Rep. Chris Sinicki Endorses Kelda Roys

Madison, WI -- State Representative Christine Sinicki announced that she is endorsing former Rep. Kelda Roys for State Senate.

“Kelda is the only candidate in this race with a proven track record of fighting for reproductive rights, equal pay, and public education. She will be the change maker that women, kids, and families need in the Senate,” s​ aid Rep. Sinicki.

“Rep. Sinicki is one of the legislature’s strongest advocates for women,” said Roys. “I’m honored to have her support.”

Campaign manager Grace Lacke said, “​ Kelda is the clear choice for voters who care about abortion rights, reproductive justice, and women’s equality. That's why every single sitting legislator who's endorsed in this race is backing Kelda, including Rep. , Rep. , Rep. , Rep. Chris Sinicki, Rep. Amanda Stuck, and Sen. Lena Taylor. Kelda is a progressive change maker who gets it done."

Kelda has been a lifelong champion for women, from her years as executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice working to reduce racial disparities in infant mortality and helping pass the first pro-choice legislation in a generation through an anti-choice Assembly, to her leadership as a state representative passing the Healthy Youth Act and fighting Wisconsin's archaic criminal abortion ban.

This endorsement adds to a growing list of national, state, and local leaders and organizations supporting Kelda Roys for State Senate, including groups representing more than 2 dozen labor unions, Women Lead, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, VoteMama, #VoteProChoice, Moms Demand Action GunSense 2020, and dozens of current and former elected officials and community leaders. ###

Roys is running for the open State Senate district being vacated by the retiring Sen. Fred Risser. A Madison native, Kelda Roys, 41, is an experienced legislative leader, small business owner, and health care advocate. She ran for governor of Wisconsin in 2018, and as a State Representative, she helped lead the opposition to Act 10, Scott Walker’s 2010 attack on unions. Roys and her husband, Dan Reed, live in the 26th Senate District with their four girls.

PO Box 231, Madison WI 53701-0231 ⬝ 608-284-8746 ⬝ ⬝ [email protected] Paid for by Friends of Kelda Roys ⬝ Printed in house on recycled paper, labor donated.