
Long An upper-crustal province in the hinterland of the Sevier , eastern , U.S.A.: A Cordilleran and Ridge in the Basin and Range

Sean P. Long1,* 1Nevada Bureau of Mines and , University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 89557, USA

ABSTRACT basin ~220 km eastward during the Sevier system (Taylor et al., 2000; Long, 2012; Greene, . Low deformation magnitudes in the 2014; Long et al., 2014). The region of eastern Overprinting extension hinders hinterland are attributed to the rheological Nevada between the Central Nevada thrust belt analysis of Cordilleran contractional defor- of this thick basin. and Western thrust belt is interpreted to mation in the hinterland of the Sevier thrust have experienced relatively little upper-crustal belt in Nevada. In this study, a 1:250,000 INTRODUCTION Cordilleran contractional deformation (e.g., scale paleogeologic map of eastern Nevada, Armstrong, 1972; Speed et al., 1988). This is showing spatial distributions of – The –Paleogene Cordilleran oro- primarily based on compilation maps of strati- rocks beneath a Paleogene uncon- genic belt is the result of over 100 m.y. of con- graphic levels exposed beneath a regional formity, is combined with dip magnitude tractional deformation of the North American that places Paleogene rocks over maps for Paleozoic–Mesozoic and Tertiary plate above an Andean-style zone Paleozoic–Mesozoic rocks, which show that the rocks, published sedimentary thickness (Allmendinger, 1992; Burchfi el et al., 1992; total postorogenic structural relief of this region records, and a published reconstruction of DeCelles, 2004; Dickinson, 2004). In the west- was low (2–4 km; Armstrong, 1972; Gans and extension, in order to defi ne and regionally ern interior , the majority of Cor- Miller, 1983; Long, 2012). In addition, early correlate thrust faults and folds, and estimate dilleran crustal shortening was accommodated mapping studies in eastern Nevada documented the pre-extensional amplitude, wavelength, in the Sevier thrust belt in western Utah (Fig. 1; that angularity across the unconformity is typi- and limb dips of folds. A new structural prov- e.g., Armstrong, 1968; Royse et al., 1975; Vil- cally ≤10°–15° (Young, 1960; Kellogg, 1964; ince, the Eastern Nevada fold belt, is defi ned, lien and Kligfi eld, 1986; DeCelles and Coogan, Moores et al., 1968), which has led to a prevail- consisting of a 100-km-wide region contain- 2006). Decades of study in the Sevier thrust belt ing view that any pre-Tertiary deformation was ing fi ve fi rst-order folds that can be traced leave the geometry, kinematics, magnitude, and gentle and minor. for map distances between 100 and 250 km timing of deformation well documented (e.g., However, despite the low structural relief of and have amplitudes of 2–4 km, wavelengths Jordan, 1981; Allmendinger et al., 1983, 1987; this region, the map patterns of regionally trace- of 20–40 km, pre-extensional limb dips typi- Royse, 1993a; DeCelles et al., 1995; Mitra, 1997; able (≥100 km) folds are defi ned on subcrop cally between 10° and 30°, and deform rocks DeCelles and Coogan, 2006). However, in the maps (Gans and Miller, 1983; Long, 2012), and as young as Jurassic and Early . hinterland of the thrust belt in eastern Nevada, detailed geologic maps (Humphrey, 1960; Bro- No regional-scale thrust faults or décolle- fundamental questions remain regarding the kaw and Barosh, 1968; Nolan et al., 1971; Nutt, ment horizons breach modern exposure style, geometry, and magnitude of Cor dilleran 2000) show that many more folds are present, levels in the Eastern Nevada fold belt. First- deformation, and how it relates temporally to although to date they have not been regionally order folds of the Eastern Nevada fold belt deformation in the frontal thrust belt (e.g., Arm- correlated or described in detail. Recent work are interpreted to have formed above a deep strong, 1972; Miller et al., 1988; Miller and near Eureka that documents 60°–70° of angu- (≥10 km below the Paleogene unconformity), Hoisch, 1995; Camilleri and Chamberlain, 1997; larity across the Paleogene unconformity (Long blind décollement or zone, perhaps the Taylor et al., 2000; Long, 2012; Greene, 2014; et al., 2014), and geologic maps showing fold westward projection of the master décolle- Long et al., 2014). This can be attributed in part limb dips ranging from 30° to overturned (Hum- ment of the Sevier thrust belt. to sparse preservation of synorogenic sedimen- phrey, 1960; Larson and Riva, 1963; Brokaw Three hinterland structural provinces, the tary rocks, but it is primarily due to the com- and Barosh, 1968; Nolan et al., 1971) both chal- Central Nevada thrust belt, Western Utah plex dismemberment of the region by Cenozoic lenge the interpretation of minimal pre-Tertiary thrust belt, and the intervening Eastern extension (e.g., Gans and Miller, 1983; Coney deformation and justify a structural synthesis of Nevada fold belt, collectively record low-mag- and Harms, 1984; Dickinson, 2002). this region. nitude (a few tens of kilometers), upper-crustal Two zones of thrust faults, the Central In this study, the primary goal is to describe shortening that accompanied Cretaceous Nevada thrust belt and Western Utah thrust folding in the region between the Central translation of the Cordilleran passive-margin belt (Fig. 1), have been identifi ed in the Sevier Nevada thrust belt and Western Utah thrust belt; hinter land, and they are interpreted as contem- this exercise leads to defi nition of a new struc- *E-mail: [email protected]. porary, interior components of the Sevier thrust tural province, the Eastern Nevada fold belt.

Geosphere; April 2015; v. 11; no. 2; p. 404–424; doi:10.1130/GES01102.1; 7 fi gures; 2 tables; 1 plate; 2 supplemental fi les. Received 11 July 2014 ♦ Revision received 2 December 2014 ♦ Accepted 16 January 2015 ♦ Published online 17 February 2015

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CA OR ID A 120°WNV 117°W 114°W 111°W N RMT GC-RR-A Salt GT Lake WY 41°N Figure 1. (A) Map of the Cordi- Elko R-EH City lleran retroarc region in Nevada, area of Utah, and eastern , Plate 1 superimposed over a base map from McQuarrie and Wernicke SR Reno Eureka ? (2005, their Fig. 7A), which shows Austin LFTB Ely present-day dimensions. Defor- 39°N

old- mation fronts of Cordilleran magmatic arc thrust systems are shown, and WUTB ust belt

Sevier f hr CNTB t spatial extents are shaded gray; ENFB Great Valley forearc basin locations are modifi ed from Long Tonopah et al. (2014), with additions from Cedar area of Greene (2014) and this study. City Figure 5 Area of Eastern Nevada fold belt UT 37°N (ENFB) is shaded blue. Paleozoic– AZ early Mesozoic thrust systems are shown in brown. Location of Sierra Franciscan Nevada magmatic arc is from Van accretionary Las Buer et al. (2009) and DeCelles complex Vegas Present day (2004). (B) Map of same area as 0200100 A, but superimposed over a base ESTB kilometers map from McQuarrie and Wer- B OR N nicke (2005, their Fig. 9E) which CA NV ID RMT shows a 36 Ma tectonic recon- GT struction. The map shows approx- imate pre-extensional dimensions WY of the Cordilleran retroarc region. Abbreviations: GT—Golconda thrust, RMT—Roberts Moun- tains thrust, LFTB—Luning-

thrust belt Fencemaker thrust belt; ESTB— LFTB Sevier fold- Eastern Sierra thrust belt; CNTB—Central Nevada thrust belt; ENFB—Eastern Nevada ENFB fold belt; WUTB—Western Utah Sierra Nevada magmatic arc WUTB Franciscan accretionary complex thrust belt; R-EH—Ruby–East CNTB Humboldt core complex; SR— Great Valley forearc basin core complex; GC-RR-A—Grouse Creek–Raft area of River–Albion core complex. State Figure 6 abbreviations: CA—California, UT OR—Oregon, NV—Nevada, ID— AZ Idaho, UT—Utah, WY—Wyo- ming, AZ—. 36 Ma 0 100 200 ESTB kilometers

A 1:250,000 scale paleogeologic map of east- and these are combined with published sedi- gene limb dips. Fold axes are superimposed central Nevada, constructed by compiling for- mentary thicknesses (Stewart, 1980) to estimate over a pre-extensional tectonic reconstruction mation-scale divisions of Paleozoic–Mesozoic fold amplitude. The map is combined with dip (McQuarrie and Wernicke, 2005), which illus- rocks exposed beneath the Paleogene unconfor- magnitude maps for Paleozoic–Mesozoic and trates the synorogenic map dimensions of indi- mity, is presented. Subcrop patterns defi ned on Tertiary rocks, which corroborate the correlation vidual structures and structural provinces and the map allow regional correlation of fold axes, of fold axes and allow estimation of pre-Paleo- allows estimation of fold wavelength.

Geosphere, April 2015 405

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In addition, the subcrop map provides a tral Nevada thrust belt and Western Utah thrust METHODS detailed view of the map patterns of thrust faults belt are interpreted to represent contemporary, and folds in the northern Central Nevada thrust interior components of the Sevier thrust system Paleogeologic Map belt, including the recently defi ned Eureka cul- (Taylor et al., 2000; Greene, 2014; Long et al., mination (Long et al., 2014). These observa- 2014). The region of eastern Nevada between Plate 1 presents a paleogeologic map of tions are combined with the structural synthesis these two thrust belts, which is the subject of east-central Nevada that shows the distribution of the Eastern Nevada fold belt and published this paper, exhibits upper-crustal folding but of Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks cross sections of the Western Utah thrust belt lacks regional-scale thrust faults (e.g., Arm- exposed under a regional unconformity beneath (Greene, 2014) and Sevier thrust belt (DeCelles strong, 1972; Gans and Miller, 1983). However, Paleogene volcanic and sedimentary rocks (see and Coogan, 2006) to present a model for con- this region did experience Cordilleran ductile Fig. 2 for a guide to range, valley, and other tractional deformation in the Sevier hinterland. deformation and at midcrustal geographic names). This form of map removes levels, as recorded by Late Cretaceous peak the vertical effects of tectonism that postdate the TECTONIC SETTING metamorphism and ductile fabrics in rocks now unconformity (e.g., Armstrong, 1968), including exposed in metamorphic core complexes and differential uplift and subsidence associated with The Sevier thrust belt represents part of the highly extended ranges (e.g., Miller et al., 1988; Neogene normal faulting. When combined with Cordilleran retroarc thrust belt system, which Miller and Gans, 1989; McGrew et al., 2000; stratigraphic thickness data (Stewart, 1980) and extends from Mexico to Alaska, and formed Wells and Hoisch, 2008). structural data from published geologic maps, during Jurassic to Paleogene contractional On the east end of the Cordilleran defor- this map can be used to illustrate the map pat- deformation of the North American plate above mation system, the Sevier thrust belt accom- terns of pre-Paleogene structures, and to estimate subducting oceanic plates (e.g., Allmendinger, modated ~220 km of upper-crustal shortening Paleogene structural relief, the amplitude of ero- 1992; DeCelles, 2004; Dickinson, 2004). The in western Utah (Currie, 2002; DeCelles and sionally beveled folds, and stratigraphic throw Cordilleran magmatic arc at the latitude of Coogan, 2006). The timing of initial deforma- on thrust faults at Paleogene levels. Nevada is represented by the Sierra Nevada tion in the Sevier thrust belt is debated (e.g., The map was constructed by fi rst georefer- (Fig. 1; e.g., Coleman and Glazner, Jordan, 1981; Wiltschko and Dorr, 1983; Heller encing 50 published geologic maps, the majority 1998; Ducea, 2001). East of the magmatic arc, et al., 1986; DeCelles, 2004; DeCelles and of which are between 1:24,000 and 1:62,500 in the Luning-Fencemaker thrust belt (Fig. 1) is Coogan, 2006), but most agree that the onset of scale, and four 1:250,000 scale Nevada county interpreted to record Jurassic closure of a back- subsidence in the adjacent , which geologic maps (see Plate 1 for guide to source arc basin (e.g., Oldow, 1984; Wyld, 2002). The is attributed to crustal thickening in the Sevier maps). Then, following methods outlined in genetic relationship between the Luning-Fence- thrust belt, occurred by at least ca. 125 Ma Long (2012), all locations of exposures of the maker and Sevier thrust belts is debated; Wyld (Early Cretaceous; Jordan, 1981). However, Paleogene unconformity were compiled, and the (2002) argued that these two systems represent initial motion on the westernmost of the ages of Paleozoic–Mesozoic sedimentary rocks deformation during distinct Jurassic and Creta- thrust belt has been argued to be as old as ca. 145 that directly underlie the unconformity at each ceous tectonic events, while DeCelles (2004) Ma (Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary; DeCelles, locality were divided out (where possible) at the interpreted the Luning-Fencemaker thrust belt 2004; DeCelles and Coogan, 2006). Deforma- formation scale. Across the majority of the map as an older, hinterland component of the Sevier tion in the Sevier thrust belt at this latitude con- area, the oldest preserved Paleogene rocks are orogenic wedge. tinued through the Late Cretaceous and Paleo- late to volcanic rocks of the To the east of the Luning-Fencemaker thrust cene (Lawton and Trexler, 1991; Lawton et al., fl are-up (e.g., Armstrong belt, there lie two zones affected by Paleozoic to 1993, 1997; DeCelles et al., 1995; DeCelles and and Ward, 1991; Best and Christiansen, 1991; early Mesozoic orogenic events. The oldest is the Coogan, 2006), on the basis of , Best et al., 2009). Less commonly, alluvial Antler orogeny, in which Ordovi- biostratigraphy, and structural relationships of and lacustrine rocks of the Sheep Pass Forma- cian to , deep marine, sedimentary and foreland basin strata. tion, which have been interpreted to represent volcanic rocks were emplaced eastward over The hinterland of the Sevier thrust belt in deposition within isolated extensional basins shelf rocks across the thrust western Utah and eastern Nevada is the hypoth- (Druschke et al., 2009a), are preserved beneath and related structures (Fig. 1; e.g., Burchfi el and esized site of a relict orogenic plateau (e.g., ignimbrite fl are-up rocks. Within the map area, Royden, 1991; Speed and Sleep, 1982; Dick- Coney and Harms, 1984; Allmendinger, 1992; the Sheep Pass Formation is interpreted as inson, 2000), and the youngest is the Jones et al., 1998; Dilek and Moores, 1999; to Eocene in age (Hose and Blake, , where Devonian to , DeCelles, 2004; Best et al., 2009). The existence 1976; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1985; Lund et al., deep marine, sedimentary and vol canic rocks of this plateau, termed the “Nevadaplano” after 1988; Vandervoort and Schmitt, 1990; Fouch were translated eastward over the Golconda comparison to the modern Andean Altiplano- et al., 1991), although farther east in Nevada, thrust (Fig. 1; e.g., Oldow, 1984; Miller et al., Puna (Allmendinger, 1992; Jones et al., 1998; it has been interpreted to be as old as Maas- 1992; Dickinson, 2000). DeCelles, 2004), is supported by restoration of trichtian (Druschke et al., 2009b). Localities Farther to the east, the Central Nevada thrust Tertiary extension (Coney and Harms, 1984) where late Eocene to Oligocene volcanic rocks belt and Western Utah thrust belt (Fig. 1) are and estimation of crustal shortening accom- versus Paleocene to Eocene sedimentary rocks zones of north-striking, dominantly east-ver- modated in the Sevier thrust belt (DeCelles and overlie the unconformity are not differentiated gent thrust faults and folds that branch off of Coogan, 2006), which both suggest that crustal on Plate 1, and therefore the total age range of the Sevier thrust belt, and each accommodated thicknesses of at least 50 km were achieved in compiled spans the Paleogene. ~10 km of shortening (Bartley and Gleason, the hinterland region by the end of shortening. In total, 1024 individual locations of surface 1990; Taylor et al., 1993, 2000; Long, 2012; These crustal thicknesses may have supported exposures of the Paleogene unconformity were Greene, 2014; Long et al., 2014). Though defor- surface elevations as high as 3 km (DeCelles compiled. In addition, in 809 places where the mation timing constraints are broad, the Cen- and Coogan, 2006; Snell et al., 2014). unconformity was not exposed, the age of the

406 Geosphere, April 2015

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B Paleogene subcrop map of east-central Nevada Plate 1 116°00’W 115°30’W 115°00’W

Ruby Mount .

A n R Correlation of map units 32 ub Mt 30 y R. e y e 26 sub-volcanic l 49 Hu Val Oligocene bl al a k Spr. unconformity T n V l ic late Eocene t ey e Tertiary Eocene in ai ver g ns basal Sheep Pass Pin t Ma on Paleocene KTmbr Fm. unconformity Va

l l 1 intrusive rocks: e Upper megabreccia (landslide blocks) y y

e l l

’N Ki 0 a

Cretaceous °0 V

Knc 0 Lower 4 Newark Canyon Formation2 en Di . rd am s B

t a a

G l M ond d

s prings Range Jurassic Ji M S rt

r oun Mts Mesozoic Cenozoic

t Robe . TRmt a ulphu i n Triassic Lower S Moenkopi Formation 66 and Thaynes Formation Butte 12 14 5 synclinorium

Upper Ppc y e

l Park City Group3 l a ins


nd V Pa Pu ount Arcturus mo M

ia 4 Par Illipah ange Permian Formation D R IPPu k Lower Butte Pgv Pcr Prh e e Garden Valley Carbon Ridge Rib Hill Arcturus Fm. Permian, r 5 6 7 8 y C Formation Formation and Rib Hill undiff. r r Sandstone, 30 73 Valley he undiff. C te



B IPe Pinto Lower 9 Creek 79 Ely Pennsylvanian-Permian, undiff. Ne

36 y wa e l

Mdp rk Val

ain V Diamond Peak Strawberry t 76 g a Kobeh Val n 10 Mcd l 9 Formation l o e L

oun Upper y Mc M Mississippian l Chainman Diamond Pk. Fm. ey

D uck

11 B and Chainman MDpjcd EC i am W

Shale, undiff. hist RMT on Mdc MDpjc

l d er


13 M Lower allochthonous Dale Canyon Fm. M

12 ts. Eleana Fm. . rocks in hanging tn. MDpj wall of Roberts tn M Mountains thrust: Joana Limestone and Diamond Peak Fm., Chainman Sh., ne Upper 14 o Pilot Shale, undiff. Chainman Sh., Joana Ls., Joana Ls., and Dw L and Pilot Sh., undiff. Pilot Sh. undiff. 15 Cherry Ddg Woodruff Fm. HFS

Paleozoic Creek Devil’s Gate limestone16 anticline Devonian and Guilmette Fm. Mt Middle Dnu n. Boy Ra Eureka Upper Nevada Fm.17

N ’ 23 53 Dn 0

°3 n 9 g DTF 225

3 Dnl s e l il 13 Lower 18 H Lower Nevada Fm. Nevada Fm., undiff. 33 24 E ny 52

149 g 69 147 28 a

27 n R Slm 13 151 hoga 63 22 57 12 19 51 57 Lone Mountain Dolomite 53 a

ng Ma 58 54 Upper 37 e

Oe Ov y WMA Pinto 98 45 227 lle 26 60 10 11 Eureka and Vinini Fm. 66 19 Creek Ne Middle 20 Va 58 Hanson Creek Formation e 61 229 231 25 23 28 14 wa

p 14 55 syncline


56 W l . 59 31 rk e

Op hi t e R Va

n 15 SMS MNT k te Pi Lower A l Pogonip Group, l ca e 21 R undiff. 22 y PSF an 10 ne 160 ada P 8 12 22 R r

154 156 ang Cdw 162 Ridg

Upper Windfall Formation and e e 22 100 Jak Dunderberg Shale, undiff. 18 26 ge LAS n 17 101 e’ Butte a 102 s R Chs V

k al synclinorium



Middle Hamburg dolomite and e ey 22 r Secret Canyon Shale, undiff. C Hamilton 168 ey h l SRS 106 26 Footnotes for correlation chart: s Fi Val 1. Megabreccia units Klnc, Klcr, Kle, and Kln from Nolan et al. (1971) are mapped as KTmbr in the southern Diamond Mountains. In the Roberts Mountains, slide blocks of 9 240 108 19 Ddg lying over Ov are mapped as KTmbr (McKee and Conrad, 1998). oky PTS 2. Permian Unit G (Pgl, Pgu) from Larson and Riva (1963) mapped as Knc, after Stewart (1980), Stewart and Carlson (1978), and Haworth (1979). 39 Illipah e Sm 3. Includes the Kaibab limestone, Gerster Formation (Douglass, 1960), and Plympton Formation (Connell, 1985), after Hose and Blake (1976). l t 4. Includes the Loray and Pequop formations (Connell, 1984), after Hose and Blake (1976). t anticline Li 5. Lies unconformably on either Mississippian rocks or Ordovician Vinini Formation (McKee and Conrad, 1998; Carlisle and Nelson, 1990) 6. Units Pa through Pf of Larson and Riva (1963) are mapped as Pcr after Hose and Blake (1976) and Roberts et al. (1967). 7. Includes Reipe Spring Limestone in (Brokaw and Heidrick, 1966) and (Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1985). RMT EC . PTS

8. Interpreted in drill holes in Railroad Valley, Valley, Long Valley, and (Hess et al., 2004). R DT ST 9. Pennsylvanian Moleen Limestone and Tomera Formation of Campbell (1981) and Tomastik (1981) are mapped as IPe here. 33 pe 111 10. Mdp is typically only divided out in source maps in the northwest quarter of the map area. lo AT 29 11. Includes unit Ms locally divided out by Kleinhampl and Ziony (1985), and unit Msw (Scotty Wash sandstone) of duBray and Hurtubise (1994). te 171 13 12. Only in the southwest part of the map area. Ekren et al. (1973A) maps Me above Dn; Ddg was either not deposited here, or was eroded prior to Me deposition. An 13. Units Mar and Marc of Hose (1983) are mapped as Mdc here, after stratigraphic divisions of Nolan et al. (1974). Mdc is local to Fish Creek and Diamond ranges. Also, in 115 GST the Mahogany Hills, unit ‘u’ of Schalla (1978) (undifferentiated post-Devonian sandstone, shale, and conglomerate) is mapped here as Mdc, after Long et al. (2012). MPT 14. Lower Mississippian Webb Formation (Mw) of Hose (1983) is mapped here as Joana Limestone. 15. Only mapped in Fish Creek Range; allochthonous Dw of Hose (1983) is interpreted as upper plate of Roberts Mountains , after Stewart and Carlson (1978). 16. Named Devil’s Gate Limestone within and west of the Diamond Mountains, and Guilmette Formation to east and south; these two units are laterally-equivalent. 17. Includes Bay State Dolomite, Woodpecker Limestone, and Sentinel Mountain Dolomite members in the Diamond Mountains (Nolan et al., 1974), and Simonson Dolomite member elsewhere. 18. Includes Oxyoke Canyon Sandstone and Beacon Peak Dolomite members in Diamond Mountains (Nolan et al., 1974), and Oxyoke Canyon Sandstone member, Sadler Ranch Fm., McColley Canyon Fm., and Beacon Peak Dolomite member in Fish Creek Range (Hose, 1983; Cowell, 1986; Long et al., 2012). Consists of Sevy Dolomite in the majority of the map area, including and Railroad Valley (Ekren et al., 2012; Hess et al., 2004). 19. Includes the laterally-equivalent Laketown Dolomite mapped by Kleinhampl and Ziony (1985) and Ekren et al. (2012). 180 6


20. Includes Ely Springs Dolomite in Pancake and Quinn Canyon ranges (Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1985; Ekren et al., 2012); laterally-equivalent to Hanson Creek Dolomite. 0 L

°0 i t 21. Includes the Antelope Valley, Ninemile, and Goodwin Formations in the Fish Creek and Antelope Ranges (Hose, 1983; Long et al., 2012). Also includes the Copenhagen 9 t 3 l Formation of Hose (1983) in the southern Antelope Range. e Pa W Sm lls i n hi 22. Both Cdw and Chs are only exposed in the Fish Creek Range (Nolan et al., 1974; Long et al., 2012). cake Ra H 12 118 ok te Pi


y t

Abbreviations used in correlation chart: V nge ne Rang 183

a wa l undiff. = undifferentiated; Fm. = Formation; Sh. = shale; Ls. = limestone l k e y Duckwater

Duc C sources D Map explanation e Preston

121 ey 116°15’W 116°00’W 115°30’W 115°00’W Subcrop data: l

al ge 8 7 26 V 5 an Subcrop beneath exposure of Paleogene unconformity ad 6 R 15 N


00’ 185 Lund


Rail 40° Youngest possible subcrop beneath Paleogene unconformity 9 12 Y

10 11 14 Subcrop beneath Paleogene unconformity in drill hole

13 16 Y Youngest possible subcrop beneath Paleogene unconformity 1 in drill hole 22 15 17 E Easternmost exposure of rocks in hanging wall of Roberts 18 23 192 20 Mountains thrust y e 17 18 ll 188

N Map symbols: 19 24 e s Va g Currant

°30’ 21 ng in 26 anticline axis at Paleogene erosion surface r 14 190 39 135 25 31 Ra PMT 11 27 d Sp 26 n eek MSS r 28 29 2 syncline axis at Paleogene erosion surface Sa C g 194 t i 32 B axis of 1st-order Eastern Nevada fold belt anticline Ho e 30 at Paleogene erosion surface 137 ng 34 37 Ra axis of 1st-order Eastern Nevada fold belt syncline 11 n 33 at Paleogene erosion surface TSA a 35 g BFS 36 E anticline axis structurally below Paleogene erosion 197 199

N ’ 36 surface 7


39° (teeth on upthrown side) 38 thrust fault structurally below Paleogene erosion 39 8 surface (teeth on upthrown side) Lockes 139 pre-unconformity normal fault (ball on downthrown side) 40 41 3 42 post-unconformity normal fault (ball on

N downthrown side) ’

0 203





30’ stratigraphic contact between subcrop units 44 ley l

38° 43 e a V ng ge d 45 46 road n a oa r ley 47 y R l i

e e ant Ra k Val ll r Ra county boundary ca G er

Va n Sunnyside a Riv 51 ek P 36 e of rocks during Paleogene; brown re

C 31 52 199 48 t number corresponds to Figure SM1 Whit 50 54 141 e 53 203 horizontal rocks during Paleogene; brown Ho 49 ng N number corresponds to Figure SM1 4 Ra



a 38° Structure abbreviations: No data: extensive Eg Sulphur Springs Range and southern Fish Creek Range: TMA RMT - Roberts Mountains thrust volcanic cover 208 Antelope Range and Park Range: N 21 SCT Source maps: AT - Antelope thrust 1 - Roberts et al. (1967) 28 - Cowell (1986) Fish Creek Range and Diamond Mountains: 2 - Hose and Blake (1976) 29 - Nolan et al. (1974) EC - Eureka culmination 3 - Kleinhampl and Ziony (1985) 30 - Humphrey (1960) WMA - White Mountain anticline 4 - Tschanz and Pampeyan (1970) 31 - Feeley (1993) DTF - Dugout Tunnel fault 5 - Carlisle and Nelson (1990) 32 - Brokaw and Barosh (1968) HFS - Hoosac fault system 6 6 - Haworth (1979) 33 - Hose (1983) PSF - Pinto Summit fault Sc ale: 1:250,000 213 247 3 7 - Colgan et al. (2010) 34 - McDonald (1989) SMS - Sentinel Mountain syncline 0 5 10 15 20 25 8 - Millikan (1979) 35 - Guerrero (1983) MNT - Moritz-Nager thrust RT 9 - McKee and Conrad (1998) 36 - Tracy (1969) Northern Pancake Range: kilometers 10 - Lipka (1987) 37 - Brokaw and Heidrick (1966) MPT - Moody Peak thrust Geographic coordinate system: NAD 1983 PTS - Pancake thrust system 24 11 - Larson and Riva (1963) 38 - Dixon et al. (1972) 216 12 - Nutt and Hart (2004) 39 - Moores et al. (1968) SRS - Silverado Ridge syncline ge n

13 - Nutt (2000) 40 - Ekren et al. (1973A) GST - Green Springs thrust y e l 14 - Connell (1985) 41 - Quinlivan et al. (1974) DT - Duckwater thrust Range e Ra 249 218 al nge n V 11 42 - Lund et al. (1987) Railroad Valley and southern Pancake Range: o 15 - Otto (2008) y 40 n Gat Ra ley

16 - Fritz (1968) 43 - Lund et al. (1988) PMT - Portuguese Mountain thrust e de ll Val Can den ar l MSS - McClure Spring syncline ei n 17 - Low (1982) 44 - Camilleri (2013) o n G 30 G 4 45 - Snyder et al. (1972) TSA - Trap Spring anticline ev Se 18 - Bentz (1983) road R l Qui C ama251 19 - Drake (1978) 46 - Ekren et al. (1972) BFS - Bacon Flat syncline ai 223 o R SMT al n

20 - Nolan et al. (1971) 47 - Fryxell (1988) White Pine Range and Bald Mountain: V R 9 al an 21 - Nolan (1962) 48 - Ekren et al. (1973B) ST - Shellback thrust l e ge 22 - Campbell (1981) 49 - Martin and Naumann (1995) LAS - Little Antelope syncline 245 y 23 - Tomastik (1981) 50 - Ekren et al. (2012) and Quinn Canyon Range: 24 - Douglass (1960) 51 - Bartley and Gleason (1990) TMA - Timber Mountain anticline 25 - Schalla (1978) 52 - Bartley and Gleason (1990) SCT - Schofield Canyon thrust 43 253 4 ’N 145

26 - Simonds (1997) 53 - Overtoom (1994) RT - Rimrock thrust 0


SMT - Sawmill thrust 8 27 - Long et al. (2012) 54 - duBray and Hurtubise (1994) 3

Plate 1. Paleogene subcrop map of east-central Nevada at 1:250,000 scale, with a correlation chart of map units, an index to geologic map sources, and an explanation of subcrop data, map symbology, and structure abbreviations. Strike and dip symbols show attitudes of rocks during the Paleogene, after retrodeformation of tilts of Tertiary rocks; brown numbers next to strike and dip symbols correspond to stereoplots in Figure SM1 in the supplemental fi le (see text footnote 1). For a full-sized PDF fi le of Plate 1, please visit http:// dx .doi .org /10 .1130 /GES01102 .S1 or the full-text article on www .gsapubs .org.

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Ruby Mts. 115°30’W 115°00’W Figure 2. Map of the same area as Plate 1, Ruby Vly.

Huntington Valley showing relevant geographic names, includ- Diamond Mountains 0 10 20 ing ranges, valleys, towns, peaks, roads, and km county boundaries (abbreviations: R.— Table Mtn. Big range, Mtn.—mountain, Mts.—mountains, 40°00’N Bald Bald Mountain Garden Vly. Vly.—valley). Mtn. Maverick Springs R.

Sulphur Springs R.

Roberts Mts.

Butte Valley

Diamond Valley

youngest pre-unconformity stratigraphic unit Kobeh Vly. Whistler Mtn. Strawberry Alligator Ridge was compiled (data marked with a “Y” on Devil’s Plate 1), which constrains the lowest possible Gate Long Valley Newark Valley

stratigraphic level of the unconformity. Finally, Diamond Mountains Butte

formation top logs from 116 drill holes (Hess Peak Buck Mountain et al., 2004) were also used to locate the exact Mtn. Boy R.

Lone Mtn.

(n = 77) or lowest possible stratigraphic level Eureka Egan Range (n = 39) of the Paleogene unconformity. All sup-

porting subcrop and drill-hole data are shown 39°30’N Pancake on Plate 1, and accompanying ArcGIS data fi les Prospect Summit U.S. Hwy. 50 and a pdf of the paleogeologic map that contains Mahogany Hills Peak layers that can be turned on and off are included Radar Ridge Jake’s Valley in the Supplemental File.1

Antelope Vly. Structural and stratigraphic contacts on Hamilton Plate 1 were determined from interpretations White Pine Range

and geometries shown in source mapping, and Fish Ck. Range Pancake RangeMt. Hamilton their locations were determined by interpolation Eureka County between subcrop data points. The spatial density of subcrop data points is highly variable and is

a function of multiple factors, including density Antelope Range Moody Peak of bedrock exposure and the degree of preserva- Valley Little Smoky Pancake Range tion of rocks above the Paleogene unconformity. Therefore, except in the places where structural 39°00’N Currant and stratigraphic contacts are precisely located Mtn. Preston

between closely spaced data points, contacts Duckwater Hills Park Range W should be interpreted as approximately located. Duckwater hite Pine CountyLund Fold axes shown on Plate 1 were precisely Nye County located off of source mapping, where possible, and are based on interpolation of subcrop data Currant points elsewhere. The formation-scale resolu- Portuguese Mtn. tion of subcrop data, as well as incorporation Range

of structural data from detailed source maps, U.S. Hwy. 6 allowed mapping of faults and fold axes in many Egan Range areas where the lower-resolution subcrop map Big Sand Springs Valley of Long (2012) could not. Lockes Plate 1 differs from a standard geologic map

in several ways, and therefore several assump- 38°30’N White RiverValley Grant Range

tions must be defi ned for interpretation of Pancake Range Sunnyside this map: (1) It is assumed that all rocks are assigned to the correct geologic formation on Lunar source maps, and that interpretations of strati- Crater Railroad Valley Troy Peak graphic and structural contacts on source maps Egan Range

Hot CreekValley are correct; (2) using stratigraphic thicknesses White River Valley

1Supplemental File. Zipped fi le containing three supplemental fi gures, a word document, and a zipped Coal Valley fi le containing an ArcGIS MXD and accompanying shape fi les. If you are viewing the PDF of this paper Garden Valley or reading it offl ine, please visit http:// dx .doi .org /10 Quinn Canyon Range .1130 /GES01102 .S2 or the full-text article on www Lincoln County Railroad Valley .gsapubs .org to view the Supplemental File. 38°00’N

408 Geosphere, April 2015

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Figure 3 (on this and following page). Dip A Tertiary rocks: present day attitude magnitude maps of the same area as Plate 1 116°00’W 22 115°30’W Dip toward east: (see Plate 1 for structure abbreviations). Col- 31 0 10 20 16 0°–20° 1 ored polygons represent areas on source map- km 21°–40° ping where multiple attitude measurements 41°–60°

40°00’N 61°–>90° demonstrate that rocks consistently have a 5 22 Dip toward west: similar attitude. Areas with variable attitude 4 14 65 0°–20° or insuffi cient attitude data are not shown. 21°–40° (A) Dip magnitude map showing present-day 41°–60° 61°–>90° attitudes of Tertiary rocks. Strike and dip 72 12 Attitude symbols: symbols represent the mean attitude of mul- 78 17 25 tiple measurements, which are plotted on Fig- 24 dipping 1–90° 75 ure SM1 (see text footnote 1); brown numbers horizontal next to strike and dip symbols correspond to 10 from Stewart individual stereoplots in Figure SM1 (see text (1980, Fig. 51) 115°00’W footnote 1). ~ 14 21 17 17

39°30’N 224 ~ 146148150 <5 ~ 18 226 97 19 1916 228230 21 ~8 14 15 23 17 combined with subcrop patterns to estimate ~ 153155 159 structural relief and fold amplitude requires 161 ~ 13 12 239 assuming that topographic relief was small rela- 105 167 tive to structural relief during the Paleogene; 10717 19 12 and (3) the subcrop map does not remove the 110 12 114 horizontal effects of postunconformity tecto- 28 170 10 nism, including translation that accompanied 10 Neogene extension. 179 34 117

39°00’N 182 38 Dip Magnitude Maps 28 24 119 44 30 120 184 Dip magnitude maps of the same area as Plate 122 37 1, which show present-day attitude, color coded 18 191 by dip direction and dip angle, are shown for 20 187 36 35 123 Tertiary rocks and Paleozoic–Mesozoic rocks 127 134 43 15 21 189 132 193 in Figures 3A and 3B, respectively. These maps 25 128 30 129 25 136 were constructed by compiling over 4200 bed- 21 28 196 198 ding measurements from the geologic maps 15 33 36 133 cited on Plate 1, and they highlight areas where 7 131 21 9 138 multiple attitude measurements demonstrate 130 202 that Tertiary or Paleozoic–Mesozoic rocks have 25

38°30’N a consistent attitude. Strike and dip symbols ~3 ~9 19 shown on Figure 3A represent the mean attitude ~5 140 25 of multiple measurements, which are shown in 207 individual stereoplots in Figure SM1 in the sup- 28 ~ plemental fi le (strike and dip data for Paleozoic– 12 7 142 143 246 Mesozoic rocks are shown in Fig. SM2 in the ~ 26 212 23 supplemental fi le [see footnote 1]). The Paleo- 29 215 zoic–Mesozoic dip magnitude map (Fig. 3B) ~23 217 12 29221 corroborates the mapping and regional correla- 219 17 248 250 28 17 tion of folds performed on Plate 1, and it allows 220 222 18 19 28 244 252 quantitative description of present-day fold limb 144 26 38°00’N 11 dips, which are summarized in Table 1. In 71 locations, Paleozoic–Mesozoic rocks were restored to their Paleogene attitude by rotating the mean attitude of Tertiary rocks are distributed across a large region, these data the Paleogene unconformity within the Eastern to horizontal, and rotating Paleozoic–Meso- provide quantitative estimates of the local pre- Nevada fold belt and Central Nevada thrust belt zoic rocks by the same amount. The resulting extensional limb dip magnitudes of folds, which are shown on Figure 4, and include an additional Paleogene attitudes are shown as strike and dip are summarized on Table 1. In addition, histo- 17 data points calculated from the subcrop map symbols on Plate 1 and Figure 3C. Though they grams plotting the difference in dip angle across of Gans and Miller (1983).

Geosphere, April 2015 409

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B Paleozoic-Mesozoic rocks: present day attitude C Paleozoic-Mesozoic rocks: Paleogene attitude 116°00’W 115°00’W 116°00’W 115°30’W 115°00’W

26 49 0’N

Butte °0

40 40°00’N synclinorium Butte 14 12 synclinorium Pinto Illipah Creek anticline syncline 30 Illipah Cherry Cherry anticline Creek 36 Creek EC EC 9 RMT anticline RMT anticline

HFS Pinto HFS Creek DTF syncline LAS DTF 53 MNT LAS

33 13 9°30’N

3 39°30’N 69 63 22 12 51 13 28 61 37 57 19 10 14 45 58 11 23 66 14 MNT DT 31 15 8 12 PSF PSF 10 22 26 17 18 26 SRS RMT SRS RMT 9 19 AT EC GST AT EC 39 GST


’N 6 12

39°00 39°00’N


18 17 BFS BFS

? 14 PMT PMT 11 26 11 Dip toward east: 36 0°–20° 7 21°–40° 8 41°–60° 61°–>90°

0 10 20 38°30’N Dip toward west: 38°30’N km 0°–20° 31 Dip toward east: 21°–40° SCT 0°–20° TMA SCT 41°–60° TMA 21°–40° 61°–>90° 41°–60° Attitude symbols: 21 25 61°–>90° dipping 1–90° 6 Dip toward west: horizontal 3 0°–20° 21°–40° SMT 0 10 20 SMT 24 41°–60° 40 11 km 4 61°–>90° 30 RT RT 9

00’N 00’N

° 43 °

38 4 38

Figure 3 (continued). (B) Dip magnitude map showing present-day attitudes of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks. Strike and dip sym- bols are omitted here for simplicity; strike and dip symbols referenced to specific stereoplots are shown in Figure SM2 in the Supple- mental File (see text footnote 1). First-order folds of the Eastern Nevada fold belt are emphasized by thick fold symbols. (C) Dip magnitude map showing Paleogene attitudes of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks, calculated by rotating Tertiary rocks to horizontal, and rotating Paleozoic–Mesozoic rocks in that locality by the same amount. See Plate 1 for a guide to stereoplots referenced to Fig- ure SM1 (see text footnote 1) for each attitude symbol. First-order folds of the Eastern Nevada fold belt are emphasized by thick fold symbols.

410 Geosphere, April 2015

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Reconstruction Base Map # 0 0 continued †††† 0 0 ( E E W 5 0 ° ° 0 0 ° 0 5 90°W 0 0 6 7 5 1 On Figure 5, the locations of thrust faults, 1 ≥ 4 7 – – 3 – – – – 0 0 – o 0 0 t 0 0 0 5 0 0 0

fold axes, and the boundaries of structural prov- ° limb dip 2 4 2 3 Range of 2 6 5 5 15–40°W inces compiled from Plate 1 and from published 2 amplitudes (m) Modern eastern subcrop and geologic maps (Gans and Miller, 1983; Colgan and Henry, 2009; Colgan et al., 2010; Long, 2012; Greene, 2014) are super-

imposed over a base map containing polygons ) (50°W unknown #

from McQuarrie and Wernicke (2005, their fi g. †††† n n n n E E W W 90°E ° ° w w w w ° ° 90°E 20–50°W ≥ 5 0 o o o o 5 7A), which shows present-day map dimensions. 5 ≥ 90°E 5 5 n n n n 1 3 ≥ o – – k k k k – – t 0 On Figure 6, these structures and provinces are 0 n n n n 0 0 ° limb dip 1 2 u u unknownunknown unknown unknown u u Range of 1 2 25–30°W unknown 0

superimposed over a base map containing poly- 3 Modern western 25–40°E (

gons from McQuarrie and Wernicke (2005, their Paleogene limb dips Fig. 9E), which shows a regional tectonic recon- struction of extension at 36 Ma. The locations of structures and province boundaries on Figure 6 #

were taken directly from their locations on the §§§ §§§ range polygons of Figure 5. Therefore, Figure 6 * * c c n n t illustrates the approximate synorogenic dimen- t # K K e E m m h - ° ° ° ° r n P n R R I 5 0 0 sions of individual structures and structural 0 a P y i T T 6 4 8 3 t s s s – – – – p s s ; d d l 5 0 5 provinces, and it facilitates estimation of the 5 l d d n A l l o 2 2 2 1 o f a Range of o o f s i f f t Deformation pre-extensional wavelength of folds, which are d l p o A f modern limb dips summarized on Table 1. It is acknowledged that timing constraints

estimation of the amount of Cenozoic extension rocksTriassic folds Lower 50°to across the Great Basin is an ongoing process folds Lower Jurassic rocks folds Lower Jurassic rocks and will undoubtedly be refi ned with future research; however, the McQuarrie and Wernicke (2005) reconstruction is the most recent and c †† n ††† c K i

comprehensive tectonic reconstruction avail- †††† s d c s t t e n a t able to date. † r t e m K m a e u a , e P d R m R r I P J P I n P T c T R r I o u s P t o T e o o t d t t d d l

STRATIGRAPHY l w o g d l t n n o p o g o d f f o a d D d L f g D Chs to Pcr r d D M o c t D P

Plate 1 shows that rocks ranging between p Paleogene erosion level of eastern limb d d l Triassic and deeper Triassic o M Miss. to Lower Jurassic

Cambrian and Cretaceous in age were exposed f at the surface during the Paleogene. The Cam- brian through Triassic rocks are part of a com- posite sedimentary section that records semi- ††† continuous deposition from the Neoproterozoic ††† c i s c c s c to the Triassic (e.g., Stewart, 1980). From Late h t t t n r n a n † a r e K e m P m m c K K / u , P

Neoproterozoic to Devonian time, a westward- P P r d R , R R , I I J r h r c T o T T r M c r c t o o P t t P e j o

thickening section of clastic and carbonate P o o P o t t t t o p p w g o t o o t p t h g d o t D d p

rocks that approaches thicknesses of 10 km was r g d d L g e D c M O M P d d D M o P M t D I

deposited on the rifted western Laurentian conti- Ddg to Prh, KncD Ddg to Prh, Knc Prh; cut by undated Knc folds p Paleogene erosion level of western limb Range of Paleogene d nental shelf in western Utah and eastern Nevada erosion levels in limbs Age constraints (e.g., Stewart and Poole, 1974). The lower part M of the section consists of >5 km of Neoprotero- zoic to Early Cambrian clastic rocks (Stewart,

1980). These rocks are presently exposed in BELT THRUST AND WESTERN UTAH BELT, THRUST NEVADA CENTRAL FOLD BELT, THE EASTERN NEVADA FOR FOLDS OF 1. DATA TABLE several deeply exhumed ranges in western

Utah and eastern Nevada (Stewart and Carlson, # s . . n e s i e R 1978; Hintze et al., 2000); however, Paleogene t †† n a i n †† l t e i * m e M l c n n n u n c i i i i erosion levels were not deep enough to expose d n l u o r m t i y c n P o t o u n s i n o a r n a e these rocks anywhere on Plate 1. The Middle M i y e t l n e o i m i s n k c e i p n a h t l i i e n k t m l o c Cambrian through Devonian section represents l l e i y c W u e D t r u e s n e t B n c n n r C y n r r l p the upper ~4–5 km of the passive-margin basin a s a C y e e a A o r r k h h h r t e u o t t e e t a t

(Stewart, 1980) and is dominated by carbonate l r r n e q t r t p n t o o e i h u e i u i l l Confusion synclinorium**** Lower Triassic Miss. To L N Eastern Nevada fold belt: First-order folds McClure Spring syncline Location/structure Central Nevada thrust belt C B Bacon Flat syncline Utah thrust belt Western Trap Spring anticline Trap P Structure P Eastern Nevada fold belt: Second-order folds N C I rocks. On the area of Plate 1, Cambrian rocks E

Geosphere, April 2015 411

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– mation (see Plate 1 for a correlation chart of 16 2 2 , , 5 3 map units). Ordovician rocks were exposed in on Plate 1 1 1 , , the Fish Creek, Antelope, Pancake, and Quinn 4 2 Map data sources 1 1 , , Canyon Ranges and consist of the limestone- 2 2 ) dominated Pogonip Group, the Eureka Quartz- ite, and the Hanson Creek Dolomite. The Silu- * * * * * * * ††† ††† rian section consists of the Lone Mountain continued 0 5 0 5 3 0 (km) 1 2 1 Dolomite. Devonian rocks are divided into the lower and upper Nevada Formation, which is

Traceable length Traceable dominated by dolomite, the Guilmette Forma- tion/Devil’s Gate limestone, and the Pilot Shale. During the Mississippian Antler orogeny, up 5 0 to ~2–3 km of conglomerate, shale, and sand- 5 4 – 25 115 – – ≤ 5 5 stone were deposited in a foreland basin that (km) 3 2 subsided to the east of an orogenic highland produced from east-vergent contractional defor-

Paleogene wavelength mation (e.g., Poole, 1974; Poole and Sandberg, 1977; Speed and Sleep, 1982). The western third of Plate 1, immediately east of the trace of astern limb has been modified by growth of the Sevier culmination. Stewart and Carlson, 1978; Coats, 1987). 6 2 4).

el of the Paleogene unconformity in Diamond Mountains. the Roberts Mountains thrust, was the approxi- 4 6 – 40 aulting, after Long et al. (2014). – – s in the Sulphur Spring Range, Bald Mountain, and north end of Diamond ≥ 3 7 (km)

fold that preserves Prh and Knc, 10 km west of the town Duckwater. mate axis of maximum subsidence in the fore- 3 3 30–45 25–35 95 20, 27, 29, 34 6, 11, 2014). Greene (2014, and references therein). ap sources. land basin (Stewart, 1980). Mississippian rocks

Modern wavelength of the Antler foreland basin include the Dale Canyon Formation, Chainman Shale, and Dia- 6 3 , * * mond Peak Formation. 9 5 * §§ †††† * 3 3 0 0 0 , 0 , 0 0 0 After the Antler orogeny, ~2–4 km of Pennsyl- 6 2 4 0 8 0 8 3 , 2 3 3 3 3 , 1 , , vanian to Triassic, dominantly shallow-marine – – – (m) 1 5 2 3 0 0 0 , 3 2 0 0 0 6 , carbonate rocks were deposited on the conti- Amplitude , 3 5 2 on Plate 1 0 3 2 2 1 4300–5000* 25–30 2300–4000**2500–4000** 19–22*110 26–65 15–40 80 20, 27, 29 3, 3 1 nental shelf (Rich, 1977; Stevens, 1977; Col- , Map data sources 2 linson and Hasenmueller, 1978; Stewart, 1980). Eastern Nevada experienced a protracted series of uplift and erosion events during the Pennsyl- ### § ### E W E 0 0 5 vanian and Permian (Trexler et al., 2004), which ° ° ° 1 1 1 0 5 0 0 – – – – 5 3 6 3 6 8 0 are recorded by several unconformities within (km) – – – 1 0 5 5 limb dip 1 1 10–40°W25–30°W 1400–3000 1 20–40°E this part of the section. The Pennsylvanian sec-

Traceable lengths Traceable tion consists of the Ely Limestone; the Permian Paleogene eastern section consists of the Garden Valley Forma- tion, Carbon Ridge Formation, and Rib Hill

## Sandstone, which are laterally equivalent (Hose E °

0 and Blake, 1976; Roberts et al., 1967), and the 8 § ### o W W E E W t ° ° ° ° ° Arcturus Formation and Park City Group. The 4 7 9 6 0 0 5 0 5 p – – – – – 4 3 2 3 3 u 1 4 2 2 Triassic section consists of the Thaynes and (km) – – – – – ; > 0 0 5 5 5 E limb dip unknownunknown unknown 10–15°W 600–2600** 600–1500** 13–17 13–15 70 6–22 3 5–14 70 3, 30, 39, 42, 44, 47 ° 1 3 1 10–15°E unknown46 1100–2600** 12–19 12–17 6541, 3, 1 1 Moenkopi Formations. 0 3

– The Early Cretaceous Newark Canyon Paleogene western 0 2 Formation is preserved in several isolated

Range of modern wavelengths exposures in the western part of Plate 1, unconformably overlying Mississippian, Penn- sylvanian, and Permian rocks. The Newark Canyon Formation has been interpreted to TABLE 1. DATA FOR FOLDS OF THE EASTERN NEVADA FOLD BELT, CENTRAL NEVADA THRUST BELT, AND WESTERN UTAH THRUST BELT ( BELT THRUST AND WESTERN UTAH BELT, THRUST NEVADA CENTRAL FOLD BELT, THE EASTERN NEVADA FOR FOLDS OF 1. DATA TABLE * * #

* represent deposition contemporary with con- * s . . n e s m i e R t tractional deformation in the Central Nevada †† n u a i n i †† l t e i * m e M r l c n n n u n o c i i i d i thrust belt (Vandervoort and Schmitt, 1990; n l u o r m t n i y c i n P o t l o u n s i n o c a n r a e M Druschke et al., 2010; Long et al., 2014). i y e t l n n e o i m i s n k c e y i p n a h t l i i e s n k t m l o l c At its type section in the southern Diamond l e i y c e u W D t r u n e s n e t B c n o Unit abbreviations shown on part A of Plate 1. A Unit abbreviations shown on part n n r C i y n r l r p a ned in Long et al. (2014). Amplitude and wavelength values given here represent pre-extensional estimate from Long et al. (201 ned in Long et al. (2014). Mountains, the Newark Canyon Formation s s a C y a e e A o Measured from cross sections of Greene (2014). Amplitude and Paleogene erosion levels reported for western limb only, because e Amplitude and Paleogene erosion levels reported for western limb only, Measured from cross sections of Greene (2014). r r k u h Map pattern estimated from subcrop maps in this study, Gans and Miller (1983), Long (2012). Map pattern estimated from subcrop maps in this study, Aztec sandstone of ( Based on mapping of rocks near Currie, Nevada, that are correlated with the Lower Jurassic Estimated from the subcrop map of Gans and Miller (1983). h h t f r u e o Originally described by French (1998) based on subcrop patterns in Railroad Valley drill holes, and named here. Originally described by French (1998) based on subcrop patterns in Railroad Valley Estimated based on amplitude of fold measured in cross sections cited source maps, because sparse data the erosion lev rock Tertiary Approximated based on retrodeformation of ~15°–25°of eastward tilting the Diamond Mountains, tilts Mountains. t t e e t a t l Erosion levels listed here postdate high-throw (2–5 km) normal faulting that predates the Paleogene unconformity (Long et al., Limb dip estimates shown here account for restoration of ~20°–30°of eastward tilting that accompanied pre-unconformity normal f Field relationships of Knc and modern limb dips are described in Perry Dixon (1993), correspond only to the part has been dated as Aptian (ca. 122–116 Ma) by n r e r n t r q t Note: *Defi † § # †† §§ ## ††† §§§ ### †††† ***Total traceable map length estimated from the subcrop of Long (2012). ***Total ****Interpreted by Greene (2014) as a structural low created by folding above east-vergent thrust faults. Traceable length from Traceable ****Interpreted by Greene (2014) as a structural low created folding above east-vergent thrust faults. **Based on regional stratigraphic thickness data from Stewart (1980), in addition to thicknesses the cited m p n t e o h o i o i e u u i l l P C Structure Central Nevada thrust belt Eastern Nevada fold belt: First-order folds Trap Spring anticline Trap Location/structure McClure Spring syncline N I L Eastern Nevada fold belt: Second-order folds Western Utah thrust belt Western E N C P Bacon Flat syncline B C U-Pb zircon geochronology (Druschke et al.,

412 Geosphere, April 2015

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A Eastern Nevada fold belt: Mountains thrust, overlying Mississippian rocks 20 n = 52 (Stewart and Poole, 1974; Stewart and Carlson, 35 = this study Figure 4. Histograms showing the difference 15 14 14 14 1978; Stewart, 1980; Hose, 1983). in dip angle between Paleozoic–Mesozoic 17 = Gans and Miller (1983) rocks and Tertiary rocks across the Paleo- 10 Eastern Nevada Fold Belt

gene unconformity, from (A) the Eastern Frequency 5 4 3 Nevada fold belt; (B) the Central Nevada 2 1 The Eastern Nevada fold belt is defi ned as 0 thrust belt; and (C) for both of these prov- B Central Nevada thrust belt: the 100–150-km-wide region between the Cen- inces combined. Strike and dip symbols 20 tral Nevada thrust belt and Western Utah thrust n = 36 (this study) showing data from this study are on Plate 1 belt (Fig. 5), which restores to a pre-extensional 15 and Figure 3C, and raw data used in calcu- 12 width of 50–100 km (Fig. 6). Five north-trend- lating these attitudes are shown in stereo- 10 ing folds within this province can be traced for plots in Figure SM1 (see text footnote 1). 7 Frequency 6 map distances between 100 and 250 km, with Seventeen data points for the Eastern 5 4 4 amplitudes of ~2–4 km and wavelengths of 1 2 Nevada fold belt were calculated from the 0 ~20–40 km, and are classifi ed here as fi rst-order subcrop map of Gans and Miller (1983). C ENFB and CNTB combined folds (Table 1). In several areas, including the 30 These data indicate that the pre-Paleogene 26 n = 88 northern Diamond Mountains (Haworth, 1979; 71 = this study dip of fold limbs and other areas of homo- 25 17 = Gans and Miller (1983) Larson and Riva, 1963), central White Pine clinally dipping rocks within the East- 20 Range (Humphrey, 1960; Guerrero, 1983), and ern Nevada fold belt and Central Nevada 20 18 southern Butte Mountains (Douglass, 1960), thrust belt typically range between 10° and 15 subsidiary, second-order folds are present, and

40°, which is signifi cantly higher than the Frequency 11 they can be traced for map distances typically 10 ≤10°–15° range proposed by early mapping ≤10 km, have amplitudes typically ≤1 km, and 5 5 studies (e.g., Young, 1960; Kellogg, 1964; 5 3 have wavelengths of ~1–10 km (Table 1). The Moores et al., 1968). fi ve fi rst-order folds of the Eastern Nevada fold 0 0–9° 10–19° 20–29° 30–39° 40–49° 50–59° 60–90° belt are described next, from west to east. Difference in dip angle across Paleogene unconformity Pinto Creek Syncline A syncline that preserves rocks as young as 2010), and deposition in the Fish Creek Range mined based on the total range of subcrop units Permian and Cretaceous in its hinge zone can be can be narrowed to the Barremian-Albian (ca. exposed in each limb, combined with regional traced for ~95 km through the Diamond Moun- 130–100 Ma) on the basis of biostratigraphy stratigraphic thicknesses from Stewart (1980). tains and the northern Pancake Range (Plate 1). (Fouch et al., 1979; Hose, 1983). However, In some cases, the amplitudes of folds were The portion of this fold in the southern Diamond rocks mapped as Newark Canyon Formation estimated from cross sections accompanying Mountains was named the Pinto Creek syncline in several localities in the Pancake Range source maps. Modern and pre-Paleogene wave- (Nolan et al., 1974), and this name is applied (McDonald , 1989; Carpenter et al., 1993; Perry length ranges for folds were estimated from here to its full length. In the Diamond Moun- and Dixon, 1993) and in the northern Diamond the distance between the axes of adjacent fi rst- tains, the eastern limb dips 20°–40° west, and Mountains (Stewart and Carlson, 1978) lack order folds on Figures 5 and 6, respectively. the dip of the western limb varies between 25°E precise depositional age constraints. Throw ranges on thrust faults were estimated to 80°W (overturned). In the Pancake Range, from the stratigraphic levels of the hanging the eastern limb dips 20°W, and the western CONTRACTIONAL STRUCTURES wall and footwall, combined with stratigraphic limb dips 15°E. Retrodeformation of tilts of thicknesses from Stewart (1980). Tertiary rocks indicates original western and The following sections discuss the map pat- eastern limb dips of 20°–30°E and 30°–40°W, terns and geometry of regional-scale folds and Roberts Mountains Thrust respectively, although areas of the western limb thrust faults of the Eastern Nevada fold belt, may have dipped as steeply as 80°E (Table 1). Central Nevada thrust belt, and Western Utah The Roberts Mountains thrust, which The amplitude of the Pinto Creek syncline is thrust belt. Several structures discussed here, emplaced deep-water sedimentary rocks over between 1400 and 3000 m, and the pre-Paleo- such as the Butte synclinorium and Eureka continental shelf rocks during the Mississippian gene wavelength was 25–35 km. The syncline culmination, have been described in previous Antler orogeny (e.g., Speed and Sleep, 1982; folds the Aptian (ca. 116–122 Ma) Newark Can- studies; however, many folds and thrust faults Burchfi el and Royden, 1991), is exposed in the yon Formation in the southern Diamond Moun- are named, described, and regionally correlated western part of Plate 1. North of Devil’s Gate, tains (Long et al., 2014), and it folds undated for the fi rst time here. Data on Paleogene ero- the Roberts Mountains thrust places the Ordo- rocks mapped as Newark Canyon Formation sion levels, geometry, and deformation timing vician Vinini Formation over Devonian and in the northern Diamond Range (Stewart and constraints for folds and thrust faults are sum- Mississippian rocks. During the Paleogene, the Carlson, 1978). Long et al. (2014) interpreted marized in Tables 1 and 2, and detailed descrip- Permian Garden Valley Formation, which strati- the portion of the Pinto Creek syncline in the tions of how these structures were mapped, graphically overlaps the Roberts Mountains southern Diamond Mountains as the frontal axis correlated, and defi ned on the basis of source thrust, was exposed across much of the north- of a hanging-wall ramp above the Ratto Canyon mapping are included in the Supplemental west corner of the map area. In the southern thrust, which grew synchronous with Newark File (see footnote 1). In most cases, the pre- Fish Creek Range, the Devonian Woodruff For- Canyon Formation deposition. However, the Paleogene amplitudes of folds were deter- mation is exposed in a above the Roberts construction mechanism for this fold farther

Geosphere, April 2015 413

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Present day 114°W 112°W Ogden 116°W Wells RMT CNTS

41°N Utah

Elko IT Nevada Carlin WFW

REHCC Wendover

thrust belt thrust Sevier fold- Sevier Area of SVT TVT Figure 5. Map of eastern Nevada Plate 1 PS and western Utah (location shown on Fig. 1A) showing structural BS SRT provinces of the Sevier hinterland, PCS SRT superimposed over a base map IA from McQuarrie and Wernicke EC CCA (2005, their Fig. 7A) that shows CS present-day dimensions. Struc- Eureka ture abbreviations are shown on SMT SC SRCC Figure 6, except for: REHCC— LAS Ely KCT Delta Ruby–East Humboldt core com- BWT plex, SRCC—Snake Range core DT SDD complex, and WFW—area inter- CSA AT MPT

preted as exhumed footwall of MSS 39°N Windermere thrust (Camilleri and Chamberlain, 1997). For areas PMT that fall outside of the area of BCT thrust belt BFS Western Utah Plate 1, the locations of structures fold belt TSA are compiled from Long (2012) for Eastern Nevada DWCTS the Sevier thrust belt, southern Beaver part of the Central Nevada thrust belt, and southern part of the East- ST ern Nevada fold belt; Gans and Miller (1983) for the eastern part Pioche of the Eastern Nevada fold belt; PVTS Long (2012), Colgan and Henry

(2009), and Colgan et al. (2010) thrust belt Cedar Central Nevada City for the northern part of the East- RLFTS ern Nevada fold belt; and Greene (2014) for the Western Utah thrust GMPTS belt. BRT

St. George Utah

Arizona 37°N

GPT SDT Sevier fold- thrust belt N

CLT 010050 Nevada WPT LVVSZ Cal. Nevada KT Arizona kilometers

north in the Diamond Mountains is unclear, as Illipah Anticline ern White Pine Range was named the Illipah the geometry changes to a much tighter fold An anticline that preserves Mississippian anticline (Humphrey, 1960), and this name is with multiple subsidiary folds, and no thrust and Devonian rocks in its hinge zone can be applied here to its full length. The western limb faults are exposed through a complete section traced for ~105 km through the White Pine dips 20°–35°W, and the eastern limb dip varies of Silurian through Permian rocks in its western Range, Alligator Ridge, and Bald Mountain between 15°E and 45°E. Retrodeformation of limb (Nolan et al., 1971). (Plate 1). The portion of this fold in the north- tilts of Tertiary rocks indicates original limb

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36 Ma NV UT Wendover CT Salt AT Lake City

RMT SVT Provo CNTS TVT PCS SRT BS IA approximate PS CCA SRT cross-section ? line of Figure 7 Eureka


EC SMT DeCelles and PTS SC Ely CS Coogan (2006) DT LAS cross-section ? line CSA AT MPT Delta fold belt PXT MSS Eastern Nevada GT BWT KCT


Sevier fold- BFS thrust belt N thrust belt TSA Western Utah kilometers 050 100 DWCTS Structure abbreviations, continued: CSA - Conger Springs anticline CS - Confusion synclinorium thrust belt ST SMT - Salt Marsh thrust Central Nevada PVTS Eastern Nevada fold belt: PS - Pequop synclinorium Beaver CCA - Cherry Creek anticline BS - Butte synclinorium RLFTS IA - Illipah anticline Pioche PCS - Pinto Creek syncline LAS - Little Antelope syncline Structure abbreviations: Central Nevada thrust belt: Sevier fold-thrust belt: GMPTS - Golden Gate-Mount Irish- DWCTS - DeLamar-Wah Wah-Canyon Pahranagat thrust system Range thrust system RLFTS - Rimrock-Lincoln-Freiberg BRT PVTS - Pavant thrust system thrust system PXT - Paxton thrust BRT - Belted Range thrust GT - Gunnison thrust ST - Sawmill thrust SRT - Sheeprock thrust BCT - Big Cow thrust SVT - SkullCedar Valley thrust PMT - Portuguese Mountain thrust TVT - TuleCity Valley thrust AT - Antelope thrust CNTS - Charleston-Nebo thrust system MPT - Moody Peak thrust GMPTS AT - Absaroka thrust PTS - Pancake thrust system CT - Crawford thrust DT - Duckwater thrust SC - Sevier culmination EC - Eureka culmination KT - Keystone thrust BFS - Bacon Flat syncline WPT - Wheeler Pass thrust TSA - Trap Spring anticline GPT - Gass Peak thrust MSS - McClure Spring syncline CLT - Clery thrust Other: SDT - Spotted Range thrust RMT - Roberts Mountains thrust Western Utah thrust belt: IT - Independence thrust KCT - King’s Canyon thrust SDD - Sevier Desert detachment NV UT St. George BWT - Brown’s Wash thrust LVVSZ - Valley

Figure 6. Map of eastern Nevada and western Utah, superimposed over a base map from McQuarrie and Wernicke (2005, their Fig. 9E) that shows a 36 Ma tectonic reconstruction. The map shows the approximate pre-extensional dimensions of structural provinces of the Sevier hinterland. The restored locations of all structures are taken from their locations over polygons on Figure 5.

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dips between 15°W and 35°W for the western limb, and 15°–30°E for the eastern limb. The 1 5 1 – 2 amplitude of the Illipah anticline is between 27 4 0 3, 33 5 1200 and 3800 m, and its pre-Paleogene wave- on Plate 1

Map sources length was 35–50 km. Rocks as young as Lower Triassic are folded in the eastern limb, providing §§§ §§§ a maximum age bound. m m m k k k 0 0 0 5 km 47 2 4 40 km 37 km 33, 38 40 km 1 75 km 1, 5, 9–10, 18–19 18 km 33 ≥ ≥ ≥ ≥ Butte Synclinorium Traceable length (km) The Butte synclinorium (Hose, 1977; Gans and Miller, 1983) preserves rocks as young as

* Permian and Triassic in its hinge zone and can be * * § # m m m m m traced for 250 km (Fig. 5; Long, 2012). Subcrop n 0 0 0 0 0 §§§§ w 5 0 5 0 5

o patterns of the central part of the synclinorium 0 6 7 1 3 n 3 2 1 1 2 k – – – – –

n are shown on Plate 1. In the Butte Mountains, 0 0 0 0 0 u 5 0 0 0 5 2700 m 2 9 7 5 2 300–1300 m600–1500 m 35 km650–1200 m 10 km 3, 29, 34 185 km**** 34 50, 52 western and eastern limb dips are 20°–30°E 1 1 2000–3500 m 1000–1300 m 15 km 27, 29 and 25°–30°W, respectively. To the south, Stratigraphic throw at Paleogene erosion level along Radar Ridge, the master structure of the synclinorium is referred to as the Radar Ridge

### syncline (Brokaw and Barosh, 1968), and it has n o t §§

†††† a western limb dip of 35°–50°E and an eastern * § u * § l †† c e c p n

n limb dip that varies between 30°W and over- P I a K (1991). K - y M s

n turned. The amplitude of the Butte synclinorium b and Hose (1983). s Lower Cambrian are in hanging wall. a 8 y rosscut by the ca. 90–98 Ma Lincoln stock. rry and Dixon (1993). d s 9 Donald, 1989). is cut by the 86.4 ± 4.6 Ma Troy stock. Troy is cut by the 86.4 ± 4.6 Ma d e ;

– is between 2300 and 3800 m, and its pre-Paleo- biostratigraphic age control. aylor et al. (2000). e ) p 0 p a p 9 p u a gene wavelength was 25–45 km. Rocks as young . M g l a h c r r a P d 2 m e c M P P D 2 as Lower Triassic are folded in the hinge zone. I v s y s 1 s o s t t k s b t – t ; u c u t u * 6 u c c o c u n c 1 r c 1 a Deformation i d ; Cherry Creek Anticline . p s e a t timing constraints p k i c a ( c

s The subcrop pattern of an anticline that pre- d o s n i r n s a . u

i serves Devonian, Mississippian, and Pennsyl- s t n i s p n t M A e u vanian rocks in its hinge zone was defi ned east c P s cuts Ord. rocks; cut by 86±5 Ma pluton

t of the Butte synclinorium on the subcrop map u c of Long (2012), and it is here named the Cherry Creek anticline (Fig. 5). The fold can be traced for 110 km, from southern Butte Valley through the Cherry Creek Range and northern Egan §§§§ u h r j P

p Range. The southern 30 km of the anticline g P P I d , D , c e D c n e M m axis is present on Plate 1, where the western d l , P , I P D M u S I M g , n , limb dips 25°–30°W. Retrodeformation of Ter- d p c D d D d

M tiary tilts defi nes a Paleogene western limb dip M level of footwall

upper Cambrian of 15°–20°W, and data from the subcrop map Paleogene stratigraphic

TABLE 2. DATA FOR THRUST FAULTS OF THE CENTRAL NEVADA THRUST BELT THRUST NEVADA THE CENTRAL OF FAULTS THRUST FOR 2. DATA TABLE of Gans and Miller (1983) defi ne a Paleogene eastern limb dip of 10°–35°E. The amplitude of g § d the Cherry Creek anticline is between 2300 and D , p j j

n 4000 m, and the pre-Paleogene wavelength was p p O D e §§§§ D D , , u

e 15–40 km. Rocks as young as Lower Jurassic O M M w m n , l O , , D p D , S g g (Coats, 1987) are folded in the eastern limb. O , d d m l e D D S O , p low-mid Cambrian Pequop Synclinorium level of hanging wall O Paleogene stratigraphic The Pequop synclinorium (Long, 2012) is defi ned by a subcrop pattern of Permian, Trias- sic, and Jurassic rocks preserved for a distance of † § 115 km, from the northern to ††† the southern Pequop Mountains (Fig. 5). Paleo- * * t gene limb dips for the southern part of the fold s ## u r t t h in the Schell Creek Range, estimated from retro- s t t s s u u r k u r r h a deformed attitudes presented in Gans and Miller t h h e t t e Unit abbreviations shown on part A of Plate 1. A Unit abbreviations shown on part P l k

l (1983), are between 10°E and 35°E in the west- p i c y o Summarized in Taylor et al. (2000): a hanging-wall anticline interpreted to be related motion on the Schofield Canyon thrust Taylor Summarized in The Schofield Canyon thrust was not erosionally breached by the Paleogene. Stratigraphic throw is estimated at 2700 m Fryxell o l Mapped as an unnamed thrust fault by Quinlivan et al. (1974), and named here. Alternatively interpreted as a normal fault by Pe Mapped as an unnamed thrust fault by Quinlivan et al. (1974), and named here. Based on correlation of the Ratto Canyon thrust with Moody Peak thrust. et al. (2000): correlative structures 30–40 km S of Plate 1 cut rocks as young Pennsylvanian, and are c Taylor Summarized in m d r The 108 ± 3 Ma (K-Ar biotite) Puma Hill stock cuts structures associated with the Pancake thrust system (Nolan et al., 1974; Mc McDonald (1989) states that undated conglomerate mapped as Knc overlaps the Green Springs thrust. Described by Carpenter et al. (1993), based on reinterpretation of the mapping Hose and Blake (1976). e o

Based on interpretation of Dw as part Roberts Mountains allochthon by Stewart and Poole (1974), Carlson (1978), Described in Long et al. (2014); 2000–2500 m throw where drilled; 3500 estimated further to north rocks as deep a Based on stratigraphic thickness data from Stewart (1980), in addition to thicknesses the cited map sources. ern limb and 25°–30°W in the eastern limb. The t w † § # †† §§ ## ††† §§§ ### †††† §§§§ **Named by Carpenter et al. (1993, p. 65), the authors state that the Moody Peak thrust cuts Knc; however, these deposits lack **Named by Carpenter et al. (1993, p. 65), the authors state that Moody Peak thrust cuts Knc; however, ***Estimated using stratigraphic thicknesses from Humphrey (1960), Nolan et al. (1974), and Stewart (1980). ****Corresponds to the total traceable length on the subcrop map of Long (2012), based on correlations originally proposed by T ****Corresponds to the total traceable length on subcrop map of Long (2012), based correlations originally proposed by Note: *For example, Smith and Ketner (1968), Johnson Pendergast (1981), Burchfiel and Royden (1991), Speed Sleep (1982). m o i n a Structure Moritz-Nager thrust Dnl, Dnu, Ddg Ddg, MDpj, Mdc, Mc, Mdp Aptian or younger; syn- post-Knc Ratto Canyon thrust (blind) Portuguese Mtn. thrust A S R Roberts Mts. thrust (klippe) Green Springs thrustDuckwater thrust eld Canyon thrust Schofi Ddg, MDpj Op, Oe Mc, Mdp cuts Mdp; overlapped by undated Knc Pancake thrust system Ddg, Mc Mc, Mdp cuts Mdp; cut by 108±3 Ma pluton M Central Nevada thrust belt: Pre-Cordilleran structures: Roberts Mountains thrust Ov Dn, Ddg, MDpjcd Mississippian*; overlapped by Pgv unknown amplitude is between 2500 and 4000 m, and the

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pre-Paleogene wavelength was ≤25 km (Fig. 6). Antelope Thrust The Duckwater thrust (Carpenter et al., 1993) Rocks as young as Lower Jurassic (Coats, 1987) In the northern Antelope Range, the east- places Devonian and Lower Mississippian rocks are folded in the hinge zone. vergent Antelope thrust (Carpenter et al., 1993) over Upper Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, and places Ordovician rocks over Mississippian Permian rocks (Plate 1), corresponding to 1500– Central Nevada Thrust Belt rocks (Hose, 1983) and is correlated to the south 2100 m of throw. The Duckwater thrust can be with a thrust fault mapped in the Park Range traced for 30 km, and it is speculatively traced The Central Nevada thrust belt is a series of that places Devonian rocks over Pennsylvanian– northward into Newark Valley on the basis of east-vergent thrust faults and folds that accom- Permian rocks (Dixon et al., 1972). Throw on subcrop patterns. modated ~10 km of shortening, and which the Antelope thrust is 2600 m in the Antelope connect southward with the interior part of the Range, and this decreases to 900–1400 m in the Central Pancake Range and Railroad Valley Sevier thrust belt in southern Nevada (Fig. 5; Park Range. Subcrop patterns in Railroad Valley were Bartley and Gleason, 1990; Taylor et al., aided by drill-hole data from petroleum explo- 1993, 2000; Long, 2012; Long et al., 2014). Northern Pancake Range ration (Hess et al., 2004). In most areas, subcrop Plate 1 facilitates more detailed description and Different names for folds and thrust faults patterns were interpreted as representing ero- regional correlation of structures in the northern in the northern Pancake Range have been pro- sionally beveled folds, based on a lack of older half of the Central Nevada thrust belt than the posed (Nolan et al., 1974; Carpenter et al., over younger structural relationships observed lower-resolution subcrop map of Long (2012). 1993; Ransom and Hansen, 1993; Long, 2012). in Railroad Valley drill holes (French, 1998). Next, descriptions of structures defined in Here, a new naming scheme is proposed, based A northeast-striking, east-vergent thrust fault source mapping are presented, several of which on primary map sources (Nolan et al., 1974; mapped in the central Pancake Range (Quinli- are named here. McDonald, 1989), with additions from Carpen- van et al., 1974) is here named the Portuguese ter et al. (1993). Mountain thrust. This fault places Devonian and Eureka Culmination and The Moody Peak thrust (Carpenter et al., Lower Mississippian rocks over Upper Missis- Associated Structures 1993) places Ordovician and Silurian rocks over sippian rocks, corresponding to a throw range The Eureka culmination, an anticline with a Devonian rocks in the northwest corner of the of 250–1350 m. wavelength of 20 km, an amplitude of 4.5 km, range (Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1985), and it has The McClure Spring syncline (Perry and and limb dips of 25°–35°, was defi ned in retro- an estimated throw of 700–1750 m. Carpenter Dixon, 1993) preserves Mississippian, Penn- deformed cross sections across the northern et al. (1993) stated that the Moody Peak thrust sylvanian, and Permian rocks in its hinge zone. Fish Creek Range and southern Diamond cuts undated rocks mapped as the Newark Can- West of Duckwater, the fold has a vertical to Mountains (Long et al., 2014). A Cambrian over yon Formation. However, given the diffi culties overturned western limb and an eastern limb Silurian relationship defi ned in drill holes under in correlating rocks without precise age control that dips as steep as 50°W, and it is interpreted the anticline crest was interpreted as the blind that are mapped as Newark Canyon Forma- as east-vergent (Perry and Dixon, 1993). Here, Ratto Canyon thrust, and the culmination was tion (see discussion in “” section), undated rocks mapped as the Cretaceous New- interpreted as a fault-bend fold constructed by the Early Cretaceous maximum motion age ark Canyon Formation are preserved in its hinge 9 km of eastward motion of the Ratto Canyon constraint that this fi eld relationship implies is zone (Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1985); however, thrust sheet over a footwall ramp (Long et al., considered tentative. The Moody Peak thrust Perry and Dixon (1993) argued that Permian 2014). The type section of the Early Cretaceous and Ratto Canyon thrust are correlated here, rocks are the youngest involved in folding. In (Aptian, ca. 116–122 Ma) Newark Canyon For- based on their spatial relationships to the deep the southern part of the fold, the western limb mation was deposited in a piggyback basin that Paleogene erosion levels of the Eureka culmi- dips 25°–40°E and restores to a Paleogene dip developed on the eastern limb of the culmina- nation, and the relative stratigraphic levels that of 10°–15°NE. The amplitude of the syncline tion as it grew (Long et al., 2014). On the basis they deform. varies from 1100 to 2600 m along its length. of deep Paleogene erosion levels, the Eureka The Pancake thrust system, defi ned here by An anticline can be traced through Railroad culmination can be traced for 80 km. correlating thrust faults in the northwest Pan- Valley and the central Pancake Range on the Within the eastern limb of the Eureka cul- cake Range described by Nolan et al. (1974), basis of an elongated subcrop pattern of Devo- mination, the east-vergent Moritz-Nager thrust McDonald (1989), and Carpenter et al. (1993), nian rocks (Plate 1). This fold was originally (French, 1993) places Devonian rocks over Mis- can be traced for 35 km (Plate 1), and throw on defi ned in Railroad Valley by French (1998), sissippian rocks (Plate 1). The Moritz-Nager individual structures varies from 300 to 1300 m. and it is here named the Trap Spring anticline thrust exhibits 1–2 km of displacement and is Structures of the Pancake thrust system cut rocks because of its proximity to the Trap Spring interpreted as a subsidiary structure that post- as young as Mississippian and are truncated by oil fi eld. The amplitude ranges from 600 to dates the majority of motion on the Ratto Can- an Aptian (108 ± 3 Ma, K-Ar biotite; Nolan 1300 m in Railroad Valley to a maximum of yon thrust (Long et al., 2014). et al., 1974) dacite stock (McDonald, 1989). 2600 m where Permian rocks are preserved in After its construction, the Eureka culmina- The Green Springs thrust (McDonald, 1989) its western limb. tion was deformed by normal faults that pre- places Devonian and Lower Mississippian rocks A syncline can be traced along the eastern date late Eocene volcanism (Long et al., 2014), over Upper Mississippian rocks, corresponding side of Railroad Valley and through the Duck- including (from east to west) the Pinto Summit to 600–1500 m of throw. Undated conglomer- water Hills, on the basis of an elongated subcrop fault, Hoosac fault system, and Dugout Tun- ate mapped as the Newark Canyon Formation pattern preserving rocks as young as Pennsyl- nel fault (Plate 1). The youngest prevolcanic overlaps the Green Springs thrust (McDonald, vanian (Plate 1). This syncline was originally normal faulting was accompanied by eastward 1989); however, similar to the discussion for the defi ned in Railroad Valley by French (1998), tilting, which steepened the eastern limb dip to Moody Peak thrust, without precise age con- and it is referred to here as the Bacon Flat syn- 60°–70°E, and shallowed the western limb dip trol on these rocks, this motion age constraint cline, after its proximity to the Bacon Flat oil to 15°–20°W (Fig. 3B). should be considered tentative. fi eld. Its amplitude varies from 600 to 1500 m.

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Quinn Canyon Range and turned and an eastern limb dip between 15°W tains (Otto, 2008). However, these faults can Southern Grant Range and 40°W (Greene, 2014). The western limb of typically only be traced for map distances of Three thrust faults are mapped in the Quinn the Confusion synclinorium has an amplitude 1–5 km, are not traceable across individual Canyon and Grant Ranges, and they are listed of 2500–3000 m (Long, 2012; Greene, 2014). source maps or onto adjacent source maps, and here from structurally highest to lowest. Deformation in the Western Utah thrust belt is can in no cases be correlated regionally. There- The Sawmill thrust (Bartley and Gleason, Triassic or younger, on the basis of the young- fore, on the basis of their modest throw and 1990) places Ordovician rocks over Devo- est rocks involved in folding, but it is suggested map extent, they are interpreted as second-order nian rocks, corresponding to a throw range of to have been contemporary with Cretaceous to faults that accompanied fi rst-order folding. East 1250–3050 m. The Sawmill thrust can be traced Paleocene shortening in the Sevier thrust belt of the area of Plate 1, in the Egan, Schell Creek, for 20 km, and it cuts rocks as young as Upper (Greene, 2014). and Snake Ranges, Gans and Miller (1983) sim- Devonian. ilarly observed that the primary contractional The Rimrock thrust (Bartley and Gleason, DISCUSSION structures are regional-scale folds, and that no 1990) is the northernmost segment of the Rim- regional-scale thrust faults or décollement hori- rock-Lincoln-Freiberg thrust system (Fig. 5), Eastern Nevada Fold Belt: Absence of zons are present. which connects southward with structures of Thrust Faults and Deep Décollement The present-day range of stratigraphic levels the Sevier thrust belt (Taylor et al., 2000; Long, Interpretation exposed in the Eastern Nevada fold belt on 2012). The Rimrock thrust places Lower and Plate 1 ranges from Cambrian to Triassic, cor- Middle Devonian rocks over Upper Devonian The Eastern Nevada fold belt is characterized responding to paleodepths up to 8 km below rocks (Ekren et al., 2012), corresponding to a by fi ve fi rst-order folds that can be traced for the Paleogene unconformity. Thick sections of throw of 650–1200 m. Thirty kilometers south distances between 100 and 250 km, with typi- Paleozoic rocks that are undisturbed by faults of Plate 1, structures associated with the cor- cal limb dips of 10°–30°, amplitudes of 2–4 km, are observed in the limbs of several fi rst-order relative Lincoln thrust cut rocks as young as and pre-extensional wavelengths of 20–40 km. folds, including straight sections from Silurian Pennsylvanian, and they are crosscut by a Late For comparison, fi rst-order folds in the Valley to Permian rocks in the western limb of the Cretaceous (ca. 90–98 Ma; K-Ar biotite) granite and Ridge Province in the north-central Appa- Pinto Creek syncline (Larson and Riva, 1963; pluton (Taylor et al., 2000). lachians can be traced for 200–300 km, have Nolan et al., 1971), from Mississippian to Trias- The Schofi eld Canyon thrust places Cam- amplitudes of 5–7 km, and have wavelengths sic rocks in the eastern limb of the Butte syn- brian rocks over Ordovician rocks, and it has typically ≥12 km (Nickelsen, 1963; Faill, 1998). clinorium (Douglass, 1960; Brokaw and Barosh, an estimated throw of 2700 m (Fryxell, 1988, The Eastern Nevada fold belt is differenti- 1968), and from Cambrian to Pennsylvanian 1991). Based on subcrop data, the Schofi eld ated from the Central Nevada and Western Utah rocks in the Cherry Creek Range (Fritz, 1968). Canyon thrust was not erosionally breached by thrust belts by an absence of regional-scale thrust East of Plate 1, up to 4 km of Neoproterozoic the Paleogene (Plate 1). The Timber Mountain faults or décollement horizons at modern levels to Lower Cambrian clastic rocks are exposed in anticline, a recumbent hanging-wall fold, is of exposure. Within the portion of the Eastern the Cherry Creek, Egan, Schell Creek, Snake, interpreted to be genetically related to motion Nevada fold belt on Plate 1, several of the older and Deep Creek Ranges (Woodward, 1962; on the Schofi eld Canyon thrust (Fryxell, 1988). source maps, including Humphrey (1960) in the Young, 1960; Stewart, 1980; Gans and Miller, The axis of the anticline is crosscut by the Late White Pine Range, Fritz (1968) in the Cherry 1983), corresponding to paleodepths up to Cretaceous (86.4 ± 4.6 Ma; U-Pb zircon) Troy Creek Range, and Brokaw and Barosh (1968) in 12 km below the Paleogene unconformity. granite stock (Taylor et al., 2000). the Egan Range, map structures with modern low On the basis of their approximately uniform dip angles that place younger rocks over older amplitude and wavelength over along-strike Western Utah Thrust Belt rocks as thrust faults. Gans and Miller (1983), in distances exceeding 100 km, it is proposed here their classic assessment of extensional style in that the fi rst-order folds of the Eastern Nevada Recent work in the Confusion Range in west- eastern Nevada, reinterpreted these thrust faults fold belt were produced through décollement- ern Utah (Greene, 2014) has defi ned the West- in the Cherry Creek and Egan Ranges as series style above a blind, low-angle fault or ern Utah thrust belt, a 150-km-long system of of highly rotated, domino-style normal faults. In shear zone that underlies the entire region. One surface-breaching, east-vergent thrust faults this study, this interpretation is similarly applied likely candidate is the basal décollement of the that branch off of the Sevier thrust belt (Fig. 5), to the thrust faults mapped by Humphrey (1960) Sevier thrust belt, which must transfer 220 km deform Ordovician to Triassic rocks, and col- in the White Pine Range, after the pioneering of displacement westward to deeper struc- lectively accommodated ~10 km of shortening. work of Moores et al. (1968) located 12 km to tural levels under the hinterland (DeCelles and The Confusion synclinorium (Fig. 5), a 130-km- the south. Coogan, 2006). However, the recent recog ni tion long, north-trending structural trough that pre- East- and west-vergent thrust and reverse of 10 km of upper-crustal shortening accommo- serves rocks as young as Triassic in its hinge faults that do exhibit older over younger rela- dated in the Western Utah thrust belt (Greene, zone (Hose, 1977), and has long been interpreted tionships, with throw, and in some cases off- 2014) indicates the possibility of multi ple as a regional-scale syncline (Gans and Miller, set estimates on accompanying cross sections, décolle ment levels at depth (see discussion in 1983; Long, 2012), has recently been shown to on the order of tens to hundreds of meters, are section on “Model for Cordilleran Deformation represent a structural low formed by a combina- mapped in several areas of the Eastern Nevada in the Sevier Hinterland at 39°N”). tion of folding above Western Utah thrust belt fold belt on Plate 1, including the southern Dia- The specifi c deformation processes at depth thrust faults (Greene, 2014) and construction mond Mountains (Nolan et al., 1971, 1974), that produced the fi rst-order folds of the Eastern of the Sevier culmination, a structural high to Bald Mountain (Nutt, 2000; Nutt and Hart, Nevada fold belt are diffi cult to constrain with- the east (Allmendinger et al., 1986; DeCelles 2004), the central White Pine Range (Hum- out a more precise analysis of their geometry et al., 1995). The Confusion synclinorium has phrey, 1960), the Grant Range (Lund et al., in cross section. A lack of signifi cant steps in a western limb dip between 50°E and over- 1987; Camilleri, 2013), and the Butte Moun- structural level across the Eastern Nevada fold

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belt implies a regional décollement with rela- Consortium for Continental Refl ection Profi ling rienced regional metamorphism, synchronous tively low structural relief, which makes fault- (COCORP) seismic line (Allmendinger et al., with intrusion of granite bodies (Miller and bend folding an unlikely formation mechanism 1983, 1987). The Canyon Range thrust sheet is Gans, 1989). This metamorphism was accom- for the fi rst-order folds. Also, the possibility broadly folded under the House Range, form- panied by penetrative, top-to-the-east simple that these folds represent fault-bend folds above ing the Sevier culmination, an anticlinal shear in rocks as shallow as Lower Cambrian deep-seated duplexes, perhaps constructed from defi ned by Paleozoic subcrop patterns (Harris, (paleodepths of ~7–8 km; Fig. 7), which detached basement thrust sheets, as observed 1959; Hintze and Davis, 2003; Long, 2012) and increases in intensity down section into Neo- in several localities in the Sevier thrust belt in arched refl ectors on the COCORP line (All- rocks (Miller and Gans, 1989). Utah (Allmendinger et al., 1983; DeCelles, mendinger et al., 1983), interpreted as a duplex These shear fabrics are synchronous with short- 1994; DeCelles et al., 1995; Camilleri et al., cored by thrust sheets of base- ening in the Sevier thrust belt, and they are inter- 1997; DeCelles and Coogan, 2006), is not ment rock (Allmendinger et al., 1987; DeCelles preted as a consequence of thermal weakening favored by the typical 50–100 km along-strike and Coogan, 2006). Frontal structures of the of the upper that accompanied the rise of dimensions of these basement-cored culmina- Sevier thrust belt, including the Pavant thrust, anatectic melts (Miller et al., 1988; Miller and tions (DeCelles, 2004). Instead, the uniform Paxton thrust, and Gunnison thrust, are inter- Gans, 1989). The temporal relationship between wavelength, amplitude, and map distance of preted to root beneath the culmination (DeCelles this shallow penetrative deformation and con- these folds implies that the primary controlling and Coogan, 2006). Therefore, under the west- struction of fi rst-order folds of the Eastern mechanism was the mechanical stratigraphy of ern House Range, which is the farthest point that Nevada fold belt is unclear, but these observa- the Neoproterozoic to Mesozoic section through Sevier thrust faults can be confi dently traced on tions indicate that at a late stage in the Cordi- which deformation propagated. On this basis, the COCORP line (Allmendinger et al., 1983), lleran shortening history, the Sevier thrust belt two likely genetic origins for the fi rst-order folds there are at least two décollement levels that was rooted westward into a diffuse shear zone of the Eastern Nevada fold belt are: (1) fault- together must accommodate the total 220 km of that affected the base of the upper crust (Miller propagation folds (e.g., Suppe and Medwedeff, Sevier displacement (Fig. 7). These structures and Gans, 1989; Speed et al., 1988). 1990) that formed above splays off of the basal both carry rocks that are deeper than modern Farther to the hinterland, the Central Nevada décollement that tip out prior to reaching mod- exposure levels in eastern Nevada. thrust belt accommodated ~10 km of shorten- ern levels of exposure, similar to observations In the Confusion Range, the Western Utah ing, and it deforms rocks as deep as Lower in the north-central Appalachian Valley and thrust belt accommodated ~10 km of shortening, Cambrian. At 39°N, Central Nevada thrust belt Ridge Province (e.g., Gwinn, 1970; Kulander which is distributed between a basal décolle- deformation consisted of growth of the Eureka and Dean, 1986; Faill, 1998); or (2) detach- ment in Ordovician rocks and subsidiary splay- culmination, a fault-bend fold that formed ment folds (e.g., Mitra, 2003) that formed above ing thrust faults that ramp up section toward above a Cambrian to Silurian footwall ramp of a deep décollement, such as observed in the the east and deform rocks as young as Triassic the Ratto Canyon thrust, which is interpreted Zagros fold-and-thrust belt (e.g., Colman-Sadd, (Greene, 2014). The Western Utah thrust belt as the basal structure (Long et al., 2014). The 1978; McQuarrie, 2004; Molinaro et al., 2005). defi nes an additional detachment level that roots Aptian Newark Canyon Formation was depos- Construction of precise fold geometries in a under the Eastern Nevada fold belt, which must ited and folded in a piggyback basin that devel- retrodeformed cross section across the Eastern ramp rapidly down section toward the west, oped on the eastern limb of the Eureka culmina- Nevada fold belt will be necessary to distinguish through at least 6 km of Neoproterozoic to Cam- tion as it grew (Long et al., 2014). To the east between these folding mechanisms, to estimate brian clastic rocks that are presently exposed in in the White Pine Range, stratigraphic levels depth to decollement using excess area tech- ranges in eastern Nevada (Fig. 7; Stewart, 1980; from Cambrian to Pennsylvanian are exposed, niques (e.g., Epard and Groshong, 1993), and Gans and Miller, 1983). without any mapped décollement horizons or to accurately estimate crustal shortening, which Modern exposure levels indicate that a thrust faults. Therefore, the Duckwater thrust are goals of future work. regional décollement that could have produced is interpreted as the deformation front for the the fi rst-order folds of the Eastern Nevada fold Central Nevada thrust belt at this latitude, where Model for Cordilleran Deformation in belt must lie at a minimum depth of 12 km below slip from the Ratto Canyon thrust was fed to the Sevier Hinterland at 39°N the top of the Triassic section, corresponding the surface (Fig. 7). West of the Eureka culmi- to ~10 km below the Paleogene unconformity nation, the geometry and stratigraphic level of Figure 7 shows a generalized, pre-extensional (Fig. 7). Under the Eastern Nevada fold belt, the the basal Central Nevada thrust belt décolle- cross section through the Sevier thrust belt and geometry and stratigraphic levels of the basal ment are unknown, but must lie within Lower hinterland region at ~39°N. The cross section is Sevier décollement and Western Utah thrust belt Cambrian or deeper rocks, and may eventually used to support the following discussion, which detachment level are unknown; it is possible that merge at depth with the Eastern Nevada fold presents a general structural model for Cordi- they merge into the same master décollement belt décollement. lleran deformation at this latitude. horizon or shear zone. The contact between In west-central Utah, the Sevier thrust belt Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks and Pre- Deformation Timing in the Sevier Thrust accommodated ~220 km of upper-crustal cambrian crystalline basement rocks, which is Belt and Hinterland Structural Provinces shortening, distributed among a series of thrust the same exploited by the Canyon Range thrust faults that breach the surface over an ~50 km to the east, is a likely mechanical boundary for The timing of initiation of deformation in the across-strike distance (DeCelles and Coogan, localizing such a shear zone; however, involve- Sevier thrust belt has been long debated; most 2006). The Canyon Range thrust, the west- ment of Precambrian crystalline basement can- workers agree that initial Early Cretaceous (ca. ernmost and structurally highest fault, carries not be ruled out. 130–125 Ma; Barremian) subsidence in the as much as 6 km of Neoproterozoic to Lower During the Late Cretaceous (ca. 70–90 Ma), Sevier foreland basin indicates coeval crustal Cambrian clastic rocks, as indicated by drill- in the Egan, Schell Creek, and Snake Ranges, thickening in the thrust belt (e.g., Jordan, 1981; hole data (DeCelles and Coogan, 2006) and the Neoproterozoic to Lower Cambrian rocks expe- Lawton, 1985; DeCelles and Currie, 1996;

Geosphere, April 2015 419

Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/11/2/404/3335863/404.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 Long 0 10 -10 East thrust se Gunnison (2005) g et al. thrust shed red shed red Paxton and Gans ual ranges Paleozoic Triassic-Jurassic Precambrian Neoproterozoic-Lower Cambrian Neoproterozoic-Lower Cretaceous-Tertiary hinterland. 014), and its Sevier thrust belt stratigraphic units: Sevier thrust belt stratigraphic thrust Pavant Sevier fold-thrust belt Sevier fold-thrust Ordovician (RMA) Ordovician thrust folds of the Eastern Nevada rst-order Canyon Range Canyon Silurian Ordovician Middle-Upper Cambrian Cambriam Lower Neoproterozoic Precambrian


and Coogan (2006) and Coogan House R. House culmination modified from DeCelles modified from N, showing the geometry of the Sevier fold-and-thrust N, showing the geometry of Sevier °

1 ?

Triassic Pennsylvanian Mississippian Devonian Lower Cretaceous Lower Permian Confusion R. Confusion

Greene (2014) Greene modified from ? units: stratigraphic Sevier hinterland Confusion synclinorium 2 Western Utah thrust belt Western

NV UT Snake R. Snake upper limit of top-to-east simple shear (~70-90 Ma)


Schell Creek R. Creek Schell ?


Egan Range Egan unconformity 4 Butte Mts. Butte Butte

synclinorium Eastern Nevada fold belt fold Eastern Nevada R. Pine White c formation mechanism at depth for these folds is not interpreted on the cross section, and that this transect on the cross these folds is not interpreted c formation mechanism at depth for rst-order folds of the Eastern Nevada fold belt; see Figs. 5 and 6). Translucent areas above the Paleogene areas Translucent folds of the Eastern Nevada fold belt; see Figs. 5 and 6). rst-order thrust Illipah


Duckwater Pancake R. Pancake 5 Knc basin

piggyback Diamond Mts. Diamond ed from DeCelles and Coogan, 2006, their Fig. 8F), and structural provinces of the Sevier hinterland. This is not a balanced hinterland. of the Sevier Fig. 8F), and structural provinces DeCelles and Coogan, 2006, their ed from

thrust Nager Moritz- Fish Creek R. Creek Fish

Eureka Mahogany Hills Mahogany The thick, da 2014). 1983; Otto, 2008; Long et al., 2012; Greene, and Blake, 1976; Schalla, 1978; Bentz, 1983; Gans Miller, RMA—Roberts Mountains allochthon; CNTB—Central Nevada thrust belt; ENFB—Eastern fold Abbreviations: (1989). Utah thrust belt; NV—Nevada; UT—Utah. WUTB—Western (2014). The Paleogene unconformity is drawn as a horizontal datum, at an approximate elevation of 2.5 km, after Snell et al. (2 elevation of 2.5 km, after The Paleogene unconformity is drawn as a horizontal datum, at an approximate (2014). fi geometries for used to constrain approximate Plate 1 and Long (2012) were stratigraphic levels from fold belt (note that the specifi does not contain all of the fi exposed in individ lines show the total range of stratigraphic levels presently Thick green rock. eroded unconformity represent 1967; Dechert, Nolan et al., 1974; Ho 1962; Brokaw, Woodward, 1960; Young, 1960; Douglass, 1960; Humphrey, (data sources: Miller from fabrics in easternmost Nevada, approximated top-to-east simple shear limit of Late Cretaceous, line shows the upper shown on Figure 6, and it uses stratigraphic thickness data from Stewart (1980), Gans and Miller (1983), Greene (2014), and Lon (1983), Greene Stewart (1980), Gans and Miller 6, and it uses stratigraphic thickness data from shown on Figure belt (modifi deformation geometries and constraints on décollement levels in the Sevier section; it is meant to illustrate approximate cross Wernicke of McQuarrie and The hinterland portion is drafted based on horizontal distances the 36 Ma tectonic reconstruction Figure 7. Generalized cross-section through eastern Nevada and western Utah at ~39 through 7. Generalized cross-section Figure modified from Central Nevada thrust belt Nevada Central culmination Long et al. (2014) et al. Long thrust

6 ? Ratto Canyon Mts. thrust Roberts

kilometers 0

10 Approx. elevation (km) elevation -10 Approx. 01020 Footnotes: (2006) and Coogan 1 - basal Sevierof DeCelles decollement Range thrust of Canyon 2 - highest possible level west must deepen rapidly toward level WUTB deformation 3 - basal WUTB and ENFB decollement of 4 - highest possible level not observed at Duckwater thrust because faults are daylight to is interpreted 5 - CNTB deformation Range Pine White in exposure of Cambrian-Pennsylvanian level at any is unknown of Eureka culmination of CNTB decollement west 6 - level West

420 Geosphere, April 2015

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