SAFETY DATA SHEET (Internal) Strictly Confidential According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Twaron D3500

1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE OR PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product label name Poly-paraphenyleneterephthalamide / Polyolefin Supplier BV Velperweg 76 P.O. Box 5153 6802 ED Arnhem, The Telephone: +31 (0)88 268 88 88 Telefax: +31 (0)88 268 9181 E-mail address of person responsible for safety data sheet [email protected] Emergency telephone Tel.: +31 (0)88 26 89 139 Fax : +31 (0)88 26 89 179 BV, Arnhem, The Netherlands Intended use Elastomer reinforcement Date of last issue / Revision number 2012/02/07 / 1.00

2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Not classified as hazardous according to the EEC Dangerous Substance Directive and Dangerous preparation directive.

3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS This product is to be considered as a preparation in conformance to EC directives. Information on hazardous ingredients. Chemical description Poly-paraphenyleneterephthalamide / Polyolefine Composition / information on ingredients Number % w/w CAS-number Chemical name 1 >30 026125-61-1 Poly-(para-phenylene-terephthalamide) 2 <40 Polymer Polyolefin 3 >20 008042-47-5 White mineral oil

Index-No. EC-number Symbol(s) (EU Risk-phrase(s) classification) 1 Polymer Polymer 2 polymer None 3 232-455-8 None Other information Additives: Absorbed water <8%, Sodium sulphate <3%. The polymer (fiber) product itself is not toxic. It may, however, contain up to 1.2% of a finish.

4. FIRST AID MEASURES Symptoms and effects Dust may be irritating to the respiratory tract and cause symptoms of bronchitis.

1 Internal MSDS, Not for Circulation

SAFETY DATA SHEET (Internal) Strictly Confidential According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Twaron D3500

First aid General In all cases of doubt, or when symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Inhalation During the processing and application of the granules, small amounts of dust (including dust particles of respirable size) may be given off. A health risk caused by the inhalation of p-aramid dust particles does not exist if our safety instructions are observed. Dust and decomposition products of the reactive compounds must be avoided by ensuring adequate extraction and ventilation. Factory safety regulations must be strictly observed. Persons who have been exposed to excessive quantities of dust should immediately go outside into the fresh air. They should seek medical attention if coughing or other symptoms develop. Skin Suitable protective clothing should be worn in order to avoid possible skin irritation. If skin irritation does occur, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Seek medical attention if the irritation persists. Eye Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water. Eyelids should be held away from the eyeball to ensure thorough rinsing. Seek medical advice if irritation develops. Ingestion Seek medical advice. Induce vomiting only if directed by medical personnel. Advice to physician Persistent skin symptoms may be due to contact allergy.

5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing media Waterjet, foam, sand, dry chemical powder, CO2. Unsuitable extinguishing media Halones. Water, if the fire was caused by an electrical short circuit. Hazardous decomposition / combustion products Depending on temperature and air supply, conflagration gases may contain: Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, organic compounds of low-molecular weight and hydrogen cyanide in low concentration. Decomposition products are roughly comparable with those of wool. Protective equipment Wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Fire and explosion hazard Do not inhale explosion or combustion vapours.

6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions Do not breathe dust. For personal protection see Section 8. Environmental precautions Do not flush into public water courses. Methods for cleaning up Prior to cleaning up, study the sections "Fire-fighting measures" and "Handling and storage". Use suitable "personal protective equipment" when cleaning up.

2 Internal MSDS, Not for Circulation

SAFETY DATA SHEET (Internal) Strictly Confidential According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Twaron D3500

7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling The usual precautions for handling chemicals should be observed. Do not breathe dust. Storage requirements To maintain quality store in original closed container below: 25°C. Store in a dry, well ventilated, place away from sources of heat and direct sunlight. Store in accordance with local/national regulations. Other information If water is used for further treatment, the waste water generated by the process must be treated in a water purification plant in compliance with local regulations.

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering controls Areas in which handling generates dust should have adequate ventilation equipment to minimize exposure to personnel. Personal protection Respiratory In case of dust formation use dust mask. Hand Wear suitable protective gloves of neoprene or synthetic rubber. Eye Safety glasses. Skin and body Avoid contact with skin. Use proper protective clothing. Poly-(para-phenylene-terephthalamide) Time Weighted Average (TWA) 0.5 / ml Respirabel dust White mineral oil (petroleum) Agency OES-TWA 5 mg/m³

9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance extrudate granules 3-6 mm Colour dark yellow Odour odourless Melting point/range not applicable Flash point not determined Flammability not applicable Vapour pressure not applicable Density 0.980 g/cm³ Bulk density not determined Solubility in water negligible

3 Internal MSDS, Not for Circulation

SAFETY DATA SHEET (Internal) Strictly Confidential According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Twaron D3500

Solubility in other solvents not determined Partition coefficient n-octanol/water not determined Relative vapour density (air=1) not relevant Viscosity not applicable

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability Stable under the conditions of normal use. Conditions to avoid Polymer: Temperatures of over 500 ºC will cause decomposition of the products and molecular disintegration. Strong bases and acids will cause chemical decomposition (hydrolysis) of the molecules if allowed to react for a relatively long duration. Incompatibles Polymer: Aromatic polyamides react with strong oxidising agents. If allowed to act on the fibers for a relatively long time, UV light will cause a darkening of their inherent yellow colour and will also adversely affect their strength. Polymerization Polymerization does not occur. Hazardous decomposition products Polymer: Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2). Diverse organic compounds of low molecular weight, which were analysed by Akzo Nobel Research. (Literature: Dr. Kunnes, 01.08.1988 Simulation des Brandverhaltens von Twaron). Hydrogen cyanide.

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Fiber finish: Cases of allergic skin reactions have been observed. The p-aramid polymer product is non-toxic. However, extremely high amounts of inhaled (p-Aramid respirable fiberfragments (RFP) may inhibit the clearance mechanism. Short term and subchronic (3 months) inhalation studies in rats and hamsters with an extended follow-up of up to nine months have demonstrated that p-Aramid RFP are not biopersistent. Long p-Aramid RFP are quickly transversely broken into smaller fragments and then removed from the lung. However, extremely high amounts of inhaled p- Aramid RFP may inhibit the clearance mechanism. 25 RFP/ml of air has been established as the "no observed adverse effect level" in subchronic study. Inhalation of high concentrations of RFP causes pulmonary inflammation in rats and hamsters and overload phenomena in rats. Lifelong exposure to concentrations of 100 and 400 RFP/ml caused pulmonary fibrosis in rats. The fibrosis was largely reversible after cessation of exposure. LOAEL (Lowest observable adverse effect level): 25 RFP/ml. No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL): 2.5 RFP/ml. No malignant tumors resulted from the lifelong inhalation tests in rats. Instead, proliferative cystic tissue changes were observed in rats after exposure to particulates. They occur mainly in (female) rats and have never been observed in human beings. These cysts were subject of scientific debate for an extended period of time, but current consensus holds that they are not malignant and that their occurrence in animals has no relevance to humans.

4 Internal MSDS, Not for Circulation

SAFETY DATA SHEET (Internal) Strictly Confidential According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Twaron D3500

Poly-(para-phenylene-terephthalamide) (as spinning fiber) Acute toxicity Oral LD50 rat: > 7500 mg/kg Irritation Skin Slight skin irritation has been observed in isolated cases. Eye Slightly irritating to eyes but not sufficient for classification. Respiratory May be irritating to the respiratory system. Other toxicological information In the event that the product is to be used in special areas of application, e.g. food industry or the medical/surgical sector, please consult us beforehand. Polyolefine Acute toxicity Oral LD50 Rat: > 2000 mg/kg Irritation Skin Non-irritating Eye Non-irritating Carcinogenecity/Mutagenic data Not mutagenic (Ames test)

12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION No experimental ecological data are available on the preparation as such. The following data are applicable to the ingredient(s) listed below. Poly-(para-phenylene-terephthalamide) (as spinning fiber) Fate Degradation Biotic Not readily biodegradable. Other information This product is considered to be relatively harmless to the environment.

13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Product The fiber product must be disposed of in the same way as non-hazardous industrial waste in an authorized waste disposal facility and in compliance with local regulations. Contaminated packaging as above.

14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Land transport Class not restricted RID class not restricted Packing group not relevant

5 Internal MSDS, Not for Circulation

SAFETY DATA SHEET (Internal) Strictly Confidential According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Twaron D3500

Hazard Identification No. not relevant Substance Identification No. not relevant UN number none Proper Shipping Name not relevant Sea transport (IMO / IMDG-code) Class not restricted Packing group not relevant UN number none EMS not relevant Marine pollutant no Proper Shipping Name not relevant

Air transport (ICAO-TI / IATA-DGR) UN number none Class not restricted Packing group not relevant Proper Shipping Name not relevant

15. REGULATORY INFORMATION Product label name Poly-paraphenyleneterephthalamide / Polyolefine Labelling according to EC directives German Water Hazard Class (WGK) Not water endangering (VwVwS Anhang A4)

16. OTHER INFORMATION R-phrase information Chemical name R(isk) phrase(s) (EU classification) Poly-(para-phenylene-terephthalamide) Polyolefine none none White mineral oil (petroleum) none none

History Date of issue/pdf file generated 2012/02/07

6 Internal MSDS, Not for Circulation

SAFETY DATA SHEET (Internal) Strictly Confidential According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Twaron D3500

Revision 1.00 Composed by Department: QR-QHSE Changes were made in section - This information only concerns the above mentioned product and does not need to be valid if used with other product(s) or in any process. The information is to our best present knowledge correct and complete and is given in good faith but without warranty. It remains the user's own responsibility to make sure that the information is appropriate and complete for his special use of this product.

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