
5 XEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SATT'RDAY. MARCH SO. TOOL FRO)f A FIRV. 'S ••APOLOGY." MDFRMEX VS. GRAXD JFEY. Wo\nV CiRZIFD POLICEMAN FINDS HER UNCONSCIOUS TV HE HAS NO AVERSION TO CALLING IT THEIR CONDUCT IN BROOKLYN DE- SMOKE FILLEDROOM. THAT, BUT IT DOES NOT NOUNCED-JUDGE ASFINALL BE- A woman was taken unconscious late yester- • ••• lttt*«ll^*.ti.-^BBBB»»ttttftltttttft»™*tttl^.^*t.t-ttI»«i*^BB»l»BB»«JI»BBBBB»» ¦ GOOD CHEEK. LITTLES PRESENTMENTS. APOLOGIZE. day afternoon from the building at No. 444 Hay» you had a kindness shown? " Sixth-aye.. on was Mis* it 1 April out A presentment was handed up yesterday by the which wis fire. She Pass on. — "The North American Review for la years old. "T-*as not siven for you a!cn» with Mark Twain* "apology" to th* Rev, Dr. Grand Jury of Kings County to Judge Asptnall. in Annie Gaisart. twenty-one «*• Pass it on. Ament and other tn China. That la. the County Court. Brooklyn, denouncing in the worked for the Tooth Crown Dentist Company. years. Let It travel down the one may call It an apology Ifhe be careless about most explicit terms the action of Aldermen Bridges The bulMJrtfr Is a three story brick b«MHn*\ A wipe another's tears. I«t It the actual meaning of words. Th« wishes and Wafer for refusing to hear Brooklynites In ref- one story extension faces In Twenty-oovofrth-ot. Till in heaven the deed appears. condemning • it distinctly understood tr.at lie has no prejudice erence to the water supply, Alderman The fire from the explosion of lamp in Pa*3 it on. against apologies, review obstructing passage resolu- started and then he proceeds to Wafer for the of the establishment. the controversy started by his "To th* of Js»*>.otf) for re- the dental article. tion authorizing the bond Issue Seaton that Miss Gaisart had TOUCH NOTES OF SPRING. rereori Sitting In Darkness." which appeared In pair::ons. railing George Lynch, the well known correspondent, in on the bond issue was taken, which was all the extension, and then climbed from the Iron I''spelling care. mad*, We 11 not iits^itir. which mention was of the Rev. Messrs. vote would have to the coping of the extension and to its roof. not long. more censurable because his Th" winter Ml bo Tewksbury and Ament hoMing sales of looted passed the in the Council. From he sot into the dental parlor, and goods. referred to having measure that March winds may blow Sir Robert. Hart Is as The women's prison of the Kings County Jail is found Mis* Gaisart unconscious on the floor flow, declared that "even missionaries took a And brooklets some " pronounced a disgrace to the community. The ex- It helps the. earth grow green. leading part In 'spoiling the Egyptians.' from the smoke. He carried her out on the Grand Jury that the building be aban- Speden And buds bestow first was lergely on rocowavsads tension and called for help. Policeman Their richest glow Mark Twain's article based doned at once for prison purposes, and that a to her queen. cable dispatch which represented the Rev. Dr. J. Sevtjrne. No. 47 "West Twenty-sev- For May crown a prison set apart for the and A. of Ament as collecting thirteen times the amount of portion of the men's be enth-st.. ran up the stoop, and forming a sort Sweet Anril days- the indemnity. Subsequently correction was vrom.'n prisoners of the- county. of basket with their arm* told Seaton to drop One te;»r allays a legislature destroy th* to did successfully. » snide one-third As to tha bill In the to the woman them. .He it The fury March" has vented— stating that this should have read Gaisart was into the Grohe tailor Her gentle ways extra Kings County Penitentiary, the opinion of th» Miss carried * rays. tax. Twain asserts that the claim for an shop soon revived: She was taken home. And sunshine apology 13 based solely on this reduction In the grand juryIs that it would be an Inexcusable waste and Make all the air sweet scented of public property. If It be possible to dlspensa figures. Commenting: on thi». and the attitude of THRKATFyKD HIS J.IFF. The first of May! the the American with the use of the penitentiary as- a penitentiary SATS HIS XTIFF day Rev. Dr. Judson Smith and •'Th' merriest Mission?, says: and convert it to the purposes of a county" Jail, th« glad New Year"; Board of Foreign the humorist Of all the sway grand jury would advise that course, while the When children Iadmire the alertness of the board In watching REASON GIVF.N RT WANPET.L. r"'->R NOT SRsOsV* Their garlands gay out for chances la trade board morals for Chinese Raymond Street Jail could OS used as a house of For Queen of May to wear. morals, ami get the of the swap; for Icannot (Lydla K. Belknap, a T. B. S member. bew detention for witnesses and a civil prison. HIS CHILD. «ridiire those people, they are yellow, and Ihave reading the presentment never yellow I have always Judge Aspinall after considered bocomtoff. yes- NEW BRANCHES. been like the board— perfectly well meaning, but and thanking the grand jury said he would not be Mrs Charlotte Wandell was again a witness j destitute of the moral sense. Now. one of th» sitting In Part Iof the County Court next month, terday In th. suit of her husband. Francis *-~A MISS L. Jones has organized the Syra- r- iii.reasons why It is so hard to make the board and would not be able to ask the April grand Jury • there water Wan. tor a divorce. Mrs. Wandell said tha.t wfcen? cuse Working Woman's Club, of which she Is understand that is no moral difference be- to continue the investigation of the question Broekway. tween a big filch and a little filch, but only a the women's sure his col- she expected Dr.Aaabel Norton the 00-* president, into a Tribune Sunshine Branch. There legal Morally and prison, but he was one. Is that vacancy in its makeup. league. Judge Hard. would da on, respondent in the suit, to call on her after 10 are several hundred women In this club, which there are no degrees in stealing. The <"ommand- Judge Aspinall continued: suggestions and merely and "The o'clock In the evening she sent her daughter, Car- Is on.» of the in..-i enterprising and progressive in uient Bay*, "Thou shaft not steal." criticisms in a presentment of a grand jury have th« country. Th-> officers re Miss V. L. Jones, stops there. It doesn't recognize any difference no force unless the pres.x—that instrument of ter- rie, to the janitor to ask him to leave the front president: Miss Arrla B. Hiintingtnn,vice-president; between stealing a third and stealing thtrteenfold. ror to evil doers— takes it up and arouses such an door ooen so that Dr. Brockway could rln« th« Martha L. Podjrers. financial secretary, and Kate agitation people willrise up In their might .'*-, ro, Twain speaks of the board wallingfifty-six days that the bell of her apartment. ..V M. !'.• librarian. and demand that the public otticial.s do their duty. Ho Miss Anna .1. Hartness hi "resident ol a now T. before sending a .able message to r>r. Ament to Grand jurors should present indictments, and not Mr. Wandell was also a witness yesterday. S. S. branch at Springfield, Vt. facts, says: presentments, and if Iwas to have the privilege his separation from his w»f» ascertain the and then charge." testified that since of charging the next grand Jury Iwould so any to child a;. got fatal reply—and was not aware of it. he had never made effort see his THE KASTKR SALE. II a Alderman Bridges when seen yesterday after- made by the court. h« That was that curious confession about the "one- noon "What does a presentment amount to. according to the condition extra"; sold: presence wife. Th« members Will please bear inmind the Easter third its application, not to the "propaga- anyhow? It amounts to nothing. Ihave always could see her only in the of his tion of the Qosii !." but only to "church expenses." of Memorial T. B. B. branch voted in favor of water bond Issues. As long as sal.!, had threatened to kill htm. but sal« the Hester White support of widows and orphan*; and. on top of my Is glv<» His wift. he to personally. until o'clock, 165 1., x- confession, conscience clear Idon't a "'" for th«? threats had not been made him on April 3. from 2 7 at No. this that other etrans<- one revealing ati — grand here to andell wai.» l.vman, the dizzying fact that our missionaries, who went the Juries from Dr Brockway had not attended Mrs Inston-ave. The president. Mrs. E. M. Mr. and Mrs. Wan.lell were living together. to China to teach Christian morals and Justice, F.roek-*\iy the stand yesterday. cordially Invitee all Sunshine members to attend. had adopted paean morals and justice in their Dr was also on glnc» Lyman acknowledges Wn.\LF\ IfHOLDS DOCK ROAEP. He said that he was .\fry-flve years old. and hail the la*t. report Mrs place That cablegram was dynamite. since she was about four yonr<» A. It .--eenisi odd thai not see that that known Mrs. Wandeli g)f:» of «unshir.revelation made the case far worse than it was professional son. Mrs W. T. Mi«E H. before; wag saving doubt, — HOLDS. IN THAT IT DID NOT EX- called on Mrs. Wandell for other .than Henderson, E. for there a before a EFFECT. purposes. Thompson, Mr«. Jennie Mrs. R. doubt was a strength, and J^_^____ which for CEED ITS POWERS IN Haskin. Mr-> R. W. Bruff. Mrs. Edward Welden- should have been carefully left undisturbed. Why CONDEMNATIONS. MAYOR. Co., Charles nurcharrl did the board allow that revelation in get into ¦THAr* XO DREAM." SAID THE few. H. O'Neill & Mr- Why not suppress and Corporatlan in opinion read < Bussing sent print? did the board It Counsel Whalen an and Mrs. '. W. Hedges. Mrs. J. S. keep still? But. no; In the board's opinion, this at the meeting of the Dock Board yesterday up- Severn] contributed by Mrs. was once more the time for speech. Hence Dr. t?. and articles were Department contention with A Mead, N. who hi hi Smith'! latest tetter to me, suggesting that Ispeak holds the Dock in its OBSERVATION OF MR. VAN VTTCK ON REMARK FMAHT TAIT/Jtt OF NKW BPRINO IfATEBIALS. FY.rsh E. of Ocean Grove. J.. also—a letter which is a good enough letter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment over the eightieth year. IN her She writes: barring its nine defects, but is another evidence value of property condemned for Improvements on BT MR. GrGGENHEIMER THE books, needle. that the board's head la not as good a* Its heart. * ' Isend needle ball* and a round the North River front between Twelfth and OF cap*» 1' r« tern IS years old. The balls BOARD ESTIMATE- WHERE TO CO TO-DAY. mac from Twenty-third and on the East River between STAiXED tilAss hFSWMXG. arf. not SO well dore as IwouM like to h«ve them, Th« Rev. Dr. "W. B. Arrant. 01 the American sts.. T-rtrult-TBMStiag of the CUapatatH* Ut*r»tur*BedsCy. In but they are the best my old and partially par- Mission, is Peking. Whitehall and Montgomery sts. The Improve- Estimate and Apportionment hold « h;.r.os ran make Board who stationed In In a The- Board of he chapter; room of Hi <*urr.r£le iiulluln*?. IOJO a. m. »:yzei! against ments Involve an expenditure of MLMMsV,and at a special meeting yesterday afternoon and took ac- 'The Italian Lyric I'rtor to Dante." l>y Pr. Kenneth ONE OF Tin; COMING OCCUPATION*, FOR recent Interview denied the accusations of I Bit. ratt) for meeting of the Board of Estimate and Apportion- bridge No. 4. to be known as the Black- KrKni'i*. Y«Je HATS FOR THE LITTLE MOTHERS. th» missionaries and defended the demands tion on the rnt«Ttalninent at th. New-York Woman's I'rrse Club, at WOMEN—A SUCCESSFUL DRAUGHTSMAN. punishment of Chinese who committed outrages ment on February B Controller Coler raised th* well's Island Bridge. The board authorized th» 2::tO j>. tn. CarriPEt* Ha.l. The. offlcfrs of the Little Mothers' Aid Associa- upon converts. point that the Dock Board was impairing the debt Corporation Counsel to begin condemnation pro- by Pi-inn. rb<- for Polit- More and mere of the entrances to the different l/^'-ture Krarotkin. Wfive "Va^me tion ere working hard to secure the fix hundred limit of the city In carrying out the improvements. for the four piers. To pay ical E.iucHtinn. No. 1M \\>i their number is increasing a of rood cheer. All contribu- Memo. and will mean messare $12,000,000. it is allowed to spend only t3.o».oni> the sum of J350.0T0. Central Park West, :••'.".• -. constantly. tions should he sent to the association. No. 304 East natives. Dr. Ament said: when issue corporate stock In birdu, hy Twenty City. ¦year. Subsequently in an interview he charged referring to the bridge canooA Talk about niizalwth Putnam Moor*. »t N&. MS Among the younger recruits to the ranks is Helen •first . New-York There *eeme.t very little hope of native Chris- property The resolutions West One-f.undrec-a-i4-lhlrteeistl.-6L, 2 p. m tians receiving anything through the lnsrrumental- the Dock Board with undervaluing the some discussion between Mr. GuggonheluuMJ and Maltland Armstrong, who modestly calls herself r. officials, foreign powers condemned. he did MONEY lty of their nor did th. in the Im- the Mayor. Mr. Guggenhelmer said that "draughtsman.** ' .• is a draughtsman such skill ACKNOWLEDGED. think called upon to provide Indemnity The Dock Board reply asserted that of they were going on for a number of should be issued the impor- M.s."; Anna J. H:irtr.»-«s. of Vermont, has sent for them. They were even very to un- provement;* had been not see why the bonds before as to have had her designs used for some reluctant years, and thai It was merely carrying out the Municipal FORHOrSEHOi.DKCONOMICS $1 i" cents; dertake their protection at the beginning of the land was acquired. He said that the «iii t in the la:n year or two. W fo.* new badges; Mr«. M. Lyman, 15 work of the former hoard, had not e-te»*de