Basin Program Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin 20 and Upper Richelieu 13 Learning from A comprehensive review of the 2011 fl ooding impacts on the Past, a watershed level to inform fl ood resilience policies and Preparing for management strategies in the Lake Champlain Basin the Future The Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Development and production of this report was Basin and Upper Richelieu River report was funded by an agreement awarded by the Great produced by the Lake Champlain Basin Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC) to the New Program (LCBP) in partnership with the Interstate Water Pollution Control Com- England Interstate Water Pollution Control mission (NEIWPCC) in partnership with the Lake Commission (NEIWPCC). Champlain Basin Program (LCBP). NEIWPCC manages LCBP’s personnel, contract, grant, and Lead Author: Stephanie S. Castle. budget tasks and provides input on the program’s Contributing authors: Eric A. Howe, Emily L. activities through a partnership with the LCBP , William G. Howland. Steering Committee. Graphic Design: Elizabeth Lee Newman and Ryan Mitchell. Although the information in this document has been funded wholly or in part by the Great Lakes LCBP thanks U. S. Senator Patrick Leahy for Fishery Commission with NEIWPCC, it has not identifying fi nancial support for this task. undergone the Commission’s publications review process and therefore, may not necessarily refl ect LCBP wishes to thank the many individuals the views of the Commission and no offi cial who assisted in the preparation of this report, endorsement should be inferred. The viewpoints whether by providing data, images, pictures, or expressed here do not necessarily represent those advice, or by acting as reviewers. In particular, of NEIWPCC, the LCBP Steering Committee, or we acknowledge the staff of the Agen- the GLFC, nor does mention of trade names, com- cy of Natural Resources, Québec Ministère du mercial products, or causes constitute endorsement Développement durable, de l'Environnement, or recommendation for use. de la Faune et des Parcs, and the Department of Environmental Conservation.

Suggested citation: Lake Champlain Basin Program 2013. Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River. Lake Champlain Basin Program

Cover: Spring Lake fl ooding, showing sediment discharge into This report is a technical publication of the Lake Lake Champlain. Photo: LCBP Champlain Basin Program. It does not necessarily refl ect the policy position of the Lake Champlain Basin Steering Committee. Table of Contents

Executive Summary 5

Introduction 9 History of Flooding in the Lake Champlain Basin & Upper Richelieu River 9 2011 Lake and Tributary Records 10 Adaptation to 11

Impact on Ecosystems & Undeveloped Land 15 Water Quality and Water Levels 15 Flooding Impacts 16 Existing Management 17 Management Needs 17 Information Gaps and Data Needs 18 Biodiversity & Aquatic 18 Flooding Impacts 18 Existing Management 21 Management Needs 21 Information Gaps and Data Needs 21 Morphology (Erosion & Deposition) 22 Flooding Impacts 22 Existing Management 23 Management Needs 26 Information Gaps and Data Needs 27

Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands 31 Human Health 31 Flooding Impacts 32 Existing Management 35 Management Needs 39 Information Gaps and Data Needs 39 Built Environment 39 Lake Champlain Flood, Spring 2011 40 Tropical Storm Irene: August 28, 2011 41 Existing Management 42 Management Needs 43 Information Gaps and Data Needs 44

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 3 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Infrastructure 44 Transportation: State Highway Systems & Municipal Roads 44 Existing Management 50 Management Needs 51 Information Gaps and Data Needs 52 Economic Impacts 53 Existing Management 54 Management Needs 56 Information Gaps and Data Needs 56

Impact on Agriculture 61 Impact of Flooding on Agriculture 61 Impact of Agricultural Runoff on Waterways 64 Existing Management 66 Management Needs 70 Information Gaps and Data Needs 71

Preparing for Future Floods 75 Policy and Management Recommendations 75 Economic Impact and Justifi cation for Flood Resilience 76 Comprehensive Hydrological Model for Lake Champlain, Including Updated Flood Frequency 76 Analyses to Support Flood Hazard Mapping Identify Fluvial Erosion Hazard Areas 77 Consistent Floodplain Development Standards 77 Establishment of Lakeshore Protection Zones 78 Reduction in Bank Armoring 78 Implementation, Enforcement and Public Acceptance of Floodplain Management Principles 78 Flood Resilience Tax Reductions for Lakeshore and Riparian Properties 79 Promote Ecosystem Resilience 79 Developing Risk Management Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Public Water 81 Supplies and Hazardous Waste Sites Re-Assessment of Roads, Culverts, Bridges and Dams 81 Improve Emergency Response Planning 82 Flood-Resilience Compensation from Insurance and Mortgage Lenders 83 Resilience in the Agricultural Community 83 Flood Resilience Offi ce or Coordinator 83

Appendices 87 Appendix A: Partner Publications 89 Appendix B: Existing Flood Policies in the Lake Champlain Basin 91 (policies amended as a result of the 2011 fl oods are attached) New York 91 Québec 92 Vermont 93

4 March 2013 Executive Summary

The fl ood events of 2011 left a profound and last- A two-day conference was then held in June 2012 ing impact on the watersheds of Lake Champlain in Burlington, Vermont to continue discussion of and the Richelieu River Valley and their residents. ideas proposed in these workshops and to discuss Lake Champlain reached fl ood stage on April 13, topics such as climate change impacts to the re- 2011 and remained above this level for 67 days gion, impacts to the lakeshore and tributaries from until June 19, 2011. A new record was set on May fl ooding, emergency response, transportation and 6, 2011, when Lake Champlain crested at 103.27 other infrastructure, and agriculture. feet above mean sea level. The second day focused on policy perspectives to High water levels severely impacted the shoreline move forward in the Basin. This report provides of the Lake, inundating houses and other lakeshore a summary of these 2011 events — the impacts to structures at low elevations, eroding vast amounts humans, to our infrastructure, and to the ecosystem of shoreline that had not previously been exposed in which we live — and a series of policy recom- to wave action. The Richelieu River, Lake Cham- mendations for the three jurisdictions of the Cham- plain’s outlet, was also greatly affected by the high plain Basin (New York, Québec and Vermont) to water levels, and several communities along the consider for increasing resilience to future fl ood River were severely impacted by fl ooding for the events in the region and beyond. two-month duration of the spring 2011 events. A few short months later, Tropical Storm Irene ar- Many of these recommendations are derived from rived in the region on August 28, 2011, bringing the fundamental issue of identifi cation and protec- signifi cant rainfall to the southern segments of the tion of existing fl oodplains (Lake or tributary) and Champlain Basin and causing severe fl ash fl ooding restoration of these critical areas, where feasible, of tributaries in this area, impacting thousands of that have been compromised by human develop- people in Vermont and New York. ment. In turn, protection of fl oodplains will reduce the volume of water delivered to Lake Champlain, The Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) was attenuating the Lake elevation. Consequently, commissioned by Governor Shumlin of Vermont many of these recommendations serve the dual and Premier Charest of Québec to coordinate a purpose of protecting life and property along tribu- conference to address the spring 2011 fl ooding of tary corridors, including the Richelieu River, as Lake Champlain and the Richelieu River Valley. well as along the shoreline of Lake Champlain. The impacts of Tropical Storm Irene were subse- quently added to this request. The LCBP hosted workshops in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec and Plattsburgh, New York to discuss specifi c top- ics associated with the Lake and tributary fl ooding.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 5 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

A list of 15 policy recommendations is provided • Reduce bank armoring of the tributary net- below, with a brief description. Please refer to the work and lakeshores full text, provided on page 75 of this report, for a  Armoring of tributary banks and lakeshores complete description of these concepts. should be reduced to the most sensitive areas to protect existing infrastructure. • Identify and promote economic benefi ts for improved fl ood resilience • Promote community acceptance of fl ood-  A thorough economic review of the impacts plain management principles and regula- of Lake and tributary fl ooding to the region’s tions economy should be provided to provide justifi -  State and Provincial regulating agencies cation for implementing fl ood resilience poli- should work with local governing bodies to cies and programs. help them understand fl ood resilience prin- ciples to improve compliance. • Develop a comprehensive hydrological model for Lake Champlain, including fl ood • Implement fl ood resilience tax reductions for frequency and severity analyses for fl ood lakeshore and riparian properties hazard mapping  Tax codes can be modifi ed to provide  Jurisdictions should regularly update fl ood incentives for landowners of lakeshore and frequency data and projections, incorporating riparian lands to develop and implement ap- predicted changes in weather patterns due to propriate conservation practices and Flood climate change. Resilience Plans.  Develop a model to predict water move- ment throughout the Lake Champlain and • Establish monitoring sites to document Richelieu River watersheds, incorporating changes in ecosystem resilience predicted weather patterns.  Long-term monitoring sites should be identifi ed to document changes in reference • Identify Fluvial Erosion Hazard (FEH) and impaired conditions for fl ora and fauna of areas the Champlain ecosystem pre- and post-fl ood  Identifi cation of FEH areas is critical to events. predicting the most susceptible locations for the next fl ood event, and implementation of • Develop Risk Management Plans for waste- BMPs to reduce these risks. water treatment facilities, public water sup- plies, and hazardous waste sites and identify • Establish fl oodplain development standards funding mechanisms to implement the plans  Floodplain development guidelines should  Critical water infrastructure sites (WWTFs, reduce or restrict development in and near water suppliers) and hazardous waste sites these critical zones. located in fl oodplains should have Risk Man- agement Strategies or Plans to reduce suscepti- • Establish lakeshore protection zones bility to fl ood events.  Reduction or restrictions of “hard” struc- tures such as seawalls along the lakeshore in lieu of natural vegetated shoreline zones.

6 March 2013 • Update design standards for transportation infrastructure  Design standards for roads, culverts, and bridges need to refl ect changing climate con- ditions and intensity of precipitation events. Dams should be assessed for decommissioning potential to restore fl oodplain connectivity.

• Work with communities to develop or im- prove emergency response plans Emergency Response Plans should be developed at the State or Provincial and local levels to expedite emergency relief efforts dur- ing future fl ood disasters.

• Develop fl ood-resilience compensation pro- grams from insurance and mortgage lenders  Insurance providers and mortgage lend- ers working should consider risks assumed for structures located in fl ood hazard zones and adjust eligibility and rates to refl ect this risk.

• Develop fl ood resilience guidelines for the agricultural community  Producers should develop fl ood resilience plans for their farms and implement practices to increase storage of fl oodwaters. An example of post-Irene river repair work in the Boquet River, • Development of a fl ood resilience coordina- NY. Photo: Boquet River Association tor position or offi ce  Coordination of fl ood resilience efforts within the jurisdictions, including development of training programs, education and outreach programs, and fl ood resilience efforts among federal, state or provincial, and local gover- nance programs.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 7 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

8 March 2013 Introduction

This report discusses the short- and long-term impacts of the 2011 fl oods on different aspects of the Lake Champlain watershed, including ecologi- cal, agricultural, infrastructure, and developed Richelieu and undeveloped lands. To mitigate future fl ood River Sutton impacts, the existing fl ood response framework is QUÉBEC Philipsburg evaluated at municipal, state, and national levels. Richford The report will identify information gaps and op- Chazy portunities for improvement by examining existing St. Albans emergency response, management strategies, and Plattsburgh policy. Finally, we will recommend action steps to help jurisdictions within the Lake Champlain Basin k better prepare for future fl ood events. MountainsStowe Burlington

Adirondac Lake Mountains Champlain Lake Placid Montpelier History of Flooding in the Elizabethtown Lake Champlain Basin & Green

Upper Richelieu River Port Henry Middlebury The Lake Champlain Basin boasts access to valu- able natural resources and navigable waters and Ticonderoga highly productive agricultural lands. These quali- Lake ties have provided an attractive place for humans George Rutland to live for a thousand years. This close connection to the land and its tributaries has led to widespread development throughout the Basin. Given the Whitehall topography and climate of the area—steep moun- Champlain tains with narrow valleys, high snow yields and Canal humid summers—the Basin has a unique hydrol- ogy that is especially prone to fl ooding. There have NEW YORK VERMONT been several large scale fl ooding events affecting Figure 1. Lake Champlain Basin Map both the Lake and its tributaries since continuous record-keeping began in the early 20th century.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 9 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

In 1927, a late-season hurricane struck the Basin, causing the most destructive tributary fl ooding ever recorded. There were successive spring fl oods through the 1930s caused by high snowmelt runoff from the mountains. In 1936 and 1938, fall hurri- canes caused signifi cant tributary fl ooding in all ju- risdictions of the Basin and in the Richelieu River. During the 1970s, there were again several large snowmelt events coupled with rainy spring storms that led to Lake fl ooding and that damaged many properties along the Richelieu River. A stepped 1.5-foot (0.45 m) increase occurred in the aver- age yearly Lake levels in the 1970s that has been sustained ever since.1 High-volume winter storms caused more spring fl ooding in 1993 and 1998, and Lake levels reached a new high of 101.9 ft (31 m) in May of 1993.2 A very snowy winter and wet spring in 2011 caused record-breaking Lake fl ood- ing that severely impacted shoreline areas through- out the Champlain and Richelieu River valleys. In August 2011, Tropical Storm Irene led to extensive tributary fl ooding through most of southern and central Vermont and parts of eastern New York, breaking records and causing loss of life and exten- sive property damage. Some 25 disastrous regional fl ood events have affected both the Lake and tribu- Figure 2. Areas of major fl ood damage from prior fl ood taries of the Lake Champlain Basin and the upper events illustrating the history of fl ooding in the region. Richelieu River from 1997–2011. Courtesy: VT ANR

2011 Lake and Tributary A few months later in August of 2011, Tropical Records Storm Irene reached Vermont and New York, pro- In the Champlain Basin, the intensity and promi- ducing 11 inches (28 cm) of rain within 24 hours, nence of the 2011 fl oods was unprecedented. In and strong winds in many areas. Damage from May of 2011, record snowfall followed by snowmelt Tropical Storm Irene was characterized by exten- combined with heavy spring rains fl ooded the level sive streambank erosion as a result of fl ash fl ood- of Lake Champlain to record high of 103.27 feet ing and record stream fl ow in Lake Champlain’s (31.47 m) above mean sea level (AMSL), 1.25 ft (0.4 tributaries and other major watersheds of Vermont m) above the previous record, increasing the Lake’s and parts of New York. The intensity, prominence, surface area by 66 square miles (106.2 km2).3 Major and resulting destruction of the 2011 fl oods were damage from the spring Lake fl ooding was primarily an alarming call to action. 2011 was the only year from long periods of inundation coupled with intense on record in which the Basin faced both record wave-action causing remarkable shoreline damage, spring fl ooding and extensive fall hurricane tribu- along with fl uvial damage in tributaries. tary damage due to fl ash fl ooding.

10 March 2013 Introduction

Adaptation to Climate Change Climate change is a long-term shift in weather patterns and atmospheric energy. Depending on geographic location and topography, climate change may cause record-breaking storms and un- familiar episodes of fl ood and drought. In the case of the Lake Champlain Basin and upper Richelieu drainage system, climatologists believe increased annual precipitation and fl ooding will continue to be a consequence of climate change. A study by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- tration (NOAA) found in the Northeast region of the U.S. 76% of stream gauges show an increase Snowfall from a single winter storm in the Lake Champlain Basin, March 6-7, 2011. in fl ood magnitude in recent years and 80% of Courtesy NOAA/NWS stream gauges show increases in fl ood frequency suggesting the continuation of fl ood events in the future.4 Scientists predict more hurricanes to take a northerly route through New England as surface temperatures of the Ocean continue to rise. Tropical Storm Irene made landfall in northern New Jersey, an increasingly common occurrence.

Long-term monitoring of weather in the Basin measured an average air temperature increase of 2.2° F (1.2° C) since 1976,5 and Lake Champlain surface water temperature has increased 6.8° F (3.8° C) since 1964.6 An average increase of three inches (7.6 cm) in annual precipitation has oc- curred over the past 40 years.7

Lake Champlain Basin Region August 27-28, 2011. Courtesy NOAA/NWS

Figure 3. Regional winter snowfall accumulations, spring rains and Irene total rainfall. Courtesy: NOAA/NWS.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 11 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Collectively, these changes have resulted in a mea- surable shift in regional climate. According to a National Weather Service gauge, Lake Champlain has completely frozen over fewer times in the past 50 years than it did, on average, in the prior 130 years.8 As climate indicators, these are dramatic increases that inarguably show that the climate of the Lake Champlain Basin is changing. On a global scale, reducing emissions of greenhouse gasses (particularly carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, etc.) could curb the extent of climate change, but such reductions are not suffi ciently occurring. At a watershed level, decision-makers must focus on adaptation: making ecosystems, developed land, and rural areas more resilient to environmental, economic and human impacts of continuing climate change and expected increases in the frequency and severity of storm events and the associated fl oods.

1961-1990 1961-1990

2010-2039 2010-2039

2040-2069 Figure 4. Tropical Storm Irene projected path, August 24- 30, 2011. Courtesy: NOAA/NWS

High-Emissions Scenario Low-Emissions Scenario

Red arrows track the shift in the Lake Champlain Basin’s summer climate over the next 60 years if we continue under a high- emissions scenario. Yellow arrows track the shift under a low-emissions scenario. DATA SOURCE: Adapted from Union of Concerned Scientists.

Figure 5. Migrating Climate

12 March 2013 Introduction


1. USGS/NOAA Lake Champlain Gage at Burlington, VT (; Mike Winslow, staff scientist at Lake Champlain Committee presentation entitled “Lake Flooding: We’ve Been Here Be- fore” at LCBP Flood Resilience Conference June, 2012.

2. USGS/NOAA Lake Champlain Gage at Burlington, VT (

3. USGS Inundation Map & USGS/NOAA Lake Champlain Gage ( no=04294500).

4. Douglas, E. M. and C. Fairbank, 2011. Is precipitation in New England becoming more extreme? J. Hydrologic Engi- neering, 16 (3):203-217; Spierre S and CP Wake, 2010. Trends in Extreme Precipitation for the Northeast United States, 1948-2007. Carbon Solutions New England Report and Clean Air-Cool Planet Report.

5. Stager, C. and M. Thill. 2010. Climate Change in the Lake Champlain Basin: What natural resource managers can ex- pect and do. Keene Valley, NY and Montpelier, VT: The Conservancy.

6. Smeltzer, E., Shambaugh, A., Stangel, P. 2012. Environmental change in Lake Champlain revealed by long-term moni- toring. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 38, Supplement 1, pp. 6-18.

7. Stager, C. and M. Thill. 2010. Climate Change in the Lake Champlain Basin: What natural resource managers can ex- pect and do. Keene Valley, NY and Montpelier, VT: The Nature Conservancy.

8. USGS/NOAA Lake Champlain Gage at Burlington, VT (

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 13 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

14 March 2013 Impact on Ecosystems & Undeveloped Land

SPRING FLOODS TROPICAL STORM Water Quality and Water IRENE 104 103.2 ft: Max Elevation Levels Set in May 2011 Data from a number of Lake level gauges main- 102 101.9 ft: Previous Max Elevation Set in April 1993 tained on Lake Champlain, show that over the 100 100 ft: Flood Stage past 50 years, the annual mean water level in the 98 Lake has increased by 1.5 feet (0.45 m). During the spring 2011 fl ooding, Lake Champlain rose to 96

103.2 feet (31.4 m) above mean sea level (AMSL), (feet) Level Lake 94 a 1.3 foot (0.4 m) increase from the previous 92 record set in May of 1993.9 Even with excellent 90 short-term weather forecasting, there was no way Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2011 Lake Level to predict how quickly or for how long the Lake NOTE: The average lake level elevation is determined by averaging all records between 1908 (when elevations were first recorded) and 2011 for Average (1908-2011) Level level would rise and remain above the 100 ft any given day. Elevations are at Burlington, VT. Historic Maximum Level for Date (30.5 m) fl ood stage; the Lake remained above this DATA SOURCE: NOAA Historic Minimum Level for Date level for more than two months. With the impact of Figure 6. Lake Champlain level during 2011 with major fl ood events highlighted. Previous maximum, mean and wind generated wave action, the effective elevation lows for each date are also shown, along with the fl ood of Lake Champlain during the spring of 2011 was stage. Data courtesy: NOAA/USGS over 106 ft (32.3 m) at times.

Lake Champlain was elevated for several weeks with occasional strong winds blowing from the South that produced high fl ows in the Richelieu During Tropical Storm Irene, historic water levels River Valley. Rates of more than 45,900 ft3/s or cfs were exceeded in fi ve Basin . In-stream gauges (1,300 m3/s) near Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu were allowed some early warnings for downstream observed from late April 2011 to early June 2011. municipalities, sparing lives and informing evacu- The two highest fl ows observed were 54,880 cfs ation efforts. The discharge from tributary fl ooding (1,554 m3/s) on May 6, 2011 and 55,090 cfs into the Lake caused a rapid 3-foot (1 m) rise in (1,560 m3/s) on May 23, 2011. Lake elevation.10

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 15 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Flooding Impacts the storm. Vermont estimated that 10 million gal- lons of raw or untreated sewage was discharged Water quality is almost always negatively affected into waterways statewide as a result of Irene.12 by intense fl ooding, and that was clearly demon- strated by the spring 2011 Lake fl ooding. A result The potential long-term consequences of the 2011 of combined snowmelt runoff and heavy spring fl ood events on water quality are not fully known. rains, fl ood waters fl owed through the tributary The infl ux of sediment and nutrients lowered network into the Lake over the course of several Lake water clarity and enhanced the conditions months. High snowmelt runoff increases hillslope that promote algal blooms. In 2011, phosphorus erosion, while high tributary discharge leads to concentrations in nearly all Lake segments were stream bank erosion and bottom scouring. Nutri- higher on average, than during any other year of ents such as phosphorus and pollutants, including record. Recent calculations of phosphorus loading kerosene and pesticides, may be adsorbed to the in tributaries show levels 1.7-2.8 times the average surface of sediment particles and transported to the levels. Scientists are still determining the impacts Lake with them in turbid water. Documented short on water quality due to the high nutrient loads of term impacts on water quality from the 2011 fl ood- 2011. If higher nutrient levels persist, more fre- ing included: higher stream and Lake turbidity, quent cyanobacteria (blue green algae) blooms increased nutrient load, locally elevated bacteria may occur in the future. Several beach closures levels, and elevated soluble chemical load. All of occurred during 2012 as a result of cyanobacteria these factors have impacts on aquatic life and the (blue-green algae) blooms, particularly in Missis- potential to cause harm to humans through drink- quoi Bay, reducing the recreational use of the Lake ing, direct contact and use of contaminated water. in that area. Due to the likelihood of chemical and pathogenic contaminants carried by the fl oodwater, “do not Shoreline erosion in the record high waters of the drink” water advisories were issued for areas with spring Lake fl oods impacted many areas of well- submerged wells. Québec residents were provided developed shoreline soils that had never previ- supplies of drinking water by the Provincial gov- ously been subjected to wave action, due to their ernment due to the long duration over which water elevation. These eroded soils included organic supplies were at risk. An estimated 20,000 people material that was redistributed in the near-shore were affected by compromised drinking water sup- littoral areas, where it remains. Organic material plies. Floodwaters running through municipalities decomposition in the near-shore areas will result in mobilized hundreds of gallons of household chemi- decreased dissolved oxygen near the Lake bottom, cals, impaired septic systems, and diluted spilled increasing the likelihood that legacy phosphorus fuels. In the fi rst week after Tropical Storm Irene, stored in sediments will be released into the water. 14 times the usual number of hazardous waste and This increased dissolved phosphorus will be avail- fuel spills was reported. During the spring fl ood- able to support blue-green algae blooms in many ing, over 20 sewage overfl ows were reported in the areas until the organic materials have decomposed. Basin.11 After Irene, some 10 wastewater treatment Recovery times for complex systems like the Lake facilities in the Basin reported compromised opera- Champlain Basin are often very long, likely in- tions, although most problems were short-lived and volving many years, in the case of the 2011 fl oods. plants returned to full operations within a week of

16 March 2013 Impact on Ecosystems & Undeveloped Land

Existing Management facilities are subject to specifi c state and federal guidelines that require adequate performance in During fl ood events, the top priority of emergency fl ooding scenarios. These standards are re-examined response at every level is to protect human life and after every major fl ood event to ensure future property. The effects of fl ooding on water quality, preparedness. In Québec, provincial guidelines both short- and long-term, have an impact on the for wastewater treatment facilities address fl ood human quality of life and the economic drivers risks categorically. Facility operators are routinely that benefi t from Lake Champlain. The immedi- trained for emergency response. ate emergency response to the fl oods was almost entirely related to preserving human health and Many ongoing efforts to reduce the input of excess economic or infrastructure resources. Public drink- sediment and nutrients to waterways also helped to ing water supplies are monitored by state agencies minimize impacts on water quality during the 2011 and standards for training, emergency prepared- fl ood events. Best Management Practices intended ness and multiple levels of disinfection are in place to improve river corridor management have im- should a fl ood occur. During the spring 2011 fl ood- proved stream access to fl oodplains, and urban ing, jurisdictions issued safe drinking water advi- planning and development has in recent years been sories and supplied bottled water to fl ood victims. alert to the problems of urban stormwater. Agricul- Low-impact fl ooding, in which the fl oodwaters did tural Best Management Practices (BMPs) reduce not cause substantial structural harm, still required soil erosion and may improve crop yields, and also evacuations due to the infl ow of water likely reduce the negative effects of rural storm water on contaminated with sewage, chemicals and other water quality. pollutants. Water quality may always be negatively affected Contamination also delayed on-the-ground re- by extreme events, but better waste management, sponse efforts in some areas, and required personal community planning, and farm practices to achieve protective measures for recovery workers.13 Imme- improved fl ood resiliency are an important ap- diate clean-up efforts focused on stopping sewage proach to reduction of fl ood impacts. overfl ow and containing hazardous waste, accru- ing costs over $1.75 million14 in Vermont alone. Management Needs All crops inundated by fl oodwaters from Irene were deemed unfi t for human consumption by the • Build or retrofi t existing wastewater treatment FDA, due to possible contamination, and had to be facilities to be more fl ood-resilient, including destroyed or demonstrate that the risks from fl ood Combined Sewer Overfl ows, hazardous waste waters contamination could be mitigated. Most sites and drinking water supplies to prevent produce grown for human consumption was dis- future fl ood damage carded at an estimated loss of over $10 million.15 • Create a comprehensive hydrological model The spectrum of long term mitigation strategies that predicts the impacts of future fl ooding is broad and vigilance is needed to ensure proper events on drinking water supplies, wastewater installation of private septic tanks and hazardous treatment facilities and water quality material storage tanks. All U.S. wastewater treatment • Create and maintain a publicly accessible Basin-wide fl ood forecasting system

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 17 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Information Gaps & Data Needs Biodiversity & Aquatic Invasive

Information Gap: What are the impacts of Species increased fl ood events on wastewater facilities and The impacts of the 2011 fl ood events on the bio- drinking water supplies? diversity of the Lake Champlain Basin and upper Richelieu River are not fully known. Lake and Data Needed: river ecosystems are known to be very resilient • Documented impacts of fl oods on wastewater with respect to natural fl uctuations, even in ex- and hazardous material facilities that will treme conditions. The Lake Champlain Basin inform a management strategy to prevent contains more than 300,000 acres (121, 405 hect- damage from future fl oods and preserve ares) of wetlands and includes 91 species of fi sh, drinking water supplies. 312 species of , 56 species of mammals, 21 species of amphibians, and 20 of reptiles. The Lake • Emergency spill response plans for every ecosystem is directly connected with the Richelieu municipality that should be updated annually River and a wide array of organisms. The 2011 fl ood events affected each part of the Lake Cham- • Strategic plans for potable water supplies plain ecosystem differently. These parts will be during major fl ood events discussed individually, as shorelines and wetlands, aquatic environments, terrestrial environments, and • Consistent, long-term data sets of Basin-wide invasive species. water quality before and after major fl ooding events, including sediment levels, water clarity, Flooding Impacts dissolved oxygen and toxin levels Shorelines and Wetlands: High Lake levels, • Models showing runoff from fi elds and urban coupled with gusty winds caused substantial landscapes to help predict nutrient and pollut- shoreline erosion, property loss, fallen trees and ant levels in surface water runoff post-fl ood loss of vegetation.16 Floating debris injured tree stems and exposed roots near shorelines. Standing • Map of sediment plumes in the Lake through water during the sustained spring Lake fl ood killed publicly available aerial imagery many near-shore trees and drowned wetlands. As the fl oodwaters receded, extensive sediment deposition, potentially containing toxins and con- taminants, was left behind in wetland and coastal areas. These sediments buried native vegetation and stationary fauna, such as mussels. There was a slight landward movement of coastal fl ora and fauna. As water fl ooded shoreline environments, fi sh moved out of the water column and became trapped outside of their natural environment when waters receded. In Québec, scientists rescued nearly 1,000 stranded fi sh in farm fi elds following the spring fl ood.17

Lakeshore property in North Hero, VT. Photo: LCBP

18 March 2013 Impact on Ecosystems & Undeveloped Land

During Irene, streams laterally eroded with the Highly fecund fi shes, such as tench (Tinca tinca), fl oodwaters, washing riparian vegetation down- may have benefi tted from the increased access to stream, and changing the confi guration of the spawning habitat provided by the spring 2011 fl ood streambed and the structure of the adjacent events. While data are not available specifi c to the fl oodplains.18 Richelieu River valley, tench populations do ap- pear to have increased in the St. Lawrence River as The fl ooding events of 2011 signifi cantly impacted a result of the 2011 fl ooding. Conversely, some fi sh the morphological and vegetative structure of spawning areas may have been compromised dur- coastal areas, which could have a long-term impact ing the fl ooding. Primary spawning areas for the on the existing riparian fl ora and fauna. Sediment endangered copper redhorse (Moxostoma hubbsi) deposited along shorelines and in wetlands will were impacted to changes in fl ow patterns and remain in place indefi nitely, potentially affecting substrate in the Richelieu River at Chambly, which the long-term survivability of benthic biota. Nest- could reduce spawning success of this species in ing birds may have abandoned fl ooded nests during this segment of the River. the spring fl ood, but will most likely return in the 2500 coming years. Pre- Irene

2000 Post-Irene

Aquatic Environments: During the extended ) 2 spring Lake fl ood, the littoral zone was consider- ably expanded, providing access to more habitats 1500 for spawning fi sh. However, cool Lake water temperatures delayed spawning times. Fry emer- 1000 gence in whitefi sh and lake trout was delayed by Species Density (#/m 19 two weeks in the spring of 2011. In Vermont, 500 state fi sh biologists studied wild trout populations in the Mad and Dog River watersheds both before 0 and after Irene-related fl ooding. Wild trout popula- Small Streams Medium-Large Streams tions in studied streams were reduced to 33-58% of pre-Irene levels. Benthic invertebrate popula- 60 tions dropped nearly 95% after Irene.20 The State 50 Roxbury Hatchery suffered damages costing $500,000 when Irene fl ooded its facilities. Toxins 40 and pesticides carried by fl oodwaters into several streams and lakes, may impact the reproductive 30 success and productivity of phytoplankton and 21 20

macroinvertebrates, though some research has Richness (# species) Total shown diluted levels due to high water volume. 10 Tropical Storm Irene also impacted aquatic biota, 0 including fi sh and aquatic insects (invertebrates). Small Streams Medium-Large Streams In Québec, scientists have noticed large popula- Figure 7. Species density and richness pre- and post- tions of tench that were not observed prior to the Irene in small and medium sized streams in Vermont. Lake fl ooding. Data courtesy: VT ANR

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 19 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

In other fl ood-affected areas in the region, aquatic fast-growing invasive species whereas a healthy species population rebounds have occurred within forest community may be more successful in 2-4 years after the fl ooding. It is likely that fi sh and competitive exclusion of invasive species. High invertebrate populations that dropped following the levels of accumulated sediment and debris in some 2011 fl oods will return to their approximate pre- streamside forests has led to the establishment of fl ood levels within 5-10 years.22 With enhanced nu- invasive plants which may compete successfully trient loading from tributary fl ooding and shoreline with forest species over . Recreation in Ver- erosion, the Lake is at risk for increased blue-green mont State Forest lands was adversely affected due algal blooms, which may impact the entire aquatic to long-term closures of roads, trails and bridges ecosystem and lead to decreased biodiversity and following Tropical Storm Irene.25 lower benthic oxygen levels and increased mobi- lization of nutrients in legacy sediments. During Invasive Species: Aquatic invasive species may extensive blue-green algal blooms toxic conditions have expanded their local range due to the in- may develop. creased access to habitat afforded by high water levels, but these invasions have not yet been In streams affected by post-Irene channel remedia- observed. No new invasive species are yet known tion or streambed gravel extraction and tree re- to have been introduced to Lake Champlain as a moval, benthic fl ora and fauna and fi sh populations known result of the 2011 fl oods. Potential coloni- may be affected over a period of years depending zation by invasive species of impaired areas may on the extent of disruption. Fish populations can occur quickly after a fl ood event. Non-native species take a long time to recover in poorly managed, such as Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica) homogeneous tributary systems that lack diverse may transform the character of the forest fl oor, habitats, fl ows and depths necessary for success.23 roadside, or other disturbed area within weeks. No new invasive species have been documented in Terrestrial Environments: High water levels the Lake Champlain Basin as a direct result of the impacted habitat for low-nesting birds and delayed fl ooding. However, the degree to which invasive the nesting season for some species. Sight-oriented species have spread along damaged riparian zones predators, such as osprey, were disadvantaged due and other impaired areas, is yet to be determined. to increased turbidity in the Lake during the pro- Some sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) traps longed spring fl ooding. After Irene, in which wind were destroyed or buried by sediment; it is be- gusts reached over 50 mph (80.5 km/h), aerial lieved sea lamprey did not extend further into the surveys found over 9,000 acres (3,642 hectares) of watershed as a result of the 2011 fl oods. An impact woodland with downed trees and impacted vegeta- on delta spawning habitat from increased sediment tion cover in Vermont.24 is likely but its extent is unknown.26 A delayed start to the growing season allowed potential riparian Loss of forest crown canopy cover impacts forest invasive species to colonize before native plants fl oor ecosystem dynamics for many years. The de- could be established in disturbed ground. Highly struction of many trees by the storms of 2011 may impacted areas are still recovering and it is not yet have resulted in decreased habitat for nesting birds known to what extent invasives may out-compete and tree-dwelling creatures. Increased sunlight on native plants immediately after the fl ooding. disturbed forest fl oors creates opportunities for

20 March 2013 Impact on Ecosystems & Undeveloped Land

Existing Management Management Needs

Habitat Conservation • Ecosystem-wide strategy to preserve healthy Resources management agencies constantly ecosystems and enhance habitat connectiv- struggle to balance sustainable development within ity. Included in this strategy would be detailed natural ecosystems. Preserving riparian zones, mapping in reference and impaired sites of protecting existing healthy habitats and restoration habitat and a baseline catalogue of selected of degraded habitats are methods of reducing the fl ora and fauna. impact of fl ooding on ecosystems and to humans. Healthy systems rebound from environmental • Protocol to contain the spread of invasive spe- impacts of fl ooding faster than degraded systems. cies post-fl ood events Keeping riparian habitat contiguous and minimiz- ing fragmentation facilitates the movement of Information Gaps & Data Needs populations in the event of a fl ood. Conservation of upland habitats will have a positive impact on the Information Gap: What are the impacts of fl oods wetlands and lakes receiving runoff from upland on Lake Champlain on ecosystem health and biodi- sources. Knowledge of the likely impacts of fl ood- versity? ing on the natural environment can inform man- agement strategies and hazard planning. Mapping Data Needed: of affected areas and periodic surveys of indicator • Long term data sets and mapping of fl ora, populations will improve understanding of the im- fauna and habitat in riparian zones and com- pacts of fl ooding on habitat and species diversity. parison to pre- and post-fl ood events to inform modeling of fl ood impacts on species diversity, Prevention of the Spread of Invasive Species population patterns and ecosystem health Increasing education and awareness of the threat of • Understanding of the impact of toxins and pol- invasive species has been shown to have a positive lutants on Basin fl ora and fauna impact on invasive species management and new species arrivals. Rapid response and management Information Gap: To what degree do fl oods fa- for elimination of any new invasive species is an cilitate the spread of some invasive species? essential practice to maintain the integrity of exist- ing ecosystems, both aquatic and terrestrial. Data Needed: • Surveys of invasive species distribution pre- and post-fl ood • Invasion Risk maps to predict downstream invasion probabilities to help target post-fl ood invasive species management

Venise-en-Québec Jamson Park, May 6, 2011 Photo: QC MDDEFP

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 21 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Morphology (Erosion & Deposition)

Flooding Impacts

In the spring of 2011, the level of Lake Champlain rose over a foot above the previous recorded maxi- mum to 103.27 ft (31.47 m) and remained above fl ood stage for more than a month.27 The spring fl ooding primarily impacted shoreland through erosion driven by strong winds and large waves. Wave action resulted in shoreline erosion up to fi ve ft (1.5 m) above the record high Lake level. Eroded shorelines led to property destruction, habitat loss, fallen trees and increased sediment and organic material deposition along the shore. Sediment eroded from the shorelines contributed to lower water clarity in Lake Champlain. Some sections of lakeshore were minimally affected by erosion, while other areas were greatly impacted. Most of the erosion occurred in areas where the largest waves broke onshore, in the lee of long zones of uninterrupted fetch - in which wave development was greatest. Other than the exposure to fetch and storm winds, the character of the shoreline was the greatest determinant of erosive damage. Shorelines with poor management, such as steep banks with Figure 8. Otter Creek, Vermont during Tropical Storm little vegetation and lawns extending to the water’s Irene, illustrating the impact of fl oodplain availability on edge or shoreline immediately adjacent to seawalls peak discharge. Allowing fl oodplain access signifi cantly were especially vulnerable to erosion. Bridges and decreased river fl ow downstream. Data courtesy: USGS causeways across the Lake suffered signifi cant Eroded material, sometimes carrying pathogens, damage during the prolonged spring fl ooding, chemicals or nutrients, was washed downstream mostly because of their unusual exposure to high into Lake Champlain. Irene led to record or near- winds and strong waves. record discharges in many Basin tributaries.

Short-term impacts following Irene included The short-term effects of Irene on Lake levels substantial stream channel erosion and changes in resulted in a moderate but rapid increase to record valley morphology. High stream discharges led to levels for the latter part of August, but did not ap- bank collapse, gullying, downed trees, and move- proach the Lake levels normally associated with ment of large boulders and coarse material. In spring fl oods. The Richelieu River stage remained some places, rivers changed course following Irene well below fl ood level in the period during and fol- affecting the entire structure of the river corridor. lowing Tropical Storm Irene.

22 March 2013 Impact on Ecosystems & Undeveloped Land

The long-term morphological impacts of 2011 • Inventory of Flood Prone Areas28 Lake fl oods have not been fully tabulated as of December, 2012. Eroded shorelines may remain in These programs allow for federal funding through their new confi guration for many years. In places the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to match state where homeowners have rebuilt pre-existing shore- or municipal funding for fl ood resilience studies. line following erosion, future storms may well The goals of these programs are to reduce the vul- again cause extensive erosion. nerability of both the natural and the built environ- ments to fl ood and erosion hazards and to create The effects of increased sediment deposition into ecologically sound rivers and lakes in view of Lake Champlain, its tributaries, and the Richelieu increasing human development. Close interaction River are not yet known. Streambank erosion from with water systems has always been a part of life Irene caused long-term changes in river form in in the Lake Champlain Basin and upper Richelieu many areas. In Vermont, reconstruction of streams River. For centuries, streams large and small have in a few critical areas was overseen by river man- been channelized, re-routed, dredged or regulated. agement specialists, and intended to accommodate Even today, management of these resources from future fl ooding events. Damage to structures and place to place focuses on preserving economic infrastructure along stream courses was widespread investments, recreation, power generation, water as fl ooding streams reclaimed access to fl oodplains, quality and supply. Increasingly, management and in many cases, existing infrastructure infl uenced practices include approaches to avoid further the morphological adjustments that resulted (for encroachment in river corridors and on fl oodplains examples, railbeds and armored roadsides). and shorelines. Finding ways to minimize new development in these riparian areas is an essential Existing Management part of resource management for fl ood resilience that will mitigate existing hazards, and increase River Corridor and Shoreline Management ecosystem stability at the same time. Comprehensive river corridor and shoreline man- agement programs and strategies are developing in The fl oods of 2011 occurred in two phases. The Vermont, New York and under research in Québec. spring Lake fl ood was a sustained record high Federal programs in the United States address increase in water levels affecting lakeshore com- fl oodplain management using both structural and munities, while Irene was a short-term fl ash fl ood non-structural measures, including: event mostly impacting communities in the wa- tershed rather than along the Lake. Forecasting of • Floodplain Delineation/Flood Hazard Evalua- the water levels of the spring event was helpful tion in important ways, but did not fully anticipate the impact of wind and wave action on shorelines. A • Dam Breach Analysis general forecasting system in Québec predicted the extent of fl ooding along the Richelieu River. Flood • Flood Warning Preparedness forecasting in Vermont and New York, through the efforts of NOAA and USGS, were essential to • Floodway Regulation alerting residents in each jurisdiction of the nature and general extent of the pending fl ood. The even- • Flood Damage Reduction/Urbanization Impact tual record Lake water levels were not predicted until just before they occurred. • Flood Proofi ng of Infrastructure

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 23 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

The forecasts of precipitation and fl ooding from next to streams and lakes have been affected by Tropical Storm Irene were very widely broadcast, multiple fl ood events over the years. Floodplain although the location of most intense impact could management measures aim to protect life and not be predicted effectively. It is easy to forget the property and are carried out on the local, state or fl oods of 1927 and the hurricane of 1938 struck the provincial and federal levels. Most U.S. munici- region without warning. palities participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) as a means of qualifying for fl ood Assessment of the impacts of the 2011 fl ood events insurance within the federally mapped fl ood hazard has led to an increased commitment to insightful areas, though participation is not mandatory. The management strategies that aim to promote system NFIP relies on decades-old topographic and stream resiliency, a return to (or preservation of) natural discharge data, and fl ood hazard maps are almost river processes that redirect fl oodwaters onto adja- uniformly outdated. Updated fl ood hazard maps cent fl oodplains, and attenuate both the fl ows and should be improved using high resolution topo- erosive energy of fl oodwaters in the river channels. graphic data (such as LiDAR). New maps should There is renewed focus on effective stream man- also include data for climate change and fl ood fre- agement, extending the boundaries of management quency analyses to create a comprehensive view of to include not only the channel and immediate current and future fl ood hazards. What was under- fl oodplain, but also the entire river valley. Efforts stood to be a 100-year fl ood a few decades ago was to improve shoreline management call for a better the basis of a fl ood hazard map zone that maybe understanding of wind and wave action on exposed inaccurate given current weather patterns and shores. Across the board, there is a need for more precipitation trends. We may expect a new calcula- advanced spatial data and analytic tools to better tion of the 100-year fl ood for any area would result inform runoff models. In each jurisdiction, there in a higher water level, and also would encompass is renewed interest in stream corridor restoration a greater spatial area of hazard on the fl oodplain and protection to improve outdated management maps. In most updated maps, FEMA’s designated regimes and to promote resilience.29 Base Flood Elevation (BFE) has been raised to ac- commodate changing 100-year fl ood elevations.30 Floodplain Development Currently the BFE for Lake Champlain is 102 ft The topography of the Lake Champlain Basin is (31 m) AMSL. In New York, all new construction diverse, including steep mountains, narrow river must have the lowest fl oor two feet (0.6 m) above valleys and broad fl oodplains. Communities close this elevation.31 to rivers are particularly prone to fl ood damage. But the ease of the development of transportation In nearly all cases, damaged roads and bridges in corridors refl ects the history of the rivers them- Vermont and New York were more impacted by selves as corridors, and has led to an abundance of erosion than by the inundation hazards conveyed building in fl oodplains in both the Lake Champlain by the NFIP maps and FEMA hazard mitigation Basin and the upper Richelieu River valley. In programs. many cases, towns and public infrastructure built

24 March 2013 Impact on Ecosystems & Undeveloped Land

Act 110 (passed in May of 2010) in Vermont gave Before the fl oodwaters receded from the 2011 communities the authority to mitigate their own Lake fl ooding, the Québec provincial government fl ood hazards, and sought to provide fi nancial provided signifi cant support as a direct assistance incentives for towns to limit development in river payment to property owners impacted by fl ood- corridors and lake shorelands through zoning waters of the Richelieu River. In this policy struc- restrictions in order to reduce property loss and ture, the Province self-insures for fl ood damage to damage from erosion. citizens. There are extensive regulatory criteria for development in fl oodplains in Québec, although The Government of Québec adopted the Politique pre-existing development is generally accommo- de protection des rives, du littoral et des plaines dated, and eligibility for compensation for fl ood inondables (see Québec Floodplain Policies in Ap- damages is subject to compliance. After the fl ood- pendix B) in December of 1987 with the following waters receded, the provincial government enacted objectives: a fl oodplain development strategy entitled the 2011 Richelieu River Flood Special Planning Zone in • To ensure the sustainability of bodies of water response to concerns from local municipal offi cers and watercourses, and to maintain and improve (see Québec Declaration of a special planning zone their quality by ensuring adequate, minimum Appendix B). protection of lakeshores, riverbanks, littoral zones and fl oodplains; • In the 0-2 year fl ood elevation, reconstruction is prohibited. • To prevent the degradation and erosion of lakeshores, riverbanks, littoral zones and fl ood- • In the 0-20 year fl ood elevation, any new con- plains by encouraging their preservation in struction is prohibited. their natural state; • In the 2-20 year fl ood elevation, reconstruction • To preserve and maintain the quality and of a home destroyed during the 2011 fl ood is biodiversity of the environment by limiting allowed only by the owner, if a year-round oc- activities which may give greater accessibility cupant at that time. to and permit the development of lakeshores, riverbanks, littoral zones and fl oodplains; • Repair or reconstruction must comply with fl ood-proofi ng standards. • In the case of fl oodplains, to ensure the safety of persons and the protection of property; These new standards of this Special Planning Zone • To protect plants and wildlife characteristic of in Richelieu changed the regulation in place since fl oodplains by taking into account the biologi- 1987 to allow reconstruction of homes destroyed cal characteristics of that environment, and to in the 2-20 year fl ood elevation. In St-Jean-sur- ensure the natural streamfl ow is not impeded; Richelieu, many blocks within the urban area were fl ooded and thousands of people had to be evacu- • To promote the rehabilitation of degraded ri- ated from their homes for a prolonged period. The parian zones using the most natural techniques interest in repairing or rebuilding onsite in the possible. status quo is understandable, though not always in the public interest.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 25 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Flood Hazard Management Management Needs When the fl ooding occurred in 2011, many munici- palities made decisions about the management of Management Need: Identify fl uvial erosion haz- rivers within their jurisdictions. Management ef- ard areas (i.e., river corridors) and manage these forts during and immediately following the fl oods areas to prevent damage from future fl oods: focused on preserving lives and property. Much of this emergency work was carried out by munici- • Gully and Erosion Control pal employees, contractors, and in some cases by volunteers with equipment and necessary excavat- • Buffer Establishment and Protection ing skills. The state and federal governments also carried out emergency management on streams and • Removal of Structural Encroachments lakeshores to stabilize banks and protect essential infrastructure. • River and Floodplain Restoration: ○ Protection of river corridors and fl oodplains In the days following Tropical Storm Irene, a num- ber of management actions in river channels re- ○ Stabilize stream banks where stream equilib- sulted in continuing or even greater instability, and rium conditions have been achieved increased the risk of downstream fl ooding in future storms.32 The State of Vermont has estimated that ○ Arrest head cuts and knick points only 20% of the recovery activities in affected streams following Tropical Storm Irene helped ○ Remove berms and other constraints to fl ood to reduce the level of vulnerability than existed and sediment load attenuation before the storm hit. Another 40% likely made the channels more vulnerable than they were prior to ○ Remove/replace structures (e.g. undersized fl ooding. In the spring of 2012, the Vermont State culverts, low dams) legislature passed Act 138, which granted the State authority to coordinate all emergency river ○ Restore incised and aggraded reaches management activities for fl ood hazard areas.33 In Québec, individuals responsible for inappropriate Management Need: Re-examine fl ood frequency management of shorelines and fl oodplains after data to inform updated Flood Hazard zones the fl ooding can be legally obligated to implement corrective measures.34 The Québec MDDEFP was • Update fl ood return intervals to ensure 100- closely involved with ensuring that proper manage- year fl ood zone, per federal fl ood insurance ment techniques were used during the corrective maps, are accurate with respect to changing process following the 2011 Lake fl ood. In New climate conditions and recent data York, FEMA contracts for post-fl ood management currently includes funds for NFIP public outreach Management Need: Regulatory tools are needed workshops with local code enforcement staff. to limit the extent to which development activities However, these workshops are not frequent enough encroach upon or change the physical integrity of to train all potential municipal offi cials.35 fl oodplains, and the easy connection of rivers with their fl oodplains.

26 March 2013 Impact on Ecosystems & Undeveloped Land

• Enhance State and municipal fl oodplain regula- • Complete Local Flood Hazard Analysis to tion and fl oodplain protection outreach pro- model river hydrology and create designs for grams. attenuating fl ood energy and fl ows in a com- munity to support the coordination of river • Purchase easements to protect the remaining corridor planning with commerce, community undeveloped fl oodplains development, and transportation planning.

• Create tools and incentives for community- Information Gaps & Data Needs based river corridor protection strategies Information Gap: Re-examine the calculated re- • Encourage communities to establish a higher turn interval for signifi cant fl oods, such as a 20- or level of regulation for fl ood damaged structures 100-year fl ood, to ensure that the associated fl ood to be replaced or repaired to reduce future fl ood hazard maps are updated and accurate. damages and losses Information Gap: Comprehensive river corri- • Provide training for engineers and contractors dor planning with hydraulic modeling to predict on typical and non-typical designs for fl ood- the vulnerability of community assets and inform prone buildings specifi c local mitigation strategies that are ready to implement in the aftermath of a future fl ood when Management Need: Establish technical standards fi nancial and technical resources are made available. and rules for conducting in-stream work and emer- gency protective measures. Data Needed: • Historical stream and Lake gauge data; • Enhance and integrate state-level emergency continuation of funding for the USGS operations with the operations of other agen- gauging program cies, nonprofi ts, municipalities and the federal • Updated NFIP maps with up-to-date 100- and government, and within Québec. Continue 500-year base fl ood elevations to support the integration of efforts among • Develop maps of fl ooded area in and around involved ministries and municipalities to the Lake during the extended snowmelt fl oods ensure collaboration in management response of May 2011 from satellite imagery to fl ooding. • Develop Basin-wide hydraulic model • Compare fl ood extent from remote sensing • Establish or maintain a River Management with DEM elevations and fi eld observations. (It training program for transportation staff, con- may be necessary for jurisdictions to acquire tractors and other river professionals. contemporary LiDAR terrain elevation data for both of these hazard identifi cation programs.) • Re-evaluate emergency management plans • Develop stage-lake area ratings for Lake Champlain

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 27 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

1,600 Spring - Summer Flooding


Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 RICHELIEU RIVER Tropical QC 30,000 Spring Floods Storm NY VT Irene 20,000 Spring Floods Tropical 20,000 Storm Irene 10,000 10,000 Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 WINOOSKI RIVER

Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 AUSABLE RIVER Tropical 6,000 Spring Floods Storm Irene 12,000 Tropical 4,000 Storm Spring Floods Irene 2,000 6,000 Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 OTTER CREEK

Jan ‘11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 BOQUET RIVER 10,000 Tropical Storm Irene

5,000 Discharge (cubic feet per second) Spring Floods Average Lake Level (95 ft) Spring 2011 Lake Level (103.2 ft) Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 POULTNEY RIVER

Figure 9. Flooding of 2011 in the Lake Champlain Basin. The spring Lake fl ooding is shown in orange and tributary fl ow peaks are shown on the blue graphs. There are several peaks during periods of heavy rain in the spring, and another peak after Tropical Storm Irene. Data courtesy: USGS

• Map and assess full extent of fl ooding around ○ SPOT 4 and 5 – 10 m resolution, color infrared, the Lake using publicly available remote sens- can observe Lake depending on clouds, approx- ing data. Publicly available (free) remote sens- imate weekly repeat cycle depending on clouds, ing sources used include: not generally available free of charge.

○ Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 – 30 m resolution, 7 ○ Satellite Altimetry – Jason 2 (OSTM) 10 day band color, approximate weekly repeat cycle repeat cycle, and ENVISAT 35 day repeat depending on cloud cover cycle. The radar altimeters are not limited by clouds. Vertical accuracy is dependent on ○ MODIS - 250 m resolution, 2 band carried ground and atmospheric conditions, on the on the TERRA and AQUA satellites, capable order of 10 cm of seeing the Lake one to two times each day depending on clouds. ○ CHPS: Community Hydrologic Prediction System- hosted by NOAA

28 March 2013 Impact on Ecosystems & Undeveloped Land


9. USGS/NOAA Lake Champlain Gage at Burlington, VT (

10. USGS/NOAA Lake Champlain Gage at Burlington, VT (

11. VT ANR Wastewater Management Division ( ows/ReportedSewageOver- fl ows.pdf).

12. VT ANR Wastewater Management Division ( ows/ReportedSewageOver- fl ows.pdf).

13. VT ANR Irene Report, December 2011,

14. VT ANR Irene Report, December 2011,

15. Neale Lunderville, Vermont Irene Recovery Report, January 2012 ( Irene_Recovery_Report_Jan_2012.pdf).

16. Susan Warren, section chief, Lakes and Ponds Management Program, VT ANR, presentation at LCBP Flood Resil- ience Conference, June, 2012.

17. Steve Garceau, QC MDDEFP, personal communication, September, 2012.

18. Mike Kline, Program Manager, Rivers Management Program, VT ANR- presentation at LCBP Flood Resilience Con- ference, June 2012.

19. Dr. Ellen Marsden, University of Vermont, personal communication, October 2012.

20. Rich Kirn, VT FWD 2011 2011 Annual Report: Impacts to Stream Habitat and Wild Trout Populations in Vermont Following Tropical Storm Irene (Proj. No. F-36-R-14). Covering the period of July 2, 2011-June 30,2012. 17pp.

21. Toxic Substance Management Strategy: Managing Toxic Contamination of Lake Champlain. Technical Report #69 Lake Champlain Basin Program Technical Advisory Committee, 2012, 28 p.

22. Rich Kirn, VT FWD 2011 Annual Report: Impacts to Stream Habitat and Wild Trout Populations in Vermont Follow- ing Tropical Storm Irene (Proj. No. F-36-R-14). Covering the period of July 2, 2011-June 30,2012. 17pp.

23. Rich Kirn, VT FWD 2011 2011 Annual Report: Impacts to Stream Habitat and Wild Trout Populations in Vermont Following Tropical Storm Irene (Proj. No. F-36-R-14). Covering the period of July 2, 2011-June 30,2012. 17pp.

24. Sandy Wilmot, Forest Health Specialist. “2011 Flooding Summary for Forests, Parks and Recreation. Vermont Depart- ment of Forests, Parks and Recreation, 2011.

25. Sandy Wilmot, Forest Health Specialist. “2011 Flooding Summary for Forests, Parks and Recreation. Vermont Depart- ment of Forests, Parks and Recreation, 2011.

26. USFWS ( Accessed June 2011

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 29 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

27. USGS/NOAA Lake Champlain Gage at Burlington, VT (

28. Gene Brickman, USACE, personal communication, December 2012.

29. NYS DEC ( & VT ANR ( rv_restoration.html.

30. Rebecca Pfeiffer, Floodplain Manager, Assistant NFIP Coordinator, VT ANR, personal communication December 2012.

31. Fred Dunlap, Lake Champlain Coordinator, NYS DEC, personal communication, December 2012.

32. Mike Kline, Program Manager, Rivers Management Program, VT ANR- presentation at LCBP Flood Resilience Con- ference, June 2012.

33. Vermont Legislation Act 138 (, November, 2012.

34. Martin Mimeault, Lake Champlain Coordinator, Québec MDDEFP, personal communication.

35. Fred Dunlap, Lake Champlain Coordinator, NYS DEC, personal communication, December 2012.

30 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

Human Health Deaths attributed region-wide to Irene were caused Extended duration of fl ood events can have signifi cant by wash-outs, downed power lines, and the duties impacts to human health. Private residences and of public workers and emergency response. public infrastructure inundated with water contaminated by toxins and toxic substances during In Québec, the eight-week period of inundation the 2011 Lake fl ood event and post-Tropical Storm presented home owners with water damage, Irene were severely damaged and in many cases environmental health issues including mold ex- needed to be razed. Floodwaters were a source of posure and electrical hazards. For the fi rst few physical, toxicological and microbiological hazards, weeks, 1,600 residents were displaced from 2,400 37 posing a signifi cant threat to human health. After homes. To accommodate evacuees, the Cana- the waters receded, mold and mildew growth dian Red Cross set up emergency shelters. Some became a serious concern for property that had families moved into hotels with assistance from been inundated. the Provincial government, Canadian Red Cross and SOS Richelieu. Approximately 540 families No deaths were directly attributed to the spring utilized the Canadian Red Cross service and as of 2011 Lake Champlain fl ooding, although there early June 2012 nearly 150 families remained in 38, 39 were substantial immediate impacts to lakeshore hotels. Volunteers were a major workforce in residents and residents of the Richelieu Valley the Québec fl ooding. SOS Richelieu, a commu- caused by the long-term inundation of residences. Over nity group, worked with Québec Civil Protection 25 municipalities were affected in the Richelieu Valley to facilitate a 4,000 participant volunteer event to and 40 municipalities in Montérégie by the spring assist in clean-up efforts. Additionally, MDDEFP Lake fl ooding in Québec, including nearly 3,000 provided inspectors for environmental health and permanent residences. Of these, 3,927 people hazardous waste. Twenty different communities were directly affected, among which 1,651 had to were affected by the fl ooding, costing over $70 be evacuated from their homes.36 Tropical Storm million to support fl ood victims by the Govern- Irene was responsible for four deaths in the Lake ment of Québec. Champlain Basin — two in Altona, New York and two in Rutland, Vermont.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 31 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Flooding Impacts New York including counties of the Lake Champ- lain Basin.41 Emergency Response Immediate needs following the spring fl ooding and Additionally, utilities were forced to shut down Tropical Storm Irene were to supply clean drinking power in areas where fl ooding could cause fur- water, contain spills of toxic substances, provide ther electrical hazards. People using generators to medical care, and to repair damage to transporta- power their homes risked carbon monoxide intoxi- tion infrastructure to gain access to communities cation if operated in badly ventilated areas. isolated by washed out roads. Pathogen and Contamination Exposure During fl ood events, the fi rst action is to ensure hu- Risk of exposure to pathogenic microorganisms in man safety. Evacuation—voluntary, recommended, the Basin’s public water resources was increased or mandatory—was an emergency response due to compromised public water systems and measure used throughout New York, Vermont, private wells, septic systems and sewers, and the and Québec during both fl ooding events of 2011. failure of wastewater treatment systems. These Evacuations occurred in high-risk areas where failures led to widespread environmental health people were isolated with medical needs, exposed hazards during both the spring fl ooding and Irene to structural damage, environmental health haz- events. Private wells submerged in fl ood waters ards, or electrical hazards. Many voluntary evacu- were at risk of contamination by bacteria and other ations occurred where families with children or pollutants. Broken pipes reduced water pressure in elderly relatives took precautionary measures to public water systems, increasing the likelihood of eliminate risk and discomfort. Flood victims were contamination.42 Flood waters can mix with sew- supported in various ways by community, state or age containing human waste and contaminate well provincial, federal and non-government organiza- water, public water supplies, and food sources. tions who rapidly established programs to support Public health offi cers recommended to residents fl ood victims. using well water in fl ooded areas to boil water prior to use until laboratories certifi ed the water as Power Outages potable. Additionally, wet conditions promoted the Power outages presented additional hazards, limit- growth of mold and mildew, impacting respiratory ing ability for people to heat their homes or to boil health, particularly for those with asthma or weak- water. For high-risk individuals, loss of power ened immune systems. Mold growth often occurs meant spoilage of certain medicines. For example, within 48 hours of receding fl ood waters. Once diabetics were at higher risk without a viable insu- mold is present in a building, it is diffi cult to prop- lin supply. During the spring fl oods, Québec resi- erly eliminate. Inhalation of mold spores into the dents relied heavily on their government to supply airways is a common cause of respiratory irritation, food and medicine throughout the prolonged fl ood- allergic reaction, asthma attacks, chronic sinusitis ing. State-wide in Vermont, 73,000 customers were and other conditions. Some molds are potentially without power (40,150 restored after 24 hours and toxic and can have serious health effects. On the the rest of the customers restored after a week).40 short-term, mold removal of fabric, furniture, Nearly 945,000 customers in New York were with- drywall material and all other surfaces where mold out power after Irene, 177,000 of those in upstate growth is susceptible. However, long-term mold

32 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

growth might persist in building cavities, in walls undoubtedly contributed to human health issues. and other hidden spaces, potentially contaminat- Flood waters carried household chemicals from ing the structure on the long-term. Inactive mold garages and basements; propane gas and oil tanks spores remain viable and can disperse, potentially were damaged or disconnected from homes, leak- causing chronic health problems post-fl ood. ing into the environment. Hazardous chemicals introduced into the Lake by fl oodwaters added to Molds are problematic as there is no exposure the existing contaminants in the Lake, potentially threshold limit and there are diffi culties when it contaminating drinking water supplies, fi sh and comes to precisely assessing the associated risk other aquatic organisms. High nutrient levels in the of mold exposure. There is limited guidance for Lake, as observed following both fl ooding events, mold control, including mold management and risk promote cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) blooms. evaluation. There is also a need to improve com- If ingested, cyanotoxins released by cyanobacte- munication and collaboration with built environ- ria can affect humans and animals. While many ment experts to reduce risk of mold in new con- scientists speculate that harmful algal blooms and struction or renovation projects of fl ood-inundated toxin contamination may be amplifi ed by the 2011 properties. fl oods, a direct link between the two events has not been confi rmed. There were also risks of infection when handling soiled wet material and when soaking in contami- Flood Waters & Public Drinking nated water to clean. Skin infections from cuts or Water Supply sores in contact with contaminated water can be Prevention of exposure to contaminants is the serious. The Public Health Agency of Montérégie highest priority of emergency management of has produced a number of recommendations ad- drinking water supplies. The Vermont Depart- dressing disaster, including precautions for the use ment of Environmental Conservation (VT DEC) of drinking water, disinfection of houses and mold is the regulatory entity for drinking water supplies prevention. The agency also provided disaster in Vermont. The VT Department of Health (VT workers, volunteers and increased availability of DOH) establishes the framework for the munici- vaccination against tetanus.43 palities to issue boil water advisories during power outages, fl ooding, and water treatment infra- Aside from the relocation of people during fl ood- structure damage.44 During the spring 2011 Lake ing events in 2011, the greatest impacts on the built fl ooding, VT DOH issued boil-water advisories for environment in Québec was removal and disposal thousands of shoreline homes who rely on private of soaked and contaminated material and the re- wells for water supplies. During Tropical Storm building process. The reconstruction lasted months Irene, 30 public water systems issued boil water for some, and more than a year for others. Fre- advisories affecting 16,590 people statewide.45 quently, houses that were not structurally damaged were inhabitable because of mold infestations. In New York, the Department of Health (NYS DOH) provides a framework for public water sup- The long-term human health impact of the 2011 pliers to issue boil water notices. In an emergency, floods is difficult to evaluate. However, nutri- the supplier must report any risk to human health ent and chemical contamination from the floods to the local Department of Health.46

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 33 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Port Henry, Essex, and Willsboro issued boil water Also, increasing fl ood resilience of existing waste notices, affecting about 3,600 residents during the water treatment infrastructure will reduce the spring fl ooding.47 Portions of Essex and Clinton chances of releasing these pathogens and other counties also were under a boil water notice fol- contaminants into the Lake and its tributaries dur- lowing the Tropical Storm Irene event. ing natural disasters.

The Québec Department of Sustainable Develop- Psychological Support ment, Environment, Wildlife and Parks In Québec, the long-lasting fl ooding triggered (MDDEFP) provides guidance to municipal drink- intense psychological issues. However, there is no ing water suppliers including response protocols if standard protocol in Québec for managing large- risk of contamination occurs. Local water suppli- scale mental health issues in the event of a disaster ers report potential human health hazards back to and therefore it was not declared a public health Québec MDDEFP.48 During the spring 2011 Lake issue. According to the needs of victims, psycho- fl ood, none of the major suppliers were impacted, social services were offered in the disaster service but many facilities had to increase chlorination and centers, with temporary fi nancial assistance from fi ltration because of increased turbidity. Washouts the Department of Civil Protection. Temporary caused by Tropical Storm Irene affected three pub- accommodation was offered in local community lic drinking water supplies (about 50,316 people) service centers (CLSC). Psychosocial assistance in Québec.49 to individuals, families or groups was offered after the fl ooding. Response and recovery were conducted Monitoring for E. coli and cyanobacteria (Blue- by telephone receptions and informational events. green algae) Toxins More individuals sought out assistance through Flood events typically increase contaminants to the private care, but statistics are not available for Lake, including E. coli and other pathogens. As a private treatments. public safety measure, coliform bacteria monitor- ing occurs at public beaches and in public water Floods in Montérégie raised a huge wave of sym- supplies on a weekly basis, or more frequently pathy for the thousands of people affected and during periods of elevated bacteria levels, which fatigued by weeks of struggle and stress. Citizens can be caused by high streamfl ows. Cyanobacteria of the Montérégie expressed the need for com- (blue-green algae) blooms also can limit recre- munity support. Their message was heard and the ational use of the Lake, and occasionally public number of volunteers who responded to the appeal water supplies if the blooms are severe enough. exceeded all expectations. The Lake Champlain Cyanobacteria Monitoring Program is coordinated by VT DEC in partnership Thousands of volunteers came to the Clean-Up op- with the LCBP, the Lake Champlain Committee, eration on June 11, 12 and 18, 2011 to help victims UVM, and VT DOH to facilitate a cyanobacteria in the fl ood-damaged Montérégie. The community monitoring program to report potentially harm- group SOS Richelieu recruited more than 4,000 ful algal blooms and to sample for cyanotoxins. volunteers, coordinated the clean up and called Reducing phosphorus levels in the Lake would it a great success. Among these organizations are limit the growth of potentially toxic cyanobacte- Cadets of the Army, the Canadian Red Cross, blue- ria. Flood resilience measures will help to reduce collar workers of the City of and St. John delivery of sediment and phosphorus to the Lake. Ambulance.

34 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

The Organization of the Québec Civil Protection The program is funded by the Federal Emergency facilitated the coordination of all operations to Management Agency and administered by the Cen- ensure that resources were used optimally. Volun- ter for Mental Health Services.51 Counselors met teers were spread out in different municipalities with over 160 individuals affected by both fl ooding and their specifi c tasks were allocated to meet the events in Clinton and Essex counties. Additionally, needs of citizens and affected municipalities. nearly 1,000 residents of Clinton and Essex County registered for FEMA individual disaster relief.52 Unlike the slow moving disaster in spring for Qué- bec, Vermont experienced very fast paced devasta- Existing Management tion, suddenly destroying homes and loss of two lives during Tropical Storm Irene. Starting Over Spring Flooding - Québec Strong Vermont (SOS VT) is a free short-term There was a major police deployment from the service provided to individuals, groups, and com- Sûreté du Québec during this disaster to maintain munities impacted by the fl ooding from Tropical a deterrent presence to counter criminal activity Storm Irene. SOS Vermont conducts community and reassure those fi nding themselves in precari- and door-to-door outreach through counseling and ous situations. In total the police responded to 333 psycho-educational services at group meetings. calls in the fl ooded area during the two month-long Along with events, SOS Vermont provides educa- operation. The Sûreté also opened 134 operational tional resources and documents on their website to cases related to fl oods including 12 crimes against assist fl ood victims in the recovery process. people, 38 crimes against property and 84 other cases such as drug possession, disturbed mental These efforts have been ongoing since Irene and state, public assistance, alarms, animal cruelty, and approximately 10,000 contacts had been made accidents. between September 2011 and June 2012 by the organization.50

In New York, Tropical Storm Irene was equally devastating. Many homes were destroyed and nine people died, including two deaths in the Lake Champlain Basin. The New York State Offi ce of Mental Health created the Project Hope Crisis Counseling Program to assist individuals, fami- lies and groups impacted by Tropical Storm Irene fl oods. Project Hope services include confi dential counseling and public education on services of- fered to Irene victims in many Irene-impacted New York counties, including Clinton and Essex coun- ties in the Lake Champlain Basin. St Armand Wharf, May 6, 2011 Photo: QC MDDEFP

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 35 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

A constant police presence helped maintain a strong sense of security for the affected population. Police coordinators were deployed in each of the affected municipalities to coordinate among the various stakeholders. This approach was very successful.

From the fi rst days of fl ooding in Montérégie, the government assisted and supported the affected population. The Québec government has set up a coordination center to coordinate the efforts Spring fl ooding in Burlington waterfront, Burlington, VT. of all partners with the municipalities, and has Photo: LCBP. implemented various measures to better meet their due to fl ash fl ooding from heavy rainfall and snow- needs, including: melt. Neighborhoods in the New North End of Burlington near the mouth of the Winooski River • Consolidation of operational staff of Public were evacuated. Safety and Emergency Preparedness; • Bonus rapid fi nancial assistance program; At the crest of the Lake fl ooding period, May 6th, • Creation of special teams (accommodation, 2011, the Vermont Chapter of the American Red cleaning and reconstruction, redevelopment Cross assisted 75 individuals, provided 100 clean- and economic); up and comfort kits and 400 meals, deploying six • Establishment of multidisciplinary teams of Red Cross vehicles and 20 volunteers. Communi- reintegration; ties assisted by Red Cross included St. Johnsbury, • Adoption of a government decree aimed at ac- Burlington, Beecher Falls, Essex Junction, Col- celerating payments on government assistance. chester, St. Albans, Cambridge, and Jeffersonville. Displaced residents were housed in motels with On May 11, 2011, the Québec Civil Protection cost assistance and a temporary Red Cross shelter announced the implementation of specifi c funding was opened in St. Albans.53 The Red Cross assist- program to better help people affected by fl oods in ed communities affected both by the Lake fl ooding April and May. Given the duration and the impact and by the devastating fl ash fl ooding that occurred this may have on the morale of many victims, new throughout the Basin during the spring of 2011. benefi ts were added to the program in order to offer additional support. A maximum of $150,000 was of- A fl ash fl ood along the Winooski River on May fered to support permanent residence victims. 26th, 2011 affected the communities of Montpelier and downstream. Red Cross shelters opened in Spring Flooding - Vermont the Barre Auditorium and the National Life Build- As in Québec, in Vermont, people living on the ing in Montpelier. Mobile assets including shelter shores of Lake Champlain were forced from their trailers with cots, blankets and supplies along with homes throughout the two months of Lake fl ooding. Disaster Action Team volunteers were gathered The fi rst evacuations reported by the Vermont Red from Vermont and New Hampshire. In addition, Cross were in Chittenden and Lamoille Counties VT Governor Shumlin deployed 50 National

36 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

Guard Troops to assist emergency response crews Tropical Storm Irene - Vermont with the evacuation process. The night of the fl ash During Irene, the Vermont Emergency Manage- fl oods, approximately 170 residents were evacu- ment Offi ce was fl ooded in Waterbury and disaster ated to shelters and more residents were evacuated response headquarters had to be relocated. Road the following day with risk of landslides. Within a damage from Irene left 13 communities in Vermont week, the number of sheltered residents dropped isolated state wide without any accessible roads in from 170 to 27, some remaining in shelters for or out of town.56 nearly two weeks. Tropical Storm Irene forced many evacuations. Governor Shumlin requested a major disaster Vermont and New Hampshire Valley Red Cross es- declaration from FEMA on June 15, 2011, request- tablished a network of 300 shelters for the region. ing federal aid to assist with damages incurred The Red Cross planned the opening of the shelters between the dates of April 23–May 9, 2011. In the prior to the storm’s arrival, fi rst at Brattleboro Lake Champlain Basin, nearly 800 residences were Union High School for the safe transfer of senior impacted, requiring around $5 million in individual citizens from a low-lying housing complex. Seven assistance. Costs to rebuild damaged infrastructure more shelters in Bennington, Springfi eld, Hartford, are estimated at $3.6 million.54 Rutland, Barre, St. Johnsbury, and St. Albans were opened shortly after.57 During Irene, the Red Cross Spring Flooding - New York opened a total of 13 shelters throughout Vermont In New York, severe spring fl ooding forced many and New Hampshire with 500 people requiring residents into shelters. The American Red Cross overnight stays, many arriving throughout the of Northeastern New York supported emergency night as fl oodwaters rose. Of those evacuated, 60 response efforts in the New York portion of the were evacuated from Brattleboro, and 350 homes Basin, providing aid to Clinton and Franklin were evacuated downstream from the Marshfi eld Counties. Temporary shelters were established in Dam in East Montpelier as a precaution against Saranac Lake and Ausable Forks, and Plattsburgh. failure of the dam. After the storm passed, 4 shel- Voluntary evacuations occurred throughout the ters remained open in Brattleboro, Hartford, Barre, New York side of the Basin to escape the Lake and Rutland. In addition, 24 communities were fl ooding and risk of tributary fl ooding from spring operating their own shelters.58 For many of the storms and runoff from snowmelt, and to avoid the communities independently sheltering residents, risk of being caught in landslides. the Red Cross was able to meet supply needs, but dangerous roads and weather limited the reach of On June 10, 2011, Governor Cuomo requested a the Red Cross for some isolated communities. In federal disaster declaration to assist with damages total, Red Cross distributed approximately 16,000 from heavy spring storms. Clinton, Essex and War- meals and thousands of bottles of water during and ren counties, within the Lake Champlain Basin, immediately after the Irene event.59 were included in the declaration. Public assistance costs for the affected combined three counties were estimated at $9.9 million.55

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 37 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

As fl ood relief efforts shifted from emergency re- Additional evacuations occurred in Keene and Up- sponse to recovery, the Red Cross provided mobile per Jay. Similar road damage left communities in outreach efforts with food, health services, damage Keene, NY isolated. The Essex County (NY) public assessment, client assistance, and the distribution safety radio system was compromised and the Keene of water and bulk items including clean-up and Health Center closed due to fl ood damage. Com- comfort kits which supplied necessary emergency promised communication and health systems led to items. More than 600 clean-up kits were distribut- decreased response times to healthcare emergencies. ed by 500 health service providers and 300 disaster relief providers. The Vermont National Guard was By September 5th, 2011, Irene relief statewide in deployed on August 29, 2011, assisting communi- New York included 99 shelters with an overnight ties through the distribution of goods and services. shelter population of 6,060, 27 mobile feeding fa- Fourteen American Red Cross Emergency Re- cilities with 1,613 Red Cross workers distributing sponse Vehicles from across the country delivered 67,786 meals.61 The American Red Cross North- materials to over 26 communities for local distri- eastern New York Region (ARCNENY, including bution, especially for communities where danger- Warren, Washington, Hamilton, Essex, Clinton, ous road conditions limited access. Volunteers and Franklin counties) provided more than 5,000 helped fl ood victims cope by identifying steps for meals in this timeframe. the recovery process and connecting victims with community, state and federal resources.60 ARCNENY offered a four-hour fast-track disaster relief training session to increase the volunteer Tropical Storm Irene – New York force for Irene response from Poughkeepsie to Flooding and strong winds forced residents to Plattsburgh. Over 200 fast-track volunteers were shelters and required emergency response actions trained and deployed. In addition, ARCNENY throughout the New York-side of the Lake Champ- deployed 255 local and nation-wide staff. Na- lain Basin. Prior to the storm, residents were urged tional Guard and Civil Air Patrol also assisted with to prepare for the event by stocking up on water, evacuations and emergency response.62 New York non-perishable food, fl ashlights, radio, and fi rst aid Governor Cuomo launched a volunteer effort “La- kits. Residents also were urged to turn off propane bor for your Neighbor” on Labor Day weekend fol- gas tanks, increase refrigeration in case of power lowing Irene to assist with local clean-up efforts. outages, and to fi ll their vehicle’s gas tank in case of evacuation. Over 2,000 volunteers facilitated by the National Guard and State Offi ce of Emergency Management Essex and Clinton Counties and the Town of Jay assisted at this event. were all impacted heavily from the Irene event. Residents were evacuated from the banks of the East Branch of the Ausable River in Keene Valley, and a shelter was set up at the Keene Town Hall.

38 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

Management Needs Information Gap: What are the psychological im- pacts of fl ooding and what are the socioeconomic • Improve emergency fl ood response planning impacts on the Basin? in the Lake Champlain Basin to decrease the potential impacts on human health Data Needed: • Compile reports of psychological impacts for • Improve short-term response and coordination Vermont, New York, and Québec caused by the among jurisdictions fl ood events of 2011 and other natural disasters for short- and long-term analysis. • Improve long-term human health recovery coordination among jurisdictions Information Gap: How can communities bet- ter support emotional health during disaster as a • Develop a protocol for addressing the mental means of building fl ood resilience? health impact of disastrous events as a public health issue Data Needed: • A successful model of managing mental health Information Gaps & Data Needs on a public health level related to disaster relief. The model should be administered at a Information Gap: To what extent did the fl ooding local-level, and have self-sustaining funding. events increase the presence fecal coliform bacteria (or E. coli) in our waterways? Information Gap: Will increased mold have a long lasting impact on human health in the Basin? Data Needed: • Monitor fecal coliform (or E. coli) levels over Data Needed: time and determine linkages to fl ooding and • The total number of health issues reported re- other natural disasters. lated to mold. In each jurisdiction of the Basin.

• Assess long-term strategy for reducing fecal • Identify levels of mold still present in the coliform contamination to help Lake Cham- fl ooded build environment. plain communities become more resilient to contaminants in the water supply system. Built Environment Information Gap: Are harmful algal blooms The geography of the Lake Champlain Basin linked to increased nutrient levels from the 2011 consists of steep mountains and fl at, fertile river fl oods? valleys. As a result, most historic development occurred in fl oodplains, along river corridors and Data Needed: near shorelines. As the frequency of fl ood events • Monitor cyanobacteria levels and their toxins trend upward, the cost of maintaining the built en- and determine if bloom frequency, duration, vironment within fl oodplains and in close proxim- and toxicity changes after major fl ooding ity to waterways must be carefully weighed. events.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 39 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Lake Champlain Flood, Spring 2011 1,651 residents. Of those displaced, many faced long-term displacement or permanent relocation.65 The spring fl oods resulted in widespread dam- Vermont Emergency Management reported dam- age to the built environment throughout the Lake age to over 500 homes along Lake Champlain, 24 Champlain Basin in Vermont, New York, and Qué- of which were destroyed. In New York, reports to bec. Lake Champlain was above fl ood stage (100 FEMA indicate a total of 929 homes with major or feet or 30.5 m AMSL) from April 13 through June minor damage and 19 homes destroyed.66 19, 2011 reaching a record high level at 103.27 feet or 31.5 m AMSL.63 Shoreline, tributary, and fl ash Wave Action fl ooding along with rising groundwater and land- Lake Champlain is 120 miles (193 km) long with slides plagued Vermont and New York. In Québec, a north-south orientation, creating the ideal envi- over 25 communities were severely fl ooded by ronment for northern or southern winds to gener- Lake Champlain’s outlet, the Richelieu River.64 ate wave action. During the spring fl ooding, wind Characteristics of the spring fl ooding included from the south pushed water northward into the prolonged inundation, wave action, river damage, Richelieu River valley. In late May, 50 mph (80 shoreline erosion and landslides. As a result, the km/h) winds pushed the Richelieu River surface Lake Champlain Basin experienced widespread level higher than the record set in early May.67 damage to the built environment including homes, Wave action, coupled with widespread inundation, businesses, roads and public buildings along with severely damaged the built environment in the electricity and energy resources. Richelieu region, already weakened from satura- tion and water damage. Residents reported waves Inundation Damage spraying over homes, broken windows, and struc- The spring 2011 fl ooding was a prolonged eight- tural damage. The causeways linking the Lake week event. During that time, homes and business- Champlain Islands to the mainland in Vermont es near the Lake were inundated. Water damage were threatened. or unequal pressure on foundation walls caused structural damage. Mold growth destroyed interior Fluvial Damage furnishings and structural materials in buildings. The tributaries of Lake Champlain also fl ooded Flooded electrical wiring was a safety hazard, at over their banks, at times with fl ash fl ooding times leading utilities to shut off power for whole causing damage to riverbanks and damaging the neighborhoods. Corrosion, leaking, and disconnec- surrounding built environment. Flood waters tion of gas lines, propane gas tanks, and oil tanks swell over the banks gain momentum moving was reported, further contaminating fl oodwaters downstream colliding with buildings or eroding and creating fi re hazards. Septic systems over- streambanks supporting structures. In addition, fl owed, contaminating drinking water wells. For fl oodwater — containing sediment as well as other many who remained in fl ooded homes, rowboats potential fl ood contaminants— was carried through or makeshift bridges were required to cross access towns and villages, leaving a thick layer of muddy their property. silt in developed areas.

The Richelieu River also inundated over 25 com- In late May, heavy rains triggered a fl ash fl ood munities in Québec for more than two months, through the Northern Branch of the Winooski River, damaging or destroying 2,535 homes and displacing washing through Vermont’s capital, Montpelier, and

40 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

surrounding areas. In Barre, every building within Vermont ten blocks of downtown suffered some damage and Statewide in Vermont, preliminary site visits from the City was covered in a layer of muddy silt three FEMA estimated that more than 3,535 homes suf- feet (1 m) deep in some places. In Montpelier, fered some damage and of those, 1,400 households several business owners reported six to eight feet were displaced.70 Of the 7,233 Vermonters who (1.8–2.4 m) of water in their basements. registered for FEMA assistance, more than half were from counties within the Lake Champlain Saturated Soil Damage Basin. Floodwaters from Irene caused immediate Prolonged spring fl ooding with heavy rain and structural damage to gas and oil tanks and distribu- snowmelt saturated the soil of the Lake Champlain tion networks, and electrical infrastructure. About Basin and elevated groundwater levels. A USGS 73,000 Central Vermont Public Service customers groundwater monitoring network measured in- were without power after Irene; power was re- creased groundwater levels in Franklin, Lamoille, stored to 55% of these customers within 24 hours and Rutland counties in Vermont. Homeowners and 100% were fully restored within a week.71 reported fl ooded basements and overfl owing septic Propane and oil tanks were a major hazard after systems throughout the Lake Champlain region. Irene, especially in central Vermont where many residents rely on personal gas or oil tanks due to Saturated soil can increase the risk of landslides, a lack of municipal gas lines. The United States an extreme form of erosion on steep slopes. In Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and Barre, Vermont residents were evacuated when a the Vermont Department of Environmental Con- 12-foot (3.6 m) section of hillside spilled onto In- servation (VT DEC) addressed hazardous spills terstate 89, increasing the risk of more landslides.68 using oil-water separators, and processed 300,000 On Porter Mountain in Keene Valley, New York, gallons (1,135,623 L) near the Waterbury State an 82-acre (33 ha) slow-moving landslide – the Complex alone. Addressing oil contaminants from largest landslide in the State’s history – crept along Tropical Storm Irene cost an estimated $1.75 million. at 3 inches (7.62 cm) per day for the month of May, destroying one home and threatening several Irene damaged public and emergency response others.69 buildings, compromising the ability of public ser- vices to mitigate the storm’s impact. In Vermont, Tropical Storm Irene: August 28, 2011 the Waterbury State Offi ce Complex—home of Vermont Emergency Management and the Vermont Tropical Storm Irene brought torrential rains Agency of Natural Resources—were fl ooded and and strong winds to the Champlain Basin just a employees were relocated to temporary offi ces. few months after the spring fl ooding. Irene had a greater impact on tributaries and valleys than on Lake Champlain, although the long-term effects on the Lake from the events are still unknown. Ver- mont and New York were heavily impacted while Québec was spared. Flash fl oods swept through ur- ban centers, destroying infrastructure, agricultural crops and shoreline habitats.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 41 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Many staff within these agencies served as key In Keene, NY, the roof of the fi rehouse collapsed responders to the Irene response effort, providing in the fl ood, further restricting emergency response civilian emergency management and environmen- in the area. tal mitigation as the storm progressed. The LaRosa Agriculture and Environmental Laboratory and the Existing Management Vermont State Hospital were severely damaged in fl ooding to the Waterbury State Offi ce Complex, During the Flood with repairs costing up to $85 million. During both the spring Lake Champlain fl ood and Tropical Storm Irene, substantial measures were There were 344 applicants for Public Assistance taken at the state and provincial, municipal, com- from FEMA. Of those 292 were deemed eligible munity, and individual levels to protect the built 72 by the end of 2012. By December 2012, 3,056 environment from fl oodwaters. Sandbags and of 3,225 individual fl ood response projects were other barriers, including cement barriers and rock 73 funded by FEMA. The Federal cost share (at pilings were used to hold back water or slow it 90%) obligated to Vermont was $129,601,374. down to prevent structural damage. During the There were 81 property acquisitions (buyouts) ap- spring fl oods, the State of Vermont fi lled over proved by FEMA. 67,000 sandbags and municipalities around the Basin stockpiled even more. Volunteers were a New York major workforce to stack sandbags and to remove New York Governor Andrew Cuomo reported over them after the fl oodwaters receded. Many residents $1 billion in damage statewide from Tropical Storm worked tirelessly to pump water out of their base- Irene. Upstate New York—including the Catskills, ments during the ongoing fl ooding. For some Mid-Hudson region and the North Country—ex- buildings, electricity was intentionally turned off to perienced the most signifi cant damage from Irene. reduce electrical hazards. It was also recommended According to the American Red Cross, 228 homes to secure or safely disconnect gas or oil tanks to in the North Country were damaged or destroyed. reduce fi re risks. State employees were dispatched Of those homes, 113 were damaged (30 destroyed) to assist with safeguarding buildings and at-risk in Essex County and 111 were damaged (one structures. State offi cials requested federal as- 74 destroyed) in Clinton County. In the New York- sistance from FEMA and the National Guard. In portion of the Basin, Clinton, Essex, and Warren Québec, the federal government sent troops to aid counties were declared as Federal Disaster areas, evacuations and mitigation efforts during the worst and Washington County was also declared to be in part of the fl ood. a State of Emergency following Irene. Statewide, over 900,000 New York homes were without power. After the Flood New York utilities replaced over 300 miles (482 Inspection and Clean-up 75 km) of wire in hard-hit areas. Parts of Keene and While trying to limit damages to the built environ- Keene Valley were evacuated as the Ausable River ment was tiresome for many, the major task was to fl owed over its banks, jeopardizing homes and fi x impacts to the built environment after the fl ood. many public buildings were also severely damaged For many evacuees, returning home after the fl ood or destroyed in the New York portion of the Basin. was shocking; it was the fi rst time since the fl ood- The Upper Jay fi rehouse and library were both ing began that residents could see the condition of damaged costing at least $25,000 in repairs. their home.

42 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

State, provincial, and local governments urged ho- Reported Damages meowners to have their homes inspected for struc- One of the major challenges for managing fl ood tural, electrical, and environmental health hazards. damage to the built environment was the task of Operation of a well with an electric pump could reporting damages, both on an individual and at a lead to deadly electrical shock; a water-logged community level. Reporting damages was the fi rst home with electrical damage is also very danger- step in order to qualify for public and individual ous. Also, gas and oil tanks or gas lines in fl ooded assistance and fi nancial support. Many people in homes could be causes of hazardous spills or fi re. the region had never experienced such a severe natural disaster, and did not know how to report Environmental health hazards are always a major damages. Municipalities, regional planning com- concern when returning home after a fl ood event. missions, and non-profi t organizations worked It is recommended to remove any interior furnish- together with state and provincial governments ing or drywall exposed to fl oodwater within 24–48 to facilitate the damage assessment and reporting hours to prevent the growth of mold. Once mold from the 2011 fl ood events. is present, it is very diffi cult to eliminate within the structure. Mold growth is a potential environ- mental hazard promoted by excess of humidity and Management Needs while often hidden, is not always easy to detect. • Develop a framework for fl ood damage report- American Red Cross, SOS Richelieu, Canadian ing that will encompass all communities and Red Cross, and several municipalities offered free provide assistance for damage compensation services of building, electrical, and environmental health inspectors to reduce the costs of returning • State and Provincial agencies should develop home for families and to mitigate mold growth. simple reporting forms to circulate to munici- Extra measures were taken in hospitals and schools palities affected by fl ood events. These report- for children and adults vulnerable to mold-related ing forms should be clear and easy to com- illness. American Red Cross in Vermont and New plete, but also provide information required York, as well as SOS Richelieu provided the public by relevant Federal, State, or Provincial Emer- with free clean-up kits to support cleaning efforts. gency Response agencies. Donations also provided construction materials for fl ood victims. • A Basin-wide GIS-based emergency response tool (such as a mobile application) should be developed and made available to fi rst respond- ers to facilitate information sharing.

Public Health Recommendations: • The shorter the timeframe to reintegrate people into their homes, the lesser the damages, person- al loss, health problems and distress will be.

A fl ooded neighborhood in Colchester, VT. Photo: LCBP

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 43 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

• In preparation of a future disaster, Data Needs: • Collect input on a municipal level through ○ Develop syndromic surveillance methods to community-based focus groups to establish a employ pre- and post-disaster reporting framework with a clear hierarchy of collecting state- or provincial-wide, or water- ○ Introduce sensitive and specifi c call codes shed-wide damages. adapted to the event • Ensure that data collected by focus groups can be used by municipal, state and federal agen- ○ Clarify sharing of responsibility for com- cies in a cost-effective way. munication between public health and public security concerns, including incident com- mand system protocols Infrastructure In the Lake Champlain Basin, much of the trans- ○ Produce timely public reports to maximize portation infrastructure is located adjacent to information learned from the event waterways. Most major state routes, municipal and county roads, railroad lines, bridges, culverts, and ○ Develop better outreach materials for occu- recreational paths intersect or follow alongside the pants of affected homes on proper treatment Lake or its tributaries and suffered substantially and eradication of mold and other environ- from the fl ood events. Dams of varying sizes and mental hygiene concerns uses are scattered throughout the Basin. Drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure Information Gaps & Data Needs are naturally close to waterways. Thus, fl ooding events put much of the Lake Champlain Basin’s infrastructure a structural or safety risk due to haz- Information Gap: Quantifi cation of damages to ard, chemical, or biological contamination. During the built environment caused by the 2011 fl ood the 2011 fl ooding events, every single community events, including economic costs of damages, busi- impacted by fl oods was broadly impacted by trans- ness lost (or gained) and the cost of repairs. portation damages. Data Needs: • Survey of fl ood damages to built environment Transportation: State Highway Systems & Municipal Roads • Cost-benefi t analysis of rebuilding necessary infrastructure in fl ood-prone areas Spring Flooding – Vermont According to Vermont’s Agency of Transportation, Information Gap: Which communities are ex- State road maintenance and repair from the excep- cluded in the existing reporting framework? tionally heavy winter snowfall and the spring 2011 Lake fl ood totaled $15 million. According to Ver- Information Gap: How much damage to the built mont Agency of Transportation and FEMA, public environment has gone unreported? damages as a direct result of the spring fl ooding and $1.9 million in damage was suffered by state roads and highways. On Vermont roads, 14 differ- ent sites reported major slides and slope failures along rivers and streams.

44 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

During peak fl ooding, the State Route 2 Causeway between Colchester and South Hero was at risk of total inundation, which would isolate the south- ern Champlain Islands from Vermont’s mainland. Sections of several other major State Routes (2, 7, 17, 36, 78, 118, 122, 125, and 129) were damaged, closed, or reduced to one lane. Interstate 89 roads and bridges totaled about $6 million, southbound near the Colchester exit was reduced to one lane due to partial inundation.76 In rural regions of Vermont, municipal-owned back roads posed ad- U. S. Route 2 causeway between South Hero and Milton, VT. ditional issues, as many of these are dirt roads that Photo: LCBP easily erode. The heavy rains that led to the Lake Vermont’s eleven Regional Planning Commissions fl ooding damaged roads near headwater streams. collected damage assessments and facilitated infor- Roads along the Mad River experienced severe mation and resource sharing. Damage to transpor- damage, exceeding municipal road budgets early tation infrastructure, at its peak, isolated thirteen on in the year with costs around $1 million.77 communities across the state.

Spring Flooding – New York Tropical Storm Irene – New York In New York, spring fl ooding caused just as much The New York-portion of the Lake Champlain Ba- damage to transportation infrastructure as in Ver- sin also sustained remarkable damages to transpor- mont. Spring fl oods caused nearly $2 million in tation infrastructure from Tropical Storm Irene. In damages to bridges and roads in Essex County; of fact, most of the damage from Irene in New York this, $1.5 million in damages were in the town of statewide was suffered upstate. New York and U.S. Moriah, where many roads were washed out and Federal authorities reported 150 major highways two bridges collapsed. In Lake Placid, State Route in upstate New York were damaged by Irene.79 In 73 was narrowed to one lane due to encroaching Essex County, more than 100 roads were damaged. fl oodwater and closed for bridge hazards in other According to Essex County Department of Public locations. In Clinton County, much of Lake Cham- Works, between the spring fl oods and Irene, Essex plain’s shoreline was fl ooded, especially along County suffered damage to 10 bridges, 357 miles the mouth of the Chazy River, inundating several (574 km) of highway, 380 culverts and 15,000 feet roads. (4,570 m) of roads were washed out.80 Route 73 of New York State’s Highway system was washed Tropical Storm Irene – Vermont out and undermined in several places. NYS De- Statewide, over 200 towns reported transportation partment of Transportation reported that Route 73 damages in Vermont as a result of Tropical Storm was reopened by the end of September. In the Lake Irene. According to the Vermont Agency of Trans- George region, NYS Highway routes 9 and 9N, portation, Irene damaged over 500 miles (800 km) along with several local roads were washed out of State roads and 200 State bridges of the Vermont and closed. Runoff in the area overwhelmed the state highway system, costing $175 - $250 million local culvert and stormwater management systems. to rebuild statewide.78 Local road damages included Warren, Washington, and Saratoga counties were 2,260 road segments, closing 175 roads and 90 declared states of emergency with several road clo- bridges. Damage was done to over 960 culverts and sures from the Mettawee River and the Battenkill.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 45 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Rail Line, Transit, and Airports The Colchester-South Hero Causeway connecting The major railroad network in the New York- bikers from the Burlington Bike Path to the Cham- portion of the Basin is Canadian Pacifi c, crossing plain Islands was severely washed out with major the South Lake and running along the western trail damage. Much of the trail leading up to the Lake Champlain shoreline. During the spring 2011 causeway was also washed out. To date, much of fl ooding the Amtrak operation along the Canadian the trail is not accessible and the bike-ferry con- Pacifi c Railroad was suspended due to the high necting the causeway has remained closed since Lake level. During Tropical Storm Irene, Canadian the spring fl oods. In Québec, the Pacifi c railroad was closed for several days, prior multipurpose paths were closed due to exception- to the storm, during the storm, and in some areas ally high waters along the canal and associated after the storm for high water or fallen trees, but risks.82 was quickly repaired. In Vermont, the state-owned railroad suffered a total of 107 washouts (50 of Upland in the Basin, hiking trails and trail drainage which were major), signifi cant damage to six infrastructure suffered damages mostly from Tropi- bridges and over 200 miles (320 km) of railroad cal Storm Irene. The Green Mountain National with an estimated cost of repairs at $21.5 million. Forest reported multiple trail, recreational site, and New England Central Railroad, a privately oper- road closures, and as of November 2011, following ated railroad in Vermont, required repairs in 66 lo- Irene, 20 trails, fi ve recreational sites, and 20 roads cations.81 Aside from potential structural damages remained closed. Vermont State forests and parks during times of fl ooding, railroads are relatively also suffered damages; as of November 2011, 33 resilient to fl oodwater and can operate in shallow roads, 14 trails, several bridges and a canoe access fl oodwater. area still required repairs. Damage to state forest roads restricted timber sales in managed forests. Irene also impacted public transportation by bus in The Green Mountain Club reported trail closures Vermont, fl ooding Green Mountain Transit Agency’s after the storm, and worked to clear downed trees Berlin offi ce and damaging 13 vehicles. The Hart- from their trails. Though several months away, ness Airport in Springfi eld, Vermont and the New- winter recreation was also impacted; the Vermont port Airport also sustained some damages. Association of Snow Travelers trails were damaged and remained closed to snowmobiles the following Recreational Paths season. The fl ooding events had a major impact on rec- reational paths throughout the Lake Champlain Recreational paths in New York State’s Adiron- Basin. The Lake Champlain Byway, Island Line, dacks also suffered signifi cant damages from the and the Chambly Canal Multipurpose Bike Path spring fl oods and Tropical Storm Irene. Many areas to name a few, are models for recreational path- damaged from the spring fl oods were not fully ways and serve as a tourist attraction. The fl ooding recovered by the time Irene hit the region, further events caused serious damage to this recreational deteriorating the condition of many trails. Irene infrastructure. Parts of the Island Line Bike Path damage spanned the Eastern Adirondacks from in the Burlington area suffered from sink holes, Moriah to Keene Valley and into the Lake Placid impacting the Burlington City Marathon course. region, impacting trails in the Eastern High Peaks

46 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

of and . The bridge and limited. Conditions for boating were unsafe over Marcy Dam, a popular hiking destination in with substantial debris fl oating in the Lake from the High Peaks, was washed away and Marcy Dam damaged lakeshore structures. Marinas, docks, and itself was leaking. Floodwaters overfl owed the boat launches were fl ooded, limiting access to the dam and fl ooded out the trail downstream. Also, Lake by boat. In addition, large boat wakes could the Duck Hole Dam was breached.83 cause severe damage to the newly inundated lake- shore, where wave-action and wet conditions were Flooding along the Ausable River caused a record already creating severe erosion. For these reasons, 12 feet (3.6 m) over fl ood stage with further damage boat operators were urged to not navigate Lake to access to the Ausable Chasm, a major tourist Champlain. attraction. The Adirondack Loj, a major starting point for hikers in the High Peaks region, was The delayed opening in spring isolated when the bridge on Adirondack Loj Road 2011 due to high water levels. High water levels washed out stranding 31 visitors and staff. Access increase the velocity of water fl ow impacting the to the region and several trailheads were limited by navigation functions of the Canal. Also, fl ooded washouts and road closings along State routes 73 communities along the Canal would be put at and 9.84 greater structural risk if canals were open to boat- ing despite fl ooding, with wakes causing damag- Water Transportation ing wave action. Typically, the Champlain Canal The spring 2011 Lake fl ooding severely impacted is open around May 1st; the Canal opening was transportation by water on Lake Champlain and delayed about one month due to the spring fl ood- the Champlain Canal. Lake Champlain Transpor- ing. The Canal initially opened to commercial boat tation Company links Vermont and New York by traffi c, including barges. This caused great concern car ferry in three different locations, and at the amongst communities along the Canal, worried time of the fl ood events, a temporary ferry con- that the wake of large barges could severely dam- nected Vermont and New York at the location of age fl ooded areas. Lock 12, connecting the Cham- the Crown Point Bridge while it was being rebuilt. plain Canal to Lake Champlain, was the last lock At times, high Lake-levels limited ferry access at to open after the fl ooding. Boaters were urged to the docks or roads accessing ferries. Access to the navigate at no-wake speeds to reduce damage to temporary Crown Point ferry was limited by fl ood- any land still inundated.86 Tropical Storm Irene ing on Route 185 in Vermont. Other ferries were also led to the closure of the entire Champlain slowed and forced to a reduced schedule. The ferry Canal system for about two weeks. connecting Charlotte, VT and Essex, NY was shut down due to a fl ooded landing for nearly a month As the spring 2011 fl oodwaters rose in Québec, between April 28 and May 26 due to high waters.85 the Chambly Canal was closed to prevent dam- These ferries are a major component of transporta- age to nearby properties. The Chambly Canal was tion infrastructure in the Basin and used daily by delayed in opening until July 1, 2011, two weeks commuters. later than usual. Parts of the recreational path along the canal were badly damaged during the fl ooding, In spring 2011, boating on Lake Champlain for and were not re-opened until mid-July of 2011.87 recreation or commercial purposes was hazardous

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 47 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

The canal itself was drained and remained closed Similarly, the Marshfi eld Dam on the Winooski during the spring fl ooding, suffering little to no River upstream from Montpelier, Vermont was damage. During Tropical Storm Irene, the Erie at risk of fl oodwater overfl ow. Operators realized Canal in central New York was forced to close, they may need to open fl oodgates as an alterna- trapping over 250 boaters in the New York State tive to a dam overfl ow and possible breach. City Canal system. The Chambly Canal remained open offi cials downstream of the dam evacuated at-risk until October 31, 2011 (one month later than usual) areas. Fortunately, the water levels stabilized and to facilitate navigation of waters to and from the signifi cant additional fl ooding was avoided. .88 Though there were news reports of Waterbury Dam Infrastructure Dam releasing water during the spring fl ooding, The exact number of dams in the Lake Champlain no controlled release occurred. The reservoir level Basin is unknown, but dams of varying size and reached its third highest peak of 605.3 ft (185 m) design are scattered throughout the Basin, some on April 29, 2011, forcing water over the dam’s privately owned and some publically owned. Many spillway. The peak was not considered to be a ma- dams no longer serve a major purpose and are not jor fl ood stage, so the gates were never opened.89 maintained. During times of fl ooding, dam infra- Waterbury Dam was built as a fl ood retention structure may be compromised. structure to protect the town of Waterbury. Though Waterbury was heavily affected by Tropical Storm Flooding puts old dams at risk of structural dam- Irene, the dam held back a signifi cant amount of age or collapse, potentially causing severe fl ood- water and is widely believed to have served its ing downstream. Dams that are fully operational purpose by protecting the town below. As a result may control fl ooding upstream or downstream. of both fl ood events in 2011, the dam suffered Operators are faced with the challenge of man- signifi cant structural damage, which has since been aging water fl ow during severe fl ooding to not repaired by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.90 compromise the structural integrity of the dam, while also preventing severe fl ooding upstream A few smaller dams were reported to be damaged or downstream. An example of this is the Lake in upstate New York. The Upper Jay Dam located Flower Dam in the Village of Saranac Lake, New on the Eastern Branch of the Ausable River was York—a water retainment dam that doubled as a undergoing decommission plans by the Town of bridge—for Main Street. At this particular dam, Jay and the Ausable River Association to improve upstream fl ood pressure forced operators to release aquatic organism passage. When Tropical Storm water in small increments. Despite these measures, Irene fl ooded the region, the dam was damaged. upstream fl ooding persisted and began to under- Consequently, the NYS Department of Environ- mine the surrounding land. To reduce hazards, the mental Conservation (NYS DEC) executed an dammed portion of Main Street was closed to traf- emergency authorization to remove the Upper Jay fi c. The fl ood gates were opened as far as possible Dam and the reservoir is now drained. In the High to release water without severely damaging the Peaks region of the Adirondacks, the Marcy Dam buildings or the town’s water main downstream. and the Duck Hole Dam were partially breached As a result areas downstream from the dam were due to damage. forced to evacuate.

48 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

Water and Wastewater Infrastructure • Combined sewer overfl ows (CSOs), used to Flood events can impact water and wastewater collect stormwater runoff during severe weath- infrastructure. Broken pipes from fl ood damage er, and may overburden a wastewater treatment reduce pressure, increasing the likelihood of com- facility during fl ooding, forcing the operator to promised drinking water supplies. Drinking water release untreated wastewater into the receiving systems, water intake pipes, private wells and body of water. municipal water networks may be at risk of con- • Floodwaters could enter the wastewater treat- tamination by fl oodwaters. Wastewater treatment ment facility itself, carrying untreated water facilities are generally located along the Basin’s when fl ood recedes. waterways at low elevations, close to receiving • Floods also present the risk of contaminat- streams. Low elevation help with pumping effi - ing water resources from inundation of septic ciency. The lower the elevation of the plant, fewer systems pump stations are necessary because the plant can be gravity-fed from homes. In most cases, facil- In the spring fl ooding, there were a few minor ity operators have emergency response procedures failures in the wastewater treatment infrastructure, allowing facilities to continue operating very soon along with some associated risks. E. coli con- after a fl ood. In past fl ooding events, wastewater tamination was reported in water supplies for Port treatment facilities have endured well, but with Henry, Essex, and Willsboro, New York. These climate change and more frequent extreme storm communities were all under boil water advisories, events, low-lying plants, such as Johnson, VT, affecting approximately 3,600 people.93 Water have taken action by installing storm doors (wa- suppliers increased treatment with chlorination and tertight ship-style), and raised tank walls. Modern fi ltration to address increased turbidity. generator sets are now elevated, however the cost of upgrades is signifi cant and not all plants are Damage from Irene to water infrastructure was prepared for an event like Irene.91 much more severe. E. coli contamination was reported for water supplies in Clinton County, and Flooding of wastewater treatment facilities may the towns of Port Henry, Essex, and Willsboro lead to contamination through: in New York and in 30 public water systems in Vermont. Seventeen wastewater treatment facili- • Effl uent pipes—where water is discharged ties in Vermont reported compromised operations from a facility into the receiving water—are with varying issues related to fl ooding. Most of stationary along the Lake or a tributary. If the problems were resolved within 24 hours to one fl oodwaters rise above the effl uent pipe, fl ood- week after the fl ooding, resulting in an estimated water could back-up into the facility through 10 million gallons of untreated sewage discharged the effl uent pipe, even if fl oodwaters have not during this period state-wide.94 reached the facility itself. This happened to the Montpelier Wastewater Treatment Facility dur- ing the Winooski River fl ash fl ood in late May of 2011, where fl oodwater backed-up the effl u- ent pipe fl ooding within the facility, but very little wastewater was discharged untreated.92

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 49 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Existing Management Quarries worked overtime to provide enough stone for side slope repairs. The Whitcomb Transportation Agency Response Quarry reported double the daily average of stone Transportation infrastructure is typically the fi rst production, with Vermont road crews picking compromised entity of the developed environment up over 6,000 tons of stone each day during the during fl ood events. At the same time, transporta- spring fl oods.95 By the end of the spring fl oods tion access is crucial for emergency responders (prior to damage from Irene), many municipali- to minimize hazards to human health and safety. ties found it diffi cult to secure the funds needed During the 2011 fl ooding events the fi rst priority to maintain Town roads. In the Mad River Val- was to maintain or restore access to communities ley, Duxbury, VT a community of 1,600 people isolated by fl oodwaters. faced $1 million in spring road damages from fl ooding.96 Across the Lake, Moriah, New York, a During the spring fl ooding events, Vermont’s community of just over 4,500 people operating on Agency of Transportation and New York’s Depart- an annual budget of $2.8 million, faced $1.5 mil- ment of Transportation worked to make repairs and lion in damages from spring fl oods.97 Other small keep roads open to the extent possible. In some towns, including , had to reallocate funding instances road were closed, lanes reduced and from other budgets and hope for fi nancial aid to detours created. Transportation offi cials attempted compensate for funds expended on road repairs. to make repairs and keep roads open. As the fl ood- In , VT funds were spent on rock ing continued it became apparent that it would pilings to reinforce shoreline roads from high-wa- be a prolonged period of inundation and immedi- ter and wave action. For many communities large ate repair was not a realistic or economical use portions of their annual budget were forwarder- of transportation resources. Mitigation efforts for allocated to infrastructure repairs with the hope fl ooded transportation infrastructure priority quick- of receiving assistance for fi nancial relief from ly shifted to establishing detours and closing roads government agencies. that were hazardous to drivers. For some commu- nities, such as the Champlain Islands, detours were Transportation management during fl ooding not possible. In these scenarios, the priority was to also requires an enormous workforce. Vermont, maintain a navigable roadway by installing ce- New York, and Québec tapped into a network of ment road barriers in an attempt to keep water and road workers to maintain roads on an emergency fl oating debris away from the roadway. Some roads level including state and provincial road crews, required narrowing to one lane, and road crews or municipal road crews, law enforcement offi cers, local law enforcement offi cers were necessary to contracted workers, and the National Guard in or- direct traffi c on busy roads through one lane. der to maintain or restore access to communities throughout the fl ooding events. Tropical Storm Responding to transportation infrastructure dam- Irene recovery brought additional assistance by age is costly, requiring substantial resources in a National Guard troops from seven states, New short timeframe, including structural materials and Hampshire Department of Transportation staff sandbags to hold back fl oodwaters. and equipment, and 120 Maine Department of Transportation road workers.98

50 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

Immediately following Irene, the Vermont Agency Management Needs of Transportation (VTrans) closed 146 state road segments and 34 bridges totaling 531 miles (854 Preparation for Future Severe Weather Events km).99 Three different incident command centers Stormwater infrastructure is an essential compo- were opened throughout Vermont to report trans- nent of transportation infrastructure. This infra- portation damages and organize response efforts. structure, including culverts, drainage ditches, VTrans established detours and prioritized con- swales, bridges, and river access to the fl oodplain, necting isolated communities. In addition, VTrans must be improved through upgrades and retrofi ts. provided signifi cant resources to the state’s region- Much of this work is already being accomplished al planning commissions so they could assist Ver- on a local level, but upgrades are primarily volun- mont municipalities in assessing the damage and tary and grant-driven in all but MS4-designated working with FEMA on addressing the impacts. communities. All jurisdictions of the Lake Cham- Also, VTrans worked closely with utilities to plain watershed must inventory their stormwater restore power and telephone services. The damage infrastructure, provide proper funding, and make was so immense that the last mile of work was not appropriate changes. Development of a framework completed until the end of December 2011. VTrans for reporting damages and data collection through recruited assistance from 200 private contractors public works entities is an ideal way to achieve accounting for 1,800 workers from the private sec- this goal in a cost-effective manner. In the case of tor, primarily from Vermont. VTrans also partnered improving stormwater infrastructure, the major with 150 workers and 145 pieces of equipment incentive is to reduce up- and downstream hazards, from Maine Department of Transportation, and increase the life of the structure and avoid repair 75 workers and 60 pieces of equipment from New and replacement costs. Lost tourism is an impor- Hampshire Department of Transportation. National tant secondary impact. With undersized culverts, Guard Troops assisted from Vermont, Maine, Illi- drainage, or damaged roads, tourism dollars are nois, Ohio, New Hampshire, South Carolina, West lost for closed roads. Undersized culverts may Virginia, and Virginia. impair aquatic organism passage, and require more expensive emergency maintenance resulting from Railroad Repair storm events. Emergency repairs or replacement Vermont Agency of Transportation facilitated the can be four- to 140 times more expensive than recovery of Vermont railroad systems. They con- scheduled maintenance. Suffi ciently sized, natural tracted six contractors and engineering fi rms. Re- bottom-arch culverts improve aquatic organism pairs lasted 21 days, working 24 hours per day. To passage, and do not need to be replaced as often accelerate the recovery effort, the State of Vermont as round culverts that are less effective for aquatic temporarily waived environmental regulations organism passage. The ecosystem functions prop- and weight restrictions. The Vermont Rail System, erly by sizing culverts to manage fl uvial erosion a state-owned railroad, coordinated efforts and hazards and stormwater, while allowing aquatic shared resources with the New England Central organism passage. Proper sizing also improves Railroad to expedite the repair process. infrastructure durability that can weather increas- ingly intense storm events.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 51 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Informing Road Workers • Identify and mitigate any risks associated with An educational approach is being taken in New dam structures in the Lake Champlain Basin to York and Vermont to educate transportation engi- reduce fl ood hazards and improve ecological neers, technicians and maintenance personnel road connectivity. workers on basic river science both in terms of de- sign and operating equipments in and near water- • Increase the resilience of public and private ways. The agencies are considering comprehensive water system infrastructure in the Lake Cham- ways to manage transportation infrastructure to plain Basin to reduce risk of contamination to reduce vulnerability and fl ood risks. NYS Depart- water bodies and water supplies. Train waste- ment of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) water treatment facility operators on appropri- recommends using a three-prong approach to build ate management options to implement during long-term commitment to improving infrastructure natural disasters. for transportation operations. First, increase aware- ness on how storm events impact streams and as- Information Gaps and Data Needs sociated infrastructure. Second, educate engineers and operations personnel on stream mechanics Information Gap: What is the vulnerability and relevant to their jobs. Third, distribute manuals risk to transportation infrastructure and how can on planning, designing and maintaining the trans- the jurisdictions prioritize their resources to ad- portation networks while restoring streambanks. dress that risk? What is the status of culverts and The overarching goal for New York, Québec and other stormwater infrastructure in the Basin? How Vermont is to strengthen partnerships and commu- can we change policy and create funding to pro- nication between environmental and transportation vide necessary improvements. organizations so that policies and practices can be improved to address long term fl ood resilience. Information Gap: How many dams exist in the Lake Champlain Basin? Which structures • Improve Bridge and Culvert Designs and are abandoned and outdated creating a hazard to Stormwater Infrastructure by making adjust- downstream communities and reducing ecological ments to account for changing climate, with connectivity. storm events increasing in intensity. Data Needs: • Strengthen partnerships, planning and policy • GIS Inventory of all culverts in the Lake making between environmental and transporta- Champlain Basin tion agencies in order to design and build safe, • An assessment on the cost of retrofi tting inad- affordable and ecologically sound transporta- equate culverts (those that failed in the fl oods tion infrastructure in the Lake Champlain Basin of 2011 or have been listed as in need of repair) that is resilient to a changing climate. • Determine methods to identify vulnerability and risk to transportation infrastructure from future fl ooding on a watershed basis. • A hydrology model with various climate sce- narios to identify susceptible watersheds, vul- nerable infrastructure and at-risk communities

52 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

• Identify necessary water system structural Local Economy upgrades The spring 2011 Lake fl ood heavily impacted local • Create an inventory of dams in the Basin businesses, especially those reliant on summer • Prioritize dams necessary for decommission tourism and recreation. In the early stages of the spring fl ood, Vermont local tour and cruise business Spirit of spent $5,000 in dock and electrical adjustments as its home port fl ooded.103 Economic Impacts Further fl ooding of docks and marinas limited Public Expenses boating on Lake Champlain. The Lake Champlain Short-term, the economic impact of the 2011 Community Sailing Center delayed opening from fl ooding events was largely in public expenditures fl ooding from late April to July, resulting in a loss to restore necessary infrastructure and access to in program revenue of $50,000 plus an additional emergency services. Québec was hit hard during $25,000 in damages.104 Whitehall Marina (NY) the spring fl oods, with early estimates costing the lost an estimated $50,000 of their $250,000 annual provincial government $2.4 million to evacuate revenue from damages and delayed opening.105 100 and accommodate displaced residents. As the In total, business along the Champlain Canal was fl ooding persisted for nearly two months, costs down 25% from fl ooding in conjunction with rose to over $70 million in the Québec portion of high gas prices.106 Essex County, New York had a the Basin. retaining wall and several docks washed away and the 21-week tourism season was shortened by six The spring fl oods caused fi nancial burdens in Ver- weeks.107 Burlington waterfront’s boathouse, home of mont and New York in two parts: fi rst, the emer- Splash delayed opening and cancelled private events. gency evacuation of headwater residents during In Québec the Camping-Plage Kirkland campground torrential rain events, then providing aid for shore- had damage to many customer’s trailers.108 line homeowners and infrastructure. In Vermont, there were 800 claims to FEMA and $3.6 million Long-term socioeconomic impact of the fl ooding awarded in public assistance in the Basin after the that occurred has not yet been determined. Socio- 101 disaster declaration mid-summer. In New York, economic impact may be seen long-term in dam- 900 claims for assistance went to FEMA, with $9.9 age to tourism attractions throughout the Basin, 102 million awarded within the Basin. especially if fl ooding and unpredictable weather patterns continue to increase damage costs on When Tropical Storm Irene hit the area, the Ver- an annual basis. In other cases, damage to offi ce mont Agency of Transportation suffered $8 million complexes, downtown areas, and small businesses in damage to transportation infrastructure. FEMA has an impact on the revenue for businesses, as paid $1.8 million to individuals and $8.6 million well as the businesses supported by employee to cities, towns, and the state of Vermont to cover traffi c in the local economy. The Waterbury State public costs. Tropical Storm Irene directly affected Offi ce Complex, including the LaRosa Agriculture 230 municipalities with restoration costs between and Environmental Laboratory and Vermont State Vermont and New York totaling $150 million Hospital, fl ooded, displacing approximately 1,500 Basin-wide. employees from the Waterbury area.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 53 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Some of the facilities were permanently closed. The State also served the communities through the Not only were the jobs of these employees impact- Community Recovery Partnership, an initiative ed, but the business they brought into Waterbury’s to engage communities in the recovery process to local economy was driven elsewhere. This is an identify needs of communities, and develop plans example of how local economies may be impacted for recovery. long-term from fl ood damages. While New York did not receive federal fund- Existing Management ing for individuals from the spring fl oods, pub- lic fi nancial aid was granted. Compensation for Sources for Funding damages from Irene was granted public and indi- Despite the outstanding damages caused by both vidual FEMA assistance. In New York, Governor fl ooding events, sources of funding and support Cuomo organized the “Labor for your Neighbor” have been made available by local, state, and movement facilitating over 2,000 volunteers in federal organizations, as well as community groups response to Tropical Storm Irene. In addition to and non-government organizations. this, the State of New York received a $16 million grant from the United States Department of Labor Federal for NY Works: Neighborhood Rebuilding Corps, United States federal fi nancial support includes hiring several hundred unemployed New Yorkers sources from the Federal Emergency Management for three months to support Irene recovery efforts Agency (FEMA), the National Flood Insurance employed by the New York State Department of Program, and the Small Business Administration. Labor.109 The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) postponed deadlines for business owners and individuals in In Québec, individual assistance for damaged disaster areas. homes compensated owners up to $150,000. The provincial government also provided funds for State or Provincial those displaced to stay in hotels until they could re- State or Provincial agencies provided fi nancial turn home, totaling approximately $2.4 million.110 assistance, as well as services and supplies free of cost. Vermont established a variety of recovery Local and Community programs through the I am Vermont Strong cam- Nine volunteer Long-Term Recovery Committees paign. The Vermont Disaster Relief Fund adminis- have been set up throughout Vermont following tered much of the fundraising, donations, and local Irene, administered by county or town government, recovery funds, working with the Vermont Volun- community groups, and volunteers. The Long- tary Organizations Active in Disaster and Vermont Term Recovery Committees work with federally Emergency Management for long-term recovery. funded case managers to implement recovery plans The Vermont Agency of Commerce and Commu- with funding from the Vermont Disaster Relief nity Development, the Vermont chapter of Associ- Fund. Municipal government played a major role ated General Contractors, the Community Founda- in recovery by reporting damages in order to obtain tion, and the Mobile Home Project developed the federal funding. Mobile Home Deconstruction Program.

54 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

Non-government Organizations Tropical Storm Irene created an even larger de- Non-government community based organizations mand for Red Cross and other relief services in rose from the destruction of the 2011 fl ooding Vermont, and fundraising proved to be an enor- events. In Québec, SOS Richelieu facilitated in mous source of funding for fl ood victims, showing reporting damage, seeking fi nancial assistance, continued support beyond the scope of the storm and connecting victims with free services. SOS itself. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters provided a Vermont helped individuals with psychological generous $250,000 gift to the American Red Cross support and connecting them with local resources. to meet immediate need ($75,000), develop a com- Many organizations including local government, munity sheltering model for future disaster events volunteers from SOS Vermont, and Red Cross pro- ($125,000), and the remaining $50,000 was split vided fi nancial planning workshops for fl ood vic- between American Red Cross of Central and West- tims as referenced in other sections of this report. ern Massachusetts and the American Red Cross Regional planning commissions also played a huge of Eastern Massachusetts to assist with Irene- part in compensating for lack of county govern- related relief. Additionally, the Newman’s Own ment in some areas. Foundation grant pledged $30,000 to the Vermont and New Hampshire Valley Region of American Fundraising Red cross to support the community sheltering The Vermont and New Hampshire Valley Red initiative. Newman’s Own Foundation provided Cross provided services throughout the 2011 fl ood- $150,000 in grants to fi ve Vermont organizations to ing events with requests for donations from the address the wake of Tropical Storm Irene. Sentinel public along with requests for volunteers partner- Investments donated a holiday gift of $15,000 to ing with Salvation Army and Volunteer Organiza- the American Red Cross to contribute to improving tions Assisting Disasters (VOAD). To raise funds, preparedness for community shelters.112 the Red Cross partnered with local news stations Fox 44 and ABC 22, to help spread the message A major fundraiser for Tropical Storm Irene relief of damage caused by the fl ooding, sharing sto- included several benefi t concerts from local artists. ries and requesting fi nancial assistance from the Concerts included the Waterbury Good Neighbor public through the media. Encouraging donations Benefi t Concert, on September 16th following through media, the New England Federal Credit Irene; Green Mountain Coffee Roasters sponsored Union offered a generous $10,000 challenge grant, a concert with local artists Rubblebucket and challenging the public to pool $10,000 to match Ritmo Masacote at Higher Ground in South Burl- the credit union’s pledge. Additional Red Cross ington to support the Vermont Food Bank. Vermont partners include: Casella Waste Management, Blue bands Phish and Grace Potter and the Nocturnals Cross Blue Shield of Vermont, NBT Bank, and each held fundraising concerts. Vermont Telephone. Fundraising was critical for the Red Cross, because the spring disaster alone put them at a $200,000–$300,000 budget defi cit for the year. In July, a Berlin Mall raffl e raised $3,000 in funds to go toward spring fl ooding relief.111

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 55 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

The American Red Cross Northeastern New York • Quantify damage to ecosystem services includ- (ARCNENY) supports the New York region of the ing loss of fi sh and wildlife, damage to forested Lake Champlain Basin. During and beyond the land, recreation and aquatic habitats. spring fl ooding and Irene, residents, local busi- nesses, media, and corporate partners fundraised to Information Gap: What was the economic impact support relief efforts. Price Chopper stores in New of the 2011 fl ooding in comparison to the cost of York, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, and improved fl ood management techniques at a water- New Hampshire (all states with store locations) shed level? teamed up with Red Cross to fundraise for Irene through the “Your Help Counts: Irene” pin-up Data Needs: campaign matching the fi rst $10,000 in donations. • Complete a cost-benefi t analysis accounting SEFCU Bank also collected donations at any of for positive externalities of fl ood management their branch locations matching the fi rst $25,000 on an environmental and socioeconomic level donated. Time Warner Cable donated $25,000 in including but not limited to: increased riparian cash to American Red Cross along with $25,000 in habitat and recreation, improved water quality, local media to support recovery efforts for Irene. fl oodplain zoning, and risk mitigation. In total, New York’s corporate partners’ donations added up to $167,000 within the fi rst few weeks of recovery.113 Beyond the immediate recovery, Dunkin’ Donuts donated $66,823 through customer donations and provided a match of $10,000.114

Management Needs

• Increase availability of fl ood recovery assis- tance to impacted communities

• Provide incentive to mitigate the impacts of future fl ooding events through cost-benefi t analysis.

Information Gaps and Data Needs

Information Gap: What is the actual economic impact of the 2011 fl ooding events?

Data Needs: Complete an economic impact analysis of the 2011 fl ood- ing events on a watershed level through the following: • Quantify the economic cost of the 2011 fl ood- ing events accounting for direct damage to economy: reduced revenue for local businesses, Keene Valley, NY post-Irene. costs of public services, and rebuilding. Photo: SUNY Plattsburgh/Lake Champlain Research Institute

56 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands


36. Québec Civil Protection (Sécurité Publique Québec), Report, May 2011 ( publications/2011-inondations.pdf) accessed September 2012.

37. Québec Civil Protection (Sécurité Publique Québec), Report, May 2011 ( publications/2011-inondations.pdf) accessed September 2012.

38. Canadian Red Cross News Report “Montérégie Floods: The Red Cross Preparing for the Recovery Phase” June 15, 2011 ( Accessed July 2012.

39. Canadian Red Cross News Report “Montérégie Floods: The Red Cross Preparing for the Recovery Phase” June 15, 2011 ( Accessed July 2012.

40. VT ANR Irene Report, December 2011,

41. National Grid Upstate New York Press Release, September 1, 2011 ( news2.asp?document=6334). Accessed July, 2012.

42. Doug Kievit-Kylar, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division, personal communication, 12/7/11.

43. Bilan de la mobilisation de l’ORSC relativement aux inondations en Montérégie (2011) Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de la Montérégie.

44. Drinking Water Supply Division of Vermont Department of Health (

45. Doug Kievit-Kylar, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division, personal communication, 12/7/11.

46. NYS Department of Health (

47. Elizabeth Royer, VT Rural Water, personal communication; Essex County (NY) Offi ce of Community Resources.

48. QC MDDEFP Potable Water (

49. Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de la Montérégie

50. Starting Over Strong Vermont June 2012 News Release (; Accessed July 2012.

51. New York State Offi ce of Mental Health Project Hope ( hope/).

52. FEMA News Release Series DR-4020 (

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 57 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

53. Vermont Red Cross Disaster Alert May 27, 2011 (

54. FEMA Disaster Declaration DR-1995, June 15, 2011 (

55. FEMA Disaster Declaration DR-1993, June 10, 2011 (

56. VT ANR Irene Report, December 2011,

57. Vermont Red Cross News Release, September 1, 2011 (

58. Vermont Red Cross News Release, September 1, 2011 (; American Red Cross Fast Facts.

59. Vermont Red Cross News Release, September 1, 2011 (

60. Vermont Red Cross News Release, September 1, 2011 (

61. North Country Red Cross Fast Facts September 6, 2011 ( cane-irene-red-cross-response-in-new-york/).

62. North Country Red Cross Fast Facts September 6, 2011 ( cane-irene-red-cross-response-in-new-york/).

63. USGS/NOAA Lake Champlain Gage at Burlington, VT (

64. Luc Castonguay, Director of Urban Planning, St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, QC “The City’s Role in Managing the Flood- Prone Area” Presentation at LCBP’s Flood Resilience Conference, June 2012.

65. Luc Castonguay, Director of Urban Planning, St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, QC “The City’s Role in Managing the Flood- Prone Area” Presentation at LCBP’s Flood Resilience Conference, June 2012.

66. FEMA News Release Series DR-4020 and DR-4022 (; http://www.fema. gov/disaster/4022); Vermont Emergency Management.

67. USGS/NOAA Lake Champlain Gage at Rouses Point, NY (

68. NADO Research Foundation Center for Transportation Advancement and Regional Development with support from the Federal Highway Administration, VTRANS Irene Recovery Report, July 2012.

69. Andrew Kozlowski, New York state geologist via NPR 6/6/2011; NYS Division of Homeland Security (http://www. le.pdf).

70. Neale Lunderville, Vermont Irene Recovery Report, January 2012 ( Irene_Recovery_Report_Jan_2012.pdf).

71. Neale Lunderville, Vermont Irene Recovery Report, January 2012 ( Irene_Recovery_Report_Jan_2012.pdf).

58 March 2013 Impact on Infrastructure & Developed Lands

72. Vermont Emergency Management (, December 2012.

73. Vermont Emergency Management (, December 2012.

74. American Red Cross News Releases, September, 2011.

75. National Grid Upstate New York Press Release, September 1, 2011 ( news2.asp?document=6334). Accessed July, 2012.

76. VTrans ( Accessed December 2012.

77. VTrans ( Accessed December 2012.

78. VT ANR Irene Report, December 2011,

79. FEMA News Release Series DR-4020 (

80. T. Lavigne, Essex County (NY) Public Works Division, Personal Communication, May 4, 2012.

81. Rail Vermont (

82. Parcs ( ood.aspx).

83. NYS DEC (

84. NYS DEC (

85. Lake Champlain Ferries ( Accessed November, 2012.

86. NYS Canal Corps ( & http://www.canals.

87. Parcs Canada ( ood.aspx).

88. Parcs Canada ( ood.aspx).

89. Jen Thalhauser, USACE Project Manager of the Waterbury Reservoir- personal communication.

90. Jen Thalhauser, USACE Project Manager of the Waterbury Reservoir- personal communication.

91. Wayne Graham, VT Rural Water, personal communication.

92. VT ANR Wastewater Management Division via ANR Irene by the Numbers Report, 2011.

93. Elizabeth Royer, VT Rural Water, personal communication; Essex County (NY) Offi ce of Community Resources.

94. VT ANR Wastewater Management Division via VT ANR Irene Report, December 2011.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 59 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

95. Tyler Whitcomb of F.W. Whitcomb Stone Quarry, Colchester, VT (September, 2012).

96. Vermont Emergency Management (, December 2012.

97. Essex County (NY) Emergency Management.

98. Sue Minter, Vermont Irene Recovery Offi cer, Keynote: 2011 Floods: Response, Recovery and Resilience at LCBP Flood Resilience Conference, June 2012.

99. NADO Research Foundation Center for Transportation Advancement and Regional Development with support from the Federal Highway Administration, VTRANS Irene Recovery Report, July 2012.

100. Québec Civil Protection ( Accessed January, 2013.

101. FEMA Disaster Declaration DR-1995, June 15, 2011 (

102. FEMA Disaster Declaration DR-1993, June 10, 2011 (

103. City of Burlington Parks and Recreation ( Accessed July, 2012.

104. Community Sailing Center News Release ( Accessed July, 2012/.

105. Bob Elmy, owner of Whitehall Marina at Lock 12.

106. NYS Canal Corps.

107. Essex County (NY) Department of Tourism.

108. Christa Baertschi, owner of Camping-Plage Kirkland.

109. The Offi ce of Governor Cuomo Press Release, September 19, 2011 ( itionalAssistance). Accessed December 2012.

110. Québec Civil Protection.

111. Vermont Red Cross News Release, September 1, 2011 (

112. Vermont Red Cross News Release, September 1, 2011 (

113. North Country Red Cross Fast Facts September 6, 2011 ( cane-irene-red-cross-response-in-new-york/).

114. North Country Red Cross Fast Facts September 6, 2011 ( cane-irene-red-cross-response-in-new-york/).

60 March 2013 Impact on Agriculture

Floodplains generally have very fertile and highly fl uctuations, efforts to salvage crops between rain productive soil, making them ideal locations for fall events were largely unsuccessful. At the end agriculture. In the Lake Champlain Basin, much of the summer, the Intervale was again fl ooded of the farmland is located within fl oodplains. As by Tropical Storm Irene, leading to a partial early a consequence, fl oods heavily impact the agricul- harvest and signifi cant damage to produce that tural sectors in Vermont, New York, and Québec. resulted in a loss of income for many farmers. Though large portions of agricultural land in the Richelieu River Valley fl ood on a yearly basis, the In Québec, agricultural production in the Richelieu widespread damage from the 2011 fl ood events River fl oodplain was equally impacted by spring was unprecedented. Furthermore, large volumes of fl ooding. At the peak of the spring fl oods in May agricultural runoff, including sediment and nutrients, and June, 170 farms and 6,177 acres (2,500 ha) in contributed to the degradation of water quality in the upper Richelieu River Valley were affected. Lake Champlain. The reported damages were downgraded as the season progressed. On June 20, 2011, 117 farms Impact of Flooding on accounted for 2,644 acres (1,070 ha) of unseeded Agriculture land and 355 acres (155 ha) of damaged hay crops. Flooding due to Tropical Storm Irene was less The 2011 fl ooding events impacted agricultural severe in the Richelieu Valley, although high winds lands and the agriculture-related economy. Flooding from the storm damaged several acres of cash crops.115 both in the early spring and late summer shortened the growing season with a late start and an early The shortened growing season impacted feed avail- end. Agricultural land, equipment, and farmsteads ability for livestock. In the , the were damaged, reducing yields and elevating costs planting date for feed corn is usually late April, of production. Additionally, contaminated fl oodwaters but was delayed until June. The Miner Institute, and soils destroyed crops and livestock feed, heavily an agricultural research facility in northeastern impacting revenue for the Basin’s farmers. New York, planted only 80 out of 300 acres (32 of 116 Shortened Growing Season 120 ha) of corn in the spring of 2011. Flooding In the early spring of 2011, land was fl ooded and in Québec also affected dairy and other livestock soils were too saturated for planting in many parts productions through the loss of hay crops. Many of the Champlain Valley. The Intervale Community of these farms were able to adapt their crops to the Farm in Burlington, Vermont is located in the fl ood shortened growing season or purchase the neces- zone of the Winooski River and was fl ooded during sary feed. A delay in corn production for livestock this time. The Intervale has sandy soils that are tol- feed further delayed hay production later in the erant of wet conditions, allowing earlier plantings season. Consequently, feed and dairy product than most area farms. But in 2011, crops planted in qualities were lower. For farmers who purchased the early spring were destroyed by heavy rains and feed, short supplies resulted in higher prices and fl ooding along the Winooski River. Due to water decreased revenue for dairy and beef producers.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 61 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

In Vermont and New York, Tropical Storm Irene cows to minimize stress on limited resources for impacted the second round of plantings and the end generating power, and to reduce dairy production of summer harvest. Loss of corn, hay, and alfalfa that could end up wasted by lack of distribution. crops put further stress on farmers relying on crops For farmers in the Agri-mark Cabot cooperative, to feed livestock throughout the winter. the cooperative covered the cost of the lost milk. The Fédération des Producteurs Laitiers du Québec Damage to Agricultural Land and Farmsteads (Milk Producers Alliance of Québec) had prepared During the spring fl oods and Tropical Storm Irene, an emergency plan in the event of milk not being farmers in the Lake Champlain Basin experienced able to be collected, but fortunately that plan was major damages to their property from sedimenta- not needed. There was no interruption of milk col- tion, erosion, and contamination from fl oodwaters. lection on the affected dairy farms during the fl ooding Floodwaters oversaturated agricultural soils, mak- in Québec. ing them unsuitable for crop growth by promoting fungal and stymieing root production. Flooded Sedimentation & Top Soil fi elds were often covered in thick layers of silt and For farmers, soil is a valuable living resource that rocks after the waters receded. Following Irene, is built over time. Healthy top- soil can take years farmers reported debris scattered throughout their to develop, and careful operation to maintain. Irene, fi elds including propane tanks, fragments of dam- causing remarkable fl uvial damage, washed away aged buildings and trees. According to the USDA, the top soil for many farms. The loss of several over 9,000 acres (3,642 ha) of Vermont agricul- inches of valuable top soil can cost farms revenue tural lands were affected by Irene.117 In New York, from lost production and generation of new top soil the USDA paid $78.6 million in claims covering may take several years. 225,000 acres (91,000 ha) of damaged farmland in New York statewide. In Québec, damages to Contamination of Crops farmland were equally observed. The Ministère During both fl ood events, potentially contaminated de la Sécurité Publique (MSP or Ministry of Civil fl oodwaters inundated or passed through the Basin’s Protection) processed compensation claims related farmland carrying toxic debris. Since many crops to debris removal, dike repairs, water pumping and livestock production are intended primarily for equipment and damages to culverts. human consumption, precautionary measures had to be taken. The FDA declared that any crops with an Production & Distribution edible portion that came in contact with fl oodwaters For the farms that were not directly impacted by were contaminated after inundation from fl ooding fl ooding, damage to transportation infrastructure and had to be destroyed.119 and road access limited the distribution of agri- cultural products, making it diffi cult for farmers Tropical Storm Irene – New York to access customers. Immediately after Irene, 15 Statewide in New York, 140,000 acres (56,650 Vermont dairy farmers had to dispose of their milk ha) of agricultural land were destroyed by Tropi- because trucks could not access their property in cal Storm Irene, much of it in the time to haul it away without spoiling.118 Farms, Valley.120 This fi gure is much larger than the 9,000 without power needed on-site electric generators to acres (3,600 ha) affected in Vermont, because the power their milking operations. Some dairy pro- agricultural industry in the State of New York is ducers were forced to limit their milking to fewer more widespread and large-scale.121

62 March 2013 Impact on Agriculture

Cornell Cooperative Extension warned farmers the sale of all food that had been in contact with that the fl oodwaters, which washed over the late- fl ood water. Consequently, $2 million in vegetable summer crops, contained silt, but was also poten- crops were not harvested or destroyed statewide tially contaminated with human waste and chemi- in Vermont.127 This estimate does not include the cal pollutants.122 costs of lost feed, dairy, maple, and value-added agricultural products. Tropical Storm Irene – Vermont According to the USDA Farm Service Agency, 476 The effects of Tropical Storm Irene were less se- Vermont producers were impacted by Irene with vere in the Richelieu River Valley. Minimal fl ood- economic loss to farmers at about $20 million.123 ing was observed, however high winds did affect certain cash crops in the area effectively fl attening Damage to crops by acre, state-wide in Vermont: the potential harvest. • 6,065 acres of corn (2,450 ha) • 225 acres of soybean (91 ha) Livestock and Livestock Feed • 7,268 acres of hay (2,940 ha) While there are reports in Vermont and New York • 596 acres of fruit/vegetable (240 ha) statewide on livestock drowning or dying from • 1,752 acres of pasture (709 ha) illness caused by the fl oods, the major impact of • 1,402 acres of maple sugarbush (wind dam- the fl oods on livestock was indirectly through their aged; 567 ha)124 feed. In Québec, the impact observed was almost exclusively related to feed damage. In the winter, Due to the fl ash fl ooding from Irene in agricultural farmers rely on forage and grains including corn, valleys, farmers were forced to destroy or not har- hay, and alfalfa to feed their livestock (primarily vest edible crops intended for human consumption cows). Issues with feed began during the fl oods, touched by fl oodwaters. Crops intended for live- when fl oodwater contaminated feed. Farmers were stock feed were closely monitored by state agen- faced with the decision of using the potentially cies to ensure safe levels of toxins were present in contaminated feed. Some hard-hit areas, such as silage.125 Estimated value of crop losses and crop farm fi elds along the Winooski River south of land damage is greater than $10 million statewide Montpelier, were forced to discard crops intended according to the Vermont Agency of Agriculture.126 for livestock feed due to the high risk of heavy Crops were damaged by fl ood inundation, erosion, metal contamination. UVM Extension and the and wind. Floodwaters that fl owed over crop land state agencies of agriculture tested feed supplies left a thick layer of silt and gravel, smothering for mycotoxins (potentially produced by fungal crops and leading to increased hillslope erosion growth), ash (from sediment), and heavy metals. on pasture lands. According to UVM Extension, Mycotoxins and heavy metals were at safe levels Tropical Storm Irene had a much higher risk of across most of the samples, though some samples crop contamination than the spring fl oods, due to exhibited spikes of heavy metal content after the more widespread reports of inundated waste-water fl ooding.128 129State agencies monitored feed sup- treatment systems, septic tanks, and hazardous plies for up to a year after fl ooding occurred in waste sites. In compliance with the Food, Drug and affected areas. Throughout the Basin, high levels Cosmetic Act, the U.S. Food and Drug Administra- of sediment were deposited on feed crops. tion and Vermont Agency of Agriculture prohibited

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 63 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Normal levels of ash in silage are about 3–5.5% agriculture (CSA) also known as a “farm share.” of the total mass, while the fl ood-damaged silage This CSA usually produces a share with a 40-50% contained 4–22% ash.130 The impact of high ash bonus over comparable retail prices, providing levels on cows is not well studied, but with high an incentive for community members to invest. ash content it is likely the animals could consume The 2011 bonus was signifi cantly reduced due to excessive quantities of soil and sediment. To the spring fl oods. The fl ooding from Irene also maintain a supply of feed throughout the winter of destroyed many summer vegetables just before 2011–2012, some farmers diluted fl ooded forage harvest. Similar problems occurred throughout the with uncontaminated forage for feed. affected area. Summer crops, including carrots, onions, spinach, arugula, baby beets, winter squash Further damage to the feed supply due to wet and, pumpkins were inundated on nearly 200 conditions resulted in mold or poor silage fermen- farms in New York. Fresh produce from farms in tation. When silage is stored, oxygen levels impact Vermont and New York is supplied to urban areas, the respiration process of the silage, thus impacting including and Boston. the levels of carbohydrates available in the feed. If oxygen is readily available, respiration uses up the carbohydrates, producing low quality feed. Fer- mentation can only occur once oxygen is depleted, Impact of Agricultural Runoff as it lowers the pH so that mold and bacteria can- on Waterways not survive. High moisture levels, promote mold Severe weather events cause fl ash fl ooding, signifi cant growth and lead to poor fermentation in silage, runoff, fl uvial damage to streambanks, and inundation, thus reducing the value of the silage for feed. mobilize agricultural soils, along with fertilizers and pesticides that may be present in the soil. A consequence With high water, pasture land for grazing livestock of agricultural runoff during fl ooding is intensifi ed nu- was limited. In Vermont alone, there were 1,752 trient and sediment loading into the Basin’s waterways acres (709 ha) of fl ood-damaged pasture land.131 and to Lake Champlain. Moist soil promoted the growth of clostridia organ- isms and other pathogens that may cause diseases, abortion, or death of livestock. Many farmers were forced to limit grazing and closely monitor their herds.132

Local Food Sources Local farms contribute fresh, local food and value- added products to the economy. Many farms in the Lake Champlain Basin distribute products to the consumer market through a food hub, a distribu- tor or cooperative, and or at local farmers markets. The Intervale Community Farm, in Burlington, Vermont is an example of community supported agriculture that provides local food source. A pri- mary source of upfront income is the investment of Spring Lake Flooding community members in community supported Photo: LCBP

64 March 2013 Impact on Agriculture

Nutrient & Sediment Loading late summer when crops were well established, re- About 90% of phosphorus loading is from non- ducing the risk of erosion on the agricultural land, point sources including stormwater and agricul- so most sediment loss and nutrient loading was tural runoff in the Lake Champlain Basin. Agricul- associated with fl ash fl oods and fl uvial damage tural runoff, rich in nutrients, carries high levels of to streambanks. Many rivers deposited enormous phosphorus during fl ood events into Lake Champ- loads of nutrients and sediments into Lake Champ- lain, its tributaries, and the upper Richelieu River lain after the fl ooding, particularly in the southern Valley. segments of the Lake. In several areas, however— notably in the Otter Creek watershed—fl ash fl oods

The April-May spring Ňoods accounted for -35 62% of the annual phosphorus inundated croplands and pastures in a broad fl ood- load from these rivers during water year 2011. Tropical Storm Irene brought only- 9 17% of the annual loads. plain, reducing the impact downstream.

50 Winooski River Tropical Storm Irene 13% 40 (Annual load = 410 mt) 30 Spring Ňoods 62% 20 Pesticide Loading 10 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 2010 2011 Pesticides, including herbicides, insecticides, and 50 40 (Annual load = 383 mt) Spring Ňoods 62% 30 Tropical Storm Irene 9% fungicides, are designed to kill or adversely affect 20 10 0 nuisance species. According to Vermont Agency of Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 2010 2011 5 Otter Creek Agriculture Foods and Markets, 76% of agricultur- Phosphorus Load (mt/day) Load Phosphorus 4 (Annual load = 206 mt) Tropical Storm Irene 17% 3 Spring Ňoods 35% 2 al pesticide use in the region is herbicide for grow- 1 0 134 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct ing corn. Agricultural operations spread pesti- 2010 2011 cides over target areas, but also store pesticides for Figure 10. Phosphorus loading in 2011 in selected major future uses. Storage of pesticides is regulated and Vermont tributaries. Data courtesy: VT ANR required to be protected from unintentional release, including inundation by fl oodwaters. Flooding events increase the risk of moving applied pesti- The impact of a fl ooding on agricultural runoff is cide residues into non-target areas through runoff. highly dependent on timing of the event. During Mobilized pesticides may put surface drinking the spring 2011 events, most agricultural land was water supplies at risk, posing a potential threat to bare soil, and had been tilled and fertilized in prep- human health. After Irene, inundated crops were aration for planting. This increased sediment and tested for pesticide contamination with only ex- nutrient loss through hillslope erosion. Rainwater tremely low levels detected.135 and inundation mobilized soils containing cow manure or applied fertilizers. In the spring of 2011, Flood-contaminated pesticides that remain on the phosphorus load of the Winooski River totaled premises may be rendered useless for agricultural 77 metric tons in a single week, equal to half the use but could still dangerous for human contact, usual annual load.133 The Basin’s waterways were and thus may require professional disposal.136 The milky brown, rich with sediment. The nutrient load disposal process presents further potential for en- introduced to the Lake may contribute to increased vironmental contamination. The Vermont Agency aquatic plant growth and persistent cyanobacteria of Agriculture, Food, and Markets (VAAFM), New blooms. The unprecedented sediment loading also York State Department of Environmental Con- changed the shallow benthic regions of the Lake, servation Clean Sweep Program, and the Québec covering it with a muddy and rich depositional MDDEFP all have collection programs for the safe layer. In contrast, Tropical Storm Irene occurred in disposal of pesticides.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 65 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Existing Management Champlain from agricultural lands. Participating agencies include the Vermont Agency of Agri- Because agriculture is such an important regional culture, Food and Markets (VAAFM), New York industry and local food resource in the Lake Cham- State Agency of Agriculture and Markets, regional plain Basin and the Richelieu River Valley, it is agencies, the Québec Ministries of Sustainable De- important to maintain agricultural production while velopment, Environment, Wildlife and Parks, and mitigating the impact of fl oods. Existing manage- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and the United ment includes local, state and federal programs that States Department of Agriculture Natural Resourc- ensure farmers are economically supported during es Conservation Service, non-profi ts and extension and after fl ood events. services by local universities. On many regional farms, efforts focus on reducing hillslope erosion, State agricultural agencies in Vermont and New maintaining riparian buffers with livestock exclu- York regulate pesticides, livestock feed, seeds and sion to streams, reducing tillage, properly manag- fertilizers. VAAFM has specifi c water quality pro- ing nutrient runoff and other pollution prevention grams including the Accepted Agricultural Practic- strategies. In times of fl ooding, these strategies es (AAPs), Medium Farm Operations (MFO), and help to reduce the impact on agricultural lands be- Large Farm Operations (LFO) programs. In both cause high-impact areas near rivers and lakeshores states, agencies encourage Best Management Prac- are already protected by vegetated buffers. Farmers tices (BMPs) that mitigate agricultural impacts on who do not comply with general Best Management water quality include reduced tillage, riparian buf- Practices may be more at risk for fl ood damages. fers, wetland restoration or conversion, and surface drainage controls, among others. State agencies When fl ooding occurs, farmers face the same provide technical and fi nancial assistance to farm- economic hardships as businesses. Local non-profi t ers to implement BMPs to ensure compliance with organizations, federal and state agencies are avail- current water quality standards. Many BMPs are able for immediate assistance. After Irene, the Ver- voluntary except for Concentrated Animal Feed- mont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets as- ing Operations (CAFOs), which are mandatory, sembled a Rapid Assessment and Response team, and many programs provide incentives for farmer connecting emergency responders, veterinarians, to implementation. farmers affected by the fl ood. Extension services provided by Cornell University and the University Agricultural Land in Floodplains of Vermont lent technical assistance and supplies Most agricultural land in the Champlain Valley is to fl ooded farmers. Federal programs immediately located on or near a fl oodplain. Agriculture, spe- assessed damage to agricultural producers, deter- cifi cally dairy and livestock production, is a major mining the viability of crop production, insurance economic driver in the region. Best Management claims, and damage assessments. Long term fi nan- Practices (BMPs) are supported by state, federal cial assistance through a variety of organizations is and non-profi t agencies, with incentives for the made available to farmers before, during and after farmers to participate to reduce runoff to Lake fl ooding disasters.

66 March 2013 Impact on Agriculture

Damage to Feed Supplies ○ pH management Flooded livestock feed supplies may be salvaged. State agencies have risk management protocols in ○ moisture management in storage and place to protect farmers when production supplies proper ensiling techniques may be contaminated by fl oodwaters. With proper management, risks associated with fl ood-damaged ○ sampling and analysis137 silage may be avoided. The current protocol states: The state provided technical assistance and feed • Field Assessment/Risk Avoidance: Farms will monitoring to affected farmers immediately after be provided information to aid in the decision and for up to a year after fl ooding. making process for harvesting fl ood damaged corn. The fi rst priority will be fi eld assessment Testing for Contaminants to determine what fi elds or portions of fi elds State agencies conducted post-fl ooding site inspec- can or should be harvested. Factors that will tions of the major agricultural pesticide applica- be considered in these assessments will be the tor facilities in the affected areas. These facilities physical condition of the stalks, inspection of store and distribute commercial pesticides. Testing the ears for mold, height of fl oodwaters and confi rmed that none of the facilities were located in duration of fl ooding, amount of sediment on fl ood-damaged areas. Testing of forage crops was plants, and upstream potential hazards. The also completed by state agencies, and investiga- fi eld assessment process will identify stands tors concluded that crops fl ooded by Irene did not that should not be harvested, stands where present a risk of pesticide contamination per FDA chopper heads should be raised and stands that guidelines.138 have not been impacted by fl oodwater. State agencies conducted contaminant testing for • Risk Avoidance: Stands deemed unfi t for har- feed crops, including corn and wheat, using exist- vest will be left in the fi eld. ing federal protocols and baseline standards.139 The primary crop of concern was corn for silage, • Risk Management: Risk management practices and the primary contaminants of concern were will apply to harvested silage that has been heavy metals and mycotoxins. State agencies exposed to fl oodwater but that has not been received guidance from the Federal Food and severely damaged. The issues associated with Drug Administration (FDA) to survey and monitor these crops will be primarily mycotoxin and affected crops. Flood-damaged crops to be consid- pathogen contamination. Management activi- ered for livestock feed were tested for Mycotoxins, ties for these risks include: heavy metals, pathogenic bacteria, pesticides and PCBs. Testing for mycotoxins included, at mini- ○ harvest at proper moisture content mum, afl atoxin, fumonisin, vomitoxin, zearlonone and ochratoxin. Heavy metal testing focused on ○ segregation of fl ooded silage cadmium, mercury and lead. Pathogenic bacteria of concern were Salmonella, E. coli¸ Clostridium ○ inoculation or treatment of silage perfringens and botulinum. All contaminant levels must be within the FDA guidelines for use in animal feed.140

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 67 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and crops that were in contact with fl oodwaters in any Markets set up a three-tiered monitoring program way, for any length of time. Food producers ex- to test for contaminants for a year after fl ooding perienced a major loss due to this risk of potential occurred, selecting at-risk farms in fl oodways for contamination. participation. Tier 1 sampling was a broad-scale survey to determine baseline levels of heavy metal Soil Testing and mycotoxin contamination. Tier 2 determined The University of Vermont Agricultural Testing the level of contamination in feeding materials Lab provided free soil testing for fl ooded farm using a sub-set of Tier 1 farms. Tier 3 analyzed fi elds pairing samples from fl ooded and un-fl ooded milk from specifi c at-risk farms to determine ad- fi elds, and testing for heavy metals and total petro- ditional management actions and risk mitigation.141 leum hydrocarbon. Soils were tested for cadmium, Throughout the process, the Agency of Agriculture copper, chromium, nickel, lead, and zinc. Of the worked in cooperation with the Department of En- 155 soil samples, there were no detections of vironmental Conservation to monitor water quality. elevated heavy metal levels.144 Total petroleum hy- All fl ooded farms were eligible for risk management drocarbon analysis was done to detect fossil fuels and technical assistance training. Producers regu- from gas, diesel, or oil in fl ood-contaminated wa- larly test for pathogens, mycotoxins, and ash. In ters. These tests only found expected background the case of cash crops, a testing protocol has not hydrocarbon levels, suggesting little contamina- yet been set up, so when fl oods occur, it is more tion from fl oodwater. Testing soils for microbial diffi cult to interpret tests for pathogens. Any feed contamination, such as E. coli and Salmonella, is from a fl ood zone that entered the commercial costly. Microbial testing was not conducted for market in 2012 could be subject to contaminant soils, because microbial pathogens are expected to testing.142 decline over time, and human health risk is mar- ginal when planting in the following spring. While Food Safety for Human Consumption the tests showed minor impact from contamination Generally, edible crops that are widely distributed on agricultural soils, in the case of produce for hu- are traceable to their source if a pathogen is dis- man consumption and feed for livestock consump- covered, but precautionary testing is not regulated. tion, farmers must take the precautionary measure When widespread fl ooding occurs, inundated to avoid potential health risks from fl ooding. Soil crops intended for human consumption are usually analyses were not conducted in Québec as spring destroyed. fl ooding is an annual event in the Richelieu Valley, although 2011 was unusually severe. The Federal Food and Drug Administration policy states that any ready-to-eat crop inundated by fl ood Financial Support for Farmers waters is deemed unfi t for human consumption. With prolonged fl ooding, the crops are also deemed unfi t Québec – Financial Assistance for Farmers for livestock consumption as well.143 A widespread Following the severe fl ooding in May and June fl ood event, like Tropical Storm Irene, increases 2011, two fi nancial support programs were put into the likelihood of contamination from sewage, septic, place in order to help farms that were unable to and hazardous waste, when inundated. Growers seed agricultural land. The Montérégie-Ouest were required to destroy (or not harvest) edible

68 March 2013 Impact on Agriculture

regional branch of Québec’s Ministry of Agricul- Vermont – Financial Assistance for Farmers ture, Fisheries, and Food (MAPAQ) administered In Vermont, a variety of services were offered both assistance programs for farmers. The over- for farm recovery.147 Vermont Agricultural Credit arching goal of the programs is to provide fi nan- Corporation offered an emergency loan program cial assistance for mitigating the impact of natural for direct fl ood related damages and losses. Loans disasters, such as fl oods, to enable farmers to more were offered at a 1% interest rate, and for the fi rst quickly resume production. two years no payments required; the maximum loan size was $100,000. The Vermont Farm Fund First, a provincial government program entitled Emergency Loan offered $5,000 loans at 0% inter- “Complimentary aid program for agricultural busi- est, payable over two years for farms in danger nesses affected by the Montérégie fl oods”, funded of shutting down business due to fl ooding. This entirely by the provincial government, provided program had a turnaround to approval of 14 busi- $355 per hectare (1 ha=2.5 acres) of un-seeded ness days. Also available to farmers, Farm First, land for the 107 farms affected by Champlain and offers short-term, free confi dential counseling and Richelieu River fl ooding in 2011. resources for Vermont Dairy Farmers and their family members. The Vermont Agency of Agricul- Secondly, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada pro- ture partnered with the Vermont Community Foun- vide Business Risk Management (BRM) programs dation, creating the Vermont Farm Disaster Relief under the program Growing Forward, in which Fund, assisting Vermont farms damaged from Irene the federal agency works with the government of through donations, including a local Phish benefi t Québec Ministries to provide assistance to affected concert. The Vermont Farm Disaster Relief Fund Canadian farmers on a disaster specifi c basis. The was able to provide 225 farmers with grants total- program offers a 60/40 cost share federal/provin- ing over $2.4 million.148 cial.145 The provincial ministry (MAPAQ) admin- isters the assistance, adding the federal funds to New York – Financial Assistance for Farmers existing provincial assistance, to help producers at Assistance to New York farmers from Tropi- the local level. cal Storm Irene fl ooding came from a variety of sources. New York State Governor Cuomo’s ad- In addition to the emergency fi nancial assistance ministration provided $15 million immediately.149 provided to affected farms, the Financière Agricole Also, the Empire State Development Corporation du Québec (FADQ) intervened with its crop insur- (ESD) administered a program with the New York ance programs which it provides for certain sec- State Department of Environmental Conservation tors. The FADQ processed 87 insurance claims in (NYS DEC) providing a total of $9 million for the the sector affected by fl ooding. Total compensation Hurricane Irene-Tropical Storm Lee Flood Mitiga- was $318,861.30 for 3,310 acres (1,339.4 ha).146 tion Program, with grants ranging from $300,000 The greater surface area addressed by the FADQ to $500,000 per eligible county. programs is due to compensations paid out for land that was intended for corn.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 69 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

These grants support fl ood mitigation and control • Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey- projects in streams impacted by Tropical Storms bees, and Farm Raised Fish (ELAP): ELAP Irene and Lee. New York’s Governor Cuomo later was authorized by the 2008 Farm Bill to pro- provided an additional $1.3 million in Agricultural vide emergency relief to producers of livestock, and Community Recovery Fund grants to 143 honeybees, and farm-raised fi sh and covers farms in 21 counties to cover cost of livestock feed losses from disasters that are not adequately and damaged crops. covered by other programs.

New York State Energy Resources and Develop- • Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP): LIP was ment Authority established the Agriculture Disaster authorized by the 2008 Farm Bill to provide Energy Effi ciency Program, providing funding assistance to livestock producers for livestock for energy-effi cient repairs and retrofi ts of dam- deaths from disaster events, in excess of nor- aged electric and natural gas agricultural producer mal mortality.150 equipment including milk processing, cooling, heating, and other farm systems. Emergency farm loans allowing producers to borrow up to 100% of lost production or physi- United States Department of Agriculture, Farm cal losses to a maximum of $500,000 also were Service Agency available. Finally, the Emergency Conservation The USDA Farm Service Agency provided Emer- Program (ECP) provided emergency funding and gency Loans for farmers with physical losses or technical assistance for farmers to rehabilitate production shortfalls for the spring fl ooding (in fl ood-damaged farmland. Vermont) and Tropical Storm Irene. The Supple- mental Revenue Assistance Payments Program Management Needs assisting farmers by supplementing revenue lost from crop damage and quality losses. • Enhance emergency preparedness for agricul- tural businesses and farmers. Currently, the Assistance programming from the USDA includes: state agencies, University Extension services, USDA NRCS and the Farm Bureau are work- • Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program ing together to create a comprehensive emer- (NAP): NAP provides fi nancial assistance to gency preparedness checklist for farmers to producers affected by natural disasters. NAP ensure continuation of operations in the event covers non-insurable crop losses and planting of a natural disaster. prevented by disasters. Eligible crops include commercial crops produced for food or live- • Ensure communication between farms, busi- stock feed, and specialty crops, such as maple nesses and agencies before, during and after syrup. fl ooding events. Some rural homesteads do not have internet or cellphone access. A commu- • Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments nication network must be established to allow Program (SURE): SURE was authorized by the emergency response in rural areas. 2008 Farm Bill and covers crop revenue losses from quantity or quality defi ciencies only in declared disaster areas by the Agriculture Sec- retary or in cases where the overall production loss exceeds 50 percent.

70 March 2013 Impact on Agriculture

• Encourage a Lake Champlain Basin-wide ini- • Conversion of regularly tilled land into pe- tiative by Vermont, New York, and Québec for rennial crops is another option, in which the farmers to allow agricultural land in fl oodplains soil is continually protected from erosion by to be fl ooded during storm events. Farmers a groundcover. Perennial crops are generally could receive compensation or reach an agree- grains or grasses. ment whereby they receive cost incentives if they maintain good riparian management prac- • Water and Sediment Control Basins (WAS- tices to reduce the impact of future fl oods. The COBs) are agricultural runoff reduction struc- Prime Vert in Québec is an incentive program tures being evaluated in the Lake Champlain administered by the MAPAQ to help farmers Basin. It is a small basin designed to store and and the agriculture sector adopt environmental- slow agricultural runoff, allowing sediment ly sound agricultural practices, improve water to settle from stormwater before it drains into quality, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. a waterway. The LCBP is partnering with the Some incentives exist for farmers to convert State of Vermont to install and observe the ef- agricultural land bordering waterways into fectiveness of WASCOBs in a program. riparian buffers or wetland. The conversion of agricultural land into wetlands or riparian • Create a comprehensive emergency response buffers mitigates the water quality impact of plan specifi c to the agricultural and rural com- agricultural runoff by entrapping and retaining munities who may easily be isolated during nutrients and sediments. This is very effective fl oods, including: for fl ood mitigation, as the wetlands also are ○ Refrigeration access/power supplies exceptional water storage resources, reducing ○ Livestock management and evacuation the rate of a rising fl ood and effectively fi lter- ○ Immediate technical and fi nancial assistance ing many of the nutrients and sediments carried for at-risk farmers by the fl oodwaters. One common technique is the purchase of river corridor easements, com- Information Gap: Is there a quantifi able effect on pensating farmers for converting agriculturally water quality from increased fl ooding on agricul- productive land to mitigate fl ood risk. tural lands?

• Reducing tillage can result in a 50%–63% Information Gaps and Data Needs reduction in agricultural runoff by keeping a groundcover on the soil in times when crops Information Gap: Which agricultural lands are are not in production prior to, or after the located in high-risk fl oodplains? growing season. Reduced tillage reduces the likelihood of soil erosion from stormwater by Information Gap: What rural lands can be used reducing the amount of exposed soil matrix, for fl ood storage? Would storage of fl oodwater on reducing agricultural runoff. agricultural land risk contaminating crops, soil, or water? What is the economic benefi t of farm fl ood resilience?

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 71 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Information Gap: What impact does the dike system in Québec have on fl ooding in agricultural areas?

Information Gap: What agencies are responsible for ensuring that large farming operations follow good fl ood management practices and have an emergency response system in place?

Data Needs: • Determine the impacts of standard agricultural BMPs on reducing potential fl ood risk • Quantify the downstream reduction of fl oods if all viable upstream fl oodplains areas were accessible, including agricultural fi elds and natural areas • Improved sampling of contaminated crops as compared to un-fl ooded crops during future fl ood events, testing for microbial contamina- tion, heavy metals, other common contami- nants • Evaluate the risk of feeding contaminated crops intended for human consumption to livestock • Test remedial processes for utilizing fl ooded crops • Critical source area evaluation of high-risk fl oodplains within agricultural areas. • A Basin-wide hydrologic model that could help establish priority lands to be converted into wetlands and riparian buffers. • Evaluate the risks of using agricultural land for fl oodwater storage. How much of a difference would storing fl oodwater on agricultural land make to mitigate fl ooding Basin-wide? • Evaluate the infl uence of fl ooding on the dike system in Québec.

Some impacts of Tropical Storm Irene on Route 4 in Vermont. Photo: VT ANR

72 March 2013 Impact on Agriculture


115. Carrolyn O’Grady, MAPAQ, personal communication, September, 2012.

116. The William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute (NY).

117. VT ANR Irene Report, December 2011,

118. Neale Lunderville, Vermont Irene Recovery Report, January 2012 ( Irene_Recovery_Report_Jan_2012.pdf).

119. Cary Giguere, Section Chief, VAAFM, personal communication, January 2013.

120. New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets.

121. Neale Lunderville, Vermont Irene Recovery Report, January 2012 ( Irene_Recovery_Report_Jan_2012.pdf).

122. Tracey H. Forfa, Deputy Director of the Center for Veterinary Medicine, FDA. Open Letter to Vermont Farmers for Inundated Crop Guidance; September 8, 2011.

123. USDA Farm Service Agency.

124. Neale Lunderville, Vermont Irene Recovery Report, January 2012 ( Irene_Recovery_Report_Jan_2012.pdf).

125. Cary Giguere, Section Chief, VAAFM, personal communication, January 2013.

126. Vern Grubinger, UVM Extension Report, “Impact of Irene on Vermont Agriculture”, January 5 2012. 6pp.

127. Vern Grubinger, UVM Extension Report, “Impact of Irene on Vermont Agriculture”, January 5 2012. 6pp.

128. Vern Grubinger, UVM Extension Report, “Impact of Irene on Vermont Agriculture”, January 5 2012. 6pp.

129. Cary Giguere, Section Chief, VAAFM, personal communication, January 2013.

130. Vern Grubinger, UVM Extension Report, “Impact of Irene on Vermont Agriculture”, January 5 2012. 6pp.

131. Vern Grubinger, UVM Extension Report, “Impact of Irene on Vermont Agriculture”, January 5 2012. 6pp.

132. UVM Extension Flood Crops Fact Sheet “Managing Flood Damaged Crops and Forage from Tropical Storm Irene” September, 2011 ( ooded_crops_factsheet_%20irene2011_uvmextension.pdf) Accessed January 2013.

133. Eric Smeltzer, Environmental Scientist, VT ANR. Presentation entitled “2011 Flood Impacts on Water Quality” at LCBP Flood Resilience Technical Workshop, February 2012.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 73 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

134. Toxic Substance Management Strategy: Managing Toxic Contamination of Lake Champlain. Technical Report #69 Lake Champlain Basin Program Technical Advisory Committee, 2012, 28p.

135. Vern Grubinger, UVM Extension Report, “Impact of Irene on Vermont Agriculture”, January 5 2012. 6pp.

136. Cary Giguere, Section Chief, VAAFM, personal communication, January 2013.

137. Cary Giguere, Section Chief, VAAFM, personal communication, January 2013.

138. VAAFM Flooded Feed Risk Mitigation Plan, Feed Monitoring and Survey Program 2011-2012.

139. Cary Giguere, Section Chief, VAAFM, personal communication, January 2013.

140. Tracey H. Forfa, Deputy Director of the Center for Veterinary Medicine, FDA. Open Letter to Vermont Farmers for Inundated Crop Guidance; September 8, 2011.

141. VAAFM Flooded Feed Risk Mitigation Plan, Feed Monitoring and Survey Program 2011-2012.

142. VAAFM Flooded Feed Risk Mitigation Plan, Feed Monitoring and Survey Program 2011-2012.

143. USDA/FDA joint Press Release, Sept 12, 2011 via Farm Service Agency.

144. Vern Grubinger, UVM Extension Report, “Impact of Irene on Vermont Agriculture”, January 5 2012. 6p.

145. Agri-Food Canada AgriRecovery ( Accessed January 2013.

146. Carrolyn O’Grady, MAPAQ, personal communication, September, 2012.

147. UVM Extension Topical Storm Irene Assistance to Farmers Fact Sheet. September, 2011 ( tension/vacc_assistance_factsheet_sep2011.pdf). Accessed December, 2012.

148. Vermont Community Foundation, Farm Disaster Relief Fund (http://www.vtfl DisasterReliefFund/tabid/184/Default.aspx). Accessed December, 2012.

149. The Offi ce of Governor Cuomo Press Release, September 19, 2011 ( itionalAssistance). Accessed December 2012.

150. United States Department of Agriculture.

74 March 2013 Preparing for Future Floods

Policy and Management human life and substantial damage to public and private property, annually causing tens of billions Recommendations of dollars in damage in .151 Federal, In conclusion, we recommend several policies that state, and local governments, non-governmental jurisdictions of the Lake Champlain Basin should organizations and the private sector must work consider to improve fl ood resilience. Some are together to identify alternative funding plans, only relevant to specifi c regions of the watershed; including concepts such as a “fl ood resilience trad- others could be enacted Basin-wide and beyond. ing program” to implement strategies to reduce The policies recommended below are not listed in our vulnerability to weather events. Most juris- prioritized order. To move forward, we strongly dictions in the Basin have policies in effect or in recommend that each jurisdiction (Vermont, consideration that approach at least some of these Québec, and New York) create Flood Resilience concepts. Links to pertinent reference documents Offi ces, Teams or Workgroups to coordinate resil- are provided in Appendix A; a summary list of ience plans within each jurisdiction or region. It is existing policies in each jurisdiction is provided in important to remember that to protect human lives Appendix B. The appendices provide information and infrastructure, as well as water quality and regarding which regulations, programs or reference habitat, from fl ood events, an entire tributary net- documents are applicable to each jurisdiction. work should addressed—from the small headwater streams to the main stem of the tributary and to the There remains much concern about the effects of delivery point to receiving waters. During Tropi- development around and structural modifi cations cal Storm Irene, much of the damage was caused to the Chambly Canal system and the Richelieu by small tributaries overfl owing and eroding their River (the outlet of Lake Champlain), the effects banks and culverts and sending debris downstream. of these modifi cations on the movement of water Many of these recommendations apply directly through this segment of the River, and the eleva- toward management of the upper portion of the tion of Lake Champlain during fl ood conditions. watershed, with the realization that containment of The International Joint Commission will be releas- water there will reduce impacts downstream, and ing a draft plan of study for an exhaustive review ultimately attenuate the rise in the level of Lake of this system to provide recommendations to the Champlain itself. Many federal, state, and pro- governments of Canada and the United States in a vincial agencies already have access to resources report to be issued in 2013. In view of this ongoing needed to accomplish these policy recommenda- work, we do not report on or provide policy recom- tions. Natural disasters continue to cause loss of mendations on this issue here.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 75 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

1. Economic Impact and Justifi cation for 2. Comprehensive Hydrological Model Flood Resilience for Lake Champlain, Including Updated The fl oods of 2011 affected the economy of the Flood Frequency Analyses to Support Champlain Basin and Richelieu River Valley on Flood Hazard Mapping many levels. Businesses were impacted, both A hydrological model for Lake Champlain is negatively and positively, as people and businesses critical to increasing fl ood resilience within the were displaced, and recovery efforts initiated. Rel- Basin. Knowledge of how water moves across evant State and Provincial agencies should work to the landscape, in quantities and rates, follow- ensure that these economic impacts are appropri- ing precipitation events will provide a wealth of ately documented, including lost revenues for busi- information for resource managers trying to fortify nesses and agricultural operations, costs of public infrastructure, protect access to fl oodplain areas services, and the cost of rebuilding. Intrinsic costs to reduce stream power, provide information on that also should be assessed include psychological fl ow and fl ood frequency, and ultimately reduce impacts, aesthetic and recreational impacts, and, of fl uctuations in the elevation of Lake Champlain course, impacts to our water resources (WWTFs and the Richelieu River. To complete this model, and drinking water suppliers). Finally, the costs basic hydrologic data obtained pre- and post- fl ood of fl ooding to the services provided by the Basin events must be assessed. Consistent, long-term ecosystem (and the corresponding benefi ts of those data sets must be maintained, including gauging services) should be thoroughly documented and of fl ows on the major tributaries of the Basin. This monetized, including costs to forest and aquatic information is critical for hydrological modeling habitats. Many natural resources and environmen- and fl ood frequency analysis. Climate data must be tal conditions provided benefi cial services during incorporated into this model to accurately predict the 2011 fl ooding, minimizing damages and reduc- responses in the Champlain and Richelieu water- ing costs of the events below what they otherwise sheds to future weather patterns and storm events. might have been. These benefi ts often are not Historical and predicted precipitation patterns considered in economic assessments of natural di- and watershed responses will be key drivers to sasters. One example is the role of the fl oodplains this model. Secondary benefi ts from a Basin-wide that Otter Creek was able to access between Rut- hydrological model will allow resource managers land and Middlebury, VT during Tropical Storm to predict nutrient and pollutant levels in surface Irene. The service this fl oodplain provided to the water runoff after fl ood events, and the impact on village of Middlebury by reducing the downstream the water quality of Lake Champlain. discharge in the Otter Creek before the fl oodwaters arrived in Middlebury should be recognized, as Each jurisdiction should carefully review the most should similar cases around the Lake Champlain recent and reliable fl ood frequency data and ensure Basin (Figure 8). Documenting the fl ood resilience that fl ood return interval calculations are current. benefi ts of the ecosystem services provided by In view of increasing knowledge of climate change fl oodplain forests and wetlands can help cultivate and improved topographic data for hazard area (or foster) the political willpower to conserve mapping, these reviews and recalculations will be and restore these valuable parts of the Basin, and more accurate and precise than previously pos- ultimately improve our resilience to future fl ood sible, and so should be performed regularly and events. fl ood hazard maps kept up-to-date and accurate.

76 March 2013 Preparing for Future Floods

3. Identify Fluvial Erosion Hazard Areas that have adopted fl oodplain development stan- Fluvial Erosion Hazard (FEH) maps need to be de- dards have based them on the minimum standards veloped and updated to identify and prioritize loca- municipalities must have in place to make their tions in river corridor fl oodplains most susceptible residents eligible for purchasing fl ood insurance to damage from erosion during future fl ood events. through the National Flood Insurance Program In turn, local and regional development guidelines (NFIP). Since these standards are designed mainly can be updated to encourage special fl oodplain to reduce the costs of repairing fl ood damage to protection districts for encouraging fl ood-resilient insured structures, they are not robust enough to land uses, such as natural streamside buffers, coun- protect fl oodplains from further encroachment. try parks and certain agricultural practices. Exist- Instead, they allow signifi cant development within ing jurisdictional policies can highlight the im- mapped fl oodplains as long as new structures have portance of identifying and protecting these zones a minimal degree of fl ood-proofi ng. A further using Best Management Practices (Appendix B). challenge is that NFIP minimum standards address Local and regional planning documents also can the risk of damage from inundation, but do not identify ways to hold or slow stormwater runoff on take into account the risk of damage from erosion, the landscape by promoting low-impact develop- which is prevalent along high-gradient tributaries ment practices on municipal property and by en- in the Lake Champlain Basin. A fi nal challenge couraging landowners to implement these practices with these minimum standards is that they do not on their property as well. Additionally, the States address risk of damage to properties outside but and Province should engage property insurance adjacent to the 100-year fl oodplain. Extensive companies with educational programs highlight- development immediately adjacent to the regulated ing the risks of property development in fl oodplain fl ood zone could still be at risk. areas. Recent studies by insurance companies have determined that weather-related loss events occur To address these challenges, fl oodplain policies— more frequently in North America than anywhere whether at the municipal, state or provincial lev- else in the world.152 el—should avoid new development (such as fi lling or construction of new structures) in undeveloped 4. Consistent Floodplain Development river corridors that are important for attenuating Standards fl oodwaters and minimizing fl ood-related damage. It also may be important to consider limiting devel- Floodplain policies governing development within opment within lands immediately outside the 100- the major fl ood zone (often interpreted as the 100- year fl oodplain. Steps should be taken to ensure year fl oodplain) do not address risk of damage to that fl oodplain policies and regulations will be con- properties outside, but adjacent to, this zone.153 sistently administered and enforced. In addition, all Extensive development immediately adjacent to fl ood insurance programs should encourage fl ood- the regulated 100-year fl oodplain could be at risk resilience practices for properties within the 500- to events that are even minimally larger than 100- year fl oodplain as there could be disproportionate year event. In addition, regulations should address damage during events that causes fl ooding in an freeboard—the difference in elevation of a struc- area larger than the 100-year fl oodplain. Because ture and the fl ood-stage elevation—restrictions on of this, NFIP maps should include accurate, up-to- new structures to account for damage caused by date 500-year fl ood zones. The strictest fl oodplain wind-driven wave action at high Lake elevations. development standards that apply to river valleys In the United States, most of the local communities also must be extended to lakeshores, in the case

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 77 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

of Lake Champlain. In areas with a documented 6. Reduction in Bank Armoring history of severe fl ooding, all new development In some locations throughout the Lake Champlain within the 100-year fl ood zone should be prohibited. Basin, armoring of tributary banks is still permit- ted with minimal oversight or permitting required, 5. Establishment of Lakeshore Protection particularly on agricultural lands in river corridors. Zones The negative effect bank armoring can have on the LCBP recommends the establishment of “Lake- natural fl ow of a tributary system, by causing more shore Protection Zones” Basin-wide. Substantial erosional damage downstream of the armored area, damage occurred along the shoreline of Lake is well established. LCBP recommends that bank Champlain during the Lake fl ood event in May armoring (lining the streambank with rip rap or 2011. Much of this damage occurred in places other hard material) be prohibited regardless of the where “hard” structures such as seawalls had been adjacent land use practices, including agriculture, installed along the shoreline or where the natural except as a last resort measure to protect concen- shoreline vegetation had been removed and planted trated or essential developed areas or infrastruc- with grass. Areas with intact vegetated shoreline ture, such as urban downtown areas or major travel zones, including full-sized trees and understory, corridors. Identifi cation of these sensitive areas suffered signifi cantly less damage. To help mitigate where channel management and bank armoring is the impacts of future fl ood events, development acceptable could be an important component of standards at the State, Provincial, and municipal resilient river corridor plans (consistent with the levels should be enacted to protect these lakeshore above recommendation). zones, requiring maintenance of natural, mixed species vegetation where appropriate, and new 7. Implementation, Enforcement and development setbacks. To maximize the benefi ts Public Acceptance of Floodplain of lakeshore protection zones for protecting water Management Principles quality, ensuring bank stability, reducing fl ood Communities need to be engaged in and under- damage, and protecting habitat, the size of these stand rationales for certain policies and regulatory zones could be set based on two main criteria: 1) approaches for improving fl ood resilience. The elevation (which determines how wide the area most effective approaches for increasing fl ood needs to be to ensure the safety of structures from resilience include restricting fi lling and construc- inundation and wave damage); and 2) lakeshore tion in fl oodplains through state or local develop- slope (which determines how wide the area needs ment regulations (see #4 above), and conserving to ensure bank stability and infi ltration of upland undeveloped fl oodplains that play a critical role in runoff). Based on numerous lakeshore studies of attenuating fl oodwaters and reducing downstream habitat and water quality, a minimum width of 100 fl ood damage. Promulgating regulations to protect feet (30 meters) from the edge of the mean high key areas of fl oodplains from development is an water level is often recommended. These studies important fi rst step, but such regulations will do also suggest that shoreland vegetation provides sig- little to build fl ood resilience if they are not consis- nifi cant benefi ts for reducing fl ood damage when tently applied and enforced, and this in turn re- Lake levels are high. quires that they are well understood by the local or state offi cials responsible for issuing development permits.

78 March 2013 Preparing for Future Floods

Outreach programs should be developed to engage ○ Landowners would implement the conser- with local governing bodies and communities to vation practices specifi ed in the Flood Re- help them understand why protecting fl oodplains is silience Plan (such as maintaining a mix of critical to increasing fl ood resilience in the Basin. woody vegetation on lakeshore properties Ideally, this would be accomplished through a or maintaining vegetated buffers and avoid- Flood Resilience Offi ce or Coordinator position ing streambank armoring on river corridor presented as our fi nal policy recommendation (15) properties). Consistent implementation of the in this report. The State Flood Resilience Offi ces plan would make the landowner eligible to or Flood Resilience Coordinator should work receive a modest property taxation rebate for closely with local municipalities as well as Regional the property under the management plan. Planning Commissions (VT), Natural Resources Conservation Districts (VT), county government The assessed value of enrolled properties would (NY), Soil & Water Conservation Districts (NY), be contingent on a set “use value” rate and would and the local governing bodies within the Montéré- follow a formula that is current for the jurisdic- gie region of Québec to improve resilience efforts tion; however, property owners implementing an within the Basin. approved Flood Resilience Plan would receive a defi ned rebate on property taxes, perhaps to be 8. Flood Resilience Tax Reductions for paid for by the general fund of each jurisdiction. Lakeshore and Riparian Properties Jurisdictions within the Lake Champlain Basin Such a program would not only advance fl ood could modify existing property tax rules to provide resilience, it also would improve and protect water incentives for lakeshore and river corridor property quality and riparian and shoreline habitat. The owners who are willing to develop and implement impact on government revenues from this program an approved Flood Resilience Plan for their prop- could be minimized by targeting only those prop- erty. This concept is loosely modeled on the exist- erty owners whose involvement and cooperation is ing Vermont Current Use program. most essential for achieving fl ood resilience. This concept could be explored in each jurisdiction, and The criterion for eligibility could include: adapted to fi t with existing tax-related programs ○ Owned shoreland or river corridor property and regional stewardship needs for shorelands and in a zone that is at risk of erosion or inunda- riverbanks. tion—perhaps the land would be identifi ed on an NFIP, State, or Provincial fl ood hazard 9. Promote Ecosystem Resilience map to qualify; and Floods are a natural part of the ecosystem. How- ever, with climate change and human alterations ○ Landowners would work with jurisdictions to the landscape affecting natural fl ows and water to develop an approved shoreland or river levels, introduction of new species, and increases corridor conservation and fl ood resilience in nutrient loading to the tributary network and management plan; and Lake ecosystems, fl ood events can have substan- . tial impacts. Basic information is needed to fully assess these impacts,including identifi cation of reference sites that have been minimally impacted by human infl uence and sites that have seen sub- stantial human infl uence.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 79 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Canadian Army- Richelieu River, May 6 2011 Photo: QC MDDEFP

Keene Valley, NY post-Irene. Photo: SUNY Plattsburgh/Lake Champlain Research Institute

80 March 2013 Preparing for Future Floods

These sites should be located along the lakeshore the delivery of potable water to communities in the and within tributary corridors in the watershed. supply network. Each jurisdiction should provide Baseline mapping of these sites—including fl ora, assistance to the municipalities to secure funding fauna, and habitat conditions—should be per- to implement these Risk Management Plans. Risk formed so that future fl ood impacts can be better Management Plans should include plans for recon- documented and evaluated. Understanding the nection of water supplies in the event of an inter- impact of potential toxins and pollutants that may ruption in service caused by infrastructure damage be transported by fl oodwaters to fl ora and fauna, or contamination. Municipalities should work with and modeling of fl ood impacts on diversity, popu- their respective jurisdiction to develop emergency lation patterns, and ecosystem health are all critical spill response plans for toxic substances currently to fully assessing the impact that fl ood events can contained within their fl oodplain zones to ensure have on the Champlain ecosystem. Downstream a swift response in the event that toxic substances invasion probabilities should be estimated, and the are released into the environment during a fl ood impacts of invasive species known to inhabit ripar- event. Each Risk Management Plan should identify ian corridors (such as Japanese knotweed or Fal- the fl oodplain for the facility or area of interest, lopia japonica) should be documented. Relevant critical or highly sensitive locations of the facility governing authorities (municipal, state, provincial, that need to be protected, and funding costs for im- federal) should work in partnership to develop provements to the site or facility for fl ood-protec- response plans. tion measures. Floodplain maps must be updated to best inform these risk management plans (Policy 10. Developing Risk Management Strate- and Management recommendation #2). gies for Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Public Water Supplies and Hazardous 11. Re-Assessment of Roads, Culverts, Waste Sites Bridges and Dams Many wastewater treatment facilities (WWTFs) Design standards must be established and manu- are located at the lowest elevation possible—clos- als and permit requirements related to culvert and est to the Lake or tributary into which they dis- bridge design must be revised to address the likeli- charge, placing these facilities at high exposure to hood of more intense and frequent storm events. fl ood events. Engineering design must incorporate This is necessary to avoid higher long-term main- fl oodplain standards, for example: tankage walls, tenance, repair and replacement costs necessitated electrical and stand-by generators and sludge dry- by fl ood damage. ing beds must be located outside of the 100-year fl oodplain or be above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE); below-grade pumping stations must be fl ood-proof. However, these rules are not always uniformly applied. Drinking water supplies and hazardous waste sites would ideally be located outside of a fl ood zone, and must take precautions to reduce the impact of fl ooding. Each jurisdiction should work with municipalities to develop strate- gic Risk Management Plans for these facilities that will prevent damage from future fl ood events to minimize loss of treatment capacity and impacts to Photo: SUNY Plattsburg/Lake Champlain Research Institute

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 81 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

It also helps to protect water quality and improve relocation of the road away from the streambed ecological connectivity of both aquatic and ter- should be considered as a viable alternative. restrial species. In addition, FEMA reimbursement for properly designed and sized fl ood resilient 12. Improve Emergency Response Planning infrastructure is contingent on clear and exact The Lake and tributary fl ood events required standards and regulations. Local standards in the similar, but somewhat different responses from United States should be closely coordinated with emergency management agencies. The Lake fl ood- FEMA rules. Experience has clearly shown that ing resulted in prolonged inundation of homes, spending a little extra money on stream culverts primarily along the Richelieu River and, to a lesser to design them to withstand higher stormfl ows extent, along the shores of Lake Champlain. This can reduce the likelihood of failure during high- prolonged inundation caused substantial health water events with secondary benefi ts of improving risks as residents attempted to live with the fl ood, aquatic organism passage and reducing sediment or returned too early to their homes after the fl ood- accumulation and debris obstruction. Undersized waters subsided. Emergency management agencies culverts are more expensive to maintain, and along the shore of Lake Champlain and the Riche- more susceptible to washouts. Emergency repairs lieu River valley should develop evacuation plans are substantially more expensive than scheduled for residents with homes at risk of inundation if the maintenance and replacements. State, provincial, Lake elevation approaches fl ood stage. These fl ood and municipal transportation offi cials should work response plans should account for relocation of together to: 1) inform, educate and train public evacuees into temporary housing with proper food works staff to develop fl ood-resilient standards and shelter for a minimum of 60 days if necessary. and regulations; 2) identify at-risk culverts; and 3) Emergency responses generated by the tributary implement other programs to support repairs and fl ash fl ooding events require execution of Incident replacement structures adequate for future fl ood Command System protocols, particularly when conditions. Similarly, bridges should be assessed communication and transportation infrastructure for structural integrity and capability to withstand have been compromised. Within New York and increasing fl ows of the tributaries that pass beneath Vermont, these protocols should be compliant them. Assessments of existing dams are critical to with the National Incident Management System ensuring the safety of people downstream. Dams (NIMS) and associated employee training required. in the Basin should be inventoried, assessed, and Municipalities in the Basin, in cooperation with prioritized for decommission to restore fl oodplain State or Provincial Emergency Response agencies, connectivity within the tributary system and reduce should develop emergency response protocols that potential for fl ash fl oods during intense storm are focused around their tributary networks and events. Recent research by the USGS has shown their fl oodplains. Landowners and residents within that Tropical Storm Lee (September 2011) caused fl oodplains should be made aware of the potential enormous sediment and nutrient contamination threats and dangers of adjacent tributaries, and downstream of dam structures in the Susquehanna be advised to develop their own evacuation plans River (Chesapeake Bay drainage) due to scouring should forecasted weather conditions merit such of impounded sediments.154 Roadways that parallel a response. Emergency response protocols also streambeds or that lie within river corridors also should contain short- and long-term recovery plans should be assessed for vulnerability during high- in the event of a major disaster affecting the re- fl ow events, and if mitigation costs are too high or gion, beyond immediate crisis management. the risk of future road washouts is too great,

82 March 2013 Preparing for Future Floods

13. Flood-Resilience Compensation from provide recommendations to farmers regarding Insurance and Mortgage Lenders testing requirements for crops that have been inun- Public and private insurance and mortgage lend- dated by fl oodwaters to help determine if crops are ers all assume some level of risk when insuring or fi t for use or sale, or if they need to be destroyed. lending money for property in a fl ood or erosion Jurisdictions should work to develop their own hazard zone. This risk should be considered when fl ood response plans that incorporate provisions underwriting insurance or approving loans for new for sampling of contaminated crops to help provide developments located within designated fl ood haz- guidance to producers in the short-term following ard zones; eligibility should be contingent upon ap- a fl ood event. Jurisdictions also should develop propriate fl ood-resilient practices as guided by ju- policies to allow agricultural lands located in risdictional standards established for this purpose. fl oodplains to be fl ooded during storm events, and Currently, insurance premiums are based primarily to adjust agricultural drainage systems to increase on risk assessments, i.e. a new home that is built storage of fl oodwaters, with compensation avail- four feet (1.2 m) above the Base Flood Elevation able to the producer for crops lost in return for the (BFE) would pay less for insurance than the same fl ood-mitigation service provided. Concurrently, home built at the BFE. Any non-compliant home these policies should mitigate fl ood impacts to should be denied fl ood insurance until they come water quality from agricultural lands. into compliance. 15. Flood Resilience Offi ce or Coordinator 14. Resilience in the Agricultural Community The LCBP recommends the institution of a Flood Many farms were impacted by the multiple fl ood Resilience Offi ce for the State of Vermont, and for events in the Lake Champlain Basin in 2011. The the Champlain-Adirondack Region of the State of spring fl ood inundated farm fi elds, delaying acces- New York, and a Flood Resilience Coordinator for sibility to fi elds and postponing planting of crops. the Missisquoi-Richelieu region of Québec. Each Tropical Storm Irene damaged crops or washed Offi ce will operate within an appropriate jurisdic- them away entirely. Many issues arose for farmers tional body, and should be guided by an oversight during these events, including livestock manage- committee representing the relevant governmental, ment during the fl ash fl ooding of Irene, handling of public, business, academic or non-profi t sectors, pesticides, loss of power and refrigeration. Post- to ensure effective networking and to maintain fl ood, testing for contamination of crops and prop- continuity between transitions of leadership within er disposal of hazardous materials also was a major governing administrations. This Offi ce will co- concern. Federal, State and Provincial agricultural ordinate fl ood resilience efforts throughout its management agencies should work with farmers to assigned region, and work closely with federal develop a suite of guidelines for farms operating and state, or provincial and municipal agencies, within either the Lake fl oodplain or near a tributary as well as regional and local governing bodies, to fl oodplain to reduce impacts of future fl ood events maintain a high level of communication among to daily farm operations and loss of income from all emergency response and relief programs. The compromised crops. essential tasks are to optimize jurisdictional fl ood response and recovery during future fl ood events, Flood resilience guidelines should incorporate and to facilitate communication and coordination information for available compensation programs across jurisdictions during and after fl ood events so —State, Provincial, and Federal—that farmers can as to optimize the deployment of information and access in the event of loss from a fl ood or other resources that can support local disaster response, natural disaster. These guidelines also should relief and recovery efforts.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 83 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

The Flood Resilience Offi ces of the three jurisdic- tions also can promote discussion across the juris- dictions about ways of reducing the risk of fl ood damage from future fl ood events, for example through changes in fl oodplain development stan- dards (see recommendation #4). The three offi ces should host training workshops within their spe- cifi c regions on an annual basis, and foster com- munication among Resilience Coordinators in the Champlain Basin and surrounding regions to ex- change ideas and information and help improve re- silience in communities within shared watersheds. Training and informational workshops should be directed toward community and municipal leader- ship, transportation offi cials, and jurisdictional leadership. The Offi ces will assist municipalities with development of emergency preparedness, fl ood resilience and fl ood response plans to ensure that impacts on human life and environmental con- ditions are minimized during future fl ood events.

Venise-en-Québec May 6, 2011 Photo: QC MDDEFP

84 March 2013 Preparing for Future Floods


151. Guha-Sapir D, Vos F, Below R, with Ponserre S. Annual Disaster Statistical Review 2011: The Numbers and Trends. Brussels: CRED; 2012..

152. Munich R., 2012. Severe Weather in North America: Perils, Risks, Insurance. Executive Summary. 8 pp.

153. Patterson, L.A. and Doyle, M.W. 2009. Assessing effectiveness of national fl ood policy through spatio-temporal monitoring of socioeconomic exposure. J. American Water Resources Assoc. 45(1): pp. 237-252.

154. Hirsch, R.M. 2012. of nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended sediment from the Susquehanna River Basin to the Chesapeake Bay during Tropical Storm Lee, September 2011, as an indicator of the effects of reservoir sedimentation on water quality: U.S. Geological Survey Scientifi c Investigations Report 2012–5185, 17 pp..

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 85 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

86 March 2013 Appendices

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 87 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

88 March 2013 APPENDIX A: Partner Publications

Inondations printanières 2011 en montérégie - Aspects juridiques Barreau du Québec. Juin 2011.

Achieving lasting change in multi-organizational tasks: the case of fl ood warnings in Australia. John Handmer, Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University, Queensway, Enfi eld, EN3 4SF, UK , Chas Keys, State Emergency Service, Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia; Jim Elliott, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia. Received 14 January 1998; received in revised form 14 August 1998; accepted 1 September 1998.

Irene Recovery – Overview Sue Minter, Irene Recovery Offi cer November 28, 2012.

Community Recovery Partnership Report October 2012.

FDA Feed Crop Letter. Chuck Ross Secretary Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets. October 2011.

FDA Vermont Crops Guidance. Tracey H. Forfa, J.D. Deputy Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine, Food and Drug Administration. September 8, 2011.

Impact of Irene on Vermont Agriculture. University of Vermont Extension. Compiled by Vern Grubinger, University of Vermont Extension, with assistance from: Heather Darby and Ginger Nickerson, University of Vermont Extension; Bob Paquin, Vermont Farm Service Agency; Chuck Ross, Vermont Agency of Agriculture; Pam Smith, University of Vermont Extension/USDA Risk Management Agency; and Gregg Stevens, NOFA-VT. January 5, 2012.

Service Assessment: Hurricane Irene, August 21–30, 2011. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Administrator. National Weather Service, Laura Furgione, Acting Assistant Administrator for Weather Services. September 2012.

Irene Biota.

Lessons Learned from Irene: Vermont RPCs Address Transportation System Recovery. NADO Research Foun- dation Center for Transportation Advancement and Regional Development with support from the Federal Highway Administration. July 2012.

After Irene: Adaptation, Policy, and Management, Middlebury College Environmental Studies Senior Seminar. Led by: Daniel Brayton & Diane Munroe. Spring 2012.

Recommendations to Improve the Strength and Resilience of the Empire State’s Infrastructure. NYS 2100 Com- mission.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 89 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Operational early warning systems for water-related hazards in Europe. Lorenzo Alfi eri, Peter Salamon, Jutta Thielen, European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, via E. Fermi, 2749, 21027 Ispra (VA), Italy, Florian Pappenberger, Fredrik Wetterhall, European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, Shinfi eld Park, Reading RG2 9AX, UK. April 26, 2012.

Impacts to Stream Habitat and Wild Trout Populations in Vermont Following Tropical Storm Irene, Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department Annual Report.

Programme d’Aide Financière Spécifi que Relatif aux inondations survenues du 10 Avril au 6 Mai 2011, dans des Municipalités du Québec.

VTR, GMRC & IreneVermont Rail System. Hurricane Irene Damage and Recovery Briefi ng Prepared for Vermont State House and Senate Transportation Committee. Montpelier, VT. October 12, 2011.

Reported Sewage Overfl ows by Facility since 2007. June 15, 2012.

VERMONT DR- 4022 ECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT ECONOMIC RECOVERY SUPPORT FUNCTION. U. S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration. April 2012.

Vermont Recovering Stronger Irene Recovery Status Report. Presented to Governor Peter Shumlin. Sue Minter, Irene Recovery Offi cer. June 2012.

90 March 2013 APPENDIX B: Existing Flood Policies in the Lake Champlain Basin (policies amended as a result of the 2011 fl oods are included)

New York New York Article 36 of the Environmental Conservation Law.

New York Part 503 of the New York State Register and Offi cial Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations.

Proposed Legislation:

New York State Bill No. A00044 (2011). Enacts the New York state comprehensive fl ood mitigation grant act; appropriates $5,000,000 therefore.

New York State Bill No. A01442 (2011). Directs preparation of a fl ood response plan for the NYS canal system.

New York State Bill No A02762 (2011). Requires insurers insuring property in fl oodplains to include damages done by wave action or windblown waves and make available to all insureds who reside in single family homes in a fl oodplain homeowners insurance covering such damage.

New York State Bill No. A04526 (2011). Authorizes the commissioner of environmental conservation to estab- lish a stream maintenance and fl ood control program; allows for the local governing body of a county to elect to pass a local law providing for a local option into such program; provides for the county to be responsible for performing the work outlined in an approved stream maintenance and fl ood control plan.

New York State Bill No. A04772 (2011). Relates to a program for fl ood damage to businesses; provides a tax credit for businesses that purchase fl ood insurance.

New York State Bill No. A08334 (2011).Enacts the fl ood assessment relief act of 2011 for the counties of Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Warren and Washington; holds school districts harmless.

New York State Bill No. A08648 (2011). Relates to payments of taxes in installments in certain school districts affected by fl oods or natural disasters.

New York State Bill No. A09106 (2011). Provides for grants to municipalities under the Hurricane Irene-Tropical Storm Lee Flood Recovery Grant program for lost tax revenue.

New York State Bill No. A09184 (2011). Authorizes municipalities to fi nance unanticipated fl ood-relief expenses incurred during the 2011 fi scal year.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 91 Flood Resilience in the Lake Champlain Basin and Upper Richelieu River

Québec Environment Quality Act (L.Q.E., c. Q-2, s. 2.1)

Regulation respecting the application of Environment Quality Act (R.R.Q., c. Q-2, r.3).

An Act Respecting Land use Planning and Development (L.R.Q., A-19.1).

Protection Policy for Lakeshores, Riverbanks, Littoral Zones and Floodplains Environment Quality Act (c. Q-2, r. 35).

Declaration of a special planning zone in the territory of the regional county municipalities of La Vallée-du- Richelieu, Haut-Richelieu, Brome-Missisquoi and Rouville (O.C. 964-2011, September 21, 2011).

92 March 2013 Vermont 1. Act No. 91 (H.752) 2012. Conservation and development; water resources; stormwater; property conveyance --An act relating to permitting stormwater discharges in impaired watersheds.

2. Act No. 117 (H.577) 2012. Conservation and development; municipal government; public water systems; isolation distances for potable water supply and wastewater systems--An act relating to public water systems

3. Act No. 138 (S.202) 2012. Conservation and land development; water resources; fl ood hazard areas; stream alteration--An act relating to regulation of fl ood hazard areas, river corridors, and stream alteration.

4. Act No. 163 (S.183) 2012. Conservation and land development; potable water supplies--An act relating to the testing of potable water supplies.

5. Act No. 152 (H.464) 2012 .Conservation and development; natural gas and oil practices; water resources; hydraulic fracturing--An act relating to hydraulic fracturing wells for natural gas and oil production.

6. Act No. 37 (H.26) 2011. Conservation and development; water quality; fertilizer.

7. Act No. 141 (H.614) 2010 Agriculture; land use; composting.

8. Act No. 130 2010 (H.488) 2010, Fish; didymo; felt-soled boots and waders; prohibition.

9. Act No. 145 (H.779) 2010, Potable water supply and wastewater system permits; notifi cation.

10. Act No. 117 (H.462) 2010, Public waters; docks and encroachments.

11. Act No. 110 (H.763) 2010, Water resources; water quality.

12. Act No. 41 (H.145) 2009, Agriculture; solid waste; composting.

13. Act No. 27 (H.80) 2009, Public water supply; water treatment.

14. Act No. 31 (H.447) 2009, Water resources; wetlands.

15. Act No. 46 (H.15) 2009, Water resources management; aquatic nuisance species.

2014: Revised Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund Rule.

LCBP Flood Resilience Report 93