Coast Guard, DHS § 12.02–9

designated to perform duties in a peri- of efficiency, merchant mariner’s docu- odically unmanned engine-room, on a ment, or any combination thereof, or a seagoing driven by main propul- continuous discharge book, the seaman sion machinery of 750 kW [1,000 hp] of shall furnish three unmounted dull fin- propulsion power or more, shall hold an ish photographs of passport type (2 STCW endorsement certifying him or inches by 11⁄2 inches) taken within one her as qualified to perform the marine- year and showing the full face at least engineering function at the support one inch in height with head uncov- level, in accordance with STCW. ered. (f) Notwithstanding any other rule in (2) When the application requests a this part, no unlicensed person serving continuous discharge book in addition on any of the following vessels needs to a certificate of service or certificate hold an STCW endorsement, either be- cause he or she is exempt from applica- of efficiency or merchant mariner’s tion of the STCW, or because the ves- document one additional photograph sels are not subject to further obliga- shall be furnished. tion under STCW, on account of their (c) An applicant for a document special operating conditions as small where sea service is required shall vessels engaged in domestic voyages: produce with his application discharges (1) Small passenger vessels subject to or other documentary evidence of his subchapter T or K of title 46, CFR. service, indicating the name of the ves- (2) Vessels of less than 200 GRT sels and dates on which he has had (other than passenger vessels subject service, in what capacity and on what to subchapter H of title 46, CFR). waters. (3) Uninspected passenger vessels as (d) If the applicant possesses a con- defined in 46 U.S.C. 2101(42). tinuous discharge book, certificate of (4) Fishing vessels as defined in 46 identification, or merchant mariner’s U.S.C. 2101(11)(a). document representing such certifi- (5) Fishing vessels used as fish-tender cate, it shall be exhibited at the time vessels as defined in 46 U.S.C. of making application for any other 2101(11)(c). (6) Barges as defined in 46 U.S.C. document. 2101(2), including non-self-propelled (e) Approved applications are valid mobile offshore-drilling units. for 12 months. (7) Vessels operating exclusively on (f) Except for applicants requesting the Great Lakes. an inactive merchant mariner’s docu- ment renewal under § 12.02–27(g) of this [CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16640, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD 95–062, 62 FR 34535, June 26, part, to obtain an original issuance of 1997; USCG-1999–5610, 67 FR 66068, Oct. 30, a merchant mariner’s document, the 2002] first endorsement as an , lifeboatman, qualified member of the § 12.02–9 Application for documents. , or tankerman, or a (a) General. The Coast Guard will not reissuance of a merchant mariner’s process an incomplete merchant mari- document with a new expiration date, ner’s document application. It will each applicant shall present evidence process an application that is current of having passed a chemical test for and up-to-date with respect to service, dangerous drugs or of qualifying for an physical examination, and other perti- exception from testing in § 16.220 of this nent matters. In the case of a seaman subchapter. applying for his first certificate, other (g) Each applicant for a merchant than certificate of identification, the mariner’s document may be subject to application shall include a request for a criminal record review and a safety either a continuous discharge book or a and security check as described by merchant mariner’s document rep- § 12.02–4(c). resenting a certificate of identifica- tion, at the option of the applicant. (b)(1) When the application is sub- mitted for a certificate of identifica- tion, certificate of service, certificate


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(h) Each applicant for a merchant will be endorsed for, any unlicensed rat- mariner’s document shall comply with ing in the , except able the NDR requirements in § 12.02–4(d). seaman, and will be a certificate of [CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16640, Dec. 30, 1965, as service authorizing the holder to serve amended by CGD 74–178, 40 FR 57673, Dec. 11, in any unlicensed capacity in the deck 1975; CGD 91–211, 59 FR 49300, Sept. 27, 1994; department, except able seaman, with- CGD 91–223, 60 FR 4525, Jan. 23, 1995; CGD 91– out being required to present his li- 212, 60 FR 65489, Dec. 19, 1995; USCG-2003– cense. If a licensed deck officer quali- 14500, 69 FR 532, Jan. 6, 2004] fies as able seaman, the merchant mariner’s document will be endorsed, § 12.02–10 Applications for documents from aliens. any unlicensed rating in the deck depart- ment, including able seaman, and such (a) No application from an alien for a endorsement will be deemed to include certificate of service, certificate of effi- a certificate of efficiency as ciency, certificate of identification, lifeboatman. continuous discharge book, or mer- (2) A merchant mariner’s document chant mariner’s document shall be ac- issued to an engineer officer licensed cepted unless the alien presents accept- for inspected vessels of over 2,000 horse- able documentary evidence from the power, will be endorsed for any unli- United States US Citizenship and Im- censed rating in the engine department, migration Services that he is lawfully and will be a certificate of service au- admitted to the United States for per- thorizing the holder to serve in any un- manent residence. licensed capacity in the engine depart- (b) This evidence may be in the form ment without being required to present of an alien registration receipt card issued by the US Citizenship and Immi- his license. If a licensed engineer quali- gration Services bearing the certifi- fies as a lifeboatman, the further en- cation that the alien was admitted to dorsement, lifeboatman, will be placed the United States as an immigrant, or on the merchant mariner’s document. a declaration of intention to become a (3) A merchant mariner’s document citizen of the United States issued by a issued to a licensed radio officer will be naturalization court. endorsed as follows: See License as Radio Officer. If a licensed radio officer [CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16640, Dec. 30, 1965, as qualifies as a lifeboatman, the further amended by USCG-2004–18884, 69 FR 58343, endorsement, Lifeboatman, will be Sept. 30, 2004] placed on the merchant mariner’s doc- § 12.02–11 General provisions respect- ument. Qualifications for other ratings ing merchant mariners’ documents. for which a radio officer is eligible may (a) As provided in § 12.02–5, every cer- also be endorsed on the document. tificate of service, certificate of effi- (e)(1) A merchant mariner’s docu- ciency, or certificate of identification ment issued to a staff officer will be issued or reissued shall be in the form endorsed as follows: See Certificate of of a merchant mariner’s document, Registry. The holder of a certificate of Coast Guard Form CG-2838. registry as chief , purser, senior (b) Any licensed officer or unlicensed assistant purser, or junior assistant seaman currently holding, in a valid purser, may also serve in any capacity status, any of the documents listed in in the staff department not requiring a paragraph (a) of this section may, upon certificate of registry without obtain- request and without examination, be ing an additional endorsement on his issued a merchant mariner’s document. merchant mariner’s document. (c) A merchant mariner’s document (2) The authorized holder of any valid shall be a certificate of service author- merchant mariner’s document, how- izing the holder to serve in any rating ever endorsed, may serve in any capac- endorsed thereon, or in any lower rat- ity in the staff department of a vessel, ing in the same department, or in any except in those capacities requiring rating covered by a general endorse- registered staff officers: Provided, That ment thereon. whenever such service includes the (d)(1) A merchant mariner’s docu- handling of food no person may be so ment issued to a licensed deck officer employed unless his document bears


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