Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy. 2012;26:376–378. Copyright © 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. ISSN: 1536-0288 print / 1536-0539 online DOI: 10.3109/15360288.2012.734900


Amitabh Goswami

ABSTRACT Questions from patients about analgesic pharmacotherapy and responses from the authors are presented to help educate patients and make them more effective self-advocates. The topic addressed in this issue is prolotherapy and a discussion and its history, types, indications, side effects and treatments. KEYWORDS proliferative therapy, prolotherapy, regenerative injection therapy, tendonopathy

QUESTION FROM A PATIENT chronic sprains/strains, whiplash injuries, tennis and golfer’s elbow, , and chronic ten- I’m an active 45-year-old woman with on-and-off low donitis/tendinosis) potentially can be treated with back pain for the past 2 years. The pain has been get- prolotherapy.2 ting much worse. I have tried all the usual remedies without success. My friend mentioned a treatment For personal use only. History call prolotherapy. How does it work and would it be effective for my back pain? The concept of creating irritation or injury to simu- late healing was described as early as the fifth cen- tury BC. During this time, Hippocrates (460–370 ANSWER BC) treated unstable joints by poking the ligaments with a hot metal rod.3 Although the procedure was Prolotherapy as defined in Webster’s Third New In- rudimentary and experimental, Hippocrates hypoth- ternational Dictionary is “the rehabilitation of an in- esized that causing inflammation of injured ligaments competent structure, such as a ligament or tendon, would lead to self-repair. This was one of the first by the induced proliferation of new cells.”1 Prolother- steps towards using the body’s own healing mecha- apy involves the injection of solutions at the point at nism to repair connective tissues.

J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother Downloaded from by CDL-UC Davis on 12/07/12 which tendons and ligaments attach to the bone, to In the 1940s, a trauma surgeon in Ohio, George cause an inflammatory reaction. Inflammation starts S. Hacket, MD, expanded the concept of ten- the regeneration and repair of the injured tissue in and don (connects muscle to bone) injury and liga- around the joint to promote tissue repair or growth. ment (connects bones to other bones) looseness to It can be used years after the initial pain or problem chronic musculoskeletal pain. He was the first to began, as long as the patient is relatively healthy. coin the term “prolotherapy.” The name prolotherapy Many different types of musculoskeletal in- comes from the word “proli-” (Latin) meaning off- juries and pain (e.g., low back and neck pain, spring; “proliferate”—to produce new cells in rapid succession.4–6 Amitabh Goswami, DO, MPH, is a Pain Medicine Fellow, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of California at Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, California, USA. Epidemiology Address correspondence to: Dr. Amitabh Goswami, UC Davis Medical Cen- ter, Lawrence J. Ellison Ambulatory Care Center, 4860 Y Street, Suite 3020, The incidence of musculoskeletal pain is rising in epi- Sacramento, CA 95817, USA (E-mail: [email protected]). demic proportional across the globe. In the United

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States, 9–20% of adults suffer from chronic muscu- or cellulitis, systemic inflammation, spinal anatomi- loskeletal pain at any one time.7 There are currently cal defects, morbid obesity, bleeding disorders, chem- 15 million individuals who are limited from one daily ical dependence, low pain threshold, and whole-body activity by musculoskeletal pain, and that number is pain.10 estimated to reach 67 million people by 2030.7 Nearly all people with chronic pain have a substantially re- duced health-related quality of life, with 42% unable Treatment to work due to pain and 63% unable to engage in rou- 7 The treatments typically involve six to eight weekly tine activities of daily living. injections of 23–30-mL solutions of dextrose and . The injections are done in an Mechanism of Action office-based setting. The injections are accompa- nied by manipulation and instructions to perform There are many different types of prolotherapy. They joint exercises for several weeks. Before the pro- range from the use of hypertonic dextrose or sugar cedure, patients are advised to avoid any type of (12.5–25%) solution, subcutaneous (under the skin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (e.g., injections) prolotherapy, platelet-rich plasma (con- ibuprofen, naproxen) 3 days prior to the procedure. centrated platelet cells taken from the patient’s own This is because the goal of prolotherapy is to cause blood) prolotherapy, and stem cell (precursor cells for inflammation to promote healing. Nonsteroidal anti- all the other cell types of the body) prolotherapy using inflammatory medications stop inflammation.10 8 either bone marrow or adipose (fat) tissue. Patients may receive topical anesthetic gels with or Prolotherapy strengthens ligaments and tendons without sedation for the procedure. These anesthetic by the stimulation of growth factors via the inflam- gels help to numb the area where the injections are matory healing cascade. An increase of con- performed. While palpating the affected area, tender centration causes an increase in cell protein synthe- sites are targeted by using a small-gauge needle di- sis, DNA synthesis, cell volume, and proliferation. rected at the injured ligaments or tendons. After the This, in turn, stimulates ligament size and mass, ten- procedure, patients are advised to limit their activity don hypertrophy, extracellular matrix, ligament-bone for the first few days. This is to allow them to recover junction strength, and repair of articular cartilage de- from the procedure. They can use acetaminophen fects. The increase of glucose concentration from pro- (Tylenol) for pain if needed and are usually sent home lotherapy injections causes cells to produce different with range-of-motion exercises.10 For personal use only. types of growth factors. These growth factors are per- tinent to the repair, health, and growth of tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues.9 Complications The most common side effects related to prolother- Indications apy are a temporary (12–96 hours) increase in pain, The goals of prolotherapy are to improve support, stiffness, and bruising at the injection site. Other pos- improve function, and reduce pain. After a careful sible side effects include headache, nausea, diarrhea, history and physical examination, those patients who and minor allergic reaction to the medication. Rare injuries include lung collapse, disc injury, meningitis, have undergone conventional medical management 11 may benefit from this type of treatment. Conventional hemorrhage, and nerve damage.

J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother Downloaded from by CDL-UC Davis on 12/07/12 treatments for back pain are rest, ice/heat, physical therapy or home exercise program, behavioral modi- Review fications, and nonopioid pain medications. The indications for prolotherapy are nonspecific A of prolotherapy for all conditions mechanical pain resulting from ligament or tendon yielded 42 studies published since 1937, which con- injury from trauma, repetitive sprain injury, or col- sisted mostly of case reports and case series. The lagen deficiency. The diagnosis is made on a clinical effectiveness of prolotherapy for chronic pain was basis: pain from pressing on superficial ligament and reported in two national Cochrane Collaborations joints or from patient history. The indication for pro- published in 2004 and 2007. There is inadequate lotherapy may be pain that has failed to respond to evidence to recommend prolotherapy as a sole other, more conservative treatments. treatment for . However, the over- The contraindications to prolotherapy are non- all conclusion showed that, when combined with musculoskeletal pain, metastatic cancer, septic joints spinal manipulation, and exercise, prolotherapy may


improve chronic low back pain and disability. The Declaration of interest: The author reports no con- current most promising indication for prolotherapy flict of interest. The author alone is responsible for appears to be in the treatment of tendinopathies. the content and writing of this paper. Early studies indicate promising results in the treat- ment of osteoarthritis, but further clinical trials are needed before recommendations can be mad.12 REFERENCES

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Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy