organi- 33:42,350-351; 34:42-43,45, zed by American Jewish organi- 289; 35:295; 40:154; 43:121; zations to deal with German 44:144-145; 45:169,656; 47: situation, 36:432-14.33 261-262,284,287-288; 48:191- EMERGENCY Committee for Zionist 192; 49:196-198; 50:206-207, Affairs, conducts Zionist 825-826; activities on behalf of Jewish banned in New York State, 43' interests, 43:101; 127; 47:285; efforts to prevent implementa- barred in Canada, 45:230; tion of 1939 British White Pres. Truman's report on, Paper, 43:101; 49:196 data concerning, 43:544. Encyclopedia Brltannica. American attempts to coordinate Zionist Jewish Committee protests action in U.S., 44:135 discriminatory article in, EMERGENCY Committee on Jewish Refu- 26:635-636 gees, of. national Jewish organizations, 27:444; 28:87, 440,441,442 -89-

ENELOW, Hyman G., biographical EPSTEIN, Eliahu, Israel represen- sketch, 5:52; 36:23-2lj.,29; tative to the U.S., 50:253 obituary on Kaufmann Kohler, EPSTEIN, Herman, mayor of Neptune 28:235-260; City, N.J., 14.0:358 portrait, facing, 36:23; EPSTEIN, Hyman J., active in New obituary by David Philipson, York Jewish Community. 36:23-53; ll:t).8,5O charter member of American EPSTEIN, Jacob, data concerning, Academy for Jewish Research. 7:514-; US :<*} studies at Educational Alliance library of, 14.5:72,93 Art School, l4.6-.83 ENEMY, aliens. See Aliens, enemy EPSTEIN, Jacob W., in Illinois ENGELMAN, Uriah Zevi, articles on Legislature, 19:250 educational and cultural acti- EPSTEIN, Louis, urges reform of vities in the U.S., ^7:22 Jewish marriage law, 37: 1^8:136-156; 14.9:15^-175; 50: I63-I6I4. llj.8-162; EPSTEIN, Max, on Board of Trustees survey of American Jewish educa- of Chicago University, 31j-:97 tion, 14.8:136 EREZ Israel Colonization Associa- ENGELSMAN, Gabriel, data concern- tion, co-operative settlement ing, 6:87 company, 17:69,70,71,75 ENGLAND. See Great Britain ERLANGER, Abraham L., data con- ENGLANDER, Henry, biographical cerning, 6:87-88 data, 5:52; ERLANGER, Alene (Mrs. Milton S.), on faculty of Brown University, wins War Department Excep- 8:181 tional Civilian Service ENGLANDER, Simon J., biographical Award, 14.7:505-506 data, 5:52-53 ERLANGER, Joseph, on faculty of ENGLISH language, American Jewish University of Wisconsin, Committee combats Iowa pro- 8:181; clamation on compulsory use awarded honorary degree by Uni- of, 21:614.3-61+14. versity of Pennsylvania, EPHRAIM, Samuel J., in Pennsylvania 38:14.03; Legislature, 21:199 wins Nobel prize in medicine, EPPIG, Harry P., on New York City 14-7:506 Bench, 14.0:358 ERLANGER, Mitchell L., data con- EPISCOPAL Church, protests perse- cerning, 6:88; cution of Jews in Russia, on New York Bench, 9:1|77; 23: 13:311; 123; 33:266; 3l(.:236 denounces ritual murder charge, ERON, Joseph E., data concerning, 16:388-389 6:88 EPPSTEIU, Elias, biographical ERRINGTON, Harry, cited for data, 5:53 gallantry in World War II, EPSTEEN, Saul, data concerning, 58:65-66 6:87 ERSNER, Matthew S., given EPSTEIN, Abraham, wins Louia Founders' Day Award by Temple University, 142:14-62 LaMed literary prize, I(.7:5o5 EPSTEIN, Albert A., awarded medal ESBERG, Alfred I., on San Fran- cisco, Calif. Board of Edu- by New "York University Alumni, cation, 2I4.:85; 27:l4i4. 38:li.O3 ESHNER, Augustus A., physician, EPSTEIN, Benjamin P., on Illinois data concerning, 6:88-89 Bench, 35:107; lj-O:358 -90- ESHNER, Julia P. (Mrs. Augustus EUROPE, Jews of (cont.) A.), data concerning, 7:5^4- oonversionist activities^ ESTONIA, review of events in, 25:29-30; 22:269; 1+0:302; 14.1:308-309; collapse of American anti- 1+3:21+9; Semitic campaign affects violates pledge on minority Jews, 25:381+,385; rights, 25:61; 26:61-62; renascence of Jewish intellec- Jewish communal organization, tual life, 25:389; 28:73-71+; public use of Yiddish receives language of instruction in Jew- setback, 26:67; ish schools, 29:61; anti-Jewish agitation in, Nazi propaganda drive in, 37: 26:650-656; 27:1+26-1+27; 202-203; l+l:308-309; 37:1+O9j end of Jewish cultural autonomy, educational progress in, 26:658; 38:291; political conditions more satis- Jew in Senate, 39:1+50; factory, 26:658; Soviet Russia changes status of Sunday laws in, 27:1+68; minorities, 14.2:386; data on Jewish war orphans in, Nazis exterminate Jews, 1+5:313; 29:75-76; 1+6:252 Jews flee Germany to various ETERNAL Light, radio program, parts of, 38:118-119; receives Ohio State University miserable condition of Jews Institute for Education by after World War I, 1+1:11+8- Radio award, 50:175,190; 150; importance of, 50:190 migrations of Jews, 1+3:665; ETTELSON, Earry W., data concern- 1+9:113-11^,51+1,557; 50:726, ing, 6:215-216 727,730-731; ETTELSON, Samuel A., in Illinois problem of Jews after World Senate, 9:1+77; 13:276; 17:215; War II, 1+3:7l+l-7t4i+,71+7-71+8; 21:199; 1+1+:126; Chicago Corporation Counsel, worldwide protest at massacre 18:101 of Jews, 1+5:228,351; 1+7:291- ETTING, Rachel Gratz, portrait of, 303,361+, 366,1+80; 1+8:125; 25:151-152, facing 162 Nazis undertake extermination ETTING, Solomon, portrait, 25:152, of Jews, 1+5:232,239-21+0,262, facing, 162 266; ETTING family of Maryland, l+:66 efforts for rescue and relief ETTLESOJTj Harry W., biographical of Nazi victims, 1+6:11+8-159, data, 5:53 160-168,301,51+0; 1+7:292-293, EUROPE, Jews of, article by 29l+,295,306-307,308,309,310- Joseph Jacobs, 1:20-33; 311+, 315,1+1+7-1+1+8; Jewish representative bodies, resurgence of anti-Semitism, 2:507-513; 1+7:291,720; rabbinical seminaries, 2:5ll+-5l6; Latin America and admission of Jews urge formulation of plat- refugee children from, form for future peace con- 1+7:1+73,1+75,1+76; ference, 18:322-323; reconstruction of Jewish life, memorialized on 1+9:112,117-118,21+3-21+1+; Jewish situation, 22:14.06; See also Central Europe; Eastern American efforts for Jewish Europe; Southeastern Europe; relief, 2l+:289; 28:14.95-14-97; Western Europe, and under 33:176-177; 14.0:111-115; 1+1: Individual countries 205-208; 1+5:101-103,11+8,193- 198,61+6*652,655,671,672? 1+8: 202,626-629; -91-

EUROPE, Eastern, Jews of, manifes- EUROPE, Eastern, Jews of (cont.) tations and excesses against, difficulties of rehabilitation, 2:11).; 6:19; 2l4.r6l.6l4.; 25:28; 50:111,116; 26:27; 27:33; 1)7:391-393,396- See also under individual 398; countries greatest sufferers after World EUROPE, Jewish population of, sta- War I, 21:169-171; tistics, 16:336-337; 214:300, efforts of American Jewry in be- 301-302,307, etseq.; half of, 21:188-193,622-6214; distribution, 1+2:593-595,600; 23:117; 25:33; 27:1+5; 28:80, 1+3:662,665,666; 88,89; 31:32-35; 32:36-39; estimated losses duQ to World 31).:2l)4-21).9; I41:161+, 169; U2: War II, 50:697-698,716-717, 101,120; 1+8:207-210; 1+9:228- 720-722; 231).; data on children, 50:701-703 and minority rights, 21:190; EUROPE, Southeastern, Communists 1+2:121).; 1+9:568; in control of, 50:353-356 British efforts in behalf of, EUROPE, Southern, review of 21:2l!+,2l5; affairs: by Eugene Hevesi, international public opinion 1+1+: 253-276; l46:25t(.-270; 1+7: oppose* excesses against, U23-I+1+1+; 1+8:359-371; by Moses 22:203,207,208,209,210; Z Frank, 1+5:298-331; 23:115-116; S~ee also under individual memorial to League of Nations. countries in behalf of, 23:157,212; EUROPE, Western, Jewish agricul- status of, 21+: 30-31).; tural activity, 11+: 1+1-1+2; and Sunday law, 25:23-21+; review of affairs: by Martha educational, communal and cul- Jelenko, 1+1+: 183-232; 1+5:232- tural activities, 25:32,,33,31+, 297; by Milton Himmelfarb, 36-37; 26:30-37,39,1+0; 27:37- 1+6:209-239; by Maurice J. 38; 28:1+14-145; 1+8:215-217; Goldbloom, 1+8:289-301; political and economic activity, Jewish situation, 1+7:210-211, 25:1+9-56; 26:53; 29:66-67; 375-1+22; population data, 26:1+9-50; JDC activities for, 1+8:2014-205; agricultural activity, 28:80; 1+9:239-21+2; 29:62-63; immigration from, 50:11; Morris D. Waldman reports on, economic and cultural rehabili- 33:351+, 382-399; tation of, 50:110-111,319; division between Western Jewry Jewish organizational activi- and, 1+2:120-121; ties, 1+8:211+,216,217; 50:116; situation changed by Soviet differences with Eastern Europe conquest, 1+3:719; over UNRRA and displaced per- uprooted by Nazis, l+l+:123f sons, 1+8:1+50-1+51; review of affairs: by Simon immigration from, 50:11; Segal, 1+14:232-253? l)i>:2l+0- economic and cultural rehabili- 2514; by Moses Z. Frank, 1+5: tation, 50:110-111,319; 298-331; by Raphael Mahler, pre-war political status of Jews 1+7:391-1+22; by Henry Frankel, restored, 50:317-318; 148:322-358; Jews contribute to Israel, active in Resistance movement, 50:318-319; 1+7:393-395; anti-Jewish sentiment persists, and IRQ, i+8:1+1+1+-l)i+5; 50:319; statistics on resettlement, 50:755-758; See also under individual countries -92-

ETJFOPEAN Jewish Children's Aid, EX-PATIENTS Tubercular Home of data concerning, 45:460-461, Denver, Colo., 23:219, et seq.; et seq., program, 50:230 EXODUS, S.S., Prance disapproves EVANS, William S., In New York of British policy on, Legislature, 17:215; 18:101; 50:339; 20:161). story of, 50:420-421 EVARTS, William M., Secretary of EZEKIEL, Mordeeai J., economic State, correspondence on advisor to Secretary of Russian refusal to recognize Agriculture, 37:128 passports of American Jews, EZEKIEL, Moses, data concerning, 6:286-287,290-291 6:89; 26:409; EVIAN, conference on refugees pro- portrait, frontispiece, 19; posed by U.S., 40:96-99,345- obituary by Samson D, Oppen- 348; Ul:175,375-376,635; heim, 19:227-232 46:302; EZEKIEL, Theresa B. (Mrs. W.A.), American personnel at, 1|X):98; data concern!ngj 7:54 nations participating in, 1+0: EZRA, Women's Division of Ameri- 166,183,185; can Federation for Polish establishes permanent body, Jews, 42:515 40:343,347; Jewish organizations present data to, 40:345; See also Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees

PABER, Maurice, biographical data, PALASHAS, efforts in behalf of, 5:53 3:22; 9:551; 10:203,216; FAGEN, Melvin M. See Schneiderman, 11:67; 15:275; 16:167; 18: Harry and Melvin M. Pagen 301-302; 20:376; 22:413-414; FAGNANI, W.H.P., signs Christian 23:35; 42:101; protest against anti-Jewish article by Jacques Paitlovitch, propaganda, 24:335 22:80-100; PAIR Employment Practice. See See also American Pro-Palasha Employment discrimination Committee; International PAITLOVITCH, Jacques, efforts in Pro-Falaaha Committee behalf of Palashaa, 10:203; PALK, Alexander A., in New *ork 11:67; 18:301-302; 20:376; Legislature, 32:143; 33:113; 22:413-414; 23:355; „ 34:98; 35:107; 37:228; 43: article, "The Falashas, 342; 45:369; 47:506; 49:596 22:80-100 PALK, H.D., on Providence, R.I., City Council, 39:565 -93-

FALK, Joseph, on New York City FAUNCE, W.H.P., and organization Board of Aldermen, 8:185 of Jewish fraternities at FALK, 0., on Tampa Council, ll),:276 Brown University, 31:26-27.* FALK Foundation of Pittsburgh, 3514.-358; 32:303 votes grant for eoonoraio, FECHHEIMER, Rose, data concerning, medical and social survey of 6:89-90 Dominican Republic, I4.3196-97 FEDERAL Communications Commission FALKENSTEINK, F.J., in Pennsylvania opposes racial and religious Legislature, 39:565 discrimination in brocfi- FALKOFF, Charles, in Massachusetts casting, 14.1:217; 50:212-213 Legislature, l)-5:369 FEDERAL Council of Churches in FAMILY services, Jewish organiza- Christ denounces intolerance^ tional work concerning, 23:116; 50:127 opposes anti-Jewish propaganda, FAR East, refugee situation in, 2k: 331-332; 14-3:336; opposes Ku KLux Klan, 25:82; review of affairs by Ernest discusses conversionist acti- Strauss, I|_9:i+75-I4.82; vities, 30:28; 31:25; 50:1^50455; interfaith activity, 32:79-80; Jewish emigration from, 50:726, 14.3:119-120; 727,730-731,765,766; opposes Nazism, 39:221;; i+,0:96; See also China; Japan; Shanghai approves international refugee FARBER, Rudolph, data concerning, conference, 14-0:98; 6:216 protests against divisive FARBMAN, Aaron A., wins American movements, I4.2:297; Medical Association certifi- efforts in behalf of German cate of merit, I4.I2 397-398 Jews, U5:188,192; FARBSTEIW, Leonard, in New York sponsors interfaith world Legislature, 35:107; 36:25lj-; peace manifesto, 14.6:114.3; 37:228; 38:^03; 14.0:358; I4.I: urges International Bill for 398; lp:3l|.2; 1+5:369; 14-7:506; Human Rights, 14.7:14-914-; 14-9:596 canvass to increase religious FARM families, Jewish, in World attendance, 14.8:131-132 War II, £(.7:171 FEDERATED Chazanim Ministers of FARMERS, Jewish, in the U.S.,, data America, 36:3114-—38:14-66 on, ll;:76-78; 37:128-133; FEDERATED Council of Palestine associations and federations of, Institutions, l)l(.:37O, et seq. ll+: 100-102,222-223; FEDERATED Jewish charities in the co-operative credit system used U.S., list of, 22:314.0-314.2— by, llt.:102-lc4; 25:312-31^ effect of depression on, 33:l+l; FEDERATED Zionist Societies of the See also Agriculture, Jews in; Middle West, 19:336—20:3014. Association for Jewish Farm FEDERATION, movement in Jewish Settlements; Federation of philanthropy toward, 2:5014.; Jewish Farmers in America 3:17; l4-:2O; 9:538; 17:159- FASCISM, growth in England, 35: 198; 22:l|9-59; 27:205-206; 614.-65; 38:2l;9-25l; 32:76; %:126-127,128; 36: manifestations in Canada, 65-87; 39:10k-105,lH4-,285; 37:169; !4J+.:13O; 14.8:160-161; 14-9:126; See also under individual 5O:lt-2,123-12l4.; countries methods of organization, FASTLICHT, Adolfo, review of 17:178-179; events in Mexico, 50; 277-280 FEDERATION, movement In Jewish FEDERATION of American Zionists philanthropy (cont.) (cont.) questionnaire on, 17:182-188; and Conference-Congresa ques- data on membership, 17:191-193; tion, 18:315-316; 1+2:97-98; 39:106-108; policy on Palestine adopted by, sample constitutions, 17 :19l+-198; 21:183; effeot of depression on, 36:67- organized, 33:l8l; 68,69; Henrietta Szold's, activity in, functions and services, 36:69- 1+7:58; 83,86-87; Balfour Declaration stimulates changes in structure, 36:83-8I(.j growth, 50:79; budgeting problem, 36:814.-85; See also Provisional Executive 50:137; Committee for General Zion- and community chest, 39:108-113; ist Affairs; Zionist Organi- criticized, 39:136-137; zation of America campaigns for, 50:137-11+1; FEDERATION of Hebrew Teachers of See also Federations, Jewish, America, 23:219 in U.S. FEDERATION of Hungarian Jews of FEDERATION for the Support of Jew- America, 22:296—1+1+: 370 ish Philanthropic Societies FEDERATION of Jewish Farmers of of New York City, article by America, data concerning, I. Edwin Goldwasser, 20:113- 11:151—25:261+; 1U6; activities, 37:121-122 aided by Bureau of Jewish Social FEDERATION of Jewish Women's Research, 22:14-9-50; Organizations in New York and Brooklyn Jewish Charities, City, organization and 33:1+1; activities, 33:200-201; active workers in, 3l+:128,135; 38:236 14.0:28; 14-8:98-99; FEDERATION of Oriental Jews of article by George Z. Medalie, America, 16:281+—25:261+ 14.5:117-1314.; FEDERATION of Orthodox Rabbis of subsidizes study in Jewish edu- America, 29:163, et 3eg, cation, 1+8:114.2 FEDERATION of Palestine Jews in "FEDERATION, The, in the Changing America, data concerning, American Scene," article by 33:223, et seq.; B.M. Selekman, 36:65-87 activities, 1+0:156; 1+7:338-339 "FEDERATION Movement, The, in FEDERATION of Polish Hebrews of American Jewish Philanthropy," America, 25:261+; 26:1+30 article by Joseph Jacobs, FEDERATION of Polish Jews in 17:159-198 Canada, 1+5:1+96—1+7:612 FEDERATION of American Jews of FEDERATION of Polish Jews of Lithuanian Descent organized, America, data concerning, 31:33; 2l(.:227, et seq.; data concerning, 31:26l--l+l:l+63 efforts in behalf of Polish FEDERATION of American Zionists, Jewry, 32:66-67; 33:33-3U; data concerning, 1:36-14.2— 3l4.:25-26,lt.8-l+9; 38:196,197, 20:3014-; 198; 39:230-231; 1+0:100; activities, 2:1+99; l+:17-l8; fosters movement to erect opposes Sunday Sabbath, statue to Haym Salomon, 1+: 18,102; 33:1+7-1+8 urges liberal immigration policy for Polish Jews, 39:232; fund-raising efforts, 1+0:113- 111+; 1+2:281 -95-

FEDERATION of Roumanian Jews of FEINBERG, Michael, on Illinois America, 13:222—22:297. For Bench, 35:107; k9:596 later references sie_e United FEINBERG, Moses, biographical Roumanian Jews of America data, 5:53 FEDERATION of Ukrainian Jews of FEINBERG, Philip J., in Massachu- America. See National Federa- setts Legislature, 20:l6l|.; tion of Ukrainian Jews of 21:199 America FEINEMAN, B.A., data concerning, FEDERATION Settlement, New York 7:5k-55 City, Americanization work, FEISAL, Emir, testifies before 23:9f).-95 Anglo-American Committee of FEDERATIONS, Jewish, in the U.S., Inquiry, 14.8:14.08 20:326-327; 26:5^4-6-5^-8; 27: FEISS, Henry, decorated by French 350-352; 32:199-201, et seq.; Government, 20:l61j. budget of, 26:87; 27:96; 20:96; FEISS, Paul, decorated by King of 38:110; (4.0:l;8l-l4.82; Yugoslavia, 26:131 statistics on, 31:l6l(.,200-201, FELD, A. Spencer, in New York 202,21+8; Legislature, 33:113; 35:107; data concerning, in local 37:228; 39:565; 14-1:398 philanthropic field, FELD, Harry G., wins Czechoslo- 31:198-202f vakian honor, 14-9:596 affiliated with local community FELD, Philip, Vicksburg, Miss., chests, 31:200; i4_O:L|.8Xj alderman, 7:192 Jewish educational agencies FELDERMAN, Leon, honored by affiliated with, 38:80; k7•• France, 39:565 FELDMAN, Abraham J., obituary of receipts of Overseas and Na- Joseph Krauskopf, 26:lj.2O- tional agencies from, 50:775- Uk7; 780; honored by Hartford, 37:228 analysis of allocations for FELDMAN, Abraham M., data con- local and regional services, cerning, 6:90 50:781-782; FELDMAN, E,B., on faculty of See also Charities, Federated College of Utah, 25:120 Jewish, in U.S»; Community FELENSTEIN, Murray, in New York Councils; Federation move- Legislature, 2I4.:85 ment; Welfare funds FELHEIM, Lyman, on Erie Chamber FEIG, Ralph, on Indiana Bench, of Commerce, ll(.:276 16:156 FELLER, Abraham H., general coun- FEIGIN, Samuel Isaac, wins Louis sel to Secretary-General of LaMed Literary Award, Ij-7:5o6 UN, 14.8:24.72 FEIGENBAUM, B.J., in California FELLOWS Bill, on displaced per- Legislature, 33:113 sons, 50:2314, FEIGENBAUM, W.M., in New York FELS, Maurice, aids South Jersey Legislature, 20:16k agricultural colonies, FEINBERG, Aaron A., in New York Il4.:8i|.,85 Legislature, 17:215 FELS, Samuel S., honors conferred FEINBERG, Benjamin A., in New York on, 39:565; 14-0:358; 2+6:320 Legislature, 35:107; 37:228; FELSENTHAL, Bernhard, biographi- 39:565; 14-1:398; 14-3:314-2; kl: cal data, 5:53; 506; 1+9:596 portrait, facing, 15:72 FEINBERG, Israel L., on Board of FELSENTHAL, J.J., on Brownsville, Coroners, New York City, Tenn., Board of Aldermen, 12:3214.; 16:156 12:325 -96-

PEMALE Hebrew Benevolent Society, FINE, Morris, review of events In Philadelphia, organized, U.S., 4i:189-232; 33:167; assistant editor, American work of, 33:168; Jewish Year Book, 44—45; organizes first Jewish Sunday associate editor, 4°; joint School, 33:169 editor (with Harry Schneider- FERBER, Edna, awarded honorary maD), 49—50 degree by Columbia University, FINE, Sidney A., in New York 33:113 Legislature, 47:506; 49:596 FERBER, J. Bernard, in Massachu- FINEBERG, Solomon Andhil, Consul- setts Legislature, 8:185 tant to Community Service FERNBERGER, Henry, data concern- Unit of American Jewish Com- ing, 7:55 mittee, 44:491; 47:677; FERNBERGER, Samuel W., on faculty book on anti-Semitism by. of Clark University, 15:257 46:554 FERSTER, Samuel, in New Jersey FINELITE, Alexander, on New York Legislature, 40:358,- 43:342 City Bench, 8:181; 10:118; FERTIG, Moses M., in New York 20:164 Legislature, 17:215; 18:101 FINESHRIBER, William H., awarded FEUER, Wm., on Gary, Ind., Board honorary degree by Temple of Aldermen, 12:325 University, 30:72 FEUERLICHT, Jacob, data concerning, 7:55 FINESTONE, Lewis J., in Pennsyl- FEUERLICHT, Morris M., data con- vania Legislature, 37:228; cerning, 5:51).; 6:216 43:342 FEUSTMANN, Rosalie (Mrs. Bernard FINK, Jacob, mayor of Helena, Ark. H.), data concerning, 7:55 10:118 FICTION, Jewish in English, biblio- FINK, Pauline, American Jewish graphy, 43:499-518 Committee secures admission FIELDS, Lew, data concerning, 6:90 to U.S., 28:452-453 FIJI Islands, Jew on Exeoutive FINKEL, Samuel B., in Massachu- Council, 15:286; 17:230 setts Legislature, 20:165; FILDERMAN, William, activity in be- 21:200; 22:151; half of Jews of Rumania, article, "American Jews and 30:1*4; 31:52; 38:291,291+ the Hebrew University," FILENE, A. Lincoln, wins award of 39:193-201 American Arbitration Associa- FINKELSTEIN, Bernard, In Massachu- tion, 47:506 setts Legislature, 23:124; FILENE, Edward A., honors conferred 33:113 on, 23:123; 34:98; 46:320 FINKELSTEIN, I.B., president of FILIPOWICZ, T., Polish Ambassador Wilmington, Del., Chamber of to U.S., appealed to, in be- Commerce, 36:253 half of Polish Jewry, 32:66- FINKELSTEIN, Louis, urges world 67; 33:34-35,295-297 conclave of leaders of Jewish FINE, Benjamin, awarded citation by thought, 40:145; American College Publicity obituary of Israel Davidson, Association, 45:369 41:35-36; FINE, John S., attorney general of on Roosevelt committee for Colorado, 21:200 cooperative religious effort FINE, Melvin M., in Maryland Legis- for peace, 42:273J462; lature, 33:113 contributions to American Jew- ish scholarship, 45:63 -97-

FINKELSTEIN, Loui3 (cont.) FISCHEL, Leon, in New York report as chairman of Committee Senate, 39:566 on Library, Research and FISCHER, CO., Surveyor of St. Publications of American Jew- Louis, Mo., 12:325 ish Committee, 1*5:663-667; FISCHER, Harry M., on Chicago awarded honorary degree by Bench, 18:101 Columbia University, 1*6:1+20; FISCHER, Israel P., in House of opinion on religious attitude Representatives, 12:228, of American Jews, 14.8:127; et seq.; promotes interfaith activity, Judicial career, 3l*:231*; 1*3: 1*8:196; 61*1*; 50:61*5 president of Conference on FISCHER, Jonas, mayor of Williams- Science, Philosophy and port, Pa., 18:101 Religion, 1*8:1+72 FISCHER, Louis, data concerning, PINKELSTEIN, Nathan B., in Kew York 6:91 Legislature, 17:215 FISCHKIN, Edward A., data con- PINKELSTEIN, Simon I., biographi- cerning, 6:91 cal data, 5:51* FISCHMAN, Fred, on Chicago City PINKLE, Herman H., on Cleveland Council, l*l*:322 Municipal Council, 22:l5l PISH, Hamilton, pro-Palestine FINLAND, Jews and minority rights attitude, 25:101*; 32:61*; in, 10:227-228; 16:21*2; 1*0:111; 1*1:201*; 20:268; 22:287; 23:211; denounces anti-religious policy 21*:1*2; of Soviet Russia, 32:65; Jewish affairs in, 11:88-90; opposed to Nazism, 1*0:91* 17:252; 22:361*; 1*1:368-369; FISH, Joseph, in Illinois Legis- Jews persecuted in, 12:351; lature, 19:250 18:175,31*8-31*9; FISHBERG, Maurice, data concern- Jews expelled from, 21:291*-295; ing, 6:91-92; excludes Russian Jews, 23:211; on faculty of New York Univer- Jews support war effort against sity, 17:215 Russia, 1*2:1*36; FISHER, Dorothy Canfield, signs friendly toward refugees, Christian protest against 1*2:1*37; anti-Jewish propaganda. peace treaty of Prance, Great 21*: 335 Britain and Soviet Union with, FISHER, Harry M., on Illinois 1*9:562-561* Bench, 21:200; 2l*:85; 30:72; FINLEY, John S., tribute to Adolph 31*: 98; 35:107 S, Ochs by, 37:53 FISHER, Henry M., biographical FIREMAN, Julius C, data concern- data, 5i5k ing, 6:90 FISHER, Jake, in West Virginia FIREMAN, Peter, data concerning, Senate, 13:278 6:90-91 FISHHAH," Simon, in Kansas Senate, PIRTEL, Belle, awarded fellowship 3SsXO7 for musical study, 39:565 FISHZOHB, Samuel S., dlreotor of PISCHEL, Emanuel, Treasurer of Educational. Alliance, New Helena, Mont., 12:325 York, 1*6:8a FISCHEL, Harry, active in New. York FITZGERALD, John F,, Congressman, Jewish Community, 11:1*8,1*9,50 resolution protesting Russian FISCHEL, Harry, School for Higher discrimination against Ameri- Jewish Studies, of Yeshiva can Jews, 11:28-29 University, 1*8:83 -98-

FLECK, Charles I., in New York FLEXNER, Simon, Chief of Staff Assembly, II4.: 276 at Rockefeller Institute, FLEISCHER, Charles, biographical 5:2124.; data, 5:51+ data concerning, 6:93, FLEISCHMAN, Adolph, data concern- honors conferred on, 9:1+71+; ing, 6:92 13:325; li+:276r 17:215; 18: FLEISCHMAN, Henry, director of 101; 19:250; 21:200; 26:131; Educational Alliance, New 32:11+3; 33:113; 39:566 York, 14.6:82 FLICK, Friedrich, tried for war FLEISCHMAN, Samuel M., data con- crimes, 50:1+95-14-96 cerning, 7:56 FLITCRAFT, Eugene, anti-Jewish FLEISCHKANN, Julius, data con- activities of, 14-7:275; cerning, 6:92 14.8:179,180 FLEISCHMANN, Simon, data con- FLORENCE, Italy, U.S. Conservative cerning, 6:92; Jewry helps reorganize com- memorial minute of American munal activity in, 50:176 Jewish Committee on, 33:37i+- FLORIDA, statistical data on Jews 375 and Jewish activities, 3:132; FLEISCHNER, Isaac N., data con- 30:182; 14.2:214-3; cerning, 7:56 Sunday law in, 10:155; FLEISCHNER, Marcus G., on Executive anti-Jewish manifestations In, Board of City of Portland, 33:31+9; Oregon, 8:181 legislation to protect minori- FLEISHER, Alfred W., memorial min- ties, 1+7:285; ute of American Jewish Com- Interfaith Education Week in, mittee on, 32:299 1+7:290 FLEISHER, Bernard R., in New York FLOWKRMAN, Samuel H., represents Legislature, 38:14.03 American Jewish Committee FLEISHER, Emanuel, in Pennsylvania at International Conference Legislature, 33:113; 35:106 of Christians and Jews, FLEISHER, Mrs. Maurice T., awarded 50:821 gold medal of the Fellowship FLUEGEL, Maurice, data concerning, of the Pennsylvania Academy 6:93 of Fine Arts, 36:253 FORD, Henry, and anti-Jewish FLEISHER, Samuel S., data con- propaganda, 23:315-317; 21+.: cerning, 7:56-57; 31+3; 27:1+56,1+57,1+58,1+59; 29: wins Bok Prize for civic ser- 303-389; 30:23-21+,28l; 31:3^ vices, 26:131 31+7; 32:1+0-1+1; 33:11+8; 36:38; FLEISHHACKER, Mortimer, on Board attitude toward Hitler, 26:9l+; of Regents of University of revokes German publication California, 22:152 rights in Dearborn Indepen- FLEXNER, Abraham, data concerning, dent. 30:21+,202-2U3; 6:92-93; suspends publication of honors and appointments con- Dearborn Independent. 30:21+; ferred on, 30:72; 32:11+3; withdraws German publication 38:1+03; 1+2:1+62- rights of International Jew, FLEXNER, Bernard, chairman of 31:31+6; Medical and Sanitary Commit- Nazia influenced by anti- tee, JDC., 1+1:153 Semitic writings of, 1+9:582 FORD, John, signs Christian pro- test against anti-Jewish propaganda, 21+: 335 -99-

FOREMAN, Edwin G., memorial reso- FRAENKEL, Joseph, data concerning, lutions of American Jewish 6:94 Committee on, 18:292 FRALEY, Hoses, data concerning, FOREMAN, Henry G,, data concerning, 6:914- FRANCE, anti-Jewish manifestations FOREMAN, Milton J., on Chicago in, 1:20-23,32; 2:17; 3:19; Board of Aldermen, 9:14.77; 5:27-28; 6:37; 23:156,157, officer of French Legion of 159; 3l;:55; 36:153,- 38:263- Honor, 21;: 85 261;; 39:316-317; l;0:l83-l85; FORMAN, Philip, judicial career, l;l:2l;8-2l;9; l;2:337-338; 1;7: 3l;:98,23l;r 14-3:614;; 5O:61;3 72,716; 1;8:119; 5O:539-5l;O; FORST, Isidore, president of Board review of affairs, 2:l;O-l|l4., of Councilmen, Louisville, Ky., et seq.; 10:118 Jewish organizational and com- FORTAS, Abe, among advisers to munal activity, 2:i;7,510-511, American delegation to UN 515 5 16:183; 21:2i;9-250; 31;: Conference, 1;7:5O6 55-56; 39:318-319; 1;6:216; Fortune makes survey of Jews in U7:1OU-1O8; l;8:29l;; I;9:ll6, the U.S., 38:225-226; 39:53-51; 320-321;; 50:336-337,3*4-1* Forward (Vorwaerts). New York 31;2-31;5; Yiddish daily, 26:171; 1;1:86; Church and Stgte separated, organ of Jewish labor, 26:176, 7:256; 8:256-257; 9:5l;8; 360; and treaty with Russia, 13:65- early difficulties, 26:179; 76; editorials analyzed, 26:220,228, Christians join protest to 229,230,262,290,291,292,297, Russia against blood accusa- 298-299,3l;5,36o, 361; tion charge, 16:75-76,181-182; Americanization efforts, 26:330, events in World War I affecting 331,368-369,- Jews, 17:231-233; 18:12!;-127; celebrates l;0th anniversary, Jews decorated for gallantry in 39:278 World War I, 18:125-126; 19: FOSDICK, Harry Emerson, hail3 276; 20:21(.0-21L1; 21:!;0,l;2,l;5, Hebrew University, 39:199 l;6,l;9,52,57,58,59,6l,67,68, FOSDICK, Raymond B., signs Chris- 69,71,72,76,77,78,83,81;, 92, tian protest against anti- 2l;9,250; Jewish propaganda, 21;: 335 participation of Jews in World FOSTER, JohnW., diplomatic corres- War I and II, 21:31-97; k^- pondence on Russian refusal to 338; U7:73; recognize passports of Ameri- North African Jews fight for, can Jews, 6:286-287,289-290, 21:68-78; 290-291,291-293 patriotism of foreign Jews in, FOSTER, Sir Michael, letter by, 21:78-89; approving Shehitah, 25:175-176 Jews as army chaplains, 21:89- FOSTER, Solomon, biographical 91; l;7:9t;-95s sketch, 5:51; patriotism of rabbis, 21:91-92; FOW, Louis, in Pennsylvania Legis- attempted organization of Jew- lature, 35:107 ish unit in World War I, FOX, Lewis, on Hartford, Conn, 21:120; Board of Education, l;O:35>8 efforts in behalf of Jews of FOX, Noel B., in New York Legisla- Eastern Europe, 21: 2l;3, 2I4J4-, ture, 23:121; 2k6; 22:207,208,209,210; FRAENCKEL, Victor H., decorated for 36:155} war services, 1;9:596 -100-

FRANCE (oont.) FRANCE (cont.) attitude toward Zionism and popular opposition to anti- Palestine, 21:21+1+, 21+6; 26:122; Jewish policy, k5i21+3-21+8, 28:117; 38:261;; 1+9:322-323; 250-257; 1+7:97,98-100; 50:338-339; Jews under the Occupation, 1+7: Jewish population, 22:36/4.; 23: 71-118; 280,282, et sag.; Jews in the Resistance Move- as a possible haven for immi- ment, 1+7:100-101+; grants, 28:1+81+; trial of Sholom Schwartzbard in, anti-Jewish laws repealed, 1+7:109; 30:39; restitution of property in, anti-alien feeling in, 33:71-72; 1+7:110; 1+8:290; Jews affected by economic crisis, 31+: 56 -57; political status of Jews in, attitude toward Nazi policies, 1+8:291-293; war crimes trials in, 1+8:1+65; 35:UJ+.U-6-U7,l4-9-5O; 39:317; Jews migrate to, 1+9:113; 1+1:21+8; Jewish postwar problems in, and Nazi refugees, 35:57,58; 1+9:319-320; 37:172-173; 38:262; 1+0:183; reaffirms rights of man, 1+9:321).; lt.1:250-252,383-381+; 1+2:331+, Jews and postwar immigration 1+1+8-1+50; 1+3:323-329; 1+5:351+, policy of, 1+9:555-556; 356; 50:1+67; 50:755-756; protests to League of Nations on See also Alsace-Lorraine; Germany's racist legislation, Central Consistory of Jews of 36:97-98,101-102,106-109; Prance; France, Free; Prance, non-Jews aid German Jews, 36:153, Unoccupied 155; FRANCE, Free, repudiates Vichy plans for settlement of Jews, anti-Jewish laws, 1+3:169; 37:173-171+; 39:311+-3l6; Moroccan Jews imprisoned for Nazi propaganda in colonies of, support of, 1+3:169; 37:171+; opposes anti-Jewish legisla- reaction to Berlin Olympics, tion, kk-206-207; 38:261-262; and the Jews, 1+6:216-217, Jews protest continuance of Ger- 219,1+10 man-Palestinian Transfer FRANCE, Unoccupied, review of agreement, 38:385; affairs, 1+3:11+7-160; reaction to Jewish persecution anti-EFewish legislation in, in Europe, 1+0:132-183; 1+3:11+7-152,153-151+,158,159; mediaeval Jews of, 1+1:112-111+, l+l+:192-19l(.,195,198; 1+7:76, 120-121,135-136; 77-93; 1+6:567; propaganda against racial and popular opposition to anti- religious minorities outlawed, Jewish measures, k3:l55-l56; 1+1: 2i|.9 -250; 1+1+: 196; Spain bars refugees from, 1+2: collaborates with anti-Jewish 336,1+35; policy of Germany, l|i+: 191-192; Jews and Nazi conquest of, 1+2: Jewish communal affairs in, 336-337; 1^:239-21+3,21+8-250, 1+1+: 197-198; 353; ^6:212-215; 1+7:1+8,71-118; and refugee problem, 1+1+: 198; 1+8:289,291; North African colonies adopt American and Canadian Jewish anti-Jewish legislation of, efforts in behalf of refugees il199 in, 1+3:91-92; 1+1+: 127,130-131; chief rabbi of France follows 1+5:192; 1+7:357; 1+9:239-21+0; government to, 1+7:71). 50:337-338; -101-

FRANCO, Francisco, pro-Hazi policy, FRANKEL, Frank, mayor of Long 14.2:336; U4:230; 1+5:29U Beach, N.Y., 32:11+3 FRANGIE, Hamid Bey, testifies be- FRANKEL, Henry, review of affairs fore Anglo-American Committee in Eastern Europe, 1+8:322- of Inquiry, ti-8:14.O8 358 FRANGULIS, M., urges international FRANKEL, Lee K., data concerning, guarantee of minority rights 7:57-58; 3l|.:121,139-ll+0; by League of Nations, 36:95- activity in social service and communal work, 10:19l+» 3l+s FRANK, Abraham I., data concerning, 121-129,131-137; 7:57 appointments conferred on, FRANK, Barnett, memorial resolu- 19:250; tion of American Jewish Com- obituary by Solomon Lowen- mittee on, 31:386 3tein, 3l+: 121-11+0; FRANK, Daniel, data concerning, promotes Federation movement, 7:57 3l4-:126-127,128; FRANK, Eli, appointments con- stimulates re-organization of ferred on, 13:279; 23:12t|.; Jewish Agency, 31).: 138-139 U5:37O; FRANKEL, William, review of on Maryland Bench, 2J+: 86; 26:131 events in Great Britain, FRANK, Hans, accuses Hitler of war 14-7:314-0-353; 50:281-288 crimes, 1^.9:581 FRANKELFIELD, David G., select FRANK, Helena, message to JPS on councilman of Philadelphia, its 25th anniversary, 15:1+7 Pa,, 20:165 FRANK, Henry L., data concerning, FRANKEN3ERGER, Herbert, president 7:57 of Charleston, W. Va., Cham- FRANK, Jerome N., on New York ber of Commerce, 19s251 Benoh, I4.313J+2,61+1|. FRANKENTHAL, Adolph L., in U.S. FRANK, Julius, mayor of Ogdens- consular service, 6:914.-95 burg, N.Y., 17:215 FRANKENTHAL, Maurice, on St. Louis, FRANK, Julius, rabbi, biographicaX Mo., Board of Eduoation, sketch, 5:55 15:257 FRANK, Moses Z., review of affairs FRANKENTHALER, Alfred, on New in Eastern and Southern York Bench, 33:266; 31+: 236; Europe, 14.5:298-331 14.6:320 FRANK, Nathan, in House of Repre- FRANKFURTER, David, tried for sentatives, 2:5l7-5l8» assassination of Hazi agent et seq.; in Switzerland, 38:267-268; data concerning, 6:91+ 39:3l|.l-3l4.3,377-379 FRANK, Rose (Mrs. Henry S.), data FRANKFURTER, Felix, judicial concerning, 7:57 career of, ll+:277; 1)-1:398; FRANK, Silas, in Colorado Legisla- et seq.; ture, 9:1*77 honors and appointments con- FRANK, Slmcha P., data concerning, ferred on, 15:257; 16:156; 7:58 19:251; 21:200; 35:107; 1+0: FRANK, Waldo, victim of anti- 358; 142:14.62-14.63; 14.3:31+2? Jewish outbreak in Argentina, prepares minute of conference U5:3l*5-31j-6 between American Jewish Com- FRANKEL, Benjamin, organizes mittee and the Provisional Hillel Foundation, 1+5:108; Executive Committee for 14-7:114.3-1144 Zionist Affairs, 18:316-317 FRANKEL, Bernard L,, memorial address on Julius S. Weyl, 38:666-668 -102-

PRANKLIN, Benjamin, anti-Jewish FRAUNCES Tavern, New York, once "prophecy" exposed as forgery, home of Phila Franks, 25:U(.9 39:218 FRAZER, Sir James G., tribute to FRANKLIN, Fabian, data concerning, Solomon Schechter, l8:51j- 6:95 "Free ports," established to help FRANKLIN, Leo M., biographical rescue Jews of Europe, I4.6: sketch, 5:55; 153-155; U7:293; honors and appointments con- discussed for Libya, 14.6:236 ferred on, 26:131; 3^:98; FREE Sons of Israel, data concern- 14-2:14-63 ing, 1:814.-90, et seq.; FRANKLIN, Melvin M., data concern- Americanization work, 23:106- ing, 6:95 107; FRANKO, Jeanne, data concerning, withdraws from American Jewish 6:95 Committee, lj.6:557 FRANKO, Samuel, data concerning, FREE Sons of Judah, Independent 6:95-96; Order, 3:117—18:326 gold medal bestowed on, 12:325 FREE Sons of Zion, Order, 9:109; FRANKS, Abraham, resident of Canada 10:36 in Revolutionary period, FREE Synagogue opens Jewish Insti- 27:159 tute of Religion in New York, FRANKB, David, portrait of, 25:ll)-9, 25:37 facing 162; FREED, Emerich, on Ohio Bench, prominent Loyalist, 27:158,159 Ul4.:322; 50: 6I4.3 FRANKS, David S., data concerning, FREED, Isadore, wins award of 25:151*-; 27:157; Society for Publication of miniature painted by Peale, American Music, lj.6:320 25:l51u FREEDl'IAN, Ralph, wins 19kl Lewis prominent in Revolutionary army, and Clark Northwest Award, 27:158; 28:201). 50:506 FRANKS, Jacob, portrait of, 25:li|8, FREEDMAN, Samuel A., biographical facing-, 25:162 sketch, 5:55 FRANKS, Jacob, Jr., prominent FREEDHAN, Wolf, data concerning, early Canadian trader, 27:160-161 FREEDLANDER, Joseph H., honored FRANKS, Phila, wife of Gen. Oliver by French Government, 16:156 Delancey, portrait, 25:11+9, FREEDOM of Information and the facing, 162 Press, Sub-Commission on, FRANKS, Rebecca, belle of American appointed by nuclear Commis- Revolutionary days, 25:114-9 sion on Human Rights, li.8:li.32- FRATERNAL organizations of Jews in U33A35 the U.S., 39:123; FREELAND League for Territorial established by Jewish immigrants, Colonization organized in 50:314.-37; Great Britain, 38:255; See also American Council of data concerning, l4l).:371, Jewish Fraternal Organizations et seq«, FRATERNITIES, Jewish, in the U.S., FREEMASONRY, Rumanian Jews in U.S. 29:80-81; 31:U2,2U3; 39:125; active in, 3:98-99; organization of, 31:26-27,3514-- Jews in colonial'America active 358; 33:196; in, 28:200,202^2114.; educational work at colleges by, linked in Italy with Jews, 31:114-1 28:14.814. FRAUENTHAL, Samuel, on Arkansas bench, 11:226; 33:261+; 3l4.:235 -103-

FREIBERG, Albert H., data con- FREUDENTHAL, Wolff, data conoern- cerning, 6:96 ing, 6:96-97 FREIBERG, J. Waltor, memorial reso- FREUND, Adolph, data concerning, lution by American Jewish 7:59-60 Committee on, 2l+:359 FREUND, Charles J., biographical FREIBERG, Julius, data concerning, sketch, 5:55 7:59; FREUND, Ernest, data concerning, president of Cincinnati, Ohio 6:97; Chamber of Commerce, 26:131 wins Harvard Law School prize, FREIBURG Passion Play. See 21:200 Passion Play FREUND, Michael, article on social FREIDEL, Louis, in New York welfare activities of Ameri- Assembly, 7:192 can Jewry, l+l+:137-l50 FREIDIN, Jesse, on War Labor Board, FREUND, Paul A., on Harvard Law 1+7:506; 50:61+5 School faculty, 1+1:398 FREIDUS, Abrahams., compiles list FREUND, Walter J., on New Jersey Bench, 1+7:506 of Jewish periodicals in the PREY, Abraham B., on Missouri U.S., 1:271-282; Bench, 21:200; 25:120 data concerning, 6:96; 1+5:90-91; FREY, Philip W., data concerning, contribution to American Jewish 7:60 scholarship, 1+5:60 PREY, Sigmund, data concerning, FREILAND League for Territorial Settlement. See Preeland FRIDLANDER, Hamen, data concerning League for Territorial Coloni- 5:56 zation FRIED, Alfred H., wins Nobel FREILICH, William, Judge of Muni- peace prize, 25:196; cipal Court, Zanesville, 0., data concerning, 25:202-203 2l+:86 FRIED, Hanna, article, "Movements FREIMAN, A.J., Mr. and Mrs., active for Better Understanding" in in Canadian Jewish life, 27: *he U.S., 1+3:112-121+ 217,219,220,223 FRIED, Herbert, military governor FREIMANN, Aron, collection acquired of Hanover, Germany, 1+7:506 by Library of Hebrew Union FRIED, Herman S., on New York City College, 1+5:77; Board of Aldermen, 8:185 memorial resolutions of JPS on, FRIED, John, awarded medal for 50:859 bravery, 1+2:1+63 FRENCH, Lewis, heads British land FRIED, Michael, biographical data development commission in concerning, 5:56 Palestine, 31+:5l; FRIEDE, George W., in Oregon report by, unfavorable to Zion- Legislature, 39:566 ists, 36:206; PRIEDENBERG, Albert M., data con- and the Arabs, 36:207 cerning, 6:97; FRENCH and Indian War, JeVs render article, "Sunday Laws of the useful service in, 28:201 U.S. and Leading Decisions FRENCH Committee of National Libera- Having Special Referenoe to tion. See France, Free FRENCH Guiana, nullifies Vichy the Jews," 10:152-189; legislation and frees political article, "The Jews of America, prisoners, 1+5:259-260 1651+-1787, with Special "FRENCH Jewry under the Occupation," Reference to the Revolution," article by Jacob Kaplan, 28:193-218 1+7:71-118 FREUDENTHAL, Samuel, data concern- ing, 7:59 -104-

FRIEDENTHAL, Hattie S. (Mrs. Sig- FRIEDLANDER, Alfred, dean of mund) data concerning, 7:60 College of Medicine of Uni- FRIEDENTHAL, Sigmund and Hattie S., versity of Cincinnati, 36:254 Memorial Fund of JPS, 26:687 FRIEDLANDER, Jack, city prosecutor FRIEDENWALD, Harry, data concern- of Los Angeles, Cal,, 26:131 ing, 5:214; 6:97 FRIEDLAMDER, Jeremiah, biographi- FRIEDENWALD, Herbert, data concern- cal sketch, 5s56 ing, 6:98; FRIEDLANDER, Joseph, biographical receives award from Johns Hop- sketch, 5s56 kins University, 7:189; FRIEDLANDER, M., data concerning, editor American Jewish Year Book, 5s 56 10-14; (with H.G. Friedman, FRIEDLANDER, Samson, on New York 15); City Bench, 20:165; 26:132 activity in American Jewish Com- FRIEDMAN, Aaron, data concerning, mittee, 16:382; 46:48-50; 5:56 efforts to secure civil rights FRIEDMAN, Allan B., Assistant U.S. provision in Treaty of London, District Attorney, 24:86 16:386; FRIEDMAN, David E., on faculty of obituary by Harry Schneiderman, Bellevue Hospital Medical 46:47-54; College, 30:72 portrait, facing, 46:47 FRIEDMAN, E.J., in Connecticut FRIEDENWALD, Jonas S., awarded medal Legislature, 39:566 by American Medical Associa- FRIEDMAN, H.G., joint editor, with tion, 37:228 Herbert Friedenwald, of Amerl- FRIEDENWALD, Joseph, data concern- can Jewish Year Book, 15 ing, 7:60 FRIEDMAN, Harold J., in New York FRIEDENWALD, Julius, data concern- Assembly, 13:279 ing, 6:98 FRIEDMAN, Isaac K., data concern- FRIEDENWALD, Racie, wife of Cyrus ing, 6:99 Adler, 42:77 FRIEDMAN, J. Isaac, in Louisiana FRIEDERMAN, Solomon J., biographi- Legislature, 15:257 cal data concerning, 5:56 FRIEDMAN, Jacob W., on New York FRIEDLAENDER, Israel, data concern- Board of Aldermen, 20:165; ing, 6:98; 23:65-66,68-69; 22:152 address at 25th anniversary of FRIEDMAN, Lee M., data concern- JPS, 15:183-187J ing, 7:60-61; obituary by Jacob Kohn, 23:65- first Jewish member of Massa- 79; chusetts Historical Society, contribution to American Jewish 47:506 scholarship, 23:69-77; 45:56; FRIEDMAN, Leo, in California Leg- murdered by bandits, 23:79,209; islature, 19:251 memorial resolutions on, 23:312, FRIEDMAN, Leo V., on faculty of 390-391 Tufts Medical College, 15:257 FRIEDLAND, Abraham H., obituary by FRIEDMAN, Louis L., in New York Emar.uel Gamoran, 42:145-152; Legislature, 43:342; 45:370; portrait, facing, 42:145 47:506; 49:596 FRIEDLAND, Jacob, in New Jersey FRIEDMAN, Max, in Ohio Legisla- Legislature, 41:398; 42:463; ture, 19:251 43:342; 44:322; 45:370; 47: FRIEDMAN, Meyer, data concerning, 506; 49:596 7:61; FRIEDLAND, Walter M., in New York president of Denver Chamber of Legislature, 17:215 Commerce, 9:474 -105-

FRIEDMAN, Milton, awarded Legion FROHMAN, Charles, data concerning, of Merit, £8:1+72 6:99 FRIEDMAN, Miriam, wins award of FROHMAN, Daniel, data concerning, American Academy in Rome, 6:99 l|O:358 FROLICH, Jacob, in Connecticut FRIEDMAN, Moses, Superintendent of Legislature, 15:257 Carlisle Indian School, FROI1BERG, Joseph, in South Caro- 10:118 lina Legislature, 17:215; FRIEDMAN, Samuel, biographical 19:251 sketch, 5:57; FROMENSON, Abraham H., data con- on humaneness of Shehitah, cerning, 6:99-100 25:177-179 FROMMER, Jacob, biographical FRIEDMAM, Samuel, in Connecticut sketch, 5:57 Legislature, 39:566 FRY, Sidney W., in New York FRIEDMAN, William F., wins excep- Assembly, 13:279 tional Civilian Service FUCHS, Julius, data concerning, Award given by the War Depart 6:100 ment, 5.6:320 FULD, Felix, memorial minute of FRIEDMAN, William S., biographical American Jewish Committee sketch, 5:57; on, 32:295-296 receives honorary degree from FUID, Stanley H., on New York University of Colorado, 8:182 Bench, 1+8:1+72; 1+9:597 FRIEDSAM, Michael, Foundation, gift FUNK, Isaac, publisher of The to Jewish Education Commit- Jewish Encyclopedia, 1+5:51)- tee, 14-2:302 FUNK, Walther, sentenced for war FRIEND, Hugo M., on Illinois Bench, crimes, 1+9:586 23:121+; 33:113,265; 30:73; FURMAN, B urton J., interfaith 31+: 235; 35:107 fund established in memory FRIEND, Samuel, in Idaho Assembly, of, 1+5:191 FURTH, Emanuel, data concerning, 13:279 6:100 FRIENDS of Democracy, oppose Nazi FURTH, Jacob, data concerning, propaganda in the U.S., 7:61; 38:219 awarded medal by American FRIENDS of New Germany foment Nazi Medical Association, 33:113 propaganda in the U.S., 38: FURTWAENGLER, Wilhelm, opposed as 218,219; director of New York Phil- change name to German-American harmonic Symphony Society, League, 38:219 38:189 FRISCH, Ephraim, rabbi, 6:216 FRISCH, I.J., wins highest inter- national award in field of military medicine, 1+0:359 FRISCH, William, data concerning, 6:99 FRITSCH, Theodor, publication in Germany of Dearborn Indepen- dent by, forbidden, 30:21)., 2B2T283 FRITZSCHE, Hans, acquitted in Nuremberg war crimes trial, 1*9:587 -106-

GABRIEL, Hyman, on Mobile School GARDNER, 0. Max, on Anglo-American Board, 25:121 Committee of Inquiry* 1+8:1+00 GABRILOWITSCH, Osaip, honorary GARDNER Immigration Bill considered degrees conferred on, by Congress, 8:99,100; 12:32 3l+:98; 36:251*. GARDNER, Samuel, wins Pulitzer GALICIA, anti-Jewish manifesta- Prize in music, 21:200 tions and excesses,fci 21+: other prizes won by, 21:200 21:251-256; 23:185,186,187; OARFEIN, R., in New York Assembly, situation of Jews, 5:25-26; 12:326 U+:3O6; GARFIELD, H.A., signs Christian Jewish suffering in World War protest against anti-Jewish I, 18:307; 19:195,197,206; propaganda, 2l+:335 JDC aids Jews in, 19:207,217; GARFIELD, James R., signs Chris- pro-Zionist attitude of Jews, tian protest against anti- 21:252 Jewish propaganda, 21+:335 GALICIAN Jews. See Union of GARFIELD, John, alumnus of Educa- Galician Jews; United tional Alliance, New York. Gallcian Jews of America 1+6:82 GALILEE, Jewish agricultural GARFINKEL, Chas. B., in New York oolony formed, ll+:26 Legislature, 20:165 GALSTON, Clarence G., District GARFUNKEL, Charles, data concern- Court Judge, 33:261+; 3U-:234; ing, 6:101 1+3:61+!+; 50:61+3 GARIS, Roy L., American Jewish Committee oritioizes article GALTER, David S., obituaries en: by, 27:l+l+7-U50 Julius S. Weyl, 38:21-26; GARRISON, Lindley M., signs Chris- William M. Lewis, 1+1:67-73; tian protest against anti- Theodore Rosen, i+3:1+2S-i(.30; Jewish propaganda, 21+:335 Felix N. Gerson, [(.8:107-112 GARSSON, Morris, data concerning, GALVESTON, effort to divert Jewish 6:101 immigration from New York GASSON, T.I., opposes literacy City to, 9:538-539; 12:67; test for immigrants, 12:98 13s3O3; 29:11+0 GASTER, Theodor H., review of GAMORAN, Emanuel, obituary of affairs: in the British Abraham H. Priedland, i+2:li+5- Commonwealth, 1+3:125-11+6; 152; 1+5:215-225; in Great Britain, Eduoational Director of Reform Iji+:l66-17l+; in South Africa group, 1+3:1+9 and Australia, l+l+:175-178; GANS, Howard, data concerning, Chief of Hebraio section* 6:100-101 Library of Congress, 1+7:506 GANS, Julius J., in New York Leg- GATES, Joseph M., mayor of Roanoke, islature, 35:1+01+; 39:566; ill: Ark., 11:226 396; 14.3:314-2; 1+5:370; 1+7:506; GAULLE, Charles de, opposes Nazi 1+9:597 anti-Jewish lows, t+l+:206 GANS, Sigmund J., public offices GAVIT, John Palmer, signs Chris- held by, 13:279; 15:257; 194 tian protest against anti- 251; 21:200; 22:152 Jewish propaganda, 2l+:335 GANS, William A., data concerning. GEISMAR, A.H., on New York City 7:61-62 Bench, 9:1+71*.; 20:165; 23:12^ GARBER, Maurice, chairman of GEIST, Irving, honored for ser- Chelsea, Mass., School Board, vices in World War II, 38:1+01+ 50:506 -107-

GELEERT, Myer, in Ohio Assembly, GERECHTOR, Emanuel, biographical 13:279 sketch, 5:57; GELLER, S.M., City Physician, receives degree from Lawrence Portland, Ore., 14:277 University, 15:257 GENERAL Jewish Council sponsors GERMAN-American Bund promotes Nazi Christian refutation of propaganda, 39:258,259; Father Coughlin's anti-Jewish 40:122; charges, 14.1:210; anti-Jewish activities, 40:119; organization and purposes, 41: 42:291-292; 223,224,640; 44:470; ij-6:5U-3; native anti-Jewish groups join religious representation in, with, 40:120; discussed, (4.1:225; opposition to activities, data concerning, I+l:i4_65—i+5:1+62; k0:124-129; denounces Nazi atrocities, stimulates class hatred, 40:129; [4.1:637-638; declines in prominence, 41:214- defense work, 42:299; 215; 42:652; American Jewish Congress with- rally at Madison Square Garden, draws from, 14.3:85-86; 44:470- 41:215-216; U-?l,U-77; leaders punished in New Jersey, rift in, 44:471; 43:106 American Jewish Committee co- GSRMAN-Americana urge removal of operates with, 1|.5:631 Olympic Games from Berlin, GENEVA, conference of Jewish or- 38:184 ganizations at, 37:11)4-114-5. GERMAN Jewish Children's Aid, data 434 concerning, 36:3l5--41j-:371; GENIZAH. See Cairo Genizah activities, 37:429; 39:118; GENOCIDE, made a crime by UN, National Council of Jewish 49:575; 50:490; Women co-operates with, draft convention, 50:490-14.93; 40:151 recommendations of interested GERMAN Jews in U.S., early setUszs, groups, 50:493; 4:73-74; efforts of American Jewish Com- eatablish congregational mittee for UN ruling, 50: schools, 16:101; 823-824 patriotic citizens, 32:22; GENTILE Co-operative Aosociation, organize own benevolent organi- anti-Jewish organization, zations, 39:86; 48:179 predominate in B'nai B'rith, GEORGIA, statistical data on Jews 50:38; and Jewish activities, 3:132; divisions among, 50:66; 42:243; attitude toward Russian Jewish beginnings of Jewish settlement, immigration, 50:69-70 5:67,73; 28:199; GERMAN Philosophical Association, Jews prominent in early his- American scholars decline to tory, 4:69; attend meeting of, 39:210-211 Sunday law in, 10:155; "GERMAN Reich and Americans of early agricultural efforts of German Origin," issued, Jews, 14:55-56; 41:628,652 first synagogue, 28:199; GERMAN "Relief" Sooietles in U.S. anti-Jewish discrimination In, spread anti-Jewish agitation, 31:27; 48:186-187 Bible reading in public schools in, 49:22-23 -108-

GERMANY to 1933 aad establishment GERMANY to 1933 (oont.) of Jewish state in Palestine, aids Jewish educational reli- 1:27-28; gious institutions, 28:72-73; organized anti-Semitism in, 29:62; 2:19; 29:85,14.11;; 30:293; anti-Jewish legislation, 28:109, anti-Jewish manifestations and 1*86; 29:90} discrimination, 5:26-27; 6:36; attitude towards Zionism* 29: 7:255; 8:250-251; 9:550; 10: 95; 32:99-100; 33:78; 3l*:60f 212,213; 16:188; 21:258-260; Henry Ford revokes publication 22:215-221; 23:169,170.172, rights of Dearborn Indepen- 173; 2l*:5l-52; 25:81^-88,385; dent in, 30:21*,2B2-2B3; 26:38,91-93,95,108-109; 27:100, Nazis suppressed in, 30:1*0; 102,103,110-112,Ill*,ll6-117; American Jewry disturbed by 28:102-103,109,113,1*85-1*86; Nazi success, 33:35; 29s91; 30:39-1*0; anti-Semitism caused by des- anti-Shehitah activity in, 9: pair psychology, 33:75,77 514.9; 29:25; 30:1*0; 31:362; GERMANY, 1933-191*5, internal 33:365-367; opposition to racist poli- treaty with Russia, 13:63-61*; cies, 30:14.0; 37:182; 38:305; attitude toward Eastern European 1*0:90-91,592; 1*5: 235-236; Jews, 15:290,291; 16:186-187; anti-Semitic manifestations 19:277; 21:257,259; 23:170, and exoesse3, 31:14.3-14-6,362;;: 171; 26:101-102; 35:23; 32:9l»--99,311-312; 33:75-77, blood accusation in, 15:293; 36I4., 396-3995 31*:56,58,301*- 21:256; 306; 35:21,29-30,32-39,297- Christians in, protest to Russia 299; 36:155-185Al6-I4.l8.l426; on blood accusation against 37:183-1814-; 38:303-306,626- Mendel Beilis, 16:70-71*, 187; 627; 39:3l4.1-3l4.3,800; 1*0:198- JDC and relief work, 19:211-212; 203; 14.1:205,261,2614.; 1*2:31*5- American Jewish Committee 31*6,314.9,367-377,614.3-614.6; I4.3: opposes separate peace with 2014.-210,229-238; W-^h-2h7, Russia, 20:371-372; 2614.-265; 14-5:2314.-237; l»A:209- minority rights in, 21:156-157; 212; 14.7:377-378; 22:101-102,1*07; 27:102-103; led by Adolf Hitler, 32:9l4-; 28:502-509; repudiates Versailles treaty, and Jewish question in Poland, 32:91*; 21:258,260,267; reaction in U.S. to events in, religious freedom guaranteed by 32:914-5 33:35; 3l4.:27-28; 36: Weimar constitution, 21:259- 121-1214., 126,128-133,136,l#t, 260; 609,610,622; 37:136-ll».0; 38: identification of Jews with 175-191,230-232; 39:206-207, Bolsheviks charged in, 21:260; 210-211i,805; 14.0:89-91,93-96, anti-Semitism opposed in, 23: 1214.-126,6O1,6C4-6O5; 1*1:190- 169-172; 25:82,102-103; 26:88, 197,636-637; 1*2:270-273; 1*5: 111; 27:96; 28:97; 29:83,914.; 139-11*1.191-198; 1*7: 1*1,1*3-W*; Jews from Eastern Europe migrate anti-Jewish legislation and to, 25:56,60; campaign, 31*:58; 36:155,157, effort to limit Jewish immigra- 158,160,162-171*, 176-183,185, tion, 26:101-102; 1*18-1*22; 37:177-18O,183-18L anti-Jewish propaganda in, kO2-kO7; 38:306-317;325,328, opposed in U.S., 26:110; 602-603,605; 39:325-338,3¥*- anti-Jewish agitators and re- 347,351-353; 1.0:189-197,593- aotionary parties, 26:650,651; 595,622; kl:262-263,265,267- 268; 1*1*:183-186; 14-5:232-231*; 1*7:375-377; -109- GERMANY, 1933-191+5 (oont.) GERMAMY 1933-191+5 (cont.) world reaotion to anti-Jewish work of JDC in, 1+1:165-177 j policy, 314-176; 35:31-33,1+0-62, imposes Aryanizatlon on occu- 72; 36:89; 37:169-170,Jp.2; 38: pied territories, 1+1:21+6,253, 211+-217,21+1+-21+9,255-256,39U-, 265,266,271-272; 1+3:161-163, 609-610,621;; 39:300-302,313; 167-168,170-171,175-181,212- 1+0:162-167,175-177; 1+1:59-93, 215,217 -220,221+, 265-270,276- 96,l8k,l86,238-2l4.6;363,365, 278; 50:31+1; 370,636-638; 1+1+:191-192; 1+5: conflict of American relief 287-288; agencies with, 1+2:282-283; and the U.S. State Department, Jews deported to Poland from, 35:30; 1+1:192-191+; 1+7:1+1,1+3; 1+2:31+8,31+9,350-352; 1+1+:186- and the Catholic Church, 35:1+1; 187,190; 1+7:379; 1+0:593; 1+2:385; harasses Jews of Lithuania, and the League of Nations, 35: 1+2:387; 1+3:258; 53-51+,71+-101; 36:89,90-110, racist policy fails in Norway, 113-116,21+2,21+3,1+1+0-1+1+1; 38: 1+3:187-188,189; 193,191+, 391-392; 1+0:31+3-31+5; pressure resisted by Sweden, l+l+:53-56; 1+3:192; boycott on goods from, 35:51+; data on Jews escaping from, 38:191,266,290; 1+3:329; and the refugee question, 35:60? not benefitted tay JDC monetary 36:212,213; 37:185-187,193; transactions, 1+1+: 126; 38:118-119; 38:2k2,327-328, bans Jewish emigration, 1+1+: 186; 368-369,391-392,606-607; 39: blames "international Jewry" 31l|--3l5,31+9-350,351; 1+1:171* for World War II, 1+1+: 187-188; 173-171+.266-267,302,375,380- anti-Jewish policy opposed by 381,389,635; 1+2:393; Church and people in occupied declares Jewish question not a lands, 1+3:155-156,181-183, minority question, 36:99-100, 187-188,716-717; I+1+:211+-216, 105-106; 223,226,257,266,267,268; agitation on American participa- efforts to re-introduce anti- tion in Olympio Games in, Semitism into Soviet Union, 37:138-139; 38:181-187,317-318; ll23+l+333; leaders favor Zionist program, Soviet Jews join world-wide 37:181+; , Jewish effort against. violates minority rights of Jews l+l+:237; in Saar Basin, 38:119; maltreats Jewish refugees in treatment of foreign Jews, 38: Hungary, t+l+:261+-265; 319-322; 39:351,352; 1+1:302; punishes Greece for resistance, American rabbis join protest 1+1+: 275-276; against persecution of Catho- refuses to grant exit permits- lics, 38:230; in occupied countries, 1+1+: trade agreements with Palestine, 296-297; 38:369-371,385; U.S. recalls ambassador from, suppresses B'nai B'rith lodges, 1+7:1+1+; 39.-221+-226; 1+0:607; leaders to be punished for war imposes "flight tax" on emi- crimes, 1+7:1+6-1+8; grants, 39:331; Jewish children removed to opens Institute for History, Palestine from, 1+7:51,59, 39:31+3-31+1+; 65-68; Pan-German program, 39:799-800; and situation of East European threatens extirpation of Euro- Jews, 1+7:377-378 pean Jewry, 1+0:589-590; 1+2: 593-599; 1+5:232,239-21+0,260, 266; -110-

GERMANY, 1945-1948, General Eisen- GERMANY, Jews of, 1933-191+5, feel hower orders abrogation of economic pressure, 3l+:6Oj- 39: Nazi laws in, 47:378; 31+8-31+9,350,351; problem of displaced persons review of events, 35:21—1+7:375; in, 48:116-117,302-304,305- American Jewish organizational 307,309-311,449-451; 49:521, activity in behalf of, 35:54- 531; 50:14.65-14-66,711-712,713, 55,601-635; 36:1+16-1+52; 37: 714,715-716; ll+o-ll+l; 37:1+27-1+29; 38:617- anti-Semitism in, 48:118; 49: 621; 39:21+2-21+6; 1+1:166,171, 373-375; 5O:l(.66; 172,176,626-628; 1+2:136,137, American Jewish religious organi- 61+6; 1+8:305,627; 1+7:322-323; zations urge justice for, international efforts in behalf 14-8:122; of, 35:56-59; 36:199,200,202, Polish infiltrees in, 48:305- 205,21+1-2l+6,i+H+.l+3l+,l+61+-l+71; 307,308; 1^9:521,783; 38:193,191+.211+-217; war crimes trials in, I4-8:14-6S; oppose action by American Jewry 14-9:580,589; 50-.l4-9l4.-500; in their behalf, 36:1+25-1+26; JDC establishes vocational International aspect of Nazi schools in, 14.9:237; policies toward, 36:14-50-1+52; question of peace treaty with, 39:209,802; 1+9:571-572; 50:819; population statistics, 37:181+; Nazism still alive in, 50:820; 1+2:595-596; re-eduoation necessary, 50:82b1 communal and cultural activity, GERMANY, Jews of, to 1933, organi- 38:323-328; 39:31+7-351; 1+0: zational activity, 2:511-513, 203-201+; 44:189-190; 515-516; 26:29,73-79; 27:14-9, affected by pact with Austria, 81-82,91; 28:914-; 29:27,62; 39:35l+-355; l+0:20l+; 30:14.1; 31:1+7; annihilation planned, 1+1:268; review of affaire, 3:19—3l4-:56; 1+8:1+57-1+61 death rate compared with that of GERMANY, Jews of, 191+5-191+8, German-American Jews, 4:52; review of affairs, 1+8:302- immigration to U.S. stimulated 315; 50:375-385; by persecution, 4:73; population statistics, 1+8:311+- literary activity, 8:274; 29:1+7; 315; 1+9:362-365; 50:376-377; receive honors, 9:550; 10:211+; reparations and restitution of affected by World War I, 17:235- property, 1+8:14+6-1+1+7; 1+9:119, 237; 18:132-136; 782-783; decorated for gallantry, 18:134- economic condition and communal 135; 20:21+1+; organization, 1+9:365-372; 50: emancipation, reviewed, 19:109- 377-379,381-385 131; "GERMANY and Austria," review of population statistics, 22:361+— affairs, by Boris Sapir, 32:252; 49:362-380 patriotism in World War I, 23: GERSHENFIELD, Louis, awarded 172; honorary degree by Philadel- and Sabbath observance, 25:21+- phia College of Pharmaoy and 25,61+; 28:26; Soienoe, 42:463 admitted to membership in sports GERSHON-COHEN, Jaoob, wins gold organization, 26:94; medal of Fifth International expulsion agitated, 26:103; Congress of Radiology, 40*359 made scapegoat for evils, 26:652} GERSHWIN, George, awarded David oppose anti-religious campaign Blspham Silver Medal post- in Soviet Russia, 32:100 humously, 40:359 -111-

GERSON, Emily G., data concerning, GINSBURG, David, biographical 6:101 sketch, 5:57-58 GERSON, Felix N., data concerning, GINSBURG, Isaac, mayor of Mlddles- 6:101; boro, Ky., 36:251). poem on 25th anniversary of JPS, GINSBURG, Jacob, on Philadelphia 15:29-30; Common Council, 18:101 obituary by David J. Gaiter, GINSBURG, Mrs. Louis, on Chioago 1*8:107-112; Board of Education, 25:121 portrait, facing, 1*8:107; GINZBERG, Asher (Ahad Ha"am), JPS activities, 1).8:112, 61^.6; settles in England, 10:209; memorial resolution on, 485687 attacked in Odessa, 10:225; GERTZ, Max, on New York Board of letter to JPS on its 25th anni- Higher Education, l|.8:l).72 versary, 15:1*7; GESELLSCHAPT zur Forderung der criticizes early Palestinian Wissenschaft des Judentums, colonization policy, 17: greetings to JPS on its 25th 1*8-1*9; annivers ary, 15:150-151 obituary by Leon Simon, 30:87- GETTLEMAN, Bernard, in Wisconsin 99; Senate, 33:113 portrait, facing, 30:87; GIBBS, Louis D., judicial career, Zionist activities, 30:87,89, 22:152; 27:110).; 33:266; 3l+:236 90,91,96,98; GIBBONS, Herbert Adams, signs Chris- literary activities, 30:87,92, tian protest against anti- 93,96,97,99,* Jewish propaganda, 2lj.:335 attitude toward political Zion- GIBSON, Charles Dana, signs Chris- ism, 3O:9l*-95 tian protest against anti- GINZBERG, Eli, estimates funds Jewish propaganda, 21*: 335 needed by organizations In GIDDINGS, Franklin H., signs Chris- UJA, 1*1*: 125; tian protest against anti- American representative on Jewish propaganda, 21).:335 reparations, l\Bskk7t GIERS, M. de, Russian Minister of awarded war decoration, i+9:597 Foreign Affairs, and the pass- GINZBERG, Louis, data concerning, port question, 6:288-290 6:102; GILBERT, William, wins Purple opinion on ritual use of un- Heart, 1*5:370 fermented wine, 2lj.: 21).; 25: GILL, John, Representative, requests 379,1*01-425,* information on Bialystok "Legends of the Jews" by, 27: massacre, 8:91 1*92; 28:529; 30:31*6; GILMAN, William R., in Massachusetts awarded honorary degree by Legislature, 39:566; i+313^2 Harvard University, 39:566; GIMBEL, Bernard E., awarded contributions to American honorary degree by Vincennes scholarship, 1*5:55,56,59,63'; University, Iji*: 322 70th birthday celebrated, 1*6: GIMBEL, Ellis A,, presidential 603-601* elector, 10:118; ll:ll*5; GIRAUD, Henri, and restoration of given honorary degree by Jewish rights in North Vincennes University, 1J4:322 Africa, I|5:252,253,251*,255 GIMBEL, Jacob, data concerning, GIRLS, agricultural school for, in 7:62 Palestine, 17:79-80; GINSBERG, William, wins citation of increase in number receiving Board of Trade, 38:if-Olj. Jewish education, 38:1*0-1*1; GINSBURG, Bernard, president of See also Woman Detroit Public Library Board, 16:156 -112-

GITELMAN, Jaoob, on Hew York City GOBEY, Nathan, awarded Distin- Bench, 36s253 guished Servioe Cross, GITERMAN, Isaac, of JDC, in Nazi 1*0:359 concentration camp, 1*2:277 GODAL, Erio, cartoons by, used in OITIiOW, Benjamin, in Hew York fight against anti-Semitism, Legislature, 20:165 14-7:700 OITTELSOHN, Benjamin, biographical GODCHAUX, Rebecca, awarded medal b/ sketch, 5:58 French Government, 20:165 GITTELSON, Prank, on faculty of GODOWSKY, Leopold, awarded honorary Musical Conservatory of Pea- degree by Curtis Institute of body Institute, 21:200 Music, 36:2514- GITTELSON, Harry, in New York Leg- GOERING, Hermann, anti-Jewish islature, 14-0:359; 1*3:31*2; speech by, 35:30; 145:370; 1*7:506; 14-9:597 tried for war crimes, 1*9:580, GITTERMAN, Joseph L., and Jesse W., 58l,582,583.58!+,588 grant to JPS, 39:8514- GOETTINGEN University, interna- GLADSTONE, Benjamin, in New York tional reaction to participa- Legislature, 36:251;; 37:228; tion in celebration at, 39: 38:14.014 211-2H4-, 301,317, 321-322 GLADSTONE, William E., approves GOETZ, Arthur J., on Mt. Vernon, efforts for Jewish emanolpa- N.Y., Board of Education, tion at Congress of Berlin, 37:228 19:152 GOGA, Octavian, increased persecu- GLASS, Herman, biographical sketch, tion of Jews in Rumania undo1, 5:58 14.0:280,293-296,598,599 GLASS, Leopold C., in Pennsylvania GOLD, Abraham E., on New York Legislature, 21:200; Bench, 14.2:14.63 on Philadelphia Bench, 381I|.0l(. GOLD, Charles, mayor of Long GLAZER, Simon, biographical Beach, N.Y., 36:294- sketoh, 5:58 GOLDBACH, Jacob A., mayor of GLAZMAN, B., wins Louis LaMed Buchanan, N.Y., 14-0:359 Literary Award, 14.6:320 GOLDBERG, Hiram, president of GLICENSTEIN, Enrico, exhibition of Detroit, Mich., School Board, paintings, 30:31; 15:258 decorated by Italy, 37:228 GOLDBERG, Israel, article on edu- GLIKSMAN, George J. (Jerzy G.), cational and oultural activi- review of affairs in Soviet ties in the U.S., 14.3:38-58 Onion, 49:393-U-09; 50:l*00-ko8 GOLDBERG, Jeannette M., data con- GLUCK, B., data ooncerning, 5:58 cerning, 7:62 GLUCK, Samuel A., in New York GOLDBERG, Lewis, on Massachusetts Assembly, 9:1*78; 10:118; 11:226 Bench, 35:107 GLTJCKSMAN, Harry L., executive GOLDBERG, Louis, on New York City director of Jewish Welfare Counoil, 1*1*: 322 Board, 39:161; GOLDBERG, Mark, in N«w York Leg- declares democracy the keynote islature, 9:14-78; 10:118,- of the Jewish future, 39:285- 11:226; 12:326; 13:280; ll*s 286; 277; 15:258; 16:156; 17:215; Liberty ship named in honor of, 18:101; 19:251; 20:165 14-6:320 GOLDB'SRG, Meyer, public offices GLYKN, Martin H., signs Christian held by, 14-0:359; 1*1:398; protest against anti-Jewish 1*1*: 322; propaganda, 21*: 335 on Labor Relations Board, 1*7:507 -113-

OOLDBERG,, Michael, biographical GOLDFOGLE, Henry M., and the pass- sketch, 5:58 port question, 4:19-20; 6:22, GOLDBERG, Reuben L., wins Pulitzer 301,302,303-301).; 11:29-31, Prize for cartoon, 50:506 36-39, 64; 13:111-115; GOLDBERG, Samuel L., biographical biographical sketch, 4:172; 6: sketoh, 5:58 102-103; 7:126; 10:70-71; GOLDBERG, Sidney G., in New Jersey in House of Representatives, Legislature, 37:228; 38:404 6:213, et seq,; GOLDBERGER, Joseph, In Publlo Health efforts to aid sufferers in Service, 7:190 Russian pogroms, 8:90,91,99; GOLDBERGER, Leo, on New Jersey U.S. delegate to Inter-Parlia- Bench, 33:113 mentary Conference at London, GOLDBLATT, Harry, medical honors 8:182; conferred on, 40:359; 1*1:398 memorial minute by American Jew- GOLDBLATT, Maurice, honors and ish Committee on, 32:296 awards conferred on, 36:254« GOLDIN, Judah I., on faculty of 38:404; 46:14.73 Duke University, 46:320 GOLDBLATT, Norman, winner of GOLDMAN, A., on Tampa, Fla, Coun- Madrigal Society contest, cil, 14:277 l(.l: 398 GOLDMAN, Albert, New York City GOLDBLOOM, Maurice J., review of Postmaster, 37:229 affairs in Western Europe, GOLDMAN, Edwin Franko, decorated 48:289-301; by Czechoslovakia, 39:566 articles, "War Crimes and the GOLDMAN, Henry, created honorary Trials," 49:580-590; citizen of German Republic, 50:494-500 24:56 GOLDEN, Isadore M., on California GOLDMAN, Israel M., on faculty of Bench, 36:251).; 37:229; 41:398 Brown University, 36:254 GOLDENBERG, Rosa H. (Mrs. M.), data GOLDMAN, Julius, rehabilitation concerning, 7:62-6J work for JDC after World GOLDENSKY, Elias, data concerning, War I, 41:150 6:102 GOLDMAN, Maurice M., in Massachu- GOLDENSON, Samuel H., data concern- setts Senate, 45:370 ing, 6:216; GOLDMAN, Robert P., president of obituary of A. Leo Weil, 41:75- Union of American Hebrew Con- 78 gregations, 43:36 GOLDER, Benjamin M., public offices GOLDMAN,Samuel, admitted to the held by, 19:251; 21:200; 27: U.S. despite Quota Law, 364, et sea. 27:426 GOLDPADEN, Abraham, data concern- GOLDMAN, Solomon, president of ing, 6:102 Zionist Organization of GOLDPARB, Mrs. David, heads Federa- America, 40:157; tion of Jewish Women's Organi- wins Phi Beta Delta award, zations in New York City, 41:398; 33:201 stimulates Zionist activity in GOLDPARB, Israel, biographical South America, 43:312 sketch, 5:58 GOLDMANN, Hahum, statement of GOLDPARB, Jacob, biographical Zionist policy, 45:636; sketch, 5:58 represents Jewish Agency at UN San Francisco Conference, 47:329-330 GOLDMARK, Rubin, data concoming, GOLDSTEIN, Jonah J., on New York 6:103; Bench, 33:113; 37:229; 38:401). awards conferred on, 12:326; GOLDSTEIN, Joseph H., district &kQk attorney of Warren Co., Pa., GOLDSCHMIDT, Louis, In consular 40:359 service, 7:190 GOLDSTEIN, Louis, in New York GOLDSHMIDT, Bernhard, on Now York Assembly, 13:280 Board of Aldermen, 10:118 GOLDSTEIN, Louis, on New York City GOLDSMITH, Irving I., on New York Bench, 32:143; 42:463 Bench, 30:73; 33:266; 34:236 GOLDSTEIN, Max A., given honorary GOLDSMITH, Lester M., honors and degree by Washington Uni- awards conferred on, 42:463; versity, 40:359 44:322; 49:597 GOLDSTEIN, Morris, biographical GOLDSMITH, Louis N., assistant sketch, 5:59 director of Public Welfare, GOLDSTEIN, Nathaniel L., New York Philadelphia, Pa., 26:132 State Attorney General, GOLDSMITH, Milton, data concerning, 45:370; 49:597 6:103-104 GOLDSTEIN, Philip, mayor of Hlghts- GOLDSTEIN, A.M., president of Waco, town, N.J., 40:359 Tex., Chamber of Commerce, GOLDWASSER, I. Edwin, article, 39:566 "Federation for the Support GOLDSTEIN, Aaron, in New York of Jewish Philanthropic Legislature, 36:255; 37:229; Societies of New York City," 38:404; 41:398 20:113-146 GOLDSTEIN, C. Morton, on Maryland GOLDWATER, Richard H., in New York Bench, 37:229 Legislatrure, 49:597 GOLDSTEIN, David, in Connecticut GOLDWATER, S.S., data concerning, Senate, 35:107 7:63; GOLDSTEIN, Fanny, compiler of Health Commissioner of New "Jewish Fiction in English, York City, 16:156; 1900-1940',' 43:499-518 honors and awards conferred GOLDSTEIN, Harry, in Florida Legis- on, 41=399; 43:343; 44:32? lature, 15:258 GOLDWYN, Samuel, honored for ser- GOLDSTEIN, Herbert, on Famine vices in World War II, Emergency Council, 48:132 50:506 GOLDSTEIN, Hyman, in consular ser- GOLDZIER, Julius, in House of Rep- vice, 35:107 resentatives, 9:436, et seq. GOLDSTEIN, Isadore, mayor of GOLLANCZ, Israel, heads English Juneau, Alaska, 36:255; 38:404 Union of Literary Societies, GOLDSTEIN, Israel, protests against 5:32 eonversionist activities, GOLTMAN, Max, president of 31:24-25; Memphis, Term. Board of controversy over acceptance of Health, 12:326 award to Israel by, 50:261 GOLUMB, Eliahu, death of, 47:471 GOLDSTEIN, Jacob, in New York GOMBERG, Moses, awarded honorary Legislature, 18:101; 19:251 degree by University of GOLDSTEIN, Jacob Oscar, city Michigan, 39:566 attorney of Chico, Calif., GOMPERS, Samuel, honors and awards 22:152; conferred on, 21:200; 22:152} first Jew elected governor of teaches at Educational Alliance, California State Bar, 40:359 New York, 46:80 -US-

GOODWILL, efforts for, in the U.S., GORDON, Murray B., on faculty of 28:97-98; 30:27-28; 35:291;- Long Island College Hospital, 295; 37:160-162; 38:226-232; 20:166 39:823-8214.; 50:11^-115; GORE. See Ormaby-Gore, William See also Interfaith movement GORFINE, Emanuel, in Maryland GOODFRIEND, Charles E,, in Colorado Legislature, 33:1114-; 37:229 Assembly, 13:280 GOROVITZ. Aaron, biographical GOODFRIEND, ^Meyer, awarded medal of akotch, 5:59 Societe des Amis dea Artistes, GORT, Viscount, Palestine High 20:166 loner, 1+7 :i(-63 GOODHARD, S.P., on faculty of Col- GOTLIEB. Bernard, consul at lege of Physicians and Sur- Messina, Sicily, 36:255 geons, Columbia University, GOTSCHALL, Morton, awarded medal 17:215 by Associate Alumni of G-OODHART, Arthur L., chairman of College of the City of New Law Faculty of Oxford Uni- York, 38:UOl4. versity, l;O:359 GOTSHALL, Samuel R., in Ohio GOODMAN, Abraham, in New York Leg- Legislature, 13:280 islature, 13:280; ll(.:277; GOTTHEIL, Richard J.H., Zionist 18:102; 19:2^1 aotivity, 1(.:18; 39:1(^-1».5; GOODMAN, Abraham, on New York City data concerning, 6:io4; 39:29, Bench, 1+0:359 14-5, it-6; GOODMAN, Alexander, in Maryland honors and awards conferred on, Senate, 33:113 22:152; 2l|.:86; 32:ll(.3; GOODMAN, Charles, on faculty of reorganizes Semitics department New York University, 17:215 at University of Strasbourg, GOODMAN, Elias, on New York City 23:1214-; Board of Aldermen, 8:135 portrait, facing, 39:29; GOODMAN, Louis E., on California obituary by Louis I. Newman, Bench, 14-5:370; 5O:61+.3 39:29-14-6; GOODMAN, Moses, president of Ameri- contributions to American Jew- can Chemical Society, 33:113 ish scholarship, 39:30-32, GOODMAN, Simon, awarded medal of 37; 14-5:52 Purple Heart for gallantry in GOTTHEIL, Mrs. Richard J.H., made World War I, 36:255 Chevalier of the French GOODRICH, Nathaniel H., article, Legion of Honor, I4.22I4.63 "Anti-Jewish manifestations GOTTHEIL, William S., data con- in the U.S.," 14.3:102-112 cerning, 6:105 GOOGEL, Samuel S., in Connecticut GOTTLIEB, Joseph, on Boston, Mass. Legislature, 35:107 City Council, U4:322 GORDIS, Robert, article on Rabbi GOTTLIEB, Julius, given honorary Saadia Gaon, 1(4:61-72 degree by Colby University, GORDON, Alfred, medical honor con- 14-7:507 ferred on, 11:226 GOTTLIEB, Solomon, admitted to the GORDON, Isaac, in Massachusetts U.S. despite Quota Law, Legislature, 15:258 27 '-kZk -1+26 GORDON, Jacob M., data concerning, GOTTSCHALK, Alfred L.M., in U.S. 6:10U consular service, 10:118 GORDON, Kermit, wins Rhodes scholarship, 14.0:359 GORDON, Max, biographical sketch, 5:59 -116-

GOTTSCHALK, Max, article, "The GRAPMAN, Saul, biographical Refugee Problem," 14-3:323-337; sketch, 5:59 report on Research Institute on GRAPTON, Samuel, suggests estab- Peace and Post-war Problems lishment of "free ports" for of American Jewish Committee, refugees from Hitler, 14.6:153 1*5:668-677; GRAHAM, James M., Representative, represents American Jewish Com- urges Congress to abrogate mittee at Montreal UNRRA con- treaty with Russia, 13:1114.- ference, 1^.7:715; 115 confers with leaders abroad on GRANIK, Theodore, given honorary Jewish needs and problems, degree by St. John's Uni- 14.8:627 versity, 14.5:370 GOVERNORS, Jews serving as, 31+: 238, GRANT, Ulysses S,, action by, et geq, precedent for abrogation of GOWARD, George, data concerning, treaty with Russia, 13:60-62; 7:63 revokes discriminatory order, GRABFELDER, Samuel, data concern- 26:14.08; ing, 7:63 and Simon Wolf, 26:14.08,1411; GRADIS family, early Jewish appoints Jew as consul to settlers in Canada, I4.8:22-23 Rumani a, 26:14.09; GRADISON, Willis D., in Ohio statement on separation of Legislature, 33:1114- Church and State, 2^9:17 GRADUATE School for Jewish Social GRATZ, Barnard, early Jewish mer- Work granted charter by flew chant in Pennsylvania^ York State Board of Regents, 28:216,217 3^:38; GRATZ, Joseph, portrait painted by data concerning, 3l;:l89-190— George P.A. Healy, 25:158; 14-2:517; data concerning, 25:158-159 established, 38:77; GRATZ, Michael, portrait painted activities, 39:116-117; by Thomas Sully, 25:160. trains leaders in Jewish Center facing 162; Movement, 39:170; early Jewish merchant in branch of Jewish Theological Pennsylvania, 28:216,217 Seminary, U3:52 GRATZ, Rachel, miniature and por- GRADUATE School for Jewish Social trait, 25:155,156,158, Work. Alumni Association of, facing 162 3U:179, et seq. GRATZ, Rachel, See Etting, GRADY, Henry.See Morrlson-Qrady Raohael Gratz plan GRATZ, Rebecca, establishes first GRAEFF, Jonkheer de, discusses Jewish Sunday School in U.S., refugee problem at League of 16:98; 33:168-169; Nations, 36:95,111-113,115 miniature and portrait, 25:l55» GRAETZ, Heinrich, JPS publishes 159-160, facing 162; History of the Jews by, data concerning, 25:155,159; 15:67-69; active in Jewish oommunal life, portrait, facing, 15:92; 33:167-168 article on, by Ismar Elbogen, GRATZ College, Philadelphia, Pa., U3:l4.89-l4.98; school for training of Jew- conception of Jewish history, ish teachers, l6:10lt.-105; U7« l3U95i97 233-234; 50:56. GRAFMAN, R., biographical sketoh, Solomon Soheohter lectures be- 5'.59 fore, 18:37-14-0,55; 1(2:58-59; and Cyrus Adler, 1(2 J 57-58,87-68 -117-

GRAUBARD, Moritz, on New York GREAT Britain (oont.) City Board of Alderman, antl-Shehitah movement in, 22:152 15:35U; 16:268; 25:26; 26: GRAOBARD, Morris, in New York 26-28; 27:29-30; Legislature, 10:ll8j 11: protests on Beilis case, 16: 226; 12:326; 13:280; 65-70,266-268; 11+-.277 reaction on Zionism and GRAUMAN, Edward, data con- Palestine, 20:285-?97; 21j cerning, 7:63 -6I4. 216-222; 23:137-13v.U+2- GRAY, George, signs Christian ll+U; 25:111-112; 31:^0; protest against anti- 32:86-87; 3l+:52; 38:252- Jewish propaganda, 2l+:335 255,257-258; 1+5:222; 1+6: GRAY, Sidney C, in Michigan 187-189,191|.-195; If7:212, Legislature, 37:229 293,350-351; 1+8:263-268, GRAYZEL, Solomon, editor of 398,kl7; 1+9:107,278-279; JPS, 14.1:679; k7:7kB; 50:281-283,285; work praised, 1+2:688; I|.3s efforts to raise Jewish unit 77U.783; W+:5l3; 1)7:71+6; in World War I, 21J.103- 1+8:653; 101+, 121,125-127; president of Jewish Book mass meetings on anti-Jewish Council, 14-7:739; 1+8: excesses in Poland, 22: 614.8,666 180,181; GREAT Britain, attitude persecution of Jews in toward immigration, l+:22- Hungary disoussed, 23:139; 21+; 5:28-29; 6:23-25; 7: given Mandate for Pales- 214.3-21L5; 8:259; 9:536? tine by League of Nations, 10:208; 25:58; 27:66-67; 23:351; 25:105-106; 28:1+83; intervenes in behalf of Jews protests on Russian massa- of Persia, 25:10l+; cres, 5:30-31; 8:21+1, Palestine policy and admin- 2^8; istration, 25:111-112; anti-Semitic manifestations 26:115-119,659; 27:125- in, 6:21-22; 15:225; 20: 129; 28:118-127; 29:100- 282; 23:114.1,317; 25:89; 101; 31:73-71+; 32:58,60- 28:109; 37:170,1+09; 38: 61; 33:23-21+,6k-67,100- 21+9-251; 39:292-299; 1+0: 101,31+1-3^2,368-369; 3k: 161; 1+1:2314.-235; 1+2:317- 50-52,86,89; 36:193; 37: 318,322-321+; l+3:13i+-136; 199,212; 38:356-357,365- l+l+:173-17t+; 1+5:217-218; 367,371,37!+-375; 39:1+61- 1(7:352-353; 50:283-286, i+62,l+65,l+75-l).77,1+80,1+81; 812; 1+0:321,325; 1+1:202,201+, attitude toward territoria- 267,328-352; L2:Zlk-ZlS, lism, 6:31-32; 7:21+6, 1+15-1+17; k3:281-285; kk'- 252; 8:273; 133,278,280; k5:3kk; kl• Sunday law in, 9:5U7; 39: l+l+9-l+50,t+62-i+66,t^69; 1+8: 268,30l+,37l;-375; 1+9:103- 302-303; 106,280-28l,l4l+|+-l+50,l+52, passport question dis- l+83,l+90-l+9t+,i+98,503,508- cussed, 15:352-353; 509; 5O:237,239,2l)i+-2l(.5, efforts for civil rights 21+7,1+22-^23,1+26-1+27,811+, for Jews in Balkan states, 816; 15:353; 16:268-269; 21: 21i+,2l5,2l6,2l8; -118-

GREAT Britain (cont.) GREAT Britian (cont.) efforts for religious toleia- American aid attacked as tion by Soviet Russia, "Jewish plan," 43:108- 26:48,1|9; 109,110; and Trans Jordan autonomy, world Jewish conferences 26:117-118; 48:238,377; held, 48:260; treaty negotiations of Hedjas Jewish Agency requests es- with, 26:118; tablishment of Jewish facilitates Holy Day obser- state hy, 48:372; vance by Jews, 27:28; Jewish attitude regarding praises Jewish schools in American loan to, 49:245- Iraq, 29:30; 246,249; efforts in behalf of Euro- and power politics in Middle pean Jewry, 30:39; 34: East, 49:511-512,514; 52-53; cooperates with U.S. in world reaction to Palestine funds for IR0, 49:533; policy, 32:63-64,137; 33: Jews and post-war immigra- 214.-27; 38:203; 39:235- tion policy, 49:558-559; 238,348; 14.0:111; 41:200, and non-discriminatory 202,304-305,363; 42:133- safeguards in peace 134,312; l).8:239,l4.2O-l4.21; treaties with Nazi satel- 49: 246-247,255 -256,297 - lites, 49:570; 298; 50:110; See also Anglo-American reaction toward Nazi Ger- Conference; Balfour Decla- many, 35:144; 35:48-49,62; ration; Mandate on Pales- 36:103-105,185-188; 37: tine; Palestine; Popula- 170; 38:244-249; 39:300- tion 302; 40:162-167; 41:233- GREAT Britain, Jews of, review 237; of affairs, 1:28-29; 3:18; and the refugee-displaced 4:22-24; 5:28-32; 8:237- persons problem, 35:57-58, 275; 9:547-548; 10:208- 3^9; 40:166,346; 41:236- 209; 11:70-74; 15:352- 237,375,379,339,390,395, 360; 16:266-275; 17:276- 636; 42:450-452; 43:139- 285; 18:211-220; 19:319- 141,331; 44:171-173; 45: 331; 20:282-299; 21:214- 219,221,22k,356-357,648- 235; 22:173-199; 23:137- 649; 47:346-348; 48:259, 152; 31:40-41; 32:86-89; 437; 49:284-236,521; 50: 33:64-69; 34:50-53; 43: 467,758; 125-141; 44:166-174; 49: blood accusation charge re- 278-287; vived in, 35:65; cultural and communal acti- growth of Fascism, 39:292, vity, 2:28-29,509-510, 293,296,815-817; 514-515; 5:31-32; 16:270- interfaith efforts, 40:159- 271; 17:277; 18:211-213; 162; 43:136-137; 44:174; 19:319-320; 20:264-288; efforts to aid Austrian vic- 21:217-223; 22:183-190; tims of Nazis, 40:l6J+-l65; 23:144-145; 25:76; 26:28, reaction to events in Poland 51,72,77; 29:27-28; 30: and Rumania, 40:167-169; 38-39; 32:88-89; 34:53; Convention with U.S. on 38:249-251; 39:304-307; Palestine Mandate, l\l; 42:53-55,316,319-321,325, 201-202,203; 326; 43:133-134; 44:167- 169,174; 45:215-217; -119-

GREAT Britain, Jews of (oont.) GREAT Britain, Jews of, (cont.) U7:340,342-314-^4-* 314-8-350; See also Board of Deputies 49:280-281).; 50:287-289; of British Jews; British in Parliament, 8:259; and Palestinian Jews in 27:55; World War II; Conjoint affected by new education Foreign Committee bill, 8: 259-260; GREECE, anti-Jewish discrimina- refuse to float loan to tion and manifestations; Russia, 9:547; 1:26; 21:297; 23:210; 26: aid colony at Alliance, N,J. 102; 36:194,195; 37:198; 11+: 614,65; 50:372-373; and language of instruction revolution against Turkey at Haifa Technieum, affects Rumanian Jews, 16:271-272; 3:51; effect of and participation effect of Balkan War on Jewsf in World War I, 17:279- 15:193-194; 285; 18:215-220; 19:191).; Jewish population, 15:199; 21:98-119,230-235; 23: 22:365; 23:280,283; 25: 140; 329,336; 26:572; 27:379; and revival of Jex^ish 47:1)43,444; 50:722; learning, 18:32; review of affairs, 15:299; urges Bucharest Conference 16:195-196; 17:238; 18: consider Jewish question 136; 19:282-283; 20:245; in Rumania, 19:154-155; 21:296-297; 22:287; 23:210; decorated for gallantry in 33:85-86; 34:69-70; 36: World War I, 21:105-119, 194-196; 38:298-300; 39: 226-230; 22:195-198; 450-451; 40:302-303; 41: participate in protest on 325; 42:409-410; 49:434- anti-religious campaign 436; in Soviet Russia, 32:87- events in World War I affec- 88; ting Jews, 18:136-137; aid Jews in Russia, 32:88; approves Balfour Declara- efforts in behalf of Jews tion, 21:296-297; of Nazi Germany, 35:56; agrees to protect minority 38:214-217,255-256; 39: rights, 22:123; 242-243,308; 41:173-174; Sunday law in, 27:22-24,468; deny existence of organized 28:25; international Jewry, League of Nations considers 36:194; refugee problem in, 27:84; appeal for Polish Jews, Jewish cooperatives in, 37:170; 28:83; address George V on silver Jewish candidates elected to jubilee, 37:170-171; Parliament, 29:53; efforts in behalf of Euro- American State Department pean Jewry, 39:304-307; asked to intervene in be- 45:221-223; 46:189,190- half of Jews, 34:69-70, 191; 47:345-346; 48:286; 236; contribute to war effort, discusses Germany's Jewish 42:324-325; 43:137-139; policy before League of 46:194; 48:51-72; Nations, 36:109-110; effect of World War II on, and unauthorized Jewish 43:126-133; 44:169-171; immigration to Palestine, 47:351-352; 37:199; -120-

GREECE (cont.) GREENBAUM, Samuel, on New York American Jewish Committee Bench, 4:195; 18:102; 22: reviews Jewish situation 152; 33:266; 34:236: in, 37:14-19; data concerning, 6:105-106; concludes transfer agree- among organizers of Educa- ment with Palestine, tional Alliance, 46:75 U5; GREENBAUM, Selina (Mrs. Jews participate in war Samuel), data concerning, effort, 14.3:2710.-275; 7:64 anti-Jewish decrees under GREENBAUM, Sigmund, on faculty Nazis, 43:275; of Graduate School of resists Axis domination, Medicine of University of 44:275; Pennsylvania, 38:404 martyrdom of Jews, 144:276; GREENBERG, Abner, in New York 45:316; 46:268-269; Legislature, 19:251 48:371; GREENB2RG, Abraham, in New York attitude of population Legislature, 10:118; 15: toward Nazi anti-Jewish 258; 16:156 policy, 45:316; 46:269; GREENBERG, Eraanuel, on New York and restitution of property, Bench, 38:404; 42:463 47:443; 48:371; 49:435; GREENBERG, Hayiro, testifies 50:372,373; before Anglo-American Jews affected bv factional Committee of Inquiry, strife in, 47:444; 48:402 task of JDC, 49:234; GREENBERG, Henry C, on New See also Macedonia; York Bench, 48:473 Salonica GREENBERG, Joseph, in New GREEK Catholic Church denounces Jersey Legislature, 33: blood accusation charge, 114; 34:98; 35:108; 16:256; GREENBERG, L.J., addresses approves establishment of Fifth International Jewish national home in Congress of Zionists, 5:82 Palestine, 24:66 GREENBERG, Meyer, in New York GREEN, David E., awarded Legislature, 14:277 Paul-Lewis Laboratories GREENBERG, Samuel L., in New prize, 48:473 York Legislature, 45:370; GREEN, H.S., mayor of Tarry- 47:507; 49:597 town, N.Y., 35:108 GREENBURG, William H., bio- GREEN, Joseph I., on New York graphical sketch, 5:59-60 City Bench, 7:192 GREENE, Abe, wins Veritans GREENBAUM, Edward S., wins gold medal, 36:255 Distinguished Service GREENE, George, in Massachu- Medal, 48:473 setts Legislature, 45:370; GREENBAUM, Leon E., data, con- 47:507 cerning, 6:105 GREENE, Sarah M., decorated by GREENBAUM, Leopold, data con- French Government, 15:258 cerning, 6:105 GREENEBAUM, Edgar N., on Chi- GREENBAUM, Minna, in Hew cago Board of Education, Jersey Legislature, 47: 26:132 507; 49:597 GREENFIELD, Albert M., on Phila- delphia common council, 20:166 -121-

GREENFIBLD, Samuel, biographi- GROSS, Alexander, biographical oal sketch, 5:60 sketch, 5:60 GRKENHDT, Adolph, mayor of GROSS, Chaim, alumnus of Edu- Pen3aoola, Florida, cational Alliance, New 15:258; 17:215 York, 1+6:82,83 GREENSFELDER, Bernard, data GROSS, Charles, data concern- concerning, 7:61)-; ing, 6:106 head of St. Louis, Mo. pub- GROSS, Isaac, U.S. district lic library, 38:1+05 attorney for New Jersey, GREENSFELDER, Isaac, data con- 23:121). cerning, 7:61). GROSS, Louis, awarded bronze GREENST3IN, L. Arthur, in medal by American Medi- Pennsylvania Legislature, cal Association, 39:566 33:134; 35:108; 37:229 GROSS, Louis D., on New York GREENSTONE, Juliu3 H., data City Board of Higher concerning, 6:106; Education, 3l+:98 article, "Jewish Education GROSS, Robert E., winner of in the U.S.," 16:90-127; medical honorary award, obituary: Ephraim Lederer, 49:597 28:273-235; GROSSMAN, Ellas, studies at Isaac Husik, 1+1:57-65; Educational Alliance articles on "Calendars," Art School, New York, 1+14-: 3 etseq. 46:83 GREENWALD, Lillian, article, GROSSMAN, Joseph, in Massa- "Intergroup relations in chusetts Legislature, U.S.," 1^:151-165 33:134 GREW, Joseph C., interviewed GROSSMAN, Louis, biographical by American Jewish Com- sketch, 5:60; mittee in behalf of German honors conferred on, Jewry, 1+8:627 12:326; GREY, Sir Edward, favors Hebrew Union College guarantee of minority acquires library of, rights in the Balkan U5:80-81 States, 19:151^-155 GROSSMAN, Mary, on Ohio GRIDENBURG, Bernard in Bench, 26:132; 38:1+05 Colorado Assembly, GROSSMAN, Max R., president of 13:280 American Association of GRIES, Moses J., biographical Schools of Journalism, sketch, 5:60 1+6:320; 1+7:507 GRIFENHAGEN, Max S., public GROSSMAN, Moses H., on New offices held by, 12:326; York City Bench, 20:166 16:156 GROSSMAN, Rudolph, biographi- GRIMES, Irving, in Colorado cal sketch, 5:60-61 Legislature, 1+1:399 GRUBMAN, Adolph J., data con- GRODINSKY, Julius, resigns as cerning, 7:61+-65 secretary of JPS, 38:665 GRUENBERG, Louis, awards con- GROMYKO, Andrei, speech on ferred on, 35:108; 1+0:359; Palestine before special member of National Insti- session of UN Assembly, tute of Arts and Letters, 1+9:105,500-501 l)-9:597 GROSS, Albert, deputy attorney general of New York 25^121 -122-

GRUENING, Emil, data concerning, GUGGENHEIM, Solomon R., data 6:106-10? concerning, 6:107-108; GRUENING, Ernest H., appoint- honored by Chile, 1+8:1+73 ments conferred on, 37s GUGGENHEIM, William, data 229; 1+2:1+63,586; 1+3:610;; concerning, 6:108; 50:61+3 honored by Italy, 23:121+ GRUNER, Dov, execution of, In GUGGENHEIMER, Aimee, data con- Palestine, 1+9:1+50,1+52- cerning, 6:108 U53 GUGGENHEIMER, Randolph, data GRUZEN, B. Sumner, wins New concerning, 6:108-109; Jersey architectural on New York City Board of award, 1+7:507 Education, 9:1+71+ GRYNSZPAM, Herachel, murder of GUIANA. See British Guiana; German official by, starts Dutch Guiana; French anti-Jewish excesses, Guiana 1+1:378; GUINSBURG, Theodore, biographi- trial, 1+2:337 cal sketch, 5:61 GUATEMALA, Jews of, 19:75-76; GUMPERTZ, Sydney G., wins Jewish peddlers threatened Congressional Medal of with expulsion, 31+-1+9; Honor, 21:151 35:296-297; GUNZBURG, Baron Horace de, On UN Special Committee on seventieth birthday cele- Palestine, 1+9:1+98,508; brated, 5:23; post-war Jewish immigra- aids emigration of Russian tion to, 1+9:556 Jews to Argentina, Xl+ilj.3 GUGGENHEIM, Daniel, data con- GURANOWSKY, Abraham, biographi- cerning, 6:107; cal sketch, 5sol active in New York Jew- GUSTLOPP, Wilhelm, Nazi agent ish Community, 11:1+8, in Switzerland, assassina- ^9; tion, 38:267-268,323; gift to JPS, 26:689; trial of David Frankfurter awarded Aeronautical Medal, for murder of, 39:31+1-31+3, 31:83 377-379 GUGGENHEIM, Florence (Mrs. GUSTWEILER, Frank M., in Ohio Daniel), awarded Certi- Legislature, 11:227 ficate of Honor by New GUTMAN, Daniel, in New York York, 38:14.05 Legislature, 1+1;399; GUGGENHEIM, Harry, in U.S. 1+3:3^3; 1+5:370 diplomatic service, 32: GUTSTADT, Richard E., national 11+3, et seq.; director of Anti-Defama- awarded honorary degree by tion League, 1+5:112 Georgia School of Tech- GUTTMACHER, Adolf, biographical nology, 33:111+ sketch, 5:6l GUGGENHEIM, Isaac, data con- GUTTMAN, Adolph, biographical cerning, 6:107; sketch, 5:61 active in Educational E H.A., introduction to Allianoe, New York, Cause of the World's 1+6:82 Unrest, 23:310.320,322. GUGGEHHEIM, Simon, data con- 323,325,327 cerning, 6:107; 10:71-72; presidential elector, 7:193? in U.S. Senate, 9:1+36,^78, et seq.,; awarded honorary degree by University of Colorado, 28:11+1 -123-

H HAAS, Emil H., on New York HADASSAH (cont.) City Bench, 37:229 organizes section in Cuba, HAAS, Felix, on Portsmouth, 0., 33:62; Board of Education, gift of Nathan Straus to, 7:1935 10:118 33:150; HAAS, Louis J., president of organized by H enrletta Szoldj Stamford, Conn,, Ministers 33:182? 1+7:58-59; League, 39:566 Efforts in World War I, 33: HAASE, Lewis, on New York City 184; 47:60-61; Board of Education, 10:119 fund raising activities, 34: HAAVARA, controversy over en- 24; 40:117; 43:98; 44:136; trance of Jewish refugees 49F260-261; to Palestine under, 36: conventions, 37:147; 39:287- 195,369; 288; 40:155; and transfer agreement be- efforts in behalf of Polish tween Germany and Pales- Jewish children, 39:288; tine, 38:370; 39:330-331 opposes British partition HABANOTH, 40:430--47:576 plan for Palestine, 40:106; HABEL, William, appointments favors liberal immigration conferred on, 47:507; policy for Palestine, 50:506 40:155; HABER, Fritz, Nobel prize active workers In, 43:434-435; winner, 25:196; 44:44,50; data concerning, 25:196- supports Youth Aliyah, 46:273j 197; withdraws from American Jewish Nazis cancel memorial ser- Committee, 46:5575 vices for, 37:181 attitude on UN partition plan, HABER, Isador, on New Jersey 49:250,251; Bench, 39:566 deplores terrorism in Pales- HABER, Isidore I., on New York tine, 49:252 City Bench, 38:405 See also Junior Hadassah HABONIM, data concerning, HADASSAH Organization of Canada, 38:469 et seq»; 45:496; 47:612 educational and cultural HAGDUD Halvri League, 44:372 program, 43:54; k&'• 152 et seq» HABONIM, Zionist Order. HAGANAH, attitude toward Jewish See Zionist Order Habonlm terrorists, 50:413,414.417, HACKENBURG, William B., data 418,419; concerning, 7:65-66 aids unauthorized immigration HADASSAH, data concerning, to Palestine, 50:420; 16:284-285 etseq.; combats Arab rebellion against activities, 17:107; 33: partition decision, 50:425- 183-187; 38:205; 39: 431 122; 14.1:231-232; 42:312; HAOEDORN, Joseph H., obituary of Hart Blumenthal, 43:385-390 HAGUE, The, Permanent Court of International Arbitration 151,240,392-393; at, Jews serving on, 4:195; Medical Unit of, 28:124; 41:27; 33:181*.; finds unconstitutional re- pression in Danzig, 38:353 -121;- HAHN, Frederick E,, data con- HALKIN, Simon L., wins award of cerning, 6:109 Louis LaMed Literary Foun- HAHN, Herman P., data concern- dation, 50:506 ing, 7:66 HALL, Presoott F., studies of HAHN, Jacob, in Wisconsin the immigrant by, 12:30-33 Assembly, 13:281 HALLGARTEN. Charles L., data HAHN, Joseph Jerome, on Rhode concerning, 6:109 Island Bench, 21:201; HALPER, Albert, wins Guggenheim 33:lll4-,266; 3i+:237; Literary Fellowship, awarded honorary degree by 37:229 Boston University, 35:108 HALPER, Benzion, literary works* HAHN, Simon, on New Jersey 23:391;; 2l;:387; 26:i;61;-k65j Bench, 11:227; 13:281 obituary by Cyrus Adler, 26: HAI Resh Fraternity, 12:231;- U5U597k ; 235—28:299 portrait, facing, 26;1;59; HAIFA, Oewish experimental contributions to Jewish station at, ll|.:32-35; scholarship, 26:k62-V70; development of, 17:111; tribute of Simon Miller to, See also Hebrew Institute 26:681-682 of Technology in Haifa HALPERN, Ralph, in New York HAILPERIN, Baer, "biographical Legislature, 23:121; sketch, 5:61 HALPERN, Seymour, in New York HAITI, Jews of, 19:86-87; Legislature, i+3: 3^4-3J U5: urges international guar- 370; l;7:5O7; U9:597 antee of minority rights HALUKKAH, conflict over distri- by League of Nations, bution in Palestine, 36:95-96 17:99-103 HALBERSTAM, S.J., collection HAMBURGER, Louis P., data con- given to Jewish Theo- cerning, 6:109 logical Seminary Lib- HAMBURGER, Samuel B., data con- rary, U5:70-71 cerning, 7:66; HALE, Edward Everett, signs active in New York Jewish Christian protest Community, Il:k9 against anti-Jewish HAMERMAN, Joseph, in New York propaganda, 21;: 335 Legislature, 35:108; 36: "HALF century of community 255; 37:229 service: The story of HAMILTON, Canada, Jewish reli- the New York Educational gious organizations, Alliance," article by 27:182-183 S.P. Rudens, 1;6: 73-86 HAMMEL, David, mayor of Apple- HALFF. Sylvain, article, ton, Wis., 9:k76 "The Participation of HAMMERSTEIN, Oscar, data con- the Jews of France in cerning, 6:110; the Great War," 21:31- decorated by French Govern- 97; ment, 10:119 article, "The Jews of HAMMONTON, N.J., synagogue Alsace-Lorraine, financed by Christians, (1870-1920,)" 22:53-79 39:265 HALIFAX, Viscount, British HAND, Augustus N., disapproves Ambassador to U.S., pro- proposed legislation for tests made to, against registration of aliens, 1939 White Paper, 1;6: 28:69-70; 552,572 tribute to Julian W. Mack, 1+6:37 -125-

HAMDLM, Oscar and Mary P., HARDING, Warren G., signs restric- article "A Century of tive immigration bill, Jewish Immigration to 24:345; the United States," attitude toward,Jewish national 50:1-84 home in Palestine, 25:104; HANDMAN, Levi, on faculty of tribute to Simon Wolf, 26:418 University of Chicago, HARDING, William L., governor of 14:278 Iowa, proclamation on com- HANSSON, Michael, president of pulsory use of English in Nansen office of League wartime, 21:643-644 of Nations, 38:393; HARKAVY, Alexander, data concern- 39:495 ing, 6:110-111; 42:156-158; HAPOEL Hamizrachi of America obituary by Bernard G. Richards { formed by Mizrachi 42:153-164; Youth Organization, portrait, facing, 42:153 38:204; Harper's Weekly, correspondence data concerning, 38:470 with American Jewish Commit- et seq,; tee, 19:467-472 cultural activities, HARRIS, George N., decorated for 45:162; gallantry in World War I, growth, 48:241; 35:108 See also Mizrachi Youth HARRIS, Isidore, on California Organization Bench, 35:108 HARAWITZ, Abraham, in New HARRIS, J.H., on Cleveland Board York Legislature, of Education, 22:152 8:185; 9:478 HARRIS, Jeannette H., president of HARBIN, Manchuria, no data on New York Women's Bar Asso- Jewish community, 49:482 ciation, 46:321 HARBURGER, Julius, data con- HARRIS, Louis I., New York City cerning, 6:110; Commissioner of Health, public offices held by, 28:141 8:185; 14:278 HARRIS, M.M., chairman of board of HARBY, Isaac, and the begin- trustees of San Antonio nings of Reform move- public library, 43:343 ment in America, 4;72 HARRIS, Maurice H., biographical HARBY, Lee C., data concern- sketch, 5:61-62; ing, 6:110; prayer at 25th anniversary of article on Penina Moise, JPS, 15:57-58; 7:17-31 memorial minute of American HARBY, Levl Charle3, active Jewish Committee on, 33:373 in Mexican War, 4:71 HARRIS, Maxwell S., in New York HARDENBERG, Prince, advocate Legislature, 23:124 of Jewish emancipation HARRIS, Moses, on Brooklyn Bench, at Congress of Vienna, 13:281 19:113-115,116-117,123- HARRIS, Nathan, decorated for 126,129,131,132 heroism in World War I, 43:343 HARRIS, Samuel H., awarded medal by Penn Athletic Club, 38:405 -126-

HARRIS, Samuel J., on Hew York HART, Walter R., on New York Bench, 33:266; 34:236; City Council, 42:463; 1+1:399; U2:l|.63; 47:507 44:322 HARRISON, David, In New Jersey- HART, Wellington, first Jewish Legislature, 39:566 settler in Toronto, HARRISON, Earl G., efforts In 27:166 behalf of displaced per- HARTMAN, G.A., in New York Leg- sons, 48:116; 49:220; islature, 7:193 opposes restrictive immi- HARTMAN, Gustav, on New York gration bill, 48:226; City Bench, 16:157; 17: report on condition of dis- 216; 23:124 placed persons in Ger- HARTMAN, Gustave, In California many, 48:228,229,302- Legislature, 9:478 304,396,401; 49:522; HARTMANN, Moses, on Missouri orders elimination of term Bench, 21:201; 33:114 "Hebrew" from classi- HARTNESS, James, signs Christian fication of immigrants, protest against anti-Jewisl 48:610 propaganda, 24:335 HARRISON, Francis Burton, HAKTOGENSIS, B.H., wins citation efforts to secure Con- by Johns Hopkins Univer- gressional action on sity, 38:405 passport question, HARTSTEIN, Jacob I., article, 6:22,304 "Yeshiva University: HARRISON, Joseph H., in Growth of Rabbi Isaac Colorado Legislature, Elchanan Theological Semi- 9:478 nary," 48:73-84 HARRISON, Leon, biographical HARVARD University, Semitic sketch, 5:62 Museum, 5:34; 23:42-43; HARRISON, Louis, on Maiden, 45:90; Ma3s,, Citv Council, Jewish quota proposed for, 19:251 25:93,94; 26:95-96; HARROW, Benjamin, article, chair in Jewish Literature "Jews who have received and Philosophy, 28:47; the Nobel Prize," 25: 36:34; 195-203; Jew among early instructors, member of Royal Society of 28:100; Arts, England, 5O:5o6 rejects scholarship for study HART, Aaron, colonial pioneer in Germany, 37:137; In Canada, 27:156 Judaica and Hebraica in HART, Blanche, data concern- Library, 45:92-93; ing, 7:67 Julian W. Mack on Board of HART, Emanuel B., in House of Overseers, 4°:44» Representatives, 2:5l8; first organized effort to 9:436 et seq» reach Jewish college group HART, Ezekiel, and the made at, 47:142 struggle for civic HASHOMER Hadati of Canada, 45: equality in Canada, 496; 47:612 27:162-164 HASHOMER Hadati of North America, HART, John I., data concern- 40:431-432 et seq. ing, 6:111 HASHOMER Hatzair, data concerning HART, Moss, Pulitzer prize 37:295 et seq.; winner, 39:566; educational activities. wins award of New York 48:152 Drama League, 46:321 -127-

HASS, Isidore, mayor of HAYES, Thomas P., wins interfaith Grass Valley, Calif., award, I4-6: Xl+7 10:119 HAYS, Daniel P., address before HASSID, W.Z., wins award fcr 13th annual meeting of JPS, chemical research, 3:210-218; 14-9:597 data concerning, 6:112 HASSLER, Isaac, data con- HAYS, I. Minis, portraits of early cerning, 7:67 American Jews owned by, Hatikvah to be included in 25:150-151 revised Union Hymnal, HAYS, Moses Judah, heads first 33=k5 Jewish philanthropic society HATMAKER, David, in Connec- in Montreal, 27:188 ticut Legislature, HAYS, Rachel H. (Mrs. Daniel P.), 13:281 data concerning, 7:67 HAUSER, Carl P., data con- HEALTH, activities for promotion cerning, 6:112 of, in Palestine, 17:137-139 HAUSMANN, Adolph, data con- Jewish organizations for promo- cerning, 7:67 tion of, 29:7l4--75; 31:175- HAWAII, Sunday law, 10:155- 177,2k8-2k9; 39:92-97; 50: 156; 125,129-13O,ll4.5-li4.6 economic and organiza- HEALY, George A.P., portrait of tional activity of Joseph Gratz painted by, Jews, 19:100-101; 25:158 work of Jewish Welfare HEAVEMRICH, Samuel, data concern- Board in, 39:174 ing, 7:68 HAY, John, Secretary of HEBRAICA and Judaica, compiled by State, Note to signa- Israel Abrahams, 3:160-177; tories of Treaty of k:Hj.7-l67; 5:165-188; Berlin on Rumania's 6:3l8-3k8 treatment of Jews, HEBREW, study regarded as essen- k:38-kl; 5:17-18; 26: tial by Bureau of Jewish Edu 14.12; 36 re- cation, New York, 16:111; contributes to Kishineff in the congregational Sunday Relief Fund, 5:19; school, I6:llk-ll5; urges end of passport as medium of instruction at discrimination by Haifa Technlcum, 16:150, Russia, 6:287-288; 192-193,261-263,265,271-272; 11:31-32,35; to be used in official communi- Jews express sorrow at cations to Jews of Tripoli, death of, 7:263-2614.; 16:253; Keneseth Israel Congrega- status in Palestine, 17:127-128 tion, Philadelphia, 130,131; 26:k3; dedicates memorial in U.S. high school and college window to, 9:5514.; curriculum, 19:ko6; 32:81; and petition on Kishineff 38:66; kk:122; k7:231-232; massacre, 26:14.12 50:153; HAYES Bill, opposed by Czechoslovakia bans lectures Louis Marshall, in,"23:155; 12:52-51* Use disapproved by Soviet HAYES, Patrick J., signs Russia, 23:206; 25:k6; 26: Christian protest kl-k2; 27:k8; 29:k28j against anti-Jewish uae in Polish Hedarim, 2k:26; propaganda, 2k:335 -128-

HEBREW (oont.) HEBREW Emigrant Aid Sooiety statistics on use and organized to care for teaching of, 25:37; Russian Jews, ll*:58; 33:1*9; 38:1*1; 1*8:139- activities, ll*:6O-6l,63; lit-O; 50:185; work taken over by Alliance attitude of Poland toward, Land Trust, ll*:61* 27:78; See also MAS as vernacular among Jews, Hebraw Encyclopedia in process of 29:1*5; publication, 8:271* required of teachers in HEBREW Free Loan Society, New York- Jewish religious work of, 10:195 schools, 38:82-83; HEBREW Free School Association, movement in U.S. for per- New York, helps organize manent theater in, Educational Alliance, 1*6: 39:280; 75,76; publications in, and sets up industrial school for from, girls, 50:51* 1*6:113-115,118-1191 HEBREW Institute of Technology in 50:186-188; Haifa, gifts to, 11:60-61; of increased importance in conflict over median of in- Jewish schools, 1*7:231; struction in, 16:150,192-193. study increases in Great 261-263,265,271-272; 17:132-' Britain, 1*7:31*8; 50:288 131*; HEBREW Arts Foundation, acti- opens, 28:1*5; vities, 50:185 Ahad Ha'am aids organization, HEBREW Benevolent Society of 30:97; New York organized, Americans interested in, 32:1*6; 39:85; 1*2:128; l*l*:136; German Jewish immigrants cooperates with army bureaus, dissatisfied with, 1*5:31*1; 39:86 growth, 1*7:1*57 HEBREW Committee for National See also American Society for Liberation, program at the Advancement of the UN San Francisco Con- Hebrew Institute of Tech- ference, 1*7:331; nology in Haifa data concerning, 1*7:577- HEBREW Publication Society of 578; 1*9:652; Palestine and America, pub- moves headquarters to lications, 1*5:161 Paris, 50:259-260 HEBREW Sabbath School Union of HEBREW culture, activities America, data concerning, in, 1*3:56; 1:55-7:1355 popularization in U.S., attempts to improve Jewish 1*9:178-180,18i*-l85 religious school education, HEBREW Education Society, 16:107; Philadelphia, early takes census of Jewish schools, school established by, 16:118 16:95 HEBREW Sheltering and Immigrant Malmonides College estab- Aid Society. See HIAS lished by, 16:101*; HEBREW Sheltering House, New York. Americanization activi- See HIAS ties, 23:92; HEBREW Sunday School Society establishes technical organized In Philadelphia, school, 50:51* 33:169 -129-

HEBREW Sunday School Union. HEBREW Union College (cont.) See Hebrew Sabbath School establishes School for Reli- Union of America gious Studies in New York, HEBREW Teachers College, 50:146; 50:558 School of Religious Education, HEBREW Technical Institute, 50:154,155,156; New York, organized, seta up Department of American 50:54 Jewish Archives, 50:183; HEBREW Theological College, establishes school to train data concerning, 25: cantors, organists and choir 266 et seq.; leaders, 50:193 affected by depression, HEBREW University in Palestine, 34:34; plan for, 26:40; See al30 Rabbinical Asso- library, 26:45; 28:50; 29:46; ciation of Hebrew 30:310; 33:410-418; 39:183; Theological College notables attend opening, 28:45- HEBREW Union College, data 46; 39:29; concerning, 2:168-169, institutes connected with, ij_97 et seq.; 28:46-47; presidents and faculty, faculty, 29:42-43; 35:72; 5:33-31).; 28:265; 45: 39:186,187,198; 50-52,56-58; interest of American Jews in, attitude toward Zionism 30:35; 31:190; 39:193-201, and Palestine, 9:542; 249; 40:34; 42:129-130, 35:141; 46:182-183; 49:83; gifts to, 11:60; 23:31*., expansion, 3O:54j309-310; 31: 38-39; 37:50; 14-5:92; 36-37,76-77; 32:138,139, message to JPS on its 323; 33:107; 34:85; 38:375; 25th anniversary, 39:181-183,200,483-484; 1+0: 15:167; 118-119; 42:423-424; 43:289- organized, 16:104; 42:185; 290; 46:282; 48:390,391; library, 26:1+5; 28:52; efforts of J.L. Magnes in be- 45:72-87; half of, 33:28; 39:194-196; activities, 31:156; 47: Press Association of, 33:4l8- 216; 50:147,174; 423; training school for German Jews withdraw support teachers, 34:34; 38:77; from, 34:59-60; Sabato Morals severs con- granted subvention by Italy, nection with, 1(4:78; 36:210; Jewish Institute of Reli- dedication, illustration, gion merges with, 44: frontispiece, 39; 110; 50:174; article, by Joseph Klau3ner, first training school for 39:179-192; Jewish learning in the approved by American non-Jewish New World, I+S: i+9; educators, 39:198-200; contributions to American plan for exchange students and Jewish scholarship, professorships, 42:303-304; 45:62-63; 48:126; cooperates in war effort, 45:341; -130- HEBREV.' University (oont.) HECHT, Lina F., data concerning, stimulates publication of 7:68 Jewish books in Pales- HECHT, Rudolph S., president of tine, i(.8:67l4- American Bankers Associa- See also Academic Commit- tion, 37:229 tee for Hebrew Univer- HECHT, Selig, wins award of Optical sity; Academic Council Society of America, i^:322 for Hebrew University; HECHT, Sigmund, biographical Academic Friends of sketch, 5:62 Hebrew University} HEDER, as educational agency, American Advisory Com- 16:117-118; mittee of Hebrew Uni- funds for, 16:125; versity; American data on, in New York City, Alumni of Hebrew Uni- 38:51,62-61^; versity; American Com- in American life, 50:55-56,71; mittee for Hebrew Na- HEDJAZ, treaty negotiations of tional and University Great Britain with, 26:118 Library in Jerusalem; HEIDELBERG, University of, and American Friends of participation of American Hebrew University and European universities in HEBREW Veterans of the Wars celebration of, 38:187-189, of the Republic, 22: 2^7-2^8,266,268,271 299—25:266 HEILBRONNER, Solomon, prosecuting HEBREW week day schools, data attorney, Henderson, Ky., concerning, in New York 12:327 City, 38:l;9-53; HEILPRIN, Angelo, data concerning, high school department, 6:112; 38:65; honored by French Government, growth, 33:89; 7:190 problems and tendencies HEILPRIN, Louis, data concerning, in, 38:93-96; 6:113 comparison under communal HEILPRIN, Michael, abolitionist, and congregational 1^:71; auspices, 38:97-100 aids colony at Carmel, N.J., HEBREW Youth Commission of Il4.:66 the Histadruth Ivrith; HEIMAN, Henry, on Dover, N.J., lt.6:U37; ^7:579 Board of Education, 16:157 HEBREW Youth Organization of HEIMAN, Leopold, data on, 6:216 Histadruth Ivrith, HEINBERG, Israel, biographical J+9-.653; 50:559 sketch, 5:62 HEBREWS of America, Indepen- HEINEMAOTf, David E., public offices dent, 17:297--l8:232 held by, 7:193; 9:^78 HECHALUTZ, data concerning, HEINSHEIMER, Louis A., bequests by, 36:319 et se.q.; 11:57-58; activitiesTTJ?: 337-338 and Federation of Jewish Phil- HECHALUTZ movement, efforts anthropic Societies in New to promote Jewish immi- York City, 20:113; 3l(-:127 gration to Palestine, HEIZER, Oscar S., in U.S. consular 28:132-133 service, 26:132 HECHT, Herman L., in Pennsyl- vania Legislature, 13:281; 19:251 HECHT, Lee I., Judge of Baltimore Appeal Tax Court, 26:132 -131-

HELBRO'WER, Jacques, presi- HELLMAN, Isaias, data concerning, dent of Central Consis- f:68-69 tory of Jews of France, HELLMAH, Lillian, wins New York protests anti-Jewish Drama Critics Circle award, decrees, 1+7:90-91; ^3:3^3; deported, 1+7:92-93 member of National Institute of HELD, A., on New York City Arts and Letters, 14.8:1+73 Board of Alderman, HELLMAN, Milo, wins orthodontist 20:166 award, 2+1:399 HELD, Anna, data concerning, HENDRICK, Burton J., American Jew- 6:113 ish Committee opposes anti- HELD, Isaac, data concerning, Jewish propaganda in book 7:68 by, 26:621,622,623,625,626, HELFAND, Julius, in New York 628,629 Legislature, 37:229 HENOCH, Sol, mayor of Ligonier, HELLENSTEIN, Herman, coroner Ind., 20:166 of Borough of Man- HENRY, Philip S., decorated by hattan, 12:327; 16:157 Austrian Emperor, 15:259 HELLER, H., data concerning, HENRY Street Settlement, donors to 5:62 23:1+5; 1+0:26; HELLER, James G-., president Americanization work of, 23:91+ of Central Conference HERBACH, Joseph, Pennsylvania of American Rabbis, State College names library kl:37; in honor of, 1+2:1+63 calls for unity in Ameri- HERBERT, Edward, secretary to Red can Jewry, 1+5:11+7 Cross Commission to Rumania, HELLER, Joseph M., data con- 20:166 cerning, 6:113 HERBERT, Harry, decorated for ser- HELLER, Louis B., in New vice in China-Burma-Indla, York Legislature, 1+9:597 1+5:370 HERBST, Abram, on New York Board HELLER, Maximillian, review of Aldermen, 11+: 278 of the year by, HERBST, Eva, data concerning, 5:17-39; 6:111+ biographical sketch, HERLDTG, John, obituary of Baruch 5:62; Charney Vladeck, 1+1:79-93 on faculty of Tulane Uni- HERMALIN, David M., article "The versity, 15:259; Roumanian Jews in America," memorial minute of Ameri- 3:88-103; can Jewish Committee data concerning, 6:111+ on, 32:297 HERMAN, Harold P., in New York HELLER, Nachman, data con- Legislature, 38:i+o5 cerning, 6:217 HERRIOT, Edouard, denies feasi- HEILMAN, Frances, data con- bility of Zionism, 27:123; cerning, 6:lli+ protests Nazi anti-Jewish HELLMAN, Irving H., honored decrees, 1+7:118 by Knights of Columbus, HERRMAN, Henry S., data concern- 1+0:359 ing, 6:111+ HELLMAN, Isaiah W., Jr. HERRMAN, Moses, heads New York Clt; memorial minute of Park Commission, 8:182; American Jewish Com- on New York City Bench, 12;327; mittee on, 23:313 21+: 86 -132-

HERRMANN, Leon, data concern- HERZL, Theodor (oont.) ing, 6:115 and Ahad Ha'am, 30:9l4--95; HERRMANN, Uriah, data con- relations with Cyrus Adler, cerning, 7:69 14.2:196 HERSHFIELD, Henry G., in New HERZLIAH Hebrew Teachers Institute Jersey Legislature, organized, 38:76; 26:132 data concerning, 14.8:156 HERSHMAN, Joel, biographical HERZOG, Paul M., chairman National sketch, 5:62-63 Labor Relations Board, I4.8: HERTS, Henry B., data con- 473; 49:597; 50:645 cerning, 6:115 HESCHEL, Abraham, obituary of Zevi HERTZ, Alfred, data concern- Diesendruck, 43:391-398 ing, 6:115 HESS, Aaron B,, in Pennsylvania HERTZ, Charles H., data con- Legislature, 15:259 cerning, 7:69 HESS, David A., in Missouri Legis- HERTZ, David R., on Ohio lature, 39:566 Bench, 36:255; 37:229 HESS, Emanuel L., biographical HERTZ, Emanuel, awarded sketch, 5:63 honorary degree by HESS, Jerome B., honored by Mexi- Knox College, 37:229 can Government, 46:321 HERTZ, John D., decorated for HESS, Julius H., on faculty of services in World War University of Illinois II, 50:506 College of Medicine, 20:166; HERTZ, Joseph H., 25th anni- president of Chicago Medical versary as Chief Rabbi Society, 36:255 of British Empire HESS, Rudolf, sentenced in Nazi celebrated, ij-O: II4-6,1J+9; war crimes trial, 49:586 activities in World War HESSBERG, Albert, data concerning, II, 14.8:58,61; 6:115-116; death, 48:268-270 memorial minute of American HERTZBERO, Ben, in charge of Jewish Committee on, 23:313 Legal and Civic Affairs HESSBERG, Samuel, data concerning, Committee of American 6:116 Jewish Committee, HESSE, Sydney A., in Ohio Legisla- 50:825 ture, 37:229; 39:567 HERZBERG, Max, data concern- HEUMAN, Maurice, mayor of Jackson, ing, 7:69-70 Mich., 34:98 HERZBERG, Mortimer, on HEUMAN, Sol, honored by Rochester, faculty of University N.Y., Rotary Club, 39:567 of South Dakota, 12:327 HEVESI, Eugene, review of events: HERZL, Theodor, negotiations in Slovakia, 43:220; in Hun- with William II of Ger- gary, 43:221-229; in Rumania, many, 1:28; 43:259-270; in other Balkan decorated by Turkish countries, 43:270-281; in Sultan, 3:15,23; Southern Europe, 44:253-276; address at 5th Zionist 46:254-270; 47:423-444; 48: Congress, 5:78-79; 359-371 effect of death on Zion- HEXTER, George J., directs work of ism, 6:30,33-34; Community Service Unit of introduced to England by American Jewish Committee, Israel Zangwill, 29: 45:659-662 139,140; -133-

HEXTER, Maurice, testifies HIAS (cont.) before British Royal urges humanization of immigra- Commission on Pales- tion law, 38:238; tine, 39:470 American Jewish Committee dis- HEXTER, Victor M., data cusses work of, 39:790; concerning, 7:70 contribution to War Refugee HEYDENFELDT, Solomon, on Board, 46:153 California Bench, See also HICEM 33:265; 34:235 HIBBEN, John Grier, signs Chris- HEYMAN, Harry, in New York tian protest against anti- Legislature, 13:281; Jewish propaganda, 24:335 14:278; 15:259 HICEM, formed to coordinate work HEYMAN, Seymour C, data of Jewish emigration, 30:33; concerning, 6:116; studies immigration possibili- president of Oklahoma ties in South America, City Board of Educa- 30:33-34; tion, 14:278 aid extended to Jewish refugees HEYMAM, Michel, data con- by, 38:131-133,391; 40:115; cerning, 7:70 41:167,168; 43:325,327; 46: MAS, data concerning, 16: 164-165,309; 47:310-312; 285 et sag.; to convoke general emigration Americanization work, conference, 38:390-391; 23:103-104; aided by JDC, 4l:l68; activities, 23:104; 24: European offices turned over to 38; 26:58; 28:85; 30: HIAS, 48:212 34; 31:169-170; 33: HILPSVEREIN der deutschen Juden, 38-39; 38:238; 41:208; organized, 3:19-20; 42:281; 43:93; 48:211- data concerning, 4;26; 213; 49:218,225-226; calls conference on Russian 50:39,144; emigration, 7:241-243; studies new countries for work of, 7:256; 8:25l; 9:534- immigration, 24:37-38; 535; 10:214-215; 30:33-34, 50:763; proposed international organi- refugee work after World zation in cooperation with, War I, 27:68-69,86; 11:246; 30:314; plans for emigration of German aids immigrants stranded Jews, 38:327-328 as result of 1924 HILLDRIWG, John H., Major General, Quota Law, 28:87; report on Jewish displaced protests discrimination persons in Germany, 48:309 against Jewish immi- HILLEL Foundation Commission grants, 30:26; organized by B'nai B'rith, joins in work of HICEM, 26:40; 27:46,48; 48:49; 30:33; 45:108; affected by depression, data concerning, 28:294 et seq. 34:36; activities, 29:44; 31:141,142; aids victims of Hitler, 37:165; 39:103; 40:147-148; 38:133; 39:246; 40: 43:53,81; 44:116; 45:157- 115; 43:327; 44:128- 158; 47:145-146,149-150,151, 129; 45:204; 46:164- 250; 48:156; 50:153; 165,305,308-309; 47: survey of Jewish students in 310-312,316; 48:212- American colleges, 39:278; 213,218,223; 49:524; 50:231,322,346; -134-

HILLEL Foundation (cont.) HIWDENBURG, Paul von. President of interfaith activities, Germany, American Jews re- 43:124; 44:119; 47: joice at re-election of, 147-149,250; 34:27-28; article, by Abrara L. forced to give Nazis share in Sachar, 47 :141-152; Government, 35:24-26; universities offer credit death increases Wazi power, for courses by, 47:147; 37:180 establishes scholarships HINES, Gabriel, wins prize of for Jewish displaced Panama-Pacific Exposition persons, 50:468 for American cantata, 17:216 HILLKOWITZ, Philip, data HIHES, James K., decries religious concerning, 6:116 hatred, 29:83 HILLMAN, Sidney, awarded HIRSCH, Arthur S., on New York Cit; medal by Harmon Foun- Bench, 39:567 dation, 32:143; HIRSCH, Clara de. Baroness, death, appointments conferred 1:18,30; on, 43:644; 44:322; bequest to Baron de Hirsch 50:645; Institute of Montreal, obituary by A.H. Raskin, 27:202,203; 49:67-80; aids Educational Alliance, New portrait, facing, 49:67; York, 46:76 posthumous honors con- HIRSCH, Emil G._, biographical ferred on, 49:597 sketch, 5:63; HILLQUIT, Morris, data con- honors and appointments con- cerning, 6:117; ferred on, 8:182; 10:119; Liberty ship named in portrait, frontispiece, 27; honor of, 46:321; obituary, by S.D. Schwartz, organizes United Hebrew 27:230-237; Trades, 50:46; attitude on Zionism, 27:235; Socialist activities, influence on Julius Rosenwald, 50:47 34:165; HILLSOW, Joseph, on Somer- contribution to American Jew- ville, Mass., Board ish scholarship, 45:52 of Aldermen, 14:278 HIRSCH, Harold, obituary by David HIMES, Isidore H., on Marx, 42:165-172; Chicago Bench, 9:478 portrait, facing, 42:165 HIMMEL, Joseph, president HIRSCH, Hiram, wins Franklin In- of Georgetown Univer- stitute medal, 17:216 sity, opposes literacy HIRSCH, I. Seth, on faculty of test for immigrants, Post-Graduate Medical 12:97 School, New York City, HIMMELFARB, Milton, article, 16:157 "Refugee Migrations," HIRSCK, Jose L., pediatrist at 45:353-362; Baltimore University Hospi- review of affairs in Ues- tal, 20:166 tern Europe, 46:209- HIRSCH, Joseph, Atlanta, Ga., 239; alderman, 7:193 article, "Peace Treaties," HIRSCH, Joseph, awarded Walter 49:562-572 Llppincott Prize for paint- ing, 36:255 -135-

HIRSCH, Louis, on Pittsburgh HIRSH, Hugo, data concerning, City Council, 8:185 6:118 HIRSCH, Maurice de, Baron, HIRSH, Jose L., data concerning, stimulates Jewish 6:118 colonization activi- HIRSH, Monroe B., data concerning, ties, 11+: 1+3,1+5,1+6, 7:70 50,66; HIRSHBERG, Samuel, biographical aids Russian Jewish immi- sketch, 5:64.; 6:218 grants in Canada, 27: HISTADRUTH, activities in Pales- 189-197; tine, 1+7:1+58,1+61-462; centenary of, 31+! 291+ participates in London Inter- See also Baron de Hlrsch national Trade Union Con- Fund gress, 1+7:1+62; HIRSCH, Samson Raphael, American Zionist organizations teacher of Kaufmann raise funds for, 1+8:21+1 Kohler, 28:236,237, See also National Labor Com- 257 mittee for Palestine HIRSCH, Solomon, U.S. Mini- HISTADRUTH Hanoar Haivri, 39:685- ster to Turkey, 33: 686—1+3:552 263 et seq. HISTADRUTH Haovdim, factional HIRSCHBERG, Abram, bio- strife among Zionists over, graphical sketch, 5:63 37:11+9 HIRSCHBERG, P.D., decorated HISTADRUTH Ha Rabboneoth, l+l+:37l+— by Eraperor of Germany, 1+9:653 8:182 HISTADRUTH Ivrlth, d*ta concerning, HIRSCHBERG, Hannah, on San 15:368 etseq.j Antonio School Board, activities, 3O:l'53; 1+3:56,552; 22:153 l+l+:113-lll+; 1+5:160-161 ; HIRSCHBERG, Michael H., data 1+8:151; 50:185; concerning, 6:117; and revival of Hebrew culture on New York Bench, 33:266; in U.S., 1+9:178-179; 31+: 236 See also Hebrew Youth Organiza- HIRSCHENSOHN, Hayim, data tion of Histadruth Ivrith; concerning, 6:217 Tarbut HIRSCHPELDER, G.V., data HISTORY, Jewish, a syllabus of, concerning, 6:117 7:163-170 HIRSCHFIELD, A.B., in Colo- HITLER, Adolf, aided financially rado Legislature, 35: from Czechoslovakia and U.S., 108; 37:230 26:88,92,110-113; 27:96-97, HIRSCHPIELD, Siegmund, 1+63; 28:1+77-1+81; 1+2:293- Councilman of Long 298,652; Branch, N.J., 12:327 Jews threatened by, 26:108, HIRSCHMANN, Ira A., on New 651,652; York Board of Higher initiates National Socialist Education, I4.3:31+3 Party, 32:91+; HIRSCHOWITZ, Abraham E., appeals to anti-Semitism, 32:9i+; biographical sketch, 1+7:72,291; 5:63-61+; 6:217 American Jewry concerned with HIRSDATJSKY, Samuel Z., bio- menace of, 3l+:28-29; graphical sketch, 5:61+ wins share in German Government HIRSH, Abram Bernhelm, data for National Socialists, concerning, 6:118 35:23-26; -136-

HITLER, Adolf (cont.) HOFFMAN, Charles I., data concern- anti-Jewish policy, 35: ing, 6:218 26-29; 36:1)46-1)47; 1+3: HOFFMAN, James H., organizes Edu- 103,107-109,112,113, cational Alliance of New 22l|-228; 1;5:193; York, 14.6:75 identification of Jewa HOFFMAN, James Irvln, wins Chemi- with Communism alleged cal Society prize, 1).9:597 by, 38:180,623-625; 39:HOFFMAN, Louis, on Leavenworth, 798-799; Kan., Bench, 11:227 attitude of Great Britain HOFFMAN, Samuel, in New York Legis- toward, 37:170; lature, 8:185 Christians oppose policy HOFSTADTER, Samuel Harold, on New of, 39:222-221).; l).0:l6l; York Bench, 35:108; 1+9:597 declares Jews responsible HOGAN, Frank J., condemns Father for civil war in Spain, Coughlin'a anti-Jewish atti- 39:339; tude, lj.l:210 American Jewish Committee HOLIDAY observance, and deporta- publicizes conditions tion of Jewish immigrants, under, 39:821; 16:132; fifth anniversary of rise as basis for estimate of Jewish to power hailed by population in U.S., 20:33-39; Germans in U.S., facilitated in U.S., 24:23; U0:9U; 29:21;; attitude of foreign governments efforts of American Jewry for united front against on, 21).;23 threat of, l|.0:137-139 See also Sabbath observance See also Germany; Nazi HOLLAND. JSee Netherlands anti-Semitism; Nazis HOLLANDER, Jacob H., collects data HITTI, Philip, testifies on Jewish soldiers and before Anglo-American sailors serving in the Committee of Inquiry, Spanish-American War, 2:527; 48:l).03-404 data concerning, 6:119-120; HOCHFELDER, Anna W., Assis- Special Commissioner to San tant Corporation Coun- Domingo, 7:190; sel, New York, 26:132 address at 25th anniversary of HOCHHEIMER, Henry, biographi- JPS, 15:33-31).; cal sketch, 5:61). on Pan-American Financial Con- HOCKING, William Ernest, ference, 18:102 opposes Jewish National HOLLANDER, Louis, on New York City home in Palestine, Council, t).O:36O 38:202-203 HOLLZER, Harry A., on California HODES, Barnett, wins Chicago Bench, 33:114,264; 34:231).; Distinguished Service 1)3:61)4; 50:61;6; Award, 37:230; obituary by Edgar P. Magnin, chairman of Illinois 48:101-106 National Interfaith HOLMES., Jesse H., signs Christian Commission, lj.8:I|.73 protest against anti-Jewish HOFFHEIMER, Harry M., data propaganda, 21).: 335 concerning, 6:119 HOFFMAN, Benjamin, data concerning, 6:119; rsn New York City Bench, 12:327; 22:153 -137-

HOLMES, John Haynes, aigns HOOPIEN, Siefried, testifies before Christian protest British Royal Commission on against anti-Jewish Palestine, 39:470 propaganda, 2l+.:335; HOOK, Sidney, wins Columbia Uni- hails Hebrew University, versity prize, 47:507 39:199; HOOVER, Herbert, tribute to Louis arraigns Nazi Germany, Marshall, 32:54; 39:217 denounces anti-Jewish statement HOLMAN, Rufus C, opposes in Army and Navy Register, Lend-Lease, 43:110 34:4TT HOLT, Hamilton, signs Chris- attitude on immigration, 38:124; tian protest against appoints Benjamin N. Cardozo anti-Jewish propa- Associate Justice of Supreme ganda, 2i(.:336 Court, 41:27; HOLTZ, Jackson J., in Massa- heads American Relief Adminis- chusetts Legislature, tration, 41:156} 39:567 aids Jews in Russia, 41:156-157; HOLY days. See Holiday tribute to work of Agro-Joint observance and JDC, 41:161,179; HOLY places safeguarded in urges U.S. appropriation for partition plan of war relief funds, 42:284 British Royal/Com- HOPKINS, Ernest Martin, signs mission on Palestine, Christian protest against 39:539-540 anti-Jewish propaganda, HOLZER, Marcel M., suit by, 24:336 against Nazi Germany, HORKHEIMER, Max, director of De- 3§:179 partment of Scientific Re- HOME Missions Council de- search, American Jewi3h nounce anti-Semitism, Committee, 47:680,697 43:120 HORKHEIMER, Morris, on staff of HOMES for the aged and the governor of West Virginia, young, data concern- 11:227 ing, 2:504-505; 31: HORNER, Henry, judicial career, 251; 50:40-41 17:216; 21:201; 25:121; HONDURAS, Jews of, 19:77; 33:114; „ o no postwar Jewish immi- governor of Illinois, 35:108, gration to, 49:556 234 et aeq.: HONG Kong, Edward Shellim honors conferred on, 35:108; unofficial member of Council in, 15:300 43:404; HONOR, Leo, executive direc- portrait, facing, 43:399; tor of Chicago Board obituary by Herbert M. Lautmann, of Jewish Education, 43:399-406 43:43 HOROWITZ, Moses Ha-Levi, data con- HOOD, Charles, in New Jersey cerning, 6:120 Legislature, 34:98 HOROWITZ, Nathan, officer of French HOOD, Louis, prosecutor for Legion of Honor, 22:153 Essex County, N.J., HOROWITZ, Louis, in Ohio Legisla- 15:259 ture, 13:282 HOOD, Myer S., data concern- HORTHY, Nicholas, Regent of Hun- gary, first to create anti- ing, 7:71 Semitic regime after World War I, 44:258 -138-

HOSPITALS, Jewish, in tho HUBERT, Merton, on faculty of Uni- United States, 2:505; versity of Cincinnati, 31:176,21(8-2^9,252; 19:251 32:202-203; 50:129-131; HUEBSCH, Benjamin W., address be- nurses' training schools fore JPS, 38:669-680 in, 31:132,133; HUGHES, Charles Evan, Secretary of excellent standing of, State, opposes Johnson Immi- 39:92,914-; gration Bill, 26:56-57; national organizations tribute to Benjamin N. Cardozo for, 39:11^-115; by, 41:33-34 on non-sectarian baals, HUHNER, Leon, data concerning, 43:78 6:120-121 HOUHWICH, Isaac A., data HULL, Cordell, and the Jewish concerning, 6:120; situation in Germany, 35:30; in U.S. Census Office, 36:435-437; 36:442-443; 37: 12:327; 422; 39:225-226; teaches at Educational on Governing Board of League of Alliance Hew York, Nations refugee commission, 46:80 3444j336li2i43; HOUSE of Representatives. and Palestine, 39:236; 41:201, See United States 201*.; Congress affirms American right to free- HOUSEMAN, Joseph, data con- dom of speech, 47:43, cerning, 7:71 warns perpetrators of war HOUSEMAN, Julius, in House crimes in Hungary, 47:48,292$ of Representatives, Jewish organizations formulate 2:518; 9:436 et seq. statement on Jewish rights HOUSING, efforts for aboli- to, 47:298; tion of discrimination correspondence with Committee in, 50:210-211 on Peace Problems of Ameri- HOUSTON, Texas, controversy- can Jewish Committee, I4.7s685 over principles enun- HUMAN rights, Haiti urges League ciated by Reform con- of Nations to call world gregation in, 46:91, convention on, 36:242; 95,96,97 protection of, in peace treaties HOVEVEI Zion Society of after World War II, 48:427; Odessa interested in 49:562-563,781-782 agricultural colonies HUMAN rights, international bill in Palestine, 14:25, for, efforts of American 27; Jewish Committee for UN activities of Ahad Ha'am action on, 45:672; 47:14.91, in, 30:89,90,91 684-686,727; 48:426-426,429, HOWE, Frederic C, signs 630,631; 49:781; 50:824; Christian protest endorsed by Franklin D, Roose- against anti-Jewish velt, 47:50; propaganda, 21+:336 interfaith movement on, 47:212, HOWELLS, William Dean, cor- 213,285-286; 48:200; respondence with Cyrus Jewish and non-Jewish organiza- L. Sulzberger, 35: tions work for, 47:226,298- 150-152 300,330,490,491,493-494; 1+8: HUBERT, Lucien, apeaka to 424,428,429; 49:569-570; 50: League of Nations on 488-489,824; Jewish refugee ques- tion, 36:98 -139-

HUMAN rights, International HUNGARIAN Jews in America. See bill (cont.) American Hungarian Jewish Canadian Jewry partici- Federation; Association of pates in effort for Hungarian Jews of America; inclusion in UN char- Federation of Hungarian ter, 1+7:360; Jews of America; United approved by U.S., Russia Hungarian Jews of America and Great Britain, HUNGARY, anti-Jewish manifesta- 1+7:1+92; tions and excesses In, approved by Latin Ameri- 1:21+; 22:22l+-228; 23:175- can Conference at 178; 2l+:5l,56,57,58,60-6l, Mexico City, 1+7 :l+92; 62; 25:83.86,90,93,97-100, petition for, presented 386; 26:6S,90,97,105-106, to American delega- 653-651+; 27:108-109,117-119, tion at San Francisco 1+6L-1+65; 28:99,106,112-113, IM Conference. J+ 7114-91+; • 1+86; 29:81+,87,1+15; 30:1+2-1+3, UN activity on. J±7:l4-95; 293-291+; 31:1+9-50,363-361+; 1+8:120,1+25-1+26,1428-1+29, 32:103,101+; 33:81; 3l+:65-66, k3O,k32-l+33,l+36; 1+9: 67; 36:197; 37:190-191; 38: 570,572,573,571+-577; 281; 39:365,366,367; 1+0:216- 50:1+81+ -1+87,1+89 218; 1+1:281+; k8:362-361+; 1+9: Truman's statement on, 1+16-1+22; 50:360-361; 50:360; 1+7:1+95-1+96; review of events in, 22:222; recommendations on, 50:360-361+; 1+8:1+29-1+335 1+9:578- Jewish population, 22:365; 23: 579; 50:1+88-1+89; 280,283; 29:265-285; 32:258- article, by Sidney Lls- 262; 1+7:1+28-1+29; 50:361-362; kofsky, 1+9:572-579; Great Britain denounces perse- declaration by Pan- cution of Jews in, 23:139; American Conference foreign Jews to be expelled on, 50:271-272; from, 23:176; urged in Canada, 50:291- situation of Jews, 23:31+8; 32: 292; 313-311+; 33:80-81; 1+2:361- article, by Geraldlne 362; 1+7:1+30-1+31; 1+8:360-362; Rosenfield, 50:1+83- 1+9:116; 1+93; interfaith effort to establish UK declaration on, 50: religious liberty In, 23: 1+81+-1+87 31+8-31+9; HUMBOLDT, Wilhelm von, world opinion aids Jews in, Baron, advocate of 25:101; Jewish emancipation minority rights in, 25:62; at Congress of Vienna, 26:70; 27:74-75; 28:103-105, 19:113,116-117 1+86; HUMMEL, Abraham H., data efforts to curb anti-Semitism concerning, 6:121 in, 26:111,113; HUMMEL, Benno W., biographi- attitude toward Zionism, 26:1114.' cal sketch, 5:6t+-65 27:121+; 28:117,118; 29:96; 30:1+3-1+14-; Catholic Church denounces anti- Semitism and racism in, 27:97-98; i+2:28lj -114.0-

HUNGARY (cont.) HUNGARY, postwar, problem of dis- attitude of Government placed persons in, 1+8:118; toward Jews, 27:102, war crimes trials in, 1+8:1+65; 101;; 38:279-280; Z+.6: task of JDC in, 1+9:231-232; 251+-256; restitution in, 1+9:1+22-1+21+; efforts of American Jews 50:362; in behalf of, 27:1+65- Peace Treaty of U.S., Soviet 1+66; 39:233; 1+1+:26V Russia, Great Britain and 265; France with, 1+9:562-565, Jews to have representa- 570,571; tion in Parliament, Communists in control of, 50: 29:53; 351+-355,362-363 Nazi propaganda in, 36: See also Austria-Hungary 196,197,198; HUNTER, Edward H., finances anti- halts Jewish immigration, Jewish agitation, 1+8:181+ 39:365; HUNTER, Mrs. John, owns miniature contribution of Jews to, of Rachel Gratz, 25:156 praised, 39:366 HUNTER College, New York, work of HUNGARY under Nazis, anti- Hlllel Foundations at, I+1+: Jewish legislation in, 115; 1+7:11+7-11+8; 14.0:218-221; 1+1:278- interfaith center at, l+6:ll(.7 279,280-2814.; 1+2:355- HURWITZ, Benjamin, assistant attor- 361,6146-61+7; 1+3:221- ney general of Missouri, 22I4., 228,229? 144:258- 2l+:86 263; 1+5:323-321+; l|7: HURWITZ, Henry, organizes Menorah 1+9; Society at Harvard Univer- given Czechoslovakian sity, 1+7:11+2 territory, 1+1:279; HURWITZ, Isaac S., biographical Jewish communal activity, sketch, 5:65 14-2:363-365; 1+9:1+21+; HURWITZ, Nathaniel, in Massachu- 50:363-3614.; setts Legislature, 1+7:507; Jewish population affected 1+9:597 by expansion, l\.2:599, HURWITZ, Reuben, biographical 600; sketch, 5:65 persecution of Jews in, HURWITZ, Wallace A., wins fellow- 14.3:2214.-228; 1+6:156- ship at Harvard University, 157,257-260; 1+8:359- 10:119 360; HUSBAND, W.W., Acting Seoretary of anti-Semitism opposed in, Labor, correspondence with 1+3:225; 1+5:323,321+- Louis Marshall, 28:1+57-1+65 325; lj.6:256,259-260; HUSIK, Isaac, data concerning, attitude toward Jewish 6:121; refugees, I+I4.:263-26Lt.; on faculty of University of Jews escape to Portugal Pennsylvania, 13:282; 18:102; from, [(.6:311; portrait, facing, 1+1:57; world efforts to avert obituary by Julius H. Green- massacre of Jews in, stone, 1+1:57-65 14.7:1+7,1+8,292-293,2914., HUSSEINI, Amin el HaJ, Grand Mufti 31+5,1+23-1+28,713-711+} of Jerusalem, testifies be- Jews deported from, 1+7: fore British Royal Commission 379; on Palestine, 39:1+73-1+75; Jews and armistice agree- deposed by Britieb, 1+0:326 ment with, 1+7:1+29-1+30 -114-1-

HUSSEINI, Jamal, testifies HYMAN, Abraham S., article before British Royal "Displaced Persons," Commission on Pales- 50:1*55-1+73 tine, 39:1*71*.; HYMAN, Joseph C, urges Arab- testifies before Agglo- Jewish rapprochement, 3l+:91; American Committee of executive director of JDC, Inquiry, 1(.8:U13; 1+0:112; and the UNSCOP, l*.9;5O3; disapproves campaign of Federa- policy statement on Pales- tion for Polish Jews, 1+0: tine by, 5O:239-2i(.O 113-111*.; HUTCHESON, Joseph C, on efforts to aid Austrian Jewry Anglo-American Com- under Nazis, 1+0:115; mittee of Inquiry, article, "Twenty-five Years of 1|8:399 American Aid to Jews Over- HDTZLER, Albert D., on seas: a Record of the JDC," Board of Trustees of 1+1:11+1-179; Goucher College, 37: praises Cyrus Adler's work on 230 JDC, 1+2:101-102 HUTZLER, Henry S., data HYMAN, Libbie H., awarded honorary concerning, 7:71 degree by Chicago University, HUTZLER, Lewis, in Illinois 1*4:322 Legislature, 13:282 HYMAN, Mark, chief general coun- HUXLEY, Julian S., denounces sel for U.S. Shipping racism, 39:300 Board, 22:153 HYAMSON, Moses, reports by, HYMAN, Samuel I., death, 20:381). on Milah Board of Jew- HYMAN, Sol A., in New York Legis- ish Community of New lature, 33:111*; 31*.:98; York, Z2:USk-k5k; 35:108 address on shehitah be- HYMANS, Paul, president of League fore American Humane of Nations, 23:210 Association, 25:26-27, HYNEMAN, Samuel M., on Philadel- 163-179,379-380; phia Bench, 15:259 organizes League for Safe- guarding the Fixity of the Sabbath, 31:29; contributions to American Jewish scholarship, 1556 -142-

ICA. See Jewish Colonization ILIOWIZI, Henry, data concerning, Association 6:121-122 I.G. Parben, head tried for ILLINOIS, statistical data on war crimes, 50:U-97, Jews and Jewish activities, 14-98 3:133-131+.; 30:183; 14.2:21)4; IBN GABIROL, Solomon, trans- protest meeting on Kishineff lated by Israel Zang- massacres held in, 6:378-379; wlll, 29:134 Sunday law in, 10:156,170,175; IBN SAUD, meets President Jews active in early settlement, Roosevelt, i|_7:i+69 28:210; ICKES, Harold L., condemns Bible reading and religious minority persecution instruction in public in Germany, 38:231- schools, 39:269; 14-8:130; 232; 49:23,24-25 Hitler condemnation up- See also Homer, Henry held by State Depart- ILLINOIS, University of, Hillel ment, £(.1:193; Foundation establishes inter- promises continuance of faith fellowship at, 43:12!+; religious liberty in first Hillel unit established U.S., l4.7:U-2-l4.3; at, 14.7:11+3-144 opinion on Nuremberg war ILLOWAY, Henry, data concerning, crimes trials, 49:588 6:122 ICOR - Association for Jew- IMBER, Naphtali H., data concern- ish Colonization in ing, 6:122 the Soviet Union, IMMIGRANTS, criminal tendency 39:682—47:58O denied, 12:21-27; IDAHO, statistical data on and the birth rate, 12:31-32; Jews and Jewish acti- Americanization of, 12:37; vities, 3:132; 30:132; opposition to educational test 42:244 for, 12:37-38,77,96-98; IDE, Henry C, signs Chris- needed by labor, 12:45-46; tian protest against head tax opposed, 12:50-52; anti-Jewish propa- factor in prosperity of New ganda, 24:336 York City, 12:69-70; IGNATOFF, David, Literature improper exclusion charged, Foundation in honor 12:71-77,79-86,345-349; of, 49:185 opposition to proposed inspec- IGSTAEDTER, Oscar, New York tion abroad, 16:132; alderman, 15:259 corporate affidavit allowed for IHUD, policy repudiated by admission, 49:213-215; South African Jewry, American attitude towards, 45:223; 50:64-65 testimony before Anglo- See also Aliens; Literacy test American Committee of for immigrants Inquiry, i4.81i4.i2; Judah L. Magnes registers as foreign agent for, 50:412 -11*3-

IMMIGRANTS, Jewish, Ameri- IMMIGRATION, restrictive tendency canization efforts in regarding (cont.) behalf of, 5:35-36; 337-338,600-601; 1*1:239,21*2; 23:88,89,93,97,98,102, 1*3:306-310; 1*6:200; 1*7:138- 103,101*; l*6:7l*-75; 11*0; 1*9:290-291,51*2-51*3; 50: 5O:7U-75; 272-273; educational efforts in new countries for, 2l*:37-38; behalf of, 12:61*-65; efforts for coordination of, not to be deported on 2l*:38; Holy Days, 16:132; policy of Latin America on, organizations formed in 1*3:296,301,3Ol*,3O5,3O7-3O8, aid of, 26:58; 331*; Ul*:289,290,297,298; American Jewish Committee 's 1*6:296-297; 1*7:138-11*0, efforts to secure ad- 1*73-1*77; mission of families of, post-war problems in, 1*6:569- 31:339; 570; 1*9:51*3; work of Council of Jewish Australia's post-war policy on, Women in behalf of, 1*7:371*; 1*9:313-315; 50:312- 33:173,176,179; 1*6: 313; 59-61,65-66,69,71; effect on Jewish population of term "Hebrew" eliminated Canada, 1*8:23,1*3-1*1*; from classification, data on, submitted by American 1*8:610; Jewish Committee to Anglo- economic adjustment, American Committee of In- 50:13-22; quiry, 1*8:629; metropolitan living a declines after World War II, problem for, 50:22-30; 1*9:212 distribution, 50:27-28; See also Immigration to Pales- modes of community action tine; Immigration to U.S.; by, 50:30-50; Immigration to U.S., Jewish, in the labor movement, and under individual 50:1*5-50; countries cultural and educational IMMIGRATION, Jewish, great stream activities, 50:50-61*; from Eastern Europe poses in American life, 50:61*- communal problem in U.S. and 80; England, 2:30-31; 1*: 20,22; attitude of Reform Judaism favored by Great Britain, 6: toward, 50:69,72,73; 2l*-25; bibliography on, 50:82-81).; policy of South Africa on, 15: activities of United Ser- 350-351; 25:59; 39:309-311; vice for New Americans 1*9:305,306; in behalf of, 50:144 statistics on, 15:1*35-1*36 et seq; See also Americanization; policy of Latin American coun- Refugees tries on, 19:52-53; 26:56; IMMIGRATION, restrictive ten- 1*2:1*28,1*30-1*31,1*33; 1*5:31*8; dency regarding, 1*122, 1*8:21*7-21*8,21*9,252-253; 1*9: 23,21*; 5:28-29.32-33; 269,270,271,272,273; 6:23,2)+,25; 7:21*3-21*6; efforts for coordination, 21*: 38; 9:536-537; 2l*:3i*U-3l*5; chief countries for, 29:69; 25:58-59; 26:56,57; 29: societies for, 29:70-72; 70; 32:90-91; 39:1*89, affected by depression, 33:61-62; 1*90; 1*0:173,179,185, -144-

IMMIGRATION, Jewish (cont,) Immigration to Palestine, Jewish, statistics for South British policy on, 23:180, Africa, 34:266 et seg; 181; 2k:70-71; 32:136-137; and antl-Semitio manifes- 35:71; 14.1:330,336,341,342, tations in Latin Ameri- 343; 42:274-275; 43:282,284- ca, 45:349,350; 286; 44:278; 45:336; 47: stimulates economic de- 448-450; 49:104,486,489,491, velopment in Latin 560-561; 50:245; America, 47:474.475, urged for Ukrainian and Russian lj-76; Jews, 23:181; 24:36; Canadian efforts for statistics on, 25:116-117 liberal policy on, 48: et seq.; 275-276; and the League of Nations, 27: increases in Canada, 50: 125-128; 28:119; 29:110-111; 290-291; efforts of Hahalutz for, 28: liberal policy of Sweden 132-133; on, 50:321-322 increase in, 31:76; 43:331-332; See also Immigration to attitude of American Jewry, Palestine; Immigration 32:63-64; 40:111,155,156, to U.S.; Immigration to 157; 45:610; 47:683; 48:231, U.S., Jewish, and under 237,238; 49:246-248,255-256; individual countries world-wide opposition to Bri- "Immigration and Refugee Aid tish polioy, 32:137; 36:193, 16 U.S.," article, by 227; 39:387; 48:422-423; 49: Joseph M. Bernstein, 246-248; 47:316-324 limited by Simpson Report, Immigration and Refugee 33:24; Aid," article by attitude of Palestine Jews, Maurice R. Davle, 50: 36:210,211,216,217,218; 223-236 39:479-480; IMMIGRATION Law of 1924 res- Jewish Agency asks increase, tricts Jewish immigra- 37:211; 38:373; tion, 27:86,439-441? liberal policy urged, 38:326, 28:87; 29:70; 394; 39:348,468,469,470; leads to conference on 41:330; 46:172-173; 47:293; refugees by national 48:628-629; Jewish organizations, Arab attitude, 38:359,361; 39: 27:441-445; 479-480; 41:334; efforts for liberal inter- urged by American Christians, pretation of, 28:447 41:203 14-67; 29:395,398-406; impossible for German Jews under 30:25-26,272-273; British policy, 41:267,342; refugees stranded by, studied by American Jewish Com- 29:75; mittee, 45:673; efforts to aid refugees approved by American political affected by, 30:313- parties, 47:212,325; 316 Senate tables resolution In "Immigration Prospects," favor of, 47:212; article by Sidney approved by British Labor Party, Liskofsky, 49:541-562 47:212; -145-

Immigration to Palestine, IMMIGRATION to U.S., modification Jewish, (cont.) of law asked for Jewish advocated by Pres. Truman, sufferers abroad, 8:90,100; 14-7:332; 1+8:125,219,229- legislation on, 8:90,91; 12: 230,301+; 1+9:21+5,21+8- 19-98; 15:234-237; 28:814.; 21+9,485,1+89; 1+9:219-220; imperative need of, efforts at distribution, 12: 48:119; 32-36; Secretary of State Byrnes early opposition to, 12:42-44* outlines American 87-92; policy on, 1+8:234; restrictive tendency by Cong- recommendations by Anglo- ress opposed, 12:50-52,54- American Committee of 55,69; 13:302-303; 15:225, Inquiry, 14-3:14-15; U9: 235; 17:203; 28:1+14.2-i+1+3; 31+: 485; 1+6-1+7; 37:22,23; aided by Smerlcan Zion- college presidents urge liberal ists, 1+9:255-256; policy on, 12:96-98; and UNSCOP, 1+9:503,509, efforts of American Jewish Com- 510; mittee for liberal policy attitude of Communist on, 12:3U1+-31+9,351+; 15:443- Party on, 1+9:507; 1044,14-55-14-57; 16:392-393; 18: Egyptian attitude on, 340-31+2; 19:1+61-461+; 22:1+11- £+9:513; 1+13,426-1+32; 23:354-355; 21+: halted by Count Berna- 37,345; 25:376-377; 26:61+1+- dotte, 50:265; 61+8; 27:422-1+1+5; 28:1+39-1+14-3, survey of 30 years of, 1+1+7-1+67; 29:395,398-1+06; 32:286,300-301; 34:282-281+; 573U44 37:427-430; 38:628; 39:821+- urged for displaced per- 825; 40:607-608; sons, 50:821 Jewish organizations protest IMMIGRATION to Palestine, Ellis Island policy on, Unauthorized Jewish, 12:345-349} British attitude, 37:112; Jewish organizations present 38:367-368; 14-8:237; recommendations for legis- alleged organization in lation on, 13:315-334; Greece for, 37:199; Taft and Wilson favor liberal affected by Nazi con- policy on, 15:234» quest of Europe, movement for restrictive legis- 14-2:14-20; lation on, 15:443-4144; 16: aided by Emergency Com- 392,393,394; 23:116-117,119; mittee for Palestine, 24:36-37; 25:58; 26:634-635; 14.3:101; 27:65-66; 39:66-68; 50:12- tragedies and violence of, 13; 14.8:381-3814.; Jewish organizations oppose and American Zionists, restrictive legislation on, 14.9:255-256; 16:132-133; 22:1+56; 32:82; Cyprus used as detention 33:56-57,345-347; place, 1+9:1(48-1+50; brief by Louis Marshall urging data concerning, 50:420- liberal legislation on, 22: 14.21,7314-735 1+26-1+32; -U*6-

IMMIGRATION to U.S. (oont.) IMMIGRATION to U.S. (cont.) Yiddish press advo- efforts of American Jewish cates liberal policy Committee for liberal policy on, 26:270-277; on, 10:2l*l*-21*6; 13:299-305, restrictions eased in be- 315-33!+; 31:339-3M+; 35: half of refugees, 27: 290-291; 65-86; 1*7:316-317; builds up clothing industry, not cause of pauperism, 12:28-30; 27:1+1+6-1+1+7; diverted toward agriculture, work of HIAS, 28:85; 12:35-36; restricted by Law of affected by policy of Commis- 1924, 28:87; 29:70; sioner Williams at Ellis exceeded by emigration, Island, 12 s 31+7,31+8; 38:1214.-125; from Turkey and the Balkan study on, 1*7:321-322; States, 15:208-209; 1+9:221; as basis of estimate for Jew- Jewish organizations pro- ish population, 16:31+1-31*2; test change in German efforts for liberal policy on, quota, 14.7:322-323; 18:81+; 26:1+11+-1*16; 39:268- trends in, 1+7:323-3224-; 269; )+9:212; 50:71*6; greater proportion of children Truman directive on, among, 20:38; 1+9:212-215 rising tide from Russia creates See also Burnett-Dilling- demand for Yiddish press, ham Bill; Dillingham 26:169,181; Immigration Bill; Dis- restriction advocated, 29:1+08- placed persons; Gard- 1+09; ner Immigration Bill; efforts to ease restrictions in Literacy test; behalf of German refugees, Refugees 36:1+37-1+39; 38:236; IMMIGRATION to U.S., Jewish, Jewish philanthropic develop- statistics on, 1:11*- ment affected by increase 15,283-2814 et seq.; in, 39:81+-85; organizational activity and United Hebrew Charities, in behalf of, 2:502- New York, 39:86-87; 503; 5:127-128; li+: Congressional action during 57,68,69; 39:68; World War II concerning, from Rumania, 3:86,88-89; 1+6:151-153; 10:192-219; Vaad Hatzala certifying agent influence on death rate, for, 1+8:217; l+: 1+9,51-52,53,55, legislative activity concern- 57-58; ing, l+8:22k-226; huge growth, 6:23-21+; studies on, 1*6:226-227; easily assimilated by New post-war resumption of, l*9:12l+- York City, 6:21+.; 125,136; efforts for distribution, and Truman directive on refu- 7:261; 9:539; 12:33- gees and displaced persons, 35,66-67; ll*:95; 29: 1*9:215-216,21*8-21*9; 11+0; 3t+:12l+; and U.S. post-war immigration affected by American eco- policy, 1*9:561-562,71+5; nomic situation, 10: 191-192; -147-

IMMIORATION to U.S., Jewish, INDIANA University, non-denomina- (cont.) tional chapel given to, a century of, article, U312l 50:lJl+; INDIANAPOLIS, Jewish educational effect on American life, agencies in, 14-3:1+7 50:80-82 INDO-CHINA, French, anti-Jewish See also HIAS; Industrial decrees in, jj.3:16O Removal Office, INDUSTRIAL Defense Association, Naturalization; American Jewish Committee Refugees combats anti-Semitic acti- INDEPENDENCE party, pledges vities of, 30:283-287 end of discrimination INDUSTRIAL Removal Office, activi- on passport question. ties, 1+:112-113; 5:135-137; 13:38 8:268; 50:28; Independent. New York, data concerning, 6:21+9—22+:232; arraigns Russian efforts to divert Jewish lmmi- government in Beilis ration from New York, 9: affair, 16:85-89 f39; 12:33-35; U+:95; 15: Independent Workmen's Circle 212; 31+:121+; of America, 20:310— takes over industrial affairs 31+: 193 of Jewish Agricultural and INDEX to special articles, Industrial Aid Society, directories, lists and H+:70; statistics in Vols. B'hai B'rith cooperates with, 1-50; 50:867-876 1+5:106 INDIA, review of events, INDUSTRY, cause of disturbances 15:300; 16:199; 18: in, studied by New York 137; 19:283; 21:238- Jewish community, 22:35, 239; 22:202-203; 1+2: 1+53-1+51+; 331-332; efforts of American Jewish and the Balfour Declara- Committee to combat group tion, 21:238; tensions in, 50:831 Jews decorated for INSELBUCH, S., in Hew York Legis- gallantry in World lature, 36:255 War I, 21:239; INSTITUTE for Arab-American opposes Nazi policies, Affairs asked for opinion on 38:380-381; report of Anglo-American on UN Special Committee Committee of Inquiry, 1+8:1+18 on Palestine, 1+9:1+98, INSTITUTE for Interdenominational 510; Studies opened by Jewish protests to UN Assembly Theological Seminary, 1+0:11+6 on South Africa's INSTITUTE for International Educa- treatment of Indiana, tion protests anti-Jewish 1+9:571+, 575 discrimination in Polish INDIANA, statistical data on universities, 1+0:102 Jews and Jewish acti- INSTITUTE for Religious and Social vities in, 3:1314-; 30: Studies, interfaith program, 183-18U; 1+2:21+5; 1+6:11+6; 1+8:196 Sunday law in, 10:156,175; INSTITUTE of Human Relations, pro- religious instruction in motes interfaith activity, public schools, 1+9:27 38:226-227 -11+8-

INSTITUTE of Jewish Affairs, INTERPAITH movement in O.S.(cont.) iO4-:37it-—i+9:653 in the armed foroes, 1+3:117- INSTITUTE of Jewish Studies 118,123-121+; l+l+:99-100; inaugurated, l).6:103 stimulated by World War II, INTER-AMERICAN Jewish Coun- 1+1+: 161-162; cil, 1+6:1+38 and Wllliamstown Institute, INTERCOLLEGIATE Menorah kk: 163-161+; Association, message awards for work in, t|i4.:165; to JPS on its 25th 1+6:11+7-11+8; 1+7:11+9,250,290; anniversary, 15:167- weapon against anti-Semitism, 168; 1+5:651+; 1+6:11+4,11+5,11+6; 1+7: cooperates with JPS, 15: 213; 50:218; 183-18U; pronouncement on world peace, data concerning, 15:375- 1+6:90,11+3,158; 376—14.7:580 articles by Louis Minsky, 1+6: INTERCOLLEGIATE Zionist 1L3-H+8; 1+7:285-290; Association of Amerioa, 1+8:196-201; 18:239--21+: 233 at UN San Pranoisco Conference, INTERCOLLEGIATE Zionist 1+7:285-286; Jewish refugees aided by, Federation established, 1+7:287; U.8:X52; opposes employment discrimina- data concerning, 1+9:653, tion, 1+7:287-288; 50:560 aided by radio and motion pic- INTERPAITH Committee for Aid tures, 50:219; to Democracies See also Conference on Science, organized, i|.3:12lf. Philosophy and Religion in INTERPAITH Conferenoe on Un- their Relation to the Demo- employment, held in cratic Way of Life; Inter- Washington, 1+2:298 group activity; National INTERPAITH movement in Conference of Christians Europe, 1+9:339-31+0,353; and Jews 50:31+0-31+1,31+8,351 INTERPAITH movement, international, INTERPAITH movement in Great Britain, activities, organized, 50:319 U3:97,136-137} W+:17l+; INTERFAITH petition to League of 1+6:193; 1+7:353 Nations in behalf of op- INTERPAITH movement in U.S., pressed minorities in Ger- activity in, 28:97-98; many, l+l+:53-51+,55-56 30:27-28; 32:79-80; INTERGOVERNMENTAL Committee on 33:50-53; 3l+:l+l-l+2; Refugees, JDC cooperates 36:12^,129,131,136; with, 1+1:176; 39:65-66,260-267,823- has permanent headquarters in 82I4.; 14.1:218-233; U2: London, 1+1 s 376; 2k9ki +3+,ll68; urged to find solution to refu- 1+1+: 161-165; 1+5:11+8, gee problem, 1+1:379; 188-191; 1+6:11+6-11+8; attempted negotiations with 14.7:213,285-290; 1+8: Germany to facilitate refu-. 131-132,196-201; 50: gee emigration, 1+1:380,381, 220; 389,635; JBwish organizational divergence in opinion on, l+2:l4lp; activity in behalf of, report of Sir Herbert Emerson 39:275-276; 1+1+: 119; 1+5: to, 1+2:1+1+6; 113,163; 14-6:93,97; 1+7: li+7-11+9,221+,225,250, 290,701-702; -149-

INTERGOVERNMENTAL Committee INTERNATIONAL Conference of Chris- on Refugees (oont.) tians and Jews, establish- plan for refugee settle- ment recommended, 50:115; ment in Dominican organized, 50:218,319; Republic laid before, branch in Prance, 50:31+0; 42:446-448; American Jewish Committee parti- activities, i+2:6i4.8; 1+6: cipates in, 50:821 310,569; INTERNATIONAL Conference of Jewish outgrowth of Svian Con- Organizations in Allied ference, 47:45; Countries (proposed), Ameri- Roosevelt urges action can Jewish Committee decline.' by, 47:45; invitation to, 20:374; 1944 London meeting, causes 14-7:346 -3^7; abandonment of, 30:371+ to handle problem of re- INTERNATIONAL Conference on Jewish settlement of Jews, Rights (proposed) opposed by 47:485; American Jewish Committee, charged with inefficiency, 35:301-302 4§:4O1; INTERNATIONAL Congress of the to cooperate in admini- League for Human Rights de- stering reparations nounces Jewish persecution to victims of Nazis, in Germany and Poland. 48:446,447; 38:381 function taken over by INTERNATIONAL Council of Jewish Preparatory Commission Women organized, 1+6:67 of international Refu- INTERNATIONAL Council of Women, ee Organization, Jewish members, 1+6:65 f0:474 INTERNATIONAL events, review: by See also Evian Confer- Sydney H. Zebel, 1+7:1+83-1+97; ence; International by Sidney Liskofsky, 1+8: Refugee Organization 424-425 INTERGROUP relations, arti- INTERNATIONAL Institute of Agri- cles : by Lillian culture established in Greenwald, 44:151-165; Italy, 7:263 by Ellen Posner, 45: INTERNATIONAL Jewish congress, 181-191; by Isaiah M. data concerning, 9:89; Minkoff, 14.9:188-211; 10:30 50:202-223; INTERNATIONAL Jewish League, See also Interfaith 8:115 movement INTERNATIONAL Labor Conference INTERMARRIAGE condemned by condemns racial or reli- Jews of Holland, gious discrimination against 27:33; workers, 1+0:31+9 attitude of Central Con- INTERNATIONAL Labor Organization, ference of American resolution in aid of Jews Rabbis on, l+2:205-206j of Europe, 1+6:150 Canadian statistics on, INTERNATIONAL Ladies" Garment ^8:30,1+8 Workers' Union, court ruling INTERNATIONAL Bill of Human won by, 21+: 3l+J Rights. See Human demands five-day week, 26:25; rights opens bank in New York, 26:53; International Conciliation organized, 50:1+8 publishes report INTERNATIONAL law, violated by opposing Jewish na- Nazi racial legislation, tional home in Pales- 40:594 tine, 29:96 -150-

INTERNATIONAL Law Associa- INTERNATIONAL Refugee Organiza- tion suggests Im- tion (cont.) provement In League Soviet attitude toward, 14,9:571; of Nations' procedure aids Jewish colony at Shanghai, on minority rights, 50:14.52; 30:311-312; 33:109 article, by Alba P. Schwartz, INTERNATIONAL League for 50:14.73-14-83 Academic Freedom, INTERNATIONAL Refugee Organiza- American section, pro- tion, Preparatory Commission testa anti-Jewish dis- for, assumes responsibility crimination in Polish for displaced persons, 50: universities, {4.0:101 112-113,458-459; INTERNATIONAL Medical makes survey of occupational Congress, condemns skills of displaced per- testimony in Bellis sons, 50:462-1+63; case, 16:388 resettlement efforts of, INTERNATIONAL Military Tri- 50:463; bunal to try war cri- makes survey of Jewish displacet minals. See War persona in U.S. zone of Criminals trials Germany, 50:14.65; INTERNATIONAL Penal Congress attitude toward immigration of in Berlin, Great Bilt- Jewish displaced persons t» ain not to be repre- Israel, 50:467,478; sented at, 38:21+5 established as interim measure, INTERNATIONAL Pro-Palasha 50:14.714.-14-75; Committee disbanded, efforts in behalf of Jewish 22:1+11+ displaced persons, 50:14-76, INTERNATIONAL Red Cross 14.78,1+79-480; oares for stricken of work supplemented by Jewish Europe, 1+6:160 organizations, 50:1+77; INTERNATIONAL Refugee Con- finds discriminatory policy on ference. See Evlan Jewish displaced persons, Conference 5O:U83; INTERNATIONAL Refugee Organi- statistics on refugees cared zation established by for by, 50:705-708 Economic and Social INTERNATIONAL Women's League for Council of UN, i+6:1+Lf.l; Peace and Freedom condemns 50:1+71+ anti-Semitism, 28:1+87 draft constitution, 1+8: INTERNATIONAL Workers Order. See 1+1+2-1+1+5; Jewish People's Fraternal""" persons excluded from Order of IWO assistance by, l+8;)|l|l|, IOTA Alpha Pi Sorority, data con- 41+5; cerning, 28:301+—1+7:580; to aid Jews and displaced first Jewish sorority, 33:197; persons, 1+8:)|)|)|; 1+9: activities, 33:197-198 534-537; IOTA Theta Law Fraternity, 44:375 to take over displaced et seq. persons1 camps, 49:221- IOWA, statistical data on Jews and 222; Jewish activities, 3:134-13$; replaces UNRRA, i+9:S30j 30:181+; 1+2:21+5 data concerning, 49:533- Sunday law in, 10:156,175; 540; 50:1+80-14.83; American Jewish Committee pro- tests proclamation by gover- nor on compulsory use of English In wartime, 21:643- 61+5 -151-

IRAN (Persia) poor economic ISAAC Ben Zvi, states Jewish posi- and cultural condition tion at 1939 London Con- of Jews in, t).9:l+73- ference, 141:338 14-75; 50:14-39 ISAACS, Abram S., article "The IRAQ, Jews elected to Con- Jews of the Uhited States," stituent Assembly in, U114-19; 28:57; data concerning, 5:65,80; Jewish schools praised, obituary of Myer S. Isaacs, 29:30; 8:19-33; Arab-Jewish tension in, on faculty of New York Univer- 39:490-1491,818; kO:33ki sity, 8:182; German Jewish physicians obituary by Lewis M. Isaacs, invited to, 14-0:33145 23:80-83; on UN Special Committee tribute of JPS to, 23:392 on Palestine, 1^.9:14.98, ISAACS, Charles, in U.S. consular 510; 50:14.38; service, 17:216 suppresses Zionism, 50: ISAACS, Irwin, in New York Legis- U37; lature, 32:143 anti-Jewish steps in, ISAACS, Isaac S., data concerning, 5O:l;37-438 6:122 IRELAND (Eire) failure of ISAACS, Lewis M., obituary of anti-Jewish movement Abram S. Isaacs, 23:80-83 in, 38:261; lj.0:169-170; ISAACS, Martin J., on Illinois identification of Jews Bench, 32:143 with Communism de- ISAACS, Myer S., obituary by Abram nounced in 39:307; S. Isaacs, 8:19-33; religious freedom in, among organizers of Educational 39:307-308; Alliance, New York, 1+6:75 pro-Palestine sympathy ISAACS, Nathan, assistant dean of in, 140:170 Cincinnati Law School,. See also Northern Ireland 19:251; IRGUN Tarbut, kh:37%; 14.5:14-66 on Harvard University faculty, IRGUN Zvai Leumi, terrorist 26:132; campaign in Palestine heads Boston Bureau of Jewish by, 146:287-288; 5O:l4l3, Education, 143:145 I4I5-I4I6; ISAACS, Schachme, on faculty of dissolved, 5O:l;l8-l4l9 Johns Hopkins University, IRISH Free State. See 19:251 Ireland (Eire") ISAACS, Stanley M., president of IRISH immigrants to U.S., the Borough of Manhattan, early opposition to, 140:360; 12:4 on , IRVING, Washington, friend- 144:322 ship with Rebecca ISACSON, Leo, in New York Assembly, Gratz, 25:155 14-7:507; IRWIN, Inez Haynes, signs in House of Representatives, Christian protest 50:506,6146 against anti-Jewish ISOLATIONISTS In U.S., use anti- propaganda, 2l|.:336 Semitism, 144:151-157 IRWIN,"Will, signs Christian protest against anti- Jewish propaganda, 214:336 -152-

ISRAEL, establishment of, ISRAEL (cont.) 50:107-109; Jewish population, 50:698-699; center of Jewish migra- statistics on Jewish immigra- tion, 50:109,113; tion to, 50:729 de facto recognition by See also Palestine Pres. Truman, 50:119, ISRAEL, Edward I., urges endorse- 253; ment of Histadruth Haovdim influences Jewish educa- by Central Conference of tional activities in American Rabbis, 37:11+9; U.S., 50:11+8-124.9; heads Synagogue Council of Chief Rabbi as central America, 1+3:30; authority in Jewish secretary of Union of American law discussed, 50:165- Hebrew Congregations, 1+3:36; 166; death, 1+1+: 107,109 relationship between ISRAEL, Solomon, 6:218 American Jews and, 50: Israel und die Voelker by Joseph 257-258; Bloch refutes anti-Semitic effect on Zionists and libels, 26:61+3 Zionism, 50:258; ISRAELI, Phineas, data concerning, causes rift in American 5:65; 6:218 Council for Judaism, ISRAELITE Alliance of America, 50:258-259; 1+: 110—6:251-252 and American political See also Alliance Israelite parties, 50:261-261+; Universelle UN General Assembly to ISRAELITISCH-Theologische Lehran- consider recognition, stalt, Vienna, message to 50:266-267; JPS on its 25th anniversary, international attitude 15:152 on recognition, 50: ISRAELITISCHE Allianz, Vienna, 270,271,277,279-280, loins Central Committee, 295-296,302,305-306, 2:16; 311,338,31+7,352,37U; to be member of proposed inter- struggle for defense uni- national organization, fies Jews of South 11:21+6 America, 50:27i+; ISRAELITISCHE Kultusgemeinde, Western European jews Vienna, message to JPS on contribute to, 50:318- its 25th anniversary. 319; 15:152-153 U.S. Occupation Authori- ISRAELS, Belle Lindner (Mrs. ties in Germany aid Charle3 H.), data concern- Jewish immigration to, ing, 7:71-72 50:1+67; ISRAELS, Charles H., data con- attitude of PCIRO toward cerning, 6:123 Jewish immigration to, ISRAELS, Josef, 80th birthday 50:1+67,1+68; celebrated, 6:37 difficulties with Irgun ISSERMAN, Ferdinand M., honorary Zvai Leumi, 5O:l+l8- degrees given to, 1+8:1+73 lj-19; ITALIAN Africa, anti-Jewish legis- declaration of indepen- lation extended to, 1+1+; 230; dence by, 50:1+1+5-1+1+8; 1+5:292; goal of Jewish displaced Allies revoke anti-Jews laws persons, 50:1+72; in, 1+5:293,291). -153-

ITALY, Jewish affairs In, ITALY (cont.) 2:18; 3:20; 6:37; 8: Fascism gives impetus to anti- 258; 10:216; 15:300- Semitism, 25:84,85; 301; 17:238-239; 19: admits foreign Jews to uni- 283-287; 20:246-249; versities, 26:39-40; 36:198-199; 39:814- agitation over religious in- 815; 41:628-630; 46: struction in public schools, 298-299; 49:347-354; 27:44; 50:348-353; anti-Jewish movement and Jewish organizational policy, 27:101;; 28:484; 39: activity, 2:47,513, 369-370,371,373,375,8X4; 516; 37:177; 39:375- 40:230-234; l|.l: 198-199* 285- 376; 40:234-235; 47: 291; 14.2:380-383,381;; 43: 389; 49:116; 50:350, 193-198; 144:225,228; 45:290- 352,353; 291; 50:351-352,- Jewish candidates elec- books presented to Hebrew Uni- ted to Legislature, versity by Jews of, 28:50; 7:257; fund in, for books relating to International Institute Jews, 29:14.6; of Agriculture estab- effect on Jews of Concordat lished, 7:263; with Vatican, 31:14.2-43; Palashas brought to rights of non-Catholics in, attention of, 9:551; 32:92-93,312; 33:74; desirability of immi- Mussolini denies existence of grants from, 12:20; anti-Semitism in, 35:67-68; American Jewish Committee 39:234; aids earthquake vic- grants subvention to Hebrew tims in, 12:352-353; University, 36:210; blood accusation charge charged with fomenting unrest in, 16:199; in Palestine, 38:254,285; events in World War I Jews participate in Ethiopian affecting Jews of, War, 38:284; 18:139-148; Jewish achievements lauded in, Jews decorated for 39:370,371; gallantry, 18:139; 19: Palashas pledge allegiance to, 285-286; 20:247-248; 39:373-374; Jewish officers in armed JDC aids Jews, 39:376; 49: forces, 18:11+0-114.8; 238-239; 19:287-290; Mussolini's attitude toward attitude toward Zionism Nazi policies, 40:589 and Palestine, reaction in U.S. to events in, 21:261,262; 41:196-199; efforts in behalf of Jews foreign Jews expelled from, of Rumania, 21:261-262; 41:286-290; protests against anti- refugee situation in, 42:383, Jewish excesses in 454, 43:199-200,330; 41j-:229; Poland in, 22:228; 46:155,235,303,310-311; 50:349; ITALY (oont.) ITTLEMAN, Gqorge H., in New York Jews participate in war Legislature, 16:157 effort, U2:38l4-; IT0. See Jewish Territorial Jews reduced by conver- Organization sions, 1+3:198; IT0, American Federation of. populace opposes Nazi See American Federation of racist theories, l+3i Jewish Territorial 199; 1+5:291-292; 1+6: Organization 233-234; ITTLESON, Henry, urges better blames Jews for World financial support for War II, 44:228; American Jewish Committee, Nazi terror in, 1+6:230- 36:1+1!+ 233; IVRIAH, Jewish educational acti- Jewish population, 1+7: vities, 38:69; 1+3:1+3; 387-388; 50:31+9-350; 1+8:11+1+; 50:155-156 Nazi laws abrogated, 1+7: 388; 1+8:119; restitution of Jewish property, 1+7:389; 50:31+9; community organization re-established, 1+7: 389; 50:350 citizenship offered stateless Jews living in, 1+7:390; review of affairs by Andrea Tabet, 1+9:31+7- 354; peace treaty with, 1+9 5 562-561+; Intergroup activities in, 50:351; statistics on Jewish dis- placed persons in, 50:708,711+

JDC. See American Jewish JABOTINSKY, Vladimir, (cont.) Joint Distribution president of New Zionist Organi- Committee zation, 38:390; JABOTINSKY,'Vladimir, proposal for emigration of organizes Jewish mili- Polish Jews, 39:386; tary unit for service testifies before British Royal in Palestine, 21:123, Commission on Palestine, 125-126; 39:1+76; resigns from Executive death, 1+3:99; Committee of World Poland favors policy, 1+3:2l+l+-2!p Zionist Organization, 25:110; -155-

JACK, Emanuel, California JACOBS, Joseph (oont.) Director of Ameri- receives honorary degree from canization, 21:201 University of Pennsylvania, JACKSON, Henry, data con- 6:309-317; cerning, 7:72 population studies on Jews in JACKSON, Robert H., urges U.S., 16:339-378; 20:40,41, admission of refugees to U.S. and Palestine, editor American Jewish Year i23 ; Book, 17; Chief of Counsel for U.S. heads Statistical Bureau of in prosecution of Exis American Jewish Committee, war criminals, i4.8si4.53— 16:14.05; 18:364-367; ij-55; tribute to Solomon Schechter, minority opinion on 18:29-30; separation of Church tribute by Mrs. Schechter, and State, kS'-kl-h-Z 18:30-31; JACOB, Berthold, kidnapped obituary by Mayer Sulzberger, by Nazis, 37:175-176; 18:68-75; 39:267 portrait, facing, 18:68; JACOBI, Abraham, honors con- contributions to The Jewish ferred on, 7:190; 9: Encyclopedia, 10:72; 45:55; k75; 12:327; ll).:279; memorial resolutions on, 18: 18:102 I4.I9-I4.2O; I9slt.6l4-I4.65; JACOBS, Arthur G., on work on contribution of Jews to Memphis, Tenn. Board civilization, 20$4l6; of Education, 19:252 friendship with Cyrus Adler, JACOBS, David S., president 14.2:60 of American Society of JACOBS, Joseph E., in U.S. consular Mechanical Engineers, service, 26:132 18:102 JACOBS, Julius, Assistant Treasurer JACOBS, Ella, data concern- of U.S., 8:182 ing, 7:72 JACOBS, Leon., in Arizona Legis- JACOBS, Ephraim A., data lature, 114.S279; 15:259 concerning, 6:123 JACOBS, Maurioe, secretary of JPS, JACOBS, P. Boykin, owns 38:665; early Sully portrait thanked for services, 39:860; of Solomon Jacobs, 42:687; 43:774; 144:513; 1x3: 25:160 693-694; 47:74&; 14-8:645,653, JACOBS, Joseph, articles: 684-685; "The Jews of Europe," reports as Executive Director, 1:20-33; "The Hundred 43:776-783; 488654-671; Best Available Books active on Jewish Book Council, in English on Jewish 47:740 Subjects," 6:309-317; JACOBS, Minnie M., data concern- "The Federation Move- ing, 7:72-73 ment in American Jewish JACOBS, Pizer W., biographioal Philanthropy," 17:159- sketch, 5:65 198; JACOBS, Rose G., obituary of Alice proposes American Jewish L. Sellgsberg, 43:431-436 Historical Exhibit, JACOBS, Samuel William, obituary 3:K4-1O5; by Herman Abramowitz, 41:95- data concerning, 6:123- 110; 124; 13:68; portrait, faoing, 41:95 -156-

JACOBS, Simon, on Memphis, JAFFA, Nathan, Secretary of New Term, Board of Educa- Mexico, 10:119 tion, 15:259 JAFFA, Sol H., City Treasurer of JACOBS, Solomon, portraits Trinidad, Colo., 9:14-78 painted by Thomas JAFFA, Palestine, development, Sully, 25:160-161, 17:111; facing, 162 industrial school opened in, JACOBSON, A.E., in Arizona 17:119; Legislature, 15:259 data concerning, 49:457 JACOBSON, Charles, in JAFFE, Lester A., on faculty of Arkansas Legislature, Cincinnati University, 13:282; 15:259 20:167 JACOBSON, Jacob, president JAFFE, Louis I., decorated by of St. Louis, Mo. Rumania, 22:153; Police Board, 10:119 wins Pulitzer prize for best JACOBSON, Jacob S., bio- editorial, 32:11*4 graphical sketch, 5:66 JAFFE, Nathaniel E., in Pennsyl- JACOBSON, Leonard L., on vania Legislature, 33:111).; New York City Board 35:108 of Aldermen, 8:186 JAFFE, S., delegate to organiza- JACOBSON, Louis, on New tion meeting of New York York City Board of Jewish Community, 11:14.8 Aldermen, 16:157 JAFFEE, Jerome M., in Missouri JACOBSON, Louis J., in New Legislature, 35:108 York Legislature, JAMAICA, West Indies, synagogue 30:73 destroyed by earthquake, JACOBSOR, Maurice, data con- 9:551; cerning, 6:121}. Jews of, 19:87-90; JACOBSON, Meyer, in New York Jews decorated for gallantry Legislature, 25:121 in World War I, 20:249 JACOBSON, Moses P., bio- JAMES, George R., sig'ag Christian graphical sketch, 5^66 protest against anti-Jewish JACOBSON, Nathan, data propaganda, 24:336 concerning, 6:124 JAMES, Peter, in New Jersey Legis- JACOBSON, Simon, biographi- lature, 12:328; 13:282 cal sketch, 5:6o JANOWSKX, Oscar B., urges accen- JACOBSON, S. Bertrand, in tuation of Jewish element in U.S. consular ser- center programs, 49:161; vice, 25:121 makes survey of JWB program, JACOBSTEIN, Meyer, on 50:133 faculty of University JAPAN, review of events, 21:297," of Rochester, 15:260; decorates Jacob H. Sohiff, 16:157; 23:27,28; in House of Representa- pro-Palestine society formed, tives, 25:121 et seq. 35:68; JACOVES, Louis J., on Palestine suffers from dumping faculty of University of goods by, 38:377-378; of New Jersey, 12:328 anti-Jewish propaganda, 39:14-91- JAEGER, Henry, in New York 492; Legislature, 23:124 imposes Nazi legislation on JAFFA, Myer E., California Jews in Dutch East Indies, food expert, 37:126 144:217? refugees unwelcome, 44:29° -157- JARVIS, John Wesley, por- JEFFERY, Ira Weil, posthumously traits of early Ameri- decorated by U.S, Navy, can Jews painted by, U5:37O 25:151-152 JEHUDA Halevi, article by Samuel JARMULOWSKI, M., on Execu- S. Cohon, l4.3:l4lj-7-l;88 tive Committee of New JELENKO, Edward W., article, York Jewish Community, "Assistance to Overseas 11:14-9 Communities," 144:123-132 JASPAN, Jerome H., in Penn- JELENKO, Martha, review of affairs sylvania Legislature, in countries of Western 39:567 Europe, I4.3:li4.7-aiO; i*I|.iX83- JASTROW, Joseph, data 232; 14.5:232-297; concerning, 6:125 article, "Reaction to Overseas JASTROW, Marcus, biographi- Events," 1).6:114.8-159 cal sketch, 5:66; JENKINS, MaeGregor, owns portrait obituary, 6:i+Ol-I4-O8; of Rabbi Carigal, 25:161 chief editor of JPS JENKINS Bill eases admission to Bible Translation Com- U.S. of families of immi- mittee, 6:14.03; 15:75- grants, 31:339 76,101,106-107; JEREMIAS, Karl, address at Fifth portrait, facing, 15:112; International Congress of provost of Maimonides Zionists, 5:81-82 College, 16:1014. JERSEY Homesteads, Jewish agri- JASTROW, Morris, Jr., data cultural project, 37:103; concerning, 6:125; agro-industrial plan of represents U.S, at inter- settlement in, 37:116-117 national philological JERUSALEM, school on modern lines conferences, 10:119; opened, 17:28 lectures at Oberlin communal situation, 17:105-111, College, 15:260; 122; receives honorary degree modern suburb to, 17:1114-; from University of industrial development, 17:119- Pennsylvania, 16:157; 120 contributions to Ameri- captured by Allenby, 21:138 can Jewish scholar- Synagogue Center projected by ship, lj.5:52 Cyrus Adler, 14-2:1114., 129; JAVITS, Jacob K., in House Arab-Jewish dispute over mayor- of Representatives, alty, I4.7tl4.69; 1*8:377-378; U9:59§; 50:6^3 conferences on Jewish learning JEANNENEY, Jules, protests and eduoation, l|.9:120j French anti-Jewish government, i|.9:l+5>6 —1+57» decrees, ^7:118 Internationalization recommended JEFFERSON, Thomas, home by UNSCOP, 14.9:510 purchased by Uriah P. See also American Committee of Levy, 14-: 1*5; Hebrew Teachers College of Felix M. Warburg oontri- Jerusalem; Amerioan Commit- butes to memorial to, tee of Universal Yeshivah of lK>:36; Jerusalem; Wailing Wall study by Cyrua Adler on, JERUSALEM Jewish Central Library 1*2:76 sends greetings to JPS on JEFFERSON Bible, discovery its 25th anniversary, 15: by Cyrus Adler, \\Zx~\5i llt.7-114.8 publication ordered by Congress, 14.2:76 -158-

JESTJS of Nazareth declared JEWISH Agency (cont.) an Aryan by Nazis, Americans active in, 32:1+6-1+7, 39:31+7; 52,53; 3U:118,139; l+2sl33, attitude of Central Con- 131+; 1+7:63; 1+8:92; ference of American aids Jewish victims in Arab Rabbis on study in riots, 32:60; Jewish religious unites with JDC in fund-raising schools, 1+2:203-20^ campaign, 32:69; 33:29-30; "Jew and American Ideals," protests against Arab riots in by John Spargo, written Palestine, 32:133; in campaign against criticizes British Administra- anti-Jewish propaganda, tion, 32:136; 33:2l+-25; 3l+: 21+: 338 52; 36:206; 1+0:323; la: 332. "Jew in Agriculture in the 331+, 335,31+2,31+3,31+6,31+7,3l+8| United States," arti- 1+2:133,1+11+; 1+9:1+19; cle by Gabriel David- memorandum on Wailing Wall conr son, 37:99-131+ troversy, 32:137; JEWISH Academicians of American members organize emer- America, 19:31+2-- gency committee, 33:26; 21+: 233 organizes American Palestine JEWISH Academy of Arts and Campaign, 33:30; Sciences organized, considered authority for Pales- 31:157; tine affairs by American data concerning, 35:189 Jewish Committee, 33:351+, et seq» 368; 39:819-820; JEWISH Agency for Palestine cooperation of American Jewish organized, 25:109-110; Committee with, 33:369; 27:1+71; 1+9:787; 50:816; World Jewish Congress affected by economic? depression opposed to enlarge- 3l+:85; 35:71; ment, 26:80; factional strife in, 3l+:87; non-Zionists included on, 37:11+9; 39:1+87; 26:120-121; 27:130, Revisionists desire withdrawal 131,1+71; 28:127,510- of non-Zionists from, 3l+:88; 512; 29:102; 30:310; activities, 3l+:90-92; 37:11+7, 31:37,1+0,382-385; 32: 212-213; 39:1+86; 1+0:320-321; 57,71-72,323-322+; 31+: 1+7:1+53,1+55,1+61; 1+8:387; ' 138; 38:388; 39:820; efforts for refugees and dis- (+2:132; 1+3:731+; 1+7:681+; placed persons, 35:60; 39: committee formed for 1+29-1+30; 1+5:337; 1+6:271,308- study of, 27:1+71; 309,310; 1+7:1+1+7-1+1+8; 1+9:119; and British Administration 50:1+68,1+69,1+79-1+80; in Palestine, 28:128; disassociates Itself from Revi- 32:61-62; 33:25; 1+9: sionists, 36:223; 1+1+5-1+1+6; opposes proposed legislative authority noted in report council, 37:11+7-11+8; to Permanent Mandates efforts for increased immigra- Commission, 29:110; tion to Palestine, 37:211; future work outlined by 39:1+65-1+66; 1+1:330,335,31+2; Joint Palestine Survey 1+7:1+1+9; 1+8:395; 1+9:10l+, 1+93? Commission, 30:37; -159-

JEWTSH Agency (cont,) JEWISH Agency (cont,) report to Permanent Man- protests severance of Trans- date Commission on Jordan from Palestine, Arab disorders, 36:373} 48:377; 39:460-461,463; and UN partition plan, 49:248, reports to 19th World 257-258,14.87,14.88,517-518,787; Zionist Congress, 5O2lO2432l5i,4344J; 38:384-385; refuses to participate in 1946 4th session of Council of, London Conference, 49:453- 38:387-3885 454,487; and British Royal Commis- rejects Bevin cantonization sion, 39:468-469; plan, 49:490; 39:517; representation at Special UN and British partition Assembly session on Pales- plan. 40:108,316-321; tine discussed, 49:494* 14.6:289; internal Zionist conflict over non-Zionists demand policy, 49:503-504,516-517; parity on Executive, conflict in British Jewry over, 40:320; 50:287; memorandum to League of demands abolition of Mandate Nations, 40:324; and establishment of Jewish aids flood victims in independence, 50:410-412, Syria, 40:336? 431-432; and controversy over convenes Zionist General Coun- action to be taken in cil, 50:432-433; German situation, partition decision necessitates 14-2:137; redefining role, 50:817 efforts to establish Jew- See also Israel; Palestine ish armed defense for JEWISH Agency for Palestine, Palestine, 144:132,133, American Office of, 47:568; 279; 45:333; 49:648 establishes Washington JEWISH Agency for Palestine, office, 45:208; American Representatives of, publishes 37:285-47:568 bulletin, 45:335; JEWISH Agency for Palestine, suggestions to Bermuda American Section of, 50:560 Refugee Conference, JEWISH Agricultural and Colonial 1*5:361; Association, data concern- presents memorandum to ing, 13:229—17:304; San Francisco UN Con- aids Utah settlement, 14:99 ference, 14.7:330,14.91, JEWISH Agricultural and Industrial ij.96-l4.97; Aid Society, data concerning opposes violence as in- 4:111-24:234; strument in political colonies aided by, 4:115-116; struggle, 47:465; I4-8: 14:51,84,89; 382-3§3; 50:14.15; places immigrants on farms, efforts to improve Arab- 12:35; Jewish relations, aided by Baron de Hlrsoh Fund, 47:468; 14:45; and Anglo-American Com- purpose and activities, 14:68, mittee of Inquiry, I4.8: 69-74.82,85,91,96,97,98, 375,400-401,412,413; 102-103J -160-

JEWISH Agricultural and In- "Jewish Americanization Agencies," dufltflai Aid Society article, by Charles S, Bern- (oort ,) he imer, 23:fl+-lll Industrial Removal Office JEWISH Arbitration Tribunal, takes over industrial 1+3:551+--1+1+: 375 matters, ll+:70; JEWISH Artists Fraternity, agricultural affairs of 1+6:1+39—1+9:651+ Baron de Hirsch Fund JEWISH Aviation League, i+H-s376-- transferred to, ll+:82; 1+7:581 Americanization work, "Jewish Battalions and the Pales- 23:105 tine Campaign," article, by JEWISH Agricultural Experi- Joshua H. Neumann, 21:120- ment Station, data 11+0 concerning, 12:21+1-- JEWISH Book Club organized, 50:181+ 28:301;; "Jewish Book Collections in the organized, Ii4.s33-3U-S U.S.," article, by Adolph importance, 17:81-83; S. Oko, 1+5:67-96 Americans interested in, JEWISH Book Council of America 32:1+6; 1+2:128 sponsors Jewish Book Week, JEWISH Agricultural Society, 1+5:159-160; 25:270-271 et seq.; data concerning, 14.5:14-66 et seq. directs Jewish colonies, activities, 145:690; 1+6:111-112, 37:101,107,111; 113; 1+7:739-71+0; 1+8:151+-155, favors agro-Industrial 6k8; 1+9:177,811-812; 50: type of settlement, 183-181+ 37:1114.-115; JEWISH Book Guild of America, activities, 37:117-121; organized, 50:181+ 1+2:310; "Jewish Book in Palestine," sociological 3tudy of address by Felix A.Levy at Jewish farmers in U.S., 58th annual meeting of JPS, 37:128-133; 1+8:672-680 reports by, 38:236; JEWISH Book Month, increase in 1+O:l5l+-155; observance, 50:183-181+; to organize fraternal celebrated in Argentina, 50: order of Jewish far- 276; mers, 1+0:151+ Jewish Publication Society co- JEWISH Agriculturists' Aid operates in celebration, Society of America, 50:81+9 data concerning, 1+: JEWISH Book of the Month planned 116-118—18:21+0-21+1; by Jewish Publication Soci- places immigrants on ety, 1+7:71+7 farms, 12:35; JEWISH Book Week, activities, purpose and activities, Ulll 1+5:159-160; 1+8: 1U.-714-76; 92,91+ 6itf6i+8; JEWISH-American Section, data concerning, l+l+:38l+ International Workers JEWISH Braille Institute of Order. See Jewish America, National Federation PeopXoa Fraternal of Temple Sisterhoods co- Order of the Inter- operates in work, 33:1+8; national Workers Order data concerning, 3l+:19l+ et seq.; activities, 1+3:55; l+5:l6ff] 1+7:21+8 -161-

JEWISH Center movement, JEWISH Colonization Association See, Centers, Jewish (ICA) (cont.) JEWISH Center Workers, Na- cooperation with other organi- tional Association of, zations, 2:t2,71+-75} See National Association Zangwill disapproves work, 1+: of Jewish Center 3l+,82; Workers charter broadened, 5:29} "Jewish Chaplains In World activities in North and South War II," article by America, 8:270; ll+:l+l+-l+5,2+7, Philip S. Bernstein, 1+9,53; 19:1+7-1+8,59; 2l+:3§; 1+7:173-200 27:58,192-201,215-218; 38: Jewish Charities, periodical, 21+0; 1+7:121+, 128; established by Lee K. educational activities, ll+:35; Prankel, 31+: 128 28:37; 29:1+1-1+2; JEWISH Chautauqua Society, activities in Eastern Europe, data concerning, ll+:l+0,1+2,1+!+; 28:86; 29:66; 3:55-56 etseq.; organized as result of Russian activities, 2:1+9*; 8:269; persecution, ll+:2+2-l+3; 10:201; 16:106,108; subsidized by Baron de Hirsch, 39:103; l+7:22l+,25l- Il+:lt3,l+l+; £53; k&: 12+9-150; policy in Palestine agricul- aids religious education tural settlements, 17:50, in South Jersey colo- 5l,53-51+,58; nies, 11+:85,96; credit and educational system, organized by Henry Berko- 17:62-63; wltz, 26:1+51; agent for JDC in Russia, 19:20l+f educational activities at efforts to coordinate Immigra- colleges, 31:11+1,11+2; tion, 2l+:69; sponsored by National reclaims Caesaria region in Federation of Temple Palestine, 21+:7l+» Brotherhoods, 1+3 :5h> agreement with Soviet Russia 1+5:11+6; for loans to Jewish oolo- war-time program, nists, 25:76; 1+1+: 118-119 aids agricultural colonies in JEWISH classics. See Soviet Russia, 29:66; Classics, Jewish unites with HIAS to form HICEM, JEWISH Colonial Trust 30:33; organized, 1:27; aids European reconstruction American Jews subscribe after World War I, 1+1:160, to, 1+:18; 161; effort to change charter, cooperates with JDC to aid Jew- 10:231; ish victims of Nazis, 1+1:167 to establish branch in "Jewish Communities in the U.S.," New York, 10:232 article by H.S. Linfield, JEWISH Colonisation Associa- 1+2:215-265 tion o*: Canada, 1+5: JEWISH Community (Kehillah), Hew 1+96; 1+7:612 York City. See New York JEWISH Colonization Associa- City Jewish Community tion (ICA), work of,, JEWISH Community (Kehillah), 1:1+7-1+9; l+:36; 9:532- Philadelphia. See Phila- 533; delphia Jewish Community assumes control of Roth- "Jewish Community Life in Latin schild interests in America," article by Louis Palestine, 2:37-38; H. Sobel, l+7:119-li+O -162-

JEWISH Community Organiza- JEWISH Council for Russian War tion. See Community Relief, data concerning, organization, Jewish 45:467-47:582; "Jewish Community Organiza- rescue efforts, 47:315 tion in the U.S.," JEWISH Court of Arbitration cele- article by Maurioe J. brates sixth anniversary, Karpf, 39:1*7-11+8 28:32-33; JEWISH Conciliation Board of data concerning, 35:91—42:526 America, 42:525 et seq. JEWISH Cultural Reconstruction, JEWISH Conciliation Court of program, 49:226; America, 35:190— data concerning, 50:561 41:473-474 Jewish Dally Bulletin suspends publication, 38:213 JEWISH Congress Organization Jewish Dally Forward. See Forward Committee, Amerioan Jewish Dally Newa~ See Tageblatt Jewish Committee co- Jewish Disabilities In the Balkan operates with, 19:1)14.0; States by Simon Wolf and Max conference called in J. Kohler, distributed by Philadelphia by, 19: American Jewish Committee, 44i; 19:466 and Conference of National JEWISH Education Association re- Organizations, 19:44°- ports increased registration amende14710d repor9 t for uni- in religious schools,, 28:38; fied action accepted activities, 28:93; 38:39-67; by, 19:449-450; 1*0:146-147; 42:302; conflict in American urges mobilization of forces in Jewry over, 20:157 behalf of Jewish education See also American Jewish in America, 39:275; Congress merges with Jewish Education JEWISH Consumptive Relief Committee, 42:302; 43:40-41; Association, 49:654 gift of Michael Friedsam Foun- See also Mount Sinai- dation to, 42:302; Duarte National Medi- conflict with United Yeshivos cal Center Foundation, 1*2:303 JEWISH Consumptive Relief JEWISH Education Committee of New Association of Cali- York, functions and activi- fornia, 20:313-- ties, 43:40-43; 46:101,119, 30:215 124,127; 47:236,237,239-21*0, JEWISH Consumptive Relief 241; 48:143-147; 50:160 Society Auxiliaries, JEWISH Education Sooiety, New York, National Council of, organized, 24:47 44:385 et aeq. Jewish Encyclopedia, work on, be- JEWISH Consumptives and Ex- gun, 2:3°; Patients Relief Asso- volumes issued, 3:15,16; 4:16; ciation of California, 8:274; „ D 31:267—47:581 JPS reports on, 3:205-208; JEWISH Consumptives' Relief work of editors, 6:218: 18:72; Society of Denver, 28:251-252; 42:65-66,71; 7:141 et seq. aided by Jaoob H. Sohiff, 23:1*1. See also Jewish Hospital Isidore Singer projector of, for Consumptives at 42:65; Denver -163-

Jewlsh Encyclopedia (cont.) JEWISH Institute of Religion (cont) monument to American Jew- faculty, 14.5*61; k9:94-95,96; ish scholarship, 14.5! Library, 14.5:81,88,91).; 14-9:97-98; 54-55; article by I. Edward Kiev and basis for Hebrew Encyclo- John J. Tepfer, 49:91-100; pedia, IJJT55 noted graduates, 49:96-99 Jewish Farmer, agricultural JEWISH Institute of Religion, paper, Ii4.:72 Alumni Association of, JEWISH Fellowship organized 31:257 et seq. in England, 47:344. JEWISH Labor Committee, data con- anti-Zionist organiza- cerning, 37:302 et seq.; tion, 50:283 efforts in behalf of Jews of "Jewish Fiction in English, Germany, 38:177,617,620,621; 1900-1940," compiled 39:216; by Fanny Goldstein, efforts in behalf of Jews of 43:ij.99-5l8 Poland, 38:197; 42:282; JEWISH Historical Sooiety of refutes identification of Jews England, message to with Communism, 38:6214.; JPS on its 25th anni- activities, 39:76; 50:145; versary, 15:153-154 member of General Jewish Coun- JEWISH Hospital for Consump- cil, 41:223,61+0; tives at Denver made a joins in statement denouncing national institution, Nazi atrocities, 41:637-638; 2:31-32; program to combat Nazism and established, 50:t).2 fascism, 1+3:83; See also Jewish Consump- organizes Research Institute for tives Relief Society of Jewi3h Post-War Problems, Denver 1+3:84; JEWISH Immigrant Aid Society joins in effort for rapproche- of Canada, work of, ment between American Zion- 27:234,215-216,218; ists and non-Zionists, 1+5: data concerning, 115:1+96; 211-213; 14.7:612 to participate in American Jew- JEWISH Information Bureau, ish Conference, 14.5:213; 14.0:14.38 et seq. efforts to combat anti-Semitism, "Jewish Inmates of the State 47:281; Prisons of the United cooperates with American Jewish States," article by Committee to present unified H.S. Linfield, 33:203- Jewish program to San Fran- 211 cisco UN Conference, 47:330- JEWISH Institute of Religion 331,489,491; 1+8:623; opened in New York, urges Conference to safeguard 25:37; Jewish rights in Palestine, data concerning, 25:272- 47:496 273 et seq.; JEWISH Labor Committee in Canada, Emil G, Hirsch honorary 45:14-96; 47:612 president, 2?:23l+; JEWISH Labor Congress favors estab- activities, ^3:52; J+7:2l6; lishment of Jewish republic 14.9:95-96,99-100; in Palestine, 21:182-183 merges with Hebrew Union JEWISH Labor Council, See American College, 144:108; 5O:17t+; Jewish Labor Council contributions to American Jewish scholarship, 4S6 -164-

JEWISH Labor Party and ques- JEWISH National Fund (cont.) tion of Palestine at fund-raising activities, American Jewish Con- 28:128; 41:231; ference, 14.6:169 work of, 29:104; 47:452; JEWISH Legion. See Hagdud 48:242; Halvri League establishes branch in U.S., "Jewish Migration," article 33:28; by Sidney Liskofsky, establishes George Washington 50:725-766 memorial forest, 34:24; JEWISH Mental Health Soci- world conference of, 38:387; ety, 33:229—41:476- acquires ownership of Yeshurun 477 Synagogue Center in Jeru- "Jewish Method of Slaying salem, 48:126; Animals: from the increases land holdings, 48:385 Point of View of JEWISH National Fund Bureau, Humanity," article by 45:496; 47:612 Moses Hyamson, 25: JEWISH National Fund of America, 163-179 data concerning, 36:323 JEWISH Ministers Association et seq.; of America, 20:313— activities, 38:205; 39:122, 31:269 247; JEWISH Ministers Cantors' grant of B'nai B'rith to, Association of 39:249; America, 24:236— funds raised by, 40:116-117; 49:655 46:131-182; JEWISH Mothers • Alliance of land acquisitions by, 42:313- the U.S., 26:489— 314, 418-419; 47:452 28:308 JEWISH National Labor Alliance JEWISH Museum, an activity of America, 13:231; 14:233 of Jewish Theological JEWISH National Rheumatic Relief Seminary, 50:198; Association, 17:307 work of, 50:198-199; JEWISH National Workers Alliance data concerning, 50:562 of America, data concerning. JEWISH Music Forum, data 15:378-379 et seq.; concerning, 45:4°8 convention proceedings, et seq.; 42:311 activities, 47:253; JEWISH Occupational Council, acti- 48:154 vities, 42:308; 44:144; JEWISH National Fund estab- 45:169; 50:135; lished by 5th Inter- data concerning, 43:558 et seq,, national Congress of combats employment discrimina- Zionists for land pur- tion, 44:145 chase, 4134, 82-83; JEWISH Palestine Exploration Soci- 14:23-35; 17:73-74; ety, 26:490—33:229-230 25:113-114; 27:93-94; JEWISH Peace Fellowship, 46:442 29:103-104; 30:53; 31: et aeq. 380-381; 44:281-282; JEWISH People's Committee for 46:277-278; 47:451- United Action against 453; 48:385-386; Fasolsm and anti-Semitism, agricultural projects, data concerning. 39:679— 14:32,33; 47:584; aids development of asks State Department to inter- Palestine, 17:59-61, vene In behalf of Polish 75; Jews, 40:100 -165-

JEWISH Peoples Fraternal JEWISH Publication Society (cont.) Order of the Inter- value as educational agency, national Workers 15:122; 16:107; Order, 1+6:1+39 et seq. memorial minutes and resolu- Jewish Peril. See Protocols tions, 15:1+73-1+74; 18:419- of the Wise Men of "~ 1+20; 39:849-850,863-864; 1*0: Zion 659; 42:707-708; 43:792; 45: "Jewish Population of the 684,692-693; 45:698-699; 46: United States," arti- 61^-615; 1+7:752-756; 1+9:838- cle by Samson D. 839; 50:858-859; Oppenheim, 20:31-71+; 25th anniversary celebration, articles by H.S. Lin- 15:25-27; 29:187; field, 30:101-201; gifts of Jaoob H. Schiff to, 14-3:6?U-66l 17:1+01-14.03; 23:39-1+0; 1+9: "Jewish Population of the 805,821,827,831; World," article by plans new Bible translation, Leon Shapiro and 19:165; Boris Sapir, 50:691- publishing agency of Jewish 721+ Welfare Board, 20:92; "Jewish Population Studies cooperates in distributing in the U.S.," article Jewish books to armed by Ben B. Seligman forces, 20:96; 21:697-698; and Harvey Swados, 1+6:216; 50:651-690 statistics on books distribu- JEWISH Publication Society ted by, 20:1+13; of America, data con- addresses before, 15:35-39, cerning, 1:56-58 59-100,122-11+6; 18:1+23-1+25; et seq.; 22:1+73,1+75-1+83; 23:398-1+08; annual reports, 2:651+- 27:1+97-509; 28:535-537; 751+ et aeq.; 32:31+1-350; 33:409-424; Jewish Encyclopedia pro- 34:351-359; 38:669-680; ject, 3:205-206; 39:865-871; 1+3:781+-791; organized, l+:75; 26:379, issues abridged Bible and U31-14-39; prayerbook for men in ser- work in New York City, vice, 20*1+19; 39:151; 1+1+: 5:237; 6:386-387, 5H-512; 392,397; Hebrew Press of, 22:1+72; 23: resolutions on Kishineff 397-398; 25:1+39; 26:1+70, massacres, 5:239-21+0; 669; 27:494-495; 28:532- issues book on Kishineff 533; 32:1+1+-1+5; 35:323-321+; massacres, 6:385-386; 36:1+81+; 37:1+70-1+71; 38:21+, cooperates in celebration 666; 39:858-859; 1+0:61+8- of 25oth anniversary 61+9; £.2:108-110,687,700-701 of settlement of Jews 1+3:778,782; 44:511-512; 1+5: in U.S., 7:*16-*17; 688-689,691-692; 1+6:608-609 origin and growth of, l+7:7l+l+-7l+6; l+8:652,66i+-665; paper by Ephralm 1+9:816-817,831-831+; 50:852- Lederer, 15:59-77; 853; Henrietta Szold secre- issues works by Israel Zang- tary of Publication will, 29:123,131+; Committee, 15:69; activities, 31:153-151+; 38:232 bequests to, 15:75; 26: 1+1+: 111+; 1+5:159; 686,687; 45:690; -166-

JEWISH Publication Society JEWISH rights, address by Joseph (cont.) Proskauer urging restoration golden Jubilee, 39:861- throughout the world, 4°: 862; 40:657; 41:232, 559-565 673-671;; 1+8:665-666; See also Human rights; Minority promotes Jewish scholar- rights ship in the U.S., "Jewish Rights at International 45:53,59-60; Congresses, article by cooperates in Religious Max J. Kohler, 19:106-160 Book Week and Jewish JEWISH Sabbath Alliance of America, Book Week, 45:159,690- data concerning, 22:304 691; 47:740; 1+8:647- et seq. 61+8,666-667; 50:849; JEWISH Self-Defense Association, publicity In Jewish press 8:117 on, 45:689-690; "Jewish Social Research in the federation subventions to, United States, article by 45:690; 47:739; 48: Hyraan Kaplan, 22:31-52 647,665; JEWISH Social Servioe Association ten year summary of work, of New York City, develop- 45:691-693; ment, 39:85 resolutions in honor of Jewish Social Studies published by Harry Schneiderman, Conference on Jewish Rela- 45:695; tions, 41:232 tribute to Louis Olnz- JEWISH Socialist Federation of berg, 46:603-604; America, 17:307-308—19:345 cooperates with Jewish JEWISH Socialist Labor Party Poale Book Council, 49:811- Zion of United States and 812 Canada, 18:243—33:230 See also American Jewish See also Labor Zionist Organi- Year Book; Bible trans- zation of America-Poale Zionj lation; Classics, United Zionist Socialist Jewish; Commentary, Labor Party Jewish JEWISH Soclalist-Territorlaliat JEWISH Quarterly Review, Labor Party of Amerioa, revival by JPS sug- 9:94—19:345 gested, 10:273; JEWISH Socialist Verband, 24:237 issued in U.S., 16:107; et seq. 42:84-85; 43:52; JEWISH State Party of Amerioa, 45:59 platform, 37:148? JEWISH Reconstruction Fund, data concerning, 38:479 meeting of, 28;96 JEWISH State Zionists of America, JEWISH Reconstruotlonist 39:686—47:585 Foundation, cultural JEWISH Statistical Bureau. See activities, 45:164; Statistical Bureau, Jewish 47:222-223; "Jewish Students in American Uni- data concerning, 45:4^9 versities," survey by B'nal etseq. B'rith, 50:767-774 JEWISH Keliglous Bodies, JEWISH Teachers• Seminary and data on, gathered for People's University, data U.S. Census Bureau by concerning, 24:238; 28:310; Bureau of Jewish Sta- 49:656-50:563 tistics, 19:426 attains status of college, 37:165; publications by, 48:155 -167-

JEWISH Telegraphic Agency, JEWISH Theological Seminary of 14-3:560 et seq. America (cont.) JEWISH Territorial Organi- under Solomon Schechter, 18:37, zation (ITO), object 52,55-56; 42:112-113,115; and activities, 8:272; 45:56; 10:233; 11:97-98; fund-raising campaigns, 26:40; conflict with Zionists, 32:73-74; 50:147; 8:272-273; establishes Teachers Institute, participates in Galveston 38:36; movement, 9:538-539? activities in adult education, 29:11+0; 38:71-72,235; 40:144-146; territorial projects ex- 44:102-103; 45:144; 46:104; amined by, 9:544» 47:250; 29:11*0-41; celebrates 50th anniversary, Israel Zangwill's acti- 39:275-277; vity in, 29:128,140 interfaith activities, 39:275- JEWISH Territorial Organi- 276; 40:146; 43:30; 46:93; zation, American 47:290; 48:196; Federation of. See sponsors Conference on Jewish American Federation Affairs, 39:276; of Jewish Territorial houses antiquities of Danzig Organization Jewish Museum, 42:101; JEWISH Theatrical Guild of meeting of various Jewish reli- America, 27:295 gious groups at, 43:31; et seq» takes over Graduate School for JEWISH Theological Seminary Jewish Social Work, 43:52; Association of America, promotes American Jewish data concerning, scholarship, 45:56,59,63; 1:58-60—4:121-122, becomes "university of Juda- 497; ism," 47:215-216,218,222; becomes Jewish Theo- radio program, 47:222,700; logical Seminary of 48:131; 50:190; America, 4:15 efforts to alleviate teacher Jewish Theological Semi- shortage, 47:233; nary of America, re- exchange professorships with organization and Hebrew University, 48:126; growth, 1^:15-16; 5:34; acquires Warburg home as 31:156; 38:235; 42:1*8, Jewish Museum, 48:131; 112-118; 45:70,71,72, 50:198; 73; 50:146; opens West Coast University of to train Conservative Judaism, 50:177 rabbis, 4:75; 38:72, students to cooperate In re- 73; habilitation of Jewish life data concerning, 4:122- abroad, 50:177 124 et seq.; See also Teachers Institute Library, 6:37; 9:554; JEWISH Theological Seminary of 25:43; 26:45; 28:52; America, Alumni Association 42:70; 45:69-70; of, 5:147—17:309 gifts to, 11:60; 23:33- JEWISH Theological Seminary and 34,35-36; 42:70; Sciehtific Institute beginnings, 16:103,104; organized by Sampson 40:47; 42:185; 44:78; Simsctn, 16:103 -168-

Jewish Tribune, depression Jews In Nazi Germany, book pub- causes suspension, lished by American Jewish 33:1*8 Committee, 35s56; 36:444- JEWISH University Club, 446 41:481—47:586 "Jaws in the United States Army JEWISH Valor Legion, 23: and Navy," by Lewis Landes, 229—47:586 18:76-79 JEWISH Veterans of the Wars "Jews of Alsaoe-Lorralne (1870- of the Republic, 1920)," article by Sylvain 26:14.91;-32:179 Halff, 22:53-79 "Jewish War Records of "Jews of America, 1654-1787, with World War II," artiole Special Reference to the by S.O. Kohs, 47;l53- Revolution," article by 172 Albert M. Friedenberg, JEWISH War Veterans of 28:193-218 America, 25:277— 28:313 "Jews of Latin America, including JEWISH War Veterans of the South and Central Amerioa, U.S., data concerning, Mexico, the West Indies, 33:232 et seq.; and the United States pos- program and activities, sessions," article by Harry 41:229; 50:145 0. Sandberg, 19:35-105 JEWISH War Veterans of the "Jews of Serbia, article by United States, Sons 1. Alcalay, 20:75-87 of, 41:505-506; "Jews who have received the Nobel 14-3:590 Prize," artiole by B enjamiij JEWISH Welfare Board. See Harrow, 25:195-203 National Jewish Wel- JODL, General Alfred, trial for fare Board war crimes, 49:585,588 "Jewish Women's Organiza- JOFFE, Joshua A., data concerning, tion in the United 6:125-126 States," article by JOHNS Hopkins University, gift of Rebekah Kohut, 33:165- Jacob H. Schiff to, 23:43; 201 declines to participate in JEWISH World Relief Coh- celebration at Goettlngen ferenoe, efforts, in University, 39:213-234; behalf of refugees, creates Department of Religion, 28:441-442 39:261; JEWS' College, message to Jewish collections in library, JPS on its 25th anni- 45:95 versary, 15:154-156 JOHNSON, Albert, Chairman of House JEWS from France, organiza- Committee on Immigration, tion, 50:563 24:356; "Jews in the Armed Forces," introduces restrictlonist bill, articles by Louis 26:56 Kraft, 45:175-181; JOHNSON, Edgar M., in Ohio State 46:129-133; 47:263- Legislature, 11:228 268 JOHNSON, Herschel V., approves Jews In the Eastern War UN partition plah for Zone, book published Palestine, 50:241,242, by American Jewish 244,815 Committee, 19:451-452; JOHNSON, Simeon M., president of circulated abroad, 19: Ohio State Bar Association, 456 15:260 -169-

JOHNSON-Dlllingham Immi- JOINT Emergency Committee for gration Bill, passed Jewish Affairs, organized by Congress, 23:119; to rescue European Jewry. opposed by American Jew- 45:196; 46:549; ish Committee, recommendations to Anglo- 24:344-356; American Refugee Conference, becomes law, 25:376 45:196,361; 46:569; JOINT Consultative Council urges Palestine as place of established by Ameri- immigration, 45:210 can organizations for JOINT Foreign Committee of Board action in German of Deputies of British Jews crisis, 35:56; 36:433; and the Anglo-Jewish Asso- 38:633; 39:79; ciation, statement on Pales- policies and activities. tine, 20j284-285; 36:416; complains of Soviet Russia's efforts in behalf of attitude toward Judaism, refugees, 36:437-440, 25:47; 26:48; 442; 37.-U29; aids Jews of Hungary, 25:101; places German Jewish joins appeal to League of children in American Nations in behalf of Polish homes, 36:1+39-440; Jews, 26:62; American Jewish Committee reports formation of interna- cooperates with, tional anti-Semitic organi- 37:434; zation, 26:91-92; urges changes in League of discusses petition to League of Nations Nations' procedure on minor- against Nuremberg ity rights, 29:55,57; decrees, 39:803; disapproves World Jewish Cong- dissolved, 44:469-470 ress, 37:453-456; JOINT Defense Appeal, reorganization proposed, organization and acti- 39:305; vities, 44:138,141; dissolved, 46:187 45:170,172; 49:794; JOINT Palestine Survey Commission 50:145; appointed, 30:37,310; fund-rai3ing body for 31:382,383; American Jewish Com- findings of survey by, mittee and B'nai 30:55-70; B'rlth, 48:162; term3 of referenoe and speci- work of American Jewish fications, 30:326-333; Committee in behalf results in enlargement of of, 43:623; Jewish Agency, 40:33 data concerning, 49:656; JOINT Public Relations Committee 50:564; of the Canadian Jewish American Jewish Committee Congress and the B'nai cooperates with Anti- B'rith in Canada, 45:496; Defamation League in, 47:613 50:833-834 JOLSON, Al, mayor of Encino, Cal., JOINT Distribution Committee. 38:405 See American Jewish JOLY, Maurice, book by, basis of Joint Distribution Protocols of Elders of Zlon, Committee 24:342 -170-

JONAS, Benjamin P., in U.S. JOSEPH, Henry, portraits of early Congress, 2:5l8-5l9; American Jews owned by, 9:1+36 et aeq.; 25:156-159 data concerning, 6:126 JOSEPH, Henry, prominent early JONAS, Heinrich. See Canadian trader, 27:161-162 Jones, Henry JOSEPH, Irving, J., in New York JONAS, Henry, data concern- Legislature, 11:228; ing, 7:73 13:328; 17:216 JONAS, L,, on Nashville, JOSEPH, Jacob H., prominent early Town., Board of Educa- resident of Montreal, tion, 18:102 27:l6J+-l65 JONAS, Nathan S,, data con- JOSEPH, Jewe, prominent Montreal cerning, 7:73 businessman, 27:165 JONATHANSON," Jonas A., data JOSEPH, Lazarus, in New York concerning, 6:126 Legislature, 36:255; 37:230; {[ONES, Henry, organizer of 1+1-399; 1+3:314-3; U5:37O; B'nai 3'rith, U3:786; 1+7:507; 1+5:98 controller of City of New York, JORDAN, David Starr, favors restriction of Immi- JOSEPH, Montefiore, prominent in graticn, 21;:51*.; Quebec, 27:167,168 signs Christian protest JOSEPH, Mrs.. Kontefiore, promi- against anti-Jewish nent in Quebec, 27:168 propaganda, 2I4.:336 JOSEPH, Moses V,, memorial minute JORDAN Valley Authority, by Executive Committee of proposed by Walter American Jewish Committee C. Lowdermilk, 1+6:179- on, 32:297-298 180; JOSEPH, Samuel, on New York plans submitted to Anglo- Bench, 50:506 American Committee of JOSEPH, Theodore P., biographical Inquiry, 1+8:1+13; sketch, 5:67 American engineers reject JOSEPHI, Isaac A., data concern- adverse criticism of, Ing, 6:126 1+8:1+11+ JOSEPHS, Louis, in Arkansas JOSEPH, Abraham, prominent Legislature, 15:260 in Quebec civic life, JOSEPHSON, Manuel, portrait of, 27:166,16? 25:150; JOSEPH, Andrew, prominent facing, 162 in Quebec, 27:167,168 JOSEPHSON, Ritzel Judah, portrait JOSEPH, Annie, data con- of, 25:150-151; cerning, 7:73 facing, 162 JOSEPH, Charles, in New JOSLIN, Philip C, Speaker of York Legislature, Rhode Island House of Rep- 19:252 resentatives, 25:121; JOSEPH, Emil, on Cleveland, on Rhode Island Bench, 31+196 Ohio, Board of Edu- JOURNALISM, activities of the cation, 15:260 Jewish immigrant in, JOSEPH, Ger3hom, first Jew- 50:57-61 ish Queen's Counsel See also Yiddish press in Canada, 27:165 JUDAH, Noble J., Jr., in Illinois JOSEPH, Harry, in Utah Legislature, 13:282 Legislature, 7:193; JUDAH family, among colonial 9:1+78 pioneers in Canada, 27:157 -171-

JUDAIC Union, data conoern- JUDSON, Solomon, data concerning, ing, 8:119—18:245 6:127 JUDAISM, attaoked by Com- JUDISCH-Theologischea Seminar, munist Party in Soviet Brealau, message to JPS on Russia, 21^:25-26; 2$: its 25th anniversary, 43-47,389-390; 26:46- 15:157 49,657-658: 27:52-54, JUGOSLAVIA. See Yugoslavia 469-470; 28:53-55; 29: JUNG, Leo, develops uniform 1+9-50; 31:35; 33:361; curriculum for Orthodox 14.3:14-38-439; Talmud Torahs, 43:33; associations for promo- obituary of Bernard Revel, tion of science of, 43:415-424 28:51; statistics on apostasy JUNG, Moses, professor of reli- from and conversion gious eduoation at Hillel to, 29:29 Foundation of University world organization of Illinois, 27:144 denied, 37:176; JUNIOR American ORT, 42:534— and democracy, 38:115; 45:793 14-3:29,30; 1+9:158-159; JUNIOR Hada33ah, data concerning, and Mohammedanism, 37:307 et seq,; 1+4:61+ activities, 39:288; 43:54; See also Conservative wartime program, 44:117 Judaism; Orthodox JUNIOR Mizraohl Women's Organiza- Judaism; Reform tion of America, 45:473 Judaism et 3ea> JUDD, Mas, in U.S. consular Junior Plattsburg Manual, Americar service, 6:126-127 Jewish Committee combats discriminatory phraseology JUDELSON, Jacob, establishes In, 21:647-648 Association for the JURIST, Louis, data concerning, Protection of Jewish 6:127 Immigrants in Phila- JUVENILE delinquents, Chicago delphia, 50:39 pioneer in work in behalf JUDELSOHN, M.J.I., in U.S. of, 46:38-40; consular service, and Jewish immigrants, 50:26 14:279 JUDGES, Jewish, of U.S. and State Courts, 33:264- 266 et seq, JUDSON, Harry Pratt, opposes literacy test for immigrants, 12:97 -172-

KABAK, Aaron Abraham, KAHN, Reuben L., awards won by, Hebrew novelist, 36:255; 39:567 death, 47:471 KAHN, Sholom P., -.rticle, "Cul- KAHAN, Albert, honors and tural Activities of the Jews awards conferred on, of the U.S.," 50:178-202 35:108; 39:567; KAHN, William, data concerning, 44:322; 45:370 KAHAN, Henry 0., In New York 7:74 KAIPENaPEE, China, Jewish com- Legislature, 24:87; munity in, 27:36 25:121; 26:133; 32: KAISER, Alois, biographioal 144; 33:114; 34:98 sketch, 5:67 KAHN, Arthur, In Wlsoonsln KALISCH, Bertha. See Spachner, Legislature, 13:282 Bertha Kallsch KAHN, Bernard, report on KALISCH, Samuel, on New Jersey Jewish refugees Bench, 13:283; 33:265; stranded by Immigra- 34:235 tion Law of 1921)., KALISH, Max, wins French art 30:314; award, 15:260 confirms precarious con- KALISKY, David J., awarded French dition of Polish Legion of Honor, 37:230 Jewry, 37:141-142; KALLEM, Henry, wins art prize, to come to Mew York as 50:506 JDC honorary European KALLEN, Horace M., obituary of chairman, 41:207-208 Julian William Mack, KAHN, Ely J., wins award of 46:35-46 American Institute of KALLMAN, D,, on New York City Architects, 37:230 Board of Aldermen, 20:167 KAHN, Emanuel, biographical KALMDS, Harry, in Massachusetts sketch, 5:67; 6:218 Legislature, 41:399; 43:343 KAHN, Florence P., in House KALODNER, Harry E., judicial of Representatives, career, 38:405; 41:399; 27:144.364 et seq, 49:598 KAHN, Gabriel, data con- KALTENBRUMNER, Ernst, trial for cerning, 7:73-74 war crimes, 49:585,586 KAHN, Julius, in House of KAMAIKY, Leon, activity in New Representatives, York Jewish Community, 2:519; 7:193 et_seq.; 11:48,49; biographical sketch, participates in overseas relief 4:172-173; 6:127; work in World War I, 19:198; 7:126-127; chairman of committee to aid obituary by Harry European Jews at outbreak Schneiderman, 27:238- of World War I, 41:143 245; KAMENETZKY, Heiman M., biograph- portrait, facing, 27:238 ical sketch, 5:67 KAHN, Louis D., on New York KAMENSKI, Herman, rabbi, 6:218 City Bench, 33:114 KAMINSKY, George E., in New York KAHN, M.J., on Trinidad, Legislature, 37:230; 38:405 Colo., Board of KANSAS, statistical data on Jews Aldermen, 13:282 and Jewish activities, 3: KAHN, Otto H., honors and 135; 30:184; 42:246; awards conferred on, Sunday law in, 10:157; 21:201; 22:153; agricultural colonies estab- 24:87 lished by Russian Jews, 14:62 -173-

KANTOR, Jacob, on faculty KAPLAN, Mordecai M. (oont.) of University of contributions to American Jew- Chicago, 20:167 ish scholar ihip, 1+5:56; KANTROWITZ, Joshua, signs aids expansion of Jewish Theo- memorial to Prea. logical Seminary of America, Wilson opposing Quota 147:215; Law, 27:1+28,14.36 attacked by Union of Orthodox KAPLAN, Bernard M., biogra- Jewish Rabbis, 1+7:217; phical sketch, 5:o7- 1+8:128; 68; 6:218 opinion on place of Jewish tra- KAPLAN, Charles, in Massa- dition in American democ- chusetts Legislature, racy, 149:158-159; 1+1:399; U3:3U3; 1+5: founder of Reconstructionist 371; 1+7:507; 149:598 movement, 50:73-71+; KAPLAN, Elias M., data con- work on Judaism by, 50:163-161+ cerning, 5:68 KAPLAN, Nathan D., data concern- KAPLAN, Frank, on McKeesport, ing, 7:71+; Pa., Board of Educa- Danish consul for Jaffa and tion, 18:102 Tel Aviv, 37:23a KAPLAN, Hyman, article, KAPLAN, Samuel, in New York "Jewish Social Re- Legislature, 1+9:598 search in the United KAPPA Nu Fraternity, 19:31+6- States," 22:31-52 31+7 et seq» KAPLAN. Jacob, article, KAPPER, Isaac M., on New York "French Jewry under Bench, 12:328; 28:11+1 the Occupation," KARABKLL, Charles J., on Indiana 14.7:71-118; Bench, 37:230; 1+1:399 temporary Grand Rabbi of KARESKI, Georg, in charge of cul- France, 14.7:93; tural life of German Jewry, released from arrest, 38:321+ 147:103-1014; KARFUNKLE, David, data concerning, protests anti-Jewish 6:127 decrees, 147:113-118; KARFUNKEL, Solomon, data concern- review of affairs in ing, 6:219 France, 14.9:319-321+ KARIEL, Loui3 W,, mayor of KAPLAN, Jacob H., data con- Marshall, Texas, 1+6:321 cerning, 6:218 KARIGEL, Chayyim Isaac, early KAPLAN, Jacob J., on Board Newport, R.I., rabbi, of Editors of Harvard l+:65 Law Review, 12:320; KARLIN, F.A., in New York Legis- interim report of Com- lature, 26:132 mittee on Peace Prob- KARLIN, W., in New York Legisla- lems of American ture, 20:167 Jewish Committee, KARMAN, Theodore von, wins prize l;7:725-731 in aeronautical engineering, KAPLAN, Mordecai M., data 50:507 concerning, 6:219; KARP, Maurice F., on New Jersey active in New York Jew- Bench, 3l+:98 ish Community, 11:50; heads Society for Ad- vancement of Judaism, U3:36; -174-

KARPP, Maurice J., presi- KATZENBERG, Max, on New York City dent of American Board of Education, 10:119 Association of Pro- KATZENSTEIN, Wil'.iam S., on New fessional Schools of York City Bench, 40:360 Social Work, 34:98; KATZNELSON, Berl, death of, 35:108; 47:471 article, "Jewish Com- KAUFPMAN, Prank D., on Quinoy, munity Organization Mass., City Councils 26:132 in the U.S.," KAUFMAN, Benjamin, wins Congres- 39:47-148; sional medal of honor, opposed to British Royal 21:151-152 Commission's plan for KAUFMAN, David E., in U»S. diplo- Palestine partition, matic service, 30:73; 40:108 32:144 et_seq, KARTSCHMAROFF, Edward, bio- KAUFMAN, D.L., in House of Repre- raphical sketch, sentatives, 15:260 f :68 KAUFMAN, David S., biographical KASHRUTH, New York State data concerning, 2:519 law for protection KAUFMAN, George S., Pulitzer of, 25:27; 26:28; prize winner, 39:567 27:30; 28:29; KAUFMAN, J.E., in Texas Legisla- Poland discusses law on, ture, 13:283; 15:260 27:30-31; KAUFMAN, Joseph, wins Carnegie New York Jewish organi- Medal for heroism, 20:167 zations act to pre- KAUFMAN, Moses, city auditor of vent abuses in law, Lexington, Ky., 9:478 28:30; KAUFMAN, Samuel H., Judge U.S. legislation in other District Court, 50:507,61*3 states on, 29:26; KAUFMAN, Victor R., in New York 31:27-26; Legislature, 24:87; 25:121; questions concerning, in 26:132 the U.S., 33:45-47; KAUFMAOT, Edgar J., urges co- New York City appoints ordination of Jewish effort committee for en- to combat Hitler threat, forcement of law on, 40:139; 34:38; awarded honorary degree by OPA directive on, University of Pittsburgh, 45:144 45:371 KAUFMANN, Edmund I., urges post- KASSON, John A., U.S. Mini- ponement of World Jewish ster to Austria, ad- Congress, 38:210; vocates Jewish eman- heads Zionist Organization of cipation, 19:139 America, 42:314; 43:98 KASTOR, I., mayor of Evans- KAUFMANN, Edward, data concerning ton, Wyo., 15:260; 6:127-128 16:157 KAUTZSCH, Emll, collection given KATZ, Abram J., memorial to Library of Jewish Theo- resolution by Ameri- logical Seminary, 45:71 can Jewish Committee KAUVAR, Charles E.H., biographioa on, 20:366 sketch, 5:68; KATZ, Henry, president of Hartford, Conn., on faculty of Denver Unlversit Board of Health, 22:153 48:473 -175-

KAYSER, Stephen S., curator KENDALL, William, signs Christian of Jewish Museum, protest against anti-Jewiwh 50:198 propaganda, 21;:336 KAYSERLING, Meyer, death, KENIN, Harry M., in Oregon Legis- 7:270; lature, 41:399 books by, on connection KENNAN, George, signs Christian of Jews with discovery protest against anti-Jewish of America, 29:151-152 propaganda, 21;;336 KEEN, William W., signs KENTUCKY, statistical data on Jews Christian protest and Jewish activities, 3: against anti-Jewish 135-136; 30:184-185; 42:21+6; nropa^anda, 21+:336 Sunday law in, 10:157 KEHILLAH movement encouraged KENYA, Jewish population increases. by American Jewish 44:177 Committee, 18:329-330; KEREN HATARBUT. See Palestine activity concerning, Hebrew Culture Fund 25:79 KEREN HAYESOD. See Palestine See also New York, Jewish Foundation Fund Community of; Los KEREN KAYEMETH League. See Jewish Angeles; Philadelphia, National Fund Jewish Community of KERENSKY, Alexander, and movement KEIDAN, Harry B., on Michi- for formation of Jewish gan Bench, 22:153; battalion, 21:129 30:73; 38:405 KERN, Jerome, member of National KEISER, Leopold, data con- Institute of Arts and cerning, 7:74 Letters, 47:507 KEITEL, General Wilhelm, KERNAN, William C, refutes trial for war crimes, Father Coughlin's anti- 1+9:585,588 Jewish charges, 41:211 KELLER, Friedrich von, Ger- KESHER Shel Barzel Order, 2:158- man representative, 162—18:251 discusses Jewish KESSLER, Nathaniel, awarded medal question before by Rutgers University, League of Nations, 36:255 36:99-100,105-106 KEYSER, Ephraim, data concerning, KELLOGG, Paul U., sign3 6:128 Christian protest KEYSER, Ernest W», data concern- against anti-Jewish ing, 6:128 propaganda, 2i|.: 336 KHALIDI, Hussein, testifies be- KELSEN, Hans, anti-Semitic fore British Royal Commis- manifestations in con- sion on Palestine, 39:474» nection with, 39:359 475 KEMPNER, David W., in New KHARASCH, Morris S., member of York Legislature, National Academy of Sciences, 25:121 48:473 KEMPNER, Isaac H., data con- KHOURY, Faris el, testifies before cerning, 6:128; Anglo-American Committee of mayor of Galveaton, Texas, Inquiry, 48:408 19:252 KIELCE, Poland, pogrom, 48:118 KEMPNER, Otto, chief magis- KIEV, I. Edward, and John J. trate of Brooklyn, Tepfer, article, "Jewish 12:329 Institute of Religion," 49:91-100 -176-

KIMBERLEY, Australia, pro- KIRSTEIN, Louis E. (cont.) jected Jewish settle- heads committee for unity of ment In, 14.5:225; action by Zionists and non- 1+7:373-371+ Zionists, 1+4:1+79; 1+5:211; KINDER, Aaron S., In Penn- portrait, 1+5: frontispiece; sylvania Legislature, obituary by Beniamln P. Selek- 17:216 man, 1+5:35-1+6; KING, Henry Churchill, memorial resolutions on, signs Christian pro- 1+5:628-629,698 test against anti- KISCH, Frederick, representative Jewish propaganda, of Zionist Organization on 21+: 336 Jewish Agency, 25:110; KING, Milton W,, president career in World War II, 1+5:334} of Washington, D.C., 1+8:57; Bar Association, death, 1+5:31+1+; 1*5:371 Palestine memorial for* King of Kings, motion pic- 1+7:350-351 ture, protested by RISER, Sol. S., data concerning, American Jewish 7:71+-75 organizations, 30:25; KISHINEFF pogrom, story of, changes in, mado through 5:19-20; American Jewish Com- arouses world-wide protest, mittee, 31:31+7 5:21,22,39,109,111,112, KING, William H., Senator, 129-130,133, ll+l, 239-21+0; urges U.S, open doors 6:378-379; 23:1+6; 26:1+12; to refugees, 38:19U- 1+2:71-72; 1+5:101; KINGSLEY, Darwin P,, signs results in U.S. hegemony In Christian protest Jewish affairs, 5:21-22, against anti-Jewish 31-38; oropaganda, 21;:336 von Plehoe responsible for, KINGSLEY, Sidney, winner of 6:27; Pulitzer Prize for report on Relief Fund for, drama, 36:256 6:380; KINGSTON, N.Y., question of JPS issues work on, 6:385-386, religious instruction 393; In public schools of, leads to unified action by 1+8:129 American Jewry, 3l+:319-320; KIRK, Frank C., awarded stimulates organization of painting prize by American Jewish Committee, North Shore Art Asso- 1+2:71+ ciation, 50:507 KISHINEFF to Bialystok, a table KIRSCHSTEIN, Salli, collec- of pogroms in Russia from tion acquired by 1903 to 1906, 8:3l+-89 Library of Hebrew KLAPPER, Paul, president of Union College, City College, 39:567; 1+5:82-85 awarded honorary degree by KIRSTEIN, Louis E., on Queens College, 50:507 Boston Library Board, KLAUS, Henry, in Massachusetts 22:153; 33:11U} Legislature, 1+1:399 honors conferred on, 32:108-109; 1+5:1+3; 1+6:321; -177-

KLAUSNER, Joseph, article, KLEIN, Max, rabbi, data concern- "The Hebrew University ing, 6:219 in Jerusalem," KLEIN, Philip, biographical sketch, 39:179-192; 5:69; important figure in active in New York Jewish Com- literary Palestine, munity, 11:49 48:675 KLEINER, Israel, dean of N.Y. KLAW, Maro, data concerning, Homeopathic Medical College 6:129 and Flower Hospital, 25:121 KLEBANOW, Louis, decorated KLEINPELD, A.S0, cantor, 6:219 for gallantry in KLEINPELD, Philip M., in New York World War I, 38:405 Legislature, 25:121; 33:114; KLEEBERG, Levi, biographical 35:109; 37:230; 39:567; sketch, 5:68 41:399; 43:343; KLEIN, Arthur G., in House on New York Bench, 43:343; of Representatives, 44:322 !+!(.: 322 et seq. KLEINPELD, Solomon, data concern- KLEIN, Charles, on Pennsyl- ing, 6:219 vania Bench, 37:230; KLEINMAN, Maurice, awarded Paris 38:1^05; Prize of Society of Beaux- on Board of Trustees of Arts Architects, 36:256 Temple University, KLEISON, Samuel, mayor of Rose- 42:463; dale, Kans., 13:283 acting dean of Temple KLENERT, Abraham, on New Jersey University Law School, Bench, 13:28? MM 322 KLINE, Adolph, on New York Board KLEIN, David, on New York of Aldermen, 14:279 City Bench, 40:360 KLINE, Herman, in Colorado Legis- KLEIN, David, rabbi, bio- lature, 41:399 graphical sketch, KLINGMAN, B.C., in New York Legis- 1:6 lature, 20:167 KLEIN, Mrs. Gertrude W., on KLOTZ, Sam, mayor of Napoleon- New York City Council, ville, La., 47:507 44:322 KLUTZNICK, Philip M., Commissioner KLEIH, Henry, biographical of Federal Public Housing sketch, 5:68-69 Authority, 46:321; KLEIN, Israel, biographical awarded certificate of merit as sketch, 5: 69 housing administrator, KLEIN, Jacob, Councilman of 50:507 Rankin, Pa., lit.:279 KNIGHTS of Columbus enlist in KLEIN, Jacob, in Nebraska fight against anti-Semitism, Legislature, 15:260 23:118 KLEIN, Jacob., rabbi, bio- MIGHTS of Joseph, Order, 4:136— raphical sketch, 39:660 f:69; 6:219 KNIGHTS of Maccabees, Order, KLEIN, Jacob B., data con- 12:248—14:240 cerning, 7:75 KNIGHTS of Zion, Order, 2:181; KLEIN, Julius, honored by 9:112—18:245 Philippine Govern- KNOWLEDGE Seekers, forerunner of ment, 49:598 JPS, 15:62-63 KLEIN, M., on New York City KNOX, Philander C., Secretary of Board of Aldermen, State, letter to Pres. Taft 8:186 on the passport question, 13:49-50 -178-

KCBRIN, Leon, data concern- KOHLER, Kaufmann (cont.) ing, 6:129 on relation between Judaism KOCH, Samuel, biographical and science, 2812l4.i4.-2i4.?; sketch, 5:69 controversy wf;h Alexander KOCHENDORFER, J., on New Kohut, 28:21+9; York City Board of convenes meeting of rabbis in Aldermen, 16:157 Pittsburgh, 1+4:77 KOENIG, J., in New York KOHLER, Max S., data concerning, Legislature, 19:252 6:129; 37:21-22; KOENIG, Morris, on New York activity in behalf of the immi- Bench, 18:102; 2l+:87; grant, 12:70-86; 28:1+53; 25:121 29:396; 32:300-301; 37:22- KOENIG, Nathan, member of 23,1+29-1+30; Agricultural Adjust- article, "Jewish Rights at ment Administration, International Congresses," 37:128 19:106-160; KOENIG, Samuel S., New York co-author with Simon Wolf, of Secretary of State, Jewish Disabilities in the 11:228; Balkan State3, 19:f+fe"6"l chairman of New York obituary of Simon Wolf, 26:lj.0l+- County Republican 1+19; Committee, 13:283; opposes proposed registration 11+: 279; of aliens, 27:1+39; 29:1+07; on New York Bench, 23:121}. 31:31+0-31+1+; 33:57,31+6; KOERNER, Henry, art award 31+: 285; 35:290; won by, 1+3:31+3 opposes movement to erect KOHA1SKI, Alexander S., statue to Haym Salomon, review of events in 33:1+7-1+8; Central and Western cites precedents for interven- Europe, 1+7:375-390 tion in behalf of minori- KOHLER, Kaufmann, heads ties, 36:1+36,1+1+0; Hebrew Union College, obituary of Irving Lehman, 5-.33-3U; 28:252-253; 37:21-25; 1+5:56-57; portrait, facing, 37:21; biographical sketch, efforts in behalf of German 5:69-70; 28:235-236, refugees, 37:1+29-1+30; 2U2.257; memorial resolution of American active in JPS Bible Jewish Committee on, translation, 15:76; 37:1+1+1-1+1+2 lj.5-.53; KOHLMAN, Samuel, in California obituary, by H.G, Enelow, Legislature, 9:1+78 28:235-260; KOHN, Abraham B., data concern- portrait, facing 28:235; ing, 7:75 protagonist of Reform KOHN, Annette, data concerning, Judaism, 28:235,21a, 6:129 21+3,2W+, 21+7,21+9,250; KOHN, Arnold, data concerning, l+t+:77; 7:75 literary activity and KOHN, Hezekiah, data concerning, scholarship, 28:237- 7:75-76 21+1,21+7-21+8, 251-252, KOHN, Jacob, obituary of Israel 251+-259; 1+5:1+7,57-58; Priedlaender, 23:65-79 -179~

KOHN, Robert D., president "Kol Nidre," article by Israel of American Institute Davidson, 25:180-191*; of Architects, 33:114; bibliography, 25:192-194 awarded medal by New KOLCHAK, Alexander, Admiral, York Chapter, 36:256 correspondence of powers KOHS, S.C., article, "Jew- with, on protection of ish War Records in minority rights in Russia, World War II," 21:168 1*7: 153-172 KOLINSKY, A., in Ohio Legislature, KOHUT, Alexander, protago- 8:186 nist of Orthodoxy, KOLLER, Karl, awarded Kussmaul 28:21*9; l*l*:76-77; medal of the University of article by Ismar Elbogen Heidelberg, Germany, 31:83 on, (*!*:73-80; KOMAIKO, Z.B., decorated by scholarship and literary Lithuania, 37:230 activity, l*l*:7i*-79; KONVITZ, Milton R., obituary of U5:5O; Morris R. Cohen, 1*9:1*9-66 founder of Jewish Theo- KOOFMAN, Augustus, data concern- logical Seminary, ing, 6:130 1^:78; KOPALD, Louis J., on Buffalo, N.Y. invites Schechter to head Board of Education, 18:102 faculty, 1*1*: 78-79; KOFELMAN, Prank, on Massachusetts See also Alexander Kohut Bench, 39:567 Memorial Foundation KOPETSKY, Samuel, Chevalier of the KOHUT, George A., data con- Legion of Honor, 36:256; cerning, 6:130; president of American Laryn- 36:55-57; gologlcal, Rhinological and portrait, facing 36:55; Otologlcal Society, 39:567 obituary by Alexander KOPPSTEIN, Mayer, biographical Marx, 36:55-61*; sketch, 5:70; 6:219 scholarly activities, KOPLIK, Henry, data concerning, 36:57-61*5 1*1*:79; 6:130-131 45:61*; KOPLOVITZ, Isidor, on faculty of library of, 2+5:9U- University of Georgia, KOHUT, Rebekah, data con- 9:1*75 cerning, 7:76; article, Jewish Women's KOPP, Harry, in New York Legisla- Organization in the ture, 13:283 U.S.," 33:165-201; KOPPLEMANN, Herman P., public on the value of the offices held by, 15:260; National Council of 35:109,232; 36:256,361* Jewish Women, 1*6:55; et sec), KORN, Louis, data concerning, president of World Cong- 6:131 ress of Jewish Women, KORNFELD, Joseph S,, biographical 1*6:57,68-69; sketch, 5:70; 6:219; chairman of reconstruc- on Columbus, Ohio Board of tion committee of Na- Education, 18:102; 20:167; tional Council of Jew- Minister to Persia, 21*: 87; ish Women, 1*6:67-68; 33:263 et seq. active in Educational KORNHAUSER, Samuel J., president Alliance, Ttew York, of Cleveland, 0., Public 1*6:82 Library, 1*1:399 •L90T

KORY, Samuel I,., biographi- KRASOVSKY (cont.) cal sketch, 5:70 efforts to find murderer in KOSHER meat. See Kashruth BeiMs case, 16:58-59; KOTINSKY, Jacob, data con- punished for stand on case, cerning, 6:131 16:62 KOURCIK, Leon, biographical KRAUS, Adolf, data concerning, sketch, 5:70 6:131-132 KOUSSEVITZKY, Sergei, honors decorated by Emperor of conferred on, i+O:36O; Austria, 7:190; 1+2:1+63 initiates Russo-American Con- KOWALSKI, Benjamin, data ference in behalf of c one erning, 7:76; Russian Jews, 14.5:102 mayor of Brownsville, KRAUS, Ezra J., on faculty of Tex., 12:329; 13:283 University of Wisconsin, KRAEMER, Otto J., lecturer 22:153 at University of KRAUS, Gilbert J., Assistant Oregon, 8:182 Solicitor, Philadelphia, KRAFT, Louis, articles: 26:133 "Jews in the Armed KRAUS, Joseph, on Cleveland, 0,, Forces," 1+5:175-181; Council, 10:120 14.6:129-133; U7:263- KRAUS, Milton, presidential 268; "Servicemen and elector, 11:11+5; Veterans, 1+8:161+-172 in House of Representatives, KRAMER, Arthur, on Dallas, 19:1+05 et seq. Texas Board of Educa- KRAUSKOPP, Joseph, biographical tion, 13:283 sketch, 5:71} 26:1+21-1+23, KRAMER, Rueben R., awarded 1+1+6-1+1+7; r'Prlx de Rome" for and the National Farm Sohool, sculpture, 36:256 12:35; ll+:105; 26:1+1+1-1+1+3; KRAMER, Mrs. S.J., on New advocates formation of JPS, York Board of Educa- 15:62,63; 26:1+31-1+39; tion, 11+: 279 obituary by Abraham J. Feldman, KRAMER, Samuel E., on 26:1+20-1+1+7; Cleveland, 0., Coun» portrait, facing 26:1+22; oil, 10:119; 12:329; introduces Sunday services, on Ohio Bench, 18:103; 26:1+28-1+30; 33:114; 39:567; tribute by Simon Miller, KRAMER, Samuel Noah, wins 26:681 prize of American KRAUSKOPF, Marcus, biographical Philosophical Society, sketch, 5:71 1+6:321 KREIDEL, Samuel, mayor of Ellens- KRANTZ, Philip. See burg, Wash., 17:216 Rombro, Jacob KRIEGSHABER,. Victor H., president KRASNOWETZ, Nathan, bio- of Atlanta, Ga,, Chamber of graphical sketch, Education, 18:103 5:70 KRISEL, Alexander, in U.S. diplo- KRASOVSKY, former chief of matic service, 15:260 Kiev secret police, KRITZMAN, Morris, in Massachusetts refuses to bring Legislature, 1+1:399 blood accusation KROCHMAL, Nachman, obituary by charge against Jews, Max TJussbaum, Ifo:81-92 16:25,26,37,1+1+-1+7; KROHN, S., rabbi, 6:219 -181-

KROLL, Abraham M., in Penn- KU KLUX KLAN (cont.) sylvania Legislature, revival aids spread of anti- 39:567 Jewish agitition, Ij.8:l8l- KROLL, Leon, painting honors 183,191; awarded to, 39:567; still formidable, 14.9:190-191; (+1:399 50:215-216 KROMBACH, Beatrice de Lack, KUCHLER, Rudolph, in Utah Legis- data concerning, 757° lature, 11:228 KRONBERG, Louis, data con- KUHN, Fritz, outlines program of cerning, 6:132; German-American Bund, wins painting award, 39:259; UXkOO leader of Bund, 1*2:291-292 KROSS, Anna Moscowitz, on KUHN, Harry P., in Pennsylvania New York City Bench, Legislature, l5-«260 36:256; KUHN, Isaac, stimulates organiza- alumna of Educational tion of Hillel Foundation Alliance, 14.6:82 at University of Illinois, KROTOSHINSKY, Abraham, heroism rewarded by KUHN, Walt, wins painting award, Nathan Straus, 33:Hj-9 Ul:lj.00 KRUGER, Albert, data con- KULBERG, Osias, biographical cerning, 7:77 sketch, 5:71 KRULEWITCH, Samuel, in New KUN, Joseph L«, reports on Phila- York Legislature, delphia Jewish Community to 8:186; American Jewish Committee, Assistant Appraiser of 2U56U5U5U8; Merchandise, New York, assistant U.S. district 10:120 attorney, 24:87; KRUPP von Bohlen, Alfred, on Pennsylvania Bench, 30:73; war crimes trial, 3U:237; lj.O:36O 5U97l98 KURSHEEDT, Manuel A.a data con- KU KLUX KLAN, exposed, cerning, 6:132; 2U:3U4; organizer of Educational denounced by Federal Alliance, New York, lj.6-.75 Council of Churches in KUSSY, Joseph, on Newark, N.J. Christ, 25:82; Board of Education, 23:12l(. effort of American Jewish KUTNER, Adolph, and passport Committee to combat question in Congress, activities, 26:639-61(2; 11:28-29 activities curbed by U.S. Supreme Court, 31:25- 26; American public citizens opnosed to, 27:96-97 declines in prestige, 27:W>; attempted revival, 35:63; 37:153; reorganized, 1;7:276; -182-

LABOR, Jewish law on, LABOR Dept., U.S. (cont.) 26:1;OO-1).O1 American Jewish Committee LABOR in U.S., need for opposes proposed registra- immigrants, 12 :i5 tion of aliens by, 31:3l).O« Americanization work by, 3kh 23:117-118; LABOR movement and Jews of Eastern split over Communism, Europe, 2U:3l+-36; 26:54-55; 25:73; 29:67-69 movement for five-day LABOR Parties, Jewish, and the week, 26:25; 27:27; Third Internationale, 29:23-21).; 21).: 31-32 attitude of Yiddish press LABOR Party, British. See towards, 26:170-171, British Labor Party 290-302; 359-360; LABOR Zionism, influences Jewish data on, in New York, social workers, 39:133-131). 3U2H3-20U; 39:5U-59; LABOR Zionist Committee for Relief favors boycott of German and Rehabilitation, 50:561). goods, 37:136-137; LABOR Zionist Organization of interfaith efforts for America Poale Zion, activi- better understanding ties, 29:261*263} 48r240- with capital, 39:265- 241; 266; data concerning, 49:657-- pro-democratic efforts, 50:561; (4-3:123; See also Jewish Socialist and Louis D. Brandels, Labor Party Poale Zion; Ul4.:U2,5O; United Zionist Socialist attempt to improve rela- Labor Party tions with religious LABOR Zionist Youth, Habonim. institutions, k7:226; See Habonim efforts to combat anti- LACHMAN, A., in New York Legis- Semitism, 1)7:282; lature, 12:329 49:202-203} LACHMAN, Arthur, data concerning, harmony urged by Jewish 6:132 religious organiza- LACHMAN, Samson, data concerning, tions, l).8:122-123; 6:133 activity of Jewish immi- LADD, W.P., signs Christian pro- grants in, 50:l|5-50; test against anti-Jewish activities of American propaganda, 21).:336 Jewish Committee in L&GUARDIA, Piorello, and action behalf of, 50:831 against Mazi Germany, 38: See also Industry 180-181; 39:21^-216,217; LABOR Department, U.S., opposes anti-Semitic campaign American Jewish Com- of Robert E. Edmundson, mittee combats anti- 38:223; Jewish discrimination wins interfaith award, 39:265 by, 22:li09-l)-10; LAKE Placid Club charged with 28:U55-1|68; anti-Jewish discrimination, facilitates Holy Day 33:56 observance, 25:25-26; LAMBDA Alpha Phi, National Legal American Jewish Committee Fraternity, 28:323--l).6:i).53 urges liberal inter- pretation of immigra- LAMBPA Delta Beta Fraternity, tion law by, 28:1+47- 33:233—39:661; k5l LAMBDA Gamma Phi Fraternity, 14-2:535--14-9:657 -183-

LAMBDA Omioron Gamma Osteo- LANDSBERG, Max, biographical pathio Fraternity, sketch, 5:71-72 37:307-308 et seq. LANDSMANSHAFTEN, organizations of, LaMED, Louis, Literary Foun- 31:162-163; 39:674-677; dation. See Louis organized by Jews in the U.S., LaMed Literary Founda- 39:124 tion LANDSTEINER, Karl, awarded Nobel LAMPORT, Nathan, active in Prize in medicine, 33:114, New York Jewish Com- 268; munity, 11 :L(.8,i4.9 awarded honorary degree by Uni- LAMSDORFF, Count, Minister versity of Brussels, 37:230 of Foreign Affairs, LANE, Franklin K., signs Chris- correspondence on tian protest against anti- Russian discrimination Jewish propaganda, 24:336 against American Jews, LANG, Leon S., president of Rabbi- 11:33-36 nical Assembly of America, LAND sales in Palestine, 43:35 discussed by British LANGFELD, Herbert S., director of Royal Commission, psychological laboratory of 39:467,470; Harvard University, 22:153 curtailed by London Con- LANGSDORF, Alexander S., Dean of ference, 14.1:341 School of Engineering of LANDAU, David, awarded medal Washington University, for heroism, 37:230 12:329; 30:73 LANDAU, Edmund A,, data con- LANGSDORF, Isidor, data concern- cerning, 5:71 ing, 7:77 LANDAU, Jacob, reports on LANSING, Robert, signs Christian Nazi propaganda cam- protest against anti-Jewish paign in Latin America, propaganda, 24:336 43:713,721-722 LASCOFF, J. Leon, honors con- LANDAU, Wolf, biographical ferred on, for work in sketch, 5:71 pharmacy, 39:568; 40:360 LANDAUER, Max, data concern- LASHIN, Nathan, in New York Legis- ing, 7:77 lature, 49:598 LANDES, Lewis, article, LASKER, Albert D., on Board of "Jew3 in the United Trustees of Chicago Uni- States Army and Navy," versity, 40:360 18:76-79 LASKER, Henry, Alderman of Spring- LANDMAN, Isaac, editor of field, Mass., 10:120; Universal Jewish 15:261 Encyclopedia, lj-2:305 LASKER, Hyman M., biographical LANDON, Alfred M., religious sketch, 5:72 issue in presidential LASKER, Joseph, wins Edwin Austin campaign of, 39:251, Abbey Memorial Scholarship 252 Fund for Mural Painting, LANDRITH, Ira, signs Chris- 50:505 tian protest against LASKER, Raphael, biographical anti-Jewish propa- sketch, 5:72 ganda, 2lj.:336 LASKI, Harold J., on faculty of LANDSBERG, Emil M., data Harvard University, 10:103 concerning, 6:133 LANDSBERG, Leon, data oon- cerning, 6:133 -184-

LASKI, Neville, opposes LATIH America, Jews of (cont.) World Jewish Congress, Nazi propaganda and efforts to 37:146,453-461; combat it, '4.2:425-426,427, addresses American Jew- 433; 43:294-295,713,721-722; ish Committee, 37:398, 44:287-289,292; 45:345; 452-461; review of affairs: by Nathan A. resigns as president of Pelcovlts, 43:294-314. by British Board of Louis Shub, 45:345-352; 46: Deputies, 42:320, 293-301; 47:472-483; by 325,654 Elsie P. Zala, 49:266-278; LATHROP, Julia C, signs U.S. Jewry attempts to cooperat Christian protest with Jews of, 44:141; against anti-Jewish forbids foreign language news- propaganda, 24:33° papers, 44:291-292; LATIN America, Jews of, Jews participate in war effort, 19:35-105; 32:85-86; 44:293; 33:61-64; 34:48-50; Jewish organizational activity, 42:425-434; 47:119- 45:204,206; 47:124-126,128- lij-0; 48:245-257; 129,132-137,479-482; evaluated as land for students get rabbinic train- Jewish immigration, ing in U.S., 47:216; 19:102-104; a JPS suggested for, 48:669; data on Jewish immigra- Jewish national organizations tion to, 26:55-56; in, 49:670-675; 50:583-590; 33:61-62; Jewish periodicals in, 49:723- pro-Palestine and Zionist 724; 50:641-642; activities, 32:85; Pan-American Conference marks 42:434; 44:293-294; important stage in attain- 45:351-352; 46:301; ment of equal rights for 47:480-481; 50:277; Jews, 50:271; Jews aid German Jews, struggle for defense of Israel 36:199,200,202,203; unifies Jewish communities, Hitler refugees in, 50:274; 37:186; 38:128-129; post-war statistics on Jews 14.1:386-388; 14.2:14.27, admitted to, 50:762-765 14.33,1455-14.56; 43:92; See also Immigration, Jewish; 14.6:298; 14.7:309,311, Marranos; Population, Jew- 313; ish; South America, and activity of American under individual countries Jewish Committee in, LATVIA, review of events, 22:269; 37:14-18; 44:481-482; 23:207; 32:117; 33:92-93; 1+7:682,717; 48:629; 40:303-304; 41:309-310; 49:789; Jewish population, 22:366; and immigration of Polish 32:266-275 et seq.} Jews, 39:390; Shehitah legalized in," 24:25; anti-Jewish feeling in, anti-Jewish manifestations and 39:818-819; 41:353; excesses in, 24:58,59-60; 43:295,296; 46:293-297, 25:95-96; 26:102; 28:114; 570-571; 47:477-479; 29:94; 36:203; 37:417-418; -185-

LATVIA (oont.) LAUTERBACH, Edward, data concern- violates pledge of minor- ing, 6:133-13U; ity rights, 25:61,63, honored by Manhattan College, 391; 26:61-62; 7:190; movement to allow natura- protests State Department's lization of Jews, attitude on passport ques- 26:65; tion, 10:199-200,21+9-251+; blow to Jewish autonomy 13:23-21+, 25-27 in, 26:71; LAUTERBACH, Jakob Z., data con- Jewish educational acti- cerning, 6:131+; vity, 28:37,39; contribution to American Jew- Jews elected to Sejm, ish scholarship, 1+5:57 28:57; LAUTMANN, Herbert M., president subsidizes Jewish educa- of Chicago Bar Association, tional institutions, 37:230; 28:73; obituary of Henry Horner, Jewish cooperatives in, 1+3:399-1+06 28:83; LAVAL, Pierre, collaborates with facilitates Sabbath ob- Nazi anti-Jewish policy in servance by Jews in France, 1+1+:191,192 army, 29:25; LAVENTALL, Julius, data concern- Jews in universities in, ing, 7:77 29:!+3-l+U; LAW, Jewish, questions discussed conflict between Hebra- by American Jewry, 38:233- ists and Yiddishists 235; in, 31:61; efforts among Conservatives destitute condition of for modernization, 50: Jews, 33:92-93; 3^:72; 167-168; Nail propaganda in, attitude of Reform Judaism, 33:93j 37:202; 50:168-169 statistics on Jewish in- LAWYERS, among early Jewish mates of prisons, settlers in America, 33:209,211; 28:211+-2l5 Zionist organization pro- LAZANSKY, Edward, on New York hibited, 37:202; Board of Education, 11:228; transfer agreement with trustee of College of City of Palestine, 38:290; Few York, 12:329; under Soviet domination, Secretary of State for New 1+2:386; 1+3:21+8; York, 13:283; Nazi terror in, 1+5:313; on New York Bench, 20:167; 28: 1+6:251 11+1; 33:266; 3*+: 99,236; LAUER, Edgar J., on New awarded honorary degree by York Bench, 9:1+78; Columbia University, 32:11+1+ 18:103; 36:256; LAZANSKY, Joseph P., decorated by decorated by Portugal, Czechoslovakia, 50:507 38:1+05 LAZARON, Alice Z. (Mrs. S.L.) date LAUFFER, Max A., wins Ameri- concerning, 7:77 can Chemical Society LAZARON, Morris S., elected to award, 1+8:1+73 honorary 33rd degree of LAURENCE, William L., Masonry, 36:255; Pulitzer Prize winner, awarded honorary degree by 39:568 Rutgers University, 38:1+05; attacks Jewish nationalism, 39:272-273 -186-

LAZARUS, Bertha, data con- LEAGUE of Nations and minority cerning, 7:77-78 rights, 21:159,167,172; 22: LAZARUS, Edgar M., data con- 102; 23:157.212; 25:61-62; cerning, 6:13i* 26:58,59,61-63,100; 27:70- LAZARUS, Emma, aids Jewish 71; 28:59-62,68,1*98-509; immigrants in the U.S., 29:55-60,1*28,1*29; 30:311- 33:173 312; 31:79; 32:308-309; 33: LAZARUS, Fred., Lexington, 109,395; 38:193-191*.351-351*, Ky., alderman, 9:1*78 391-391*.608-609,611; 39:302, LAZARUS, Joseph, in Kentucky 362,363,361*.501-502; Legislature, 22:151). intervenes in Austria in behalf LAZARUS, Joseph, in New York of East European Jews, Legislature, 39:567 23:135,136; LAZARUS, Josephine, data appealed to, in behalf of East concerning, 6:13U- European Jewry, 23:11*1-11*2, LAZARUS, Lester, on New York 157,158,187,212; 26:100; City Bench, 31*: 98 27:109; 39:232,308-309; LAZARUS, Louis E., in New 1*0:105; York Legislature, gives Great Britain mandate foi 11:228 Palestine, 23:351; 2l+:7l*-82; LAZARUS, Morltz, death, 25:105-106; 26:115; 5:27; protests General Zeligowski's portrait, facing, 15:132; seizure of Vilna, 21*:3O-31; importance of Ethics of recommends liberal immigration Judaism by, 15:133-137 policy, 25:59-60; LAZARUS, Paul, data con- and anti-Jewish discrimination cerning, 7:78 in Hungary, 25:9l+, 101,386; LAZARUS, Sylvain J., on San 28:1*87; Francisco Bench, and calendar reform, 26:26; 31*:99; 36:256 27:23,71; 31:28-29; 1*0:31*8, LEAGUE for Human Rights, 6ll*-6l5; Freedom and Democracy. considers educational matters 1*3:123 of interest to Jews, LEAGUE for Jewish National 26:1*0-1*1; Labor in Palestine, Austrian jews form organizatior 1*1:1*8I±; U2:536; for support of, 26:65; 1*3:566 aids refugees after World War I LEAGUE for Labor Palestine, 26:75; 28:86-87; data concerning, Jews of Salonica appeal to, 37:308—1*7:337,588; 27:23; activities, 1*5:162 drop3 matter of international LEAGUE for Religious Labor Jewish university in Danzig, in Palestine, 1*3:567 27:1*7; et seq. considers problem of Greek and LEAGUE for Safeguarding the Russian refugees, 27:81*; Fixity of the Sabbath Palestine problem discussed by. against Possible En- 27:125-128,132-135; 28:118- croachment by Calendar 121*. 136; 29:97-100; 32:103, Reform organized, 31:29; 137; 33:102-103; 38:371*; 1*0:321-322,321*. 325,591; data concerning, 31:273- 1*2:131*; 271* etseq. -187-

LEAGUE of Nations (oont.) LEAGUE of Nations (cont.) Polish-Jewish agreement suicide at session of, in pro- filedwith, 28:63-6(4.; test against. Nazi persecu- considers anti-Jewish tion of Jewj» 39:379; discrimination in and emigration of Polish Jews European universities, under auspices of, 39:300, 28:103-105; 29:86,87, 385,386,387; U15{ interfaith petition to, in be- asked to aid Jews of the half of oppressed minori- Yemen, 31:79; ties in Germany, 1+1).:53,55-56 unable to help Jews of See also Mandate for Palestine; Rumania, 33:391;; Permanent Mandates Commis- proposal for special sion laws to curb anti- LEAGUE of Nations Societies, Inter- Semitism by individual national Union of, Nazi anti. members of, 3l+:93; Jewish policy discussed by, Bernheim petition on 35:51-53; minority rights and opposes German racist legisla- Nazi anti-Jewish tion, 38:391+; policy, 35:52-514-, asks facilitation of Jewish 71+-101; immigration to Palestine, and persecution of Jews 38:391+ in Germany, 36:39-119, LEAGUE of Nations Union of 21+2,21+3,1+1+0-1+1+1; Rumania charges anti-Jewish 37:137; discrimination by universi- Germany withdraws from, ties, 28:107 36:93; LEAVITT, Julian, articles: "The and the refugee problem, Collection of Jewish War 36:110-119,11+8; 37: Statistics," 20:103-112; 186; 38:193-191+, 391- "American Jews in the World 391;; 39:1+91+,1+95,8o5; War," 21:11+1-155; 14.0:314-3-314-5; gathers data on participation appoints High Commissioner of American Jews in World for Refugees, 36:21+3, War I, 21:628,670; 22:1+09; 21+1+,21+5,1+1+1-1+1+2; 21+: 357,358; 1+1:167; report on Office of Jewish War seat for Palestine advo- Records, 22:1+33-1+1+7 cated, 37:11+7; LEAVY, Chas. M., Civil Service Polish Jews unwilling to Commissioner, San Francisco, appeal to, 37:207; 12:329 Germany charged with res- LEBANON, Jewish population of, ponsibility for refu- 31:320; gee problem before, Vichy Government extends anti- 38:608-609; Jewish decrees to, 1+3:160; American appeals to, in Jewish situation in, 1+1+:201; behalf of persecuted 50:1+1+1-1+1+2 groups in Germany, LEBSON, Abram A., on New Jersey 39:208-210,801-8OI4.; Bench, 33:111+ to liquidate Nanssen LECHNER, Benjamin, on Pennsylvania International Office Bench, 36:256 for stateless refu- gees, 39:377; -188-

LEDERER, Ephraim, data con- LEFTWICH, Joseph, review of cerning, 6:131+; affairs in Great Britain, "The Origin and Growth of 1+8:258-271; 1+9:278-287 the JPS," 15:59-77; LEGGETT, Sir Frederick, on Anglo- obituary by Julius H. American Committee of Greenstone, 28:273-35; Inquiry, l+8:l(.00 portrait, facing, 28:273; LEHMAN, David S., memorial resolu- memorial resolution by tion of American Jewish Com- American Jewish Com- mittee on, 18:292 mittee on, 28:513 LEHMAN, Emanuel, data concerning, LEDERER, Grace M. (Mrs. 7:78 Ephraim), data con- LEHMAN, Eugene H., on faculty of cerning, 7:78 Yale University, 12:329; LEESER, Isaac, leader of mayor of Tarrytown, N.Y., Conservative Judaism, 33:111+ lp 72-73; LEHMAN, Herbert H., honors con- efforts to organize a ferred on, 2l+:87; 31^83; Jewish publication 35:109; 36:256; 37:230; society, 9:*l8; 39:568; 1+0:360; l+l+:322; 15:59-60,165; 32:347, 1+5:371; 48:473; 1+9:598; 31+9; 1+3:785,786; 50:507; translates Bible into political offices held by, English, 15:61; 31:83; 33:ll5; 35:109,231+; organizes Hebrew Educa- 36:266; 37:230,31+8; 38:51+8; tion Society, Phila- 39:568,738; 1+0:532; ^1:1+00, delphia, 16:95; 576; 1+2:586; 1+3:61+5; 50:61+6; dominant spirit in Ameri- religious issue in gubernatoris can Jewry, 16:98; campaign, 38:225; 39:250-251 founder of Malmonides 1+1:216; College, 16: iol+; hea43 Committee on Reconstruc- library in Dropsle tion, 1+1:155; College, 1+2": 83; 1(5:87; director of UNRRA, 1+5:371; contribution to American 1+6:321; 1+7:1+81+; 50:61+6; Jewish, scholarship, urges implementation of Anglo- 1+5 :k& American Committee of In- LEFKOVITS, Maurice, bio- quiry's immigration recom- graphical sketch, mendations, 1+8:1+18; 5:72 on Consultative Council of Jew- LEPKOWITZ, David, biographi- ish Organizations, 1+9:781 cal sketch, 5:72; LEHMAN, Irving, judicial career, awarded honorary degree 11:228; 25:121; 26:133; 33: by Southern Methodist 265,266; 3l+:236; 1+0:360; ^2: College, 32:11(4 1+63; 1+8:87-89; LEPKOWITZ, Louis J., in New address at 25th anniversary of York Legislature, American Jewish Committee, 32:110+; 31+: 335-339; on New York Bench, 37:230 obituary of Max J. Kohler, 37: LEPSCHETZ, Solomon, honors 21-25; conferred on, 22:151).; tribute paid to communal acti- 39:568 vities, 38:236-237; LEFT Poale Zion. See United heads Jewish Welfare Board, 39: Labor 7ionist Party 161,166,176-177; honors conferred on, 39:568; 1)2: 463; 1+1+O22; -189-

LEHMAN, Irving (cont.) LEIPZIGER, Henry M., data concern- tribute to Benjamin N. ing, 6:135; Cardozo, lp.:33; honors conferred on, 9:1+75; obituary bv Harry Schnei- 18:103 derman, 1+8:85-92; LEIPZIGER, Pauline, data con- portrait, facing, I4.8:85 cerning, 6:135 LEHMAN, Israel J., data con- LEISER, Joseph, biographical cerning, 6:135 sketch, 5:72-73 LEHMAN, Mayer, career of, LEISER, Simon, active in sealing 1+8:85-86 industry in Victoria, B.C., LEHMAYER, Martin, in Mary- 27:170-171 land Legislature, LEISERSON, William M., in U.S. 8:186; public service, 37:230; on Maryland Bench, 12:329 1+3:61+5; 1+5:371; 50:61+6 LEHRANSTALT fur die Wissen- LEMANN, Monte M., on faculty of schaft des Judentums, Tulane University, 9:1+75; Berlin, message to tribute to Benjamin N. Cardozo, JPS on its 25th anni- 1+1:32 versary, 15:157-158 LENCHNER, Jeanette, decorated by LEIBERSON, Samuel A., Italy, 21:201 awarded honorary LEO N. Levi Memorial Hospital degree by Sherwood Association, 22:306-307 Music School, 37:230 et seq, LEIBMAN, Nathan, in New LEO, Richard L«, data concerning, York Legislature, 6:135-136 23:121). LEON, David de, gallantry in LEIDESDORP, Samuel D., re- Mexican War, 1).:71 port as treasurer of LEON, Jacob de, early American the American Jewish miniature of, 25:151+ Committee, 35:285, LEON, Paul, receives prize from 310-312; 36:1+62-^63; the Academle Franchise, 37:1+50-1+52; 38:6^2- 21:201 61+1+; 39:831+; LEONARD, George B., on Board of honored by Alumni Asso- Regents, University of ciation of Graduate Minnesota, 1+0:360 Schools of Columbia LEONARD, Joseph, in Massachusetts University, 38:1+05; Legislature, 15:261 resigns as treasurer of LEONARD, Leon, in New Jersey American Jewish Com- Legislature, l+3:3lfl+; tl+:323; mittee, 1+5:623; 1+5:371; 1+7:507; (+9:598 report on Co-Ordination LEOPOLD, Robert L., given posthu- of Domestic Defense mous honor by U.S. Navy, Activities of American 1+5:371 Jewish Committee, LEOPOLD, Simon, in Louisiana 1+7:693-696 Legislature, 15:261 LEINKAUF, Herman W., on LESSER, Julius, on St. Louis City Mobile, Ala., school Council, 7:193 board, 7:193; Ht-:280 LESSER, Rose N. (Mrs. L.), data LEIPNER, Ben, in Connecticut concerning, 7:78 Legislature, 39:568 LESSLER, Montague, biographioal LEIPZIGER, Emil W., bio- sketch, I).: 173; 6:138; graphical sketch, 5:72 in House of Representatives, 9:l)-36 etseq. -190-

LEUCHT, Isaac L., data con- LEVI, Harry, biographical sketch, cerning, 5:73 LEUCHT, Joseph, biographical awarded honorary degree by sketch, 5:73 Boston University, 38:UOj LEV, Aryeh, in office of LEVI, Julian C, officer of Chief of Chaplains, French Legion of Honor, 14-3:32 1+2:1+63 LEVANTINE Jews immigrate to LEVI, Leo N., interests B'nai Latin America, 19:56, B'rith in work of Indus- 57,63,69,73,90 trial Removal Office, 1+5:106 "Levantine Jews in the See also Leo N. Levi Memorial United States," arti- Hospital Association cle by David de Sola LEVI, Louis, data concerning, Pool, 15:207-220 6:136 LEVEEN, Michael, in New LEVI, Moritz, data concerning, Jersey Legislature, 6:136-137 13:281). LEVI, Nathaniel H., data con- LEVEN30HN, Lotta, obituary cerning, 7:79 of Henrietta Szold, LEVI, S. Gershon, Jewish chaplain, 1+7:51-70; wins Order of the British review of affairs in Empire, 1+8:273 Palestine, 1+8: 372-391+ LEVI, Sol W., data concerning, LEVENS0N, Joseph M., on 7:79 Chelsea, Mass., School LEVI, Sylvain, asserts patriotism Board, 11+: 280; of French Jewry, 21:35; in Massachusetts Legis- memorial resolution of American lature, 18:103 Jewish Committee on, 38:633 LEVENTRITT, David, data con- LEVIAS, Caspar, data concerning, cerning, 6:136; 6:137; receives honorary degree contribution to American Jewish from Hew York Univer- scholarship, l+5:5l sity, 16:158; LEVIN, Herbert S., in Pennsylvania on New York Bench, Legislature, 1+1:1+00 33:266; 3U:236 LEVIN, Isaac, data concerning, LEVENTRITT, Olivia, on New 6:137 York City Board of LEVIN, J.M., biographical sketch, Education, 12:329; 5:73-71; 16:158 LEVIN, Judah L., biographical LEVERMORE, Charles H., signs sketch, 5:71). Christian protest LEVIN, L.S., Assistant City Soli- against anti-Jewish citor of Pittsburgh, 8:182 propaganda, 2l+:336 LEVDT, Lewis C., in House of Rep- LEVEY, Edgar C, in Cali- resentatives, 2:519-520; fornia Legislature, 9:1+36 et seq. 33:115; 35:109; 39:568 LEVIN, Louis H., data concerning, LEVEY, Irving L., on New 6:137; York Bench, 1+7:507 review of the year by, 9:5l°- LEVI, Charles S., biographi- 557; 10:190-236 cal sketch, 5:73 LEVIN, Maurice, awarded Manische- LEVI, Gerson B., data con- witz Foundation Fine Arts cerning, 6:219-220 Award, 39:568 -191-

LEVIN, Max, data concerning, LEVINE, Saul, wins prize of Art 5:71+ Institute of Chicago, 14-5:371 LEVIN, Samuel, on Chicago LEVINGER, Lee J., value of A Jew- Board of Education, ish Chaplain in Prance by, 1+2:1+6^ 25:381; LEVIN, Shemarya, secures makes survey of Jewish students gifts for Haifa Tech- in American colleges, 39:282 nological Institute, LEVINSON, J., cantor, 6:220 11:60-61 LEVINSON, Meyer A., data concern- LEVIN, Theodore, on Michigan ing, 5:714- Bench, 14-9:598 LEVINSON, Salmon 0., honors con- LEVINE, David, president of ferred on, 36:256; 39:231 Seattle City Council, LEVINTHAL, Bernhard L., biographi- 36:256 cal sketch, 5:71+ LEVINE, David, rabbi, data LEVINTHAL, Louis E,, on Pennsyl- concerning, 6:220 vania Bench, 39:568; 1+0:360; LEVINE, Herman, on Ellen- chairman of publication com- ville, N.Y., Board of mittee of JPS, 1+1:679,682- Education, 37:231; 685; 1x2:690-692; 1+3:7714-; 39:568 14.7:71+6; 1+8:653; LEVINE, J. Sidney, in New obituary of David Werner Amram, York Legislature, 1+3:375-380; U7:5O8; 1+9:598 obituary of Louis D. Brandeia, LEVKIE, Jack, wins prize at 1+1+: 37-52 ; Pennsylvania Academy Special Advisor on Jewish exhibition, 50:507 Affairs to Occupation forces LEVINE, Jacob, on Tennessee in Germany, 50:507 Bench, 33:115 LEVIS, Julius J., in Pennsylvania LEVINE, Manuel, on Ohio Legislature, 21:201 Bench, 17:216; 25:121; LEVITAN, Sol, Wisconsin State 35:109 Treasurer, 25:121; 27:lkh; LEVINE, Marcus, in Massachu- 31:83; 33:115; 39:568 setts Legislature, LEVITATS, Isaac, article, "Pro- 33:115 Palestine and Zionist Acti- LEVINE, Max A., on New York vities in the U.S.," City Board of Alder- 1+5:206-211+ men, 8:186 LEVITSKY, Louis, awarded certifi- LEVINE, Max S., New York cate of merit by Army for City alderman, 10:120; chaplaincy service, 50:507 11+: 280; LEVITT, Albert, on Virgin Islands on New York City Bench, Bench, 38:1+06 17:216; 22:1514. LEVUSSOVE, Moses S., data con- LEVINE, Moses N., leading cerning, 6:137-138 American pathologist, LEVY, Aaron J., in New York Legis- 37:126 lature, 10:120; 11:228; 12: LEVINE, Philip, honored for 330; 13:281+; ll+:28o; l5:26lj medical discoveries, judicial career, 16:158; 26: t(.9:598 133; 33:266; 31+:236; 1+0:360; LEVINE, Phoebus A.T., honors conferred on, 32:11+1+; honored by New York 1+2:1+61+ Section of American LEVY, Abraham M., on New York City Chemical Society, Board of Aldermen, 16:158 1+0:360 -192-

LEVY, Abraham R., biographi- LEVY, Isidor M., on New York Board cal sketch, S'.lk of Education, Ii).:28l5 19:252 LKVY, Adrian, mayor of LEVY, Jacob, in Naw York State Galveston, Texas, Legislature, 11:229; 13:285} 37:231 lit.: 281 LKVY, Alfred B., president LEVY, Jefferson M., in House of of Philadelphia Asso- Representatives, 2:520 ciation of Life et 3eQ»; Underwriters, 38:14.06; data concerning, 6:138-139 lU6^ LEVY, Joseph Leonard, biographi- LEVY, Asser, wins civil cal sketch, 5:75; rights for Jews in aids Jewish agricultural New Netherlands, l4.:6l|.; settlements in Wyoming, burgher of New Amsterdam, 1U:98 28:195 LEVY, Julius, memorial resolution LEVY, Benjamin P., data oon- by American Jewish Committee cerning, 7:79 on, 30:316 LEVY, Bilhah Abigail, por- LEVY, Kate, data concerning, trait of, 25:148-1^9, 7:79-60 162 LEVY, Llpman, data concerning, LEVY, Charles S., on Peoria, 7:80 111., Board of Educa- LEVY, Louis Edward, data concern- tion, 9:U78 ing, 6:139-11*0; LEVY, Clifton H., data con- awarded medal by Franklin In- cerning, 6:138 stitute, 9:14-75; LEVY, David, rabbi, data reports on Jewish Community of concerning, 5:71*. Philadelphia, X9tij.8ii.-lt.86; LEVY, David, Senator. See 20:14.03-1+06; Yulee, David L. memorial resolutions on, 22: LEVY, Felix A., address, U5l6l57 "The Jewish Book in LEVY, Martha Washington, review Palestine," [4.8:672-680 of events, 1+.Ili|.—L(.X LEVY, Ferdinand, data con- LEVY, Max, eleotrical engineer, cerning, 6:138 data concerning, 6: H4.O LEVY, Florence N., data LEVY, Max, inventor, data concern* concerning, 6:138 ing, 6:114.0; LEVY, Harold J., in Penn- wins Franklin Institute medal, sylvania Legislature, 20:167 39:568; 1+1:14.00 LEVY, Max, on Bayonne, N.J., LEVY, Henry W., heads pub- Board of Education, lq.:28l licity department of LEVY, Max, in Rhode Island Legis- American Jewish Com- lature, 15:261; mittee, (4.7:676; on Rhode Island Bench, 25:121 article, "Anglo-American LEVY, Meyer, in New York Legisla- Committee of Inquiry," ture, 18:103; 19:252; 20: 14.8:395-14.23; 167; 25:121 obituary of Henry Monsky, LEVY, Meyer H., data concerning, 14-9:85-90 7:00 LEVY, Herbert, Assistant LEVY, Meyer S., biographical Attorney General, sketch, 5:75 Baltimore, Md., 26:133 LEVY, Irma B., on New York City Board of Educa- tion, 19:252 -193-

LEVY, Moses, grandfather of LEWINSON, Benno, trustee of the Gershom Mendoz Seixas, College of the City of New 6:40; York, 9:575 portrait, 25:149, facing, LEWINSON, Ruth, trustee of Hunter 162 College, 24:87; LEVY, Moses, born 1757, treasurer of New York County legal oareer, 28:214- Bar Association, 37:231 215 LEWINTHAL, Isidore, biographical LEVY, Phil, police commis- data, 5:75 sioner of Butte, Mont., LEWIS, H. Myron, on Utica, N.Y., 11).: 281 Bench, 32:144; 36:257 LEVY, Samson, Jr., portrait, LEWIS, Harry E,, on Brooklyn facing, 25:162 Bench, 17:216; 24:87; 33: LEVY, Samuel, on Scheneotady, 266; 34:236; 38:406; 45:371; N.Y., Board of Alder- 48:473; men, 8:186 district attorney, King's LEVY, Samuel, president of County, Hew York, 22;l54 Borough of Manhattan, LEWIS, Louis A., president of 33:115; 3l+=99; 36:256 Bridgeton, N.J., Board of LEVY, Samuel D., data con- Education, 42:4&4 cerning, 7:80; LEWIS, Naphtali, awarded fellow- on New York City Bench, ship at American Academy in 15:261; 19:252; 37:231 Rome, 36:257 LEVY, Samuel W., data con- LEWIS, William M., on Philadelphia cerning, 7:81 City Council, 18:103; LEVY, T.A., president of on Philadelphia Bench, 24:87; Syracuse, N.Y., Board 36:257; of Education, 12:330 obituary by David J. Gaiter, LEVY, Uriah P., biographical 41:67-73; sketch, by Simon Wolf, portrait, facing, 41:67 4:42-45; LEWISOHN, Adolph, gift to Columbia portrait, facing, 4:42; University, 6:37; naval career, 4'; data concerning, 6:141; purchases Jefferson's delegate to organization meet- home, 4:45 ing of New York Jewish Com- LEVY, William, data con- munity, 11:48; cerning, 6: ltfO honored by National Institute LEWENBERG, Solomon, Boston of Social Sciences, 18:103; Register of Probate, Liberty ship named in honor 25:122 of, 46:322 LEWI, Isidor, data concern- LEWISOHN, Frederick, University ing, 6:114.0 of Tennessee names building LEWIN, A.L., on Pittsburgh for, 44:323 Board of Education, LEWISOHN, Joseph L., on faculty of 18:103 University of North Dakota, LEWIN, Harry M., president 15:261 of Maiden, Mass., LEWISOHN, Walter P., awarded Con- Common Council, 32:1)|J| gressional Medal of Honor, LEWIN-EPSTEIN, Elias W., 40:361 data concerning, 6:341; LHEVINNE, Isadore, decorated by delegate to organization Government of Ecuador, meeting of New York 36:257 Jewish Community, 11:14.8 -191)--

LIBBRTY Loan Committee, LICHTENAUER, J. Mortimer, data discriminatory actions concerning, 6:11+1 opposed by American LICHTENSTEIN, A*, on Corpus Jewish Committee, Christl, Tex., School 21:61+2-61+3,6414.-614.5 Board, 19:252 LIBMAN, Emanuel, awarded LICHTENSTEIN, Joy, data concern- medal of Phi Lambda ing, 6:114.1-114.2 Kappa Fraternity, LIEBERMAN, David H., delegate to 38:406; organization meeting of New obituary by George Baehr, York Jewish Community, 14-9:81-81+; ll:l|8 portrait, facing, 1+9:81 LIEBERMAN, George B., honors con» LIBRAHIES, Jewish, in Eurcpe, ferred on, 42:V)4; Lj_313i+il- 29:46 LIEBERMAN, Max, biographical data, LIBRARIES, Jewish, in Pales- 5:75 tine, 17:135-136 LIEBERMAN, Nathan, on New York LIBRARIES, Jewish, in U.S., Board of Alderman, 14:281 25:43; 27:52; 28:51- LIEBERMAN, William, in New York 53j 29:46; 31:158; Legislature, 36:257 39:125 LIEBLING, Julius, presidential See also "Jewish Book elector, 10:120; 11:114-5 Collections in the LIEBLINCr, Max, data concerning, U.S." by Adolph S. 6:114.2 Oko, and also under LIEBMAN, Joshua Loth, memorial individual collections resolutions of Jewish Pub- LIBRARY of Congress, gifts lication Society on, 50:859 of Jacob H. Schiff to, LIEBMAN, Walter H., in New York 45:90,91; Legislature, 10:120 Jewish collection in, LIEBOWITZ, Samuel S., on New York 14-5:92 Bench, 1+3: 3i+A|- LIBRARY of Jewish Information LIESIN, A. See Walt, Abraham of American Jewish LIFSHITZ, Sander, biographical Committee, work of, sketch, 5:75-76 14-2:655-656; i±3:724- LIGHT, Fabian, data concerning, 725; 145:6614.,666; 50: 5:76 833; LIKNAITZ, David, data concerning, publications, 43:725; 5:76; 1+7:705; on faculty of Kansas Univer- gathers data on Nazi sity, 15:261 propaganda, 14-3:731; LILIENTHAL, David Eli, chairman reports of, 44:495-499; of Atomic Energy Commission, 47:703-705; 1+9:598; 50:61+3 services used in sedition LILIENTHAL, Max, member of first trial, 14.7:7014. rabbinical association in LIBYA, anti-Jewish activity the U.S., 14.2:183; in, 14.3:200; contribution to American Jewish Jewish community, L4.6:23S- scholarship, 1+5:50 236; 50:1+14-5 LIMA Conference, 1938, condemns refugee free port pro- racial persecution, 14.6:293 posed in, 46:236; refugees from, problem for North African Jewry, 49:1+1+2-443 -195-

LINCOLN, Abraham, influence LIMFIELD, Harry S. (cont.) on Solomon Schechter. prepares material for American 18:57; Jewish Year Book, 28:1+52; anecdote concerning Simon cooperates witn U.S. Bureau of Wolf and, 26:1+07; Census in securing data on Hart Blumenthal collects Jews in U.S., 29:1+09; 30:28, items on, 1+3:386; 290; 14.0:6114.; Gov. Henry Horner collects article, "Jewish Congregations items on, i4.3ti4-OO-l4.OIL in the U.S.: A Preliminary LINCOLN, Alexander, anti- Statement," 30:199-201; Jewish activity of, article, "Jewish Population in 38:221-222 the U.S.," 30:101-198; 1+3: LINDAU, Alfred M., on New 65U-661; I4.6:lj.91-l4.98; I4.7S York City Bench, 6i4.l-6i4.9j 37:231; 1+0:361 study of communal Jewish or- LINDAUER, Eugene, on faculty ganization, 30:3214.-326; of Temple University, 31:32,99-251)-; 23:125 survey of Jewish inmates of LINDBERGH, Charles A., penal institutions, 31:353; racist theories of, 33:203-211; 1+3:109; in charge of Statistical De- anti-Semitic and isola- partment of American Jewish tionist speech by, Committee, 31:358; 1+1+: 151 -152,161 article, "The Jews of the LINDSAY, George W., bill for Uhited States; Number and protection of minor- Distribution - preliminary ity rights, 26:113 figures for 1937," 1+1:181- LINDSEY, Ben B., signs 189; Christian protest article, "Jewish Communities of against anti-Jewish the United States," 1+2:215- propaganda, 21+: 336 265; LIHFIELD, Harry S., review heads Statistical Bureau of of the year, 2l+:21-82; Synagogue Council of Ameri- 25:23-118; 26:21-1614.; ca, 1+3:31,32 27:21-153; 28:23-153; LIPMAN, Charles B., Dean of 29:21-111; Graduate Division, Univer- articles, "Statistics of sity of California, 26:133; Jews," 2U:298-322; awarded honorary degree by 25:325-353; 26:559- Rutgers University, 36:257; 602; 27:365-1*09; 28: prominent American soil 379-1+28; 29:227-281; scientist, 37:127 30:21*5-270; 31:299- LIPMAN, Clara, data concerning, 3314-; 32:215-281; 33: 6:11+2 271-338; 3i+:2i+l-275; LIPMAN, Jacob. G., data concern- 14.0:61-81].; 1+1+: 1+19-1+50; ing, 6:11+2-11+3; director of Department honors conferred on, 26:133; of Information and 37:231; Statistics, Bureau of prominent American soil Jewish Social Research, scientist, 37:127 25:382-383; 27:1+59; LIPPMAN, Abraham, data concerning, 30:289; 7:81 -196-

LIPPMAH, Gabriel, wins Nobel LITERACY test for immigrants, in- prize in physios, cluded in Dillingham Bill, 25:195; 8:98; data concerning, 25:196 eliminated from Gardner Bill, LIPPMANN, Jonas, cited by 8:99; French Government for advocated by restrictionista, literary work, 22:154 12:26-28; LIPPMANN, Walter, awards and opposition to, 12:37-38,57-58, honors conferred on, 96-98; 15:235-236,456; 16: 34:99; 35:109; 36:257; 132-133,394-397; 18:297-300; 37:231; 38:406; 46:322; 19:19-20,462; 20:377; member of American Academy vetoed by Pres. Wilson, 17:203s of Arts and Letters, 20:377; 37:231 efforta for liberal policy on, LIPSCHUTZ, Alexander S.f 17:370-371; 18:84; in Pennsylvania Legis- passed by Congress over Wil- lature, 37:231 son's veto, 19:237; 20:378; LIPSKY, Louis, data concern- religious and political refu- ing, 6:143; gees exempted from, 19:462; factional strife over 20:378; administration of Zionist Organization amendments to law for, 20: of America under, 379-3&O 30:36; LITERATURE, Jewish activity in, 3:58-62; 10:234-235; 11:98- and World Jewish Congress, 37:145; 38:206-207 100; 28:49-50; societies for promotion of, LISOPSKY, Sidney, review of international affairs, 31:153; 48:424-465; activity in Germany affected by articles: "Immigration Hitler regime, 43:788-789; Prospects," 49:541- as weapon against anti-Semitism 562; "Human Rights," 47:283-284 49:572-579; "Jewish See also Bibliography Migration, 50:725-766 LITERATURE, activity of Jews of LISSNER, James, in Montana U.S., 46:108-113; 50:179-188 Legislature, 13:284 See also Bibliography LISSNER, Meyer, on U.S. LITHUANIA, sufferings of Jews Shipping Board, 25:122 after World War I, 21:170; LIST, Wilhelm, tried for war review of events, 21:291-294; crimes, 50:496-497 22:269-276; 23:208-209; 31: "List of Jewish Periodicals 61-62; 33:91-92; 38:285-290; published in the United 39:451-453; 40:304; 41:310- States," compiled by 315; 42:386-395; A.S. Freidus, 1:271- anti-Jewish manifestations and 282 excesses in, 21:292,293; 22: LISTER, Joseph, Lord, letter 269-276,403-404; 23:208; 25: approving Shehitah, 84,86,91,96-97,99; 26:107; 25:174-175 28:74-75,109,114; 29:83,86, 88-89; 31:61,62; 32:116-117; 33:91; 34:72; 37:201; 38: 287,288-290; 39:452; kl:310- 311,312-313; 42:387-388,391; 43:255; -197-

LITHUANIA (oont.) LITHUANIA (cont.) Jews granted civil effort to transplant Jewish rights, 22:270; institutions from Poland to, Jewish population, 22:366 1+2:390; et seq.; Bazi terror in, 14-3:258; 1+5:311+; situation of Jews in, 1+6:251-252 23:31+5-31+6; 21*.: 33; 25: See also Memel 72,73; 26:50-51,53, LITHUANIAN Jews. See American 71; 30:296; 31:61-62; Pederatioh for Lithuanian 32:116,118; 33:91,383; Jews; Federation of Ameri- 3l+:72; 14-2:389-390; can Jews of Lithuanian minority rights in, 21).: Descent kZ,kk-h5i 25:51,61,63, LITTAUER, Lucius Nathan, in House 67,68,390; 26:61,62, of Representatives, 2:520 65,66; 27:79,82,83; et seq.; 28:61,63,70; biographical data concerning, Jewish national councils ft:173; 6:11+3; 7:127; in, 21+: 1+9; amendment to Dillingham Immi- Jewish cultural and edu- gration Bill by, 8:99,267; cational activities, on New York Board of Regents, 25:31-32; 26:30,31-32, 11+: 281; 35; 28:33-31+,35,37, gifts to Harvard University, 1+5; 29:31,32,1+2; 36:33-31+; 1+5:93; Jewish organizational contribution to Central Con- activity, 25:72,73; ference of American Rabbis, 26:87; 29:62; 36:3L+; Sunday law in, 27:21-22, honors and awards bestowed on, 2k; l+i+:323; 1+6:322 statistics on Jewish emi- LITTAUER, Nathan J., in New Jersey gration, 27:614.-65; Legislature, 1+1:1+00; 1+2:1+61).; anti-Shehitah movement in, 1+3:31+1+ 28:28; LITVAK, Jerome B., in New Jersey Jewish co-operatives in, Legislature, 39:568 28:82,83; LITWINj David M., in Mew Jersey Jews aided by American Legislature, 32:ll+l+; 33:U5 co-religionists, LIVERIGHT, Florence K., data con- 31:33; cerning, 7:81 Nazi propaganda drive in, LIVINGSTON, Jacob H., in New York 37:200; Legislature, 33:115; 35:109; Government policy toward 36:257; 37:231; 38:1+06; Jews, 38:2.85-287,288; 39:568 anti-Nazi boycott in, LIVINGSTON, Sigmund, proposes 38:290; B'nai B'rith organization transfer agreement with to combat anti-Jewish mani- Palestine, 38:290; festations, 1+5:111 equality of citizenship LLOYD, George David, upholds in, 1+0:301+; Balfour Declaration, 28:116; refugee problem in, 1+1: assailed for approval of 313-334; 14.2:392-391).; Hitler, 39:300; 1+3:257; urges help for Jews of Poland, under Soviet domination, 39:300 1+2:386,395; 1+3:250- 255,256; -198-

LOBEL, Louis, in Ma3Sachu- LOEB, Leo, data concerning, 7:82; aetta Legislature, on faculty of Washington Uni- 1+3S3U14-5 ^5:371; kl: versity School of Medicine, 508; 1+9:598 18:103; LODGE, Henry Cabot, Sena- awarded medal by American Col- tor, pro-Palestine lege of Physicians, 37:231; resolution by, 25:10lj.; member of National Academy of introduces restriotionist Sciences, 39:568 immigration bill, LOEB, Leo A., data concerning, 26:56 7:82-83 LOEB, Adolph, data concern- LOEB, Louis, data concerning, ing, 7:81-82 6:11+5; LOEB, Albert, partner in member of National Academy of Sears, Roebuck, 3lj-:l5l Design, 8:183 LOEB, August B., data con- LOEB, Marx B., data concerning, cerning, 6:li|.l4. 7:83 LOEB, HanauW., vice-presi- LOEB, Max, on Chicago Board of dent of Association Education, 18:103 of American Colleges, LOEB, Morris, data concerning, 8:182; 6:iU5; dean of Medical Decart- delegate to organization meet- ment, St.Louis Uni- ing of *Tew York Jewish Com- versity, 17:216 munity, 11:14.8; LOEB, Henry, Alderman of receives honorary degree from Reading, Pa., U|:28l Union College, 13:28U; LOEB, Howard A., vice-presi- "Afterword" on "Agricultural dent of Advisory Coun- Activities of Jews in cil of Federal Reserve America," l!|:108-lllj.; System, 36:257 on New York Board of Education, LOEB, Isidor, data concern- 111: 281; ing, 6:11^; bequest to JPS, 15:75,14-71; honors bestowed on, 12: memorial resolution of Ameri- 330; 26:133; 35:109 can Jewish Committee on, LOEB, Jacob M., on Chicago 15:14.51-14.52; Board of Education, urges federation of Jewish 15:261; 18:103; 19:250 philanthropies in New York, LOEB, Jacques, data con- 3lt-:127 cerning, 6:11|±|_—Xl+S; LOEVINGER, Gustavus, on Minnesota 7:82; Bench, 33:115; 35:109 on faculty of Rockefeller LOEW, Rosalie, See Whitney, Institute for Medical Rosalie Loew Research, 12:330; LOEWE, Herbert, obituary of Israel memorial resolution of Abrahams, 28:219-231). American Jewish Com- LOEWENBERG, William, biographical mittee on, 15:14.51; sketch, 5:76 correspondent of French LOEWENSTEIN, Mrs. Ben, honored by Academy of Sciences, Prance, 25:122 16:158 LOEWI, Otto, on faculty of New LOEB, James, gift to New York University, 14.3:31^; York Conservatory of honored by New York University, Music, 6:37 U6:322 LOEB, Joanne M., data con- cerning, 7:82 -199-

LONDON, Hannah R., article, LOPEZ, Aaron, introduces sperm oil "Portraits of Early industry, 4:68-69; American Jews," patriotic serv .ces in War of 25:146-162 Revolution, 4:70; LONDON, Meyer, in House of colonial merchant, 28:201 Representatives, LOPEZ, Sally, founder of Jewish 17:216,342 et seq.; Sunday School in Charles- chairman of People's Re- ton, S.C., 7:22 lief Committee, i+XtII4J4J LOPEZ family, portraits painted by Liberty ship named in Gilbert Stuart, 25:156 honor of, it-6:322 LOS ANGELES, movement for organi- LONDON, large Jewish immi- zation of Kehillah in, gration creates prob- 30:31; lem, 4:22; large Jewish population, 49:113 Jew elected Lord Mayor, LOTH, Moritz, data concerning, 5:30 7:83 LONDON Conference for Relief LOTHROP, George V.N., passport of German Jewry, pro- question in diplomatic cor- ceedings, 36:21+1-242; respondence of, 6:293-295 declares Palestine haven LOUIS, Minnie D., data concerning, for refugees, 36:241; 7:83-84 report to American Jewish LOUIS LaMed Literary Foundation Committee, 36sl^xU, for the Advancement of 464-474; Hebrew and Yiddish Litera- Committee sends delegates ture, data concerning, 43: to, 36:1+34 568 et seq.; LONDON Conference of Jewish awards and publications, 45: Organizations, pro- 160; 46:113-114; 48:154; ceedings, 1+9:783-789 49:184-185; 50:187 LONDON Conference of Jews LOUISIANA, statistical data on and Arabs, 1939, pro- Jews and Jewish activities, gram, 41:334-339; 3:136-137; 30:185; 42:246- findings rejected by 247; Arabs and Jews, 41: Sunday law in, 10:157,176; 341,342 Bible reading in public schools, LONDON Conference on Pales- 11:57; 49:23,24; time, 1947, Jews re- agricultural colony established fuse to participate by Russian Jews, 14:59-60; in, 49:279 Catholics win state aid for LONDON, Treaty of, 1913, parochial schools, 49:35-36 effort to safeguard LOUISVILLE, Ky., benefit of fed- civil rights of Jews, eration in, 17:177; 15:196-197; 16:384-387 congregational effort to compel LONDONDERRY, Marquess of, membership, 43:37-38; anti-Jewish senti- Conference of Synagogues and ments, l\.0:163 Temples unites local Jewry, LOPATNIKOPP, Nlcolai, 44:110 awarded Cleveland,0., LOURIE, Arthur, Israel Consul- Orchestra prize, General in New York, 50:507 45:371 -200-

LOURIE, David A., on Chelsea, LOWENSTEIN, Solomon, data con- Mass., School Commit- cerning, 7:814.; tee, 8:186; deputy Red Cross Commissioner to on Chelsea Board of Palestine, 20:168; Health, 10:120; obituary of Lee K. Frankel, on Massachusetts Bench, 3U:121-ll4.O; 27:11*4; 33:265; 3^:235; heads JDC child care work, memorial minute by Ameri- W-: Im- can Jewish Committee, memorial resolution by American 33:371 Jewish Committee, J4i4.s24.66 LOVEMAN, Robert, data con- LOWENTHAL, Marvin, address at U4th. cerning, 6:114.5 annual meeting of JPS, LOVENBERG, Isidore, data 3l|.: 351-359 concerning, o:ll).5 LOWENTHAL, Paul, on staff of LOW, A. Maurice, data con- Governor of Louisiana, 7:190 cerning, 6:ll|.5-ll*.6 LUBIN, David, merchant, data con- LOWAN, Arnold, honored by cerning, 6:1146; Navy for scientific establishes International In- work, 49:598-599 stitute of Agriculture, LOWDERMILK, Walter C., Jor- 7:263; 37:128; dan Valley project, U.S. representative on Insti- 46:179-180; k&'-h±k-WS; tute, 8:183; testifies before Anglo- street in Rome named after, American Committee of 38U06 Inquiry, l(.8:l|0l|. LUBIN, Isador, represents U.S. at LOWE, Elias A., awarded International Labor Organi- honorary degree by zation, 37:231; Oxford University, in U.S. public service, t(.3:6^4.5; 38:U06 50:614.3; LOWENBERG, Helmuth, artiole, on Allied reparations commis- "Palestine and the sion, 14.7:508; Middle East," 50: on UN Economic and Employment Commission, 49:599 LOWENBERG, I., on Galveston, LUBIN, Jacob, biographical data, Texas, City Board of 5:76 Trustees, 19:252 LUBITZ, Bertha P., data concern- LOWENBURG, Harry, data con- ing, 7:84-85 cerning, 6: II4.6 LUBLIN, Nazis deport Jews to, h.2: LOWENSTEIN, Arthur, awarded 348,350,351,368,375-376,614.5 honorary degree by See also Poland University of Cincin- LUBLINSKY, Morris, biographical nati, 28:114.1 data, 5:76 LOWENSTEIN, B., decorated by LUCAS, Albert, data concerning, King of Sweden, 8:183 7:85 LOWENSTEIN, Harriet B., LUCE, Henry R., calls for "ehris- organizes bureau for tianity in the public 3chool transmission of funds system," 14.9:25 abroad in World War I, LUCKING, Alfred, efforts to secure 19:207 Congressional action on the LOWENSTEIN, Louis C, on passport question, 6:22,301*.; faculty of Columbia member of Congress, 11:31 University, 12:330 -201-

LUDINS, Eugeae, wins prize LUXEMBOURG, Russian Jews expelled at exhibition of Penn- from, 21:297; sylvania Academy of Jewish population statistics, Pine Arts, 50:507 33:323-321+ et seq.j LUEBKE, M.J., biographical anti-Shehitah bill defeated sketch, 5:76-77 in, 38:381; LUFTMAN, Louis, on Maiden, conquered by Nazis, 1+2:335; Mass., City Council, friendly attitude toward Jews, 19:252; 20:168 1+2:335; 1+6:222; LUMBROZO, Jacob, first Jew- review of affairs, 1+3:175-176; ish settler in Mary- 1+1+:217-219; 1+8:297; land, i+:65; anti-Jewish decrees in, 1+3:175- tried for blasphemy, 176,325; 1+1+:218; 28:196 refugees flee to Switzerland LUMPP, Albert B., on Phila- from, 1+6:303; delphia Common Council, abrogates Nazi laws, 1+7:381+ 20:168 LYNCH, Frederick, signs Christian LUNTZ, Abe M., president of protest against anti-Jewish Canton, Ohio, Board of propaganda, 21+: 3 36 Education, 37:231 LYON, Abraham de, introduces wine LURIA, G.A., naturalization and silk culture into case of, 11:21+9; 13s3O5 Georgia, ll+:55-56 LURIE, H.L., director of LYON, Sidney in Illinois Legisla- Bureau of Jewish Social ture, 19:252; 21:202 Research, approves LYONS, Alexander, biographical Judge Stern1s plan for sketch, 5:77; revitalization of chevalier of French Legion of synagogue, 3k-32; Honor, 22:151+ articles on Jewish social LYONS, Harry in California Legis- welfare activities, lature, 33:115 l+7:251+-263; 1+8:157-163 ; LYONS, Henry A., on California articles, "Communal Wel- Bench, 33:265; 3l+:235 fare," 1+9:123-11+3; LYONS, Jacques J., with Abraham de 50:119-11+7 Sola publishes directory of LURIE, Reuben L,, wins Jewish congregations and United Prison Assn. other organizations in the Herbert C. Parsons U.S., l+0:61+,68-69,70,76 Memorial Award, 1+8: 1+71+ LYONS, Julius J., data concerning, LUST, Adeline G., data con- 6:11+7 cerning, 6:114.6-11+7 LUZZATTI, Luigi, Italian minister LUSTIG, Joseph in Ohio Leg- of the Treasury, 8:258 islature, 15:262; LUBOMIRSKI, Prince, Polish Mini- 19:252 ster to U.S., correspon- LUTHERANS in the U.B. oppose dence with American Jewish anti-Semitism, 39:261+, Committee, 23:331-338; 821+; 1+0:131+ memorialized in behalf of LUX, Stefan, suicide in pro- Polish Jewry, 23:338-31+0; test against Nazi per- statement on Jewish situation, secution of Jews, 23:31+0-31+1+ 39:379 -201ft

MAAS, Ernest, wins award as MacDONALD James G.f (cont.) Tampa, Pla,, citizen, calls Nazi policies source of 38:^06 refugee problems, 38:608-609; MAAS, Joseph P., in Michigan JDC cooperates with, 1|1:167-168; Legislature, 15:262 on Anglo-American Committee tf MoADOO, William G., Secre- Inquiry, i;8:ij.00; tary of Treasury, urges prompt implementation of letter to Louis Committee's immigration Marshall, on antl- recommendations, l|8:ljij.8; Jewish comment in U»S. representative to Israel, Liberty Loan circular, 50:253 21:61*5 MacDOHALD, Malcolm, position on McAPPEE, Daniel Gregory, partition plan for Pales- signs Christian pro- tine, Ul:328,337,339,3^0, test against anti- 3^5; Jewish propaganda, upholds 1939 White Paper, 2t).:336 Ul:3U6-3U7 MACCABEAN League, 3:120-121; MacDONALD, Ramsay, British Prime U-:12l4- Minister, memorial of Jewish MACCABEE movement organized Agency to, 32:61-62; by Jews to encourage letter to on sport participation, British Palestine policy, 27:86 33:27,67-68; 3^:86-89; MACCABI Association. See U2:133-13l|; United States Maccabi denounced by Arabs, 33:103 Association MACEDONIA, anti-Jewish excesses McCORMICK, Robert S., Ambas- in, 26:109, 28:113; 43:273 sador to Russia, cor- McEIWAIN, J.P., sign3 Christian respondence on Russian protest against anti-Jewish discrimination against propaganda, 21^:336 American Jews, 11:31- McFADDEN, Louis T., Congressman, 36 anti-Semitic utterance, McDERMOTT, Allan L., Con- opposed by American Jewish gressman, arraigns Committee, 36:l|ij.8 Christian nations for MacPARLAND, Charles S,, open treatment of Jews, letter to Hitler opposing 8:90,266 Nazism, 39:222-22U MacDONALD, James G., accepts McFARLAND, Raymond, signs Chris- League of Nations tian protest against anti- appointment as High Jewish propaganda, 2l\.:336 Commissioner for refu- MACHADO, David Mendez, teacher at gees, 3t>il2k,2hh>kh3', first Jewish school in Hew efforts in behalf of York City, 16:93 refugees from Nazis, MACHOL, M., biographical sketch, 36:127,2U5-2U6; 37: 185-187; 38:193-19^, 5:77 391-392,596,6U5-6i|7; MACHS, I.M., on faculty of Uni- resigns as High Commis- versity of Maryland, 15:262 sioner, 38:193; 39:8cJj.; -202-

MACHT, David I., coroner of MeNARNEY, Joseph T., General, Maryland, lip2Si; orders army to care for on faculty of Johns Hop- refugees, 49:521; kins University, aids Jewish displaced persons, 20:168 49:783-784 MACHZIKE Talmud Torah, first McWILLIAMS, Joseph E., anti-Jewish of its kind in New campaign, 42:290; 48:173,184 York City, 16:101-102 MADAGASCAR, French plan for settle- MACK, Alfred, on Board of ment of Jews in, 39:314-316 University of Cin- MADISON, James, acknowledges cinnati, 22:15^5 24:88; patriotic services of Haym on Ohio Bench, 33:115; Salomon, 4:70; 28:211-212 35:109; 41:400 MADARIAGA y ROJO, Salvador de,, MACK, Julian W., data con- protests to League of cerning, 6:147; Nations on Germany's treat- Judicial career, 11:64, ment of Jewa, 36:96-97 229; 13:285; Up281; MAGIDOFF, Jacob, organizer of 33:261;, 265; 34:234, United Hebrew Trades, 50:46 235; 43:645; 50:646; MAGIL, Julius M., biographical appointments and honors sketch, 5:77 conferred on, 13:285J MAGNER, Joseph, data concerning, 21:202; 40:361; 7:85-86 on Harvard University MAGNES, Judah Leon, rabbinical Board of Overseers, career, 6:220; 22:154; active in New York Jewish Com- attends conference on be- munity, 11:48,49,50; half of Jews of reports on New York Jewish Com- Rumania, 29:419; munity, 13:305-306; 15:444- obituary by Horace M. 448; l6:k06-408; 17:377-300; Kallen, 46:35-4.6; 18:356-361; 19:482-484; 20: portrait, facing, 46:35; 1*01-403; 21:672-680; Zionist activity, 46:42; reports new plan for membership at Paris Peace Confer- in American Jewish Committee ence, 46:42; 18:352-353; memorial resolutions of report on proposed conference JPS on, 46:614; of Jewish organizations, See also Brandels-Mack 18:353-354; group MACK, Mrs. Walter S., Jr., active in overseas relief work on Board of Higher in World War I, 19:203,209, Education and trustee 210; of Hunter College, investigates Jewish schools in 33:115 Poland, 25:33; McLAURIN, Anselm. J., Sena- efforts for Arab-Jewish rap- tor, resolution of prochement, 32:63,135; sympathy for Jewish 33:104; 45:344; sufferers in Russian efforts in behalf of Hebrew pogroms, 8:91 University, 33:28; 39:181, McMAHON, Henry, Sir, pledge to Arabs, 28:122; 39: 193-194; 507,512; 41:342 address before 43d annual meet- ing of JPS, 33:409-424. -203-

MAGNES, Judah Leon (cont.) MAISEL, Jule L., in Mew York Leg- urges perpetual neutral- islature, 39:568 ity of Palestine, MAISNER, Moses, biographical 38:372; sketch, 5:77 urges bi-nationalism for MAIZLISH, Israel, on faculty of Palestine, 40:318; University of Iowa, 23:125 46:289; 49s5o6-5o7; MALAN, Daniel, anti-Semitic atti- 5O:U12} tude, 39:309,310,313 urges prompt implementa- MALBONE, Edward Greene, miniatures tion of immigration of early American Jews recommendations of painted by, 25:155-156 Anglo-American Com- MALCOLM, Neill, Sir, succeeds mittee of Inquiry, MacDonald as High Commis- 48:419; sioner for Refugees, 38:1914, registers as foreign 393; 39:494»^95,804-805 agent for Ihud, MALKAN, Samuel, in Connecticut SO:U12 Senate, 39:568 MAGNIN, Edgar P., obituary MALLER, Julius B., joint editor of Harry A. Hollzer, (with Harry Schneidsrman), 14.8:101-106 American Jewish Year Book, MAGNUS, Lady Katie, letter to JPS on its 25th director of Library of Jewish anniveraapy, 15: i|-7 -J+8; Information, American Jewish JPS publiahes book by, Committee, 47:678 15:66 MALONE, Victor, anti-Jewish agi- MAHLER, Raphael, review of tation by, 48:173,174 affairs in Eastern MALTA, blood accusation charge in, Europe, 47:391 -14.22 10:216 MAHONEY, Jeremiah T., MALTER, Henry, data concerning, leader against Ameri- 6:147-148; can participation in to edit work of Monitz Stein- Olympic Games in Ger- schneider, 8:273; many, 38:181,183,186; work on Saadia Gaon by, 23: 39:206,207 394-395; MAIMONIDES, article by obituary by Alexander Marx, Solomon Zeitlin, 28:261-272; 37:61-97; portrait, facing, 28:261; 800th anniversary of attitude towards Reform Juda- birth celebrated, ism, 28:266; 37:166; contribution to American Jewish work of Zevi Diesendruck scholarship, 45:51; on, 43:396-398 on faculty of Dropsie College, MAIMONIDES College for Jew- 45:58 ish scholarship in MANCHUKUO (Manchuria), anti- Philadelphia, 45:49 Jewish manifestations in, MAINE, statistical data on 38:381-382; 39:492-493,819 Jews and Jewish acti- MANCOVITZ, David, on Boston Common vities, 3:137; 30a85; Council, 7:193; 14.2:2^7; in Massachusetts Legislature, Sunday law in, 10:157-158; 18:103 Bible reading in public schools, 26:38; 49: 21-22 MANDATE for Palestine, Bal- MANDEL, Jacob, biographical four Declaration to sketch, 5:77-78 be included in, 22: MANDEL, Morris, data concerning, 129-130,231+; 5:78; 6:22,0 attitude of British Jewry MANDELBAUM, Aaron, prosecuting towards, 23:137; attorney of Wabash, Ind., text, 23:138; 2l|:7U-82; 15:262 given Great Britain by MANDELBAUM, David G., to do re- League of Nations, search on Hill Tribes of 23:351; 2l+:7l+-82; India, 38:1+06 25:105-106; MANDELBAUM, Samuel, in New York stimulates Palestine de- Legisla ture, 25:122; 26: velopment, 25:391-392; 133; 32:1UJ+; 33:115; 3l+:99; enters into force, 26&15; 35:109; 37:231; recognized by Turkey, on New York Bench, 38:14-06; 1+3: 26:115; 61+5; 50:61+4 declared an international MANDELBERG, Joseph, data concern- obligation, 26:116; ing, 5:78 endorsed by U.S., 27:122- MANDELKERN, Israel, data con- 123,129; cerning, 6: llj.8 provides for organiza- MANDELKORH, Noah, Cleveland, Ohio tion of Jewish Agency, councilman, 20:168 27:1+70; MANDELL, K., data concerning, Great Britain's adminis- 7:86 tration criticized, MANDL, Emma B. (Mrs, B), data 32:60,61; 33:25; concerning, 7:86 3l+:86,89; MAMDLEBAUM, Fred S., data con- historical background, cerning, 6:114.8 39:50i+-506; MAKEWITCH, Hyman, in Massachusett administration reviewed Legislature, 35:109 by Royal Commission, MANGES, Morris, data concerning, 39:516-528,529,552, 6:11+8 553; MANNINGHAM-BULLER, Reginald, economic absorptive capa- Major, on Anglo-American city as principle of Committee of Inquiry, Jewish immigration 14.8:1+00 under, 1+0:313; MANITOBA, Jewish population, terminated by UN, 50: 1+8:25 237,21+5; MANN, Jacob, obituary by Victor Jewish Agency demands E. Reichert, 1+3:1+07-1+11+; abolition, 50:1+11; portrait, facing, 1+3:1+07; Jewish terrorist efforts library acquired by College of for abolition, Jewish Studies, 1+5:89 50:i+.13-Ul9 MANN, Louis, data concerning, See also League of 6:11+9 Hationa; Palestine; MANME, Geoffrey, awarded British Permanent Mandates Victory Medal, 39:569 Commission MANNERS, Jane. See Mannheimer, MANDEL, Austin B., in New Jennie York Legislature, MANNHEIMER, Eugene, biographical 39:569 sketch, 5:78 MANDEL, Babette (Mrs. MANNHEIMER, Jennie (Jane Manners) Emanuel), data con- data concerning, 6:11+9 cerning, 7:86 -205-

MANNHEIMER, Leo, biographical MARGOLIS, Laura L., honored by sketch, 5:78; 6:220; Belgian Government, 14.9:599 on faculty of Illinois MARGOLIS, Max L., data concerning, Wesleyan University, 6:150-151; 9:475; review of the year, 7:229-271; on Paterson Board of Edu- resigns from Hebrew Union Col- cation, 15:262 lege, 9:542; MANNHEIMER, Louise, data con- active in JPS Bible translation, cerning, 6:114.9-150 11:281-2814.; 15:76,111,113, MANNHEIMER, Sigmund, data 114,118; 19:166-167; 20:i|li+- concerning, 6:150 U15; 42:105; 45:53; MANSBACH, Meyer, School prepares Commentary on Book of Director of Trinidad, Micah, 15:119; Col., 10:120 address on JPS Bible transla- MARCUS, Edwin, data concern- tion, 17:405-14.08; ing, 6:150 JPS to issue The Story of Blbla MARCUS, Jacob, data concern- Translations by, 19:511; ing, 5:78 academic post3 held by, 25:122; MARCUS, Jacob Rader, address 45:58; before JPS, I4.3:78i4.-791 obituary by Cyrus Adler, MARCUS, Louis, mayor of Salt 35:139-144; Lake City, Utah, portrait, facing, 35:139; 34:99 contribution to American Jewish MARCUS, Louis W., data con- scholarship, 45:51 cerning, 6:150; MARGOSHES, Samuel, charges Polish on Mew York Bench, 9:479 Government with anti-Jewish MARCUS, Maxwell P., on New policies, 39:229; York City Board of decorated by Danish Government, Higher Education, 49:599 32:144 MARGULIES, Samuel Hirsch, manu- MARCUS, Sidney, appreciation script collection acquired bj of work of, ij.7:7i+6 Library of Hebrew Union Col- MARCUS, U., delegate to lego, 45:81 organization meeting MARINE, David, awarded gold medal of New York Jewish Com- by New York Academy of Medi- munity, 11:14.8 cine, 33:115 MARGOLD, Nathan R., on MARITIME Provinces, Canada, early Washington, D.C., Jewish settlers in, 27:172; Bench, kk'-323 Jewish population, 48:25 MARGOLIES, M.S., rabbi, MARK, Lewis, on Marion, Ind., 6:220 School Board, 12:330 MARGOLIES, Moses Z., bio- MARKELL, Samuel, Chelsea, Mass., graphical sketch, alderman, 14:282; 15:262 5:78-79; MARKENS, Isaac, data concerning, active in Tew York Jew- 6:151 ish Community, 11:48,49 MARKHAM, Edwin, signs Christian MARGOLIS, Ellas, biographical protest against anti-Jewish sketch, 5:79; propaganda, 24:336 on faculty of Columbia MARKOWITZ, Augusta, decorated by University, 14:281 Hungarian Government, 36:257 MARGOLIS, Joseph, in Massa- MARKOWITZ, Samuel H., first Jew to chusetts Legislature, receive degree of Doctor in 43:344; 1)5:371 Practical Theology at Chi- cago University, 34:99 -206-

MARKS, Adolph, In Illinois MARSHALL, George C., Secretary of Legislature, 23:125 State, attitude on UN parti- MARKS, Mrs. Barnett E., in tion plan for Palestine, Arizona Legislature, 5O:238,2i4.7,2l4.9,25O-25l,l431, 25:122 U33 MARKS, Charles, on New York MARSHALL, James, address at 25th City Bench, 1+0:361 anniversary of American MARKS, H.H., in Hew York Jewish Committee, 3l(.: 339-31+1; Legislature, 3^:99 on New York City Board of Edu- MARKS, Jacob, in New York cation, 37:231; 39:569; 1+0: Legislature, 7:193; 361; Ul:l).00; I4.2rl4.6l1; l+3i 3l+i+-j on New York City Bench, 14-7:508; 10:120; 20:168 honors conferred on, I4.2jl4.6l). MARKS, Louis H,, honored by MARSHALL, Louis, data concerning, German Royal Institute 6:151-152; for Experimental Thera- and plan to organize national peutics, 13:285 Jewish conference, 8:2614.; MARKS, Marcus M., data con- combats anti-Jewish manifesta- cerning, 6:l5l; tions, 10:199-200,214.9-2514-; president of Borough of 21:631-614.5; 23:315-328; 26: Manhattan, 16:158 618-633,639-61+2; 31:26-27, MARKS, Martin A.r data con- 351-358; 32:1+0-1+2; cerning, 7:86-87; active in New York Jewish Com- president of Cleveland munity, 11:1+8,1+9; Library Board, llj.:282 chairman of New York Immigra- MARKS, Milton, in California tion Commission, 11:229,214.7; Legislature, 19:253; efforts in behalf of liberal 21:202 immigration legislation and MARKS, Samuel, in few York policy, 12:38-60; 22:lj.l2, Legislature, 11:229 1+26-1+32; 21+: 337,31+6-355; 25: MARKS, Simon, plan to aid 377; 26:56; 27:1+23-1+2^,1+28- German Jews, 38:21i;#255 I4.36pl4jj.7-I4.5o; 28:101-7-14.51, MARMOR, Jacob D., biographi- 1+53-1+68; 29:399-14-06; cal sketch, 5:76 trustee of Syracuse University, MARRANOS, in Latin America, 12:331; 19:14-9-50,62,82,81+; protests Russia's attitude on return to Judaism in passport question, 13:23-21+, Portugal, 27:35-36; 28: 25-27; 13:51+, 76-87; l4.8i4.-l4.8S; 32:92; urges abrogation of treaty with question of return to Russia, 13:814.-87,99-111; 32: Spain, 3l4-:6l 32-33; 3U:328; 1+2:914-; MARRIAGE, Polish law on, addresses before JPS, 15:177- 26:29-30; 182; 22:1^5-1+83; Massachusetts • cantors appointments and honors con- allowed to perform ferred on, 15:262; 32:31; ceremony, 31:30; president of American Jewish efforts for modernization Committee, 15:1+58; of Jewish law in U.S., efforts for minority rights 50:167,168 after World War I, 16:381+- See also Agunah; Inter- 386; 32:36-39; marriage; Widows letter to Pres. Taft on terms of new treaty with Russia, 16:390-391; -207-

MARSHALL, Louis (oont.) MARSHALL, Louis (cont.) trustee of New York signs agreement on organiza- State College of tion of Jewish Agency, Forestry, 19:253; 29:102; defends work of Ameri- and Henry Ford's repudiation can Jewish Committee of anti-Jewish attacks, in letter to Harper's 29:383-389; 30:21;; Weekly, 19:1+68-472; correspondence with Department at Paris Peace Confer- of State to prevent aboli- ence, 21:190; 23:355- tion of Shehitah in Norway, 356; U2:118-125; 29l104TZn 1+6:1+2; asserts overseas relief the efforts in behalf of task of American Jewry, European co-religion- 30:32; ists, 23:331-311-0; 27: signs agreement for appoint- 465-lf66; 28:115-116; ment of Joint Palestine 29:1+16-1+18; 30:31;, Survey Commission, 30:37, 298-306; 31:365-368, 310; 3714--376; opposes Jewish political clubs, endorses Balfour Decla- 30:287-289; ration, 2t+:68; J+2: portraits, 31; frontispiece, 131; 1+4:479} 46:1+2; 32; frontispiece, facing S3; opposes organization of protests allegation of ritual Jews as political murder by Jews, 31:22, unit, 26:73; 30:287- 31+8-352; 289; protests proselytizing atti- and participation of tude of committee in non-Zionists in Jew- Federal Council of Churches ish Agency, 26:120- in Christ, 31:25} 121; 28:127; 32:131;; obituary by Cyrus Adler, 1+2:132; 32:21-55; address on Mayer Sulz- activities on American Jewish berger, 26:373-403; Committee, summarized, president of Emergency 32:33-31+; 1+3:728,729; Committee on Jewish active in American Jewish Refugees, 27:1;!+!;; Relief Committee on out- suggests reforms in break of World War I, minority rights' pro- 32:35; 14.1:1144} cedure of League of attitude toward American Jew- Nations, 28:62,499- ish Congress, 32:36; 502; 29:55-56; 30:311} 42:99,100; reports on Polish-Jewish pro-Palestine activities, Agreement, 28:6I4.; 32:1+5-1+7,52-53; refutes slur on patrio- tributes to, 32:53-55,61,289, tism of American Jew, 290-295; 34:332; 28:469-472; American Jewish Committee opposes Oregon school issues memorial volume on, law affecting Catho- 34:293; lics, 28:473-474; association with Cyrus Adler 14-9:19; in American Jewish affairs, condemns renunciation of 42:68,69, minority rights by contributes to Hebrew press of Turkish Jews, 29:59, JPS, 42:109} 1+38; -208-

MARSHALL, Louis (cont.) MARYLAND (cont.) active in Educational early Jewish settlers, l+:65-66; Alliance, New York, Jews struggle for civil rights. 14-6:82; I).:65-66; 25:152 Liberty ship named in Sunday law in, 10:158,176-177; honor of, 1+6:322 Jew tried for blasphemy, 28:196 MARTINIQUE, absence of Jews Catholics win state aid for in, 19:92-93 parochial schools, 1+9:37,38 MARX, Alexander, data con- MARYLAND Historical Society owns cerning, 6:152; portraits of early American to edit work of Moritz Jews, 25:151-152 Stelnschneider, 8:273; MASADA, data concerning, 36:328 describes Scheehter's et seq.; discovery of original proceedings of annual conven- Ben Sira MS., 18:14.1-1)2; tion, 39:287; obituary of Henry Matter, revived by American Zionist 28:261-272; Youth Commission, 14.8:152 obituary of George Alex- MASARYK, Thomas, indicted for ander Kohut, 36:55-61+; pamphlet disproving the librarian of Jewish blood accusation, 2:23 Theological Seminary MASINTER, Morris L., thirty- of America, 1+2:70; third degree Mason, 1+0:361 U5:73; MASLIANSKY, Zvi Hirsch (Harris), contributions to Ameri- data concerning, 6:152; can Jewish scholar- delegate to organization meet- ship, 1+5:56,60; ing of Jewish Community of address, "Jacob H. New York, 11:1+8; Schiff and the Jewish death, 45:149; Classics," 1+9:827-830 aids religious program of Edu- MARX, David, biographical cational Alliance, New sketch, 5:79; York, 1+6:81-82 obituary of Harold MASON, Daniel Gregory, signs Hirsch, 1+2:165-172 Christian protest againat MARX, Robert S., on Ohio anti-Jewish propaganda, Bench, 22:151).; 214:336 awarded D.S.C., 26:133 MASONRY. See Freemasonry; MARX, Samuel, New York Scottish Rite Alderman, 10:120; MASSACHUSETTS, Sunday law in, in House of Representa- 3:16; 10:158-159,177-178; tives, 25:122 et seq. 11:59; MARX, Wilhelm, German statistical data on Jews and Chancellor, declares Jewish activities, 3:138; anti-Semitism enemy of 30:185-186; 1+2:21+7-2149; religion, 25:82,385; Jewish agricultural settle- 26:88 ments, 11+: 91-92; MARYLAND, statistical data cantors allowed to perform on Jews and Jewish marriages, 31:30; activities, 3:137-138; anti-Semitic propaganda in, l+:l+6-62; 30:185; 1+6:11+1; 1+2:21+7; struggle for separation of article on Jewish popu- church and state in, lation by George E. 1+9:8-9; Baanett, l+:l+6-62; Bible reading in public schools 1+9:22 -209-

MASSACHUSETTS Institute of MAYER, Adolph, biographical Technology, students sketch, 5:79 protest participation MAYER, Daniel, in consular ser- in celebration at vice, 7:190 Goettingen University, MAYER, Edward E., data concern- 39:213 ing, 6:157 MASSACHUSETTS Legislature MAYER, Eli, biographical sketch, congratulates Jewish 5:79; people on restoration assistant to Joseph Krauskopf, of Palestine as home- 6:221 land, 23:11k; MAYER, Emil, physician, data con- passes "Rosh-Ha-Shanah cerning, 6:153 Bill," 30:26-27; MAYER, Emil, communal worker, data condemns Nazi persecu- concerning, 7:88 tion of minorities, MAYER, Ferdinand I., in U.S. dip. 38:176-177; lomatic service, 19:253 urges U.S. to open doors MAYER, Harry H., biographical to refugees, 38:195 sketch, 5:79 MASSENA, N.Y., ritual murder MAYER, Hy, data concerning, 6:153 charge in, 31:21-22, MAYER, Joseph, mayor of Belmar, 3U7-352 N.J., 33:115 MASTBAUM, Jules E., memo- MAYER, Julius M., data concerning, rial resolution by 6:l5k; American Jewish Com- Attorney General of New York, mittee on, 30:316-317 7:193; MATHIAS, Simon, on Pitts- judicial career, lk:282; 2h:88; burgh City Council, 33:26k; 3^:23k; 5O:6k6 8:186 MAYER, Lippman, biographical MAURITIUS, Island of, de- sketch, 5:79-80 portees on, allowed MAYER, Morris J., on Ohio Bench, to enter Palestine, 33:115 k7:k5O MAYER, Simon, Chicago alderman, MAY, Barney, mayor of Ik:282 Harrisburg, Ore., MAYEROWITZ, Berachya, biographical 9:k79 sketch, 5:80 MAY, Isaac, public offices MEARSON, Ida C, data concerning, held by, in Rome, Ga., 12:331; 21:202; 7:88 22:l5k; 23:125 MEDALIE, Carrie K., on New York City Board of Higher Educa- MAY, Max B., on Ohio Bench, 15:262 tion, kO:36l MEDALIE, George Z., on New York MAY, Mitchell, in House of Representatives, Bench, 33:115 2:521 et seq.; reports as chairman of Overseas data concerning, 6:152- Committee of American Jewish Committee, kk:k8o-k85; k5: 153; 7:87; 6k6-652; k6:565-573; k7: on New York City. 3oard of 713-718; Education, 8:183; article, "New York Federation- judicial career, 18:103; after Twenty-five Years," 2k:88: 33:266; 3k: 236; 3(3:kO6 k5:117-13k; MAYER, Adeline, data con- alumnus of Educational Alliance, cerning, 7:97-88 New York, k6:82; -210-

MEDALIE, George Z. (cont.) MELLITZ, Samuel, on Connecticut obituary by Joseph Bench, 39:569 Willen, 14.8:93-100; MELNIKER, Aaron A., on New Jersey portrait, facing, 1*8:93; Bench, 33:115; 38:1*06 honorary vice-president MELTZER, Joshua, in Connecticut of American Jewish Legislature, 13:285 Committee, 1+8:632; MELTZER, Samuel J., data concern- tribute to, l*9:79l*-795 ing, 6:151* MEDICAL Advisory Boards, MEMEL, ^azi regime in, t*l:311*-3l5; American Jewish Com- Jews affected by German ab- mittee opposes anti- sorption, 1*2:388 Jewish discrimination See also Lithuania in Manual for, MENDEL, D.J., in South Dakota 21:63i|-637 Legislature, 13:285 MEDICAL schools, anti-Jewish MENDEL, Joseph, in Illinois Legis- discrimination in, lature, 35:109; 39:569 27:33; 32:78-79; 33: MENDEL, Lafayette, on faculty of 51*-56; 3l*:U3-l*l+; 35: Sheffield Scientific School, 289-290; 37:157-158; Yale University, 5:211*; 1*9:132 honors and awards conferred on, See also Colleges and 16:158; 37:231 universities MENDELSOHN, a, biographical sketch MEDICINE, early American 5:80; 6:221 Jews in profession of, MENTDELSOHN, Isaac, in New York 28:215; Legislature, 17:217; 18:103 legislative restrictions MENDELSOHN, Samuel, biographical on practise by immi- sketch, 5:80 grants, 39:268; MENDELSOHN, Walter, lay advisor to decline in Jewish stu- Department of Public Infor- dents, 50:768 mation and Education of MEDVIDOVSKY, Israel, data American Jewish Committee, concerning, 5:80; 1*8:621*; 1*9:790 6:221 MENDELSON, Albert, in Ohio Legis- MEDWAY, Charles, on Phila- lature, 11:229 delphia Bench, 1*0:361 MENDELSOU, Ralph W., decorated by MEIER, Julius L., governor Serbian Government, 22:151* of Oregon, 33:115,267 MENDES, Frederick de Sola, bio- et seqt graphical sketch, 5:80-81 MEISEL, P.E., in New Jersey MENDES, Henry Fereira, biograph- Legislature, 13:285 ical sketch, 5:81; MEISSNER, Harry V., presi- active in New York Jewish Com- dent of Milwaukee, munity, 11:1*8,1*9; Wise, School Board, calls attention to anti-Jewish 3U:99; 38:1*06 discrimination in U.S., MEITES,ffyitian L., awarded 20:391*; honorary degree by obituary by David de Sola Pool, Chicago Law School, 1*0:1*1-60; 31:83 portrait, facing* 1*0:1*1; MELCHETT, Alfred Mond, Lord, organizer of Jewish Theological resigns from Jewish Seminary of America, 1*0:1*7; Agency, 33:21* organizer of Union of Orthodox MELCHETT, Henry Mond, Lord, Jewish Congregations, 1*0:1*9 proposes emigration of MENDES, Isaac P., biographical Jews from Poland, sketch, 5:81 39:302 -211-

MENDOZA, Jacob, selootman MEREDITH, E.T., signs Christian of Revere, Mass., protest against anti-Jewish 16:158 propaganda, 21+: 337 MENGELBERG, Willem, awarded MERENSKY., Joseph J., assistant honorary degree by U.S. District Attorney, Columbia University, 2l+:88 30:73 MERRIAM, Alexander R., signs MENKEN, Peroival 8., data Christian protest against concerning, 7:88 anti-Jewish propaganda, MENKES, Sigmund, paintings 2l+:336 by, win prizes, MESIROV, Clarence, president of 1+9:599 Law Academy of Philadelphia MBNORAH Association, edu- 36:257 cational activities MESSING, Aaron J., biographical at colleges, 31:ll+l> sketch, 5:31 11+2; 1+3:56; MESSING, Abraham J., biographical data concerning, 32:180- sketch, 5:81 181 et seq. MESSING, Alfred H., data con- MENORAH Educational Con- cerning, 6:151+ ference, 22:307— MESSING, Henry J., biographical 14.5:1+75 sketch, 5:81-82 Menorah Journal celebrates MESSING, Mayer, biographical 25th anniversary, sketch, 5:82 1+1:232 METCHNIKOFP, Elie, Jewish MENORAH Movement, data ancestry, 25:196 concerning, 22:307 — METHODISTS, interfaith activi- 29:171; ties, 23:118; 39:261+-265; activities, 29:1+1+ 1+5:190; See also Intercollegiate praise Bible translation of Menorah Association JPS, 23:389-390 MENORAH School of Adult METTERNICH, Prinoe, and Jewish Education, 39:61+6 — emancipation at interna- 1+2:536 tional congresses, 19:121- MENORAH Society, activi- 123,129,130,132 ties, 10:197; METZENBAUM, Howard M., in Ohio first attempt to organ- Legislature, 1+5:371 ize Jewish group In METZENBAUM, James, in Ohio Legis- American universi- lature, 37:231 ties, 1+7:11+2-11+3 METZGER, Alfred E., in Missouri See also Intercollegiate Legislature, 13:285 Menorah Association MEXICAN War, Jews in, 1+:71 MENORAH Women's League, MEXICO, Jews of, 19:79-83; 25:60; 38:1+85-1+86—1+2:538 1+0:336-338,600-601; 1+8: MENTJHIN, Yehudi, honors 252-253,257; conferred on, 1+5:371} American Jewish Committee aids 1+9:599 Turkish Jews in, 19:1+66; MERANZE, Theodore, awarded advocated as haven for Jewish medal of Fifth Inter- refugees, 27:67-68} national Congress of B'nai B'rith aid3 Jewish refu- Radiology, 1+0:361 gees in, 30:315-316; Merchant of Venice, efforts 1+5:31+9; for barring from pub- lic school curriculum, 15:21+2-21+3; 3l+:l+l -212-

MEXICO, Jews of, (oont.) MEYER, Adolph, in House of Rep- anti-Jewish manifesta- resentatives, 2:521 et seq; tions in, 32:86» 33: biographical sketch, 4:173- 36-37,62-64; 36:202, 174; 6:154-155 443; 40:337,600; 41: MEYER, Alfred, data concerning, 356-359; 42:427-428; 6:155 45:314-9; 47:479; 49: MEYER, Annie Nathan, data con- 272; 50:277-278; cerning, 6:155-156 anti-alien agitation in, MEYER, Arthur, chairman of New 34:49-50,306-307; York State Mediation Americans condemn reli- Board, 43:344 gious persecution in, MEYER, Eugene, in U.S. public 37:161-162; service posts, 20:168; refuses to participate 23:125; 27:144; 33:115; in Berlin Olympics, 34:99; 43:344; 49:599; 38:2^2; 50:647; ban3 anti-Jewish organi- awards and honors conferred zations, 38:242; on, 22:155; 34:99; 36:257; restrictive immigration 41:400 attitude, 40:337, MEYER, Harry, in Montana Legis- 600-601; 43:307; lature, 33:115 anti-Nazi and antl- MEYER, Heyman, biographical Pascist movement, sketch, 5:82 41:360; 43:298; MEYER, Julius H., biographical Nazi propaganda in, sketch, 5:82 43:296-298; MEYER, Louis, officer of French Jewish communal activity Legion of Honor, 39:569 43:310-311,314; MEYER, Martin A,, biographical 50:278-279; sketch, 5:82; establishes "free port" obituary by Louis I. Newman, for refugees, 47:475; 27:246-259; Jews and post-war immi- portrait, facing 27:246 gration policy, MEYER, Maurice J., on Ohio Bench, 49:553; 33:115 statistics on Jewish MEYER, Schuyler M,, in New York immigration, 49:747; Legislature, 19:253; review of events, by 20:168; 23:125 Adolfo Fastlicht, MEYER, William, in Montana Legis- 50:277-280; lature, 21:202 pro-Israel activity, MEYERHARDT, Max-, data concerning, 50:279-280 7:88-89; MEXICO City, Inter-American city attorney of Rome, Ga., Conference at, 12:331 liberal objectives, MIAMI Military Institute, German- 47:472-473; town, Ohio, case concern- interactional bill of ing compulsory attendance rights considered by, at churches, 29:40-41 47:473,492 MICHAEL, Elias, data concerning, MEYER, Abraham G., on Hew 7:89; York City Bench, memorial resolution of Ameri- 20:168 can Jewish Committee on, 16:382 MICHAEL, Mrs. Ellas, on St»Louis Board of Education, 26:133 -213-

MICHAEL,, Max, on Mobile, MICKVA Israel Congregation, Ala,,, City Council, Savannah, Ga. See 7:193 Savannah, Ga., Mickva MICHAELMAN, Joseph, Master Israel Congregation in Chancery in Massa- MIDDLE East, Arah£ hostile to chusetts, 8:183 Zionism, 1+1:373,37!;; MICHELBACHER, S., and pass- Arabs U3e terror against Jews, port question in 1+1:373; Congress, 11:23 review of affairs, 1+2:1+1+2-1+1+3; MICHELMAN, Samual, on by Isaac Shamoah, 1+9:1+67- Northampton, Mass., 1+75; by H. Lowenberg, 50: City Council, 20:168 1+36-1+1+5; MICHELSON, Albert A., refugee situation, 1+2:1+1+2-1+1+3; honors conferred on, Palestine and British posi- 1+:195; 10:120; 12: tion in, 1+8:266-267; 331; 13:286; ll+:282; boycott of Zionist products 22:155; 23:125; 25: in, 1+9:1+67-1+68; 122; 31:83; anti-Jewish propaganda in, official scientific ad- lU6+9U8j visor of Army and power politics in, t+9:l+97-l*98| Navy, 19:253; 511-515,570-571; wins Nobel Prize in difficult position of Jews in, physics, 25:195; 50:1+36-1+37; 33:268; 3l+:239; statistics on Jewish popula- data concerning, 25: tion, 50:703-705 196-197; See also under individual president of National countries Academy of Sciences, MIELZINER, Jacob, biographical 26:133; sketch, 5:82-83 on American Committee of MIELZINER, Jo, win3 honor for World Congress of stage design, 38:1+06 Engineers, 30:73 MIELZINER, Leo, data concerning, MICHELSON, Selig J., on 6:156 Democratic National MIELZINER, Moses, contribution to Committee, 10:120 American Jewish scholar- MICHIGAN, statistical data ship, 1+5:50 on Jews and Jewi3h MIGRANTS, International Confer- activities, 3:139; ence of Private Organiza- 30:186; 1+2:21+9; tions for Promotion and Sunday law in, 10:159, Welfare of, activity, 178; 28:21+; 28:85 Jewish agricultural MIGRATION, problem becomes task settlements, ll+:92- of American Jewry, 1+1+: 123 93; 37:102-103, See also Refugees, Jewish 111-112; "Migration of Jews in Recent Jews oppose alien regis- Years," article by John L. tration law in, 33: Bernstein, 38:117-131+ 57; 35:290; MIKVEH Israel Congregation, Jewish chaplain appoin- Philadelphia. See_ Phila- ted for state pri- delphia, Mikveh Israel sons, 1+1+: 110 Congregation MICHNIK, Nathan, biograph- ical sketch, 5:82 -2U+-

MIKWEH Israel, first agri- MILLER, Morris, data concerning, cultural school 7:89-90 established in Pales- MILLER, Nathan J., memorial re- tine^by Alliance solution of Ameridan Jew- Israelite Univeraelle ish Committee on, 31:386 2:61-62; 17:78,116; MILLER, Sara, datq concerning, 75th anniversary, 1+7:1+57 6:156 MILIUKOV, Paul, correspon- MILLER, Shaye, wins award of dence with American Louis LaMed Literary Foun- Jewish Committee, dation, 50:508 20:370,371-372 MILLER, Simon, JPS presidential MILK, pasteurization of, addresses, 16:1+23-1+25; 19: and Nathan Straus, 506-5H+; 21:690-698; 23: 33:ll+l-U+5 386-398; 2l+:382-392; 25: MILKE, Herman H., on £+32-l+i|.O; 27:1+86-1+97; 28: Cleveland, Ohio, City 526-535; Council, 22:155 tribute paid to JPS activities MILLER, Charles, in Massa- 31:326-327; 1+7:203-201+, chusetts Legislature, 738-739; 39:569; 1+3:31+1+; hS: obituary of Edwin Wolf, 371; l+7:5o8 37:55-60; MILLER, E.H., in New York tribute to efforts of Cyrus Legislature, 20:168 Adler in behalf of Hebrew MILLER, Fannie S. (Mrs. Press, 1+2:700-701; Wm. W.), data con- obituary by Edwin H, Schloss, cerning, 7:89 1+7:201-206; MILLER, Harry, on Hew York memorial resolutions of JPS City Bench, 20:168 on, 1+7:752-753 MILLER, Julius, president MILITARY training, peacetime, of Borough of Man- opposed by Rabbinical hattan, 2l+:88; 28: Assembly of America, 1+7:223 11+2; 32:ll+l+; MIIWITZKY, William, data con- on New York Bench, 33: cerning, 6:156 115,266; 31+:236; MINDLIN, Raymond D., wins Navy 1+7:508 awards, 1+9:599 MILLER, Kassel, biographi- MINIS, Philip, first white child cal sketch, 5:83 born in Georgia, l+:67; MILLER, Linda R. (Mrs. 28:199 Nathan), endows MINISTERS. See Dlplomatio ser- chair at Columbia vice, Jews serving in University, 31:387; MINKOFF, Isaiah M., articles on 36:33-31+; intergroup relations, memorial volume in 1+9:188-211; 50:202-223 honor of, 1+0:11+6; MINKOFF, Nathan, in New York gift to Library of Legislature, 1+0:361 Jewish Theological MINKOWSKY, Abraham, data con- Seminary, 1+5:72 cerning, 6:221 MILLER, Louis, delegate to MINNESOTA, statistical data on organization meeting Jews and Jewish activities, of Jewish Community 3:139-11+0; 30:187; 1+2: of New York, 11:1+8 21+9-250; MILLER, Louis E, (pseud, Sunday law in, 10:159-160, of Louis E. Bandes), 179; 27:25; influence on Yiddish state aid to parochial school? press, 26:180 forbidden, 1+9:31+ -215-

MIN0RITIE3, status In MINORITY rights affected by 1912 Soviet Russia and Balkan War (cont.) other European coun- and the League of Nations, tries, 24:38-43; 23:157; 25:61-62; 26:62-63, schools of, in Europe, 100; 27:70-71,109; 28:59-61, affected by discimi- 62,498-509; 29:55-58,428-42<, nation, 25:65-68; 30:311-312; 31:79; 32:308- and language of instruc- 309? 33:109,395; 36:89-119, tion in schools, 242-243; 28:70-73; violated in Eastern and Central American protests on Europe, 23:177; 26:37,61-62, Nazi persecution of, 65-71,658-659; 27:75-81; 28: 38:176,177; 68,406; 40:104-105,167-168, problem reviewed by 599; American Jewish Com- observance guaranteed by Pin- mittee, 42:649-650; land, 23:210; studies by Research In- observance urged as prerequi- stitute on Peace and site to admission to League Post-War Problems of of Nations, 23:212; Committee, 46:472-473? provided for in treaty with weakness of Versailles Turkey, 26:59-61; Peace Treaty regard- and Sunday law in Salonica, ing, 47:493; 27:22-23,71; MINORITIES in U.S., Supreme advocated by international Court decision on congresses, 27:69-70; language of, 26:66- 28:62-63; 67; legal rulings on, 27:74-75; bill for protection of, public opinion supports League introduced into of Nations in behalf of, Congress, 26:113; 28:61; 29:59-60; Florida law for protec- renounced by Jews of Turkey, tion of, 47:285; 29:58-59,429-438; 30:312; directive issued by conference at Zurich on, 30:35; Attorney General and Nazi anti-Jewish policy, Clark on civil 31:51-54,74-101; 36:99-100; rights of, 48:173 38:319; MINORITY rights affected violated by Poland, 37:142,203, by 1912 Balkan War, 207,413; 38:197; 39:230; 15:196-197; 40:602; precedents for interna- efforts by Jewish organizations tional intervention at San Francisco UN Confer- on, 21:162-163; 22: ence, 47:490,491; 108-109; 36:90,436, unemphasized in 1946-1947 peace 440,451; 39:208-209; treaties, 49:109-110,567- efforts for, in Eastern 568,572 Europe, 21:215; 23: See also Human rights 141,186,187,192-193, MINORITY rights In peace treaties, 194,250,340,341; 25: efforts of U.S. for protec- 49-51,63,68; 26:63- tion of, 15:197,222; 64; 28:62; 33:355, 357,359; 34:300-304; efforts of American Jewish or- 4O«6O2*' 42:96-97; ganizations in behalf of, 15:240-241; 16:384-387; 21: 172,190,191,192) -216-

MINORITY rights In peace MISSOURI (cont.) treaties (oont.) Jewish agricultural settle- efforts of Great Britain ments in, 14:97; for protection of, and practise of medicine by 15:353; foreigners, 39:268 documents at Paris MITCHELL, Max, data concerning, Peace Conference,on, 7:90 21:156-168; 22:101- MITCHELL, William, data concern- 103,^07-^08; 25:390- ing, 7:90 391; 32:37-38,39; MITTLER, Benjamin B., in New York 42:121,124; 45:102 Legislature, 32:144; 33: See also Paris Peace 116; 34:99; 35:109 Conference, 1919 MIZRACHI, platform, 7:249-250; MINSKX, Louis, article, growth and activities, 26:79; "Interfaith Activi- 43:99; 48:241; 49:263: ties in the U.S.," world convention, 27:87-88; 46:143-148; 47:285- reject Palestine partition 290; 14.8:196-201 plan, 49:250; MINTURN, James E., signs protest British brutality in Christian protest Palestine, 1*9:252 against anti-Jewish MIZRACHI Association of America, propaganda, 24:337 23:231 MINTZ, Morris M., in New See also Junior Mlzrachi York Legislature, Women's Association of 43:344 America MIKTZER, George J., awarded MIZRACHI Hatzoir, 23:231-232— Army Certificate of 32:181 Merit, 50:508 MIZRACHI National Education Com- MISCH, Mrs. Caesar, presi- mittee, 1|.9:658; 50:565 dent of National MIZRACHI of America, 16:298-- Council of Jewish 20:315-316 Women, I4.6:67 MIZRACHI Organization of America, MISSISSIPPI, statistical data concerning, 21:318 data on Jews and et seq.; Jewish activities, activities, 14-2:313 3:140; 30:167; 1*2: See also American Eretz Israel 250; Corporation; Hapoel HamiS- Sunday law In, 10:160; raohJL; Junior Mizrachl sectarian instruction MIZRACHI Organization of America, in public schools, Teachers Institute of, 49:21; merges with Rabbi Isaac Catholics win state aid Elchanan Theologioal Semi- for parochial schools, nary, 14.8:76 i+9:36 MIZRACHI Women's Organization of MISSOURI, statistical data America, data concerning, on Jews and Jewish 35:197 et seq.; activities, 3:140-141; activities and growth, 14.2:313; 30:187-188; 42:250- ^8:214.1 251; MIZRACHI Youth of America, data Sunday law in, 10:160- concerning, 33:234—i).l:l4-67- 161,179; 1+68; becomes independent body, 38:20l| See also Hapoel Hamizrachi of America -217-

MOGILESKY, Bernard, on New MOLL, Max S., biographical York City Benoh, sketch, 5:83 3Ut99 M0L0D0WSKY, Kadia, wins award MOHAMMEDANISM, conversion of Louis LaMed Literary of Maimonides to, Foundation, 50:508 refuted, 37:63-6^, 65; MONIS, Judah, early instructor and Judaism, I4J4.:6I4. at Harvard University, MOHAMMEDANS. See. Moslems 28:200 MOHEL Association of U.S., MONSKY, Henry, initiates Ameri- I\.5tk7t> et seq. can Jewish Conference, MOHR, Michael, data con- U5:102; cerning, 7:90-91 consultant to American delega» MOHR, Sigismund, first tion at San Francisco UN Jewish electrical Conference, U7:3O3; engineer in Canada, testifies before Anglo-Ameri- 27:167 can Committee of Inquiry, MOISE, Edwin W., on 14.8:14.02; Louisiana Bench, obituary by Henry W, Levy, 33:265; 3U:235 1+9:85-90; MOISE, M., in South Caro- portrait, facing, 14-9:85; lina Legislature, memorial resolutions of JPS 17:217 on, 1|9:838 MOISE, Penina, woman and MONTANA, statistical data on writer, article, by Jews and Jewish activities Lee C. Harby, 7:17- 3:11+1; 30:188; 14-2:251; 31 Sunday law in, 10:161,171 MOISSIEFP, Leon, delegate MONTAUBAN, Bishop of, protests to organization anti-Jewish treatment in meeting of Jewish France, 1+7:117 Community of New MONTEFIORE, Claude G., and York, 11:14.8; Solomon Scheohter, l8:29,3< awards won by, 35:110; MONTEFIORE, Francis, Sir, kkkZk^k address at Fifth Interna- MOISSAN, Henri, scientist, tional Congress of Zion- of Jewish descent, ists, 5:80-81 25:196 MONTEFIORE, Moses, Sir, donates MOLDAVIA, history of Jews books to Library of Hebrew in, 3:28-5U; Union College, £(.5:73 under suzerainty of MONTEFIORE Hospital for Chronlo Turkey, 3:30-32; Diseases in New York City, anti-Jewish excesses and 39:96; discrimination in, home-care program, 50:131 3:33,35,^3,50-52; MONTENEGRO, establishment of U5:328; religious liberty in, ritual murder charge 19:152,153 in, 3:37-38,39,^8; MONTICELLO, home of Jefferson, Jewish communal organi- purchased by Uriah P. zation in, 3:55-56, Levy, I4.114.S 57-58; MONTREAL, anti-Semitism in, 1856 Congress of Paris 11:70; 33:59; and Jewish rights in, early Jews prominent in, 27: 19:133-13U,137,138 161+-166; See also Rumania -218-

MONTREAL (oont.) MORGENSTERN, Alfred, in Cali- Jewish organizational fornia Legislature, 15:262 activity, 27:177-182, MORGENSTERN, Julian, data oon- 188-192,201,20k-207; cer ning, 6:221; Jewish population, 27: active in American Oriental 201;'1*8:25; Society, 20:168; 30:73; early Jewish synagogue, awarded honorary degree by 1*8:23 University of Cincinnati, See also Quebec, Province 39:569; MONTREAL, Shearith Israel contributions to American Jew- Congregation, his- ish scholarship, 1*5:57; tory, 27:177-180; attitude toward Zionism, 1*6:9^ fifth in North Amerioa, MORGENTHAU, Henry, honors and k8:23 appointments conferred on, MOODY, John, signs Chris- 13:286; 15:262-263; 23:125; tian protest against 25:122; 28:lk2; 37:232; anti-Jewish propa- 39:569; ganda, 21*: 3 37 diplomatic and public service MORAIS, Henry S., biograph- career, 16:158; 22:155; 33: ical data, 5:83 263; 3k:233; 35:110,233; MORAIS, Sabato, founder of 36:365; 37:31*7; 38:51+7; 1*0: Jewish Theological 531; 1*1:571; 1*2:585; 1*3: Seminary, 16:10k; 6k5; 50:6k7; W*:78; warns of plight of Palestine influence on Cyrus Jewry, 17:l52,l5k,359; Adler, 1*2:27-28,87; 19:196; 3k:328; and Hebrew Union Col- heads American mission on Jew- lege, Ul*:78 ish question in Poland, MORAWETZ, Albert R., in 22:255-256; U.S. consular ser- mediator between Turkey and vice, 10:121; 12:331 Armenia, 23:125; MORDECAI, Augustus, data chairman of League of Nations concerning, 6:156-157 Commission on settlement MORDECAI, Laura, data in Greece of Asia Minor concerning, 7:91 refugees, 26:13*3; MORGAN, Sir Frederick E., active in Educational Alliance Lieut.-Gen., chief New York, k6:82 of UNRRA operations MORGENTHAU, Mrs. Henry, decorated in Germany, anti- by French Government, Jewish charge by, 20:169 1*8:307-308 MORGENTHAU, Henry, Jr., in U.S. MORGAN, William Pellowes, public service, 36:257-258; signs Christian pro- 37:128; 1*3:61*5; 50:61*7; test against anti- honors conferred on, kO:36l; Jewish propaganda, kk:323; k8:l*7k 2k:337 MORITZ, Albert, data concerning, Morgen Journal, New York 6:157 Yiddish daily, 26: MORK, Seymour, in New York Leg- 171,177,179; islature, 13:286 • content of editorials, MORMONS warned not to participate 26:221,228,229,230, in anti-Semitic agitation, 26l,26k,265,292,36k, 23:118 366,368; Americanization efforts of, 26:330,339 -219-

MOROCCO, efforts in behalf MORRIS, Ira Nelson, U.S. Minister of Jews of, 2:53; 8: to Sweden, 33:263 et seq.: 90,92-98,251+; 10:256; Liberty ship named in honor 15:1+53; 18:3^8,3U9- of, 1+7:508 350; 19:221+; MORRIS, James J., in New York anti-Jewish excesses and Legislature, 20:169 manifestations, 5:2l+; MORRIS, Nelson, data concerning, 6:19; 9:551; 10:216- 6:157 217; 19:156; 1+3:159; MORRIS, Robert, aided by Haym situation of Jews, 7:258; Salomon, 28:211 20:375-376? MORRIS, Samuel R., on New York review of Jewish affairs, City Board of Aldermen, 11:78-79; 15:302; 16: 22:155 200-201; 17:239; MORRISON, Charles Clayton, plea 19:290; for religious education, Jews and minority rights 1+9:27-28 in, 19:155-160; 25: MORRISON, Henry L., on Common 97; 1+5:61+9; Council of Maiden, Mass., Jewish population, 25: 13:286 331,336 et seq.; MORRISON, Robert Craigmyle, Lord, Jews imprisoned for on Anglo-American Committee support of Free of Inquiry, 1+8:1+00 Prance movement, MORRISON-GRADY Report on Pales- 1+3:169; tine, 1+9:21+6-21+7,U85-U87, adopts Vichy anti-Jewish 786 legislation, i(l|.: 200- MORSE, Francis M., on Sumter, 201; S.C.. Board of Education, religious reorganization 1+2:1+61+ in, 1+9:1+1+1-1+1+2 MORSE, Godfrey, data concerning, MOROCCO, Spanish, growth of 6:157-158 anti-Semitism in, MORSE, Leopold, in House of Rep- 39:32U,325; resentatives, 2:521; 9:1+37 Jewish refugees flee to et seq. Tangier from, 39:321+; MORTAR A, Edgar, Alliance Israelite Nazi policies and legis- Universelle intervenes in lation in, 1+0:187-188; case, 2:1+9; 1+5:296-297 abduction leads to unified MORRIS, Benjamin, biographi- action by American Jewry, cal data, 5:83 31+: 318; MORRIS, Charles Clayton, death, 1+2:385 signs Christian pro- MOSCHCOWITZ, Paul, data conoern- test against anti- ing, 6:158 Jewish propaganda, MOSCOWITZ, Grover M., on New York 2l+:337 Bench, 28:11+2; 33:261+; 31*: MORRIS, Clarence W., in 231+; U3:61+6; 50:61+7 California Legisla- MOSER, Charles K., in U.S. consu- ture, 19:253 lar service, 19:253 MORRIS, David, on New York MOSES, Adolph, data concerning, City Bench, 32:11+1+ 7:91 MORRIS, David H., In Colo- MOSES, Alfred G., biographical rado Legislature, data, 5:83; 3l+:99; 35:110 receives degree from Univer- sity of Alabama; 13:286} on faculty of University of Alabama, 15:263 -220-

MOSES, E., mayor of Bombay, MOSKOWITZ, Moses, review of the 39:301+ year in foreign countries, MOSES, Herbert A., on Sum- Ul:233-391; ter, S.C., City Coun- review of affairs in Latin cil, 1+2:1+61+ America, 1+1).: 287-291). MOSES, Isaac, in Rhode MOSLEM-Christian Association Island Legislature, opposes Jewish National 33:116 Home in Palestine, 25:111- MOSES, Isaac S., biographi- 112; 26:122; cal data, 5:83 Arab opposition to, 26:123; MOSES, Israel, in Missis- complaint to League of Nations sippi Legislature, 29:97 10:121 MOSLEM countries. See Middle MOSES, Jacob M., data oon-- East cerning, 6:158; MOSLEMS, in Turkey oppose anti- on Baltimore, Md., Shehitah bill in Russia, Bench, 10:121 16:255; MOSES, James G., and pass- in India oppose Zionism, port question in 21:238; Congress, 11:22 threaten Jews of Turkistan, MOSES, Joseph W., presi- 21:295; dent of Chicago Bar immigration to Palestine, Association, 20:169 26:126; MOSES, L.G., in New York in South Africa oppose Zion- Legislature, 23;125 ism, 33:71; MOSES, Robert, appointments friendly toward Jews of Libya, and honors conferred 1+6:235-236 on, 37:232; 38:1+06; See also Arabs 39:569; 1+0:361; i+1: MOSLER, Gustave Henry, data con- 1+00; 1+3:31+1+; 1+5:371; cerning, 6:158 14.6:322; 1+9:599; MOSLER, Henry, data concerning, 5O:5o8 6:158 MOSES, Sidney in Mew York MOSLER, Mrs. William, honored by Legislature, 1+5:371 France, 25:122 MOSES, Solomon, portrait, MOSELEY, George Van Horn, General, painted Dy Gilbert aotive in anti-Semitic Stuart, 25:158 movement in United States, MOSINTER, E.M., biographi- 1+1 .-212,213 cal sketch, 5:81+ MOSLEY, Oswald, Sir, fans anti- MOSKIEVITZ, M., delegate to Semitism in Great Britain, organization meeting 37:170,1+09; 38:21+9-251; of New York Jewish 39:292-297,815-816; 1+2:317, Community, 11:1+8 322-321+; MOSKOVITZ, M.M., U.S. Com- anti-Jewish tactics curtailed, missioner for Dis- 1+0:159-160; trict of Columbia, leader of Fascist party in 12:331 Great Britain, 50:283-281+ MOSKOWITZ, Adolph, on New MOSS, Mary, data concerning, York Board of Alder- 6:158-159 men, 10:121 MOSS, Maximilian, on New York MOSKOWITZ, Henry, ooramunal Board of Education, 1+9:599 worker, 7:92 MOSS, William, data concerning, 6:159 -221-

MOSSESOHN, S,, delegate to MOYNE, Walter, Lord, killed in organization meeting Cairo by Jewish terrorists, of Jewish Community of 1+7:1+65,1+66,1+69 New York, 11:1+8 MO SIGMA Fraternity, 25:280-281 MOSSINSON, Benzion, death, et seq. 1+5:31+1+ MU SIGMA PI Fraternity, data con- MOTE, Carl H., anti-Jewish cerning, 1+3:570—1+9:658 activities, 1+8:173, MUELLER, Ignatius, biographical 178-179 sketch, 5:81+ "Mothers" organizations, MEJflLFELDER, David, data concern- anti-Semitic and iso- ing, 6tl59 lationist In tendency, MULLER, Alfred, data concerning, l0+:l5l,l51+,l55,l56; 7:92 U7:27^,695; 1+8:180-181; MULTER, Abraham J., in House of denounced by Blue Star Representatives, 5O:5O8,61+1+ Mothers, 1+7:283 MUNDELEIN, George William, Cardi- MOTION pictures, American nal, protests against anti- Jewish Committee com- Catholic drive in Germany, bats anti-Semitic 39:220-222; propaganda in, 31:31+7; asserts Father Coughlin does American Jewish Committee not speak for Catholic cooperates against Church, 1+1:210 indecency in, 37:1+32; MUNI, Paul, awarded Volpi Cup of rebuilding of Palestine International Exposition shown in, 38:239; Committee, 39:569 Jewish themes in, 50:189- MUNICH Pact disastrous to Jews of 190; Czechoslovakia, 1+1:270-271; effort3 to combat dis- affects Jews in Poland, 1+1:292 crimination, 50:219 MURRAY, Gilbert, declares minority MOUBAR, Ignatz, testifies rights not properly pro- before Anglo-American tected by League of Nations, Committee of Inquiry, 27:71 1811++ 1 MURRAY, Philip, urges passage of MOUNT Sinai Hospital, New International Bill of Rights York City, largest Jew- at UN San Francisco Con- ish hospital in the ference, 1+7:1+91+ U.S., 39:93 MUSEUMS, Jewish, In U.S., 28:51-53 statistics on work of, MUSIC, Jewish activity in, 26:1+1+; 39:93 27:51; 31:155; 1+6:119-122; MOUNT Sinai-Duarte National 1+7:253; 1+9:187-188; 50:191- Medical Center, 50:566 197; MOUNT Vernon, N.Y., Sinai items on, in Library of Hebrew Temple, plan of, Union College, 1+5:77,78 28:180 See also Society for Advance- MOVER, Jacob, on Maiden, ment of Jewish Musical Mass., Board of Culture Alderman, 20:169 MUSSOLINI, Benito, denies exlstenoe MOWSONITZ, Abraham H., data of anti-Semitism in Italy, concerning, 5:81+ 35:67-68; 39:231+; MOXOM, Philip Stafford, opposes racism, 36:198; signs Christian pro- not to introduce Nazi policies test against anti- into Italy, 1+0:589 Jewish propaganda, 21+5 337 -222-

MYERS, David J., in 0.3. MYERS, Leonard, biographical data consular service, concerning, 2:521 15:263; 22:155 MYERS, Philip M., on Philadelphia MYERS, Herman, data concern- Common Council, 20:169 ing, 6:159 MYERS, Samuel, portrait painted by- MYERS, I.L., president of Gilbert Stuart, 25:157, Memphis, Tenn., Aca- facing 162; demy of Arts, 1+6:322 data concerning, 25:l57»l58 MYERS, Isidore, biographical MYERSON, Abraham, on faculty of data, 5:814.; 6:221 Tufts College, 20:169 MYERS, Lee R., president of Savannah, Ga,, Board of Education, 27:11+1+

NADICH, Judah, adviser on NATHAN, Edgar J.Jr., (cont.) Jewish affairs to Gen. honored by Columbia University, Eisenhower, 1+8 :L|.7i4- 1+1+:323; NAHUM, Louis H., president on New York Bench, l+8:l+7t+; of New Haven Medical 1+9:599 Association, 36:258 NATHAN, Edward I., in U.S. consular NAMM, Benjamin H,, Chevalier service, 10:121; 20:169; of French Legion of 22:155; 23:125; 38:l|O6 Honor, 50:50o NATHAN, Ernesto, mayor of Rome, NANSEN Assistance organiza- 10:215 tion formed in Norway NATHAN, Henry, Jr., first Jew to aid refugees, elected to Canadian Parlia- 39:377 ment, 27:161+; NANSEN passports urged for political career, 27:169-170 German refugees, NATHAN, Louis, mayor of Miami 36:11+8; Shores, Pla., 33:116 urged for stateless refu- NATHAN, Marvin, awarded degree by gees, 1+5:361 University of Pennsylvania, NATHAN, Edgar J., data con- 31+: 99 cerning, 6:159; NATHAN, Maud, data concerning, memorial minute by Ameri- 6:159-160 can Jewish Committee NATHAN, Paul, calls anti-Semitism on, 32:297 an artificial product, NATHAN, Edgar J. Jr., obit- 26:655 uary of Benjamin NATHAN, Rachel Gratz, owns minia- Nathan Cardozo, 1+1:25- ture of Rebecca Gratz, 3k I 25:156 President of Borough of Manhattan, l+l+:323j -223-

NATHAN, Robert R., makes sur- NATIONAL Cathollo Welfare Con- vey of economic po- ference, among sponsors of tentialities of Pales- interfaith world peace tine, 46:180-181; manifesto, 46:143 deputy director of War NATIONAL Citizens' Council on Mobilization, I4.7:5o8; Civil Rights, organized, testifies before Anglo- 50:205 American Committee of NATIONAL Citizens Committee on Inquiry, i4.8sl4.Ol4. Displaced Persons, American NATHANSON, Jacob P., in New Jewish Committee active In York Legislature, organization of, 50:822 32:144; 33:116; 34:99; NATIONAL Committee against Nazi 35:110 Persecution and Extermina- NATHANSON, Louis K., in tion of the Jews, organized Massachusetts Legis- by Christians, 46:149-150 lature, 49:599 NATIONAL Committee for Labor NATION Associates and TJN Palestine, 49:659; 50:567 partition of Pales- NATIONAL Committee for Labor tine, 50:261). Palestine, American Trade NATIONAL Academy for Adult Union Council of, data con- Jewish Studies organ- cerning, 50:567 ized, 14.3:57; NATIONAL Committee for Religion achievements and program, and Welfare Recovery, pro- 144:115; 45:161; 46:104; gram, 38:228-229; 47:250; 48:148-114.9; interfaith activity, 39:263, data concerning, 44*383 823-824 et seq. NATIONAL Community Relations Ad- NATIONAL Association of Jew- visory Council, data con- ish Center Executives, cerning, 46:44" et seq.: 34:201—38:487 efforts to combat anti-Semitism NATIONAL Association of Jew- 47:590-591,680; 48:189-190, ish Center Workers, 193; 49:200; 50:830,832; activities, 39:170;- opposes "released time11 in pub- data concerning, 39:646 lic schools, 48:129; 49:209- et seq. 210; NATIONAL Association of Jew- activities, 48:162; 49:134; 50: ish Chaplains, 50:567 122,134-135; NATIONAL Association of Jew- opposes restrictive immigration ish Community Center bill, 48:226; Secretaries, 26s498— Jewish agencies cooperate in 33:235 work of, 49:211; NATIONAL Association of Jew- statement on civil rights, ish Social Workers, 50:206; 15:381—19s347 statement on religion in publio NATIONAL Association of schools, 50:221-223,828 Temple Secretaries, NATIONAL Conference for Palestine, data concerning, urges lifting of immigration 44:384 et aw.; restrictions in Palestine, organized, 45:146 40:156; NATIONAL Cantors and Mini- activities, 41:230; 42:313 sters League, 33:235— NATIONAL Conference of Charities 45:476 and Correction. See National Conference of Social Work -224-

NATIONAL Conference of NATIONAL Conference of Jewish Christians and Jews, Social Service, data concern- interfaith activities, ing, 21:318—37:311; 37:161-162; 38:226-227, proceedings of annual meeting, 629-630; 39:260-263, 38:237-238; 267,823; 1+0:129-133, changes name to National Con- 603; 46:144,145; 47: ference of Jewish Social 288-289; Welfare, 38:238 celebrates Brotherhood NATIONAL Conference of Jewish Day, 37:162; 40:131; Social Welfare, data con- circulates pronouncement cerning, 38:487 etseq.; on civil and religious activities, 39:116,285-286; rights, 39:262; 40:152; 42:309 educational activities, NATIONAL Conference of Jewish 40:130; 44:162; Social Workers, forms Jew- makes survey of religious ish Occupational Council, and racial attitude of 41:227; college students, Julian W. Mack elected presi- 40:132; dent, 46:40 National Rededlcation NATIONAL Conference on Jewish Em- sponsored by, 40:133; ployment, 34:202—36:331 President Franklin D. NATIONAL Coordinating Committee Roosevelt approves for Aid to German Refugees work of, 40:603-604; and Emigrants Coming from intensifies activities, Germany, activities, 38:134; 41:218-219,220; 42: 39:118,792; 50:39; 294-296; 43:114-117; data concerning, 38:488—40:451: 45:189-190; 48:198-200} in United Jewish Appeal, 41:177, Interfaith efforts in 205-206; armed forces in World re-organized, 41:227 War II, 43:117-118; See National Refugee Service 44:99-100,162; NATIONAL Council for Jewish Educa- sponsors Religious Book tion organized, 29:80; 38:85| Week, 45:159,189,690; activities, 31:140; 43:48; 44: 46:604-605; 47:740; 112; 47:241,244; 48:199-200,648; 50:849; data concerning, 31:275 et seq. cooperates in UN Commis- NATIONAL Council for Limitation of sion of Human Rights, Armaments, American Jewish 48:200; Committee declines member- Interfaith awards by, ship in, 25:380 48:200 NATIONAL Council of Christians and See alao International Jews, activity in Canada, Conference of Chris- 50:292,293 tians and Jews NATIONAL Council of Jewish Chap- NATIONAL Conference of Jewish lains in Penal Institutions, Charities, organized, 40:452 et seq. 1:18; 2:31; 50:42; NATIONAL Council of Jewish Con- data concerning, 1:60— sumptive Relief Society 20:316; Auxiliaries, 39:656—49:659 and the federation move- NATIONAL Council of Jewish Federa- ment, 4:20; tions and Welfare Funds, activities, 4:21; 8:265- data concerning, 35:199; 266; 10:201 Field Bureau of, 22:33-34, 37 -225-

NATIONAL Counoil of Jewish NATIONAL Council of Jewish Women, Federations and Wel- growth and activities, 1:16; fare Funds (oont.) 2:31-32; 29:82; 31:162; 33: function and activities, 175,178-180; 1+0:150-151; 36:80; 37:167; 38:237} 1+6:61-71; 39:117; 1+0:11+9-150; data concerning, 1:51-51+ et seq. 1*1:226-227; 1+2:299-300, opposes seotarian celebrations 307-308; 1+3:87; 50:137- in publio schools, 11:57; 138,157; message to JPS on its 25th sums contributed to, for anniversary, 15:163; social welfare pro- makes plea for contributions, jects, 39:283-281+; 22:1+71+; and funds for JDC, 39:651; Americanization work, 23:102- proposes National Advisory 103; Budget Service, 1+3: efforts in behalf of immigrants 71+-75; and liberal immigration efforts to secure unity policy, 23:102; 31:169; 33: of aotlon by national 173,176; 39:269; 1+6:59-61, organizations, 1+3:81+- 65-66,69,71; 50:39; 86; l+l+:ll+2; 14-5:170; and Sabbath observance in pub- and problem of fund- lic schools, 2l+:21; raising, 14-3:95; 1+5: aids Jewish refugees in Cuba, 631; 1+9.-139-U+1; 3O:3H+; and participation in com- aids Jews of Europe in World munity chest, l+l+:139- War I, 33:176-177; 11+0; 45:173; aids Jewish refugees from informed of Joint fund- Nazis, 38:133; 1+7:316; 1+8: raising program of 218,221-223; American Jewish Com- establishes fellowship at mittee and Anti- Hebrew University, 39:214.9; Defamation League, celebrates 1+i+th anniversary, l+l+:371; 39:281; organizes National Com- to finance work of German Jew- munity Relations Ad- ish Children's Aid Society, visory Counoil, 1+0:151; U7:680; interfaith activity, 1+5:163; reports growth of central article, by Mildred G. Welt, organizations, 1+8: 1+6:55-72; 161-162; calls World Congress of Jewish population studies by, Women, 1+6:57; 50:652-659 attitude on Palestine, 1+6:59; NATIONAL Council of Jewish 50:256; Juniors, data con- work in World Wars I and II, cerning, 35:199-200— 1+6:61,67-68; 14-9:659; active in international causes, program, 1+6:58-59 1+6:62-63,68-69,70-71; NATIONAL Council of Jewish fights anti-Jewish discrimlna-. Organizations on tion, 1+6:71 Palestine, 35:181 NATIONAL Council of Jewish Women et seq. of Canada, data concerning, NATIONAL Counoil of Jewish 1+5:1+97; U7:613 Tuberculosis Institu- NATIONAL Council of Pirchel Agu- tions formed, 1+5:172; dath Israel, 1+9:659 data concerning, 1+6:1+32; 1+7:591-592 -226-

NATIONAL Council of Young NATIONAL Federation of Temple Israel, data concern- Sisterhoods, data conoern- ing, 29:162 et aeq.; ing, 15:383-384 et seq.; plan for rotating couraea work for the blind, 33:4b1; on Jewish subjects. 43:55; 38:235; organization, 33:190; activities, 39:271; 48:153 growth and activities, 33:237; NATIONAL Council of Zionist 43:55; 47:145,146? Youth Organizations of furnishes funds for Jewish America, I4.3:5U3--14.6:1(50 Museum, 45:82 NATIONAL Desertion Bureau, NATIONAL Federation of Templo study of problem of Youth organized, 41s225; poverty among Jews of data concerning, 42:544 et seq.: Denver leads to estab- activities, 43:49; 45:145 lishment of, 22:33; NATIONAL Federation of Ukrainian data concerning, $0:568 Jews of America, 22:297— NATIONAL Emergency Committee 32:170 on Palestine, organ- NATIONAL Guard, American Jewish ized, 41:200 Committee combats anti- NATIONAL Emergency Zionist Jewish manifestations in, Conference opposes 35:293 British policy on NATIONAL Home for Jewish Children Palestine, 14.8:236 at Denver, 30:224 et aeq. NATIONAL Farm School, data NATIONAL Institute of Social Rela- concerning, 1:61 tions sponsored by American et sec Jewish Committee, 49:791 activities, 4:36; 37:121; NATIONAL Jewish Committee on Americanization work, Scouting, organized, 30:31; 23:105 data concerning, 45:479 et seq. NATIONAL Farm School Alumni, NATIONAL Jewish Conference of 42:543 et seq. Charities, organized, 34:124; NATIONAL Farmers' Guild, early activities, 34:124-125 anti-Jewish agitation NATIONAL Jewish Fraternal Congress, fomented by, 58:178-179 14:237-238; 15:384 NATIONAL Federation of Jew- NATIONAL Jewish Hospital for Con- ish Men's Clubs, 34: sumptives at Denver, 4:128- 203 et seq. 136 et seq. NATIONAL Federation of Ortho- NATIONAL Jewish Immigration Coun- dox Congregations, cil, 13:235—23:234 31).: 2014.-37:313 NATIONAL Jewish Music Council, NATIONAL Federation of activities, 49:187; 50: Temple Brotherhoods, 191-192; data concerning, 25: data concerning, 50:569 282-283 et seq.; NATIONAL Jewish Welfare Board, calls attention to anti- article by Chester Teller, Semitic activities of 20:88-102; Industrial Defense officially recognized agency of Association, 30:283; War Department for Jewish activities, 43:55; 45: servicemen, 20:89,90,94-95, 145-146; 47:224; 48:150 102; 39:152,153,158-159; 42: 104; 45:163-164,175-179; 48:164j -227-

NATIONAL Jewish Welfare NATIONAL Jewish Welfare Board(ccnb) Board (cont.) religious and educational work, work in World Wars I and 39:154,155,174-176; 45:163- II, 20:90-91,368; 23: 164,175-177,178-179; 48:161+; 101; 25:381; 44:97- 50:172; 100,149; 46:129-133; work praised by Pres. Wilson, 47:266-267; 48:164, 39:158; 168-171; survey of work with Jewish stu- cooperation of other or- dents, 44:118; ganizations with, aids disabled men and other 20:92-94,368; 45:114- veterans, 45:179; 115; 1+8:62,133; abridged prayerbook used by gathers data on U.S. Jew- different sections of Ameri- ish participation in oan Jewry, 48:128; World Wars I and II, Women's Division, 48:171-172; 20:104-105,109; 21:lijl; sponsors Jewish Book Counoil of 22:409; 23:353; 24: America, 48:648; 50:183; 357-358; 29:54; 39: organizes Bureau of War Records 157; 45:180-1(31; 1+8; to collect data on Jewish 132,16^-166; participation in World War data concerning, 20:315 II, 47:154-162,166-168; et seq.; special studies made by, 47: Americanization activi- 166-168; ties, 23:100-103; organizes Committee on Army and activities and growth, Navy Religious Activities, 2k:23; 27:U0; 29:45; 47:173-174; 38:68,236-237; 33:39; 39:102-103,153-158, urged to stress Jewish educa- 166,167,172-174,282- tion in centers, 49:160; 283; 1|2:308-309; 43: intensifies Jewish program, 53-54,80-81,86-87; 45: 49:176; 158; 47:252-253; 48: sponsors American Jewish His- 150; 50:117,132,133, torical Society, 50:182-183 172; NATIONAL Jewish Women's Organiza- organizes Jewish chap- tions, Central Committee of, laincy 3ervioe, 24:25; 49:650 39:150,175; 45:177- NATIONAL Jewish Youth Planning 178; 47:174; 48:166- Commission, 50:569 168; NATIONAL Labor-Committee for Pales- central agency for Jewish tine, data concerning, 36: Community Centers, 39: 335-47:595 102,160-162,166,167, annual conferences, 39:288-289; 169,170; 44:114; 45: 40:155; 164; 49:122; 50:131; favors liberal immigration to 20 years of, article by Palestine, 40:155} Cyrus A*dler, 39:149- activities, 4l:23O; 47:337; 177; funds raised by, 44:136 publishes Prayer Book and NATIONAL Legal Fraternity, Lambda Bible for soldiers, 39: Alpha Phi. See Lambda '151; 44:511-512; Alpha Phi financing of, 39:152-153; NATIONAL Legion of Mothers and active workers in, 39:153- Women of Amerioa, anti-Semi- 154.156,161; 42:103- tic and isolationist organi- 104,123; zation, 44:151,154-155 -228-

NATIONAL Menorah Associa- NATIONAL Workmen's Committee on tion, 27:300 Jewish Rights, American Jew- NATIONAL Menorah Conference, ish Committee cooperates data concerning, 22:307 with, 18:320; 19:1+1+0; NATIONAL Organization for objects to Philadelphia con- Polish Jews, 1+7:595 ference called by Jewish et seq. Congress Organization Com- NATIONAL Orthodox Board of mittee, I9:tj.i+1 Jewish Education, NATIONAL Young Zionist Actions 39:650—1+2:51+6 Committee, 50:569 NATIONAL Peace Conference, NATIONALIST groups in U.S., anti- member organizations Jewish agitation by, l+l+:l5l; of, 1+6:62 1+8:173-180 NATIONAL Radical School, NATURALIZATION in U.S., 1906 law 16:117-118 on, 8:91,101-102; NATIONAL Refugee Service, new bills on, 15:237-238; organized, 1+1:228; activities of Jewish Community data concerning, i+1 ;ij-93— of New York in regard to, 1+7:596 15:1+1+7-1+1+8; and UJA, U2:280; ii.3t9U, American Jewish Committee 95,100; l+7:3Ol+,3O5; opposes discrimination in 1+8:202-203; law, 18:336-337; activities, [+2:309-310; activity of Yiddish press for, U3:76-77; 1+1+: 11+7; 1+3: 26:278-290; 218,223; efforts by American Jewish Com- funds allotted to, JL4J4.: mittee for liberal interpre- 121;, 125; tation of laws on, 28:1+51+- aids Jewish victims of 1+68; 31:3l+!+-3l+6; 33:31+7; Nazis, 1+6:161; 1+7:316; judicial decisions on, 29:397- thanked by Pres. Roose- 398; 30:275-276; velt, 1+7:321+; need for improvement in pro- aids refugee settlement cedure for, 3O:27t+-275; at Oswego, N.Y., 1+8: work of National Council of 221-222 Jewish Women in, 1+6:60-61 See also National Coordi- See also Americanization; nating Committee; Congress; Immigration United Service for New NATURALIZATION, Bureau of, opposi- Americans tion to restrictive rulings, NATIONAL Sick Fund of Pales- 13:303-301+ tine, American Commit- NAUMBERG, Robert, awarded medal by tee for, data concern- Franklin Institute, 37:232 ing, 50:569 NAUTICAL School, American Jewish NATIONAL Socialists. See Committee fights anti-Jewish Germany, 1933-191+57 discrimination in, 21:61+5-61^6 Nazis; Nazism "Naei-Germany and the Jews: an NATIONAL Union of Jewish Annotated Bibliography," by Immigrant Aid Societies, Joshua Bloch, 38:135-171+ 12:21+7 NAZI propaganda, attempted infil- NATIONAL Union of Jewish tration in the Americas, 33: Sheltering Societies, 61; 1+O:6OO,6O1+-6O5; 1+2:1+25- 11+: 238-239—23:231+ 1+26; U3:29t+-3O5j NATIONAL Union of Orthodox Jewish Youth, organ- ized, l+l+:102 -229-

KAZI propaganda (oont.) NAZIS, effect of political victory in various European coun- on German Jewry, 33:75-77, tries, 33:93; 36:li+5- 361+; 3l+:56,57; 35:21,23-26, li+7,11+9,196-198,202; 297-299; 37:135-136,17U,175, grow in power in various Euro- 199-200,206-207,1+16- pean countries, 33:78,93; 1+18; 38:281; 39:305, 35:66; 38:273-275,278,350- 321,8l5;U0:124-129,339, 351,610,611; 39:362,365,369, 31+1,31+3; 1+2:333-334, 813-8II4.; 1+0:590-591; 1+2:335, 340; 336,1+01; 1+3:25-27; increases in French oolo- foreign governments appealed tot nies, 37:17lM in behalf of Jewish victims, in Union of South Africa, 35:56-59; 38:259; 39:312; attitude of various countries and the Berlin Olympics, toward refugees from, 35: 39:207; 57^58; in Spanish Morocco, 40: world-wide anti-Semitism stimu- 187-186; lated by, 35:61-62; 37:1+09, attempted introduction 1+17-1+18,, 1+19; 39:810,811, into India, 1+2:331; 813,817; reported to American gain complete control of Ger- Jewi3h Committee, 1+3: many, 37:178,180; 713,721-722; opposed in Czechoslovakia, effect of, 1+4:286-289,292 37'192-193 NAZI propaganda in U.S., and Deinzig Jews, 37:1+15-1+16; causes concern among 1+0:226-228; Jews, 33:35; 50:78; Great Britain minimizes danger efforts to promote, 34: of Palestine propaganda by, 28-29; 36:121-123,125, 38:252; 127,128,131,132,131+- activity in Switzerland, 38:267- 135; 37:150-152; 38: 268; 14.0:236-237; 1+3:181+-185; 218-220-, 629; 1+0:122, checked in Yugoslavia, 38:300; 123,121+; policies called source of refu- opposed by American Jew- gee problem, 38:608-609; ish Committee, 35:299- step up official hate propa- 300; 36:1+1+7-1+50; 37: ganda, 39:338-339; 39:344- 1+23-1+21+; 1+0:607; 1+3: 31+7; 1+0:190-200; 723; 1+5:632-633; Nuremberg Party Congress, 39: reaction to, 36:219; 39: 339-31+1; 1+0:89; 257-260; assert identification of Jews issue in New York mayor- alty campaign, 1+0: with Communism, 39:339; 1+0: 122-123; 591+; 1+3:21+3; and proponents of anti- declare Jesus of Nazareth an Semitism, 44:473, Aryan, 39:31+7; 1+86-14.86; assail verdict in Swiss trial leaders tried for con- of David Frankfurter, 39: spiraoy, 46:133-134; 377-379; 1+7:270 suicide at League of Nations NAZI-Soviet pact, effect on session in protest against American public opinion, persecution of Jews by, 1+2:286,650-651 39:379; -230-

NAZIS (cont.) NAZISM, American Jewish Committee policies not to be intro- gathers and publicizes data duced into Italy, on, 36:43; 37:426-427} 43: U58 723,731,732; U.S. proposes internatiaaal opposed by Ambassador Dodd, refugee conferences for 40:89-90; victims, 40:96-99; causes revival of anti-Semitism revive ritual murder in Europe, 47:72,291; charge against Jews, forces Jewish labor movement to 40:199; espouse Zionism, 50:80 tried in Switzerland for NEAR EAST. See Middle Ea3t dissemination of NEBRASKA, statistical data on Jews Protocols. 40:236; and Jewish activities, 3:141- racial legislation viola- 142; 30:188; 42:251; tion of international Sunday law in, 10:161,180; law, 40:594; Jewish agricultural settlements, defended by Father Cough- 14:98; lin, 1+1:209-210,211; Supreme Court decision affecting opponents in U.S. labelled minority rights in, 26:67 "Jewish," 43:103,112; NECHES, Solomon M,, awarded honor- need for refutation of ary degree by Pacific Coast anti-Semitic program, University, 37:232 43:790-791; NEDERLANDSCH-Israelietisch Semi- found guilty of subversive narium, message to JPS on practices in U.S., its 25th anniversary, 15:158 45:187; NEGEB, to be included in Jewish threatened punishment as State according to UNSCOP war criminals, 46:260- report, 49:509 261; 47:46,47,48; NEGROES, American Jewish Committee Pres, Roosevelt opposes opposes attitude of Ku Klux persecution of Jews by, Klan regarding, 26:640-642; 47:4O,43,44,¥>; Louis Marshall defends civil influenced by publications rights of, 32:30; of Henry Ford, 49:582; gifts of Julius Rosenwald in Jewish collaborators pun- behalf of, 34:142-143,159-164; ished, 50:334-335,373; equality for, urged by Central cause upheaval of Jewish Conference of American Rabbis population of Europe, 44:108; 50:716-717,720-722; Synagogue Council of America American Jewish Committee urges end of discrimination urges trustee body to against, 47:225; prosecute claims for discrimination against, in Jewish victims, 50: housing projects, 50:211 818-819; NELSON, Roscoe C, president of ideology alive in post- Oregon Board of Higher Edu- war Germany, 50:820 cation, 36:258 See also Anti-Semitism; NER Israel Rabbinical College of Germany, and under America, 43:577 et seq. individual countries NESSON, D. Carol, wins Carnegie for Nazi activities Medal, 45:371 under Occupation NELSON, Leon M., biographical data, 5:84-85 -231-

NETHERLANDS, Jewish organi- NETHERLANDS (c ont.) zational and communal popular opposition to anti- activity, 2:513,516; Jewiah policy, 1+3:18}.-183; 1+1+:216-217: 1+5:271+- 1+1+:211,211+-216; 1+5:271-271+; 275; 1+9:116; 50:331- Nazi terror in, 1+6:222-221+; 333; refugees fleetto Switzerland, review of affairs, 9:550 1+6:303; et seq.; repatriation of citizens, 1+7: endorses Balfour Declara- 383; 50:756-757; tion, 21:297; Nazi laws abrogated, 1+7:383; condemns anti-Jewish ex- relief activities, 1+7:384; cesses in Poland, 1+9:21+1; 21:298; Jewish cultural and religious Jewish population, 25: life completely disrupted, 329 et seq.; 1+8:296; anti-Jewish propaganda problem of Jewish war orphans in, 3l+:62; in, 1+9:31+0-31+3; Christians oppose Nazi on UNSCOP, 1+9:1+98,508; anti-Jewish policy, statistics on Jewish Immigra- 35:U7-i+8; 38:391+; 39: tion and emigration, 321; 1+0:136; 50:333-334; discusses refugee prob- slow restitution of property lem before League of in, 50:331*-; Nations, 36:95,111- punishes Jewish collaborators 113,1+1+2; with Nazis, 5O:33U-335 aids German-Jewish refu- See also Dutch East Indies gees, 36:2Ol+,2O5; NETHERLANDS Government-in-Exile effect of Nuremberg laws declares friendship for in, 38:269-270; Jews, 1+1+:215-216; refuses to participate In resists Nazi policy, 1+5:271-271+ Berlin Olympics or NETHERLANDS Jewish Society, 1+3:577 Germany University et seq, celebrations, 38:271; NEUBERGER, Richard L., in Oregon 39:322; Legislature, 1+3:3UU World Jewish Congress NEUMAN, Abraham A., discusses books opposed by Jews, issued by Jewish Publication 38:271; Society, 36:1+92-1+98; repatriates Dutch Jews obituary of Cyrus Adler, 1+2: from Germany, 38:321- 23li+44 ; 322; president of Dropsie College, restrictive immigration U5:59; policy in, 1+0:185; co-editor of Jewish Quarterly Zionists oppose Palestine Review, 1+5:59 partition, 1+0:187; NEUMANN, Emanuel, presents offi- Nazification in, 1+1:252, cial Zionist case before 253; 1+2:339-311-0; 1+3: Anglo-American Committee of 171-181,183; 1+1+:212- Inquiry, 1+8:1+01,1+02; 211+.216; 1+5:266-271; statement on report of Commit- refugee problem in, 1+1: tee, 1+8:1+16; 253-251+,381+; 1+2:1+52- opposes Palestine partition 1+51+; I+3:181+,32I+; plan, 1+9:253 -232-

NEUMANN, Joshua H., article, NEW Jersey (cont.) "The Jewish Battalions pays tribute to Albert Ein- and the Palestine Cam- stein, 36:131,132; paign," 21:120-11+0 agro-industrial type of settle- NEUMANN, Max M., in Washing- ment in, 37:115-117; ton Legislature, law against dissemination of 15:263 racial or religious propa- NEUMANN, S., active in or- ganda, 37:157; ganization of New York proposed Saturday session of Jewish Community, public schools in, 37:1+32; 11:1+8,1+9 38:632; NEUMARK, David, contribution interfaith efforts in, 1+0:137; to American Jewish leaders of German-American Bund scholarship, 1+5:57 punished in, 43:106; NEURATH, Conatantin von, case concerning state aid to Baron, tried for war Catholic parochial schools crimes, 1+9:586 in, 1+9:38-1(3; NEUSTEIN, Irving D., in New Jewish Community Council con- York Legislature, 33s solidates educational acti- 116; 3l+:99; 35:110; vities, 50:150; 36:258; 37:232; 38:1+06; Committee on Civil Liberties 39:569 in, 50:213 NEVADA, statistical data on See also Jersey Homesteads; Jews, 3:lij.2; 30:188; Vineland; Woodbine 1*2:251; NEW Mexico, statistical data on sectarian instruction Jews and Jewish activities, forbidden in public 3:11+3; 30:189; 1+2:253; schools, 1+9:20 Sunday law in, 10:162; NEW Amsterdam, beginnings of religious instruction in public Jewish settlement, schools, 1+9:26 l+:63; 28:193-196; NEW Netherlands, Jew3 struggle fo: first synagogue, l+:6l+ civil rights, 1+:61+; See also New York City grant of privileges to Jews, NEW Hampshire, statistical 28:195 data on Jews, 3:11+2; See also New York 30:188; 1+2:251; NEW School for Social Research Sunday law, 10:161 establishes "University in NEW Haven, Miahkan Israel Exile," 35:59 Congregation, cele- NEW York Academy of Medicine re- brates centennial, fuses to accept discrimina- 1+3:38 tory bequest, 34*45-46; NEW Jersey, statistical data 35:291+ on Jews and Jewish ac- NEW York Board of Jewish Ministers tivities, 3:142-11+3; aids American Christian Com- 30:188-189; 42:252-2535 mittee for Refugees, 39:219 Jewish agricultural colo- NEW York Better Business Bureau nies, 4:36,76; 12:66; issues warning against 14:62-67,82-90; 37:101, American Nationalist Party, 106-108; 1+8:174 Sunday law in, 10:161-162, HEW York Chamber of Commerce urge; 180; principle of equality in religion in public schools, treaties, 19:1+60 1U56-57; -233-

NEW York City, Rumanian Jews NEW York City (cont.) in, 3:90,92-91+,95-98; amounts expended by Jewish Jewish immigration prob- communal agencies, 20:1+5-1+7; lem, i4-:2O; 1+6:73-75; data on Jewish congregations, 50:13,23,21+,27; 21:330; 31:110,112,116,353- death rate of Russian- 35U; 1+2:225; Jewish immigrants, Bureau of Philanthropic Research t+:53-55; studies problem of philan- thropic institutions, 22: Jews during colonial 35-36; period, t+:63,69,7O,73; 6:L(i-U2,50-51; 28:213; low mortality rate of Jews, first Jewish congregation, 25:1+8; l+:6!+,69; 28:196,197; ban on use of foreign language statistics on Jewish immi- in streets opposed, 25:65; gration, l+:ll+l+ et seq.; Yiddish press, 26:167-183; Jewish Americanization 50:59,60-61; agencies, 5:35; 23:38- Yiddish theaters, 28:50-51; 89,91-95,100,105; 39:126; efforts to divert Jewish Jewish Museum projected for, immigrants from, 6:38- 28:53; 39; 7:261; 9:539; first Jewish cemetery in, 28:195 12:61+-65; anti-Jewish discrimination in, protests Russian pogroms, 30:21+-25; 50:208; 8:21+1; statistics on Jewish labor, federation movement in, 31:203-201+; 39:51+-59; 10:19l+; 17:167-168; pro-Palestine activities, 32:60 31:200; 3l+:127; 39:285; 63-61+; 1+8:235-236; efforts for promotion of stricter enforcement of law on Sabbath and holiday Kashruth in, 33:1+6; 3l+:38; observance in, 10:197- Hebrew taught in public high 198; 26:25; 28:26,27; schools, 38:1+1,66; 1+1+:122; Sunday law in, 11:58-59, Board of Education refuses 60; teacher leave of absence for charge retracted against study in Germany, 38:190; Jews of, 11:62-63,250; good will and interfaith acti- effect of immigrants on, vities, 38:190; 1+0:136; 12:36-37,50,69-70; t+3:lll+; 1+5:191; efforts in behalf of percentage of Jewish youth with immigrant education, native parents in, 39:51-52; 12:38-^2,65-68,78,79; beginnings of Jewish philanthro- early opposition to immi- pic activity, 39:85-86; gration, 12:1+3-1+1+; institutions for Jewish sick, Levantine Jews in, 15: 39:93-91+, 96; 211+-220; anti-Nazi activities, 39:216- Jewish population, 15:1+27; 218; 1+5:191-195; 20:32,33-37,39-1+5, hli reaction to anti-Jewish propa- 30:28-29 et seq.; ganda by Arabs, 39:21+1-21+2; Jewish educational acti- Nazi propaganda in, 39:258,259; vities, 16:93,101,103, Nazism an issue in mayoralty 109-112; 31:127,129, campaign, 1+0:122-123; 130,132,135,136,139, Jew baiters arrested in, 1+2:289; 11+0; 32:73; 38:35-36, data on Jewish participation in 39-67,70-72,98; 1+3:39, World Uar II, 1+7:163-165; 1+0-1+3; 1+8:11+1+; 5O:l6o, 162; -231+-

NEW York City (oont.) NEW York City Jewish Community Jewish agencies unite to (conto) combat anti-Jewish publishes data on communal ac- practices, 1+8:189; tivities of New York Jewry, released time for reli- 20:1+6; gious education in pub- establishes scientific bureaus lic schools in, 1+9: of research, 22:3l+-35; 32-33; cooperates in founding Bureau of scope of UJA expanded, Philanthropic Research, 14-9:138 22:35 See also Bureau of Jewish NEW York Council of Communal Or- Education; Bureau of ganizations cooperates in Jewish Social Research; establishment of Bureau of Bureau of Philanthro- Philanthropic Research, pic Research; New Am- 22:35 sterdam and. indivi- See also Bureau of Philanthro- dual organizations pic Research NEW York City, B'nai Jeshurun NEW York Federation of Churches Congregation, syna- proposes abrogation of treats gogue, illustration, with Russia, 11+:297-298 facing 28:188; "New York Federation-after Twenty- established by Ashkenazic five Years," article by Jews, 50:131 George 7. Medalie, 1+5:117-131, NEW York City, Federation of See also Federation for Support Reform Synagogues of Jewish Philanthropic Soci- raises standards of eties, New York City religious schools, NEW York Foundation founds Statis- tical Bureau in conjunction NEW York City, Federation of with American Jewish Commit- Sisterhoods of, acti- tee, 16:1+01+-k05; 20:382; vities, 2:503-501+ 3U:127 NEW York City Jewish Com- New York Herald Tribune, approves munity (Kehillah), Jewish White Book issued by article, ll:l+l+-5!+; American Jewish Committee, organized, ll:l+l+ff.; 12: 36:1445-104-6; 3J+1-3U2; tribute to Richard Gottheil, opposed by Christian 39:U5 clergymen, 11:65; NEW York Public Library, Jewish and American Jewish Com- Division, 23:1+1; 1+5:90-91 mittee, 11:253-251+; NEW York state, statistical data 12:31+2; on Jews and Jewish activi- calls conference to pro- ties, 3:143-11+5; 20:14-1-14-2, test immigration policy 73; 30:189-190; 1+2:2514-256; at Ellis Island, 12: Sunday law in, 10:162-163,169, 31+5-31+9; 180-181+; 27:25; reports, 13:305--22:l+52; aliens in institutions in, 11:56 activities, 13:305-306; incidence of Jewish criminality, 21:676,678; 38:35-36, 12:25; 29:51+; 31:353; 33:208; 112-113; industrial and agricultural op- cooperates in gathering portunities for aliens in, data on Jewish popula- 12:147-1+8; tion, 20:33; 2l+:31i+; Jewish agricultural settlements, ll+:56-57,80-82; 37:108-111; -235-

NEW York State (cont.) NEW York State (cont.) civil rights law, 16:398; movement to deny tax exemption 17:372; to discriminatory educa- Jewish contributions to tional institutions, 1+8: their charitable in- 192-193; stitutions, 18:368-396; struggle for secularization of large proportion of Ameri- public schools in, 1+9:15,17; can Jewry concentrated and 3tate aid for Cathollo in, 20:73; parochial schools in, 1+9: law on Ka3hruth, 25:27; 31+-35,37-38; 26:28; 27:30; 28:29; Hebrew on parity with major 29:26; modern languages in publio anti-Shehltah movement high schools, 50:153; in, 30:27; and discrimination in educa- ''released time1' for reli- tional institutions, 50: gious education in 208- 2 09 public schools, 30:27; NEW York State Bar Association, 1+^:30-31,32-33; tributes to Irving Lehman, does not recognize rabbi- 1+8:87,88 nical divorces, 31:27; NEW York State Board of Charities, Jewish organizations com- services of Bureau of Jewish bat blood accusation Social Research to, 22:1+9 in, 31:21-22,31+7-351; NEW York State College of Forestry, Legislature protests building named in honor of anti-religious policy Louis Marshall, 32:51+-55 of Soviet Russia, NEW York State National Guard, 32:66; Nazi activity in, 1+0:121+; efforts to eliminate investigated in Christian mushroom synagogues, Front trial, 1+2:288 37:163; NEW York State University, need Board of Regents recog- for, upheld by American Jew- nizes Jewish All-Day ish Committee, 50:826 schools, 38:55; NEW York Stock Exchange, Jew among anti-Semitism in guber- founders, 6:1+3 natorial campaign, New York Sun, articles in, on 39:250-251; Palestine situation, 1+0:110 immigrant physicians re- New York Times, transformed by quired to pass spe- Adolph S. Ochs, 37:29,1+0,1+2, cial examinations, 1+3,1+7; 39:268; history, 37:1+0-1+2; investigates German- awarded medal by Pulitzer Schooj American Bund, 1+0: of Journalism of Columbia 128-129; University, 37:1+8; passes anti-discrimina- critical of British plan to tion law, 1^1:216; 1+2: transplant German Jews to 292; 1+3:121; 1+7:285; Palestine, 38:215 plan to open schools on NEW York University, Jewish Culture Saturday defeated, Foundation at, 1+0:11+8; 1+8: 1+5:11+1+, 11+9; 156; 50:155; movement for creation of Jewish book collections in state university, library, 1+5:95 1+8:192; -236.

NEW York World's Pair, Jew- NEWBURGH, Harvey, member of Academy ish Palestine Pavilion of American Physicians, at, 1*1:231-232 20:169 NEW Zealand, opposition to NEWFIELD, Morris, biographical Shehitah in, 10:20l+} sketch, 5:85; Jewish population, 15:421). on faculty of Howard College, et seq.; 16:159; review of affairs, 18:111 receives honorary degree from et seq.; University of Alabama, Jews decorated for 23:125 gallantry in World War NEWMAN, Charles, in Maryland Legis- I, 21:236; lature, 16:159 Jews participate in War, NEWMAN, Hannah (Mrs. J.), data 21:236; concerning, 7*92 pro-Palestine activities, NEWMAN, Harry E., in New Jersey 23:151; 33:69-70; Assembly, 13:286 compulsory Bible reading NEWMAN, Isidore, data concerning, in public schools de- 7:92 feated, 29:1+0; NEWMAN, Jacob L., honored by John religious situation in, Marshall College, 1+9:599 1+9:308; NEWMAN, Julius, biographical Jews and postwar immigra- sketch, 5:85 tion policy, 1+9:51+9 NEWMAN, Louis, on New York City See also Australasia Board of Education, 12:331} NEW Zionist Organization, 13:286; 18:103 activities, 38:388-389} NEWMAN, Louis, in Montana Legis- ij-7-.338; lature, 21:202 constitution, 38:389-390; NEWMAN, Louis I., obituary of Vladimir Jabotinsky presi- Martin A. Meyer, 27:21+6-259} dent, 38:390; opposes endorsement of Hista- to hold world convention, druth Haovdim by Central 38:390; Conference of American data concerning, 1+0:1+56— Rabbis, 37:11+9; ^7:596; obituary of Richard J.H. Gott- asked by State Department heil, 39:29-1+6; for opinion on report awarded honorary degree by of Anglo-American Com- Brown University, t+l+:323 mittee of Inquiry, NEWMAN, M., mayor of Bisbee, Aria., 1+8:1+19 11+: 282 NEWBURGER, Joseph E., data NEWMAN, Morris, biographical concerning, 6:160; sketch, 5:85 on New York Bench, 8:186; NEWMARK, Hyraan, biographical 22:155; 3l|.:236 sketch, 5:85 NEWBURGER, Morris, data con- NEWMARK, Leo, data concerning, cerning, 6:160; 6:160-161 addresses as president of NEWMARK. Nathan, data concerning, JPS, 2:61+9-651+; 3:195- 6:161 200; U:207-211+; NEWPORT, R.I., early Jewish and 25th anniversary of settlement, l+:61+-65,68-69} Jewish Publication 28:196-197,207-208; Society, 15:14.1,58; congregation established, 1+: services as president of S+-65,69; Society, 15:65,72-73 -237-

NEWPORT, R.I. (cont.) NON-IMPORTATION Agreement, Jewish old Jewish synagogue, signers, 4:70; 28:203 illustration, facing, NON-PARTISAN Conference to Con- 28:188; dedicated as sider Palestinian Problems national shrine, held, 28:127; 50:829; approves inclusion on non- Jews participate in ter- Zionists in Jewish Agency, centenary celebration. 28:510-512; 29:102; 42:315 participates in Joint Palestine NEWTON, Joseph Port, signs Sui-vsy Commission, 30:37 Christian protest NON-SECTARIAN Anti-Nazi League against anti~Tewish urgsa League of Nations to propaganda, 21^:337 impose sanctions on Germany, NIEBOHR, Reinhold, testi- 37:137; fies before Angl&- favors boycott of German goods, American Committee of 37:133; Inquiry, 48:405 opposes American participation NICARAGUA, Jew3 of, 19:77-78 in Olympic Games, 37:138; NIETO, Jacob, biographical critical of British plan to sketch, 5:85-86 transfer German Jews to NILES, David K., awarded Palestine, 38:215 Medal of Merit by NON-ZIONIST Conference, resolution Pres. Truman, 50:508 on report of Joint Palestine Nlles' Register opposes Survey Commission, 31:383- immigration, 12:42-43 3ek; NIRDLINGER, Eli, on Leaven- designates non-Zionists for worth, Kans., bench, membership in Jewish Agency, 11:230; 19:253 31:3<3U-385 NOAH, Mordecai M., Jewish NONES., Benjamin, officer in War of agricultural oolony Revolution, 28:204 projected by, 14:56; NOOT, Isaac C, biographical advocates establishment sketch, 5:86 of Jewish college, NORDAU, Max, address at 5th Inter- 16:103; national Congress of Zion- portrait, facing, 25:101; ists, 5:81 data concerning, 25:101} NORDEN, Aaron, biographical U.S. consul at Tunis, sketch, 5:86 33:263 et seq. NORDEN, Alex, in Illinois Legis- NOAH, Robert L., owns early lature, 7:193 portrait of Mordecai NORMAN, Edward A., attends London M. Noah, 25:151 Conference of Jewish organi- NOBEL Prize, Jewish winners zations, 49:788 of, 11:75,77; 25:195- NORRIS, Kathleen, president of 203; 33:268-269; 31;: National Legion of Mothers 239-240 and Women-of America, kk:l$k NOLDE, 0. Prederlok, pre- NORTH Africa, Jews try to ha'v« Naei sents petition for laws abrogated in, 45:197- International Bill of 193,251-258,6^9-650; 14.7:1*8; Rights to American Jews admitted into French army Delegation at UN San in, 45:253; Francisco Conference, Viohy decrees repudiated by, 47:494 45:254-255; -238-

NORTH Africa (cont.) NORWAY, antl-Shehltah movement in, refugee problem in, 1*5: 15:302; 28:28; 29:1*10-1*11*; 256-258; 1*9:1*1*2-1*1*3; 30:292; 31:1*2; 32:308; Jewish affairs in, 1*6: protests anti-Jewish excesses 217-2X9; In Poland, 21s298; statistics on Jews, I4.6s urgos League of Nations to 500j 1+7:637; 5o":69l*; place refugee question on and Cremieujc decree, agenda. 38:392; 1*7:111-112; revieu of affairs, 39:376-377; Jews serve in World War ho;188-191; II, 1*7:112-113; Nansor Assistance organization rescue efforts of JDC in, formsd, 39:377; 1*7:307; 1*6:23.0,211; Nazi activities in, 1*1:258; no political anti-Semitism 1*2:2/*3-21*1*} in, 1*8:291: refugse problem in, 1*1:258-259; review of affairs hy opposition to Nazi policies, Maurice Eisenbeth, 1*3:189,190; l*l*:219-220,221; 1*9:1*39-1*1*3 !*:•>': 277-278; See also under individual anti-Jewish decrees, 43:189-190, countries 191; l*l*:220,221;'1*5:275-277; NORTH America, Jewish popu- Nazi, terror in, l).6:22l*-225; lation, 15:1*23 et aeq. Jews return to, !*7i381*-385; See also under individual 50:757; countries admits Jewish displaced per- NORTH American Relief Society sons, 1*9:559 for Indigent Jews in NORWAY Government-in-Exile opposes Jerusalem, Palestine, Nazi anti-Jewish policy, 1*1* 1388 —1*9:661 1*1*: 221; 1*5:278 North American Review re- NOTESTEIN, Prank, testifies before tracts anti-Jewish Anglo-American Committee of charges, 11:250; Inquiry, 1*8:1*01* American Jewish Committee NOTZ, William P., on faculty of refutes anti-Jewish Georgetown University, charge by, 18:331 26:131* NORTH Carolina, statistical N0VAt Algernon I., on New York data on Jews and Jewish Bench, 3l*:99; 1*0:362 activities, 3:11*5-11*6; NU Bete. Epsilon Law Fraternity, 30:190-191; 1*2:256: 26:503 —1*9:661 Sunday law, 10:163,18£-185 NULL, Samuel, on New York Bench, NORTH Carolina, University oT, !|i*:323 establishes irreerfaith NUREMBERG, Germany, American Nazis center, 1*6:11*6-11*7 attend party congress at, NORTH Dakota, Sunday lair. 39:339; 10:163; U.S. represented at Nazi Jewish agricultural congress at, 1*0:89; settlements, ll*:6l, war crimes trial at, 1*8:1*55- 93-96; l*6i*; 1*9:580-590; 5O:l*9l*. statistics on Jewish popu- 1*97,1*98 lation, 30:191; 1*2:256 NUREMBERG racial laws, effect in NORTHERN Ireland, statistics The Netherlands^of, 38: on Jewish population 269-270; of, 27:379 et seq~ -239 -

NUREMBERG racial laws (oont.) NURSE-training schools in Jewish promulgated in Germany, hospitals, data on, 31:132, 38:308-311,328,603- 133 6o4,6o5-6o6,607-608; NURSERY schools, Jewish, growth, applied to foreign Jews, 45:152-153 38:320,321; 39:351; NUSBAUM, Louis, data, concerning, annulment asked by Dutch 6:161 League of Nations NUSSBAUM, Max, article, "Naehman Society, 38:391*.; Krochmal, the philosopher of Jews affeoted by, 39: Israel's eternity," 44:81-92 796-797; NYE, Gerald P., Senator, anti- American Jewish Committee Semitic and isolationist joins protest to attitude, 44:152-154 League of Nations against, 39:8oi-8o4

OCCUPATIONS of Jews in U.S. ODESSA Committee aids colonists in studied by American Palestine, 17:41,43,48,65, Jewish Committee, 33s 66,67,68,72,91,126,127,131; 351-352 aids educational development in OCHS, Adolph S., honors con- Palestine, 17:126,127,131, ferred on, 28:142; 3fc 34:99; ODETS, Clifford, honored as play- obituary by Louis Rich, wright, 38:407 37:27-53; O'DONNELL, John, anti-Jewish news- portrait, facing, 37:27; paper comment by, retracted, journalistic achievements, 48:188 37:29,34-36,37,42-47; OFFICE of Jewish War Records com- attitude toward Zionism, piles data on World War I, 32:51; 2^:357-358 Liberty ship named in See also National Jewish Wel- honor of, 46:322 fare Board OCHS, George W., data con- OGLETHORPE, James E., religious cerning, 6:161 freedom in Georgia under, OCHS, Jacob, active in 28:199 Masonry, 3:98-99 OHIO, statistical data on Jews and 0

OHLMAN, L.W., on Select OMEGA Epsllon Phi, 3U:206—1+5:1+81 Council of Meadville, OMICRON Alpha Tau Fraternity, Pa., 1^:282 27:307—39:666 OKLAHOMA, statistical data OMINSKY, Joseph, in Pennsylvania on Jews, 3:U4.7; 30:192; Legislature, 37:232; 1+1:1+01 1+2:257-258; OMINSKY, Paul, in Pennsylvania Jews protest discrimina- Legislature, 39:569 tory clause in consti- ONE day sohool for Jewish educa- tution of, 9:55U» tion, creation of Reform Sunday law in, 10:161+ congregations, 38:53,51+, 0K0, AdolphS., contribution 65-66,39,90-91 to American Jewish ONE hundred best books in English scholarship, 1+5:60; on Jewish subjects, 27: article, "Jewish Book 260-263 Collections in the OPATOSHU, Joseph, wins Louis La U.S.," 1+5:67-96; Med Literary award, I).7:5o8 editorial consultant to OPHER, Ahron, article on religious Library of Jewish In- activities in the U.S., formation, 1+5:665; 1+8:121-125; death, 1+7:676 resigns from Synagogue Council OLNEY, Richard, Secretary of of America, 1+8:133-131+ State, passport ques- OPPENHEIM, Nathan, data concern- tion in diplomatic ing, 6:162 correspondence, 6:298, OPPENHEIM, Samson D., editor 302 American Jewish Year Book, OLYMPIC Commission, U.S., 19-20; attitude toward Nazi obituary of Moses Jacob Ezekiel. anti-Jewish policy, 19:227-232; 35:51 gathers statistics on religious OLYMPIC Games in Germany, bodies of U.S. Census Bureau, anti-Jewish discrimi- 19:1+26,1+31; nation at, 36:127,129, heads Bureau of Statistics and 133,136,201+; Research of American Jewish world-wide agitation Committee, 19:1+65; against participation, article, "The Jewish Population 37:138-139,175; 38: of-the United States," 20: 181-187,21+2,21+3,258, 31-71+; 261-262,271,272; 39: reports on Bureau of Jewish 357,360; Statistics and Researoh to German Jews barred from American Jewish Committee, participation, 38:317- 20:397-1+01; 21:669-671; 318; collects data on Jewish War anti-Jewish excesses Service, 21:668; cease during, 38:323; directs survey of Jewish popu- 39:797-798; lation of the U.S., 2l+:308 American Jewish Committee OPPENHEIMER, B.S., on faculty of publicizes data on, College of Physicians and 38:627-628 Surgeons, Columbia Univer- Nazi propaganda in con- sity, 17:217 nection with and OPPENHEIMBS, Benton S,, on Ohio American reaction, 39: Bench, 15:263 206-207; 310+-31+5 -21+1-

OPPENHEIMER. Carrie L. (Mrs. ORGANIZATIONS, Jewish local, Simon), data concern- (oont.) ing, 7:93 types of, 31:21*8; 39:10; OPPENHEIMER, David, pioneer tendency toward centralization, citizen of Vancouver, 1*3:72-73; 1*8:160-161; B.C., 27:171 fund-raising problems, 1*3:71* OPPENHEIMER, J. Robert, ORGANIZATIONS, Jewish national, chairman of General in Canada, data concerning, Advisory Committee of 1*5:1*95-1+97; 1+7:611-613; Scientists to Atomic 1+9:668-669 Energy Commission, ORGANIZATIONS, Jewish national, in 1*9:599 Latin America, 1*9:670-675 OPPENHEIMER, Sol, on New ORGANIZATIONS, Jewish national, in York City Bench, 12:332 the U.S., directory, 1:34- OREGON, statistical data on 101* et seq.; Jews and Jewish acti- summary by Charles L» Bern- vities, 3:11*7-11*8; he imer, 2:1*96-506; 30:192; 1*2:258; cooperate in plan for American Sunday law in, 10:161).; Jewish Historical Exhibition agricultural colony es- 3:106-107,108; tablished by Russian efforts to liberalize immigra- Jews, 14:61; tion legislation, 9:"536-537; private and parochial 13:303; 16:132; 32:82; 39: schools outlawed, 268-269; 25:66; activities, 9:551*-555; 16:11+4- American Jewish Committee 150; 17:209-210; 18:93-95; joins protest at school 19:21*3-21*6; 20:155-157; 21: law, 28:1+72-1+71*; 1*9:19 182-188; 22:11*1-11*1+; 23:120- O'REILLY, Mary Boyle, signs 122; 25:75-79; 28:93,91*; 32: Christian protest 72-73,71*; 3l*:29-37; 1*7:260- against anti-Jewish 263; 50:122-123;. propaganda, 21*:337 conventions, 10:201; 26:81*-85, ORENBURG, Louis, in Massa- 86; 27:31-32,1*0,91*,95; 29: chusetts Legislature, 82; 38:232-233; 39:270-278, 22t155 285-286; 1+0:11+0-11+1+; 1+3:33; ORPINGER-Karlin, Regine, 1+1*: 101-105,107-109; review of affairs in efforts for overseas relief In Belgium, 1*9:325-330 and after World War I, 17: ORGANIZATION, Jewish com- 367-369; 19:197; 21:l86;23s munal. See Communal 111+-117; 35:62-63; 36:1*53; organization, Jewish and American Jewish Committee's ORGANIZATIONS, Jewish invitation for conference on local, in the U.S., overseas' relief, 18:318-320; directory, 1:105-- 19:198-199; 29:191} conference called by B'nal homes dedicated, 3:185-- B'rith on Congress -Conference 12:337; matter, 18:321-322; activities, 9:551*-557; engage in social research, 22: 1*7:258-260; 32-31*. 37-38; statistics on, 21:331*; Americanization work, 23:106- method of determining 107; number affiliated with congregations, 31:219- 220j -214-2-

0RGANI7.ATI0NS, Jewish ORGANIZATIONS, Jewish national, in national, in the U.S., the U.S., (cont,) (oont.) to be represented in American and Congress of American Jewish Congress, 37:14^; Jews to aid Jews in and defense activities, 39:76- belligerent lands, 79; 45:170; 47:280-281; 19ll0i5l efforts in Hitler era in behalf create Jewish Welfare of European Jewry, 39:243- Board for work among 247; 1+0:111-115; U.S. armed foroes, efforts for Palestine recon- 20:89; struction, 39:247-249; 40: policy on Palestine, 116-119; 21:183-186; aid flood victims of Middle efforts to secure minor- West, 39:281-282; ity rights at Paris Join in celebration of Consti- Peace Conference for tution sesqulcentennial, East European Jewry, 40:157-158; 21:190,191,192; protest deportation of Jewish denounce Protocols as refugees from France, 1+5:192; forgery, 23:116,329, proclamation on threatened ex- 367-379; termination of Jews by Nazis- call conference in behalf 1+5:193; of refugees, 27:86, B'nai B'rith calls conference of, 45:213; youtlUiWh activitiesS , 31:139; form coordinating committee to 144:116-119; aid Oswego refugee communityy philanthropic activities, 47:318; 31:170,21+8,249-254; cooperation and conflicts among educational and cultural 48:132-135 activities, 31:242; ORGANIZATIONS, Jewish, in foreign 39:125-126; ij.0: li*H--j countries, 2:507-513 14-3:53-58; U4:116-119; ORGANIZATIONS, Jewish women's, in 14.5:159-165; 48:147- the United States, 33:165- 155; 14-9:168-171; 50: 201 156-158; ORIENT, Jewish agricultural colo- call conference to oppose nies in, 114:35 anti-religious policy ORIENTAL Jews of America, Federa- of Soviet Russia, 32: tion of, See Federation of 65} Oriental Jews of America cleavage over a World ORMANDY, Eugene, wins Dominican Jewish Conference, 31;: Republic music award, 47:508 30-31; 37:11+5-146; ORMSBY-GORE, William, British efforts for unity of ac- Under-Secretary of State, tion in German crisis, predicts Arab-Jewish rap- 34:31-32; 36:1+32-434; prochement, 28:1214-125; 38:210; 1+0:137-139; opposes German position on Jew- 43:84-86,723; 47:260- ish question before League 261,263; of Nations, 36:103-105 affected by depression, ORPHANS. See Homes for the aged 314:33-35; and the young; war orphans, study employment discri- Jewish mination, 34:289; 40: 154; U7:261-262; -243-

ORR, Samuel In New York ORTHODOX Jewish Congregations of Legislature, 20:169; America, Union pf, Women's 22:155; 23:123 Branoh. See Union of Ortho- ORT World Union organized dox Jewish Congregations of in Paris, 23:159; America, Women's Branoh aotivitlos, 25:76-77; 40: ORTHODOX Jewish Youth, National 349; 42:365; 48:213- Union of. See National 215; Union of Orthodox Jewish schools established by, Youth 26:39,54; 27:45; 28: ORTHODOX Rabbis of America, Fed- 44-45; 29:42,66; 31: eration of. See Federation 34-35; 33:38; 39:120- of Orthodox Rabbis of 121; 43:157,313; 44s America 181; 47:135; 49:119, ORTHODOX Rabbis of U.S. and 240,321,350,524; 50: Canada, Union of. See 469; Union of Orthodox Rabbis of work in Soviet Russia, U.S. and Canada 31:379; 40:305-306; ORTHODOX Judaism in U.S., helped Swiss branch aids refu- by Russian Immigration, gees, 46:229; 4:73; resoue efforts in behalf efforts to promote Sabbath ob- of European Jewry, servance, 10:197-198; 47:312,314; educational activities, 16:10$, merges vocational train- 108; 43:33,50; ing facilities with community organizations for, JDC, 49:225; 39:69,72; Swedish government con- activities in, 39:270-271; 43: tributes to, 50:323- 34; 44:100-102; 47:218-220; 324; 50:166,173; development in Italy, rabbinical seminaries for, 50:352-353 43:51-52; See also American ORT Alexander Kohut spokesman for, Federation; Junior in the U.S., 44:76-77; American ORT; People'3 controversy of Reform Movement ORT Federation, with, 44:77-78; Women's American ORT launches campaign for refugees ORT Reconstruction Fund, and Palestine, 46:91-92; 31:279—34:207 growth, 47:217-218; ORT-OSE Federation, work in efforts to hold second genera- Latin America, 47:130 tion of immigrants, 50:73; ORTHODOX Congregations. recent literature on, 50:164, See National Federation 175; of Orthodox Congre- opposes all forms of discrimi- gations nation, 50:178 ORTHODOX Jewish Congrega- ORTHODOX Union Veterans' Council, tional Union of plans for veteran rehabili- America, 1:99-102— tation through the synagogue 4:136-137 47:220 ORTHODOX Jewish Congrega- OSE Union, European aotivities, tions of America, 27:54; 28:56-57; 40:349; 43: Union of. See Union 27; 44:127; 48:216; 49:225; of Orthodox Jewish activities in behalf of refu- Congregations of gees, 44:130-131; 46:229; America OSE Union (oont.) OTTOMAN Empire. See Turkey medical and hygienic ser- Otzar Yisrael, Hebrew encyclopedia, vices, 1+5:205-266; 1+5:55 establishes branches in OVERSEAS relief, American Jewish Latin America, 1+5:206; Oommittee participates in, work in behalf of Nazi after Balkan War, 16:382- viotims, 1+6:168-169; 381+; l+7:31l+-3l5; activities of American Jewry in, work supported by Swedish during and after World War I, Jewry, 50:323; 17:206-208,367-369; 19:191+- work in Italy, 50:353 226,21+1-21+3; 25:79-80; 26: See al30 American Gommit- 73-71+,8378k; 28:85-86,88; tee for OSB 29:72-71+, 76-77; 1+2:276-281+; 0SMA1I, Ralph, efforts by Jewish communal organizations American Jewish Com- for, 31:l81+-l87,251+; ko: mittee in behalf of, 111-115; 37:1+30 efforts of Amerioan Jewry in OSTERBERG, Max, data con- behalf of, during Hitler era, cerning, 6:162 37:11+0-11+2; 38:192,211-211+; OSTROPP, Isador, in Pennsyl- 39:118-121,680-682; 1+0:11+9, vania Legislature. 150; 1+3:75-76,88-97,71+0-71+1; 39:569 l+t+:123-132,11+9-150,180,293; OSWEGO, N.Y., American Jew- 1+5:101,196-198; 1+7:135,218- ish organizational 219,30l+-3l5; 1+8:121+,125,157; efforts in behalf of 1+9:223-226; refugee work at, 1+6: resume of 25 years of JDC 60; 1+7:312,337; 1+8:628; activity in, 1+1:11+1-179; refugee settlement at, postwar activity of American 1+6:155,310; 1+7:211. Jewish Committee in behalf 317-319,320; 1+8:218, of, 1+5:61+6-652,675; 1+6:51+0, 221-223; 51+1,565-573; 1+7:681-682, Pres. Roosevelt endorses 713-718; "free port" at, 1+7:1+5 articles: by Geraldine Rosen- OSTER, Adolph, Haggadah col- field, 1+6:160-168; l+7:3Ol+- lection given to Jew- 315; 1+8:202-217; by Nathan ish Theological Semi- Reich, 1+9:223-221+; nary Library, 1+5:71 British activity in behalf of, OTTAWA, Jewish religious or- 1+9:289-290 ganizations in, 27: See also American Jewish Joint 183-181+ Distribution Committee; OTTERBOURG, Marcus, U.S. Assistance to overseas com- Minister to Mexico, munities; Jewish World 33:263 et seq. Relief Conference; People's OTTINGER, Albert, public Relief Committee offioes held by, 19: OXFORD University refuses to 253; 2l+:88; 27:11+4; participate in Heidelberg memorial resolution of Festival, 38:21+8 American Jewish Com- mittee on, 1+0:586 OTTINGER, Nathan, on New York Bench, 20:169 -21+5-

Pacific, S.S., refugee ship, PALESTINE (cont.) 537533 Jewish National Fund estab- PACK, Carl, in New York lished for land purchase, Legislature, 33:116; 1+:3U,82-83; ll+:23-35; 17: 35:110: 36:258; 37: 73-7!+; 25:113-111+; 27:93-91+; 232; 38:1+07; 39:562; 29:103-101+; 30:53; 31:380- 1+0:362; 1+1:1+01; 1+3: 381; 1+1+: 281-282; 1+6:277-278; 31+1+; 1+5:372; 1+7:508 1+7:1+51-1+53; 1+8:385-386; PACHT, Isaac, on California review of affairs, 5:23 et seq.; Bench, 34:99; 35:110 bibliography on, 7:l53-l52j PADEREWSKI, Ignaz, letter 17:157-158; 1+1:631+; 1+8:672- of Clemenceau to, on 680; Poland's guarantee of Russian Bund favors legally minority rights, 21: secured home in, 7:21+1; 161-166; 22:107-113; American efforts in behalf of, on solution of Jewish 17:73-71+, 103-105,151-151|, question in Poland, 359-365; 19:196,219-223; 21:270; 22:tj.06; 26:231,21+6,263, declares Yiddish a German 343-344,470-472; 28:1+97; dialect, 21:271; 29:35-37; 31:37,188-191+; challenged by Nathan 32:58-63,70-72; 33:23-31, Straus on pogroms in 11+7,149-152,183-181+, 186; Poland, 33:11+8-11+9 3l+:23-25,166,328-329; 37: PABWAY, Joseph A., on Wis- 11+7-150; 39:121-123,21+7-21+9; consin Bench, 26:131+; 1+0:33,112-116,119; 1+1:11+3, in Wisconsin Legislature, 151+,161+, 229-232; 1+2:272, 35:110 271+-276,311-312,311+; 43:99- PALESTINE, attitude of Tur- 102; 1+1+:132-136; 1+5:147, key on Jewish settle- 172,206-211+, 61+8-61+9; 1+6:921 ment in, 1:27; 3:22; 1+7:335-339; 1+8:125-126,202, 17:11+1; 20:375; 21: 211; 1+9:21+2-21+3; 5O:ll+3-H+l» 122-123; educational, cultural and eccw Rothschild colonies ceded nomic development, 8:255, to ICA, 2:37-38; 11+: 271; 10:218; 14:23-24; 17: 28-29; 27-158; 23:182 et seq.; agricultural schools, articles on, 17:27-15H;49: colonies and develop- 1+83-520; ment, 2:61-63; 4:35- population data, 17:31-37,98; 36; 8:255,270; ll+:23- 22:367 et seq.; 35; 17:29-30,37-81+; labor situation, 17:61; 26:121- 21:261+-267; 25:113-114; 122; 28:131-132; 38:376; 27:93-91+; 28:80; 29: Russian converts to Judaism 103-101+; 30:53; 31: n settle in, 17:76-77; 3fiO-3 -l; 1+3:286; 1+1+: question of Halukkah, 17:99-305; 28l-2r3; 1+6:277-278; public health work, 17:137; 1+7:58,h51 -1+53; 48: 24:71; 25:117-118; 27:141- 385-386; 11+2; 28:134-135; 29:110; 30: Jews allowed to own land 53-54; 36:209-211; 45:343; in, 3:22; l+6:2gl+; 47:51,59,62-65,458- 459; 48:392-393; 49:465-466; -21+6-

PALESTIWE (oont.) PALEST BE (cont.) World War I and Jews of, Jewish communal organization, 17:l55,27l+-275,359; 22:235-236; 28:135-139; 30: 18:209-210,307; 19: 5U-55; 31:382; 38:375-377; 195-196; 21:10l+,120- 39:1+87; 1+7:1+59-1+62; 1+8:217; 11+0,267; advisory council formed, 23: attitude of British 180; 26:118-120; Jewry, 20:28l+-285; 22: and compulsory Sabbath obser- 183-137; 1*5:222; 1+7: vances, 25:23; 26:2l+j 27:26- 31+2-3U3,350-351; 1+8: 27; 29:22-23; 263-268; 1+9:278-279; Great Britain's policy and ad- 50:282-283,285,286-287; ministration, 25:106-109; clauses in Versailles 26:115-117,120,659; 27:129- treaty, 22:129-130; 130; 28:124-127; 29:100,101, review of events in Bri- 1+39; 30:38; 32:13l+,136-137; tish Empire concern- 33:67-68: 31+:5O-52; 38:363; ing, 22:173-176; 23: 39:1+61-1+62; 1+1:335-336,338- 137-139, lU2-li+U,l5l- 31+2; 1+3:281-283,285; 1+5:336; 152; 1+7:1^62-1+61+; 1+3:385; l+9:10l+, various International t+l+l+-l+l+5,1+52,560-561; 50:281- attitudes towards 282,1+22-1+23; Jewish aspirations in, British policy criticized, 25: 21:175-176,179,180, 112; 33:2l+-27,31+1-31+2,368- 216-222,238-21+1,21+1+, 369; 38:201-203,252-255,257- 261; 258,261+; 39:1+75-1+76; 1+1:200- policy adopted by Ameri- 205,3O1+-3O5,31+0; 1+2:275; 1+5: can Je-.iish organiza- 210,31+1+; 1+8:239; 50:110; tions, 21:182-186; use of Hebrew in, 25:37; 26:1+3; Jewish demands presented and non-Zionists, 26:120-121; to Versailles Confer- 37:11+8; ence, 21:21+5; activity in League of Nations Jews decorated for concerning, 27:132-131+; 29: gallantry in World 97-99; 32:103; War I, 21:267; 22:203; and Jews of Latin America, 32: attitude of Papacy, 85; 1+1:363; 1+1+: 293-291+; 22:225.229; 50:2?l+; Arab-Jewish relations, and Jews of South Africa, 32:91 22:233-23U,236-239; 1+9:297-298; 50:305-306; 23:179,180; 26:118-119; settlement of refugees from 28:122-125; 31:7U-75; Nesis in, 35:60; 36:212,213, 32:63,115,129-135; 33: 2i| 1,21+3-21+5; 38:109-123,195, 103-104; 3ij:8l-8i(.; 35: 21'+-217,368-369,600,607; 1+0: 72-73; 36:209,211-213; 111; Ul:389; 1+2:31+9,1+05-1+06, 37:213; 38:358-367; 451+.1J-55; 1+3:322-323,719; W+: 39:U58-i|63,lj.78-l|8o, 298,299; 1+5:297,332,351+, 355, 5io-5:v6, 534-537; 1+0: 361; 1+6:235,263,271-272; 1+7: 325-359; 1+1:31+9-350; 1+07-1+08; 1+8:116,117,126,229, 112:1121,6119; 1+3:291; 367,409,1+51,1+52; 50:1+70-1+72, l+k:26.:>'-286; l+5:3>}3-3ljl+; 726,72?; 1+6:291-292; 24.7:1+67-1)70; 1+8:37^-380; 1+9:1+55-1+56, 513; 50:1+21-1+22; -21+7-

"4.LESTINE (con*.} PALESTINE (cont.) Arab and Jewish reaction and use of terror by Jews, 1+1: to proposed Legisla- 350-351; 1+7:212-213, W+6-W+7; tive Council, 35:70; lf8tll9,382-385; 1+9:251-253, 37:1U7; 38:11+2,200-201, W+7++,+5+5W7li§l5ol5i; 35U-358; Jews participate -trrUorld War American public opinion II, 1+2:276,14.17; l+3:282-28lij and establishment of 1+4:279-281; 1+5:333-335; kb: Jewish national home, 271+ -275; l+7:U45-l447; 1+8:68- 38:203; 39:235-236; 69,70-72; 1+0:105-111; 1+1:200-205} 1+2:1+15; 1+3:102: 1+7:212, review of events, by Abraham 325-329; 1+8:228,229, Revusky, 1+3:281-293; l+l+:276- 235-238,21+3-21+1+; 1+8: 286; l+.5:332-3U4; 1+6:271-292; 398-399,U20-1+23; l+7:UU5-l+71; by Lotta Leven- sohn, 1+9:1+U4-U66; Italy charged with foment- declaration of Rabbinical ing unrest in, 38:251+» Assembly of America on, 1+4:105-106; trade and transfer agree- efforts of American Zionists to ments with European win support for post-war countries, 38:290,297, claims on, l+l+:133-13l+; 369-371,385; 39:330, Interest of American non-Jewa 1+29-1+30,1+51; in, IO+:131+; 1+5:209; and formation of Jewish efforts at rapprochement with military unit, 39:303; Poland discusses mass Soviet Union, 1+5:335; U7:l+!+7; emigration of Jews to, American Jewish organizations 39:386-387; seek basis for unified for- cantonizatlon discussed, mula on, 1+5:209-213} 39:537-538; Jordan Valley project for, American Jewish Committee 1+6:179-180; attitude toward Jewish American major political par- state, 1+0:625; U5:212, ties approve Jewish state, 609-610,635; 1+6:529- 1+6:185-186; 530,562,572,581+-587; resistance movement in, 1+6:286, 1+7:683,690-693; U9:785- 287,288; 788} new plan for partition, 1+6:289- Jewish achievements da— 290; 1+7:219-220; picted at New York Pres. Roosevelt favors Jewish World's Pair, 1+1:232} Commonwealth, 1+7:1+9-50,325; British proposals at Lon- as haven for refugees, 1+7:293, don Conference on, 291+. 307-308,1+47-1+1+8; 1+8:1+01- 1+02,1+06,1+1+1,631; 1+9:532-533; Jews united in opposition U.S. attitude toward statehood, U7:326,37U,l+62,683; 1+8:228, to minority status in, 232-23I+; 50:238,21+7-253,256; 1+1:31+1,31+2; excluded in territory international attitude on state- promised Arabs, 1+1:31+2} hood, l+7:328,37t+.U62; 1+8: Jewish defense in, i+1: 228,231+; i±9:l+97-!+98,5ll,5l2; 50:295-296,371+; 31+9-350; 1+1+:132-133; and the UN San Francisco Con- 1+5:335; ference, 1+7:328-333,360-361, U88,l+90,l+91,l+96; -2i|8

PALESTINE (oont.) "Palestine and the Middle East," Roosevelt-Churchill plan article by H. Lowenberg, for, 1+7:1+68; 50:1+09 -1+1+9 American public opinion PALESTINE Arab Higher Committee, favors Commonwealth, opposes Anglo-American Com- U8:228,229,2l+3-2l&; mittee of Inquiry, l;8:l+01 50:255-256; PALESTINE Broadcasting Service in- i3aue exploited by anti- augurated, 38:378-379 Semites, 50:216,281;- PALESTINE Colony, Michigan, Jewish 285; agricultural settlement, trusteeship plan for, 37:101,102,111 50:21+6-251; PALESTINE Council of Jewish Organi- Jews proclaim indepen- zations o See National Coun- dence, 50:252,1+33,1+31+) cil of Jewish Organizations Arabs oppose absorption on Palestine by Trans Jordan of part PALESTINE Development Council, of, 50:255; 2i+:2l).7--32:325 Arabs oppose Jewish PALESTINE Economic Corporation state, 5O:265j organized, 27:130; Arab refugees in, 50: growth and activities, 29:103; 265-266; 31:37,189-190; 32:70,71; Jewish autonomy develops, reports, 35:70-71; 38:206; 50:1+31-^32; memorandum to British Royal map, 50:1+1+9; Commission, 39:1+73; Great Britain announces data concerning, 1+0:1+58 et seq,,, withdrawal from, 50: assumes assets and work of JDC 816-817 in Palestine, 1+I:l61+-165 See also Arabs; Balfour PALESTINE Emergency Fund estab- Declaration; Biltmore lished to aid Jewish sufferen Program; British and in Arab riots, 32:58; Palestine Jews in aided by Joint Distribution World War II; Haifa Committee, 32:59-60; Technician; Immigra- amounts expended by, 33:29 tion to Palestine, PALESTINE Exploration Committee to Jewish; Israel; Jewish develop Palestine indus- Agency; Jewish Na- trially, 8:271 tional Fund; Joint PALESTINE Foundation Fund (Keren Palestine Survey Com- Hayesod), established, mission; League of 2l+:72-73; Nations; Mandate for activities, 28:128; 29:102-103} Palestine; Permanent 1+0:118; Mandates Commission; settlements of, 29:103-101+; Population; American Palestine Campaign UN; Vaad Leumi; Wail- changes name to, 39:2i+7; ing Wall dispute; data concerning, 39:21+7,693- Youth Aliyah; Zionism, 691+ et seq.; and under specific opposes 1939 White Paper, British White Papers 1+1-.3U3-31A- and commissions, and PALESTINE Hebrew Culture Fund also under specific (Keren Hatarbut), 1+2:51+8-51+9 conferences and or- ganizations — 1+7:597 PALESTINE Hebrew Culture PALESTINE partition (cont.) Fund, Women's Division abandoned, l(.l:633,63lj. of, U2:566«^7:607 See also Royal Commission on "Palestine in the United Palestine, British; UN Par- Nations and the United tition of Palestine; UNSCOP States," article by PALESTINE Potash Syndicate, work Louis Shub, 50:236-267 of, M+:283; PALESTINE Institutions, plans of, kl'-k5k Federated Counoil of. PALESTINE Survey Commission, See Federated Council of American Jewish Committee Palestine Institutions urges appointment of, U2:131 PALESTINE Jewish Coloniza- PALESTINE Symphonic Choir Project, tion Association 1+5:^82 et seq. organized, 26:128 PALESTINE Symphony Orchestra, PALESTINE Jews, Federation Toscanini conducts opening of. See Federation concert, 38:378; 39:4-87; of Palestine Jews in importancej lj.3:290 America PALESTINE, Women's League for, PALESTINE Land Development See Women's League for Palestinr Co., aids agricultural PALESTINE Youth Conference, data colonies, 17:72; concerning, 50:570 activities, 2lj.:73 PALESTINIAN Institutions, American PALESTINE League for Jewish Fund for. See American Fund National Labor in. for Palestinian Institutions See League for Jewish PALEY, John, data concerning, National Labor in 6:162-163 Palestine PALEY, William S., honored by PALESTINE, League for Reli- Dominican Republic, ij.6:322 gious Labor in. See PALITZ, Clarence Y., on New York League for Religious City Board of Aldermen, Labor in Palestine 20:169 PALESTINE Lighthouse, 3k'- PALMER, Aaron, on Connecticut 207 et aeq, Bench, [(.0:362 PALESTINE, National Con- PAM, Hugo, on Illinois Bench, ference for. See llj.:283; 16:159; 20:169; 26: National Conference 13U; 32:1UJ+; for Palestine president of American Institute PALESTINE, National Council of Criminal Law and Crimi- of Organizations for. nology, 21:202; 22:155 See National Council PAM, Max, decorated by Bulgaria, of Jewish Organiza- 15:263 tions for Palestine PANAMA, first synagogue dedicated PALESTINE, National Labor in, 15:303; Committee for. See Jews of, 19:73-71+; National Labor Com- work of JWB in, 39:175} mittee for Palestine anti-Semitism in, 1|7:U78 PALESTINE partition, Great PAN-AMERICAN Conference, 19^8, Britain appoints com- declaration of human rights mission on, 14.0:321; by, 50:271-272 authority of League of PAN-ARAB Congress held at Bludan, Nations necessary for Syria, Ij.0:322 British action on, U0325 -250-

PAN-E0R0PEAN Union, Congress PARIS Peaoe Conference, 1919 (cont. of, urges protection Jewish joint action for presen- of minority rights, tation of Jewish claims to, 29:60 21:246; 22:4o6j PAN-ISLAMIC Congress fans Polish Jews submit memorandum anti-Zionist agita- to, 21:271; tion, 34:82-83 Ukrainian Jews send delegation See also Arabs to, 21:290; PANKEN, Jacob, on New York work of Louis Marshall in behaS City Bench, 20:169; of East European Jewry, 37:232 32:36-37? PAPEN, Franz von, trial for activity of Cyrus Adler in con- war crimes, 49:581, nection with, 42:118-125; 587,588 43:730 PARAGUAY, Jewish religious See also Minority rights aotivity, 19:67; PARIS Peace Conference, 1947, Jews and immigration 49:562-572; policy, 38:129,214.3; Jewish organizations present 49:273,555; recommendations to, 49: review of events, 14.0:342 566-570,781; PARENT-Teacher Associations and power politics, L).9:570-571 in Jewish schools, PARLIAMENT of Religions, Chicago, data on, 50:158 and organization of National PARIS, David, in New York Council of Jewish Women, Legislature, 33:116; 46:56-57 34:99; 35:110 PAROCHIAL schools, state and PARIS, Prance, importance in federal aid for, 49:34-47 Jewish life, 3:19; PARSONS, Herbert, Congressman, 21:32-33; resolution urging abrogation French Jews open center of treaty with Russia, 13: for American Jewish 55-56,88 servicemen, 20:369; "Participation of the Jews of Jewish landmarks in, 34: France in the Great War," 351-359; article by Captain Sylvain Jewish community protests Halff, 21:31-97 Nazi decrees, lj.7:89-90 PASSFIELD, Lord (Sidney Webb), com- See also France mitments by, not followed in PARIS Peace Conference, 1919, Simpson Report, 33:24 and right3 of minori- PASSFIELD White Paper, interna- ties, 21:156-168,190- tional protests against, 192; 22:101-130,407- 33:60,61,69,70,71,78,90-91; 408; 25:390-391; 32: British protests concerning, 37-38; 49:567; 33:64-67; American Jewry sends dele- reaction in Palestine regarding, gation to, 21:190;--22: 33:101-102,103; 406-1+07; 23:355-356j terms, 34:50-51; 46:42; Jewish Agency appoints committee memorialized by British for study, 34:52; Jewish organizations, Arabs oppose land development 21:244-245; plan, 34:81-82; issue of Jewish nationa- and letter by Prime Minister lism at, 21:245; 42: Ramsay MacDonald, 34:86-87; 119-120,125; -251-

PASSPIELD White Paper (cont.) PASSPORTS (cont.) by Felix M. Warburg, fight of Jacob H. Schiff for 40:34,90; end of, 13:40-41; 23:47-53; heads of Jewish Agency attitude of State Department, resign in protest 13:49-51; over, 42:133-134 address by Loui3 Marshall on, PASSION Play production, 13:54,76-87; agitation in New York history, 13:76-81; 14:196-210; over, 31:22-23; address by Rufua B. Smith, opposed by American Jew- 13:116-128; ish Committee, 32:301; question discussed in Great 34:285-286; Britain, 15:352-353 counteracts goodwill See also Abrogation of treaty efforts in U.S., 33: with Russia 53; PASTOR, Rose, data concerning, disapproved in British 6:163 Columbia, 33:60 Patrla. S.S. tragedy of, 43:284- PASSPORTS held by American 2B57332 Jews, Russia's dis- PATTEN, Mr., of Immigration Res- crimination again3t, triction League, advocates discussed in Congress, literacy test, 12:26-28 4:18-20; 6:22,285-286, PATTERSON, J.H., Colonel, in 301-302,303-304; 13: command of Jewish units in 42; World War I, 21:103,127 instances of, 4:28-29; PEACE and post-war problems, 5:110,133; 6:283-305; American Jewish Committee 13:59-60; active in consideration of, and the Kishineff 43:736-751; 45:667-668; 47: massacres, 5:22; 682,685,725-731 article, 6:283-305; PEACE treaties, World War II, and opposed by both political human rights, 48:427,430,432 parties, 6:283; 13: 49:562-563,573; 37-38,81-82; minority rights have little diplomatic correspon- place in, 49:109; dence on, 6:286-299; restoration of Nazi seized 7:259-260; 10:77-78; property under, 49:110-111, 11:21-43,64; 564-565,569,571,572; 's article by Milton Himmelfarb, message to Congress 49:562-572; on, 7:259; terms, 49:562-565; efforts of American Jew- recommendations by Jewish or- ish Committee for end ganizations regarding, 49: of, 10:199-200,248- 566-570,781-782 254! 11:247-248; 13: PEALE, Charles Willson, miniature 22-40,45-46,51,299; of David S. Pranks by. 14:296-298; 25:154 U.S. protests concern- PEEL, Lord, heads British Royal ing, 13:20-21; Commission to Palestine, article on, 13:19-128; 39:464,466,471,472,474.475 attitude of William H. PEEL Commission, findings rejec- Taft on, 13:40,41-42; ted by Woodhead Commission, 41:331 -252-

PEIRCE, H.H.D., passport PENNSYLVANIA (cont.) question in diplo- Bible reading in public schools, matic correspondence, 11:56; 6:296-297 Jewish agricultural settlements, PEISER, Kurt, awarded H*: 96; honorary degree by civil rights law, 20:381-382; Temple University, Jewish population, 30:192-193; 50:508 1*2:258-260; PEIXOTTO, Benjamin P., and Jews combat discrimination by persecution of Jews in National Guard of, 31*:1*5; Rumania, 19:138; Governor opposes discrimination 1*5:101; between citizens, 39:268; U.S. Consul General to Jewish educational activities Rumania, 33:263 in smaller communities, et seq.; 1*3:1*8 Liberty ship named in PENTER, Morris A., in Colorado honor of, 1*7:508 Legislature, 23:125 PEIXOTTO, Ernest C, member PEOPLE'S ORT Federation, 3i*:2O7- of French Legion of 208 « 38:211* Honor, 2^:88 PEOPLE'S Relief Committee organ- PEIXOTTO, George da Maduro, ized for Jewish victims of data concerning, 6:163 World War I, 19:200-201; PEIXOTTO, Irma Maduro, data 1*1:11*1*; concerning, 6:163 joins Joint Distribution Com- PEIXOTTO, Jessica B., on mittee, 19:201; faculty of University raises funds for overseas of California, 21:202 relief, 19:201* PEIXOTTO, Victoria Maud PEOPLE'S University. See Jewish (Victoria Addison), Teachers' Seminary and data concerning, 6:161* People's University PELCOVITS, Betty, article, PEPPER, George Wharton, signs "Overseas Relief in Christian protest against U.S.," 1*5:198-206 anti-Jewish propaganda, 21*: PELCOVITS, Nathan A., review 337 of affairs in Latin PERALTA, George R., vice-president America by, i(.3i29lt.—31U- of Colombia, advocates PELLEY, William Dudley, liberal immigration policy, anti-Jewish activities, 1*7:1*77 37:153; 1*1:216; 1*2:293* PEREIRA, Salomon Rodrigues, ad- convicted for anti-Semi- visor on Jewish affairs to tic propaganda, 1*1*:158 Dutch government, 1*6:322 P.E.N. clubs, Congress of, PERES, Hardwig, on Memphis School condemns Nazi anti- Board, 19:253; Jewish policy, 35:51 awarded hondrary degree by PENAL institutions. See Southwestern University, Prisoners 37:232 PENNSYLVANIA, Jews early PERES, Israel H., data concern- settlers in, 1*:66,73; ing, 7:93 28:198,216; PEREZ, Isaac Loeb, letter to JPS Governor attends dedica- on its 25th anniversary, tion of Mikveh Israel 15:1*8 synagogue, 6:1*2; Sunday law, 10:161*, 186-187; PERIODICALS, Jewish, in Canada, 1+5:563 -253-

PERIODICALS, Jewish, In PERMANENT Mandates Commission Latin America, 19:1*9; (cont.) 1+9:723-721+; 50:61*1- criticizes British Palestine policy, 33:23-2k,100-101; PERIODICALS, Jewish, in U.S., kl :21k, 328, 329, 31*6-31*8; list of, 1:271 et aeq.; anti-Jewish threat by Arabs to, articles of Jewish in- 37:213; terest in, 8:11*3-11*7; asks Great Britain for Pales- 11:191+ -203; tine information, 39:371*; data on, 27:1+7; 30:30; discusses partition plan of 31:l51+,l59-l6o,2l*7; British Royal Commission, 3k:38-39; 37:166 1*0:312-313,32k-325 See also Press, Jewish See also League of Nations PERKINS, Prances, target of PERON, Juan Domingo, president of anti-Semites, 38:221 Argentina, pro-Nazi sympa- PERKINS, J.O., Senator, thies of, 1*8:21*5; resolution protesting policy of, 1+9:266-269 Russian discrimination PERSIA, Jew invents cure for opium against American Jews, addicts, 19:291; 11:28-29 Jews protest depredations of PERLMAN, Nathan D., in New Bolshevist troops, 21:298; York Legislature, 17: restricts emigration, 25:58; 217; l3:10k; 19:25k; Great Britain intervenes in be- In House of Representa- half of Jews, 25:10k; tives, 23:125 et seq.; attitude toward Zionism, 28:11ft bill to liberalize Immi- Jewish disabilities, 29:1*29 gration Law of 192k, See also Iran 29:398; 30:272; PERSKIE, Joseph B., on New Jersey on New York Bench, 37: Bench, 35:110 232; 39:570; 1*0:362 PERSKIE, Mrs. Joseph B., on Atlan- PERLMAN, Philip B., Secre- tic City Board of Education, tary of State of Mary- k2:l*6k land, 22:155; PERSKY, Samuel, president of New Baltimore City Solicitor, Haven County Bar Associa- 26:13k; tion, 36:258 U.S. Solicitor General, PERU establishes religious equal- 1*9:599; 50:6kk ity, 16:202; PERMANENT Mandates Commis- Jewish economic and ooommunal sion, Palestine matters activity, 19:68; 1*3:310; considered by, 28:118- 1*7:137-138; 12^,135,136,137,138; measures for registration of 35:69-70; 37:212-213; Jews, 1*2:1*32; 38:35U,372-375; restrictions on aliens, 1*3; Arab-Jewish cooperation 306,310; predicted to, 28:12k- immigration regulations, 1*3:307; 125; anti-Semitism in, 1*7:1*78; k9i report on Palestine to 271-272; League of Nations, on UNSCOP, k9:l*98,508; 29:98-99,100,110-111; Jews and post-war immigration Jewish Agency protests policy, 1*9:555 findings of Shaw Com- PESSELS, Constance, data concern- mission of Inquiry to, ing, 6:161* 32:136; -251+-

PESSIN, Samuel, in New PHI Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 26:505 Jersey Legislature, et seq. 35:110: 36:258; 37: PHI Lambda Kappa Medical Frater- 232; 33:1+07; 39:570; nity, 26:505 et seq. 1+0:362 PHI Sigma Delta Fraternity, 23:236 PETACH-TIKVAH, first Jewish et seq. agricultural colony in PHI Sigma Epsilon Fraternity of Palestine, ll+:25,27; the U.SO and Canada, 25: 17:29,1+0,55-57,79 286 —31:281 PETAIN, Henri, decrees eli- PHI Sigma Sigma Sorority, data mination of Jews from concerning, 31:287 et seq.; economic and public organization and growth, 33: life in Prance, 1+1+: 193; 199-200 protests against anti- PHILADELPHIA, Jacob, patriotism In Jewish decrees' of, the War of the Revolution, 1+7:89-90,98-100 28:212 PETLURA, Semion, trial of PHILADELPHIA, beginnings of Jewish Sholom Scfcwartzbard in settlement, l+:67,69; Prance for murder of, first Jewish congregation es- 30:39 tablished, l+:67,e>9; 6:1+2; PETTUS, E.W., Senator, reso- first German Jewish congrega- lution protesting tion, l+:73; Russian discrimination campaign against sectarian against American Jews, celebrations in public 11:30 schools, 11:57; PEYSER, Jefferson E., in Jewish education in- 16:95; California Legisla- 31:130,132,139,li+O; 1+3: ture, 37:232; 39:570 1+1+-1+5; PEYSER, Julius I., on Board first Jewish Sunday School in of Education, Washing- U.S. in, 16:98; ton, D.C., 26:131+ first Jewish college estab- PEYSER, Theodore A., in lished in, 16:101+; House of Representa- federation movement, 17:163, tives, 35:110,232 165,177; et seq. Jewish Americanization agen- PPAELZER, David M., on Chi- cies, 23:92,96; oago School Board, Jews acquire cemetery in, 28: ll+:283 198; PPLAUM, A.J., data con- New York congregation moves to, cerning, 7:93 during Revolution, 28:213; PHI Alpha Fraternity, 28: statistics on Jewish congrega- 325 et seq. tions in, 31:111,112+,116; PHI Beta Delta Fraternity, first Jewish women's organiza- 21+: 21+7-1+2:51+9 tion in U.S. started in, PHI Beta Fraternity, 27s 33:167-168; 309—1+6:1+56 concentration of Jewish immi- PHI Beta Sigma Fraternity, gration in, 50:21+,25,27,39 23:235—27:310 PHILADELPHIA Council on Jewish PHI Delta Epsilon Medical Education establishes music Fraternity, 37:318— department, 1+8:11+5 1+6:1+56 PHI Delta Mu Fraternity, 29: 177—1+6:1+56 -255-

PHILADELPHIA Jewish Com- PHILANTHROPY (cont.) munity (Kehillah), activities in behalf of the affiliate of American immigrant, 50:37-42; Jewish Committee, general activities In, 50: 11;: 301 j 137-147 reports, 15:1(49—22:456; See also Communal organization; combats anti-Jewish dis- Federations; Overseas relief crimination, 21:681; PHILIPPINES, Jewish services held 22:l+57--458; in, 4:22; efforts in behalf of economic activities of Jews, liberal immigration 19:100; legislation, 22:456 Osoar S. Straus Instrumental In PHILADELPHIA, Keneseth preventing Mohammedan in- Israel Synagogue, plan surrection in, 29:l49» of, 28:188; World War II disrupts refugee illustration, facing, relief work in, 44:130 28:188 PHILIPSON, David, biographical PHILADELPHIA, Mikveh Israel sketch, 5:86; Congregation, origin address at 25th anniversary of and growth, 4:67; JPS, 15:35-39; 28:198,214; represents Central Conference Gershom M. Seixas first of American Rabbis on Bible minister, 6:42; 28:213; translation, 15:110-112; establishes first Jewish honors conferred on, 16:159; Sunday School, 16:98; 22:155; synagogue, illustration, obituary of Hyman G. Enelow, facing, 28:161,174; 36:23-53; celebrates bicentennial, praises Cyrus Adler's work on, 43:38 JPS Bible translation, 1(2: PHILADELPHIA Real Estate 106,693-697; Board" opposes dis- article, "Central Conference of criminatory adver- American Rabbis, 1889-1939," tising, 33:349-350 42:179-214; PHILADELPHIA, Rodeph Shalom Joins faculty of Hebrew Union Congregation, organ- College, 45:52; ized, 4:73; address, "Jacob H, Schiff and early school established the Bible Translation," by, 16:95 49:821-825 PHILADELPHIA, Temple Beth PHILLIPS, Barnet, data concerning, Israel, celebrates 6:164 centennial, 43:38 PHILLIPS, Fred, in Nevada Legis- PHILANTHROPY, Jewish federa- lature, 37:232; 45:372 tion movement in, in PHILLIPS, Henry M., in House of U.S., 17:159-198; 39: Representatives, 2:521-522; 285; 50:42; 9:437 et seq. organizations for, 31: PHILLIPS, J. Campbell, data con- 157; 32:198-202; 34: cerning, 6:164 221-223; 39:79-100; PHILLIPS, Morris, data concerning, Jewish attitude toward, 39:81-84; 6:165 effect of huge Jewish immigration on, 39: 84-85; -256-

PHILLIPS, N. Taylor, article, PILSUDSKI, Marshal, liberal ad- "Gershom Mendez ministration in Poland under, Seixas," 6:1+0-51; 29:52,8i+-85,89,!+25; 30:29U; data concerning, 6:16$; 33:88,90; 8:183; death affects Jewish position ovms portraits of early in Poland, 37:11+2-11+3,206 American Jews, 25: PINANSKI, Abraham E., wins award 11+8-150 of National Municipal League PHILLIPS, Nathaniel, on New of Philadelphia, 10:121; York Committee to in- on Massachusetts Bench, 32:ll+l+; vestigate exploitation 33:265; 3l+:235; of immigrants, 26:13^ on Board of Trustees of Boston PHILLIPS, Philip, in House University, 1+1:14.01 of Representatives, PINANSKY, Irving M., annotator for 2:522; 9:1*37 et seq. American Law Institute, PHILLIPS, William, Under 39:570 Secretary of State, PINANSKY, Max L., in Maine Senate, correspondence with 37:232; 39:570 Joint Council on PINCUS, Samuel, prosecuting attor- visas for German Jews, ney of Chicago, 26:131). 36:1+38-1+39; PINE, Max, signs memorial to Pros. correspondence on anti- Wilson opposing Quota Law, Jewish outbreaks In 27:1+28,1+36 Germany, 38:617-621; PINSKI, David, delegate to organi- on Anglo-American Com- zation meeting of New York mittee of Inquiry, Jewish Community, 11:1+8 1+8:1+00 PIONEER Women of Palestine, Women's PHILO, Isador E., biograph- Organization for, data con- ical sketch, 5:86-87 cerning, 29:181+ et seq. PHILO, Solomon S., bio- activities, 33:l87-l»9; 1+8:21+1; graphical sketch, 5:87 establishes training school for PHYSICIANS, Jewish, data on, girls, 1+1+: 136 in World War II, PIRATIN, Philip, testifies before 1+7:166 Anglo-American Committee of PI Alpha Tau, 1+3:583— 1+7:599 Inquiry, 1+8:1+07-1+08 PI Lambda Phi Fraternity, PIRCHEI Agudath Israel, National 1+3:583 et seq. Council of. See National PI Tau PI Fraternity, 15: Counoil of Plrohei Agudath 388 et seq. Israel PI Upsilon Phi, 37:320; PISKO, Seraphine, data concerning, 38:1+97 7:91+ PICHEL, Chaunoey D., on PITTSBURGH, Jewish educational Cincinnati Bench, activities, 1+3:1+5-1+6,1+8 32:11+1+ PITTSBURGH Conference, platform of PICKERT, Lehman, data con- Reform Judaism drawn by, 1+: cerning, 7:91+ 72; 26:1+26-1+27; l+i+:77-7&; PILICHOWSKI, Leopold, exhi- 50:69; bition of paintings results of, 1+2:185 by, 30:31 -257-

PITTSBORGH Conference of POGROMS, in wake of World War I in defense agencies, to Eastern Europe, 21:252-256, coordinate Jewish 281,293 efforts opposing See also under individual Hitler threat, £j.O:139; countries 46:543-544; POGROMS in Russia, 7:229; 8:34-89; agreement arrived at, Government responsible for, 40:139; 41:223 8:35,37,82-85,89; PITTSBURGH, Hebrew Institute Congressional message of sympa- and Affiliated Schools, thy for Jewish suffering in, activities, 43:45 8:90,91; PITTSBURGH, Rodeph Shalom modification of U.S. immigra- Synagogue, plan of, tion law asked for victims, 28:192 8:90 PLAINFIELD, M.H., on Provi- POLAND, anti-Jewish manifestations dence, R.I., Sohool and excesses, 7:229; 21:188- Board, 11:231 189,191,257,267-269,271,272- PLATT, Louis, mayor of Dan- 274; 22:2k7-26l,402-403; 23: ville, 111., 11:230 139-140,185-188,194-201,330, PLATZEK, M. Warley, data 334; 24:51,53.55,62,65; 25: concerning, 6:16$; 84,85,87-88,98-101; 26:29, on New York Bench, 9:1(79; 92-94,98,101,102,104-107, 23:125; 33:266; 34:236 654; 27:116,119-120; 29:94; PLOTZ, Harry, awarded medal 30:48.295; 31:56,57,58; 32: for medical services 316-317; 33:90; 34:73-75; by War Department, 35:66-67; 36:228-231; 37: 1*7:508 411-412; 41:294.296-297,298; PLUMER, Lord, High Commis- anti-Jewish boycott in, 16:221- sioner for Palestine, 223,389; 17:243-244; 21:654; administration of, 32:114; 39:399-405; 40:259- 29:439 262; POALE Zion Party, platform, review of affairs, 18:173-175 7:250; et seq.: in Soviet Russia, 25:72 American Jewish efforts in be- See alao Jewish Socialist half of Jews of, 19:206,209, Labor Party; Labor 212-216; 23:114.195,330-344; Zionist Organization; 25:75; 26:34; 27:45; 29:73- Socialist Organization 74; 32:66-67; 33:33-34,89, Poale Zion of America; 360-361; 34:294-304; 36:453; United Labor Zionist 37:140-141,411; 39:228-232. Party; United Social- 432; 40:597; 41:147,162-164, ist Labor Party; Young 169-170,176: 42:100,277,281, Poale Zion of America 282; 43:88,89,91; 44:240; PODOLIA, Ukraine, statistics 45:651; 47:714-715; on Jewish population, correspondence between American 24: 306 Jewish Committee and Vatican POPCHER, Ellas H., council- in behalf of Jews of, 19: man of Worcester, Mass, 452-456; 13:286; on Worcester school board, 19:253 -258-

POLAND (oont. ) POLAND (cont.) anti-Jewish discrimina- Paderewski on solution of Jew- tion in, 20:252,253, ish question in, 21:270; 254; 24:58-60; 25:95, bill for expulsion of Russian 98-99; 27:113,114; 28: Jews, 21:272; 108; 29:89; 31:58-59; U.S. sends mission on Jewish 37:208; 39:398-399; question, 22:255-256; UO:256-258; Jewish population, 22:365 and minority rights, 21: et 3eq.; 156,157-160,161-166; agrees to admit East European 22:101-113,407-408; Jews expelled by Austria, 23:141,186-188,192- 23:135,136,142; 194; 24:43; 25:23-25, Jewish refugees from, 23:142, 49-50,60,62-67,70,73, 154,155; 98-100; 27:76,78,80, Sunday law and Sabbath obser- 82,83; 28:68,70-72, vance, 23:l87,193,194»210; 502-509; 37:142,203, 26:21-23; 27:27; 207,413; 39:230; Jews and Russo-Polish War, 23: Germany and Jewish ques- 189-192; tion in, 21:267; Jewish educational and cultural Jewish organizational activity, 24:29; 25:31-33, activity, 21:275; 22: 388-389; 26:31,32,34,39; 261-263; 23:193-194. 27:37-41,45; 28:33-36,38-39, 201-202; 24:34-36,43- 44; 29:30,31,41-42; 43:238; 46; 26:86-87; 27:89, 50:397-399; 90,95-96; 28:57,73; Jewish labor in, 24:29; 26:55; 29:62; 30:49-50; 31: 27:62,63-64; 29:69; 60-61; 37:207-208; 38: anti-Shehltah movement, 25:27; 347-349; 39:429; 40: 26:27; 28:28-29; 30:47-48; 272-278; 47:400-401; 38:197-198,258,342-345; 50:393-395; 39:809; international reaction to Jewish students in public anti-Jewish excesses, schools and universities, 21:296,297-300; 22: 25:36; 26:36; 133-139,176-179,200, Yiddish press in, 25:42; 228; 34:25-26; 35:63- reaction of Jews to Soviet 64: 36:155; 37:170. Russia's attack on Judaism, 208; 38:196-198,258; 25:46; 39:227-232,302-309; Jewish emigration from. 25:65- 40:99-102,168-169,601- 67,352-353.377,388; 38:329, 603; 46:189; 341; 39:228,229,314.316,385, Jewish policy of Govern- 390,429-430,808; 40:248-251; ment, 21:653; 22:239- anti-Semitism and discrimina- 247; 23:156; 25:86; tion in universities, 25:90- 27:101-102; 28:63-67, 92,94-95; 28:106-1071 29:87; 73,94,490-493,502-509; 30:47: 32:114; 40:168-169, 29:89-90; 30:47; 37: 181,182,264-268; 142; 38:338-342; 39: efforts to combat anti-Semitism, 390-397,806; 40:251- 25:102.103; 26:111; 36:230, 258; 41:291,293,294# 231; 38:336-338,340,341; 39: 295,296; 42:366; 43: 425-429; 40:268-271,596-597; 237-238; Jews assert patriotism, 21:268,271; -259-

POLAND (cont.) POLAND (cont.) demands civil as well as Jews deported to, ^2:3^4-8-352; religious marriage, U1+:1°6,190,209,252; 1+5:316, 26:30; 318,319,326; l±6:210,212,222, use of Yiddish in, 26: 227,258-259,266,311; k7: 67-68,658; 27:78; 396-398J refugee problem in, 26:71+; Nazi terror in, 1+2:367-377; 1+3: 29:76; 229-239; kk •• 21+1+, 21+5-21+7; 1+5: and Kashruth question, 30I4.-3U; kl: 21+0-21+1+; 27:30-31; 28:29-30; Jews in Russian Occupied area blood accusation alleged of, U2:377-378,6U5-6i4.6; 1+3: in, 29:90; 37:205-206; 239-21+3; Jewish attitude toward effort to transport Jewish in- Palestine and Zionism, stitutions to Lithuania from 32:115; 33:90-91; 36: 14-2:390; 227; l|0:25l-256,277- Jews flee to Rumania from, 278; kl:303-304,306; llUU++ 5 1+7:1+07-1+08; Jewish population affected by statistics on Jewish World War II, 1+2:597-598; prisoners in, 33:209, relations between Poles and 210; Jews, U3:238-239; 50:390-391 protests anti-Jewish Soviet Russia and refugees from riots in Germany, 1+3:330; 1+1+:123,239; 1+5:299- ' 3k:76; 300; 1+7:1+08; 1+8:31+6-314.9; pro-German policy, 37: Jews in the resistance movement. 206-207,208,1+12; 38: 1+5:309; 1+7:393-395,398; 339-31+0; Jews participate in World War Jews averse to appeal to II, 1+5:312; League of Nations, post-war Jewish rights in, 37:207; studied by American Jewish and mass admission to Committee, 1+5:671; Birobidjan of Jews anti-Jewish propaganda in army from, 37:209; of, 1+6:21+1+-21+5; 1+7:31+1-31+2; boycott of, urged, 39: American efforts to rescue Jews 230-231; in, 1+7:295,3^3; reaction to proposed post-war Jewish population, 1+7: settlement of Polish 399-1+00; 1+8:336; l+9:38O-33l, Jews in Madagascar, 382; 50:389-390,720; 39:314,316; cooperation between Jews and Jewish question in na- Government, l+7:l(.Ol+-l(,O5,l).O7; tional politics in, post-war Jewish emigration from. kO:238,239-251,595-596; 1+7:1+07; 1+9:381-3§3,U12,521; Catholic Church and Jews, problem of refugees from, lj.7: l+0:2U7-2k8; 1+2:100; 1+1+9; 1+8:305-307,338-3UO; eliminates Jews from pro- problem of displaced persons lns fessional and economic 1+8:117-118; life, 1+1:295-296; U.S. Congress to investigate refugee situation in, pogroms in, 1+8:338; 1+1:378; efforts at Jewish rehabilita- American reaction to Nazi tion, 1+8:31+6-31+9; 1+9:228-22% policies in, 1+2:270- 386-392; 50:391-393; 273,278,282; -260-

POLAND (oont.) POLISH Jews (cont.) war crimes trials In, situation in France, 1+1:25l; 1+8:1+65; aided by JDC in Russia, i+l+:127; post-war review of events infiltrate into U.S. Zone in by Leon Shapiro, 1+9: Germany, 50:711-712 380-392; 50:387-399; POLISH Jews Abroad, World Federa- recent political develop- tion of. See Horld Federa- ments, 50:387-389; tion of Polish Jews Abroad Jewish political parties, POLISH Jews of America, Federa- 50:395-397 tion of. See Federation of See also Galicia; Polish Polish Jews of America Jews; Warsaw POLISH Jews, American Friends of. POLAND, American Committee See American Friends of Appeal for the Jews Polish Jews in9 See American Com- POLISH Jews, Central Committee of. mittee appeal for the See Central Committee of Polish Jews in Poland Jews POLAND, Association of Jew- POLISH Jews in Canada, Federation ish Refugees and Immi- of. See Federation of Polis grants from. See Jews in Canada Association of Jewish POLISH Jews, National Organization Refugees and Immi- for. See National Organiza- grants from Poland tion for Polish Jews POLAND Government-in-Exile; POLITICAL clubs, Jewish, letter of attitude toward Jews, Louis Marshall opposing, 1+2:272-273,378-379; 30:287-289 1+3:21+3-21+7; 1+1+: 21+8- POLITIS, Nicholas, discusses Ger- 21+9; 14.5:309-310; many '3 Jewish policy before and Polish refugee prob- League of Nations, 36:109- lem, 1+3:329; 110 proclaims democratic prin- POLLAK, Berthold S., awarded ciples, 1+1+: 21+7-21+8 plaque by New Jersey Medi- POLINER, Israel, on Connec- cal Society, 1+2:1+61+ ticut Bench, 1+0:362 POLLAK, Emil, data concerning, POLISH Hebrews of America, 7:91+; Federation of. See on Cincinnati Board of Educa- Federation of Polish tion, 7:191+; 21:202; Hebrews of America on Board of Trustees of Uni- POLISH Jews, among early versity of Cincinnati, 12: immigrants to U.S., 332; 22:155 l+:73-7l+; POLLAK, Gustav, data concerning, settle in Latin America, 6:165-166 19:61; POLLOCK, David P., data concern- attitude of Germany ing, 7:91+ toward, 19:27; 23:170, POLLOCK, Henry W., in New York 171} 26:103; 3l+:58,76; Senate, 13:286; 15:263 38:320-321,322; 1+1: POLONETZKY, Sam, mayor of Valley 302-303; Junction, Iowa, 36:258 American Jewish Committee POLONIES Talmud Torah, early Jew- objects to article in ish schools in New York Encyclopedia Britannioa City, 16:91+ on, 26:62:>-629,635-t>3bJ -261-

POOL, David de Sola, arti- POPULATION, Jewish, of the U.S., cle, "The Levantine statistics on, ls283-285 Jews in the United et seq.; States," 15:207-220; data gathered by American Jew- obituary of Nathan ish Committee, 16:339-378; Straus, 33:135-151+; increase due to persecution tribute to Cyrus L. Sulz- abroad, 18:326; berger, 35:155-156; article by Samson D. Oppen- obituary of Henry Pereira heim, 19:31-71+; Mendes, i+0sl+l-60; bases for computation, 20:33- on General Committee of 39,1+7-1+8; 2^:308-309; 39: Army and Navy Chap- 1+8-1+9; 1+5:571; 50:659-661; lains, 1+3:32; estimates by American Jewish heads JWB's religious Committee, 21:668-670; activities, 1(4:97; 31:360; awarded Certificate of data gathered by H.S. Linfield, Merit by Pres. Truman, 30:28,101-198; 1+2:215-265; 50:508 1+6:1+91-498; POPE. See Vatican data on, 39:1+7-52; 1+1+: 1+19-1+26: POPPER, Siegfried, chief en- economic distribution, 39:53-°3j gineer of Austrian decrease in, 1+7:256; 1+8:159; navy, 6:37 study by B.B. Seligman and H. POPPER, William, data con- Swados, 50:651-690 cerning, 6:166; PORGES, Gustave, honored by Ser- compiles One hundred bian Government, 2l+:89 available books in PORTLAND, Ore., public meeting of English on Palestine," protest at Kishineff mas sacra 7:153-162; held in, 6:379 on faculty of University PORTNOY, Abraham, awarded medal by of California, 8:183 Carnegie Hero Fund Commis- POPULATION, Jewish, of the sion, 36:258 world, 1:285 et sec;.; PORTO RICO. See Puerto Rico after World War II, 1+9: "Portraits of Early American Jews," 111-113,125; article by Hannah R. London, article, 50:691-721+; 25:11+6-162 shifting centers of, PORTUGAL, Jewish community, 8:258; 50:717; review of affairs, l5:3Ol+; 32: map, 50:72^ 92; 1+3:203-201+; See also under individual bill for Angola colony fails, countries and places 16:202; POPULATION, Jewish, of movement for return to Judaism Canada, article by of Marrano children, 28: Louis Rosenberg, 1+8: 1+81+-1+85; 19-50 anti-Semitism condemned, 39: POPULATION, Jewlah, of East- 322-323; ern Europe, 26:1+9-50 orders revision of alien resi- POPULATION, Jewish, of Latin dential permits, 39:323; America, 1+7:120-122 refugee problem in, 1+3:92,203- POPULATION, Jewish, of 20l+,325,327,328,329; U4s231- Soviet Russia, shift 232,296; 1+5:297,353,355; kt>t in, due to World War 238-239,311; 1+7:390; 1+3:301 II, l+l+:239 museum of Jewish culture opened, 1+5:297 -262-

PORUSH, Israel, review of PREIL, Gabriel, wins Louis LaMed affairs in Australia, literary award, 45:372 49:307-319; 50:311-317 PREPARATORY Commission for the POSNER. Ellen H., articles, International Refugee Organi- "Intergroup Relations," zation. See International 45:181-191; "Anti- Refugee Organization, Pre- Jewish Manifestations," paratory Commission for 46:133-143; 47:268- PRESBYTERIAN Church of England 279; 48:172-187 disapproves conversionist POSNER, Louis S., vice- activities, 28:33 chairman of Advisory PRESBYTERIAN General Assembly, Council of New York resolution protesting perse- Jewish Community, cution of Jews in Russia, 11:50; 13:311 on New York City Board of Preslo, S.S., refugee ship, 43:332 Education, 33:116 PRESS, artloles of Jewish interest POSS, Benjamin, president of in, 9:438-442; 10:80-90; 12: Wisconsin State Bar 281-300; Association, 40:362 denounces anti-Jewish propa- POST, Louis P., signs Chris- ganda in U.S., 24:331; tian protest against condemns organization of Hitler anti-Jewish propaganda groups in U.S., 34:28 24:337 See also Periodicals POST-war problems, considered PRESS, Jewish, in Palestine, 17: by American Jewish 136-137; Committee and other attitude on formation of Jewish organizations, 43:720- units in World War I, 21: 721,737; 44:485-486; 121,124-125,128; 45:138-139,159; data relating to, 28:50; 29:47- and Jewish rights, 46: 48; 31:154.155; 157-158 important influence in Jewish POSTAL, Bernard, article, cultural life, 39:126; "B«nai B'rith: A Cen- growth, 49:122,185-186; tury of Service," diverse political views, 50:44 1+5:97-116 See also Periodicals; Yiddish POTOCKI, Count, American press Jewish Committee pro- PRICE, George M., data concerning, tests excesses against 6:166 Polish Jewry to, 39: PRINCE, Leopold, in New York 807-809 Legislature, 7:194; 9:479; POUKER, Hyman, on New York on New York Bench, 10:121; 20: City Board of Alder- 169; 40:362 men, 15:263; 16:159 PRISONERS, Jewish, in foreign POUREN, Jan, case of, ll:ljiB countries, statistics on, 64; 12:344; 33:209-211 American Jewish Committee PRISONERS, Jewish, in U.S., 31: aids fight against 353; 33:203-208$ extradition, 18:337- data on, published by American 338 Jewish Committee, 33:347-348 PRAG, Mrs. Mary, on San "Pro-Palestine and Zionist Activi- Francisco Board of ties in U.S.," articles: by Education, 24:89 Abraham Revusky, 43:97-102; 44:132-136; by Isaac Levi- tats, 45:206-214 -263-

PROBATION work, Felix War- PROSELYTES, resolution of Central burg instrumental in Conference of American Rabbla organization of, on admission into Judaism U0:27 of, 1+2:195-196 PROBUS National, service PROSKAUER, Joseph M., on New York club, 29:179—1+9:663 Bench, 26:13!+; 33:266; 31;s PROFESSIONAL schools, dis- 236; crimination in, awarded honorary degree by opposed by American Columbia University, 32:ll+l|.; Jewish Committee, 3l+: outlines attitude of American 286-289; Jewish Committee in Nazi discriminatory practises German crisis, 36:14.13,14-37; reported in, 50:209, praises work of James G. 768 McDonald in behalf of refu- "Professional Tendencies gees, 38:61+5-61+7; among Jewish students president of American Jewish in Colleges, Univer- Committee, 1+5:622—1+7:687; sities, and Profes- address on American Jewish Com- sional Schools," 22: mittee's statement of views, 393-393 1+5:638-61+5; PROFESSIONS, Jews in, in wins interfaith award, I4.6: He- U.S., 39:60-63; 50:22; address, "Restoration of Jewish anti-Jewish discrimina- Rights throughout the World,1 tion in, in Poland and 14.6:559-565; Rumania, 1+0:252-255, consultant to American delega- 285 tion at UN San Francisco PROGRESSIVE Judaism, Union Conference, 14.7:303; 14-9:780; for. See Union for efforts in behalf of Interna- Progressive Judaism tional Bill for Human Rights PROGRESSIVE Order of the 1+7:1+91,1+91+; 1+8:1+29,631; 1+9: West, data concerning, 781; 3:123 et seq.; efforts for unity between Zion- withdraws from Amerloan ists and non-Zionists, 1+7: Jewish Committee, 687-693; 1+9:785-788; 1+6:557 tribute to Irving Lehman, 1+8: PROGRESSIVE Party platform 88-89; (1912 and 1916), and Anglo-American Committee of approves abrogation of Inquiry, 14.8:14.02-1+03,14.16; treaty with Russia, approves Jewish Agency's parti- 15:238,1^2; 19:1+60 tion plan, 1+9:21+8,1+88; PROGRESSIVE Party platform on Consultative Counoil of Jew- (191+8) demands recog- ish Organizations, 1+9:781; nition of state of asserts establishment of Israel Israel, 50:263-261+ poses no problem of dual PROHIBITION and the use of loyalties, 50:257 ritual wine, 2l+:23-2?; PROSKAUER, Julian J., president of 25:378-379; 28:31 American Society of Magi- PROPAGANDA, anti-Jewish. cians, 37:232 See Anti-Semitism and PROTESTANTS in France oppose anti- under individual Jewish measures. I|i+:196; oountries 1+5:21+5 -264-

PROTESTANTS in Germany cri- PROVISIONAL Committee for General ticize Nazi policies, Zionist Affairs, conferences 39:353 with American Jewish Commit- PROTESTANTS in U.S. condemn tee on Congress-Conference anti-Semitism, 25:118; problem, 18:316j 1+1:222,223; 42:297- aids Jews of Palestine, 19:196; 298; 43:120; data concerning, 19:351; cooperate with American attitude on efforts to form Jewish Committee in Jewish unit in World War I, pedagogical inquiry on 21:125; anti-Semitism, 45:654- Louis D. Brandeis chairman, 655; 50:829 l+l+:52 See also Christians See also Federation of American Protocols of the Elders of Zionists; Zionist Organiza- Zion. publication dis- tion of America cussed in Parliament, PUBLIC schools, legal decisions 22:179; on religious instruction in, denounced as forgery-, 23: 5:37; 29:1+0; 30:27; 116,169,308,314,319, movement for secularization, 329,367-374; 24:52-53, 10:192-193; 33O-331,33<3-343; 29: Bible reading and religious ex- 130; 32:1+0; 34:330; 37: ercises in, 10:193; 11:56- 160,176-177,^16-1+17; 57; 15:21+1,21+2; 16:138-139; 38:269,612-613; 1+0:236; 17:203-201+; l8:8t+-86; 19:237 refuted in book by Herman 238; 20:151; 25:3l+-35; 26: Bernstein, 23:118; 38; 27:1+1-1+1+; 28:1+2-1+1+; 29: used as weapon by anti- 36-1+1; 32:80-81; 33:1+9-51; Semites, 23:3H+; 25: 3t+:t+0,50-5l; 39:269; 1+0:20, 103; 27:1+63; 37:155, 21-21+; 1+6:106-107; 1+8:128- 456; 130; 1+9:20-32,172-171+; 50: published under title, 176; The Jewish Peril, effort to exclude Merchant of 23:3HW Venice in, l5:2i+2-2Z+3; 31+: American Jewish Committee 5; protests American pub- 51 lication, 23:318-328; American system praised by approved by Muslim-Chris- Yiddish press, 26:302,303, tian Association, 305-306; 25:111; agitation on ''released time" translated into many for religious instruction languages, 26:92-93; in, 33:1+9-50; 1+1+:122; 1+5: 31:71+; 1+0:282+; 1+2:1+36; 154-155; 48:128-130; 49:27- 32,33,172-173,208-210,791- confiscated in Hungary, 792; 50:221,828; 31:51; proposed Saturday session de- used as textbook in Ger- feated, 38:632; 45:144,149; man schools, 36:156; Felix Warburg instrumental in cited in Congress as placing trained nurses in, argument againBt Jews, in New York, 40:26; 36:1+1+8; Jewish policy on religion in, reprinted by Father 50:221-223,828-829 Coughlin, 1+1:209; PUBLIC service, Jews in, 2:517 redistributed in U.S., et seq. 1+8:185 See also Diplomatic service -265-

PnBLISHEJG. Sjse Books PUTNAM, George Haven, Louis PUERTO RICO, Sunday law in, Marshall combats anti- 1O:16U-165; Jewish propaganda published Jews hold important posi~ by, 32:1+1-1+2 tions in, 19:97 PUTNAM BROS., American Jewish Com- PULITZER, Joseph, in House mittee protests publication of Representatives, of anti-Semitic book by, 9JI4.37 et seq. 23:115,317-328 PULITZER Prize winners, Jew- PUTZEL, Charles A., New York City ish, 21:200; 32:11+14., Commissioner of Taxes and 1U5; 36:256; 39:566, Assessments, 8:183 567,568; 14.3:21+2; 1+k: PUTZEL, Lewis, data concerning, 321,323; 1+5:372; 1+6: 6:166 323; U7:505,509

QUAKERS in Great Britain QUINN, May A., Brooklyn teacher, protest Nazi policies, trial of, 14.8:189 38:2101; QUITTNER, Joseph, counsellor to declare anti-Semitism a American Ambassador at world menace, U0:13U Switzerland, 21:202 See also American Prienda QUOTA Law of 1921)., efforts of Service Committee American Jewish Committee QUEBEC, discrimination in to ease restrictions of, education of Jewish 7U2136 children, 26:38; 27: memorial to Pres, Wilson 1+1+-1+5,223-229; 28:^0- against, 27:l+28-U36; kZ; 29:36; 30:38; 31: unscientific character of immi- 39; 32:83-81+; 33:57- gration restriction under, 59; ik-hl; l+9:293-29U; 2811113 anti-Jewish manifesta- 4++; tions, 1*5:230; 14.6:200, families of immigrants admittec 202; under, 31:339; Jewish population, 14.8:25; opposed by American Jewish program against anti- Committee, 31:31+0; Semitism, 14-9:292; provisions, 38-J121+, 125-126 Catholic-Jewish relations, 50:292-291+ -266-

RABBI Isaac Elohanan Theo- RABBINICAL Assembly (cont.) logical Seminary, creates emergency fund to aid 20:319—29:190 Seminary graduates, 34:33; RABBI Isaac Elchanan Theo- discusses problem of Agunah. logical Seminary and 37:163; 38:233-234; Yeshiva College, data proceedings of conventions, concerning, 30:229 39:271-272; 40:143-144; 41: et seq.: 226; 43:35; 44:105-106; aided by Women's Branch 45:144; of Union of Orthodox asks establishment of interna- Jewish Congregations. tional authority, 44:104; 33:194; declaration on Palestine, 44: activities, 37:165; 47: 105-106; 216; 48:73-84; attitude on Zionism, 45:141; departments, 38:56,65,72, meets in conference with Reform 75-76; rabbis, 45:147; celebrates 50th anniver- withdraws from American Jewish sary, 39:277-278; Committee, 46:91,557; 40:11+6; opposes peace-time conscription reorganized by Bernard and military training, 47: Revel, 43}417,419,421; 223; 48:122; represented in Rabbinical issues new prayerbook, 48:128; Council of America, opposes "released time" for 44:101; religious instruction in contribution to American public schools, 48:129; Jewish scholarship, convokes conference on Jewish 45:62; law, 50:167-168; library, 45:88; works for social justice, history, 48:74-75; 50:177 Teachers• Institute of RABBINICAL Association of the Mizraohi Organization Hebrew Theological College, of America merges with data concerning, 33:243-- 48:76; 43:587; becomes Yeshiva Univer- merges with Rabbinical Council sity, 48:77 of America, 44:101 See also Yeshiva College; RABBINICAL Association of the Yeshiva Rabbi Isaac Yeshiva, 33:244—37:322 Elohanan; Yeshiva RABBINICAL Council of America, University data concerning, 38:500 RABBINICAL Assembly of the et seq.; Jewish Theological reorganized, 44:100-101; Seminary of America, opposes 1939 British White data concerning, Paper, 46:92; 21:317 et seq.: activities., 47:218; 50:166,173 among signers of state- RABBINO, Bernhard, data concern- ment refuting ing, 7:95 Protocols. 23:379; RABBIS in U.S., biographical attitude on use of fer- sketches, 5:40-108; 6:214- mented wine for ritual 215; 7:119-125; o D purposes, 25:379; schools for training of, 28:46; urges united Jewish polioy 29:43; 31:143-144; 36:72, against anti-Semitism, 113; 39:71,635-641; 34:31; -267-

RABBIS in U.S. (oont.) RACISM (cont.) associations of, 29:80; theory denied by Cyrus Adler, 39:632-634; 38:625; 41:649; activities, 31:120; Nazi concept, 39:800; statistics concerning, Nazi legislation on, violation 31:120-122,220-221 of international law, 4O:59l|.; RABBIS, Hebrew Orthodox. condemned by Catholic Churoh, See Assembly of Hebrew 40:602; 42:649; Orthodox Rabbis of introduced into Italy, 42:380, America and Canada 382; RABI, Isidor I., member of opposed by American Jewish Com- National Academy of mittee, 42:649-650; Science, 42:464; Mexican campaign against, wins Nobel prize in 43:298; physics, 47:508; abrogation in armistice agree- on General Advisory Com- ments approved by American mittee to Atomic Jewish Committee, 47:727-728; Energy Commission, increase in U.S., 50:77-78 49:599 RADIN, Adolph M., biographical RABIN, Benjamin J., in New sketch, 5:87; York Legislature, delegate to organization meet- 49:600; ing of New York Jewish Com- on New York Bench, 50: munity, 11:48 508,647 RADIN, Paul, wins Columbia Uni- RABIN, Samuel, in New York versity fellowship, 15:263 Legislature, 47:508; RADIO, programs of Jewish interest, 49:600 32:75; 41:232; 48:131; 50: RABINOVITZ, Joseph, bio- 190; graphical sketch, used by United Synagogue for 5:87 educational purposes, RABINOWITZ, Joseph, mayor of 37:39-40; Woodbine, N.J., 15: Federal Communications Commis- 263; 17:217 sion opposes anti-Jewish "Race," American Jewish Com- propaganda on, 41:217; mittee protests use and anti-Jewish movements in of term in Census the U.S., 42:285-286; Bill, 12:350 used in interfaith aotivity, RACHOVSKY, Louie, president 43:119,120; 48:198; of Chamber of Commerce activities of Jewish Theologi- of Loveland, Cal., cal Seminary in field of, 23:125 47:222,700; RACIAL intolerance. See activities of American Jewish Discrimination, anti- Committee in field of, Jewish 47:677,699; RACISM, denounced by Calvin efforts to combat discrimina- Coolidge, 28:474-476; tion, 50:219 international protests RADNITZ, Samuel, biographical on Nazi theories, 36: sketch, 5:87 89; 39:300,301; RADZINSKI, Henrietta (Mrs. A.Isaac) denounced by Christians data concerning, 7s95 in U.S., 37:160; RAEDER, Admiral, trial for war crimes, 49:582,586 -268-

RAFALOVITZ, Simon, bio- RASALSKY, Otto A., on New York graphical sketch, Bench, 3:183 f:87-88 RASHI, article on, by Solomon RAISA, Rosa, awarded gold Zeitlin, 1+1:111-114.0; medal by Italian 900th anniversary of birth, Government, 36:258 l+2:3Ol+-3O5 RAISIN, Jacob S., bio- RASKIN, A.H., obituary of Sidney graphical sketch, 5:88; Hillman, 1+9:67-80 Charleston, S.C., School RASKIN, Philip M., death, 1+6:112; Commissioner, 26:131). memorial resolutions of JPS RAISIN, Max, biographical on, 1+6:615 sketch, 5:88; 6:221; RASSH3UR, Leo S., on St. Louis, Mo, receives doctorate from Bench, 19:253 University of Missis- RATH, Ernst vom, anti-Jewish riots sippi, 11+: 283 in wake of murder of, 1+1: RAKEN, William Elkin, 261,378,626 honored by Italian RATHENAU, Walter, anti-Semitism Government, 21+: 89 responsible for murder of, RALPH, Royal. See Abarba- 25:103,385 nell, Jacob Ralph RATSHESKY, Abraham C., on Boston RANKIN, John E., Congress- Common Council, 32:11+5 man, 1+3:111; 1+7:277; et seq.; 1+8:185 Minister to Czechoslovakia, RANSOHOPP, Joseph, given 32:11+5 et seq.; honorary degree by inspires organization of Ameri- Cincinnati University, can Institute in Prague, 23:126 33:87; RAPHAELSON, Samson, alumnus decorated by Czechoslovakia, of Educational 36:258 Alliance, New York, RAUH, Bertha (Mrs. Enoch), data 1+6:82 concerning, 7:95-96 RAPHALL, Morris J., asserts RAUH, Enoch, on Pittsburgh City Bible sanctions Council, 13:287; 16:159 slavery, 1+:71 RAUH, Hattie (Mrs. Leopold), data RAPIJTSKY, Sol, mayor of concerning, 7:96 Haines, Alaska, 18:101+ RAUH, Marcus, president of Pitts- RAPOPORT, Samuel, biographi- burgh Chamber of Commerce, cal sketch, 5:88 22:156 RAPPAPORT, Julius, bio- RAYFIEL, Heyman, on New York graphical sketch, Bench, 32:11+5 5:88 RAYFIEL, Leo L., in House of Rep- RAPPAPORT, Solomon, bio- resentatives, 1+7:508; 1+9:600; graphical sketch, U.S. District Court Judge, 5:88-89 50:508,61+1+ RAPPOPORT, Israel B., edu- RAYNER, Isidor, congressional cational consultant career, 2:522-523 et seq.; of American Jewish data concerning, 6:1671 10: Committee, 1+8:11+2; 72-73; director of Research In- resolution protesting Russia's stitute in American discrimination against Jewish Education, American Jews, 11:26-27 1+9:160 RAZOVSKY, Julius, in Missouri RAPPORT, N., data concern- Legislature, 21:202 ing, 5:89 -269-

"Reactlon in U.S. to Events REFORM Judaism (cont.) Overseas," articles: rabbinical training schools for, by Llbby Benedict, 4:75; 26:423,448; 43:51,52; 45:191-198; by Martha beginnings in England, 5:31; Jelenko, 46:148-159; prayerbook and other publica- by Augusta Cohen, 47: tions by, 10:197; 15:60,61; 291-303 and development of Jewish edu- READING (Rufus Daniel cation, 16:98; 38:53; 43: Isaacs), 1st Marquess, 41,49; memorial resolution of Joseph Krauskopf exponent of American Jewish Com- extreme wing, 26:426,439-1)1)0; mittee on, 38:633 attitude toward Zionism, 27:254- READING (Gerald Rufus 255; 45:141; 46:93-96,97; Isaacs), 2d Marquess, 47:223; 50:78-79,80; commands alien Pio- influence on synagogue archi- neer Corps in World tecture, 28:173; War II, 48:66-67 activities in Australia, 33:70; "Recent Jewish Progress in position of woman in, 33:171; Palestine," by 42:196-197; Henrietta Szold, community organizations, 39: 17:27-158 68-69; RECREATION facilities, Jew- activities, 39:272-274; 43:36- ish, survey in New 37; 44:106-109; 45:144-147; York made by Bureau of 47:223-225; Jewish Social Research, proposed program for, 39:273- 22:45 274; RECONSTRUCTIONIST Founda- promulgation of platform influ- tion. See Jewish ences establishment of Reconstructionist Dropsie College, 42:82; Foundation beginnings in Germany, 42:l8l- RECONSTRUCTIONIST movement, 182,187; activities, 43:36,55; organized in U.S. by Isaac M. 44:io4-io5; Wise, 42:183-184; platform, 44:105; 50:73- differing views in, 42:184-185; 74; controversy with Orthodoxy in U.S., 44:77; summation by Mordecai M. tendency to revive traditional Kaplan, 50:163-164 customs by, 44:106-107; RED CROSS. See American oldest congregations in, UJLj.: 110; Red Cross revival of Jewish tradition of RED Mogen Dovld. See learning, 45:48,49; American Red Mogen concept of Judaism, 50:68-69; Dovid attitude toward Russian Jewish REECE, Philip, in New York immigration, 50:69,72,73; Assembly, 9:479 discusses Jewish law and ritual, REED, David A., Senator, correspondence with 50:168,169,170,174; Louis Marshall, 29: efforts for social justice, 399-406 50:178; REFORM Judaism, beginnings See also Central Conference of in U.S., 4:72; 50:67, American Rabbis; Eastern 68; Council of Reform Rabbis; platform written at Hebrew Union College; Jewish Pittsburgh Conference, Institute of Religion; Kohlfl?, 4:72; 26:426-427; 42: Kaufmann; Philipson, David; . 185; 44:77-78; 50:69; Union of American Hebrew Con- gregations; Wise, Isaac M» -270

REFORM Rabbis, Eastern Coun- REFUGEES (cant.) cil of. See Eastern and Immigration Act of 1924, Council of Reform 27:1+1+1-1+1+5; 29:75; 30:313- Rabbis 316; REFUGEE aid, article by problem considered by League of Maurice R. Davie, 49: Nations, 27:81+,85; 36:95,110- 212-222 119,21+3,21+U; 36:11+8,21+3; 38: See also Displaced per- 193,391-391+; 39:805; 40:343- sons 31+5; REFUGEE children, Wagner- efforts of American Jewish Com- Rogers Bill for ad- mittee in behalf of, 28:1+39- mission to U.S., 1*1+3; 29:395,398-1*06 41:195; REFUGEES from Nazis, attitude of refused admission to various countries toward, Palestine by Great 35:57-58; 37:172-171+, 187,209; Britain, 41:335,336; 38:21+8-21+9; 39:323,377; 1*0: Western Europe plans for 161,162,165-167,183; 41:237- admission, 41:379; 239,21*7,250-251*.256-261,269- problem in Great Britain, 270,272,302-303,313-311*. 322, 49:284-286 32l+,326-327,368-370; 1+2:333, REFUGEE Economic Corpora- 33$, 31*2,383,392-39l+,l+0i+-l+06, tion, organized in 1*08,1*12,1*35,1*37, UJ+9-I+53; 1*3: U.S., 37:187; 38:192; 92,139-11*1,181+, 186,199-201*, 41:174; 21+1-21*2.21+6,257,325-326,331; data concerning, 38:500 1*1*:171-173,198-199,225.229. et seq,; 231,26t*-265; 1*5:219,224,284- activities, 39:120; 286,297; 1*7:31*6-31*8; 1+9:325- 327,31+4-31+5,351+-355; 50:321- favors Dominican Republic 322,31+6,31*9; for refugee settle- efforts to help intellectuals ment, 42:446-447 among, 35:58-59; REFUGEE migration, data on, data on, 35:59; 36:21+5; 38:118, 1+4:295-299; 119,607; 1+1:383-385; 1+2:1+1*6, article by Milton Hiromel- 1*1*8,599-600,627; 1*3:330; farb, 45:353-362 and the League of Nations, 36: REFUGEE problem, articles: 95,110-119,21*3,21*1+; 36:11+8, by Nathan Caro Belth, 21+3; 38:193,391,392-391+; 39: 41:374-391; by Max 8o5; 1*0:31*3-31+5; Gottsohalk, 43:323- American efforts in behalf of, 327; by Ilya M. 36:129-131.131*,21+5,1*1+2; 37: Dijour, 46:302-311 1+28-1+30; 38:130-134,192; 39: REFUGEES and U.S. immigra- 792; 1+1:167-168,194-196,230; tion restrictions, 43:76-77,93-94,313; 44:127- .19:462; 27:85-86; 130,148; 45:288,295,651; 46: problem after World 60-61.90-92,148-159,307-309, War I, 25:80; 26:74- 568-569; 48:218-227; 49:136; 76; 41:151-152; 50:227-231; visa discrimination James G. MacDonald reports on against, 25:97; plight of, 37:185-187; Mexico recommended as 38:391; haven for, 27:67-68; affected by Portugal's revision aided by HIAS, 27:68-69, of alien residential per- 86; mits, 39:323; -271-

REFUGEES from Nazis (cont.) REFUGEES from Nazis (cont.) U.S. government efforts on Cyprus, 50:266; in behalf of, 38:194- work of IR0 for, 50:480-482; 195; 39:805; 14.1:195, distribution, 50:482 230,635-636; 46:60-61, See also Anglo-American Refugee 1U9-15O,151-155-307- Conference at Bermuda; Dis- 308,568-569; 47:41,42, placed persons; Evian Con- 44,45,316-317; 48:218- ference, Intergovernmental 226; Refugee Committee; Inter- Nansen Assistance organi- national Refugee Organiza- zation formed in Nor- tion; National Coordinating way for, 39:377; Committee; National Refugee efforts of Geneva inter- Service governmental confer- REFUGEES from Nazis, in Australia, ence in behalf of, 42:328-329; 44:130,177-178 39:494 ..495; REFUGEES from Nazis in Canada, 38: international conference 127-128; 43:143; 44:180-181; called by U.S., 40: 45:225-226,229,230; 46:198- 96-99; 41:175; 202,309-311 settlement in colonies REFUGEES from Nazis in Far East, proposed by Great 37:186; 38:130; 41:389; Britain, 40:346; 41: 42:456-457; 43:336; 5O:4$0- 379,38l-382j 453,710-711 permanent body estab- REFUGEES from Nazis in Great Brit- lished in behalf of, tain, 38:248-249; 40:161; 40:347; 42:449-452 efforts for emigration, REFUGEES from Nazis in Latin Ameri. 41:380-383,389,390-391; ca, 37:186; 38:128-129,241- 42:454-455; 43:327-329; 242; 39:489,490; 41:356,367, 44:295-299; 45:353-355, 386-388; 42:429-430,455-456; 356; 43:301,307,309,334; 44:289, settlement in Dominican 290,295-298; 45:349,350; 46: Republic, 42:445,446- 297,298; 47:138-140 448; 43:96-97,335; REFUGEES from Nazis in North American Jewish Committee Africa and Tunisia, 45:256- reviews problem of, 259 42:647-648; REFUGEES from Nazis in Palestine, scholars driven to U.S., 35:60; 37:212; 38:119-123; 43:57-58; 40:111; 41:389; 42:627,648; U.S. adopts restrictive 46:271-272; 47:448-450; attitude, 43:336-337; 48:229 data on admission to U.S. REFUGEES from Nazla in South and Great Britain, Africa, 38:129-130; 39:311 44:146; 45:357-358; REFUGEES from Nazis in U.S., non- activities of War Rescue Jews urge asylum for, 36: Board in behalf of, 129-131,134,245? 47:296-297; admission under Immigration forced to return to coun- laws, 38:123-127; try of origin, 47:44.9; economic readjustment, 44:lW> efforts of UN in behalf in armed forces in World War II, of, 48:436-445; 47:167; complicated situation of immigration study by Maurice Jews among, 48:438} Davie, 47:321-322; 48:226-227 -272-

REGINA, Canada, Jewish reli- REISS, M.D., in New York Legisla- gious organizations ture, 23:126 in, 27:187-188 REIT, Hyman J., on New York City REICH, Joseph, in Hew York Bench, 32:lk5 Legislature, 2$:122; REIWITCH, Herman L., data concern- 26:13k ing, 6:167 REICH, Julius, mayor of REIZENSTEIN, Milton, data concern- North Bergen, N. J., ing, 7:96 33:116 "Released time" for religious in- REICH, Nathan, article on struction in public schools, overseas aid, k9:223- court ruling on, 29:kO; 2kk; „ 30:27; article, "The Year in agitation concerning, 33:k9-50; Retrospect," 50:107- kk:122; k5:l5k-l55; k8:128- 118 13C; U9:27-32,33,172-173,208- REICH, Siegmund Mo, bio- 210,791-792; 50:221,828 graphical sketch, 5:89 RELIEF, oversaas. See Overseas REICHERT, Isidor, biographi- relief cal sketch, 5:89; 6: RELIGIOUS activities in U.S., com- 221-222 munity organizations for, REICHERT, Victor E., obitu- 3:107-125; 39:68,72,270-275, ary of Jacob Mann, 629-635; k3:kO7-klk articles: by Joshua Lo Trachten- REICHLER, Moses, biographi- bei-g, k3:29-38; kk:95-110; cal sketch, 5:89 k5;137-lU9; k6:89-100; k9: REICHSVERTRSTUNG der Juden 143-15U; 50:163-178; by in Deutschland, work Ahron Opher, k8:121-135; of, kl:171,173 efforts for unified action, REID, Thomas, testifies be- k3:31; fore Anglo-American effect of World War II, on, Committee of Inquiry, k5:137-138 k8:kO7 RELIGIOUS Bodies, U.S. Census of, REIDER, Joseph. See Cole- American Jewish Committee man, Edward D. and makes study of Jewish con- Joseph Relder gregations for, 19:k21-k33; REINECKE, Mrs. Geo. W., k0:6l; Collector of Internal terminology explained, k0:63; Revenue, Chicago, 111., scope enlarged in 1890, kO:7U- 26:13k 75 REINER, Fritz, awarded RELIGIOUS Book Week instituted by honorary degree by National Conference of University of Pennsyl- Christians and Jews, k5:l59, vania, k2:k6k 189; k7:7kO; ^8:199-200; REINHARDT, Max, decorated by JPS" publications used by, k5: Italy, 39:570 690-691; 5O:8U9 REIMHART, Arthur H., in New RELIGIOUS education, lack held Hampshire Legislature, responsible for rise in cri- kl:kOl; k3:3kk minality, 38:33 REITER, Naftali, biographi- See also Education, Jewish; cal sketch, 5:89 Religious schools REISS, Bernard, president of New York County Cri- minal Courts Bar Asso- ciation, 38:kO7 -273-

RELIGIOUS Emergency Council RELIGIOUS schools, Jewish, in U.S. Chief Rabbi of Great (cont.) Britain, American data concerning, l6:113-llk; Chapter of, 50:572 21:333; 31:129,130,131; RELIGIOUS liberty, U.S. pio- study of Hebrew in, 16:lll+-ll5 neer in establishment, See also Education, Jewish; 19:106-107; 39:251-252; One day schools in Prance, 19:107; REPARATIONS, American Jewish Com- in The Netherlands, 19: mittee urges compensation to 126-128; Jews from, 1+7:728-729; in the Balkan states, 1+8:628; 19:151-153,15U; Jewish aspect of problem, pledged by German con- l8ll5+ W stitution after World REPUBLICAN Party, advocates end of War I, 21:259-260; passport discrimination by promised by All-Russian Russia, 6:283; 10:200; 11: Government, 21:168• 1+0,21+8; 13:37-38,81-82; interfaith effort for endorses abrogation of treaty establishment in with Russia, 15:1+1+2; 19:1+59} Hungary, 23:31+8-31+9; asserts belief in religious in Irish Free Stats, liberty, 39:251-252; 39:307-308; attitude toward Palestine, Franklin D. Roosevelt 1+6:186; 1+7:325 f 50:562 protagonist of, i+31 RESCUE Children, Inc., data con- 103,120; 1+7:39; cerning, 1+9:663; 50:572 in Soviet Russia, l+l+:238 RESE, Albert, awarded Congressional RELIGIOUS instruction in Medal of Honor, 26:131+ public schools, legal RESEARCH Institute for Contemporar; decisions on, 5:37; Jewish Affairs organized by agitation concerning, 16r American Jewish Congress, 138; 17:201+; 18:85-86; 1+3:81+ 20:151; 26:38; 27:1+3- RESEARCH Institute for Jewish Post- 1+1+; lj.6:107; 1+9:792; war Problems, organized by 50:221-223,828-829 Jewish Labor Committee, See also Bible reading in 1+3:81+ public schools; Church RESEARCH Institute in American and state; Public Jewish Education, establishec schools; Released time 1+9:160; RELIGIOUS organizations, activities, 50:157 Jewish, in the U»S,, RESEARCH Institute on Peace and data on, gathered by Post-War Problems, organized American Jewish Com- by American Jewish Committee, mittee, 20:382; 1+3:83-81+, 750-751; activities, 50:11+6-11+7 aids work of Overseas Committee, RELIGIOUS persecution, vic- tims to be exempt from report by Max Gottschalk on, provisions of U.S. 1+5:668-677; immigration law, 11+: important studies on Jewish 295; 26:1+15-1+16 rights, 1+6:572-573 RELIGIOUS schools, Jewish, in U.S., beginnings, 16:98-99; attempts to improve teaoh- ing and curricula in, 16:107J -274-

RESISTANCE movement, Jews REVIEW of the year (oont.) in, in Nazi-occupied by Julius H, Greenstone, 8: Europe- 44:268; 47: 237-275; by Louis H. Levin, 100-104 9:518-557; 10:190-236} by See also under individual Albert M. Friedenberg, 11: countries 55-102; by Harry Sohfaeider- RESNIK, Regina, wins award man, 30:23-83—35:21-138; of Metropolitan Opera, 38:175-1+1+7—1+0:87-31+95 by 1+6:322 Harry Sohneiddrman and Melvii RESNIK, Reuben B., awarded M. Fagen, 37:135-215; foreig: Order of the Crown of countries, article, by Moses Italy, 48:474 Moskowitz, 1+1:233-391; by RESTITUTION of Jewish prop- Salo W. Baron, 1+9:103-122; erty, action on, in importance of publication in various European coun- American Jewish Year Book. tries, 50:334,349,357- 50:102-103 358,362,372-373,379- REVISIONISTS, viewpoint compared 380,387,393; with Zangwill«s, 29:141; efforts of PCIRO in be- withdraw from World Zionist half of, 50:479-480; Organization, 3l+:87; 37:11+9; efforts by American Jew- demand withdrawal of non-Zion- ish Committee for, 50: ists from Jewish Agency. 819-320 31+: 88; See also Reparations and charged with murder of Dr. under individual Arlosoroff. 36:205,207,208, countries 213,215,216; "Restoration of Jewish Rights and terrorist policy, 36:206, throughout the World," 209,217,218; 1+1:350; 1+9:251+; presidential address conflict with Jewish Agency, by Joseph M. Proskauer, 36:223; 39:1+87; 46:559-565 activities, 38:205; 1+1:330, REVEL, Bernard, portrait, 335; 1+3:99; 1+6:177; facing, 43:415; policy condemned, 1+6:177-179, obituary by Leo Jung, 290-291 See also United Zionists; Zlon- 43:415-424; 1st Revisionist Organization contribution to Jewish of America scholarship, /+3:U15, REVOLUTION, American War of, Jews 418,419,422; 1+5:62; active as patriots, l+:69,70; and Yeshiva Isaac Elchan- 6:1+1-1+2,1+3,1+6; 25:154,157; an, 1+3:1+17; 1+8:75 28:203-208; REVERCOMB Bill. See Wiley- Jewish Tories in, l+:69; 28: Revercomb Bill 207,208 REVIEW of the year, 1 et seq; REVUSKY, Abraham, attacks British signed articles: by Royal Commission's plan for Henrietta Szold, 2: Palestine partition, 1+0:107; 11+-39; by Martha Wash- article, on pro-Palestine and ington Levy, l+:ll+-l+lj Zionist activities in U.S., by Maximillian 1+3:97-102; 44:132-136; Heller, 5:17-39; by review of events in Palestine, Cyrus L. Sulzberger, 1+3:281-293; 1+4:277-286; 45: 6:19-39; by Max L. 332-344; 46:271-292; 47:445- Margolls, 7:229-271; 471 -275-

REYNER, Harry, mayor of New- RICE, Elmer, wins Pulitzer prize port News, Va., for play, 32:11*5; 3U:99 heads WPA theater projeot in REYNOLDS, Louis G., bio- New York City, 38:1*07 graphical 3ketch, RICE, Henry, dataconcerning, 7:96; 5:89-90 among organizers of Educational REYNOLDS, Robert R., Sena- Alliance, New York, 1*6:75 tor, anti-Semitic RICE, Ignatius, data concerning, activities, 1*7:213, 7:96-97 27X-272; 1+6:173,171)- RICE, Isaac L., data concerning, REZITS, Heyman, biographical 6:167-168 sketch, 5:90 RICE, Joseph M», data concerning. RHINE, Abraham B., bio- 6:168 graphical sketch, 5:90; RICH, Adolphus W,, data conoern- on Hot Springs, Ark., lng, 7:97 Board of Education, RICH, Louis, obituary of Adolph S. 10:121; Ochs, 37:27-53 president of Arkansas RICHARDS, Bernard G,, data concern- Association of School ing, 6s168-169; Boards, 12:332; secretary of New York Jewish library given to College Community, 11:50; of Jewish Studies, obituary of Alexander Harkavy, 1+5:89 1*2:153-161* RHEINSTEIN, Max, on faculty RICHMAN, Julia, data concerning, of University of Chi- 6:169; cago Law School, formulates constitution of 38:1*07 Council of Jewish Women, RHO Pi Phi Fraternity, 27: 33:175; 312-313 et seq, active in Educational Allianoe, RHODE Island, statistical New York, 1*6:82 data on Jews and RICHMAN, Nathan G., awarded medal Jewish activities, by Cleveland, Ohio Chamber 3:11*8-11*9; 30:191*; of Commerce, 1*2:1*61* 1*2:261; RICHMOND, Va., Jews among promi- religious liberty in, nent early settlers, 28:215; 1*:61*; first Jewish congregation, Sunday law in, 10:165, 28:216 170,187; RICHMOND, Va., Betb Ahabah Congre- legislature protests gation celebrates centennial; Russian discrimination 1*3:38 against passports of RIDWAS (Wlllonski). Jaoob D», data American Jews, 11:61* concerning, o:222 RIBALOW, Menachem, wins RIEGELMAN, Edward, sheriff of Louis LaMed Literary Kings Co., New York, l8:10l*j Award, 1*6:322 on New York Bench, 1*1:1*01 RIBBENTROP, Joachim von, -RIEGELMAN, Harold, decorated by tried for war crimes, China, 50:508 l*9:58l-582,581*,585 RIES, Elias E., data concerning, RIBICOPP, Abraham A., in 6:169 Connecticut Legisla- RIESENPELD, Victor S., on lay com- ture, 1*3:31*5; mittee of American Jewish in House of Representa- Committee Legal Department, tives, 50:61*1* 1*8:625 -276-

RIESER, Hernani, data con- RITUAL Murder, See Blood accusa- cerning, 7:97 tion RIESMAN, David, data con- RITUAL wine and Prohibition, cerning, 6:170; 24:23-25; on faculty of University Turkey permits Jewish use of, of Pennsylvania, 25:28 14:283; RIVERA, Jacob Rodriguez, important honorary degrees con- figure in early Newport, ferred on, 30:73; 40: 4:68 361; 42:464; RIVKIND, Moaes M., data concern- president of Interstate ing, 6:222 Postgraduate Medical ROBBINS, Bess, in Indiana Legis- Assembly of North lature, 39:570 America, 37:232 ROBECHEK, Etnil, on Cleveland, 0., RIFKIND, Simon H., on City Council, 26:134 Federal Bench, 43:345, ROBI, Adolph, data concerning, 646; 50:644; 7:97 alumnus of Educational ROBIN, Paul, in Rhode Island Leg- Alliance, Mew York, islature, 35:110 46:82; ROBINSON, Jacob, on UN Permanent repudiates Gen. Morgan's Commission on Human Rights, charge of Jewish con- 49:600 spiracy, 48:308; ROBINSON, Leonard G,, article, memorandum on displaced "Agricultural Activities of persons camps, 1+8: the Jews in America," 14: 309-310; 21-115; testifies before Anglo- assists in framing of federal American Committee of farm loan law, 37:127 Inquiry, 48:409; ROBINSON, Maurice, on Rhode Island adviser on Jewish affairs Bench, 37:232 to Gen, Eisenhower, ROBINSON, Robert, in Massachusetts 48:474,627 Legislature, 15:263; 16:159; RIHANI, Ameen, reaction to 17:217 anti-Jewish propa- ROBITZEK, Harry, on New York City ganda by, in New York, Board of Aldermen, 16:159; 39:241-242 on New York City Bench, 20:170 RINGELBLUM, E., martyred ROCHESTER, N.Y., Christians aid Polish Jew, 47:394,395 drive for Y.M. and Y.W.H.A. RIPINSKI, Solomon, U.S. building, 38:230; commissioner in Jewish educational agencies, Alaska, 24:89 43:46-47; RISHON-le-Zion, colony interfaith group sponsors refu- organized in Palestine, gee project, 43:124 14:26,31; 17:46-47,51 ROCKEFELLER, John D., gift to RITTENBERG, David, wins Eli American Society for Jewish Lilly award in bio- Farm Settlement in Russia, logical chemistry, 43:345 31:34 RITTENBERG, Samuel, in South ROCKEFELLER Foundation aids Carolina Legislature, scholars in exile from Ger- 33:116 many, 39:220 RITTER, Karl, attacks League ROCKEFELLER Institute for Medical of Nations' resolution Research, Simon Flexner on refugees, 36:113- appointed direotor, 5:214 114 -277-

ROCKHILL, W.W., Ambassador ROOSEVELT, Eleanor, urges UN Sub- to Russia, conferences commission on Freedom of In- of American Jewish formation and the Press to Committee with, 13: aid human rights, 1|.8ii|_32-i^33j 45-46,51 suggests referring refugee quea. RODERICK, Sol P., in Illi- tion to UN Economic and nois Legislature, Social Council, I+Q :43#-439 19:253; 21:202 ROOSEVELT, Franklin D., asked by ROEDER, Jehiel, on New York Jewish groups to protest City Bench, 33:116 anti-Jewish riots in Berlin, ROEDER, Simon W,, data con- 38:177; cerning, 7:97-98 attitude toward Nazism, 38:177- ROESSLER, Samuel, on Newark, 178,231,622} lt-0:591-592,601; N.J. Board of Educa- 1+1:191-192,637J 43:114; 47: tion, 36:258; 39:570; iH,U3-i44; 40:362 target of anti-Semites, 38:221; ROGERS, Edith Nourse, 47:268,270; Congresswoman, intro- religious issue in presidential duces bill for admis- campaign, 38:225} sion of refugee chil- given medal by Zeta Beta Tau dren, 14.1:195 Fraternity, 39:625} ROGERS, Will, Jr., Congress- efforts in behalf of refugees man, resolution for and displaced persons, 40: / rescue of Jews of 97,343,345; 41:175-176,379; Europe, 14.6:307 44:124; 46:152,174,307,569; ROGOPF, Moses R., biographi- 47:44-45,316,317; 48:116; cal sketch, 5:90 upholds principle of civil and ROMBRO, Jacob (Philip religious liberty, 40:603- Krantz), data concern- 604; 43:103,120; ing, 6:170 appoints Cyrus Adler Jewish rep- ROME, Charles Abraham, resentative on cooperative honored by Boston Uni- religious effort for peace, versity, 49:600 ROME, David, review of events 42:143-144; attitude of Jewish religious in Canada, 44:179-183; bodies toward policies, 45:225-231; 46:196- 42:306,307; 205; £7:354-365; 48: on democratic element in Juda- 272-281; 49:288-297; ism, 43:29; 50:289-297 urges end of employment dis- ROME, Italy, anti-Jewish crimination, 43:121; legislation suspended attitude on Palestine and Zion- in, 1+7:14-8 ism, 44:133; 47:49-50,325; RONGY, Abraham I., studies endorses 1943 United Jewish anti-Jewish discrimi- Appeal, 45:199; nation in medical requests abrogation of Nazi laws schools, 33:54-55; in North Africa, 45:649; 37:158; attitude on World Jewish 47:48; Congress, 38:207,208; threatens punishment of war heads American Committee criminals, 46:156,260; 47: of OSE 43:94 46,47,48,292,293; -278-

ROOSEVELT. Franklin D., ROOT, Ellhu, Secretary of State, (cont.) and restrictions on Jews of and the Jewish crisis, Morocco, 8:92-98; 19:155; article by Edward N. activity in connection with Saveth, 1+7:37-50; Russia's discrimination favors International against passports of Ameri- Bill of Human Rights, can Jews, 10:77-78,214.8-251+; 1+7:50,1+91,1+92; 1+8:630; 11:1+1-1+2, 6 3-61+, 21+8 j 13:22- message to Temple Emanu- 2l+,25-27,33-37,l+0-l+1.83; El on its 100th anni- tribute to Louis Marshall, versary, 14.7:227-228; 32:51+ praises work of National ROOT, Morris Jr., in Pennsylvania Refugee Service, Legislature, 33:116; 37:233 kl:32k; ROSALSKY, Otto A., on New York meets Arab rulers at Bench, 9:1+79; 23:126; 37:233 Cairo, I4.7-.I4.68; delegate to organization meet- Zionists attack corres- ing of New York Jewish Com- pondence with Ibn munity, 11:1+8; Saud, 1+8:231+ fund for Jewish education ROOSEVELT, Theodore, efforts gathered in honor of, 28:93 to stop persecution of ROSANOPP, Martin A., on faculty of Russian Jews, 6:22-23; University of Pittsburgh, 3^:326-327; 18:101+ efforts to end Russian' ROSE, David A., president of Law discrimination against Society of Massachusetts, American Jews, 7:259, 50:509 260; 11:39-1+0; 13:28- ROSEN, Ben, Executive Director of 33,37; Associated Talmud Torahs of and the 250th anniversary Philadelphia, 1+3:1+1+; of settlement of Jews article on Jewish educational in U.S., 8:263-2614., activities in U.S., l+l+:lll- 266; 3l+:326; 42:72-73, 123; 1+6:100-108 92; ROSEN, George, wins Columbia Uni- efforts in behalf of Jews versity prize in sociology, of Rumania, 26:14.11, 1+7:508 11.12,1+13; ROSEN, Joseph A., director of Agro- tribute to Simon Wolf, Joint in Soviet Russia, 28: 26:1+12; 495; 1+1:159; appoints Oscar S. Straus heads American Society for Jew- Secretary of Commerce ish Farm Settlement in and Labor, 29:11+9; Russia, 30:33,308; friendship with Oscar S. reports on Jewish agricultural Straus, 29:150,151; colonization in Russia, Straus protests dis- 30:50; criminatory Department contribution to Amerioan agri- circular to, 29fl55 culture, 37:126; ROOSEVELT, Theodore, Jr., reports on plan for Jewish signs Christian pro- colony in Birobldjan, 37:209; test against anti- suggests large scale coloniza- Jewish propaganda, tion in British Guiana, 21+: 3 37 1+1:381-382; -279-

ROSEN, Joseph A. (cont.) ROSENBACH, Abraham S.W. (cont.) selects 3ite for refugee president of Shakespeare Asso- colony in Dominican ciation of America, 37:233; Republic, 1+2:1+1+7; awarded medal by Perm Athletic heads Dominican Republic Cl\rt>, 38:1+07 Settlement Associa- ROSENBAUM, G., police commissioner tion, 1+3:335 of Kalamazoo, Mich., 10:121 ROSEN, Raymond, tribute to ROSENBAUM, Jacob, biographical gallantry in World sketch, 5:91 War II, 1+8:57-58 ROSENBAUM, Morris, on Philadelphia ROSEN, Theodore, judicial Board of Education, 8:183 career, 34:99; 1+0:362; ROSENBAUM, Oscar H., data concern- 1+3:1+29-1+30; ing, 7:98 obituary by David J, ROSENBAUM, Samuel R., decorated Gaiter, 1+3:1+25-i)-3O; by China, 50:509 portrait, facing, 1+3:1+25; ROSENBERG, Abraham, Liberty ship heroism in World War I, named for, 1+7:5O8 1+3:1+26,1+27,1+28,1+29 ROSENBERG, Abraham H,, data con- ROSENAU, Milton J., data cerning, 6:171 concerning, 6:170-171; ROSENBERG, Alexander S., liaison on faculty of Harvard Uni- between religious forces in versity, 12:332; Germany and army of occupa- wins award of trustees of tion, 1+8:125 American Medicine, ROSENBERG, Alfred, trial for war 16:159; crimes, l+9:581+-585 awarded medal by American ROSENBERG, Anna L., in U.S. public Public Health Asso- service, t+0:362-363; U4:323; ciation, 36:258; 50:61+7; on faculty of University honors conferred on, 1+5:372; of North Carolina, 1+8:1+71+; 50:509 38:1+07; ROSENBERG, Armln, data concerning, president of American 5:91 Public Health Associa- ROSENBERG, Elmer, in New York tion, !+7:5o8 Legislature, 20:170 ROSENAU, Nathan, biographi- ROSENBERG, Ely, president of N.Y. cal sketch, 5:90 County Association of the ROSENAU, William, biographi- Criminal Bar, 26:131+ cal sketch, 5:91; ROSENBERG, Israel, biographical obituary: of Henry Berko- sketch, 5:91 witz, 26:14+8-11.58; of ROSENBERG, James N., opposes Siegmund B. Sonneborn, World Jewish Congress, 1+3:1+37-1+1+0; 38:208,210; on faculty of Johns Hop- denies Congressional criticism kins University, of relief organizations, 3l+:99-100; 38:211; contribution to American aids JDC rehabilitation pro- Jewish scholarship, gram, 1+1:151,159; 1+5:52 aids refugee settlement in ROSENBACH, Abraham, S.W., Dominican Republic, 1+2:1+1+7; awarded honorary decorated by Dominican Repub- degree by University lic, 1+3:31+5; of Pennsylvania, obituary of Sol M, Stroock, 30:73; l+l+:53-6O -280-

ROSENBERG, Louis, article, ROSENBLOOM, Isadore, on New York "Jewish Population of City Board of Aldermen, Canada," l+8;19-5O 16:159 ROSENBERG, Louis J., in U.S. ROSENBLUM, David, report as chair- consular service. 8: man of Public Relations Com- 183; 12:332; mittee of American Jewish member of French Academy Committee, 1+5:653-658; of International His- memorial resolution of American tory, 2l+:89; Jewish Committee on, 1+6:555 decorated by King of ROSENBLUM, Joseph N., data concern- Spain, 32:11*5; ins, 5:91 honored by Panama Govern- ROSENBLUM, William, member of U.S. ment, 1+8:1+71+; 1+9:600 National Commission for ROSENBERG, Maurice, in Vir- UNESCO, 50:509 ginia Legislature, ROSENBLUTH, Abraham, on New York 38:1+07; 39:570; City Bench, 32:11+5 14-0:363 ROSENBLUTH, Robert, victim of ROSENBERG, Maurice D., presi- anti-Jewish propaganda, dent of Bankers' 27:1+51-1+59 Association of Dis- ROSENDALE, Chas. B., in California trict of Columbia, Legislature, 13:287 21:202 ROSENDALE, Simon W., data concern- ROSENBERG, Morris, on ing, 6:172; Philadelphia Select on Special Legislative Tax Com- Council, 8:186 mission, 8:183; ROSENBERG, Pauline (Mrs. presides at organization meet- Hugo), data concern- ing of JPS, 15:61+; ing, 7:98-99; address at its 25th anniver- president of National sary, 15:99-100; Council of Jewish portrait, facing 39:25j Women, 1+6:66 obituary by G. Herbert Cone, ROSENBERG, Phyllis R., re- 39:25-28; view of affairs in memorial minute of JPS on, Australia and New 39:81+9-850,863-861+ Zealand, 1+8:287-288 ROSENPELD, Louis B., in Connec- ROSENBERG, Solomon, bio- ticut Legislature, 23:126 raphlcal sketch, ROSENPELD, Morris, data concern- f:91; 6:222 ing, 6:172; ROSENBERG, Ted A., auditor- awarded Bronze Medal by Ameri- general of Pennsyl- can Medical Association, vania, 1+7:508 39:570 ROSENBLATT, Bernard A., New ROSENFELD, Nathan, in Massachu- York city magistrate, setts Legislature, 39:570; ' 23:126 1+1:1+01 ROSENBLATT, William, in New ROSENFELD, Nathaniel, mayor of York Legislature, Woodbine, N.J., 35:110 1+7:509; 1+9:600 ROSENFELD, S.M., in Pennsylvania R0SENBL00M, Ben L., in West Legislature, 1+1:1+01 Virginia Legislature, ROSENFELD, Samuel, on St. Louis 17:217; Bench, 20:170 member of congress, ROSENFELD, Sydney, data concern- 2l+:297 etseq. ing, 6:172 -281-

ROSENFIELD, Geraldine, arti- ROSENOW, E.C., director of Mayo cles: "Overseas Relief" Foundation, 18:101* 1*6:160-168; i*7:3Ol*-3l5; ROSENSOHN, Samuel J., confidential 1*8:202-217; "Combating assistant to Secretary of Anti-Semitism," 1*7:279- War, 20:170 285; review of affairs ROSENSTEIN, E., in New York Legis- in Germany, 1*8:302-315} lature, 7:1914- "Zionist Activities," ROSENSTEIN, Ludwig, on faculty of 1*9:21+1*-265; "Human Throop College of Techno- Rights," 50:1*83-1*93 logy, 18:101* ROSENPIELD, Samuel, on St. ROSENSTEIN, M., rabbi, 6:222 Louis Board of Free- ROSENSTEIN, Filbert L., on New holders, 15:261* Jersey Bench, 33:116 ROSENFIELD, Walter A., mayor ROSENSTRAUS, Theodore, and passpori of Rock Island, 111,, question in Congress, 26:131* 11:21-22 ROSENPIELD, William B., in ROSENSTRETER, Adolf, biographical Tennessee Legislature, sketch, 5:92 19:253 ROSENTRETER, David, data concern- ROSENFIELD, Zachariah J., ing, 6:175 biographical sketch, ROSENTHAL, Abraham, rabbi, 6:222 5:91 ROSENTHAL, Albert, data concern- ROSENHAUPT, Harry, in Wash- ing, 6:173 ington Legislature, ROSENTHAL, Alexander S,, on New 13:287; 15:261* York City Bench, 8:186 ROSENHAYN, N.J., agricul- ROSENTHAL, Adolf, biographical tural colony founded sketch, 5:91-92 by Russian Jews in, ROSENTHAL, Frank L», biographical 11*: 65-66 sketch, 5:92 ROSENHEIM, Alfred P., data ROSENTHAL, Herman, data concern- concerning, 6:173 ing, 6:173 ROSENMAN, Samuel I., in New ROSENTHAL, Isidore, biographical York Legislature, 21*: sketch, 5:92 89; 25:122; 26:131*; ROSHHTHAL, Jonas, data concerning, on New York Bench, 34 s 100, 6:173-171* 236; 36:258; ROSENTHAL, Lessing, data concern- appointed special counsel ing, 6:171*? by Pres, Roosevelt, president of Chicago Municipal 1*6:322; 50:61*7; Voters' League, 12:332 to make economic survey ROSENTHAL, Louis, associate of of allied countries, Royal Society of Miniature 1*7:509; Painters, 26:131* honors conferred upon. ROSENTHAL, Max, data concerning, h&k7k 6:171*-175 on Advisory Commission on ROSENTHAL, Michael, early Rumanian Universal Military immigrant to the United Training, 1*9:600; States, 3:96 on Consultative Council of ROSENTHAL, Moritz, data concern- Jewish Organizations, ing, 6:175 1*9:781 ROSENTHAL, R.L.D., on Camden, N.J., ROSENOW, Carl, on faculty of Bench, 15:261* Chicago University, ROSENTHAL, S,Leonard, awarded prizi 20:170 by first District Dental Society, Philadelphia, 1*0:36." -282-

ROSENTHAL, Toby E., data ROSEHWALD Fund, influence and im- concerning, 6:175 portance, 31+:lit-3»ll+l+»l62, ROSENWALD, Julius, trustee 169-170,171-173,176 of University of Chi- ROSENZWEIG, Emanuel, biographical cago, 11).: 283; sketch, 5:92 contribution to overseas ROSENZWEIG, Gerson, data concern- relief in World War I, ing, 6:175-176 19:20i+; ROSEWALDER, Julie, data concern- on Board of Trustees of ing, 6:176 Rockefeller Institute, ROSEWATER, Andrew, data concern- 19:251+; ing, 6:176 on National Council of ROSEWATER, Edward, data concern- Defense, 19:251+; ing, 6:176-177; 3U:167; represents U.S. at Internation- contribution to work of al Postal Congress, 8:183 Agro-Joint in Soviet ROSEWATER, Victor, data ooncern- Russia, 30:32-33; ing, 6:177; 31:378; member of Republican National awarded medal by Commis- Committee, 10:121; ll+:281+ sion on Race Rela- ROSIN, Joseph, wins American tions, 30:73; Pharmaceutical Association honored by Austria and Remington Medal, I4.8tl4.75 Germany, 31:83; ROSNOSKY, Isaac, data concerning, 32:11+5; 7:99 portrait, 3l+: frontis- ROSS, David, awarded medal by piece; American Academy of Prts obituary by Pauline and Letters, 35:110 Angell, 3U:1W--I76j ROSSDALE, Albert B,, member of establishes Agricultural Congress, 23s126 et seq. Foundation, 3l+:l53-l55j ROTARY Clubs disbanded in Germany attitude toward Palestine, by Nazis, ^0:202 31+: 165-166; ROTH, Benjamin, awarded medal for memorial resolution of heroism by Secretary of War, American Jewish Com- 33:116 mittee on, 35:288; ROTH, Lester W., on California gives Hebraica to Harvard Bench, 33:116; 35:110 University Library, ROTHBERGER, Ira C», on Denver 14-5:93 Bench, 15:261+. ROSENWALD, Lessing, testi- ROTHEitfBERG, Morris,, on New York fies before Anglo- City Bench, l).0:362 American Committee of ROTHSCHILD, Edmund de. Baron, Inquiry, 1+8:^03 Palestine colonies supported ROSENWALD, William, des- by, ceded to ICA, 2:37-38; cribes work in behalf 4:27,28; 17:14-9-50; of German Jewish refu- aids colonists in Palestine, gees, 39:792; 17:39,1+1,1+3,1+5,1+6,1+7,62; on Board of Direotors of 26:127-128; Philharmonio Symphony memorial resolution of American Society of New York, Jewish Committee on, 37:1+01 14-3:31+5; ROTHSCHILD, Edouard de, Baron, thanked by Pres. Roose- efforts for repeal of Nazi velt for work of Na- laws in North Africa, tional Refugee Ser- 1+5:197 vice, 1+7:321+ -283-

ROTHSCHILD, Harold S., on ROTHSTEIN, Leonard J., data con- Newark, N.J., Board of cerning, 6:222 Education, 25:123 ROUBIN, Solomon, biographioal ROTHSCHILD, Herman, in sketch, 5:92-93 Oregon Legislature, ROUMANIAN Hebrew Md Society, data 8:186 concerning, 3:102-103 ROTHSCHILD, Isaac S., in "Roumanian Jews in America," arti- Illinois Legislature, cle by D.M. Hermalin, 3:88- 15:2614. 103 ROTHSCHILD, Jerome J., re-- ROWE, Leo S., data concerning, port on American Jew- 6:177-178; ish Committee's ser- delegate to Pan-American Con- vice to local Jewish ference, 8:1814-} communities, 147:709- honors conferred on, 9:1+75; 10: 712; 121; 11:231; 12:333; 19:25^; adviser to Committee's 20:170; 23:126; 35:110} 38: Community Service De- 1+07; 1+0:363; I4.21l4.6l4.-I4.65j partment, 14-8:625; 1+3:31+5; 1+9:791; delegate to Pan-American Scien- attends London Conference tific Congress, 18:1014; of Jewish Organiza- heads Latin American Division tions, 149:798 of State Department, 22:156 ROTHSCHILD, Leopold G.f ROWLEY, Francis H., approves Jew- Surveyor of Customs ish method of slaughtering for port of Indiana- animals, 25:380 polis, 8:183; 12:333 ROWSON, Shabtai, review of affairs ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer, in Great Britain, 14-6:187-195 Lord, correspondence ROXMER, Charles H., appointed city with the Vatican on attorney in Paterson, N.J., encyclical denouncing 2l+:89 blood accusation ROYAL Commission on Palestine, Bri charge against Jews, tish, to visit Palestine and 16:82-85 report on disorders, 38:365- ROTHSCHILD, Richard C., 366; 39:1+614.; director of Domestic U.S. reaction to appointment, Public Relations De- 39:235-236; partment, American question of immigration during Jewish Committee, deliberations, 39:l+6l+,l465; 1+7:679 and the Arabs, 39:1+65-1466,1+72, ROTHSCHILD, Simon P., data concerning, 7:99 kth: ROTHSCHILD, Sylvester E., in testimony presented to, 39:1+67- U.S. consular service, 1+75; 20:170 hearings in London, 39:1475-1+76; ROTHSCHILD, Walter M., awar- recommends partition, 39:14-77, ded Medal of Freedom, 503-556; 50:509 other findings, 39:529-531+, 537* ROTHSCHILD-Hadassah Hebrew 538,553; University Hospital American reaction to findings, and Medical Center, 140:105-111 37:lU7i 1+1:230 RUBEL, Maurice, awarded French ROTHSTEIN, Julius, State Con- Legion of Honor, 38:1+07 troller of New York. RUBENSTEIN, Charles A., biographi* 14.1:14-03. cal sketch, 5»J93 -284-

RUBENSTEIN, E. Ivan, on New RUBOVITS, Edward, data concerning, York Bench, 44:323; 7:99 45:372 RUBY, Israel, appointed to Massa- RUBENSTEIN, Prank J., and chusetts Bench, Ul:l).01 JPS pension plan. RUDETJS, 3.P., article, "A Half 48:646 Century of Community Service: RUBENSTEIN, Philip, on The Story of the New York Massachusetts Bench, Educational Alliance," 8:184; 46:73-86 assistant District Attor- RUDICH, Mark, on New York City ney in Boston, 11:231 Bench, 32:114.5 RUBIN, Albert, in Massachu- RUDOWITZ, Christian,, aided by setts Legislature, American Jews, 11:64; 18:37; 39:570; 41:401 importance of admission to RUBIN, Barnet, biographical U.S., 12:31)4 sketch, 5:93 RUMANIA, anti-Semitic manifesta- RUBIN, Ben, in Wisconsin tions and excesses, 1:25-26, Legislature, 33:116; 32; 2:24-25,38; 3:78-83; 5: 39:570 18; 19:530-531; 21:243,276; RUBIN, Bernard, awarded 22:265; 23:2O3,,2O4; 25:84, Carnegie Medal for 85,99; 26:90,94.95,97-98, heroism, 20:170 104,107-108; 27:103,116.117, RUBIN, Is adore C, Chevalier 119; 28:99-102,111-116,487- of French Legion of 488; 29:52,83-86,91-93,416; Honor, 50:509 30:34,39,44-M>,296-306; 32: RUBIN, J. Robert, awarded 69,106-108,315-316; 33:31- honorary degree by 32,82-84,355-359,393; 34: Syracuse University, 66-68; 35:66; 36:232-234; 1*4:323 37:417; 38:291-296} RUBIN, Louis, president of minority rights in, 3:65-67; A3hley, N.D., Town 4:31-32; 16:387-388; 19:138; Council, 8:l86 139,153,154; 21:167; 22:113, RUBIN, Phil, mayor of Crystal 125-129; 23:350; 24:42; 25: River, Florida, 35:110 63,391; 28:68; 32:108; 40: RUBIN, Ruth, gathers folk- 599; songs of Jews in anti-Jewish legislation and America, 50:195-196 policy, 3:67-76; 10:190, RUBINER, Charles, on Michigan 219-220; 12:59-60; 15»364? Bench, 33:116; 35:110 17:369-370; 21:276,657-658; RUBINOW, Isaac M., data con- 24:59,60; 25:66,96.98; 28: cerning, 6:178 108,109; 29:60,61,85,419- RUBINSON, Jacob, biographical 424; sketch, 5:93 American note on treatment of RUBINSTEIN, Isaac A., bio- Jews, k:38-4l; 5:17-18; 26: graphical sketch, 5:93 412; 36:90; RUBLEE, George, director of Congress of Berlin considers Intergovernmental Jewish emancipation in, Refugee Committee, 19:147-152; 1*1:376,635; anti-Semitism opposed in, facilitates refugee emi- 23:203; 25:82-83; 26:98, gration from Germany, 111; 27:98; 28:115; 51:380-381,389 -285-

RUMANIA (oont.) RUMANIA under Nazis (cont.) assists Ukrainian refu- Iron Guard becomes supreme, gees, 23:204,205; 43:265-269} Rumanian declared sole anti-Nazi uprisings in, 44 = 269; language of instruc- Nazi terror in, 4°:262 tion, 25:34,64; 26:69, RUMANIA, post-war, anti-Jewish 659; 29:61; legislation suspended, 47:1}9; anti-Jewish discrimina- war criminals punished, 47:l+3oj tion and manifesta- disregards armistioe obliga- tions in schools and tions on rights of Jews, universities, 25:85, 47:716; 86,91-92; 27:105-108; problem of displaced persons, 28:31-32,107; 30:297; 48:118; 31:196-197,36U-376; anti-Semitism still present, refugee problem in, 26: 48:118,366; 50:365-366; slow restitution of property, 74-75: 48:365-366; U9:426-428; attitude toward Zionism political persecution, 49:429; and Palestine, 27:123} Peace Treaty of Big Pour with, 29:96; 49:562-565,570,571; Sabbath and holiday ob- Communists in control, 50:355- servanoe in, 28:26-27; 356; 29:96 Government attempts to curb RUMANIA under"Nazis, anti- anti-Semitism, 50:366 39:433-WU.8l0-8llJewish campaign in., See also Moldavia; Wallachia 81239433WU8l08l; U0:280,281-288l , RUMANIA, Jews of, take unified 290-299,598; U2:396- action in behalf of coreli- 399,401; U3:262-263, gionists, 2:l6j 264,267,268,269,270; efforts of Alliance Israelite 44:269-270; 45:325- Unlverselle in behalf of, 329; 46:261-262; 2:49-51,56; 33:72-73; governmental policies re- article by E. Schwarzfeld, garding Jews, 39:442- 3:25-62; 447; 42:401-402; history, 3:25-54.63-87; attitude toward Zionism, bibliography of articles on, 39:447-448; 40:597; 3:62; 42:406; and minority rights, 3:81-82; international reaction to 4:29-31; 15:195-196,222-223, Jewish persecution, 305; 16:203-206,268-269; 19: 40:103-105,167-168, 292; 20:254-255; 21:277-279; 182-183; 26:37,65.68,73; 27:34,75-76, JDC continues work in, 80-81; 28:38,71; 29:59,416- 41:169; 419; to cooperate with Poland emigration movement among, 3: in organized emigra- 84-91; 4:31; 6:24J 28:484; tion policy, 41:320- American reaction to situation 321; of, 4:20,38-41; 15:239-240; and the refugee problem, 16:134.135; 41:322; 42:404-406; review of affairs, 4:29 et seq.; Soviet Russia acquires part of, 42:396; -286-

RUMANIA, Jews of (oont.) RUMANIA, Jews of (cont.) efforts of American Jew- international opposition to ish Committee in be- persecution, 1+0:296; half of, 9:535; 10: American Jewish Committee urges 21+7-21+8; 12:59-60,351- U.S. to intervene in behalf 352; 18:31+8; 20:393- of, 1+0:588,599,620-621; 39U; 29:59,1+16-I±19; efforts to escape, 1+3:330-331; 33:32,356-357,381;; economic liquidation, 1+1+:271- immigration to Canada, 272; 10:206; 27:85; generosity of American Jews to, immigration to U.S., 10: 1+4:273; 192,219; 18:325; U.S. intervenes in behalf of, affected by World War I, 1+5:101; 18:150-151; flee to Palestine, 1+6:263; aided by JDC, 19:221*; anti-Semitism leads to exodus decorated for gallantry of, 50:1+55-1+56 in World War I, 19:292; RUMANIAN Jews in U.S., story of, Congress of American 3:86,88-103 Jewry planned in be- See also American Union of half of, 19:1+1+0; Roumanian Jews; Council of memorial to Versailles Roumanian Jews of America; Peace Conference in Culture League of Roumanian behalf of, 21:21+5; Jews in America; Federation persecution protested by of Roumanian Jews of America Zionist Conference, Roumanian Hebrew Aid Society 21:300; United Roumanian Jews of law providing for citi- America zenship, 22:261+,265; RUPPIN, Arthur, testimony before population, 22:365-366 British Royal Commission, et seq.; 39:1+69-1+70; and creation of Jewish death, 1+5:31+1+ political party, 30: RUPPIN, Louis, rabbi, 6:222 kki 33:81+; RUSKAY, Esther J., data concern- aided by American Jews, ing, 6:178 31:33; 32:68-69; 31+: RUSLANDER, David, on Buffalo 27; 37:11+3-11+1+; 38: Board of Education, 1+1:1+01 198-199,613-611+; 39: RUSSELL, Charles Edward, signs 233-231+; Christian protest against Morris D. Waldman reports anti-Jewish propaganda, on situation of, 33: 21+: 337 381+-396; RUSSIA, anti-Jewish manifesta- British efforts in behalf tions and excesses, 1:32; of, 31+:52; 7:229,231,236,238,239; 8:3l+- increased difficulty of 89,21+0; 9:519-521+; 10:221+- situation of, 37:193- 228; 11:80-88; 13:308-312; 196,198; lk:3O5; 15:223-221+, 305-306; under Nazis, review of 16:207-209,223-21+2.388; 17: affairs, 39:1+33— 21+1-252; 18:151-164,182-185, 1+5:325; 305-306; 19:292-301; 20:255- governmental policies re- 263,269,270; 21:280-281; 23: garding, 39:1+1+2-1+1+7; 31t+-3l5{ 21+:339-31+0,31+2,31+3; popular opposition to adversely influences Jewish movement against, 1+0: situation in Rumania, 3s 282,283-290,598; 52-53; -287-

RUSSIA (oont.) RUSSIA (cont.) and discrimination refuses to admit Georg Brandes, against passports of 16:180; American Jews, I).: 19, anti-Shehitah agitation In, 28-29; 5:22,110,133; 16:218-219,255; 6:22,283-305? 7:259- bans book by Herman Bernstein, 260; 11:21-U3! 123U 16:21+3; 13:20-21,37-38,U54, American Jewish Committee urges 60,76-87; lij.:196-210; equality for Amerioan Jews 23:U7-53; in new treaty with, 16:390- blood accusation in, U:28; 392; 15:306-31153 ; 16:20-21, converts to Judaism go to Pales 3U,52,U5276-79,209-2137 ; tine from, 17:96; 18:15UU; pro-Jewish sentiment in, 18:161).' refuaea to accept B'nai 168; 19:301-303; 20:263-265; B'rith petition on extends Pale of Settlement, 18: Kishineff maaaacre, 185-190; 5:22,130,133} condition of war refugees in, attitude toward Zionism, 18:190-195; 5:23; 11:96-97; American Jewish Committee proclaims religious opposes extension of credit liberty, 7:237; to, 18:300-301; Jews and the Duma, 8:237- American Jewish Committee com- 283,2lil+-2U6; 9:525- bats extradition of poli- 528; 10:221-223; 16: tical refugees to, 18:337- 218-221; 18:169-1735 338; 19:303-301+; Ozar petitioned for Jewish work of ICA in, 8:270; rights, 19:132; ll+:l;0; and Jewish rights in the Balkan Jewish bankers refuse to states at the Congress of float loan to, 9:5U7; Berlin, 19 :li+l+, 11+5,11+6; 23:29,30,31; refuses entrance to J.L. Magnes hindera Jewish emigra- as JDC agent, 19:203} tion, 12:59; overthrow of Czardom hailed by American Jewish Committee American Jewish organiza- urges general press to tions, 19:238-239; 20:370; print more news on, opposition to separate peace i2:35o-35l; ll+:202- with Germany, 20:371,372; 203; 18:3^9; Powers urge guarantee of civil American Jewish Committee and religious liberty in, protests ratification 21:168; of new treaty with, Jews and the war with Poland, 1342U4U5; 23:189-192; text of 187I+ treaty with emigres instigate attacks Germany, 13:63-61;; against American Jewry, treaty with Prance, 13: 21+: 31+3 65-76; See also Abrogation of treaty and abrogation of 1832 with Russia; Beilis case; treaty with U.S., II4.: Bund; Passport question 295; 15:238-239,1|39- RUSSIA, Jews of, conditions, Liw 10+3; 16:13U; 19:U59- 25; 2:25-27; 6:25-30; 17:36 1+60,1+61; emigration of, 2:26; l+:7l+,75j &: agitation in Great Brit- 23-21+,29-30; 7:2l+l-2l+o; 11: ain over passport dis- 56,67; ll+:l+3; 26:1+154+16} crimination by, 15: 352-353} -288-

RTISSIA, Jews of (oont.) RUSSIA, pogroms against Jews (cont.) efforts^of Alliance protests in U.S. over, 8:23-24, Israelite Universelle 90-91; in behalf of, 2:5l- Government responsible for, 8: 52,56; 35,37,82-85,89,240,248,249; review of affairs, 3:21 — report of Duma Commission on, 20:255; 8:36-37,70-89,247-248; restrictive legislation modification of U.S. immigra- against, 4:27-28; tion law asked for victims, fulfill military obliga- 8:90; tions, 4:27-28; 10: world-wide efforts for victims, 223; 8:241,243; allowed to settle on intensify need for interna- Chinese frontier, 4:29; tional Jewish organization, Kishineff massacre cli- 8:243; max in atrocities lead to organization of Ameri- against, 5:17-19; can Jewish Committee, 18: effect of Japanese War 324; 43:728 on, 7:23U-235,236, RUSSIA, Soviet, attitude toward 264-265; Zionism and Palestine, 21: communal activity, 10: 280; 22:266; 23:205,206; 25: 229; 16:247-249; 18: 69,72,78,105; 26:114-115; 27: 177-178; 19:311-312; 124-125; 28:117,118; 29:91; 20:271-271;; 31:69; 32:123; 33:361-363; Christian organizations 42:438-439; 47:462; in U.S. protest per- anti-Semitism in, 22:266,267; secution, 13:311; 2k:5l,65; 25:83,99; 26:89; agricultural colonies, 28:109-111,493-494; 29:60- 14:35-^1; 34:166; 61; 30:51,307; 32:126-127; 40:31; 47:118; population data, 15:424 opposes anti-Semitism, 23:206; et seq.; 25:102; 26:100-101,112; 27: events in World V!ar I 467; 28:102,115; 29:63-65; affecting, 17:257-272; 31:67,379; 32:320; 33:98; 18:179-206; 34:80; 38:302; 43:315; 48: relief work In behalf of, 324; 18:195-198; 19:204- disapproves use of Hebrew, 23: 205,215-217,304-306; 206; 29:428; 20:267-268; campaign against Judaism, 24: patriotism and gallantry 22-23,25-28; 25:43-47,389- in World War I, 18: 390; 26:46-49,656-658; 27: 204-205,305,348-349; 469-470; 30:51; 31:35,67-69, 19:314-315; 20:279; 379; in political life, 20: Third Internationale and Jewish 265-267} Labor Parties, 24:31; American Jewish Commiitee and Jewish agricultural move- prepares memorandum on ment, 24:33; 25:76; 27:59; disabilities, 20:273- 28:77-82; 29:63-65; 37:210; 274 attitude toward emigration, RUSSIA, pogroms against Jews 24:36; 25:57-58; of, 7:229,231,236,238, minorities in, 24:38-40; 25:67; 239; 8:34-89,238-241, 28:58-59; 29:54-55; 247; 9:519-522; -289-

RUSSIA, Soviet (oont.) RUSSIA, Soviet (cont.) proselytizing movement warns Rumania on anti-Jewish in, 25:30; excesses, 1+3:261; use of Yiddish in, 25:1+2; Litvinov and Zhadanov removed 26:1+1-1+2,67; 27:1+8,77; from office, 1+3:315-316; 28:58,72; 1+1:369-370; permits emigration of Polish status of Jewish labor, refugees, 1+3:330; 26:54-55; 27:63; closes Rumanian border, 1+3:330; autonomous Jewish state war with Nazis uproots East proposed, 26:58; European Jewry, 44:123; attitude toward refugees American relief activities in in, 26:75; 1+1:370; behalf of refugees in, 44: Jewish traders expelled 127,21+0; 1+6:163; from, 26:10l+; equality for Jews in army, American Jewish organi- ll23l zations subsidize +++; Technical schools in, Nazi atrocities in, 1+1;:236-237; 1+5:303-30!+; 1+6:21+6-21+9; 1+7: 27:1+5; 1+09-1+10; 1+8:322-323; anti-Jewish discrimina- freedom of religion in, 1+1+:238; tion in universities, shifts of Jewish population,' 27:1+69; l+t+:239; 1+5TZ98-299! attitude toward Shehitah, problem of Polish Jews in, 1+1+: 28:29; 239-240; 1+5:299-300; 1+7:1+08; blood accusation in, 1+8:31+6-349; 1+9:520-521; 29:91; few Jews prominent in, l+5:3Ol+; anti-religious campaign, attitude toward Jews and Juda- 29:1+27; 32:6^-66,87- ism, 1+6:250-251; 88,100,118-123,320- Roosevelt demands religious 321; 33:97-98; 34:79; freedom for American citi- 35:67; 36:235,236; 37: zens in, 1+7:39; 144,211; and UN Commission on Human autonomous Jewish regions Rights, 48:431,433,434,435, in, in Crimea, 37:210; 1+36; efforts of American Jew- differences with West on refu- ish Committee for gee problem, 1+8:1+38; religious freedom in, war crime trials in, 1+8:1+65; 37 :1| 20-1+22; attitude on Palestine, l+9:105t drive against foreigners 1+91+,1+96-1+97,500-502; 50:238- in, 50:308; 239,21+1,21+2,21+7,21+8,250-252; condemns persecution of and the struggle for power in Jews in Germany, Middle East, l+9:5l2,5l3,5H+; 1+1:370; attitude toward restitution of pact with Nazi Germany, property to Kazi victims, 42:270-271,437-438, 1+9:571,572; 650-651; ignores displaced persons' prob- Jews in Polish area occu- lem, 50:1+58; pied by, 1+2:377-378, and Nazi war crimes trials in 395,61+5-61+6; Eastern Germany, 50:1+99 and refugee problem in See Bl.robid.1an; Bolsheviks; Lithuania, 1+2 = 393, 39l+; Kerensky; Poland, Russian conquests in Eastern Occupied and under individual Europe affect Jews ad- states versely, 43:244,245, 251-255,257-258,719; -290-

RUSSIA, Soviet Jewa of, RUSSIA, Soviet Jews of, (cont.) victims of Bolsheviks, aided by British Jews, 32:88; 21:169-170,650; aided by American Relief Ad- review of affairs, 21:279 ministration, 41:156-157; et seq.; cited for valor in Finnish organizational, religious Campaign, 42:440; and cultural activi- join in war effort, 44:273; ties, 21:282,281+; 2$: 45:302-303; 46:249! 47: 31,32,73,79; 26:30-33, 410-414; 48:324-328; 36,41-42,80; 26:26; efforts of Palestine Jews to 27:37,38,i|6-48; 28:36- renew contact with, 44'• 277; 40,49,53,57; 29:1+4; 39: 45:335; 47:447; 456-457; 43:317; 47: join in mass mourning for Nazi 414-U16; 48:328-334; victims, 45:140; population, 21:603 et seq; in Resistance movement, 47: oondition of, 22:402; 23: 410-412; 345; 24:32-33; 25:54,- repatriation and reconstruc- 387-388; 27:72-74, tion, 47:417-419; 48:324- 467-468; 28:75-76,85, 328; 86,494; 29:426-427; review of affairs by George 32:123,318-319; 33: J, (Jerzy 0.) Gliksman, 94-95,383-385; 37:144; 49:393-409; 50:400-408 43:26; RUSSIAN Jews, immigration to U.S. economic conditions, 25: poses communal problems, 52-53; 26:52; 28:82; 2:30-31; 30:50-51; 32:125-126; settle in U.S., 4:74,75,76; agricultural activities, 14:59; 50:20; 25:55-56: 26:54; 27: refused admission by South 58-62; 28:55,79,80, Africa, 5:32; 495; 29:66; 30:32-33, form agricultural colonies in 41,50,308; 39:455-457; Palestine, 14:25-27; 41:156-161; discriminated against at German represented by Jewish De- universities, 16:181-182; partment, 26:71-72; affected by Swiss ruling on 27:82; foreign students in univer- Communists among, 26:81- sities, 16:252; 82; 28:91; 30:307; project for colonization in 31:70; 32:321; Mexico, 19:82-83; labor conditions of, 27: aided in Switzerland by JDC, 63; 31:64,67,378-379; 19:224; 32:123-124,125,318- and military service in Great 319; 33:95-96; 36:235, Britain, 19:319-320; 237; 40:304-306; fight for Prance in World War I, population data, 27:380 21:37,82-86; et seq.; Palestine Legion of, under affected by U.S. Immigra- British flag,, 21:104,125-127; tion Act of 1924, 27: bill for expulsion from Poland, 439-441,467; 21:272; American Jewish organiza- to be forbidden citizenship in tional activity in be- Rumania, 21:277; half of, 31:33-35; 41: expelled from Luxembourg, 157; 45:101,102; 21:297; -291-

RUSSIAJT Jews (oont.) RUTENBER3, Pinhas, power project criminality disproved, in Palestine, 25:114; 31:352-351+; plan opnosed by Arabs, 26:122; assisted in Constanti- conflict over policies, 1+3:292; nople by American Jew- death, 2+4:286 ish Committee, 32:307- RUTGBRS University, anti-Jewish 308; discrimination in, 31+:!+!+- attitude of U.S. Jews 1+5; 35 s 289 towards, 50:39,69-73; RUTLEDGE, Wiley, Supreme Court colony in Shanghai, Justice, minority opinion on 50:1+51+ separation of Church and RUSSIAN Jews, Union of. See State, 1+9:14.2,1+3 Union of Russian Jews RUTTENBERG, Nelson, in New York RUSSIAN Massacres, National Legislature, 26:131+ Committee for the Re- RYAN, John A., Monseignor, re- lief of Sufferers by, futes Father Coughlin's established, 18:325; anti-Jewish charges, 1+1: unexpended balance of 210-211 fund raised by, awar- RYPINS, Harold, charges anti- ded to American Jewish Jewish discrimination by Committee, 18:333 medical schools, 33:55; See also Russia, pogroms decorated by Italy, 38:1+07 In RYPINS, Isaac L., biographical RUSSIAN refugees, a Polish sketch, 5:93; problem, 26:71+; on St, Paul Art Commission, admitted to U.S., 26: 12:333 1+15-1+16; RYPINS, Stanley I., on faculty problem considered by of Minnesota State Teachers' League of Nations, College, 25:123 27:814.-85; RYTTENBERG, Moses R., New York aided by Canada, 27:192- City Magistrate, 2l+:89 201,215-216j to be settled in Latin America, 28:87 RUSSIAN War Relief. See Jewish Council for Russian War Relief - 292 -

SAADIA, Gaon, work of Henry SABBATH schools. Se_e Religious Malter on, 28:268-269; schools, Jewish article, by Robert Gordls, SABBATH School Union of America, 44:61-72; 3:115 Jewish Book Week observes SABSOVICH, Hirsch L., data con- 1000th anniversary of cerning, 6:178-179; birth, UU:HU organizes agricultural depart- SAAR Region, plebiscite in, ment at University of Colo- 37:140,181-182; rado, 37:127 Nazi propaganda in, 37: SACHER, Abram L., given honorary 116 degree by Illinois Wesle.yan, Jewish situation in, 38: 45:190,372; 319,352,612; article, "The B'nai B'rith Jewish refugees from, HiMel Foundations in Ameri- assisted to settle in can Universities," 47:141- South America, 38: 152} 392-393 heads B'nai B'rith Youth Organi- SABATH, Adolph J., in House zation, 48:153 of Representatives, SACHNOWITZ, Benjamin, biographical 9:437,479 et seq.; sketch, 5:93-94 biographical data con- SACHS, Alexander, Chief of Re- cerning, 10:73; search and Planning Divi- efforts to end Russia's sion, NRA, 35:110 discrimination SACHS, Bernard, president of New against American Jews, York Academy of Medicine, 11:39 35:110; SABATH, Joseph, on Illinois honored by French Government, Bench, 13:287; 17:217; 49:600 19:254; 36:259 SACHS, Julius, professor at SABBATH observance, efforts Columbia University, 4:195; in New York for, 10: data concerning, 6:179; 197-198; awarded honorary degree by in schools abroad, 24:21- Columbia University, 32:145 22; 25:24-25; 26:23- SACHS, Osoar, German consular 24; 27:25-26; agent for Kansas, 14:284 campaign in Soviet Russia SACHS, Paul J., awarded honorary against, 24:22-23, degree by Harvard Univer- 25-26; sity, 44:323 conflict with Sunday law, SACHS, Samuel, deoorated by War 25:23-24; Department, 39:570 action in U.S. and Europe SACK, Leo R., Minister to Costa relating to, 26:23, Rica, 36:259 et seq, 24-26; 26:66; 27:27; SACKLER, Harry, winner of Louis 44:100; LaMed literary award, and calendar reform, 27: 47:509 28-29; 29:28-29 SACKS, Harris W., biographical resolutions of Central sketch, 5:94 Conference of American Rabbis on, 42:204-20$ See also Holiday obser- vance -293- SACKS, Leon, in House of SALOMON, Haym, patriotic services Representatives, 39: in War of Revolution, 4:70; 570,736 et seq.j 28:210-212; resolution opooslng contribution to Mifeve Israel Palestine partition, Congregation, Philadelphia, 14.0:109 28:214; SADLER, Bernard, biographi- movement for erection of monu- cal sketch, 5:94 ment to, 31:30; 33:1+7-1+8; ST.LOUIS, Mo., meeting of 38:1+07 protest on Kishineff SALONICA, Greece, review of massacres held in, events, 15:299-300; 16: 6:379; 197-198; Jewish Americanization blood accusation denied. agencies in, 23:97- 16:197; 98; oritical position of Jews; Jewish educational agen- 19:197; 3l+:7O; cies in, 43:47 JDC aids Jews, 19:225; St.Louis S.S,. refugee ship, Jews effected by Greek Sunday pligEV of, Ul:387-388 law, 27:22-24,468; 29:22; ST. MEMIN, Charles Balthazar anti-Jewish agitation, 37:419; Julien Fevret de, por- 38:293; 50:371,373; traits of early Ameri- Jews invited to attend univer- can Jews painted by, sity, 38:299; 25:152-153 Jews aided by Greek government, SAKLE, Joseph, in Pennsyl- 39;45o,45ij vania Legislature, few refugees from, 46:3U 39:570 SALTIEL, Sdward P., in Illinois SALAMAN, Nina, translation Legislature, 39:570 of Jehuda Halevi's SALTONSTALL, Leverett, Governor of poems by, 27:491-492 Massachusetts, interfaith SALE, Llewellyn, professor activity, 47:701-702 at the Beaux Arts, SALTZSTEIN, Harry C, wins award Prance, 22:156 of American Medical Asso- SALE, Moses N., data con- ciation, 41:401 cerning, 6:179; SALUS, Herbert W., on Select Coun- on Illinois bench, 7:194; cil of Philadelphia, 20:170 31:83 SALUS, Joseph W., in New Jersey SALE, Samuel, biographical Legislature, 15:265 sketch, 5:95 SALUS, Samuel W., in Pennsylvania SALINGER, Benjamin, on Iowa Legislature, 13:287; 21:202; Bench, 17:217; 32:265 33:116; 37:233} 39:570; SALINGER, Simon F., blo- 41:401 aphlcal sketch, SALVADOR, Jacob, patriotism in the War of the Revolution, SALISBURY, Lord, advooates 28:212 Jewish emancipation SALVADOR, Jews of, 19:76-77 at Congress of Berlin, SALZMAN, Marcus, biographioal 19:140,142,141+, 148, sketch, 5?94 ll|9tl5O,l52 SAMBERG, Harry A., in New York SALMAN, Karl S., mayor of Legislature, 32:145; 33:116; Amsterdam, N.Y., 34:100; 35:111 26:135 SALMONS, R.A., in West SAMFIELD, M., biographioal sketch, Virginia Legislature. 5:94-95 13:287 SAMISGH, Hlllel, on Leavenworth, Kan., Board of Education, 39:570 -294-

SAMPSON, Arthur P., data SAN FRANCISCO UN Conference. See concerning, 6:180 UN Conference on Interna- SAMUEL, David B., in tional Organization, San Louisiana Legislature, Francisco 15:265; SANDBERG, Harry 0», article, "The on Louisiana Bench, Jews of Latin America," 38-407 19:35-105 SAMUEL, Herbert, Viscount, SANDERS> Joseph, on Michigan High Commissioner for Bench, 35till Palestine, 23:137,179; SANDERS, Leon, data concerning, 25:392; 6:180; reports improvement in defends the immigrant at Con- conditions, 28:509-510; gressional hearing, 12:60 plan to aid German Jews, SANDLER, Harry N., in Florida 38:215-216,255; Legislaturej 36:259; urges upholding of Bal- on Florida Bench, 37:233 four Declaration, 38: SANDLER, M., protests to League of 251+; Nations against Germany'3 testifies before Anglo- treatment of Jews, 36:94 American Committee of SANDWEISS, David J., wins award of Inquiry, l4.8tlj.O6 American Medical Associa- SAMUEL, Marcu3, Sir, Lord tion, 41:401 Mayor of London, 5:30 SAPHIRSTEIN, Jacob, New York SAMUEL, Maurice, wins prize Yiddish Journalist, 26:171, for book on racial 180 relations, 46:111,323 SAPIR, Boris, review of affairs SAMUEL, Ralph, Chairman of In Germany and Austria, Library Committee, 49:362-380; 50:375-387; American Jewish Com- co-author with Leon Shapiro, mittee, 47:678; 50: article, "Jewish Population 833; of the World," 50:691-724 report by, 47:703-705 SAPIR, Edward, awarded honorary SAMUELS, H. Bunyan, awarded degree by Columbia Univer- Carnegie Medal for sity, 32:145 heroism, 20:170 SAPIRO, Aaron, libel suit against SAMUELSON, Hyman, data oon- Henry Ford, 30:23-24 cerning, 5:95 SAPIRO, Milton D., on California SAN DOMINGO, Jewish colony Bench, 50:509 at, 49:114 SARA Delano Roosevelt House at SAN FRANCISCO, communal Hunter College, an inter- activity in, 1:18; faith project, 4U:ll6; Jewish sufferers in, 47:148 aided, 8:265; 11:244- SARASOHN, Kasrlel H., founder of 245,252-253; 18:347; the Tageblatt. 26:168,169, 34:125; 180; 3O;30 American Jewish Committee SARNOFF, David, honors conferred aids religious and on, 26:136; 37:233; 41:^01- educational institu- 402; 50:509; tions in, 10:243,255; director of Metropolitan Opera, Jewish Americanization 36:259; agencies in, 23:98-99 alumnus of Educational Alliance, SAN FRANCISCO, Temple Emanu- New York, 46:82 el, plan of synagogue, 28:191; illustration, facing, 28:192 -295- SASKATCHEWAN, Canada, Jewish SCHAEFER, Samuel M., organizer of agricultural colony Educational Alliance, New in, 11+: 50-51,52; York, 1+6:75 Jewish population, 1+8:25; SCHAFFER, Sehepschel, data con- passes anti-discrimina- cerning, 5:95; 6:222-223 tion law, 1+9:293 SCHAIKOWITZ (Shomer), Nahum M., SASS, Abraham, mayor of data concerning, 6:181 Carbondale, Pa., 10:121 SCHAMBERG, Jay F., data concern- SAUCKEL, Fritz, trial for ing, 6:181; war crimes, 1+9:585 aoademio career, 12:333; 21: SATJD, Ibn, King, correspon- 202,203 dence with Franklin D. SCHANFARBER, Tobias, biographical Roosevelt attacked by sketch, 5:95; Zionists, 1+8:231+; obituary of Joseph Stolz, 1+3: testifies before Anglo- American Committee of 1+1+1-W+ Inquiry, 14.8:14.11 SCHANZER, Albert D», in New York Legislature, 32:11+5; 33:116; SAUDI Arabia, American oil 3l+:100; 35:111; 36:259; 37: interests in, l+9:5ll+- 233; 38:1+07; 39:571; 515 on New York City Council, SAVANNAH, Mickva Israel Con- 1+0:363 gregation established, SCHAPIRA, Hermann (Zvi) suggests l|.:67-68,69; formation of Jewish National celebrates l5oth anni- Fund, l+:83; versary, 1+3:38 proposes establishment of SAVETH, Edward N., review Hebrew University at Jeru- of affairs in South salem, 39:180 Africa and Australia, SCHAPIRO, Israel, on faculty of 1+6:205-206,207-208; George Washington University, article, "Franklin D. 19:251+; Roosevelt and the Jew- heads Jewish Division of Library ish Crisis," 1+7:37-50 of Congress, 1+5:92 SAWELSON, William, Con- SCHARFMAN, Isaiah L., wins Harvard gressional Medal of Law School award, 1+1:1+02 Honor conferred post- SCHARLIN, Sidney, in New York humously on, 21:152 Legislature, 17:217 SAXE, Martin, in New York SCHATZ, Boris, establishes Bezalel Legislature, 7:191).; School in Palestine, 17:117; 9:1+79 Library of Hebrew Union College SCHAAP, Michael, in New York acquires collection of, Legislature, 15:265 1+5:85 SCHACHNER, Nathan, article, SCHATZ, Samuel, in New Jersey Leg- "Church, State and Edu- islature, 39:571 cation, " 1+9:1-1+8 SCHAUMBERG, Sol, biographioal SCHACKNO, Henry G., in New sketch, 5:95 York Legislature, 25: SCHECHTER, Frank I., address at 123; 33:116; 35:111 l+2nd annual meeting of JPS, SCHACKNO, Herman, on New 32:31+1-350; York City Benoh, memorial resolution of JPS on, 36:259 1+0:659 SCHACHT, HJalmar Horace SCHECHTER, Mathilde (Mrs. Solomon), Greeley, trial for war tribute to Joseph Jacobs, crimes, 1+9:581,587 18:30-31 -296-

SCHECHTER, Maurice, in SCHECHTEH, Solomon (cont.) Missouri Legislature, friendship with Cyrus Adler, 39:571 42:1+5-1+6,61,70-72; SCHECHTER, Paul B., awarded praises Bible translation of fellowship by Columbia JPS, 1+2:107-108; University, 36:259 head of Jewish Classics Com- SCHECHTER, Solomon, writings mittee, 1+2:108? and scholarship, 3s18; gives Genizah fragments to 10:274-275; 15:131- Library of Jewish Theologi- 133; 18:31-33,1+6-1+8, cal Seminary, 1+5:72 51,66; 27:1+89-1+91; 1+5: SCHECHTOR, Morris S., in New York 55-56,59; Legislature, ll+:281+ heads faculty of Jewish SCHEIN, S.B., decries overlapping Theological Seminary of organizations in defense of America, l+:l5,l6; work, 39:791 5:3U; 16:101*; 18:55- SCHEINFELD, Gedallia. military 56,58-59,60,61; 42: honors won by, 1+6:323 68-70,112-113; 44:78- SCHEINMAN, Benjamin J., on Cali- 79; fornia Bench, 33:116; 37:233 data concerning, 6:l8l- SCHEINMAN, Jacob H,, data concern- 182; 18:25-31,53; ing, 6:223 delegate to organization SCHELL, William I,, in Massachu- meeting of New York setts Legislature, 21:203 Jewish Community, SCHER, Zelig, wins Purple Heart, 11:1*8; 1+5:372 urges publication of Jew- SCHERESONEVSKY, Pincus, on faculty ish commentary on of New York State College of Bible, 11:275-276; 15: Agriculture, 20:170 118-119,172-177; SCHERMAN, Harry, on Board of Jew- receives honorary degree ish Publication Society, from Harvard Univer- 38:665; sity, 13:288; 18:52; resigns as trustee, 1+5:683; chairman of Board of Edi- gift to JPS, 46:602 tors of JPS Bible SCHERMAN, Katharine, work for JPS translation, 15:109; approved, 7:*12; 19:166; resigns as special representa- obituary by Cyrus Adler, tive of JPS, 9:#5 18:25-675 SCHICK, Bela, medical honors con- portrait, facing, 18:25; ferred on, 1+0:363; 1+3:31+5 gives series of lectures SCHIFP, Jacob H., endows Semitic at Gratz College, 18: Museum at Harvard, 5:31+; 37-1+0,55; 1+2:58-60; data concerning, 6:182; 23:21- discovers original Ben 21+, 32,59-61+; Sira MS., 18:40-43, decorated by Emperor of Japan, 51,53; 7:191; 23:27; work on MSS. in Cairo chairman of committee on cele- Genizah, l8:l+.5-J+6, bration of 250th anniversary 48-51,56; of settlement of Jews in founds United Synagogue, U.S., 7:262; 18:61-63; calls attention of State De- attitude on Zionism, 18: partment to restrictions on 64-66; 1+2:127; Jews in Morocco, 8:92,93, memorial resolutions of 91+-98; JPS on, 18:1+19; -297- SCHIPP, Jacob H. (cont.) SCHIPP, Jacob H. (oont.) gifts to Jewish Theo- tribute to work on American logical Seminary of Jewish Committee, 3l+:332- America, 9:551+; 1+2:70; 333; 1+5:71,73; attitude on federation, 1+O:28j attitude on Palestine and association with Cyrus Adler in Zionism, 10:217,232; American Jewish affairs, 23:53-56; 1+2:68,69; opposes Russia on pass- generous contributor to JPS, port question, 11:14.1- k2:105,108,109; l+9:8o5-8o6, U2.21+8; 13:1+0-1+1,83; 821,827,831; 23:1+7-53; l+2:9l+; gifts to New York Public active in organization of Library, 1+5:90; New York Jewish Com- organizer of Educational munity, 11:1+8,1+9; Alliance, New York, 1+6:75; and Bible translation of and the Bible translation, JPS, 15:182,1+71; address by David Phllipson, 19:509; 1+9:821-825; gift to Jewish Chatauqua and the Jewish classics, ad- Society, 16:108; dress by Alexander Marx, gives fund to JPS for 1+9:827-330; Jewish Classics, 16: and the Hebrew press, address U25; 17:1+01-1+02; by J. Solis-Cohen, 1+9:831- 1+5:59-60; 831+ aids Palestinian Jewry SCHIFF, John M., on council of New threatened by World York University, 39:571; War I, 17:359; wins National Boy Scout award, address before 28th 1+5:372 annual meeting of JPS, SCHIFF, Mortimer L., data con- 18:1+23-1+25; cerning, 6:182; awarded honorary degree organizes Jewish Committee on by New York University, Scouting, 30:31; 19:251+; president of National Council portrait, frontispiece, Boy Scouts of America, 23; 33:116; obituary by Cyrus Adler, represents Jewish Welfare Board 23:21-61+; on Commission on Training floats Japanese loans, Camp Activities, 39:152; 23:26,29; gifts to Library of Jewish Theo- refuses to float loans to logical Seminary of America, Russia, 23:29,30,31; 1+5:71 memorial resolutions of SCHILLER, Joseph, on Chicago American Jewish Com- Bench, 33:117 mittee on, 23:309-311; SCHIMMEL, Henry S., In New York JPS mourns death of, Legislature, 16:160; 17:217i 23:391-392; 18:101+; 19:251+5 biography of Cyrus Adler on New York City Bench, 1+0:363 reprinted in book form, SCHINDLER, Rudolph, awarded medal 25:381; by American Medioal Associa- efforts in behalf of tion, 38:1+07 unity of action among SCHINDLER, Solomon, data concern- American Jewry, 31+: ing, 7:99-100 320-321; -298. SCHINE, Edward J., on SCHNEIDERMAN, Harry (cont.) Connecticut Bench, obituaries of: Julius Kahn, 40:363 27:238-245; Israel Zangwlll, SCHLAGER, Simon, data con- 29:121-143; Herbert Frleden- cerning, 6:223 wald, 46:47-54; Irving SCHLAIFER, Morris E.f in Lehman, 4°:85-92; U.S. diplomatic ser- review of the year, 3O:23-.-35: vice, 20:170 21; co-author with Melvin M. SCHLENKER, D.J., Vicksburg, Fagen, 37:135-215; Miss., Alderman, 7:191; resolutions by American Jewish SCHLESINGER, Benjamin, Committee in honor of, Liberty ship named in 41:625; honor of, 14.6:323 tribute to work of Cyrus Adler SCHLESINGER, Prank, on en American Jewish Year Book faculty of Yale Uni- 42:702-706; versity, 22:156; resolutions by JPS in honor of, Officer of the French 45:695; Legion of Honor, introduction to review of the 38:1*07 year, 48:115-120; SCHLESINGER, Max, biographi- article, "The American Jewish cal sketch, 5:95-96 Year Book,1 1899-1948," SCHLESINGER, Samuel. See 50:85-104 Shiesinger, Sig SCHNEOUR, Zalman, wins Louis SCHLOESSINGER, Max, data LaMed prize, 48:475 concerning, 6:182 SCHNIER, Jacques, awarded gold SCHLOSS, Edwin H., obituary medal at Oakland Sculpture of Simon R. Miller, Exhibition, 39:571 47:201-206 SCHOCKEN Books published in the SCHLOSS, Joseph, on New York U.S., 50:181 City Board of Alder- SCHOCKEN Institute of Poetry pub- men, 8:186; lishes books in Palestine, in New York Legislature, 48:675 10:121 SCHOEN, Harry L., In New Jersey SCHLOSS, Seligman, data con- Legislature, 36:259 cerning, 7:100 SCHOENBERG, Arnold, musioal honors SCHLOSSBACH, Isaac, awarded won by, 49:600; Congressional medal, given award by National Insti- 14-1:1+02 tute of Arts and Letters, SCHLOSSBEFG, Joseph, on New 50:509 York City Board of SCHOENBRUN, Emanuel, biographical Higher Education, sketch, 5:96 38:407 SCHOENFELD, Frank, in New Jersey SCHMALHEISER, Samuel, on New Legislature, 33:117 York City Board of SCHOENFELD, H.F., in U.S. diplo- Aldermen, 22:156 matio service, 26:135 SCHNEEBERGER, Henry W., bio- SCHOENFELD, Julia, data concerning. graphical sketch, 5:96 7:100 SCHNEIDER, Joseph, president SCHOENFELD, Rudolph E., in U.S. of Law Society of consular service, 26:135 Massachusetts, 144:323 SCHOENSTEIN, Paul, wins Pulitzer SCHNEIDERMAN, Harry, edits Prize in journalism, 46:323 American Jewish Year SCHOFFEL, Louis A., in Mew York Book. 21 et seq. (with Legislature, 25:123; 26:135; Julius B."Mailer, 47- on New York City Bench, 36:259 48; with Morris Pine, 49-50); -299- SCHOLARSHIP, Jewish, in U.S., SCHOOLS, Jewish, in U.S. (cont.) 39:125; 45:47,49,50- personnel shortage, 47:232- 234; 48:141-142; SCHOLL, Walter M., in Ohio data on, 48:137-141; Legislature, 19:251; arts in, 48:145-146 SCHOLLE, Gustave, in U.S. See also All-day schools; Edu- diplomatic service, cation, Jewish; Hebrew Week- 12:333 day schools; Heder; Teachers; SCHOMER, Abraham S., dele- Yiddishiat Week-day schools gate to organization SCHOOLS, Jewish elementary, data meeting of New York concerning, 31:126-131, Jewish Community, 214-218 11:1+8 See also Congregations SCHONEY, Lazarus, data con- SCHOOLS, Private Progressive Jew- cerning, 6:182-183 ish, in New York City, SCHONGUT, Jaoob, ooroner of 38:58-59 , Hew York, SCHOOLS, public. See, Public 12:333 schools SCHONTHAL, Joseph, gift to SCHOR, Arthur R., in Pennsylvania Library of Hebrew Legislature, 39:571 Union College, 45:85 SCHORNSTEIN, Emma (Mrs. Sam), data SCHOOL for Jewish Social concerning, 7:100 Work, activities, SCHORR, Daniel L,, review of 31:145-1^6 affairs in the Netherlands, SCHOOL for Jewish Social 49:331-343 Work, Alumni of, data SCHORR, Israel, data concerning, concerning, 46:423 5:96 SCHOOLMAN, Albert P., SCHORR, Saul, rabbi, 6:223 directs summer camp of SCHOTTENFELS, Sara X., data con- Central Jewish Insti- cerning, 6:183 tute, New York, 38:68 SCHREIBER, Benjamin F,, on New SCHOOLS. See Colleges and York Bench, 42:465; 43:345 universities; Educa- SCHREIBER, Cornell, mayor of tion; Public schools Toledo, Ohio, 20:170; 22:156 SCHOOLS, Jewish, in U.S., SCHREIBER, Emanuel, biographical 16:93-98,112-121;; sketch, 5:96-97 31:132,156,158; 38:64- SCHREIBER, Moses A., biographical 67,87-89,100-101; 44: sketch, 5?97 120; 50:52-53; SCHREIER, Eugene, data concerning, study of financial status 7:100-101 made by New York Jew- SCHULCHAN ARUCH, code upheld in ish Community, 22:35; Virginia court, 38:234 efforts to improve educa- SCHULMAN, Abraham, in New York tional standards and Legislature, 40:363; 41:402; teaching techniques, 43:345; 47:509 43:41-44,49-51; 44:120- SCHULMAN, Charles, in Massachusetts 121; 47:241-246; Legislature, 23:126 wartime program, 4^4:120; SCHULMAN, Joseph W., judge of Chi- development, 45:153; 46: cago Municipal Court, 23:126 104-106; SCHULMAM, Samuel, biographical survey by Uriah Zevi sketch, 5:97; Engelman, 47:228-254; active in JPS Bible translation, 11:276-281; -300-

SCHULMAN, Samuel (cont.) SCHWARTZ, Isaiah, heads Frenoh address at 25th anniver- Jewry during German Occupa- sary of JPS, 15:122- tion, i+7:7l+-75; U6 protests anti-Jewiah decrees, address at 33rd annual U7:89; meeting of JPS, arrest and escape, 1+7:93; 23:398-1+08 advocates Palestine for Jewish SCHOMAN, Jacob, biographical displaced persons, 1+6:1+01 sketch, 5:97-98 SCHWARTZ, Joseph J., Chevalier of SCHUMAN, William H., wins French Legion of Honor, Pulitzer Prize in 50:509; music, 1+5:372 decorated by Hungary, 50:509 SCHUR, William, data con- SCHWARTZ, Julius, data concerning, cerning, 6:183 7:101 SCHURMAN, Jacob G., presi- SCHWARTZ, Louis, in New York dent of Cornell Uni- Legislature, 35:111 versity, opposes SCHWARTZ, Louis, in Pennsylvania literacy test for Legislature, 33sll7; 37:233 immigrants, 12:97-98; SCHWARTZ, Maurice, director of signs Christian protest Yiddish Art Theater, 30:30 against anti-Jewish SCHWARTZ, R» Plato, honors con- propaganda, 2k'-337 ferred on, for orthopedic SCHUSCHNIGG, Kurt, Austrian work, 1+0:363 Chancellor, growth of SCHWARTZ, Ralph, in New York Leg- anti-Jewish feeling islature, 37:233; 38:1+07; under, 37:1+10-1+11 39:571; l|O:363; 1+1:1+02; SCHWAB, Charles M., corres- l+3:3U5; 1+5:372 pondence with American SCHWARTZ, S.D., obituary of Emil Jewish Committee on Gustave Hirsch, 27:230-237 discriminatory adver- SCHWARTZ, Samuel, mayor of Eagle tisement of Emergency Pass, Tex., 23:126 Fleet Corporation, SCHWARTZ, Tobias H., biographical 21:639-61+2 sketch, 5:98 SCHWAB, Flora (Mrs. M.B.), SCHWARTZ, U.S., on Chicago Board data concerning, 7:101 of Aldermen, 20:171 SCHWAB, Isaac, biographical SCHWARTZ, William, in New York sketch, 5:98 Legislature, 32:11+5; 3U:100; SCHWANENFELD, J.S., cantor, 35:111; 36:259; 37:233; 6:223 38:1+08; 39:571 SCHWARTZ, A.W., in New Jer- SCHWARTZBARD, Sholom, trial for sey Assembly, 13:288 murder of Semion Petlura, SCHWARTZ, Abba P., article, 30:39 "International Refu- SCHWARTZWALD, Jacob J., in New ee Organization," York Legislature, 32:11+5; f0:l+73-l|83 33:117; 3l+:100; 35:111; 36: SCHWARTZ, B.L., in Missouri 259; 37:233; 39:571; 1+1:1+02; Legislature, 15:265 SCHWARTZ, Benjamin H., in SCHWARZ, Lazarus, mayor of Mobile, New York Legislature, Ala., 11+: 281+ l8:10>+ SCHWARZ, Leon, mayor of Mobile, SCHWARTZ, David, North Ala., 30:73; 33:117 Dakota state's attor- SCHWARZ, Ralph J., on faculty of ney, 25:123 Tulane University, 9:1+75 SCHWARTZ, I.J., wins Louis LaMed Literary Award, 1+6:323 -301- SCHWARZFELD, E., articles: SEARS, Roebuck. Julius Rosen- "The Jews of Roumania," wald's connection with, 3:25-62; "The Situa- 31+: 150-158 tion of the Jews in SEASONGOOD, Murray, mayor of Cin- Roumania since the cinnati, 28:11+2; 30:73; Treaty of Berlin 37:233 (1878)," 3:63-87; SEATTLE, Washington, Congregation letter to JPS on its 25th Temple de Hirsch, illustra- anniversary, 15:1+9-51 tion, facing, 28:188 SCHWEITZER, David J., SEBAG-Montefiore, W., service in honored by French World War I, 27:171+ Government, 1+0:363; SEELIG, Lee D., in Missouri decorated by Dominican Legislature, 39:571 Republic, 1+3:31+5 SEGAL, Eugene, articles by, ex- SCHWIMMER, Rosika, awarded posing American Nationalist unofficial peace prize Party, 1+8:171+ by World Committee, SEGAL, Simon, review of affairs; 1+0:363 in Bohemia-Moravia, 1+3:210- SCOTLAND, anti-Semitism in- 216; in Poland, 1+3:229-21+7; creases in, 1+7:353 in the Baltic countries, SCOTLAND, General Assembly 1+3:21+7-258; in Eastern of Church of, condemns Europe, 1+1+: 232-253; 1+6:21+0- anti-Semitism, 38:251 253 SCOTT, Sir Walter, immortal- SEID, Daniel, Liberty ship named izes Rebecca Gratz, in honor of, 1+6:323 25:155 SEID, Ruth. See Sinclair, Jo SCOTTISH Rite of Freemasonry. SEIDEL, Jacob M., biographical See Freemasonry sketch, 5:98 SCOUTING, B'nai B'rith ac- SEIDENBERG, Edward, on Nome, tive in, 1+5:113 Alaska, City Council, 36:259; See also Aleph Zadik mayor of Nome, 38:1+08 Aleph National Commit- SEIDLIN, Joseph, on faculty of tee on Scouting; B'nai Alfred University, 23:126 B'rith National Com- SEIDLIN, Mrs. Joseph, on faculty mittee on Scouting; of Alfred University, 23:126 Boy Scouts; National SEIXAS, Abraham Mendez, colonel in Jewish Committee on Continental Army, 6:1+3 Scouting SEIXAS, Benjamin Mendez, founder Scribne;-'s, article in, cri- of New York Stock Exchange, ticized by American 6:!+3 Jewish Committee, SEIXAS, Gershom Mendes, patriot 27:10+7-10+9 rabbi of New York, l+:67; SCRIPPS-HOWARD press exposes 6:1+1-1+2,1+3,1+6-1+8; 28:213; American Nationalist trustee of Columbia College, Party,'1+8:171+ l+:69; 6:1+5; 28:2ty; SCUDDER, Vida D., signs 1+1:27; Christian protest participates in inauguration of against anti-Jewish President Washington, l+:70j propaganda, 21+: 337 6:1+6 SEABURY, Samuel, signs Chris- article by N. Taylor Phillips, tian protest against 6:1+0-51; anti-Jewish propaganda, portrait, facing, 6:1+2; 21+: 337 preaches sermon in St. Paul's SEARS, Richard W., business Church, New York, 6:1+5-1+6; career of, 31+: 11+8-11+9, 28:214: 151 -302- SEIXAS, Grace, data coneern- SELIGSBERG, Alice L., obituary by ing, 6:1)3-1)4 Rose G. Jacobs, 1+3:1+31-1+36; SEIXAS, Isaac Mendez, bio- portrait, facing, 1+3:1+31; graphical data concern- Zionist activity, 1+3:1+33-1+35 ing, 6:1-0-1+1; SELIGSOHN, Max, data concerning, signer of non-Importation 6:185-186 Agreement of 1770, SELIKOVITSCH, George, data con- 6:1+1 cerning, 6:186 SEIXAS, Moses Mendez, cor- SELLIGMAN, Alfred, data concern- respondence with George ing, 7:102 Washington, 6:1+3; 1+2: SELLING, Benjamin, in Oregon 315 Legislature, 11:231; 13: SELEKMAN, Benjamin M., arti- 288; 17:217; cle, "The Federation nominated for U.S. Senate, in the Changing Ameri- 14:281+; can Scene," 36:65-87; awarded honorary 'degree by Fellow of American Oregon State College, 32: Academy of Arts and 11+5; 33:158-159; Sciences, lj$:372 obituary by Henry J. Berkowitz, SELIGMAN, Alfred Joseph, 33:155-163 data concerning, SELLING, Lawrence, wins fellowship 6:183-181+ at Johns Hopkins University, SELIGMAN, Arthur S., mayor 12:333 of Santa Fe, N. Mex., SELZ, Rudolph, deported from 12:333; Germany as undesirable governor of Hew Mexico, alien, 38:319-320 33:117, 267 et seq. SEMAN, Philip L., honored by Boys' SELIGMAN, Ben B., and Clubs of America, 37:233; Harvey Swados, article^ 1+1+: 323 "Jewish Population SEMEL, Bernard, active in organi- Studies in the U.S." zation of New York Jewish 50:651-690 Community, 11:1+8,1+9 SELIGMAN, Edwin R.A., data SEMINARY College of Jewish Studies concerning, 6:l81+; established, 38:71-72 honors conferred on, SENATE. See United States Congress 7:191; 28:11+2; 30:73; SENDEREY, M., review of events in 33:117; 1+0:363; South America, 50:268-277 on committee to revise SENIOR. Max; data concerning, New York State tax 7:102; laws, 8:l81+; promotes organization of Na- teaches at Educational tional Jewish Conference of Alliance, New York, Charities, 3l+:12l+; l8 aids federation movement, , Isaac N., data 31+: 127 concerning, 6:l81+-l85; Sentinel, Chicago, libel case, death; 20:381+ decision on, 50:217 SELIGMAN, Jefferson, data SEFTINELS of the Republic, anti- concerning, 6:135; Jewish organization, 38:221 awarded French Legion of SEPHARDIC Brotherhood of America, Honor, 12:333 26:507-508 et seq. SELIGSBERG, Alfred, data SEPHARDIC communities. See World concerning, 7:102 Federation of Sephardic Comnunities -303- SEPHARDIC Council of America, SERVICEMEN and veterans, article data concerning, by Louis Kraft, 1+8:161+-172 1+2:557 SESSLER, Morris, data concerning, SEPHARDIC Jews, first Jewish 6:223 immigrants to U.S., SETTLEMENTS, Americanization work U:73; done by, 23:93-99 obtain full Spanish SEVENTH-DAY Baptists and Sunday citizenship, 27:76-77; law, 10:172,176,186,188 28:69; SEVENTH Day Sabbatarians exempted activities in U.S., 1+5: from provisions of Sunday 11+3; U7:220; law in several states, renaissance of, 1+9:118; 10:169,170-171,173,175,178, characteristics, 5>O:3; I8ofl8i+,l85,l88 ritual followed in early SERVIA. See_ Serbia American synagogues, SEVRES, treaty of, modification 50:31; urged, 23:139 colony in Shanghai, SEYSS-INQUART, Arthur, trial for 5O:li5U war crimes, 1+9:585 SEPHARDIC World Conference, SG'JTT, Julius, mayor of Harvey, proceedings, l;0:3l+9 N.D., 10:122 SERB-Croat-Slovene State SHAFFER, Isidor, decorated by agrees to protect Greek Government, 26:135 minority rights, SHAHAN, Thomas J., signs Christian 21:167; protest against anti-Jewish Jewish population, 26:573 propaganda, 21+:337 See also Yugoslavia SHAKESPEARE, William. See SERBIA, Alliance Israelite Merchant of Venice Universelle aids Jew- SHALLECK, Benjamin, on New York ish emancipation in, City Bench, 32:11+5 2:51; SHALOM, New York, Jewish agricul- review of affairs, 10: tural colony projected at, 220; I5:3i;2; 16:251- 11+: 56-57 252; 21:293; SHANE, David, biographical sketch, Jews suffer as result of 5:98 1912 war in, 15:190, SHANGHAI, society for rescue of 191-192; Chinese Jews in, 3:22; Jews aided by world gift of Jacob E. Sassoon to Jewry, 15:195; Jewish community, l6:lS0; Jewish population, 15: Jewish refugees in, 1+1:389; 197-198,200 et seq.; 1+2:1+56-1+57; 1+3:336; 1+4:298; shows gratitude to Jews 1+8:210,211+; 1+9:1+76-1+82; for heroism in Balkan 5o:251+,l+5o-i+53; Wars, 16:251; emigration of refugees from, Jews suffer in World 1+9:11^,216,21+2; 50:231,765; War I, 18:206; 19:225; statistics on Jewish displaced minority rights in, 19: persons in, 50:708; ^,.^3-1^9,152,153; statistics on emigration and JewS of, article by I. repatriation of Jewish Alcalay, 20:75-87; refugees from, 50:710-711 refuse to accept Hitler- SHAPERO, Harold S., wins prize of ism, 1+3:280 American Academy in Rome, See also Yugoslavia 1+3:314-5 SERVICE Bureau for Inter- SHAPIRO, Charles H., memorial re- cultural Education, solution of American Jewish work of, U3;ll8-119 Committee on, 25:393 -SOU- O, David, endows chair SHAY, Harry, awarded Gold Medal at Hebrew University, of Fifth Congress of 30:35 Radiology, i+0:363-36^4. SHAPIRO, Eudice, wins prize SHEARITH Israel Congregation, New awarded by National York, suspends services dur- Association of Music ing British occupation, 6: Clubs, 39:571 41; 28:213; SHAPIRO, Harry, in Pennsyl- Gershom Mendez Seixas rabbi, vania Legislature, 6:41,44; 35:111; 39:571 SHAPIRO, Irwin, wins award erects memorial tablet to of Julia Ellsworth Seixas, 6:50-51; Ford Foundation, calls meeting to celebrate 50:509 25oth anniversary of settle- SHAPIRO, Isidore, in Alabama ment of Jews in U.S., 7:262; Legislature, 16:160; school one of earliest in U.S., 17:21? 16:93; SHAPIRO, Joseph, biographi- architecture, 28:175; cal sketch, 5:98 illustration, facing, 28:176 SHAPIRO, Joseph G., on Bench SHEHITAH, agitation in various of Shelton, Conn., European countries against, 24:89 9:549; 15:301,354; 16:218- 219,255,268; 17:233; 21:301; SHAPIRO, Karl Jay, wins 2l;:25; 25:26,27; 26:26-28; Pulitzer prize in 27:29-30; 23:28-29; 29:25, poetry, 47:509 210-214; 30:38,40,42,43,47- SHAPIRO, Leon, review of 48,392; 31:42,362; 32:97- events: in Poland, 98,308; 33:365; 38:197-198, 49:380-392; 50:387- 258,272,283,342-345,381; 399; in Czechoslovakia, 39:342-345,363,393-395,809- UlU6 810; 40:255,299,300; 41:291- co-author with Boris 292,293,294,303,306; 44:227 Sapir, article "Jewish in U.S., 10:196; 25:26-27; 30: Population of the 27; 31:27-28; World," 50:691-721; activity of American Jewish SHAPIRO, Meyer M., wins Committee in defense of, Phelps Montgomery 16:402; 18:337; 29:410-414; prize at Yale Univer- 32:308; 33:365-367; 37:197- sity, 12:333 198; SHAPIRO, Nathan D., in New article, by Moses Hyamson, York Legislature, 25:163-179; 17:218; 19:254 medical opinions on humaneness, SHARFMAN, Isaiah L., on 25:174-179; faculty of University forbidden in Argentina, 35:65 of Tien-Tsin, 12:333 SHELDON, Charles M., signs Chris- SHAW, George Bernard, tian protest against anti- assails policies of Jewish propaganda, 24:337 Hitler, 40:161 SHEMANSKI, Alfred, Regent of the SHAW, Walter, Siy, heads University of Washington, British Commission to 36:259 Palestine, 32:63 SHER, David, heads Administrative SHAW Commission of Inquiry, Committee of American Jew- Report, protests ish Committee, 48:622 against, 32:63,135-136; SHERBOW, Joseph, on Maryland analysis made to League Bench, 36:259 of Nations by Jewish SHERMAN, Carl, New York attorney Agency, 32:136 general, 25:123 -305- SHERMAN, Honry L., on Few SHOHER, Nahum M. See Schaikowitz York 3enoh, 32:11+5; '3H0MER Hadati Organization of 33:265; 3l+:236 America, 39:61+6-61+7 SHERMAN, Philip, in Massa- SHOOLMAH, Benjamin J., on Maiden, chusetts Legislature, Mass., City Council, 19:25k; 39:571 20:171 5HERT0K, Moshe, testimony SHRODER, VJilliam J., president of before British Royal Cincinnati Board of Educa- Commission on Pales- tion, 35:111 tine, 39:1+69,1+71; SHUB, Louis, review of affairs in opinion on Arab-Jewish Latin America, U5:31+5-352; relations, 1+8: 378-379; 1+6:293-301; 1+7:1+72-1+83; deplores violence as articles: "The Palestine Prob- political instrument, lem," k9:l+83-52O; "Palestine U8:383; in the UN and the U.S.," presents Jewish case to 50:236-267 Anglo-American Com- SHUBOW, Joseph, on Maryland mittee of Inquiry, Supreme Court Bench, 1+6:323 L8l SHUGAM, William, biographical SHEVELOVITZ, Jacob, family sketch, 5:99 admitted to U.S., SHULMAH, Sadie L., on Massachu- 8ltU5 setts Bench, 33:117 SHIENTAG, Bernard L.t on SHUSTER, Zachariah, edits Com- New York Bench, 32: mittee Reporter, 1+7 :676 11+5; 33:117,266; 31+: SHWADRON, Benjamin, article, 236; l

SINGER, Jack, Liberty ship SLEPIAN, Joseph, member of Na- named in honor of, tional Academy of Sciences, 1+6:323 U3:3t+6; SINGER, Jacob, lawyer, data wins award of American Insti- concerning, o:l89 tute of Electrical Engi- SINGER, Jacob, on faculty of neers, 1+5:372; University of Nebraska, wins 191+7 Edison medal, 50:509 19:251;; SLEPPACHER, W. Maurice, awarded on faculty of North- Carnegie Hero Medal, 18:101+ western University, SLESS, Henry, awarded honors in 33:117 World War II, 1+8:55-56 SINGLETON, John, Sir, on SLESINGER, Reuben E., wins award Anglo-American Com- at University of Pittsburgh. mittee of Inquiry, 38:1+08 1+8:1+00 SLESINGER, Sigmund, data concern- SIROVICH, William I., in ing, 6:186 House of Representa- SLOAN, Jacob, assistant editor, tives, 29:113, 226 American Jewish Year Book, et seq.; 5o urges abrogation of treaty with Rumania, SLOAN, Joseph, on Pennsylvania 30:31+; Bench, 39:571; 1+0:361+. SLOSS, Hattie Hecht (Mrs. Marcus efforts in behalf of C), data concerning, 7:103 Jews of Rumania, SLOSS, Marcus C, on California 31:366-373; Bench, 8:181;,187; 9:1+79; efforts to settle German 13:288; 33:265; 3U:235 refugees in Cuba, SLOSSON, Edwin E., signs Chrlstia: 39:1+90 protest against anti-Jewish SISSON, Robert T., in propaganda, 2l+:337 Massachusetts Legis- SLOSSON, Preston, signs Christian lature, 1+7:510; 1+9:600 protest against anti-Jewish SIVITZ, Moses S., biographi- propaganda, 21;: 337 cal sketch, 5:100 SLOUSCH, Nahum, letter to JPS on SKALE, Joseph, in Pennsyl- its 25th anniversary, 15:52 vania Legislature, 53 39:571; 1+1:1+02 SLOVAKIA, anti-Jewish policy afte SKARATON, David, thanked Munich Pact, l;l:273-27l+,277 for services with the 278; 1+2:353-351;; i;3:217-220 Press of the JPS, kk:255-256; 1+2:688; 1+3:78?; Lk'- review of affairs: 1+2:353-351;; 513; 1+7:71+6; 1+8:653, 1+1;: 253-257; U5:3i9-322; by 671 Eugene Hevesi, 1+3:216-220; SLANGER, Prances Y., army Nazi terror in, l+l+:253-255; hospital ship named 1+5:319,320,321; 1+6:263-265; after, 1+8:1+75 Christians friendly to Jews, SLAVERY, American Jewry 14+:257; divided on issue, Jewish property confiscated, 1+5:320,321; problem of displaced persons in, 1+8:118 -309- SMITH, Gerald L.K., anti- SNELLEN3URG, Abraham, presidential Semitic activity, elector, 10:122 1+1+: 159-160; I;5:186; SNITKIN, Leonard A., on New York 1+6:137,139; U7:272- City Bench, 12:331+ 273; U8:173,17l+-177, SOBEL, Isador, data concerning, 178,130; 1+9:190-192; 6:189-190; 1+2:175-177; 50:213-211+; postmaster of Erie, Da., 8:l8l+; opposed by veterans or- 12:331+; " ganizations, 1+9:203 president of Erie Bar Associa- SMITH, Henry E., on Chelsea, tion, 35:111; 36:259; 37: Mass., Board of Edu- 231+; 38:1+08; cation, 19:251+ portrait, facing, 1+2:173; SMITH, Rufus B., address, obituary by Max C. Currick, "The United States 1+2:173-177 Passport and Russia," SOBEL, Louis, Brooklyn park named 13:116-128 in honor of, 1+0:361+ SMITHSONIAN Institute, SOBEL, Louis H., article, "Jewish career of Cyrus Adler Community Life in Latin at, U2:36-1+1,1+7-1+8, America," 1+7:119-11+0 60-61 SOBEL, Samuel, first rabbi appoin- SMUTS, Jan, approves Jewish ted regular navy chaplain, national home in 1+9:600 Palestine, 33:71; 1+U: SOBLE, Julius H., in Massachusetts 176; U5:223; 1+7:372; Legislature, 33:117; 35:111 Ii9:298,299; SOBOKIN, Samuel, in U.S. consular efforts to combat anti- service, 37:231+ Semitism in South SOCIAL justice, discussed by Africa, 39:310; 1+7:370} Central Conference of Ameri- friendly toward refu- can Rabbis, 1+0:11+2-11+3; gees, 1^6:206; 1+2:207-210; expects San Francisco UN United Synagogue of America Conference to consider joins conference of reli- minority question, gious groups on, 1+8:123; 1+7:372; increasing awareness of, after attitude toward Jewish World War II, 1+9:11+3-11+6; immigration to South 50:177-178 Africa, 1+9:305,306; Social Justice, anti-Jewish electoral defeat affects periodical, 1+1:209,211; Jewish position in 1+2:285,289; South Africa, 50:298- ceases publication, !+U:l58-l59 302,303-301+ SOCIAL-philanthropic work, Jewish SHEH, Moshe, on Jewish communal organization for, Agency Executive, plan 31:161-167 for Palestine, 1+9:506 SOCIAL research, Jewish, In the SNELL, Harry, member of Shaw U.S., article by Hyman Commission of Inquiry, Kaplan, 22:31-52; 32:136; organizations established for, blames Arab agitation 22:32-38 for riots in Pales- SOCIAL Service Association, Jew- tine, 32:136; ish, of New York City. See efforts for Arab-Jewish Jewish Social Service Asso- rapprochement, ciation of New York City 33:103 -310-

SOCIAL welfare work, Jewish SOCIETY of Jewish Art, data con- organizations active cerning, 10:38—13:238; in, 39:81-82,116-117, organized in New York, 10:197 281-286,650-657; 1*0: S0K0L0W, Nahum, address at Fifth 11*9-155; '42:307-311; International Congress of 1*3:72-87; 1*5:166-171*; Zionists, 5:82; 1*7:2^-263; 50:137; president of World Zionist change in attitude re- Organization, 3l*:9O garding, 39:88-90, SOLINSKY, Harris, on the 3taff of 129-131,132-135; the governor of Tennessee, effect of depression on, 10:122 39:90-91,127-128,129; SOLIS, Isaac N., data concerning, trends in, 39:127-137; State aid for, 39:128- 6:190 SOLIS-COHEN, David, data concern- 129; ing, 6:7U-75; democracy basis for work on Portland, Ore., Executive in, 39:231*-285; Board, U+.:285 See also Welfare funds SOLIS-COHEN, Emily, translation of SOCIALIST Labor Party, Judah Steinberg's stories Jewish, Poale Zion of by, 20:1*15 U.S. and Canada. See SOLIS-COHEN, J., Jr., reports as Jewish Socialist president of JPS, 36:1*82- Labor Party Poale Zion 1*88 et seq.; of U.S. and Canada tribute to work of, 1*0:61*1*; SOCIALIST Organization 1*1:688; 1+8:671; 1*9:807; Poale-Zion of America, tribute to Simon R. Miller, 9:l*li-1+6—11:165 1*7:203-201*; SOCIALIST Organization address, "Jacob H. Schiff and Young Poale-Zion of the Hebrew Press," America, data con- 1*9:831-831* cerning, 18:251* SOLIS-COHEN, Jacob, data concern- SOCIETIES, new homes dedi- ing, 6:75; cated by, 13:291 — honored by Jefferson Medical 22:11*7 College and Temple Univer- See also Organizations sity, 11+: 285 SOCIETY for Advancement of SOLIS-COHEN, Myer, president of Jewish Musical Cul- Philadelphia chapter, Sons ture, data concerning, of the American Revolution, 1*1*:393; 1*6:323; activity, 1+5:161* memorial address on Mayer Sulz- SOCIETY for Advancement of berger, 26:382-1*03; Judaism, activities, honors conferred on, 31:83; 1*3:36; I*5:i61+-l65 35:111; 37:227; 1*1:1*02; SOCIETY for Promotion of tribute to Cyrus Adler's acti- Health among Jews. vity in JPS, 1*2:698-699; See OSE memorial resolution of JPS on, SOCIETY of American Cantors, 50:858 data concerning, 1:35—10:38 For later 'references, see Cantors Association of America -311- SOLIS-COKSN, Solomon, data SOLOMONS, Aline E., data concern- concerning, 6:77-78; ing, 6:191 activity in JPS, 15:63; SOLOMONS, Israel, collection 26:1+31+-1+35; acquired by Library of Hebrew efforts to have Solomon Union College, 1+5:80 Schechter head Jewi3h SOLOMONS, Levy, prominent in Theological Seminary Canada in Revolutionary of America, 18:37,52; period, 27:159-160 1+2:69; SOLOMONS, Lucius L., data con- address, "The Bible and cerning, 7:103-101+ the Layman," before SOLOMON'S Temple, Illustration, 29th annual meeting facing, 28:16 of JPS, 19:529-532 SOLON, Leon V., awarded medal by SOLOMON, Charles, in New American Ceramic Society, York Legislature, 38:1+08 21:203; 22:157; 23:326; SOLTES, Mordecai, article, "The on New York City Bench, Yiddish press - an Ameri- 38:1(08; 1+1:1+02 canizing agency," 26:165-372 SOLOMON, EdwardS., data SOMCHE Torah, 38:503—39:682 concerning, 6:179-180; SOMMERSTEIN, Emil, active in re- death reported, 12:viii; organization of Jewish life governor of Washington in Poland, 1+7:1+00,1+01,1+02, Territory, 33:267 1+03 et seq. 30NN, R.A., data concerning, 7:101+ SOLOMON, Eliaa L., data SONNEBORN, Sigmund B., data con- concerning, 6:221+ cerning, 7:10l+; SOLOMON, Seorge, bio- portrait, facing, 1+3:1+37; graphical sketch, obituary by William Rosenau, 5:100 1+3:1+37-1+1+0 SOLOMON, Hannah Greene- SONNESCHEIN, Rosa, data concern- baum (Mrs.Henry), ing, 6:191 founder of National SONNESCHEIN, Solomon H., bio- Council of Jewish graphical sketch, 5:101 Women, 33:17i+; i+6:57; SONS of Benjamin, Independent honored by Sigma Delta Order, 1:91-99—20:309 Tau Sorority, 1+0:36I+; SONS of David, Independent Order, biographical data con- 2l+:231-232—30:213 cerning, 1+2:62-63,65 SONS of Israel, Independent Order, SOLOMON, Haym. See 15:373—20:309 Salomon, Haym SONS of Jacob, Independent Order, SOLOMON, Henry, data con- cer ning, 7:103 7:138—13:237 SOLOMON, Jacob P., data SONS of the Jewish War Veterans concerning, 6:190 of the United States, SOLOMON,'Kalman, bio- 1+0:1+68—1+6:1+60 raphical sketch, SONS of Zion, Order. See B'nai f :100-101 Zion, Order SOLOMON, Leon, on faculty SONS of Zion, Order, Youth Coun- of University of cil, 39:691; 1+0:1+78 Louisville, I6:l6o SORORITIES, Jewish, organization SOLOMONS, Adolphus S., and purpose, 33:197 data concerning, SOSSNITZ, Joseph L., data con- 6:190-191 cerning, 6:192 -312- SOSUA Refugee Settlement, SOUTH Africa, Union of (cont.) Dominican Republic, political situation in, 39:311, Gen. Trujillo offers 312; 1+1:21+1-21+3; l+9:3Ol+,3O6- land for colony to, 307; 1*3:335 memorial services for Jewish SOUTH Africa, Union of, war victims held, 1+7:368; refuses admission to protest to UN Assembly at Russian Jew3, 5:32; treatment of Indians by, attitude toward Zionism 1+9:571+, 575; and Palestine, 21:239; recognizes Israel, 50:302 27:123; 29:95-96; 32: SOUTH Africa, Union of, Jews of, 91; 1+8:202-283; 50: population, 1:285 et seq.; 305-306; communal activity, 8:262; 39: protests in, at anti- 312-313; 1+3:145-11+6; 1+7:367, Jewish excesses in 368,369; 1+8:283; 1+9:119,301- Eastern Europe, 22:203; 303; 50:308-310; attitude toward Jewi3h review of affairs, 9:551-552 immigration, 23:153; et seq.; 25:59; 27:65; 32:90- decorated for gallantry in 91; 39:309-311,817- World VJar I, 20:282; 21:21+0; 818; 1+1:21+2; 1+8:286- 22:20(+; 287; U9:3O5,3O6,5U6- participation in World War I 51+9; 50:762; and II, 21:21+0; 1+2:330-331; Jewish children excused 1+3 :llj 3-11+6; 1+1+:176; 1+5:221+; from participating in 1+6:366-367; non-Jewish prayers, Zionist activities, 33:71; 1+1+: 29:1+1; 175; 1+5:223-221+; 1+7:369-370; anti-Jewish manifesta- l+8:281+-285; 1+9:297-300; 50: tions and policies, 306-308; 29:88; 3l+:51+; 38:259- aid Hitler victims, 1+1+:176; 260; 39:309,310,313; celebrate centennary of settle- 1+O:171j--178; 1*1:21+0- ment, 1+1+: 177; 21+1,21+3; U2:229-230; review of affairs: by Edward N. l+3:ll+l+-ll+5; 1+1+: 175- Saveth, 1+6:205-206; by Edgar 176; 1+5:221+; 1+7:370- Bernstein, 1+7:366-372; 1+8: 371; 1+8:285-286; 50: 281-287; 1+9:297-307; 50: 1+; 297-310; statistics on Jewish and Royal visit, 1+9:303-301+; immigration, 3l+:266 position affected by Smuts' et seq.; defeat, 50:298-302,303-301+ attitude on boycott of SOUTH African Eoard of Guardians German goods, 36:238; among signers of recommenda- 37:172; tion to 191+7 Parl3 Peace moves to suppress anti- Conference, 1+9:566 Jewiah propaganda, SOUTH African Jewish War Appeal 37:171-172,1+18; cooperates with JDC, 1+8:211 attitude on refugees, SOUTH America, Jewish population, 38:129-130; 39:311; l5:!+23 et seq.; 1+2:331; 1+6:205-206; review of affairs:'20:279-280; refuses financial aid for 31:39-1+0; b^ M. Senderey, Berlin Olympics, 38: 50:268-277;' 260; immigration possibilities, 21+:38; 30:33; -313- SOUTH America, Jewish SOVIET Union, Society for Jewish population (cont.) Colonization in. See IGOR educational and communal SOYER, Isaac wins Albright Art activities, 27:37; 28: aallery Award, 46:126-127 37; 1+3:63; 50:275; SPACHNER, Bertha Kalisch, data refugee aid in, 38:292- concerning, 6:192 293; 43:34,313; SPAIN, efforts to have Jews return plans for Intensification to, 7:258; 8:258; 15:343; of Jewish colonization review of affairs, 10:220 work in, 39:495-496; et seq.; efforts of American Jew- JDC aids Turkish Jews in, ish Committee to combat 19:226; anti-Jewi3h propaganda protests to Turkey on threat- in, 45:651-652; ened massacre of Palestine restrictive attitude on Jews, 20:375; immigration, 50:272- Jews protest pogroms in Poland, 273; 21:299-300; participates in memorial offers citizenship to descen- to Jewish war martyrs, dents of former Jewish sub- 50:276-277; jects, 27:76-77; 28:69,484; distribution of Jewish 34:61; population, 50:701 republic established, 34:61,291); See also Latin America repeals edict of expulsion of and under individual Jews, 33:73-74; countries protests Germany's anti-Jewish SOUTH Carolina, statistical policy to League of Nations, data on Jews and Jewish 36:96-97; activities, 3:149; 30: anti-Jewish manifestations and 194; 42:261; policy, 38:271; 39:323,814; first Jewish settlers, 42:435,436; 43:201; 44 = 230; 4:68; 28:198-199; 45:296; Sunday law in, 10:165,187; attitude toward participation experiments in distribu- in Berlin Olympics, 38:271- tion of immigrants, 272; 12:32-33; grants citizenship to stateless patriotism of Jews in Sephardic Jews, 38:272; War of Revolution, Hitler asserts Jewish responsi- 28:205-206,212 bility for civil war in, SOUTH Dakota, data on Jews, 39:339; 3:149; 30:194; 42:261; and refugees, 42:336,435; 43: Sunday law in, 10:165; 201-202,327,328; 44:231; 45: agricultural colonies 294,295,651; 46:237-238,310, established by Russian 311; 48:301; Jews in, 14:60,97; neo-Marrano movement in, 42:435! Bible reading in public Jew3 affected by annexation of schools, 49:23-24 Tangiers, 42:442; 45:296; SOUTHEASTERN Synagogue Con- Catholic Church opposes Nazi ference, organized, philosophy, 44:230-231; 47:220 center of relief and emigration SOUTHERN Rabbinical Associa- activity, 45:353,354; 47:390 tion, 5:155-156—10:38 See also Franco, Francisco SOVIET Union. See Russia, Soviet -314-

SPANISH-American War, Jew- SPELLMAN, Howard H.f on New York ish soldiers and sail- City Council, 1+0:361+ ors who served in, 2: SPiiRANZA, Gino C, publishes book 527-622; 4:72; 20:103 opposing immigration, 26: SPANISH Morocco. See 634-635 Morocco, Spanish SPEYER, James J., data concerning, SPANN, Max J., in Pennsyl- 6:193; vania Legislature, decorated by German Emperor, 33:117; 35:111 14:285; SPARGER, William, bio- on Senate of Frankfurt Uni- graphical sketch, 5:101 versity, 37:234; SPARGO, John, efforts to honored by Hundred Year Asso- combat anti-Semitism ciation, 40:364 in U.S.., 23:117; 21+: SPICKER, Max, data concerning, 332,337,338 6:193 SPEAKER, Henry M., data SPIEGEL, Adolph, biographical concerning, 6:192 sketch, 5:101; 6:224 SPEAR, Irving J., on SPIEGEL, Arthur, in Ohio Legisla- faculty of University ture, 11:232; of Maryland, 12:334 on Cincinnati Bench, 22:157 SPEARS, Edward, Major SPIEGEL, Frederick S., data con- General, testifies be- cerning, 6:193-194. fore Anglo-American mayor of Cincinnati, 16:160 Committee of Inquiry, SPIEGEL, Joseph, on Ohio Bench, 48:407 10:122 SPECTOR, Maurice, assistant SPIEGELBERG, Frederick, on New editor, American Jewish York City Bench, 10:122; Year Book, 1+9; 20:171 review of affairs in SPIEGLER, Samuel, article, "Com- Switzerland, 1+9:314-3- batting anti-Semitism," 347 48:188-201 SPECTORSKY, Isaac, data SPIELBERG, Harold, in New York concerning, ?:10l+ Legislature, 11:232; 12: director of Educational 334; 13:288 Alliance, New York, SPINGARN, Arthur B., president of 46:82 National Association for the SPEER, Albert, trial for Advancement of Colored war crimes, 1+9:586 People, 42:465 SPEER, Robert E., signs SPIRO, Isaac, police commissioner Christian protest of San Francisco, 12:334 against anti-Jewish SPIRO, Hathan, in Connecticut propaganda, 21+: 337 Legislature, 35:111 SPEIER, Herman, decorated SPITZ, Moritz, biographical by Rumania, 33:117 sketch, 5:101-102 SPEISER, Ephraim A., on SPITZ, Nancy (Mrs. George J.$, faculty of University data concerning, 7:105 of Pennsylvania, SPIVAK, Charles D., data concern- 34:100 ing, 6:194; SPEISER, Mrs. Martha G., memorial resolution of American in Pennsylvania Legis- Jewish Committee on, 30: lature, 25:123 317-316 SPEISER, ilaurice J., in SPORBORG, Constance A., honored by Pennsylvania Legisla- Russell Sage College, ture, 15:266 41:402 -315- SPORN, Philip, awarded Am. ATE Department (cont.) Institute of Llectri- American Jewish Committee pro- oal Engineers Edison tests ratification of new medal, 1+8:1+75 treaty with Russia, 13:1+2- SPORT, Jews organize U5; Maccabee movement for, 27:86 efforts to prevent massacre of STACEL, Jacob, on Cleveland Palestine Jewry, 20:375; Municipal Council, 32:59,62,309; 22:157 correspondence with American STACKEL, Harry, on New York Jewish Committee on anti- Bench, 32:11+5 Shehitah movement in Norway, STADTFELD, Joseph, on Penn- 29:1+11-1+14; sylvania Bench, 32: asked to investigate anti-Jew- 11+5; 31+: 100; 35:111 ish riots in Greece, 3l+:70, STALIN, Joseph, denounces 310; and efforts in behalf of Jewish anti-Setr.itism, 33:98; victims of Nazis, 36:1+34- threatens punishment of 439; 38:177; 39:225-226; war criminals, 1+6:156 1+5:61+9; U7:l+i,295; STALMASTER, Irving, on reports anti-Jewish violence in Nebraska Bench, 30:73 Austria, 36:1+55; STANDARD Oil Company enables and the S.S. Bremen affair, American Jewish Com- 38:178-179; mittee to transmit reaction to LaGuardia attacks funds to Palestine, on Nazism, 39:214-216,217, 17:360 218; STARK, E.J., biograohical and Cardinal Mundelein's pro- sketch, 5:102 test against anti-Catholic STARK, Louis, wins Pulitzer drive in Germany, 39:221, prize for reporting, 222; 1+1+: 323 and British Palestine policy, STARK, Sigmar, on faculty 39:237; 1+1:201; 1+5:61+8-61+9; of University of Cin- attitude toward international cinnati, 22:157; refugee problem, 1+0:96-99; 23:126 1+1:379; STARKMAN, Moshe, article on urged by American Jewish or- cultural activities in ganizations to intervene in U.S., 1+9:175-188 behalf of Jews of Poland, STARR, Morris H-, Commander 1+0:99-100; of American Legion, correspondence with German 26:135 Government on rights of STATE Department, and pass- American Jews in Germany, port question, 1+:19- 1+1:192-193,193-191+; 20; 11:31-36,1+1-1*2, protests anti-Semitic decrees 21+8; 13:22,149-51; by Italy, 1+1:199; American Jewish Committee turns over documents on protests anti-Jewish threatened extermination of discrimination by, European Jews to Stephen S. 10:199-200,21+8-251+; Wise, 1+5:193; 13:22-27,33-37; 21+: aids Jews in enemy categories 356; in Latin America, 1+5:652; asked to intervene in be- efforts in behalf of Jews in half of Jews of Ru- Unoccupied Prance, 1+7:1+8} mania, 12:352; 1+7:295- 296, IN- -316-

STATK Department (cont.) "Statistics of Jews" articles by urges tabling of Congres- Harry S. Linfield, 24:298- sional resolution on 322; 25:325-353; 26:559-602; Palestine, 47:326,683; 27:365-409; 28:379-428; 29: invites two Jewish organi- 227-281; 30:245-270; 31:299- zations to send rep- 334; 32:215-281; 33:271-338; resentatives as con- 34:241-275; 40:61-84; 44: sultants to UN San 419-450 Francisco Conference, STECKLER, Alfred, data concerning, U7:329; 6:194-195 and efforts to rescue STECKLER, Louis, decorated by remnants of Hungarian Italy, 9:475 Jewry, 47:424; STEIN, Benjamin, in New York and report of Anglo- Legislature, 33:117 American Committee of STEIN, Charles, in New York Inquiry, 48:418-419, Legislature, 11:232 420; STEIN, Clarence S., wins award of Palestine policy, 49:485; New York Chapter of American 50:21+7,2614. Institute of Architects, See also Diplomatic cor- 43:346 respondence STEIN, Herbert, wins prize of STATELESSNESS, American Pabst Brewing Co., 46:323 Jewish Committee urges STEIN, Leonard, testimony before appointment of UN Com- British Royal Commission.,0n mission on, 1+7:730 Palestine, 39:472; "Statement of Views" of testimony before Anglo-American American Jewish Com- Committee of Inquiry, 48:4o5 mittee, 45:608-609, STEIN, Modest, data concerning, 622; 6:195 attempt at reconciliation STEIN, Morris, biographical of Zionist-non-Zionist sketch, 5:102 conflict, 45:631-632, STEIN, Morton, on New York Board 634-637; of Education, 15:266 Joseph M. Proskauer's STEIN, Otto, mayor of Trenton, address urging adop- N.J., 26:135 tion of, 45:638-645; STEIN, Philip, data concerning, effect of UN Palestine 6:195; decision on, 50:317 on Chicago Board of Education, STATISTICAL Bureau. See 12:334; American Jewish Com- on Illinois Bench, 33:265; mittee Bureau of Sta- 34:235 tistics and Research STEIH, Rose 3., compiler of STATISTICS of Jewa, popula- "Special Events" in the tion, 1:283-285 U.S., 48:469-509; 50:503-525 et seq.; STEIN, Salo, on faculty of Kentucky immigration to U.S., 2: State University, 18:105 624 et seq.; STEINBACH, Lewis W., data con- published in American Jew- cerning, 6:195 ish Year Book, 50:92^9"5 STEINBERG, Arthur, awarded honors See also Population and by American Medical Asso- under names of places ciation, 37:234; 39:571 and subjects -317- STEINBERO, Joseph, in New STEINSCHNEIDER, Moritz, 90th York Legislature, 17: birthday celebrated, 8:273; 218; 19:255; 22:157; library given to Jewish Theo- 23:127; 21+:90; 25:123; logical Seminary, 9:554; 26:135 1+5:71 STEINBRINK, Meier, on New STEINTHAL, Martin, presidential York Bench, 3l+:10T; elector, 11:11+5 wins interfaith award, STELZLE, Charles, signs Christian 1+6:11+7 protest against anti-Jewish STEINER, Adolph, receives propaganda, 21+: 337 degree from Lincoln STERLING, Philip, in Pennsylvania Memorial University, Legislature, 19:255; 21:203 26:135 STERN, Adolph, in New York Legis- STEINER, Hugo, music library- lature, 9:1+79; 10:122 presented to Library STERN, Adolphe, Rumanian Jewish of Hebrew Union leader, memorial address on, College, 1+5:78 delivered at 25th annual STEINEM, Pauline (Mrs, meeting of American Jewish Joseph), data con- Committee, 3l+:281,309 cerning, 7:105; STERN, Alex, in North Dakota Leg- on Toledo, Ohio Board of islature, 13:288; Education, 7:19l+; president of Fargo City Com- trustee of Toledo Public mission, 19:255 Library, 12:331+ STERN, Charles M. Jr., destroyer STEINERT, Henry, on New York escort named in honor of, City Bench, 11+:285 1+6:323 STEINGUT, Irvin, in New STERN, Heinrich, data concerning, York Legislature; 6:195-196 25:123; 26:135; 32: STERN, Horace M., address before 11+5; 33:117; 3l+:100; JPS, 17:1+08-1+09; 35:111; 36:259; 37: on Pennsylvania Bench, 22:157; 231+; 38:1+08; 39:571; 31+:1OO,237; 38:1+08; 1+0:361+; 1+1:1+03; 1+3: on Board of Trustees of Uni- 31+6; 1+5:373; 1+7:509; versity of Pennsylvania, 1+9:600 30:73; STEINHARDT, Lawrence A., in chairman of Executive Committee U.S. diplomatic ser- of American Jewish Committee, vice, 35:111; 36:365; 33:378; 1+2:135; 37:31+7; 38:51+7; 39: plan for revitalizing the syna- 572,737; 1+0:531; l+l: gogue, 31+:31-32; 1+03,575; 1+2:585; i+3: honorary degrees conferred on, 6^6; 1L1+:323; 1+7:509; 35:112; 39:572; 50:61+1+; article, "The Synagogue and wins meritorious service Jewish Communal Activities," avard of War Depart- 35:157-170; ment, 1+7:509; on Board of Wharton School, honored by U.S. Govern- 36:259; ment, 1+9:600 tribute to J. Soils-Cohen as STEINMAN, David B., on president of JPS, 1+0:61+4 faculty of College of STERN, Jacob L., biographical the City of New York, sketch, 5:102; 6:221+ 20:171; STERN, Leon, data concerning, awarded Columbia Univer- 6:196 sity medal, 50:509 -318-

STERN, Leopold, data con- STETTINIUS, Edward R., Secretary cerning, 7:io5; of State, invites Jewish presidential elector, groups to send consultants 11:11+5 to American delegation at STERN, Louis, rabbi, bio- San Francisco UN Conference, graphical sketch, 5:102 1+7:1+89; STERN, Louis, merchant, data petition of Joseph Proskauer to, concerning, 6:196; for International Bill of Knight of French Legion Rights, 1+7:1+91+; of Honor, 9:1+75 opposes Senate pro-Palestine STERN, Maurice, memorial resolution, 1+7:683 resolution by American STEUER, Alfred L., on Ohio Bench, Jewish Committee on, 33:117 22:1+16 STEUER, Aron, on New York City STERN, Morris, president of Bench, 32:li+5; 35:112; I+9:60C San Antonio, Texas STEUER, Max D., awarded honorary Chamber of Commerce, degree by John Marshall 23:127 College of Law, 38:1+08 STERN, Nathan, data con- STEUR, Joseph, on Cleveland Bench, cerning, 6:221+; 36:260 on faculty of Brown Uni- STIEFEL, Israel, in Pennsylvania versity, 12:331+ Legislature, 39:572 STERN, Otto, wins Nobel STIEGLITZ, Alfred, awarded medal prize in physics, by Royal Photographic Soci- 1+7:510 ety, 26:135 STERN, Philip, Alabama State STIEGLITZ, Julius, on faculty of Solicitor, 11:232 Chicago University, 18:105; STERN, Salomon, presidential president of American Chemical elector, 11:11+5 Society, 19:255 STERN, Samuel, on New York STILES, Ezra, friendship with City Board of Educa- Rabbi Carigal, 25:161 tion, 7:191; 10:122; STIMSON, Henry L., Secretary of 15:266; 23:127 State, asked to use efforts STERN, Samuel R., Spokane, to stop Arab riots in Pales- Wash., data concern- tine, 32:58 ins, 6:196 STINER, Munroe, mayor of Larch- STERN, Simon Adler, memoir mont, N.Y., 32:11+6 of, 6:1+09-1+18; STOCKER,Adolf, anti-Semite, de- portrait, facing, 15:151+ feated in German elections, STERN group, terrorist 2:18 activities in Pales- STOLLERMAN, Maurice, granted tine, 5o:l+i3,i+n+,i+i7; honorary degree by Rhode joins Haganah, 5O:l+l8,l+19 Island College of Pharmacy STERNER, Albert E., data and Allied Sciences, 1+8:1+75 concerning, 6:196-197 STOLLNITZ, Henry S., biographical STERNPELD, Harry, winner of sketch, 5:102; 6:221+ national architectural ST0LP1SR, J.H., data concerning, contest, 3l+:100 6:197 STETSON, Mrs. Augu3ta, STOLZ, Benjamin, data concerning, American Jewish Com- 7:105 mittee combats in- tolerant propaganda of, 30:276-281 -319-

STOLZ, Joseph, biographical STRATTOJT, William G., Representa- sketch, 5:102-103; tive, oill for admission of chaplain to Republican displaced persons proposed Mationsl Convention, by, 49:206,220,562; 50:216- Hi:235; 217,232,822-823 portrait, facing, 43:441; STRAUS, Aubrey H., on faculty of obituary by Tobias Schan- Virginia Medical College, farber, 43:441-444; 17:218 memorial resolution by STRAUS, Mrs. I.S., of Cincinnati, JPS on, 43:775; honored by Prance, 25:123 library acquired by STRAUS, Ida (Mrs. Isidor), Jewish College of Jewish agricultural settlement in Studies, 45:89 Teras named for, 14:100; STONE, Elihu D., in Massa- memorial resolution of American chusetts Legislature, Jewish Committee on, 24:360; 21:203; 22:157; Liberty ship named for, 47:509 assistant U.S. District STRAUS, Isidor, data concerning, Attorney for Massa- 2:523; 6:197-198; chusetts, 24:90; in House of Representatives, decorated by Lithuania, 9:437 et seq.; 40:364 active in New York Jewish Com- STONE, Harlan P., Supreme munity, 11:48,49; Court Justice, tri- memorial resolutions of Ameri- bute to Louis D. can Jewish Committee on, Brandeis, 44:51-52; 15:451; tribute to Julian W. active in Educational Alliance, Mack, 46:35-36,43 New York, 46:82 STONE, Karry K., honored by STRAUS, Jesse I., on Board of Boston University, Overseers, Harvard Univer- 49:600 sity, 31:83; STONE, Nahum I., data con- awarded honorary degree by Uni- cerning, 6:197 versity of Georgia, 33:117; STONE, Rosetta, data con- in U.S. diplomatic service, cerning, 7:106 35:112; 36:365; 37:347; 38: "Stories in English of Jew- 547; 39:737; 40:531; 41:57?; ish Interest," list 42:585; 43:648; 50:648 compiled by I. George STRAUS, Joseph, Commander in the Dobsevage, 8:130-142 Navy, 11:232 STRAHL, Jacob S., on Tew STRAUS, Lina G. (Mrs. Nathan), York City Bench, 12: aids Palestine benefactions 334; 22:157; 32:146 of Nathan Straus, 150,151, STRASBERGER, Hernan, city 186 treasurer of Butte, STRAUS, Nathan, data concerning, riont., 21:203 6:198; STRASSBURGER, Milton, on honors conferred on, 11:232; Washington, D.C., 14:286; 15:266; 32:146; Bench, 16:160; 20:171 33:153; STRASSBURGER, Ralph B., in benefactions in Palestine, 14: U.S. diplomatic ser- 33-34; 17:107,118,137; 33: vice, 15:266 147,149-152,183-184; STRASSBURGER, Samuel, on New obituary by David de Sola Pool, York City Bench, 33:135-154; 19:255 and the pasteurization of milk, 33:141-145 -320-

STRAUS, Nathan, Jr., in STRAUS, Oscar S. (cont.) New York Legislature, obituary by Cyrus Adler, 29: 23:127; 25:123; H+5-155; State Director of NRA, portrait, facing, 29:11+5; 36:260; efforts in behalf of Jews of honored by Hew York City Russia, 29:11+7,11+8; Park Association, aids Woodrow Wilson in organi- l|O:362; zation of League of Nations, honorary member of Ameri- 29:152-153; can Institute of memorial resolution of American Architects, 1+2:1+65; Jewish Committee on, 29:1+39- administrator of U.S. Housing Authority, monument erected to, 31:30; 1+3:61+7; 50:61+8 50:510 STRAUS, Mrs. Nathan, Jr., STRAUS, Percy S., receives honorary on New York Board of degree from Oglethorpe Uni- Higher Education, versity, 32:11+6 1+1:1+03; 1+2:1+65 STRAUS, Robert K., on New York STRAUS, Oscar S., U.S. rep- City Council, 1+0:361+ resentative on The STRAUS, Roger W., academic honors Hague Court of Inter- conferred on, 38:l).08 national Arbitration, STRAUS Health Center in Jerusalem, 1+:195; 10:122; I6:l6oj 31:77; 32:321+ 29:U+8; STRAUSS, Albert, on Federal Re- appointments and honors serve Board, 21:203 conferred on, l+:195; STRAUSS, Charles, trustee ot City 7:191; 15:266-267; College, 11:232 22:157; 2l+:90; 29:11+7, STRAUSS, Ernest, review of affairs 11+8; 50:61+8; in the Far East, 1+9:1+75-1+82; data concerning, 6:198- 50:1+50-1+55 199; STRAUSS, Ferdinand, data concern- efforts to unite Zionists ing, 7:106 and Territorlalists, STRAUSS, Isaac L., Attorney 8:273; General of Maryland, 10:122 Minister of Commerce and STRAUSS, Joseph, in Illinois Labor under Theodore Legislature, 13:289 Roosevelt, 9:1+75; STRAUSS, Leopold, on Montgomery, Ambassador to Turkey, Ala., Board of Education, 11:61+,232; 33:263 22:157 et seq.; STRAUSS, Lewis, Jr., decorated by trustee of Carnegie Peace Belgian Government, 22:157 Fund, 13:289; STRAUSS, Lewis L., reports on chairman of New York London Conference for the Public Service Com- Relief of German Jewry to mission, 18:105; American Jewish Committee, 36:1+11+; 20:171; Rear Admiral, Naval Reserve, representative of League to Enforce Peace at 1+8:1+75; Paris Peace Confer- on U.S. Atomic Energy Commis- ence, 21:203; sion, 1+9:600; 50:61+1). efforts to raise funds STRAUSS, Malcolm A., data con- for JPS, 26:685; cerning, 6:199 -321-

STRAUSS, Nathan, data con- STROOCK, Moses I., on Board of cerning, 7:106 Trustees of College of the STRAUSS, Samuel D., address, City of New York, 13:289; "The Diffusion of the chairman of New York City Board Bible," before 29th of Higher Education, 29:113; annual meeting of JPS, 33:117; 19:521-529 awarded honorary degree by STRAUSS, Seligman J., data St. John's College, 30:73 concerning, 6:199; STROOCK, Sol M., address hefore on Pennsylvania Bench, JPS, 21+: 392 -1+02; 11;: 286 awarded Columbia University STRAUSS, Sidney L., presi- Alumni medal, 33:118; dent of N.Y. Society statement on policy and work of of Architects, 47:509 Joint Council, 36:1+13 STRAUSS, Solomon, in New opposes World Jewish Congress, York Legislature, 38:208,209; 10:123 address before American Jewish STRAYSR, Paul Moore, signs Committee, 1+0:625-628; Christian protest opposes British plan for Pales- against anti-Jewish tine partition, 1+0:626-628; propaganda, 21;:337 portrait, facing, 1+4:53; STRETCHER, Julius, trial obituary by James N. Rosenberg, for war crimes, 49:585 44:53-60; STREIT, Saul, in New York efforts in behalf of oppressed Legislature, 32:114-6; minorities in Germany, 33:117; 34:100; 35: kk:53-56; 112; 37:23U; 38:l|O8; memorial resolution by American on New York Bench, 39:572 Jewish Committee on, kk' STROMDERG, Benjamin, on 1+65-1+66; St. Louis, Mo., efforts for unity of action by School Board, 13:289; Zionists and non-Zionists, 19:255 44:477-478; 1+5:211 STROOCK, Alan M., chairman STROUSE, Hennie, data concerning, of Administrative 7:106-107 Committee of American STROUSE, Myer, in House of Repre- Jewish Committee, sentatives, 2:523-521+ 45:622; et seq. report as chairman of Struma, S.S.. tragedy of, 1(4:278, Community Service 299; Unit, 1+5:659-662; effect on British immigration report on domestic acti- policy, 41+: 278 vities, 46:574-579; STRUNSKY, Anna, data concerning, heads lay committee for 6:199 cultural integration, STRUNSKY, Simeon, data concerning, 14.8:626; 6:200; attends London Confer- awarded honorary degree by ence of Jewish Organi- Brown University, 44:323; zations, 49:788; member of National Institute active in cultural pro- of Arts and Letters, 48:1*75 gram of American Jew- STUART, Gilbert, portraits of ish Committee, 1+9:793 early American Jews painted by, 25:156-158 -322-

STUDENTS, Jewish, in Ameri- SULZBERGER, Cyrus L., (cont.) can colleges and uni- active in flew York Jewish Com- versities, statistics munity, 11:1+8,1+9; on professional ten- defends immigrant at Congres- dencies, 22:383-393; sional hearing, 12:20-38; and right to organize honors and appointments con- Jewish fraternities, ferred on, 13:289; ll+:9l+; 31:26-27,351+-358; obituary by Morris D. Waldman, organizations for, 31: 35:11+5-156; 2Ll:-21+6; portrait, facing, 35:11+5; report of B'nai B'rith memorial resolution of American on, 50:767-771; Jewish Committee on, 35:288 STUYVESANT, Peter, forced SULZBERGER, Cyrus L., journalist, to admit Jews to New honored by Overseas Pre3s Amsterdam, l+:63; Club of America, 1+1+: 32!+ 28:193-195 SULZBERGER, David, data concern- SUDETENLAND, deterioration ing, 7:107 of Jewish situation SULZBERGER, Iphigene Ochs in, 1*1:269; (Mrs. Arthur H.), awarded refugee problem in, honorary degree by Univer- 1+1:272 sity of Chattanooga, 1+7:509; See also Czechoslovakia trustee of Barnard College, SUFRIN, Solomon, in New York 1+8:^75 Legislature, 15:267; SULZBERGER, Mrs. Leo, honored by 16:160 B'nai B'rith, 1+0:361+ SUGARMAN, Martin L., in SULZBERGER, Mayer, on Pennsylvania Nebraska Legislature, Bench, 1+:195; 7:19l+; 34:237; 15:267 library given to Jewish Theo- SULLY, Thomas, portraits of logical Seminary, 6:37; early American Jews 1+5:69-71; nainted by, 25:159-161 data concerning, 6:200; SULZBACHER, Louis, data con- and plan to organize National cerning, 6:200; 33: Jewish Conference, 8:200; 261+; 3U:23U; 113:21+7; efforts for liberal immigra- 50:61+8 tion policy, 10:2l+l+-2i+5; SULZBERGER, Arthur, awarded 13:299-300; Columbia University declines appointment as Ambas- alumni medal, 36:260; sador to Turkey, 11:61+; on board of trustees of activities in JPS, 11:265-269; Rockefeller Founda- 15:66; tion, 1+1:1+03; correspondence with Theodore academic honors con- Roosevelt on the passport ferred on, I4.I :U03; question, 13:28-33,37; 1+6:1+23; 1+7:509; correspondence with Department awarded Roosevelt Dis- of State protesting dis- tinguished Service criminatory circulars, Medal, 50:510 13:3l+-37; SULZBERGER, Cyrus L., and abrogation of treaty with review of the year by, Russia, 13:1+2-1+5; 3l+:328; 6:19-39; 1+2:91+; chairman of New York Com- address at 25th anniversary of mittee of JPS, 6:386, JPS, 15:170-172; 392,399; retires as president of Ameri- data concerning, 7:107; can Jewish Committee, 16:382; -323-

SULZBERGER, Mayor (co-it.) SULZBER'ISP, Solomon L., data con- negotiations with Schechter cerning, 7:108 on presidency of Jew- SULZER, Marcus R., data concern- ish Theological Semi- ing, 7:108; nary of America, mayor of Hadison, Ind., 28:1^2 18:56; SULZER, William, Congressional obituary of Joseph Jacobs, activity in behalf of Jewish 18:68-75; sufferers in Russian pogroms, given hohorary degree by 3:90,91; Temple University, resolution urging abrogation of 18:105; treaty with Russia, 13:57-58 portrait, frontispiece, 25 Summary of Events of Jewish obituary by Loui3 Interest, compiled by Bureau Marshall, 26:373-381; of Jewish Social Research, efforts in behalf of 25:382 American Jewish SUITMER camps. See Camps scholarship, 26:379, Sun, New York, editorial condemning ?8o,331,333,385-399, ritual murder charge, 31: 1+00-UC3; 1+5:67,66-69; 351-352 memorial address by SUN Rise Cooperative Farm Community Solomon Solis-Cohen Michigan, Jewish agricul- on, 26:382-1+03; tural colony, 37:102-103 memorial resolutions of SUNDAY schools, Jewish. See American Jewish Com- Religious schools, Jewish mittee on, 26:6lU-6l5; SUNDAY law, in U.S., 3:16; 10:152- memorial meeting in 169,171-189; 11:58-60; 15: honor of, 26:615-616; 21;E; 16:139- 26:21; 27:2l+-2S; tribute by Simon ililler, 28:23-21+,25-26; 29:21-22, 26:681; 26-27; efforts in behalf of in foreign countries, 10:191, unity of action by 210,216,223; 16:268; 23:187, American Jewry, 3'4' 193,191).,210; 2l+:22; 25:23- 322-323; 2k; 26:21; 27:21-24,1+68; 28: tribute to work on 25; 29:22; 37:169 American Jewish Com- "Sunday laws of the United States mittee, 31+: 331; and leading judicial deci- friendship with Cvrus sions having special ref- Adler, 1+2:62,68,69,87; erence to the Jews," article progenitor of Jewish lib- by Albert M. Priedenberg, raries in U.S., 14-5:67, 10:152-189 68-69; SUNDAY Sabbath, discussed by Cen- gifts to Dropsie College trel Conference of American Library, 1+5:87 Rabbis, 1+:1?,97; STJLZBERGER, Myron, on New opposed by Federation of Ameri- York City Bench, can Zionists, 1+:18,1O2; 26: l+0:361| U28,l+29; SULZBERGER, Rachel Hays advocated by Krauskopf and (Mrs. Cyrus L.), data Kohler, 26:1+28,1+30; 28:21+1+ concerning, 7:107 SUNSTEDT, A.J., memorial resolu- SULZBERGER, Solomon, data tion by American Jewish Com- concerning, 7:107-108; mittee on, 30:317 active in Educational Alliance, Mew York, 1+6:82 -324- SUPREME Court curbs activi- SWEDEN, review of events in, ties of Ku Klux Klan, 15:343; l8:2o6; 20:280; 39: 31:25-26; 377; 43:191-193; 50:320-324; decisions affirming reli- protests in, against anti-Jewish gious liberty, 49:18- excesses in Poland, 21:300; 19; Jewish population, 23:280,284 decisions regarding state et seq,; aid to parochial protests to League of Nations schools, 119:36,14.0-1+3; against Germany's treatment influence of Morris R, of Jews, 36:94; Cohen on, 14.9:56-57; law on Shehitah, 38:272; decisions opposing racial attitude toward refugees, 38: discrimination, 50: 272-273; 39:377; 41:260-261; 210-211,212 42:344; 44:225; 46:227,303, See also Brandeis, Louis 305,306,566; 47:385-386,4~o6; D., Cardozo, Benjamin 48:300-301; 49:354-355,360; N., Frankfurter, Felix attitude toward Nazism, 41:259; SURINAM. See Dutch Guiana 43:191,192; 44=224; 45:281- SURVEY Committee of Ameri- 284; can Jewish Committee, friendly attitude toward Jews, report, 39:789-790; 42:344; 46:227-228; 49:361- activities, 39:823; 42: 362; 50:324; 653-654; opposes British White Paper, observes Nazi propaganda 46:228; in U.S., 43:723; review of affairs by Abraham aids local Jewish com- Brody, 49:354-362; munities in problems, relief and rehabilitation work, 43:725 49:356-358; 50:322-323; "Survey of the Year," arti- communal and cultural activity, cles by H.S. Linfield, 49:358-361; 24:21--29:21 on UNSCOP, 49:498,502,508; SUSSDORF, Louis A., Jr., government contributes to World in U.3. diplomatic ORT Union, 50:323-324; service, 18:105; Jewish emigration from and 19:255 immigration to, 50:757-758; SUTRO, Adolph, gives collec- Ameridan Jewish Committee com- tion of Hebraica and bats anti-Jewish manifesta- Judaica to Hebrew tions in, 50:820 Union College Library, SWEDLER, Nathan, on New York City 45:92 Bench, 32:146 SVIATOPOLK-MIRSKI, Peter, SWIG, Simon, in Massachusetts Prince, Russian Mini- Legislature, 7:194; 8:187; ster of Interior, 18:105; 19:255; 20:172 attitude toward Jews, SWITZERLAND, Alliance Israelite 7:229,236 Univer3elle join3 struggle SWADOS, Harvey, co-author for Jewish emancipation in, with Ben B. Seligman, 2:49; article, "Jewish Jewish representative body in, Population Studies in 2:513; U.S.," 50:651-690 review of affairs, 10:221 SWASTIKA, opposition in U.S. et seq,; to display of, 33:219; movement to aid Jewish victims official emblem of Ger- of World War I, 18:207; many, 38:60l|. -325-

SWITZERLAM) (eont.) SWITZERLAND (cont.) JDC aids Russian Jews in, opposition to British White 19:224; Paper, 46:230; endorses Balfour Declara- problem of Jewish children tion, 21:300; placed in Christian homes Shehitah question in, during War, 47=387; 21:301; 31:42; 44=227; aids Jews of Hungary, 47=426; Jewish population, 23: problem of German assets in, 280,285 et seg.; 48:299-300; anti-Semitism in, 27:120; review of affairs, by Maurice 28:99; 34 = 62; 40:235- Spector, 49:343-347; 236; 41:254-255; 49: heirless property problems in, 343-344; 50:347-348; 49:345-346; Christians condemn Nazi punishes Nazi collaborators, anti-Jewish policy, 50:347-348 35:48; 36:237,238; SYKES, Philip L., on Maryland 37=174.175,416-417; Bench, 33:118; 37:234 Fascism and Nazism SYLVESTER, Alvin McK., on New York opposed in, 36:237; City Bench, 33=572 41:256; 42:341-342; SYNAGOGUE, architecture of, arti- 43:184-185; 44:225- cle, 28:155-192; 226; plan by Horace M. Stern for re- does not participate in vitalization, 34:31-32; Berlin Olympics, 37: 35:157-170; 175; movement in American Jewry to Protocols of the Elders increase attandance, 37:162; of Zion declared a affiliation not a basis for forgery at trial in, estimating American Jewish 37:176-177; 38:269, population, 48:127 312,313; "Synagogue and Jewish Communal Nazi activity in, 38:267- Activities," article by 268; 40:236-237; Horace Stern, 35:157-170 university in, refuses to SYNAGOGUE Council of America, participate in Heidel- organized, 28:93; berg Festival, 38:268; data concerning, 29:180 et seq.; trial of David Frank- and anti-religious policy of furter in, 39:377-379; Soviet Russia, 32:64-65; Nazi anti-Jewish legis- 33:362; lation contrary to approves Pres. Roosevelt's legal system of, mobilization of religious 40:237; forces for peace, 42:306; refugee problem in, 41: activities, 43:30; 44:109-110; 256,384-385; 42:342, 45:149; 46:98; 47:225-226; 454; 43:186; 44:226; 48:127-128; 45:284-287,288,353; invited to join General Jewish 46:223-229,302-304, Council, 43:31; 566; 47:386,387; 49: urged to establish local syna- 344-345; 50:346; gogue councils, 44:108; opposes threatened ex- supports idea of world federa- termination of Jews tion, 45:139; by Germany, 45=287- efforts in behalf of Hitler 288; victims, 45:139-140,148; and Anglo-American Refu- interfaith activity, 45:148; ges Conference in 46:143; 48:131-132; Bermuda, 45:288-2893 -326- SYNAGOGUE Council of SYNAGOGUES, dedicated in the America (eont.) United States, 2:638--22: study of textbooks used II4.7-U4.9; in Jewish religious data on, in New York City, schools, 1+5:11+8-11+9; 21:330; efforts to combat anti- data on, in U.S., 21:332; Semitism, 1+7:226; architecture, 28:155-192,199; advocates international statistics concerning, 31:113, bill of rights in UN 211-213,232-231+; 39:70; charter, 1+7:226,1+91; number of, not a basis for Statistical Department computation of Jewish popu- collects data on Jew- lation, 31:353-351+; ish population of established by Jewish immi- U.S., U7:726; 1+8:127; grants to U.S., 50:30-33; points out shortcomings music in, 50:193-191+ of San Francisco UN See also Congregations Conference, 1+8:121; SYNOD, American, attempts at urges control of atomic organization of, 5:36-37; energy by UN, 1+8:121- formation urged by H.G. Enelow, 122; 31+: 26-27 approves trial for Nazi SYRIA, opposed to Palestine deci- criminals, 1+8:122; sion of San Remo Conference, opposes peacetime mili- 22:290; tary conscription, refuses to let Jews leave, 1+8:122; 23:213; participates in Labor- French plan for Jewish refugee Management Conference colony in, 37:173-171+; called by President anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist Truman, 1+8:122-123; outbreaks in, 38:265-266; initiates synagogue 39:320; 1+0:335; adoption plan for review of affairs, 1+0:331+-336; overseas relief, charged with fomenting vio- 1+8:121+; lence in Palestine, 1+0:335; proclaims day of mourn- Jewish Agency aids flood vic- ing for remnants of tims in, 1+0:336; European Jewry, 1+8: Vichy extends anti-Jewish 125; decrees to, 1+3:159,160; states views on Pales- French-British armistice re- tine before Anglo- stores Jewish rights in, American Committee of i+l+:201; Inquiry, 14.8:125-126; Jewish population, 50:1+1+1; challenges findings of UN Palestihe partition causes survey on adherence pogrom in, 50:1+1+1 of American Jews to SYRKIN, Nachman, Liberty ship religious faith, 1+8: named in honor of, 1+6:323 126-127; SZAPIRA, Bruriah, refugee service and religion in public work of, 1+6:60 schools, 1+8:129; 1+9: SZERER, Emanuel, member of Polish 209-210; 50:221-223; National Council, 1+5:373 radio activities, 1+8:131; SZOLD, Benjamin, data concerning, Ahron Opher's resigna- U7:52-53,56 tion from, 1+8:133-131« program of action adopted by, 1+8:13U-135; declaration on economic justice, l+9:ll+3-HA- -327- SZOLD, Henrietta, review of SZOLD, Henrietta (cont.) the year by, 2:14-39; opposes British White Paper, co-editor with Cyrus 42:415; Adler of American Jew- 80th birthday celebrated, 43: ish Year Book, VolTT, 293; 7; editor Vol. 8,9; creator of Youth Aliyah, 46: JPS pays tribute to work 273; 47:65-68; of, 10:273,274; 15: obituary by Lotta Levensohn, 137; 17:403; 47:51-70; compiles index to organizes Hadassah Medical Graetz'3 History of Unit in World War I, 47:60- the Jews, 15:69: 61; secretary of Publication member of Palestine Zionist Committee and editor Executive, 47:62; of JPS, 15:69; 47:55- on Executive of Jewish Agency, 56; 47:63; paper on Publication Com- on Executive Committee of mittee read at 25th Keneseth Israel, 47:63; anniversary of JPS, Foundation created by Hadassah 15:78-98; in memory of, 47:339; article, "Recent Jewish death, 47:470; Progress in Palestine," memorial resolutions of JPS on, 17:27-158; 47:754-755; on Governing Board of tribute to, 48:645 Federation of Ameri- SZOLD, Robert, assistant attorney can Zionists, 33:181; general of Porto Rico, 19:97; founds Hadassah, 33:182; testifies before Anglo-American 47:58-59,61-62; Committee of Inquiry, 48*402 honors conferred on, SZOLD, Jacob, on Peoria Board of 38:1+08; 41:230; 42: Aldermen, 9:479 465;

TABEK, Aaron, decorated for TAFT, William Howard, and the gallantry in World passport question, 11:40-41, War I, 33:408 42,63,248; 13:38-42,54j 55, TABET, Andrea, review of 82-83; affairs in Italy, appoints Oscar S. Straus Am- 49:347-354 bassador to Turkey, 11:64; Tablet, Catholic weekly, and abrogation of treaty with supports Father Russia, 13:46-50,51-53,56; Coughlin, 41:212 23:51-52; TACHAU, William G., article, vetoes Burnett-Dillingham "The Architecture of Immigration Bill, 15:235; t he 3 "ma go gue, " attitude on immigration, 15: 28:155-192 456-457; 16:394,397; -328-

TAPT, William Howard (cont.) TAMM, N.A., alderman, Brownsville, urged by American Jewish Term., 12:335 Committee to have TANGANYIKA, offered by Great Brit- civil rights provision ain for refugee settlement, in Treaty of London, 41:379 16:384-386; TANGIERS, Jews protected by inter- correspondence with Com- national agreement, 26:61+; mittee on terms of new declares Day of Atonement a treaty with Russia, legal holiday, 28:23; 16:390-392; Jewish refugees in, 39:321)., signs Christian protest 442-443 against anti-Jewish TANNENBAUM, Abner, data concern- propaganda, 21+:334; ing, 6:200 tribute to Simon Wolf, TANNENBAUH, Moses, in Colorado 26:1+19; Legislature, 9:1+79 and Cyrus Adler, 1+2:92 TARBUT-Women's Division of Hista- TAPT, Robert. See Wagner- druth Ivrith, 1+9:663; 50:573 Taft resolution TARBELL, Ida M., signs Christian Tageblatt, old Yiddish protest against anti-Jewish daily in Hew York propaganda, 21+:337 City, 26:168,169,177, TARTALSKY, Samuel, president of 178,179; Hudson County Bar Associa- editorials, 26:220,227- tion, 37:234 231,261,263,26^,310, TASHRAK. See Zevin, Israel J. 341,344,356,362; TAU Alpha Omega, I+3:591--1+7:6O3 Americanization efforts, TAU Beta Sigma Sorority, i+6:l+6l; 26:329-330,3U8,351, 47:603 355; TAU Delta Phi Fraternity, 26:509 absorhed by Jewish Morn- et seq. ing Journal, 30:30 TAU Epsilon Phi Fraternity, 23: TAEL, Herman J., in Penn- 238 et sea,, sylvania Legislature, TAU Epsilon Rho Fraternity, 28: 33:113; 35:112; 37: 330 et seq. 231+; 41=403 TAUBENHAUS, Carrie, data concern- TALBOT, Marion, signs ing, 7:108 Christian protest TAUBENHAUS, Godfrey, data con- against anti-Jewish cerning, 6:224-225 propaganda, 22+:337 TAUBENHAUS, , Chief TALMUD, on use of wine in of Division of Plant Jewish ceremonies, Pathology, Texas Agricul- 25:407-414; tural Station, 37:126 commentary by Rashi, TAUSSIG, Charles W., in U.S. pub- 1+1:119-120,122-131; lic service, 50:644 rare edition acquired by TAUSSIG, Frances, president of Library of Hebrew American Association of Union College, 45:79 Social Workers, 33:118 TALMUD Torahs, scope of in- TAUSSIG, Frank W., on U.S. Tariff struction in, 16:100- Commission, 19:255 101,102,103; TAYLOR, Bayard, U.S. Minister at beginnings, in the U.S., Berlin, advocate of Jewish 16:101-102; emancipation, 19:139 data concerning, 16:115- TAYLOR, Charles I., on Boston 117; City Council, 44:324; type of Hebrew week-day in Massachusetts Legislature, school, 38:51-52 47:509 -329- TAYLOR, Harry M., council- TEL-AVIV, development, 17:U2-llk: man of Portland, Me., 45:340; 9:U79 rivalry with Arab city of TAYLOR, Myron C, American Jaffa, 39:462 delegate to Inter- TEL-HAI Fund, 42:56l--50:573 governmental Con- TELLER, Chester Jacob, article, ference on Refugees, "The Jewish Welfare Board," 4O:345,34&,347; 20:88-102 Pres. Roosevelt's special TEMPLE Beth-El, New York, consoli- envoy to Vatican, dates with Temple Emanuel, 42:273; 47:39; 30:29 asks Pope to intervene in TEMPLE Brotherhoods. See National behalf of Hungarian Federation of Temple Jews, 147:714 Brotherhoods TEACHERS, Jewish, schools TEMPLE Emanu-El, New York, Temple for training of, 16: Beth-El consolidates with, 10k-105; 29:35; 31: 30:29; 146; 38:36,43,73-77, efforts to establish school, 43:51; 45:49; data concerning, in Jew- celebrates centennary, 47:227- ish schools, 16:122- 228; 124; 31:237-238; 47: resumes daily services, 50:172 232-233; 50:154-156; TEMPLE Israel, New York City, need for improving illustrations, facing, status, 38:105-108; 28:164,182,191 47:237-238 TEMPLE Secretaries, National TEACHERS College, Columbia Association of. See National University, Teachers' Association of Temple Sec- Institute of Jewish retaries Theological Seminary TEMPLE Sisterhoods, National cooperates with, Federation of. See National 38:83-84; Federation of Temple Sister- Felix M. Warburg a trus- hoods tee, 40:28 TEMPLE Youth. See National Fed- TEACHERS Institute opens eration of Temple Youth model school, 33:43- TENENBAUM, Harry, president of 44; Cape May County Bar Associa- tion, 35:112 established by Jewish TSNENBAWi, Joseph, Commander of Theological Seminary Poland Restituta, 50:510 of America, 38:36; TENNESSEE, statistical data on College of Jewish Jews and Jewish activities, Studies of, 38:71; 3:149-150; 30:194; 42:261- 48:156; 262; curriculum, 38:73-74; Sunday law, 10:165,187-188 importance to Jewish edu- TEPFER, John J., co-author with cation, 38:74-75,84; I. Edward Kiev, ;'Jewish cooperates with Teachers Institute of Religion," College, Columbia Uni- 49:91-100 versity, 38:83-84 TERMINIELLO, Arthur W., anti- TEACHERS' Union of State of Jewish activities, 47:275- New York, and reli- 276; 48:176,177-178,180 gious instruction in public schools, 28: 42-43 -330-

TERRITORIALIST Labor Party THORKELSON, Jacob, rebuked for of America, Jewish ant 1-Jewish remarks in House Socialist. See Jewish of Representatives, 1+1:217; Socialist-Teritoria- anti-Semite, elected to Cong- list Labor Party of ress, 1+3:105; 1+8:187 America TICKTON, Daniel L., on Waltham, TERRITORIALISM opoosed by Mass., Board of Aldermen, Zionism, 7:2J+9; 11+: 286; 15:267; 16:160 activity in, 10:233-231+ Times, London, exposes falsity of See also Jewish Terri- charge of world Jewish con- torial Organization spiracy, 21^:52-53,31+1-31+2 TERTE, Ben, on Missouri TINTNER, Moritz, biographical Bench, 35:112 sketch, 5:103 TEXAS, statistical data on TITULE3C0, M., Rumanian Ambassa- Jews and Jewish acti- dor to Great Britain, Jew- vities, 3:150; 30:191+- ish minority rights dis- 195; 1+2:262-263; cussed with, 29:1+16,14.19 Jews early settlers, TOBIAS, Raphael, New York City k:68 magistrate, 23:127 Sunday law, 10:165-166, TOBRIKER, Leon, president of Bar 188; Association of District of Jewish agricultural Columbia, 22:157 settlement, ll+:100 TOFFLER, K., on Lea.venworth, Kan., TEXAS, University of, Jew- Board of Education, 13:289 ish books in library, Tog, New York Yiddish newspaper, 1+5:95 26:171,177; THALHEIMER, Gates, data content of editorials, 26:221, concerning, 7:108-109 227,229-231,261,290,306,351; THEATER, Jews active in, Americanization efforts, 26: 25:1+2-1+3; 27:51-52; 330,353 29:1+9; 50:61-61+, TOLL, Herman, president of Law 188-189 Academy of Philadelphia, See also Jewish Theatri- 38:1+08 cal Quild TOMCHE Torah Society, 1+0:1+69-1+70 THEATERS, Jewish, in the et seq« U.S., statistics on, TOIJKONOW, Benjamin, in Connecti- 31:25 cut Legislature, 35:112; THEATER, Yiddish, activi- 39:572 ties in, 38:239 TONK, Herman, data concerning, THEUS, Jeremiah, portraits 7:109 of early American TOPKIS, Louis, memorial minute of American Jewish Committee Jews painted by, on, 33:372 25:150-151 TORAH Umesorah, 50:571+ THIRD Internationale, and TOPLITZ, Mrs.trancis, honored by Jewish Labor Parties, French Government, 2l+:90 21+: 31-32 TOROMSKI, Sol, decorated by Polish THOMASHEFSKY, Boris, data Government, 36:260 concerning, 6:200-201 TORONTO, Jews prominent in, 27: THOREK, Max, honors con- 166-167; ferred on, 37:231+; Jewish religious organizations, 1+1+: 321+; 1+5:373 27:182; anti-Jewish discrimination in, 33:59-60; Jewish population, 1+8:25 -331- TOSCANINI, Arturo, conducts TRAINING School for Jewish Social first concert of Work, Alumni Association of, Palestine Symphony 32:163; Orchestra, 38:378; data concerning, 33:215 39:1+87 r TRANSNISTRIA, persecution of Jews withdraws from Salzburg in, 1+5:328-329 music festival, 1+0:95 TRANSJORDAH given autonomy in ad- TOTAH, Khalil, testimony ministration, 26:118; before Anglo-American King offers to lease land to Committee of Inquiry, Jewish company, 35:70; 1+8:1+03-1+01+ suggested as place of settle- TOURO, Judah, philanthropic ment for Jews, 37:211+; enterprises, I4.:65; discussed in British Royal Com- 17:108 mission Report on Palestine. TOURO Synagogue, Newport, 39:528; R.I., presents statue American Zionist Emergency of religious liberty Council opposes grant of to city, 1+2:315; independence, 1+8:238; dedicated as national becomes independent Arab state. shrine, 50:329 1+8:377; TOUROFF, Nisson, emphasizes plan for Arab part of Pales- importance of Hebrew tine to be absorbed by, in Jewi3h education, 50:255 1+9:159 TRAUBEL, Horace, data concerning, TOWNE, Charles A., Congres- 6:201 sional activity in TRAUGOTT, Abraham, biographical behalf of Jewish sketch, 5:103 sufferers in Russian TRAUTMAN, Emanuel, in Indiana pogroms, 8:90 Legislature, 13:289 TRACHTENBERG, Joshua L,, TREATY of Berlin, Se£ Berlin, wins second prize in Treat of New History contest, TREATY of 1832 with Russia, vio- 1+0:361+; lated by Russia, 6:281+-285; reviews religious acti- 13:123; li+:295j vities in U.S., diplomatic correspondence on, 1+3:29-38; 1+1+: 95-110; 6:286,291; 13:12ii-125; 1+5:137-11+9; 1+6:89-100; efforts for revision, 11:63-61+; 1+7:215-228; 1+9:11+3- violations protested by Ameri- 151+; 50:163-178 can Jewish Committee, 13: TRADE Unions, Jewish. See 30,31; ll+:296-297; Labor intent of, 13:118-122; TRAINING Bureau for Jewish abrogation recommended, 13:126 Communal Service es- See also Abrogation of treaty tablished, 50:117 with Russia; Passport activities, 50:136 question TRAINING- School for Jewish TREATY of London, 1913. See Social Work, data London, Treaty of concerning, 27:315-- TREIMAN, Israel, wins Rhodes 33:21+6; Scholarship, 26:135 given charter as Gradu- TREMBLATT, I., data concerning, ate School for Jewish 5:103 Social Work, 3l+:38 -332- TRIEBER, Jacob, president TRUJILLO, Rafael, General, offers of Arkansas Bar Asso- land for refugee settlement ciation, 16:160; in Dominican Republic, 1+2: District Court Judge, 1*1*6,1+1*7; 1+3:335 33:261+; 3U:23tt; 1*3: TRUMAN, Harry S., attitude on 21+7; 50:61+8 Palestine, 1+7:332; 1+8:125, TRIEST, Montague, data con- 229-230,371+, 395-396,1+15,1+22; cerning, 7:109; 1+8:232,235,237,30k, 399,1+20; on Charleston, S.C., 1+9: 21+5,21+6-21+7,21+3-21+9,1+85, Board of School Com- 1+89,1+91; 50:250; missioners, 12:335; statement on International Bill 26:135 of Rights, 1+7:1*95-1+96; TRINITY Church, New York, directive on immigration of colonial Jews con- refugees and displaced per- tribute to rebuilding, sons, 1+8:218-221; 1+9:212- 28:200 213,785; TRIPOLI, American Jewish sends Earl G. Harrison to re- Committee investigates port on displaced persons condition of Jews in, in Western Europe, 1+8:302; 11+: 305-306; orders improvement in treatment importance of Beth Din of displaced persons in decisions in, 15:31+3; American Zone, l+S:30l+; review of events, 16:253; civil rights program 1+9:206; 18:207; 50:202-205; Jewish population, 25:331i orders special treatment for 336 et seq.; displaced Jews, 1+9:522; anti-Jewish manifesta- recognizes state of Israel, tions and excesses, 50:119,253; 39:23l»,37U,8l5; opinion on Stratton Bill, 1+3:200; 50:216-217,235 Italy introduces anti- TRUNK, J.J., wins Louis LaMed Jewish measures, award, 1*8:1+75 111).: 230 TUHOLSKE, Herman, president of TROPER, Morris C, repre- St. Louis, Mo., Medical sents JDC in Paris, Society, 10:123 1+1:208; TULIN, Mrs. Justine Wise, on New given Cross of French York City Bench, 38:1*08 Legion of Honor, TUNIS, agricultural school, 2:62; 1+2:1+65; 11*:35; awarded Legion of Merit, anti-Jewish excesses, 9:552; 1*8:1+75 20:281; 23:156; TROST, Samuel W., data con- Jewish affairs in, 11:90-91; cerning, 7:109-110 16:253; 18:207; 19:317; TRUE, James, charged with JDC aids Jews, 19:221+; anti-Semitic activi- Jews fight for France in World ties, 39:253 War I, 21:75-78; TRUE Sister3, Independent Zionists attacked in, 21:21+2; Order of, data con- Day of Atonement legal holiday cerning, 7:137-138 in, 28:23; et 3eq«; Jewish population, 31:320 first Jewish women's na- TUNISIA, anti-Jewish manifesta- tional organization in tions and excesses, 9:552; the U.S., 33:169-171 39:321; 1*3:159; ^o under Nazi occupation, 1*5:258- 259; 1*7:113 -333- TURKEY (Ottoman Empire), TURKEY (oont.) attitude toward Zion- international protests to, on ism, 1:26-27; 3:23; threatened massacre of 10:232; 17:15U; 19: Palestine Jews, 20:375; 317; 21:122; Jews of, fight for France in Jewish communal activity, World War I, 21:86-88; 2:513,516; expels foreign Jews, 21:122 Sultan decorates Herzl, TURKEY, Republic, minority rights 3:15,23; in, 22:129-130; 26:59-61, Jewish affairs in, 7:268; 68-69; 27:81,83; 28:68, 10:221; 11:91-93; 15: 71-72; 29:58-59,1+29-1+38; 31+1+-31+5; 16:2511-257, 30:312; 1+9:1+36,1+37; 261+-265; 18:208; 19: review of events, 22:2814. 222-223; 21:301-302; et seq.; attitude toward Jews, blood accusation against Jews 3:31; 8:255-256; 9: alleged in, 22:281+; 552; 20:281; anti-Jewish discrimination and Rumanian Jews under, manifestations, 23:213; 26: 3:32-37; 93,102; 29:9U; 32:128; 39: Oscar 5. Straus U.S. 493; 1+1:371; 1+6:269-270; Ambassador to, 11:614. permits Jews to use ritual et seq.; wine, 25:28; 26:29; Jews affected by disin- rabbis in, change marriage con- tegration, 15:138-189; tracts, 25:28-29; Jews suffer in Balkan establishes Friday as day of War, l5:19lt-; rest, 26:22; 27:1+69; civil rights of Jews wave of nationalism in, 26:50; affected by transfer Jews affected by change in as result of War, capital, 26:52; 15:196-197; Jews and separation of Church data on Jews, 15:199, and State, 26:87; 28:75; 201-202; recognizes Palestine Mandate, Jews migrate to U.S. 26:115; from, 15:208-209; 16: Jewish cooperatives, 28:83; 384; 18:333-339; Oscar S. Straus U.S. represen- Mohammedans protest anti- tative in, 29:11+6,11+7,150- Shehitah bill in 151 et seq.; Russia, 16:255; Jewish situation deteriorates, protests blood accusation 30:312-313; 31:380; 33:99; alleged against Mendel American Jewish Committee co- Beilis, 16:256; operates in aiding Russian religious autonomy under, Jewish refugees in, 32:307- 17:11+0; 308; discriminatory passport Jewish population, 33:329 regulations of, 17:11+1; et seq.; events in World War I Government assists Jewish affecting Jews, 17: schools, 38:382; 273; 18:208; 21:132- refugee policy, 1+1:372; 1+2:1+1+1; 1U0; attitude toward Zionism, 1+1: minority rights in, 19: 372-373; 135-137,140-11+2, opposes anti-Jewish propaganda, 11+9-150; 1+2:141+0-1+1+1; American Jewish organi- zations aid Jews Nazi Germany and Jews of, from, 19:226,1+66; 43:322-323; -334- TURKEY, Republic (oont.) TUSKA, Benjamin, data concerning, aids rescue work of Jews 7:110 from Balkans, t|6:27O| TTJSKA, Gustave R., data concern- JDC aids repatriates in, ing, 6:201 47:309 TWERSKY, J., wins Louis LaMed TURKISTAH, review of events, award, 1+8:1+75 21:295; TWO hundred and fiftieth anni- Jews threatened by versary of settlement of Moslems, 21:295 Jews in U.S., celebration TUROV, Nissen, wins Louis of, 7:262-263; 8:263; LaMed literary award, JPS to cooperate in, 7:#l6- *17; 45:373 medal presented to Pres. TURSHEN, Max M., in New York Legislature, 40:365; Theodore Roosevelt on occa- 43:346; 45:373; 47: sion of, 1+2:72-73 509; 1+9:601

UGANDA, Great Britain pro- UKRAINE (cont.) poses Jewish colony American Jews protest condi- in, 7:246,252 tions in, 23:346-347; Zionist attitude regard- Canadian Jews aid war orphans ing, 7:21+6,21+7-248 from, 27:219-220; UHLMANN, Paul, president of data on Jewish labor in, 29: Board of Public Lib- 67-69; raries, Sioux City, S, Schwartzbard tried for murder Iowa, 15:267 of S.Petlura, 30:39; UKRAINE, legislation affec- statistics on Jewish popula- ting Jews, 20:268-269; tion, 33:306-308; anti-Jewish manifesta- Jews endangered by Nazi suc- tions and excesses, cesses, 43:321; 21:170,281+, 285,286- Jewish colonies destroyed by 289; 22:277-283,1+03; Nazis, 44:239 23:11+0,11+1+, 11*5,15lf UKRAINIAN Jews of America. See 154,155,158,159,209, National Federation of 210; 24:63; 27:115? Ukrainian Jews of America 29:427; ULIN, Max, in Massachusetts Leg- Jewish communal activity, islature, 33:118 21:290; ULLMAN, Alfred, on faculty of Jews send delegation to Baltimore College of Phy- Paris Conference, sicians and Surgeons, 21:290; 17:218 Palestine urged as haven ULLMAN, Berthold L., on faculty of for Jews of, 23:l8l; Iowa State University, Jews allowed to enter 22:158 Rumania, 23:204,205; ULLMAN, Isaac M., memorial minute review of affairs, 23: of American Jewish Committee 209-210; on, 33:371-372 -335- ULtMAN, Jacob B., on New UNION of American Hebrew Congre- Haven Bench, 7:19k gations (cont.) ULLMAN, Rosetta M., bequest establishes Hebrew Union to Jewish Publication College, 16:1014.; Society, 26:686 efforts to organize American ULLMAN, Samuel, data con- Jewry for unified action, cerning, 7:110 18:327; ULLMAN, Sol, in New York among signers of statement re- Legislature, 23:127; futing slanders of Protocols 2l+:90; 25:123 23:378; ULMAN, Joseph N., on Mary- Board of Delegates of American land Bench, 27:11(14- Israelites merged with, ULMANN, Albert, data con- 26:1+10; cerning, 6:201 opposes religious instruction UMANSKY, Morris, on New in public schools, 27:1+3; Jersey Bench, 32:11+6; opposes proposed registration 37:231+ of aliens, 27:1+39; UMSTADTER, M., data con- attitude on reading Bible in cerning, 7:110-111 public schools, 28:1+2; UN-AMERICAN Activities, statistics, 31:30-31; 39:69-70; Committee for Investi- conventions, 33:1+1+; 38:232; 39: gation of. See U.S. 272-273; 1+2:306; 1+3:36; Congress, House Com- 1+5:11+6; mittee on Un-American cooperates in planning census Activities of Jews of U.S., 1+0:72,78; UNGER, Henry W., on New York and American Jewish scholar- City Bench, 9:1+76; ship, 1+5:1+9; 10:123 organizes Institute of Jewish UNGER, Milton M., president Studies, 1+6:103; of Essex County Bar attitude on Zionism, l+6:9l+-96; Association, 35:112 1+8:126; 50:78-79; UNGER, Sidney E., awarded remains in American Jewish Con- honors by Temple Uni- ference, 1+6:96; versity, 38:1+09 interfaith activities, 1+7:221+, UNION for Progressive Juda- 290; ism, organized, 29:79 urges justice in treatment of UNION of American Hebrew Germany, 1+8:122; Congregations, data sponsors conference on archi- concerning, 1:102 tecture of synagogue, 50:199 et seq.; UNION of Jewish Federations of growth and activities, America, 19:351+; 20:322 2:1+97; 16:107; 3l+:31- UNION of Jewish Literary Socie- 32,33; 39:71,280; 1+0: ties, England, work of, 11+1,278; 1+1:225; 1+2: 5:31-32; 185; U3:55; 1+1+: 110 ; message to JPS on its 25th !+5:ll+l+-ll+5; 1+6:96-97; anniversary, 15:159-160 1+7:218,221+,252; 50: UNION of Orthodox Jewish Congre- 158-159,171,175; gations of America, data circuit work organized concerning, 5:l58 et seq.; by, 5:37; 6:39,279? message to JPS on 25th anni- urges abrogation of versary, 15:168; treaty with Russia, gathers funds for Jewish vic- 13:51+-55,56? times in World War I, 19:197; 1+1:11+3; -336-

UNION of Orthodox Jewish UNION of Orthodox Rabbis of U.S. Congregations of and Canada (cont.) America (cont.) action in regard to Mordecai among signers of state- M. Kaplan, 47:215; 48:128; ment refuting slanders overseas relief and rescus pro- of Protocols, 23:378; gram, 47:218-219,315; 48:124 conventions, 30:233; UNION of Russian Jews, 46:462 40:140-141; et seq, activities, 39:71; U0:11)1; UNION of Sephardic Congregations, 104-: 115,368; 45:142; 31:286 et seq. 47:220; 48:150; 50: UNION of Soviet Socialist Repub- 166,173; lics. See Russia. Soviet withdraws from American UNITED Cloth and Cap Makers of Jewish Committee, North America, 9:119— 47:220 14:245 UNION of Orthodox Jewish UNITED Emigration Societies joins Congregations of in work of HICEM, 30:33 America, Women's UNITED Evacuation Committee, work Branch of, data con- of, 28:87-88 cerning, 26:5l4 UNITED Farmers of America, anti- et 3eg.; Jewish agitation spread by, organization and activi- 48:179 ties, 33:194-195 UNITED Salician Jews of America, UNION of Orthodox Jewish 39:677 et seq. Women's Organizations UNITED Garment Workers of America, of America, 22:316-- 9:120-122; 10:42 25:293 UNITED Hebrew Brothers, Order of, UNION of Orthodox Rabbis of 21:320—49:661 Greater New York, UNITED Hebrew Charities, New York, educational activi- appeals for funds, 8:268; ties, 1+6: ii+9 re-organized, 10:194; 39:86; UNION of Orthodox Rabbis of combination of several insti- U.S. and Canada, data tutions, 17:159; concerning, i+: li+0 relief work of Federation to et seq .; be coordinated under direc- educational activities, tion of, 20:144-145; 16:105; 44:101-102; aided by Bureau of Jewish Social among signers of state- Research, 22:46-47; ment refuting slanders develops into Jewish Social of Protocols, 23:379; Service Association, 39: efforts in behalf of 85,67-88; religious freedom in attitude toward immigration, Soviet Russia, 37:U20; 39:86-87; conventions, 39:270-271; work of, 39:67; 50:38,54 44:100; UNITED Hebrew Trades, organized, reorganizes Rabbinical 50:46; Council of America, rift in, 50:47; 44:100-102; membership, 50:48 appoints day of mourning UNITED Hebrews, Independent Order for Nazi victims, of, 7:133—16:291 45:140,192; 4.8:125; UNITED Hebrews of America, Order, refuses to participate 8:121—18:252 in 1944 American Jew- UNITED Hungarian Jews of America, ish Conference, 46:91; data concerning, 50:574 -337- UNITED Jewish Appeal, joint UNITED Kingdom. See Great Britain fund-raising termi- UNITED Labor Zionist Party (Achdut nated, 38:212; 39:21+3; Haavodah-Poale Zion), 50:575 agreement with United UNITED Nations, efforts for uni- Palestine Appeal for fied Jewish program for, funds for JDC, 39:21+1+ 1+1+: 108; UNITED Jewish Appeal for urged to rescue Jews of Europe, Refugees, Overseas 1+5:193,191+,609,655; 1+6:11+9, Needs and Palestine, 150,158,189-190; 1+7:292; organized, 1+1:169,177; considers Palestine problem, fund-raising activities, 1+5:610; 1+6:1+93-502,529,530, 1+1:206-207; 1+2:280; 562,585; L|7:U97; 49:103-106, 1+1+:12L>-125; 1+5:199-200; 256-258,28o,l+51+,U83,l+93-502, 1+6:160-161; 1+7: 3OI+-3O5; 506,785,786; 50:108-109,236- 1+8: H+O-li+2,163,202-203; 255,266-267,1+83-502,811+; 1+9:115,119,11+1,1^2,223} threatens punishment of war 50:122; criminals, 1+5:650; 1+6:156; reconstituted, 1)3:71+, 100; efforts to aid refugees and 1+1+: 133; 1+5:172; 1+8:162; displaced persons, 1+8:117, 1+9:137-138; 1+36-1+1+5; 1+9:531+; 5o:l+7l+; conflict concerning fund- and universal declaration on raising, l+3:9l+-96, human rights, 1+8:120,200, 100-101; 1+21+-1+25,1+27,1+30-1+31,1+36,631; work endorsed by promi- 1+9:111,1-1-89,569,570,572,571+- nent Christians, 1+5: 576,579; 199 American religious bodies urge UNITED Jewish Appeal of control of atomic energy by, Greater New York, 1+8:122; scope expanded, 1+9:138 Arabs represented in, 1+8:377; UNITED Jewish Campaign in- establishes International Refu- augurated to aid Euro- gee Organization, 1+9:531+; pean Jewry, 28:1+95- sends Count Bernadotte as media- 1+97; 29:76; 30:32; 1+1: tor to Palestine, 50:253- 161+-165; 255,1+35; funds gathered by, 30:32; forces truce in Palestine, work to be continued, 50:261+; 31:35 action on genocide, 50:1+90-1+93; UNITED Jewish Educational recognizes state of Israel, and Cultural Organiza- 50:253 tion (Europe), data UNITED Nations Charter, inter- concerning, 50:571+, faith effort for interna- 821. tional bill of rights in, UNITED Jewish People's 1+7:212,213,285-286; Order organized in Jewish organizations advocate Canada, 1+7:361+ international bill of rights UNITED Jeivish Refugee and in, 1+7:226; 1+8:1+27,631; War Relief Agencies, confirms fundamental freedoms, 1+5:1+97; 1+7:613 1+7:1+95; UNITED Jewish Socialist organizations responsible for Labor Party Poale-Zion clauses on international Zeire-Zion of U.S. and protection of human rights, Canada. See United 1+8:1+21+ Zionist Socialist Labor Party Paale-Zion Zeire Zion -338- TIN Conference on Interna- UN Partition of Palestine and the tional Organization, Biltmore program (cont.) San Francisco, efforts attitude of major American to present unified Jewish organizations, 1*9: Jewish program, 1*7: 787; 50:256-257,812-817; 302-303,1*88-1*89; 1+8: unacceptable to Arabs, 50:238, 133,623; 21*0,1*23,1*21* -1*31,1*38,1*1*0,1*1*1, question of Jewish rep- 1*1*3-1*1*5; resentation, 1+7:303, Zionist reaction to, 50:238; 329,1*88; accepted by Jewish Agency, Jewish organizations in- 50:21*0,21*3; vited to send con- accepted by UN, 50:21*0-21*3,371*. sultants to American 1*23-1*21*; delegation, 1+7:303, summary of plan, 50:21*3-21*1*; 329,1+89,5o5,5o6; t*9: approved by American public 87,780; opinion, 50:2l*i+,21+9-250; Palestine question at, Commission appointed for, U7:328-333,360-361., 50:2l+l+-2l*5; 1+88,1+90,1*91,1+96-1+97; debate in Security Council on, Jewish organizations 50:21*6-21*8; present memorandum to, attitude of American Jews 1*7:33O-331,l;9O; toward, 50:250,256-257 Canadian Jewry sends See also Israel; Palestine delegation to, I4.7 5 36Oj UNRRA, Jews aided by, 1+6:159,160; Arabs represented at, organization and activities, 1*7:1*67,1+69,1+89,1+96; 1*6:160; 1*7:1*5,1*83,1*81*; 1*8: and International Bill 302,305-306,307,1*1*8-1*52; of Rights, 1+7:1+90, 1*9:523; I±91,l+9l+,l+95; 1+8:1+21+, Jewish cooperation with, 1*6: 630-631; 568; 1*7:359-360,1*86487,715; shortcomings pointed out, 1*8:206-212,211+,l+l*9; 1*9:121*, 1*8:121; 1*51-1+52,627; work in behalf of Jewish makes no provision for special refugees, 50:230-231 needs of Jewish war victims. UN Economic and Social 1+7:1*83; Council, Committee on Jewish organizations submit Refugees, appointed, joint memorandum to, 1*7: 1*8:1*1*0; 1*81*; 1*8:1*51-1*52; Jewish organizations constitution amended to in- submit memoranda to, clude Jews, 1*7:1*85; 1*8:1*1*0; criticized, 1*7:1*85-1*86; 1*8:310, recommends new interna- 1*50-1+51; tional refugee or- urges creation of UN body for ganization, 1*6:1*1*1; displaced persons problem, Palestine problem de- 1*8:1*52; bated in, 1*8:1*1*1 replaced by International Refu- UN Partition of Palestine ee Organization, 1*9:530; and the Biltmore pro- f0:112-113,1*58,1*71* gram, 1*9:21*8-251; UN Security Council, action on advocated by UNSCOP, Palestine, 50:21*6-21*8, 265 1*9:508-509; -339- tJN Special Committee on UNITED Palestine Campaign conducts Palestine, scope and independent drive for funds, membership, 49:497- 38:211,212,213 499,502,503; 50:237, UNITED Roumanian Bessarabian Re- 409; lief Committee organized, findings, 1+9:508-511; 50: 31:33 237-239,815; UNITED Roumanian Jews of America, predicts strife in Pales- data concerning, 23:21+2-21+3 tine, 50:21+6; et seq.; reports on anti-Semitism efforts to aid Jews in Rumania, in Rumania, 5O:3&5; 33:33; 39:233; hostility of Arabs toward, protest anti-Jewish outbreaks 50:409-410; in Rumania, 34 = 27 Yishuv favorable toward, UNITED Service for New Americans, 50:i|10; aids refugees, 1+9:218-219; American Jewish Committee data concerning, 1+9:665; 50:575; submits brief to, work of, 50:39,144,li+6,227-229, 5O:8l4 230,231; UNITED Orthodox Rabbis of statistics on Jewish displaced America, 5:160-- persons aided by, 50:752 21:325 See also National Refugee UNITED Palestine Appeal Service funds raised by, UNITED Service Organizations co- 30:35; 38:213; 39:247, ordinates social and reli- 21+8; 1+0:116; 1+7:333- gious activities for three 334; 1+9:261+; 50:11+3; major faiths, 43:32,123; data concerning, 38:50D JWB participates in activities, et seq. ; 48:169 fund-raising instrument UNITED Sons of America, anti- in U.S. for the Jewish Jewish organization, 48:182 Agency, 39:121,122,123} UNITED Sons of Israel, 21:325— agreement with UJA for 25:295 funds, for JDC, 39: UNITED STATES, efforts in behalf 21+3; 1+0:112-113,114; of Jews of Eastern Europe, to be included in UJA, 4:20,38-41; 19:461; 22:133- 1+1:177,205-206; 1+2: 139,255-266; 36:90; 280; 1+3:91+-96,99-101; protests in, over Russian l+7:3Ol+,3O5,31O; 1+8: pogroms, 5:21; 6:378-379; 202-203,21+2; 1+9:137; 8:23-24,90-91; funds allotted to, 1+1+: government and affairs of in- 124,125,135; terest to Jews, 8:90-102; denounces 1939 White 10:74-79; 11:141-143; 12: Paper, 1+5:208; 221-227; 14:211-215; 15:234- aids Jewish war sufferers, 241; 16:132-137; 17:203; 1+6:161; 18:84; launches British cam- efforts to secure rights for paign, 1+7:350 Jews in Morocco, 8:90,92,266, UNITED Palestine Appeal, 267; 19:155-160; Junior Division, haven for political refugees, 39:686-687 11:64; 41:379,385-386; UNITED Palestine Appeal, negotiates commercial treaty Youth Division, 1+0: with Russia, 13:19; 1+78; 1+1:515 -3U0- UNITED STATES (oont.) UNITED STATES (cont.) efforts to secure rights upholds right of freedom of for minorities in speech, 39:21i|.-2l5; Balkan states, 15:197» urged to adopt liberal policy 222,21+0; 16:385; 18: on immigration of Polish 339-31+0; 19:106-107, Jews, 39:232; 139,151+5 1+2:95-96; petitioned to prevent modifica- civil right3 laws in tion of Palestine Mandate, various states, 19:237; 39:235-236; 20:151,381-382; resolution by American Jewish major political parties Committee on Constitution recommend equal rights Sesquicentennial, 39:787,822; for all races abroad, takes census of religious bodies 19:239; 1+0:63; urged to convene congress religious complexion in 1850, of neutrals to end 1+0:69-70; World War I, 19:239; representative attends Nurem- to insist on equality for berg Congress of National all in any new treaty Socialist Party, 1+0:89; with Russia, 19:1+61; proposes international refugee American Jewish Commit- conference to aid Nazi vic- tee's resolution of tims, 1+0:96-99; loyalty transmitted to asked by American Jewish Com- President, 20:391-392; mittee to intervene in be- and good will activities, half of Je#s of Rumania, 26:88,110-113; 27:96- 1+0:588,620-621; 97; 28-.1+77-U81; 38: aaked to aid B'nai B'rith in 226-232; t;0:129-137, Germany, l+0:6ll+; 603; 1+2:293-298,652; precedents for intervention in 11.3:112-121+; l+l+:l5l- behalf of persecuted, 165; 1+5:181-191; 1+9: 1+0:621-622; 188-211; 50:202-203; Convention with Great Britain endorses Palestine Man- on Palestine Mandate, date, 27:122-123,129; i|.l:201-202,203; Palestine policy, 33:26; asked by Jewish organizations 1+8:228; 50:236,238, to intervene in behalf of 21+1,2U2,21+7, 21+8,250- German Jewry, 1+2:136; 252,1+31,1+33,815; efforts to establish democratic protests in, against Nazi peace, 1+2:273-271+; anti-Jewish policy, foreign policy attacked as 35:U3-U6; 36:121-121+, "Jewish," 1+3:108-109,110,111; 126,128-133,136; 1+0: restricts immigration of those 122+-129,60l+-605; with relatives in German intervention in behalf of territories, 1+3:336-337; German Jewry sought entry into World War II hampers by American Jewish JDC rescue work, l+i+:128; Committee, 36;l+3l+-l+37; asked to intervene in behalf of informs Soviet Russia of European Jewry, 1+5:101-103; traditional policy on 1+6:11+9; religious liberty, protests pro-Axis attitude of 37:1+22; Argentina, k5'3^1-6; religious persecution in public opinion forces refugee Germany declared ab- conference with Great Brit- horrent to, 38:230- ain, 1+5:356-357; 231,622; UNITED STATES (cont.) UNITED STATES (cont.) limited by precedent in See also under Abrogation of protests against Nazi treaty with Russia; Aliens; persecution, 47:41; Anti-Semitism; Armed forces; efforts in behalf of Ger- Colleges and universities; man refugees, L|.7rl+X — Discrimination, anti-Jewiah; 42,44,45; 49:521; Immigration; Passport ques- recalls American ambas- tion; Public schools, and sador to Germany for under specific government consultation, 47:44. departments and officials, policy on Nazi war CBimi- and specific states and nals approved by conferences American Jewish Com- UNITED States Congress and mittee, 47:731; Russia's discrimination and the Anglo-American against passports of Ameri- Committee on Pales- can Jews, 5:133; 6:22,285- tine, 1+8:227,37U, 375, 286,301-301+; 7:259; 11:21- 396,398-399; 1+3,61+; 13:21,25,1+2; Harrison report criti- resolutions of sympathy on Jew- cizes administration ish massacres in Russia, of displaced persons' 8:9O,91,2lj.8,266; camps, 14.8:303; events in, leading to abroga- urges broad definition tion of treaty with Russia, of refugees and dis- 13:55-56; ll+:297; 15:441- placed persons, 1|8: 1+1+2; 23:52; 437; immigration and naturalization church, state and educa- legislation, 13:302-303; 15: tion in, article, 231+-238; 16:397; 19:237; 23: 49:1-48; 116-117,119; 2l+:3l+l|-3l+5; 25: and power politics in 376-377; 27:1+27; 30:272-273; Middle East, 49:512, 31:339-344; 1+7:322,323; 1+8: 514; 221+-226; efforts to aid Jews in Rumania, orders special treatment 15:222,239; 16:134-135; for displaced Jews, 39:10l+,105; 1+9:522-523; Beilis case discussed in, provides funds for IRO 16:135; with Great Britain, attitude toward Palestine and 49:533; Zionism, 21+:66; 25:10l+; 27: proposes non-discrimina- 122-123,129; 32:63-61+; 33: tory safeguards in 26; 39:238-239; 1+0:109-110; peace treaties with 1+1:204; 46:151,173-174; 47: Nazi satellites, 1+9: 212,325-328,683; 48:228,232- 570; 234,399; recognizes state of Jews of prominence in, list Israel, 50:253; compiled by I. George Dobse- directive on displaced vage, 24:109-218; persons, 50:1+56; Canadian rabbi delivers prayer urges speedy implementa- at opening, 27:179; tion of reparations Sunday law legislation by, program, 50:1+80; 29:53; asked to approve UTJSCOP refugee legislation by, 29:398- report by American 406; 46:302,307; Jewish Committee, 50:815-816 -31+2- UNITED States Congress UNITED States Congress, House Com- (cont.) mittee on Un-American Acti- and compulsory registra- vities, 1+0:128; 1+8:175-176; tion of aliens, 1+8:183 30:271+; UNITED States Army, Jews in, arti- denounces anti-religious cle by Lewis Landes, 18: policy of Soviet 76-79; Russia, 32:65-66; American Jewish Committee com- Nazi anti-Jewish policy bats discrimination in, condemned in, 35:50; 21:61+7; 36:l+L+l+; 1+5:192,195; promotions and decorations won 14-7:1+1; by Jews, 25:123-125 investigates Nazi propa- See also under Armed forces ganda in U.S., 36:125, U.S. Census Bureau, Bureau of Jewish Statistics and Re- 127,128,130,132,135; search gathers Jewish data 37:151; for, 20:398-1+00; 29:1+09; anti-Semitic manifesta- Statistical Department of tions in, 36 :i+i+Q; 1+3: American Jewish Committee 108,110,111; 1+7:277; gathers data on Jewish Con- 1+8:185,187,190; gregations in cooperation discusses legislation with, 30:28,199,290; 39:825 against racism, UNITED States Census for Religious 37:138; Bodies, statistics on Jews authorizes erection of of United States prepared memorial to Haym in connection wltji, 1+1:181 Salomon, 38:1+07; UNITED States Conference of Mayors and admission of refugee refuses to attend interna- children, 1+1:195; tional conference in Berlin, passes measure for addi- 38:191-192 tional European war U.S. Civil Service Commission, relief funds, 1+2:231+; American Jewish Committee legislation proposed to protests against discrimi- combat anti-democra- natory circular by, 20: tic activity, 1+2:292; 380-381 anti-Semitism issue in UNITED States, Jews of, article election for, 1+3:105; by Abram S. Isaacs, l:ll(.-19; chaplain prays for Jews directory of national organi- of Europe, i+5:11+0; zations, 1:31+ et seq.; and rescue of Jews of diredtory of local organiza- Europe, !+6:l5l-l57; tions, 1:105—29:291; urges punishment of lead- list of periodicals, 1:271 ing Nazis as war cri- et 3eq.; minals, 1+7:1+6; population statistics, 1:283 and federal aid for et seq.; parochial schools, efforts in behalf of European 1+9:1+5-1+7; co-religionists, 2:16; action regarding dis- 5:129-130,11+1; 7:261+-265; placed persons, 50: 8:21+2; 15:21+6; l8:32l+-326; ll5,120,232-236',t+6t+ 21:188-193; 25:33; 26:31+, 35; See also Immigration; 28:38-89; 29:72-71+; 30:32- Passport question; 31+; 31:32-38; 32:66-69; 33: Public service, Jews 32-31+,37-38; 3l+:25-29; in -31+3- UNITED States, Jews of, UNITED States, Jews of, (cont.) (cont.) attempts at unified action, 35:63-61+; 37:11+3-11+1+; 5:36-37; 8:261+-265; 18:327, 38:196-199,211-211+; 353-351+; 19:198,201,440-451; 39:118-123,228,229, 32:36; 33:1+1; 31+:31-32,318, 233-23U.2U2-2U9; 1+0: 319-321+, 329, 330-331,331+; 1+0: 95-96,99-100,103-105, 137; l+2:27i; 1+3:31; l+l+:108, 111-115; l+l:lkl-179, 110,131+, 138,11+2,1+69-1+71,1+72; 205-208; 1+2:269,272, 1+5:98-99,170-171; 1+7:690-6% 276-284; 1+3:75-76,88- celebration of 250th anniver- 97; 1+!+: 123-132,11+9- sary of settlement, 7:262- 150,261), 265,273; 1+5: 263r 3l+:326; 1+2:72-73; 198-206,651; 1+6:161- activity in the arts, 8:175- 168; U7:291,3Ol+-3l5; 180; 9:1+67-1+73; 28:50-51; l+a:121+-125,202-217; 31:205; biographical sketches: combat restrictive immigration Jews who have served legislation, 9:536-537; 30: in the Congress, 2: 25-26; 33:56-57; 3l+:l+6-l+7; 517-521+; rabbi3 and bibliography relating to, cantors, 5:1+0-118; 6: 11:201+ -218; 211+-225; 7:119-125; activity in agriculture, 14: prominent in the profes- 55-100,101+-108; 26:54; 27: sions, 6:52-113; 39: 58; 29:63; 37:99-131+; 39: 60-63; communal 59-60; workers, 7:32-118 statistical data gathered on, synagogues and homes of 16:339; 30:28,101-201; societies dedicated, pro-Palestine activities, 2:638—22:11+7; 17:81-82; 19:220,222; 24:68; summary of organizations, 27:1+71; 30:35-37; 32:58-62, article by Charles S. 70-72; 33:23-31; 37:147-150; Bernheimer, 2:1+96-506; 1+0:116-119; 1+2:271+-276; 1+3: in public service, 2:517 97-102; 1+1+:132-136; k5:206- et seq«; 21k,631-632,63l+,636,S38-61+5, in the wars of the U.S., 61+6,62+7; 1+7:325-339; 1+8:227- 2:527-622; 12:57; 19: 21+1+; 255-263,1+86-1+87,507- activities in behalf of Jewish 508; 20:103-112,369; victims of World War I, 21:173-227; 21:11+1- 17:206-208,366-369; 18:92; 155; 22:158-163,W+- 19:19l+-226,21+l-2l+3; 20:153- 1+1+7,1+73; 26:1+16-1+17; 155; 26:73-7l+,83,81+; 27:55-56; 29:51+; t+5: and events relating to World 1+06-422; 1+7:153-178, War I, 18:86-93; 263-268; and Congress-Conference move- review of the year, 3:16 ment, 18:88-90; et seq.; list of rabbis and instructors statistical summary of in Jewish colleges, 19: activities, 3:126-156; history of, 4:63-77; 3^7 -395; -344- UNITED States, Jew3 of UNITED States, Jews of (cont.) (cont.) efforts in behalf of refugees list of federated chari- and displaced persons, 43s ties, 20:326-327; 21: 76-77; 47:316-324; 48:116, 58U-586; 22:3U0-3l4-2; 120,157,218-227,451-452; 23:266-268; 24:286- cooperation with Jews of Latin 288; 25:312-311+; 26: America, 44:3-415 546-543; 27:350-352; decorated for gallantry in 28:365-367; 29:215- World War II, 1+4:324-325; 217; scholarship among, l|5:47-65; data on religious organi- Jewish book collections among, zations gathered by 45:67-96; American Jewish Com- American Jewish Year Book mittee, 20:382; source material for history movement for Jewish bat- of, 50:86,96-100; talion in World War I, united in commending Civil 21:127-129; Rights program, 50:177; casualties among, in work for social justice, World War I, 21:151).; 50:177-178; early portraits of, renaissance of Jewish culture 25:146-162; among, 50:200-*01; patriotism, 28:469-472; impact of Israel on life of, 37:157,425; 50:257-258,261-262; address to George Wash- efforts of American Jewish Com- ington on inauguration mittee to strengthen and as president, 28:218; protect position of, 50: reaction to events in 825-832 Nazi Germany, 32:98; See also Communal organization 33:35; 35:31-32,54-56; Education; Federation; Immi 36:126; 37:140-144; gration; Organizations; 39:225-226; 45:139- Overseas relief; Population 141,191; Public Office; Refugees; list of federations, Social work; Yiddish press; 32:199—35:220; Zionism, and also under list of hospitals, 32: individual topics and place: 202-203; UNITED States Maccabee Associatio? homes for children and 36:346 et seq.; the aged, 32:204-207; UNITED States Navy, career of list of federations and Commodore Uriah P. Levy in, welfare funds, 36: 4:42-44; 352—38:513; Jews in, article by Lewis historical review of sta- Landes, 18:76-79 tistics, 40:61-84,61U; See also under Armed forces number and distribution, "United States Passport and 1937 preliminary esti- Russia," address by Rufus B, mate, Ul:l8l-l89; Smith, 13:116-128 divided religiously by U.S, Shipping Board, American Jew- Pittsburgh Conference, ish Committee combats dis- 42:185; criminatory advertisement number and distribution by, 21:637-642 in 1937, 42:215-265; -3l*5- UNITED States Supreme Court, UNITED Synagogue of America (cont.) decision protecting withdraws from American Jewish minority rights. Committee, 1*6:91,557; 26:66-67; sponsors conference on Jewish upholds Hew York State music in the synagogue, Law on Kashruth; 50:193 28:29; 29:26; See also National Federation of opinion on right of Jewish Men's Clubs naturalization, 29: UNITED Synagogue of America, 397-398 Women's League of, data con- See also Brandeis, Louis cerning, 20:323 et seq.; D., Carriozo, Benjamin organization and activities, N., Frankfurter, Felix 33:191-193; UNITED States War Department convention proceedings, 39:272; asks for Jewish rep- 1*1*: 103; resentative to serve withdraws from American Jewish in Germany, 1+8:125 Committee, 1+6:91,557 UNITED Synagogue of America, UNITED Synagogue of America, Young data concerning, People'3 League of, data 15:393 et seq.; concerning, 2k:260 et seq.: founded by Solomon activities, 1+3:50; 1+4:103 Schechter, 18:61-63; UNITED Synagogue, Great Britain, among signers of state- activities, 1+7:31+9-350 ment refuting sland- UNITED Yeshivos, Board of Secular ers of Protocols, Education, activities, 23:378; 50:157; uses radio as medium of data concerning, 50:576 Jewish cultural edu- UNITED Yeshivos Foundation, con- cation, 27:39-1*0; flict with Jewish Education attitude on religious Committee, 1*2:303; instruction in public data concerning, 1+3:596 et seq.: schools, 28:14.2; activities, 1*6:101*; 1+8:130 urges Jewish organiza- UNITED Zionist Council, 1+5:1*97; tions to unite against 1*7:613 anti-Semitism, 34:31; UNITED Zionist Socialist Labor growth and activities, Party Poale-Zion Zeire-Zion, 34:33-345 39:71; 1*1*: data concerning, 31*:216 — 10k; U°:93; 1*7:221; 1*7:606; 1+8:11+1*; 50:150,157, activities, 1*2:313; 1+3:98-99, 172; 100-101 statistics, 39:70; See also Labor Zionist Organi- convention proceedings, zation of America 38:232-233; 1*0:11+0; UNITED Zionists-Revisionists of 1+2:306; 1+4:105; America, data concerning, formed as expression of 50:576 Conservative Judaism, UNITY, efforts by American Jewry 42:113-111*; for, 5:36-37; 8:261+-265; 18: plans Synagogue Center in 327,353-351*5 19:198,201,1+1+0- Jerusalem, 42:114,129; 1+51; 32:36; 33:1*1; 31*: 31-32, aids refugee groups in 318,319-321*, 329,330-331,33U; South America, 1+3:34; 1+0:137; 1*2:271+; 1+3:31; 1*1*: calls conference to dis- 108,110,134,138,142,1*69-1*71, cuss war problems, 1+72; 1+5:98-99,170-171; 1*7: 1*5:11*3; 690-693; 50:123,121*, 126 -31*6-

UNIVERSAL declaration on URUGUAY, Jews of, 19:68-71; 36:203; human rights. See UO:3l+3; 1+3:303-301+; Human rights, inter- Jewish population, 19:68-69 national bill for et seq.; Universal Jewish Encyclo- Jewish organizational activity, pedia, 1+2:305; 1+5:61+; 19:69-71; 1+8:255-256; 50:276; 55TTT3 goal of Jewish immigration, UNIVERSAL military training, 32:86; opposition to, 50:177 statistics on Jewish immigra- UNIVERSAL Yeshivah of Jeru- tion to, 33:296, 298 salem, American Com- et seq.; mittee of. See Ameri- immigration regulations and ad- can Committee of Uni- mission of German refugees, versal Yeshivah 38:129; 1+3:303-309; UNIVERSITIES. See. Colleges efforts to counteract Nazi and universities propaganda in, 1+0:31+3; UNIVERSITY Settlement, New Jewish agricultural c olony in, York City, Americani- praised, 1+2:1+31+; zation work, 23:93-91+ condemns Nazi pogroms, 1+1:366; UNOCCUPIED Prance. See anti-Jewish manifestations In, Prance, Unoccupied 1+1:367,368; 1+9:273| UNTERMEYER, Irwin, in New refugee problem in, 1+1:367-368; York Legislature, anti-alien legislation pro- 32:11+6; posed, 1+3:309; on New York Bench, 33: Jewish contribution to war 266; 34:236; 1+6:323 effort, 1+3:311; UNTERMYER, Louis, awarded forbids publication of Yiddish prize for work on newspapers, 1+1+: 292; Italy, 37:231+ first Latin American Zionist UNTERMYER, Samuel, honorary Congress held in, 1+7:1+80-1+81; appointments conferred traditional liberal policy on, ll|.: 286; maintained, 1+8:250-251; efforts in behalf of Jews on UN Special Committee on of Poland, 39:231 Palestine, 1+9:1+98,508; UPSILON Delta Sigma, 1+1+: Jews and post-war immigration 397—1+9:665 policy", 1+9:555-556 UPSILON Lambda Phi Frater- USSISHKIN, Menachem, death, 1+1+: 286 nity, 23:21+1+—1+7:606 UTAH, statistical data on Jews and Jewish activities, 3:l5Or 30:195; 1+2:263; Sunday law in, 10:166; Jewish agricultural settle- ments, ll+:99 -31+7-


VAAD Hatzala Rescue Commit- VATICAN, correspondence with Lord tee, overseas activi- Rothschild on encyclical ties, 1+8:216-217; denouncing blood accusation certifying agency of U.S. against Jews, 16:82-85; Immigration Depart- correspondence with American ment, t|.8:217; Jewish Committee on situa- data concerning, 1+9:666; tion of Polish Jews, 19: 50:576 1+52-1+57; VAAD Hoezra, Union of Grand attitude on Jewish national Rabbis of U.S. and home in Palestine, 22:228, Canada, 50:576 229; 21+:68; VAAD Leumi of Palestine Italian Jews affected by Con- represented at 1939 cordat with Government, London Conference, 31:1+2-1+3; 32:3X2; 1+1:338; urges all creeds to protest opposes 1939 White Paper, anti-religious policy of l+i:3l+U; Soviet Russia, 32:61+; 33:362; attitude on Nazism, 1+0:593; demands increase in Jew- 1+2:385; ish defense forces, appealed to, in behalf of Jews 1+1:350,633; of Poland, 1+2:100; condemns use of terror by Jews, 1+1:350-351; U.S. sends special peace envoy 1+7:1+65; to, 1+2:273; conflict between various inveighs against racism, 1+2: Jewish groups in, 381+-385.61+7; 1+3:291-293; opposes anti-Jewish legislation organization, 1+7:1+60; in Italy, 1+5:292; among signers of recom- efforts in behalf of Jews of nendation to 191+7 Hungary, 1+7:29l+,1+25,711+ Paris Peace Confer- VEIT, Adolphus N., mayor of Living- ence, 1+9:566 ston, Mont., 15:267 VALLAT, Xavier, General Com- VENEZUELA, Jews of, 19:71-72; missioner for Jewish Jewish economic and social Affairs, correspon- activity, 19:71-72; dence on French anti- statistics on Jewish popula- Jewish laws, 1+7:113- tion, 33:338 et seq.; 117 ends transit visas to refugees, VANCOUVER, B.C., early Jew- 1+6:297; ish settlers, 27:171; post-war immigration program, Jewish religious organi- 1+7:1+75; zations, 27:186 policy toward Jewish immigra- VAN den Berg, Brahm, data tion, 1+9:273,556 concerning, 6:202 VERBAND Judlscher Frauen fur Kul- VARBALOW, Joseph, on New turarbeit in Palastina, Jersey Bench, 36:260 work of, 17:79-80 -31+8-

VERMONT, statistical data VIERECK, George Sylvester, found on Jews and Jewish guilty of disseminating activities, 3:l5l; Nazi propaganda, I|.l+:l57-l58 30:195; U2:263; VINEBERG, Hiram N., data concern- Sunday law, 10:166 ing, 6:202 VERSAILLES peace conference. VINELAND, N.J., Jewish agricul- See Paris Peace Confer- tural colony, IJ4.183 ence VINER, Jacob K., on faculty of VETERANS, aid given by Jew- University of Chicago, ish Welfare Board to, 22:158; 1+5:179-180; 1+8:170- wins award ,in economics by 171; Harvard University, 26:135 plans to meet religious VIRCHOW, Rudolf, approves Shehitah, needs of, LL7:219,220, 25:176-177 221-222; 1+8:123-121+; VIRGIN Islands, Jews of, 19:97-99 activity of American Jew- VIRGINIA, legislation on discrimi- ish Committee in be- natory phrase in Bill of half of, 1+7:702; Rights, 3:16; attitude toward religion, statistical data on Jews and 1+8:159 Jewish activities, 3:l5l; See also Hebrew Veterans 30:195-196; 1+2:263; of the Wars of the Sunday law, 10:166,188; Republic; Jewish Baptist protest concerning Veterans of the Wars Bible reading in public of the Republic; Jew- schools, 29:36-39; ish War Veterans of struggle for separation of America; Jewish War church and state, 14.9:6-8 Veterans of the U.S.; VISUAL arts, Jewish activity in, National Jewish Wel- 50:199-200 fare Board VITICULTURE Introduced into Georgie VETERANS Administration, by Abraham deLyon, l+:69; Interfaith coopera- 11+: 55-56; tion with, 1+8:197 encouraged in Palestine by VETERANS organizations Baron Edmond deRothschild, opposed to Gerald L.K. 14:27; Smith, 1+9:203 problem of Palestine colonies VICHY. See France, Un- regarding, 17:50-53 occupied VLADECK,' Baruch Charney, on New VICTORIA, B.C., early Jew- York City Board of Aldermen, ish settlers, 27: 20:172; 22:158; 168-171; appraises Arab-Jewish situation Jewish religious organi- in Palestine, 39:239-214.0; zations, 27:185-186 on New York City Council, VIDAVER, Falk, biographical 1+0:365; sketch, 5:103 portrait, facing, 1+1:79; VIENNA, Congress of, Jewish obituary by John Herling, rights at, 19:108-132; 1+1:79-93; provides for religious activity in behalf of labor liberty in the Nether- movement, 1+1:86,87-90; lands, 19:126-128 career on the Forward. 1+1 :86,87; VILNA Sejm and the Jews, Liberty ship named for, 1+7:509 21+:30-31 VOCATIONAL agencies, Jewish, list VINAVER, Chemjo, chorus of, 39:651+; 50:135-136 conducted by, 50:191+ -349- VOCATIONAL problems, Jewish Volklsoher Beobachter, anti-Jewish concern with, 1+2:308 propaganda by, 37: l8i(. VOGEL, Edward, on New York Volka Zeitung, New York Yiddish City Council, 44:324 weekly, 26:170-171 VOGELSTEIN, Herman, memorial VOLMKR, Leon, biographical sketch, resolution by JPS, 5:103-101). 45:699 VOLSTEAD Prohibition Act and the Voice. The, Catholic publi- use of ritual wine, 21).:23-25 cation, opposes VON PLEHVE, V.K., forbids suppres- Coughlin's Social sion of anti-Jewish riots Justice, 41:222 in Russia, 5:19; Voice of America on responsible for Kishineff out- Kishineff, additions rages, 6:27; and corrections, hostile attitude toward Jews, 6:378-360; 6:29; issued by Jewish Publica- attitude toward Zionism, 6: tion Society, 6:386, 29-31 393; VOORSANGER, Elkan, first rabbin- compiled by Cyrus Adler, ical chaplain in U.S. Army, 1+2:72 39:151 VOLK, Lester D., in House VOORSANGER, Jacob, biographical of Representatives, sketch, 5:104; 23:127 et aeq. memorial resolutions of Ameri- can Jewish Committee on, 10:247

WMCA, radio station, boy- WADDINGTON, William Henry, senior cotted for barring Frenoh representative, advo- Father Coughlin, ij.1: cates Jewish emancipation at 211; 42:285 Congress of Berlin, 19:139» WACHTEL, Arthur, in New York 141,142,144,147,148 Legislature, 41:403 WADSWORTH, James W., bill by, WACHSMANN, Siegfried, on liberalizing Immigration Law faculty of Pordham of 1924, 29:398; 30:272 University, 14:286; WAGNER, Robert F., Senator, intro- on faculty of College of duces bill for admission of Physicians and Sur- refugee children, 41s195; geons, Columbia Uni- heads American Palestine Com- versity, 17:218 mittee, 45:209 WACHTEL, Arthur, in New York Legislature, 43:346; 45:373; 47:509; 49:600 WAGNER-TAFT Palestine reso- WALDMAN, Hyman, in New York Legis- lution, tabled by lature, 42:14.65 Senate, 47:325,683; WALDMAN, Louis, in New York Legla* opposed by Truman, 14.8:399; lature, 20:170; 22:158 passed by Congress, WALDMAN, Louis I., presidential 14-8:399 elector, 10:123, 11:145 WAHL, Maurice, Municipal WALDMAN, Morris D., data concern- court judge in N.Y., ing, 7:112; 47:510 head of United Hebrew Charities, WAILING Wall controversy, New York, 10:194; story of, 31:70-73,74, reports on needs for overseas 75; relief, 30:32; British White Paper on, secretary of American Jewish 31:73-7k; Committee, 31:389; and Arab riots in Pales- reports on anti-Jewish outrages tine, 32:129-133, in Rumania and Jewish situa- 321-322; tion in Eastern Europe, League of Rations appoints 33:32,382-399; urges consolidation of com- special Commission ; for investigation of, munity resources, 34 36-37; 32:137; 33:102-103; obituary of Cyrus L. Sulzberger. Nathan Straus appeals to 35:145-156; Grand Mufti on, on minority rights of Jews in 33:152; Poland, 37:142; Cyrus A.dler asked by resolutions by American Jewish League of Nations to Committee in honor of, nrepare memorandum on, 41:625; 42:134 memorial address on Cyrus See also Palestine Adler, 43:728-735; WAINER, Max, Col., address Executive Vice-President of before 32d annual American Jewish Committee, meeting of Jewish 45:623; Publication Society, report on mldwestern trip, 22:473-474 46:533; WAKSMAN, Selman A., micro- urges Latin America activity by biologist at New American Jewish Committee, Jersey State Experi- 47:682; ment Station, 37:126; article on post-war problems, wins Passano Foundation 47:684; award, 49:601; tribute to, 48:632-633 awarded honorary degree WALDMAN, Mrs. Szejya, case regard- by Princeton Univer- ing admission to the U.S., sity, 50:510 29:396-397 WALD, Albert, in New York WALDSTEIN, Charles, data concern- Legislature, 35:112 ing, 6:202-203 WALDSTEIN, Louis, physician, WALD, Lillian D., data con- 6:203 cerning, 7:111; WALDSTEIN, M.E., data concerning, honors conferred on, 6;203 15:267-268; 39:572 WALD, Sadie T., data con- WALKOWITZ, Abraham, data concern- cerning, 7:111-112 ing, 6:203 WALDMAN, Henry J., on New WALLACH, Isaac, data concerning, Jersey Bench, 33:118}' 7:112 38:409 WALLACH, Isabel R., data concern- Ing, 6:203 -351- WALLACH, Otto, wins Nobel WAR criminals, punishment of prize in chemistry, (cont.) 25:196; demanded by Jewish organization? data concerning, 25:197- at UH San Francisco Confer- 198 ence, 47:490; WALLACHIA, Jews in, 3:28-5^, American Jewish Committee 57,58; approves American policy on, anti-Jewish discrimina- 47:731 tion and excesses, WAR criminals trials, at Nuremberg, 3:29,33,35-36,38Al, 48:453-464; 5o-5l; blood accusation alleged position of Justice Jackson on, in, 3:46,49; 48:453-455; Jewish rights at the International Military Tribunal Congress of Paris 1856, for, 48:455,456; 19:133-134.137,138 top-ranking Germans indicted See also Rumania by, 48:456-459; reveals Nazi planned cruelties, WALLERSTEIN, David, Assis- 48:457-464; tant District Attorney of Philadelphia, 8:184 at other places, 48:464-4,65 WALT, Abraham (A. Lie3in), WAR of 1812, Jews in, 4:43,65,71; Gershom M. Seixas preaches data concerning, sermon urging support of, 6:203-204 6:47-43 WALTER, Moses R., memorial WAR orphans, Jewish, problem after resolution by Ameri- World War I, 26:75-76; can Jewish Committee data on, 29:75-76; on, 20:383-384 problem after World War II, WALTER, Simon, on Phila- 49:319-320,328,340-343 delphia Common Coun- WAR Refugee Board established, cil, ll;:236; 16:105; 46:91,569; 22:158 purposes and activities, 46: WANDERERS, Association of 151-153,160,307-309; 47: leaders of American 296-297; Jewish life, 42:74 establishes center at Oswego, WAR crimes, article, by N.Y., 46:155; Maurice P. G-oldbloom, wins Turkish cooperation, 49:580-590; 50:494-500 46:270; WAR Crimes Commission, American Jewish Committee policy of, 48:122 pledges support to, 46:551; WAR criminals, punishment endorsed by Pres. Roosevelt, of, 45:192-193,194. 47:75; 195,650; 46:155; 47: intermediary between U.S. 46-47,292,295; 49:590; government and private or- urged by Franklin D. ganizations, 47:211; Roosevelt, 47:46 efforts in behalf of European urged by Synagogue Coun- Jewry, 47:424,713,714 cil of America, WARBURG, Edward M., honored by 47:226; Polish Government, 49:601 demanded by American pub- lic opinion, 47:300- 302; decreed by Rumania, 47:436; -352- WARBURG, Felix M., data WARBURG, Max M., tribute to, concerning, 6:201).; 49:795 40:23-26,37-40; WARBURG, Paul M., appointments presidential elector, and honors conferred on, 10:123; 11:145; 15:268; 20:172; 21:203; honors conferred on, 33:118; 22:158; 32:In- on Federal Reserve Board, 16: activity on Jewish Agency, 160; 17:218; 27:144 32:60,61,71; WARD, Harry F., signs Christian resigns from Jewish protest against anti-Jewish Agency in protest propaganda, 24:337 against Passfield Warheit, New York, editorial atti- White Paper, 33:24-25; tude, 26:177,221,228,229, 34:90; 42:133; 262,292,308,347,358 president of American WARMER, Benjamin, Liberty ship Association for Adult named for, 47:510 Education, 33:118; WARNER, Harry M., awarded honorary on Board of Metropolitan degree by Rollins College, Opera Association, 39:572 37:234; WARSAW, Isidor, biographical obituary by Cyrus Adler, sketch, 5:104; 6:225 40:23-40; WARSAW, impoverishment of Jews in, portrait, facing, 40:23; 35:66; philanthropic activities, loss of autonomy by Jewish com* 40:26-29,31,32,35; munity opposed, 39:431; 46:82; Nazis confine Jews to ghetto educational and cultural in, 43:233-235; interests, 40:26-28, anniversary of Ghetto battle 32-33,36; commemorated, 45:195, 46: takes census in World 98,154,241,301,539; 47:677; War I of New York's 50:399; food supply, 40:30; Jewi3h heroism in battle of, work on American Jewish 45:309; 47:395 Committee, 40:32; WARSAW Jews, American Council for interest in Palestine, See American Council for Warsav 40:33-34,317,318, Jews 618,619; WARSHAWSKY, Abel G., French memorial resolution by Government buys painting by, American Jewish Com- 24:90; mittee, 40:584-585; chevalier of French Legion of tribute of Cyrus Adler, Honor, 36:260 40:617-619; WASCERWITZ, Morris H., data con- first chairman of JDC, cerning, 7:112 41:144 WASHER, Nat M., data concerning, WARBURG, Mrs. Frieda Schiff, "7:112-113; donates home as Jew- disproves allegation charging ish Museum, 49:131; Jews with atheism and crimi- 50:198 nality, 31:352-354 WARBURG, James P., decorated WASHINGTON, Booker T., friendship by Swedish Government, with Julius Rosenwald, 34:100; 34:160 on board of directors of New York Philharmonic Symphony Society, 41:403 -353- WASHINGTON, George, Jewish WATKIHS, Franklin C, wins prizes congregations send for paintings, 34:100 congratulatory addres- WAXMAN, Fathan, data concerning, ses to, 4:70; 28:217- 7:113 218; WAY, Lewis, petition in behalf of correspondence with Moses Jewish emancipation, 19: Mendaz Seixas, 6:43; 131-133 c 42=315; WEBER, Joe, data concerning, 6:201+ Gershom Mendez Selxas WECHSLER, Judah, biographical participates in in- sketch, 5:104 auguration, 6:46; WECHSLER, Morris, biographical memorial forest estab- sketch, 5:104 lished by Jewish WEDGEWOOD, Josiah, efforts in be- National Fund, 34:24 half of Jews of Rumania, WASHINGTON, D.C., office of 34:52; American Jewish Com- testifies before British Royal mittee in, 12:351; Commission on Palestine, Jewish Welfare Board aids 39:475-476 Jewish Comrnunity of, WEHL, Abraham, data concerning, 20:98; 7:113 addresses at cornerstone WEIL, A.Leo'f urges support of JPS laying of Jewish Bible translation project, Center in, 28:14.69-1+72, ll:281u 474-476; obituary by Samuel H. Goldenson, headquarters of Zionist 41:75-78; Organization of Ameri- portrait, facing, 41:75 ca transferred to, WEIL, Abraham, data concerning, 1+3:98; 6:204 Political Department of WEIL, Bertrand, in Louisiana Jewish Agency estab- Legislature, 11:233 lishes office in, WEIL, Carrie (Mrs. Charles), data 45:208 concerning, 7:113 WASHINGTON (state), statis- WEIL, Cassie Ritter (Mrs. A.Leo), tical data on Jews data concerning, 7:113 and Jewish activities, WEIL, David L., on New York City 3:151-152; 30:196; Bench, 10:123 1+2:261;; WEIL, Edmond, data concerning, Sunday law in, 10:166- 6:204 167; WEIL, Edward, in New York Legis- Jewish agricultural lature, 13:289; lk:286; settlenents, ll).: 98 15:268 WASSERMAN, Alfred, in Penn- WEIL, Frank L., heads National sylvania Legislature, Jewish Welfare Board, 42: 35:112; 37:235 308; WASSERMAN, Prank, on New honors conferred on, 47:510; York City Bench, 49:601; 32:146 heads National Institute of WASSERMAN, Jacob, in Massa- Social Relations, 49:791; chusetts Legislature, 50:831 19:255; 20:172 WEIL, H.A., mayor of Ripon, Wis., WASS3RV0GEL, Isidor, on New 8:187 York Bench, 23:127; WEIL, Henry, data concerning* 33:266; 34=236; 7:113>114 37:235 -354- WEIL, Jacob, on New York WEINSTEIN., Israel, Health Commis- City Board of Alderm- sioner of New York City, men, 16:160 49:601 WEILL, Felix, member of WEINSTEIN, Louis Hyraan, chairman French Legion of Honor, Massachusetts Board of 40:365 Housing, 49:601 WEILL, Julien, Grand Rabbi WEINSTEIN, Maxwell, awarded of Paris, holds ser- Soldier's Medal for heroism vices during Occupa- in China, 30:73; tion, 1+7:106 awarded medal by Congress, WEILL, Raphael, officer of 33:118 French Legion of WEINSTEIN, Philip, organizer of Honor, 22:158 United Hebrew Trades, 5O:4& WEINBERG, Ethan A., in U.S. WEINSTEIN, S., in New York Legis- consular service, lature, 12:335 13:289; WEINSTOCK, Harris, data concern- decorated by Sultan of ing, 7:114-115; Turkey, 16:161 secures gifts for JPS, 15:75 WEINBERG, Harry E., city WEINSTOCK, Isidore H., data con- prosecutor of Duluth, cerning, 6:225 Minn., 24:90 WEINZELBAUM, Maurice S., appoint- WEINBERG, Joseph, president ments and honors conferred of Architects Society on, 42:465 of Ohio, 39:572 WEIS, Charles, wins prize of WEINBERG, W.E., mayor of Carnegie Hero Fund Commis- Coifax, Wash., 13:289 sion, 10:123 WEINBERGER, Jacob, president WEIS, Julius, data concerning, of San Diego, Calif., 7:115 Board of Education, WEISBERQ-, A. Lester, awarded medal 39:572; 14-3:346; by Carnegie Hero Fund Com- on California Bench, mission, 33:118 48:476 WEISMAN, Herman L., attacks plan WEINER, Adolph, on New York for partition of Palestine City Board of Educa- proposed by British Royal tion, 12:335 Commission, 40:107 WEINFELD, Morris, in New WEISMAN, Samuel, in New York Leg- York Legislature, islature, 36:260; 37:234; 26:136 38:409 WEIHHANDLER, Hattie (Mrs. S),WEISS, Edward, on faculty of data concerning, Temple University School of 7:114 Medicine, 38:409 WEINMAN, Adolph A., awarded WEISS, Harry, biographical sketch, medal by National 5:105 Sculpture Society, WEISS, Jacob, in Indiana Legisla- 50:510 ture, 38:409; 39:572 WEDTSEEHKER, Esther T., data WEISS, Louis, biographical sketch, concerning, 7:114 5:105; 6:225 WEINSHENKER, S.E., in Illi- WEISS, Paul, mayor of Dunkirk, N.Y., nois Legislature, 32:146 21:203 WEISS, Samuel, awarded Legion of WEINSTEIN, Harris, bio- Honor by France, 41:403 raphical sketch, f :104-105 -355- WEISS, Samuel A.» in Penn- WEIZMANN, Chaim (cont.) sylvania Legislature, 70th birthday celebrated, 1+7: 39:572; 339,1+70; in House of Representa- presents Jewish case to Anglo- tives, 1+3:31+6,61+7, American Committee of et seq.; Inquiry, 1+8:1+12; honored by Hahnemann attempts to achieve agreement Medical College, on Palestine with British 1+9:601 Government, 1+9:278-279; WEIZMANN, Chaim, policy and the Mandatory Government's opposed in World attack on the Jewish Agency, Zionist Congress, 26: 1+9:1+1+5-1+1+6; 8o; 31+: 86-87; 1+9:516; suggests Palestine partition signs agreement on organi- plan, 1+9:1+88; zation of Jewish testimony before UNSCOP, 1+9:50$; Agency, 29:102; and plan for inclusion of non- approves appointment of Zionists on Jewish Agency, Joint Palestine Survey 1+9:788 Commission, 30:37,310; WEIZMANN Institute of Science, resigns as president of American Committee for, data Jewish Agency, 33:21+; concerning, 50:577 letter of Ramsay Mac WELFARE funds for philanthropic Donald to, on British work in the U.S., Jewish, Palestine policy, list of, 35:220-223 et seq.: 33:27,67-68; growth, importance and activi- criticizes British Pal- ties, 36:80; 39:113-111+; 1+0: estine policy, 3l+:86; 1+82; l+l+:138,l50; 1+5:172; 1+1:31+8; 1+8:398; Jewish educational agencies president of World Zion- affiliated with, 38:1+0; ist Organization, and community chest organiza- 38:386; 1+0:316; tions, 1+1+: 139; lays foundation stone and receipts of overseas and na- dedicates Hebrevr Uni- tional agencies from, 50: versity, 39:180,181; 775-780; lays Jewish ct--:e before analysis of allocations by, for British Royal Commis- local and regional services, sion on Palestine, 50:781-782 39:1+67-1+66; WELLES, Sumner, Acting Secretary approves partition plan of State, upholds Icke's for Palestine, 1+0:311+, condemnation of Hitler, 315,317; 1+1:193; states Jewish position at denounces German occupation of 1939 London Confer- Czechoslovakia, 1+1:197; ence, 1+1:337-338; turns over documents on threat- resigns from Jewish ened extermination of Jews Agency in protest over to Stephen S. Wise, 1+5:193; Passfield White Paper, Jewish delegations to, protest 1+2:133; abrogation of Cremleux decree visit to U.S. stimulates in North Africa, 1+5:197-198; interest in Palestine, charges Argentina with pro-Axis 1+2:311;; sympathy, lj.5: 3I4.6; cooperates in efforts to protests mass deportations of unite American Zion- Jews in Prance, 1+5:61+9 ists and non-Zionists, l+l+:l+72,l+78; 1+5:211; -356-

WKLT, Mildred, article, "The WESTERN Hemisphere, Jewish popula- National Council of tion, 1+8:599-600,603 Jewish Women," 1+6:55- See also under individual 72 countries WERPEL, Franz, wins inter- WESTERN Jewish Institute, Los faith award, i+6: li+7 Angeles, library, 1+5:89 WELTCHEK, Harry, in New WESTERN Star, Independent Order, Jersey Legislature, 2:132—31+:193 31+: 100 WETSTEIN, Martha A., data con- WERNER, Adolph, 6:20l+-205 cerning, 7:115 WBRNER, Simon, 6:205 WEXLER, Harry, wins Robert M. WERTHEIM, Maurice, letter* to Losey Award from Institute American Jewish Com- of Aeronautical Sciences, mittee on plight of 1+8:1+75 Palestine Jewry, WEYL, Julius S., discusses books 17:360-363; issued by JPS, 36:1+88-1+89; plan for relief of Jews portrait, frontispiece, 3o; of Palestine, 19:219; obituary by David J. Gaiter, efforts for unity of 38:21^26; action between Zion- memorial address by Bernard L. ists and non-Zionists, Prankel, 38:666-668 UU:1U2 WEYL, Max, data concerning, 6:205 president of American WEYL, Walter E., data concerning, Jewish. Committee, 6:205 lll6+++ 6 WHEAT, discovered in Palestine by presidential address, Aaron Aaronsohn, ll+:32-3l+; lllll+++++7 17:81-82 declines renomination, WHEELER, Burton K,, Senator, 1+5:620-621 opposes American aid to WESLEYAN University, Middle- Great Britain, 1+3:109-110 town, Conn., and anti- WHEELER, Everett P., signs Chris- Jewish discrimination tian protest against anti- in medical schools, Jewish propaganda, 21+: 337 37:157 WHITE, Andrew D., passport ques- WESSEL, Henry N., on Penn- tion in diplomatic corres- sylvania Bench, pondence, 6:287,295 I8:ic5; WHITE, David, Chelsea, Mass., memorial resolution of alderman, 11+: 287 American Jewish Com- WHITE, Gaylord S., signs Christian mittee on, 23:313 protest against anti-Jewish WEST INDIES, Jews of, 19: propaganda, 21+: 337 83-96; WHITE, Henry, Ambassador, and Jews of Brazil take efforts for Jewish rights in refuge in, 19:93; Morocco, 8:90,92-93,251+; statistics on, 1+6:500 19:155-158 See also under individual WHITE, Henry (Harry), labor leader, countries data concerning, 6:205-206 WEST, Progressive Order of. WHITE Paper of 1939, British, See Progressive Order of world wide opposition to, the West l+l:2O3-2Ol+,3O5,3l+l+-3U6; 1+2: WEST Virginia, statistical 27l+-275,l+lil-il6,l+21+; 1+6:91, data on Jews and Jew- 92,150-151,169,171-172,175- ish activities, 3:152; 177,205,228,230,301,552,572; 30:196; 1+2:261+; 1+8:229,255,282; Sunday law in, 10:167,188 referred to Permanent Mandates Commission, 1+1:20l+,3l+6 -31+8; -357- WHITE Paper of 1939 (oont.) WIENER, Alexander S., honored for obstructs emigration of medical discovery, 1+9:601 German Jews, 1+1:267; WIENER, B ella Aub (Mrs. Abraham), lays down new policy for data concerning, 7:115-116 Palestine, 1^:31+3; WIENER, Cecil B., on New York Jewish opposition to, Bench, 31+: 100 1+1:31+3,3M+, 31+6,31+7, WIENER, Leo, on faculty of Harvard 3^8,31+9; k5:ll+!+,li+7, University, 13:289 208; 1^6:588-595; WIENER, Norbert, on faculty of 1+7:332; National Tsing Hua Univer- discussed in Parliament, sity, Peking, 37:235 ki:3kk-3kf>; WIENER, Norman H., mayor of Albion,, put into force by British, Mich., 1+0:365 WIERNIK, Peter, data concerning, U1:3U8; 6:206 implements land restric- WIGRAM, Lionel, gallantry in tions, U2:Ul3-i|lU; World War II, 1+8:57 actively resisted in WILDENSTEIN, Felix, officer of Palestine, 146:285, French Legion of Honor, 288-289; ^7:332,I46I4; 32:11+6 modification recommended WILDUR, B., in U.S. consular ser- by Earl Harrison re- vice, 15:268 port, 14.8:303 WILE, David, treasurer of Kingston, WHITE, Robe C, acting Sec- N.Y., 7:191+ retary of Labor, cor- WILE, Herman, data concerning, respondence with 7:116 Louis Marshall, 28: WILE, Ira S., on New York Board of I465-I468 Education, 15:268; 16:161 WHITE slavery, immigrant WILENSKY, Oscar, in New Jersey participation in, Legislature, 38:1+09; 1+0:365 denied,*12:21-22 WILEY, Louis, honors conferred on, WHITEHEAD, Alfred N., hails 22:158; 2l4.:9O; 25:123; 28: Hebrew University, 11+2; 32:1146; 3l+:101 39:199-200 WILET-REVERCOMB Bill, discrimina- WHITEHORN, Joseph A., in tory provisions, 50:233-231+ New York Legislature, WILINSKY, Charles P., wins medal 20:172 of Boston Civic Club, 145:373; WHITEEORF, M., in ;-Tew York on Massachusetts Public Health Legislature, 19:255 Council, 1+9:601 WHITNEY, Rosalie Loew, data WILLEN, Joseph, obituary of George c one erning, 6:206 Z. Medalie, 1+8:93-100; WICE, David H., awarded activity on American Jewish Com- honorary degree by mittee, 1+9:793; 50:832 Washington and Lee WILLIAMS, William, protest against University, 50:510 illiberal immigration atti- WICKERSHAM, Seorge W., signs tude, 12:31+1+, 31+5 Christian protest WILLIAMSTOWN Institute of Human against anti-Jewish Relations, program,' 1+2:295- propaganda, 21+: 3 37 296; 1+3:117; WIDOWS, revision of Jewish aids inter faith movement, I4I4: law on remarriage of, I63-I6I4 144:101,106; 50:167-168 See also Agunah; Marriage WIENER, Abraham, data con- cerning, 7:115 -358-

WILLKIE, Wendell L., repu- WINE for ritual purposes, illegal diates anti-Semitism, distribution opposed by 1+3:103-105; American Jewish Committee, advocates brotherhood, 25:378-379; 1+3:111+; study of Jewish law, by Louis Hillel Foundations offers Ginzberg, 25:379,1+01-1+25; interfaith fellowship permitted by Turkey, 26:29; in honor of, 1+7:11+9, distribution, 28:31 250,290 WINE-growing. See Viticulture WILLNER, Wolff, biographi- WINKELMAN, N.W., on faculty of cal sketch, 5:105 University of Pennsylvania, WILLSTKTTER, Richard, wins 22:158 Nobel prize for chem- WINKLER, Max, data concerning, istry, 25:196; 6:206-207; data concerning, 25:198 decorated by Rumanian Govern- WILSON, Woodrow, approves ment, 32:11+6 liberal immigration WINNIPEG, Canada, Jewish religious policy, 15:1+56; 16: organizations in, 27:l8i+-lB5; 397; 18:297-300; philanthropic institutions in, and efforts by American 27:207-209 Jewish Committee for WINR0D, Gerald B., Jew-baiter, minority rights in 1+0:120; 1+1:216 Balkan countries, 16: WINTER, Benjamin, president of 387; 1+2:95-96; Federation of Polish Jews appealed to, in behalf of in America, 32:66 Jews of Rumania, 21: WIHTER, William, in Louisiana 276; Legislature, 7:191+ orders excision of dis- WINTERNITZ, Milton C, awarded criminatory phrases medal by Connecticut State in manual for Medical Dental Association, 3i+:101 Advisory Board, 21: WINTHROP, Moses D., in Minnesota 636; Legislature, 9:1+79 sends mission to Poland WINTNER, Leopold, biographical to inquire into Jew- sketch, 5:105 ish question, 22:255; WIRTH, Sophia (Mrs. Jacob), data memorialized b~' American concerning, 7:116 Jewish Com--ittee, WISCONSIN, statistical data on i&&6; Jews and Jewish activities, signs Christian protest 3:152; 30:196; l+2:26k-265; against anti-Jewish Sunday law in, 10:167,188; propaganda, 21+: 331+5 Jewish agricultural settle- tribute to Simon Wolf, ments, l!+:97; 26:1+18; state aid forbidden to Catho- memorandum to, opposing lic parochial schools, Quota Law, 27:1+284+36; 1+9:37 aided by Oscar S. Straus WISCONSIN, University, anti- in organizing League Jewish manifestations at, of Nations, 29:152-1535 37:155-156 praises work of Jewish WISE, A.M., on New York City Board Welfare Board, 39:158; of Aldermen, 20:172 and Cyrus Adler, 1+2:92- WISE, Effie Miriam, marries 93; Adolph S. Ochs, 37:36 appoints Louis D. Bran- deis to Supreme Court, l+l+:39 -359- WISE, Isaac M., tribute to, WISE, Stephen S. (cont.) 2:3U-35; controversy with Cyrus Adler leader of Reform movement over world Jewish congress in U.S., l+:72; 15:60; plan, 31+: 30-31; 37:36; 1+2:183,185,186; attacks opposition to World 50:68; Jewish Congress, 38:209,210; and Hebrew Union College, insists on discussion by World 16:101+; Zionist Congress of Nazi trains American rabbinate persecution, 38:382-383,385; for Reform Judaism, presides at anti-Nazi mass 26:1*21;; meeting in New York, 39:217; and Central Conference of declares anti-Semitism a chal- American Rabbis, lenge to civilization, 39: i88l86|34j98 ; 1+98-1+99; opposed to Zionism, 1+2: opposes British Royal Commis- 197; sion plan for partition of efforts to establish a Palestine, 1+O:1O5-1O6,315, Jewish publication 316; society, 1+3:787; obituary of Charles E. Bloch, stimulates development of 1+3:381-381+; American Jewish founds Jewish Institute of scholarship, 1+5:1+8,1+9, Religion, 1+5:61; 1+9:91; 50; gives library to Institute, Liberty ship named after, 1+5:83; [(.7:227,510 gives State Department docu- WISE, Jonah B., on Oregon ments on threatened extermi- Board of Higher nation of European Jewry, Curricula, 2l+:90; 1+5:193; addres3 before JPS, 28: rift with Abba Hillel Silver 535-537; over Palestine policy, 1+7: awarded honorary degree 326-328; 1+9:251+,255; by New York University, emissary of Jewish Agency at 31+: 101; San Francisco UN Conference, active in JDC and UJA, 1+7:329-330; 1+1:166,205,206 co-chairman of American Zionist WISE, Josephine. See Tulin, Emergency Council, 1+8:238; Josephine Wise presents official Zionist case WISE, Leo, data concerning, to Anglo-American Committee 6:207 of Inquiry, 1+8:1+01,1+02; WISE, R.S., in New Jersey statement on report of Commit- Legislature, 33:118 tee, 1+8:1+16,1+17; WISE, Stephen S., biographi- on National Commission on cal sketch, 5:106; Higher Education, 1+9:601 awards and honors con- WITKIN, Morton, in Pennsylvania ferred on, 13:290; Legislature, 33:118; 37:235 20:172; 21:203; 32: WITKUT, Nathan, awarded medal of 11+6; 35:110; 36:260; Freedom, 50:510 37:235; WITMARK, Julius P., music pub- signs memorial to Pres. lisher, 6:207 Wilson opposing Quota WITT, Max S., data concerning, Law, 27:1+28,1+36; 6:207 attends conference in be- WITTE, Count, letter of Theodore half of Jews of Roosevelt to, 11:39-1+0 Rumania, 29:1+19; -360-

WITTENBERG, David H., bio- WOLF, Edwin (cont.) graphical sketch, obituary by Simon Miller, 5:106 37:55-60; WOHLBERQ', Berenhard, bio- portrait, facing, 37:55; graphical sketch, JPS contest in honor of, 5:106 37:1+71+-1+75 WOHLMAN, Abel, testifies be- WOLF Emma, data concerning, 6:208 fore Anglo-American WOLF Harry A., praises work of Committee of Inquiry, American Jewish Committee, khkkkBhkk$ 39:791 WOLBACH, Simeon B., member WOLF, Harry B., in House of Rep- of National Academy resentatives, 9:lj.37,l|79 of Science, 1+0:365 et seq.; WOLBARST, Abraham L., data biographical data on, 10:73 concerning, 6:207-208; WOLF, Horace J., memorial resolu- on faculty of New York tion by American Jewish Com- School of Clinical mittee on, 30:317 Medicine, 9:1+76 WOLF, Howard A., resigns as WOLEHSKE, Harriss, bio- treasurer of JPS, ij.3:77k; graphical sketch, resolutions in honor of, i|o:686 5:106 WOLF, Isaac, Jr., president of WOLF, Adolph G., jurist, American Chamber of Commerce data concerning. in Paris, 15:268 6:208; WOLF, Louis, data concerning, justice of Supreme Court 7:116-117 of Puerto Rico, 19:97 WOLF, Lucien, exposes baselessness et seq. of charge of a world Jewish WOLF, Alvin A., on Missouri conspiracy, 21+:338 Bench, 37:235 WOLF, Morris, on Philadelphia WOLF, Benjamin, data con- Bench, 33:118 cerning, 7:116 WOLF, Morris 3., president of WOLF, Clarence, in Pennsyl- Middletown, N.Y., Chamber of vania Legislature, Commerce, 18:105 11:233; 13:290 WOLF, Nathan, data concerning, WOLF, Deborah B. (Mrs. 6:225 Bernard), data con- WOLF, Simon, biographical sketch cerning, 7:116 of Commodore Uriah P. Levy, WOLF, Edward I., in Cali- ll2l+++55; fornia Legislature, data concerning, 6:208; 11:233 efforts to secure Russian WOLF, Edwin, addresses as recognition of American president of JPS, Jewish passports, 6:301+; 5:225-228; 6:385-389; advocates Congressional resolu- 7:*5-*9; 8:«5-*9; 9: tion of sympathy for Jewish *5-*7; 10:263-266; 11: sufferers in Russian pogroms, 259-261; 12:359-361; 8:91; 13:339-31+1; ll+:319- on Washington, D.C., Board of 320; 15:1+71-1+72; Charities, 8:181+; on Philadelphia Board of efforts in behalf of immigrants Education, 8:l8i|; and liberal immigration 20:172; policy, 12:19-20; 26:l|l4-l;l6.: early member of JPS> 15:65; tribute of JPS to, 15: 1+73 -klk -361-

WOLF, Simon (oont.) WOLFF, Martin, article, "The Jews oo-author with Max J. of Canada," 27:l51+-229 Kohler of work on WOLFNER, Henry L., on St. Louis, Jewish disabilities Mo., Board of Education, in the Balkan States, 15:266; 21:203 19:1+66; WOLFFSOHN, D., president of World gathers data on American Zionist Organization, 8:271 Jewish patriots, WOLFSOHN, Joel D., director of 20:103; European activities of obituary by Max J. American Jewish Committee, Kohler, 26:1+01+-1+19; 50:818 portrait, facing, 26:1+06; WOLFSON, Aaron, in Indiana Legis- represents Jewish national lature, 19:255 organizations in Wash- WOLFSON, Arthur M., data concern- ington, 26:1+06,1+10, ing, 6:209 1+11; 1+5:106; WOLFSON, Harry, on faculty of advocates appointment of Harvard University, 28:11+2 Benjamin Peixotto as WOLFSON, Mrs. Jacob W., on Maiden, consul to Rumania, Mass., City Council, 26:136 26:1+09,1+11; WOLFSON, Leo, memorial address on political and consular Adolphe Stern, 3l+:28l,309; offices held by, and boycott of German goods, 26:1+06-14.07 et seq.; 36:1+11+ efforts in behalf of WOLFSON, Mitchel, mayor of Miami civil and political Beach, 1+5:373 rights for Jews at WOLFSTEIN, David I., data concern- home and abroad, ing, 6:209; 26:1+08-1+12; 3l+:3l8,319 trustee of University of Cin- WOLFE, Edward I., in Cali- cinnati, 11+: 287 fornia Legislature, WOLKOWICH, Erwin, biographical 7:19l+; 13:290 sketch, 5:106 WOLFE, Isaac, on Connecticut WOLMAN, Leo, on National Labor Bench, 9:1+76; 23:127 Board, 35:112; 1+3:61+7; WOLFE, Max, wins medal of 50:61+8 Carnegie Foundation, WOLMAN, Paul C., Commander-in- 2l+:90 Chief Veterans of Foreign WOLFENSTEIH, Martha, data Wars, 33:118 concerning, 6:208-209; WOLSEY, Louis, biographical sketch, portrait, facing, 15:171+ 5:106-107; WOLFENSTEIN, Samuel, data on Little Rock, Ark., Board of concerning, 7:117 Education, 3:187 WOLFF, Alvin A., in Missouri WOMEN, organization in London for Legislature, 33:118 legal aid to, 25:7l+-75; WOLFF, B., on New York City organizational activity in Board of Aldermen, U.S., 26:85-86; 31:162,161+; 20:172 33:165-201; WOLFF, Harry K., on Cali- movement in Great Britain for fornia Bench, 35:112; synagogue enfranchisement, president of San Fran- 29:27-28; cisco Civil Service statistics on inmates of U.S. Commission, l+l+:32l4- state prisons, 33:207; -362-

WOMEN (cont.) WOODHEAD Commission, hearings be- in student body of Hebrew fore, on Palestine Parti- University, 39:187; tion, 40:323-324; organize in U.S. for report, 41:202,328,329,330, intergroup understand- 331-332; ing, 39:262; findings rejected by Palestine religious emancipation in Jewry, 41:332 Reform Judaism, See also Palestine 42:196-197; WOOLF, Albert E., data concerning, efforts to combat anti- 6:209-210 Semitism, 47:283 WOOLF, Samuel J., data concerning, WOMEN'S Action Committee 6:210 for Victory and Last- WOOLFSOH, Jacob, on Maiden, Mass., ing Peace, members, Board of Aldermen, 20:172 1+6:62 WOLLNER, Samuel, data concerning, WOMEN'S American ORT, 7:117; 38:508 et sseqe . death, 14:306 See also OIRR T WOOLNER, William B., president of WOMEN'S Division of Ameri- Peoria Chamber of Commerce, can Jewish Congress, 22:158 See American Jewish WORKMEN'S Circle, data concerning, Congress, Women's 21:326 et seq,; Division condemns Communist activities, WOMEN'S International League 25:73; for Peace and Freedom, growth and activities, 28:37; resolution against 41:228-229; 43:50; anti-Semitism, 29: 40th anniversary, 42:311 82-83 See also Arbeiter Ring, Inde- WOMEN'S International Zion- pendent Workmen's Circle ist Organization,. (Boston) Palestine activities, WORKMEN'S Circle, Youth and 48:394 English Speaking Division, data concerning, 50:577 WOMEN'S League for Palestine, WORKMEN'S League, 37:330 33:249-250 et seq. WORLD Agudath Israel Organization. WOMEN'S League of the Bee Agudath Israel World United Synagogue. See United Synagogue, Organization Women's League of WORLD Association of Jewish WOMEN'S organizations. Writers, organized, 27:49-50 See Conference Committee WORLD Congress for Jewish Women, of National Jewish organized by National Coun- Women's Organizations; cil of Jewish Women, 33: Jewish Women's Organi- 179; 46:57,68-69 zations in the U.S. WORLD Council for German Jewry and individual organi- organized, 38:216; 39:242- zations 243; WOODBINE, N.J., Jewish agri- American Jewish Committee co- cultural colony at, operates in, 39:801 4:36,93-96; 5:115-116; WORLD Federation of Polish Jews 6:233-234; 14:68,86- Abroad, conventions, 38:346; 88; 37:101,106-107 40:348; Baron de Kirsch farm fund-raising activities, school at, 12:35,65 42:281-282 -363- WORLD Federation of Sephardi WORLD Jewish Congress (cont.) Communities, 1^9:666 attitude on Palestine trustee- WORLD Federation of YMHAs ship and partition, 1+9: and Jewish Community 517-519; Centers, $0:577 represented on Jewish Agency WORLD Jewish Conference, Executive, t+9:520; movement for, 36: among signers of recommendation 21+0-21+1 to 191+7 Paris Peace Con- WORLD Jewish Congress, reso- ference, 1+9:566; lutions passed by, data concerning, 50:577 35:68-69; See also International Con- Geneva Conference issues ference on Jewish Rights call for, 37:345; WORLD Jewish Congress, Advisory American Jewry divided Council on European Jewish over, 37:li4.5-li}6j397- Affairs of, 1+5:1+1+9—1+7:560 398,1+3U-1+1+0; 38:207- World Jewry. See Protocols... 211; WORLD organization, international, purposes, 37:1+38; 39:^97 Jewish religious organiza- and English Jewry, 37: tions urge establishment of, i4-53-U53; U6:188-189; 1+1+: 105,107 movement for, 38:206-211; WORLD ORT Union. See_ ORT World attitude of European Union Jews toward, 38:271; WORLD OSE Union. See OSE Union 39:31+7,377; WORLD peace, interfaith movement proceedings, 39:1+97-502; in behalf of, 1+6:90,11+3,158 1+9:515-520; 50:3^7; WORLD Union for Progressive demands greater protec- Judaism, Hungary Jews de- tion for national cline membership in, 31:50 minorities, 39:501; WORLD War I, Jewry in Europe and petitions League of Palestine affected by, 17: Nations on Danzig 152-155,225-228,230-233, situation, 39:501-502; 235-238,257-262,273-276, participating organiza- 279-286,359-365; I8:3ol+-3O5; tions, 39:820; 1+3:312; 1+2:276; efforts for repeal of relief activities of American Nazi laws in North Jewry in, 17:206-208,366- Africa, 1+5:197,198; 369; 18:307-310; 19:19l+-226, memorandum to Bermuda 2kl-2l+3,l+l+0-l+52; 20:153-155, Refugee Conference, 267-268; 21:296; 23:U6,269; 1+5:361; 31+: 166,167,328; 1+1:11+3-11+8; efforts for coordinated 1+2:100; 1+5:102; 1+6:1+2,1+3,67; Jewish action, l|.7:3l+l+; events in U.S. relating to, urges UN San Francisco 18:88-93; Conference to safe- Jews decorated for gallantry in, guard Jewish rights 18:111,117-118,120,121,125- in Palestine, fj.7:l+96; 126,13U-135.139,201+-205,217- fund-raising activities 218; 19:276,279,285-286,292, in Argentina, 1+8:251+; 311+-315.321+-326; 20:232,235, po3t-war meeting in 237,2!+0-2l;l, 2ljJ+, 21+7-21+9,279, London, l+8:2oO; 282,291-293; 21:1+0,1+2,1+5,1+6, opposes Bevin'3 statement 1+9,52,57-59,61, 67-69,71,72* on Anglo-American Com- 76-78,83,81+, 92,105-119,151- mittee of Inquiry, l51+,226-230,236,237,239,2k0, 1+8:398-399; 21|9-250; 22:61,163,195-198, 200-20I+; 36:253,255; 1+0:359; 1+3:1+26-1+29; -36U-

WORLD War I (cont.) WORLD War I (cont.) services of Russian Jews anti-Jewish excesses in Europe in, 18:305; in wake of, 21:169-171, conflict in American 252-256; Jewry over formula for participation of Italian Jews peace conference at in, 21:26^; conclusion of, 18: participation of Palestine Jews 311-323; in, 21:267; Latin American efforts Jewish refugee problem as re- for relief of Jewish sult of, 26:7i+-76; 28:87; sufferers in, 19:1+8, Hadassah Medical Unit in, 6U.67.71; 33:18U; 1+7:60-61; Jewish military units in, and the British Mandate on 19:272; 21:103-101+, Palestine, 39:50l|-506 120-H+O; 27:173; See also Palestine Campaign American Jewish Committee WORLD War II, reaction in U.S. to aids American Jews events in, U2:270-271+; caught in Europe by, affects British Palestine J66t6 policy, I+2:275,1+16-U17; work of Jewish Welfare services of Palestine Jews in, Board in, 20:90-98; l).2:276,1+17; 1+3:282-281+; 1+2+: 23:101; 25:381; 279-281; 1+5:333-335; 1+6:271+- participation of U.S. 275,282; 1+7 :l+li5-1+1+6; 1+8:68- Jews in, 20:103-112, 69,72; 173-227,367,369; 21: participation of Jews of British 1U1-155,627-629,668, Empire in, l+2:32l+-325,327- 670; 22:163,^09,U43- 328,330-331; U3:137-139,11+1- 1+2+7; 23:353; 21+: 357- Ik6; l+k:176,179; U5:22k-226; 358; 25:315,381; 39: 1+6:191+, 196-197; 1+8:51-72; 157; 1+9:288,317-319; casualties of American participation of French Jews in, Jews in, 20:231; 1+2:338; 21:151+; participation of Italian Jews Jewish chaplains in, in, l+2:38k; 20:368-369; 1+5:177; and Arab-Jewish relations, French Jews open center 1+2:1+21; in Paris for American aggravates refugee problem, Jewish servicemen, 1+2:1+1+^,1+1+6; 20:369; effect on European Jewry re- participation of French viewed by American Jewish Jews in, 21:31-97,250- Committee, 1+2:614.3-650; 251; 22:60-68,72-79; U.S. Jewish chaplains in, 1+3: foreign Jews fight for 32; l+l+:97; 1+7:173-200; 1+8: France in, 21:78-89; 166-168; participation of British Jewish religious activity in, Jews in, 21:98-119; 1+3:32; 1+1+: 96-97; services of Jews of Bri- drives scholars to U.S., 1+3: tish Empire, 21:98-99, 57-58; 102,230-21+0,21+9-250; interfaith efforts in U.S. 27:173-175; armed forces in, 1+3:123; kk-99-100,161-162? British Jev:i3h casualties, efforts to form Jewish military 21:10U-105; gallantry of Zion Mule unit in, 1+3:138-139,283; 1+5: Corps, 21:121+; 210-211,222,223? -365- WORLD War II (cont.) WORLD War II (cont.) causes economic recession See also Peace treaties; Refu- in Palestine, 1+3:287; gees; United Service Organi- activities of Jewish zations; Veterans; War Welfare Board in, Criminals; World peace and 1*1+:97-100,11+9; i+5:175- under individual countries 181; 1*6:129-133; 1+7 • WORLD Zionist Organization, pro- 266-267; 1*8:161*, 168- ceedings of conventions, 172; 1*: 33-35,78-86; 7:251-252; activities of Jev;ish 10:230-231; 21*:71-72; 28: youth groups in behalf 89-90; 3l*J21-22,86-90; 38: of, 1+1*: 117; 383- 387; 39:291; 1*2:1+21+- increases need for over- 1+25; 1+8:238-239; seas relief, 1*1+: 123- factional conflict in, 1*:33-31*; 121+; 26:79-80; 31*:87-90; 37:11+9- anti-Semitism in U.S. 150; 39:291; 1*2:1*25; 1+9:253- declines during, 255,516-517; 1*1*: 11*0; establishes Keren Eayesod Fund, Germany and Italy blame l*:3l*,82-83; Jews for, I*l*:l87-l88, Americans on Greater Actions 228; Committee, l*:3l*-35; Soviet Jews participate organizes Jewish Colonial in, l+l*:23l*; 1*5:302- Trust, 1*:81*; 303; 1*7:1+12-1+11*; delegates honored in New York, shift in Jewish popula- 23:118; tion in Soviet Russia recognized by British Govern- due to, 1+1*:239; ment as "Jewish Agency" honors won by Jews, under the Mandate, 2l*;7l*; l+i*:32u-325; 1*5:1*06- establishes Jewish Agency, 1+12,1+23-1+29; 1*6:351*- 25:110; 27:1+70,1*71; 376,392-397; presents memorandum on Pales- affects American Jewish tine to League of Nations, life, 1+5:137-138, 27:132-131*; 28:120-121; 150-151; 29:97; American Jews in armed Canadian Jewish Congress co- forces, 1*5:175-181, operates with, 27:213; 1*06-1*22; 1*7:153-172, efforts to further Zionist in- 213,263-268; 1+8:165- terests among Oriental Jews, 166; 28:91*; Jewish casualties, 1+5: includes non-Zionists on Jewish 1+13-1+22; 1+6:377-391, Agency, 29:102; 31:382-385; 39B-399; 1+7:165-166; 32:57,58; American Jewi3h organi- participates in Joint Palestine zational activity in, Survey Commission, 30:37; 1+6:58,61-62,129-133; 32:1+6-1*7; 1*2:131; British and Palestine Revisionists secede from, Jews in, article, by 37:11*9; Israel Brodie, 1*8: strength of labor in, 37:150; 51-72; conflict over discussion of economic position of Jews Nazi persecutions, 38:382- after, 1+9:115-116 383,381*, 387; -366- WORLD Zionist Organization World's Work, efforts of American (cont.) Jewish Committee to combat and British Royal Com- anti-Jewish propaganda by, mission, 39:465; 40: 26:618-633 1O6,1O8,311|-316,S91; WORMSER, Andrew, presidential considers gloomy Pales- elector, 11:11)5 tine situation, 39: WRANGEL, Peter N., General, states 481-483; inability to control pogroms establishes political in Crimea, 23:156 committee in London, WRIGHT-Compton Palestine resolu- 40:316; tion in House of Represen- opposes findings of 1939 tatives, 1+7:683 London Conference, WRITERS, Jewish. See World Asso- 41:341-342; ciation of Jewish Writers sanctions Biltnore Pro- WUNDBRLICH, Frieda, on faculty of gram, 45:207; New School for Social Re- post-war meeting in Lon- search, lil:l(.03 don, 48:260,-263-264; WYLER, William, recipient of endorses Jewish Agency's Academy Award, 46:323 request for establish- WYNER, Francis S., on Massachu- ment of Jewish state setts Bench, 32:146 in Palestine, 43:372; WYZANSKI, Charles E., on Massa- deplores use of terror, chusetts Bench, 44:324; U-9J252; 50:61+4; asks statehood for Pales- Fellow of American Academy of tine, 49:5o4,5o5r Arts and Sciences, 45:373; U.S. Zionists struggle on Board of Overseers of for control of, Harvard University, 45:373 49:517 WYOMING, Sunday law in, 10:167; WORLD'S Pair in New York Jewish agricultural settle- City, agitation for ments, 14:98-99; boycott of Germany by, statistics on Jewish popula- 39:226-227 tion, 30:196; 42:265

YAGER, Saul, on Oklahoma YANKWICH, Leon R., on California Bench, 31:84 Bench, 38:409; 43:647 YALE University, declines YASGOUR, Louis, biographical to participate in sketch, 5:107; 6:225 celebration at YEHOASH. See Bloomgarden, Solomon Gottingen University, YEHUDA, Abraham S., wins prize of 39:212; Louis LaMed Literary Founda- Jewish books in library tion, 50:510 of, 45:93-94; YELLIN, David, letter to JPS on interfaith movement at, its 25th anniversary, 15:53-54; 46:147 death, 44:286 -367- YELLIN, Samuel, wins Phila- YESHIVA Synagogue Council, 1+5:1+92 delphia Civic Award et seq. founded by Edward W. YESHIVA University, growth of Bok, 28:11+2 Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theo- YEMEN, anti-Jewi3h excesses logical Seminary, article by in, 15:256; 26:109- Jacob I. Hartstein, 1+8:73-81+; 110; Harry Fischel School for Higher American Jewish Committee Jewish Studies of, 1+8:82; aids Jews, 16:1+01; 18: data concerning, 1+8:155; 1+9:667 350; 23:352; 32:307; 50:578; Jews helped by co-reli- becomes university of liberal gionists in various arts, 50:11+6-11+7; countries, 31s79; activities, 50:11+7,175 Jews in serious condi- See also Rabbi Isaac Elchanan tion, 32:11+0; 50:1+39- Theological Seminary; 1+1+0 Yeshiva College YEMENITE Jews. See American YESHIVA University Teachers Insti- Committee for Relief tute Alumni Association, and Resettlement of 1+9:667; 50:578 Yemenite Jews; Ameri- YESHIVOS, con^arison between can Relief Society modern and old type, for Yemenite Jews of 38:55-59; Jerusalem steady growth, 1+7:216-217; YESHIVA College granted 5O:13U; charter for bacca- beginnings in U.S., 1+8:73-71)-; laureate degrees, in New York, 1+3:11+9 30:29; YESHIVOS Foundation, United. opens, 31:32; See United Yeshivos Foundation fund-raising campaign, YESKA, Joseph, on 'New York City 32:73; Board of Education, 22:158 affected by depression, YIDDISH, growth in use in New York 3t|:3U; City, 9:51+3-51^; agricultural paper published expansion planned., 3*1-:37; in, 11+: 72; plans to alleviate teacher general medium of instruction shortage, 1+7:231+ in Talmud Torahs, 16:103; See also Rabbi Isaac medium of instruction in Na- Elchanan Theological tional Radical School, Seminary and Yeshiva 16:117-118; College; Yeshiva Uni- as basi3 of estimate for Jew- versity ish population of U.S., YESHIVA College Alumni Asso- 16:3U7-35O; 20:1+0-1+1,1+2; ciation, 1+6:1+66 et seq. 30:168-170,171; YESHTVA Eitz Chaim, second books in, distributed during to be established in World War I by Jewish Wel- U.S., 1+8:73; 50:56; fare Board, 20:96; merges with Rabbi Isaac declared a German dialect by Elchanan Theological Paderewski, 21:271; Seminary, 1+8:75 YESHIVA Rabbi Isaac Elchanan, statistics on use in U.S., program, 16:105 25:37; See also Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary -368-

YIDDISH (cont.) YIDDISH Art Theater. See also cultural activities in, Yiddish Theater 25:37; 27:48; 29:1+6, YIDDISH Kultur Parband, data con- 1+75 39:280; 1+2:162, cerning, 45:492-493 et seq.; 304; Ut: 113,104,115- program and activities, 116; 49:180-183,184- 49:182-183 165; 50:186-188; YIDDISH press in U.S., medium of restrictions on use in Americanization, 12:40-41, Europe, 25:64; 26:67, 68; 23:108-110; 50:99; 658; 29:61; 40:298; urges enlistment of Jewish as medium of instruction battalion in World War I, in Europe, 26:32-34, 21-128; 69-70; 29:32-33; article, by Mordecal Soltes, use in Soviet Russia, 26:165-372; 26:41,42,173; 27:48, patriotism defended by Louis 77; 26:58,72; 29:54- Marshall, 32:28-29; 55; 41:369-370; 50: 50th e.nniversary of establish- 401-405; ment celebrated, 34:39; vehicle for literary ex- importance, 39:126; 49:185-186; pression in U.S., suffers setback, 43:58; 26:174; stimulated by immigration, attitude of Poland 50:58-60; toward, 27:78; writers for, 50:60-61 attitude of Czechoslo- YIDDISH press of New York City, vakia toward, 27:78-79; 26:167-183; sermons forbidden in analysis end classification of Harbin, Manchuria, editorials, 26:234-323; 28:71; probable future, 26:325-326; as vernacular among Jews, and general press, 26:326-329; 29:45; list of, 26:332-333,334 chair endowed at Hebrew YIDDISH schools, data on, 39:75; University for, 30:35; 48:140-141; movement for study at program, 43:50-51 universities, 32:8l; See also Yiddishist week-day Yehoash prepares first schools modern translation of YIDDISH Scientific Institute Bible in, 38:249; (YIVO), American Branch, Lithuanian cultural in- activities, 39:280; 40:147; stitutions permitted 43:57; 45:164; 47:254; 48: by Soviet to continue, 153-154; 49:183; 43:252,253; data concerning, 40:476 et seq.; restriction on use in transferred to New York, 45:t>5 Latin America, 4l:36l- YIDDISH theater, activity, 30:30- 363; 43:309; 14:291- 31; 31:156; 39:126; 46:117- 292; 45:351-352; 47:49, 118; 49:186-187; 50:61-64 281-282; 50:269,271; YIDDISCHEH Arbelter Verein, work as cultural medium in of, 50:46 Latin America, 47: YIDDISHIST week-day schools in Hew 128-129,481-482; York City, data concerning, as mother tongue in 38:59-62,66; Canada, 48:30-31,48-49 growth, 38:89 -369- YOUNG, Mrs. Rosa de, in YOUFKER, Ira M., activity in Pennsylvania Legisla- American Jewish Committee,. ture, 25:123 14-5:623; 47:691).,696-698; YOUNG Circle League, 39:661 48:625 --40:477 YOUTH Aliyah, Hadassah activity, YOUNG Circle League and 39:288; 1*1:229-230; 43:98, English Speaking Divi- 100; sion of Workmen's rescues European Jewish chil- Circle, 4l:5l4-- dren, 43:333; 46:273-274; i4.9:667 efforts of Henrietta Szold in YOUNG Israel, Council of. behalf of, 47:59,65-68 See Rational Council of YOUTH, Jewish activity in behalf Young Israel of, 28:38-39; 29:80-81; 31: YOUNG Israel of America, 134.138,241; 38:41-42,70; 22:316; 23:242 39:103-104; 43:49,50,53, YOUNG Judaea, data concern- 54-55,80-81; 44:116-119,148; ing, 15:393 et seq.; 45:146s155-158; 47:248-250; activities, 39:103; 48:152-153; 49:121; 50:131- 45:156; 48:152 133,830-831; YOUNG Men's Christian Asso- interfaith activity in behalf ciation urges members of, 43:116; 44:162-163 not to join anti- See also under specific Jewish organizations, organizations YOUTH organizations, formed in 36:126 YOUNG Men's Hebrew and Eastern Europe, 26:85; increase in Latin America, Kindred Associations, Council of, data con- 47:134; cerning, 16:280— in Great Eritain, 47:349-350 22:395; YUDELSON, Albert B., biographical gathers data on Jews in sketch, 5:107 U.S. Army and Navy, YUGOSLAV Jews in U.S. See 18:76-79; Association of Yugoslav relations with JWB, Jews in U.S. 20:93; 39:102,159-161, YUGOSLAVIA, attitude of government 170; 1+0.35 toward Jews, 21:298; 38:300; YOUNG Men's Hebrew Associa- 42:411-412; 43:278,279; tions further Jewish minority rights in, 22:113,115- education, 16:106; 119; 32:110; 41:326; evolve into Jewish Jewish population, 22:366 Centers, 39:101-102 et seq.; YOUNG Poale Zion, 19:345; review of events, 23:211 et seq.; 26:519— 31).: 219 anti-Jewish manifestations, YOUNG Poale Zion Alliance, 23:211-212; 31:55-56; 35; 217—42:569 Jewish organizational activity, YOUNG Women's Hebrew Asso- 26:45-46; 27:31; ciation, New York, Nazi propaganda in, 38:300; Americanization work, 40:308-309; 43:276-277,278; 23:100; attitude toward refugees, joins Jewish Center move- 40:309; 41:326-327; 42:412 ment, 39:162 YOUNG Zionist Organization of America, 35:217 See also Maaada -370- YUGOSLAVIA under Nazis, YUGOSLAVIA, post-war, anti-Jewish anti-Jewish decrees, laws abrogated, (4.7 :L|.38r 1+3:279,280; l+l+:266, plight of Jews, 1+7:1+39; 1+8:370; 267; 1+9:233; Nazi terror in, 1+1+: 265- attitude of government toward 266; 1+5:315; 1+6:265- Jews, 1+8:371; 266; on UNSCOP, 1+9:1+98,510; population friendly Communists in control, 50:35U- toward Jews, l+l+:266, YULEE, David L., biographical 267-263; data concerning, 2:52l+; Jews in Kosistance move- in U.S* Senate, 9:t(.37 et sea.; ment, .'+!+: 263; Liberiy ship named for, 1+7:510 Church protests against YUSCHINSKY, Audrey, and Mendel Jewish massacres, BoiLis, 16:19,20,21-26,29-32; US:316 canon'.aed, 16:61

Z B T See Zeta Beta Tau ZANGWILL Israel (cont.) ZALA, Elsie P., article, tributes to, 29:121,136; review of the year attitude toward Zionism, 29: in Latin America, 129,139,11+0,11+1; 1+9:266-278 fund established in England in ZANGWILL, Israel, importance honor of, 30:39; of Children of the praises work of JPS, 32:31+8-31+9 Ghetto, 2:29-30; ZARA, Louis, wins award of Chicago disapproves work of ICA, Foundation of Literature, l+:3i+,82; 1+2:1+65 leader of Territorialists, ZARCHY, Asher L., biographical 8:273; 10:233-231+; sketch, 5:107 29:128,11+0; ZARETZKI, Joseph, in NetJ York letter to JPS on its 25th Legislature, 50:510 anniversary, l5:51+-55; ZATURENSKA, Maria, wins Pulitzer JPS publishes books by, Prize in poetry, 1+1:1+03 15:69-70; 1+2:1+6,62; ZEBEL, Sydney H,, review of in- exposes baselsssness of ternational events, 1+7: charge of world-Jewish 1+83-1+97 conspiracy, 2l+:338- ZEDERBAUM, Adolph, data concern- 339; 29:130; ing, 7:117-118 approves unified poli- ZEIRE Agudath Israel, Council of, tical action by Jews, 31+: 186 26:72,73,637-639; ZEIRE Zion Hitachdut of America, obituary by Harry 26:519;- 27:32l+-325 Schneiderman, 29:121- ZEISLER, Fanny Bloomfleld, data 11+35 concerning, 6:210-211 portrait, facing, 29:121; ZEISLER, Sigmund, data concerning, 6:211 -371- ZEITLIN, Aaron, wins Louis ZIELONKA, Martin, biographical LaMed literary award, sketch, 5:108 47:510 ZIEV, Joseph, mayor of Ludington, ZEITLIN, Joseph, book on Mich., 13:290 Reform Judaism, ZIMAN, Abraham L., in Massachu- 50:164 setts Legislature, 39:572 ZEITLIK, Solomon, article ZIMBALIST, Efrem, director of on Maimonides, Curtis Institute of Music, 37:61-97; 43:346* article on Rashi, ZIMMERMAN, P.L., in New York 41:111-140; Legislature, 32:146 co-editor of Jewish ZINDLER, A.B., mayor of Bellaire, Quarterly Review, Texas, 47:510 55759 ZINN, Abe, on New Mexico Bench, ZELESNICK, Judel Michael, 35:112 biographical sketch, ZINNER, David J., on Cleveland 5:107 City Council, 10:123; 16:161; ZELIGSOHN, A.H., biographi- mayor of Fairvlew, Ohio, 24:91 cal sketch, 5:107 ZINSLER, Leopold, biographical ZELTNER, Louis, on New York sketch, 5:108 City Board of Alder- ZION Commonwealth aids agricul- men, 22:158 tural development of Pales- ZENTRAL Ausschuss fur Hilfe tine, 17:71*. "" und Aufbsu, JDC co- ZIOJF Mule Corps, Jewish unit in operates with, Ij.l:l66- World War I, 21:103,132; 167; heroism, 21:124; operating agency of disbanded, 21:124,125 Reichovertretung der ZIONISM, importance to Jewish Juden in Deutschland, life, 1:20; Ul:177 origin and development; 1:21)., ZEPIN, George, biographical 27-28; 2:37-38; 17:30,152; sketch, 5:108; British attitude toward, 1:28; Union of American Hebrew 20:285-286; 34:52; 38:257- Congregations organi- 258; 1+6:187,195; 48:263-268; zes circuit preaching and Turkey, 1:26; 3:23-24; 10: under., 6:39 232; 21:122-123; 41=372-373; ZETA Beta Tim Fraternity, review of activities, 4:33-35; data concerning, 2: 5:37-38; 8:252,271; 9:540- 181-182 et seq.; 541; 10:230-233; 11:95-96; Richard Gottheil actively 20:84; 21:282-283; 22:286; connected with, 39: 25:69-72,77-78,104-118; 26: 41-42; 78-81,84,114-128; 27:87-88; presents medal to Theo- 28:89-91,117,127-128; 29:77- 79; 38:348-349; 39:354.429- dore Roosevelt, 39: 430; 40:277-278; 41:304; 49: 2b5 338,353-354,361; 50:323,338- ZEVIN, Israel J. (Tashrak), 339,343,347,352; data concerning, attitude of von Plehve toward, 6:211-212 ZICHRON-Jacob, colony in 6:29-31; Palestine, aided by and Territoriallsm, 6:31-32; Baron de Rothschild, 7:246,247-248,249,252; 8: 14:27 272-273; 29:129,139-141; ZIELONKA, David, honored by influence of Herzl's death on, Tampa University, 6:32-35; 49:601 approved by Jewish Bund of Russia, 7:241; -372- ZIONISM (cont.) ZIONISM (cont.) differing concepts of, movement for better understand- 7:21+9-251; 9:539-51+0; ing by Jews, 33:52; 25:110; 3k-87-90; 1+1: opposed by South African 301+; 1+2:U25; 1+6:177- Moslems, 33:71; 179; 1+8:119; attitude of Nazi Germany toward, Berlin rabbi suspended 37:181+; for speaking on, influences Jewish educatiohal 9:51+1; work, 38:lll+; and American patriotism, result of 1939 London Confer- 10:232; 1+3:388; 1+1+: ence on, l+l:31|.l-3l+2; 1+7-^3,50; and American Jewish Committee, attitude of Reform 1+2:97,125,130-131; 1+6:51+6; Judaism, 9:5l).l-5U2; 1+8:631; 50:836; 27:251+-255; 35:11+1; U.S. center of efforts for, 1+2:197-203; l+l+:109; 142:270,271+; 1+5:207-208; 1+6:93-96; 1+7:223,233; 1+8:228; U9:2^l+; 1+8:126; 50:78-79; opposed to 1939 White Paper, attitude of various Euro- 1+2:1+21+; pean countries, 15:329; Louis D. Brandeis1 activity in, 16:235-236; 21:280; l+l+:l+2-U5,1+8-50; 22:267; 23:205,206; South African activity in, 25:69,78; 26:111+; 27: l+l+:17l+; U5--223-221+; k6:206; 12l|-125; 28:117-118; 1+7:369-370; 1+9:299-300; 29:96-97,1+28; 30:1+3-1+1+; 50:306; 31:1+8; 32:123; 33:97- Nahura Goldmann 3tates policy on 98,361; 36:219-225; 1+5:636; 37:202; 39:372,373,376, repudiated by American Council 1+1+6-1+1+7; 1+0:250,251, for Judaism, 1+6:170; 292,597; 1+1:320-321; Henrietta Szold's leadership in 1+2:1+06,1+39; U3:252-251+, 1+7:51,51+,57,58,60; 256; 50:359-360; adherents demand Jewish repre- activities in Latin sentation at San Francisco America, 19:67,71; UN Conference, 1+7:303; 1+2:1+31+; 1+3:312; l+l+:29l+; attitude of Communism toward, 1+5:351; 1+6:299,301; l+7:l+69-l|-7O; 1+9:501-502; attitude of Tunis toward, Joseph M. Proskauer analyzes 21:21+2; different views on, 1+7: opposed in Middle East, 687-689; 22:290; k0:332-335; activities in Australia, 1+9:315' 1+1:373,371+; 50:1+37, 316; 5O:311+-3l5; 1+38,1+1+3; Paris European center of, Edouard Herriot denies 1+9:322-323; feasibility, 27:123; cleavage over Jewish Agency's Canadian Jewry active in, partition plan, 1+9:1+88; 27:220-223; l+6:20l+; representation at special UN 1+8:21+, 280-281; Assembly session discussed, Ahad Ha'am's activities, 1+9:1+91+; 3O:91,9l+-95,96; attitude toward UNSCOP report, German-Jewish attitude on, 1+9:511; 50:238; 32:99-100; 3l+:60; espoused by Jewish labor move- 38:323-321+; ment, 50:80; -373 ZIONISM (oont.) ZIONISM in U.S. (cont.) effect of Israel's estab- efforts for unified action with lishment on, 50:2f>7- non-Zionists, 44:134»142,471, 258,817 477,479,484; 45:211-213,631- See also Biltmore Program; 632,634-637,638-645; Jewish Agency; Pales- efforts for unity of action, tine; Provisional 44:134-135; Executive Committee discussion in religious circles for General Zionist over, 45:141-145; Affairs; World Zionist resolutions adopted by state Organizations and legislatures, 45:209; names of specific adherents divided on Anglo- Zionist organizations American Committee of ZIONISM in U.S., activities, Inquiry, 48:231; 1:16-17; 4:17-18; adherents attack Roosevelt- 10:232; 17:73; 31:134, Ibn Saud correspondence, 135,138,142,188-194; 48:234; 34:21-25; 37:147-150; public attitude toward, 38:20l|-206; 39:10li, 21;7, 21;9,286-291,683- 48:243-244; 694; 40:155-157; 41: struggle to control World Zion- 229-232; 42:311-315; ist Congress, 49:517; 43:98-102; 44:132-136; opposition to, 50:261 45:161-162,206-214; ZIONIST Archives and Library, data 46:169-186; 47:249-250, concerning, 50:579 325-339; 48:227-244; ZIONIST Commission on Education 49:244-265; 50:8o, and Youth Organization, 259-262; 35:218—37:332 ZIONIST Emergency Council. See directory of organiza- tions for, 2:169-183; American Zionist Emergency Council attitude of prominent Jews on, 18:64-66; ZIONIST General Council, called 23:54-56,68; 26:1+45; by Jewish Agency, 50:432 27:235,254-255; 33: ZIONIST Labor Party "Hitachdut 150-152; 35:143; 37: Zaire Zion" of America, 51; 39:42-45; 40:46; 28:339—33:251 42:125-135; 46:41-42; ZIOKIST Order Habonim, data con- 49:62-63,88; cerning, 45:497; 47:613 ZIONIST Organization. Se_e World endorsed by Brith Zionist Organization Abraham, 21:182; ZIONIST Organization of America conflicting theories on, becomes guardian of Jewish 37:149; Palestinian interests, opposition to legisla- 17:152-153; tive council in Pales- data concerning, 20:324 et seq.; tine, 38:201-202; efforts to form Jewish battalicn 48:237; in World War I, 21:127; efforts in behalf of efforts in behalf of Jews of post-war demands on Eastern Europe, 21:186,188, Palestine, 44:133; 189,622-623; American Jewish Committee co- operates with, 21:623-624; -37k' ZIONIST Organization of ZIONIST Organization of America America (oont.) (cont.) among signers of state- Abba Hillel Silver president, ment refuting slanders 48:239; of Protocols, 23:378; opposed to British Labor Govern- conflicts in, 30:36; ment's attitude on Pales- 31:36; 33:31; 34:22- tine, 48:399; 23; 39:286; 47:327, rejects Jewish Agency's parti- 328; 50:579; tion plan, 49:249; efforts in behalf of approves Resistance movement Jewish victims in in Palestine, 49:252; Arab riots in Pales- aids unauthorized Jewish immi- tine, 32:58; gration to Palestine, Brandeis-Maok group co- 49:255-256; operates with, 32:72; seeks leadership of World Zion- protests findings of ist Congress, 49:516-517 Simpson Report on See also Federation of American Palestine, 33:25,27; Zionists; Provisional Execu- attitude on MacDonald tive Committee for General letter to W-eizmann, Zionist Affairs; Zionism 33:27; in U.S. proceedings of conven- ZIONIST Organization of Canada, tions, 37 :11+7; 39:286- 45:497; 47:613 287,289-291; 40:156- ZIONIST Organization of Prance 157; lil:231; 42:314- participates in the Resis- 315; tance Movement, 47:1OO-1O4» opposes Legislative 105 Council in Palestine, ZIONIST Revisionist Organization 37:147; of U.S. and Canada formed, reorganized, 38:204; 37:149; favors holding a world data concerning, 37:333; 33: Jewish congress, 512; 39:691 38:207; ZIONIST Socialist Labor Party, and British plan for United. See United Zionist settling German Jews Socialist Labor Party in Palestine, 38:214- ZIONIST Society of Engineers, 215; 2O:325--25:3OO activities, 39:121; 42: ZIONIST Youth Commission, activi- 314; 43:54,98; 44:112, ties, 48:152 117-118; 45:161,208; ZIONIST youth organizations, acti- 47:335-336; 48:l5l, vities, 44:117-118; 45:155- 157 239-240; 49:259-260; opposed to partition of See also names of specific Palestine, 39:290; organizations 40:105-106; ZIONIST Youth Organizations of America, National Council recalls delegate from of. See National Council 1939 London Confer- of Zionist Youth Organiza- ence, 41:340; tions of America Central Conference of American Rabhis de- clines to participate in meeting called by, 42:200-202; -375- ZIRELSON, Judah L., reports wave of anti-Semitism in Rumania, 29:l|.16 ZOLOTKOFF, Leon, data con- cernine, 6:212 ZON, Raphael G., data con- cerning, 6:212 ZTJCKER, Paul, on faculty of Cooper Union Art School, Ul:UO3 ZUKOR, Adolph, decorated by Italy, 39:572 ZUNSER, Eliakum, data concerning, 6:212-213

FOREWORD >n of the index to the -k- -8- -10- -7- -9- H YEAR BOOK opens to t -2- -6- erselle (cont) ALOE, -12- PREFACE -5- ALIEN ous Bmer- AMERIC -11- material for the histor ADLER on Alaska ta concern- AMEKT ilef Rabbi c al activity, au ALABAI* ch tee (cont.) AMERI : an alphabetical, analyt: Key to Volume 3 AMERICAN JEWISH YEA Assembly, ACADEM ADLER pation of pr< ef XT ty in the United State tr'.l.l.n I.C/1. Jewi3h popu- AGRIC BT FoiinrJB- 7:563; ati tnittee for AMERI

-14- -18- -22- -13- -26- -28- -16- -17- -20- -21- -25- -27- -30- -32- ee (cont.) AMERIC 3, Commis- AMERIC ncy AMERIC -24- -29- -15- Inter- t -19- -23- >n (cont,) ANTI-] cont.) ARAB Hi ARKAN! -31* tee (cont.) AMLRI 3 in trea- dis ee Bureau AMERIcNa, 1916-1920, AMER Jommittee A1AMTlFlllO,Tr toaign, data AMER I ANTI- in Jews of AUSTRJ lovements *~ AUSTR AVSHA: I mization of, ^ lk; 38:k58- tactics, AMERIC lommendation un: vernment, omotion of, teat iftn mo ->•, ARABS Jewish k,35k; 16? 38 nference. it tee (cont.) AMERT 73, et seq. ope Distribution AMS.RT >ncerning« ,180,182; 31: 1a al sketch, ASH. oont,) po lrnverv in

-3k- -36- -46- -48- -35- -38- -ko- -42- -44- -50- -52- -33- leasures BEHREI' -39- -43- -45- -47- Lon of minor- BAPTI! in, -37- -41- B'NAI i Germany's BORMA -k9- -51- snt on the BALFC cont.) BAROV, lata con- 3hio Legi3la- BETH BILLI uary by BLOOD tement led prize by BRIL, al sketch. BUECHI Ln, 28:63; ; 27:11k; BENES BERLI int, TO BERETS 333 in Pales- j collection, BLATT W., data con- BLUME ation, New BOAS, l to League i k2 et aeq.; DT?TT TC BIBLE .3:381-384; ( 01•17O. ssachusetta BRAND smy of Fine Jewish popu- BROME i

-5k- -56- -53- -58- -6o- -68- -70- -72- s Michigan BYRNE! -55- CAWADI -57- -59- -61- -62- -63- -6k- -65- -66- -67- -69- -71- ewish dat stration, ! CHAPU BUREA 1 data on CANAD.0; rec 55 CASSE CELLE] rope, review CIENTR ouse of COLEM/ ies in COLUM Jews. li.7:kkO. i nr-otest iandflr_JL. :205-207; A « <-. J kir district COHEN can Unity, C0MMU1 See COTY. >wa of CRIMEJ

-78- -80- -7k- -76- -82- -86- -88- -89- -90- -91- -92- -73- -75- -77- -79- -81- -83- -8k- -85- -87- York State DINKE!rk State law DISCR Auguatus ETJROPI DE SO] +2:292; I provisiona DISPU lorial reso- ELKUS ng, 7:5k o — •» —— T— xaphioal EMERG] of. manifes- EUROP: Airt. TOT-PA

-100- -96- -97- -98- -99- -103- -106- -108- -109- -110- -93- -9k- -95- -101- -102- -iok- -105- -112- -107- ont.) GERM, -111- lew York PLEXN] lata con- FREUD 0 anti-Jewish leral Eisen- GERMA1 mt.) FISCE orial reso- PRAEN] nn A TIT/IT :i-Jevfish FRAUNi 'ded Legion FROHI"

-118- -122- -12k- -126- -128- -130- -132- -llk- -116- -117- -120- -121- -113- -119- -123- -125- -127- -129- -131- -115- data con- HALKIN :ont.) HECHT, Lil GREAT 3 of (cont.) GREAT a concerning, GUOGEI L HEBREW Em a concern- HERZL, Tl; ^r^ m New York HART, Wi ;ation of 7:6<

-136- -13k- -138- -lkO- -Ik2- -lkk- -150- -152- -135- -lkl- -Ik6- -Ik8- -133- -137- -139- -Ik3- -11*5- -149- -151- . ) HOFFMAN, -Ik7- cont.) HINDENBURC in tho HUBERT, ^ HUNGARY, ] (cont,) Immlgrati (cont.) IMMIGRATI Af fairs, INTERFAH saocia- INTERNATI nt of, ISRAEL (c 4 4--t-qVvTiv>^V. LTTpqiT TO A ft/I P.

-154- -162- -166- -172- -156- -158- -161- -16k- -168- -153- -160- -165- -170- -155- -157- -163- -167- -171- ITTLEMAN, -159- ganiza- JEWISH Co -169- emphi3, JAFFA, Ns mM lt and quea- JEWISH Ns Society JEWISH ri| m, KAHM, Reu Ir-a In. ITALY fc In Lee ^» TT> J.. _ - eclared JEWISH and In- "Jewish JEWISH Cc n y ?«1 reaaion Jewa In I lA por- fcj TW.ITOP in U.S. JOSEPH. 1 at.

-176- -18k- -188- •L90T -182- -186- -190- -192- -174- -175- -178- -183- -185- -187- -173- -177- -179~ -181- -189- -191- a, pro- KIRSTEIN, oaea LATIH Am« ata con- LEFTWICH^ preai- KATZENBE1 . settle- heads Lographi- KRASOVSK m, LABOR Dei ta con- LEAGUE of ata con- LEVI, Har iographi- LEVY, Is] , curator KENDALL. concern- KOHLER. I 4; aff 1 :7k of Tin flahnn. LAUDSBEHT Congress. Nazi i T . n

-196- -19k- -200- -201^ -207- -198- -203- -205- -209- -211- -195- -199- -20k- -206- -193- -197- -201- -202- -208- -210- ins Nobel LITERACY ;ee, LICHTENAU n Chelsea, LOWENSTEI ographical MARGOLIS, nt.) MARSHALL ics, clu 3 3achu- LOEB, Leo (cont.) MAISEL, « tute of MAYER, Ac Lcotman MEREDITH 1 an. \: 1 nna f* T.TWFTKT.n T.ClVTf.7.. Commit- ino. Bal- MANDEL. si trn.q

-219- -223- -227- -231- -213- -215- -217- -221- -225- -229- -218- -222- -226- -230- -212- -214- -216- -220- -224- -228- 1 behalf MORRIS, organi- NETHERLAE obllo, MICKVA I , on New MOLL, M ?: makes sur- NATIONAL Jewiah NATIONAL fare NATIONAL in MINORITY 53;_8: to ?ate to MOYNE, Wa )f Young NATIONAI nt.) NAZIS, ef NAZISM, AJcommunal popula •.^t- i MTTVCP 6_ r>nr»>n . So 1 TtffTT run MORGEWST T7.S. MYERS. iio po- fei nf religi

-233- -237- -245- -251- -235- -239 - -243- -247- -249- -232- -236- -240- -244- -248 -250- -234- -238- -242- -246- nian Jews NEW York NON-IMPO: lture PALESTINI er (cont.) PASSPORTS ^-,95-98; amount t.) NEW York .) iwa (cont.) NURSE-tn L. (Mrs. ORGANIZE York ORTHODOX PALEST INI otrue. si 1 *".*-. OMRffA nonc.flrn- (esc OTTOMAN I PJT.BSTTTvT! >«Kt:

-259- -253- -255- -261- -263- -265- -269- -271- -257- -262- -267- -252- -254- -256- -258- -260- -264- -266- -268- -270 POLAND (c ix War- PROSELYTI >oks PUTNAM, ( , in PERMANEN1 1 Com- PHILANTJD ioe of POGROMS, , arti- POPULATIO RACISM ( o Eventa REFORM Ji (cont.) REFUGEES well as Jews d 7iew of PREIL, Gs ntal in Cor r law in, Mai t.) tides: rabbii Nnw PHT Ensi Bf.tiV ar-ticlft. PTT.STrPSK POLAND (c POT.TRH .1, antine ata many cri- PROVISIOI an Theo- RABBINIC. 9Q.An. bio- RASALSKY, ;ern Coun- REFUGEES efforts on Cyp

-273- -275- -277- -279- -281- -283- -285- -287- -289- -276- -278- -288- -291- -272- -274- -280- -282- -284- -286- -290- jassador ROOSEVEL' ont.) ROSENBAC: Council RELIGIOUS >r of New- RICE, Elr , artl- ROSENOW, S., on ROTHSTEIN RUMANIA v RUSSIA (c b.) RUSSIA, S ) RUTENBER1 con- RITUAL f1'^ inferences CO] j D., ROOT, El3 1 ont cement wish reli- REISS, M f Great (oc t. Jews REVIEW ol foil ata refugee presi brtlcle. ROSEHBLOCi an Rfilifif" FOU Board of oer n mfu. Iron G (ftont.) RTTMAWTZ ») RUSSIA, p warns a of, RUSSIA, iroved. 1n

-293- -295- -297- -299- -301- -303- -305- -307- -309- -311- - 292 - -294- -296- -298- -300- -302- -30k- -306- -308- -310- .se of SALOMON, a, Jewish SCHAEFER, ont.) SCHIFF, J , in U.S., SCHOOLS, tlcles: SEARS, Re f America, SERVICEM] on Few SHOWER, I 1, antl- SIMON, Jc anti- SNELLEN31 , data SOLOMONS, ea, 39: In colony Edu , in SCHECHTH Theo- trlbut on SCHNEIDEI ,k9,50- person Roumania," wala -ng, by dows chair SHAY, Ha:2:lk5; 'SHOMER Hs Now SIL3ERM.AN zation, Z:l ity, el< :77-78; ing, q.j 28: data SAN FRANC cont.) SCHWARTZ coneern- SELIGSBE1 rty ship SLEPIAN, Ic, Jewish SOCIETY t S 52: Yor slature. of Jev Bench, obitu« 23k nnni vaf. SU110. Vl Ro SESSLER. iversity, of 6 Ame ature, lafr biogrs r of. ti 5:186: SNITKIN. 3 active cei 15:63; SOLOMONS,

-315- -313- -317- -319- -321- -323- -327- -329- -312- -31k- -318- -322- -325- -326- -331- -316- -320- -324- -328- 3h SOVIET Un •ded Am. STATE De] eview of SZOLD, He ouncil- TEL-AVIV, -330- it.) Col ar, Jew- SPELLMAN, Llectri- Amerii in New STEIHSCHS STETTINIl T-aphical STRATTOII, SWITZERLA conducts TRAINING lement, SOUTH Af: ont.) "Statistiure, 17: bii a con- ta con- STROOCK, in Ameri- SULZBERG! oont.) SULZBER': of SYNAG0GU12 :lk-39; oppose ward (cont.) TAMM, nd sail- Cit' Edison te: -103; tii 3 activi- SWEDEN, 1Jews in, opposi .nd, Me., k5: Party THORKELS 1 of Wo] public, polit communal SOYER, Is r Congre3- j:l57: Hbrnr )5; of in STRAUS, Oa 6 Tr'J and uni- activ* (1 Schechtsr cer t.) Un yrua k2: lean Jewish .ux Klan. 15 rivali Taw -i aVi a_n •ninnntr "3 O

-333- -335- -337- -347- -351- -332- -339- -343- -345- -3k9- -334- -336- -340- -342- -346- -350- ire), TURKEY (1 n New UNION of 1, joint UNITED K: -338- ;.) UNITED Sr -344- -3k8- Nobel WAR crimi eaident TRUJILLO ird Zion- inter: of, UNITED S1 ne Court, UNITED Sy , Jewish Volklsohe ont.) TUSKA, B« 7:19k gat Jewish termi- UNITED U e on UNITED ?e .) UNITED S'. dent in See a. attemj V ine reso- WALDMAN, istry, (cont. Bar Asso- lai 3:23; th UNION of nterna- UN Parti ope and inc ress UNITED S 3 of UNITED S ecting withdr tical data VIEREC k2:308 prc of Jews 7:: beauest establ s of an': 39:2k3: Hat e rights uphol< nst Nazi tri ml Ik3-lkk: 5:: lon on URUGUAY, ed bjla- demand effor o - LJI -355- -353- -359- -361- -365- -369- -354- -357- -358- -360- -363- -367- -368- -371- -352- n Perm- WEIZMANN, -356- -364- bute to, WISE, St« WOLFF, Ma -362- ) WORLD Wai -366- , in YOUNKER, -370- Jewish WATKIHS, York WEINSTEIN slature , 70th t (cont.) WIENER, A contrc^i Sephardi WORLD Jew Phila- YESHIVA £ 3 Louis ZIELONKA, data WARBURG, send for 1 tion of med ., repu- WINE for ., bio- WOLF, Edvlax J. of WORLD Wa: recession See a3 Legiala- Ame Alderm- sio 33 ; cle, "The WESTERN Semitlsm, di, movement obitusk on WOLFNER, WOODHEAD k9:666 attitu Award et azis, YUGOSLAV y award, ske 6:20k; 49 nn11 nf tl ov« etch sian Jews anti- k3:287; gel nization World's YIDDISH A k5:

-372- -373 -37k- ZIONISM ZIONISM ( iELSON, Judah L., re] its of, moveme 's estab- effor •n of ZIONIST C tin t:\.n. wave of anti-Sem: